cdk-lambda-subminute 2.0.312 → 2.0.313
This diff represents the content of publicly available package versions that have been released to one of the supported registries. The information contained in this diff is provided for informational purposes only and reflects changes between package versions as they appear in their respective public registries.
- package/.jsii +3 -3
- package/lib/cdk-lambda-subminute.js +3 -3
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/ +1 -1
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/cleanrooms-2022-02-17.min.json +1222 -83
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/cleanrooms-2022-02-17.paginators.json +36 -0
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/cleanroomsml-2023-09-06.examples.json +5 -0
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/cleanroomsml-2023-09-06.min.json +1226 -0
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/cleanroomsml-2023-09-06.paginators.json +34 -0
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/metadata.json +3 -0
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/opensearch-2021-01-01.min.json +369 -195
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/opensearchserverless-2021-11-01.min.json +49 -46
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/runtime.sagemaker-2017-05-13.min.json +8 -0
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/sagemaker-2017-07-24.min.json +1688 -980
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/apis/sagemaker-2017-07-24.paginators.json +18 -0
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/clients/all.d.ts +1 -0
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/clients/all.js +2 -1
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/clients/applicationautoscaling.d.ts +31 -31
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/clients/cleanrooms.d.ts +1292 -177
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/clients/cleanroomsml.d.ts +1232 -0
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/clients/cleanroomsml.js +18 -0
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/clients/opensearch.d.ts +170 -1
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/clients/opensearchserverless.d.ts +13 -0
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/clients/sagemaker.d.ts +950 -44
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/clients/sagemakerruntime.d.ts +11 -2
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/clients/sts.d.ts +1 -1
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/dist/aws-sdk-core-react-native.js +2 -2
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/dist/aws-sdk-react-native.js +48 -11
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/dist/aws-sdk.js +6 -3
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/dist/aws-sdk.min.js +35 -35
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/lib/config_service_placeholders.d.ts +2 -0
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/lib/core.js +1 -1
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/package.json +1 -1
- package/package.json +2 -2
- package/node_modules/aws-sdk/ +0 -9341
@@ -167,11 +167,11 @@ declare namespace ApplicationAutoScaling {
ServiceNamespace: ServiceNamespace;
* The identifier of the resource associated with the scalable target. This string consists of the resource type and unique identifier. ECS service - The resource type is service and the unique identifier is the cluster name and service name. Example: service/default/sample-webapp. Spot Fleet - The resource type is spot-fleet-request and the unique identifier is the Spot Fleet request ID. Example: spot-fleet-request/sfr-73fbd2ce-aa30-494c-8788-1cee4EXAMPLE. EMR cluster - The resource type is instancegroup and the unique identifier is the cluster ID and instance group ID. Example: instancegroup/j-2EEZNYKUA1NTV/ig-1791Y4E1L8YI0. AppStream 2.0 fleet - The resource type is fleet and the unique identifier is the fleet name. Example: fleet/sample-fleet. DynamoDB table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: table/my-table. DynamoDB global secondary index - The resource type is index and the unique identifier is the index name. Example: table/my-table/index/my-table-index. Aurora DB cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:my-db-cluster. SageMaker endpoint variant - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering. Custom resources are not supported with a resource type. This parameter must specify the OutputValue from the CloudFormation template stack used to access the resources. The unique identifier is defined by the service provider. More information is available in our GitHub repository. Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:document-classifier-endpoint/EXAMPLE. Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:entity-recognizer-endpoint/EXAMPLE. Lambda provisioned concurrency - The resource type is function and the unique identifier is the function name with a function version or alias name suffix that is not $LATEST. Example: function:my-function:prod or function:my-function:1. Amazon Keyspaces table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: keyspace/mykeyspace/table/mytable. Amazon MSK cluster - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the cluster ARN. Example: arn:aws:kafka:us-east-1:123456789012:cluster/demo-cluster-1/6357e0b2-0e6a-4b86-a0b4-70df934c2e31-5. Amazon ElastiCache replication group - The resource type is replication-group and the unique identifier is the replication group name. Example: replication-group/mycluster. Neptune cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:mycluster. SageMaker Serverless endpoint - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering.
* The identifier of the resource associated with the scalable target. This string consists of the resource type and unique identifier. ECS service - The resource type is service and the unique identifier is the cluster name and service name. Example: service/default/sample-webapp. Spot Fleet - The resource type is spot-fleet-request and the unique identifier is the Spot Fleet request ID. Example: spot-fleet-request/sfr-73fbd2ce-aa30-494c-8788-1cee4EXAMPLE. EMR cluster - The resource type is instancegroup and the unique identifier is the cluster ID and instance group ID. Example: instancegroup/j-2EEZNYKUA1NTV/ig-1791Y4E1L8YI0. AppStream 2.0 fleet - The resource type is fleet and the unique identifier is the fleet name. Example: fleet/sample-fleet. DynamoDB table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: table/my-table. DynamoDB global secondary index - The resource type is index and the unique identifier is the index name. Example: table/my-table/index/my-table-index. Aurora DB cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:my-db-cluster. SageMaker endpoint variant - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering. Custom resources are not supported with a resource type. This parameter must specify the OutputValue from the CloudFormation template stack used to access the resources. The unique identifier is defined by the service provider. More information is available in our GitHub repository. Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:document-classifier-endpoint/EXAMPLE. Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:entity-recognizer-endpoint/EXAMPLE. Lambda provisioned concurrency - The resource type is function and the unique identifier is the function name with a function version or alias name suffix that is not $LATEST. Example: function:my-function:prod or function:my-function:1. Amazon Keyspaces table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: keyspace/mykeyspace/table/mytable. Amazon MSK cluster - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the cluster ARN. Example: arn:aws:kafka:us-east-1:123456789012:cluster/demo-cluster-1/6357e0b2-0e6a-4b86-a0b4-70df934c2e31-5. Amazon ElastiCache replication group - The resource type is replication-group and the unique identifier is the replication group name. Example: replication-group/mycluster. Neptune cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:mycluster. SageMaker Serverless endpoint - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering. SageMaker inference component - The resource type is inference-component and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: inference-component/my-inference-component.
ResourceId: ResourceIdMaxLen1600;
* The scalable dimension. This string consists of the service namespace, resource type, and scaling property. ecs:service:DesiredCount - The desired task count of an ECS service. elasticmapreduce:instancegroup:InstanceCount - The instance count of an EMR Instance Group. ec2:spot-fleet-request:TargetCapacity - The target capacity of a Spot Fleet. appstream:fleet:DesiredCapacity - The desired capacity of an AppStream 2.0 fleet. dynamodb:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB table. dynamodb:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB table. dynamodb:index:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index. dynamodb:index:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index. rds:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of Aurora Replicas in an Aurora DB cluster. Available for Aurora MySQL-compatible edition and Aurora PostgreSQL-compatible edition. sagemaker:variant:DesiredInstanceCount - The number of EC2 instances for a SageMaker model endpoint variant. custom-resource:ResourceType:Property - The scalable dimension for a custom resource provided by your own application or service. comprehend:document-classifier-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint. comprehend:entity-recognizer-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint. lambda:function:ProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a Lambda function. cassandra:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table. cassandra:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table. kafka:broker-storage:VolumeSize - The provisioned volume size (in GiB) for brokers in an Amazon MSK cluster. elasticache:replication-group:NodeGroups - The number of node groups for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group. elasticache:replication-group:Replicas - The number of replicas per node group for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group. neptune:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of read replicas in an Amazon Neptune DB cluster. sagemaker:variant:DesiredProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a SageMaker Serverless endpoint.
* The scalable dimension. This string consists of the service namespace, resource type, and scaling property. ecs:service:DesiredCount - The desired task count of an ECS service. elasticmapreduce:instancegroup:InstanceCount - The instance count of an EMR Instance Group. ec2:spot-fleet-request:TargetCapacity - The target capacity of a Spot Fleet. appstream:fleet:DesiredCapacity - The desired capacity of an AppStream 2.0 fleet. dynamodb:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB table. dynamodb:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB table. dynamodb:index:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index. dynamodb:index:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index. rds:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of Aurora Replicas in an Aurora DB cluster. Available for Aurora MySQL-compatible edition and Aurora PostgreSQL-compatible edition. sagemaker:variant:DesiredInstanceCount - The number of EC2 instances for a SageMaker model endpoint variant. custom-resource:ResourceType:Property - The scalable dimension for a custom resource provided by your own application or service. comprehend:document-classifier-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint. comprehend:entity-recognizer-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint. lambda:function:ProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a Lambda function. cassandra:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table. cassandra:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table. kafka:broker-storage:VolumeSize - The provisioned volume size (in GiB) for brokers in an Amazon MSK cluster. elasticache:replication-group:NodeGroups - The number of node groups for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group. elasticache:replication-group:Replicas - The number of replicas per node group for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group. neptune:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of read replicas in an Amazon Neptune DB cluster. sagemaker:variant:DesiredProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a SageMaker Serverless endpoint. sagemaker:inference-component:DesiredCopyCount - The number of copies across an endpoint for a SageMaker inference component.
ScalableDimension: ScalableDimension;
@@ -187,11 +187,11 @@ declare namespace ApplicationAutoScaling {
ScheduledActionName: ResourceIdMaxLen1600;
* The identifier of the resource associated with the scheduled action. This string consists of the resource type and unique identifier. ECS service - The resource type is service and the unique identifier is the cluster name and service name. Example: service/default/sample-webapp. Spot Fleet - The resource type is spot-fleet-request and the unique identifier is the Spot Fleet request ID. Example: spot-fleet-request/sfr-73fbd2ce-aa30-494c-8788-1cee4EXAMPLE. EMR cluster - The resource type is instancegroup and the unique identifier is the cluster ID and instance group ID. Example: instancegroup/j-2EEZNYKUA1NTV/ig-1791Y4E1L8YI0. AppStream 2.0 fleet - The resource type is fleet and the unique identifier is the fleet name. Example: fleet/sample-fleet. DynamoDB table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: table/my-table. DynamoDB global secondary index - The resource type is index and the unique identifier is the index name. Example: table/my-table/index/my-table-index. Aurora DB cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:my-db-cluster. SageMaker endpoint variant - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering. Custom resources are not supported with a resource type. This parameter must specify the OutputValue from the CloudFormation template stack used to access the resources. The unique identifier is defined by the service provider. More information is available in our GitHub repository. Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:document-classifier-endpoint/EXAMPLE. Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:entity-recognizer-endpoint/EXAMPLE. Lambda provisioned concurrency - The resource type is function and the unique identifier is the function name with a function version or alias name suffix that is not $LATEST. Example: function:my-function:prod or function:my-function:1. Amazon Keyspaces table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: keyspace/mykeyspace/table/mytable. Amazon MSK cluster - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the cluster ARN. Example: arn:aws:kafka:us-east-1:123456789012:cluster/demo-cluster-1/6357e0b2-0e6a-4b86-a0b4-70df934c2e31-5. Amazon ElastiCache replication group - The resource type is replication-group and the unique identifier is the replication group name. Example: replication-group/mycluster. Neptune cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:mycluster. SageMaker Serverless endpoint - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering.
* The identifier of the resource associated with the scheduled action. This string consists of the resource type and unique identifier. ECS service - The resource type is service and the unique identifier is the cluster name and service name. Example: service/default/sample-webapp. Spot Fleet - The resource type is spot-fleet-request and the unique identifier is the Spot Fleet request ID. Example: spot-fleet-request/sfr-73fbd2ce-aa30-494c-8788-1cee4EXAMPLE. EMR cluster - The resource type is instancegroup and the unique identifier is the cluster ID and instance group ID. Example: instancegroup/j-2EEZNYKUA1NTV/ig-1791Y4E1L8YI0. AppStream 2.0 fleet - The resource type is fleet and the unique identifier is the fleet name. Example: fleet/sample-fleet. DynamoDB table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: table/my-table. DynamoDB global secondary index - The resource type is index and the unique identifier is the index name. Example: table/my-table/index/my-table-index. Aurora DB cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:my-db-cluster. SageMaker endpoint variant - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering. Custom resources are not supported with a resource type. This parameter must specify the OutputValue from the CloudFormation template stack used to access the resources. The unique identifier is defined by the service provider. More information is available in our GitHub repository. Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:document-classifier-endpoint/EXAMPLE. Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:entity-recognizer-endpoint/EXAMPLE. Lambda provisioned concurrency - The resource type is function and the unique identifier is the function name with a function version or alias name suffix that is not $LATEST. Example: function:my-function:prod or function:my-function:1. Amazon Keyspaces table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: keyspace/mykeyspace/table/mytable. Amazon MSK cluster - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the cluster ARN. Example: arn:aws:kafka:us-east-1:123456789012:cluster/demo-cluster-1/6357e0b2-0e6a-4b86-a0b4-70df934c2e31-5. Amazon ElastiCache replication group - The resource type is replication-group and the unique identifier is the replication group name. Example: replication-group/mycluster. Neptune cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:mycluster. SageMaker Serverless endpoint - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering. SageMaker inference component - The resource type is inference-component and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: inference-component/my-inference-component.
