easy-email-extensions 4.0.0-alpha.2 → 4.0.0-alpha.3

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@@ -27,3 +27,4 @@ export { NavbarLinkPadding } from './NavbarLinkPadding';
  export { BorderWidth } from './BorderWidth';
  export { FontWeight } from './FontWeight';
  export { Padding } from './Padding';
+ export { ClassName } from './ClassName';
package/lib/index.js CHANGED
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
- export { e as Align, A as AttributePanel, f as AttributesPanelWrapper, a0 as AutoCompleteField, j as Background, m as BackgroundColor, d as BlockAttributeConfigurationManager, B as BlockLayer, x as BlockMarketManager, y as BlockMaskWrapper, p as Border, q as BorderColor, t as BorderStyle, v as BorderWidth, a4 as CheckboxField, C as Color, X as ColorPickerField, h as ContainerBackgroundColor, a3 as DatePickerField, D as Decoration, n as Direction, a6 as EditGridTabField, a5 as EditTabField, F as FontFamily, r as FontSize, u as FontStyle, w as FontWeight, H as Height, Z as ImageUploaderField, a7 as InlineTextField, K as InputWithUnitField, I as InteractivePrompt, L as LetterSpacing, k as LineHeight, o as Link, M as Margin, G as MergeTagBadgePrompt, s as MergeTags, N as NavbarLinkPadding, R as NumberField, P as Padding, a1 as RadioGroupField, a9 as RichTextField, O as SearchField, _ as SelectField, S as ShortcutToolbar, E as SimpleLayout, U as SliderField, z as SourceCodePanel, a2 as SwitchField, T as TextAlign, Q as TextAreaField, i as TextDecoration, J as TextField, l as TextTransform, $ as TreeSelectField, Y as UploadField, V as VerticalAlign, W as Width, a8 as enhancer, b as getBlockTitle, g as getContextMergeTags, a as getIconNameByBlockType } from "./index2.js";
+ export { e as Align, A as AttributePanel, f as AttributesPanelWrapper, a1 as AutoCompleteField, j as Background, m as BackgroundColor, d as BlockAttributeConfigurationManager, B as BlockLayer, y as BlockMarketManager, z as BlockMaskWrapper, p as Border, q as BorderColor, t as BorderStyle, v as BorderWidth, a5 as CheckboxField, x as ClassName, C as Color, Y as ColorPickerField, h as ContainerBackgroundColor, a4 as DatePickerField, D as Decoration, n as Direction, a7 as EditGridTabField, a6 as EditTabField, F as FontFamily, r as FontSize, u as FontStyle, w as FontWeight, H as Height, _ as ImageUploaderField, a8 as InlineTextField, O as InputWithUnitField, I as InteractivePrompt, L as LetterSpacing, k as LineHeight, o as Link, M as Margin, J as MergeTagBadgePrompt, s as MergeTags, N as NavbarLinkPadding, U as NumberField, P as Padding, a2 as RadioGroupField, aa as RichTextField, Q as SearchField, $ as SelectField, S as ShortcutToolbar, G as SimpleLayout, X as SliderField, E as SourceCodePanel, a3 as SwitchField, T as TextAlign, R as TextAreaField, i as TextDecoration, K as TextField, l as TextTransform, a0 as TreeSelectField, Z as UploadField, V as VerticalAlign, W as Width, a9 as enhancer, b as getBlockTitle, g as getContextMergeTags, a as getIconNameByBlockType } from "./index2.js";
  import "react";
  import "easy-email-editor";
  import "easy-email-core";
package/lib/index2.js CHANGED
@@ -40184,7 +40184,8 @@ function EditGridTab(props) {
  const { value, additionItem } = props;
  const onAdd = (index2) => {
  let newItem = additionItem || lodash.exports.cloneDeep(value[index2]);
- props.onChange([...value, newItem]);
+ value.splice(index2 + 1, 0, newItem);
+ props.onChange([...value]);
  const onDelete = (index2) => {
  props.onChange(value.filter((_, vIndex) => Number(index2) !== vIndex));
@@ -47631,5 +47632,5 @@ const SimpleLayout = (props) => {
  }, "Source code")
  }, /* @__PURE__ */ React__default.createElement(SourceCodePanel, null))))), /* @__PURE__ */ React__default.createElement(InteractivePrompt, null), /* @__PURE__ */ React__default.createElement(MergeTagBadgePrompt, null)));
- export { TreeSelectField as $, AttributePanel as A, BlockLayer as B, Color as C, Decoration as D, SimpleLayout as E, FontFamily as F, MergeTagBadgePrompt as G, Height as H, InteractivePrompt as I, TextField as J, InputWithUnitField as K, LetterSpacing as L, Margin as M, NavbarLinkPadding as N, SearchField as O, Padding as P, TextAreaField as Q, NumberField as R, ShortcutToolbar as S, TextAlign as T, SliderField as U, VerticalAlign as V, Width as W, ColorPickerField as X, UploadField as Y, ImageUploaderField as Z, SelectField as _, getIconNameByBlockType as a, AutoCompleteField as a0, RadioGroupField as a1, SwitchField as a2, DatePickerField as a3, CheckboxField as a4, EditTabField as a5, EditGridTabField as a6, InlineTextField as a7, enhancer as a8, RichTextField as a9, getBlockTitle as b, commonjsGlobal as c, BlockAttributeConfigurationManager as d, Align as e, AttributesPanelWrapper as f, getContextMergeTags as g, ContainerBackgroundColor as h, TextDecoration as i, Background as j, LineHeight as k, TextTransform as l, BackgroundColor as m, Direction as n, Link as o, Border as p, BorderColor as q, FontSize$1 as r, MergeTags$1 as s, BorderStyle as t, FontStyle as u, BorderWidth as v, FontWeight as w, BlockMarketManager as x, BlockMaskWrapper as y, SourceCodePanel as z };
+ export { SelectField as $, AttributePanel as A, BlockLayer as B, Color as C, Decoration as D, SourceCodePanel as E, FontFamily as F, SimpleLayout as G, Height as H, InteractivePrompt as I, MergeTagBadgePrompt as J, TextField as K, LetterSpacing as L, Margin as M, NavbarLinkPadding as N, InputWithUnitField as O, Padding as P, SearchField as Q, TextAreaField as R, ShortcutToolbar as S, TextAlign as T, NumberField as U, VerticalAlign as V, Width as W, SliderField as X, ColorPickerField as Y, UploadField as Z, ImageUploaderField as _, getIconNameByBlockType as a, TreeSelectField as a0, AutoCompleteField as a1, RadioGroupField as a2, SwitchField as a3, DatePickerField as a4, CheckboxField as a5, EditTabField as a6, EditGridTabField as a7, InlineTextField as a8, enhancer as a9, RichTextField as aa, getBlockTitle as b, commonjsGlobal as c, BlockAttributeConfigurationManager as d, Align as e, AttributesPanelWrapper as f, getContextMergeTags as g, ContainerBackgroundColor as h, TextDecoration as i, Background as j, LineHeight as k, TextTransform as l, BackgroundColor as m, Direction as n, Link as o, Border as p, BorderColor as q, FontSize$1 as r, MergeTags$1 as s, BorderStyle as t, FontStyle as u, BorderWidth as v, FontWeight as w, ClassName as x, BlockMarketManager as y, BlockMaskWrapper as z };
  //# sourceMappingURL=index2.js.map