@omnia/fx 8.0.187-dev → 8.0.189-dev

This diff represents the content of publicly available package versions that have been released to one of the supported registries. The information contained in this diff is provided for informational purposes only and reflects changes between package versions as they appear in their respective public registries.
Files changed (32) hide show
  1. package/internal-do-not-import-from-here/stores/mediapicker/ImageTransformerStore.d.ts +5 -5
  2. package/internal-do-not-import-from-here/ux/aurora/components/backgroundstyle/BackgroundStyleEditor.d.ts +1 -1
  3. package/internal-do-not-import-from-here/ux/aurora/components/borderpicker/BorderPicker.d.ts +6 -1
  4. package/internal-do-not-import-from-here/ux/aurora/components/buttonstyle/ButtonBlueprintsViewer.d.ts +4 -4
  5. package/internal-do-not-import-from-here/ux/aurora/components/buttonstyle/ButtonStyleEditor.d.ts +1 -1
  6. package/internal-do-not-import-from-here/ux/aurora/components/buttonstyle/ButtonStylePicker.d.ts +16 -8
  7. package/internal-do-not-import-from-here/ux/aurora/components/fillpicker/FillPicker.d.ts +1 -1
  8. package/internal-do-not-import-from-here/ux/aurora/store/ComponentBlueprintStore.d.ts +2 -2
  9. package/internal-do-not-import-from-here/ux/aurora/store/SpacingBlueprintStore.d.ts +4 -4
  10. package/internal-do-not-import-from-here/ux/aurora/store/ThemeContextStore.d.ts +12 -12
  11. package/internal-do-not-import-from-here/ux/aurora/store/ThemeStoreV2.d.ts +1 -1
  12. package/internal-do-not-import-from-here/ux/aurora/store/TypographyBlueprintStore.d.ts +4 -4
  13. package/internal-do-not-import-from-here/ux/journey/DefineBlade.d.ts +10 -147
  14. package/internal-do-not-import-from-here/ux/journey/Journey.css.d.ts +1 -1
  15. package/internal-do-not-import-from-here/ux/journey/JourneyBlade.d.ts +2 -2
  16. package/internal-do-not-import-from-here/ux/journey/models/Constants.d.ts +1 -1
  17. package/internal-do-not-import-from-here/ux/journey/stores/JourneyStore.d.ts +112 -560
  18. package/internal-do-not-import-from-here/ux/journey/use/UseBlade.d.ts +7 -94
  19. package/internal-do-not-import-from-here/ux/layoutcanvas/actionhandler/LayoutEditorAction.d.ts +69 -0
  20. package/internal-do-not-import-from-here/ux/layoutcanvas/actionhandler/LayoutEditorActionSettings.d.ts +56 -0
  21. package/internal-do-not-import-from-here/ux/layoutcanvas/actionhandler/LayoutEditorClickHandler.d.ts +1 -0
  22. package/internal-do-not-import-from-here/ux/oxide/datatable/DataTable.d.ts +8 -91
  23. package/internal-do-not-import-from-here/ux/oxide/datatable/DataTableServer.d.ts +8 -8
  24. package/internal-do-not-import-from-here/ux/oxide/dialog/Dialog.d.ts +21 -0
  25. package/internal-do-not-import-from-here/ux/oxide/draggable/Draggable.d.ts +50 -310
  26. package/internal-do-not-import-from-here/ux/oxide/list/ListItem.d.ts +6 -6
  27. package/internal-do-not-import-from-here/ux/oxide/rating/Rating.d.ts +1 -1
  28. package/internal-do-not-import-from-here/ux/oxide/select/Select.d.ts +1 -1
  29. package/internal-do-not-import-from-here/ux/oxide/treeview/Treeview.d.ts +1 -1
  30. package/internal-do-not-import-from-here/ux/profilecard/ProfileCard.d.ts +1 -1
  31. package/internal-do-not-import-from-here/wctypings.d.ts +30 -6
  32. package/package.json +2 -2
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ export interface DisabledButtonTooltips {
  delete?: string;
  remove?: string;
- export type JourneyBladeProps = DefineProp<"getApi", (store: ReturnType<typeof useJourneyStore>) => void, false, null, "callback to get a reference to the journey store. The store is used to navigate the journey blades."> & DefineProp<"title", string, false, null, "Specify the title of the blade."> & DefineProp<"subTitle", string, false, null, "Specify a subtitle for the blade and the title is displayed in a breadcrumb style where the subTittle is prominent."> & DefineProp<"id", GuidValue, true, null, "The id of the blade. Used to identify the blade in the journey store."> & DefineProp<"size", BladeSizeTypes, false, "x-small", "Specify the size of the blade. Small will show the header buttons as icons."> & DefineProp<"loading", boolean, false, false, "Displays linear progress bar."