@azure/communication-react 1.24.0-alpha-202501310016 → 1.24.0-alpha-202502040016

This diff represents the content of publicly available package versions that have been released to one of the supported registries. The information contained in this diff is provided for informational purposes only and reflects changes between package versions as they appear in their respective public registries.
Files changed (129) hide show
  1. package/dist/communication-react.d.ts +25 -2
  2. package/dist/dist-cjs/communication-react/{ChatMessageComponentAsRichTextEditBox-CAFpQ8Yk.js → ChatMessageComponentAsRichTextEditBox-AkTSmAsd.js} +2 -2
  3. package/dist/dist-cjs/communication-react/{ChatMessageComponentAsRichTextEditBox-CAFpQ8Yk.js.map → ChatMessageComponentAsRichTextEditBox-AkTSmAsd.js.map} +1 -1
  4. package/dist/dist-cjs/communication-react/{RichTextSendBoxWrapper-DTWPl1yi.js → RichTextSendBoxWrapper-B3Xe7mdR.js} +2 -2
  5. package/dist/dist-cjs/communication-react/{RichTextSendBoxWrapper-DTWPl1yi.js.map → RichTextSendBoxWrapper-B3Xe7mdR.js.map} +1 -1
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  7. package/dist/dist-cjs/communication-react/index-CNpitKVB.js.map +1 -0
  8. package/dist/dist-cjs/communication-react/index.js +1 -1
  9. package/dist/dist-esm/acs-ui-common/src/telemetryVersion.js +1 -1
  10. package/dist/dist-esm/acs-ui-common/src/telemetryVersion.js.map +1 -1
  11. package/dist/dist-esm/communication-react/src/index.d.ts +1 -2
  12. package/dist/dist-esm/communication-react/src/index.js.map +1 -1
  13. package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/components/LocalVideoTile.js +2 -7
  14. package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/components/LocalVideoTile.js.map +1 -1
  15. package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/components/NotificationStack.js.map +1 -1
  16. package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/components/ParticipantItem.js.map +1 -1
  17. package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/components/ParticipantList.js +11 -23
  18. package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/components/ParticipantList.js.map +1 -1
  19. package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/components/RemoteVideoTile.js +6 -18
  20. package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/components/RemoteVideoTile.js.map +1 -1
  21. package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/components/TogetherModeOverlay.js +24 -40
  22. package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/components/TogetherModeOverlay.js.map +1 -1
  23. package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/components/VideoGallery/LocalScreenShare.js +1 -3
  24. package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/components/VideoGallery/LocalScreenShare.js.map +1 -1
  25. package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/components/VideoGallery/TogetherModeLayout.d.ts +3 -2
  26. package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/components/VideoGallery/TogetherModeLayout.js +4 -72
  27. package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/components/VideoGallery/TogetherModeLayout.js.map +1 -1
  28. package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/components/VideoGallery/TogetherModeStream.d.ts +0 -1
  29. package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/components/VideoGallery/TogetherModeStream.js.map +1 -1
  30. package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/components/VideoGallery/useVideoStreamLifecycleMaintainer.js +4 -17
  31. package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/components/VideoGallery/useVideoStreamLifecycleMaintainer.js.map +1 -1
  32. package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/components/VideoGallery/useVideoTileContextualMenuProps.js +1 -20
  33. package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/components/VideoGallery/useVideoTileContextualMenuProps.js.map +1 -1
  34. package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/components/VideoGallery.d.ts +26 -3
  35. package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/components/VideoGallery.js +11 -36
  36. package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/components/VideoGallery.js.map +1 -1
  37. package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/components/VideoTile.d.ts +1 -2
  38. package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/components/VideoTile.js +6 -39
  39. package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/components/VideoTile.js.map +1 -1
  40. package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/components/styles/TogetherMode.styles.d.ts +10 -1
  41. package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/components/styles/TogetherMode.styles.js +34 -5
  42. package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/components/styles/TogetherMode.styles.js.map +1 -1
  43. package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/components/utils.js +1 -13
  44. package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/components/utils.js.map +1 -1
  45. package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/index.d.ts +1 -1
  46. package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/index.js.map +1 -1
  47. package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/localization/locales/ar-SA/strings.json +45 -22
  48. package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/localization/locales/cs-CZ/strings.json +45 -22
  49. package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/localization/locales/cy-GB/strings.json +44 -21
  50. package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/localization/locales/de-DE/strings.json +44 -21
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  53. package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/localization/locales/es-MX/strings.json +44 -21
  54. package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/localization/locales/fi-FI/strings.json +44 -21
  55. package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/localization/locales/fr-CA/strings.json +44 -21
  56. package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/localization/locales/fr-FR/strings.json +45 -22
  57. package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/localization/locales/he-IL/strings.json +44 -21
  58. package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/localization/locales/it-IT/strings.json +44 -21
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  67. package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/localization/locales/tr-TR/strings.json +44 -21
  68. package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/localization/locales/zh-CN/strings.json +44 -21
  69. package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/localization/locales/zh-TW/strings.json +44 -21
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  71. package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/theming/icons.js.map +1 -1
  72. package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/types/ParticipantListParticipant.js.map +1 -1
  73. package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/types/VideoGalleryParticipant.js.map +1 -1
  74. package/dist/dist-esm/react-composites/src/composites/CallComposite/Strings.js.map +1 -1
  75. package/dist/dist-esm/react-composites/src/composites/CallComposite/adapter/AzureCommunicationCallAdapter.d.ts +2 -3
  76. package/dist/dist-esm/react-composites/src/composites/CallComposite/adapter/AzureCommunicationCallAdapter.js +0 -21
  77. package/dist/dist-esm/react-composites/src/composites/CallComposite/adapter/AzureCommunicationCallAdapter.js.map +1 -1
  78. package/dist/dist-esm/react-composites/src/composites/CallComposite/adapter/CallAdapter.js.map +1 -1
  79. package/dist/dist-esm/react-composites/src/composites/CallComposite/components/CallArrangement.js +24 -38
  80. package/dist/dist-esm/react-composites/src/composites/CallComposite/components/CallArrangement.js.map +1 -1
  81. package/dist/dist-esm/react-composites/src/composites/CallComposite/components/CapabilitiesChangedNotificationBar.js +5 -23
  82. package/dist/dist-esm/react-composites/src/composites/CallComposite/components/CapabilitiesChangedNotificationBar.js.map +1 -1
  83. package/dist/dist-esm/react-composites/src/composites/CallComposite/components/SidePane/usePeoplePane.d.ts +1 -2
  84. package/dist/dist-esm/react-composites/src/composites/CallComposite/components/SidePane/usePeoplePane.js +1 -85
  85. package/dist/dist-esm/react-composites/src/composites/CallComposite/components/SidePane/usePeoplePane.js.map +1 -1
  86. package/dist/dist-esm/react-composites/src/composites/CallComposite/hooks/useAdaptedSelector.js +0 -1
  87. package/dist/dist-esm/react-composites/src/composites/CallComposite/hooks/useAdaptedSelector.js.map +1 -1
  88. package/dist/dist-esm/react-composites/src/composites/CallComposite/hooks/useHandlers.js +0 -8
  89. package/dist/dist-esm/react-composites/src/composites/CallComposite/hooks/useHandlers.js.map +1 -1
  90. package/dist/dist-esm/react-composites/src/composites/CallComposite/selectors/baseSelectors.d.ts +16 -2
  91. package/dist/dist-esm/react-composites/src/composites/CallComposite/selectors/baseSelectors.js +16 -1
  92. package/dist/dist-esm/react-composites/src/composites/CallComposite/selectors/baseSelectors.js.map +1 -1
  93. package/dist/dist-esm/react-composites/src/composites/CallWithChatComposite/adapter/AzureCommunicationCallWithChatAdapter.d.ts +2 -2
  94. package/dist/dist-esm/react-composites/src/composites/CallWithChatComposite/adapter/AzureCommunicationCallWithChatAdapter.js +0 -8
  95. package/dist/dist-esm/react-composites/src/composites/CallWithChatComposite/adapter/AzureCommunicationCallWithChatAdapter.js.map +1 -1
  96. package/dist/dist-esm/react-composites/src/composites/CallWithChatComposite/adapter/CallWithChatAdapter.js.map +1 -1
  97. package/dist/dist-esm/react-composites/src/composites/CallWithChatComposite/adapter/CallWithChatBackedCallAdapter.d.ts +2 -2
  98. package/dist/dist-esm/react-composites/src/composites/CallWithChatComposite/adapter/CallWithChatBackedCallAdapter.js +0 -8
  99. package/dist/dist-esm/react-composites/src/composites/CallWithChatComposite/adapter/CallWithChatBackedCallAdapter.js.map +1 -1
  100. package/dist/dist-esm/react-composites/src/composites/common/ControlBar/DesktopMoreButton.js +39 -5
  101. package/dist/dist-esm/react-composites/src/composites/common/ControlBar/DesktopMoreButton.js.map +1 -1
  102. package/dist/dist-esm/react-composites/src/composites/common/Drawer/MoreDrawer.js +38 -8
  103. package/dist/dist-esm/react-composites/src/composites/common/Drawer/MoreDrawer.js.map +1 -1
  104. package/dist/dist-esm/react-composites/src/composites/common/icons.js.map +1 -1
  105. package/dist/dist-esm/react-composites/src/composites/localization/locales/ar-SA/strings.json +19 -0
  106. package/dist/dist-esm/react-composites/src/composites/localization/locales/cs-CZ/strings.json +19 -0
  107. package/dist/dist-esm/react-composites/src/composites/localization/locales/cy-GB/strings.json +19 -0
  108. package/dist/dist-esm/react-composites/src/composites/localization/locales/de-DE/strings.json +19 -0
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  111. package/dist/dist-esm/react-composites/src/composites/localization/locales/es-MX/strings.json +19 -0
  112. package/dist/dist-esm/react-composites/src/composites/localization/locales/fi-FI/strings.json +19 -0
  113. package/dist/dist-esm/react-composites/src/composites/localization/locales/fr-CA/strings.json +19 -0
  114. package/dist/dist-esm/react-composites/src/composites/localization/locales/fr-FR/strings.json +19 -0
  115. package/dist/dist-esm/react-composites/src/composites/localization/locales/he-IL/strings.json +19 -0
  116. package/dist/dist-esm/react-composites/src/composites/localization/locales/it-IT/strings.json +19 -0
  117. package/dist/dist-esm/react-composites/src/composites/localization/locales/ja-JP/strings.json +19 -0
  118. package/dist/dist-esm/react-composites/src/composites/localization/locales/ko-KR/strings.json +19 -0
  119. package/dist/dist-esm/react-composites/src/composites/localization/locales/nb-NO/strings.json +19 -0
  120. package/dist/dist-esm/react-composites/src/composites/localization/locales/nl-NL/strings.json +19 -0
  121. package/dist/dist-esm/react-composites/src/composites/localization/locales/pl-PL/strings.json +19 -0
  122. package/dist/dist-esm/react-composites/src/composites/localization/locales/pt-BR/strings.json +19 -0
  123. package/dist/dist-esm/react-composites/src/composites/localization/locales/ru-RU/strings.json +19 -0
  124. package/dist/dist-esm/react-composites/src/composites/localization/locales/sv-SE/strings.json +19 -0
  125. package/dist/dist-esm/react-composites/src/composites/localization/locales/tr-TR/strings.json +19 -0
  126. package/dist/dist-esm/react-composites/src/composites/localization/locales/zh-CN/strings.json +19 -0
  127. package/dist/dist-esm/react-composites/src/composites/localization/locales/zh-TW/strings.json +19 -0
  128. package/package.json +4 -4
  129. package/dist/dist-cjs/communication-react/index-B8uYcMR8.js.map +0 -1
