atomic-di 0.9.1-beta.3 → 1.0.0-rc.1

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@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"version":3,"sources":["../src/helpers.ts","../src/provider.ts","../src/scope.ts","../src/mock-map.ts","../src/collection-resolution.ts"],"sourcesContent":["/**\n * Creates a function that will invoke the provided function `fn` only once,\n * caching the result for subsequent calls with the same arguments.\n *\n * @returns A new function that returns the cached result after the first call.\n */\nexport const once = <A extends any[], R>(\n /**\n * The function to invoke once and cache the result.\n */\n fn: (...args: A) => R,\n) => {\n let returned = false;\n let result: R | undefined;\n\n return Object.assign((...args: A): R => {\n if (returned) return result!;\n\n result = fn(...args);\n returned = true;\n\n return result;\n }, fn);\n};\n","import { once } from \"./helpers\";\nimport { MockMap } from \"./mock-map\";\nimport { Scope } from \"./scope\";\n\n/**\n * A wrapper around the resolver(factory) for contextual dependency resolution.\n *\n * Resolves an instance by calling a resolver\n * with a resolution context that will be propagated\n * throughout a dependency tree.\n *\n * When passing a scope it will try to get an instance from it\n * or create a new one and put it there.\n *\n * When passing mocks, it will try to get its own mock version,\n * and if there is one, it will use it instead of itself.\n */\nexport type Provider<T> = (context?: ResolutionContext) => T;\n\n/**\n * A resolution lifetime.\n *\n * Passed when creating a provider to determine its behavior.\n *\n * `\"transient\"` doesn't provide any modifications to a resolver behaviour,\n * so the resolver will create a new instance on each request.\n *\n * `\"singleton\"` forces the resolver to create an instance once\n * and return it in subsequent requests.\n *\n * `\"scoped\"` forces the resolver to take its instance from a provided scope\n * or create a new one and save it if there is none.\n * If no scope is passed, it will create a new instance on each request.\n */\nexport type Lifetime = \"transient\" | \"singleton\" | \"scoped\";\n\n/**\n * A function that creates an instance using a resolution context.\n */\nexport type Resolver<T> = (context?: ResolutionContext) => T;\n\n/**\n * An object that holds information about a scope and provider mocks.\n *\n * Passed to the provider call to resolve scope instances and mock providers.\n */\nexport type ResolutionContext = {\n scope?: Scope;\n mocks?: MockMap;\n};\n\n/**\n * Creates a provider instance,\n * a wrapper around a resolver(factory) for contextual dependency resolution.\n *\n * @param lifetime\n * A resolution lifetime.\n *\n * `\"transient\"` doesn't provide any modifications to a resolver behaviour,\n * so the resolver will create a new instance on each request.\n *\n * `\"singleton\"` forces the resolver to create an instance once\n * and return it in subsequent requests.\n *\n * `\"scoped\"` forces the resolver to take its resolution from a provided scope\n * or create a new one and save it if there is none.\n * If no scope is passed, it will create a new instance on each request.\n *\n * @param resolver\n * The function that creates an instance using a resolution context.