cdk-lambda-subminute 2.0.411 → 2.0.413

This diff represents the content of publicly available package versions that have been released to one of the supported registries. The information contained in this diff is provided for informational purposes only and reflects changes between package versions as they appear in their respective public registries.
@@ -2836,14 +2836,14 @@
  "Lte": {
  "type": "double"
- "Eq": {
- "type": "double"
- },
  "Gt": {
  "type": "double"
  "Lt": {
  "type": "double"
+ },
+ "Eq": {
+ "type": "double"
@@ -9445,6 +9445,7 @@
  "type": "double"
  "ExploitAvailable": {},
+ "LastKnownExploitAt": {},
  "CodeVulnerabilities": {
  "type": "list",
  "member": {
@@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ declare namespace CodeBuild {
  export type ArtifactNamespace = "NONE"|"BUILD_ID"|string;
  export type ArtifactPackaging = "NONE"|"ZIP"|string;
  export type ArtifactsType = "CODEPIPELINE"|"S3"|"NO_ARTIFACTS"|string;
- export type AuthType = "OAUTH"|"BASIC_AUTH"|"PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN"|string;
  export interface BatchDeleteBuildsInput {
  * The IDs of the builds to delete.
@@ -1493,7 +1493,7 @@ declare namespace CodeBuild {
  export type FleetSortByType = "NAME"|"CREATED_TIME"|"LAST_MODIFIED_TIME"|string;
  export interface FleetStatus {
- * The status code of the compute fleet. Valid values include: CREATING: The compute fleet is being created. UPDATING: The compute fleet is being updated. ROTATING: The compute fleet is being rotated. DELETING: The compute fleet is being deleted. CREATE_FAILED: The compute fleet has failed to create. UPDATE_ROLLBACK_FAILED: The compute fleet has failed to update and could not rollback to previous state. ACTIVE: The compute fleet has succeeded and is active.
+ * The status code of the compute fleet. Valid values include: CREATING: The compute fleet is being created. UPDATING: The compute fleet is being updated. ROTATING: The compute fleet is being rotated. PENDING_DELETION: The compute fleet is pending deletion. DELETING: The compute fleet is being deleted. CREATE_FAILED: The compute fleet has failed to create. UPDATE_ROLLBACK_FAILED: The compute fleet has failed to update and could not rollback to previous state. ACTIVE: The compute fleet has succeeded and is active.
  statusCode?: FleetStatusCode;
@@ -2251,11 +2251,11 @@ declare namespace CodeBuild {
  export type ProjectSortByType = "NAME"|"CREATED_TIME"|"LAST_MODIFIED_TIME"|string;
  export interface ProjectSource {
- * The type of repository that contains the source code to be built. Valid values include: BITBUCKET: The source code is in a Bitbucket repository. CODECOMMIT: The source code is in an CodeCommit repository. CODEPIPELINE: The source code settings are specified in the source action of a pipeline in CodePipeline. GITHUB: The source code is in a GitHub or GitHub Enterprise Cloud repository. GITHUB_ENTERPRISE: The source code is in a GitHub Enterprise Server repository. NO_SOURCE: The project does not have input source code. S3: The source code is in an Amazon S3 bucket.
+ * The type of repository that contains the source code to be built. Valid values include: BITBUCKET: The source code is in a Bitbucket repository. CODECOMMIT: The source code is in an CodeCommit repository. CODEPIPELINE: The source code settings are specified in the source action of a pipeline in CodePipeline. GITHUB: The source code is in a GitHub repository. GITHUB_ENTERPRISE: The source code is in a GitHub Enterprise Server repository. GITLAB: The source code is in a GitLab repository. GITLAB_SELF_MANAGED: The source code is in a self-managed GitLab repository. NO_SOURCE: The project does not have input source code. S3: The source code is in an Amazon S3 bucket.
  type: SourceType;
- * Information about the location of the source code to be built. Valid values include: For source code settings that are specified in the source action of a pipeline in CodePipeline, location should not be specified. If it is specified, CodePipeline ignores it. This is because CodePipeline uses the settings in a pipeline's source action instead of this value. For source code in an CodeCommit repository, the HTTPS clone URL to the repository that contains the source code and the buildspec file (for example, https://git-codecommit.<region-ID><repo-name>). For source code in an Amazon S3 input bucket, one of the following. The path to the ZIP file that contains the source code (for example, <bucket-name>/<path>/<object-name>.zip). The path to the folder that contains the source code (for example, <bucket-name>/<path-to-source-code>/<folder>/). For source code in a GitHub repository, the HTTPS clone URL to the repository that contains the source and the buildspec file. You must connect your Amazon Web Services account to your GitHub account. Use the CodeBuild console to start creating a build project. When you use the console to connect (or reconnect) with GitHub, on the GitHub Authorize application page, for Organization access, choose Request access next to each repository you want to allow CodeBuild to have access to, and then choose Authorize application. (After you have connected to your GitHub account, you do not need to finish creating the build project. You can leave the CodeBuild console.) To instruct CodeBuild to use this connection, in the source object, set the auth object's type value to OAUTH. For source code in a Bitbucket repository, the HTTPS clone URL to the repository that contains the source and the buildspec file. You must connect your Amazon Web Services account to your Bitbucket account. Use the CodeBuild console to start creating a build project. When you use the console to connect (or reconnect) with Bitbucket, on the Bitbucket Confirm access to your account page, choose Grant access. (After you have connected to your Bitbucket account, you do not need to finish creating the build project. You can leave the CodeBuild console.) To instruct CodeBuild to use this connection, in the source object, set the auth object's type value to OAUTH. If you specify CODEPIPELINE for the Type property, don't specify this property. For all of the other types, you must specify Location.
+ * Information about the location of the source code to be built. Valid values include: For source code settings that are specified in the source action of a pipeline in CodePipeline, location should not be specified. If it is specified, CodePipeline ignores it. This is because CodePipeline uses the settings in a pipeline's source action instead of this value. For source code in an CodeCommit repository, the HTTPS clone URL to the repository that contains the source code and the buildspec file (for example, https://git-codecommit.<region-ID><repo-name>). For source code in an Amazon S3 input bucket, one of the following. The path to the ZIP file that contains the source code (for example, <bucket-name>/<path>/<object-name>.zip). The path to the folder that contains the source code (for example, <bucket-name>/<path-to-source-code>/<folder>/). For source code in a GitHub repository, the HTTPS clone URL to the repository that contains the source and the buildspec file. You must connect your Amazon Web Services account to your GitHub account. Use the CodeBuild console to start creating a build project. When you use the console to connect (or reconnect) with GitHub, on the GitHub Authorize application page, for Organization access, choose Request access next to each repository you want to allow CodeBuild to have access to, and then choose Authorize application. (After you have connected to your GitHub account, you do not need to finish creating the build project. You can leave the CodeBuild console.) To instruct CodeBuild to use this connection, in the source object, set the auth object's type value to OAUTH. For source code in an GitLab or self-managed GitLab repository, the HTTPS clone URL to the repository that contains the source and the buildspec file. You must connect your Amazon Web Services account to your GitLab account. Use the CodeBuild console to start creating a build project. When you use the console to connect (or reconnect) with GitLab, on the Connections Authorize application page, choose Authorize. Then on the CodeStar Connections Create GitLab connection page, choose Connect to GitLab. (After you have connected to your GitLab account, you do not need to finish creating the build project. You can leave the CodeBuild console.) To instruct CodeBuild to override the default connection and use this connection instead, set the auth object's type value to CODECONNECTIONS in the source object. For source code in a Bitbucket repository, the HTTPS clone URL to the repository that contains the source and the buildspec file. You must connect your Amazon Web Services account to your Bitbucket account. Use the CodeBuild console to start creating a build project. When you use the console to connect (or reconnect) with Bitbucket, on the Bitbucket Confirm access to your account page, choose Grant access. (After you have connected to your Bitbucket account, you do not need to finish creating the build project. You can leave the CodeBuild console.) To instruct CodeBuild to use this connection, in the source object, set the auth object's type value to OAUTH. If you specify CODEPIPELINE for the Type property, don't specify this property. For all of the other types, you must specify Location.
  location?: String;
@@ -2275,7 +2275,7 @@ declare namespace CodeBuild {
  auth?: SourceAuth;
- * Set to true to report the status of a build's start and finish to your source provider. This option is valid only when your source provider is GitHub, GitHub Enterprise, or Bitbucket. If this is set and you use a different source provider, an invalidInputException is thrown. To be able to report the build status to the source provider, the user associated with the source provider must have write access to the repo. If the user does not have write access, the build status cannot be updated. For more information, see Source provider access in the CodeBuild User Guide. The status of a build triggered by a webhook is always reported to your source provider. If your project's builds are triggered by a webhook, you must push a new commit to the repo for a change to this property to take effect.
+ * Set to true to report the status of a build's start and finish to your source provider. This option is valid only when your source provider is GitHub, GitHub Enterprise, GitLab, GitLab Self Managed, or Bitbucket. If this is set and you use a different source provider, an invalidInputException is thrown. To be able to report the build status to the source provider, the user associated with the source provider must have write access to the repo. If the user does not have write access, the build status cannot be updated. For more information, see Source provider access in the CodeBuild User Guide. The status of a build triggered by a webhook is always reported to your source provider. If your project's builds are triggered by a webhook, you must push a new commit to the repo for a change to this property to take effect.
  reportBuildStatus?: WrapperBoolean;
@@ -2297,7 +2297,7 @@ declare namespace CodeBuild {
  sourceIdentifier: String;
- * The source version for the corresponding source identifier. If specified, must be one of: For CodeCommit: the commit ID, branch, or Git tag to use. For GitHub: the commit ID, pull request ID, branch name, or tag name that corresponds to the version of the source code you want to build. If a pull request ID is specified, it must use the format pr/pull-request-ID (for example, pr/25). If a branch name is specified, the branch's HEAD commit ID is used. If not specified, the default branch's HEAD commit ID is used. For Bitbucket: the commit ID, branch name, or tag name that corresponds to the version of the source code you want to build. If a branch name is specified, the branch's HEAD commit ID is used. If not specified, the default branch's HEAD commit ID is used. For Amazon S3: the version ID of the object that represents the build input ZIP file to use. For more information, see Source Version Sample with CodeBuild in the CodeBuild User Guide.
