tedo-publisher 1.3.233 β†’ 1.3.234

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@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+ export declare const dataStructure: {
+ pestIdentification: {
+ title: string;
+ description: string;
+ slug: string;
+ children: {
+ commonPests: {
+ title: string;
+ description: string;
+ slug: string;
+ children: null;
+ };
+ identificationGuides: {
+ title: string;
+ description: string;
+ slug: string;
+ children: null;
+ };
+ seasonalPestDiversity: {
+ title: string;
+ description: string;
+ slug: string;
+ children: null;
+ };
+ other: {
+ title: string;
+ description: string;
+ slug: string;
+ children: null;
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ pestPrevention: {
+ title: string;
+ description: string;
+ slug: string;
+ children: {
+ preventiveMeasures: {
+ title: string;
+ description: string;
+ slug: string;
+ children: null;
+ };
+ bestPracticesForHomeOwners: {
+ title: string;
+ description: string;
+ slug: string;
+ children: null;
+ };
+ gardenPestPrevention: {
+ title: string;
+ description: string;
+ slug: string;
+ children: null;
+ };
+ other: {
+ title: string;
+ description: string;
+ slug: string;
+ children: null;
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ ecoFriendlyPestControl: {
+ title: string;
+ description: string;
+ slug: string;
+ children: {
+ naturalRepellents: {
+ title: string;
+ description: string;
+ slug: string;
+ children: null;
+ };
+ biologicalControlMethods: {
+ title: string;
+ description: string;
+ slug: string;
+ children: null;
+ };
+ organicPestControlProducts: {
+ title: string;
+ description: string;
+ slug: string;
+ children: null;
+ };
+ other: {
+ title: string;
+ description: string;
+ slug: string;
+ children: null;
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ insectEcology: {
+ title: string;
+ description: string;
+ slug: string;
+ children: {
+ rolesInEcosystems: {
+ title: string;
+ description: string;
+ slug: string;
+ children: null;
+ };
+ beneficialInsects: {
+ title: string;
+ description: string;
+ slug: string;
+ children: null;
+ };
+ misconceptionsAboutInsects: {
+ title: string;
+ description: string;
+ slug: string;
+ children: null;
+ };
+ other: {
+ title: string;
+ description: string;
+ slug: string;
+ children: null;
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ export declare const authors: Record<string, string>;
+ export declare const authorsNames: string[];
+ export declare const DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION_EMOJIS = "\uD83D\uDC1E\uD83E\uDEB2\uD83D\uDEAB\uD83D\uDD2B";
+ export declare const categories: ("pestIdentification" | "pestPrevention" | "ecoFriendlyPestControl" | "insectEcology")[];
+ export declare const subcategories: string[];
+ export declare const subsubcategories: string[];
+ export type Category = keyof typeof dataStructure;
+ export type CategoryNode = (typeof dataStructure)[Category];
+ export type SubcategoryKeyByCategory<T extends Category> = (typeof dataStructure)[T]['children'];
+ export declare const startDate = "2024-09-04T00:00:00Z";
+ export declare const devBucketName = "idn-bughitmen-dev";
+ export declare const prodBucketName = "idn-bughitmen";
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ "use strict";var e=require("./seo.js");const t={pestIdentification:{title:"Pest Identification - Know Your Pests πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™‚οΈ",description:"Explore the world of pests with BugHitmen! Get insights on pest identification, prevention, and control methods to protect your home and garden.",slug:"pest-identification",children:{commonPests:{title:"Common Pests - Know What Creeps Around You 🐜",description:"Learn about the most common pests that invade your space. From ants to cockroaches, find tips to identify and manage these pesky invaders.",slug:"common-pests",children:null},identificationGuides:{title:"Pest Identification Guides - Master the Art of ID πŸ”",description:"Delve into detailed guides for identifying various pests. Arm yourself with knowledge to discern between friend and foe in your garden and home!",slug:"identification-guides",children:null},seasonalPestDiversity:{title:"Seasonal Pest Diversity - Pests Year Round 🌼🐞",description:"Explore how pest populations change with the seasons. Identify when and where certain pests are most active in your area with our tips.",slug:"seasonal-pest-diversity",children:null},other:{title:"Other Pest Resources - Expanding Your Knowledge 🌍",description:"Discover a variety of resources related to pests and pest control. From ecological insights to fun facts, broaden your understanding here!",slug:"other-pest-resources",children:null}}},pestPrevention:{title:"Ultimate Pest Prevention Strategies for Homeowners 🏑",description:"Explore effective pest prevention techniques and strategies. Discover holistic approaches for homeowners to keep pests away for good! 🌱",slug:"pest-prevention-strategies",children:{preventiveMeasures:{title:"Top Preventive Measures Against Pests 🚫🐜",description:"Learn essential preventive measures to keep your home pest-free. Simple tips to ward off unwanted pests and protect your space! 🏠",slug:"top-preventive-measures",children:null},bestPracticesForHomeOwners:{title:"Best Practices for Homeowners in Pest Control 🧹",description:"Discover the best practices every homeowner should know for effective pest control. Stay informed and safeguard your home! πŸ“š",slug:"best-practices-homeowners",children:null},gardenPestPrevention:{title:"Garden Pest Prevention Tips for a Thriving Garden 🌼",description:"Ensure a flourishing garden with expert pest prevention tips. Protect your plants from pesky intruders and promote healthy growth! 🌳",slug:"garden-pest-prevention-tips",children:null},other:{title:"Miscellaneous Tips for Effective Pest Control 🐞",description:"Explore miscellaneous pest control tips and tricks. Discover insights that don't fit the mold but are essential for pest management! πŸ”",slug:"miscellaneous-pest-tips",children:null}}},ecoFriendlyPestControl:{title:"Eco-Friendly Pest Control: Sustainable Strategies for a Pest-Free Home 🌿",description:"Explore eco-friendly pest control methods that keep your home safe and healthy. Uncover natural solutions for a pest-free environment! 🐜",slug:"eco-friendly-pest-control",children:{naturalRepellents:{title:"Natural Repellents: Effective Solutions to Deter Pests 🌱",description:"Discover the power of natural repellents that keep pests at bay without chemicals. Safe for you, your family, and the planet! 🌍",slug:"natural-repellents",children:null},biologicalControlMethods:{title:"Biological Control Methods: Nature's Way to Manage Pests 🦠",description:"Learn how biological control methods use nature to manage pest populations effectively. Discover safe, eco-friendly practices today! πŸƒ",slug:"biological-control-methods",children:null},organicPestControlProducts:{title:"Organic Pest Control Products: Safe Solutions for Your Garden πŸ…",description:"Find out about organic pest control products that protect your garden naturally. Enjoy a healthy, thriving garden while caring for the earth! 🌱",slug:"organic-pest-control-products",children:null},other:{title:"Additional Eco-Friendly Pest Control Strategies 🏑",description:"Explore other eco-friendly pest control strategies that ensure a pest-free home without harming our ecosystem. Keep pests away sustainably! 🌎",slug:"other-eco-friendly-strategies",children:null}}},insectEcology:{title:"Understanding Insect Ecology: The Hidden Roles of Pests 🌍",description:"Explore the fascinating world of insect ecology at BugHitmen! Learn about pests' roles, beneficial insects, and debunk common myths! 