tedo-publisher 1.3.304 β†’ 1.3.305

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@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ import { CommonDataStructure } from 'src/common/data';
+ export declare const dataStructure: CommonDataStructure;
+ export declare const authors: Record<string, string>;
+ export declare const authorsNames: string[];
+ export declare const DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION_EMOJIS = "\uD83D\uDCDA\uD83D\uDD2C\uD83C\uDF0D\uD83E\uDDEC";
+ export declare const categories: (string | number)[];
+ export declare const subcategories: string[];
+ export declare const subsubcategories: string[];
+ export type Category = keyof typeof dataStructure;
+ export type CategoryNode = (typeof dataStructure)[Category];
+ export type SubcategoryKeyByCategory<T extends Category> = (typeof dataStructure)[T]['children'];
+ export declare const startDate = "2024-09-26T00:00:00Z";
+ export declare const devBucketName = "idn-discivio-dev";
+ export declare const prodBucketName = "idn-discivio";
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ "use strict";var e=require("./seo.js");const i={physicalSciences:{title:"Exploring the Depths of Physical Sciences 🌌 | Discivio",description:"Dive into the captivating realm of physical sciences, where you can explore articles on astronomy, chemistry, earth sciences, and more! πŸ”¬",slug:"exploring-physical-sciences",children:{astronomyAndAstrophysics:{title:"Journey through Astronomy & Astrophysics 🌠 | Discivio",description:"Uncover the mysteries of the universe with our extensive articles on astronomy and astrophysics. Explore stars, galaxies, and cosmic phenomena! 🌌",slug:"astronomy-astrophysics",children:null},chemistryAndMaterialsScience:{title:"Chemistry & Materials Science Insights πŸ§ͺ | Discivio",description:"Delve into the fascinating world of chemistry and materials science. From molecular structures to innovative materials, discover new knowledge! 🌑️",slug:"chemistry-materials-science",children:null},earthAndPlanetarySciences:{title:"Earth & Planetary Sciences Explorations 🌍 | Discivio",description:"Explore the dynamic processes of our planet and beyond. Earth sciences articles cover geology, meteorology, and planetary studies! πŸ”",slug:"earth-planetary-sciences",children:null},other:{title:"Diverse Topics in Physical Sciences 🌐 | Discivio",description:"Discover a variety of other important topics in physical sciences. Expand your understanding of intersections with technology and society! πŸ”­",slug:"other-physical-sciences",children:null}}},engineering:{title:"Explore Diverse Engineering Disciplines for Academic Research πŸ”",description:"Dive into a vast collection of engineering articles, covering mechanical, civil, electrical, and other disciplines to enhance your knowledge base! πŸ“š",slug:"engineering",children:{mechanicalEngineering:{title:"Mechanical Engineering: Concepts, Innovations, and Research βš™οΈ",description:"Uncover the latest in mechanical engineering through insightful articles that span principles, applications, and cutting-edge research developments! πŸ”§",slug:"mechanical-engineering",children:null},civilEngineering:{title:"Civil Engineering: Infrastructure, Design, and Sustainable Practices 🌍",description:"Explore civil engineering articles focused on infrastructure development, design principles, and sustainable practices that shape our environments! πŸ—οΈ",slug:"civil-engineering",children:null},electricalEngineering:{title:"Electrical Engineering: Innovations in Technology and Systems ⚑",description:"Delve into the world of electrical engineering with articles covering key innovations, technologies, and essential theories impacting modern systems! πŸ”Œ",slug:"electrical-engineering",children:null},other:{title:"Other Engineering Disciplines: Exploring Specializations and Trends πŸ› οΈ",description:"Discover a range of engineering subfields with articles that highlight various specializations and current trends in the engineering landscape! πŸ“",slug:"other-engineering",children:null}}},lifeSciences:{title:"Explore Life Sciences: Insights and Research Articles 🌱",description:"Discover a vast collection of life sciences research articles on biology, genetics, microbiology, and more. Your gateway to scientific knowledge! πŸ“š",slug:"life-sciences",children:{biologyAndBiochemistry:{title:"Biology and Biochemistry: Unraveling Life's Mysteries 🧬",description:"Delve into biology and biochemistry with our extensive articles on cellular processes, molecular biology, and life sciences. Expand your knowledge today! 🌍",slug:"biology-and-biochemistry",children:null},geneticsAndGenomics:{title:"Genetics and Genomics: The Blueprint of Life 🧬",description:"Explore the fascinating field of genetics and genomics, covering DNA, gene expression, and breakthroughs in genomics research. Find valuable insights here! πŸ”¬",slug:"genetics-and-genomics",children:null},microbiologyAndImmunology:{title:"Microbiology and Immunology: Defenders Against Disease 🦠",description:"Learn about microbiology and immunology, focusing on pathogens, immune response, and current research in the field. Stay informed with our articles! πŸ’ͺ",slug:"microbiology-and-immunology",children:null},other:{title:"Other Life Sciences Topics: Explore Diverse Fields πŸ§ͺ",description:"Discover various other life sciences topics that span ecology, evolution, and environmental science. Gain insights from our diverse selection of articles! 🌿",slug:"other-life-sciences-topics",children:null}}},healthSciences:{title:"Explore Health Sciences - Discivio Portal 🌐",description:"Dive into a vast collection of research articles covering health sciences, public health, clinical studies, and mental health effectively! πŸ“š",slug:"health-sciences",children:{publicHealthAndEpidemiology:{title:"Public Health and Epidemiology Insights 🌍",description:"Discover vital research on public health trends, epidemiological studies, and their impact on global communities. Stay informed! πŸ“Š",slug:"public-health-and-epidemiology",children:null},clinicalResearchAndTrials:{title:"Clinical Research and Trials Overview 🩺",description:"Engage with comprehensive articles on clinical research methodologies, trial designs, and findings that shape medical practices. πŸ§ͺ",slug:"clinical-research-and-trials",children:null},mentalHealthAndPsychology:{title:"Mental Health and Psychology Exploration 🧠",description:"Delve into the latest studies and insights in mental health and psychology, focusing on wellbeing and therapeutic methodologies. πŸ’­",slug:"mental-health-and-psychology",children:null},other:{title:"Other Health Sciences Research πŸš‘",description:"Explore various health sciences topics beyond the mainstream, including alternative therapies and recent innovations in health. πŸ”",slug:"other-health-sciences",children:null}}},socialSciencesAndHumanities:{title:"Explore Psychology, Sociology, History, and Political Science 🌍",description:"Delve into diverse fields like psychology, sociology, history, and political science. Discover valuable insights across the social sciences and humanities! πŸ“š",slug:"social-sciences-humanities",children:{psychologyAndSociology:{title:"Psychology and Sociology: Understanding Human Behavior 🧠",description:"Explore the depths of human behavior through psychology and sociology. Uncover theories, research, and concepts that influence our society today! πŸ”",slug:"psychology-sociology",children:null},historyAndCulturalStudies:{title:"History and Cultural Studies: Insights into Our Past πŸ“œ",description:"Gain insights into different cultures and historical events. Discover how history shapes our identities and experiences through engaging studies! ⏳",slug:"history-cultural-studies",children:null},other:{title:"Other Social Sciences and Humanities Topics πŸ”",description:"Explore a variety of miscellaneous topics within social sciences and humanities. Discover unique insights across diverse fields of study! πŸŽ“",slug:"other-social-sciences-humanities",children:null}}}},n=e.AUTHORS_INFO.reduce(((e,i)=>Object.assign(Object.assign({},e),{[i.name]:[i.description]})),{}),s=e.AUTHORS_INFO.map((e=>e.name)),t="πŸ“šπŸ”¬πŸŒπŸ§¬",o=Object.keys(i),c=[],l=[];for(const e of o){const n=i[e];if(null==n?void 0:n.children){c.push(...Object.keys(n.children));for(const e of c){const i=n.children[e];(null==i?void 0:i.children)&&l.push(...Object.keys(i.children))}}}const r="2024-09-26T00:00:00Z",a="discivio",h=`idn-${a}-dev`,d=`idn-${a}`;exports.DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION_EMOJIS=t,exports.authors=n,exports.authorsNames=s,exports.categories=o,exports.dataStructure=i,exports.devBucketName=h,exports.prodBucketName=d,exports.startDate=r,exports.subcategories=c,exports.subsubcategories=l;
