@undp/carbon-library 2.1.12-CARBON-Sprint-58.2 → 2.1.12-CARBON-Sprint-58.4

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package/dist/esm/index.js CHANGED
@@ -1229,7 +1229,7 @@ var CompanyManagementComponent = function (props) {
  var css_248z$w = ".company-details-form-container {\n width: 100%; }\n .company-details-form-container .company-details-form .steps-actions {\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: row-reverse; }\n .company-details-form-container .company-details-form .steps-actions .mg-left-1 {\n margin-left: 1rem; }\n .company-details-form-container .company-details-form .row .website .ant-input {\n margin-left: 0.3rem; }\n .company-details-form-container .company-details-form .row .website .ant-input-group-addon {\n border: 1px solid #d9d9d9; }\n .company-details-form-container .company-details-form .row .logo-upload-section {\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: row;\n justify-content: space-between;\n align-items: start;\n width: 100%; }\n .company-details-form-container .company-details-form .row .logo-upload-section .ant-upload {\n width: 20%; }\n .company-details-form-container .company-details-form .row .logo-upload-section .ant-upload-list {\n align-items: center;\n justify-content: center;\n width: 75%; }\n .company-details-form-container .company-details-form .row .logo-upload-section .ant-upload-list .ant-upload-list-item {\n margin-top: 0; }\n .company-details-form-container .company-details-form .row .details-part-one .space-container {\n width: 100%; }\n .company-details-form-container .company-details-form .row .details-part-one .space-container .ant-space-item {\n width: 100%; }\n .company-details-form-container .company-details-form .row .details-part-two .role-group .certifier-radio-container {\n width: 30%; }\n .company-details-form-container .company-details-form .row .details-part-two .role-group .certifier-radio-container .ant-radio-button-wrapper-checked:not(\n .ant-radio-button-wrapper-disabled\n) {\n color: #519e4f !important;\n border-color: #519e4f !important;\n box-shadow: none; }\n .company-details-form-container .company-details-form .row .details-part-two .role-group .certifier-radio-container .anticon {\n background: #eeeeee;\n border-radius: 50px;\n padding: 0.2rem;\n color: #519e4f; }\n .company-details-form-container .company-details-form .row .details-part-two .role-group .dev-radio-container {\n width: 30%; }\n .company-details-form-container .company-details-form .row .details-part-two .role-group .dev-radio-container .ant-radio-button-wrapper-checked:not(\n .ant-radio-button-wrapper-disabled\n) {\n color: #ffa070 !important;\n border-color: #ffa070 !important;\n box-shadow: none; }\n .company-details-form-container .company-details-form .row .details-part-two .role-group .dev-radio-container .anticon {\n background: #eeeeee;\n border-radius: 50px;\n padding: 0.2rem;\n color: #ffa070; }\n .company-details-form-container .company-details-form .row .details-part-two .role-group .minister-radio-container {\n width: 30%; }\n .company-details-form-container .company-details-form .row .details-part-two .role-group .minister-radio-container .ant-radio-button-wrapper-checked:not(\n .ant-radio-button-wrapper-disabled\n) {\n color: #9155fd !important;\n border-color: #9155fd !important;\n box-shadow: none; }\n .company-details-form-container .company-details-form .row .details-part-two .role-group .minister-radio-container .anticon {\n background: #eeeeee;\n border-radius: 50px;\n padding: 0.2rem;\n color: #9155fd; }\n .company-details-form-container .company-details-form .row .details-part-two .role-group .gov-radio-container {\n width: 45%; }\n .company-details-form-container .company-details-form .row .details-part-two .role-group .gov-radio-container .ant-radio-button-wrapper-checked:not(\n .ant-radio-button-wrapper-disabled\n) {\n color: #16b1ff !important;\n border-color: #16b1ff !important;\n box-shadow: none; }\n .company-details-form-container .company-details-form .row .details-part-two .role-group .gov-radio-container .anticon {\n background: #eeeeee;\n border-radius: 50px;\n padding: 0.2rem;\n color: #16b1ff; }\n .company-details-form-container .company-details-form .row .details-part-two .role-group .observer-radio-container {\n width: 25%; }\n .company-details-form-container .company-details-form .row .details-part-two .role-group .observer-radio-container .ant-radio-button-wrapper-checked:not(\n .ant-radio-button-wrapper-disabled\n) {\n color: #707070 !important;\n border-color: #707070 !important;\n box-shadow: none; }\n .company-details-form-container .company-details-form .row .details-part-two .role-group .observer-radio-container .anticon {\n background: #eeeeee;\n border-radius: 50px;\n padding: 0.2rem;\n color: #707070; }\n .company-details-form-container .company-details-form .row .details-part-two .role-group .ant-radio-button-wrapper::before {\n background-color: transparent; }\n .company-details-form-container .company-details-form .row .details-part-two .role-group .ant-radio-button-wrapper {\n border: 1px solid #d9d9d9; }\n .company-details-form-container .company-details-form .row .details-part-two .role-group .anticon {\n margin-right: 0.5rem; }\n .company-details-form-container .company-details-form .row .details-part-two .role-group .certifier {\n width: 100%; }\n .company-details-form-container .company-details-form .row .details-part-two .role-group .certifier .ant-radio-button-checked {\n background: rgba(128, 255, 0, 0.12);\n color: #519e4f; }\n .company-details-form-container .company-details-form .row .details-part-two .role-group .dev {\n width: 100%; }\n .company-details-form-container .company-details-form .row .details-part-two .role-group .dev .ant-radio-button-checked {\n background: rgba(254, 241, 173, 0.5);\n color: #ffa070; }\n .company-details-form-container .company-details-form .row .details-part-two .role-group .gov {\n width: 100%; }\n .company-details-form-container .company-details-form .row .details-part-two .role-group .gov .ant-radio-button-checked {\n background: rgba(185, 226, 244, 0.56);\n color: #16b1ff; }\n .company-details-form-container .company-details-form .row .details-part-two .role-group .minister {\n width: 100%; }\n .company-details-form-container .company-details-form .row .details-part-two .role-group .minister .ant-radio-button-checked {\n background: rgba(198, 144, 251, 0.12);\n color: #9155fd; }\n .company-details-form-container .company-details-form .row .details-part-two .role-group .observer {\n width: 100%; }\n .company-details-form-container .company-details-form .row .details-part-two .role-group .observer .ant-radio-button-checked {\n background: rgba(176, 190, 197, 0.23);\n color: #707070; }\n .company-details-form-container .company-details-form .row .details-part-two .role-group .role-icons {\n margin-right: 5px; }\n .company-details-form-container .company-details-form .row .details-part-two .space-container {\n width: 100%; }\n .company-details-form-container .company-details-form .row .details-part-two .space-container .ant-space-item {\n width: 100%; }\n\n.step-title-container {\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: row;\n align-items: center;\n justify-content: space-between;\n margin-bottom: 1rem; }\n .step-title-container .step-count {\n font-size: 2.2rem;\n font-weight: 800;\n margin-right: 0.4rem;\n color: rgba(58, 53, 65, 0.8); }\n .step-title-container .title {\n font-size: 1rem;\n font-weight: 600;\n color: #3a3541; }\n\n.add-company-main-container {\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: column;\n border-radius: 5px;\n padding: 0 50px; }\n .add-company-main-container .title-container {\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: column;\n border-radius: 5px; }\n .add-company-main-container .title-container .main {\n font-size: 1.25rem;\n font-weight: 500;\n color: #16b1ff; }\n .add-company-main-container .title-container .sub {\n font-size: 0.8rem;\n color: #555657; }\n .add-company-main-container .adding-section {\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: column;\n background-color: #ffffff;\n margin: 1rem 0 1rem 0;\n border-radius: 10px;\n padding: 2.5rem 1.5rem 2.5rem 1.5rem; }\n .add-company-main-container .adding-section .form-section {\n display: flex;\n margin-bottom: 2rem; }\n .add-company-main-container .adding-section .form-section .form-one {\n width: 100%; }\n .add-company-main-container .adding-section .form-section .steps {\n width: 15%; }\n .add-company-main-container .adding-section .form-section .steps-content {\n width: 85%; }\n .add-company-main-container .adding-section .steps-action {\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: row-reverse; }\n\n.ant-upload-list-picture .ant-upload-list-item-error,\n.ant-upload-list-picture-card .ant-upload-list-item-error {\n height: auto;\n max-height: 200px; }\n\n.hide {\n display: none !important; }\n";
- var css_248z$v = "body {\n background-color: #f4f5fa;\n font-family: \"Inter\";\n font-weight: 400; }\n body .ant-menu {\n background-color: #f4f5fa; }\n body .ant-layout-header {\n background-color: #f4f5fa; }\n body .ant-layout {\n background-color: #f4f5fa; }\n body .ant-menu-submenu .ant-menu {\n background-color: #f4f5fa; }\n body .ant-menu-item {\n background-color: #f4f5fa; }\n body .ant-menu-sub {\n background-color: #f4f5fa; }\n body .ant-table-content {\n font-family: \"Inter\"; }\n body .ant-input {\n border-radius: 5px !important; }\n body .ant-btn {\n border-radius: 5px !important; }\n body .ant-input-group-addon:first-child {\n border-radius: 5px !important; }\n body .ant-input-group .ant-input {\n width: 99% !important; }\n body .ant-select-selector {\n border-radius: 5px !important; }\n body .ant-upload-list-item {\n border-radius: 5px !important; }\n body .ant-radio-group {\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: row;\n align-items: center;\n justify-content: space-between; }\n body .ant-radio-group-large .ant-radio-button-wrapper {\n font-size: 0.8rem;\n width: 25%;\n border-radius: 5px !important; }\n body .ant-upload-list-picture .ant-upload-list-item-error,\n body .ant-upload-list-picture-card .ant-upload-list-item-error {\n border-color: #40a9ff;\n border-radius: 5px;\n height: 40px; }\n body .ant-upload-list-picture .ant-upload-list-item-error .ant-upload-list-item-name,\n body .ant-upload-list-picture-card .ant-upload-list-item-error .ant-upload-list-item-name {\n color: #40a9ff !important; }\n body .ant-upload-list-item-error .ant-upload-list-item-card-actions .anticon {\n color: #40a9ff; }\n body .ant-input-status-error:not(.ant-input-disabled):not(.ant-input-borderless).ant-input,\n body .ant-input-status-error:not(.ant-input-disabled):not(.ant-input-borderless).ant-input:hover {\n border-color: #d9d9d9 !important; }\n body .ant-input-group-wrapper-status-error .ant-input-group-addon {\n border-color: #d9d9d9 !important; }\n body .ant-form-item-explain-error {\n font-size: 13px;\n color: rgba(255, 77, 79, 0.8); }\n body .ant-table-thead\n> tr\n> th:not(:last-child):not(.ant-table-selection-column):not(.ant-table-row-expand-icon-cell):not([colspan])::before {\n background-color: transparent !important; }\n body .ant-form-item-label > label {\n flex-direction: row-reverse !important;\n color: rgba(58, 53, 65, 0.5); }\n body .ant-form-item-label\n> label.ant-form-item-required:not(.ant-form-item-required-mark-optional)::before {\n margin-left: 0.2rem !important;\n color: rgba(255, 77, 79, 0.8) !important; }\n body .ant-picker {\n border-radius: 5px !important;\n height: 35px !important; }\n body .space-container {\n width: 100%; }\n body .space-container .ant-space-item {\n width: 100%; }\n body .PhoneInput .PhoneInputCountry {\n border: 1px solid #d9d9d9 !important;\n border-radius: 5px !important;\n padding: 0 1rem 0 1rem; }\n body .PhoneInput .PhoneInputInput {\n flex: 1 1;\n min-width: 0;\n border-radius: 5px !important;\n height: 40px;\n border: 1px solid #d9d9d9 !important;\n outline: none; }\n body .filter-title {\n color: rgba(58, 53, 65, 0.8);\n font-family: 'Inter';\n font-style: normal;\n font-weight: 600;\n font-size: 0.875rem; }\n body .ant-radio-wrapper {\n font-family: 'Inter';\n font-style: normal;\n font-weight: 400;\n font-size: 0.875rem;\n line-height: 22px;\n color: rgba(58, 53, 65, 0.8); }\n body .ant-list-item {\n color: rgba(58, 53, 65, 0.8); }\n body .PhoneInput .PhoneInputInput:focus-visible,\n body .PhoneInput .PhoneInputInput:hover {\n flex: 1 1;\n min-width: 0;\n border-radius: 5px !important;\n height: 40px;\n border-right: 