@open-wa/wa-automate 4.62.1 → 4.62.3

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- [{"env":"WA_SESSION_DATA","p":"session-data","description":"The base64 encoded sessionData used to restore a session.","type":"string","key":"sessionData"},{"env":"WA_BROWSER_WS_ENDPOINT","p":"browser-ws-endpoint","type":"string","description":"ALPHA EXPERIMENTAL FEATURE! DO NOT USE IN PRODUCTION, REQUIRES TESTING.\n\nLearn more:\n\nhttps://pptr.dev/#?product=Puppeteer&version=v3.1.0&show=api-puppeteerconnectoptions\n\nhttps://medium.com/@jaredpotter1/connecting-puppeteer-to-existing-chrome-window-8a10828149e0","key":"browserWSEndpoint"},{"env":"WA_SESSION_DATA_PATH","p":"session-data-path","type":"string","description":"The path relative to the current working directory (i.e where you run the command to start your process). This will be used to store and read your `.data.json` files. defualt to ''","key":"sessionDataPath"},{"env":"WA_SKIP_UPDATE_CHECK","p":"skip-update-check","type":"boolean","description":"If set to true, `skipUpdateCheck` will bypass the latest version check. This saves some time on boot (around 150 ms).","default":"`false`","key":"skipUpdateCheck"},{"env":"WA_SESSION_ID","p":"session-id","type":"string","description":"This is the name of the session. You have to make sure that this is unique for every session.","default":"`session`","key":"sessionId"},{"env":"WA_LICENSE_KEY","p":"license-key","type":"string","description":"The license key to use with the session.","key":"licenseKey"},{"env":"WA_CUSTOM_USER_AGENT","p":"custom-user-agent","type":"string","description":"You may set a custom user agent. However, due to recent developments, this is not really neccessary any more.","key":"customUserAgent"},{"env":"WA_BLOCK_CRASH_LOGS","p":"block-crash-logs","type":"boolean","description":"Setting this to true will block any network calls to crash log servers. This should keep anything you do under the radar.","default":"`true`","key":"blockCrashLogs"},{"env":"WA_CACHE_ENABLED","p":"cache-enabled","type":"boolean","description":"Setting this to false turn off the cache. This may improve memory usage.","default":"`false`","key":"cacheEnabled"},{"env":"WA_BROWSER_REVISION","p":"browser-revision","type":"string","description":"This is the specific browser revision to be downlaoded and used. You can find browser revision strings here: http://omahaproxy.appspot.com/ Learn more about it here: https://github.com/puppeteer/puppeteer/blob/master/docs/api.md#class-browserfetcher If you're having trouble with sending images, try '737027'. If you go too far back things will start breaking !!!!!! NOTE: THIS WILL OVERRIDE useChrome and executablePath. ONLY USE THIS IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING.","key":"browserRevision"},{"env":"WA_HEADLESS","p":"headless","type":"boolean","description":"By default, all instances of @open-wa/wa-automate are headless (i.e you don't see a chrome window open), you can set this to false to show the chrome/chromium window.","default":"`true`","key":"headless"},{"env":"WA_QR_TIMEOUT","p":"qr-timeout","type":"number","description":"This determines how long the process should wait for a QR code to be scanned before killing the process entirely. To have the system wait continuously, set this to `0`.","default":60,"key":"qrTimeout"},{"env":"WA_WAIT_FOR_RIPE_SESSION_TIMEOUT","p":"wait-for-ripe-session-timeout","type":"number","description":"This determines how long the process should wait for a session to load fully before continuing the launch process. Set this to 0 to wait forever. Default is 5 seconds.","default":5,"key":"waitForRipeSessionTimeout"},{"env":"WA_USE_CHROME","p":"use-chrome","type":"boolean","description":"If true, the program will automatically try to detect the instance of chorme on the machine. Please note this DOES NOT override executablePath.","default":"`false`","key":"useChrome"},{"env":"WA_QR_LOG_SKIP","p":"qr-log-skip","type":"boolean","description":"If true, skips logging the QR Code to the console.","default":"`false`","key":"qrLogSkip"},{"env":"WA_DISABLE_SPINS","p":"disable-spins","type":"boolean","description":"Setting this to true will simplify logs for use within docker containers by disabling spins (will still print raw messages).","default":"`false`","key":"disableSpins"},{"env":"WA_LOG_CONSOLE","p":"log-console","type":"boolean","description":"If true, this will log any console messages from the browser.","default":"`false`","key":"logConsole"},{"env":"WA_LOG_CONSOLE_ERRORS","p":"log-console-errors","type":"boolean","description":"If