🐞",slug:"understanding-insect-ecology",children:{rolesInEcosystems:{title:"Roles of Insects in Ecosystems: Nature's Balancers βš–οΈ",description:"Discover how insects maintain ecological balance! From pollination to decomposition, learn why these critters are vital for sustainability. 🌿",slug:"roles-of-insects-in-ecosystems",children:null},beneficialInsects:{title:"Beneficial Insects: Nature's Pest Controllers 🐝",description:"Uncover the secrets of beneficial insects and how they aid in pest control! Discover why these allies are crucial for gardens and farms! 🌼",slug:"beneficial-insects",children:null},misconceptionsAboutInsects:{title:"Debunking Insect Myths: Truth Behind Common Misconceptions ❓",description:"Challenge your beliefs! Dive into common misconceptions about insects and understand the truth about these essential creatures. πŸ•·οΈ",slug:"misconceptions-about-insects",children:null},other:{title:"Insect Ecology Topics: Beyond the Basics πŸ¦‹",description:"Explore diverse topics in insect ecology that go beyond traditional pest control, enriching your knowledge and appreciation for these creatures! 🌸",slug:"other-insect-ecology-topics",children:null}}}},s=e.AUTHORS_INFO.reduce(((e,t)=>Object.assign(Object.assign({},e),{[t.name]:[t.description]})),{}),o=e.AUTHORS_INFO.map((e=>e.name)),n="🐞πŸͺ²πŸš«πŸ”«",i=Object.keys(t),r=[],l=[];for(const e of i){const s=t[e];if(null==s?void 0:s.children){r.push(...Object.keys(s.children));for(const e of r){const t=s.children[e];(null==t?void 0:t.children)&&l.push(...Object.keys(t.children))}}}const a="2024-09-04T00:00:00Z",c="bughitmen",d=`idn-${c}-dev`,u=`idn-${c}`;exports.DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION_EMOJIS=n,exports.authors=s,exports.authorsNames=o,exports.categories=i,exports.dataStructure=t,exports.devBucketName=d,exports.prodBucketName=u,exports.startDate=a,exports.subcategories=r,exports.subsubcategories=l;
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ export declare enum FiltersNames {
+ TypesOfPests = "Types of Pests",
+ ControlMethods = "Control Methods",
+ TargetAudience = "Target Audience",
+ ArticleTone = "Article Tone",
+ SeasonalFocus = "Seasonal Focus"
+ }
+ type TypesOfPestsValues = 'Insects' | 'Rodents' | 'Weeds' | 'Nuisance Wildlife';
+ type ControlMethodsValues = 'Eco-Friendly Solutions' | 'Chemical Treatments' | 'DIY Tips' | 'Professional Services';
+ type TargetAudienceValues = 'Homeowners' | 'Gardeners' | 'Students' | 'DIY Enthusiasts';
+ type ArticleToneValues = 'Informative' | 'Humorous' | 'Action-Oriented' | 'Conversational';
+ type SeasonalFocusValues = 'Spring Pest Challenges' | 'Summer Infestation Issues' | 'Fall Prevention Tips' | 'Winter Rodent Control';
+ export type ArticleFilters = {
+ [FiltersNames.TypesOfPests]: TypesOfPestsValues[];
+ [FiltersNames.ControlMethods]: ControlMethodsValues[];
+ [FiltersNames.TargetAudience]: TargetAudienceValues[];
+ [FiltersNames.ArticleTone]: ArticleToneValues[];
+ [FiltersNames.SeasonalFocus]: SeasonalFocusValues[];
+ };
+ export declare const typesOfPestsValues: TypesOfPestsValues[];
+ export declare const controlMethodsValues: ControlMethodsValues[];
+ export declare const targetAudienceValues: TargetAudienceValues[];
+ export declare const articleToneValues: ArticleToneValues[];
+ export declare const seasonalFocusValues: SeasonalFocusValues[];
+ export declare const initialFilters: ArticleFilters;
+ export declare const fullFilters: ArticleFilters;
+ export declare const getFiltersTypesJSON: () => string;
+ export {};
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ "use strict";var e;exports.FiltersNames=void 0,(e=exports.FiltersNames||(exports.FiltersNames={})).TypesOfPests="Types of Pests",e.ControlMethods="Control Methods",e.TargetAudience="Target Audience",e.ArticleTone="Article Tone",e.SeasonalFocus="Seasonal Focus";const s=["Insects","Rodents","Weeds","Nuisance Wildlife"],t=["Eco-Friendly Solutions","Chemical Treatments","DIY Tips","Professional Services"],o=["Homeowners","Gardeners","Students","DIY Enthusiasts"],r=["Informative","Humorous","Action-Oriented","Conversational"],l=["Spring Pest Challenges","Summer Infestation Issues","Fall Prevention Tips","Winter Rodent Control"],i={[exports.FiltersNames.TypesOfPests]:[],[exports.FiltersNames.ControlMethods]:[],[exports.FiltersNames.TargetAudience]:[],[exports.FiltersNames.ArticleTone]:[],[exports.FiltersNames.SeasonalFocus]:[]},n={[exports.FiltersNames.TypesOfPests]:s,[exports.FiltersNames.ControlMethods]:t,[exports.FiltersNames.TargetAudience]:o,[exports.FiltersNames.ArticleTone]:r,[exports.FiltersNames.SeasonalFocus]:l},a=()=>JSON.stringify(n,null,2);exports.articleToneValues=r,exports.controlMethodsValues=t,exports.fullFilters=n,exports.getFiltersTypesJSON=a,exports.initialFilters=i,exports.seasonalFocusValues=l,exports.targetAudienceValues=o,exports.typesOfPestsValues=s;
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ import { GetDefaultImagesFrontmatter } from 'src/common/types';
+ export declare const getDefaultImagesFrontmatter: GetDefaultImagesFrontmatter;
+ export declare const prohibitedWordsInAltTitle: RegExp;
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ "use strict";const e=(e,n)=>{const t=n(e),i=undefined,a=undefined,l=undefined,o=undefined;return[{alt:`${e} Introduction`,filename:`${t}-introduction.png`,title:`${e} Introduction`},{alt:`Magnificent ${e}`,filename:`Magnificent-${t}.png`,title:`Magnificent ${e}`},{alt:`Notable ${e}`,filename:`${t}-notable.png`,title:`Notable ${e}`},{alt:`${e} Summary`,filename:`${t}-summary.png`,title:`${e} Summary`}]},n=/\b(?:hands|men|women|human|people|chief|family|mixing|serving|tasting|rolling)\b/i;exports.getDefaultImagesFrontmatter=e,exports.prohibitedWordsInAltTitle=n;
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ export * from './data';
+ export * from './filters';
+ export * from './helpers';
+ export * from './prompts/images';
+ export * from './seo';
+ import './styles/colors.css';
+ import './styles/fonts.css';
+ import './styles/global.css';
+ import './styles/sizing.css';
+ import './styles/vars.css';
+ import './styles/theme.css';
+ import * as gpt35Articles from './prompts/gpt35turbo/articles';
+ import * as gpt4oMiniArticles from './prompts/gpt4oMini/articles';
+ export { gpt35Articles, gpt4oMiniArticles };
+ export * from './prompts/data';
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ "use strict";var e=require("./data.js"),t=require("./filters.js"),s=require("./helpers.js"),r=require("./prompts/images.js"),o=require("./seo.js"),a=require("./prompts/gpt35turbo/articles.js"),p=require("./prompts/gpt4oMini/articles.js"),i=require("./prompts/data.js");exports.DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION_EMOJIS=e.DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION_EMOJIS,exports.authors=e.authors,exports.authorsNames=e.authorsNames,exports.categories=e.categories,exports.dataStructure=e.dataStructure,exports.devBucketName=e.devBucketName,exports.prodBucketName=e.prodBucketName,exports.startDate=e.startDate,exports.subcategories=e.subcategories,exports.subsubcategories=e.subsubcategories,Object.defineProperty(exports,"FiltersNames",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return t.FiltersNames}}),exports.articleToneValues=t.articleToneValues,exports.controlMethodsValues=t.controlMethodsValues,exports.fullFilters=t.fullFilters,exports.getFiltersTypesJSON=t.getFiltersTypesJSON,exports.initialFilters=t.initialFilters,exports.seasonalFocusValues=t.seasonalFocusValues,exports.targetAudienceValues=t.targetAudienceValues,exports.typesOfPestsValues=t.typesOfPestsValues,exports.getDefaultImagesFrontmatter=s.getDefaultImagesFrontmatter,exports.prohibitedWordsInAltTitle=s.prohibitedWordsInAltTitle,exports.getOpenAiBasedImagePrompt=r.getOpenAiBasedImagePrompt,exports.getOpenAiBasedImagePromptDalle2=r.getOpenAiBasedImagePromptDalle2,exports.getStableDiffusionImagePrompt=r.getStableDiffusionImagePrompt,exports.AUTHORS_INFO=o.AUTHORS_INFO,exports.AUTHORS_META=o.AUTHORS_META,exports.PAGES_SEO=o.PAGES_SEO,Object.defineProperty(exports,"PageNames",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return o.PageNames}}),exports.gpt35Articles=a,exports.gpt4oMiniArticles=p,exports.END_STEP=i.END_STEP,exports.FILTERS_INFO=i.FILTERS_INFO,exports.IMAGES_PROHIBITED_WORDS=i.IMAGES_PROHIBITED_WORDS,exports.START_STEP=i.START_STEP,exports.TARGET_AUDIENCE=i.TARGET_AUDIENCE,exports.ZERO_SECTION=i.ZERO_SECTION,exports.portalInfo=i.portalInfo;