1px solid #40a9ff !important;\n outline: 1px solid #40a9ff; }\n body .layout-content-container {\n padding-bottom: 100px; }\n body .layout-content-container .ant-btn-primary {\n background-color: #16b1ff;\n color: #ffffff;\n border: none; }\n body .layout-content-container .ant-btn {\n height: 32px;\n font-weight: 500;\n font-size: 0.8rem;\n border-radius: 0.3rem;\n box-shadow: 0px 8px 16px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25);\n min-width: 80px;\n box-shadow: none; }\n body .layout-content-container .ant-btn span {\n text-transform: uppercase; }\n body .content-container {\n padding: 0px 20px; }\n body .content-container .title-bar {\n padding: 0px 0px 30px 0px; }\n body .content-container .body-title {\n color: #16b1ff;\n font-weight: 500;\n font-size: 1.2rem; }\n body .content-container .body-sub-title {\n color: rgba(58, 53, 65, 0.6);\n font-weight: 400;\n font-size: 0.8rem; }\n body .content-card {\n background-color: #ffffff;\n border-radius: 10px;\n width: 100%; }\n body .content-card .action-bar {\n padding: 1.6rem 1.3rem 1.6rem 1.3rem; }\n body .content-card .action-bar button {\n width: fit-content; }\n body .content-card .filter-section {\n padding: 1.4rem 1.3rem 1.6rem 1.3rem;\n display: flex;\n width: 100%;\n flex-direction: row;\n align-items: center;\n justify-content: end; }\n body .content-card .filter-section .search-bar {\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: row-reverse; }\n body .content-card .filter-section .filter-bar {\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: row-reverse;\n margin-top: 0.8rem;\n width: 5%; }\n body .content-card .filter-section .ant-input-affix-wrapper {\n border-radius: 0.313rem 0 0 0.313rem !important; }\n body .content-card .filter-section .ant-input-search\n> .ant-input-group\n> .ant-input-group-addon:last-child\n.ant-input-search-button {\n padding-top: 0;\n padding-bottom: 0;\n border-radius: 0 0.313rem 0.313rem 0 !important; }\n body .layout-content-container .ant-btn {\n min-width: 50px !important; }\n body .table-actions-section {\n width: 100%;\n margin-bottom: 1rem; }\n body .action-menu {\n min-width: 120px;\n color: rgba(58, 53, 65, 0.6); }\n body .action-menu .action-icon {\n margin-right: 12px;\n display: flex; }\n body .action-menu .anticon-edit {\n color: #16b1ff; }\n body .action-menu .anticon-delete {\n color: #f25a29; }\n body .ant-dropdown-menu {\n padding: 1rem 2rem 1rem 1rem !important;\n border-radius: 5px; }\n body .ant-dropdown-menu-item-active {\n background-color: transparent !important; }\n body .ant-popover-inner-content .action-menu {\n margin: -12px -16px; }\n body .ant-popover-inner-content .action-menu .ant-list-item {\n padding: 11px 16px;\n justify-content: flex-start;\n cursor: pointer; }\n body .ant-popover-placement-bottomRight {\n z-index: 999; }\n body .ant-tag {\n border-radius: 20px; }\n body .clickable {\n cursor: pointer; }\n body .text-center {\n text-align: center; }\n body .float-left {\n float: left; }\n body .float-right {\n float: right; }\n body .apexcharts-canvas {\n font-family: \"Inter\" !important; }\n body .apexcharts-legend-text {\n font-family: \"Inter\" !important; }\n body .ant-tag {\n padding: 1px 10px; }\n body .flex-display {\n display: flex; }\n body .ant-modal-footer {\n border-top: none;\n text-align: center; }\n body .ant-modal-footer button {\n margin: 10px 20px;\n text-transform: uppercase;\n font-size: 0.8rem; }\n body .ant-modal-header {\n border-radius: 15px;\n border: none; }\n body .ant-modal-content {\n border-radius: 15px;\n border: none; }\n body .ant-modal-header {\n border: none; }\n body .ant-modal-body {\n text-align: center;\n color: rgba(58, 53, 65, 0.6);\n font-size: 0.8rem; }\n body .ant-modal-body .ant-select-selector {\n text-align: left;\n border-radius: 5px !important;\n height: 32px; }\n body .ant-modal-body .form-label {\n text-align: left; }\n body .ant-modal-body .form-label .req-ast {\n color: rgba(255, 77, 79, 0.8);\n padding-left: 5px; }\n body .ant-modal-body .ant-form .ant-input-password {\n padding: 6.5px 11px;\n font-size: 16px; }\n body .ant-modal-body .ant-form .ant-form-item-explain-error {\n text-align: start; }\n body .popup-header {\n text-align: center;\n color: rgba(58, 53, 65, 0.8);\n font-weight: 600;\n font-family: \"Inter\";\n font-size: 0.9rem;\n margin: 25px 20px -20px 20px; }\n body .popup-header .icon {\n font-size: 4rem;\n margin-bottom: 15px;\n font-weight: 400; }\n body .popup-header img {\n height: 100px; }\n body .popup-success .icon {\n color: #5dc380; }\n body .popup-success .ant-btn-primary {\n background: #16b1ff;\n border-radius: #16b1ff;\n border: none; }\n body .popup-success .ant-btn-default {\n color: rgba(58, 53, 65, 0.6);\n border-color: rgba(58, 53, 65, 0.6); }\n body .popup-success .ant-btn-primary[disabled] {\n border-color: #d9d9d9;\n background: #f5f5f5; }\n body .popup-primary .icon {\n color: #16b1ff; }\n body .popup-primary .ant-btn-primary {\n background: #16b1ff;\n border-radius: #16b1ff;\n border: none; }\n body .popup-primary .ant-btn-default {\n color: rgba(58, 53, 65, 0.6);\n border-color: rgba(58, 53, 65, 0.6); }\n body .popup-primary .ant-btn-primary[disabled] {\n border-color: #d9d9d9;\n background: #f5f5f5; }\n body .popup-danger .icon {\n color: rgba(255, 77, 79, 0.8); }\n body .popup-danger .ant-btn-primary {\n background: rgba(255, 77, 79, 0.8);\n border-radius: rgba(255, 77, 79, 0.8);\n border: none; }\n body .popup-danger .ant-btn-primary[disabled] {\n border-color: #d9d9d9;\n background: #f5f5f5; }\n body .popup-danger .ant-btn-default {\n color: rgba(58, 53, 65, 0.6);\n border-color: rgba(58, 53, 65, 0.6); }\n body .ant-modal-footer .ant-btn {\n height: 32px;\n border-radius: 4px;\n padding: 6px 16px;\n font-weight: 500; }\n body .ant-modal-footer .ant-btn-default {\n color: rgba(140, 140, 140, 0.7) !important;\n border-color: rgba(140, 140, 140, 0.7) !important; }\n body .ant-tag-processing {\n color: #16b1ff;\n background: rgba(185, 226, 244, 0.4); }\n body .filter-section input {\n font-family: 'Inter';\n font-size: 0.8rem !important; }\n body .pull-right {\n float: right; }\n body .disabled {\n opacity: 0.5; }\n body .mg-left-3 {\n margin-left: 3rem; }\n body .mg-left-2 {\n margin-left: 2rem !important; }\n body .mg-left-1 {\n margin-left: 1rem; }\n