@project-chip/matter-node.js-examples 0.8.0-alpha.0-20240328-f7f45db5 → 0.8.0-alpha.0-20240329-133f426f
This diff represents the content of publicly available package versions that have been released to one of the supported registries. The information contained in this diff is provided for informational purposes only and reflects changes between package versions as they appear in their respective public registries.
- package/dist/esm/examples/{BridgedDeviceNode.js → BridgedDevicesNode.js} +16 -14
- package/dist/esm/examples/{BridgedDeviceNode.js.map → BridgedDevicesNode.js.map} +3 -3
- package/dist/esm/examples/BridgedDevicesNodeLegacy.js +9 -6
- package/dist/esm/examples/BridgedDevicesNodeLegacy.js.map +2 -2
- package/dist/esm/examples/ComposedDeviceNode.js +15 -13
- package/dist/esm/examples/ComposedDeviceNode.js.map +2 -2
- package/dist/esm/examples/ComposedDeviceNodeLegacy.js +10 -7
- package/dist/esm/examples/ComposedDeviceNodeLegacy.js.map +2 -2
- package/dist/esm/examples/ControllerNode.js +6 -6
- package/dist/esm/examples/ControllerNode.js.map +2 -2
- package/dist/esm/examples/ControllerNodeLegacy.js +2 -1
- package/dist/esm/examples/ControllerNodeLegacy.js.map +2 -2
- package/dist/esm/examples/DeviceNode.js +15 -13
- package/dist/esm/examples/DeviceNode.js.map +2 -2
- package/dist/esm/examples/DeviceNodeFull.js +15 -13
- package/dist/esm/examples/DeviceNodeFull.js.map +2 -2
- package/dist/esm/examples/DeviceNodeFullLegacy.js +10 -7
- package/dist/esm/examples/DeviceNodeFullLegacy.js.map +2 -2
- package/dist/esm/examples/LegacyStorageConverter.js +35 -23
- package/dist/esm/examples/LegacyStorageConverter.js.map +2 -2
- package/dist/esm/examples/MultiDeviceNode.js +13 -13
- package/dist/esm/examples/MultiDeviceNode.js.map +2 -2
- package/dist/esm/examples/MultiDeviceNodeLegacy.js +2 -1
- package/dist/esm/examples/MultiDeviceNodeLegacy.js.map +2 -2
- package/dist/esm/examples/SensorDeviceNode.js +17 -15
- package/dist/esm/examples/SensorDeviceNode.js.map +2 -2
- package/package.json +6 -6
- package/src/examples/{BridgedDeviceNode.ts → BridgedDevicesNode.ts} +16 -13
- package/src/examples/BridgedDevicesNodeLegacy.ts +9 -9
- package/src/examples/ComposedDeviceNode.ts +16 -13
- package/src/examples/ComposedDeviceNodeLegacy.ts +10 -10
- package/src/examples/ControllerNode.ts +10 -7
- package/src/examples/ControllerNodeLegacy.ts +2 -4
- package/src/examples/DeviceNode.ts +16 -13
- package/src/examples/DeviceNodeFull.ts +15 -13
- package/src/examples/DeviceNodeFullLegacy.ts +10 -11
- package/src/examples/LegacyStorageConverter.ts +35 -23
- package/src/examples/MultiDeviceNode.ts +15 -13
- package/src/examples/MultiDeviceNodeLegacy.ts +2 -4
- package/src/examples/SensorDeviceNode.ts +18 -15
@@ -107,9 +107,9 @@ async function getConfiguration() {
const deviceStorage = (await storageService.open("device")).createContext("data");
const isSocket2 = Array();
const numDevices = environment.vars.number("num") || 2;
if (deviceStorage.has("isSocket")) {
if (await deviceStorage.has("isSocket")) {
console.log(`Device types found in storage. --type parameter is ignored.`);
deviceStorage.get("isSocket").forEach((type) => isSocket2.push(type));
(await deviceStorage.get("isSocket")).forEach((type) => isSocket2.push(type));
for (let i = 1; i <= numDevices; i++) {
if (isSocket2[i - 1] !== void 0)
@@ -118,19 +118,21 @@ async function getConfiguration() {
const deviceName2 = "Matter test device";
const vendorName2 = "matter-node.js";
const passcode2 = environment.vars.number("passcode") ?? deviceStorage.get("passcode", 20202021);
const discriminator2 = environment.vars.number("discriminator") ?? deviceStorage.get("discriminator", 3840);
const vendorId2 = environment.vars.number("vendorid") ?? deviceStorage.get("vendorid", 65521);
const passcode2 = environment.vars.number("passcode") ?? await deviceStorage.get("passcode", 20202021);
const discriminator2 = environment.vars.number("discriminator") ?? await deviceStorage.get("discriminator", 3840);
const vendorId2 = environment.vars.number("vendorid") ?? await deviceStorage.get("vendorid", 65521);
const productName2 = `node-matter OnOff ${isSocket2 ? "Socket" : "Light"}`;
const productId2 = environment.vars.number("productid") ?? deviceStorage.get("productid", 32768);
const productId2 = environment.vars.number("productid") ?? await deviceStorage.get("productid", 32768);
const port2 = environment.vars.number("port") ?? 5540;
const uniqueId2 = environment.vars.string("uniqueid") ?? deviceStorage.get("uniqueid", Time.nowMs().toString());
const uniqueId2 = environment.vars.string("uniqueid") ?? await deviceStorage.get("uniqueid", Time.nowMs().toString());
await deviceStorage.set({
passcode: passcode2,
discriminator: discriminator2,
vendorid: vendorId2,
productid: productId2,
isSocket: isSocket2,
uniqueid: uniqueId2
return {
isSocket: isSocket2,
deviceName: deviceName2,
@@ -144,4 +146,4 @@ async function getConfiguration() {
uniqueId: uniqueId2
//# sourceMappingURL=
//# sourceMappingURL=BridgedDevicesNode.js.map
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"version": 3,
"sources": ["../../../src/examples/
"sourcesContent": ["/**\n * @license\n * Copyright 2022-2024 Matter.js Authors\n * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0\n */\n\n/**\n * This example shows how to create a new device node that is composed of multiple devices.\n * It creates multiple endpoints on the server. For information on how to add a composed device to a bridge please\n * refer to the bridge example!\n * It can be used as CLI script and starting point for your own device node implementation.\n */\n\n/**\n * Import needed modules from @project-chip/matter-node.js\n */\n// Include this first to auto-register Crypto, Network and Time Node.js implementations\nimport \"@project-chip/matter-node.js\";\n\nimport { requireMinNodeVersion } from \"@project-chip/matter-node.js/util\";\nimport { BridgedDeviceBasicInformationServer } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/behavior/definitions/bridged-device-basic-information\";\nimport { DeviceTypeId, VendorId } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/datatype\";\nimport { logEndpoint } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/device\";\nimport { OnOffLightDevice } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/devices/OnOffLightDevice\";\nimport { OnOffPlugInUnitDevice } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/devices/OnOffPlugInUnitDevice\";\nimport { Endpoint, EndpointServer } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/endpoint\";\nimport { AggregatorEndpoint } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/endpoint/definitions\";\nimport { Environment, StorageService } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/environment\";\nimport { ServerNode } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/node\";\nimport { Time } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/time\";\nimport { execSync } from \"child_process\";\n\nrequireMinNodeVersion(16);\n\n/** Initialize configuration values */\nconst { isSocket, deviceName, vendorName, passcode, discriminator, vendorId, productName, productId, port, uniqueId } =\n await getConfiguration();\n\n/**\n * Create a Matter ServerNode, which contains the Root Endpoint and all relevant data and configuration\n */\nconst server = await ServerNode.create({\n // Required: Give the Node a unique ID which is used to store the state of this node\n id: uniqueId,\n\n // Provide Network relevant configuration like the port\n // Optional when operating only one device on a host, Default port is 5540\n network: {\n port,\n },\n\n // Provide Commissioning relevant settings\n // Optional for development/testing purposes\n commissioning: {\n passcode,\n discriminator,\n },\n\n // Provide Node announcement settings\n // Optional: If Ommitted some development defaults are used\n productDescription: {\n name: deviceName,\n deviceType: DeviceTypeId(isSocket[0] ? OnOffPlugInUnitDevice.deviceType : OnOffLightDevice.deviceType),\n },\n\n // Provide defaults for the BasicInformation cluster on the Root endpoint\n // Optional: If Omitted some development defaults are used\n basicInformation: {\n vendorName,\n vendorId: VendorId(vendorId),\n nodeLabel: productName,\n productName,\n productLabel: productName,\n productId,\n serialNumber: `matterjs-${uniqueId}`,\n uniqueId,\n },\n});\n\n/**\n * Matter Nodes are a composition of endpoints. Create and add a single multiple endpoint to the node to make it a\n * composed device. This example uses the OnOffLightDevice or OnOffPlugInUnitDevice depending on the value of the type\n * parameter. It also assigns each Endpoint a unique ID to store the endpoint number for it in the storage to restore\n * the device on restart.\n *\n * In this case we directly use the default command implementation from matter.js. Check out the DeviceNodeFull example\n * to see how to customize the command handlers.\n */\n\nconst aggregator = new Endpoint(AggregatorEndpoint, { id: \"aggregator\" });\nawait server.add(aggregator);\n\nfor (let idx = 0; idx < isSocket.length; idx++) {\n const i = idx + 1;\n const isASocket = isSocket[idx]; // Is the Device we add a Socket or a Light?\n\n const name = `OnOff ${isASocket ? \"Socket\" : \"Light\"} ${i}`;\n\n const endpoint = new Endpoint(\n isASocket\n ? // For a Bridged Device we need to add a BridgedDeviceBasicInformation cluster as server\n OnOffPlugInUnitDevice.with(BridgedDeviceBasicInformationServer)\n : OnOffLightDevice.with(BridgedDeviceBasicInformationServer),\n {\n id: `onoff-${i}`,\n bridgedDeviceBasicInformation: {\n nodeLabel: name,\n productName: name,\n productLabel: name,\n serialNumber: `node-matter-${uniqueId}-${i}`,\n reachable: true,\n },\n },\n );\n await aggregator.add(endpoint);\n\n /**\n * Register state change handlers of the endpoint for identify and onoff states to react to the commands.\n *\n * If the code in these change handlers fail then the change is also rolled back and not executed and an error is\n * reported back to the controller.\n */\n let isIdentifying = false;\n endpoint.events.identify.identifyTime$Change.on(value => {\n // identifyTime is set when an identify commandf is called and then decreased every second while indenitfy logic runs.\n if (value > 0 && !isIdentifying) {\n isIdentifying = true;\n console.log(`${name}: Run identify logic, ideally blink a light every 0.5s ...`);\n } else if (value === 0) {\n isIdentifying = false;\n console.log(`${name}: Stop identify logic ...`);\n }\n });\n\n endpoint.events.onOff.onOff$Change.on(value => {\n executeCommand(value ? `on${i}` : `off${i}`);\n console.log(`${name} is now ${value ? \"ON\" : \"OFF\"}`);\n });\n}\n\n/**\n * In order to start the node and announce it into the network we use the run method which resolves when the node goes\n * offline again because we do not need anything more here. See the Full example for other starting options.\n * The QR Code is printed automatically.\n */\nawait server.bringOnline();\n\n/**\n * Log the endpoint structure for debugging reasons and to allow to verify anything is correct\n */\nlogEndpoint(EndpointServer.forEndpoint(server));\n\n/*\n If you want to dynamically add another device during runtime you can do so by doing the following:\n\n const name = `OnOff Light 3`;\n\n const endpoint = new Endpoint(OnOffLightDevice.with(BridgedDeviceBasicInformationServer), {\n id: `onoff-3`,\n bridgedDeviceBasicInformation: {\n nodeLabel: name,\n productName: name,\n productLabel: name,\n serialNumber: `node-matter-${uniqueId}-3`,\n reachable: true,\n },\n });\n await aggregator.add(endpoint);\n\n endpoint.events.onOff.onOff$Change.on(value => {\n executeCommand(value ? `on3` : `off3`);\n console.log(`${name} is now ${value ? \"ON\" : \"OFF\"}`);\n });\n\n */\n\n/*\n To remove a device during runtime you can do so by doing the following:\n console.log(\"Removing Light 3 now!!\");\n\n await endpoint.close();\n\n This will automatically remove the endpoint from the bridge.\n */\n\n/*********************************************************************************************************\n * Convenience Methods\n *********************************************************************************************************/\n\n/** Defined a shell command from an environment variable and execute it and log the response. */\nfunction executeCommand(scriptParamName: string) {\n const script = Environment.default.vars.string(scriptParamName);\n if (script === undefined) return undefined;\n console.log(`${scriptParamName}: ${execSync(script).toString().slice(0, -1)}`);\n}\n\nasync function getConfiguration() {\n /**\n * Collect all needed data\n *\n * This block collects all needed data from cli, environment or storage. Replace this with where ever your data come from.\n *\n * Note: This example uses the matter.js process storage system to store the device parameter data for convenience\n * and easy reuse. When you also do that be careful to not overlap with Matter-Server own storage contexts\n * (so maybe better not do it ;-)).\n */\n const environment = Environment.default;\n\n const storageService = environment.get(StorageService);\n console.log(`Storage location: ${storageService.location} (Directory)`);\n console.log(\n 'Use the parameter \"--storage-path=NAME-OR-PATH\" to specify a different storage location in this directory, use --storage-clear to start with an empty storage.',\n );\n const deviceStorage = (await storageService.open(\"device\")).createContext(\"data\");\n\n const isSocket = Array<boolean>();\n const numDevices = environment.vars.number(\"num\") || 2;\n if (deviceStorage.has(\"isSocket\")) {\n console.log(`Device types found in storage. --type parameter is ignored.`);\n deviceStorage.get<Array<boolean>>(\"isSocket\").forEach(type => isSocket.push(type));\n }\n for (let i = 1; i <= numDevices; i++) {\n if (isSocket[i - 1] !== undefined) continue;\n isSocket.push(environment.vars.string(`type${i}`) === \"socket\");\n }\n\n const deviceName = \"Matter test device\";\n const vendorName = \"matter-node.js\";\n const passcode = environment.vars.number(\"passcode\") ?? deviceStorage.get(\"passcode\", 20202021);\n const discriminator = environment.vars.number(\"discriminator\") ?? deviceStorage.get(\"discriminator\", 3840);\n // product name / id and vendor id should match what is in the device certificate\n const vendorId = environment.vars.number(\"vendorid\") ?? deviceStorage.get(\"vendorid\", 0xfff1);\n const productName = `node-matter OnOff ${isSocket ? \"Socket\" : \"Light\"}`;\n const productId = environment.vars.number(\"productid\") ?? deviceStorage.get(\"productid\", 0x8000);\n\n const port = environment.vars.number(\"port\") ?? 5540;\n\n const uniqueId = environment.vars.string(\"uniqueid\") ?? deviceStorage.get(\"uniqueid\", Time.nowMs().toString());\n\n // Persist basic data to keep them also on restart\n deviceStorage.set(\"passcode\", passcode);\n deviceStorage.set(\"discriminator\", discriminator);\n deviceStorage.set(\"vendorid\", vendorId);\n deviceStorage.set(\"productid\", productId);\n deviceStorage.set(\"isSocket\", isSocket);\n deviceStorage.set(\"uniqueid\", uniqueId);\n\n return {\n isSocket,\n deviceName,\n vendorName,\n passcode,\n discriminator,\n vendorId,\n productName,\n productId,\n port,\n uniqueId,\n };\n}\n"],
