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@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
- export { c as DEFAULT_COLOR_MODE, D as DEFAULT_COLOR_MODE_FOR_APP, g as DEFAULT_HIGH_CONTRAST_MODE, h as DEFAULT_REGION_MODE, e as DEFAULT_SCALE_MODE, b as DEFAULT_SCALE_MODE_FOR_APP, d as defaultTokensConfig, a as fontWeightMap } from '../index.native-Bm-r2Dpa.cjs';
- export { A as AlwaysPalette, o as AlwaysPaletteAlias, p as Animation, q as AriaAttribute, r as AvatarShape, s as AvatarSize, t as AvatarSizeConfig, u as BackgroundColor, v as BackgroundPalette, B as BackgroundPaletteAlias, w as BackgroundStyleProps, x as BorderRadius, y as BorderRadiusConfig, z as BorderStyleProps, D as BorderWidth, E as BorderWidthConfig, G as BoxShadowConfig, I as ButtonSize, J as ButtonVariant, C as ColorMode, K as ColorModeConfig, M as ColorModeForApp, a as ColorsConfig, N as ConfigurableTextProperty, O as CorePalette, c as CorePaletteAlias, P as CustomSizingStyleProps, Q as DataAttribute, R as Display, T as Flex, V as FlexAlignContent, W as FlexAlignItems, X as FlexAlignSelf, Y as FlexBasis, Z as FlexDirection, _ as FlexGrow, $ as FlexJustifyContent, a0 as FlexShrink, a1 as FlexStyleProps, a2 as FlexWrap, a3 as FontFamilyConfig, a4 as FontFamilyGlobalAlias, f as FontFamilyGlobalConfig, a5 as FontSize, a6 as FontSizeConfig, d as FontWeightConfig, a7 as FontWeightDescriptive, e as FontWeightNumeric, a8 as ForegroundColor, a9 as ForegroundPalette, F as ForegroundPaletteAlias, aa as Height, ab as HighContrastMode, H as Hue, b as HueStep, ac as IconName, ad as IconSize, ae as IconSizeConfig, af as ImageStyleProps, ag as LayoutStyleProps, ah as LetterSpacing, ai as LineClampAlias, aj as LineColor, ak as LineHeight, al as LineHeightConfig, am as LinePalette, L as LinePaletteAlias, an as MaxHeight, ao as MaxWidth, ap as MinHeight, aq as MinWidth, ar as Modes, as as Overflow, at as Palette, au as PaletteConfig, av as PaletteType, aw as PaletteValue, ax as PlatformMode, ay as Position, az as RegionMode, aA as ScaleConfig, S as ScaleMode, aB as ScaleModeConfig, aC as ScaleModeForApp, aD as SizingStyleProps, aE as SpacingAlias, aF as SpacingConfig, aG as SpacingStyleProps, aH as SpectrumColor, aI as SpectrumConfig, aJ as StateStyleProps, aK as StyleProps, aL as TextStyleProps, aM as TextTransform, aN as TextTransformConfig, aO as TextVariant, aP as TransitionDelay, aQ as TransitionDuration, aR as TransitionTiming, g as UniversalAvatarProps, aS as UniversalBoxProps, h as UniversalButtonProps, j as UniversalIconButtonProps, m as UniversalIconProps, k as UniversalImageProps, i as UniversalPressableProps, l as UniversalStackProps, aT as UniversalTextInputProps, aU as UniversalTextProps, U as UniversalTokensConfig, aV as Width, n as alwaysPalette } from '../types-COiuE8XK.cjs';
+ export { c as DEFAULT_COLOR_MODE, D as DEFAULT_COLOR_MODE_FOR_APP, g as DEFAULT_HIGH_CONTRAST_MODE, h as DEFAULT_REGION_MODE, e as DEFAULT_SCALE_MODE, b as DEFAULT_SCALE_MODE_FOR_APP, d as defaultTokensConfig, a as fontWeightMap } from '../index.native-DG8RsS88.cjs';
+ export { A as AlwaysPalette, o as AlwaysPaletteAlias, p as Animation, q as AriaAttribute, r as AvatarShape, s as AvatarSize, t as AvatarSizeConfig, u as BackgroundColor, v as BackgroundPalette, B as BackgroundPaletteAlias, w as BackgroundStyleProps, x as BorderRadius, y as BorderRadiusConfig, z as BorderStyleProps, D as BorderWidth, E as BorderWidthConfig, G as BoxShadowConfig, I as ButtonSize, J as ButtonVariant, C as ColorMode, K as ColorModeConfig, M as ColorModeForApp, a as ColorsConfig, N as ConfigurableTextProperty, O as CorePalette, c as CorePaletteAlias, P as CustomSizingStyleProps, Q as DataAttribute, R as Display, T as Flex, V as FlexAlignContent, W as FlexAlignItems, X as FlexAlignSelf, Y as FlexBasis, Z as FlexDirection, _ as FlexGrow, $ as FlexJustifyContent, a0 as FlexShrink, a1 as FlexStyleProps, a2 as FlexWrap, a3 as FontFamilyConfig, a4 as FontFamilyGlobalAlias, f as FontFamilyGlobalConfig, a5 as FontSize, a6 as FontSizeConfig, d as