body .mg-top-1 {\n margin-top: 1rem; }\n body .mg-top-2 {\n margin-top: 2rem; }\n body .mg-bottom-1 {\n margin-bottom: 1rem !important; }\n body .transfer-form {\n padding: 0px 15px;\n color: rgba(58, 53, 65, 0.6); }\n body .transfer-form .popup-credit-input .ant-form-item-explain-error {\n width: 200px; }\n body .transfer-form .info-container {\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: row;\n width: 10%;\n height: 20px;\n align-items: center;\n justify-content: start;\n margin-left: 5px; }\n body .transfer-form .ant-row {\n align-items: unset; }\n body .transfer-form .sub-text {\n margin-bottom: 35px;\n font-size: 0.9rem;\n font-weight: 500; }\n body .transfer-form .label {\n text-align: left;\n font-size: 0.9rem;\n color: rgba(58, 53, 65, 0.6); }\n body .transfer-form .seperator {\n font-size: 1.2rem;\n color: #d9d9d9; }\n body .transfer-form .footer {\n margin-bottom: 0px;\n margin-top: 15px; }\n body .transfer-form label {\n font-size: 0.8rem; }\n body .transfer-form .ant-radio-wrapper {\n font-size: 0.9rem; }\n body .transfer-form input {\n color: rgba(58, 53, 65, 0.6); }\n body .transfer-form button {\n text-transform: uppercase;\n font-weight: 500; }\n body .color-error {\n color: rgba(255, 77, 79, 0.8); }\n body .color-primary {\n color: #16b1ff; }\n body .ant-input-number-input {\n text-align: right; }\n body .text-left {\n text-align: left; }\n body .ant-form-item .ant-radio-group {\n text-align: left; }\n body .loading-center {\n margin: auto;\n text-align: center;\n position: absolute;\n top: 50%;\n left: 50%; }\n body .ant-tag-purple {\n color: #976ed7; }\n body .ant-tag-orange {\n color: #ff8f56; }\n body .ant-tag-default {\n color: rgba(58, 53, 65, 0.5); }\n body .ant-popover-inner {\n border-radius: 4px; }\n body .ant-input-number {\n border-radius: 5px; }\n body .ret-icon {\n background-color: rgba(254, 241, 173, 0.5);\n color: #ff8f56; }\n body .flag-ret-icon {\n display: flex !important;\n background-color: #f4f5fa;\n font-size: 1.1rem !important;\n padding: 7px; }\n body .b-icon {\n vertical-align: middle; }\n body .ant-message-notice-content {\n padding: 0px;\n border-radius: 5px; }\n body .ant-message-notice-content .ant-message-custom-content {\n font-size: 0.8rem;\n border-radius: 5px;\n padding: 17px 24px; }\n body .ant-message-notice-content .ant-message-error {\n color: rgba(255, 77, 79, 0.8);\n border: 1px solid rgba(255, 77, 79, 0.8); }\n body .ant-message-notice-content .ant-message-success {\n color: #5bce00;\n border: 1px solid #5bce00; }\n body .ant-select-selection-item {\n color: rgba(58, 53, 65, 0.6); }\n body .sub-text {\n font-size: 0.9rem;\n font-weight: 500; }\n body .search-filter {\n margin-right: 15px; }\n body .mg-bottom-0 {\n margin-bottom: 0px; }\n body .padding-bottom-0 {\n padding-bottom: 0px; }\n body .ellipsis-overflow {\n overflow: hidden;\n text-overflow: ellipsis;\n display: -webkit-box;\n -webkit-line-clamp: 1;\n -webkit-box-orient: vertical; }\n body .nextline-overflow {\n overflow-wrap: break-word; }\n body .ant-message {\n width: 50%;\n right: 0px;\n left: auto;\n min-width: 400px; }\n body .download-data-btn {\n margin-left: 15px; }\n\n.border-radius-5 {\n border-radius: 5px !important; }\n";
+ var css_248z$v = "body {\n background-color: #f4f5fa;\n font-family: \"Inter\";\n font-weight: 400; }\n body .ant-menu {\n background-color: #f4f5fa; }\n body .ant-layout-header {\n background-color: #f4f5fa; }\n body .ant-layout {\n background-color: #f4f5fa; }\n body .ant-menu-submenu .ant-menu {\n background-color: #f4f5fa; }\n body .ant-menu-item {\n background-color: #f4f5fa; }\n body .ant-menu-sub {\n background-color: #f4f5fa; }\n body .ant-table-content {\n font-family: \"Inter\"; }\n body .ant-input {\n border-radius: 5px !important; }\n body .ant-btn {\n border-radius: 5px !important; }\n body .ant-input-group-addon:first-child {\n border-radius: 5px !important; }\n body .ant-input-group .ant-input {\n width: 99% !important; }\n body .ant-select-selector {\n border-radius: 5px !important; }\n body .ant-upload-list-item {\n border-radius: 5px !important; }\n body .ant-radio-group {\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: row;\n align-items: center;\n justify-content: space-between; }\n body .ant-radio-group-large .ant-radio-button-wrapper {\n font-size: 0.8rem;\n width: 25%;\n border-radius: 5px !important; }\n body .ant-upload-list-picture .ant-upload-list-item-error,\n body .ant-upload-list-picture-card .ant-upload-list-item-error {\n border-color: #40a9ff;\n border-radius: 5px;\n height: 40px; }\n body .ant-upload-list-picture .ant-upload-list-item-error .ant-upload-list-item-name,\n body .ant-upload-list-picture-card .ant-upload-list-item-error .ant-upload-list-item-name {\n color: #40a9ff !important; }\n body .ant-upload-list-item-error .ant-upload-list-item-card-actions .anticon {\n color: #40a9ff; }\n body .ant-input-status-error:not(.ant-input-disabled):not(.ant-input-borderless).ant-input,\n body .ant-input-status-error:not(.ant-input-disabled):not(.ant-input-borderless).ant-input:hover {\n border-color: #d9d9d9 !important; }\n body .ant-input-group-wrapper-status-error .ant-input-group-addon {\n border-color: #d9d9d9 !important; }\n body .ant-form-item-explain-error {\n font-size: 13px;\n color: rgba(255, 77, 79, 0.8); }\n body .ant-table-thead\n> tr\n> th:not(:last-child):not(.ant-table-selection-column):not(.ant-table-row-expand-icon-cell):not([colspan])::before {\n background-color: transparent !important; }\n body .ant-form-item-label > label {\n flex-direction: row-reverse !important;\n color: rgba(58, 53, 65, 0.5); }\n body .ant-form-item-label\n> label.ant-form-item-required:not(.ant-form-item-required-mark-optional)::before {\n margin-left: 0.2rem !important;\n color: rgba(255, 77, 79, 0.8) !important; }\n body .ant-picker {\n border-radius: 5px !important;\n height: 35px !important; }\n body .space-container {\n width: 100%; }\n body .space-container .ant-space-item {\n width: 100%; }\n body .PhoneInput .PhoneInputCountry {\n border: 1px solid #d9d9d9 !important;\n border-radius: 5px !important;\n padding: 0 1rem 0 1rem; }\n body .PhoneInput .PhoneInputInput {\n flex: 1 1;\n min-width: 0;\n border-radius: 5px !important;\n height: 40px;\n border: 1px solid #d9d9d9 !important;\n outline: none; }\n