\n *\n * @returns The provider instance.\n */\nexport const provide = <T>(\n lifetime: Lifetime,\n resolver: Resolver<T>,\n): Provider<T> => {\n resolver = lifetime === \"singleton\" ? once(resolver) : resolver;\n\n const resolve: Provider<T> = (context) => {\n const maybeOwnMock = context?.mocks?.get(resolve);\n if (maybeOwnMock) return maybeOwnMock(context);\n\n if (lifetime !== \"scoped\" || !context?.scope) return resolver(context);\n\n const resolution = context.scope.has(resolve)\n ? context.scope.get(resolve)\n : resolver(context);\n context.scope.set(resolve, resolution);\n\n return resolution;\n };\n\n return resolve;\n};\n\n/**\n * Creates a transient provider instance,\n * a wrapper around a resolver(factory) for contextual dependency resolution\n * that will create a new instance on each request.\n *\n * @param resolver\n * The function that creates an instance using a resolution context.\n *\n * @returns The transient provider instance.\n */\nexport const transient = <T>(resolver: Resolver<T>) =>\n provide(\"transient\", resolver);\n\n/**\n * Creates a transient provider instance,\n * a wrapper around a resolver(factory) for contextual dependency resolution\n * that will create an instance once and return it in subsequent requests.\n *\n * @param resolver\n * The function that creates an instance using a resolution context.\n *\n * @returns The singleton provider instance.\n */\nexport const singleton = <T>(resolver: Resolver<T>) =>\n provide(\"singleton\", resolver);\n\n/**\n * Creates a transient provider instance,\n * a wrapper around a resolver(factory) for contextual dependency resolution\n * that will take its resolution from a provided scope\n * or create a new one and save it if there is none.\n * If no scope is passed, it will create a new instance on each request.\n *\n * @param resolver\n * The function that creates an instance using a resolution context.\n *\n * @returns The scoped provider instance.\n */\nexport const scoped = <T>(resolver: Resolver<T>) => provide(\"scoped\", resolver);\n","import { Provider } from \"./provider\";\n\n/**\n * A map of providers to their instances.\n *\n * Passed to a provider call in a resolution context object\n * to resolve instances of scoped providers within it.\n * ```ts\n * const scope = createScope()\n * provider({ scope })\n * ```\n */\nexport type Scope = Map<Provider<any>, any>;\n\n/**\n * Creates a scope instance.\n *\n * Scope is passed to a provider call in a resolution context object\n * to resolve instances of scoped providers within it.\n * ```ts\n * const scope = createScope()\n * provider({ scope })\n * ```\n *\n * @returns The scope instance.\n */\nexport const createScope = (): Scope => new Map();\n","import { Provider } from \"./provider\";\n\n/**\n * A map of providers to providers of the same type.\n * Lifetime is not a part of `Provider` type, so you can use\n * a different one if necessary.\n *\n * Passed to a provider call in a resolution context object\n * in order to replace providers with their mocks.\n * ```ts\n * const otherProvider =\n * transitive(() => ...)\n * const otherProviderMock: typeof otherProvider =\n * scoped(() => ...)