cdk-lambda-subminute 2.0.402 → 2.0.404

This diff represents the content of publicly available package versions that have been released to one of the supported registries. The information contained in this diff is provided for informational purposes only and reflects changes between package versions as they appear in their respective public registries.
@@ -452,11 +452,11 @@ declare class Connect extends Service {
  deleteQueue(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
- * Deletes a quick connect.
+ * Deletes a quick connect. After calling DeleteUser, it's important to call DeleteQuickConnect to delete any records related to the deleted users. This will help you: Avoid dangling resources that impact your service quotas. Remove deleted users so they don't appear to agents as transfer options. Avoid the disruption of other Amazon Connect processes, such as instance replication and syncing if you're using Amazon Connect Global Resiliency.
  deleteQuickConnect(params: Connect.Types.DeleteQuickConnectRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
- * Deletes a quick connect.
+ * Deletes a quick connect. After calling DeleteUser, it's important to call DeleteQuickConnect to delete any records related to the deleted users. This will help you: Avoid dangling resources that impact your service quotas. Remove deleted users so they don't appear to agents as transfer options. Avoid the disruption of other Amazon Connect processes, such as instance replication and syncing if you're using Amazon Connect Global Resiliency.
  deleteQuickConnect(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
@@ -508,11 +508,11 @@ declare class Connect extends Service {
  deleteUseCase(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
- * Deletes a user account from the specified Amazon Connect instance. For information about what happens to a user's data when their account is deleted, see Delete Users from Your Amazon Connect Instance in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
+ * Deletes a user account from the specified Amazon Connect instance. For information about what happens to a user's data when their account is deleted, see Delete Users from Your Amazon Connect Instance in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide. After calling DeleteUser, call DeleteQuickConnect to delete any records related to the deleted users. This will help you: Avoid dangling resources that impact your service quotas. Remove deleted users so they don't appear to agents as transfer options. Avoid the disruption of other Amazon Connect processes, such as instance replication and syncing if you're using Amazon Connect Global Resiliency.
  deleteUser(params: Connect.Types.DeleteUserRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
- * Deletes a user account from the specified Amazon Connect instance. For information about what happens to a user's data when their account is deleted, see Delete Users from Your Amazon Connect Instance in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
+ * Deletes a user account from the specified Amazon Connect instance. For information about what happens to a user's data when their account is deleted, see Delete Users from Your Amazon Connect Instance in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide. After calling DeleteUser, call DeleteQuickConnect to delete any records related to the deleted users. This will help you: Avoid dangling resources that impact your service quotas. Remove deleted users so they don't appear to agents as transfer options. Avoid the disruption of other Amazon Connect processes, such as instance replication and syncing if you're using Amazon Connect Global Resiliency.
  deleteUser(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
@@ -996,11 +996,11 @@ declare class Connect extends Service {
  listContactFlows(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Connect.Types.ListContactFlowsResponse) => void): Request<Connect.Types.ListContactFlowsResponse, AWSError>;
- * This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change. For the specified referenceTypes, returns a list of references associated with the contact.
+ * This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change. For the specified referenceTypes, returns a list of references associated with the contact. References are links to documents that are related to a contact, such as emails, attachments, or URLs.
  listContactReferences(params: Connect.Types.ListContactReferencesRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Connect.Types.ListContactReferencesResponse) => void): Request<Connect.Types.ListContactReferencesResponse, AWSError>;
- * This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change. For the specified referenceTypes, returns a list of references associated with the contact.
+ * This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change. For the specified referenceTypes, returns a list of references associated with the contact. References are links to documents that are related to a contact, such as emails, attachments, or URLs.
  listContactReferences(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Connect.Types.ListContactReferencesResponse) => void): Request<Connect.Types.ListContactReferencesResponse, AWSError>;
@@ -1508,11 +1508,11 @@ declare class Connect extends Service {
  startWebRTCContact(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Connect.Types.StartWebRTCContactResponse) => void): Request<Connect.Types.StartWebRTCContactResponse, AWSError>;
- * Ends the specified contact. This call does not work for voice contacts that use the following initiation methods: DISCONNECT TRANSFER QUEUE_TRANSFER Chat and task contacts, however, can be terminated in any state, regardless of initiation method.
