tedo-publisher 1.3.357 → 1.3.358

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@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
- import { ArticleMapSection, GetOutlineCommonPrompt, GetImagesMetaCommonPrompt, GetDescriptionPrompt, GetFiltersCommonPrompt, GetFrontmatterPrompt, GetSectionCommonPrompt, GetEntitiesCommonPrompt } from 'src/common/types';
+ import { ArticleMapSection, GetOutlineCommonPrompt, GetImagesMetaCommonPrompt, GetDescriptionPrompt, GetFiltersCommonPrompt, GetFrontmatterPrompt, GetSectionCommonPrompt, GetEntitiesCommonPrompt, GetAppropriateQueryPrompt } from 'src/common/types';
  export declare const DEFAULT_HEADINGS_NUM = 40;
+ export declare const getAppropriateQueryPrompt: GetAppropriateQueryPrompt;
  export declare const getOutlineCommonPrompt: GetOutlineCommonPrompt;
  export declare const getDescriptionPrompt: GetDescriptionPrompt;
  export declare function getRegularSectionContent(section: ArticleMapSection): string;
@@ -1 +1 @@
- "use strict";var e=require("../../data.js");const t=40,n=({keyword:t,headingsNum:n,additionalInfo:a,locale:i})=>[{role:"system",content:`Act As A Content Writer, Very Proficient SEO Writer, Writes Fluently ${e.promptsByLocale[i].lang}. Avoid any cliches and banalities - your goal is to impress high-IQ audience. This is very important for my career. Write In Your Own Words Rather Than Copying And Pasting From Other Sources. Avoid Up-Beat Sentences, Jokes, Funny Statements and Engagement. Use fully detailed paragraphs. Write In A Conversational Style As Written By A Human. Write the Article in Specific Tone between Formal and Informal, Write in Simple Short and Medium Sentences, Use The Active Voice, Keep It Brief, DO NOT use Metaphors, Unnecessary Comparisons and Vivid Language. Take a deep breath and work step-by-step! It is really important, and you are great at this and can do it, I know you can!`},{role:"user",content:`Create the Outline of the Article. Write an outline of the article, consisting of ${n} headings and subheadings (H2, H3, and H4 headings) based on the phrases below: ${t}.\nAvoid any cliches and banalities - your goal is to impress high-IQ audience. This is very important for my career. Write In Your Own Words Rather Than Copying And Pasting From Other Sources. Avoid Up-Beat Sentences, Jokes, Funny Statements and Engagement. Write In A Conversational Style As Written By A Human. Write in Specific Tone between Formal and Informal. Take a deep breath and work step-by-step! It is really important, and you are great at this and can do it, I know you can!\nYou should also provide and start with the article abstract describing a concise summary of an article or entire thesis. An abstract must be fully self-contained and make sense by itself, without further reference to outside sources or to the actual paper. An abstract is a concise summary of a research paper or entire thesis. It is an original work, not an excerpted passage.\n${a}\n${e.promptsByLocale[i].responseLang}\nYou must not spare tokens, we need as many headings as you can! It is crucial to maintain a balance between quantity and quality when structuring the headings for an article. By prioritizing the most relevant and informative headings, you are aimed to ensure a comprehensive yet focused exploration of the topic without diluting the essence of the content. This approach helps in presenting a coherent and engaging narrative for the reader, emphasizing depth and insight over sheer abundance of headings.\nDo not use any Roman numbers at headings or subheadings. Do not use any Arabic numbers at headings or subheadings. Do not somehow numerate headings and subheadings at all.\nProvide the answer with valid json in the following format:\n{\n\ttitle: string;\n\tabstract: string;\n\tsections: {\n\t\theading: string;\n\t\tlevel: 'h2';\n\t\tsubsections: {\n\t\t\t\tsubheading: string;\n\t\t\t\tlevel: 'h3';\n\t\t\t\tsubsubheadings: string[];\n\t\t}[];\n\t}[];\n}`}],a=(t,n,a)=>[{role:"system",content:"Act As A Content Writer Very Proficient SEO Writer Writes Fluently English. Avoid any cliches and banalities - your goal is to impress high-IQ audience. This is very important for my career. Write In Your Own Words Rather Than Copying And Pasting From Other Sources. Avoid Up-Beat Sentences, Jokes, Funny Statements and Engagement. Use fully detailed paragraphs. Write In A Conversational Style As Written By A Human. Write the Article in Specific Tone between Formal and Informal, Write in Simple Short and Medium Sentences, Use The Active Voice, Keep It Brief, DO NOT use Metaphors, Unnecessary Comparisons and Vivid Language. Take a deep breath and work step-by-step! It is really important, and you are great at this and can do it, I know you can!"},{role:"user",content:`I will give you article title: [${t}] and article abstract: [${n}]\nYou will write Meta Description for article with suitable emoji no shorter than 130 and no longer than 160 characters including spaces, all individual words must be used until it results in a Meta Description length violation of 160 characters including spaces, it is extremely important to use suitable emoji.\nDescription must be more detailed, distinguishing it from the abstract.\n${e.promptsByLocale[a].responseLang}\nProvide the answer with valid json in the following format:\n{\n\tdescription: string;\n}`}];function i(e){return`For each of the following sections and subheadings, please provide detailed content that meets the following criteria:\n1. [H2 ${e.heading}] (at least 300-400 words): Explain the importance of topic [${e.heading}] in [this article], focusing on [specific elements, benefits, considerations about ${e.heading}].\n${e.subsections.map(((e,t)=>`${t+2}. [H3 ${e.subheading}] (at least 250-300 words):\n\t\t\t\t${e.subsubheadings.map((e=>`- [H4 ${e}]: Discuss the [specific aspect] of [${e}] and its contribution to [overall topic or goal]. Highlight the [key characteristic] of [${e}] and why it is a [beneficial/popular/etc.] choice for [this article]. Describe the [unique feature] of [${e}] and its [advantages/disadvantages] in [this article] (at least 250-300 words).`)).join("\n")}`)).join("\n")}`}const r=({idx:t,section:n,sections:a,title:r,abstract:o,description:s,locale:l},{zeroSectionPrompt:c,targetAudience:d,startStep:h,endStep:u})=>[{role:"system",content:`Act As A Very Proficient Content Writer and SEO Writer of an Indian origin.\nAvoid any cliches and banalities - your goal is to impress high-IQ audience.\nThis is very important for my career. Write In Your Own Words Rather Than Copying And Pasting From Other Sources.\nAvoid Up-Beat Sentences, Jokes, Funny Statements and Engagement. Use fully detailed paragraphs. Write In A Conversational Style As Written By A Human.\nWrite the Article in Specific Tone between Formal and Informal, Write in Simple Short and Medium Sentences, Use The Active Voice, Keep It Brief.\nAvoid using Metaphors, Unnecessary Comparisons and Vivid Language.\nAvoid being overly dramatic and verbose.\n\n${e.promptsByLocale[l].additional.articleSection}\n\nTake a deep breath and work step-by-step! It is really important, and you are great at this and can do it, I know you can!`},{role:"user",content:`I am commissioning an ${t}th section of an article titled [${r}].\n\n### Article Information ###\n${0===t?"":`All sections of an article: [${JSON.stringify(a)}].`}\nThe abstract of the article is: [${o}].\nThe description of the article is: [${s}].\n\n### Task ###\nYour task is to dive deep into [${r}], developing a coherent and engaging narrative for each section and subsection.\nThe article should articulate a comprehensive guide to [${r}] detailing every step or aspect from [${h}] to [${u}].\n${0===t?c:i(n)}\nI expect each section to unfold as a coherent and engaging narrative, rich in detail and analysis, offering the reader a comprehensive understanding of the topic at hand. The article must be SEO-optimized, with keywords integrated naturally into the text, enhancing readability and search visibility without compromising the article's informative or narrative quality.