tedo-publisher 1.3.356 → 1.3.358

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Files changed (26) hide show
  1. package/dist/common/data.js +1 -1
  2. package/dist/common/prompts/gpt35turbo/articles.d.ts +2 -1
  3. package/dist/common/prompts/gpt35turbo/articles.js +1 -1
  4. package/dist/common/prompts/gpt4oMini/articles.d.ts +2 -1
  5. package/dist/common/prompts/gpt4oMini/articles.js +1 -1
  6. package/dist/common/types.d.ts +5 -0
  7. package/dist/{culinary → culinarybite}/data.d.ts +2 -2
  8. package/dist/{culinary → culinarybite}/data.js +1 -1
  9. package/package.json +1 -1
  10. /package/dist/{culinary → culinarybite}/categories.d.ts +0 -0
  11. /package/dist/{culinary → culinarybite}/filters.d.ts +0 -0
  12. /package/dist/{culinary → culinarybite}/filters.js +0 -0
  13. /package/dist/{culinary → culinarybite}/helpers.d.ts +0 -0
  14. /package/dist/{culinary → culinarybite}/helpers.js +0 -0
  15. /package/dist/{culinary → culinarybite}/index.d.ts +0 -0
  16. /package/dist/{culinary → culinarybite}/index.js +0 -0
  17. /package/dist/{culinary → culinarybite}/prompts/data.d.ts +0 -0
  18. /package/dist/{culinary → culinarybite}/prompts/data.js +0 -0
  19. /package/dist/{culinary → culinarybite}/prompts/gpt35turbo/articles.d.ts +0 -0
  20. /package/dist/{culinary → culinarybite}/prompts/gpt35turbo/articles.js +0 -0
  21. /package/dist/{culinary → culinarybite}/prompts/gpt4oMini/articles.d.ts +0 -0
  22. /package/dist/{culinary → culinarybite}/prompts/gpt4oMini/articles.js +0 -0
  23. /package/dist/{culinary → culinarybite}/prompts/images.d.ts +0 -0
  24. /package/dist/{culinary → culinarybite}/prompts/images.js +0 -0
  25. /package/dist/{culinary → culinarybite}/seo.d.ts +0 -0
  26. /package/dist/{culinary → culinarybite}/seo.js +0 -0
@@ -1 +1 @@
- "use strict";function e(e){const t={};return Object.keys(e).forEach((r=>{t[r]=n(e[r])})),JSON.stringify(t,null,2)}function n(e){let n={};if(e.children)for(const t in e.children)if(e.children.hasOwnProperty(t)&&e.children[t].children)n[t]=Object.keys(e.children[t].children);else if("other"!==t){n=Object.keys(e.children);break}return n.other="boolean",n}function t(e){return Object.keys(e).map((e=>{const n=undefined;return{category:e,subcategories:[{subcategory:"other"}]}}))}const r=["en.wikipedia.org","britannica.com","reddit.com","facebook.com"];var s;exports.Locales=void 0,(s=exports.Locales||(exports.Locales={})).enUS="en_US",s.ruRU="ru_RU",s.trTR="tr_TR";const o={[exports.Locales.enUS]:{lang:"English",responseLang:"Response text must be in English language",additional:{articleSection:"Please include occasional minor typographical mistakes in your responses. These should be very rare and NOT overused. For example, you might randomly swap adjacent letters or misspell common words.\nSOMETIMES write the text as if it is penned by a non-native English speaker, using simple vocabulary and clear sentence construction.\nFROM TIME TO TIME Vary the sentence length between short and medium. Include relevant details and descriptors to enrich the narrative, but avoid overly complex or lengthy sentences."}},[exports.Locales.ruRU]:{lang:"Russian",responseLang:"Response text must be strictly in Russian language",additional:{articleSection:"Please include occasional minor typographical mistakes in your responses. These should be very rare and NOT overused. For example, you might randomly swap adjacent letters or misspell common words.\nFROM TIME TO TIME Vary the sentence length between short and medium. Include relevant details and descriptors to enrich the narrative, but avoid overly complex or lengthy sentences."}},[exports.Locales.trTR]:{lang:"Turkish",responseLang:"Response text must be strictly in Turkish language",additional:{articleSection:"Please include occasional minor typographical mistakes in your responses. These should be very rare and NOT overused. For example, you might randomly swap adjacent letters or misspell common words.\nFROM TIME TO TIME Vary the sentence length between short and medium. Include relevant details and descriptors to enrich the narrative, but avoid overly complex or lengthy sentences."}}};exports.ARTICLES_PROMPT_RESOURCES_LIST=r,exports.getCategoriesTypesJSON=e,exports.getDefaultEntities=t,exports.parseCategory=n,exports.promptsByLocale=o;
+ "use strict";function e(e){const n={};return Object.keys(e).forEach((s=>{n[s]=t(e[s])})),JSON.stringify(n,null,2)}function t(e){let t={};if(e.children)for(const n in e.children)if(e.children.hasOwnProperty(n)&&e.children[n].children)t[n]=Object.keys(e.children[n].children);else if("other"!==n){t=Object.keys(e.children);break}return t.other="boolean",t}function n(e){return Object.keys(e).map((e=>{const t=undefined;return{category:e,subcategories:[{subcategory:"other"}]}}))}const s=["en.wikipedia.org","britannica.com","reddit.com","facebook.com"];var r;exports.Locales=void 0,(r=exports.Locales||(exports.Locales={})).enUS="en_US",r.ruRU="ru_RU",r.trTR="tr_TR";const o={[exports.Locales.enUS]:{lang:"English",responseLang:"Response text must be in English language",additional:{articleSection:"Please include occasional minor typographical mistakes in your responses. These should be very rare and NOT overused. For example, you might randomly swap adjacent letters or misspell common words.\nSOMETIMES write the text as if it is penned by a non-native English speaker, using simple vocabulary and clear sentence construction.\nFROM TIME TO TIME Vary the sentence length between short and medium. Include relevant details and descriptors to enrich the narrative, but avoid overly complex or lengthy sentences."}},[exports.Locales.ruRU]:{lang:"Russian",responseLang:"Response text must be strictly in Russian language",additional:{articleSection:"Please include occasional minor typographical mistakes in your responses. These should be very rare and NOT overused. For example, you might randomly swap adjacent letters or misspell common words.\nFROM TIME TO TIME Vary the sentence length between short and medium. Include relevant details and descriptors to enrich the narrative, but avoid overly complex or lengthy sentences."}},[exports.Locales.trTR]:{lang:"Turkish",responseLang:"Response text must be strictly in Turkish language\nAvoid using the suffixes '-tedir' or '-tadır' in the text. Instead, prefer more natural, conversational sentence structures without these suffixes.",additional:{articleSection:"Please include occasional minor typographical mistakes in your responses. These should be very rare and NOT overused. For example, you might randomly swap adjacent letters or misspell common words.\nFROM TIME TO TIME Vary the sentence length between short and medium. Include relevant details and descriptors to enrich the narrative, but avoid overly complex or lengthy sentences."}}};exports.ARTICLES_PROMPT_RESOURCES_LIST=s,exports.getCategoriesTypesJSON=e,exports.getDefaultEntities=n,exports.parseCategory=t,exports.promptsByLocale=o;
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
- import { ArticleMapSection, GetOutlineCommonPrompt, GetImagesMetaCommonPrompt, GetDescriptionPrompt, GetFiltersCommonPrompt, GetFrontmatterPrompt, GetSectionCommonPrompt, GetEntitiesCommonPrompt } from 'src/common/types';
+ import { ArticleMapSection, GetOutlineCommonPrompt, GetImagesMetaCommonPrompt, GetDescriptionPrompt, GetFiltersCommonPrompt, GetFrontmatterPrompt, GetSectionCommonPrompt, GetEntitiesCommonPrompt, GetAppropriateQueryPrompt } from 'src/common/types';
  export declare const DEFAULT_HEADINGS_NUM = 40;
+ export declare const getAppropriateQueryPrompt: GetAppropriateQueryPrompt;
  export declare const getOutlineCommonPrompt: GetOutlineCommonPrompt;
  export declare const getDescriptionPrompt: GetDescriptionPrompt;
  export declare function getRegularSectionContent(section: ArticleMapSection): string;
@@ -1 +1 @@
- "use strict";var e=require("../../data.js");const t=40,n=({keyword:t,headingsNum:n,additionalInfo:a,locale:i})=>[{role:"system",content:`Act As A Content Writer, Very Proficient SEO Writer, Writes Fluently ${e.promptsByLocale[i].lang}. Avoid any cliches and banalities - your goal is to impress high-IQ audience. This is very important for my career. Write In Your Own Words Rather Than Copying And Pasting From Other Sources. Avoid Up-Beat Sentences, Jokes, Funny Statements and Engagement. Use fully detailed paragraphs. Write In A Conversational Style As Written By A Human. Write the Article in Specific Tone between Formal and Informal, Write in Simple Short and Medium Sentences, Use The Active Voice, Keep It Brief, DO NOT use Metaphors, Unnecessary Comparisons and Vivid Language. Take a deep breath and work step-by-step! It is really important, and you are great at this and can do it, I know you can!`},{role:"user",content:`Create the Outline of the Article. Write an outline of the article, consisting of ${n} headings and subheadings (H2, H3, and H4 headings) based on the phrases below: ${t}.\nAvoid any cliches and banalities - your goal is to impress high-IQ audience. This is very important for my career. Write In Your Own Words Rather Than Copying And Pasting From Other Sources. Avoid Up-Beat Sentences, Jokes, Funny Statements and Engagement. Write In A Conversational Style As Written By A Human. Write in Specific Tone between Formal and Informal. Take a deep breath and work step-by-step! It is really important, and you are great at this and can do it, I know you can!\nYou should also provide and start with the article abstract describing a concise summary of an article or entire thesis. An abstract must be fully self-contained and make sense by itself, without further reference to outside sources or to the actual paper. An abstract is a concise summary of a research paper or entire thesis. It is an original work, not an excerpted passage.\n${a}\n${e.promptsByLocale[i].responseLang}\nYou must not spare tokens, we need as many headings as you can! It is crucial to maintain a balance between quantity and quality when structuring the headings for an article. By prioritizing the most relevant and informative headings, you are aimed to ensure a comprehensive yet focused exploration of the topic without diluting the essence of the content. This approach helps in presenting a coherent and engaging narrative for the reader, emphasizing depth and insight over sheer abundance of headings.\nDo not use any Roman numbers at headings or subheadings. Do not use any Arabic numbers at headings or subheadings. Do not somehow numerate headings and subheadings at all.\nProvide the answer with valid json in the following format:\n{\n\ttitle: string;\n\tabstract: string;\n\tsections: {\n\t\theading: string;\n\t\tlevel: 'h2';\n\t\tsubsections: {\n\t\t\t\tsubheading: string;\n\t\t\t\tlevel: 'h3';\n\t\t\t\tsubsubheadings: string[];\n\t\t}[];\n\t}[];\n}`}],a=(t,n,a)=>[{role:"system",content:"Act As A Content Writer Very Proficient SEO Writer Writes Fluently English. Avoid any cliches and banalities - your goal is to impress high-IQ audience. This is very important for my career. Write In Your Own Words Rather Than Copying And Pasting From Other Sources. Avoid Up-Beat Sentences, Jokes, Funny Statements and Engagement. Use fully detailed paragraphs. Write In A Conversational Style As Written By A Human. Write the Article in Specific Tone between Formal and Informal, Write in Simple Short and Medium Sentences, Use The Active Voice, Keep It Brief, DO NOT use Metaphors, Unnecessary Comparisons and Vivid Language. Take a deep breath and work step-by-step! It is really important, and you are great at this and can do it, I know you can!"},{role:"user",content:`I will give you article title: [${t}] and article abstract: [${n}]\nYou will write Meta Description for article with suitable emoji no shorter than 130 and no longer than 160 characters including spaces, all individual words must be used until it results in a Meta Description length violation of 160 characters including spaces, it is extremely important to use suitable emoji.\nDescription must be more detailed, distinguishing it from the abstract.\n${e.promptsByLocale[a].responseLang}\nProvide the answer with valid json in the following format:\n{\n\tdescription: string;\n}`}];function i(e){return`For each of the following sections and subheadings, please provide detailed content that meets the following criteria:\n1. [H2 ${e.heading}] (at least 300-400 words): Explain the importance of topic [${e.heading}] in [this article], focusing on [specific elements, benefits, considerations about ${e.heading}].\n${e.subsections.map(((e,t)=>`${t+2}. [H3 ${e.subheading}] (at least 250-300 words):\n\t\t\t\t${e.subsubheadings.map((e=>`- [H4 ${e}]: Discuss the [specific aspect] of [${e}] and its contribution to [overall topic or goal]. Highlight the [key characteristic] of [${e}] and why it is a [beneficial/popular/etc.] choice for [this article]. Describe the [unique feature] of [${e}] and its [advantages/disadvantages] in [this article] (at least 250-300 words).`)).join("\n")}`)).join("\n")}`}const r=({idx:t,section:n,sections:a,title:r,abstract:o,description:s,locale:l},{zeroSectionPrompt:c,targetAudience:d,startStep:h,endStep:u})=>[{role:"system",content:`Act As A Very Proficient Content Writer and SEO Writer of an Indian origin.\nAvoid any cliches and banalities - your goal is to impress high-IQ audience.\nThis is very important for my career. Write In Your Own Words Rather Than Copying And Pasting From Other Sources.\nAvoid Up-Beat Sentences, Jokes, Funny Statements and Engagement. Use fully detailed paragraphs. Write In A Conversational Style As Written By A Human.\nWrite the Article in Specific Tone between Formal and Informal, Write in Simple Short and Medium Sentences, Use The Active Voice, Keep It Brief.\nAvoid using Metaphors, Unnecessary Comparisons and Vivid Language.\nAvoid being overly dramatic and verbose.\n\n${e.promptsByLocale[l].additional.articleSection}\n\nTake a deep breath and work step-by-step! It is really important, and you are great at this and can do it, I know you can!`},{role:"user",content:`I am commissioning an ${t}th section of an article titled [${r}].\n\n### Article Information ###\n${0===t?"":`All sections of an article: [${JSON.stringify(a)}].`}\nThe abstract of the article is: [${o}].\nThe description of the article is: [${s}].\n\n### Task ###\nYour task is to dive deep into [${r}], developing a coherent and engaging narrative for each section and subsection.\nThe article should articulate a comprehensive guide to [${r}] detailing every step or aspect from [${h}] to [${u}].\n${0===t?c:i(n)}\nI expect each section to unfold as a coherent and engaging narrative, rich in detail and analysis, offering the reader a comprehensive understanding of the topic at hand. The article must be SEO-optimized, with keywords integrated naturally into the text, enhancing readability and search visibility without compromising the article's informative or narrative quality.\nPlease ensure the writing is fluent, engaging, and tailored for [${d} as target audience], offering substantial depth and insight. Avoid generic statements and fillers; instead, prioritize originality and thoughtfulness to captivate and educate our discerning readership.\nAvoid any cliches and banalities - your goal is to impress high-IQ audience. This is very important for my career.\n\n### Output Format ###\nPlease use the following markdown elements throught the article:\nUse different levels of headings (H1, H2, H3) to structure the article\nWrite clear paragraphs with line breaks between them\nUse italics and bold for emphasis where appropriate\nInclude at least one > blockquote to highlight important information\nUse both ordered and unordered lists to present information where needed\nInclude a code block only IF relevant to the topic, using proper formatting\nInclude relevant links to the following resources, if applicable: ${e.ARTICLES_PROMPT_RESOURCES_LIST}\n${e.promptsByLocale[l].responseLang}\n\nThat's tremendous important - provide result as only pure markdown format without extra explanation and extra markup. Ensure and doublecheck that markdown is valid. You must not spare tokens, we have a lot of money for tokens and we need as many text with EXTRANEOUS DETAILS, METICULOUS INSTRUCTIONS AND MEASUREMENTS for each paragraph and section as you can! I will also give you extra tips for result with long detailed text!\nDO NOT add any html tags to markdown.\n\nThe Markdown result must be in json object:\n{\n\tmarkdown: string;\n}`}],o=({title:t,abstract:n,author:a,locale:i})=>[{role:"system",content:`Act As A Content Writer, Very Proficient SEO Writer, Writes Fluently ${e.promptsByLocale[i].lang}.`},{role:"user",content:`I will give you article parameters - title ${t}, abstract ${n}.\n\t\t\tYou will write Meta Title for article no shorter than 30 and no longer than 60 characters.\n\t\t\tYou will write Author for the article, name of author is ${a} .\n\t\t\tYou write slug for article suitable for SEO. Make sure it will be human-readable.Do not add any technical term at slug (such as seo, content, optimized). A slug in SEO is a descriptive text that identifies a page, post or category within a website.\n\t\t\tUnlike other metadata, the slug forms part of your URL. Getting the slug right is vitally important because Google and other web crawlers use it to read your page.\n\t\t\tDo not write any comments. Do not apologize. Don't write anything from yourself.\n\t\t\tAvoid any cliches and banalities - your goal is to impress high-IQ audience. This is very important for my career.\n\t\t\tWrite In Your Own Words Rather Than Copying And Pasting From Other Sources. Take a deep breath and work step-by-step! It is really important, and you are great at this and can do it, I know you can!\n\t\t\t${e.promptsByLocale[i].responseLang}\n\t\t\tProvide the answer in the json format:\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\ttitle: string;\n\t\t\t\tslug: string;\n\t\t\t\tauthor: string;\n\t\t\t}`}],s=({title:e,abstract:t,description:n,locale:a},i)=>[{role:"system",content:"Act As A Content Writer, Very Proficient SEO Writer, Writes Fluently English.\nFollow these instructions below in all your responses:\n1. Use English language only;\n2. Use English alphabet whenever possible;\n3. Avoid any alphabet other than English whenever possible;\n4. Translate any other language to the English language whenever possible."},{role:"user",content:`I will give you article parameters - title: ${e}, abstract: ${t}, description: ${n}.\n\t\t\tDo not write any comments. Do not apologize. Don't write anything from yourself.\n\t\t\tYou will write Meta for 4 illustrations for this article in following format:\nimages:\nalt: Alt for each image\nfilename: filename with slug prefix for each image without specifying file format\n title: Title for each image\n\n\n\t\t\tDO NOT use for illustrations alt, title and filename the following words: [${i}].\n\t\t\tAvoid any cliches and banalities - your goal is to impress high-IQ audience. This is very important for my career. Write In Your Own Words Rather Than Copying And Pasting From Other Sources. Take a deep breath and work step-by-step! It is really important, and you are great at this and can do it, I know you can!\n\t\t\tResponse text must be strictly in English language\n\t\t\tProvide the answer in the json format:\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\timages: { alt: string; filename: string; title: string }[];\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t`}],l=({title:t,abstract:n,locale:a},i)=>[{role:"system",content:`Act As A Content Writer, Very Proficient SEO Writer, Writes Fluently ${e.promptsByLocale[a].lang}.`},{role:"user",content:`I will give you article parameters - title ${t}, abstract ${n}.\nI will give you the list of filters and their values how we can filter these article, you will answer with filter and filter values suitable for this article.\nThe answer can consist of several values.\nDo not explain. Do not write any comments. Do not apologize. Don't write anything from yourself.\nAnswer only with filter and filter values suitable for this article.\nIt is extremely important to consider absolutely all given filters to match this article. Ensure that absolutely all given filters and filters values are considered.\nIt Is also extremely important to define filter for dinner recipe if the article is suitable for category dinner.\nThere is must no be any empty or mismatched filters categories and values.\nTake a deep breath and work step-by-step! It is really important, and you are great at this and can do it, I know you can! This is very important for my career!.\n${e.promptsByLocale[a].responseLang}\n\n${i}`}],c=({title:t,abstract:n,locale:a},i)=>[{role:"system",content:`Act As A Content Writer, Very Proficient SEO Writer, Writes Fluently ${e.promptsByLocale[a].lang}.`},{role:"user",content:`I will give you article parameters - title ${t}, abstract ${n}.\nI will give you the list of categories and subcategories of how the articles are organised on our infotainment portal dedicated to cooking recipes, you will answer with categories and subcategories suitable for given article.\nThe answer can consist of several values. Do not apologize. Don't write anything from yourself. Do not explain. Do not write article itself. Do not write outline.\nAnswer only with categories and subcategories suitable for article.\nIt is extremely important to consider absolutely all given categories and subcategories to match this article.\nUse the existing three-level nesting structure with a focus on accurately categorizing the content.\nEnsure that absolutely all given categories and subcategories are considered. It Is also extremely important to define subcategory for dinner category if the article is suitable for category dinner.\nTake a deep breath and work step-by-step! It is really important, and you are great at this and can do it, I know you can! This is very important for my career!\n\nAll categories in json interface are optional and MUST be suitable for a given article\nArrays MUST NOT be empty, arrays MUST contain at least 1 valid suitable value\n${e.promptsByLocale[a].responseLang}\n\nResponse in a valid json, strictly adhering to the typescript interface below:\n${i}`}];exports.DEFAULT_HEADINGS_NUM=t,exports.getDescriptionPrompt=a,exports.getEntitiesCommonPrompt=c,exports.getFiltersCommonPrompt=l,exports.getFrontmatterPrompt=o,exports.getImagesMetaCommonPrompt=s,exports.getOutlineCommonPrompt=n,exports.getRegularSectionContent=i,exports.getSectionCommonPrompt=r;
