@project-chip/matter-node.js-examples 0.10.0-alpha.0-20240813-10402111 → 0.10.0-alpha.0-20240814-09c39cec
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"version": 3,
"sources": ["../../../src/examples/SensorDeviceNode.ts"],
"sourcesContent": ["#!/usr/bin/env node\n/**\n * @license\n * Copyright 2022-2024 Matter.js Authors\n * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0\n */\n\n/**\n * This example shows how to create a simple Sensor Matter device as temperature or humidity device.\n * It can be used as CLI script and starting point for your own device node implementation.\n * This example is CJS conform and do not use top level await's.\n */\n\n/**\n * Import needed modules from @project-chip/matter-node.js\n */\n// Include this first to auto-register Crypto, Network and Time Node.js implementations\nimport \"@project-chip/matter-node.js\";\n\nimport { requireMinNodeVersion } from \"@project-chip/matter-node.js/util\";\nimport { DeviceTypeId, VendorId } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/datatype\";\nimport { logEndpoint } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/device\";\nimport { HumiditySensorDevice } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/devices/HumiditySensorDevice\";\nimport { TemperatureSensorDevice } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/devices/TemperatureSensorDevice\";\nimport { Endpoint, EndpointServer } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/endpoint\";\nimport { Environment, StorageService } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/environment\";\nimport { ServerNode } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/node\";\nimport { Time } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/time\";\nimport { execSync } from \"child_process\";\n\nrequireMinNodeVersion(16);\n\nasync function main() {\n /** Initialize configuration values */\n const {\n isTemperature,\n interval,\n deviceName,\n vendorName,\n passcode,\n discriminator,\n vendorId,\n productName,\n productId,\n port,\n uniqueId,\n } = await getConfiguration();\n\n /**\n * Create a Matter ServerNode, which contains the Root Endpoint and all relevant data and configuration\n */\n const server = await ServerNode.create({\n // Required: Give the Node a unique ID which is used to store the state of this node\n id: uniqueId,\n\n // Provide Network relevant configuration like the port\n // Optional when operating only one device on a host, Default port is 5540\n network: {\n port,\n },\n\n // Provide Commissioning relevant settings\n // Optional for development/testing purposes\n commissioning: {\n passcode,\n discriminator,\n },\n\n // Provide Node announcement settings\n // Optional: If Ommitted some development defaults are used\n productDescription: {\n name: deviceName,\n deviceType: DeviceTypeId(\n isTemperature ? TemperatureSensorDevice.deviceType : HumiditySensorDevice.deviceType,\n ),\n },\n\n // Provide defaults for the BasicInformation cluster on the Root endpoint\n // Optional: If Omitted some development defaults are used\n basicInformation: {\n vendorName,\n vendorId: VendorId(vendorId),\n nodeLabel: productName,\n productName,\n productLabel: productName,\n productId,\n serialNumber: `matterjs-${uniqueId}`,\n uniqueId,\n },\n });\n\n /**\n * Matter Nodes are a composition of endpoints. Create and add a single endpoint to the node. This example uses the\n * OnOffLightDevice or OnOffPlugInUnitDevice depending on the value of the type parameter. It also assigns this Part a\n * unique ID to store the endpoint number for it in the storage to restore the device on restart.\n * In this case we directly use the default command implementation from matter.js. Check out the DeviceNodeFull example\n * to see how to customize the command handlers.\n */\n let endpoint: Endpoint;\n if (isTemperature) {\n endpoint = new Endpoint(TemperatureSensorDevice, {\n id: \"tempsensor\",\n temperatureMeasurement: {\n // Use this to initialize the measuredValue with the most uptodate value.