+ * The source version for the corresponding source identifier. If specified, must be one of: For CodeCommit: the commit ID, branch, or Git tag to use. For GitHub or GitLab: the commit ID, pull request ID, branch name, or tag name that corresponds to the version of the source code you want to build. If a pull request ID is specified, it must use the format pr/pull-request-ID (for example, pr/25). If a branch name is specified, the branch's HEAD commit ID is used. If not specified, the default branch's HEAD commit ID is used. For Bitbucket: the commit ID, branch name, or tag name that corresponds to the version of the source code you want to build. If a branch name is specified, the branch's HEAD commit ID is used. If not specified, the default branch's HEAD commit ID is used. For Amazon S3: the version ID of the object that represents the build input ZIP file to use. For more information, see Source Version Sample with CodeBuild in the CodeBuild User Guide.
  sourceVersion: String;
@@ -2591,12 +2591,12 @@ declare namespace CodeBuild {
  export type SecurityGroupIds = NonEmptyString[];
  export type SensitiveNonEmptyString = string;
  export type SensitiveString = string;
- export type ServerType = "GITHUB"|"BITBUCKET"|"GITHUB_ENTERPRISE"|string;
  export type SharedResourceSortByType = "ARN"|"MODIFIED_TIME"|string;
  export type SortOrderType = "ASCENDING"|"DESCENDING"|string;
  export interface SourceAuth {
- * This data type is deprecated and is no longer accurate or used. The authorization type to use. The only valid value is OAUTH, which represents the OAuth authorization type.
+ * The authorization type to use. Valid options are OAUTH or CODECONNECTIONS.
  type: SourceAuthType;
@@ -2604,23 +2604,27 @@ declare namespace CodeBuild {
  resource?: String;
- export type SourceAuthType = "OAUTH"|string;
+ export type SourceAuthType = "OAUTH"|"CODECONNECTIONS"|string;
  export interface SourceCredentialsInfo {
  * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the token.
  arn?: NonEmptyString;
- * The type of source provider. The valid options are GITHUB, GITHUB_ENTERPRISE, or BITBUCKET.
+ * The type of source provider. The valid options are GITHUB, GITHUB_ENTERPRISE, GITLAB, GITLAB_SELF_MANAGED, or BITBUCKET.
  serverType?: ServerType;
- * The type of authentication used by the credentials. Valid options are OAUTH, BASIC_AUTH, or PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN.
+ * The type of authentication used by the credentials. Valid options are OAUTH, BASIC_AUTH, PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN, or CODECONNECTIONS.
  authType?: AuthType;
+ /**
+ * The connection ARN if your serverType type is GITLAB or GITLAB_SELF_MANAGED and your authType is CODECONNECTIONS.
+ */
+ resource?: String;
  export type SourceCredentialsInfos = SourceCredentialsInfo[];
  export interface StartBuildBatchInput {
  * The name of the project.
@@ -3532,6 +3532,14 @@ declare class EC2 extends Service {
  * Gets the current state of block public access for AMIs at the account level in the specified Amazon Web Services Region. For more information, see Block public access to your AMIs in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.
  getImageBlockPublicAccessState(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: EC2.Types.GetImageBlockPublicAccessStateResult) => void): Request<EC2.Types.GetImageBlockPublicAccessStateResult, AWSError>;
+ /**
+ * Gets the default instance metadata service (IMDS) settings that are set at the account level in the specified Amazon Web Services&#x2028; Region. For more information, see Order of precedence for instance metadata options in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.
+ */
+ getInstanceMetadataDefaults(params: EC2.Types.GetInstanceMetadataDefaultsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: EC2.Types.GetInstanceMetadataDefaultsResult) => void): Request<EC2.Types.GetInstanceMetadataDefaultsResult, AWSError>;
+ /**
+ * Gets the default instance metadata service (IMDS) settings that are set at the account level in the specified Amazon Web Services&#x2028; Region. For more information, see Order of precedence for instance metadata options in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.
+ */
+ getInstanceMetadataDefaults(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: EC2.Types.GetInstanceMetadataDefaultsResult) => void): Request<EC2.Types.GetInstanceMetadataDefaultsResult, AWSError>;
  * Returns a list of instance types with the specified instance attributes. You can use the response to preview the instance types without launching instances. Note that the response does not consider capacity. When you specify multiple parameters, you get instance types that satisfy all of the specified parameters. If you specify multiple values for a parameter, you get instance types that satisfy any of the specified values. For more information, see Preview instance types with specified attributes, Attribute-based instance type selection for EC2 Fleet, Attribute-based instance type selection for Spot Fleet, and Spot placement score in the Amazon EC2 User Guide, and Creating an Auto Scaling group using attribute-based instance type selection in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
@@ -4020,6 +4028,14 @@ declare class EC2 extends Service {
  * Modifies the recovery behavior of your instance to disable simplified automatic recovery or set the recovery behavior to default. The default configuration will not enable simplified automatic recovery for an unsupported instance type. For more information, see Simplified automatic recovery.
  modifyInstanceMaintenanceOptions(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: EC2.Types.ModifyInstanceMaintenanceOptionsResult) => void): Request<EC2.Types.ModifyInstanceMaintenanceOptionsResult, AWSError>;
+ /**
+ * Modifies the default instance metadata service (IMDS) settings at the account level in the specified Amazon Web Services&#x2028; Region. To remove a parameter's account-level default setting, specify no-preference. At instance launch, the value will come from the AMI, or from the launch parameter if specified. For more information, see Order of precedence for instance metadata options in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.
+ */
+ modifyInstanceMetadataDefaults(params: EC2.Types.ModifyInstanceMetadataDefaultsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: EC2.Types.ModifyInstanceMetadataDefaultsResult) => void): Request<EC2.Types.ModifyInstanceMetadataDefaultsResult, AWSError>;
+ /**
+ * Modifies the default instance metadata service (IMDS) settings at the account level in the specified Amazon Web Services&#x2028; Region. To remove a parameter's account-level default setting, specify no-preference. At instance launch, the value will come from the AMI, or from the launch parameter if specified. For more information, see Order of precedence for instance metadata options in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.
+ */
+ modifyInstanceMetadataDefaults(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: EC2.Types.ModifyInstanceMetadataDefaultsResult) => void): Request<EC2.Types.ModifyInstanceMetadataDefaultsResult, AWSError>;
  * Modify the instance metadata parameters on a running or stopped instance. When you modify the parameters on a stopped instance, they are applied when the instance is started. When you modify the parameters on a running instance, the API responds with a state of “pending”. After the parameter modifications are successfully applied to the instance, the state of the modifications changes from “pending” to “applied” in subsequent describe-instances API calls. For more information, see Instance metadata and user data in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.
@@ -7221,6 +7237,7 @@ declare namespace EC2 {
  export type BootModeTypeList = BootModeType[];
  export type BootModeValues = "legacy-bios"|"uefi"|"uefi-preferred"|string;
  export type BoxedDouble = number;
+ export type BoxedInteger = number;
  export type BundleId = string;
  export type BundleIdStringList = BundleId[];
  export interface BundleInstanceRequest {
@@ -12061,6 +12078,8 @@ declare namespace EC2 {
  export type DedicatedHostFlag = boolean;
  export type DedicatedHostId = string;
  export type DedicatedHostIdList = DedicatedHostId[];
+ export type DefaultInstanceMetadataEndpointState = "disabled"|"enabled"|"no-preference"|string;
+ export type DefaultInstanceMetadataTagsState = "disabled"|"enabled"|"no-preference"|string;
  export type DefaultNetworkCardIndex = number;
  export type DefaultRouteTableAssociationValue = "enable"|"disable"|string;
  export type DefaultRouteTablePropagationValue = "enable"|"disable"|string;
@@ -21627,6 +21646,18 @@ declare namespace EC2 {
  ImageBlockPublicAccessState?: String;
+ export interface GetInstanceMetadataDefaultsRequest {
+ /**
+ * Checks whether you have the required permissions for the action, without actually making the request, and provides an error response. If you have the required permissions, the error response is DryRunOperation. Otherwise, it is UnauthorizedOperation.
+ */
+ DryRun?: Boolean;
+ }
+ export interface GetInstanceMetadataDefaultsResult {
+ /**
+ * The account-level default IMDS settings.
+ */
+ AccountLevel?: InstanceMetadataDefaultsResponse;
+ }
  export interface GetInstanceTypesFromInstanceRequirementsRequest {
  * Checks whether you have the required permissions for the action, without actually making the request, and provides an error response. If you have the required permissions, the error response is DryRunOperation. Otherwise, it is UnauthorizedOperation.
@@ -23131,7 +23162,7 @@ declare namespace EC2 {
  Hypervisor?: HypervisorType;
- * The Amazon Web Services account alias (for example, amazon, self) or the Amazon Web Services account ID of the AMI owner.
+ * The owner alias (amazon | aws-marketplace).
  ImageOwnerAlias?: String;
@@ -24478,14 +24509,32 @@ declare namespace EC2 {
  SpotOptions?: SpotMarketOptions;
  export type InstanceMatchCriteria = "open"|"targeted"|string;
+ export interface InstanceMetadataDefaultsResponse {
+ /**
+ * Indicates whether IMDSv2 is required. optional – IMDSv2 is optional, which means that you can use either IMDSv2 or IMDSv1. required – IMDSv2 is required, which means that IMDSv1 is disabled, and you must use IMDSv2.
+ */
+ HttpTokens?: HttpTokensState;
+ /**
+ * The maximum number of hops that the metadata token can travel.
+ */
+ HttpPutResponseHopLimit?: BoxedInteger;
+ /**
+ * Indicates whether the IMDS endpoint for an instance is enabled or disabled. When disabled, the instance metadata can't be accessed.
+ */
+ HttpEndpoint?: InstanceMetadataEndpointState;
+ /**
+ * Indicates whether access to instance tags from the instance metadata is enabled or disabled. For more information, see Work with instance tags using the instance metadata in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.