FontWeightConfig, a7 as FontWeightDescriptive, e as FontWeightNumeric, a8 as ForegroundColor, a9 as ForegroundPalette, F as ForegroundPaletteAlias, aa as HighContrastMode, H as Hue, b as HueStep, ab as IconName, ac as IconSize, ad as IconSizeConfig, ae as ImageStyleProps, af as LayoutStyleProps, ag as LetterSpacing, ah as LineClampAlias, ai as LineColor, aj as LineHeight, ak as LineHeightConfig, al as LinePalette, L as LinePaletteAlias, am as Modes, an as Overflow, ao as Palette, ap as PaletteConfig, aq as PaletteType, ar as PaletteValue, as as PlatformMode, at as Position, au as RegionMode, av as ScaleConfig, S as ScaleMode, aw as ScaleModeConfig, ax as ScaleModeForApp, ay as SpacingAlias, az as SpacingConfig, aA as SpacingStyleProps, aB as SpectrumColor, aC as SpectrumConfig, aD as StateStyleProps, aE as StyleProps, aF as TextStyleProps, aG as TextTransform, aH as TextTransformConfig, aI as TextVariant, aJ as TransitionDelay, aK as TransitionDuration, aL as TransitionTiming, g as UniversalAvatarProps, aM as UniversalBoxProps, h as UniversalButtonProps, j as UniversalIconButtonProps, m as UniversalIconProps, k as UniversalImageProps, i as UniversalPressableProps, l as UniversalStackProps, aN as UniversalTextInputProps, aO as UniversalTextProps, U as UniversalTokensConfig, n as alwaysPalette } from '../types-D-ttCAsE.cjs';
  import 'react';
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
- export { c as DEFAULT_COLOR_MODE, D as DEFAULT_COLOR_MODE_FOR_APP, g as DEFAULT_HIGH_CONTRAST_MODE, h as DEFAULT_REGION_MODE, e as DEFAULT_SCALE_MODE, b as DEFAULT_SCALE_MODE_FOR_APP, d as defaultTokensConfig, a as fontWeightMap } from '../index.native-BTfOSmUx.js';
- export { A as AlwaysPalette, o as AlwaysPaletteAlias, p as Animation, q as AriaAttribute, r as AvatarShape, s as AvatarSize, t as AvatarSizeConfig, u as BackgroundColor, v as BackgroundPalette, B as BackgroundPaletteAlias, w as BackgroundStyleProps, x as BorderRadius, y as BorderRadiusConfig, z as BorderStyleProps, D as BorderWidth, E as BorderWidthConfig, G as BoxShadowConfig, I as ButtonSize, J as ButtonVariant, C as ColorMode, K as ColorModeConfig, M as ColorModeForApp, a as ColorsConfig, N as ConfigurableTextProperty, O as CorePalette, c as CorePaletteAlias, P as CustomSizingStyleProps, Q as DataAttribute, R as Display, T as Flex, V as FlexAlignContent, W as FlexAlignItems, X as FlexAlignSelf, Y as FlexBasis, Z as FlexDirection, _ as FlexGrow, $ as FlexJustifyContent, a0 as FlexShrink, a1 as FlexStyleProps, a2 as FlexWrap, a3 as FontFamilyConfig, a4 as FontFamilyGlobalAlias, f as FontFamilyGlobalConfig, a5 as FontSize, a6 as FontSizeConfig, d as FontWeightConfig, a7 as FontWeightDescriptive, e as FontWeightNumeric, a8 as ForegroundColor, a9 as ForegroundPalette, F as ForegroundPaletteAlias, aa as Height, ab as HighContrastMode, H as Hue, b as HueStep, ac as IconName, ad as IconSize, ae as IconSizeConfig, af as ImageStyleProps, ag as LayoutStyleProps, ah as LetterSpacing, ai as LineClampAlias, aj as LineColor, ak as LineHeight, al as LineHeightConfig, am as LinePalette, L as LinePaletteAlias, an as MaxHeight, ao as MaxWidth, ap as MinHeight, aq as MinWidth, ar as Modes, as as Overflow, at as Palette, au as PaletteConfig, av as PaletteType, aw as PaletteValue, ax as PlatformMode, ay as Position, az as RegionMode, aA as ScaleConfig, S as ScaleMode, aB as ScaleModeConfig, aC as ScaleModeForApp, aD as SizingStyleProps, aE as SpacingAlias, aF as SpacingConfig, aG as SpacingStyleProps, aH as SpectrumColor, aI as SpectrumConfig, aJ as StateStyleProps, aK as StyleProps, aL as TextStyleProps, aM as TextTransform, aN as TextTransformConfig, aO as TextVariant, aP as TransitionDelay, aQ as TransitionDuration, aR as TransitionTiming, g as UniversalAvatarProps, aS as UniversalBoxProps, h as UniversalButtonProps, j as UniversalIconButtonProps, m as UniversalIconProps, k as UniversalImageProps, i as UniversalPressableProps, l as UniversalStackProps, aT as UniversalTextInputProps, aU as UniversalTextProps, U as UniversalTokensConfig, aV as Width, n as alwaysPalette } from '../types-COiuE8XK.js';