"sources": ["../../../src/examples/BridgedDevicesNode.ts"],
"sourcesContent": ["/**\n * @license\n * Copyright 2022-2024 Matter.js Authors\n * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0\n */\n\n/**\n * This example shows how to create a new device node that is composed of multiple devices.\n * It creates multiple endpoints on the server. For information on how to add a composed device to a bridge please\n * refer to the bridge example!\n * It can be used as CLI script and starting point for your own device node implementation.\n */\n\n/**\n * Import needed modules from @project-chip/matter-node.js\n */\n// Include this first to auto-register Crypto, Network and Time Node.js implementations\nimport \"@project-chip/matter-node.js\";\n\nimport { requireMinNodeVersion } from \"@project-chip/matter-node.js/util\";\nimport { BridgedDeviceBasicInformationServer } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/behavior/definitions/bridged-device-basic-information\";\nimport { DeviceTypeId, VendorId } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/datatype\";\nimport { logEndpoint } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/device\";\nimport { OnOffLightDevice } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/devices/OnOffLightDevice\";\nimport { OnOffPlugInUnitDevice } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/devices/OnOffPlugInUnitDevice\";\nimport { Endpoint, EndpointServer } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/endpoint\";\nimport { AggregatorEndpoint } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/endpoint/definitions\";\nimport { Environment, StorageService } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/environment\";\nimport { ServerNode } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/node\";\nimport { Time } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/time\";\nimport { execSync } from \"child_process\";\n\nrequireMinNodeVersion(16);\n\n/** Initialize configuration values */\nconst { isSocket, deviceName, vendorName, passcode, discriminator, vendorId, productName, productId, port, uniqueId } =\n await getConfiguration();\n\n/**\n * Create a Matter ServerNode, which contains the Root Endpoint and all relevant data and configuration\n */\nconst server = await ServerNode.create({\n // Required: Give the Node a unique ID which is used to store the state of this node\n id: uniqueId,\n\n // Provide Network relevant configuration like the port\n // Optional when operating only one device on a host, Default port is 5540\n network: {\n port,\n },\n\n // Provide Commissioning relevant settings\n // Optional for development/testing purposes\n commissioning: {\n passcode,\n discriminator,\n },\n\n // Provide Node announcement settings\n // Optional: If Ommitted some development defaults are used\n productDescription: {\n name: deviceName,\n deviceType: DeviceTypeId(isSocket[0] ? OnOffPlugInUnitDevice.deviceType : OnOffLightDevice.deviceType),\n },\n\n // Provide defaults for the BasicInformation cluster on the Root endpoint\n // Optional: If Omitted some development defaults are used\n basicInformation: {\n vendorName,\n vendorId: VendorId(vendorId),\n nodeLabel: productName,\n productName,\n productLabel: productName,\n productId,\n serialNumber: `matterjs-${uniqueId}`,\n uniqueId,\n },\n});\n\n/**\n * Matter Nodes are a composition of endpoints. Create and add a single multiple endpoint to the node to make it a\n * composed device. This example uses the OnOffLightDevice or OnOffPlugInUnitDevice depending on the value of the type\n * parameter. It also assigns each Endpoint a unique ID to store the endpoint number for it in the storage to restore\n * the device on restart.\n *\n * In this case we directly use the default command implementation from matter.js. Check out the DeviceNodeFull example\n * to see how to customize the command handlers.\n */\n\nconst aggregator = new Endpoint(AggregatorEndpoint, { id: \"aggregator\" });\nawait server.add(aggregator);\n\nfor (let idx = 0; idx < isSocket.length; idx++) {\n const i = idx + 1;\n const isASocket = isSocket[idx]; // Is the Device we add a Socket or a Light?\n\n const name = `OnOff ${isASocket ? \"Socket\" : \"Light\"} ${i}`;\n\n const endpoint = new Endpoint(\n isASocket\n ? // For a Bridged Device we need to add a BridgedDeviceBasicInformation cluster as server\n OnOffPlugInUnitDevice.with(BridgedDeviceBasicInformationServer)\n : OnOffLightDevice.with(BridgedDeviceBasicInformationServer),\n {\n id: `onoff-${i}`,\n bridgedDeviceBasicInformation: {\n nodeLabel: name,\n productName: name,\n productLabel: name,\n serialNumber: `node-matter-${uniqueId}-${i}`,\n reachable: true,\n },\n },\n );\n await aggregator.add(endpoint);\n\n /**\n * Register state change handlers of the endpoint for identify and onoff states to react to the commands.\n *\n * If the code in these change handlers fail then the change is also rolled back and not executed and an error is\n * reported back to the controller.\n */\n let isIdentifying = false;\n endpoint.events.identify.identifyTime$Change.on(value => {\n // identifyTime is set when an identify commandf is called and then decreased every second while indenitfy logic runs.\n if (value > 0 && !isIdentifying) {\n isIdentifying = true;\n console.log(`${name}: Run identify logic, ideally blink a light every 0.5s ...`);\n } else if (value === 0) {\n isIdentifying = false;\n console.log(`${name}: Stop identify logic ...`);\n }\n });\n\n endpoint.events.onOff.onOff$Change.on(value => {\n executeCommand(value ? `on${i}` : `off${i}`);\n console.log(`${name} is now ${value ? \"ON\" : \"OFF\"}`);\n });\n}\n\n/**\n * In order to start the node and announce it into the network we use the run method which resolves when the node goes\n * offline again because we do not need anything more here. See the Full example for other starting options.\n * The QR Code is printed automatically.\n */\nawait server.bringOnline();\n\n/**\n * Log the endpoint structure for debugging reasons and to allow to verify anything is correct\n */\nlogEndpoint(EndpointServer.forEndpoint(server));\n\n/*\n If you want to dynamically add another device during runtime you can do so by doing the following:\n\n const name = `OnOff Light 3`;\n\n const endpoint = new Endpoint(OnOffLightDevice.with(BridgedDeviceBasicInformationServer), {\n id: `onoff-3`,\n bridgedDeviceBasicInformation: {\n nodeLabel: name,\n productName: name,\n productLabel: name,\n serialNumber: `node-matter-${uniqueId}-3`,\n reachable: true,\n },\n });\n await aggregator.add(endpoint);\n\n endpoint.events.onOff.onOff$Change.on(value => {\n executeCommand(value ? `on3` : `off3`);\n console.log(`${name} is now ${value ? \"ON\" : \"OFF\"}`);\n });\n\n */\n\n/*\n To remove a device during runtime you can do so by doing the following:\n console.log(\"Removing Light 3 now!!\");\n\n await endpoint.close();\n\n This will automatically remove the endpoint from the bridge.\n */\n\n/*********************************************************************************************************\n * Convenience Methods\n *********************************************************************************************************/\n\n/** Defined a shell command from an environment variable and execute it and log the response. */\nfunction executeCommand(scriptParamName: string) {\n const script = Environment.default.vars.string(scriptParamName);\n if (script === undefined) return undefined;\n console.log(`${scriptParamName}: ${execSync(script).toString().slice(0, -1)}`);\n}\n\nasync function getConfiguration() {\n /**\n * Collect all needed data\n *\n * This block collects all needed data from cli, environment or storage. Replace this with where ever your data come from.\n *\n * Note: This example uses the matter.js process storage system to store the device parameter data for convenience\n * and easy reuse. When you also do that be careful to not overlap with Matter-Server own storage contexts\n * (so maybe better not do it ;-)).\n */\n const environment = Environment.default;\n\n const storageService = environment.get(StorageService);\n console.log(`Storage location: ${storageService.location} (Directory)`);\n console.log(\n 'Use the parameter \"--storage-path=NAME-OR-PATH\" to specify a different storage location in this directory, use --storage-clear to start with an empty storage.',\n );\n const deviceStorage = (await storageService.open(\"device\")).createContext(\"data\");\n\n const isSocket = Array<boolean>();\n const numDevices = environment.vars.number(\"num\") || 2;\n if (await deviceStorage.has(\"isSocket\")) {\n console.log(`Device types found in storage. --type parameter is ignored.`);\n (await deviceStorage.get<Array<boolean>>(\"isSocket\")).forEach(type => isSocket.push(type));\n }\n for (let i = 1; i <= numDevices; i++) {\n if (isSocket[i - 1] !== undefined) continue;\n isSocket.push(environment.vars.string(`type${i}`) === \"socket\");\n }\n\n const deviceName = \"Matter test device\";\n const vendorName = \"matter-node.js\";\n const passcode = environment.vars.number(\"passcode\") ?? (await deviceStorage.get(\"passcode\", 20202021));\n const discriminator = environment.vars.number(\"discriminator\") ?? (await deviceStorage.get(\"discriminator\", 3840));\n // product name / id and vendor id should match what is in the device certificate\n const vendorId = environment.vars.number(\"vendorid\") ?? (await deviceStorage.get(\"vendorid\", 0xfff1));\n const productName = `node-matter OnOff ${isSocket ? \"Socket\" : \"Light\"}`;\n const productId = environment.vars.number(\"productid\") ?? (await deviceStorage.get(\"productid\", 0x8000));\n\n const port = environment.vars.number(\"port\") ?? 5540;\n\n const uniqueId =\n environment.vars.string(\"uniqueid\") ?? (await deviceStorage.get(\"uniqueid\", Time.nowMs().toString()));\n\n // Persist basic data to keep them also on restart\n await deviceStorage.set({\n passcode,\n discriminator,\n vendorid: vendorId,\n productid: productId,\n isSocket,\n uniqueid: uniqueId,\n });\n\n return {\n isSocket,\n deviceName,\n vendorName,\n passcode,\n discriminator,\n vendorId,\n productName,\n productId,\n port,\n uniqueId,\n };\n}\n"],
"names": ["isSocket", "deviceName", "vendorName", "passcode", "discriminator", "vendorId", "productName", "productId", "port", "uniqueId"]
@@ -68,11 +68,13 @@ class BridgedDevice {
const netInterface = getParameter("netinterface");
const port = getIntParameter("port") ?? 5540;
const uniqueId = getIntParameter("uniqueid") ?? deviceStorage.get("uniqueid", Time.nowMs());
vendorid: vendorId,
productid: productId,
uniqueid: uniqueId
this.matterServer = new MatterServer(storageManager, { mdnsInterface: netInterface });
const commissioningServer = new CommissioningServer({
@@ -135,7 +137,8 @@ device.start().then(() => {
}).catch((err) => console.error(err));
process.on("SIGINT", () => {
device.stop().then(() => {
}).catch((err) => console.error(err));
//# sourceMappingURL=BridgedDevicesNodeLegacy.js.map
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"version": 3,
"sources": ["../../../src/examples/BridgedDevicesNodeLegacy.ts"],
