tedo-publisher 1.3.359 โ†’ 1.3.360

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@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ import { CommonDataStructure } from 'src/common/data';
+ export declare const dataStructure: CommonDataStructure;
+ export declare const authors: Record<string, string>;
+ export declare const authorsNames: string[];
+ export declare const DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION_EMOJIS = "\uD83D\uDCBB\uD83D\uDEE0\uFE0F\uD83D\uDDA5\uFE0F\uD83D\uDCDD";
+ export declare const categories: (string | number)[];
+ export declare const subcategories: string[];
+ export declare const subsubcategories: string[];
+ export type Category = keyof typeof dataStructure;
+ export type CategoryNode = (typeof dataStructure)[Category];
+ export type SubcategoryKeyByCategory<T extends Category> = (typeof dataStructure)[T]['children'];
+ export declare const startDate = "2024-10-16T00:00:00Z";
+ export declare const devBucketName = "idn-huntersdev-dev";
+ export declare const prodBucketName = "idn-huntersdev";
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ "use strict";var e=require("./seo.js");const t={hardwareReviews:{title:"In-Depth Hardware Reviews & Previews for IT Pros ๐Ÿš€",description:"Explore comprehensive reviews and previews of cutting-edge hardware and software tailored for IT professionals. Stay ahead in technology! ๐Ÿ’ป๐Ÿ”",slug:"hardware-reviews",children:{gpuReviews:{title:"Latest GPU Reviews: Performance & Insights ๐ŸŽฎ",description:"Dive into our extensive GPU reviews that analyze graphics cards' performance, features, and technology trends. Equip yourself with knowledge! ๐Ÿ–ฅ๏ธโœจ",slug:"gpu-reviews",children:null},cpuReviews:{title:"Comprehensive CPU Reviews for Tech Professionals โš™๏ธ",description:"Access detailed CPU reviews that cover performance benchmarks, architectural insights, and future-proofing considerations. Unlock your potential! ๐Ÿ”ง๐Ÿง ",slug:"cpu-reviews",children:null},peripheralReviews:{title:"Peripheral Reviews: Elevate Your Tech Experience ๐Ÿ–ฑ๏ธ",description:"Discover our in-depth reviews of essential peripherals that enhance productivity and user experience in the tech field. Level up your setup! ๐ŸŽน๐Ÿ–ฅ๏ธ",slug:"peripheral-reviews",children:null},other:{title:"Other Tech Reviews: Explore Beyond Hardware ๐Ÿ“ก",description:"Read about diverse technology solutions, tools, and software innovations that impact IT professionals' work. Get informed on all fronts! ๐ŸŒ๐Ÿ”",slug:"other-reviews",children:null}}},softwarePreviews:{title:"Latest Software Previews for IT Professionals ๐Ÿ”",description:"Discover comprehensive reviews and insights on the newest software for IT professionals. Stay ahead with HuntersDevโ€™s expert analyses! ๐Ÿš€",slug:"software-previews",children:{enterpriseSoftwarePreviews:{title:"In-Depth Enterprise Software Previews for Organizations ๐Ÿข",description:"Explore the latest enterprise software solutions with critical evaluations to aid organizations in optimizing their operations. ๐Ÿ’ผ",slug:"enterprise-software-previews",children:null},developmentToolsPreviews:{title:"Essential Development Tools Previews for Software Experts ๐Ÿ’ป",description:"Dive into the latest development tools, featuring insights and reviews tailored for software developers looking to enhance their projects. ๐Ÿšง",slug:"development-tools-previews",children:null},cloudSolutionsPreviews:{title:"Comprehensive Cloud Solutions Previews for Modern Enterprises โ˜๏ธ",description:"Examine cutting-edge cloud solutions with in-depth reviews designed to assist enterprises in their digital transformation journeys. ๐Ÿ“ˆ",slug:"cloud-solutions-previews",children:null},other:{title:"Other Noteworthy Software Previews for IT Professionals ๐Ÿ†•",description:"Discover a variety of software reviews and previews that do not fit into standard categories, providing unique insights for IT pros. ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ",slug:"other-software-previews",children:null}}},technologyTrends:{title:"Explore the Latest in Technology Trends ๐Ÿš€",description:"Stay ahead with in-depth insights into the latest technology trends, optimizing your IT decisions and professional knowledge. ๐ŸŒ",slug:"technology-trends",children:{emergingTechnologies:{title:"Emerging Technologies: The Future Unveiled ๐Ÿ”",description:"Dive into the latest emerging technologies shaping the IT landscape and discover how they can optimize your workflows. ๐Ÿ’ก",slug:"emerging-technologies",children:null},bestPracticesInTech:{title:"Best Practices in Tech: Proven Strategies ๐Ÿ“ˆ",description:"Unlock the secrets to successful IT management with our guide on best practices in technology tailored for professionals. ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ",slug:"best-practices-in-tech",children:null},futureOfIT:{title:"The Future of IT: Trends to Watch ๐ŸŒŸ",description:"Prepare for the future of IT with insights into upcoming trends and innovations that will transform your professional landscape. ๐Ÿ”ฎ",slug:"future-of-it",children:null},other:{title:"Miscellaneous Tech Insights & Innovations ๐Ÿ”„",description:"Explore miscellaneous tech insights that don't fit traditional categories but are vital for tech-savvy professionals. ๐ŸŽฏ",slug:"other",children:null}}},performanceOptimization:{title:"Maximize Your IT Potential with Performance Optimization Strategies ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ",description:"Explore our expert tips and techniques for optimizing IT performance. Improve system efficiency and user satisfaction with actionable insights! ๐ŸŒŸ",slug:"performance-optimization",children:{systemTuningTips:{title:"Essential System Tuning Tips for IT Professionals ๐Ÿš€",description:"Unlock your system's potential with our essential tuning tips. Boost performance and streamline operations with practical advice for IT experts! ๐Ÿ’ป",slug:"system-tuning-tips",children:null},networkOptimizationStrategies:{title:"Network Optimization Strategies for Enhanced Connectivity ๐ŸŒ",description:"Elevate your network performance with our proven optimization strategies. Ensure seamless connectivity and efficient data flow for IT projects! ๐Ÿ“ˆ",slug:"network-optimization-strategies",children:null},dataManagementTechniques:{title:"Data Management Techniques for IT Efficiency ๐Ÿ“Š",description:"Master data management with our effective techniques. Improve performance and data accuracy for IT professionals and enhance decision-making! ๐Ÿ”",slug:"data-management-techniques",children:null},other:{title:"Additional Performance Optimization Insights and Techniques ๐Ÿงฉ",description:"Discover various additional insights and techniques for optimizing performance. Enhance your IT strategies with diverse optimization methods! ๐ŸŒŸ",slug:"other-performance-optimization-insights",children:null}}}},i=e.AUTHORS_INFO.reduce(((e,t)=>Object.assign(Object.assign({},e),{[t.name]:[t.description]})),{}),s=e.AUTHORS_INFO.map((e=>e.name)),r="๐Ÿ’ป๐Ÿ› ๏ธ๐Ÿ–ฅ๏ธ๐Ÿ“",o=Object.keys(t),n=[],a=[];for(const e of o){const i=t[e];if(null==i?void 0:i.children){n.push(...Object.keys(i.children));for(const e of n){const t=i.children[e];(null==t?void 0:t.children)&&a.push(...Object.keys(t.children))}}}const l="2024-10-16T00:00:00Z",c="huntersdev",h=`idn-${c}-dev`,d=`idn-${c}`;exports.DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION_EMOJIS=r,exports.authors=i,exports.authorsNames=s,exports.categories=o,exports.dataStructure=t,exports.devBucketName=h,exports.prodBucketName=d,exports.startDate=l,exports.subcategories=n,exports.subsubcategories=a;