+ * Ends the specified contact. Use this API to stop queued callbacks. It does not work for voice contacts that use the following initiation methods: DISCONNECT TRANSFER QUEUE_TRANSFER Chat and task contacts can be terminated in any state, regardless of initiation method.
  stopContact(params: Connect.Types.StopContactRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Connect.Types.StopContactResponse) => void): Request<Connect.Types.StopContactResponse, AWSError>;
- * Ends the specified contact. This call does not work for voice contacts that use the following initiation methods: DISCONNECT TRANSFER QUEUE_TRANSFER Chat and task contacts, however, can be terminated in any state, regardless of initiation method.
+ * Ends the specified contact. Use this API to stop queued callbacks. It does not work for voice contacts that use the following initiation methods: DISCONNECT TRANSFER QUEUE_TRANSFER Chat and task contacts can be terminated in any state, regardless of initiation method.
  stopContact(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Connect.Types.StopContactResponse) => void): Request<Connect.Types.StopContactResponse, AWSError>;
@@ -2017,7 +2017,7 @@ declare namespace Connect {
  InitiationMethod?: ContactInitiationMethod;
- * The state of the contact.
+ * The state of the contact. When AgentContactState is set to CONNECTED_ONHOLD, StateStartTimestamp is not changed. Instead, StateStartTimestamp reflects the time the contact was CONNECTED to the agent.
  AgentContactState?: ContactState;
@@ -3812,7 +3812,7 @@ declare namespace Connect {
  export interface CreateUserRequest {
- * The user name for the account. For instances not using SAML for identity management, the user name can include up to 20 characters. If you are using SAML for identity management, the user name can include up to 64 characters from [a-zA-Z0-9_-.\@]+.
+ * The user name for the account. For instances not using SAML for identity management, the user name can include up to 20 characters. If you are using SAML for identity management, the user name can include up to 64 characters from [a-zA-Z0-9_-.\@]+. Username can include @ only if used in an email format. For example: Correct: testuser Correct: Incorrect: testuser@example
  Username: AgentUsername;
@@ -5830,15 +5830,15 @@ declare namespace Connect {
  Interval?: IntervalDetails;
- * The filters to apply to returned metrics. You can filter on the following resources: Queues Routing profiles Agents Channels User hierarchy groups Feature Routing step expression At least one filter must be passed from queues, routing profiles, agents, or user hierarchy groups. To filter by phone number, see Create a historical metrics report in the Amazon Connect Administrator's Guide. Note the following limits: Filter keys: A maximum of 5 filter keys are supported in a single request. Valid filter keys: QUEUE | ROUTING_PROFILE | AGENT | CHANNEL | AGENT_HIERARCHY_LEVEL_ONE | AGENT_HIERARCHY_LEVEL_TWO | AGENT_HIERARCHY_LEVEL_THREE | AGENT_HIERARCHY_LEVEL_FOUR | AGENT_HIERARCHY_LEVEL_FIVE | FEATURE | contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype | ROUTING_STEP_EXPRESSION Filter values: A maximum of 100 filter values are supported in a single request. VOICE, CHAT, and TASK are valid filterValue for the CHANNEL filter key. They do not count towards limitation of 100 filter values. For example, a GetMetricDataV2 request can filter by 50 queues, 35 agents, and 15 routing profiles for a total of 100 filter values, along with 3 channel filters. contact_lens_conversational_analytics is a valid filterValue for the FEATURE filter key. It is available only to contacts analyzed by Contact Lens conversational analytics. connect:Chat, connect:SMS, connect:Telephony, and connect:WebRTC are valid filterValue examples (not exhaustive) for the contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype filter key. ROUTING_STEP_EXPRESSION is a valid filter key with a filter value up to 3000 length. This filter is case and order sensitive. JSON string fields must be sorted in ascending order and JSON array order should be kept as is.
