@vitessce/all 3.4.10 → 3.4.12
This diff represents the content of publicly available package versions that have been released to one of the supported registries. The information contained in this diff is provided for informational purposes only and reflects changes between package versions as they appear in their respective public registries.
- package/dist/{deflate-997d2944.js → deflate-efd5356d.js} +1 -1
- package/dist/{higlass-79b185c3.js → higlass-32a71267.js} +1 -1
- package/dist/{index-7def4863.js → index-1eed7926.js} +2 -2
- package/dist/{index-f360a30e.js → index-8ed3997f.js} +247 -180
- package/dist/index.js +9 -2
- package/dist/{jpeg-a509da75.js → jpeg-e383d75a.js} +1 -1
- package/dist/{lerc-6b1d32af.js → lerc-e0ea6e91.js} +1 -1
- package/dist/{lzw-3b341e96.js → lzw-9502d20a.js} +1 -1
- package/dist/{packbits-d7b27016.js → packbits-b61051af.js} +1 -1
- package/dist/{raw-498d13ba.js → raw-54997420.js} +1 -1
- package/dist/{troika-three-text.esm-decd69a0.js → troika-three-text.esm-315428f3.js} +1 -1
- package/dist/{webimage-65abb0c2.js → webimage-e4eb8c23.js} +1 -1
- package/dist-tsc/base-plugins.d.ts +27 -49
- package/dist-tsc/base-plugins.d.ts.map +1 -1
- package/dist-tsc/base-plugins.js +1 -0
- package/dist-tsc/index.d.ts +1 -1
- package/dist-tsc/index.d.ts.map +1 -1
- package/dist-tsc/index.js +5 -1
- package/package.json +24 -24
- package/src/base-plugins.ts +1 -0
- package/src/index.ts +13 -1
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import React__default, { createElement, isValidElement, PureComponent, Component } from "react";
import ReactDOM__default, { findDOMNode as findDOMNode$1 } from "react-dom";
import { aS as commonjsGlobal$1, aT as objectAssign, g as getDefaultExportFromCjs$1, aU as earcut } from "./index-
import { aS as commonjsGlobal$1, aT as objectAssign, g as getDefaultExportFromCjs$1, aU as earcut } from "./index-8ed3997f.js";
import "@vitessce/vit-s";
var promise = {};
(function(exports2) {
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import { g as getDefaultExportFromCjs, R as Raycaster, O as OrthographicCamera, P as PerspectiveCamera, S as Scene, a as PCFSoftShadowMap, N as NoToneMapping, A as ACESFilmicToneMapping, V as Vector2, b as Vector3, L as Layers, T as Texture, c as RGBAFormat, U as UnsignedByteType, W as WebGLRenderer, C as Camera, B as BasicShadowMap, d as PCFShadowMap, e as VSMShadowMap, f as BufferGeometry, M as Material, h as Color, i as Clock, _ as _extends, j as THREE, G as Group, k as Matrix4, l as TrianglesDrawMode, m as TriangleFanDrawMode, n as TriangleStripDrawMode, o as REVISION, p as Ray$1, q as Plane, E as EventDispatcher, r as MOUSE, s as TOUCH, Q as Quaternion, t as Spherical, u as Loader, v as LoaderUtils, F as FileLoader, w as SpotLight, x as PointLight, D as DirectionalLight, y as MeshBasicMaterial, z as MeshPhysicalMaterial, I as InstancedMesh, H as Object3D, J as TextureLoader, K as ImageBitmapLoader, X as BufferAttribute, Y as InterleavedBuffer, Z as LinearFilter, $ as LinearMipmapLinearFilter, a0 as RepeatWrapping, a1 as PointsMaterial, a2 as LineBasicMaterial, a3 as MeshStandardMaterial, a4 as DoubleSide, a5 as PropertyBinding, a6 as SkinnedMesh, a7 as Mesh, a8 as LineSegments, a9 as Line$1, aa as LineLoop, ab as Points, ac as MathUtils, ad as Skeleton, ae as InterpolateLinear, af as AnimationClip, ag as Bone, ah as NearestFilter, ai as NearestMipmapNearestFilter, aj