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ export declare const portalInfo = "The article is written for the web portal.I will give you important information regarding the web portal:\n - Brief description: BugHitmen is an engaging infotainment portal dedicated to providing valuable insights into pest control, insects, and pests. This user-friendly platform offers articles that blend informative content with entertaining narratives, making it an engaging resource for anyone interested in understanding more about the complex world of pests and effective pest management strategies.\n - Detailed description: BugHitmen is a comprehensive web portal that serves as a go-to source for all things related to pest control and insects. The platform features a multitude of well-researched articles that cover a wide range of topics including identification of common pests, prevention techniques, eco-friendly pest control solutions, and the ecological roles of various insects. The content is not only informative, but it is also written with an engaging tone that appeals to both novices and experts in the field. Additionally, BugHitmen aims to demystify common misconceptions about insects and pests, fostering a greater appreciation for these creatures while contributing to better pest management practices.\n - Target audience: The primary target audience for BugHitmen comprises homeowners, gardeners, DIY enthusiasts, and individuals seeking assistance in pest management. Additionally, the content appeals to environmentally conscious readers interested in sustainable pest control practices, as well as students and researchers in fields related to entomology and environmental science.\n\n";
+ export declare const ZERO_SECTION = "This is important to include the following headers to the section, ONLY if they are applicable to the title, abstract and description of the article:\n## Understanding Pests\n - Definition of Pests\n - Importance of Pest Identification\n\n## Prevention Techniques\n - Home and Garden Preventative Measures\n - Seasonal Prevention Tips\n\n## Eco-Friendly Pest Control Solutions\n - Overview of Sustainable Practices\n - Natural Remedies and Their Effectiveness\n\nYou can change the headers and topics to make a them more coherent with the description of the article.\nStart text with first Heading H2 - Understanding Pests, IF it's applicable to the theme of the article.\n";
+ export declare const START_STEP = "highlighting the key points that will be discussed and the relevance of the topic";
+ export declare const END_STEP = "synthesizing the information presented throughout";
+ export declare const TARGET_AUDIENCE = "housewives and house owners";
+ export declare const IMAGES_PROHIBITED_WORDS = "any numbers, image, slug, step, seo, hand / hands, men, women, human, people, chief, preparing, process, cooking, mixing, serving, tasting, rolling";
+ export declare const FILTERS_INFO: string;
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ "use strict";var e;const t="The article is written for the web portal.I will give you important information regarding the web portal:\n - Brief description: BugHitmen is an engaging infotainment portal dedicated to providing valuable insights into pest control, insects, and pests. This user-friendly platform offers articles that blend informative content with entertaining narratives, making it an engaging resource for anyone interested in understanding more about the complex world of pests and effective pest management strategies.\n - Detailed description: BugHitmen is a comprehensive web portal that serves as a go-to source for all things related to pest control and insects. The platform features a multitude of well-researched articles that cover a wide range of topics including identification of common pests, prevention techniques, eco-friendly pest control solutions, and the ecological roles of various insects. The content is not only informative, but it is also written with an engaging tone that appeals to both novices and experts in the field. Additionally, BugHitmen aims to demystify common misconceptions about insects and pests, fostering a greater appreciation for these creatures while contributing to better pest management practices.\n - Target audience: The primary target audience for BugHitmen comprises homeowners, gardeners, DIY enthusiasts, and individuals seeking assistance in pest management. Additionally, the content appeals to environmentally conscious readers interested in sustainable pest control practices, as well as students and researchers in fields related to entomology and environmental science.\n\n",n="This is important to include the following headers to the section, ONLY if they are applicable to the title, abstract and description of the article:\n## Understanding Pests\n - Definition of Pests\n - Importance of Pest Identification\n\n## Prevention Techniques\n - Home and Garden Preventative Measures\n - Seasonal Prevention Tips\n\n## Eco-Friendly Pest Control Solutions\n - Overview of Sustainable Practices\n - Natural Remedies and Their Effectiveness\n\nYou can change the headers and topics to make a them more coherent with the description of the article.\nStart text with first Heading H2 - Understanding Pests, IF it's applicable to the theme of the article.\n",i="highlighting the key points that will be discussed and the relevance of the topic",a="synthesizing the information presented throughout",o="housewives and house owners",s="any numbers, image, slug, step, seo, hand / hands, men, women, human, people, chief, preparing, process, cooking, mixing, serving, tasting, rolling",r=`That is TREMENDOUS important - if category doesn't match - return empty array for that category - []. For example if you don't find any match for $FILTERNAME, return for that category\n$FILTERNAME: []\nResponse in valid json, adhering strictly to json interface below, include every field present in it, but include values in array only suitable for article, all array values are optional!\n${require("../filters.js").getFiltersTypesJSON()}`;exports.END_STEP=a,exports.FILTERS_INFO=r,exports.IMAGES_PROHIBITED_WORDS=s,exports.START_STEP=i,exports.TARGET_AUDIENCE=o,exports.ZERO_SECTION=n,exports.portalInfo=t;
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ import { GetOutlinePrompt, GetEntitiesPrompt, GetFiltersPrompt, GetImagesMetaPrompt, GetSectionPrompt } from 'src/common/types';
+ export declare const getBasePrompt: GetOutlinePrompt;
+ export declare const getSectionPrompt: GetSectionPrompt;
+ export declare const getImagesMetaPrompt: GetImagesMetaPrompt;
+ export declare const getFiltersPrompt: GetFiltersPrompt;
+ export declare const getEntitiesPrompt: GetEntitiesPrompt;
