tedo-publisher 1.3.323 โ†’ 1.3.324

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@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ import { CommonDataStructure } from 'src/common/data';
+ export declare const dataStructure: CommonDataStructure;
+ export declare const authors: Record<string, string>;
+ export declare const authorsNames: string[];
+ export declare const DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION_EMOJIS = "\uD83D\uDD2C\uD83D\uDCDA\uD83C\uDF0C\uD83C\uDF0D";
+ export declare const categories: (string | number)[];
+ export declare const subcategories: string[];
+ export declare const subsubcategories: string[];
+ export type Category = keyof typeof dataStructure;
+ export type CategoryNode = (typeof dataStructure)[Category];
+ export type SubcategoryKeyByCategory<T extends Category> = (typeof dataStructure)[T]['children'];
+ export declare const startDate = "2024-10-03T00:00:00Z";
+ export declare const devBucketName = "idn-neuralooms-dev";
+ export declare const prodBucketName = "idn-neuralooms";
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ "use strict";var e=require("./seo.js");const i={biologicalSciences:{title:"Exploring Biological Sciences: Insights & Research ๐Ÿงฌ",description:"Delve into the fascinating world of biological sciences with research, reviews, and discoveries in cell biology, genetics, and more! ๐ŸŒฑ",slug:"exploring-biological-sciences",children:{cellBiology:{title:"Cell Biology: The Building Blocks of Life ๐Ÿ”ฌ",description:"Uncover the structure and function of cells in this captivating review of cell biology. Explore how cells shape life on Earth! ๐ŸŒ",slug:"cell-biology",children:null},genetics:{title:"Genetics: The Blueprint of Life ๐Ÿงฌ",description:"Dive into the world of genetics and discover how genes influence traits, inheritance, and evolution. Unravel the mysteries of life! ๐Ÿ“Š",slug:"genetics",children:null},microbiology:{title:"Microbiology: Life at the Microscopic Level ๐Ÿ”",description:"Explore the unseen world of microorganisms and their essential roles in health, ecology, and industry in our microbiology section. ๐Ÿฆ ",slug:"microbiology",children:null},ecology:{title:"Ecology: Interactions & Ecosystems ๐ŸŒณ",description:"Discover the intricate relationships within ecosystems and learn about biodiversity, conservation, and the environment in our ecology section. ๐ŸŒŠ",slug:"ecology",children:null},evolutionaryBiology:{title:"Evolutionary Biology: Unraveling the Journey of Life ๐ŸŒŒ",description:"Examine the processes of evolution and the origins of species. Learn how life adapts and evolves over time in our evolutionary biology section! ๐Ÿฆ‹",slug:"evolutionary-biology",children:null},other:{title:"Other Biological Sciences: Diverse Discoveries ๐ŸŒˆ",description:"Explore a variety of topics in biological sciences that don't fit neatly into categories, but are equally fascinating and important! ๐Ÿ”ญ",slug:"other-biological-sciences",children:null}}},chemicalSciences:{title:"Exploring the Depths of Chemical Sciences ๐Ÿงช๐Ÿ”ฌ",description:"Delve into the fascinating world of chemical sciences through detailed articles that cover organic, inorganic, physical chemistry, and more! ๐ŸŒ",slug:"exploring-chemical-sciences",children:{organicChemistry:{title:"Unraveling Organic Chemistry: The Chemistry of Life ๐ŸŒฑ",description:"Explore organic chemistry's role in living organisms, chemical reactions, and molecular structures. A guide for enthusiasts and scholars alike! ๐Ÿ“š",slug:"unraveling-organic-chemistry",children:null},inorganicChemistry:{title:"Inorganic Chemistry: The Study of Elements and Compounds ๐Ÿ”‘",description:"Discover inorganic chemistry's influence on materials, catalysts, and minerals. Dive into the fundamental concepts that shape our world! โš—๏ธ",slug:"inorganic-chemistry-study",children:null},physicalChemistry:{title:"Physical Chemistry: Bridging Physics and Chemistry ๐ŸŒก๏ธ",description:"Understand the principles underlying chemical phenomena through physical chemistry's intriguing laws and theories. Perfect for science enthusiasts! โš›๏ธ",slug:"physical-chemistry-bridge",children:null},analyticalChemistry:{title:"Analytical Chemistry: Techniques for Chemical Analysis ๐Ÿ”",description:"Learn about analytical chemistry's essential role in identifying substances and measuring their properties. Key techniques and applications explained! ๐Ÿงฌ",slug:"analytical-chemistry-techniques",children:null},biochemistry:{title:"Biochemistry: The Chemistry of Living Organisms ๐Ÿงฌ",description:"Dive into biochemistry, where biology meets chemistry, exploring biomolecules, metabolic processes, and the building blocks of life! ๐ŸŒฟ",slug:"biochemistry-living-organisms",children:null},other:{title:"Exploring Other Chemistry Domains: Beyond the Classics ๐ŸŒŒ",description:"Venture into various chemistry domains that don't fit the standard categories, highlighting innovative research and emerging fields. ๐Ÿ”ฎ",slug:"exploring-other-chemistry",children:null}}},physicalSciences:{title:"Explore the Wonders of Physical Sciences ๐Ÿ”ฌ",description:"Dive into the fascinating world of physical sciences, where theoretical and applied physics, quantum mechanics, and more await your discovery! ๐ŸŒŒ",slug:"explore-physical-sciences",children:{theoreticalPhysics:{title:"Theoretical Physics: Unraveling the Universe ๐ŸŒ ",description:"Delve into theoretical physics, where abstract concepts and mathematical models explain the universeโ€™s mysteries. Discover groundbreaking theories! ๐Ÿ“",slug:"theoretical-physics",children:null},appliedPhysics:{title:"Applied Physics: Bridging Theory and Practice โš™๏ธ",description:"Explore applied physics, where scientific principles transform into real-world technologies. Learn how research impacts our daily lives! ๐Ÿ”",slug:"applied-physics",children:null},quantumMechanics:{title:"Quantum Mechanics: The Science of the Small ๐Ÿ”ฎ",description:"Discover the intriguing world of quantum mechanics, where particles behave unpredictably. Unravel concepts like entanglement and superposition! ๐ŸŒŒ",slug:"quantum-mechanics",children:null},thermodynamics:{title:"Thermodynamics: The Science of Heat and Energy ๐ŸŒก๏ธ",description:"Learn about thermodynamics, the study of heat, energy, and work. Explore the laws that govern energy transfer in our universe! ๐Ÿ”ฅ",slug:"thermodynamics",children:null},astrophysics:{title:"Astrophysics: Understanding the Cosmos ๐ŸŒŒ",description:"Venture into astrophysics, where we study celestial bodies and the universe's origin. Find out about black holes, galaxies, and more! โญ",slug:"astrophysics",children:null},other:{title:"Other Physical Sciences: Expanding Horizons ๐ŸŒ",description:"Explore various disciplines within physical sciences that don't fit neatly into the mainstream categories. Discover unique scientific insights! ๐Ÿ”",slug:"other-physical-sciences",children:null}}},earthSciences:{title:"Exploring Earth Sciences: Geology, Meteorology, Oceanography & More ๐ŸŒ",description:"Dive into the intricacies of earth sciences with insightful articles covering geology, meteorology, oceanography, and environmental science. ๐ŸŒŠ",slug:"earth-sciences",children:{geology:{title:"Understanding Geology: The Study of Earthโ€™s Structure and History โ›ฐ๏ธ",description:"Explore geology's fascinating world, revealing Earth's history through rocks and minerals while understanding its processes. ๐Ÿชจ",slug:"geology",children:null},meteorology:{title:"The Science of Meteorology: Weather Patterns and Climate ๐ŸŒฆ๏ธ",description:"Delve into meteorology to learn about weather phenomena and climate, enhancing your understanding of atmospheric science. โ˜๏ธ",slug:"meteorology",children:null},oceanography:{title:"Oceanography: Exploring the Depths of the World's Oceans ๐ŸŒŠ",description:"Uncover the mysteries of oceanography, studying marine life, ocean currents, and the ocean's role in Earth's climate. ๐Ÿ ",slug:"oceanography",children:null},environmentalScience:{title:"Environmental Science: Understanding Our Planet's Ecosystems ๐ŸŒฑ",description:"Gain insights into environmental science, exploring ecosystems and their importance to sustainability and biodiversity. ๐Ÿƒ",slug:"environmental-science",children:null},paleontology:{title:"Paleontology: Unlocking the Secrets of Earthโ€™s Ancient Life ๐Ÿฆ–",description:"Journey through paleontology to discover the history of life on Earth, studying fossils and ancient