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"version":3,"file":"CallAdapter.js","sourceRoot":"","sources":["../../../../../../../../react-composites/src/composites/CallComposite/adapter/CallAdapter.ts"],"names":[],"mappings":"AAAA,uCAAuC;AACvC,kCAAkC;AA+DlC;;;GAGG;AACH,MAAM,CAAC,MAAM,cAAc,GAAwB;IACjD,0BAA0B;IAC1B,8BAA8B;IAC9B,UAAU;IACV,iBAAiB;IACjB,sDAAsD,CAAC,wBAAwB;CAChF,CAAC","sourcesContent":["// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT License.\n\nimport { CallState, DeviceManagerState } from '@internal/calling-stateful-client';\nimport { CaptionsInfo } from '@internal/calling-stateful-client';\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(rtt) */\nimport { RealTimeTextInfo } from '@azure/communication-calling';\nimport type { BackgroundBlurConfig, BackgroundReplacementConfig, DeviceAccess } from '@azure/communication-calling';\nimport { Reaction } from '@azure/communication-calling';\nimport type { CapabilitiesChangeInfo } from '@azure/communication-calling';\nimport type { SpotlightedParticipant } from '@azure/communication-calling';\nimport { TeamsCall } from '@azure/communication-calling';\nimport { TransferEventArgs } from '@azure/communication-calling';\nimport { StartCaptionsOptions } from '@azure/communication-calling';\nimport { EnvironmentInfo } from '@azure/communication-calling';\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(breakout-rooms) */\nimport type { BreakoutRoomsUpdatedListener } from '@azure/communication-calling';\nimport type {\n AudioDeviceInfo,\n VideoDeviceInfo,\n Call,\n PermissionConstraints,\n RemoteParticipant,\n StartCallOptions,\n MediaDiagnosticChangedEventArgs,\n NetworkDiagnosticChangedEventArgs,\n PropertyChangedEvent\n} from '@azure/communication-calling';\nimport { CreateVideoStreamViewResult, VideoStreamOptions } from '@internal/react-components';\nimport type { CommunicationIdentifierKind } from '@azure/communication-common';\nimport { AddPhoneNumberOptions } from '@azure/communication-calling';\nimport { DtmfTone } from '@azure/communication-calling';\nimport { CommunicationIdentifier } from '@azure/communication-common';\nimport type { CommunicationUserIdentifier, PhoneNumberIdentifier } from '@azure/communication-common';\nimport type { AdapterState, Disposable, AdapterError, AdapterErrors } from '../../common/adapters';\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(breakout-rooms) */\nimport type { AdapterNotifications } from '../../common/adapters';\nimport {\n DeepNoiseSuppressionEffectDependency,\n VideoBackgroundEffectsDependency\n} from '@internal/calling-component-bindings';\nimport { CallSurvey, CallSurveyResponse } from '@azure/communication-calling';\nimport { ReactionResources } from '@internal/react-components';\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(together-mode) */\nimport { TogetherModeStreamViewResult, TogetherModeStreamOptions } from '@internal/react-components';\n/**\n * Major UI screens shown in the {@link CallComposite}.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport type CallCompositePage =\n | 'accessDeniedTeamsMeeting'\n | 'call'\n | 'configuration'\n | 'hold'\n | 'joinCallFailedDueToNoNetwork'\n | 'leftCall'\n | 'leaving'\n | 'lobby'\n | 'removedFromCall'\n | /* @conditional-compile-remove(unsupported-browser) */ 'unsupportedEnvironment'\n | 'transferring'\n | 'badRequest';\n\n/**\n * Subset of CallCompositePages that represent an end call state.\n * @private\n */\nexport const END_CALL_PAGES: CallCompositePage[] = [\n 'accessDeniedTeamsMeeting',\n 'joinCallFailedDueToNoNetwork',\n 'leftCall',\n 'removedFromCall',\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(unsupported-browser) */ 'unsupportedEnvironment'\n];\n\n/**\n * {@link CommonCallAdapter} state for pure UI purposes.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport type CallAdapterUiState = {\n isLocalPreviewMicrophoneEnabled: boolean;\n page: CallCompositePage;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(unsupported-browser) */\n unsupportedBrowserVersionsAllowed?: boolean;\n};\n\n/**\n * Identifier types for initiating a call using the CallAdapter\n * @public\n */\nexport type StartCallIdentifier = CommunicationIdentifier;\n\n/**\n * {@link CommonCallAdapter} state inferred from Azure Communication Services backend.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport type CallAdapterClientState = {\n userId: CommunicationIdentifierKind;\n displayName?: string;\n call?: CallState;\n /**\n * State to track who the original call went out to. will be undefined the call is not a outbound\n * modality. This includes, groupCalls, Rooms calls, and Teams InteropMeetings.\n */\n targetCallees?: CommunicationIdentifier[];\n devices: DeviceManagerState;\n endedCall?: CallState;\n /**\n * State to track whether the call is a teams call.\n */\n isTeamsCall: boolean;\n /**\n * State to track whether the call is a teams meeting.\n */\n isTeamsMeeting: boolean;\n /**\n * State to track whether the call is a rooms call.\n */\n isRoomsCall: boolean;\n /**\n * Latest error encountered for each operation performed via the adapter.\n */\n latestErrors: AdapterErrors;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(breakout-rooms) */\n /**\n * Latest notifications from call client state.\n */\n latestNotifications: AdapterNotifications;\n /**\n * Azure communications Phone number to make PSTN calls with.\n */\n alternateCallerId?: string;\n /**\n * Environment information about system the adapter is made on\n */\n environmentInfo?: EnvironmentInfo;\n /**\n * State to track whether the local participant's camera is on. To be used when creating a custom\n * control bar with the CallComposite.\n */\n cameraStatus?: 'On' | 'Off';\n\n /**\n * Default set of background images for background replacement effect.\n */\n videoBackgroundImages?: VideoBackgroundImage[];\n\n /**\n * Dependency to be injected for video background effect.\n */\n onResolveVideoEffectDependency?: () => Promise<VideoBackgroundEffectsDependency>;\n /**\n * Dependency to be injected for deep noise suppression effect.\n */\n onResolveDeepNoiseSuppressionDependency?: () => Promise<DeepNoiseSuppressionEffectDependency>;\n /**\n * State to track whether the noise suppression should be on by default.\n * @default true\n */\n deepNoiseSuppressionOnByDefault?: boolean;\n /**\n * State to track whether to hide the noise suppression button.\n * @default false\n */\n hideDeepNoiseSuppressionButton?: boolean;\n /**\n * State to track the selected video background effect.\n */\n selectedVideoBackgroundEffect?: VideoBackgroundEffect;\n /**\n * Call from transfer request accepted by local user\n */\n acceptedTransferCallState?: CallState;\n /**\n * Hide attendee names in teams meeting\n */\n hideAttendeeNames?: boolean;\n /**\n * State to track the sounds to be used in the call.\n */\n sounds?: CallingSounds;\n /**\n * State to track the reactions to be used.\n * @public\n */\n reactions?: ReactionResources;\n};\n\n/**\n * {@link CommonCallAdapter} state.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport type CallAdapterState = CallAdapterUiState & CallAdapterClientState;\n\n/**\n * Callback for {@link CallAdapterSubscribers} 'participantsJoined' event.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport type ParticipantsJoinedListener = (event: { joined: RemoteParticipant[] }) => void;\n\n/**\n * Callback for {@link CallAdapterSubscribers} 'participantsLeft' event.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport type ParticipantsLeftListener = (event: { removed: RemoteParticipant[] }) => void;\n\n/**\n * Callback for {@link CallAdapterSubscribers} 'isMuted' event.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport type IsMutedChangedListener = (event: { identifier: CommunicationIdentifierKind; isMuted: boolean }) => void;\n\n/**\n * Callback for {@link CallAdapterSubscribers} 'callIdChanged' event.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport type CallIdChangedListener = (event: { callId: string }) => void;\n\n/**\n * Callback for {@link CallAdapterSubscribers} 'isLocalScreenSharingActiveChanged' event.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport type IsLocalScreenSharingActiveChangedListener = (event: { isScreenSharingOn: boolean }) => void;\n\n/**\n * Callback for {@link CallAdapterSubscribers} 'isSpeakingChanged' event.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport type IsSpeakingChangedListener = (event: {\n identifier: CommunicationIdentifierKind;\n isSpeaking: boolean;\n}) => void;\n\n/**\n * Callback for {@link CallAdapterSubscribers} 'displayNameChanged' event.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport type DisplayNameChangedListener = (event: {\n participantId: CommunicationIdentifierKind;\n displayName: string;\n}) => void;\n\n/**\n * Payload for {@link CallEndedListener} containing details on the ended call.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport type CallAdapterCallEndedEvent = { callId: string };\n\n/**\n * Callback for {@link CallAdapterSubscribers} 'callEnded' event.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport type CallEndedListener = (event: CallAdapterCallEndedEvent) => void;\n\n/**\n * Payload for {@link DiagnosticChangedEventListner} where there is a change in a media diagnostic.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport type MediaDiagnosticChangedEvent = MediaDiagnosticChangedEventArgs & {\n type: 'media';\n};\n\n/**\n * Payload for {@link DiagnosticChangedEventListner} where there is a change in a network diagnostic.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport type NetworkDiagnosticChangedEvent = NetworkDiagnosticChangedEventArgs & {\n type: 'network';\n};\n\n/**\n * Callback for {@link CallAdapterSubscribers} 'diagnosticChanged' event.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport type DiagnosticChangedEventListner = (\n event: MediaDiagnosticChangedEvent | NetworkDiagnosticChangedEvent\n) => void;\n\n/**\n * Contains the attibutes of a background image like url, name etc.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport interface VideoBackgroundImage {\n /**\n * key for unique identification of the custom background\n */\n key: string;\n /**\n * URL of the uploaded background image.\n */\n url: string;\n /**\n * Image name to be displayed.\n */\n tooltipText?: string;\n}\n\n/**\n * @public\n * Type for representing a custom sound to use for a calling event\n */\nexport type SoundEffect = {\n /**\n * Path to sound effect\n */\n url: string;\n};\n\n/**\n * @public\n * Type for representing a set of sounds to use for different calling events\n */\nexport type CallingSounds = {\n /**\n * Sound to be played when the call ends\n */\n callEnded?: SoundEffect;\n /**\n * Sound to be played when the call is ringing\n */\n callRinging?: SoundEffect;\n /**\n * Sound to be played when the call is rejected by the user being callede\n */\n callBusy?: SoundEffect;\n};\n\n/**\n * Options for setting microphone and camera state when joining a call\n * true = turn on the device when joining call\n * false = turn off the device when joining call\n * 'keep'/undefined = retain devices' precall state\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport interface JoinCallOptions {\n /**\n * microphone state when joining call\n * true: turn on\n * false: turn off\n * 'keep': maintain precall state\n */\n microphoneOn?: boolean | 'keep';\n /**\n * camera state when joining call\n * true: turn on\n * false: turn off\n * 'keep': maintain precall state\n */\n cameraOn?: boolean | 'keep';\n}\n\n/**\n * Callback for {@link CallAdapterSubscribers} 'captionsReceived' event.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport type CaptionsReceivedListener = (event: { captionsInfo: CaptionsInfo }) => void;\n\n/**\n * Callback for {@link CallAdapterSubscribers} 'isCaptionsActiveChanged' event.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport type IsCaptionsActiveChangedListener = (event: { isActive: boolean }) => void;\n\n/**\n * Callback for {@link CallAdapterSubscribers} 'isCaptionLanguageChanged' event.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport type IsCaptionLanguageChangedListener = (event: { activeCaptionLanguage: string }) => void;\n\n/**\n * Callback for {@link CallAdapterSubscribers} 'isSpokenLanguageChanged' event.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport type IsSpokenLanguageChangedListener = (event: { activeSpokenLanguage: string }) => void;\n\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(rtt) */\n/**\n * Callback for {@link CallAdapterSubscribers} 'realTimeTextReceived' event.\n * @beta\n */\nexport type RealTimeTextReceivedListener = (event: { realTimeText: RealTimeTextInfo }) => void;\n\n/**\n * Callback for {@link CallAdapterSubscribers} 'transferRequested' event.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport type TransferAcceptedListener = (event: TransferEventArgs) => void;\n\n/**\n * Callback for {@link CallAdapterSubscribers} 'capabilitiesChanged' event.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport type CapabilitiesChangedListener = (data: CapabilitiesChangeInfo) => void;\n\n/**\n * Callback for {@link CallAdapterSubscribers} 'spotlightChanged' event.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport type SpotlightChangedListener = (args: {\n added: SpotlightedParticipant[];\n removed: SpotlightedParticipant[];\n}) => void;\n\n/**\n * Contains the attibutes of a selected video background effect\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport type VideoBackgroundEffect =\n | VideoBackgroundNoEffect\n | VideoBackgroundBlurEffect\n | VideoBackgroundReplacementEffect;\n\n/**\n * Contains the attibutes to remove video background effect\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport interface VideoBackgroundNoEffect {\n /**\n * Name of effect to remove video background effect\n */\n effectName: 'none';\n}\n\n/**\n * Contains the attibutes of the blur video background effect\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport interface VideoBackgroundBlurEffect extends BackgroundBlurConfig {\n /**\n * Name of effect to blur video background effect\n */\n effectName: 'blur';\n}\n\n/**\n * Contains the attibutes of a selected replacement video background effect\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport interface VideoBackgroundReplacementEffect extends BackgroundReplacementConfig {\n /**\n * Name of effect to replace video background effect\n */\n effectName: 'replacement';\n /**\n * key for unique identification of the custom background\n */\n key?: string;\n}\n\n/**\n * Options passed to adapter.startCaptions\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport interface StartCaptionsAdapterOptions extends StartCaptionsOptions {\n /**\n * Start captions in the background without showing the captions UI to the Composite user.\n *\n * @defaultValue false\n */\n startInBackground?: boolean;\n}\n\n/**\n * Options passed to adapter.stopCaptions\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport interface StopCaptionsAdapterOptions {\n /**\n * Stop captions that have been started in the background.\n *\n * @remarks\n * This option is only applicable when stopping captions that have been started using the `startInBackground` property of adpater.startCaptions.\n *\n * @defaultValue false\n */\n stopInBackground?: boolean;\n}\n\n/**\n * Functionality for managing the current call.