+ export { c as DEFAULT_COLOR_MODE, D as DEFAULT_COLOR_MODE_FOR_APP, g as DEFAULT_HIGH_CONTRAST_MODE, h as DEFAULT_REGION_MODE, e as DEFAULT_SCALE_MODE, b as DEFAULT_SCALE_MODE_FOR_APP, d as defaultTokensConfig, a as fontWeightMap } from '../index.native-LymI5azd.js';
+ export { A as AlwaysPalette, o as AlwaysPaletteAlias, p as Animation, q as AriaAttribute, r as AvatarShape, s as AvatarSize, t as AvatarSizeConfig, u as BackgroundColor, v as BackgroundPalette, B as BackgroundPaletteAlias, w as BackgroundStyleProps, x as BorderRadius, y as BorderRadiusConfig, z as BorderStyleProps, D as BorderWidth, E as BorderWidthConfig, G as BoxShadowConfig, I as ButtonSize, J as ButtonVariant, C as ColorMode, K as ColorModeConfig, M as ColorModeForApp, a as ColorsConfig, N as ConfigurableTextProperty, O as CorePalette, c as CorePaletteAlias, P as CustomSizingStyleProps, Q as DataAttribute, R as Display, T as Flex, V as FlexAlignContent, W as FlexAlignItems, X as FlexAlignSelf, Y as FlexBasis, Z as FlexDirection, _ as FlexGrow, $ as FlexJustifyContent, a0 as FlexShrink, a1 as FlexStyleProps, a2 as FlexWrap, a3 as FontFamilyConfig, a4 as FontFamilyGlobalAlias, f as FontFamilyGlobalConfig, a5 as FontSize, a6 as FontSizeConfig, d as FontWeightConfig, a7 as FontWeightDescriptive, e as FontWeightNumeric, a8 as ForegroundColor, a9 as ForegroundPalette, F as ForegroundPaletteAlias, aa as HighContrastMode, H as Hue, b as HueStep, ab as IconName, ac as IconSize, ad as IconSizeConfig, ae as ImageStyleProps, af as LayoutStyleProps, ag as LetterSpacing, ah as LineClampAlias, ai as LineColor, aj as LineHeight, ak as LineHeightConfig, al as LinePalette, L as LinePaletteAlias, am as Modes, an as Overflow, ao as Palette, ap as PaletteConfig, aq as PaletteType, ar as PaletteValue, as as PlatformMode, at as Position, au as RegionMode, av as ScaleConfig, S as ScaleMode, aw as ScaleModeConfig, ax as ScaleModeForApp, ay as SpacingAlias, az as SpacingConfig, aA as SpacingStyleProps, aB as SpectrumColor, aC as SpectrumConfig, aD as StateStyleProps, aE as StyleProps, aF as TextStyleProps, aG as TextTransform, aH as TextTransformConfig, aI as TextVariant, aJ as TransitionDelay, aK as TransitionDuration, aL as TransitionTiming, g as UniversalAvatarProps, aM as UniversalBoxProps, h as UniversalButtonProps, j as UniversalIconButtonProps, m as UniversalIconProps, k as UniversalImageProps, i as UniversalPressableProps, l as UniversalStackProps, aN as UniversalTextInputProps, aO as UniversalTextProps, U as UniversalTokensConfig, n as alwaysPalette } from '../types-D-ttCAsE.js';
  import 'react';
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
- import { U as UniversalTokensConfig, C as ColorMode, S as ScaleMode, a as ColorsConfig, H as Hue, b as HueStep, c as CorePaletteAlias, B as BackgroundPaletteAlias, F as ForegroundPaletteAlias, L as LinePaletteAlias, d as FontWeightConfig, e as FontWeightNumeric, f as FontFamilyGlobalConfig } from '../types-COiuE8XK.cjs';
+ import { U as UniversalTokensConfig, C as ColorMode, S as ScaleMode, a as ColorsConfig, H as Hue, b as HueStep, c as CorePaletteAlias, B as BackgroundPaletteAlias, F as ForegroundPaletteAlias, L as LinePaletteAlias, d as FontWeightConfig, e as FontWeightNumeric, f as FontFamilyGlobalConfig } from '../types-D-ttCAsE.cjs';
  import 'react';
  declare function transformColors(colors: ColorsConfig): {
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
- import { U as UniversalTokensConfig, C as ColorMode, S as ScaleMode, a as ColorsConfig, H as Hue, b as HueStep, c as CorePaletteAlias, B as BackgroundPaletteAlias, F as ForegroundPaletteAlias, L as LinePaletteAlias, d as FontWeightConfig, e as FontWeightNumeric, f as FontFamilyGlobalConfig } from '../types-COiuE8XK.js';
+ import { U as UniversalTokensConfig, C as ColorMode, S as ScaleMode, a as ColorsConfig, H as Hue, b as HueStep, c as CorePaletteAlias, B as BackgroundPaletteAlias, F as ForegroundPaletteAlias, L as LinePaletteAlias, d as FontWeightConfig, e as FontWeightNumeric, f as FontFamilyGlobalConfig } from '../types-D-ttCAsE.js';
