cdk-lambda-subminute 2.0.226 → 2.0.228
This diff represents the content of publicly available package versions that have been released to one of the supported registries. The information contained in this diff is provided for informational purposes only and reflects changes between package versions as they appear in their respective public registries.
- package/.jsii +15 -15
- package/ +12 -0
- package/lib/cdk-lambda-subminute.js +3 -3
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/ +174 -1
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/ +1 -1
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/amplifybackend-2020-08-11.min.json +4 -0
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/amplifyuibuilder-2021-08-11.min.json +40 -9
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/apigateway-2015-07-09.min.json +2 -1
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/appflow-2020-08-23.min.json +115 -87
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/application-insights-2018-11-25.min.json +228 -43
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/application-insights-2018-11-25.paginators.json +5 -0
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/auditmanager-2017-07-25.min.json +238 -63
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/autoscaling-2011-01-01.examples.json +74 -11
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/autoscaling-2011-01-01.min.json +61 -52
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/backup-2018-11-15.min.json +217 -104
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/backup-2018-11-15.paginators.json +6 -0
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/ce-2017-10-25.min.json +3 -1
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/chime-sdk-media-pipelines-2021-07-15.min.json +261 -21
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/chime-sdk-voice-2022-08-03.min.json +198 -182
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/cleanrooms-2022-02-17.min.json +657 -102
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/cleanrooms-2022-02-17.paginators.json +12 -0
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/cloudformation-2010-05-15.min.json +95 -80
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/cloudfront-2020-05-31.min.json +4 -1
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/cloudhsm-2014-05-30.min.json +60 -20
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/codecommit-2015-04-13.min.json +44 -0
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/codecommit-2015-04-13.paginators.json +5 -0
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/cognito-idp-2016-04-18.examples.json +849 -0
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/cognito-idp-2016-04-18.min.json +110 -24
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/compute-optimizer-2019-11-01.min.json +200 -57
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/connect-2017-08-08.min.json +903 -316
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/connect-2017-08-08.paginators.json +18 -0
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- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/connectparticipant-2018-09-07.min.json +62 -0
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/customer-profiles-2020-08-15.min.json +269 -118
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/datasync-2018-11-09.min.json +103 -14
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/detective-2018-10-26.min.json +14 -3
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/dms-2016-01-01.min.json +1123 -217
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/dms-2016-01-01.paginators.json +50 -0
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/ec2-2016-11-15.min.json +1254 -1191
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/elasticache-2015-02-02.min.json +37 -10
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/elasticloadbalancingv2-2015-12-01.min.json +49 -46
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/finspace-2021-03-12.min.json +74 -13
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/fsx-2018-03-01.min.json +190 -143
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/glue-2017-03-31.min.json +235 -216
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/grafana-2020-08-18.min.json +2 -1
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/health-2016-08-04.min.json +116 -34
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/inspector2-2020-06-08.min.json +291 -192
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/internetmonitor-2021-06-03.min.json +37 -19
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/kafka-2018-11-14.min.json +237 -52
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/kafka-2018-11-14.paginators.json +6 -0
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/kafkaconnect-2021-09-14.min.json +38 -36
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/kinesis-video-archived-media-2017-09-30.min.json +0 -1
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/lookoutequipment-2020-12-15.min.json +337 -23
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/lookoutequipment-2020-12-15.paginators.json +5 -0
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- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/medialive-2017-10-14.min.json +249 -225
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/mediapackage-2017-10-12.min.json +93 -87
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/metadata.json +7 -0
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/neptunedata-2023-08-01.examples.json +5 -0
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/neptunedata-2023-08-01.min.json +1923 -0
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/neptunedata-2023-08-01.paginators.json +4 -0
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/omics-2022-11-28.min.json +756 -204
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/omics-2022-11-28.paginators.json +12 -0
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/omics-2022-11-28.waiters2.json +48 -0
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/payment-cryptography-data-2022-02-03.min.json +29 -16
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/pca-connector-ad-2018-05-10.examples.json +5 -0
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/pca-connector-ad-2018-05-10.min.json +1465 -0
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/pca-connector-ad-2018-05-10.paginators.json +34 -0
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/pi-2018-02-27.min.json +304 -11
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/pi-2018-02-27.paginators.json +5 -0
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/pinpoint-2016-12-01.examples.json +6 -12
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- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/quicksight-2018-04-01.paginators.json +30 -0
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/rds-2014-10-31.min.json +334 -180
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/rds-2014-10-31.paginators.json +6 -0
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/rekognition-2016-06-27.examples.json +501 -1
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/resiliencehub-2020-04-30.min.json +354 -125
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/resiliencehub-2020-04-30.paginators.json +5 -0
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/route53domains-2014-05-15.min.json +103 -44