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport interface CallAdapterCallOperations {\n /**\n * Leave the call\n *\n * @param forEveryone - Whether to remove all participants when leaving\n *\n * @public\n */\n leaveCall(forEveryone?: boolean): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * Start the camera\n * This method will start rendering a local camera view when the call is not active\n *\n * @param options - Options to control how video streams are rendered {@link @azure/communication-calling#VideoStreamOptions }\n *\n * @public\n */\n startCamera(options?: VideoStreamOptions): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * Stop the camera\n * This method will stop rendering a local camera view when the call is not active\n *\n * @public\n */\n stopCamera(): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * Mute the current user during the call or disable microphone locally\n *\n * @public\n */\n mute(): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * Unmute the current user during the call or enable microphone locally\n *\n * @public\n */\n unmute(): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * Start sharing the screen during a call.\n *\n * @public\n */\n startScreenShare(): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * Raise hand for current user\n *\n * @public\n */\n raiseHand(): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * lower hand for current user\n *\n * @public\n */\n lowerHand(): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * Send reaction emoji\n *\n * @public\n */\n onReactionClick(reaction: Reaction): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * Stop sharing the screen\n *\n * @public\n */\n stopScreenShare(): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * Remove a participant from the call.\n *\n * @param userId - Id of the participant to be removed\n *\n * @public\n */\n removeParticipant(userId: string): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * Remove a participant from the call.\n * @param participant - {@link @azure/communication-common#CommunicationIdentifier} of the participant to be removed\n * @public\n */\n removeParticipant(participant: CommunicationIdentifier): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * Create the html view for a stream.\n *\n * @remarks\n * This method is implemented for composite\n *\n * @param remoteUserId - Id of the participant to render, leave it undefined to create the local camera view\n * @param options - Options to control how video streams are rendered {@link @azure/communication-calling#VideoStreamOptions }\n *\n * @public\n */\n createStreamView(remoteUserId?: string, options?: VideoStreamOptions): Promise<void | CreateVideoStreamViewResult>;\n /**\n * Dispose the html view for a stream.\n *\n * @remarks\n * This method is implemented for composite\n *\n * @deprecated Use {@link disposeRemoteVideoStreamView}, {@link disposeLocalVideoStreamView} and {@link disposeRemoteVideoStreamView} instead.\n *\n * @param remoteUserId - Id of the participant to render, leave it undefined to dispose the local camera view\n * @param options - Options to control how video streams are rendered {@link @azure/communication-calling#VideoStreamOptions }\n *\n * @public\n */\n disposeStreamView(remoteUserId?: string, options?: VideoStreamOptions): Promise<void>;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(together-mode) */\n /**\n * Create the html view for a stream.\n *\n * @remarks\n * This method is implemented for composite\n *\n * @param featureName - Name of feature to render\n * @param options - Options to control how video streams are rendered {@link @azure/communication-calling#VideoStreamOptions }\n *\n * @beta\n */\n createTogetherModeStreamView(options?: TogetherModeStreamOptions): Promise<void | TogetherModeStreamViewResult>;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(together-mode) */\n /**\n * Start Together mode.\n *\n * @beta\n */\n startTogetherMode(): Promise<void>;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(together-mode) */\n /**\n * Recalculate the seating positions for together mode.\n *\n * @remarks\n * This method is implemented for composite\n *\n * @param width - Width of the container\n * @param height - Height of the container\n *\n * @beta\n */\n setTogetherModeSceneSize(width: number, height: number): void;\n\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(together-mode) */\n /**\n * Dispose the html view for a stream.\n *\n * @remarks\n * This method is implemented for composite\n *\n *\n * @param featureName - Name of the feature to dispose\n * @param options - Options to control how video streams are rendered {@link @azure/communication-calling#VideoStreamOptions }\n *\n * @beta\n */\n disposeTogetherModeStreamView(): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * Dispose the html view for a screen share stream\n *\n * @remarks\n * this method is implemented for composite\n *\n * @param remoteUserId - Id of the participant to dispose the screen share stream view for.\n *\n * @public\n */\n disposeScreenShareStreamView(remoteUserId: string): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * Dispose the html view for a remote video stream\n *\n * @param remoteUserId - Id of the participant to dispose\n *\n * @public\n */\n disposeRemoteVideoStreamView(remoteUserId: string): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * Dispose the html view for a local video stream\n *\n * @public\n */\n disposeLocalVideoStreamView(): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * Holds the call.\n *\n * @public\n */\n holdCall(): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * Resumes the call from a `LocalHold` state.\n *\n * @public\n */\n resumeCall(): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * Add a participant to the call.\n *\n * @public\n */\n addParticipant(participant: PhoneNumberIdentifier, options?: AddPhoneNumberOptions): Promise<void>;\n addParticipant(participant: CommunicationUserIdentifier): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * send dtmf tone to another participant in a 1:1 PSTN call\n *\n * @public\n */\n sendDtmfTone(dtmfTone: DtmfTone): Promise<void>;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(unsupported-browser) */\n /**\n * Continues into a call when the browser version is not supported.\n */\n allowUnsupportedBrowserVersion(): void;\n /**\n * Function to Start captions\n * @param options - options for start captions\n */\n startCaptions(options?: StartCaptionsAdapterOptions): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * Function to set caption language\n * @param language - language set for caption\n */\n setCaptionLanguage(language: string): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * Function to set spoken language\n * @param language - spoken language\n */\n setSpokenLanguage(language: string): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * Funtion to stop captions\n */\n stopCaptions(options?: StopCaptionsAdapterOptions): Promise<void>;\n\n /**\n * Start the video background effect.\n *\n * @public\n */\n startVideoBackgroundEffect(videoBackgroundEffect: VideoBackgroundEffect): Promise<void>;\n\n /**\n * Stop the video background effect.\n *\n * @public\n */\n stopVideoBackgroundEffects(): Promise<void>;\n\n /**\n * Override the background picker images for background replacement effect.\n *\n * @param backgroundImages - Array of custom background images.\n *\n * @public\n */\n updateBackgroundPickerImages(backgroundImages: VideoBackgroundImage[]): void;\n\n /**\n * Update the selected video background effect.\n *\n * @public\n */\n updateSelectedVideoBackgroundEffect(selectedVideoBackground: VideoBackgroundEffect): void;\n /**\n * Start the noise suppression effect.\n *\n */\n startNoiseSuppressionEffect(): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * Stop the noise suppression effect.\n *\n */\n stopNoiseSuppressionEffect(): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * Send the end of call survey result\n *\n * @public\n */\n submitSurvey(survey: CallSurvey): Promise<CallSurveyResponse | undefined>;\n /**\n * Start spotlight for local and remote participants by their user ids.\n * If no array of user ids is passed then action is performed on local participant.\n */\n startSpotlight(userIds?: string[]): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * Stop spotlight for local and remote participants by their user ids.\n * If no array of user ids is passed then action is performed on local participant.\n */\n stopSpotlight(userIds?: string[]): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * Stop all spotlights\n */\n stopAllSpotlight(): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * Mute a participant\n *\n * @param userId - Id of the participant to mute\n */\n muteParticipant(userId: string): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * Mute All participants\n */\n muteAllRemoteParticipants(): Promise<void>;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(breakout-rooms) */\n /**\n * Return to origin call of breakout room\n */\n returnFromBreakoutRoom(): Promise<void>;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */\n /**\n * Forbid Teams meeting attendees audio by their user ids.\n */\n forbidAudio(userIds: string[]): Promise<void>;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */\n /**\n * Permit Teams meeting attendees audio by their user ids.\n */\n permitAudio(userIds: string[]): Promise<void>;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */\n /**\n * Forbid Teams meeting audio.\n */\n forbidOthersAudio(): Promise<void>;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */\n /**\n * Permit Teams meeting audio.\n */\n permitOthersAudio(): Promise<void>;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */\n /**\n * Forbid Teams meeting attendees video by their user ids.\n */\n forbidVideo(userIds: string[]): Promise<void>;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */\n /**\n * Permit Teams meeting attendees audio by their user ids.\n */\n permitVideo(userIds: string[]): Promise<void>;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */\n /**\n * Forbid Teams meeting video.\n */\n forbidOthersVideo(): Promise<void>;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */\n /**\n * Permit Teams meeting video.\n */\n permitOthersVideo(): Promise<void>;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(rtt) */\n /**\n * Send real time text\n * @param text - real time text content\n * @param finalized - Boolean to indicate if the real time text is final\n */\n sendRealTimeText: (text: string, isFinalized: boolean) => Promise<void>;\n}\n\n/**\n * Functionality for managing devices within a call.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport interface CallAdapterDeviceManagement {\n /**\n * Ask for permissions of devices.\n *\n * @remarks\n * Browser permission window will pop up if permissions are not granted yet\n *\n * @param constrain - Define constraints for accessing local devices {@link @azure/communication-calling#PermissionConstraints }\n *\n * @public\n */\n askDevicePermission(constrain: PermissionConstraints): Promise<DeviceAccess>;\n /**\n * Query for available camera devices.\n *\n * @remarks\n * This method should be called after askDevicePermission()\n *\n * @return An array of video device information entities {@link @azure/communication-calling#VideoDeviceInfo }\n *\n * @public\n */\n queryCameras(): Promise<VideoDeviceInfo[]>;\n /**\n * Query for available microphone devices.\n *\n * @remarks\n * This method should be called after askDevicePermission()\n *\n * @return An array of audio device information entities {@link @azure/communication-calling#AudioDeviceInfo }\n *\n * @public\n */\n queryMicrophones(): Promise<AudioDeviceInfo[]>;\n /**\n * Query for available speaker devices.\n *\n * @remarks\n * This method should be called after askDevicePermission()\n *\n * @return An array of audio device information entities {@link @azure/communication-calling#AudioDeviceInfo }\n *\n * @public\n */\n querySpeakers(): Promise<AudioDeviceInfo[]>;\n /**\n * Set the camera to use in the call.\n *\n * @param sourceInfo - Camera device to choose, pick one returned by {@link CallAdapterDeviceManagement#queryCameras }\n * @param options - Options to control how the camera stream is rendered {@link @azure/communication-calling#VideoStreamOptions }\n *\n * @public\n */\n setCamera(sourceInfo: VideoDeviceInfo, options?: VideoStreamOptions): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * Set the microphone to use in the call.\n *\n * @param sourceInfo - Microphone device to choose, pick one returned by {@link CallAdapterDeviceManagement#queryMicrophones }\n *\n * @public\n */\n setMicrophone(sourceInfo: AudioDeviceInfo): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * Set the speaker to use in the call.\n *\n * @param sourceInfo - Speaker device to choose, pick one returned by {@link CallAdapterDeviceManagement#querySpeakers }\n *\n * @public\n */\n setSpeaker(sourceInfo: AudioDeviceInfo): Promise<void>;\n}\n\n/**\n * Call composite events that can be subscribed to.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport interface CallAdapterSubscribers {\n /**\n * Subscribe function for 'participantsJoined' event.\n */\n on(event: 'participantsJoined', listener: ParticipantsJoinedListener): void;\n /**\n * Subscribe function for 'participantsLeft' event.\n */\n on(event: 'participantsLeft', listener: ParticipantsLeftListener): void;\n /**\n * Subscribe function for 'isMutedChanged' event.\n *\n * @remarks\n * The event will be triggered whenever current user or remote user mute state changed\n *\n */\n on(event: 'isMutedChanged', listener: IsMutedChangedListener): void;\n /**\n * Subscribe function for 'callIdChanged' event.\n *\n * @remarks\n * The event will be triggered when callId of current user changed.\n *\n */\n on(event: 'callIdChanged', listener: CallIdChangedListener): void;\n /**\n * Subscribe function for 'isLocalScreenSharingActiveChanged' event.\n */\n on(event: 'isLocalScreenSharingActiveChanged', listener: IsLocalScreenSharingActiveChangedListener): void;\n /**\n * Subscribe function for 'displayNameChanged' event.\n */\n on(event: 'displayNameChanged', listener: DisplayNameChangedListener): void;\n /**\n * Subscribe function for 'isSpeakingChanged' event.\n */\n on(event: 'isSpeakingChanged', listener: IsSpeakingChangedListener): void;\n /**\n * Subscribe function for 'callEnded' event.\n */\n on(event: 'callEnded', listener: CallEndedListener): void;\n /**\n * Subscribe function for 'diagnosticChanged' event.\n *\n * This event fires whenever there is a change in user facing diagnostics about the ongoing call.\n */\n on(event: 'diagnosticChanged', listener: DiagnosticChangedEventListner): void;\n /**\n * Subscribe function for 'selectedMicrophoneChanged' event.\n *\n * This event fires whenever the user selects a new microphone device.\n */\n on(event: 'selectedMicrophoneChanged', listener: PropertyChangedEvent): void;\n /**\n * Subscribe function for 'selectedSpeakerChanged' event.