@k8slens/extensions 6.4.0-git.4b3fad57cb.0 → 6.4.0-git.5eefa8f03a.0

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Files changed (24) hide show
  1. package/dist/src/common/cluster/cluster.d.ts +4 -4
  2. package/dist/src/common/fetch/lens-fetch.global-override-for-injectable.d.ts +9 -0
  3. package/dist/src/common/fetch/lens-fetch.injectable.d.ts +5 -0
  4. package/dist/src/common/utils/type-narrowing.d.ts +1 -1
  5. package/dist/src/extensions/common-api/k8s-api.d.ts +7 -0
  6. package/dist/src/extensions/extension-api.js +100 -100
  7. package/dist/src/main/cluster-detectors/cluster-distribution-detector.injectable.d.ts +14 -0
  8. package/dist/src/main/cluster-detectors/cluster-id-detector.injectable.d.ts +14 -0
  9. package/dist/src/main/cluster-detectors/{last-seen-detector.d.ts → cluster-last-seen-detector.injectable.d.ts} +4 -4
  10. package/dist/src/main/cluster-detectors/{nodes-count-detector.d.ts → cluster-nodes-count-detector.injectable.d.ts} +5 -5
  11. package/dist/src/main/cluster-detectors/{cluster-id-detector.d.ts → cluster-version-detector.injectable.d.ts} +4 -5
  12. package/dist/src/main/cluster-detectors/detect-cluster-metadata.injectable.d.ts +5 -0
  13. package/dist/src/main/cluster-detectors/request-cluster-version.injectable.d.ts +3 -0
  14. package/dist/src/main/cluster-detectors/token.d.ts +18 -0
  15. package/dist/src/main/get-metrics.injectable.d.ts +1 -1
  16. package/dist/src/main/k8s-request.injectable.d.ts +6 -3
  17. package/package.json +1 -1
  18. package/dist/src/main/cluster-detectors/base-cluster-detector.d.ts +0 -19
  19. package/dist/src/main/cluster-detectors/create-version-detector.injectable.d.ts +0 -4
  20. package/dist/src/main/cluster-detectors/detector-registry.d.ts +0 -20
  21. package/dist/src/main/cluster-detectors/detector-registry.injectable.d.ts +0 -3
  22. package/dist/src/main/cluster-detectors/distribution-detector.d.ts +0 -34
  23. package/dist/src/main/cluster-detectors/version-detector.d.ts +0 -14
  24. package/dist/src/main/start-main-application/runnables/setup-detector-registry.injectable.d.ts +0 -5
@@ -10753,16 +10753,6 @@ eval("\n\nvar hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;\nvar toStr = Object.prot
  /***/ }),
- /***/ "./node_modules/extsprintf/lib/extsprintf.js":
- /*!***************************************************!*\
- !*** ./node_modules/extsprintf/lib/extsprintf.js ***!
- \***************************************************/
- /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__) => {
- eval("/*\n * extsprintf.js: extended POSIX-style sprintf\n */\n\nvar mod_assert = __webpack_require__(/*! assert */ \"assert\");\nvar mod_util = __webpack_require__(/*! util */ \"util\");\n\n/*\n * Public interface\n */\nexports.sprintf = jsSprintf;\nexports.printf = jsPrintf;\nexports.fprintf = jsFprintf;\n\n/*\n * Stripped down version of s[n]printf(3c). We make a best effort to throw an\n * exception when given a format string we don't understand, rather than\n * ignoring it, so that we won't break existing programs if/when we go implement\n * the rest of this.\n *\n * This implementation currently supports specifying\n *\t- field alignment ('-' flag),\n * \t- zero-pad ('0' flag)\n *\t- always show numeric sign ('+' flag),\n *\t- field width\n *\t- conversions for strings, decimal integers, and floats (numbers).\n *\t- argument size specifiers. These are all accepted but ignored, since\n *\t Javascript has no notion of the physical size of an argument.\n *\n * Everything else is currently unsupported, most notably precision, unsigned\n * numbers, non-decimal numbers, and characters.\n */\nfunction jsSprintf(ofmt)\n{\n\tvar regex = [\n\t '([^%]*)',\t\t\t\t/* normal text */\n\t '%',\t\t\t\t/* start of format */\n\t '([\\'\\\\-+ #0]*?)',\t\t\t/* flags (optional) */\n\t '([1-9]\\\\d*)?',\t\t\t/* width (optional) */\n\t '(\\\\.([1-9]\\\\d*))?',\t\t/* precision (optional) */\n\t '[lhjztL]*?',\t\t\t/* length mods (ignored) */\n\t '([diouxXfFeEgGaAcCsSp%jr])'\t/* conversion */\n\t].join('');\n\n\tvar re = new RegExp(regex);\n\n\t/* variadic arguments used to fill in conversion specifiers */\n\tvar args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);\n\t/* remaining format string */\n\tvar fmt = ofmt;\n\n\t/* components of the current conversion specifier */\n\tvar flags, width, precision, conversion;\n\tvar left, pad, sign, arg, match;\n\n\t/* return value */\n\tvar ret = '';\n\n\t/* current variadic argument (1-based) */\n\tvar argn = 1;\n\t/* 0-based position in the format string that we've read */\n\tvar posn = 0;\n\t/* 1-based position in the format string of the current conversion */\n\tvar convposn;\n\t/* current conversion specifier */\n\tvar curconv;\n\n\tmod_assert.equal('string', typeof (fmt),\n\t 'first argument must be a format string');\n\n\twhile ((match = re.exec(fmt)) !== null) {\n\t\tret += match[1];\n\t\tfmt = fmt.substring(match[0].length);\n\n\t\t/*\n\t\t * Update flags related to the current conversion specifier's\n\t\t * position so that we can report clear error messages.\n\t\t */\n\t\tcurconv = match[0].substring(match[1].length);\n\t\tconvposn = posn + match[1].length + 1;\n\t\tposn += match[0].length;\n\n\t\tflags = match[2] || '';\n\t\twidth = match[3] || 0;\n\t\tprecision = match[4] || '';\n\t\tconversion = match[6];\n\t\tleft = false;\n\t\tsign = false;\n\t\tpad = ' ';\n\n\t\tif (conversion == '%') {\n\t\t\tret += '%';\n\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (args.length === 0) {\n\t\t\tthrow (jsError(ofmt, convposn, curconv,\n\t\t\t 'has no matching argument ' +\n\t\t\t '(too few arguments passed)'));\n\t\t}\n\n\t\targ = args.shift();\n\t\targn++;\n\n\t\tif (flags.match(/[\\' #]/)) {\n\t\t\tthrow (jsError(ofmt, convposn, curconv,\n\t\t\t 'uses unsupported flags'));\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (precision.length > 0) {\n\t\t\tthrow (jsError(ofmt, convposn, curconv,\n\t\t\t 'uses non-zero precision (not supported)'));\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (flags.match(/-/))\n\t\t\tleft = true;\n\n\t\tif (flags.match(/0/))\n\t\t\tpad = '0';\n\n\t\tif (flags.match(/\\+/))\n\t\t\tsign = true;\n\n\t\tswitch (conversion) {\n\t\tcase 's':\n\t\t\tif (arg === undefined || arg === null) {\n\t\t\t\tthrow (jsError(ofmt, convposn, curconv,\n\t\t\t\t 'attempted to print undefined or null ' +\n\t\t\t\t 'as a string (argument ' + argn + ' to ' +\n\t\t\t\t 'sprintf)'));\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tret += doPad(pad, width, left, arg.toString());\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\n\t\tcase 'd':\n\t\t\targ = Math.floor(arg);\n\t\t\t/*jsl:fallthru*/\n\t\tcase 'f':\n\t\t\tsign = sign && arg > 0 ? '+' : '';\n\t\t\tret += sign + doPad(pad, width, left,\n\t\t\t arg.toString());\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\n\t\tcase 'x':\n\t\t\tret += doPad(pad, width, left, arg.toString(16));\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\n\t\tcase 'j': /* non-standard */\n\t\t\tif (width === 0)\n\t\t\t\twidth = 10;\n\t\t\tret += mod_util.inspect(arg, false, width);\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\n\t\tcase 'r': /* non-standard */\n\t\t\tret += dumpException(arg);\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\n\t\tdefault:\n\t\t\tthrow (jsError(ofmt, convposn, curconv,\n\t\t\t 'is not supported'));\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\tret += fmt;\n\treturn (ret);\n}\n\nfunction jsError(fmtstr, convposn, curconv, reason) {\n\tmod_assert.equal(typeof (fmtstr), 'string');\n\tmod_assert.equal(typeof (curconv), 'string');\n\tmod_assert.equal(typeof (convposn), 'number');\n\tmod_assert.equal(typeof (reason), 'string');\n\treturn (new Error('format string \"' + fmtstr +\n\t '\": conversion specifier \"' + curconv + '\" at character ' +\n\t convposn + ' ' + reason));\n}\n\nfunction jsPrintf() {\n\tvar args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);\n\targs.unshift(process.stdout);\n\tjsFprintf.apply(null, args);\n}\n\nfunction jsFprintf(stream) {\n\tvar args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);\n\treturn (stream.write(jsSprintf.apply(this, args)));\n}\n\nfunction doPad(chr, width, left, str)\n{\n\tvar ret = str;\n\n\twhile (ret.length < width) {\n\t\tif (left)\n\t\t\tret += chr;\n\t\telse\n\t\t\tret = chr + ret;\n\t}\n\n\treturn (ret);\n}\n\n/*\n * This function dumps long stack traces for exceptions having a cause() method.\n * See node-verror for an example.\n */\nfunction dumpException(ex)\n{\n\tvar ret;\n\n\tif (!(ex instanceof Error))\n\t\tthrow (new Error(jsSprintf('invalid type for %%r: %j', ex)));\n\n\t/* Note that V8 prepends \"ex.stack\" with ex.toString(). */\n\tret = 'EXCEPTION: ' + ex.constructor.name + ': ' + ex.stack;\n\n\tif (ex.cause && typeof (ex.cause) === 'function') {\n\t\tvar cex = ex.cause();\n\t\tif (cex) {\n\t\t\tret += '\\nCaused by: ' + dumpException(cex);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\treturn (ret);\n}\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://@k8slens/open-lens/./node_modules/extsprintf/lib/extsprintf.js?");
- /***/ }),
  /***/ "./node_modules/fast-deep-equal/index.js":
  !*** ./node_modules/fast-deep-equal/index.js ***!
@@ -12308,7 +12298,7 @@ eval("__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpac
  /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__) => {
- eval("/*\n * lib/jsprim.js: utilities for primitive JavaScript types\n */\n\nvar mod_assert = __webpack_require__(/*! assert-plus */ \"./node_modules/assert-plus/assert.js\");\nvar mod_util = __webpack_require__(/*! util */ \"util\");\n\nvar mod_extsprintf = __webpack_require__(/*! extsprintf */ \"./node_modules/jsprim/node_modules/extsprintf/lib/extsprintf.js\");\nvar mod_verror = __webpack_require__(/*! verror */ \"./node_modules/verror/lib/verror.js\");\nvar mod_jsonschema = __webpack_require__(/*! json-schema */ \"./node_modules/json-schema/lib/validate.js\");\n\n/*\n * Public interface\n */\nexports.deepCopy = deepCopy;\nexports.deepEqual = deepEqual;\nexports.isEmpty = isEmpty;\nexports.hasKey = hasKey;\nexports.forEachKey = forEachKey;\nexports.pluck = pluck;\nexports.flattenObject = flattenObject;\nexports.flattenIter = flattenIter;\nexports.validateJsonObject = validateJsonObjectJS;\nexports.validateJsonObjectJS = validateJsonObjectJS;\nexports.randElt = randElt;\nexports.extraProperties = extraProperties;\nexports.mergeObjects = mergeObjects;\n\nexports.startsWith = startsWith;\nexports.endsWith = endsWith;\n\nexports.parseInteger = parseInteger;\n\nexports.iso8601 = iso8601;\nexports.rfc1123 = rfc1123;\nexports.parseDateTime = parseDateTime;\n\nexports.hrtimediff = hrtimeDiff;\nexports.hrtimeDiff = hrtimeDiff;\nexports.hrtimeAccum = hrtimeAccum;\nexports.hrtimeAdd = hrtimeAdd;\nexports.hrtimeNanosec = hrtimeNanosec;\nexports.hrtimeMicrosec = hrtimeMicrosec;\nexports.hrtimeMillisec = hrtimeMillisec;\n\n\n/*\n * Deep copy an acyclic *basic* Javascript object. This only handles basic\n * scalars (strings, numbers, booleans) and arbitrarily deep arrays and objects\n * containing these. This does *not* handle instances of other classes.\n */\nfunction deepCopy(obj)\n{\n\tvar ret, key;\n\tvar marker = '__deepCopy';\n\n\tif (obj && obj[marker])\n\t\tthrow (new Error('attempted deep copy of cyclic object'));\n\n\tif (obj && obj.constructor == Object) {\n\t\tret = {};\n\t\tobj[marker] = true;\n\n\t\tfor (key in obj) {\n\t\t\tif (key == marker)\n\t\t\t\tcontinue;\n\n\t\t\tret[key] = deepCopy(obj[key]);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tdelete (obj[marker]);\n\t\treturn (ret);\n\t}\n\n\tif (obj && obj.constructor == Array) {\n\t\tret = [];\n\t\tobj[marker] = true;\n\n\t\tfor (key = 0; key < obj.length; key++)\n\t\t\tret.push(deepCopy(obj[key]));\n\n\t\tdelete (obj[marker]);\n\t\treturn (ret);\n\t}\n\n\t/*\n\t * It must be a primitive type -- just return it.\n\t */\n\treturn (obj);\n}\n\nfunction deepEqual(obj1, obj2)\n{\n\tif (typeof (obj1) != typeof (obj2))\n\t\treturn (false);\n\n\tif (obj1 === null || obj2 === null || typeof (obj1) != 'object')\n\t\treturn (obj1 === obj2);\n\n\tif (obj1.constructor != obj2.constructor)\n\t\treturn (false);\n\n\tvar k;\n\tfor (k in obj1) {\n\t\tif (!obj2.hasOwnProperty(k))\n\t\t\treturn (false);\n\n\t\tif (!deepEqual(obj1[k], obj2[k]))\n\t\t\treturn (false);\n\t}\n\n\tfor (k in obj2) {\n\t\tif (!obj1.hasOwnProperty(k))\n\t\t\treturn (false);\n\t}\n\n\treturn (true);\n}\n\nfunction isEmpty(obj)\n{\n\tvar key;\n\tfor (key in obj)\n\t\treturn (false);\n\treturn (true);\n}\n\nfunction hasKey(obj, key)\n{\n\tmod_assert.equal(typeof (key), 'string');\n\treturn (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key));\n}\n\nfunction forEachKey(obj, callback)\n{\n\tfor (var key in obj) {\n\t\tif (hasKey(obj, key)) {\n\t\t\tcallback(key, obj[key]);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}\n\nfunction pluck(obj, key)\n{\n\tmod_assert.equal(typeof (key), 'string');\n\treturn (pluckv(obj, key));\n}\n\nfunction pluckv(obj, key)\n{\n\tif (obj === null || typeof (obj) !== 'object')\n\t\treturn (undefined);\n\n\tif (obj.hasOwnProperty(key))\n\t\treturn (obj[key]);\n\n\tvar i = key.indexOf('.');\n\tif (i == -1)\n\t\treturn (undefined);\n\n\tvar key1 = key.substr(0, i);\n\tif (!obj.hasOwnProperty(key1))\n\t\treturn (undefined);\n\n\treturn (pluckv(obj[key1], key.substr(i + 1)));\n}\n\n/*\n * Invoke callback(row) for each entry in the array that would be returned by\n * flattenObject(data, depth). This is just like flattenObject(data,\n * depth).forEach(callback), except that the intermediate array is never\n * created.\n */\nfunction flattenIter(data, depth, callback)\n{\n\tdoFlattenIter(data, depth, [], callback);\n}\n\nfunction doFlattenIter(data, depth, accum, callback)\n{\n\tvar each;\n\tvar key;\n\n\tif (depth === 0) {\n\t\teach = accum.slice(0);\n\t\teach.push(data);\n\t\tcallback(each);\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\n\tmod_assert.ok(data !== null);\n\tmod_assert.equal(typeof (data), 'object');\n\tmod_assert.equal(typeof (depth), 'number');\n\tmod_assert.ok(depth >= 0);\n\n\tfor (key in data) {\n\t\teach = accum.slice(0);\n\t\teach.push(key);\n\t\tdoFlattenIter(data[key], depth - 1, each, callback);\n\t}\n}\n\nfunction flattenObject(data, depth)\n{\n\tif (depth === 0)\n\t\treturn ([ data ]);\n\n\tmod_assert.ok(data !== null);\n\tmod_assert.equal(typeof (data), 'object');\n\tmod_assert.equal(typeof (depth), 'number');\n\tmod_assert.ok(depth >= 0);\n\n\tvar rv = [];\n\tvar key;\n\n\tfor (key in data) {\n\t\tflattenObject(data[key], depth - 1).forEach(function (p) {\n\t\t\trv.push([ key ].concat(p));\n\t\t});\n\t}\n\n\treturn (rv);\n}\n\nfunction startsWith(str, prefix)\n{\n\treturn (str.substr(0, prefix.length) == prefix);\n}\n\nfunction endsWith(str, suffix)\n{\n\treturn (str.substr(\n\t str.length - suffix.length, suffix.length) == suffix);\n}\n\nfunction iso8601(d)\n{\n\tif (typeof (d) == 'number')\n\t\td = new Date(d);\n\tmod_assert.ok(d.constructor === Date);\n\treturn (mod_extsprintf.sprintf('%4d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d.%03dZ',\n\t d.getUTCFullYear(), d.getUTCMonth() + 1, d.getUTCDate(),\n\t d.getUTCHours(), d.getUTCMinutes(), d.getUTCSeconds(),\n\t d.getUTCMilliseconds()));\n}\n\nvar RFC1123_MONTHS = [\n 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun',\n 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'];\nvar RFC1123_DAYS = [\n 'Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'];\n\nfunction rfc1123(date) {\n\treturn (mod_extsprintf.sprintf('%s, %02d %s %04d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT',\n\t RFC1123_DAYS[date.getUTCDay()], date.getUTCDate(),\n\t RFC1123_MONTHS[date.getUTCMonth()], date.getUTCFullYear(),\n\t date.getUTCHours(), date.getUTCMinutes(),\n\t date.getUTCSeconds()));\n}\n\n/*\n * Parses a date expressed as a string, as either a number of milliseconds since\n * the epoch or any string format that Date accepts, giving preference to the\n * former where these two sets overlap (e.g., small numbers).\n */\nfunction parseDateTime(str)\n{\n\t/*\n\t * This is irritatingly implicit, but significantly more concise than\n\t * alternatives. The \"+str\" will convert a string containing only a\n\t * number directly to a Number, or NaN for other strings. Thus, if the\n\t * conversion succeeds, we use it (this is the milliseconds-since-epoch\n\t * case). Otherwise, we pass the string directly to the Date\n\t * constructor to parse.\n\t */\n\tvar numeric = +str;\n\tif (!isNaN(numeric)) {\n\t\treturn (new Date(numeric));\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn (new Date(str));\n\t}\n}\n\n\n/*\n * Number.*_SAFE_INTEGER isn't present before node v0.12, so we hardcode\n * the ES6 definitions here, while allowing for them to someday be higher.\n */\nvar MAX_SAFE_INTEGER = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER || 9007199254740991;\nvar MIN_SAFE_INTEGER = Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER || -9007199254740991;\n\n\n/*\n * Default options for parseInteger().\n */\nvar PI_DEFAULTS = {\n\tbase: 10,\n\tallowSign: true,\n\tallowPrefix: false,\n\tallowTrailing: false,\n\tallowImprecise: false,\n\ttrimWhitespace: false,\n\tleadingZeroIsOctal: false\n};\n\nvar CP_0 = 0x30;\nvar CP_9 = 0x39;\n\nvar CP_A = 0x41;\nvar CP_B = 0x42;\nvar CP_O = 0x4f;\nvar CP_T = 0x54;\nvar CP_X = 0x58;\nvar CP_Z = 0x5a;\n\nvar CP_a = 0x61;\nvar CP_b = 0x62;\nvar CP_o = 0x6f;\nvar CP_t = 0x74;\nvar CP_x = 0x78;\nvar CP_z = 0x7a;\n\nvar PI_CONV_DEC = 0x30;\nvar PI_CONV_UC = 0x37;\nvar PI_CONV_LC = 0x57;\n\n\n/*\n * A stricter version of parseInt() that provides options for changing what\n * is an acceptable string (for example, disallowing trailing characters).\n */\nfunction parseInteger(str, uopts)\n{\n\tmod_assert.string(str, 'str');\n\tmod_assert.optionalObject(uopts, 'options');\n\n\tvar baseOverride = false;\n\tvar options = PI_DEFAULTS;\n\n\tif (uopts) {\n\t\tbaseOverride = hasKey(uopts, 'base');\n\t\toptions = mergeObjects(options, uopts);\n\t\tmod_assert.number(options.base, 'options.base');\n\t\tmod_assert.ok(options.base >= 2, 'options.base >= 2');\n\t\tmod_assert.ok(options.base <= 36, 'options.base <= 36');\n\t\tmod_assert.bool(options.allowSign, 'options.allowSign');\n\t\tmod_assert.bool(options.allowPrefix, 'options.allowPrefix');\n\t\tmod_assert.bool(options.allowTrailing,\n\t\t 'options.allowTrailing');\n\t\tmod_assert.bool(options.allowImprecise,\n\t\t 'options.allowImprecise');\n\t\tmod_assert.bool(options.trimWhitespace,\n\t\t 'options.trimWhitespace');\n\t\tmod_assert.bool(options.leadingZeroIsOctal,\n\t\t 'options.leadingZeroIsOctal');\n\n\t\tif (options.leadingZeroIsOctal) {\n\t\t\tmod_assert.ok(!baseOverride,\n\t\t\t '\"base\" and \"leadingZeroIsOctal\" are ' +\n\t\t\t 'mutually exclusive');\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\tvar c;\n\tvar pbase = -1;\n\tvar base = options.base;\n\tvar start;\n\tvar mult = 1;\n\tvar value = 0;\n\tvar idx = 0;\n\tvar len = str.length;\n\n\t/* Trim any whitespace on the left side. */\n\tif (options.trimWhitespace) {\n\t\twhile (idx < len && isSpace(str.charCodeAt(idx))) {\n\t\t\t++idx;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\t/* Check the number for a leading sign. */\n\tif (options.allowSign) {\n\t\tif (str[idx] === '-') {\n\t\t\tidx += 1;\n\t\t\tmult = -1;\n\t\t} else if (str[idx] === '+') {\n\t\t\tidx += 1;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\t/* Parse the base-indicating prefix if there is one. */\n\tif (str[idx] === '0') {\n\t\tif (options.allowPrefix) {\n\t\t\tpbase = prefixToBase(str.charCodeAt(idx + 1));\n\t\t\tif (pbase !== -1 && (!baseOverride || pbase === base)) {\n\t\t\t\tbase = pbase;\n\t\t\t\tidx += 2;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (pbase === -1 && options.leadingZeroIsOctal) {\n\t\t\tbase = 8;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\t/* Parse the actual digits. */\n\tfor (start = idx; idx < len; ++idx) {\n\t\tc = translateDigit(str.charCodeAt(idx));\n\t\tif (c !== -1 && c < base) {\n\t\t\tvalue *= base;\n\t\t\tvalue += c;\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\t/* If we didn't parse any digits, we have an invalid number. */\n\tif (start === idx) {\n\t\treturn (new Error('invalid number: ' + JSON.stringify(str)));\n\t}\n\n\t/* Trim any whitespace on the right side. */\n\tif (options.trimWhitespace) {\n\t\twhile (idx < len && isSpace(str.charCodeAt(idx))) {\n\t\t\t++idx;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\t/* Check for trailing characters. */\n\tif (idx < len && !options.allowTrailing) {\n\t\treturn (new Error('trailing characters after number: ' +\n\t\t JSON.stringify(str.slice(idx))));\n\t}\n\n\t/* If our value is 0, we return now, to avoid returning -0. */\n\tif (value === 0) {\n\t\treturn (0);\n\t}\n\n\t/* Calculate our final value. */\n\tvar result = value * mult;\n\n\t/*\n\t * If the string represents a value that cannot be precisely represented\n\t * by JavaScript, then we want to check that:\n\t *\n\t * - We never increased the value past MAX_SAFE_INTEGER\n\t * - We don't make the result negative and below MIN_SAFE_INTEGER\n\t *\n\t * Because we only ever increment the value during parsing, there's no\n\t * chance of moving past MAX_SAFE_INTEGER and then dropping below it\n\t * again, losing precision in the process. This means that we only need\n\t * to do our checks here, at the end.\n\t */\n\tif (!options.allowImprecise &&\n\t (value > MAX_SAFE_INTEGER || result < MIN_SAFE_INTEGER)) {\n\t\treturn (new Error('number is outside of the supported range: ' +\n\t\t JSON.stringify(str.slice(start, idx))));\n\t}\n\n\treturn (result);\n}\n\n\n/*\n * Interpret a character code as a base-36 digit.\n */\nfunction translateDigit(d)\n{\n\tif (d >= CP_0 && d <= CP_9) {\n\t\t/* '0' to '9' -> 0 to 9 */\n\t\treturn (d - PI_CONV_DEC);\n\t} else if (d >= CP_A && d <= CP_Z) {\n\t\t/* 'A' - 'Z' -> 10 to 35 */\n\t\treturn (d - PI_CONV_UC);\n\t} else if (d >= CP_a && d <= CP_z) {\n\t\t/* 'a' - 'z' -> 10 to 35 */\n\t\treturn (d - PI_CONV_LC);\n\t} else {\n\t\t/* Invalid character code */\n\t\treturn (-1);\n\t}\n}\n\n\n/*\n * Test if a value matches the ECMAScript definition of trimmable whitespace.\n */\nfunction isSpace(c)\n{\n\treturn (c === 0x20) ||\n\t (c >= 0x0009 && c <= 0x000d) ||\n\t (c === 0x00a0) ||\n\t (c === 0x1680) ||\n\t (c === 0x180e) ||\n\t (c >= 0x2000 && c <= 0x200a) ||\n\t (c === 0x2028) ||\n\t (c === 0x2029) ||\n\t (c === 0x202f) ||\n\t (c === 0x205f) ||\n\t (c === 0x3000) ||\n\t (c === 0xfeff);\n}\n\n\n/*\n * Determine which base a character indicates (e.g., 'x' indicates hex).\n */\nfunction prefixToBase(c)\n{\n\tif (c === CP_b || c === CP_B) {\n\t\t/* 0b/0B (binary) */\n\t\treturn (2);\n\t} else if (c === CP_o || c === CP_O) {\n\t\t/* 0o/0O (octal) */\n\t\treturn (8);\n\t} else if (c === CP_t || c === CP_T) {\n\t\t/* 0t/0T (decimal) */\n\t\treturn (10);\n\t} else if (c === CP_x || c === CP_X) {\n\t\t/* 0x/0X (hexadecimal) */\n\t\treturn (16);\n\t} else {\n\t\t/* Not a meaningful character */\n\t\treturn (-1);\n\t}\n}\n\n\nfunction validateJsonObjectJS(schema, input)\n{\n\tvar report = mod_jsonschema.validate(input, schema);\n\n\tif (report.errors.length === 0)\n\t\treturn (null);\n\n\t/* Currently, we only do anything useful with the first error. */\n\tvar error = report.errors[0];\n\n\t/* The failed property is given by a URI with an irrelevant prefix. */\n\tvar propname = error['property'];\n\tvar reason = error['message'].toLowerCase();\n\tvar i, j;\n\n\t/*\n\t * There's at least one case where the property error message is\n\t * confusing at best. We work around this here.