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/runtime.sagemaker-2017-05-13.min.json +104 -0
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/s3-2006-03-01.examples.json +131 -131
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/sagemaker-2017-07-24.min.json +868 -726
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/scheduler-2021-06-30.min.json +15 -12
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/securityhub-2018-10-26.min.json +100 -61
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/service-quotas-2019-06-24.min.json +45 -23
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/sesv2-2019-09-27.examples.json +244 -0
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/sesv2-2019-09-27.min.json +491 -153
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/sesv2-2019-09-27.paginators.json +5 -0
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/swf-2012-01-25.min.json +12 -3
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/verifiedpermissions-2021-12-01.min.json +127 -33
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/workspaces-web-2020-07-08.min.json +136 -58
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/clients/acmpca.d.ts +1 -1
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/clients/all.d.ts +2 -0
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/clients/all.js +3 -1
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/clients/amplifyuibuilder.d.ts +48 -4
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- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/clients/appflow.d.ts +30 -0
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/clients/applicationinsights.d.ts +342 -2
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/clients/apprunner.d.ts +5 -5
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- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/clients/budgets.d.ts +1 -1
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/clients/chimesdkmediapipelines.d.ts +228 -2
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/clients/chimesdkvoice.d.ts +17 -0
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- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/clients/customerprofiles.d.ts +56 -52
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- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/clients/dms.d.ts +1289 -13
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- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/clients/inspector2.d.ts +101 -2
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/clients/internetmonitor.d.ts +49 -26
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- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/clients/resiliencehub.d.ts +588 -274
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- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/clients/sesv2.d.ts +374 -3
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- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/clients/swf.d.ts +18 -1
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- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/clients/verifiedpermissions.d.ts +27 -27
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- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/lib/token/sso_token_provider.js +3 -3
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/package.json +1 -1
- package/package.json +13 -13
@@ -45,19 +45,19 @@ declare class Rekognition extends Service {
createCollection(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Rekognition.Types.CreateCollectionResponse) => void): Request<Rekognition.Types.CreateCollectionResponse, AWSError>;
* Creates a new Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels dataset. You can create a dataset by using an Amazon Sagemaker format manifest file or by copying an existing Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels dataset. To create a training dataset for a project, specify
* Creates a new Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels dataset. You can create a dataset by using an Amazon Sagemaker format manifest file or by copying an existing Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels dataset. To create a training dataset for a project, specify TRAIN for the value of DatasetType. To create the test dataset for a project, specify TEST for the value of DatasetType. The response from CreateDataset is the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the dataset. Creating a dataset takes a while to complete. Use DescribeDataset to check the current status. The dataset created successfully if the value of Status is CREATE_COMPLETE. To check if any non-terminal errors occurred, call ListDatasetEntries and check for the presence of errors lists in the JSON Lines. Dataset creation fails if a terminal error occurs (Status = CREATE_FAILED). Currently, you can't access the terminal error information. For more information, see Creating dataset in the Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels Developer Guide. This operation requires permissions to perform the rekognition:CreateDataset action. If you want to copy an existing dataset, you also require permission to perform the rekognition:ListDatasetEntries action.
createDataset(params: Rekognition.Types.CreateDatasetRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Rekognition.Types.CreateDatasetResponse) => void): Request<Rekognition.Types.CreateDatasetResponse, AWSError>;
* Creates a new Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels dataset. You can create a dataset by using an Amazon Sagemaker format manifest file or by copying an existing Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels dataset. To create a training dataset for a project, specify
* Creates a new Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels dataset. You can create a dataset by using an Amazon Sagemaker format manifest file or by copying an existing Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels dataset. To create a training dataset for a project, specify TRAIN for the value of DatasetType. To create the test dataset for a project, specify TEST for the value of DatasetType. The response from CreateDataset is the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the dataset. Creating a dataset takes a while to complete. Use DescribeDataset to check the current status. The dataset created successfully if the value of Status is CREATE_COMPLETE. To check if any non-terminal errors occurred, call ListDatasetEntries and check for the presence of errors lists in the JSON Lines. Dataset creation fails if a terminal error occurs (Status = CREATE_FAILED). Currently, you can't access the terminal error information. For more information, see Creating dataset in the Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels Developer Guide. This operation requires permissions to perform the rekognition:CreateDataset action. If you want to copy an existing dataset, you also require permission to perform the rekognition:ListDatasetEntries action.
createDataset(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Rekognition.Types.CreateDatasetResponse) => void): Request<Rekognition.Types.CreateDatasetResponse, AWSError>;
* This API operation initiates a Face Liveness session. It returns a SessionId, which you can use to start streaming Face Liveness video and get the results for a Face Liveness session.