ecosystems. ๐Ÿš",slug:"paleontology",children:null},other:{title:"Other Earth Sciences: A Diverse Exploration of Scientific Disciplines ๐Ÿงฌ",description:"Venture into various fields of earth sciences that don't fit neatly into other categories, expanding your scientific horizons. ๐ŸŒŒ",slug:"other-earth-sciences",children:null}}},interdisciplinaryStudies:{title:"Interdisciplinary Studies: Exploring Science ๐ŸŽ“",description:"Delve into interdisciplinary studies that bridge multiple scientific disciplines, including biology, chemistry, and physics. ๐Ÿ“šโœจ",slug:"interdisciplinary-studies",children:{biophysics:{title:"Biophysics: The Physics of Biological Systems โš›๏ธ",description:"Explore the intersection of biology and physics through biophysics. Understand how physical principles apply to biological systems! ๐ŸŒฑ๐Ÿ”ฌ",slug:"biophysics",children:null},chemoinformatics:{title:"Chemoinformatics: Merging Chemistry and Data ๐Ÿ“Š",description:"Discover how chemoinformatics combines chemistry and information science to analyze chemical data. Perfect for aspiring researchers! ๐Ÿ”๐Ÿงช",slug:"chemoinformatics",children:null},environmentalChemistry:{title:"Environmental Chemistry: Science of Our Planet ๐ŸŒ",description:"Uncover the principles of environmental chemistry and its impact on our ecosystems. A vital field for sustainable futures! ๐Ÿƒ๐ŸŒŠ",slug:"environmental-chemistry",children:null},neurobiology:{title:"Neurobiology: Understanding the Nervous System ๐Ÿง ",description:"Dive into the fascinating world of neurobiology! Learn about the nervous system's structure and function, crucial for neuroscience! ๐Ÿ”—๐Ÿ’ก",slug:"neurobiology",children:null},scienceEducation:{title:"Science Education: Empowering Future Scientists ๐Ÿ“š๐ŸŒŸ",description:"Engage with cutting-edge topics in science education and enhance teaching methods for inspiring future scientists! ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ”ฌ๐Ÿ“ˆ",slug:"science-education",children:null},other:{title:"Other Interdisciplinary Studies: Explore Beyond ๐Ÿงฉ",description:"Venture into other interdisciplinary studies that defy classification. Discover unique scientific insights and innovations! ๐ŸŒˆโœจ",slug:"other-interdisciplinary-studies",children:null}}}},n=e.AUTHORS_INFO.reduce(((e,i)=>Object.assign(Object.assign({},e),{[i.name]:[i.description]})),{}),t=e.AUTHORS_INFO.map((e=>e.name)),s="๐Ÿ”ฌ๐Ÿ“š๐ŸŒŒ๐ŸŒ",o=Object.keys(i),r=[],c=[];for(const e of o){const n=i[e];if(null==n?void 0:n.children){r.push(...Object.keys(n.children));for(const e of r){const i=n.children[e];(null==i?void 0:i.children)&&c.push(...Object.keys(i.children))}}}const l="2024-10-03T00:00:00Z",a="neuralooms",h=`idn-${a}-dev`,d=`idn-${a}`;exports.DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION_EMOJIS=s,exports.authors=n,exports.authorsNames=t,exports.categories=o,exports.dataStructure=i,exports.devBucketName=h,exports.prodBucketName=d,exports.startDate=l,exports.subcategories=r,exports.subsubcategories=c;
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ export declare enum FiltersNames {
+ ScientificFields = "ScientificFields",
+ ArticleTypes = "ArticleTypes",
+ ComplexityLevel = "ComplexityLevel",
+ TrendingTopics = "TrendingTopics",
+ AudienceFocus = "AudienceFocus"
+ }
+ type ScientificFieldsValues = 'Biology' | 'Chemistry' | 'Physics' | 'Earth Sciences' | 'Interdisciplinary Research';
+ type ArticleTypesValues = 'Original Research' | 'Reviews' | 'News Updates' | 'Case Studies' | 'Opinion Pieces';
+ type ComplexityLevelValues = 'Beginner-Friendly' | 'Intermediate' | 'Advanced' | 'Technical';
+ type TrendingTopicsValues = 'Climate Change' | 'Genetic Engineering' | 'Quantum Physics' | 'Environmental Conservation' | 'Renewable Energy';
+ type AudienceFocusValues = 'Students' | 'Educators' | 'Researchers' | 'General Public' | 'Science Enthusiasts';
+ export type ArticleFilters = {
+ [FiltersNames.ScientificFields]: ScientificFieldsValues[];
+ [FiltersNames.ArticleTypes]: ArticleTypesValues[];
+ [FiltersNames.ComplexityLevel]: ComplexityLevelValues[];
+ [FiltersNames.TrendingTopics]: TrendingTopicsValues[];
+ [FiltersNames.AudienceFocus]: AudienceFocusValues[];
+ };
+ export declare const scientificFieldsValues: ScientificFieldsValues[];
+ export declare const articleTypesValues: ArticleTypesValues[];
+ export declare const complexityLevelValues: ComplexityLevelValues[];
+ export declare const trendingTopicsValues: TrendingTopicsValues[];
+ export declare const audienceFocusValues: AudienceFocusValues[];
+ export declare const initialFilters: ArticleFilters;
+ export declare const fullFilters: ArticleFilters;
+ export declare const getFiltersTypesJSON: () => string;
+ export {};
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ "use strict";var e;exports.FiltersNames=void 0,(e=exports.FiltersNames||(exports.FiltersNames={})).ScientificFields="ScientificFields",e.ArticleTypes="ArticleTypes",e.ComplexityLevel="ComplexityLevel",e.TrendingTopics="TrendingTopics",e.AudienceFocus="AudienceFocus";const s=["Biology","Chemistry","Physics","Earth Sciences","Interdisciplinary Research"],i=["Original Research","Reviews","News Updates","Case Studies","Opinion Pieces"],t=["Beginner-Friendly","Intermediate","Advanced","Technical"],r=["Climate Change","Genetic Engineering","Quantum Physics","Environmental Conservation","Renewable Energy"],l=["Students","Educators","Researchers","General Public","Science Enthusiasts"],n={[exports.FiltersNames.ScientificFields]:[],[exports.FiltersNames.ArticleTypes]:[],[exports.FiltersNames.ComplexityLevel]:[],[exports.FiltersNames.TrendingTopics]:[],[exports.FiltersNames.AudienceFocus]:[]},c={[exports.FiltersNames.ScientificFields]:s,[exports.FiltersNames.ArticleTypes]:i,[exports.FiltersNames.ComplexityLevel]:t,[exports.FiltersNames.TrendingTopics]:r,[exports.FiltersNames.AudienceFocus]:l},o=()=>JSON.stringify(c,null,2);exports.articleTypesValues=i,exports.audienceFocusValues=l,exports.complexityLevelValues=t,exports.fullFilters=c,exports.getFiltersTypesJSON=o,exports.initialFilters=n,exports.scientificFieldsValues=s,exports.trendingTopicsValues=r;
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ import { GetDefaultImagesFrontmatter } from 'src/common/types';
+ export declare const getDefaultImagesFrontmatter: GetDefaultImagesFrontmatter;
+ export declare const prohibitedWordsInAltTitle: RegExp;
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ "use strict";const e=(e,n)=>{const t=n(e),i=undefined,a=undefined,l=undefined,o=undefined;return[{alt:`${e} Introduction`,filename:`${t}-introduction.png`,title:`${e} Introduction`},{alt:`Magnificent ${e}`,filename:`Magnificent-${t}.png`,title:`Magnificent ${e}`},{alt:`Notable ${e}`,filename:`${t}-notable.png`,title:`Notable ${e}`},{alt:`${e} Summary`,filename:`${t}-summary.png`,title:`${e} Summary`}]},n=/\b(?:hands|men|women|human|people|chief|family|mixing|serving|tasting|rolling)\b/i;exports.getDefaultImagesFrontmatter=e,exports.prohibitedWordsInAltTitle=n;
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ export * from './data';
+ export * from './filters';
+ export * from './helpers';
+ export * from './prompts/images';
+ export * from './seo';
+ import './styles/colors.css';
+ import './styles/fonts.css';
+ import './styles/global.css';
+ import './styles/sizing.css';
+ import './styles/vars.css';
+ import './styles/theme.css';
+ import * as gpt35Articles from './prompts/gpt35turbo/articles';
+ import * as gpt4oMiniArticles from './prompts/gpt4oMini/articles';
+ export { gpt35Articles, gpt4oMiniArticles };
+ export * from './prompts/data';