  import 'react';
  declare function transformColors(colors: ColorsConfig): {
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
- import { U as UniversalTokensConfig, C as ColorMode, a as ColorsConfig } from '../types-COiuE8XK.cjs';
+ import { U as UniversalTokensConfig, C as ColorMode, a as ColorsConfig } from '../types-D-ttCAsE.cjs';
  import 'react';
  declare function transformColors({ spectrum, palette }: ColorsConfig): {
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
- import { U as UniversalTokensConfig, C as ColorMode, a as ColorsConfig } from '../types-COiuE8XK.js';
+ import { U as UniversalTokensConfig, C as ColorMode, a as ColorsConfig } from '../types-D-ttCAsE.js';
  import 'react';
  declare function transformColors({ spectrum, palette }: ColorsConfig): {
@@ -128,12 +128,6 @@ type FlexDirection = 'row' | 'column' | 'row-reverse' | 'column-reverse';
  type FlexWrap = 'wrap' | 'nowrap' | 'wrap-reverse';
  type FlexJustifyContent = 'flex-start' | 'flex-end' | 'center' | 'space-between' | 'space-around' | 'space-evenly';
  type FlexBasis = 'min-content';
- type Height = 'auto' | '1/2' | '1/3' | '2/3' | '1/4' | '2/4' | '3/4' | '1/5' | '2/5' | '3/5' | '4/5' | '1/6' | '2/6' | '3/6' | '4/6' | '5/6' | 'full' | 'screen' | 'min' | 'max' | 'fit';
- type MaxHeight = 'none' | 'full' | 'screen' | 'min' | 'max' | 'fit';
- type MaxWidth = 'none' | 'full' | 'min' | 'max' | 'fit';
- type MinHeight = 'full' | 'min' | 'max' | 'fit' | 'screen';
- type MinWidth = 'full' | 'min' | 'max' | 'fit' | 'screen';
- type Width = 'auto' | 'full' | 'screen' | 'min' | 'max' | 'fit' | '1/2' | '1/3' | '2/3' | '1/4' | '2/4' | '3/4' | '1/5' | '2/5' | '3/5' | '4/5' | '1/6' | '2/6' | '3/6' | '4/6' | '5/6' | '1/12' | '2/12' | '3/12' | '4/12' | '5/12' | '6/12' | '7/12' | '8/12' | '9/12' | '10/12' | '11/12';
  type Display = 'block' | 'inline-block' | 'inline' | 'flex' | 'inline-flex' | 'table' | 'inline-table' | 'table-caption' | 'table-cell' | 'table-column' | 'table-column-group' | 'table-footer-group' | 'table-header-group' | 'table-row-group' | 'table-row' | 'flow-root' | 'grid' | 'contents';
  type Overflow = 'auto' | 'hidden' | 'clip' | 'visible' | 'scroll';
  type Position = 'static' | 'fixed' | 'absolute' | 'relative' | 'sticky';
@@ -255,20 +249,6 @@ interface FlexStyleProps {
  /** Sets the initial main size of a flex item. It sets the size of the content box unless otherwise set with box-sizing. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/flex-basis */
  flexBasis?: FlexBasis;
- interface SizingStyleProps {
- /** Sets the height of an element */
- height?: Height;
- /** Sets the height of an element */
- minHeight?: MinHeight;
- /** Sets the maximum height of an element */
- maxHeight?: MaxHeight;
- /** Sets the width of an element */
- width?: Width;
- /** Sets the minimum width of an element */
- minWidth?: MinWidth;
- /** Sets the maximum width of an element */
- maxWidth?: MaxWidth;
- }
  interface StateStyleProps {
  interactable?: boolean;
  focusable?: boolean;
@@ -299,8 +279,8 @@ type CustomSizingStyleProps = {
  iconSize?: IconSize;
  avatarSize?: AvatarSize;
- type StyleProps = BackgroundStyleProps & BorderStyleProps & LayoutStyleProps & FlexStyleProps & SpacingStyleProps & TextStyleProps & SizingStyleProps & ImageStyleProps & CustomSizingStyleProps;
- interface UniversalBoxProps extends PropsWithChildren, BackgroundStyleProps, BorderStyleProps, FlexStyleProps, LayoutStyleProps, SizingStyleProps, SpacingStyleProps {
+ type StyleProps = BackgroundStyleProps & BorderStyleProps & LayoutStyleProps & FlexStyleProps & SpacingStyleProps & TextStyleProps & ImageStyleProps & CustomSizingStyleProps;
+ interface UniversalBoxProps extends PropsWithChildren, BackgroundStyleProps, BorderStyleProps, FlexStyleProps, LayoutStyleProps, SpacingStyleProps {
  * When asChild is set to true, the component's child will be cloned and passed
  * the props and behavior required to make it functional.