* This API operation initiates a Face Liveness session. It returns a SessionId, which you can use to start streaming Face Liveness video and get the results for a Face Liveness session. You can use the OutputConfig option in the Settings parameter to provide an Amazon S3 bucket location. The Amazon S3 bucket stores reference images and audit images. If no Amazon S3 bucket is defined, raw bytes are sent instead. You can use AuditImagesLimit to limit the number of audit images returned when GetFaceLivenessSessionResults is called. This number is between 0 and 4. By default, it is set to 0. The limit is best effort and based on the duration of the selfie-video.
createFaceLivenessSession(params: Rekognition.Types.CreateFaceLivenessSessionRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Rekognition.Types.CreateFaceLivenessSessionResponse) => void): Request<Rekognition.Types.CreateFaceLivenessSessionResponse, AWSError>;
* This API operation initiates a Face Liveness session. It returns a SessionId, which you can use to start streaming Face Liveness video and get the results for a Face Liveness session.
* This API operation initiates a Face Liveness session. It returns a SessionId, which you can use to start streaming Face Liveness video and get the results for a Face Liveness session. You can use the OutputConfig option in the Settings parameter to provide an Amazon S3 bucket location. The Amazon S3 bucket stores reference images and audit images. If no Amazon S3 bucket is defined, raw bytes are sent instead. You can use AuditImagesLimit to limit the number of audit images returned when GetFaceLivenessSessionResults is called. This number is between 0 and 4. By default, it is set to 0. The limit is best effort and based on the duration of the selfie-video.
createFaceLivenessSession(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Rekognition.Types.CreateFaceLivenessSessionResponse) => void): Request<Rekognition.Types.CreateFaceLivenessSessionResponse, AWSError>;
@@ -213,11 +213,11 @@ declare class Rekognition extends Service {
detectFaces(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Rekognition.Types.DetectFacesResponse) => void): Request<Rekognition.Types.DetectFacesResponse, AWSError>;
* Detects instances of real-world entities within an image (JPEG or PNG) provided as input. This includes objects like flower, tree, and table; events like wedding, graduation, and birthday party; and concepts like landscape, evening, and nature. For an example, see Analyzing images stored in an Amazon S3 bucket in the Amazon Rekognition Developer Guide. You pass the input image as base64-encoded image bytes or as a reference to an image in an Amazon S3 bucket. If you use the AWS CLI to call Amazon Rekognition operations, passing image bytes is not supported. The image must be either a PNG or JPEG formatted file. Optional Parameters You can specify one or both of the GENERAL_LABELS and IMAGE_PROPERTIES feature types when calling the DetectLabels API. Including GENERAL_LABELS will ensure the response includes the labels detected in the input image, while including IMAGE_PROPERTIES will ensure the response includes information about the image quality and color. When using GENERAL_LABELS and/or IMAGE_PROPERTIES you can provide filtering criteria to the Settings parameter. You can filter with sets of individual labels or with label categories. You can specify inclusive filters, exclusive filters, or a combination of inclusive and exclusive filters. For more information on filtering see Detecting Labels in an Image.