+ */
+ InstanceMetadataTags?: InstanceMetadataTagsState;
+ }
  export type InstanceMetadataEndpointState = "disabled"|"enabled"|string;
  export interface InstanceMetadataOptionsRequest {
- * Indicates whether IMDSv2 is required. optional - IMDSv2 is optional. You can choose whether to send a session token in your instance metadata retrieval requests. If you retrieve IAM role credentials without a session token, you receive the IMDSv1 role credentials. If you retrieve IAM role credentials using a valid session token, you receive the IMDSv2 role credentials. required - IMDSv2 is required. You must send a session token in your instance metadata retrieval requests. With this option, retrieving the IAM role credentials always returns IMDSv2 credentials; IMDSv1 credentials are not available. Default: If the value of ImdsSupport for the Amazon Machine Image (AMI) for your instance is v2.0, the default is required.
+ * Indicates whether IMDSv2 is required. optional - IMDSv2 is optional, which means that you can use either IMDSv2 or IMDSv1. required - IMDSv2 is required, which means that IMDSv1 is disabled, and you must use IMDSv2. Default: If the value of ImdsSupport for the Amazon Machine Image (AMI) for your instance is v2.0 and the account level default is set to no-preference, the default is required. If the value of ImdsSupport for the Amazon Machine Image (AMI) for your instance is v2.0, but the account level default is set to V1 or V2, the default is optional. The default value can also be affected by other combinations of parameters. For more information, see Order of precedence for instance metadata options in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.
  HttpTokens?: HttpTokensState;
- * The desired HTTP PUT response hop limit for instance metadata requests. The larger the number, the further instance metadata requests can travel. Default: 1 Possible values: Integers from 1 to 64
+ * The maximum number of hops that the metadata token can travel. Possible values: Integers from 1 to 64
  HttpPutResponseHopLimit?: Integer;
@@ -24507,11 +24556,11 @@ declare namespace EC2 {
  State?: InstanceMetadataOptionsState;
- * Indicates whether IMDSv2 is required. optional - IMDSv2 is optional. You can choose whether to send a session token in your instance metadata retrieval requests. If you retrieve IAM role credentials without a session token, you receive the IMDSv1 role credentials. If you retrieve IAM role credentials using a valid session token, you receive the IMDSv2 role credentials. required - IMDSv2 is required. You must send a session token in your instance metadata retrieval requests. With this option, retrieving the IAM role credentials always returns IMDSv2 credentials; IMDSv1 credentials are not available.
+ * Indicates whether IMDSv2 is required. optional - IMDSv2 is optional, which means that you can use either IMDSv2 or IMDSv1. required - IMDSv2 is required, which means that IMDSv1 is disabled, and you must use IMDSv2.
  HttpTokens?: HttpTokensState;
- * The desired HTTP PUT response hop limit for instance metadata requests. The larger the number, the further instance metadata requests can travel. Default: 1 Possible values: Integers from 1 to 64
+ * The maximum number of hops that the metadata token can travel. Possible values: Integers from 1 to 64
  HttpPutResponseHopLimit?: Integer;
@@ -27922,6 +27971,7 @@ declare namespace EC2 {
  Max?: Integer;
  export type MemorySize = number;
+ export type MetadataDefaultHttpTokensState = "optional"|"required"|"no-preference"|string;
  export interface MetricPoint {
  * The start date for the metric point. The starting date for the metric point. The starting time must be formatted as yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss. For example, 2022-06-10T12:00:00.000Z.
@@ -28529,13 +28579,41 @@ declare namespace EC2 {
  AutoRecovery?: InstanceAutoRecoveryState;
+ export interface ModifyInstanceMetadataDefaultsRequest {
+ /**
+ * Indicates whether IMDSv2 is required. optional – IMDSv2 is optional, which means that you can use either IMDSv2 or IMDSv1. required – IMDSv2 is required, which means that IMDSv1 is disabled, and you must use IMDSv2.
+ */
+ HttpTokens?: MetadataDefaultHttpTokensState;
+ /**
+ * The maximum number of hops that the metadata token can travel. Minimum: 1 Maximum: 64
+ */
+ HttpPutResponseHopLimit?: BoxedInteger;
+ /**
+ * Enables or disables the IMDS endpoint on an instance. When disabled, the instance metadata can't be accessed.
+ */
+ HttpEndpoint?: DefaultInstanceMetadataEndpointState;
+ /**
+ * Enables or disables access to an instance's tags from the instance metadata. For more information, see Work with instance tags using the instance metadata in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.
+ */
+ InstanceMetadataTags?: DefaultInstanceMetadataTagsState;
+ /**
+ * Checks whether you have the required permissions for the action, without actually making the request, and provides an error response. If you have the required permissions, the error response is DryRunOperation. Otherwise, it is UnauthorizedOperation.
+ */
+ DryRun?: Boolean;
+ }
+ export interface ModifyInstanceMetadataDefaultsResult {
+ /**
+ * If the request succeeds, the response returns true. If the request fails, no response is returned, and instead an error message is returned.
+ */
+ Return?: Boolean;
+ }
  export interface ModifyInstanceMetadataOptionsRequest {
  * The ID of the instance.
  InstanceId: InstanceId;
- * Indicates whether IMDSv2 is required. optional - IMDSv2 is optional. You can choose whether to send a session token in your instance metadata retrieval requests. If you retrieve IAM role credentials without a session token, you receive the IMDSv1 role credentials. If you retrieve IAM role credentials using a valid session token, you receive the IMDSv2 role credentials. required - IMDSv2 is required. You must send a session token in your instance metadata retrieval requests. With this option, retrieving the IAM role credentials always returns IMDSv2 credentials; IMDSv1 credentials are not available. Default: If the value of ImdsSupport for the Amazon Machine Image (AMI) for your instance is v2.0, the default is required.
+ * Indicates whether IMDSv2 is required. optional - IMDSv2 is optional. You can choose whether to send a session token in your instance metadata retrieval requests. If you retrieve IAM role credentials without a session token, you receive the IMDSv1 role credentials. If you retrieve IAM role credentials using a valid session token, you receive the IMDSv2 role credentials. required - IMDSv2 is required. You must send a session token in your instance metadata retrieval requests. With this option, retrieving the IAM role credentials always returns IMDSv2 credentials; IMDSv1 credentials are not available. Default: If the value of ImdsSupport for the Amazon Machine Image (AMI) for your instance is v2.0 and the account level default is set to no-preference, the default is required. If the value of ImdsSupport for the Amazon Machine Image (AMI) for your instance is v2.0, but the account level default is set to V1 or V2, the default is optional. The default value can also be affected by other combinations of parameters. For more information, see Order of precedence for instance metadata options in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.
  HttpTokens?: HttpTokensState;
@@ -35026,7 +35104,7 @@ declare namespace EC2 {
  Filters: FilterList;
- * The maximum number of routes to return.
+ * The maximum number of routes to return. If a value is not provided, the default is 1000.
  MaxResults?: TransitGatewayMaxResults;
@@ -29,19 +29,19 @@ declare class ECS extends Service {
  createCluster(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: ECS.Types.CreateClusterResponse) => void): Request<ECS.Types.CreateClusterResponse, AWSError>;
- * Runs and maintains your desired number of tasks from a specified task definition. If the number of tasks running in a service drops below the desiredCount, Amazon ECS runs another copy of the task in the specified cluster. To update an existing service, see the UpdateService action. Starting April 15, 2023, Amazon Web Services will not onboard new customers to Amazon Elastic Inference (EI), and will help current customers migrate their workloads to options that offer better price and performance. After April 15, 2023, new customers will not be able to launch instances with Amazon EI accelerators in Amazon SageMaker, Amazon ECS, or Amazon EC2. However, customers who have used Amazon EI at least once during the past 30-day period are considered current customers and will be able to continue using the service. In addition to maintaining the desired count of tasks in your service, you can optionally run your service behind one or more load balancers. The load balancers distribute traffic across the tasks that are associated with the service. For more information, see Service load balancing in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide. You can attach Amazon EBS volumes to Amazon ECS tasks by configuring the volume when creating or updating a service. volumeConfigurations is only supported for REPLICA service and not DAEMON service. For more infomation, see Amazon EBS volumes in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide. Tasks for services that don't use a load balancer are considered healthy if they're in the RUNNING state. Tasks for services that use a load balancer are considered healthy if they're in the RUNNING state and are reported as healthy by the load balancer. There are two service scheduler strategies available: REPLICA - The replica scheduling strategy places and maintains your desired number of tasks across your cluster. By default, the service scheduler spreads tasks across Availability Zones. You can use task placement strategies and constraints to customize task placement decisions. For more information, see Service scheduler concepts in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide. DAEMON - The daemon scheduling strategy deploys exactly one task on each active container instance that meets all of the task placement constraints that you specify in your cluster. The service scheduler also evaluates the task placement constraints for running tasks. It also stops tasks that don't meet the placement constraints. When using this strategy, you don't need to specify a desired number of tasks, a task placement strategy, or use Service Auto Scaling policies. For more information, see Service scheduler concepts in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide. You can optionally specify a deployment configuration for your service. The deployment is initiated by changing properties. For example, the deployment might be initiated by the task definition or by your desired count of a service. This is done with an UpdateService operation. The default value for a replica service for minimumHealthyPercent is 100%. The default value for a daemon service for minimumHealthyPercent is 0%. If a service uses the ECS deployment controller, the minimum healthy percent represents a lower limit on the number of tasks in a service that must remain in the RUNNING state during a deployment. Specifically, it represents it as a percentage of your desired number of tasks (rounded up to the nearest integer). This happens when any of your container instances are in the DRAINING state if the service contains tasks using the EC2 launch type. Using this parameter, you can deploy without using additional cluster capacity. For example, if you set your service to have desired number of four tasks and a minimum healthy percent of 50%, the scheduler might stop two existing tasks to free up cluster capacity before starting two new tasks. If they're in the RUNNING state, tasks for services that don't use a load balancer are considered healthy . If they're in the RUNNING state and reported as healthy by the load balancer, tasks for services that do use a load balancer are considered healthy . The default value for minimum healthy percent is 100%. If a service uses the ECS deployment controller, the maximum percent parameter represents an upper limit on the number of tasks in a service that are allowed in the RUNNING or PENDING state during a deployment. Specifically, it represents it as a percentage of the desired number of tasks (rounded down to the nearest integer). This happens when any of your container instances are in the DRAINING state if the service contains tasks using the EC2 launch type. Using this parameter, you can define the deployment batch size. For example, if your service has a desired number of four tasks and a maximum percent value of 200%, the scheduler may start four new tasks before stopping the four older tasks (provided that the cluster resources required to do this are available). The default value for maximum percent is 200%. If a service uses either the CODE_DEPLOY or EXTERNAL deployment controller types and tasks that use the EC2 launch type, the minimum healthy percent and maximum percent values are used only to define the lower and upper limit on the number of the tasks in the service that remain in the RUNNING state. This is while the container instances are in the DRAINING state. If the tasks in the service use the Fargate launch type, the minimum healthy percent and maximum percent values aren't used. This is the case even if they're currently visible when describing your service. When creating a service that uses the EXTERNAL deployment controller, you can specify only parameters that aren't controlled at the task set level. The only required parameter is the service name. You control your services using the CreateTaskSet operation. For more information, see Amazon ECS deployment types in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide. When the service scheduler launches new tasks, it determines task placement. For information about task placement and task placement strategies, see Amazon ECS task placement in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide.