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ export declare enum FiltersNames {
+ TechType = "TechType",
+ ReviewDepth = "ReviewDepth",
+ TargetProfessional = "TargetProfessional",
+ LatestTrends = "LatestTrends",
+ PerformanceFocus = "PerformanceFocus"
+ }
+ type TechTypeValues = 'Hardware' | 'Software' | 'Gadgets' | 'Cloud Solutions';
+ type ReviewDepthValues = 'In-Depth Analysis' | 'Quick Overview' | 'Comparative Review' | 'Expert Opinion';
+ type TargetProfessionalValues = 'Software Developer' | 'System Administrator' | 'IT Consultant' | 'Hardware Engineer';
+ type LatestTrendsValues = 'AI & Machine Learning' | 'Cybersecurity' | 'DevOps Tools' | 'Cloud Computing';
+ type PerformanceFocusValues = 'Performance Optimization' | 'User Experience' | 'Cost Efficiency' | 'Scalability';
+ export type ArticleFilters = {
+ [FiltersNames.TechType]: TechTypeValues[];
+ [FiltersNames.ReviewDepth]: ReviewDepthValues[];
+ [FiltersNames.TargetProfessional]: TargetProfessionalValues[];
+ [FiltersNames.LatestTrends]: LatestTrendsValues[];
+ [FiltersNames.PerformanceFocus]: PerformanceFocusValues[];
+ };
+ export declare const techTypeValues: TechTypeValues[];
+ export declare const reviewDepthValues: ReviewDepthValues[];
+ export declare const targetProfessionalValues: TargetProfessionalValues[];
+ export declare const latestTrendsValues: LatestTrendsValues[];
+ export declare const performanceFocusValues: PerformanceFocusValues[];
+ export declare const initialFilters: ArticleFilters;
+ export declare const fullFilters: ArticleFilters;
+ export declare const getFiltersTypesJSON: () => string;
+ export {};
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ "use strict";var e;exports.FiltersNames=void 0,(e=exports.FiltersNames||(exports.FiltersNames={})).TechType="TechType",e.ReviewDepth="ReviewDepth",e.TargetProfessional="TargetProfessional",e.LatestTrends="LatestTrends",e.PerformanceFocus="PerformanceFocus";const s=["Hardware","Software","Gadgets","Cloud Solutions"],r=["In-Depth Analysis","Quick Overview","Comparative Review","Expert Opinion"],t=["Software Developer","System Administrator","IT Consultant","Hardware Engineer"],o=["AI & Machine Learning","Cybersecurity","DevOps Tools","Cloud Computing"],a=["Performance Optimization","User Experience","Cost Efficiency","Scalability"],i={[exports.FiltersNames.TechType]:[],[exports.FiltersNames.ReviewDepth]:[],[exports.FiltersNames.TargetProfessional]:[],[exports.FiltersNames.LatestTrends]:[],[exports.FiltersNames.PerformanceFocus]:[]},p={[exports.FiltersNames.TechType]:s,[exports.FiltersNames.ReviewDepth]:r,[exports.FiltersNames.TargetProfessional]:t,[exports.FiltersNames.LatestTrends]:o,[exports.FiltersNames.PerformanceFocus]:a},l=()=>JSON.stringify(p,null,2);exports.fullFilters=p,exports.getFiltersTypesJSON=l,exports.initialFilters=i,exports.latestTrendsValues=o,exports.performanceFocusValues=a,exports.reviewDepthValues=r,exports.targetProfessionalValues=t,exports.techTypeValues=s;
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ import { GetDefaultImagesFrontmatter } from 'src/common/types';
+ export declare const getDefaultImagesFrontmatter: GetDefaultImagesFrontmatter;
+ export declare const prohibitedWordsInAltTitle: RegExp;
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ "use strict";const e=(e,n)=>{const t=n(e),i=undefined,a=undefined,l=undefined,o=undefined;return[{alt:`${e} Introduction`,filename:`${t}-introduction.png`,title:`${e} Introduction`},{alt:`Magnificent ${e}`,filename:`Magnificent-${t}.png`,title:`Magnificent ${e}`},{alt:`Notable ${e}`,filename:`${t}-notable.png`,title:`Notable ${e}`},{alt:`${e} Summary`,filename:`${t}-summary.png`,title:`${e} Summary`}]},n=/\b(?:hands|men|women|human|people|chief|family|mixing|serving|tasting|rolling)\b/i;exports.getDefaultImagesFrontmatter=e,exports.prohibitedWordsInAltTitle=n;
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ export * from './data';
+ export * from './filters';
+ export * from './helpers';
+ export * from './prompts/images';
+ export * from './seo';
+ import './styles/colors.css';
+ import './styles/fonts.css';
+ import './styles/global.css';
+ import './styles/sizing.css';
+ import './styles/vars.css';
+ import './styles/theme.css';
+ import * as gpt35Articles from './prompts/gpt35turbo/articles';
+ import * as gpt4oMiniArticles from './prompts/gpt4oMini/articles';
+ export { gpt35Articles, gpt4oMiniArticles };
+ export * from './prompts/data';
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ "use strict";var e=require("./data.js"),t=require("./filters.js"),r=require("./helpers.js"),s=require("./prompts/images.js"),o=require("./seo.js"),a=require("./prompts/gpt35turbo/articles.js"),p=require("./prompts/gpt4oMini/articles.js"),i=require("./prompts/data.js");exports.DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION_EMOJIS=e.DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION_EMOJIS,exports.authors=e.authors,exports.authorsNames=e.authorsNames,exports.categories=e.categories,exports.dataStructure=e.dataStructure,exports.devBucketName=e.devBucketName,exports.prodBucketName=e.prodBucketName,exports.startDate=e.startDate,exports.subcategories=e.subcategories,exports.subsubcategories=e.subsubcategories,Object.defineProperty(exports,"FiltersNames",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return t.FiltersNames}}),exports.fullFilters=t.fullFilters,exports.getFiltersTypesJSON=t.getFiltersTypesJSON,exports.initialFilters=t.initialFilters,exports.latestTrendsValues=t.latestTrendsValues,exports.performanceFocusValues=t.performanceFocusValues,exports.reviewDepthValues=t.reviewDepthValues,exports.targetProfessionalValues=t.targetProfessionalValues,exports.techTypeValues=t.techTypeValues,exports.getDefaultImagesFrontmatter=r.getDefaultImagesFrontmatter,exports.prohibitedWordsInAltTitle=r.prohibitedWordsInAltTitle,exports.getOpenAiBasedImagePrompt=s.getOpenAiBasedImagePrompt,exports.getOpenAiBasedImagePromptDalle2=s.getOpenAiBasedImagePromptDalle2,exports.getStableDiffusionImagePrompt=s.getStableDiffusionImagePrompt,exports.AUTHORS_INFO=o.AUTHORS_INFO,exports.AUTHORS_META=o.AUTHORS_META,exports.PAGES_SEO=o.PAGES_SEO,Object.defineProperty(exports,"PageNames",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return o.PageNames}}),exports.gpt35Articles=a,exports.gpt4oMiniArticles=p,exports.END_STEP=i.END_STEP,exports.FILTERS_INFO=i.FILTERS_INFO,exports.IMAGES_PROHIBITED_WORDS=i.IMAGES_PROHIBITED_WORDS,exports.START_STEP=i.START_STEP,exports.TARGET_AUDIENCE=i.TARGET_AUDIENCE,exports.ZERO_SECTION=i.ZERO_SECTION,exports.portalInfo=i.portalInfo;