"sourcesContent": ["#!/usr/bin/env node\n/**\n * @license\n * Copyright 2022-2024 Matter.js Authors\n * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0\n */\n\n/**\n * IMPORTANT: This example uses a Legacy API which will be deprecated in the future.\n * It is just still here to support developers in converting their code to the new API!\n */\n\n/**\n * This example shows how to create a device bridge that exposed multiple devices.\n * It can be used as CLI script and starting point for your own device node implementation.\n */\n\n/**\n * Import needed modules from @project-chip/matter-node.js\n */\n// Include this first to auto-register Crypto, Network and Time Node.js implementations\nimport { CommissioningServer, MatterServer } from \"@project-chip/matter-node.js\";\n\nimport { VendorId } from \"@project-chip/matter-node.js/datatype\";\nimport { Aggregator, DeviceTypes, OnOffLightDevice, OnOffPluginUnitDevice } from \"@project-chip/matter-node.js/device\";\nimport { Format, Level, Logger } from \"@project-chip/matter-node.js/log\";\nimport { QrCode } from \"@project-chip/matter-node.js/schema\";\nimport { StorageBackendDisk, StorageManager } from \"@project-chip/matter-node.js/storage\";\nimport { Time } from \"@project-chip/matter-node.js/time\";\nimport {\n commandExecutor,\n getIntParameter,\n getParameter,\n hasParameter,\n requireMinNodeVersion,\n} from \"@project-chip/matter-node.js/util\";\n\nconst logger = Logger.get(\"Device\");\n\nrequireMinNodeVersion(16);\n\n/** Configure logging */\nswitch (getParameter(\"loglevel\")) {\n case \"fatal\":\n Logger.defaultLogLevel = Level.FATAL;\n break;\n case \"error\":\n Logger.defaultLogLevel = Level.ERROR;\n break;\n case \"warn\":\n Logger.defaultLogLevel = Level.WARN;\n break;\n case \"info\":\n Logger.defaultLogLevel = Level.INFO;\n break;\n}\n\nswitch (getParameter(\"logformat\")) {\n case \"plain\":\n Logger.format = Format.PLAIN;\n break;\n case \"html\":\n Logger.format = Format.HTML;\n break;\n default:\n if (process.stdin?.isTTY) Logger.format = Format.ANSI;\n}\n\nconst storageLocation = getParameter(\"store\") ?? \".device-node\";\nconst storage = new StorageBackendDisk(storageLocation, hasParameter(\"clearstorage\"));\nlogger.info(`Storage location: ${storageLocation} (Directory)`);\nlogger.info(\n 'Use the parameter \"-store NAME\" to specify a different storage location, use -clearstorage to start with an empty storage.',\n);\n\nclass BridgedDevice {\n private matterServer: MatterServer | undefined;\n\n async start() {\n logger.info(`node-matter`);\n\n /**\n * Initialize the storage system.\n *\n * The storage manager is then also used by the Matter server, so this code block in general is required,\n * but you can choose a different storage backend as long as it implements the required API.\n */\n\n const storageManager = new StorageManager(storage);\n await storageManager.initialize();\n\n /**\n * Collect all needed data\n *\n * This block makes sure to collect all needed data from cli or storage. Replace this with where ever your data\n * come from.\n *\n * Note: This example also uses the initialized storage system to store the device parameter data for convenience\n * and easy reuse. When you also do that be careful to not overlap with Matter-Server own contexts\n * (so maybe better not ;-)).\n */\n\n const deviceStorage = storageManager.createContext(\"Device\");\n\n const deviceName = \"Matter Bridge device\";\n const deviceType = DeviceTypes.AGGREGATOR.code;\n const vendorName = \"matter-node.js\";\n const passcode = getIntParameter(\"passcode\") ?? deviceStorage.get(\"passcode\", 20202021);\n const discriminator = getIntParameter(\"discriminator\") ?? deviceStorage.get(\"discriminator\", 3840);\n // product name / id and vendor id should match what is in the device certificate\n const vendorId = getIntParameter(\"vendorid\") ?? deviceStorage.get(\"vendorid\", 0xfff1);\n const productName = `node-matter OnOff-Bridge`;\n const productId = getIntParameter(\"productid\") ?? deviceStorage.get(\"productid\", 0x8000);\n\n const netInterface = getParameter(\"netinterface\");\n const port = getIntParameter(\"port\") ?? 5540;\n\n const uniqueId = getIntParameter(\"uniqueid\") ?? deviceStorage.get(\"uniqueid\", Time.nowMs());\n\n deviceStorage.set(\"passcode\", passcode);\n deviceStorage.set(\"discriminator\", discriminator);\n deviceStorage.set(\"vendorid\", vendorId);\n deviceStorage.set(\"productid\", productId);\n deviceStorage.set(\"uniqueid\", uniqueId);\n\n /**\n * Create Matter Server and CommissioningServer Node\n *\n * To allow the device to be announced, found, paired and operated we need a MatterServer instance and add a\n * commissioningServer to it and add the just created device instance to it.\n * The CommissioningServer node defines the port where the server listens for the UDP packages of the Matter protocol\n * and initializes deice specific certificates and such.\n *\n * The below logic also adds command handlers for commands of clusters that normally are handled internally\n * like testEventTrigger (General Diagnostic Cluster) that can be implemented with the logic when these commands\n * are called.\n */\n\n this.matterServer = new MatterServer(storageManager, { mdnsInterface: netInterface });\n\n const commissioningServer = new CommissioningServer({\n port,\n deviceName,\n deviceType,\n passcode,\n discriminator,\n basicInformation: {\n vendorName,\n vendorId: VendorId(vendorId),\n nodeLabel: productName,\n productName,\n productLabel: productName,\n productId,\n serialNumber: `node-matter-${uniqueId}`,\n },\n });\n\n /**\n * Create Device instance and add needed Listener\n *\n * Create an instance of the matter device class you want to use.\n * This example uses the OnOffLightDevice or OnOffPluginUnitDevice depending on the value of the type parameter.\n * To execute the on/off scripts defined as parameters a listener for the onOff attribute is registered via the\n * device specific API.\n *\n * The below logic also adds command handlers for commands of clusters that normally are handled device internally\n * like identify that can be implemented with the logic when these commands are called.\n */\n\n const aggregator = new Aggregator();\n\n const numDevices = getIntParameter(\"num\") || 2;\n for (let i = 1; i <= numDevices; i++) {\n const onOffDevice =\n getParameter(`type${i}`) === \"socket\" ? new OnOffPluginUnitDevice() : new OnOffLightDevice();\n\n onOffDevice.addOnOffListener(on => commandExecutor(on ? `on${i}` : `off${i}`)?.());\n onOffDevice.addCommandHandler(\"identify\", async ({ request: { identifyTime } }) =>\n console.log(\n `Identify called for OnOffDevice ${onOffDevice.name} with id: ${i} and identifyTime: ${identifyTime}`,\n ),\n );\n\n const name = `OnOff ${onOffDevice instanceof OnOffPluginUnitDevice ? \"Socket\" : \"Light\"} ${i}`;\n aggregator.addBridgedDevice(onOffDevice, {\n nodeLabel: name,\n productName: name,\n productLabel: name,\n serialNumber: `node-matter-${uniqueId}-${i}`,\n reachable: true,\n });\n }\n\n commissioningServer.addDevice(aggregator);\n\n await this.matterServer.addCommissioningServer(commissioningServer);\n\n /**\n * Start the Matter Server\n *\n * After everything was plugged together we can start the server. When not delayed announcement is set for the\n * CommissioningServer node then this command also starts the announcement of the device into the network.\n */\n\n await this.matterServer.start();\n\n /**\n * Print Pairing Information\n *\n * If the device is not already commissioned (this info is stored in the storage system) then get and print the\n * pairing details. This includes the QR code that can be scanned by the Matter app to pair the device.\n */\n\n logger.info(\"Listening\");\n if (!commissioningServer.isCommissioned()) {\n const pairingData = commissioningServer.getPairingCode();\n const { qrPairingCode, manualPairingCode } = pairingData;\n\n console.log(QrCode.get(qrPairingCode));\n console.log(\n `QR Code URL: https://project-chip.github.io/connectedhomeip/qrcode.html?data=${qrPairingCode}`,\n );\n console.log(`Manual pairing code: ${manualPairingCode}`);\n } else {\n console.log(\"Device is already commissioned. Waiting for controllers to connect ...\");\n }\n }\n\n async stop() {\n await this.matterServer?.close();\n }\n}\n\nconst device = new BridgedDevice();\ndevice\n .start()\n .then(() => {\n /* done */\n })\n .catch(err => console.error(err));\n\nprocess.on(\"SIGINT\", () => {\n // Clean up on CTRL-C\n device\n .stop()\n .then(() => {\n // Pragmatic way to make sure the storage is correctly closed before the process ends.\n storage\n .close()\n .then(() => process.exit(0))\n .catch(err => console.error(err));\n })\n .catch(err => console.error(err));\n});\n"],
"sourcesContent": ["#!/usr/bin/env node\n/**\n * @license\n * Copyright 2022-2024 Matter.js Authors\n * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0\n */\n\n/**\n * IMPORTANT: This example uses a Legacy API which will be deprecated in the future.\n * It is just still here to support developers in converting their code to the new API!\n */\n\n/**\n * This example shows how to create a device bridge that exposed multiple devices.\n * It can be used as CLI script and starting point for your own device node implementation.\n */\n\n/**\n * Import needed modules from @project-chip/matter-node.js\n */\n// Include this first to auto-register Crypto, Network and Time Node.js implementations\nimport { CommissioningServer, MatterServer } from \"@project-chip/matter-node.js\";\n\nimport { VendorId } from \"@project-chip/matter-node.js/datatype\";\nimport { Aggregator, DeviceTypes, OnOffLightDevice, OnOffPluginUnitDevice } from \"@project-chip/matter-node.js/device\";\nimport { Format, Level, Logger } from \"@project-chip/matter-node.js/log\";\nimport { QrCode } from \"@project-chip/matter-node.js/schema\";\nimport { StorageBackendDisk, StorageManager } from \"@project-chip/matter-node.js/storage\";\nimport { Time } from \"@project-chip/matter-node.js/time\";\nimport {\n commandExecutor,\n getIntParameter,\n getParameter,\n hasParameter,\n requireMinNodeVersion,\n} from \"@project-chip/matter-node.js/util\";\n\nconst logger = Logger.get(\"Device\");\n\nrequireMinNodeVersion(16);\n\n/** Configure logging */\nswitch (getParameter(\"loglevel\")) {\n case \"fatal\":\n Logger.defaultLogLevel = Level.FATAL;\n break;\n case \"error\":\n Logger.defaultLogLevel = Level.ERROR;\n break;\n case \"warn\":\n Logger.defaultLogLevel = Level.WARN;\n break;\n case \"info\":\n Logger.defaultLogLevel = Level.INFO;\n break;\n}\n\nswitch (getParameter(\"logformat\")) {\n case \"plain\":\n Logger.format = Format.PLAIN;\n break;\n case \"html\":\n Logger.format = Format.HTML;\n break;\n default:\n if (process.stdin?.isTTY) Logger.format = Format.ANSI;\n}\n\nconst storageLocation = getParameter(\"store\") ?? \".device-node\";\nconst storage = new StorageBackendDisk(storageLocation, hasParameter(\"clearstorage\"));\nlogger.info(`Storage location: ${storageLocation} (Directory)`);\nlogger.info(\n 'Use the parameter \"-store NAME\" to specify a different storage location, use -clearstorage to start with an empty storage.',\n);\n\nclass BridgedDevice {\n private matterServer: MatterServer | undefined;\n\n async start() {\n logger.info(`node-matter`);\n\n /**\n * Initialize the storage system.\n *\n * The storage manager is then also used by the Matter server, so this code block in general is required,\n * but you can choose a different storage backend as long as it implements the required API.\n */\n\n const storageManager = new StorageManager(storage);\n await storageManager.initialize();\n\n /**\n * Collect all needed data\n *\n * This block makes sure to collect all needed data from cli or storage. Replace this with where ever your data\n * come from.\n *\n * Note: This example also uses the initialized storage system to store the device parameter data for convenience\n * and easy reuse. When you also do that be careful to not overlap with Matter-Server own contexts\n * (so maybe better not ;-)).\n */\n\n const deviceStorage = storageManager.createContext(\"Device\");\n\n const deviceName = \"Matter Bridge device\";\n const deviceType = DeviceTypes.AGGREGATOR.code;\n const vendorName = \"matter-node.js\";\n const passcode = getIntParameter(\"passcode\") ?? deviceStorage.get(\"passcode\", 20202021);\n const discriminator = getIntParameter(\"discriminator\") ?? deviceStorage.get(\"discriminator\", 3840);\n // product name / id and vendor id should match what is in the device certificate\n const vendorId = getIntParameter(\"vendorid\") ?? deviceStorage.get(\"vendorid\", 0xfff1);\n const productName = `node-matter OnOff-Bridge`;\n const productId = getIntParameter(\"productid\") ?? deviceStorage.get(\"productid\", 0x8000);\n\n const netInterface = getParameter(\"netinterface\");\n const port = getIntParameter(\"port\") ?? 5540;\n\n const uniqueId = getIntParameter(\"uniqueid\") ?? deviceStorage.get(\"uniqueid\", Time.nowMs());\n\n deviceStorage.set({\n passcode,\n discriminator,\n vendorid: vendorId,\n productid: productId,\n uniqueid: uniqueId,\n });\n\n /**\n * Create Matter Server and CommissioningServer Node\n *\n * To allow the device to be announced, found, paired and operated we need a MatterServer instance and add a\n * commissioningServer to it and add the just created device instance to it.\n * The CommissioningServer node defines the port where the server listens for the UDP packages of the Matter protocol\n * and initializes deice specific certificates and such.\n *\n * The below logic also adds command handlers for commands of clusters that normally are handled internally\n * like testEventTrigger (General Diagnostic Cluster) that can be implemented with the logic when these commands\n * are called.\n */\n\n this.matterServer = new MatterServer(storageManager, { mdnsInterface: netInterface });\n\n const commissioningServer = new CommissioningServer({\n port,\n deviceName,\n deviceType,\n passcode,\n discriminator,\n basicInformation: {\n vendorName,\n vendorId: VendorId(vendorId),\n nodeLabel: productName,\n productName,\n productLabel: productName,\n productId,\n serialNumber: `node-matter-${uniqueId}`,\n },\n });\n\n /**\n * Create Device instance and add needed Listener\n *\n * Create an instance of the matter device class you want to use.