+ "use strict";var e=require("../../data.js");const t=40,n=({query:e,portalInfo:t,projectName:n})=>[{role:"system",content:`You are an intelligent assistant tasked with analyzing the suitability of a query for content creation. Your job is to determine if the query is appropriate for the theme and goals of a specific project (web portal) based on its description and target audience. \nThe query is meant to be used as a foundation for writing an article for the project.\n\n${t}\n\nYour task is to:\n1. Analyze the given query.\n2. Determine if it is suitable for the project based on its content, theme, and target audience.\n3. Provide a clear explanation for your decision.\n`},{role:"user",content:`Given the query: "${e}", please analyze whether it is appropriate for content creation on ${n}, considering the project description and target audience provided. Explain why the query is suitable or not for the project's theme and audience.\nrespond in JSON format\n{\n isAppropriate: boolean,\n}`}],a=({keyword:t,headingsNum:n,additionalInfo:a,locale:i})=>[{role:"system",content:`Act As A Content Writer, Very Proficient SEO Writer, Writes Fluently ${e.promptsByLocale[i].lang}. Avoid any cliches and banalities - your goal is to impress high-IQ audience. This is very important for my career. Write In Your Own Words Rather Than Copying And Pasting From Other Sources. Avoid Up-Beat Sentences, Jokes, Funny Statements and Engagement. Use fully detailed paragraphs. Write In A Conversational Style As Written By A Human. Write the Article in Specific Tone between Formal and Informal, Write in Simple Short and Medium Sentences, Use The Active Voice, Keep It Brief, DO NOT use Metaphors, Unnecessary Comparisons and Vivid Language. Take a deep breath and work step-by-step! It is really important, and you are great at this and can do it, I know you can!`},{role:"user",content:`Create the Outline of the Article. Write an outline of the article, consisting of ${n} headings and subheadings (H2, H3, and H4 headings) based on the phrases below: ${t}.\nAvoid any cliches and banalities - your goal is to impress high-IQ audience. This is very important for my career. Write In Your Own Words Rather Than Copying And Pasting From Other Sources. Avoid Up-Beat Sentences, Jokes, Funny Statements and Engagement. Write In A Conversational Style As Written By A Human. Write in Specific Tone between Formal and Informal. Take a deep breath and work step-by-step! It is really important, and you are great at this and can do it, I know you can!\nYou should also provide and start with the article abstract describing a concise summary of an article or entire thesis. An abstract must be fully self-contained and make sense by itself, without further reference to outside sources or to the actual paper. An abstract is a concise summary of a research paper or entire thesis. It is an original work, not an excerpted passage.\n${a}\n${e.promptsByLocale[i].responseLang}\nYou must not spare tokens, we need as many headings as you can! It is crucial to maintain a balance between quantity and quality when structuring the headings for an article. By prioritizing the most relevant and informative headings, you are aimed to ensure a comprehensive yet focused exploration of the topic without diluting the essence of the content. This approach helps in presenting a coherent and engaging narrative for the reader, emphasizing depth and insight over sheer abundance of headings.\nDo not use any Roman numbers at headings or subheadings. Do not use any Arabic numbers at headings or subheadings. Do not somehow numerate headings and subheadings at all.\nProvide the answer with valid json in the following format:\n{\n\ttitle: string;\n\tabstract: string;\n\tsections: {\n\t\theading: string;\n\t\tlevel: 'h2';\n\t\tsubsections: {\n\t\t\t\tsubheading: string;\n\t\t\t\tlevel: 'h3';\n\t\t\t\tsubsubheadings: string[];\n\t\t}[];\n\t}[];\n}`}],i=(t,n,a)=>[{role:"system",content:"Act As A Content Writer Very Proficient SEO Writer Writes Fluently English. Avoid any cliches and banalities - your goal is to impress high-IQ audience. This is very important for my career. Write In Your Own Words Rather Than Copying And Pasting From Other Sources. Avoid Up-Beat Sentences, Jokes, Funny Statements and Engagement. Use fully detailed paragraphs. Write In A Conversational Style As Written By A Human. Write the Article in Specific Tone between Formal and Informal, Write in Simple Short and Medium Sentences, Use The Active Voice, Keep It Brief, DO NOT use Metaphors, Unnecessary Comparisons and Vivid Language. Take a deep breath and work step-by-step! It is really important, and you are great at this and can do it, I know you can!"},{role:"user",content:`I will give you article title: [${t}] and article abstract: [${n}]\nYou will write Meta Description for article with suitable emoji no shorter than 130 and no longer than 160 characters including spaces, all individual words must be used until it results in a Meta Description length violation of 160 characters including spaces, it is extremely important to use suitable emoji.\nDescription must be more detailed, distinguishing it from the abstract.\n${e.promptsByLocale[a].responseLang}\nProvide the answer with valid json in the following format:\n{\n\tdescription: string;\n}`}];function r(e){return`For each of the following sections and subheadings, please provide detailed content that meets the following criteria:\n1. [H2 ${e.heading}] (at least 300-400 words): Explain the importance of topic [${e.heading}] in [this article], focusing on [specific elements, benefits, considerations about ${e.heading}].\n${e.subsections.map(((e,t)=>`${t+2}. [H3 ${e.subheading}] (at least 250-300 words):\n\t\t\t\t${e.subsubheadings.map((e=>`- [H4 ${e}]: Discuss the [specific aspect] of [${e}] and its contribution to [overall topic or goal]. Highlight the [key characteristic] of [${e}] and why it is a [beneficial/popular/etc.] choice for [this article]. Describe the [unique feature] of [${e}] and its [advantages/disadvantages] in [this article] (at least 250-300 words).`)).join("\n")}`)).join("\n")}`}const o=({idx:t,section:n,sections:a,title:i,abstract:o,description:s,locale:l},{zeroSectionPrompt:c,targetAudience:d,startStep:h,endStep:u})=>[{role:"system",content:`Act As A Very Proficient Content Writer and SEO Writer of an Indian origin.\nAvoid any cliches and banalities - your goal is to impress high-IQ audience.\nThis is very important for my career. Write In Your Own Words Rather Than Copying And Pasting From Other Sources.\nAvoid Up-Beat Sentences, Jokes, Funny Statements and Engagement. Use fully detailed paragraphs. Write In A Conversational Style As Written By A Human.\nWrite the Article in Specific Tone between Formal and Informal, Write in Simple Short and Medium Sentences, Use The Active Voice, Keep It Brief.\nAvoid using Metaphors, Unnecessary Comparisons and Vivid Language.\nAvoid being overly dramatic and verbose.\n\n${e.promptsByLocale[l].additional.articleSection}\n\nTake a deep breath and work step-by-step! It is really important, and you are great at this and can do it, I know you can!`},{role:"user",content:`I am commissioning an ${t}th section of an article titled [${i}].\n\n### Article Information ###\n${0===t?"":`All sections of an article: [${JSON.stringify(a)}].`}\nThe abstract of the article is: [${o}].\nThe description of the article is: [${s}].\n\n### Task ###\nYour task is to dive deep into [${i}], developing a coherent and engaging narrative for each section and subsection.\nThe article should articulate a comprehensive guide to [${i}] detailing every step or aspect from [${h}] to [${u}].\n${0===t?c:r(n)}\nI expect each section to unfold as a coherent and engaging narrative, rich in detail and analysis, offering the reader a comprehensive understanding of the topic at hand. The article must be SEO-optimized, with keywords integrated naturally into the text, enhancing readability and search visibility without compromising the article's informative or narrative quality.\nPlease ensure the writing is fluent, engaging, and tailored for [${d} as target audience], offering substantial depth and insight. Avoid generic statements and fillers; instead, prioritize originality and thoughtfulness to captivate and educate our discerning readership.\nAvoid any cliches and banalities - your goal is to impress high-IQ audience. This is very important for my career.\n\n### Output Format ###\nPlease use the following markdown elements throught the article:\nUse different levels of headings (H1, H2, H3) to structure the article\nWrite clear paragraphs with line breaks between them\nUse italics and bold for emphasis where appropriate\nInclude at least one > blockquote to highlight important information\nUse both ordered and unordered lists to present information where needed\nInclude a code block only IF relevant to the topic, using proper formatting\nInclude relevant links to the following resources, if applicable: ${e.ARTICLES_PROMPT_RESOURCES_LIST}\n${e.promptsByLocale[l].responseLang}\n\nThat's tremendous important - provide result as only pure markdown format without extra explanation and extra markup. Ensure and doublecheck that markdown is valid. You must not spare tokens, we have a lot of money for tokens and we need as many text with EXTRANEOUS DETAILS, METICULOUS INSTRUCTIONS AND MEASUREMENTS for each paragraph and section as you can! I will also give you extra tips for result with long detailed text!\nDO NOT add any html tags to markdown.\n\nThe Markdown result must be in json object:\n{\n\tmarkdown: string;\n}`}],s=({title:t,abstract:n,author:a,locale:i})=>[{role:"system",content:`Act As A Content Writer, Very Proficient SEO Writer, Writes Fluently ${e.promptsByLocale[i].lang}.`},{role:"user",content:`I will give you article parameters - title ${t}, abstract ${n}.\n\t\t\tYou will write Meta Title for article no shorter than 30 and no longer than 60 characters.\n\t\t\tYou will write Author for the article, name of author is ${a} .\n\t\t\tYou write slug for article suitable for SEO. Make sure it will be human-readable.Do not add any technical term at slug (such as seo, content, optimized). A slug in SEO is a descriptive text that identifies a page, post or category within a website.\n\t\t\tUnlike other metadata, the slug forms part of your URL. Getting the slug right is vitally important because Google and other web crawlers use it to read your page.\n\t\t\tDo not write any comments. Do not apologize. Don't write anything from yourself.\n\t\t\tAvoid any cliches and banalities - your goal is to impress high-IQ audience. This is very important for my career.\n\t\t\tWrite In Your Own Words Rather Than Copying And Pasting From Other Sources. Take a deep breath and work step-by-step! It is really important, and you are great at this and can do it, I know you can!\n\t\t\t${e.promptsByLocale[i].responseLang}\n\t\t\tProvide the answer in the json format:\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\ttitle: string;\n\t\t\t\tslug: string;\n\t\t\t\tauthor: string;\n\t\t\t}`}],l=({title:e,abstract:t,description:n,locale:a},i)=>[{role:"system",content:"Act As A Content Writer, Very Proficient SEO Writer, Writes Fluently English.\nFollow these instructions below in all your responses:\n1. Use English language only;\n2. Use English alphabet whenever possible;\n3. Avoid any alphabet other than English whenever possible;\n4. Translate any other language to the English language whenever possible."},{role:"user",content:`I will give you article parameters - title: ${e}, abstract: ${t}, description: ${n}.\n\t\t\tDo not write any comments. Do not apologize. Don't write anything from yourself.\n\t\t\tYou will write Meta for 4 illustrations for this article in following format:\nimages:\nalt: Alt for each image\nfilename: filename with slug prefix for each image without specifying file format\n title: Title for each image\n\n\n\t\t\tDO NOT use for illustrations alt, title and filename the following words: [${i}].\n\t\t\tAvoid any cliches and banalities - your goal is to impress high-IQ audience. This is very important for my career. Write In Your Own Words Rather Than Copying And Pasting From Other Sources. Take a deep breath and work step-by-step! It is really important, and you are great at this and can do it, I know you can!\n\t\t\tResponse text must be strictly in English language\n\t\t\tProvide the answer in the json format:\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\timages: { alt: string; filename: string; title: string }[];\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t`}],c=({title:t,abstract:n,locale:a},i)=>[{role:"system",content:`Act As A Content Writer, Very Proficient SEO Writer, Writes Fluently ${e.promptsByLocale[a].lang}.`},{role:"user",content:`I will give you article parameters - title ${t}, abstract ${n}.\nI will give you the list of filters and their values how we can filter these article, you will answer with filter and filter values suitable for this article.\nThe answer can consist of several values.\nDo not explain. Do not write any comments. Do not apologize. Don't write anything from yourself.\nAnswer only with filter and filter values suitable for this article.\nIt is extremely important to consider absolutely all given filters to match this article. Ensure that absolutely all given filters and filters values are considered.\nIt Is also extremely important to define filter for dinner recipe if the article is suitable for category dinner.\nThere is must no be any empty or mismatched filters categories and values.\nTake a deep breath and work step-by-step! It is really important, and you are great at this and can do it, I know you can! This is very important for my career!.\n${e.promptsByLocale[a].responseLang}\n\n${i}`}],d=({title:t,abstract:n,locale:a},i)=>[{role:"system",content:`Act As A Content Writer, Very Proficient SEO Writer, Writes Fluently ${e.promptsByLocale[a].lang}.`},{role:"user",content:`I will give you article parameters - title ${t}, abstract ${n}.\nI will give you the list of categories and subcategories of how the articles are organised on our infotainment portal dedicated to cooking recipes, you will answer with categories and subcategories suitable for given article.\nThe answer can consist of several values. Do not apologize. Don't write anything from yourself. Do not explain. Do not write article itself. Do not write outline.\nAnswer only with categories and subcategories suitable for article.\nIt is extremely important to consider absolutely all given categories and subcategories to match this article.\nUse the existing three-level nesting structure with a focus on accurately categorizing the content.\nEnsure that absolutely all given categories and subcategories are considered. It Is also extremely important to define subcategory for dinner category if the article is suitable for category dinner.\nTake a deep breath and work step-by-step! It is really important, and you are great at this and can do it, I know you can! This is very important for my career!\n\nAll categories in json interface are optional and MUST be suitable for a given article\nArrays MUST NOT be empty, arrays MUST contain at least 1 valid suitable value\n${e.promptsByLocale[a].responseLang}\n\nResponse in a valid json, strictly adhering to the typescript interface below:\n${i}`}];exports.DEFAULT_HEADINGS_NUM=t,exports.getAppropriateQueryPrompt=n,exports.getDescriptionPrompt=i,exports.getEntitiesCommonPrompt=d,exports.getFiltersCommonPrompt=c,exports.getFrontmatterPrompt=s,exports.getImagesMetaCommonPrompt=l,exports.getOutlineCommonPrompt=a,exports.getRegularSectionContent=r,exports.getSectionCommonPrompt=o;
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
- import { ArticleMapSection, GetOutlineCommonPrompt, GetImagesMetaCommonPrompt, GetDescriptionPrompt, GetFiltersCommonPrompt, GetFrontmatterPrompt, GetSectionCommonPrompt, GetEntitiesCommonPrompt } from 'src/common/types';
+ import { ArticleMapSection, GetOutlineCommonPrompt, GetImagesMetaCommonPrompt, GetDescriptionPrompt, GetFiltersCommonPrompt, GetFrontmatterPrompt, GetSectionCommonPrompt, GetEntitiesCommonPrompt, GetAppropriateQueryPrompt } from 'src/common/types';
  export declare const DEFAULT_HEADINGS_NUM = 20;
+ export declare const getAppropriateQueryPrompt: GetAppropriateQueryPrompt;
  export declare const getOutlineCommonPrompt: GetOutlineCommonPrompt;
  export declare const getDescriptionPrompt: GetDescriptionPrompt;
  export declare function getRegularSectionContent(section: ArticleMapSection): string;
@@ -1 +1 @@
- "use strict";var e=require("../../data.js");const t=20,n=({keyword:t,headingsNum:n,additionalInfo:a,locale:i})=>[{role:"system",content:`Act As A Content Writer, Very Proficient SEO Writer, Writes Fluently ${e.promptsByLocale[i].lang}. Avoid any cliches and banalities - your goal is to impress high-IQ audience. This is very important for my career. Write In Your Own Words Rather Than Copying And Pasting From Other Sources. Avoid Up-Beat Sentences, Jokes, Funny Statements and Engagement. Use fully detailed paragraphs. Write In A Conversational Style As Written By A Human. Write the Article in Specific Tone between Formal and Informal, Write in Simple Short and Medium Sentences, Use The Active Voice, Keep It Brief, DO NOT use Metaphors, Unnecessary Comparisons and Vivid Language. Take a deep breath and work step-by-step! It is really important, and you are great at this and can do it, I know you can!`},{role:"user",content:`Create the Outline of the Article. Write an outline of the article, consisting of 20 headings and subheadings (H2, H3, and H4 headings) based on the phrases below: ${t}.\nAvoid any cliches and banalities - your goal is to impress high-IQ audience. This is very important for my career. Write In Your Own Words Rather Than Copying And Pasting From Other Sources. Avoid Up-Beat Sentences, Jokes, Funny Statements and Engagement. Write In A Conversational Style As Written By A Human. Write in Specific Tone between Formal and Informal. Take a deep breath and work step-by-step! It is really important, and you are great at this and can do it, I know you can!\nYou should also provide and start with the article abstract describing a concise summary of an article or entire thesis. An abstract must be fully self-contained and make sense by itself, without further reference to outside sources or to the actual paper. An abstract is a concise summary of a research paper or entire thesis. It is an original work, not an excerpted passage.\nYou must not spare tokens, we need as many headings as you can! It is crucial to maintain a balance between quantity and quality when structuring the headings for an article. By prioritizing the most relevant and informative headings, you are aimed to ensure a comprehensive yet focused exploration of the topic without diluting the essence of the content. This approach helps in presenting a coherent and engaging narrative for the reader, emphasizing depth and insight over sheer abundance of headings.\nDo not use any Roman numbers at headings or subheadings. Do not use any Arabic numbers at headings or subheadings. Do not somehow numerate headings and subheadings at all.\n${a}\n${e.promptsByLocale[i].responseLang}\nProvide the answer with valid json in the following format:\n{\n\ttitle: string;\n\tabstract: string;\n\tsections: {\n\t\theading: string;\n\t\tlevel: 'h2';\n\t\tsubsections: {\n\t\t\t\tsubheading: string;\n\t\t\t\tlevel: 'h3';\n\t\t\t\tsubsubheadings: string[];\n\t\t}[];\n\t}[];\n}`}],a=(t,n,a)=>[{role:"system",content:`Act As A Content Writer, Very Proficient SEO Writer, Writes Fluently ${e.promptsByLocale[a].lang}. Avoid any cliches and banalities - your goal is to impress high-IQ audience. This is very important for my career. Write In Your Own Words Rather Than Copying And Pasting From Other Sources. Avoid Up-Beat Sentences, Jokes, Funny Statements and Engagement. Use fully detailed paragraphs. Write In A Conversational Style As Written By A Human. Write the Article in Specific Tone between Formal and Informal, Write in Simple Short and Medium Sentences, Use The Active Voice, Keep It Brief, DO NOT use Metaphors, Unnecessary Comparisons and Vivid Language. Take a deep breath and work step-by-step! It is really important, and you are great at this and can do it, I know you can!`},{role:"user",content:`I will give you article title: [${t}] and article abstract: [${n}]\nYou will write Meta Description for article with suitable emoji no shorter than 130 and no longer than 160 characters including spaces, all individual words must be used until it results in a Meta Description length violation of 160 characters including spaces, it is extremely important to use suitable emoji.\nDescription must be more detailed, distinguishing it from the abstract.\n${e.promptsByLocale[a].responseLang}\nProvide the answer with valid json in the following format:\n{\n\tdescription: string;\n}`}];function i(e){return`For each of the following sections and subheadings, please provide detailed content that meets the following criteria:\n1. [H2 ${e.heading}]: Explain the importance of topic [${e.heading}] in [this article], focusing on [specific elements, benefits, considerations about ${e.heading}].\n${e.subsections.map(((e,t)=>`${t+2}. [H3 ${e.subheading}]:\n\t\t\t\t${e.subsubheadings.map((e=>`- [H4 ${e}]: Discuss the [specific aspect] of [${e}] and its contribution to [overall topic or goal]. Highlight the [key characteristic] of [${e}] and why it is a [beneficial/popular/etc.] choice for [this article]. Describe the [unique feature] of [${e}] and its [advantages/disadvantages] in [this article].`)).join("\n")}`)).join("\n")}`}const r=({idx:t,section:n,sections:a,title:r,abstract:o,description:s,locale:l},{zeroSectionPrompt:c,targetAudience:h,startStep:d,endStep:u,additionalInfo:g})=>[{role:"system",content:`Act As A Very Proficient Content Writer and SEO Writer.