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ export declare enum FiltersNames {
+ DisciplinaryDepth = "Disciplinary Depth",
+ ResearchType = "Research Type",
+ KnowledgeLevel = "Knowledge Level",
+ AcademicFocus = "Academic Focus"
+ }
+ type DisciplinaryDepthValues = 'Physical Sciences' | 'Life Sciences' | 'Engineering' | 'Health Sciences' | 'Humanities';
+ type ResearchTypeValues = 'Experimental Studies' | 'Literature Reviews' | 'Case Studies' | 'Theoretical Frameworks' | 'Meta-Analyses';
+ type KnowledgeLevelValues = 'Beginner-Friendly' | 'Intermediate Insights' | 'Advanced Concepts' | 'Expert Reviews' | 'General Interest';
+ type AcademicFocusValues = 'Applied Research' | 'Fundamental Research' | 'Translational Studies' | 'Social Impact Research' | 'Interdisciplinary Approaches';
+ export type ArticleFilters = {
+ [FiltersNames.DisciplinaryDepth]: DisciplinaryDepthValues[];
+ [FiltersNames.ResearchType]: ResearchTypeValues[];
+ [FiltersNames.KnowledgeLevel]: KnowledgeLevelValues[];
+ [FiltersNames.AcademicFocus]: AcademicFocusValues[];
+ };
+ export declare const disciplinaryDepthValues: DisciplinaryDepthValues[];
+ export declare const researchTypeValues: ResearchTypeValues[];
+ export declare const knowledgeLevelValues: KnowledgeLevelValues[];
+ export declare const academicFocusValues: AcademicFocusValues[];
+ export declare const initialFilters: ArticleFilters;
+ export declare const fullFilters: ArticleFilters;
+ export declare const getFiltersTypesJSON: () => string;
+ export {};
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ "use strict";var e;exports.FiltersNames=void 0,(e=exports.FiltersNames||(exports.FiltersNames={})).DisciplinaryDepth="Disciplinary Depth",e.ResearchType="Research Type",e.KnowledgeLevel="Knowledge Level",e.AcademicFocus="Academic Focus";const s=["Physical Sciences","Life Sciences","Engineering","Health Sciences","Humanities"],i=["Experimental Studies","Literature Reviews","Case Studies","Theoretical Frameworks","Meta-Analyses"],r=["Beginner-Friendly","Intermediate Insights","Advanced Concepts","Expert Reviews","General Interest"],t=["Applied Research","Fundamental Research","Translational Studies","Social Impact Research","Interdisciplinary Approaches"],a={[exports.FiltersNames.DisciplinaryDepth]:[],[exports.FiltersNames.ResearchType]:[],[exports.FiltersNames.KnowledgeLevel]:[],[exports.FiltersNames.AcademicFocus]:[]},l={[exports.FiltersNames.DisciplinaryDepth]:s,[exports.FiltersNames.ResearchType]:i,[exports.FiltersNames.KnowledgeLevel]:r,[exports.FiltersNames.AcademicFocus]:t},c=()=>JSON.stringify(l,null,2);exports.academicFocusValues=t,exports.disciplinaryDepthValues=s,exports.fullFilters=l,exports.getFiltersTypesJSON=c,exports.initialFilters=a,exports.knowledgeLevelValues=r,exports.researchTypeValues=i;
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ import { GetDefaultImagesFrontmatter } from 'src/common/types';
+ export declare const getDefaultImagesFrontmatter: GetDefaultImagesFrontmatter;
+ export declare const prohibitedWordsInAltTitle: RegExp;
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ "use strict";const e=(e,n)=>{const t=n(e),i=undefined,a=undefined,l=undefined,o=undefined;return[{alt:`${e} Introduction`,filename:`${t}-introduction.png`,title:`${e} Introduction`},{alt:`Magnificent ${e}`,filename:`Magnificent-${t}.png`,title:`Magnificent ${e}`},{alt:`Notable ${e}`,filename:`${t}-notable.png`,title:`Notable ${e}`},{alt:`${e} Summary`,filename:`${t}-summary.png`,title:`${e} Summary`}]},n=/\b(?:hands|men|women|human|people|chief|family|mixing|serving|tasting|rolling)\b/i;exports.getDefaultImagesFrontmatter=e,exports.prohibitedWordsInAltTitle=n;
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ export * from './data';
+ export * from './filters';
+ export * from './helpers';
+ export * from './prompts/images';
+ export * from './seo';
+ import './styles/colors.css';
+ import './styles/fonts.css';
+ import './styles/global.css';
+ import './styles/sizing.css';
+ import './styles/vars.css';
+ import './styles/theme.css';
+ import * as gpt35Articles from './prompts/gpt35turbo/articles';
+ import * as gpt4oMiniArticles from './prompts/gpt4oMini/articles';
+ export { gpt35Articles, gpt4oMiniArticles };
+ export * from './prompts/data';
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ "use strict";var e=require("./data.js"),t=require("./filters.js"),r=require("./helpers.js"),s=require("./prompts/images.js"),o=require("./seo.js"),a=require("./prompts/gpt35turbo/articles.js"),p=require("./prompts/gpt4oMini/articles.js"),i=require("./prompts/data.js");exports.DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION_EMOJIS=e.DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION_EMOJIS,exports.authors=e.authors,exports.authorsNames=e.authorsNames,exports.categories=e.categories,exports.dataStructure=e.dataStructure,exports.devBucketName=e.devBucketName,exports.prodBucketName=e.prodBucketName,exports.startDate=e.startDate,exports.subcategories=e.subcategories,exports.subsubcategories=e.subsubcategories,Object.defineProperty(exports,"FiltersNames",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return t.FiltersNames}}),exports.academicFocusValues=t.academicFocusValues,exports.disciplinaryDepthValues=t.disciplinaryDepthValues,exports.fullFilters=t.fullFilters,exports.getFiltersTypesJSON=t.getFiltersTypesJSON,exports.initialFilters=t.initialFilters,exports.knowledgeLevelValues=t.knowledgeLevelValues,exports.researchTypeValues=t.researchTypeValues,exports.getDefaultImagesFrontmatter=r.getDefaultImagesFrontmatter,exports.prohibitedWordsInAltTitle=r.prohibitedWordsInAltTitle,exports.getOpenAiBasedImagePrompt=s.getOpenAiBasedImagePrompt,exports.getOpenAiBasedImagePromptDalle2=s.getOpenAiBasedImagePromptDalle2,exports.getStableDiffusionImagePrompt=s.getStableDiffusionImagePrompt,exports.AUTHORS_INFO=o.AUTHORS_INFO,exports.AUTHORS_META=o.AUTHORS_META,exports.PAGES_SEO=o.PAGES_SEO,Object.defineProperty(exports,"PageNames",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return o.PageNames}}),exports.gpt35Articles=a,exports.gpt4oMiniArticles=p,exports.END_STEP=i.END_STEP,exports.FILTERS_INFO=i.FILTERS_INFO,exports.IMAGES_PROHIBITED_WORDS=i.IMAGES_PROHIBITED_WORDS,exports.START_STEP=i.START_STEP,exports.TARGET_AUDIENCE=i.TARGET_AUDIENCE,exports.ZERO_SECTION=i.ZERO_SECTION,exports.portalInfo=i.portalInfo;
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ export declare const portalInfo = "The article is written for the web portal.I will give you important information regarding the web portal:\n - Brief description: Discivio is an informative portal offering a vast collection of scientific and academic research articles across diverse disciplines, including physical and life sciences, engineering, health, social sciences, and humanities. It serves as a go-to resource for anyone interested in deepening their understanding of complex academic topics.\n - Detailed description: Discivio is a comprehensive infotainment platform designed to make scientific and academic research more accessible and engaging for a wide audience. The portal features an extensive library of well-researched articles that span multiple disciplines, ensuring that users can find valuable information on topics ranging from advanced engineering concepts to pivotal studies in health sciences and insightful explorations in the humanities. With user-friendly navigation, advanced search options, and regular updates, Discivio aims to bridge the gap between complex scientific knowledge and the general public, providing a space where curiosity meets credible research.\n - Target audience: The target audience for Discivio includes students, educators, academic professionals, researchers, and anyone with a keen interest in scientific inquiry or scholarly pursuits. This portal caters to individuals seeking reliable information for academic projects, personal interest, or professional development across various disciplines.\n\n";