\nPlease ensure the writing is fluent, engaging, and tailored for [${d} as target audience], offering substantial depth and insight. Avoid generic statements and fillers; instead, prioritize originality and thoughtfulness to captivate and educate our discerning readership.\nAvoid any cliches and banalities - your goal is to impress high-IQ audience. This is very important for my career.\n\n### Output Format ###\nPlease use the following markdown elements throught the article:\nUse different levels of headings (H1, H2, H3) to structure the article\nWrite clear paragraphs with line breaks between them\nUse italics and bold for emphasis where appropriate\nInclude at least one > blockquote to highlight important information\nUse both ordered and unordered lists to present information where needed\nInclude a code block only IF relevant to the topic, using proper formatting\nInclude relevant links to the following resources, if applicable: ${e.ARTICLES_PROMPT_RESOURCES_LIST}\n${e.promptsByLocale[l].responseLang}\n\nThat's tremendous important - provide result as only pure markdown format without extra explanation and extra markup. Ensure and doublecheck that markdown is valid. You must not spare tokens, we have a lot of money for tokens and we need as many text with EXTRANEOUS DETAILS, METICULOUS INSTRUCTIONS AND MEASUREMENTS for each paragraph and section as you can! I will also give you extra tips for result with long detailed text!\nDO NOT add any html tags to markdown.\n\nThe Markdown result must be in json object:\n{\n\tmarkdown: string;\n}`}],o=({title:t,abstract:n,author:a,locale:i})=>[{role:"system",content:`Act As A Content Writer, Very Proficient SEO Writer, Writes Fluently ${e.promptsByLocale[i].lang}.`},{role:"user",content:`I will give you article parameters - title ${t}, abstract ${n}.\n\t\t\tYou will write Meta Title for article no shorter than 30 and no longer than 60 characters.\n\t\t\tYou will write Author for the article, name of author is ${a} .\n\t\t\tYou write slug for article suitable for SEO. Make sure it will be human-readable.Do not add any technical term at slug (such as seo, content, optimized). A slug in SEO is a descriptive text that identifies a page, post or category within a website.\n\t\t\tUnlike other metadata, the slug forms part of your URL. Getting the slug right is vitally important because Google and other web crawlers use it to read your page.\n\t\t\tDo not write any comments. Do not apologize. Don't write anything from yourself.\n\t\t\tAvoid any cliches and banalities - your goal is to impress high-IQ audience. This is very important for my career.\n\t\t\tWrite In Your Own Words Rather Than Copying And Pasting From Other Sources. Take a deep breath and work step-by-step! It is really important, and you are great at this and can do it, I know you can!\n\t\t\t${e.promptsByLocale[i].responseLang}\n\t\t\tProvide the answer in the json format:\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\ttitle: string;\n\t\t\t\tslug: string;\n\t\t\t\tauthor: string;\n\t\t\t}`}],s=({title:e,abstract:t,description:n,locale:a},i)=>[{role:"system",content:"Act As A Content Writer, Very Proficient SEO Writer, Writes Fluently English.\nFollow these instructions below in all your responses:\n1. Use English language only;\n2. Use English alphabet whenever possible;\n3. Avoid any alphabet other than English whenever possible;\n4. Translate any other language to the English language whenever possible."},{role:"user",content:`I will give you article parameters - title: ${e}, abstract: ${t}, description: ${n}.\n\t\t\tDo not write any comments. Do not apologize. Don't write anything from yourself.\n\t\t\tYou will write Meta for 4 illustrations for this article in following format:\nimages:\nalt: Alt for each image\nfilename: filename with slug prefix for each image without specifying file format\n title: Title for each image\n\n\n\t\t\tDO NOT use for illustrations alt, title and filename the following words: [${i}].\n\t\t\tAvoid any cliches and banalities - your goal is to impress high-IQ audience. This is very important for my career. Write In Your Own Words Rather Than Copying And Pasting From Other Sources. Take a deep breath and work step-by-step! It is really important, and you are great at this and can do it, I know you can!\n\t\t\tResponse text must be strictly in English language\n\t\t\tProvide the answer in the json format:\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\timages: { alt: string; filename: string; title: string }[];\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t`}],l=({title:t,abstract:n,locale:a},i)=>[{role:"system",content:`Act As A Content Writer, Very Proficient SEO Writer, Writes Fluently ${e.promptsByLocale[a].lang}.`},{role:"user",content:`I will give you article parameters - title ${t}, abstract ${n}.\nI will give you the list of filters and their values how we can filter these article, you will answer with filter and filter values suitable for this article.\nThe answer can consist of several values.\nDo not explain. Do not write any comments. Do not apologize. Don't write anything from yourself.\nAnswer only with filter and filter values suitable for this article.\nIt is extremely important to consider absolutely all given filters to match this article. Ensure that absolutely all given filters and filters values are considered.\nIt Is also extremely important to define filter for dinner recipe if the article is suitable for category dinner.\nThere is must no be any empty or mismatched filters categories and values.\nTake a deep breath and work step-by-step! It is really important, and you are great at this and can do it, I know you can! This is very important for my career!.\n${e.promptsByLocale[a].responseLang}\n\n${i}`}],c=({title:t,abstract:n,locale:a},i)=>[{role:"system",content:`Act As A Content Writer, Very Proficient SEO Writer, Writes Fluently ${e.promptsByLocale[a].lang}.`},{role:"user",content:`I will give you article parameters - title ${t}, abstract ${n}.\nI will give you the list of categories and subcategories of how the articles are organised on our infotainment portal dedicated to cooking recipes, you will answer with categories and subcategories suitable for given article.\nThe answer can consist of several values. Do not apologize. Don't write anything from yourself. Do not explain. Do not write article itself. Do not write outline.\nAnswer only with categories and subcategories suitable for article.\nIt is extremely important to consider absolutely all given categories and subcategories to match this article.\nUse the existing three-level nesting structure with a focus on accurately categorizing the content.\nEnsure that absolutely all given categories and subcategories are considered. It Is also extremely important to define subcategory for dinner category if the article is suitable for category dinner.\nTake a deep breath and work step-by-step! It is really important, and you are great at this and can do it, I know you can! This is very important for my career!\n\nAll categories in json interface are optional and MUST be suitable for a given article\nArrays MUST NOT be empty, arrays MUST contain at least 1 valid suitable value\n${e.promptsByLocale[a].responseLang}\n\nResponse in a valid json, strictly adhering to the typescript interface below:\n${i}`}];exports.DEFAULT_HEADINGS_NUM=t,exports.getDescriptionPrompt=a,exports.getEntitiesCommonPrompt=c,exports.getFiltersCommonPrompt=l,exports.getFrontmatterPrompt=o,exports.getImagesMetaCommonPrompt=s,exports.getOutlineCommonPrompt=n,exports.getRegularSectionContent=i,exports.getSectionCommonPrompt=r;