\nAvoid any cliches and banalities - your goal is to impress high-IQ audience.\nThis is very important for my career. Write In Your Own Words Rather Than Copying And Pasting From Other Sources.\nAvoid Up-Beat Sentences, Jokes, Funny Statements and Engagement. Use fully detailed paragraphs. Write In A Conversational Style As Written By A Human.\nWrite the Article in Specific Tone between Formal and Informal, Write in Simple Short and Medium Sentences, Use The Active Voice, Keep It Brief.\nAvoid using Metaphors, Unnecessary Comparisons and Vivid Language.\nAvoid being overly dramatic and verbose.\n\n${e.promptsByLocale[l].additional.articleSection}\n\nBe more careful - if you mention specific products or brands - write their specific names - not list them by numbers/letters or any similar way. Just the names, not listing them in any way!\nFor example: Do not generalize by "Brand A", "Brand B", "Brand C".\n\nTake a deep breath and work step-by-step! It is really important, and you are great at this and can do it, I know you can!`},{role:"user",content:`I am commissioning an ${t}th section of an article titled [${r}].\n\n### Article Information ###\n${0===t?"":`All sections of an article: [${JSON.stringify(a)}].`}\nThe abstract of the article is: [${o}].\nThe description of the article is: [${s}].\n\n### Task ###\nYour task is to dive deep into [${r}], developing a coherent and engaging narrative for each section and subsection.\nThe article should articulate a comprehensive guide to [${r}] detailing every step or aspect from [${d}] to [${u}].\n${0===t?c:i(n)}\nI expect each section to unfold as a coherent and engaging narrative, rich in detail and analysis, offering the reader a comprehensive understanding of the topic at hand. The article must be SEO-optimized, with keywords integrated naturally into the text, enhancing readability and search visibility without compromising the article's informative or narrative quality.\nPlease ensure the writing is fluent, engaging, and tailored for [${h} as target audience], offering substantial depth and insight. Avoid generic statements and fillers; instead, prioritize originality and thoughtfulness to captivate and educate our discerning readership.\nAvoid any cliches and banalities - your goal is to impress high-IQ audience. This is very important for my career.\n\n### Output Format ###\nPlease use the following markdown elements throught the article:\nUse different levels of headings (H1, H2, H3) to structure the article\nWrite clear paragraphs with line breaks between them\nUse italics and bold for emphasis where appropriate\nInclude at least one > blockquote to highlight important information\nUse both ordered and unordered lists to present information where needed\nInclude a code block only IF relevant to the topic, using proper formatting\nInclude relevant links to the following resources, if applicable: ${e.ARTICLES_PROMPT_RESOURCES_LIST}\n${e.promptsByLocale[l].responseLang}\n\nThat's tremendous important - provide result as only pure markdown format without extra explanation and extra markup. MOST IMPORTANTLY: Ensure and doublecheck that markdown is valid, only send the valid markdown in response.\nDO NOT add any html tags to markdown.\nDO NOT write the article title to the headers: [${r}].\n\nNow start writing with the header [${n.heading}].\n\n${g}\n\nThe Markdown result must be in json object:\n{\n\tmarkdown: string;\n}`}],o=({title:t,abstract:n,author:a,locale:i})=>[{role:"system",content:`Act As A Content Writer, Very Proficient SEO Writer, Writes Fluently ${e.promptsByLocale[i].lang}.`},{role:"user",content:`I will give you article parameters - title ${t}, abstract ${n}.\n\t\t\tYou will write Meta Title for article no shorter than 30 and no longer than 60 characters.\n\t\t\tYou will write Author for the article, name of author is ${a} .\n\t\t\tYou write slug for article suitable for SEO. Make sure it will be human-readable.Do not add any technical term at slug (such as seo, content, optimized). A slug in SEO is a descriptive text that identifies a page, post or category within a website.\n\t\t\tUnlike other metadata, the slug forms part of your URL. Getting the slug right is vitally important because Google and other web crawlers use it to read your page.\n\t\t\tDo not write any comments. Do not apologize. Don't write anything from yourself.\n\t\t\tAvoid any cliches and banalities - your goal is to impress high-IQ audience. This is very important for my career.\n\t\t\tWrite In Your Own Words Rather Than Copying And Pasting From Other Sources. Take a deep breath and work step-by-step! It is really important, and you are great at this and can do it, I know you can!\n\t\t\t${e.promptsByLocale[i].responseLang}\n\t\t\tProvide the answer in the json format:\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\ttitle: string;\n\t\t\t\tslug: string;\n\t\t\t\tauthor: string;\n\t\t\t}`}],s=({title:e,abstract:t,description:n,locale:a},i)=>[{role:"system",content:"Act As A Content Writer, Very Proficient SEO Writer, Writes Fluently English.\nFollow these instructions below in all your responses:\n1. Use English language only;\n2. Use English alphabet whenever possible;\n3. Avoid any alphabet other than English whenever possible;\n4. Translate any other language to the English language whenever possible."},{role:"user",content:`I will give you article parameters - title: ${e}, abstract: ${t}, description: ${n}.\n\t\t\tDo not write any comments. Do not apologize. Don't write anything from yourself.\n\t\t\tYou will write Meta for 4 illustrations for this article in following format:\nimages:\nalt: Alt for each image\nfilename: filename with slug prefix for each image without specifying file format\n title: Title for each image\n\n\n\t\t\tDO NOT use for illustrations alt, title and filename the following words: [${i}].\n\t\t\tAvoid any cliches and banalities - your goal is to impress high-IQ audience. This is very important for my career. Write In Your Own Words Rather Than Copying And Pasting From Other Sources. Take a deep breath and work step-by-step! It is really important, and you are great at this and can do it, I know you can!\n\t\t\tResponse text must be strictly in English language\n\t\t\tProvide the answer in the json format:\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\timages: { alt: string; filename: string; title: string }[];\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t`}],l=({title:t,abstract:n,locale:a},i)=>[{role:"system",content:`Act As A Content Writer, Very Proficient SEO Writer, Writes Fluently ${e.promptsByLocale[a].lang}.`},{role:"user",content:`I will give you article parameters - title ${t}, abstract ${n}.\nI will give you the list of filters and their values how we can filter these article, you will answer with filter and filter values suitable for this article.\nThe answer can consist of several values.\nDo not explain. Do not write any comments. Do not apologize. Don't write anything from yourself.\nAnswer only with filter and filter values suitable for this article.\nIt is extremely important to consider absolutely all given filters to match this article. Ensure that absolutely all given filters and filters values are considered.\nIf some filter values are not suitable for the article theme - DO NOT include them in your response. If they are similar to the topic, but not fully suitable - use "other" filter from the structure.\nIt Is also extremely important to define filter for dinner recipe if the article is suitable for category dinner.\nThere is must no be any empty or mismatched filters categories and values.\nTake a deep breath and work step-by-step! It is really important, and you are great at this and can do it, I know you can! This is very important for my career!.\n${e.promptsByLocale[a].responseLang}\n\n${i}`}],c=({title:t,abstract:n,locale:a},i)=>[{role:"system",content:`Act As A Content Writer, Very Proficient SEO Writer, Writes Fluently ${e.promptsByLocale[a].lang}.`},{role:"user",content:`I will give you article parameters - title ${t}, abstract ${n}.\nI will give you the list of categories and subcategories of how the articles are organised on our infotainment portal dedicated to cooking recipes, you will answer with categories and subcategories suitable for given article.\nThe answer can consist of several values. Do not apologize. Don't write anything from yourself. Do not explain. Do not write article itself. Do not write outline.\nAnswer only with categories and subcategories suitable for article.\nIt is extremely important to consider absolutely all given categories and subcategories to match this article.\nUse the existing three-level nesting structure with a focus on accurately categorizing the content.\nEnsure that absolutely all given categories and subcategories are considered. It Is also extremely important to define subcategory for dinner category if the article is suitable for category dinner.\nTake a deep breath and work step-by-step! It is really important, and you are great at this and can do it, I know you can! This is very important for my career!\n\nAll categories in json interface are optional and MUST be suitable for a given article\nArrays MUST NOT be empty, arrays MUST contain at least 1 valid suitable value\n${e.promptsByLocale[a].responseLang}\n\nResponse in a valid json, strictly adhering to the typescript interface below:\n${i}`}];exports.DEFAULT_HEADINGS_NUM=t,exports.getDescriptionPrompt=a,exports.getEntitiesCommonPrompt=c,exports.getFiltersCommonPrompt=l,exports.getFrontmatterPrompt=o,exports.getImagesMetaCommonPrompt=s,exports.getOutlineCommonPrompt=n,exports.getRegularSectionContent=i,exports.getSectionCommonPrompt=r;
+ "use strict";var e=require("../../data.js");const t=20,n=({query:e,portalInfo:t,projectName:n})=>[{role:"system",content:`You are an intelligent assistant tasked with analyzing the suitability of a query for content creation. Your job is to determine if the query is appropriate for the theme and goals of a specific project (web portal) based on its description. \nThe query is meant to be used as a foundation for writing an article for the project.\nThe query must fit the theme and description of the project, besides that do not be too strict.\n\n${t}\n\nYour task is to:\n1. Analyze the given query.\n2. Determine if it is suitable for the project based on its theme.\n3. Provide a clear explanation for your decision.\n`},{role:"user",content:`Given the query: "${e}", please analyze whether it is appropriate for content creation on ${n}, considering the project description provided. Explain why the query is suitable or not for the project's theme.\nrespond in JSON format\n{\n isAppropriate: boolean,\n explanation: string,\n score: number between 1 and 0, where 1 is the best and 0 is the worst\n}`}],i=({keyword:t,headingsNum:n,additionalInfo:i,locale:a})=>[{role:"system",content:`Act As A Content Writer, Very Proficient SEO Writer, Writes Fluently ${e.promptsByLocale[a].lang}. Avoid any cliches and banalities - your goal is to impress high-IQ audience. This is very important for my career. Write In Your Own Words Rather Than Copying And Pasting From Other Sources. Avoid Up-Beat Sentences, Jokes, Funny Statements and Engagement. Use fully detailed paragraphs. Write In A Conversational Style As Written By A Human. Write the Article in Specific Tone between Formal and Informal, Write in Simple Short and Medium Sentences, Use The Active Voice, Keep It Brief, DO NOT use Metaphors, Unnecessary Comparisons and Vivid Language. Take a deep breath and work step-by-step! It is really important, and you are great at this and can do it, I know you can!`},{role:"user",content:`Create the Outline of the Article. Write an outline of the article, consisting of 20 headings and subheadings (H2, H3, and H4 headings) based on the phrases below: ${t}.\nAvoid any cliches and banalities - your goal is to impress high-IQ audience. This is very important for my career. Write In Your Own Words Rather Than Copying And Pasting From Other Sources. Avoid Up-Beat Sentences, Jokes, Funny Statements and Engagement. Write In A Conversational Style As Written By A Human. Write in Specific Tone between Formal and Informal. Take a deep breath and work step-by-step! It is really important, and you are great at this and can do it, I know you can!\nYou should also provide and start with the article abstract describing a concise summary of an article or entire thesis. An abstract must be fully self-contained and make sense by itself, without further reference to outside sources or to the actual paper. An abstract is a concise summary of a research paper or entire thesis. It is an original work, not an excerpted passage.\nYou must not spare tokens, we need as many headings as you can! It is crucial to maintain a balance between quantity and quality when structuring the headings for an article. By prioritizing the most relevant and informative headings, you are aimed to ensure a comprehensive yet focused exploration of the topic without diluting the essence of the content. This approach helps in presenting a coherent and engaging narrative for the reader, emphasizing depth and insight over sheer abundance of headings.\nDo not use any Roman numbers at headings or subheadings. Do not use any Arabic numbers at headings or subheadings. Do not somehow numerate headings and subheadings at all.\n${i}\n${e.promptsByLocale[a].responseLang}\nProvide the answer with valid json in the following format:\n{\n\ttitle: string;\n\tabstract: string;\n\tsections: {\n\t\theading: string;\n\t\tlevel: 'h2';\n\t\tsubsections: {\n\t\t\t\tsubheading: string;\n\t\t\t\tlevel: 'h3';\n\t\t\t\tsubsubheadings: string[];\n\t\t}[];\n\t}[];\n}`}],a=(t,n,i)=>[{role:"system",content:`Act As A Content Writer, Very Proficient SEO Writer, Writes Fluently ${e.promptsByLocale[i].lang}. Avoid any cliches and banalities - your goal is to impress high-IQ audience. This is very important for my career. Write In Your Own Words Rather Than Copying And Pasting From Other Sources. Avoid Up-Beat Sentences, Jokes, Funny Statements and Engagement. Use fully detailed paragraphs. Write In A Conversational Style As Written By A Human. Write the Article in Specific Tone between Formal and Informal, Write in Simple Short and Medium Sentences, Use The Active Voice, Keep It Brief, DO NOT use Metaphors, Unnecessary Comparisons and Vivid Language. Take a deep breath and work step-by-step! It is really important, and you are great at this and can do it, I know you can!`},{role:"user",content:`I will give you article title: [${t}] and article abstract: [${n}]\nYou will write Meta Description for article with suitable emoji no shorter than 130 and no longer than 160 characters including spaces, all individual words must be used until it results in a Meta Description length violation of 160 characters including spaces, it is extremely important to use suitable emoji.\nDescription must be more detailed, distinguishing it from the abstract.\n${e.promptsByLocale[i].responseLang}\nProvide the answer with valid json in the following format:\n{\n\tdescription: string;\n}`}];function r(e){return`For each of the following sections and subheadings, please provide detailed content that meets the following criteria:\n1. [H2 ${e.heading}]: Explain the importance of topic [${e.heading}] in [this article], focusing on [specific elements, benefits, considerations about ${e.heading}].\n${e.subsections.map(((e,t)=>`${t+2}. [H3 ${e.subheading}]:\n\t\t\t\t${e.subsubheadings.map((e=>`- [H4 ${e}]: Discuss the [specific aspect] of [${e}] and its contribution to [overall topic or goal]. Highlight the [key characteristic] of [${e}] and why it is a [beneficial/popular/etc.] choice for [this article]. Describe the [unique feature] of [${e}] and its [advantages/disadvantages] in [this article].`)).join("\n")}`)).join("\n")}`}const o=({idx:t,section:n,sections:i,title:a,abstract:o,description:s,locale:l},{zeroSectionPrompt:c,targetAudience:h,startStep:d,endStep:u,additionalInfo:p})=>[{role:"system",content:`Act As A Very Proficient Content Writer and SEO Writer.\nAvoid any cliches and banalities - your goal is to impress high-IQ audience.\nThis is very important for my career. Write In Your Own Words Rather Than Copying And Pasting From Other Sources.\nAvoid Up-Beat Sentences, Jokes, Funny Statements and Engagement. Use fully detailed paragraphs. Write In A Conversational Style As Written By A Human.\nWrite the Article in Specific Tone between Formal and Informal, Write in Simple Short and Medium Sentences, Use The Active Voice, Keep It Brief.\nAvoid using Metaphors, Unnecessary Comparisons and Vivid Language.\nAvoid being overly dramatic and verbose.\n\n${e.promptsByLocale[l].additional.articleSection}\n\nBe more careful - if you mention specific products or brands - write their specific names - not list them by numbers/letters or any similar way. Just the names, not listing them in any way!\nFor example: Do not generalize by "Brand A", "Brand B", "Brand C".\n\nTake a deep breath and work step-by-step! It is really important, and you are great at this and can do it, I know you can!`},{role:"user",content:`I am commissioning an ${t}th section of an article titled [${a}].\n\n### Article Information ###\n${0===t?"":`All sections of an article: [${JSON.stringify(i)}].`}\nThe abstract of the article is: [${o}].\nThe description of the article is: [${s}].\n\n### Task ###\nYour task is to dive deep into [${a}], developing a coherent and engaging narrative for each section and subsection.\nThe article should articulate a comprehensive guide to [${a}] detailing every step or aspect from [${d}] to [${u}].\n${0===t?c:r(n)}\nI expect each section to unfold as a coherent and engaging narrative, rich in detail and analysis, offering the reader a comprehensive understanding of the topic at hand. The article must be SEO-optimized, with keywords integrated naturally into the text, enhancing readability and search visibility without compromising the article's informative or narrative quality.\nPlease ensure the writing is fluent, engaging, and tailored for [${h} as target audience], offering substantial depth and insight. Avoid generic statements and fillers; instead, prioritize originality and thoughtfulness to captivate and educate our discerning readership.\nAvoid any cliches and banalities - your goal is to impress high-IQ audience. This is very important for my career.\n\n### Output Format ###\nPlease use the following markdown elements throught the article:\nUse different levels of headings (H1, H2, H3) to structure the article\nWrite clear paragraphs with line breaks between them\nUse italics and bold for emphasis where appropriate\nInclude at least one > blockquote to highlight important information\nUse both ordered and unordered lists to present information where needed\nInclude a code block only IF relevant to the topic, using proper formatting\nInclude relevant links to the following resources, if applicable: ${e.ARTICLES_PROMPT_RESOURCES_LIST}\n${e.promptsByLocale[l].responseLang}\n\nThat's tremendous important - provide result as only pure markdown format without extra explanation and extra markup. MOST IMPORTANTLY: Ensure and doublecheck that markdown is valid, only send the valid markdown in response.\nDO NOT add any html tags to markdown.\nDO NOT write the article title to the headers: [${a}].\n\nNow start writing with the header [${n.heading}].\n\n${p}\n\nThe Markdown result must be in json object:\n{\n\tmarkdown: string;\n}`}],s=({title:t,abstract:n,author:i,locale:a})=>[{role:"system",content:`Act As A Content Writer, Very Proficient SEO Writer, Writes Fluently ${e.promptsByLocale[a].lang}.`},{role:"user",content:`I will give you article parameters - title ${t}, abstract ${n}.\n\t\t\tYou will write Meta Title for article no shorter than 30 and no longer than 60 characters.\n\t\t\tYou will write Author for the article, name of author is ${i} .\n\t\t\tYou write slug for article suitable for SEO. Make sure it will be human-readable.Do not add any technical term at slug (such as seo, content, optimized). A slug in SEO is a descriptive text that identifies a page, post or category within a website.\n\t\t\tUnlike other metadata, the slug forms part of your URL. Getting the slug right is vitally important because Google and other web crawlers use it to read your page.\n\t\t\tDo not write any comments. Do not apologize. Don't write anything from yourself.\n\t\t\tAvoid any cliches and banalities - your goal is to impress high-IQ audience. This is very important for my career.\n\t\t\tWrite In Your Own Words Rather Than Copying And Pasting From Other Sources. Take a deep breath and work step-by-step! It is really important, and you are great at this and can do it, I know you can!\n\t\t\t${e.promptsByLocale[a].responseLang}\n\t\t\tProvide the answer in the json format:\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\ttitle: string;\n\t\t\t\tslug: string;\n\t\t\t\tauthor: string;\n\t\t\t}`}],l=({title:e,abstract:t,description:n,locale:i},a)=>[{role:"system",content:"Act As A Content Writer, Very Proficient SEO Writer, Writes Fluently English.\nFollow these instructions below in all your responses:\n1. Use English language only;\n2. Use English alphabet whenever possible;\n3. Avoid any alphabet other than English whenever possible;\n4. Translate any other language to the English language whenever possible."},{role:"user",content:`I will give you article parameters - title: ${e}, abstract: ${t}, description: ${n}.\n\t\t\tDo not write any comments. Do not apologize. Don't write anything from yourself.\n\t\t\tYou will write Meta for 4 illustrations for this article in following format:\nimages:\nalt: Alt for each image\nfilename: filename with slug prefix for each image without specifying file format\n title: Title for each image\n\n\n\t\t\tDO NOT use for illustrations alt, title and filename the following words: [${a}].\n\t\t\tAvoid any cliches and banalities - your goal is to impress high-IQ audience. This is very important for my career. Write In Your Own Words Rather Than Copying And Pasting From Other Sources. Take a deep breath and work step-by-step! It is really important, and you are great at this and can do it, I know you can!