@shopify/react-native-skia 0.1.150 → 0.1.151

This diff represents the content of publicly available package versions that have been released to one of the supported registries. The information contained in this diff is provided for informational purposes only and reflects changes between package versions as they appear in their respective public registries.
Files changed (698) hide show
  1. package/lib/commonjs/animation/decay/decay.js.map +1 -1
  2. package/lib/commonjs/animation/decay/index.js.map +1 -1
  3. package/lib/commonjs/animation/decay/runDecay.js.map +1 -1
  4. package/lib/commonjs/animation/decay/types.js.map +1 -1
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  6. package/lib/commonjs/animation/functions/interpolate.js.map +1 -1
  7. package/lib/commonjs/animation/functions/interpolateColors.js.map +1 -1
  8. package/lib/commonjs/animation/functions/interpolatePaths.js.map +1 -1
  9. package/lib/commonjs/animation/functions/interpolateVector.js.map +1 -1
  10. package/lib/commonjs/animation/index.js.map +1 -1
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  12. package/lib/commonjs/animation/spring/functions/index.js.map +1 -1
  13. package/lib/commonjs/animation/spring/functions/spring.js.map +1 -1
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  16. package/lib/commonjs/animation/spring/runSpring.js.map +1 -1
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  19. package/lib/commonjs/animation/spring/useSpring.js.map +1 -1
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  22. package/lib/commonjs/animation/timing/createTiming.js.map +1 -1
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  32. package/lib/commonjs/animation/timing/useTiming.js +1 -3
  33. package/lib/commonjs/animation/timing/useTiming.js.map +1 -1
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  41. package/lib/commonjs/dom/nodes/PaintNode.js.map +1 -1
  42. package/lib/commonjs/dom/nodes/RenderNode.js.map +1 -1
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  48. package/lib/commonjs/dom/nodes/datatypes/Gradient.js.map +1 -1
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  610. package/lib/module/skia/web/JsiSkMaskFilterFactory.js.map +1 -1
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  617. package/lib/module/skia/web/JsiSkPathFactory.js.map +1 -1
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  619. package/lib/module/skia/web/JsiSkPictureFactory.js.map +1 -1
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  633. package/lib/module/skia/web/JsiSkTextBlobFactory.js.map +1 -1
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  635. package/lib/module/skia/web/JsiSkTypefaceFactory.js.map +1 -1
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  637. package/lib/module/skia/web/JsiSkVerticesFactory.js.map +1 -1
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  645. package/lib/module/values/hooks/useValue.js.map +1 -1
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  685. package/lib/typescript/src/renderer/components/backdrop/BackdropFilter.d.ts +1 -1
  686. package/lib/typescript/src/renderer/processors/Animations/Animations.d.ts +4 -4
  687. package/lib/typescript/src/renderer/typeddash.d.ts +2 -2
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  692. package/lib/typescript/src/web/LoadSkiaWeb.d.ts +2 -2
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  696. package/src/renderer/processors/Animations/Animations.ts +11 -4
  697. package/src/renderer/typeddash.ts +3 -2
  698. package/src/values/web/RNSkComputedValue.ts +6 -1
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"version":3,"sources":["NativeSetup.ts"],"names":["Platform","OS","global","SkiaApi","SkiaModule","NativeModules","RNSkia","install","Error","result"],"mappings":";;AAAA;;AAEA,IAAIA,sBAASC,EAAT,KAAgB,KAAhB,IAAyBC,MAAM,CAACC,OAAP,IAAkB,IAA/C,EAAqD;AACnD;AACA,QAAMC,UAAU,GAAGC,2BAAcC,MAAjC;;AACA,MAAIF,UAAU,IAAI,IAAd,IAAsB,OAAOA,UAAU,CAACG,OAAlB,KAA8B,UAAxD,EAAoE;AAClE,UAAM,IAAIC,KAAJ,CACJ,mEACE,qDAFE,CAAN;AAID;;AACD,QAAMC,MAAM,GAAGL,UAAU,CAACG,OAAX,EAAf;;AACA,MAAIE,MAAM,KAAK,IAAf,EAAqB;AACnB,UAAM,IAAID,KAAJ,CACH,wEAAuEC,MAAO,EAD3E,CAAN;AAGD;AACF","sourcesContent":["import { NativeModules, Platform } from \"react-native\";\n\nif (Platform.OS !== \"web\" && global.SkiaApi == null) {\n // Initialize RN Skia\n const SkiaModule = NativeModules.RNSkia;\n if (SkiaModule == null || typeof SkiaModule.install !== \"function\") {\n throw new Error(\n \"Native RNSkia Module cannot be found! Make sure you correctly \" +\n \"installed native dependencies and rebuilt your app.\"\n );\n }\n const result = SkiaModule.install();\n if (result !== true) {\n throw new Error(\n `Native Skia Module failed to correctly install JSI Bindings! Result: ${result}`\n );\n }\n}\n"]}
+ {"version":3,"names":["Platform","OS","global","SkiaApi","SkiaModule","NativeModules","RNSkia","install","Error","result"],"sources":["NativeSetup.ts"],"sourcesContent":["import { NativeModules, Platform } from \"react-native\";\n\nif (Platform.OS !== \"web\" && global.SkiaApi == null) {\n // Initialize RN Skia\n const SkiaModule = NativeModules.RNSkia;\n if (SkiaModule == null || typeof SkiaModule.install !== \"function\") {\n throw new Error(\n \"Native RNSkia Module cannot be found! Make sure you correctly \" +\n \"installed native dependencies and rebuilt your app.\"\n );\n }\n const result = SkiaModule.install();\n if (result !== true) {\n throw new Error(\n `Native Skia Module failed to correctly install JSI Bindings! Result: ${result}`\n );\n }\n}\n"],"mappings":";;AAAA;;AAEA,IAAIA,qBAAA,CAASC,EAAT,KAAgB,KAAhB,IAAyBC,MAAM,CAACC,OAAP,IAAkB,IAA/C,EAAqD;EACnD;EACA,MAAMC,UAAU,GAAGC,0BAAA,CAAcC,MAAjC;;EACA,IAAIF,UAAU,IAAI,IAAd,IAAsB,OAAOA,UAAU,CAACG,OAAlB,KAA8B,UAAxD,EAAoE;IAClE,MAAM,IAAIC,KAAJ,CACJ,mEACE,qDAFE,CAAN;EAID;;EACD,MAAMC,MAAM,GAAGL,UAAU,CAACG,OAAX,EAAf;;EACA,IAAIE,MAAM,KAAK,IAAf,EAAqB;IACnB,MAAM,IAAID,KAAJ,CACH,wEAAuEC,MAAO,EAD3E,CAAN;EAGD;AACF"}
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"version":3,"sources":["Skia.ts"],"names":["Skia","SkiaApi"],"mappings":";;;;;;;AAAA;;AAGA;AACA;AACA;AAKO,MAAMA,IAAI,GAAGC,OAAb","sourcesContent":["/*global SkiaApi*/\nimport type { Skia as SkSkiaApi } from \"./types\";\n\n/**\n * Declares the SkiaApi as an available object in the global scope\n */\ndeclare global {\n var SkiaApi: SkSkiaApi;\n}\n\nexport const Skia = SkiaApi;\n"]}
+ {"version":3,"names":["Skia","SkiaApi"],"sources":["Skia.ts"],"sourcesContent":["/*global SkiaApi*/\nimport type { Skia as SkSkiaApi } from \"./types\";\n\n/**\n * Declares the SkiaApi as an available object in the global scope\n */\ndeclare global {\n var SkiaApi: SkSkiaApi;\n}\n\nexport const Skia = SkiaApi;\n"],"mappings":";;;;;;;AAAA;;AAGA;AACA;AACA;AAKO,MAAMA,IAAI,GAAGC,OAAb"}
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"version":3,"sources":["Skia.web.ts"],"names":["Skia","global","CanvasKit"],"mappings":";;;;;;;AAAA;;AAEO,MAAMA,IAAI,GAAG,mBAASC,MAAM,CAACC,SAAhB,CAAb","sourcesContent":["import { JsiSkApi } from \"./web\";\n\nexport const Skia = JsiSkApi(global.CanvasKit);\n"]}
+ {"version":3,"names":["Skia","JsiSkApi","global","CanvasKit"],"sources":["Skia.web.ts"],"sourcesContent":["import { JsiSkApi } from \"./web\";\n\nexport const Skia = JsiSkApi(global.CanvasKit);\n"],"mappings":";;;;;;;AAAA;;AAEO,MAAMA,IAAI,GAAG,IAAAC,aAAA,EAASC,MAAM,CAACC,SAAhB,CAAb"}
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"version":3,"sources":["Data.ts"],"names":["resolveAsset","source","Image","resolveAssetSource","uri","default","factoryWrapper","data2","factory","onError","factoryResult","Error","loadData","undefined","Promise","resolve","Uint8Array","Skia","Data","fromBytes","fromURI","then","d","useLoading","loader","mounted","data","setData","current","value","useRawData","identity","useData"],"mappings":";;;;;;;AAAA;;AACA;;AAEA;;AACA;;AAGA,MAAMA,YAAY,GAAIC,MAAD,IAAwB;AAC3C,SAAO,uBAAWA,MAAX,IACHC,mBAAMC,kBAAN,CAAyBF,MAAzB,EAAiCG,GAD9B,GAEHH,MAAM,CAACI,OAFX;AAGD,CAJD;;AAMA,MAAMC,cAAc,GAAG,CACrBC,KADqB,EAErBC,OAFqB,EAGrBC,OAHqB,KAIlB;AACH,QAAMC,aAAa,GAAGF,OAAO,CAACD,KAAD,CAA7B;;AACA,MAAIG,aAAa,KAAK,IAAtB,EAA4B;AAC1BD,IAAAA,OAAO,IAAIA,OAAO,CAAC,IAAIE,KAAJ,CAAU,qBAAV,CAAD,CAAlB;AACA,WAAO,IAAP;AACD,GAHD,MAGO;AACL,WAAOD,aAAP;AACD;AACF,CAZD;;AAcA,MAAME,QAAQ,GAAG,CACfX,MADe,EAEfO,OAFe,EAGfC,OAHe,KAIO;AACtB,MAAIR,MAAM,KAAK,IAAX,IAAmBA,MAAM,KAAKY,SAAlC,EAA6C;AAC3C,WAAO,IAAIC,OAAJ,CAAaC,OAAD,IAAaA,OAAO,CAAC,IAAD,CAAhC,CAAP;AACD,GAFD,MAEO,IAAId,MAAM,YAAYe,UAAtB,EAAkC;AACvC,WAAO,IAAIF,OAAJ,CAAaC,OAAD,IACjBA,OAAO,CAACT,cAAc,CAACW,WAAKC,IAAL,CAAUC,SAAV,CAAoBlB,MAApB,CAAD,EAA8BO,OAA9B,EAAuCC,OAAvC,CAAf,CADF,CAAP;AAGD,GAJM,MAIA;AACL,UAAML,GAAG,GAAG,OAAOH,MAAP,KAAkB,QAAlB,GAA6BA,MAA7B,GAAsCD,YAAY,CAACC,MAAD,CAA9D;AACA,WAAOgB,WAAKC,IAAL,CAAUE,OAAV,CAAkBhB,GAAlB,EAAuBiB,IAAvB,CAA6BC,CAAD,IACjChB,cAAc,CAACgB,CAAD,EAAId,OAAJ,EAAaC,OAAb,CADT,CAAP;AAGD;AACF,CAjBD;;AAkBA,MAAMc,UAAU,GAAG,CACjBtB,MADiB,EAEjBuB,MAFiB,KAGd;AACH,QAAMC,OAAO,GAAG,mBAAO,KAAP,CAAhB;AACA,QAAM,CAACC,IAAD,EAAOC,OAAP,IAAkB,qBAAmB,IAAnB,CAAxB;AACA,wBAAU,MAAM;AACdF,IAAAA,OAAO,CAACG,OAAR,GAAkB,IAAlB;AACAJ,IAAAA,MAAM,GAAGH,IAAT,CAAeQ,KAAD,IAAW;AACvB,UAAIJ,OAAO,CAACG,OAAZ,EAAqB;AACnBD,QAAAA,OAAO,CAACE,KAAD,CAAP;AACD;AACF,KAJD;AAKA,WAAO,MAAM;AACXJ,MAAAA,OAAO,CAACG,OAAR,GAAkB,KAAlB;AACD,KAFD,CAPc,CAUd;AACD,GAXD,EAWG,CAAC3B,MAAD,CAXH;AAYA,SAAOyB,IAAP;AACD,CAnBD;;AAqBO,MAAMI,UAAU,GAAG,CACxB7B,MADwB,EAExBO,OAFwB,EAGxBC,OAHwB,KAIrBc,UAAU,CAACtB,MAAD,EAAS,MAAMW,QAAQ,CAACX,MAAD,EAASO,OAAT,EAAkBC,OAAlB,CAAvB,CAJR;;;;AAMP,MAAMsB,QAAQ,GAAIL,IAAD,IAAkBA,IAAnC;;AAEO,MAAMM,OAAO,GAAG,CACrB/B,MADqB,EAErBQ,OAFqB,KAGlBqB,UAAU,CAAC7B,MAAD,EAAS8B,QAAT,EAAmBtB,OAAnB,CAHR","sourcesContent":["import { useEffect, useRef, useState } from \"react\";\nimport { Image } from \"react-native\";\n\nimport { Skia } from \"../Skia\";\nimport { isRNModule } from \"../types\";\nimport type { SkData, DataModule, DataSourceParam } from \"../types\";\n\nconst resolveAsset = (source: DataModule) => {\n return isRNModule(source)\n ? Image.resolveAssetSource(source).uri\n : source.default;\n};\n\nconst factoryWrapper = <T>(\n data2: SkData,\n factory: (data: SkData) => T,\n onError?: (err: Error) => void\n) => {\n const factoryResult = factory(data2);\n if (factoryResult === null) {\n onError && onError(new Error(\"Could not load data\"));\n return null;\n } else {\n return factoryResult;\n }\n};\n\nconst loadData = <T>(\n source: DataSourceParam,\n factory: (data: SkData) => T,\n onError?: (err: Error) => void\n): Promise<T | null> => {\n if (source === null || source === undefined) {\n return new Promise((resolve) => resolve(null));\n } else if (source instanceof Uint8Array) {\n return new Promise((resolve) =>\n resolve(factoryWrapper(Skia.Data.fromBytes(source), factory, onError))\n );\n } else {\n const uri = typeof source === \"string\" ? source : resolveAsset(source);\n return Skia.Data.fromURI(uri).then((d) =>\n factoryWrapper(d, factory, onError)\n );\n }\n};\nconst useLoading = <T>(\n source: DataSourceParam,\n loader: () => Promise<T | null>\n) => {\n const mounted = useRef(false);\n const [data, setData] = useState<T | null>(null);\n useEffect(() => {\n mounted.current = true;\n loader().then((value) => {\n if (mounted.current) {\n setData(value);\n }\n });\n return () => {\n mounted.current = false;\n };\n // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps\n }, [source]);\n return data;\n};\n\nexport const useRawData = <T>(\n source: DataSourceParam,\n factory: (data: SkData) => T,\n onError?: (err: Error) => void\n) => useLoading(source, () => loadData(source, factory, onError));\n\nconst identity = (data: SkData) => data;\n\nexport const useData = (\n source: DataSourceParam,\n onError?: (err: Error) => void\n) => useRawData(source, identity, onError);\n"]}
+ {"version":3,"names":["resolveAsset","source","isRNModule","Image","resolveAssetSource","uri","default","factoryWrapper","data2","factory","onError","factoryResult","Error","loadData","undefined","Promise","resolve","Uint8Array","Skia","Data","fromBytes","fromURI","then","d","useLoading","loader","mounted","useRef","data","setData","useState","useEffect","current","value","useRawData","identity","useData"],"sources":["Data.ts"],"sourcesContent":["import { useEffect, useRef, useState } from \"react\";\nimport { Image } from \"react-native\";\n\nimport { Skia } from \"../Skia\";\nimport { isRNModule } from \"../types\";\nimport type { SkData, DataModule, DataSourceParam } from \"../types\";\n\nconst resolveAsset = (source: DataModule) => {\n return isRNModule(source)\n ? Image.resolveAssetSource(source).uri\n : source.default;\n};\n\nconst factoryWrapper = <T>(\n data2: SkData,\n factory: (data: SkData) => T,\n onError?: (err: Error) => void\n) => {\n const factoryResult = factory(data2);\n if (factoryResult === null) {\n onError && onError(new Error(\"Could not load data\"));\n return null;\n } else {\n return factoryResult;\n }\n};\n\nconst loadData = <T>(\n source: DataSourceParam,\n factory: (data: SkData) => T,\n onError?: (err: Error) => void\n): Promise<T | null> => {\n if (source === null || source === undefined) {\n return new Promise((resolve) => resolve(null));\n } else if (source instanceof Uint8Array) {\n return new Promise((resolve) =>\n resolve(factoryWrapper(Skia.Data.fromBytes(source), factory, onError))\n );\n } else {\n const uri = typeof source === \"string\" ? source : resolveAsset(source);\n return Skia.Data.fromURI(uri).then((d) =>\n factoryWrapper(d, factory, onError)\n );\n }\n};\nconst useLoading = <T>(\n source: DataSourceParam,\n loader: () => Promise<T | null>\n) => {\n const mounted = useRef(false);\n const [data, setData] = useState<T | null>(null);\n useEffect(() => {\n mounted.current = true;\n loader().then((value) => {\n if (mounted.current) {\n setData(value);\n }\n });\n return () => {\n mounted.current = false;\n };\n // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps\n }, [source]);\n return data;\n};\n\nexport const useRawData = <T>(\n source: DataSourceParam,\n factory: (data: SkData) => T,\n onError?: (err: Error) => void\n) => useLoading(source, () => loadData(source, factory, onError));\n\nconst identity = (data: SkData) => data;\n\nexport const useData = (\n source: DataSourceParam,\n onError?: (err: Error) => void\n) => useRawData(source, identity, onError);\n"],"mappings":";;;;;;;AAAA;;AACA;;AAEA;;AACA;;AAGA,MAAMA,YAAY,GAAIC,MAAD,IAAwB;EAC3C,OAAO,IAAAC,iBAAA,EAAWD,MAAX,IACHE,kBAAA,CAAMC,kBAAN,CAAyBH,MAAzB,EAAiCI,GAD9B,GAEHJ,MAAM,CAACK,OAFX;AAGD,CAJD;;AAMA,MAAMC,cAAc,GAAG,CACrBC,KADqB,EAErBC,OAFqB,EAGrBC,OAHqB,KAIlB;EACH,MAAMC,aAAa,GAAGF,OAAO,CAACD,KAAD,CAA7B;;EACA,IAAIG,aAAa,KAAK,IAAtB,EAA4B;IAC1BD,OAAO,IAAIA,OAAO,CAAC,IAAIE,KAAJ,CAAU,qBAAV,CAAD,CAAlB;IACA,OAAO,IAAP;EACD,CAHD,MAGO;IACL,OAAOD,aAAP;EACD;AACF,CAZD;;AAcA,MAAME,QAAQ,GAAG,CACfZ,MADe,EAEfQ,OAFe,EAGfC,OAHe,KAIO;EACtB,IAAIT,MAAM,KAAK,IAAX,IAAmBA,MAAM,KAAKa,SAAlC,EAA6C;IAC3C,OAAO,IAAIC,OAAJ,CAAaC,OAAD,IAAaA,OAAO,CAAC,IAAD,CAAhC,CAAP;EACD,CAFD,MAEO,IAAIf,MAAM,YAAYgB,UAAtB,EAAkC;IACvC,OAAO,IAAIF,OAAJ,CAAaC,OAAD,IACjBA,OAAO,CAACT,cAAc,CAACW,UAAA,CAAKC,IAAL,CAAUC,SAAV,CAAoBnB,MAApB,CAAD,EAA8BQ,OAA9B,EAAuCC,OAAvC,CAAf,CADF,CAAP;EAGD,CAJM,MAIA;IACL,MAAML,GAAG,GAAG,OAAOJ,MAAP,KAAkB,QAAlB,GAA6BA,MAA7B,GAAsCD,YAAY,CAACC,MAAD,CAA9D;IACA,OAAOiB,UAAA,CAAKC,IAAL,CAAUE,OAAV,CAAkBhB,GAAlB,EAAuBiB,IAAvB,CAA6BC,CAAD,IACjChB,cAAc,CAACgB,CAAD,EAAId,OAAJ,EAAaC,OAAb,CADT,CAAP;EAGD;AACF,CAjBD;;AAkBA,MAAMc,UAAU,GAAG,CACjBvB,MADiB,EAEjBwB,MAFiB,KAGd;EACH,MAAMC,OAAO,GAAG,IAAAC,aAAA,EAAO,KAAP,CAAhB;EACA,MAAM,CAACC,IAAD,EAAOC,OAAP,IAAkB,IAAAC,eAAA,EAAmB,IAAnB,CAAxB;EACA,IAAAC,gBAAA,EAAU,MAAM;IACdL,OAAO,CAACM,OAAR,GAAkB,IAAlB;IACAP,MAAM,GAAGH,IAAT,CAAeW,KAAD,IAAW;MACvB,IAAIP,OAAO,CAACM,OAAZ,EAAqB;QACnBH,OAAO,CAACI,KAAD,CAAP;MACD;IACF,CAJD;IAKA,OAAO,MAAM;MACXP,OAAO,CAACM,OAAR,GAAkB,KAAlB;IACD,CAFD,CAPc,CAUd;EACD,CAXD,EAWG,CAAC/B,MAAD,CAXH;EAYA,OAAO2B,IAAP;AACD,CAnBD;;AAqBO,MAAMM,UAAU,GAAG,CACxBjC,MADwB,EAExBQ,OAFwB,EAGxBC,OAHwB,KAIrBc,UAAU,CAACvB,MAAD,EAAS,MAAMY,QAAQ,CAACZ,MAAD,EAASQ,OAAT,EAAkBC,OAAlB,CAAvB,CAJR;;;;AAMP,MAAMyB,QAAQ,GAAIP,IAAD,IAAkBA,IAAnC;;AAEO,MAAMQ,OAAO,GAAG,CACrBnC,MADqB,EAErBS,OAFqB,KAGlBwB,UAAU,CAACjC,MAAD,EAASkC,QAAT,EAAmBzB,OAAnB,CAHR"}
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"version":3,"sources":["Font.ts"],"names":["useFont","font","size","onError","typeface","Skia","Font"],"mappings":";;;;;;;AACA;;AAEA;;AAGA;;AANA;;AAQA;AACA;AACA;AACO,MAAMA,OAAO,GAAG,CACrBC,IADqB,EAErBC,IAFqB,EAGrBC,OAHqB,KAIlB;AACH,QAAMC,QAAQ,GAAG,2BAAYH,IAAZ,EAAkBE,OAAlB,CAAjB;AACA,SAAO,oBAAQ,MAAM;AACnB,QAAIC,QAAQ,IAAIF,IAAhB,EAAsB;AACpB,aAAOG,WAAKC,IAAL,CAAUF,QAAV,EAAoBF,IAApB,CAAP;AACD,KAFD,MAEO,IAAIE,QAAQ,IAAI,CAACF,IAAjB,EAAuB;AAC5B,aAAOG,WAAKC,IAAL,CAAUF,QAAV,CAAP;AACD,KAFM,MAEA;AACL,aAAO,IAAP;AACD;AACF,GARM,EAQJ,CAACF,IAAD,EAAOE,QAAP,CARI,CAAP;AASD,CAfM","sourcesContent":["/*global SkiaApi*/\nimport { useMemo } from \"react\";\n\nimport { Skia } from \"../Skia\";\nimport type { DataSourceParam } from \"../types\";\n\nimport { useTypeface } from \"./Typeface\";\n\n/**\n * Returns a Skia Font object\n * */\nexport const useFont = (\n font: DataSourceParam,\n size?: number,\n onError?: (err: Error) => void\n) => {\n const typeface = useTypeface(font, onError);\n return useMemo(() => {\n if (typeface && size) {\n return Skia.Font(typeface, size);\n } else if (typeface && !size) {\n return Skia.Font(typeface);\n } else {\n return null;\n }\n }, [size, typeface]);\n};\n"]}
+ {"version":3,"names":["useFont","font","size","onError","typeface","useTypeface","useMemo","Skia","Font"],"sources":["Font.ts"],"sourcesContent":["/*global SkiaApi*/\nimport { useMemo } from \"react\";\n\nimport { Skia } from \"../Skia\";\nimport type { DataSourceParam } from \"../types\";\n\nimport { useTypeface } from \"./Typeface\";\n\n/**\n * Returns a Skia Font object\n * */\nexport const useFont = (\n font: DataSourceParam,\n size?: number,\n onError?: (err: Error) => void\n) => {\n const typeface = useTypeface(font, onError);\n return useMemo(() => {\n if (typeface && size) {\n return Skia.Font(typeface, size);\n } else if (typeface && !size) {\n return Skia.Font(typeface);\n } else {\n return null;\n }\n }, [size, typeface]);\n};\n"],"mappings":";;;;;;;AACA;;AAEA;;AAGA;;AANA;;AAQA;AACA;AACA;AACO,MAAMA,OAAO,GAAG,CACrBC,IADqB,EAErBC,IAFqB,EAGrBC,OAHqB,KAIlB;EACH,MAAMC,QAAQ,GAAG,IAAAC,qBAAA,EAAYJ,IAAZ,EAAkBE,OAAlB,CAAjB;EACA,OAAO,IAAAG,cAAA,EAAQ,MAAM;IACnB,IAAIF,QAAQ,IAAIF,IAAhB,EAAsB;MACpB,OAAOK,UAAA,CAAKC,IAAL,CAAUJ,QAAV,EAAoBF,IAApB,CAAP;IACD,CAFD,MAEO,IAAIE,QAAQ,IAAI,CAACF,IAAjB,EAAuB;MAC5B,OAAOK,UAAA,CAAKC,IAAL,CAAUJ,QAAV,CAAP;IACD,CAFM,MAEA;MACL,OAAO,IAAP;IACD;EACF,CARM,EAQJ,CAACF,IAAD,EAAOE,QAAP,CARI,CAAP;AASD,CAfM"}
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"version":3,"sources":["Image.ts"],"names":["imgFactory","Skia","Image","MakeImageFromEncoded","bind","useImage","source","onError"],"mappings":";;;;;;;AAAA;;AAGA;;AAEA,MAAMA,UAAU,GAAGC,WAAKC,KAAL,CAAWC,oBAAX,CAAgCC,IAAhC,CAAqCH,WAAKC,KAA1C,CAAnB;AAEA;AACA;AACA;;;AACO,MAAMG,QAAQ,GAAG,CACtBC,MADsB,EAEtBC,OAFsB,KAGnB,sBAAWD,MAAX,EAAmBN,UAAnB,EAA+BO,OAA/B,CAHE","sourcesContent":["import { Skia } from \"../Skia\";\nimport type { DataSourceParam } from \"../types\";\n\nimport { useRawData } from \"./Data\";\n\nconst imgFactory = Skia.Image.MakeImageFromEncoded.bind(Skia.Image);\n\n/**\n * Returns a Skia Image object\n * */\nexport const useImage = (\n source: DataSourceParam,\n onError?: (err: Error) => void\n) => useRawData(source, imgFactory, onError);\n"]}