+ "use strict";var e=require("../../data.js");const t=40,n=({query:e,portalInfo:t,projectName:n})=>[{role:"system",content:`You are an intelligent assistant tasked with analyzing the suitability of a query for content creation. Your job is to determine if the query is appropriate for the theme and goals of a specific project (web portal) based on its description and target audience. \nThe query is meant to be used as a foundation for writing an article for the project.\n\n${t}\n\nYour task is to:\n1. Analyze the given query.\n2. Determine if it is suitable for the project based on its content, theme, and target audience.\n3. Provide a clear explanation for your decision.\n`},{role:"user",content:`Given the query: "${e}", please analyze whether it is appropriate for content creation on ${n}, considering the project description and target audience provided. Explain why the query is suitable or not for the project's theme and audience.\nrespond in JSON format\n{\n isAppropriate: boolean,\n}`}],a=({keyword:t,headingsNum:n,additionalInfo:a,locale:i})=>[{role:"system",content:`Act As A Content Writer, Very Proficient SEO Writer, Writes Fluently ${e.promptsByLocale[i].lang}. Avoid any cliches and banalities - your goal is to impress high-IQ audience. This is very important for my career. Write In Your Own Words Rather Than Copying And Pasting From Other Sources. Avoid Up-Beat Sentences, Jokes, Funny Statements and Engagement. Use fully detailed paragraphs. Write In A Conversational Style As Written By A Human. Write the Article in Specific Tone between Formal and Informal, Write in Simple Short and Medium Sentences, Use The Active Voice, Keep It Brief, DO NOT use Metaphors, Unnecessary Comparisons and Vivid Language. Take a deep breath and work step-by-step! It is really important, and you are great at this and can do it, I know you can!`},{role:"user",content:`Create the Outline of the Article. Write an outline of the article, consisting of ${n} headings and subheadings (H2, H3, and H4 headings) based on the phrases below: ${t}.\nAvoid any cliches and banalities - your goal is to impress high-IQ audience. This is very important for my career. Write In Your Own Words Rather Than Copying And Pasting From Other Sources. Avoid Up-Beat Sentences, Jokes, Funny Statements and Engagement. Write In A Conversational Style As Written By A Human. Write in Specific Tone between Formal and Informal. Take a deep breath and work step-by-step! It is really important, and you are great at this and can do it, I know you can!\nYou should also provide and start with the article abstract describing a concise summary of an article or entire thesis. An abstract must be fully self-contained and make sense by itself, without further reference to outside sources or to the actual paper. An abstract is a concise summary of a research paper or entire thesis. It is an original work, not an excerpted passage.\n${a}\n${e.promptsByLocale[i].responseLang}\nYou must not spare tokens, we need as many headings as you can! It is crucial to maintain a balance between quantity and quality when structuring the headings for an article. By prioritizing the most relevant and informative headings, you are aimed to ensure a comprehensive yet focused exploration of the topic without diluting the essence of the content. This approach helps in presenting a coherent and engaging narrative for the reader, emphasizing depth and insight over sheer abundance of headings.\nDo not use any Roman numbers at headings or subheadings. Do not use any Arabic numbers at headings or subheadings. Do not somehow numerate headings and subheadings at all.\nProvide the answer with valid json in the following format:\n{\n\ttitle: string;\n\tabstract: string;\n\tsections: {\n\t\theading: string;\n\t\tlevel: 'h2';\n\t\tsubsections: {\n\t\t\t\tsubheading: string;\n\t\t\t\tlevel: 'h3';\n\t\t\t\tsubsubheadings: string[];\n\t\t}[];\n\t}[];\n}`}],i=(t,n,a)=>[{role:"system",content:"Act As A Content Writer Very Proficient SEO Writer Writes Fluently English. Avoid any cliches and banalities - your goal is to impress high-IQ audience. This is very important for my career. Write In Your Own Words Rather Than Copying And Pasting From Other Sources. Avoid Up-Beat Sentences, Jokes, Funny Statements and Engagement. Use fully detailed paragraphs. Write In A Conversational Style As Written By A Human. Write the Article in Specific Tone between Formal and Informal, Write in Simple Short and Medium Sentences, Use The Active Voice, Keep It Brief, DO NOT use Metaphors, Unnecessary Comparisons and Vivid Language. Take a deep breath and work step-by-step! It is really important, and you are great at this and can do it, I know you can!"},{role:"user",content:`I will give you article title: [${t}] and article abstract: [${n}]\nYou will write Meta Description for article with suitable emoji no shorter than 130 and no longer than 160 characters including spaces, all individual words must be used until it results in a Meta Description length violation of 160 characters including spaces, it is extremely important to use suitable emoji.\nDescription must be more detailed, distinguishing it from the abstract.\n${e.promptsByLocale[a].responseLang}\nProvide the answer with valid json in the following format:\n{\n\tdescription: string;\n}`}];function r(e){return`For each of the following sections and subheadings, please provide detailed content that meets the following criteria:\n1. [H2 ${e.heading}] (at least 300-400 words): Explain the importance of topic [${e.heading}] in [this article], focusing on [specific elements, benefits, considerations about ${e.heading}].\n${e.subsections.map(((e,t)=>`${t+2}. [H3 ${e.subheading}] (at least 250-300 words):\n\t\t\t\t${e.subsubheadings.map((e=>`- [H4 ${e}]: Discuss the [specific aspect] of [${e}] and its contribution to [overall topic or goal]. Highlight the [key characteristic] of [${e}] and why it is a [beneficial/popular/etc.] choice for [this article]. Describe the [unique feature] of [${e}] and its [advantages/disadvantages] in [this article] (at least 250-300 words).`)).join("\n")}`)).join("\n")}`}const o=({idx:t,section:n,sections:a,title:i,abstract:o,description:s,locale:l},{zeroSectionPrompt:c,targetAudience:d,startStep:h,endStep:u})=>[{role:"system",content:`Act As A Very Proficient Content Writer and SEO Writer of an Indian origin.\nAvoid any cliches and banalities - your goal is to impress high-IQ audience.\nThis is very important for my career. Write In Your Own Words Rather Than Copying And Pasting From Other Sources.\nAvoid Up-Beat Sentences, Jokes, Funny Statements and Engagement. Use fully detailed paragraphs. Write In A Conversational Style As Written By A Human.\nWrite the Article in Specific Tone between Formal and Informal, Write in Simple Short and Medium Sentences, Use The Active Voice, Keep It Brief.\nAvoid using Metaphors, Unnecessary Comparisons and Vivid Language.\nAvoid being overly dramatic and verbose.\n\n${e.promptsByLocale[l].additional.articleSection}\n\nTake a deep breath and work step-by-step! It is really important, and you are great at this and can do it, I know you can!`},{role:"user",content:`I am commissioning an ${t}th section of an article titled [${i}].\n\n### Article Information ###\n${0===t?"":`All sections of an article: [${JSON.stringify(a)}].`}\nThe abstract of the article is: [${o}].\nThe description of the article is: [${s}].\n\n### Task ###\nYour task is to dive deep into [${i}], developing a coherent and engaging narrative for each section and subsection.\nThe article should articulate a comprehensive guide to [${i}] detailing every step or aspect from [${h}] to [${u}].\n${0===t?c:r(n)}\nI expect each section to unfold as a coherent and engaging narrative, rich in detail and analysis, offering the reader a comprehensive understanding of the topic at hand. The article must be SEO-optimized, with keywords integrated naturally into the text, enhancing readability and search visibility without compromising the article's informative or narrative quality.\nPlease ensure the writing is fluent, engaging, and tailored for [${d} as target audience], offering substantial depth and insight. Avoid generic statements and fillers; instead, prioritize originality and thoughtfulness to captivate and educate our discerning readership.\nAvoid any cliches and banalities - your goal is to impress high-IQ audience. This is very important for my career.