\n\t */\n\tif ((i = reason.indexOf('the property ')) != -1 &&\n\t (j = reason.indexOf(' is not defined in the schema and the ' +\n\t 'schema does not allow additional properties')) != -1) {\n\t\ti += 'the property '.length;\n\t\tif (propname === '')\n\t\t\tpropname = reason.substr(i, j - i);\n\t\telse\n\t\t\tpropname = propname + '.' + reason.substr(i, j - i);\n\n\t\treason = 'unsupported property';\n\t}\n\n\tvar rv = new mod_verror.VError('property \"%s\": %s', propname, reason);\n\trv.jsv_details = error;\n\treturn (rv);\n}\n\nfunction randElt(arr)\n{\n\tmod_assert.ok(Array.isArray(arr) && arr.length > 0,\n\t 'randElt argument must be a non-empty array');\n\n\treturn (arr[Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length)]);\n}\n\nfunction assertHrtime(a)\n{\n\tmod_assert.ok(a[0] >= 0 && a[1] >= 0,\n\t 'negative numbers not allowed in hrtimes');\n\tmod_assert.ok(a[1] < 1e9, 'nanoseconds column overflow');\n}\n\n/*\n * Compute the time elapsed between hrtime readings A and B, where A is later\n * than B. hrtime readings come from Node's process.hrtime(). There is no\n * defined way to represent negative deltas, so it's illegal to diff B from A\n * where the time denoted by B is later than the time denoted by A. If this\n * becomes valuable, we can define a representation and extend the\n * implementation to support it.\n */\nfunction hrtimeDiff(a, b)\n{\n\tassertHrtime(a);\n\tassertHrtime(b);\n\tmod_assert.ok(a[0] > b[0] || (a[0] == b[0] && a[1] >= b[1]),\n\t 'negative differences not allowed');\n\n\tvar rv = [ a[0] - b[0], 0 ];\n\n\tif (a[1] >= b[1]) {\n\t\trv[1] = a[1] - b[1];\n\t} else {\n\t\trv[0]--;\n\t\trv[1] = 1e9 - (b[1] - a[1]);\n\t}\n\n\treturn (rv);\n}\n\n/*\n * Convert a hrtime reading from the array format returned by Node's\n * process.hrtime() into a scalar number of nanoseconds.\n */\nfunction hrtimeNanosec(a)\n{\n\tassertHrtime(a);\n\n\treturn (Math.floor(a[0] * 1e9 + a[1]));\n}\n\n/*\n * Convert a hrtime reading from the array format returned by Node's\n * process.hrtime() into a scalar number of microseconds.\n */\nfunction hrtimeMicrosec(a)\n{\n\tassertHrtime(a);\n\n\treturn (Math.floor(a[0] * 1e6 + a[1] / 1e3));\n}\n\n/*\n * Convert a hrtime reading from the array format returned by Node's\n * process.hrtime() into a scalar number of milliseconds.\n */\nfunction hrtimeMillisec(a)\n{\n\tassertHrtime(a);\n\n\treturn (Math.floor(a[0] * 1e3 + a[1] / 1e6));\n}\n\n/*\n * Add two hrtime readings A and B, overwriting A with the result of the\n * addition. This function is useful for accumulating several hrtime intervals\n * into a counter. Returns A.\n */\nfunction hrtimeAccum(a, b)\n{\n\tassertHrtime(a);\n\tassertHrtime(b);\n\n\t/*\n\t * Accumulate the nanosecond component.\n\t */\n\ta[1] += b[1];\n\tif (a[1] >= 1e9) {\n\t\t/*\n\t\t * The nanosecond component overflowed, so carry to the seconds\n\t\t * field.\n\t\t */\n\t\ta[0]++;\n\t\ta[1] -= 1e9;\n\t}\n\n\t/*\n\t * Accumulate the seconds component.\n\t */\n\ta[0] += b[0];\n\n\treturn (a);\n}\n\n/*\n * Add two hrtime readings A and B, returning the result as a new hrtime array.\n * Does not modify either input argument.\n */\nfunction hrtimeAdd(a, b)\n{\n\tassertHrtime(a);\n\n\tvar rv = [ a[0], a[1] ];\n\n\treturn (hrtimeAccum(rv, b));\n}\n\n\n/*\n * Check an object for unexpected properties. Accepts the object to check, and\n * an array of allowed property names (strings). Returns an array of key names\n * that were found on the object, but did not appear in the list of allowed\n * properties. If no properties were found, the returned array will be of\n * zero length.\n */\nfunction extraProperties(obj, allowed)\n{\n\tmod_assert.ok(typeof (obj) === 'object' && obj !== null,\n\t 'obj argument must be a non-null object');\n\tmod_assert.ok(Array.isArray(allowed),\n\t 'allowed argument must be an array of strings');\n\tfor (var i = 0; i < allowed.length; i++) {\n\t\tmod_assert.ok(typeof (allowed[i]) === 'string',\n\t\t 'allowed argument must be an array of strings');\n\t}\n\n\treturn (Object.keys(obj).filter(function (key) {\n\t\treturn (allowed.indexOf(key) === -1);\n\t}));\n}\n\n/*\n * Given three sets of properties \"provided\" (may be undefined), \"overrides\"\n * (required), and \"defaults\" (may be undefined), construct an object containing\n * the union of these sets with \"overrides\" overriding \"provided\", and\n * \"provided\" overriding \"defaults\". None of the input objects are modified.\n */\nfunction mergeObjects(provided, overrides, defaults)\n{\n\tvar rv, k;\n\n\trv = {};\n\tif (defaults) {\n\t\tfor (k in defaults)\n\t\t\trv[k] = defaults[k];\n\t}\n\n\tif (provided) {\n\t\tfor (k in provided)\n\t\t\trv[k] = provided[k];\n\t}\n\n\tif (overrides) {\n\t\tfor (k in overrides)\n\t\t\trv[k] = overrides[k];\n\t}\n\n\treturn (rv);\n}\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://@k8slens/open-lens/./node_modules/jsprim/lib/jsprim.js?");
+ eval("/*\n * lib/jsprim.js: utilities for primitive JavaScript types\n */\n\nvar mod_assert = __webpack_require__(/*! assert-plus */ \"./node_modules/assert-plus/assert.js\");\nvar mod_util = __webpack_require__(/*! util */ \"util\");\n\nvar mod_extsprintf = __webpack_require__(/*! extsprintf */ \"./node_modules/jsprim/node_modules/extsprintf/lib/extsprintf.js\");\nvar mod_verror = __webpack_require__(/*! verror */ \"./node_modules/jsprim/node_modules/verror/lib/verror.js\");\nvar mod_jsonschema = __webpack_require__(/*! json-schema */ \"./node_modules/json-schema/lib/validate.js\");\n\n/*\n * Public interface\n */\nexports.deepCopy = deepCopy;\nexports.deepEqual = deepEqual;\nexports.isEmpty = isEmpty;\nexports.hasKey = hasKey;\nexports.forEachKey = forEachKey;\nexports.pluck = pluck;\nexports.flattenObject = flattenObject;\nexports.flattenIter = flattenIter;\nexports.validateJsonObject = validateJsonObjectJS;\nexports.validateJsonObjectJS = validateJsonObjectJS;\nexports.randElt = randElt;\nexports.extraProperties = extraProperties;\nexports.mergeObjects = mergeObjects;\n\nexports.startsWith = startsWith;\nexports.endsWith = endsWith;\n\nexports.parseInteger = parseInteger;\n\nexports.iso8601 = iso8601;\nexports.rfc1123 = rfc1123;\nexports.parseDateTime = parseDateTime;\n\nexports.hrtimediff = hrtimeDiff;\nexports.hrtimeDiff = hrtimeDiff;\nexports.hrtimeAccum = hrtimeAccum;\nexports.hrtimeAdd = hrtimeAdd;\nexports.hrtimeNanosec = hrtimeNanosec;\nexports.hrtimeMicrosec = hrtimeMicrosec;\nexports.hrtimeMillisec = hrtimeMillisec;\n\n\n/*\n * Deep copy an acyclic *basic* Javascript object. This only handles basic\n * scalars (strings, numbers, booleans) and arbitrarily deep arrays and objects\n * containing these. This does *not* handle instances of other classes.\n */\nfunction deepCopy(obj)\n{\n\tvar ret, key;\n\tvar marker = '__deepCopy';\n\n\tif (obj && obj[marker])\n\t\tthrow (new Error('attempted deep copy of cyclic object'));\n\n\tif (obj && obj.constructor == Object) {\n\t\tret = {};\n\t\tobj[marker] = true;\n\n\t\tfor (key in obj) {\n\t\t\tif (key == marker)\n\t\t\t\tcontinue;\n\n\t\t\tret[key] = deepCopy(obj[key]);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tdelete (obj[marker]);\n\t\treturn (ret);\n\t}\n\n\tif (obj && obj.constructor == Array) {\n\t\tret = [];\n\t\tobj[marker] = true;\n\n\t\tfor (key = 0; key < obj.length; key++)\n\t\t\tret.push(deepCopy(obj[key]));\n\n\t\tdelete (obj[marker]);\n\t\treturn (ret);\n\t}\n\n\t/*\n\t * It must be a primitive type -- just return it.\n\t */\n\treturn (obj);\n}\n\nfunction deepEqual(obj1, obj2)\n{\n\tif (typeof (obj1) != typeof (obj2))\n\t\treturn (false);\n\n\tif (obj1 === null || obj2 === null || typeof (obj1) != 'object')\n\t\treturn (obj1 === obj2);\n\n\tif (obj1.constructor != obj2.constructor)\n\t\treturn (false);\n\n\tvar k;\n\tfor (k in obj1) {\n\t\tif (!obj2.hasOwnProperty(k))\n\t\t\treturn (false);\n\n\t\tif (!deepEqual(obj1[k], obj2[k]))\n\t\t\treturn (false);\n\t}\n\n\tfor (k in obj2) {\n\t\tif (!obj1.hasOwnProperty(k))\n\t\t\treturn (false);\n\t}\n\n\treturn (true);\n}\n\nfunction isEmpty(obj)\n{\n\tvar key;\n\tfor (key in obj)\n\t\treturn (false);\n\treturn (true);\n}\n\nfunction hasKey(obj, key)\n{\n\tmod_assert.equal(typeof (key), 'string');\n\treturn (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key));\n}\n\nfunction forEachKey(obj, callback)\n{\n\tfor (var key in obj) {\n\t\tif (hasKey(obj, key)) {\n\t\t\tcallback(key, obj[key]);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}\n\nfunction pluck(obj, key)\n{\n\tmod_assert.equal(typeof (key), 'string');\n\treturn (pluckv(obj, key));\n}\n\nfunction pluckv(obj, key)\n{\n\tif (obj === null || typeof (obj) !== 'object')\n\t\treturn (undefined);\n\n\tif (obj.hasOwnProperty(key))\n\t\treturn (obj[key]);\n\n\tvar i = key.indexOf('.');\n\tif (i == -1)\n\t\treturn (undefined);\n\n\tvar key1 = key.substr(0, i);\n\tif (!obj.hasOwnProperty(key1))\n\t\treturn (undefined);\n\n\treturn (pluckv(obj[key1], key.substr(i + 1)));\n}\n\n/*\n * Invoke callback(row) for each entry in the array that would be returned by\n * flattenObject(data, depth). This is just like flattenObject(data,\n * depth).forEach(callback), except that the intermediate array is never\n * created.\n */\nfunction flattenIter(data, depth, callback)\n{\n\tdoFlattenIter(data, depth, [], callback);\n}\n\nfunction doFlattenIter(data, depth, accum, callback)\n{\n\tvar each;\n\tvar key;\n\n\tif (depth === 0) {\n\t\teach = accum.slice(0);\n\t\teach.push(data);\n\t\tcallback(each);\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\n\tmod_assert.ok(data !== null);\n\tmod_assert.equal(typeof (data), 'object');\n\tmod_assert.equal(typeof (depth), 'number');\n\tmod_assert.ok(depth >= 0);\n\n\tfor (key in data) {\n\t\teach = accum.slice(0);\n\t\teach.push(key);\n\t\tdoFlattenIter(data[key], depth - 1, each, callback);\n\t}\n}\n\nfunction flattenObject(data, depth)\n{\n\tif (depth === 0)\n\t\treturn ([ data ]);\n\n\tmod_assert.ok(data !== null);\n\tmod_assert.equal(typeof (data), 'object');\n\tmod_assert.equal(typeof (depth), 'number');\n\tmod_assert.ok(depth >= 0);\n\n\tvar rv = [];\n\tvar key;\n\n\tfor (key in data) {\n\t\tflattenObject(data[key], depth - 1).forEach(function (p) {\n\t\t\trv.push([ key ].concat(p));\n\t\t});\n\t}\n\n\treturn (rv);\n}\n\nfunction startsWith(str, prefix)\n{\n\treturn (str.substr(0, prefix.length) == prefix);\n}\n\nfunction endsWith(str, suffix)\n{\n\treturn (str.substr(\n\t str.length - suffix.length, suffix.length) == suffix);\n}\n\nfunction iso8601(d)\n{\n\tif (typeof (d) == 'number')\n\t\td = new Date(d);\n\tmod_assert.ok(d.constructor === Date);\n\treturn (mod_extsprintf.sprintf('%4d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d.%03dZ',\n\t d.getUTCFullYear(), d.getUTCMonth() + 1, d.getUTCDate(),\n\t d.getUTCHours(), d.getUTCMinutes(), d.getUTCSeconds(),\n\t d.getUTCMilliseconds()));\n}\n\nvar RFC1123_MONTHS = [\n 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun',\n 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'];\nvar RFC1123_DAYS = [\n 'Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'];\n\nfunction rfc1123(date) {\n\treturn (mod_extsprintf.sprintf('%s, %02d %s %04d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT',\n\t RFC1123_DAYS[date.getUTCDay()], date.getUTCDate(),\n\t RFC1123_MONTHS[date.getUTCMonth()], date.getUTCFullYear(),\n\t date.getUTCHours(), date.getUTCMinutes(),\n\t date.getUTCSeconds()));\n}\n\n/*\n * Parses a date expressed as a string, as either a number of milliseconds since\n * the epoch or any string format that Date accepts, giving preference to the\n * former where these two sets overlap (e.g., small numbers).\n */\nfunction parseDateTime(str)\n{\n\t/*\n\t * This is irritatingly implicit, but significantly more concise than\n\t * alternatives. The \"+str\" will convert a string containing only a\n\t * number directly to a Number, or NaN for other strings. Thus, if the\n\t * conversion succeeds, we use it (this is the milliseconds-since-epoch\n\t * case). Otherwise, we pass the string directly to the Date\n\t * constructor to parse.\n\t */\n\tvar numeric = +str;\n\tif (!isNaN(numeric)) {\n\t\treturn (new Date(numeric));\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn (new Date(str));\n\t}\n}\n\n\n/*\n * Number.*_SAFE_INTEGER isn't present before node v0.12, so we hardcode\n * the ES6 definitions here, while allowing for them to someday be higher.\n */\nvar MAX_SAFE_INTEGER = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER || 9007199254740991;\nvar MIN_SAFE_INTEGER = Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER || -9007199254740991;\n\n\n/*\n * Default options for parseInteger().\n */\nvar PI_DEFAULTS = {\n\tbase: 10,\n\tallowSign: true,\n\tallowPrefix: false,\n\tallowTrailing: false,\n\tallowImprecise: false,\n\ttrimWhitespace: false,\n\tleadingZeroIsOctal: false\n};\n\nvar CP_0 = 0x30;\nvar CP_9 = 0x39;\n\nvar CP_A = 0x41;\nvar CP_B = 0x42;\nvar CP_O = 0x4f;\nvar CP_T = 0x54;\nvar CP_X = 0x58;\nvar CP_Z = 0x5a;\n\nvar CP_a = 0x61;\nvar CP_b = 0x62;\nvar CP_o = 0x6f;\nvar CP_t = 0x74;\nvar CP_x = 0x78;\nvar CP_z = 0x7a;\n\nvar PI_CONV_DEC = 0x30;\nvar PI_CONV_UC = 0x37;\nvar PI_CONV_LC = 0x57;\n\n\n/*\n * A stricter version of parseInt() that provides options for changing what\n * is an acceptable string (for example, disallowing trailing characters).\n */\nfunction parseInteger(str, uopts)\n{\n\tmod_assert.string(str, 'str');\n\tmod_assert.optionalObject(uopts, 'options');\n\n\tvar baseOverride = false;\n\tvar options = PI_DEFAULTS;\n\n\tif (uopts) {\n\t\tbaseOverride = hasKey(uopts, 'base');\n\t\toptions = mergeObjects(options, uopts);\n\t\tmod_assert.number(options.base, 'options.base');\n\t\tmod_assert.ok(options.base >= 2, 'options.base >= 2');\n\t\tmod_assert.ok(options.base <= 36, 'options.base <= 36');\n\t\tmod_assert.bool(options.allowSign, 'options.allowSign');\n\t\tmod_assert.bool(options.allowPrefix, 'options.allowPrefix');\n\t\tmod_assert.bool(options.allowTrailing,\n\t\t 'options.allowTrailing');\n\t\tmod_assert.bool(options.allowImprecise,\n\t\t 'options.allowImprecise');\n\t\tmod_assert.bool(options.trimWhitespace,\n\t\t 'options.trimWhitespace');\n\t\tmod_assert.bool(options.leadingZeroIsOctal,\n\t\t 'options.leadingZeroIsOctal');\n\n\t\tif (options.leadingZeroIsOctal) {\n\t\t\tmod_assert.ok(!baseOverride,\n\t\t\t '\"base\" and \"leadingZeroIsOctal\" are ' +\n\t\t\t 'mutually exclusive');\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\tvar c;\n\tvar pbase = -1;\n\tvar base = options.base;\n\tvar start;\n\tvar mult = 1;\n\tvar value = 0;\n\tvar idx = 0;\n\tvar len = str.length;\n\n\t/* Trim any whitespace on the left side. */\n\tif (options.trimWhitespace) {\n\t\twhile (idx < len && isSpace(str.charCodeAt(idx))) {\n\t\t\t++idx;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\t/* Check the number for a leading sign. */\n\tif (options.allowSign) {\n\t\tif (str[idx] === '-') {\n\t\t\tidx += 1;\n\t\t\tmult = -1;\n\t\t} else if (str[idx] === '+') {\n\t\t\tidx += 1;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\t/* Parse the base-indicating prefix if there is one. */\n\tif (str[idx] === '0') {\n\t\tif (options.allowPrefix) {\n\t\t\tpbase = prefixToBase(str.charCodeAt(idx + 1));\n\t\t\tif (pbase !== -1 && (!baseOverride || pbase === base)) {\n\t\t\t\tbase = pbase;\n\t\t\t\tidx += 2;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (pbase === -1 && options.leadingZeroIsOctal) {\n\t\t\tbase = 8;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\t/* Parse the actual digits. */\n\tfor (start = idx; idx < len; ++idx) {\n\t\tc = translateDigit(str.charCodeAt(idx));\n\t\tif (c !== -1 && c < base) {\n\t\t\tvalue *= base;\n\t\t\tvalue += c;\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\t/* If we didn't parse any digits, we have an invalid number. */\n\tif (start === idx) {\n\t\treturn (new Error('invalid number: ' + JSON.stringify(str)));\n\t}\n\n\t/* Trim any whitespace on the right side. */\n\tif (options.trimWhitespace) {\n\t\twhile (idx < len && isSpace(str.charCodeAt(idx))) {\n\t\t\t++idx;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\t/* Check for trailing characters. */\n\tif (idx < len && !options.allowTrailing) {\n\t\treturn (new Error('trailing characters after number: ' +\n\t\t JSON.stringify(str.slice(idx))));\n\t}\n\n\t/* If our value is 0, we return now, to avoid returning -0. */\n\tif (value === 0) {\n\t\treturn (0);\n\t}\n\n\t/* Calculate our final value. */\n\tvar result = value * mult;\n\n\t/*\n\t * If the string represents a value that cannot be precisely represented\n\t * by JavaScript, then we want to check that:\n\t *\n\t * - We never increased the value past MAX_SAFE_INTEGER\n\t * - We don't make the result negative and below MIN_SAFE_INTEGER\n\t *\n\t * Because we only ever increment the value during parsing, there's no\n\t * chance of moving past MAX_SAFE_INTEGER and then dropping below it\n\t * again, losing precision in the process. This means that we only need\n\t * to do our checks here, at the end.\n\t */\n\tif (!options.allowImprecise &&\n\t (value > MAX_SAFE_INTEGER || result < MIN_SAFE_INTEGER)) {\n\t\treturn (new Error('number is outside of the supported range: ' +\n\t\t JSON.stringify(str.slice(start, idx))));\n\t}\n\n\treturn (result);\n}\n\n\n/*\n * Interpret a character code as a base-36 digit.\n */\nfunction translateDigit(d)\n{\n\tif (d >= CP_0 && d <= CP_9) {\n\t\t/* '0' to '9' -> 0 to 9 */\n\t\treturn (d - PI_CONV_DEC);\n\t} else if (d >= CP_A && d <= CP_Z) {\n\t\t/* 'A' - 'Z' -> 10 to 35 */\n\t\treturn (d - PI_CONV_UC);\n\t} else if (d >= CP_a && d <= CP_z) {\n\t\t/* 'a' - 'z' -> 10 to 35 */\n\t\treturn (d - PI_CONV_LC);\n\t} else {\n\t\t/* Invalid character code */\n\t\treturn (-1);\n\t}\n}\n\n\n/*\n * Test if a value matches the ECMAScript definition of trimmable whitespace.\n */\nfunction isSpace(c)\n{\n\treturn (c === 0x20) ||\n\t (c >= 0x0009 && c <= 0x000d) ||\n\t (c === 0x00a0) ||\n\t (c === 0x1680) ||\n\t (c === 0x180e) ||\n\t (c >= 0x2000 && c <= 0x200a) ||\n\t (c === 0x2028) ||\n\t (c === 0x2029) ||\n\t (c === 0x202f) ||\n\t (c === 0x205f) ||\n\t (c === 0x3000) ||\n\t (c === 0xfeff);\n}\n\n\n/*\n * Determine which base a character indicates (e.g., 'x' indicates hex).\n */\nfunction prefixToBase(c)\n{\n\tif (c === CP_b || c === CP_B) {\n\t\t/* 0b/0B (binary) */\n\t\treturn (2);\n\t} else if (c === CP_o || c === CP_O) {\n\t\t/* 0o/0O (octal) */\n\t\treturn (8);\n\t} else if (c === CP_t || c === CP_T) {\n\t\t/* 0t/0T (decimal) */\n\t\treturn (10);\n\t} else if (c === CP_x || c === CP_X) {\n\t\t/* 0x/0X (hexadecimal) */\n\t\treturn (16);\n\t} else {\n\t\t/* Not a meaningful character */\n\t\treturn (-1);\n\t}\n}\n\n\nfunction validateJsonObjectJS(schema, input)\n{\n\tvar report = mod_jsonschema.validate(input, schema);\n\n\tif (report.errors.length === 0)\n\t\treturn (null);\n\n\t/* Currently, we only do anything useful with the first error. */\n\tvar error = report.errors[0];\n\n\t/* The failed property is given by a URI with an irrelevant prefix. */\n\tvar propname = error['property'];\n\tvar reason = error['message'].toLowerCase();\n\tvar i, j;\n\n\t/*\n\t * There's at least one case where the property error message is\n\t * confusing at best. We work around this here.\n\t */\n\tif ((i = reason.indexOf('the property ')) != -1 &&\n\t (j = reason.indexOf(' is not defined in the schema and the ' +\n\t 'schema does not allow additional properties')) != -1) {\n\t\ti += 'the property '.length;\n\t\tif (propname === '')\n\t\t\tpropname = reason.substr(i, j - i);\n\t\telse\n\t\t\tpropname = propname + '.' + reason.substr(i, j - i);\n\n\t\treason = 'unsupported property';\n\t}\n\n\tvar rv = new mod_verror.VError('property \"%s\": %s', propname, reason);\n\trv.jsv_details = error;\n\treturn (rv);\n}\n\nfunction randElt(arr)\n{\n\tmod_assert.ok(Array.isArray(arr) && arr.length > 0,\n\t 'randElt argument must be a non-empty array');\n\n\treturn (arr[Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length)]);\n}\n\nfunction assertHrtime(a)\n{\n\tmod_assert.ok(a[0] >= 0 && a[1] >= 0,\n\t 'negative numbers not allowed in hrtimes');\n\tmod_assert.ok(a[1] < 1e9, 'nanoseconds column overflow');\n}\n\n/*\n * Compute the time elapsed between hrtime readings A and B, where A is later\n * than B. hrtime readings come from Node's process.hrtime(). There is no\n * defined way to represent negative deltas, so it's illegal to diff B from A\n * where the time denoted by B is later than the time denoted by A. If this\n * becomes valuable, we can define a representation and extend the\n * implementation to support it.\n */\nfunction hrtimeDiff(a, b)\n{\n\tassertHrtime(a);\n\tassertHrtime(b);\n\tmod_assert.ok(a[0] > b[0] || (a[0] == b[0] && a[1] >= b[1]),\n\t 'negative differences not allowed');\n\n\tvar rv = [ a[0] - b[0], 0 ];\n\n\tif (a[1] >= b[1]) {\n\t\trv[1] = a[1] - b[1];\n\t} else {\n\t\trv[0]--;\n\t\trv[1] = 1e9 - (b[1] - a[1]);\n\t}\n\n\treturn (rv);\n}\n\n/*\n * Convert a hrtime reading from the array format returned by Node's\n * process.hrtime() into a scalar number of nanoseconds.\n */\nfunction hrtimeNanosec(a)\n{\n\tassertHrtime(a);\n\n\treturn (Math.floor(a[0] * 1e9 + a[1]));\n}\n\n/*\n * Convert a hrtime reading from the array format returned by Node's\n * process.hrtime() into a scalar number of microseconds.\n */\nfunction hrtimeMicrosec(a)\n{\n\tassertHrtime(a);\n\n\treturn (Math.floor(a[0] * 1e6 + a[1] / 1e3));\n}\n\n/*\n * Convert a hrtime reading from the array format returned by Node's\n * process.hrtime() into a scalar number of milliseconds.\n */\nfunction hrtimeMillisec(a)\n{\n\tassertHrtime(a);\n\n\treturn (Math.floor(a[0] * 1e3 + a[1] / 1e6));\n}\n\n/*\n * Add two hrtime readings A and B, overwriting A with the result of the\n * addition. This function is useful for accumulating several hrtime intervals\n * into a counter. Returns A.\n */\nfunction hrtimeAccum(a, b)\n{\n\tassertHrtime(a);\n\tassertHrtime(b);\n\n\t/*\n\t * Accumulate the nanosecond component.\n\t */\n\ta[1] += b[1];\n\tif (a[1] >= 1e9) {\n\t\t/*\n\t\t * The nanosecond component overflowed, so carry to the seconds\n\t\t * field.\n\t\t */\n\t\ta[0]++;\n\t\ta[1] -= 1e9;\n\t}\n\n\t/*\n\t * Accumulate the seconds component.\n\t */\n\ta[0] += b[0];\n\n\treturn (a);\n}\n\n/*\n * Add two hrtime readings A and B, returning the result as a new hrtime array.\n * Does not modify either input argument.\n */\nfunction hrtimeAdd(a, b)\n{\n\tassertHrtime(a);\n\n\tvar rv = [ a[0], a[1] ];\n\n\treturn (hrtimeAccum(rv, b));\n}\n\n\n/*\n * Check an object for unexpected properties. Accepts the object to check, and\n * an array of allowed property names (strings). Returns an array of key names\n * that were found on the object, but did not appear in the list of allowed\n * properties. If no properties were found, the returned array will be of\n * zero length.\n */\nfunction extraProperties(obj, allowed)\n{\n\tmod_assert.ok(typeof (obj) === 'object' && obj !== null,\n\t 'obj argument must be a non-null object');\n\tmod_assert.ok(Array.isArray(allowed),\n\t 'allowed argument must be an array of strings');\n\tfor (var i = 0; i < allowed.length; i++) {\n\t\tmod_assert.ok(typeof (allowed[i]) === 'string',\n\t\t 'allowed argument must be an array of strings');\n\t}\n\n\treturn (Object.keys(obj).filter(function (key) {\n\t\treturn (allowed.indexOf(key) === -1);\n\t}));\n}\n\n/*\n * Given three sets of properties \"provided\" (may be undefined), \"overrides\"\n * (required), and \"defaults\" (may be undefined), construct an object containing\n * the union of these sets with \"overrides\" overriding \"provided\", and\n * \"provided\" overriding \"defaults\". None of the input objects are modified.\n */\nfunction mergeObjects(provided, overrides, defaults)\n{\n\tvar rv, k;\n\n\trv = {};\n\tif (defaults) {\n\t\tfor (k in defaults)\n\t\t\trv[k] = defaults[k];\n\t}\n\n\tif (provided) {\n\t\tfor (k in provided)\n\t\t\trv[k] = provided[k];\n\t}\n\n\tif (overrides) {\n\t\tfor (k in overrides)\n\t\t\trv[k] = overrides[k];\n\t}\n\n\treturn (rv);\n}\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://@k8slens/open-lens/./node_modules/jsprim/lib/jsprim.js?");
  /***/ }),
@@ -12322,6 +12312,26 @@ eval("/*\n * extsprintf.js: extended POSIX-style sprintf\n */\n\nvar mod_assert
  /***/ }),
+ /***/ "./node_modules/jsprim/node_modules/verror/lib/verror.js":
+ /*!***************************************************************!*\
+ !*** ./node_modules/jsprim/node_modules/verror/lib/verror.js ***!