\n * This example uses the OnOffLightDevice or OnOffPluginUnitDevice depending on the value of the type parameter.\n * To execute the on/off scripts defined as parameters a listener for the onOff attribute is registered via the\n * device specific API.\n *\n * The below logic also adds command handlers for commands of clusters that normally are handled device internally\n * like identify that can be implemented with the logic when these commands are called.\n */\n\n const aggregator = new Aggregator();\n\n const numDevices = getIntParameter(\"num\") || 2;\n for (let i = 1; i <= numDevices; i++) {\n const onOffDevice =\n getParameter(`type${i}`) === \"socket\" ? new OnOffPluginUnitDevice() : new OnOffLightDevice();\n\n onOffDevice.addOnOffListener(on => commandExecutor(on ? `on${i}` : `off${i}`)?.());\n onOffDevice.addCommandHandler(\"identify\", async ({ request: { identifyTime } }) =>\n console.log(\n `Identify called for OnOffDevice ${onOffDevice.name} with id: ${i} and identifyTime: ${identifyTime}`,\n ),\n );\n\n const name = `OnOff ${onOffDevice instanceof OnOffPluginUnitDevice ? \"Socket\" : \"Light\"} ${i}`;\n aggregator.addBridgedDevice(onOffDevice, {\n nodeLabel: name,\n productName: name,\n productLabel: name,\n serialNumber: `node-matter-${uniqueId}-${i}`,\n reachable: true,\n });\n }\n\n commissioningServer.addDevice(aggregator);\n\n await this.matterServer.addCommissioningServer(commissioningServer);\n\n /**\n * Start the Matter Server\n *\n * After everything was plugged together we can start the server. When not delayed announcement is set for the\n * CommissioningServer node then this command also starts the announcement of the device into the network.\n */\n\n await this.matterServer.start();\n\n /**\n * Print Pairing Information\n *\n * If the device is not already commissioned (this info is stored in the storage system) then get and print the\n * pairing details. This includes the QR code that can be scanned by the Matter app to pair the device.\n */\n\n logger.info(\"Listening\");\n if (!commissioningServer.isCommissioned()) {\n const pairingData = commissioningServer.getPairingCode();\n const { qrPairingCode, manualPairingCode } = pairingData;\n\n console.log(QrCode.get(qrPairingCode));\n console.log(\n `QR Code URL: https://project-chip.github.io/connectedhomeip/qrcode.html?data=${qrPairingCode}`,\n );\n console.log(`Manual pairing code: ${manualPairingCode}`);\n } else {\n console.log(\"Device is already commissioned. Waiting for controllers to connect ...\");\n }\n }\n\n async stop() {\n await this.matterServer?.close();\n }\n}\n\nconst device = new BridgedDevice();\ndevice\n .start()\n .then(() => {\n /* done */\n })\n .catch(err => console.error(err));\n\nprocess.on(\"SIGINT\", () => {\n // Clean up on CTRL-C\n device\n .stop()\n .then(() => {\n // Pragmatic way to make sure the storage is correctly closed before the process ends.\n storage.close();\n process.exit(0);\n })\n .catch(err => console.error(err));\n});\n"],
"names": []
@@ -87,9 +87,9 @@ async function getConfiguration() {
const deviceStorage = (await storageService.open("device")).createContext("data");
const isSocket2 = Array();
const numDevices = environment.vars.number("num") || 2;
if (deviceStorage.has("isSocket")) {
if (await deviceStorage.has("isSocket")) {
console.log(`Device types found in storage. --type parameter is ignored.`);
deviceStorage.get("isSocket").forEach((type) => isSocket2.push(type));
(await deviceStorage.get("isSocket")).forEach((type) => isSocket2.push(type));
for (let i = 1; i < numDevices; i++) {
if (isSocket2[i - 1] !== void 0)
@@ -98,19 +98,21 @@ async function getConfiguration() {
const deviceName2 = "Matter test device";
const vendorName2 = "matter-node.js";
const passcode2 = environment.vars.number("passcode") ?? deviceStorage.get("passcode", 20202021);
const discriminator2 = environment.vars.number("discriminator") ?? deviceStorage.get("discriminator", 3840);
const vendorId2 = environment.vars.number("vendorid") ?? deviceStorage.get("vendorid", 65521);
const passcode2 = environment.vars.number("passcode") ?? await deviceStorage.get("passcode", 20202021);
const discriminator2 = environment.vars.number("discriminator") ?? await deviceStorage.get("discriminator", 3840);
const vendorId2 = environment.vars.number("vendorid") ?? await deviceStorage.get("vendorid", 65521);
const productName2 = `node-matter OnOff ${isSocket2 ? "Socket" : "Light"}`;
const productId2 = environment.vars.number("productid") ?? deviceStorage.get("productid", 32768);
const productId2 = environment.vars.number("productid") ?? await deviceStorage.get("productid", 32768);
const port2 = environment.vars.number("port") ?? 5540;
const uniqueId2 = environment.vars.string("uniqueid") ?? deviceStorage.get("uniqueid", Time.nowMs().toString());
const uniqueId2 = environment.vars.string("uniqueid") ?? await deviceStorage.get("uniqueid", Time.nowMs().toString());
await deviceStorage.set({
passcode: passcode2,
discriminator: discriminator2,
vendorid: vendorId2,
productid: productId2,
isSocket: isSocket2,
uniqueid: uniqueId2
return {
isSocket: isSocket2,
deviceName: deviceName2,
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"version": 3,
"sources": ["../../../src/examples/ComposedDeviceNode.ts"],
"sourcesContent": ["/**\n * @license\n * Copyright 2022-2024 Matter.js Authors\n * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0\n */\n\n/**\n * This example shows how to create a new device node that is composed of multiple devices.\n * It creates multiple endpoints on the server. For information on how to add a composed device to a bridge please\n * refer to the bridge example!\n * It can be used as CLI script and starting point for your own device node implementation.\n */\n\n/**\n * Import needed modules from @project-chip/matter-node.js\n */\n// Include this first to auto-register Crypto, Network and Time Node.js implementations\nimport \"@project-chip/matter-node.js\";\n\nimport { requireMinNodeVersion } from \"@project-chip/matter-node.js/util\";\nimport { DeviceTypeId, VendorId } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/datatype\";\nimport { logEndpoint } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/device\";\nimport { OnOffLightDevice } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/devices/OnOffLightDevice\";\nimport { OnOffPlugInUnitDevice } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/devices/OnOffPlugInUnitDevice\";\nimport { Endpoint, EndpointServer } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/endpoint\";\nimport { Environment, StorageService } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/environment\";\nimport { ServerNode } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/node\";\nimport { Time } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/time\";\nimport { execSync } from \"child_process\";\n\nrequireMinNodeVersion(16);\n\n/** Initialize configuration values */\nconst { isSocket, deviceName, vendorName, passcode, discriminator, vendorId, productName, productId, port, uniqueId } =\n await getConfiguration();\n\n/**\n * Create a Matter ServerNode, which contains the Root Endpoint and all relevant data and configuration\n */\nconst server = await ServerNode.create({\n // Required: Give the Node a unique ID which is used to store the state of this node\n id: uniqueId,\n\n // Provide Network relevant configuration like the port\n // Optional when operating only one device on a host, Default port is 5540\n network: {\n port,\n },\n\n // Provide Commissioning relevant settings\n // Optional for development/testing purposes\n commissioning: {\n passcode,\n discriminator,\n },\n\n // Provide Node announcement settings\n // Optional: If Ommitted some development defaults are used\n productDescription: {\n name: deviceName,\n deviceType: DeviceTypeId(isSocket[0] ? OnOffPlugInUnitDevice.deviceType : OnOffLightDevice.deviceType),\n },\n\n // Provide defaults for the BasicInformation cluster on the Root endpoint\n // Optional: If Omitted some development defaults are used\n basicInformation: {\n vendorName,\n vendorId: VendorId(vendorId),\n nodeLabel: productName,\n productName,\n productLabel: productName,\n productId,\n serialNumber: `matterjs-${uniqueId}`,\n uniqueId,\n },\n});\n\n/**\n * Matter Nodes are a composition of endpoints. Create and add a single multiple endpoint to the node to make it a\n * composed device. This example uses the OnOffLightDevice or OnOffPlugInUnitDevice depending on the value of the type\n * parameter. It also assigns each Endpoint a unique ID to store the endpoint number for it in the storage to restore\n * the device on restart.\n *\n * In this case we directly use the default command implementation from matter.js. Check out the DeviceNodeFull example\n * to see how to customize the command handlers.\n */\n\nfor (let idx = 0; idx < isSocket.length; idx++) {\n const i = idx + 1;\n const isASocket = isSocket[idx]; // Is the Device we add a Socket or a Light?\n const endpoint = new Endpoint(isASocket ? OnOffPlugInUnitDevice : OnOffLightDevice, { id: `onoff-${i}` });\n await server.add(endpoint);\n\n /**\n * Register state change handlers of the endpoint for identify and onoff states to react to the commands.\n *\n * If the code in these change handlers fail then the change is also rolled back and not executed and an error is\n * reported back to the controller.\n */\n let isIdentifying = false;\n endpoint.events.identify.identifyTime$Change.on(value => {\n // identifyTime is set when an identify command is called and then decreased every second while indentify logic runs.\n if (value > 0 && !isIdentifying) {\n isIdentifying = true;\n console.log(`OnOff ${i}: Run identify logic, ideally blink a light every 0.5s ...`);\n } else if (value === 0) {\n isIdentifying = false;\n console.log(`OnOff ${i}: Stop identify logic ...`);\n }\n });\n\n endpoint.events.onOff.onOff$Change.on(value => {\n executeCommand(value ? `on${i}` : `off${i}`);\n console.log(`OnOff ${i} is now ${value ? \"ON\" : \"OFF\"}`);\n });\n}\n\n/**\n * Log the endpoint structure for debugging reasons and to allow to verify anything is correct\n */\nlogEndpoint(EndpointServer.forEndpoint(server));\n\n/**\n * In order to start the node and announce it into the network we use the run method which resolves when the node goes\n * offline again because we do not need anything more here. See the Full example for other starting options.\n * The QR Code is printed automatically.\n */\nawait server.run();\n\n/*********************************************************************************************************\n * Convenience Methods\n *********************************************************************************************************/\n\n/**\n * Defines a shell command from an environment variable and execute it and log the response\n */\nfunction executeCommand(scriptParamName: string) {\n const script = Environment.default.vars.string(scriptParamName);\n if (script === undefined) return undefined;\n console.log(`${scriptParamName}: ${execSync(script).toString().slice(0, -1)}`);\n}\n\nasync function getConfiguration() {\n const environment = Environment.default;\n\n const storageService = environment.get(StorageService);\n console.log(`Storage location: ${storageService.location} (Directory)`);\n console.log(\n 'Use the parameter \"--storage-path=NAME-OR-PATH\" to specify a different storage location in this directory, use --storage-clear to start with an empty storage.',\n );\n const deviceStorage = (await storageService.open(\"device\")).createContext(\"data\");\n\n const isSocket = Array<boolean>();\n const numDevices = environment.vars.number(\"num\") || 2;\n if (deviceStorage.has(\"isSocket\")) {\n console.log(`Device types found in storage. --type parameter is ignored.`);\n deviceStorage.get<Array<boolean>>(\"isSocket\").forEach(type => isSocket.push(type));\n }\n for (let i = 1; i < numDevices; i++) {\n if (isSocket[i - 1] !== undefined) continue;\n isSocket.push(environment.vars.string(`type${i}`) === \"socket\");\n }\n\n const deviceName = \"Matter test device\";\n const vendorName = \"matter-node.js\";\n const passcode = environment.vars.number(\"passcode\") ?? deviceStorage.get(\"passcode\", 20202021);\n const discriminator = environment.vars.number(\"discriminator\") ?? deviceStorage.get(\"discriminator\", 3840);\n // product name / id and vendor id should match what is in the device certificate\n const vendorId = environment.vars.number(\"vendorid\") ?? deviceStorage.get(\"vendorid\", 0xfff1);\n const productName = `node-matter OnOff ${isSocket ? \"Socket\" : \"Light\"}`;\n const productId = environment.vars.number(\"productid\") ?? deviceStorage.get(\"productid\", 0x8000);\n\n const port = environment.vars.number(\"port\") ?? 5540;\n\n const uniqueId