\n\t\t\tResponse text must be strictly in English language\n\t\t\tProvide the answer in the json format:\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\timages: { alt: string; filename: string; title: string }[];\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t`}],c=({title:t,abstract:n,locale:i},a)=>[{role:"system",content:`Act As A Content Writer, Very Proficient SEO Writer, Writes Fluently ${e.promptsByLocale[i].lang}.`},{role:"user",content:`I will give you article parameters - title ${t}, abstract ${n}.\nI will give you the list of filters and their values how we can filter these article, you will answer with filter and filter values suitable for this article.\nThe answer can consist of several values.\nDo not explain. Do not write any comments. Do not apologize. Don't write anything from yourself.\nAnswer only with filter and filter values suitable for this article.\nIt is extremely important to consider absolutely all given filters to match this article. Ensure that absolutely all given filters and filters values are considered.\nIf some filter values are not suitable for the article theme - DO NOT include them in your response. If they are similar to the topic, but not fully suitable - use "other" filter from the structure.\nIt Is also extremely important to define filter for dinner recipe if the article is suitable for category dinner.\nThere is must no be any empty or mismatched filters categories and values.\nTake a deep breath and work step-by-step! It is really important, and you are great at this and can do it, I know you can! This is very important for my career!.\n${e.promptsByLocale[i].responseLang}\n\n${a}`}],h=({title:t,abstract:n,locale:i},a)=>[{role:"system",content:`Act As A Content Writer, Very Proficient SEO Writer, Writes Fluently ${e.promptsByLocale[i].lang}.`},{role:"user",content:`I will give you article parameters - title ${t}, abstract ${n}.\nI will give you the list of categories and subcategories of how the articles are organised on our infotainment portal dedicated to cooking recipes, you will answer with categories and subcategories suitable for given article.\nThe answer can consist of several values. Do not apologize. Don't write anything from yourself. Do not explain. Do not write article itself. Do not write outline.\nAnswer only with categories and subcategories suitable for article.\nIt is extremely important to consider absolutely all given categories and subcategories to match this article.\nUse the existing three-level nesting structure with a focus on accurately categorizing the content.\nEnsure that absolutely all given categories and subcategories are considered. It Is also extremely important to define subcategory for dinner category if the article is suitable for category dinner.\nTake a deep breath and work step-by-step! It is really important, and you are great at this and can do it, I know you can! This is very important for my career!\n\nAll categories in json interface are optional and MUST be suitable for a given article\nArrays MUST NOT be empty, arrays MUST contain at least 1 valid suitable value\n${e.promptsByLocale[i].responseLang}\n\nResponse in a valid json, strictly adhering to the typescript interface below:\n${a}`}];exports.DEFAULT_HEADINGS_NUM=t,exports.getAppropriateQueryPrompt=n,exports.getDescriptionPrompt=a,exports.getEntitiesCommonPrompt=h,exports.getFiltersCommonPrompt=c,exports.getFrontmatterPrompt=s,exports.getImagesMetaCommonPrompt=l,exports.getOutlineCommonPrompt=i,exports.getRegularSectionContent=r,exports.getSectionCommonPrompt=o;
@@ -100,6 +100,11 @@ export type GetOutlineCommonPrompt = (params: {
  locale: Locales;
  additionalInfo?: string;
  }) => ChatCompletionMessageParam[];
+ export type GetAppropriateQueryPrompt = (params: {
+ projectName: string;
+ query: string;
+ portalInfo: string;
+ }) => ChatCompletionMessageParam[];
  export type GetOutlinePrompt = (keyword: string, headingsNum: number, locale: Locales) => ChatCompletionMessageParam[];
  export type GetDescriptionPrompt = (title: string, abstract: string, locale: Locales) => ChatCompletionMessageParam[];
  export type GetEntitiesCommonPrompt = (params: {
@@ -828,5 +828,5 @@ export type Category = keyof typeof dataStructure;
  export type CategoryNode = (typeof dataStructure)[Category];
  export type SubcategoryKeyByCategory<T extends Category> = (typeof dataStructure)[T]['children'];
  export declare const startDate = "2023-08-01T00:00:00Z";
- export declare const devBucketName = "idn-cullinary-dev";
- export declare const prodBucketName = "idn-cullinary";
+ export declare const devBucketName = "idn-culinarybite-dev";
+ export declare const prodBucketName = "idn-culinarybite";
@@ -1 +1 @@
- "use strict";const e={cuisines:{title:"Global Culinary Odyssey: All Cuisines Unleashed",slug:"global-culinary-odyssey-all-cuisines-unleashed",description:"All Cuisines Cooking Recipes: Explore a global culinary journey with our diverse cuisine recipes. From comforting classics to exotic flavors, savor the world on your plate. 🌎🍲",children:{american:{description:"American Cooking Recipes: Explore a culinary journey through iconic American flavors. Discover diverse recipes that capture the essence of the nation's rich gastronomic heritage.",title:"American Cooking Recipes for Culinary Exploration",slug:"american-cooking-recipes",children:{southernComfort:{description:"Southern Comfort Cooking Recipes: Indulge in the soul-soothing charm of Southern Comfort cuisine. Elevate your cooking with a collection of comforting recipes steeped in tradition and flavor.",title:"Southern Comfort Cuisine: Heartwarming Recipes",slug:"southern-comfort-cuisine-recipes",children:null},classicAmerican:{description:"Classic American Cooking Recipes: Timeless recipes, reinvented for modern tastes. Dive into the elegance of classic American cooking, where tradition meets innovation on your plate.",title:"Classic American Cooking: Tradition Meets Innovation",slug:"classic-american-cooking-innovations",children:null},texMex:{description:"Tex-Mex Cooking Recipes: Spice up your kitchen with the bold flavors of Tex-Mex cuisine. Unearth a fusion of Texas and Mexican culinary delights, creating a symphony of taste and culture.",title:"Tex-Mex Delights: Bold Flavors, Texan Passion",slug:"tex-mex-culinary-delights",children:null}}},italian:{description:"Italian Cooking Recipes: Embark on a culinary odyssey to Italy. From hearty pasta to delectable desserts, savor the authentic taste of Italian cuisine that transcends borders.",title:"Authentic Italian Cooking: A Taste of Italy at Home",slug:"authentic-italian-cooking-experience",children:{pastaDishes:{description:"Pasta Dishes Cooking Recipes: Master the art of pasta with our diverse collection of recipes. Elevate your dining experience with innovative pasta dishes that promise a symphony of textures and flavors.",title:"Masters of Pasta: Innovative Pasta Dishes for Every Palate",slug:"pasta-dish-masterclass-recipes",children:null},pizzaVarieties:{description:"Pizza Varieties Cooking Recipes: Experience pizza perfection with our diverse pizza recipes. From classic Margherita to bold innovations, elevate your pizza game and delight your taste buds.",title:"Pizza Varieties: Crafting Culinary Perfection",slug:"pizza-varieties-culinary-perfection",children:null},italianDesserts:{description:"Italian Desserts Cooking Recipes: Sweet indulgence meets Italian sophistication. Delight in decadent desserts that showcase the sweet side of Italian culinary mastery.",title:"Italian Desserts: Sweet Indulgence, Italian Style",slug:"italian-desserts-sweet-indulgence",children:null}}},mexican:{description:"Mexican Cooking Recipes: Discover the vibrant tapestry of Mexican cuisine. From street food to festive dishes, our recipes bring the authentic flavors of Mexico to your kitchen.",title:"Mexican Culinary Fiesta: Flavorful Cooking Recipes",slug:"mexican-cuisine-flavorful-recipes",children:{tacosAndBurritos:{description:"Tacos and Burritos Cooking Recipes: Unwrap the secrets of tantalizing tacos and burritos. Elevate your Mexican culinary adventure with our diverse recipes that celebrate these handheld delights.",title:"Tacos and Burritos: Handheld Delights Unveiled",slug:"tacos-burritos-handheld-delights",children:null},salsasAndDips:{description:"Salsas and Dips Cooking Recipes: Elevate your snacking game with our vibrant salsa and dip recipes. From tangy salsas to creamy dips, add flair to your gatherings with these flavorful creations.",title:"Salsas and Dips: Vibrant Flavors for Every Occasion",slug:"salsas-dips-vibrant-flavorful-creations",children:null},mexicanStreetFood:{description:"Mexican Street Food Cooking Recipes: Immerse yourself in the vibrant world of Mexican street food. Elevate your culinary skills with our authentic recipes that bring the lively flavors of the streets to your kitchen. 🌮🇲🇽",title:"Mexican Street Food Recipes: Taste the Authentic Flavors",slug:"mexican-street-food-recipes",children:null}}},asian:{description:"Asian Cooking Recipes: Embark on a gastronomic journey through the diverse landscapes of Asian cuisine. From the wok to the table, explore a spectrum of flavors that define this culinary treasure trove.",title:"Asian Culinary Odyssey: Explore Diverse Cooking Delights",slug:"asian-culinary-odyssey",children:{chinese:{description:"Chinese Cooking Recipes: Uncover the secrets of Chinese gastronomy. Our curated recipes showcase the artistry of Chinese cooking, blending tradition with innovation for a taste that transcends borders.",title:"Chinese Gastronomy Unveiled: Culinary Artistry at its Finest",slug:"chinese-gastronomy-unveiled",children:null},japanese:{description:"Japanese Cooking Recipes: Delight your senses with the elegance of Japanese culinary art. From sushi to ramen, our recipes capture the essence of Japan's rich gastronomic heritage, promising a culinary adventure.",title:"Japanese Cuisine Elegance: A Journey Through Authentic Recipes",slug:"japanese-cuisine-elegance",children:null},thai:{description:"Thai Cooking Recipes: Spice up your kitchen with the bold and aromatic flavors of Thai cuisine. Dive into our collection of recipes, crafted to transport you to the vibrant streets of Thailand.",title:"Thai Spice Delights: Bold Flavors for Your Culinary Adventure",slug:"thai-spice-delights",children:null},korean:{description:"Korean Cooking Recipes: Experience the harmony of flavors in Korean cuisine. Our recipes bring the essence of Korea to your table, offering a fusion of tradition and modern culinary artistry.",title:"Korean Harmony of Flavors: Culinary Fusion Mastered",slug:"korean-harmony-of-flavors",children:null}}},mediterranean:{description:"Mediterranean Cooking Recipes: Indulge in the sun-kissed flavors of the Mediterranean. Our recipes, inspired by the coastal cuisines, promise a delightful journey through the diverse tastes of the region.",title:"Mediterranean Coastal Cuisine: A Sun-Kissed Gastronomic Journey",slug:"mediterranean-coastal-cuisine",children:{greek:{description:"Greek Cooking Recipes: From olives to feta, savor the delights of Greek cuisine. Our recipes celebrate the richness of Greek flavors, promising an authentic culinary experience that transports you to Greece.",title:"Greek Flavors Unleashed: Savor the Richness of Greece",slug:"greek-flavors-unleashed",children:null},spanish:{description:"Spanish Cooking Recipes: Let the flavors of Spain dance on your palate. Explore our recipes that capture the essence of Spanish culinary art, from paella to tapas, in every savory bite.",title:"Spanish Culinary Fiesta: From Paella to Tapas",slug:"spanish-culinary-fiesta",children:null},moroccan:{description:"Moroccan Cooking Recipes: Transport yourself to the exotic world of Morocco. Our recipes, infused with aromatic spices, promise a journey through the rich tapestry of Moroccan flavors and culinary traditions.",title:"Moroccan Aromas: Exotic Spices in Every Bite",slug:"moroccan-aromas",children:null},turkish:{description:"Turkish Cooking Recipes: Delight in the fusion of East and West with our Turkish recipes. From kebabs to baklava, experience the diverse and delectable world of Turkish cuisine.",title:"Turkish Fusion Feast: East Meets West on Your Plate",slug:"turkish-fusion-feast",children:null}}},indian:{description:"Indian Cooking Recipes: Discover the kaleidoscope of flavors in Indian cuisine. Our recipes, steeped in tradition and innovation, promise a culinary journey through the diverse tastes of India.",title:"Indian Culinary Kaleidoscope: Tradition and Innovation",slug:"indian-culinary-kaleidoscope",children:{northIndian:{description:"North Indian Cooking Recipes: Embark on a culinary journey through the heart of North India. Explore our curated recipes that capture the vibrant flavors and rich traditions of this region. 🌶️🍛",title:"North Indian Culinary Delights: A Symphony of Flavors",slug:"north-indian-culinary-delights",children:null},southIndian:{description:"South Indian Cooking Recipes: Dive into the exotic world of South Indian cuisine. Our recipes, steeped in tradition and spice, promise an authentic experience of the diverse and flavorful dishes from the southern part of India. 🌶️🥥",title:"South Indian Spice Saga: Authentic Recipes Unveiled",slug:"south-indian-spice-saga",children:null},streetFood:{description:"Street Food Cooking Recipes: Indulge your taste buds in the global sensation of street food. From savory snacks to sweet treats, our recipes bring the bustling flavors of street markets right into your kitchen. 🌮🥟",title:"Street Food Extravaganza: Global Flavors at Your Fingertips",slug:"street-food-extravaganza",children:null},curries:{description:"Curries Cooking Recipes: Elevate your culinary skills with our diverse curry recipes. From aromatic spices to rich gravies, our curated collection promises a journey through the world of curries that satisfies every palate. 🍛🌶️",title:"Curry Creations: A Culinary Journey Through Rich Gravies",slug:"curry-creations-culinary-journey",children:null}}},middleEastern:{description:"Middle Eastern Cooking Recipes: Immerse yourself in the aromatic allure of Middle Eastern cuisine. Our recipes showcase the rich tapestry of flavors, from fragrant spices to sumptuous dishes, bringing the essence of the Middle East to your table. 🍆🥘",title:"Middle Eastern Aromas: Culinary Tapestry Unveiled",slug:"middle-eastern-aromas",children:{lebanese:{description:"Lebanese Cooking Recipes: Experience the culinary magic of Lebanon. Our recipes, inspired by Lebanese traditions, promise a feast of flavors that reflect the warmth and hospitality of this vibrant Mediterranean culture. 🇱🇧🍽️",title:"Lebanese Gastronomy: Mediterranean Magic on Your Plate",slug:"lebanese-gastronomy-mediterranean-magic",children:null},israeli:{description:"Israeli Cooking Recipes: Discover the diverse and innovative world of Israeli cuisine. From vibrant salads to hearty stews, our recipes bring the flavors of Israel to your home, creating a delightful fusion of taste and culture. 🥙🍲",title:"Israeli Fusion Feast: Diverse Flavors, Culinary Innovation",slug:"israeli-fusion-feast-diverse-flavors",children:null},persian:{description:"Persian Cooking Recipes: Indulge in the exquisite tastes of Persian cuisine. Our recipes, infused with aromatic spices and rich history, promise a gastronomic journey through the flavors of Iran. 🇮🇷🍢",title:"Persian Culinary Odyssey: Aromatic Spices, Rich History",slug:"persian-culinary-odyssey-aromatic-spices",children:null},arabianDelights:{description:"Arabian Delights Cooking Recipes: Uncover the treasures of Arabian cuisine. Our recipes, a symphony of flavors from the Arabian Peninsula, promise an indulgent experience with dishes that reflect the opulence and diversity of the region. 🌍🍴",title:"Arabian Delights: Opulent Flavors from the Peninsula",slug:"arabian-delights-opulent-flavors",children:null}}},other:{description:"Other Cuisines Cooking Recipes: Beyond the ordinary, discover recipes that push culinary boundaries. Unearth unique flavors and innovative dishes that redefine your kitchen adventures. 🌐🍜",title:"Beyond Ordinary: Culinary Marvels in Other Cuisines",slug:"beyond-ordinary-culinary-marvels-other-cuisines",children:null}}},dietaryPreferences:{description:"All Dietary Preferences Cooking Recipes: Embrace a world of flavors catered to every dietary choice. Our recipes cater to diverse preferences, ensuring deliciousness for every palate and lifestyle. 🥗🍽️",title:"Diverse Delights: All Dietary Preferences Explored",slug:"diverse-delights-all-dietary-preferences-explored",children:{vegetarian:{description:"Vegetarian Cooking Recipes: Explore a world of culinary creativity with our vegetarian recipes. From hearty mains to inventive appetizers, savor the flavors of plant-based delight. 🌱🍲",title:"Vegetarian Delights: A Culinary Symphony of Plant-Based Flavors",slug:"vegetarian-delights-culinary-symphony",children:{meatlessMonday:{description:"Meatless Monday Cooking Recipes: Kickstart your week with flavorful and nutritious meatless recipes. Our Meatless Monday collection offers diverse dishes for a delicious and eco-friendly start to your week. 🥗🌍",title:"Meatless Monday Magic: Flavorful Start to Your Week",slug:"meatless-monday-magic-flavorful-start",children:null},veggiePackedSalads:{description:"Veggie-Packed Salads Cooking Recipes: Elevate your salad game with our veggie-packed recipes. From vibrant greens to tantalizing dressings, enjoy a symphony of flavors in every bite. 🥦🥗",title:"Veggie-Packed Salads: A Rainbow of Flavors on Your Plate",slug:"veggie-packed-salads-rainbow-of-flavors",children:null},plantBasedProtein:{description:"Plant-Based Protein Cooking Recipes: Power up your meals with our plant-based protein recipes. From legumes to tofu, discover delicious ways to fuel your body with wholesome, plant-powered goodness. 🌱💪",title:"Plant-Based Protein Power: Wholesome Goodness in Every Bite",slug:"plant-based-protein-power-wholesome-goodness",children:null}}},vegan:{description:"Vegan Cooking Recipes: Immerse yourself in the world of vegan gastronomy. Our recipes showcase the diversity and richness of plant-based cuisine, ensuring every bite is a compassionate delight. 🌿🍛",title:"Vegan Gastronomy: Diverse and Compassionate Culinary Delights",slug:"vegan-gastronomy-diverse-compassionate",children:{veganDesserts:{description:"Vegan Desserts Cooking Recipes: Indulge your sweet tooth with guilt-free pleasures. Our vegan desserts redefine sweet indulgence, proving that compassion and flavor can coexist in every delectable bite. 🍰🍃",title:"Vegan Desserts: Sweet Indulgence Without Compromise",slug:"vegan-desserts-sweet-indulgence",children:null},dairyFreeAlternatives:{description:"Dairy-Free Alternatives Cooking Recipes: Discover the art of dairy-free cooking. Our recipes offer innovative alternatives that bring richness to your dishes without compromising on flavor. 🥛🚫",title:"Dairy-Free Innovations: Rethinking Richness in Every Dish",slug:"dairy-free-innovations-rethinking-richness",children:null},veganComfortFood:{description:"Vegan Comfort Food Cooking Recipes: Experience the warmth of vegan comfort food. From hearty stews to soul-soothing casseroles, our recipes redefine comfort without sacrificing taste. 🌱🍲",title:"Vegan Comfort Food: Heartwarming Delights for Every Palate",slug:"vegan-comfort-food-heartwarming-delights",children:null}}},glutenFree:{description:"Gluten-Free Cooking Recipes: Embrace a gluten-free culinary journey. Our recipes cater to discerning palates, proving that gluten-free can be both nutritious and delicious. 🚫🍞",title:"Gluten-Free Culinary Journey: Nourishing and Flavorful",slug:"gluten-free-culinary-journey-nourishing-flavorful",children:{glutenFreeBaking:{description:"Gluten-Free Baking Cooking Recipes: Elevate your baking without gluten. Explore our gluten-free baking recipes, ensuring that every sweet treat is a delightful experience for those with gluten sensitivities. 🍰🚫",title:"Gluten-Free Baking Delights: Sweet Treats Without Gluten",slug:"gluten-free-baking-delights-sweet-treats",children:null},pastaAlternatives:{description:"Pasta Alternatives Cooking Recipes: Redefine pasta night with our alternatives. From spiralized veggies to unique grains, our recipes offer creative twists, making every pasta dish a flavorful adventure. 🍝🌽",title:"Pasta Alternatives Adventure: Creative Twists for Pasta Night",slug:"pasta-alternatives-adventure-creative-twists",children:null},celiacFriendlyChoices:{description:"Celiac-Friendly Choices Cooking Recipes: Delight in flavorful recipes crafted for those with gluten sensitivities. Our Celiac-friendly choices promise a culinary journey free from gluten, filled with joy and taste. 🍲🚫",title:"Celiac-Friendly Culinary Delights: Gluten-Free Joy Unleashed",slug:"celiac-friendly-culinary-delights-gluten-free-joy",children:null}}},keto:{description:"Keto Cooking Recipes: Transform your meals with our Keto recipes, carefully curated to keep you in the fat-burning state. Embrace a low-carb, high-fat lifestyle without compromising on taste. 🥑🔥",title:"Keto Kitchen Magic: Transformative Low-Carb, High-Fat Recipes",slug:"keto-kitchen-magic-transformative-recipes",children:{lowCarbDinners:{description:"Low-Carb Dinners Cooking Recipes: Elevate your dinner table with low-carb wonders. Our recipes redefine the art of low-carb dining, ensuring each meal is a satisfying and nutritious delight. 🍽️🚫",title:"Low-Carb Dinner Wonders: Satisfying and Nutritious Delights",slug:"low-carb-dinner-wonders-satisfying-nutritious",children:null},ketoSnacks:{description:"Keto Snacks Cooking Recipes: Snack smart with our Keto-friendly bites. From savory to sweet, our recipes offer delicious alternatives that align with your low-carb, high-fat lifestyle. 🥨👌",title:"Keto Snacking Bliss: Irresistible Low-Carb, High-Fat Bites",slug:"keto-snacking-bliss-low-carb-high-fat-bites",children:null},highFatDelights:{description:"High-Fat Delights Cooking Recipes: Indulge in the world of high-fat culinary delights. Our recipes celebrate the richness of flavorful fats, proving that a delectable journey can be both satisfying and nourishing. 