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ "use strict";var t=require("../data.js"),e=require("../../../common/prompts/gpt35turbo/articles.js"),o=require("../../../common/data.js"),r=require("../../data.js");const m=(o,r=e.DEFAULT_HEADINGS_NUM,m)=>e.getOutlineCommonPrompt({keyword:o,headingsNum:r,additionalInfo:t.portalInfo,locale:m}),s=o=>e.getSectionCommonPrompt(o,{zeroSectionPrompt:t.ZERO_SECTION,startStep:t.START_STEP,endStep:t.END_STEP,targetAudience:t.TARGET_AUDIENCE}),a=o=>e.getImagesMetaCommonPrompt(o,t.IMAGES_PROHIBITED_WORDS),p=o=>e.getFiltersCommonPrompt(o,t.FILTERS_INFO),i=t=>e.getEntitiesCommonPrompt(t,o.getCategoriesTypesJSON(r.dataStructure));exports.getBasePrompt=m,exports.getEntitiesPrompt=i,exports.getFiltersPrompt=p,exports.getImagesMetaPrompt=a,exports.getSectionPrompt=s;
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ import { GetOutlinePrompt, GetEntitiesPrompt, GetFiltersPrompt, GetImagesMetaPrompt, GetSectionPrompt } from 'src/common/types';
+ export declare const getBasePrompt: GetOutlinePrompt;
+ export declare const getSectionPrompt: GetSectionPrompt;
+ export declare const getImagesMetaPrompt: GetImagesMetaPrompt;
+ export declare const getFiltersPrompt: GetFiltersPrompt;
+ export declare const getEntitiesPrompt: GetEntitiesPrompt;
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ "use strict";var t=require("../data.js"),e=require("../../../common/prompts/gpt4oMini/articles.js"),o=require("../../../common/data.js"),r=require("../../data.js");const m=(o,r=e.DEFAULT_HEADINGS_NUM,m)=>e.getOutlineCommonPrompt({keyword:o,headingsNum:r,additionalInfo:t.portalInfo,locale:m}),s=o=>e.getSectionCommonPrompt(o,{zeroSectionPrompt:t.ZERO_SECTION,startStep:t.START_STEP,endStep:t.END_STEP,targetAudience:t.TARGET_AUDIENCE}),a=o=>e.getImagesMetaCommonPrompt(o,t.IMAGES_PROHIBITED_WORDS),i=o=>e.getFiltersCommonPrompt(o,t.FILTERS_INFO),p=t=>e.getEntitiesCommonPrompt(t,o.getCategoriesTypesJSON(r.dataStructure));exports.getBasePrompt=m,exports.getEntitiesPrompt=p,exports.getFiltersPrompt=i,exports.getImagesMetaPrompt=a,exports.getSectionPrompt=s;
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ import { GetOpenAiBasedImagePrompt, GetStableDiffusionImagePrompt } from 'src/common/types';
+ export declare const getStableDiffusionImagePrompt: GetStableDiffusionImagePrompt;
+ export declare const getOpenAiBasedImagePrompt: GetOpenAiBasedImagePrompt;
+ export declare const getOpenAiBasedImagePromptDalle2: GetOpenAiBasedImagePrompt;
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ "use strict";var e=require("../../common/prompts/images.js");const a=({title:a,alt:o,articleTitle:t})=>({prompt:`Award-winning hyper-real cinematic photo of a ${a}, ${o}, for an article ${t} from professional magazine photographer for a glossy Pest magazine, PestWorld Magazine, magazine photography, glossy Pest magazine, photorealistic, ultra realistic, maximum detail, highly detailed, commercial photography, sharp focus, epicurious, instagram, 4K, 8K, volumetric light, cinematic, octane render, uplight, no blur, depth of field, dof, film, bokeh, 85mm, f1.8, portrait, photo realistic, hyperrealistic, ornate, super detailed, intricate, dramatic, sunlight lighting, shadows, high dynamic range, masterpiece, best quality, (8k, RAW photo:1.2), vivid colour, masterpiece`,negativePrompt:e.SD_NEGATIVE_PROMPT}),o=({title:e,alt:a,articleTitle:o})=>`I NEED a hyper-real illustration of a ${e} at food style photography, ${a}, for an article ${o} for a glossy recipe magazine, photorealistic, ultra realistic, maximum detail, highly detailed, food style, food style photography, professional food photography, commercial photography, foreground focus, recipes.com, delish.com, epicurious, instagram, 4K, 8K, volumetric light, octane render, uplight, no blur, depth of field, dof, bokeh, foreground focus. Please exclude any: Photocamera, videocamera, Spotlight, soffit, ramp, scanners, strobe, soffit truss, film props, radio, cooking timer, watches, clocks, men, woman, people, hand, nands, leg, legs, font, username, error, words, letters, digits, autograph, trademark, name, easy-negative, cartoon, worst quality, low quality, blind, bad eyes, ugly eyes, dead eyes, greyscale, monochrome, vignette, text, title, logo, signature ,watermark, extra limbs, extra fingers, mutated hands, bad anatomy, censored, rabs, muscular, rib, blurry, blur, grainy, teeth, low resolution, lowres, low details, oversaturated, undersaturated, overexposed, underexposed, grayscale, bw, bad photo, bad photography, bad art, morbid, ugly, asymmetrical, mutated malformed, mutilated, poorly lit, bad shadow, draft, cropped, out of frame, cut off, jpeg artefacts, out of focus, glitch, duplicate, airbrushed,, anime, semi-realistic, cgi, render, 3D, blender, digital art, manga, amateur, 3D, 3D Game, 3D Game Scene, 3D Character, bad hands, , bad body, bad face, bad teeth, bad arms, bad legs, deformities, drawing, deformed iris, deformed pupils, deformed, painting, crayon, sketch, graphite, impressionist, noisy, poorly drawn hands, poorly drawn face, poorly drawn eyes, mutation, bad proportions, cloned face, disfigured, gross proportions, malformed limbs, malformed limbs, missing arms, missing legs, extra arms, extra legs, fused fingers, too many fingers, long neck, incoherent from this hyper-real illustration of a ${e}`,t=({title:e})=>`\n\tPhotorealistic highly detailed image of ingredients for ${e}, arranged professionally as if for a food photography shoot. image should showcase maximum detail realism, with a focus on foreground, emulating the style of a high-definition, 8k resolution professional food photograph. lighting should be volumetric and uplit, with a depth of field and bokeh effect, avoiding any blur for clarity. overall aesthetic should be reminiscent of the Kodak Portrait 800 style.\n\tNegative Prompt:\n\teasy-negative, cartoon, worst quality, low quality, text, title, logo, signature ,watermark, extra limbs, extra fingers, mutated hands, bad anatomy, blurry, blur, grainy, teeth, low resolution, low details, oversaturated, undersaturated, overexposed, underexposed, grayscale, bad shadow, draft, cropped, out of frame, cut off, jpeg artefacts, out of focus, glitch, airbrushed, anime, semi-realistic, cgi, render, 3D, blender, manga, amateur, 3D, 3D Game, drawing, sketch\n`;exports.getOpenAiBasedImagePrompt=o,exports.getOpenAiBasedImagePromptDalle2=t,exports.getStableDiffusionImagePrompt=a;
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ export interface PageSeoData {
+ title: string;
+ description: string;
+ }
+ export declare enum PageNames {
+ Authors = "authors",
+ Home = "home",
+ NotFound = "not-found",
+ AboutUs = "about-us",
+ PrivacyPolicy = "privacy-policy",
+ Terms = "terms",
+ Sitemap = "sitemap"
+ }
+ export type PagesSeo = Record<PageNames, PageSeoData>;
+ export interface AuthorInfo {
+ name: string;
+ description: string;
+ meta_title: string;
+ meta_description: string;
+ }
+ export declare const PAGES_SEO: PagesSeo;
+ export declare const AUTHORS_INFO: AuthorInfo[];
+ export declare const AUTHORS_META: Record<string, PageSeoData>;