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ "use strict";var e=require("./data.js"),t=require("./filters.js"),s=require("./helpers.js"),r=require("./prompts/images.js"),o=require("./seo.js"),a=require("./prompts/gpt35turbo/articles.js"),p=require("./prompts/gpt4oMini/articles.js"),i=require("./prompts/data.js");exports.DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION_EMOJIS=e.DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION_EMOJIS,exports.authors=e.authors,exports.authorsNames=e.authorsNames,exports.categories=e.categories,exports.dataStructure=e.dataStructure,exports.devBucketName=e.devBucketName,exports.prodBucketName=e.prodBucketName,exports.startDate=e.startDate,exports.subcategories=e.subcategories,exports.subsubcategories=e.subsubcategories,Object.defineProperty(exports,"FiltersNames",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return t.FiltersNames}}),exports.articleTypesValues=t.articleTypesValues,exports.audienceFocusValues=t.audienceFocusValues,exports.complexityLevelValues=t.complexityLevelValues,exports.fullFilters=t.fullFilters,exports.getFiltersTypesJSON=t.getFiltersTypesJSON,exports.initialFilters=t.initialFilters,exports.scientificFieldsValues=t.scientificFieldsValues,exports.trendingTopicsValues=t.trendingTopicsValues,exports.getDefaultImagesFrontmatter=s.getDefaultImagesFrontmatter,exports.prohibitedWordsInAltTitle=s.prohibitedWordsInAltTitle,exports.getOpenAiBasedImagePrompt=r.getOpenAiBasedImagePrompt,exports.getOpenAiBasedImagePromptDalle2=r.getOpenAiBasedImagePromptDalle2,exports.getStableDiffusionImagePrompt=r.getStableDiffusionImagePrompt,exports.AUTHORS_INFO=o.AUTHORS_INFO,exports.AUTHORS_META=o.AUTHORS_META,exports.PAGES_SEO=o.PAGES_SEO,Object.defineProperty(exports,"PageNames",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return o.PageNames}}),exports.gpt35Articles=a,exports.gpt4oMiniArticles=p,exports.END_STEP=i.END_STEP,exports.FILTERS_INFO=i.FILTERS_INFO,exports.IMAGES_PROHIBITED_WORDS=i.IMAGES_PROHIBITED_WORDS,exports.START_STEP=i.START_STEP,exports.TARGET_AUDIENCE=i.TARGET_AUDIENCE,exports.ZERO_SECTION=i.ZERO_SECTION,exports.portalInfo=i.portalInfo;
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ export declare const portalInfo = "The article is written for the web portal.I will give you important information regarding the web portal:\n - Brief description: NeuraLooms is an engaging infotainment articles portal dedicated to disseminating scientific research and reviews across multiple disciplines, including biology, chemistry, physics, and earth sciences. It aims to make complex scientific concepts accessible to a broad audience.\n - Detailed description: NeuraLooms serves as a comprehensive platform for original research articles, scientific advancements, and insightful reviews pertaining to a wide array of scientific fields. The portal strives to bridge the gap between intricate scientific knowledge and everyday understanding, enabling readers to explore diverse topics related to biology, chemistry, physics, and earth sciences. Each article is thoughtfully curated and researched, ensuring that the latest breakthroughs and foundational theories are presented in a clear and engaging manner. From deep dives into groundbreaking studies to overviews of essential concepts, NeuraLooms positions itself as a reliable resource for both enthusiasts and academics alike, promoting ongoing exploration and dialogue in the realm of science.\n - Target audience: The primary target audience for NeuraLooms includes science enthusiasts, students, educators, and professionals across various scientific disciplines. It caters to individuals seeking to enhance their understanding of scientific ideas, as well as researchers looking for a platform to disseminate their findings. The portal also aims to engage casual readers who have a curious mind and wish to stay informed about the latest developments in science without the intimidating jargon often associated with academic literature.\n\n";
+ export declare const ZERO_SECTION = "This is important to include the following headers to the section, ONLY if they are applicable to the title, abstract and description of the article:\n## Key Concepts\n - Definition of the Main Idea\n - Overview of Scientific Principles\n\n## Current Research Trends\n - Recent Studies and Findings\n - Significant Breakthroughs in the Field\n\nYou can change the headers and topics to make a them more coherent with the description of the article.\nStart text with first Heading H2 - Key Concepts, IF it's applicable to the theme of the article.\n";
+ export declare const START_STEP = "highlighting the key points that will be discussed and the relevance of the topic";
+ export declare const END_STEP = "synthesizing the information presented throughout";
+ export declare const TARGET_AUDIENCE = "students, researchers, educators, and professionals";
+ export declare const IMAGES_PROHIBITED_WORDS = "any numbers, image, slug, step, seo, hand / hands, men, women, human, people, chief, preparing, process, cooking, mixing, serving, tasting, rolling";
+ export declare const FILTERS_INFO: string;
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ "use strict";var e;const i="The article is written for the web portal.I will give you important information regarding the web portal:\n - Brief description: NeuraLooms is an engaging infotainment articles portal dedicated to disseminating scientific research and reviews across multiple disciplines, including biology, chemistry, physics, and earth sciences. It aims to make complex scientific concepts accessible to a broad audience.\n - Detailed description: NeuraLooms serves as a comprehensive platform for original research articles, scientific advancements, and insightful reviews pertaining to a wide array of scientific fields. The portal strives to bridge the gap between intricate scientific knowledge and everyday understanding, enabling readers to explore diverse topics related to biology, chemistry, physics, and earth sciences. Each article is thoughtfully curated and researched, ensuring that the latest breakthroughs and foundational theories are presented in a clear and engaging manner. From deep dives into groundbreaking studies to overviews of essential concepts, NeuraLooms positions itself as a reliable resource for both enthusiasts and academics alike, promoting ongoing exploration and dialogue in the realm of science.\n - Target audience: The primary target audience for NeuraLooms includes science enthusiasts, students, educators, and professionals across various scientific disciplines. It caters to individuals seeking to enhance their understanding of scientific ideas, as well as researchers looking for a platform to disseminate their findings. The portal also aims to engage casual readers who have a curious mind and wish to stay informed about the latest developments in science without the intimidating jargon often associated with academic literature.\n\n",t="This is important to include the following headers to the section, ONLY if they are applicable to the title, abstract and description of the article:\n## Key Concepts\n - Definition of the Main Idea\n - Overview of Scientific Principles\n\n## Current Research Trends\n - Recent Studies and Findings\n - Significant Breakthroughs in the Field\n\nYou can change the headers and topics to make a them more coherent with the description of the article.\nStart text with first Heading H2 - Key Concepts, IF it's applicable to the theme of the article.\n",n="highlighting the key points that will be discussed and the relevance of the topic",a="synthesizing the information presented throughout",s="students, researchers, educators, and professionals",r="any numbers, image, slug, step, seo, hand / hands, men, women, human, people, chief, preparing, process, cooking, mixing, serving, tasting, rolling",o=`That is TREMENDOUS important - if category doesn't match - return empty array for that category - []. For example if you don't find any match for $FILTERNAME, return for that category\n$FILTERNAME: []\nResponse in valid json, adhering strictly to json interface below, include every field present in it, but include values in array only suitable for article, all array values are optional!\n${require("../filters.js").getFiltersTypesJSON()}`;exports.END_STEP=a,exports.FILTERS_INFO=o,exports.IMAGES_PROHIBITED_WORDS=r,exports.START_STEP=n,exports.TARGET_AUDIENCE=s,exports.ZERO_SECTION=t,exports.portalInfo=i;
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ import { GetOutlinePrompt, GetEntitiesPrompt, GetFiltersPrompt, GetImagesMetaPrompt, GetSectionPrompt } from 'src/common/types';
+ export declare const getBasePrompt: GetOutlinePrompt;
+ export declare const getSectionPrompt: GetSectionPrompt;
+ export declare const getImagesMetaPrompt: GetImagesMetaPrompt;
+ export declare const getFiltersPrompt: GetFiltersPrompt;
+ export declare const getEntitiesPrompt: GetEntitiesPrompt;
