@project-chip/matter-node.js-examples 0.10.0-alpha.0-20240604-f9c86723 → 0.10.0-alpha.0-20240607-fbc64d30

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@@ -144,7 +144,6 @@ class Device {
  if (!commissioningServer.isCommissioned()) {
  const pairingData = commissioningServer.getPairingCode({
  ble: hasParameter("ble"),
- softAccessPoint: false,
  onIpNetwork: false
  const { qrPairingCode, manualPairingCode } = pairingData;
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
  "version": 3,
  "sources": ["../../../src/examples/DeviceNodeFullLegacy.ts"],
- "sourcesContent": ["#!/usr/bin/env node\n/**\n * @license\n * Copyright 2022-2024 Matter.js Authors\n * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0\n */\n\n/**\n * IMPORTANT: This example uses a Legacy API which will be deprecated in the future.\n * It is just still here to support developers in converting their code to the new API!\n */\n\n/**\n * This example shows how to create a simple on-off Matter device as a light or as a socket.\n * It can be used as CLI script and starting point for your own device node implementation.\n */\n\n/**\n * Import needed modules from @project-chip/matter-node.js\n */\n// Include this first to auto-register Crypto, Network and Time Node.js implementations\nimport { CommissioningServer, MatterServer } from \"@project-chip/matter-node.js\";\n\nimport { BleNode } from \"@project-chip/matter-node-ble.js/ble\";\nimport { Ble } from \"@project-chip/matter-node.js/ble\";\nimport { OnOffLightDevice, OnOffPluginUnitDevice, logEndpoint } from \"@project-chip/matter-node.js/device\";\nimport { Format, Level, Logger } from \"@project-chip/matter-node.js/log\";\nimport { QrCode } from \"@project-chip/matter-node.js/schema\";\nimport { StorageBackendDisk, StorageManager } from \"@project-chip/matter-node.js/storage\";\nimport { Time } from \"@project-chip/matter-node.js/time\";\nimport {\n commandExecutor,\n getIntParameter,\n getParameter,\n hasParameter,\n requireMinNodeVersion,\n singleton,\n} from \"@project-chip/matter-node.js/util\";\nimport { DeviceTypeId, VendorId } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/datatype\";\nimport DummyWifiNetworkCommissioningClusterServer from \"./cluster/DummyWifiNetworkCommissioningServerLegacy.js\";\n\nconst logger = Logger.get(\"Device\");\n\nrequireMinNodeVersion(16);\n\n/** Configure logging */\nswitch (getParameter(\"loglevel\")) {\n case \"fatal\":\n Logger.defaultLogLevel = Level.FATAL;\n break;\n case \"error\":\n Logger.defaultLogLevel = Level.ERROR;\n break;\n case \"warn\":\n Logger.defaultLogLevel = Level.WARN;\n break;\n case \"info\":\n Logger.defaultLogLevel = Level.INFO;\n break;\n}\n\nswitch (getParameter(\"logformat\")) {\n case \"plain\":\n Logger.format = Format.PLAIN;\n break;\n case \"html\":\n Logger.format = Format.HTML;\n break;\n default:\n if (process.stdin?.isTTY) Logger.format = Format.ANSI;\n}\n\nif (hasParameter(\"ble\")) {\n // Initialize Ble\n Ble.get = singleton(\n () =>\n new BleNode({\n hciId: getIntParameter(\"ble-hci-id\"),\n }),\n );\n}\n\nconst storageLocation = getParameter(\"store\") ?? \".device-node\";\nconst storage = new StorageBackendDisk(storageLocation, hasParameter(\"clearstorage\"));\nlogger.info(`Storage location: ${storageLocation} (Directory)`);\nlogger.info(\n 'Use the parameter \"-store NAME\" to specify a different storage location, use -clearstorage to start with an empty storage.',\n);\n\nclass Device {\n private matterServer: MatterServer | undefined;\n\n async start() {\n logger.info(`node-matter`);\n\n /**\n * Initialize the storage system.\n *\n * The storage manager is then also used by the Matter server, so this code block in general is required,\n * but you can choose a different storage backend as long as it implements the required API.\n */\n\n const storageManager = new StorageManager(storage);\n await storageManager.initialize();\n\n /**\n * Collect all needed data\n *\n * This block makes sure to collect all needed data from cli or storage. Replace this with where ever your data\n * come from.