tedo-publisher 1.3.310 β†’ 1.3.311

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@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ import { CommonDataStructure } from 'src/common/data';
+ export declare const dataStructure: CommonDataStructure;
+ export declare const authors: Record<string, string>;
+ export declare const authorsNames: string[];
+ export declare const DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION_EMOJIS = "\uD83D\uDCDA\uD83D\uDD2C\uD83D\uDCDD\uD83C\uDF10";
+ export declare const categories: (string | number)[];
+ export declare const subcategories: string[];
+ export declare const subsubcategories: string[];
+ export type Category = keyof typeof dataStructure;
+ export type CategoryNode = (typeof dataStructure)[Category];
+ export type SubcategoryKeyByCategory<T extends Category> = (typeof dataStructure)[T]['children'];
+ export declare const startDate = "2024-09-27T00:00:00Z";
+ export declare const devBucketName = "idn-mindovix-dev";
+ export declare const prodBucketName = "idn-mindovix";
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ "use strict";var e=require("./seo.js");const i={science:{title:"Explore the World of Science: Research, Discoveries, and Insights 🌐",description:"Dive into our extensive science section, featuring academic articles and research papers across disciplines like natural sciences, physical sciences, and more! πŸ”",slug:"explore-the-world-of-science",children:{naturalSciences:{title:"Natural Sciences: Discover the Secrets of the Natural World 🌱",description:"Uncover the wonders of natural sciences. Access research, articles, and materials that explore biology, chemistry, and physics. πŸ§¬πŸ”¬",slug:"natural-sciences",children:null},physicalSciences:{title:"Physical Sciences: Understanding the Laws of Nature πŸ”­",description:"Delve into physical sciences, including physics and astronomy. Discover research papers and articles that explain the universe's workings. 🌌",slug:"physical-sciences",children:null},lifeSciences:{title:"Life Sciences: Exploring the Biology of Living Organisms 🦠",description:"Explore life sciences, from biology to ecology. Access scholarly articles and research related to the complexities of life on Earth. 🌍",slug:"life-sciences",children:null},other:{title:"Other Science Disciplines: Diverse Academic Resources πŸ“–",description:"Access a range of scientific articles and resources that don't fit typical categories. Expand your knowledge in various interdisciplinary fields. πŸ“š",slug:"other-science-disciplines",children:null}}},technology:{title:"Exploring Technology: Innovative Insights & Research Articles 🌐",description:"Delve into cutting-edge technology articles and research papers that expand your understanding of information technology, engineering, and applied sciences. πŸ“š",slug:"exploring-technology-innovative-insights-research",children:{informationTechnology:{title:"Information Technology: Academic Research and Insights πŸ’»",description:"Discover academic articles and research papers in information technology, covering topics from software development to cybersecurity and beyond. πŸ–₯️",slug:"information-technology-academic-research-insights",children:null},engineering:{title:"Engineering: Scholarly Articles and Research Findings πŸ”§",description:"Explore scholarly articles and research findings in engineering disciplines, spanning from mechanical to civil engineering innovations. βš™οΈ",slug:"engineering-scholarly-articles-research-findings",children:null},appliedSciences:{title:"Applied Sciences: In-depth Research and Articles 🧬",description:"Uncover in-depth research and articles in applied sciences, providing insights into practical applications of scientific concepts. πŸ§ͺ",slug:"applied-sciences-depth-research-articles",children:null},other:{title:"Other Technology Topics: Diverse Research and Articles πŸ”",description:"Browse through a variety of technology topics beyond the mainstream, featuring unique research articles and papers across disciplines. 🌍",slug:"other-technology-topics-diverse-research-articles",children:null}}},medicine:{title:"Explore In-Depth Medicine Research & Clinical Insights πŸ“š",description:"Discover a vast collection of academic articles in medicine, clinical research, public health, and biomedical research. Expand your knowledge today! 🌍",slug:"medicine-research-articles",children:{clinicalResearch:{title:"Clinical Research: Groundbreaking Studies & Trials πŸ”¬",description:"Delve into the latest clinical research articles exploring innovative studies, trials, and findings that shape modern medicine. Join the inquiry! πŸ₯",slug:"clinical-research",children:null},publicHealth:{title:"Public Health: Insights & Innovations for Better Living πŸ₯",description:"Browse articles on public health strategies, policies, and innovations that contribute to healthier communities and improved well-being. 🌱",slug:"public-health",children:null},biomedicalResearch:{title:"Biomedical Research: Pioneering Health Science Discoveries 🧬",description:"Explore biomedical research articles that uncover scientific advancements and breakthroughs essential for future medical innovations. πŸ”",slug:"biomedical-research",children:null},other:{title:"Other Medicine Resources: Diverse Academic Insights πŸ“–",description:"Discover various resources in medicine covering interdisciplinary topics and unique insights that enhance understanding of health sciences. πŸ“š",slug:"other-medicine-resources",children:null}}},humanities:{title:"Explore the Depths of Humanities: Philosophy, Literature, and History",description:"Delve into the world of humanities through academic articles and research papers covering philosophy, literature, history, and more! πŸ“šβœ¨",slug:"humanities",children:{philosophy:{title:"Philosophy: The Cornerstone of Knowledge and Inquiry",description:"Uncover the profound philosophical ideas and theories that shape our understanding of existence, reality, and ethics. πŸ§ πŸ’‘",slug:"philosophy",children:null},literature:{title:"Literature: A Gateway to Imagination and Culture",description:"Explore diverse literary works, analyses, and insights that reflect human experiences and cultural narratives throughout history. πŸ“–πŸŒ",slug:"literature",children:null},history:{title:"History: Unveiling the Tapestry of Human Civilization",description:"Dive into historical explorations, scholarly articles, and research that illuminate the past and inform our present. ⏳🧩",slug:"history",children:null},other:{title:"Other Humanities Disciplines: Beyond Conventional Boundaries",description:"Discover interdisciplinary research and articles that bridge various humanities fields, fostering new knowledge and insights. πŸŒπŸ“š",slug:"other",children:null}}},socialSciences:{title:"Explore Rich Academic Insights in Social Sciences πŸ“š",description:"Delve into Mindovix's Social Sciences section, featuring scholarly articles, research papers, and books across sociology, psychology, political science, and more! 🌍",slug:"social-sciences",children:{sociology:{title:"Discover Key Social Dynamics in Sociology πŸ“Š",description:"Uncover in-depth research, articles, and scholarly resources that explore the complexities of human society and social behavior in our sociology section. πŸ”",slug:"sociology",children:null},psychology:{title:"Unlock the Mysteries of the Mind in Psychology 🧠",description:"Dive into essential articles, research papers, and books that analyze human behavior, cognition, and emotion in our psychology section. 🧩",slug:"psychology",children:null},politicalScience:{title:"Examine Global Governance in Political Science 🌐",description:"Access a wealth of academic articles and research studies focused on political systems, theories, and practices from around the world in our political science section. πŸ—³οΈ",slug:"political-science",children:null},other:{title:"Explore Diverse Topics in Other Social Sciences 🌈",description:"Discover unique articles and research across various social science disciplines that don't fit traditional categories in our 'Other' section. πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™‚οΈ",slug:"other-social-sciences",children:null}}}},s=e.AUTHORS_INFO.reduce(((e,i)=>Object.assign(Object.assign({},e),{[i.name]:[i.description]})),{}),n=e.AUTHORS_INFO.map((e=>e.name)),c="πŸ“šπŸ”¬πŸ“πŸŒ",r=Object.keys(i),t=[],o=[];for(const e of r){const s=i[e];if(null==s?void 0:s.children){t.push(...Object.keys(s.children));for(const e of t){const i=s.children[e];(null==i?void 0:i.children)&&o.push(...Object.keys(i.children))}}}const l="2024-09-27T00:00:00Z",a="mindovix",h=`idn-${a}-dev`,d=`idn-${a}`;exports.DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION_EMOJIS=c,exports.authors=s,exports.authorsNames=n,exports.categories=r,exports.dataStructure=i,exports.devBucketName=h,exports.prodBucketName=d,exports.startDate=l,exports.subcategories=t,exports.subsubcategories=o;