ResourceId: ResourceIdMaxLen1600;
* The scalable dimension. This string consists of the service namespace, resource type, and scaling property. ecs:service:DesiredCount - The desired task count of an ECS service. elasticmapreduce:instancegroup:InstanceCount - The instance count of an EMR Instance Group. ec2:spot-fleet-request:TargetCapacity - The target capacity of a Spot Fleet. appstream:fleet:DesiredCapacity - The desired capacity of an AppStream 2.0 fleet. dynamodb:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB table. dynamodb:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB table. dynamodb:index:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index. dynamodb:index:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index. rds:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of Aurora Replicas in an Aurora DB cluster. Available for Aurora MySQL-compatible edition and Aurora PostgreSQL-compatible edition. sagemaker:variant:DesiredInstanceCount - The number of EC2 instances for a SageMaker model endpoint variant. custom-resource:ResourceType:Property - The scalable dimension for a custom resource provided by your own application or service. comprehend:document-classifier-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint. comprehend:entity-recognizer-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint. lambda:function:ProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a Lambda function. cassandra:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table. cassandra:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table. kafka:broker-storage:VolumeSize - The provisioned volume size (in GiB) for brokers in an Amazon MSK cluster. elasticache:replication-group:NodeGroups - The number of node groups for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group. elasticache:replication-group:Replicas - The number of replicas per node group for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group. neptune:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of read replicas in an Amazon Neptune DB cluster. sagemaker:variant:DesiredProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a SageMaker Serverless endpoint.
* The scalable dimension. This string consists of the service namespace, resource type, and scaling property. ecs:service:DesiredCount - The desired task count of an ECS service. elasticmapreduce:instancegroup:InstanceCount - The instance count of an EMR Instance Group. ec2:spot-fleet-request:TargetCapacity - The target capacity of a Spot Fleet. appstream:fleet:DesiredCapacity - The desired capacity of an AppStream 2.0 fleet. dynamodb:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB table. dynamodb:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB table. dynamodb:index:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index. dynamodb:index:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index. rds:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of Aurora Replicas in an Aurora DB cluster. Available for Aurora MySQL-compatible edition and Aurora PostgreSQL-compatible edition. sagemaker:variant:DesiredInstanceCount - The number of EC2 instances for a SageMaker model endpoint variant. custom-resource:ResourceType:Property - The scalable dimension for a custom resource provided by your own application or service. comprehend:document-classifier-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint. comprehend:entity-recognizer-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint. lambda:function:ProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a Lambda function. cassandra:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table. cassandra:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table. kafka:broker-storage:VolumeSize - The provisioned volume size (in GiB) for brokers in an Amazon MSK cluster. elasticache:replication-group:NodeGroups - The number of node groups for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group. elasticache:replication-group:Replicas - The number of replicas per node group for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group. neptune:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of read replicas in an Amazon Neptune DB cluster. sagemaker:variant:DesiredProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a SageMaker Serverless endpoint. sagemaker:inference-component:DesiredCopyCount - The number of copies across an endpoint for a SageMaker inference component.
ScalableDimension: ScalableDimension;
@@ -203,11 +203,11 @@ declare namespace ApplicationAutoScaling {
ServiceNamespace: ServiceNamespace;
* The identifier of the resource associated with the scalable target. This string consists of the resource type and unique identifier. ECS service - The resource type is service and the unique identifier is the cluster name and service name. Example: service/default/sample-webapp. Spot Fleet - The resource type is spot-fleet-request and the unique identifier is the Spot Fleet request ID. Example: spot-fleet-request/sfr-73fbd2ce-aa30-494c-8788-1cee4EXAMPLE. EMR cluster - The resource type is instancegroup and the unique identifier is the cluster ID and instance group ID. Example: instancegroup/j-2EEZNYKUA1NTV/ig-1791Y4E1L8YI0. AppStream 2.0 fleet - The resource type is fleet and the unique identifier is the fleet name. Example: fleet/sample-fleet. DynamoDB table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: table/my-table. DynamoDB global secondary index - The resource type is index and the unique identifier is the index name. Example: table/my-table/index/my-table-index. Aurora DB cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:my-db-cluster. SageMaker endpoint variant - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering. Custom resources are not supported with a resource type. This parameter must specify the OutputValue from the CloudFormation template stack used to access the resources. The unique identifier is defined by the service provider. More information is available in our GitHub repository. Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:document-classifier-endpoint/EXAMPLE. Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:entity-recognizer-endpoint/EXAMPLE. Lambda provisioned concurrency - The resource type is function and the unique identifier is the function name with a function version or alias name suffix that is not $LATEST. Example: function:my-function:prod or function:my-function:1. Amazon Keyspaces table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: keyspace/mykeyspace/table/mytable. Amazon MSK cluster - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the cluster ARN. Example: arn:aws:kafka:us-east-1:123456789012:cluster/demo-cluster-1/6357e0b2-0e6a-4b86-a0b4-70df934c2e31-5. Amazon ElastiCache replication group - The resource type is replication-group and the unique identifier is the replication group name. Example: replication-group/mycluster. Neptune cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:mycluster. SageMaker Serverless endpoint - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering.
* The identifier of the resource associated with the scalable target. This string consists of the resource type and unique identifier. ECS service - The resource type is service and the unique identifier is the cluster name and service name. Example: service/default/sample-webapp. Spot Fleet - The resource type is spot-fleet-request and the unique identifier is the Spot Fleet request ID. Example: spot-fleet-request/sfr-73fbd2ce-aa30-494c-8788-1cee4EXAMPLE. EMR cluster - The resource type is instancegroup and the unique identifier is the cluster ID and instance group ID. Example: instancegroup/j-2EEZNYKUA1NTV/ig-1791Y4E1L8YI0. AppStream 2.0 fleet - The resource type is fleet and the unique identifier is the fleet name. Example: fleet/sample-fleet. DynamoDB table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: table/my-table. DynamoDB global secondary index - The resource type is index and the unique identifier is the index name. Example: table/my-table/index/my-table-index. Aurora DB cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:my-db-cluster. SageMaker endpoint variant - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering. Custom resources are not supported with a resource type. This parameter must specify the OutputValue from the CloudFormation template stack used to access the resources. The unique identifier is defined by the service provider. More information is available in our GitHub repository. Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:document-classifier-endpoint/EXAMPLE. Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:entity-recognizer-endpoint/EXAMPLE. Lambda provisioned concurrency - The resource type is function and the unique identifier is the function name with a function version or alias name suffix that is not $LATEST. Example: function:my-function:prod or function:my-function:1. Amazon Keyspaces table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: keyspace/mykeyspace/table/mytable. Amazon MSK cluster - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the cluster ARN. Example: arn:aws:kafka:us-east-1:123456789012:cluster/demo-cluster-1/6357e0b2-0e6a-4b86-a0b4-70df934c2e31-5. Amazon ElastiCache replication group - The resource type is replication-group and the unique identifier is the replication group name. Example: replication-group/mycluster. Neptune cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:mycluster. SageMaker Serverless endpoint - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering. SageMaker inference component - The resource type is inference-component and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: inference-component/my-inference-component.
ResourceId: ResourceIdMaxLen1600;
* The scalable dimension associated with the scalable target. This string consists of the service namespace, resource type, and scaling property. ecs:service:DesiredCount - The desired task count of an ECS service. elasticmapreduce:instancegroup:InstanceCount - The instance count of an EMR Instance Group. ec2:spot-fleet-request:TargetCapacity - The target capacity of a Spot Fleet. appstream:fleet:DesiredCapacity - The desired capacity of an AppStream 2.0 fleet. dynamodb:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB table. dynamodb:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB table. dynamodb:index:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index. dynamodb:index:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index. rds:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of Aurora Replicas in an Aurora DB cluster. Available for Aurora MySQL-compatible edition and Aurora PostgreSQL-compatible edition. sagemaker:variant:DesiredInstanceCount - The number of EC2 instances for a SageMaker model endpoint variant. custom-resource:ResourceType:Property - The scalable dimension for a custom resource provided by your own application or service. comprehend:document-classifier-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint. comprehend:entity-recognizer-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint. lambda:function:ProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a Lambda function. cassandra:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table. cassandra:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table. kafka:broker-storage:VolumeSize - The provisioned volume size (in GiB) for brokers in an Amazon MSK cluster. elasticache:replication-group:NodeGroups - The number of node groups for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group. elasticache:replication-group:Replicas - The number of replicas per node group for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group. neptune:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of read replicas in an Amazon Neptune DB cluster. sagemaker:variant:DesiredProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a SageMaker Serverless endpoint.
* The scalable dimension associated with the scalable target. This string consists of the service namespace, resource type, and scaling property. ecs:service:DesiredCount - The desired task count of an ECS service. elasticmapreduce:instancegroup:InstanceCount - The instance count of an EMR Instance Group. ec2:spot-fleet-request:TargetCapacity - The target capacity of a Spot Fleet. appstream:fleet:DesiredCapacity - The desired capacity of an AppStream 2.0 fleet. dynamodb:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB table. dynamodb:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB table. dynamodb:index:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index. dynamodb:index:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index. rds:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of Aurora Replicas in an Aurora DB cluster. Available for Aurora MySQL-compatible edition and Aurora PostgreSQL-compatible edition. sagemaker:variant:DesiredInstanceCount - The number of EC2 instances for a SageMaker model endpoint variant. custom-resource:ResourceType:Property - The scalable dimension for a custom resource provided by your own application or service. comprehend:document-classifier-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint. comprehend:entity-recognizer-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint. lambda:function:ProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a Lambda function. cassandra:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table. cassandra:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table. kafka:broker-storage:VolumeSize - The provisioned volume size (in GiB) for brokers in an Amazon MSK cluster. elasticache:replication-group:NodeGroups - The number of node groups for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group. elasticache:replication-group:Replicas - The number of replicas per node group for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group. neptune:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of read replicas in an Amazon Neptune DB cluster. sagemaker:variant:DesiredProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a SageMaker Serverless endpoint. sagemaker:inference-component:DesiredCopyCount - The number of copies across an endpoint for a SageMaker inference component.
ScalableDimension: ScalableDimension;
@@ -219,11 +219,11 @@ declare namespace ApplicationAutoScaling {
ServiceNamespace: ServiceNamespace;
* The identifier of the resource associated with the scalable target. This string consists of the resource type and unique identifier. ECS service - The resource type is service and the unique identifier is the cluster name and service name. Example: service/default/sample-webapp. Spot Fleet - The resource type is spot-fleet-request and the unique identifier is the Spot Fleet request ID. Example: spot-fleet-request/sfr-73fbd2ce-aa30-494c-8788-1cee4EXAMPLE. EMR cluster - The resource type is instancegroup and the unique identifier is the cluster ID and instance group ID. Example: instancegroup/j-2EEZNYKUA1NTV/ig-1791Y4E1L8YI0. AppStream 2.0 fleet - The resource type is fleet and the unique identifier is the fleet name. Example: fleet/sample-fleet. DynamoDB table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: table/my-table. DynamoDB global secondary index - The resource type is index and the unique identifier is the index name. Example: table/my-table/index/my-table-index. Aurora DB cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:my-db-cluster. SageMaker endpoint variant - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering. Custom resources are not supported with a resource type. This parameter must specify the OutputValue from the CloudFormation template stack used to access the resources. The unique identifier is defined by the service provider. More information is available in our GitHub repository. Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:document-classifier-endpoint/EXAMPLE. Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:entity-recognizer-endpoint/EXAMPLE. Lambda provisioned concurrency - The resource type is function and the unique identifier is the function name with a function version or alias name suffix that is not $LATEST. Example: function:my-function:prod or function:my-function:1. Amazon Keyspaces table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: keyspace/mykeyspace/table/mytable. Amazon MSK cluster - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the cluster ARN. Example: arn:aws:kafka:us-east-1:123456789012:cluster/demo-cluster-1/6357e0b2-0e6a-4b86-a0b4-70df934c2e31-5. Amazon ElastiCache replication group - The resource type is replication-group and the unique identifier is the replication group name. Example: replication-group/mycluster. Neptune cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:mycluster. SageMaker Serverless endpoint - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering.
* The identifier of the resource associated with the scalable target. This string consists of the resource type and unique identifier. ECS service - The resource type is service and the unique identifier is the cluster name and service name. Example: service/default/sample-webapp. Spot Fleet - The resource type is spot-fleet-request and the unique identifier is the Spot Fleet request ID. Example: spot-fleet-request/sfr-73fbd2ce-aa30-494c-8788-1cee4EXAMPLE. EMR cluster - The resource type is instancegroup and the unique identifier is the cluster ID and instance group ID. Example: instancegroup/j-2EEZNYKUA1NTV/ig-1791Y4E1L8YI0. AppStream 2.0 fleet - The resource type is fleet and the unique identifier is the fleet name. Example: fleet/sample-fleet. DynamoDB table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: table/my-table. DynamoDB global secondary index - The resource type is index and the unique identifier is the index name. Example: table/my-table/index/my-table-index. Aurora DB cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:my-db-cluster. SageMaker endpoint variant - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering. Custom resources are not supported with a resource type. This parameter must specify the OutputValue from the CloudFormation template stack used to access the resources. The unique identifier is defined by the service provider. More information is available in our GitHub repository. Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:document-classifier-endpoint/EXAMPLE. Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:entity-recognizer-endpoint/EXAMPLE. Lambda provisioned concurrency - The resource type is function and the unique identifier is the function name with a function version or alias name suffix that is not $LATEST. Example: function:my-function:prod or function:my-function:1. Amazon Keyspaces table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: keyspace/mykeyspace/table/mytable. Amazon MSK cluster - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the cluster ARN. Example: arn:aws:kafka:us-east-1:123456789012:cluster/demo-cluster-1/6357e0b2-0e6a-4b86-a0b4-70df934c2e31-5. Amazon ElastiCache replication group - The resource type is replication-group and the unique identifier is the replication group name. Example: replication-group/mycluster. Neptune cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:mycluster. SageMaker Serverless endpoint - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering. SageMaker inference component - The resource type is inference-component and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: inference-component/my-inference-component.