\n *\n * This event fires whenever the user selects a new speaker device.\n */\n on(event: 'selectedSpeakerChanged', listener: PropertyChangedEvent): void;\n /**\n * Subscribe function for 'error' event.\n */\n on(event: 'error', listener: (e: AdapterError) => void): void;\n /**\n * Subscribe function for 'captionsReceived' event.\n */\n on(event: 'captionsReceived', listener: CaptionsReceivedListener): void;\n\n /**\n * Subscribe function for 'isCaptionsActiveChanged' event.\n */\n on(event: 'isCaptionsActiveChanged', listener: IsCaptionsActiveChangedListener): void;\n\n /**\n * Subscribe function for 'isCaptionLanguageChanged' event.\n */\n on(event: 'isCaptionLanguageChanged', listener: IsCaptionLanguageChangedListener): void;\n\n /**\n * Subscribe function for 'isSpokenLanguageChanged' event.\n */\n on(event: 'isSpokenLanguageChanged', listener: IsSpokenLanguageChangedListener): void;\n\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(rtt) */\n /**\n * Subscribe function for 'realTimeTextReceived' event.\n */\n on(event: 'realTimeTextReceived', listener: RealTimeTextReceivedListener): void;\n\n /**\n * Subscribe function for 'transferRequested' event.\n */\n on(event: 'transferAccepted', listener: TransferAcceptedListener): void;\n\n /**\n * Subscribe function for 'capabilitiesChanged' event.\n */\n on(event: 'capabilitiesChanged', listener: CapabilitiesChangedListener): void;\n /**\n * Subscribe function for 'roleChanged' event.\n */\n on(event: 'roleChanged', listener: PropertyChangedEvent): void;\n /**\n * Subscribe function for 'spotlightChanged' event.\n */\n on(event: 'spotlightChanged', listener: SpotlightChangedListener): void;\n /**\n * Subscribe function for 'mutedByOthers' event.\n */\n on(event: 'mutedByOthers', listener: PropertyChangedEvent): void;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(breakout-rooms) */\n /**\n * Subscribe function for 'breakoutRoomsUpdated' event.\n */\n on(event: 'breakoutRoomsUpdated', listener: BreakoutRoomsUpdatedListener): void;\n /**\n * Unsubscribe function for 'participantsJoined' event.\n */\n off(event: 'participantsJoined', listener: ParticipantsJoinedListener): void;\n /**\n * Unsubscribe function for 'participantsLeft' event.\n */\n off(event: 'participantsLeft', listener: ParticipantsLeftListener): void;\n /**\n * Unsubscribe function for 'isMutedChanged' event.\n */\n off(event: 'isMutedChanged', listener: IsMutedChangedListener): void;\n /**\n * Unsubscribe function for 'callIdChanged' event.\n */\n off(event: 'callIdChanged', listener: CallIdChangedListener): void;\n /**\n * Unsubscribe function for 'isLocalScreenSharingActiveChanged' event.\n */\n off(event: 'isLocalScreenSharingActiveChanged', listener: IsLocalScreenSharingActiveChangedListener): void;\n /**\n * Unsubscribe function for 'displayNameChanged' event.\n */\n off(event: 'displayNameChanged', listener: DisplayNameChangedListener): void;\n /**\n * Unsubscribe function for 'isSpeakingChanged' event.\n */\n off(event: 'isSpeakingChanged', listener: IsSpeakingChangedListener): void;\n /**\n * Unsubscribe function for 'callEnded' event.\n */\n off(event: 'callEnded', listener: CallEndedListener): void;\n /**\n * Unsubscribe function for 'diagnosticChanged' event.\n */\n off(event: 'diagnosticChanged', listener: DiagnosticChangedEventListner): void;\n /**\n * Unsubscribe function for 'selectedMicrophoneChanged' event.\n */\n off(event: 'selectedMicrophoneChanged', listener: PropertyChangedEvent): void;\n /**\n * Unsubscribe function for 'selectedSpeakerChanged' event.\n */\n off(event: 'selectedSpeakerChanged', listener: PropertyChangedEvent): void;\n /**\n * Unsubscribe function for 'error' event.\n */\n off(event: 'error', listener: (e: AdapterError) => void): void;\n /**\n * Unsubscribe function for 'captionsReceived' event.\n */\n off(event: 'captionsReceived', listener: CaptionsReceivedListener): void;\n /**\n * Unsubscribe function for 'isCaptionsActiveChanged' event.\n */\n off(event: 'isCaptionsActiveChanged', listener: IsCaptionsActiveChangedListener): void;\n /**\n * Unsubscribe function for 'isCaptionLanguageChanged' event.\n */\n off(event: 'isCaptionLanguageChanged', listener: IsCaptionLanguageChangedListener): void;\n /**\n * Unsubscribe function for 'isSpokenLanguageChanged' event.\n */\n off(event: 'isSpokenLanguageChanged', listener: IsSpokenLanguageChangedListener): void;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(rtt) */\n /**\n * Unsubscribe function for 'realTimeTextReceived' event.\n */\n off(event: 'realTimeTextReceived', listener: RealTimeTextReceivedListener): void;\n /**\n * Unsubscribe function for 'transferRequested' event.\n */\n off(event: 'transferAccepted', listener: TransferAcceptedListener): void;\n\n /**\n * Unsubscribe function for 'capabilitiesChanged' event.\n */\n off(event: 'capabilitiesChanged', listener: CapabilitiesChangedListener): void;\n /**\n * Unsubscribe function for 'roleChanged' event.\n */\n off(event: 'roleChanged', listener: PropertyChangedEvent): void;\n /**\n * Unsubscribe function for 'spotlightChanged' event.\n */\n off(event: 'spotlightChanged', listener: SpotlightChangedListener): void;\n /**\n * Unsubscribe function for 'mutedByOthers' event.\n */\n off(event: 'mutedByOthers', listener: PropertyChangedEvent): void;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(breakout-rooms) */\n /**\n * Unsubscribe function for 'breakoutRoomsUpdated' event.\n */\n off(event: 'breakoutRoomsUpdated', listener: BreakoutRoomsUpdatedListener): void;\n}\n\n// This type remains for non-breaking change reason\n/**\n * Functionality for managing the current call or start a new call\n * @deprecated CallAdapter interface will be flatten, consider using CallAdapter directly\n * @public\n */\nexport interface CallAdapterCallManagement extends CallAdapterCallOperations {\n /**\n * Join the call with microphone initially on/off.\n * @deprecated Use joinCall(options?:JoinCallOptions) instead.\n * @param microphoneOn - Whether microphone is initially enabled\n *\n * @public\n */\n joinCall(microphoneOn?: boolean): Call | undefined;\n\n /**\n * Join the call with options bag to set microphone/camera initial state when joining call\n * true = turn on the device when joining call\n * false = turn off the device when joining call\n * 'keep'/undefined = retain devices' precall state\n *\n * @param options - param to set microphone/camera initially on/off/use precall state.\n *\n * @public\n */\n joinCall(options?: JoinCallOptions): Call | undefined;\n /**\n * Start the call.\n *\n * @param participants - An array of participant ids to join\n *\n * @public\n */\n startCall(participants: string[], options?: StartCallOptions): Call | undefined;\n /**\n * Start the call.\n * @param participants - An array of {@link @azure/communication-common#CommunicationIdentifier} to be called\n * @public\n */\n startCall(participants: StartCallIdentifier[], options?: StartCallOptions): Call | undefined;\n}\n\n// TODO: Flatten the adapter structure\n/**\n * {@link CallComposite} Adapter interface.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport interface CommonCallAdapter\n extends AdapterState<CallAdapterState>,\n Disposable,\n CallAdapterCallOperations,\n CallAdapterDeviceManagement,\n CallAdapterSubscribers {\n /**\n * Join the call with microphone initially on/off.\n * @deprecated Use joinCall(options?:JoinCallOptions) instead.\n * @param microphoneOn - Whether microphone is initially enabled\n *\n * @public\n */\n joinCall(microphoneOn?: boolean): void;\n /**\n * Join the call with options bag to set microphone/camera initial state when joining call\n * true = turn on the device when joining call\n * false = turn off the device when joining call\n * 'keep'/undefined = retain devices' precall state\n *\n * @param options - param to set microphone/camera initially on/off/use precall state.\n *\n * @public\n */\n joinCall(options?: JoinCallOptions): void;\n /**\n * Start the call.\n *\n * @param participants - An array of participant ids to join\n *\n * @public\n */\n startCall(participants: string[], options?: StartCallOptions): void;\n /**\n * Start the call.\n * @param participants - An array of {@link @azure/communication-common#CommunicationIdentifier} to be called\n * @public\n */\n startCall(participants: StartCallIdentifier[], options?: StartCallOptions): void;\n}\n\n/**\n * An Adapter interface specific for Azure Communication identity which extends {@link CommonCallAdapter}.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport interface CallAdapter extends CommonCallAdapter {\n /**\n * Join the call with microphone initially on/off.\n * @deprecated Use joinCall(options?:JoinCallOptions) instead.\n * @param microphoneOn - Whether microphone is initially enabled\n *\n * @public\n */\n joinCall(microphoneOn?: boolean): Call | undefined;\n\n /**\n * Join the call with options bag to set microphone/camera initial state when joining call\n * true = turn on the device when joining call\n * false = turn off the device when joining call\n * 'keep'/undefined = retain devices' precall state\n *\n * @param options - param to set microphone/camera initially on/off/use precall state.\n *\n * @public\n */\n joinCall(options?: JoinCallOptions): Call | undefined;\n /**\n * Start the call.\n *\n * @param participants - An array of participant ids to join\n *\n * @public\n */\n startCall(participants: string[], options?: StartCallOptions): Call | undefined;\n /**\n * Start the call.\n * @param participants - An array of {@link @azure/communication-common#CommunicationIdentifier} to be called\n * @public\n */\n startCall(participants: StartCallIdentifier[], options?: StartCallOptions): Call | undefined;\n}\n\n/**\n * An Adapter interface specific for Teams identity which extends {@link CommonCallAdapter}.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport interface TeamsCallAdapter extends CommonCallAdapter {\n /**\n * Join the call with microphone initially on/off.\n * @deprecated Use joinCall(options?:JoinCallOptions) instead.\n * @param microphoneOn - Whether microphone is initially enabled\n */\n joinCall(microphoneOn?: boolean): TeamsCall | undefined;\n /**\n * Join the call with options bag to set microphone/camera initial state when joining call\n * true = turn on the device when joining call\n * false = turn off the device when joining call\n * 'keep'/undefined = retain devices' precall state\n *\n * @param options - param to set microphone/camera initially on/off.\n *\n * @public\n */\n joinCall(options?: JoinCallOptions): TeamsCall | undefined;\n /**\n * Start the call.\n *\n * @param participants - An array of participant ids to join\n *\n * @public\n */\n startCall(participants: string[], options?: StartCallOptions): TeamsCall | undefined;\n /**\n * Start the call.\n * @param participants - An array of {@link @azure/communication-common#CommunicationIdentifier} to be called\n * @public\n */\n startCall(participants: StartCallIdentifier[], options?: StartCallOptions): TeamsCall | undefined;\n}\n"]}
+ {"version":3,"file":"CallAdapter.js","sourceRoot":"","sources":["../../../../../../../../react-composites/src/composites/CallComposite/adapter/CallAdapter.ts"],"names":[],"mappings":"AAAA,uCAAuC;AACvC,kCAAkC;AA+DlC;;;GAGG;AACH,MAAM,CAAC,MAAM,cAAc,GAAwB;IACjD,0BAA0B;IAC1B,8BAA8B;IAC9B,UAAU;IACV,iBAAiB;IACjB,sDAAsD,CAAC,wBAAwB;CAChF,CAAC","sourcesContent":["// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT License.\n\nimport { CallState, DeviceManagerState } from '@internal/calling-stateful-client';\nimport { CaptionsInfo } from '@internal/calling-stateful-client';\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(rtt) */\nimport { RealTimeTextInfo } from '@azure/communication-calling';\nimport type { BackgroundBlurConfig, BackgroundReplacementConfig, DeviceAccess } from '@azure/communication-calling';\nimport { Reaction } from '@azure/communication-calling';\nimport type { CapabilitiesChangeInfo } from '@azure/communication-calling';\nimport type { SpotlightedParticipant } from '@azure/communication-calling';\nimport { TeamsCall } from '@azure/communication-calling';\nimport { TransferEventArgs } from '@azure/communication-calling';\nimport { StartCaptionsOptions } from '@azure/communication-calling';\nimport { EnvironmentInfo } from '@azure/communication-calling';\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(breakout-rooms) */\nimport type { BreakoutRoomsUpdatedListener } from '@azure/communication-calling';\nimport type {\n AudioDeviceInfo,\n VideoDeviceInfo,\n Call,\n PermissionConstraints,\n RemoteParticipant,\n StartCallOptions,\n MediaDiagnosticChangedEventArgs,\n NetworkDiagnosticChangedEventArgs,\n PropertyChangedEvent\n} from '@azure/communication-calling';\nimport { CreateVideoStreamViewResult, VideoStreamOptions } from '@internal/react-components';\nimport type { CommunicationIdentifierKind } from '@azure/communication-common';\nimport { AddPhoneNumberOptions } from '@azure/communication-calling';\nimport { DtmfTone } from '@azure/communication-calling';\nimport { CommunicationIdentifier } from '@azure/communication-common';\nimport type { CommunicationUserIdentifier, PhoneNumberIdentifier } from '@azure/communication-common';\nimport type { AdapterState, Disposable, AdapterError, AdapterErrors } from '../../common/adapters';\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(breakout-rooms) */\nimport type { AdapterNotifications } from '../../common/adapters';\nimport {\n DeepNoiseSuppressionEffectDependency,\n VideoBackgroundEffectsDependency\n} from '@internal/calling-component-bindings';\nimport { CallSurvey, CallSurveyResponse } from '@azure/communication-calling';\nimport { ReactionResources } from '@internal/react-components';\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(together-mode) */\nimport { TogetherModeStreamViewResult, TogetherModeStreamOptions } from '@internal/react-components';\n/**\n * Major UI screens shown in the {@link CallComposite}.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport type CallCompositePage =\n | 'accessDeniedTeamsMeeting'\n | 'call'\n | 'configuration'\n | 'hold'\n | 'joinCallFailedDueToNoNetwork'\n | 'leftCall'\n | 'leaving'\n | 'lobby'\n | 'removedFromCall'\n | /* @conditional-compile-remove(unsupported-browser) */ 'unsupportedEnvironment'\n | 'transferring'\n | 'badRequest';\n\n/**\n * Subset of CallCompositePages that represent an end call state.