true, this will log any error messages from the browser instance","default":"`false`","key":"logConsoleErrors"},{"env":"WA_AUTH_TIMEOUT","p":"auth-timeout","type":"number","description":"This determines how long the process should wait for the session authentication. If exceeded, checks if phone is out of reach (turned of or without internet connection) and throws an error. It does not relate to the amount of time spent waiting for a qr code scan (see [[qrTimeout]]). To have the system wait continuously, set this to `0`.","default":"`60`","key":"authTimeout"},{"env":"WA_OOR_TIMEOUT","p":"oor-timeout","type":"number","description":"phoneIsOutOfReach check timeout","default":"`60`","key":"oorTimeout"},{"env":"WA_SAFE_MODE","p":"safe-mode","type":"boolean","description":"If true, client will check if the page is valid before each command. If page is not valid, it will throw an error.","default":"`false`","key":"safeMode"},{"env":"WA_SKIP_SESSION_SAVE","p":"skip-session-save","type":"boolean","description":"If true, the process will not save a data.json file. This means that sessions will not be saved and you will need to pass sessionData as a config param or create the session data.json file yourself","default":"`false`","key":"skipSessionSave"},{"env":"WA_POPUP","p":"popup","type":["boolean","number"],"description":"If true, the process will open a browser window where you will see basic event logs and QR codes to authenticate the session. Usually it will open on port 3000. It can also be set to a preferred port.\n\nYou can also get the QR code png at (if localhost and port 3000):\n\n`http://localhost:3000/qr`\n\nor if you have multiple session:\n\n `http://localhost:3000/qr?sessionId=[sessionId]`","default":"`false | 3000`","key":"popup"},{"env":"WA_QR_POP_UP_ONLY","p":"qr-pop-up-only","type":"boolean","description":"This needs to be used in conjuction with `popup`, if `popup` is not true or a number (representing a desired port) then this will not work.\n\nSetting this to true will make sure that only the qr code png is served via the web server. This is useful if you do not need the whole status page.\n\nAs mentioned in [popup](#popup), the url for the qr code is `http://localhost:3000/qr` if the port is 3000.","key":"qrPopUpOnly"},{"env":"WA_BLOCK_ASSETS","p":"block-assets","type":"boolean","description":"Setting this to true will block all assets from loading onto the page. This may result in some load time improvements but also increases instability.","default":"`false`","key":"blockAssets"},{"env":"WA_KEEP_UPDATED","p":"keep-updated","type":"boolean","description":"[ALPHA FEATURE - ONLY IMPLEMENTED FOR TESTING - DO NOT USE IN PRODUCTION YET] Setting this to true will result in the library making sure it is always starting with the latest version of itself. This overrides `skipUpdateCheck`.","default":"`false`","key":"keepUpdated"},{"env":"WA_RESIZABLE","p":"resizable","type":"boolean","description":"Syncs the viewport size with the window size which is how normal browsers act. Only relevant when `headless: false` and this overrides `viewport` config.","default":"`true`","key":"resizable"},{"env":"WA_VIEWPORT","p":"viewport","type":"object","properties":{"width":{"type":"number","description":"Page width in pixels","default":"`1440`"},"height":{"type":"number","description":"Page height in pixels","default":"`900`"}},"additionalProperties":false,"description":"Set the desired viewport height and width. For CLI, use [width]x[height] format. E.g `--viewport 1920x1080`.","key":"viewport"},{"env":"WA_LEGACY","p":"legacy","type":"boolean","description":"As the library is constantly evolving, some parts will be replaced with more efficient and improved code. In some of the infinite edge cases these new changes may not work for you. Set this to true to roll back on 'late beta' features. The reason why legacy is false by default is that in order for features to be tested they have to be released and used by everyone to find the edge cases and fix them.","default":"`false`","key":"legacy"},{"env":"WA_DELETE_SESSION_DATA_ON_LOGOUT","p":"delete-session-data-on-logout","type":"boolean","description":"Deletes the session data file (if found) on logout event. This results in a quicker login when you restart the process.","default":"`false`","key":"deleteSessionDataOnLogout"},{"env":"WA_KILL_PROCESS_ON_TIMEOUT","p":"kill-process-on-timeout","type":"boolean","description":"If set to true, the system will kill the whole node process when either an [[authTimeout]] or a [[qrTimeout]] has been reached. This