@@ -392,4 +372,4 @@ interface UniversalTextInputProps {
  spacingHorizontal?: SpacingAlias;
- export { type FlexJustifyContent as $, type AlwaysPalette as A, type BackgroundPaletteAlias as B, type ColorMode as C, type BorderWidth as D, type BorderWidthConfig as E, type ForegroundPaletteAlias as F, type BoxShadowConfig as G, type Hue as H, type ButtonSize as I, type ButtonVariant as J, type ColorModeConfig as K, type LinePaletteAlias as L, type ColorModeForApp as M, type ConfigurableTextProperty as N, type CorePalette as O, type CustomSizingStyleProps as P, type DataAttribute as Q, type Display as R, type ScaleMode as S, type Flex as T, type UniversalTokensConfig as U, type FlexAlignContent as V, type FlexAlignItems as W, type FlexAlignSelf as X, type FlexBasis as Y, type FlexDirection as Z, type FlexGrow as _, type ColorsConfig as a, type FlexShrink as a0, type FlexStyleProps as a1, type FlexWrap as a2, type FontFamilyConfig as a3, type FontFamilyGlobalAlias as a4, type FontSize as a5, type FontSizeConfig as a6, type FontWeightDescriptive as a7, type ForegroundColor as a8, type ForegroundPalette as a9, type ScaleConfig as aA, type ScaleModeConfig as aB, type ScaleModeForApp as aC, type SizingStyleProps as aD, type SpacingAlias as aE, type SpacingConfig as aF, type SpacingStyleProps as aG, type SpectrumColor as aH, type SpectrumConfig as aI, type StateStyleProps as aJ, type StyleProps as aK, type TextStyleProps as aL, type TextTransform as aM, type TextTransformConfig as aN, type TextVariant as aO, type TransitionDelay as aP, type TransitionDuration as aQ, type TransitionTiming as aR, type UniversalBoxProps as aS, type UniversalTextInputProps as aT, type UniversalTextProps as aU, type Width as aV, type Height as aa, type HighContrastMode as ab, type IconName as ac, type IconSize as ad, type IconSizeConfig as ae, type ImageStyleProps as af, type LayoutStyleProps as ag, type LetterSpacing as ah, type LineClampAlias as ai, type LineColor as aj, type LineHeight as ak, type LineHeightConfig as al, type LinePalette as am, type MaxHeight as an, type MaxWidth as ao, type MinHeight as ap, type MinWidth as aq, type Modes as ar, type Overflow as as, type Palette as at, type PaletteConfig as au, type PaletteType as av, type PaletteValue as aw, type PlatformMode as ax, type Position as ay, type RegionMode as az, type HueStep as b, type CorePaletteAlias as c, type FontWeightConfig as d, type FontWeightNumeric as e, type FontFamilyGlobalConfig as f, type UniversalAvatarProps as g, type UniversalButtonProps as h, type UniversalPressableProps as i, type UniversalIconButtonProps as j, type UniversalImageProps as k, type UniversalStackProps as l, type UniversalIconProps as m, alwaysPalette as n, type AlwaysPaletteAlias as o, type Animation as p, type AriaAttribute as q, type AvatarShape as r, type AvatarSize as s, type AvatarSizeConfig as t, type BackgroundColor as u, type BackgroundPalette as v, type BackgroundStyleProps as w, type BorderRadius as x, type BorderRadiusConfig as y, type BorderStyleProps as z };
+ export { type FlexJustifyContent as $, type AlwaysPalette as A, type BackgroundPaletteAlias as B, type ColorMode as C, type BorderWidth as D, type BorderWidthConfig as E, type ForegroundPaletteAlias as F, type BoxShadowConfig as G, type Hue as H, type ButtonSize as I, type ButtonVariant as J, type ColorModeConfig as K, type LinePaletteAlias as L, type ColorModeForApp as M, type ConfigurableTextProperty as N, type CorePalette as O, type CustomSizingStyleProps as P, type DataAttribute as Q, type Display as R, type ScaleMode as S, type Flex as T, type UniversalTokensConfig as U, type FlexAlignContent as V, type FlexAlignItems as W, type FlexAlignSelf as X, type FlexBasis as Y, type FlexDirection as Z, type FlexGrow as _, type ColorsConfig as a, type FlexShrink as a0, type FlexStyleProps as a1, type FlexWrap as a2, type