\n *\n * const mocks = createMockMap()\n * mocks.set(otherProvider, otherProviderMock)\n *\n * provider({ mocks })\n * ```\n */\nexport type MockMap = Omit<Map<Provider<any>, Provider<any>>, \"set\" | \"get\"> & {\n /**\n * Sets a mock for a provider.\n *\n * @param provider - The original provider.\n * @param mock - The mock provider.\n */\n set<T>(provider: Provider<T>, mock: Provider<T>): MockMap;\n /**\n * Retrieves a mock of a provider. Returns undefined if there's none.\n *\n * @param provider - The provider.\n */\n get<T>(provider: Provider<T>): Provider<T> | undefined;\n};\n\n/**\n * Creates a mock map instance,\n * a map of providers to providers of the same type.\n * Lifetime is not a part of `Provider` type, so you can use\n * a different one if necessary.\n *\n * Passed to a provider call in a resolution context object\n * in order to replace providers with their mocks.\n * ```ts\n * const otherProvider =\n * transitive(() => ...)\n * const otherProviderMock: typeof otherProvider =\n * scoped(() => ...)\n *\n * const mocks = createMockMap()\n * mocks.set(otherProvider, otherProviderMock)\n *\n * provider({ mocks })\n * ```\n *\n * @returns The mock map instance.\n */\nexport const createMockMap = (): MockMap => new Map();\n","import { Provider, ResolutionContext } from \"./provider\";\n\ntype ProviderList = Provider<any>[];\ntype ProviderRecord = Record<string, Provider<any>>;\n\ntype InferProviderCollectionResolutions<\n Providers extends ProviderList | ProviderRecord,\n> = {\n [K in keyof Providers]: Providers[K] extends Provider<infer T> ? T : never;\n};\n\n/**\n * Awaits all promises and wraps the collection in a promise\n * if there'ss at least one `Promise` in the collection,\n * otherwise returns an untouched type.\n */\ntype AwaitAllValuesInCollection<T extends any[] | Record<any, any>> =\n Promise<any> extends T[keyof T]\n ? Promise<{\n [I in keyof T]: T[I] extends Promise<infer T> ? T : T[I];\n }>\n : T;\n\n/**\n * Calls every provider in a list with a provided resolution context\n * and returns a list of resolutions. Returns a promise of a list\n * of awaited resolutions if there's at least one promise in the resolutions.\n *\n * @param providers - The list of providers.\n * @param context - The resolution context.\n *\n * @returns The list of resolutions.\n */\nexport const resolveList = <const Providers extends ProviderList>(\n providers: Providers,\n context?: ResolutionContext,\n): AwaitAllValuesInCollection<\n InferProviderCollectionResolutions<Providers>\n> => {\n const resolutions = => provider(context));\n\n return (\n resolutions.some((resolution) => resolution instanceof Promise)\n ? Promise.all(resolutions)\n : resolutions\n ) as any;\n};\n\n/**\n * Calls every provider in a map with a provided resolution context\n * and returns a map with identical keys but with resolutions in values instead.\n * Returns a promise of a map of awaited resolutions if there's at least one\n * promise in the resolutions.\n *\n * @param providers - The map of providers.\n * @param context - The resolution context.\n *\n * @returns The map of resolutions.