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ "use strict";var t=require("../data.js"),e=require("../../../common/prompts/gpt35turbo/articles.js"),o=require("../../../common/data.js"),r=require("../../data.js");const m=(o,r=e.DEFAULT_HEADINGS_NUM,m)=>e.getOutlineCommonPrompt({keyword:o,headingsNum:r,additionalInfo:t.portalInfo,locale:m}),s=o=>e.getSectionCommonPrompt(o,{zeroSectionPrompt:t.ZERO_SECTION,startStep:t.START_STEP,endStep:t.END_STEP,targetAudience:t.TARGET_AUDIENCE}),a=o=>e.getImagesMetaCommonPrompt(o,t.IMAGES_PROHIBITED_WORDS),p=o=>e.getFiltersCommonPrompt(o,t.FILTERS_INFO),i=t=>e.getEntitiesCommonPrompt(t,o.getCategoriesTypesJSON(r.dataStructure));exports.getBasePrompt=m,exports.getEntitiesPrompt=i,exports.getFiltersPrompt=p,exports.getImagesMetaPrompt=a,exports.getSectionPrompt=s;
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ import { GetOutlinePrompt, GetEntitiesPrompt, GetFiltersPrompt, GetImagesMetaPrompt, GetSectionPrompt } from 'src/common/types';
+ export declare const getBasePrompt: GetOutlinePrompt;
+ export declare const getSectionPrompt: GetSectionPrompt;
+ export declare const getImagesMetaPrompt: GetImagesMetaPrompt;
+ export declare const getFiltersPrompt: GetFiltersPrompt;
+ export declare const getEntitiesPrompt: GetEntitiesPrompt;
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ "use strict";var t=require("../data.js"),e=require("../../../common/prompts/gpt4oMini/articles.js"),o=require("../../../common/data.js"),r=require("../../data.js");const m=(o,r=e.DEFAULT_HEADINGS_NUM,m)=>e.getOutlineCommonPrompt({keyword:o,headingsNum:r,additionalInfo:t.portalInfo,locale:m}),s=o=>e.getSectionCommonPrompt(o,{zeroSectionPrompt:t.ZERO_SECTION,startStep:t.START_STEP,endStep:t.END_STEP,targetAudience:t.TARGET_AUDIENCE}),a=o=>e.getImagesMetaCommonPrompt(o,t.IMAGES_PROHIBITED_WORDS),i=o=>e.getFiltersCommonPrompt(o,t.FILTERS_INFO),p=t=>e.getEntitiesCommonPrompt(t,o.getCategoriesTypesJSON(r.dataStructure));exports.getBasePrompt=m,exports.getEntitiesPrompt=p,exports.getFiltersPrompt=i,exports.getImagesMetaPrompt=a,exports.getSectionPrompt=s;
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ import { GetOpenAiBasedImagePrompt, GetStableDiffusionImagePrompt } from 'src/common/types';
+ export declare const getStableDiffusionImagePrompt: GetStableDiffusionImagePrompt;
+ export declare const getOpenAiBasedImagePrompt: GetOpenAiBasedImagePrompt;
+ export declare const getOpenAiBasedImagePromptDalle2: GetOpenAiBasedImagePrompt;
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ "use strict";var e=require("../../common/prompts/images.js");const a=({title:a,alt:o,articleTitle:t})=>({prompt:`Award-winning hyper-real cinematic photo of a ${a}, ${o}, for an article ${t} from professional scientific photograph for a glossy scientific magazine, scientific style photography, glossy scientific magazine, photorealistic, ultra realistic, maximum detail, highly detailed, commercial photography, foreground focus, instagram, 4K, 8K, volumetric light, cinematic, octane render, uplight, no blur, depth of field, dof, film, bokeh, foreground focus, 35mm photograph`,negativePrompt:e.SD_NEGATIVE_PROMPT}),o=({title:e,alt:a,articleTitle:o})=>`I NEED a hyper-real illustration of a ${e} at food style photography, ${a}, for an article ${o} for a glossy recipe magazine, photorealistic, ultra realistic, maximum detail, highly detailed, food style, food style photography, professional food photography, commercial photography, foreground focus, recipes.com, delish.com, epicurious, instagram, 4K, 8K, volumetric light, octane render, uplight, no blur, depth of field, dof, bokeh, foreground focus. Please exclude any: Photocamera, videocamera, Spotlight, soffit, ramp, scanners, strobe, soffit truss, film props, radio, cooking timer, watches, clocks, men, woman, people, hand, nands, leg, legs, font, username, error, words, letters, digits, autograph, trademark, name, easy-negative, cartoon, worst quality, low quality, blind, bad eyes, ugly eyes, dead eyes, greyscale, monochrome, vignette, text, title, logo, signature ,watermark, extra limbs, extra fingers, mutated hands, bad anatomy, censored, rabs, muscular, rib, blurry, blur, grainy, teeth, low resolution, lowres, low details, oversaturated, undersaturated, overexposed, underexposed, grayscale, bw, bad photo, bad photography, bad art, morbid, ugly, asymmetrical, mutated malformed, mutilated, poorly lit, bad shadow, draft, cropped, out of frame, cut off, jpeg artefacts, out of focus, glitch, duplicate, airbrushed,, anime, semi-realistic, cgi, render, 3D, blender, digital art, manga, amateur, 3D, 3D Game, 3D Game Scene, 3D Character, bad hands, , bad body, bad face, bad teeth, bad arms, bad legs, deformities, drawing, deformed iris, deformed pupils, deformed, painting, crayon, sketch, graphite, impressionist, noisy, poorly drawn hands, poorly drawn face, poorly drawn eyes, mutation, bad proportions, cloned face, disfigured, gross proportions, malformed limbs, malformed limbs, missing arms, missing legs, extra arms, extra legs, fused fingers, too many fingers, long neck, incoherent from this hyper-real illustration of a ${e}`,t=({title:e})=>`\n\tPhotorealistic highly detailed image of ingredients for ${e}, arranged professionally as if for a food photography shoot. image should showcase maximum detail realism, with a focus on foreground, emulating the style of a high-definition, 8k resolution professional food photograph. lighting should be volumetric and uplit, with a depth of field and bokeh effect, avoiding any blur for clarity. overall aesthetic should be reminiscent of the Kodak Portrait 800 style.\n\tNegative Prompt:\n\teasy-negative, cartoon, worst quality, low quality, text, title, logo, signature ,watermark, extra limbs, extra fingers, mutated hands, bad anatomy, blurry, blur, grainy, teeth, low resolution, low details, oversaturated, undersaturated, overexposed, underexposed, grayscale, bad shadow, draft, cropped, out of frame, cut off, jpeg artefacts, out of focus, glitch, airbrushed, anime, semi-realistic, cgi, render, 3D, blender, manga, amateur, 3D, 3D Game, drawing, sketch\n`;exports.getOpenAiBasedImagePrompt=o,exports.getOpenAiBasedImagePromptDalle2=t,exports.getStableDiffusionImagePrompt=a;
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ export interface PageSeoData {
+ title: string;
+ description: string;
+ }
+ export declare enum PageNames {
+ Authors = "authors",
+ Home = "home",
+ NotFound = "not-found",
+ AboutUs = "about-us",
+ PrivacyPolicy = "privacy-policy",
+ Terms = "terms",
+ Sitemap = "sitemap"
+ }
+ export type PagesSeo = Record<PageNames, PageSeoData>;
+ export interface AuthorInfo {
+ name: string;
+ description: string;
+ meta_title: string;
+ meta_description: string;
+ }
+ export declare const PAGES_SEO: PagesSeo;
+ export declare const AUTHORS_INFO: AuthorInfo[];
+ export declare const AUTHORS_META: Record<string, PageSeoData>;
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ "use strict";var e;exports.PageNames=void 0,(e=exports.PageNames||(exports.PageNames={})).Authors="authors",e.Home="home",e.NotFound="not-found",e.AboutUs="about-us",e.PrivacyPolicy="privacy-policy",e.Terms="terms",e.Sitemap="sitemap";const i={[exports.PageNames.Authors]:{title:"Authors - NeuraLooms | Showcasing Scientific Talent",description:"Meet the brilliant minds behind groundbreaking research! ๐ŸŒŸ Explore profiles and contributions of our authors in biology, chemistry, physics, and earth sciences."},[exports.PageNames.Home]:{title:"NeuraLooms | Infotainment Hub for Scientific Research",description:"Dive into the world of scientific research and reviews across disciplines! ๐Ÿ”ฌ Discover groundbreaking studies, insights, and advancements at NeuraLooms."},[exports.PageNames.NotFound]:{title:"404 Not Found - NeuraLooms ๐ŸŒ",description:"Oops! The page you are looking for doesn't exist. ๐Ÿค” Explore our homepage for the latest in scientific research or return to safety!"},[exports.PageNames.AboutUs]:{title:"About Us - NeuraLooms | Your Science Gateway",description:"Learn about NeuraLooms, your premier destination for scientific research articles and reviews in various fields. ๐ŸŒ Join us on a journey of discovery!"},[exports.PageNames.PrivacyPolicy]:{title:"Privacy Policy - NeuraLooms | Our Commitment to You",description:"Your privacy matters! ๐Ÿ”’ Read about how NeuraLooms protects your information and ensures a secure browsing experience."},[exports.PageNames.Terms]:{title:"Terms of Service - NeuraLooms | User Agreement",description:"Stay informed about our terms of service. ๐Ÿ“œ Understand your rights and responsibilities while using NeuraLooms for all your research needs."