\n\n### Output Format ###\nPlease use the following markdown elements throught the article:\nUse different levels of headings (H1, H2, H3) to structure the article\nWrite clear paragraphs with line breaks between them\nUse italics and bold for emphasis where appropriate\nInclude at least one > blockquote to highlight important information\nUse both ordered and unordered lists to present information where needed\nInclude a code block only IF relevant to the topic, using proper formatting\nInclude relevant links to the following resources, if applicable: ${e.ARTICLES_PROMPT_RESOURCES_LIST}\n${e.promptsByLocale[l].responseLang}\n\nThat's tremendous important - provide result as only pure markdown format without extra explanation and extra markup. Ensure and doublecheck that markdown is valid. You must not spare tokens, we have a lot of money for tokens and we need as many text with EXTRANEOUS DETAILS, METICULOUS INSTRUCTIONS AND MEASUREMENTS for each paragraph and section as you can! I will also give you extra tips for result with long detailed text!\nDO NOT add any html tags to markdown.\n\nThe Markdown result must be in json object:\n{\n\tmarkdown: string;\n}`}],s=({title:t,abstract:n,author:a,locale:i})=>[{role:"system",content:`Act As A Content Writer, Very Proficient SEO Writer, Writes Fluently ${e.promptsByLocale[i].lang}.`},{role:"user",content:`I will give you article parameters - title ${t}, abstract ${n}.\n\t\t\tYou will write Meta Title for article no shorter than 30 and no longer than 60 characters.\n\t\t\tYou will write Author for the article, name of author is ${a} .\n\t\t\tYou write slug for article suitable for SEO. Make sure it will be human-readable.Do not add any technical term at slug (such as seo, content, optimized). A slug in SEO is a descriptive text that identifies a page, post or category within a website.\n\t\t\tUnlike other metadata, the slug forms part of your URL. Getting the slug right is vitally important because Google and other web crawlers use it to read your page.\n\t\t\tDo not write any comments. Do not apologize. Don't write anything from yourself.\n\t\t\tAvoid any cliches and banalities - your goal is to impress high-IQ audience. This is very important for my career.\n\t\t\tWrite In Your Own Words Rather Than Copying And Pasting From Other Sources. Take a deep breath and work step-by-step! It is really important, and you are great at this and can do it, I know you can!\n\t\t\t${e.promptsByLocale[i].responseLang}\n\t\t\tProvide the answer in the json format:\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\ttitle: string;\n\t\t\t\tslug: string;\n\t\t\t\tauthor: string;\n\t\t\t}`}],l=({title:e,abstract:t,description:n,locale:a},i)=>[{role:"system",content:"Act As A Content Writer, Very Proficient SEO Writer, Writes Fluently English.\nFollow these instructions below in all your responses:\n1. Use English language only;\n2. Use English alphabet whenever possible;\n3. Avoid any alphabet other than English whenever possible;\n4. Translate any other language to the English language whenever possible."},{role:"user",content:`I will give you article parameters - title: ${e}, abstract: ${t}, description: ${n}.\n\t\t\tDo not write any comments. Do not apologize. Don't write anything from yourself.\n\t\t\tYou will write Meta for 4 illustrations for this article in following format:\nimages:\nalt: Alt for each image\nfilename: filename with slug prefix for each image without specifying file format\n title: Title for each image\n\n\n\t\t\tDO NOT use for illustrations alt, title and filename the following words: [${i}].\n\t\t\tAvoid any cliches and banalities - your goal is to impress high-IQ audience. This is very important for my career. Write In Your Own Words Rather Than Copying And Pasting From Other Sources. Take a deep breath and work step-by-step! It is really important, and you are great at this and can do it, I know you can!\n\t\t\tResponse text must be strictly in English language\n\t\t\tProvide the answer in the json format:\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\timages: { alt: string; filename: string; title: string }[];\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t`}],c=({title:t,abstract:n,locale:a},i)=>[{role:"system",content:`Act As A Content Writer, Very Proficient SEO Writer, Writes Fluently ${e.promptsByLocale[a].lang}.`},{role:"user",content:`I will give you article parameters - title ${t}, abstract ${n}.\nI will give you the list of filters and their values how we can filter these article, you will answer with filter and filter values suitable for this article.\nThe answer can consist of several values.\nDo not explain. Do not write any comments. Do not apologize. Don't write anything from yourself.\nAnswer only with filter and filter values suitable for this article.\nIt is extremely important to consider absolutely all given filters to match this article. Ensure that absolutely all given filters and filters values are considered.\nIt Is also extremely important to define filter for dinner recipe if the article is suitable for category dinner.\nThere is must no be any empty or mismatched filters categories and values.\nTake a deep breath and work step-by-step! It is really important, and you are great at this and can do it, I know you can! This is very important for my career!.\n${e.promptsByLocale[a].responseLang}\n\n${i}`}],d=({title:t,abstract:n,locale:a},i)=>[{role:"system",content:`Act As A Content Writer, Very Proficient SEO Writer, Writes Fluently ${e.promptsByLocale[a].lang}.`},{role:"user",content:`I will give you article parameters - title ${t}, abstract ${n}.\nI will give you the list of categories and subcategories of how the articles are organised on our infotainment portal dedicated to cooking recipes, you will answer with categories and subcategories suitable for given article.\nThe answer can consist of several values. Do not apologize. Don't write anything from yourself. Do not explain. Do not write article itself. Do not write outline.\nAnswer only with categories and subcategories suitable for article.\nIt is extremely important to consider absolutely all given categories and subcategories to match this article.\nUse the existing three-level nesting structure with a focus on accurately categorizing the content.\nEnsure that absolutely all given categories and subcategories are considered. It Is also extremely important to define subcategory for dinner category if the article is suitable for category dinner.\nTake a deep breath and work step-by-step! It is really important, and you are great at this and can do it, I know you can! This is very important for my career!\n\nAll categories in json interface are optional and MUST be suitable for a given article\nArrays MUST NOT be empty, arrays MUST contain at least 1 valid suitable value\n${e.promptsByLocale[a].responseLang}\n\nResponse in a valid json, strictly adhering to the typescript interface below:\n${i}`}];exports.DEFAULT_HEADINGS_NUM=t,exports.getAppropriateQueryPrompt=n,exports.getDescriptionPrompt=i,exports.getEntitiesCommonPrompt=d,exports.getFiltersCommonPrompt=c,exports.getFrontmatterPrompt=s,exports.getImagesMetaCommonPrompt=l,exports.getOutlineCommonPrompt=a,exports.getRegularSectionContent=r,exports.getSectionCommonPrompt=o;
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
- import { ArticleMapSection, GetOutlineCommonPrompt, GetImagesMetaCommonPrompt, GetDescriptionPrompt, GetFiltersCommonPrompt, GetFrontmatterPrompt, GetSectionCommonPrompt, GetEntitiesCommonPrompt } from 'src/common/types';
+ import { ArticleMapSection, GetOutlineCommonPrompt, GetImagesMetaCommonPrompt, GetDescriptionPrompt, GetFiltersCommonPrompt, GetFrontmatterPrompt, GetSectionCommonPrompt, GetEntitiesCommonPrompt, GetAppropriateQueryPrompt } from 'src/common/types';
  export declare const DEFAULT_HEADINGS_NUM = 20;
+ export declare const getAppropriateQueryPrompt: GetAppropriateQueryPrompt;
  export declare const getOutlineCommonPrompt: GetOutlineCommonPrompt;
  export declare const getDescriptionPrompt: GetDescriptionPrompt;