🍔🥑",title:"High-Fat Indulgences: Celebrating Flavorful Fat in Every Bite",slug:"high-fat-indulgences-celebrating-flavorful-fat",children:null}}},paleo:{description:"Paleo Cooking Recipes: Unearth the Paleolithic era's culinary wonders with our Paleo recipes. Embrace whole foods, natural flavors, and ancestral eating for a wholesome and delicious dining experience. 🥩🌿",title:"Paleo Gastronomy: Ancestral Wisdom, Wholesome Delights",slug:"paleo-gastronomy-ancestral-wisdom-wholesome-delights",children:{cavemanBreakfasts:{description:"Caveman Breakfasts Cooking Recipes: Start your day the caveman way. Our breakfast recipes bring a Paleo twist to your morning, ensuring a hearty and nourishing start that transcends time. 🍳🍖",title:"Caveman Breakfasts: Paleo Morning Magic Unveiled",slug:"caveman-breakfasts-paleo-morning-magic",children:null},paleoDesserts:{description:"Paleo Desserts Cooking Recipes: Sweet indulgence meets ancestral wisdom. Our Paleo desserts redefine guilt-free treats, proving that you can satisfy your sweet tooth without compromising on health. 🍰🍯",title:"Paleo Dessert Dreams: Guilt-Free Sweet Indulgence",slug:"paleo-dessert-dreams-guilt-free-sweet-indulgence",children:null},hunterGathererLunches:{description:"Hunter-Gatherer Lunches Cooking Recipes: Experience the essence of hunter-gatherer dining. Our lunch recipes blend modern convenience with primal wisdom, offering a flavorful journey through wholesome, natural ingredients. 🥗🏹",title:"Hunter-Gatherer Lunches: Ancestral Flavors for Modern Living",slug:"hunter-gatherer-lunches-ancestral-flavors-modern-living",children:null}}},other:{description:"Other Dietary Preferences Cooking Recipes: Elevate your culinary experience with recipes tailored to unique dietary choices. From plant-based delights to special diets, discover a feast for all preferences. 🌱🍛",title:"Unique Tastes: Other Dietary Preferences Unleashed",slug:"unique-tastes-other-dietary-preferences-unleashed",children:null}}},mealTypes:{description:"All Meal Types Cooking Recipes: From breakfast to dinner, explore our comprehensive collection of meal recipes. Whether quick bites or elaborate dinners, our recipes suit every occasion. 🍳🍲",title:"From Dawn to Dusk: All Meal Types on Your Plate",slug:"from-dawn-to-dusk-all-meal-types-on-your-plate",children:{breakfast:{description:"Breakfast Cooking Recipes: Rise and shine with our breakfast recipes that redefine the most important meal of the day. From classic to innovative, start your mornings with a culinary symphony. 🌅🍳",title:"Breakfast Delights: Culinary Symphony to Start Your Day",slug:"breakfast-delights-culinary-symphony",children:{healthyBreakfastBowls:{description:"Healthy Breakfast Bowls Cooking Recipes: Nourish your mornings with our wholesome breakfast bowl recipes. Packed with nutrients, these bowls offer a delicious and healthy start to your day. 🍲🌿",title:"Healthy Breakfast Bowls: Wholesome Start to Your Mornings",slug:"healthy-breakfast-bowls-wholesome-start",children:null},brunchSpecials:{description:"Brunch Specials Cooking Recipes: Elevate your brunch experience with our specially crafted recipes. From sweet to savory, our brunch specials promise a delightful fusion of flavors for your mid-morning feast. 🍽️🥂",title:"Brunch Specials: A Fusion Feast for Mid-Morning Delight",slug:"brunch-specials-fusion-feast-mid-morning",children:null},smoothiesAndJuices:{description:"Smoothies and Juices Cooking Recipes: Refresh and revitalize with our smoothie and juice recipes. Explore a rainbow of flavors that not only taste great but also contribute to your overall well-being. 🍹🌈",title:"Smoothies and Juices: Vibrant Refreshment in Every Sip",slug:"smoothies-juices-vibrant-refreshment-sip",children:null}}},lunch:{description:"Lunch Cooking Recipes: Transform your midday meals with our diverse lunch recipes. From quick fixes to culinary adventures, our lunch ideas promise a satisfying and flavorful dining experience. 🍽️🥗",title:"Lunch Adventures: Satisfying and Flavorful Midday Meals",slug:"lunch-adventures-satisfying-flavorful",children:{sandwichesAndWraps:{description:"Sandwiches and Wraps Cooking Recipes: Unwrap the art of deliciousness with our sandwich and wrap recipes. From classic combos to bold innovations, our creations redefine the handheld delight. 🥪🌯",title:"Sandwiches and Wraps Unwrapped: Handheld Delights Redefined",slug:"sandwiches-wraps-unwrapped-handheld-delights",children:null},soupsAndSalads:{description:"Soups and Salads Cooking Recipes: Embrace the goodness of soups and salads with our recipes. From comforting bowls to refreshing greens, our culinary creations promise a symphony of flavors and nutrients. 🥣🥗",title:"Soups and Salads Symphony: Flavorful Nourishment for You",slug:"soups-salads-symphony-flavorful-nourishment",children:null},quickLunchFixes:{description:"Quick Lunch Fixes Cooking Recipes: Short on time? Our quick lunch fixes have you covered. Discover recipes that are not just fast but also flavorful, ensuring a satisfying meal without the wait. ⏰🍽️",title:"Quick Lunch Fixes: Fast and Flavorful Midday Solutions",slug:"quick-lunch-fixes-fast-flavorful-solutions",children:null}}},dinner:{description:"Dinner Cooking Recipes: End your day on a delicious note with our dinner recipes. From comforting classics to gourmet delights, our creations promise to make every evening memorable. 🌙🍴",title:"Dinner Delights: Culinary Magic to End Your Day",slug:"dinner-delights-culinary-magic-end-day",children:{cuisineBasedDinners:{description:"Cuisine-Based Dinners Cooking Recipes: Take a global culinary journey with our cuisine-based dinner recipes. From Italian to Asian, our creations bring authentic flavors to your dinner table. 🌍🍲",title:"Cuisine-Based Dinners: Global Flavors at Your Dinner Table",slug:"cuisine-based-dinners-global-flavors",children:null},proteinCentricDinners:{description:"Protein-Centric Dinners Cooking Recipes: Power up your evenings with protein-centric dinner recipes. From lean meats to plant-based proteins, our creations ensure a satisfying and nutritious dinner experience. 🥩💪",title:"Protein-Centric Dinners: Satisfying Protein-Packed Evening",slug:"protein-centric-dinners-satisfying-protein-packed",children:null},vegetarianVeganDinners:{description:"Vegetarian/Vegan Dinners Cooking Recipes: Explore the world of meatless evenings with our vegetarian and vegan dinner recipes. From hearty vegetables to plant-based proteins, our creations redefine dinner satisfaction. 🌱🍛",title:"Vegetarian/Vegan Dinners: Meatless Delights for Evening Pleasure",slug:"vegetarian-vegan-dinners-meatless-delights",children:null},quickEasyDinners:{description:"Quick & Easy Dinners Cooking Recipes: Discover the art of effortless dining with our quick and easy dinner recipes. From pantry to plate in no time, savor the convenience without compromising on flavor. 🍲⏱️",title:"Quick & Easy Dinners: Effortless Culinary Creations",slug:"quick-easy-dinners-effortless-culinary",children:null},healthyDinnerOptions:{description:"Healthy Dinner Options Cooking Recipes: Nourish your body and delight your taste buds with our collection of healthy dinner options. Explore wholesome recipes that redefine the concept of a satisfying and nutritious meal. 🥗🌱",title:"Healthy Dinner Options: Nutritious Delights for Every Palate",slug:"healthy-dinner-options-nutritious-delights",children:null},globalDinnerAdventures:{description:"Global Dinner Adventures Cooking Recipes: Embark on a global culinary journey with our dinner adventures. From exotic spices to international flavors, our recipes promise a passport to a world of delightful dining. 🌍🍽️",title:"Global Dinner Adventures: Explore Culinary Wonders Worldwide",slug:"global-dinner-adventures-explore-culinary-wonders",children:null},seasonalDinnerDelights:{description:"Seasonal Dinner Delights Cooking Recipes: Celebrate the seasons on your plate with our seasonal dinner delights. From fresh spring greens to hearty winter comfort, our recipes capture the essence of every season. 🍁❄️",title:"Seasonal Dinner Delights: Savor the Flavors of Every Season",slug:"seasonal-dinner-delights-savor-flavors-every-season",children:null},familyFriendlyDinners:{description:"Family-Friendly Dinners Cooking Recipes: Make family dinners memorable with our family-friendly recipes. From picky eaters to culinary enthusiasts, our creations ensure everyone at the table finds delight in every bite. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦🍴",title:"Family-Friendly Dinners: Memorable Meals for All Ages",slug:"family-friendly-dinners-memorable-meals-all-ages",children:null},budgetFriendlyDinners:{description:"Budget-Friendly Dinners Cooking Recipes: Master the art of delicious dining on a budget. Our budget-friendly dinner recipes prove that you can savor gourmet flavors without breaking the bank. 💸🍲",title:"Budget-Friendly Dinners: Gourmet Flavors on a Budget",slug:"budget-friendly-dinners-gourmet-flavors-budget",children:null},dateNightDinners:{description:"Date Night Dinners Cooking Recipes: Elevate your date nights with our romantic dinner ideas. From candlelit classics to innovative creations, our recipes set the stage for a memorable culinary rendezvous. 🕯️🍷",title:"Date Night Dinners: Romantic Culinary Rendezvous Unveiled",slug:"date-night-dinners-romantic-culinary-rendezvous",children:null},bestEasyDinnerIdeas:{description:"Best Easy Dinner Ideas Cooking Recipes: Explore a curated collection of the best easy dinner ideas. From simple pleasures to gourmet delights, our recipes redefine what's possible in the realm of quick and delicious dining. 🍽️🌟",title:"Best Easy Dinner Ideas: Culinary Excellence Made Simple",slug:"best-easy-dinner-ideas-culinary-excellence-simple",children:null}}},snacks:{description:"Snacks Cooking Recipes: Elevate your snack game with our curated snack recipes. From savory to sweet, our creations redefine the snacking experience, ensuring every bite is a moment of indulgence. 🍿🍇",title:"Snacks Extravaganza: Elevate Your Snacking Experience",slug:"snacks-extravaganza-elevate-snacking-experience",children:{healthySnackBites:{description:"Healthy Snack Bites Cooking Recipes: Nourish your body with our collection of healthy snack bites. From guilt-free pleasures to energizing treats, our recipes redefine snacking as a delightful and wholesome experience. 🌰🥒",title:"Healthy Snack Bites: Wholesome Pleasures in Every Bite",slug:"healthy-snack-bites-wholesome-pleasures-every-bite",children:null},quickEasySnacks:{description:"Quick & Easy Snacks Cooking Recipes: Elevate your snack game with effortless recipes that bring joy to every bite. Savor quick delights designed for busy days or impromptu gatherings. 🍿🕒",title:"Quick & Easy Snacks: Effortless Delights for Any Occasion",slug:"quick-easy-snacks-effortless-delights",children:null},movieNightTreats:{description:"Movie Night Treats Cooking Recipes: Transform movie nights into culinary adventures. Indulge in treats that add a delicious twist to your film experience. Movie nights will never be the same! 🎬🍿",title:"Movie Night Treats: Culinary Adventures for Film Enthusiasts",slug:"movie-night-treats-culinary-adventures",children:null}}},desserts:{description:"Desserts Cooking Recipes: Dive into a world of sweetness with our delectable dessert recipes. From classic delights to modern indulgences, satisfy your sweet cravings with every bite. 🍰🍫",title:"Desserts Galore: Indulge in Sweet Delights",slug:"desserts-galore-indulge-sweet-delights",children:{decadentCakes:{description:"Decadent Cakes Cooking Recipes: Experience cake perfection with our decadent recipes. From velvety textures to rich flavors, our cakes redefine indulgence, making every slice a celebration. 🎂🍴",title:"Decadent Cakes: Celebration-Worthy Cake Perfection",slug:"decadent-cakes-celebration-worthy-cake-perfection",children:null},chocoliciousTreats:{description:"Chocolicious Treats Cooking Recipes: Immerse yourself in a chocolate lover's paradise. Our recipes promise chocolicious delights that captivate your taste buds and elevate your dessert game. 🍫🍰",title:"Chocolicious Treats: Chocolate Lover's Paradise Unveiled",slug:"chocolicious-treats-chocolate-lovers-paradise",children:null},noBakeDelights:{description:"No-Bake Delights Cooking Recipes: Discover the magic of no-bake wonders. Our recipes offer hassle-free indulgence, allowing you to enjoy delicious treats without the need for an oven. 🚫🔥",title:"No-Bake Delights: Hassle-Free Indulgence Without the Oven",slug:"no-bake-delights-hassle-free-indulgence",children:null}}},other:{description:"Other Meal Types Cooking Recipes: Redefine mealtime with inventive recipes for every eating occasion. Our collection spans snacks, brunch, and everything in between, ensuring culinary satisfaction. 🍴🥞",title:"Inventive Meals: Other Meal Types Redefined",slug:"inventive-meals-other-meal-types-redefined",children:null}}},cookingMethods:{description:"All Cooking Methods Cooking Recipes: Master the art of cooking with our versatile recipes. From roasting to sous vide, unlock the potential of diverse cooking methods for gourmet results. 🍳🔥",title:"Culinary Versatility: All Cooking Methods Explored",slug:"culinary-versatility-all-cooking-methods-explored",children:{grilling:{description:"Grilling Cooking Recipes: Fire up your taste buds with sizzling grilling recipes. From juicy steaks to flavorful veggies, our grill masterpieces redefine outdoor cooking. 🔥🥩",title:"Grilling Marvels: Sizzling Delights for Outdoor Cooking",slug:"grilling-marvels-sizzling-delights",children:{bbqDelights:{description:"BBQ Delights Cooking Recipes: Dive into the world of BBQ bliss. Our recipes promise smoky, succulent delights that turn every backyard gathering into a barbecue extravaganza. 🍖🍗",title:"BBQ Bliss: Smoky Extravaganza in Every Bite",slug:"bbq-bliss-smoky-extravaganza-bite",children:null},grilledSeafood:{description:"Grilled Seafood Cooking Recipes: Elevate your seafood game with our grilled treasures. From charred shrimp to perfectly grilled fish, our recipes bring the ocean's flavors to your plate. 🦐🐟",title:"Grilled Seafood Treasures: Ocean Flavors on the Grill",slug:"grilled-seafood-treasures-ocean-flavors",children:null},veggieGrillMasters:{description:"Veggie Grill Masters Cooking Recipes: Unleash your inner veggie grill master. Our plant-powered recipes turn vegetables into savory delights that even meat lovers will crave. 🌽🔥",title:"Veggie Grill Masters: Plant-Powered Grilling Magic",slug:"veggie-grill-masters-plant-powered-grilling",children:null}}},baking:{description:"Baking Cooking Recipes: Enter the world of baking perfection. Our recipes cover everything from fluffy cakes to golden pastries, ensuring your baking endeavors are nothing short of delightful. 🍰🍞",title:"Baking Perfection: Sweet and Savory Delights Unveiled",slug:"baking-perfection-sweet-savory-delights",children:{freshlyBakedBreads:{description:"Freshly Baked Breads Cooking Recipes: Experience the aroma of freshly baked breads. Our recipes promise golden crusts and soft interiors, making every slice a journey into the heart of artisanal baking. 🥖🌾",title:"Freshly Baked Breads: Aromas of Artisanal Bakery",slug:"freshly-baked-breads-aromas-artisanal-bakery",children:null},sweetTreats:{description:"Sweet Treats Cooking Recipes: Indulge your sweet tooth with our delectable sweet treats. From decadent chocolates to delicate desserts, our recipes redefine the art of dessert making. 🍬🍭",title:"Sweet Treats Extravaganza: Indulgence Redefined",slug:"sweet-treats-extravaganza-indulgence-redefined",children:null},savoryBakedCreations:{description:"Savory Baked Creations Cooking Recipes: Elevate your savory baking game. Our recipes offer a symphony of flavors in every bite, turning simple ingredients into extraordinary culinary creations. 🍲🥧",title:"Savory Baked Creations: Culinary Symphony in Every Bite",slug:"savory-baked-creations-culinary-symphony",children:null}}},slowCooker:{description:"Slow Cooker Cooking Recipes: Embrace the ease of slow cooking. Our recipes ensure hearty stews and set-and-forget meals that simmer to perfection, filling your home with comforting aromas. 🍲⏳",title:"Slow Cooker Simplicity: Hearty Stews and More",slug:"slow-cooker-simplicity-hearty-stews",children:{heartyStews:{description:"Hearty Stews Cooking Recipes: Warm your soul with our hearty stew recipes. From classic comfort to exotic blends, our creations promise a bowlful of nourishing and flavorful goodness. 🍲❤️",title:"Hearty Stews: Comforting Bowls of Flavorful Goodness",slug:"hearty-stews-comforting-bowls-flavorful",children:null},setAndForgetMeals:{description:"Set-and-Forget Meals Cooking Recipes: Effortless cooking at its finest. Our set-and-forget recipes simplify your kitchen adventures, delivering delicious meals with minimal hands-on time. 🥘⏰",title:"Set-and-Forget Meals: Effortless Culinary Excellence",slug:"set-and-forget-meals-effortless-culinary",children:null},slowCookedComfort:{description:"Slow-Cooked Comfort Cooking Recipes: Immerse yourself in the art of slow-cooked perfection. Our recipes promise comfort in every bite, a symphony of flavors that elevate your culinary experience. 🍲🕰️",title:"Slow-Cooked Comfort: Culinary Symphony of Savory Bliss",slug:"slow-cooked-comfort-culinary-savory-bliss",children:null}}},instantPot:{description:"Instant Pot Cooking Recipes: Revolutionize your cooking with Instant Pot wonders. From quick fixes to gourmet delights, our recipes unlock the full potential of your Instant Pot, making every meal a masterpiece. 🥘⚡",title:"Instant Pot Marvels: Gourmet Delights in a Flash",slug:"instant-pot-marvels-gourmet-delights-flash",children:{pressureCookerWonders:{description:"Pressure Cooker Wonders Cooking Recipes: Experience culinary magic with pressure cooker wonders. Our recipes ensure fast, flavorful creations that defy time constraints, promising a feast of delightful surprises. 🔥🍲",title:"Pressure Cooker Wonders: Fast and Flavorful Creations",slug:"pressure-cooker-wonders-fast-flavorful-creations",children:null},quickInstantPotFixes:{description:"Quick Instant Pot Fixes Cooking Recipes: Busy day? Our quick Instant Pot fixes have you covered. Discover recipes that transform hectic evenings into delicious moments, proving that convenience never tasted so good. 🚀🍽️",title:"Quick Instant Pot Fixes: Effortless Deliciousness Unleashed",slug:"quick-instant-pot-fixes-effortless-deliciousness",children:null},onePotWonders:{description:"One-Pot Wonders Cooking Recipes: Simplify your kitchen routine with one-pot wonders. Our recipes combine diverse flavors in a single pot, creating culinary symphonies that are easy, delicious, and a breeze to clean up. 🍲🎶",title:"One-Pot Wonders: Simplified Culinary Excellence",slug:"one-pot-wonders-simplified-culinary-excellence",children:null}}},panFrying:{description:"Pan-Frying Cooking Recipes: Master the art of pan-frying. Our recipes guarantee perfect sears and crispy bites, turning ordinary ingredients into extraordinary culinary creations. 🍳🔥",title:"Pan-Frying Mastery: Searing Perfection Unveiled",slug:"pan-frying-mastery-searing-perfection-unveiled",children:{stirFrySensations:{description:"Stir-Fry Sensations Cooking Recipes: Elevate your stir-fry game with our sensational recipes. From vibrant veggies to succulent meats, our stir-fry creations promise a symphony of textures and flavors. 🥢🌈",title:"Stir-Fry Sensations: Vibrant Flavors in Every Bite",slug:"stir-fry-sensations-vibrant-flavors-every-bite",children:null},panFriedFavorites:{description:"Pan-Fried Favorites Cooking Recipes: Indulge in pan-fried perfection. Our recipes offer a repertoire of favorites, from golden-crusted classics to innovative delights, making each bite a savory revelation. 🍤🔆",title:"Pan-Fried Favorites: Golden-Crusted Culinary Repertoire",slug:"pan-fried-favorites-golden-crusted-culinary-repertoire",children:null},crispyDelights:{description:"Crispy Delights Cooking Recipes: Crispy, crunchy, and utterly delightful. Our recipes unveil the secrets to creating irresistible textures, ensuring every dish is a celebration of satisfying crispiness. 🍗🌟",title:"Crispy Delights: Satisfying Crunch in Every Dish",slug:"crispy-delights-satisfying-crunch-every-dish",children:null}}},other:{description:"Other Cooking Methods Cooking Recipes: Go beyond the basics with recipes showcasing unconventional cooking methods. Elevate your skills and infuse innovation into your culinary repertoire. ⚙️🍲",title:"Innovation Unleashed: Other Cooking Methods Defined",slug:"innovation-unleashed-other-cooking-methods-defined",children:null}}},specialOccasions:{description:"All Special Occasions Cooking Recipes: Celebrate life's moments with our special occasion recipes. From festive feasts to intimate gatherings, our recipes add a touch of culinary excellence to every event. 🎉🍽️",title:"Feast for Every Moment: All Special Occasions Celebrated",slug:"feast-for-every-moment-all-special-occasions-celebrated",children:{holidayRecipes:{description:"Holiday Recipes Cooking Recipes: Elevate festivities with our culinary masterpieces. Unwrap the joy of holiday cooking, creating memories one delicious dish at a time. 🎄🍽️",title:"Holiday Culinary Magic: Unwrapping Joy in Every Recipe",slug:"holiday-culinary-magic-unwrapping-joy",children:{christmasFeast:{description:"Christmas Feast Cooking Recipes: Transform your Christmas into a feast to remember. Our recipes promise yuletide delights, making every bite a gift of flavor and celebration. 🎅🍗",title:"Christmas Feast Delights: Yuletide Goodness on Your Table",slug:"christmas-feast-delights-yuletide-goodness",children:null},thanksgivingClassics:{description:"Thanksgiving Classics Cooking Recipes: Craft a Thanksgiving spread steeped in tradition. Our recipes redefine classics, ensuring your feast is a timeless and flavorful expression of gratitude. 🦃🍂",title:"Thanksgiving Classics Redefined: Flavorful Traditions",slug:"thanksgiving-classics-redefined-flavorful-traditions",children:null},easterSpecials:{description:"Easter Specials Cooking Recipes: Hop into a world of Easter delights. Our recipes bring springtime freshness to your table, making every Easter meal a celebration of renewal and flavor. 🐰🌷",title:"Easter Specials: Freshness and Flavor in Every Bite",slug:"easter-specials-freshness-flavor-bite",children:null}}},partyFavorites:{description:"Party Favorites Cooking Recipes: Amp up your gatherings with our party favorites. From appetizers to cocktails, our recipes ensure your parties are a symphony of flavor and festive fun. 