+ \***************************************************************/
+ /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => {
+ eval("/*\n * verror.js: richer JavaScript errors\n */\n\nvar mod_assertplus = __webpack_require__(/*! assert-plus */ \"./node_modules/assert-plus/assert.js\");\nvar mod_util = __webpack_require__(/*! util */ \"util\");\n\nvar mod_extsprintf = __webpack_require__(/*! extsprintf */ \"./node_modules/jsprim/node_modules/verror/node_modules/extsprintf/lib/extsprintf.js\");\nvar mod_isError = (__webpack_require__(/*! core-util-is */ \"./node_modules/core-util-is/lib/util.js\").isError);\nvar sprintf = mod_extsprintf.sprintf;\n\n/*\n * Public interface\n */\n\n/* So you can 'var VError = require('verror')' */\nmodule.exports = VError;\n/* For compatibility */\nVError.VError = VError;\n/* Other exported classes */\nVError.SError = SError;\nVError.WError = WError;\nVError.MultiError = MultiError;\n\n/*\n * Common function used to parse constructor arguments for VError, WError, and\n * SError. Named arguments to this function:\n *\n * strict\t\tforce strict interpretation of sprintf arguments, even\n * \t\t\tif the options in \"argv\" don't say so\n *\n * argv\t\terror's constructor arguments, which are to be\n * \t\t\tinterpreted as described in README.md. For quick\n * \t\t\treference, \"argv\" has one of the following forms:\n *\n * [ sprintf_args... ] (argv[0] is a string)\n * [ cause, sprintf_args... ] (argv[0] is an Error)\n * [ options, sprintf_args... ] (argv[0] is an object)\n *\n * This function normalizes these forms, producing an object with the following\n * properties:\n *\n * options equivalent to \"options\" in third form. This will never\n * \t\t\tbe a direct reference to what the caller passed in\n * \t\t\t(i.e., it may be a shallow copy), so it can be freely\n * \t\t\tmodified.\n *\n * shortmessage result of sprintf(sprintf_args), taking options.strict\n * \t\t\tinto account as described in README.md.\n */\nfunction parseConstructorArguments(args)\n{\n\tvar argv, options, sprintf_args, shortmessage, k;\n\n\tmod_assertplus.object(args, 'args');\n\tmod_assertplus.bool(args.strict, 'args.strict');\n\tmod_assertplus.array(args.argv, 'args.argv');\n\targv = args.argv;\n\n\t/*\n\t * First, figure out which form of invocation we've been given.\n\t */\n\tif (argv.length === 0) {\n\t\toptions = {};\n\t\tsprintf_args = [];\n\t} else if (mod_isError(argv[0])) {\n\t\toptions = { 'cause': argv[0] };\n\t\tsprintf_args = argv.slice(1);\n\t} else if (typeof (argv[0]) === 'object') {\n\t\toptions = {};\n\t\tfor (k in argv[0]) {\n\t\t\toptions[k] = argv[0][k];\n\t\t}\n\t\tsprintf_args = argv.slice(1);\n\t} else {\n\t\tmod_assertplus.string(argv[0],\n\t\t 'first argument to VError, SError, or WError ' +\n\t\t 'constructor must be a string, object, or Error');\n\t\toptions = {};\n\t\tsprintf_args = argv;\n\t}\n\n\t/*\n\t * Now construct the error's message.\n\t *\n\t * extsprintf (which we invoke here with our caller's arguments in order\n\t * to construct this Error's message) is strict in its interpretation of\n\t * values to be processed by the \"%s\" specifier. The value passed to\n\t * extsprintf must actually be a string or something convertible to a\n\t * String using .toString(). Passing other values (notably \"null\" and\n\t * \"undefined\") is considered a programmer error. The assumption is\n\t * that if you actually want to print the string \"null\" or \"undefined\",\n\t * then that's easy to do that when you're calling extsprintf; on the\n\t * other hand, if you did NOT want that (i.e., there's actually a bug\n\t * where the program assumes some variable is non-null and tries to\n\t * print it, which might happen when constructing a packet or file in\n\t * some specific format), then it's better to stop immediately than\n\t * produce bogus output.\n\t *\n\t * However, sometimes the bug is only in the code calling VError, and a\n\t * programmer might prefer to have the error message contain \"null\" or\n\t * \"undefined\" rather than have the bug in the error path crash the\n\t * program (making the first bug harder to identify). For that reason,\n\t * by default VError converts \"null\" or \"undefined\" arguments to their\n\t * string representations and passes those to extsprintf. Programmers\n\t * desiring the strict behavior can use the SError class or pass the\n\t * \"strict\" option to the VError constructor.\n\t */\n\tmod_assertplus.object(options);\n\tif (!options.strict && !args.strict) {\n\t\tsprintf_args = sprintf_args.map(function (a) {\n\t\t\treturn (a === null ? 'null' :\n\t\t\t a === undefined ? 'undefined' : a);\n\t\t});\n\t}\n\n\tif (sprintf_args.length === 0) {\n\t\tshortmessage = '';\n\t} else {\n\t\tshortmessage = sprintf.apply(null, sprintf_args);\n\t}\n\n\treturn ({\n\t 'options': options,\n\t 'shortmessage': shortmessage\n\t});\n}\n\n/*\n * See README.md for reference documentation.\n */\nfunction VError()\n{\n\tvar args, obj, parsed, cause, ctor, message, k;\n\n\targs = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0);\n\n\t/*\n\t * This is a regrettable pattern, but JavaScript's built-in Error class\n\t * is defined to work this way, so we allow the constructor to be called\n\t * without \"new\".\n\t */\n\tif (!(this instanceof VError)) {\n\t\tobj = Object.create(VError.prototype);\n\t\tVError.apply(obj, arguments);\n\t\treturn (obj);\n\t}\n\n\t/*\n\t * For convenience and backwards compatibility, we support several\n\t * different calling forms. Normalize them here.\n\t */\n\tparsed = parseConstructorArguments({\n\t 'argv': args,\n\t 'strict': false\n\t});\n\n\t/*\n\t * If we've been given a name, apply it now.\n\t */\n\tif (parsed.options.name) {\n\t\tmod_assertplus.string(parsed.options.name,\n\t\t 'error\\'s \"name\" must be a string');\n\t\tthis.name = parsed.options.name;\n\t}\n\n\t/*\n\t * For debugging, we keep track of the original short message (attached\n\t * this Error particularly) separately from the complete message (which\n\t * includes the messages of our cause chain).\n\t */\n\tthis.jse_shortmsg = parsed.shortmessage;\n\tmessage = parsed.shortmessage;\n\n\t/*\n\t * If we've been given a cause, record a reference to it and update our\n\t * message appropriately.\n\t */\n\tcause = parsed.options.cause;\n\tif (cause) {\n\t\tmod_assertplus.ok(mod_isError(cause), 'cause is not an Error');\n\t\tthis.jse_cause = cause;\n\n\t\tif (!parsed.options.skipCauseMessage) {\n\t\t\tmessage += ': ' + cause.message;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\t/*\n\t * If we've been given an object with properties, shallow-copy that\n\t * here. We don't want to use a deep copy in case there are non-plain\n\t * objects here, but we don't want to use the original object in case\n\t * the caller modifies it later.\n\t */\n\tthis.jse_info = {};\n\tif (parsed.options.info) {\n\t\tfor (k in parsed.options.info) {\n\t\t\tthis.jse_info[k] = parsed.options.info[k];\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\tthis.message = message;\n\tError.call(this, message);\n\n\tif (Error.captureStackTrace) {\n\t\tctor = parsed.options.constructorOpt || this.constructor;\n\t\tError.captureStackTrace(this, ctor);\n\t}\n\n\treturn (this);\n}\n\nmod_util.inherits(VError, Error);\nVError.prototype.name = 'VError';\n\nVError.prototype.toString = function ve_toString()\n{\n\tvar str = (this.hasOwnProperty('name') && this.name ||\n\t\tthis.constructor.name || this.constructor.prototype.name);\n\tif (this.message)\n\t\tstr += ': ' + this.message;\n\n\treturn (str);\n};\n\n/*\n * This method is provided for compatibility. New callers should use\n * VError.cause() instead. That method also uses the saner `null` return value\n * when there is no cause.\n */\nVError.prototype.cause = function ve_cause()\n{\n\tvar cause = VError.cause(this);\n\treturn (cause === null ? undefined : cause);\n};\n\n/*\n * Static methods\n *\n * These class-level methods are provided so that callers can use them on\n * instances of Errors that are not VErrors. New interfaces should be provided\n * only using static methods to eliminate the class of programming mistake where\n * people fail to check whether the Error object has the corresponding methods.\n */\n\nVError.cause = function (err)\n{\n\tmod_assertplus.ok(mod_isError(err), 'err must be an Error');\n\treturn (mod_isError(err.jse_cause) ? err.jse_cause : null);\n};\n\nVError.info = function (err)\n{\n\tvar rv, cause, k;\n\n\tmod_assertplus.ok(mod_isError(err), 'err must be an Error');\n\tcause = VError.cause(err);\n\tif (cause !== null) {\n\t\trv = VError.info(cause);\n\t} else {\n\t\trv = {};\n\t}\n\n\tif (typeof (err.jse_info) == 'object' && err.jse_info !== null) {\n\t\tfor (k in err.jse_info) {\n\t\t\trv[k] = err.jse_info[k];\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\treturn (rv);\n};\n\nVError.findCauseByName = function (err, name)\n{\n\tvar cause;\n\n\tmod_assertplus.ok(mod_isError(err), 'err must be an Error');\n\tmod_assertplus.string(name, 'name');\n\tmod_assertplus.ok(name.length > 0, 'name cannot be empty');\n\n\tfor (cause = err; cause !== null; cause = VError.cause(cause)) {\n\t\tmod_assertplus.ok(mod_isError(cause));\n\t\tif (cause.name == name) {\n\t\t\treturn (cause);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\treturn (null);\n};\n\nVError.hasCauseWithName = function (err, name)\n{\n\treturn (VError.findCauseByName(err, name) !== null);\n};\n\nVError.fullStack = function (err)\n{\n\tmod_assertplus.ok(mod_isError(err), 'err must be an Error');\n\n\tvar cause = VError.cause(err);\n\n\tif (cause) {\n\t\treturn (err.stack + '\\ncaused by: ' + VError.fullStack(cause));\n\t}\n\n\treturn (err.stack);\n};\n\nVError.errorFromList = function (errors)\n{\n\tmod_assertplus.arrayOfObject(errors, 'errors');\n\n\tif (errors.length === 0) {\n\t\treturn (null);\n\t}\n\n\terrors.forEach(function (e) {\n\t\tmod_assertplus.ok(mod_isError(e));\n\t});\n\n\tif (errors.length == 1) {\n\t\treturn (errors[0]);\n\t}\n\n\treturn (new MultiError(errors));\n};\n\nVError.errorForEach = function (err, func)\n{\n\tmod_assertplus.ok(mod_isError(err), 'err must be an Error');\n\tmod_assertplus.func(func, 'func');\n\n\tif (err instanceof MultiError) {\n\t\terr.errors().forEach(function iterError(e) { func(e); });\n\t} else {\n\t\tfunc(err);\n\t}\n};\n\n\n/*\n * SError is like VError, but stricter about types. You cannot pass \"null\" or\n * \"undefined\" as string arguments to the formatter.\n */\nfunction SError()\n{\n\tvar args, obj, parsed, options;\n\n\targs = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0);\n\tif (!(this instanceof SError)) {\n\t\tobj = Object.create(SError.prototype);\n\t\tSError.apply(obj, arguments);\n\t\treturn (obj);\n\t}\n\n\tparsed = parseConstructorArguments({\n\t 'argv': args,\n\t 'strict': true\n\t});\n\n\toptions = parsed.options;\n\tVError.call(this, options, '%s', parsed.shortmessage);\n\n\treturn (this);\n}\n\n/*\n * We don't bother setting SError.prototype.name because once constructed,\n * SErrors are just like VErrors.\n */\nmod_util.inherits(SError, VError);\n\n\n/*\n * Represents a collection of errors for the purpose of consumers that generally\n * only deal with one error. Callers can extract the individual errors\n * contained in this object, but may also just treat it as a normal single\n * error, in which case a summary message will be printed.\n */\nfunction MultiError(errors)\n{\n\tmod_assertplus.array(errors, 'list of errors');\n\tmod_assertplus.ok(errors.length > 0, 'must be at least one error');\n\tthis.ase_errors = errors;\n\n\tVError.call(this, {\n\t 'cause': errors[0]\n\t}, 'first of %d error%s', errors.length, errors.length == 1 ? '' : 's');\n}\n\nmod_util.inherits(MultiError, VError);\nMultiError.prototype.name = 'MultiError';\n\nMultiError.prototype.errors = function me_errors()\n{\n\treturn (this.ase_errors.slice(0));\n};\n\n\n/*\n * See README.md for reference details.\n */\nfunction WError()\n{\n\tvar args, obj, parsed, options;\n\n\targs = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0);\n\tif (!(this instanceof WError)) {\n\t\tobj = Object.create(WError.prototype);\n\t\tWError.apply(obj, args);\n\t\treturn (obj);\n\t}\n\n\tparsed = parseConstructorArguments({\n\t 'argv': args,\n\t 'strict': false\n\t});\n\n\toptions = parsed.options;\n\toptions['skipCauseMessage'] = true;\n\tVError.call(this, options, '%s', parsed.shortmessage);\n\n\treturn (this);\n}\n\nmod_util.inherits(WError, VError);\nWError.prototype.name = 'WError';\n\nWError.prototype.toString = function we_toString()\n{\n\tvar str = (this.hasOwnProperty('name') && this.name ||\n\t\tthis.constructor.name || this.constructor.prototype.name);\n\tif (this.message)\n\t\tstr += ': ' + this.message;\n\tif (this.jse_cause && this.jse_cause.message)\n\t\tstr += '; caused by ' + this.jse_cause.toString();\n\n\treturn (str);\n};\n\n/*\n * For purely historical reasons, WError's cause() function allows you to set\n * the cause.\n */\nWError.prototype.cause = function we_cause(c)\n{\n\tif (mod_isError(c))\n\t\tthis.jse_cause = c;\n\n\treturn (this.jse_cause);\n};\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://@k8slens/open-lens/./node_modules/jsprim/node_modules/verror/lib/verror.js?");
+ /***/ }),
+ /***/ "./node_modules/jsprim/node_modules/verror/node_modules/extsprintf/lib/extsprintf.js":
+ /*!*******************************************************************************************!*\
+ !*** ./node_modules/jsprim/node_modules/verror/node_modules/extsprintf/lib/extsprintf.js ***!
+ \*******************************************************************************************/
+ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__) => {
+ eval("/*\n * extsprintf.js: extended POSIX-style sprintf\n */\n\nvar mod_assert = __webpack_require__(/*! assert */ \"assert\");\nvar mod_util = __webpack_require__(/*! util */ \"util\");\n\n/*\n * Public interface\n */\nexports.sprintf = jsSprintf;\nexports.printf = jsPrintf;\nexports.fprintf = jsFprintf;\n\n/*\n * Stripped down version of s[n]printf(3c). We make a best effort to throw an\n * exception when given a format string we don't understand, rather than\n * ignoring it, so that we won't break existing programs if/when we go implement\n * the rest of this.\n *\n * This implementation currently supports specifying\n *\t- field alignment ('-' flag),\n * \t- zero-pad ('0' flag)\n *\t- always show numeric sign ('+' flag),\n *\t- field width\n *\t- conversions for strings, decimal integers, and floats (numbers).\n *\t- argument size specifiers. These are all accepted but ignored, since\n *\t Javascript has no notion of the physical size of an argument.\n *\n * Everything else is currently unsupported, most notably precision, unsigned\n * numbers, non-decimal numbers, and characters.\n */\nfunction jsSprintf(ofmt)\n{\n\tvar regex = [\n\t '([^%]*)',\t\t\t\t/* normal text */\n\t '%',\t\t\t\t/* start of format */\n\t '([\\'\\\\-+ #0]*?)',\t\t\t/* flags (optional) */\n\t '([1-9]\\\\d*)?',\t\t\t/* width (optional) */\n\t '(\\\\.([1-9]\\\\d*))?',\t\t/* precision (optional) */\n\t '[lhjztL]*?',\t\t\t/* length mods (ignored) */\n\t '([diouxXfFeEgGaAcCsSp%jr])'\t/* conversion */\n\t].join('');\n\n\tvar re = new RegExp(regex);\n\n\t/* variadic arguments used to fill in conversion specifiers */\n\tvar args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);\n\t/* remaining format string */\n\tvar fmt = ofmt;\n\n\t/* components of the current conversion specifier */\n\tvar flags, width, precision, conversion;\n\tvar left, pad, sign, arg, match;\n\n\t/* return value */\n\tvar ret = '';\n\n\t/* current variadic argument (1-based) */\n\tvar argn = 1;\n\t/* 0-based position in the format string that we've read */\n\tvar posn = 0;\n\t/* 1-based position in the format string of the current conversion */\n\tvar convposn;\n\t/* current conversion specifier */\n\tvar curconv;\n\n\tmod_assert.equal('string', typeof (fmt),\n\t 'first argument must be a format string');\n\n\twhile ((match = re.exec(fmt)) !== null) {\n\t\tret += match[1];\n\t\tfmt = fmt.substring(match[0].length);\n\n\t\t/*\n\t\t * Update flags related to the current conversion specifier's\n\t\t * position so that we can report clear error messages.\n\t\t */\n\t\tcurconv = match[0].substring(match[1].length);\n\t\tconvposn = posn + match[1].length + 1;\n\t\tposn += match[0].length;\n\n\t\tflags = match[2] || '';\n\t\twidth = match[3] || 0;\n\t\tprecision = match[4] || '';\n\t\tconversion = match[6];\n\t\tleft = false;\n\t\tsign = false;\n\t\tpad = ' ';\n\n\t\tif (conversion == '%') {\n\t\t\tret += '%';\n\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (args.length === 0) {\n\t\t\tthrow (jsError(ofmt, convposn, curconv,\n\t\t\t 'has no matching argument ' +\n\t\t\t '(too few arguments passed)'));\n\t\t}\n\n\t\targ = args.shift();\n\t\targn++;\n\n\t\tif (flags.match(/[\\' #]/)) {\n\t\t\tthrow (jsError(ofmt, convposn, curconv,\n\t\t\t 'uses unsupported flags'));\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (precision.length > 0) {\n\t\t\tthrow (jsError(ofmt, convposn, curconv,\n\t\t\t 'uses non-zero precision (not supported)'));\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (flags.match(/-/))\n\t\t\tleft = true;\n\n\t\tif (flags.match(/0/))\n\t\t\tpad = '0';\n\n\t\tif (flags.match(/\\+/))\n\t\t\tsign = true;\n\n\t\tswitch (conversion) {\n\t\tcase 's':\n\t\t\tif (arg === undefined || arg === null) {\n\t\t\t\tthrow (jsError(ofmt, convposn, curconv,\n\t\t\t\t 'attempted to print undefined or null ' +\n\t\t\t\t 'as a string (argument ' + argn + ' to ' +\n\t\t\t\t 'sprintf)'));\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tret += doPad(pad, width, left, arg.toString());\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\n\t\tcase 'd':\n\t\t\targ = Math.floor(arg);\n\t\t\t/*jsl:fallthru*/\n\t\tcase 'f':\n\t\t\tsign = sign && arg > 0 ? '+' : '';\n\t\t\tret += sign + doPad(pad, width, left,\n\t\t\t arg.toString());\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\n\t\tcase 'x':\n\t\t\tret += doPad(pad, width, left, arg.toString(16));\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\n\t\tcase 'j': /* non-standard */\n\t\t\tif (width === 0)\n\t\t\t\twidth = 10;\n\t\t\tret += mod_util.inspect(arg, false, width);\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\n\t\tcase 'r': /* non-standard */\n\t\t\tret += dumpException(arg);\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\n\t\tdefault:\n\t\t\tthrow (jsError(ofmt, convposn, curconv,\n\t\t\t 'is not supported'));\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\tret += fmt;\n\treturn (ret);\n}\n\nfunction jsError(fmtstr, convposn, curconv, reason) {\n\tmod_assert.equal(typeof (fmtstr), 'string');\n\tmod_assert.equal(typeof (curconv), 'string');\n\tmod_assert.equal(typeof (convposn), 'number');\n\tmod_assert.equal(typeof (reason), 'string');\n\treturn (new Error('format string \"' + fmtstr +\n\t '\": conversion specifier \"' + curconv + '\" at character ' +\n\t convposn + ' ' + reason));\n}\n\nfunction jsPrintf() {\n\tvar args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);\n\targs.unshift(process.stdout);\n\tjsFprintf.apply(null, args);\n}\n\nfunction jsFprintf(stream) {\n\tvar args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);\n\treturn (stream.write(jsSprintf.apply(this, args)));\n}\n\nfunction doPad(chr, width, left, str)\n{\n\tvar ret = str;\n\n\twhile (ret.length < width) {\n\t\tif (left)\n\t\t\tret += chr;\n\t\telse\n\t\t\tret = chr + ret;\n\t}\n\n\treturn (ret);\n}\n\n/*\n * This function dumps long stack traces for exceptions having a cause() method.\n * See node-verror for an example.\n */\nfunction dumpException(ex)\n{\n\tvar ret;\n\n\tif (!(ex instanceof Error))\n\t\tthrow (new Error(jsSprintf('invalid type for %%r: %j', ex)));\n\n\t/* Note that V8 prepends \"ex.stack\" with ex.toString(). */\n\tret = 'EXCEPTION: ' + ex.constructor.name + ': ' + ex.stack;\n\n\tif (ex.cause && typeof (ex.cause) === 'function') {\n\t\tvar cex = ex.cause();\n\t\tif (cex) {\n\t\t\tret += '\\nCaused by: ' + dumpException(cex);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\treturn (ret);\n}\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://@k8slens/open-lens/./node_modules/jsprim/node_modules/verror/node_modules/extsprintf/lib/extsprintf.js?");
+ /***/ }),
  /***/ "./node_modules/jss-plugin-camel-case/dist/jss-plugin-camel-case.esm.js":
  !*** ./node_modules/jss-plugin-camel-case/dist/jss-plugin-camel-case.esm.js ***!
@@ -24368,7 +24378,7 @@ eval("\n\nvar caseless = __webpack_require__(/*! caseless */ \"./node_modules/ca
  /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__) => {
  "use strict";
- eval("\n\nvar tough = __webpack_require__(/*! tough-cookie */ \"./node_modules/tough-cookie/lib/cookie.js\")\n\nvar Cookie = tough.Cookie\nvar CookieJar = tough.CookieJar\n\nexports.parse = function (str) {\n if (str && str.uri) {\n str = str.uri\n }\n if (typeof str !== 'string') {\n throw new Error('The cookie function only accepts STRING as param')\n }\n return Cookie.parse(str, {loose: true})\n}\n\n// Adapt the sometimes-Async api of tough.CookieJar to our requirements\nfunction RequestJar (store) {\n var self = this\n self._jar = new CookieJar(store, {looseMode: true})\n}\nRequestJar.prototype.setCookie = function (cookieOrStr, uri, options) {\n var self = this\n return self._jar.setCookieSync(cookieOrStr, uri, options || {})\n}\nRequestJar.prototype.getCookieString = function (uri) {\n var self = this\n return self._jar.getCookieStringSync(uri)\n}\nRequestJar.prototype.getCookies = function (uri) {\n var self = this\n return self._jar.getCookiesSync(uri)\n}\n\nexports.jar = function (store) {\n return new RequestJar(store)\n}\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://@k8slens/open-lens/./node_modules/request/lib/cookies.js?");
+ eval("\n\nvar tough = __webpack_require__(/*! tough-cookie */ \"./node_modules/request/node_modules/tough-cookie/lib/cookie.js\")\n\nvar Cookie = tough.Cookie\nvar CookieJar = tough.CookieJar\n\nexports.parse = function (str) {\n if (str && str.uri) {\n str = str.uri\n }\n if (typeof str !== 'string') {\n throw new Error('The cookie function only accepts STRING as param')\n }\n return Cookie.parse(str, {loose: true})\n}\n\n// Adapt the sometimes-Async api of tough.CookieJar to our requirements\nfunction RequestJar (store) {\n var self = this\n self._jar = new CookieJar(store, {looseMode: true})\n}\nRequestJar.prototype.setCookie = function (cookieOrStr, uri, options) {\n var self = this\n return self._jar.setCookieSync(cookieOrStr, uri, options || {})\n}\nRequestJar.prototype.getCookieString = function (uri) {\n var self = this\n return self._jar.getCookieStringSync(uri)\n}\nRequestJar.prototype.getCookies = function (uri) {\n var self = this\n return self._jar.getCookiesSync(uri)\n}\n\nexports.jar = function (store) {\n return new RequestJar(store)\n}\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://@k8slens/open-lens/./node_modules/request/lib/cookies.js?");
  /***/ }),
@@ -24536,6 +24546,82 @@ eval("\n\nvar has = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;\n\nvar hexTable = (function
  /***/ }),
+ /***/ "./node_modules/request/node_modules/tough-cookie/lib/cookie.js":
+ /*!**********************************************************************!*\
+ !*** ./node_modules/request/node_modules/tough-cookie/lib/cookie.js ***!