body .filter-title {\n color: rgba(58, 53, 65, 0.8);\n font-family: 'Inter';\n font-style: normal;\n font-weight: 600;\n font-size: 0.875rem; }\n body .ant-radio-wrapper {\n font-family: 'Inter';\n font-style: normal;\n font-weight: 400;\n font-size: 0.875rem;\n line-height: 22px;\n color: rgba(58, 53, 65, 0.8); }\n body .ant-list-item {\n color: rgba(58, 53, 65, 0.8); }\n body .PhoneInput .PhoneInputInput:focus-visible,\n body .PhoneInput .PhoneInputInput:hover {\n flex: 1 1;\n min-width: 0;\n border-radius: 5px !important;\n height: 40px;\n border-right: 1px solid #40a9ff !important;\n outline: 1px solid #40a9ff; }\n body .layout-content-container {\n padding-bottom: 100px; }\n body .layout-content-container .ant-btn-primary {\n background-color: #16b1ff;\n color: #ffffff;\n border: none; }\n body .layout-content-container .ant-btn {\n height: 32px;\n font-weight: 500;\n font-size: 0.8rem;\n border-radius: 0.3rem;\n box-shadow: 0px 8px 16px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25);\n min-width: 80px;\n box-shadow: none; }\n body .layout-content-container .ant-btn span {\n text-transform: uppercase; }\n body .content-container {\n padding: 0px 20px; }\n body .content-container .title-bar {\n padding: 0px 0px 30px 0px; }\n body .content-container .title-bar-transfer {\n padding: 0px 0px 19px 0px; }\n body .content-container .body-title {\n color: #16b1ff;\n font-weight: 500;\n font-size: 1.2rem; }\n body .content-container .body-sub-title {\n color: rgba(58, 53, 65, 0.6);\n font-weight: 400;\n font-size: 0.8rem; }\n body .content-card {\n background-color: #ffffff;\n border-radius: 10px;\n width: 100%; }\n body .content-card .action-bar {\n padding: 1.6rem 1.3rem 1.6rem 1.3rem; }\n body .content-card .action-bar button {\n width: fit-content; }\n body .content-card .filter-section {\n padding: 1.4rem 1.3rem 1.6rem 1.3rem;\n display: flex;\n width: 100%;\n flex-direction: row;\n align-items: center;\n justify-content: end; }\n body .content-card .filter-section .search-bar {\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: row-reverse; }\n body .content-card .filter-section .filter-bar {\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: row-reverse;\n margin-top: 0.8rem;\n width: 5%; }\n body .content-card .filter-section .ant-input-affix-wrapper {\n border-radius: 0.313rem 0 0 0.313rem !important; }\n body .content-card .filter-section .ant-input-search\n> .ant-input-group\n> .ant-input-group-addon:last-child\n.ant-input-search-button {\n padding-top: 0;\n padding-bottom: 0;\n border-radius: 0 0.313rem 0.313rem 0 !important; }\n body .layout-content-container .ant-btn {\n min-width: 50px !important; }\n body .table-actions-section {\n width: 100%;\n margin-bottom: 1rem; }\n body .action-menu {\n min-width: 120px;\n color: rgba(58, 53, 65, 0.6); }\n body .action-menu .action-icon {\n margin-right: 12px;\n display: flex; }\n body .action-menu .anticon-edit {\n color: #16b1ff; }\n body .action-menu .anticon-delete {\n color: #f25a29; }\n body .ant-dropdown-menu {\n padding: 1rem 2rem 1rem 1rem !important;\n border-radius: 5px; }\n body .ant-dropdown-menu-item-active {\n background-color: transparent !important; }\n body .ant-popover-inner-content .action-menu {\n margin: -12px -16px; }\n body .ant-popover-inner-content .action-menu .ant-list-item {\n padding: 11px 16px;\n justify-content: flex-start;\n cursor: pointer; }\n body .ant-popover-placement-bottomRight {\n z-index: 999; }\n body .ant-tag {\n border-radius: 20px; }\n body .clickable {\n cursor: pointer; }\n body .text-center {\n text-align: center; }\n body .float-left {\n float: left; }\n body .float-right {\n float: right; }\n body .apexcharts-canvas {\n font-family: \"Inter\" !important; }\n body .apexcharts-legend-text {\n font-family: \"Inter\" !important; }\n body .ant-tag {\n padding: 1px 10px; }\n body .flex-display {\n display: flex; }\n body .ant-modal-footer {\n border-top: none;\n text-align: center; }\n body .ant-modal-footer button {\n margin: 10px 20px;\n text-transform: uppercase;\n font-size: 0.8rem; }\n body .ant-modal-header {\n border-radius: 15px;\n border: none; }\n body .ant-modal-content {\n border-radius: 15px;\n border: none; }\n body .ant-modal-header {\n border: none; }\n body .ant-modal-body {\n text-align: center;\n color: rgba(58, 53, 65, 0.6);\n font-size: 0.8rem; }\n body .ant-modal-body .ant-select-selector {\n text-align: left;\n border-radius: 5px !important;\n height: 32px; }\n body .ant-modal-body .form-label {\n text-align: left; }\n body .ant-modal-body .form-label .req-ast {\n color: rgba(255, 77, 79, 0.8);\n padding-left: 5px; }\n body .ant-modal-body .ant-form .ant-input-password {\n padding: 6.5px 11px;\n font-size: 16px; }\n body .ant-modal-body .ant-form .ant-form-item-explain-error {\n text-align: start; }\n body .popup-header {\n text-align: center;\n color: rgba(58, 53, 65, 0.8);\n font-weight: 600;\n font-family: \"Inter\";\n font-size: 0.9rem;\n margin: 25px 20px -20px 20px; }\n body .popup-header .icon {\n font-size: 4rem;\n margin-bottom: 15px;\n font-weight: 400; }\n body .popup-header img {\n height: 100px; }\n body .popup-success .icon {\n color: #5dc380; }\n body .popup-success .ant-btn-primary {\n background: #16b1ff;\n border-radius: #16b1ff;\n border: none; }\n body .popup-success .ant-btn-default {\n color: rgba(58, 53, 65, 0.6);\n border-color: rgba(58, 53, 65, 0.6); }\n body .popup-success .ant-btn-primary[disabled] {\n border-color: #d9d9d9;\n background: #f5f5f5; }\n body .popup-primary .icon {\n color: #16b1ff; }\n body .popup-primary .ant-btn-primary {\n background: #16b1ff;\n border-radius: #16b1ff;\n border: none; }\n body .popup-primary .ant-btn-default {\n color: rgba(58, 53, 65, 0.6);\n border-color: rgba(58, 53, 65, 0.6); }\n body .popup-primary .ant-btn-primary[disabled] {\n border-color: #d9d9d9;\n background: #f5f5f5; }\n body .popup-danger .icon {\n color: rgba(255, 77, 79, 0.8); }\n body .popup-danger .ant-btn-primary {\n background: rgba(255, 77, 79, 0.8);\n border-radius: rgba(255, 77, 79, 0.8);\n border: none; }\n body .popup-danger .ant-btn-primary[disabled] {\n border-color: #d9d9d9;\n background: #f5f5f5; }\n body .popup-danger .ant-btn-default {\n color: rgba(58, 53, 65, 0.6);\n border-color: rgba(58, 53, 65, 0.6); }\n body .ant-modal-footer .ant-btn {\n height: 32px;\n border-radius: 4px;\n padding: 6px 16px;\n font-weight: 500; }\n body .ant-modal-footer .ant-btn-default {\n color: rgba(140, 140, 140, 0.7) !important;\n border-color: rgba(140, 140, 140, 0.7) !important; }\n body .ant-tag-processing {\n color: #16b1ff;\n background: rgba(185, 226, 244, 0.4); }\n body .filter-section input {\n font-family: 'Inter';\n font-size: 0.8rem !important; }\n body .pull-right {\n float: right; }\n body .disabled {\n opacity: 0.5; }\n body .mg-left-3 {\n margin-left: 3rem; }\n body .mg-left-2 {\n margin-left: 2rem !important; }\n body .mg-left-1 {\n margin-left: 1rem; }\n body .mg-top-1 {\n margin-top: 1rem; }\n body .mg-top-2 {\n margin-top: 2rem; }\n body .mg-bottom-1 {\n margin-bottom: 1rem !important; }\n body .transfer-form {\n padding: 0px 15px;\n color: rgba(58, 53, 65, 0.6); }\n body .transfer-form .popup-credit-input .ant-form-item-explain-error {\n width: 200px; }\n body .transfer-form .info-container {\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: row;\n width: 10%;\n height: 20px;\n align-items: center;\n justify-content: start;\n margin-left: 5px; }\n body .transfer-form .ant-row {\n align-items: unset; }\n body .transfer-form .sub-text {\n margin-bottom: 35px;\n font-size: 0.9rem;\n font-weight: 500; }\n body .transfer-form .label {\n text-align: left;\n font-size: 0.9rem;\n color: rgba(58, 53, 65, 0.6); }\n body .transfer-form .seperator {\n font-size: 1.2rem;\n color: #d9d9d9; }\n body .transfer-form .footer {\n margin-bottom: 0px;\n margin-top: 15px; }\n body .transfer-form label {\n font-size: 0.8rem; }\n body .transfer-form .ant-radio-wrapper {\n font-size: 0.9rem; }\n body .transfer-form input {\n color: rgba(58, 53, 65, 0.6); }\n body .transfer-form button {\n text-transform: uppercase;\n font-weight: 500; }\n body .color-error {\n color: rgba(255, 77, 79, 0.8); }\n body .color-primary {\n color: #16b1ff; }\n body .ant-input-number-input {\n text-align: right; }\n body .text-left {\n text-align: left; }\n body .ant-form-item .ant-radio-group {\n text-align: left; }\n body .loading-center {\n margin: auto;\n text-align: center;\n position: absolute;\n top: 50%;\n left: 50%; }\n body .ant-tag-purple {\n color: #976ed7; }\n body .ant-tag-orange {\n color: #ff8f56; }\n body .ant-tag-default {\n color: rgba(58, 53, 65, 0.5); }\n body .ant-popover-inner {\n border-radius: 4px; }\n body .ant-input-number {\n border-radius: 5px; }\n body .ret-icon {\n background-color: rgba(254, 241, 173, 0.5);\n color: #ff8f56; }\n body .flag-ret-icon {\n display: flex !important;\n background-color: #f4f5fa;\n font-size: 1.1rem !important;\n padding: 7px; }\n body .b-icon {\n vertical-align: middle; }\n body .ant-message-notice-content {\n padding: 0px;\n border-radius: 5px; }\n body .ant-message-notice-content .ant-message-custom-content {\n font-size: 0.8rem;\n border-radius: 5px;\n padding: 17px 24px; }\n body .ant-message-notice-content .ant-message-error {\n color: rgba(255, 77, 79, 0.8);\n border: 1px solid rgba(255, 77, 79, 0.8); }\n body .ant-message-notice-content .ant-message-success {\n color: #5bce00;\n border: 1px solid #5bce00; }\n body .ant-select-selection-item {\n color: rgba(58, 53, 65, 0.6); }\n body .sub-text {\n font-size: 0.9rem;\n font-weight: 500; }\n body .search-filter {\n margin-right: 15px; }\n body .mg-bottom-0 {\n margin-bottom: 0px; }\n body .padding-bottom-0 {\n padding-bottom: 0px; }\n body .ellipsis-overflow {\n overflow: hidden;\n text-overflow: ellipsis;\n display: -webkit-box;\n -webkit-line-clamp: 1;\n -webkit-box-orient: vertical; }\n body .nextline-overflow {\n overflow-wrap: break-word; }\n body .ant-message {\n width: 50%;\n right: 0px;\n left: auto;\n min-width: 400px; }\n body .download-data-btn {\n margin-left: 15px; }\n\n.border-radius-5 {\n border-radius: 5px !important; }\n";
  var UserManagementColumns;
@@ -8016,8 +8016,7 @@ var CompanyProfileComponent = function (props) {
  return (React.createElement("div", { className: "content-container company-profile" },
  React.createElement("div", { className: "title-bar" },
  React.createElement("div", null,
- React.createElement("div", { className: "body-title" }, t("companyProfile:title")),
- React.createElement("div", { className: "body-sub-title" }, t("companyProfile:subTitle"))),
+ React.createElement("div", { className: "body-title" }, t("companyProfile:title"))),
  React.createElement("div", { className: "flex-display" },
  ability.can(Action.Delete, plainToClass(Company, companyDetails)) &&
  !isLoading &&
@@ -8074,7 +8073,7 @@ var CompanyProfileComponent = function (props) {
  React.createElement(UserActionConfirmationModel, { t: t, actionInfo: actionInfo, onActionConfirmed: onRejectOrgConfirmed, onActionCanceled: onRejectOrgCanceled, openModal: openRejectModal, errorMsg: errorMsg, loading: isLoading })));
- var css_248z$s = ".programme-management .programme-title-bar {\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: row;\n justify-content: space-between;\n padding: 0px 0px 30px 0px; }\n .programme-management .programme-title-bar .title {\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: column;\n justify-content: space-between; }\n .programme-management .programme-title-bar .actions {\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n justify-content: flex-end; }\n .programme-management .programme-title-bar .flex-display {\n margin-left: 15px; }\n\n.programme-management .certify-list {\n width: 88px;\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n flex-wrap: wrap; }\n .programme-management .certify-list .profile-icon {\n margin-bottom: 4px;\n margin-right: 4px; }\n\n.programme-management .org-list {\n width: 88px;\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n flex-wrap: wrap; }\n .programme-management .org-list .profile-icon {\n margin-bottom: 4px;\n margin-right: 4px; }\n\n.programme-management .table-actions-section {\n margin-bottom: 0px; }\n .programme-management .table-actions-section input {\n font-family: \"Inter\";\n font-size: 0.8rem; }\n\n.programme-management .all-check {\n margin-right: 10px; }\n .programme-management .all-check .ant-checkbox-inner::after {\n background-color: rgba(58, 53, 65, 0.5); }\n .programme-management .all-check .ant-checkbox-checked .ant-checkbox-inner::after {\n background-color: transparent; }\n .programme-management .all-check .ant-checkbox-checked .ant-checkbox-inner {\n background-color: rgba(58, 53, 65, 0.5);\n border: none; }\n\n.programme-management .ant-checkbox-checked .ant-checkbox-input[value=\"Retired\"] + .ant-checkbox-inner {\n background-color: rgba(58, 53, 65, 0.4);\n border: none; }\n\n.programme-management .ant-checkbox-checked .ant-checkbox-input[value=\"AwaitingAuthorization\"] + .ant-checkbox-inner {\n background-color: rgba(237, 77, 71, 0.6);\n border: none; }\n\n.programme-management .ant-checkbox-checked .ant-checkbox-input[value=\"Rejected\"] + .ant-checkbox-inner {\n background-color: rgba(58, 53, 65, 0.4);\n border: none; }\n\n.programme-management .ant-checkbox-checked .ant-checkbox-input[value=\"Authorised\"] + .ant-checkbox-inner {\n background-color: #16b1ff;\n border: none; }\n\n.programme-management .ant-checkbox-checked .ant-checkbox-input[value=\"Approved\"] + .ant-checkbox-inner {\n background-color: rgba(145, 85, 253, 0.6);\n border: none; }\n\n.programme-management .ant-checkbox-checked .ant-checkbox-input[value=\"Transferred\"] + .ant-checkbox-inner {\n background-color: rgba(118, 195, 39, 0.6);\n border: none; }\n";
+ var css_248z$s = ".programme-management .programme-title-bar {\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: row;\n justify-content: space-between;\n padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px; }\n .programme-management .programme-title-bar .title {\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: column;\n justify-content: space-between; }\n .programme-management .programme-title-bar .actions {\n display: flex;\n align-items: flex-start;\n justify-content: flex-end; }\n .programme-management .programme-title-bar .flex-display {\n margin-left: 15px; }\n\n.programme-management .certify-list {\n width: 88px;\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n flex-wrap: wrap; }\n .programme-management .certify-list .profile-icon {\n margin-bottom: 4px;\n margin-right: 4px; }\n\n.programme-management .org-list {\n width: 88px;\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n flex-wrap: wrap; }\n .programme-management .org-list .profile-icon {\n margin-bottom: 4px;\n margin-right: 4px; }\n\n.programme-management .table-actions-section {\n margin-bottom: 0px; }\n .programme-management .table-actions-section input {\n font-family: \"Inter\";\n font-size: 0.8rem; }\n\n.programme-management .all-check {\n margin-right: 10px; }\n .programme-management .all-check .ant-checkbox-inner::after {\n background-color: rgba(58, 53, 65, 0.5); }\n .programme-management .all-check .ant-checkbox-checked .ant-checkbox-inner::after {\n background-color: transparent; }\n .programme-management .all-check .ant-checkbox-checked .ant-checkbox-inner {\n background-color: rgba(58, 53, 65, 0.5);\n border: none; }\n\n.programme-management .ant-checkbox-checked .ant-checkbox-input[value=\"Retired\"] + .ant-checkbox-inner {\n background-color: rgba(58, 53, 65, 0.4);\n border: none; }\n\n.programme-management .ant-checkbox-checked .ant-checkbox-input[value=\"AwaitingAuthorization\"] + .ant-checkbox-inner {\n background-color: rgba(237, 77, 71, 0.6);\n border: none; }\n\n.programme-management .ant-checkbox-checked .ant-checkbox-input[value=\"Rejected\"] + .ant-checkbox-inner {\n background-color: rgba(58, 53, 65, 0.4);\n border: none; }\n\n.programme-management .ant-checkbox-checked .ant-checkbox-input[value=\"Authorised\"] + .ant-checkbox-inner {\n background-color: #16b1ff;\n border: none; }\n\n.programme-management .ant-checkbox-checked .ant-checkbox-input[value=\"Approved\"] + .ant-checkbox-inner {\n background-color: rgba(145, 85, 253, 0.6);\n border: none; }\n\n.programme-management .ant-checkbox-checked .ant-checkbox-input[value=\"Transferred\"] + .ant-checkbox-inner {\n background-color: rgba(118, 195, 39, 0.6);\n border: none; }\n";
  var Search$1 = Input.Search;
@@ -16111,8 +16110,7 @@ var UserProfileComponent = function (props) {
  React.createElement(Col, { md: 24, lg: 8 },
  React.createElement("div", { className: "title-bar" },
  React.createElement("div", null,
- React.createElement("div", { className: "body-title" }, t("userProfile:title")),
- React.createElement("div", { className: "body-sub-title" }, t("userProfile:subTitle"))))),
+ React.createElement("div", { className: "body-title" }, t("userProfile:title"))))),
  React.createElement(Col, { md: 24, lg: 16 },
  React.createElement(Row, { justify: "end" },
  React.createElement(Button, { className: "mg-left-1 btn-danger mg-bottom-1", onClick: function () { return signOut(); } }, t("userProfile:logOut")),
@@ -16750,7 +16748,7 @@ var UserManagementComponent = function (props) {
  React.createElement(UserActionConfirmationModel, { t: t, actionInfo: actionInfo, onActionConfirmed: handleOk, onActionCanceled: handleCancel, openModal: openDeleteConfirmationModal, errorMsg: errorMsg, loading: loading })));
- var css_248z$m = ".steps-actions {\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: row-reverse;\n margin-right: 1rem;\n justify-content: flex-start; }\n\n.details-part-two .ant-input-number {\n width: 50%;\n margin-left: 15px; }\n\n.investment-title-bar {\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: row;\n justify-content: space-between;\n padding: 0px 0px 30px 0px; }\n .investment-title-bar .title {\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: column;\n justify-content: space-between; }\n .investment-title-bar .actions {\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n justify-content: flex-end; }\n .investment-title-bar .flex-display {\n margin-left: 15px; }\n\n.ownership-container {\n padding: 15px 0px; }\n .ownership-container .label {\n color: rgba(58, 53, 65, 0.5); }\n\n.separator {\n padding: 5px;\n color: #d8d8d8; }\n\n.role-group .ant-col-13 {\n max-width: 320px; }\n\n.role-group .condition-radio-container {\n width: 48%;\n text-align: center; }\n .role-group .condition-radio-container .ant-radio-button-wrapper-checked:not(.ant-radio-button-wrapper-disabled) {\n color: #ffffff !important;\n border-color: #9155fd;\n box-shadow: none;\n max-width: 200px; }\n\n.role-group .ant-radio-button-wrapper::before {\n background-color: transparent; }\n\n.role-group .anticon {\n margin-right: 