* Detects instances of real-world entities within an image (JPEG or PNG) provided as input. This includes objects like flower, tree, and table; events like wedding, graduation, and birthday party; and concepts like landscape, evening, and nature. For an example, see Analyzing images stored in an Amazon S3 bucket in the Amazon Rekognition Developer Guide. You pass the input image as base64-encoded image bytes or as a reference to an image in an Amazon S3 bucket. If you use the AWS CLI to call Amazon Rekognition operations, passing image bytes is not supported. The image must be either a PNG or JPEG formatted file. Optional Parameters You can specify one or both of the GENERAL_LABELS and IMAGE_PROPERTIES feature types when calling the DetectLabels API. Including GENERAL_LABELS will ensure the response includes the labels detected in the input image, while including IMAGE_PROPERTIES will ensure the response includes information about the image quality and color. When using GENERAL_LABELS and/or IMAGE_PROPERTIES you can provide filtering criteria to the Settings parameter. You can filter with sets of individual labels or with label categories. You can specify inclusive filters, exclusive filters, or a combination of inclusive and exclusive filters. For more information on filtering see Detecting Labels in an Image. When getting labels, you can specify MinConfidence to control the confidence threshold for the labels returned. The default is 55%. You can also add the MaxLabels parameter to limit the number of labels returned. The default and upper limit is 1000 labels. These arguments are only valid when supplying GENERAL_LABELS as a feature type. Response Elements For each object, scene, and concept the API returns one or more labels. The API returns the following types of information about labels: Name - The name of the detected label. Confidence - The level of confidence in the label assigned to a detected object. Parents - The ancestor labels for a detected label. DetectLabels returns a hierarchical taxonomy of detected labels. For example, a detected car might be assigned the label car. The label car has two parent labels: Vehicle (its parent) and Transportation (its grandparent). The response includes the all ancestors for a label, where every ancestor is a unique label. In the previous example, Car, Vehicle, and Transportation are returned as unique labels in the response. Aliases - Possible Aliases for the label. Categories - The label categories that the detected label belongs to. BoundingBox — Bounding boxes are described for all instances of detected common object labels, returned in an array of Instance objects. An Instance object contains a BoundingBox object, describing the location of the label on the input image. It also includes the confidence for the accuracy of the detected bounding box. The API returns the following information regarding the image, as part of the ImageProperties structure: Quality - Information about the Sharpness, Brightness, and Contrast of the input image, scored between 0 to 100. Image quality is returned for the entire image, as well as the background and the foreground. Dominant Color - An array of the dominant colors in the image. Foreground - Information about the sharpness, brightness, and dominant colors of the input image’s foreground. Background - Information about the sharpness, brightness, and dominant colors of the input image’s background. The list of returned labels will include at least one label for every detected object, along with information about that label. In the following example, suppose the input image has a lighthouse, the sea, and a rock. The response includes all three labels, one for each object, as well as the confidence in the label: {Name: lighthouse, Confidence: 98.4629} {Name: rock,Confidence: 79.2097} {Name: sea,Confidence: 75.061} The list of labels can include multiple labels for the same object. For example, if the input image shows a flower (for example, a tulip), the operation might return the following three labels. {Name: flower,Confidence: 99.0562} {Name: plant,Confidence: 99.0562} {Name: tulip,Confidence: 99.0562} In this example, the detection algorithm more precisely identifies the flower as a tulip. If the object detected is a person, the operation doesn't provide the same facial details that the DetectFaces operation provides. This is a stateless API operation that doesn't return any data. This operation requires permissions to perform the rekognition:DetectLabels action.
detectLabels(params: Rekognition.Types.DetectLabelsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Rekognition.Types.DetectLabelsResponse) => void): Request<Rekognition.Types.DetectLabelsResponse, AWSError>;
* Detects instances of real-world entities within an image (JPEG or PNG) provided as input. This includes objects like flower, tree, and table; events like wedding, graduation, and birthday party; and concepts like landscape, evening, and nature. For an example, see Analyzing images stored in an Amazon S3 bucket in the Amazon Rekognition Developer Guide. You pass the input image as base64-encoded image bytes or as a reference to an image in an Amazon S3 bucket. If you use the AWS CLI to call Amazon Rekognition operations, passing image bytes is not supported. The image must be either a PNG or JPEG formatted file. Optional Parameters You can specify one or both of the GENERAL_LABELS and IMAGE_PROPERTIES feature types when calling the DetectLabels API. Including GENERAL_LABELS will ensure the response includes the labels detected in the input image, while including IMAGE_PROPERTIES will ensure the response includes information about the image quality and color. When using GENERAL_LABELS and/or IMAGE_PROPERTIES you can provide filtering criteria to the Settings parameter. You can filter with sets of individual labels or with label categories. You can specify inclusive filters, exclusive filters, or a combination of inclusive and exclusive filters. For more information on filtering see Detecting Labels in an Image.