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ export declare enum FiltersNames {
+ KnowledgeDimensions = "KnowledgeDimensions",
+ ResearchType = "ResearchType",
+ AcademicLevel = "AcademicLevel",
+ ThemeInsights = "ThemeInsights"
+ }
+ type KnowledgeDimensionsValues = 'Natural Sciences' | 'Engineering & Technology' | 'Health Sciences' | 'Humanities' | 'Social Sciences';
+ type ResearchTypeValues = 'Peer-Reviewed Articles' | 'Theses & Dissertations' | 'Conference Papers' | 'Scholarly Books';
+ type AcademicLevelValues = 'Undergraduate' | 'Graduate' | 'Postdoctoral' | 'Professional';
+ type ThemeInsightsValues = 'Cutting-edge Research' | 'Interdisciplinary Studies' | 'Applied Sciences' | 'Ethical Perspectives';
+ export type ArticleFilters = {
+ [FiltersNames.KnowledgeDimensions]: KnowledgeDimensionsValues[];
+ [FiltersNames.ResearchType]: ResearchTypeValues[];
+ [FiltersNames.AcademicLevel]: AcademicLevelValues[];
+ [FiltersNames.ThemeInsights]: ThemeInsightsValues[];
+ };
+ export declare const knowledgeDimensionsValues: KnowledgeDimensionsValues[];
+ export declare const researchTypeValues: ResearchTypeValues[];
+ export declare const academicLevelValues: AcademicLevelValues[];
+ export declare const themeInsightsValues: ThemeInsightsValues[];
+ export declare const initialFilters: ArticleFilters;
+ export declare const fullFilters: ArticleFilters;
+ export declare const getFiltersTypesJSON: () => string;
+ export {};
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ "use strict";var e;exports.FiltersNames=void 0,(e=exports.FiltersNames||(exports.FiltersNames={})).KnowledgeDimensions="KnowledgeDimensions",e.ResearchType="ResearchType",e.AcademicLevel="AcademicLevel",e.ThemeInsights="ThemeInsights";const s=["Natural Sciences","Engineering & Technology","Health Sciences","Humanities","Social Sciences"],i=["Peer-Reviewed Articles","Theses & Dissertations","Conference Papers","Scholarly Books"],t=["Undergraduate","Graduate","Postdoctoral","Professional"],r=["Cutting-edge Research","Interdisciplinary Studies","Applied Sciences","Ethical Perspectives"],a={[exports.FiltersNames.KnowledgeDimensions]:[],[exports.FiltersNames.ResearchType]:[],[exports.FiltersNames.AcademicLevel]:[],[exports.FiltersNames.ThemeInsights]:[]},l={[exports.FiltersNames.KnowledgeDimensions]:s,[exports.FiltersNames.ResearchType]:i,[exports.FiltersNames.AcademicLevel]:t,[exports.FiltersNames.ThemeInsights]:r},o=()=>JSON.stringify(l,null,2);exports.academicLevelValues=t,exports.fullFilters=l,exports.getFiltersTypesJSON=o,exports.initialFilters=a,exports.knowledgeDimensionsValues=s,exports.researchTypeValues=i,exports.themeInsightsValues=r;
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ import { GetDefaultImagesFrontmatter } from 'src/common/types';
+ export declare const getDefaultImagesFrontmatter: GetDefaultImagesFrontmatter;
+ export declare const prohibitedWordsInAltTitle: RegExp;
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ "use strict";const e=(e,n)=>{const t=n(e),i=undefined,a=undefined,l=undefined,o=undefined;return[{alt:`${e} Introduction`,filename:`${t}-introduction.png`,title:`${e} Introduction`},{alt:`Magnificent ${e}`,filename:`Magnificent-${t}.png`,title:`Magnificent ${e}`},{alt:`Notable ${e}`,filename:`${t}-notable.png`,title:`Notable ${e}`},{alt:`${e} Summary`,filename:`${t}-summary.png`,title:`${e} Summary`}]},n=/\b(?:hands|men|women|human|people|chief|family|mixing|serving|tasting|rolling)\b/i;exports.getDefaultImagesFrontmatter=e,exports.prohibitedWordsInAltTitle=n;
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ export * from './data';
+ export * from './filters';
+ export * from './helpers';
+ export * from './prompts/images';
+ export * from './seo';
+ import './styles/colors.css';
+ import './styles/fonts.css';
+ import './styles/global.css';
+ import './styles/sizing.css';
+ import './styles/vars.css';
+ import './styles/theme.css';
+ import * as gpt35Articles from './prompts/gpt35turbo/articles';
+ import * as gpt4oMiniArticles from './prompts/gpt4oMini/articles';
+ export { gpt35Articles, gpt4oMiniArticles };
+ export * from './prompts/data';
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ "use strict";var e=require("./data.js"),t=require("./filters.js"),r=require("./helpers.js"),s=require("./prompts/images.js"),o=require("./seo.js"),a=require("./prompts/gpt35turbo/articles.js"),p=require("./prompts/gpt4oMini/articles.js"),i=require("./prompts/data.js");exports.DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION_EMOJIS=e.DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION_EMOJIS,exports.authors=e.authors,exports.authorsNames=e.authorsNames,exports.categories=e.categories,exports.dataStructure=e.dataStructure,exports.devBucketName=e.devBucketName,exports.prodBucketName=e.prodBucketName,exports.startDate=e.startDate,exports.subcategories=e.subcategories,exports.subsubcategories=e.subsubcategories,Object.defineProperty(exports,"FiltersNames",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return t.FiltersNames}}),exports.academicLevelValues=t.academicLevelValues,exports.fullFilters=t.fullFilters,exports.getFiltersTypesJSON=t.getFiltersTypesJSON,exports.initialFilters=t.initialFilters,exports.knowledgeDimensionsValues=t.knowledgeDimensionsValues,exports.researchTypeValues=t.researchTypeValues,exports.themeInsightsValues=t.themeInsightsValues,exports.getDefaultImagesFrontmatter=r.getDefaultImagesFrontmatter,exports.prohibitedWordsInAltTitle=r.prohibitedWordsInAltTitle,exports.getOpenAiBasedImagePrompt=s.getOpenAiBasedImagePrompt,exports.getOpenAiBasedImagePromptDalle2=s.getOpenAiBasedImagePromptDalle2,exports.getStableDiffusionImagePrompt=s.getStableDiffusionImagePrompt,exports.AUTHORS_INFO=o.AUTHORS_INFO,exports.AUTHORS_META=o.AUTHORS_META,exports.PAGES_SEO=o.PAGES_SEO,Object.defineProperty(exports,"PageNames",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return o.PageNames}}),exports.gpt35Articles=a,exports.gpt4oMiniArticles=p,exports.END_STEP=i.END_STEP,exports.FILTERS_INFO=i.FILTERS_INFO,exports.IMAGES_PROHIBITED_WORDS=i.IMAGES_PROHIBITED_WORDS,exports.START_STEP=i.START_STEP,exports.TARGET_AUDIENCE=i.TARGET_AUDIENCE,exports.ZERO_SECTION=i.ZERO_SECTION,exports.portalInfo=i.portalInfo;