is useful to prevent hanging processes.","default":"`false`","key":"killProcessOnTimeout"},{"env":"WA_KILL_PROCESS_ON_BAN","p":"kill-process-on-ban","type":"boolean","description":"If set to true, the system will kill the whole node process when a \"TEMPORARY BAN\" is detected. This is useful to prevent hanging processes. It is `true` by default because it is a very rare event and it is better to kill the process than to leave it hanging.","default":"`true`","key":"killProcessOnBan"},{"env":"WA_CORS_FIX","p":"cors-fix","type":"boolean","description":"Setting this to true will bypass web security. DO NOT DO THIS IF YOU DO NOT HAVE TO. CORS issue may arise when using a proxy.","default":"`false`","key":"corsFix"},{"env":"WA_CALL_TIMEOUT","p":"call-timeout","type":"number","description":"Amount of time (in ms) to wait for a client method (specifically methods that interact with the WA web session) to resolve. If a client method results takes longer than the timout value then it will result in a [[PageEvaluationTimeout]] error.\n\nIf you get this error, it does not automatically mean that the method failed - it just stops your program from waiting for a client method to resolve.\n\nThis is useful if you do not rely on the results of a client method (e.g the message ID).\n\nIf set to `0`, the process will wait indefinitely for a client method to resolve.","default":0,"key":"callTimeout"},{"env":"WA_SCREENSHOT_ON_INITIALIZATION_BROWSER_ERROR","p":"screenshot-on-initialization-browser-error","type":"boolean","description":"When true, this option will take a screenshot of the browser when an unexpected error occurs within the browser during `create` initialization. The path will be `[working directory]/logs/[session ID]/[start timestamp]/[timestamp].jpg`","default":"`false`","key":"screenshotOnInitializationBrowserError"},{"env":"WA_EVENT_MODE","p":"event-mode","type":"boolean","description":"Setting listeners may not be your cup of tea. With eventMode, all [[SimpleListener]] events will be registered automatically and be filed via the built in Events Listener.\n\nThis is useful because you can register/deregister the event listener as needed whereas the legacy method of setting callbacks are only be set once","default":"`true`;","key":"eventMode"},{"env":"WA_LOG_FILE","p":"log-file","type":"boolean","description":"If true, the system will automatically create a log of all processes relating to actions sent to the web session.\n\nThe location of the file will be relative to the process directory (pd)\n\n`[pd]/[sessionId]/[start timestamp].log`","default":false,"key":"logFile"},{"env":"WA_ID_CORRECTION","p":"id-correction","type":"boolean","description":"When true, the system will attempt to correct chatIds and groupChatIds. This means you can ignore `@c.us` and `@g.us` distinctions in some parameters.","default":false,"key":"idCorrection"},{"env":"WA_STICKER_SERVER_ENDPOINT","p":"sticker-server-endpoint","type":["string","boolean"],"description":"Redundant until self-hostable sticker server is available.","default":"`https://sticker-api.openwa.dev`","key":"stickerServerEndpoint"},{"env":"WA_GH_PATCH","p":"gh-patch","type":"boolean","description":"This will force the library to use the default cached raw github link for patches to shave a few hundred milliseconds from your launch time. If you use this option, you will need to wait about 5 minutes before trying out new patches.","default":"`false`","key":"ghPatch"},{"env":"WA_CACHED_PATCH","p":"cached-patch","type":"boolean","description":"Setting this to `true` will save a local copy of the patches.json file (as patches.ignore.data.json) which will be used in subsequent instantiations of the session. While the rest of the launch procedure is running, the library will fetch and save a recent version of the patches to ensure your patches don't go stale. This will be ignored if the cached patches are more than a day old.","default":"`false`","key":"cachedPatch"},{"env":"WA_LOG_DEBUG_INFO_AS_OBJECT","p":"log-debug-info-as-object","type":"boolean","description":"Setting `this` to true will replace the `console.table` with a stringified logging of the debug info object instead. This would be useful to set for smaller terminal windows. If `disableSpins` is `true` then this will also be `true`.","default":"`false`","key":"logDebugInfoAsObject"},{"env":"WA_KILL_CLIENT_ON_LOGOUT","p":"kill-client-on-logout","type":"boolean","description":"Kill the client when a logout is detected","default":"`false`","key":"killClientOnLogout"},{"env":"WA_THROW_ON_EXPIRED_SESSION_DATA","p":"throw-on-expired-session-data","type":"boolean","description":"This will make the `create` command return `false` if the detected session data is expired.