drizzle-kit 0.20.17-4e262b7 → 0.20.17-7776aba

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Files changed (56) hide show
  1. package/bin.cjs +22248 -23435
  2. package/cli/commands/migrate.d.ts +135 -152
  3. package/cli/commands/mysqlIntrospect.d.ts +79 -15
  4. package/cli/commands/mysqlPushUtils.d.ts +8 -4
  5. package/cli/commands/mysqlUp.d.ts +4 -0
  6. package/cli/commands/pgConnect.d.ts +5 -0
  7. package/cli/commands/pgIntrospect.d.ts +76 -12
  8. package/cli/commands/pgPushUtils.d.ts +6 -3
  9. package/cli/commands/pgUp.d.ts +4 -0
  10. package/cli/commands/sqliteIntrospect.d.ts +29 -26
  11. package/cli/commands/sqlitePushUtils.d.ts +10 -4
  12. package/cli/commands/sqliteUtils.d.ts +162 -0
  13. package/cli/commands/upFolders.d.ts +27 -0
  14. package/cli/commands/utils.d.ts +255 -39
  15. package/cli/validations/common.d.ts +7 -208
  16. package/cli/validations/mysql.d.ts +337 -7
  17. package/cli/validations/outputs.d.ts +0 -1
  18. package/cli/validations/pg.d.ts +405 -4
  19. package/cli/views.d.ts +5 -7
  20. package/drivers/index.d.ts +39 -0
  21. package/global.d.ts +1 -3
  22. package/index.d.mts +6 -8
  23. package/index.d.ts +6 -8
  24. package/index.js +0 -1
  25. package/introspect-mysql.d.ts +9 -0
  26. package/introspect-pg.d.ts +12 -0
  27. package/introspect-sqlite.d.ts +2 -2
  28. package/jsonDiffer.d.ts +29 -14
  29. package/jsonStatements.d.ts +11 -38
  30. package/package.json +52 -24
  31. package/payload.d.mts +5 -5
  32. package/payload.d.ts +5 -5
  33. package/payload.js +24222 -26044
  34. package/payload.mjs +19956 -21767
  35. package/schemaValidator.d.ts +286 -289
  36. package/serializer/mysqlImports.d.ts +7 -3
  37. package/serializer/mysqlSchema.d.ts +1323 -2454
  38. package/serializer/mysqlSerializer.d.ts +6 -6
  39. package/serializer/pgImports.d.ts +2 -2
  40. package/serializer/pgSchema.d.ts +1283 -1742
  41. package/serializer/pgSerializer.d.ts +2 -2
  42. package/serializer/sqliteImports.d.ts +4 -2
  43. package/serializer/sqliteSchema.d.ts +979 -553
  44. package/serializer/sqliteSerializer.d.ts +4 -4
  45. package/snapshotsDiffer.d.ts +1209 -2486
  46. package/utils/words.d.ts +1 -1
  47. package/utils-studio.d.mts +1 -0
  48. package/utils-studio.d.ts +1 -0
  49. package/utils-studio.js +849 -7058
  50. package/utils-studio.mjs +829 -7035
  51. package/utils.d.ts +141 -14
  52. package/utils.js +7161 -4625
  53. package/utils.mjs +7121 -4585
  54. package/cli/utils.d.ts +0 -12
  55. package/cli/validations/cli.d.ts +0 -169
  56. package/cli/validations/sqlite.d.ts +0 -34

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