lol-constants 3.0.4 → 3.0.5

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package/dist/Patch.d.ts CHANGED
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
  export declare const Patch: {
- readonly version: "14.21";
+ readonly version: "14.22";
package/dist/Patch.js CHANGED
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
  export const Patch = {
- version: '14.21',
+ version: '14.22',
@@ -628,6 +628,10 @@ export declare function getChampion(id_key_name: ChampionId | ChampionKey | Cham
  readonly id: 777;
  readonly key: "Yone";
  readonly name: "Yone";
+ } | {
+ readonly id: 799;
+ readonly key: "Ambessa";
+ readonly name: "Ambessa";
  } | {
  readonly id: 875;
  readonly key: "Sett";
package/dist/lol.d.ts CHANGED
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ export declare const lol: {
  * ## Current patch version
  * What patch the library is currently on. *(read-only)*
- version: "14.21";
+ version: "14.22";
  * ## Constants
  * Riot API defined constants.
@@ -839,6 +839,10 @@ export declare const lol: {
  readonly id: 777;
  readonly key: "Yone";
  readonly name: "Yone";
+ } | {
+ readonly id: 799;
+ readonly key: "Ambessa";
+ readonly name: "Ambessa";
  } | {
  readonly id: 875;
  readonly key: "Sett";
@@ -2831,7 +2835,7 @@ export declare const lol: {
  readonly srType: -1;
  } | {
  readonly id: 226653;
- readonly name: "Liandry's Torment";
+ readonly name: "Liandry's Anguish";
  readonly srType: -1;
  } | {
  readonly id: 226655;
@@ -2875,7 +2879,7 @@ export declare const lol: {
  readonly srType: -1;
  } | {
  readonly id: 226675;
- readonly name: "Navori Flickerblade";
+ readonly name: "Navori Quickblades";
  readonly srType: -1;
  } | {
  readonly id: 226676;
@@ -784,6 +784,11 @@ export declare const Champions: {
  readonly key: "Yone";
  readonly name: "Yone";
+ readonly 799: {
+ readonly id: 799;
+ readonly key: "Ambessa";
+ readonly name: "Ambessa";
+ };
  readonly 875: {
  readonly id: 875;
  readonly key: "Sett";
@@ -846,6 +851,7 @@ export declare const championKeys: {
  readonly Akali: 84;
  readonly Akshan: 166;
  readonly Alistar: 12;
+ readonly Ambessa: 799;
  readonly Amumu: 32;
  readonly Anivia: 34;
  readonly Annie: 1;
@@ -1016,6 +1022,7 @@ export declare const championNames: {
  readonly Akali: 84;
  readonly Akshan: 166;
  readonly Alistar: 12;
+ readonly Ambessa: 799;
  readonly Amumu: 32;
  readonly Anivia: 34;
  readonly Annie: 1;
@@ -1808,6 +1815,10 @@ export declare const ChampionsArr: ({
  readonly id: 777;
  readonly key: "Yone";
  readonly name: "Yone";
+ } | {
+ readonly id: 799;
+ readonly key: "Ambessa";
+ readonly name: "Ambessa";
  } | {
  readonly id: 875;
  readonly key: "Sett";
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
- export const Champions = { 1: { id: 1, key: "Annie", name: "Annie" }, 2: { id: 2, key: "Olaf", name: "Olaf" }, 3: { id: 3, key: "Galio", name: "Galio" }, 4: { id: 4, key: "TwistedFate", name: "Twisted Fate" }, 5: { id: 5, key: "XinZhao", name: "Xin Zhao" }, 6: { id: 6, key: "Urgot", name: "Urgot" }, 7: { id: 7, key: "Leblanc", name: "LeBlanc" }, 8: { id: 8, key: "Vladimir", name: "Vladimir" }, 9: { id: 9, key: "Fiddlesticks", name: "Fiddlesticks" }, 10: { id: 10, key: "Kayle", name: "Kayle" }, 11: { id: 11, key: "MasterYi", name: "Master Yi" }, 12: { id: 12, key: "Alistar", name: "Alistar" }, 13: { id: 13, key: "Ryze", name: "Ryze" }, 14: { id: 14, key: "Sion", name: "Sion" }, 15: { id: 15, key: "Sivir", name: "Sivir" }, 16: { id: 16, key: "Soraka", name: "Soraka" }, 17: { id: 17, key: "Teemo", name: "Teemo" }, 18: { id: 18, key: "Tristana", name: "Tristana" }, 19: { id: 19, key: "Warwick", name: "Warwick" }, 20: { id: 20, key: "Nunu", name: "Nunu & Willump" }, 21: { id: 21, key: "MissFortune", name: "Miss Fortune" }, 22: { id: 22, key: "Ashe", name: "Ashe" }, 23: { id: 23, key: "Tryndamere", name: "Tryndamere" }, 24: { id: 24, key: "Jax", name: "Jax" }, 25: { id: 25, key: "Morgana", name: "Morgana" }, 26: { id: 26, key: "Zilean", name: "Zilean" }, 27: { id: 27, key: "Singed", name: "Singed" }, 28: { id: 28, key: "Evelynn", name: "Evelynn" }, 29: { id: 29, key: "Twitch", name: "Twitch" }, 30: { id: 30, key: "Karthus", name: "Karthus" }, 31: { id: 31, key: "Chogath", name: "Cho'Gath" }, 32: { id: 32, key: "Amumu", name: "Amumu" }, 33: { id: 33, key: "Rammus", name: "Rammus" }, 34: { id: 34, key: "Anivia", name: "Anivia" }, 35: { id: 35, key: "Shaco", name: "Shaco" }, 36: { id: 36, key: "DrMundo", name: "Dr. Mundo" }, 37: { id: 37, key: "Sona", name: "Sona" }, 38: { id: 38, key: "Kassadin", name: "Kassadin" }, 39: { id: 39, key: "Irelia", name: "Irelia" }, 40: { id: 40, key: "Janna", name: "Janna" }, 41: { id: 41, key: "Gangplank", name: "Gangplank" }, 42: { id: 42, key: "Corki", name: "Corki" }, 43: { id: 43, key: "Karma", name: "Karma" }, 44: { id: 44, key: "Taric", name: "Taric" }, 45: { id: 45, key: "Veigar", name: "Veigar" }, 48: { id: 48, key: "Trundle", name: "Trundle" }, 50: { id: 50, key: "Swain", name: "Swain" }, 51: { id: 51, key: "Caitlyn", name: "Caitlyn" }, 53: { id: 53, key: "Blitzcrank", name: "Blitzcrank" }, 54: { id: 54, key: "Malphite", name: "Malphite" }, 55: { id: 55, key: "Katarina", name: "Katarina" }, 56: { id: 56, key: "Nocturne", name: "Nocturne" }, 57: { id: 57, key: "Maokai", name: "Maokai" }, 58: { id: 58, key: "Renekton", name: "Renekton" }, 59: { id: 59, key: "JarvanIV", name: "Jarvan IV" }, 60: { id: 60, key: "Elise", name: "Elise" }, 61: { id: 61, key: "Orianna", name: "Orianna" }, 62: { id: 62, key: "MonkeyKing", name: "Wukong" }, 63: { id: 63, key: "Brand", name: "Brand" }, 64: { id: 64, key: "LeeSin", name: "Lee Sin" }, 67: { id: 67, key: "Vayne", name: "Vayne" }, 68: { id: 68, key: "Rumble", name: "Rumble" }, 69: { id: 69, key: "Cassiopeia", name: "Cassiopeia" }, 72: { id: 72, key: "Skarner", name: "Skarner" }, 74: { id: 74, key: "Heimerdinger", name: "Heimerdinger" }, 75: { id: 75, key: "Nasus", name: "Nasus" }, 76: { id: 76, key: "Nidalee", name: "Nidalee" }, 77: { id: 77, key: "Udyr", name: "Udyr" }, 78: { id: 78, key: "Poppy", name: "Poppy" }, 79: { id: 79, key: "Gragas", name: "Gragas" }, 80: { id: 80, key: "Pantheon", name: "Pantheon" }, 81: { id: 81, key: "Ezreal", name: "Ezreal" }, 82: { id: 82, key: "Mordekaiser", name: "Mordekaiser" }, 83: { id: 83, key: "Yorick", name: "Yorick" }, 84: { id: 84, key: "Akali", name: "Akali" }, 85: { id: 85, key: "Kennen", name: "Kennen" }, 86: { id: 86, key: "Garen", name: "Garen" }, 89: { id: 89, key: "Leona", name: "Leona" }, 90: { id: 90, key: "Malzahar", name: "Malzahar" }, 91: { id: 91, key: "Talon", name: "Talon" }, 92: { id: 92, key: "Riven", name: "Riven" }, 96: { id: 96, key: "KogMaw", name: "Kog'Maw" }, 98: { id: 98, key: "Shen", name: "Shen" }, 99: { id: 99, key: "Lux", name: "Lux" }, 101: { id: 101, key: "Xerath", name: "Xerath" }, 102: { id: 102, key: "Shyvana", name: "Shyvana" }, 103: { id: 103, key: "Ahri", name: "Ahri" }, 104: { id: 104, key: "Graves", name: "Graves" }, 105: { id: 105, key: "Fizz", name: "Fizz" }, 106: { id: 106, key: "Volibear", name: "Volibear" }, 107: { id: 107, key: "Rengar", name: "Rengar" }, 110: { id: 110, key: "Varus", name: "Varus" }, 111: { id: 111, key: "Nautilus", name: "Nautilus" }, 112: { id: 112, key: "Viktor", name: "Viktor" }, 113: { id: 113, key: "Sejuani", name: "Sejuani" }, 114: { id: 114, key: "Fiora", name: "Fiora" }, 115: { id: 115, key: "Ziggs", name: "Ziggs" }, 117: { id: 117, key: "Lulu", name: "Lulu" }, 119: { id: 119, key: "Draven", name: "Draven" }, 120: { id: 120, key: "Hecarim", name: "Hecarim" }, 121: { id: 121, key: "Khazix", name: "Kha'Zix" }, 122: { id: 122, key: "Darius", name: "Darius" }, 126: { id: 126, key: "Jayce", name: "Jayce" }, 127: { id: 127, key: "Lissandra", name: "Lissandra" }, 131: { id: 131, key: "Diana", name: "Diana" }, 133: { id: 133, key: "Quinn", name: "Quinn" }, 134: { id: 134, key: "Syndra", name: "Syndra" }, 136: { id: 136, key: "AurelionSol", name: "Aurelion Sol" }, 141: { id: 141, key: "Kayn", name: "Kayn" }, 142: { id: 142, key: "Zoe", name: "Zoe" }, 143: { id: 143, key: "Zyra", name: "Zyra" }, 145: { id: 145, key: "Kaisa", name: "Kai'Sa" }, 147: { id: 147, key: "Seraphine", name: "Seraphine" }, 150: { id: 150, key: "Gnar", name: "Gnar" }, 154: { id: 154, key: "Zac", name: "Zac" }, 157: { id: 157, key: "Yasuo", name: "Yasuo" }, 161: { id: 161, key: "Velkoz", name: "Vel'Koz" }, 163: { id: 163, key: "Taliyah", name: "Taliyah" }, 164: { id: 164, key: "Camille", name: "Camille" }, 166: { id: 166, key: "Akshan", name: "Akshan" }, 200: { id: 200, key: "Belveth", name: "Bel'Veth" }, 201: { id: 201, key: "Braum", name: "Braum" }, 202: { id: 202, key: "Jhin", name: "Jhin" }, 203: { id: 203, key: "Kindred", name: "Kindred" }, 221: { id: 221, key: "Zeri", name: "Zeri" }, 222: { id: 222, key: "Jinx", name: "Jinx" }, 223: { id: 223, key: "TahmKench", name: "Tahm Kench" }, 233: { id: 233, key: "Briar", name: "Briar" }, 234: { id: 234, key: "Viego", name: "Viego" }, 235: { id: 235, key: "Senna", name: "Senna" }, 236: { id: 236, key: "Lucian", name: "Lucian" }, 238: { id: 238, key: "Zed", name: "Zed" }, 240: { id: 240, key: "Kled", name: "Kled" }, 245: { id: 245, key: "Ekko", name: "Ekko" }, 246: { id: 246, key: "Qiyana", name: "Qiyana" }, 254: { id: 254, key: "Vi", name: "Vi" }, 266: { id: 266, key: "Aatrox", name: "Aatrox" }, 267: { id: 267, key: "Nami", name: "Nami" }, 268: { id: 268, key: "Azir", name: "Azir" }, 350: { id: 350, key: "Yuumi", name: "Yuumi" }, 360: { id: 360, key: "Samira", name: "Samira" }, 412: { id: 412, key: "Thresh", name: "Thresh" }, 420: { id: 420, key: "Illaoi", name: "Illaoi" }, 421: { id: 421, key: "RekSai", name: "Rek'Sai" }, 427: { id: 427, key: "Ivern", name: "Ivern" }, 429: { id: 429, key: "Kalista", name: "Kalista" }, 432: { id: 432, key: "Bard", name: "Bard" }, 497: { id: 497, key: "Rakan", name: "Rakan" }, 498: { id: 498, key: "Xayah", name: "Xayah" }, 516: { id: 516, key: "Ornn", name: "Ornn" }, 517: { id: 517, key: "Sylas", name: "Sylas" }, 518: { id: 518, key: "Neeko", name: "Neeko" }, 523: { id: 523, key: "Aphelios", name: "Aphelios" }, 526: { id: 526, key: "Rell", name: "Rell" }, 555: { id: 555, key: "Pyke", name: "Pyke" }, 711: { id: 711, key: "Vex", name: "Vex" }, 777: { id: 777, key: "Yone", name: "Yone" }, 875: { id: 875, key: "Sett", name: "Sett" }, 876: { id: 876, key: "Lillia", name: "Lillia" }, 887: { id: 887, key: "Gwen", name: "Gwen" }, 888: { id: 888, key: "Renata", name: "Renata Glasc" }, 893: { id: 893, key: "Aurora", name: "Aurora" }, 895: { id: 895, key: "Nilah", name: "Nilah" }, 897: { id: 897, key: "KSante", name: "K'Sante" }, 901: { id: 901, key: "Smolder", name: "Smolder" }, 902: { id: 902, key: "Milio", name: "Milio" }, 910: { id: 910, key: "Hwei", name: "Hwei" }, 950: { id: 950, key: "Naafiri", name: "Naafiri" } };
- export const championKeys = { Aatrox: 266, Ahri: 103, Akali: 84, Akshan: 166, Alistar: 12, Amumu: 32, Anivia: 34, Annie: 1, Aphelios: 523, Ashe: 22, AurelionSol: 136, Aurora: 893, Azir: 268, Bard: 432, Belveth: 200, Blitzcrank: 53, Brand: 63, Braum: 201, Briar: 233, Caitlyn: 51, Camille: 164, Cassiopeia: 69, Chogath: 31, Corki: 42, Darius: 122, Diana: 131, Draven: 119, DrMundo: 36, Ekko: 245, Elise: 60, Evelynn: 28, Ezreal: 81, Fiddlesticks: 9, Fiora: 114, Fizz: 105, Galio: 3, Gangplank: 41, Garen: 86, Gnar: 150, Gragas: 79, Graves: 104, Gwen: 887, Hecarim: 120, Heimerdinger: 74, Hwei: 910, Illaoi: 420, Irelia: 39, Ivern: 427, Janna: 40, JarvanIV: 59, Jax: 24, Jayce: 126, Jhin: 202, Jinx: 222, Kaisa: 145, Kalista: 429, Karma: 43, Karthus: 30, Kassadin: 38, Katarina: 55, Kayle: 10, Kayn: 141, Kennen: 85, Khazix: 121, Kindred: 203, Kled: 240, KogMaw: 96, KSante: 897, Leblanc: 7, LeeSin: 64, Leona: 89, Lillia: 876, Lissandra: 127, Lucian: 236, Lulu: 117, Lux: 99, Malphite: 54, Malzahar: 90, Maokai: 57, MasterYi: 11, Milio: 902, MissFortune: 21, MonkeyKing: 62, Mordekaiser: 82, Morgana: 25, Naafiri: 950, Nami: 267, Nasus: 75, Nautilus: 111, Neeko: 518, Nidalee: 76, Nilah: 895, Nocturne: 56, Nunu: 20, Olaf: 2, Orianna: 61, Ornn: 516, Pantheon: 80, Poppy: 78, Pyke: 555, Qiyana: 246, Quinn: 133, Rakan: 497, Rammus: 33, RekSai: 421, Rell: 526, Renata: 888, Renekton: 58, Rengar: 107, Riven: 92, Rumble: 68, Ryze: 13, Samira: 360, Sejuani: 113, Senna: 235, Seraphine: 147, Sett: 875, Shaco: 35, Shen: 98, Shyvana: 102, Singed: 27, Sion: 14, Sivir: 15, Skarner: 72, Smolder: 901, Sona: 37, Soraka: 16, Swain: 50, Sylas: 517, Syndra: 134, TahmKench: 223, Taliyah: 163, Talon: 91, Taric: 44, Teemo: 17, Thresh: 412, Tristana: 18, Trundle: 48, Tryndamere: 23, TwistedFate: 4, Twitch: 29, Udyr: 77, Urgot: 6, Varus: 110, Vayne: 67, Veigar: 45, Velkoz: 161, Vex: 711, Vi: 254, Viego: 234, Viktor: 112, Vladimir: 8, Volibear: 106, Warwick: 19, Xayah: 498, Xerath: 101, XinZhao: 5, Yasuo: 157, Yone: 777, Yorick: 83, Yuumi: 350, Zac: 154, Zed: 238, Zeri: 221, Ziggs: 115, Zilean: 26, Zoe: 142, Zyra: 143 };
- export const championNames = { Aatrox: 266, Ahri: 103, Akali: 84, Akshan: 166, Alistar: 12, Amumu: 32, Anivia: 34, Annie: 1, Aphelios: 523, Ashe: 22, "Aurelion Sol": 136, Aurora: 893, Azir: 268, Bard: 432, "Bel'Veth": 200, Blitzcrank: 53, Brand: 63, Braum: 201, Briar: 233, Caitlyn: 51, Camille: 164, Cassiopeia: 69, "Cho'Gath": 31, Corki: 42, Darius: 122, Diana: 131, Draven: 119, "Dr. Mundo": 36, Ekko: 245, Elise: 60, Evelynn: 28, Ezreal: 81, Fiddlesticks: 9, Fiora: 114, Fizz: 105, Galio: 3, Gangplank: 41, Garen: 86, Gnar: 150, Gragas: 79, Graves: 104, Gwen: 887, Hecarim: 120, Heimerdinger: 74, Hwei: 910, Illaoi: 420, Irelia: 39, Ivern: 427, Janna: 40, "Jarvan IV": 59, Jax: 24, Jayce: 126, Jhin: 202, Jinx: 222, "Kai'Sa": 145, Kalista: 429, Karma: 43, Karthus: 30, Kassadin: 38, Katarina: 55, Kayle: 10, Kayn: 141, Kennen: 85, "Kha'Zix": 121, Kindred: 203, Kled: 240, "Kog'Maw": 96, "K'Sante": 897, LeBlanc: 7, "Lee Sin": 64, Leona: 89, Lillia: 876, Lissandra: 127, Lucian: 236, Lulu: 117, Lux: 99, Malphite: 54, Malzahar: 90, Maokai: 57, "Master Yi": 11, Milio: 902, "Miss Fortune": 21, Wukong: 62, Mordekaiser: 82, Morgana: 25, Naafiri: 950, Nami: 267, Nasus: 75, Nautilus: 111, Neeko: 518, Nidalee: 76, Nilah: 895, Nocturne: 56, "Nunu & Willump": 20, Olaf: 2, Orianna: 61, Ornn: 516, Pantheon: 80, Poppy: 78, Pyke: 555, Qiyana: 246, Quinn: 133, Rakan: 497, Rammus: 33, "Rek'Sai": 421, Rell: 526, "Renata Glasc": 888, Renekton: 58, Rengar: 107, Riven: 92, Rumble: 68, Ryze: 13, Samira: 360, Sejuani: 113, Senna: 235, Seraphine: 147, Sett: 875, Shaco: 35, Shen: 98, Shyvana: 102, Singed: 27, Sion: 14, Sivir: 15, Skarner: 72, Smolder: 901, Sona: 37, Soraka: 16, Swain: 50, Sylas: 517, Syndra: 134, "Tahm Kench": 223, Taliyah: 163, Talon: 91, Taric: 44, Teemo: 17, Thresh: 412, Tristana: 18, Trundle: 48, Tryndamere: 23, "Twisted Fate": 4, Twitch: 29, Udyr: 77, Urgot: 6, Varus: 110, Vayne: 67, Veigar: 45, "Vel'Koz": 161, Vex: 711, Vi: 254, Viego: 234, Viktor: 112, Vladimir: 8, Volibear: 106, Warwick: 19, Xayah: 498, Xerath: 101, "Xin Zhao": 5, Yasuo: 157, Yone: 777, Yorick: 83, Yuumi: 350, Zac: 154, Zed: 238, Zeri: 221, Ziggs: 115, Zilean: 26, Zoe: 142, Zyra: 143 };