+ \**********************************************************************/
+ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__) => {
+ "use strict";
+ eval("/*!\n * Copyright (c) 2015, Salesforce.com, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\n * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:\n *\n * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,\n * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.\n *\n * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,\n * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation\n * and/or other materials provided with the distribution.\n *\n * 3. Neither the name of Salesforce.com nor the names of its contributors may\n * be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without\n * specific prior written permission.\n *\n * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS \"AS IS\"\n * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE\n * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE\n * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE\n * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR\n * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF\n * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS\n * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN\n * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE)\n * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE\n * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n */\n\nvar net = __webpack_require__(/*! net */ \"net\");\nvar urlParse = (__webpack_require__(/*! url */ \"url\").parse);\nvar util = __webpack_require__(/*! util */ \"util\");\nvar pubsuffix = __webpack_require__(/*! ./pubsuffix-psl */ \"./node_modules/request/node_modules/tough-cookie/lib/pubsuffix-psl.js\");\nvar Store = (__webpack_require__(/*! ./store */ \"./node_modules/request/node_modules/tough-cookie/lib/store.js\").Store);\nvar MemoryCookieStore = (__webpack_require__(/*! ./memstore */ \"./node_modules/request/node_modules/tough-cookie/lib/memstore.js\").MemoryCookieStore);\nvar pathMatch = (__webpack_require__(/*! ./pathMatch */ \"./node_modules/request/node_modules/tough-cookie/lib/pathMatch.js\").pathMatch);\nvar VERSION = __webpack_require__(/*! ./version */ \"./node_modules/request/node_modules/tough-cookie/lib/version.js\");\n\nvar punycode;\ntry {\n punycode = __webpack_require__(/*! punycode */ \"punycode\");\n} catch(e) {\n console.warn(\"tough-cookie: can't load punycode; won't use punycode for domain normalization\");\n}\n\n// From RFC6265 S4.1.1\n// note that it excludes \\x3B \";\"\nvar COOKIE_OCTETS = /^[\\x21\\x23-\\x2B\\x2D-\\x3A\\x3C-\\x5B\\x5D-\\x7E]+$/;\n\nvar CONTROL_CHARS = /[\\x00-\\x1F]/;\n\n// From Chromium // '\\r', '\\n' and '\\0' should be treated as a terminator in\n// the \"relaxed\" mode, see:\n// https://github.com/ChromiumWebApps/chromium/blob/b3d3b4da8bb94c1b2e061600df106d590fda3620/net/cookies/parsed_cookie.cc#L60\nvar TERMINATORS = ['\\n', '\\r', '\\0'];\n\n// RFC6265 S4.1.1 defines path value as 'any CHAR except CTLs or \";\"'\n// Note ';' is \\x3B\nvar PATH_VALUE = /[\\x20-\\x3A\\x3C-\\x7E]+/;\n\n// date-time parsing constants (RFC6265 S5.1.1)\n\nvar DATE_DELIM = /[\\x09\\x20-\\x2F\\x3B-\\x40\\x5B-\\x60\\x7B-\\x7E]/;\n\nvar MONTH_TO_NUM = {\n jan:0, feb:1, mar:2, apr:3, may:4, jun:5,\n jul:6, aug:7, sep:8, oct:9, nov:10, dec:11\n};\nvar NUM_TO_MONTH = [\n 'Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec'\n];\nvar NUM_TO_DAY = [\n 'Sun','Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat'\n];\n\nvar MAX_TIME = 2147483647000; // 31-bit max\nvar MIN_TIME = 0; // 31-bit min\n\n/*\n * Parses a Natural number (i.e., non-negative integer) with either the\n * <min>*<max>DIGIT ( non-digit *OCTET )\n * or\n * <min>*<max>DIGIT\n * grammar (RFC6265 S5.1.1).\n *\n * The \"trailingOK\" boolean controls if the grammar accepts a\n * \"( non-digit *OCTET )\" trailer.\n */\nfunction parseDigits(token, minDigits, maxDigits, trailingOK) {\n var count = 0;\n while (count < token.length) {\n var c = token.charCodeAt(count);\n // \"non-digit = %x00-2F / %x3A-FF\"\n if (c <= 0x2F || c >= 0x3A) {\n break;\n }\n count++;\n }\n\n // constrain to a minimum and maximum number of digits.\n if (count < minDigits || count > maxDigits) {\n return null;\n }\n\n if (!trailingOK && count != token.length) {\n return null;\n }\n\n return parseInt(token.substr(0,count), 10);\n}\n\nfunction parseTime(token) {\n var parts = token.split(':');\n var result = [0,0,0];\n\n /* RF6256 S5.1.1:\n * time = hms-time ( non-digit *OCTET )\n * hms-time = time-field \":\" time-field \":\" time-field\n * time-field = 1*2DIGIT\n */\n\n if (parts.length !== 3) {\n return null;\n }\n\n for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {\n // \"time-field\" must be strictly \"1*2DIGIT\", HOWEVER, \"hms-time\" can be\n // followed by \"( non-digit *OCTET )\" so therefore the last time-field can\n // have a trailer\n var trailingOK = (i == 2);\n var num = parseDigits(parts[i], 1, 2, trailingOK);\n if (num === null) {\n return null;\n }\n result[i] = num;\n }\n\n return result;\n}\n\nfunction parseMonth(token) {\n token = String(token).substr(0,3).toLowerCase();\n var num = MONTH_TO_NUM[token];\n return num >= 0 ? num : null;\n}\n\n/*\n * RFC6265 S5.1.1 date parser (see RFC for full grammar)\n */\nfunction parseDate(str) {\n if (!str) {\n return;\n }\n\n /* RFC6265 S5.1.1:\n * 2. Process each date-token sequentially in the order the date-tokens\n * appear in the cookie-date\n */\n var tokens = str.split(DATE_DELIM);\n if (!tokens) {\n return;\n }\n\n var hour = null;\n var minute = null;\n var second = null;\n var dayOfMonth = null;\n var month = null;\n var year = null;\n\n for (var i=0; i<tokens.length; i++) {\n var token = tokens[i].trim();\n if (!token.length) {\n continue;\n }\n\n var result;\n\n /* 2.1. If the found-time flag is not set and the token matches the time\n * production, set the found-time flag and set the hour- value,\n * minute-value, and second-value to the numbers denoted by the digits in\n * the date-token, respectively. Skip the remaining sub-steps and continue\n * to the next date-token.\n */\n if (second === null) {\n result = parseTime(token);\n if (result) {\n hour = result[0];\n minute = result[1];\n second = result[2];\n continue;\n }\n }\n\n /* 2.2. If the found-day-of-month flag is not set and the date-token matches\n * the day-of-month production, set the found-day-of- month flag and set\n * the day-of-month-value to the number denoted by the date-token. Skip\n * the remaining sub-steps and continue to the next date-token.\n */\n if (dayOfMonth === null) {\n // \"day-of-month = 1*2DIGIT ( non-digit *OCTET )\"\n result = parseDigits(token, 1, 2, true);\n if (result !== null) {\n dayOfMonth = result;\n continue;\n }\n }\n\n /* 2.3. If the found-month flag is not set and the date-token matches the\n * month production, set the found-month flag and set the month-value to\n * the month denoted by the date-token. Skip the remaining sub-steps and\n * continue to the next date-token.\n */\n if (month === null) {\n result = parseMonth(token);\n if (result !== null) {\n month = result;\n continue;\n }\n }\n\n /* 2.4. If the found-year flag is not set and the date-token matches the\n * year production, set the found-year flag and set the year-value to the\n * number denoted by the date-token. Skip the remaining sub-steps and\n * continue to the next date-token.\n */\n if (year === null) {\n // \"year = 2*4DIGIT ( non-digit *OCTET )\"\n result = parseDigits(token, 2, 4, true);\n if (result !== null) {\n year = result;\n /* From S5.1.1:\n * 3. If the year-value is greater than or equal to 70 and less\n * than or equal to 99, increment the year-value by 1900.\n * 4. If the year-value is greater than or equal to 0 and less\n * than or equal to 69, increment the year-value by 2000.\n */\n if (year >= 70 && year <= 99) {\n year += 1900;\n } else if (year >= 0 && year <= 69) {\n year += 2000;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n /* RFC 6265 S5.1.1\n * \"5. Abort these steps and fail to parse the cookie-date if:\n * * at least one of the found-day-of-month, found-month, found-\n * year, or found-time flags is not set,\n * * the day-of-month-value is less than 1 or greater than 31,\n * * the year-value is less than 1601,\n * * the hour-value is greater than 23,\n * * the minute-value is greater than 59, or\n * * the second-value is greater than 59.\n * (Note that leap seconds cannot be represented in this syntax.)\"\n *\n * So, in order as above:\n */\n if (\n dayOfMonth === null || month === null || year === null || second === null ||\n dayOfMonth < 1 || dayOfMonth > 31 ||\n year < 1601 ||\n hour > 23 ||\n minute > 59 ||\n second > 59\n ) {\n return;\n }\n\n return new Date(Date.UTC(year, month, dayOfMonth, hour, minute, second));\n}\n\nfunction formatDate(date) {\n var d = date.getUTCDate(); d = d >= 10 ? d : '0'+d;\n var h = date.getUTCHours(); h = h >= 10 ? h : '0'+h;\n var m = date.getUTCMinutes(); m = m >= 10 ? m : '0'+m;\n var s = date.getUTCSeconds(); s = s >= 10 ? s : '0'+s;\n return NUM_TO_DAY[date.getUTCDay()] + ', ' +\n d+' '+ NUM_TO_MONTH[date.getUTCMonth()] +' '+ date.getUTCFullYear() +' '+\n h+':'+m+':'+s+' GMT';\n}\n\n// S5.1.2 Canonicalized Host Names\nfunction canonicalDomain(str) {\n if (str == null) {\n return null;\n }\n str = str.trim().replace(/^\\./,''); // S4.1.2.3 & S5.2.3: ignore leading .\n\n // convert to IDN if any non-ASCII characters\n if (punycode && /[^\\u0001-\\u007f]/.test(str)) {\n str = punycode.toASCII(str);\n }\n\n return str.toLowerCase();\n}\n\n// S5.1.3 Domain Matching\nfunction domainMatch(str, domStr, canonicalize) {\n if (str == null || domStr == null) {\n return null;\n }\n if (canonicalize !== false) {\n str = canonicalDomain(str);\n domStr = canonicalDomain(domStr);\n }\n\n /*\n * \"The domain string and the string are identical. (Note that both the\n * domain string and the string will have been canonicalized to lower case at\n * this point)\"\n */\n if (str == domStr) {\n return true;\n }\n\n /* \"All of the following [three] conditions hold:\" (order adjusted from the RFC) */\n\n /* \"* The string is a host name (i.e., not an IP address).\" */\n if (net.isIP(str)) {\n return false;\n }\n\n /* \"* The domain string is a suffix of the string\" */\n var idx = str.indexOf(domStr);\n if (idx <= 0) {\n return false; // it's a non-match (-1) or prefix (0)\n }\n\n // e.g \"a.b.c\".indexOf(\"b.c\") === 2\n // 5 === 3+2\n if (str.length !== domStr.length + idx) { // it's not a suffix\n return false;\n }\n\n /* \"* The last character of the string that is not included in the domain\n * string is a %x2E (\".\") character.\" */\n if (str.substr(idx-1,1) !== '.') {\n return false;\n }\n\n return true;\n}\n\n\n// RFC6265 S5.1.4 Paths and Path-Match\n\n/*\n * \"The user agent MUST use an algorithm equivalent to the following algorithm\n * to compute the default-path of a cookie:\"\n *\n * Assumption: the path (and not query part or absolute uri) is passed in.\n */\nfunction defaultPath(path) {\n // \"2. If the uri-path is empty or if the first character of the uri-path is not\n // a %x2F (\"/\") character, output %x2F (\"/\") and skip the remaining steps.\n if (!path || path.substr(0,1) !== \"/\") {\n return \"/\";\n }\n\n // \"3. If the uri-path contains no more than one %x2F (\"/\") character, output\n // %x2F (\"/\") and skip the remaining step.\"\n if (path === \"/\") {\n return path;\n }\n\n var rightSlash = path.lastIndexOf(\"/\");\n if (rightSlash === 0) {\n return \"/\";\n }\n\n // \"4. Output the characters of the uri-path from the first character up to,\n // but not including, the right-most %x2F (\"/\").\"\n return path.slice(0, rightSlash);\n}\n\nfunction trimTerminator(str) {\n for (var t = 0; t < TERMINATORS.length; t++) {\n var terminatorIdx = str.indexOf(TERMINATORS[t]);\n if (terminatorIdx !== -1) {\n str = str.substr(0,terminatorIdx);\n }\n }\n\n return str;\n}\n\nfunction parseCookiePair(cookiePair, looseMode) {\n cookiePair = trimTerminator(cookiePair);\n\n var firstEq = cookiePair.indexOf('=');\n if (looseMode) {\n if (firstEq === 0) { // '=' is immediately at start\n cookiePair = cookiePair.substr(1);\n firstEq = cookiePair.indexOf('='); // might still need to split on '='\n }\n } else { // non-loose mode\n if (firstEq <= 0) { // no '=' or is at start\n return; // needs to have non-empty \"cookie-name\"\n }\n }\n\n var cookieName, cookieValue;\n if (firstEq <= 0) {\n cookieName = \"\";\n cookieValue = cookiePair.trim();\n } else {\n cookieName = cookiePair.substr(0, firstEq).trim();\n cookieValue = cookiePair.substr(firstEq+1).trim();\n }\n\n if (CONTROL_CHARS.test(cookieName) || CONTROL_CHARS.test(cookieValue)) {\n return;\n }\n\n var c = new Cookie();\n c.key = cookieName;\n c.value = cookieValue;\n return c;\n}\n\nfunction parse(str, options) {\n if (!options || typeof options !== 'object') {\n options = {};\n }\n str = str.trim();\n\n // We use a regex to parse the \"name-value-pair\" part of S5.2\n var firstSemi = str.indexOf(';'); // S5.2 step 1\n var cookiePair = (firstSemi === -1) ? str : str.substr(0, firstSemi);\n var c = parseCookiePair(cookiePair, !!options.loose);\n if (!c) {\n return;\n }\n\n if (firstSemi === -1) {\n return c;\n }\n\n // S5.2.3 \"unparsed-attributes consist of the remainder of the set-cookie-string\n // (including the %x3B (\";\") in question).\" plus later on in the same section\n // \"discard the first \";\" and trim\".\n var unparsed = str.slice(firstSemi + 1).trim();\n\n // \"If the unparsed-attributes string is empty, skip the rest of these\n // steps.\"\n if (unparsed.length === 0) {\n return c;\n }\n\n /*\n * S5.2 says that when looping over the items \"[p]rocess the attribute-name\n * and attribute-value according to the requirements in the following\n * subsections\" for every item. Plus, for many of the individual attributes\n * in S5.3 it says to use the \"attribute-value of the last attribute in the\n * cookie-attribute-list\". Therefore, in this implementation, we overwrite\n * the previous value.\n */\n var cookie_avs = unparsed.split(';');\n while (cookie_avs.length) {\n var av = cookie_avs.shift().trim();\n if (av.length === 0) { // happens if \";;\" appears\n continue;\n }\n var av_sep = av.indexOf('=');\n var av_key, av_value;\n\n if (av_sep === -1) {\n av_key = av;\n av_value = null;\n } else {\n av_key = av.substr(0,av_sep);\n av_value = av.substr(av_sep+1);\n }\n\n av_key = av_key.trim().toLowerCase();\n\n if (av_value) {\n av_value = av_value.trim();\n }\n\n switch(av_key) {\n case 'expires': // S5.2.1\n if (av_value) {\n var exp = parseDate(av_value);\n // \"If the attribute-value failed to parse as a cookie date, ignore the\n // cookie-av.\"\n if (exp) {\n // over and underflow not realistically a concern: V8's getTime() seems to\n // store something larger than a 32-bit time_t (even with 32-bit node)\n c.expires = exp;\n }\n }\n break;\n\n case 'max-age': // S5.2.2\n if (av_value) {\n // \"If the first character of the attribute-value is not a DIGIT or a \"-\"\n // character ...[or]... If the remainder of attribute-value contains a\n // non-DIGIT character, ignore the cookie-av.\"\n if (/^-?[0-9]+$/.test(av_value)) {\n var delta = parseInt(av_value, 10);\n // \"If delta-seconds is less than or equal to zero (0), let expiry-time\n // be the earliest representable date and time.\"\n c.setMaxAge(delta);\n }\n }\n break;\n\n case 'domain': // S5.2.3\n // \"If the attribute-value is empty, the behavior is undefined. However,\n // the user agent SHOULD ignore the cookie-av entirely.\"\n if (av_value) {\n // S5.2.3 \"Let cookie-domain be the attribute-value without the leading %x2E\n // (\".\") character.\"\n var domain = av_value.trim().replace(/^\\./, '');\n if (domain) {\n // \"Convert the cookie-domain to lower case.\"\n c.domain = domain.toLowerCase();\n }\n }\n break;\n\n case 'path': // S5.2.4\n /*\n * \"If the attribute-value is empty or if the first character of the\n * attribute-value is not %x2F (\"/\"):\n * Let cookie-path be the default-path.\n * Otherwise:\n * Let cookie-path be the attribute-value.\"\n *\n * We'll represent the default-path as null since it depends on the\n * context of the parsing.\n */\n c.path = av_value && av_value[0] === \"/\" ? av_value : null;\n break;\n\n case 'secure': // S5.2.5\n /*\n * \"If the attribute-name case-insensitively matches the string \"Secure\",\n * the user agent MUST append an attribute to the cookie-attribute-list\n * with an attribute-name of Secure and an empty attribute-value.\"\n */\n c.secure = true;\n break;\n\n case 'httponly': // S5.2.6 -- effectively the same as 'secure'\n c.httpOnly = true;\n break;\n\n default:\n c.extensions = c.extensions || [];\n c.extensions.push(av);\n break;\n }\n }\n\n return c;\n}\n\n// avoid the V8 deoptimization monster!\nfunction jsonParse(str) {\n var obj;\n try {\n obj = JSON.parse(str);\n } catch (e) {\n return e;\n }\n return obj;\n}\n\nfunction fromJSON(str) {\n if (!str) {\n return null;\n }\n\n var obj;\n if (typeof str === 'string') {\n obj = jsonParse(str);\n if (obj instanceof Error) {\n return null;\n }\n } else {\n // assume it's an Object\n obj = str;\n }\n\n var c = new Cookie();\n for (var i=0; i<Cookie.serializableProperties.length; i++) {\n var prop = Cookie.serializableProperties[i];\n if (obj[prop] === undefined ||\n obj[prop] === Cookie.prototype[prop])\n {\n continue; // leave as prototype default\n }\n\n if (prop === 'expires' ||\n prop === 'creation' ||\n prop === 'lastAccessed')\n {\n if (obj[prop] === null) {\n c[prop] = null;\n } else {\n c[prop] = obj[prop] == \"Infinity\" ?\n \"Infinity\" : new Date(obj[prop]);\n }\n } else {\n c[prop] = obj[prop];\n }\n }\n\n return c;\n}\n\n/* Section 5.4 part 2:\n * \"* Cookies with longer paths are listed before cookies with\n * shorter paths.\n *\n * * Among cookies that have equal-length path fields, cookies with\n * earlier creation-times are listed before cookies with later\n * creation-times.\"\n */\n\nfunction cookieCompare(a,b) {\n var cmp = 0;\n\n // descending for length: b CMP a\n var aPathLen = a.path ? a.path.length : 0;\n var bPathLen = b.path ? b.path.length : 0;\n cmp = bPathLen - aPathLen;\n if (cmp !== 0) {\n return cmp;\n }\n\n // ascending for time: a CMP b\n var aTime = a.creation ? a.creation.getTime() : MAX_TIME;\n var bTime = b.creation ? b.creation.getTime() : MAX_TIME;\n cmp = aTime - bTime;\n if (cmp !== 0) {\n return cmp;\n }\n\n // break ties for the same millisecond (precision of JavaScript's clock)\n cmp = a.creationIndex - b.creationIndex;\n\n return cmp;\n}\n\n// Gives the permutation of all possible pathMatch()es of a given path. The\n// array is in longest-to-shortest order. Handy for indexing.\nfunction permutePath(path) {\n if (path === '/') {\n return ['/'];\n }\n if (path.lastIndexOf('/') === path.length-1) {\n path = path.substr(0,path.length-1);\n }\n var permutations = [path];\n while (path.length > 1) {\n var lindex = path.lastIndexOf('/');\n if (lindex === 0) {\n break;\n }\n path = path.substr(0,lindex);\n permutations.push(path);\n }\n permutations.push('/');\n return permutations;\n}\n\nfunction getCookieContext(url) {\n if (url instanceof Object) {\n return url;\n }\n // NOTE: decodeURI will throw on malformed URIs (see GH-32).\n // Therefore, we will just skip decoding for such URIs.\n try {\n url = decodeURI(url);\n }\n catch(err) {\n // Silently swallow error\n }\n\n return urlParse(url);\n}\n\nfunction Cookie(options) {\n options = options || {};\n\n Object.keys(options).forEach(function(prop) {\n if (Cookie.prototype.hasOwnProperty(prop) &&\n Cookie.prototype[prop] !== options[prop] &&\n prop.substr(0,1) !== '_')\n {\n this[prop] = options[prop];\n }\n }, this);\n\n this.creation = this.creation || new Date();\n\n // used to break creation ties in cookieCompare():\n Object.defineProperty(this, 'creationIndex', {\n configurable: false,\n enumerable: false, // important for assert.deepEqual checks\n writable: true,\n value: ++Cookie.cookiesCreated\n });\n}\n\nCookie.cookiesCreated = 0; // incremented each time a cookie is created\n\nCookie.parse = parse;\nCookie.fromJSON = fromJSON;\n\nCookie.prototype.key = \"\";\nCookie.prototype.value = \"\";\n\n// the order in which the RFC has them:\nCookie.prototype.expires = \"Infinity\"; // coerces to literal Infinity\nCookie.prototype.maxAge = null; // takes precedence over expires for TTL\nCookie.prototype.domain = null;\nCookie.prototype.path = null;\nCookie.prototype.secure = false;\nCookie.prototype.httpOnly = false;\nCookie.prototype.extensions = null;\n\n// set by the CookieJar:\nCookie.prototype.hostOnly = null; // boolean when set\nCookie.prototype.pathIsDefault = null; // boolean when set\nCookie.prototype.creation = null; // Date when set; defaulted by Cookie.parse\nCookie.prototype.lastAccessed = null; // Date when set\nObject.defineProperty(Cookie.prototype, 'creationIndex', {\n configurable: true,\n enumerable: false,\n writable: true,\n value: 0\n});\n\nCookie.serializableProperties = Object.keys(Cookie.prototype)\n .filter(function(prop) {\n return !(\n Cookie.prototype[prop] instanceof Function ||\n prop === 'creationIndex' ||\n prop.substr(0,1) === '_'\n );\n });\n\nCookie.prototype.inspect = function inspect() {\n var now = Date.now();\n return 'Cookie=\"'+this.toString() +\n '; hostOnly='+(this.hostOnly != null ? this.hostOnly : '?') +\n '; aAge='+(this.lastAccessed ? (now-this.lastAccessed.getTime())+'ms' : '?') +\n '; cAge='+(this.creation ? (now-this.creation.getTime())+'ms' : '?') +\n '\"';\n};\n\n// Use the new custom inspection symbol to add the custom inspect function if\n// available.\nif (util.inspect.custom) {\n Cookie.prototype[util.inspect.custom] = Cookie.prototype.inspect;\n}\n\nCookie.prototype.toJSON = function() {\n var obj = {};\n\n var props = Cookie.serializableProperties;\n for (var i=0; i<props.length; i++) {\n var prop = props[i];\n if (this[prop] === Cookie.prototype[prop]) {\n continue; // leave as prototype default\n }\n\n if (prop === 'expires' ||\n prop === 'creation' ||\n prop === 'lastAccessed')\n {\n if (this[prop] === null) {\n obj[prop] = null;\n } else {\n obj[prop] = this[prop] == \"Infinity\" ? // intentionally not ===\n \"Infinity\" : this[prop].toISOString();\n }\n } else if (prop === 'maxAge') {\n if (this[prop] !== null) {\n // again, intentionally not ===\n obj[prop] = (this[prop] == Infinity || this[prop] == -Infinity) ?\n this[prop].toString() : this[prop];\n }\n } else {\n if (this[prop] !== Cookie.prototype[prop]) {\n obj[prop] = this[prop];\n }\n }\n }\n\n return obj;\n};\n\nCookie.prototype.clone = function() {\n return fromJSON(this.toJSON());\n};\n\nCookie.prototype.validate = function validate() {\n if (!COOKIE_OCTETS.test(this.value)) {\n return false;\n }\n if (this.expires != Infinity && !(this.expires instanceof Date) && !parseDate(this.expires)) {\n return false;\n }\n if (this.maxAge != null && this.maxAge <= 0) {\n return false; // \"Max-Age=\" non-zero-digit *DIGIT\n }\n if (this.path != null && !PATH_VALUE.test(this.path)) {\n return false;\n }\n\n var cdomain = this.cdomain();\n if (cdomain) {\n if (cdomain.match(/\\.$/)) {\n return false; // S4.1.2.3 suggests that this is bad. domainMatch() tests confirm this\n }\n var suffix = pubsuffix.getPublicSuffix(cdomain);\n if (suffix == null) { // it's a public suffix\n return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n};\n\nCookie.prototype.setExpires = function setExpires(exp) {\n if (exp instanceof Date) {\n this.expires = exp;\n } else {\n this.expires = parseDate(exp) || \"Infinity\";\n }\n};\n\nCookie.prototype.setMaxAge = function setMaxAge(age) {\n if (age === Infinity || age === -Infinity) {\n this.maxAge = age.toString(); // so JSON.stringify() works\n } else {\n this.maxAge = age;\n }\n};\n\n// gives Cookie header format\nCookie.prototype.cookieString = function cookieString() {\n var val = this.value;\n if (val == null) {\n val = '';\n }\n if (this.key === '') {\n return val;\n }\n return this.key+'='+val;\n};\n\n// gives Set-Cookie header format\nCookie.prototype.toString = function toString() {\n var str = this.cookieString();\n\n if (this.expires != Infinity) {\n if (this.expires instanceof Date) {\n str += '; Expires='+formatDate(this.expires);\n } else {\n str += '; Expires='+this.expires;\n }\n }\n\n if (this.maxAge != null && this.maxAge != Infinity) {\n str += '; Max-Age='+this.maxAge;\n }\n\n if (this.domain && !this.hostOnly) {\n str += '; Domain='+this.domain;\n }\n if (this.path) {\n str += '; Path='+this.path;\n }\n\n if (this.secure) {\n str += '; Secure';\n }\n if (this.httpOnly) {\n str += '; HttpOnly';\n }\n if (this.extensions) {\n this.extensions.forEach(function(ext) {\n str += '; '+ext;\n });\n }\n\n return str;\n};\n\n// TTL() partially replaces the \"expiry-time\" parts of S5.3 step 3 (setCookie()\n// elsewhere)\n// S5.3 says to give the \"latest representable date\" for which we use Infinity\n// For \"expired\" we use 0\nCookie.prototype.TTL = function TTL(now) {\n /* RFC6265 S4.1.2.2 If a cookie has both the Max-Age and the Expires\n * attribute, the Max-Age attribute has precedence and controls the\n * expiration date of the cookie.\n * (Concurs with S5.3 step 3)\n */\n if (this.maxAge != null) {\n return this.maxAge<=0 ? 0 : this.maxAge*1000;\n }\n\n var expires = this.expires;\n if (expires != Infinity) {\n if (!(expires instanceof Date)) {\n expires = parseDate(expires) || Infinity;\n }\n\n if (expires == Infinity) {\n return Infinity;\n }\n\n return expires.getTime() - (now || Date.now());\n }\n\n return Infinity;\n};\n\n// expiryTime() replaces the \"expiry-time\" parts of S5.3 step 3 (setCookie()\n// elsewhere)\nCookie.prototype.expiryTime = function expiryTime(now) {\n if (this.maxAge != null) {\n var relativeTo = now || this.creation || new Date();\n var age = (this.maxAge <= 0) ? -Infinity : this.maxAge*1000;\n return relativeTo.getTime() + age;\n }\n\n if (this.expires == Infinity) {\n return Infinity;\n }\n return this.expires.getTime();\n};\n\n// expiryDate() replaces the \"expiry-time\" parts of S5.3 step 3 (setCookie()\n// elsewhere), except it returns a Date\nCookie.prototype.expiryDate = function expiryDate(now) {\n var millisec = this.expiryTime(now);\n if (millisec == Infinity) {\n return new Date(MAX_TIME);\n } else if (millisec == -Infinity) {\n return new Date(MIN_TIME);\n } else {\n return new Date(millisec);\n }\n};\n\n// This replaces the \"persistent-flag\" parts of S5.3 step 3\nCookie.prototype.isPersistent = function isPersistent() {\n return (this.maxAge != null || this.expires != Infinity);\n};\n\n// Mostly S5.1.2 and S5.2.3:\nCookie.prototype.cdomain =\nCookie.prototype.canonicalizedDomain = function canonicalizedDomain() {\n if (this.domain == null) {\n return null;\n }\n return canonicalDomain(this.domain);\n};\n\nfunction CookieJar(store, options) {\n if (typeof options === \"boolean\") {\n options = {rejectPublicSuffixes: options};\n } else if (options == null) {\n options = {};\n }\n if (options.rejectPublicSuffixes != null) {\n this.rejectPublicSuffixes = options.rejectPublicSuffixes;\n }\n if (options.looseMode != null) {\n this.enableLooseMode = options.looseMode;\n }\n\n if (!store) {\n store = new MemoryCookieStore();\n }\n this.store = store;\n}\nCookieJar.prototype.store = null;\nCookieJar.prototype.rejectPublicSuffixes = true;\nCookieJar.prototype.enableLooseMode = false;\nvar CAN_BE_SYNC = [];\n\nCAN_BE_SYNC.push('setCookie');\nCookieJar.prototype.setCookie = function(cookie, url, options, cb) {\n var err;\n var context = getCookieContext(url);\n if (options instanceof Function) {\n cb = options;\n options = {};\n }\n\n var host = canonicalDomain(context.hostname);\n var loose = this.enableLooseMode;\n if (options.loose != null) {\n loose = options.loose;\n }\n\n // S5.3 step 1\n if (!(cookie instanceof Cookie)) {\n cookie = Cookie.parse(cookie, { loose: loose });\n }\n if (!cookie) {\n err = new Error(\"Cookie failed to parse\");\n return cb(options.ignoreError ? null : err);\n }\n\n // S5.3 step 2\n var now = options.now || new Date(); // will assign later to save effort in the face of errors\n\n // S5.3 step 3: NOOP; persistent-flag and expiry-time is handled by getCookie()\n\n // S5.3 step 4: NOOP; domain is null by default\n\n // S5.3 step 5: public suffixes\n if (this.rejectPublicSuffixes && cookie.domain) {\n var suffix = pubsuffix.getPublicSuffix(cookie.cdomain());\n if (suffix == null) { // e.g. \"com\"\n err = new Error(\"Cookie has domain set to a public suffix\");\n return cb(options.ignoreError ? null : err);\n }\n }\n\n // S5.3 step 6:\n if (cookie.domain) {\n if (!domainMatch(host, cookie.cdomain(), false)) {\n err = new Error(\"Cookie not in this host's domain. Cookie:\"+cookie.cdomain()+\" Request:\"+host);\n return cb(options.ignoreError ? null : err);\n }\n\n if (cookie.hostOnly == null) { // don't reset if already set\n cookie.hostOnly = false;\n }\n\n } else {\n cookie.hostOnly = true;\n cookie.domain = host;\n }\n\n //S5.2.4 If the attribute-value is empty or if the first character of the\n //attribute-value is not %x2F (\"/\"):\n //Let cookie-path be the default-path.