+ {"version":3,"names":["imgFactory","Skia","Image","MakeImageFromEncoded","bind","useImage","source","onError","useRawData"],"sources":["Image.ts"],"sourcesContent":["import { Skia } from \"../Skia\";\nimport type { DataSourceParam } from \"../types\";\n\nimport { useRawData } from \"./Data\";\n\nconst imgFactory = Skia.Image.MakeImageFromEncoded.bind(Skia.Image);\n\n/**\n * Returns a Skia Image object\n * */\nexport const useImage = (\n source: DataSourceParam,\n onError?: (err: Error) => void\n) => useRawData(source, imgFactory, onError);\n"],"mappings":";;;;;;;AAAA;;AAGA;;AAEA,MAAMA,UAAU,GAAGC,UAAA,CAAKC,KAAL,CAAWC,oBAAX,CAAgCC,IAAhC,CAAqCH,UAAA,CAAKC,KAA1C,CAAnB;AAEA;AACA;AACA;;;AACO,MAAMG,QAAQ,GAAG,CACtBC,MADsB,EAEtBC,OAFsB,KAGnB,IAAAC,gBAAA,EAAWF,MAAX,EAAmBN,UAAnB,EAA+BO,OAA/B,CAHE"}
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"version":3,"sources":["Matrix.ts"],"names":["processTransform2d","transforms","Skia","Matrix"],"mappings":";;;;;;;AAAA;;AAEA;;AAEO,MAAMA,kBAAkB,GAAIC,UAAD,IAChC,6BAAiBC,WAAKC,MAAL,EAAjB,EAAgCF,UAAhC,CADK","sourcesContent":["import { Skia } from \"../Skia\";\nimport type { Transforms2d } from \"../types\";\nimport { processTransform } from \"../types\";\n\nexport const processTransform2d = (transforms: Transforms2d) =>\n processTransform(Skia.Matrix(), transforms);\n"]}
+ {"version":3,"names":["processTransform2d","transforms","processTransform","Skia","Matrix"],"sources":["Matrix.ts"],"sourcesContent":["import { Skia } from \"../Skia\";\nimport type { Transforms2d } from \"../types\";\nimport { processTransform } from \"../types\";\n\nexport const processTransform2d = (transforms: Transforms2d) =>\n processTransform(Skia.Matrix(), transforms);\n"],"mappings":";;;;;;;AAAA;;AAEA;;AAEO,MAAMA,kBAAkB,GAAIC,UAAD,IAChC,IAAAC,uBAAA,EAAiBC,UAAA,CAAKC,MAAL,EAAjB,EAAgCH,UAAhC,CADK"}
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"version":3,"sources":["Picture.ts"],"names":["usePicture","rect","cb","deps","console","warn","recorder","Skia","PictureRecorder","canvas","beginRecording","finishRecordingAsPicture","createPicture"],"mappings":";;;;;;;AACA;;AAEA;;AAGA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACO,MAAMA,UAAU,GAAG,UACxBC,IADwB,EAExBC,EAFwB,EAIrB;AAAA,MADHC,IACG,uEADoB,EACpB;AACHC,EAAAA,OAAO,CAACC,IAAR,CAAa,0DAAb;AACA,SAAO,oBAAQ,MAAM;AACnB,UAAMC,QAAQ,GAAGC,WAAKC,eAAL,EAAjB;;AACA,UAAMC,MAAM,GAAGH,QAAQ,CAACI,cAAT,CAAwBT,IAAxB,CAAf;AACAC,IAAAA,EAAE,CAACO,MAAD,CAAF;AACA,WAAOH,QAAQ,CAACK,wBAAT,EAAP,CAJmB,CAKnB;AACD,GANM,EAMJR,IANI,CAAP;AAOD,CAbM;AAeP;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;;;;;AACO,MAAMS,aAAa,GAAG,CAACX,IAAD,EAAeC,EAAf,KAAkD;AAC7E,QAAMI,QAAQ,GAAGC,WAAKC,eAAL,EAAjB;;AACA,QAAMC,MAAM,GAAGH,QAAQ,CAACI,cAAT,CAAwBT,IAAxB,CAAf;AACAC,EAAAA,EAAE,CAACO,MAAD,CAAF;AACA,SAAOH,QAAQ,CAACK,wBAAT,EAAP;AACD,CALM","sourcesContent":["import type { DependencyList } from \"react\";\nimport { useMemo } from \"react\";\n\nimport { Skia } from \"../Skia\";\nimport type { SkCanvas, SkRect } from \"../types\";\n\n/**\n * Memoizes and returns an SkPicture that can be drawn to another canvas.\n * @param rect Picture bounds\n * @param cb Callback for drawing to the canvas\n * @returns SkPicture\n */\nexport const usePicture = (\n rect: SkRect,\n cb: (canvas: SkCanvas) => void,\n deps: DependencyList = []\n) => {\n console.warn(\"usePicture() is deprecated. Use createPicture() instead.\");\n return useMemo(() => {\n const recorder = Skia.PictureRecorder();\n const canvas = recorder.beginRecording(rect);\n cb(canvas);\n return recorder.finishRecordingAsPicture();\n // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps\n }, deps);\n};\n\n/**\n * Memoizes and returns an SkPicture that can be drawn to another canvas.\n * @param rect Picture bounds\n * @param cb Callback for drawing to the canvas\n * @returns SkPicture\n */\nexport const createPicture = (rect: SkRect, cb: (canvas: SkCanvas) => void) => {\n const recorder = Skia.PictureRecorder();\n const canvas = recorder.beginRecording(rect);\n cb(canvas);\n return recorder.finishRecordingAsPicture();\n};\n"]}
+ {"version":3,"names":["usePicture","rect","cb","deps","console","warn","useMemo","recorder","Skia","PictureRecorder","canvas","beginRecording","finishRecordingAsPicture","createPicture"],"sources":["Picture.ts"],"sourcesContent":["import type { DependencyList } from \"react\";\nimport { useMemo } from \"react\";\n\nimport { Skia } from \"../Skia\";\nimport type { SkCanvas, SkRect } from \"../types\";\n\n/**\n * Memoizes and returns an SkPicture that can be drawn to another canvas.\n * @param rect Picture bounds\n * @param cb Callback for drawing to the canvas\n * @returns SkPicture\n */\nexport const usePicture = (\n rect: SkRect,\n cb: (canvas: SkCanvas) => void,\n deps: DependencyList = []\n) => {\n console.warn(\"usePicture() is deprecated. Use createPicture() instead.\");\n return useMemo(() => {\n const recorder = Skia.PictureRecorder();\n const canvas = recorder.beginRecording(rect);\n cb(canvas);\n return recorder.finishRecordingAsPicture();\n // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps\n }, deps);\n};\n\n/**\n * Memoizes and returns an SkPicture that can be drawn to another canvas.\n * @param rect Picture bounds\n * @param cb Callback for drawing to the canvas\n * @returns SkPicture\n */\nexport const createPicture = (rect: SkRect, cb: (canvas: SkCanvas) => void) => {\n const recorder = Skia.PictureRecorder();\n const canvas = recorder.beginRecording(rect);\n cb(canvas);\n return recorder.finishRecordingAsPicture();\n};\n"],"mappings":";;;;;;;AACA;;AAEA;;AAGA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACO,MAAMA,UAAU,GAAG,UACxBC,IADwB,EAExBC,EAFwB,EAIrB;EAAA,IADHC,IACG,uEADoB,EACpB;EACHC,OAAO,CAACC,IAAR,CAAa,0DAAb;EACA,OAAO,IAAAC,cAAA,EAAQ,MAAM;IACnB,MAAMC,QAAQ,GAAGC,UAAA,CAAKC,eAAL,EAAjB;;IACA,MAAMC,MAAM,GAAGH,QAAQ,CAACI,cAAT,CAAwBV,IAAxB,CAAf;IACAC,EAAE,CAACQ,MAAD,CAAF;IACA,OAAOH,QAAQ,CAACK,wBAAT,EAAP,CAJmB,CAKnB;EACD,CANM,EAMJT,IANI,CAAP;AAOD,CAbM;AAeP;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;;;;;AACO,MAAMU,aAAa,GAAG,CAACZ,IAAD,EAAeC,EAAf,KAAkD;EAC7E,MAAMK,QAAQ,GAAGC,UAAA,CAAKC,eAAL,EAAjB;;EACA,MAAMC,MAAM,GAAGH,QAAQ,CAACI,cAAT,CAAwBV,IAAxB,CAAf;EACAC,EAAE,CAACQ,MAAD,CAAF;EACA,OAAOH,QAAQ,CAACK,wBAAT,EAAP;AACD,CALM"}
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"version":3,"sources":["RRect.tsx"],"names":["rrect","r","rx","ry","Skia","RRectXY"],"mappings":";;;;;;;AAAA;;AAGO,MAAMA,KAAK,GAAG,CAACC,CAAD,EAAYC,EAAZ,EAAwBC,EAAxB,KACnBC,WAAKC,OAAL,CAAaJ,CAAb,EAAgBC,EAAhB,EAAoBC,EAApB,CADK","sourcesContent":["import { Skia } from \"../Skia\";\nimport type { SkRect } from \"../types\";\n\nexport const rrect = (r: SkRect, rx: number, ry: number) =>\n Skia.RRectXY(r, rx, ry);\n"]}
+ {"version":3,"names":["rrect","r","rx","ry","Skia","RRectXY"],"sources":["RRect.tsx"],"sourcesContent":["import { Skia } from \"../Skia\";\nimport type { SkRect } from \"../types\";\n\nexport const rrect = (r: SkRect, rx: number, ry: number) =>\n Skia.RRectXY(r, rx, ry);\n"],"mappings":";;;;;;;AAAA;;AAGO,MAAMA,KAAK,GAAG,CAACC,CAAD,EAAYC,EAAZ,EAAwBC,EAAxB,KACnBC,UAAA,CAAKC,OAAL,CAAaJ,CAAb,EAAgBC,EAAhB,EAAoBC,EAApB,CADK"}
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"version":3,"sources":["Rect.ts"],"names":["rect","x","y","width","height","Skia","XYWHRect","bounds","rects","Math","min","map","r","max","topLeft","topRight","bottomLeft","bottomRight","center"],"mappings":";;;;;;;AAAA;;AAEA;;AAEA;;AAEO,MAAMA,IAAI,GAAG,CAACC,CAAD,EAAYC,CAAZ,EAAuBC,KAAvB,EAAsCC,MAAtC,KAClBC,WAAKC,QAAL,CAAcL,CAAd,EAAiBC,CAAjB,EAAoBC,KAApB,EAA2BC,MAA3B,CADK;;;;AAGA,MAAMG,MAAM,GAAIC,KAAD,IAAqB;AACzC,QAAMP,CAAC,GAAGQ,IAAI,CAACC,GAAL,CAAS,GAAGF,KAAK,CAACG,GAAN,CAAWC,CAAD,IAAOA,CAAC,CAACX,CAAnB,CAAZ,CAAV;AACA,QAAMC,CAAC,GAAGO,IAAI,CAACC,GAAL,CAAS,GAAGF,KAAK,CAACG,GAAN,CAAWC,CAAD,IAAOA,CAAC,CAACV,CAAnB,CAAZ,CAAV;AACA,QAAMC,KAAK,GAAGM,IAAI,CAACI,GAAL,CAAS,GAAGL,KAAK,CAACG,GAAN,CAAWC,CAAD,IAAOA,CAAC,CAACX,CAAF,GAAMW,CAAC,CAACT,KAAzB,CAAZ,CAAd;AACA,QAAMC,MAAM,GAAGK,IAAI,CAACI,GAAL,CAAS,GAAGL,KAAK,CAACG,GAAN,CAAWC,CAAD,IAAOA,CAAC,CAACV,CAAF,GAAMU,CAAC,CAACR,MAAzB,CAAZ,CAAf;AACA,SAAOJ,IAAI,CAACC,CAAD,EAAIC,CAAJ,EAAOC,KAAP,EAAcC,MAAd,CAAX;AACD,CANM;;;;AAQA,MAAMU,OAAO,GAAIF,CAAD,IACrB,oBAAQA,CAAR,IAAa,iBAAIA,CAAC,CAACZ,IAAF,CAAOC,CAAX,EAAcW,CAAC,CAACZ,IAAF,CAAOE,CAArB,CAAb,GAAuC,iBAAIU,CAAC,CAACX,CAAN,EAASW,CAAC,CAACV,CAAX,CADlC;;;;AAEA,MAAMa,QAAQ,GAAIH,CAAD,IACtB,oBAAQA,CAAR,IAAa,iBAAIA,CAAC,CAACZ,IAAF,CAAOC,CAAP,GAAWW,CAAC,CAACZ,IAAF,CAAOG,KAAtB,EAA6BS,CAAC,CAACZ,IAAF,CAAOE,CAApC,CAAb,GAAsD,iBAAIU,CAAC,CAACX,CAAF,GAAMW,CAAC,CAACT,KAAZ,EAAmBS,CAAC,CAACV,CAArB,CADjD;;;;AAEA,MAAMc,UAAU,GAAIJ,CAAD,IACxB,oBAAQA,CAAR,IACI,iBAAIA,CAAC,CAACZ,IAAF,CAAOC,CAAX,EAAcW,CAAC,CAACZ,IAAF,CAAOE,CAAP,GAAWU,CAAC,CAACZ,IAAF,CAAOI,MAAhC,CADJ,GAEI,iBAAIQ,CAAC,CAACX,CAAN,EAASW,CAAC,CAACV,CAAF,GAAMU,CAAC,CAACR,MAAjB,CAHC;;;;AAIA,MAAMa,WAAW,GAAIL,CAAD,IACzB,oBAAQA,CAAR,IACI,iBAAIA,CAAC,CAACZ,IAAF,CAAOC,CAAP,GAAWW,CAAC,CAACZ,IAAF,CAAOG,KAAtB,EAA6BS,CAAC,CAACZ,IAAF,CAAOE,CAAP,GAAWU,CAAC,CAACZ,IAAF,CAAOI,MAA/C,CADJ,GAEI,iBAAIQ,CAAC,CAACX,CAAF,GAAMW,CAAC,CAACT,KAAZ,EAAmBS,CAAC,CAACV,CAAF,GAAMU,CAAC,CAACR,MAA3B,CAHC;;;;AAIA,MAAMc,MAAM,GAAIN,CAAD,IACpB,oBAAQA,CAAR,IACI,iBAAIA,CAAC,CAACZ,IAAF,CAAOC,CAAP,GAAWW,CAAC,CAACZ,IAAF,CAAOG,KAAP,GAAe,CAA9B,EAAiCS,CAAC,CAACZ,IAAF,CAAOE,CAAP,GAAWU,CAAC,CAACZ,IAAF,CAAOI,MAAP,GAAgB,CAA5D,CADJ,GAEI,iBAAIQ,CAAC,CAACX,CAAF,GAAMW,CAAC,CAACT,KAAF,GAAU,CAApB,EAAuBS,CAAC,CAACV,CAAF,GAAMU,CAAC,CAACR,MAAF,GAAW,CAAxC,CAHC","sourcesContent":["import { Skia } from \"../Skia\";\nimport type { SkRect, SkRRect } from \"../types\";\nimport { isRRect } from \"../types\";\n\nimport { vec } from \"./Vector\";\n\nexport const rect = (x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number) =>\n Skia.XYWHRect(x, y, width, height);\n\nexport const bounds = (rects: SkRect[]) => {\n const x = Math.min(...rects.map((r) => r.x));\n const y = Math.min(...rects.map((r) => r.y));\n const width = Math.max(...rects.map((r) => r.x + r.width));\n const height = Math.max(...rects.map((r) => r.y + r.height));\n return rect(x, y, width, height);\n};\n\nexport const topLeft = (r: SkRect | SkRRect) =>\n isRRect(r) ? vec(r.rect.x, r.rect.y) : vec(r.x, r.y);\nexport const topRight = (r: SkRect | SkRRect) =>\n isRRect(r) ? vec(r.rect.x + r.rect.width, r.rect.y) : vec(r.x + r.width, r.y);\nexport const bottomLeft = (r: SkRect | SkRRect) =>\n isRRect(r)\n ? vec(r.rect.x, r.rect.y + r.rect.height)\n : vec(r.x, r.y + r.height);\nexport const bottomRight = (r: SkRect | SkRRect) =>\n isRRect(r)\n ? vec(r.rect.x + r.rect.width, r.rect.y + r.rect.height)\n : vec(r.x + r.width, r.y + r.height);\nexport const center = (r: SkRect | SkRRect) =>\n isRRect(r)\n ? vec(r.rect.x + r.rect.width / 2, r.rect.y + r.rect.height / 2)\n : vec(r.x + r.width / 2, r.y + r.height / 2);\n"]}
+ {"version":3,"names":["rect","x","y","width","height","Skia","XYWHRect","bounds","rects","Math","min","map","r","max","topLeft","isRRect","vec","topRight","bottomLeft","bottomRight","center"],"sources":["Rect.ts"],"sourcesContent":["import { Skia } from \"../Skia\";\nimport type { SkRect, SkRRect } from \"../types\";\nimport { isRRect } from \"../types\";\n\nimport { vec } from \"./Vector\";\n\nexport const rect = (x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number) =>\n Skia.XYWHRect(x, y, width, height);\n\nexport const bounds = (rects: SkRect[]) => {\n const x = Math.min(...rects.map((r) => r.x));\n const y = Math.min(...rects.map((r) => r.y));\n const width = Math.max(...rects.map((r) => r.x + r.width));\n const height = Math.max(...rects.map((r) => r.y + r.height));\n return rect(x, y, width, height);\n};\n\nexport const topLeft = (r: SkRect | SkRRect) =>\n isRRect(r) ? vec(r.rect.x, r.rect.y) : vec(r.x, r.y);\nexport const topRight = (r: SkRect | SkRRect) =>\n isRRect(r) ? vec(r.rect.x + r.rect.width, r.rect.y) : vec(r.x + r.width, r.y);\nexport const bottomLeft = (r: SkRect | SkRRect) =>\n isRRect(r)\n ? vec(r.rect.x, r.rect.y + r.rect.height)\n : vec(r.x, r.y + r.height);\nexport const bottomRight = (r: SkRect | SkRRect) =>\n isRRect(r)\n ? vec(r.rect.x + r.rect.width, r.rect.y + r.rect.height)\n : vec(r.x + r.width, r.y + r.height);\nexport const center = (r: SkRect | SkRRect) =>\n isRRect(r)\n ? vec(r.rect.x + r.rect.width / 2, r.rect.y + r.rect.height / 2)\n : vec(r.x + r.width / 2, r.y + r.height / 2);\n"],"mappings":";;;;;;;AAAA;;AAEA;;AAEA;;AAEO,MAAMA,IAAI,GAAG,CAACC,CAAD,EAAYC,CAAZ,EAAuBC,KAAvB,EAAsCC,MAAtC,KAClBC,UAAA,CAAKC,QAAL,CAAcL,CAAd,EAAiBC,CAAjB,EAAoBC,KAApB,EAA2BC,MAA3B,CADK;;;;AAGA,MAAMG,MAAM,GAAIC,KAAD,IAAqB;EACzC,MAAMP,CAAC,GAAGQ,IAAI,CAACC,GAAL,CAAS,GAAGF,KAAK,CAACG,GAAN,CAAWC,CAAD,IAAOA,CAAC,CAACX,CAAnB,CAAZ,CAAV;EACA,MAAMC,CAAC,GAAGO,IAAI,CAACC,GAAL,CAAS,GAAGF,KAAK,CAACG,GAAN,CAAWC,CAAD,IAAOA,CAAC,CAACV,CAAnB,CAAZ,CAAV;EACA,MAAMC,KAAK,GAAGM,IAAI,CAACI,GAAL,CAAS,GAAGL,KAAK,CAACG,GAAN,CAAWC,CAAD,IAAOA,CAAC,CAACX,CAAF,GAAMW,CAAC,CAACT,KAAzB,CAAZ,CAAd;EACA,MAAMC,MAAM,GAAGK,IAAI,CAACI,GAAL,CAAS,GAAGL,KAAK,CAACG,GAAN,CAAWC,CAAD,IAAOA,CAAC,CAACV,CAAF,GAAMU,CAAC,CAACR,MAAzB,CAAZ,CAAf;EACA,OAAOJ,IAAI,CAACC,CAAD,EAAIC,CAAJ,EAAOC,KAAP,EAAcC,MAAd,CAAX;AACD,CANM;;;;AAQA,MAAMU,OAAO,GAAIF,CAAD,IACrB,IAAAG,cAAA,EAAQH,CAAR,IAAa,IAAAI,WAAA,EAAIJ,CAAC,CAACZ,IAAF,CAAOC,CAAX,EAAcW,CAAC,CAACZ,IAAF,CAAOE,CAArB,CAAb,GAAuC,IAAAc,WAAA,EAAIJ,CAAC,CAACX,CAAN,EAASW,CAAC,CAACV,CAAX,CADlC;;;;AAEA,MAAMe,QAAQ,GAAIL,CAAD,IACtB,IAAAG,cAAA,EAAQH,CAAR,IAAa,IAAAI,WAAA,EAAIJ,CAAC,CAACZ,IAAF,CAAOC,CAAP,GAAWW,CAAC,CAACZ,IAAF,CAAOG,KAAtB,EAA6BS,CAAC,CAACZ,IAAF,CAAOE,CAApC,CAAb,GAAsD,IAAAc,WAAA,EAAIJ,CAAC,CAACX,CAAF,GAAMW,CAAC,CAACT,KAAZ,EAAmBS,CAAC,CAACV,CAArB,CADjD;;;;AAEA,MAAMgB,UAAU,GAAIN,CAAD,IACxB,IAAAG,cAAA,EAAQH,CAAR,IACI,IAAAI,WAAA,EAAIJ,CAAC,CAACZ,IAAF,CAAOC,CAAX,EAAcW,CAAC,CAACZ,IAAF,CAAOE,CAAP,GAAWU,CAAC,CAACZ,IAAF,CAAOI,MAAhC,CADJ,GAEI,IAAAY,WAAA,EAAIJ,CAAC,CAACX,CAAN,EAASW,CAAC,CAACV,CAAF,GAAMU,CAAC,CAACR,MAAjB,CAHC;;;;AAIA,MAAMe,WAAW,GAAIP,CAAD,IACzB,IAAAG,cAAA,EAAQH,CAAR,IACI,IAAAI,WAAA,EAAIJ,CAAC,CAACZ,IAAF,CAAOC,CAAP,GAAWW,CAAC,CAACZ,IAAF,CAAOG,KAAtB,EAA6BS,CAAC,CAACZ,IAAF,CAAOE,CAAP,GAAWU,CAAC,CAACZ,IAAF,CAAOI,MAA/C,CADJ,GAEI,IAAAY,WAAA,EAAIJ,CAAC,CAACX,CAAF,GAAMW,CAAC,CAACT,KAAZ,EAAmBS,CAAC,CAACV,CAAF,GAAMU,CAAC,CAACR,MAA3B,CAHC;;;;AAIA,MAAMgB,MAAM,GAAIR,CAAD,IACpB,IAAAG,cAAA,EAAQH,CAAR,IACI,IAAAI,WAAA,EAAIJ,CAAC,CAACZ,IAAF,CAAOC,CAAP,GAAWW,CAAC,CAACZ,IAAF,CAAOG,KAAP,GAAe,CAA9B,EAAiCS,CAAC,CAACZ,IAAF,CAAOE,CAAP,GAAWU,CAAC,CAACZ,IAAF,CAAOI,MAAP,GAAgB,CAA5D,CADJ,GAEI,IAAAY,WAAA,EAAIJ,CAAC,CAACX,CAAF,GAAMW,CAAC,CAACT,KAAF,GAAU,CAApB,EAAuBS,CAAC,CAACV,CAAF,GAAMU,CAAC,CAACR,MAAF,GAAW,CAAxC,CAHC"}
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"version":3,"sources":["SVG.ts"],"names":["svgFactory","Skia","SVG","MakeFromData","bind","useSVG","source","onError"],"mappings":";;;;;;;AAAA;;AAGA;;AAEA,MAAMA,UAAU,GAAGC,WAAKC,GAAL,CAASC,YAAT,CAAsBC,IAAtB,CAA2BH,WAAKC,GAAhC,CAAnB;;AAEO,MAAMG,MAAM,GAAG,CACpBC,MADoB,EAEpBC,OAFoB,KAGjB,sBAAWD,MAAX,EAAmBN,UAAnB,EAA+BO,OAA/B,CAHE","sourcesContent":["import { Skia } from \"../Skia\";\nimport type { DataSourceParam } from \"../types\";\n\nimport { useRawData } from \"./Data\";\n\nconst svgFactory = Skia.SVG.MakeFromData.bind(Skia.SVG);\n\nexport const useSVG = (\n source: DataSourceParam,\n onError?: (err: Error) => void\n) => useRawData(source, svgFactory, onError);\n"]}
+ {"version":3,"names":["svgFactory","Skia","SVG","MakeFromData","bind","useSVG","source","onError","useRawData"],"sources":["SVG.ts"],"sourcesContent":["import { Skia } from \"../Skia\";\nimport type { DataSourceParam } from \"../types\";\n\nimport { useRawData } from \"./Data\";\n\nconst svgFactory = Skia.SVG.MakeFromData.bind(Skia.SVG);\n\nexport const useSVG = (\n source: DataSourceParam,\n onError?: (err: Error) => void\n) => useRawData(source, svgFactory, onError);\n"],"mappings":";;;;;;;AAAA;;AAGA;;AAEA,MAAMA,UAAU,GAAGC,UAAA,CAAKC,GAAL,CAASC,YAAT,CAAsBC,IAAtB,CAA2BH,UAAA,CAAKC,GAAhC,CAAnB;;AAEO,MAAMG,MAAM,GAAG,CACpBC,MADoB,EAEpBC,OAFoB,KAGjB,IAAAC,gBAAA,EAAWF,MAAX,EAAmBN,UAAnB,EAA+BO,OAA/B,CAHE"}
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"version":3,"sources":["Typeface.ts"],"names":["tfFactory","Skia","Typeface","MakeFreeTypeFaceFromData","bind","useTypeface","source","onError"],"mappings":";;;;;;;AAAA;;AAGA;;AAEA,MAAMA,SAAS,GAAGC,WAAKC,QAAL,CAAcC,wBAAd,CAAuCC,IAAvC,CAA4CH,WAAKC,QAAjD,CAAlB;AAEA;AACA;AACA;;;AACO,MAAMG,WAAW,GAAG,CACzBC,MADyB,EAEzBC,OAFyB,KAGtB,sBAAWD,MAAX,EAAmBN,SAAnB,EAA8BO,OAA9B,CAHE","sourcesContent":["import { Skia } from \"../Skia\";\nimport type { DataSourceParam } from \"../types\";\n\nimport { useRawData } from \"./Data\";\n\nconst tfFactory = Skia.Typeface.MakeFreeTypeFaceFromData.bind(Skia.Typeface);\n\n/**\n * Returns a Skia Typeface object\n * */\nexport const useTypeface = (\n source: DataSourceParam,\n onError?: (err: Error) => void\n) => useRawData(source, tfFactory, onError);\n"]}
+ {"version":3,"names":["tfFactory","Skia","Typeface","MakeFreeTypeFaceFromData","bind","useTypeface","source","onError","useRawData"],"sources":["Typeface.ts"],"sourcesContent":["import { Skia } from \"../Skia\";\nimport type { DataSourceParam } from \"../types\";\n\nimport { useRawData } from \"./Data\";\n\nconst tfFactory = Skia.Typeface.MakeFreeTypeFaceFromData.bind(Skia.Typeface);\n\n/**\n * Returns a Skia Typeface object\n * */\nexport const useTypeface = (\n source: DataSourceParam,\n onError?: (err: Error) => void\n) => useRawData(source, tfFactory, onError);\n"],"mappings":";;;;;;;AAAA;;AAGA;;AAEA,MAAMA,SAAS,GAAGC,UAAA,CAAKC,QAAL,CAAcC,wBAAd,CAAuCC,IAAvC,CAA4CH,UAAA,CAAKC,QAAjD,CAAlB;AAEA;AACA;AACA;;;AACO,MAAMG,WAAW,GAAG,CACzBC,MADyB,EAEzBC,OAFyB,KAGtB,IAAAC,gBAAA,EAAWF,MAAX,EAAmBN,SAAnB,EAA8BO,OAA9B,CAHE"}
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ var _Skia = require("../Skia");
  const vec = function () {
  let x = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : 0;
  let y = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined;
- return _Skia.Skia.Point(x, y !== null && y !== void 0 ? y : x);
+ return _Skia.Skia.Point(x, y ?? x);
  exports.vec = vec;
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"version":3,"sources":["Vector.ts"],"names":["vec","x","y","Skia","Point","point","neg","a","add","b","sub","dist","Math","hypot","translate","translateX","translateY"],"mappings":";;;;;;;AAAA;;AAGO,MAAMA,GAAG,GAAG;AAAA,MAACC,CAAD,uEAAK,CAAL;AAAA,MAAQC,CAAR;AAAA,SAAuBC,WAAKC,KAAL,CAAWH,CAAX,EAAcC,CAAd,aAAcA,CAAd,cAAcA,CAAd,GAAmBD,CAAnB,CAAvB;AAAA,CAAZ;;;AACA,MAAMI,KAAK,GAAGL,GAAd;;;AACA,MAAMM,GAAG,GAAIC,CAAD,IAAeP,GAAG,CAAC,CAACO,CAAC,CAACN,CAAJ,EAAO,CAACM,CAAC,CAACL,CAAV,CAA9B;;;;AACA,MAAMM,GAAG,GAAG,CAACD,CAAD,EAAYE,CAAZ,KAA0BT,GAAG,CAACO,CAAC,CAACN,CAAF,GAAMQ,CAAC,CAACR,CAAT,EAAYM,CAAC,CAACL,CAAF,GAAMO,CAAC,CAACP,CAApB,CAAzC;;;;AACA,MAAMQ,GAAG,GAAG,CAACH,CAAD,EAAYE,CAAZ,KAA0BT,GAAG,CAACO,CAAC,CAACN,CAAF,GAAMQ,CAAC,CAACR,CAAT,EAAYM,CAAC,CAACL,CAAF,GAAMO,CAAC,CAACP,CAApB,CAAzC;;;;AACA,MAAMS,IAAI,GAAG,CAACJ,CAAD,EAAYE,CAAZ,KAA0BG,IAAI,CAACC,KAAL,CAAWN,CAAC,CAACN,CAAF,GAAMQ,CAAC,CAACR,CAAnB,EAAsBM,CAAC,CAACL,CAAF,GAAMO,CAAC,CAACP,CAA9B,CAAvC;;;;AACA,MAAMY,SAAS,GAAG;AAAA,MAAC;AAAEb,IAAAA,CAAF;AAAKC,IAAAA;AAAL,GAAD;AAAA,SACvB,CAAC;AAAEa,IAAAA,UAAU,EAAEd;AAAd,GAAD,EAAoB;AAAEe,IAAAA,UAAU,EAAEd;AAAd,GAApB,CADuB;AAAA,CAAlB","sourcesContent":["import { Skia } from \"../Skia\";\nimport type { Vector } from \"../types\";\n\nexport const vec = (x = 0, y?: number) => Skia.Point(x, y ?? x);\nexport const point = vec;\nexport const neg = (a: Vector) => vec(-a.x, -a.y);\nexport const add = (a: Vector, b: Vector) => vec(a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y);\nexport const sub = (a: Vector, b: Vector) => vec(a.x - b.x, a.y - b.y);\nexport const dist = (a: Vector, b: Vector) => Math.hypot(a.x - b.x, a.y - b.y);\nexport const translate = ({ x, y }: Vector) =>\n [{ translateX: x }, { translateY: y }] as const;\n"]}