+ export declare const ZERO_SECTION = "This is important to include the following headers to the section, ONLY if they are applicable to the title, abstract and description of the article:\n## Key Concepts\n - Definition of Primary Terms\n - Related Concepts and Theories\n\n## Future Directions\n - Gaps Identified in Current Research\n - Suggestions for Further Studies\n\nYou can change the headers and topics to make a them more coherent with the description of the article.\nStart text with first Heading H2 - Key Concepts, IF it's applicable to the theme of the article.\n";
+ export declare const START_STEP = "highlighting the key points that will be discussed and the relevance of the topic";
+ export declare const END_STEP = "synthesizing the information presented throughout";
+ export declare const TARGET_AUDIENCE = "students, researchers, educators, and professionals";
+ export declare const IMAGES_PROHIBITED_WORDS = "any numbers, image, slug, step, seo, hand / hands, men, women, human, people, chief, preparing, process, cooking, mixing, serving, tasting, rolling";
+ export declare const FILTERS_INFO: string;
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ "use strict";var e;const i="The article is written for the web portal.I will give you important information regarding the web portal:\n - Brief description: Discivio is an informative portal offering a vast collection of scientific and academic research articles across diverse disciplines, including physical and life sciences, engineering, health, social sciences, and humanities. It serves as a go-to resource for anyone interested in deepening their understanding of complex academic topics.\n - Detailed description: Discivio is a comprehensive infotainment platform designed to make scientific and academic research more accessible and engaging for a wide audience. The portal features an extensive library of well-researched articles that span multiple disciplines, ensuring that users can find valuable information on topics ranging from advanced engineering concepts to pivotal studies in health sciences and insightful explorations in the humanities. With user-friendly navigation, advanced search options, and regular updates, Discivio aims to bridge the gap between complex scientific knowledge and the general public, providing a space where curiosity meets credible research.\n - Target audience: The target audience for Discivio includes students, educators, academic professionals, researchers, and anyone with a keen interest in scientific inquiry or scholarly pursuits. This portal caters to individuals seeking reliable information for academic projects, personal interest, or professional development across various disciplines.\n\n",t="This is important to include the following headers to the section, ONLY if they are applicable to the title, abstract and description of the article:\n## Key Concepts\n - Definition of Primary Terms\n - Related Concepts and Theories\n\n## Future Directions\n - Gaps Identified in Current Research\n - Suggestions for Further Studies\n\nYou can change the headers and topics to make a them more coherent with the description of the article.\nStart text with first Heading H2 - Key Concepts, IF it's applicable to the theme of the article.\n",n="highlighting the key points that will be discussed and the relevance of the topic",a="synthesizing the information presented throughout",r="students, researchers, educators, and professionals",s="any numbers, image, slug, step, seo, hand / hands, men, women, human, people, chief, preparing, process, cooking, mixing, serving, tasting, rolling",o=`That is TREMENDOUS important - if category doesn't match - return empty array for that category - []. For example if you don't find any match for $FILTERNAME, return for that category\n$FILTERNAME: []\nResponse in valid json, adhering strictly to json interface below, include every field present in it, but include values in array only suitable for article, all array values are optional!\n${require("../filters.js").getFiltersTypesJSON()}`;exports.END_STEP=a,exports.FILTERS_INFO=o,exports.IMAGES_PROHIBITED_WORDS=s,exports.START_STEP=n,exports.TARGET_AUDIENCE=r,exports.ZERO_SECTION=t,exports.portalInfo=i;
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ import { GetOutlinePrompt, GetEntitiesPrompt, GetFiltersPrompt, GetImagesMetaPrompt, GetSectionPrompt } from 'src/common/types';
+ export declare const getBasePrompt: GetOutlinePrompt;
+ export declare const getSectionPrompt: GetSectionPrompt;
+ export declare const getImagesMetaPrompt: GetImagesMetaPrompt;
+ export declare const getFiltersPrompt: GetFiltersPrompt;
+ export declare const getEntitiesPrompt: GetEntitiesPrompt;
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ "use strict";var t=require("../data.js"),e=require("../../../common/prompts/gpt35turbo/articles.js"),o=require("../../../common/data.js"),r=require("../../data.js");const m=(o,r=e.DEFAULT_HEADINGS_NUM,m)=>e.getOutlineCommonPrompt({keyword:o,headingsNum:r,additionalInfo:t.portalInfo,locale:m}),s=o=>e.getSectionCommonPrompt(o,{zeroSectionPrompt:t.ZERO_SECTION,startStep:t.START_STEP,endStep:t.END_STEP,targetAudience:t.TARGET_AUDIENCE}),a=o=>e.getImagesMetaCommonPrompt(o,t.IMAGES_PROHIBITED_WORDS),p=o=>e.getFiltersCommonPrompt(o,t.FILTERS_INFO),i=t=>e.getEntitiesCommonPrompt(t,o.getCategoriesTypesJSON(r.dataStructure));exports.getBasePrompt=m,exports.getEntitiesPrompt=i,exports.getFiltersPrompt=p,exports.getImagesMetaPrompt=a,exports.getSectionPrompt=s;
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ import { GetOutlinePrompt, GetEntitiesPrompt, GetFiltersPrompt, GetImagesMetaPrompt, GetSectionPrompt } from 'src/common/types';
+ export declare const getBasePrompt: GetOutlinePrompt;
+ export declare const getSectionPrompt: GetSectionPrompt;
+ export declare const getImagesMetaPrompt: GetImagesMetaPrompt;
+ export declare const getFiltersPrompt: GetFiltersPrompt;
+ export declare const getEntitiesPrompt: GetEntitiesPrompt;
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ "use strict";var t=require("../data.js"),e=require("../../../common/prompts/gpt4oMini/articles.js"),o=require("../../../common/data.js"),r=require("../../data.js");const m=(o,r=e.DEFAULT_HEADINGS_NUM,m)=>e.getOutlineCommonPrompt({keyword:o,headingsNum:r,additionalInfo:t.portalInfo,locale:m}),s=o=>e.getSectionCommonPrompt(o,{zeroSectionPrompt:t.ZERO_SECTION,startStep:t.START_STEP,endStep:t.END_STEP,targetAudience:t.TARGET_AUDIENCE}),a=o=>e.getImagesMetaCommonPrompt(o,t.IMAGES_PROHIBITED_WORDS),i=o=>e.getFiltersCommonPrompt(o,t.FILTERS_INFO),p=t=>e.getEntitiesCommonPrompt(t,o.getCategoriesTypesJSON(r.dataStructure));exports.getBasePrompt=m,exports.getEntitiesPrompt=p,exports.getFiltersPrompt=i,exports.getImagesMetaPrompt=a,exports.getSectionPrompt=s;
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ import { GetOpenAiBasedImagePrompt, GetStableDiffusionImagePrompt } from 'src/common/types';
+ export declare const getStableDiffusionImagePrompt: GetStableDiffusionImagePrompt;
+ export declare const getOpenAiBasedImagePrompt: GetOpenAiBasedImagePrompt;
+ export declare const getOpenAiBasedImagePromptDalle2: GetOpenAiBasedImagePrompt;