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ export declare const portalInfo = "The article is written for the web portal.I will give you important information regarding the web portal:\n - Brief description: HuntersDev is an innovative infotainment portal dedicated to providing in-depth reviews and previews of the latest hardware and software for information technology professionals. It serves as a comprehensive resource that helps tech enthusiasts stay informed about the tools and technologies shaping the IT landscape.\n - Detailed description: HuntersDev is your go-to hub for all things related to technology. The portal is designed with IT professionals in mind, offering meticulously researched articles that dive deep into hardware components, software solutions, as well as trends and techniques that optimize performance. Each review and preview is crafted to deliver not only critical evaluations of products but also actionable insights that empower tech professionals to make informed decisions. Whether you\u2019re a developer, system administrator, or IT consultant, HuntersDev provides a wealth of resources, helping you navigate the ever-evolving technology marketplace with confidence and expertise.\n - Target audience: The primary target audience for HuntersDev includes information technology professionals such as software developers, system analysts, IT consultants, and hardware engineers. Additionally, tech-savvy enthusiasts who seek reliable information about the latest advancements in technology also form a key segment of the audience. This portal caters specifically to those who value detailed analyses and practical insights into the tools that drive their work.\n\n";
+ export declare const ZERO_SECTION = "This is important to include the following headers to the section, ONLY if they are applicable to the title, abstract and description of the article:\n## Hardware Overview\n- Specifications\n- Performance Metrics\n\n## Software Analysis\n- Features and Functionality\n- User Interface and Experience\n\nYou can change the headers and topics to make a them more coherent with the description of the article.\nStart text with first Heading H2 - Hardware Overview, IF it's applicable to the theme of the article.\n";
+ export declare const START_STEP = "highlighting the key points that will be discussed and the relevance of the topic";
+ export declare const END_STEP = "synthesizing the information presented throughout";
+ export declare const TARGET_AUDIENCE = "IT professionals, tech enthusiasts";
+ export declare const IMAGES_PROHIBITED_WORDS = "any numbers, image, slug, step, seo, hand / hands, men, women, human, people, chief, preparing, process, cooking, mixing, serving, tasting, rolling";
+ export declare const FILTERS_INFO: string;
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ "use strict";var e;const t="The article is written for the web portal.I will give you important information regarding the web portal:\n - Brief description: HuntersDev is an innovative infotainment portal dedicated to providing in-depth reviews and previews of the latest hardware and software for information technology professionals. It serves as a comprehensive resource that helps tech enthusiasts stay informed about the tools and technologies shaping the IT landscape.\n - Detailed description: HuntersDev is your go-to hub for all things related to technology. The portal is designed with IT professionals in mind, offering meticulously researched articles that dive deep into hardware components, software solutions, as well as trends and techniques that optimize performance. Each review and preview is crafted to deliver not only critical evaluations of products but also actionable insights that empower tech professionals to make informed decisions. Whether youโ€™re a developer, system administrator, or IT consultant, HuntersDev provides a wealth of resources, helping you navigate the ever-evolving technology marketplace with confidence and expertise.\n - Target audience: The primary target audience for HuntersDev includes information technology professionals such as software developers, system analysts, IT consultants, and hardware engineers. Additionally, tech-savvy enthusiasts who seek reliable information about the latest advancements in technology also form a key segment of the audience. This portal caters specifically to those who value detailed analyses and practical insights into the tools that drive their work.\n\n",a="This is important to include the following headers to the section, ONLY if they are applicable to the title, abstract and description of the article:\n## Hardware Overview\n- Specifications\n- Performance Metrics\n\n## Software Analysis\n- Features and Functionality\n- User Interface and Experience\n\nYou can change the headers and topics to make a them more coherent with the description of the article.\nStart text with first Heading H2 - Hardware Overview, IF it's applicable to the theme of the article.\n",n="highlighting the key points that will be discussed and the relevance of the topic",i="synthesizing the information presented throughout",o="IT professionals, tech enthusiasts",r="any numbers, image, slug, step, seo, hand / hands, men, women, human, people, chief, preparing, process, cooking, mixing, serving, tasting, rolling",s=`That is TREMENDOUS important - if category doesn't match - return empty array for that category - []. For example if you don't find any match for $FILTERNAME, return for that category\n$FILTERNAME: []\nResponse in valid json, adhering strictly to json interface below, include every field present in it, but include values in array only suitable for article, all array values are optional!\n${require("../filters.js").getFiltersTypesJSON()}`;exports.END_STEP=i,exports.FILTERS_INFO=s,exports.IMAGES_PROHIBITED_WORDS=r,exports.START_STEP=n,exports.TARGET_AUDIENCE=o,exports.ZERO_SECTION=a,exports.portalInfo=t;
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ import { GetOutlinePrompt, GetEntitiesPrompt, GetFiltersPrompt, GetImagesMetaPrompt, GetSectionPrompt } from 'src/common/types';
+ export declare const getBasePrompt: GetOutlinePrompt;
+ export declare const getSectionPrompt: GetSectionPrompt;
+ export declare const getImagesMetaPrompt: GetImagesMetaPrompt;
+ export declare const getFiltersPrompt: GetFiltersPrompt;
+ export declare const getEntitiesPrompt: GetEntitiesPrompt;
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ "use strict";var t=require("../data.js"),e=require("../../../common/prompts/gpt35turbo/articles.js"),o=require("../../../common/data.js"),r=require("../../data.js");const m=(o,r=e.DEFAULT_HEADINGS_NUM,m)=>e.getOutlineCommonPrompt({keyword:o,headingsNum:r,additionalInfo:t.portalInfo,locale:m}),s=o=>e.getSectionCommonPrompt(o,{zeroSectionPrompt:t.ZERO_SECTION,startStep:t.START_STEP,endStep:t.END_STEP,targetAudience:t.TARGET_AUDIENCE}),a=o=>e.getImagesMetaCommonPrompt(o,t.IMAGES_PROHIBITED_WORDS),p=o=>e.getFiltersCommonPrompt(o,t.FILTERS_INFO),i=t=>e.getEntitiesCommonPrompt(t,o.getCategoriesTypesJSON(r.dataStructure));exports.getBasePrompt=m,exports.getEntitiesPrompt=i,exports.getFiltersPrompt=p,exports.getImagesMetaPrompt=a,exports.getSectionPrompt=s;
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ import { GetOutlinePrompt, GetEntitiesPrompt, GetFiltersPrompt, GetImagesMetaPrompt, GetSectionPrompt } from 'src/common/types';
+ export declare const getBasePrompt: GetOutlinePrompt;
+ export declare const getSectionPrompt: GetSectionPrompt;
+ export declare const getImagesMetaPrompt: GetImagesMetaPrompt;
+ export declare const getFiltersPrompt: GetFiltersPrompt;
+ export declare const getEntitiesPrompt: GetEntitiesPrompt;