FontFamilyConfig as a3, type FontFamilyGlobalAlias as a4, type FontSize as a5, type FontSizeConfig as a6, type FontWeightDescriptive as a7, type ForegroundColor as a8, type ForegroundPalette as a9, type SpacingStyleProps as aA, type SpectrumColor as aB, type SpectrumConfig as aC, type StateStyleProps as aD, type StyleProps as aE, type TextStyleProps as aF, type TextTransform as aG, type TextTransformConfig as aH, type TextVariant as aI, type TransitionDelay as aJ, type TransitionDuration as aK, type TransitionTiming as aL, type UniversalBoxProps as aM, type UniversalTextInputProps as aN, type UniversalTextProps as aO, type HighContrastMode as aa, type IconName as ab, type IconSize as ac, type IconSizeConfig as ad, type ImageStyleProps as ae, type LayoutStyleProps as af, type LetterSpacing as ag, type LineClampAlias as ah, type LineColor as ai, type LineHeight as aj, type LineHeightConfig as ak, type LinePalette as al, type Modes as am, type Overflow as an, type Palette as ao, type PaletteConfig as ap, type PaletteType as aq, type PaletteValue as ar, type PlatformMode as as, type Position as at, type RegionMode as au, type ScaleConfig as av, type ScaleModeConfig as aw, type ScaleModeForApp as ax, type SpacingAlias as ay, type SpacingConfig as az, type HueStep as b, type CorePaletteAlias as c, type FontWeightConfig as d, type FontWeightNumeric as e, type FontFamilyGlobalConfig as f, type UniversalAvatarProps as g, type UniversalButtonProps as h, type UniversalPressableProps as i, type UniversalIconButtonProps as j, type UniversalImageProps as k, type UniversalStackProps as l, type UniversalIconProps as m, alwaysPalette as n, type AlwaysPaletteAlias as o, type Animation as p, type AriaAttribute as q, type AvatarShape as r, type AvatarSize as s, type AvatarSizeConfig as t, type BackgroundColor as u, type BackgroundPalette as v, type BackgroundStyleProps as w, type BorderRadius as x, type BorderRadiusConfig as y, type BorderStyleProps as z };
@@ -128,12 +128,6 @@ type FlexDirection = 'row' | 'column' | 'row-reverse' | 'column-reverse';
  type FlexWrap = 'wrap' | 'nowrap' | 'wrap-reverse';
  type FlexJustifyContent = 'flex-start' | 'flex-end' | 'center' | 'space-between' | 'space-around' | 'space-evenly';
  type FlexBasis = 'min-content';
- type Height = 'auto' | '1/2' | '1/3' | '2/3' | '1/4' | '2/4' | '3/4' | '1/5' | '2/5' | '3/5' | '4/5' | '1/6' | '2/6' | '3/6' | '4/6' | '5/6' | 'full' | 'screen' | 'min' | 'max' | 'fit';
- type MaxHeight = 'none' | 'full' | 'screen' | 'min' | 'max' | 'fit';
- type MaxWidth = 'none' | 'full' | 'min' | 'max' | 'fit';
- type MinHeight = 'full' | 'min' | 'max' | 'fit' | 'screen';
- type MinWidth = 'full' | 'min' | 'max' | 'fit' | 'screen';
- type Width = 'auto' | 'full' | 'screen' | 'min' | 'max' | 'fit' | '1/2' | '1/3' | '2/3' | '1/4' | '2/4' | '3/4' | '1/5' | '2/5' | '3/5' | '4/5' | '1/6' | '2/6' | '3/6' | '4/6' | '5/6' | '1/12' | '2/12' | '3/12' | '4/12' | '5/12' | '6/12' | '7/12' | '8/12' | '9/12' | '10/12' | '11/12';
  type Display = 'block' | 'inline-block' | 'inline' | 'flex' | 'inline-flex' | 'table' | 'inline-table' | 'table-caption' | 'table-cell' | 'table-column' | 'table-column-group' | 'table-footer-group' | 'table-header-group' | 'table-row-group' | 'table-row' | 'flow-root' | 'grid' | 'contents';
  type Overflow = 'auto' | 'hidden' | 'clip' | 'visible' | 'scroll';
  type Position = 'static' | 'fixed' | 'absolute' | 'relative' | 'sticky';
@@ -255,20 +249,6 @@ interface FlexStyleProps {
  /** Sets the initial main size of a flex item. It sets the size of the content box unless otherwise set with box-sizing. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/flex-basis */
  flexBasis?: FlexBasis;
- interface SizingStyleProps {
- /** Sets the height of an element */
- height?: Height;
- /** Sets the height of an element */
- minHeight?: MinHeight;
- /** Sets the maximum height of an element */