\n // If you do not know the value and also cannot request it, best use \"null\" (if allowed by the cluster).\n measuredValue: getIntValueFromCommandOrRandom(\"value\"),\n },\n });\n } else {\n endpoint = new Endpoint(HumiditySensorDevice, {\n id: \"humsensor\",\n relativeHumidityMeasurement: {\n // Use this to initialize the measuredValue with the most uptodate value.\n // If you do not know the value and also cannot request it, best use \"null\" (if allowed by the cluster).\n measuredValue: getIntValueFromCommandOrRandom(\"value\", false),\n },\n });\n }\n\n await server.add(endpoint);\n\n /**\n * Log the endpoint structure for debugging reasons and to allow to verify anything is correct\n */\n logEndpoint(EndpointServer.forEndpoint(server));\n\n const updateInterval = setInterval(() => {\n let setter: Promise<void>;\n if (isTemperature) {\n setter = endpoint.set({\n temperatureMeasurement: {\n measuredValue: getIntValueFromCommandOrRandom(\"value\"),\n },\n });\n } else {\n setter = endpoint.set({\n relativeHumidityMeasurement: {\n measuredValue: getIntValueFromCommandOrRandom(\"value\", false),\n },\n });\n }\n setter.catch(error => console.error(\"Error updating measured value:\", error));\n }, interval * 1000);\n\n // Cleanup our update interval when node goes offline\n server.lifecycle.offline.on(() => clearTimeout(updateInterval));\n\n /**\n * In order to start the node and announce it into the network we use the run method which resolves when the node goes\n * offline again because we do not need anything more here. See the Full example for other starting options.\n * The QR Code is printed automatically.\n */\n await server.run();\n}\n\nmain().catch(error => console.error(error));\n\n/*********************************************************************************************************\n * Convenience Methods\n *********************************************************************************************************/\n\n/** Defined a shell command from an environment variable and execute it and log the response. */\n\nfunction getIntValueFromCommandOrRandom(scriptParamName: string, allowNegativeValues = true) {\n const script = Environment.default.vars.string(scriptParamName);\n if (script === undefined) {\n if (!allowNegativeValues) return Math.round(Math.random() * 100);\n return (Math.round(Math.random() * 100) - 50) * 100;\n }\n let result = execSync(script).toString().trim();\n if ((result.startsWith(\"'\") && result.endsWith(\"'\")) || (result.startsWith('\"') && result.endsWith('\"')))\n result = result.slice(1, -1);\n console.log(`Command result: ${result}`);\n let value = Math.round(parseFloat(result));\n if (!allowNegativeValues && value < 0) value = 0;\n return value;\n}\n\nasync function getConfiguration() {\n /**\n * Collect all needed data\n *\n * This block collects all needed data from cli, environment or storage. Replace this with where ever your data come from.\n *\n * Note: This example uses the matter.js process storage system to store the device parameter data for convenience\n * and easy reuse. When you also do that be careful to not overlap with Matter-Server own storage contexts\n * (so maybe better not do it ;-)).\n */\n const environment = Environment.default;\n\n const storageService = environment.get(StorageService);\n console.log(`Storage location: ${storageService.location} (Directory)`);\n console.log(\n 'Use the parameter \"--storage-path=NAME-OR-PATH\" to specify a different storage location in this directory, use --storage-clear to start with an empty storage.',\n );\n const deviceStorage = (await storageService.open(\"device\")).createContext(\"data\");\n\n const isTemperature = await deviceStorage.get(\"isTemperature\", environment.vars.get(\"type\") !== \"humidity\");\n if (await deviceStorage.has(\"isTemperature\")) {\n console.log(\n `Device type ${isTemperature ? \"temperature\" : \"humidity\"} found in storage. --type parameter is ignored.