+ {"version":3,"names":["vec","x","y","Skia","Point","point","neg","a","add","b","sub","dist","Math","hypot","translate","translateX","translateY"],"sources":["Vector.ts"],"sourcesContent":["import { Skia } from \"../Skia\";\nimport type { Vector } from \"../types\";\n\nexport const vec = (x = 0, y?: number) => Skia.Point(x, y ?? x);\nexport const point = vec;\nexport const neg = (a: Vector) => vec(-a.x, -a.y);\nexport const add = (a: Vector, b: Vector) => vec(a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y);\nexport const sub = (a: Vector, b: Vector) => vec(a.x - b.x, a.y - b.y);\nexport const dist = (a: Vector, b: Vector) => Math.hypot(a.x - b.x, a.y - b.y);\nexport const translate = ({ x, y }: Vector) =>\n [{ translateX: x }, { translateY: y }] as const;\n"],"mappings":";;;;;;;AAAA;;AAGO,MAAMA,GAAG,GAAG;EAAA,IAACC,CAAD,uEAAK,CAAL;EAAA,IAAQC,CAAR;EAAA,OAAuBC,UAAA,CAAKC,KAAL,CAAWH,CAAX,EAAcC,CAAC,IAAID,CAAnB,CAAvB;AAAA,CAAZ;;;AACA,MAAMI,KAAK,GAAGL,GAAd;;;AACA,MAAMM,GAAG,GAAIC,CAAD,IAAeP,GAAG,CAAC,CAACO,CAAC,CAACN,CAAJ,EAAO,CAACM,CAAC,CAACL,CAAV,CAA9B;;;;AACA,MAAMM,GAAG,GAAG,CAACD,CAAD,EAAYE,CAAZ,KAA0BT,GAAG,CAACO,CAAC,CAACN,CAAF,GAAMQ,CAAC,CAACR,CAAT,EAAYM,CAAC,CAACL,CAAF,GAAMO,CAAC,CAACP,CAApB,CAAzC;;;;AACA,MAAMQ,GAAG,GAAG,CAACH,CAAD,EAAYE,CAAZ,KAA0BT,GAAG,CAACO,CAAC,CAACN,CAAF,GAAMQ,CAAC,CAACR,CAAT,EAAYM,CAAC,CAACL,CAAF,GAAMO,CAAC,CAACP,CAApB,CAAzC;;;;AACA,MAAMS,IAAI,GAAG,CAACJ,CAAD,EAAYE,CAAZ,KAA0BG,IAAI,CAACC,KAAL,CAAWN,CAAC,CAACN,CAAF,GAAMQ,CAAC,CAACR,CAAnB,EAAsBM,CAAC,CAACL,CAAF,GAAMO,CAAC,CAACP,CAA9B,CAAvC;;;;AACA,MAAMY,SAAS,GAAG;EAAA,IAAC;IAAEb,CAAF;IAAKC;EAAL,CAAD;EAAA,OACvB,CAAC;IAAEa,UAAU,EAAEd;EAAd,CAAD,EAAoB;IAAEe,UAAU,EAAEd;EAAd,CAApB,CADuB;AAAA,CAAlB"}
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"version":3,"sources":["index.ts"],"names":[],"mappings":";;;;;;AAAA;;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;;AACA;;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;;AACA;;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;;AACA;;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;;AACA;;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;;AACA;;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;;AACA;;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;;AACA;;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;;AACA;;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;;AACA;;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA","sourcesContent":["export * from \"./Data\";\nexport * from \"./Font\";\nexport * from \"./Typeface\";\nexport * from \"./Image\";\nexport * from \"./Picture\";\nexport * from \"./SVG\";\nexport * from \"./Vector\";\nexport * from \"./Rect\";\nexport * from \"./RRect\";\nexport * from \"./Matrix\";\n"]}
+ {"version":3,"names":[],"sources":["index.ts"],"sourcesContent":["export * from \"./Data\";\nexport * from \"./Font\";\nexport * from \"./Typeface\";\nexport * from \"./Image\";\nexport * from \"./Picture\";\nexport * from \"./SVG\";\nexport * from \"./Vector\";\nexport * from \"./Rect\";\nexport * from \"./RRect\";\nexport * from \"./Matrix\";\n"],"mappings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}
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"version":3,"sources":["index.ts"],"names":[],"mappings":";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;AAAA;;AACA;;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;;AACA;;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA","sourcesContent":["export { Skia } from \"./Skia\";\nexport * from \"./core\";\nexport * from \"./types\";\n"]}
+ {"version":3,"names":[],"sources":["index.ts"],"sourcesContent":["export { Skia } from \"./Skia\";\nexport * from \"./core\";\nexport * from \"./types\";\n"],"mappings":";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;AAAA;;AACA;;AAAA;EAAA;EAAA;EAAA;EAAA;IAAA;IAAA;MAAA;IAAA;EAAA;AAAA;;AACA;;AAAA;EAAA;EAAA;EAAA;EAAA;IAAA;IAAA;MAAA;IAAA;EAAA;AAAA"}
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"version":3,"sources":["Canvas.ts"],"names":["ClipOp","SaveLayerFlag"],"mappings":";;;;;;IAgBYA,M;;;WAAAA,M;AAAAA,EAAAA,M,CAAAA,M;AAAAA,EAAAA,M,CAAAA,M;GAAAA,M,sBAAAA,M;;IAKAC,a;;;WAAAA,a;AAAAA,EAAAA,a,CAAAA,a;AAAAA,EAAAA,a,CAAAA,a;GAAAA,a,6BAAAA,a","sourcesContent":["import type { SkPaint } from \"./Paint\";\nimport type { SkRect } from \"./Rect\";\nimport type { SkFont } from \"./Font\";\nimport type { SkPath } from \"./Path\";\nimport type { SkImage, MipmapMode, FilterMode } from \"./Image\";\nimport type { SkSVG } from \"./SVG\";\nimport type { SkColor } from \"./Color\";\nimport type { SkRRect } from \"./RRect\";\nimport type { BlendMode } from \"./Paint/BlendMode\";\nimport type { SkPoint, PointMode } from \"./Point\";\nimport type { SkMatrix } from \"./Matrix\";\nimport type { SkImageFilter } from \"./ImageFilter\";\nimport type { SkVertices } from \"./Vertices\";\nimport type { SkTextBlob } from \"./TextBlob\";\nimport type { SkPicture } from \"./Picture\";\n\nexport enum ClipOp {\n Difference,\n Intersect,\n}\n\nexport enum SaveLayerFlag {\n SaveLayerInitWithPrevious = 1 << 2,\n SaveLayerF16ColorType = 1 << 4,\n}\n\nexport interface SkCanvas {\n /**\n * Draws the given image with its top-left corner at (left, top) using the current clip,\n * the current matrix, and optionally-provided paint.\n * @param img\n * @param left\n * @param top\n * @param paint\n */\n drawImage: (image: SkImage, x: number, y: number, paint?: SkPaint) => void;\n\n /**\n * Draws sub-rectangle src from provided image, scaled and translated to fill dst rectangle.\n * @param img\n * @param src\n * @param dest\n * @param paint\n * @param fastSample - if false, will filter strictly within src.\n */\n drawImageRect(\n img: SkImage,\n src: SkRect,\n dest: SkRect,\n paint: SkPaint,\n fastSample?: boolean\n ): void;\n\n /**\n * Draws the given image with its top-left corner at (left, top) using the current clip,\n * the current matrix. It will use the cubic sampling options B and C if necessary.\n * @param img\n * @param left\n * @param top\n * @param B - See CubicResampler in SkSamplingOptions.h for more information\n * @param C - See CubicResampler in SkSamplingOptions.h for more information\n * @param paint\n */\n drawImageCubic(\n img: SkImage,\n left: number,\n top: number,\n B: number,\n C: number,\n paint?: SkPaint | null\n ): void;\n\n /**\n * Draws the given image with its top-left corner at (left, top) using the current clip,\n * the current matrix. It will use the provided sampling options if necessary.\n * @param img\n * @param left\n * @param top\n * @param fm - The filter mode.\n * @param mm - The mipmap mode. Note: for settings other than None, the image must have mipmaps\n * calculated with makeCopyWithDefaultMipmaps;\n * @param paint\n */\n drawImageOptions(\n img: SkImage,\n left: number,\n top: number,\n fm: FilterMode,\n mm: MipmapMode,\n paint?: SkPaint | null\n ): void;\n\n /**\n * Draws the provided image stretched proportionally to fit into dst rectangle.\n * The center rectangle divides the image into nine sections: four sides, four corners, and\n * the center.\n * @param img\n * @param center\n * @param dest\n * @param filter - what technique to use when sampling the image\n * @param paint\n */\n drawImageNine(\n img: SkImage,\n center: SkRect,\n dest: SkRect,\n filter: FilterMode,\n paint?: SkPaint | null\n ): void;\n\n /**\n * Draws sub-rectangle src from provided image, scaled and translated to fill dst rectangle.\n * It will use the cubic sampling options B and C if necessary.\n * @param img\n * @param src\n * @param dest\n * @param B - See CubicResampler in SkSamplingOptions.h for more information\n * @param C - See CubicResampler in SkSamplingOptions.h for more information\n * @param paint\n */\n drawImageRectCubic(\n img: SkImage,\n src: SkRect,\n dest: SkRect,\n B: number,\n C: number,\n paint?: SkPaint | null\n ): void;\n\n /**\n * Draws sub-rectangle src from provided image, scaled and translated to fill dst rectangle.\n * It will use the provided sampling options if necessary.\n * @param img\n * @param src\n * @param dest\n * @param fm - The filter mode.\n * @param mm - The mipmap mode. Note: for settings other than None, the image must have mipmaps\n * calculated with makeCopyWithDefaultMipmaps;\n * @param paint\n */\n drawImageRectOptions(\n img: SkImage,\n src: SkRect,\n dest: SkRect,\n fm: FilterMode,\n mm: MipmapMode,\n paint?: SkPaint | null\n ): void;\n\n /** Fills clip with SkPaint paint. SkPaint components, SkShader,\n SkColorFilter, SkImageFilter, and SkBlendMode affect drawing;\n SkMaskFilter and SkPathEffect in paint are ignored.\n\n @param paint graphics state used to fill SkCanvas\n\n example: https://fiddle.skia.org/c/@Canvas_drawPaint\n */\n drawPaint: (paint: SkPaint) => void;\n\n /** Draws line segment from (x0, y0) to (x1, y1) using clip, SkMatrix, and SkPaint paint.\n In paint: SkPaint stroke width describes the line thickness;\n SkPaint::Cap draws the end rounded or square;\n SkPaint::Style is ignored, as if were set to SkPaint::kStroke_Style.\n\n @param x0 start of line segment on x-axis\n @param y0 start of line segment on y-axis\n @param x1 end of line segment on x-axis\n @param y1 end of line segment on y-axis\n @param paint stroke, blend, color, and so on, used to draw\n\n example: https://fiddle.skia.org/c/@Canvas_drawLine\n */\n drawLine: (\n x0: number,\n y0: number,\n x1: number,\n y1: number,\n paint: SkPaint\n ) => void;\n /** Draws SkRect rect using clip, SkMatrix, and SkPaint paint.\n In paint: SkPaint::Style determines if rectangle is stroked or filled;\n if stroked, SkPaint stroke width describes the line thickness, and\n SkPaint::Join draws the corners rounded or square.\n\n @param rect rectangle to draw\n @param paint stroke or fill, blend, color, and so on, used to draw\n\n example: https://fiddle.skia.org/c/@Canvas_drawRect\n */\n drawRect: (rect: SkRect, paint: SkPaint) => void;\n\n /**\n * Draws a circle at (cx, cy) with the given radius.\n * @param cx\n * @param cy\n * @param radius\n * @param paint\n */\n drawCircle(cx: number, cy: number, radius: number, paint: SkPaint): void;\n\n /**\n * Draws the given vertices (a triangle mesh) using the current clip, current matrix, and the\n * provided paint.\n * If paint contains an Shader and vertices does not contain texCoords, the shader\n * is mapped using the vertices' positions.\n * If vertices colors are defined in vertices, and Paint paint contains Shader,\n * BlendMode mode combines vertices colors with Shader.\n * @param verts\n * @param mode\n * @param paint\n */\n drawVertices(verts: SkVertices, mode: BlendMode, paint: SkPaint): void;\n\n /**\n * Draws a cubic patch defined by 12 control points [top, right, bottom, left] with optional\n * colors and shader-coordinates [4] specifed for each corner [top-left, top-right, bottom-right, bottom-left]\n * @param cubics 12 points : 4 connected cubics specifying the boundary of the patch\n * @param colors optional colors interpolated across the patch\n * @param texs optional shader coordinates interpolated across the patch\n * @param mode Specifies how shader and colors blend (if both are specified)\n * @param paint\n */\n drawPatch(\n cubics: readonly SkPoint[],\n colors?: readonly SkColor[] | null,\n texs?: readonly SkPoint[] | null,\n mode?: BlendMode | null,\n paint?: SkPaint\n ): void;\n\n /**\n * Restores state to a previous stack value.\n * @param saveCount\n */\n restoreToCount(saveCount: number): void;\n\n /**\n * Draws the given points using the current clip, current matrix, and the provided paint.\n *\n * See Canvas.h for more on the mode and its interaction with paint.\n * @param mode\n * @param points\n * @param paint\n */\n drawPoints(mode: PointMode, points: SkPoint[], paint: SkPaint): void;\n\n /** Draws arc using clip, SkMatrix, and SkPaint paint.\n\n Arc is part of oval bounded by oval, sweeping from startAngle to startAngle plus\n sweepAngle. startAngle and sweepAngle are in degrees.\n\n startAngle of zero places start point at the right middle edge of oval.\n A positive sweepAngle places arc end point clockwise from start point;\n a negative sweepAngle places arc end point counterclockwise from start point.\n sweepAngle may exceed 360 degrees, a full circle.\n If useCenter is true, draw a wedge that includes lines from oval\n center to arc end points. If useCenter is false, draw arc between end points.\n\n If SkRect oval is empty or sweepAngle is zero, nothing is drawn.\n\n @param oval SkRect bounds of oval containing arc to draw\n @param startAngle angle in degrees where arc begins\n @param sweepAngle sweep angle in degrees; positive is clockwise\n @param useCenter if true, include the center of the oval\n @param paint SkPaint stroke or fill, blend, color, and so on, used to draw\n */\n drawArc: (\n oval: SkRect,\n startAngle: number,\n sweepAngle: number,\n useCenter: boolean,\n paint: SkPaint\n ) => void;\n\n /**\n * Draws the given rectangle with rounded corners using the current clip, current matrix,\n * and the provided paint.\n * @param rrect\n * @param paint\n */\n drawRRect(rrect: SkRRect, paint: SkPaint): void;\n\n /**\n * Draws RRect outer and inner using clip, Matrix, and Paint paint.\n * outer must contain inner or the drawing is undefined.\n * @param outer\n * @param inner\n * @param paint\n */\n drawDRRect(outer: SkRRect, inner: SkRRect, paint: SkPaint): void;\n\n /**\n * Draws an oval bounded by the given rectangle using the current clip, current matrix,\n * and the provided paint.\n * @param oval\n * @param paint\n */\n drawOval(oval: SkRect, paint: SkPaint): void;\n\n /** Draws SkPath path using clip, SkMatrix, and SkPaint paint.\n SkPath contains an array of path contour, each of which may be open or closed.\n\n In paint: SkPaint::Style determines if SkRRect is stroked or filled:\n if filled, SkPath::FillType determines whether path contour describes inside or\n outside of fill; if stroked, SkPaint stroke width describes the line thickness,\n SkPaint::Cap describes line ends, and SkPaint::Join describes how\n corners are drawn.\n\n @param path SkPath to draw\n @param paint stroke, blend, color, and so on, used to draw\n\n example: https://fiddle.skia.org/c/@Canvas_drawPath\n */\n drawPath: (path: SkPath, paint: SkPaint) => void;\n\n /**\n * Draw the given text at the location (x, y) using the provided paint and font. The text will\n * be drawn as is; no shaping, left-to-right, etc.\n * @param str\n * @param x\n * @param y\n * @param paint\n * @param font\n */\n drawText(\n str: string,\n x: number,\n y: number,\n paint: SkPaint,\n font: SkFont\n ): void;\n\n /**\n * Draws the given TextBlob at (x, y) using the current clip, current matrix, and the\n * provided paint. Reminder that the fonts used to draw TextBlob are part of the blob.\n * @param blob\n * @param x\n * @param y\n * @param paint\n */\n drawTextBlob(blob: SkTextBlob, x: number, y: number, paint: SkPaint): void;\n\n /**\n * Draws a run of glyphs, at corresponding positions, in a given font.\n * @param glyphs the array of glyph IDs (Uint16TypedArray)\n * @param positions the array of x,y floats to position each glyph\n * @param x x-coordinate of the origin of the entire run\n * @param y y-coordinate of the origin of the entire run\n * @param font the font that contains the glyphs\n * @param paint\n */\n drawGlyphs(\n glyphs: number[],\n positions: SkPoint[],\n x: number,\n y: number,\n font: SkFont,\n paint: SkPaint\n ): void;\n\n /**\n * Renders the SVG Dom object to the canvas. If width/height are omitted,\n * the SVG will be rendered to fit the canvas.\n */\n drawSvg: (svgDom: SkSVG, width?: number, height?: number) => void;\n /** Saves SkMatrix and clip.\n Calling restore() discards changes to SkMatrix and clip,\n restoring the SkMatrix and clip to their state when save() was called.\n\n SkMatrix may be changed by translate(), scale(), rotate(), skew(), concat(), setMatrix(),\n and resetMatrix(). Clip may be changed by clipRect(), clipRRect(), clipPath(), clipRegion().\n\n Saved SkCanvas state is put on a stack; multiple calls to save() should be balance\n by an equal number of calls to restore().\n\n Call restoreToCount() with result to restore this and subsequent saves.\n\n @return depth of saved stack\n\n example: https://fiddle.skia.org/c/@Canvas_save\n */\n save: () => number;\n\n /**\n * Saves Matrix and clip, and allocates a SkBitmap for subsequent drawing.\n * Calling restore() discards changes to Matrix and clip, and draws the SkBitmap.\n * It returns the height of the stack.\n * See Canvas.h for more.\n * @param paint\n * @param bounds\n * @param backdrop\n * @param flags\n */\n saveLayer(\n paint?: SkPaint,\n bounds?: SkRect | null,\n backdrop?: SkImageFilter | null,\n flags?: SaveLayerFlag\n ): number;\n\n /** Removes changes to SkMatrix and clip since SkCanvas state was\n last saved. The state is removed from the stack.\n\n Does nothing if the stack is empty.\n\n example: https://fiddle.skia.org/c/@AutoCanvasRestore_restore\n\n example: https://fiddle.skia.org/c/@Canvas_restore\n */\n restore: () => void;\n\n /**\n * Rotates the current matrix by the number of degrees.\n * @param rot - angle of rotation in degrees.\n * @param rx\n * @param ry\n */\n rotate(rotationInDegrees: number, rx: number, ry: number): void;\n\n /**\n * Scales the current matrix by sx on the x-axis and sy on the y-axis.\n * @param sx\n * @param sy\n */\n scale(sx: number, sy: number): void;\n\n /**\n * Skews Matrix by sx on the x-axis and sy on the y-axis. A positive value of sx\n * skews the drawing right as y-axis values increase; a positive value of sy skews\n * the drawing down as x-axis values increase.\n * @param sx\n * @param sy\n */\n skew(sx: number, sy: number): void;\n\n /**\n * Translates Matrix by dx along the x-axis and dy along the y-axis.\n * @param dx\n * @param dy\n */\n translate(dx: number, dy: number): void;\n\n /**\n * Fills clip with the given color.\n * @param color\n * @param blendMode - defaults to SrcOver.\n */\n drawColor(color: SkColor, blendMode?: BlendMode): void;\n\n /**\n * Fills the current clip with the given color using Src BlendMode.\n * This has the effect of replacing all pixels contained by clip with color.\n * @param color\n */\n clear(color: SkColor): void;\n\n /**\n * Replaces clip with the intersection or difference of the current clip and path,\n * with an aliased or anti-aliased clip edge.\n * @param path\n * @param op\n * @param doAntiAlias\n */\n clipPath(path: SkPath, op: ClipOp, doAntiAlias: boolean): void;\n\n /**\n * Replaces clip with the intersection or difference of the current clip and rect,\n * with an aliased or anti-aliased clip edge.\n * @param rect\n * @param op\n * @param doAntiAlias\n */\n clipRect(rect: SkRect, op: ClipOp, doAntiAlias: boolean): void;\n\n /**\n * Replaces clip with the intersection or difference of the current clip and rrect,\n * with an aliased or anti-aliased clip edge.\n * @param rrect\n * @param op\n * @param doAntiAlias\n */\n clipRRect(rrect: SkRRect, op: ClipOp, doAntiAlias: boolean): void;\n\n /**\n * Replaces current matrix with m premultiplied with the existing matrix.\n * @param m\n */\n concat(m: SkMatrix): void;\n\n /**\n * Draws the given picture using the current clip, current matrix, and the provided paint.\n * @param skp\n */\n drawPicture(skp: SkPicture): void;\n}\n"]}