\n\nThis will mean, the process will not attempt to automatically get a new QR code.","default":"`false`","key":"throwOnExpiredSessionData"},{"env":"WA_USE_NATIVE_PROXY","p":"use-native-proxy","type":"boolean","description":"Some sessions may experience issues with sending media when using proxies. Using the native proxy system instead of the recommended 3rd party library may fix these issues.","default":"`false`","key":"useNativeProxy"},{"env":"WA_RASPI","p":"raspi","type":"boolean","description":"Set this to `true` to make the library work on Raspberry Pi OS.\n\nMake sure to run the following command before running the library the first time:\n\n``` > sudo apt update -y && sudo apt install chromium-browser chromium-codecs-ffmpeg -y && sudo apt upgrade ```\n\nIf you're using the CLI, you can set this value to `true` by adding the following flag to the CLI command\n\n``` > npx @open-wa/wa-automate ... --raspi ```","default":"`false`","key":"raspi"},{"env":"WA_PREPROC_FILTER","p":"preproc-filter","type":"string","description":"Set an array filter to be used with messagePreprocessor to limit which messages are preprocessed.\n\nE.g if you want to scrub all messages that are not from a group, you can do the following: `\"m=>!m.isGroupMsg\"`","default":"`undefined`","key":"preprocFilter"},{"env":"WA_MULTI_DEVICE","p":"multi-device","type":"boolean","description":"Please note that multi-device is still in beta so a lot of things may not work. It is HIGHLY suggested to NOT use this in production!!!!\n\nSet this to true if you're using the multidevice beta.","default":"`true`\n:::danger\nSome features (e.g [[sendLinkWithAutoPreview]]) **do not** work with multi-device beta. Check [this `api`](#).\n:::","key":"multiDevice"},{"env":"WA_SESSION_DATA_BUCKET_AUTH","p":"session-data-bucket-auth","type":"string","description":"Base64 encoded S3 Bucket & Authentication object for session data files. The object should be in the same format as cloudUploadOptions.","key":"sessionDataBucketAuth"},{"env":"WA_MAX_CHATS","p":"max-chats","type":"number","description":"Set the maximum amount of chats to be present in a session.","key":"maxChats"},{"env":"WA_MAX_MESSAGES","p":"max-messages","type":"number","description":"Set the maximum amount of messages to be present in a session.","key":"maxMessages"},{"env":"WA_DISCORD","p":"discord","type":"string","description":"Your Discord ID to get onto the sticker leaderboard!","key":"discord"},{"env":"WA_IGNORE_NUKE","p":"ignore-nuke","type":"boolean","description":"Don't implicitly determine if the host logged out.","key":"ignoreNuke"},{"env":"WA_ENSURE_HEADFUL_INTEGRITY","p":"ensure-headful-integrity","type":"boolean","description":"Makes sure the headless session is usable even on first login. Headful sessions are ususally only usable on reauthentication.","key":"ensureHeadfulIntegrity"},{"env":"WA_WAIT_FOR_RIPE_SESSION","p":"wait-for-ripe-session","type":"boolean","description":"wait for a valid headful session. Not required in recent versions. default: `true`","key":"waitForRipeSession"},{"env":"WA_QR_MAX","p":"qr-max","type":"number","description":"Automatically kill the process after a set amount of qr codes","key":"qrMax"},{"env":"WA_EZQR","p":"ezqr","type":"boolean","description":"Expose a URL where you can easily scan the qr code","key":"ezqr"},{"env":"WA_LOGGING","p":"logging","type":"array","items":{"$ref":"#/definitions/ConfigLogTransport"},"description":"An array of [winston](https://github.com/winstonjs/winston/blob/master/docs/transports.md#additional-transports) logging transport configurations.\n\n[Check this discussion to see how to set up logging](https://github.com/open-wa/wa-automate-nodejs/discussions/2373)","key":"logging"},{"env":"WA_LINK_PARSER","p":"link-parser","type":"string","description":"The URL of your instance of [serverless meta grabber](https://github.com/RemiixInc/meta-grabber-serverless) by [RemiixInc](https://github.com/RemiixInc).\n\ndefault: `https://link.openwa.cloud/api`","key":"linkParser"},{"env":"WA_AGGRESSIVE_GARBAGE_COLLECTION","p":"aggressive-garbage-collection","type":"boolean","description":"Setting this to true will run `gc()` on before every command sent to the browser.\n\nThis is experimental and may not work or it may have unforeseen sideeffects.","key":"aggressiveGarbageCollection"}]