- maxHeight?: MaxHeight;
- /** Sets the width of an element */
- width?: Width;
- /** Sets the minimum width of an element */
- minWidth?: MinWidth;
- /** Sets the maximum width of an element */
- maxWidth?: MaxWidth;
- }
  interface StateStyleProps {
  interactable?: boolean;
  focusable?: boolean;
@@ -299,8 +279,8 @@ type CustomSizingStyleProps = {
  iconSize?: IconSize;
  avatarSize?: AvatarSize;
- type StyleProps = BackgroundStyleProps & BorderStyleProps & LayoutStyleProps & FlexStyleProps & SpacingStyleProps & TextStyleProps & SizingStyleProps & ImageStyleProps & CustomSizingStyleProps;
- interface UniversalBoxProps extends PropsWithChildren, BackgroundStyleProps, BorderStyleProps, FlexStyleProps, LayoutStyleProps, SizingStyleProps, SpacingStyleProps {
+ type StyleProps = BackgroundStyleProps & BorderStyleProps & LayoutStyleProps & FlexStyleProps & SpacingStyleProps & TextStyleProps & ImageStyleProps & CustomSizingStyleProps;
+ interface UniversalBoxProps extends PropsWithChildren, BackgroundStyleProps, BorderStyleProps, FlexStyleProps, LayoutStyleProps, SpacingStyleProps {
  * When asChild is set to true, the component's child will be cloned and passed
  * the props and behavior required to make it functional.
@@ -392,4 +372,4 @@ interface UniversalTextInputProps {
  spacingHorizontal?: SpacingAlias;
- export { type FlexJustifyContent as $, type AlwaysPalette as A, type BackgroundPaletteAlias as B, type ColorMode as C, type BorderWidth as D, type BorderWidthConfig as E, type ForegroundPaletteAlias as F, type BoxShadowConfig as G, type Hue as H, type ButtonSize as I, type ButtonVariant as J, type ColorModeConfig as K, type LinePaletteAlias as L, type ColorModeForApp as M, type ConfigurableTextProperty as N, type CorePalette as O, type CustomSizingStyleProps as P, type DataAttribute as Q, type Display as R, type ScaleMode as S, type Flex as T, type UniversalTokensConfig as U, type FlexAlignContent as V, type FlexAlignItems as W, type FlexAlignSelf as X, type FlexBasis as Y, type FlexDirection as Z, type FlexGrow as _, type ColorsConfig as a, type FlexShrink as a0, type FlexStyleProps as a1, type FlexWrap as a2, type FontFamilyConfig as a3, type FontFamilyGlobalAlias as a4, type FontSize as a5, type FontSizeConfig as a6, type FontWeightDescriptive as a7, type ForegroundColor as a8, type ForegroundPalette as a9, type ScaleConfig as aA, type ScaleModeConfig as aB, type ScaleModeForApp as aC, type SizingStyleProps as aD, type SpacingAlias as aE, type SpacingConfig as aF, type SpacingStyleProps as aG, type SpectrumColor as aH, type SpectrumConfig as aI, type StateStyleProps as aJ, type StyleProps as aK, type TextStyleProps as aL, type TextTransform as aM, type TextTransformConfig as aN, type TextVariant as aO, type TransitionDelay as aP, type TransitionDuration as aQ, type TransitionTiming as aR, type UniversalBoxProps as aS, type UniversalTextInputProps as aT, type UniversalTextProps as aU, type Width as aV, type Height as aa, type HighContrastMode as ab, type IconName as ac, type IconSize as ad, type IconSizeConfig as ae, type ImageStyleProps as af, type LayoutStyleProps as ag, type LetterSpacing as ah, type LineClampAlias as ai, type LineColor as aj, type LineHeight as ak, type LineHeightConfig as al, type LinePalette as am, type MaxHeight as an, type MaxWidth as ao, type MinHeight as ap, type MinWidth as aq, type Modes as ar, type Overflow as as, type Palette as at, type PaletteConfig as au, type PaletteType as av, type PaletteValue as aw, type PlatformMode as ax, type Position as ay, type RegionMode as az, type HueStep as b, type CorePaletteAlias as c, type FontWeightConfig as d, type FontWeightNumeric as e, type FontFamilyGlobalConfig as f, type UniversalAvatarProps as g, type UniversalButtonProps as h, type UniversalPressableProps as i, type UniversalIconButtonProps as j, type UniversalImageProps as k, type UniversalStackProps as l, type UniversalIconProps as m, alwaysPalette as n, type AlwaysPaletteAlias as o, type Animation as p, type AriaAttribute as q, type AvatarShape as r, type AvatarSize as s, type AvatarSizeConfig as t, type BackgroundColor as u, type BackgroundPalette as v, type BackgroundStyleProps as w, type BorderRadius as x, type BorderRadiusConfig as y, type BorderStyleProps as z };