\n * @private\n */\nexport const END_CALL_PAGES: CallCompositePage[] = [\n 'accessDeniedTeamsMeeting',\n 'joinCallFailedDueToNoNetwork',\n 'leftCall',\n 'removedFromCall',\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(unsupported-browser) */ 'unsupportedEnvironment'\n];\n\n/**\n * {@link CommonCallAdapter} state for pure UI purposes.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport type CallAdapterUiState = {\n isLocalPreviewMicrophoneEnabled: boolean;\n page: CallCompositePage;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(unsupported-browser) */\n unsupportedBrowserVersionsAllowed?: boolean;\n};\n\n/**\n * Identifier types for initiating a call using the CallAdapter\n * @public\n */\nexport type StartCallIdentifier = CommunicationIdentifier;\n\n/**\n * {@link CommonCallAdapter} state inferred from Azure Communication Services backend.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport type CallAdapterClientState = {\n userId: CommunicationIdentifierKind;\n displayName?: string;\n call?: CallState;\n /**\n * State to track who the original call went out to. will be undefined the call is not a outbound\n * modality. This includes, groupCalls, Rooms calls, and Teams InteropMeetings.\n */\n targetCallees?: CommunicationIdentifier[];\n devices: DeviceManagerState;\n endedCall?: CallState;\n /**\n * State to track whether the call is a teams call.\n */\n isTeamsCall: boolean;\n /**\n * State to track whether the call is a teams meeting.\n */\n isTeamsMeeting: boolean;\n /**\n * State to track whether the call is a rooms call.\n */\n isRoomsCall: boolean;\n /**\n * Latest error encountered for each operation performed via the adapter.\n */\n latestErrors: AdapterErrors;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(breakout-rooms) */\n /**\n * Latest notifications from call client state.\n */\n latestNotifications: AdapterNotifications;\n /**\n * Azure communications Phone number to make PSTN calls with.\n */\n alternateCallerId?: string;\n /**\n * Environment information about system the adapter is made on\n */\n environmentInfo?: EnvironmentInfo;\n /**\n * State to track whether the local participant's camera is on. To be used when creating a custom\n * control bar with the CallComposite.\n */\n cameraStatus?: 'On' | 'Off';\n\n /**\n * Default set of background images for background replacement effect.\n */\n videoBackgroundImages?: VideoBackgroundImage[];\n\n /**\n * Dependency to be injected for video background effect.\n */\n onResolveVideoEffectDependency?: () => Promise<VideoBackgroundEffectsDependency>;\n /**\n * Dependency to be injected for deep noise suppression effect.\n */\n onResolveDeepNoiseSuppressionDependency?: () => Promise<DeepNoiseSuppressionEffectDependency>;\n /**\n * State to track whether the noise suppression should be on by default.\n * @default true\n */\n deepNoiseSuppressionOnByDefault?: boolean;\n /**\n * State to track whether to hide the noise suppression button.\n * @default false\n */\n hideDeepNoiseSuppressionButton?: boolean;\n /**\n * State to track the selected video background effect.\n */\n selectedVideoBackgroundEffect?: VideoBackgroundEffect;\n /**\n * Call from transfer request accepted by local user\n */\n acceptedTransferCallState?: CallState;\n /**\n * Hide attendee names in teams meeting\n */\n hideAttendeeNames?: boolean;\n /**\n * State to track the sounds to be used in the call.\n */\n sounds?: CallingSounds;\n /**\n * State to track the reactions to be used.\n * @public\n */\n reactions?: ReactionResources;\n};\n\n/**\n * {@link CommonCallAdapter} state.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport type CallAdapterState = CallAdapterUiState & CallAdapterClientState;\n\n/**\n * Callback for {@link CallAdapterSubscribers} 'participantsJoined' event.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport type ParticipantsJoinedListener = (event: { joined: RemoteParticipant[] }) => void;\n\n/**\n * Callback for {@link CallAdapterSubscribers} 'participantsLeft' event.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport type ParticipantsLeftListener = (event: { removed: RemoteParticipant[] }) => void;\n\n/**\n * Callback for {@link CallAdapterSubscribers} 'isMuted' event.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport type IsMutedChangedListener = (event: { identifier: CommunicationIdentifierKind; isMuted: boolean }) => void;\n\n/**\n * Callback for {@link CallAdapterSubscribers} 'callIdChanged' event.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport type CallIdChangedListener = (event: { callId: string }) => void;\n\n/**\n * Callback for {@link CallAdapterSubscribers} 'isLocalScreenSharingActiveChanged' event.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport type IsLocalScreenSharingActiveChangedListener = (event: { isScreenSharingOn: boolean }) => void;\n\n/**\n * Callback for {@link CallAdapterSubscribers} 'isSpeakingChanged' event.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport type IsSpeakingChangedListener = (event: {\n identifier: CommunicationIdentifierKind;\n isSpeaking: boolean;\n}) => void;\n\n/**\n * Callback for {@link CallAdapterSubscribers} 'displayNameChanged' event.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport type DisplayNameChangedListener = (event: {\n participantId: CommunicationIdentifierKind;\n displayName: string;\n}) => void;\n\n/**\n * Payload for {@link CallEndedListener} containing details on the ended call.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport type CallAdapterCallEndedEvent = { callId: string };\n\n/**\n * Callback for {@link CallAdapterSubscribers} 'callEnded' event.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport type CallEndedListener = (event: CallAdapterCallEndedEvent) => void;\n\n/**\n * Payload for {@link DiagnosticChangedEventListner} where there is a change in a media diagnostic.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport type MediaDiagnosticChangedEvent = MediaDiagnosticChangedEventArgs & {\n type: 'media';\n};\n\n/**\n * Payload for {@link DiagnosticChangedEventListner} where there is a change in a network diagnostic.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport type NetworkDiagnosticChangedEvent = NetworkDiagnosticChangedEventArgs & {\n type: 'network';\n};\n\n/**\n * Callback for {@link CallAdapterSubscribers} 'diagnosticChanged' event.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport type DiagnosticChangedEventListner = (\n event: MediaDiagnosticChangedEvent | NetworkDiagnosticChangedEvent\n) => void;\n\n/**\n * Contains the attibutes of a background image like url, name etc.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport interface VideoBackgroundImage {\n /**\n * key for unique identification of the custom background\n */\n key: string;\n /**\n * URL of the uploaded background image.\n */\n url: string;\n /**\n * Image name to be displayed.\n */\n tooltipText?: string;\n}\n\n/**\n * @public\n * Type for representing a custom sound to use for a calling event\n */\nexport type SoundEffect = {\n /**\n * Path to sound effect\n */\n url: string;\n};\n\n/**\n * @public\n * Type for representing a set of sounds to use for different calling events\n */\nexport type CallingSounds = {\n /**\n * Sound to be played when the call ends\n */\n callEnded?: SoundEffect;\n /**\n * Sound to be played when the call is ringing\n */\n callRinging?: SoundEffect;\n /**\n * Sound to be played when the call is rejected by the user being callede\n */\n callBusy?: SoundEffect;\n};\n\n/**\n * Options for setting microphone and camera state when joining a call\n * true = turn on the device when joining call\n * false = turn off the device when joining call\n * 'keep'/undefined = retain devices' precall state\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport interface JoinCallOptions {\n /**\n * microphone state when joining call\n * true: turn on\n * false: turn off\n * 'keep': maintain precall state\n */\n microphoneOn?: boolean | 'keep';\n /**\n * camera state when joining call\n * true: turn on\n * false: turn off\n * 'keep': maintain precall state\n */\n cameraOn?: boolean | 'keep';\n}\n\n/**\n * Callback for {@link CallAdapterSubscribers} 'captionsReceived' event.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport type CaptionsReceivedListener = (event: { captionsInfo: CaptionsInfo }) => void;\n\n/**\n * Callback for {@link CallAdapterSubscribers} 'isCaptionsActiveChanged' event.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport type IsCaptionsActiveChangedListener = (event: { isActive: boolean }) => void;\n\n/**\n * Callback for {@link CallAdapterSubscribers} 'isCaptionLanguageChanged' event.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport type IsCaptionLanguageChangedListener = (event: { activeCaptionLanguage: string }) => void;\n\n/**\n * Callback for {@link CallAdapterSubscribers} 'isSpokenLanguageChanged' event.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport type IsSpokenLanguageChangedListener = (event: { activeSpokenLanguage: string }) => void;\n\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(rtt) */\n/**\n * Callback for {@link CallAdapterSubscribers} 'realTimeTextReceived' event.\n * @beta\n */\nexport type RealTimeTextReceivedListener = (event: { realTimeText: RealTimeTextInfo }) => void;\n\n/**\n * Callback for {@link CallAdapterSubscribers} 'transferRequested' event.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport type TransferAcceptedListener = (event: TransferEventArgs) => void;\n\n/**\n * Callback for {@link CallAdapterSubscribers} 'capabilitiesChanged' event.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport type CapabilitiesChangedListener = (data: CapabilitiesChangeInfo) => void;\n\n/**\n * Callback for {@link CallAdapterSubscribers} 'spotlightChanged' event.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport type SpotlightChangedListener = (args: {\n added: SpotlightedParticipant[];\n removed: SpotlightedParticipant[];\n}) => void;\n\n/**\n * Contains the attibutes of a selected video background effect\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport type VideoBackgroundEffect =\n | VideoBackgroundNoEffect\n | VideoBackgroundBlurEffect\n | VideoBackgroundReplacementEffect;\n\n/**\n * Contains the attibutes to remove video background effect\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport interface VideoBackgroundNoEffect {\n /**\n * Name of effect to remove video background effect\n */\n effectName: 'none';\n}\n\n/**\n * Contains the attibutes of the blur video background effect\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport interface VideoBackgroundBlurEffect extends BackgroundBlurConfig {\n /**\n * Name of effect to blur video background effect\n */\n effectName: 'blur';\n}\n\n/**\n * Contains the attibutes of a selected replacement video background effect\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport interface VideoBackgroundReplacementEffect extends BackgroundReplacementConfig {\n /**\n * Name of effect to replace video background effect\n */\n effectName: 'replacement';\n /**\n * key for unique identification of the custom background\n */\n key?: string;\n}\n\n/**\n * Options passed to adapter.startCaptions\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport interface StartCaptionsAdapterOptions extends StartCaptionsOptions {\n /**\n * Start captions in the background without showing the captions UI to the Composite user.\n *\n * @defaultValue false\n */\n startInBackground?: boolean;\n}\n\n/**\n * Options passed to adapter.stopCaptions\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport interface StopCaptionsAdapterOptions {\n /**\n * Stop captions that have been started in the background.\n *\n * @remarks\n * This option is only applicable when stopping captions that have been started using the `startInBackground` property of adpater.startCaptions.\n *\n * @defaultValue false\n */\n stopInBackground?: boolean;\n}\n\n/**\n * Functionality for managing the current call.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport interface CallAdapterCallOperations {\n /**\n * Leave the call\n *\n * @param forEveryone - Whether to remove all participants when leaving\n *\n * @public\n */\n leaveCall(forEveryone?: boolean): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * Start the camera\n * This method will start rendering a local camera view when the call is not active\n *\n * @param options - Options to control how video streams are rendered {@link @azure/communication-calling#VideoStreamOptions }\n *\n * @public\n */\n startCamera(options?: VideoStreamOptions): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * Stop the camera\n * This method will stop rendering a local camera view when the call is not active\n *\n * @public\n */\n stopCamera(): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * Mute the current user during the call or disable microphone locally\n *\n * @public\n */\n mute(): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * Unmute the current user during the call or enable microphone locally\n *\n * @public\n */\n unmute(): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * Start sharing the screen during a call.\n *\n * @public\n */\n startScreenShare(): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * Raise hand for current user\n *\n * @public\n */\n raiseHand(): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * lower hand for current user\n *\n * @public\n */\n lowerHand(): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * Send reaction emoji\n *\n * @public\n */\n onReactionClick(reaction: Reaction): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * Stop sharing the screen\n *\n * @public\n */\n stopScreenShare(): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * Remove a participant from the call.\n *\n * @param userId - Id of the participant to be removed\n *\n * @public\n */\n removeParticipant(userId: string): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * Remove a participant from the call.\n * @param participant - {@link @azure/communication-common#CommunicationIdentifier} of the participant to be removed\n * @public\n */\n removeParticipant(participant: CommunicationIdentifier): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * Create the html view for a stream.\n *\n * @remarks\n * This method is implemented for composite\n *\n * @param remoteUserId - Id of the participant to render, leave it undefined to create the local camera view\n * @param options - Options to control how video streams are rendered {@link @azure/communication-calling#VideoStreamOptions }\n *\n * @public\n */\n createStreamView(remoteUserId?: string, options?: VideoStreamOptions): Promise<void | CreateVideoStreamViewResult>;\n /**\n * Dispose the html view for a stream.