`,\n );\n }\n let interval = environment.vars.number(\"interval\") ?? (await deviceStorage.get(\"interval\", 60));\n if (interval < 1) {\n console.log(`Invalid Interval ${interval}, set to 60s`);\n interval = 60;\n }\n\n const deviceName = \"Matter test device\";\n const vendorName = \"matter-node.js\";\n const passcode = environment.vars.number(\"passcode\") ?? (await deviceStorage.get(\"passcode\", 20202021));\n const discriminator = environment.vars.number(\"discriminator\") ?? (await deviceStorage.get(\"discriminator\", 3840));\n // product name / id and vendor id should match what is in the device certificate\n const vendorId = environment.vars.number(\"vendorid\") ?? (await deviceStorage.get(\"vendorid\", 0xfff1));\n const productName = `node-matter OnOff ${isTemperature ? \"Temperature\" : \"Humidity\"}`;\n const productId = environment.vars.number(\"productid\") ?? (await deviceStorage.get(\"productid\", 0x8000));\n\n const port = environment.vars.number(\"port\") ?? 5540;\n\n const uniqueId =\n environment.vars.string(\"uniqueid\") ?? (await deviceStorage.get(\"uniqueid\", Time.nowMs().toString()));\n\n // Persist basic data to keep them also on restart\n await deviceStorage.set({\n passcode,\n discriminator,\n vendorid: vendorId,\n productid: productId,\n interval,\n isTemperature,\n uniqueid: uniqueId,\n });\n\n return {\n isTemperature,\n interval,\n deviceName,\n vendorName,\n passcode,\n discriminator,\n vendorId,\n productName,\n productId,\n port,\n uniqueId,\n };\n}\n"],
"sourcesContent": ["#!/usr/bin/env node\n/**\n * @license\n * Copyright 2022-2024 Matter.js Authors\n * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0\n */\n\n/**\n * This example shows how to create a simple Sensor Matter device as temperature or humidity device.\n * It can be used as CLI script and starting point for your own device node implementation.\n * This example is CJS conform and do not use top level await's.\n */\n\n/**\n * Import needed modules from @project-chip/matter-node.js\n */\n// Include this first to auto-register Crypto, Network and Time Node.js implementations\nimport \"@project-chip/matter-node.js\";\n\nimport { requireMinNodeVersion } from \"@project-chip/matter-node.js/util\";\nimport { DeviceTypeId, VendorId } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/datatype\";\nimport { logEndpoint } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/device\";\nimport { HumiditySensorDevice } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/devices/HumiditySensorDevice\";\nimport { TemperatureSensorDevice } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/devices/TemperatureSensorDevice\";\nimport { Endpoint, EndpointServer } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/endpoint\";\nimport { Environment, StorageService } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/environment\";\nimport { ServerNode } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/node\";\nimport { Time } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/time\";\nimport { execSync } from \"child_process\";\n\nrequireMinNodeVersion(16);\n\nasync function main() {\n /** Initialize configuration values */\n const {\n isTemperature,\n interval,\n deviceName,\n vendorName,\n passcode,\n discriminator,\n vendorId,\n productName,\n productId,\n port,\n uniqueId,\n } = await getConfiguration();\n\n /**\n * Create a Matter ServerNode, which contains the Root Endpoint and all relevant data and configuration\n */\n const server = await ServerNode.create({\n // Required: Give the Node a unique ID which is used to store the state of this node\n id: uniqueId,\n\n // Provide Network relevant configuration like the port\n // Optional when operating only one device on a host, Default port is 5540\n network: {\n port,\n },\n\n // Provide Commissioning relevant settings\n // Optional for development/testing purposes\n commissioning: {\n passcode,\n discriminator,\n },\n\n // Provide Node announcement settings\n // Optional: If Ommitted some development defaults are used\n productDescription: {\n name: deviceName,\n deviceType: DeviceTypeId(\n isTemperature ? TemperatureSensorDevice.deviceType : HumiditySensorDevice.deviceType,\n ),\n },\n\n // Provide defaults for the BasicInformation cluster on the Root endpoint\n // Optional: If Omitted some development defaults are used\n basicInformation: {\n vendorName,\n vendorId: VendorId(vendorId),\n nodeLabel: productName,\n productName,\n productLabel: productName,\n productId,\n serialNumber: `matterjs-${uniqueId}`,\n uniqueId,\n },\n });\n\n /**\n * Matter Nodes are a composition of endpoints. Create and add a single endpoint to the node. This example uses the\n * OnOffLightDevice or OnOffPlugInUnitDevice depending on the value of the type parameter. It also assigns this Part a\n * unique ID to store the endpoint number for it in the storage to restore the device on restart.\n * In this case we directly use the default command implementation from matter.js. Check out the DeviceNodeFull example\n * to see how to customize the command handlers.\n */\n let endpoint: Endpoint<TemperatureSensorDevice | HumiditySensorDevice>;\n if (isTemperature) {\n endpoint = new Endpoint(TemperatureSensorDevice, {\n id: \"tempsensor\",\n temperatureMeasurement: {\n // Use this to initialize the measuredValue with the most uptodate value.\n // If you do not know the value and also cannot request it, best use \"null\" (if allowed by the cluster).\n measuredValue: getIntValueFromCommandOrRandom(\"value\"),\n },\n });\n } else {\n endpoint = new Endpoint(HumiditySensorDevice, {\n id: \"humsensor\",\n relativeHumidityMeasurement: {\n // Use this to initialize the measuredValue with the most uptodate value.\n // If you do not know the value and also cannot request it, best use \"null\" (if allowed by the cluster).\n measuredValue: getIntValueFromCommandOrRandom(\"value\", false),\n },\n });\n }\n\n await server.add(endpoint);\n\n /**\n * Log the endpoint structure for debugging reasons and to allow to verify anything is correct\n */\n logEndpoint(EndpointServer.forEndpoint(server));\n\n const updateInterval = setInterval(() => {\n let setter: Promise<void>;\n if (isTemperature) {\n setter = endpoint.set({\n temperatureMeasurement: {\n measuredValue: getIntValueFromCommandOrRandom(\"value\"),\n },\n });\n } else {\n setter = endpoint.set({\n relativeHumidityMeasurement: {\n measuredValue: getIntValueFromCommandOrRandom(\"value\", false),\n },\n });\n }\n setter.catch(error => console.error(\"Error updating measured value:\", error));\n }, interval * 1000);\n\n // Cleanup our update interval when node goes offline\n server.lifecycle.offline.on(() => clearTimeout(updateInterval));\n\n /**\n * In order to start the node and announce it into the network we use the run method which resolves when the node goes\n * offline again because we do not need anything more here. See the Full example for other starting options.\n * The QR Code is printed automatically.\n */\n await server.run();\n}\n\nmain().catch(error => console.error(error));\n\n/*********************************************************************************************************\n * Convenience Methods\n *********************************************************************************************************/\n\n/** Defined a shell command from an environment variable and execute it and log the response. */\n\nfunction getIntValueFromCommandOrRandom(scriptParamName: string, allowNegativeValues = true) {\n const script = Environment.default.vars.string(scriptParamName);\n if (script === undefined) {\n if (!allowNegativeValues) return Math.round(Math.random() * 100);\n return (Math.round(Math.random() * 100) - 50) * 100;\n }\n let result = execSync(script).toString().trim();\n if ((result.startsWith(\"'\") && result.endsWith(\"'\")) || (result.startsWith('\"') && result.endsWith('\"')))\n result = result.slice(1, -1);\n console.log(`Command result: ${result}`);\n let value = Math.round(parseFloat(result));\n if (!allowNegativeValues && value < 0) value = 0;\n return value;\n}\n\nasync function getConfiguration() {\n /**\n * Collect all needed data\n *\n * This block collects all needed data from cli, environment or storage. Replace this with where ever your data come from.