"sourcesContent": ["/**\n * @license\n * Copyright 2022-2024 Matter.js Authors\n * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0\n */\n\n/**\n * This example shows how to create a new device node that is composed of multiple devices.\n * It creates multiple endpoints on the server. For information on how to add a composed device to a bridge please\n * refer to the bridge example!\n * It can be used as CLI script and starting point for your own device node implementation.\n */\n\n/**\n * Import needed modules from @project-chip/matter-node.js\n */\n// Include this first to auto-register Crypto, Network and Time Node.js implementations\nimport \"@project-chip/matter-node.js\";\n\nimport { requireMinNodeVersion } from \"@project-chip/matter-node.js/util\";\nimport { DeviceTypeId, VendorId } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/datatype\";\nimport { logEndpoint } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/device\";\nimport { OnOffLightDevice } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/devices/OnOffLightDevice\";\nimport { OnOffPlugInUnitDevice } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/devices/OnOffPlugInUnitDevice\";\nimport { Endpoint, EndpointServer } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/endpoint\";\nimport { Environment, StorageService } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/environment\";\nimport { ServerNode } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/node\";\nimport { Time } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/time\";\nimport { execSync } from \"child_process\";\n\nrequireMinNodeVersion(16);\n\n/** Initialize configuration values */\nconst { isSocket, deviceName, vendorName, passcode, discriminator, vendorId, productName, productId, port, uniqueId } =\n await getConfiguration();\n\n/**\n * Create a Matter ServerNode, which contains the Root Endpoint and all relevant data and configuration\n */\nconst server = await ServerNode.create({\n // Required: Give the Node a unique ID which is used to store the state of this node\n id: uniqueId,\n\n // Provide Network relevant configuration like the port\n // Optional when operating only one device on a host, Default port is 5540\n network: {\n port,\n },\n\n // Provide Commissioning relevant settings\n // Optional for development/testing purposes\n commissioning: {\n passcode,\n discriminator,\n },\n\n // Provide Node announcement settings\n // Optional: If Ommitted some development defaults are used\n productDescription: {\n name: deviceName,\n deviceType: DeviceTypeId(isSocket[0] ? OnOffPlugInUnitDevice.deviceType : OnOffLightDevice.deviceType),\n },\n\n // Provide defaults for the BasicInformation cluster on the Root endpoint\n // Optional: If Omitted some development defaults are used\n basicInformation: {\n vendorName,\n vendorId: VendorId(vendorId),\n nodeLabel: productName,\n productName,\n productLabel: productName,\n productId,\n serialNumber: `matterjs-${uniqueId}`,\n uniqueId,\n },\n});\n\n/**\n * Matter Nodes are a composition of endpoints. Create and add a single multiple endpoint to the node to make it a\n * composed device. This example uses the OnOffLightDevice or OnOffPlugInUnitDevice depending on the value of the type\n * parameter. It also assigns each Endpoint a unique ID to store the endpoint number for it in the storage to restore\n * the device on restart.\n *\n * In this case we directly use the default command implementation from matter.js. Check out the DeviceNodeFull example\n * to see how to customize the command handlers.\n */\n\nfor (let idx = 0; idx < isSocket.length; idx++) {\n const i = idx + 1;\n const isASocket = isSocket[idx]; // Is the Device we add a Socket or a Light?\n const endpoint = new Endpoint(isASocket ? OnOffPlugInUnitDevice : OnOffLightDevice, { id: `onoff-${i}` });\n await server.add(endpoint);\n\n /**\n * Register state change handlers of the endpoint for identify and onoff states to react to the commands.\n *\n * If the code in these change handlers fail then the change is also rolled back and not executed and an error is\n * reported back to the controller.\n */\n let isIdentifying = false;\n endpoint.events.identify.identifyTime$Change.on(value => {\n // identifyTime is set when an identify command is called and then decreased every second while indentify logic runs.\n if (value > 0 && !isIdentifying) {\n isIdentifying = true;\n console.log(`OnOff ${i}: Run identify logic, ideally blink a light every 0.5s ...`);\n } else if (value === 0) {\n isIdentifying = false;\n console.log(`OnOff ${i}: Stop identify logic ...`);\n }\n });\n\n endpoint.events.onOff.onOff$Change.on(value => {\n executeCommand(value ? `on${i}` : `off${i}`);\n console.log(`OnOff ${i} is now ${value ? \"ON\" : \"OFF\"}`);\n });\n}\n\n/**\n * Log the endpoint structure for debugging reasons and to allow to verify anything is correct\n */\nlogEndpoint(EndpointServer.forEndpoint(server));\n\n/**\n * In order to start the node and announce it into the network we use the run method which resolves when the node goes\n * offline again because we do not need anything more here. See the Full example for other starting options.\n * The QR Code is printed automatically.\n */\nawait server.run();\n\n/*********************************************************************************************************\n * Convenience Methods\n *********************************************************************************************************/\n\n/**\n * Defines a shell command from an environment variable and execute it and log the response\n */\nfunction executeCommand(scriptParamName: string) {\n const script = Environment.default.vars.string(scriptParamName);\n if (script === undefined) return undefined;\n console.log(`${scriptParamName}: ${execSync(script).toString().slice(0, -1)}`);\n}\n\nasync function getConfiguration() {\n const environment = Environment.default;\n\n const storageService = environment.get(StorageService);\n console.log(`Storage location: ${storageService.location} (Directory)`);\n console.log(\n 'Use the parameter \"--storage-path=NAME-OR-PATH\" to specify a different storage location in this directory, use --storage-clear to start with an empty storage.',\n );\n const deviceStorage = (await storageService.open(\"device\")).createContext(\"data\");\n\n const isSocket = Array<boolean>();\n const numDevices = environment.vars.number(\"num\") || 2;\n if (await deviceStorage.has(\"isSocket\")) {\n console.log(`Device types found in storage. --type parameter is ignored.`);\n (await deviceStorage.get<Array<boolean>>(\"isSocket\")).forEach(type => isSocket.push(type));\n }\n for (let i = 1; i < numDevices; i++) {\n if (isSocket[i - 1] !== undefined) continue;\n isSocket.push(environment.vars.string(`type${i}`) === \"socket\");\n }\n\n const deviceName = \"Matter test device\";\n const vendorName = \"matter-node.js\";\n const passcode = environment.vars.number(\"passcode\") ?? (await deviceStorage.get(\"passcode\", 20202021));\n const discriminator = environment.vars.number(\"discriminator\") ?? (await deviceStorage.get(\"discriminator\", 3840));\n // product name / id and vendor id should match what is in the device certificate\n const vendorId = environment.vars.number(\"vendorid\") ?? (await deviceStorage.get(\"vendorid\", 0xfff1));\n const productName = `node-matter OnOff ${isSocket ? \"Socket\" : \"Light\"}`;\n const productId = environment.vars.number(\"productid\") ?? (await deviceStorage.get(\"productid\", 0x8000));\n\n const port = environment.vars.number(\"port\") ?? 5540;\n\n const uniqueId =\n environment.vars.string(\"uniqueid\") ?? (await deviceStorage.get(\"uniqueid\", Time.nowMs().toString()));\n\n // Persist basic data to keep them also on restart\n await deviceStorage.set({\n passcode,\n discriminator,\n vendorid: vendorId,\n productid: productId,\n isSocket,\n uniqueid: uniqueId,\n });\n\n return {\n isSocket,\n deviceName,\n vendorName,\n passcode,\n discriminator,\n vendorId,\n productName,\n productId,\n port,\n uniqueId,\n };\n}\n"],
"names": ["isSocket", "deviceName", "vendorName", "passcode", "discriminator", "vendorId", "productName", "productId", "port", "uniqueId"]
@@ -72,12 +72,14 @@ class ComposedDevice {
const netInterface = getParameter("netinterface");
const port = getIntParameter("port") ?? 5540;
const uniqueId = getIntParameter("uniqueid") ?? deviceStorage.get("uniqueid", Time.nowMs());
vendorid: vendorId,
productid: productId,
uniqueid: uniqueId
this.matterServer = new MatterServer(storageManager, { mdnsInterface: netInterface });
const commissioningServer = new CommissioningServer({
@@ -132,7 +134,8 @@ device.start().then(() => {
}).catch((err) => console.error(err));
process.on("SIGINT", () => {
device.stop().then(() => {
}).catch((err) => console.error(err));
//# sourceMappingURL=ComposedDeviceNodeLegacy.js.map
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"version": 3,
"sources": ["../../../src/examples/ComposedDeviceNodeLegacy.ts"],
"sourcesContent": ["#!/usr/bin/env node\n/**\n * @license\n * Copyright 2022-2024 Matter.js Authors\n * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0\n */\n\n/**\n * IMPORTANT: This example uses a Legacy API which will be deprecated in the future.\n * It is just still here to support developers in converting their code to the new API!\n */\n\n/**\n * This example shows how to create a new device node that is composed of multiple devices.\n * It creates multiple endpoints on the server. When you want to add a composed devices to a Aggregator you need to\n * add all endpoints of the composed device to an \"ComposedDevice\" instance! (not shown in this example).\n * It can be used as CLI script and starting point for your own device node implementation.\n */\n\n/**\n * Import needed modules from @project-chip/matter-node.js\n */\n// Include this first to auto-register Crypto, Network and Time Node.js implementations\nimport { CommissioningServer, MatterServer } from \"@project-chip/matter-node.js\";\n\nimport { VendorId } from \"@project-chip/matter-node.js/datatype\";\nimport { DeviceTypes, OnOffLightDevice, OnOffPluginUnitDevice } from \"@project-chip/matter-node.js/device\";\nimport { Format, Level, Logger } from \"@project-chip/matter-node.js/log\";\nimport { QrCode } from \"@project-chip/matter-node.js/schema\";\nimport { StorageBackendDisk, StorageManager } from \"@project-chip/matter-node.js/storage\";\nimport { Time } from \"@project-chip/matter-node.js/time\";\nimport {\n commandExecutor,\n getIntParameter,\n getParameter,\n hasParameter,\n requireMinNodeVersion,\n} from \"@project-chip/matter-node.js/util\";\n\nconst logger = Logger.get(\"Device\");\n\nrequireMinNodeVersion(16);\n\n/** Configure logging */\nswitch (getParameter(\"loglevel\")) {\n case \"fatal\":\n Logger.defaultLogLevel = Level.FATAL;\n break;\n case \"error\":\n Logger.defaultLogLevel = Level.ERROR;\n break;\n case \"warn\":\n Logger.defaultLogLevel = Level.WARN;\n break;\n case \"info\":\n Logger.defaultLogLevel = Level.INFO;\n break;\n}\n\nswitch (getParameter(\"logformat\")) {\n case \"plain\":\n Logger.format = Format.PLAIN;\n break;\n case \"html\":\n Logger.format = Format.HTML;\n break;\n default:\n if (process.stdin?.isTTY) Logger.format = Format.ANSI;\n}\n\nconst storageLocation = getParameter(\"store\") ?? \".device-node\";\nconst storage = new StorageBackendDisk(storageLocation, hasParameter(\"clearstorage\"));\nlogger.info(`Storage location: ${storageLocation} (Directory)`);\nlogger.info(\n 'Use the parameter \"-store NAME\" to specify a different storage location, use -clearstorage to start with an empty storage.',\n);\n\nclass ComposedDevice {\n private matterServer: MatterServer | undefined;\n\n async start() {\n logger.info(`node-matter`);\n\n /**\n * Initialize the storage system.\n *\n * The storage manager is then also used by the Matter server, so this code block in general is required,\n * but you can choose a different storage backend as long as it implements the required API.\n */\n\n const storageManager = new StorageManager(storage);\n await storageManager.initialize();\n\n /**\n * Collect all needed data\n *\n * This block makes sure to collect all needed data from cli or storage. Replace this with where ever your data\n * come from.\n *\n * Note: This example also uses the initialized storage system to store the device parameter data for convenience\n * and easy reuse. When you also do that be careful to not overlap with Matter-Server own contexts\n * (so maybe better not ;-)).\n */\n\n const deviceStorage = storageManager.createContext(\"Device\");\n\n if (deviceStorage.has(\"isSocket\")) {\n logger.info(\"Device type found in storage. -type parameter is ignored.\");\n }\n const isSocket = deviceStorage.get(\"isSocket\", getParameter(\"type\") === \"socket\");\n const deviceName = \"Matter composed device\";\n const deviceType =\n getParameter(\"type\") === \"socket\" ? DeviceTypes.ON_OFF_PLUGIN_UNIT.code : DeviceTypes.ON_OFF_LIGHT.code;\n const vendorName = \"matter-node.js\";\n const passcode = getIntParameter(\"passcode\") ?? deviceStorage.get(\"passcode\", 20202021);\n const discriminator = getIntParameter(\"discriminator\") ?? deviceStorage.get(\"discriminator\", 3840);\n // product name / id and vendor id should match what is in the device certificate\n const vendorId = getIntParameter(\"vendorid\") ?? deviceStorage.get(\"vendorid\", 0xfff1);\n const productName = `node-matter OnOff-Bridge`;\n const productId = getIntParameter(\"productid\") ?? deviceStorage.get(\"productid\", 0x8000);\n\n const netInterface = getParameter(\"netinterface\");\n const port = getIntParameter(\"port\") ?? 5540;\n\n const uniqueId = getIntParameter(\"uniqueid\") ?? deviceStorage.get(\"uniqueid\", Time.nowMs());\n\n deviceStorage.set(\"passcode\", passcode);\n deviceStorage.set(\"discriminator\", discriminator);\n deviceStorage.set(\"vendorid\", vendorId);\n deviceStorage.set(\"productid\", productId);\n deviceStorage.set(\"isSocket\", isSocket);\n deviceStorage.set(\"uniqueid\", uniqueId);\n\n /**\n * Create Matter Server and CommissioningServer Node\n *\n * To allow the device to be announced, found, paired and operated we need a MatterServer instance and add a\n * commissioningServer to it and add the just created device instance to it.