\n *\n * Note: This example also uses the initialized storage system to store the device parameter data for convenience\n * and easy reuse. When you also do that be careful to not overlap with Matter-Server own contexts\n * (so maybe better not ;-)).\n */\n\n const deviceStorage = storageManager.createContext(\"Device\");\n\n if (deviceStorage.has(\"isSocket\")) {\n logger.info(\"Device type found in storage. -type parameter is ignored.\");\n }\n const isSocket = deviceStorage.get(\"isSocket\", getParameter(\"type\") === \"socket\");\n const deviceName = \"Matter test device\";\n const vendorName = \"matter-node.js\";\n const passcode = getIntParameter(\"passcode\") ?? deviceStorage.get(\"passcode\", 20202021);\n const discriminator = getIntParameter(\"discriminator\") ?? deviceStorage.get(\"discriminator\", 3840);\n // product name / id and vendor id should match what is in the device certificate\n const vendorId = getIntParameter(\"vendorid\") ?? deviceStorage.get(\"vendorid\", 0xfff1);\n const productName = `node-matter OnOff ${isSocket ? \"Socket\" : \"Light\"}`;\n const productId = getIntParameter(\"productid\") ?? deviceStorage.get(\"productid\", 0x8000);\n\n const netInterface = getParameter(\"netinterface\");\n const port = getIntParameter(\"port\") ?? 5540;\n\n const uniqueId = getIntParameter(\"uniqueid\") ?? deviceStorage.get(\"uniqueid\", Time.nowMs());\n\n deviceStorage.set({\n passcode,\n discriminator,\n vendorid: vendorId,\n productid: productId,\n isSocket,\n uniqueid: uniqueId,\n });\n /**\n * Create Device instance and add needed Listener\n *\n * Create an instance of the matter device class you want to use.\n * This example uses the OnOffLightDevice or OnOffPluginUnitDevice depending on the value of the type parameter.\n * To execute the on/off scripts defined as parameters a listener for the onOff attribute is registered via the\n * device specific API.\n *\n * The below logic also adds command handlers for commands of clusters that normally are handled device internally\n * like identify that can be implemented with the logic when these commands are called.\n */\n\n const onOffDevice = isSocket ? new OnOffPluginUnitDevice() : new OnOffLightDevice();\n onOffDevice.addOnOffListener(on => commandExecutor(on ? \"on\" : \"off\")?.());\n\n onOffDevice.addCommandHandler(\"identify\", async ({ request: { identifyTime } }) =>\n logger.info(`Identify called for OnOffDevice: ${identifyTime}`),\n );\n\n /**\n * Create Matter Server and CommissioningServer Node\n *\n * To allow the device to be announced, found, paired and operated we need a MatterServer instance and add a\n * commissioningServer to it and add the just created device instance to it.\n * The CommissioningServer node defines the port where the server listens for the UDP packages of the Matter protocol\n * and initializes deice specific certificates and such.\n *\n * The below logic also adds command handlers for commands of clusters that normally are handled internally\n * like testEventTrigger (General Diagnostic Cluster) that can be implemented with the logic when these commands\n * are called.\n */\n\n this.matterServer = new MatterServer(storageManager, { mdnsInterface: netInterface });\n\n const commissioningServer = new CommissioningServer({\n port,\n deviceName,\n deviceType: DeviceTypeId(onOffDevice.deviceType),\n passcode,\n discriminator,\n basicInformation: {\n vendorName,\n vendorId: VendorId(vendorId),\n nodeLabel: productName,\n productName,\n productLabel: productName,\n productId,\n serialNumber: `node-matter-${uniqueId}`,\n },\n delayedAnnouncement: hasParameter(\"ble\"), // Delay announcement when BLE is used to show how limited advertisement works\n activeSessionsChangedCallback: fabricIndex => {\n console.log(\n `activeSessionsChangedCallback: Active sessions changed on Fabric ${fabricIndex}`,\n commissioningServer.getActiveSessionInformation(fabricIndex),\n );\n },\n commissioningChangedCallback: fabricIndex => {\n console.log(\n `commissioningChangedCallback: Commissioning changed on Fabric ${fabricIndex}`,\n commissioningServer.getCommissionedFabricInformation(fabricIndex)[0],\n );\n },\n });\n\n // optionally add a listener for the testEventTrigger command from the GeneralDiagnostics cluster\n commissioningServer.addCommandHandler(\"testEventTrigger\", async ({ request: { enableKey, eventTrigger } }) =>\n logger.info(`testEventTrigger called on GeneralDiagnostic cluster: ${enableKey} ${eventTrigger}`),\n );\n\n /**\n * Modify automatically added clusters of the Root endpoint if needed\n * In this example we change the networkCommissioning cluster into one for \"Wifi only\" devices when BLE is used\n * for commissioning, to demonstrate how to do this.