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ "use strict";var t=require("../data.js"),e=require("../../../common/prompts/gpt4oMini/articles.js"),o=require("../../../common/data.js"),r=require("../../data.js");const m=(o,r=e.DEFAULT_HEADINGS_NUM,m)=>e.getOutlineCommonPrompt({keyword:o,headingsNum:r,additionalInfo:t.portalInfo,locale:m}),s=o=>e.getSectionCommonPrompt(o,{zeroSectionPrompt:t.ZERO_SECTION,startStep:t.START_STEP,endStep:t.END_STEP,targetAudience:t.TARGET_AUDIENCE}),a=o=>e.getImagesMetaCommonPrompt(o,t.IMAGES_PROHIBITED_WORDS),i=o=>e.getFiltersCommonPrompt(o,t.FILTERS_INFO),p=t=>e.getEntitiesCommonPrompt(t,o.getCategoriesTypesJSON(r.dataStructure));exports.getBasePrompt=m,exports.getEntitiesPrompt=p,exports.getFiltersPrompt=i,exports.getImagesMetaPrompt=a,exports.getSectionPrompt=s;
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ import { GetOpenAiBasedImagePrompt, GetStableDiffusionImagePrompt } from 'src/common/types';
+ export declare const getStableDiffusionImagePrompt: GetStableDiffusionImagePrompt;
+ export declare const getOpenAiBasedImagePrompt: GetOpenAiBasedImagePrompt;
+ export declare const getOpenAiBasedImagePromptDalle2: GetOpenAiBasedImagePrompt;
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ "use strict";var e=require("../../common/prompts/images.js");const a=({title:a,alt:o,articleTitle:t})=>({prompt:`Highly detailed illustration of ${a}, ${o}, for an article ${t} in a leading technology publication, showcasing software interfaces, and technological innovation, clean and modern tech magazine style, accurate representation of software, user interfaces, development tools, and tech gadgets, 4K, 8K resolution, minimalistic design, clear visuals, no blur, depth of field, modern digital art, precise and informative, tech-focused imagery`,negativePrompt:e.SD_NEGATIVE_PROMPT,options:{steps:7,cfg_scale:3}}),o=({title:e,alt:a,articleTitle:o})=>`I NEED a hyper-real illustration of a ${e} at food style photography, ${a}, for an article ${o} for a glossy recipe magazine, photorealistic, ultra realistic, maximum detail, highly detailed, food style, food style photography, professional food photography, commercial photography, foreground focus, recipes.com, delish.com, epicurious, instagram, 4K, 8K, volumetric light, octane render, uplight, no blur, depth of field, dof, bokeh, foreground focus. Please exclude any: Photocamera, videocamera, Spotlight, soffit, ramp, scanners, strobe, soffit truss, film props, radio, cooking timer, watches, clocks, men, woman, people, hand, nands, leg, legs, font, username, error, words, letters, digits, autograph, trademark, name, easy-negative, cartoon, worst quality, low quality, blind, bad eyes, ugly eyes, dead eyes, greyscale, monochrome, vignette, text, title, logo, signature ,watermark, extra limbs, extra fingers, mutated hands, bad anatomy, censored, rabs, muscular, rib, blurry, blur, grainy, teeth, low resolution, lowres, low details, oversaturated, undersaturated, overexposed, underexposed, grayscale, bw, bad photo, bad photography, bad art, morbid, ugly, asymmetrical, mutated malformed, mutilated, poorly lit, bad shadow, draft, cropped, out of frame, cut off, jpeg artefacts, out of focus, glitch, duplicate, airbrushed,, anime, semi-realistic, cgi, render, 3D, blender, digital art, manga, amateur, 3D, 3D Game, 3D Game Scene, 3D Character, bad hands, , bad body, bad face, bad teeth, bad arms, bad legs, deformities, drawing, deformed iris, deformed pupils, deformed, painting, crayon, sketch, graphite, impressionist, noisy, poorly drawn hands, poorly drawn face, poorly drawn eyes, mutation, bad proportions, cloned face, disfigured, gross proportions, malformed limbs, malformed limbs, missing arms, missing legs, extra arms, extra legs, fused fingers, too many fingers, long neck, incoherent from this hyper-real illustration of a ${e}`,t=({title:e})=>`\n\tPhotorealistic highly detailed image of ingredients for ${e}, arranged professionally as if for a food photography shoot. image should showcase maximum detail realism, with a focus on foreground, emulating the style of a high-definition, 8k resolution professional food photograph. lighting should be volumetric and uplit, with a depth of field and bokeh effect, avoiding any blur for clarity. overall aesthetic should be reminiscent of the Kodak Portrait 800 style.\n\tNegative Prompt:\n\teasy-negative, cartoon, worst quality, low quality, text, title, logo, signature ,watermark, extra limbs, extra fingers, mutated hands, bad anatomy, blurry, blur, grainy, teeth, low resolution, low details, oversaturated, undersaturated, overexposed, underexposed, grayscale, bad shadow, draft, cropped, out of frame, cut off, jpeg artefacts, out of focus, glitch, airbrushed, anime, semi-realistic, cgi, render, 3D, blender, manga, amateur, 3D, 3D Game, drawing, sketch\n`;exports.getOpenAiBasedImagePrompt=o,exports.getOpenAiBasedImagePromptDalle2=t,exports.getStableDiffusionImagePrompt=a;
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ export interface PageSeoData {
+ title: string;
+ description: string;
+ }
+ export declare enum PageNames {
+ Authors = "authors",
+ Home = "home",
+ NotFound = "not-found",
+ AboutUs = "about-us",
+ PrivacyPolicy = "privacy-policy",
+ Terms = "terms",
+ Sitemap = "sitemap"
+ }
+ export type PagesSeo = Record<PageNames, PageSeoData>;
+ export interface AuthorInfo {
+ name: string;
+ description: string;
+ meta_title: string;
+ meta_description: string;
+ }
+ export declare const PAGES_SEO: PagesSeo;
+ export declare const AUTHORS_INFO: AuthorInfo[];
+ export declare const AUTHORS_META: Record<string, PageSeoData>;
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ "use strict";var e;exports.PageNames=void 0,(e=exports.PageNames||(exports.PageNames={})).Authors="authors",e.Home="home",e.NotFound="not-found",e.AboutUs="about-us",e.PrivacyPolicy="privacy-policy",e.Terms="terms",e.Sitemap="sitemap";const a={[exports.PageNames.Authors]:{title:"Meet Our Experts | HuntersDev",description:"Discover the industry veterans behind HuntersDev! ๐Ÿš€ Explore their insights on the latest IT hardware & software trends."},[exports.PageNames.Home]:{title:"HuntersDev | Latest IT Hardware & Software Reviews",description:"Stay updated with HuntersDev! ๐Ÿ–ฅ๏ธ Dive into comprehensive reviews & previews of cutting-edge IT solutions for professionals."},[exports.PageNames.NotFound]:{title:"404 - Page Not Found | HuntersDev",description:"Oops! ๐Ÿ˜… The page you are looking for does not exist. Return to our home for the latest IT insights."},[exports.PageNames.AboutUs]:{title:"About HuntersDev | Your IT Infotainment Hub",description:"Learn about the mission of HuntersDev! ๐ŸŒŸ We provide thorough reviews & previews for IT professionals seeking the best technologies."},[exports.PageNames.PrivacyPolicy]:{title:"Privacy Policy | HuntersDev",description:"Your privacy matters to us! ๐Ÿ”’ Read our policy to understand how we protect your data while you explore IT insights."},[exports.PageNames.Terms]:{title:"Terms of Service | HuntersDev",description:"Understand our terms of service. ๐Ÿ“œ Stay informed about your rights and responsibilities while using HuntersDev."},[exports.PageNames.Sitemap]:{title:"Sitemap | HuntersDev",description:"Navigate through HuntersDev easily! ๐Ÿ—บ๏ธ Check our sitemap for quick access to all IT hardware & software content."