ResourceIds?: ResourceIdsMaxLen1600;
* The scalable dimension associated with the scalable target. This string consists of the service namespace, resource type, and scaling property. If you specify a scalable dimension, you must also specify a resource ID. ecs:service:DesiredCount - The desired task count of an ECS service. elasticmapreduce:instancegroup:InstanceCount - The instance count of an EMR Instance Group. ec2:spot-fleet-request:TargetCapacity - The target capacity of a Spot Fleet. appstream:fleet:DesiredCapacity - The desired capacity of an AppStream 2.0 fleet. dynamodb:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB table. dynamodb:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB table. dynamodb:index:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index. dynamodb:index:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index. rds:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of Aurora Replicas in an Aurora DB cluster. Available for Aurora MySQL-compatible edition and Aurora PostgreSQL-compatible edition. sagemaker:variant:DesiredInstanceCount - The number of EC2 instances for a SageMaker model endpoint variant. custom-resource:ResourceType:Property - The scalable dimension for a custom resource provided by your own application or service. comprehend:document-classifier-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint. comprehend:entity-recognizer-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint. lambda:function:ProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a Lambda function. cassandra:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table. cassandra:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table. kafka:broker-storage:VolumeSize - The provisioned volume size (in GiB) for brokers in an Amazon MSK cluster. elasticache:replication-group:NodeGroups - The number of node groups for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group. elasticache:replication-group:Replicas - The number of replicas per node group for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group. neptune:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of read replicas in an Amazon Neptune DB cluster. sagemaker:variant:DesiredProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a SageMaker Serverless endpoint.
* The scalable dimension associated with the scalable target. This string consists of the service namespace, resource type, and scaling property. If you specify a scalable dimension, you must also specify a resource ID. ecs:service:DesiredCount - The desired task count of an ECS service. elasticmapreduce:instancegroup:InstanceCount - The instance count of an EMR Instance Group. ec2:spot-fleet-request:TargetCapacity - The target capacity of a Spot Fleet. appstream:fleet:DesiredCapacity - The desired capacity of an AppStream 2.0 fleet. dynamodb:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB table. dynamodb:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB table. dynamodb:index:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index. dynamodb:index:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index. rds:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of Aurora Replicas in an Aurora DB cluster. Available for Aurora MySQL-compatible edition and Aurora PostgreSQL-compatible edition. sagemaker:variant:DesiredInstanceCount - The number of EC2 instances for a SageMaker model endpoint variant. custom-resource:ResourceType:Property - The scalable dimension for a custom resource provided by your own application or service. comprehend:document-classifier-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint. comprehend:entity-recognizer-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint. lambda:function:ProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a Lambda function. cassandra:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table. cassandra:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table. kafka:broker-storage:VolumeSize - The provisioned volume size (in GiB) for brokers in an Amazon MSK cluster. elasticache:replication-group:NodeGroups - The number of node groups for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group. elasticache:replication-group:Replicas - The number of replicas per node group for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group. neptune:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of read replicas in an Amazon Neptune DB cluster. sagemaker:variant:DesiredProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a SageMaker Serverless endpoint. sagemaker:inference-component:DesiredCopyCount - The number of copies across an endpoint for a SageMaker inference component.
ScalableDimension?: ScalableDimension;
@@ -251,11 +251,11 @@ declare namespace ApplicationAutoScaling {
ServiceNamespace: ServiceNamespace;
* The identifier of the resource associated with the scaling activity. This string consists of the resource type and unique identifier. ECS service - The resource type is service and the unique identifier is the cluster name and service name. Example: service/default/sample-webapp. Spot Fleet - The resource type is spot-fleet-request and the unique identifier is the Spot Fleet request ID. Example: spot-fleet-request/sfr-73fbd2ce-aa30-494c-8788-1cee4EXAMPLE. EMR cluster - The resource type is instancegroup and the unique identifier is the cluster ID and instance group ID. Example: instancegroup/j-2EEZNYKUA1NTV/ig-1791Y4E1L8YI0. AppStream 2.0 fleet - The resource type is fleet and the unique identifier is the fleet name. Example: fleet/sample-fleet. DynamoDB table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: table/my-table. DynamoDB global secondary index - The resource type is index and the unique identifier is the index name. Example: table/my-table/index/my-table-index. Aurora DB cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:my-db-cluster. SageMaker endpoint variant - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering. Custom resources are not supported with a resource type. This parameter must specify the OutputValue from the CloudFormation template stack used to access the resources. The unique identifier is defined by the service provider. More information is available in our GitHub repository. Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:document-classifier-endpoint/EXAMPLE. Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:entity-recognizer-endpoint/EXAMPLE. Lambda provisioned concurrency - The resource type is function and the unique identifier is the function name with a function version or alias name suffix that is not $LATEST. Example: function:my-function:prod or function:my-function:1. Amazon Keyspaces table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: keyspace/mykeyspace/table/mytable. Amazon MSK cluster - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the cluster ARN. Example: arn:aws:kafka:us-east-1:123456789012:cluster/demo-cluster-1/6357e0b2-0e6a-4b86-a0b4-70df934c2e31-5. Amazon ElastiCache replication group - The resource type is replication-group and the unique identifier is the replication group name. Example: replication-group/mycluster. Neptune cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:mycluster. SageMaker Serverless endpoint - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering.
* The identifier of the resource associated with the scaling activity. This string consists of the resource type and unique identifier. ECS service - The resource type is service and the unique identifier is the cluster name and service name. Example: service/default/sample-webapp. Spot Fleet - The resource type is spot-fleet-request and the unique identifier is the Spot Fleet request ID. Example: spot-fleet-request/sfr-73fbd2ce-aa30-494c-8788-1cee4EXAMPLE. EMR cluster - The resource type is instancegroup and the unique identifier is the cluster ID and instance group ID. Example: instancegroup/j-2EEZNYKUA1NTV/ig-1791Y4E1L8YI0. AppStream 2.0 fleet - The resource type is fleet and the unique identifier is the fleet name. Example: fleet/sample-fleet. DynamoDB table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: table/my-table. DynamoDB global secondary index - The resource type is index and the unique identifier is the index name. Example: table/my-table/index/my-table-index. Aurora DB cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:my-db-cluster. SageMaker endpoint variant - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering. Custom resources are not supported with a resource type. This parameter must specify the OutputValue from the CloudFormation template stack used to access the resources. The unique identifier is defined by the service provider. More information is available in our GitHub repository. Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:document-classifier-endpoint/EXAMPLE. Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:entity-recognizer-endpoint/EXAMPLE. Lambda provisioned concurrency - The resource type is function and the unique identifier is the function name with a function version or alias name suffix that is not $LATEST. Example: function:my-function:prod or function:my-function:1. Amazon Keyspaces table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: keyspace/mykeyspace/table/mytable. Amazon MSK cluster - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the cluster ARN. Example: arn:aws:kafka:us-east-1:123456789012:cluster/demo-cluster-1/6357e0b2-0e6a-4b86-a0b4-70df934c2e31-5. Amazon ElastiCache replication group - The resource type is replication-group and the unique identifier is the replication group name. Example: replication-group/mycluster. Neptune cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:mycluster. SageMaker Serverless endpoint - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering. SageMaker inference component - The resource type is inference-component and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: inference-component/my-inference-component.
ResourceId?: ResourceIdMaxLen1600;
* The scalable dimension. This string consists of the service namespace, resource type, and scaling property. If you specify a scalable dimension, you must also specify a resource ID. ecs:service:DesiredCount - The desired task count of an ECS service. elasticmapreduce:instancegroup:InstanceCount - The instance count of an EMR Instance Group. ec2:spot-fleet-request:TargetCapacity - The target capacity of a Spot Fleet. appstream:fleet:DesiredCapacity - The desired capacity of an AppStream 2.0 fleet. dynamodb:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB table. dynamodb:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB table. dynamodb:index:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index. dynamodb:index:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index. rds:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of Aurora Replicas in an Aurora DB cluster. Available for Aurora MySQL-compatible edition and Aurora PostgreSQL-compatible edition. sagemaker:variant:DesiredInstanceCount - The number of EC2 instances for a SageMaker model endpoint variant. custom-resource:ResourceType:Property - The scalable dimension for a custom resource provided by your own application or service. comprehend:document-classifier-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint. comprehend:entity-recognizer-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint. lambda:function:ProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a Lambda function. cassandra:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table. cassandra:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table. kafka:broker-storage:VolumeSize - The provisioned volume size (in GiB) for brokers in an Amazon MSK cluster. elasticache:replication-group:NodeGroups - The number of node groups for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group. elasticache:replication-group:Replicas - The number of replicas per node group for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group. neptune:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of read replicas in an Amazon Neptune DB cluster. sagemaker:variant:DesiredProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a SageMaker Serverless endpoint.
* The scalable dimension. This string consists of the service namespace, resource type, and scaling property. If you specify a scalable dimension, you must also specify a resource ID. ecs:service:DesiredCount - The desired task count of an ECS service. elasticmapreduce:instancegroup:InstanceCount - The instance count of an EMR Instance Group. ec2:spot-fleet-request:TargetCapacity - The target capacity of a Spot Fleet. appstream:fleet:DesiredCapacity - The desired capacity of an AppStream 2.0 fleet. dynamodb:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB table. dynamodb:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB table. dynamodb:index:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index. dynamodb:index:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index. rds:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of Aurora Replicas in an Aurora DB cluster. Available for Aurora MySQL-compatible edition and Aurora PostgreSQL-compatible edition. sagemaker:variant:DesiredInstanceCount - The number of EC2 instances for a SageMaker model endpoint variant. custom-resource:ResourceType:Property - The scalable dimension for a custom resource provided by your own application or service. comprehend:document-classifier-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint. comprehend:entity-recognizer-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint. lambda:function:ProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a Lambda function. cassandra:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table. cassandra:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table. kafka:broker-storage:VolumeSize - The provisioned volume size (in GiB) for brokers in an Amazon MSK cluster. elasticache:replication-group:NodeGroups - The number of node groups for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group. elasticache:replication-group:Replicas - The number of replicas per node group for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group. neptune:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of read replicas in an Amazon Neptune DB cluster. sagemaker:variant:DesiredProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a SageMaker Serverless endpoint. sagemaker:inference-component:DesiredCopyCount - The number of copies across an endpoint for a SageMaker inference component.
ScalableDimension?: ScalableDimension;
@@ -291,11 +291,11 @@ declare namespace ApplicationAutoScaling {
ServiceNamespace: ServiceNamespace;
* The identifier of the resource associated with the scaling policy. This string consists of the resource type and unique identifier. ECS service - The resource type is service and the unique identifier is the cluster name and service name. Example: service/default/sample-webapp. Spot Fleet - The resource type is spot-fleet-request and the unique identifier is the Spot Fleet request ID. Example: spot-fleet-request/sfr-73fbd2ce-aa30-494c-8788-1cee4EXAMPLE. EMR cluster - The resource type is instancegroup and the unique identifier is the cluster ID and instance group ID. Example: instancegroup/j-2EEZNYKUA1NTV/ig-1791Y4E1L8YI0. AppStream 2.0 fleet - The resource type is fleet and the unique identifier is the fleet name. Example: fleet/sample-fleet. DynamoDB table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: table/my-table. DynamoDB global secondary index - The resource type is index and the unique identifier is the index name. Example: table/my-table/index/my-table-index. Aurora DB cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:my-db-cluster. SageMaker endpoint variant - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering. Custom resources are not supported with a resource type. This parameter must specify the OutputValue from the CloudFormation template stack used to access the resources. The unique identifier is defined by the service provider. More information is available in our GitHub repository. Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:document-classifier-endpoint/EXAMPLE. Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:entity-recognizer-endpoint/EXAMPLE. Lambda provisioned concurrency - The resource type is function and the unique identifier is the function name with a function version or alias name suffix that is not $LATEST. Example: function:my-function:prod or function:my-function:1. Amazon Keyspaces table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: keyspace/mykeyspace/table/mytable. Amazon MSK cluster - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the cluster ARN. Example: arn:aws:kafka:us-east-1:123456789012:cluster/demo-cluster-1/6357e0b2-0e6a-4b86-a0b4-70df934c2e31-5. Amazon ElastiCache replication group - The resource type is replication-group and the unique identifier is the replication group name. Example: replication-group/mycluster. Neptune cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:mycluster. SageMaker Serverless endpoint - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering.