\n * If you want to implement Ethernet only devices that get connected to the network via LAN/Ethernet cable,\n * then all this is not needed.\n * The same as shown here for Wi-Fi is also possible theoretical for Thread only or combined devices.\n */\n\n if (hasParameter(\"ble\")) {\n // matter.js will create a Ethernet-only device by default when ut comes to Network Commissioning Features.\n // To offer e.g. a \"Wi-Fi only device\" (or any other combination) we need to override the Network Commissioning\n // cluster and implement all the need handling here. This is a \"static implementation\" for pure demonstration\n // purposes and just \"simulates\" the actions to be done. In a real world implementation this would be done by\n // the device implementor based on the relevant networking stack.\n // The NetworkCommissioningCluster and all logics are described in Matter Core Specifications section 11.8\n commissioningServer.addRootClusterServer(DummyWifiNetworkCommissioningClusterServer);\n }\n\n commissioningServer.addDevice(onOffDevice);\n\n await this.matterServer.addCommissioningServer(commissioningServer);\n\n /**\n * Start the Matter Server\n *\n * After everything was plugged together we can start the server. When not delayed announcement is set for the\n * CommissioningServer node then this command also starts the announcement of the device into the network.\n */\n\n await this.matterServer.start();\n\n logEndpoint(commissioningServer.getRootEndpoint());\n\n // When we want to limit the initial announcement to one medium (e.g. BLE) then we need to delay the\n // announcement and provide the limiting information.\n // Without delaying the announcement is directly triggered with the above \"start()\" call.\n if (hasParameter(\"ble\")) {\n // Announce operational in BLE network only if we have ble enabled, else everywhere\n await commissioningServer.advertise({ ble: true });\n }\n\n /**\n * Print Pairing Information\n *\n * If the device is not already commissioned (this info is stored in the storage system) then get and print the\n * pairing details. This includes the QR code that can be scanned by the Matter app to pair the device.\n */\n\n logger.info(\"Listening\");\n if (!commissioningServer.isCommissioned()) {\n const pairingData = commissioningServer.getPairingCode({\n ble: hasParameter(\"ble\"),\n softAccessPoint: false,\n onIpNetwork: false,\n });\n\n const { qrPairingCode, manualPairingCode } = pairingData;\n\n console.log(QrCode.get(qrPairingCode));\n logger.info(\n `QR Code URL: https://project-chip.github.io/connectedhomeip/qrcode.html?data=${qrPairingCode}`,\n );\n logger.info(`Manual pairing code: ${manualPairingCode}`);\n } else {\n logger.info(\"Device is already commissioned. Waiting for controllers to connect ...\");\n }\n }\n\n async stop() {\n await this.matterServer?.close();\n }\n}\n\nconst device = new Device();\ndevice\n .start()\n .then(() => {\n /* done */\n })\n .catch(err => console.error(err));\n\nprocess.on(\"SIGINT\", () => {\n // Clean up on CTRL-C\n device\n .stop()\n .then(() => {\n // Pragmatic way to make sure the storage is correctly closed before the process ends.\n storage.close();\n process.exit(0);\n })\n .catch(err => console.error(err));\n});\n"],