+ * Runs and maintains your desired number of tasks from a specified task definition. If the number of tasks running in a service drops below the desiredCount, Amazon ECS runs another copy of the task in the specified cluster. To update an existing service, see the UpdateService action. The following change began on March 21, 2024. When the task definition revision is not specified, Amazon ECS resolves the task definition revision before it authorizes the task definition. In addition to maintaining the desired count of tasks in your service, you can optionally run your service behind one or more load balancers. The load balancers distribute traffic across the tasks that are associated with the service. For more information, see Service load balancing in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide. You can attach Amazon EBS volumes to Amazon ECS tasks by configuring the volume when creating or updating a service. volumeConfigurations is only supported for REPLICA service and not DAEMON service. For more infomation, see Amazon EBS volumes in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide. Tasks for services that don't use a load balancer are considered healthy if they're in the RUNNING state. Tasks for services that use a load balancer are considered healthy if they're in the RUNNING state and are reported as healthy by the load balancer. There are two service scheduler strategies available: REPLICA - The replica scheduling strategy places and maintains your desired number of tasks across your cluster. By default, the service scheduler spreads tasks across Availability Zones. You can use task placement strategies and constraints to customize task placement decisions. For more information, see Service scheduler concepts in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide. DAEMON - The daemon scheduling strategy deploys exactly one task on each active container instance that meets all of the task placement constraints that you specify in your cluster. The service scheduler also evaluates the task placement constraints for running tasks. It also stops tasks that don't meet the placement constraints. When using this strategy, you don't need to specify a desired number of tasks, a task placement strategy, or use Service Auto Scaling policies. For more information, see Service scheduler concepts in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide. You can optionally specify a deployment configuration for your service. The deployment is initiated by changing properties. For example, the deployment might be initiated by the task definition or by your desired count of a service. This is done with an UpdateService operation. The default value for a replica service for minimumHealthyPercent is 100%. The default value for a daemon service for minimumHealthyPercent is 0%. If a service uses the ECS deployment controller, the minimum healthy percent represents a lower limit on the number of tasks in a service that must remain in the RUNNING state during a deployment. Specifically, it represents it as a percentage of your desired number of tasks (rounded up to the nearest integer). This happens when any of your container instances are in the DRAINING state if the service contains tasks using the EC2 launch type. Using this parameter, you can deploy without using additional cluster capacity. For example, if you set your service to have desired number of four tasks and a minimum healthy percent of 50%, the scheduler might stop two existing tasks to free up cluster capacity before starting two new tasks. If they're in the RUNNING state, tasks for services that don't use a load balancer are considered healthy . If they're in the RUNNING state and reported as healthy by the load balancer, tasks for services that do use a load balancer are considered healthy . The default value for minimum healthy percent is 100%. If a service uses the ECS deployment controller, the maximum percent parameter represents an upper limit on the number of tasks in a service that are allowed in the RUNNING or PENDING state during a deployment. Specifically, it represents it as a percentage of the desired number of tasks (rounded down to the nearest integer). This happens when any of your container instances are in the DRAINING state if the service contains tasks using the EC2 launch type. Using this parameter, you can define the deployment batch size. For example, if your service has a desired number of four tasks and a maximum percent value of 200%, the scheduler may start four new tasks before stopping the four older tasks (provided that the cluster resources required to do this are available). The default value for maximum percent is 200%. If a service uses either the CODE_DEPLOY or EXTERNAL deployment controller types and tasks that use the EC2 launch type, the minimum healthy percent and maximum percent values are used only to define the lower and upper limit on the number of the tasks in the service that remain in the RUNNING state. This is while the container instances are in the DRAINING state. If the tasks in the service use the Fargate launch type, the minimum healthy percent and maximum percent values aren't used. This is the case even if they're currently visible when describing your service. When creating a service that uses the EXTERNAL deployment controller, you can specify only parameters that aren't controlled at the task set level. The only required parameter is the service name. You control your services using the CreateTaskSet operation. For more information, see Amazon ECS deployment types in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide. When the service scheduler launches new tasks, it determines task placement. For information about task placement and task placement strategies, see Amazon ECS task placement in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide Starting April 15, 2023, Amazon Web Services will not onboard new customers to Amazon Elastic Inference (EI), and will help current customers migrate their workloads to options that offer better price and performance. After April 15, 2023, new customers will not be able to launch instances with Amazon EI accelerators in Amazon SageMaker, Amazon ECS, or Amazon EC2. However, customers who have used Amazon EI at least once during the past 30-day period are considered current customers and will be able to continue using the service.
  createService(params: ECS.Types.CreateServiceRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: ECS.Types.CreateServiceResponse) => void): Request<ECS.Types.CreateServiceResponse, AWSError>;
- * Runs and maintains your desired number of tasks from a specified task definition. If the number of tasks running in a service drops below the desiredCount, Amazon ECS runs another copy of the task in the specified cluster. To update an existing service, see the UpdateService action. Starting April 15, 2023, Amazon Web Services will not onboard new customers to Amazon Elastic Inference (EI), and will help current customers migrate their workloads to options that offer better price and performance. After April 15, 2023, new customers will not be able to launch instances with Amazon EI accelerators in Amazon SageMaker, Amazon ECS, or Amazon EC2. However, customers who have used Amazon EI at least once during the past 30-day period are considered current customers and will be able to continue using the service. In addition to maintaining the desired count of tasks in your service, you can optionally run your service behind one or more load balancers. The load balancers distribute traffic across the tasks that are associated with the service. For more information, see Service load balancing in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide. You can attach Amazon EBS volumes to Amazon ECS tasks by configuring the volume when creating or updating a service. volumeConfigurations is only supported for REPLICA service and not DAEMON service. For more infomation, see Amazon EBS volumes in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide. Tasks for services that don't use a load balancer are considered healthy if they're in the RUNNING state. Tasks for services that use a load balancer are considered healthy if they're in the RUNNING state and are reported as healthy by the load balancer. There are two service scheduler strategies available: REPLICA - The replica scheduling strategy places and maintains your desired number of tasks across your cluster. By default, the service scheduler spreads tasks across Availability Zones. You can use task placement strategies and constraints to customize task placement decisions. For more information, see Service scheduler concepts in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide. DAEMON - The daemon scheduling strategy deploys exactly one task on each active container instance that meets all of the task placement constraints that you specify in your cluster. The service scheduler also evaluates the task placement constraints for running tasks. It also stops tasks that don't meet the placement constraints. When using this strategy, you don't need to specify a desired number of tasks, a task placement strategy, or use Service Auto Scaling policies. For more information, see Service scheduler concepts in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide. You can optionally specify a deployment configuration for your service. The deployment is initiated by changing properties. For example, the deployment might be initiated by the task definition or by your desired count of a service. This is done with an UpdateService operation. The default value for a replica service for minimumHealthyPercent is 100%. The default value for a daemon service for minimumHealthyPercent is 0%. If a service uses the ECS deployment controller, the minimum healthy percent represents a lower limit on the number of tasks in a service that must remain in the RUNNING state during a deployment. Specifically, it represents it as a percentage of your desired number of tasks (rounded up to the nearest integer). This happens when any of your container instances are in the DRAINING state if the service contains tasks using the EC2 launch type. Using this parameter, you can deploy without using additional cluster capacity. For example, if you set your service to have desired number of four tasks and a minimum healthy percent of 50%, the scheduler might stop two existing tasks to free up cluster capacity before starting two new tasks. If they're in the RUNNING state, tasks for services that don't use a load balancer are considered healthy . If they're in the RUNNING state and reported as healthy by the load balancer, tasks for services that do use a load balancer are considered healthy . The default value for minimum healthy percent is 100%. If a service uses the ECS deployment controller, the maximum percent parameter represents an upper limit on the number of tasks in a service that are allowed in the RUNNING or PENDING state during a deployment. Specifically, it represents it as a percentage of the desired number of tasks (rounded down to the nearest integer). This happens when any of your container instances are in the DRAINING state if the service contains tasks using the EC2 launch type. Using this parameter, you can define the deployment batch size. For example, if your service has a desired number of four tasks and a maximum percent value of 200%, the scheduler may start four new tasks before stopping the four older tasks (provided that the cluster resources required to do this are available). The default value for maximum percent is 200%. If a service uses either the CODE_DEPLOY or EXTERNAL deployment controller types and tasks that use the EC2 launch type, the minimum healthy percent and maximum percent values are used only to define the lower and upper limit on the number of the tasks in the service that remain in the RUNNING state. This is while the container instances are in the DRAINING state. If the tasks in the service use the Fargate launch type, the minimum healthy percent and maximum percent values aren't used. This is the case even if they're currently visible when describing your service. When creating a service that uses the EXTERNAL deployment controller, you can specify only parameters that aren't controlled at the task set level. The only required parameter is the service name. You control your services using the CreateTaskSet operation. For more information, see Amazon ECS deployment types in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide. When the service scheduler launches new tasks, it determines task placement. For information about task placement and task placement strategies, see Amazon ECS task placement in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide.