+ [{"env":"WA_SESSION_DATA","p":"session-data","description":"The base64 encoded sessionData used to restore a session.","type":"string","key":"sessionData"},{"env":"WA_BROWSER_WS_ENDPOINT","p":"browser-ws-endpoint","type":"string","description":"ALPHA EXPERIMENTAL FEATURE! DO NOT USE IN PRODUCTION, REQUIRES TESTING.\n\nLearn more:\n\nhttps://pptr.dev/#?product=Puppeteer&version=v3.1.0&show=api-puppeteerconnectoptions\n\nhttps://medium.com/@jaredpotter1/connecting-puppeteer-to-existing-chrome-window-8a10828149e0","key":"browserWSEndpoint"},{"env":"WA_SESSION_DATA_PATH","p":"session-data-path","type":"string","description":"The path relative to the current working directory (i.e where you run the command to start your process). This will be used to store and read your `.data.json` files. defualt to ''","key":"sessionDataPath"},{"env":"WA_SKIP_UPDATE_CHECK","p":"skip-update-check","type":"boolean","description":"If set to true, `skipUpdateCheck` will bypass the latest version check. This saves some time on boot (around 150 ms).","default":"`false`","key":"skipUpdateCheck"},{"env":"WA_SESSION_ID","p":"session-id","type":"string","description":"This is the name of the session. You have to make sure that this is unique for every session.","default":"`session`","key":"sessionId"},{"env":"WA_LICENSE_KEY","p":"license-key","type":"string","description":"The license key to use with the session.","key":"licenseKey"},{"env":"WA_CUSTOM_USER_AGENT","p":"custom-user-agent","type":"string","description":"You may set a custom user agent. However, due to recent developments, this is not really neccessary any more.","key":"customUserAgent"},{"env":"WA_BLOCK_CRASH_LOGS","p":"block-crash-logs","type":"boolean","description":"Setting this to true will block any network calls to crash log servers. This should keep anything you do under the radar.","default":"`true`","key":"blockCrashLogs"},{"env":"WA_CACHE_ENABLED","p":"cache-enabled","type":"boolean","description":"Setting this to false turn off the cache. This may improve memory usage.","default":"`false`","key":"cacheEnabled"},{"env":"WA_BROWSER_REVISION","p":"browser-revision","type":"string","description":"This is the specific browser revision to be downlaoded and used. You can find browser revision strings here: http://omahaproxy.appspot.com/ Learn more about it here: https://github.com/puppeteer/puppeteer/blob/master/docs/api.md#class-browserfetcher If you're having trouble with sending images, try '737027'. If you go too far back things will start breaking !!!!!! NOTE: THIS WILL OVERRIDE useChrome and executablePath. ONLY USE THIS IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING.","key":"browserRevision"},{"env":"WA_HEADLESS","p":"headless","type":"boolean","description":"By default, all instances of @open-wa/wa-automate are headless (i.e you don't see a chrome window open), you can set this to false to show the chrome/chromium window.","default":"`true`","key":"headless"},{"env":"WA_QR_TIMEOUT","p":"qr-timeout","type":"number","description":"This determines how long the process should wait for a QR code to be scanned before killing the process entirely. To have the system wait continuously, set this to `0`.","default":60,"key":"qrTimeout"},{"env":"WA_WAIT_FOR_RIPE_SESSION_TIMEOUT","p":"wait-for-ripe-session-timeout","type":"number","description":"This determines how long the process should wait for a session to load fully before continuing the launch process. Set this to 0 to wait forever. Default is 5 seconds.","default":5,"key":"waitForRipeSessionTimeout"},{"env":"WA_USE_CHROME","p":"use-chrome","type":"boolean","description":"If true, the program will automatically try to detect the instance of chorme on the machine. Please note this DOES NOT override executablePath.","default":"`false`","key":"useChrome"},{"env":"WA_QR_LOG_SKIP","p":"qr-log-skip","type":"boolean","description":"If true, skips logging the QR Code to the console.","default":"`false`","key":"qrLogSkip"},{"env":"WA_DISABLE_SPINS","p":"disable-spins","type":"boolean","description":"Setting this to true will simplify logs for use within docker containers by disabling spins (will still print raw messages).","default":"`false`","key":"disableSpins"},{"env":"WA_LOG_CONSOLE","p":"log-console","type":"boolean","description":"If true, this will log any console messages from the browser.","default":"`false`","key":"logConsole"},{"env":"WA_LOG_CONSOLE_ERRORS","p":"log-console-errors","type":"boolean","description":"If true, this will log any error messages from the browser instance","default":"`false`","key":"logConsoleErrors"},{"env":"WA_AUTH_TIMEOUT","p":"auth-timeout","type":"number","description":"This