\n *\n * Note: This example uses the matter.js process storage system to store the device parameter data for convenience\n * and easy reuse. When you also do that be careful to not overlap with Matter-Server own storage contexts\n * (so maybe better not do it ;-)).\n */\n const environment = Environment.default;\n\n const storageService = environment.get(StorageService);\n console.log(`Storage location: ${storageService.location} (Directory)`);\n console.log(\n 'Use the parameter \"--storage-path=NAME-OR-PATH\" to specify a different storage location in this directory, use --storage-clear to start with an empty storage.',\n );\n const deviceStorage = (await storageService.open(\"device\")).createContext(\"data\");\n\n const isTemperature = await deviceStorage.get(\"isTemperature\", environment.vars.get(\"type\") !== \"humidity\");\n if (await deviceStorage.has(\"isTemperature\")) {\n console.log(\n `Device type ${isTemperature ? \"temperature\" : \"humidity\"} found in storage. --type parameter is ignored.`,\n );\n }\n let interval = environment.vars.number(\"interval\") ?? (await deviceStorage.get(\"interval\", 60));\n if (interval < 1) {\n console.log(`Invalid Interval ${interval}, set to 60s`);\n interval = 60;\n }\n\n const deviceName = \"Matter test device\";\n const vendorName = \"matter-node.js\";\n const passcode = environment.vars.number(\"passcode\") ?? (await deviceStorage.get(\"passcode\", 20202021));\n const discriminator = environment.vars.number(\"discriminator\") ?? (await deviceStorage.get(\"discriminator\", 3840));\n // product name / id and vendor id should match what is in the device certificate\n const vendorId = environment.vars.number(\"vendorid\") ?? (await deviceStorage.get(\"vendorid\", 0xfff1));\n const productName = `node-matter OnOff ${isTemperature ? \"Temperature\" : \"Humidity\"}`;\n const productId = environment.vars.number(\"productid\") ?? (await deviceStorage.get(\"productid\", 0x8000));\n\n const port = environment.vars.number(\"port\") ?? 5540;\n\n const uniqueId =\n environment.vars.string(\"uniqueid\") ?? (await deviceStorage.get(\"uniqueid\", Time.nowMs().toString()));\n\n // Persist basic data to keep them also on restart\n await deviceStorage.set({\n passcode,\n discriminator,\n vendorid: vendorId,\n productid: productId,\n interval,\n isTemperature,\n uniqueid: uniqueId,\n });\n\n return {\n isTemperature,\n interval,\n deviceName,\n vendorName,\n passcode,\n discriminator,\n vendorId,\n productName,\n productId,\n port,\n uniqueId,\n };\n}\n"],
"names": []
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "@project-chip/matter-node.js-examples",
"version": "0.10.0-alpha.0-
"version": "0.10.0-alpha.0-20240814-09c39cec",
"description": "CLI/Reference implementation scripts for Matter protocol for node.js",
"keywords": [
@@ -64,10 +64,10 @@
"typescript": "~5.5.3"
"dependencies": {
"@project-chip/matter-node-ble.js": "0.10.0-alpha.0-
"@project-chip/matter-node.js": "0.10.0-alpha.0-
"@project-chip/matter.js": "0.10.0-alpha.0-
"@project-chip/matter.js-tools": "0.10.0-alpha.0-
"@project-chip/matter-node-ble.js": "0.10.0-alpha.0-20240814-09c39cec",
"@project-chip/matter-node.js": "0.10.0-alpha.0-20240814-09c39cec",
"@project-chip/matter.js": "0.10.0-alpha.0-20240814-09c39cec",
"@project-chip/matter.js-tools": "0.10.0-alpha.0-20240814-09c39cec"
"engines": {
"node": ">=18.0.0"
@@ -82,5 +82,5 @@
"publishConfig": {
"access": "public"
"gitHead": "
"gitHead": "d00370bafbc34faab991486215818a52c484065e"
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ async function main() {
* In this case we directly use the default command implementation from matter.js. Check out the DeviceNodeFull example
* to see how to customize the command handlers.
let endpoint: Endpoint
let endpoint: Endpoint<TemperatureSensorDevice | HumiditySensorDevice>;
if (isTemperature) {
endpoint = new Endpoint(TemperatureSensorDevice, {
id: "tempsensor",