* The identifier of the resource associated with the scaling policy. This string consists of the resource type and unique identifier. ECS service - The resource type is service and the unique identifier is the cluster name and service name. Example: service/default/sample-webapp. Spot Fleet - The resource type is spot-fleet-request and the unique identifier is the Spot Fleet request ID. Example: spot-fleet-request/sfr-73fbd2ce-aa30-494c-8788-1cee4EXAMPLE. EMR cluster - The resource type is instancegroup and the unique identifier is the cluster ID and instance group ID. Example: instancegroup/j-2EEZNYKUA1NTV/ig-1791Y4E1L8YI0. AppStream 2.0 fleet - The resource type is fleet and the unique identifier is the fleet name. Example: fleet/sample-fleet. DynamoDB table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: table/my-table. DynamoDB global secondary index - The resource type is index and the unique identifier is the index name. Example: table/my-table/index/my-table-index. Aurora DB cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:my-db-cluster. SageMaker endpoint variant - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering. Custom resources are not supported with a resource type. This parameter must specify the OutputValue from the CloudFormation template stack used to access the resources. The unique identifier is defined by the service provider. More information is available in our GitHub repository. Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:document-classifier-endpoint/EXAMPLE. Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:entity-recognizer-endpoint/EXAMPLE. Lambda provisioned concurrency - The resource type is function and the unique identifier is the function name with a function version or alias name suffix that is not $LATEST. Example: function:my-function:prod or function:my-function:1. Amazon Keyspaces table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: keyspace/mykeyspace/table/mytable. Amazon MSK cluster - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the cluster ARN. Example: arn:aws:kafka:us-east-1:123456789012:cluster/demo-cluster-1/6357e0b2-0e6a-4b86-a0b4-70df934c2e31-5. Amazon ElastiCache replication group - The resource type is replication-group and the unique identifier is the replication group name. Example: replication-group/mycluster. Neptune cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:mycluster. SageMaker Serverless endpoint - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering. SageMaker inference component - The resource type is inference-component and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: inference-component/my-inference-component.
ResourceId?: ResourceIdMaxLen1600;
* The scalable dimension. This string consists of the service namespace, resource type, and scaling property. If you specify a scalable dimension, you must also specify a resource ID. ecs:service:DesiredCount - The desired task count of an ECS service. elasticmapreduce:instancegroup:InstanceCount - The instance count of an EMR Instance Group. ec2:spot-fleet-request:TargetCapacity - The target capacity of a Spot Fleet. appstream:fleet:DesiredCapacity - The desired capacity of an AppStream 2.0 fleet. dynamodb:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB table. dynamodb:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB table. dynamodb:index:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index. dynamodb:index:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index. rds:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of Aurora Replicas in an Aurora DB cluster. Available for Aurora MySQL-compatible edition and Aurora PostgreSQL-compatible edition. sagemaker:variant:DesiredInstanceCount - The number of EC2 instances for a SageMaker model endpoint variant. custom-resource:ResourceType:Property - The scalable dimension for a custom resource provided by your own application or service. comprehend:document-classifier-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint. comprehend:entity-recognizer-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint. lambda:function:ProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a Lambda function. cassandra:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table. cassandra:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table. kafka:broker-storage:VolumeSize - The provisioned volume size (in GiB) for brokers in an Amazon MSK cluster. elasticache:replication-group:NodeGroups - The number of node groups for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group. elasticache:replication-group:Replicas - The number of replicas per node group for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group. neptune:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of read replicas in an Amazon Neptune DB cluster. sagemaker:variant:DesiredProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a SageMaker Serverless endpoint.
* The scalable dimension. This string consists of the service namespace, resource type, and scaling property. If you specify a scalable dimension, you must also specify a resource ID. ecs:service:DesiredCount - The desired task count of an ECS service. elasticmapreduce:instancegroup:InstanceCount - The instance count of an EMR Instance Group. ec2:spot-fleet-request:TargetCapacity - The target capacity of a Spot Fleet. appstream:fleet:DesiredCapacity - The desired capacity of an AppStream 2.0 fleet. dynamodb:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB table. dynamodb:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB table. dynamodb:index:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index. dynamodb:index:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index. rds:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of Aurora Replicas in an Aurora DB cluster. Available for Aurora MySQL-compatible edition and Aurora PostgreSQL-compatible edition. sagemaker:variant:DesiredInstanceCount - The number of EC2 instances for a SageMaker model endpoint variant. custom-resource:ResourceType:Property - The scalable dimension for a custom resource provided by your own application or service. comprehend:document-classifier-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint. comprehend:entity-recognizer-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint. lambda:function:ProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a Lambda function. cassandra:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table. cassandra:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table. kafka:broker-storage:VolumeSize - The provisioned volume size (in GiB) for brokers in an Amazon MSK cluster. elasticache:replication-group:NodeGroups - The number of node groups for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group. elasticache:replication-group:Replicas - The number of replicas per node group for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group. neptune:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of read replicas in an Amazon Neptune DB cluster. sagemaker:variant:DesiredProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a SageMaker Serverless endpoint. sagemaker:inference-component:DesiredCopyCount - The number of copies across an endpoint for a SageMaker inference component.
ScalableDimension?: ScalableDimension;
@@ -327,11 +327,11 @@ declare namespace ApplicationAutoScaling {
ServiceNamespace: ServiceNamespace;
* The identifier of the resource associated with the scheduled action. This string consists of the resource type and unique identifier. ECS service - The resource type is service and the unique identifier is the cluster name and service name. Example: service/default/sample-webapp. Spot Fleet - The resource type is spot-fleet-request and the unique identifier is the Spot Fleet request ID. Example: spot-fleet-request/sfr-73fbd2ce-aa30-494c-8788-1cee4EXAMPLE. EMR cluster - The resource type is instancegroup and the unique identifier is the cluster ID and instance group ID. Example: instancegroup/j-2EEZNYKUA1NTV/ig-1791Y4E1L8YI0. AppStream 2.0 fleet - The resource type is fleet and the unique identifier is the fleet name. Example: fleet/sample-fleet. DynamoDB table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: table/my-table. DynamoDB global secondary index - The resource type is index and the unique identifier is the index name. Example: table/my-table/index/my-table-index. Aurora DB cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:my-db-cluster. SageMaker endpoint variant - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering. Custom resources are not supported with a resource type. This parameter must specify the OutputValue from the CloudFormation template stack used to access the resources. The unique identifier is defined by the service provider. More information is available in our GitHub repository. Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:document-classifier-endpoint/EXAMPLE. Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:entity-recognizer-endpoint/EXAMPLE. Lambda provisioned concurrency - The resource type is function and the unique identifier is the function name with a function version or alias name suffix that is not $LATEST. Example: function:my-function:prod or function:my-function:1. Amazon Keyspaces table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: keyspace/mykeyspace/table/mytable. Amazon MSK cluster - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the cluster ARN. Example: arn:aws:kafka:us-east-1:123456789012:cluster/demo-cluster-1/6357e0b2-0e6a-4b86-a0b4-70df934c2e31-5. Amazon ElastiCache replication group - The resource type is replication-group and the unique identifier is the replication group name. Example: replication-group/mycluster. Neptune cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:mycluster. SageMaker Serverless endpoint - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering.
* The identifier of the resource associated with the scheduled action. This string consists of the resource type and unique identifier. ECS service - The resource type is service and the unique identifier is the cluster name and service name. Example: service/default/sample-webapp. Spot Fleet - The resource type is spot-fleet-request and the unique identifier is the Spot Fleet request ID. Example: spot-fleet-request/sfr-73fbd2ce-aa30-494c-8788-1cee4EXAMPLE. EMR cluster - The resource type is instancegroup and the unique identifier is the cluster ID and instance group ID. Example: instancegroup/j-2EEZNYKUA1NTV/ig-1791Y4E1L8YI0. AppStream 2.0 fleet - The resource type is fleet and the unique identifier is the fleet name. Example: fleet/sample-fleet. DynamoDB table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: table/my-table. DynamoDB global secondary index - The resource type is index and the unique identifier is the index name. Example: table/my-table/index/my-table-index. Aurora DB cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:my-db-cluster. SageMaker endpoint variant - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering. Custom resources are not supported with a resource type. This parameter must specify the OutputValue from the CloudFormation template stack used to access the resources. The unique identifier is defined by the service provider. More information is available in our GitHub repository. Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:document-classifier-endpoint/EXAMPLE. Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:entity-recognizer-endpoint/EXAMPLE. Lambda provisioned concurrency - The resource type is function and the unique identifier is the function name with a function version or alias name suffix that is not $LATEST. Example: function:my-function:prod or function:my-function:1. Amazon Keyspaces table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: keyspace/mykeyspace/table/mytable. Amazon MSK cluster - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the cluster ARN. Example: arn:aws:kafka:us-east-1:123456789012:cluster/demo-cluster-1/6357e0b2-0e6a-4b86-a0b4-70df934c2e31-5. Amazon ElastiCache replication group - The resource type is replication-group and the unique identifier is the replication group name. Example: replication-group/mycluster. Neptune cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:mycluster. SageMaker Serverless endpoint - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering. SageMaker inference component - The resource type is inference-component and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: inference-component/my-inference-component.
ResourceId?: ResourceIdMaxLen1600;
* The scalable dimension. This string consists of the service namespace, resource type, and scaling property. If you specify a scalable dimension, you must also specify a resource ID. ecs:service:DesiredCount - The desired task count of an ECS service. elasticmapreduce:instancegroup:InstanceCount - The instance count of an EMR Instance Group. ec2:spot-fleet-request:TargetCapacity - The target capacity of a Spot Fleet. appstream:fleet:DesiredCapacity - The desired capacity of an AppStream 2.0 fleet. dynamodb:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB table. dynamodb:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB table. dynamodb:index:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index. dynamodb:index:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index. rds:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of Aurora Replicas in an Aurora DB cluster. Available for Aurora MySQL-compatible edition and Aurora PostgreSQL-compatible edition. sagemaker:variant:DesiredInstanceCount - The number of EC2 instances for a SageMaker model endpoint variant. custom-resource:ResourceType:Property - The scalable dimension for a custom resource provided by your own application or service. comprehend:document-classifier-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint. comprehend:entity-recognizer-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint. lambda:function:ProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a Lambda function. cassandra:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table. cassandra:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table. kafka:broker-storage:VolumeSize - The provisioned volume size (in GiB) for brokers in an Amazon MSK cluster. elasticache:replication-group:NodeGroups - The number of node groups for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group. elasticache:replication-group:Replicas - The number of replicas per node group for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group. neptune:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of read replicas in an Amazon Neptune DB cluster. sagemaker:variant:DesiredProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a SageMaker Serverless endpoint.
* The scalable dimension. This string consists of the service namespace, resource type, and scaling property. If you specify a scalable dimension, you must also specify a resource ID. ecs:service:DesiredCount - The desired task count of an ECS service. elasticmapreduce:instancegroup:InstanceCount - The instance count of an EMR Instance Group. ec2:spot-fleet-request:TargetCapacity - The target capacity of a Spot Fleet. appstream:fleet:DesiredCapacity - The desired capacity of an AppStream 2.0 fleet. dynamodb:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB table. dynamodb:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB table. dynamodb:index:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index. dynamodb:index:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index. rds:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of Aurora Replicas in an Aurora DB cluster. Available for Aurora MySQL-compatible edition and Aurora PostgreSQL-compatible edition. sagemaker:variant:DesiredInstanceCount - The number of EC2 instances for a SageMaker model endpoint variant. custom-resource:ResourceType:Property - The scalable dimension for a custom resource provided by your own application or service. comprehend:document-classifier-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint. comprehend:entity-recognizer-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint. lambda:function:ProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a Lambda function. cassandra:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table. cassandra:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table. kafka:broker-storage:VolumeSize - The provisioned volume size (in GiB) for brokers in an Amazon MSK cluster. elasticache:replication-group:NodeGroups - The number of node groups for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group. elasticache:replication-group:Replicas - The number of replicas per node group for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group. neptune:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of read replicas in an Amazon Neptune DB cluster. sagemaker:variant:DesiredProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a SageMaker Serverless endpoint. sagemaker:inference-component:DesiredCopyCount - The number of copies across an endpoint for a SageMaker inference component.