* Detects instances of real-world entities within an image (JPEG or PNG) provided as input. This includes objects like flower, tree, and table; events like wedding, graduation, and birthday party; and concepts like landscape, evening, and nature. For an example, see Analyzing images stored in an Amazon S3 bucket in the Amazon Rekognition Developer Guide. You pass the input image as base64-encoded image bytes or as a reference to an image in an Amazon S3 bucket. If you use the AWS CLI to call Amazon Rekognition operations, passing image bytes is not supported. The image must be either a PNG or JPEG formatted file. Optional Parameters You can specify one or both of the GENERAL_LABELS and IMAGE_PROPERTIES feature types when calling the DetectLabels API. Including GENERAL_LABELS will ensure the response includes the labels detected in the input image, while including IMAGE_PROPERTIES will ensure the response includes information about the image quality and color. When using GENERAL_LABELS and/or IMAGE_PROPERTIES you can provide filtering criteria to the Settings parameter. You can filter with sets of individual labels or with label categories. You can specify inclusive filters, exclusive filters, or a combination of inclusive and exclusive filters. For more information on filtering see Detecting Labels in an Image. When getting labels, you can specify MinConfidence to control the confidence threshold for the labels returned. The default is 55%. You can also add the MaxLabels parameter to limit the number of labels returned. The default and upper limit is 1000 labels. These arguments are only valid when supplying GENERAL_LABELS as a feature type. Response Elements For each object, scene, and concept the API returns one or more labels. The API returns the following types of information about labels: Name - The name of the detected label. Confidence - The level of confidence in the label assigned to a detected object. Parents - The ancestor labels for a detected label. DetectLabels returns a hierarchical taxonomy of detected labels. For example, a detected car might be assigned the label car. The label car has two parent labels: Vehicle (its parent) and Transportation (its grandparent). The response includes the all ancestors for a label, where every ancestor is a unique label. In the previous example, Car, Vehicle, and Transportation are returned as unique labels in the response. Aliases - Possible Aliases for the label. Categories - The label categories that the detected label belongs to. BoundingBox — Bounding boxes are described for all instances of detected common object labels, returned in an array of Instance objects. An Instance object contains a BoundingBox object, describing the location of the label on the input image. It also includes the confidence for the accuracy of the detected bounding box. The API returns the following information regarding the image, as part of the ImageProperties structure: Quality - Information about the Sharpness, Brightness, and Contrast of the input image, scored between 0 to 100. Image quality is returned for the entire image, as well as the background and the foreground. Dominant Color - An array of the dominant colors in the image. Foreground - Information about the sharpness, brightness, and dominant colors of the input image’s foreground. Background - Information about the sharpness, brightness, and dominant colors of the input image’s background. The list of returned labels will include at least one label for every detected object, along with information about that label. In the following example, suppose the input image has a lighthouse, the sea, and a rock. The response includes all three labels, one for each object, as well as the confidence in the label: {Name: lighthouse, Confidence: 98.4629} {Name: rock,Confidence: 79.2097} {Name: sea,Confidence: 75.061} The list of labels can include multiple labels for the same object. For example, if the input image shows a flower (for example, a tulip), the operation might return the following three labels. {Name: flower,Confidence: 99.0562} {Name: plant,Confidence: 99.0562} {Name: tulip,Confidence: 99.0562} In this example, the detection algorithm more precisely identifies the flower as a tulip. If the object detected is a person, the operation doesn't provide the same facial details that the DetectFaces operation provides. This is a stateless API operation that doesn't return any data. This operation requires permissions to perform the rekognition:DetectLabels action.
detectLabels(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Rekognition.Types.DetectLabelsResponse) => void): Request<Rekognition.Types.DetectLabelsResponse, AWSError>;
@@ -285,19 +285,19 @@ declare class Rekognition extends Service {
getContentModeration(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Rekognition.Types.GetContentModerationResponse) => void): Request<Rekognition.Types.GetContentModerationResponse, AWSError>;
* Gets face detection results for a Amazon Rekognition Video analysis started by StartFaceDetection. Face detection with Amazon Rekognition Video is an asynchronous operation. You start face detection by calling StartFaceDetection which returns a job identifier (JobId). When the face detection operation finishes, Amazon Rekognition Video publishes a completion status to the Amazon Simple Notification Service topic registered in the initial call to StartFaceDetection. To get the results of the face detection operation, first check that the status value published to the Amazon SNS topic is SUCCEEDED. If so, call GetFaceDetection and pass the job identifier (JobId) from the initial call to StartFaceDetection. GetFaceDetection returns an array of detected faces (Faces) sorted by the time the faces were detected. Use MaxResults parameter to limit the number of labels returned. If there are more results than specified in MaxResults, the value of NextToken in the operation response contains a pagination token for getting the next set of results. To get the next page of results, call GetFaceDetection and populate the NextToken request parameter with the token value returned from the previous call to GetFaceDetection.
