charles 0.0.1

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+ The euro strengthened for the first time in five days, U.S. equity-index futures advanced and oil gained after Greek opinion polls showed voters backing parties that support the European Union�s bailout, easing concern the country will exit the currency bloc.
+ The euro climbed 0.4 percent to $1.2565 as of 9:15 a.m. in Tokyo, rebounding from its lowest level since July 2010. Standard & Poor�s 500 Index futures added 0.6 percent. Oil rose 0.5 percent to $91.29 a barrel in New York. The New Zealand dollar appreciated against all of its 16 major counterparts and increased 0.6 percent versus the U.S. currency.
+ New Democracy, which supports the plan negotiated with international lenders, was placed first in all six opinion polls published on May 26 as campaigning continued for next month�s general election. Bank of Japan policy board members said they would continue to pursue �powerful� easing in minutes of its April 27 meeting released today. U.S. financial markets are closed for the Memorial Day holiday.
+ �World attention remains focused on whether Greece will leave the euro, and the international impact of an exit,� said Masatoshi Kikuchi, an equity strategist at Bank of America Corp. in Tokyo.
+ Antonis Samaras, the leader of Greece�s New Democracy party, sought to sketch out the consequences of a euro exit, saying Greek incomes, bank deposits and property values would lose at least half their value within days, while food prices would rise by a quarter. The euro posted its biggest loss against the U.S. dollar since December last week.
+ The 17-nation currency has declined 4.6 percent in the past six months, the most among the 10 developed-market currencies tracked by Bloomberg Correlation-Weighted Indexes. The dollar has climbed 1.7 percent, while the yen lost 0.7 percent.
+ The MSCI Asia Pacific Index is poised for an 11 percent decline this month, the most since October 2008, after speculation increased that Greece may exit the euro and economic data showed slowing growth in China.