+ * The filters to apply to returned metrics. You can filter on the following resources: Queues Routing profiles Agents Channels User hierarchy groups Feature Routing step expression At least one filter must be passed from queues, routing profiles, agents, or user hierarchy groups. To filter by phone number, see Create a historical metrics report in the Amazon Connect Administrator's Guide. Note the following limits: Filter keys: A maximum of 5 filter keys are supported in a single request. Valid filter keys: QUEUE | ROUTING_PROFILE | AGENT | CHANNEL | AGENT_HIERARCHY_LEVEL_ONE | AGENT_HIERARCHY_LEVEL_TWO | AGENT_HIERARCHY_LEVEL_THREE | AGENT_HIERARCHY_LEVEL_FOUR | AGENT_HIERARCHY_LEVEL_FIVE | FEATURE | CASE_TEMPLATE_ARN | CASE_STATUS | contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype | ROUTING_STEP_EXPRESSION Filter values: A maximum of 100 filter values are supported in a single request. VOICE, CHAT, and TASK are valid filterValue for the CHANNEL filter key. They do not count towards limitation of 100 filter values. For example, a GetMetricDataV2 request can filter by 50 queues, 35 agents, and 15 routing profiles for a total of 100 filter values, along with 3 channel filters. contact_lens_conversational_analytics is a valid filterValue for the FEATURE filter key. It is available only to contacts analyzed by Contact Lens conversational analytics. connect:Chat, connect:SMS, connect:Telephony, and connect:WebRTC are valid filterValue examples (not exhaustive) for the contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype filter key. ROUTING_STEP_EXPRESSION is a valid filter key with a filter value up to 3000 length. This filter is case and order sensitive. JSON string fields must be sorted in ascending order and JSON array order should be kept as is.
  Filters: FiltersV2List;
- * The grouping applied to the metrics that are returned. For example, when results are grouped by queue, the metrics returned are grouped by queue. The values that are returned apply to the metrics for each queue. They are not aggregated for all queues. If no grouping is specified, a summary of all metrics is returned. Valid grouping keys: QUEUE | ROUTING_PROFILE | AGENT | CHANNEL | AGENT_HIERARCHY_LEVEL_ONE | AGENT_HIERARCHY_LEVEL_TWO | AGENT_HIERARCHY_LEVEL_THREE | AGENT_HIERARCHY_LEVEL_FOUR | AGENT_HIERARCHY_LEVEL_FIVE, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype | ROUTING_STEP_EXPRESSION
+ * The grouping applied to the metrics that are returned. For example, when results are grouped by queue, the metrics returned are grouped by queue. The values that are returned apply to the metrics for each queue. They are not aggregated for all queues. If no grouping is specified, a summary of all metrics is returned. Valid grouping keys: QUEUE | ROUTING_PROFILE | AGENT | CHANNEL | AGENT_HIERARCHY_LEVEL_ONE | AGENT_HIERARCHY_LEVEL_TWO | AGENT_HIERARCHY_LEVEL_THREE | AGENT_HIERARCHY_LEVEL_FOUR | AGENT_HIERARCHY_LEVEL_FIVE | CASE_TEMPLATE_ARN | CASE_STATUS | contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype | ROUTING_STEP_EXPRESSION
  Groupings?: GroupingsV2;
- * The metrics to retrieve. Specify the name, groupings, and filters for each metric. The following historical metrics are available. For a description of each metric, see Historical metrics definitions in the Amazon Connect Administrator's Guide. ABANDONMENT_RATE Unit: Percent Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, Feature, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype AGENT_ADHERENT_TIME This metric is available only in Amazon Web Services Regions where Forecasting, capacity planning, and scheduling is available. Unit: Seconds Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy AGENT_ANSWER_RATE Unit: Percent Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy AGENT_NON_ADHERENT_TIME Unit: Seconds Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy AGENT_NON_RESPONSE Unit: Count Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy AGENT_NON_RESPONSE_WITHOUT_CUSTOMER_ABANDONS Unit: Count Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy Data for this metric is available starting from October 1, 2023 0:00:00 GMT. AGENT_OCCUPANCY Unit: Percentage Valid groupings and filters: Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy AGENT_SCHEDULE_ADHERENCE This metric is available only in Amazon Web Services Regions where Forecasting, capacity planning, and scheduling is available. Unit: Percent Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy AGENT_SCHEDULED_TIME This metric is available only in Amazon Web Services Regions where Forecasting, capacity planning, and scheduling is available. Unit: Seconds Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy AVG_ABANDON_TIME Unit: Seconds Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, Feature, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype AVG_ACTIVE_TIME Unit: Seconds Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy AVG_AFTER_CONTACT_WORK_TIME Unit: Seconds Valid metric filter key: INITIATION_METHOD Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, Feature, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype Feature is a valid filter but not a valid grouping. AVG_AGENT_CONNECTING_TIME Unit: Seconds Valid metric filter key: INITIATION_METHOD. For