+ * Runs and maintains your desired number of tasks from a specified task definition. If the number of tasks running in a service drops below the desiredCount, Amazon ECS runs another copy of the task in the specified cluster. To update an existing service, see the UpdateService action. The following change began on March 21, 2024. When the task definition revision is not specified, Amazon ECS resolves the task definition revision before it authorizes the task definition. In addition to maintaining the desired count of tasks in your service, you can optionally run your service behind one or more load balancers. The load balancers distribute traffic across the tasks that are associated with the service. For more information, see Service load balancing in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide. You can attach Amazon EBS volumes to Amazon ECS tasks by configuring the volume when creating or updating a service. volumeConfigurations is only supported for REPLICA service and not DAEMON service. For more infomation, see Amazon EBS volumes in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide. Tasks for services that don't use a load balancer are considered healthy if they're in the RUNNING state. Tasks for services that use a load balancer are considered healthy if they're in the RUNNING state and are reported as healthy by the load balancer. There are two service scheduler strategies available: REPLICA - The replica scheduling strategy places and maintains your desired number of tasks across your cluster. By default, the service scheduler spreads tasks across Availability Zones. You can use task placement strategies and constraints to customize task placement decisions. For more information, see Service scheduler concepts in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide. DAEMON - The daemon scheduling strategy deploys exactly one task on each active container instance that meets all of the task placement constraints that you specify in your cluster. The service scheduler also evaluates the task placement constraints for running tasks. It also stops tasks that don't meet the placement constraints. When using this strategy, you don't need to specify a desired number of tasks, a task placement strategy, or use Service Auto Scaling policies. For more information, see Service scheduler concepts in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide. You can optionally specify a deployment configuration for your service. The deployment is initiated by changing properties. For example, the deployment might be initiated by the task definition or by your desired count of a service. This is done with an UpdateService operation. The default value for a replica service for minimumHealthyPercent is 100%. The default value for a daemon service for minimumHealthyPercent is 0%. If a service uses the ECS deployment controller, the minimum healthy percent represents a lower limit on the number of tasks in a service that must remain in the RUNNING state during a deployment. Specifically, it represents it as a percentage of your desired number of tasks (rounded up to the nearest integer). This happens when any of your container instances are in the DRAINING state if the service contains tasks using the EC2 launch type. Using this parameter, you can deploy without using additional cluster capacity. For example, if you set your service to have desired number of four tasks and a minimum healthy percent of 50%, the scheduler might stop two existing tasks to free up cluster capacity before starting two new tasks. If they're in the RUNNING state, tasks for services that don't use a load balancer are considered healthy . If they're in the RUNNING state and reported as healthy by the load balancer, tasks for services that do use a load balancer are considered healthy . The default value for minimum healthy percent is 100%. If a service uses the ECS deployment controller, the maximum percent parameter represents an upper limit on the number of tasks in a service that are allowed in the RUNNING or PENDING state during a deployment. Specifically, it represents it as a percentage of the desired number of tasks (rounded down to the nearest integer). This happens when any of your container instances are in the DRAINING state if the service contains tasks using the EC2 launch type. Using this parameter, you can define the deployment batch size. For example, if your service has a desired number of four tasks and a maximum percent value of 200%, the scheduler may start four new tasks before stopping the four older tasks (provided that the cluster resources required to do this are available). The default value for maximum percent is 200%. If a service uses either the CODE_DEPLOY or EXTERNAL deployment controller types and tasks that use the EC2 launch type, the minimum healthy percent and maximum percent values are used only to define the lower and upper limit on the number of the tasks in the service that remain in the RUNNING state. This is while the container instances are in the DRAINING state. If the tasks in the service use the Fargate launch type, the minimum healthy percent and maximum percent values aren't used. This is the case even if they're currently visible when describing your service. When creating a service that uses the EXTERNAL deployment controller, you can specify only parameters that aren't controlled at the task set level. The only required parameter is the service name. You control your services using the CreateTaskSet operation. For more information, see Amazon ECS deployment types in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide. When the service scheduler launches new tasks, it determines task placement. For information about task placement and task placement strategies, see Amazon ECS task placement in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide Starting April 15, 2023, Amazon Web Services will not onboard new customers to Amazon Elastic Inference (EI), and will help current customers migrate their workloads to options that offer better price and performance. After April 15, 2023, new customers will not be able to launch instances with Amazon EI accelerators in Amazon SageMaker, Amazon ECS, or Amazon EC2. However, customers who have used Amazon EI at least once during the past 30-day period are considered current customers and will be able to continue using the service.
  createService(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: ECS.Types.CreateServiceResponse) => void): Request<ECS.Types.CreateServiceResponse, AWSError>;
- * Create a task set in the specified cluster and service. This is used when a service uses the EXTERNAL deployment controller type. For more information, see Amazon ECS deployment types in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide. For information about the maximum number of task sets and otther quotas, see Amazon ECS service quotas in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide.
+ * Create a task set in the specified cluster and service. This is used when a service uses the EXTERNAL deployment controller type. For more information, see Amazon ECS deployment types in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide. The following change began on March 21, 2024. When the task definition revision is not specified, Amazon ECS resolves the task definition revision before it authorizes the task definition. For information about the maximum number of task sets and otther quotas, see Amazon ECS service quotas in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide.
  createTaskSet(params: ECS.Types.CreateTaskSetRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: ECS.Types.CreateTaskSetResponse) => void): Request<ECS.Types.CreateTaskSetResponse, AWSError>;
- * Create a task set in the specified cluster and service. This is used when a service uses the EXTERNAL deployment controller type. For more information, see Amazon ECS deployment types in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide. For information about the maximum number of task sets and otther quotas, see Amazon ECS service quotas in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide.
+ * Create a task set in the specified cluster and service. This is used when a service uses the EXTERNAL deployment controller type. For more information, see Amazon ECS deployment types in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide. The following change began on March 21, 2024. When the task definition revision is not specified, Amazon ECS resolves the task definition revision before it authorizes the task definition. For information about the maximum number of task sets and otther quotas, see Amazon ECS service quotas in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide.
  createTaskSet(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: ECS.Types.CreateTaskSetResponse) => void): Request<ECS.Types.CreateTaskSetResponse, AWSError>;
@@ -325,19 +325,19 @@ declare class ECS extends Service {
  registerTaskDefinition(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: ECS.Types.RegisterTaskDefinitionResponse) => void): Request<ECS.Types.RegisterTaskDefinitionResponse, AWSError>;
- * Starts a new task using the specified task definition. You can allow Amazon ECS to place tasks for you, or you can customize how Amazon ECS places tasks using placement constraints and placement strategies. For more information, see Scheduling Tasks in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide. Alternatively, you can use StartTask to use your own scheduler or place tasks manually on specific container instances. Starting April 15, 2023, Amazon Web Services will not onboard new customers to Amazon Elastic Inference (EI), and will help current customers migrate their workloads to options that offer better price and performance. After April 15, 2023, new customers will not be able to launch instances with Amazon EI accelerators in Amazon SageMaker, Amazon ECS, or Amazon EC2. However, customers who have used Amazon EI at least once during the past 30-day period are considered current customers and will be able to continue using the service. You can attach Amazon EBS volumes to Amazon ECS tasks by configuring the volume when creating or updating a service. For more infomation, see Amazon EBS volumes in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide. The Amazon ECS API follows an eventual consistency model. This is because of the distributed nature of the system supporting the API. This means that the result of an API command you run that affects your Amazon ECS resources might not be immediately visible to all subsequent commands you run. Keep this in mind when you carry out an API command that immediately follows a previous API command. To manage eventual consistency, you can do the following: Confirm the state of the resource before you run a command to modify it. Run the DescribeTasks command using an exponential backoff algorithm to ensure that you allow enough time for the previous command to propagate through the system. To do this, run the DescribeTasks command repeatedly, starting with a couple of seconds of wait time and increasing gradually up to five minutes of wait time. Add wait time between subsequent commands, even if the DescribeTasks command returns an accurate response. Apply an exponential backoff algorithm starting with a couple of seconds of wait time, and increase gradually up to about five minutes of wait time.
+ * Starts a new task using the specified task definition. The following change began on March 21, 2024. When the task definition revision is not specified, Amazon ECS resolves the task definition revision before it authorizes the task definition. You can allow Amazon ECS to place tasks for you, or you can customize how Amazon ECS places tasks using placement constraints and placement strategies. For more information, see Scheduling Tasks in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide. Alternatively, you can use StartTask to use your own scheduler or place tasks manually on specific container instances. Starting April 15, 2023, Amazon Web Services will not onboard new customers to Amazon Elastic Inference (EI), and will help current customers migrate their workloads to options that offer better price and performance. After April 15, 2023, new customers will not be able to launch instances with Amazon EI accelerators in Amazon SageMaker, Amazon ECS, or Amazon EC2. However, customers who have used Amazon EI at least once during the past 30-day period are considered current customers and will be able to continue using the service. You can attach Amazon EBS volumes to Amazon ECS tasks by configuring the volume when creating or updating a service. For more infomation, see Amazon EBS volumes in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide. The Amazon ECS API follows an eventual consistency model. This is because of the distributed nature of the system supporting the API. This means that the result of an API command you run that affects your Amazon ECS resources might not be immediately visible to all subsequent commands you run. Keep this in mind when you carry out an API command that immediately follows a previous API command. To manage eventual consistency, you can do the following: Confirm the state of the resource before you run a command to modify it. Run the DescribeTasks command using an exponential backoff algorithm to ensure that you allow enough time for the previous command to propagate through the system. To do this, run the DescribeTasks command repeatedly, starting with a couple of seconds of wait time and increasing gradually up to five minutes of wait time. Add wait time between subsequent commands, even if the DescribeTasks command returns an accurate response. Apply an exponential backoff algorithm starting with a couple of seconds of wait time, and increase gradually up to about five minutes of wait time.
  runTask(params: ECS.Types.RunTaskRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: ECS.Types.RunTaskResponse) => void): Request<ECS.Types.RunTaskResponse, AWSError>;
- * Starts a new task using the specified task definition. You can allow Amazon ECS to place tasks for you, or you can customize how Amazon ECS places tasks using placement constraints and placement strategies. For more information, see Scheduling Tasks in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide. Alternatively, you can use StartTask to use your own scheduler or place tasks manually on specific container instances. Starting April 15, 2023, Amazon Web Services will not onboard new customers to Amazon Elastic Inference (EI), and will help current customers migrate their workloads to options that offer better price and performance. After April 15, 2023, new customers will not be able to launch instances with Amazon EI accelerators in Amazon SageMaker, Amazon ECS, or Amazon EC2. However, customers who have used Amazon EI at least once during the past 30-day period are considered current customers and will be able to continue using the service. You can attach Amazon EBS volumes to Amazon ECS tasks by configuring the volume when creating or updating a service. For more infomation, see Amazon EBS volumes in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide. The Amazon ECS API follows an eventual consistency model. This is because of the distributed nature of the system supporting the API. This means that the result of an API command you run that affects your Amazon ECS resources might not be immediately visible to all subsequent commands you run. Keep this in mind when you carry out an API command that immediately follows a previous API command. To manage eventual consistency, you can do the following: Confirm the state of the resource before you run a command to modify it. Run the DescribeTasks command using an exponential backoff algorithm to ensure that you allow enough time for the previous command to propagate through the system. To do this, run the DescribeTasks command repeatedly, starting with a couple of seconds of wait time and increasing gradually up to five minutes of wait time. Add wait time between subsequent commands, even if the DescribeTasks command returns an accurate response. Apply an exponential backoff algorithm starting with a couple of seconds of wait time, and increase gradually up to about five minutes of wait time.