+ {"version":3,"names":["ClipOp","SaveLayerFlag"],"sources":["Canvas.ts"],"sourcesContent":["import type { SkPaint } from \"./Paint\";\nimport type { SkRect } from \"./Rect\";\nimport type { SkFont } from \"./Font\";\nimport type { SkPath } from \"./Path\";\nimport type { SkImage, MipmapMode, FilterMode } from \"./Image\";\nimport type { SkSVG } from \"./SVG\";\nimport type { SkColor } from \"./Color\";\nimport type { SkRRect } from \"./RRect\";\nimport type { BlendMode } from \"./Paint/BlendMode\";\nimport type { SkPoint, PointMode } from \"./Point\";\nimport type { SkMatrix } from \"./Matrix\";\nimport type { SkImageFilter } from \"./ImageFilter\";\nimport type { SkVertices } from \"./Vertices\";\nimport type { SkTextBlob } from \"./TextBlob\";\nimport type { SkPicture } from \"./Picture\";\n\nexport enum ClipOp {\n Difference,\n Intersect,\n}\n\nexport enum SaveLayerFlag {\n SaveLayerInitWithPrevious = 1 << 2,\n SaveLayerF16ColorType = 1 << 4,\n}\n\nexport interface SkCanvas {\n /**\n * Draws the given image with its top-left corner at (left, top) using the current clip,\n * the current matrix, and optionally-provided paint.\n * @param img\n * @param left\n * @param top\n * @param paint\n */\n drawImage: (image: SkImage, x: number, y: number, paint?: SkPaint) => void;\n\n /**\n * Draws sub-rectangle src from provided image, scaled and translated to fill dst rectangle.\n * @param img\n * @param src\n * @param dest\n * @param paint\n * @param fastSample - if false, will filter strictly within src.\n */\n drawImageRect(\n img: SkImage,\n src: SkRect,\n dest: SkRect,\n paint: SkPaint,\n fastSample?: boolean\n ): void;\n\n /**\n * Draws the given image with its top-left corner at (left, top) using the current clip,\n * the current matrix. It will use the cubic sampling options B and C if necessary.\n * @param img\n * @param left\n * @param top\n * @param B - See CubicResampler in SkSamplingOptions.h for more information\n * @param C - See CubicResampler in SkSamplingOptions.h for more information\n * @param paint\n */\n drawImageCubic(\n img: SkImage,\n left: number,\n top: number,\n B: number,\n C: number,\n paint?: SkPaint | null\n ): void;\n\n /**\n * Draws the given image with its top-left corner at (left, top) using the current clip,\n * the current matrix. It will use the provided sampling options if necessary.\n * @param img\n * @param left\n * @param top\n * @param fm - The filter mode.\n * @param mm - The mipmap mode. Note: for settings other than None, the image must have mipmaps\n * calculated with makeCopyWithDefaultMipmaps;\n * @param paint\n */\n drawImageOptions(\n img: SkImage,\n left: number,\n top: number,\n fm: FilterMode,\n mm: MipmapMode,\n paint?: SkPaint | null\n ): void;\n\n /**\n * Draws the provided image stretched proportionally to fit into dst rectangle.\n * The center rectangle divides the image into nine sections: four sides, four corners, and\n * the center.\n * @param img\n * @param center\n * @param dest\n * @param filter - what technique to use when sampling the image\n * @param paint\n */\n drawImageNine(\n img: SkImage,\n center: SkRect,\n dest: SkRect,\n filter: FilterMode,\n paint?: SkPaint | null\n ): void;\n\n /**\n * Draws sub-rectangle src from provided image, scaled and translated to fill dst rectangle.\n * It will use the cubic sampling options B and C if necessary.\n * @param img\n * @param src\n * @param dest\n * @param B - See CubicResampler in SkSamplingOptions.h for more information\n * @param C - See CubicResampler in SkSamplingOptions.h for more information\n * @param paint\n */\n drawImageRectCubic(\n img: SkImage,\n src: SkRect,\n dest: SkRect,\n B: number,\n C: number,\n paint?: SkPaint | null\n ): void;\n\n /**\n * Draws sub-rectangle src from provided image, scaled and translated to fill dst rectangle.\n * It will use the provided sampling options if necessary.\n * @param img\n * @param src\n * @param dest\n * @param fm - The filter mode.\n * @param mm - The mipmap mode. Note: for settings other than None, the image must have mipmaps\n * calculated with makeCopyWithDefaultMipmaps;\n * @param paint\n */\n drawImageRectOptions(\n img: SkImage,\n src: SkRect,\n dest: SkRect,\n fm: FilterMode,\n mm: MipmapMode,\n paint?: SkPaint | null\n ): void;\n\n /** Fills clip with SkPaint paint. SkPaint components, SkShader,\n SkColorFilter, SkImageFilter, and SkBlendMode affect drawing;\n SkMaskFilter and SkPathEffect in paint are ignored.\n\n @param paint graphics state used to fill SkCanvas\n\n example: https://fiddle.skia.org/c/@Canvas_drawPaint\n */\n drawPaint: (paint: SkPaint) => void;\n\n /** Draws line segment from (x0, y0) to (x1, y1) using clip, SkMatrix, and SkPaint paint.\n In paint: SkPaint stroke width describes the line thickness;\n SkPaint::Cap draws the end rounded or square;\n SkPaint::Style is ignored, as if were set to SkPaint::kStroke_Style.\n\n @param x0 start of line segment on x-axis\n @param y0 start of line segment on y-axis\n @param x1 end of line segment on x-axis\n @param y1 end of line segment on y-axis\n @param paint stroke, blend, color, and so on, used to draw\n\n example: https://fiddle.skia.org/c/@Canvas_drawLine\n */\n drawLine: (\n x0: number,\n y0: number,\n x1: number,\n y1: number,\n paint: SkPaint\n ) => void;\n /** Draws SkRect rect using clip, SkMatrix, and SkPaint paint.\n In paint: SkPaint::Style determines if rectangle is stroked or filled;\n if stroked, SkPaint stroke width describes the line thickness, and\n SkPaint::Join draws the corners rounded or square.\n\n @param rect rectangle to draw\n @param paint stroke or fill, blend, color, and so on, used to draw\n\n example: https://fiddle.skia.org/c/@Canvas_drawRect\n */\n drawRect: (rect: SkRect, paint: SkPaint) => void;\n\n /**\n * Draws a circle at (cx, cy) with the given radius.\n * @param cx\n * @param cy\n * @param radius\n * @param paint\n */\n drawCircle(cx: number, cy: number, radius: number, paint: SkPaint): void;\n\n /**\n * Draws the given vertices (a triangle mesh) using the current clip, current matrix, and the\n * provided paint.\n * If paint contains an Shader and vertices does not contain texCoords, the shader\n * is mapped using the vertices' positions.\n * If vertices colors are defined in vertices, and Paint paint contains Shader,\n * BlendMode mode combines vertices colors with Shader.\n * @param verts\n * @param mode\n * @param paint\n */\n drawVertices(verts: SkVertices, mode: BlendMode, paint: SkPaint): void;\n\n /**\n * Draws a cubic patch defined by 12 control points [top, right, bottom, left] with optional\n * colors and shader-coordinates [4] specifed for each corner [top-left, top-right, bottom-right, bottom-left]\n * @param cubics 12 points : 4 connected cubics specifying the boundary of the patch\n * @param colors optional colors interpolated across the patch\n * @param texs optional shader coordinates interpolated across the patch\n * @param mode Specifies how shader and colors blend (if both are specified)\n * @param paint\n */\n drawPatch(\n cubics: readonly SkPoint[],\n colors?: readonly SkColor[] | null,\n texs?: readonly SkPoint[] | null,\n mode?: BlendMode | null,\n paint?: SkPaint\n ): void;\n\n /**\n * Restores state to a previous stack value.\n * @param saveCount\n */\n restoreToCount(saveCount: number): void;\n\n /**\n * Draws the given points using the current clip, current matrix, and the provided paint.\n *\n * See Canvas.h for more on the mode and its interaction with paint.\n * @param mode\n * @param points\n * @param paint\n */\n drawPoints(mode: PointMode, points: SkPoint[], paint: SkPaint): void;\n\n /** Draws arc using clip, SkMatrix, and SkPaint paint.\n\n Arc is part of oval bounded by oval, sweeping from startAngle to startAngle plus\n sweepAngle. startAngle and sweepAngle are in degrees.\n\n startAngle of zero places start point at the right middle edge of oval.\n A positive sweepAngle places arc end point clockwise from start point;\n a negative sweepAngle places arc end point counterclockwise from start point.\n sweepAngle may exceed 360 degrees, a full circle.\n If useCenter is true, draw a wedge that includes lines from oval\n center to arc end points. If useCenter is false, draw arc between end points.\n\n If SkRect oval is empty or sweepAngle is zero, nothing is drawn.\n\n @param oval SkRect bounds of oval containing arc to draw\n @param startAngle angle in degrees where arc begins\n @param sweepAngle sweep angle in degrees; positive is clockwise\n @param useCenter if true, include the center of the oval\n @param paint SkPaint stroke or fill, blend, color, and so on, used to draw\n */\n drawArc: (\n oval: SkRect,\n startAngle: number,\n sweepAngle: number,\n useCenter: boolean,\n paint: SkPaint\n ) => void;\n\n /**\n * Draws the given rectangle with rounded corners using the current clip, current matrix,\n * and the provided paint.\n * @param rrect\n * @param paint\n */\n drawRRect(rrect: SkRRect, paint: SkPaint): void;\n\n /**\n * Draws RRect outer and inner using clip, Matrix, and Paint paint.\n * outer must contain inner or the drawing is undefined.\n * @param outer\n * @param inner\n * @param paint\n */\n drawDRRect(outer: SkRRect, inner: SkRRect, paint: SkPaint): void;\n\n /**\n * Draws an oval bounded by the given rectangle using the current clip, current matrix,\n * and the provided paint.\n * @param oval\n * @param paint\n */\n drawOval(oval: SkRect, paint: SkPaint): void;\n\n /** Draws SkPath path using clip, SkMatrix, and SkPaint paint.\n SkPath contains an array of path contour, each of which may be open or closed.\n\n In paint: SkPaint::Style determines if SkRRect is stroked or filled:\n if filled, SkPath::FillType determines whether path contour describes inside or\n outside of fill; if stroked, SkPaint stroke width describes the line thickness,\n SkPaint::Cap describes line ends, and SkPaint::Join describes how\n corners are drawn.\n\n @param path SkPath to draw\n @param paint stroke, blend, color, and so on, used to draw\n\n example: https://fiddle.skia.org/c/@Canvas_drawPath\n */\n drawPath: (path: SkPath, paint: SkPaint) => void;\n\n /**\n * Draw the given text at the location (x, y) using the provided paint and font. The text will\n * be drawn as is; no shaping, left-to-right, etc.\n * @param str\n * @param x\n * @param y\n * @param paint\n * @param font\n */\n drawText(\n str: string,\n x: number,\n y: number,\n paint: SkPaint,\n font: SkFont\n ): void;\n\n /**\n * Draws the given TextBlob at (x, y) using the current clip, current matrix, and the\n * provided paint. Reminder that the fonts used to draw TextBlob are part of the blob.\n * @param blob\n * @param x\n * @param y\n * @param paint\n */\n drawTextBlob(blob: SkTextBlob, x: number, y: number, paint: SkPaint): void;\n\n /**\n * Draws a run of glyphs, at corresponding positions, in a given font.\n * @param glyphs the array of glyph IDs (Uint16TypedArray)\n * @param positions the array of x,y floats to position each glyph\n * @param x x-coordinate of the origin of the entire run\n * @param y y-coordinate of the origin of the entire run\n * @param font the font that contains the glyphs\n * @param paint\n */\n drawGlyphs(\n glyphs: number[],\n positions: SkPoint[],\n x: number,\n y: number,\n font: SkFont,\n paint: SkPaint\n ): void;\n\n /**\n * Renders the SVG Dom object to the canvas. If width/height are omitted,\n * the SVG will be rendered to fit the canvas.\n */\n drawSvg: (svgDom: SkSVG, width?: number, height?: number) => void;\n /** Saves SkMatrix and clip.\n Calling restore() discards changes to SkMatrix and clip,\n restoring the SkMatrix and clip to their state when save() was called.\n\n SkMatrix may be changed by translate(), scale(), rotate(), skew(), concat(), setMatrix(),\n and resetMatrix(). Clip may be changed by clipRect(), clipRRect(), clipPath(), clipRegion().\n\n Saved SkCanvas state is put on a stack; multiple calls to save() should be balance\n by an equal number of calls to restore().\n\n Call restoreToCount() with result to restore this and subsequent saves.\n\n @return depth of saved stack\n\n example: https://fiddle.skia.org/c/@Canvas_save\n */\n save: () => number;\n\n /**\n * Saves Matrix and clip, and allocates a SkBitmap for subsequent drawing.\n * Calling restore() discards changes to Matrix and clip, and draws the SkBitmap.\n * It returns the height of the stack.\n * See Canvas.h for more.\n * @param paint\n * @param bounds\n * @param backdrop\n * @param flags\n */\n saveLayer(\n paint?: SkPaint,\n bounds?: SkRect | null,\n backdrop?: SkImageFilter | null,\n flags?: SaveLayerFlag\n ): number;\n\n /** Removes changes to SkMatrix and clip since SkCanvas state was\n last saved. The state is removed from the stack.\n\n Does nothing if the stack is empty.\n\n example: https://fiddle.skia.org/c/@AutoCanvasRestore_restore\n\n example: https://fiddle.skia.org/c/@Canvas_restore\n */\n restore: () => void;\n\n /**\n * Rotates the current matrix by the number of degrees.\n * @param rot - angle of rotation in degrees.\n * @param rx\n * @param ry\n */\n rotate(rotationInDegrees: number, rx: number, ry: number): void;\n\n /**\n * Scales the current matrix by sx on the x-axis and sy on the y-axis.\n * @param sx\n * @param sy\n */\n scale(sx: number, sy: number): void;\n\n /**\n * Skews Matrix by sx on the x-axis and sy on the y-axis. A positive value of sx\n * skews the drawing right as y-axis values increase; a positive value of sy skews\n * the drawing down as x-axis values increase.\n * @param sx\n * @param sy\n */\n skew(sx: number, sy: number): void;\n\n /**\n * Translates Matrix by dx along the x-axis and dy along the y-axis.\n * @param dx\n * @param dy\n */\n translate(dx: number, dy: number): void;\n\n /**\n * Fills clip with the given color.\n * @param color\n * @param blendMode - defaults to SrcOver.\n */\n drawColor(color: SkColor, blendMode?: BlendMode): void;\n\n /**\n * Fills the current clip with the given color using Src BlendMode.\n * This has the effect of replacing all pixels contained by clip with color.\n * @param color\n */\n clear(color: SkColor): void;\n\n /**\n * Replaces clip with the intersection or difference of the current clip and path,\n * with an aliased or anti-aliased clip edge.\n * @param path\n * @param op\n * @param doAntiAlias\n */\n clipPath(path: SkPath, op: ClipOp, doAntiAlias: boolean): void;\n\n /**\n * Replaces clip with the intersection or difference of the current clip and rect,\n * with an aliased or anti-aliased clip edge.\n * @param rect\n * @param op\n * @param doAntiAlias\n */\n clipRect(rect: SkRect, op: ClipOp, doAntiAlias: boolean): void;\n\n /**\n * Replaces clip with the intersection or difference of the current clip and rrect,\n * with an aliased or anti-aliased clip edge.\n * @param rrect\n * @param op\n * @param doAntiAlias\n */\n clipRRect(rrect: SkRRect, op: ClipOp, doAntiAlias: boolean): void;\n\n /**\n * Replaces current matrix with m premultiplied with the existing matrix.\n * @param m\n */\n concat(m: SkMatrix): void;\n\n /**\n * Draws the given picture using the current clip, current matrix, and the provided paint.\n * @param skp\n */\n drawPicture(skp: SkPicture): void;\n}\n"],"mappings":";;;;;;IAgBYA,M;;;WAAAA,M;EAAAA,M,CAAAA,M;EAAAA,M,CAAAA,M;GAAAA,M,sBAAAA,M;;IAKAC,a;;;WAAAA,a;EAAAA,a,CAAAA,a;EAAAA,a,CAAAA,a;GAAAA,a,6BAAAA,a"}
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"version":3,"sources":[],"names":[],"mappings":"","sourcesContent":[]}
+ {"version":3,"names":[],"sources":["Color.ts"],"sourcesContent":["// This is the JSI color\nexport type SkColor = Float32Array;\n// Input colors can be string, number or Float32Array\nexport type Color = string | Float32Array | number;\n"],"mappings":""}
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"version":3,"sources":["ColorFilter.ts"],"names":["isColorFilter","obj","__typename__"],"mappings":";;;;;;;AAEO,MAAMA,aAAa,GACxBC,GAD2B,IAEFA,GAAG,KAAK,IAAR,IAAgBA,GAAG,CAACC,YAAJ,KAAqB,aAFzD","sourcesContent":["import type { SkJSIInstance } from \"../JsiInstance\";\n\nexport const isColorFilter = (\n obj: SkJSIInstance<string> | null\n): obj is SkColorFilter => obj !== null && obj.__typename__ === \"ColorFilter\";\n\nexport type SkColorFilter = SkJSIInstance<\"ColorFilter\">;\n"]}
+ {"version":3,"names":["isColorFilter","obj","__typename__"],"sources":["ColorFilter.ts"],"sourcesContent":["import type { SkJSIInstance } from \"../JsiInstance\";\n\nexport const isColorFilter = (\n obj: SkJSIInstance<string> | null\n): obj is SkColorFilter => obj !== null && obj.__typename__ === \"ColorFilter\";\n\nexport type SkColorFilter = SkJSIInstance<\"ColorFilter\">;\n"],"mappings":";;;;;;;AAEO,MAAMA,aAAa,GACxBC,GAD2B,IAEFA,GAAG,KAAK,IAAR,IAAgBA,GAAG,CAACC,YAAJ,KAAqB,aAFzD"}
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"version":3,"sources":[],"names":[],"mappings":"","sourcesContent":[]}
+ {"version":3,"names":[],"sources":["ColorFilterFactory.ts"],"sourcesContent":["import type { SkColor } from \"../Color\";\nimport type { BlendMode } from \"../Paint\";\n\nimport type { SkColorFilter } from \"./ColorFilter\";\n\nexport type InputColorMatrix = number[];\n\nexport interface ColorFilterFactory {\n /**\n * Creates a color filter using the provided color matrix.\n * @param cMatrix\n */\n MakeMatrix(cMatrix: InputColorMatrix): SkColorFilter;\n\n /**\n * Makes a color filter with the given color and blend mode.\n * @param color\n * @param mode\n */\n MakeBlend(color: SkColor, mode: BlendMode): SkColorFilter;\n\n /**\n * Makes a color filter composing two color filters.\n * @param outer\n * @param inner\n */\n MakeCompose(outer: SkColorFilter, inner: SkColorFilter): SkColorFilter;\n\n /**\n * Makes a color filter that is linearly interpolated between two other color filters.\n * @param t - a float in the range of 0.0 to 1.0.\n * @param dst\n * @param src\n */\n MakeLerp(t: number, dst: SkColorFilter, src: SkColorFilter): SkColorFilter;\n\n /**\n * Makes a color filter that converts between linear colors and sRGB colors.\n */\n MakeLinearToSRGBGamma(): SkColorFilter;\n\n /**\n * Makes a color filter that converts between sRGB colors and linear colors.\n */\n MakeSRGBToLinearGamma(): SkColorFilter;\n\n /**\n * Makes a color filter that multiplies the luma of its input into the alpha channel,\n * and sets the red, green, and blue channels to zero.\n */\n MakeLumaColorFilter(): SkColorFilter;\n}\n"],"mappings":""}