0.5rem; }\n\n.role-group .ant-radio-button-wrapper {\n border: 1px solid #d9d9d9;\n color: rgba(140, 140, 140, 0.7) !important;\n width: 100% !important; }\n\n.role-group .condition-radio {\n width: 100%;\n text-transform: uppercase; }\n .role-group .condition-radio .ant-radio-button-checked {\n background: #9155fd;\n color: #ffffff; }\n\n.role-group .role-icons {\n margin-right: 5px; }\n\n.investment-management .role-icon {\n padding: 0.5rem 0.6rem; }\n\n.investment-management .ant-tag {\n border: none; }\n\n.investment-management .ant-checkbox-checked .ant-checkbox-input[value=\"Rejected\"] + .ant-checkbox-inner {\n background-color: rgba(237, 77, 71, 0.6);\n border: none; }\n\n.investment-management .ant-checkbox-checked .ant-checkbox-input[value=\"Cancelled\"] + .ant-checkbox-inner {\n background-color: rgba(58, 53, 65, 0.4);\n border: none; }\n\n.investment-management .ant-checkbox-checked .ant-checkbox-input[value=\"Accepted\"] + .ant-checkbox-inner {\n background-color: #16b1ff;\n border: none; }\n\n.investment-management .ant-checkbox-checked .ant-checkbox-input[value=\"Pending\"] + .ant-checkbox-inner {\n background-color: rgba(118, 195, 39, 0.6);\n border: none; }\n\n.investment-management .ant-checkbox-checked .ant-checkbox-input[value=\"Recognised\"] + .ant-checkbox-inner {\n background-color: #976ed7;\n border: none; }\n\n.investment-management .ant-checkbox-checked .ant-checkbox-input[value=\"NotRecognised\"] + .ant-checkbox-inner {\n background-color: #ffa070;\n border: none; }\n\n.investment-management .ant-checkbox-checked .ant-checkbox-input[value='Approved'] + .ant-checkbox-inner {\n background-color: #16b1ff;\n border: none; }\n\n.add-programme-main-container .adding-section .form-section .investment-sought-form-container .investment-sought-form .investment-radio-button .ant-radio-group {\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: row;\n align-items: flex-start;\n justify-content: space-between;\n width: fit-content; }\n\n.add-programme-main-container .adding-section .form-section .investment-sought-form-container .investment-sought-form .details-part-two .row .ant-picker-large {\n height: 40px !important;\n width: 100%; }\n";
+ var css_248z$m = ".steps-actions {\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: row-reverse;\n margin-right: 1rem;\n justify-content: flex-start; }\n\n.details-part-two .ant-input-number {\n width: 50%;\n margin-left: 15px; }\n\n.investment-title-bar {\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: row;\n justify-content: space-between;\n padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px; }\n .investment-title-bar .title {\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: column;\n justify-content: space-between; }\n .investment-title-bar .actions {\n display: flex;\n align-items: flex-start;\n justify-content: flex-end; }\n .investment-title-bar .flex-display {\n margin-left: 15px; }\n\n.ownership-container {\n padding: 15px 0px; }\n .ownership-container .label {\n color: rgba(58, 53, 65, 0.5); }\n\n.separator {\n padding: 5px;\n color: #d8d8d8; }\n\n.role-group .ant-col-13 {\n max-width: 320px; }\n\n.role-group .condition-radio-container {\n width: 48%;\n text-align: center; }\n .role-group .condition-radio-container .ant-radio-button-wrapper-checked:not(.ant-radio-button-wrapper-disabled) {\n color: #ffffff !important;\n border-color: #9155fd;\n box-shadow: none;\n max-width: 200px; }\n\n.role-group .ant-radio-button-wrapper::before {\n background-color: transparent; }\n\n.role-group .anticon {\n margin-right: 0.5rem; }\n\n.role-group .ant-radio-button-wrapper {\n border: 1px solid #d9d9d9;\n color: rgba(140, 140, 140, 0.7) !important;\n width: 100% !important; }\n\n.role-group .condition-radio {\n width: 100%;\n text-transform: uppercase; }\n .role-group .condition-radio .ant-radio-button-checked {\n background: #9155fd;\n color: #ffffff; }\n\n.role-group .role-icons {\n margin-right: 5px; }\n\n.investment-management .role-icon {\n padding: 0.5rem 0.6rem; }\n\n.investment-management .ant-tag {\n border: none; }\n\n.investment-management .ant-checkbox-checked .ant-checkbox-input[value=\"Rejected\"] + .ant-checkbox-inner {\n background-color: rgba(237, 77, 71, 0.6);\n border: none; }\n\n.investment-management .ant-checkbox-checked .ant-checkbox-input[value=\"Cancelled\"] + .ant-checkbox-inner {\n background-color: rgba(58, 53, 65, 0.4);\n border: none; }\n\n.investment-management .ant-checkbox-checked .ant-checkbox-input[value=\"Accepted\"] + .ant-checkbox-inner {\n background-color: #16b1ff;\n border: none; }\n\n.investment-management .ant-checkbox-checked .ant-checkbox-input[value=\"Pending\"] + .ant-checkbox-inner {\n background-color: rgba(118, 195, 39, 0.6);\n border: none; }\n\n.investment-management .ant-checkbox-checked .ant-checkbox-input[value=\"Recognised\"] + .ant-checkbox-inner {\n background-color: #976ed7;\n border: none; }\n\n.investment-management .ant-checkbox-checked .ant-checkbox-input[value=\"NotRecognised\"] + .ant-checkbox-inner {\n background-color: #ffa070;\n border: none; }\n\n.investment-management .ant-checkbox-checked .ant-checkbox-input[value='Approved'] + .ant-checkbox-inner {\n background-color: #16b1ff;\n border: none; }\n\n.add-programme-main-container .adding-section .form-section .investment-sought-form-container .investment-sought-form .investment-radio-button .ant-radio-group {\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: row;\n align-items: flex-start;\n justify-content: space-between;\n width: fit-content; }\n\n.add-programme-main-container .adding-section .form-section .investment-sought-form-container .investment-sought-form .details-part-two .row .ant-picker-large {\n height: 40px !important;\n width: 100%; }\n";
  var Loading = function () {
@@ -25169,7 +25167,7 @@ var CreditTransferComponent = function (props) {
  }); };
  return (React.createElement("div", { className: "credit-transfer-management content-container" },
- React.createElement("div", { className: "title-bar" },
+ React.createElement("div", { className: "title-bar title-bar-transfer" },
  React.createElement(Row, { justify: "space-between", align: "middle" },
  React.createElement(Col, { span: 20 },
  React.createElement("div", { className: "body-title" }, t("creditTransfer:viewCreditsTransfers"))),