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ export declare const portalInfo = "The article is written for the web portal.I will give you important information regarding the web portal:\n - Brief description: Mindovix is an innovative infotainment portal dedicated to providing a wealth of academic articles, research papers, and scholarly resources across diverse fields such as science, technology, medicine, humanities, and social sciences. It serves as a hub for knowledge seekers and research enthusiasts to explore in-depth content.\n - Detailed description: Mindovix is an expansive online portal designed to cater to the intellectual needs of students, researchers, academics, and professionals across various disciplines. Its collection encompasses a wide array of academic articles, comprehensive research papers, and critical writings from leading scholars and institutions. Users can easily navigate through a categorized repository that includes insightful contributions in areas such as natural sciences, engineering, health sciences, social sciences, and the humanities, among others. Mindovix not only serves as a valuable resource for scholarly information but also provides analytical content that interprets and contextualizes complex academic concepts, making it accessible to a broader audience. The platform is regularly updated with the latest publications and findings to ensure users have access to current knowledge and developments in various fields of study. Mindovix aims to foster a culture of research and learning, propelling users towards academic excellence and informed decision-making.\n - Target audience: The target audience for Mindovix includes undergraduate and graduate students seeking research materials, educators and professors looking for scholarly articles for their curricula, professionals in various industries in need of up-to-date research, and lifelong learners who are passionate about exploring new knowledge across disciplines. Additionally, the portal caters to researchers from universities and institutions seeking a platform to disseminate their findings and engage with the academic community.\n\n";
+ export declare const ZERO_SECTION = "This is important to include the following headers to the section, ONLY if they are applicable to the title, abstract and description of the article:\n## Article Overview\n - Summary of Key Findings\n - Research Objectives\n\n## Key Results and Discussions\n - Main Findings\n - Implications of Findings\n\nYou can change the headers and topics to make a them more coherent with the description of the article.\nStart text with first Heading H2 - Article Overview, IF it's applicable to the theme of the article.\n";
+ export declare const START_STEP = "highlighting the key points that will be discussed and the relevance of the topic";
+ export declare const END_STEP = "synthesizing the information presented throughout";
+ export declare const TARGET_AUDIENCE = "students, researchers, educators, and professionals";
+ export declare const IMAGES_PROHIBITED_WORDS = "any numbers, image, slug, step, seo, hand / hands, men, women, human, people, chief, preparing, process, cooking, mixing, serving, tasting, rolling";
+ export declare const FILTERS_INFO: string;
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ "use strict";var e;const i="The article is written for the web portal.I will give you important information regarding the web portal:\n - Brief description: Mindovix is an innovative infotainment portal dedicated to providing a wealth of academic articles, research papers, and scholarly resources across diverse fields such as science, technology, medicine, humanities, and social sciences. It serves as a hub for knowledge seekers and research enthusiasts to explore in-depth content.\n - Detailed description: Mindovix is an expansive online portal designed to cater to the intellectual needs of students, researchers, academics, and professionals across various disciplines. Its collection encompasses a wide array of academic articles, comprehensive research papers, and critical writings from leading scholars and institutions. Users can easily navigate through a categorized repository that includes insightful contributions in areas such as natural sciences, engineering, health sciences, social sciences, and the humanities, among others. Mindovix not only serves as a valuable resource for scholarly information but also provides analytical content that interprets and contextualizes complex academic concepts, making it accessible to a broader audience. The platform is regularly updated with the latest publications and findings to ensure users have access to current knowledge and developments in various fields of study. Mindovix aims to foster a culture of research and learning, propelling users towards academic excellence and informed decision-making.\n - Target audience: The target audience for Mindovix includes undergraduate and graduate students seeking research materials, educators and professors looking for scholarly articles for their curricula, professionals in various industries in need of up-to-date research, and lifelong learners who are passionate about exploring new knowledge across disciplines. Additionally, the portal caters to researchers from universities and institutions seeking a platform to disseminate their findings and engage with the academic community.\n\n",t="This is important to include the following headers to the section, ONLY if they are applicable to the title, abstract and description of the article:\n## Article Overview\n - Summary of Key Findings\n - Research Objectives\n\n## Key Results and Discussions\n - Main Findings\n - Implications of Findings\n\nYou can change the headers and topics to make a them more coherent with the description of the article.\nStart text with first Heading H2 - Article Overview, IF it's applicable to the theme of the article.\n",a="highlighting the key points that will be discussed and the relevance of the topic",n="synthesizing the information presented throughout",s="students, researchers, educators, and professionals",r="any numbers, image, slug, step, seo, hand / hands, men, women, human, people, chief, preparing, process, cooking, mixing, serving, tasting, rolling",o=`That is TREMENDOUS important - if category doesn't match - return empty array for that category - []. For example if you don't find any match for $FILTERNAME, return for that category\n$FILTERNAME: []\nResponse in valid json, adhering strictly to json interface below, include every field present in it, but include values in array only suitable for article, all array values are optional!\n${require("../filters.js").getFiltersTypesJSON()}`;exports.END_STEP=n,exports.FILTERS_INFO=o,exports.IMAGES_PROHIBITED_WORDS=r,exports.START_STEP=a,exports.TARGET_AUDIENCE=s,exports.ZERO_SECTION=t,exports.portalInfo=i;
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ import { GetOutlinePrompt, GetEntitiesPrompt, GetFiltersPrompt, GetImagesMetaPrompt, GetSectionPrompt } from 'src/common/types';
+ export declare const getBasePrompt: GetOutlinePrompt;
+ export declare const getSectionPrompt: GetSectionPrompt;
+ export declare const getImagesMetaPrompt: GetImagesMetaPrompt;
+ export declare const getFiltersPrompt: GetFiltersPrompt;
+ export declare const getEntitiesPrompt: GetEntitiesPrompt;
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ "use strict";var t=require("../data.js"),e=require("../../../common/prompts/gpt35turbo/articles.js"),o=require("../../../common/data.js"),r=require("../../data.js");const m=(o,r=e.DEFAULT_HEADINGS_NUM,m)=>e.getOutlineCommonPrompt({keyword:o,headingsNum:r,additionalInfo:t.portalInfo,locale:m}),s=o=>e.getSectionCommonPrompt(o,{zeroSectionPrompt:t.ZERO_SECTION,startStep:t.START_STEP,endStep:t.END_STEP,targetAudience:t.TARGET_AUDIENCE}),a=o=>e.getImagesMetaCommonPrompt(o,t.IMAGES_PROHIBITED_WORDS),p=o=>e.getFiltersCommonPrompt(o,t.FILTERS_INFO),i=t=>e.getEntitiesCommonPrompt(t,o.getCategoriesTypesJSON(r.dataStructure));exports.getBasePrompt=m,exports.getEntitiesPrompt=i,exports.getFiltersPrompt=p,exports.getImagesMetaPrompt=a,exports.getSectionPrompt=s;
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ import { GetOutlinePrompt, GetEntitiesPrompt, GetFiltersPrompt, GetImagesMetaPrompt, GetSectionPrompt } from 'src/common/types';
+ export declare const getBasePrompt: GetOutlinePrompt;
+ export declare const getSectionPrompt: GetSectionPrompt;
+ export declare const getImagesMetaPrompt: GetImagesMetaPrompt;