},[exports.PageNames.Sitemap]:{title:"Sitemap - NeuraLooms | Navigate Our Content",description:"Explore the NeuraLooms sitemap for an easy navigation guide through our extensive collection of scientific articles and reviews. ๐Ÿ—บ๏ธ"}},a=[{name:"Dr. Rhea Sharma",description:"Dr. Rhea Sharma is an accomplished biochemist with over 12 years of experience in molecular biology and genetic research. She has published numerous articles in leading journals and is a significant contributor to the field of biochemical innovations. Her work focuses on understanding enzyme mechanisms and their applications in drug development.",meta_title:"Dr. Rhea Sharma - Biochemist and Molecular Biology Expert",meta_description:"Explore the works of Dr. Rhea Sharma, a distinguished biochemist specializing in molecular biology and enzyme mechanisms. Discover her valuable contributions to scientific research at NeuraLooms."},{name:"Prof. Amit Varma",description:"Prof. Amit Varma is a prominent physicist specializing in quantum mechanics and materials science. With over 15 years in academic research, he has received several prestigious awards for his groundbreaking studies in material properties at nanoscale. He serves on the editorial board of several international physics journals.",meta_title:"Prof. Amit Varma - Quantum Mechanics and Material Science Authority",meta_description:"Read articles by Prof. Amit Varma, an expert in quantum mechanics and materials science. His research at NeuraLooms provides insights into nanoscale material properties."},{name:"Dr. Neelam Patel",description:"Dr. Neelam Patel is a renowned microbiologist and environmental scientist known for her work on microbial biodiversity in ecological systems. With over a decade of experience, she has contributed to advancing our understanding of the roles microorganisms play in earth sciences.",meta_title:"Dr. Neelam Patel - Microbiologist and Environmental Scientist",meta_description:"Delve into the research of Dr. Neelam Patel, an expert on microbial biodiversity and its ecological significance. Learn more at NeuraLooms."},{name:"Dr. Arjun Mehta",description:"Dr. Arjun Mehta is a leading chemist with a focus on organic synthesis and chemical biology. He earned his PhD from the Indian Institute of Science and has contributed to various interdisciplinary projects, ultimately enhancing the field of medicinal chemistry with his innovative research.",meta_title:"Dr. Arjun Mehta - Expert in Organic Chemistry and Chemical Biology",meta_description:"Discover the innovative research of Dr. Arjun Mehta, a prominent chemist specializing in organic synthesis and its applications in medical science at NeuraLooms."},{name:"Dr. Maya Iyer",description:"Dr. Maya Iyer is an earth scientist with expertise in geochemistry and mineralogy. She has over 20 publications to her name, focusing on the interaction of minerals with environmental factors. Her research significantly contributes to the understanding of earth materials' role in ecological systems.",meta_title:"Dr. Maya Iyer - Expert in Earth Sciences and Geochemistry",meta_description:"Explore the insightful work of Dr. Maya Iyer, an earth scientist specializing in geochemistry and mineralogy at NeuraLooms."},{name:"Dr. Vinay Kumar",description:"Dr. Vinay Kumar is a physicist and educator specializing in applied physics and renewable energy technologies. With over 18 years of research experience, he advocates for sustainable energy practices and has been published extensively in the realm of energy science.",meta_title:"Dr. Vinay Kumar - Renewable Energy and Applied Physics Specialist",meta_description:"Learn about Dr. Vinay Kumar's pivotal research in renewable energy and applied physics, and his commitment to sustainability at NeuraLooms."},{name:"Dr. Priya Joshi",description:"Dr. Priya Joshi is a well-known chemist specializing in analytical chemistry and forensic science. Her research emphasizes the development of new methodologies for chemical analysis, providing critical tools for both academic and industrial applications.",meta_title:"Dr. Priya Joshi - Analytical Chemistry and Forensic Science Expert",meta_description:"Explore Dr. Priya Joshiโ€™s research in analytical chemistry and forensic science, enhancing methodologies for chemical analysis at NeuraLooms."},{name:"Dr. Keshav Rao",description:"Dr. Keshav Rao is a distinguished biologist and ecologist who has spent over 10 years studying animal behavior and conservation. His passion for wildlife conservation has led to significant contributions in biodiversity research and ecological management.",meta_title:"Dr. Keshav Rao - Biologist and Wildlife Conservationist",meta_description:"Uncover Dr. Keshav Rao's vital research in biodiversity and wildlife conservation, contributing to ecological betterment at NeuraLooms."},{name:"Dr. Suman Gupta",description:"Dr. Suman Gupta is a recognized expert in bioinformatics and computational biology. With more than 9 years in the field, she employs algorithms and software tools to analyze biological data, facilitating groundbreaking discoveries in genomics and proteomics.",meta_title:"Dr. Suman Gupta - Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Specialist",meta_description:"Review the research of Dr. Suman Gupta, a bioinformatics expert driving advancements in computational biology at NeuraLooms."},{name:"Dr. Rahul Singh",description:"Dr. Rahul Singh is an accomplished chemist with a focus on environmental chemistry and pollution control. His innovative research projects aim to combat climate change effects, earning him recognition as a leader in environmental science circles.",meta_title:"Dr. Rahul Singh - Environmental Chemistry and Pollution Control Advocate",meta_description:"Explore Dr. Rahul Singh's impactful research in environmental chemistry at NeuraLooms, focusing on pollution control and climate change mitigation."},{name:"Dr. Sunita Rao",description:"Dr. Sunita Rao is a renowned biologist with over 15 years of experience in cell biology and genetics. She has contributed significantly to research on plant genes and their applications in sustainable agriculture. With numerous publications across reputed journals, Dr. Rao is passionate about educating the next generation of scientists.",meta_title:"Dr. Sunita Rao - Expert in Cell Biology & Genetics",meta_description:"Explore Dr. Sunita Rao's extensive research on cell biology and genetics, emphasizing sustainable agriculture and plant genetics. Over 15 years of experience in scientific research."},{name:"Prof. Amit Desai",description:"Prof. Amit Desai is a distinguished chemist specializing in organic chemistry and material science. With over two decades of experience, he has published over 100 research papers and holds several patents. His current focus is on developing eco-friendly materials for various industrial applications.",meta_title:"Prof. Amit Desai - Specialist in Organic Chemistry",meta_description:"Learn about Prof. Amit Desai's contributions to organic chemistry and material science. With over 20 years of experience, he focuses on developing eco-friendly industrial materials."},{name:"Dr. Anjali Mehta",description:"Dr. Anjali Mehta is an astrophysicist with a passion for exploring cosmic phenomena. With a Ph.D. from the Indian Institute of Science, she has worked on various research projects involving dark matter and galaxy formation. Dr. Mehta engages actively in science communication and outreach.",meta_title:"Dr. Anjali Mehta - Astrophysicist & Science Communicator",meta_description:"Discover Dr. Anjali Mehta's research on cosmic phenomena, dark matter, and galaxy formation. She is dedicated to science communication and inspiring future scientists."},{name:"Dr. Rajiv Kumar",description:"Dr. Rajiv Kumar is an earth scientist specializing in climatology. With extensive experience in studying climate change impacts in South Asia, he has published multiple articles on environmental science and policy. He is a strong advocate for sustainability and environmental conservation.",meta_title:"Dr. Rajiv Kumar - Climatologist & Environmental Scientist",meta_description:"Read about Dr. Rajiv Kumar's research on climate change and sustainability. He combines scientific expertise with a commitment to promoting environmental conservation."