cdk-lambda-subminute 2.0.358 → 2.0.360

This diff represents the content of publicly available package versions that have been released to one of the supported registries. The information contained in this diff is provided for informational purposes only and reflects changes between package versions as they appear in their respective public registries.
@@ -36,11 +36,11 @@ declare class Organizations extends Service {
  cancelHandshake(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Organizations.Types.CancelHandshakeResponse) => void): Request<Organizations.Types.CancelHandshakeResponse, AWSError>;
- * Closes an Amazon Web Services member account within an organization. You can close an account when all features are enabled . You can't close the management account with this API. This is an asynchronous request that Amazon Web Services performs in the background. Because CloseAccount operates asynchronously, it can return a successful completion message even though account closure might still be in progress. You need to wait a few minutes before the account is fully closed. To check the status of the request, do one of the following: Use the AccountId that you sent in the CloseAccount request to provide as a parameter to the DescribeAccount operation. While the close account request is in progress, Account status will indicate PENDING_CLOSURE. When the close account request completes, the status will change to SUSPENDED. Check the CloudTrail log for the CloseAccountResult event that gets published after the account closes successfully. For information on using CloudTrail with Organizations, see Logging and monitoring in Organizations in the Organizations User Guide. You can close only 10% of member accounts, between 10 and 200, within a rolling 30 day period. This quota is not bound by a calendar month, but starts when you close an account. After you reach this limit, you can close additional accounts. For more information, see Closing a member account in your organization in the Organizations User Guide. To reinstate a closed account, contact Amazon Web Services Support within the 90-day grace period while the account is in SUSPENDED status. If the Amazon Web Services account you attempt to close is linked to an Amazon Web Services GovCloud (US) account, the CloseAccount request will close both accounts. To learn important pre-closure details, see Closing an Amazon Web Services GovCloud (US) account in the Amazon Web Services GovCloud User Guide.
+ * Closes an Amazon Web Services member account within an organization. You can close an account when all features are enabled . You can't close the management account with this API. This is an asynchronous request that Amazon Web Services performs in the background. Because CloseAccount operates asynchronously, it can return a successful completion message even though account closure might still be in progress. You need to wait a few minutes before the account is fully closed. To check the status of the request, do one of the following: Use the AccountId that you sent in the CloseAccount request to provide as a parameter to the DescribeAccount operation. While the close account request is in progress, Account status will indicate PENDING_CLOSURE. When the close account request completes, the status will change to SUSPENDED. Check the CloudTrail log for the CloseAccountResult event that gets published after the account closes successfully. For information on using CloudTrail with Organizations, see Logging and monitoring in Organizations in the Organizations User Guide. You can close only 10% of member accounts, between 10 and 1000, within a rolling 30 day period. This quota is not bound by a calendar month, but starts when you close an account. After you reach this limit, you can close additional accounts. For more information, see Closing a member account in your organization and Quotas for Organizationsin the Organizations User Guide. To reinstate a closed account, contact Amazon Web Services Support within the 90-day grace period while the account is in SUSPENDED status. If the Amazon Web Services account you attempt to close is linked to an Amazon Web Services GovCloud (US) account, the CloseAccount request will close both accounts. To learn important pre-closure details, see Closing an Amazon Web Services GovCloud (US) account in the Amazon Web Services GovCloud User Guide.
  closeAccount(params: Organizations.Types.CloseAccountRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
- * Closes an Amazon Web Services member account within an organization. You can close an account when all features are enabled . You can't close the management account with this API. This is an asynchronous request that Amazon Web Services performs in the background. Because CloseAccount operates asynchronously, it can return a successful completion message even though account closure might still be in progress. You need to wait a few minutes before the account is fully closed. To check the status of the request, do one of the following: Use the AccountId that you sent in the CloseAccount request to provide as a parameter to the DescribeAccount operation. While the close account request is in progress, Account status will indicate PENDING_CLOSURE. When the close account request completes, the status will change to SUSPENDED. Check the CloudTrail log for the CloseAccountResult event that gets published after the account closes successfully. For information on using CloudTrail with Organizations, see Logging and monitoring in Organizations in the Organizations User Guide. You can close only 10% of member accounts, between 10 and 200, within a rolling 30 day period. This quota is not bound by a calendar month, but starts when you close an account. After you reach this limit, you can close additional accounts. For more information, see Closing a member account in your organization in the Organizations User Guide. To reinstate a closed account, contact Amazon Web Services Support within the 90-day grace period while the account is in SUSPENDED status. If the Amazon Web Services account you attempt to close is linked to an Amazon Web Services GovCloud (US) account, the CloseAccount request will close both accounts. To learn important pre-closure details, see Closing an Amazon Web Services GovCloud (US) account in the Amazon Web Services GovCloud User Guide.
+ * Closes an Amazon Web Services member account within an organization. You can close an account when all features are enabled . You can't close the management account with this API. This is an asynchronous request that Amazon Web Services performs in the background. Because CloseAccount operates asynchronously, it can return a successful completion message even though account closure might still be in progress. You need to wait a few minutes before the account is fully closed. To check the status of the request, do one of the following: Use the AccountId that you sent in the CloseAccount request to provide as a parameter to the DescribeAccount operation. While the close account request is in progress, Account status will indicate PENDING_CLOSURE. When the close account request completes, the status will change to SUSPENDED. Check the CloudTrail log for the CloseAccountResult event that gets published after the account closes successfully. For information on using CloudTrail with Organizations, see Logging and monitoring in Organizations in the Organizations User Guide. You can close only 10% of member accounts, between 10 and 1000, within a rolling 30 day period. This quota is not bound by a calendar month, but starts when you close an account. After you reach this limit, you can close additional accounts. For more information, see Closing a member account in your organization and Quotas for Organizationsin the Organizations User Guide. To reinstate a closed account, contact Amazon Web Services Support within the 90-day grace period while the account is in SUSPENDED status. If the Amazon Web Services account you attempt to close is linked to an Amazon Web Services GovCloud (US) account, the CloseAccount request will close both accounts. To learn important pre-closure details, see Closing an Amazon Web Services GovCloud (US) account in the Amazon Web Services GovCloud User Guide.
  closeAccount(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
@@ -651,7 +651,7 @@ declare namespace Organizations {
  export interface CreatePolicyRequest {
- * The policy text content to add to the new policy. The text that you supply must adhere to the rules of the policy type you specify in the Type parameter.
+ * The policy text content to add to the new policy. The text that you supply must adhere to the rules of the policy type you specify in the Type parameter. The maximum size of a policy document depends on the policy's type. For more information, see Maximum and minimum values in the Organizations User Guide.
  Content: PolicyContent;
@@ -1717,7 +1717,7 @@ declare namespace Organizations {
  Description?: PolicyDescription;
- * If provided, the new content for the policy. The text must be correctly formatted JSON that complies with the syntax for the policy's type. For more information, see SCP syntax in the Organizations User Guide.
+ * If provided, the new content for the policy. The text must be correctly formatted JSON that complies with the syntax for the policy's type. For more information, see SCP syntax in the Organizations User Guide. The maximum size of a policy document depends on the policy's type. For more information, see Maximum and minimum values in the Organizations User Guide.
  Content?: PolicyContent;
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
  * @constant
- VERSION: '2.1540.0',
+ VERSION: '2.1542.0',
  * @api private