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ "use strict";var e=require("../../common/prompts/images.js");const a=({title:a,alt:o,articleTitle:t})=>({prompt:`Award-winning hyper-real cinematic photo of a ${a}, ${o}, for an article ${t} from professional scientific photograph for a glossy scientific magazine, scientific style photography, glossy scientific magazine, photorealistic, ultra realistic, maximum detail, highly detailed, commercial photography, foreground focus, instagram, 4K, 8K, volumetric light, cinematic, octane render, uplight, no blur, depth of field, dof, film, bokeh, foreground focus, 35mm photograph`,negativePrompt:e.SD_NEGATIVE_PROMPT}),o=({title:e,alt:a,articleTitle:o})=>`I NEED a hyper-real illustration of a ${e} at food style photography, ${a}, for an article ${o} for a glossy recipe magazine, photorealistic, ultra realistic, maximum detail, highly detailed, food style, food style photography, professional food photography, commercial photography, foreground focus, recipes.com, delish.com, epicurious, instagram, 4K, 8K, volumetric light, octane render, uplight, no blur, depth of field, dof, bokeh, foreground focus. Please exclude any: Photocamera, videocamera, Spotlight, soffit, ramp, scanners, strobe, soffit truss, film props, radio, cooking timer, watches, clocks, men, woman, people, hand, nands, leg, legs, font, username, error, words, letters, digits, autograph, trademark, name, easy-negative, cartoon, worst quality, low quality, blind, bad eyes, ugly eyes, dead eyes, greyscale, monochrome, vignette, text, title, logo, signature ,watermark, extra limbs, extra fingers, mutated hands, bad anatomy, censored, rabs, muscular, rib, blurry, blur, grainy, teeth, low resolution, lowres, low details, oversaturated, undersaturated, overexposed, underexposed, grayscale, bw, bad photo, bad photography, bad art, morbid, ugly, asymmetrical, mutated malformed, mutilated, poorly lit, bad shadow, draft, cropped, out of frame, cut off, jpeg artefacts, out of focus, glitch, duplicate, airbrushed,, anime, semi-realistic, cgi, render, 3D, blender, digital art, manga, amateur, 3D, 3D Game, 3D Game Scene, 3D Character, bad hands, , bad body, bad face, bad teeth, bad arms, bad legs, deformities, drawing, deformed iris, deformed pupils, deformed, painting, crayon, sketch, graphite, impressionist, noisy, poorly drawn hands, poorly drawn face, poorly drawn eyes, mutation, bad proportions, cloned face, disfigured, gross proportions, malformed limbs, malformed limbs, missing arms, missing legs, extra arms, extra legs, fused fingers, too many fingers, long neck, incoherent from this hyper-real illustration of a ${e}`,t=({title:e})=>`\n\tPhotorealistic highly detailed image of ingredients for ${e}, arranged professionally as if for a food photography shoot. image should showcase maximum detail realism, with a focus on foreground, emulating the style of a high-definition, 8k resolution professional food photograph. lighting should be volumetric and uplit, with a depth of field and bokeh effect, avoiding any blur for clarity. overall aesthetic should be reminiscent of the Kodak Portrait 800 style.\n\tNegative Prompt:\n\teasy-negative, cartoon, worst quality, low quality, text, title, logo, signature ,watermark, extra limbs, extra fingers, mutated hands, bad anatomy, blurry, blur, grainy, teeth, low resolution, low details, oversaturated, undersaturated, overexposed, underexposed, grayscale, bad shadow, draft, cropped, out of frame, cut off, jpeg artefacts, out of focus, glitch, airbrushed, anime, semi-realistic, cgi, render, 3D, blender, manga, amateur, 3D, 3D Game, drawing, sketch\n`;exports.getOpenAiBasedImagePrompt=o,exports.getOpenAiBasedImagePromptDalle2=t,exports.getStableDiffusionImagePrompt=a;
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ export interface PageSeoData {
+ title: string;
+ description: string;
+ }
+ export declare enum PageNames {
+ Authors = "authors",
+ Home = "home",
+ NotFound = "not-found",
+ AboutUs = "about-us",
+ PrivacyPolicy = "privacy-policy",
+ Terms = "terms",
+ Sitemap = "sitemap"
+ }
+ export type PagesSeo = Record<PageNames, PageSeoData>;
+ export interface AuthorInfo {
+ name: string;
+ description: string;
+ meta_title: string;
+ meta_description: string;
+ }
+ export declare const PAGES_SEO: PagesSeo;
+ export declare const AUTHORS_INFO: AuthorInfo[];
+ export declare const AUTHORS_META: Record<string, PageSeoData>;
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ "use strict";var e;exports.PageNames=void 0,(e=exports.PageNames||(exports.PageNames={})).Authors="authors",e.Home="home",e.NotFound="not-found",e.AboutUs="about-us",e.PrivacyPolicy="privacy-policy",e.Terms="terms",e.Sitemap="sitemap";const i={[exports.PageNames.Authors]:{title:"Meet Our Experts | Discivio",description:"Discover the brilliant minds behind our research articles! πŸ‘©β€πŸ”¬πŸ‘¨β€πŸ”¬ Learn about our authors' backgrounds and their contributions to various scientific fields."},[exports.PageNames.Home]:{title:"Discivio - Your Gateway to Scientific Knowledge",description:"Explore a vast collection of scientific and academic articles across disciplines! πŸ“šπŸ” Join us in expanding your understanding of the world with Discivio."},[exports.PageNames.NotFound]:{title:"Page Not Found | Discivio",description:"Oops! It seems we've lost our way. πŸš«πŸ” The page you're looking for doesn't exist. Check out our home page for valuable research articles!"},[exports.PageNames.AboutUs]:{title:"About Discivio | Igniting Curious Minds",description:"Learn about Discivio’s mission to make scientific knowledge accessible to all! πŸŒŸπŸ“– Join us on our journey through the realms of research and academia."},[exports.PageNames.PrivacyPolicy]:{title:"Privacy Policy | Discivio",description:"Your privacy matters! πŸ”’πŸ“„ Read our Privacy Policy to understand how we protect your information while you explore scientific research."},[exports.PageNames.Terms]:{title:"Terms of Service | Discivio",description:"Stay informed about our guidelines! πŸ“œβš–οΈ Review the Terms of Service to understand your rights and obligations while using Discivio."},[exports.PageNames.Sitemap]:{title:"Sitemap | Navigate Discivio Easily",description:"Find your way around our extensive content! πŸ—ΊοΈπŸ”— Our Sitemap provides an overview of all available articles and resources on Discivio."}},a=[{name:"Dr. Aditi Sharma",description:"Dr. Aditi Sharma is a renowned physicist specializing in condensed matter physics with over 15 years of experience in advanced simulations and experimental analyses. She has published over 30 peer-reviewed articles and is a prominent speaker at international scientific conferences.",meta_title:"Dr. Aditi Sharma - Expert in Condensed Matter Physics",meta_description:"Explore the works of Dr. Aditi Sharma, a leading physicist in condensed matter research with extensive articles on advanced simulations and experimental analyses."},{name:"Prof. Rajesh Gupta",description:"Prof. Rajesh Gupta is an accomplished engineer with a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering. With over 25 years of experience in renewable energy systems, his research has garnered numerous awards, and he serves on the editorial boards of several prestigious journals.",meta_title:"Prof. Rajesh Gupta - Mechanical Engineering and Renewable Energy Expert",meta_description:"Delve into the insights of Prof. Rajesh Gupta, an expert in mechanical engineering and renewable energy with 25 years of impactful research and publications."},{name:"Dr. Kavita Menon",description:"Dr. Kavita Menon is a leading biologist with a focus on cellular biology and genetics. Over her 20-year career, she has authored several groundbreaking studies on gene expression and cellular responses, significantly enriching the field.",meta_title:"Dr. Kavita Menon - Cellular Biology and Genetics Authority",meta_description:"Discover the contributions of Dr. Kavita Menon, a renowned biologist specializing in cellular biology and genetics with numerous influential publications."},{name:"Dr. Ravi Desai",description:"Dr. Ravi Desai is a clinical researcher and epidemiologist with a strong background in public health. He has worked extensively on infectious diseases and health policy, contributing to various government projects and health initiatives.",meta_title:"Dr. Ravi Desai - Clinical Researcher and Epidemiologist",meta_description:"Learn from Dr. Ravi Desai, a clinical researcher focused on public health and infectious diseases with significant contributions to health policy and practice."},{name:"Prof. Anita Patil",description:"Prof. Anita Patil is a distinguished sociologist whose research explores the intersections of technology and society. With over 15 years of teaching and publication, she has profoundly impacted the study of social dynamics in the digital age.",meta_title:"Prof. Anita Patil - Sociologist Specializing in Technology and Society",meta_description:"Engage with the research of Prof. Anita Patil, a prominent sociologist examining the relationship between technology and society in contemporary contexts."