\n if (!cookie.path || cookie.path[0] !== '/') {\n cookie.path = defaultPath(context.pathname);\n cookie.pathIsDefault = true;\n }\n\n // S5.3 step 8: NOOP; secure attribute\n // S5.3 step 9: NOOP; httpOnly attribute\n\n // S5.3 step 10\n if (options.http === false && cookie.httpOnly) {\n err = new Error(\"Cookie is HttpOnly and this isn't an HTTP API\");\n return cb(options.ignoreError ? null : err);\n }\n\n var store = this.store;\n\n if (!store.updateCookie) {\n store.updateCookie = function(oldCookie, newCookie, cb) {\n this.putCookie(newCookie, cb);\n };\n }\n\n function withCookie(err, oldCookie) {\n if (err) {\n return cb(err);\n }\n\n var next = function(err) {\n if (err) {\n return cb(err);\n } else {\n cb(null, cookie);\n }\n };\n\n if (oldCookie) {\n // S5.3 step 11 - \"If the cookie store contains a cookie with the same name,\n // domain, and path as the newly created cookie:\"\n if (options.http === false && oldCookie.httpOnly) { // step 11.2\n err = new Error(\"old Cookie is HttpOnly and this isn't an HTTP API\");\n return cb(options.ignoreError ? null : err);\n }\n cookie.creation = oldCookie.creation; // step 11.3\n cookie.creationIndex = oldCookie.creationIndex; // preserve tie-breaker\n cookie.lastAccessed = now;\n // Step 11.4 (delete cookie) is implied by just setting the new one:\n store.updateCookie(oldCookie, cookie, next); // step 12\n\n } else {\n cookie.creation = cookie.lastAccessed = now;\n store.putCookie(cookie, next); // step 12\n }\n }\n\n store.findCookie(cookie.domain, cookie.path, cookie.key, withCookie);\n};\n\n// RFC6365 S5.4\nCAN_BE_SYNC.push('getCookies');\nCookieJar.prototype.getCookies = function(url, options, cb) {\n var context = getCookieContext(url);\n if (options instanceof Function) {\n cb = options;\n options = {};\n }\n\n var host = canonicalDomain(context.hostname);\n var path = context.pathname || '/';\n\n var secure = options.secure;\n if (secure == null && context.protocol &&\n (context.protocol == 'https:' || context.protocol == 'wss:'))\n {\n secure = true;\n }\n\n var http = options.http;\n if (http == null) {\n http = true;\n }\n\n var now = options.now || Date.now();\n var expireCheck = options.expire !== false;\n var allPaths = !!options.allPaths;\n var store = this.store;\n\n function matchingCookie(c) {\n // \"Either:\n // The cookie's host-only-flag is true and the canonicalized\n // request-host is identical to the cookie's domain.\n // Or:\n // The cookie's host-only-flag is false and the canonicalized\n // request-host domain-matches the cookie's domain.\"\n if (c.hostOnly) {\n if (c.domain != host) {\n return false;\n }\n } else {\n if (!domainMatch(host, c.domain, false)) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n\n // \"The request-uri's path path-matches the cookie's path.\"\n if (!allPaths && !pathMatch(path, c.path)) {\n return false;\n }\n\n // \"If the cookie's secure-only-flag is true, then the request-uri's\n // scheme must denote a \"secure\" protocol\"\n if (c.secure && !secure) {\n return false;\n }\n\n // \"If the cookie's http-only-flag is true, then exclude the cookie if the\n // cookie-string is being generated for a \"non-HTTP\" API\"\n if (c.httpOnly && !http) {\n return false;\n }\n\n // deferred from S5.3\n // non-RFC: allow retention of expired cookies by choice\n if (expireCheck && c.expiryTime() <= now) {\n store.removeCookie(c.domain, c.path, c.key, function(){}); // result ignored\n return false;\n }\n\n return true;\n }\n\n store.findCookies(host, allPaths ? null : path, function(err,cookies) {\n if (err) {\n return cb(err);\n }\n\n cookies = cookies.filter(matchingCookie);\n\n // sorting of S5.4 part 2\n if (options.sort !== false) {\n cookies = cookies.sort(cookieCompare);\n }\n\n // S5.4 part 3\n var now = new Date();\n cookies.forEach(function(c) {\n c.lastAccessed = now;\n });\n // TODO persist lastAccessed\n\n cb(null,cookies);\n });\n};\n\nCAN_BE_SYNC.push('getCookieString');\nCookieJar.prototype.getCookieString = function(/*..., cb*/) {\n var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,0);\n var cb = args.pop();\n var next = function(err,cookies) {\n if (err) {\n cb(err);\n } else {\n cb(null, cookies\n .sort(cookieCompare)\n .map(function(c){\n return c.cookieString();\n })\n .join('; '));\n }\n };\n args.push(next);\n this.getCookies.apply(this,args);\n};\n\nCAN_BE_SYNC.push('getSetCookieStrings');\nCookieJar.prototype.getSetCookieStrings = function(/*..., cb*/) {\n var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,0);\n var cb = args.pop();\n var next = function(err,cookies) {\n if (err) {\n cb(err);\n } else {\n cb(null, cookies.map(function(c){\n return c.toString();\n }));\n }\n };\n args.push(next);\n this.getCookies.apply(this,args);\n};\n\nCAN_BE_SYNC.push('serialize');\nCookieJar.prototype.serialize = function(cb) {\n var type = this.store.constructor.name;\n if (type === 'Object') {\n type = null;\n }\n\n // update README.md \"Serialization Format\" if you change this, please!\n var serialized = {\n // The version of tough-cookie that serialized this jar. Generally a good\n // practice since future versions can make data import decisions based on\n // known past behavior. When/if this matters, use `semver`.\n version: 'tough-cookie@'+VERSION,\n\n // add the store type, to make humans happy:\n storeType: type,\n\n // CookieJar configuration:\n rejectPublicSuffixes: !!this.rejectPublicSuffixes,\n\n // this gets filled from getAllCookies:\n cookies: []\n };\n\n if (!(this.store.getAllCookies &&\n typeof this.store.getAllCookies === 'function'))\n {\n return cb(new Error('store does not support getAllCookies and cannot be serialized'));\n }\n\n this.store.getAllCookies(function(err,cookies) {\n if (err) {\n return cb(err);\n }\n\n serialized.cookies = cookies.map(function(cookie) {\n // convert to serialized 'raw' cookies\n cookie = (cookie instanceof Cookie) ? cookie.toJSON() : cookie;\n\n // Remove the index so new ones get assigned during deserialization\n delete cookie.creationIndex;\n\n return cookie;\n });\n\n return cb(null, serialized);\n });\n};\n\n// well-known name that JSON.stringify calls\nCookieJar.prototype.toJSON = function() {\n return this.serializeSync();\n};\n\n// use the class method CookieJar.deserialize instead of calling this directly\nCAN_BE_SYNC.push('_importCookies');\nCookieJar.prototype._importCookies = function(serialized, cb) {\n var jar = this;\n var cookies = serialized.cookies;\n if (!cookies || !Array.isArray(cookies)) {\n return cb(new Error('serialized jar has no cookies array'));\n }\n cookies = cookies.slice(); // do not modify the original\n\n function putNext(err) {\n if (err) {\n return cb(err);\n }\n\n if (!cookies.length) {\n return cb(err, jar);\n }\n\n var cookie;\n try {\n cookie = fromJSON(cookies.shift());\n } catch (e) {\n return cb(e);\n }\n\n if (cookie === null) {\n return putNext(null); // skip this cookie\n }\n\n jar.store.putCookie(cookie, putNext);\n }\n\n putNext();\n};\n\nCookieJar.deserialize = function(strOrObj, store, cb) {\n if (arguments.length !== 3) {\n // store is optional\n cb = store;\n store = null;\n }\n\n var serialized;\n if (typeof strOrObj === 'string') {\n serialized = jsonParse(strOrObj);\n if (serialized instanceof Error) {\n return cb(serialized);\n }\n } else {\n serialized = strOrObj;\n }\n\n var jar = new CookieJar(store, serialized.rejectPublicSuffixes);\n jar._importCookies(serialized, function(err) {\n if (err) {\n return cb(err);\n }\n cb(null, jar);\n });\n};\n\nCookieJar.deserializeSync = function(strOrObj, store) {\n var serialized = typeof strOrObj === 'string' ?\n JSON.parse(strOrObj) : strOrObj;\n var jar = new CookieJar(store, serialized.rejectPublicSuffixes);\n\n // catch this mistake early:\n if (!jar.store.synchronous) {\n throw new Error('CookieJar store is not synchronous; use async API instead.');\n }\n\n jar._importCookiesSync(serialized);\n return jar;\n};\nCookieJar.fromJSON = CookieJar.deserializeSync;\n\nCookieJar.prototype.clone = function(newStore, cb) {\n if (arguments.length === 1) {\n cb = newStore;\n newStore = null;\n }\n\n this.serialize(function(err,serialized) {\n if (err) {\n return cb(err);\n }\n CookieJar.deserialize(serialized, newStore, cb);\n });\n};\n\nCAN_BE_SYNC.push('removeAllCookies');\nCookieJar.prototype.removeAllCookies = function(cb) {\n var store = this.store;\n\n // Check that the store implements its own removeAllCookies(). The default\n // implementation in Store will immediately call the callback with a \"not\n // implemented\" Error.\n if (store.removeAllCookies instanceof Function &&\n store.removeAllCookies !== Store.prototype.removeAllCookies)\n {\n return store.removeAllCookies(cb);\n }\n\n store.getAllCookies(function(err, cookies) {\n if (err) {\n return cb(err);\n }\n\n if (cookies.length === 0) {\n return cb(null);\n }\n\n var completedCount = 0;\n var removeErrors = [];\n\n function removeCookieCb(removeErr) {\n if (removeErr) {\n removeErrors.push(removeErr);\n }\n\n completedCount++;\n\n if (completedCount === cookies.length) {\n return cb(removeErrors.length ? removeErrors[0] : null);\n }\n }\n\n cookies.forEach(function(cookie) {\n store.removeCookie(cookie.domain, cookie.path, cookie.key, removeCookieCb);\n });\n });\n};\n\nCookieJar.prototype._cloneSync = syncWrap('clone');\nCookieJar.prototype.cloneSync = function(newStore) {\n if (!newStore.synchronous) {\n throw new Error('CookieJar clone destination store is not synchronous; use async API instead.');\n }\n return this._cloneSync(newStore);\n};\n\n// Use a closure to provide a true imperative API for synchronous stores.\nfunction syncWrap(method) {\n return function() {\n if (!this.store.synchronous) {\n throw new Error('CookieJar store is not synchronous; use async API instead.');\n }\n\n var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);\n var syncErr, syncResult;\n args.push(function syncCb(err, result) {\n syncErr = err;\n syncResult = result;\n });\n this[method].apply(this, args);\n\n if (syncErr) {\n throw syncErr;\n }\n return syncResult;\n };\n}\n\n// wrap all declared CAN_BE_SYNC methods in the sync wrapper\nCAN_BE_SYNC.forEach(function(method) {\n CookieJar.prototype[method+'Sync'] = syncWrap(method);\n});\n\nexports.version = VERSION;\nexports.CookieJar = CookieJar;\nexports.Cookie = Cookie;\nexports.Store = Store;\nexports.MemoryCookieStore = MemoryCookieStore;\nexports.parseDate = parseDate;\nexports.formatDate = formatDate;\nexports.parse = parse;\nexports.fromJSON = fromJSON;\nexports.domainMatch = domainMatch;\nexports.defaultPath = defaultPath;\nexports.pathMatch = pathMatch;\nexports.getPublicSuffix = pubsuffix.getPublicSuffix;\nexports.cookieCompare = cookieCompare;\nexports.permuteDomain = __webpack_require__(/*! ./permuteDomain */ \"./node_modules/request/node_modules/tough-cookie/lib/permuteDomain.js\").permuteDomain;\nexports.permutePath = permutePath;\nexports.canonicalDomain = canonicalDomain;\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://@k8slens/open-lens/./node_modules/request/node_modules/tough-cookie/lib/cookie.js?");
+ /***/ }),
+ /***/ "./node_modules/request/node_modules/tough-cookie/lib/memstore.js":
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+ !*** ./node_modules/request/node_modules/tough-cookie/lib/memstore.js ***!
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+ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__) => {
+ "use strict";
+ eval("/*!\n * Copyright (c) 2015, Salesforce.com, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\n * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:\n *\n * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,\n * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.\n *\n * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,\n * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation\n * and/or other materials provided with the distribution.\n *\n * 3. Neither the name of Salesforce.com nor the names of its contributors may\n * be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without\n * specific prior written permission.\n *\n * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS \"AS IS\"\n * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE\n * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE\n * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE\n * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR\n * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF\n * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS\n * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN\n * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE)\n * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE\n * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n */\n\nvar Store = (__webpack_require__(/*! ./store */ \"./node_modules/request/node_modules/tough-cookie/lib/store.js\").Store);\nvar permuteDomain = (__webpack_require__(/*! ./permuteDomain */ \"./node_modules/request/node_modules/tough-cookie/lib/permuteDomain.js\").permuteDomain);\nvar pathMatch = (__webpack_require__(/*! ./pathMatch */ \"./node_modules/request/node_modules/tough-cookie/lib/pathMatch.js\").pathMatch);\nvar util = __webpack_require__(/*! util */ \"util\");\n\nfunction MemoryCookieStore() {\n Store.call(this);\n this.idx = {};\n}\nutil.inherits(MemoryCookieStore, Store);\nexports.MemoryCookieStore = MemoryCookieStore;\nMemoryCookieStore.prototype.idx = null;\n\n// Since it's just a struct in RAM, this Store is synchronous\nMemoryCookieStore.prototype.synchronous = true;\n\n// force a default depth:\nMemoryCookieStore.prototype.inspect = function() {\n return \"{ idx: \"+util.inspect(this.idx, false, 2)+' }';\n};\n\n// Use the new custom inspection symbol to add the custom inspect function if\n// available.\nif (util.inspect.custom) {\n MemoryCookieStore.prototype[util.inspect.custom] = MemoryCookieStore.prototype.inspect;\n}\n\nMemoryCookieStore.prototype.findCookie = function(domain, path, key, cb) {\n if (!this.idx[domain]) {\n return cb(null,undefined);\n }\n if (!this.idx[domain][path]) {\n return cb(null,undefined);\n }\n return cb(null,this.idx[domain][path][key]||null);\n};\n\nMemoryCookieStore.prototype.findCookies = function(domain, path, cb) {\n var results = [];\n if (!domain) {\n return cb(null,[]);\n }\n\n var pathMatcher;\n if (!path) {\n // null means \"all paths\"\n pathMatcher = function matchAll(domainIndex) {\n for (var curPath in domainIndex) {\n var pathIndex = domainIndex[curPath];\n for (var key in pathIndex) {\n results.push(pathIndex[key]);\n }\n }\n };\n\n } else {\n pathMatcher = function matchRFC(domainIndex) {\n //NOTE: we should use path-match algorithm from S5.1.4 here\n //(see : https://github.com/ChromiumWebApps/chromium/blob/b3d3b4da8bb94c1b2e061600df106d590fda3620/net/cookies/canonical_cookie.cc#L299)\n Object.keys(domainIndex).forEach(function (cookiePath) {\n if (pathMatch(path, cookiePath)) {\n var pathIndex = domainIndex[cookiePath];\n\n for (var key in pathIndex) {\n results.push(pathIndex[key]);\n }\n }\n });\n };\n }\n\n var domains = permuteDomain(domain) || [domain];\n var idx = this.idx;\n domains.forEach(function(curDomain) {\n var domainIndex = idx[curDomain];\n if (!domainIndex) {\n return;\n }\n pathMatcher(domainIndex);\n });\n\n cb(null,results);\n};\n\nMemoryCookieStore.prototype.putCookie = function(cookie, cb) {\n if (!this.idx[cookie.domain]) {\n this.idx[cookie.domain] = {};\n }\n if (!this.idx[cookie.domain][cookie.path]) {\n this.idx[cookie.domain][cookie.path] = {};\n }\n this.idx[cookie.domain][cookie.path][cookie.key] = cookie;\n cb(null);\n};\n\nMemoryCookieStore.prototype.updateCookie = function(oldCookie, newCookie, cb) {\n // updateCookie() may avoid updating cookies that are identical. For example,\n // lastAccessed may not be important to some stores and an equality\n // comparison could exclude that field.\n this.putCookie(newCookie,cb);\n};\n\nMemoryCookieStore.prototype.removeCookie = function(domain, path, key, cb) {\n if (this.idx[domain] && this.idx[domain][path] && this.idx[domain][path][key]) {\n delete this.idx[domain][path][key];\n }\n cb(null);\n};\n\nMemoryCookieStore.prototype.removeCookies = function(domain, path, cb) {\n if (this.idx[domain]) {\n if (path) {\n delete this.idx[domain][path];\n } else {\n delete this.idx[domain];\n }\n }\n return cb(null);\n};\n\nMemoryCookieStore.prototype.removeAllCookies = function(cb) {\n this.idx = {};\n return cb(null);\n}\n\nMemoryCookieStore.prototype.getAllCookies = function(cb) {\n var cookies = [];\n var idx = this.idx;\n\n var domains = Object.keys(idx);\n domains.forEach(function(domain) {\n var paths = Object.keys(idx[domain]);\n paths.forEach(function(path) {\n var keys = Object.keys(idx[domain][path]);\n keys.forEach(function(key) {\n if (key !== null) {\n cookies.push(idx[domain][path][key]);\n }\n });\n });\n });\n\n // Sort by creationIndex so deserializing retains the creation order.\n // When implementing your own store, this SHOULD retain the order too\n cookies.sort(function(a,b) {\n return (a.creationIndex||0) - (b.creationIndex||0);\n });\n\n cb(null, cookies);\n};\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://@k8slens/open-lens/./node_modules/request/node_modules/tough-cookie/lib/memstore.js?");
+ /***/ }),
+ /***/ "./node_modules/request/node_modules/tough-cookie/lib/pathMatch.js":
+ /*!*************************************************************************!*\
+ !*** ./node_modules/request/node_modules/tough-cookie/lib/pathMatch.js ***!
+ \*************************************************************************/
+ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => {
+ "use strict";
+ eval("/*!\n * Copyright (c) 2015, Salesforce.com, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\n * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:\n *\n * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,\n * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.\n *\n * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,\n * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation\n * and/or other materials provided with the distribution.\n *\n * 3. Neither the name of Salesforce.com nor the names of its contributors may\n * be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without\n * specific prior written permission.\n *\n * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS \"AS IS\"\n * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE\n * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE\n * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE\n * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR\n * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF\n * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS\n * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN\n * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE)\n * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE\n * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n */\n\n/*\n * \"A request-path path-matches a given cookie-path if at least one of the\n * following conditions holds:\"\n */\nfunction pathMatch (reqPath, cookiePath) {\n // \"o The cookie-path and the request-path are identical.\"\n if (cookiePath === reqPath) {\n return true;\n }\n\n var idx = reqPath.indexOf(cookiePath);\n if (idx === 0) {\n // \"o The cookie-path is a prefix of the request-path, and the last\n // character of the cookie-path is %x2F (\"/\").\"\n if (cookiePath.substr(-1) === \"/\") {\n return true;\n }\n\n // \" o The cookie-path is a prefix of the request-path, and the first\n // character of the request-path that is not included in the cookie- path\n // is a %x2F (\"/\") character.\"\n if (reqPath.substr(cookiePath.length, 1) === \"/\") {\n return true;\n }\n }\n\n return false;\n}\n\nexports.pathMatch = pathMatch;\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://@k8slens/open-lens/./node_modules/request/node_modules/tough-cookie/lib/pathMatch.js?");
+ /***/ }),
+ /***/ "./node_modules/request/node_modules/tough-cookie/lib/permuteDomain.js":
+ /*!*****************************************************************************!*\
+ !*** ./node_modules/request/node_modules/tough-cookie/lib/permuteDomain.js ***!
+ \*****************************************************************************/
+ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__) => {
+ "use strict";
+ eval("/*!\n * Copyright (c) 2015, Salesforce.com, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\n * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:\n *\n * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,\n * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.\n *\n * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,\n * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation\n * and/or other materials provided with the distribution.\n *\n * 3. Neither the name of Salesforce.com nor the names of its contributors may\n * be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without\n * specific prior written permission.\n *\n * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS \"AS IS\"\n * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE\n * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE\n * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE\n * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR\n * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF\n * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS\n * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN\n * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE)\n * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE\n * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n */\n\nvar pubsuffix = __webpack_require__(/*! ./pubsuffix-psl */ \"./node_modules/request/node_modules/tough-cookie/lib/pubsuffix-psl.js\");\n\n// Gives the permutation of all possible domainMatch()es of a given domain. The\n// array is in shortest-to-longest order. Handy for indexing.\nfunction permuteDomain (domain) {\n var pubSuf = pubsuffix.getPublicSuffix(domain);\n if (!pubSuf) {\n return null;\n }\n if (pubSuf == domain) {\n return [domain];\n }\n\n var prefix = domain.slice(0, -(pubSuf.length + 1)); // \".example.com\"\n var parts = prefix.split('.').reverse();\n var cur = pubSuf;\n var permutations = [cur];\n while (parts.length) {\n cur = parts.shift() + '.' + cur;\n permutations.push(cur);\n }\n return permutations;\n}\n\nexports.permuteDomain = permuteDomain;\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://@k8slens/open-lens/./node_modules/request/node_modules/tough-cookie/lib/permuteDomain.js?");
+ /***/ }),
+ /***/ "./node_modules/request/node_modules/tough-cookie/lib/pubsuffix-psl.js":
+ /*!*****************************************************************************!*\
+ !*** ./node_modules/request/node_modules/tough-cookie/lib/pubsuffix-psl.js ***!
+ \*****************************************************************************/
+ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__) => {
+ "use strict";
+ eval("/*!\n * Copyright (c) 2018, Salesforce.com, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\n * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:\n *\n * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,\n * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.\n *\n * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,\n * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation\n * and/or other materials provided with the distribution.\n *\n * 3. Neither the name of Salesforce.com nor the names of its contributors may\n * be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without\n * specific prior written permission.\n *\n * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS \"AS IS\"\n * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE\n * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE\n * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE\n * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR\n * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF\n * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS\n * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN\n * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE)\n * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE\n * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n */\n\nvar psl = __webpack_require__(/*! psl */ \"./node_modules/psl/index.js\");\n\nfunction getPublicSuffix(domain) {\n return psl.get(domain);\n}\n\nexports.getPublicSuffix = getPublicSuffix;\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://@k8slens/open-lens/./node_modules/request/node_modules/tough-cookie/lib/pubsuffix-psl.js?");
+ /***/ }),
+ /***/ "./node_modules/request/node_modules/tough-cookie/lib/store.js":
+ /*!*********************************************************************!*\
+ !*** ./node_modules/request/node_modules/tough-cookie/lib/store.js ***!
+ \*********************************************************************/
+ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => {
+ "use strict";
+ eval("/*!\n * Copyright (c) 2015, Salesforce.com, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\n * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:\n *\n * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,\n * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.\n *\n * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,\n * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation\n * and/or other materials provided with the distribution.\n *\n * 3. Neither the name of Salesforce.com nor the names of its contributors may\n * be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without\n * specific prior written permission.\n *\n * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS \"AS IS\"\n * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE\n * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE\n * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE\n * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR\n * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF\n * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS\n * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN\n * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE)\n * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE\n * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n */\n\n/*jshint unused:false */\n\nfunction Store() {\n}\nexports.Store = Store;\n\n// Stores may be synchronous, but are still required to use a\n// Continuation-Passing Style API. The CookieJar itself will expose a \"*Sync\"\n// API that converts from synchronous-callbacks to imperative style.\nStore.prototype.synchronous = false;\n\nStore.prototype.findCookie = function(domain, path, key, cb) {\n throw new Error('findCookie is not implemented');\n};\n\nStore.prototype.findCookies = function(domain, path, cb) {\n throw new Error('findCookies is not implemented');\n};\n\nStore.prototype.putCookie = function(cookie, cb) {\n throw new Error('putCookie is not implemented');\n};\n\nStore.prototype.updateCookie = function(oldCookie, newCookie, cb) {\n // recommended default implementation:\n // return this.putCookie(newCookie, cb);\n throw new Error('updateCookie is not implemented');\n};\n\nStore.prototype.removeCookie = function(domain, path, key, cb) {\n throw new Error('removeCookie is not implemented');\n};\n\nStore.prototype.removeCookies = function(domain, path, cb) {\n throw new Error('removeCookies is not implemented');\n};\n\nStore.prototype.removeAllCookies = function(cb) {\n throw new Error('removeAllCookies is not implemented');\n}\n\nStore.prototype.getAllCookies = function(cb) {\n throw new Error('getAllCookies is not implemented (therefore jar cannot be serialized)');\n};\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://@k8slens/open-lens/./node_modules/request/node_modules/tough-cookie/lib/store.js?");
+ /***/ }),
+ /***/ "./node_modules/request/node_modules/tough-cookie/lib/version.js":
+ /*!***********************************************************************!*\
+ !*** ./node_modules/request/node_modules/tough-cookie/lib/version.js ***!
+ \***********************************************************************/
+ /***/ ((module) => {
+ eval("// generated by genversion\nmodule.exports = '2.5.0'\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://@k8slens/open-lens/./node_modules/request/node_modules/tough-cookie/lib/version.js?");
+ /***/ }),
  /***/ "./node_modules/request/node_modules/uuid/lib/bytesToUuid.js":
  !*** ./node_modules/request/node_modules/uuid/lib/bytesToUuid.js ***!
@@ -27629,82 +27715,6 @@ eval("/*!\n * is-number <https://github.com/jonschlinkert/is-number>\n *\n * Cop
  /***/ }),
- /***/ "./node_modules/tough-cookie/lib/cookie.js":
- /*!*************************************************!*\
- !*** ./node_modules/tough-cookie/lib/cookie.js ***!