  export declare function getRegularSectionContent(section: ArticleMapSection): string;
@@ -1 +1 @@
- "use strict";var e=require("../../data.js");const t=20,n=({keyword:t,headingsNum:n,additionalInfo:a,locale:i})=>[{role:"system",content:`Act As A Content Writer, Very Proficient SEO Writer, Writes Fluently ${e.promptsByLocale[i].lang}. Avoid any cliches and banalities - your goal is to impress high-IQ audience. This is very important for my career. Write In Your Own Words Rather Than Copying And Pasting From Other Sources. Avoid Up-Beat Sentences, Jokes, Funny Statements and Engagement. Use fully detailed paragraphs. Write In A Conversational Style As Written By A Human. Write the Article in Specific Tone between Formal and Informal, Write in Simple Short and Medium Sentences, Use The Active Voice, Keep It Brief, DO NOT use Metaphors, Unnecessary Comparisons and Vivid Language. Take a deep breath and work step-by-step! It is really important, and you are great at this and can do it, I know you can!`},{role:"user",content:`Create the Outline of the Article. Write an outline of the article, consisting of 20 headings and subheadings (H2, H3, and H4 headings) based on the phrases below: ${t}.\nAvoid any cliches and banalities - your goal is to impress high-IQ audience. This is very important for my career. Write In Your Own Words Rather Than Copying And Pasting From Other Sources. Avoid Up-Beat Sentences, Jokes, Funny Statements and Engagement. Write In A Conversational Style As Written By A Human. Write in Specific Tone between Formal and Informal. Take a deep breath and work step-by-step! It is really important, and you are great at this and can do it, I know you can!\nYou should also provide and start with the article abstract describing a concise summary of an article or entire thesis. An abstract must be fully self-contained and make sense by itself, without further reference to outside sources or to the actual paper. An abstract is a concise summary of a research paper or entire thesis. It is an original work, not an excerpted passage.\nYou must not spare tokens, we need as many headings as you can! It is crucial to maintain a balance between quantity and quality when structuring the headings for an article. By prioritizing the most relevant and informative headings, you are aimed to ensure a comprehensive yet focused exploration of the topic without diluting the essence of the content. This approach helps in presenting a coherent and engaging narrative for the reader, emphasizing depth and insight over sheer abundance of headings.\nDo not use any Roman numbers at headings or subheadings. Do not use any Arabic numbers at headings or subheadings. Do not somehow numerate headings and subheadings at all.\n${a}\n${e.promptsByLocale[i].responseLang}\nProvide the answer with valid json in the following format:\n{\n\ttitle: string;\n\tabstract: string;\n\tsections: {\n\t\theading: string;\n\t\tlevel: 'h2';\n\t\tsubsections: {\n\t\t\t\tsubheading: string;\n\t\t\t\tlevel: 'h3';\n\t\t\t\tsubsubheadings: string[];\n\t\t}[];\n\t}[];\n}`}],a=(t,n,a)=>[{role:"system",content:`Act As A Content Writer, Very Proficient SEO Writer, Writes Fluently ${e.promptsByLocale[a].lang}. Avoid any cliches and banalities - your goal is to impress high-IQ audience. This is very important for my career. Write In Your Own Words Rather Than Copying And Pasting From Other Sources. Avoid Up-Beat Sentences, Jokes, Funny Statements and Engagement. Use fully detailed paragraphs. Write In A Conversational Style As Written By A Human. Write the Article in Specific Tone between Formal and Informal, Write in Simple Short and Medium Sentences, Use The Active Voice, Keep It Brief, DO NOT use Metaphors, Unnecessary Comparisons and Vivid Language. Take a deep breath and work step-by-step! It is really important, and you are great at this and can do it, I know you can!`},{role:"user",content:`I will give you article title: [${t}] and article abstract: [${n}]\nYou will write Meta Description for article with suitable emoji no shorter than 130 and no longer than 160 characters including spaces, all individual words must be used until it results in a Meta Description length violation of 160 characters including spaces, it is extremely important to use suitable emoji.\nDescription must be more detailed, distinguishing it from the abstract.\n${e.promptsByLocale[a].responseLang}\nProvide the answer with valid json in the following format:\n{\n\tdescription: string;\n}`}];function i(e){return`For each of the following sections and subheadings, please provide detailed content that meets the following criteria:\n1. [H2 ${e.heading}]: Explain the importance of topic [${e.heading}] in [this article], focusing on [specific elements, benefits, considerations about ${e.heading}].\n${e.subsections.map(((e,t)=>`${t+2}. [H3 ${e.subheading}]:\n\t\t\t\t${e.subsubheadings.map((e=>`- [H4 ${e}]: Discuss the [specific aspect] of [${e}] and its contribution to [overall topic or goal]. Highlight the [key characteristic] of [${e}] and why it is a [beneficial/popular/etc.] choice for [this article]. Describe the [unique feature] of [${e}] and its [advantages/disadvantages] in [this article].`)).join("\n")}`)).join("\n")}`}const r=({idx:t,section:n,sections:a,title:r,abstract:o,description:s,locale:l},{zeroSectionPrompt:c,targetAudience:h,startStep:d,endStep:u,additionalInfo:g})=>[{role:"system",content:`Act As A Very Proficient Content Writer and SEO Writer.\nAvoid any cliches and banalities - your goal is to impress high-IQ audience.\nThis is very important for my career. Write In Your Own Words Rather Than Copying And Pasting From Other Sources.\nAvoid Up-Beat Sentences, Jokes, Funny Statements and Engagement. Use fully detailed paragraphs. Write In A Conversational Style As Written By A Human.\nWrite the Article in Specific Tone between Formal and Informal, Write in Simple Short and Medium Sentences, Use The Active Voice, Keep It Brief.\nAvoid using Metaphors, Unnecessary Comparisons and Vivid Language.\nAvoid being overly dramatic and verbose.\n\n${e.promptsByLocale[l].additional.articleSection}\n\nBe more careful - if you mention specific products or brands - write their specific names - not list them by numbers/letters or any similar way. Just the names, not listing them in any way!\nFor example: Do not generalize by "Brand A", "Brand B", "Brand C".\n\nTake a deep breath and work step-by-step! It is really important, and you are great at this and can do it, I know you can!`},{role:"user",content:`I am commissioning an ${t}th section of an article titled [${r}].\n\n### Article Information ###\n${0===t?"":`All sections of an article: [${JSON.stringify(a)}].`}\nThe abstract of the article is: [${o}].\nThe description of the article is: [${s}].\n\n### Task ###\nYour task is to dive deep into [${r}], developing a coherent and engaging narrative for each section and subsection.\nThe article should articulate a comprehensive guide to [${r}] detailing every step or aspect from [${d}] to [${u}].\n${0===t?c:i(n)}\nI expect each section to unfold as a coherent and engaging narrative, rich in detail and analysis, offering the reader a comprehensive understanding of the topic at hand. The article must be SEO-optimized, with keywords integrated naturally into the text, enhancing readability and search visibility without compromising the article's informative or narrative quality.\nPlease ensure the writing is fluent, engaging, and tailored for [${h} as target audience], offering substantial depth and insight. Avoid generic statements and fillers; instead, prioritize originality and thoughtfulness to captivate and educate our discerning readership.\nAvoid any cliches and banalities - your goal is to impress high-IQ audience. This is very important for my career.