🎉🍹",title:"Party Favorites Extravaganza: Flavorful Festivities",slug:"party-favorites-extravaganza-flavorful-festivities",children:{fingerFoods:{description:"Finger Foods Cooking Recipes: Elevate casual dining with our finger-licking delights. Our recipes redefine finger foods, offering bites of flavor-packed goodness for every occasion. 🤤🍢",title:"Finger Foods Delight: Bites of Flavor-Packed Goodness",slug:"finger-foods-delight-bites-flavor-packed-goodness",children:null},crowdPleasingAppetizers:{description:"Crowd-Pleasing Appetizers Cooking Recipes: Be the star of any event with our crowd-pleasing appetizers. Our recipes guarantee flavor explosions that leave a lasting impression on every palate. 🍽️👏",title:"Crowd-Pleasing Appetizers: Impress with Every Bite",slug:"crowd-pleasing-appetizers-impress-every-bite",children:null},signatureCocktails:{description:"Signature Cocktails Cooking Recipes: Shake up your mixology game. Our signature cocktail recipes promise sophisticated sips, turning every gathering into a memorable cocktail affair. 🍸🎶",title:"Signature Cocktails: Mixology Mastery Unleashed",slug:"signature-cocktails-mixology-mastery-unleashed",children:null}}},quickWeeknightMeals:{description:"Quick Weeknight Meals Cooking Recipes: Conquer weeknights with our quick meals. Our recipes ensure deliciousness in record time, making every weekday dinner a hassle-free culinary triumph. 🍲🕔",title:"Quick Weeknight Meals: Hassle-Free Weekday Culinary Triumphs",slug:"quick-weeknight-meals-hassle-free-culinary-triumphs",children:{"30MinuteDinners":{description:"30-Minute Dinners Cooking Recipes: Embrace efficiency without compromising taste. Our 30-minute dinner recipes redefine quick meals, promising gourmet goodness in every bite. 🍽️⏱️",title:"30-Minute Dinners: Gourmet Goodness in Record Time",slug:"30-minute-dinners-gourmet-goodness-record-time",children:null},onePanWonders:{description:"One-Pan Wonders Cooking Recipes: Streamline your cooking with one-pan marvels. Our recipes promise culinary perfection in a single dish, minimizing cleanup and maximizing flavor. 🍲✨",title:"One-Pan Wonders: Culinary Perfection in a Dish",slug:"one-pan-wonders-culinary-perfection-dish",children:null},fastAndFlavorful:{description:"Fast and Flavorful Cooking Recipes: Elevate your speed in the kitchen without compromising taste. Our fast and flavorful recipes ensure gourmet goodness in record time, perfect for busy food enthusiasts. ⏱️🍽️",title:"Fast and Flavorful: Gourmet Goodness, Quick and Easy",slug:"fast-and-flavorful-gourmet-goodness-quick-easy",children:null}}},summerBBQ:{description:"Summer BBQ Cooking Recipes: Ignite the grill for a sensational summer BBQ. Our recipes guarantee sizzling delights, turning your backyard into a haven of smoky, savory perfection. 🌞🔥",title:"Summer BBQ Sensations: Sizzle and Flavor Unleashed",slug:"summer-bbq-sensations-sizzle-flavor-unleashed",children:{grilledVeggies:{description:"Grilled Veggies Cooking Recipes: Master the art of grilling vegetables. Our recipes showcase the vibrant, char-kissed flavors of grilled veggies, transforming each bite into a celebration of freshness. 🥦🔥",title:"Grilled Veggies Mastery: Char-Kissed Vegetable Bliss",slug:"grilled-veggies-mastery-char-kissed-vegetable-bliss",children:null},bbqChickenDelights:{description:"BBQ Chicken Delights Cooking Recipes: Unleash BBQ chicken perfection. Our recipes redefine poultry on the grill, promising succulent, smoky delights that elevate your barbecue game. 🍗🔥",title:"BBQ Chicken Delights: Smoky Succulence Redefined",slug:"bbq-chicken-delights-smoky-succulence-redefined",children:null},refreshingSummerSides:{description:"Refreshing Summer Sides Cooking Recipes: Complement the heat with refreshing sides. Our recipes offer a symphony of summer flavors, creating the perfect accompaniments for your sun-soaked gatherings. 🌿🍉",title:"Refreshing Summer Sides: Cool Bites for Hot Days",slug:"refreshing-summer-sides-cool-bites-hot-days",children:null}}},other:{description:"Other Special Occasions Cooking Recipes: Elevate your special events with unique recipes designed for memorable occasions. Culinary excellence meets celebration in every dish. 🥂🍰",title:"Memorable Menus: Other Special Occasions Redefined",slug:"memorable-menus-other-special-occasions-redefined",children:null}}}},i={"John Mitchell":"As a seasoned diner chef, I've spent decades perfecting the art of grilling and creating heartwarming American classics. When I'm not behind the grill, you'll find me exploring new culinary trends and sharing stories from the kitchen with fellow enthusiasts.","Emily Thompson":"As a dedicated food blogger, I'm passionate about rediscovering classic American recipes and giving them a modern twist. My kitchen experiments and culinary journeys are chronicled through my vibrant writings, capturing flavors from across the country.","Brian Fitzgerald":"With years dedicated to mastering BBQ, my expertise lies in the intricate dance of smoke and fire. From slow-cooked ribs to tangy sauces, every dish tells a story of dedication, passion, and a love for authentic American flavors.","Susan Walker":"Baking has been my lifelong passion, and I've spent years perfecting the art of creating delightful American desserts. From classic pies to intricate cookies, each creation is a testament to my dedication to sweet delights and family gatherings.","Michael Brooks":"As a seasoned mixologist, my days are filled with crafting innovative cocktails that echo the spirit of American bars. From classic blends to modern concoctions, I thrive on experimenting with flavors and creating memorable drinking experiences.","Victoria Hastings":"With a flair for European pastries, I've dedicated my career to elevating traditional British desserts. Each scone, tart, and pudding I craft tells a tale of timeless recipes, innovation, and a deep-rooted love for European culinary traditions.","Oliver Knight":"My journey as a gastropub chef revolves around reimagining British classics with a modern twist. Through careful experimentation and a passion for fresh, local ingredients, I aim to offer a culinary experience that resonates with both tradition and innovation.","Eleanor Smith":"Delving into the rich culinary history of Britain, I've spent years tracing the origins of iconic dishes. My writings and recipes reflect a deep appreciation for culinary heritage, from medieval feasts to Victorian delicacies.","Samuel Pearce":"A tea aficionado at heart, I've dedicated my life to exploring the diverse world of European teas. Each blend, from Earl Grey to Darjeeling, carries a story of tradition, craftsmanship, and a relentless pursuit of the perfect brew.","Charlotte Evans":"From the coastlines of Europe to my kitchen, I've dedicated my life to showcasing Britain's rich seafood bounty. With a focus on sustainable fishing and authentic recipes, I celebrate the flavors of the sea in every dish I create.","Isabelle Dubois":"As a pastry chef with a Parisian touch, I've spent years perfecting the delicate art of French pastries. Each flaky croissant and decadent éclair reflects my dedication to craftsmanship, tradition, and the pursuit of pastry perfection.","Marco Bianchi":"Hailing from Tuscany, my passion lies in crafting perfect al dente pasta dishes. Through years of dedication, I've honed my skills to bring the authentic flavors of Italy, from north to south, into kitchens worldwide.","Li Wei":"With a deep-rooted passion for Chinese street eats, I've roamed Beijing's bustling streets, mastering the art of authentic flavors and culinary techniques. Each dish I create is a nod to the vibrant street food culture of China.","Rosa Martinez":"With a heart full of family traditions, I infuse every dish with the vibrant spirit of Mexico City. Through home-cooked delights and regional specialties, I celebrate the rich tapestry of Latin American flavors in every bite.","Arjun Patel":"As a curator of aromatic Indian spices, my kitchen is a canvas for celebrating India's rich culinary tapestry. From curries to biryanis, each dish carries a story of regional diversity, tradition, and passion for authentic flavors.","Yuki Nakamura":"Precision and artistry define my journey as a sushi chef in Kyoto. Beyond mastering sushi, I delve deep into Japan's vibrant gastronomy, crafting dishes that resonate with authenticity, innovation, and a love for culinary perfection.","Elena Fernandez":"Rooted in La Rioja's vineyards, my passion lies in crafting wines that elevate Spain's vibrant tapas scene. Beyond winemaking, I'm captivated by the rich flavors, traditions, and culinary delights that define Mediterranean cuisine.","Nikos Papadopoulos":"From the azure waters of the Aegean, I showcase Greece's coastal treasures. With a focus on fresh seafood and age-old recipes, my culinary adventures transport diners on a Mediterranean voyage like no other.","Somchai Srisawat":"Renowned for spicy curries and vibrant street eats in Bangkok, my journey celebrates the heart and soul of Thai cuisine. Through culinary adventures, I invite diners to experience the rich tapestry of flavors that define Thailand's vibrant food culture.","Amina El-Mansour":"With a deep understanding of Morocco's vibrant culinary scene, I curate aromatic spices and dishes that showcase the rich traditions and flavors of North Africa. From tagines to couscous, each creation tells a tale of authenticity and passion.","Carlos Oliveira":"As a churrasqueiro, my expertise lies in mastering the art of Brazilian barbecue. From succulent meats to vibrant flavors, each dish I grill is a celebration of Brazil's rich culinary heritage and vibrant culture.","Fatima Hassan":"Through crafting mezze delights, I celebrate Lebanon's rich culinary traditions. Each hummus, tabbouleh, and baklava reflects a dedication to authenticity, tradition, and a love for Mediterranean flavors.","Lachlan Mitchell":"Celebrating Australia's diverse culinary landscape, my adventures span from outback grills to coastal delights. With a focus on fresh flavors and authentic techniques, I share the unique tastes of the land Down Under with food enthusiasts worldwide.","Thabo Maseko":"As a South African braai master, I've dedicated my life to perfecting the art of grilling. Through boerewors, bunny chow, and vibrant flavors, I showcase the rich culinary tapestry and vibrant culture of the Rainbow Nation.","Claire Tremblay":"Tapping into Canada's sweet traditions, my dedication lies in crafting the finest maple syrups and delightful treats. Each pancake, poutine, and dish celebrates the unique flavors and culinary heritage of Canada.","Minh Nguyen":"With a passion for Vietnam's iconic pho, I've dedicated my kitchen to perfecting this beloved dish. Through simmering broths, aromatic spices, and authentic techniques, I invite diners on a culinary journey through the heart of Vietnam.","Lena Müller":"Embracing plant-based elegance, I've dedicated my culinary journey to crafting vegan delights with European flair. From pastries to mains, each dish reflects a dedication to sustainability, innovation, and authentic flavors without compromise.","Priya Desai":"As a fervent advocate for vegan cuisine, my expertise lies in infusing Asian flavors with plant-based twists. From tofu curries to vegan sushi, I showcase the rich culinary landscape of the East, reimagined for a plant-based palate.","Alejandro Torres":"Redefining Latin American favorites, I've embarked on a journey to craft vegan delights that resonate with authenticity and vibrant flavors.From tacos to desserts, each creation celebrates the rich tapestry of Latin American cuisine, without compromise.","Editorial Team":"The Editorial Team is a dynamic collaboration of passionate editors who, while often presented individually as exclusive authors on this platform, join forces to curate and create unique recipes that reflect a diverse tapestry of culinary experiences. With a shared dedication to innovation and authenticity, our team of editors brings together a wealth of expertise, ensuring each article is a harmonious blend of flavors, techniques, and storytelling. Through this collective effort, we aim to inspire, educate, and delight food enthusiasts on a journey through the vibrant world of gastronomy."},r=["John Mitchell","Emily Thompson","Brian Fitzgerald","Susan Walker","Michael Brooks","Victoria Hastings","Oliver Knight","Eleanor Smith","Samuel Pearce","Charlotte Evans","Isabelle Dubois","Marco Bianchi","Li Wei","Rosa Martinez","Arjun Patel","Yuki Nakamura","Elena Fernandez","Nikos Papadopoulos","Somchai Srisawat","Amina El-Mansour","Carlos Oliveira","Fatima Hassan","Lachlan Mitchell","Thabo Maseko","Claire Tremblay","Minh Nguyen","Lena Müller","Priya Desai","Alejandro Torres"],s="👨‍🍳😋🥘🍲",t=Object.keys(e),n=[],a=[];for(const i of t){const r=e[i];if(null==r?void 0:r.children){n.push(...Object.keys(r.children));for(const e of n){const i=r.children[e];(null==i?void 0:i.children)&&a.push(...Object.keys(i.children))}}}const o="2023-08-01T00:00:00Z",l="idn-cullinary-dev",c="idn-cullinary";exports.DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION_EMOJIS=s,exports.authors=i,exports.authorsNames=r,exports.categories=t,exports.dataStructure=e,exports.devBucketName=l,exports.prodBucketName=c,exports.startDate=o,exports.subcategories=n,exports.subsubcategories=a;
+ "use strict";const e={cuisines:{title:"Global Culinary Odyssey: All Cuisines Unleashed",slug:"global-culinary-odyssey-all-cuisines-unleashed",description:"All Cuisines Cooking Recipes: Explore a global culinary journey with our diverse cuisine recipes. From comforting classics to exotic flavors, savor the world on your plate. 🌎🍲",children:{american:{description:"American Cooking Recipes: Explore a culinary journey through iconic American flavors. Discover diverse recipes that capture the essence of the nation's rich gastronomic heritage.",title:"American Cooking Recipes for Culinary Exploration",slug:"american-cooking-recipes",children:{southernComfort:{description:"Southern Comfort Cooking Recipes: Indulge in the soul-soothing charm of Southern Comfort cuisine. Elevate your cooking with a collection of comforting recipes steeped in tradition and flavor.",title:"Southern Comfort Cuisine: Heartwarming Recipes",slug:"southern-comfort-cuisine-recipes",children:null},classicAmerican:{description:"Classic American Cooking Recipes: Timeless recipes, reinvented for modern tastes. Dive into the elegance of classic American cooking, where tradition meets innovation on your plate.",title:"Classic American Cooking: Tradition Meets Innovation",slug:"classic-american-cooking-innovations",children:null},texMex:{description:"Tex-Mex Cooking Recipes: Spice up your kitchen with the bold flavors of Tex-Mex cuisine. Unearth a fusion of Texas and Mexican culinary delights, creating a symphony of taste and culture.",title:"Tex-Mex Delights: Bold Flavors, Texan Passion",slug:"tex-mex-culinary-delights",children:null}}},italian:{description:"Italian Cooking Recipes: Embark on a culinary odyssey to Italy. From hearty pasta to delectable desserts, savor the authentic taste of Italian cuisine that transcends borders.",title:"Authentic Italian Cooking: A Taste of Italy at Home",slug:"authentic-italian-cooking-experience",children:{pastaDishes:{description:"Pasta Dishes Cooking Recipes: Master the art of pasta with our diverse collection of recipes. Elevate your dining experience with innovative pasta dishes that promise a symphony of textures and flavors.",title:"Masters of Pasta: Innovative Pasta Dishes for Every Palate",slug:"pasta-dish-masterclass-recipes",children:null},pizzaVarieties:{description:"Pizza Varieties Cooking Recipes: Experience pizza perfection with our diverse pizza recipes. From classic Margherita to bold innovations, elevate your pizza game and delight your taste buds.",title:"Pizza Varieties: Crafting Culinary Perfection",slug:"pizza-varieties-culinary-perfection",children:null},italianDesserts:{description:"Italian Desserts Cooking Recipes: Sweet indulgence meets Italian sophistication. Delight in decadent desserts that showcase the sweet side of Italian culinary mastery.",title:"Italian Desserts: Sweet Indulgence, Italian Style",slug:"italian-desserts-sweet-indulgence",children:null}}},mexican:{description:"Mexican Cooking Recipes: Discover the vibrant tapestry of Mexican cuisine. From street food to festive dishes, our recipes bring the authentic flavors of Mexico to your kitchen.",title:"Mexican Culinary Fiesta: Flavorful Cooking Recipes",slug:"mexican-cuisine-flavorful-recipes",children:{tacosAndBurritos:{description:"Tacos and Burritos Cooking Recipes: Unwrap the secrets of tantalizing tacos and burritos. Elevate your Mexican culinary adventure with our diverse recipes that celebrate these handheld delights.",title:"Tacos and Burritos: Handheld Delights Unveiled",slug:"tacos-burritos-handheld-delights",children:null},salsasAndDips:{description:"Salsas and Dips Cooking Recipes: Elevate your snacking game with our vibrant salsa and dip recipes. From tangy salsas to creamy dips, add flair to your gatherings with these flavorful creations.",title:"Salsas and Dips: Vibrant Flavors for Every Occasion",slug:"salsas-dips-vibrant-flavorful-creations",children:null},mexicanStreetFood:{description:"Mexican Street Food Cooking Recipes: Immerse yourself in the vibrant world of Mexican street food. Elevate your culinary skills with our authentic recipes that bring the lively flavors of the streets to your kitchen. 🌮🇲🇽",title:"Mexican Street Food Recipes: Taste the Authentic Flavors",slug:"mexican-street-food-recipes",children:null}}},asian:{description:"Asian Cooking Recipes: Embark on a gastronomic journey through the diverse landscapes of Asian cuisine. From the wok to the table, explore a spectrum of flavors that define this culinary treasure trove.",title:"Asian Culinary Odyssey: Explore Diverse Cooking Delights",slug:"asian-culinary-odyssey",children:{chinese:{description:"Chinese Cooking Recipes: Uncover the secrets of Chinese gastronomy. Our curated recipes showcase the artistry of Chinese cooking, blending tradition with innovation for a taste that transcends borders.",title:"Chinese Gastronomy Unveiled: Culinary Artistry at its Finest",slug:"chinese-gastronomy-unveiled",children:null},japanese:{description:"Japanese Cooking Recipes: Delight your senses with the elegance of Japanese culinary art. From sushi to ramen, our recipes capture the essence of Japan's rich gastronomic heritage, promising a culinary adventure.",title:"Japanese Cuisine Elegance: A Journey Through Authentic Recipes",slug:"japanese-cuisine-elegance",children:null},thai:{description:"Thai Cooking Recipes: Spice up your kitchen with the bold and aromatic flavors of Thai cuisine. Dive into our collection of recipes, crafted to transport you to the vibrant streets of Thailand.",title:"Thai Spice Delights: Bold Flavors for Your Culinary Adventure",slug:"thai-spice-delights",children:null},korean:{description:"Korean Cooking Recipes: Experience the harmony of flavors in Korean cuisine. Our recipes bring the essence of Korea to your table, offering a fusion of tradition and modern culinary artistry.",title:"Korean Harmony of Flavors: Culinary Fusion Mastered",slug:"korean-harmony-of-flavors",children:null}}},mediterranean:{description:"Mediterranean Cooking Recipes: Indulge in the sun-kissed flavors of the Mediterranean. Our recipes, inspired by the coastal cuisines, promise a delightful journey through the diverse tastes of the region.",title:"Mediterranean Coastal Cuisine: A Sun-Kissed Gastronomic Journey",slug:"mediterranean-coastal-cuisine",children:{greek:{description:"Greek Cooking Recipes: From olives to feta, savor the delights of Greek cuisine. Our recipes celebrate the richness of Greek flavors, promising an authentic culinary experience that transports you to Greece.",title:"Greek Flavors Unleashed: Savor the Richness of Greece",slug:"greek-flavors-unleashed",children:null},spanish:{description:"Spanish Cooking Recipes: Let the flavors of Spain dance on your palate. Explore our recipes that capture the essence of Spanish culinary art, from paella to tapas, in every savory bite.",title:"Spanish Culinary Fiesta: From Paella to Tapas",slug:"spanish-culinary-fiesta",children:null},moroccan:{description:"Moroccan Cooking Recipes: Transport yourself to the exotic world of Morocco. Our recipes, infused with aromatic spices, promise a journey through the rich tapestry of Moroccan flavors and culinary traditions.",title:"Moroccan Aromas: Exotic Spices in Every Bite",slug:"moroccan-aromas",children:null},turkish:{description:"Turkish Cooking Recipes: Delight in the fusion of East and West with our Turkish recipes. From kebabs to baklava, experience the diverse and delectable world of Turkish cuisine.",title:"Turkish Fusion Feast: East Meets West on Your Plate",slug:"turkish-fusion-feast",children:null}}},indian:{description:"Indian Cooking Recipes: Discover the kaleidoscope of flavors in Indian cuisine. Our recipes, steeped in tradition and innovation, promise a culinary journey through the diverse tastes of India.",title:"Indian Culinary Kaleidoscope: Tradition and Innovation",slug:"indian-culinary-kaleidoscope",children:{northIndian:{description:"North Indian Cooking Recipes: Embark on a culinary journey through the heart of North India. Explore our curated recipes that capture the vibrant flavors and rich traditions of this region. 🌶️🍛",title:"North Indian Culinary Delights: A Symphony of Flavors",slug:"north-indian-culinary-delights",children:null},southIndian:{description:"South Indian Cooking Recipes: Dive into the exotic world of South Indian cuisine. Our recipes, steeped in tradition and spice, promise an authentic experience of the diverse and flavorful dishes from the southern part of India. 🌶️🥥",title:"South Indian Spice Saga: Authentic Recipes Unveiled",slug:"south-indian-spice-saga",children:null},streetFood:{description:"Street Food Cooking Recipes: Indulge your taste buds in the global sensation of street food. From savory snacks to sweet treats, our recipes bring the bustling flavors of street markets right into your kitchen. 