- \*************************************************/
- /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__) => {
- "use strict";
- eval("/*!\n * Copyright (c) 2015, Salesforce.com, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\n * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:\n *\n * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,\n * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.\n *\n * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,\n * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation\n * and/or other materials provided with the distribution.\n *\n * 3. Neither the name of Salesforce.com nor the names of its contributors may\n * be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without\n * specific prior written permission.\n *\n * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS \"AS IS\"\n * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE\n * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE\n * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE\n * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR\n * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF\n * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS\n * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN\n * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE)\n * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE\n * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n */\n\nvar net = __webpack_require__(/*! net */ \"net\");\nvar urlParse = (__webpack_require__(/*! url */ \"url\").parse);\nvar util = __webpack_require__(/*! util */ \"util\");\nvar pubsuffix = __webpack_require__(/*! ./pubsuffix-psl */ \"./node_modules/tough-cookie/lib/pubsuffix-psl.js\");\nvar Store = (__webpack_require__(/*! ./store */ \"./node_modules/tough-cookie/lib/store.js\").Store);\nvar MemoryCookieStore = (__webpack_require__(/*! ./memstore */ \"./node_modules/tough-cookie/lib/memstore.js\").MemoryCookieStore);\nvar pathMatch = (__webpack_require__(/*! ./pathMatch */ \"./node_modules/tough-cookie/lib/pathMatch.js\").pathMatch);\nvar VERSION = __webpack_require__(/*! ./version */ \"./node_modules/tough-cookie/lib/version.js\");\n\nvar punycode;\ntry {\n punycode = __webpack_require__(/*! punycode */ \"punycode\");\n} catch(e) {\n console.warn(\"tough-cookie: can't load punycode; won't use punycode for domain normalization\");\n}\n\n// From RFC6265 S4.1.1\n// note that it excludes \\x3B \";\"\nvar COOKIE_OCTETS = /^[\\x21\\x23-\\x2B\\x2D-\\x3A\\x3C-\\x5B\\x5D-\\x7E]+$/;\n\nvar CONTROL_CHARS = /[\\x00-\\x1F]/;\n\n// From Chromium // '\\r', '\\n' and '\\0' should be treated as a terminator in\n// the \"relaxed\" mode, see:\n// https://github.com/ChromiumWebApps/chromium/blob/b3d3b4da8bb94c1b2e061600df106d590fda3620/net/cookies/parsed_cookie.cc#L60\nvar TERMINATORS = ['\\n', '\\r', '\\0'];\n\n// RFC6265 S4.1.1 defines path value as 'any CHAR except CTLs or \";\"'\n// Note ';' is \\x3B\nvar PATH_VALUE = /[\\x20-\\x3A\\x3C-\\x7E]+/;\n\n// date-time parsing constants (RFC6265 S5.1.1)\n\nvar DATE_DELIM = /[\\x09\\x20-\\x2F\\x3B-\\x40\\x5B-\\x60\\x7B-\\x7E]/;\n\nvar MONTH_TO_NUM = {\n jan:0, feb:1, mar:2, apr:3, may:4, jun:5,\n jul:6, aug:7, sep:8, oct:9, nov:10, dec:11\n};\nvar NUM_TO_MONTH = [\n 'Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec'\n];\nvar NUM_TO_DAY = [\n 'Sun','Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat'\n];\n\nvar MAX_TIME = 2147483647000; // 31-bit max\nvar MIN_TIME = 0; // 31-bit min\n\n/*\n * Parses a Natural number (i.e., non-negative integer) with either the\n * <min>*<max>DIGIT ( non-digit *OCTET )\n * or\n * <min>*<max>DIGIT\n * grammar (RFC6265 S5.1.1).\n *\n * The \"trailingOK\" boolean controls if the grammar accepts a\n * \"( non-digit *OCTET )\" trailer.\n */\nfunction parseDigits(token, minDigits, maxDigits, trailingOK) {\n var count = 0;\n while (count < token.length) {\n var c = token.charCodeAt(count);\n // \"non-digit = %x00-2F / %x3A-FF\"\n if (c <= 0x2F || c >= 0x3A) {\n break;\n }\n count++;\n }\n\n // constrain to a minimum and maximum number of digits.\n if (count < minDigits || count > maxDigits) {\n return null;\n }\n\n if (!trailingOK && count != token.length) {\n return null;\n }\n\n return parseInt(token.substr(0,count), 10);\n}\n\nfunction parseTime(token) {\n var parts = token.split(':');\n var result = [0,0,0];\n\n /* RF6256 S5.1.1:\n * time = hms-time ( non-digit *OCTET )\n * hms-time = time-field \":\" time-field \":\" time-field\n * time-field = 1*2DIGIT\n */\n\n if (parts.length !== 3) {\n return null;\n }\n\n for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {\n // \"time-field\" must be strictly \"1*2DIGIT\", HOWEVER, \"hms-time\" can be\n // followed by \"( non-digit *OCTET )\" so therefore the last time-field can\n // have a trailer\n var trailingOK = (i == 2);\n var num = parseDigits(parts[i], 1, 2, trailingOK);\n if (num === null) {\n return null;\n }\n result[i] = num;\n }\n\n return result;\n}\n\nfunction parseMonth(token) {\n token = String(token).substr(0,3).toLowerCase();\n var num = MONTH_TO_NUM[token];\n return num >= 0 ? num : null;\n}\n\n/*\n * RFC6265 S5.1.1 date parser (see RFC for full grammar)\n */\nfunction parseDate(str) {\n if (!str) {\n return;\n }\n\n /* RFC6265 S5.1.1:\n * 2. Process each date-token sequentially in the order the date-tokens\n * appear in the cookie-date\n */\n var tokens = str.split(DATE_DELIM);\n if (!tokens) {\n return;\n }\n\n var hour = null;\n var minute = null;\n var second = null;\n var dayOfMonth = null;\n var month = null;\n var year = null;\n\n for (var i=0; i<tokens.length; i++) {\n var token = tokens[i].trim();\n if (!token.length) {\n continue;\n }\n\n var result;\n\n /* 2.1. If the found-time flag is not set and the token matches the time\n * production, set the found-time flag and set the hour- value,\n * minute-value, and second-value to the numbers denoted by the digits in\n * the date-token, respectively. Skip the remaining sub-steps and continue\n * to the next date-token.\n */\n if (second === null) {\n result = parseTime(token);\n if (result) {\n hour = result[0];\n minute = result[1];\n second = result[2];\n continue;\n }\n }\n\n /* 2.2. If the found-day-of-month flag is not set and the date-token matches\n * the day-of-month production, set the found-day-of- month flag and set\n * the day-of-month-value to the number denoted by the date-token. Skip\n * the remaining sub-steps and continue to the next date-token.\n */\n if (dayOfMonth === null) {\n // \"day-of-month = 1*2DIGIT ( non-digit *OCTET )\"\n result = parseDigits(token, 1, 2, true);\n if (result !== null) {\n dayOfMonth = result;\n continue;\n }\n }\n\n /* 2.3. If the found-month flag is not set and the date-token matches the\n * month production, set the found-month flag and set the month-value to\n * the month denoted by the date-token. Skip the remaining sub-steps and\n * continue to the next date-token.\n */\n if (month === null) {\n result = parseMonth(token);\n if (result !== null) {\n month = result;\n continue;\n }\n }\n\n /* 2.4. If the found-year flag is not set and the date-token matches the\n * year production, set the found-year flag and set the year-value to the\n * number denoted by the date-token. Skip the remaining sub-steps and\n * continue to the next date-token.\n */\n if (year === null) {\n // \"year = 2*4DIGIT ( non-digit *OCTET )\"\n result = parseDigits(token, 2, 4, true);\n if (result !== null) {\n year = result;\n /* From S5.1.1:\n * 3. If the year-value is greater than or equal to 70 and less\n * than or equal to 99, increment the year-value by 1900.\n * 4. If the year-value is greater than or equal to 0 and less\n * than or equal to 69, increment the year-value by 2000.\n */\n if (year >= 70 && year <= 99) {\n year += 1900;\n } else if (year >= 0 && year <= 69) {\n year += 2000;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n /* RFC 6265 S5.1.1\n * \"5. Abort these steps and fail to parse the cookie-date if:\n * * at least one of the found-day-of-month, found-month, found-\n * year, or found-time flags is not set,\n * * the day-of-month-value is less than 1 or greater than 31,\n * * the year-value is less than 1601,\n * * the hour-value is greater than 23,\n * * the minute-value is greater than 59, or\n * * the second-value is greater than 59.\n * (Note that leap seconds cannot be represented in this syntax.)\"\n *\n * So, in order as above:\n */\n if (\n dayOfMonth === null || month === null || year === null || second === null ||\n dayOfMonth < 1 || dayOfMonth > 31 ||\n year < 1601 ||\n hour > 23 ||\n minute > 59 ||\n second > 59\n ) {\n return;\n }\n\n return new Date(Date.UTC(year, month, dayOfMonth, hour, minute, second));\n}\n\nfunction formatDate(date) {\n var d = date.getUTCDate(); d = d >= 10 ? d : '0'+d;\n var h = date.getUTCHours(); h = h >= 10 ? h : '0'+h;\n var m = date.getUTCMinutes(); m = m >= 10 ? m : '0'+m;\n var s = date.getUTCSeconds(); s = s >= 10 ? s : '0'+s;\n return NUM_TO_DAY[date.getUTCDay()] + ', ' +\n d+' '+ NUM_TO_MONTH[date.getUTCMonth()] +' '+ date.getUTCFullYear() +' '+\n h+':'+m+':'+s+' GMT';\n}\n\n// S5.1.2 Canonicalized Host Names\nfunction canonicalDomain(str) {\n if (str == null) {\n return null;\n }\n str = str.trim().replace(/^\\./,''); // S4.1.2.3 & S5.2.3: ignore leading .\n\n // convert to IDN if any non-ASCII characters\n if (punycode && /[^\\u0001-\\u007f]/.test(str)) {\n str = punycode.toASCII(str);\n }\n\n return str.toLowerCase();\n}\n\n// S5.1.3 Domain Matching\nfunction domainMatch(str, domStr, canonicalize) {\n if (str == null || domStr == null) {\n return null;\n }\n if (canonicalize !== false) {\n str = canonicalDomain(str);\n domStr = canonicalDomain(domStr);\n }\n\n /*\n * \"The domain string and the string are identical. (Note that both the\n * domain string and the string will have been canonicalized to lower case at\n * this point)\"\n */\n if (str == domStr) {\n return true;\n }\n\n /* \"All of the following [three] conditions hold:\" (order adjusted from the RFC) */\n\n /* \"* The string is a host name (i.e., not an IP address).\" */\n if (net.isIP(str)) {\n return false;\n }\n\n /* \"* The domain string is a suffix of the string\" */\n var idx = str.indexOf(domStr);\n if (idx <= 0) {\n return false; // it's a non-match (-1) or prefix (0)\n }\n\n // e.g \"a.b.c\".indexOf(\"b.c\") === 2\n // 5 === 3+2\n if (str.length !== domStr.length + idx) { // it's not a suffix\n return false;\n }\n\n /* \"* The last character of the string that is not included in the domain\n * string is a %x2E (\".\") character.\" */\n if (str.substr(idx-1,1) !== '.') {\n return false;\n }\n\n return true;\n}\n\n\n// RFC6265 S5.1.4 Paths and Path-Match\n\n/*\n * \"The user agent MUST use an algorithm equivalent to the following algorithm\n * to compute the default-path of a cookie:\"\n *\n * Assumption: the path (and not query part or absolute uri) is passed in.\n */\nfunction defaultPath(path) {\n // \"2. If the uri-path is empty or if the first character of the uri-path is not\n // a %x2F (\"/\") character, output %x2F (\"/\") and skip the remaining steps.\n if (!path || path.substr(0,1) !== \"/\") {\n return \"/\";\n }\n\n // \"3. If the uri-path contains no more than one %x2F (\"/\") character, output\n // %x2F (\"/\") and skip the remaining step.\"\n if (path === \"/\") {\n return path;\n }\n\n var rightSlash = path.lastIndexOf(\"/\");\n if (rightSlash === 0) {\n return \"/\";\n }\n\n // \"4. Output the characters of the uri-path from the first character up to,\n // but not including, the right-most %x2F (\"/\").\"\n return path.slice(0, rightSlash);\n}\n\nfunction trimTerminator(str) {\n for (var t = 0; t < TERMINATORS.length; t++) {\n var terminatorIdx = str.indexOf(TERMINATORS[t]);\n if (terminatorIdx !== -1) {\n str = str.substr(0,terminatorIdx);\n }\n }\n\n return str;\n}\n\nfunction parseCookiePair(cookiePair, looseMode) {\n cookiePair = trimTerminator(cookiePair);\n\n var firstEq = cookiePair.indexOf('=');\n if (looseMode) {\n if (firstEq === 0) { // '=' is immediately at start\n cookiePair = cookiePair.substr(1);\n firstEq = cookiePair.indexOf('='); // might still need to split on '='\n }\n } else { // non-loose mode\n if (firstEq <= 0) { // no '=' or is at start\n return; // needs to have non-empty \"cookie-name\"\n }\n }\n\n var cookieName, cookieValue;\n if (firstEq <= 0) {\n cookieName = \"\";\n cookieValue = cookiePair.trim();\n } else {\n cookieName = cookiePair.substr(0, firstEq).trim();\n cookieValue = cookiePair.substr(firstEq+1).trim();\n }\n\n if (CONTROL_CHARS.test(cookieName) || CONTROL_CHARS.test(cookieValue)) {\n return;\n }\n\n var c = new Cookie();\n c.key = cookieName;\n c.value = cookieValue;\n return c;\n}\n\nfunction parse(str, options) {\n if (!options || typeof options !== 'object') {\n options = {};\n }\n str = str.trim();\n\n // We use a regex to parse the \"name-value-pair\" part of S5.2\n var firstSemi = str.indexOf(';'); // S5.2 step 1\n var cookiePair = (firstSemi === -1) ? str : str.substr(0, firstSemi);\n var c = parseCookiePair(cookiePair, !!options.loose);\n if (!c) {\n return;\n }\n\n if (firstSemi === -1) {\n return c;\n }\n\n // S5.2.3 \"unparsed-attributes consist of the remainder of the set-cookie-string\n // (including the %x3B (\";\") in question).\" plus later on in the same section\n // \"discard the first \";\" and trim\".\n var unparsed = str.slice(firstSemi + 1).trim();\n\n // \"If the unparsed-attributes string is empty, skip the rest of these\n // steps.\"\n if (unparsed.length === 0) {\n return c;\n }\n\n /*\n * S5.2 says that when looping over the items \"[p]rocess the attribute-name\n * and attribute-value according to the requirements in the following\n * subsections\" for every item. Plus, for many of the individual attributes\n * in S5.3 it says to use the \"attribute-value of the last attribute in the\n * cookie-attribute-list\". Therefore, in this implementation, we overwrite\n * the previous value.\n */\n var cookie_avs = unparsed.split(';');\n while (cookie_avs.length) {\n var av = cookie_avs.shift().trim();\n if (av.length === 0) { // happens if \";;\" appears\n continue;\n }\n var av_sep = av.indexOf('=');\n var av_key, av_value;\n\n if (av_sep === -1) {\n av_key = av;\n av_value = null;\n } else {\n av_key = av.substr(0,av_sep);\n av_value = av.substr(av_sep+1);\n }\n\n av_key = av_key.trim().toLowerCase();\n\n if (av_value) {\n av_value = av_value.trim();\n }\n\n switch(av_key) {\n case 'expires': // S5.2.1\n if (av_value) {\n var exp = parseDate(av_value);\n // \"If the attribute-value failed to parse as a cookie date, ignore the\n // cookie-av.\"\n if (exp) {\n // over and underflow not realistically a concern: V8's getTime() seems to\n // store something larger than a 32-bit time_t (even with 32-bit node)\n c.expires = exp;\n }\n }\n break;\n\n case 'max-age': // S5.2.2\n if (av_value) {\n // \"If the first character of the attribute-value is not a DIGIT or a \"-\"\n // character ...[or]... If the remainder of attribute-value contains a\n // non-DIGIT character, ignore the cookie-av.\"\n if (/^-?[0-9]+$/.test(av_value)) {\n var delta = parseInt(av_value, 10);\n // \"If delta-seconds is less than or equal to zero (0), let expiry-time\n // be the earliest representable date and time.\"\n c.setMaxAge(delta);\n }\n }\n break;\n\n case 'domain': // S5.2.3\n // \"If the attribute-value is empty, the behavior is undefined. However,\n // the user agent SHOULD ignore the cookie-av entirely.\"\n if (av_value) {\n // S5.2.3 \"Let cookie-domain be the attribute-value without the leading %x2E\n // (\".\") character.\"\n var domain = av_value.trim().replace(/^\\./, '');\n if (domain) {\n // \"Convert the cookie-domain to lower case.\"\n c.domain = domain.toLowerCase();\n }\n }\n break;\n\n case 'path': // S5.2.4\n /*\n * \"If the attribute-value is empty or if the first character of the\n * attribute-value is not %x2F (\"/\"):\n * Let cookie-path be the default-path.\n * Otherwise:\n * Let cookie-path be the attribute-value.\"\n *\n * We'll represent the default-path as null since it depends on the\n * context of the parsing.\n */\n c.path = av_value && av_value[0] === \"/\" ? av_value : null;\n break;\n\n case 'secure': // S5.2.5\n /*\n * \"If the attribute-name case-insensitively matches the string \"Secure\",\n * the user agent MUST append an attribute to the cookie-attribute-list\n * with an attribute-name of Secure and an empty attribute-value.\"\n */\n c.secure = true;\n break;\n\n case 'httponly': // S5.2.6 -- effectively the same as 'secure'\n c.httpOnly = true;\n break;\n\n default:\n c.extensions = c.extensions || [];\n c.extensions.push(av);\n break;\n }\n }\n\n return c;\n}\n\n// avoid the V8 deoptimization monster!\nfunction jsonParse(str) {\n var obj;\n try {\n obj = JSON.parse(str);\n } catch (e) {\n return e;\n }\n return obj;\n}\n\nfunction fromJSON(str) {\n if (!str) {\n return null;\n }\n\n var obj;\n if (typeof str === 'string') {\n obj = jsonParse(str);\n if (obj instanceof Error) {\n return null;\n }\n } else {\n // assume it's an Object\n obj = str;\n }\n\n var c = new Cookie();\n for (var i=0; i<Cookie.serializableProperties.length; i++) {\n var prop = Cookie.serializableProperties[i];\n if (obj[prop] === undefined ||\n obj[prop] === Cookie.prototype[prop])\n {\n continue; // leave as prototype default\n }\n\n if (prop === 'expires' ||\n prop === 'creation' ||\n prop === 'lastAccessed')\n {\n if (obj[prop] === null) {\n c[prop] = null;\n } else {\n c[prop] = obj[prop] == \"Infinity\" ?\n \"Infinity\" : new Date(obj[prop]);\n }\n } else {\n c[prop] = obj[prop];\n }\n }\n\n return c;\n}\n\n/* Section 5.4 part 2:\n * \"* Cookies with longer paths are listed before cookies with\n * shorter paths.\n *\n * * Among cookies that have equal-length path fields, cookies with\n * earlier creation-times are listed before cookies with later\n * creation-times.\"\n */\n\nfunction cookieCompare(a,b) {\n var cmp = 0;\n\n // descending for length: b CMP a\n var aPathLen = a.path ? a.path.length : 0;\n var bPathLen = b.path ? b.path.length : 0;\n cmp = bPathLen - aPathLen;\n if (cmp !== 0) {\n return cmp;\n }\n\n // ascending for time: a CMP b\n var aTime = a.creation ? a.creation.getTime() : MAX_TIME;\n var bTime = b.creation ? b.creation.getTime() : MAX_TIME;\n cmp = aTime - bTime;\n if (cmp !== 0) {\n return cmp;\n }\n\n // break ties for the same millisecond (precision of JavaScript's clock)\n cmp = a.creationIndex - b.creationIndex;\n\n return cmp;\n}\n\n// Gives the permutation of all possible pathMatch()es of a given path. The\n// array is in longest-to-shortest order. Handy for indexing.\nfunction permutePath(path) {\n if (path === '/') {\n return ['/'];\n }\n if (path.lastIndexOf('/') === path.length-1) {\n path = path.substr(0,path.length-1);\n }\n var permutations = [path];\n while (path.length > 1) {\n var lindex = path.lastIndexOf('/');\n if (lindex === 0) {\n break;\n }\n path = path.substr(0,lindex);\n permutations.push(path);\n }\n permutations.push('/');\n return permutations;\n}\n\nfunction getCookieContext(url) {\n if (url instanceof Object) {\n return url;\n }\n // NOTE: decodeURI will throw on malformed URIs (see GH-32).\n // Therefore, we will just skip decoding for such URIs.\n try {\n url = decodeURI(url);\n }\n catch(err) {\n // Silently swallow error\n }\n\n return urlParse(url);\n}\n\nfunction Cookie(options) {\n options = options || {};\n\n Object.keys(options).forEach(function(prop) {\n if (Cookie.prototype.hasOwnProperty(prop) &&\n Cookie.prototype[prop] !== options[prop] &&\n prop.substr(0,1) !== '_')\n {\n this[prop] = options[prop];\n }\n }, this);\n\n this.creation = this.creation || new Date();\n\n // used to break creation ties in cookieCompare():\n Object.defineProperty(this, 'creationIndex', {\n configurable: false,\n enumerable: false, // important for assert.deepEqual checks\n writable: true,\n value: ++Cookie.cookiesCreated\n });\n}\n\nCookie.cookiesCreated = 0; // incremented each time a cookie is created\n\nCookie.parse = parse;\nCookie.fromJSON = fromJSON;\n\nCookie.prototype.key = \"\";\nCookie.prototype.value = \"\";\n\n// the order in which the RFC has them:\nCookie.prototype.expires = \"Infinity\"; // coerces to literal Infinity\nCookie.prototype.maxAge = null; // takes precedence over expires for TTL\nCookie.prototype.domain = null;\nCookie.prototype.path = null;\nCookie.prototype.secure = false;\nCookie.prototype.httpOnly = false;\nCookie.prototype.extensions = null;\n\n// set by the CookieJar:\nCookie.prototype.hostOnly = null; // boolean when set\nCookie.prototype.pathIsDefault = null; // boolean when set\nCookie.prototype.creation = null; // Date when set; defaulted by Cookie.parse\nCookie.prototype.lastAccessed = null; // Date when set\nObject.defineProperty(Cookie.prototype, 'creationIndex', {\n configurable: true,\n enumerable: false,\n writable: true,\n value: 0\n});\n\nCookie.serializableProperties = Object.keys(Cookie.prototype)\n .filter(function(prop) {\n return !(\n Cookie.prototype[prop] instanceof Function ||\n prop === 'creationIndex' ||\n prop.substr(0,1) === '_'\n );\n });\n\nCookie.prototype.inspect = function inspect() {\n var now = Date.now();\n return 'Cookie=\"'+this.toString() +\n '; hostOnly='+(this.hostOnly != null ? this.hostOnly : '?') +\n '; aAge='+(this.lastAccessed ? (now-this.lastAccessed.getTime())+'ms' : '?') +\n '; cAge='+(this.creation ? (now-this.creation.getTime())+'ms' : '?') +\n '\"';\n};\n\n// Use the new custom inspection symbol to add the custom inspect function if\n// available.\nif (util.inspect.custom) {\n Cookie.prototype[util.inspect.custom] = Cookie.prototype.inspect;\n}\n\nCookie.prototype.toJSON = function() {\n var obj = {};\n\n var props = Cookie.serializableProperties;\n for (var i=0; i<props.length; i++) {\n var prop = props[i];\n if (this[prop] === Cookie.prototype[prop]) {\n continue; // leave as prototype default\n }\n\n if (prop === 'expires' ||\n prop === 'creation' ||\n prop === 'lastAccessed')\n {\n if (this[prop] === null) {\n obj[prop] = null;\n } else {\n obj[prop] = this[prop] == \"Infinity\" ? // intentionally not ===\n \"Infinity\" : this[prop].toISOString();\n }\n } else if (prop === 'maxAge') {\n if (this[prop] !== null) {\n // again, intentionally not ===\n obj[prop] = (this[prop] == Infinity || this[prop] == -Infinity) ?\n this[prop].toString() : this[prop];\n }\n } else {\n if (this[prop] !== Cookie.prototype[prop]) {\n obj[prop] = this[prop];\n }\n }\n }\n\n return obj;\n};\n\nCookie.prototype.clone = function() {\n return fromJSON(this.toJSON());\n};\n\nCookie.prototype.validate = function validate() {\n if (!COOKIE_OCTETS.test(this.value)) {\n return false;\n }\n if (this.expires != Infinity && !(this.expires instanceof Date) && !parseDate(this.expires)) {\n return false;\n }\n if (this.maxAge != null && this.maxAge <= 0) {\n return false; // \"Max-Age=\" non-zero-digit *DIGIT\n }\n if (this.path != null && !PATH_VALUE.test(this.path)) {\n return false;\n }\n\n var cdomain = this.cdomain();\n if (cdomain) {\n if (cdomain.match(/\\.$/)) {\n return false; // S4.1.2.3 suggests that this is bad. domainMatch() tests confirm this\n }\n var suffix = pubsuffix.getPublicSuffix(cdomain);\n if (suffix == null) { // it's a public suffix\n return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n};\n\nCookie.prototype.setExpires = function setExpires(exp) {\n if (exp instanceof Date) {\n this.expires = exp;\n } else {\n this.expires = parseDate(exp) || \"Infinity\";\n }\n};\n\nCookie.prototype.setMaxAge = function setMaxAge(age) {\n if (age === Infinity || age === -Infinity) {\n this.maxAge = age.toString(); // so JSON.stringify() works\n } else {\n this.maxAge = age;\n }\n};\n\n// gives Cookie header format\nCookie.prototype.cookieString = function cookieString() {\n var val = this.value;\n if (val == null) {\n val = '';\n }\n if (this.key === '') {\n return val;\n }\n return this.key+'='+val;\n};\n\n// gives Set-Cookie header format\nCookie.prototype.toString = function toString() {\n var str = this.cookieString();\n\n if (this.expires != Infinity) {\n if (this.expires instanceof Date) {\n str += '; Expires='+formatDate(this.expires);\n } else {\n str += '; Expires='+this.expires;\n }\n }\n\n if (this.maxAge != null && this.maxAge != Infinity) {\n str += '; Max-Age='+this.maxAge;\n }\n\n if (this.domain && !this.hostOnly) {\n str += '; Domain='+this.domain;\n }\n if (this.path) {\n str += '; Path='+this.path;\n }\n\n if (this.secure) {\n str += '; Secure';\n }\n if (this.httpOnly) {\n str += '; HttpOnly';\n }\n if (this.extensions) {\n this.extensions.forEach(function(ext) {\n str += '; '+ext;\n });\n }\n\n return str;\n};\n\n// TTL() partially replaces the \"expiry-time\" parts of S5.3 step 3 (setCookie()\n// elsewhere)\n// S5.3 says to give the \"latest representable date\" for which we use Infinity\n// For \"expired\" we use 0\nCookie.prototype.TTL = function TTL(now) {\n /* RFC6265 S4.1.2.2 If a cookie has both the Max-Age and the Expires\n * attribute, the Max-Age attribute has precedence and controls the\n * expiration date of the cookie.\n * (Concurs with S5.3 step 3)\n */\n if (this.maxAge != null) {\n return this.maxAge<=0 ? 0 : this.maxAge*1000;\n }\n\n var expires = this.expires;\n if (expires != Infinity) {\n if (!(expires instanceof Date)) {\n expires = parseDate(expires) || Infinity;\n }\n\n if (expires == Infinity) {\n return Infinity;\n }\n\n return expires.getTime() - (now || Date.now());\n }\n\n return Infinity;\n};\n\n// expiryTime() replaces the \"expiry-time\" parts of S5.3 step 3 (setCookie()\n// elsewhere)\nCookie.prototype.expiryTime = function expiryTime(now) {\n if (this.maxAge != null) {\n var relativeTo = now || this.creation || new Date();\n var age = (this.maxAge <= 0) ? -Infinity : this.maxAge*1000;\n return relativeTo.getTime() + age;\n }\n\n if (this.expires == Infinity) {\n return Infinity;\n }\n return this.expires.getTime();\n};\n\n// expiryDate() replaces the \"expiry-time\" parts of S5.3 step 3 (setCookie()\n// elsewhere), except it returns a Date\nCookie.prototype.expiryDate = function expiryDate(now) {\n var millisec = this.expiryTime(now);\n if (millisec == Infinity) {\n return new Date(MAX_TIME);\n } else if (millisec == -Infinity) {\n return new Date(MIN_TIME);\n } else {\n return new Date(millisec);\n }\n};\n\n// This replaces the \"persistent-flag\" parts of S5.3 step 3\nCookie.prototype.isPersistent = function isPersistent() {\n return (this.maxAge != null || this.expires != Infinity);\n};\n\n// Mostly S5.1.2 and S5.2.3:\nCookie.prototype.cdomain =\nCookie.prototype.canonicalizedDomain = function canonicalizedDomain() {\n if (this.domain == null) {\n return null;\n }\n return canonicalDomain(this.domain);\n};\n\nfunction CookieJar(store, options) {\n if (typeof options === \"boolean\") {\n options = {rejectPublicSuffixes: options};\n } else if (options == null) {\n options = {};\n }\n if (options.rejectPublicSuffixes != null) {\n this.rejectPublicSuffixes = options.rejectPublicSuffixes;\n }\n if (options.looseMode != null) {\n this.enableLooseMode = options.looseMode;\n }\n\n if (!store) {\n store = new MemoryCookieStore();\n }\n this.store = store;\n}\nCookieJar.prototype.store = null;\nCookieJar.prototype.rejectPublicSuffixes = true;\nCookieJar.prototype.enableLooseMode = false;\nvar CAN_BE_SYNC = [];\n\nCAN_BE_SYNC.push('setCookie');\nCookieJar.prototype.setCookie = function(cookie, url, options, cb) {\n var err;\n var context = getCookieContext(url);\n if (options instanceof Function) {\n cb = options;\n options = {};\n }\n\n var host = canonicalDomain(context.hostname);\n var loose = this.enableLooseMode;\n if (options.loose != null) {\n loose = options.loose;\n }\n\n // S5.3 step 1\n if (!(cookie instanceof Cookie)) {\n cookie = Cookie.parse(cookie, { loose: loose });\n }\n if (!cookie) {\n err = new Error(\"Cookie failed to parse\");\n return cb(options.ignoreError ? null : err);\n }\n\n // S5.3 step 2\n var now = options.now || new Date(); // will assign later to save effort in the face of errors\n\n // S5.3 step 3: NOOP; persistent-flag and expiry-time is handled by getCookie()\n\n // S5.3 step 4: NOOP; domain is null by default\n\n // S5.3 step 5: public suffixes\n if (this.rejectPublicSuffixes && cookie.domain) {\n var suffix = pubsuffix.getPublicSuffix(cookie.cdomain());\n if (suffix == null) { // e.g. \"com\"\n err = new Error(\"Cookie has domain set to a public suffix\");\n return cb(options.ignoreError ? null : err);\n }\n }\n\n // S5.3 step 6:\n if (cookie.domain) {\n if (!domainMatch(host, cookie.cdomain(), false)) {\n err = new Error(\"Cookie not in this host's domain. Cookie:\"+cookie.cdomain()+\" Request:\"+host);\n return cb(options.ignoreError ? null : err);\n }\n\n if (cookie.hostOnly == null) { // don't reset if already set\n cookie.hostOnly = false;\n }\n\n } else {\n cookie.hostOnly = true;\n cookie.domain = host;\n }\n\n //S5.2.4 If the attribute-value is empty or if the first character of the\n //attribute-value is not %x2F (\"/\"):\n //Let cookie-path be the default-path.