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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
export { c as DEFAULT_COLOR_MODE, D as DEFAULT_COLOR_MODE_FOR_APP, g as DEFAULT_HIGH_CONTRAST_MODE, h as DEFAULT_REGION_MODE, e as DEFAULT_SCALE_MODE, b as DEFAULT_SCALE_MODE_FOR_APP, d as defaultTokensConfig, f as fontFamilyGlobal, a as fontWeightMap } from '../index.native-
import { C as ColorMode, S as ScaleMode } from '../types-
export { _ as AlwaysPalette, $ as AlwaysPaletteAlias, a0 as Animation, a1 as AriaAttribute, a2 as AspectRatio, a3 as AspectRatioConfig, a4 as AvatarSize, G as AvatarSizeConfig, a5 as BackgroundColor, d as BackgroundPalette, a6 as BackgroundPaletteAlias, v as BackgroundStyleProps, e as BackgroundWashPalette, a7 as BackgroundWashPaletteAlias, w as BorderStyleProps, a8 as BorderWidth, B as BorderWidthConfig, a9 as BoxShadowConfig, aa as ButtonSize, ab as ButtonVariant, s as ColorModeForApp, a as ColorsConfig, ac as ConfigurableTextProperty, c as CorePalette, ad as CorePaletteAlias, D as CustomSizingStyleProps, ae as DataAttribute, af as Display, h as Elevation, E as ElevationConfig, ag as ElevationPaletteAlias, ah as Flex, ai as FlexAlignContent, aj as FlexAlignItems, ak as FlexAlignSelf, al as FlexBasis, am as FlexDirection, an as FlexGrow, ao as FlexJustifyContent, ap as FlexShrink, y as FlexStyleProps, aq as FlexWrap, Q as FontFamilyConfig, ar as FontFamilyGlobalAlias, i as FontFamilyGlobalConfig, as as FontSize, R as FontSizeConfig, f as FontWeightConfig, at as FontWeightDescriptive, g as FontWeightNumeric, au as ForegroundColor, F as ForegroundPalette, av as ForegroundPaletteAlias, aw as Height, ax as HighContrastMode, H as Hue, b as HueStep, ay as IconName, az as IconSize, J as IconSizeConfig, I as ImageStyleProps, x as LayoutStyleProps, aA as LetterSpacing, aB as LineClampAlias, aC as LineColor, aD as LineHeight, V as LineHeightConfig, L as LinePalette, aE as LinePaletteAlias, aF as MaxHeight, aG as MaxWidth, aH as MinHeight, aI as MinWidth, M as Modes, aJ as Opacity, O as OpacityStyleProps, aK as Overflow, aL as Palette, aM as PaletteConfig, aN as PaletteType, P as PaletteValue, aO as PlatformMode, aP as Position, aQ as RegionMode, aR as ScaleConfig, u as ScaleModeConfig, t as ScaleModeForApp, aS as Shape, N as ShapeConfig, A as SizingStyleProps, aT as SpacingAlias, K as SpacingConfig, z as SpacingStyleProps, aU as SpectrumColor, aV as SpectrumConfig, aW as StateStyleProps, X as StyleProps, T as TextStyleProps, aX as TextTransform, W as TextTransformConfig, aY as TextVariant, aZ as TransitionDelay, a_ as TransitionDuration, a$ as TransitionTiming, k as UniversalAvatarProps, l as UniversalBoxProps, n as UniversalButtonProps, r as UniversalIconButtonProps, q as UniversalIconProps, j as UniversalImageProps, m as UniversalPressableProps, o as UniversalStackProps, b0 as UniversalTextInputProps, p as UniversalTextProps, U as UniversalTokensConfig, b1 as Width, b2 as ZIndex, Z as ZIndexConfig, Y as alwaysPalette } from '../types-
export { c as DEFAULT_COLOR_MODE, D as DEFAULT_COLOR_MODE_FOR_APP, g as DEFAULT_HIGH_CONTRAST_MODE, h as DEFAULT_REGION_MODE, e as DEFAULT_SCALE_MODE, b as DEFAULT_SCALE_MODE_FOR_APP, d as defaultTokensConfig, f as fontFamilyGlobal, a as fontWeightMap } from '../index.native-hIYZ_ma-.js';
import { C as ColorMode, S as ScaleMode } from '../types-_E6o7OhU.js';