+ export declare const getFiltersPrompt: GetFiltersPrompt;
+ export declare const getEntitiesPrompt: GetEntitiesPrompt;
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ "use strict";var t=require("../data.js"),e=require("../../../common/prompts/gpt4oMini/articles.js"),o=require("../../../common/data.js"),r=require("../../data.js");const m=(o,r=e.DEFAULT_HEADINGS_NUM,m)=>e.getOutlineCommonPrompt({keyword:o,headingsNum:r,additionalInfo:t.portalInfo,locale:m}),s=o=>e.getSectionCommonPrompt(o,{zeroSectionPrompt:t.ZERO_SECTION,startStep:t.START_STEP,endStep:t.END_STEP,targetAudience:t.TARGET_AUDIENCE}),a=o=>e.getImagesMetaCommonPrompt(o,t.IMAGES_PROHIBITED_WORDS),i=o=>e.getFiltersCommonPrompt(o,t.FILTERS_INFO),p=t=>e.getEntitiesCommonPrompt(t,o.getCategoriesTypesJSON(r.dataStructure));exports.getBasePrompt=m,exports.getEntitiesPrompt=p,exports.getFiltersPrompt=i,exports.getImagesMetaPrompt=a,exports.getSectionPrompt=s;
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ import { GetOpenAiBasedImagePrompt, GetStableDiffusionImagePrompt } from 'src/common/types';
+ export declare const getStableDiffusionImagePrompt: GetStableDiffusionImagePrompt;
+ export declare const getOpenAiBasedImagePrompt: GetOpenAiBasedImagePrompt;
+ export declare const getOpenAiBasedImagePromptDalle2: GetOpenAiBasedImagePrompt;
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ "use strict";var e=require("../../common/prompts/images.js");const a=({title:a,alt:o,articleTitle:t})=>({prompt:`Award-winning hyper-real cinematic photo of a ${a}, ${o}, for an article ${t} from professional scientific photograph for a glossy scientific magazine, scientific style photography, glossy scientific magazine, photorealistic, ultra realistic, maximum detail, highly detailed, commercial photography, foreground focus, instagram, 4K, 8K, volumetric light, cinematic, octane render, uplight, no blur, depth of field, dof, film, bokeh, foreground focus, 35mm photograph`,negativePrompt:e.SD_NEGATIVE_PROMPT}),o=({title:e,alt:a,articleTitle:o})=>`I NEED a hyper-real illustration of a ${e} at food style photography, ${a}, for an article ${o} for a glossy recipe magazine, photorealistic, ultra realistic, maximum detail, highly detailed, food style, food style photography, professional food photography, commercial photography, foreground focus, recipes.com, delish.com, epicurious, instagram, 4K, 8K, volumetric light, octane render, uplight, no blur, depth of field, dof, bokeh, foreground focus. Please exclude any: Photocamera, videocamera, Spotlight, soffit, ramp, scanners, strobe, soffit truss, film props, radio, cooking timer, watches, clocks, men, woman, people, hand, nands, leg, legs, font, username, error, words, letters, digits, autograph, trademark, name, easy-negative, cartoon, worst quality, low quality, blind, bad eyes, ugly eyes, dead eyes, greyscale, monochrome, vignette, text, title, logo, signature ,watermark, extra limbs, extra fingers, mutated hands, bad anatomy, censored, rabs, muscular, rib, blurry, blur, grainy, teeth, low resolution, lowres, low details, oversaturated, undersaturated, overexposed, underexposed, grayscale, bw, bad photo, bad photography, bad art, morbid, ugly, asymmetrical, mutated malformed, mutilated, poorly lit, bad shadow, draft, cropped, out of frame, cut off, jpeg artefacts, out of focus, glitch, duplicate, airbrushed,, anime, semi-realistic, cgi, render, 3D, blender, digital art, manga, amateur, 3D, 3D Game, 3D Game Scene, 3D Character, bad hands, , bad body, bad face, bad teeth, bad arms, bad legs, deformities, drawing, deformed iris, deformed pupils, deformed, painting, crayon, sketch, graphite, impressionist, noisy, poorly drawn hands, poorly drawn face, poorly drawn eyes, mutation, bad proportions, cloned face, disfigured, gross proportions, malformed limbs, malformed limbs, missing arms, missing legs, extra arms, extra legs, fused fingers, too many fingers, long neck, incoherent from this hyper-real illustration of a ${e}`,t=({title:e})=>`\n\tPhotorealistic highly detailed image of ingredients for ${e}, arranged professionally as if for a food photography shoot. image should showcase maximum detail realism, with a focus on foreground, emulating the style of a high-definition, 8k resolution professional food photograph. lighting should be volumetric and uplit, with a depth of field and bokeh effect, avoiding any blur for clarity. overall aesthetic should be reminiscent of the Kodak Portrait 800 style.\n\tNegative Prompt:\n\teasy-negative, cartoon, worst quality, low quality, text, title, logo, signature ,watermark, extra limbs, extra fingers, mutated hands, bad anatomy, blurry, blur, grainy, teeth, low resolution, low details, oversaturated, undersaturated, overexposed, underexposed, grayscale, bad shadow, draft, cropped, out of frame, cut off, jpeg artefacts, out of focus, glitch, airbrushed, anime, semi-realistic, cgi, render, 3D, blender, manga, amateur, 3D, 3D Game, drawing, sketch\n`;exports.getOpenAiBasedImagePrompt=o,exports.getOpenAiBasedImagePromptDalle2=t,exports.getStableDiffusionImagePrompt=a;
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ export interface PageSeoData {
+ title: string;
+ description: string;
+ }
+ export declare enum PageNames {
+ Authors = "authors",
+ Home = "home",
+ NotFound = "not-found",
+ AboutUs = "about-us",
+ PrivacyPolicy = "privacy-policy",
+ Terms = "terms",
+ Sitemap = "sitemap"
+ }
+ export type PagesSeo = Record<PageNames, PageSeoData>;
+ export interface AuthorInfo {
+ name: string;
+ description: string;
+ meta_title: string;
+ meta_description: string;
+ }
+ export declare const PAGES_SEO: PagesSeo;
+ export declare const AUTHORS_INFO: AuthorInfo[];
+ export declare const AUTHORS_META: Record<string, PageSeoData>;
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ "use strict";var e;exports.PageNames=void 0,(e=exports.PageNames||(exports.PageNames={})).Authors="authors",e.Home="home",e.NotFound="not-found",e.AboutUs="about-us",e.PrivacyPolicy="privacy-policy",e.Terms="terms",e.Sitemap="sitemap";const i={[exports.PageNames.Authors]:{title:"Explore Distinguished Authors - Mindovix",description:"Dive into the minds of influential authors in academia πŸ§ πŸ”. Discover their groundbreaking research and contributions across diverse fields at Mindovix!"},[exports.PageNames.Home]:{title:"Welcome to Mindovix - Your Academic Hub",description:"Uncover a wealth of academic articles, research papers, and scholarly books πŸ“šβœ¨. Explore various disciplines from science to humanities with Mindovix!"},[exports.PageNames.NotFound]:{title:"Page Not Found - Mindovix",description:"Oops! The page you’re looking for doesn’t exist πŸš«πŸ”Ž. Explore our vast collection of academic content here at Mindovix instead!"},[exports.PageNames.AboutUs]:{title:"About Mindovix - Your Academic Companion",description:"Learn about Mindovix, your go-to platform for academic articles and research papers πŸŒŸπŸ“–. Join us in exploring the world of knowledge!"},[exports.PageNames.PrivacyPolicy]:{title:"Privacy Policy - Mindovix",description:"Your privacy matters to us! Read our Privacy Policy πŸ”’πŸ“œ to understand how we safeguard your information at Mindovix."},[exports.PageNames.Terms]:{title:"Terms of Service - Mindovix",description:"Understand our terms for using Mindovix πŸ“œβš–οΈ. Explore how we aim to provide you with valuable academic resources."},[exports.PageNames.Sitemap]:{title:"Sitemap - Navigate Mindovix",description:"Find your way around Mindovix πŸŒπŸ—ΊοΈ! Our sitemap guides you through our extensive collection of academic articles and resources."