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"version":3,"sources":["index.ts"],"names":[],"mappings":";;;;;;AAAA;;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;;AACA;;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA","sourcesContent":["export * from \"./ColorFilter\";\nexport * from \"./ColorFilterFactory\";\n"]}
+ {"version":3,"names":[],"sources":["index.ts"],"sourcesContent":["export * from \"./ColorFilter\";\nexport * from \"./ColorFilterFactory\";\n"],"mappings":";;;;;;AAAA;;AAAA;EAAA;EAAA;EAAA;IAAA;IAAA;MAAA;IAAA;EAAA;AAAA;;AACA;;AAAA;EAAA;EAAA;EAAA;IAAA;IAAA;MAAA;IAAA;EAAA;AAAA"}
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"version":3,"sources":[],"names":[],"mappings":"","sourcesContent":[]}
+ {"version":3,"names":[],"sources":["ContourMeasure.tsx"],"sourcesContent":["import type { SkJSIInstance } from \"./JsiInstance\";\nimport type { SkPath } from \"./Path/Path\";\n\nexport interface PosTan {\n px: number;\n py: number;\n tx: number;\n ty: number;\n}\n\nexport interface SkContourMeasure extends SkJSIInstance<\"ContourMeasure\"> {\n /**\n * Returns the given position and tangent line for the distance on the given contour.\n * The return value is 4 floats in this order: posX, posY, vecX, vecY.\n * @param distance - will be pinned between 0 and length().\n */\n getPosTan(distance: number): PosTan;\n\n /**\n * Returns an Path representing the segment of this contour.\n * @param startD - will be pinned between 0 and length()\n * @param stopD - will be pinned between 0 and length()\n * @param startWithMoveTo\n */\n getSegment(startD: number, stopD: number, startWithMoveTo: boolean): SkPath;\n\n /**\n * Returns true if the contour is closed.\n */\n isClosed(): boolean;\n\n /**\n * Returns the length of this contour.\n */\n length(): number;\n}\n\nexport interface SkContourMeasureIter\n extends SkJSIInstance<\"ContourMeasureIter\"> {\n /**\n * Iterates through contours in path, returning a contour-measure object for each contour\n * in the path. Returns null when it is done.\n *\n * See SkContourMeasure.h for more details.\n */\n next(): SkContourMeasure | null;\n}\n"],"mappings":""}
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"version":3,"sources":["Data.ts"],"names":["isRNModule","mod"],"mappings":";;;;;;;AAaO,MAAMA,UAAU,GAAIC,GAAD,IACxB,OAAOA,GAAP,KAAe,QADV","sourcesContent":["import type { SkJSIInstance } from \"../JsiInstance\";\n\nexport type SkData = SkJSIInstance<\"Data\">;\n\ntype RNModule = number;\ntype ESModule = {\n __esModule: true;\n default: string;\n};\nexport type DataModule = RNModule | ESModule;\nexport type DataSource = DataModule | string | Uint8Array;\nexport type DataSourceParam = DataSource | null | undefined;\n\nexport const isRNModule = (mod: DataModule): mod is RNModule =>\n typeof mod === \"number\";\n"]}
+ {"version":3,"names":["isRNModule","mod"],"sources":["Data.ts"],"sourcesContent":["import type { SkJSIInstance } from \"../JsiInstance\";\n\nexport type SkData = SkJSIInstance<\"Data\">;\n\ntype RNModule = number;\ntype ESModule = {\n __esModule: true;\n default: string;\n};\nexport type DataModule = RNModule | ESModule;\nexport type DataSource = DataModule | string | Uint8Array;\nexport type DataSourceParam = DataSource | null | undefined;\n\nexport const isRNModule = (mod: DataModule): mod is RNModule =>\n typeof mod === \"number\";\n"],"mappings":";;;;;;;AAaO,MAAMA,UAAU,GAAIC,GAAD,IACxB,OAAOA,GAAP,KAAe,QADV"}
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"version":3,"sources":[],"names":[],"mappings":"","sourcesContent":[]}
+ {"version":3,"names":[],"sources":["DataFactory.ts"],"sourcesContent":["import type { SkData } from \"./Data\";\n\nexport interface DataFactory {\n /**\n * Creates a new Data object from an Uri, either locally or remotely.\n * @param uri Uri to a valid resource\n */\n fromURI(uri: string): Promise<SkData>;\n /**\n * Creates a new Data object from a byte array.\n * @param bytes An array of bytes representing the data\n */\n fromBytes(bytes: Uint8Array): SkData;\n /**\n * Creates a new Data object from a base64 encoded string.\n * @param base64 A Base64 encoded string representing the data\n */\n fromBase64(base64: string): SkData;\n}\n"],"mappings":""}
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"version":3,"sources":["index.ts"],"names":[],"mappings":";;;;;;AAAA;;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;;AACA;;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA","sourcesContent":["export * from \"./Data\";\nexport * from \"./DataFactory\";\n"]}
+ {"version":3,"names":[],"sources":["index.ts"],"sourcesContent":["export * from \"./Data\";\nexport * from \"./DataFactory\";\n"],"mappings":";;;;;;AAAA;;AAAA;EAAA;EAAA;EAAA;IAAA;IAAA;MAAA;IAAA;EAAA;AAAA;;AACA;;AAAA;EAAA;EAAA;EAAA;IAAA;IAAA;MAAA;IAAA;EAAA;AAAA"}
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"version":3,"sources":["Font.ts"],"names":["fontStyle","weight","width","slant","FontWeight","FontWidth","FontSlant","FontEdging","FontHinting","FontStyle","Normal","Upright","Bold","Italic","BoldItalic"],"mappings":";;;;;;;AA4JA,MAAMA,SAAS,GAAG,CAChBC,MADgB,EAEhBC,KAFgB,EAGhBC,KAHgB,MAID;AAAEF,EAAAA,MAAF;AAAUC,EAAAA,KAAV;AAAiBC,EAAAA;AAAjB,CAJC,CAAlB;;IAYYC,U;;;WAAAA,U;AAAAA,EAAAA,U,CAAAA,U;AAAAA,EAAAA,U,CAAAA,U;AAAAA,EAAAA,U,CAAAA,U;AAAAA,EAAAA,U,CAAAA,U;AAAAA,EAAAA,U,CAAAA,U;AAAAA,EAAAA,U,CAAAA,U;AAAAA,EAAAA,U,CAAAA,U;AAAAA,EAAAA,U,CAAAA,U;AAAAA,EAAAA,U,CAAAA,U;AAAAA,EAAAA,U,CAAAA,U;AAAAA,EAAAA,U,CAAAA,U;GAAAA,U,0BAAAA,U;;IAcAC,S;;;WAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;GAAAA,S,yBAAAA,S;;IAYAC,S;;;WAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;GAAAA,S,yBAAAA,S;;IAMAC,U;;;WAAAA,U;AAAAA,EAAAA,U,CAAAA,U;AAAAA,EAAAA,U,CAAAA,U;AAAAA,EAAAA,U,CAAAA,U;GAAAA,U,0BAAAA,U;;IAMAC,W;;;WAAAA,W;AAAAA,EAAAA,W,CAAAA,W;AAAAA,EAAAA,W,CAAAA,W;AAAAA,EAAAA,W,CAAAA,W;AAAAA,EAAAA,W,CAAAA,W;GAAAA,W,2BAAAA,W;;AAOL,MAAMC,SAAS,GAAG;AACvBC,EAAAA,MAAM,EAAEV,SAAS,CAACI,UAAU,CAACM,MAAZ,EAAoBL,SAAS,CAACK,MAA9B,EAAsCJ,SAAS,CAACK,OAAhD,CADM;AAEvBC,EAAAA,IAAI,EAAEZ,SAAS,CAACI,UAAU,CAACQ,IAAZ,EAAkBP,SAAS,CAACK,MAA5B,EAAoCJ,SAAS,CAACK,OAA9C,CAFQ;AAGvBE,EAAAA,MAAM,EAAEb,SAAS,CAACI,UAAU,CAACM,MAAZ,EAAoBL,SAAS,CAACK,MAA9B,EAAsCJ,SAAS,CAACO,MAAhD,CAHM;AAIvBC,EAAAA,UAAU,EAAEd,SAAS,CAACI,UAAU,CAACQ,IAAZ,EAAkBP,SAAS,CAACK,MAA5B,EAAoCJ,SAAS,CAACO,MAA9C;AAJE,CAAlB","sourcesContent":["import type { SkJSIInstance } from \"../JsiInstance\";\nimport type { SkPaint } from \"../Paint\";\nimport type { SkRect } from \"../Rect\";\nimport type { SkPoint } from \"../Point\";\nimport type { SkTypeface } from \"../Typeface\";\n\nexport interface FontMetrics {\n ascent: number; // suggested space above the baseline. < 0\n descent: number; // suggested space below the baseline. > 0\n leading: number; // suggested spacing between descent of previous line and ascent of next line.\n bounds?: SkRect; // smallest rect containing all glyphs (relative to 0,0)\n}\n\nexport interface SkFont extends SkJSIInstance<\"Font\"> {\n /**\n * Retrieves the total width of the provided text\n * @param text\n * @param paint\n */\n getTextWidth(text: string, paint?: SkPaint): number;\n\n /**\n * Retrieves the advanceX measurements for each glyph.\n * If paint is not null, its stroking, PathEffect, and MaskFilter fields are respected.\n * One width per glyph is returned in the returned array.\n * @param glyphs\n * @param paint\n */\n getGlyphWidths(glyphs: number[], paint?: SkPaint): number[];\n\n /**\n * Returns the FontMetrics for this font.\n */\n getMetrics(): FontMetrics;\n\n /**\n * Retrieves the glyph ids for each code point in the provided string. This call is passed to\n * the typeface of this font. Note that glyph IDs are typeface-dependent; different faces\n * may have different ids for the same code point.\n * @param str\n * @param numCodePoints - the number of code points in the string. Defaults to str.length.\n */\n getGlyphIDs(str: string, numCodePoints?: number): number[];\n\n /**\n * Computes any intersections of a thick \"line\" and a run of positionsed glyphs.\n * The thick line is represented as a top and bottom coordinate (positive for\n * below the baseline, negative for above). If there are no intersections\n * (e.g. if this is intended as an underline, and there are no \"collisions\")\n * then the returned array will be empty. If there are intersections, the array\n * will contain pairs of X coordinates [start, end] for each segment that\n * intersected with a glyph.\n *\n * @param glyphs the glyphs to intersect with\n * @param positions x,y coordinates (2 per glyph) for each glyph\n * @param top top of the thick \"line\" to use for intersection testing\n * @param bottom bottom of the thick \"line\" to use for intersection testing\n * @return array of [start, end] x-coordinate pairs. Maybe be empty.\n */\n getGlyphIntercepts(\n glyphs: number[],\n positions: SkPoint[],\n top: number,\n bottom: number\n ): number[];\n\n /**\n * Returns text scale on x-axis. Default value is 1.\n */\n getScaleX(): number;\n\n /**\n * Returns text size in points.\n */\n getSize(): number;\n\n /**\n * Returns text skew on x-axis. Default value is zero.\n */\n getSkewX(): number;\n\n /**\n * Returns embolden effect for this font. Default value is false.\n */\n isEmbolden(): boolean;\n\n /**\n * Returns the Typeface set for this font.\n */\n getTypeface(): SkTypeface | null;\n\n /**\n * Requests, but does not require, that edge pixels draw opaque or with partial transparency.\n * @param edging\n */\n setEdging(edging: FontEdging): void;\n\n /**\n * Requests, but does not require, to use bitmaps in fonts instead of outlines.\n * @param embeddedBitmaps\n */\n setEmbeddedBitmaps(embeddedBitmaps: boolean): void;\n\n /**\n * Sets level of glyph outline adjustment.\n * @param hinting\n */\n setHinting(hinting: FontHinting): void;\n\n /**\n * Requests, but does not require, linearly scalable font and glyph metrics.\n *\n * For outline fonts 'true' means font and glyph metrics should ignore hinting and rounding.\n * Note that some bitmap formats may not be able to scale linearly and will ignore this flag.\n * @param linearMetrics\n */\n setLinearMetrics(linearMetrics: boolean): void;\n\n /**\n * Sets the text scale on the x-axis.\n * @param sx\n */\n setScaleX(sx: number): void;\n\n /**\n * Sets the text size in points on this font.\n * @param points\n */\n setSize(points: number): void;\n\n /**\n * Sets the text-skew on the x axis for this font.\n * @param sx\n */\n setSkewX(sx: number): void;\n\n /**\n * Set embolden effect for this font.\n * @param embolden\n */\n setEmbolden(embolden: boolean): void;\n\n /**\n * Requests, but does not require, that glyphs respect sub-pixel positioning.\n * @param subpixel\n */\n setSubpixel(subpixel: boolean): void;\n\n /**\n * Sets the typeface to use with this font. null means to clear the typeface and use the\n * default one.\n * @param face\n */\n setTypeface(face: SkTypeface | null): void;\n}\n\nconst fontStyle = (\n weight: FontWeight,\n width: FontWidth,\n slant: FontSlant\n): FontStyle => ({ weight, width, slant });\n\nexport interface FontStyle {\n weight?: FontWeight;\n width?: FontWidth;\n slant?: FontSlant;\n}\n\nexport enum FontWeight {\n Invisible = 0,\n Thin = 100,\n ExtraLight = 200,\n Light = 300,\n Normal = 400,\n Medium = 500,\n SemiBold = 600,\n Bold = 700,\n ExtraBold = 800,\n Black = 900,\n ExtraBlack = 1000,\n}\n\nexport enum FontWidth {\n UltraCondensed = 1,\n ExtraCondensed = 2,\n Condensed = 3,\n SemiCondensed = 4,\n Normal = 5,\n SemiExpanded = 6,\n Expanded = 7,\n ExtraExpanded = 8,\n UltraExpanded = 9,\n}\n\nexport enum FontSlant {\n Upright,\n Italic,\n Oblique,\n}\n\nexport enum FontEdging {\n Alias,\n AntiAlias,\n SubpixelAntiAlias,\n}\n\nexport enum FontHinting {\n None,\n Slight,\n Normal,\n Full,\n}\n\nexport const FontStyle = {\n Normal: fontStyle(FontWeight.Normal, FontWidth.Normal, FontSlant.Upright),\n Bold: fontStyle(FontWeight.Bold, FontWidth.Normal, FontSlant.Upright),\n Italic: fontStyle(FontWeight.Normal, FontWidth.Normal, FontSlant.Italic),\n BoldItalic: fontStyle(FontWeight.Bold, FontWidth.Normal, FontSlant.Italic),\n};\n"]}
+ {"version":3,"names":["fontStyle","weight","width","slant","FontWeight","FontWidth","FontSlant","FontEdging","FontHinting","FontStyle","Normal","Upright","Bold","Italic","BoldItalic"],"sources":["Font.ts"],"sourcesContent":["import type { SkJSIInstance } from \"../JsiInstance\";\nimport type { SkPaint } from \"../Paint\";\nimport type { SkRect } from \"../Rect\";\nimport type { SkPoint } from \"../Point\";\nimport type { SkTypeface } from \"../Typeface\";\n\nexport interface FontMetrics {\n ascent: number; // suggested space above the baseline. < 0\n descent: number; // suggested space below the baseline. > 0\n leading: number; // suggested spacing between descent of previous line and ascent of next line.\n bounds?: SkRect; // smallest rect containing all glyphs (relative to 0,0)\n}\n\nexport interface SkFont extends SkJSIInstance<\"Font\"> {\n /**\n * Retrieves the total width of the provided text\n * @param text\n * @param paint\n */\n getTextWidth(text: string, paint?: SkPaint): number;\n\n /**\n * Retrieves the advanceX measurements for each glyph.\n * If paint is not null, its stroking, PathEffect, and MaskFilter fields are respected.\n * One width per glyph is returned in the returned array.\n * @param glyphs\n * @param paint\n */\n getGlyphWidths(glyphs: number[], paint?: SkPaint): number[];\n\n /**\n * Returns the FontMetrics for this font.\n */\n getMetrics(): FontMetrics;\n\n /**\n * Retrieves the glyph ids for each code point in the provided string. This call is passed to\n * the typeface of this font. Note that glyph IDs are typeface-dependent; different faces\n * may have different ids for the same code point.\n * @param str\n * @param numCodePoints - the number of code points in the string. Defaults to str.length.\n */\n getGlyphIDs(str: string, numCodePoints?: number): number[];\n\n /**\n * Computes any intersections of a thick \"line\" and a run of positionsed glyphs.\n * The thick line is represented as a top and bottom coordinate (positive for\n * below the baseline, negative for above). If there are no intersections\n * (e.g. if this is intended as an underline, and there are no \"collisions\")\n * then the returned array will be empty. If there are intersections, the array\n * will contain pairs of X coordinates [start, end] for each segment that\n * intersected with a glyph.\n *\n * @param glyphs the glyphs to intersect with\n * @param positions x,y coordinates (2 per glyph) for each glyph\n * @param top top of the thick \"line\" to use for intersection testing\n * @param bottom bottom of the thick \"line\" to use for intersection testing\n * @return array of [start, end] x-coordinate pairs. Maybe be empty.\n */\n getGlyphIntercepts(\n glyphs: number[],\n positions: SkPoint[],\n top: number,\n bottom: number\n ): number[];\n\n /**\n * Returns text scale on x-axis. Default value is 1.\n */\n getScaleX(): number;\n\n /**\n * Returns text size in points.\n */\n getSize(): number;\n\n /**\n * Returns text skew on x-axis. Default value is zero.\n */\n getSkewX(): number;\n\n /**\n * Returns embolden effect for this font. Default value is false.\n */\n isEmbolden(): boolean;\n\n /**\n * Returns the Typeface set for this font.\n */\n getTypeface(): SkTypeface | null;\n\n /**\n * Requests, but does not require, that edge pixels draw opaque or with partial transparency.\n * @param edging\n */\n setEdging(edging: FontEdging): void;\n\n /**\n * Requests, but does not require, to use bitmaps in fonts instead of outlines.\n * @param embeddedBitmaps\n */\n setEmbeddedBitmaps(embeddedBitmaps: boolean): void;\n\n /**\n * Sets level of glyph outline adjustment.\n * @param hinting\n */\n setHinting(hinting: FontHinting): void;\n\n /**\n * Requests, but does not require, linearly scalable font and glyph metrics.\n *\n * For outline fonts 'true' means font and glyph metrics should ignore hinting and rounding.\n * Note that some bitmap formats may not be able to scale linearly and will ignore this flag.\n * @param linearMetrics\n */\n setLinearMetrics(linearMetrics: boolean): void;\n\n /**\n * Sets the text scale on the x-axis.\n * @param sx\n */\n setScaleX(sx: number): void;\n\n /**\n * Sets the text size in points on this font.\n * @param points\n */\n setSize(points: number): void;\n\n /**\n * Sets the text-skew on the x axis for this font.\n * @param sx\n */\n setSkewX(sx: number): void;\n\n /**\n * Set embolden effect for this font.\n * @param embolden\n */\n setEmbolden(embolden: boolean): void;\n\n /**\n * Requests, but does not require, that glyphs respect sub-pixel positioning.\n * @param subpixel\n */\n setSubpixel(subpixel: boolean): void;\n\n /**\n * Sets the typeface to use with this font. null means to clear the typeface and use the\n * default one.\n * @param face\n */\n setTypeface(face: SkTypeface | null): void;\n}\n\nconst fontStyle = (\n weight: FontWeight,\n width: FontWidth,\n slant: FontSlant\n): FontStyle => ({ weight, width, slant });\n\nexport interface FontStyle {\n weight?: FontWeight;\n width?: FontWidth;\n slant?: FontSlant;\n}\n\nexport enum FontWeight {\n Invisible = 0,\n Thin = 100,\n ExtraLight = 200,\n Light = 300,\n Normal = 400,\n Medium = 500,\n SemiBold = 600,\n Bold = 700,\n ExtraBold = 800,\n Black = 900,\n ExtraBlack = 1000,\n}\n\nexport enum FontWidth {\n UltraCondensed = 1,\n ExtraCondensed = 2,\n Condensed = 3,\n SemiCondensed = 4,\n Normal = 5,\n SemiExpanded = 6,\n Expanded = 7,\n ExtraExpanded = 8,\n UltraExpanded = 9,\n}\n\nexport enum FontSlant {\n Upright,\n Italic,\n Oblique,\n}\n\nexport enum FontEdging {\n Alias,\n AntiAlias,\n SubpixelAntiAlias,\n}\n\nexport enum FontHinting {\n None,\n Slight,\n Normal,\n Full,\n}\n\nexport const FontStyle = {\n Normal: fontStyle(FontWeight.Normal, FontWidth.Normal, FontSlant.Upright),\n Bold: fontStyle(FontWeight.Bold, FontWidth.Normal, FontSlant.Upright),\n Italic: fontStyle(FontWeight.Normal, FontWidth.Normal, FontSlant.Italic),\n BoldItalic: fontStyle(FontWeight.Bold, FontWidth.Normal, FontSlant.Italic),\n};\n"],"mappings":";;;;;;;AA4JA,MAAMA,SAAS,GAAG,CAChBC,MADgB,EAEhBC,KAFgB,EAGhBC,KAHgB,MAID;EAAEF,MAAF;EAAUC,KAAV;EAAiBC;AAAjB,CAJC,CAAlB;;IAYYC,U;;;WAAAA,U;EAAAA,U,CAAAA,U;EAAAA,U,CAAAA,U;EAAAA,U,CAAAA,U;EAAAA,U,CAAAA,U;EAAAA,U,CAAAA,U;EAAAA,U,CAAAA,U;EAAAA,U,CAAAA,U;EAAAA,U,CAAAA,U;EAAAA,U,CAAAA,U;EAAAA,U,CAAAA,U;EAAAA,U,CAAAA,U;GAAAA,U,0BAAAA,U;;IAcAC,S;;;WAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;GAAAA,S,yBAAAA,S;;IAYAC,S;;;WAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;GAAAA,S,yBAAAA,S;;IAMAC,U;;;WAAAA,U;EAAAA,U,CAAAA,U;EAAAA,U,CAAAA,U;EAAAA,U,CAAAA,U;GAAAA,U,0BAAAA,U;;IAMAC,W;;;WAAAA,W;EAAAA,W,CAAAA,W;EAAAA,W,CAAAA,W;EAAAA,W,CAAAA,W;EAAAA,W,CAAAA,W;GAAAA,W,2BAAAA,W;;AAOL,MAAMC,SAAS,GAAG;EACvBC,MAAM,EAAEV,SAAS,CAACI,UAAU,CAACM,MAAZ,EAAoBL,SAAS,CAACK,MAA9B,EAAsCJ,SAAS,CAACK,OAAhD,CADM;EAEvBC,IAAI,EAAEZ,SAAS,CAACI,UAAU,CAACQ,IAAZ,EAAkBP,SAAS,CAACK,MAA5B,EAAoCJ,SAAS,CAACK,OAA9C,CAFQ;EAGvBE,MAAM,EAAEb,SAAS,CAACI,UAAU,CAACM,MAAZ,EAAoBL,SAAS,CAACK,MAA9B,EAAsCJ,SAAS,CAACO,MAAhD,CAHM;EAIvBC,UAAU,EAAEd,SAAS,CAACI,UAAU,CAACQ,IAAZ,EAAkBP,SAAS,CAACK,MAA5B,EAAoCJ,SAAS,CAACO,MAA9C;AAJE,CAAlB"}
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"version":3,"sources":["index.ts"],"names":[],"mappings":";;;;;;AAAA;;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA","sourcesContent":["export * from \"./Font\";\n"]}