ScalableDimension?: ScalableDimension;
@@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ declare namespace ApplicationAutoScaling {
export type MetricNamespace = string;
export type MetricScale = number;
export type MetricStatistic = "Average"|"Minimum"|"Maximum"|"SampleCount"|"Sum"|string;
export type MetricType = "DynamoDBReadCapacityUtilization"|"DynamoDBWriteCapacityUtilization"|"ALBRequestCountPerTarget"|"RDSReaderAverageCPUUtilization"|"RDSReaderAverageDatabaseConnections"|"EC2SpotFleetRequestAverageCPUUtilization"|"EC2SpotFleetRequestAverageNetworkIn"|"EC2SpotFleetRequestAverageNetworkOut"|"SageMakerVariantInvocationsPerInstance"|"ECSServiceAverageCPUUtilization"|"ECSServiceAverageMemoryUtilization"|"AppStreamAverageCapacityUtilization"|"ComprehendInferenceUtilization"|"LambdaProvisionedConcurrencyUtilization"|"CassandraReadCapacityUtilization"|"CassandraWriteCapacityUtilization"|"KafkaBrokerStorageUtilization"|"ElastiCachePrimaryEngineCPUUtilization"|"ElastiCacheReplicaEngineCPUUtilization"|"ElastiCacheDatabaseMemoryUsageCountedForEvictPercentage"|"NeptuneReaderAverageCPUUtilization"|"SageMakerVariantProvisionedConcurrencyUtilization"|"ElastiCacheDatabaseCapacityUsageCountedForEvictPercentage"|string;
export type MetricType = "DynamoDBReadCapacityUtilization"|"DynamoDBWriteCapacityUtilization"|"ALBRequestCountPerTarget"|"RDSReaderAverageCPUUtilization"|"RDSReaderAverageDatabaseConnections"|"EC2SpotFleetRequestAverageCPUUtilization"|"EC2SpotFleetRequestAverageNetworkIn"|"EC2SpotFleetRequestAverageNetworkOut"|"SageMakerVariantInvocationsPerInstance"|"ECSServiceAverageCPUUtilization"|"ECSServiceAverageMemoryUtilization"|"AppStreamAverageCapacityUtilization"|"ComprehendInferenceUtilization"|"LambdaProvisionedConcurrencyUtilization"|"CassandraReadCapacityUtilization"|"CassandraWriteCapacityUtilization"|"KafkaBrokerStorageUtilization"|"ElastiCachePrimaryEngineCPUUtilization"|"ElastiCacheReplicaEngineCPUUtilization"|"ElastiCacheDatabaseMemoryUsageCountedForEvictPercentage"|"NeptuneReaderAverageCPUUtilization"|"SageMakerVariantProvisionedConcurrencyUtilization"|"ElastiCacheDatabaseCapacityUsageCountedForEvictPercentage"|"SageMakerInferenceComponentInvocationsPerCopy"|string;
export type MetricUnit = string;
export type MinAdjustmentMagnitude = number;
export interface NotScaledReason {
@@ -432,15 +432,15 @@ declare namespace ApplicationAutoScaling {
ServiceNamespace: ServiceNamespace;
* The identifier of the resource associated with the scaling policy. This string consists of the resource type and unique identifier. ECS service - The resource type is service and the unique identifier is the cluster name and service name. Example: service/default/sample-webapp. Spot Fleet - The resource type is spot-fleet-request and the unique identifier is the Spot Fleet request ID. Example: spot-fleet-request/sfr-73fbd2ce-aa30-494c-8788-1cee4EXAMPLE. EMR cluster - The resource type is instancegroup and the unique identifier is the cluster ID and instance group ID. Example: instancegroup/j-2EEZNYKUA1NTV/ig-1791Y4E1L8YI0. AppStream 2.0 fleet - The resource type is fleet and the unique identifier is the fleet name. Example: fleet/sample-fleet. DynamoDB table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: table/my-table. DynamoDB global secondary index - The resource type is index and the unique identifier is the index name. Example: table/my-table/index/my-table-index. Aurora DB cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:my-db-cluster. SageMaker endpoint variant - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering. Custom resources are not supported with a resource type. This parameter must specify the OutputValue from the CloudFormation template stack used to access the resources. The unique identifier is defined by the service provider. More information is available in our GitHub repository. Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:document-classifier-endpoint/EXAMPLE. Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:entity-recognizer-endpoint/EXAMPLE. Lambda provisioned concurrency - The resource type is function and the unique identifier is the function name with a function version or alias name suffix that is not $LATEST. Example: function:my-function:prod or function:my-function:1. Amazon Keyspaces table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: keyspace/mykeyspace/table/mytable. Amazon MSK cluster - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the cluster ARN. Example: arn:aws:kafka:us-east-1:123456789012:cluster/demo-cluster-1/6357e0b2-0e6a-4b86-a0b4-70df934c2e31-5. Amazon ElastiCache replication group - The resource type is replication-group and the unique identifier is the replication group name. Example: replication-group/mycluster. Neptune cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:mycluster. SageMaker Serverless endpoint - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering.
* The identifier of the resource associated with the scaling policy. This string consists of the resource type and unique identifier. ECS service - The resource type is service and the unique identifier is the cluster name and service name. Example: service/default/sample-webapp. Spot Fleet - The resource type is spot-fleet-request and the unique identifier is the Spot Fleet request ID. Example: spot-fleet-request/sfr-73fbd2ce-aa30-494c-8788-1cee4EXAMPLE. EMR cluster - The resource type is instancegroup and the unique identifier is the cluster ID and instance group ID. Example: instancegroup/j-2EEZNYKUA1NTV/ig-1791Y4E1L8YI0. AppStream 2.0 fleet - The resource type is fleet and the unique identifier is the fleet name. Example: fleet/sample-fleet. DynamoDB table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: table/my-table. DynamoDB global secondary index - The resource type is index and the unique identifier is the index name. Example: table/my-table/index/my-table-index. Aurora DB cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:my-db-cluster. SageMaker endpoint variant - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering. Custom resources are not supported with a resource type. This parameter must specify the OutputValue from the CloudFormation template stack used to access the resources. The unique identifier is defined by the service provider. More information is available in our GitHub repository. Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:document-classifier-endpoint/EXAMPLE. Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:entity-recognizer-endpoint/EXAMPLE. Lambda provisioned concurrency - The resource type is function and the unique identifier is the function name with a function version or alias name suffix that is not $LATEST. Example: function:my-function:prod or function:my-function:1. Amazon Keyspaces table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: keyspace/mykeyspace/table/mytable. Amazon MSK cluster - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the cluster ARN. Example: arn:aws:kafka:us-east-1:123456789012:cluster/demo-cluster-1/6357e0b2-0e6a-4b86-a0b4-70df934c2e31-5. Amazon ElastiCache replication group - The resource type is replication-group and the unique identifier is the replication group name. Example: replication-group/mycluster. Neptune cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:mycluster. SageMaker Serverless endpoint - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering. SageMaker inference component - The resource type is inference-component and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: inference-component/my-inference-component.
ResourceId: ResourceIdMaxLen1600;
* The scalable dimension. This string consists of the service namespace, resource type, and scaling property. ecs:service:DesiredCount - The desired task count of an ECS service. elasticmapreduce:instancegroup:InstanceCount - The instance count of an EMR Instance Group. ec2:spot-fleet-request:TargetCapacity - The target capacity of a Spot Fleet. appstream:fleet:DesiredCapacity - The desired capacity of an AppStream 2.0 fleet. dynamodb:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB table. dynamodb:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB table. dynamodb:index:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index. dynamodb:index:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index. rds:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of Aurora Replicas in an Aurora DB cluster. Available for Aurora MySQL-compatible edition and Aurora PostgreSQL-compatible edition. sagemaker:variant:DesiredInstanceCount - The number of EC2 instances for a SageMaker model endpoint variant. custom-resource:ResourceType:Property - The scalable dimension for a custom resource provided by your own application or service. comprehend:document-classifier-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint. comprehend:entity-recognizer-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint. lambda:function:ProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a Lambda function. cassandra:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table. cassandra:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table. kafka:broker-storage:VolumeSize - The provisioned volume size (in GiB) for brokers in an Amazon MSK cluster. elasticache:replication-group:NodeGroups - The number of node groups for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group. elasticache:replication-group:Replicas - The number of replicas per node group for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group. neptune:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of read replicas in an Amazon Neptune DB cluster. sagemaker:variant:DesiredProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a SageMaker Serverless endpoint.
* The scalable dimension. This string consists of the service namespace, resource type, and scaling property. ecs:service:DesiredCount - The desired task count of an ECS service. elasticmapreduce:instancegroup:InstanceCount - The instance count of an EMR Instance Group. ec2:spot-fleet-request:TargetCapacity - The target capacity of a Spot Fleet. appstream:fleet:DesiredCapacity - The desired capacity of an AppStream 2.0 fleet. dynamodb:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB table. dynamodb:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB table. dynamodb:index:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index. dynamodb:index:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index. rds:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of Aurora Replicas in an Aurora DB cluster. Available for Aurora MySQL-compatible edition and Aurora PostgreSQL-compatible edition. sagemaker:variant:DesiredInstanceCount - The number of EC2 instances for a SageMaker model endpoint variant. custom-resource:ResourceType:Property - The scalable dimension for a custom resource provided by your own application or service. comprehend:document-classifier-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint. comprehend:entity-recognizer-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint. lambda:function:ProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a Lambda function. cassandra:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table. cassandra:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table. kafka:broker-storage:VolumeSize - The provisioned volume size (in GiB) for brokers in an Amazon MSK cluster. elasticache:replication-group:NodeGroups - The number of node groups for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group. elasticache:replication-group:Replicas - The number of replicas per node group for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group. neptune:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of read replicas in an Amazon Neptune DB cluster. sagemaker:variant:DesiredProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a SageMaker Serverless endpoint. sagemaker:inference-component:DesiredCopyCount - The number of copies across an endpoint for a SageMaker inference component.
ScalableDimension: ScalableDimension;
* The scaling policy type. This parameter is required if you are creating a scaling policy. The following policy types are supported: TargetTrackingScaling—Not supported for Amazon EMR StepScaling—Not supported for DynamoDB, Amazon Comprehend, Lambda, Amazon Keyspaces, Amazon MSK, Amazon ElastiCache, or Neptune. For more information, see Target tracking scaling policies and Step scaling policies in the Application Auto Scaling User Guide.
* The scaling policy type. This parameter is required if you are creating a scaling policy. The following policy types are supported: TargetTrackingScaling—Not supported for Amazon EMR. StepScaling—Not supported for DynamoDB, Amazon Comprehend, Lambda, Amazon Keyspaces, Amazon MSK, Amazon ElastiCache, or Neptune. For more information, see Target tracking scaling policies and Step scaling policies in the Application Auto Scaling User Guide.
PolicyType?: PolicyType;
@@ -480,11 +480,11 @@ declare namespace ApplicationAutoScaling {
ScheduledActionName: ScheduledActionName;
* The identifier of the resource associated with the scheduled action. This string consists of the resource type and unique identifier. ECS service - The resource type is service and the unique identifier is the cluster name and service name. Example: service/default/sample-webapp. Spot Fleet - The resource type is spot-fleet-request and the unique identifier is the Spot Fleet request ID. Example: spot-fleet-request/sfr-73fbd2ce-aa30-494c-8788-1cee4EXAMPLE. EMR cluster - The resource type is instancegroup and the unique identifier is the cluster ID and instance group ID. Example: instancegroup/j-2EEZNYKUA1NTV/ig-1791Y4E1L8YI0. AppStream 2.0 fleet - The resource type is fleet and the unique identifier is the fleet name. Example: fleet/sample-fleet. DynamoDB table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: table/my-table. DynamoDB global secondary index - The resource type is index and the unique identifier is the index name. Example: table/my-table/index/my-table-index. Aurora DB cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:my-db-cluster. SageMaker endpoint variant - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering. Custom resources are not supported with a resource type. This parameter must specify the OutputValue from the CloudFormation template stack used to access the resources. The unique identifier is defined by the service provider. More information is available in our GitHub repository. Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:document-classifier-endpoint/EXAMPLE. Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:entity-recognizer-endpoint/EXAMPLE. Lambda provisioned concurrency - The resource type is function and the unique identifier is the function name with a function version or alias name suffix that is not $LATEST. Example: function:my-function:prod or function:my-function:1. Amazon Keyspaces table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: keyspace/mykeyspace/table/mytable. Amazon MSK cluster - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the cluster ARN. Example: arn:aws:kafka:us-east-1:123456789012:cluster/demo-cluster-1/6357e0b2-0e6a-4b86-a0b4-70df934c2e31-5. Amazon ElastiCache replication group - The resource type is replication-group and the unique identifier is the replication group name. Example: replication-group/mycluster. Neptune cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:mycluster. SageMaker Serverless endpoint - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering.
* The identifier of the resource associated with the scheduled action. This string consists of the resource type and unique identifier. ECS service - The resource type is service and the unique identifier is the cluster name and service name. Example: service/default/sample-webapp. Spot Fleet - The resource type is spot-fleet-request and the unique identifier is the Spot Fleet request ID. Example: spot-fleet-request/sfr-73fbd2ce-aa30-494c-8788-1cee4EXAMPLE. EMR cluster - The resource type is instancegroup and the unique identifier is the cluster ID and instance group ID. Example: instancegroup/j-2EEZNYKUA1NTV/ig-1791Y4E1L8YI0. AppStream 2.0 fleet - The resource type is fleet and the unique identifier is the fleet name. Example: fleet/sample-fleet. DynamoDB table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: table/my-table. DynamoDB global secondary index - The resource type is index and the unique identifier is the index name. Example: table/my-table/index/my-table-index. Aurora DB cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:my-db-cluster. SageMaker endpoint variant - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering. Custom resources are not supported with a resource type. This parameter must specify the OutputValue from the CloudFormation template stack used to access the resources. The unique identifier is defined by the service provider. More information is available in our GitHub repository. Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:document-classifier-endpoint/EXAMPLE. Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:entity-recognizer-endpoint/EXAMPLE. Lambda provisioned concurrency - The resource type is function and the unique identifier is the function name with a function version or alias name suffix that is not $LATEST. Example: function:my-function:prod or function:my-function:1. Amazon Keyspaces table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: keyspace/mykeyspace/table/mytable. Amazon MSK cluster - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the cluster ARN. Example: arn:aws:kafka:us-east-1:123456789012:cluster/demo-cluster-1/6357e0b2-0e6a-4b86-a0b4-70df934c2e31-5. Amazon ElastiCache replication group - The resource type is replication-group and the unique identifier is the replication group name. Example: replication-group/mycluster. Neptune cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:mycluster. SageMaker Serverless endpoint - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering. SageMaker inference component - The resource type is inference-component and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: inference-component/my-inference-component.