},{name:"Dr. Neha Verma",description:"Dr. Neha Verma is a physicist with a specialization in condensed matter physics. Holding a Ph.D. from IIT Bombay, she has been involved in pioneering research on superconductors and quantum materials, contributing to numerous high-impact publications and conferences.",meta_title:"Dr. Neha Verma - Expert in Condensed Matter Physics",meta_description:"Explore Dr. Neha Verma's groundbreaking research on superconductors and quantum materials within condensed matter physics. An accomplished scientist with extensive publications."},{name:"Prof. Vikram Singh",description:"Prof. Vikram Singh is an expert in microbiology and environmental science. He has over 18 years of teaching and research experience, focusing on the microbial degradation of pollutants and biotechnology's role in environmental sustainability.",meta_title:"Prof. Vikram Singh - Microbiologist & Environmental Expert",meta_description:"Learn about Prof. Vikram Singh's research on microbial degradation and biotechnology. A leader in environmental microbiology with a passion for sustainability."},{name:"Dr. Priya Iyer",description:"Dr. Priya Iyer is a prominent chemical engineer with a focus on process optimization and renewable energy technologies. She has authored several influential papers on improving energy efficiency in industrial processes and advocates for green energy solutions.",meta_title:"Dr. Priya Iyer - Chemical Engineer & Renewable Energy Advocate",meta_description:"Discover Dr. Priya Iyer's innovative research on process optimization and renewable energy technology. A leader in promoting sustainable energy solutions."},{name:"Dr. Kumar Aditya",description:"Dr. Kumar Aditya is a neurobiologist investigating the relationship between neurological structures and cognitive functions. His recent research endeavors led to advancements in understanding neurodegenerative diseases, and he frequently collaborates on interdisciplinary studies.",meta_title:"Dr. Kumar Aditya - Neurobiologist & Research Innovator",meta_description:"Delve into Dr. Kumar Aditya's research on neurobiology and cognitive functions. He is a dedicated investigator in the field of neurodegenerative diseases."},{name:"Dr. Ishita Banerjee",description:"Dr. Ishita Banerjee is a marine biologist with expertise in coral reef ecosystems and marine conservation. Her work focuses on the resilience of coral reefs in the face of climate change, and she actively participates in community-driven conservation efforts.",meta_title:"Dr. Ishita Banerjee - Marine Biologist & Conservationist",meta_description:"Explore Dr. Ishita Banerjee's research on coral reef ecosystems and marine conservation. A passionate advocate for community-driven sustainability initiatives."},{name:"Dr. Raghav Sethi",description:"Dr. Raghav Sethi is an expert in computational biology, specializing in bioinformatics and systems biology. He has contributed to several international projects and is experienced in employing advanced computational techniques to solve complex biological problems.",meta_title:"Dr. Raghav Sethi - Computational Biologist & Bioinformatician",meta_description:"Learn about Dr. Raghav Sethi's expertise in computational biology and bioinformatics. A researcher dedicated to solving complex biological challenges through advanced techniques."},{name:"Dr. Aditi Sharma",description:"Dr. Aditi Sharma is a distinguished biologist with over 15 years of experience in cellular and molecular research. She holds a Ph.D. from the Indian Institute of Science, specializing in gene therapy and regenerative medicine. Dr. Sharma has published numerous research papers in high-impact journals and is known for her work on innovative therapeutic strategies for genetic disorders.",meta_title:"Dr. Aditi Sharma - Expert in Cellular and Molecular Biology",meta_description:"Explore the contributions of Dr. Aditi Sharma, a leading biologist with expertise in gene therapy and regenerative medicine, as she shares original research articles on NeuraLooms."},{name:"Prof. Rajeev Kumar",description:"Prof. Rajeev Kumar is an esteemed chemist with over 20 years in the field of organic synthesis and material sciences. He earned his doctorate from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) and is a recipient of the National Award for Excellence in Chemical Research. His recent work focuses on sustainable materials and green chemistry.",meta_title:"Prof. Rajeev Kumar - Leader in Organic Synthesis and Material Science",meta_description:"Learn from Prof. Rajeev Kumar, an expert chemist dedicated to advancing sustainable materials and green chemistry through insightful articles on NeuraLooms."},{name:"Dr. Sneha Das",description:"Dr. Sneha Das is a prominent physicist specializing in computational physics and condensed matter. With a Ph.D. from the University of Delhi, her research explores quantum materials and their applications in technology. She has contributed to several interdisciplinary journals and has a passion for mentoring young scientists.",meta_title:"Dr. Sneha Das - Expert in Computational Physics",meta_description:"Discover Dr. Sneha Das's innovative research in computational and condensed matter physics on NeuraLooms, dedicated to bridging gaps between fundamental physics and applications."},{name:"Dr. Ravi Mehta",description:"Dr. Ravi Mehta is an earth scientist with over 25 years of experience in climate change studies and geological surveys. He leads projects at the Indian Institute of Technology in Mumbai and focuses on sustainable practices in environmental science. His articles are rooted in both scientific research and practical applications.",meta_title:"Dr. Ravi Mehta - Environmental Scientist and Climate Change Expert",meta_description:"Follow Dr. Ravi Mehta's research on climate change and sustainability, as he contributes valuable insights on NeuraLooms."},{name:"Dr. Ankit Singh",description:"Dr. Ankit Singh is a theoretical physicist focused on quantum mechanics and astrophysics. He completed his doctorate at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research and has received accolades for his papers on black hole thermodynamics. His research has implications for understanding the universe's fundamental principles.",meta_title:"Dr. Ankit Singh - Theoretical Physicist and Quantum Mechanics Expert",meta_description:"Join Dr. Ankit Singh on NeuraLooms as he shares his groundbreaking research on quantum mechanics and astrophysics."},{name:"Prof. Meera Joshi",description:"Prof. Meera Joshi is an environmental chemist with a focus on water quality and pollution management. With decades of teaching and research experience, she has significantly contributed to environmental legislation in India. Prof. Joshi advocates for sustainable water practices and ecological health.",meta_title:"Prof. Meera Joshi - Environmental Chemist and Advocate for Sustainability",meta_description:"Read about Prof. Meera Joshi's impactful research on water quality and pollution management on NeuraLooms, where she champions environmental sustainability."},{name:"Dr. Vikram Patel",description:"Dr. Vikram Patel is a neuroscientist with a keen interest in neurodegenerative diseases. He has extensive research experience in studying Alzheimerโ€™s and Parkinsonโ€™s diseases and is a prominent voice in mental health advocacy. His academic background includes a Ph.D. from Stanford University.",meta_title:"Dr. Vikram Patel - Neuroscientist Specializing in Neurodegenerative Diseases",meta_description:"Delve into Dr. Vikram Patel's research on neurodegenerative diseases on NeuraLooms as he offers insights into brain health."},{name:"Dr. Pooja Chatterjee",description:"Dr. Pooja Chatterjee is a microbiologist who has dedicated her career to studying antibiotic resistance in pathogens. She holds a Ph.D. from the University of Calcutta and is an advocate for public health awareness. Her work has led to several significant publications focused on combatting microbial threats.",meta_title:"Dr. Pooja Chatterjee - Microbiologist and Public Health Advocate",meta_description:"Learn from Dr. Pooja Chatterjee's research on antibiotic resistance and public health on NeuraLooms."},{name:"Dr. Arun Sinha",description:"Dr. Arun Sinha is a physicist specializing in renewable energy technologies. He holds a Ph.D. from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, and has developed innovative models for solar energy systems. His work emphasizes sustainable practices and the integration of alternative energy sources.",meta_title:"Dr. Arun Sinha - Renewable Energy Physicist",meta_description:"Explore Dr. Arun Sinha's groundbreaking research on renewable energy technologies on NeuraLooms, promoting sustainable energy solutions."