+ "sourcesContent": ["#!/usr/bin/env node\n/**\n * @license\n * Copyright 2022-2024 Matter.js Authors\n * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0\n */\n\n/**\n * IMPORTANT: This example uses a Legacy API which will be deprecated in the future.\n * It is just still here to support developers in converting their code to the new API!\n */\n\n/**\n * This example shows how to create a simple on-off Matter device as a light or as a socket.\n * It can be used as CLI script and starting point for your own device node implementation.\n */\n\n/**\n * Import needed modules from @project-chip/matter-node.js\n */\n// Include this first to auto-register Crypto, Network and Time Node.js implementations\nimport { CommissioningServer, MatterServer } from \"@project-chip/matter-node.js\";\n\nimport { BleNode } from \"@project-chip/matter-node-ble.js/ble\";\nimport { Ble } from \"@project-chip/matter-node.js/ble\";\nimport { OnOffLightDevice, OnOffPluginUnitDevice, logEndpoint } from \"@project-chip/matter-node.js/device\";\nimport { Format, Level, Logger } from \"@project-chip/matter-node.js/log\";\nimport { QrCode } from \"@project-chip/matter-node.js/schema\";\nimport { StorageBackendDisk, StorageManager } from \"@project-chip/matter-node.js/storage\";\nimport { Time } from \"@project-chip/matter-node.js/time\";\nimport {\n commandExecutor,\n getIntParameter,\n getParameter,\n hasParameter,\n requireMinNodeVersion,\n singleton,\n} from \"@project-chip/matter-node.js/util\";\nimport { DeviceTypeId, VendorId } from \"@project-chip/matter.js/datatype\";\nimport DummyWifiNetworkCommissioningClusterServer from \"./cluster/DummyWifiNetworkCommissioningServerLegacy.js\";\n\nconst logger = Logger.get(\"Device\");\n\nrequireMinNodeVersion(16);\n\n/** Configure logging */\nswitch (getParameter(\"loglevel\")) {\n case \"fatal\":\n Logger.defaultLogLevel = Level.FATAL;\n break;\n case \"error\":\n Logger.defaultLogLevel = Level.ERROR;\n break;\n case \"warn\":\n Logger.defaultLogLevel = Level.WARN;\n break;\n case \"info\":\n Logger.defaultLogLevel = Level.INFO;\n break;\n}\n\nswitch (getParameter(\"logformat\")) {\n case \"plain\":\n Logger.format = Format.PLAIN;\n break;\n case \"html\":\n Logger.format = Format.HTML;\n break;\n default:\n if (process.stdin?.isTTY) Logger.format = Format.ANSI;\n}\n\nif (hasParameter(\"ble\")) {\n // Initialize Ble\n Ble.get = singleton(\n () =>\n new BleNode({\n hciId: getIntParameter(\"ble-hci-id\"),\n }),\n );\n}\n\nconst storageLocation = getParameter(\"store\") ?? \".device-node\";\nconst storage = new StorageBackendDisk(storageLocation, hasParameter(\"clearstorage\"));\nlogger.info(`Storage location: ${storageLocation} (Directory)`);\nlogger.info(\n 'Use the parameter \"-store NAME\" to specify a different storage location, use -clearstorage to start with an empty storage.',\n);\n\nclass Device {\n private matterServer: MatterServer | undefined;\n\n async start() {\n logger.info(`node-matter`);\n\n /**\n * Initialize the storage system.\n *\n * The storage manager is then also used by the Matter server, so this code block in general is required,\n * but you can choose a different storage backend as long as it implements the required API.\n */\n\n const storageManager = new StorageManager(storage);\n await storageManager.initialize();\n\n /**\n * Collect all needed data\n *\n * This block makes sure to collect all needed data from cli or storage. Replace this with where ever your data\n * come from.\n *\n * Note: This example also uses the initialized storage system to store the device parameter data for convenience\n * and easy reuse. When you also do that be careful to not overlap with Matter-Server own contexts\n * (so maybe better not ;-)).\n */\n\n const deviceStorage = storageManager.createContext(\"Device\");\n\n if (deviceStorage.has(\"isSocket\")) {\n logger.info(\"Device type found in storage. -type parameter is ignored.\");\n }\n const isSocket = deviceStorage.get(\"isSocket\", getParameter(\"type\") === \"socket\");\n const deviceName = \"Matter test device\";\n const vendorName = \"matter-node.js\";\n const passcode = getIntParameter(\"passcode\") ?? deviceStorage.get(\"passcode\", 20202021);\n const discriminator = getIntParameter(\"discriminator\") ?? deviceStorage.get(\"discriminator\", 3840);\n // product name / id and vendor id should match what is in the device certificate\n const vendorId = getIntParameter(\"vendorid\") ?? deviceStorage.get(\"vendorid\", 0xfff1);\n const productName = `node-matter OnOff ${isSocket ? \"Socket\" : \"Light\"}`;\n const productId = getIntParameter(\"productid\") ?? deviceStorage.get(\"productid\", 0x8000);\n\n const netInterface = getParameter(\"netinterface\");\n const port = getIntParameter(\"port\") ?? 