+ {"version":3,"names":[],"sources":["index.ts"],"sourcesContent":["export * from \"./Font\";\n"],"mappings":";;;;;;AAAA;;AAAA;EAAA;EAAA;EAAA;IAAA;IAAA;MAAA;IAAA;EAAA;AAAA"}
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"version":3,"sources":["Image.ts"],"names":["FilterMode","MipmapMode","ImageFormat"],"mappings":";;;;;;IAKYA,U;;;WAAAA,U;AAAAA,EAAAA,U,CAAAA,U;AAAAA,EAAAA,U,CAAAA,U;GAAAA,U,0BAAAA,U;;IAKAC,U;;;WAAAA,U;AAAAA,EAAAA,U,CAAAA,U;AAAAA,EAAAA,U,CAAAA,U;AAAAA,EAAAA,U,CAAAA,U;GAAAA,U,0BAAAA,U;;IAMAC,W;;;WAAAA,W;AAAAA,EAAAA,W,CAAAA,W;AAAAA,EAAAA,W,CAAAA,W;AAAAA,EAAAA,W,CAAAA,W;GAAAA,W,2BAAAA,W","sourcesContent":["import type { SkMatrix } from \"../Matrix\";\nimport type { SkJSIInstance } from \"../JsiInstance\";\nimport type { TileMode } from \"../ImageFilter\";\nimport type { SkShader } from \"../Shader\";\n\nexport enum FilterMode {\n Nearest,\n Linear,\n}\n\nexport enum MipmapMode {\n None,\n Nearest,\n Linear,\n}\n\nexport enum ImageFormat {\n JPEG = 3,\n PNG = 4,\n WEBP = 6,\n}\n\nexport interface SkImage extends SkJSIInstance<\"Image\"> {\n /**\n * Returns the possibly scaled height of the image.\n */\n height(): number;\n\n /**\n * Returns the possibly scaled width of the image.\n */\n width(): number;\n\n /**\n * Returns this image as a shader with the specified tiling. It will use cubic sampling.\n * @param tx - tile mode in the x direction.\n * @param ty - tile mode in the y direction.\n * @param fm - The filter mode. (default nearest)\n * @param mm - The mipmap mode. Note: for settings other than None, the image must have mipmaps (default none)\n * calculated with makeCopyWithDefaultMipmaps;\n * @param localMatrix\n */\n makeShaderOptions(\n tx: TileMode,\n ty: TileMode,\n fm: FilterMode,\n mm: MipmapMode,\n localMatrix?: SkMatrix\n ): SkShader;\n\n /**\n * Returns this image as a shader with the specified tiling. It will use cubic sampling.\n * @param tx - tile mode in the x direction.\n * @param ty - tile mode in the y direction.\n * @param B - See CubicResampler in SkSamplingOptions.h for more information\n * @param C - See CubicResampler in SkSamplingOptions.h for more information\n * @param localMatrix\n */\n makeShaderCubic(\n tx: TileMode,\n ty: TileMode,\n B: number,\n C: number,\n localMatrix?: SkMatrix\n ): SkShader;\n\n /** Encodes Image pixels, returning result as UInt8Array. Returns existing\n encoded data if present; otherwise, SkImage is encoded with\n SkEncodedImageFormat::kPNG. Skia must be built with SK_ENCODE_PNG to encode\n SkImage.\n\n Returns nullptr if existing encoded data is missing or invalid, and\n encoding fails.\n\n @param fmt - PNG is the default value.\n @param quality - a value from 0 to 100; 100 is the least lossy. May be ignored.\n\n @return Uint8Array with data\n */\n encodeToBytes(fmt?: ImageFormat, quality?: number): Uint8Array;\n\n /** Encodes Image pixels, returning result as a base64 encoded string. Returns existing\n encoded data if present; otherwise, SkImage is encoded with\n SkEncodedImageFormat::kPNG. Skia must be built with SK_ENCODE_PNG to encode\n SkImage.\n\n Returns nullptr if existing encoded data is missing or invalid, and\n encoding fails.\n\n @param fmt - PNG is the default value.\n @param quality - a value from 0 to 100; 100 is the least lossy. May be ignored.\n\n @return base64 encoded string of data\n */\n encodeToBase64(fmt?: ImageFormat, quality?: number): string;\n}\n"]}
+ {"version":3,"names":["FilterMode","MipmapMode","ImageFormat"],"sources":["Image.ts"],"sourcesContent":["import type { SkMatrix } from \"../Matrix\";\nimport type { SkJSIInstance } from \"../JsiInstance\";\nimport type { TileMode } from \"../ImageFilter\";\nimport type { SkShader } from \"../Shader\";\n\nexport enum FilterMode {\n Nearest,\n Linear,\n}\n\nexport enum MipmapMode {\n None,\n Nearest,\n Linear,\n}\n\nexport enum ImageFormat {\n JPEG = 3,\n PNG = 4,\n WEBP = 6,\n}\n\nexport interface SkImage extends SkJSIInstance<\"Image\"> {\n /**\n * Returns the possibly scaled height of the image.\n */\n height(): number;\n\n /**\n * Returns the possibly scaled width of the image.\n */\n width(): number;\n\n /**\n * Returns this image as a shader with the specified tiling. It will use cubic sampling.\n * @param tx - tile mode in the x direction.\n * @param ty - tile mode in the y direction.\n * @param fm - The filter mode. (default nearest)\n * @param mm - The mipmap mode. Note: for settings other than None, the image must have mipmaps (default none)\n * calculated with makeCopyWithDefaultMipmaps;\n * @param localMatrix\n */\n makeShaderOptions(\n tx: TileMode,\n ty: TileMode,\n fm: FilterMode,\n mm: MipmapMode,\n localMatrix?: SkMatrix\n ): SkShader;\n\n /**\n * Returns this image as a shader with the specified tiling. It will use cubic sampling.\n * @param tx - tile mode in the x direction.\n * @param ty - tile mode in the y direction.\n * @param B - See CubicResampler in SkSamplingOptions.h for more information\n * @param C - See CubicResampler in SkSamplingOptions.h for more information\n * @param localMatrix\n */\n makeShaderCubic(\n tx: TileMode,\n ty: TileMode,\n B: number,\n C: number,\n localMatrix?: SkMatrix\n ): SkShader;\n\n /** Encodes Image pixels, returning result as UInt8Array. Returns existing\n encoded data if present; otherwise, SkImage is encoded with\n SkEncodedImageFormat::kPNG. Skia must be built with SK_ENCODE_PNG to encode\n SkImage.\n\n Returns nullptr if existing encoded data is missing or invalid, and\n encoding fails.\n\n @param fmt - PNG is the default value.\n @param quality - a value from 0 to 100; 100 is the least lossy. May be ignored.\n\n @return Uint8Array with data\n */\n encodeToBytes(fmt?: ImageFormat, quality?: number): Uint8Array;\n\n /** Encodes Image pixels, returning result as a base64 encoded string. Returns existing\n encoded data if present; otherwise, SkImage is encoded with\n SkEncodedImageFormat::kPNG. Skia must be built with SK_ENCODE_PNG to encode\n SkImage.\n\n Returns nullptr if existing encoded data is missing or invalid, and\n encoding fails.\n\n @param fmt - PNG is the default value.\n @param quality - a value from 0 to 100; 100 is the least lossy. May be ignored.\n\n @return base64 encoded string of data\n */\n encodeToBase64(fmt?: ImageFormat, quality?: number): string;\n}\n"],"mappings":";;;;;;IAKYA,U;;;WAAAA,U;EAAAA,U,CAAAA,U;EAAAA,U,CAAAA,U;GAAAA,U,0BAAAA,U;;IAKAC,U;;;WAAAA,U;EAAAA,U,CAAAA,U;EAAAA,U,CAAAA,U;EAAAA,U,CAAAA,U;GAAAA,U,0BAAAA,U;;IAMAC,W;;;WAAAA,W;EAAAA,W,CAAAA,W;EAAAA,W,CAAAA,W;EAAAA,W,CAAAA,W;GAAAA,W,2BAAAA,W"}
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"version":3,"sources":["ImageFactory.ts"],"names":["AlphaType","ColorType"],"mappings":";;;;;;IAIYA,S;;;WAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;GAAAA,S,yBAAAA,S;;IAOAC,S;;;WAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;GAAAA,S,yBAAAA,S","sourcesContent":["import type { SkData } from \"../Data\";\n\nimport type { SkImage } from \"./Image\";\n\nexport enum AlphaType {\n Unknown,\n Opaque,\n Premul,\n Unpremul,\n}\n\nexport enum ColorType {\n Unknown, //!< uninitialized\n Alpha_8, //!< pixel with alpha in 8-bit byte\n RGB_565, //!< pixel with 5 bits red, 6 bits green, 5 bits blue, in 16-bit word\n ARGB_4444, //!< pixel with 4 bits for alpha, red, green, blue; in 16-bit word\n RGBA_8888, //!< pixel with 8 bits for red, green, blue, alpha; in 32-bit word\n RGB_888x, //!< pixel with 8 bits each for red, green, blue; in 32-bit word\n BGRA_8888, //!< pixel with 8 bits for blue, green, red, alpha; in 32-bit word\n RGBA_1010102, //!< 10 bits for red, green, blue; 2 bits for alpha; in 32-bit word\n BGRA_1010102, //!< 10 bits for blue, green, red; 2 bits for alpha; in 32-bit word\n RGB_101010x, //!< pixel with 10 bits each for red, green, blue; in 32-bit word\n BGR_101010x, //!< pixel with 10 bits each for blue, green, red; in 32-bit word\n Gray_8, //!< pixel with grayscale level in 8-bit byte\n RGBA_F16Norm, //!< pixel with half floats in [0,1] for red, green, blue, alpha;\n // in 64-bit word\n RGBA_F16, //!< pixel with half floats for red, green, blue, alpha;\n // in 64-bit word\n RGBA_F32, //!< pixel using C float for red, green, blue, alpha; in 128-bit word\n\n // The following 6 colortypes are just for reading from - not for rendering to\n R8G8_unorm, //!< pixel with a uint8_t for red and green\n\n A16_float, //!< pixel with a half float for alpha\n R16G16_float, //!< pixel with a half float for red and green\n\n A16_unorm, //!< pixel with a little endian uint16_t for alpha\n R16G16_unorm, //!< pixel with a little endian uint16_t for red and green\n R16G16B16A16_unorm, //!< pixel with a little endian uint16_t for red, green, blue\n // and alpha\n SRGBA_8888,\n}\n\nexport interface ImageInfo {\n alphaType: AlphaType;\n // TODO: add support for color space\n // colorSpace: ColorSpace;\n colorType: ColorType;\n height: number;\n width: number;\n}\n\nexport interface ImageFactory {\n /**\n * Return an Image backed by the encoded data, but attempt to defer decoding until the image\n * is actually used/drawn. This deferral allows the system to cache the result, either on the\n * CPU or on the GPU, depending on where the image is drawn.\n * This decoding uses the codecs that have been compiled into CanvasKit. If the bytes are\n * invalid (or an unrecognized codec), null will be returned. See Image.h for more details.\n * @param data - Data object with bytes of data\n * @returns If the encoded format is not supported, or subset is outside of the bounds of the decoded\n * image, nullptr is returned.\n */\n MakeImageFromEncoded: (encoded: SkData) => SkImage | null;\n\n /**\n * Returns an image with the given pixel data and format.\n * Note that we will always make a copy of the pixel data, because of inconsistencies in\n * behavior between GPU and CPU (i.e. the pixel data will be turned into a GPU texture and\n * not modifiable after creation).\n *\n * @param info\n * @param data - bytes representing the pixel data.\n * @param bytesPerRow\n */\n MakeImage(info: ImageInfo, data: SkData, bytesPerRow: number): SkImage | null;\n}\n"]}
+ {"version":3,"names":["AlphaType","ColorType"],"sources":["ImageFactory.ts"],"sourcesContent":["import type { SkData } from \"../Data\";\n\nimport type { SkImage } from \"./Image\";\n\nexport enum AlphaType {\n Unknown,\n Opaque,\n Premul,\n Unpremul,\n}\n\nexport enum ColorType {\n Unknown, //!< uninitialized\n Alpha_8, //!< pixel with alpha in 8-bit byte\n RGB_565, //!< pixel with 5 bits red, 6 bits green, 5 bits blue, in 16-bit word\n ARGB_4444, //!< pixel with 4 bits for alpha, red, green, blue; in 16-bit word\n RGBA_8888, //!< pixel with 8 bits for red, green, blue, alpha; in 32-bit word\n RGB_888x, //!< pixel with 8 bits each for red, green, blue; in 32-bit word\n BGRA_8888, //!< pixel with 8 bits for blue, green, red, alpha; in 32-bit word\n RGBA_1010102, //!< 10 bits for red, green, blue; 2 bits for alpha; in 32-bit word\n BGRA_1010102, //!< 10 bits for blue, green, red; 2 bits for alpha; in 32-bit word\n RGB_101010x, //!< pixel with 10 bits each for red, green, blue; in 32-bit word\n BGR_101010x, //!< pixel with 10 bits each for blue, green, red; in 32-bit word\n Gray_8, //!< pixel with grayscale level in 8-bit byte\n RGBA_F16Norm, //!< pixel with half floats in [0,1] for red, green, blue, alpha;\n // in 64-bit word\n RGBA_F16, //!< pixel with half floats for red, green, blue, alpha;\n // in 64-bit word\n RGBA_F32, //!< pixel using C float for red, green, blue, alpha; in 128-bit word\n\n // The following 6 colortypes are just for reading from - not for rendering to\n R8G8_unorm, //!< pixel with a uint8_t for red and green\n\n A16_float, //!< pixel with a half float for alpha\n R16G16_float, //!< pixel with a half float for red and green\n\n A16_unorm, //!< pixel with a little endian uint16_t for alpha\n R16G16_unorm, //!< pixel with a little endian uint16_t for red and green\n R16G16B16A16_unorm, //!< pixel with a little endian uint16_t for red, green, blue\n // and alpha\n SRGBA_8888,\n}\n\nexport interface ImageInfo {\n alphaType: AlphaType;\n // TODO: add support for color space\n // colorSpace: ColorSpace;\n colorType: ColorType;\n height: number;\n width: number;\n}\n\nexport interface ImageFactory {\n /**\n * Return an Image backed by the encoded data, but attempt to defer decoding until the image\n * is actually used/drawn. This deferral allows the system to cache the result, either on the\n * CPU or on the GPU, depending on where the image is drawn.\n * This decoding uses the codecs that have been compiled into CanvasKit. If the bytes are\n * invalid (or an unrecognized codec), null will be returned. See Image.h for more details.\n * @param data - Data object with bytes of data\n * @returns If the encoded format is not supported, or subset is outside of the bounds of the decoded\n * image, nullptr is returned.\n */\n MakeImageFromEncoded: (encoded: SkData) => SkImage | null;\n\n /**\n * Returns an image with the given pixel data and format.\n * Note that we will always make a copy of the pixel data, because of inconsistencies in\n * behavior between GPU and CPU (i.e. the pixel data will be turned into a GPU texture and\n * not modifiable after creation).\n *\n * @param info\n * @param data - bytes representing the pixel data.\n * @param bytesPerRow\n */\n MakeImage(info: ImageInfo, data: SkData, bytesPerRow: number): SkImage | null;\n}\n"],"mappings":";;;;;;IAIYA,S;;;WAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;GAAAA,S,yBAAAA,S;;IAOAC,S;;;WAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;GAAAA,S,yBAAAA,S"}
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"version":3,"sources":["index.ts"],"names":[],"mappings":";;;;;;AAAA;;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;;AACA;;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA","sourcesContent":["export * from \"./Image\";\nexport * from \"./ImageFactory\";\n"]}
+ {"version":3,"names":[],"sources":["index.ts"],"sourcesContent":["export * from \"./Image\";\nexport * from \"./ImageFactory\";\n"],"mappings":";;;;;;AAAA;;AAAA;EAAA;EAAA;EAAA;IAAA;IAAA;MAAA;IAAA;EAAA;AAAA;;AACA;;AAAA;EAAA;EAAA;EAAA;IAAA;IAAA;MAAA;IAAA;EAAA;AAAA"}
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"version":3,"sources":["ImageFilter.ts"],"names":["TileMode","isImageFilter","obj","__typename__"],"mappings":";;;;;;IAEYA,Q;;;WAAAA,Q;AAAAA,EAAAA,Q,CAAAA,Q;AAAAA,EAAAA,Q,CAAAA,Q;AAAAA,EAAAA,Q,CAAAA,Q;AAAAA,EAAAA,Q,CAAAA,Q;GAAAA,Q,wBAAAA,Q;;AAwBL,MAAMC,aAAa,GACxBC,GAD2B,IAEFA,GAAG,KAAK,IAAR,IAAgBA,GAAG,CAACC,YAAJ,KAAqB,aAFzD","sourcesContent":["import type { SkJSIInstance } from \"../JsiInstance\";\n\nexport enum TileMode {\n /**\n * Replicate the edge color if the shader draws outside of its\n * original bounds.\n */\n Clamp,\n\n /**\n * Repeat the shader's image horizontally and vertically.\n */\n Repeat,\n\n /**\n * Repeat the shader's image horizontally and vertically, alternating\n * mirror images so that adjacent images always seam.\n */\n Mirror,\n\n /**\n * Only draw within the original domain, return transparent-black everywhere else.\n */\n Decal,\n}\n\nexport const isImageFilter = (\n obj: SkJSIInstance<string> | null\n): obj is SkImageFilter => obj !== null && obj.__typename__ === \"ImageFilter\";\n\nexport type SkImageFilter = SkJSIInstance<\"ImageFilter\">;\n"]}
+ {"version":3,"names":["TileMode","isImageFilter","obj","__typename__"],"sources":["ImageFilter.ts"],"sourcesContent":["import type { SkJSIInstance } from \"../JsiInstance\";\n\nexport enum TileMode {\n /**\n * Replicate the edge color if the shader draws outside of its\n * original bounds.\n */\n Clamp,\n\n /**\n * Repeat the shader's image horizontally and vertically.\n */\n Repeat,\n\n /**\n * Repeat the shader's image horizontally and vertically, alternating\n * mirror images so that adjacent images always seam.\n */\n Mirror,\n\n /**\n * Only draw within the original domain, return transparent-black everywhere else.\n */\n Decal,\n}\n\nexport const isImageFilter = (\n obj: SkJSIInstance<string> | null\n): obj is SkImageFilter => obj !== null && obj.__typename__ === \"ImageFilter\";\n\nexport type SkImageFilter = SkJSIInstance<\"ImageFilter\">;\n"],"mappings":";;;;;;IAEYA,Q;;;WAAAA,Q;EAAAA,Q,CAAAA,Q;EAAAA,Q,CAAAA,Q;EAAAA,Q,CAAAA,Q;EAAAA,Q,CAAAA,Q;GAAAA,Q,wBAAAA,Q;;AAwBL,MAAMC,aAAa,GACxBC,GAD2B,IAEFA,GAAG,KAAK,IAAR,IAAgBA,GAAG,CAACC,YAAJ,KAAqB,aAFzD"}