}},t=[{name:"Ravi Kumar",description:"Ravi Kumar is a seasoned IT professional with over 15 years of experience in software development and project management. He specializes in cloud computing and has worked with several Fortune 500 companies to optimize their software solutions. Ravi is passionate about technology and enjoys sharing insights and reviews on the latest hardware and software innovations.",meta_title:"Ravi Kumar - Expert IT Reviewer at HuntersDev",meta_description:"Explore the latest tech reviews from Ravi Kumar, a seasoned IT professional with 15 years of experience in cloud computing and software solutions. Discover insights on hardware and software tailored for professionals."},{name:"Anjali Mehta",description:"Anjali Mehta is an accomplished software engineer and technical writer with a focus on mobile technology and application development. With a decade of experience, she brings a unique perspective to her reviews, emphasizing user experience and functionality. Anjali is dedicated to serving IT professionals with detailed insights into the latest trends in software.",meta_title:"Anjali Mehta - Mobile Tech Specialist at HuntersDev",meta_description:"Join Anjali Mehta, a mobile technology expert and technical writer, as she reviews the latest applications and hardware for IT professionals. Insights focused on user experience and innovation."},{name:"Vikram Singh",description:"With over 12 years of experience in cybersecurity, Vikram Singh is a trusted voice in the field of information technology. His articles provide thorough analyses of the latest software tools and hardware solutions designed to enhance security and protect data. Vikram aims to empower IT professionals with knowledge to navigate the complex security landscape.",meta_title:"Vikram Singh - Cybersecurity Expert at HuntersDev",meta_description:"Read insights from Vikram Singh, a cybersecurity expert with 12 years of experience, as he reviews cutting-edge software and hardware solutions for enhanced security in the tech industry."},{name:"Priya Desai",description:"Priya Desai is a data science consultant and author with expertise in machine learning and data analytics. With a background in computer science, she enjoys translating complex concepts into easy-to-understand content. Priya's reviews focus on data-related tools and software, providing valuable insights for IT professionals looking to leverage data effectively.",meta_title:"Priya Desai - Data Science Advocate at HuntersDev",meta_description:"Delve into the world of data analytics with Priya Desai, a data science consultant who reviews the latest tools and software for IT professionals, simplifying complex topics for better understanding."},{name:"Amit Sharma",description:"Amit Sharma is a hardware enthusiast and tech journalist with over a decade of experience in the IT industry. He focuses on the review of the latest gadgets and hardware components, helping IT professionals make informed purchasing decisions. Amit combines technical knowledge with a keen eye for detail in his writing.",meta_title:"Amit Sharma - Hardware Guru at HuntersDev",meta_description:"Stay updated with the latest hardware reviews from Amit Sharma, a tech journalist with over a decade of experience, as he guides IT professionals in making informed decisions on tech purchases."},{name:"Neha Roy",description:"Neha Roy is a cloud technology specialist with extensive experience in infrastructure management and DevOps. Her articles focus on the latest software solutions that optimize cloud environments, catering to IT professionals who need the best tools for their projects. Neha is an advocate for cloud innovation.",meta_title:"Neha Roy - Cloud Technology Specialist at HuntersDev",meta_description:"Discover Neha Roy's insights on cloud technology and software solutions tailored for IT professionals, as she reviews the best tools to optimize cloud environments and enhance projects."},{name:"Rahul Patel",description:"Rahul Patel is a full-stack developer and tech reviewer with 8 years of experience in web development and software engineering. He focuses on the intersection of hardware and software, providing detailed reviews and previews of products that elevate IT professionals' workflow and efficiency.",meta_title:"Rahul Patel - Full-Stack Developer at HuntersDev",meta_description:"Join Rahul Patel, a full-stack developer and tech reviewer, as he provides insights and reviews of hardware and software solutions designed for the modern IT professional's efficiency."},{name:"Sita Nair",description:"Sita Nair is an IT consultant and writer with a passion for emerging technologies such as blockchain and artificial intelligence. With 10 years of industry experience, she delivers in-depth reviews that demystify the latest tech trends for IT professionals eager to stay ahead of the curve.",meta_title:"Sita Nair - Emerging Tech Author at HuntersDev",meta_description:"Explore tech trends with Sita Nair, an IT consultant specializing in blockchain and AI, as she reviews innovations that drive the industry forward, aimed at equipping IT professionals with knowledge."},{name:"Karan Singh",description:"Karan Singh is a software architect and experienced technical writer, dedicated to educating IT professionals about software design and architecture. With 15 years in the industry, he provides clear and concise reviews on essential software tools that aid in the development process.",meta_title:"Karan Singh - Software Architecture Expert at HuntersDev",meta_description:"Get insights from Karan Singh, a software architect with 15 years of experience, as he reviews crucial software design tools for IT professionals in software development and architecture."},{name:"Sneha Iyer",description:"Sneha Iyer is a tech blogger and educator focusing on software testing and quality assurance. She has 7 years of experience in the IT sector and aims to provide valuable reviews that guide professionals in selecting the right tools for effective testing and quality control.",meta_title:"Sneha Iyer - QA and Testing Advocate at HuntersDev",meta_description:"Follow Sneha Iyer, a dedicated tech blogger and educator, as she reviews software testing tools that help IT professionals enhance quality assurance and ensure effective software solutions."},{name:"Rajesh Kumar",description:"Rajesh Kumar is a seasoned IT professional with over 15 years of experience in software development and hardware integration. He specializes in cloud computing solutions and has authored several papers on emerging technologies. His insights help professionals navigate the complex landscape of IT.",meta_title:"Rajesh Kumar - IT Specialist and Tech Writer at HuntersDev",meta_description:"Explore Rajesh Kumar's expertise in cloud computing and software development, providing valuable insights into the latest hardware and software trends for IT professionals."},{name:"Sneha Mehta",description:"Sneha Mehta is a freelance technology journalist with a passion for exploring the latest software trends. With a strong background in computer science and over 8 years of writing experience, she delivers in-depth reviews and previews aimed at IT professionals.",meta_title:"Sneha Mehta - Technology Journalist at HuntersDev",meta_description:"Discover Sneha Mehta's articles on the cutting-edge of software technologies and her expert reviews designed for IT professionals around the globe."