},{name:"Dr. Priya Sharma",description:"Dr. Priya Sharma is a renowned biologist specializing in molecular genetics and biotechnology. With over 10 years of research experience at leading Indian institutions, she has published more than 30 peer-reviewed articles. Her innovative work revolves around gene editing technologies, contributing to advancements in agricultural sciences.",meta_title:"Dr. Priya Sharma - Molecular Biologist and Biotechnology Expert",meta_description:"Discover Dr. Priya Sharma's contributions to molecular genetics and biotechnology, her extensive research background, and her groundbreaking publications in the field."},{name:"Prof. Anil Kumar",description:"Prof. Anil Kumar is a distinguished chemist with a Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry. Currently a professor at a prominent Indian university, he has over 15 years of experience in chemical research and has authored several comprehensive reviews on novel synthetic methodologies.",meta_title:"Prof. Anil Kumar - Expert in Organic Chemistry",meta_description:"Explore the research and publications of Prof. Anil Kumar, a leading figure in organic chemistry, known for his impactful reviews and innovative research methodologies."},{name:"Dr. Kavita Joshi",description:"Dr. Kavita Joshi is a physicist with a focus on condensed matter physics and nanotechnology. Currently involved in interdisciplinary research, she has collaborated with various international institutions, resulting in numerous publications and contributions to the field.",meta_title:"Dr. Kavita Joshi - Physicist and Nanotechnology Researcher",meta_description:"Learn about Dr. Kavita Joshi's research in condensed matter physics and nanotechnology, alongside her significant contributions to scientific literature and collaborations."},{name:"Dr. Rajesh Mehta",description:"Dr. Rajesh Mehta is an environmental scientist specializing in earth sciences and climate change. With over a decade of field experience and multiple grants awarded, he leads key projects aimed at mitigating climate impacts in India.",meta_title:"Dr. Rajesh Mehta - Environmental Scientist and Climate Change Advocate",meta_description:"Delve into Dr. Rajesh Mehta's pioneering work in environmental science and earth sciences, focusing on climate change impacts and mitigation strategies."},{name:"Dr. Neera Gupta",description:"Dr. Neera Gupta is a neuroscientist with expertise in neurobiology and behavioral studies. She has published numerous original research articles exploring the relationship between brain functions and behavior, enhancing understanding in the field.",meta_title:"Dr. Neera Gupta - Renowned Neuroscientist and Behavioral Researcher",meta_description:"Explore Dr. Neera Gupta's scientific journey in neurobiology, including her influential research on brain functions and behaviors, through her diverse publications."},{name:"Prof. Vinay Bhatia",description:"Prof. Vinay Bhatia is a highly respected physicist known for his work in quantum mechanics. His research has led to breakthroughs in theoretical models, and he is a sought-after speaker at international conferences.",meta_title:"Prof. Vinay Bhatia - Expert in Quantum Mechanics",meta_description:"Learn about Prof. Vinay Bhatia's innovative research in quantum mechanics and his influential contributions to theoretical physics through his numerous publications."},{name:"Dr. Aditi Verma",description:"Dr. Aditi Verma is an accomplished chemist whose research focuses on sustainable chemistry and green technology. With various awards to her name, she is actively involved in mentoring young scientists and promoting eco-friendly practices.",meta_title:"Dr. Aditi Verma - Sustainable Chemistry Advocate",meta_description:"Discover Dr. Aditi Verma's commitment to sustainable chemistry and green technologies, along with her efforts to foster innovation and mentorship in the scientific community."},{name:"Dr. Sanjay Reddy",description:"Dr. Sanjay Reddy specializes in physical chemistry and spectroscopy, contributing significantly to understanding molecular interactions. His extensive research portfolio includes collaborations with various institutions worldwide.",meta_title:"Dr. Sanjay Reddy - Physical Chemist and Spectroscopy Specialist",meta_description:"Explore the research and contributions of Dr. Sanjay Reddy in physical chemistry and spectroscopy, showcasing his influential role in scientific advancements."},{name:"Prof. Sunita Talwar",description:"Prof. Sunita Talwar is a geophysicist focused on seismic studies and earth exploration. With over 20 years in the field, she has been instrumental in enhancing understanding of tectonic processes and natural hazards.",meta_title:"Prof. Sunita Talwar - Geophysicist and Earth Exploration Expert",meta_description:"Learn more about Prof. Sunita Talwar's impactful research in geophysics, her contributions to understanding seismic activities, and her role in earth exploration."},{name:"Dr. Arjun Iyer",description:"Dr. Arjun Iyer is a marine biologist whose research is dedicated to the conservation of marine ecosystems. He has published extensively on marine biodiversity and sustainable fisheries, influencing policy in coastal management.",meta_title:"Dr. Arjun Iyer - Marine Biologist and Conservation Advocate",meta_description:"Explore Dr. Arjun Iyer's significant contributions to marine biology and conservation efforts, with insights drawn from his extensive research on marine ecosystems."},{name:"Dr. Emily Carter",description:"Dr. Emily Carter is a molecular biologist with over 15 years of experience in DNA research. She holds a PhD from Harvard University and has published numerous studies focusing on genetic engineering and its applications in medicine. Dr. Carter has collaborated on interdisciplinary projects involving biology and chemistry.",meta_title:"Dr. Emily Carter - Molecular Biologist and Genetic Engineering Expert",meta_description:"Explore Dr. Emily Carter's research on DNA and genetic engineering. With over 15 years of experience in molecular biology, she contributes valuable insights to NeuraLooms."},{name:"Prof. Liam Thompson",description:"Prof. Liam Thompson is a physicist specializing in quantum mechanics and nanotechnology. With a distinguished academic career at Stanford University, he has written extensively on the implications of quantum computing on chemical processes. His expertise bridges physics and chemistry for practical research applications.",meta_title:"Prof. Liam Thompson - Quantum Mechanics and Nanotechnology Specialist",meta_description:"Discover Prof. Liam Thompson's groundbreaking research in quantum mechanics and its applications in chemistry. A renowned physicist, he enriches NeuraLooms with his insights."},{name:"Dr. Sofia Zhang",description:"Dr. Sofia Zhang is an environmental chemist with a focus on sustainable practices and pollutant remediation. She received her PhD from the University of California, Berkeley, and has worked on several high-profile projects aimed at reducing environmental toxins. Her experience includes interdisciplinary collaborations in earth sciences.",meta_title:"Dr. Sofia Zhang - Environmental Chemist and Sustainability Advocate",meta_description:"Learn about Dr. Sofia Zhang's impactful work in environmental chemistry and sustainability. Her research at NeuraLooms addresses critical issues in earth sciences."},{name:"Dr. Anirudh Patel",description:"Dr. Anirudh Patel is a biochemist with expertise in enzyme mechanics and metabolic pathways. He has over 10 years of research experience and has contributed to significant advancements in drug development. He is affiliated with a leading research institute in India and shares his interdisciplinary knowledge with NeuraLooms.",meta_title:"Dr. Anirudh Patel - Biochemist and Drug Development Researcher",meta_description:"Explore Dr. Anirudh Patel's research in biochemistry and metabolic pathways. His insights contribute to innovative drug development at NeuraLooms."},{name:"Dr. Clara Mejia",description:"Dr. Clara Mejia is a geophysicist with a focus on tectonics and seismic activity. Having conducted field studies in South America, she holds a PhD from the University of Chile and specializes in understanding earth processes. Her research enhances the bodily understanding of geology and earth sciences.",meta_title:"Dr. Clara Mejia - Geophysicist Specialized in Tectonics",meta_description:"Delve into Dr. Clara Mejia's pioneering research in geophysics and tectonics. As a leading expert, her work enhances our understanding of earth sciences at NeuraLooms."