+ export { type FlexJustifyContent as $, type AlwaysPalette as A, type BackgroundPaletteAlias as B, type ColorMode as C, type BorderWidth as D, type BorderWidthConfig as E, type ForegroundPaletteAlias as F, type BoxShadowConfig as G, type Hue as H, type ButtonSize as I, type ButtonVariant as J, type ColorModeConfig as K, type LinePaletteAlias as L, type ColorModeForApp as M, type ConfigurableTextProperty as N, type CorePalette as O, type CustomSizingStyleProps as P, type DataAttribute as Q, type Display as R, type ScaleMode as S, type Flex as T, type UniversalTokensConfig as U, type FlexAlignContent as V, type FlexAlignItems as W, type FlexAlignSelf as X, type FlexBasis as Y, type FlexDirection as Z, type FlexGrow as _, type ColorsConfig as a, type FlexShrink as a0, type FlexStyleProps as a1, type FlexWrap as a2, type FontFamilyConfig as a3, type FontFamilyGlobalAlias as a4, type FontSize as a5, type FontSizeConfig as a6, type FontWeightDescriptive as a7, type ForegroundColor as a8, type ForegroundPalette as a9, type SpacingStyleProps as aA, type SpectrumColor as aB, type SpectrumConfig as aC, type StateStyleProps as aD, type StyleProps as aE, type TextStyleProps as aF, type TextTransform as aG, type TextTransformConfig as aH, type TextVariant as aI, type TransitionDelay as aJ, type TransitionDuration as aK, type TransitionTiming as aL, type UniversalBoxProps as aM, type UniversalTextInputProps as aN, type UniversalTextProps as aO, type HighContrastMode as aa, type IconName as ab, type IconSize as ac, type IconSizeConfig as ad, type ImageStyleProps as ae, type LayoutStyleProps as af, type LetterSpacing as ag, type LineClampAlias as ah, type LineColor as ai, type LineHeight as aj, type LineHeightConfig as ak, type LinePalette as al, type Modes as am, type Overflow as an, type Palette as ao, type PaletteConfig as ap, type PaletteType as aq, type PaletteValue as ar, type PlatformMode as as, type Position as at, type RegionMode as au, type ScaleConfig as av, type ScaleModeConfig as aw, type ScaleModeForApp as ax, type SpacingAlias as ay, type SpacingConfig as az, type HueStep as b, type CorePaletteAlias as c, type FontWeightConfig as d, type FontWeightNumeric as e, type FontFamilyGlobalConfig as f, type UniversalAvatarProps as g, type UniversalButtonProps as h, type UniversalPressableProps as i, type UniversalIconButtonProps as j, type UniversalImageProps as k, type UniversalStackProps as l, type UniversalIconProps as m, alwaysPalette as n, type AlwaysPaletteAlias as o, type Animation as p, type AriaAttribute as q, type AvatarShape as r, type AvatarSize as s, type AvatarSizeConfig as t, type BackgroundColor as u, type BackgroundPalette as v, type BackgroundStyleProps as w, type BorderRadius as x, type BorderRadiusConfig as y, type BorderStyleProps as z };
package/package.json CHANGED
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
  "name": "@yahoo/uds",
  "description": "Yahoo Universal System",
- "version": "0.4.0",
+ "version": "0.4.2",
  "type": "module",
  "bin": {
  "uds": "./cli/uds-cli"
@@ -151,12 +151,14 @@
  "clsx": "^2.1.0",
  "fast-glob": "^3.3.2",
  "lodash-es": "^4.17.21",
+ "prompts": "^2.4.2",
  "react-toastify": "^10.0.4",
  "tailwind-merge": "^2.2.1",
- "ts-morph": "^21.0.1"
+ "ts-morph": "^22.0.0"
  "devDependencies": {
  "@fullhuman/postcss-purgecss": "^5.0.0",
+ "@types/prompts": "^2.4.9",
  "@types/react": "^18.2.63",
  "@types/react-dom": "^18.2.20",
  "autoprefixer": "^10.4.18",