},{name:"Amit Verma",description:"Amit Verma is an IT consultant and writer with a focus on hardware advancements in the tech industry. With 10 years of experience in managing IT projects, he provides a unique perspective on the hardware landscape and its impact on software performance.",meta_title:"Amit Verma - IT Consultant and Writer at HuntersDev",meta_description:"Read Amit Verma's insightful articles on the latest hardware trends and their implications for software solutions in the IT sector."},{name:"Priya Singh",description:"Priya Singh is a tech enthusiast and blogger with over 6 years of experience in reviewing software products for performance optimization. Her analytical skills and attention to detail make her reviews a must-read for IT professionals seeking the best available tools.",meta_title:"Priya Singh - Software Review Expert at HuntersDev",meta_description:"Uncover Priya Singh's thorough software reviews and previews tailored for IT professionals, ensuring you make informed choices in your tech investments."},{name:"Deepak Joshi",description:"Deepak Joshi has spent more than a decade in IT infrastructure management and is recognized for his expertise in network hardware. As a passionate tech writer, he shares comprehensive reviews that target the practical needs of IT professionals.",meta_title:"Deepak Joshi - IT Infrastructure Expert at HuntersDev",meta_description:"Follow Deepak Joshi's articles on network hardware and infrastructure, offering IT professionals valuable insights and up-to-date reviews."},{name:"Nisha Gupta",description:"Nisha Gupta is a writer and software analyst with a knack for breaking down complex software solutions into easy-to-understand language. Her thorough previews of software for IT professionals have garnered a loyal following.",meta_title:"Nisha Gupta - Software Analyst at HuntersDev",meta_description:"Explore Nisha Gupta's engaging previews of software products, designed for IT professionals who want clarity and detail in their tech choices."},{name:"Rahul Desai",description:"Rahul Desai is a product manager turned tech writer with over 12 years in the tech industry. His reviews and insights delve into the usability of hardware and its integration with software systems, making him a sought-after voice in the field.",meta_title:"Rahul Desai - Product Manager and Tech Writer at HuntersDev",meta_description:"Delve into Rahul Desai's articles that blend product management and tech writing, providing in-depth insights for IT professionals."},{name:"Kavita Reddy",description:"Kavita Reddy is a data scientist and writer who specializes in software analytics. With her strong analytical background, she presents detailed reviews and previews that help IT professionals understand software performance metrics.",meta_title:"Kavita Reddy - Data Scientist and Tech Writer at HuntersDev",meta_description:"Learn from Kavita Reddy's expertise in software analytics through her reviews designed for IT professionals keen on software performance evaluation."},{name:"Vikram Sethi",description:"Vikram Sethi has a wealth of knowledge in cybersecurity and IT governance. With more than 15 years of experience, he writes extensively on secure hardware and software practices that are crucial for IT professionals to stay compliant.",meta_title:"Vikram Sethi - Cybersecurity Expert at HuntersDev",meta_description:"Gain insights from Vikram Sethi's articles focusing on secure IT practices and the latest hardware solutions for cybersecurity."},{name:"Anjali Chawla",description:"Anjali Chawla is a software developer and tech blogger with a deep understanding of coding in various programming languages. Her technical reviews of software development tools are essential reads for IT professionals seeking to enhance their development processes.",meta_title:"Anjali Chawla - Software Developer and Blogger at HuntersDev",meta_description:"Explore Anjali Chawla's technical insights and reviews on software development tools, crafted to help IT professionals improve their coding practices."},{name:"Vikram Desai",description:"Vikram Desai is a software engineer turned tech writer. With a knack for breaking down technical jargon, he delivers thorough previews and reviews of software tools suited for professionals in the IT sector.",meta_title:"Vikram Desai - Software Insights and Reviews | HuntersDev",meta_description:"Get expert software reviews from Vikram Desai, a former software engineer now dedicated to providing insightful tech content at HuntersDev."},{name:"Neha Bansal",description:"Neha Bansal is a technology enthusiast and expert writer specializing in IT hardware reviews. With a strong background in computer science, she helps readers make informed decisions about their tech purchases.",meta_title:"Neha Bansal - IT Hardware Review Expert | HuntersDev",meta_description:"Follow Neha Bansal for expert reviews on the latest IT hardware and tech gadgets, ensuring you make the best purchase decisions with HuntersDev."},{name:"Rahul Singh",description:"Rahul Singh is an analytical software engineer with a passion for tech blogging. His reviews and previews are known for their depth and attention to detail, helping IT professionals select the right solutions.",meta_title:"Rahul Singh - Detailed Software Reviews | HuntersDev",meta_description:"Learn from Rahul Singh, an analytical IT expert providing detailed software reviews and previews at HuntersDev. Your trusted source for technology insights."},{name:"Sanya Patel",description:"Sanya Patel is a leading voice in the tech community, with extensive experience in software evaluations. She has a talent for highlighting features crucial for IT professionals amidst the latest trends.",meta_title:"Sanya Patel - Tech Analyst and Software Evaluator | HuntersDev",meta_description:"Discover Sanya Patel's expert software evaluations, designed specifically for IT professionals. Get insights and reviews at HuntersDev."},{name:"Priya Iyer",description:"Priya Iyer is a seasoned content writer specializing in information technology. With a keen eye for the latest developments, she provides engaging previews and reviews tailored for IT professionals.",meta_title:"Priya Iyer - IT Content Writer and Reviewer | HuntersDev",meta_description:"Stay updated with Priya Iyerโ€™s engaging IT reviews and previews at HuntersDev, where technology meets insightful content."},{name:"Karan Bhatia",description:"Karan Bhatia is an accomplished tech blogger with years of experience providing product reviews and expert insights on IT trends for hardware and software. He has worked on multiple projects focused on AI and cloud computing.",meta_title:"Karan Bhatia - Expert IT Blogger and Reviewer | HuntersDev",meta_description:"Karan Bhatia delivers expert reviews and insights on IT trends at HuntersDev, helping professionals stay ahead in the tech world."},{name:"Tanvi Rao",description:"Tanvi Rao is a dynamic tech writer with a passion for software solutions designed for businesses. Her extensive background in the tech industry allows her to review products from a practical perspective.",meta_title:"Tanvi Rao - Business Software Review Specialist | HuntersDev",meta_description:"Unlock the potential of business software with reviews by Tanvi Rao at HuntersDev, a seasoned tech writer committed to providing valuable insights."