},{name:"Dr. Arun Mehta",description:"Dr. Arun Mehta is a noted chemist with expertise in organic synthesis and drug discovery. His work has led to significant advancements in pharmaceutical applications, and he has numerous patents and publications to his name.",meta_title:"Dr. Arun Mehta - Expert in Organic Chemistry and Drug Development",meta_description:"Uncover the achievements of Dr. Arun Mehta, a chemist specializing in organic synthesis and drug discovery with a robust portfolio of innovations."},{name:"Dr. Sneha Reddy",description:"Dr. Sneha Reddy is a prominent environmental scientist whose research focuses on sustainable development and conservation strategies. With over a decade of experience, she has contributed to key policy frameworks on environmental protection.",meta_title:"Dr. Sneha Reddy - Environmental Scientist and Sustainability Advocate",meta_description:"Discover Dr. Sneha Reddy's impactful research on environmental science and sustainable development, addressing global challenges and conservation needs."},{name:"Prof. Vikram Jha",description:"Prof. Vikram Jha is a leading scholar in the field of economics, particularly known for his research on development economics and trade policies. He has served as an advisor to various governmental organizations and has a wealth of publications.",meta_title:"Prof. Vikram Jha - Development Economist and Trade Policy Expert",meta_description:"Learn from Prof. Vikram Jha, an esteemed economist specializing in development economics with substantial contributions to trade policy and research."},{name:"Dr. Meera Nair",description:"Dr. Meera Nair is a distinguished psychologist who specializes in cognitive behavioral therapy. With over 10 years of clinical practice and research, she has published numerous studies on mental health and therapeutic methodologies.",meta_title:"Dr. Meera Nair - Expert Psychologist Specializing in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy",meta_description:"Explore the expertise of Dr. Meera Nair, a psychologist specializing in cognitive behavioral therapy with significant contributions to mental health research."},{name:"Dr. Sameer Iyer",description:"Dr. Sameer Iyer is a leading researcher in the field of artificial intelligence. With over 12 years of extensive experience in machine learning and data science, his works have influenced numerous applications across various industries.",meta_title:"Dr. Sameer Iyer - Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Researcher",meta_description:"Engage with the cutting-edge research of Dr. Sameer Iyer, an expert in artificial intelligence and machine learning with a profound impact on technology applications."},{name:"Dr. Neeta Sharma",description:"Dr. Neeta Sharma is an expert in environmental sciences with over 15 years of experience in climate change research. She has published extensively in high-impact journals and has contributed to various international projects aimed at sustainable development.",meta_title:"Dr. Neeta Sharma - Expert in Environmental Sciences | Discivio",meta_description:"Discover insights from Dr. Neeta Sharma, a leading researcher in climate change with over 15 years of experience in the field. Explore her contributions on Discivio."},{name:"Prof. Arjun Mehta",description:"Prof. Arjun Mehta is a seasoned professor of engineering, specializing in renewable energy systems. With more than 20 years of teaching and research experience, he is a sought-after speaker at international conferences.",meta_title:"Prof. Arjun Mehta - Renewable Energy Specialist | Discivio",meta_description:"Learn from Prof. Arjun Mehta, a renowned expert in renewable energy systems with over 20 years of experience. Access his research on Discivio."},{name:"Dr. Aditi Rao",description:"Dr. Aditi Rao is a life sciences researcher with a focus on genetics and molecular biology. She has authored several papers on gene therapy and has been awarded grants from reputed scientific bodies.",meta_title:"Dr. Aditi Rao - Genetics and Molecular Biology Expert | Discivio",meta_description:"Explore articles by Dr. Aditi Rao, a prominent genetics researcher specializing in gene therapy. Find her work on Discivio."},{name:"Dr. Vikram Singh",description:"Dr. Vikram Singh is a leading health sciences researcher with over 18 years of experience in epidemiology and public health. His research focuses on chronic diseases and their prevention in urban populations.",meta_title:"Dr. Vikram Singh - Epidemiology and Public Health Specialist | Discivio",meta_description:"Gain valuable knowledge from Dr. Vikram Singh, an expert in epidemiology and public health with over 18 years of experience. Discover his contributions on Discivio."},{name:"Prof. Priya Joshi",description:"Prof. Priya Joshi is a distinguished social scientist whose expertise lies in sociology and cultural studies. She has spent 25 years researching the social dynamics of urbanization in India.",meta_title:"Prof. Priya Joshi - Expert in Sociology and Cultural Studies | Discivio",meta_description:"Read insightful articles by Prof. Priya Joshi, a leading sociologist specializing in urbanization. Access her research work on Discivio."},{name:"Dr. Rakesh Kumar",description:"Dr. Rakesh Kumar is a computer scientist recognized for his pioneering work in artificial intelligence and machine learning. He has published numerous articles in top-tier journals and is actively involved in AI policy formulation.",meta_title:"Dr. Rakesh Kumar - AI and Machine Learning Expert | Discivio",meta_description:"Explore the innovative research of Dr. Rakesh Kumar, an AI expert with a focus on machine learning. Discover his valuable articles on Discivio."},{name:"Dr. Kavita Iyer",description:"Dr. Kavita Iyer is a respected health sciences researcher specializing in mental health and emotional well-being. With over 15 years in the field, her work emphasizes the importance of mental health awareness and education.",meta_title:"Dr. Kavita Iyer - Mental Health Researcher | Discivio",meta_description:"Learn from Dr. Kavita Iyer, a leading expert in mental health research with over 15 years of experience. Access her impactful articles on Discivio."},{name:"Prof. Sameer Nair",description:"Prof. Sameer Nair is a highly regarded economist with a focus on developmental economics. He has published extensively on issues related to poverty alleviation and sustainable growth in developing countries.",meta_title:"Prof. Sameer Nair - Developmental Economics Expert | Discivio",meta_description:"Delve into the research of Prof. Sameer Nair, an expert in developmental economics focused on poverty alleviation. Explore his articles on Discivio."},{name:"Dr. Sunita Verma",description:"Dr. Sunita Verma is a renowned physicist specializing in condensed matter physics. She has over 20 years of research experience and has contributed to significant advancements in material science.",meta_title:"Dr. Sunita Verma - Condensed Matter Physics Expert | Discivio",meta_description:"Uncover the findings of Dr. Sunita Verma, a leader in condensed matter physics, with over 20 years of experience. Read her research on Discivio."},{name:"Dr. Nisha Bhatia",description:"Dr. Nisha Bhatia is an expert in educational psychology, focusing on learning processes and student motivation. She publishes rigorously reviewed research aimed at improving educational strategies in diverse settings.",meta_title:"Dr. Nisha Bhatia - Educational Psychology Specialist | Discivio",meta_description:"Explore the insights of Dr. Nisha Bhatia, an educational psychology expert dedicated to enhancing learning experiences. Discover her articles on Discivio."},{name:"Dr. Aditi Mukherjee",description:"Dr. Aditi Mukherjee is an accomplished researcher in the field of molecular biology and genetics, with over 15 years of experience in academic and industrial research. She holds a Ph.D. from the Indian Institute of Science and has published numerous papers in high-impact journals. Her research focuses on gene therapy and its applications in treating genetic disorders.",meta_title:"Dr. Aditi Mukherjee - Molecular Biologist & Geneticist",meta_description:"Explore the work of Dr. Aditi Mukherjee, an expert in molecular biology and genetics with over 15 years of experience in research and academia. Learn about her innovative approaches to gene therapy."