export { _ as AlwaysPalette, $ as AlwaysPaletteAlias, a0 as Animation, a1 as AriaAttribute, a2 as AspectRatio, a3 as AspectRatioConfig, a4 as AvatarSize, G as AvatarSizeConfig, a5 as BackgroundColor, d as BackgroundPalette, a6 as BackgroundPaletteAlias, v as BackgroundStyleProps, e as BackgroundWashPalette, a7 as BackgroundWashPaletteAlias, w as BorderStyleProps, a8 as BorderWidth, B as BorderWidthConfig, a9 as BoxShadowConfig, aa as ButtonSize, ab as ButtonVariant, s as ColorModeForApp, a as ColorsConfig, ac as ConfigurableTextProperty, c as CorePalette, ad as CorePaletteAlias, D as CustomSizingStyleProps, ae as DataAttribute, af as Display, h as Elevation, E as ElevationConfig, ag as ElevationPaletteAlias, ah as Flex, ai as FlexAlignContent, aj as FlexAlignItems, ak as FlexAlignSelf, al as FlexBasis, am as FlexDirection, an as FlexGrow, ao as FlexJustifyContent, ap as FlexShrink, y as FlexStyleProps, aq as FlexWrap, Q as FontFamilyConfig, ar as FontFamilyGlobalAlias, i as FontFamilyGlobalConfig, as as FontSize, R as FontSizeConfig, f as FontWeightConfig, at as FontWeightDescriptive, g as FontWeightNumeric, au as ForegroundColor, F as ForegroundPalette, av as ForegroundPaletteAlias, aw as Height, ax as HighContrastMode, H as Hue, b as HueStep, ay as IconName, az as IconSize, J as IconSizeConfig, I as ImageStyleProps, x as LayoutStyleProps, aA as LetterSpacing, aB as LineClampAlias, aC as LineColor, aD as LineHeight, V as LineHeightConfig, L as LinePalette, aE as LinePaletteAlias, aF as MaxHeight, aG as MaxWidth, aH as MinHeight, aI as MinWidth, M as Modes, aJ as Opacity, O as OpacityStyleProps, aK as Overflow, aL as Palette, aM as PaletteConfig, aN as PaletteType, P as PaletteValue, aO as PlatformMode, aP as Position, aQ as RegionMode, aR as ScaleConfig, u as ScaleModeConfig, t as ScaleModeForApp, aS as Shape, N as ShapeConfig, A as SizingStyleProps, aT as SpacingAlias, K as SpacingConfig, z as SpacingStyleProps, aU as SpectrumColor, aV as SpectrumConfig, aW as StateStyleProps, X as StyleProps, T as TextStyleProps, aX as TextTransform, W as TextTransformConfig, aY as TextVariant, aZ as TransitionDelay, a_ as TransitionDuration, a$ as TransitionTiming, k as UniversalAvatarProps, l as UniversalBoxProps, n as UniversalButtonProps, r as UniversalIconButtonProps, q as UniversalIconProps, j as UniversalImageProps, m as UniversalPressableProps, o as UniversalStackProps, b0 as UniversalTextInputProps, p as UniversalTextProps, U as UniversalTokensConfig, b1 as Width, b2 as ZIndex, Z as ZIndexConfig, Y as alwaysPalette } from '../types-_E6o7OhU.js';
import 'react';
declare const UDS_PREFIX = "uds";
@@ -1 +1 @@
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@@ -1 +1 @@
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@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
export { c as DEFAULT_COLOR_MODE, D as DEFAULT_COLOR_MODE_FOR_APP, g as DEFAULT_HIGH_CONTRAST_MODE, h as DEFAULT_REGION_MODE, e as DEFAULT_SCALE_MODE, b as DEFAULT_SCALE_MODE_FOR_APP, d as defaultTokensConfig, a as fontWeightMap } from '../index.native-
export { _ as AlwaysPalette, $ as AlwaysPaletteAlias, a0 as Animation, a1 as AriaAttribute, a2 as AspectRatio, a3 as AspectRatioConfig, a4 as AvatarSize, G as AvatarSizeConfig, a5 as BackgroundColor, d as BackgroundPalette, a6 as BackgroundPaletteAlias, v as BackgroundStyleProps, e as BackgroundWashPalette, a7 as BackgroundWashPaletteAlias, w as BorderStyleProps, a8 as BorderWidth, B as BorderWidthConfig, a9 as BoxShadowConfig, aa as ButtonSize, ab as ButtonVariant, C as ColorMode, s as ColorModeForApp, a as ColorsConfig, ac as ConfigurableTextProperty, c as CorePalette, ad as CorePaletteAlias, D as CustomSizingStyleProps, ae as DataAttribute, af as Display, h as Elevation, E as ElevationConfig, ag as