},{name:"Vikram Sharma",description:"Vikram Sharma has worked in the IT sector for over 15 years, focusing on cloud computing and data analytics. His articles are known for their technical depth and practical insights, making complex topics accessible to IT professionals of all levels.",meta_title:"Vikram Sharma - IT Expert and Author at HuntersDev",meta_description:"Discover expert reviews and previews of hardware and software from Vikram Sharma, an authoritative voice in cloud computing and data analytics."},{name:"Priya Choudhary",description:"Priya Choudhary is an accomplished tech writer with a specialization in cybersecurity. With a Masterโ€™s degree in Information Security and extensive industry experience, she provides critical insights on the latest software and hardware, helping IT professionals stay secure.",meta_title:"Priya Choudhary - Cybersecurity Author at HuntersDev",meta_description:"Stay updated with essential cybersecurity reviews and previews from Priya Choudhary, a dedicated expert in the field."},{name:"Aarav Desai",description:"Aarav Desai is an IT consultant with a focus on hardware performance and optimization. He has over 8 years of experience in system architecture and regularly shares his insights on tech platforms, helping professionals make informed decisions.",meta_title:"Aarav Desai - Hardware Specialist and Author at HuntersDev",meta_description:"Get the latest hardware reviews and previews from Aarav Desai, an experienced IT consultant dedicated to optimizing performance."},{name:"Neha Bhatia",description:"Neha Bhatia is a tech blogger and analyst with a keen interest in software development methodologies. With a background in Agile practices, she writes articles that bridge the gap between technical aspects and business strategies.",meta_title:"Neha Bhatia - Software Analyst and Writer at HuntersDev",meta_description:"Explore insightful reviews and previews of software and development methodologies by Neha Bhatia, a passionate tech analyst."},{name:"Akash Reddy",description:"Akash Reddy is a software engineer and tech enthusiast passionate about mobile technologies. He has contributed to numerous tech journals and uses his hands-on experience to provide comprehensive reviews of the latest apps and software.",meta_title:"Akash Reddy - Mobile Technology Author at HuntersDev",meta_description:"Read detailed reviews and previews of mobile software and applications from Akash Reddy, an expert in mobile technologies."},{name:"Kavya Shetty",description:"Kavya Shetty is a creative tech writer specializing in UX/UI design and development. With years of experience in the IT industry, she sheds light on the intersection of technology and design, providing valuable insights for IT professionals.",meta_title:"Kavya Shetty - UX/UI Design Expert and Writer at HuntersDev",meta_description:"Delve into the world of UX/UI with Kavya Shettyโ€™s expert reviews and previews, designed for IT professionals who prioritize user experience."},{name:"Rohan Singh",description:"Rohan Singh is a data scientist with extensive experience in machine learning and AI. He writes about the latest advancements in technology, helping IT professionals understand the implications and applications of AI in their fields.",meta_title:"Rohan Singh - Data Science Author at HuntersDev",meta_description:"Explore the future of AI and machine learning with Rohan Singh's comprehensive reviews and previews for IT professionals."},{name:"Alice Chen",description:"Alice Chen is a technology journalist with over 8 years of experience writing about hardware and software innovations. She has contributed to top tech publications and is known for her insightful reviews that help IT professionals make informed decisions. Based in San Francisco, Alice excels in translating complex technical concepts into engaging articles.",meta_title:"Alice Chen - Tech Journalist at HuntersDev",meta_description:"Discover reviews and insights from Alice Chen, a seasoned technology journalist with over 8 years of experience in hardware and software analysis, providing valuable content for IT professionals."},{name:"Raj Patel",description:"Raj Patel is a tech enthusiast and freelance writer from Mumbai, India. With a background in computer science, he specializes in evaluating the latest software applications and hardware gadgets. His articles are characterized by thorough research, clear explanations, and practical applications for IT professionals.",meta_title:"Raj Patel - Freelance Writer at HuntersDev",meta_description:"Explore the latest hardware and software analyses from Raj Patel, a Mumbai-based tech writer with a computer science background and a passion for helping IT professionals."},{name:"Elena Garcia",description:"Elena Garcia is a seasoned IT consultant and tech writer from Madrid, Spain. With over 10 years of experience in the industry, she offers unique insights into technology trends and product comparisons, aimed at professionals in the field. Elena's engaging style and expertise make her articles a must-read for anyone in the tech industry.",meta_title:"Elena Garcia - IT Consultant and Writer at HuntersDev",meta_description:"Read insightful articles by Elena Garcia, an experienced IT consultant and tech writer from Madrid, who specializes in the latest technology trends and product evaluations for IT professionals."},{name:"Mohammed Ali",description:"Based in Cairo, Egypt, Mohammed Ali is a hardware engineer and tech reviewer with a strong focus on emerging technologies. His hands-on experience provides readers with practical insights into hardware performance and software capabilities, catering specifically to tech professionals looking to stay ahead in the fast-evolving IT landscape.",meta_title:"Mohammed Ali - Hardware Engineer and Reviewer at HuntersDev",meta_description:"Join Mohammed Ali as he shares his expertise in hardware and software evaluations. A hardware engineer based in Cairo, he delves into cutting-edge technologies for IT professionals."},{name:"Sofia Novikova",description:"Sofia Novikova is a tech blogger and software analyst from St. Petersburg, Russia, with a keen eye for detail and the latest software releases. With a decade of experience under her belt, she provides IT professionals with in-depth software analysis and product previews to enhance their toolkits.",meta_title:"Sofia Novikova - Tech Blogger and Software Analyst at HuntersDev",meta_description:"Discover the latest software insights and reviews by Sofia Novikova, a tech blogger from St. Petersburg, offering in-depth analyses for information technology professionals."},{name:"Liam O'Sullivan",description:"Liam O'Sullivan hails from Dublin, Ireland, and has spent over 12 years working in the IT sector, primarily focusing on cybersecurity and software development. He writes detailed reviews and previews that address the concerns and needs of IT professionals, helping them navigate the complex technology landscape.",meta_title:"Liam O'Sullivan - IT Specialist and Writer at HuntersDev",meta_description:"Engage with Liam O'Sullivan's comprehensive reviews and previews of the latest technological advancements, tailored specifically for IT professionals in the cybersecurity and development arenas."