\n */\nexport const resolveMap = <const Providers extends ProviderRecord>(\n providers: Providers,\n context?: ResolutionContext,\n): AwaitAllValuesInCollection<\n InferProviderCollectionResolutions<Providers>\n> => {\n let resolutionMapEntries = Object.entries(providers).map(\n ([key, provider]) => [key, provider(context)],\n );\n\n if (\n resolutionMapEntries.some(\n ([, resolution]) => resolution instanceof Promise,\n )\n ) {\n return (async () => {\n resolutionMapEntries = await Promise.all(\n ([key, resolution]) => [\n key,\n await resolution,\n ]),\n );\n\n return Object.fromEntries(resolutionMapEntries);\n })() as any;\n }\n\n return Object.fromEntries(resolutionMapEntries);\n};\n"],"mappings":";AAMO,IAAM,OAAO,CAIhB,OACC;AACD,MAAI,WAAW;AACf,MAAI;AAEJ,SAAO,OAAO,OAAO,IAAI,SAAe;AACpC,QAAI,SAAU,QAAO;AAErB,aAAS,GAAG,GAAG,IAAI;AACnB,eAAW;AAEX,WAAO;AAAA,EACX,GAAG,EAAE;AACT;;;ACkDO,IAAM,UAAU,CACnB,UACA,aACc;AACd,aAAW,aAAa,cAAc,KAAK,QAAQ,IAAI;AAEvD,QAAM,UAAuB,CAAC,YAAY;AA/E9C;AAgFQ,UAAM,gBAAe,wCAAS,UAAT,mBAAgB,IAAI;AACzC,QAAI,aAAc,QAAO,aAAa,OAAO;AAE7C,QAAI,aAAa,YAAY,EAAC,mCAAS,OAAO,QAAO,SAAS,OAAO;AAErE,UAAM,aAAa,QAAQ,MAAM,IAAI,OAAO,IACtC,QAAQ,MAAM,IAAI,OAAO,IACzB,SAAS,OAAO;AACtB,YAAQ,MAAM,IAAI,SAAS,UAAU;AAErC,WAAO;AAAA,EACX;AAEA,SAAO;AACX;AAYO,IAAM,YAAY,CAAI,aACzB,QAAQ,aAAa,QAAQ;AAY1B,IAAM,YAAY,CAAI,aACzB,QAAQ,aAAa,QAAQ;AAc1B,IAAM,SAAS,CAAI,aAA0B,QAAQ,UAAU,QAAQ;;;AC5GvE,IAAM,cAAc,MAAa,oBAAI,IAAI;;;ACiCzC,IAAM,gBAAgB,MAAe,oBAAI,IAAI;;;AC1B7C,IAAM,cAAc,CACvB,WACA,YAGC;AACD,QAAM,cAAc,UAAU,IAAI,CAAC,aAAa,SAAS,OAAO,CAAC;AAEjE,SACI,YAAY,KAAK,CAAC,eAAe,sBAAsB,OAAO,IACxD,QAAQ,IAAI,WAAW,IACvB;AAEd;AAaO,IAAM,aAAa,CACtB,WACA,YAGC;AACD,MAAI,uBAAuB,OAAO,QAAQ,SAAS,EAAE;AAAA,IACjD,CAAC,CAAC,KAAK,QAAQ,MAAM,CAAC,KAAK,SAAS,OAAO,CAAC;AAAA,EAChD;AAEA,MACI,qBAAqB;AAAA,IACjB,CAAC,CAAC,EAAE,UAAU,MAAM,sBAAsB;AAAA,EAC9C,GACF;AACE,YAAQ,YAAY;AAChB,6BAAuB,MAAM,QAAQ;AAAA,QACjC,qBAAqB,IAAI,OAAO,CAAC,KAAK,UAAU,MAAM;AAAA,UAClD;AAAA,UACA,MAAM;AAAA,QACV,CAAC;AAAA,MACL;AAEA,aAAO,OAAO,YAAY,oBAAoB;AAAA,IAClD,GAAG;AAAA,EACP;AAEA,SAAO,OAAO,YAAY,oBAAoB;AAClD;","names":[]}
+ {"version":3,"sources":["../src/provider.ts","../src/scope.ts","../src/mock-map.ts","../src/collection-resolution.ts"],"sourcesContent":["import { MockMap } from \"./mock-map\";\nimport { Scope } from \"./scope\";\n\n/**\n * A function that returns a value of a particular type\n * with a resolution context being passed to it.\n */\nexport type Resolver<T> = (context?: ResolutionContext) => T;\n\n/**\n * A function that resolves an instance or a `Promise` of a particular type\n * based on a resolution context passed to it.\n */\nexport type Provider<T> = Resolver<T>;\n\n/**\n * A context used by providers to resolve instances\n * based on current scope and mocks.\n */\nexport type ResolutionContext = {\n scope?: Scope;\n mocks?: MockMap;\n};\n\n/**\n * Creates a transient provider that will resolve a new instance on each call.\n *\n * @example\n * ```ts\n * const getThing = transient(() => createThing())\n * getThing() !== getThing()\n * ```\n *\n * @param resolver\n * A function that returns a value of a particular type\n * with a resolution context being passed to it.\n *\n * @returns The transient provider.\n */\nexport const transient = <T>(resolver: Resolver<T>): Provider<T> => {\n const instance: Resolver<T> = (context) => {\n const maybeMock = context?.mocks?.get(instance);\n if (maybeMock) return maybeMock(context);\n\n return resolver(context);\n };\n\n return instance;\n};\n\n/**\n * Creates a singleton provider that will resolve an instance once\n * and return it on every call.