ElevationPaletteAlias, ah as Flex, ai as FlexAlignContent, aj as FlexAlignItems, ak as FlexAlignSelf, al as FlexBasis, am as FlexDirection, an as FlexGrow, ao as FlexJustifyContent, ap as FlexShrink, y as FlexStyleProps, aq as FlexWrap, Q as FontFamilyConfig, ar as FontFamilyGlobalAlias, i as FontFamilyGlobalConfig, as as FontSize, R as FontSizeConfig, f as FontWeightConfig, at as FontWeightDescriptive, g as FontWeightNumeric, au as ForegroundColor, F as ForegroundPalette, av as ForegroundPaletteAlias, aw as Height, ax as HighContrastMode, H as Hue, b as HueStep, ay as IconName, az as IconSize, J as IconSizeConfig, I as ImageStyleProps, x as LayoutStyleProps, aA as LetterSpacing, aB as LineClampAlias, aC as LineColor, aD as LineHeight, V as LineHeightConfig, L as LinePalette, aE as LinePaletteAlias, aF as MaxHeight, aG as MaxWidth, aH as MinHeight, aI as MinWidth, M as Modes, aJ as Opacity, O as OpacityStyleProps, aK as Overflow, aL as Palette, aM as PaletteConfig, aN as PaletteType, P as PaletteValue, aO as PlatformMode, aP as Position, aQ as RegionMode, aR as ScaleConfig, S as ScaleMode, u as ScaleModeConfig, t as ScaleModeForApp, aS as Shape, N as ShapeConfig, A as SizingStyleProps, aT as SpacingAlias, K as SpacingConfig, z as SpacingStyleProps, aU as SpectrumColor, aV as SpectrumConfig, aW as StateStyleProps, X as StyleProps, T as TextStyleProps, aX as TextTransform, W as TextTransformConfig, aY as TextVariant, aZ as TransitionDelay, a_ as TransitionDuration, a$ as TransitionTiming, k as UniversalAvatarProps, l as UniversalBoxProps, n as UniversalButtonProps, r as UniversalIconButtonProps, q as UniversalIconProps, j as UniversalImageProps, m as UniversalPressableProps, o as UniversalStackProps, b0 as UniversalTextInputProps, p as UniversalTextProps, U as UniversalTokensConfig, b1 as Width, b2 as ZIndex, Z as ZIndexConfig, Y as alwaysPalette } from '../types-
export { c as DEFAULT_COLOR_MODE, D as DEFAULT_COLOR_MODE_FOR_APP, g as DEFAULT_HIGH_CONTRAST_MODE, h as DEFAULT_REGION_MODE, e as DEFAULT_SCALE_MODE, b as DEFAULT_SCALE_MODE_FOR_APP, d as defaultTokensConfig, a as fontWeightMap } from '../index.native-fciGC1AQ.cjs';
export { _ as AlwaysPalette, $ as AlwaysPaletteAlias, a0 as Animation, a1 as AriaAttribute, a2 as AspectRatio, a3 as AspectRatioConfig, a4 as AvatarSize, G as AvatarSizeConfig, a5 as BackgroundColor, d as BackgroundPalette, a6 as BackgroundPaletteAlias, v as BackgroundStyleProps, e as BackgroundWashPalette, a7 as BackgroundWashPaletteAlias, w as BorderStyleProps, a8 as BorderWidth, B as BorderWidthConfig, a9 as BoxShadowConfig, aa as ButtonSize, ab as ButtonVariant, C as ColorMode, s as ColorModeForApp, a as ColorsConfig, ac as ConfigurableTextProperty, c as CorePalette, ad as CorePaletteAlias, D as CustomSizingStyleProps, ae as DataAttribute, af as Display, h as Elevation, E as ElevationConfig, ag as ElevationPaletteAlias, ah as Flex, ai as FlexAlignContent, aj as FlexAlignItems, ak as FlexAlignSelf, al as FlexBasis, am as FlexDirection, an as FlexGrow, ao as FlexJustifyContent, ap as FlexShrink, y as FlexStyleProps, aq as FlexWrap, Q as FontFamilyConfig, ar as FontFamilyGlobalAlias, i as FontFamilyGlobalConfig, as as FontSize, R as FontSizeConfig, f as FontWeightConfig, at as FontWeightDescriptive, g as FontWeightNumeric, au as ForegroundColor, F as ForegroundPalette, av as ForegroundPaletteAlias, aw as Height, ax as HighContrastMode, H as Hue, b as HueStep, ay as IconName, az as IconSize, J as IconSizeConfig, I as ImageStyleProps, x as LayoutStyleProps, aA as LetterSpacing, aB as LineClampAlias, aC