5540;\n\n const uniqueId = getIntParameter(\"uniqueid\") ?? deviceStorage.get(\"uniqueid\", Time.nowMs());\n\n deviceStorage.set({\n passcode,\n discriminator,\n vendorid: vendorId,\n productid: productId,\n isSocket,\n uniqueid: uniqueId,\n });\n /**\n * Create Device instance and add needed Listener\n *\n * Create an instance of the matter device class you want to use.\n * This example uses the OnOffLightDevice or OnOffPluginUnitDevice depending on the value of the type parameter.\n * To execute the on/off scripts defined as parameters a listener for the onOff attribute is registered via the\n * device specific API.\n *\n * The below logic also adds command handlers for commands of clusters that normally are handled device internally\n * like identify that can be implemented with the logic when these commands are called.\n */\n\n const onOffDevice = isSocket ? new OnOffPluginUnitDevice() : new OnOffLightDevice();\n onOffDevice.addOnOffListener(on => commandExecutor(on ? \"on\" : \"off\")?.());\n\n onOffDevice.addCommandHandler(\"identify\", async ({ request: { identifyTime } }) =>\n logger.info(`Identify called for OnOffDevice: ${identifyTime}`),\n );\n\n /**\n * Create Matter Server and CommissioningServer Node\n *\n * To allow the device to be announced, found, paired and operated we need a MatterServer instance and add a\n * commissioningServer to it and add the just created device instance to it.\n * The CommissioningServer node defines the port where the server listens for the UDP packages of the Matter protocol\n * and initializes deice specific certificates and such.\n *\n * The below logic also adds command handlers for commands of clusters that normally are handled internally\n * like testEventTrigger (General Diagnostic Cluster) that can be implemented with the logic when these commands\n * are called.\n */\n\n this.matterServer = new MatterServer(storageManager, { mdnsInterface: netInterface });\n\n const commissioningServer = new CommissioningServer({\n port,\n deviceName,\n deviceType: DeviceTypeId(onOffDevice.deviceType),\n passcode,\n discriminator,\n basicInformation: {\n vendorName,\n vendorId: VendorId(vendorId),\n nodeLabel: productName,\n productName,\n productLabel: productName,\n productId,\n serialNumber: `node-matter-${uniqueId}`,\n },\n delayedAnnouncement: hasParameter(\"ble\"), // Delay announcement when BLE is used to show how limited advertisement works\n activeSessionsChangedCallback: fabricIndex => {\n console.log(\n `activeSessionsChangedCallback: Active sessions changed on Fabric ${fabricIndex}`,\n commissioningServer.getActiveSessionInformation(fabricIndex),\n );\n },\n commissioningChangedCallback: fabricIndex => {\n console.log(\n `commissioningChangedCallback: Commissioning changed on Fabric ${fabricIndex}`,\n commissioningServer.getCommissionedFabricInformation(fabricIndex)[0],\n );\n },\n });\n\n // optionally add a listener for the testEventTrigger command from the GeneralDiagnostics cluster\n commissioningServer.addCommandHandler(\"testEventTrigger\", async ({ request: { enableKey, eventTrigger } }) =>\n logger.info(`testEventTrigger called on GeneralDiagnostic cluster: ${enableKey} ${eventTrigger}`),\n );\n\n /**\n * Modify automatically added clusters of the Root endpoint if needed\n * In this example we change the networkCommissioning cluster into one for \"Wifi only\" devices when BLE is used\n * for commissioning, to demonstrate how to do this.\n * If you want to implement Ethernet only devices that get connected to the network via LAN/Ethernet cable,\n * then all this is not needed.\n * The same as shown here for Wi-Fi is also possible theoretical for Thread only or combined devices.\n */\n\n if (hasParameter(\"ble\")) {\n // matter.js will create a Ethernet-only device by default when ut comes to Network Commissioning Features.