now, this metric only supports the following as INITIATION_METHOD: INBOUND | OUTBOUND | CALLBACK | API Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy The Negate key in Metric Level Filters is not applicable for this metric. AVG_AGENT_PAUSE_TIME Unit: Seconds Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy AVG_CONTACT_DURATION Unit: Seconds Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, Feature, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype Feature is a valid filter but not a valid grouping. AVG_CONVERSATION_DURATION Unit: Seconds Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, Feature, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype AVG_GREETING_TIME_AGENT This metric is available only for contacts analyzed by Contact Lens conversational analytics. Unit: Seconds Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype AVG_HANDLE_TIME Unit: Seconds Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, Feature, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype, RoutingStepExpression Feature is a valid filter but not a valid grouping. AVG_HOLD_TIME Unit: Seconds Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, Feature, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype Feature is a valid filter but not a valid grouping. AVG_HOLD_TIME_ALL_CONTACTS Unit: Seconds Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype AVG_HOLDS Unit: Count Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, Feature, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype Feature is a valid filter but not a valid grouping. AVG_INTERACTION_AND_HOLD_TIME Unit: Seconds Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype AVG_INTERACTION_TIME Unit: Seconds Valid metric filter key: INITIATION_METHOD Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Feature, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype Feature is a valid filter but not a valid grouping. AVG_INTERRUPTIONS_AGENT This metric is available only for contacts analyzed by Contact Lens conversational analytics. Unit: Count Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype AVG_INTERRUPTION_TIME_AGENT This metric is available only for contacts analyzed by Contact Lens conversational analytics. Unit: Seconds Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype AVG_NON_TALK_TIME This metric is available only for contacts analyzed by Contact Lens conversational analytics. Unit: Seconds Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype AVG_QUEUE_ANSWER_TIME Unit: Seconds Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Feature, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype Feature is a valid filter but not a valid grouping. AVG_RESOLUTION_TIME Unit: Seconds Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype AVG_TALK_TIME This metric is available only for contacts analyzed by Contact Lens conversational analytics. Unit: Seconds Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype AVG_TALK_TIME_AGENT This metric is available only for contacts analyzed by Contact Lens conversational analytics. Unit: Seconds Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype AVG_TALK_TIME_CUSTOMER This metric is available only for contacts analyzed by Contact Lens conversational analytics. Unit: Seconds Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype CONTACTS_ABANDONED Unit: Count Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype, RoutingStepExpression CONTACTS_CREATED Unit: Count Valid metric filter key: INITIATION_METHOD Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Feature, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype Feature is a valid filter but not a valid grouping. CONTACTS_HANDLED Unit: Count Valid metric filter key: INITIATION_METHOD, DISCONNECT_REASON Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, Feature, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype, RoutingStepExpression Feature is a valid filter but not a valid grouping. CONTACTS_HANDLED_BY_CONNECTED_TO_AGENT Unit: Count Valid metric filter key: INITIATION_METHOD Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype CONTACTS_HOLD_ABANDONS Unit: Count Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype CONTACTS_ON_HOLD_AGENT_DISCONNECT Unit: Count Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy CONTACTS_ON_HOLD_CUSTOMER_DISCONNECT Unit: Count Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy CONTACTS_PUT_ON_HOLD Unit: Count Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy CONTACTS_TRANSFERRED_OUT_EXTERNAL Unit: Count Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy CONTACTS_TRANSFERRED_OUT_INTERNAL Unit: Percent Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy CONTACTS_QUEUED Unit: Count Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype CONTACTS_QUEUED_BY_ENQUEUE Unit: Count Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype CONTACTS_RESOLVED_IN_X Unit: Count Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype Threshold: For ThresholdValue enter any whole number from 1 to 604800 (inclusive), in seconds. For Comparison, you must enter LT (for "Less than"). CONTACTS_TRANSFERRED_OUT Unit: Count Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, Feature, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype Feature is a valid