as LineColor, aD as LineHeight, V as LineHeightConfig, L as LinePalette, aE as LinePaletteAlias, aF as MaxHeight, aG as MaxWidth, aH as MinHeight, aI as MinWidth, M as Modes, aJ as Opacity, O as OpacityStyleProps, aK as Overflow, aL as Palette, aM as PaletteConfig, aN as PaletteType, P as PaletteValue, aO as PlatformMode, aP as Position, aQ as RegionMode, aR as ScaleConfig, S as ScaleMode, u as ScaleModeConfig, t as ScaleModeForApp, aS as Shape, N as ShapeConfig, A as SizingStyleProps, aT as SpacingAlias, K as SpacingConfig, z as SpacingStyleProps, aU as SpectrumColor, aV as SpectrumConfig, aW as StateStyleProps, X as StyleProps, T as TextStyleProps, aX as TextTransform, W as TextTransformConfig, aY as TextVariant, aZ as TransitionDelay, a_ as TransitionDuration, a$ as TransitionTiming, k as UniversalAvatarProps, l as UniversalBoxProps, n as UniversalButtonProps, r as UniversalIconButtonProps, q as UniversalIconProps, j as UniversalImageProps, m as UniversalPressableProps, o as UniversalStackProps, b0 as UniversalTextInputProps, p as UniversalTextProps, U as UniversalTokensConfig, b1 as Width, b2 as ZIndex, Z as ZIndexConfig, Y as alwaysPalette } from '../types-_E6o7OhU.cjs';
import 'react';
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
export { c as DEFAULT_COLOR_MODE, D as DEFAULT_COLOR_MODE_FOR_APP, g as DEFAULT_HIGH_CONTRAST_MODE, h as DEFAULT_REGION_MODE, e as DEFAULT_SCALE_MODE, b as DEFAULT_SCALE_MODE_FOR_APP, d as defaultTokensConfig, a as fontWeightMap } from '../index.native-
export { _ as AlwaysPalette, $ as AlwaysPaletteAlias, a0 as Animation, a1 as AriaAttribute, a2 as AspectRatio, a3 as AspectRatioConfig, a4 as AvatarSize, G as AvatarSizeConfig, a5 as BackgroundColor, d as BackgroundPalette, a6 as BackgroundPaletteAlias, v as BackgroundStyleProps, e as BackgroundWashPalette, a7 as BackgroundWashPaletteAlias, w as BorderStyleProps, a8 as BorderWidth, B as BorderWidthConfig, a9 as BoxShadowConfig, aa as ButtonSize, ab as ButtonVariant, C as ColorMode, s as ColorModeForApp, a as ColorsConfig, ac as ConfigurableTextProperty, c as CorePalette, ad as CorePaletteAlias, D as CustomSizingStyleProps, ae as DataAttribute, af as Display, h as Elevation, E as ElevationConfig, ag as ElevationPaletteAlias, ah as Flex, ai as FlexAlignContent, aj as FlexAlignItems, ak as FlexAlignSelf, al as FlexBasis, am as FlexDirection, an as FlexGrow, ao as FlexJustifyContent, ap as FlexShrink, y as FlexStyleProps, aq as FlexWrap, Q as FontFamilyConfig, ar as FontFamilyGlobalAlias, i as FontFamilyGlobalConfig, as as FontSize, R as FontSizeConfig, f as FontWeightConfig, at as FontWeightDescriptive, g as FontWeightNumeric, au as ForegroundColor, F as ForegroundPalette, av as ForegroundPaletteAlias, aw as Height, ax as HighContrastMode, H as Hue, b as HueStep, ay as IconName, az as IconSize, J as IconSizeConfig, I as ImageStyleProps, x as LayoutStyleProps, aA as LetterSpacing, aB as LineClampAlias, aC as LineColor, aD as LineHeight, V as LineHeightConfig, L as LinePalette, aE as LinePaletteAlias, aF as MaxHeight, aG as MaxWidth, aH as MinHeight, aI as MinWidth, M as Modes, aJ as Opacity, O as OpacityStyleProps, aK as Overflow, aL as Palette, aM as PaletteConfig, aN as PaletteType, P as PaletteValue, aO as PlatformMode, aP as Position, aQ as RegionMode, aR as ScaleConfig, S as ScaleMode, u as ScaleModeConfig, t as ScaleModeForApp, aS as Shape, N as ShapeConfig, A as SizingStyleProps, aT as SpacingAlias, K as SpacingConfig, z as SpacingStyleProps, aU as SpectrumColor, aV as SpectrumConfig, aW as StateStyleProps, X as StyleProps, T