}},a=[{name:"Dr. Anjali Sharma",description:"Dr. Anjali Sharma is a distinguished researcher and scholar in the field of Molecular Biology with a Ph.D. from the Indian Institute of Science. With over a decade of experience in various prestigious research institutions, she has published numerous peer-reviewed articles in high-impact journals. Dr. Sharma is particularly focused on genetic disorders and has received several awards for her contributions to science and research.",meta_title:"Dr. Anjali Sharma – Molecular Biology Researcher | Mindovix",meta_description:"Explore the academic contributions of Dr. Anjali Sharma, a leading researcher in Molecular Biology. Read her articles on genetic disorders and cutting-edge research."},{name:"Prof. Rajesh Kumar",description:"Professor Rajesh Kumar is an eminent figure in the field of Education Technology, serving as a professor at the University of Delhi. With a wealth of experience in integrating technology with teaching methods, he has authored several scholarly books and papers. Prof. Kumar is dedicated to improving learning outcomes through innovative practices in education.",meta_title:"Prof. Rajesh Kumar – Education Technology Expert | Mindovix",meta_description:"Discover the insights of Prof. Rajesh Kumar, an expert in Education Technology. Read his scholarly articles and research on innovative teaching methods."},{name:"Dr. Neelam Gupta",description:"Dr. Neelam Gupta is a prominent researcher in the field of Public Health with a focus on diseases prevalent in developing countries. She holds a Ph.D. from the All India Institute of Medical Sciences and has authored multiple influential research papers. Dr. Gupta is committed to public health policies that improve community health and healthcare accessibility.",meta_title:"Dr. Neelam Gupta – Public Health Researcher | Mindovix",meta_description:"Learn from Dr. Neelam Gupta, a leading Public Health researcher. Explore her articles and research on health issues in developing countries."},{name:"Dr. Arvind Nair",description:"Dr. Arvind Nair, an expert in Artificial Intelligence, has contributed significantly to the field through his research at the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. With over 15 years of experience, he has published impactful papers on machine learning and its applications in various industries. Dr. Nair is a sought-after speaker at international conferences.",meta_title:"Dr. Arvind Nair – AI Researcher | Mindovix",meta_description:"Dive into the world of Artificial Intelligence with Dr. Arvind Nair. Read his research articles focusing on machine learning and its industrial applications."},{name:"Dr. Pooja Sethi",description:"Dr. Pooja Sethi specializes in Environmental Science and has a Ph.D. from Jamia Millia Islamia. With extensive research on climate change and sustainability, she has published a range of articles in prominent journals. Dr. Sethi is passionate about promoting awareness of environmental issues and advocating for sustainable practices.",meta_title:"Dr. Pooja Sethi – Environmental Science Scholar | Mindovix",meta_description:"Explore the valuable work of Dr. Pooja Sethi in Environmental Science. Read her articles on climate change and sustainability."},{name:"Prof. Vikram Mehta",description:"Prof. Vikram Mehta is a leading voice in Sociocultural Anthropology with over 20 years of teaching and research experience. He has served as a professor at Banaras Hindu University and authored several books on cultural studies and social dynamics in India. Prof. Mehta focuses on the interplay between culture and society.",meta_title:"Prof. Vikram Mehta – Sociocultural Anthropology Expert | Mindovix",meta_description:"Understand cultural dynamics through the research of Prof. Vikram Mehta, a leading Anthropologist. Discover his scholarly articles and studies."},{name:"Dr. Kavita Joshi",description:"Dr. Kavita Joshi is an acclaimed expert in Biomedical Engineering with a strong focus on prosthetics and artificial organs. With a Ph.D. from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, her research has transformed medical technology. Dr. Joshi's innovative work has earned her recognition in multiple engineering journals.",meta_title:"Dr. Kavita Joshi – Biomedical Engineering Expert | Mindovix",meta_description:"Learn about the groundbreaking work of Dr. Kavita Joshi in Biomedical Engineering. Read her articles on prosthetics and medical technologies."},{name:"Dr. Ravi Desai",description:"Dr. Ravi Desai is a noted researcher in Behavioral Psychology, with a specialization in cognitive behavior therapy. He is affiliated with the University of Mumbai and is known for his impactful clinically oriented research. Dr. Desai has authored extensive literature on mental health and therapy practices.",meta_title:"Dr. Ravi Desai – Behavioral Psychology Researcher | Mindovix",meta_description:"Discover the research of Dr. Ravi Desai in Behavioral Psychology. Read his insightful articles on cognitive behavior therapy and mental health."},{name:"Dr. Simran Lal",description:"Dr. Simran Lal is a pioneering researcher in Renewable Energy Technologies, holding a Ph.D. from the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. She has made significant contributions to solar energy and sustainable practices. Dr. Lal is also an advocate for green technology policies and sustainability.",meta_title:"Dr. Simran Lal – Renewable Energy Expert | Mindovix",meta_description:"Explore the research of Dr. Simran Lal, a leader in Renewable Energy Technologies. Read her articles focusing on solar energy and sustainability."},{name:"Prof. Sanjay Varma",description:"Prof. Sanjay Varma is an esteemed scholar in Economics with a focus on development policies and international trade. With over 25 years of academic experience at the University of Kolkata, he has published extensively in economic journals and is involved in advisory roles for development projects.",meta_title:"Prof. Sanjay Varma – Economics Expert | Mindovix",meta_description:"Learn from Prof. Sanjay Varma, a distinguished Economics scholar. Explore his research on development policies and international trade."},{name:"Dr. Neha Gupta",description:"Dr. Neha Gupta is a medical researcher specializing in public health issues. With a strong background in epidemiology, she has contributed to numerous research papers aimed at improving health policies and practices.",meta_title:"Dr. Neha Gupta | Public Health Researcher | Mindovix",meta_description:"Learn from Dr. Neha Gupta, a public health researcher with a focus on epidemiology. Her insightful articles are available on Mindovix."},{name:"Dr. Amit Singh",description:"Dr. Amit Singh is an expert in the field of Environmental Science with over a decade of research experience. His studies emphasize sustainable practices and climate change mitigation, greatly contributing to academic literature in this area.",meta_title:"Dr. Amit Singh | Environmental Science Specialist | Mindovix",meta_description:"Discover Dr. Amit Singh's research on environmental science and sustainability. His articles on Mindovix provide a deep dive into climate change solutions."},{name:"Prof. Priya Desai",description:"Prof. Priya Desai is a prominent figure in the field of Humanities, particularly in Comparative Literature. With an extensive publication record, she focuses on cultural studies and the impact of literature on society.",meta_title:"Prof. Priya Desai | Humanities and Literature Scholar | Mindovix",meta_description:"Engage with the works of Prof. Priya Desai, a scholar of Comparative Literature. Her thought-provoking articles are showcased on Mindovix."},{name:"Dr. Vikram Rao",description:"Dr. Vikram Rao is a leading researcher in Social Sciences, specializing in socio-economic development. His qualitative and quantitative studies have provided valuable insights into policy-making and community development.",meta_title:"Dr. Vikram Rao | Social Sciences Researcher | Mindovix",meta_description:"Explore articles by Dr. Vikram Rao, a prominent social sciences researcher focusing on socio-economic development, featured on Mindovix."