filter but not a valid grouping. CONTACTS_TRANSFERRED_OUT_BY_AGENT Unit: Count Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype CONTACTS_TRANSFERRED_OUT_FROM_QUEUE Unit: Count Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype MAX_QUEUED_TIME Unit: Seconds Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype PERCENT_CONTACTS_STEP_EXPIRED Unit: Percent Valid groupings and filters: Queue, RoutingStepExpression PERCENT_CONTACTS_STEP_JOINED Unit: Percent Valid groupings and filters: Queue, RoutingStepExpression PERCENT_NON_TALK_TIME This metric is available only for contacts analyzed by Contact Lens conversational analytics. Unit: Percentage Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype PERCENT_TALK_TIME This metric is available only for contacts analyzed by Contact Lens conversational analytics. Unit: Percentage Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype PERCENT_TALK_TIME_AGENT This metric is available only for contacts analyzed by Contact Lens conversational analytics. Unit: Percentage Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype PERCENT_TALK_TIME_CUSTOMER This metric is available only for contacts analyzed by Contact Lens conversational analytics. Unit: Percentage Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype SERVICE_LEVEL You can include up to 20 SERVICE_LEVEL metrics in a request. Unit: Percent Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile Threshold: For ThresholdValue, enter any whole number from 1 to 604800 (inclusive), in seconds. For Comparison, you must enter LT (for "Less than"). STEP_CONTACTS_QUEUED Unit: Count Valid groupings and filters: Queue, RoutingStepExpression SUM_AFTER_CONTACT_WORK_TIME Unit: Seconds Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy SUM_CONNECTING_TIME_AGENT Unit: Seconds Valid metric filter key: INITIATION_METHOD. This metric only supports the following filter keys as INITIATION_METHOD: INBOUND | OUTBOUND | CALLBACK | API Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy The Negate key in Metric Level Filters is not applicable for this metric. SUM_CONTACT_FLOW_TIME Unit: Seconds Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy SUM_CONTACT_TIME_AGENT Unit: Seconds Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy SUM_CONTACTS_ANSWERED_IN_X Unit: Count Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype Threshold: For ThresholdValue, enter any whole number from 1 to 604800 (inclusive), in seconds. For Comparison, you must enter LT (for "Less than"). SUM_CONTACTS_ABANDONED_IN_X Unit: Count Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype Threshold: For ThresholdValue, enter any whole number from 1 to 604800 (inclusive), in seconds. For Comparison, you must enter LT (for "Less than"). SUM_CONTACTS_DISCONNECTED Valid metric filter key: DISCONNECT_REASON Unit: Count Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype SUM_ERROR_STATUS_TIME_AGENT Unit: Seconds Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy SUM_HANDLE_TIME Unit: Seconds Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy SUM_HOLD_TIME Unit: Count Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy SUM_IDLE_TIME_AGENT Unit: Seconds Valid groupings and filters: Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy SUM_INTERACTION_AND_HOLD_TIME Unit: Seconds Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy SUM_INTERACTION_TIME Unit: Seconds Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy SUM_NON_PRODUCTIVE_TIME_AGENT Unit: Seconds Valid groupings and filters: Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy SUM_ONLINE_TIME_AGENT Unit: Seconds Valid groupings and filters: Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy SUM_RETRY_CALLBACK_ATTEMPTS Unit: Count Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype
+ * The metrics to retrieve. Specify the name, groupings, and filters for each metric. The following historical metrics are available. For a description of each metric, see Historical metrics definitions in the Amazon Connect Administrator's Guide. ABANDONMENT_RATE Unit: Percent Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, Feature, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype UI name: Abandonment rate AGENT_ADHERENT_TIME This metric is available only in Amazon Web Services Regions where Forecasting, capacity planning, and scheduling is available. Unit: Seconds Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy UI name: Adherent time AGENT_ANSWER_RATE Unit: Percent Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy UI name: Agent answer rate AGENT_NON_ADHERENT_TIME Unit: Seconds Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy UI name: Non-adherent time AGENT_NON_RESPONSE Unit: Count Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy UI name: Agent non-response AGENT_NON_RESPONSE_WITHOUT_CUSTOMER_ABANDONS Unit: Count Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy Data for this metric is available starting from October 1, 2023 0:00:00 GMT. UI name: Agent non-response without customer abandons AGENT_OCCUPANCY Unit: Percentage Valid groupings and filters: Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy UI name: Occupancy AGENT_SCHEDULE_ADHERENCE This metric is available only in Amazon Web Services Regions where Forecasting, capacity planning, and