ResourceId: ResourceIdMaxLen1600;
* The scalable dimension. This string consists of the service namespace, resource type, and scaling property. ecs:service:DesiredCount - The desired task count of an ECS service. elasticmapreduce:instancegroup:InstanceCount - The instance count of an EMR Instance Group. ec2:spot-fleet-request:TargetCapacity - The target capacity of a Spot Fleet. appstream:fleet:DesiredCapacity - The desired capacity of an AppStream 2.0 fleet. dynamodb:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB table. dynamodb:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB table. dynamodb:index:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index. dynamodb:index:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index. rds:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of Aurora Replicas in an Aurora DB cluster. Available for Aurora MySQL-compatible edition and Aurora PostgreSQL-compatible edition. sagemaker:variant:DesiredInstanceCount - The number of EC2 instances for a SageMaker model endpoint variant. custom-resource:ResourceType:Property - The scalable dimension for a custom resource provided by your own application or service. comprehend:document-classifier-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint. comprehend:entity-recognizer-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint. lambda:function:ProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a Lambda function. cassandra:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table. cassandra:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table. kafka:broker-storage:VolumeSize - The provisioned volume size (in GiB) for brokers in an Amazon MSK cluster. elasticache:replication-group:NodeGroups - The number of node groups for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group. elasticache:replication-group:Replicas - The number of replicas per node group for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group. neptune:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of read replicas in an Amazon Neptune DB cluster. sagemaker:variant:DesiredProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a SageMaker Serverless endpoint.
* The scalable dimension. This string consists of the service namespace, resource type, and scaling property. ecs:service:DesiredCount - The desired task count of an ECS service. elasticmapreduce:instancegroup:InstanceCount - The instance count of an EMR Instance Group. ec2:spot-fleet-request:TargetCapacity - The target capacity of a Spot Fleet. appstream:fleet:DesiredCapacity - The desired capacity of an AppStream 2.0 fleet. dynamodb:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB table. dynamodb:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB table. dynamodb:index:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index. dynamodb:index:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index. rds:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of Aurora Replicas in an Aurora DB cluster. Available for Aurora MySQL-compatible edition and Aurora PostgreSQL-compatible edition. sagemaker:variant:DesiredInstanceCount - The number of EC2 instances for a SageMaker model endpoint variant. custom-resource:ResourceType:Property - The scalable dimension for a custom resource provided by your own application or service. comprehend:document-classifier-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint. comprehend:entity-recognizer-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint. lambda:function:ProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a Lambda function. cassandra:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table. cassandra:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table. kafka:broker-storage:VolumeSize - The provisioned volume size (in GiB) for brokers in an Amazon MSK cluster. elasticache:replication-group:NodeGroups - The number of node groups for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group. elasticache:replication-group:Replicas - The number of replicas per node group for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group. neptune:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of read replicas in an Amazon Neptune DB cluster. sagemaker:variant:DesiredProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a SageMaker Serverless endpoint. sagemaker:inference-component:DesiredCopyCount - The number of copies across an endpoint for a SageMaker inference component.
ScalableDimension: ScalableDimension;
@@ -508,11 +508,11 @@ declare namespace ApplicationAutoScaling {
ServiceNamespace: ServiceNamespace;
* The identifier of the resource that is associated with the scalable target. This string consists of the resource type and unique identifier. ECS service - The resource type is service and the unique identifier is the cluster name and service name. Example: service/default/sample-webapp. Spot Fleet - The resource type is spot-fleet-request and the unique identifier is the Spot Fleet request ID. Example: spot-fleet-request/sfr-73fbd2ce-aa30-494c-8788-1cee4EXAMPLE. EMR cluster - The resource type is instancegroup and the unique identifier is the cluster ID and instance group ID. Example: instancegroup/j-2EEZNYKUA1NTV/ig-1791Y4E1L8YI0. AppStream 2.0 fleet - The resource type is fleet and the unique identifier is the fleet name. Example: fleet/sample-fleet. DynamoDB table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: table/my-table. DynamoDB global secondary index - The resource type is index and the unique identifier is the index name. Example: table/my-table/index/my-table-index. Aurora DB cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:my-db-cluster. SageMaker endpoint variant - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering. Custom resources are not supported with a resource type. This parameter must specify the OutputValue from the CloudFormation template stack used to access the resources. The unique identifier is defined by the service provider. More information is available in our GitHub repository. Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:document-classifier-endpoint/EXAMPLE. Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:entity-recognizer-endpoint/EXAMPLE. Lambda provisioned concurrency - The resource type is function and the unique identifier is the function name with a function version or alias name suffix that is not $LATEST. Example: function:my-function:prod or function:my-function:1. Amazon Keyspaces table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: keyspace/mykeyspace/table/mytable. Amazon MSK cluster - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the cluster ARN. Example: arn:aws:kafka:us-east-1:123456789012:cluster/demo-cluster-1/6357e0b2-0e6a-4b86-a0b4-70df934c2e31-5. Amazon ElastiCache replication group - The resource type is replication-group and the unique identifier is the replication group name. Example: replication-group/mycluster. Neptune cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:mycluster. SageMaker Serverless endpoint - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering.
* The identifier of the resource that is associated with the scalable target. This string consists of the resource type and unique identifier. ECS service - The resource type is service and the unique identifier is the cluster name and service name. Example: service/default/sample-webapp. Spot Fleet - The resource type is spot-fleet-request and the unique identifier is the Spot Fleet request ID. Example: spot-fleet-request/sfr-73fbd2ce-aa30-494c-8788-1cee4EXAMPLE. EMR cluster - The resource type is instancegroup and the unique identifier is the cluster ID and instance group ID. Example: instancegroup/j-2EEZNYKUA1NTV/ig-1791Y4E1L8YI0. AppStream 2.0 fleet - The resource type is fleet and the unique identifier is the fleet name. Example: fleet/sample-fleet. DynamoDB table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: table/my-table. DynamoDB global secondary index - The resource type is index and the unique identifier is the index name. Example: table/my-table/index/my-table-index. Aurora DB cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:my-db-cluster. SageMaker endpoint variant - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering. Custom resources are not supported with a resource type. This parameter must specify the OutputValue from the CloudFormation template stack used to access the resources. The unique identifier is defined by the service provider. More information is available in our GitHub repository. Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:document-classifier-endpoint/EXAMPLE. Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:entity-recognizer-endpoint/EXAMPLE. Lambda provisioned concurrency - The resource type is function and the unique identifier is the function name with a function version or alias name suffix that is not $LATEST. Example: function:my-function:prod or function:my-function:1. Amazon Keyspaces table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: keyspace/mykeyspace/table/mytable. Amazon MSK cluster - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the cluster ARN. Example: arn:aws:kafka:us-east-1:123456789012:cluster/demo-cluster-1/6357e0b2-0e6a-4b86-a0b4-70df934c2e31-5. Amazon ElastiCache replication group - The resource type is replication-group and the unique identifier is the replication group name. Example: replication-group/mycluster. Neptune cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:mycluster. SageMaker Serverless endpoint - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering. SageMaker inference component - The resource type is inference-component and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: inference-component/my-inference-component.
ResourceId: ResourceIdMaxLen1600;
* The scalable dimension associated with the scalable target. This string consists of the service namespace, resource type, and scaling property. ecs:service:DesiredCount - The desired task count of an ECS service. elasticmapreduce:instancegroup:InstanceCount - The instance count of an EMR Instance Group. ec2:spot-fleet-request:TargetCapacity - The target capacity of a Spot Fleet. appstream:fleet:DesiredCapacity - The desired capacity of an AppStream 2.0 fleet. dynamodb:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB table. dynamodb:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB table. dynamodb:index:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index. dynamodb:index:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index. rds:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of Aurora Replicas in an Aurora DB cluster. Available for Aurora MySQL-compatible edition and Aurora PostgreSQL-compatible edition. sagemaker:variant:DesiredInstanceCount - The number of EC2 instances for a SageMaker model endpoint variant. custom-resource:ResourceType:Property - The scalable dimension for a custom resource provided by your own application or service. comprehend:document-classifier-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint. comprehend:entity-recognizer-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint. lambda:function:ProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a Lambda function. cassandra:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table. cassandra:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table. kafka:broker-storage:VolumeSize - The provisioned volume size (in GiB) for brokers in an Amazon MSK cluster. elasticache:replication-group:NodeGroups - The number of node groups for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group. elasticache:replication-group:Replicas - The number of replicas per node group for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group. neptune:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of read replicas in an Amazon Neptune DB cluster. sagemaker:variant:DesiredProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a SageMaker Serverless endpoint.
* The scalable dimension associated with the scalable target. This string consists of the service namespace, resource type, and scaling property. ecs:service:DesiredCount - The desired task count of an ECS service. elasticmapreduce:instancegroup:InstanceCount - The instance count of an EMR Instance Group. ec2:spot-fleet-request:TargetCapacity - The target capacity of a Spot Fleet. appstream:fleet:DesiredCapacity - The desired capacity of an AppStream 2.0 fleet. dynamodb:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB table. dynamodb:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB table. dynamodb:index:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index. dynamodb:index:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index. rds:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of Aurora Replicas in an Aurora DB cluster. Available for Aurora MySQL-compatible edition and Aurora PostgreSQL-compatible edition. sagemaker:variant:DesiredInstanceCount - The number of EC2 instances for a SageMaker model endpoint variant. custom-resource:ResourceType:Property - The scalable dimension for a custom resource provided by your own application or service. comprehend:document-classifier-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint. comprehend:entity-recognizer-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint. lambda:function:ProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a Lambda function. cassandra:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table. cassandra:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table. kafka:broker-storage:VolumeSize - The provisioned volume size (in GiB) for brokers in an Amazon MSK cluster. elasticache:replication-group:NodeGroups - The number of node groups for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group. elasticache:replication-group:Replicas - The number of replicas per node group for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group. neptune:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of read replicas in an Amazon Neptune DB cluster. sagemaker:variant:DesiredProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a SageMaker Serverless endpoint. sagemaker:inference-component:DesiredCopyCount - The number of copies across an endpoint for a SageMaker inference component.
ScalableDimension: ScalableDimension;
@@ -548,18 +548,18 @@ declare namespace ApplicationAutoScaling {
export type ResourceIdsMaxLen1600 = ResourceIdMaxLen1600[];
export type ResourceLabel = string;
export type ReturnData = boolean;
export type ScalableDimension = "ecs:service:DesiredCount"|"ec2:spot-fleet-request:TargetCapacity"|"elasticmapreduce:instancegroup:InstanceCount"|"appstream:fleet:DesiredCapacity"|"dynamodb:table:ReadCapacityUnits"|"dynamodb:table:WriteCapacityUnits"|"dynamodb:index:ReadCapacityUnits"|"dynamodb:index:WriteCapacityUnits"|"rds:cluster:ReadReplicaCount"|"sagemaker:variant:DesiredInstanceCount"|"custom-resource:ResourceType:Property"|"comprehend:document-classifier-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits"|"comprehend:entity-recognizer-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits"|"lambda:function:ProvisionedConcurrency"|"cassandra:table:ReadCapacityUnits"|"cassandra:table:WriteCapacityUnits"|"kafka:broker-storage:VolumeSize"|"elasticache:replication-group:NodeGroups"|"elasticache:replication-group:Replicas"|"neptune:cluster:ReadReplicaCount"|"sagemaker:variant:DesiredProvisionedConcurrency"|string;
export type ScalableDimension = "ecs:service:DesiredCount"|"ec2:spot-fleet-request:TargetCapacity"|"elasticmapreduce:instancegroup:InstanceCount"|"appstream:fleet:DesiredCapacity"|"dynamodb:table:ReadCapacityUnits"|"dynamodb:table:WriteCapacityUnits"|"dynamodb:index:ReadCapacityUnits"|"dynamodb:index:WriteCapacityUnits"|"rds:cluster:ReadReplicaCount"|"sagemaker:variant:DesiredInstanceCount"|"custom-resource:ResourceType:Property"|"comprehend:document-classifier-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits"|"comprehend:entity-recognizer-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits"|"lambda:function:ProvisionedConcurrency"|"cassandra:table:ReadCapacityUnits"|"cassandra:table:WriteCapacityUnits"|"kafka:broker-storage:VolumeSize"|"elasticache:replication-group:NodeGroups"|"elasticache:replication-group:Replicas"|"neptune:cluster:ReadReplicaCount"|"sagemaker:variant:DesiredProvisionedConcurrency"|"sagemaker:inference-component:DesiredCopyCount"|string;
export interface ScalableTarget {
* The namespace of the Amazon Web Services service that provides the resource, or a custom-resource.
ServiceNamespace: ServiceNamespace;
* The identifier of the resource associated with the scalable target. This string consists of the resource type and unique identifier. ECS service - The resource type is service and the unique identifier is the cluster name and service name. Example: service/default/sample-webapp. Spot Fleet - The resource type is spot-fleet-request and the unique identifier is the Spot Fleet request ID. Example: spot-fleet-request/sfr-73fbd2ce-aa30-494c-8788-1cee4EXAMPLE. EMR cluster - The resource type is instancegroup and the unique identifier is the cluster ID and instance group ID. Example: instancegroup/j-2EEZNYKUA1NTV/ig-1791Y4E1L8YI0. AppStream 2.0 fleet - The resource type is fleet and the unique identifier is the fleet name. Example: fleet/sample-fleet. DynamoDB table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: table/my-table. DynamoDB global secondary index - The resource type is index and the unique identifier is the index name. Example: table/my-table/index/my-table-index. Aurora DB cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:my-db-cluster. SageMaker endpoint variant - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering. Custom resources are not supported with a resource type. This parameter must specify the OutputValue from the CloudFormation template stack used to access the resources. The unique identifier is defined by the service provider. More information is available in our GitHub repository. Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:document-classifier-endpoint/EXAMPLE. Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:entity-recognizer-endpoint/EXAMPLE. Lambda provisioned concurrency - The resource type is function and the unique identifier is the function name with a function version or alias name suffix that is not $LATEST. Example: function:my-function:prod or function:my-function:1. Amazon Keyspaces table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: keyspace/mykeyspace/table/mytable. Amazon MSK cluster - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the cluster ARN. Example: arn:aws:kafka:us-east-1:123456789012:cluster/demo-cluster-1/6357e0b2-0e6a-4b86-a0b4-70df934c2e31-5. Amazon ElastiCache replication group - The resource type is replication-group and the unique identifier is the replication group name. Example: replication-group/mycluster. Neptune cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:mycluster. SageMaker Serverless endpoint - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering.