},{name:"Prof. Rani Malhotra",description:"Prof. Rani Malhotra is a distinguished educator in the field of Physics. She has over 18 years of teaching experience and is known for her innovative research in quantum mechanics and its applications in technology.",meta_title:"Prof. Rani Malhotra | Physics Educator & Researcher | Mindovix",meta_description:"Learn from the insights of Prof. Rani Malhotra, a physics expert. Her research articles provide a unique perspective on quantum mechanics, available on Mindovix."},{name:"Dr. Pooja Menon",description:"Dr. Pooja Menon is a leading voice in Psychological Sciences, with her research focusing on mental health and well-being. She has published widely and is involved in multiple interdisciplinary programs.",meta_title:"Dr. Pooja Menon | Psychological Sciences Expert | Mindovix",meta_description:"Discover the work of Dr. Pooja Menon, an expert in Psychological Sciences focused on mental health. Read her enlightening articles on Mindovix."},{name:"Prof. Karan Bhatia",description:"Prof. Karan Bhatia is a senior academic in the field of Economics with over two decades of teaching and research experience. His research areas include macroeconomic policy and developmental economics.",meta_title:"Prof. Karan Bhatia | Economics Expert | Mindovix",meta_description:"Delve into the economic theories with Prof. Karan Bhatia, an esteemed economist. His articles provide insights into macroeconomic policy on Mindovix."},{name:"Dr. Meera Patel",description:"Dr. Meera Patel is an accomplished researcher in the field of Information Technology and data analytics. With a strong emphasis on big data applications, her research has influenced technological advancements.",meta_title:"Dr. Meera Patel | IT and Data Analytics Specialist | Mindovix",meta_description:"Engage with Dr. Meera Patel's contributions in IT and data analytics. Her groundbreaking research articles are featured on Mindovix."},{name:"Dr. Aditi Sharma",description:"Dr. Aditi Sharma is a leading researcher in the field of Human-Computer Interaction. With over 15 years of experience in academic writing, she has authored multiple papers and books, contributing significantly to the understanding of usability design. Dr. Sharma is currently a faculty member at a prestigious university where she also mentors aspiring researchers.",meta_title:"Dr. Aditi Sharma - Expert in Human-Computer Interaction",meta_description:"Explore the works of Dr. Aditi Sharma, a seasoned researcher in Human-Computer Interaction with 15 years of academic experience and numerous publications."},{name:"Prof. Vikram Patel",description:"Prof. Vikram Patel is a prominent figure in psychiatric research and mental health policy. He holds the position of Professor at a leading institution in India and has published extensively on global mental health issues. His work bridges the gap between research and practice, influencing policy and education.",meta_title:"Prof. Vikram Patel - Mental Health Advocate and Researcher",meta_description:"Delve into the research of Prof. Vikram Patel, a mental health expert focusing on global policy and practice, with numerous influential publications."},{name:"Dr. Neha Desai",description:"Dr. Neha Desai specializes in Environmental Science, with a focus on climate change and sustainable development. With her academic credentials and 10 years in research, she has published various papers that contribute to understanding ecological impacts and sustainability strategies.",meta_title:"Dr. Neha Desai - Environmental Science Researcher",meta_description:"Read the impactful research of Dr. Neha Desai, specializing in Environmental Science and sustainability, with a decade of significant contributions."},{name:"Dr. Arjun Iyer",description:"Dr. Arjun Iyer is a noted scholar in Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering. He has worked on innovative research projects and has several patents to his name. Dr. Iyer is also involved in academic collaborations that bridge industry and academia, enhancing research impact.",meta_title:"Dr. Arjun Iyer - Biotechnology Specialist",meta_description:"Discover the groundbreaking research of Dr. Arjun Iyer in Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering, with a rich history of patents and collaborations."},{name:"Dr. Priya Rao",description:"Dr. Priya Rao is an accomplished author in the field of Social Sciences, focusing on gender studies and societal dynamics. Her research has garnered international attention, making her a respected voice in academic circles and contributing to various scholarly discussions.",meta_title:"Dr. Priya Rao - Social Sciences Expert",meta_description:"Explore Dr. Priya Rao's influential research in Social Sciences, particularly in gender studies, and her contributions to academic discussions worldwide."},{name:"Prof. Ramesh Gupta",description:"Prof. Ramesh Gupta is a renowned figure in Engineering and Technology. With decades of teaching and research experience, he has published extensively in leading journals and is known for his innovative approach to applying engineering principles to solve real-world problems.",meta_title:"Prof. Ramesh Gupta - Engineering and Technology Leader",meta_description:"Learn from Prof. Ramesh Gupta's extensive experience in Engineering and Technology, with numerous influential publications in leading academic journals."},{name:"Dr. Simran Kaur",description:"Dr. Simran Kaur is an expert in Medicine, specializing in Public Health. Her work has been pivotal in understanding disease prevention and health policies in underserved populations. She has authored several critically acclaimed research papers and articles.",meta_title:"Dr. Simran Kaur - Public Health Expert",meta_description:"Read about Dr. Simran Kaur's impactful work in Public Health, focusing on disease prevention and health policies with critical acclaim in research."},{name:"Dr. Ravi Kumar",description:"Dr. Ravi Kumar is a distinguished scholar in Physics, particularly in the area of Quantum Mechanics. He has received numerous awards for his contributions to research and education and serves on editorial boards for several scientific journals.",meta_title:"Dr. Ravi Kumar - Quantum Mechanics Specialist",meta_description:"Explore the research contributions of Dr. Ravi Kumar, an expert in Quantum Mechanics with several awards and editorial roles in scientific journals."},{name:"Prof. Sneha Mehta",description:"Prof. Sneha Mehta is a leading researcher in the Humanities, with a focus on Literary Theory and Cultural Studies. She has published widely and is known for her analytical insights into contemporary literature and society.",meta_title:"Prof. Sneha Mehta - Humanities Scholar",meta_description:"Discover Prof. Sneha Mehta's contributions to the Humanities, with a focus on Literary Theory and Cultural Studies through her extensive publications."},{name:"Dr. Anil Bhatia",description:"Dr. Anil Bhatia is a health economist, specializing in health policy and economic evaluation. With years of experience in research and collaboration with various governmental and non-governmental organizations, his work has greatly influenced health policy in India.",meta_title:"Dr. Anil Bhatia - Health Economics Expert",meta_description:"Learn more about Dr. Anil Bhatia's work in health economics, influencing policy and evaluation in India with extensive research publications."},{name:"Dr. Anjali Kumar",description:"Dr. Anjali Kumar is an esteemed researcher in the fields of biotechnology and molecular biology. With over 15 years of experience in academia, she has published numerous articles and research papers in reputed journals. Anjali is also a reviewer for several international scientific publications and serves as a key speaker at various conferences.",meta_title:"Dr. Anjali Kumar | Biotechnology and Molecular Biology Expert",meta_description:"Explore the insights of Dr. Anjali Kumar, a seasoned researcher and expert in biotechnology and molecular biology with years of academic experience."