+ * Starts a new task using the specified task definition. The following change began on March 21, 2024. When the task definition revision is not specified, Amazon ECS resolves the task definition revision before it authorizes the task definition. You can allow Amazon ECS to place tasks for you, or you can customize how Amazon ECS places tasks using placement constraints and placement strategies. For more information, see Scheduling Tasks in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide. Alternatively, you can use StartTask to use your own scheduler or place tasks manually on specific container instances. Starting April 15, 2023, Amazon Web Services will not onboard new customers to Amazon Elastic Inference (EI), and will help current customers migrate their workloads to options that offer better price and performance. After April 15, 2023, new customers will not be able to launch instances with Amazon EI accelerators in Amazon SageMaker, Amazon ECS, or Amazon EC2. However, customers who have used Amazon EI at least once during the past 30-day period are considered current customers and will be able to continue using the service. You can attach Amazon EBS volumes to Amazon ECS tasks by configuring the volume when creating or updating a service. For more infomation, see Amazon EBS volumes in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide. The Amazon ECS API follows an eventual consistency model. This is because of the distributed nature of the system supporting the API. This means that the result of an API command you run that affects your Amazon ECS resources might not be immediately visible to all subsequent commands you run. Keep this in mind when you carry out an API command that immediately follows a previous API command. To manage eventual consistency, you can do the following: Confirm the state of the resource before you run a command to modify it. Run the DescribeTasks command using an exponential backoff algorithm to ensure that you allow enough time for the previous command to propagate through the system. To do this, run the DescribeTasks command repeatedly, starting with a couple of seconds of wait time and increasing gradually up to five minutes of wait time. Add wait time between subsequent commands, even if the DescribeTasks command returns an accurate response. Apply an exponential backoff algorithm starting with a couple of seconds of wait time, and increase gradually up to about five minutes of wait time.
  runTask(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: ECS.Types.RunTaskResponse) => void): Request<ECS.Types.RunTaskResponse, AWSError>;
- * Starts a new task from the specified task definition on the specified container instance or instances. Starting April 15, 2023, Amazon Web Services will not onboard new customers to Amazon Elastic Inference (EI), and will help current customers migrate their workloads to options that offer better price and performance. After April 15, 2023, new customers will not be able to launch instances with Amazon EI accelerators in Amazon SageMaker, Amazon ECS, or Amazon EC2. However, customers who have used Amazon EI at least once during the past 30-day period are considered current customers and will be able to continue using the service. Alternatively, you can use RunTask to place tasks for you. For more information, see Scheduling Tasks in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide. You can attach Amazon EBS volumes to Amazon ECS tasks by configuring the volume when creating or updating a service. For more infomation, see Amazon EBS volumes in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide.
+ * Starts a new task from the specified task definition on the specified container instance or instances. The following change began on March 21, 2024. When the task definition revision is not specified, Amazon ECS resolves the task definition revision before it authorizes the task definition. Starting April 15, 2023, Amazon Web Services will not onboard new customers to Amazon Elastic Inference (EI), and will help current customers migrate their workloads to options that offer better price and performance. After April 15, 2023, new customers will not be able to launch instances with Amazon EI accelerators in Amazon SageMaker, Amazon ECS, or Amazon EC2. However, customers who have used Amazon EI at least once during the past 30-day period are considered current customers and will be able to continue using the service. Alternatively, you can use RunTask to place tasks for you. For more information, see Scheduling Tasks in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide. You can attach Amazon EBS volumes to Amazon ECS tasks by configuring the volume when creating or updating a service. For more infomation, see Amazon EBS volumes in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide.
  startTask(params: ECS.Types.StartTaskRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: ECS.Types.StartTaskResponse) => void): Request<ECS.Types.StartTaskResponse, AWSError>;
- * Starts a new task from the specified task definition on the specified container instance or instances. Starting April 15, 2023, Amazon Web Services will not onboard new customers to Amazon Elastic Inference (EI), and will help current customers migrate their workloads to options that offer better price and performance. After April 15, 2023, new customers will not be able to launch instances with Amazon EI accelerators in Amazon SageMaker, Amazon ECS, or Amazon EC2. However, customers who have used Amazon EI at least once during the past 30-day period are considered current customers and will be able to continue using the service. Alternatively, you can use RunTask to place tasks for you. For more information, see Scheduling Tasks in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide. You can attach Amazon EBS volumes to Amazon ECS tasks by configuring the volume when creating or updating a service. For more infomation, see Amazon EBS volumes in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide.
+ * Starts a new task from the specified task definition on the specified container instance or instances. The following change began on March 21, 2024. When the task definition revision is not specified, Amazon ECS resolves the task definition revision before it authorizes the task definition. Starting April 15, 2023, Amazon Web Services will not onboard new customers to Amazon Elastic Inference (EI), and will help current customers migrate their workloads to options that offer better price and performance. After April 15, 2023, new customers will not be able to launch instances with Amazon EI accelerators in Amazon SageMaker, Amazon ECS, or Amazon EC2. However, customers who have used Amazon EI at least once during the past 30-day period are considered current customers and will be able to continue using the service. Alternatively, you can use RunTask to place tasks for you. For more information, see Scheduling Tasks in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide. You can attach Amazon EBS volumes to Amazon ECS tasks by configuring the volume when creating or updating a service. For more infomation, see Amazon EBS volumes in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide.
  startTask(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: ECS.Types.StartTaskResponse) => void): Request<ECS.Types.StartTaskResponse, AWSError>;
@@ -429,11 +429,11 @@ declare class ECS extends Service {
  updateContainerInstancesState(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: ECS.Types.UpdateContainerInstancesStateResponse) => void): Request<ECS.Types.UpdateContainerInstancesStateResponse, AWSError>;
- * Modifies the parameters of a service. For services using the rolling update (ECS) you can update the desired count, deployment configuration, network configuration, load balancers, service registries, enable ECS managed tags option, propagate tags option, task placement constraints and strategies, and task definition. When you update any of these parameters, Amazon ECS starts new tasks with the new configuration. You can attach Amazon EBS volumes to Amazon ECS tasks by configuring the volume when starting or running a task, or when creating or updating a service. For more infomation, see Amazon EBS volumes in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide. You can update your volume configurations and trigger a new deployment. volumeConfigurations is only supported for REPLICA service and not DAEMON service. If you leave volumeConfigurations null, it doesn't trigger a new deployment. For more infomation on volumes, see Amazon EBS volumes in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide. For services using the blue/green (CODE_DEPLOY) deployment controller, only the desired count, deployment configuration, health check grace period, task placement constraints and strategies, enable ECS managed tags option, and propagate tags can be updated using this API. If the network configuration, platform version, task definition, or load balancer need to be updated, create a new CodeDeploy deployment. For more information, see CreateDeployment in the CodeDeploy API Reference. For services using an external deployment controller, you can update only the desired count, task placement constraints and strategies, health check grace period, enable ECS managed tags option, and propagate tags option, using this API. If the launch type, load balancer, network configuration, platform version, or task definition need to be updated, create a new task set For more information, see CreateTaskSet. You can add to or subtract from the number of instantiations of a task definition in a service by specifying the cluster that the service is running in and a new desiredCount parameter. You can attach Amazon EBS volumes to Amazon ECS tasks by configuring the volume when starting or running a task, or when creating or updating a service. For more infomation, see Amazon EBS volumes in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide. If you have updated the container image of your application, you can create a new task definition with that image and deploy it to your service. The service scheduler uses the minimum healthy percent and maximum percent parameters (in the service's deployment configuration) to determine the deployment strategy. If your updated Docker image uses the same tag as what is in the existing task definition for your service (for example, my_image:latest), you don't need to create a new revision of your task definition. You can update the service using the forceNewDeployment option. The new tasks launched by the deployment pull the current image/tag combination from your repository when they start. You can also update the deployment configuration of a service. When a deployment is triggered by updating the task definition of a service, the service scheduler uses the deployment configuration parameters, minimumHealthyPercent and maximumPercent, to determine the deployment strategy. If minimumHealthyPercent is below 100%, the scheduler can ignore desiredCount temporarily during a deployment. For example, if desiredCount is four tasks, a minimum of 50% allows the scheduler to stop two existing tasks before starting two new tasks. Tasks for services that don't use a load balancer are considered healthy if they're in the RUNNING state. Tasks for services that use a load balancer are considered healthy if they're in the RUNNING state and are reported as healthy by the load balancer. The maximumPercent parameter represents an upper limit on the number of running tasks during a deployment. You can use it to define the deployment batch size. For example, if desiredCount is four tasks, a maximum of 200% starts four new tasks before stopping the four older tasks (provided that the cluster resources required to do this are available). When UpdateService stops a task during a deployment, the equivalent of docker stop is issued to the containers running in the task. This results in a SIGTERM and a 30-second timeout. After this, SIGKILL is sent and the containers are forcibly stopped. If the container handles the SIGTERM gracefully and exits within 30 seconds from receiving it, no SIGKILL is sent. When the service scheduler launches new tasks, it determines task placement in your cluster with the following logic. Determine which of the container instances in your cluster can support your service's task definition. For example, they have the required CPU, memory, ports, and container instance attributes. By default, the service scheduler attempts to balance tasks across Availability Zones in this manner even though you can choose a different placement strategy. Sort the valid container instances by the fewest number of running tasks for this service in the same Availability Zone as the instance. For example, if zone A has one running service task and zones B and C each have zero, valid container instances in either zone B or C are considered optimal for placement. Place the new service task on a valid container instance in an optimal Availability Zone (based on the previous steps), favoring container instances with the fewest number of running tasks for this service. When the service scheduler stops running tasks, it attempts to maintain balance across the Availability Zones in your cluster using the following logic: Sort the container instances by the largest number of running tasks for this service in the same Availability Zone as the instance. For example, if zone A has one running service task and zones B and C each have two, container instances in either zone B or C are considered optimal for termination. Stop the task on a container instance in an optimal Availability Zone (based on the previous steps), favoring container instances with the largest number of running tasks for this service. You must have a service-linked role when you update any of the following service properties: loadBalancers, serviceRegistries For more information about the role see the CreateService request parameter role .