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"version":3,"sources":["ImageFilterFactory.ts"],"names":["ColorChannel"],"mappings":";;;;;;IASYA,Y;;;WAAAA,Y;AAAAA,EAAAA,Y,CAAAA,Y;AAAAA,EAAAA,Y,CAAAA,Y;AAAAA,EAAAA,Y,CAAAA,Y;AAAAA,EAAAA,Y,CAAAA,Y;GAAAA,Y,4BAAAA,Y","sourcesContent":["import type { SkColor } from \"../Color\";\nimport type { SkColorFilter } from \"../ColorFilter/ColorFilter\";\nimport type { BlendMode } from \"../Paint\";\nimport type { SkRect } from \"../Rect\";\nimport type { SkRuntimeShaderBuilder } from \"../RuntimeEffect\";\nimport type { SkShader } from \"../Shader\";\n\nimport type { SkImageFilter, TileMode } from \"./ImageFilter\";\n\nexport enum ColorChannel {\n R,\n G,\n B,\n A,\n}\n\nexport interface ImageFilterFactory {\n /**\n * Offsets the input image\n *\n * @param dx - Offset along the X axis\n * @param dy - Offset along the X axis\n * @param input - if null, it will use the dynamic source image\n */\n MakeOffset(\n dx: number,\n dy: number,\n input: SkImageFilter | null\n ): SkImageFilter;\n /**\n * Spatially displace pixel values of the filtered image\n *\n * @param channelX - Color channel to be used along the X axis\n * @param channelY - Color channel to be used along the Y axis\n * @param scale - Scale factor to be used in the displacement\n * @param in1 - Source image filter to use for the displacement\n * @param input - if null, it will use the dynamic source image\n */\n MakeDisplacementMap(\n channelX: ColorChannel,\n channelY: ColorChannel,\n scale: number,\n in1: SkImageFilter,\n input: SkImageFilter | null\n ): SkImageFilter;\n /**\n * Transforms a shader into an impage filter\n *\n * @param shader - The Shader to be transformed\n * @param input - if null, it will use the dynamic source image\n */\n MakeShader(shader: SkShader, input: SkImageFilter | null): SkImageFilter;\n /**\n * Create a filter that blurs its input by the separate X and Y sigmas. The provided tile mode\n * is used when the blur kernel goes outside the input image.\n *\n * @param sigmaX - The Gaussian sigma value for blurring along the X axis.\n * @param sigmaY - The Gaussian sigma value for blurring along the Y axis.\n * @param mode\n * @param input - if null, it will use the dynamic source image (e.g. a saved layer)\n */\n MakeBlur(\n sigmaX: number,\n sigmaY: number,\n mode: TileMode,\n input: SkImageFilter | null\n ): SkImageFilter;\n\n /**\n * Create a filter that applies the color filter to the input filter results.\n * @param cf\n * @param input - if null, it will use the dynamic source image (e.g. a saved layer)\n */\n MakeColorFilter(\n cf: SkColorFilter,\n input: SkImageFilter | null\n ): SkImageFilter;\n\n /**\n * Create a filter that composes 'inner' with 'outer', such that the results of 'inner' are\n * treated as the source bitmap passed to 'outer'.\n * If either param is null, the other param will be returned.\n * @param outer\n * @param inner - if null, it will use the dynamic source image (e.g. a saved layer)\n */\n MakeCompose(\n outer: SkImageFilter | null,\n inner: SkImageFilter | null\n ): SkImageFilter;\n\n /**\n * Create a filter that draws a drop shadow under the input content.\n * This filter produces an image that includes the inputs' content.\n * @param dx The X offset of the shadow.\n * @param dy\tThe Y offset of the shadow.\n * @param sigmaX\tThe blur radius for the shadow, along the X axis.\n * @param sigmaY\tThe blur radius for the shadow, along the Y axis.\n * @param color\tThe color of the drop shadow.\n * @param input\tThe input filter, or will use the source bitmap if this is null.\n * @param cropRect\tOptional rectangle that crops the input and output.\n */\n MakeDropShadow: (\n dx: number,\n dy: number,\n sigmaX: number,\n sigmaY: number,\n color: SkColor,\n input: SkImageFilter | null,\n cropRect?: SkRect\n ) => SkImageFilter;\n /**\n * Create a filter that renders a drop shadow, in exactly the same manner as ::DropShadow, except\n * that the resulting image does not include the input content.\n * This allows the shadow and input to be composed by a filter DAG in a more flexible manner.\n * @param dx The X offset of the shadow.\n * @param dy\tThe Y offset of the shadow.\n * @param sigmaX\tThe blur radius for the shadow, along the X axis.\n * @param sigmaY\tThe blur radius for the shadow, along the Y axis.\n * @param color\tThe color of the drop shadow.\n * @param input\tThe input filter, or will use the source bitmap if this is null.\n * @param cropRect\tOptional rectangle that crops the input and output.\n */\n MakeDropShadowOnly: (\n dx: number,\n dy: number,\n sigmaX: number,\n sigmaY: number,\n color: SkColor,\n input: SkImageFilter | null,\n cropRect?: SkRect\n ) => SkImageFilter;\n /**\n * Create a filter that erodes each input pixel's channel values to the minimum channel value\n * within the given radii along the x and y axes.\n * @param radiusX The distance to erode along the x axis to either side of each pixel.\n * @param radiusY The distance to erode along the y axis to either side of each pixel.\n * @param input The image filter that is eroded, using source bitmap if this is null.\n * @param cropRect Optional rectangle that crops the input and output.\n */\n MakeErode: (\n rx: number,\n ry: number,\n input: SkImageFilter | null,\n cropRect?: SkRect\n ) => SkImageFilter;\n /**\n * Create a filter that dilates each input pixel's channel values to the max value within the\n * given radii along the x and y axes.\n * @param radiusX The distance to dilate along the x axis to either side of each pixel.\n * @param radiusY The distance to dilate along the y axis to either side of each pixel.\n * @param input The image filter that is dilated, using source bitmap if this is null.\n * @param cropRect Optional rectangle that crops the input and output.\n */\n MakeDilate: (\n rx: number,\n ry: number,\n input: SkImageFilter | null,\n cropRect?: SkRect\n ) => SkImageFilter;\n /**\n * This filter takes an SkBlendMode and uses it to composite the two filters together.\n * @param mode The blend mode that defines the compositing operation\n * @param background The Dst pixels used in blending, if null the source bitmap is used.\n * @param foreground The Src pixels used in blending, if null the source bitmap is used.\n * @cropRect Optional rectangle to crop input and output.\n */\n MakeBlend: (\n mode: BlendMode,\n background: SkImageFilter,\n foreground: SkImageFilter | null,\n cropRect?: SkRect\n ) => SkImageFilter;\n /**\n * Create a filter that fills the output with the per-pixel evaluation of the SkShader produced\n * by the SkRuntimeShaderBuilder. The shader is defined in the image filter's local coordinate\n * system, so it will automatically be affected by SkCanvas' transform.\n *\n * @param builder The builder used to produce the runtime shader, that will in turn\n * fill the result image\n * @param childShaderName The name of the child shader defined in the builder that will be\n * bound to the input param (or the source image if the input param\n * is null). If null the builder can have exactly one child shader,\n * which automatically binds the input param.\n * @param input The image filter that will be provided as input to the runtime\n * shader. If null the implicit source image is used instead\n */\n MakeRuntimeShader: (\n builder: SkRuntimeShaderBuilder,\n childShaderName: string | null,\n input: SkImageFilter | null\n ) => SkImageFilter;\n}\n"]}
+ {"version":3,"names":["ColorChannel"],"sources":["ImageFilterFactory.ts"],"sourcesContent":["import type { SkColor } from \"../Color\";\nimport type { SkColorFilter } from \"../ColorFilter/ColorFilter\";\nimport type { BlendMode } from \"../Paint\";\nimport type { SkRect } from \"../Rect\";\nimport type { SkRuntimeShaderBuilder } from \"../RuntimeEffect\";\nimport type { SkShader } from \"../Shader\";\n\nimport type { SkImageFilter, TileMode } from \"./ImageFilter\";\n\nexport enum ColorChannel {\n R,\n G,\n B,\n A,\n}\n\nexport interface ImageFilterFactory {\n /**\n * Offsets the input image\n *\n * @param dx - Offset along the X axis\n * @param dy - Offset along the X axis\n * @param input - if null, it will use the dynamic source image\n */\n MakeOffset(\n dx: number,\n dy: number,\n input: SkImageFilter | null\n ): SkImageFilter;\n /**\n * Spatially displace pixel values of the filtered image\n *\n * @param channelX - Color channel to be used along the X axis\n * @param channelY - Color channel to be used along the Y axis\n * @param scale - Scale factor to be used in the displacement\n * @param in1 - Source image filter to use for the displacement\n * @param input - if null, it will use the dynamic source image\n */\n MakeDisplacementMap(\n channelX: ColorChannel,\n channelY: ColorChannel,\n scale: number,\n in1: SkImageFilter,\n input: SkImageFilter | null\n ): SkImageFilter;\n /**\n * Transforms a shader into an impage filter\n *\n * @param shader - The Shader to be transformed\n * @param input - if null, it will use the dynamic source image\n */\n MakeShader(shader: SkShader, input: SkImageFilter | null): SkImageFilter;\n /**\n * Create a filter that blurs its input by the separate X and Y sigmas. The provided tile mode\n * is used when the blur kernel goes outside the input image.\n *\n * @param sigmaX - The Gaussian sigma value for blurring along the X axis.\n * @param sigmaY - The Gaussian sigma value for blurring along the Y axis.\n * @param mode\n * @param input - if null, it will use the dynamic source image (e.g. a saved layer)\n */\n MakeBlur(\n sigmaX: number,\n sigmaY: number,\n mode: TileMode,\n input: SkImageFilter | null\n ): SkImageFilter;\n\n /**\n * Create a filter that applies the color filter to the input filter results.\n * @param cf\n * @param input - if null, it will use the dynamic source image (e.g. a saved layer)\n */\n MakeColorFilter(\n cf: SkColorFilter,\n input: SkImageFilter | null\n ): SkImageFilter;\n\n /**\n * Create a filter that composes 'inner' with 'outer', such that the results of 'inner' are\n * treated as the source bitmap passed to 'outer'.\n * If either param is null, the other param will be returned.\n * @param outer\n * @param inner - if null, it will use the dynamic source image (e.g. a saved layer)\n */\n MakeCompose(\n outer: SkImageFilter | null,\n inner: SkImageFilter | null\n ): SkImageFilter;\n\n /**\n * Create a filter that draws a drop shadow under the input content.\n * This filter produces an image that includes the inputs' content.\n * @param dx The X offset of the shadow.\n * @param dy\tThe Y offset of the shadow.\n * @param sigmaX\tThe blur radius for the shadow, along the X axis.\n * @param sigmaY\tThe blur radius for the shadow, along the Y axis.\n * @param color\tThe color of the drop shadow.\n * @param input\tThe input filter, or will use the source bitmap if this is null.\n * @param cropRect\tOptional rectangle that crops the input and output.\n */\n MakeDropShadow: (\n dx: number,\n dy: number,\n sigmaX: number,\n sigmaY: number,\n color: SkColor,\n input: SkImageFilter | null,\n cropRect?: SkRect\n ) => SkImageFilter;\n /**\n * Create a filter that renders a drop shadow, in exactly the same manner as ::DropShadow, except\n * that the resulting image does not include the input content.\n * This allows the shadow and input to be composed by a filter DAG in a more flexible manner.\n * @param dx The X offset of the shadow.\n * @param dy\tThe Y offset of the shadow.\n * @param sigmaX\tThe blur radius for the shadow, along the X axis.\n * @param sigmaY\tThe blur radius for the shadow, along the Y axis.\n * @param color\tThe color of the drop shadow.\n * @param input\tThe input filter, or will use the source bitmap if this is null.\n * @param cropRect\tOptional rectangle that crops the input and output.\n */\n MakeDropShadowOnly: (\n dx: number,\n dy: number,\n sigmaX: number,\n sigmaY: number,\n color: SkColor,\n input: SkImageFilter | null,\n cropRect?: SkRect\n ) => SkImageFilter;\n /**\n * Create a filter that erodes each input pixel's channel values to the minimum channel value\n * within the given radii along the x and y axes.\n * @param radiusX The distance to erode along the x axis to either side of each pixel.\n * @param radiusY The distance to erode along the y axis to either side of each pixel.\n * @param input The image filter that is eroded, using source bitmap if this is null.\n * @param cropRect Optional rectangle that crops the input and output.\n */\n MakeErode: (\n rx: number,\n ry: number,\n input: SkImageFilter | null,\n cropRect?: SkRect\n ) => SkImageFilter;\n /**\n * Create a filter that dilates each input pixel's channel values to the max value within the\n * given radii along the x and y axes.\n * @param radiusX The distance to dilate along the x axis to either side of each pixel.\n * @param radiusY The distance to dilate along the y axis to either side of each pixel.\n * @param input The image filter that is dilated, using source bitmap if this is null.\n * @param cropRect Optional rectangle that crops the input and output.\n */\n MakeDilate: (\n rx: number,\n ry: number,\n input: SkImageFilter | null,\n cropRect?: SkRect\n ) => SkImageFilter;\n /**\n * This filter takes an SkBlendMode and uses it to composite the two filters together.\n * @param mode The blend mode that defines the compositing operation\n * @param background The Dst pixels used in blending, if null the source bitmap is used.\n * @param foreground The Src pixels used in blending, if null the source bitmap is used.\n * @cropRect Optional rectangle to crop input and output.\n */\n MakeBlend: (\n mode: BlendMode,\n background: SkImageFilter,\n foreground: SkImageFilter | null,\n cropRect?: SkRect\n ) => SkImageFilter;\n /**\n * Create a filter that fills the output with the per-pixel evaluation of the SkShader produced\n * by the SkRuntimeShaderBuilder. The shader is defined in the image filter's local coordinate\n * system, so it will automatically be affected by SkCanvas' transform.\n *\n * @param builder The builder used to produce the runtime shader, that will in turn\n * fill the result image\n * @param childShaderName The name of the child shader defined in the builder that will be\n * bound to the input param (or the source image if the input param\n * is null). If null the builder can have exactly one child shader,\n * which automatically binds the input param.\n * @param input The image filter that will be provided as input to the runtime\n * shader. If null the implicit source image is used instead\n */\n MakeRuntimeShader: (\n builder: SkRuntimeShaderBuilder,\n childShaderName: string | null,\n input: SkImageFilter | null\n ) => SkImageFilter;\n}\n"],"mappings":";;;;;;IASYA,Y;;;WAAAA,Y;EAAAA,Y,CAAAA,Y;EAAAA,Y,CAAAA,Y;EAAAA,Y,CAAAA,Y;EAAAA,Y,CAAAA,Y;GAAAA,Y,4BAAAA,Y"}
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"version":3,"sources":["index.ts"],"names":[],"mappings":";;;;;;AAAA;;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;;AACA;;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA","sourcesContent":["export * from \"./ImageFilter\";\nexport * from \"./ImageFilterFactory\";\n"]}
+ {"version":3,"names":[],"sources":["index.ts"],"sourcesContent":["export * from \"./ImageFilter\";\nexport * from \"./ImageFilterFactory\";\n"],"mappings":";;;;;;AAAA;;AAAA;EAAA;EAAA;EAAA;IAAA;IAAA;MAAA;IAAA;EAAA;AAAA;;AACA;;AAAA;EAAA;EAAA;EAAA;IAAA;IAAA;MAAA;IAAA;EAAA;AAAA"}
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"version":3,"sources":[],"names":[],"mappings":"","sourcesContent":[]}
+ {"version":3,"names":[],"sources":["JsiInstance.ts"],"sourcesContent":["export interface SkJSIInstance<T extends string> {\n __typename__: T;\n}\n"],"mappings":""}
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"version":3,"sources":["MaskFilter.ts"],"names":["BlurStyle","isMaskFilter","obj","__typename__"],"mappings":";;;;;;IAEYA,S;;;WAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;GAAAA,S,yBAAAA,S;;AAOL,MAAMC,YAAY,GACvBC,GAD0B,IAEFA,GAAG,KAAK,IAAR,IAAgBA,GAAG,CAACC,YAAJ,KAAqB,YAFxD","sourcesContent":["import type { SkJSIInstance } from \"./JsiInstance\";\n\nexport enum BlurStyle {\n Normal, //!< fuzzy inside and outside\n Solid, //!< solid inside, fuzzy outside\n Outer, //!< nothing inside, fuzzy outside\n Inner, //!< fuzzy inside, nothing outside\n}\n\nexport const isMaskFilter = (\n obj: SkJSIInstance<string> | null\n): obj is SkMaskFilter => obj !== null && obj.__typename__ === \"MaskFilter\";\n\nexport type SkMaskFilter = SkJSIInstance<\"MaskFilter\">;\n\n/**\n * See SkMaskFilter.h for more details.\n */\nexport interface MaskFilterFactory {\n /**\n * Create a blur maskfilter\n * @param style\n * @param sigma - Standard deviation of the Gaussian blur to apply. Must be > 0.\n * @param respectCTM - if true the blur's sigma is modified by the CTM.\n */\n MakeBlur(style: BlurStyle, sigma: number, respectCTM: boolean): SkMaskFilter;\n}\n"]}
+ {"version":3,"names":["BlurStyle","isMaskFilter","obj","__typename__"],"sources":["MaskFilter.ts"],"sourcesContent":["import type { SkJSIInstance } from \"./JsiInstance\";\n\nexport enum BlurStyle {\n Normal, //!< fuzzy inside and outside\n Solid, //!< solid inside, fuzzy outside\n Outer, //!< nothing inside, fuzzy outside\n Inner, //!< fuzzy inside, nothing outside\n}\n\nexport const isMaskFilter = (\n obj: SkJSIInstance<string> | null\n): obj is SkMaskFilter => obj !== null && obj.__typename__ === \"MaskFilter\";\n\nexport type SkMaskFilter = SkJSIInstance<\"MaskFilter\">;\n\n/**\n * See SkMaskFilter.h for more details.\n */\nexport interface MaskFilterFactory {\n /**\n * Create a blur maskfilter\n * @param style\n * @param sigma - Standard deviation of the Gaussian blur to apply. Must be > 0.\n * @param respectCTM - if true the blur's sigma is modified by the CTM.\n */\n MakeBlur(style: BlurStyle, sigma: number, respectCTM: boolean): SkMaskFilter;\n}\n"],"mappings":";;;;;;IAEYA,S;;;WAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;GAAAA,S,yBAAAA,S;;AAOL,MAAMC,YAAY,GACvBC,GAD0B,IAEFA,GAAG,KAAK,IAAR,IAAgBA,GAAG,CAACC,YAAJ,KAAqB,YAFxD"}
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"version":3,"sources":["Matrix.ts"],"names":["MatrixIndex","isMatrix","obj","__typename__","processTransform","m","transforms","transform","key","Object","keys","value","translate","scale","skew","rotate","toDegrees","exhaustiveCheck","a","Error","rad","Math","PI"],"mappings":";;;;;;IAEYA,W;;;WAAAA,W;AAAAA,EAAAA,W,CAAAA,W;AAAAA,EAAAA,W,CAAAA,W;AAAAA,EAAAA,W,CAAAA,W;AAAAA,EAAAA,W,CAAAA,W;AAAAA,EAAAA,W,CAAAA,W;AAAAA,EAAAA,W,CAAAA,W;AAAAA,EAAAA,W,CAAAA,W;AAAAA,EAAAA,W,CAAAA,W;AAAAA,EAAAA,W,CAAAA,W;GAAAA,W,2BAAAA,W;;AAYL,MAAMC,QAAQ,GAAIC,GAAD,IACtBA,GAAG,KAAK,IAAR,IAAiBA,GAAD,CAA+BC,YAA/B,KAAgD,QAD3D;;;;AA2CA,MAAMC,gBAAgB,GAAG,CAC9BC,CAD8B,EAE9BC,UAF8B,KAG3B;AACH,OAAK,MAAMC,SAAX,IAAwBD,UAAxB,EAAoC;AAClC,UAAME,GAAG,GAAGC,MAAM,CAACC,IAAP,CAAYH,SAAZ,EAAuB,CAAvB,CAAZ;AACA,UAAMI,KAAK,GAAIJ,SAAD,CAAiDC,GAAjD,CAAd;;AACA,QAAIA,GAAG,KAAK,YAAZ,EAA0B;AACxBH,MAAAA,CAAC,CAACO,SAAF,CAAYD,KAAZ,EAAmB,CAAnB;AACA;AACD;;AACD,QAAIH,GAAG,KAAK,YAAZ,EAA0B;AACxBH,MAAAA,CAAC,CAACO,SAAF,CAAY,CAAZ,EAAeD,KAAf;AACA;AACD;;AACD,QAAIH,GAAG,KAAK,OAAZ,EAAqB;AACnBH,MAAAA,CAAC,CAACQ,KAAF,CAAQF,KAAR,EAAeA,KAAf;AACA;AACD;;AACD,QAAIH,GAAG,KAAK,QAAZ,EAAsB;AACpBH,MAAAA,CAAC,CAACQ,KAAF,CAAQF,KAAR,EAAe,CAAf;AACA;AACD;;AACD,QAAIH,GAAG,KAAK,QAAZ,EAAsB;AACpBH,MAAAA,CAAC,CAACQ,KAAF,CAAQ,CAAR,EAAWF,KAAX;AACA;AACD;;AACD,QAAIH,GAAG,KAAK,OAAZ,EAAqB;AACnBH,MAAAA,CAAC,CAACS,IAAF,CAAOH,KAAP,EAAc,CAAd;AACA;AACD;;AACD,QAAIH,GAAG,KAAK,OAAZ,EAAqB;AACnBH,MAAAA,CAAC,CAACS,IAAF,CAAO,CAAP,EAAUH,KAAV;AACA;AACD;;AACD,QAAIH,GAAG,KAAK,QAAR,IAAoBA,GAAG,KAAK,SAAhC,EAA2C;AACzC,UAAIP,QAAQ,CAACI,CAAD,CAAZ,EAAiB;AACfA,QAAAA,CAAC,CAACU,MAAF,CAASJ,KAAT;AACD,OAFD,MAEO;AACLN,QAAAA,CAAC,CAACU,MAAF,CAASC,SAAS,CAACL,KAAD,CAAlB,EAA2B,CAA3B,EAA8B,CAA9B;AACD;;AACD;AACD;;AACDM,IAAAA,eAAe,CAACT,GAAD,CAAf;AACD;;AACD,SAAOH,CAAP;AACD,CA9CM;;;;AAgDP,MAAMY,eAAe,GAAIC,CAAD,IAAqB;AAC3C,QAAM,IAAIC,KAAJ,CAAW,2BAA0BD,CAAE,EAAvC,CAAN;AACD,CAFD;;AAIO,MAAMF,SAAS,GAAII,GAAD,IAAiB;AACxC,SAAQA,GAAG,GAAG,GAAP,GAAcC,IAAI,CAACC,EAA1B;AACD,CAFM","sourcesContent":["import type { SkJSIInstance } from \"./JsiInstance\";\nimport type { SkCanvas } from \"./Canvas\";\nexport enum MatrixIndex {\n ScaleX = 0,\n SkewX = 1,\n TransX = 2,\n SkewY = 3,\n ScaleY = 4,\n TransY = 5,\n Persp0 = 6,\n Persp1 = 7,\n Persp2 = 8,\n}\n\nexport const isMatrix = (obj: unknown): obj is SkMatrix =>\n obj !== null && (obj as SkJSIInstance<string>).__typename__ === \"Matrix\";\n\nexport interface SkMatrix extends SkJSIInstance<\"Matrix\"> {\n concat: (matrix: SkMatrix) => void;\n translate: (x: number, y: number) => void;\n scale: (x: number, y?: number) => void;\n skew: (x: number, y: number) => void;\n rotate: (theta: number) => void;\n identity: () => void;\n get: () => number[];\n}\n\ntype Transform2dName =\n | \"translateX\"\n | \"translateY\"\n | \"scale\"\n | \"skewX\"\n | \"skewY\"\n | \"scaleX\"\n | \"scaleY\"\n | \"rotateZ\"\n | \"rotate\";\n\ntype Transformations = {\n readonly [Name in Transform2dName]: number;\n};\n\nexport type Transforms2d = readonly (\n | Pick<Transformations, \"translateX\">\n | Pick<Transformations, \"translateY\">\n | Pick<Transformations, \"scale\">\n | Pick<Transformations, \"scaleX\">\n | Pick<Transformations, \"scaleY\">\n | Pick<Transformations, \"skewX\">\n | Pick<Transformations, \"skewY\">\n | Pick<Transformations, \"rotate\">\n)[];\n\nexport interface TransformProp {\n transform?: Transforms2d;\n}\n\nexport const processTransform = <T extends SkMatrix | SkCanvas>(\n m: T,\n transforms: Transforms2d\n) => {\n for (const transform of transforms) {\n const key = Object.keys(transform)[0] as Transform2dName;\n const value = (transform as Pick<Transformations, typeof key>)[key];\n if (key === \"translateX\") {\n m.translate(value, 0);\n continue;\n }\n if (key === \"translateY\") {\n m.translate(0, value);\n continue;\n }\n if (key === \"scale\") {\n m.scale(value, value);\n continue;\n }\n if (key === \"scaleX\") {\n m.scale(value, 1);\n continue;\n }\n if (key === \"scaleY\") {\n m.scale(1, value);\n continue;\n }\n if (key === \"skewX\") {\n m.skew(value, 0);\n continue;\n }\n if (key === \"skewY\") {\n m.skew(0, value);\n continue;\n }\n if (key === \"rotate\" || key === \"rotateZ\") {\n if (isMatrix(m)) {\n m.rotate(value);\n } else {\n m.rotate(toDegrees(value), 0, 0);\n }\n continue;\n }\n exhaustiveCheck(key);\n }\n return m;\n};\n\nconst exhaustiveCheck = (a: never): never => {\n throw new Error(`Unknown transformation: ${a}`);\n};\n\nexport const toDegrees = (rad: number) => {\n return (rad * 180) / Math.PI;\n};\n"]}