\n\n### Output Format ###\nPlease use the following markdown elements throught the article:\nUse different levels of headings (H1, H2, H3) to structure the article\nWrite clear paragraphs with line breaks between them\nUse italics and bold for emphasis where appropriate\nInclude at least one > blockquote to highlight important information\nUse both ordered and unordered lists to present information where needed\nInclude a code block only IF relevant to the topic, using proper formatting\nInclude relevant links to the following resources, if applicable: ${e.ARTICLES_PROMPT_RESOURCES_LIST}\n${e.promptsByLocale[l].responseLang}\n\nThat's tremendous important - provide result as only pure markdown format without extra explanation and extra markup. MOST IMPORTANTLY: Ensure and doublecheck that markdown is valid, only send the valid markdown in response.\nDO NOT add any html tags to markdown.\nDO NOT write the article title to the headers: [${r}].\n\nNow start writing with the header [${n.heading}].\n\n${g}\n\nThe Markdown result must be in json object:\n{\n\tmarkdown: string;\n}`}],o=({title:t,abstract:n,author:a,locale:i})=>[{role:"system",content:`Act As A Content Writer, Very Proficient SEO Writer, Writes Fluently ${e.promptsByLocale[i].lang}.`},{role:"user",content:`I will give you article parameters - title ${t}, abstract ${n}.\n\t\t\tYou will write Meta Title for article no shorter than 30 and no longer than 60 characters.\n\t\t\tYou will write Author for the article, name of author is ${a} .\n\t\t\tYou write slug for article suitable for SEO. Make sure it will be human-readable.Do not add any technical term at slug (such as seo, content, optimized). A slug in SEO is a descriptive text that identifies a page, post or category within a website.\n\t\t\tUnlike other metadata, the slug forms part of your URL. Getting the slug right is vitally important because Google and other web crawlers use it to read your page.\n\t\t\tDo not write any comments. Do not apologize. Don't write anything from yourself.\n\t\t\tAvoid any cliches and banalities - your goal is to impress high-IQ audience. This is very important for my career.\n\t\t\tWrite In Your Own Words Rather Than Copying And Pasting From Other Sources. Take a deep breath and work step-by-step! It is really important, and you are great at this and can do it, I know you can!\n\t\t\t${e.promptsByLocale[i].responseLang}\n\t\t\tProvide the answer in the json format:\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\ttitle: string;\n\t\t\t\tslug: string;\n\t\t\t\tauthor: string;\n\t\t\t}`}],s=({title:e,abstract:t,description:n,locale:a},i)=>[{role:"system",content:"Act As A Content Writer, Very Proficient SEO Writer, Writes Fluently English.\nFollow these instructions below in all your responses:\n1. Use English language only;\n2. Use English alphabet whenever possible;\n3. Avoid any alphabet other than English whenever possible;\n4. Translate any other language to the English language whenever possible."},{role:"user",content:`I will give you article parameters - title: ${e}, abstract: ${t}, description: ${n}.\n\t\t\tDo not write any comments. Do not apologize. Don't write anything from yourself.\n\t\t\tYou will write Meta for 4 illustrations for this article in following format:\nimages:\nalt: Alt for each image\nfilename: filename with slug prefix for each image without specifying file format\n title: Title for each image\n\n\n\t\t\tDO NOT use for illustrations alt, title and filename the following words: [${i}].\n\t\t\tAvoid any cliches and banalities - your goal is to impress high-IQ audience. This is very important for my career. Write In Your Own Words Rather Than Copying And Pasting From Other Sources. Take a deep breath and work step-by-step! It is really important, and you are great at this and can do it, I know you can!\n\t\t\tResponse text must be strictly in English language\n\t\t\tProvide the answer in the json format:\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\timages: { alt: string; filename: string; title: string }[];\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t`}],l=({title:t,abstract:n,locale:a},i)=>[{role:"system",content:`Act As A Content Writer, Very Proficient SEO Writer, Writes Fluently ${e.promptsByLocale[a].lang}.`},{role:"user",content:`I will give you article parameters - title ${t}, abstract ${n}.\nI will give you the list of filters and their values how we can filter these article, you will answer with filter and filter values suitable for this article.\nThe answer can consist of several values.\nDo not explain. Do not write any comments. Do not apologize. Don't write anything from yourself.\nAnswer only with filter and filter values suitable for this article.\nIt is extremely important to consider absolutely all given filters to match this article. Ensure that absolutely all given filters and filters values are considered.\nIf some filter values are not suitable for the article theme - DO NOT include them in your response. If they are similar to the topic, but not fully suitable - use "other" filter from the structure.\nIt Is also extremely important to define filter for dinner recipe if the article is suitable for category dinner.\nThere is must no be any empty or mismatched filters categories and values.\nTake a deep breath and work step-by-step! It is really important, and you are great at this and can do it, I know you can! This is very important for my career!.\n${e.promptsByLocale[a].responseLang}\n\n${i}`}],c=({title:t,abstract:n,locale:a},i)=>[{role:"system",content:`Act As A Content Writer, Very Proficient SEO Writer, Writes Fluently ${e.promptsByLocale[a].lang}.`},{role:"user",content:`I will give you article parameters - title ${t}, abstract ${n}.\nI will give you the list of categories and subcategories of how the articles are organised on our infotainment portal dedicated to cooking recipes, you will answer with categories and subcategories suitable for given article.\nThe answer can consist of several values. Do not apologize. Don't write anything from yourself. Do not explain. Do not write article itself. Do not write outline.\nAnswer only with categories and subcategories suitable for article.\nIt is extremely important to consider absolutely all given categories and subcategories to match this article.\nUse the existing three-level nesting structure with a focus on accurately categorizing the content.\nEnsure that absolutely all given categories and subcategories are considered. It Is also extremely important to define subcategory for dinner category if the article is suitable for category dinner.\nTake a deep breath and work step-by-step! It is really important, and you are great at this and can do it, I know you can! This is very important for my career!\n\nAll categories in json interface are optional and MUST be suitable for a given article\nArrays MUST NOT be empty, arrays MUST contain at least 1 valid suitable value\n${e.promptsByLocale[a].responseLang}\n\nResponse in a valid json, strictly adhering to the typescript interface below:\n${i}`}];exports.DEFAULT_HEADINGS_NUM=t,exports.getDescriptionPrompt=a,exports.getEntitiesCommonPrompt=c,exports.getFiltersCommonPrompt=l,exports.getFrontmatterPrompt=o,exports.getImagesMetaCommonPrompt=s,exports.getOutlineCommonPrompt=n,exports.getRegularSectionContent=i,exports.getSectionCommonPrompt=r;