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ "use strict";var e;exports.PageNames=void 0,(e=exports.PageNames||(exports.PageNames={})).Authors="authors",e.Home="home",e.NotFound="not-found",e.AboutUs="about-us",e.PrivacyPolicy="privacy-policy",e.Terms="terms",e.Sitemap="sitemap";const t={[exports.PageNames.Authors]:{title:"Meet Our Pest Control Experts | BugHitmen",description:"Discover the knowledgeable team behind BugHitmen as we tackle pesky insects and pests. 🐜πŸ’ͺ Your trusted source for effective pest control information!"},[exports.PageNames.Home]:{title:"BugHitmen: Your Ultimate Guide to Pest Control",description:"Welcome to BugHitmen! πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™‚οΈπŸ” Explore expert tips, tricks, and advice on combatting insects and pests. Say goodbye to pests and hello to peace of mind!"},[exports.PageNames.NotFound]:{title:"Page Not Found | BugHitmen",description:"Oops! 😱 We couldn't find that page. But don't worry, explore our pest control resources to find what you need!"},[exports.PageNames.AboutUs]:{title:"About BugHitmen | Expert Pest Control",description:"Learn more about BugHitmen and our mission to eliminate pests effectively and safely! 🦠✨ Our team is dedicated to keeping your home pest-free."},[exports.PageNames.PrivacyPolicy]:{title:"Privacy Policy | BugHitmen",description:"Your privacy matters to us! πŸŒπŸ”’ Read our Privacy Policy to understand how we protect your information at BugHitmen."},[exports.PageNames.Terms]:{title:"Terms and Conditions | BugHitmen",description:"Get informed about our terms and conditions. πŸ“œπŸ” Know your rights and responsibilities while visiting BugHitmen!"},[exports.PageNames.Sitemap]:{title:"Sitemap | BugHitmen",description:"Navigate easily through BugHitmen! πŸ—ΊοΈβœ¨ Check our sitemap to find all the pest control resources you need in one place."}},i=[{name:"Rajesh Gupta",description:"Rajesh Gupta is a leading pest control expert with over 12 years of experience in India. He has specialized in innovative pest management solutions and has conducted numerous workshops on eco-friendly pest control methods. His insights into pest behaviors and prevention techniques make him a valued voice in the industry.",meta_title:"Rajesh Gupta | Pest Control Solutions Expert",meta_description:"Discover effective pest control strategies with Rajesh Gupta, a leading expert dedicated to innovative and eco-friendly pest management techniques."},{name:"Anjali Mehra",description:"With over 10 years of experience in agricultural entomology, Anjali Mehra focuses on insect behavior and management. She has contributed extensively to research journals and is regarded as an authority on sustainable pest control methods in agriculture, helping farmers protect their crops efficiently.",meta_title:"Anjali Mehra | Agricultural Entomologist",meta_description:"Learn about sustainable insect management from Anjali Mehra, a specialist in agricultural entomology committed to protecting crops and the environment."},{name:"Karan Singh",description:"Karan Singh is a certified pest control technician with over 15 years of hands-on experience dealing with residential and commercial pest issues. His practical approach and advocacy for using non-toxic solutions have made him a trusted professional in the cleanliness sector.",meta_title:"Karan Singh | Certified Pest Control Technician",meta_description:"Get insights on residential and commercial pest solutions from Karan Singh, a dedicated certified pest control technician with a focus on non-toxic methods."},{name:"Pooja Verma",description:"Pooja Verma is an entomologist and pest management consultant with a PhD in Entomology. She has worked with various NGOs to promote awareness about pest-related issues and sustainable solutions among communities. Her passion for insects and dedication to public health inform her writing.",meta_title:"Pooja Verma | Entomologist and Public Health Advocate",meta_description:"Explore pest management solutions with Pooja Verma, an experienced entomologist dedicated to educating communities about sustainable practices."},{name:"Amit Desai",description:"Amit Desai has spent over a decade in the pest control industry, focusing on integrated pest management practices. His specialties include rodent control and carpenter ant interventions. Amit’s extensive fieldwork and knowledge of pest biology allow him to offer practical advice for controlling outdoor pests.",meta_title:"Amit Desai | Integrated Pest Management Specialist",meta_description:"Access practical pest control advice from Amit Desai, an integrated pest management specialist with extensive experience in dealing with outdoor pests."},{name:"Neha Kumar",description:"Neha Kumar is a pest management researcher and author passionate about studying insect pathology. With a decade of research experience, she specializes in biological control techniques and disseminating knowledge on environmentally safe pest management.",meta_title:"Neha Kumar | Pest Management Researcher",meta_description:"Learn about biological pest control techniques from Neha Kumar, a dedicated researcher committed to promoting safe and effective pest management practices."},{name:"Vikram Sharma",description:"Vikram Sharma is an expert pest exterminator with extensive field experience, particularly in urban pest problems. He has authored several guides on urban pest control and innovative baiting methods, helping homeowners tackle infestations more effectively.",meta_title:"Vikram Sharma | Urban Pest Control Expert",meta_description:"Discover effective urban pest control tactics with Vikram Sharma, an expert exterminator known for innovative solutions to common home infestations."},{name:"Riya Sethi",description:"Riya Sethi is a biologist specializing in insect ecology and pest control methods. With a strong background in biodiversity conservation, she provides vital insights into maintaining ecological balance while managing pest populations.",meta_title:"Riya Sethi | Insect Ecology Specialist",meta_description:"Gain insights on managing pest populations while preserving biodiversity from Riya Sethi, an ecologist dedicated to integrating pest control with conservation."},{name:"Arjun Mehta",description:"Arjun Mehta has worked within the pest control realm for over 8 years, specializing in commercial pest management. Known for his engaging seminars, he shares knowledge about the latest pest management technologies and tactics that businesses can utilize.",meta_title:"Arjun Mehta | Commercial Pest Management Consultant",meta_description:"Explore cutting-edge pest management strategies for businesses with Arjun Mehta, consultant and expert in commercial pest control solutions."},{name:"Sophie Narayanan",description:"Sophie Narayanan has over 7 years of experience in pest control research and consumer awareness. Focusing on the impacts of pesticides on health, she advocates for safer solutions university workshops, aiming to empower individuals seeking pest solutions.",meta_title:"Sophie Narayanan | Pest Control Advocate",meta_description:"Join Sophie Narayanan in understanding healthier pest control practices and mark safer pest management as an imperative for your lifestyle."},{name:"Dr. Anjali Singh",description:"Dr. Anjali Singh is an entomologist with over a decade of experience in pest management and urban entomology. Based in Bengaluru, India, she specializes in research and public awareness initiatives that educate communities on effective pest control methods.",meta_title:"Dr. Anjali Singh | Expert Entomologist in Pest Control",meta_description:"Explore pest control strategies with Dr. Anjali Singh, an expert entomologist dedicated to providing actionable insights for managing pests effectively."},{name:"Rahul Sharma",description:"Rahul Sharma is a pest control technician and educator based in Pune, India. With over 8 years in the pest management industry, he offers practical guidance on integrated pest management techniques that minimize environmental impact.",meta_title:"Rahul Sharma | Pest Control Technician and Educator",meta_description:"Join Rahul Sharma as he shares valuable knowledge on integrated pest management and techniques for a pest-free environment."},{name:"Leena Joshi",description:"Leena Joshi, hailing from Mumbai, is a freelance writer specializing in pest control and environmental science. With a background in biology, she combines her writing skills with scientific expertise to create engaging content about managing household pests.",meta_title:"Leena Joshi | Freelance Writer on Pest Control",meta_description:"Read articles by Leena Joshi on pest control solutions, as she blends scientific knowledge with popular writing for effective pest management."