+ {"version":3,"names":["MatrixIndex","isMatrix","obj","__typename__","processTransform","m","transforms","transform","key","Object","keys","value","translate","scale","skew","rotate","toDegrees","exhaustiveCheck","a","Error","rad","Math","PI"],"sources":["Matrix.ts"],"sourcesContent":["import type { SkJSIInstance } from \"./JsiInstance\";\nimport type { SkCanvas } from \"./Canvas\";\nexport enum MatrixIndex {\n ScaleX = 0,\n SkewX = 1,\n TransX = 2,\n SkewY = 3,\n ScaleY = 4,\n TransY = 5,\n Persp0 = 6,\n Persp1 = 7,\n Persp2 = 8,\n}\n\nexport const isMatrix = (obj: unknown): obj is SkMatrix =>\n obj !== null && (obj as SkJSIInstance<string>).__typename__ === \"Matrix\";\n\nexport interface SkMatrix extends SkJSIInstance<\"Matrix\"> {\n concat: (matrix: SkMatrix) => void;\n translate: (x: number, y: number) => void;\n scale: (x: number, y?: number) => void;\n skew: (x: number, y: number) => void;\n rotate: (theta: number) => void;\n identity: () => void;\n get: () => number[];\n}\n\ntype Transform2dName =\n | \"translateX\"\n | \"translateY\"\n | \"scale\"\n | \"skewX\"\n | \"skewY\"\n | \"scaleX\"\n | \"scaleY\"\n | \"rotateZ\"\n | \"rotate\";\n\ntype Transformations = {\n readonly [Name in Transform2dName]: number;\n};\n\nexport type Transforms2d = readonly (\n | Pick<Transformations, \"translateX\">\n | Pick<Transformations, \"translateY\">\n | Pick<Transformations, \"scale\">\n | Pick<Transformations, \"scaleX\">\n | Pick<Transformations, \"scaleY\">\n | Pick<Transformations, \"skewX\">\n | Pick<Transformations, \"skewY\">\n | Pick<Transformations, \"rotate\">\n)[];\n\nexport interface TransformProp {\n transform?: Transforms2d;\n}\n\nexport const processTransform = <T extends SkMatrix | SkCanvas>(\n m: T,\n transforms: Transforms2d\n) => {\n for (const transform of transforms) {\n const key = Object.keys(transform)[0] as Transform2dName;\n const value = (transform as Pick<Transformations, typeof key>)[key];\n if (key === \"translateX\") {\n m.translate(value, 0);\n continue;\n }\n if (key === \"translateY\") {\n m.translate(0, value);\n continue;\n }\n if (key === \"scale\") {\n m.scale(value, value);\n continue;\n }\n if (key === \"scaleX\") {\n m.scale(value, 1);\n continue;\n }\n if (key === \"scaleY\") {\n m.scale(1, value);\n continue;\n }\n if (key === \"skewX\") {\n m.skew(value, 0);\n continue;\n }\n if (key === \"skewY\") {\n m.skew(0, value);\n continue;\n }\n if (key === \"rotate\" || key === \"rotateZ\") {\n if (isMatrix(m)) {\n m.rotate(value);\n } else {\n m.rotate(toDegrees(value), 0, 0);\n }\n continue;\n }\n exhaustiveCheck(key);\n }\n return m;\n};\n\nconst exhaustiveCheck = (a: never): never => {\n throw new Error(`Unknown transformation: ${a}`);\n};\n\nexport const toDegrees = (rad: number) => {\n return (rad * 180) / Math.PI;\n};\n"],"mappings":";;;;;;IAEYA,W;;;WAAAA,W;EAAAA,W,CAAAA,W;EAAAA,W,CAAAA,W;EAAAA,W,CAAAA,W;EAAAA,W,CAAAA,W;EAAAA,W,CAAAA,W;EAAAA,W,CAAAA,W;EAAAA,W,CAAAA,W;EAAAA,W,CAAAA,W;EAAAA,W,CAAAA,W;GAAAA,W,2BAAAA,W;;AAYL,MAAMC,QAAQ,GAAIC,GAAD,IACtBA,GAAG,KAAK,IAAR,IAAiBA,GAAD,CAA+BC,YAA/B,KAAgD,QAD3D;;;;AA2CA,MAAMC,gBAAgB,GAAG,CAC9BC,CAD8B,EAE9BC,UAF8B,KAG3B;EACH,KAAK,MAAMC,SAAX,IAAwBD,UAAxB,EAAoC;IAClC,MAAME,GAAG,GAAGC,MAAM,CAACC,IAAP,CAAYH,SAAZ,EAAuB,CAAvB,CAAZ;IACA,MAAMI,KAAK,GAAIJ,SAAD,CAAiDC,GAAjD,CAAd;;IACA,IAAIA,GAAG,KAAK,YAAZ,EAA0B;MACxBH,CAAC,CAACO,SAAF,CAAYD,KAAZ,EAAmB,CAAnB;MACA;IACD;;IACD,IAAIH,GAAG,KAAK,YAAZ,EAA0B;MACxBH,CAAC,CAACO,SAAF,CAAY,CAAZ,EAAeD,KAAf;MACA;IACD;;IACD,IAAIH,GAAG,KAAK,OAAZ,EAAqB;MACnBH,CAAC,CAACQ,KAAF,CAAQF,KAAR,EAAeA,KAAf;MACA;IACD;;IACD,IAAIH,GAAG,KAAK,QAAZ,EAAsB;MACpBH,CAAC,CAACQ,KAAF,CAAQF,KAAR,EAAe,CAAf;MACA;IACD;;IACD,IAAIH,GAAG,KAAK,QAAZ,EAAsB;MACpBH,CAAC,CAACQ,KAAF,CAAQ,CAAR,EAAWF,KAAX;MACA;IACD;;IACD,IAAIH,GAAG,KAAK,OAAZ,EAAqB;MACnBH,CAAC,CAACS,IAAF,CAAOH,KAAP,EAAc,CAAd;MACA;IACD;;IACD,IAAIH,GAAG,KAAK,OAAZ,EAAqB;MACnBH,CAAC,CAACS,IAAF,CAAO,CAAP,EAAUH,KAAV;MACA;IACD;;IACD,IAAIH,GAAG,KAAK,QAAR,IAAoBA,GAAG,KAAK,SAAhC,EAA2C;MACzC,IAAIP,QAAQ,CAACI,CAAD,CAAZ,EAAiB;QACfA,CAAC,CAACU,MAAF,CAASJ,KAAT;MACD,CAFD,MAEO;QACLN,CAAC,CAACU,MAAF,CAASC,SAAS,CAACL,KAAD,CAAlB,EAA2B,CAA3B,EAA8B,CAA9B;MACD;;MACD;IACD;;IACDM,eAAe,CAACT,GAAD,CAAf;EACD;;EACD,OAAOH,CAAP;AACD,CA9CM;;;;AAgDP,MAAMY,eAAe,GAAIC,CAAD,IAAqB;EAC3C,MAAM,IAAIC,KAAJ,CAAW,2BAA0BD,CAAE,EAAvC,CAAN;AACD,CAFD;;AAIO,MAAMF,SAAS,GAAII,GAAD,IAAiB;EACxC,OAAQA,GAAG,GAAG,GAAP,GAAcC,IAAI,CAACC,EAA1B;AACD,CAFM"}
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"version":3,"sources":["BlendMode.ts"],"names":["BlendMode"],"mappings":";;;;;;;AAAA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;IACYA,S;;;WAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;GAAAA,S,yBAAAA,S","sourcesContent":["/**\n * Blends are operators that take in two colors (source, destination) and\n * return a new color. Many of these operate the same on all 4 components: red,\n * green, blue, alpha. For these, we just document what happens to one\n * component, rather than naming each one separately.\n *\n * Different SkColorTypes have different representations for color components:\n * 8-bit: 0..255\n * 6-bit: 0..63\n * 5-bit: 0..31\n * 4-bit: 0..15\n * floats: 0...1\n *\n * The documentation is expressed as if the component values are always 0..1\n * (floats).\n *\n * For brevity, the documentation uses the following abbreviations\n * s : source\n * d : destination\n * sa : source alpha\n * da : destination alpha\n *\n * Results are abbreviated\n * r : if all 4 components are computed in the same manner\n * ra : result alpha component\n * rc : result \"color\": red, green, blue components\n */\nexport enum BlendMode {\n Clear, //!< r = 0\n Src, //!< r = s\n Dst, //!< r = d\n SrcOver, //!< r = s + (1-sa)*d\n DstOver, //!< r = d + (1-da)*s\n SrcIn, //!< r = s * da\n DstIn, //!< r = d * sa\n SrcOut, //!< r = s * (1-da)\n DstOut, //!< r = d * (1-sa)\n SrcATop, //!< r = s*da + d*(1-sa)\n DstATop, //!< r = d*sa + s*(1-da)\n Xor, //!< r = s*(1-da) + d*(1-sa)\n Plus, //!< r = min(s + d, 1)\n Modulate, //!< r = s*d\n Screen, //!< r = s + d - s*d\n\n Overlay, //!< multiply or screen, depending on destination\n Darken, //!< rc = s + d - max(s*da, d*sa), ra = kSrcOver\n Lighten, //!< rc = s + d - min(s*da, d*sa), ra = kSrcOver\n ColorDodge, //!< brighten destination to reflect source\n ColorBurn, //!< darken destination to reflect source\n HardLight, //!< multiply or screen, depending on source\n SoftLight, //!< lighten or darken, depending on source\n Difference, //!< rc = s + d - 2*(min(s*da, d*sa)), ra = kSrcOver\n Exclusion, //!< rc = s + d - two(s*d), ra = kSrcOver\n Multiply, //!< r = s*(1-da) + d*(1-sa) + s*d\n\n Hue, //!< hue of source with saturation and luminosity of destination\n Saturation, //!< saturation of source with hue and luminosity of\n //!< destination\n Color, //!< hue and saturation of source with luminosity of destination\n Luminosity, //!< luminosity of source with hue and saturation of\n}\n"]}
+ {"version":3,"names":["BlendMode"],"sources":["BlendMode.ts"],"sourcesContent":["/**\n * Blends are operators that take in two colors (source, destination) and\n * return a new color. Many of these operate the same on all 4 components: red,\n * green, blue, alpha. For these, we just document what happens to one\n * component, rather than naming each one separately.\n *\n * Different SkColorTypes have different representations for color components:\n * 8-bit: 0..255\n * 6-bit: 0..63\n * 5-bit: 0..31\n * 4-bit: 0..15\n * floats: 0...1\n *\n * The documentation is expressed as if the component values are always 0..1\n * (floats).\n *\n * For brevity, the documentation uses the following abbreviations\n * s : source\n * d : destination\n * sa : source alpha\n * da : destination alpha\n *\n * Results are abbreviated\n * r : if all 4 components are computed in the same manner\n * ra : result alpha component\n * rc : result \"color\": red, green, blue components\n */\nexport enum BlendMode {\n Clear, //!< r = 0\n Src, //!< r = s\n Dst, //!< r = d\n SrcOver, //!< r = s + (1-sa)*d\n DstOver, //!< r = d + (1-da)*s\n SrcIn, //!< r = s * da\n DstIn, //!< r = d * sa\n SrcOut, //!< r = s * (1-da)\n DstOut, //!< r = d * (1-sa)\n SrcATop, //!< r = s*da + d*(1-sa)\n DstATop, //!< r = d*sa + s*(1-da)\n Xor, //!< r = s*(1-da) + d*(1-sa)\n Plus, //!< r = min(s + d, 1)\n Modulate, //!< r = s*d\n Screen, //!< r = s + d - s*d\n\n Overlay, //!< multiply or screen, depending on destination\n Darken, //!< rc = s + d - max(s*da, d*sa), ra = kSrcOver\n Lighten, //!< rc = s + d - min(s*da, d*sa), ra = kSrcOver\n ColorDodge, //!< brighten destination to reflect source\n ColorBurn, //!< darken destination to reflect source\n HardLight, //!< multiply or screen, depending on source\n SoftLight, //!< lighten or darken, depending on source\n Difference, //!< rc = s + d - 2*(min(s*da, d*sa)), ra = kSrcOver\n Exclusion, //!< rc = s + d - two(s*d), ra = kSrcOver\n Multiply, //!< r = s*(1-da) + d*(1-sa) + s*d\n\n Hue, //!< hue of source with saturation and luminosity of destination\n Saturation, //!< saturation of source with hue and luminosity of\n //!< destination\n Color, //!< hue and saturation of source with luminosity of destination\n Luminosity, //!< luminosity of source with hue and saturation of\n}\n"],"mappings":";;;;;;;AAAA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;IACYA,S;;;WAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;GAAAA,S,yBAAAA,S"}
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"version":3,"sources":["Paint.ts"],"names":["PaintStyle","StrokeCap","StrokeJoin","isPaint","obj","__typename__"],"mappings":";;;;;;IAUYA,U;;;WAAAA,U;AAAAA,EAAAA,U,CAAAA,U;AAAAA,EAAAA,U,CAAAA,U;GAAAA,U,0BAAAA,U;;IAKAC,S;;;WAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;AAAAA,EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;GAAAA,S,yBAAAA,S;;IAMAC,U;;;WAAAA,U;AAAAA,EAAAA,U,CAAAA,U;AAAAA,EAAAA,U,CAAAA,U;AAAAA,EAAAA,U,CAAAA,U;GAAAA,U,0BAAAA,U;;AAML,MAAMC,OAAO,GAAIC,GAAD,IACrBA,GAAG,KAAK,IAAR,IAAgBA,GAAG,CAACC,YAAJ,KAAqB,OADhC","sourcesContent":["import type { SkImageFilter } from \"../ImageFilter\";\nimport type { SkMaskFilter } from \"../MaskFilter\";\nimport type { SkColorFilter } from \"../ColorFilter\";\nimport type { SkColor } from \"../Color\";\nimport type { SkPathEffect } from \"../PathEffect\";\nimport type { SkJSIInstance } from \"../JsiInstance\";\nimport type { SkShader } from \"../Shader\";\n\nimport type { BlendMode } from \"./BlendMode\";\n\nexport enum PaintStyle {\n Fill,\n Stroke,\n}\n\nexport enum StrokeCap {\n Butt,\n Round,\n Square,\n}\n\nexport enum StrokeJoin {\n Miter,\n Round,\n Bevel,\n}\n\nexport const isPaint = (obj: SkJSIInstance<string> | null): obj is SkPaint =>\n obj !== null && obj.__typename__ === \"Paint\";\n\nexport interface SkPaint extends SkJSIInstance<\"Paint\"> {\n /**\n * Returns a copy of this paint.\n */\n copy(): SkPaint;\n\n /**\n * Sets all SkPaint contents to their initial values. This is equivalent to replacing\n SkPaint with the result of SkPaint().\n */\n reset(): void;\n\n /**\n * Retrieves the alpha and RGB unpremultiplied. RGB are extended sRGB values\n * (sRGB gamut, and encoded with the sRGB transfer function).\n */\n getColor(): SkColor;\n\n /**\n * Returns the geometry drawn at the beginning and end of strokes.\n */\n getStrokeCap(): StrokeCap;\n\n /**\n * Returns the geometry drawn at the corners of strokes.\n */\n getStrokeJoin(): StrokeJoin;\n\n /**\n * Returns the limit at which a sharp corner is drawn beveled.\n */\n getStrokeMiter(): number;\n\n /**\n * Returns the thickness of the pen used to outline the shape.\n */\n getStrokeWidth(): number;\n\n /**\n * Replaces alpha, leaving RGBA unchanged. 0 means fully transparent, 1.0 means opaque.\n * @param alpha\n */\n setAlphaf(alpha: number): void;\n\n /**\n * Requests, but does not require, that edge pixels draw opaque or with\n * partial transparency.\n * @param aa\n */\n setAntiAlias: (aa: boolean) => void;\n\n /**\n * Sets the blend mode that is, the mode used to combine source color\n * with destination color.\n * @param mode\n */\n setBlendMode: (blendMode: BlendMode) => void;\n\n /**\n * Sets alpha and RGB used when stroking and filling. The color is a 32-bit\n * value, unpremultiplied, packing 8-bit components for alpha, red, blue,\n * and green.\n *\n * @param color unpremultiplied ARGB\n *\n * example: https://fiddle.skia.org/c/@Paint_setColor\n */\n setColor(color: SkColor): void;\n\n /**\n * Sets the current color filter, replacing the existing one if there was one.\n * @param filter\n */\n setColorFilter(filter: SkColorFilter | null): void;\n\n /**\n * Sets the current image filter, replacing the existing one if there was one.\n * @param filter\n */\n setImageFilter(filter: SkImageFilter | null): void;\n\n /**\n * Sets the current mask filter, replacing the existing one if there was one.\n * @param filter\n */\n setMaskFilter(filter: SkMaskFilter | null): void;\n\n /**\n * Sets the current path effect, replacing the existing one if there was one.\n * @param effect\n */\n setPathEffect(effect: SkPathEffect | null): void;\n\n /**\n * Sets the current shader, replacing the existing one if there was one.\n * @param shader\n */\n setShader(shader: SkShader | null): void;\n\n /**\n * Sets the geometry drawn at the beginning and end of strokes.\n * @param cap\n */\n setStrokeCap(cap: StrokeCap): void;\n\n /**\n * Sets the geometry drawn at the corners of strokes.\n * @param join\n */\n setStrokeJoin(join: StrokeJoin): void;\n\n /**\n * Sets the limit at which a sharp corner is drawn beveled.\n * @param limit\n */\n setStrokeMiter(limit: number): void;\n\n /**\n * Sets the thickness of the pen used to outline the shape.\n * @param width\n */\n setStrokeWidth(width: number): void;\n\n /**\n * Sets whether the geometry is filled or stroked.\n * @param style\n */\n setStyle(style: PaintStyle): void;\n}\n"]}
+ {"version":3,"names":["PaintStyle","StrokeCap","StrokeJoin","isPaint","obj","__typename__"],"sources":["Paint.ts"],"sourcesContent":["import type { SkImageFilter } from \"../ImageFilter\";\nimport type { SkMaskFilter } from \"../MaskFilter\";\nimport type { SkColorFilter } from \"../ColorFilter\";\nimport type { SkColor } from \"../Color\";\nimport type { SkPathEffect } from \"../PathEffect\";\nimport type { SkJSIInstance } from \"../JsiInstance\";\nimport type { SkShader } from \"../Shader\";\n\nimport type { BlendMode } from \"./BlendMode\";\n\nexport enum PaintStyle {\n Fill,\n Stroke,\n}\n\nexport enum StrokeCap {\n Butt,\n Round,\n Square,\n}\n\nexport enum StrokeJoin {\n Miter,\n Round,\n Bevel,\n}\n\nexport const isPaint = (obj: SkJSIInstance<string> | null): obj is SkPaint =>\n obj !== null && obj.__typename__ === \"Paint\";\n\nexport interface SkPaint extends SkJSIInstance<\"Paint\"> {\n /**\n * Returns a copy of this paint.\n */\n copy(): SkPaint;\n\n /**\n * Sets all SkPaint contents to their initial values. This is equivalent to replacing\n SkPaint with the result of SkPaint().\n */\n reset(): void;\n\n /**\n * Retrieves the alpha and RGB unpremultiplied. RGB are extended sRGB values\n * (sRGB gamut, and encoded with the sRGB transfer function).\n */\n getColor(): SkColor;\n\n /**\n * Returns the geometry drawn at the beginning and end of strokes.\n */\n getStrokeCap(): StrokeCap;\n\n /**\n * Returns the geometry drawn at the corners of strokes.\n */\n getStrokeJoin(): StrokeJoin;\n\n /**\n * Returns the limit at which a sharp corner is drawn beveled.\n */\n getStrokeMiter(): number;\n\n /**\n * Returns the thickness of the pen used to outline the shape.\n */\n getStrokeWidth(): number;\n\n /**\n * Replaces alpha, leaving RGBA unchanged. 0 means fully transparent, 1.0 means opaque.\n * @param alpha\n */\n setAlphaf(alpha: number): void;\n\n /**\n * Requests, but does not require, that edge pixels draw opaque or with\n * partial transparency.\n * @param aa\n */\n setAntiAlias: (aa: boolean) => void;\n\n /**\n * Sets the blend mode that is, the mode used to combine source color\n * with destination color.\n * @param mode\n */\n setBlendMode: (blendMode: BlendMode) => void;\n\n /**\n * Sets alpha and RGB used when stroking and filling. The color is a 32-bit\n * value, unpremultiplied, packing 8-bit components for alpha, red, blue,\n * and green.\n *\n * @param color unpremultiplied ARGB\n *\n * example: https://fiddle.skia.org/c/@Paint_setColor\n */\n setColor(color: SkColor): void;\n\n /**\n * Sets the current color filter, replacing the existing one if there was one.\n * @param filter\n */\n setColorFilter(filter: SkColorFilter | null): void;\n\n /**\n * Sets the current image filter, replacing the existing one if there was one.\n * @param filter\n */\n setImageFilter(filter: SkImageFilter | null): void;\n\n /**\n * Sets the current mask filter, replacing the existing one if there was one.\n * @param filter\n */\n setMaskFilter(filter: SkMaskFilter | null): void;\n\n /**\n * Sets the current path effect, replacing the existing one if there was one.\n * @param effect\n */\n setPathEffect(effect: SkPathEffect | null): void;\n\n /**\n * Sets the current shader, replacing the existing one if there was one.\n * @param shader\n */\n setShader(shader: SkShader | null): void;\n\n /**\n * Sets the geometry drawn at the beginning and end of strokes.\n * @param cap\n */\n setStrokeCap(cap: StrokeCap): void;\n\n /**\n * Sets the geometry drawn at the corners of strokes.\n * @param join\n */\n setStrokeJoin(join: StrokeJoin): void;\n\n /**\n * Sets the limit at which a sharp corner is drawn beveled.\n * @param limit\n */\n setStrokeMiter(limit: number): void;\n\n /**\n * Sets the thickness of the pen used to outline the shape.\n * @param width\n */\n setStrokeWidth(width: number): void;\n\n /**\n * Sets whether the geometry is filled or stroked.\n * @param style\n */\n setStyle(style: PaintStyle): void;\n}\n"],"mappings":";;;;;;IAUYA,U;;;WAAAA,U;EAAAA,U,CAAAA,U;EAAAA,U,CAAAA,U;GAAAA,U,0BAAAA,U;;IAKAC,S;;;WAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;EAAAA,S,CAAAA,S;GAAAA,S,yBAAAA,S;;IAMAC,U;;;WAAAA,U;EAAAA,U,CAAAA,U;EAAAA,U,CAAAA,U;EAAAA,U,CAAAA,U;GAAAA,U,0BAAAA,U;;AAML,MAAMC,OAAO,GAAIC,GAAD,IACrBA,GAAG,KAAK,IAAR,IAAgBA,GAAG,CAACC,YAAJ,KAAqB,OADhC"}
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"version":3,"sources":["index.ts"],"names":[],"mappings":";;;;;;AAAA;;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;;AACA;;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA","sourcesContent":["export * from \"./Paint\";\nexport * from \"./BlendMode\";\n"]}
+ {"version":3,"names":[],"sources":["index.ts"],"sourcesContent":["export * from \"./Paint\";\nexport * from \"./BlendMode\";\n"],"mappings":";;;;;;AAAA;;AAAA;EAAA;EAAA;EAAA;IAAA;IAAA;MAAA;IAAA;EAAA;AAAA;;AACA;;AAAA;EAAA;EAAA;EAAA;IAAA;IAAA;MAAA;IAAA;EAAA;AAAA"}