+ "use strict";var e=require("../../data.js");const t=20,n=({query:e,portalInfo:t,projectName:n})=>[{role:"system",content:`You are an intelligent assistant tasked with analyzing the suitability of a query for content creation. Your job is to determine if the query is appropriate for the theme and goals of a specific project (web portal) based on its description. \nThe query is meant to be used as a foundation for writing an article for the project.\nThe query must fit the theme and description of the project, besides that do not be too strict.\n\n${t}\n\nYour task is to:\n1. Analyze the given query.\n2. Determine if it is suitable for the project based on its theme.\n3. Provide a clear explanation for your decision.\n`},{role:"user",content:`Given the query: "${e}", please analyze whether it is appropriate for content creation on ${n}, considering the project description provided. Explain why the query is suitable or not for the project's theme.\nrespond in JSON format\n{\n isAppropriate: boolean,\n explanation: string,\n score: number between 1 and 0, where 1 is the best and 0 is the worst\n}`}],i=({keyword:t,headingsNum:n,additionalInfo:i,locale:a})=>[{role:"system",content:`Act As A Content Writer, Very Proficient SEO Writer, Writes Fluently ${e.promptsByLocale[a].lang}. Avoid any cliches and banalities - your goal is to impress high-IQ audience. This is very important for my career. Write In Your Own Words Rather Than Copying And Pasting From Other Sources. Avoid Up-Beat Sentences, Jokes, Funny Statements and Engagement. Use fully detailed paragraphs. Write In A Conversational Style As Written By A Human. Write the Article in Specific Tone between Formal and Informal, Write in Simple Short and Medium Sentences, Use The Active Voice, Keep It Brief, DO NOT use Metaphors, Unnecessary Comparisons and Vivid Language. Take a deep breath and work step-by-step! It is really important, and you are great at this and can do it, I know you can!`},{role:"user",content:`Create the Outline of the Article. Write an outline of the article, consisting of 20 headings and subheadings (H2, H3, and H4 headings) based on the phrases below: ${t}.\nAvoid any cliches and banalities - your goal is to impress high-IQ audience. This is very important for my career. Write In Your Own Words Rather Than Copying And Pasting From Other Sources. Avoid Up-Beat Sentences, Jokes, Funny Statements and Engagement. Write In A Conversational Style As Written By A Human. Write in Specific Tone between Formal and Informal. Take a deep breath and work step-by-step! It is really important, and you are great at this and can do it, I know you can!\nYou should also provide and start with the article abstract describing a concise summary of an article or entire thesis. An abstract must be fully self-contained and make sense by itself, without further reference to outside sources or to the actual paper. An abstract is a concise summary of a research paper or entire thesis. It is an original work, not an excerpted passage.\nYou must not spare tokens, we need as many headings as you can! It is crucial to maintain a balance between quantity and quality when structuring the headings for an article. By prioritizing the most relevant and informative headings, you are aimed to ensure a comprehensive yet focused exploration of the topic without diluting the essence of the content. This approach helps in presenting a coherent and engaging narrative for the reader, emphasizing depth and insight over sheer abundance of headings.\nDo not use any Roman numbers at headings or subheadings. Do not use any Arabic numbers at headings or subheadings. Do not somehow numerate headings and subheadings at all.\n${i}\n${e.promptsByLocale[a].responseLang}\nProvide the answer with valid json in the following format:\n{\n\ttitle: string;\n\tabstract: string;\n\tsections: {\n\t\theading: string;\n\t\tlevel: 'h2';\n\t\tsubsections: {\n\t\t\t\tsubheading: string;\n\t\t\t\tlevel: 'h3';\n\t\t\t\tsubsubheadings: string[];\n\t\t}[];\n\t}[];\n}`}],a=(t,n,i)=>[{role:"system",content:`Act As A Content Writer, Very Proficient SEO Writer, Writes Fluently ${e.promptsByLocale[i].lang}. Avoid any cliches and banalities - your goal is to impress high-IQ audience. This is very important for my career. Write In Your Own Words Rather Than Copying And Pasting From Other Sources. Avoid Up-Beat Sentences, Jokes, Funny Statements and Engagement. Use fully detailed paragraphs. Write In A Conversational Style As Written By A Human. Write the Article in Specific Tone between Formal and Informal, Write in Simple Short and Medium Sentences, Use The Active Voice, Keep It Brief, DO NOT use Metaphors, Unnecessary Comparisons and Vivid Language. Take a deep breath and work step-by-step! It is really important, and you are great at this and can do it, I know you can!`},{role:"user",content:`I will give you article title: [${t}] and article abstract: [${n}]\nYou will write Meta Description for article with suitable emoji no shorter than 130 and no longer than 160 characters including spaces, all individual words must be used until it results in a Meta Description length violation of 160 characters including spaces, it is extremely important to use suitable emoji.\nDescription must be more detailed, distinguishing it from the abstract.\n${e.promptsByLocale[i].responseLang}\nProvide the answer with valid json in the following format:\n{\n\tdescription: string;\n}`}];function r(e){return`For each of the following sections and subheadings, please provide detailed content that meets the following criteria:\n1. [H2 ${e.heading}]: Explain the importance of topic [${e.heading}] in [this article], focusing on [specific elements, benefits, considerations about ${e.heading}].\n${e.subsections.map(((e,t)=>`${t+2}. [H3 ${e.subheading}]:\n\t\t\t\t${e.subsubheadings.map((e=>`- [H4 ${e}]: Discuss the [specific aspect] of [${e}] and its contribution to [overall topic or goal]. Highlight the [key characteristic] of [${e}] and why it is a [beneficial/popular/etc.] choice for [this article]. Describe the [unique feature] of [${e}] and its [advantages/disadvantages] in [this article].`)).join("\n")}`)).join("\n")}`}const o=({idx:t,section:n,sections:i,title:a,abstract:o,description:s,locale:l},{zeroSectionPrompt:c,targetAudience:h,startStep:d,endStep:u,additionalInfo:p})=>[{role:"system",content:`Act As A Very Proficient Content Writer and SEO Writer.\nAvoid any cliches and banalities - your goal is to impress high-IQ audience.\nThis is very important for my career. Write In Your Own Words Rather Than Copying And Pasting From Other Sources.\nAvoid Up-Beat Sentences, Jokes, Funny Statements and Engagement. Use fully detailed paragraphs. Write In A Conversational Style As Written By A Human.\nWrite the Article in Specific Tone between Formal and Informal, Write in Simple Short and Medium Sentences, Use The Active Voice, Keep It Brief.\nAvoid using Metaphors, Unnecessary Comparisons and Vivid Language.\nAvoid being overly dramatic and verbose.\n\n${e.promptsByLocale[l].additional.articleSection}\n\nBe more careful - if you mention specific products or brands - write their specific names - not list them by numbers/letters or any similar way. Just the names, not listing them in any way!\nFor example: Do not generalize by "Brand A", "Brand B", "Brand C".\n\nTake a deep breath and work step-by-step! It is really important, and you are great at this and can do it, I know you can!`},{role:"user",content:`I am commissioning an ${t}th section of an article titled [${a}].\n\n### Article Information ###\n${0===t?"":`All sections of an article: [${JSON.stringify(i)}].`}\nThe abstract of the article is: [${o}].\nThe description of the article is: [${s}].\n\n### Task ###\nYour task is to dive deep into [${a}], developing a coherent and engaging narrative for each section and subsection.\nThe article should articulate a comprehensive guide to [${a}] detailing every step or aspect from [${d}] to [${u}].\n${0===t?c:r(n)}\nI expect each section to unfold as a coherent and engaging narrative, rich in detail and analysis, offering the reader a comprehensive understanding of the topic at hand. The article must be SEO-optimized, with keywords integrated naturally into the text, enhancing readability and search visibility without compromising the article's informative or narrative quality.\nPlease ensure the writing is fluent, engaging, and tailored for [${h} as target audience], offering substantial depth and insight. Avoid generic statements and fillers; instead, prioritize originality and thoughtfulness to captivate and educate our discerning readership.\nAvoid any cliches and banalities - your goal is to impress high-IQ audience. This is very important for my career.