+ * Modifies the parameters of a service. The following change began on March 21, 2024. When the task definition revision is not specified, Amazon ECS resolves the task definition revision before it authorizes the task definition. For services using the rolling update (ECS) you can update the desired count, deployment configuration, network configuration, load balancers, service registries, enable ECS managed tags option, propagate tags option, task placement constraints and strategies, and task definition. When you update any of these parameters, Amazon ECS starts new tasks with the new configuration. You can attach Amazon EBS volumes to Amazon ECS tasks by configuring the volume when starting or running a task, or when creating or updating a service. For more infomation, see Amazon EBS volumes in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide. You can update your volume configurations and trigger a new deployment. volumeConfigurations is only supported for REPLICA service and not DAEMON service. If you leave volumeConfigurations null, it doesn't trigger a new deployment. For more infomation on volumes, see Amazon EBS volumes in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide. For services using the blue/green (CODE_DEPLOY) deployment controller, only the desired count, deployment configuration, health check grace period, task placement constraints and strategies, enable ECS managed tags option, and propagate tags can be updated using this API. If the network configuration, platform version, task definition, or load balancer need to be updated, create a new CodeDeploy deployment. For more information, see CreateDeployment in the CodeDeploy API Reference. For services using an external deployment controller, you can update only the desired count, task placement constraints and strategies, health check grace period, enable ECS managed tags option, and propagate tags option, using this API. If the launch type, load balancer, network configuration, platform version, or task definition need to be updated, create a new task set For more information, see CreateTaskSet. You can add to or subtract from the number of instantiations of a task definition in a service by specifying the cluster that the service is running in and a new desiredCount parameter. You can attach Amazon EBS volumes to Amazon ECS tasks by configuring the volume when starting or running a task, or when creating or updating a service. For more infomation, see Amazon EBS volumes in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide. If you have updated the container image of your application, you can create a new task definition with that image and deploy it to your service. The service scheduler uses the minimum healthy percent and maximum percent parameters (in the service's deployment configuration) to determine the deployment strategy. If your updated Docker image uses the same tag as what is in the existing task definition for your service (for example, my_image:latest), you don't need to create a new revision of your task definition. You can update the service using the forceNewDeployment option. The new tasks launched by the deployment pull the current image/tag combination from your repository when they start. You can also update the deployment configuration of a service. When a deployment is triggered by updating the task definition of a service, the service scheduler uses the deployment configuration parameters, minimumHealthyPercent and maximumPercent, to determine the deployment strategy. If minimumHealthyPercent is below 100%, the scheduler can ignore desiredCount temporarily during a deployment. For example, if desiredCount is four tasks, a minimum of 50% allows the scheduler to stop two existing tasks before starting two new tasks. Tasks for services that don't use a load balancer are considered healthy if they're in the RUNNING state. Tasks for services that use a load balancer are considered healthy if they're in the RUNNING state and are reported as healthy by the load balancer. The maximumPercent parameter represents an upper limit on the number of running tasks during a deployment. You can use it to define the deployment batch size. For example, if desiredCount is four tasks, a maximum of 200% starts four new tasks before stopping the four older tasks (provided that the cluster resources required to do this are available). When UpdateService stops a task during a deployment, the equivalent of docker stop is issued to the containers running in the task. This results in a SIGTERM and a 30-second timeout. After this, SIGKILL is sent and the containers are forcibly stopped. If the container handles the SIGTERM gracefully and exits within 30 seconds from receiving it, no SIGKILL is sent. When the service scheduler launches new tasks, it determines task placement in your cluster with the following logic. Determine which of the container instances in your cluster can support your service's task definition. For example, they have the required CPU, memory, ports, and container instance attributes. By default, the service scheduler attempts to balance tasks across Availability Zones in this manner even though you can choose a different placement strategy. Sort the valid container instances by the fewest number of running tasks for this service in the same Availability Zone as the instance. For example, if zone A has one running service task and zones B and C each have zero, valid container instances in either zone B or C are considered optimal for placement. Place the new service task on a valid container instance in an optimal Availability Zone (based on the previous steps), favoring container instances with the fewest number of running tasks for this service. When the service scheduler stops running tasks, it attempts to maintain balance across the Availability Zones in your cluster using the following logic: Sort the container instances by the largest number of running tasks for this service in the same Availability Zone as the instance. For example, if zone A has one running service task and zones B and C each have two, container instances in either zone B or C are considered optimal for termination. Stop the task on a container instance in an optimal Availability Zone (based on the previous steps), favoring container instances with the largest number of running tasks for this service. You must have a service-linked role when you update any of the following service properties: loadBalancers, serviceRegistries For more information about the role see the CreateService request parameter role .
  updateService(params: ECS.Types.UpdateServiceRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: ECS.Types.UpdateServiceResponse) => void): Request<ECS.Types.UpdateServiceResponse, AWSError>;
- * Modifies the parameters of a service. For services using the rolling update (ECS) you can update the desired count, deployment configuration, network configuration, load balancers, service registries, enable ECS managed tags option, propagate tags option, task placement constraints and strategies, and task definition. When you update any of these parameters, Amazon ECS starts new tasks with the new configuration. You can attach Amazon EBS volumes to Amazon ECS tasks by configuring the volume when starting or running a task, or when creating or updating a service. For more infomation, see Amazon EBS volumes in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide. You can update your volume configurations and trigger a new deployment. volumeConfigurations is only supported for REPLICA service and not DAEMON service. If you leave volumeConfigurations null, it doesn't trigger a new deployment. For more infomation on volumes, see Amazon EBS volumes in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide. For services using the blue/green (CODE_DEPLOY) deployment controller, only the desired count, deployment configuration, health check grace period, task placement constraints and strategies, enable ECS managed tags option, and propagate tags can be updated using this API. If the network configuration, platform version, task definition, or load balancer need to be updated, create a new CodeDeploy deployment. For more information, see CreateDeployment in the CodeDeploy API Reference. For services using an external deployment controller, you can update only the desired count, task placement constraints and strategies, health check grace period, enable ECS managed tags option, and propagate tags option, using this API. If the launch type, load balancer, network configuration, platform version, or task definition need to be updated, create a new task set For more information, see CreateTaskSet. You can add to or subtract from the number of instantiations of a task definition in a service by specifying the cluster that the service is running in and a new desiredCount parameter. You can attach Amazon EBS volumes to Amazon ECS tasks by configuring the volume when starting or running a task, or when creating or updating a service. For more infomation, see Amazon EBS volumes in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide. If you have updated the container image of your application, you can create a new task definition with that image and deploy it to your service. The service scheduler uses the minimum healthy percent and maximum percent parameters (in the service's deployment configuration) to determine the deployment strategy. If your updated Docker image uses the same tag as what is in the existing task definition for your service (for example, my_image:latest), you don't need to create a new revision of your task definition. You can update the service using the forceNewDeployment option. The new tasks launched by the deployment pull the current image/tag combination from your repository when they start. You can also update the deployment configuration of a service. When a deployment is triggered by updating the task definition of a service, the service scheduler uses the deployment configuration parameters, minimumHealthyPercent and maximumPercent, to determine the deployment strategy. If minimumHealthyPercent is below 100%, the scheduler can ignore desiredCount temporarily during a deployment. For example, if desiredCount is four tasks, a minimum of 50% allows the scheduler to stop two existing tasks before starting two new tasks. Tasks for services that don't use a load balancer are considered healthy if they're in the RUNNING state. Tasks for services that use a load balancer are considered healthy if they're in the RUNNING state and are reported as healthy by the load balancer. The maximumPercent parameter represents an upper limit on the number of running tasks during a deployment. You can use it to define the deployment batch size. For example, if desiredCount is four tasks, a maximum of 200% starts four new tasks before stopping the four older tasks (provided that the cluster resources required to do this are available). When UpdateService stops a task during a deployment, the equivalent of docker stop is issued to the containers running in the task. This results in a SIGTERM and a 30-second timeout. After this, SIGKILL is sent and the containers are forcibly stopped. If the container handles the SIGTERM gracefully and exits within 30 seconds from receiving it, no SIGKILL is sent. When the service scheduler launches new tasks, it determines task placement in your cluster with the following logic. Determine which of the container instances in your cluster can support your service's task definition. For example, they have the required CPU, memory, ports, and container instance attributes. By default, the service scheduler attempts to balance tasks across Availability Zones in this manner even though you can choose a different placement strategy. Sort the valid container instances by the fewest number of running tasks for this service in the same Availability Zone as the instance. For example, if zone A has one running service task and zones B and C each have zero, valid container instances in either zone B or C are considered optimal for placement. Place the new service task on a valid container instance in an optimal Availability Zone (based on the previous steps), favoring container instances with the fewest number of running tasks for this service. When the service scheduler stops running tasks, it attempts to maintain balance across the Availability Zones in your cluster using the following logic: Sort the container instances by the largest number of running tasks for this service in the same Availability Zone as the instance. For example, if zone A has one running service task and zones B and C each have two, container instances in either zone B or C are considered optimal for termination. Stop the task on a container instance in an optimal Availability Zone (based on the previous steps), favoring container instances with the largest number of running tasks for this service. You must have a service-linked role when you update any of the following service properties: loadBalancers, serviceRegistries For more information about the role see the CreateService request parameter role .