determines how long the process should wait for the session authentication. If exceeded, checks if phone is out of reach (turned of or without internet connection) and throws an error. It does not relate to the amount of time spent waiting for a qr code scan (see [[qrTimeout]]). To have the system wait continuously, set this to `0`.","default":"`60`","key":"authTimeout"},{"env":"WA_OOR_TIMEOUT","p":"oor-timeout","type":"number","description":"phoneIsOutOfReach check timeout","default":"`60`","key":"oorTimeout"},{"env":"WA_SAFE_MODE","p":"safe-mode","type":"boolean","description":"If true, client will check if the page is valid before each command. If page is not valid, it will throw an error.","default":"`false`","key":"safeMode"},{"env":"WA_SKIP_SESSION_SAVE","p":"skip-session-save","type":"boolean","description":"If true, the process will not save a data.json file. This means that sessions will not be saved and you will need to pass sessionData as a config param or create the session data.json file yourself","default":"`false`","key":"skipSessionSave"},{"env":"WA_POPUP","p":"popup","type":["boolean","number"],"description":"If true, the process will open a browser window where you will see basic event logs and QR codes to authenticate the session. Usually it will open on port 3000. It can also be set to a preferred port.\n\nYou can also get the QR code png at (if localhost and port 3000):\n\n`http://localhost:3000/qr`\n\nor if you have multiple session:\n\n `http://localhost:3000/qr?sessionId=[sessionId]`","default":"`false | 3000`","key":"popup"},{"env":"WA_QR_POP_UP_ONLY","p":"qr-pop-up-only","type":"boolean","description":"This needs to be used in conjuction with `popup`, if `popup` is not true or a number (representing a desired port) then this will not work.\n\nSetting this to true will make sure that only the qr code png is served via the web server. This is useful if you do not need the whole status page.\n\nAs mentioned in [popup](#popup), the url for the qr code is `http://localhost:3000/qr` if the port is 3000.","key":"qrPopUpOnly"},{"env":"WA_BLOCK_ASSETS","p":"block-assets","type":"boolean","description":"Setting this to true will block all assets from loading onto the page. This may result in some load time improvements but also increases instability.","default":"`false`","key":"blockAssets"},{"env":"WA_KEEP_UPDATED","p":"keep-updated","type":"boolean","description":"[ALPHA FEATURE - ONLY IMPLEMENTED FOR TESTING - DO NOT USE IN PRODUCTION YET] Setting this to true will result in the library making sure it is always starting with the latest version of itself. This overrides `skipUpdateCheck`.","default":"`false`","key":"keepUpdated"},{"env":"WA_RESIZABLE","p":"resizable","type":"boolean","description":"Syncs the viewport size with the window size which is how normal browsers act. Only relevant when `headless: false` and this overrides `viewport` config.","default":"`true`","key":"resizable"},{"env":"WA_VIEWPORT","p":"viewport","type":"object","properties":{"width":{"type":"number","description":"Page width in pixels","default":"`1440`"},"height":{"type":"number","description":"Page height in pixels","default":"`900`"}},"additionalProperties":false,"description":"Set the desired viewport height and width. For CLI, use [width]x[height] format. E.g `--viewport 1920x1080`.","key":"viewport"},{"env":"WA_LEGACY","p":"legacy","type":"boolean","description":"As the library is constantly evolving, some parts will be replaced with more efficient and improved code. In some of the infinite edge cases these new changes may not work for you. Set this to true to roll back on 'late beta' features. The reason why legacy is false by default is that in order for features to be tested they have to be released and used by everyone to find the edge cases and fix them.","default":"`false`","key":"legacy"},{"env":"WA_DELETE_SESSION_DATA_ON_LOGOUT","p":"delete-session-data-on-logout","type":"boolean","description":"Deletes the session data file (if found) on logout event. This results in a quicker login when you restart the process.","default":"`false`","key":"deleteSessionDataOnLogout"},{"env":"WA_KILL_PROCESS_ON_TIMEOUT","p":"kill-process-on-timeout","type":"boolean","description":"If set to true, the system will kill the whole node process when either an [[authTimeout]] or a [[qrTimeout]] has been reached. This is useful to prevent hanging processes.","default":"`false`","key":"killProcessOnTimeout"},{"env":"WA_KILL_PROCESS_ON_BAN","p":"kill-process-on-ban","type":"boolean","description":"If