},{name:"Professor Ravi Sharma",description:"Professor Ravi Sharma is a leading figure in the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning. He has over 20 years of teaching experience and has authored multiple scholarly books. Ravi is known for his innovative research that bridges the gap between technology and real-world applications.",meta_title:"Professor Ravi Sharma | AI and Machine Learning Specialist",meta_description:"Discover the work of Professor Ravi Sharma, a pioneer in AI and machine learning with over 20 years of academic experience and published works."},{name:"Dr. Aditi Verma",description:"Dr. Aditi Verma is a clinical psychologist and expert in mental health research. With a focus on the impact of cultural factors on mental health, she has contributed significantly to various scholarly articles and journals. Aditi is passionate about promoting mental wellness through education and research.",meta_title:"Dr. Aditi Verma | Clinical Psychologist & Mental Health Researcher",meta_description:"Learn more about Dr. Aditi Verma, a dedicated clinical psychologist and researcher who explores cultural influences on mental health."},{name:"Dr. Rajesh Singh",description:"Dr. Rajesh Singh specializes in renewable energy technologies and sustainability. With an extensive publication record in reputable scientific journals, he has worked in collaboration with various research institutions to advance green technologies.",meta_title:"Dr. Rajesh Singh | Renewable Energy and Sustainability Advocate",meta_description:"Read the contributions of Dr. Rajesh Singh, an expert in renewable energy and sustainability with a substantial academic publication background."},{name:"Dr. Kavita Nair",description:"Dr. Kavita Nair is a sociologist with over a decade of research in social behavior and urban studies. She has presented her findings at various international conferences and has several publications addressing pressing social issues.",meta_title:"Dr. Kavita Nair | Sociologist & Urban Studies Researcher",meta_description:"Explore insights from Dr. Kavita Nair, a sociologist focusing on urban studies and social behavior with numerous research publications."},{name:"Professor Neeraj Bhatia",description:"Professor Neeraj Bhatia is a distinguished researcher in the field of computer science, particularly focusing on network security and cryptography. He has received multiple accolades for his work and has authored several influential research papers.",meta_title:"Professor Neeraj Bhatia | Computer Science & Network Security Expert",meta_description:"Delve into the academic works of Professor Neeraj Bhatia, a prominent figure in computer science specializing in network security and cryptography."},{name:"Dr. Vikram Desai",description:"Dr. Vikram Desai is a leading educator in the field of education technology, specializing in the integration of technology in classroom settings. His research has transformed traditional teaching methods into innovative practices.",meta_title:"Dr. Vikram Desai | Education Technology Specialist",meta_description:"Learn about Dr. Vikram Desai, an expert in education technology whose research enhances the classroom experience through innovative practices."},{name:"Dr. Rina Joshi",description:"Dr. Rina Joshi is an expert in the field of chemical engineering with a focus on sustainable processes. She has contributed significantly to recycling innovation and waste management through her research and publications.",meta_title:"Dr. Rina Joshi | Chemical Engineering & Sustainability Innovator",meta_description:"Discover the impactful research of Dr. Rina Joshi, a chemical engineer dedicated to sustainable processes and waste management."},{name:"Professor Anupama Ghosh",description:"Professor Anupama Ghosh is a renowned scholar in literature and cultural studies. With extensive teaching experience and numerous publications, she explores the intersections of culture, identity, and literature in her research.",meta_title:"Professor Anupama Ghosh | Literature & Cultural Studies Scholar",meta_description:"Explore the works of Professor Anupama Ghosh, a distinguished scholar in literature and cultural studies with numerous academic contributions."},{name:"Dr. Emily Thompson",description:"Dr. Emily Thompson is a distinguished researcher in the field of cognitive psychology with over 15 years of experience in academic publishing. She has authored several influential research papers and books that explore the intricacies of human behavior and mental processes. Her work has been widely recognized and cited in numerous scholarly journals.",meta_title:"Dr. Emily Thompson - Cognitive Psychology Expert",meta_description:"Explore the insights of Dr. Emily Thompson, a leading cognitive psychology researcher. Discover her contributions to understanding human behavior and mental processes."},{name:"Professor Liam Chen",description:"Professor Liam Chen is a renowned expert in artificial intelligence and machine learning. With more than two decades of teaching and research experience, he has published extensively in prestigious journals and conferences. Chen is known for his innovative research that bridges the gap between technology and ethics.",meta_title:"Professor Liam Chen - AI and Machine Learning Specialist",meta_description:"Dive into the world of AI with Professor Liam Chen, a leading expert in machine learning and technology ethics. Read about his research contributions and insights."},{name:"Dr. Ava Patel",description:"Dr. Ava Patel is a highly respected medical researcher specializing in public health and epidemiology. With over 10 years of field experience, she has conducted transformative studies that have influenced health policies worldwide. Dr. Patel's research emphasizes the importance of global health equity.",meta_title:"Dr. Ava Patel - Public Health Researcher",meta_description:"Learn from Dr. Ava Patel, an esteemed public health researcher. Discover her impactful studies and contributions to global health equity and policies."},{name:"Professor Marcus Johnson",description:"Professor Marcus Johnson is a leading authority in environmental science and policy. He has over 25 years of academic experience and has published numerous articles on sustainability and conservation. Johnson's work advocates for effective environmental practices globally.",meta_title:"Professor Marcus Johnson - Environmental Science Authority",meta_description:"Explore the expertise of Professor Marcus Johnson, a prominent environmental scientist. Read his impactful articles on sustainability and conservation efforts."},{name:"Dr. Isabella Garcia",description:"Dr. Isabella Garcia is an influential scholar in the field of sociology, with a focus on cultural studies and social dynamics. With multiple publications to her name, she examines the complexities of identity and community in contemporary society.",meta_title:"Dr. Isabella Garcia - Social Dynamics Expert",meta_description:"Uncover the research of Dr. Isabella Garcia, a sociology scholar specializing in cultural studies. Explore her insights into identity and community."},{name:"Professor David Wilson",description:"Professor David Wilson is a pioneer in the field of information technology and data analytics. With over 20 years of experience, he has authored many influential papers that advance the understanding of big data's impact on decision-making processes across industries.",meta_title:"Professor David Wilson - IT and Data Analytics Leader",meta_description:"Delve into the work of Professor David Wilson, an expert in information technology and data analytics. Discover his influential research on big data."