scheduling is available. Unit: Percent Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy UI name: Adherence AGENT_SCHEDULED_TIME This metric is available only in Amazon Web Services Regions where Forecasting, capacity planning, and scheduling is available. Unit: Seconds Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy UI name: Scheduled time AVG_ABANDON_TIME Unit: Seconds Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, Feature, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype UI name: Average queue abandon time AVG_ACTIVE_TIME Unit: Seconds Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy UI name: Average active time AVG_AFTER_CONTACT_WORK_TIME Unit: Seconds Valid metric filter key: INITIATION_METHOD Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, Feature, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype UI name: Average after contact work time Feature is a valid filter but not a valid grouping. AVG_AGENT_CONNECTING_TIME Unit: Seconds Valid metric filter key: INITIATION_METHOD. For now, this metric only supports the following as INITIATION_METHOD: INBOUND | OUTBOUND | CALLBACK | API Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy UI name: Average agent API connecting time The Negate key in Metric Level Filters is not applicable for this metric. AVG_AGENT_PAUSE_TIME Unit: Seconds Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy UI name: Average agent pause time AVG_CASE_RELATED_CONTACTS Unit: Count Required filter key: CASE_TEMPLATE_ARN Valid groupings and filters: CASE_TEMPLATE_ARN, CASE_STATUS UI name: Average contacts per case AVG_CASE_RESOLUTION_TIME Unit: Seconds Required filter key: CASE_TEMPLATE_ARN Valid groupings and filters: CASE_TEMPLATE_ARN, CASE_STATUS UI name: Average case resolution time AVG_CONTACT_DURATION Unit: Seconds Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, Feature, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype UI name: Average contact duration Feature is a valid filter but not a valid grouping. AVG_CONVERSATION_DURATION Unit: Seconds Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, Feature, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype UI name: Average conversation duration AVG_GREETING_TIME_AGENT This metric is available only for contacts analyzed by Contact Lens conversational analytics. Unit: Seconds Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype UI name: Average greeting time agent AVG_HANDLE_TIME Unit: Seconds Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, Feature, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype, RoutingStepExpression UI name: Average handle time Feature is a valid filter but not a valid grouping. AVG_HOLD_TIME Unit: Seconds Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, Feature, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype UI name: Average customer hold time Feature is a valid filter but not a valid grouping. AVG_HOLD_TIME_ALL_CONTACTS Unit: Seconds Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype UI name: Average customer hold time all contacts AVG_HOLDS Unit: Count Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, Feature, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype UI name: Average holds Feature is a valid filter but not a valid grouping. AVG_INTERACTION_AND_HOLD_TIME Unit: Seconds Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype UI name: Average agent interaction and customer hold time AVG_INTERACTION_TIME Unit: Seconds Valid metric filter key: INITIATION_METHOD Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Feature, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype UI name: Average agent interaction time Feature is a valid filter but not a valid grouping. AVG_INTERRUPTIONS_AGENT This metric is available only for contacts analyzed by Contact Lens conversational analytics. Unit: Count Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype UI name: Average interruptions agent AVG_INTERRUPTION_TIME_AGENT This metric is available only for contacts analyzed by Contact Lens conversational analytics. Unit: Seconds Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype UI name: Average interruption time agent AVG_NON_TALK_TIME This metric is available only for contacts analyzed by Contact Lens conversational analytics. Unit: Seconds Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype UI name: Average non-talk time AVG_QUEUE_ANSWER_TIME Unit: Seconds Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Feature, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype UI name: Average queue answer time Feature is a valid filter but not a valid grouping. AVG_RESOLUTION_TIME Unit: Seconds Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype UI name: Average resolution time AVG_TALK_TIME This metric is available only for contacts analyzed by Contact Lens conversational analytics. Unit: Seconds Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype UI name: Average talk time AVG_TALK_TIME_AGENT This metric is available only for contacts analyzed by Contact Lens conversational analytics. Unit: Seconds Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype UI name: Average talk time agent AVG_TALK_TIME_CUSTOMER This metric is available only for contacts analyzed by Contact Lens conversational