\n *\n * @remarks\n * This method is implemented for composite\n *\n * @deprecated Use {@link disposeRemoteVideoStreamView}, {@link disposeLocalVideoStreamView} and {@link disposeRemoteVideoStreamView} instead.\n *\n * @param remoteUserId - Id of the participant to render, leave it undefined to dispose the local camera view\n * @param options - Options to control how video streams are rendered {@link @azure/communication-calling#VideoStreamOptions }\n *\n * @public\n */\n disposeStreamView(remoteUserId?: string, options?: VideoStreamOptions): Promise<void>;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(together-mode) */\n /**\n * Create the html view for a stream.\n *\n * @remarks\n * This method is implemented for composite\n *\n * @param featureName - Name of feature to render\n * @param options - Options to control how video streams are rendered {@link @azure/communication-calling#VideoStreamOptions }\n *\n * @beta\n */\n createTogetherModeStreamView(options?: TogetherModeStreamOptions): Promise<void | TogetherModeStreamViewResult>;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(together-mode) */\n /**\n * Start Together mode.\n *\n * @beta\n */\n startTogetherMode(): Promise<void>;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(together-mode) */\n /**\n * Recalculate the seating positions for together mode.\n *\n * @remarks\n * This method is implemented for composite\n *\n * @param width - Width of the container\n * @param height - Height of the container\n *\n * @beta\n */\n setTogetherModeSceneSize(width: number, height: number): void;\n\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(together-mode) */\n /**\n * Dispose the html view for a stream.\n *\n * @remarks\n * This method is implemented for composite\n *\n *\n * @param featureName - Name of the feature to dispose\n * @param options - Options to control how video streams are rendered {@link @azure/communication-calling#VideoStreamOptions }\n *\n * @beta\n */\n disposeTogetherModeStreamView(): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * Dispose the html view for a screen share stream\n *\n * @remarks\n * this method is implemented for composite\n *\n * @param remoteUserId - Id of the participant to dispose the screen share stream view for.\n *\n * @public\n */\n disposeScreenShareStreamView(remoteUserId: string): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * Dispose the html view for a remote video stream\n *\n * @param remoteUserId - Id of the participant to dispose\n *\n * @public\n */\n disposeRemoteVideoStreamView(remoteUserId: string): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * Dispose the html view for a local video stream\n *\n * @public\n */\n disposeLocalVideoStreamView(): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * Holds the call.\n *\n * @public\n */\n holdCall(): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * Resumes the call from a `LocalHold` state.\n *\n * @public\n */\n resumeCall(): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * Add a participant to the call.\n *\n * @public\n */\n addParticipant(participant: PhoneNumberIdentifier, options?: AddPhoneNumberOptions): Promise<void>;\n addParticipant(participant: CommunicationUserIdentifier): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * send dtmf tone to another participant in a 1:1 PSTN call\n *\n * @public\n */\n sendDtmfTone(dtmfTone: DtmfTone): Promise<void>;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(unsupported-browser) */\n /**\n * Continues into a call when the browser version is not supported.\n */\n allowUnsupportedBrowserVersion(): void;\n /**\n * Function to Start captions\n * @param options - options for start captions\n */\n startCaptions(options?: StartCaptionsAdapterOptions): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * Function to set caption language\n * @param language - language set for caption\n */\n setCaptionLanguage(language: string): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * Function to set spoken language\n * @param language - spoken language\n */\n setSpokenLanguage(language: string): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * Funtion to stop captions\n */\n stopCaptions(options?: StopCaptionsAdapterOptions): Promise<void>;\n\n /**\n * Start the video background effect.\n *\n * @public\n */\n startVideoBackgroundEffect(videoBackgroundEffect: VideoBackgroundEffect): Promise<void>;\n\n /**\n * Stop the video background effect.\n *\n * @public\n */\n stopVideoBackgroundEffects(): Promise<void>;\n\n /**\n * Override the background picker images for background replacement effect.\n *\n * @param backgroundImages - Array of custom background images.\n *\n * @public\n */\n updateBackgroundPickerImages(backgroundImages: VideoBackgroundImage[]): void;\n\n /**\n * Update the selected video background effect.\n *\n * @public\n */\n updateSelectedVideoBackgroundEffect(selectedVideoBackground: VideoBackgroundEffect): void;\n /**\n * Start the noise suppression effect.\n *\n */\n startNoiseSuppressionEffect(): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * Stop the noise suppression effect.\n *\n */\n stopNoiseSuppressionEffect(): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * Send the end of call survey result\n *\n * @public\n */\n submitSurvey(survey: CallSurvey): Promise<CallSurveyResponse | undefined>;\n /**\n * Start spotlight for local and remote participants by their user ids.\n * If no array of user ids is passed then action is performed on local participant.\n */\n startSpotlight(userIds?: string[]): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * Stop spotlight for local and remote participants by their user ids.\n * If no array of user ids is passed then action is performed on local participant.\n */\n stopSpotlight(userIds?: string[]): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * Stop all spotlights\n */\n stopAllSpotlight(): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * Mute a participant\n *\n * @param userId - Id of the participant to mute\n */\n muteParticipant(userId: string): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * Mute All participants\n */\n muteAllRemoteParticipants(): Promise<void>;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(breakout-rooms) */\n /**\n * Return to origin call of breakout room\n */\n returnFromBreakoutRoom(): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * Forbid Teams meeting attendees audio by their user ids.\n */\n forbidAudio(userIds: string[]): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * Permit Teams meeting attendees audio by their user ids.\n */\n permitAudio(userIds: string[]): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * Forbid Teams meeting audio.\n */\n forbidOthersAudio(): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * Permit Teams meeting audio.\n */\n permitOthersAudio(): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * Forbid Teams meeting attendees video by their user ids.\n */\n forbidVideo(userIds: string[]): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * Permit Teams meeting attendees audio by their user ids.\n */\n permitVideo(userIds: string[]): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * Forbid Teams meeting video.\n */\n forbidOthersVideo(): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * Permit Teams meeting video.\n */\n permitOthersVideo(): Promise<void>;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(rtt) */\n /**\n * Send real time text\n * @param text - real time text content\n * @param finalized - Boolean to indicate if the real time text is final\n */\n sendRealTimeText: (text: string, isFinalized: boolean) => Promise<void>;\n}\n\n/**\n * Functionality for managing devices within a call.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport interface CallAdapterDeviceManagement {\n /**\n * Ask for permissions of devices.\n *\n * @remarks\n * Browser permission window will pop up if permissions are not granted yet\n *\n * @param constrain - Define constraints for accessing local devices {@link @azure/communication-calling#PermissionConstraints }\n *\n * @public\n */\n askDevicePermission(constrain: PermissionConstraints): Promise<DeviceAccess>;\n /**\n * Query for available camera devices.\n *\n * @remarks\n * This method should be called after askDevicePermission()\n *\n * @return An array of video device information entities {@link @azure/communication-calling#VideoDeviceInfo }\n *\n * @public\n */\n queryCameras(): Promise<VideoDeviceInfo[]>;\n /**\n * Query for available microphone devices.\n *\n * @remarks\n * This method should be called after askDevicePermission()\n *\n * @return An array of audio device information entities {@link @azure/communication-calling#AudioDeviceInfo }\n *\n * @public\n */\n queryMicrophones(): Promise<AudioDeviceInfo[]>;\n /**\n * Query for available speaker devices.\n *\n * @remarks\n * This method should be called after askDevicePermission()\n *\n * @return An array of audio device information entities {@link @azure/communication-calling#AudioDeviceInfo }\n *\n * @public\n */\n querySpeakers(): Promise<AudioDeviceInfo[]>;\n /**\n * Set the camera to use in the call.\n *\n * @param sourceInfo - Camera device to choose, pick one returned by {@link CallAdapterDeviceManagement#queryCameras }\n * @param options - Options to control how the camera stream is rendered {@link @azure/communication-calling#VideoStreamOptions }\n *\n * @public\n */\n setCamera(sourceInfo: VideoDeviceInfo, options?: VideoStreamOptions): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * Set the microphone to use in the call.\n *\n * @param sourceInfo - Microphone device to choose, pick one returned by {@link CallAdapterDeviceManagement#queryMicrophones }\n *\n * @public\n */\n setMicrophone(sourceInfo: AudioDeviceInfo): Promise<void>;\n /**\n * Set the speaker to use in the call.\n *\n * @param sourceInfo - Speaker device to choose, pick one returned by {@link CallAdapterDeviceManagement#querySpeakers }\n *\n * @public\n */\n setSpeaker(sourceInfo: AudioDeviceInfo): Promise<void>;\n}\n\n/**\n * Call composite events that can be subscribed to.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport interface CallAdapterSubscribers {\n /**\n * Subscribe function for 'participantsJoined' event.\n */\n on(event: 'participantsJoined', listener: ParticipantsJoinedListener): void;\n /**\n * Subscribe function for 'participantsLeft' event.\n */\n on(event: 'participantsLeft', listener: ParticipantsLeftListener): void;\n /**\n * Subscribe function for 'isMutedChanged' event.\n *\n * @remarks\n * The event will be triggered whenever current user or remote user mute state changed\n *\n */\n on(event: 'isMutedChanged', listener: IsMutedChangedListener): void;\n /**\n * Subscribe function for 'callIdChanged' event.\n *\n * @remarks\n * The event will be triggered when callId of current user changed.\n *\n */\n on(event: 'callIdChanged', listener: CallIdChangedListener): void;\n /**\n * Subscribe function for 'isLocalScreenSharingActiveChanged' event.\n */\n on(event: 'isLocalScreenSharingActiveChanged', listener: IsLocalScreenSharingActiveChangedListener): void;\n /**\n * Subscribe function for 'displayNameChanged' event.\n */\n on(event: 'displayNameChanged', listener: DisplayNameChangedListener): void;\n /**\n * Subscribe function for 'isSpeakingChanged' event.\n */\n on(event: 'isSpeakingChanged', listener: IsSpeakingChangedListener): void;\n /**\n * Subscribe function for 'callEnded' event.\n */\n on(event: 'callEnded', listener: CallEndedListener): void;\n /**\n * Subscribe function for 'diagnosticChanged' event.\n *\n * This event fires whenever there is a change in user facing diagnostics about the ongoing call.\n */\n on(event: 'diagnosticChanged', listener: DiagnosticChangedEventListner): void;\n /**\n * Subscribe function for 'selectedMicrophoneChanged' event.\n *\n * This event fires whenever the user selects a new microphone device.\n */\n on(event: 'selectedMicrophoneChanged', listener: PropertyChangedEvent): void;\n /**\n * Subscribe function for 'selectedSpeakerChanged' event.\n *\n * This event fires whenever the user selects a new speaker device.\n */\n on(event: 'selectedSpeakerChanged', listener: PropertyChangedEvent): void;\n /**\n * Subscribe function for 'error' event.\n */\n on(event: 'error', listener: (e: AdapterError) => void): void;\n /**\n * Subscribe function for 'captionsReceived' event.\n */\n on(event: 'captionsReceived', listener: CaptionsReceivedListener): void;\n\n /**\n * Subscribe function for 'isCaptionsActiveChanged' event.\n */\n on(event: 'isCaptionsActiveChanged', listener: IsCaptionsActiveChangedListener): void;\n\n /**\n * Subscribe function for 'isCaptionLanguageChanged' event.\n */\n on(event: 'isCaptionLanguageChanged', listener: IsCaptionLanguageChangedListener): void;\n\n /**\n * Subscribe function for 'isSpokenLanguageChanged' event.\n */\n on(event: 'isSpokenLanguageChanged', listener: IsSpokenLanguageChangedListener): void;\n\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(rtt) */\n /**\n * Subscribe function for 'realTimeTextReceived' event.\n */\n on(event: 'realTimeTextReceived', listener: RealTimeTextReceivedListener): void;\n\n /**\n * Subscribe function for 'transferRequested' event.\n */\n on(event: 'transferAccepted', listener: TransferAcceptedListener): void;\n\n /**\n * Subscribe function for 'capabilitiesChanged' event.\n */\n on(event: 'capabilitiesChanged', listener: CapabilitiesChangedListener): void;\n /**\n * Subscribe function for 'roleChanged' event.\n */\n on(event: 'roleChanged', listener: PropertyChangedEvent): void;\n /**\n * Subscribe function for 'spotlightChanged' event.\n */\n on(event: 'spotlightChanged', listener: SpotlightChangedListener): void;\n /**\n * Subscribe function for 'mutedByOthers' event.\n */\n on(event: 'mutedByOthers', listener: PropertyChangedEvent): void;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(breakout-rooms) */\n /**\n * Subscribe function for 'breakoutRoomsUpdated' event.\n */\n on(event: 'breakoutRoomsUpdated', listener: BreakoutRoomsUpdatedListener): void;\n /**\n * Unsubscribe function for 'participantsJoined' event.\n */\n off(event: 'participantsJoined', listener: ParticipantsJoinedListener): void;\n /**\n * Unsubscribe function for 'participantsLeft' event.\n */\n off(event: 'participantsLeft', listener: ParticipantsLeftListener): void;\n /**\n * Unsubscribe function for 'isMutedChanged' event.\n */\n off(event: 'isMutedChanged', listener: IsMutedChangedListener): void;\n /**\n * Unsubscribe function for 'callIdChanged' event.