},{name:"Rajiv Mehta",description:"Rajiv Mehta is a pest control business owner in Chennai, India, with over 15 years of hands-on experience. He focuses on using sustainable practices that protect both health and the environment while effectively controlling pest populations.",meta_title:"Rajiv Mehta | Sustainable Pest Control Business Owner",meta_description:"Discover sustainable pest control practices with Rajiv Mehta, who shares his expertise in protecting health and environment through responsible pest management."},{name:"Dr. Kavita Iyer",description:"Dr. Kavita Iyer is a veterinarian in Delhi who specializes in pest control related to veterinary concerns. With her unique perspective, she provides insights into preventing pest-related health issues in pets and livestock.",meta_title:"Dr. Kavita Iyer | Veterinarian and Pest Control Specialist",meta_description:"Learn how to protect your pets from pests with Dr. Kavita Iyer, a veterinarian specializing in pest-related health concerns for pets and livestock."},{name:"Sandeep Reddy",description:"Sandeep Reddy is an expert in commercial pest control, boasting over 12 years of experience in providing pest solutions for restaurants and hotels in Hyderabad. His goal is to ensure safe operational environments for food industries.",meta_title:"Sandeep Reddy | Commercial Pest Control Expert",meta_description:"Follow Sandeep Reddy as he shares insights on maintaining pest-free commercial environments, especially in the food service industry."},{name:"Anita Rao",description:"Anita Rao is an environmentalist and consultant based in Kolkata, India, focusing on eco-friendly pest control strategies. She combines her passion for nature with her knowledge of pest biology to help people understand and manage infestations sustainably.",meta_title:"Anita Rao | Eco-Friendly Pest Control Consultant",meta_description:"Get insights from Anita Rao on eco-friendly pest control and learn how to manage pests while preserving the environment."},{name:"Vikram Malik",description:"Vikram Malik is a drilling engineer who has pivoted to pest management consulting, focusing on innovative solutions to control pests in industrial settings. His unique background allows him to approach pest systems from multiple angles.",meta_title:"Vikram Malik | Industrial Pest Management Consultant",meta_description:"Discover innovative pest control methods for industrial settings with Vikram Malik's expertise, combining engineering principles with pest management."},{name:"Smita Kapoor",description:"Smita Kapoor is a community educator based in Ahmedabad, India. With a strong foundation in biology, she leads workshops on pest prevention and management in rural areas, emphasizing local knowledge and sustainable practices.",meta_title:"Smita Kapoor | Community Educator on Pest Management",meta_description:"Explore Smita Kapoor's workshops on pest prevention and management, focused on local and sustainable methods for community involvement."},{name:"Karan Gupta",description:"Karan Gupta is a researcher in urban pest management, exploring integrated approaches to invasive species in cities. Based in Mumbai, he aims to bridge the gap between scientific research and practical pest solutions.",meta_title:"Karan Gupta | Urban Pest Management Researcher",meta_description:"Delve into urban pest management with Karan Gupta, a researcher dedicated to innovative strategies for controlling invasive species in urban settings."},{name:"Rajesh Kumar",description:"With over 10 years of experience in the field of entomology, Rajesh Kumar is an acclaimed pest control specialist located in Bangalore. He has worked extensively with both residential and commercial clients to combat pest issues with a focus on sustainable solutions and integrated pest management strategies.",meta_title:"Rajesh Kumar | Expert Pest Control Specialist",meta_description:"Explore expert pest control advice with Rajesh Kumar. With over a decade in entomology, he offers sustainable and effective solutions for all your pest problems."},{name:"Aditi Singh",description:"Aditi Singh is a health and environmental researcher based in New Delhi, specializing in urban pest control. Her academic background and hands-on experience shape her methods for impossible pest prevention while maintaining safety for families and pets.",meta_title:"Aditi Singh | Urban Pest Control Researcher",meta_description:"Get insights on urban pest management from Aditi Singh, a researcher dedicated to safe and effective solutions for keeping your environment pest-free."},{name:"Sita Choudhury",description:"Sita Choudhury is a leading expert in organic pest control based in Kolkata, with more than 8 years of field experience. Her passion for green pest management has helped numerous households tackle insect infestations using natural methods.",meta_title:"Sita Choudhury | Organic Pest Control Expert",meta_description:"Discover Sita Choudhury's tips for natural pest control. Her expertise in organic solutions makes her a valuable resource for eco-conscious families."},{name:"Anil Verma",description:"Anil Verma is an entomologist who focuses on the impacts of climate change on pest populations. With over 9 years of research experience from Pune, he shares articles on how to help control pests in a rapidly changing environment.",meta_title:"Anil Verma | Entomologist and Climate Advocate",meta_description:"Join Anil Verma to explore the intersection of climate change and pest management. His research-driven insights pave the way for safer pest control practices."},{name:"Pooja Mehta",description:"Pooja Mehta is a pest control consultant in Hyderabad with over 7 years of experience. She specializes in pest prevention plans for residential communities and has a knack for educating the public on sustainable pest solutions.",meta_title:"Pooja Mehta | Pest Control Consultant and Educator",meta_description:"Learn pest prevention strategies from Pooja Mehta, a consultant dedicated to promoting sustainability in pest management for communities."},{name:"Arjun Reddy",description:"Arjun Reddy is a wildlife conservationist from Chennai who collaborates on projects addressing human-wildlife pest problems. His rich experiences offer a unique angle on pest control, balancing ecology and pest management.",meta_title:"Arjun Reddy | Wildlife Conservationist and Pest Advisor",meta_description:"Explore the relationship between wildlife and pest management with Arjun Reddy. His unique insights offer a new perspective on balancing ecosystems."},{name:"Simran Kapoor",description:"Simran Kapoor, a home improvement expert from Jaipur, has a keen interest in pest control as part of maintaining a healthy living environment. With a background in interior design, she shares tips to prevent and address pest issues effectively.",meta_title:"Simran Kapoor | Home Improvement and Pest Control Expert",meta_description:"Transform your home into a pest-free sanctuary with Simran Kapoor's insightful advice on enhancing spaces while keeping pests at bay."},{name:"Manish Joshi",description:"Manish Joshi, based in Ahmedabad, is a certified pest control operator with over a decade of experience. He revolutionizes pest control approaches while emphasizing minimal use of chemicals and personal education.",meta_title:"Manish Joshi | Certified Pest Control Operator",meta_description:"Discover cutting-edge pest control techniques with Manish Joshi, who advocates for safety and efficiency to ensure your home remains pest-free."