analytics. Unit: Seconds Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype UI name: Average talk time customer CASES_CREATED Unit: Count Required filter key: CASE_TEMPLATE_ARN Valid groupings and filters: CASE_TEMPLATE_ARN, CASE_STATUS UI name: Cases created CONTACTS_ABANDONED Unit: Count Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype, RoutingStepExpression UI name: Contact abandoned CONTACTS_CREATED Unit: Count Valid metric filter key: INITIATION_METHOD Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Feature, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype UI name: Contacts created Feature is a valid filter but not a valid grouping. CONTACTS_HANDLED Unit: Count Valid metric filter key: INITIATION_METHOD, DISCONNECT_REASON Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, Feature, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype, RoutingStepExpression UI name: API contacts handled Feature is a valid filter but not a valid grouping. CONTACTS_HANDLED_BY_CONNECTED_TO_AGENT Unit: Count Valid metric filter key: INITIATION_METHOD Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype UI name: Contacts handled by Connected to agent CONTACTS_HOLD_ABANDONS Unit: Count Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype UI name: Contacts hold disconnect CONTACTS_ON_HOLD_AGENT_DISCONNECT Unit: Count Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy UI name: Contacts hold agent disconnect CONTACTS_ON_HOLD_CUSTOMER_DISCONNECT Unit: Count Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy UI name: Contacts hold customer disconnect CONTACTS_PUT_ON_HOLD Unit: Count Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy UI name: Contacts put on hold CONTACTS_TRANSFERRED_OUT_EXTERNAL Unit: Count Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy UI name: Contacts transferred out external CONTACTS_TRANSFERRED_OUT_INTERNAL Unit: Percent Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy UI name: Contacts transferred out internal CONTACTS_QUEUED Unit: Count Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype UI name: Contacts queued CONTACTS_QUEUED_BY_ENQUEUE Unit: Count Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype UI name: Contacts queued by Enqueue CONTACTS_RESOLVED_IN_X Unit: Count Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype Threshold: For ThresholdValue enter any whole number from 1 to 604800 (inclusive), in seconds. For Comparison, you must enter LT (for "Less than"). UI name: Contacts resolved in X CONTACTS_TRANSFERRED_OUT Unit: Count Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, Feature, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype UI name: Contacts transferred out Feature is a valid filter but not a valid grouping. CONTACTS_TRANSFERRED_OUT_BY_AGENT Unit: Count Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype UI name: Contacts transferred out by agent CONTACTS_TRANSFERRED_OUT_FROM_QUEUE Unit: Count Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype UI name: Contacts transferred out queue CURRENT_CASES Unit: Count Required filter key: CASE_TEMPLATE_ARN Valid groupings and filters: CASE_TEMPLATE_ARN, CASE_STATUS UI name: Current cases MAX_QUEUED_TIME Unit: Seconds Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype UI name: Maximum queued time PERCENT_CASES_FIRST_CONTACT_RESOLVED Unit: Percent Required filter key: CASE_TEMPLATE_ARN Valid groupings and filters: CASE_TEMPLATE_ARN, CASE_STATUS UI name: Cases resolved on first contact PERCENT_CONTACTS_STEP_EXPIRED Unit: Percent Valid groupings and filters: Queue, RoutingStepExpression UI name: Not available PERCENT_CONTACTS_STEP_JOINED Unit: Percent Valid groupings and filters: Queue, RoutingStepExpression UI name: Not available PERCENT_NON_TALK_TIME This metric is available only for contacts analyzed by Contact Lens conversational analytics. Unit: Percentage Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype UI name: Non-talk time percent PERCENT_TALK_TIME This metric is available only for contacts analyzed by Contact Lens conversational analytics. Unit: Percentage Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype UI name: Talk time percent PERCENT_TALK_TIME_AGENT This metric is available only for contacts analyzed by Contact Lens conversational analytics. Unit: Percentage Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype UI name: Talk time agent percent PERCENT_TALK_TIME_CUSTOMER This metric is available only for contacts analyzed by Contact Lens conversational analytics. Unit: Percentage Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype UI name: Talk time customer percent REOPENED_CASE_ACTIONS Unit: Count Required filter key: CASE_TEMPLATE_ARN Valid groupings and filters: CASE_TEMPLATE_ARN, CASE_STATUS UI name: Cases reopened RESOLVED_CASE_ACTIONS Unit: Count Required filter key: CASE_TEMPLATE_ARN Valid groupings and filters: CASE_TEMPLATE_ARN, CASE_STATUS UI name: Cases resolved SERVICE_LEVEL You can include up to 20 SERVICE_LEVEL metrics in a request. Unit: Percent Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile Threshold: For ThresholdValue, enter any whole number from 1 to 604800 (inclusive), in seconds. For Comparison, you must enter LT (for "Less than"). UI name: Service level X STEP_CONTACTS_QUEUED Unit: Count Valid groupings