* Gets face detection results for a Amazon Rekognition Video analysis started by StartFaceDetection. Face detection with Amazon Rekognition Video is an asynchronous operation. You start face detection by calling StartFaceDetection which returns a job identifier (JobId). When the face detection operation finishes, Amazon Rekognition Video publishes a completion status to the Amazon Simple Notification Service topic registered in the initial call to StartFaceDetection. To get the results of the face detection operation, first check that the status value published to the Amazon SNS topic is SUCCEEDED. If so, call GetFaceDetection and pass the job identifier (JobId) from the initial call to StartFaceDetection. GetFaceDetection returns an array of detected faces (Faces) sorted by the time the faces were detected. Use MaxResults parameter to limit the number of labels returned. If there are more results than specified in MaxResults, the value of NextToken in the operation response contains a pagination token for getting the next set of results. To get the next page of results, call GetFaceDetection and populate the NextToken request parameter with the token value returned from the previous call to GetFaceDetection. Note that for the GetFaceDetection operation, the returned values for FaceOccluded and EyeDirection will always be "null".
getFaceDetection(params: Rekognition.Types.GetFaceDetectionRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Rekognition.Types.GetFaceDetectionResponse) => void): Request<Rekognition.Types.GetFaceDetectionResponse, AWSError>;
* Gets face detection results for a Amazon Rekognition Video analysis started by StartFaceDetection. Face detection with Amazon Rekognition Video is an asynchronous operation. You start face detection by calling StartFaceDetection which returns a job identifier (JobId). When the face detection operation finishes, Amazon Rekognition Video publishes a completion status to the Amazon Simple Notification Service topic registered in the initial call to StartFaceDetection. To get the results of the face detection operation, first check that the status value published to the Amazon SNS topic is SUCCEEDED. If so, call GetFaceDetection and pass the job identifier (JobId) from the initial call to StartFaceDetection. GetFaceDetection returns an array of detected faces (Faces) sorted by the time the faces were detected. Use MaxResults parameter to limit the number of labels returned. If there are more results than specified in MaxResults, the value of NextToken in the operation response contains a pagination token for getting the next set of results. To get the next page of results, call GetFaceDetection and populate the NextToken request parameter with the token value returned from the previous call to GetFaceDetection.
* Gets face detection results for a Amazon Rekognition Video analysis started by StartFaceDetection. Face detection with Amazon Rekognition Video is an asynchronous operation. You start face detection by calling StartFaceDetection which returns a job identifier (JobId). When the face detection operation finishes, Amazon Rekognition Video publishes a completion status to the Amazon Simple Notification Service topic registered in the initial call to StartFaceDetection. To get the results of the face detection operation, first check that the status value published to the Amazon SNS topic is SUCCEEDED. If so, call GetFaceDetection and pass the job identifier (JobId) from the initial call to StartFaceDetection. GetFaceDetection returns an array of detected faces (Faces) sorted by the time the faces were detected. Use MaxResults parameter to limit the number of labels returned. If there are more results than specified in MaxResults, the value of NextToken in the operation response contains a pagination token for getting the next set of results. To get the next page of results, call GetFaceDetection and populate the NextToken request parameter with the token value returned from the previous call to GetFaceDetection. Note that for the GetFaceDetection operation, the returned values for FaceOccluded and EyeDirection will always be "null".
getFaceDetection(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Rekognition.Types.GetFaceDetectionResponse) => void): Request<Rekognition.Types.GetFaceDetectionResponse, AWSError>;
* Retrieves the results of a specific Face Liveness session. It requires the sessionId as input, which was created using CreateFaceLivenessSession. Returns the corresponding Face Liveness confidence score, a reference image that includes a face bounding box, and audit images that also contain face bounding boxes. The Face Liveness confidence score ranges from 0 to 100.
* Retrieves the results of a specific Face Liveness session. It requires the sessionId as input, which was created using CreateFaceLivenessSession. Returns the corresponding Face Liveness confidence score, a reference image that includes a face bounding box, and audit images that also contain face bounding boxes. The Face Liveness confidence score ranges from 0 to 100. The number of audit images returned by GetFaceLivenessSessionResults is defined by the AuditImagesLimit paramater when calling CreateFaceLivenessSession. Reference images are always returned when possible.
getFaceLivenessSessionResults(params: Rekognition.Types.GetFaceLivenessSessionResultsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Rekognition.Types.GetFaceLivenessSessionResultsResponse) => void): Request<Rekognition.Types.GetFaceLivenessSessionResultsResponse, AWSError>;
* Retrieves the results of a specific Face Liveness session. It requires the sessionId as input, which was created using CreateFaceLivenessSession. Returns the corresponding Face Liveness confidence score, a reference image that includes a face bounding box, and audit images that also contain face bounding boxes. The Face Liveness confidence score ranges from 0 to 100.