+ * Modifies the parameters of a service. The following change began on March 21, 2024. When the task definition revision is not specified, Amazon ECS resolves the task definition revision before it authorizes the task definition. For services using the rolling update (ECS) you can update the desired count, deployment configuration, network configuration, load balancers, service registries, enable ECS managed tags option, propagate tags option, task placement constraints and strategies, and task definition. When you update any of these parameters, Amazon ECS starts new tasks with the new configuration. You can attach Amazon EBS volumes to Amazon ECS tasks by configuring the volume when starting or running a task, or when creating or updating a service. For more infomation, see Amazon EBS volumes in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide. You can update your volume configurations and trigger a new deployment. volumeConfigurations is only supported for REPLICA service and not DAEMON service. If you leave volumeConfigurations null, it doesn't trigger a new deployment. For more infomation on volumes, see Amazon EBS volumes in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide. For services using the blue/green (CODE_DEPLOY) deployment controller, only the desired count, deployment configuration, health check grace period, task placement constraints and strategies, enable ECS managed tags option, and propagate tags can be updated using this API. If the network configuration, platform version, task definition, or load balancer need to be updated, create a new CodeDeploy deployment. For more information, see CreateDeployment in the CodeDeploy API Reference. For services using an external deployment controller, you can update only the desired count, task placement constraints and strategies, health check grace period, enable ECS managed tags option, and propagate tags option, using this API. If the launch type, load balancer, network configuration, platform version, or task definition need to be updated, create a new task set For more information, see CreateTaskSet. You can add to or subtract from the number of instantiations of a task definition in a service by specifying the cluster that the service is running in and a new desiredCount parameter. You can attach Amazon EBS volumes to Amazon ECS tasks by configuring the volume when starting or running a task, or when creating or updating a service. For more infomation, see Amazon EBS volumes in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide. If you have updated the container image of your application, you can create a new task definition with that image and deploy it to your service. The service scheduler uses the minimum healthy percent and maximum percent parameters (in the service's deployment configuration) to determine the deployment strategy. If your updated Docker image uses the same tag as what is in the existing task definition for your service (for example, my_image:latest), you don't need to create a new revision of your task definition. You can update the service using the forceNewDeployment option. The new tasks launched by the deployment pull the current image/tag combination from your repository when they start. You can also update the deployment configuration of a service. When a deployment is triggered by updating the task definition of a service, the service scheduler uses the deployment configuration parameters, minimumHealthyPercent and maximumPercent, to determine the deployment strategy. If minimumHealthyPercent is below 100%, the scheduler can ignore desiredCount temporarily during a deployment. For example, if desiredCount is four tasks, a minimum of 50% allows the scheduler to stop two existing tasks before starting two new tasks. Tasks for services that don't use a load balancer are considered healthy if they're in the RUNNING state. Tasks for services that use a load balancer are considered healthy if they're in the RUNNING state and are reported as healthy by the load balancer. The maximumPercent parameter represents an upper limit on the number of running tasks during a deployment. You can use it to define the deployment batch size. For example, if desiredCount is four tasks, a maximum of 200% starts four new tasks before stopping the four older tasks (provided that the cluster resources required to do this are available). When UpdateService stops a task during a deployment, the equivalent of docker stop is issued to the containers running in the task. This results in a SIGTERM and a 30-second timeout. After this, SIGKILL is sent and the containers are forcibly stopped. If the container handles the SIGTERM gracefully and exits within 30 seconds from receiving it, no SIGKILL is sent. When the service scheduler launches new tasks, it determines task placement in your cluster with the following logic. Determine which of the container instances in your cluster can support your service's task definition. For example, they have the required CPU, memory, ports, and container instance attributes. By default, the service scheduler attempts to balance tasks across Availability Zones in this manner even though you can choose a different placement strategy. Sort the valid container instances by the fewest number of running tasks for this service in the same Availability Zone as the instance. For example, if zone A has one running service task and zones B and C each have zero, valid container instances in either zone B or C are considered optimal for placement. Place the new service task on a valid container instance in an optimal Availability Zone (based on the previous steps), favoring container instances with the fewest number of running tasks for this service. When the service scheduler stops running tasks, it attempts to maintain balance across the Availability Zones in your cluster using the following logic: Sort the container instances by the largest number of running tasks for this service in the same Availability Zone as the instance. For example, if zone A has one running service task and zones B and C each have two, container instances in either zone B or C are considered optimal for termination. Stop the task on a container instance in an optimal Availability Zone (based on the previous steps), favoring container instances with the largest number of running tasks for this service. You must have a service-linked role when you update any of the following service properties: loadBalancers, serviceRegistries For more information about the role see the CreateService request parameter role .
  updateService(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: ECS.Types.UpdateServiceResponse) => void): Request<ECS.Types.UpdateServiceResponse, AWSError>;
@@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ declare namespace ECS {
  status?: String;
- * Details of the attachment. For elastic network interfaces, this includes the network interface ID, the MAC address, the subnet ID, and the private IPv4 address. For Service Connect services, this includes portName, clientAliases, discoveryName, and ingressPortOverride. For elastic block storage, this includes roleArn, encrypted, filesystemType, iops, kmsKeyId, sizeInGiB, snapshotId, tagSpecifications, throughput, and volumeType.
+ * Details of the attachment. For elastic network interfaces, this includes the network interface ID, the MAC address, the subnet ID, and the private IPv4 address. For Service Connect services, this includes portName, clientAliases, discoveryName, and ingressPortOverride. For Elastic Block Storage, this includes roleArn, deleteOnTermination, volumeName, volumeId, and statusReason (only when the attachment fails to create or attach).
  details?: AttachmentDetails;
@@ -1237,7 +1237,7 @@ declare namespace ECS {
  clientToken?: String;
- * The infrastructure that you run your service on. For more information, see Amazon ECS launch types in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide. The FARGATE launch type runs your tasks on Fargate On-Demand infrastructure. Fargate Spot infrastructure is available for use but a capacity provider strategy must be used. For more information, see Fargate capacity providers in the Amazon ECS User Guide for Fargate. The EC2 launch type runs your tasks on Amazon EC2 instances registered to your cluster. The EXTERNAL launch type runs your tasks on your on-premises server or virtual machine (VM) capacity registered to your cluster. A service can use either a launch type or a capacity provider strategy. If a launchType is specified, the capacityProviderStrategy parameter must be omitted.
+ * The infrastructure that you run your service on. For more information, see Amazon ECS launch types in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide. The FARGATE launch type runs your tasks on Fargate On-Demand infrastructure. Fargate Spot infrastructure is available for use but a capacity provider strategy must be used. For more information, see Fargate capacity providers in the Amazon ECS Developer Guide. The EC2 launch type runs your tasks on Amazon EC2 instances registered to your cluster. The EXTERNAL launch type runs your tasks on your on-premises server or virtual machine (VM) capacity registered to your cluster. A service can use either a launch type or a capacity provider strategy. If a launchType is specified, the capacityProviderStrategy parameter must be omitted.
  launchType?: LaunchType;
@@ -1289,7 +1289,7 @@ declare namespace ECS {
  enableECSManagedTags?: Boolean;
- * Specifies whether to propagate the tags from the task definition to the task. If no value is specified, the tags aren't propagated. Tags can only be propagated to the task during task creation. To add tags to a task after task creation, use the TagResource API action. The default is NONE.
+ * Specifies whether to propagate the tags from the task definition to the task. If no value is specified, the tags aren't propagated. Tags can only be propagated to the task during task creation. To add tags to a task after task creation, use the TagResource API action. You must set this to a value other than NONE when you use Cost Explorer. For more information, see Amazon ECS usage reports in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide. The default is NONE.
  propagateTags?: PropagateTags;
@@ -1947,7 +1947,7 @@ declare namespace ECS {
  value: String;
- * The file type to use. The only supported value is s3.
+ * The file type to use. Environment files are objects in Amazon S3. The only supported value is s3.
  type: EnvironmentFileType;
@@ -1956,7 +1956,7 @@ declare namespace ECS {
  export type EnvironmentVariables = KeyValuePair[];
  export interface EphemeralStorage {
- * The total amount, in GiB, of ephemeral storage to set for the task. The minimum supported value is 21 GiB and the maximum supported value is 200 GiB.
+ * The total amount, in GiB, of ephemeral storage to set for the task. The minimum supported value is 20 GiB and the maximum supported value is 200 GiB.
  sizeInGiB: Integer;
@@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ declare namespace Firehose {
  HttpEndpointDestinationConfiguration?: HttpEndpointDestinationConfiguration;
- * A set of tags to assign to the delivery stream. A tag is a key-value pair that you can define and assign to Amazon Web Services resources. Tags are metadata. For example, you can add friendly names and descriptions or other types of information that can help you distinguish the delivery stream. For more information about tags, see Using Cost Allocation Tags in the Amazon Web Services Billing and Cost Management User Guide. You can specify up to 50 tags when creating a delivery stream.
+ * A set of tags to assign to the delivery stream. A tag is a key-value pair that you can define and assign to Amazon Web Services resources. Tags are metadata. For example, you can add friendly names and descriptions or other types of information that can help you distinguish the delivery stream. For more information about tags, see Using Cost Allocation Tags in the Amazon Web Services Billing and Cost Management User Guide. You can specify up to 50 tags when creating a delivery stream. If you specify tags in the CreateDeliveryStream action, Amazon Data Firehose performs an additional authorization on the firehose:TagDeliveryStream action to verify if users have permissions to create tags. If you do not provide this permission, requests to create new Firehose delivery streams with IAM resource tags will fail with an AccessDeniedException such as following. AccessDeniedException User: arn:aws:sts::x:assumed-role/x/x is not authorized to perform: firehose:TagDeliveryStream on resource: arn:aws:firehose:us-east-1:x:deliverystream/x with an explicit deny in an identity-based policy. For an example IAM policy, see Tag example.
  Tags?: TagDeliveryStreamInputTagList;