\n * The CommissioningServer node defines the port where the server listens for the UDP packages of the Matter protocol\n * and initializes deice specific certificates and such.\n *\n * The below logic also adds command handlers for commands of clusters that normally are handled internally\n * like testEventTrigger (General Diagnostic Cluster) that can be implemented with the logic when these commands\n * are called.\n */\n\n this.matterServer = new MatterServer(storageManager, { mdnsInterface: netInterface });\n\n const commissioningServer = new CommissioningServer({\n port,\n deviceName,\n deviceType,\n passcode,\n discriminator,\n basicInformation: {\n vendorName,\n vendorId: VendorId(vendorId),\n nodeLabel: productName,\n productName,\n productLabel: productName,\n productId,\n serialNumber: `node-matter-${uniqueId}`,\n },\n });\n\n /**\n * Create Device instance and add needed Listener\n *\n * Create an instance of the matter device class you want to use.\n * This example uses the OnOffLightDevice or OnOffPluginUnitDevice depending on the value of the type parameter.\n * To execute the on/off scripts defined as parameters a listener for the onOff attribute is registered via the\n * device specific API.\n *\n * The below logic also adds command handlers for commands of clusters that normally are handled device internally\n * like identify that can be implemented with the logic when these commands are called.\n */\n\n const numDevices = getIntParameter(\"num\") || 2;\n for (let i = 1; i <= numDevices; i++) {\n const onOffDevice =\n getParameter(`type${i}`) === \"socket\" ? new OnOffPluginUnitDevice() : new OnOffLightDevice();\n onOffDevice.addFixedLabel(\"orientation\", getParameter(`orientation${i}`) ?? `orientation ${i}`);\n\n onOffDevice.addOnOffListener(on => commandExecutor(on ? `on${i}` : `off${i}`)?.());\n onOffDevice.addCommandHandler(\"identify\", async ({ request: { identifyTime } }) =>\n console.log(\n `Identify called for OnOffDevice ${onOffDevice.name} with id: ${i} and identifyTime: ${identifyTime}`,\n ),\n );\n\n commissioningServer.addDevice(onOffDevice);\n }\n\n await this.matterServer.addCommissioningServer(commissioningServer);\n\n /**\n * Start the Matter Server\n *\n * After everything was plugged together we can start the server. When not delayed announcement is set for the\n * CommissioningServer node then this command also starts the announcement of the device into the network.\n */\n\n await this.matterServer.start();\n\n /**\n * Print Pairing Information\n *\n * If the device is not already commissioned (this info is stored in the storage system) then get and print the\n * pairing details. This includes the QR code that can be scanned by the Matter app to pair the device.\n */\n\n logger.info(\"Listening\");\n if (!commissioningServer.isCommissioned()) {\n const pairingData = commissioningServer.getPairingCode();\n const { qrPairingCode, manualPairingCode } = pairingData;\n\n console.log(QrCode.get(qrPairingCode));\n console.log(\n `QR Code URL: https://project-chip.github.io/connectedhomeip/qrcode.html?data=${qrPairingCode}`,\n );\n console.log(`Manual pairing code: ${manualPairingCode}`);\n } else {\n console.log(\"Device is already commissioned. Waiting for controllers to connect ...\");\n }\n }\n\n async stop() {\n await this.matterServer?.close();\n }\n}\n\nconst device = new ComposedDevice();\ndevice\n .start()\n .then(() => {\n /* done */\n })\n .catch(err => console.error(err));\n\nprocess.on(\"SIGINT\", () => {\n // Clean up on CTRL-C\n device\n .stop()\n .then(() => {\n // Pragmatic way to make sure the storage is correctly closed before the process ends.\n storage\n .close()\n .then(() => process.exit(0))\n .catch(err => console.error(err));\n })\n .catch(err => console.error(err));\n});\n"],
"sourcesContent": ["#!/usr/bin/env node\n/**\n * @license\n * Copyright 2022-2024 Matter.js Authors\n * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0\n */\n\n/**\n * IMPORTANT: This example uses a Legacy API which will be deprecated in the future.\n * It is just still here to support developers in converting their code to the new API!\n */\n\n/**\n * This example shows how to create a new device node that is composed of multiple devices.\n * It creates multiple endpoints on the server. When you want to add a composed devices to a Aggregator you need to\n * add all endpoints of the composed device to an \"ComposedDevice\" instance! (not shown in this example).\n * It can be used as CLI script and starting point for your own device node implementation.\n */\n\n/**\n * Import needed modules from @project-chip/matter-node.js\n */\n// Include this first to auto-register Crypto, Network and Time Node.js implementations\nimport { CommissioningServer, MatterServer } from \"@project-chip/matter-node.js\";\n\nimport { VendorId } from \"@project-chip/matter-node.js/datatype\";\nimport { DeviceTypes, OnOffLightDevice, OnOffPluginUnitDevice } from \"@project-chip/matter-node.js/device\";\nimport { Format, Level, Logger } from \"@project-chip/matter-node.js/log\";\nimport { QrCode } from \"@project-chip/matter-node.js/schema\";\nimport { StorageBackendDisk, StorageManager } from \"@project-chip/matter-node.js/storage\";\nimport { Time } from \"@project-chip/matter-node.js/time\";\nimport {\n commandExecutor,\n getIntParameter,\n getParameter,\n hasParameter,\n requireMinNodeVersion,\n} from \"@project-chip/matter-node.js/util\";\n\nconst logger = Logger.get(\"Device\");\n\nrequireMinNodeVersion(16);\n\n/** Configure logging */\nswitch (getParameter(\"loglevel\")) {\n case \"fatal\":\n Logger.defaultLogLevel = Level.FATAL;\n break;\n case \"error\":\n Logger.defaultLogLevel = Level.ERROR;\n break;\n case \"warn\":\n Logger.defaultLogLevel = Level.WARN;\n break;\n case \"info\":\n Logger.defaultLogLevel = Level.INFO;\n break;\n}\n\nswitch (getParameter(\"logformat\")) {\n case \"plain\":\n Logger.format = Format.PLAIN;\n break;\n case \"html\":\n Logger.format = Format.HTML;\n break;\n default:\n if (process.stdin?.isTTY) Logger.format = Format.ANSI;\n}\n\nconst storageLocation = getParameter(\"store\") ?? \".device-node\";\nconst storage = new StorageBackendDisk(storageLocation, hasParameter(\"clearstorage\"));\nlogger.info(`Storage location: ${storageLocation} (Directory)`);\nlogger.info(\n 'Use the parameter \"-store NAME\" to specify a different storage location, use -clearstorage to start with an empty storage.',\n);\n\nclass ComposedDevice {\n private matterServer: MatterServer | undefined;\n\n async start() {\n logger.info(`node-matter`);\n\n /**\n * Initialize the storage system.\n *\n * The storage manager is then also used by the Matter server, so this code block in general is required,\n * but you can choose a different storage backend as long as it implements the required API.\n */\n\n const storageManager = new StorageManager(storage);\n await storageManager.initialize();\n\n /**\n * Collect all needed data\n *\n * This block makes sure to collect all needed data from cli or storage. Replace this with where ever your data\n * come from.\n *\n * Note: This example also uses the initialized storage system to store the device parameter data for convenience\n * and easy reuse. When you also do that be careful to not overlap with Matter-Server own contexts\n * (so maybe better not ;-)).\n */\n\n const deviceStorage = storageManager.createContext(\"Device\");\n\n if (deviceStorage.has(\"isSocket\")) {\n logger.info(\"Device type found in storage. -type parameter is ignored.\");\n }\n const isSocket = deviceStorage.get(\"isSocket\", getParameter(\"type\") === \"socket\");\n const deviceName = \"Matter composed device\";\n const deviceType =\n getParameter(\"type\") === \"socket\" ? DeviceTypes.ON_OFF_PLUGIN_UNIT.code : DeviceTypes.ON_OFF_LIGHT.code;\n const vendorName = \"matter-node.js\";\n const passcode = getIntParameter(\"passcode\") ?? deviceStorage.get(\"passcode\", 20202021);\n const discriminator = getIntParameter(\"discriminator\") ?? deviceStorage.get(\"discriminator\", 3840);\n // product name / id and vendor id should match what is in the device certificate\n const vendorId = getIntParameter(\"vendorid\") ?? deviceStorage.get(\"vendorid\", 0xfff1);\n const productName = `node-matter OnOff-Bridge`;\n const productId = getIntParameter(\"productid\") ?? deviceStorage.get(\"productid\", 0x8000);\n\n const netInterface = getParameter(\"netinterface\");\n const port = getIntParameter(\"port\") ?? 5540;\n\n const uniqueId = getIntParameter(\"uniqueid\") ?? deviceStorage.get(\"uniqueid\", Time.nowMs());\n\n deviceStorage.set({\n passcode,\n discriminator,\n vendorid: vendorId,\n productid: productId,\n isSocket,\n uniqueid: uniqueId,\n });\n\n /**\n * Create Matter Server and CommissioningServer Node\n *\n * To allow the device to be announced, found, paired and operated we need a MatterServer instance and add a\n * commissioningServer to it and add the just created device instance to it.\n * The CommissioningServer node defines the port where the server listens for the UDP packages of the Matter protocol\n * and initializes deice specific certificates and such.\n *\n * The below logic also adds command handlers for commands of clusters that normally are handled internally\n * like testEventTrigger (General Diagnostic Cluster) that can be implemented with the logic when these commands\n * are called.\n */\n\n this.matterServer = new MatterServer(storageManager, { mdnsInterface: netInterface });\n\n const commissioningServer = new CommissioningServer({\n port,\n deviceName,\n deviceType,\n passcode,\n discriminator,\n basicInformation: {\n vendorName,\n vendorId: VendorId(vendorId),\n nodeLabel: productName,\n productName,\n productLabel: productName,\n productId,\n serialNumber: `node-matter-${uniqueId}`,\n },\n });\n\n /**\n * Create Device instance and add needed Listener\n *\n * Create an instance of the matter device class you want to use.\n * This example uses the OnOffLightDevice or OnOffPluginUnitDevice depending on the value of the type parameter.\n * To execute the on/off scripts defined as parameters a listener for the onOff attribute is registered via the\n * device specific API.\n *\n * The below logic also adds command handlers for commands of clusters that normally are handled device internally\n * like identify that can be implemented with the logic when these commands are called.\n */\n\n const numDevices = getIntParameter(\"num\") || 2;\n for (let i = 1; i <= numDevices; i++) {\n const onOffDevice =\n getParameter(`type${i}`) === \"socket\" ? new OnOffPluginUnitDevice() : new OnOffLightDevice();\n onOffDevice.addFixedLabel(\"orientation\", getParameter(`orientation${i}`) ?? `orientation ${i}`);\n\n onOffDevice.addOnOffListener(on => commandExecutor(on ? `on${i}` : `off${i}`)?.());\n onOffDevice.addCommandHandler(\"identify\", async ({ request: { identifyTime } }) =>\n console.log(\n `Identify called for OnOffDevice ${onOffDevice.name} with id: ${i} and identifyTime: ${identifyTime}`,\n ),\n );\n\n commissioningServer.addDevice(onOffDevice);\n }\n\n await this.matterServer.addCommissioningServer(commissioningServer);\n\n /**\n * Start the Matter Server\n *\n * After everything was plugged together we can start the server. When not delayed announcement is set for the\n * CommissioningServer node then this command also starts the announcement of the device into the network.\n */\n\n await this.matterServer.start();\n\n /**\n * Print Pairing Information\n *\n * If the device is not already commissioned (this info is stored in the storage system) then get and print the\n * pairing details. This includes the QR code that can be scanned by the Matter app to pair the device.\n */\n\n logger.info(\"Listening\");\n if (!commissioningServer.isCommissioned()) {\n const pairingData = commissioningServer.getPairingCode();\n const { qrPairingCode, manualPairingCode } = pairingData;\n\n console.log(QrCode.get(qrPairingCode));\n console.log(\n `QR Code URL: https://project-chip.github.io/connectedhomeip/qrcode.html?data=${qrPairingCode}`,\n );\n console.log(`Manual pairing code: ${manualPairingCode}`);\n } else {\n console.log(\"Device is already commissioned. Waiting for controllers to connect ...\");\n }\n }\n\n async stop() {\n await this.matterServer?.close();\n }\n}\n\nconst device = new ComposedDevice();\ndevice\n .start()\n .then(() => {\n /* done */\n })\n .catch(err => console.error(err));\n\nprocess.on(\"SIGINT\", () => {\n // Clean up on CTRL-C\n device\n .stop()\n .then(() => {\n // Pragmatic way to make sure the storage is correctly closed before the process ends.\n storage.close();\n process.exit(0);\n })\n .catch(err => console.error(err));\n});\n"],
"names": []
@@ -41,10 +41,10 @@ class ControllerNode {
async start() {
logger.info(`node-matter Controller started`);
const controllerStorage = (await storageService.open("controller")).createContext("data");
const ip = controllerStorage.has("ip") ? controllerStorage.get("ip") : environment.vars.string("ip");
const port = controllerStorage.has("port") ? controllerStorage.get("port") : environment.vars.number("port");
const uniqueId = controllerStorage.has("uniqueid") ? controllerStorage.get("uniqueid") : environment.vars.string("uniqueid") ?? Time.nowMs().toString();
controllerStorage.set("uniqueid", uniqueId);
const ip = await controllerStorage.has("ip") ? controllerStorage.get("ip") : environment.vars.string("ip");
const port = await controllerStorage.has("port") ? controllerStorage.get("port") : environment.vars.number("port");
const uniqueId = await controllerStorage.has("uniqueid") ? await controllerStorage.get("uniqueid") : environment.vars.string("uniqueid") ?? Time.nowMs().toString();