* Retrieves the results of a specific Face Liveness session. It requires the sessionId as input, which was created using CreateFaceLivenessSession. Returns the corresponding Face Liveness confidence score, a reference image that includes a face bounding box, and audit images that also contain face bounding boxes. The Face Liveness confidence score ranges from 0 to 100. The number of audit images returned by GetFaceLivenessSessionResults is defined by the AuditImagesLimit paramater when calling CreateFaceLivenessSession. Reference images are always returned when possible.
getFaceLivenessSessionResults(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Rekognition.Types.GetFaceLivenessSessionResultsResponse) => void): Request<Rekognition.Types.GetFaceLivenessSessionResultsResponse, AWSError>;
@@ -333,11 +333,11 @@ declare class Rekognition extends Service {
getSegmentDetection(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Rekognition.Types.GetSegmentDetectionResponse) => void): Request<Rekognition.Types.GetSegmentDetectionResponse, AWSError>;
* Gets the text detection results of a Amazon Rekognition Video analysis started by StartTextDetection. Text detection with Amazon Rekognition Video is an asynchronous operation. You start text detection by calling StartTextDetection which returns a job identifier (JobId) When the text detection operation finishes, Amazon Rekognition publishes a completion status to the Amazon Simple Notification Service topic registered in the initial call to StartTextDetection. To get the results of the text detection operation, first check that the status value published to the Amazon SNS topic is SUCCEEDED. if so, call GetTextDetection and pass the job identifier (JobId) from the initial call of StartLabelDetection. GetTextDetection returns an array of detected text (TextDetections) sorted by the time the text was detected, up to
* Gets the text detection results of a Amazon Rekognition Video analysis started by StartTextDetection. Text detection with Amazon Rekognition Video is an asynchronous operation. You start text detection by calling StartTextDetection which returns a job identifier (JobId) When the text detection operation finishes, Amazon Rekognition publishes a completion status to the Amazon Simple Notification Service topic registered in the initial call to StartTextDetection. To get the results of the text detection operation, first check that the status value published to the Amazon SNS topic is SUCCEEDED. if so, call GetTextDetection and pass the job identifier (JobId) from the initial call of StartLabelDetection. GetTextDetection returns an array of detected text (TextDetections) sorted by the time the text was detected, up to 100 words per frame of video. Each element of the array includes the detected text, the precentage confidence in the acuracy of the detected text, the time the text was detected, bounding box information for where the text was located, and unique identifiers for words and their lines. Use MaxResults parameter to limit the number of text detections returned. If there are more results than specified in MaxResults, the value of NextToken in the operation response contains a pagination token for getting the next set of results. To get the next page of results, call GetTextDetection and populate the NextToken request parameter with the token value returned from the previous call to GetTextDetection.
getTextDetection(params: Rekognition.Types.GetTextDetectionRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Rekognition.Types.GetTextDetectionResponse) => void): Request<Rekognition.Types.GetTextDetectionResponse, AWSError>;
* Gets the text detection results of a Amazon Rekognition Video analysis started by StartTextDetection. Text detection with Amazon Rekognition Video is an asynchronous operation. You start text detection by calling StartTextDetection which returns a job identifier (JobId) When the text detection operation finishes, Amazon Rekognition publishes a completion status to the Amazon Simple Notification Service topic registered in the initial call to StartTextDetection. To get the results of the text detection operation, first check that the status value published to the Amazon SNS topic is SUCCEEDED. if so, call GetTextDetection and pass the job identifier (JobId) from the initial call of StartLabelDetection. GetTextDetection returns an array of detected text (TextDetections) sorted by the time the text was detected, up to
* Gets the text detection results of a Amazon Rekognition Video analysis started by StartTextDetection. Text detection with Amazon Rekognition Video is an asynchronous operation. You start text detection by calling StartTextDetection which returns a job identifier (JobId) When the text detection operation finishes, Amazon Rekognition publishes a completion status to the Amazon Simple Notification Service topic registered in the initial call to StartTextDetection. To get the results of the text detection operation, first check that the status value published to the Amazon SNS topic is SUCCEEDED. if so, call GetTextDetection and pass the job identifier (JobId) from the initial call of StartLabelDetection. GetTextDetection returns an array of detected text (TextDetections) sorted by the time the text was detected, up to 100 words per frame of video. Each element of the array includes the detected text, the precentage confidence in the acuracy of the detected text, the time the text was detected, bounding box information for where the text was located, and unique identifiers for words and their lines. Use MaxResults parameter to limit the number of text detections returned. If there are more results than specified in MaxResults, the value of NextToken in the operation response contains a pagination token for getting the next set of results. To get the next page of results, call GetTextDetection and populate the NextToken request parameter with the token value returned from the previous call to GetTextDetection.