},{name:"Nina Svensson",description:"Nina Svensson is a technology researcher and writer based in Stockholm, Sweden. With a background in data science, she produces compelling analyses and reviews of software and hardware solutions, making them accessible and useful to IT professionals seeking knowledge and improvement in their fields.",meta_title:"Nina Svensson - Technology Researcher and Writer at HuntersDev",meta_description:"Unlock the potential of technology with Nina Svensson, a Stockholm-based technology researcher who provides essential reviews and analyses for IT professionals."},{name:"Carlos Mendoza",description:"Carlos Mendoza is an experienced tech writer and product reviewer from Buenos Aires, Argentina. With a rich background in IT consulting, he focuses on delivering quality content about software efficiency and hardware specifications that resonate with both novice and expert IT professionals.",meta_title:"Carlos Mendoza - Tech Writer and Product Reviewer at HuntersDev",meta_description:"Delve into Carlos Mendoza's expert tech articles, reviews, and insights from Buenos Aires, aimed at empowering IT professionals with knowledge about software and hardware."},{name:"Nikita Petrov",description:"Nikita Petrov is a software engineer and freelance writer from Kyiv, Ukraine. With expertise in DevOps and agile software development, he provides critical reviews and previews of the latest tools and technologies catered to IT professionals who thrive on efficiency and productivity.",meta_title:"Nikita Petrov - Software Engineer and Writer at HuntersDev",meta_description:"Discover Nikita Petrov's valuable contributions to HuntersDev, where he offers expert reviews and previews of the latest technologies tailored for IT professionals."},{name:"Grace Williams",description:"Grace Williams is an IT expert and veteran tech writer located in Sydney, Australia. With more than 15 years of experience in various aspects of information technology, she writes about trends in hardware and software that are particularly relevant to IT professionals, aiming to keep them informed and empowered.",meta_title:"Grace Williams - IT Expert and Veteran Writer at HuntersDev",meta_description:"Engage with the wealth of knowledge shared by Grace Williams, an IT expert and tech writer from Sydney, focusing on the latest trends and reviews to benefit IT professionals."},{name:"Jane Doe",description:"Jane is a seasoned IT professional with over 10 years of experience in hardware and software testing. She has a deep understanding of the latest tech trends and is passionate about sharing her insights through comprehensive reviews and previews.",meta_title:"Jane Doe - Expert in IT Hardware & Software Reviews | HuntersDev",meta_description:"Discover in-depth reviews and previews of the latest IT hardware and software by Jane Doe, an industry expert with over a decade of experience."},{name:"John Smith",description:"John is a technology writer and IT consultant with a focus on enterprise solutions. His articles provide readers with valuable evaluations of both hardware and software, making him a trusted voice in the tech community.",meta_title:"John Smith - IT Solutions Analyst & Tech Writer | HuntersDev",meta_description:"Read insightful reviews and previews by John Smith, an IT solutions analyst with insights into the latest technology and software trends."},{name:"Emily Johnson",description:"With a background in computer engineering, Emily brings her technical expertise to her reviews of new hardware and software. She aims to simplify complex concepts for IT professionals and tech enthusiasts alike.",meta_title:"Emily Johnson - Tech Engineer & Review Specialist | HuntersDev",meta_description:"Explore the latest hardware and software reviews from Emily Johnson, a tech engineer committed to making technology accessible for all."},{name:"Michael Lee",description:"Michael is an experienced journalist who specializes in technology and IT trends. He has written for various tech publications and provides keen insights on products and their performance in real-world scenarios.",meta_title:"Michael Lee - Technology Journalist & IT Expert | HuntersDev",meta_description:"Stay updated with Michael Lee's expert reviews and previews of cutting-edge hardware and software in the IT landscape."},{name:"Sophia Garcia",description:"A passionate software developer and tech reviewer, Sophia focuses on software usability and functionality. Her hands-on approach ensures her reviews are both technical and user-friendly.",meta_title:"Sophia Garcia - Software Developer & Review Analyst | HuntersDev",meta_description:"Uncover detailed insights and user-friendly evaluations of software and hardware by Sophia Garcia, a dedicated software developer."},{name:"David Kim",description:"David has a strong background in IT project management and has been reviewing technology products for over 5 years. His practical insights help bridge the gap between tech specifications and user needs.",meta_title:"David Kim - IT Project Manager & Tech Reviewer | HuntersDev",meta_description:"Get practical advice and reviews from David Kim, an IT project manager dedicated to helping professionals navigate the tech landscape."},{name:"Alice Brown",description:"As a freelance writer and tech enthusiast, Alice covers everything from startup tech to enterprise solutions. Her articles focus on emerging technologies and their practical applications in the industry.",meta_title:"Alice Brown - Freelance Tech Writer & Innovator | HuntersDev",meta_description:"Follow Alice Brown for fresh perspectives on emerging technologies and insightful reviews of the latest hardware and software."},{name:"Chris Wilson",description:"Chris is a veteran IT analyst with years of experience in evaluating both software and hardware from a corporate perspective. His thorough reviews and forecasts provide valuable insights for IT professionals.",meta_title:"Chris Wilson - IT Analyst & Hardware Expert | HuntersDev",meta_description:"Read Chris Wilsonโ€™s expert analyses on hardware and software, offering in-depth reviews for the informed IT professional."},{name:"Patricia White",description:"Patricia is an award-winning tech journalist with a knack for uncovering the real-world implications of new software and hardware. She provides comprehensive reviews that balance technical detail with readability.",meta_title:"Patricia White - Award-Winning Tech Journalist | HuntersDev",meta_description:"Explore award-winning reviews by Patricia White, diving deep into the latest IT hardware and software innovations."},{name:"Daniel Patel",description:"A computer science graduate and tech blogger, Daniel specializes in high-performance computing and gaming tech. His reviews cater to gaming professionals and users looking for the best technology solutions.",meta_title:"Daniel Patel - Gaming Tech Expert & Reviewer | HuntersDev",meta_description:"Join Daniel Patel as he shares his expertise in gaming technology through engaging reviews and previews of the latest hardware and software."}],i=t.reduce(((e,a)=>Object.assign(Object.assign({},e),{[a.name]:{title:a.meta_title,description:a.meta_description}})),{});exports.AUTHORS_INFO=t,exports.AUTHORS_META=i,exports.PAGES_SEO=a;
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