},{name:"Nisha Yadav",description:"Nisha Yadav is a blogger and pest management expert from Chandigarh, sharing knowledge gained through her work with various pest control services over 5 years. She offers creative solutions and practical approaches to pest issues.",meta_title:"Nisha Yadav | Pest Management Blogger and Expert",meta_description:"Join Nisha Yadav for engaging insights and practical tips on managing pests. Her blog helps empower readers to tackle pest issues confidently."},{name:"Dr. Anjali Gupta",description:"Dr. Anjali Gupta is an entomologist with over a decade of experience in pest control research and implementation. With her extensive knowledge on insect behavior and environmental impacts, she consults for agricultural firms to mitigate pest damage while preserving ecosystem health.",meta_title:"Dr. Anjali Gupta | Expert Entomologist and Pest Control Specialist",meta_description:"Explore effective pest control strategies with Dr. Anjali Gupta, a leading entomologist focused on eco-friendly solutions and innovations in pest management."},{name:"Ravi Kumar",description:"Ravi Kumar is a renowned pest management consultant with over 8 years of specialized experience in urban pest control. He holds multiple certifications in sustainable pest control techniques and educates communities about harmful pests and safe removal practices.",meta_title:"Ravi Kumar | Urban Pest Management Consultant",meta_description:"Learn about urban pest control from Ravi Kumar, an expert consultant offering insights into safe and effective methods for pest management in city environments."},{name:"Priya Sharma",description:"Priya Sharma is a blogger and educator with a background in environmental science. With her keen interest in sustainable living, she shares strategies for pest prevention and eco-friendly control methods, helping families create healthier home environments.",meta_title:"Priya Sharma | Eco Conscious Pest Control Advocate",meta_description:"Join Priya Sharma to discover eco-friendly pest control techniques and preventative strategies for a cleaner, healthier home that minimizes environmental impact."},{name:"Neha Patel",description:"Neha Patel is a researcher and writer focusing on pest biology and eco-friendly control methods. She contributes articles on pest lifecycle understanding and preventative techniques to avoid infestations in homes and businesses.",meta_title:"Neha Patel | Pest Biology Researcher",meta_description:"Deepen your knowledge of pests with insights from Neha Patel, a researcher sharing her expertise on pest biology and preventative control measures."},{name:"Vikram Sinha",description:"Vikram Sinha is a pest control operations manager with over 15 years in the field. His expertise spans small enterprise management to corporate pest control strategies, making him an authority on optimizing pest management for various applications.",meta_title:"Vikram Sinha | Operations Manager in Pest Control",meta_description:"Boost your pest control strategy with advice from Vikram Sinha, an experienced operations manager specialized in effective management for businesses and households."},{name:"Sita Menon",description:"Sita Menon is a journalist and pest control educator who has crafted articles aimed at raising awareness about pest control and prevention methods. Her engaging writing conveys the importance of understanding pests for better home maintenance.",meta_title:"Sita Menon | Pest Control Journalist and Educator",meta_description:"Discover valuable pest control insights through the articles of Sita Menon, a journalist dedicated to educating communities on safe pest management practices."},{name:"Rajesh Joshi",description:"Rajesh Joshi is a widely recognized expert in organic pest control, with a focus on helping gardeners and farmers use sustainable practices. His extensive knowledge aids in educating environment-conscious individuals and groups.",meta_title:"Rajesh Joshi | Organic Pest Control Expert",meta_description:"Unlock sustainable gardening techniques with Rajesh Joshi, a leading expert in organic pest control who shares his knowledge on eco-friendly pest management."},{name:"Anita Lal",description:"Anita Lal is a home and garden blogger who specializes in pest prevention and organic gardening. With her firsthand experiences, she writes practical guides on how to protect your garden without using harsh chemicals.",meta_title:"Anita Lal | Home Gardening and Pest Prevention Guru",meta_description:"Transform your gardening habits with Anita Lal's practical advice on pest prevention strategies that respect the environment and promote healthy growing practices."},{name:"Karan Bhatia",description:"Karan Bhatia is a pest control researcher specializing in technological advancements in pest management. His innovative work focuses on integrating smart technology solutions like IoT for effective monitoring and eradication.",meta_title:"Karan Bhatia | Smart Solutions for Pest Management",meta_description:"Explore the future of pest control with Karan Bhatia, a researcher delving into cutting-edge technology solutions for monitoring and managing pest populations."},{name:"Maria Gonzalez",description:"Based in Madrid, Maria Gonzalez is a professional cleaner with over 15 years of experience in residential and commercial cleaning. She brings a wealth of knowledge in eco-friendly cleaning solutions and innovative cleaning techniques, making her a go-to expert for those looking to maintain a clean and sustainable home.",meta_title:"Maria Gonzalez | Eco-Friendly Cleaning Expert",meta_description:"Learn the secrets of eco-friendly cleaning with Maria Gonzalez. Discover sustainable solutions and innovative techniques to keep your home sparkling clean."},{name:"James O'Connor",description:"Hailing from Dublin, Ireland, James O'Connor is an entomologist with a Master's Degree in Entomology. Specializing in pest behavior and integrated pest management (IPM), he shares his insights on pests and natural pest control remedies.",meta_title:"James O'Connor | Expert Entomologist",meta_description:"Explore the fascinating world of insects with James O'Connor. Learn about pest behavior and effective pest control through integrated pest management."},{name:"Fatima El-Sayed",description:"A pest control technician in Cairo, Egypt, Fatima El-Sayed has spent over a decade providing both commercial and residential pest control solutions. She focuses on ethical pest extermination and educating clients on preventive measures.",meta_title:"Fatima El-Sayed | Pest Control Specialist",meta_description:"Join Fatima El-Sayed as she shares her expertise in ethical and effective pest control practices. Learn how to prevent pest problems through proactive measures."},{name:"Akira Tanaka",description:"Akira Tanaka operates a family-owned pest management business in Tokyo, Japan. With a deep understanding of traditional pest control methods balanced with modern technology, he writes extensively on seasonal pest issues and home protection strategies.",meta_title:"Akira Tanaka | Pest Management Expert",meta_description:"Discover seasonal pest solutions with Akira Tanaka. Learn innovative strategies for protecting your home from invasive pests all year round."},{name:"Lucia Rossi",description:"Living in Milan, Italy, Lucia Rossi is a horticulturalist with extensive knowledge of natural pest deterrent techniques. She specializes in organic gardening and contributes articles focused on managing pests while cultivating your garden sustainably.",meta_title:"Lucia Rossi | Horticultural Pests Expert",meta_description:"Learn how to keep your garden thriving with Lucia Rossi. Discover effective organic pest control methods that promote sustainability in gardening."