},{name:"Prof. Ravi Kumar",description:"Prof. Ravi Kumar is a leading authority in mechanical engineering and materials science. He has over two decades of experience in research and teaching, primarily focusing on nanomaterials and their applications in engineering. He is affiliated with the Indian Institute of Technology and has published extensively in engineering journals.",meta_title:"Prof. Ravi Kumar - Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science Expert",meta_description:"Delve into the research of Prof. Ravi Kumar, a specialist in mechanical engineering and materials science with over 20 years of expertise. Discover his contributions to nanomaterials and engineering innovations."},{name:"Dr. Neha Sinha",description:"Dr. Neha Sinha is a renowned health sciences researcher specializing in public health and epidemiology. With a Ph.D. from the University of Delhi, she has been instrumental in conducting studies on infectious diseases and their socio-economic impacts. Dr. Sinha has collaborated with various health organizations to promote better health practices.",meta_title:"Dr. Neha Sinha - Public Health & Epidemiology Specialist",meta_description:"Learn about Dr. Neha Sinha's influential work in public health and epidemiology. With a focus on infectious diseases, she has made significant strides in health research and community well-being."},{name:"Dr. Rajesh Nair",description:"Dr. Rajesh Nair is a celebrated physicist with expertise in condensed matter physics and nanotechnology. He has authored several influential papers and received numerous accolades for his innovative research. Dr. Nair is currently a professor at the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, where he mentors a new generation of scientists.",meta_title:"Dr. Rajesh Nair - Condensed Matter Physics & Nanotechnology Expert",meta_description:"Explore Dr. Rajesh Nair's groundbreaking research in condensed matter physics and nanotechnology. A respected physicist and educator with numerous accolades, he is shaping future scientific advancements."},{name:"Dr. Priya Sharma",description:"Dr. Priya Sharma is an expert in behavioral psychology and social sciences, focusing on mental health and wellness research. With over a decade of experience in academic settings, she has published extensively on the psychological impacts of societal issues. Dr. Sharma is committed to promoting mental health awareness.",meta_title:"Dr. Priya Sharma - Behavioral Psychology & Mental Health Advocate",meta_description:"Discover Dr. Priya Sharma's dedicated research in behavioral psychology and mental health. A passionate advocate for wellness, she explores the psychological facets of societal challenges."},{name:"Dr. Arjun Desai",description:"Dr. Arjun Desai is a distinguished researcher in the field of environmental sciences, specializing in climate change and sustainable development. With a strong academic background and over 12 years of field experience, his work has influenced policy-making and public awareness about environmental conservation.",meta_title:"Dr. Arjun Desai - Environmental Sciences & Climate Change Researcher",meta_description:"Learn about Dr. Arjun Desai's impactful research on climate change and sustainable development. His work contributes significantly to environmental science and policy advocacy."},{name:"Dr. Kavita Bansal",description:"Dr. Kavita Bansal is an interdisciplinary researcher specializing in biotechnology and life sciences. With a Ph.D. from a reputed university, she has a track record of published work pertaining to novel biotechnological applications in agriculture and health. Her contributions are widely recognized in both academic and industrial circles.",meta_title:"Dr. Kavita Bansal - Biotechnology & Life Sciences Innovator",meta_description:"Explore the innovative world of Dr. Kavita Bansal, an expert in biotechnology and life sciences. Her research focuses on practical applications that benefit agriculture and health sectors."},{name:"Dr. Amitabh Sen",description:"Dr. Amitabh Sen is a leading sociologist with expertise in social dynamics and urban studies. He has published numerous articles and books that assess the impacts of urbanization on community structures. His research has garnered attention for its practical implications in policy and urban planning.",meta_title:"Dr. Amitabh Sen - Sociologist & Urban Studies Expert",meta_description:"Dive into Dr. Amitabh Sen's influential research on social dynamics and urban studies. His insights contribute to better urban planning and community development."},{name:"Dr. Sneha Yadav",description:"Dr. Sneha Yadav is a prominent figure in the field of health sciences, with a focus on nutrition and dietetics. Her extensive research has centered around public health nutrition and obesity prevention. She serves as a consultant for various health organizations while advocating for healthier lifestyles.",meta_title:"Dr. Sneha Yadav - Nutrition & Public Health Expert",meta_description:"Learn about Dr. Sneha Yadav, an expert in nutrition and public health. Her research on obesity prevention and healthy lifestyles plays a significant role in community health initiatives."},{name:"Dr. Rohan Mehta",description:"Dr. Rohan Mehta is a recognized mathematician specializing in applied mathematics and data science. With a strong focus on quantitative research methods, his work includes statistical modeling and predictive analytics. He is a consultant for various tech companies, helping to implement data-driven solutions.",meta_title:"Dr. Rohan Mehta - Applied Mathematics & Data Science Expert",meta_description:"Discover the groundbreaking work of Dr. Rohan Mehta in applied mathematics and data science. His expertise in statistical modeling and predictive analytics shapes today's data-driven landscape."},{name:"Dr. Ramesh Chandra",description:"Dr. Ramesh Chandra is a distinguished physicist with over 20 years of research experience in condensed matter physics. He has published numerous peer-reviewed articles and is a passionate advocate for interdisciplinary research. As a faculty member at a leading Indian institute, he mentors young scientists and contributes to various scientific journals.",meta_title:"Dr. Ramesh Chandra - Expert in Condensed Matter Physics",meta_description:"Explore the works of Dr. Ramesh Chandra, a leading physicist and author with over 20 years of experience in condensed matter physics, contributing to advancements in multiple scientific disciplines."},{name:"Anita Verma",description:"Anita Verma is a prolific research writer and sociologist with a keen interest in social impact studies. With a Master's degree in Sociology and over 15 years of experience, her work addresses critical social issues and has been published in top-tier journals. She is a passionate speaker and mentor for young researchers.",meta_title:"Anita Verma - Sociology and Social Impact Specialist",meta_description:"Discover the research contributions of Anita Verma, a seasoned sociologist dedicated to addressing social issues and inspiring future generations of researchers."},{name:"Dr. Neeraj Patel",description:"Dr. Neeraj Patel is an accomplished biomedical researcher specializing in health sciences. With a Ph.D. in Molecular Biology, he has contributed significantly to cancer research and personalized medicine. He has over 50 publications in renowned journals and has received multiple awards for his innovative work.",meta_title:"Dr. Neeraj Patel - Biomedical Researcher and Health Sciences Expert",meta_description:"Learn about Dr. Neeraj Patel, a leading expert in biomedical research with a focus on cancer and personalized medicine, contributing to advancements in health sciences."