\n if (!cookie.path || cookie.path[0] !== '/') {\n cookie.path = defaultPath(context.pathname);\n cookie.pathIsDefault = true;\n }\n\n // S5.3 step 8: NOOP; secure attribute\n // S5.3 step 9: NOOP; httpOnly attribute\n\n // S5.3 step 10\n if (options.http === false && cookie.httpOnly) {\n err = new Error(\"Cookie is HttpOnly and this isn't an HTTP API\");\n return cb(options.ignoreError ? null : err);\n }\n\n var store = this.store;\n\n if (!store.updateCookie) {\n store.updateCookie = function(oldCookie, newCookie, cb) {\n this.putCookie(newCookie, cb);\n };\n }\n\n function withCookie(err, oldCookie) {\n if (err) {\n return cb(err);\n }\n\n var next = function(err) {\n if (err) {\n return cb(err);\n } else {\n cb(null, cookie);\n }\n };\n\n if (oldCookie) {\n // S5.3 step 11 - \"If the cookie store contains a cookie with the same name,\n // domain, and path as the newly created cookie:\"\n if (options.http === false && oldCookie.httpOnly) { // step 11.2\n err = new Error(\"old Cookie is HttpOnly and this isn't an HTTP API\");\n return cb(options.ignoreError ? null : err);\n }\n cookie.creation = oldCookie.creation; // step 11.3\n cookie.creationIndex = oldCookie.creationIndex; // preserve tie-breaker\n cookie.lastAccessed = now;\n // Step 11.4 (delete cookie) is implied by just setting the new one:\n store.updateCookie(oldCookie, cookie, next); // step 12\n\n } else {\n cookie.creation = cookie.lastAccessed = now;\n store.putCookie(cookie, next); // step 12\n }\n }\n\n store.findCookie(cookie.domain, cookie.path, cookie.key, withCookie);\n};\n\n// RFC6365 S5.4\nCAN_BE_SYNC.push('getCookies');\nCookieJar.prototype.getCookies = function(url, options, cb) {\n var context = getCookieContext(url);\n if (options instanceof Function) {\n cb = options;\n options = {};\n }\n\n var host = canonicalDomain(context.hostname);\n var path = context.pathname || '/';\n\n var secure = options.secure;\n if (secure == null && context.protocol &&\n (context.protocol == 'https:' || context.protocol == 'wss:'))\n {\n secure = true;\n }\n\n var http = options.http;\n if (http == null) {\n http = true;\n }\n\n var now = options.now || Date.now();\n var expireCheck = options.expire !== false;\n var allPaths = !!options.allPaths;\n var store = this.store;\n\n function matchingCookie(c) {\n // \"Either:\n // The cookie's host-only-flag is true and the canonicalized\n // request-host is identical to the cookie's domain.\n // Or:\n // The cookie's host-only-flag is false and the canonicalized\n // request-host domain-matches the cookie's domain.\"\n if (c.hostOnly) {\n if (c.domain != host) {\n return false;\n }\n } else {\n if (!domainMatch(host, c.domain, false)) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n\n // \"The request-uri's path path-matches the cookie's path.\"\n if (!allPaths && !pathMatch(path, c.path)) {\n return false;\n }\n\n // \"If the cookie's secure-only-flag is true, then the request-uri's\n // scheme must denote a \"secure\" protocol\"\n if (c.secure && !secure) {\n return false;\n }\n\n // \"If the cookie's http-only-flag is true, then exclude the cookie if the\n // cookie-string is being generated for a \"non-HTTP\" API\"\n if (c.httpOnly && !http) {\n return false;\n }\n\n // deferred from S5.3\n // non-RFC: allow retention of expired cookies by choice\n if (expireCheck && c.expiryTime() <= now) {\n store.removeCookie(c.domain, c.path, c.key, function(){}); // result ignored\n return false;\n }\n\n return true;\n }\n\n store.findCookies(host, allPaths ? null : path, function(err,cookies) {\n if (err) {\n return cb(err);\n }\n\n cookies = cookies.filter(matchingCookie);\n\n // sorting of S5.4 part 2\n if (options.sort !== false) {\n cookies = cookies.sort(cookieCompare);\n }\n\n // S5.4 part 3\n var now = new Date();\n cookies.forEach(function(c) {\n c.lastAccessed = now;\n });\n // TODO persist lastAccessed\n\n cb(null,cookies);\n });\n};\n\nCAN_BE_SYNC.push('getCookieString');\nCookieJar.prototype.getCookieString = function(/*..., cb*/) {\n var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,0);\n var cb = args.pop();\n var next = function(err,cookies) {\n if (err) {\n cb(err);\n } else {\n cb(null, cookies\n .sort(cookieCompare)\n .map(function(c){\n return c.cookieString();\n })\n .join('; '));\n }\n };\n args.push(next);\n this.getCookies.apply(this,args);\n};\n\nCAN_BE_SYNC.push('getSetCookieStrings');\nCookieJar.prototype.getSetCookieStrings = function(/*..., cb*/) {\n var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,0);\n var cb = args.pop();\n var next = function(err,cookies) {\n if (err) {\n cb(err);\n } else {\n cb(null, cookies.map(function(c){\n return c.toString();\n }));\n }\n };\n args.push(next);\n this.getCookies.apply(this,args);\n};\n\nCAN_BE_SYNC.push('serialize');\nCookieJar.prototype.serialize = function(cb) {\n var type = this.store.constructor.name;\n if (type === 'Object') {\n type = null;\n }\n\n // update README.md \"Serialization Format\" if you change this, please!\n var serialized = {\n // The version of tough-cookie that serialized this jar. Generally a good\n // practice since future versions can make data import decisions based on\n // known past behavior. When/if this matters, use `semver`.\n version: 'tough-cookie@'+VERSION,\n\n // add the store type, to make humans happy:\n storeType: type,\n\n // CookieJar configuration:\n rejectPublicSuffixes: !!this.rejectPublicSuffixes,\n\n // this gets filled from getAllCookies:\n cookies: []\n };\n\n if (!(this.store.getAllCookies &&\n typeof this.store.getAllCookies === 'function'))\n {\n return cb(new Error('store does not support getAllCookies and cannot be serialized'));\n }\n\n this.store.getAllCookies(function(err,cookies) {\n if (err) {\n return cb(err);\n }\n\n serialized.cookies = cookies.map(function(cookie) {\n // convert to serialized 'raw' cookies\n cookie = (cookie instanceof Cookie) ? cookie.toJSON() : cookie;\n\n // Remove the index so new ones get assigned during deserialization\n delete cookie.creationIndex;\n\n return cookie;\n });\n\n return cb(null, serialized);\n });\n};\n\n// well-known name that JSON.stringify calls\nCookieJar.prototype.toJSON = function() {\n return this.serializeSync();\n};\n\n// use the class method CookieJar.deserialize instead of calling this directly\nCAN_BE_SYNC.push('_importCookies');\nCookieJar.prototype._importCookies = function(serialized, cb) {\n var jar = this;\n var cookies = serialized.cookies;\n if (!cookies || !Array.isArray(cookies)) {\n return cb(new Error('serialized jar has no cookies array'));\n }\n cookies = cookies.slice(); // do not modify the original\n\n function putNext(err) {\n if (err) {\n return cb(err);\n }\n\n if (!cookies.length) {\n return cb(err, jar);\n }\n\n var cookie;\n try {\n cookie = fromJSON(cookies.shift());\n } catch (e) {\n return cb(e);\n }\n\n if (cookie === null) {\n return putNext(null); // skip this cookie\n }\n\n jar.store.putCookie(cookie, putNext);\n }\n\n putNext();\n};\n\nCookieJar.deserialize = function(strOrObj, store, cb) {\n if (arguments.length !== 3) {\n // store is optional\n cb = store;\n store = null;\n }\n\n var serialized;\n if (typeof strOrObj === 'string') {\n serialized = jsonParse(strOrObj);\n if (serialized instanceof Error) {\n return cb(serialized);\n }\n } else {\n serialized = strOrObj;\n }\n\n var jar = new CookieJar(store, serialized.rejectPublicSuffixes);\n jar._importCookies(serialized, function(err) {\n if (err) {\n return cb(err);\n }\n cb(null, jar);\n });\n};\n\nCookieJar.deserializeSync = function(strOrObj, store) {\n var serialized = typeof strOrObj === 'string' ?\n JSON.parse(strOrObj) : strOrObj;\n var jar = new CookieJar(store, serialized.rejectPublicSuffixes);\n\n // catch this mistake early:\n if (!jar.store.synchronous) {\n throw new Error('CookieJar store is not synchronous; use async API instead.');\n }\n\n jar._importCookiesSync(serialized);\n return jar;\n};\nCookieJar.fromJSON = CookieJar.deserializeSync;\n\nCookieJar.prototype.clone = function(newStore, cb) {\n if (arguments.length === 1) {\n cb = newStore;\n newStore = null;\n }\n\n this.serialize(function(err,serialized) {\n if (err) {\n return cb(err);\n }\n CookieJar.deserialize(serialized, newStore, cb);\n });\n};\n\nCAN_BE_SYNC.push('removeAllCookies');\nCookieJar.prototype.removeAllCookies = function(cb) {\n var store = this.store;\n\n // Check that the store implements its own removeAllCookies(). The default\n // implementation in Store will immediately call the callback with a \"not\n // implemented\" Error.\n if (store.removeAllCookies instanceof Function &&\n store.removeAllCookies !== Store.prototype.removeAllCookies)\n {\n return store.removeAllCookies(cb);\n }\n\n store.getAllCookies(function(err, cookies) {\n if (err) {\n return cb(err);\n }\n\n if (cookies.length === 0) {\n return cb(null);\n }\n\n var completedCount = 0;\n var removeErrors = [];\n\n function removeCookieCb(removeErr) {\n if (removeErr) {\n removeErrors.push(removeErr);\n }\n\n completedCount++;\n\n if (completedCount === cookies.length) {\n return cb(removeErrors.length ? removeErrors[0] : null);\n }\n }\n\n cookies.forEach(function(cookie) {\n store.removeCookie(cookie.domain, cookie.path, cookie.key, removeCookieCb);\n });\n });\n};\n\nCookieJar.prototype._cloneSync = syncWrap('clone');\nCookieJar.prototype.cloneSync = function(newStore) {\n if (!newStore.synchronous) {\n throw new Error('CookieJar clone destination store is not synchronous; use async API instead.');\n }\n return this._cloneSync(newStore);\n};\n\n// Use a closure to provide a true imperative API for synchronous stores.\nfunction syncWrap(method) {\n return function() {\n if (!this.store.synchronous) {\n throw new Error('CookieJar store is not synchronous; use async API instead.');\n }\n\n var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);\n var syncErr, syncResult;\n args.push(function syncCb(err, result) {\n syncErr = err;\n syncResult = result;\n });\n this[method].apply(this, args);\n\n if (syncErr) {\n throw syncErr;\n }\n return syncResult;\n };\n}\n\n// wrap all declared CAN_BE_SYNC methods in the sync wrapper\nCAN_BE_SYNC.forEach(function(method) {\n CookieJar.prototype[method+'Sync'] = syncWrap(method);\n});\n\nexports.version = VERSION;\nexports.CookieJar = CookieJar;\nexports.Cookie = Cookie;\nexports.Store = Store;\nexports.MemoryCookieStore = MemoryCookieStore;\nexports.parseDate = parseDate;\nexports.formatDate = formatDate;\nexports.parse = parse;\nexports.fromJSON = fromJSON;\nexports.domainMatch = domainMatch;\nexports.defaultPath = defaultPath;\nexports.pathMatch = pathMatch;\nexports.getPublicSuffix = pubsuffix.getPublicSuffix;\nexports.cookieCompare = cookieCompare;\nexports.permuteDomain = __webpack_require__(/*! ./permuteDomain */ \"./node_modules/tough-cookie/lib/permuteDomain.js\").permuteDomain;\nexports.permutePath = permutePath;\nexports.canonicalDomain = canonicalDomain;\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://@k8slens/open-lens/./node_modules/tough-cookie/lib/cookie.js?");
- /***/ }),
- /***/ "./node_modules/tough-cookie/lib/memstore.js":
- /*!***************************************************!*\
- !*** ./node_modules/tough-cookie/lib/memstore.js ***!
- \***************************************************/
- /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__) => {
- "use strict";
- eval("/*!\n * Copyright (c) 2015, Salesforce.com, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\n * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:\n *\n * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,\n * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.\n *\n * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,\n * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation\n * and/or other materials provided with the distribution.\n *\n * 3. Neither the name of Salesforce.com nor the names of its contributors may\n * be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without\n * specific prior written permission.\n *\n * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS \"AS IS\"\n * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE\n * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE\n * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE\n * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR\n * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF\n * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS\n * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN\n * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE)\n * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE\n * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n */\n\nvar Store = (__webpack_require__(/*! ./store */ \"./node_modules/tough-cookie/lib/store.js\").Store);\nvar permuteDomain = (__webpack_require__(/*! ./permuteDomain */ \"./node_modules/tough-cookie/lib/permuteDomain.js\").permuteDomain);\nvar pathMatch = (__webpack_require__(/*! ./pathMatch */ \"./node_modules/tough-cookie/lib/pathMatch.js\").pathMatch);\nvar util = __webpack_require__(/*! util */ \"util\");\n\nfunction MemoryCookieStore() {\n Store.call(this);\n this.idx = {};\n}\nutil.inherits(MemoryCookieStore, Store);\nexports.MemoryCookieStore = MemoryCookieStore;\nMemoryCookieStore.prototype.idx = null;\n\n// Since it's just a struct in RAM, this Store is synchronous\nMemoryCookieStore.prototype.synchronous = true;\n\n// force a default depth:\nMemoryCookieStore.prototype.inspect = function() {\n return \"{ idx: \"+util.inspect(this.idx, false, 2)+' }';\n};\n\n// Use the new custom inspection symbol to add the custom inspect function if\n// available.\nif (util.inspect.custom) {\n MemoryCookieStore.prototype[util.inspect.custom] = MemoryCookieStore.prototype.inspect;\n}\n\nMemoryCookieStore.prototype.findCookie = function(domain, path, key, cb) {\n if (!this.idx[domain]) {\n return cb(null,undefined);\n }\n if (!this.idx[domain][path]) {\n return cb(null,undefined);\n }\n return cb(null,this.idx[domain][path][key]||null);\n};\n\nMemoryCookieStore.prototype.findCookies = function(domain, path, cb) {\n var results = [];\n if (!domain) {\n return cb(null,[]);\n }\n\n var pathMatcher;\n if (!path) {\n // null means \"all paths\"\n pathMatcher = function matchAll(domainIndex) {\n for (var curPath in domainIndex) {\n var pathIndex = domainIndex[curPath];\n for (var key in pathIndex) {\n results.push(pathIndex[key]);\n }\n }\n };\n\n } else {\n pathMatcher = function matchRFC(domainIndex) {\n //NOTE: we should use path-match algorithm from S5.1.4 here\n //(see : https://github.com/ChromiumWebApps/chromium/blob/b3d3b4da8bb94c1b2e061600df106d590fda3620/net/cookies/canonical_cookie.cc#L299)\n Object.keys(domainIndex).forEach(function (cookiePath) {\n if (pathMatch(path, cookiePath)) {\n var pathIndex = domainIndex[cookiePath];\n\n for (var key in pathIndex) {\n results.push(pathIndex[key]);\n }\n }\n });\n };\n }\n\n var domains = permuteDomain(domain) || [domain];\n var idx = this.idx;\n domains.forEach(function(curDomain) {\n var domainIndex = idx[curDomain];\n if (!domainIndex) {\n return;\n }\n pathMatcher(domainIndex);\n });\n\n cb(null,results);\n};\n\nMemoryCookieStore.prototype.putCookie = function(cookie, cb) {\n if (!this.idx[cookie.domain]) {\n this.idx[cookie.domain] = {};\n }\n if (!this.idx[cookie.domain][cookie.path]) {\n this.idx[cookie.domain][cookie.path] = {};\n }\n this.idx[cookie.domain][cookie.path][cookie.key] = cookie;\n cb(null);\n};\n\nMemoryCookieStore.prototype.updateCookie = function(oldCookie, newCookie, cb) {\n // updateCookie() may avoid updating cookies that are identical. For example,\n // lastAccessed may not be important to some stores and an equality\n // comparison could exclude that field.\n this.putCookie(newCookie,cb);\n};\n\nMemoryCookieStore.prototype.removeCookie = function(domain, path, key, cb) {\n if (this.idx[domain] && this.idx[domain][path] && this.idx[domain][path][key]) {\n delete this.idx[domain][path][key];\n }\n cb(null);\n};\n\nMemoryCookieStore.prototype.removeCookies = function(domain, path, cb) {\n if (this.idx[domain]) {\n if (path) {\n delete this.idx[domain][path];\n } else {\n delete this.idx[domain];\n }\n }\n return cb(null);\n};\n\nMemoryCookieStore.prototype.removeAllCookies = function(cb) {\n this.idx = {};\n return cb(null);\n}\n\nMemoryCookieStore.prototype.getAllCookies = function(cb) {\n var cookies = [];\n var idx = this.idx;\n\n var domains = Object.keys(idx);\n domains.forEach(function(domain) {\n var paths = Object.keys(idx[domain]);\n paths.forEach(function(path) {\n var keys = Object.keys(idx[domain][path]);\n keys.forEach(function(key) {\n if (key !== null) {\n cookies.push(idx[domain][path][key]);\n }\n });\n });\n });\n\n // Sort by creationIndex so deserializing retains the creation order.\n // When implementing your own store, this SHOULD retain the order too\n cookies.sort(function(a,b) {\n return (a.creationIndex||0) - (b.creationIndex||0);\n });\n\n cb(null, cookies);\n};\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://@k8slens/open-lens/./node_modules/tough-cookie/lib/memstore.js?");
- /***/ }),
- /***/ "./node_modules/tough-cookie/lib/pathMatch.js":
- /*!****************************************************!*\
- !*** ./node_modules/tough-cookie/lib/pathMatch.js ***!
- \****************************************************/
- /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => {
- "use strict";
- eval("/*!\n * Copyright (c) 2015, Salesforce.com, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\n * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:\n *\n * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,\n * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.\n *\n * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,\n * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation\n * and/or other materials provided with the distribution.\n *\n * 3. Neither the name of Salesforce.com nor the names of its contributors may\n * be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without\n * specific prior written permission.\n *\n * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS \"AS IS\"\n * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE\n * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE\n * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE\n * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR\n * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF\n * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS\n * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN\n * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE)\n * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE\n * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n */\n\n/*\n * \"A request-path path-matches a given cookie-path if at least one of the\n * following conditions holds:\"\n */\nfunction pathMatch (reqPath, cookiePath) {\n // \"o The cookie-path and the request-path are identical.\"\n if (cookiePath === reqPath) {\n return true;\n }\n\n var idx = reqPath.indexOf(cookiePath);\n if (idx === 0) {\n // \"o The cookie-path is a prefix of the request-path, and the last\n // character of the cookie-path is %x2F (\"/\").\"\n if (cookiePath.substr(-1) === \"/\") {\n return true;\n }\n\n // \" o The cookie-path is a prefix of the request-path, and the first\n // character of the request-path that is not included in the cookie- path\n // is a %x2F (\"/\") character.\"\n if (reqPath.substr(cookiePath.length, 1) === \"/\") {\n return true;\n }\n }\n\n return false;\n}\n\nexports.pathMatch = pathMatch;\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://@k8slens/open-lens/./node_modules/tough-cookie/lib/pathMatch.js?");
- /***/ }),
- /***/ "./node_modules/tough-cookie/lib/permuteDomain.js":
- /*!********************************************************!*\
- !*** ./node_modules/tough-cookie/lib/permuteDomain.js ***!
- \********************************************************/
- /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__) => {
- "use strict";
- eval("/*!\n * Copyright (c) 2015, Salesforce.com, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\n * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:\n *\n * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,\n * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.\n *\n * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,\n * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation\n * and/or other materials provided with the distribution.\n *\n * 3. Neither the name of Salesforce.com nor the names of its contributors may\n * be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without\n * specific prior written permission.\n *\n * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS \"AS IS\"\n * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE\n * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE\n * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE\n * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR\n * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF\n * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS\n * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN\n * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE)\n * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE\n * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n */\n\nvar pubsuffix = __webpack_require__(/*! ./pubsuffix-psl */ \"./node_modules/tough-cookie/lib/pubsuffix-psl.js\");\n\n// Gives the permutation of all possible domainMatch()es of a given domain. The\n// array is in shortest-to-longest order. Handy for indexing.\nfunction permuteDomain (domain) {\n var pubSuf = pubsuffix.getPublicSuffix(domain);\n if (!pubSuf) {\n return null;\n }\n if (pubSuf == domain) {\n return [domain];\n }\n\n var prefix = domain.slice(0, -(pubSuf.length + 1)); // \".example.com\"\n var parts = prefix.split('.').reverse();\n var cur = pubSuf;\n var permutations = [cur];\n while (parts.length) {\n cur = parts.shift() + '.' + cur;\n permutations.push(cur);\n }\n return permutations;\n}\n\nexports.permuteDomain = permuteDomain;\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://@k8slens/open-lens/./node_modules/tough-cookie/lib/permuteDomain.js?");
- /***/ }),
- /***/ "./node_modules/tough-cookie/lib/pubsuffix-psl.js":
- /*!********************************************************!*\
- !*** ./node_modules/tough-cookie/lib/pubsuffix-psl.js ***!
- \********************************************************/
- /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__) => {
- "use strict";
- eval("/*!\n * Copyright (c) 2018, Salesforce.com, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\n * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:\n *\n * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,\n * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.\n *\n * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,\n * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation\n * and/or other materials provided with the distribution.\n *\n * 3. Neither the name of Salesforce.com nor the names of its contributors may\n * be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without\n * specific prior written permission.\n *\n * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS \"AS IS\"\n * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE\n * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE\n * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE\n * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR\n * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF\n * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS\n * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN\n * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE)\n * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE\n * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n */\n\nvar psl = __webpack_require__(/*! psl */ \"./node_modules/psl/index.js\");\n\nfunction getPublicSuffix(domain) {\n return psl.get(domain);\n}\n\nexports.getPublicSuffix = getPublicSuffix;\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://@k8slens/open-lens/./node_modules/tough-cookie/lib/pubsuffix-psl.js?");
- /***/ }),
- /***/ "./node_modules/tough-cookie/lib/store.js":
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- !*** ./node_modules/tough-cookie/lib/store.js ***!
- \************************************************/
- /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => {
- "use strict";
- eval("/*!\n * Copyright (c) 2015, Salesforce.com, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\n * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:\n *\n * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,\n * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.\n *\n * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,\n * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation\n * and/or other materials provided with the distribution.\n *\n * 3. Neither the name of Salesforce.com nor the names of its contributors may\n * be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without\n * specific prior written permission.\n *\n * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS \"AS IS\"\n * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE\n * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE\n * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE\n * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR\n * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF\n * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS\n * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN\n * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE)\n * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE\n * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n */\n\n/*jshint unused:false */\n\nfunction Store() {\n}\nexports.Store = Store;\n\n// Stores may be synchronous, but are still required to use a\n// Continuation-Passing Style API. The CookieJar itself will expose a \"*Sync\"\n// API that converts from synchronous-callbacks to imperative style.\nStore.prototype.synchronous = false;\n\nStore.prototype.findCookie = function(domain, path, key, cb) {\n throw new Error('findCookie is not implemented');\n};\n\nStore.prototype.findCookies = function(domain, path, cb) {\n throw new Error('findCookies is not implemented');\n};\n\nStore.prototype.putCookie = function(cookie, cb) {\n throw new Error('putCookie is not implemented');\n};\n\nStore.prototype.updateCookie = function(oldCookie, newCookie, cb) {\n // recommended default implementation:\n // return this.putCookie(newCookie, cb);\n throw new Error('updateCookie is not implemented');\n};\n\nStore.prototype.removeCookie = function(domain, path, key, cb) {\n throw new Error('removeCookie is not implemented');\n};\n\nStore.prototype.removeCookies = function(domain, path, cb) {\n throw new Error('removeCookies is not implemented');\n};\n\nStore.prototype.removeAllCookies = function(cb) {\n throw new Error('removeAllCookies is not implemented');\n}\n\nStore.prototype.getAllCookies = function(cb) {\n throw new Error('getAllCookies is not implemented (therefore jar cannot be serialized)');\n};\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://@k8slens/open-lens/./node_modules/tough-cookie/lib/store.js?");
- /***/ }),
- /***/ "./node_modules/tough-cookie/lib/version.js":
- /*!**************************************************!*\
- !*** ./node_modules/tough-cookie/lib/version.js ***!
- \**************************************************/
- /***/ ((module) => {
- eval("// generated by genversion\nmodule.exports = '2.5.0'\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://@k8slens/open-lens/./node_modules/tough-cookie/lib/version.js?");
- /***/ }),
  /***/ "./node_modules/triple-beam/config/cli.js":
  !*** ./node_modules/triple-beam/config/cli.js ***!