\n *\n * @example\n * ```ts\n * const getThing = singleton(() => createThing())\n * getThing() === getThing()\n * ```\n *\n * @param resolver\n * A function that returns a value of a particular type\n * with a resolution context being passed to it.\n *\n * @returns The singleton provider.\n */\nexport const singleton = <T>(resolver: Resolver<T>): Provider<T> => {\n let resolved = false;\n let resolution: T | undefined;\n\n const instance: Resolver<T> = (context) => {\n const maybeMock = context?.mocks?.get(instance);\n if (maybeMock) return maybeMock(context);\n\n if (resolved) return resolution!;\n\n resolution = resolver(context);\n resolved = true;\n\n return resolution;\n };\n\n return instance;\n};\n\n/**\n * Creates a scoped provider that will take its resolution from a passed scope\n * or create a new one and save it if there is none.\n * If no scope is passed, it will create a new instance on each call.\n *\n * @example\n * ```ts\n * const getThing = scoped(() => createThing())\n * getThing() !== getThing()\n * ```\n *\n * @example\n * ```ts\n * const getThing = scoped(() => createThing())\n * const scope = createScope()\n * getThing({ scope }) === getThing({ scope })\n * ```\n *\n * @param resolver\n * A function that returns a value of a particular type\n * with a resolution context being passed to it.\n *\n * @returns The scoped provider.\n */\nexport const scoped = <T>(resolver: Resolver<T>): Provider<T> => {\n const instance: Resolver<T> = (context) => {\n const maybeMock = context?.mocks?.get(instance);\n if (maybeMock) return maybeMock(context);\n\n if (!context?.scope) return resolver(context);\n\n const resolution = context.scope.has(resolver)\n ? context.scope.get(resolver)\n : resolver(context);\n context.scope.set(resolver, resolution);\n\n return resolution;\n };\n\n return instance;\n};\n","import { Resolver } from \"./provider\";\n\n/**\n * A `Map` of providers to their instances\n * that is then passed to a provider call in a resolution context object\n * to resolve instances of scoped providers within it.\n */\nexport type Scope = Map<Resolver<any>, any>;\n\n/**\n * Creates a `Map` of providers to their instances\n * that is then passed to a provider call in a resolution context object\n * to resolve instances of scoped providers within it.\n *\n * @example\n * ```ts\n * const requestScope = createScope()\n *\n * app.use(() => {\n * const db = getDb({ scope: requestScope })\n * // ...\n * })\n * ```\n *\n * @returns The map instance.\n */\nexport const createScope = (): Scope => new Map();\n","import { Resolver } from \"./provider\";\n\n/**\n * A `Map` of providers to providers of the same type\n * which is then passed to a provider call in a resolution context object\n * in order to replace providers with their mocks.\n */\nexport type MockMap = Omit<Map<Resolver<any>, Resolver<any>>, \"set\" | \"get\"> & {\n /**\n * Sets a mock for a provider.\n *\n * @param provider - The original provider.\n * @param mock - The mock provider.\n */\n set<T>(provider: Resolver<T>, mock: Resolver<T>): MockMap;\n /**\n * Retrieves a mock of a provider. Returns undefined if there's none.