\n // To offer e.g. a \"Wi-Fi only device\" (or any other combination) we need to override the Network Commissioning\n // cluster and implement all the need handling here. This is a \"static implementation\" for pure demonstration\n // purposes and just \"simulates\" the actions to be done. In a real world implementation this would be done by\n // the device implementor based on the relevant networking stack.\n // The NetworkCommissioningCluster and all logics are described in Matter Core Specifications section 11.8\n commissioningServer.addRootClusterServer(DummyWifiNetworkCommissioningClusterServer);\n }\n\n commissioningServer.addDevice(onOffDevice);\n\n await this.matterServer.addCommissioningServer(commissioningServer);\n\n /**\n * Start the Matter Server\n *\n * After everything was plugged together we can start the server. When not delayed announcement is set for the\n * CommissioningServer node then this command also starts the announcement of the device into the network.\n */\n\n await this.matterServer.start();\n\n logEndpoint(commissioningServer.getRootEndpoint());\n\n // When we want to limit the initial announcement to one medium (e.g. BLE) then we need to delay the\n // announcement and provide the limiting information.\n // Without delaying the announcement is directly triggered with the above \"start()\" call.\n if (hasParameter(\"ble\")) {\n // Announce operational in BLE network only if we have ble enabled, else everywhere\n await commissioningServer.advertise({ ble: true });\n }\n\n /**\n * Print Pairing Information\n *\n * If the device is not already commissioned (this info is stored in the storage system) then get and print the\n * pairing details. This includes the QR code that can be scanned by the Matter app to pair the device.\n */\n\n logger.info(\"Listening\");\n if (!commissioningServer.isCommissioned()) {\n const pairingData = commissioningServer.getPairingCode({\n ble: hasParameter(\"ble\"),\n onIpNetwork: false,\n });\n\n const { qrPairingCode, manualPairingCode } = pairingData;\n\n console.log(QrCode.get(qrPairingCode));\n logger.info(\n `QR Code URL: https://project-chip.github.io/connectedhomeip/qrcode.html?data=${qrPairingCode}`,\n );\n logger.info(`Manual pairing code: ${manualPairingCode}`);\n } else {\n logger.info(\"Device is already commissioned. Waiting for controllers to connect ...\");\n }\n }\n\n async stop() {\n await this.matterServer?.close();\n }\n}\n\nconst device = new Device();\ndevice\n .start()\n .then(() => {\n /* done */\n })\n .catch(err => console.error(err));\n\nprocess.on(\"SIGINT\", () => {\n // Clean up on CTRL-C\n device\n .stop()\n .then(() => {\n // Pragmatic way to make sure the storage is correctly closed before the process ends.\n storage.close();\n process.exit(0);\n })\n .catch(err => console.error(err));\n});\n"],
  "names": []
package/package.json CHANGED
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
  "name": "@project-chip/matter-node.js-examples",
- "version": "0.10.0-alpha.0-20240604-f9c86723",
+ "version": "0.10.0-alpha.0-20240607-fbc64d30",
  "description": "CLI/Reference implementation scripts for Matter protocol for node.js",
  "keywords": [
@@ -64,10 +64,10 @@
  "typescript": "~5.4.5"
  "dependencies": {
- "@project-chip/matter-node-ble.js": "0.10.0-alpha.0-20240604-f9c86723",
- "@project-chip/matter-node.js": "0.10.0-alpha.0-20240604-f9c86723",
- "@project-chip/matter.js": "0.10.0-alpha.0-20240604-f9c86723",
- "@project-chip/matter.js-tools": "0.10.0-alpha.0-20240604-f9c86723"
+ "@project-chip/matter-node-ble.js": "0.10.0-alpha.0-20240607-fbc64d30",
+ "@project-chip/matter-node.js": "0.10.0-alpha.0-20240607-fbc64d30",
+ "@project-chip/matter.js": "0.10.0-alpha.0-20240607-fbc64d30",
+ "@project-chip/matter.js-tools": "0.10.0-alpha.0-20240607-fbc64d30"
  "engines": {
  "_comment": "For Crypto.hkdf support",
@@ -83,5 +83,5 @@
  "publishConfig": {
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- "gitHead": "b8aae384e64c569a3cd7a9213f97042e487208d8"
+ "gitHead": "3a7a14f335581d32e43329fdacfae823e6eeb5e1"
@@ -264,7 +264,6 @@ class Device {
  if (!commissioningServer.isCommissioned()) {
  const pairingData = commissioningServer.getPairingCode({
  ble: hasParameter("ble"),
- softAccessPoint: false,
  onIpNetwork: false,