as TextStyleProps, aX as TextTransform, W as TextTransformConfig, aY as TextVariant, aZ as TransitionDelay, a_ as TransitionDuration, a$ as TransitionTiming, k as UniversalAvatarProps, l as UniversalBoxProps, n as UniversalButtonProps, r as UniversalIconButtonProps, q as UniversalIconProps, j as UniversalImageProps, m as UniversalPressableProps, o as UniversalStackProps, b0 as UniversalTextInputProps, p as UniversalTextProps, U as UniversalTokensConfig, b1 as Width, b2 as ZIndex, Z as ZIndexConfig, Y as alwaysPalette } from '../types-
export { c as DEFAULT_COLOR_MODE, D as DEFAULT_COLOR_MODE_FOR_APP, g as DEFAULT_HIGH_CONTRAST_MODE, h as DEFAULT_REGION_MODE, e as DEFAULT_SCALE_MODE, b as DEFAULT_SCALE_MODE_FOR_APP, d as defaultTokensConfig, a as fontWeightMap } from '../index.native-hIYZ_ma-.js';
export { _ as AlwaysPalette, $ as AlwaysPaletteAlias, a0 as Animation, a1 as AriaAttribute, a2 as AspectRatio, a3 as AspectRatioConfig, a4 as AvatarSize, G as AvatarSizeConfig, a5 as BackgroundColor, d as BackgroundPalette, a6 as BackgroundPaletteAlias, v as BackgroundStyleProps, e as BackgroundWashPalette, a7 as BackgroundWashPaletteAlias, w as BorderStyleProps, a8 as BorderWidth, B as BorderWidthConfig, a9 as BoxShadowConfig, aa as ButtonSize, ab as ButtonVariant, C as ColorMode, s as ColorModeForApp, a as ColorsConfig, ac as ConfigurableTextProperty, c as CorePalette, ad as CorePaletteAlias, D as CustomSizingStyleProps, ae as DataAttribute, af as Display, h as Elevation, E as ElevationConfig, ag as ElevationPaletteAlias, ah as Flex, ai as FlexAlignContent, aj as FlexAlignItems, ak as FlexAlignSelf, al as FlexBasis, am as FlexDirection, an as FlexGrow, ao as FlexJustifyContent, ap as FlexShrink, y as FlexStyleProps, aq as FlexWrap, Q as FontFamilyConfig, ar as FontFamilyGlobalAlias, i as FontFamilyGlobalConfig, as as FontSize, R as FontSizeConfig, f as FontWeightConfig, at as FontWeightDescriptive, g as FontWeightNumeric, au as ForegroundColor, F as ForegroundPalette, av as ForegroundPaletteAlias, aw as Height, ax as HighContrastMode, H as Hue, b as HueStep, ay as IconName, az as IconSize, J as IconSizeConfig, I as ImageStyleProps, x as LayoutStyleProps, aA as LetterSpacing, aB as LineClampAlias, aC as LineColor, aD as LineHeight, V as LineHeightConfig, L as LinePalette, aE as LinePaletteAlias, aF as MaxHeight, aG as MaxWidth, aH as MinHeight, aI as MinWidth, M as Modes, aJ as Opacity, O as OpacityStyleProps, aK as Overflow, aL as Palette, aM as PaletteConfig, aN as PaletteType, P as PaletteValue, aO as PlatformMode, aP as Position, aQ as RegionMode, aR as ScaleConfig, S as ScaleMode, u as ScaleModeConfig, t as ScaleModeForApp, aS as Shape, N as ShapeConfig, A as SizingStyleProps, aT as SpacingAlias, K as SpacingConfig, z as SpacingStyleProps, aU as SpectrumColor, aV as SpectrumConfig, aW as StateStyleProps, X as StyleProps, T as TextStyleProps, aX as TextTransform, W as TextTransformConfig, aY as TextVariant, aZ as TransitionDelay, a_ as TransitionDuration, a$ as TransitionTiming, k as UniversalAvatarProps, l as UniversalBoxProps, n as UniversalButtonProps, r as UniversalIconButtonProps, q as UniversalIconProps, j as UniversalImageProps, m as UniversalPressableProps, o as UniversalStackProps, b0 as UniversalTextInputProps, p as UniversalTextProps, U as UniversalTokensConfig, b1 as Width, b2 as ZIndex, Z as ZIndexConfig, Y as alwaysPalette } from '../types-_E6o7OhU.js';
import 'react';
@@ -1 +1 @@
import"../chunk-D4K3CXV6.js";import{a,b as c,c as d,d as e,e as f,f as g,g as h,h as i}from"../chunk-