},{name:"Priya Singh",description:"Priya Singh is an engineer and environmental scientist dedicated to sustainable development. With over a decade of experience in engineering projects, her articles focus on sustainable technologies and their implementation in urban environments, making a substantial impact on policy discussions.",meta_title:"Priya Singh - Environmental Engineering and Sustainability Advocate",meta_description:"Explore the work of Priya Singh, an environmental engineer focused on sustainable technologies and their implications for urban development and policy."},{name:"Dr. Vikram Joshi",description:"Dr. Vikram Joshi is a renowned psychologist and behavioral scientist with expertise in mental health and wellness. He has authored several books and articles that bridge the gap between psychology and societal issues, promoting mental health awareness across various platforms.",meta_title:"Dr. Vikram Joshi - Leading Psychologist and Mental Health Advocate",meta_description:"Join Dr. Vikram Joshi in his journey to promote mental health awareness through his insightful research and writings in behavioral science."},{name:"Rajesh Gupta",description:"Rajesh Gupta is a technology and engineering expert with over 15 years of experience in AI and machine learning applications. He is a regular columnist for major tech journals and actively participates in various technology forums, advocating for the responsible use of AI technologies.",meta_title:"Rajesh Gupta - AI and Machine Learning Advocate",meta_description:"Learn from Rajesh Gupta, an expert in AI and engineering whose writings illuminate the future of technology and its impact on society."},{name:"Dr. Suman Kaur",description:"Dr. Suman Kaur is a prominent researcher in public health and epidemiology. Her work focuses on disease prevention and health policy. With a Ph.D. in Epidemiology, she has published extensively in international journals and is active in global health initiatives.",meta_title:"Dr. Suman Kaur - Public Health and Epidemiology Researcher",meta_description:"Explore the impactful research of Dr. Suman Kaur, dedicated to disease prevention and health policy, contributing significantly to public health discourse."},{name:"Harish Menon",description:"Harish Menon is a leading researcher in social sciences with a focus on cultural studies and identity. With over a decade of experience and several publications, he engages audiences with insights on societal dynamics and cultural discourse.",meta_title:"Harish Menon - Social Sciences and Cultural Studies Expert",meta_description:"Delve into the work of Harish Menon, whose expertise in social sciences and cultural studies provides valuable perspectives on identity and societal issues."},{name:"Dr. Priyanka Shetty",description:"Dr. Priyanka Shetty is an environmental scientist with expertise in climate change and renewable energy. She has a strong publication record and is actively involved in advocating for sustainable energy solutions locally and internationally.",meta_title:"Dr. Priyanka Shetty - Climate Change and Renewable Energy Researcher",meta_description:"Join Dr. Priyanka Shetty in her mission to combat climate change through innovative research and advocacy for renewable energy practices."},{name:"Dr. Emily Carter",description:"Dr. Emily Carter is a leading researcher in the field of physical sciences, specializing in quantum mechanics and nanotechnology. With over 15 years of experience, she has authored numerous peer-reviewed articles and has received various accolades for her groundbreaking work. She is an advocate for interdisciplinary research and frequently collaborates across different scientific domains.",meta_title:"Dr. Emily Carter - Quantum Mechanics and Nanotechnology Expert",meta_description:"Explore the research contributions of Dr. Emily Carter, an expert in quantum mechanics and nanotechnology with over 15 years of experience in physical sciences."},{name:"Prof. Michael Chen",description:"Prof. Michael Chen is a respected engineer with expertise in sustainable energy systems and materials science. He has been involved in transformative projects that bridge the gap between engineering and environmental sustainability. With 20+ research publications, his work has profoundly influenced both academia and industry.",meta_title:"Prof. Michael Chen - Sustainable Energy Systems Engineer",meta_description:"Meet Prof. Michael Chen, an engineer with a focus on sustainable energy systems and materials science, contributing significantly to environmental sustainability."},{name:"Dr. Sofia Patel",description:"Dr. Sofia Patel is a prominent researcher in the life sciences, particularly known for her groundbreaking work in genetics and biotechnology. Her expertise lies in genetic engineering, and she has been instrumental in developing novel therapies. Dr. Patel is also an enthusiastic mentor, guiding the next generation of scientists.",meta_title:"Dr. Sofia Patel - Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Expert",meta_description:"Discover the achievements of Dr. Sofia Patel, a researcher in genetics and biotechnology, who is known for her innovative contributions and mentorship in life sciences."},{name:"Dr. Carlos Rivera",description:"Dr. Carlos Rivera specializes in health sciences, focusing on public health and epidemiology. With over a decade of experience, he has contributed to numerous high-impact journals and his research addresses global health challenges. His efforts extend to community outreach programs aimed at improving healthcare access.",meta_title:"Dr. Carlos Rivera - Public Health and Epidemiology Specialist",meta_description:"Learn about Dr. Carlos Rivera, an expert in public health and epidemiology, dedicated to addressing global health challenges and improving community health."},{name:"Dr. Maria Lopez",description:"Dr. Maria Lopez is a seasoned researcher in social sciences with a concentration in sociology and cultural studies. Her work studies the dynamics of social change and its impact on communities. Dr. Lopez has been published extensively and actively participates in sociocultural events promoting social awareness.",meta_title:"Dr. Maria Lopez - Sociologist and Cultural Studies Expert",meta_description:"Explore the insights of Dr. Maria Lopez, a researcher specializing in sociology and cultural studies with a focus on social change and its community impact."},{name:"Dr. Hideo Takahashi",description:"Dr. Hideo Takahashi is a physicist who specializes in condensed matter physics. He has made significant contributions to the understanding of superconductivity and nanostructures. With several international awards to his credit, his research is highly regarded in both academic and industrial circles.",meta_title:"Dr. Hideo Takahashi - Condensed Matter Physics Authority",meta_description:"Meet Dr. Hideo Takahashi, a physicist specializing in condensed matter physics, recognized for his contributions to superconductivity and nanostructures."},{name:"Prof. Anjali Desai",description:"Prof. Anjali Desai, an authority in health sciences, focuses on mental health and wellness. With over 30 published studies, she explores the intersection of mental health and social factors, advocating for policies that enhance mental healthcare accessibility.",meta_title:"Prof. Anjali Desai - Mental Health and Wellness Researcher",meta_description:"Discover Prof. Anjali Desai, an expert in mental health and wellness, recognized for her impactful research and advocacy for better mental healthcare policies."},{name:"Dr. Oliver Jensen",description:"Dr. Oliver Jensen is a celebrated researcher in engineering, specifically in artificial intelligence and robotics. With over 10 years in the field, he has developed innovative algorithms that enhance machine learning applications. His work has paved the way for advancements in automation and robotics.",meta_title:"Dr. Oliver Jensen - AI and Robotics Innovator",meta_description:"Learn from Dr. Oliver Jensen, an expert in artificial intelligence and robotics, known for his innovative contributions that impact automation across industries."