await controllerStorage.set("uniqueid", uniqueId);
const pairingCode = environment.vars.string("pairingcode");
let longDiscriminator, setupPin, shortDiscriminator;
if (pairingCode !== void 0) {
@@ -54,10 +54,10 @@ class ControllerNode {
setupPin = pairingCodeCodec.passcode;
logger.debug(`Data extracted from pairing code: ${Logger.toJSON(pairingCodeCodec)}`);
} else {
longDiscriminator = environment.vars.number("longDiscriminator") ?? controllerStorage.get("longDiscriminator", 3840);
longDiscriminator = environment.vars.number("longDiscriminator") ?? await controllerStorage.get("longDiscriminator", 3840);
if (longDiscriminator > 4095)
throw new Error("Discriminator value must be less than 4096");
setupPin = environment.vars.number("pin") ?? controllerStorage.get("pin", 20202021);
setupPin = environment.vars.number("pin") ?? await controllerStorage.get("pin", 20202021);
if (shortDiscriminator === void 0 && longDiscriminator === void 0 || setupPin === void 0) {
throw new Error(
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"version": 3,
"sources": ["../../../src/examples/ControllerNode.ts"],
"sourcesContent": ["#!/usr/bin/env node\n\n/**\n * @license\n * Copyright 2022-2024 Matter.js Authors\n * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0\n */\n\n/**\n * This example shows how to create a Matter controller to pair with a device and interfact with it.\n * It can be used as CLI script, but is more thought as a starting point for your own controller implementation\n * because you need to adjust the code in any way depending on your use case.\n */\n\n/**\n * Import needed modules from @project-chip/matter-node.js\n */\n// Include this first to auto-register Crypto, Network and Time Node.js implementations\n// Include this first to auto-register Crypto, Network and Time Node.js implementations\nimport \"@project-chip/matter-node.js\";\n\nimport { BleNode } from \"@project-chip/matter-node-ble.js/ble\";\nimport { requireMinNodeVersion } from \"@project-chip/matter-node.js/util\";\nimport { CommissioningController, NodeCommissioningOptions } from \"@project-chip/matter.js\";\nimport { Ble } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/ble\";\nimport {\n BasicInformationCluster,\n DescriptorCluster,\n GeneralCommissioning,\n OnOffCluster,\n} from \"@project-chip/matter.js/cluster\";\nimport { NodeId } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/datatype\";\nimport { NodeStateInformation } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/device\";\nimport { Environment, StorageService } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/environment\";\nimport { Logger } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/log\";\nimport { CommissioningOptions } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/protocol\";\nimport { ManualPairingCodeCodec } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/schema\";\nimport { Time } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/time\";\nimport { singleton } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/util\";\n\nconst logger = Logger.get(\"Controller\");\n\nrequireMinNodeVersion(16);\n\nconst environment = Environment.default;\n\nif (environment.vars.get(\"ble\")) {\n // Initialize Ble\n Ble.get = singleton(\n () =>\n new BleNode({\n hciId: environment.vars.number(\"ble-hci-id\"),\n }),\n );\n}\n\nconst storageService = environment.get(StorageService);\n\nconsole.log(`Storage location: ${storageService.location} (Directory)`);\nlogger.info(\n 'Use the parameter \"--storage-path=NAME-OR-PATH\" to specify a different storage location in this directory, use --storage-clear to start with an empty storage.',\n);\n\nclass ControllerNode {\n async start() {\n logger.info(`node-matter Controller started`);\n\n /**\n * Collect all needed data\n *\n * This block makes sure to collect all needed data from cli or storage. Replace this with where ever your data\n * come from.\n *\n * Note: This example also uses the initialized storage system to store the device parameter data for convenience\n * and easy reuse. When you also do that be careful to not overlap with Matter-Server own contexts\n * (so maybe better not ;-)).\n */\n\n const controllerStorage = (await storageService.open(\"controller\")).createContext(\"data\");\n const ip = controllerStorage.has(\"ip\") ? controllerStorage.get<string>(\"ip\") : environment.vars.string(\"ip\");\n const port = controllerStorage.has(\"port\")\n ? controllerStorage.get<number>(\"port\")\n : environment.vars.number(\"port\");\n const uniqueId = controllerStorage.has(\"uniqueid\")\n ? controllerStorage.get<string>(\"uniqueid\")\n : environment.vars.string(\"uniqueid\") ?? Time.nowMs().toString();\n controllerStorage.set(\"uniqueid\", uniqueId);\n\n const pairingCode = environment.vars.string(\"pairingcode\");\n let longDiscriminator, setupPin, shortDiscriminator;\n if (pairingCode !== undefined) {\n const pairingCodeCodec = ManualPairingCodeCodec.decode(pairingCode);\n shortDiscriminator = pairingCodeCodec.shortDiscriminator;\n longDiscriminator = undefined;\n setupPin = pairingCodeCodec.passcode;\n logger.debug(`Data extracted from pairing code: ${Logger.toJSON(pairingCodeCodec)}`);\n } else {\n longDiscriminator =\n environment.vars.number(\"longDiscriminator\") ?? controllerStorage.get(\"longDiscriminator\", 3840);\n if (longDiscriminator > 4095) throw new Error(\"Discriminator value must be less than 4096\");\n setupPin = environment.vars.number(\"pin\") ?? controllerStorage.get(\"pin\", 20202021);\n }\n if ((shortDiscriminator === undefined && longDiscriminator === undefined) || setupPin === undefined) {\n throw new Error(\n \"Please specify the longDiscriminator of the device to commission with -longDiscriminator or provide a valid passcode with -passcode\",\n );\n }\n\n // Collect commissioning options from commandline parameters\n const commissioningOptions: CommissioningOptions = {\n regulatoryLocation: GeneralCommissioning.RegulatoryLocationType.IndoorOutdoor,\n regulatoryCountryCode: \"XX\",\n };\n\n let ble = false;\n if (environment.vars.get(\"ble\")) {\n ble = true;\n const wifiSsid = environment.vars.string(\"ble-wifi-ssid\");\n const wifiCredentials = environment.vars.string(\"ble-wifi-credentials\");\n const threadNetworkName = environment.vars.string(\"ble-thread-networkname\");\n const threadOperationalDataset = environment.vars.string(\"ble-thread-operationaldataset\");\n if (wifiSsid !== undefined && wifiCredentials !== undefined) {\n logger.info(`Registering Commissioning over BLE with WiFi: ${wifiSsid}`);\n commissioningOptions.wifiNetwork = {\n wifiSsid: wifiSsid,\n wifiCredentials: wifiCredentials,\n };\n }\n if (threadNetworkName !== undefined && threadOperationalDataset !== undefined) {\n logger.info(`Registering Commissioning over BLE with Thread: ${threadNetworkName}`);\n commissioningOptions.threadNetwork = {\n networkName: threadNetworkName,\n operationalDataset: threadOperationalDataset,\n };\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Create Matter Server and Controller Node\n *\n * To allow the device to be announced, found, paired and operated we need a MatterServer instance and add a\n * CommissioningController to it and add the just created device instance to it.\n * The Controller node defines the port where the server listens for the UDP packages of the Matter protocol\n * and initializes deice specific certificates and such.\n *\n * The below logic also adds command handlers for commands of clusters that normally are handled internally\n * like testEventTrigger (General Diagnostic Cluster) that can be implemented with the logic when these commands\n * are called.\n */\n\n const commissioningController = new CommissioningController({\n environment: {\n environment,\n id: uniqueId,\n },\n autoConnect: false,\n });\n\n /**\n * Start the Matter Server\n *\n * After everything was plugged together we can start the server. When not delayed announcement is set for the\n * CommissioningServer node then this command also starts the announcement of the device into the network.\n */\n await commissioningController.start();\n\n if (!commissioningController.isCommissioned()) {\n const options = {\n commissioning: commissioningOptions,\n discovery: {\n knownAddress: ip !== undefined && port !== undefined ? { ip, port, type: \"udp\" } : undefined,\n identifierData:\n longDiscriminator !== undefined\n ? { longDiscriminator }\n : shortDiscriminator !== undefined\n ? { shortDiscriminator }\n : {},\n discoveryCapabilities: {\n ble,\n },\n },\n passcode: setupPin,\n } as NodeCommissioningOptions;\n logger.info(`Commissioning ... ${JSON.stringify(options)}`);\n const nodeId = await commissioningController.commissionNode(options);\n\n console.log(`Commissioning successfully done with nodeId ${nodeId}`);\n }\n\n /**\n * TBD\n */\n try {\n const nodes = commissioningController.getCommissionedNodes();\n console.log(\"Found commissioned nodes:\", Logger.toJSON(nodes));\n\n const nodeId = NodeId(environment.vars.number(\"nodeid\") ?? nodes[0]);\n if (!nodes.includes(nodeId)) {\n throw new Error(`Node ${nodeId} not found in commissioned nodes`);\n }\n\n const node = await commissioningController.connectNode(nodeId, {\n attributeChangedCallback: (\n peerNodeId,\n { path: { nodeId, clusterId, endpointId, attributeName }, value },\n ) =>\n console.log(\n `attributeChangedCallback ${peerNodeId}: Attribute ${nodeId}/${endpointId}/${clusterId}/${attributeName} changed to ${Logger.toJSON(\n value,\n )}`,\n ),\n eventTriggeredCallback: (peerNodeId, { path: { nodeId, clusterId, endpointId, eventName }, events }) =>\n console.log(\n `eventTriggeredCallback ${peerNodeId}: Event ${nodeId}/${endpointId}/${clusterId}/${eventName} triggered with ${Logger.toJSON(\n events,\n )}`,\n ),\n stateInformationCallback: (peerNodeId, info) => {\n switch (info) {\n case NodeStateInformation.Connected:\n console.log(`stateInformationCallback ${peerNodeId}: Node ${nodeId} connected`);\n break;\n case NodeStateInformation.Disconnected:\n console.log(`stateInformationCallback ${peerNodeId}: Node ${nodeId} disconnected`);\n break;\n case NodeStateInformation.Reconnecting:\n console.log(`stateInformationCallback ${peerNodeId}: Node ${nodeId} reconnecting`);\n break;\n case NodeStateInformation.WaitingForDeviceDiscovery:\n console.log(\n `stateInformationCallback ${peerNodeId}: Node ${nodeId} waiting for device discovery`,\n );\n break;\n case NodeStateInformation.StructureChanged:\n console.log(`stateInformationCallback ${peerNodeId}: Node ${nodeId} structure changed`);\n break;\n case NodeStateInformation.Decommissioned:\n console.log(`stateInformationCallback ${peerNodeId}: Node ${nodeId} decommissioned`);\n break;\n }\n },\n });\n\n // Important: This is a temporary API to proof the methods working and this will change soon and is NOT stable!\n // It is provided to proof the concept\n\n node.logStructure();\n\n // Example to initialize a ClusterClient and access concrete fields as API methods\n const descriptor = node.getRootClusterClient(DescriptorCluster);\n if (descriptor !== undefined) {\n console.log(await descriptor.attributes.deviceTypeList.get()); // you can call that way\n console.log(await descriptor.getServerListAttribute()); // or more convenient that way\n } else {\n console.log(\"No Descriptor Cluster found. This should never happen!\");\n }\n\n // Example to subscribe to a field and get the value\n const info = node.getRootClusterClient(BasicInformationCluster);\n if (info !== undefined) {\n console.log(await info.getProductNameAttribute()); // This call is executed remotely\n //console.log(await info.subscribeProductNameAttribute(value => console.log(\"productName\", value), 5, 30));\n //console.log(await info.getProductNameAttribute()); // This call is resolved locally because we have subscribed to the value!\n } else {\n console.log(\"No BasicInformation Cluster found. This should never happen!\");\n }\n\n // Example to get all Attributes of the commissioned node: */*/*\n //const attributesAll = await interactionClient.getAllAttributes();\n //console.log(\"Attributes-All:\", Logger.toJSON(attributesAll));\n\n // Example to get all Attributes of all Descriptor Clusters of the commissioned node: */DescriptorCluster/*\n //const attributesAllDescriptor = await interactionClient.getMultipleAttributes([{ clusterId: DescriptorCluster.id} ]);\n //console.log(\"Attributes-Descriptor:\", JSON.stringify(attributesAllDescriptor, null, 2));\n\n // Example to get all Attributes of the Basic Information Cluster of endpoint 0 of the commissioned node: 0/BasicInformationCluster/*\n //const attributesBasicInformation = await interactionClient.getMultipleAttributes([{ endpointId: 0, clusterId: BasicInformationCluster.id} ]);\n //console.log(\"Attributes-BasicInformation:\", JSON.stringify(attributesBasicInformation, null, 2));\n\n const devices = node.getDevices();\n if (devices[0] && devices[0].number === 1) {\n // Example to subscribe to all Attributes of endpoint 1 of the commissioned node: */*/*\n //await interactionClient.subscribeMultipleAttributes([{ endpointId: 1, /* subscribe anything from endpoint 1 */ }], 0, 180, data => {\n // console.log(\"Subscribe-All Data:\", Logger.toJSON(data));\n //});\n\n const onOff = devices[0].getClusterClient(OnOffCluster);\n if (onOff !== undefined) {\n let onOffStatus = await onOff.getOnOffAttribute();\n console.log(\"initial onOffStatus\", onOffStatus);\n\n onOff.addOnOffAttributeListener(value => {\n console.log(\"subscription onOffStatus\", value);\n onOffStatus = value;\n });\n // read data every minute to keep up the connection to show the subscription is working\n setInterval(() => {\n onOff\n .toggle()\n .then(() => {\n onOffStatus = !onOffStatus;\n console.log(\"onOffStatus\", onOffStatus);\n })\n .catch(error => logger.error(error));\n }, 60000);\n }\n }\n } finally {\n //await matterServer.close(); // Comment out when subscribes are used, else the connection will be closed\n setTimeout(() => process.exit(0), 1000000);\n }\n }\n}\n\nnew ControllerNode().start().catch(error => logger.error(error));\n"],