and filters: Queue, RoutingStepExpression UI name: Not available SUM_AFTER_CONTACT_WORK_TIME Unit: Seconds Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy UI name: After contact work time SUM_CONNECTING_TIME_AGENT Unit: Seconds Valid metric filter key: INITIATION_METHOD. This metric only supports the following filter keys as INITIATION_METHOD: INBOUND | OUTBOUND | CALLBACK | API Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy UI name: Agent API connecting time The Negate key in Metric Level Filters is not applicable for this metric. SUM_CONTACT_FLOW_TIME Unit: Seconds Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy UI name: Contact flow time SUM_CONTACT_TIME_AGENT Unit: Seconds Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy UI name: Agent on contact time SUM_CONTACTS_ANSWERED_IN_X Unit: Count Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype Threshold: For ThresholdValue, enter any whole number from 1 to 604800 (inclusive), in seconds. For Comparison, you must enter LT (for "Less than"). UI name: Contacts answered in X seconds SUM_CONTACTS_ABANDONED_IN_X Unit: Count Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype Threshold: For ThresholdValue, enter any whole number from 1 to 604800 (inclusive), in seconds. For Comparison, you must enter LT (for "Less than"). UI name: Contacts abandoned in X seconds SUM_CONTACTS_DISCONNECTED Valid metric filter key: DISCONNECT_REASON Unit: Count Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype UI name: Contact disconnected SUM_ERROR_STATUS_TIME_AGENT Unit: Seconds Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy UI name: Error status time SUM_HANDLE_TIME Unit: Seconds Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy UI name: Contact handle time SUM_HOLD_TIME Unit: Count Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy UI name: Customer hold time SUM_IDLE_TIME_AGENT Unit: Seconds Valid groupings and filters: Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy UI name: Agent idle time SUM_INTERACTION_AND_HOLD_TIME Unit: Seconds Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy UI name: Agent interaction and hold time SUM_INTERACTION_TIME Unit: Seconds Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy UI name: Agent interaction time SUM_NON_PRODUCTIVE_TIME_AGENT Unit: Seconds Valid groupings and filters: Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy UI name: Non-Productive Time SUM_ONLINE_TIME_AGENT Unit: Seconds Valid groupings and filters: Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy UI name: Online time SUM_RETRY_CALLBACK_ATTEMPTS Unit: Count Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype UI name: Callback attempts
  Metrics: MetricsV2;
@@ -7892,6 +7892,7 @@ declare namespace Connect {
  export type MaxResult2 = number;
  export type MaxResult200 = number;
  export type MaxResult25 = number;
+ export type MaxResult500 = number;
  export type MaxResult7 = number;
  export type MaxResults = number;
  export type MediaConcurrencies = MediaConcurrency[];
@@ -9571,7 +9572,7 @@ declare namespace Connect {
  * The maximum number of results to return per page.
- MaxResults?: MaxResult100;
+ MaxResults?: MaxResult500;
  * Filters to be applied to search results.
@@ -9675,7 +9676,7 @@ declare namespace Connect {
  * The maximum number of results to return per page.
- MaxResults?: MaxResult100;
+ MaxResults?: MaxResult500;
  * Filters to be applied to search results.
@@ -9749,7 +9750,7 @@ declare namespace Connect {
  * The maximum number of results to return per page.
- MaxResults?: MaxResult100;
+ MaxResults?: MaxResult500;
  * Filters to be applied to search results.
@@ -10092,7 +10093,7 @@ declare namespace Connect {
  ParticipantDetails: ParticipantDetails;
- * The initial message to be sent to the newly created chat.
+ * The initial message to be sent to the newly created chat. If you have a Lex bot in your flow, the initial message is not delivered to the Lex bot.
  InitialMessage?: ChatMessage;
@@ -12048,7 +12049,7 @@ declare namespace Connect {
  AutoAccept?: AutoAccept;
- * The After Call Work (ACW) timeout setting, in seconds. When returned by a SearchUsers call, AfterContactWorkTimeLimit is returned in milliseconds.
+ * The After Call Work (ACW) timeout setting, in seconds. This parameter has a minimum value of 0 and a maximum value of 2,000,000 seconds (24 days). Enter 0 if you don't want to allocate a specific amount of ACW time. It essentially means an indefinite amount of time. When the conversation ends, ACW starts; the agent must choose Close contact to end ACW. When returned by a SearchUsers call, AfterContactWorkTimeLimit is returned in milliseconds.
  AfterContactWorkTimeLimit?: AfterContactWorkTimeLimit;
@@ -12113,7 +12114,7 @@ declare namespace Connect {
  AndConditions?: UserSearchConditionList;
- * A leaf node condition which can be used to specify a string condition. The currently supported values for FieldName are username, firstname, lastname, resourceId, routingProfileId, securityProfileId, agentGroupId, and agentGroupPathIds.
+ * A leaf node condition which can be used to specify a string condition. The currently supported values for FieldName are Username, FirstName, LastName, RoutingProfileId, SecurityProfileId, ResourceId.
  StringCondition?: StringCondition;