🌮🥟",title:"Street Food Extravaganza: Global Flavors at Your Fingertips",slug:"street-food-extravaganza",children:null},curries:{description:"Curries Cooking Recipes: Elevate your culinary skills with our diverse curry recipes. From aromatic spices to rich gravies, our curated collection promises a journey through the world of curries that satisfies every palate. 🍛🌶️",title:"Curry Creations: A Culinary Journey Through Rich Gravies",slug:"curry-creations-culinary-journey",children:null}}},middleEastern:{description:"Middle Eastern Cooking Recipes: Immerse yourself in the aromatic allure of Middle Eastern cuisine. Our recipes showcase the rich tapestry of flavors, from fragrant spices to sumptuous dishes, bringing the essence of the Middle East to your table. 🍆🥘",title:"Middle Eastern Aromas: Culinary Tapestry Unveiled",slug:"middle-eastern-aromas",children:{lebanese:{description:"Lebanese Cooking Recipes: Experience the culinary magic of Lebanon. Our recipes, inspired by Lebanese traditions, promise a feast of flavors that reflect the warmth and hospitality of this vibrant Mediterranean culture. 🇱🇧🍽️",title:"Lebanese Gastronomy: Mediterranean Magic on Your Plate",slug:"lebanese-gastronomy-mediterranean-magic",children:null},israeli:{description:"Israeli Cooking Recipes: Discover the diverse and innovative world of Israeli cuisine. From vibrant salads to hearty stews, our recipes bring the flavors of Israel to your home, creating a delightful fusion of taste and culture. 🥙🍲",title:"Israeli Fusion Feast: Diverse Flavors, Culinary Innovation",slug:"israeli-fusion-feast-diverse-flavors",children:null},persian:{description:"Persian Cooking Recipes: Indulge in the exquisite tastes of Persian cuisine. Our recipes, infused with aromatic spices and rich history, promise a gastronomic journey through the flavors of Iran. 🇮🇷🍢",title:"Persian Culinary Odyssey: Aromatic Spices, Rich History",slug:"persian-culinary-odyssey-aromatic-spices",children:null},arabianDelights:{description:"Arabian Delights Cooking Recipes: Uncover the treasures of Arabian cuisine. Our recipes, a symphony of flavors from the Arabian Peninsula, promise an indulgent experience with dishes that reflect the opulence and diversity of the region. 🌍🍴",title:"Arabian Delights: Opulent Flavors from the Peninsula",slug:"arabian-delights-opulent-flavors",children:null}}},other:{description:"Other Cuisines Cooking Recipes: Beyond the ordinary, discover recipes that push culinary boundaries. Unearth unique flavors and innovative dishes that redefine your kitchen adventures. 🌐🍜",title:"Beyond Ordinary: Culinary Marvels in Other Cuisines",slug:"beyond-ordinary-culinary-marvels-other-cuisines",children:null}}},dietaryPreferences:{description:"All Dietary Preferences Cooking Recipes: Embrace a world of flavors catered to every dietary choice. Our recipes cater to diverse preferences, ensuring deliciousness for every palate and lifestyle. 🥗🍽️",title:"Diverse Delights: All Dietary Preferences Explored",slug:"diverse-delights-all-dietary-preferences-explored",children:{vegetarian:{description:"Vegetarian Cooking Recipes: Explore a world of culinary creativity with our vegetarian recipes. From hearty mains to inventive appetizers, savor the flavors of plant-based delight. 🌱🍲",title:"Vegetarian Delights: A Culinary Symphony of Plant-Based Flavors",slug:"vegetarian-delights-culinary-symphony",children:{meatlessMonday:{description:"Meatless Monday Cooking Recipes: Kickstart your week with flavorful and nutritious meatless recipes. Our Meatless Monday collection offers diverse dishes for a delicious and eco-friendly start to your week. 🥗🌍",title:"Meatless Monday Magic: Flavorful Start to Your Week",slug:"meatless-monday-magic-flavorful-start",children:null},veggiePackedSalads:{description:"Veggie-Packed Salads Cooking Recipes: Elevate your salad game with our veggie-packed recipes. From vibrant greens to tantalizing dressings, enjoy a symphony of flavors in every bite. 🥦🥗",title:"Veggie-Packed Salads: A Rainbow of Flavors on Your Plate",slug:"veggie-packed-salads-rainbow-of-flavors",children:null},plantBasedProtein:{description:"Plant-Based Protein Cooking Recipes: Power up your meals with our plant-based protein recipes. From legumes to tofu, discover delicious ways to fuel your body with wholesome, plant-powered goodness. 🌱💪",title:"Plant-Based Protein Power: Wholesome Goodness in Every Bite",slug:"plant-based-protein-power-wholesome-goodness",children:null}}},vegan:{description:"Vegan Cooking Recipes: Immerse yourself in the world of vegan gastronomy. Our recipes showcase the diversity and richness of plant-based cuisine, ensuring every bite is a compassionate delight. 🌿🍛",title:"Vegan Gastronomy: Diverse and Compassionate Culinary Delights",slug:"vegan-gastronomy-diverse-compassionate",children:{veganDesserts:{description:"Vegan Desserts Cooking Recipes: Indulge your sweet tooth with guilt-free pleasures. Our vegan desserts redefine sweet indulgence, proving that compassion and flavor can coexist in every delectable bite. 🍰🍃",title:"Vegan Desserts: Sweet Indulgence Without Compromise",slug:"vegan-desserts-sweet-indulgence",children:null},dairyFreeAlternatives:{description:"Dairy-Free Alternatives Cooking Recipes: Discover the art of dairy-free cooking. Our recipes offer innovative alternatives that bring richness to your dishes without compromising on flavor. 🥛🚫",title:"Dairy-Free Innovations: Rethinking Richness in Every Dish",slug:"dairy-free-innovations-rethinking-richness",children:null},veganComfortFood:{description:"Vegan Comfort Food Cooking Recipes: Experience the warmth of vegan comfort food. From hearty stews to soul-soothing casseroles, our recipes redefine comfort without sacrificing taste. 🌱🍲",title:"Vegan Comfort Food: Heartwarming Delights for Every Palate",slug:"vegan-comfort-food-heartwarming-delights",children:null}}},glutenFree:{description:"Gluten-Free Cooking Recipes: Embrace a gluten-free culinary journey. Our recipes cater to discerning palates, proving that gluten-free can be both nutritious and delicious. 🚫🍞",title:"Gluten-Free Culinary Journey: Nourishing and Flavorful",slug:"gluten-free-culinary-journey-nourishing-flavorful",children:{glutenFreeBaking:{description:"Gluten-Free Baking Cooking Recipes: Elevate your baking without gluten. Explore our gluten-free baking recipes, ensuring that every sweet treat is a delightful experience for those with gluten sensitivities. 🍰🚫",title:"Gluten-Free Baking Delights: Sweet Treats Without Gluten",slug:"gluten-free-baking-delights-sweet-treats",children:null},pastaAlternatives:{description:"Pasta Alternatives Cooking Recipes: Redefine pasta night with our alternatives. From spiralized veggies to unique grains, our recipes offer creative twists, making every pasta dish a flavorful adventure. 🍝🌽",title:"Pasta Alternatives Adventure: Creative Twists for Pasta Night",slug:"pasta-alternatives-adventure-creative-twists",children:null},celiacFriendlyChoices:{description:"Celiac-Friendly Choices Cooking Recipes: Delight in flavorful recipes crafted for those with gluten sensitivities. Our Celiac-friendly choices promise a culinary journey free from gluten, filled with joy and taste. 🍲🚫",title:"Celiac-Friendly Culinary Delights: Gluten-Free Joy Unleashed",slug:"celiac-friendly-culinary-delights-gluten-free-joy",children:null}}},keto:{description:"Keto Cooking Recipes: Transform your meals with our Keto recipes, carefully curated to keep you in the fat-burning state. Embrace a low-carb, high-fat lifestyle without compromising on taste. 🥑🔥",title:"Keto Kitchen Magic: Transformative Low-Carb, High-Fat Recipes",slug:"keto-kitchen-magic-transformative-recipes",children:{lowCarbDinners:{description:"Low-Carb Dinners Cooking Recipes: Elevate your dinner table with low-carb wonders. Our recipes redefine the art of low-carb dining, ensuring each meal is a satisfying and nutritious delight. 🍽️🚫",title:"Low-Carb Dinner Wonders: Satisfying and Nutritious Delights",slug:"low-carb-dinner-wonders-satisfying-nutritious",children:null},ketoSnacks:{description:"Keto Snacks Cooking Recipes: Snack smart with our Keto-friendly bites. From savory to sweet, our recipes offer delicious alternatives that align with your low-carb, high-fat lifestyle. 🥨👌",title:"Keto Snacking Bliss: Irresistible Low-Carb, High-Fat Bites",slug:"keto-snacking-bliss-low-carb-high-fat-bites",children:null},highFatDelights:{description:"High-Fat Delights Cooking Recipes: Indulge in the world of high-fat culinary delights. Our recipes celebrate the richness of flavorful fats, proving that a delectable journey can be both satisfying and nourishing. 🍔🥑",title:"High-Fat Indulgences: Celebrating Flavorful Fat in Every Bite",slug:"high-fat-indulgences-celebrating-flavorful-fat",children:null}}},paleo:{description:"Paleo Cooking Recipes: Unearth the Paleolithic era's culinary wonders with our Paleo recipes. Embrace whole foods, natural flavors, and ancestral eating for a wholesome and delicious dining experience. 🥩🌿",title:"Paleo Gastronomy: Ancestral Wisdom, Wholesome Delights",slug:"paleo-gastronomy-ancestral-wisdom-wholesome-delights",children:{cavemanBreakfasts:{description:"Caveman Breakfasts Cooking Recipes: Start your day the caveman way. Our breakfast recipes bring a Paleo twist to your morning, ensuring a hearty and nourishing start that transcends time. 🍳🍖",title:"Caveman Breakfasts: Paleo Morning Magic Unveiled",slug:"caveman-breakfasts-paleo-morning-magic",children:null},paleoDesserts:{description:"Paleo Desserts Cooking Recipes: Sweet indulgence meets ancestral wisdom. Our Paleo desserts redefine guilt-free treats, proving that you can satisfy your sweet tooth without compromising on health. 🍰🍯",title:"Paleo Dessert Dreams: Guilt-Free Sweet Indulgence",slug:"paleo-dessert-dreams-guilt-free-sweet-indulgence",children:null},hunterGathererLunches:{description:"Hunter-Gatherer Lunches Cooking Recipes: Experience the essence of hunter-gatherer dining. Our lunch recipes blend modern convenience with primal wisdom, offering a flavorful journey through wholesome, natural ingredients. 🥗🏹",title:"Hunter-Gatherer Lunches: Ancestral Flavors for Modern Living",slug:"hunter-gatherer-lunches-ancestral-flavors-modern-living",children:null}}},other:{description:"Other Dietary Preferences Cooking Recipes: Elevate your culinary experience with recipes tailored to unique dietary choices. From plant-based delights to special diets, discover a feast for all preferences. 🌱🍛",title:"Unique Tastes: Other Dietary Preferences Unleashed",slug:"unique-tastes-other-dietary-preferences-unleashed",children:null}}},mealTypes:{description:"All Meal Types Cooking Recipes: From breakfast to dinner, explore our comprehensive collection of meal recipes. Whether quick bites or elaborate dinners, our recipes suit every occasion. 🍳🍲",title:"From Dawn to Dusk: All Meal Types on Your Plate",slug:"from-dawn-to-dusk-all-meal-types-on-your-plate",children:{breakfast:{description:"Breakfast Cooking Recipes: Rise and shine with our breakfast recipes that redefine the most important meal of the day. From classic to innovative, start your mornings with a culinary symphony. 🌅🍳",title:"Breakfast Delights: Culinary Symphony to Start Your Day",slug:"breakfast-delights-culinary-symphony",children:{healthyBreakfastBowls:{description:"Healthy Breakfast Bowls Cooking Recipes: Nourish your mornings with our wholesome breakfast bowl recipes. Packed with nutrients, these bowls offer a delicious and healthy start to your day. 🍲🌿",title:"Healthy Breakfast Bowls: Wholesome Start to Your Mornings",slug:"healthy-breakfast-bowls-wholesome-start",children:null},brunchSpecials:{description:"Brunch Specials Cooking Recipes: Elevate your brunch experience with our specially crafted recipes. From sweet to savory, our brunch specials promise a delightful fusion of flavors for your mid-morning feast. 🍽️🥂",title:"Brunch Specials: A Fusion Feast for Mid-Morning Delight",slug:"brunch-specials-fusion-feast-mid-morning",children:null},smoothiesAndJuices:{description:"Smoothies and Juices Cooking Recipes: Refresh and revitalize with our smoothie and juice recipes. Explore a rainbow of flavors that not only taste great but also contribute to your overall well-being. 🍹🌈",title:"Smoothies and Juices: Vibrant Refreshment in Every Sip",slug:"smoothies-juices-vibrant-refreshment-sip",children:null}}},lunch:{description:"Lunch Cooking Recipes: Transform your midday meals with our diverse lunch recipes. From quick fixes to culinary adventures, our lunch ideas promise a satisfying and flavorful dining experience. 🍽️🥗",title:"Lunch Adventures: Satisfying and Flavorful Midday Meals",slug:"lunch-adventures-satisfying-flavorful",children:{sandwichesAndWraps:{description:"Sandwiches and Wraps Cooking Recipes: Unwrap the art of deliciousness with our sandwich and wrap recipes. From classic combos to bold innovations, our creations redefine the handheld delight. 🥪🌯",title:"Sandwiches and Wraps Unwrapped: Handheld Delights Redefined",slug:"sandwiches-wraps-unwrapped-handheld-delights",children:null},soupsAndSalads:{description:"Soups and Salads Cooking Recipes: Embrace the goodness of soups and salads with our recipes. From comforting bowls to refreshing greens, our culinary creations promise a symphony of flavors and nutrients. 🥣🥗",title:"Soups and Salads Symphony: Flavorful Nourishment for You",slug:"soups-salads-symphony-flavorful-nourishment",children:null},quickLunchFixes:{description:"Quick Lunch Fixes Cooking Recipes: Short on time? Our quick lunch fixes have you covered. Discover recipes that are not just fast but also flavorful, ensuring a satisfying meal without the wait. ⏰🍽️",title:"Quick Lunch Fixes: Fast and Flavorful Midday Solutions",slug:"quick-lunch-fixes-fast-flavorful-solutions",children:null}}},dinner:{description:"Dinner Cooking Recipes: End your day on a delicious note with our dinner recipes. From comforting classics to gourmet delights, our creations promise to make every evening memorable. 🌙🍴",title:"Dinner Delights: Culinary Magic to End Your Day",slug:"dinner-delights-culinary-magic-end-day",children:{cuisineBasedDinners:{description:"Cuisine-Based Dinners Cooking Recipes: Take a global culinary journey with our cuisine-based dinner recipes. From Italian to Asian, our creations bring authentic flavors to your dinner table. 🌍🍲",title:"Cuisine-Based Dinners: Global Flavors at Your Dinner Table",slug:"cuisine-based-dinners-global-flavors",children:null},proteinCentricDinners:{description:"Protein-Centric Dinners Cooking Recipes: Power up your evenings with protein-centric dinner recipes. From lean meats to plant-based proteins, our creations ensure a satisfying and nutritious dinner experience. 🥩💪",title:"Protein-Centric Dinners: Satisfying Protein-Packed Evening",slug:"protein-centric-dinners-satisfying-protein-packed",children:null},vegetarianVeganDinners:{description:"Vegetarian/Vegan Dinners Cooking Recipes: Explore the world of meatless evenings with our vegetarian and vegan dinner recipes. From hearty vegetables to plant-based proteins, our creations redefine dinner satisfaction. 🌱🍛",title:"Vegetarian/Vegan Dinners: Meatless Delights for Evening Pleasure",slug:"vegetarian-vegan-dinners-meatless-delights",children:null},quickEasyDinners:{description:"Quick & Easy Dinners Cooking Recipes: Discover the art of effortless dining with our quick and easy dinner recipes. From pantry to plate in no time, savor the convenience without compromising on flavor. 🍲⏱️",title:"Quick & Easy Dinners: Effortless Culinary Creations",slug:"quick-easy-dinners-effortless-culinary",children:null},healthyDinnerOptions:{description:"Healthy Dinner Options Cooking Recipes: Nourish your body and delight your taste buds with our collection of healthy dinner options. Explore wholesome recipes that redefine the concept of a satisfying and nutritious meal. 🥗🌱",title:"Healthy Dinner Options: Nutritious Delights for Every Palate",slug:"healthy-dinner-options-nutritious-delights",children:null},globalDinnerAdventures:{description:"Global Dinner Adventures Cooking Recipes: Embark on a global culinary journey with our dinner adventures. From exotic spices to international flavors, our recipes promise a passport to a world of delightful dining. 🌍🍽️",title:"Global Dinner Adventures: Explore Culinary Wonders Worldwide",slug:"global-dinner-adventures-explore-culinary-wonders",children:null},seasonalDinnerDelights:{description:"Seasonal Dinner Delights Cooking Recipes: Celebrate the seasons on your plate with our seasonal dinner delights. From fresh spring greens to hearty winter comfort, our recipes capture the essence of every season. 🍁❄️",title:"Seasonal Dinner Delights: Savor the Flavors of Every Season",slug:"seasonal-dinner-delights-savor-flavors-every-season",children:null},familyFriendlyDinners:{description:"Family-Friendly Dinners Cooking Recipes: Make family dinners memorable with our family-friendly recipes. From picky eaters to culinary enthusiasts, our creations ensure everyone at the table finds delight in every bite. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦🍴",title:"Family-Friendly Dinners: Memorable Meals for All Ages",slug:"family-friendly-dinners-memorable-meals-all-ages",children:null},budgetFriendlyDinners:{description:"Budget-Friendly Dinners Cooking Recipes: Master the art of delicious dining on a budget. Our budget-friendly dinner recipes prove that you can savor gourmet flavors without breaking the bank. 💸🍲",title:"Budget-Friendly Dinners: Gourmet Flavors on a Budget",slug:"budget-friendly-dinners-gourmet-flavors-budget",children:null},dateNightDinners:{description:"Date Night Dinners Cooking Recipes: Elevate your date nights with our romantic dinner ideas. From candlelit classics to innovative creations, our recipes set the stage for a memorable culinary rendezvous. 🕯️🍷",title:"Date Night Dinners: Romantic Culinary Rendezvous Unveiled",slug:"date-night-dinners-romantic-culinary-rendezvous",children:null},bestEasyDinnerIdeas:{description:"Best Easy Dinner Ideas Cooking Recipes: Explore a curated collection of the best easy dinner ideas. From simple pleasures to gourmet delights, our recipes redefine what's possible in the realm of quick and delicious dining. 🍽️🌟",title:"Best Easy Dinner Ideas: Culinary Excellence Made Simple",slug:"best-easy-dinner-ideas-culinary-excellence-simple",children:null}}},snacks:{description:"Snacks Cooking Recipes: Elevate your snack game with our curated snack recipes. From savory to sweet, our creations redefine the snacking experience, ensuring every bite is a moment of indulgence. 🍿🍇",title:"Snacks Extravaganza: Elevate Your Snacking Experience",slug:"snacks-extravaganza-elevate-snacking-experience",children:{healthySnackBites:{description:"Healthy Snack Bites Cooking Recipes: Nourish your body with our collection of healthy snack bites. From guilt-free pleasures to energizing treats, our recipes redefine snacking as a delightful and wholesome experience. 🌰🥒",title:"Healthy Snack Bites: Wholesome Pleasures in Every Bite",slug:"healthy-snack-bites-wholesome-pleasures-every-bite",children:null},quickEasySnacks:{description:"Quick & Easy Snacks Cooking Recipes: Elevate your snack game with effortless recipes that bring joy to every bite. Savor quick delights designed for busy days or impromptu gatherings. 🍿🕒",title:"Quick & Easy Snacks: Effortless Delights for Any Occasion",slug:"quick-easy-snacks-effortless-delights",children:null},movieNightTreats:{description:"Movie Night Treats Cooking Recipes: Transform movie nights into culinary adventures. Indulge in treats that add a delicious twist to your film experience. Movie nights will never be the same! 🎬🍿",title:"Movie Night Treats: Culinary Adventures for Film Enthusiasts",slug:"movie-night-treats-culinary-adventures",children:null}}},desserts:{description:"Desserts Cooking Recipes: Dive into a world of sweetness with our delectable dessert recipes. From classic delights to modern indulgences, satisfy your sweet cravings with every bite. 🍰🍫",title:"Desserts Galore: Indulge in Sweet Delights",slug:"desserts-galore-indulge-sweet-delights",children:{decadentCakes:{description:"Decadent Cakes Cooking Recipes: Experience cake perfection with our decadent recipes. From velvety textures to rich flavors, our cakes redefine indulgence, making every slice a celebration. 🎂🍴",title:"Decadent Cakes: Celebration-Worthy Cake Perfection",slug:"decadent-cakes-celebration-worthy-cake-perfection",children:null},chocoliciousTreats:{description:"Chocolicious Treats Cooking Recipes: Immerse yourself in a chocolate lover's paradise. Our recipes promise chocolicious delights that captivate your taste buds and elevate your dessert game. 🍫🍰",title:"Chocolicious Treats: Chocolate Lover's Paradise Unveiled",slug:"chocolicious-treats-chocolate-lovers-paradise",children:null},noBakeDelights:{description:"No-Bake Delights Cooking Recipes: Discover the magic of no-bake wonders. Our recipes offer hassle-free indulgence, allowing you to enjoy delicious treats without the need for an oven. 🚫🔥",title:"No-Bake Delights: Hassle-Free Indulgence Without the Oven",slug:"no-bake-delights-hassle-free-indulgence",children:null}}},other:{description:"Other Meal Types Cooking Recipes: Redefine mealtime with inventive recipes for every eating occasion. Our collection spans snacks, brunch, and everything in between, ensuring culinary satisfaction. 🍴🥞",title:"Inventive Meals: Other Meal Types Redefined",slug:"inventive-meals-other-meal-types-redefined",children:null}}},cookingMethods:{description:"All Cooking Methods Cooking Recipes: Master the art of cooking with our versatile recipes. From roasting to sous vide, unlock the potential of diverse cooking methods for gourmet results. 🍳🔥",title:"Culinary Versatility: All Cooking Methods Explored",slug:"culinary-versatility-all-cooking-methods-explored",children:{grilling:{description:"Grilling Cooking Recipes: Fire up your taste buds with sizzling grilling recipes. From juicy steaks to flavorful veggies, our grill masterpieces redefine outdoor cooking. 🔥🥩",title:"Grilling Marvels: Sizzling Delights for Outdoor Cooking",slug:"grilling-marvels-sizzling-delights",children:{bbqDelights:{description:"BBQ Delights Cooking Recipes: Dive into the world of BBQ bliss. Our recipes promise smoky, succulent delights that turn every backyard gathering into a barbecue extravaganza. 