import"../chunk-D4K3CXV6.js";import{a,b as c,c as d,d as e,e as f,f as g,g as h,h as i}from"../chunk-PO7U3C7A.js";import{c as b}from"../chunk-AHFH5E5L.js";export{f as DEFAULT_COLOR_MODE,d as DEFAULT_COLOR_MODE_FOR_APP,h as DEFAULT_HIGH_CONTRAST_MODE,i as DEFAULT_REGION_MODE,g as DEFAULT_SCALE_MODE,e as DEFAULT_SCALE_MODE_FOR_APP,a as alwaysPalette,c as defaultTokensConfig,b as fontWeightMap};
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import { U as UniversalTokensConfig, C as ColorMode, S as ScaleMode, B as BorderWidthConfig, a as ColorsConfig, H as Hue, b as HueStep, P as PaletteValue, c as CorePalette, d as BackgroundPalette, e as BackgroundWashPalette, F as ForegroundPalette, L as LinePalette, f as FontWeightConfig, g as FontWeightNumeric, E as ElevationConfig, h as Elevation, i as FontFamilyGlobalConfig } from '../types-
import { U as UniversalTokensConfig, C as ColorMode, S as ScaleMode, B as BorderWidthConfig, a as ColorsConfig, H as Hue, b as HueStep, P as PaletteValue, c as CorePalette, d as BackgroundPalette, e as BackgroundWashPalette, F as ForegroundPalette, L as LinePalette, f as FontWeightConfig, g as FontWeightNumeric, E as ElevationConfig, h as Elevation, i as FontFamilyGlobalConfig } from '../types-_E6o7OhU.cjs';
import 'react';
declare function transformColors(colors: ColorsConfig): {
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import { U as UniversalTokensConfig, C as ColorMode, S as ScaleMode, B as BorderWidthConfig, a as ColorsConfig, H as Hue, b as HueStep, P as PaletteValue, c as CorePalette, d as BackgroundPalette, e as BackgroundWashPalette, F as ForegroundPalette, L as LinePalette, f as FontWeightConfig, g as FontWeightNumeric, E as ElevationConfig, h as Elevation, i as FontFamilyGlobalConfig } from '../types-
import { U as UniversalTokensConfig, C as ColorMode, S as ScaleMode, B as BorderWidthConfig, a as ColorsConfig, H as Hue, b as HueStep, P as PaletteValue, c as CorePalette, d as BackgroundPalette, e as BackgroundWashPalette, F as ForegroundPalette, L as LinePalette, f as FontWeightConfig, g as FontWeightNumeric, E as ElevationConfig, h as Elevation, i as FontFamilyGlobalConfig } from '../types-_E6o7OhU.js';
import 'react';
declare function transformColors(colors: ColorsConfig): {
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import { U as UniversalTokensConfig, C as ColorMode, a as ColorsConfig, E as ElevationConfig, h as Elevation } from '../types-
import { U as UniversalTokensConfig, C as ColorMode, a as ColorsConfig, E as ElevationConfig, h as Elevation } from '../types-_E6o7OhU.cjs';
import { ShadowStyleIOS } from 'react-native';
import 'react';
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import { U as UniversalTokensConfig, C as ColorMode, a as ColorsConfig, E as ElevationConfig, h as Elevation } from '../types-
import { U as UniversalTokensConfig, C as ColorMode, a as ColorsConfig, E as ElevationConfig, h as Elevation } from '../types-_E6o7OhU.js';
import { ShadowStyleIOS } from 'react-native';
import 'react';
@@ -80,8 +80,8 @@ type FontWeightDescriptive = 'thin' | 'extralight' | 'light' | 'regular' | 'medi
type TextTransform = 'none' | 'uppercase' | 'lowercase' | 'capitalize';
type LetterSpacing = 'tighter' | 'tight' | 'normal' | 'wide' | 'wider' | 'widest';
type LineClampAlias = '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6';
type LineHeight =
type FontSize =
type LineHeight = number;
type FontSize = number;
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"description": "Yahoo Universal System",
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