set to true, the system will kill the whole node process when a \"TEMPORARY BAN\" is detected. This is useful to prevent hanging processes. It is `true` by default because it is a very rare event and it is better to kill the process than to leave it hanging.","default":"`true`","key":"killProcessOnBan"},{"env":"WA_CORS_FIX","p":"cors-fix","type":"boolean","description":"Setting this to true will bypass web security. DO NOT DO THIS IF YOU DO NOT HAVE TO. CORS issue may arise when using a proxy.","default":"`false`","key":"corsFix"},{"env":"WA_CALL_TIMEOUT","p":"call-timeout","type":"number","description":"Amount of time (in ms) to wait for a client method (specifically methods that interact with the WA web session) to resolve. If a client method results takes longer than the timout value then it will result in a [[PageEvaluationTimeout]] error.\n\nIf you get this error, it does not automatically mean that the method failed - it just stops your program from waiting for a client method to resolve.\n\nThis is useful if you do not rely on the results of a client method (e.g the message ID).\n\nIf set to `0`, the process will wait indefinitely for a client method to resolve.","default":0,"key":"callTimeout"},{"env":"WA_SCREENSHOT_ON_INITIALIZATION_BROWSER_ERROR","p":"screenshot-on-initialization-browser-error","type":"boolean","description":"When true, this option will take a screenshot of the browser when an unexpected error occurs within the browser during `create` initialization. The path will be `[working directory]/logs/[session ID]/[start timestamp]/[timestamp].jpg`","default":"`false`","key":"screenshotOnInitializationBrowserError"},{"env":"WA_EVENT_MODE","p":"event-mode","type":"boolean","description":"Setting listeners may not be your cup of tea. With eventMode, all [[SimpleListener]] events will be registered automatically and be filed via the built in Events Listener.\n\nThis is useful because you can register/deregister the event listener as needed whereas the legacy method of setting callbacks are only be set once","default":"`true`;","key":"eventMode"},{"env":"WA_LOG_FILE","p":"log-file","type":"boolean","description":"If true, the system will automatically create a log of all processes relating to actions sent to the web session.\n\nThe location of the file will be relative to the process directory (pd)\n\n`[pd]/[sessionId]/[start timestamp].log`","default":false,"key":"logFile"},{"env":"WA_ID_CORRECTION","p":"id-correction","type":"boolean","description":"When true, the system will attempt to correct chatIds and groupChatIds. This means you can ignore `@c.us` and `@g.us` distinctions in some parameters.","default":false,"key":"idCorrection"},{"env":"WA_STICKER_SERVER_ENDPOINT","p":"sticker-server-endpoint","type":["string","boolean"],"description":"Redundant until self-hostable sticker server is available.","default":"`https://sticker-api.openwa.dev`","key":"stickerServerEndpoint"},{"env":"WA_GH_PATCH","p":"gh-patch","type":"boolean","description":"This will force the library to use the default cached raw github link for patches to shave a few hundred milliseconds from your launch time. If you use this option, you will need to wait about 5 minutes before trying out new patches.","default":"`false`","key":"ghPatch"},{"env":"WA_CACHED_PATCH","p":"cached-patch","type":"boolean","description":"Setting this to `true` will save a local copy of the patches.json file (as patches.ignore.data.json) which will be used in subsequent instantiations of the session. While the rest of the launch procedure is running, the library will fetch and save a recent version of the patches to ensure your patches don't go stale. This will be ignored if the cached patches are more than a day old.","default":"`false`","key":"cachedPatch"},{"env":"WA_LOG_DEBUG_INFO_AS_OBJECT","p":"log-debug-info-as-object","type":"boolean","description":"Setting `this` to true will replace the `console.table` with a stringified logging of the debug info object instead. This would be useful to set for smaller terminal windows. If `disableSpins` is `true` then this will also be `true`.","default":"`false`","key":"logDebugInfoAsObject"},{"env":"WA_LOG_INTERNAL_EVENTS","p":"log-internal-events","type":"boolean","description":"This will make the library log all internal wa web events to the console. This is useful for debugging purposes. DO NOT TURN THIS ON UNLESS ASKED TO.","key":"logInternalEvents"},{"env":"WA_KILL_CLIENT_ON_LOGOUT","p":"kill-client-on-logout","type":"boolean","description":"Kill the client when a logout is detected","default":"`false`","key":"killClientOnLogout"},{"env":"WA_THROW_ON_EXPIRED_SESSION_DATA","p":"throw-on-expired-session-data","type":"boolean","description":"This will make the `create` command return `false` if the detected session data is expired.