+ export const Champions = { 1: { id: 1, key: "Annie", name: "Annie" }, 2: { id: 2, key: "Olaf", name: "Olaf" }, 3: { id: 3, key: "Galio", name: "Galio" }, 4: { id: 4, key: "TwistedFate", name: "Twisted Fate" }, 5: { id: 5, key: "XinZhao", name: "Xin Zhao" }, 6: { id: 6, key: "Urgot", name: "Urgot" }, 7: { id: 7, key: "Leblanc", name: "LeBlanc" }, 8: { id: 8, key: "Vladimir", name: "Vladimir" }, 9: { id: 9, key: "Fiddlesticks", name: "Fiddlesticks" }, 10: { id: 10, key: "Kayle", name: "Kayle" }, 11: { id: 11, key: "MasterYi", name: "Master Yi" }, 12: { id: 12, key: "Alistar", name: "Alistar" }, 13: { id: 13, key: "Ryze", name: "Ryze" }, 14: { id: 14, key: "Sion", name: "Sion" }, 15: { id: 15, key: "Sivir", name: "Sivir" }, 16: { id: 16, key: "Soraka", name: "Soraka" }, 17: { id: 17, key: "Teemo", name: "Teemo" }, 18: { id: 18, key: "Tristana", name: "Tristana" }, 19: { id: 19, key: "Warwick", name: "Warwick" }, 20: { id: 20, key: "Nunu", name: "Nunu & Willump" }, 21: { id: 21, key: "MissFortune", name: "Miss Fortune" }, 22: { id: 22, key: "Ashe", name: "Ashe" }, 23: { id: 23, key: "Tryndamere", name: "Tryndamere" }, 24: { id: 24, key: "Jax", name: "Jax" }, 25: { id: 25, key: "Morgana", name: "Morgana" }, 26: { id: 26, key: "Zilean", name: "Zilean" }, 27: { id: 27, key: "Singed", name: "Singed" }, 28: { id: 28, key: "Evelynn", name: "Evelynn" }, 29: { id: 29, key: "Twitch", name: "Twitch" }, 30: { id: 30, key: "Karthus", name: "Karthus" }, 31: { id: 31, key: "Chogath", name: "Cho'Gath" }, 32: { id: 32, key: "Amumu", name: "Amumu" }, 33: { id: 33, key: "Rammus", name: "Rammus" }, 34: { id: 34, key: "Anivia", name: "Anivia" }, 35: { id: 35, key: "Shaco", name: "Shaco" }, 36: { id: 36, key: "DrMundo", name: "Dr. Mundo" }, 37: { id: 37, key: "Sona", name: "Sona" }, 38: { id: 38, key: "Kassadin", name: "Kassadin" }, 39: { id: 39, key: "Irelia", name: "Irelia" }, 40: { id: 40, key: "Janna", name: "Janna" }, 41: { id: 41, key: "Gangplank", name: "Gangplank" }, 42: { id: 42, key: "Corki", name: "Corki" }, 43: { id: 43, key: "Karma", name: "Karma" }, 44: { id: 44, key: "Taric", name: "Taric" }, 45: { id: 45, key: "Veigar", name: "Veigar" }, 48: { id: 48, key: "Trundle", name: "Trundle" }, 50: { id: 50, key: "Swain", name: "Swain" }, 51: { id: 51, key: "Caitlyn", name: "Caitlyn" }, 53: { id: 53, key: "Blitzcrank", name: "Blitzcrank" }, 54: { id: 54, key: "Malphite", name: "Malphite" }, 55: { id: 55, key: "Katarina", name: "Katarina" }, 56: { id: 56, key: "Nocturne", name: "Nocturne" }, 57: { id: 57, key: "Maokai", name: "Maokai" }, 58: { id: 58, key: "Renekton", name: "Renekton" }, 59: { id: 59, key: "JarvanIV", name: "Jarvan IV" }, 60: { id: 60, key: "Elise", name: "Elise" }, 61: { id: 61, key: "Orianna", name: "Orianna" }, 62: { id: 62, key: "MonkeyKing", name: "Wukong" }, 63: { id: 63, key: "Brand", name: "Brand" }, 64: { id: 64, key: "LeeSin", name: "Lee Sin" }, 67: { id: 67, key: "Vayne", name: "Vayne" }, 68: { id: 68, key: "Rumble", name: "Rumble" }, 69: { id: 69, key: "Cassiopeia", name: "Cassiopeia" }, 72: { id: 72, key: "Skarner", name: "Skarner" }, 74: { id: 74, key: "Heimerdinger", name: "Heimerdinger" }, 75: { id: 75, key: "Nasus", name: "Nasus" }, 76: { id: 76, key: "Nidalee", name: "Nidalee" }, 77: { id: 77, key: "Udyr", name: "Udyr" }, 78: { id: 78, key: "Poppy", name: "Poppy" }, 79: { id: 79, key: "Gragas", name: "Gragas" }, 80: { id: 80, key: "Pantheon", name: "Pantheon" }, 81: { id: 81, key: "Ezreal", name: "Ezreal" }, 82: { id: 82, key: "Mordekaiser", name: "Mordekaiser" }, 83: { id: 83, key: "Yorick", name: "Yorick" }, 84: { id: 84, key: "Akali", name: "Akali" }, 85: { id: 85, key: "Kennen", name: "Kennen" }, 86: { id: 86, key: "Garen", name: "Garen" }, 89: { id: 89, key: "Leona", name: "Leona" }, 90: { id: 90, key: "Malzahar", name: "Malzahar" }, 91: { id: 91, key: "Talon", name: "Talon" }, 92: { id: 92, key: "Riven", name: "Riven" }, 96: { id: 96, key: "KogMaw", name: "Kog'Maw" }, 98: { id: 98, key: "Shen", name: "Shen" }, 99: { id: 99, key: "Lux", name: "Lux" }, 101: { id: 101, key: "Xerath", name: "Xerath" }, 102: { id: 102, key: "Shyvana", name: "Shyvana" }, 103: { id: 103, key: "Ahri", name: "Ahri" }, 104: { id: 104, key: "Graves", name: "Graves" }, 105: { id: 105, key: "Fizz", name: "Fizz" }, 106: { id: 106, key: "Volibear", name: "Volibear" }, 107: { id: 107, key: "Rengar", name: "Rengar" }, 110: { id: 110, key: "Varus", name: "Varus" }, 111: { id: 111, key: "Nautilus", name: "Nautilus" }, 112: { id: 112, key: "Viktor", name: "Viktor" }, 113: { id: 113, key: "Sejuani", name: "Sejuani" }, 114: { id: 114, key: "Fiora", name: "Fiora" }, 115: { id: 115, key: "Ziggs", name: "Ziggs" }, 117: { id: 117, key: "Lulu", name: "Lulu" }, 119: { id: 119, key: "Draven", name: "Draven" }, 120: { id: 120, key: "Hecarim", name: "Hecarim" }, 121: { id: 121, key: "Khazix", name: "Kha'Zix" }, 122: { id: 122, key: "Darius", name: "Darius" }, 126: { id: 126, key: "Jayce", name: "Jayce" }, 127: { id: 127, key: "Lissandra", name: "Lissandra" }, 131: { id: 131, key: "Diana", name: "Diana" }, 133: { id: 133, key: "Quinn", name: "Quinn" }, 134: { id: 134, key: "Syndra", name: "Syndra" }, 136: { id: 136, key: "AurelionSol", name: "Aurelion Sol" }, 141: { id: 141, key: "Kayn", name: "Kayn" }, 142: { id: 142, key: "Zoe", name: "Zoe" }, 143: { id: 143, key: "Zyra", name: "Zyra" }, 145: { id: 145, key: "Kaisa", name: "Kai'Sa" }, 147: { id: 147, key: "Seraphine", name: "Seraphine" }, 150: { id: 150, key: "Gnar", name: "Gnar" }, 154: { id: 154, key: "Zac", name: "Zac" }, 157: { id: 157, key: "Yasuo", name: "Yasuo" }, 161: { id: 161, key: "Velkoz", name: "Vel'Koz" }, 163: { id: 163, key: "Taliyah", name: "Taliyah" }, 164: { id: 164, key: "Camille", name: "Camille" }, 166: { id: 166, key: "Akshan", name: "Akshan" }, 200: { id: 200, key: "Belveth", name: "Bel'Veth" }, 201: { id: 201, key: "Braum", name: "Braum" }, 202: { id: 202, key: "Jhin", name: "Jhin" }, 203: { id: 203, key: "Kindred", name: "Kindred" }, 221: { id: 221, key: "Zeri", name: "Zeri" }, 222: { id: 222, key: "Jinx", name: "Jinx" }, 223: { id: 223, key: "TahmKench", name: "Tahm Kench" }, 233: { id: 233, key: "Briar", name: "Briar" }, 234: { id: 234, key: "Viego", name: "Viego" }, 235: { id: 235, key: "Senna", name: "Senna" }, 236: { id: 236, key: "Lucian", name: "Lucian" }, 238: { id: 238, key: "Zed", name: "Zed" }, 240: { id: 240, key: "Kled", name: "Kled" }, 245: { id: 245, key: "Ekko", name: "Ekko" }, 246: { id: 246, key: "Qiyana", name: "Qiyana" }, 254: { id: 254, key: "Vi", name: "Vi" }, 266: { id: 266, key: "Aatrox", name: "Aatrox" }, 267: { id: 267, key: "Nami", name: "Nami" }, 268: { id: 268, key: "Azir", name: "Azir" }, 350: { id: 350, key: "Yuumi", name: "Yuumi" }, 360: { id: 360, key: "Samira", name: "Samira" }, 412: { id: 412, key: "Thresh", name: "Thresh" }, 420: { id: 420, key: "Illaoi", name: "Illaoi" }, 421: { id: 421, key: "RekSai", name: "Rek'Sai" }, 427: { id: 427, key: "Ivern", name: "Ivern" }, 429: { id: 429, key: "Kalista", name: "Kalista" }, 432: { id: 432, key: "Bard", name: "Bard" }, 497: { id: 497, key: "Rakan", name: "Rakan" }, 498: { id: 498, key: "Xayah", name: "Xayah" }, 516: { id: 516, key: "Ornn", name: "Ornn" }, 517: { id: 517, key: "Sylas", name: "Sylas" }, 518: { id: 518, key: "Neeko", name: "Neeko" }, 523: { id: 523, key: "Aphelios", name: "Aphelios" }, 526: { id: 526, key: "Rell", name: "Rell" }, 555: { id: 555, key: "Pyke", name: "Pyke" }, 711: { id: 711, key: "Vex", name: "Vex" }, 777: { id: 777, key: "Yone", name: "Yone" }, 799: { id: 799, key: "Ambessa", name: "Ambessa" }, 875: { id: 875, key: "Sett", name: "Sett" }, 876: { id: 876, key: "Lillia", name: "Lillia" }, 887: { id: 887, key: "Gwen", name: "Gwen" }, 888: { id: 888, key: "Renata", name: "Renata Glasc" }, 893: { id: 893, key: "Aurora", name: "Aurora" }, 895: { id: 895, key: "Nilah", name: "Nilah" }, 897: { id: 897, key: "KSante", name: "K'Sante" }, 901: { id: 901, key: "Smolder", name: "Smolder" }, 902: { id: 902, key: "Milio", name: "Milio" }, 910: { id: 910, key: "Hwei", name: "Hwei" }, 950: { id: 950, key: "Naafiri", name: "Naafiri" } };
+ export const championKeys = { Aatrox: 266, Ahri: 103, Akali: 84, Akshan: 166, Alistar: 12, Ambessa: 799, Amumu: 32, Anivia: 34, Annie: 1, Aphelios: 523, Ashe: 22, AurelionSol: 136, Aurora: 893, Azir: 268, Bard: 432, Belveth: 200, Blitzcrank: 53, Brand: 63, Braum: 201, Briar: 233, Caitlyn: 51, Camille: 164, Cassiopeia: 69, Chogath: 31, Corki: 42, Darius: 122, Diana: 131, Draven: 119, DrMundo: 36, Ekko: 245, Elise: 60, Evelynn: 28, Ezreal: 81, Fiddlesticks: 9, Fiora: 114, Fizz: 105, Galio: 3, Gangplank: 41, Garen: 86, Gnar: 150, Gragas: 79, Graves: 104, Gwen: 887, Hecarim: 120, Heimerdinger: 74, Hwei: 910, Illaoi: 420, Irelia: 39, Ivern: 427, Janna: 40, JarvanIV: 59, Jax: 24, Jayce: 126, Jhin: 202, Jinx: 222, Kaisa: 145, Kalista: 429, Karma: 43, Karthus: 30, Kassadin: 38, Katarina: 55, Kayle: 10, Kayn: 141, Kennen: 85, Khazix: 121, Kindred: 203, Kled: 240, KogMaw: 96, KSante: 897, Leblanc: 7, LeeSin: 64, Leona: 89, Lillia: 876, Lissandra: 127, Lucian: 236, Lulu: 117, Lux: 99, Malphite: 54, Malzahar: 90, Maokai: 57, MasterYi: 11, Milio: 902, MissFortune: 21, MonkeyKing: 62, Mordekaiser: 82, Morgana: 25, Naafiri: 950, Nami: 267, Nasus: 75, Nautilus: 111, Neeko: 518, Nidalee: 76, Nilah: 895, Nocturne: 56, Nunu: 20, Olaf: 2, Orianna: 61, Ornn: 516, Pantheon: 80, Poppy: 78, Pyke: 555, Qiyana: 246, Quinn: 133, Rakan: 497, Rammus: 33, RekSai: 421, Rell: 526, Renata: 888, Renekton: 58, Rengar: 107, Riven: 92, Rumble: 68, Ryze: 13, Samira: 360, Sejuani: 113, Senna: 235, Seraphine: 147, Sett: 875, Shaco: 35, Shen: 98, Shyvana: 102, Singed: 27, Sion: 14, Sivir: 15, Skarner: 72, Smolder: 901, Sona: 37, Soraka: 16, Swain: 50, Sylas: 517, Syndra: 134, TahmKench: 223, Taliyah: 163, Talon: 91, Taric: 44, Teemo: 17, Thresh: 412, Tristana: 18, Trundle: 48, Tryndamere: 23, TwistedFate: 4, Twitch: 29, Udyr: 77, Urgot: 6, Varus: 110, Vayne: 67, Veigar: 45, Velkoz: 161, Vex: 711, Vi: 254, Viego: 234, Viktor: 112, Vladimir: 8, Volibear: 106, Warwick: 19, Xayah: 498, Xerath: 101, XinZhao: 5, Yasuo: 157, Yone: 777, Yorick: 83, Yuumi: 350, Zac: 154, Zed: 238, Zeri: 221, Ziggs: 115, Zilean: 26, Zoe: 142, Zyra: 143 };
+ export const championNames = { Aatrox: 266, Ahri: 103, Akali: 84, Akshan: 166, Alistar: 12, Ambessa: 799, Amumu: 32, Anivia: 34, Annie: 1, Aphelios: 523, Ashe: 22, "Aurelion Sol": 136, Aurora: 893, Azir: 268, Bard: 432, "Bel'Veth": 200, Blitzcrank: 53, Brand: 63, Braum: 201, Briar: 233, Caitlyn: 51, Camille: 164, Cassiopeia: 69, "Cho'Gath": 31, Corki: 42, Darius: 122, Diana: 131, Draven: 119, "Dr. Mundo": 36, Ekko: 245, Elise: 60, Evelynn: 28, Ezreal: 81, Fiddlesticks: 9, Fiora: 114, Fizz: 105, Galio: 3, Gangplank: 41, Garen: 86, Gnar: 150, Gragas: 79, Graves: 104, Gwen: 887, Hecarim: 120, Heimerdinger: 74, Hwei: 910, Illaoi: 420, Irelia: 39, Ivern: 427, Janna: 40, "Jarvan IV": 59, Jax: 24, Jayce: 126, Jhin: 202, Jinx: 222, "Kai'Sa": 145, Kalista: 429, Karma: 43, Karthus: 30, Kassadin: 38, Katarina: 55, Kayle: 10, Kayn: 141, Kennen: 85, "Kha'Zix": 121, Kindred: 203, Kled: 240, "Kog'Maw": 96, "K'Sante": 897, LeBlanc: 7, "Lee Sin": 64, Leona: 89, Lillia: 876, Lissandra: 127, Lucian: 236, Lulu: 117, Lux: 99, Malphite: 54, Malzahar: 90, Maokai: 57, "Master Yi": 11, Milio: 902, "Miss Fortune": 21, Wukong: 62, Mordekaiser: 82, Morgana: 25, Naafiri: 950, Nami: 267, Nasus: 75, Nautilus: 111, Neeko: 518, Nidalee: 76, Nilah: 895, Nocturne: 56, "Nunu & Willump": 20, Olaf: 2, Orianna: 61, Ornn: 516, Pantheon: 80, Poppy: 78, Pyke: 555, Qiyana: 246, Quinn: 133, Rakan: 497, Rammus: 33, "Rek'Sai": 421, Rell: 526, "Renata Glasc": 888, Renekton: 58, Rengar: 107, Riven: 92, Rumble: 68, Ryze: 13, Samira: 360, Sejuani: 113, Senna: 235, Seraphine: 147, Sett: 875, Shaco: 35, Shen: 98, Shyvana: 102, Singed: 27, Sion: 14, Sivir: 15, Skarner: 72, Smolder: 901, Sona: 37, Soraka: 16, Swain: 50, Sylas: 517, Syndra: 134, "Tahm Kench": 223, Taliyah: 163, Talon: 91, Taric: 44, Teemo: 17, Thresh: 412, Tristana: 18, Trundle: 48, Tryndamere: 23, "Twisted Fate": 4, Twitch: 29, Udyr: 77, Urgot: 6, Varus: 110, Vayne: 67, Veigar: 45, "Vel'Koz": 161, Vex: 711, Vi: 254, Viego: 234, Viktor: 112, Vladimir: 8, Volibear: 106, Warwick: 19, Xayah: 498, Xerath: 101, "Xin Zhao": 5, Yasuo: 157, Yone: 777, Yorick: 83, Yuumi: 350, Zac: 154, Zed: 238, Zeri: 221, Ziggs: 115, Zilean: 26, Zoe: 142, Zyra: 143 };
  export const ChampionsArr = Object.values(Champions);
@@ -2426,7 +2426,7 @@ export declare const Items: {
  readonly 226653: {
  readonly id: 226653;
- readonly name: "Liandry's Torment";
+ readonly name: "Liandry's Anguish";
  readonly srType: -1;
  readonly 226655: {
@@ -2481,7 +2481,7 @@ export declare const Items: {
  readonly 226675: {
  readonly id: 226675;
- readonly name: "Navori Flickerblade";
+ readonly name: "Navori Quickblades";
  readonly srType: -1;
  readonly 226676: {
@@ -4762,7 +4762,7 @@ export declare const ItemsArr: ({
  readonly srType: -1;
  } | {
  readonly id: 226653;
- readonly name: "Liandry's Torment";
+ readonly name: "Liandry's Anguish";
  readonly srType: -1;
  } | {
  readonly id: 226655;
@@ -4806,7 +4806,7 @@ export declare const ItemsArr: ({
  readonly srType: -1;
  } | {
  readonly id: 226675;
- readonly name: "Navori Flickerblade";
+ readonly name: "Navori Quickblades";
  readonly srType: -1;
  } | {
  readonly id: 226676;
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
- export const Items = { 1001: { id: 1001, name: "Boots", srType: 12 }, 1004: { id: 1004, name: "Faerie Charm", srType: 1 }, 1006: { id: 1006, name: "Rejuvenation Bead", srType: 1 }, 1011: { id: 1011, name: "Giant's Belt", srType: 2 }, 1018: { id: 1018, name: "Cloak of Agility", srType: 1 }, 1026: { id: 1026, name: "Blasting Wand", srType: 1 }, 1027: { id: 1027, name: "Sapphire Crystal", srType: 1 }, 1028: { id: 1028, name: "Ruby Crystal", srType: 1 }, 1029: { id: 1029, name: "Cloth Armor", srType: 1 }, 1031: { id: 1031, name: "Chain Vest", srType: 2 }, 1033: { id: 1033, name: "Null-Magic Mantle", srType: 1 }, 1035: { id: 1035, name: "Emberknife", srType: -1 }, 1036: { id: 1036, name: "Long Sword", srType: 1 }, 1037: { id: 1037, name: "Pickaxe", srType: 1 }, 1038: { id: 1038, name: "B. F. Sword", srType: 1 }, 1039: { id: 1039, name: "Hailblade", srType: -1 }, 1040: { id: 1040, name: "Obsidian Edge", srType: -1 }, 1042: { id: 1042, name: "Dagger", srType: 1 }, 1043: { id: 1043, name: "Recurve Bow", srType: 2 }, 1052: { id: 1052, name: "Amplifying Tome", srType: 1 }, 1053: { id: 1053, name: "Vampiric Scepter", srType: 2 }, 1054: { id: 1054, name: "Doran's Shield", srType: 0 }, 1055: { id: 1055, name: "Doran's Blade", srType: 0 }, 1056: { id: 1056, name: "Doran's Ring", srType: 0 }, 1057: { id: 1057, name: "Negatron Cloak", srType: 2 }, 1058: { id: 1058, name: "Needlessly Large Rod", srType: 1 }, 1082: { id: 1082, name: "Dark Seal", srType: 0 }, 1083: { id: 1083, name: "Cull", srType: 0 }, 1101: { id: 1101, name: "Scorchclaw Pup", srType: 0 }, 1102: { id: 1102, name: "Gustwalker Hatchling", srType: 0 }, 1103: { id: 1103, name: "Mosstomper Seedling", srType: 0 }, 1104: { id: 1104, name: "Eye of the Herald", srType: -1 }, 1500: { id: 1500, name: "Penetrating Bullets", srType: -1 }, 1503: { id: 1503, name: "Warden's Eye", srType: -1 }, 1504: { id: 1504, name: "Vanguard", srType: -1 }, 1507: { id: 1507, name: "Overcharged", srType: -1 }, 1508: { id: 1508, name: "Anti-tower Socks", srType: -1 }, 1509: { id: 1509, name: "Gusto", srType: -1 }, 1510: { id: 1510, name: "Phreakish Gusto", srType: -1 }, 1511: { id: 1511, name: "Super Mech Armor", srType: -1 }, 1512: { id: 1512, name: "Super Mech Power Field", srType: -1 }, 1515: { id: 1515, name: "Turret Plating", srType: -1 }, 1520: { id: 1520, name: "OvererchargedHA", srType: -1 }, 1522: { id: 1522, name: "Tower Power-Up", srType: -1 }, 2003: { id: 2003, name: "Health Potion", srType: 13 }, 2010: { id: 2010, name: "Total Biscuit of Everlasting Will", srType: 13 }, 2015: { id: 2015, name: "Kircheis Shard", srType: -1 }, 2019: { id: 2019, name: "Steel Sigil", srType: 2 }, 2020: { id: 2020, name: "The Brutalizer", srType: 2 }, 2021: { id: 2021, name: "Tunneler", srType: 2 }, 2022: { id: 2022, name: "Glowing Mote", srType: 1 }, 2031: { id: 2031, name: "Refillable Potion", srType: 13 }, 2033: { id: 2033, name: "Corrupting Potion", srType: -1 }, 2049: { id: 2049, name: "Guardian's Amulet", srType: -1 }, 2050: { id: 2050, name: "Guardian's Shroud", srType: -1 }, 2051: { id: 2051, name: "Guardian's Horn", srType: -1 }, 2052: { id: 2052, name: "Poro-Snax", srType: 13 }, 2055: { id: 2055, name: "Control Ward", srType: 13 }, 2056: { id: 2056, name: "Stealth Ward", srType: -1 }, 2065: { id: 2065, name: "Shurelya's Battlesong", srType: 3 }, 2138: { id: 2138, name: "Elixir of Iron", srType: 13 }, 2139: { id: 2139, name: "Elixir of Sorcery", srType: 13 }, 2140: { id: 2140, name: "Elixir of Wrath", srType: 13 }, 2141: { id: 2141, name: "Cappa Juice", srType: -1 }, 2142: { id: 2142, name: "Juice of Power", srType: -1 }, 2143: { id: 2143, name: "Juice of Vitality", srType: -1 }, 2144: { id: 2144, name: "Juice of Haste", srType: -1 }, 2145: { id: 2145, name: "Lucky Dice", srType: -1 }, 2150: { id: 2150, name: "Elixir of Skill", srType: 13 }, 2151: { id: 2151, name: "Elixir of Avarice", srType: 13 }, 2152: { id: 2152, name: "Elixir of Force", srType: 13 }, 2403: { id: 2403, name: "Minion Dematerializer", srType: -1 }, 2420: { id: 2420, name: "Seeker's Armguard", srType: 2 }, 2421: { id: 2421, name: "Shattered Armguard", srType: 2 }, 2422: { id: 2422, name: "Slightly Magical Footwear", srType: 12 }, 2501: { id: 2501, name: "Overlord's Bloodmail", srType: 3 }, 2502: { id: 2502, name: "Unending Despair", srType: 3 }, 2503: { id: 2503, name: "Blackfire Torch", srType: 3 }, 2504: { id: 2504, name: "Kaenic Rookern", srType: 3 }, 2508: { id: 2508, name: "Fated Ashes", srType: 2 }, 3001: { id: 3001, name: "Evenshroud", srType: -1 }, 3002: { id: 3002, name: "Trailblazer", srType: 3 }, 3003: { id: 3003, name: "Archangel's Staff", srType: 3 }, 3004: { id: 3004, name: "Manamune", srType: 3 }, 3005: { id: 3005, name: "Ghostcrawlers", srType: -1 }, 3006: { id: 3006, name: "Berserker's Greaves", srType: 12 }, 3009: { id: 3009, name: "Boots of Swiftness", srType: 12 }, 3010: { id: 3010, name: "Symbiotic Soles", srType: 12 }, 3011: { id: 3011, name: "Chemtech Putrifier", srType: -1 }, 3012: { id: 3012, name: "Chalice of Blessing", srType: -1 }, 3013: { id: 3013, name: "Synchronized Souls", srType: 12 }, 3020: { id: 3020, name: "Sorcerer's Shoes", srType: 12 }, 3023: { id: 3023, name: "Lifewell Pendant", srType: -1 }, 3024: { id: 3024, name: "Glacial Buckler", srType: 2 }, 3026: { id: 3026, name: "Guardian Angel", srType: 3 }, 3031: { id: 3031, name: "Infinity Edge", srType: 3 }, 3032: { id: 3032, name: "Yun Tal Wildarrows", srType: 3 }, 3033: { id: 3033, name: "Mortal Reminder", srType: 3 }, 3035: { id: 3035, name: "Last Whisper", srType: 2 }, 3036: { id: 3036, name: "Lord Dominik's Regards", srType: 3 }, 3039: { id: 3039, name: "Atma's Reckoning", srType: -1 }, 3040: { id: 3040, name: "Seraph's Embrace", srType: 3 }, 3041: { id: 3041, name: "Mejai's Soulstealer", srType: 3 }, 3042: { id: 3042, name: "Muramana", srType: 3 }, 3044: { id: 3044, name: "Phage", srType: 2 }, 3046: { id: 3046, name: "Phantom Dancer", srType: 3 }, 3047: { id: 3047, name: "Plated Steelcaps", srType: 12 }, 3050: { id: 3050, name: "Zeke's Convergence", srType: 3 }, 3051: { id: 3051, name: "Hearthbound Axe", srType: 2 }, 3053: { id: 3053, name: "Sterak's Gage", srType: 3 }, 3057: { id: 3057, name: "Sheen", srType: 2 }, 3065: { id: 3065, name: "Spirit Visage", srType: 3 }, 3066: { id: 3066, name: "Winged Moonplate", srType: 2 }, 3067: { id: 3067, name: "Kindlegem", srType: 2 }, 3068: { id: 3068, name: "Sunfire Aegis", srType: 3 }, 3070: { id: 3070, name: "Tear of the Goddess", srType: 0 }, 3071: { id: 3071, name: "Black Cleaver", srType: 3 }, 3072: { id: 3072, name: "Bloodthirster", srType: 3 }, 3073: { id: 3073, name: "Experimental Hexplate", srType: 3 }, 3074: { id: 3074, name: "Ravenous Hydra", srType: 3 }, 3075: { id: 3075, name: "Thornmail", srType: 3 }, 3076: { id: 3076, name: "Bramble Vest", srType: 2 }, 3077: { id: 3077, name: "Tiamat", srType: 2 }, 3078: { id: 3078, name: "Trinity Force", srType: 3 }, 3082: { id: 3082, name: "Warden's Mail", srType: 2 }, 3083: { id: 3083, name: "Warmog's Armor", srType: 3 }, 3084: { id: 3084, name: "Heartsteel", srType: 3 }, 3085: { id: 3085, name: "Runaan's Hurricane", srType: 3 }, 3086: { id: 3086, name: "Zeal", srType: 2 }, 3087: { id: 3087, name: "Statikk Shiv", srType: 3 }, 3089: { id: 3089, name: "Rabadon's Deathcap", srType: 3 }, 3091: { id: 3091, name: "Wit's End", srType: 3 }, 3094: { id: 3094, name: "Rapid Firecannon", srType: 3 }, 3095: { id: 3095, name: "Stormrazor", srType: -1 }, 3100: { id: 3100, name: "Lich Bane", srType: 3 }, 3102: { id: 3102, name: "Banshee's Veil", srType: 3 }, 3105: { id: 3105, name: "Aegis of the Legion", srType: -1 }, 3107: { id: 3107, name: "Redemption", srType: 3 }, 3108: { id: 3108, name: "Fiendish Codex", srType: 2 }, 3109: { id: 3109, name: "Knight's Vow", srType: 3 }, 3110: { id: 3110, name: "Frozen Heart", srType: 3 }, 3111: { id: 3111, name: "Mercury's Treads", srType: 12 }, 3112: { id: 3112, name: "Guardian's Orb", srType: -1 }, 3113: { id: 3113, name: "Aether Wisp", srType: 2 }, 3114: { id: 3114, name: "Forbidden Idol", srType: 2 }, 3115: { id: 3115, name: "Nashor's Tooth", srType: 3 }, 3116: { id: 3116, name: "Rylai's Crystal Scepter", srType: 3 }, 3117: { id: 3117, name: "Mobility Boots", srType: -1 }, 3118: { id: 3118, name: "Malignance", srType: 3 }, 3119: { id: 3119, name: "Winter's Approach", srType: 3 }, 3121: { id: 3121, name: "Fimbulwinter", srType: 3 }, 3123: { id: 3123, name: "Executioner's Calling", srType: 2 }, 3124: { id: 3124, name: "Guinsoo's Rageblade", srType: 3 }, 3128: { id: 3128, name: "Deathfire Grasp", srType: -1 }, 3131: { id: 3131, name: "Sword of the Divine", srType: -1 }, 3133: { id: 3133, name: "Caulfield's Warhammer", srType: 2 }, 3134: { id: 3134, name: "Serrated Dirk", srType: 2 }, 3135: { id: 3135, name: "Void Staff", srType: 3 }, 3137: { id: 3137, name: "Cryptbloom", srType: 3 }, 3139: { id: 3139, name: "Mercurial Scimitar", srType: 3 }, 3140: { id: 3140, name: "Quicksilver Sash", srType: 2 }, 3142: { id: 3142, name: "Youmuu's Ghostblade", srType: 3 }, 3143: { id: 3143, name: "Randuin's Omen", srType: 3 }, 3144: { id: 3144, name: "Scout's Slingshot", srType: 2 }, 3145: { id: 3145, name: "Hextech Alternator", srType: 2 }, 3146: { id: 3146, name: "Hextech Gunblade", srType: -1 }, 3147: { id: 3147, name: "Haunting Guise", srType: 2 }, 3152: { id: 3152, name: "Hextech Rocketbelt", srType: 3 }, 3153: { id: 3153, name: "Blade of The Ruined King", srType: 3 }, 3155: { id: 3155, name: "Hexdrinker", srType: 2 }, 3156: { id: 3156, name: "Maw of Malmortius", srType: 3 }, 3157: { id: 3157, name: "Zhonya's Hourglass", srType: 3 }, 3158: { id: 3158, name: "Ionian Boots of Lucidity", srType: 12 }, 3161: { id: 3161, name: "Spear of Shojin", srType: 3 }, 3165: { id: 3165, name: "Morellonomicon", srType: 3 }, 3172: { id: 3172, name: "Zephyr", srType: 12 }, 3177: { id: 3177, name: "Guardian's Blade", srType: -1 }, 3179: { id: 3179, name: "Umbral Glaive", srType: 3 }, 3181: { id: 3181, name: "Hullbreaker", srType: 3 }, 3184: { id: 3184, name: "Guardian's Hammer", srType: -1 }, 3190: { id: 3190, name: "Locket of the Iron Solari", srType: 3 }, 3193: { id: 3193, name: "Gargoyle Stoneplate", srType: -1 }, 3211: { id: 3211, name: "Spectre's Cowl", srType: 2 }, 3222: { id: 3222, name: "Mikael's Blessing", srType: 3 }, 3302: { id: 3302, name: "Terminus", srType: 3 }, 3330: { id: 3330, name: "Scarecrow Effigy", srType: -1 }, 3340: { id: 3340, name: "Stealth Ward", srType: 11 }, 3348: { id: 3348, name: "Arcane Sweeper", srType: -1 }, 3349: { id: 3349, name: "Lucent Singularity", srType: -1 }, 3363: { id: 3363, name: "Farsight Alteration", srType: 11 }, 3364: { id: 3364, name: "Oracle Lens", srType: 11 }, 3400: { id: 3400, name: "Your Cut", srType: 13 }, 3430: { id: 3430, name: "Rite Of Ruin", srType: -1 }, 3504: { id: 3504, name: "Ardent Censer", srType: 3 }, 3508: { id: 3508, name: "Essence Reaver", srType: 3 }, 3513: { id: 3513, name: "Eye of the Herald", srType: -1 }, 3599: { id: 3599, name: "Kalista's Black Spear", srType: -1 }, 3600: { id: 3600, name: "Sylas' Black Spear", srType: -1 }, 3742: { id: 3742, name: "Dead Man's Plate", srType: 3 }, 3748: { id: 3748, name: "Titanic Hydra", srType: 3 }, 3801: { id: 3801, name: "Crystalline Bracer", srType: 2 }, 3802: { id: 3802, name: "Lost Chapter", srType: 2 }, 3803: { id: 3803, name: "Catalyst of Aeons", srType: 2 }, 3814: { id: 3814, name: "Edge of Night", srType: 3 }, 3850: { id: 3850, name: "Spellthief's Edge", srType: -1 }, 3851: { id: 3851, name: "Frostfang", srType: -1 }, 3853: { id: 3853, name: "Shard of True Ice", srType: -1 }, 3854: { id: 3854, name: "Steel Shoulderguards", srType: -1 }, 3855: { id: 3855, name: "Runesteel Spaulders", srType: -1 }, 3857: { id: 3857, name: "Pauldrons of Whiterock", srType: -1 }, 3858: { id: 3858, name: "Relic Shield", srType: -1 }, 3859: { id: 3859, name: "Targon's Buckler", srType: -1 }, 3860: { id: 3860, name: "Bulwark of the Mountain", srType: -1 }, 3862: { id: 3862, name: "Spectral Sickle", srType: -1 }, 3863: { id: 3863, name: "Harrowing Crescent", srType: -1 }, 3864: { id: 3864, name: "Black Mist Scythe", srType: -1 }, 3865: { id: 3865, name: "World Atlas", srType: 0 }, 3866: { id: 3866, name: "Runic Compass", srType: 2 }, 3867: { id: 3867, name: "Bounty of Worlds", srType: 3 }, 3869: { id: 3869, name: "Celestial Opposition", srType: 3 }, 3870: { id: 3870, name: "Dream Maker", srType: 3 }, 3871: { id: 3871, name: "Zaz'Zak's Realmspike", srType: 3 }, 3876: { id: 3876, name: "Solstice Sleigh", srType: 3 }, 3877: { id: 3877, name: "Bloodsong", srType: 3 }, 3901: { id: 3901, name: "Fire at Will", srType: -1 }, 3902: { id: 3902, name: "Death's Daughter", srType: -1 }, 3903: { id: 3903, name: "Raise Morale", srType: -1 }, 3916: { id: 3916, name: "Oblivion Orb", srType: 2 }, 4003: { id: 4003, name: "Lifeline", srType: -1 }, 4004: { id: 4004, name: "Spectral Cutlass", srType: -1 }, 4005: { id: 4005, name: "Imperial Mandate", srType: 3 }, 4010: { id: 4010, name: "Bloodletter's Curse", srType: -1 }, 4011: { id: 4011, name: "Sword of Blossoming Dawn", srType: -1 }, 4012: { id: 4012, name: "Sin Eater", srType: -1 }, 4013: { id: 4013, name: "Lightning Braid", srType: -1 }, 4014: { id: 4014, name: "Frozen Mallet", srType: -1 }, 4015: { id: 4015, name: "Perplexity", srType: -1 }, 4016: { id: 4016, name: "Wordless Promise", srType: -1 }, 4017: { id: 4017, name: "Hellfire Hatchet", srType: -1 }, 4401: { id: 4401, name: "Force of Nature", srType: 3 }, 4402: { id: 4402, name: "Innervating Locket", srType: -1 }, 4403: { id: 4403, name: "The Golden Spatula", srType: -1 }, 4628: { id: 4628, name: "Horizon Focus", srType: 3 }, 4629: { id: 4629, name: "Cosmic Drive", srType: 3 }, 4630: { id: 4630, name: "Blighting Jewel", srType: 2 }, 4632: { id: 4632, name: "Verdant Barrier", srType: 2 }, 4633: { id: 4633, name: "Riftmaker", srType: 3 }, 4635: { id: 4635, name: "Leeching Leer", srType: -1 }, 4636: { id: 4636, name: "Night Harvester", srType: -1 }, 4637: { id: 4637, name: "Demonic Embrace", srType: -1 }, 4638: { id: 4638, name: "Watchful Wardstone", srType: 2 }, 4641: { id: 4641, name: "Stirring Wardstone", srType: -1 }, 4642: { id: 4642, name: "Bandleglass Mirror", srType: 2 }, 4643: { id: 4643, name: "Vigilant Wardstone", srType: 3 }, 4644: { id: 4644, name: "Crown of the Shattered Queen", srType: -1 }, 4645: { id: 4645, name: "Shadowflame", srType: 3 }, 4646: { id: 4646, name: "Stormsurge", srType: 3 }, 6029: { id: 6029, name: "Ironspike Whip", srType: -1 }, 6035: { id: 6035, name: "Silvermere Dawn", srType: -1 }, 6333: { id: 6333, name: "Death's Dance", srType: 3 }, 6609: { id: 6609, name: "Chempunk Chainsword", srType: 3 }, 6610: { id: 6610, name: "Sundered Sky", srType: 3 }, 6616: { id: 6616, name: "Staff of Flowing Water", srType: 3 }, 6617: { id: 6617, name: "Moonstone Renewer", srType: 3 }, 6620: { id: 6620, name: "Echoes of Helia", srType: 3 }, 6621: { id: 6621, name: "Dawncore", srType: 3 }, 6630: { id: 6630, name: "Goredrinker", srType: -1 }, 6631: { id: 6631, name: "Stridebreaker", srType: 3 }, 6632: { id: 6632, name: "Divine Sunderer", srType: -1 }, 6653: { id: 6653, name: "Liandry's Torment", srType: 3 }, 6655: { id: 6655, name: "Luden's Companion", srType: 3 }, 6656: { id: 6656, name: "Everfrost", srType: -1 }, 6657: { id: 6657, name: "Rod of Ages", srType: 3 }, 6660: { id: 6660, name: "Bami's Cinder", srType: 2 }, 6662: { id: 6662, name: "Iceborn Gauntlet", srType: 3 }, 6664: { id: 6664, name: "Hollow Radiance", srType: 3 }, 6665: { id: 6665, name: "Jak'Sho, The Protean", srType: 3 }, 6667: { id: 6667, name: "Radiant Virtue", srType: -1 }, 6670: { id: 6670, name: "Noonquiver", srType: 2 }, 6671: { id: 6671, name: "Galeforce", srType: -1 }, 6672: { id: 6672, name: "Kraken Slayer", srType: 3 }, 6673: { id: 6673, name: "Immortal Shieldbow", srType: 3 }, 6675: { id: 6675, name: "Navori Flickerblade", srType: 3 }, 6676: { id: 6676, name: "The Collector", srType: 3 }, 6677: { id: 6677, name: "Rageknife", srType: -1 }, 6690: { id: 6690, name: "Rectrix", srType: 2 }, 6691: { id: 6691, name: "Duskblade of Draktharr", srType: -1 }, 6692: { id: 6692, name: "Eclipse", srType: 3 }, 6693: { id: 6693, name: "Prowler's Claw", srType: -1 }, 6694: { id: 6694, name: "Serylda's Grudge", srType: 3 }, 6695: { id: 6695, name: "Serpent's Fang", srType: 3 }, 6696: { id: 6696, name: "Axiom Arc", srType: 3 }, 6697: { id: 6697, name: "Hubris", srType: 3 }, 6698: { id: 6698, name: "Profane Hydra", srType: 3 }, 6699: { id: 6699, name: "Voltaic Cyclosword", srType: 3 }, 6700: { id: 6700, name: "Shield of the Rakkor", srType: -1 }, 6701: { id: 6701, name: "Opportunity", srType: 3 }, 7050: { id: 7050, name: "Gangplank Placeholder", srType: -1 }, 8001: { id: 8001, name: "Anathema's Chains", srType: -1 }, 8020: { id: 8020, name: "Abyssal Mask", srType: 3 }, 9168: { id: 9168, name: "Locked Weapon Slot", srType: -1 }, 9171: { id: 9171, name: "Cyclonic Slicers", srType: -1 }, 9172: { id: 9172, name: "YuumiBot", srType: -1 }, 9173: { id: 9173, name: "Radiant Field", srType: -1 }, 9174: { id: 9174, name: "Statikk Sword", srType: -1 }, 9175: { id: 9175, name: "Lioness's Lament", srType: -1 }, 9176: { id: 9176, name: "Gatling Bunny-Guns", srType: -1 }, 9177: { id: 9177, name: "Searing Shortbow", srType: -1 }, 9178: { id: 9178, name: "The Annihilator", srType: -1 }, 9179: { id: 9179, name: "Battle Bunny Crossbow", srType: -1 }, 9180: { id: 9180, name: "UwU Blaster", srType: -1 }, 9181: { id: 9181, name: "Vortex Glove", srType: -1 }, 9183: { id: 9183, name: "Blade-o-rang", srType: -1 }, 9184: { id: 9184, name: "Bunny Mega-Blast", srType: -1 }, 9185: { id: 9185, name: "Anti-Shark Sea Mine", srType: -1 }, 9187: { id: 9187, name: "T.I.B.B.E.R.S", srType: -1 }, 9188: { id: 9188, name: "Ani-Mines", srType: -1 }, 9189: { id: 9189, name: "Final City Transit", srType: -1 }, 9190: { id: 9190, name: "Echoing Batblades", srType: -1 }, 9192: { id: 9192, name: "Paw Print Poisoner", srType: -1 }, 9193: { id: 9193, name: "Iceblast Armor", srType: -1 }, 9271: { id: 9271, name: "Unceasing Cyclone", srType: -1 }, 9272: { id: 9272, name: "YuumiBot_Final_FINAL", srType: -1 }, 9273: { id: 9273, name: "Explosive Embrace", srType: -1 }, 9274: { id: 9274, name: "Prumbis's Electrocarver", srType: -1 }, 9275: { id: 9275, name: "Enveloping Light", srType: -1 }, 9276: { id: 9276, name: "Double Bun-Bun Barrage", srType: -1 }, 9277: { id: 9277, name: "Evolved Embershot", srType: -1 }, 9278: { id: 9278, name: "Animapocalypse", srType: -1 }, 9279: { id: 9279, name: "Bunny Prime Ballista", srType: -1 }, 9280: { id: 9280, name: "OwO Blaster", srType: -1 }, 9281: { id: 9281, name: "Tempest's Gauntlet", srType: -1 }, 9283: { id: 9283, name: "Quad-o-rang", srType: -1 }, 9284: { id: 9284, name: "Rapid Rabbit Raindown", srType: -1 }, 9285: { id: 9285, name: "Neverending Mobstomper", srType: -1 }, 9287: { id: 9287, name: "T.I.B.B.E.R.S (B.E.E.G Edition)", srType: -1 }, 9288: { id: 9288, name: "Jinx's Tri-Namite", srType: -1 }, 9289: { id: 9289, name: "FC Limited Express", srType: -1 }, 9290: { id: 9290, name: "Vayne's Chromablades", srType: -1 }, 9292: { id: 9292, name: "Bearfoot Chem-Dispenser", srType: -1 }, 9293: { id: 9293, name: "Deep Freeze", srType: -1 }, 9300: { id: 9300, name: "Meow Meow", srType: -1 }, 9301: { id: 9301, name: "Shield Slam", srType: -1 }, 9302: { id: 9302, name: "Sound Wave", srType: -1 }, 9303: { id: 9303, name: "Pillory Swipe", srType: -1 }, 9304: { id: 9304, name: "Steel Tempest", srType: -1 }, 9305: { id: 9305, name: "Tentacle Slam", srType: -1 }, 9306: { id: 9306, name: "Winged Dagger", srType: -1 }, 9307: { id: 9307, name: "Guiding Hex", srType: -1 }, 9308: { id: 9308, name: "Bunny Hop", srType: -1 }, 9400: { id: 9400, name: "Battle Cat Barrage", srType: -1 }, 9401: { id: 9401, name: "Light of the Lion", srType: -1 }, 9402: { id: 9402, name: "Anima Echo", srType: -1 }, 9403: { id: 9403, name: "Savage Slice", srType: -1 }, 9404: { id: 9404, name: "Wandering Storms", srType: -1 }, 9405: { id: 9405, name: "Grizzly Smash", srType: -1 }, 9406: { id: 9406, name: "Lover's Ricochet", srType: -1 }, 9407: { id: 9407, name: "Hopped-Up Hex", srType: -1 }, 9408: { id: 9408, name: "Carrot Crash", srType: -1 }, 126697: { id: 126697, name: "Hubris", srType: -1 }, 220000: { id: 220000, name: "Stat Bonus", srType: -1 }, 220001: { id: 220001, name: "Legendary Fighter Item", srType: -1 }, 220002: { id: 220002, name: "Legendary Marksman Item", srType: -1 }, 220003: { id: 220003, name: "Legendary Assassin Item", srType: -1 }, 220004: { id: 220004, name: "Legendary Mage Item", srType: -1 }, 220005: { id: 220005, name: "Legendary Tank Item", srType: -1 }, 220006: { id: 220006, name: "Legendary Support Item", srType: -1 }, 220007: { id: 220007, name: "Prismatic Item", srType: -1 }, 221011: { id: 221011, name: "Giant's Belt", srType: -1 }, 221026: { id: 221026, name: "Blasting Wand", srType: -1 }, 221031: { id: 221031, name: "Chain Vest", srType: -1 }, 221038: { id: 221038, name: "B. F. Sword", srType: -1 }, 221043: { id: 221043, name: "Recurve Bow", srType: -1 }, 221053: { id: 221053, name: "Vampiric Scepter", srType: -1 }, 221057: { id: 221057, name: "Negatron Cloak", srType: -1 }, 221058: { id: 221058, name: "Needlessly Large Rod", srType: -1 }, 222022: { id: 222022, name: "Glowing Mote", srType: -1 }, 222051: { id: 222051, name: "Guardian's Horn", srType: -1 }, 222065: { id: 222065, name: "Shurelya's Battlesong", srType: -1 }, 222141: { id: 222141, name: "Cappa Juice", srType: -1 }, 222502: { id: 222502, name: "Unending Despair", srType: -1 }, 222503: { id: 222503, name: "Blackfire Torch", srType: -1 }, 222504: { id: 222504, name: "Kaenic Rookern", srType: -1 }, 223001: { id: 223001, name: "Evenshroud", srType: -1 }, 223002: { id: 223002, name: "Trailblazer", srType: -1 }, 223003: { id: 223003, name: "Archangel's Staff", srType: -1 }, 223004: { id: 223004, name: "Manamune", srType: -1 }, 223005: { id: 223005, name: "Ghostcrawlers", srType: -1 }, 223006: { id: 223006, name: "Berserker's Greaves", srType: -1 }, 223009: { id: 223009, name: "Boots of Swiftness", srType: -1 }, 223011: { id: 223011, name: "Chemtech Putrifier", srType: -1 }, 223020: { id: 223020, name: "Sorcerer's Shoes", srType: -1 }, 223026: { id: 223026, name: "Guardian Angel", srType: -1 }, 223031: { id: 223031, name: "Infinity Edge", srType: -1 }, 223032: { id: 223032, name: "Yun Tal Wildarrows", srType: -1 }, 223033: { id: 223033, name: "Mortal Reminder", srType: -1 }, 223036: { id: 223036, name: "Lord Dominik's Regards", srType: -1 }, 223039: { id: 223039, name: "Atma's Reckoning", srType: -1 }, 223040: { id: 223040, name: "Seraph's Embrace", srType: -1 }, 223042: { id: 223042, name: "Muramana", srType: -1 }, 223046: { id: 223046, name: "Phantom Dancer", srType: -1 }, 223047: { id: 223047, name: "Plated Steelcaps", srType: -1 }, 223050: { id: 223050, name: "Zeke's Convergence", srType: -1 }, 223053: { id: 223053, name: "Sterak's Gage", srType: -1 }, 223057: { id: 223057, name: "Sheen", srType: -1 }, 223065: { id: 223065, name: "Spirit Visage", srType: -1 }, 223067: { id: 223067, name: "Kindlegem", srType: -1 }, 223068: { id: 223068, name: "Sunfire Aegis", srType: -1 }, 223071: { id: 223071, name: "Black Cleaver", srType: -1 }, 223072: { id: 223072, name: "Bloodthirster", srType: -1 }, 223073: { id: 223073, name: "Experimental Hexplate", srType: -1 }, 223074: { id: 223074, name: "Ravenous Hydra", srType: -1 }, 223075: { id: 223075, name: "Thornmail", srType: -1 }, 223078: { id: 223078, name: "Trinity Force", srType: -1 }, 223084: { id: 223084, name: "Heartsteel", srType: -1 }, 223085: { id: 223085, name: "Runaan's Hurricane", srType: -1 }, 223087: { id: 223087, name: "Statikk Shiv", srType: -1 }, 223089: { id: 223089, name: "Rabadon's Deathcap", srType: -1 }, 223091: { id: 223091, name: "Wit's End", srType: -1 }, 223094: { id: 223094, name: "Rapid Firecannon", srType: -1 }, 223095: { id: 223095, name: "Stormrazor", srType: -1 }, 223100: { id: 223100, name: "Lich Bane", srType: -1 }, 223102: { id: 223102, name: "Banshee's Veil", srType: -1 }, 223105: { id: 223105, name: "Aegis of the Legion", srType: -1 }, 223107: { id: 223107, name: "Redemption", srType: -1 }, 223109: { id: 223109, name: "Knight's Vow", srType: -1 }, 223110: { id: 223110, name: "Frozen Heart", srType: -1 }, 223111: { id: 223111, name: "Mercury's Treads", srType: -1 }, 223112: { id: 223112, name: "Guardian's Orb", srType: -1 }, 223115: { id: 223115, name: "Nashor's Tooth", srType: -1 }, 223116: { id: 223116, name: "Rylai's Crystal Scepter", srType: -1 }, 223118: { id: 223118, name: "Malignance", srType: -1 }, 223119: { id: 223119, name: "Winter's Approach", srType: -1 }, 223121: { id: 223121, name: "Fimbulwinter", srType: -1 }, 223124: { id: 223124, name: "Guinsoo's Rageblade", srType: -1 }, 223135: { id: 223135, name: "Void Staff", srType: -1 }, 223137: { id: 223137, name: "Cryptbloom", srType: -1 }, 223139: { id: 223139, name: "Mercurial Scimitar", srType: -1 }, 223142: { id: 223142, name: "Youmuu's Ghostblade", srType: -1 }, 223143: { id: 223143, name: "Randuin's Omen", srType: -1 }, 223146: { id: 223146, name: "Hextech Gunblade", srType: -1 }, 223152: { id: 223152, name: "Hextech Rocketbelt", srType: -1 }, 223153: { id: 223153, name: "Blade of The Ruined King", srType: -1 }, 223156: { id: 223156, name: "Maw of Malmortius", srType: -1 }, 223157: { id: 223157, name: "Zhonya's Hourglass", srType: -1 }, 223158: { id: 223158, name: "Ionian Boots of Lucidity", srType: -1 }, 223161: { id: 223161, name: "Spear of Shojin", srType: -1 }, 223165: { id: 223165, name: "Morellonomicon", srType: -1 }, 223172: { id: 223172, name: "Zephyr", srType: -1 }, 223177: { id: 223177, name: "Guardian's Blade", srType: -1 }, 223181: { id: 223181, name: "Hullbreaker", srType: -1 }, 223184: { id: 223184, name: "Guardian's Hammer", srType: -1 }, 223185: { id: 223185, name: "Guardian's Dirk", srType: -1 }, 223190: { id: 223190, name: "Locket of the Iron Solari", srType: -1 }, 223193: { id: 223193, name: "Gargoyle Stoneplate", srType: -1 }, 223222: { id: 223222, name: "Mikael's Blessing", srType: -1 }, 223302: { id: 223302, name: "Terminus", srType: -1 }, 223504: { id: 223504, name: "Ardent Censer", srType: -1 }, 223508: { id: 223508, name: "Essence Reaver", srType: -1 }, 223742: { id: 223742, name: "Dead Man's Plate", srType: -1 }, 223748: { id: 223748, name: "Titanic Hydra", srType: -1 }, 223814: { id: 223814, name: "Edge of Night", srType: -1 }, 224004: { id: 224004, name: "Spectral Cutlass", srType: -1 }, 224005: { id: 224005, name: "Imperial Mandate", srType: -1 }, 224401: { id: 224401, name: "Force of Nature", srType: -1 }, 224403: { id: 224403, name: "The Golden Spatula", srType: -1 }, 224628: { id: 224628, name: "Horizon Focus", srType: -1 }, 224629: { id: 224629, name: "Cosmic Drive", srType: -1 }, 224633: { id: 224633, name: "Riftmaker", srType: -1 }, 224636: { id: 224636, name: "Night Harvester", srType: -1 }, 224637: { id: 224637, name: "Demonic Embrace", srType: -1 }, 224644: { id: 224644, name: "Crown of the Shattered Queen", srType: -1 }, 224645: { id: 224645, name: "Shadowflame", srType: -1 }, 224646: { id: 224646, name: "Stormsurge", srType: -1 }, 226035: { id: 226035, name: "Silvermere Dawn", srType: -1 }, 226333: { id: 226333, name: "Death's Dance", srType: -1 }, 226609: { id: 226609, name: "Chempunk Chainsword", srType: -1 }, 226610: { id: 226610, name: "Sundered Sky", srType: -1 }, 226616: { id: 226616, name: "Staff of Flowing Water", srType: -1 }, 226617: { id: 226617, name: "Moonstone Renewer", srType: -1 }, 226620: { id: 226620, name: "Echoes of Helia", srType: -1 }, 226621: { id: 226621, name: "Dawncore", srType: -1 }, 226630: { id: 226630, name: "Goredrinker", srType: -1 }, 226631: { id: 226631, name: "Stridebreaker", srType: -1 }, 226632: { id: 226632, name: "Divine Sunderer", srType: -1 }, 226653: { id: 226653, name: "Liandry's Torment", srType: -1 }, 226655: { id: 226655, name: "Luden's Companion", srType: -1 }, 226656: { id: 226656, name: "Everfrost", srType: -1 }, 226657: { id: 226657, name: "Rod of Ages", srType: -1 }, 226662: { id: 226662, name: "Iceborn Gauntlet", srType: -1 }, 226664: { id: 226664, name: "Hollow Radiance", srType: -1 }, 226665: { id: 226665, name: "Jak'Sho, The Protean", srType: -1 }, 226667: { id: 226667, name: "Radiant Virtue", srType: -1 }, 226671: { id: 226671, name: "Galeforce", srType: -1 }, 226672: { id: 226672, name: "Kraken Slayer", srType: -1 }, 226673: { id: 226673, name: "Immortal Shieldbow", srType: -1 }, 226675: { id: 226675, name: "Navori Flickerblade", srType: -1 }, 226676: { id: 226676, name: "The Collector", srType: -1 }, 226691: { id: 226691, name: "Duskblade of Draktharr", srType: -1 }, 226692: { id: 226692, name: "Eclipse", srType: -1 }, 226693: { id: 226693, name: "Prowler's Claw", srType: -1 }, 226694: { id: 226694, name: "Serylda's Grudge", srType: -1 }, 226695: { id: 226695, name: "Serpent's Fang", srType: -1 }, 226696: { id: 226696, name: "Axiom Arc", srType: -1 }, 226697: { id: 226697, name: "Hubris", srType: -1 }, 226698: { id: 226698, name: "Profane Hydra", srType: -1 }, 226699: { id: 226699, name: "Voltaic Cyclosword", srType: -1 }, 226701: { id: 226701, name: "Opportunity", srType: -1 }, 228001: { id: 228001, name: "Anathema's Chains", srType: -1 }, 228002: { id: 228002, name: "Wooglet's Witchcap", srType: -1 }, 228003: { id: 228003, name: "Deathblade", srType: -1 }, 228004: { id: 228004, name: "Adaptive Helm", srType: -1 }, 228005: { id: 228005, name: "Obsidian Cleaver", srType: -1 }, 228006: { id: 228006, name: "Sanguine Blade", srType: -1 }, 228008: { id: 228008, name: "Runeglaive", srType: -1 }, 228020: { id: 228020, name: "Abyssal Mask", srType: -1 }, 443054: { id: 443054, name: "Darksteel Talons", srType: -1 }, 443055: { id: 443055, name: "Fulmination", srType: -1 }, 443056: { id: 443056, name: "Demon King's Crown", srType: -1 }, 443058: { id: 443058, name: "Shield of Molten Stone", srType: -1 }, 443059: { id: 443059, name: "Cloak of Starry Night", srType: -1 }, 443060: { id: 443060, name: "Sword of the Divine", srType: -1 }, 443061: { id: 443061, name: "Force Of Entropy", srType: -1 }, 443062: { id: 443062, name: "Sanguine Gift", srType: -1 }, 443063: { id: 443063, name: "Eleisa's Miracle", srType: -1 }, 443064: { id: 443064, name: "Talisman Of Ascension", srType: -1 }, 443069: { id: 443069, name: "Hamstringer", srType: -1 }, 443079: { id: 443079, name: "Turbo Chemtank", srType: -1 }, 443080: { id: 443080, name: "Twin Mask", srType: -1 }, 443081: { id: 443081, name: "Hexbolt Companion", srType: -1 }, 443090: { id: 443090, name: "Reaper's Toll", srType: -1 }, 443193: { id: 443193, name: "Gargoyle Stoneplate", srType: -1 }, 444636: { id: 444636, name: "Night Harvester", srType: -1 }, 444637: { id: 444637, name: "Demonic Embrace", srType: -1 }, 444644: { id: 444644, name: "Crown of the Shattered Queen", srType: -1 }, 446632: { id: 446632, name: "Divine Sunderer", srType: -1 }, 446656: { id: 446656, name: "Everfrost", srType: -1 }, 446667: { id: 446667, name: "Radiant Virtue", srType: -1 }, 446671: { id: 446671, name: "Galeforce", srType: -1 }, 446691: { id: 446691, name: "Duskblade of Draktharr", srType: -1 }, 446693: { id: 446693, name: "Prowler's Claw", srType: -1 }, 447100: { id: 447100, name: "Mirage Blade", srType: -1 }, 447101: { id: 447101, name: "Gambler's Blade", srType: -1 }, 447102: { id: 447102, name: "Reality Fracture", srType: -1 }, 447103: { id: 447103, name: "Hemomancer's Helm", srType: -1 }, 447104: { id: 447104, name: "Innervating Locket", srType: -1 }, 447105: { id: 447105, name: "Empyrean Promise", srType: -1 }, 447106: { id: 447106, name: "Dragonheart", srType: -1 }, 447107: { id: 447107, name: "Decapitator", srType: -1 }, 447108: { id: 447108, name: "Runecarver", srType: -1 }, 447109: { id: 447109, name: "Cruelty", srType: -1 }, 447110: { id: 447110, name: "Moonflair Spellblade", srType: -1 }, 447111: { id: 447111, name: "Overlord's Bloodmail", srType: -1 }, 447112: { id: 447112, name: "Flesheater", srType: -1 }, 447113: { id: 447113, name: "Detonation Orb", srType: -1 }, 447114: { id: 447114, name: "Reverberation", srType: -1 }, 447115: { id: 447115, name: "Regicide", srType: -1 }, 447116: { id: 447116, name: "Kinkou Jitte", srType: -1 }, 447118: { id: 447118, name: "Pyromancer's Cloak", srType: -1 }, 447119: { id: 447119, name: "Lightning Rod", srType: -1 }, 447120: { id: 447120, name: "Diamond-Tipped Spear", srType: -1 }, 447121: { id: 447121, name: "Twilight's Edge", srType: -1 }, 447122: { id: 447122, name: "Black Hole Gauntlet", srType: -1 }, 447123: { id: 447123, name: "Puppeteer", srType: -1 } };
+ export const Items = { 1001: { id: 1001, name: "Boots", srType: 12 }, 1004: { id: 1004, name: "Faerie Charm", srType: 1 }, 1006: { id: 1006, name: "Rejuvenation Bead", srType: 1 }, 1011: { id: 1011, name: "Giant's Belt", srType: 2 }, 1018: { id: 1018, name: "Cloak of Agility", srType: 1 }, 1026: { id: 1026, name: "Blasting Wand", srType: 1 }, 1027: { id: 1027, name: "Sapphire Crystal", srType: 1 }, 1028: { id: 1028, name: "Ruby Crystal", srType: 1 }, 1029: { id: 1029, name: "Cloth Armor", srType: 1 }, 1031: { id: 1031, name: "Chain Vest", srType: 2 }, 1033: { id: 1033, name: "Null-Magic Mantle", srType: 1 }, 1035: { id: 1035, name: "Emberknife", srType: -1 }, 1036: { id: 1036, name: "Long Sword", srType: 1 }, 1037: { id: 1037, name: "Pickaxe", srType: 1 }, 1038: { id: 1038, name: "B. F. Sword", srType: 1 }, 1039: { id: 1039, name: "Hailblade", srType: -1 }, 1040: { id: 1040, name: "Obsidian Edge", srType: -1 }, 1042: { id: 1042, name: "Dagger", srType: 1 }, 1043: { id: 1043, name: "Recurve Bow", srType: 2 }, 1052: { id: 1052, name: "Amplifying Tome", srType: 1 }, 1053: { id: 1053, name: "Vampiric Scepter", srType: 2 }, 1054: { id: 1054, name: "Doran's Shield", srType: 0 }, 1055: { id: 1055, name: "Doran's Blade", srType: 0 }, 1056: { id: 1056, name: "Doran's Ring", srType: 0 }, 1057: { id: 1057, name: "Negatron Cloak", srType: 2 }, 1058: { id: 1058, name: "Needlessly Large Rod", srType: 1 }, 1082: { id: 1082, name: "Dark Seal", srType: 0 }, 1083: { id: 1083, name: "Cull", srType: 0 }, 1101: { id: 1101, name: "Scorchclaw Pup", srType: 0 }, 1102: { id: 1102, name: "Gustwalker Hatchling", srType: 0 }, 1103: { id: 1103, name: "Mosstomper Seedling", srType: 0 }, 1104: { id: 1104, name: "Eye of the Herald", srType: -1 }, 1500: { id: 1500, name: "Penetrating Bullets", srType: -1 }, 1503: { id: 1503, name: "Warden's Eye", srType: -1 }, 1504: { id: 1504, name: "Vanguard", srType: -1 }, 1507: { id: 1507, name: "Overcharged", srType: -1 }, 1508: { id: 1508, name: "Anti-tower Socks", srType: -1 }, 1509: { id: 1509, name: "Gusto", srType: -1 }, 1510: { id: 1510, name: "Phreakish Gusto", srType: -1 }, 1511: { id: 1511, name: "Super Mech Armor", srType: -1 }, 1512: { id: 1512, name: "Super Mech Power Field", srType: -1 }, 1515: { id: 1515, name: "Turret Plating", srType: -1 }, 1520: { id: 1520, name: "OvererchargedHA", srType: -1 }, 1522: { id: 1522, name: "Tower Power-Up", srType: -1 }, 2003: { id: 2003, name: "Health Potion", srType: 13 }, 2010: { id: 2010, name: "Total Biscuit of Everlasting Will", srType: 13 }, 2015: { id: 2015, name: "Kircheis Shard", srType: -1 }, 2019: { id: 2019, name: "Steel Sigil", srType: 2 }, 2020: { id: 2020, name: "The Brutalizer", srType: 2 }, 2021: { id: 2021, name: "Tunneler", srType: 2 }, 2022: { id: 2022, name: "Glowing Mote", srType: 1 }, 2031: { id: 2031, name: "Refillable Potion", srType: 13 }, 2033: { id: 2033, name: "Corrupting Potion", srType: -1 }, 2049: { id: 2049, name: "Guardian's Amulet", srType: -1 }, 2050: { id: 2050, name: "Guardian's Shroud", srType: -1 }, 2051: { id: 2051, name: "Guardian's Horn", srType: -1 }, 2052: { id: 2052, name: "Poro-Snax", srType: 13 }, 2055: { id: 2055, name: "Control Ward", srType: 13 }, 2056: { id: 2056, name: "Stealth Ward", srType: -1 }, 2065: { id: 2065, name: "Shurelya's Battlesong", srType: 3 }, 2138: { id: 2138, name: "Elixir of Iron", srType: 13 }, 2139: { id: 2139, name: "Elixir of Sorcery", srType: 13 }, 2140: { id: 2140, name: "Elixir of Wrath", srType: 13 }, 2141: { id: 2141, name: "Cappa Juice", srType: -1 }, 2142: { id: 2142, name: "Juice of Power", srType: -1 }, 2143: { id: 2143, name: "Juice of Vitality", srType: -1 }, 2144: { id: 2144, name: "Juice of Haste", srType: -1 }, 2145: { id: 2145, name: "Lucky Dice", srType: -1 }, 2150: { id: 2150, name: "Elixir of Skill", srType: 13 }, 2151: { id: 2151, name: "Elixir of Avarice", srType: 13 }, 2152: { id: 2152, name: "Elixir of Force", srType: 13 }, 2403: { id: 2403, name: "Minion Dematerializer", srType: -1 }, 2420: { id: 2420, name: "Seeker's Armguard", srType: 2 }, 2421: { id: 2421, name: "Shattered Armguard", srType: 2 }, 2422: { id: 2422, name: "Slightly Magical Footwear", srType: 12 }, 2501: { id: 2501, name: "Overlord's Bloodmail", srType: 3 }, 2502: { id: 2502, name: "Unending Despair", srType: 3 }, 2503: { id: 2503, name: "Blackfire Torch", srType: 3 }, 2504: { id: 2504, name: "Kaenic Rookern", srType: 3 }, 2508: { id: 2508, name: "Fated Ashes", srType: 2 }, 3001: { id: 3001, name: "Evenshroud", srType: -1 }, 3002: { id: 3002, name: "Trailblazer", srType: 3 }, 3003: { id: 3003, name: "Archangel's Staff", srType: 3 }, 3004: { id: 3004, name: "Manamune", srType: 3 }, 3005: { id: 3005, name: "Ghostcrawlers", srType: -1 }, 3006: { id: 3006, name: "Berserker's Greaves", srType: 12 }, 3009: { id: 3009, name: "Boots of Swiftness", srType: 12 }, 3010: { id: 3010, name: "Symbiotic Soles", srType: 12 }, 3011: { id: 3011, name: "Chemtech Putrifier", srType: -1 }, 3012: { id: 3012, name: "Chalice of Blessing", srType: -1 }, 3013: { id: 3013, name: "Synchronized Souls", srType: 12 }, 3020: { id: 3020, name: "Sorcerer's Shoes", srType: 12 }, 3023: { id: 3023, name: "Lifewell Pendant", srType: -1 }, 3024: { id: 3024, name: "Glacial Buckler", srType: 2 }, 3026: { id: 3026, name: "Guardian Angel", srType: 3 }, 3031: { id: 3031, name: "Infinity Edge", srType: 3 }, 3032: { id: 3032, name: "Yun Tal Wildarrows", srType: 3 }, 3033: { id: 3033, name: "Mortal Reminder", srType: 3 }, 3035: { id: 3035, name: "Last Whisper", srType: 2 }, 3036: { id: 3036, name: "Lord Dominik's Regards", srType: 3 }, 3039: { id: 3039, name: "Atma's Reckoning", srType: -1 }, 3040: { id: 3040, name: "Seraph's Embrace", srType: 3 }, 3041: { id: 3041, name: "Mejai's Soulstealer", srType: 3 }, 3042: { id: 3042, name: "Muramana", srType: 3 }, 3044: { id: 3044, name: "Phage", srType: 2 }, 3046: { id: 3046, name: "Phantom Dancer", srType: 3 }, 3047: { id: 3047, name: "Plated Steelcaps", srType: 12 }, 3050: { id: 3050, name: "Zeke's Convergence", srType: 3 }, 3051: { id: 3051, name: "Hearthbound Axe", srType: 2 }, 3053: { id: 3053, name: "Sterak's Gage", srType: 3 }, 3057: { id: 3057, name: "Sheen", srType: 2 }, 3065: { id: 3065, name: "Spirit Visage", srType: 3 }, 3066: { id: 3066, name: "Winged Moonplate", srType: 2 }, 3067: { id: 3067, name: "Kindlegem", srType: 2 }, 3068: { id: 3068, name: "Sunfire Aegis", srType: 3 }, 3070: { id: 3070, name: "Tear of the Goddess", srType: 0 }, 3071: { id: 3071, name: "Black Cleaver", srType: 3 }, 3072: { id: 3072, name: "Bloodthirster", srType: 3 }, 3073: { id: 3073, name: "Experimental Hexplate", srType: 3 }, 3074: { id: 3074, name: "Ravenous Hydra", srType: 3 }, 3075: { id: 3075, name: "Thornmail", srType: 3 }, 3076: { id: 3076, name: "Bramble Vest", srType: 2 }, 3077: { id: 3077, name: "Tiamat", srType: 2 }, 3078: { id: 3078, name: "Trinity Force", srType: 3 }, 3082: { id: 3082, name: "Warden's Mail", srType: 2 }, 3083: { id: 3083, name: "Warmog's Armor", srType: 3 }, 3084: { id: 3084, name: "Heartsteel", srType: 3 }, 3085: { id: 3085, name: "Runaan's Hurricane", srType: 3 }, 3086: { id: 3086, name: "Zeal", srType: 2 }, 3087: { id: 3087, name: "Statikk Shiv", srType: 3 }, 3089: { id: 3089, name: "Rabadon's Deathcap", srType: 3 }, 3091: { id: 3091, name: "Wit's End", srType: 3 }, 3094: { id: 3094, name: "Rapid Firecannon", srType: 3 }, 3095: { id: 3095, name: "Stormrazor", srType: -1 }, 3100: { id: 3100, name: "Lich Bane", srType: 3 }, 3102: { id: 3102, name: "Banshee's Veil", srType: 3 }, 3105: { id: 3105, name: "Aegis of the Legion", srType: -1 }, 3107: { id: 3107, name: "Redemption", srType: 3 }, 3108: { id: 3108, name: "Fiendish Codex", srType: 2 }, 3109: { id: 3109, name: "Knight's Vow", srType: 3 }, 3110: { id: 3110, name: "Frozen Heart", srType: 3 }, 3111: { id: 3111, name: "Mercury's Treads", srType: 12 }, 3112: { id: 3112, name: "Guardian's Orb", srType: -1 }, 3113: { id: 3113, name: "Aether Wisp", srType: 2 }, 3114: { id: 3114, name: "Forbidden Idol", srType: 2 }, 3115: { id: 3115, name: "Nashor's Tooth", srType: 3 }, 3116: { id: 3116, name: "Rylai's Crystal Scepter", srType: 3 }, 3117: { id: 3117, name: "Mobility Boots", srType: -1 }, 3118: { id: 3118, name: "Malignance", srType: 3 }, 3119: { id: 3119, name: "Winter's Approach", srType: 3 }, 3121: { id: 3121, name: "Fimbulwinter", srType: 3 }, 3123: { id: 3123, name: "Executioner's Calling", srType: 2 }, 3124: { id: 3124, name: "Guinsoo's Rageblade", srType: 3 }, 3128: { id: 3128, name: "Deathfire Grasp", srType: -1 }, 3131: { id: 3131, name: "Sword of the Divine", srType: -1 }, 3133: { id: 3133, name: "Caulfield's Warhammer", srType: 2 }, 3134: { id: 3134, name: "Serrated Dirk", srType: 2 }, 3135: { id: 3135, name: "Void Staff", srType: 3 }, 3137: { id: 3137, name: "Cryptbloom", srType: 3 }, 3139: { id: 3139, name: "Mercurial Scimitar", srType: 3 }, 3140: { id: 3140, name: "Quicksilver Sash", srType: 2 }, 3142: { id: 3142, name: "Youmuu's Ghostblade", srType: 3 }, 3143: { id: 3143, name: "Randuin's Omen", srType: 3 }, 3144: { id: 3144, name: "Scout's Slingshot", srType: 2 }, 3145: { id: 3145, name: "Hextech Alternator", srType: 2 }, 3146: { id: 3146, name: "Hextech Gunblade", srType: -1 }, 3147: { id: 3147, name: "Haunting Guise", srType: 2 }, 3152: { id: 3152, name: "Hextech Rocketbelt", srType: 3 }, 3153: { id: 3153, name: "Blade of The Ruined King", srType: 3 }, 3155: { id: 3155, name: "Hexdrinker", srType: 2 }, 3156: { id: 3156, name: "Maw of Malmortius", srType: 3 }, 3157: { id: 3157, name: "Zhonya's Hourglass", srType: 3 }, 3158: { id: 3158, name: "Ionian Boots of Lucidity", srType: 12 }, 3161: { id: 3161, name: "Spear of Shojin", srType: 3 }, 3165: { id: 3165, name: "Morellonomicon", srType: 3 }, 3172: { id: 3172, name: "Zephyr", srType: 12 }, 3177: { id: 3177, name: "Guardian's Blade", srType: -1 }, 3179: { id: 3179, name: "Umbral Glaive", srType: 3 }, 3181: { id: 3181, name: "Hullbreaker", srType: 3 }, 3184: { id: 3184, name: "Guardian's Hammer", srType: -1 }, 3190: { id: 3190, name: "Locket of the Iron Solari", srType: 3 }, 3193: { id: 3193, name: "Gargoyle Stoneplate", srType: -1 }, 3211: { id: 3211, name: "Spectre's Cowl", srType: 2 }, 3222: { id: 3222, name: "Mikael's Blessing", srType: 3 }, 3302: { id: 3302, name: "Terminus", srType: 3 }, 3330: { id: 3330, name: "Scarecrow Effigy", srType: -1 }, 3340: { id: 3340, name: "Stealth Ward", srType: 11 }, 3348: { id: 3348, name: "Arcane Sweeper", srType: -1 }, 3349: { id: 3349, name: "Lucent Singularity", srType: -1 }, 3363: { id: 3363, name: "Farsight Alteration", srType: 11 }, 3364: { id: 3364, name: "Oracle Lens", srType: 11 }, 3400: { id: 3400, name: "Your Cut", srType: 13 }, 3430: { id: 3430, name: "Rite Of Ruin", srType: -1 }, 3504: { id: 3504, name: "Ardent Censer", srType: 3 }, 3508: { id: 3508, name: "Essence Reaver", srType: 3 }, 3513: { id: 3513, name: "Eye of the Herald", srType: -1 }, 3599: { id: 3599, name: "Kalista's Black Spear", srType: -1 }, 3600: { id: 3600, name: "Sylas' Black Spear", srType: -1 }, 3742: { id: 3742, name: "Dead Man's Plate", srType: 3 }, 3748: { id: 3748, name: "Titanic Hydra", srType: 3 }, 3801: { id: 3801, name: "Crystalline Bracer", srType: 2 }, 3802: { id: 3802, name: "Lost Chapter", srType: 2 }, 3803: { id: 3803, name: "Catalyst of Aeons", srType: 2 }, 3814: { id: 3814, name: "Edge of Night", srType: 3 }, 3850: { id: 3850, name: "Spellthief's Edge", srType: -1 }, 3851: { id: 3851, name: "Frostfang", srType: -1 }, 3853: { id: 3853, name: "Shard of True Ice", srType: -1 }, 3854: { id: 3854, name: "Steel Shoulderguards", srType: -1 }, 3855: { id: 3855, name: "Runesteel Spaulders", srType: -1 }, 3857: { id: 3857, name: "Pauldrons of Whiterock", srType: -1 }, 3858: { id: 3858, name: "Relic Shield", srType: -1 }, 3859: { id: 3859, name: "Targon's Buckler", srType: -1 }, 3860: { id: 3860, name: "Bulwark of the Mountain", srType: -1 }, 3862: { id: 3862, name: "Spectral Sickle", srType: -1 }, 3863: { id: 3863, name: "Harrowing Crescent", srType: -1 }, 3864: { id: 3864, name: "Black Mist Scythe", srType: -1 }, 3865: { id: 3865, name: "World Atlas", srType: 0 }, 3866: { id: 3866, name: "Runic Compass", srType: 2 }, 3867: { id: 3867, name: "Bounty of Worlds", srType: 3 }, 3869: { id: 3869, name: "Celestial Opposition", srType: 3 }, 3870: { id: 3870, name: "Dream Maker", srType: 3 }, 3871: { id: 3871, name: "Zaz'Zak's Realmspike", srType: 3 }, 3876: { id: 3876, name: "Solstice Sleigh", srType: 3 }, 3877: { id: 3877, name: "Bloodsong", srType: 3 }, 3901: { id: 3901, name: "Fire at Will", srType: -1 }, 3902: { id: 3902, name: "Death's Daughter", srType: -1 }, 3903: { id: 3903, name: "Raise Morale", srType: -1 }, 3916: { id: 3916, name: "Oblivion Orb", srType: 2 }, 4003: { id: 4003, name: "Lifeline", srType: -1 }, 4004: { id: 4004, name: "Spectral Cutlass", srType: -1 }, 4005: { id: 4005, name: "Imperial Mandate", srType: 3 }, 4010: { id: 4010, name: "Bloodletter's Curse", srType: -1 }, 4011: { id: 4011, name: "Sword of Blossoming Dawn", srType: -1 }, 4012: { id: 4012, name: "Sin Eater", srType: -1 }, 4013: { id: 4013, name: "Lightning Braid", srType: -1 }, 4014: { id: 4014, name: "Frozen Mallet", srType: -1 }, 4015: { id: 4015, name: "Perplexity", srType: -1 }, 4016: { id: 4016, name: "Wordless Promise", srType: -1 }, 4017: { id: 4017, name: "Hellfire Hatchet", srType: -1 }, 4401: { id: 4401, name: "Force of Nature", srType: 3 }, 4402: { id: 4402, name: "Innervating Locket", srType: -1 }, 4403: { id: 4403, name: "The Golden Spatula", srType: -1 }, 4628: { id: 4628, name: "Horizon Focus", srType: 3 }, 4629: { id: 4629, name: "Cosmic Drive", srType: 3 }, 4630: { id: 4630, name: "Blighting Jewel", srType: 2 }, 4632: { id: 4632, name: "Verdant Barrier", srType: 2 }, 4633: { id: 4633, name: "Riftmaker", srType: 3 }, 4635: { id: 4635, name: "Leeching Leer", srType: -1 }, 4636: { id: 4636, name: "Night Harvester", srType: -1 }, 4637: { id: 4637, name: "Demonic Embrace", srType: -1 }, 4638: { id: 4638, name: "Watchful Wardstone", srType: 2 }, 4641: { id: 4641, name: "Stirring Wardstone", srType: -1 }, 4642: { id: 4642, name: "Bandleglass Mirror", srType: 2 }, 4643: { id: 4643, name: "Vigilant Wardstone", srType: 3 }, 4644: { id: 4644, name: "Crown of the Shattered Queen", srType: -1 }, 4645: { id: 4645, name: "Shadowflame", srType: 3 }, 4646: { id: 4646, name: "Stormsurge", srType: 3 }, 6029: { id: 6029, name: "Ironspike Whip", srType: -1 }, 6035: { id: 6035, name: "Silvermere Dawn", srType: -1 }, 6333: { id: 6333, name: "Death's Dance", srType: 3 }, 6609: { id: 6609, name: "Chempunk Chainsword", srType: 3 }, 6610: { id: 6610, name: "Sundered Sky", srType: 3 }, 6616: { id: 6616, name: "Staff of Flowing Water", srType: 3 }, 6617: { id: 6617, name: "Moonstone Renewer", srType: 3 }, 6620: { id: 6620, name: "Echoes of Helia", srType: 3 }, 6621: { id: 6621, name: "Dawncore", srType: 3 }, 6630: { id: 6630, name: "Goredrinker", srType: -1 }, 6631: { id: 6631, name: "Stridebreaker", srType: 3 }, 6632: { id: 6632, name: "Divine Sunderer", srType: -1 }, 6653: { id: 6653, name: "Liandry's Torment", srType: 3 }, 6655: { id: 6655, name: "Luden's Companion", srType: 3 }, 6656: { id: 6656, name: "Everfrost", srType: -1 }, 6657: { id: 6657, name: "Rod of Ages", srType: 3 }, 6660: { id: 6660, name: "Bami's Cinder", srType: 2 }, 6662: { id: 6662, name: "Iceborn Gauntlet", srType: 3 }, 6664: { id: 6664, name: "Hollow Radiance", srType: 3 }, 6665: { id: 6665, name: "Jak'Sho, The Protean", srType: 3 }, 6667: { id: 6667, name: "Radiant Virtue", srType: -1 }, 6670: { id: 6670, name: "Noonquiver", srType: 2 }, 6671: { id: 6671, name: "Galeforce", srType: -1 }, 6672: { id: 6672, name: "Kraken Slayer", srType: 3 }, 6673: { id: 6673, name: "Immortal Shieldbow", srType: 3 }, 6675: { id: 6675, name: "Navori Flickerblade", srType: 3 }, 6676: { id: 6676, name: "The Collector", srType: 3 }, 6677: { id: 6677, name: "Rageknife", srType: -1 }, 6690: { id: 6690, name: "Rectrix", srType: 2 }, 6691: { id: 6691, name: "Duskblade of Draktharr", srType: -1 }, 6692: { id: 6692, name: "Eclipse", srType: 3 }, 6693: { id: 6693, name: "Prowler's Claw", srType: -1 }, 6694: { id: 6694, name: "Serylda's Grudge", srType: 3 }, 6695: { id: 6695, name: "Serpent's Fang", srType: 3 }, 6696: { id: 6696, name: "Axiom Arc", srType: 3 }, 6697: { id: 6697, name: "Hubris", srType: 3 }, 6698: { id: 6698, name: "Profane Hydra", srType: 3 }, 6699: { id: 6699, name: "Voltaic Cyclosword", srType: 3 }, 6700: { id: 6700, name: "Shield of the Rakkor", srType: -1 }, 6701: { id: 6701, name: "Opportunity", srType: 3 }, 7050: { id: 7050, name: "Gangplank Placeholder", srType: -1 }, 8001: { id: 8001, name: "Anathema's Chains", srType: -1 }, 8020: { id: 8020, name: "Abyssal Mask", srType: 3 }, 9168: { id: 9168, name: "Locked Weapon Slot", srType: -1 }, 9171: { id: 9171, name: "Cyclonic Slicers", srType: -1 }, 9172: { id: 9172, name: "YuumiBot", srType: -1 }, 9173: { id: 9173, name: "Radiant Field", srType: -1 }, 9174: { id: 9174, name: "Statikk Sword", srType: -1 }, 9175: { id: 9175, name: "Lioness's Lament", srType: -1 }, 9176: { id: 9176, name: "Gatling Bunny-Guns", srType: -1 }, 9177: { id: 9177, name: "Searing Shortbow", srType: -1 }, 9178: { id: 9178, name: "The Annihilator", srType: -1 }, 9179: { id: 9179, name: "Battle Bunny Crossbow", srType: -1 }, 9180: { id: 9180, name: "UwU Blaster", srType: -1 }, 9181: { id: 9181, name: "Vortex Glove", srType: -1 }, 9183: { id: 9183, name: "Blade-o-rang", srType: -1 }, 9184: { id: 9184, name: "Bunny Mega-Blast", srType: -1 }, 9185: { id: 9185, name: "Anti-Shark Sea Mine", srType: -1 }, 9187: { id: 9187, name: "T.I.B.B.E.R.S", srType: -1 }, 9188: { id: 9188, name: "Ani-Mines", srType: -1 }, 9189: { id: 9189, name: "Final City Transit", srType: -1 }, 9190: { id: 9190, name: "Echoing Batblades", srType: -1 }, 9192: { id: 9192, name: "Paw Print Poisoner", srType: -1 }, 9193: { id: 9193, name: "Iceblast Armor", srType: -1 }, 9271: { id: 9271, name: "Unceasing Cyclone", srType: -1 }, 9272: { id: 9272, name: "YuumiBot_Final_FINAL", srType: -1 }, 9273: { id: 9273, name: "Explosive Embrace", srType: -1 }, 9274: { id: 9274, name: "Prumbis's Electrocarver", srType: -1 }, 9275: { id: 9275, name: "Enveloping Light", srType: -1 }, 9276: { id: 9276, name: "Double Bun-Bun Barrage", srType: -1 }, 9277: { id: 9277, name: "Evolved Embershot", srType: -1 }, 9278: { id: 9278, name: "Animapocalypse", srType: -1 }, 9279: { id: 9279, name: "Bunny Prime Ballista", srType: -1 }, 9280: { id: 9280, name: "OwO Blaster", srType: -1 }, 9281: { id: 9281, name: "Tempest's Gauntlet", srType: -1 }, 9283: { id: 9283, name: "Quad-o-rang", srType: -1 }, 9284: { id: 9284, name: "Rapid Rabbit Raindown", srType: -1 }, 9285: { id: 9285, name: "Neverending Mobstomper", srType: -1 }, 9287: { id: 9287, name: "T.I.B.B.E.R.S (B.E.E.G Edition)", srType: -1 }, 9288: { id: 9288, name: "Jinx's Tri-Namite", srType: -1 }, 9289: { id: 9289, name: "FC Limited Express", srType: -1 }, 9290: { id: 9290, name: "Vayne's Chromablades", srType: -1 }, 9292: { id: 9292, name: "Bearfoot Chem-Dispenser", srType: -1 }, 9293: { id: 9293, name: "Deep Freeze", srType: -1 }, 9300: { id: 9300, name: "Meow Meow", srType: -1 }, 9301: { id: 9301, name: "Shield Slam", srType: -1 }, 9302: { id: 9302, name: "Sound Wave", srType: -1 }, 9303: { id: 9303, name: "Pillory Swipe", srType: -1 }, 9304: { id: 9304, name: "Steel Tempest", srType: -1 }, 9305: { id: 9305, name: "Tentacle Slam", srType: -1 }, 9306: { id: 9306, name: "Winged Dagger", srType: -1 }, 9307: { id: 9307, name: "Guiding Hex", srType: -1 }, 9308: { id: 9308, name: "Bunny Hop", srType: -1 }, 9400: { id: 9400, name: "Battle Cat Barrage", srType: -1 }, 9401: { id: 9401, name: "Light of the Lion", srType: -1 }, 9402: { id: 9402, name: "Anima Echo", srType: -1 }, 9403: { id: 9403, name: "Savage Slice", srType: -1 }, 9404: { id: 9404, name: "Wandering Storms", srType: -1 }, 9405: { id: 9405, name: "Grizzly Smash", srType: -1 }, 9406: { id: 9406, name: "Lover's Ricochet", srType: -1 }, 9407: { id: 9407, name: "Hopped-Up Hex", srType: -1 }, 9408: { id: 9408, name: "Carrot Crash", srType: -1 }, 126697: { id: 126697, name: "Hubris", srType: -1 }, 220000: { id: 220000, name: "Stat Bonus", srType: -1 }, 220001: { id: 220001, name: "Legendary Fighter Item", srType: -1 }, 220002: { id: 220002, name: "Legendary Marksman Item", srType: -1 }, 220003: { id: 220003, name: "Legendary Assassin Item", srType: -1 }, 220004: { id: 220004, name: "Legendary Mage Item", srType: -1 }, 220005: { id: 220005, name: "Legendary Tank Item", srType: -1 }, 220006: { id: 220006, name: "Legendary Support Item", srType: -1 }, 220007: { id: 220007, name: "Prismatic Item", srType: -1 }, 221011: { id: 221011, name: "Giant's Belt", srType: -1 }, 221026: { id: 221026, name: "Blasting Wand", srType: -1 }, 221031: { id: 221031, name: "Chain Vest", srType: -1 }, 221038: { id: 221038, name: "B. F. Sword", srType: -1 }, 221043: { id: 221043, name: "Recurve Bow", srType: -1 }, 221053: { id: 221053, name: "Vampiric Scepter", srType: -1 }, 221057: { id: 221057, name: "Negatron Cloak", srType: -1 }, 221058: { id: 221058, name: "Needlessly Large Rod", srType: -1 }, 222022: { id: 222022, name: "Glowing Mote", srType: -1 }, 222051: { id: 222051, name: "Guardian's Horn", srType: -1 }, 222065: { id: 222065, name: "Shurelya's Battlesong", srType: -1 }, 222141: { id: 222141, name: "Cappa Juice", srType: -1 }, 222502: { id: 222502, name: "Unending Despair", srType: -1 }, 222503: { id: 222503, name: "Blackfire Torch", srType: -1 }, 222504: { id: 222504, name: "Kaenic Rookern", srType: -1 }, 223001: { id: 223001, name: "Evenshroud", srType: -1 }, 223002: { id: 223002, name: "Trailblazer", srType: -1 }, 223003: { id: 223003, name: "Archangel's Staff", srType: -1 }, 223004: { id: 223004, name: "Manamune", srType: -1 }, 223005: { id: 223005, name: "Ghostcrawlers", srType: -1 }, 223006: { id: 223006, name: "Berserker's Greaves", srType: -1 }, 223009: { id: 223009, name: "Boots of Swiftness", srType: -1 }, 223011: { id: 223011, name: "Chemtech Putrifier", srType: -1 }, 223020: { id: 223020, name: "Sorcerer's Shoes", srType: -1 }, 223026: { id: 223026, name: "Guardian Angel", srType: -1 }, 223031: { id: 223031, name: "Infinity Edge", srType: -1 }, 223032: { id: 223032, name: "Yun Tal Wildarrows", srType: -1 }, 223033: { id: 223033, name: "Mortal Reminder", srType: -1 }, 223036: { id: 223036, name: "Lord Dominik's Regards", srType: -1 }, 223039: { id: 223039, name: "Atma's Reckoning", srType: -1 }, 223040: { id: 223040, name: "Seraph's Embrace", srType: -1 }, 223042: { id: 223042, name: "Muramana", srType: -1 }, 223046: { id: 223046, name: "Phantom Dancer", srType: -1 }, 223047: { id: 223047, name: "Plated Steelcaps", srType: -1 }, 223050: { id: 223050, name: "Zeke's Convergence", srType: -1 }, 223053: { id: 223053, name: "Sterak's Gage", srType: -1 }, 223057: { id: 223057, name: "Sheen", srType: -1 }, 223065: { id: 223065, name: "Spirit Visage", srType: -1 }, 223067: { id: 223067, name: "Kindlegem", srType: -1 }, 223068: { id: 223068, name: "Sunfire Aegis", srType: -1 }, 223071: { id: 223071, name: "Black Cleaver", srType: -1 }, 223072: { id: 223072, name: "Bloodthirster", srType: -1 }, 223073: { id: 223073, name: "Experimental Hexplate", srType: -1 }, 223074: { id: 223074, name: "Ravenous Hydra", srType: -1 }, 223075: { id: 223075, name: "Thornmail", srType: -1 }, 223078: { id: 223078, name: "Trinity Force", srType: -1 }, 223084: { id: 223084, name: "Heartsteel", srType: -1 }, 223085: { id: 223085, name: "Runaan's Hurricane", srType: -1 }, 223087: { id: 223087, name: "Statikk Shiv", srType: -1 }, 223089: { id: 223089, name: "Rabadon's Deathcap", srType: -1 }, 223091: { id: 223091, name: "Wit's End", srType: -1 }, 223094: { id: 223094, name: "Rapid Firecannon", srType: -1 }, 223095: { id: 223095, name: "Stormrazor", srType: -1 }, 223100: { id: 223100, name: "Lich Bane", srType: -1 }, 223102: { id: 223102, name: "Banshee's Veil", srType: -1 }, 223105: { id: 223105, name: "Aegis of the Legion", srType: -1 }, 223107: { id: 223107, name: "Redemption", srType: -1 }, 223109: { id: 223109, name: "Knight's Vow", srType: -1 }, 223110: { id: 223110, name: "Frozen Heart", srType: -1 }, 223111: { id: 223111, name: "Mercury's Treads", srType: -1 }, 223112: { id: 223112, name: "Guardian's Orb", srType: -1 }, 223115: { id: 223115, name: "Nashor's Tooth", srType: -1 }, 223116: { id: 223116, name: "Rylai's Crystal Scepter", srType: -1 }, 223118: { id: 223118, name: "Malignance", srType: -1 }, 223119: { id: 223119, name: "Winter's Approach", srType: -1 }, 223121: { id: 223121, name: "Fimbulwinter", srType: -1 }, 223124: { id: 223124, name: "Guinsoo's Rageblade", srType: -1 }, 223135: { id: 223135, name: "Void Staff", srType: -1 }, 223137: { id: 223137, name: "Cryptbloom", srType: -1 }, 223139: { id: 223139, name: "Mercurial Scimitar", srType: -1 }, 223142: { id: 223142, name: "Youmuu's Ghostblade", srType: -1 }, 223143: { id: 223143, name: "Randuin's Omen", srType: -1 }, 223146: { id: 223146, name: "Hextech Gunblade", srType: -1 }, 223152: { id: 223152, name: "Hextech Rocketbelt", srType: -1 }, 223153: { id: 223153, name: "Blade of The Ruined King", srType: -1 }, 223156: { id: 223156, name: "Maw of Malmortius", srType: -1 }, 223157: { id: 223157, name: "Zhonya's Hourglass", srType: -1 }, 223158: { id: 223158, name: "Ionian Boots of Lucidity", srType: -1 }, 223161: { id: 223161, name: "Spear of Shojin", srType: -1 }, 223165: { id: 223165, name: "Morellonomicon", srType: -1 }, 223172: { id: 223172, name: "Zephyr", srType: -1 }, 223177: { id: 223177, name: "Guardian's Blade", srType: -1 }, 223181: { id: 223181, name: "Hullbreaker", srType: -1 }, 223184: { id: 223184, name: "Guardian's Hammer", srType: -1 }, 223185: { id: 223185, name: "Guardian's Dirk", srType: -1 }, 223190: { id: 223190, name: "Locket of the Iron Solari", srType: -1 }, 223193: { id: 223193, name: "Gargoyle Stoneplate", srType: -1 }, 223222: { id: 223222, name: "Mikael's Blessing", srType: -1 }, 223302: { id: 223302, name: "Terminus", srType: -1 }, 223504: { id: 223504, name: "Ardent Censer", srType: -1 }, 223508: { id: 223508, name: "Essence Reaver", srType: -1 }, 223742: { id: 223742, name: "Dead Man's Plate", srType: -1 }, 223748: { id: 223748, name: "Titanic Hydra", srType: -1 }, 223814: { id: 223814, name: "Edge of Night", srType: -1 }, 224004: { id: 224004, name: "Spectral Cutlass", srType: -1 }, 224005: { id: 224005, name: "Imperial Mandate", srType: -1 }, 224401: { id: 224401, name: "Force of Nature", srType: -1 }, 224403: { id: 224403, name: "The Golden Spatula", srType: -1 }, 224628: { id: 224628, name: "Horizon Focus", srType: -1 }, 224629: { id: 224629, name: "Cosmic Drive", srType: -1 }, 224633: { id: 224633, name: "Riftmaker", srType: -1 }, 224636: { id: 224636, name: "Night Harvester", srType: -1 }, 224637: { id: 224637, name: "Demonic Embrace", srType: -1 }, 224644: { id: 224644, name: "Crown of the Shattered Queen", srType: -1 }, 224645: { id: 224645, name: "Shadowflame", srType: -1 }, 224646: { id: 224646, name: "Stormsurge", srType: -1 }, 226035: { id: 226035, name: "Silvermere Dawn", srType: -1 }, 226333: { id: 226333, name: "Death's Dance", srType: -1 }, 226609: { id: 226609, name: "Chempunk Chainsword", srType: -1 }, 226610: { id: 226610, name: "Sundered Sky", srType: -1 }, 226616: { id: 226616, name: "Staff of Flowing Water", srType: -1 }, 226617: { id: 226617, name: "Moonstone Renewer", srType: -1 }, 226620: { id: 226620, name: "Echoes of Helia", srType: -1 }, 226621: { id: 226621, name: "Dawncore", srType: -1 }, 226630: { id: 226630, name: "Goredrinker", srType: -1 }, 226631: { id: 226631, name: "Stridebreaker", srType: -1 }, 226632: { id: 226632, name: "Divine Sunderer", srType: -1 }, 226653: { id: 226653, name: "Liandry's Anguish", srType: -1 }, 226655: { id: 226655, name: "Luden's Companion", srType: -1 }, 226656: { id: 226656, name: "Everfrost", srType: -1 }, 226657: { id: 226657, name: "Rod of Ages", srType: -1 }, 226662: { id: 226662, name: "Iceborn Gauntlet", srType: -1 }, 226664: { id: 226664, name: "Hollow Radiance", srType: -1 }, 226665: { id: 226665, name: "Jak'Sho, The Protean", srType: -1 }, 226667: { id: 226667, name: "Radiant Virtue", srType: -1 }, 226671: { id: 226671, name: "Galeforce", srType: -1 }, 226672: { id: 226672, name: "Kraken Slayer", srType: -1 }, 226673: { id: 226673, name: "Immortal Shieldbow", srType: -1 }, 226675: { id: 226675, name: "Navori Quickblades", srType: -1 }, 226676: { id: 226676, name: "The Collector", srType: -1 }, 226691: { id: 226691, name: "Duskblade of Draktharr", srType: -1 }, 226692: { id: 226692, name: "Eclipse", srType: -1 }, 226693: { id: 226693, name: "Prowler's Claw", srType: -1 }, 226694: { id: 226694, name: "Serylda's Grudge", srType: -1 }, 226695: { id: 226695, name: "Serpent's Fang", srType: -1 }, 226696: { id: 226696, name: "Axiom Arc", srType: -1 }, 226697: { id: 226697, name: "Hubris", srType: -1 }, 226698: { id: 226698, name: "Profane Hydra", srType: -1 }, 226699: { id: 226699, name: "Voltaic Cyclosword", srType: -1 }, 226701: { id: 226701, name: "Opportunity", srType: -1 }, 228001: { id: 228001, name: "Anathema's Chains", srType: -1 }, 228002: { id: 228002, name: "Wooglet's Witchcap", srType: -1 }, 228003: { id: 228003, name: "Deathblade", srType: -1 }, 228004: { id: 228004, name: "Adaptive Helm", srType: -1 }, 228005: { id: 228005, name: "Obsidian Cleaver", srType: -1 }, 228006: { id: 228006, name: "Sanguine Blade", srType: -1 }, 228008: { id: 228008, name: "Runeglaive", srType: -1 }, 228020: { id: 228020, name: "Abyssal Mask", srType: -1 }, 443054: { id: 443054, name: "Darksteel Talons", srType: -1 }, 443055: { id: 443055, name: "Fulmination", srType: -1 }, 443056: { id: 443056, name: "Demon King's Crown", srType: -1 }, 443058: { id: 443058, name: "Shield of Molten Stone", srType: -1 }, 443059: { id: 443059, name: "Cloak of Starry Night", srType: -1 }, 443060: { id: 443060, name: "Sword of the Divine", srType: -1 }, 443061: { id: 443061, name: "Force Of Entropy", srType: -1 }, 443062: { id: 443062, name: "Sanguine Gift", srType: -1 }, 443063: { id: 443063, name: "Eleisa's Miracle", srType: -1 }, 443064: { id: 443064, name: "Talisman Of Ascension", srType: -1 }, 443069: { id: 443069, name: "Hamstringer", srType: -1 }, 443079: { id: 443079, name: "Turbo Chemtank", srType: -1 }, 443080: { id: 443080, name: "Twin Mask", srType: -1 }, 443081: { id: 443081, name: "Hexbolt Companion", srType: -1 }, 443090: { id: 443090, name: "Reaper's Toll", srType: -1 }, 443193: { id: 443193, name: "Gargoyle Stoneplate", srType: -1 }, 444636: { id: 444636, name: "Night Harvester", srType: -1 }, 444637: { id: 444637, name: "Demonic Embrace", srType: -1 }, 444644: { id: 444644, name: "Crown of the Shattered Queen", srType: -1 }, 446632: { id: 446632, name: "Divine Sunderer", srType: -1 }, 446656: { id: 446656, name: "Everfrost", srType: -1 }, 446667: { id: 446667, name: "Radiant Virtue", srType: -1 }, 446671: { id: 446671, name: "Galeforce", srType: -1 }, 446691: { id: 446691, name: "Duskblade of Draktharr", srType: -1 }, 446693: { id: 446693, name: "Prowler's Claw", srType: -1 }, 447100: { id: 447100, name: "Mirage Blade", srType: -1 }, 447101: { id: 447101, name: "Gambler's Blade", srType: -1 }, 447102: { id: 447102, name: "Reality Fracture", srType: -1 }, 447103: { id: 447103, name: "Hemomancer's Helm", srType: -1 }, 447104: { id: 447104, name: "Innervating Locket", srType: -1 }, 447105: { id: 447105, name: "Empyrean Promise", srType: -1 }, 447106: { id: 447106, name: "Dragonheart", srType: -1 }, 447107: { id: 447107, name: "Decapitator", srType: -1 }, 447108: { id: 447108, name: "Runecarver", srType: -1 }, 447109: { id: 447109, name: "Cruelty", srType: -1 }, 447110: { id: 447110, name: "Moonflair Spellblade", srType: -1 }, 447111: { id: 447111, name: "Overlord's Bloodmail", srType: -1 }, 447112: { id: 447112, name: "Flesheater", srType: -1 }, 447113: { id: 447113, name: "Detonation Orb", srType: -1 }, 447114: { id: 447114, name: "Reverberation", srType: -1 }, 447115: { id: 447115, name: "Regicide", srType: -1 }, 447116: { id: 447116, name: "Kinkou Jitte", srType: -1 }, 447118: { id: 447118, name: "Pyromancer's Cloak", srType: -1 }, 447119: { id: 447119, name: "Lightning Rod", srType: -1 }, 447120: { id: 447120, name: "Diamond-Tipped Spear", srType: -1 }, 447121: { id: 447121, name: "Twilight's Edge", srType: -1 }, 447122: { id: 447122, name: "Black Hole Gauntlet", srType: -1 }, 447123: { id: 447123, name: "Puppeteer", srType: -1 } };
  export const ItemsArr = Object.values(Items);
- export const itemNames = { Boots: { 11: 1001, 12: 1001, 21: 1001 }, "Faerie Charm": { 11: 1004, 12: 1004, 21: 1004 }, "Rejuvenation Bead": { 11: 1006, 12: 1006, 21: 1006 }, "Giant's Belt": { 11: 1011, 12: 1011, 21: 1011, 30: 221011 }, "Cloak of Agility": { 11: 1018, 12: 1018, 21: 1018 }, "Blasting Wand": { 11: 1026, 12: 1026, 21: 1026, 30: 221026 }, "Sapphire Crystal": { 11: 1027, 12: 1027, 21: 1027 }, "Ruby Crystal": { 11: 1028, 12: 1028, 21: 1028 }, "Cloth Armor": { 11: 1029, 12: 1029, 21: 1029 }, "Chain Vest": { 11: 1031, 12: 1031, 21: 1031, 30: 221031 }, "Null-Magic Mantle": { 11: 1033, 12: 1033, 21: 1033 }, Emberknife: 1035, "Long Sword": { 11: 1036, 12: 1036, 21: 1036 }, Pickaxe: { 11: 1037, 12: 1037, 21: 1037 }, "B. F. Sword": { 11: 1038, 12: 1038, 21: 1038, 30: 221038 }, Hailblade: 1039, "Obsidian Edge": 1040, Dagger: { 11: 1042, 12: 1042, 21: 1042 }, "Recurve Bow": { 11: 1043, 12: 1043, 21: 1043, 30: 221043 }, "Amplifying Tome": { 11: 1052, 12: 1052, 21: 1052 }, "Vampiric Scepter": { 11: 1053, 12: 1053, 21: 1053, 30: 221053 }, "Doran's Shield": { 11: 1054, 12: 1054, 21: 1054 }, "Doran's Blade": { 11: 1055, 12: 1055, 21: 1055 }, "Doran's Ring": { 11: 1056, 12: 1056, 21: 1056 }, "Negatron Cloak": { 11: 1057, 12: 1057, 21: 1057, 30: 221057 }, "Needlessly Large Rod": { 11: 1058, 12: 1058, 21: 1058, 30: 221058 }, "Dark Seal": { 11: 1082 }, Cull: { 11: 1083 }, "Scorchclaw Pup": { 11: 1101, 21: 1101 }, "Gustwalker Hatchling": { 11: 1102, 21: 1102 }, "Mosstomper Seedling": { 11: 1103, 21: 1103 }, "Eye of the Herald": 1104, "Penetrating Bullets": { 11: 1500, 12: 1500, 21: 1500, 30: 1500 }, "Warden's Eye": { 11: 1503, 12: 1503, 21: 1503, 30: 1503 }, Vanguard: 1504, Overcharged: { 11: 1507, 12: 1507, 21: 1507, 30: 1507 }, "Anti-tower Socks": { 11: 1508, 12: 1508, 21: 1508, 30: 1508 }, Gusto: { 11: 1509, 12: 1509, 21: 1509, 30: 1509 }, "Phreakish Gusto": { 11: 1510, 12: 1510, 21: 1510, 30: 1510 }, "Super Mech Armor": { 11: 1511, 12: 1511, 21: 1511, 30: 1511 }, "Super Mech Power Field": { 11: 1512, 12: 1512, 21: 1512, 30: 1512 }, "Turret Plating": { 11: 1515, 12: 1515, 21: 1515, 30: 1515 }, OvererchargedHA: { 11: 1520, 12: 1520, 21: 1520, 30: 1520 }, "Tower Power-Up": { 11: 1522, 12: 1522, 21: 1522, 30: 1522 }, "Health Potion": { 11: 2003, 12: 2003, 21: 2003 }, "Total Biscuit of Everlasting Will": { 11: 2010, 12: 2010, 21: 2010, 30: 2010 }, "Kircheis Shard": 2015, "Steel Sigil": { 11: 2019, 12: 2019, 21: 2019 }, "The Brutalizer": { 11: 2020, 12: 2020, 21: 2020 }, Tunneler: { 11: 2021, 12: 2021, 21: 2021 }, "Glowing Mote": { 11: 2022, 12: 2022, 21: 2022, 30: 222022 }, "Refillable Potion": { 11: 2031, 12: 2031, 21: 2031 }, "Corrupting Potion": { 11: 2033, 21: 2033 }, "Guardian's Amulet": { 30: 2049 }, "Guardian's Shroud": { 30: 2050 }, "Guardian's Horn": { 12: 2051, 30: 222051 }, "Poro-Snax": { 11: 2052, 12: 2052, 21: 2052, 30: 2052 }, "Control Ward": { 11: 2055 }, "Stealth Ward": { 11: 3340, 21: 3340 }, "Shurelya's Battlesong": { 11: 2065, 12: 2065, 21: 2065, 30: 222065 }, "Elixir of Iron": { 11: 2138, 12: 2138, 21: 2138 }, "Elixir of Sorcery": { 11: 2139, 12: 2139, 21: 2139 }, "Elixir of Wrath": { 11: 2140, 12: 2140, 21: 2140 }, "Cappa Juice": { 12: 2141, 30: 222141 }, "Juice of Power": { 30: 2142 }, "Juice of Vitality": { 30: 2143 }, "Juice of Haste": { 30: 2144 }, "Lucky Dice": { 30: 2145 }, "Elixir of Skill": { 11: 2150, 12: 2150, 21: 2150 }, "Elixir of Avarice": { 11: 2151, 12: 2151, 21: 2151 }, "Elixir of Force": { 11: 2152, 12: 2152, 21: 2152 }, "Minion Dematerializer": { 11: 2403, 12: 2403, 21: 2403 }, "Seeker's Armguard": { 11: 2420, 12: 2420, 21: 2420 }, "Shattered Armguard": { 11: 2421, 12: 2421, 21: 2421 }, "Slightly Magical Footwear": { 11: 2422, 12: 2422, 21: 2422 }, "Overlord's Bloodmail": { 11: 2501, 12: 2501, 21: 2501, 30: 447111 }, "Unending Despair": { 11: 2502, 12: 2502, 21: 2502, 30: 222502 }, "Blackfire Torch": { 11: 2503, 12: 2503, 21: 2503, 30: 222503 }, "Kaenic Rookern": { 11: 2504, 12: 2504, 21: 2504, 30: 222504 }, "Fated Ashes": { 11: 2508, 12: 2508, 21: 2508 }, Evenshroud: 3001, Trailblazer: { 11: 3002, 12: 3002, 21: 3002 }, "Archangel's Staff": { 11: 3003, 12: 3003, 21: 3003, 30: 223003 }, Manamune: { 11: 3004, 12: 3004, 21: 3004, 30: 223004 }, Ghostcrawlers: { 21: 3005, 30: 223005 }, "Berserker's Greaves": { 11: 3006, 12: 3006, 21: 3006, 30: 223006 }, "Boots of Swiftness": { 11: 3009, 12: 3009, 21: 3009, 30: 223009 }, "Symbiotic Soles": { 11: 3010, 21: 3010 }, "Chemtech Putrifier": { 11: 3011, 12: 3011, 21: 3011, 30: 223011 }, "Chalice of Blessing": 3012, "Synchronized Souls": { 11: 3013, 21: 3013 }, "Sorcerer's Shoes": { 11: 3020, 12: 3020, 21: 3020, 30: 223020 }, "Lifewell Pendant": 3023, "Glacial Buckler": { 11: 3024, 12: 3024, 21: 3024 }, "Guardian Angel": { 11: 3026, 30: 223026 }, "Infinity Edge": { 11: 3031, 12: 3031, 21: 3031, 30: 223031 }, "Yun Tal Wildarrows": { 11: 3032, 12: 3032, 21: 3032 }, "Mortal Reminder": { 11: 3033, 12: 3033, 21: 3033, 30: 223033 }, "Last Whisper": { 11: 3035, 12: 3035, 21: 3035 }, "Lord Dominik's Regards": { 11: 3036, 12: 3036, 21: 3036, 30: 223036 }, "Atma's Reckoning": { 21: 3039, 30: 223039 }, "Seraph's Embrace": { 11: 3040, 12: 3040, 21: 3040, 30: 223040 }, "Mejai's Soulstealer": { 11: 3041 }, Muramana: { 11: 3042, 12: 3042, 21: 3042, 30: 223042 }, Phage: { 11: 3044, 12: 3044, 21: 3044 }, "Phantom Dancer": { 11: 3046, 12: 3046, 21: 3046, 30: 223046 }, "Plated Steelcaps": { 11: 3047, 12: 3047, 21: 3047, 30: 223047 }, "Zeke's Convergence": { 11: 3050, 12: 3050, 21: 3050, 30: 223050 }, "Hearthbound Axe": { 11: 3051, 12: 3051, 21: 3051 }, "Sterak's Gage": { 11: 3053, 12: 3053, 21: 3053, 30: 223053 }, Sheen: { 11: 3057, 12: 3057, 21: 3057, 30: 223057 }, "Spirit Visage": { 11: 3065, 12: 3065, 21: 3065, 30: 223065 }, "Winged Moonplate": { 11: 3066, 12: 3066, 21: 3066 }, Kindlegem: { 11: 3067, 12: 3067, 21: 3067, 30: 223067 }, "Sunfire Aegis": { 11: 3068, 12: 3068, 21: 3068, 30: 223068 }, "Tear of the Goddess": { 11: 3070, 12: 3070, 21: 3070 }, "Black Cleaver": { 11: 3071, 12: 3071, 21: 3071, 30: 223071 }, Bloodthirster: { 11: 3072, 12: 3072, 21: 3072, 30: 223072 }, "Experimental Hexplate": { 11: 3073, 12: 3073, 21: 3073, 30: 223073 }, "Ravenous Hydra": { 11: 3074, 12: 3074, 21: 3074, 30: 223074 }, Thornmail: { 11: 3075, 12: 3075, 21: 3075, 30: 223075 }, "Bramble Vest": { 11: 3076, 12: 3076, 21: 3076 }, Tiamat: { 11: 3077, 12: 3077, 21: 3077 }, "Trinity Force": { 11: 3078, 12: 3078, 21: 3078, 30: 223078 }, "Warden's Mail": { 11: 3082, 12: 3082, 21: 3082 }, "Warmog's Armor": { 11: 3083, 12: 3083, 21: 3083 }, Heartsteel: { 11: 3084, 12: 3084, 21: 3084, 30: 223084 }, "Runaan's Hurricane": { 11: 3085, 12: 3085, 21: 3085, 30: 223085 }, Zeal: { 11: 3086, 12: 3086, 21: 3086 }, "Statikk Shiv": { 11: 3087, 12: 3087, 21: 3087, 30: 223087 }, "Rabadon's Deathcap": { 11: 3089, 12: 3089, 21: 3089, 30: 223089 }, "Wit's End": { 11: 3091, 12: 3091, 21: 3091, 30: 223091 }, "Rapid Firecannon": { 11: 3094, 12: 3094, 21: 3094, 30: 223094 }, Stormrazor: { 30: 223095 }, "Lich Bane": { 11: 3100, 12: 3100, 21: 3100, 30: 223100 }, "Banshee's Veil": { 11: 3102, 12: 3102, 21: 3102, 30: 223102 }, "Aegis of the Legion": { 30: 223105 }, Redemption: { 11: 3107, 12: 3107, 21: 3107, 30: 223107 }, "Fiendish Codex": { 11: 3108, 12: 3108, 21: 3108 }, "Knight's Vow": { 11: 3109, 12: 3109, 21: 3109, 30: 223109 }, "Frozen Heart": { 11: 3110, 12: 3110, 21: 3110, 30: 223110 }, "Mercury's Treads": { 11: 3111, 12: 3111, 21: 3111, 30: 223111 }, "Guardian's Orb": { 12: 3112, 30: 223112 }, "Aether Wisp": { 11: 3113, 12: 3113, 21: 3113 }, "Forbidden Idol": { 11: 3114, 12: 3114, 21: 3114 }, "Nashor's Tooth": { 11: 3115, 12: 3115, 21: 3115, 30: 223115 }, "Rylai's Crystal Scepter": { 11: 3116, 12: 3116, 21: 3116, 30: 223116 }, "Mobility Boots": { 11: 3117, 12: 3117, 21: 3117 }, Malignance: { 11: 3118, 12: 3118, 21: 3118, 30: 223118 }, "Winter's Approach": { 11: 3119, 12: 3119, 21: 3119, 30: 223119 }, Fimbulwinter: { 11: 3121, 12: 3121, 21: 3121, 30: 223121 }, "Executioner's Calling": { 11: 3123, 12: 3123, 21: 3123 }, "Guinsoo's Rageblade": { 11: 3124, 12: 3124, 21: 3124, 30: 223124 }, "Deathfire Grasp": { 21: 3128 }, "Sword of the Divine": { 21: 3131, 30: 443060 }, "Caulfield's Warhammer": { 11: 3133, 12: 3133, 21: 3133 }, "Serrated Dirk": { 11: 3134, 12: 3134, 21: 3134 }, "Void Staff": { 11: 3135, 12: 3135, 21: 3135, 30: 223135 }, Cryptbloom: { 11: 3137, 12: 3137, 21: 3137, 30: 223137 }, "Mercurial Scimitar": { 11: 3139, 12: 3139, 21: 3139, 30: 223139 }, "Quicksilver Sash": { 11: 3140, 12: 3140, 21: 3140 }, "Youmuu's Ghostblade": { 11: 3142, 12: 3142, 21: 3142, 30: 223142 }, "Randuin's Omen": { 11: 3143, 12: 3143, 21: 3143, 30: 223143 }, "Scout's Slingshot": { 11: 3144, 12: 3144, 21: 3144 }, "Hextech Alternator": { 11: 3145, 12: 3145, 21: 3145 }, "Hextech Gunblade": { 21: 3146, 30: 223146 }, "Haunting Guise": { 11: 3147, 12: 3147, 21: 3147 }, "Hextech Rocketbelt": { 11: 3152, 12: 3152, 21: 3152, 30: 223152 }, "Blade of The Ruined King": { 11: 3153, 12: 3153, 21: 3153, 30: 223153 }, Hexdrinker: { 11: 3155, 12: 3155, 21: 3155 }, "Maw of Malmortius": { 11: 3156, 12: 3156, 21: 3156, 30: 223156 }, "Zhonya's Hourglass": { 11: 3157, 12: 3157, 21: 3157, 30: 223157 }, "Ionian Boots of Lucidity": { 11: 3158, 12: 3158, 21: 3158, 30: 223158 }, "Spear of Shojin": { 11: 3161, 12: 3161, 21: 3161, 30: 223161 }, Morellonomicon: { 11: 3165, 12: 3165, 21: 3165, 30: 223165 }, Zephyr: { 11: 3172, 12: 3172, 21: 3172 }, "Guardian's Blade": { 12: 3177, 30: 223177 }, "Umbral Glaive": { 11: 3179, 12: 3179, 21: 3179 }, Hullbreaker: { 11: 3181, 12: 3181, 21: 3181, 30: 223181 }, "Guardian's Hammer": { 12: 3184, 30: 223184 }, "Locket of the Iron Solari": { 11: 3190, 12: 3190, 21: 3190, 30: 223190 }, "Gargoyle Stoneplate": { 30: 443193 }, "Spectre's Cowl": { 11: 3211, 12: 3211, 21: 3211 }, "Mikael's Blessing": { 11: 3222, 12: 3222, 21: 3222, 30: 223222 }, Terminus: { 11: 3302, 12: 3302, 21: 3302, 30: 223302 }, "Scarecrow Effigy": { 11: 3330, 12: 3330, 21: 3330, 30: 3330 }, "Arcane Sweeper": { 30: 3348 }, "Lucent Singularity": 3349, "Farsight Alteration": { 11: 3363, 12: 3363, 21: 3363 }, "Oracle Lens": { 11: 3364, 21: 3364 }, "Your Cut": { 11: 3400, 12: 3400, 21: 3400, 30: 3400 }, "Rite Of Ruin": { 30: 3430 }, "Ardent Censer": { 11: 3504, 12: 3504, 21: 3504, 30: 223504 }, "Essence Reaver": { 11: 3508, 12: 3508, 21: 3508, 30: 223508 }, "Kalista's Black Spear": { 11: 3599, 12: 3599, 21: 3599, 30: 3599 }, "Sylas' Black Spear": { 11: 3600, 12: 3600, 21: 3600, 30: 3600 }, "Dead Man's Plate": { 11: 3742, 12: 3742, 21: 3742, 30: 223742 }, "Titanic Hydra": { 11: 3748, 12: 3748, 21: 3748, 30: 223748 }, "Crystalline Bracer": { 11: 3801, 12: 3801, 21: 3801 }, "Lost Chapter": { 11: 3802, 12: 3802, 21: 3802 }, "Catalyst of Aeons": { 11: 3803, 12: 3803, 21: 3803 }, "Edge of Night": { 11: 3814, 12: 3814, 21: 3814, 30: 223814 }, "Spellthief's Edge": 3850, Frostfang: 3851, "Shard of True Ice": 3853, "Steel Shoulderguards": 3854, "Runesteel Spaulders": 3855, "Pauldrons of Whiterock": 3857, "Relic Shield": 3858, "Targon's Buckler": 3859, "Bulwark of the Mountain": 3860, "Spectral Sickle": 3862, "Harrowing Crescent": 3863, "Black Mist Scythe": 3864, "World Atlas": { 11: 3865 }, "Runic Compass": { 11: 3866 }, "Bounty of Worlds": { 11: 3867 }, "Celestial Opposition": { 11: 3869 }, "Dream Maker": { 11: 3870 }, "Zaz'Zak's Realmspike": { 11: 3871 }, "Solstice Sleigh": { 11: 3876 }, Bloodsong: { 11: 3877 }, "Fire at Will": { 11: 3901, 12: 3901, 21: 3901, 30: 3901 }, "Death's Daughter": { 11: 3902, 12: 3902, 21: 3902, 30: 3902 }, "Raise Morale": { 11: 3903, 12: 3903, 21: 3903, 30: 3903 }, "Oblivion Orb": { 11: 3916, 12: 3916, 21: 3916 }, Lifeline: { 21: 4003 }, "Spectral Cutlass": { 21: 4004, 30: 224004 }, "Imperial Mandate": { 11: 4005, 12: 4005, 21: 4005, 30: 224005 }, "Bloodletter's Curse": { 30: 4010 }, "Sword of Blossoming Dawn": { 30: 4011 }, "Sin Eater": 4012, "Lightning Braid": 4013, "Frozen Mallet": 4014, Perplexity: { 30: 4015 }, "Wordless Promise": { 30: 4016 }, "Hellfire Hatchet": { 30: 4017 }, "Force of Nature": { 11: 4401, 12: 4401, 21: 4401, 30: 224401 }, "Innervating Locket": { 21: 4402, 30: 447104 }, "The Golden Spatula": { 21: 4403, 30: 224403 }, "Horizon Focus": { 11: 4628, 12: 4628, 21: 4628, 30: 224628 }, "Cosmic Drive": { 11: 4629, 12: 4629, 21: 4629, 30: 224629 }, "Blighting Jewel": { 11: 4630, 12: 4630, 21: 4630 }, "Verdant Barrier": { 11: 4632, 12: 4632, 21: 4632 }, Riftmaker: { 11: 4633, 12: 4633, 21: 4633, 30: 224633 }, "Leeching Leer": { 11: 4635, 12: 4635, 21: 4635 }, "Night Harvester": { 11: 4636, 12: 4636, 21: 4636, 30: 444636 }, "Demonic Embrace": { 11: 4637, 12: 4637, 21: 4637, 30: 444637 }, "Watchful Wardstone": { 11: 4638 }, "Stirring Wardstone": { 11: 4641 }, "Bandleglass Mirror": { 11: 4642, 12: 4642, 21: 4642 }, "Vigilant Wardstone": { 11: 4643 }, "Crown of the Shattered Queen": { 30: 444644 }, Shadowflame: { 11: 4645, 12: 4645, 21: 4645, 30: 224645 }, Stormsurge: { 11: 4646, 12: 4646, 21: 4646, 30: 224646 }, "Ironspike Whip": 6029, "Silvermere Dawn": 6035, "Death's Dance": { 11: 6333, 12: 6333, 21: 6333, 30: 226333 }, "Chempunk Chainsword": { 11: 6609, 12: 6609, 21: 6609, 30: 226609 }, "Sundered Sky": { 11: 6610, 12: 6610, 21: 6610, 30: 226610 }, "Staff of Flowing Water": { 11: 6616, 12: 6616, 21: 6616, 30: 226616 }, "Moonstone Renewer": { 11: 6617, 12: 6617, 21: 6617, 30: 226617 }, "Echoes of Helia": { 11: 6620, 12: 6620, 21: 6620, 30: 226620 }, Dawncore: { 11: 6621, 12: 6621, 21: 6621, 30: 226621 }, Goredrinker: { 30: 226630 }, Stridebreaker: { 11: 6631, 12: 6631, 21: 6631, 30: 226631 }, "Divine Sunderer": { 30: 446632 }, "Liandry's Torment": { 11: 6653, 12: 6653, 21: 6653, 30: 226653 }, "Luden's Companion": { 11: 6655, 12: 6655, 21: 6655, 30: 226655 }, Everfrost: { 30: 446656 }, "Rod of Ages": { 11: 6657, 12: 6657, 21: 6657, 30: 226657 }, "Bami's Cinder": { 11: 6660, 12: 6660, 21: 6660 }, "Iceborn Gauntlet": { 11: 6662, 12: 6662, 21: 6662, 30: 226662 }, "Hollow Radiance": { 11: 6664, 12: 6664, 21: 6664, 30: 226664 }, "Jak'Sho, The Protean": { 11: 6665, 12: 6665, 21: 6665, 30: 226665 }, "Radiant Virtue": { 30: 446667 }, Noonquiver: { 11: 6670, 12: 6670, 21: 6670 }, Galeforce: { 30: 446671 }, "Kraken Slayer": { 11: 6672, 12: 6672, 21: 6672, 30: 226672 }, "Immortal Shieldbow": { 11: 6673, 12: 6673, 21: 6673, 30: 226673 }, "Navori Flickerblade": { 11: 6675, 12: 6675, 21: 6675, 30: 226675 }, "The Collector": { 11: 6676, 12: 6676, 21: 6676, 30: 226676 }, Rageknife: 6677, Rectrix: { 11: 6690, 12: 6690, 21: 6690 }, "Duskblade of Draktharr": { 30: 446691 }, Eclipse: { 11: 6692, 12: 6692, 21: 6692, 30: 226692 }, "Prowler's Claw": { 11: 6693, 12: 6693, 21: 6693, 30: 446693 }, "Serylda's Grudge": { 11: 6694, 12: 6694, 21: 6694, 30: 226694 }, "Serpent's Fang": { 11: 6695, 12: 6695, 21: 6695, 30: 226695 }, "Axiom Arc": { 11: 6696, 12: 6696, 21: 6696, 30: 226696 }, Hubris: { 11: 6697, 12: 126697, 21: 6697, 30: 226697 }, "Profane Hydra": { 11: 6698, 12: 6698, 21: 6698, 30: 226698 }, "Voltaic Cyclosword": { 11: 6699, 12: 6699, 21: 6699, 30: 226699 }, "Shield of the Rakkor": 6700, Opportunity: { 11: 6701, 12: 6701, 21: 6701, 30: 226701 }, "Gangplank Placeholder": { 11: 7050, 12: 7050, 21: 7050, 30: 7050 }, "Anathema's Chains": { 11: 8001, 12: 8001, 21: 8001, 30: 228001 }, "Abyssal Mask": { 11: 8020, 12: 8020, 21: 8020, 30: 228020 }, "Locked Weapon Slot": { 33: 9168 }, "Cyclonic Slicers": { 33: 9171 }, YuumiBot: { 33: 9172 }, "Radiant Field": { 33: 9173 }, "Statikk Sword": { 33: 9174 }, "Lioness's Lament": { 33: 9175 }, "Gatling Bunny-Guns": { 33: 9176 }, "Searing Shortbow": { 33: 9177 }, "The Annihilator": { 33: 9178 }, "Battle Bunny Crossbow": { 33: 9179 }, "UwU Blaster": { 33: 9180 }, "Vortex Glove": { 33: 9181 }, "Blade-o-rang": { 33: 9183 }, "Bunny Mega-Blast": { 33: 9184 }, "Anti-Shark Sea Mine": { 33: 9185 }, "T.I.B.B.E.R.S": { 33: 9187 }, "Ani-Mines": { 33: 9188 }, "Final City Transit": { 33: 9189 }, "Echoing Batblades": { 33: 9190 }, "Paw Print Poisoner": { 33: 9192 }, "Iceblast Armor": { 33: 9193 }, "Unceasing Cyclone": { 33: 9271 }, YuumiBot_Final_FINAL: { 33: 9272 }, "Explosive Embrace": { 33: 9273 }, "Prumbis's Electrocarver": { 33: 9274 }, "Enveloping Light": { 33: 9275 }, "Double Bun-Bun Barrage": { 33: 9276 }, "Evolved Embershot": { 33: 9277 }, Animapocalypse: { 33: 9278 }, "Bunny Prime Ballista": { 33: 9279 }, "OwO Blaster": { 33: 9280 }, "Tempest's Gauntlet": { 33: 9281 }, "Quad-o-rang": { 33: 9283 }, "Rapid Rabbit Raindown": { 33: 9284 }, "Neverending Mobstomper": { 33: 9285 }, "T.I.B.B.E.R.S (B.E.E.G Edition)": { 33: 9287 }, "Jinx's Tri-Namite": { 33: 9288 }, "FC Limited Express": { 33: 9289 }, "Vayne's Chromablades": { 33: 9290 }, "Bearfoot Chem-Dispenser": { 33: 9292 }, "Deep Freeze": { 33: 9293 }, "Meow Meow": { 33: 9300 }, "Shield Slam": { 33: 9301 }, "Sound Wave": { 33: 9302 }, "Pillory Swipe": { 33: 9303 }, "Steel Tempest": { 33: 9304 }, "Tentacle Slam": { 33: 9305 }, "Winged Dagger": { 33: 9306 }, "Guiding Hex": { 33: 9307 }, "Bunny Hop": { 33: 9308 }, "Battle Cat Barrage": { 33: 9400 }, "Light of the Lion": { 33: 9401 }, "Anima Echo": { 33: 9402 }, "Savage Slice": { 33: 9403 }, "Wandering Storms": { 33: 9404 }, "Grizzly Smash": { 33: 9405 }, "Lover's Ricochet": { 33: 9406 }, "Hopped-Up Hex": { 33: 9407 }, "Carrot Crash": { 33: 9408 }, "Stat Bonus": { 30: 220000 }, "Legendary Fighter Item": { 30: 220001 }, "Legendary Marksman Item": { 30: 220002 }, "Legendary Assassin Item": { 30: 220003 }, "Legendary Mage Item": { 30: 220004 }, "Legendary Tank Item": { 30: 220005 }, "Legendary Support Item": { 30: 220006 }, "Prismatic Item": { 30: 220007 }, "Guardian's Dirk": { 30: 223185 }, "Wooglet's Witchcap": { 30: 228002 }, Deathblade: { 30: 228003 }, "Adaptive Helm": { 30: 228004 }, "Obsidian Cleaver": { 30: 228005 }, "Sanguine Blade": { 30: 228006 }, Runeglaive: { 30: 228008 }, "Darksteel Talons": { 30: 443054 }, Fulmination: { 30: 443055 }, "Demon King's Crown": { 30: 443056 }, "Shield of Molten Stone": { 30: 443058 }, "Cloak of Starry Night": { 30: 443059 }, "Force Of Entropy": { 30: 443061 }, "Sanguine Gift": { 30: 443062 }, "Eleisa's Miracle": { 30: 443063 }, "Talisman Of Ascension": { 30: 443064 }, Hamstringer: { 30: 443069 }, "Turbo Chemtank": { 30: 443079 }, "Twin Mask": { 30: 443080 }, "Hexbolt Companion": { 30: 443081 }, "Reaper's Toll": { 30: 443090 }, "Mirage Blade": { 30: 447100 }, "Gambler's Blade": { 30: 447101 }, "Reality Fracture": { 30: 447102 }, "Hemomancer's Helm": { 30: 447103 }, "Empyrean Promise": { 30: 447105 }, Dragonheart: { 30: 447106 }, Decapitator: { 30: 447107 }, Runecarver: { 30: 447108 }, Cruelty: { 30: 447109 }, "Moonflair Spellblade": { 30: 447110 }, Flesheater: { 30: 447112 }, "Detonation Orb": { 30: 447113 }, Reverberation: { 30: 447114 }, Regicide: { 30: 447115 }, "Kinkou Jitte": { 30: 447116 }, "Pyromancer's Cloak": { 30: 447118 }, "Lightning Rod": { 30: 447119 }, "Diamond-Tipped Spear": { 30: 447120 }, "Twilight's Edge": { 30: 447121 }, "Black Hole Gauntlet": { 30: 447122 }, Puppeteer: { 30: 447123 } };
+ export const itemNames = { Boots: { 11: 1001, 12: 1001, 21: 1001 }, "Faerie Charm": { 11: 1004, 12: 1004, 21: 1004 }, "Rejuvenation Bead": { 11: 1006, 12: 1006, 21: 1006 }, "Giant's Belt": { 11: 1011, 12: 1011, 21: 1011, 30: 221011 }, "Cloak of Agility": { 11: 1018, 12: 1018, 21: 1018 }, "Blasting Wand": { 11: 1026, 12: 1026, 21: 1026, 30: 221026 }, "Sapphire Crystal": { 11: 1027, 12: 1027, 21: 1027 }, "Ruby Crystal": { 11: 1028, 12: 1028, 21: 1028 }, "Cloth Armor": { 11: 1029, 12: 1029, 21: 1029 }, "Chain Vest": { 11: 1031, 12: 1031, 21: 1031, 30: 221031 }, "Null-Magic Mantle": { 11: 1033, 12: 1033, 21: 1033 }, Emberknife: 1035, "Long Sword": { 11: 1036, 12: 1036, 21: 1036 }, Pickaxe: { 11: 1037, 12: 1037, 21: 1037 }, "B. F. Sword": { 11: 1038, 12: 1038, 21: 1038, 30: 221038 }, Hailblade: 1039, "Obsidian Edge": 1040, Dagger: { 11: 1042, 12: 1042, 21: 1042 }, "Recurve Bow": { 11: 1043, 12: 1043, 21: 1043, 30: 221043 }, "Amplifying Tome": { 11: 1052, 12: 1052, 21: 1052 }, "Vampiric Scepter": { 11: 1053, 12: 1053, 21: 1053, 30: 221053 }, "Doran's Shield": { 11: 1054, 12: 1054, 21: 1054 }, "Doran's Blade": { 11: 1055, 12: 1055, 21: 1055 }, "Doran's Ring": { 11: 1056, 12: 1056, 21: 1056 }, "Negatron Cloak": { 11: 1057, 12: 1057, 21: 1057, 30: 221057 }, "Needlessly Large Rod": { 11: 1058, 12: 1058, 21: 1058, 30: 221058 }, "Dark Seal": { 11: 1082 }, Cull: { 11: 1083 }, "Scorchclaw Pup": { 11: 1101, 21: 1101 }, "Gustwalker Hatchling": { 11: 1102, 21: 1102 }, "Mosstomper Seedling": { 11: 1103, 21: 1103 }, "Eye of the Herald": 1104, "Penetrating Bullets": { 11: 1500, 12: 1500, 21: 1500, 30: 1500 }, "Warden's Eye": { 11: 1503, 12: 1503, 21: 1503, 30: 1503 }, Vanguard: 1504, Overcharged: { 11: 1507, 12: 1507, 21: 1507, 30: 1507 }, "Anti-tower Socks": { 11: 1508, 12: 1508, 21: 1508, 30: 1508 }, Gusto: { 11: 1509, 12: 1509, 21: 1509, 30: 1509 }, "Phreakish Gusto": { 11: 1510, 12: 1510, 21: 1510, 30: 1510 }, "Super Mech Armor": { 11: 1511, 12: 1511, 21: 1511, 30: 1511 }, "Super Mech Power Field": { 11: 1512, 12: 1512, 21: 1512, 30: 1512 }, "Turret Plating": { 11: 1515, 12: 1515, 21: 1515, 30: 1515 }, OvererchargedHA: { 11: 1520, 12: 1520, 21: 1520, 30: 1520 }, "Tower Power-Up": { 11: 1522, 12: 1522, 21: 1522, 30: 1522 }, "Health Potion": { 11: 2003, 12: 2003, 21: 2003 }, "Total Biscuit of Everlasting Will": { 11: 2010, 12: 2010, 21: 2010, 30: 2010 }, "Kircheis Shard": 2015, "Steel Sigil": { 11: 2019, 12: 2019, 21: 2019 }, "The Brutalizer": { 11: 2020, 12: 2020, 21: 2020 }, Tunneler: { 11: 2021, 12: 2021, 21: 2021 }, "Glowing Mote": { 11: 2022, 12: 2022, 21: 2022, 30: 222022 }, "Refillable Potion": { 11: 2031, 12: 2031, 21: 2031 }, "Corrupting Potion": { 11: 2033, 21: 2033 }, "Guardian's Amulet": { 30: 2049 }, "Guardian's Shroud": { 30: 2050 }, "Guardian's Horn": { 12: 2051, 30: 222051 }, "Poro-Snax": { 11: 2052, 12: 2052, 21: 2052, 30: 2052 }, "Control Ward": { 11: 2055 }, "Stealth Ward": { 11: 3340, 21: 3340 }, "Shurelya's Battlesong": { 11: 2065, 12: 2065, 21: 2065, 30: 222065 }, "Elixir of Iron": { 11: 2138, 12: 2138, 21: 2138 }, "Elixir of Sorcery": { 11: 2139, 12: 2139, 21: 2139 }, "Elixir of Wrath": { 11: 2140, 12: 2140, 21: 2140 }, "Cappa Juice": { 12: 2141, 30: 222141 }, "Juice of Power": { 30: 2142 }, "Juice of Vitality": { 30: 2143 }, "Juice of Haste": { 30: 2144 }, "Lucky Dice": { 30: 2145 }, "Elixir of Skill": { 11: 2150, 12: 2150, 21: 2150 }, "Elixir of Avarice": { 11: 2151, 12: 2151, 21: 2151 }, "Elixir of Force": { 11: 2152, 12: 2152, 21: 2152 }, "Minion Dematerializer": { 11: 2403, 12: 2403, 21: 2403 }, "Seeker's Armguard": { 11: 2420, 12: 2420, 21: 2420 }, "Shattered Armguard": { 11: 2421, 12: 2421, 21: 2421 }, "Slightly Magical Footwear": { 11: 2422, 12: 2422, 21: 2422 }, "Overlord's Bloodmail": { 11: 2501, 12: 2501, 21: 2501, 30: 447111 }, "Unending Despair": { 11: 2502, 12: 2502, 21: 2502, 30: 222502 }, "Blackfire Torch": { 11: 2503, 12: 2503, 21: 2503, 30: 222503 }, "Kaenic Rookern": { 11: 2504, 12: 2504, 21: 2504, 30: 222504 }, "Fated Ashes": { 11: 2508, 12: 2508, 21: 2508 }, Evenshroud: 3001, Trailblazer: { 11: 3002, 12: 3002, 21: 3002 }, "Archangel's Staff": { 11: 3003, 12: 3003, 21: 3003, 30: 223003 }, Manamune: { 11: 3004, 12: 3004, 21: 3004, 30: 223004 }, Ghostcrawlers: { 21: 3005, 30: 223005 }, "Berserker's Greaves": { 11: 3006, 12: 3006, 21: 3006, 30: 223006 }, "Boots of Swiftness": { 11: 3009, 12: 3009, 21: 3009, 30: 223009 }, "Symbiotic Soles": { 11: 3010, 21: 3010 }, "Chemtech Putrifier": { 11: 3011, 12: 3011, 21: 3011, 30: 223011 }, "Chalice of Blessing": 3012, "Synchronized Souls": { 11: 3013, 21: 3013 }, "Sorcerer's Shoes": { 11: 3020, 12: 3020, 21: 3020, 30: 223020 }, "Lifewell Pendant": 3023, "Glacial Buckler": { 11: 3024, 12: 3024, 21: 3024 }, "Guardian Angel": { 11: 3026, 30: 223026 }, "Infinity Edge": { 11: 3031, 12: 3031, 21: 3031, 30: 223031 }, "Yun Tal Wildarrows": { 11: 3032, 12: 3032, 21: 3032 }, "Mortal Reminder": { 11: 3033, 12: 3033, 21: 3033, 30: 223033 }, "Last Whisper": { 11: 3035, 12: 3035, 21: 3035 }, "Lord Dominik's Regards": { 11: 3036, 12: 3036, 21: 3036, 30: 223036 }, "Atma's Reckoning": { 21: 3039, 30: 223039 }, "Seraph's Embrace": { 11: 3040, 12: 3040, 21: 3040, 30: 223040 }, "Mejai's Soulstealer": { 11: 3041 }, Muramana: { 11: 3042, 12: 3042, 21: 3042, 30: 223042 }, Phage: { 11: 3044, 12: 3044, 21: 3044 }, "Phantom Dancer": { 11: 3046, 12: 3046, 21: 3046, 30: 223046 }, "Plated Steelcaps": { 11: 3047, 12: 3047, 21: 3047, 30: 223047 }, "Zeke's Convergence": { 11: 3050, 12: 3050, 21: 3050, 30: 223050 }, "Hearthbound Axe": { 11: 3051, 12: 3051, 21: 3051 }, "Sterak's Gage": { 11: 3053, 12: 3053, 21: 3053, 30: 223053 }, Sheen: { 11: 3057, 12: 3057, 21: 3057, 30: 223057 }, "Spirit Visage": { 11: 3065, 12: 3065, 21: 3065, 30: 223065 }, "Winged Moonplate": { 11: 3066, 12: 3066, 21: 3066 }, Kindlegem: { 11: 3067, 12: 3067, 21: 3067, 30: 223067 }, "Sunfire Aegis": { 11: 3068, 12: 3068, 21: 3068, 30: 223068 }, "Tear of the Goddess": { 11: 3070, 12: 3070, 21: 3070 }, "Black Cleaver": { 11: 3071, 12: 3071, 21: 3071, 30: 223071 }, Bloodthirster: { 11: 3072, 12: 3072, 21: 3072, 30: 223072 }, "Experimental Hexplate": { 11: 3073, 12: 3073, 21: 3073, 30: 223073 }, "Ravenous Hydra": { 11: 3074, 12: 3074, 21: 3074, 30: 223074 }, Thornmail: { 11: 3075, 12: 3075, 21: 3075, 30: 223075 }, "Bramble Vest": { 11: 3076, 12: 3076, 21: 3076 }, Tiamat: { 11: 3077, 12: 3077, 21: 3077 }, "Trinity Force": { 11: 3078, 12: 3078, 21: 3078, 30: 223078 }, "Warden's Mail": { 11: 3082, 12: 3082, 21: 3082 }, "Warmog's Armor": { 11: 3083, 12: 3083, 21: 3083 }, Heartsteel: { 11: 3084, 12: 3084, 21: 3084, 30: 223084 }, "Runaan's Hurricane": { 11: 3085, 12: 3085, 21: 3085, 30: 223085 }, Zeal: { 11: 3086, 12: 3086, 21: 3086 }, "Statikk Shiv": { 11: 3087, 12: 3087, 21: 3087, 30: 223087 }, "Rabadon's Deathcap": { 11: 3089, 12: 3089, 21: 3089, 30: 223089 }, "Wit's End": { 11: 3091, 12: 3091, 21: 3091, 30: 223091 }, "Rapid Firecannon": { 11: 3094, 12: 3094, 21: 3094, 30: 223094 }, Stormrazor: { 30: 223095 }, "Lich Bane": { 11: 3100, 12: 3100, 21: 3100, 30: 223100 }, "Banshee's Veil": { 11: 3102, 12: 3102, 21: 3102, 30: 223102 }, "Aegis of the Legion": { 30: 223105 }, Redemption: { 11: 3107, 12: 3107, 21: 3107, 30: 223107 }, "Fiendish Codex": { 11: 3108, 12: 3108, 21: 3108 }, "Knight's Vow": { 11: 3109, 12: 3109, 21: 3109, 30: 223109 }, "Frozen Heart": { 11: 3110, 12: 3110, 21: 3110, 30: 223110 }, "Mercury's Treads": { 11: 3111, 12: 3111, 21: 3111, 30: 223111 }, "Guardian's Orb": { 12: 3112, 30: 223112 }, "Aether Wisp": { 11: 3113, 12: 3113, 21: 3113 }, "Forbidden Idol": { 11: 3114, 12: 3114, 21: 3114 }, "Nashor's Tooth": { 11: 3115, 12: 3115, 21: 3115, 30: 223115 }, "Rylai's Crystal Scepter": { 11: 3116, 12: 3116, 21: 3116, 30: 223116 }, "Mobility Boots": { 11: 3117, 12: 3117, 21: 3117 }, Malignance: { 11: 3118, 12: 3118, 21: 3118, 30: 223118 }, "Winter's Approach": { 11: 3119, 12: 3119, 21: 3119, 30: 223119 }, Fimbulwinter: { 11: 3121, 12: 3121, 21: 3121, 30: 223121 }, "Executioner's Calling": { 11: 3123, 12: 3123, 21: 3123 }, "Guinsoo's Rageblade": { 11: 3124, 12: 3124, 21: 3124, 30: 223124 }, "Deathfire Grasp": { 21: 3128 }, "Sword of the Divine": { 21: 3131, 30: 443060 }, "Caulfield's Warhammer": { 11: 3133, 12: 3133, 21: 3133 }, "Serrated Dirk": { 11: 3134, 12: 3134, 21: 3134 }, "Void Staff": { 11: 3135, 12: 3135, 21: 3135, 30: 223135 }, Cryptbloom: { 11: 3137, 12: 3137, 21: 3137, 30: 223137 }, "Mercurial Scimitar": { 11: 3139, 12: 3139, 21: 3139, 30: 223139 }, "Quicksilver Sash": { 11: 3140, 12: 3140, 21: 3140 }, "Youmuu's Ghostblade": { 11: 3142, 12: 3142, 21: 3142, 30: 223142 }, "Randuin's Omen": { 11: 3143, 12: 3143, 21: 3143, 30: 223143 }, "Scout's Slingshot": { 11: 3144, 12: 3144, 21: 3144 }, "Hextech Alternator": { 11: 3145, 12: 3145, 21: 3145 }, "Hextech Gunblade": { 21: 3146, 30: 223146 }, "Haunting Guise": { 11: 3147, 12: 3147, 21: 3147 }, "Hextech Rocketbelt": { 11: 3152, 12: 3152, 21: 3152, 30: 223152 }, "Blade of The Ruined King": { 11: 3153, 12: 3153, 21: 3153, 30: 223153 }, Hexdrinker: { 11: 3155, 12: 3155, 21: 3155 }, "Maw of Malmortius": { 11: 3156, 12: 3156, 21: 3156, 30: 223156 }, "Zhonya's Hourglass": { 11: 3157, 12: 3157, 21: 3157, 30: 223157 }, "Ionian Boots of Lucidity": { 11: 3158, 12: 3158, 21: 3158, 30: 223158 }, "Spear of Shojin": { 11: 3161, 12: 3161, 21: 3161, 30: 223161 }, Morellonomicon: { 11: 3165, 12: 3165, 21: 3165, 30: 223165 }, Zephyr: { 11: 3172, 12: 3172, 21: 3172 }, "Guardian's Blade": { 12: 3177, 30: 223177 }, "Umbral Glaive": { 11: 3179, 12: 3179, 21: 3179 }, Hullbreaker: { 11: 3181, 12: 3181, 21: 3181, 30: 223181 }, "Guardian's Hammer": { 12: 3184, 30: 223184 }, "Locket of the Iron Solari": { 11: 3190, 12: 3190, 21: 3190, 30: 223190 }, "Gargoyle Stoneplate": { 30: 443193 }, "Spectre's Cowl": { 11: 3211, 12: 3211, 21: 3211 }, "Mikael's Blessing": { 11: 3222, 12: 3222, 21: 3222, 30: 223222 }, Terminus: { 11: 3302, 12: 3302, 21: 3302, 30: 223302 }, "Scarecrow Effigy": { 11: 3330, 12: 3330, 21: 3330, 30: 3330 }, "Arcane Sweeper": { 30: 3348 }, "Lucent Singularity": 3349, "Farsight Alteration": { 11: 3363, 12: 3363, 21: 3363 }, "Oracle Lens": { 11: 3364, 21: 3364 }, "Your Cut": { 11: 3400, 12: 3400, 21: 3400, 30: 3400 }, "Rite Of Ruin": { 30: 3430 }, "Ardent Censer": { 11: 3504, 12: 3504, 21: 3504, 30: 223504 }, "Essence Reaver": { 11: 3508, 12: 3508, 21: 3508, 30: 223508 }, "Kalista's Black Spear": { 11: 3599, 12: 3599, 21: 3599, 30: 3599 }, "Sylas' Black Spear": { 11: 3600, 12: 3600, 21: 3600, 30: 3600 }, "Dead Man's Plate": { 11: 3742, 12: 3742, 21: 3742, 30: 223742 }, "Titanic Hydra": { 11: 3748, 12: 3748, 21: 3748, 30: 223748 }, "Crystalline Bracer": { 11: 3801, 12: 3801, 21: 3801 }, "Lost Chapter": { 11: 3802, 12: 3802, 21: 3802 }, "Catalyst of Aeons": { 11: 3803, 12: 3803, 21: 3803 }, "Edge of Night": { 11: 3814, 12: 3814, 21: 3814, 30: 223814 }, "Spellthief's Edge": 3850, Frostfang: 3851, "Shard of True Ice": 3853, "Steel Shoulderguards": 3854, "Runesteel Spaulders": 3855, "Pauldrons of Whiterock": 3857, "Relic Shield": 3858, "Targon's Buckler": 3859, "Bulwark of the Mountain": 3860, "Spectral Sickle": 3862, "Harrowing Crescent": 3863, "Black Mist Scythe": 3864, "World Atlas": { 11: 3865 }, "Runic Compass": { 11: 3866 }, "Bounty of Worlds": { 11: 3867 }, "Celestial Opposition": { 11: 3869 }, "Dream Maker": { 11: 3870 }, "Zaz'Zak's Realmspike": { 11: 3871 }, "Solstice Sleigh": { 11: 3876 }, Bloodsong: { 11: 3877 }, "Fire at Will": { 11: 3901, 12: 3901, 21: 3901, 30: 3901 }, "Death's Daughter": { 11: 3902, 12: 3902, 21: 3902, 30: 3902 }, "Raise Morale": { 11: 3903, 12: 3903, 21: 3903, 30: 3903 }, "Oblivion Orb": { 11: 3916, 12: 3916, 21: 3916 }, Lifeline: { 21: 4003 }, "Spectral Cutlass": { 21: 4004, 30: 224004 }, "Imperial Mandate": { 11: 4005, 12: 4005, 21: 4005, 30: 224005 }, "Bloodletter's Curse": { 30: 4010 }, "Sword of Blossoming Dawn": { 30: 4011 }, "Sin Eater": 4012, "Lightning Braid": 4013, "Frozen Mallet": 4014, Perplexity: { 30: 4015 }, "Wordless Promise": { 30: 4016 }, "Hellfire Hatchet": { 30: 4017 }, "Force of Nature": { 11: 4401, 12: 4401, 21: 4401, 30: 224401 }, "Innervating Locket": { 21: 4402, 30: 447104 }, "The Golden Spatula": { 21: 4403, 30: 224403 }, "Horizon Focus": { 11: 4628, 12: 4628, 21: 4628, 30: 224628 }, "Cosmic Drive": { 11: 4629, 12: 4629, 21: 4629, 30: 224629 }, "Blighting Jewel": { 11: 4630, 12: 4630, 21: 4630 }, "Verdant Barrier": { 11: 4632, 12: 4632, 21: 4632 }, Riftmaker: { 11: 4633, 12: 4633, 21: 4633, 30: 224633 }, "Leeching Leer": { 11: 4635, 12: 4635, 21: 4635 }, "Night Harvester": { 11: 4636, 12: 4636, 21: 4636, 30: 444636 }, "Demonic Embrace": { 11: 4637, 12: 4637, 21: 4637, 30: 444637 }, "Watchful Wardstone": { 11: 4638 }, "Stirring Wardstone": { 11: 4641 }, "Bandleglass Mirror": { 11: 4642, 12: 4642, 21: 4642 }, "Vigilant Wardstone": { 11: 4643 }, "Crown of the Shattered Queen": { 30: 444644 }, Shadowflame: { 11: 4645, 12: 4645, 21: 4645, 30: 224645 }, Stormsurge: { 11: 4646, 12: 4646, 21: 4646, 30: 224646 }, "Ironspike Whip": 6029, "Silvermere Dawn": 6035, "Death's Dance": { 11: 6333, 12: 6333, 21: 6333, 30: 226333 }, "Chempunk Chainsword": { 11: 6609, 12: 6609, 21: 6609, 30: 226609 }, "Sundered Sky": { 11: 6610, 12: 6610, 21: 6610, 30: 226610 }, "Staff of Flowing Water": { 11: 6616, 12: 6616, 21: 6616, 30: 226616 }, "Moonstone Renewer": { 11: 6617, 12: 6617, 21: 6617, 30: 226617 }, "Echoes of Helia": { 11: 6620, 12: 6620, 21: 6620, 30: 226620 }, Dawncore: { 11: 6621, 12: 6621, 21: 6621, 30: 226621 }, Goredrinker: { 30: 226630 }, Stridebreaker: { 11: 6631, 12: 6631, 21: 6631, 30: 226631 }, "Divine Sunderer": { 30: 446632 }, "Liandry's Torment": { 11: 6653, 12: 6653, 21: 6653 }, "Luden's Companion": { 11: 6655, 12: 6655, 21: 6655, 30: 226655 }, Everfrost: { 30: 446656 }, "Rod of Ages": { 11: 6657, 12: 6657, 21: 6657, 30: 226657 }, "Bami's Cinder": { 11: 6660, 12: 6660, 21: 6660 }, "Iceborn Gauntlet": { 11: 6662, 12: 6662, 21: 6662, 30: 226662 }, "Hollow Radiance": { 11: 6664, 12: 6664, 21: 6664, 30: 226664 }, "Jak'Sho, The Protean": { 11: 6665, 12: 6665, 21: 6665, 30: 226665 }, "Radiant Virtue": { 30: 446667 }, Noonquiver: { 11: 6670, 12: 6670, 21: 6670 }, Galeforce: { 30: 446671 }, "Kraken Slayer": { 11: 6672, 12: 6672, 21: 6672, 30: 226672 }, "Immortal Shieldbow": { 11: 6673, 12: 6673, 21: 6673, 30: 226673 }, "Navori Flickerblade": { 11: 6675, 12: 6675, 21: 6675 }, "The Collector": { 11: 6676, 12: 6676, 21: 6676, 30: 226676 }, Rageknife: 6677, Rectrix: { 11: 6690, 12: 6690, 21: 6690 }, "Duskblade of Draktharr": { 30: 446691 }, Eclipse: { 11: 6692, 12: 6692, 21: 6692, 30: 226692 }, "Prowler's Claw": { 11: 6693, 12: 6693, 21: 6693, 30: 446693 }, "Serylda's Grudge": { 11: 6694, 12: 6694, 21: 6694, 30: 226694 }, "Serpent's Fang": { 11: 6695, 12: 6695, 21: 6695, 30: 226695 }, "Axiom Arc": { 11: 6696, 12: 6696, 21: 6696, 30: 226696 }, Hubris: { 11: 6697, 12: 126697, 21: 6697, 30: 226697 }, "Profane Hydra": { 11: 6698, 12: 6698, 21: 6698, 30: 226698 }, "Voltaic Cyclosword": { 11: 6699, 12: 6699, 21: 6699, 30: 226699 }, "Shield of the Rakkor": 6700, Opportunity: { 11: 6701, 12: 6701, 21: 6701, 30: 226701 }, "Gangplank Placeholder": { 11: 7050, 12: 7050, 21: 7050, 30: 7050 }, "Anathema's Chains": { 11: 8001, 12: 8001, 21: 8001, 30: 228001 }, "Abyssal Mask": { 11: 8020, 12: 8020, 21: 8020, 30: 228020 }, "Locked Weapon Slot": { 33: 9168 }, "Cyclonic Slicers": { 33: 9171 }, YuumiBot: { 33: 9172 }, "Radiant Field": { 33: 9173 }, "Statikk Sword": { 33: 9174 }, "Lioness's Lament": { 33: 9175 }, "Gatling Bunny-Guns": { 33: 9176 }, "Searing Shortbow": { 33: 9177 }, "The Annihilator": { 33: 9178 }, "Battle Bunny Crossbow": { 33: 9179 }, "UwU Blaster": { 33: 9180 }, "Vortex Glove": { 33: 9181 }, "Blade-o-rang": { 33: 9183 }, "Bunny Mega-Blast": { 33: 9184 }, "Anti-Shark Sea Mine": { 33: 9185 }, "T.I.B.B.E.R.S": { 33: 9187 }, "Ani-Mines": { 33: 9188 }, "Final City Transit": { 33: 9189 }, "Echoing Batblades": { 33: 9190 }, "Paw Print Poisoner": { 33: 9192 }, "Iceblast Armor": { 33: 9193 }, "Unceasing Cyclone": { 33: 9271 }, YuumiBot_Final_FINAL: { 33: 9272 }, "Explosive Embrace": { 33: 9273 }, "Prumbis's Electrocarver": { 33: 9274 }, "Enveloping Light": { 33: 9275 }, "Double Bun-Bun Barrage": { 33: 9276 }, "Evolved Embershot": { 33: 9277 }, Animapocalypse: { 33: 9278 }, "Bunny Prime Ballista": { 33: 9279 }, "OwO Blaster": { 33: 9280 }, "Tempest's Gauntlet": { 33: 9281 }, "Quad-o-rang": { 33: 9283 }, "Rapid Rabbit Raindown": { 33: 9284 }, "Neverending Mobstomper": { 33: 9285 }, "T.I.B.B.E.R.S (B.E.E.G Edition)": { 33: 9287 }, "Jinx's Tri-Namite": { 33: 9288 }, "FC Limited Express": { 33: 9289 }, "Vayne's Chromablades": { 33: 9290 }, "Bearfoot Chem-Dispenser": { 33: 9292 }, "Deep Freeze": { 33: 9293 }, "Meow Meow": { 33: 9300 }, "Shield Slam": { 33: 9301 }, "Sound Wave": { 33: 9302 }, "Pillory Swipe": { 33: 9303 }, "Steel Tempest": { 33: 9304 }, "Tentacle Slam": { 33: 9305 }, "Winged Dagger": { 33: 9306 }, "Guiding Hex": { 33: 9307 }, "Bunny Hop": { 33: 9308 }, "Battle Cat Barrage": { 33: 9400 }, "Light of the Lion": { 33: 9401 }, "Anima Echo": { 33: 9402 }, "Savage Slice": { 33: 9403 }, "Wandering Storms": { 33: 9404 }, "Grizzly Smash": { 33: 9405 }, "Lover's Ricochet": { 33: 9406 }, "Hopped-Up Hex": { 33: 9407 }, "Carrot Crash": { 33: 9408 }, "Stat Bonus": { 30: 220000 }, "Legendary Fighter Item": { 30: 220001 }, "Legendary Marksman Item": { 30: 220002 }, "Legendary Assassin Item": { 30: 220003 }, "Legendary Mage Item": { 30: 220004 }, "Legendary Tank Item": { 30: 220005 }, "Legendary Support Item": { 30: 220006 }, "Prismatic Item": { 30: 220007 }, "Guardian's Dirk": { 30: 223185 }, "Liandry's Anguish": { 30: 226653 }, "Navori Quickblades": { 30: 226675 }, "Wooglet's Witchcap": { 30: 228002 }, Deathblade: { 30: 228003 }, "Adaptive Helm": { 30: 228004 }, "Obsidian Cleaver": { 30: 228005 }, "Sanguine Blade": { 30: 228006 }, Runeglaive: { 30: 228008 }, "Darksteel Talons": { 30: 443054 }, Fulmination: { 30: 443055 }, "Demon King's Crown": { 30: 443056 }, "Shield of Molten Stone": { 30: 443058 }, "Cloak of Starry Night": { 30: 443059 }, "Force Of Entropy": { 30: 443061 }, "Sanguine Gift": { 30: 443062 }, "Eleisa's Miracle": { 30: 443063 }, "Talisman Of Ascension": { 30: 443064 }, Hamstringer: { 30: 443069 }, "Turbo Chemtank": { 30: 443079 }, "Twin Mask": { 30: 443080 }, "Hexbolt Companion": { 30: 443081 }, "Reaper's Toll": { 30: 443090 }, "Mirage Blade": { 30: 447100 }, "Gambler's Blade": { 30: 447101 }, "Reality Fracture": { 30: 447102 }, "Hemomancer's Helm": { 30: 447103 }, "Empyrean Promise": { 30: 447105 }, Dragonheart: { 30: 447106 }, Decapitator: { 30: 447107 }, Runecarver: { 30: 447108 }, Cruelty: { 30: 447109 }, "Moonflair Spellblade": { 30: 447110 }, Flesheater: { 30: 447112 }, "Detonation Orb": { 30: 447113 }, Reverberation: { 30: 447114 }, Regicide: { 30: 447115 }, "Kinkou Jitte": { 30: 447116 }, "Pyromancer's Cloak": { 30: 447118 }, "Lightning Rod": { 30: 447119 }, "Diamond-Tipped Spear": { 30: 447120 }, "Twilight's Edge": { 30: 447121 }, "Black Hole Gauntlet": { 30: 447122 }, Puppeteer: { 30: 447123 } };
  export const bootsItemIds = { 1001: true, 2422: true, 3005: true, 3006: true, 3009: true, 3010: true, 3013: true, 3020: true, 3047: true, 3111: true, 3117: true, 3158: true, 3172: true, 223005: true, 223006: true, 223009: true, 223020: true, 223047: true, 223111: true, 223158: true };
package/package.json CHANGED
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
  "name": "lol-constants",
- "version": "3.0.4",
+ "version": "3.0.5",
  "description": "League of Legends constants, functions, and types. Provides a plathera of functions to easily convert between ID, Name, and Key for champions, items, summoner spells, and runes.",
  "license": "MIT",
  "type": "module",