* The identifier of the resource associated with the scalable target. This string consists of the resource type and unique identifier. ECS service - The resource type is service and the unique identifier is the cluster name and service name. Example: service/default/sample-webapp. Spot Fleet - The resource type is spot-fleet-request and the unique identifier is the Spot Fleet request ID. Example: spot-fleet-request/sfr-73fbd2ce-aa30-494c-8788-1cee4EXAMPLE. EMR cluster - The resource type is instancegroup and the unique identifier is the cluster ID and instance group ID. Example: instancegroup/j-2EEZNYKUA1NTV/ig-1791Y4E1L8YI0. AppStream 2.0 fleet - The resource type is fleet and the unique identifier is the fleet name. Example: fleet/sample-fleet. DynamoDB table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: table/my-table. DynamoDB global secondary index - The resource type is index and the unique identifier is the index name. Example: table/my-table/index/my-table-index. Aurora DB cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:my-db-cluster. SageMaker endpoint variant - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering. Custom resources are not supported with a resource type. This parameter must specify the OutputValue from the CloudFormation template stack used to access the resources. The unique identifier is defined by the service provider. More information is available in our GitHub repository. Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:document-classifier-endpoint/EXAMPLE. Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:entity-recognizer-endpoint/EXAMPLE. Lambda provisioned concurrency - The resource type is function and the unique identifier is the function name with a function version or alias name suffix that is not $LATEST. Example: function:my-function:prod or function:my-function:1. Amazon Keyspaces table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: keyspace/mykeyspace/table/mytable. Amazon MSK cluster - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the cluster ARN. Example: arn:aws:kafka:us-east-1:123456789012:cluster/demo-cluster-1/6357e0b2-0e6a-4b86-a0b4-70df934c2e31-5. Amazon ElastiCache replication group - The resource type is replication-group and the unique identifier is the replication group name. Example: replication-group/mycluster. Neptune cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:mycluster. SageMaker Serverless endpoint - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering. SageMaker inference component - The resource type is inference-component and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: inference-component/my-inference-component.
ResourceId: ResourceIdMaxLen1600;
* The scalable dimension associated with the scalable target. This string consists of the service namespace, resource type, and scaling property. ecs:service:DesiredCount - The desired task count of an ECS service. elasticmapreduce:instancegroup:InstanceCount - The instance count of an EMR Instance Group. ec2:spot-fleet-request:TargetCapacity - The target capacity of a Spot Fleet. appstream:fleet:DesiredCapacity - The desired capacity of an AppStream 2.0 fleet. dynamodb:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB table. dynamodb:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB table. dynamodb:index:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index. dynamodb:index:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index. rds:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of Aurora Replicas in an Aurora DB cluster. Available for Aurora MySQL-compatible edition and Aurora PostgreSQL-compatible edition. sagemaker:variant:DesiredInstanceCount - The number of EC2 instances for a SageMaker model endpoint variant. custom-resource:ResourceType:Property - The scalable dimension for a custom resource provided by your own application or service. comprehend:document-classifier-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint. comprehend:entity-recognizer-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint. lambda:function:ProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a Lambda function. cassandra:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table. cassandra:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table. kafka:broker-storage:VolumeSize - The provisioned volume size (in GiB) for brokers in an Amazon MSK cluster. elasticache:replication-group:NodeGroups - The number of node groups for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group. elasticache:replication-group:Replicas - The number of replicas per node group for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group. neptune:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of read replicas in an Amazon Neptune DB cluster. sagemaker:variant:DesiredProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a SageMaker Serverless endpoint.
* The scalable dimension associated with the scalable target. This string consists of the service namespace, resource type, and scaling property. ecs:service:DesiredCount - The desired task count of an ECS service. elasticmapreduce:instancegroup:InstanceCount - The instance count of an EMR Instance Group. ec2:spot-fleet-request:TargetCapacity - The target capacity of a Spot Fleet. appstream:fleet:DesiredCapacity - The desired capacity of an AppStream 2.0 fleet. dynamodb:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB table. dynamodb:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB table. dynamodb:index:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index. dynamodb:index:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index. rds:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of Aurora Replicas in an Aurora DB cluster. Available for Aurora MySQL-compatible edition and Aurora PostgreSQL-compatible edition. sagemaker:variant:DesiredInstanceCount - The number of EC2 instances for a SageMaker model endpoint variant. custom-resource:ResourceType:Property - The scalable dimension for a custom resource provided by your own application or service. comprehend:document-classifier-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint. comprehend:entity-recognizer-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint. lambda:function:ProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a Lambda function. cassandra:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table. cassandra:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table. kafka:broker-storage:VolumeSize - The provisioned volume size (in GiB) for brokers in an Amazon MSK cluster. elasticache:replication-group:NodeGroups - The number of node groups for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group. elasticache:replication-group:Replicas - The number of replicas per node group for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group. neptune:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of read replicas in an Amazon Neptune DB cluster. sagemaker:variant:DesiredProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a SageMaker Serverless endpoint. sagemaker:inference-component:DesiredCopyCount - The number of copies across an endpoint for a SageMaker inference component.
ScalableDimension: ScalableDimension;
@@ -609,11 +609,11 @@ declare namespace ApplicationAutoScaling {
ServiceNamespace: ServiceNamespace;
* The identifier of the resource associated with the scaling activity. This string consists of the resource type and unique identifier. ECS service - The resource type is service and the unique identifier is the cluster name and service name. Example: service/default/sample-webapp. Spot Fleet - The resource type is spot-fleet-request and the unique identifier is the Spot Fleet request ID. Example: spot-fleet-request/sfr-73fbd2ce-aa30-494c-8788-1cee4EXAMPLE. EMR cluster - The resource type is instancegroup and the unique identifier is the cluster ID and instance group ID. Example: instancegroup/j-2EEZNYKUA1NTV/ig-1791Y4E1L8YI0. AppStream 2.0 fleet - The resource type is fleet and the unique identifier is the fleet name. Example: fleet/sample-fleet. DynamoDB table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: table/my-table. DynamoDB global secondary index - The resource type is index and the unique identifier is the index name. Example: table/my-table/index/my-table-index. Aurora DB cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:my-db-cluster. SageMaker endpoint variant - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering. Custom resources are not supported with a resource type. This parameter must specify the OutputValue from the CloudFormation template stack used to access the resources. The unique identifier is defined by the service provider. More information is available in our GitHub repository. Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:document-classifier-endpoint/EXAMPLE. Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:entity-recognizer-endpoint/EXAMPLE. Lambda provisioned concurrency - The resource type is function and the unique identifier is the function name with a function version or alias name suffix that is not $LATEST. Example: function:my-function:prod or function:my-function:1. Amazon Keyspaces table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: keyspace/mykeyspace/table/mytable. Amazon MSK cluster - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the cluster ARN. Example: arn:aws:kafka:us-east-1:123456789012:cluster/demo-cluster-1/6357e0b2-0e6a-4b86-a0b4-70df934c2e31-5. Amazon ElastiCache replication group - The resource type is replication-group and the unique identifier is the replication group name. Example: replication-group/mycluster. Neptune cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:mycluster. SageMaker Serverless endpoint - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering.
* The identifier of the resource associated with the scaling activity. This string consists of the resource type and unique identifier. ECS service - The resource type is service and the unique identifier is the cluster name and service name. Example: service/default/sample-webapp. Spot Fleet - The resource type is spot-fleet-request and the unique identifier is the Spot Fleet request ID. Example: spot-fleet-request/sfr-73fbd2ce-aa30-494c-8788-1cee4EXAMPLE. EMR cluster - The resource type is instancegroup and the unique identifier is the cluster ID and instance group ID. Example: instancegroup/j-2EEZNYKUA1NTV/ig-1791Y4E1L8YI0. AppStream 2.0 fleet - The resource type is fleet and the unique identifier is the fleet name. Example: fleet/sample-fleet. DynamoDB table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: table/my-table. DynamoDB global secondary index - The resource type is index and the unique identifier is the index name. Example: table/my-table/index/my-table-index. Aurora DB cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:my-db-cluster. SageMaker endpoint variant - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering. Custom resources are not supported with a resource type. This parameter must specify the OutputValue from the CloudFormation template stack used to access the resources. The unique identifier is defined by the service provider. More information is available in our GitHub repository. Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:document-classifier-endpoint/EXAMPLE. Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:entity-recognizer-endpoint/EXAMPLE. Lambda provisioned concurrency - The resource type is function and the unique identifier is the function name with a function version or alias name suffix that is not $LATEST. Example: function:my-function:prod or function:my-function:1. Amazon Keyspaces table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: keyspace/mykeyspace/table/mytable. Amazon MSK cluster - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the cluster ARN. Example: arn:aws:kafka:us-east-1:123456789012:cluster/demo-cluster-1/6357e0b2-0e6a-4b86-a0b4-70df934c2e31-5. Amazon ElastiCache replication group - The resource type is replication-group and the unique identifier is the replication group name. Example: replication-group/mycluster. Neptune cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:mycluster. SageMaker Serverless endpoint - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering. SageMaker inference component - The resource type is inference-component and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: inference-component/my-inference-component.
ResourceId: ResourceIdMaxLen1600;
* The scalable dimension. This string consists of the service namespace, resource type, and scaling property. ecs:service:DesiredCount - The desired task count of an ECS service. elasticmapreduce:instancegroup:InstanceCount - The instance count of an EMR Instance Group. ec2:spot-fleet-request:TargetCapacity - The target capacity of a Spot Fleet. appstream:fleet:DesiredCapacity - The desired capacity of an AppStream 2.0 fleet. dynamodb:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB table. dynamodb:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB table. dynamodb:index:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index. dynamodb:index:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index. rds:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of Aurora Replicas in an Aurora DB cluster. Available for Aurora MySQL-compatible edition and Aurora PostgreSQL-compatible edition. sagemaker:variant:DesiredInstanceCount - The number of EC2 instances for a SageMaker model endpoint variant. custom-resource:ResourceType:Property - The scalable dimension for a custom resource provided by your own application or service. comprehend:document-classifier-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint. comprehend:entity-recognizer-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint. lambda:function:ProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a Lambda function. cassandra:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table. cassandra:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table. kafka:broker-storage:VolumeSize - The provisioned volume size (in GiB) for brokers in an Amazon MSK cluster. elasticache:replication-group:NodeGroups - The number of node groups for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group. elasticache:replication-group:Replicas - The number of replicas per node group for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group. neptune:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of read replicas in an Amazon Neptune DB cluster. sagemaker:variant:DesiredProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a SageMaker Serverless endpoint.
* The scalable dimension. This string consists of the service namespace, resource type, and scaling property. ecs:service:DesiredCount - The desired task count of an ECS service. elasticmapreduce:instancegroup:InstanceCount - The instance count of an EMR Instance Group. ec2:spot-fleet-request:TargetCapacity - The target capacity of a Spot Fleet. appstream:fleet:DesiredCapacity - The desired capacity of an AppStream 2.0 fleet. dynamodb:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB table. dynamodb:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB table. dynamodb:index:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index. dynamodb:index:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index. rds:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of Aurora Replicas in an Aurora DB cluster. Available for Aurora MySQL-compatible edition and Aurora PostgreSQL-compatible edition. sagemaker:variant:DesiredInstanceCount - The number of EC2 instances for a SageMaker model endpoint variant. custom-resource:ResourceType:Property - The scalable dimension for a custom resource provided by your own application or service. comprehend:document-classifier-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint. comprehend:entity-recognizer-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint. lambda:function:ProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a Lambda function. cassandra:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table. cassandra:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table. kafka:broker-storage:VolumeSize - The provisioned volume size (in GiB) for brokers in an Amazon MSK cluster. elasticache:replication-group:NodeGroups - The number of node groups for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group. elasticache:replication-group:Replicas - The number of replicas per node group for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group. neptune:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of read replicas in an Amazon Neptune DB cluster. sagemaker:variant:DesiredProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a SageMaker Serverless endpoint. sagemaker:inference-component:DesiredCopyCount - The number of copies across an endpoint for a SageMaker inference component.
