karavan-core 4.8.0 → 99.0.0

This diff represents the content of publicly available package versions that have been released to one of the supported registries. The information contained in this diff is provided for informational purposes only and reflects changes between package versions as they appear in their respective public registries.

Potentially problematic release.

This version of karavan-core might be problematic. Click here for more details.

Files changed (115) hide show
  1. package/index.js +3 -0
  2. package/package.json +8 -58
  3. package/.bebelrc +0 -3
  4. package/.mocharc.json +0 -11
  5. package/.prettierignore +0 -9
  6. package/.prettierrc +0 -14
  7. package/src/core/api/CamelDefinitionApi.ts +0 -3271
  8. package/src/core/api/CamelDefinitionApiExt.ts +0 -757
  9. package/src/core/api/CamelDefinitionYaml.ts +0 -412
  10. package/src/core/api/CamelDefinitionYamlStep.ts +0 -4733
  11. package/src/core/api/CamelDisplayUtil.ts +0 -143
  12. package/src/core/api/CamelUtil.ts +0 -360
  13. package/src/core/api/ComponentApi.ts +0 -368
  14. package/src/core/api/KameletApi.ts +0 -147
  15. package/src/core/api/MainConfigurationApi.ts +0 -47
  16. package/src/core/api/ProjectModelApi.ts +0 -75
  17. package/src/core/api/SpiBeanApi.ts +0 -104
  18. package/src/core/api/TemplateApi.ts +0 -58
  19. package/src/core/api/TopologyUtils.ts +0 -392
  20. package/src/core/api/VariableUtil.ts +0 -104
  21. package/src/core/model/CamelDefinition.ts +0 -3783
  22. package/src/core/model/CamelMetadata.ts +0 -2714
  23. package/src/core/model/ComponentModels.ts +0 -106
  24. package/src/core/model/IntegrationDefinition.ts +0 -188
  25. package/src/core/model/KameletModels.ts +0 -223
  26. package/src/core/model/MainConfigurationModel.ts +0 -37
  27. package/src/core/model/ProjectModel.ts +0 -43
  28. package/src/core/model/SpiBeanModels.ts +0 -53
  29. package/src/core/model/TopologyDefinition.ts +0 -117
  30. package/test/addStep.spec.ts +0 -124
  31. package/test/addStep1.yaml +0 -27
  32. package/test/allowableValues.camel.yaml +0 -19
  33. package/test/allowableValues.spec.ts +0 -30
  34. package/test/avro-serialize-action.kamelet.yaml +0 -70
  35. package/test/beans.spec.ts +0 -92
  36. package/test/beans1.yaml +0 -36
  37. package/test/beans2.yaml +0 -42
  38. package/test/beans3.yaml +0 -7
  39. package/test/checkRequired.spec.ts +0 -53
  40. package/test/circuitBreaker.spec.ts +0 -57
  41. package/test/circuitBreaker.yaml +0 -19
  42. package/test/cloneDefinition.spec.ts +0 -106
  43. package/test/createKamelet.spec.ts +0 -38
  44. package/test/cxf.json +0 -615
  45. package/test/cxf.spec.ts +0 -44
  46. package/test/cxf.yaml +0 -15
  47. package/test/deleteStep.spec.ts +0 -74
  48. package/test/demo.spec.ts +0 -49
  49. package/test/demo.yaml +0 -32
  50. package/test/doCatchOnWhen.camel.yaml +0 -20
  51. package/test/doCatchOnWhen.spec.ts +0 -36
  52. package/test/errorHandler.spec.ts +0 -38
  53. package/test/errorHandler1.yaml +0 -27
  54. package/test/expression.spec.ts +0 -55
  55. package/test/findStep.spec.ts +0 -112
  56. package/test/findStep.yaml +0 -65
  57. package/test/getElementProperties.spec.ts +0 -32
  58. package/test/getElementPropertiesByName.spec.ts +0 -31
  59. package/test/getExpressionLanguage.spec.ts +0 -40
  60. package/test/hasElementWithId.camel.yaml +0 -98
  61. package/test/hasElementWithId.spec.ts +0 -57
  62. package/test/hasElementWithId1.camel.yaml +0 -16
  63. package/test/hasElementWithIdError.camel.yaml +0 -98
  64. package/test/integration.spec.ts +0 -60
  65. package/test/integration1.yaml +0 -24
  66. package/test/integration2.yaml +0 -23
  67. package/test/integrationToYaml.spec.ts +0 -51
  68. package/test/intercept.spec.ts +0 -62
  69. package/test/intercept.yaml +0 -19
  70. package/test/is-not-integration.yaml +0 -5114
  71. package/test/isIntegration.spec.ts +0 -45
  72. package/test/kamelet.spec.ts +0 -61
  73. package/test/metadata/components.json +0 -697
  74. package/test/metadata/kamelets.yaml +0 -23414
  75. package/test/metadata/spiBeans.json +0 -3094
  76. package/test/multiObjectProperties.spec.ts +0 -46
  77. package/test/multiObjectProperties1.yaml +0 -19
  78. package/test/multiple.spec.ts +0 -38
  79. package/test/multiple.yaml +0 -29
  80. package/test/openapi.spec.ts +0 -48
  81. package/test/openapi.yaml +0 -7
  82. package/test/placeholder.spec.ts +0 -32
  83. package/test/placeholder.yaml +0 -133
  84. package/test/plain-try-catch.yaml +0 -31
  85. package/test/plain.spec.ts +0 -72
  86. package/test/plain1.yaml +0 -22
  87. package/test/plain2.yaml +0 -13
  88. package/test/plain3.yaml +0 -5
  89. package/test/plain4.yaml +0 -5
  90. package/test/postgresql-source.kamelet.yaml +0 -113
  91. package/test/restConfigDsl.yaml +0 -15
  92. package/test/restDsl.spec.ts +0 -83
  93. package/test/restDsl.yaml +0 -29
  94. package/test/routes.spec.ts +0 -37
  95. package/test/routes1.yaml +0 -31
  96. package/test/supported-components.json +0 -1221
  97. package/test/supportedComponents.spec.ts +0 -34
  98. package/test/template1.AggregationStrategy.java +0 -21
  99. package/test/template1.Processor.java +0 -13
  100. package/test/template2.AggregationStrategy.java +0 -21
  101. package/test/template2.Processor.java +0 -13
  102. package/test/templateApi.spec.ts +0 -45
  103. package/test/timer-source.kamelet.yaml +0 -75
  104. package/test/tod.spec.ts +0 -31
  105. package/test/tod.yaml +0 -9
  106. package/test/topology.spec.ts +0 -51
  107. package/test/topology1.camel.yaml +0 -56
  108. package/test/topology2.camel.yaml +0 -44
  109. package/test/topology3.camel.yaml +0 -27
  110. package/test/tsconfig.testing.json +0 -14
  111. package/test/updateStep.spec.ts +0 -72
  112. package/test/variable1.camel.yaml +0 -42
  113. package/test/variable2.camel.yaml +0 -42
  114. package/test/variables.spec.ts +0 -34
  115. package/tsconfig.json +0 -34

There are too many changes on this page to be displayed.

The amount of changes on this page would crash your brower.

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