as LinearMipmapNearestFilter, ak as NearestMipmapLinearFilter, al as ClampToEdgeWrapping, am as MirroredRepeatWrapping, an as InterpolateDiscrete, ao as FrontSide, ap as InterleavedBufferAttribute, aq as VectorKeyframeTrack, ar as QuaternionKeyframeTrack, as as NumberKeyframeTrack, at as Box3, au as Sphere, av as Interpolant, aw as InstancedBufferGeometry, ax as Float32BufferAttribute, ay as InstancedInterleavedBuffer, az as WireframeGeometry, aA as ShaderMaterial, aB as UniformsUtils, aC as UniformsLib, aD as Vector4, aE as Line3, aF as SphereGeometry, aG as Triangle, aH as BackSide, aI as jsxRuntimeExports, aJ as Matrix3, aK as CoordinationType, aL as Data3DTexture, aM as RedFormat, aN as FloatType, aO as getImageSize } from "./index-
import { g as getDefaultExportFromCjs, R as Raycaster, O as OrthographicCamera, P as PerspectiveCamera, S as Scene, a as PCFSoftShadowMap, N as NoToneMapping, A as ACESFilmicToneMapping, V as Vector2, b as Vector3, L as Layers, T as Texture, c as RGBAFormat, U as UnsignedByteType, W as WebGLRenderer, C as Camera, B as BasicShadowMap, d as PCFShadowMap, e as VSMShadowMap, f as BufferGeometry, M as Material, h as Color, i as Clock, _ as _extends, j as THREE, G as Group, k as Matrix4, l as TrianglesDrawMode, m as TriangleFanDrawMode, n as TriangleStripDrawMode, o as REVISION, p as Ray$1, q as Plane, E as EventDispatcher, r as MOUSE, s as TOUCH, Q as Quaternion, t as Spherical, u as Loader, v as LoaderUtils, F as FileLoader, w as SpotLight, x as PointLight, D as DirectionalLight, y as MeshBasicMaterial, z as MeshPhysicalMaterial, I as InstancedMesh, H as Object3D, J as TextureLoader, K as ImageBitmapLoader, X as BufferAttribute, Y as InterleavedBuffer, Z as LinearFilter, $ as LinearMipmapLinearFilter, a0 as RepeatWrapping, a1 as PointsMaterial, a2 as LineBasicMaterial, a3 as MeshStandardMaterial, a4 as DoubleSide, a5 as PropertyBinding, a6 as SkinnedMesh, a7 as Mesh, a8 as LineSegments, a9 as Line$1, aa as LineLoop, ab as Points, ac as MathUtils, ad as Skeleton, ae as InterpolateLinear, af as AnimationClip, ag as Bone, ah as NearestFilter, ai as NearestMipmapNearestFilter, aj as LinearMipmapNearestFilter, ak as NearestMipmapLinearFilter, al as ClampToEdgeWrapping, am as MirroredRepeatWrapping, an as InterpolateDiscrete, ao as FrontSide, ap as InterleavedBufferAttribute, aq as VectorKeyframeTrack, ar as QuaternionKeyframeTrack, as as NumberKeyframeTrack, at as Box3, au as Sphere, av as Interpolant, aw as InstancedBufferGeometry, ax as Float32BufferAttribute, ay as InstancedInterleavedBuffer, az as WireframeGeometry, aA as ShaderMaterial, aB as UniformsUtils, aC as UniformsLib, aD as Vector4, aE as Line3, aF as SphereGeometry, aG as Triangle, aH as BackSide, aI as jsxRuntimeExports, aJ as Matrix3, aK as CoordinationType, aL as Data3DTexture, aM as RedFormat, aN as FloatType, aO as getImageSize } from "./index-8ed3997f.js";
import * as React from "react";
import React__default, { useReducer, useRef, useDebugValue, useEffect, useLayoutEffect, useState, useMemo, forwardRef } from "react";
import "@vitessce/vit-s";
@@ -23800,7 +23800,7 @@ const Text = /* @__PURE__ */ React.forwardRef(({
const {
Text: TextMeshImpl,
} = suspend(async () => import("./troika-three-text.esm-
} = suspend(async () => import("./troika-three-text.esm-315428f3.js"), []);
const invalidate2 = useThree(({
invalidate: invalidate3
}) => invalidate3);