\n *\n * @param provider - The provider.\n */\n get<T>(provider: Resolver<T>): Resolver<T> | undefined;\n};\n\n/**\n * Creates a `Map` of providers to providers of the same type\n * which is then passed to a provider call in a resolution context object\n * in order to replace providers with their mocks.\n *\n * @example\n * ```ts\n * const mocks = createMockMap()\n * .set(getConfig, getTestConfig)\n *\n * getThing({ mocks })\n * ```\n *\n * @returns The map instance.\n */\nexport const createMockMap = (): MockMap => new Map();\n","import { Provider, ResolutionContext } from \"./provider\";\n\ntype ProviderList = Provider<any>[];\ntype ProviderRecord = Record<string, Provider<any>>;\n\ntype InferProviderCollectionResolutions<\n Providers extends ProviderList | ProviderRecord,\n> = {\n [K in keyof Providers]: Providers[K] extends Provider<infer T> ? T : never;\n};\n\n/**\n * Awaits all promises and wraps the collection in a promise\n * if there'ss at least one `Promise` in the collection,\n * otherwise returns an untouched type.\n */\ntype AwaitValuesInCollection<T extends any[] | Record<any, any>> =\n Promise<any> extends T[keyof T]\n ? Promise<{\n [I in keyof T]: T[I] extends Promise<infer T> ? T : T[I];\n }>\n : T;\n\n/**\n * Calls every provider in a list with a provided resolution context\n * and returns a list of resolutions. Returns a `Promise` of a list\n * of awaited resolutions if there's at least one `Promise` in the resolutions.\n *\n * @example\n * Only sync providers:\n * ```ts\n * const getA = scoped(() => createA())\n * const getB = scoped(() => createB())\n * const getC = scoped(() => createC())\n *\n * const scope = createScope()\n * const resolutions = resolveList(\n * [getA, getB, getC],\n * { scope }\n * )\n *\n * resolutions == [\n * getA({ scope }),\n * getB({ scope }),\n * getC({ scope })\n * ]\n * ```\n *\n * @example\n * Some provider is async:\n * ```ts\n * const getA = scoped(() => createA())\n * const getB = scoped(async () => await createB())\n * const getC = scoped(() => createC())\n *\n * const scope = createScope()\n * const resolutions = resolveList(\n * [getA, getB, getC],\n * { scope }\n * )\n *\n * resolutions == [\n * getA({ scope }),\n * await getB({ scope }),\n * getC({ scope })\n * ]\n * ```\n *\n * @param providers - The list of providers.\n * @param context - The resolution context.\n *\n * @returns The list of resolutions.\n */\nexport const resolveList = <const Providers extends ProviderList>(\n providers: Providers,\n context?: ResolutionContext,\n): AwaitValuesInCollection<\n InferProviderCollectionResolutions<Providers>\n> => {\n const resolutions = => provider(context));\n\n const hasPromises = resolutions.some(\n (resolution) => resolution instanceof Promise,\n );\n\n return (hasPromises ? Promise.all(resolutions) : resolutions) as any;\n};\n\n/**\n * Calls every provider in a map with a provided resolution context\n * and returns a map with identical keys but with resolutions in values instead.\n * Returns a `Promise` of a map of awaited resolutions if there's at least one\n * `Promise` in the resolutions.