ScalableDimension: ScalableDimension;
@@ -666,11 +666,11 @@ declare namespace ApplicationAutoScaling {
ServiceNamespace: ServiceNamespace;
* The identifier of the resource associated with the scaling policy. This string consists of the resource type and unique identifier. ECS service - The resource type is service and the unique identifier is the cluster name and service name. Example: service/default/sample-webapp. Spot Fleet - The resource type is spot-fleet-request and the unique identifier is the Spot Fleet request ID. Example: spot-fleet-request/sfr-73fbd2ce-aa30-494c-8788-1cee4EXAMPLE. EMR cluster - The resource type is instancegroup and the unique identifier is the cluster ID and instance group ID. Example: instancegroup/j-2EEZNYKUA1NTV/ig-1791Y4E1L8YI0. AppStream 2.0 fleet - The resource type is fleet and the unique identifier is the fleet name. Example: fleet/sample-fleet. DynamoDB table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: table/my-table. DynamoDB global secondary index - The resource type is index and the unique identifier is the index name. Example: table/my-table/index/my-table-index. Aurora DB cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:my-db-cluster. SageMaker endpoint variant - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering. Custom resources are not supported with a resource type. This parameter must specify the OutputValue from the CloudFormation template stack used to access the resources. The unique identifier is defined by the service provider. More information is available in our GitHub repository. Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:document-classifier-endpoint/EXAMPLE. Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:entity-recognizer-endpoint/EXAMPLE. Lambda provisioned concurrency - The resource type is function and the unique identifier is the function name with a function version or alias name suffix that is not $LATEST. Example: function:my-function:prod or function:my-function:1. Amazon Keyspaces table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: keyspace/mykeyspace/table/mytable. Amazon MSK cluster - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the cluster ARN. Example: arn:aws:kafka:us-east-1:123456789012:cluster/demo-cluster-1/6357e0b2-0e6a-4b86-a0b4-70df934c2e31-5. Amazon ElastiCache replication group - The resource type is replication-group and the unique identifier is the replication group name. Example: replication-group/mycluster. Neptune cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:mycluster. SageMaker Serverless endpoint - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering.
* The identifier of the resource associated with the scaling policy. This string consists of the resource type and unique identifier. ECS service - The resource type is service and the unique identifier is the cluster name and service name. Example: service/default/sample-webapp. Spot Fleet - The resource type is spot-fleet-request and the unique identifier is the Spot Fleet request ID. Example: spot-fleet-request/sfr-73fbd2ce-aa30-494c-8788-1cee4EXAMPLE. EMR cluster - The resource type is instancegroup and the unique identifier is the cluster ID and instance group ID. Example: instancegroup/j-2EEZNYKUA1NTV/ig-1791Y4E1L8YI0. AppStream 2.0 fleet - The resource type is fleet and the unique identifier is the fleet name. Example: fleet/sample-fleet. DynamoDB table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: table/my-table. DynamoDB global secondary index - The resource type is index and the unique identifier is the index name. Example: table/my-table/index/my-table-index. Aurora DB cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:my-db-cluster. SageMaker endpoint variant - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering. Custom resources are not supported with a resource type. This parameter must specify the OutputValue from the CloudFormation template stack used to access the resources. The unique identifier is defined by the service provider. More information is available in our GitHub repository. Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:document-classifier-endpoint/EXAMPLE. Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:entity-recognizer-endpoint/EXAMPLE. Lambda provisioned concurrency - The resource type is function and the unique identifier is the function name with a function version or alias name suffix that is not $LATEST. Example: function:my-function:prod or function:my-function:1. Amazon Keyspaces table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: keyspace/mykeyspace/table/mytable. Amazon MSK cluster - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the cluster ARN. Example: arn:aws:kafka:us-east-1:123456789012:cluster/demo-cluster-1/6357e0b2-0e6a-4b86-a0b4-70df934c2e31-5. Amazon ElastiCache replication group - The resource type is replication-group and the unique identifier is the replication group name. Example: replication-group/mycluster. Neptune cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:mycluster. SageMaker Serverless endpoint - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering. SageMaker inference component - The resource type is inference-component and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: inference-component/my-inference-component.
ResourceId: ResourceIdMaxLen1600;
* The scalable dimension. This string consists of the service namespace, resource type, and scaling property. ecs:service:DesiredCount - The desired task count of an ECS service. elasticmapreduce:instancegroup:InstanceCount - The instance count of an EMR Instance Group. ec2:spot-fleet-request:TargetCapacity - The target capacity of a Spot Fleet. appstream:fleet:DesiredCapacity - The desired capacity of an AppStream 2.0 fleet. dynamodb:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB table. dynamodb:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB table. dynamodb:index:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index. dynamodb:index:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index. rds:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of Aurora Replicas in an Aurora DB cluster. Available for Aurora MySQL-compatible edition and Aurora PostgreSQL-compatible edition. sagemaker:variant:DesiredInstanceCount - The number of EC2 instances for a SageMaker model endpoint variant. custom-resource:ResourceType:Property - The scalable dimension for a custom resource provided by your own application or service. comprehend:document-classifier-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint. comprehend:entity-recognizer-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint. lambda:function:ProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a Lambda function. cassandra:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table. cassandra:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table. kafka:broker-storage:VolumeSize - The provisioned volume size (in GiB) for brokers in an Amazon MSK cluster. elasticache:replication-group:NodeGroups - The number of node groups for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group. elasticache:replication-group:Replicas - The number of replicas per node group for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group. neptune:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of read replicas in an Amazon Neptune DB cluster. sagemaker:variant:DesiredProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a SageMaker Serverless endpoint.
* The scalable dimension. This string consists of the service namespace, resource type, and scaling property. ecs:service:DesiredCount - The desired task count of an ECS service. elasticmapreduce:instancegroup:InstanceCount - The instance count of an EMR Instance Group. ec2:spot-fleet-request:TargetCapacity - The target capacity of a Spot Fleet. appstream:fleet:DesiredCapacity - The desired capacity of an AppStream 2.0 fleet. dynamodb:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB table. dynamodb:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB table. dynamodb:index:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index. dynamodb:index:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index. rds:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of Aurora Replicas in an Aurora DB cluster. Available for Aurora MySQL-compatible edition and Aurora PostgreSQL-compatible edition. sagemaker:variant:DesiredInstanceCount - The number of EC2 instances for a SageMaker model endpoint variant. custom-resource:ResourceType:Property - The scalable dimension for a custom resource provided by your own application or service. comprehend:document-classifier-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint. comprehend:entity-recognizer-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint. lambda:function:ProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a Lambda function. cassandra:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table. cassandra:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table. kafka:broker-storage:VolumeSize - The provisioned volume size (in GiB) for brokers in an Amazon MSK cluster. elasticache:replication-group:NodeGroups - The number of node groups for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group. elasticache:replication-group:Replicas - The number of replicas per node group for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group. neptune:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of read replicas in an Amazon Neptune DB cluster. sagemaker:variant:DesiredProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a SageMaker Serverless endpoint. sagemaker:inference-component:DesiredCopyCount - The number of copies across an endpoint for a SageMaker inference component.
ScalableDimension: ScalableDimension;
@@ -717,11 +717,11 @@ declare namespace ApplicationAutoScaling {
Timezone?: ResourceIdMaxLen1600;
* The identifier of the resource associated with the scaling policy. This string consists of the resource type and unique identifier. ECS service - The resource type is service and the unique identifier is the cluster name and service name. Example: service/default/sample-webapp. Spot Fleet - The resource type is spot-fleet-request and the unique identifier is the Spot Fleet request ID. Example: spot-fleet-request/sfr-73fbd2ce-aa30-494c-8788-1cee4EXAMPLE. EMR cluster - The resource type is instancegroup and the unique identifier is the cluster ID and instance group ID. Example: instancegroup/j-2EEZNYKUA1NTV/ig-1791Y4E1L8YI0. AppStream 2.0 fleet - The resource type is fleet and the unique identifier is the fleet name. Example: fleet/sample-fleet. DynamoDB table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: table/my-table. DynamoDB global secondary index - The resource type is index and the unique identifier is the index name. Example: table/my-table/index/my-table-index. Aurora DB cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:my-db-cluster. SageMaker endpoint variant - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering. Custom resources are not supported with a resource type. This parameter must specify the OutputValue from the CloudFormation template stack used to access the resources. The unique identifier is defined by the service provider. More information is available in our GitHub repository. Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:document-classifier-endpoint/EXAMPLE. Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:entity-recognizer-endpoint/EXAMPLE. Lambda provisioned concurrency - The resource type is function and the unique identifier is the function name with a function version or alias name suffix that is not $LATEST. Example: function:my-function:prod or function:my-function:1. Amazon Keyspaces table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: keyspace/mykeyspace/table/mytable. Amazon MSK cluster - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the cluster ARN. Example: arn:aws:kafka:us-east-1:123456789012:cluster/demo-cluster-1/6357e0b2-0e6a-4b86-a0b4-70df934c2e31-5. Amazon ElastiCache replication group - The resource type is replication-group and the unique identifier is the replication group name. Example: replication-group/mycluster. Neptune cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:mycluster. SageMaker Serverless endpoint - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering.
* The identifier of the resource associated with the scaling policy. This string consists of the resource type and unique identifier. ECS service - The resource type is service and the unique identifier is the cluster name and service name. Example: service/default/sample-webapp. Spot Fleet - The resource type is spot-fleet-request and the unique identifier is the Spot Fleet request ID. Example: spot-fleet-request/sfr-73fbd2ce-aa30-494c-8788-1cee4EXAMPLE. EMR cluster - The resource type is instancegroup and the unique identifier is the cluster ID and instance group ID. Example: instancegroup/j-2EEZNYKUA1NTV/ig-1791Y4E1L8YI0. AppStream 2.0 fleet - The resource type is fleet and the unique identifier is the fleet name. Example: fleet/sample-fleet. DynamoDB table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: table/my-table. DynamoDB global secondary index - The resource type is index and the unique identifier is the index name. Example: table/my-table/index/my-table-index. Aurora DB cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:my-db-cluster. SageMaker endpoint variant - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering. Custom resources are not supported with a resource type. This parameter must specify the OutputValue from the CloudFormation template stack used to access the resources. The unique identifier is defined by the service provider. More information is available in our GitHub repository. Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:document-classifier-endpoint/EXAMPLE. Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:entity-recognizer-endpoint/EXAMPLE. Lambda provisioned concurrency - The resource type is function and the unique identifier is the function name with a function version or alias name suffix that is not $LATEST. Example: function:my-function:prod or function:my-function:1. Amazon Keyspaces table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: keyspace/mykeyspace/table/mytable. Amazon MSK cluster - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the cluster ARN. Example: arn:aws:kafka:us-east-1:123456789012:cluster/demo-cluster-1/6357e0b2-0e6a-4b86-a0b4-70df934c2e31-5. Amazon ElastiCache replication group - The resource type is replication-group and the unique identifier is the replication group name. Example: replication-group/mycluster. Neptune cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:mycluster. SageMaker Serverless endpoint - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering. SageMaker inference component - The resource type is inference-component and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: inference-component/my-inference-component.
ResourceId: ResourceIdMaxLen1600;
* The scalable dimension. This string consists of the service namespace, resource type, and scaling property. ecs:service:DesiredCount - The desired task count of an ECS service. elasticmapreduce:instancegroup:InstanceCount - The instance count of an EMR Instance Group. ec2:spot-fleet-request:TargetCapacity - The target capacity of a Spot Fleet. appstream:fleet:DesiredCapacity - The desired capacity of an AppStream 2.0 fleet. dynamodb:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB table. dynamodb:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB table. dynamodb:index:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index. dynamodb:index:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index. rds:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of Aurora Replicas in an Aurora DB cluster. Available for Aurora MySQL-compatible edition and Aurora PostgreSQL-compatible edition. sagemaker:variant:DesiredInstanceCount - The number of EC2 instances for a SageMaker model endpoint variant. custom-resource:ResourceType:Property - The scalable dimension for a custom resource provided by your own application or service. comprehend:document-classifier-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint. comprehend:entity-recognizer-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint. lambda:function:ProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a Lambda function. cassandra:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table. cassandra:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table. kafka:broker-storage:VolumeSize - The provisioned volume size (in GiB) for brokers in an Amazon MSK cluster. elasticache:replication-group:NodeGroups - The number of node groups for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group. elasticache:replication-group:Replicas - The number of replicas per node group for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group. neptune:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of read replicas in an Amazon Neptune DB cluster. sagemaker:variant:DesiredProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a SageMaker Serverless endpoint.
* The scalable dimension. This string consists of the service namespace, resource type, and scaling property. ecs:service:DesiredCount - The desired task count of an ECS service. elasticmapreduce:instancegroup:InstanceCount - The instance count of an EMR Instance Group. ec2:spot-fleet-request:TargetCapacity - The target capacity of a Spot Fleet. appstream:fleet:DesiredCapacity - The desired capacity of an AppStream 2.0 fleet. dynamodb:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB table. dynamodb:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB table. dynamodb:index:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index. dynamodb:index:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index. rds:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of Aurora Replicas in an Aurora DB cluster. Available for Aurora MySQL-compatible edition and Aurora PostgreSQL-compatible edition. sagemaker:variant:DesiredInstanceCount - The number of EC2 instances for a SageMaker model endpoint variant. custom-resource:ResourceType:Property - The scalable dimension for a custom resource provided by your own application or service. comprehend:document-classifier-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint. comprehend:entity-recognizer-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint. lambda:function:ProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a Lambda function. cassandra:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table. cassandra:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table. kafka:broker-storage:VolumeSize - The provisioned volume size (in GiB) for brokers in an Amazon MSK cluster. elasticache:replication-group:NodeGroups - The number of node groups for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group. elasticache:replication-group:Replicas - The number of replicas per node group for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group. neptune:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of read replicas in an Amazon Neptune DB cluster. sagemaker:variant:DesiredProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a SageMaker Serverless endpoint. sagemaker:inference-component:DesiredCopyCount - The number of copies across an endpoint for a SageMaker inference component.
ScalableDimension?: ScalableDimension;