\n\nThis will mean, the process will not attempt to automatically get a new QR code.","default":"`false`","key":"throwOnExpiredSessionData"},{"env":"WA_USE_NATIVE_PROXY","p":"use-native-proxy","type":"boolean","description":"Some sessions may experience issues with sending media when using proxies. Using the native proxy system instead of the recommended 3rd party library may fix these issues.","default":"`false`","key":"useNativeProxy"},{"env":"WA_RASPI","p":"raspi","type":"boolean","description":"Set this to `true` to make the library work on Raspberry Pi OS.\n\nMake sure to run the following command before running the library the first time:\n\n``` > sudo apt update -y && sudo apt install chromium-browser chromium-codecs-ffmpeg -y && sudo apt upgrade ```\n\nIf you're using the CLI, you can set this value to `true` by adding the following flag to the CLI command\n\n``` > npx @open-wa/wa-automate ... --raspi ```","default":"`false`","key":"raspi"},{"env":"WA_PREPROC_FILTER","p":"preproc-filter","type":"string","description":"Set an array filter to be used with messagePreprocessor to limit which messages are preprocessed.\n\nE.g if you want to scrub all messages that are not from a group, you can do the following: `\"m=>!m.isGroupMsg\"`","default":"`undefined`","key":"preprocFilter"},{"env":"WA_MULTI_DEVICE","p":"multi-device","type":"boolean","description":"Please note that multi-device is still in beta so a lot of things may not work. It is HIGHLY suggested to NOT use this in production!!!!\n\nSet this to true if you're using the multidevice beta.","default":"`true`\n:::danger\nSome features (e.g [[sendLinkWithAutoPreview]]) **do not** work with multi-device beta. Check [this `api`](#).\n:::","key":"multiDevice"},{"env":"WA_SESSION_DATA_BUCKET_AUTH","p":"session-data-bucket-auth","type":"string","description":"Base64 encoded S3 Bucket & Authentication object for session data files. The object should be in the same format as cloudUploadOptions.","key":"sessionDataBucketAuth"},{"env":"WA_MAX_CHATS","p":"max-chats","type":"number","description":"Set the maximum amount of chats to be present in a session.","key":"maxChats"},{"env":"WA_MAX_MESSAGES","p":"max-messages","type":"number","description":"Set the maximum amount of messages to be present in a session.","key":"maxMessages"},{"env":"WA_DISCORD","p":"discord","type":"string","description":"Your Discord ID to get onto the sticker leaderboard!","key":"discord"},{"env":"WA_IGNORE_NUKE","p":"ignore-nuke","type":"boolean","description":"Don't implicitly determine if the host logged out.","key":"ignoreNuke"},{"env":"WA_ENSURE_HEADFUL_INTEGRITY","p":"ensure-headful-integrity","type":"boolean","description":"Makes sure the headless session is usable even on first login. Headful sessions are ususally only usable on reauthentication.","key":"ensureHeadfulIntegrity"},{"env":"WA_WAIT_FOR_RIPE_SESSION","p":"wait-for-ripe-session","type":"boolean","description":"wait for a valid headful session. Not required in recent versions. default: `true`","key":"waitForRipeSession"},{"env":"WA_QR_MAX","p":"qr-max","type":"number","description":"Automatically kill the process after a set amount of qr codes","key":"qrMax"},{"env":"WA_EZQR","p":"ezqr","type":"boolean","description":"Expose a URL where you can easily scan the qr code","key":"ezqr"},{"env":"WA_LOGGING","p":"logging","type":"array","items":{"$ref":"#/definitions/ConfigLogTransport"},"description":"An array of [winston](https://github.com/winstonjs/winston/blob/master/docs/transports.md#additional-transports) logging transport configurations.\n\n[Check this discussion to see how to set up logging](https://github.com/open-wa/wa-automate-nodejs/discussions/2373)","key":"logging"},{"env":"WA_LINK_PARSER","p":"link-parser","type":"string","description":"The URL of your instance of [serverless meta grabber](https://github.com/RemiixInc/meta-grabber-serverless) by [RemiixInc](https://github.com/RemiixInc).\n\ndefault: `https://link.openwa.cloud/api`","key":"linkParser"},{"env":"WA_AGGRESSIVE_GARBAGE_COLLECTION","p":"aggressive-garbage-collection","type":"boolean","description":"Setting this to true will run `gc()` on before every command sent to the browser.\n\nThis is experimental and may not work or it may have unforeseen sideeffects.","key":"aggressiveGarbageCollection"}]