\n *\n * @example\n * Only sync providers:\n * ```ts\n * const getA = scoped(() => createA())\n * const getB = scoped(() => createB())\n * const getC = scoped(() => createC())\n *\n * const scope = createScope()\n * const resolutions = resolveMap(\n * { a: getA, b: getB, c: getC },\n * { scope }\n * )\n *\n * resolutions == {\n * a: getA({ scope }),\n * b: getB({ scope }),\n * c: getC({ scope })\n * }\n * ```\n *\n * @example\n * Some provider is async:\n * ```ts\n * const getA = scoped(() => createA())\n * const getB = scoped(async () => await createB())\n * const getC = scoped(() => createC())\n *\n * const scope = createScope()\n * const resolutions = await resolveMap(\n * { a: getA, b: getB, c: getC },\n * { scope }\n * )\n *\n * resolutions == {\n * a: getA({ scope }),\n * b: await getB({ scope }),\n * c: getC({ scope })\n * }\n * ```\n *\n * @param providers - The map of providers.\n * @param context - The resolution context.\n *\n * @returns The map of resolutions.\n */\nexport const resolveMap = <const Providers extends ProviderRecord>(\n providers: Providers,\n context?: ResolutionContext,\n): AwaitValuesInCollection<\n InferProviderCollectionResolutions<Providers>\n> => {\n const resolutionMapEntries = Object.entries(providers).map(\n ([key, provider]) => [key, provider(context)],\n );\n\n const hasPromises = resolutionMapEntries.some(\n ([, resolution]) => resolution instanceof Promise,\n );\n\n if (hasPromises) {\n return (async () => {\n const awaitedEntries = await Promise.all(\n ([key, resolution]) => [\n key,\n await resolution,\n ]),\n );\n return Object.fromEntries(awaitedEntries);\n })() as any;\n }\n\n return Object.fromEntries(resolutionMapEntries);\n};\n"],"mappings":";AAuCO,IAAM,YAAY,CAAI,aAAuC;AAChE,QAAM,WAAwB,CAAC,YAAY;AAxC/C;AAyCQ,UAAM,aAAY,wCAAS,UAAT,mBAAgB,IAAI;AACtC,QAAI,UAAW,QAAO,UAAU,OAAO;AAEvC,WAAO,SAAS,OAAO;AAAA,EAC3B;AAEA,SAAO;AACX;AAkBO,IAAM,YAAY,CAAI,aAAuC;AAChE,MAAI,WAAW;AACf,MAAI;AAEJ,QAAM,WAAwB,CAAC,YAAY;AAtE/C;AAuEQ,UAAM,aAAY,wCAAS,UAAT,mBAAgB,IAAI;AACtC,QAAI,UAAW,QAAO,UAAU,OAAO;AAEvC,QAAI,SAAU,QAAO;AAErB,iBAAa,SAAS,OAAO;AAC7B,eAAW;AAEX,WAAO;AAAA,EACX;AAEA,SAAO;AACX;AA0BO,IAAM,SAAS,CAAI,aAAuC;AAC7D,QAAM,WAAwB,CAAC,YAAY;AA9G/C;AA+GQ,UAAM,aAAY,wCAAS,UAAT,mBAAgB,IAAI;AACtC,QAAI,UAAW,QAAO,UAAU,OAAO;AAEvC,QAAI,EAAC,mCAAS,OAAO,QAAO,SAAS,OAAO;AAE5C,UAAM,aAAa,QAAQ,MAAM,IAAI,QAAQ,IACvC,QAAQ,MAAM,IAAI,QAAQ,IAC1B,SAAS,OAAO;AACtB,YAAQ,MAAM,IAAI,UAAU,UAAU;AAEtC,WAAO;AAAA,EACX;AAEA,SAAO;AACX;;;ACnGO,IAAM,cAAc,MAAa,oBAAI,IAAI;;;ACYzC,IAAM,gBAAgB,MAAe,oBAAI,IAAI;;;ACmC7C,IAAM,cAAc,CACvB,WACA,YAGC;AACD,QAAM,cAAc,UAAU,IAAI,CAAC,aAAa,SAAS,OAAO,CAAC;AAEjE,QAAM,cAAc,YAAY;AAAA,IAC5B,CAAC,eAAe,sBAAsB;AAAA,EAC1C;AAEA,SAAQ,cAAc,QAAQ,IAAI,WAAW,IAAI;AACrD;AAqDO,IAAM,aAAa,CACtB,WACA,YAGC;AACD,QAAM,uBAAuB,OAAO,QAAQ,SAAS,EAAE;AAAA,IACnD,CAAC,CAAC,KAAK,QAAQ,MAAM,CAAC,KAAK,SAAS,OAAO,CAAC;AAAA,EAChD;AAEA,QAAM,cAAc,qBAAqB;AAAA,IACrC,CAAC,CAAC,EAAE,UAAU,MAAM,sBAAsB;AAAA,EAC9C;AAEA,MAAI,aAAa;AACb,YAAQ,YAAY;AAChB,YAAM,iBAAiB,MAAM,QAAQ;AAAA,QACjC,qBAAqB,IAAI,OAAO,CAAC,KAAK,UAAU,MAAM;AAAA,UAClD;AAAA,UACA,MAAM;AAAA,QACV,CAAC;AAAA,MACL;AACA,aAAO,OAAO,YAAY,cAAc;AAAA,IAC5C,GAAG;AAAA,EACP;AAEA,SAAO,OAAO,YAAY,oBAAoB;AAClD;","names":[]}
package/package.json CHANGED
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
  "name": "atomic-di",
- "version": "0.9.1-beta.3",
+ "version": "1.0.0-rc.1",
  "description": "A toolset for containerless dependency injection.",
  "repository": "",
  "bugs": "",