},{name:"David Kim",description:"Based in Seoul, South Korea, David Kim is a certified pest control instructor and consultant with over 12 years of industry experience. He provides insight into modern strategies for managing household pests safely and effectively.",meta_title:"David Kim | Certified Pest Control Consultant",meta_description:"Get expert advice from David Kim on modern pest control strategies that keep your home safe and pest-free, all while ensuring a healthy environment."},{name:"Elena Petrova",description:"Elena Petrova, based in Moscow, Russia, is a wildlife conservationist and pest control advocate. Her writing focuses on the balance between pest management and wildlife preservation, sharing insights on eco-friendly pest control methods.",meta_title:"Elena Petrova | Wildlife-Friendly Pest Control Advocate",meta_description:"Explore the intersection of pest control and wildlife preservation with Elena Petrova. Discover eco-friendly practices that keep pests at bay without harming nature."},{name:"Carlos Mendez",description:"A seasoned pest control exterminator from Buenos Aires, Argentina, Carlos Mendez has built his career over the last 15 years competing in some of the most challenging pest situations. His focus is on providing hands-on techniques and case studies of pest solutions.",meta_title:"Carlos Mendez | Veteran Pest Control Exterminator",meta_description:"Join Carlos Mendez in uncovering hands-on pest control techniques. His case studies reveal effective strategies for tackling stubborn pest issues."},{name:"Aisha Bahar",description:"Aisha Bahar is a public health entomologist in Nairobi, Kenya, specializing in vector control and disease prevention. With her focus on the role of insects in public health, she writes extensively about controlling disease-carrying pests through effective strategies.",meta_title:"Aisha Bahar | Public Health Entomologist",meta_description:"Learn from Aisha Bahar about the importance of pest control in public health. Discover innovative techniques for managing vector pests and disease prevention."},{name:"Nicolas Leroux",description:"Based in Paris, France, Nicolas Leroux is an environmental biologist who advises on sustainable pest management practices. His years of research combine science and practice to help individuals make informed pest control decisions.",meta_title:"Nicolas Leroux | Sustainable Pest Management Advisor",meta_description:"Collaborate with Nicolas Leroux to delve into sustainable pest management. Empower yourself with research-backed techniques for enhanced pest control."},{name:"Dr. James Carter",description:"Dr. James Carter is an entomologist with over 20 years of experience specializing in pest management. He has a Ph.D. in Entomology from Harvard University and has conducted extensive research on insect behavior and control methods, making him a leading authority on pest issues.",meta_title:"Dr. James Carter | Entomology and Pest Management Expert",meta_description:"Join Dr. James Carter as he navigates the complexities of pest control, sharing scientific insights and effective strategies to eliminate unwanted insects."},{name:"Fatima Hasan",description:"Fatima Hasan is a pest control technician based in Karachi with over 10 years’ experience in the field. Skilled in both chemical and eco-friendly pest management solutions, her practical knowledge helps homeowners effectively combat household pests.",meta_title:"Fatima Hasan | Expert Pest Control Technician",meta_description:"Explore pest control solutions with Fatima Hasan, a seasoned technician sharing hands-on advice and eco-friendly options for effective pest eradication."},{name:"Brian Thompson",description:"Brian Thompson, a professional horticulturist from Brisbane, Australia, has a decade of experience dealing with plant pests and insects. His passion lies in sustainable gardening and he provides valuable tips for gardeners facing pest-related challenges.",meta_title:"Brian Thompson | Sustainable Horticulturist and Pest Advisor",meta_description:"Discover sustainable gardening practices with expert Brian Thompson, as he addresses plant pests and provides eco-friendly solutions for maintaining a healthy garden."},{name:"Yuki Tanaka",description:"Yuki Tanaka is a pest control blogger and consultant based in Tokyo, Japan. With a background in environmental science and over 8 years advocating for non-toxic pest solutions, she inspires urban living spaces to tackle pest problems holistically.",meta_title:"Yuki Tanaka | Non-Toxic Pest Control Advocate",meta_description:"Join Yuki Tanaka on her journey toward non-toxic pest control, sharing insights on eco-conscious strategies for contemporary homes."},{name:"Aisha Al-Farsi",description:"Aisha Al-Farsi is a pest control expert based in Oman, specializing in annoying desert pests and outdoor pest deterrents. With extensive fieldwork experience and numerous awards in innovation, she provides essential insights into effective moisture and pest management.",meta_title:"Aisha Al-Farsi | Desert Pest Control Specialist",meta_description:"Aisha Al-Farsi shares effective strategies for controlling desert pests, blending traditional methods with modern techniques for ultimate results."},{name:"Ravi Mehta",description:"Ravi Mehta, an I.T. expert turned pest control specialist, has been solving pest issues in Indian households for over 7 years. His analytical perspective makes him adept at highlighting common pest causes through data-driven insights.",meta_title:"Ravi Mehta | Tech-Savvy Pest Control Specialist",meta_description:"Embrace innovative pest solutions with Ravi Mehta where technology meets pest control, delving deep into the causes of common infestations."},{name:"Clara Schmidt",description:"Clara Schmidt is a health and safety advisor specializing in pest control policies based in Berlin, Germany. With over 12 years of experience dealing with food hygiene and pest regulations, she helps businesses develop safe practices.",meta_title:"Clara Schmidt | Health and Safety Advisor in Pest Management",meta_description:"Clara Schmidt offers key insights into pest control regulations, emphasizing the importance of combining food safety with pest management for businesses."},{name:"Joshua Green",description:"Joshua Green, an organic farmer from Vermont, works to control pests naturally. With 10 years in organic agriculture, he actively advocates for natural pesticides and developing realms of biological pest control methods.",meta_title:"Joshua Green | Organic Farmer and Pest Control Advocate",meta_description:"Dive into the world of natural pest control with Joshua Green, as he promotes organic strategies to maintain a healthy crop yield."},{name:"Maya Patel",description:"Maya Patel is an environmental consultant based in London with significant expertise in urban pest issues. She focuses on minimizing pests through innovative urban planning and habitat modification, shaping eco-friendly cities.",meta_title:"Maya Patel | Urban Pest Management Consultant",meta_description:"Explore urban pest strategies with Maya Patel, highlighting innovative planning solutions to create pest-resistant environments."}],a=i.reduce(((e,t)=>Object.assign(Object.assign({},e),{[t.name]:{title:t.meta_title,description:t.meta_description}})),{});exports.AUTHORS_INFO=i,exports.AUTHORS_META=a,exports.PAGES_SEO=t;
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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package/package.json CHANGED
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
  "name": "tedo-publisher",
- "version": "1.3.233",
+ "version": "1.3.234",
  "description": "Package for config files and reusable code/components between projects",
  "main": "dist/index.js",
  "files": [