"sourcesContent": ["#!/usr/bin/env node\n\n/**\n * @license\n * Copyright 2022-2024 Matter.js Authors\n * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0\n */\n\n/**\n * This example shows how to create a Matter controller to pair with a device and interfact with it.\n * It can be used as CLI script, but is more thought as a starting point for your own controller implementation\n * because you need to adjust the code in any way depending on your use case.\n */\n\n/**\n * Import needed modules from @project-chip/matter-node.js\n */\n// Include this first to auto-register Crypto, Network and Time Node.js implementations\n// Include this first to auto-register Crypto, Network and Time Node.js implementations\nimport \"@project-chip/matter-node.js\";\n\nimport { BleNode } from \"@project-chip/matter-node-ble.js/ble\";\nimport { requireMinNodeVersion } from \"@project-chip/matter-node.js/util\";\nimport { CommissioningController, NodeCommissioningOptions } from \"@project-chip/matter.js\";\nimport { Ble } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/ble\";\nimport {\n BasicInformationCluster,\n DescriptorCluster,\n GeneralCommissioning,\n OnOffCluster,\n} from \"@project-chip/matter.js/cluster\";\nimport { NodeId } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/datatype\";\nimport { NodeStateInformation } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/device\";\nimport { Environment, StorageService } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/environment\";\nimport { Logger } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/log\";\nimport { CommissioningOptions } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/protocol\";\nimport { ManualPairingCodeCodec } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/schema\";\nimport { Time } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/time\";\nimport { singleton } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/util\";\n\nconst logger = Logger.get(\"Controller\");\n\nrequireMinNodeVersion(16);\n\nconst environment = Environment.default;\n\nif (environment.vars.get(\"ble\")) {\n // Initialize Ble\n Ble.get = singleton(\n () =>\n new BleNode({\n hciId: environment.vars.number(\"ble-hci-id\"),\n }),\n );\n}\n\nconst storageService = environment.get(StorageService);\n\nconsole.log(`Storage location: ${storageService.location} (Directory)`);\nlogger.info(\n 'Use the parameter \"--storage-path=NAME-OR-PATH\" to specify a different storage location in this directory, use --storage-clear to start with an empty storage.',\n);\n\nclass ControllerNode {\n async start() {\n logger.info(`node-matter Controller started`);\n\n /**\n * Collect all needed data\n *\n * This block makes sure to collect all needed data from cli or storage. Replace this with where ever your data\n * come from.\n *\n * Note: This example also uses the initialized storage system to store the device parameter data for convenience\n * and easy reuse. When you also do that be careful to not overlap with Matter-Server own contexts\n * (so maybe better not ;-)).\n */\n\n const controllerStorage = (await storageService.open(\"controller\")).createContext(\"data\");\n const ip = (await controllerStorage.has(\"ip\"))\n ? controllerStorage.get<string>(\"ip\")\n : environment.vars.string(\"ip\");\n const port = (await controllerStorage.has(\"port\"))\n ? controllerStorage.get<number>(\"port\")\n : environment.vars.number(\"port\");\n const uniqueId = (await controllerStorage.has(\"uniqueid\"))\n ? await controllerStorage.get<string>(\"uniqueid\")\n : environment.vars.string(\"uniqueid\") ?? Time.nowMs().toString();\n await controllerStorage.set(\"uniqueid\", uniqueId);\n\n const pairingCode = environment.vars.string(\"pairingcode\");\n let longDiscriminator, setupPin, shortDiscriminator;\n if (pairingCode !== undefined) {\n const pairingCodeCodec = ManualPairingCodeCodec.decode(pairingCode);\n shortDiscriminator = pairingCodeCodec.shortDiscriminator;\n longDiscriminator = undefined;\n setupPin = pairingCodeCodec.passcode;\n logger.debug(`Data extracted from pairing code: ${Logger.toJSON(pairingCodeCodec)}`);\n } else {\n longDiscriminator =\n environment.vars.number(\"longDiscriminator\") ??\n (await controllerStorage.get(\"longDiscriminator\", 3840));\n if (longDiscriminator > 4095) throw new Error(\"Discriminator value must be less than 4096\");\n setupPin = environment.vars.number(\"pin\") ?? (await controllerStorage.get(\"pin\", 20202021));\n }\n if ((shortDiscriminator === undefined && longDiscriminator === undefined) || setupPin === undefined) {\n throw new Error(\n \"Please specify the longDiscriminator of the device to commission with -longDiscriminator or provide a valid passcode with -passcode\",\n );\n }\n\n // Collect commissioning options from commandline parameters\n const commissioningOptions: CommissioningOptions = {\n regulatoryLocation: GeneralCommissioning.RegulatoryLocationType.IndoorOutdoor,\n regulatoryCountryCode: \"XX\",\n };\n\n let ble = false;\n if (environment.vars.get(\"ble\")) {\n ble = true;\n const wifiSsid = environment.vars.string(\"ble-wifi-ssid\");\n const wifiCredentials = environment.vars.string(\"ble-wifi-credentials\");\n const threadNetworkName = environment.vars.string(\"ble-thread-networkname\");\n const threadOperationalDataset = environment.vars.string(\"ble-thread-operationaldataset\");\n if (wifiSsid !== undefined && wifiCredentials !== undefined) {\n logger.info(`Registering Commissioning over BLE with WiFi: ${wifiSsid}`);\n commissioningOptions.wifiNetwork = {\n wifiSsid: wifiSsid,\n wifiCredentials: wifiCredentials,\n };\n }\n if (threadNetworkName !== undefined && threadOperationalDataset !== undefined) {\n logger.info(`Registering Commissioning over BLE with Thread: ${threadNetworkName}`);\n commissioningOptions.threadNetwork = {\n networkName: threadNetworkName,\n operationalDataset: threadOperationalDataset,\n };\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Create Matter Server and Controller Node\n *\n * To allow the device to be announced, found, paired and operated we need a MatterServer instance and add a\n * CommissioningController to it and add the just created device instance to it.\n * The Controller node defines the port where the server listens for the UDP packages of the Matter protocol\n * and initializes deice specific certificates and such.\n *\n * The below logic also adds command handlers for commands of clusters that normally are handled internally\n * like testEventTrigger (General Diagnostic Cluster) that can be implemented with the logic when these commands\n * are called.\n */\n\n const commissioningController = new CommissioningController({\n environment: {\n environment,\n id: uniqueId,\n },\n autoConnect: false,\n });\n\n /**\n * Start the Matter Server\n *\n * After everything was plugged together we can start the server. When not delayed announcement is set for the\n * CommissioningServer node then this command also starts the announcement of the device into the network.\n */\n await commissioningController.start();\n\n if (!commissioningController.isCommissioned()) {\n const options = {\n commissioning: commissioningOptions,\n discovery: {\n knownAddress: ip !== undefined && port !== undefined ? { ip, port, type: \"udp\" } : undefined,\n identifierData:\n longDiscriminator !== undefined\n ? { longDiscriminator }\n : shortDiscriminator !== undefined\n ? { shortDiscriminator }\n : {},\n discoveryCapabilities: {\n ble,\n },\n },\n passcode: setupPin,\n } as NodeCommissioningOptions;\n logger.info(`Commissioning ... ${JSON.stringify(options)}`);\n const nodeId = await commissioningController.commissionNode(options);\n\n console.log(`Commissioning successfully done with nodeId ${nodeId}`);\n }\n\n /**\n * TBD\n */\n try {\n const nodes = commissioningController.getCommissionedNodes();\n console.log(\"Found commissioned nodes:\", Logger.toJSON(nodes));\n\n const nodeId = NodeId(environment.vars.number(\"nodeid\") ?? nodes[0]);\n if (!nodes.includes(nodeId)) {\n throw new Error(`Node ${nodeId} not found in commissioned nodes`);\n }\n\n const node = await commissioningController.connectNode(nodeId, {\n attributeChangedCallback: (\n peerNodeId,\n { path: { nodeId, clusterId, endpointId, attributeName }, value },\n ) =>\n console.log(\n `attributeChangedCallback ${peerNodeId}: Attribute ${nodeId}/${endpointId}/${clusterId}/${attributeName} changed to ${Logger.toJSON(\n value,\n )}`,\n ),\n eventTriggeredCallback: (peerNodeId, { path: { nodeId, clusterId, endpointId, eventName }, events }) =>\n console.log(\n `eventTriggeredCallback ${peerNodeId}: Event ${nodeId}/${endpointId}/${clusterId}/${eventName} triggered with ${Logger.toJSON(\n events,\n )}`,\n ),\n stateInformationCallback: (peerNodeId, info) => {\n switch (info) {\n case NodeStateInformation.Connected:\n console.log(`stateInformationCallback ${peerNodeId}: Node ${nodeId} connected`);\n break;\n case NodeStateInformation.Disconnected:\n console.log(`stateInformationCallback ${peerNodeId}: Node ${nodeId} disconnected`);\n break;\n case NodeStateInformation.Reconnecting:\n console.log(`stateInformationCallback ${peerNodeId}: Node ${nodeId} reconnecting`);\n break;\n case NodeStateInformation.WaitingForDeviceDiscovery:\n console.log(\n `stateInformationCallback ${peerNodeId}: Node ${nodeId} waiting for device discovery`,\n );\n break;\n case NodeStateInformation.StructureChanged:\n console.log(`stateInformationCallback ${peerNodeId}: Node ${nodeId} structure changed`);\n break;\n case NodeStateInformation.Decommissioned:\n console.log(`stateInformationCallback ${peerNodeId}: Node ${nodeId} decommissioned`);\n break;\n }\n },\n });\n\n // Important: This is a temporary API to proof the methods working and this will change soon and is NOT stable!\n // It is provided to proof the concept\n\n node.logStructure();\n\n // Example to initialize a ClusterClient and access concrete fields as API methods\n const descriptor = node.getRootClusterClient(DescriptorCluster);\n if (descriptor !== undefined) {\n console.log(await descriptor.attributes.deviceTypeList.get()); // you can call that way\n console.log(await descriptor.getServerListAttribute()); // or more convenient that way\n } else {\n console.log(\"No Descriptor Cluster found. This should never happen!\");\n }\n\n // Example to subscribe to a field and get the value\n const info = node.getRootClusterClient(BasicInformationCluster);\n if (info !== undefined) {\n console.log(await info.getProductNameAttribute()); // This call is executed remotely\n //console.log(await info.subscribeProductNameAttribute(value => console.log(\"productName\", value), 5, 30));\n //console.log(await info.getProductNameAttribute()); // This call is resolved locally because we have subscribed to the value!\n } else {\n console.log(\"No BasicInformation Cluster found. This should never happen!\");\n }\n\n // Example to get all Attributes of the commissioned node: */*/*\n //const attributesAll = await interactionClient.getAllAttributes();\n //console.log(\"Attributes-All:\", Logger.toJSON(attributesAll));\n\n // Example to get all Attributes of all Descriptor Clusters of the commissioned node: */DescriptorCluster/*\n //const attributesAllDescriptor = await interactionClient.getMultipleAttributes([{ clusterId: DescriptorCluster.id} ]);\n //console.log(\"Attributes-Descriptor:\", JSON.stringify(attributesAllDescriptor, null, 2));\n\n // Example to get all Attributes of the Basic Information Cluster of endpoint 0 of the commissioned node: 0/BasicInformationCluster/*\n //const attributesBasicInformation = await interactionClient.getMultipleAttributes([{ endpointId: 0, clusterId: BasicInformationCluster.id} ]);\n //console.log(\"Attributes-BasicInformation:\", JSON.stringify(attributesBasicInformation, null, 2));\n\n const devices = node.getDevices();\n if (devices[0] && devices[0].number === 1) {\n // Example to subscribe to all Attributes of endpoint 1 of the commissioned node: */*/*\n //await interactionClient.subscribeMultipleAttributes([{ endpointId: 1, /* subscribe anything from endpoint 1 */ }], 0, 180, data => {\n // console.log(\"Subscribe-All Data:\", Logger.toJSON(data));\n //});\n\n const onOff = devices[0].getClusterClient(OnOffCluster);\n if (onOff !== undefined) {\n let onOffStatus = await onOff.getOnOffAttribute();\n console.log(\"initial onOffStatus\", onOffStatus);\n\n onOff.addOnOffAttributeListener(value => {\n console.log(\"subscription onOffStatus\", value);\n onOffStatus = value;\n });\n // read data every minute to keep up the connection to show the subscription is working\n setInterval(() => {\n onOff\n .toggle()\n .then(() => {\n onOffStatus = !onOffStatus;\n console.log(\"onOffStatus\", onOffStatus);\n })\n .catch(error => logger.error(error));\n }, 60000);\n }\n }\n } finally {\n //await matterServer.close(); // Comment out when subscribes are used, else the connection will be closed\n setTimeout(() => process.exit(0), 1000000);\n }\n }\n}\n\nnew ControllerNode().start().catch(error => logger.error(error));\n"],
"names": ["nodeId", "info"]