🍖🍗",title:"BBQ Bliss: Smoky Extravaganza in Every Bite",slug:"bbq-bliss-smoky-extravaganza-bite",children:null},grilledSeafood:{description:"Grilled Seafood Cooking Recipes: Elevate your seafood game with our grilled treasures. From charred shrimp to perfectly grilled fish, our recipes bring the ocean's flavors to your plate. 🦐🐟",title:"Grilled Seafood Treasures: Ocean Flavors on the Grill",slug:"grilled-seafood-treasures-ocean-flavors",children:null},veggieGrillMasters:{description:"Veggie Grill Masters Cooking Recipes: Unleash your inner veggie grill master. Our plant-powered recipes turn vegetables into savory delights that even meat lovers will crave. 🌽🔥",title:"Veggie Grill Masters: Plant-Powered Grilling Magic",slug:"veggie-grill-masters-plant-powered-grilling",children:null}}},baking:{description:"Baking Cooking Recipes: Enter the world of baking perfection. Our recipes cover everything from fluffy cakes to golden pastries, ensuring your baking endeavors are nothing short of delightful. 🍰🍞",title:"Baking Perfection: Sweet and Savory Delights Unveiled",slug:"baking-perfection-sweet-savory-delights",children:{freshlyBakedBreads:{description:"Freshly Baked Breads Cooking Recipes: Experience the aroma of freshly baked breads. Our recipes promise golden crusts and soft interiors, making every slice a journey into the heart of artisanal baking. 🥖🌾",title:"Freshly Baked Breads: Aromas of Artisanal Bakery",slug:"freshly-baked-breads-aromas-artisanal-bakery",children:null},sweetTreats:{description:"Sweet Treats Cooking Recipes: Indulge your sweet tooth with our delectable sweet treats. From decadent chocolates to delicate desserts, our recipes redefine the art of dessert making. 🍬🍭",title:"Sweet Treats Extravaganza: Indulgence Redefined",slug:"sweet-treats-extravaganza-indulgence-redefined",children:null},savoryBakedCreations:{description:"Savory Baked Creations Cooking Recipes: Elevate your savory baking game. Our recipes offer a symphony of flavors in every bite, turning simple ingredients into extraordinary culinary creations. 🍲🥧",title:"Savory Baked Creations: Culinary Symphony in Every Bite",slug:"savory-baked-creations-culinary-symphony",children:null}}},slowCooker:{description:"Slow Cooker Cooking Recipes: Embrace the ease of slow cooking. Our recipes ensure hearty stews and set-and-forget meals that simmer to perfection, filling your home with comforting aromas. 🍲⏳",title:"Slow Cooker Simplicity: Hearty Stews and More",slug:"slow-cooker-simplicity-hearty-stews",children:{heartyStews:{description:"Hearty Stews Cooking Recipes: Warm your soul with our hearty stew recipes. From classic comfort to exotic blends, our creations promise a bowlful of nourishing and flavorful goodness. 🍲❤️",title:"Hearty Stews: Comforting Bowls of Flavorful Goodness",slug:"hearty-stews-comforting-bowls-flavorful",children:null},setAndForgetMeals:{description:"Set-and-Forget Meals Cooking Recipes: Effortless cooking at its finest. Our set-and-forget recipes simplify your kitchen adventures, delivering delicious meals with minimal hands-on time. 🥘⏰",title:"Set-and-Forget Meals: Effortless Culinary Excellence",slug:"set-and-forget-meals-effortless-culinary",children:null},slowCookedComfort:{description:"Slow-Cooked Comfort Cooking Recipes: Immerse yourself in the art of slow-cooked perfection. Our recipes promise comfort in every bite, a symphony of flavors that elevate your culinary experience. 🍲🕰️",title:"Slow-Cooked Comfort: Culinary Symphony of Savory Bliss",slug:"slow-cooked-comfort-culinary-savory-bliss",children:null}}},instantPot:{description:"Instant Pot Cooking Recipes: Revolutionize your cooking with Instant Pot wonders. From quick fixes to gourmet delights, our recipes unlock the full potential of your Instant Pot, making every meal a masterpiece. 🥘⚡",title:"Instant Pot Marvels: Gourmet Delights in a Flash",slug:"instant-pot-marvels-gourmet-delights-flash",children:{pressureCookerWonders:{description:"Pressure Cooker Wonders Cooking Recipes: Experience culinary magic with pressure cooker wonders. Our recipes ensure fast, flavorful creations that defy time constraints, promising a feast of delightful surprises. 🔥🍲",title:"Pressure Cooker Wonders: Fast and Flavorful Creations",slug:"pressure-cooker-wonders-fast-flavorful-creations",children:null},quickInstantPotFixes:{description:"Quick Instant Pot Fixes Cooking Recipes: Busy day? Our quick Instant Pot fixes have you covered. Discover recipes that transform hectic evenings into delicious moments, proving that convenience never tasted so good. 🚀🍽️",title:"Quick Instant Pot Fixes: Effortless Deliciousness Unleashed",slug:"quick-instant-pot-fixes-effortless-deliciousness",children:null},onePotWonders:{description:"One-Pot Wonders Cooking Recipes: Simplify your kitchen routine with one-pot wonders. Our recipes combine diverse flavors in a single pot, creating culinary symphonies that are easy, delicious, and a breeze to clean up. 🍲🎶",title:"One-Pot Wonders: Simplified Culinary Excellence",slug:"one-pot-wonders-simplified-culinary-excellence",children:null}}},panFrying:{description:"Pan-Frying Cooking Recipes: Master the art of pan-frying. Our recipes guarantee perfect sears and crispy bites, turning ordinary ingredients into extraordinary culinary creations. 🍳🔥",title:"Pan-Frying Mastery: Searing Perfection Unveiled",slug:"pan-frying-mastery-searing-perfection-unveiled",children:{stirFrySensations:{description:"Stir-Fry Sensations Cooking Recipes: Elevate your stir-fry game with our sensational recipes. From vibrant veggies to succulent meats, our stir-fry creations promise a symphony of textures and flavors. 🥢🌈",title:"Stir-Fry Sensations: Vibrant Flavors in Every Bite",slug:"stir-fry-sensations-vibrant-flavors-every-bite",children:null},panFriedFavorites:{description:"Pan-Fried Favorites Cooking Recipes: Indulge in pan-fried perfection. Our recipes offer a repertoire of favorites, from golden-crusted classics to innovative delights, making each bite a savory revelation. 🍤🔆",title:"Pan-Fried Favorites: Golden-Crusted Culinary Repertoire",slug:"pan-fried-favorites-golden-crusted-culinary-repertoire",children:null},crispyDelights:{description:"Crispy Delights Cooking Recipes: Crispy, crunchy, and utterly delightful. Our recipes unveil the secrets to creating irresistible textures, ensuring every dish is a celebration of satisfying crispiness. 🍗🌟",title:"Crispy Delights: Satisfying Crunch in Every Dish",slug:"crispy-delights-satisfying-crunch-every-dish",children:null}}},other:{description:"Other Cooking Methods Cooking Recipes: Go beyond the basics with recipes showcasing unconventional cooking methods. Elevate your skills and infuse innovation into your culinary repertoire. ⚙️🍲",title:"Innovation Unleashed: Other Cooking Methods Defined",slug:"innovation-unleashed-other-cooking-methods-defined",children:null}}},specialOccasions:{description:"All Special Occasions Cooking Recipes: Celebrate life's moments with our special occasion recipes. From festive feasts to intimate gatherings, our recipes add a touch of culinary excellence to every event. 🎉🍽️",title:"Feast for Every Moment: All Special Occasions Celebrated",slug:"feast-for-every-moment-all-special-occasions-celebrated",children:{holidayRecipes:{description:"Holiday Recipes Cooking Recipes: Elevate festivities with our culinary masterpieces. Unwrap the joy of holiday cooking, creating memories one delicious dish at a time. 🎄🍽️",title:"Holiday Culinary Magic: Unwrapping Joy in Every Recipe",slug:"holiday-culinary-magic-unwrapping-joy",children:{christmasFeast:{description:"Christmas Feast Cooking Recipes: Transform your Christmas into a feast to remember. Our recipes promise yuletide delights, making every bite a gift of flavor and celebration. 🎅🍗",title:"Christmas Feast Delights: Yuletide Goodness on Your Table",slug:"christmas-feast-delights-yuletide-goodness",children:null},thanksgivingClassics:{description:"Thanksgiving Classics Cooking Recipes: Craft a Thanksgiving spread steeped in tradition. Our recipes redefine classics, ensuring your feast is a timeless and flavorful expression of gratitude. 🦃🍂",title:"Thanksgiving Classics Redefined: Flavorful Traditions",slug:"thanksgiving-classics-redefined-flavorful-traditions",children:null},easterSpecials:{description:"Easter Specials Cooking Recipes: Hop into a world of Easter delights. Our recipes bring springtime freshness to your table, making every Easter meal a celebration of renewal and flavor. 🐰🌷",title:"Easter Specials: Freshness and Flavor in Every Bite",slug:"easter-specials-freshness-flavor-bite",children:null}}},partyFavorites:{description:"Party Favorites Cooking Recipes: Amp up your gatherings with our party favorites. From appetizers to cocktails, our recipes ensure your parties are a symphony of flavor and festive fun. 🎉🍹",title:"Party Favorites Extravaganza: Flavorful Festivities",slug:"party-favorites-extravaganza-flavorful-festivities",children:{fingerFoods:{description:"Finger Foods Cooking Recipes: Elevate casual dining with our finger-licking delights. Our recipes redefine finger foods, offering bites of flavor-packed goodness for every occasion. 🤤🍢",title:"Finger Foods Delight: Bites of Flavor-Packed Goodness",slug:"finger-foods-delight-bites-flavor-packed-goodness",children:null},crowdPleasingAppetizers:{description:"Crowd-Pleasing Appetizers Cooking Recipes: Be the star of any event with our crowd-pleasing appetizers. Our recipes guarantee flavor explosions that leave a lasting impression on every palate. 🍽️👏",title:"Crowd-Pleasing Appetizers: Impress with Every Bite",slug:"crowd-pleasing-appetizers-impress-every-bite",children:null},signatureCocktails:{description:"Signature Cocktails Cooking Recipes: Shake up your mixology game. Our signature cocktail recipes promise sophisticated sips, turning every gathering into a memorable cocktail affair. 🍸🎶",title:"Signature Cocktails: Mixology Mastery Unleashed",slug:"signature-cocktails-mixology-mastery-unleashed",children:null}}},quickWeeknightMeals:{description:"Quick Weeknight Meals Cooking Recipes: Conquer weeknights with our quick meals. Our recipes ensure deliciousness in record time, making every weekday dinner a hassle-free culinary triumph. 🍲🕔",title:"Quick Weeknight Meals: Hassle-Free Weekday Culinary Triumphs",slug:"quick-weeknight-meals-hassle-free-culinary-triumphs",children:{"30MinuteDinners":{description:"30-Minute Dinners Cooking Recipes: Embrace efficiency without compromising taste. Our 30-minute dinner recipes redefine quick meals, promising gourmet goodness in every bite. 🍽️⏱️",title:"30-Minute Dinners: Gourmet Goodness in Record Time",slug:"30-minute-dinners-gourmet-goodness-record-time",children:null},onePanWonders:{description:"One-Pan Wonders Cooking Recipes: Streamline your cooking with one-pan marvels. Our recipes promise culinary perfection in a single dish, minimizing cleanup and maximizing flavor. 🍲✨",title:"One-Pan Wonders: Culinary Perfection in a Dish",slug:"one-pan-wonders-culinary-perfection-dish",children:null},fastAndFlavorful:{description:"Fast and Flavorful Cooking Recipes: Elevate your speed in the kitchen without compromising taste. Our fast and flavorful recipes ensure gourmet goodness in record time, perfect for busy food enthusiasts. ⏱️🍽️",title:"Fast and Flavorful: Gourmet Goodness, Quick and Easy",slug:"fast-and-flavorful-gourmet-goodness-quick-easy",children:null}}},summerBBQ:{description:"Summer BBQ Cooking Recipes: Ignite the grill for a sensational summer BBQ. Our recipes guarantee sizzling delights, turning your backyard into a haven of smoky, savory perfection. 🌞🔥",title:"Summer BBQ Sensations: Sizzle and Flavor Unleashed",slug:"summer-bbq-sensations-sizzle-flavor-unleashed",children:{grilledVeggies:{description:"Grilled Veggies Cooking Recipes: Master the art of grilling vegetables. Our recipes showcase the vibrant, char-kissed flavors of grilled veggies, transforming each bite into a celebration of freshness. 🥦🔥",title:"Grilled Veggies Mastery: Char-Kissed Vegetable Bliss",slug:"grilled-veggies-mastery-char-kissed-vegetable-bliss",children:null},bbqChickenDelights:{description:"BBQ Chicken Delights Cooking Recipes: Unleash BBQ chicken perfection. Our recipes redefine poultry on the grill, promising succulent, smoky delights that elevate your barbecue game. 🍗🔥",title:"BBQ Chicken Delights: Smoky Succulence Redefined",slug:"bbq-chicken-delights-smoky-succulence-redefined",children:null},refreshingSummerSides:{description:"Refreshing Summer Sides Cooking Recipes: Complement the heat with refreshing sides. Our recipes offer a symphony of summer flavors, creating the perfect accompaniments for your sun-soaked gatherings. 🌿🍉",title:"Refreshing Summer Sides: Cool Bites for Hot Days",slug:"refreshing-summer-sides-cool-bites-hot-days",children:null}}},other:{description:"Other Special Occasions Cooking Recipes: Elevate your special events with unique recipes designed for memorable occasions. Culinary excellence meets celebration in every dish. 🥂🍰",title:"Memorable Menus: Other Special Occasions Redefined",slug:"memorable-menus-other-special-occasions-redefined",children:null}}}},i={"John Mitchell":"As a seasoned diner chef, I've spent decades perfecting the art of grilling and creating heartwarming American classics. When I'm not behind the grill, you'll find me exploring new culinary trends and sharing stories from the kitchen with fellow enthusiasts.","Emily Thompson":"As a dedicated food blogger, I'm passionate about rediscovering classic American recipes and giving them a modern twist. My kitchen experiments and culinary journeys are chronicled through my vibrant writings, capturing flavors from across the country.","Brian Fitzgerald":"With years dedicated to mastering BBQ, my expertise lies in the intricate dance of smoke and fire. From slow-cooked ribs to tangy sauces, every dish tells a story of dedication, passion, and a love for authentic American flavors.","Susan Walker":"Baking has been my lifelong passion, and I've spent years perfecting the art of creating delightful American desserts. From classic pies to intricate cookies, each creation is a testament to my dedication to sweet delights and family gatherings.","Michael Brooks":"As a seasoned mixologist, my days are filled with crafting innovative cocktails that echo the spirit of American bars. From classic blends to modern concoctions, I thrive on experimenting with flavors and creating memorable drinking experiences.","Victoria Hastings":"With a flair for European pastries, I've dedicated my career to elevating traditional British desserts. Each scone, tart, and pudding I craft tells a tale of timeless recipes, innovation, and a deep-rooted love for European culinary traditions.","Oliver Knight":"My journey as a gastropub chef revolves around reimagining British classics with a modern twist. Through careful experimentation and a passion for fresh, local ingredients, I aim to offer a culinary experience that resonates with both tradition and innovation.","Eleanor Smith":"Delving into the rich culinary history of Britain, I've spent years tracing the origins of iconic dishes. My writings and recipes reflect a deep appreciation for culinary heritage, from medieval feasts to Victorian delicacies.","Samuel Pearce":"A tea aficionado at heart, I've dedicated my life to exploring the diverse world of European teas. Each blend, from Earl Grey to Darjeeling, carries a story of tradition, craftsmanship, and a relentless pursuit of the perfect brew.","Charlotte Evans":"From the coastlines of Europe to my kitchen, I've dedicated my life to showcasing Britain's rich seafood bounty. With a focus on sustainable fishing and authentic recipes, I celebrate the flavors of the sea in every dish I create.","Isabelle Dubois":"As a pastry chef with a Parisian touch, I've spent years perfecting the delicate art of French pastries. Each flaky croissant and decadent éclair reflects my dedication to craftsmanship, tradition, and the pursuit of pastry perfection.","Marco Bianchi":"Hailing from Tuscany, my passion lies in crafting perfect al dente pasta dishes. Through years of dedication, I've honed my skills to bring the authentic flavors of Italy, from north to south, into kitchens worldwide.","Li Wei":"With a deep-rooted passion for Chinese street eats, I've roamed Beijing's bustling streets, mastering the art of authentic flavors and culinary techniques. Each dish I create is a nod to the vibrant street food culture of China.","Rosa Martinez":"With a heart full of family traditions, I infuse every dish with the vibrant spirit of Mexico City. Through home-cooked delights and regional specialties, I celebrate the rich tapestry of Latin American flavors in every bite.","Arjun Patel":"As a curator of aromatic Indian spices, my kitchen is a canvas for celebrating India's rich culinary tapestry. From curries to biryanis, each dish carries a story of regional diversity, tradition, and passion for authentic flavors.","Yuki Nakamura":"Precision and artistry define my journey as a sushi chef in Kyoto. Beyond mastering sushi, I delve deep into Japan's vibrant gastronomy, crafting dishes that resonate with authenticity, innovation, and a love for culinary perfection.","Elena Fernandez":"Rooted in La Rioja's vineyards, my passion lies in crafting wines that elevate Spain's vibrant tapas scene. Beyond winemaking, I'm captivated by the rich flavors, traditions, and culinary delights that define Mediterranean cuisine.","Nikos Papadopoulos":"From the azure waters of the Aegean, I showcase Greece's coastal treasures. With a focus on fresh seafood and age-old recipes, my culinary adventures transport diners on a Mediterranean voyage like no other.","Somchai Srisawat":"Renowned for spicy curries and vibrant street eats in Bangkok, my journey celebrates the heart and soul of Thai cuisine. Through culinary adventures, I invite diners to experience the rich tapestry of flavors that define Thailand's vibrant food culture.","Amina El-Mansour":"With a deep understanding of Morocco's vibrant culinary scene, I curate aromatic spices and dishes that showcase the rich traditions and flavors of North Africa. From tagines to couscous, each creation tells a tale of authenticity and passion.","Carlos Oliveira":"As a churrasqueiro, my expertise lies in mastering the art of Brazilian barbecue. From succulent meats to vibrant flavors, each dish I grill is a celebration of Brazil's rich culinary heritage and vibrant culture.","Fatima Hassan":"Through crafting mezze delights, I celebrate Lebanon's rich culinary traditions. Each hummus, tabbouleh, and baklava reflects a dedication to authenticity, tradition, and a love for Mediterranean flavors.","Lachlan Mitchell":"Celebrating Australia's diverse culinary landscape, my adventures span from outback grills to coastal delights. With a focus on fresh flavors and authentic techniques, I share the unique tastes of the land Down Under with food enthusiasts worldwide.","Thabo Maseko":"As a South African braai master, I've dedicated my life to perfecting the art of grilling. Through boerewors, bunny chow, and vibrant flavors, I showcase the rich culinary tapestry and vibrant culture of the Rainbow Nation.","Claire Tremblay":"Tapping into Canada's sweet traditions, my dedication lies in crafting the finest maple syrups and delightful treats. Each pancake, poutine, and dish celebrates the unique flavors and culinary heritage of Canada.","Minh Nguyen":"With a passion for Vietnam's iconic pho, I've dedicated my kitchen to perfecting this beloved dish. Through simmering broths, aromatic spices, and authentic techniques, I invite diners on a culinary journey through the heart of Vietnam.","Lena Müller":"Embracing plant-based elegance, I've dedicated my culinary journey to crafting vegan delights with European flair. From pastries to mains, each dish reflects a dedication to sustainability, innovation, and authentic flavors without compromise.","Priya Desai":"As a fervent advocate for vegan cuisine, my expertise lies in infusing Asian flavors with plant-based twists. From tofu curries to vegan sushi, I showcase the rich culinary landscape of the East, reimagined for a plant-based palate.","Alejandro Torres":"Redefining Latin American favorites, I've embarked on a journey to craft vegan delights that resonate with authenticity and vibrant flavors.From tacos to desserts, each creation celebrates the rich tapestry of Latin American cuisine, without compromise.","Editorial Team":"The Editorial Team is a dynamic collaboration of passionate editors who, while often presented individually as exclusive authors on this platform, join forces to curate and create unique recipes that reflect a diverse tapestry of culinary experiences. With a shared dedication to innovation and authenticity, our team of editors brings together a wealth of expertise, ensuring each article is a harmonious blend of flavors, techniques, and storytelling. Through this collective effort, we aim to inspire, educate, and delight food enthusiasts on a journey through the vibrant world of gastronomy."},r=["John Mitchell","Emily Thompson","Brian Fitzgerald","Susan Walker","Michael Brooks","Victoria Hastings","Oliver Knight","Eleanor Smith","Samuel Pearce","Charlotte Evans","Isabelle Dubois","Marco Bianchi","Li Wei","Rosa Martinez","Arjun Patel","Yuki Nakamura","Elena Fernandez","Nikos Papadopoulos","Somchai Srisawat","Amina El-Mansour","Carlos Oliveira","Fatima Hassan","Lachlan Mitchell","Thabo Maseko","Claire Tremblay","Minh Nguyen","Lena Müller","Priya Desai","Alejandro Torres"],s="👨‍🍳😋🥘🍲",t=Object.keys(e),n=[],a=[];for(const i of t){const r=e[i];if(null==r?void 0:r.children){n.push(...Object.keys(r.children));for(const e of n){const i=r.children[e];(null==i?void 0:i.children)&&a.push(...Object.keys(i.children))}}}const o="2023-08-01T00:00:00Z",l="idn-culinarybite-dev",c="idn-culinarybite";exports.DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION_EMOJIS=s,exports.authors=i,exports.authorsNames=r,exports.categories=t,exports.dataStructure=e,exports.devBucketName=l,exports.prodBucketName=c,exports.startDate=o,exports.subcategories=n,exports.subsubcategories=a;
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