},{name:"Dr. Sarah Lin",description:"Dr. Sarah Lin is an emerging voice in biomedical engineering, specializing in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. She has contributed innovative research projects and has collaborated on multidisciplinary teams to advance medical technologies.",meta_title:"Dr. Sarah Lin - Biomedical Engineering Innovator",meta_description:"Meet Dr. Sarah Lin, a rising star in biomedical engineering. Explore her groundbreaking research in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine."},{name:"Professor Michael Brown",description:"Professor Michael Brown has made significant contributions to the field of literature and comparative studies. With a keen interest in postcolonial theory, he has published numerous scholarly articles examining the intersections of culture and literature.",meta_title:"Professor Michael Brown - Literature and Comparative Studies Expert",meta_description:"Discover the insights of Professor Michael Brown, a leading expert in literature and comparative studies. Read his scholarly articles on postcolonial theory."},{name:"Dr. Laura Williams",description:"Dr. Laura Williams is a social scientist specializing in gender studies and feminist theory. With a strong background in qualitative research, she has published several impactful papers that highlight issues of inequality and social justice.",meta_title:"Dr. Laura Williams - Gender Studies Scholar",meta_description:"Explore the expertise of Dr. Laura Williams, a scholar in gender studies. Discover her impactful research on inequality and feminist theory."},{name:"Professor Samuel Patel",description:"Professor Samuel Patel is an expert in finance and investment, with a focus on behavioral finance and market trends. His extensive research and publications have provided invaluable insights into investor behavior and economic forecasting.",meta_title:"Professor Samuel Patel - Finance and Investment Expert",meta_description:"Dive into the finance world with Professor Samuel Patel, a specialist in behavioral finance. Read his insightful articles on market trends and investor behavior."},{name:"Dr. Emily Chen",description:"Dr. Emily Chen is a leading researcher in the field of biotechnology with over 10 years of experience in genetic engineering and sustainable agriculture. She holds a Ph.D. in Molecular Biology and has published over 30 peer-reviewed articles. Dr. Chen is passionate about translating complex scientific concepts into accessible knowledge for academic audiences and the general public.",meta_title:"Dr. Emily Chen - Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Expert",meta_description:"Explore the work of Dr. Emily Chen, a biotechnology expert with extensive research in genetic engineering and sustainable agriculture. Learn more about her contributions to the field."},{name:"Prof. John M. Robinson",description:"Prof. John M. Robinson is a dedicated scholar in social sciences, specializing in urban studies and community development. He has over 20 years of teaching experience at various universities and has written multiple scholarly books and articles that address social equity and urban policy. He is committed to fostering inclusive academic discussions.",meta_title:"Prof. John M. Robinson - Urban Studies and Social Sciences Scholar",meta_description:"Discover Prof. John M. Robinson's insights in urban studies and community development. With two decades of experience, he shares valuable research on social equity."},{name:"Prof. Michael Johnson",description:"Prof. Michael Johnson is a well-respected historian with a focus on modern European history and global conflicts. He has authored several books and articles that explore the implications of historical events on contemporary society. He actively participates in conferences and seminars worldwide, sharing his knowledge and insights.",meta_title:"Prof. Michael Johnson - Historian in Modern European History",meta_description:"Explore the work of Prof. Michael Johnson, a distinguished historian specializing in modern European history and global conflicts. His research shapes our understanding of history's impact."},{name:"Dr. Sarah Patel",description:"Dr. Sarah Patel is a prominent figure in the field of computer science, specializing in artificial intelligence and machine learning. With multiple publications and presentations at international conferences, Sarah’s expertise helps bridge the gap between theoretical research and real-world applications in technology.",meta_title:"Dr. Sarah Patel - Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Expert",meta_description:"Meet Dr. Sarah Patel, a leading expert in artificial intelligence and machine learning. Her research merges theoretical frameworks with practical applications in technology."},{name:"Dr. Hiroshi Tanaka",description:"Dr. Hiroshi Tanaka is an environmental scientist known for his work in climate change and ecotoxicology. With over 15 years of research experience, he has collaborated globally on environmental issues affecting biodiversity. Dr. Tanaka emphasizes the importance of interdisciplinary approaches in addressing ecological challenges.",meta_title:"Dr. Hiroshi Tanaka - Environmental Scientist and Ecotoxicologist",meta_description:"Discover Dr. Hiroshi Tanaka's extensive research on climate change and ecotoxicology. His interdisciplinary approach addresses urgent ecological challenges worldwide."},{name:"Prof. Maria Gonzalez",description:"Prof. Maria Gonzalez is a linguist and cultural anthropologist who studies language discourse and social interaction. She holds a Ph.D. in Linguistics and has authored numerous papers that explore language as a tool for cultural identity. Her work has been pivotal in understanding the intersection of language and society.",meta_title:"Prof. Maria Gonzalez - Linguist and Cultural Anthropologist",meta_description:"Engage with Prof. Maria Gonzalez's research on language discourse and social interaction. Her work uncovers the role of language in shaping cultural identities."},{name:"Dr. David Kim",description:"Dr. David Kim specializes in healthcare technology and data analytics, with research focused on improving patient care through technology innovations. His academic background includes a Ph.D. in Health Informatics, and he actively collaborates with healthcare providers to implement data-driven solutions.",meta_title:"Dr. David Kim - Healthcare Technology and Data Analytics Specialist",meta_description:"Explore Dr. David Kim's insights into healthcare technology and data analytics. His research seeks to improve patient care through innovative solutions."},{name:"Dr. Laura Hernandez",description:"Dr. Laura Hernandez is a sociologist specializing in global health and community resilience. Her research spans various international contexts, focusing on the impacts of social determinants on health outcomes. Dr. Hernandez is fervent about promoting equity in health research and practice.",meta_title:"Dr. Laura Hernandez - Sociologist in Global Health and Community Resilience",meta_description:"Discover the work of Dr. Laura Hernandez, a sociologist focused on global health and community resilience, addressing the social determinants of health outcomes."},{name:"Prof. Thomas MΓΌller",description:"Prof. Thomas MΓΌller is a distinguished chemist with expertise in organic chemistry and material science. He has authored numerous influential research papers and is actively involved in mentoring young researchers. His contributions to the field have earned him accolades both nationally and internationally.",meta_title:"Prof. Thomas MΓΌller - Chemist with Expertise in Organic Chemistry and Material Science",meta_description:"Learn about Prof. Thomas MΓΌller's impactful research in organic chemistry and material science. His work has significantly contributed to advancements in the field."}],n=a.reduce(((e,i)=>Object.assign(Object.assign({},e),{[i.name]:{title:i.meta_title,description:i.meta_description}})),{});exports.AUTHORS_INFO=a,exports.AUTHORS_META=n,exports.PAGES_SEO=i;
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