\n */\n off(event: 'callIdChanged', listener: CallIdChangedListener): void;\n /**\n * Unsubscribe function for 'isLocalScreenSharingActiveChanged' event.\n */\n off(event: 'isLocalScreenSharingActiveChanged', listener: IsLocalScreenSharingActiveChangedListener): void;\n /**\n * Unsubscribe function for 'displayNameChanged' event.\n */\n off(event: 'displayNameChanged', listener: DisplayNameChangedListener): void;\n /**\n * Unsubscribe function for 'isSpeakingChanged' event.\n */\n off(event: 'isSpeakingChanged', listener: IsSpeakingChangedListener): void;\n /**\n * Unsubscribe function for 'callEnded' event.\n */\n off(event: 'callEnded', listener: CallEndedListener): void;\n /**\n * Unsubscribe function for 'diagnosticChanged' event.\n */\n off(event: 'diagnosticChanged', listener: DiagnosticChangedEventListner): void;\n /**\n * Unsubscribe function for 'selectedMicrophoneChanged' event.\n */\n off(event: 'selectedMicrophoneChanged', listener: PropertyChangedEvent): void;\n /**\n * Unsubscribe function for 'selectedSpeakerChanged' event.\n */\n off(event: 'selectedSpeakerChanged', listener: PropertyChangedEvent): void;\n /**\n * Unsubscribe function for 'error' event.\n */\n off(event: 'error', listener: (e: AdapterError) => void): void;\n /**\n * Unsubscribe function for 'captionsReceived' event.\n */\n off(event: 'captionsReceived', listener: CaptionsReceivedListener): void;\n /**\n * Unsubscribe function for 'isCaptionsActiveChanged' event.\n */\n off(event: 'isCaptionsActiveChanged', listener: IsCaptionsActiveChangedListener): void;\n /**\n * Unsubscribe function for 'isCaptionLanguageChanged' event.\n */\n off(event: 'isCaptionLanguageChanged', listener: IsCaptionLanguageChangedListener): void;\n /**\n * Unsubscribe function for 'isSpokenLanguageChanged' event.\n */\n off(event: 'isSpokenLanguageChanged', listener: IsSpokenLanguageChangedListener): void;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(rtt) */\n /**\n * Unsubscribe function for 'realTimeTextReceived' event.\n */\n off(event: 'realTimeTextReceived', listener: RealTimeTextReceivedListener): void;\n /**\n * Unsubscribe function for 'transferRequested' event.\n */\n off(event: 'transferAccepted', listener: TransferAcceptedListener): void;\n\n /**\n * Unsubscribe function for 'capabilitiesChanged' event.\n */\n off(event: 'capabilitiesChanged', listener: CapabilitiesChangedListener): void;\n /**\n * Unsubscribe function for 'roleChanged' event.\n */\n off(event: 'roleChanged', listener: PropertyChangedEvent): void;\n /**\n * Unsubscribe function for 'spotlightChanged' event.\n */\n off(event: 'spotlightChanged', listener: SpotlightChangedListener): void;\n /**\n * Unsubscribe function for 'mutedByOthers' event.\n */\n off(event: 'mutedByOthers', listener: PropertyChangedEvent): void;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(breakout-rooms) */\n /**\n * Unsubscribe function for 'breakoutRoomsUpdated' event.\n */\n off(event: 'breakoutRoomsUpdated', listener: BreakoutRoomsUpdatedListener): void;\n}\n\n// This type remains for non-breaking change reason\n/**\n * Functionality for managing the current call or start a new call\n * @deprecated CallAdapter interface will be flatten, consider using CallAdapter directly\n * @public\n */\nexport interface CallAdapterCallManagement extends CallAdapterCallOperations {\n /**\n * Join the call with microphone initially on/off.\n * @deprecated Use joinCall(options?:JoinCallOptions) instead.\n * @param microphoneOn - Whether microphone is initially enabled\n *\n * @public\n */\n joinCall(microphoneOn?: boolean): Call | undefined;\n\n /**\n * Join the call with options bag to set microphone/camera initial state when joining call\n * true = turn on the device when joining call\n * false = turn off the device when joining call\n * 'keep'/undefined = retain devices' precall state\n *\n * @param options - param to set microphone/camera initially on/off/use precall state.\n *\n * @public\n */\n joinCall(options?: JoinCallOptions): Call | undefined;\n /**\n * Start the call.\n *\n * @param participants - An array of participant ids to join\n *\n * @public\n */\n startCall(participants: string[], options?: StartCallOptions): Call | undefined;\n /**\n * Start the call.\n * @param participants - An array of {@link @azure/communication-common#CommunicationIdentifier} to be called\n * @public\n */\n startCall(participants: StartCallIdentifier[], options?: StartCallOptions): Call | undefined;\n}\n\n// TODO: Flatten the adapter structure\n/**\n * {@link CallComposite} Adapter interface.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport interface CommonCallAdapter\n extends AdapterState<CallAdapterState>,\n Disposable,\n CallAdapterCallOperations,\n CallAdapterDeviceManagement,\n CallAdapterSubscribers {\n /**\n * Join the call with microphone initially on/off.\n * @deprecated Use joinCall(options?:JoinCallOptions) instead.\n * @param microphoneOn - Whether microphone is initially enabled\n *\n * @public\n */\n joinCall(microphoneOn?: boolean): void;\n /**\n * Join the call with options bag to set microphone/camera initial state when joining call\n * true = turn on the device when joining call\n * false = turn off the device when joining call\n * 'keep'/undefined = retain devices' precall state\n *\n * @param options - param to set microphone/camera initially on/off/use precall state.\n *\n * @public\n */\n joinCall(options?: JoinCallOptions): void;\n /**\n * Start the call.\n *\n * @param participants - An array of participant ids to join\n *\n * @public\n */\n startCall(participants: string[], options?: StartCallOptions): void;\n /**\n * Start the call.\n * @param participants - An array of {@link @azure/communication-common#CommunicationIdentifier} to be called\n * @public\n */\n startCall(participants: StartCallIdentifier[], options?: StartCallOptions): void;\n}\n\n/**\n * An Adapter interface specific for Azure Communication identity which extends {@link CommonCallAdapter}.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport interface CallAdapter extends CommonCallAdapter {\n /**\n * Join the call with microphone initially on/off.\n * @deprecated Use joinCall(options?:JoinCallOptions) instead.\n * @param microphoneOn - Whether microphone is initially enabled\n *\n * @public\n */\n joinCall(microphoneOn?: boolean): Call | undefined;\n\n /**\n * Join the call with options bag to set microphone/camera initial state when joining call\n * true = turn on the device when joining call\n * false = turn off the device when joining call\n * 'keep'/undefined = retain devices' precall state\n *\n * @param options - param to set microphone/camera initially on/off/use precall state.\n *\n * @public\n */\n joinCall(options?: JoinCallOptions): Call | undefined;\n /**\n * Start the call.\n *\n * @param participants - An array of participant ids to join\n *\n * @public\n */\n startCall(participants: string[], options?: StartCallOptions): Call | undefined;\n /**\n * Start the call.\n * @param participants - An array of {@link @azure/communication-common#CommunicationIdentifier} to be called\n * @public\n */\n startCall(participants: StartCallIdentifier[], options?: StartCallOptions): Call | undefined;\n}\n\n/**\n * An Adapter interface specific for Teams identity which extends {@link CommonCallAdapter}.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport interface TeamsCallAdapter extends CommonCallAdapter {\n /**\n * Join the call with microphone initially on/off.\n * @deprecated Use joinCall(options?:JoinCallOptions) instead.\n * @param microphoneOn - Whether microphone is initially enabled\n */\n joinCall(microphoneOn?: boolean): TeamsCall | undefined;\n /**\n * Join the call with options bag to set microphone/camera initial state when joining call\n * true = turn on the device when joining call\n * false = turn off the device when joining call\n * 'keep'/undefined = retain devices' precall state\n *\n * @param options - param to set microphone/camera initially on/off.\n *\n * @public\n */\n joinCall(options?: JoinCallOptions): TeamsCall | undefined;\n /**\n * Start the call.\n *\n * @param participants - An array of participant ids to join\n *\n * @public\n */\n startCall(participants: string[], options?: StartCallOptions): TeamsCall | undefined;\n /**\n * Start the call.\n * @param participants - An array of {@link @azure/communication-common#CommunicationIdentifier} to be called\n * @public\n */\n startCall(participants: StartCallIdentifier[], options?: StartCallOptions): TeamsCall | undefined;\n}\n"]}
@@ -39,15 +39,13 @@ import { CapabilitiesChangedNotificationBar } from './CapabilitiesChangedNotific
  import { useLocale } from '../../localization';
  import { usePropsFor } from '../hooks/usePropsFor';
  import { useLocalSpotlightCallbacksWithPrompt, useRemoteSpotlightCallbacksWithPrompt, useStopAllSpotlightCallbackWithPrompt } from '../utils/spotlightUtils';
- import { getCaptionsKind, getIsTeamsCall } from '../selectors/baseSelectors';
+ import { getIsTeamsCall, getMediaAccessSetting } from '../selectors/baseSelectors';
  import { useHandlers } from '../hooks/useHandlers';
  import { MoreDrawer } from '../../common/Drawer/MoreDrawer';
  /* @conditional-compile-remove(breakout-rooms) */
  import { useCompositeStringsForNotificationStackStrings } from '../hooks/useCompositeStringsForNotificationStack';
  /* @conditional-compile-remove(breakout-rooms) */
  import { BreakoutRoomsBanner } from './BreakoutRoomsBanner';
- /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */
- import { getMediaAccessSetting } from '../selectors/baseSelectors';
  * @private
  * Maximum number of remote video tiles that can be pinned
@@ -57,7 +55,7 @@ export const MAX_PINNED_REMOTE_VIDEO_TILES = 4;
  * @private
  export const CallArrangement = (props) => {
- var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h, _j, _k, _l, _m;
+ var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h, _j, _k, _l, _m, _o;
  const containerClassName = useMemo(() => {
  return props.mobileView ? containerStyleMobile : containerStyleDesktop;
  }, [props.mobileView]);
@@ -120,15 +118,7 @@ export const CallArrangement = (props) => {
  const videoGalleryProps = usePropsFor(VideoGallery);
  const muteAllHandlers = useHandlers(MoreDrawer);
  const { setPromptProps, setIsPromptOpen, hideSpotlightButtons } = props;
- const { onStartLocalSpotlight, onStopLocalSpotlight, onStartRemoteSpotlight, onStopRemoteSpotlight, onMuteParticipant, spotlightedParticipants, maxParticipantsToSpotlight, localParticipant,
- /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */
- onForbidAudio,
- /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */
- onPermitAudio,
- /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */
- onForbidVideo,
- /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */
- onPermitVideo } = videoGalleryProps;
+ const { onStartLocalSpotlight, onStopLocalSpotlight, onStartRemoteSpotlight, onStopRemoteSpotlight, onMuteParticipant, spotlightedParticipants, maxParticipantsToSpotlight, localParticipant, onForbidAudio, onPermitAudio, onForbidVideo, onPermitVideo } = videoGalleryProps;
  const [showTeamsMeetingConferenceModal, setShowTeamsMeetingConferenceModal] = useState(false);
  const toggleTeamsMeetingConferenceModal = useCallback(() => {
@@ -202,14 +192,10 @@ export const CallArrangement = (props) => {
- /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */
  const meetingMediaAccess = useSelector(getMediaAccessSetting);
- /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */
  const canForbidOthersAudio = !!((_b = capabilities === null || capabilities === void 0 ? void 0 : capabilities.forbidOthersAudio) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.isPresent);
- /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */
  const canForbidOthersVideo = !!((_c = capabilities === null || capabilities === void 0 ? void 0 : capabilities.forbidOthersVideo) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.isPresent);
  const onToggleParticipantMicPeoplePaneProps = useMemo(() => {
- /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */
  return {
  onForbidAudio: canForbidOthersAudio ? onForbidAudio : undefined,
  onPermitAudio: canForbidOthersAudio ? onPermitAudio : undefined,
@@ -221,19 +207,18 @@ export const CallArrangement = (props) => {
  onPermitOthersVideo: canForbidOthersVideo ? muteAllHandlers.onPermitOthersVideo : undefined,
- return {};
  }, [
- /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */ canForbidOthersAudio,
- /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */ onForbidAudio,
- /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */ onPermitAudio,
- /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */ muteAllHandlers.onForbidOthersAudio,
- /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */ muteAllHandlers.onPermitOthersAudio,
- /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */ muteAllHandlers.onForbidOthersVideo,
- /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */ muteAllHandlers.onPermitOthersVideo,
- /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */ canForbidOthersVideo,
- /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */ onForbidVideo,
- /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */ onPermitVideo,
- /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */ meetingMediaAccess
+ canForbidOthersAudio,
+ onForbidAudio,
+ onPermitAudio,
+ muteAllHandlers.onForbidOthersAudio,
+ muteAllHandlers.onPermitOthersAudio,
+ muteAllHandlers.onForbidOthersVideo,
+ muteAllHandlers.onPermitOthersVideo,
+ canForbidOthersVideo,
+ onForbidVideo,
+ onPermitVideo,
+ meetingMediaAccess
  const { isPeoplePaneOpen, openPeoplePane, closePeoplePane } = usePeoplePane(Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, peoplePaneProps), spotlightPeoplePaneProps), onMuteParticipantPeoplePaneProps), pinPeoplePaneProps), onToggleParticipantMicPeoplePaneProps));
  const togglePeoplePane = useCallback(() => {
@@ -300,10 +285,11 @@ export const CallArrangement = (props) => {
  if ((isVideoPaneOpen || !isCameraOn) && (props.errorBarProps || props.showErrorNotifications)) {
  filteredLatestErrorNotifications = filteredLatestErrorNotifications.filter((e) => e.type !== 'unableToStartVideoEffect');
- const isTeamsCaptions = useSelector(getCaptionsKind) === 'TeamsCaptions';
  const isTeamsMeeting = useSelector(getIsTeamsMeeting);
  const isTeamsCall = useSelector(getIsTeamsCall);
- const useTeamsCaptions = isTeamsMeeting || isTeamsCall || isTeamsCaptions;
+ // Teams captions are only available in Teams meetings or Teams calls.