> & DefineProp<"ok", boolean, false, false, "Specify if the blade should show a ok button. If a ok button is shown, a cancel button will also be shown."> & DefineVModel<"save", boolean, false, false, "Specify if the blade should show a save button. If a save button is shown, a cancel button will also be shown."> & DefineProp<"searchable", boolean, false, false, "Specify if the blade should show a search field."> & DefineProp<"delete", boolean, false, false, "Specify if the blade should show a delete button."> & DefineProp<"remove", boolean, false, false, "Specify if the blade should show a remove button."> & DefineProp<"disabled", boolean, false, false, "Specify if the blade should shoud be read only."> & DefineProp<"reorder", boolean, false, false, "Specify if the blade shoud be draggable on items."> & DefineProp<"switch", switchValue, false, null, "Specify if the blade should show switch."> & DefineProp<"settings", boolean, false, false, "Specify if the blade should show a settings button."> & DefineProp<"create", boolean, false, false, "Specify if the blade should show a create button."> & DefineProp<"bladeContext", BladeContexts | BladeContext, false, null, "Specify context of the journey."> & DefineProp<"icon", IIcon, false, null, "Specify an icon for the blade header. This should be used to hightlight the blade type such as create blades, edit blades etc."> & DefineProp<"variant", BladeVariantTypes, false, null, "Applies a distinct style to the component."> & DefineProp<"onOk", () => boolean | Promise<boolean>, false, null, "Trigger when user click ok, return true if ok to close the blade."> & DefineProp<"onRemove", () => boolean | Promise<boolean>, false, null, "Trigger when user click remove, return true if ok to close the blade."> & DefineProp<"onSave", () => boolean | Promise<boolean>, false, null, "Trigger when user click save, return true if ok to close the blade."> & DefineProp<"onDelete", () => boolean | Promise<boolean>, false, null, "Trigger when user click delete, return true if ok to close the blade."> & DefineProp<"onSwitch", () => boolean | Promise<boolean>, false, null, "Trigger when user toggle switch, return true if ok to close the blade."> & DefineProp<"confirmDeleteDialogOption", ConfirmDialogOptions, false, null, "Specify a set of options for the confirm dialog shown before deleting."> & DefineProp<"disabledButtonTooltips", DisabledButtonTooltips, false, null, "Specify a set of options for the confirm dialog shown before deleting."> & DefineSlot<"actions", () => VNodeChild> & DefineSlot<"actionsFooter", () => VNodeChild> & DefineEmit<"click:add", (id: GuidValue) => true> & DefineEmit<"click:back", (id: GuidValue) => true> & DefineEmit<"click:cancel", (id: GuidValue) => true> & DefineEmit<"click:settings", (id: GuidValue) => true> & DefineEmit<"search", (searchText: string) => true> & DefineEmit<"update:reorder", (enable: boolean) => true>;
+ export type JourneyBladeProps = DefineProp<"getApi", (store: ReturnType<typeof useJourneyStore>) => void, false, null, "callback to get a reference to the journey store. The store is used to navigate the journey blades."> & DefineProp<"title", string, false, null, "Specify the title of the blade."> & DefineProp<"subTitle", string, false, null, "Specify a subtitle for the blade and the title is displayed in a breadcrumb style where the subTittle is prominent."> & DefineProp<"id", GuidValue, true, null, "The id of the blade. Used to identify the blade in the journey store."> & DefineProp<"size", BladeSizeTypes, false, "x-small", "Specify the size of the blade. Small will show the header buttons as icons."> & DefineProp<"loading", boolean, false, false, "Displays linear progress bar."> & DefineProp<"ok", boolean, false, false, "Specify if the blade should show a ok button. If a ok button is shown, a cancel button will also be shown."> & DefineVModel<"save", boolean, false, false, "Specify if the blade should show a save button. If a save button is shown, a cancel button will also be shown."> & DefineProp<"searchable", boolean, false, false, "Specify if the blade should show a search field."> & DefineProp<"delete", boolean, false, false, "Specify if the blade should show a delete button."> & DefineProp<"remove", boolean, false, false, "Specify if the blade should show a remove button."