getTextDetection(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Rekognition.Types.GetTextDetectionResponse) => void): Request<Rekognition.Types.GetTextDetectionResponse, AWSError>;
@@ -1024,7 +1024,7 @@ declare namespace Rekognition {
DatasetSource?: DatasetSource;
* The type of the dataset. Specify
* The type of the dataset. Specify TRAIN to create a training dataset. Specify TEST to create a test dataset.
DatasetType: DatasetType;
@@ -1591,7 +1591,7 @@ declare namespace Rekognition {
Image: Image;
* An array of facial attributes you want to be returned. A DEFAULT subset of facial attributes - BoundingBox, Confidence, Pose, Quality, and Landmarks - will always be returned. You can request for specific facial attributes (in addition to the default list) - by using ["DEFAULT", "FACE_OCCLUDED"] or just ["FACE_OCCLUDED"]. You can request for all facial attributes by using ["ALL"]. Requesting more attributes may increase response time. If you provide both, ["ALL", "DEFAULT"], the service uses a logical "AND" operator to determine which attributes to return (in this case, all attributes).
* An array of facial attributes you want to be returned. A DEFAULT subset of facial attributes - BoundingBox, Confidence, Pose, Quality, and Landmarks - will always be returned. You can request for specific facial attributes (in addition to the default list) - by using ["DEFAULT", "FACE_OCCLUDED"] or just ["FACE_OCCLUDED"]. You can request for all facial attributes by using ["ALL"]. Requesting more attributes may increase response time. If you provide both, ["ALL", "DEFAULT"], the service uses a logical "AND" operator to determine which attributes to return (in this case, all attributes). Note that while the FaceOccluded and EyeDirection attributes are supported when using DetectFaces, they aren't supported when analyzing videos with StartFaceDetection and GetFaceDetection.
Attributes?: Attributes;
@@ -1672,11 +1672,11 @@ declare namespace Rekognition {
Image: Image;
* Maximum number of labels you want the service to return in the response. The service returns the specified number of highest confidence labels.
* Maximum number of labels you want the service to return in the response. The service returns the specified number of highest confidence labels. Only valid when GENERAL_LABELS is specified as a feature type in the Feature input parameter.
MaxLabels?: UInteger;
* Specifies the minimum confidence level for the labels to return. Amazon Rekognition doesn't return any labels with confidence lower than this specified value. If MinConfidence is not specified, the operation returns labels with a confidence values greater than or equal to 55 percent.
* Specifies the minimum confidence level for the labels to return. Amazon Rekognition doesn't return any labels with confidence lower than this specified value. If MinConfidence is not specified, the operation returns labels with a confidence values greater than or equal to 55 percent. Only valid when GENERAL_LABELS is specified as a feature type in the Feature input parameter.
MinConfidence?: Percent;
@@ -2383,7 +2383,7 @@ declare namespace Rekognition {
ReferenceImage?: AuditImage;
* A set of images from the Face Liveness video that can be used for audit purposes. It includes a bounding box of the face and the Base64-encoded bytes that return an image. If the CreateFaceLivenessSession request included an OutputConfig argument, the image will be uploaded to an S3Object specified in the output configuration.
* A set of images from the Face Liveness video that can be used for audit purposes. It includes a bounding box of the face and the Base64-encoded bytes that return an image. If the CreateFaceLivenessSession request included an OutputConfig argument, the image will be uploaded to an S3Object specified in the output configuration. If no Amazon S3 bucket is defined, raw bytes are sent instead.
AuditImages?: AuditImages;
@@ -3009,11 +3009,11 @@ declare namespace Rekognition {
MaxResults?: PageSize;
* An array of user IDs to
* An array of user IDs to filter results with when listing faces in a collection.
UserId?: UserId;
* An array of face IDs to
* An array of face IDs to filter results with when listing faces in a collection.
FaceIds?: FaceIdList;