\n\n### Output Format ###\nPlease use the following markdown elements throught the article:\nUse different levels of headings (H1, H2, H3) to structure the article\nWrite clear paragraphs with line breaks between them\nUse italics and bold for emphasis where appropriate\nInclude at least one > blockquote to highlight important information\nUse both ordered and unordered lists to present information where needed\nInclude a code block only IF relevant to the topic, using proper formatting\nInclude relevant links to the following resources, if applicable: ${e.ARTICLES_PROMPT_RESOURCES_LIST}\n${e.promptsByLocale[l].responseLang}\n\nThat's tremendous important - provide result as only pure markdown format without extra explanation and extra markup. MOST IMPORTANTLY: Ensure and doublecheck that markdown is valid, only send the valid markdown in response.\nDO NOT add any html tags to markdown.\nDO NOT write the article title to the headers: [${a}].\n\nNow start writing with the header [${n.heading}].\n\n${p}\n\nThe Markdown result must be in json object:\n{\n\tmarkdown: string;\n}`}],s=({title:t,abstract:n,author:i,locale:a})=>[{role:"system",content:`Act As A Content Writer, Very Proficient SEO Writer, Writes Fluently ${e.promptsByLocale[a].lang}.`},{role:"user",content:`I will give you article parameters - title ${t}, abstract ${n}.\n\t\t\tYou will write Meta Title for article no shorter than 30 and no longer than 60 characters.\n\t\t\tYou will write Author for the article, name of author is ${i} .\n\t\t\tYou write slug for article suitable for SEO. Make sure it will be human-readable.Do not add any technical term at slug (such as seo, content, optimized). A slug in SEO is a descriptive text that identifies a page, post or category within a website.\n\t\t\tUnlike other metadata, the slug forms part of your URL. Getting the slug right is vitally important because Google and other web crawlers use it to read your page.\n\t\t\tDo not write any comments. Do not apologize. Don't write anything from yourself.\n\t\t\tAvoid any cliches and banalities - your goal is to impress high-IQ audience. This is very important for my career.\n\t\t\tWrite In Your Own Words Rather Than Copying And Pasting From Other Sources. Take a deep breath and work step-by-step! It is really important, and you are great at this and can do it, I know you can!\n\t\t\t${e.promptsByLocale[a].responseLang}\n\t\t\tProvide the answer in the json format:\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\ttitle: string;\n\t\t\t\tslug: string;\n\t\t\t\tauthor: string;\n\t\t\t}`}],l=({title:e,abstract:t,description:n,locale:i},a)=>[{role:"system",content:"Act As A Content Writer, Very Proficient SEO Writer, Writes Fluently English.\nFollow these instructions below in all your responses:\n1. Use English language only;\n2. Use English alphabet whenever possible;\n3. Avoid any alphabet other than English whenever possible;\n4. Translate any other language to the English language whenever possible."},{role:"user",content:`I will give you article parameters - title: ${e}, abstract: ${t}, description: ${n}.\n\t\t\tDo not write any comments. Do not apologize. Don't write anything from yourself.\n\t\t\tYou will write Meta for 4 illustrations for this article in following format:\nimages:\nalt: Alt for each image\nfilename: filename with slug prefix for each image without specifying file format\n title: Title for each image\n\n\n\t\t\tDO NOT use for illustrations alt, title and filename the following words: [${a}].\n\t\t\tAvoid any cliches and banalities - your goal is to impress high-IQ audience. This is very important for my career. Write In Your Own Words Rather Than Copying And Pasting From Other Sources. Take a deep breath and work step-by-step! It is really important, and you are great at this and can do it, I know you can!\n\t\t\tResponse text must be strictly in English language\n\t\t\tProvide the answer in the json format:\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\timages: { alt: string; filename: string; title: string }[];\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t`}],c=({title:t,abstract:n,locale:i},a)=>[{role:"system",content:`Act As A Content Writer, Very Proficient SEO Writer, Writes Fluently ${e.promptsByLocale[i].lang}.`},{role:"user",content:`I will give you article parameters - title ${t}, abstract ${n}.\nI will give you the list of filters and their values how we can filter these article, you will answer with filter and filter values suitable for this article.\nThe answer can consist of several values.\nDo not explain. Do not write any comments. Do not apologize. Don't write anything from yourself.\nAnswer only with filter and filter values suitable for this article.\nIt is extremely important to consider absolutely all given filters to match this article. Ensure that absolutely all given filters and filters values are considered.\nIf some filter values are not suitable for the article theme - DO NOT include them in your response. If they are similar to the topic, but not fully suitable - use "other" filter from the structure.\nIt Is also extremely important to define filter for dinner recipe if the article is suitable for category dinner.\nThere is must no be any empty or mismatched filters categories and values.\nTake a deep breath and work step-by-step! It is really important, and you are great at this and can do it, I know you can! This is very important for my career!.\n${e.promptsByLocale[i].responseLang}\n\n${a}`}],h=({title:t,abstract:n,locale:i},a)=>[{role:"system",content:`Act As A Content Writer, Very Proficient SEO Writer, Writes Fluently ${e.promptsByLocale[i].lang}.`},{role:"user",content:`I will give you article parameters - title ${t}, abstract ${n}.\nI will give you the list of categories and subcategories of how the articles are organised on our infotainment portal dedicated to cooking recipes, you will answer with categories and subcategories suitable for given article.\nThe answer can consist of several values. Do not apologize. Don't write anything from yourself. Do not explain. Do not write article itself. Do not write outline.\nAnswer only with categories and subcategories suitable for article.\nIt is extremely important to consider absolutely all given categories and subcategories to match this article.\nUse the existing three-level nesting structure with a focus on accurately categorizing the content.\nEnsure that absolutely all given categories and subcategories are considered. It Is also extremely important to define subcategory for dinner category if the article is suitable for category dinner.\nTake a deep breath and work step-by-step! It is really important, and you are great at this and can do it, I know you can! This is very important for my career!\n\nAll categories in json interface are optional and MUST be suitable for a given article\nArrays MUST NOT be empty, arrays MUST contain at least 1 valid suitable value\n${e.promptsByLocale[i].responseLang}\n\nResponse in a valid json, strictly adhering to the typescript interface below:\n${a}`}];exports.DEFAULT_HEADINGS_NUM=t,exports.getAppropriateQueryPrompt=n,exports.getDescriptionPrompt=a,exports.getEntitiesCommonPrompt=h,exports.getFiltersCommonPrompt=c,exports.getFrontmatterPrompt=s,exports.getImagesMetaCommonPrompt=l,exports.getOutlineCommonPrompt=i,exports.getRegularSectionContent=r,exports.getSectionCommonPrompt=o;
@@ -100,6 +100,11 @@ export type GetOutlineCommonPrompt = (params: {
  locale: Locales;
  additionalInfo?: string;
  }) => ChatCompletionMessageParam[];
+ export type GetAppropriateQueryPrompt = (params: {
+ projectName: string;
+ query: string;
+ portalInfo: string;
+ }) => ChatCompletionMessageParam[];
  export type GetOutlinePrompt = (keyword: string, headingsNum: number, locale: Locales) => ChatCompletionMessageParam[];
  export type GetDescriptionPrompt = (title: string, abstract: string, locale: Locales) => ChatCompletionMessageParam[];
  export type GetEntitiesCommonPrompt = (params: {
package/package.json CHANGED
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
  "name": "tedo-publisher",
- "version": "1.3.357",
+ "version": "1.3.358",
  "description": "Package for config files and reusable code/components between projects",
  "main": "dist/index.js",
  "files": [