},{name:"Dr. Marcus Ng",description:"Dr. Marcus Ng is a chemist known for his work in material synthesis and characterization. He has over 8 years of industry experience and has contributed to advancements in fabrication technologies. Dr. Ng combines chemistry and engineering, providing innovative insights for NeuraLooms.",meta_title:"Dr. Marcus Ng - Chemist and Material Synthesis Expert",meta_description:"Learn about Dr. Marcus Ng's contributions to material synthesis and characterization. His expertise bolsters NeuraLooms' interdisciplinary research efforts."},{name:"Prof. Aisha Omar",description:"Prof. Aisha Omar is a neuroscientist with a focus on cognitive processes and neurobiology. She has published extensively on the interplay between biology and psychology, and she brings her insights to the understanding of behavior at NeuraLooms. She is a keynote speaker at various international conferences.",meta_title:"Prof. Aisha Omar - Leading Neuroscientist in Cognitive Processes",meta_description:"Explore Prof. Aisha Omar's research in neuroscience and cognitive biology. Her insights into behavior and thought processes enrich NeuraLooms' offerings."},{name:"Dr. Samuel Roberts",description:"Dr. Samuel Roberts is an atmospheric scientist who specializes in climate change and its impacts on environmental policies. With a PhD from the University of Cambridge, he has been involved in high-level research that influences policy decisions worldwide. He shares his expertise with NeuraLooms.",meta_title:"Dr. Samuel Roberts - Atmospheric Scientist and Climate Change Expert",meta_description:"Discover Dr. Samuel Roberts' research on climate change and environmental policies. He brings crucial insights to NeuraLooms' discussions on earth sciences."},{name:"Dr. Mia Russo",description:"Dr. Mia Russo is a microbiologist whose research focuses on microbial ecology and its impact on health and disease. She has published extensively on the human microbiome and its role in disease prevention. Dr. Russo contributes her findings to enrich NeuraLooms' interdisciplinary scientific discussions.",meta_title:"Dr. Mia Russo - Expert Microbiologist and Human Microbiome Researcher",meta_description:"Learn about Dr. Mia Russo's pioneering work on the human microbiome. Her expertise in microbiology enhances NeuraLooms' scientific discourse."},{name:"Dr. Hiroshi Tanaka",description:"Dr. Hiroshi Tanaka is an astrobiologist who studies the potential for life on other planets. With a focus on extremophiles and habitable conditions, he has a strong research background integrating biology and planetary science. His unique insights contribute to NeuraLooms' cross-disciplinary research efforts.",meta_title:"Dr. Hiroshi Tanaka - Astrobiologist and Planetary Science Researcher",meta_description:"Explore Dr. Hiroshi Tanaka's research on extremophiles and the potential for extraterrestrial life. His work at NeuraLooms bridges biology and planetary science."},{name:"Dr. Eliza Carter",description:"Dr. Eliza Carter is a leading biologist specializing in biodiversity and ecosystem dynamics, with over 15 years of experience in environmental research. She has published numerous articles in prestigious journals and is a passionate advocate for the intersection of science and policy.",meta_title:"Dr. Eliza Carter - Expert Biologist and Environmental Researcher",meta_description:"Discover insights from Dr. Eliza Carter, a seasoned biologist with 15 years of expertise in biodiversity. Read her scientific articles on ecological innovations at NeuraLooms."},{name:"Prof. Marcus Lee",description:"Prof. Marcus Lee is a chemist with a strong focus on materials science and nanotechnology. His research has contributed significantly to the field, and he serves as an editorial board member for several scientific journals.",meta_title:"Prof. Marcus Lee - Renowned Chemist and Materials Scientist",meta_description:"Explore groundbreaking research by Prof. Marcus Lee, an expert in nanotechnology and materials science. Stay updated on his scholarly articles at NeuraLooms."},{name:"Dr. Ana Miranda",description:"Dr. Ana Miranda is a physicist with expertise in quantum mechanics and particle physics. With a Ph.D. from a top university, she has conducted extensive research and published findings that have pushed the boundaries of current scientific understanding.",meta_title:"Dr. Ana Miranda - Innovative Physicist in Quantum Mechanics",meta_description:"Read the latest research by Dr. Ana Miranda, a physicist specializing in quantum mechanics. Dive into her work featured at NeuraLooms."},{name:"Dr. Adam Chen",description:"Dr. Adam Chen has dedicated over a decade to the study of climate change and its effects on Earth sciences. His impactful research has influenced both academic knowledge and public policy regarding environmental issues.",meta_title:"Dr. Adam Chen - Climate Change Researcher and Earth Scientist",meta_description:"Gain valuable insights from Dr. Adam Chen, an expert in climate change and Earth sciences. Explore his research at NeuraLooms."},{name:"Dr. Sofia Kim",description:"Dr. Sofia Kim is a renowned microbiologist, whose work in infectious diseases has been recognized globally. She has extensive field experience and has published significant findings that have shaped public health strategies.",meta_title:"Dr. Sofia Kim - Leading Microbiologist and Infectious Disease Expert",meta_description:"Stay informed with Dr. Sofia Kim's research on infectious diseases as she contributes to public health. Find her articles on NeuraLooms."},{name:"Prof. Liam O'Connor",description:"Prof. Liam O'Connor specializes in theoretical physics, particularly in the fields of astrophysics and cosmology. He has a prolific publication record and is known for his innovative thinking and contributions to understanding the universe.",meta_title:"Prof. Liam O'Connor - Theoretical Physicist and Astrophysicist",meta_description:"Explore the universe with Prof. Liam O'Connor's research in astrophysics. Dive into his scholarly articles at NeuraLooms."},{name:"Dr. Isabella Rossi",description:"Dr. Isabella Rossi is a leading researcher in the field of chemical biology, focusing on drug development and therapeutic strategies. Her interdisciplinary work has garnered numerous awards and recognition.",meta_title:"Dr. Isabella Rossi - Expert in Chemical Biology and Drug Development",meta_description:"Learn from Dr. Isabella Rossi's expertise in chemical biology and her pioneering research in drug development on NeuraLooms."},{name:"Dr. Rohan Patel",description:"Dr. Rohan Patel is a passionate geologist with a focus on tectonic plate movements and natural hazards. His research efforts contribute to better disaster preparedness and understanding of geological phenomena.",meta_title:"Dr. Rohan Patel - Geologist and Natural Hazard Researcher",meta_description:"Read about geological phenomena with Dr. Rohan Patel, a noted geologist specializing in tectonic movements. Discover his work at NeuraLooms."},{name:"Dr. Fatima Qureshi",description:"Dr. Fatima Qureshi is an environmental chemist whose work focuses on the effects of pollutants on ecosystems. With a deep commitment to sustainability, she leads projects aimed at improving air and water quality.",meta_title:"Dr. Fatima Qureshi - Environmental Chemist and Sustainability Advocate",meta_description:"Understand the impact of pollutants with Dr. Fatima Qureshi, an environmental chemist dedicated to sustainability. Explore her research at NeuraLooms."},{name:"Dr. Omar Al-Sayed",description:"Dr. Omar Al-Sayed is a prominent neuroscientist whose research revolves around neurodegenerative diseases and brain health. With years of clinical experience, he aims to bridge the gap between research and treatment.",meta_title:"Dr. Omar Al-Sayed - Neuroscientist Specializing in Neurodegenerative Diseases",meta_description:"Delve into neurodegenerative research with Dr. Omar Al-Sayed and learn how his findings are shaping the future of brain health on NeuraLooms."}],n=a.reduce(((e,i)=>Object.assign(Object.assign({},e),{[i.name]:{title:i.meta_title,description:i.meta_description}})),{});exports.AUTHORS_INFO=a,exports.AUTHORS_META=n,exports.PAGES_SEO=i;
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