> & DefineProp<"disabled", boolean, false, false, "Specify if the blade should shoud be read only."> & DefineProp<"reorder", boolean, false, false, "Specify if the blade shoud be draggable on items."> & DefineProp<"switch", switchValue, false, null, "Specify if the blade should show switch."> & DefineProp<"settings", boolean, false, false, "Specify if the blade should show a settings button."> & DefineProp<"create", boolean, false, false, "Specify if the blade should show a create button."> & DefineProp<"bladeContext", BladeContexts | BladeContext, false, null, "Specify context of the journey."> & DefineProp<"icon", IIcon, false, null, "Specify an icon for the blade header. This should be used to hightlight the blade type such as create blades, edit blades etc."> & DefineProp<"variant", BladeVariantTypes, false, null, "Applies a distinct style to the component."> & DefineProp<"onOk", () => boolean | Promise<boolean>, false, null, "Trigger when user click ok, return true if ok to close the blade."> & DefineProp<"onRemove", () => boolean | Promise<boolean>, false, null, "Trigger when user click remove, return true if ok to close the blade."> & DefineProp<"onSave", () => boolean | Promise<boolean>, false, null, "Trigger when user click save, return true if ok to close the blade."> & DefineProp<"onDelete", () => boolean | Promise<boolean>, false, null, "Trigger when user click delete, return true if ok to close the blade."> & DefineProp<"onSwitch", (value: boolean) => boolean | Promise<boolean>, false, null, "Trigger when user toggle switch, return true if ok to close the blade."> & DefineProp<"confirmDeleteDialogOption", ConfirmDialogOptions, false, null, "Specify a set of options for the confirm dialog shown before deleting."> & DefineProp<"disabledButtonTooltips", DisabledButtonTooltips, false, null, "Specify a set of options for the confirm dialog shown before deleting."> & DefineSlot<"actions", () => VNodeChild> & DefineSlot<"actionsFooter", () => VNodeChild> & DefineEmit<"click:add", (id: GuidValue) => true> & DefineEmit<"click:back", (id: GuidValue) => true> & DefineEmit<"click:cancel", (id: GuidValue) => true> & DefineEmit<"click:settings", (id: GuidValue) => true> & DefineEmit<"search", (searchText: string) => true> & DefineEmit<"update:reorder", (enable: boolean) => true>;
  declare const _default: (props: import("@omnia/fx/ux").ConstructComponentProps<JourneyBladeProps>) => {
  $: import("vue").ComponentInternalInstance;
  $data: {};
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ declare const _default: (props: import("@omnia/fx/ux").ConstructComponentProps<J
  "onClick:add"?: (id: GuidValue) => any;
  "onClick:settings"?: (id: GuidValue) => any;
  "onUpdate:reorder"?: (enable: boolean) => any;
- } & Omit<import("@omnia/fx/ux").VueComponentBaseProps, "switch" | "icon" | "title" | "delete" | "id" | "size" | "disabled" | "settings" | "remove" | "variant" | "subTitle" | "create" | "ok" | "save" | "reorder" | "loading" | "getApi" | "v-model:save" | "onUpdate:save" | "searchable" | "bladeContext" | "onOk" | "onRemove" | "onSave" | "onDelete" | "onSwitch" | "confirmDeleteDialogOption" | "disabledButtonTooltips">;
+ } & Omit<import("@omnia/fx/ux").VueComponentBaseProps, "switch" | "icon" | "title" | "delete" | "id" | "size" | "disabled" | "settings" | "remove" | "variant" | "subTitle" | "create" | "ok" | "save" | "reorder" | "getApi" | "loading" | "v-model:save" | "onUpdate:save" | "searchable" | "bladeContext" | "onOk" | "onRemove" | "onSave" | "onDelete" | "onSwitch" | "confirmDeleteDialogOption" | "disabledButtonTooltips">;
  } & import("vue").VNode<import("vue").RendererNode, import("vue").RendererElement, {
  [key: string]: any;
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
- export declare const BladeVariantDefinitions: readonly ["new", "edit", "info", "preview", "read-only"];
+ export declare const BladeVariantDefinitions: readonly ["new", "edit", "info", "preview", "read-only", "picker"];
  export type BladeVariantTypes = typeof BladeVariantDefinitions[number];
  export declare const BladeVariantTypesName = "BladeVariantTypes";
  export declare const BladeSizeDefinitions: readonly ["x-small", "small", "medium", "large", "x-large", "xx-large", "xxx-large", "full-screen", "fill-space"];