},{name:"Dr. Fatima Khan",description:"Dr. Fatima Khan is a distinguished social scientist renowned for her work in gender studies and socio-economic development. With a focus on marginalized communities, she has conducted extensive fieldwork and her publications have significantly influenced policies and practices.",meta_title:"Dr. Fatima Khan - Gender Studies and Socioeconomic Development Expert",meta_description:"Explore the contributions of Dr. Fatima Khan, a social scientist specializing in gender studies and socio-economic development, impacting policies for marginalized communities."},{name:"Dr. Liam O'Connor",description:"Dr. Liam O'Connor is a prominent researcher in the field of environmental science, particularly in climate change studies. He has authored numerous influential papers that analyze climate patterns and propose sustainable solutions. He actively engages with the community to promote environmental education.",meta_title:"Dr. Liam O'Connor - Climate Change and Environmental Science Researcher",meta_description:"Meet Dr. Liam O'Connor, an expert in environmental science and climate change, recognized for his research contributions and commitment to sustainability."},{name:"Dr. Lisa Fernandez",description:"Dr. Lisa Fernandez is a renowned biochemist with over 15 years of experience in molecular biology and genetics. She has published extensively in peer-reviewed journals and has received multiple awards for her groundbreaking research on enzyme functions and interactions. With a deep commitment to education, Dr. Fernandez also serves as a mentor for undergraduate students in research labs.",meta_title:"Dr. Lisa Fernandez - Expert Biochemist and Researcher",meta_description:"Discover the contributions of Dr. Lisa Fernandez, a distinguished biochemist with over 15 years of research experience in molecular biology. Learn more about her work in enzyme research and her mentorship role in scientific education."},{name:"Prof. Alan Thompson",description:"Prof. Alan Thompson is an esteemed physicist recognized for his work in condensed matter physics. With more than two decades of teaching experience at leading universities, he has published several influential papers on superconductivity and quantum mechanics. His research has advanced the understanding of material properties at the atomic level.",meta_title:"Prof. Alan Thompson - Leading Physicist in Condensed Matter",meta_description:"Explore the research of Prof. Alan Thompson, a leading physicist specializing in condensed matter physics. With over 20 years of experience, he has made significant contributions to the fields of superconductivity and quantum mechanics."},{name:"Dr. Maria Chen",description:"Dr. Maria Chen is a clinical psychologist and researcher focusing on mental health issues among diverse populations. Her work emphasizes the importance of cultural competence in therapeutic practices. With numerous publications and presentations at international conferences, Dr. Chen is a sought-after expert in psychological wellness.",meta_title:"Dr. Maria Chen - Clinical Psychologist and Mental Health Advocate",meta_description:"Learn about Dr. Maria Chen, a clinical psychologist with a focus on mental health among diverse communities. Her extensive research and advocacy help promote cultural competence in psychological care."},{name:"Dr. David Patel",description:"Dr. David Patel is an environmental scientist dedicated to studying the impacts of climate change on biodiversity. Over the last decade, he has collaborated with various international research teams and published numerous influential articles in top environmental journals. His outreach programs aim to raise awareness about sustainable practices.",meta_title:"Dr. David Patel - Environmental Scientist and Climate Change Advocate",meta_description:"Follow the work of Dr. David Patel, an environmental scientist focused on climate change and biodiversity. His research and outreach efforts aim to educate and promote sustainability."},{name:"Prof. Elena Giordano",description:"Prof. Elena Giordano is a prominent historian specializing in modern European history. With over 25 years as a professor, she has authored several books and numerous articles that offer insight into cultural movements and their societal impacts. Prof. Giordano is also a frequent speaker at global history conferences.",meta_title:"Prof. Elena Giordano - Expert in Modern European History",meta_description:"Discover the scholarly contributions of Prof. Elena Giordano, a leading historian in modern European studies. Her books and articles deeply analyze cultural movements and their historical significance."},{name:"Dr. Ahmed El-Sayed",description:"Dr. Ahmed El-Sayed is a pioneering engineer specializing in renewable energy systems. He has led significant research projects focused on solar and wind energy technologies. His work has been fundamental in advancing sustainable engineering practices and is widely published across engineering journals.",meta_title:"Dr. Ahmed El-Sayed - Renewable Energy Engineer and Researcher",meta_description:"Explore the contributions of Dr. Ahmed El-Sayed, a leader in renewable energy engineering. His research on solar and wind technologies promotes sustainable practices in energy systems."},{name:"Dr. Sophia Marquez",description:"Dr. Sophia Marquez is a sociologist known for her work on urban studies and social inequality. Her in-depth research explores the dynamics of urbanization and its effects on social structures. Dr. Marquez has published extensively and is engaged in various community outreach initiatives aimed at promoting social justice.",meta_title:"Dr. Sophia Marquez - Sociologist and Urban Studies Expert",meta_description:"Learn about Dr. Sophia Marquez's work in sociology, focusing on urban studies and social inequality. Her research and community initiatives aim to address social justice issues."},{name:"Prof. James O'Connor",description:"Prof. James O'Connor is a distinguished chemist specializing in organic synthesis. With over 30 years in academia, he has made significant contributions to the field of synthetic organic chemistry and has published over 150 research articles. Prof. O'Connor is a respected mentor, guiding many aspiring chemists in their career paths.",meta_title:"Prof. James O'Connor - Organic Chemistry Expert",meta_description:"Explore the research and mentorship of Prof. James O'Connor, a leading expert in organic synthesis. His impact on synthetic chemistry has advanced the field and inspired countless students."},{name:"Dr. Anna Wood",description:"Dr. Anna Wood is a renowned ecologist dedicated to the study of ecosystems and biodiversity conservation. She has conducted research worldwide, focusing on the preservation of endangered species and their habitats. Dr. Wood is also an advocate for science communication and collaborates with various environmental NGOs.",meta_title:"Dr. Anna Wood - Ecologist and Biodiversity Advocate",meta_description:"Follow Dr. Anna Wood, an ecologist focused on ecosystems and biodiversity conservation. Her global research and advocacy promote the protection of endangered species and habitats."},{name:"Prof. Thomas Reilly",description:"Prof. Thomas Reilly is an expert in artificial intelligence and machine learning, with a focus on developing algorithms for data analysis and predictive modeling. With a wealth of experience in academia and industry, he has published numerous impactful papers and frequently speaks at international technology conferences.",meta_title:"Prof. Thomas Reilly - Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Specialist",meta_description:"Discover the works of Prof. Thomas Reilly, an artificial intelligence expert known for his research in data analysis and predictive modeling. His contributions shape the future of technology."}],n=a.reduce(((e,i)=>Object.assign(Object.assign({},e),{[i.name]:{title:i.meta_title,description:i.meta_description}})),{});exports.AUTHORS_INFO=a,exports.AUTHORS_META=n,exports.PAGES_SEO=i;
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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package/package.json CHANGED
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
  "name": "tedo-publisher",
- "version": "1.3.304",
+ "version": "1.3.305",
  "description": "Package for config files and reusable code/components between projects",
  "main": "dist/index.js",
  "files": [