+ // For Teams Meetings, we need to check if the capability is present.
+ const useTeamsCaptions = (isTeamsMeeting && ((_d = capabilities === null || capabilities === void 0 ? void 0 : capabilities.setCaptionLanguage) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.isPresent)) || isTeamsCall;
  const hasJoinedCall = useSelector(getCallStatus) === 'Connected';
  const isCaptionsOn = useSelector(getCaptionsStatus);
  const minMaxDragPosition = useMinMaxDragPosition(props.modalLayerHostId);
@@ -311,7 +297,7 @@ export const CallArrangement = (props) => {
  const galleryContainerStyles = useMemo(() => {
  var _a;
  return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, mediaGalleryContainerStyles), (((_a = props === null || props === void 0 ? void 0 : props.captionsOptions) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.height) === 'full' ? { root: { postion: 'absolute' } } : {}));
- }, [(_d = props === null || props === void 0 ? void 0 : props.captionsOptions) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.height]);
+ }, [(_e = props === null || props === void 0 ? void 0 : props.captionsOptions) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.height]);
  if (isTeamsMeeting) {
  .filter((notification) => notification.type === 'teamsMeetingCallNetworkQualityLow')
@@ -324,8 +310,8 @@ export const CallArrangement = (props) => {
  const verticalControlBar = props.mobileView && containerWidth && containerHeight && containerWidth / containerHeight > 1 ? true : false;
  // Filter out shareScreen capability notifications if on mobile
  const filteredCapabilitesChangedNotifications = props.mobileView
- ? (_e = props.capabilitiesChangedNotificationBarProps) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.capabilitiesChangedNotifications.filter((notification) => notification.capabilityName !== 'shareScreen')
- : (_f = props.capabilitiesChangedNotificationBarProps) === null || _f === void 0 ? void 0 : _f.capabilitiesChangedNotifications;
+ ? (_f = props.capabilitiesChangedNotificationBarProps) === null || _f === void 0 ? void 0 : _f.capabilitiesChangedNotifications.filter((notification) => notification.capabilityName !== 'shareScreen')
+ : (_g = props.capabilitiesChangedNotificationBarProps) === null || _g === void 0 ? void 0 : _g.capabilitiesChangedNotifications;
  /* @conditional-compile-remove(breakout-rooms) */
  const notificationStackStrings = useCompositeStringsForNotificationStackStrings(locale);
  let latestNotifications = props.latestNotifications;
@@ -345,17 +331,17 @@ export const CallArrangement = (props) => {
  return (React.createElement("div", { ref: containerRef, className: mergeStyles(containerDivStyles), id: props.id },
  React.createElement(Stack, { verticalFill: true, horizontalAlign: "stretch", className: containerClassName, "data-ui-id": props.dataUiId },
  React.createElement(Stack, { reversed: true, horizontal: verticalControlBar, grow: true, styles: callArrangementContainerStyles(verticalControlBar) },
- ((_g = props.callControlProps) === null || _g === void 0 ? void 0 : _g.options) !== false && !isMobileWithActivePane && (React.createElement(Stack, { verticalAlign: 'center', className: mergeStyles({
+ ((_h = props.callControlProps) === null || _h === void 0 ? void 0 : _h.options) !== false && !isMobileWithActivePane && (React.createElement(Stack, { verticalAlign: 'center', className: mergeStyles({
  padding: verticalControlBar ? '0.25rem' : 'unset'
- }) }, isLegacyCallControlEnabled((_h = props.callControlProps) === null || _h === void 0 ? void 0 : _h.options) ? (React.createElement(CallControls, Object.assign({}, props.callControlProps, { containerWidth: containerWidth, containerHeight: containerHeight, isMobile: props.mobileView, peopleButtonChecked: isPeoplePaneOpen, onPeopleButtonClicked: togglePeoplePane, displayVertical: verticalControlBar }))) : (React.createElement(CommonCallControlBar, Object.assign({}, props.callControlProps, { ref: controlBarRef, callControls: props.callControlProps.options, callAdapter: adapter, mobileView: props.mobileView, disableButtonsForLobbyPage: isInLobby, disableButtonsForHoldScreen: isInLocalHold, peopleButtonChecked: isPeoplePaneOpen, onPeopleButtonClicked: togglePeoplePane, onMoreButtonClicked: onMoreButtonClicked, isCaptionsSupported: (useTeamsCaptions && hasJoinedCall) || hasJoinedCall,
+ }) }, isLegacyCallControlEnabled((_j = props.callControlProps) === null || _j === void 0 ? void 0 : _j.options) ? (React.createElement(CallControls, Object.assign({}, props.callControlProps, { containerWidth: containerWidth, containerHeight: containerHeight, isMobile: props.mobileView, peopleButtonChecked: isPeoplePaneOpen, onPeopleButtonClicked: togglePeoplePane, displayVertical: verticalControlBar }))) : (React.createElement(CommonCallControlBar, Object.assign({}, props.callControlProps, { ref: controlBarRef, callControls: props.callControlProps.options, callAdapter: adapter, mobileView: props.mobileView, disableButtonsForLobbyPage: isInLobby, disableButtonsForHoldScreen: isInLocalHold, peopleButtonChecked: isPeoplePaneOpen, onPeopleButtonClicked: togglePeoplePane, onMoreButtonClicked: onMoreButtonClicked, isCaptionsSupported: (useTeamsCaptions && hasJoinedCall) || hasJoinedCall,
  /* @conditional-compile-remove(rtt) */
  isRealTimeTextSupported: hasJoinedCall,
  /* @conditional-compile-remove(rtt) */
  onStartRealTimeText: onStartRealTimeText,
  /* @conditional-compile-remove(rtt) */
  startRealTimeTextButtonChecked: openRealTimeText, useTeamsCaptions: useTeamsCaptions, isCaptionsOn: isCaptionsOn, onClickVideoEffects: onResolveVideoEffectDependency ? openVideoEffectsPane : undefined, displayVertical: verticalControlBar, onUserSetOverflowGalleryPositionChange: props.onUserSetOverflowGalleryPositionChange, onUserSetGalleryLayout: props.onUserSetGalleryLayoutChange, userSetGalleryLayout: props.userSetGalleryLayout, onSetDialpadPage: props.onSetDialpadPage, dtmfDialerPresent: props.dtmfDialerPresent, peopleButtonRef: peopleButtonRef, cameraButtonRef: cameraButtonRef, onStopLocalSpotlight: !hideSpotlightButtons && localParticipant.spotlight ? onStopLocalSpotlightWithPrompt : undefined, onToggleTeamsMeetingConferenceModal: toggleTeamsMeetingConferenceModal, teamsMeetingConferenceModalPresent: showTeamsMeetingConferenceModal, sidePaneDismissButtonRef: sidePaneDismissButtonRef }))))),
- ((_j = props.callControlProps) === null || _j === void 0 ? void 0 : _j.options) !== false && showDrawer && (React.createElement(Stack, { styles: drawerContainerStylesValue },
+ ((_k = props.callControlProps) === null || _k === void 0 ? void 0 : _k.options) !== false && showDrawer && (React.createElement(Stack, { styles: drawerContainerStylesValue },
  React.createElement(PreparedMoreDrawer, { callControls: props.callControlProps.options, onLightDismiss: closeDrawer, onPeopleButtonClicked: onMoreDrawerPeopleClicked, disableButtonsForHoldScreen: isInLocalHold, isCaptionsSupported: (useTeamsCaptions && hasJoinedCall) || hasJoinedCall,
  /* @conditional-compile-remove(rtt) */
  isRealTimeTextSupported: hasJoinedCall,
@@ -386,7 +372,7 @@ export const CallArrangement = (props) => {
  React.createElement(SidePane, { mobileView: props.mobileView, maxWidth: isVideoPaneOpen ? `${VIDEO_EFFECTS_SIDE_PANE_WIDTH_REM}rem` : undefined, minWidth: isVideoPaneOpen ? `${VIDEO_EFFECTS_SIDE_PANE_WIDTH_REM}rem` : undefined, updateSidePaneRenderer: props.updateSidePaneRenderer, onPeopleButtonClicked: props.mobileView && !shouldShowPeopleTabHeaderButton(props.callControlProps.options)
  ? undefined
  : togglePeoplePane, disablePeopleButton: typeof props.callControlProps.options !== 'boolean' &&
- isDisabled((_k = props.callControlProps.options) === null || _k === void 0 ? void 0 : _k.participantsButton), onChatButtonClicked: (_l = props.mobileChatTabHeader) === null || _l === void 0 ? void 0 : _l.onClick, disableChatButton: (_m = props.mobileChatTabHeader) === null || _m === void 0 ? void 0 : _m.disabled, showAddPeopleButton: !!props.callControlProps.callInvitationURL, ariaLabel: isVideoEffectsPaneOpen ? locale.strings.call.videoEffectsPaneAriaLabel : undefined }),
+ isDisabled((_l = props.callControlProps.options) === null || _l === void 0 ? void 0 : _l.participantsButton), onChatButtonClicked: (_m = props.mobileChatTabHeader) === null || _m === void 0 ? void 0 : _m.onClick, disableChatButton: (_o = props.mobileChatTabHeader) === null || _o === void 0 ? void 0 : _o.disabled, showAddPeopleButton: !!props.callControlProps.callInvitationURL, ariaLabel: isVideoEffectsPaneOpen ? locale.strings.call.videoEffectsPaneAriaLabel : undefined }),
  props.mobileView && (React.createElement(ModalLocalAndRemotePIP, { modalLayerHostId: props.modalLayerHostId, hidden: !isSidePaneOpen, styles: pipStyles, strings: modalStrings, minDragPosition: minMaxDragPosition.minDragPosition, maxDragPosition: minMaxDragPosition.maxDragPosition, onDismissSidePane: () => {
  if (props.onCloseChatPane) {