@@ -28097,7 +28107,7 @@ eval("__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpac
  /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
  "use strict";
- eval("__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ \"Cluster\": () => (/* binding */ Cluster)\n/* harmony export */ });\n/* harmony import */ var mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! mobx */ \"./node_modules/mobx/dist/mobx.esm.js\");\n/* harmony import */ var _kubernetes_client_node__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @kubernetes/client-node */ \"./node_modules/@kubernetes/client-node/dist/index.js\");\n/* harmony import */ var _kubernetes_client_node__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_kubernetes_client_node__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);\n/* harmony import */ var _rbac__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../rbac */ \"./src/common/rbac.ts\");\n/* harmony import */ var p_limit__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! p-limit */ \"./node_modules/p-limit/index.js\");\n/* harmony import */ var p_limit__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(p_limit__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__);\n/* harmony import */ var _cluster_types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../cluster-types */ \"./src/common/cluster-types.ts\");\n/* harmony import */ var _utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils */ \"./src/common/utils/index.ts\");\n/* harmony import */ var _ipc_cluster__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../ipc/cluster */ \"./src/common/ipc/cluster.ts\");\n/* harmony import */ var assert__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! assert */ \"assert\");\n/* harmony import */ var assert__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(assert__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__);\n/**\n * Copyright (c) OpenLens Authors. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under MIT License. See LICENSE in root directory for more information.\n */\nvar __decorate = (undefined && undefined.__decorate) || function (decorators, target, key, desc) {\n var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d;\n if (typeof Reflect === \"object\" && typeof Reflect.decorate === \"function\") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc);\n else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r;\n return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r;\n};\nvar __metadata = (undefined && undefined.__metadata) || function (k, v) {\n if (typeof Reflect === \"object\" && typeof Reflect.metadata === \"function\") return Reflect.metadata(k, v);\n};\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n/**\n * Cluster\n *\n * @beta\n */\nclass Cluster {\n get contextHandler() {\n // TODO: remove these once main/renderer are seperate classes\n assert__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6___default()(this._contextHandler, \"contextHandler is only defined in the main environment\");\n return this._contextHandler;\n }\n get proxyKubeconfigManager() {\n // TODO: remove these once main/renderer are seperate classes\n assert__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6___default()(this._proxyKubeconfigManager, \"proxyKubeconfigManager is only defined in the main environment\");\n return this._proxyKubeconfigManager;\n }\n get whenReady() {\n return (0,mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.when)(() => this.ready);\n }\n /**\n * Is cluster available\n *\n * @computed\n */\n get available() {\n return this.accessible && !this.disconnected;\n }\n /**\n * Cluster name\n *\n * @computed\n */\n get name() {\n return this.preferences.clusterName || this.contextName;\n }\n /**\n * The detected kubernetes distribution\n */\n get distribution() {\n var _a;\n return ((_a = this.metadata[_cluster_types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.ClusterMetadataKey.DISTRIBUTION]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.toString()) || \"unknown\";\n }\n /**\n * The detected kubernetes version\n */\n get version() {\n var _a;\n return ((_a = this.metadata[_cluster_types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.ClusterMetadataKey.VERSION]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.toString()) || \"unknown\";\n }\n /**\n * Prometheus preferences\n *\n * @computed\n * @internal\n */\n get prometheusPreferences() {\n const { prometheus, prometheusProvider } = this.preferences;\n return (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.toJS)({ prometheus, prometheusProvider });\n }\n /**\n * defaultNamespace preference\n *\n * @computed\n * @internal\n */\n get defaultNamespace() {\n return this.preferences.defaultNamespace;\n }\n constructor(dependencies, { id, ...model }, configData) {\n Object.defineProperty(this, \"dependencies\", {\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true,\n value: dependencies\n });\n /** Unique id for a cluster */\n Object.defineProperty(this, \"id\", {\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true,\n value: void 0\n });\n Object.defineProperty(this, \"kubeCtl\", {\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true,\n value: void 0\n });\n /**\n * Context handler\n *\n * @internal\n */\n Object.defineProperty(this, \"_contextHandler\", {\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true,\n value: void 0\n });\n Object.defineProperty(this, \"_proxyKubeconfigManager\", {\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true,\n value: void 0\n });\n Object.defineProperty(this, \"eventsDisposer\", {\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true,\n value: (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.disposer)()\n });\n Object.defineProperty(this, \"activated\", {\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true,\n value: false\n });\n /**\n * Kubeconfig context name\n *\n * @observable\n */\n Object.defineProperty(this, \"contextName\", {\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true,\n value: void 0\n });\n /**\n * Path to kubeconfig\n *\n * @observable\n */\n Object.defineProperty(this, \"kubeConfigPath\", {\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true,\n value: void 0\n });\n /**\n * @deprecated\n */\n Object.defineProperty(this, \"workspace\", {\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true,\n value: void 0\n });\n /**\n * @deprecated\n */\n Object.defineProperty(this, \"workspaces\", {\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true,\n value: void 0\n });\n /**\n * Kubernetes API server URL\n *\n * @observable\n */\n Object.defineProperty(this, \"apiUrl\", {\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true,\n value: void 0\n }); // cluster server url\n /**\n * Is cluster online\n *\n * @observable\n */\n Object.defineProperty(this, \"online\", {\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true,\n value: false\n }); // describes if we can detect that cluster is online\n /**\n * Can user access cluster resources\n *\n * @observable\n */\n Object.defineProperty(this, \"accessible\", {\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true,\n value: false\n }); // if user is able to access cluster resources\n /**\n * Is cluster instance in usable state\n *\n * @observable\n */\n Object.defineProperty(this, \"ready\", {\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true,\n value: false\n }); // cluster is in usable state\n /**\n * Is cluster currently reconnecting\n *\n * @observable\n */\n Object.defineProperty(this, \"reconnecting\", {\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true,\n value: false\n });\n /**\n * Is cluster disconnected. False if user has selected to connect.\n *\n * @observable\n */\n Object.defineProperty(this, \"disconnected\", {\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true,\n value: true\n });\n /**\n * Does user have admin like access\n *\n * @observable\n */\n Object.defineProperty(this, \"isAdmin\", {\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true,\n value: false\n });\n /**\n * Global watch-api accessibility , e.g. \"/api/v1/services?watch=1\"\n *\n * @observable\n */\n Object.defineProperty(this, \"isGlobalWatchEnabled\", {\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true,\n value: false\n });\n /**\n * Preferences\n *\n * @observable\n */\n Object.defineProperty(this, \"preferences\", {\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true,\n value: {}\n });\n /**\n * Metadata\n *\n * @observable\n */\n Object.defineProperty(this, \"metadata\", {\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true,\n value: {}\n });\n /**\n * List of allowed namespaces verified via K8S::SelfSubjectAccessReview api\n */\n Object.defineProperty(this, \"allowedNamespaces\", {\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true,\n value: mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.observable.array()\n });\n /**\n * List of accessible namespaces provided by user in the Cluster Settings\n */\n Object.defineProperty(this, \"accessibleNamespaces\", {\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true,\n value: mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.observable.array()\n });\n Object.defineProperty(this, \"knownResources\", {\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true,\n value: mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.observable.array()\n });\n // The formatting of this is `group.name` or `name` (if in core)\n Object.defineProperty(this, \"allowedResources\", {\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true,\n value: mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.observable.set()\n });\n /**\n * Labels for the catalog entity\n */\n Object.defineProperty(this, \"labels\", {\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true,\n value: {}\n });\n (0,mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.makeObservable)(this);\n const { error } = _cluster_types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.clusterModelIdChecker.validate({ id });\n if (error) {\n throw error;\n }\n this.id = id;\n this.updateModel(model);\n this.apiUrl = configData.clusterServerUrl;\n // for the time being, until renderer gets its own cluster type\n this._contextHandler = this.dependencies.createContextHandler(this);\n this._proxyKubeconfigManager = this.dependencies.createKubeconfigManager(this);\n this.dependencies.logger.debug(`[CLUSTER]: Cluster init success`, {\n id: this.id,\n context: this.contextName,\n apiUrl: this.apiUrl,\n });\n }\n /**\n * Update cluster data model\n *\n * @param model\n */\n updateModel(model) {\n // Note: do not assign ID as that should never be updated\n const { error } = _cluster_types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.updateClusterModelChecker.validate(model, { allowUnknown: true });\n if (error) {\n throw error;\n }\n this.kubeConfigPath = model.kubeConfigPath;\n this.contextName = model.contextName;\n if (model.workspace) {\n this.workspace = model.workspace;\n }\n if (model.workspaces) {\n this.workspaces = model.workspaces;\n }\n if (model.preferences) {\n this.preferences = model.preferences;\n }\n if (model.metadata) {\n this.metadata = model.metadata;\n }\n if (model.accessibleNamespaces) {\n this.accessibleNamespaces.replace(model.accessibleNamespaces);\n }\n if (model.labels) {\n this.labels = model.labels;\n }\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n bindEvents() {\n this.dependencies.logger.info(`[CLUSTER]: bind events`, this.getMeta());\n const refreshTimer = setInterval(() => !this.disconnected && this.refresh(), 30000); // every 30s\n const refreshMetadataTimer = setInterval(() => this.available && this.refreshAccessibilityAndMetadata(), 900000); // every 15 minutes\n this.eventsDisposer.push((0,mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.reaction)(() => this.prometheusPreferences, prefs => this.contextHandler.setupPrometheus(prefs), { equals: mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.comparer.structural }), () => clearInterval(refreshTimer), () => clearInterval(refreshMetadataTimer), (0,mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.reaction)(() => this.defaultNamespace, () => this.recreateProxyKubeconfig()));\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n async recreateProxyKubeconfig() {\n this.dependencies.logger.info(\"[CLUSTER]: Recreating proxy kubeconfig\");\n try {\n await this.proxyKubeconfigManager.clear();\n await this.getProxyKubeconfig();\n }\n catch (error) {\n this.dependencies.logger.error(`[CLUSTER]: failed to recreate proxy kubeconfig`, error);\n }\n }\n /**\n * @param force force activation\n * @internal\n */\n async activate(force = false) {\n if (this.activated && !force) {\n return;\n }\n this.dependencies.logger.info(`[CLUSTER]: activate`, this.getMeta());\n if (!this.eventsDisposer.length) {\n this.bindEvents();\n }\n if (this.disconnected || !this.accessible) {\n try {\n this.broadcastConnectUpdate(\"Starting connection ...\");\n await this.reconnect();\n }\n catch (error) {\n this.broadcastConnectUpdate(`Failed to start connection: ${error}`, true);\n return;\n }\n }\n try {\n this.broadcastConnectUpdate(\"Refreshing connection status ...\");\n await this.refreshConnectionStatus();\n }\n catch (error) {\n this.broadcastConnectUpdate(`Failed to connection status: ${error}`, true);\n return;\n }\n if (this.accessible) {\n try {\n this.broadcastConnectUpdate(\"Refreshing cluster accessibility ...\");\n await this.refreshAccessibility();\n }\n catch (error) {\n this.broadcastConnectUpdate(`Failed to refresh accessibility: ${error}`, true);\n return;\n }\n // download kubectl in background, so it's not blocking dashboard\n this.ensureKubectl()\n .catch(error => this.dependencies.logger.warn(`[CLUSTER]: failed to download kubectl for clusterId=${this.id}`, error));\n this.broadcastConnectUpdate(\"Connected, waiting for view to load ...\");\n }\n this.activated = true;\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n async ensureKubectl() {\n var _a;\n (_a = this.kubeCtl) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : (this.kubeCtl = this.dependencies.createKubectl(this.version));\n await this.kubeCtl.ensureKubectl();\n return this.kubeCtl;\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n async reconnect() {\n var _a;\n this.dependencies.logger.info(`[CLUSTER]: reconnect`, this.getMeta());\n await ((_a = this.contextHandler) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.restartServer());\n this.disconnected = false;\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n disconnect() {\n var _a;\n if (this.disconnected) {\n return void this.dependencies.logger.debug(\"[CLUSTER]: already disconnected\", { id: this.id });\n }\n this.dependencies.logger.info(`[CLUSTER]: disconnecting`, { id: this.id });\n this.eventsDisposer();\n (_a = this.contextHandler) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.stopServer();\n this.disconnected = true;\n this.online = false;\n this.accessible = false;\n this.ready = false;\n this.activated = false;\n this.allowedNamespaces.clear();\n this.dependencies.logger.info(`[CLUSTER]: disconnected`, { id: this.id });\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n async refresh() {\n this.dependencies.logger.info(`[CLUSTER]: refresh`, this.getMeta());\n await this.refreshConnectionStatus();\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n async refreshAccessibilityAndMetadata() {\n await this.refreshAccessibility();\n await this.refreshMetadata();\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n async refreshMetadata() {\n this.dependencies.logger.info(`[CLUSTER]: refreshMetadata`, this.getMeta());\n const metadata = await this.dependencies.detectorRegistry.detectForCluster(this);\n const existingMetadata = this.metadata;\n this.metadata = Object.assign(existingMetadata, metadata);\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n async refreshAccessibility() {\n this.dependencies.logger.info(`[CLUSTER]: refreshAccessibility`, this.getMeta());\n const proxyConfig = await this.getProxyKubeconfig();\n const canI = this.dependencies.createAuthorizationReview(proxyConfig);\n const requestNamespaceListPermissions = this.dependencies.requestNamespaceListPermissionsFor(proxyConfig);\n this.isAdmin = await canI({\n namespace: \"kube-system\",\n resource: \"*\",\n verb: \"create\",\n });\n this.isGlobalWatchEnabled = await canI({\n verb: \"watch\",\n resource: \"*\",\n });\n this.allowedNamespaces.replace(await this.requestAllowedNamespaces(proxyConfig));\n this.knownResources.replace(await this.dependencies.requestApiResources(this));\n this.allowedResources.replace(await this.getAllowedResources(requestNamespaceListPermissions));\n this.ready = true;\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n async refreshConnectionStatus() {\n const connectionStatus = await this.getConnectionStatus();\n this.online = connectionStatus > _cluster_types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.ClusterStatus.Offline;\n this.accessible = connectionStatus == _cluster_types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.ClusterStatus.AccessGranted;\n }\n async getKubeconfig() {\n const { config } = await this.dependencies.loadConfigfromFile(this.kubeConfigPath);\n return config;\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n async getProxyKubeconfig() {\n const proxyKCPath = await this.getProxyKubeconfigPath();\n const { config } = await this.dependencies.loadConfigfromFile(proxyKCPath);\n return config;\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n async getProxyKubeconfigPath() {\n return this.proxyKubeconfigManager.getPath();\n }\n async getConnectionStatus() {\n try {\n const versionDetector = this.dependencies.createVersionDetector(this);\n const versionData = await versionDetector.detect();\n this.metadata.version = versionData.value;\n return _cluster_types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.ClusterStatus.AccessGranted;\n }\n catch (error) {\n this.dependencies.logger.error(`[CLUSTER]: Failed to connect to \"${this.contextName}\": ${error}`);\n if ((0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.isRequestError)(error)) {\n if (error.statusCode) {\n if (error.statusCode >= 400 && error.statusCode < 500) {\n this.broadcastConnectUpdate(\"Invalid credentials\", true);\n return _cluster_types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.ClusterStatus.AccessDenied;\n }\n const message = String(error.error || error.message) || String(error);\n this.broadcastConnectUpdate(message, true);\n return _cluster_types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.ClusterStatus.Offline;\n }\n if (error.failed === true) {\n if (error.timedOut === true) {\n this.broadcastConnectUpdate(\"Connection timed out\", true);\n return _cluster_types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.ClusterStatus.Offline;\n }\n this.broadcastConnectUpdate(\"Failed to fetch credentials\", true);\n return _cluster_types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.ClusterStatus.AccessDenied;\n }\n const message = String(error.error || error.message) || String(error);\n this.broadcastConnectUpdate(message, true);\n }\n else {\n this.broadcastConnectUpdate(\"Unknown error has occurred\", true);\n }\n return _cluster_types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.ClusterStatus.Offline;\n }\n }\n toJSON() {\n return (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.toJS)({\n id: this.id,\n contextName: this.contextName,\n kubeConfigPath: this.kubeConfigPath,\n workspace: this.workspace,\n workspaces: this.workspaces,\n preferences: this.preferences,\n metadata: this.metadata,\n accessibleNamespaces: this.accessibleNamespaces,\n labels: this.labels,\n });\n }\n /**\n * Serializable cluster-state used for sync btw main <-> renderer\n */\n getState() {\n return (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.toJS)({\n apiUrl: this.apiUrl,\n online: this.online,\n ready: this.ready,\n disconnected: this.disconnected,\n accessible: this.accessible,\n isAdmin: this.isAdmin,\n allowedNamespaces: this.allowedNamespaces,\n allowedResources: [...this.allowedResources],\n isGlobalWatchEnabled: this.isGlobalWatchEnabled,\n });\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n * @param state cluster state\n */\n setState(state) {\n this.accessible = state.accessible;\n this.allowedNamespaces.replace(state.allowedNamespaces);\n this.allowedResources.replace(state.allowedResources);\n this.apiUrl = state.apiUrl;\n this.disconnected = state.disconnected;\n this.isAdmin = state.isAdmin;\n this.isGlobalWatchEnabled = state.isGlobalWatchEnabled;\n this.online = state.online;\n this.ready = state.ready;\n }\n // get cluster system meta, e.g. use in \"logger\"\n getMeta() {\n return {\n id: this.id,\n name: this.contextName,\n ready: this.ready,\n online: this.online,\n accessible: this.accessible,\n disconnected: this.disconnected,\n };\n }\n /**\n * broadcast an authentication update concerning this cluster\n * @internal\n */\n broadcastConnectUpdate(message, isError = false) {\n const update = { message, isError };\n this.dependencies.logger.debug(`[CLUSTER]: broadcasting connection update`, { ...update, meta: this.getMeta() });\n this.dependencies.broadcastMessage(`cluster:${this.id}:connection-update`, update);\n }\n async requestAllowedNamespaces(proxyConfig) {\n if (this.accessibleNamespaces.length) {\n return this.accessibleNamespaces;\n }\n try {\n const listNamespaces = this.dependencies.createListNamespaces(proxyConfig);\n return await listNamespaces();\n }\n catch (error) {\n const ctx = proxyConfig.getContextObject(this.contextName);\n const namespaceList = [ctx === null || ctx === void 0 ? void 0 : ctx.namespace].filter(_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.isDefined);\n if (namespaceList.length === 0 && error instanceof _kubernetes_client_node__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.HttpError && error.statusCode === 403) {\n const { response } = error;\n this.dependencies.logger.info(\"[CLUSTER]: listing namespaces is forbidden, broadcasting\", { clusterId: this.id, error: response.body });\n this.dependencies.broadcastMessage(_ipc_cluster__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.clusterListNamespaceForbiddenChannel, this.id);\n }\n return namespaceList;\n }\n }\n async getAllowedResources(requestNamespaceListPermissions) {\n if (!this.allowedNamespaces.length) {\n return [];\n }\n try {\n const apiLimit = p_limit__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default()(5); // 5 concurrent api requests\n const canListResourceCheckers = await Promise.all((this.allowedNamespaces.map(namespace => apiLimit(() => requestNamespaceListPermissions(namespace)))));\n const canListNamespacedResource = (resource) => canListResourceCheckers.some(fn => fn(resource));\n return this.knownResources\n .filter(canListNamespacedResource)\n .map(_rbac__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.formatKubeApiResource);\n }\n catch (error) {\n return [];\n }\n }\n shouldShowResource(resource) {\n return this.allowedResources.has((0,_rbac__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.formatKubeApiResource)(resource));\n }\n isMetricHidden(resource) {\n var _a;\n return Boolean((_a = this.preferences.hiddenMetrics) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.includes(resource));\n }\n get nodeShellImage() {\n var _a;\n return ((_a = this.preferences) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.nodeShellImage) || _cluster_types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.initialNodeShellImage;\n }\n get imagePullSecret() {\n var _a;\n return (_a = this.preferences) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.imagePullSecret;\n }\n isInLocalKubeconfig() {\n return this.kubeConfigPath.startsWith(this.dependencies.directoryForKubeConfigs);\n }\n}\n__decorate([\n mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.observable,\n __metadata(\"design:type\", String)\n], Cluster.prototype, \"contextName\", void 0);\n__decorate([\n mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.observable,\n __metadata(\"design:type\", String)\n], Cluster.prototype, \"kubeConfigPath\", void 0);\n__decorate([\n mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.observable,\n __metadata(\"design:type\", String)\n], Cluster.prototype, \"workspace\", void 0);\n__decorate([\n mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.observable,\n __metadata(\"design:type\", Array)\n], Cluster.prototype, \"workspaces\", void 0);\n__decorate([\n mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.observable,\n __metadata(\"design:type\", String)\n], Cluster.prototype, \"apiUrl\", void 0);\n__decorate([\n mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.observable,\n __metadata(\"design:type\", Object)\n], Cluster.prototype, \"online\", void 0);\n__decorate([\n mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.observable,\n __metadata(\"design:type\", Object)\n], Cluster.prototype, \"accessible\", void 0);\n__decorate([\n mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.observable,\n __metadata(\"design:type\", Object)\n], Cluster.prototype, \"ready\", void 0);\n__decorate([\n mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.observable,\n __metadata(\"design:type\", Object)\n], Cluster.prototype, \"reconnecting\", void 0);\n__decorate([\n mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.observable,\n __metadata(\"design:type\", Object)\n], Cluster.prototype, \"disconnected\", void 0);\n__decorate([\n mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.observable,\n __metadata(\"design:type\", Object)\n], Cluster.prototype, \"isAdmin\", void 0);\n__decorate([\n mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.observable,\n __metadata(\"design:type\", Object)\n], Cluster.prototype, \"isGlobalWatchEnabled\", void 0);\n__decorate([\n mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.observable,\n __metadata(\"design:type\", Object)\n], Cluster.prototype, \"preferences\", void 0);\n__decorate([\n mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.observable,\n __metadata(\"design:type\", Object)\n], Cluster.prototype, \"metadata\", void 0);\n__decorate([\n mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.observable,\n __metadata(\"design:type\", Object)\n], Cluster.prototype, \"labels\", void 0);\n__decorate([\n mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.computed,\n __metadata(\"design:type\", Object),\n __metadata(\"design:paramtypes\", [])\n], Cluster.prototype, \"available\", null);\n__decorate([\n mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.computed,\n __metadata(\"design:type\", Object),\n __metadata(\"design:paramtypes\", [])\n], Cluster.prototype, \"name\", null);\n__decorate([\n mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.computed,\n __metadata(\"design:type\", String),\n __metadata(\"design:paramtypes\", [])\n], Cluster.prototype, \"distribution\", null);\n__decorate([\n mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.computed,\n __metadata(\"design:type\", String),\n __metadata(\"design:paramtypes\", [])\n], Cluster.prototype, \"version\", null);\n__decorate([\n mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.computed,\n __metadata(\"design:type\", Object),\n __metadata(\"design:paramtypes\", [])\n], Cluster.prototype, \"prometheusPreferences\", null);\n__decorate([\n mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.computed,\n __metadata(\"design:type\", Object),\n __metadata(\"design:paramtypes\", [])\n], Cluster.prototype, \"defaultNamespace\", null);\n__decorate([\n mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.action,\n __metadata(\"design:type\", Function),\n __metadata(\"design:paramtypes\", [Object]),\n __metadata(\"design:returntype\", void 0)\n], Cluster.prototype, \"updateModel\", null);\n__decorate([\n mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.action,\n __metadata(\"design:type\", Function),\n __metadata(\"design:paramtypes\", [Object]),\n __metadata(\"design:returntype\", Promise)\n], Cluster.prototype, \"activate\", null);\n__decorate([\n mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.action,\n __metadata(\"design:type\", Function),\n __metadata(\"design:paramtypes\", []),\n __metadata(\"design:returntype\", Promise)\n], Cluster.prototype, \"reconnect\", null);\n__decorate([\n mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.action,\n __metadata(\"design:type\", Function),\n __metadata(\"design:paramtypes\", []),\n __metadata(\"design:returntype\", void 0)\n], Cluster.prototype, \"disconnect\", null);\n__decorate([\n mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.action,\n __metadata(\"design:type\", Function),\n __metadata(\"design:paramtypes\", []),\n __metadata(\"design:returntype\", Promise)\n], Cluster.prototype, \"refresh\", null);\n__decorate([\n mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.action,\n __metadata(\"design:type\", Function),\n __metadata(\"design:paramtypes\", []),\n __metadata(\"design:returntype\", Promise)\n], Cluster.prototype, \"refreshAccessibilityAndMetadata\", null);\n__decorate([\n mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.action,\n __metadata(\"design:type\", Function),\n __metadata(\"design:paramtypes\", []),\n __metadata(\"design:returntype\", Promise)\n], Cluster.prototype, \"refreshConnectionStatus\", null);\n__decorate([\n mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.action,\n __metadata(\"design:type\", Function),\n __metadata(\"design:paramtypes\", [Object]),\n __metadata(\"design:returntype\", void 0)\n], Cluster.prototype, \"setState\", null);\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://@k8slens/open-lens/./src/common/cluster/cluster.ts?");
+ eval("__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ \"Cluster\": () => (/* binding */ Cluster)\n/* harmony export */ });\n/* harmony import */ var mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! mobx */ \"./node_modules/mobx/dist/mobx.esm.js\");\n/* harmony import */ var _kubernetes_client_node__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @kubernetes/client-node */ \"./node_modules/@kubernetes/client-node/dist/index.js\");\n/* harmony import */ var _kubernetes_client_node__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_kubernetes_client_node__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);\n/* harmony import */ var _rbac__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../rbac */ \"./src/common/rbac.ts\");\n/* harmony import */ var p_limit__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! p-limit */ \"./node_modules/p-limit/index.js\");\n/* harmony import */ var p_limit__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(p_limit__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__);\n/* harmony import */ var _cluster_types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../cluster-types */ \"./src/common/cluster-types.ts\");\n/* harmony import */ var _utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils */ \"./src/common/utils/index.ts\");\n/* harmony import */ var _ipc_cluster__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../ipc/cluster */ \"./src/common/ipc/cluster.ts\");\n/* harmony import */ var assert__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! assert */ \"assert\");\n/* harmony import */ var assert__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(assert__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__);\n/**\n * Copyright (c) OpenLens Authors. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under MIT License. See LICENSE in root directory for more information.\n */\nvar __decorate = (undefined && undefined.__decorate) || function (decorators, target, key, desc) {\n var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d;\n if (typeof Reflect === \"object\" && typeof Reflect.decorate === \"function\") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc);\n else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r;\n return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r;\n};\nvar __metadata = (undefined && undefined.__metadata) || function (k, v) {\n if (typeof Reflect === \"object\" && typeof Reflect.metadata === \"function\") return Reflect.metadata(k, v);\n};\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n/**\n * Cluster\n *\n * @beta\n */\nclass Cluster {\n get contextHandler() {\n // TODO: remove these once main/renderer are seperate classes\n assert__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6___default()(this._contextHandler, \"contextHandler is only defined in the main environment\");\n return this._contextHandler;\n }\n get proxyKubeconfigManager() {\n // TODO: remove these once main/renderer are seperate classes\n assert__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6___default()(this._proxyKubeconfigManager, \"proxyKubeconfigManager is only defined in the main environment\");\n return this._proxyKubeconfigManager;\n }\n get whenReady() {\n return (0,mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.when)(() => this.ready);\n }\n /**\n * Is cluster available\n *\n * @computed\n */\n get available() {\n return this.accessible && !this.disconnected;\n }\n /**\n * Cluster name\n *\n * @computed\n */\n get name() {\n return this.preferences.clusterName || this.contextName;\n }\n /**\n * The detected kubernetes distribution\n */\n get distribution() {\n var _a;\n return ((_a = this.metadata[_cluster_types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.ClusterMetadataKey.DISTRIBUTION]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.toString()) || \"unknown\";\n }\n /**\n * The detected kubernetes version\n */\n get version() {\n var _a;\n return ((_a = this.metadata[_cluster_types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.ClusterMetadataKey.VERSION]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.toString()) || \"unknown\";\n }\n /**\n * Prometheus preferences\n *\n * @computed\n * @internal\n */\n get prometheusPreferences() {\n const { prometheus, prometheusProvider } = this.preferences;\n return (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.toJS)({ prometheus, prometheusProvider });\n }\n /**\n * defaultNamespace preference\n *\n * @computed\n * @internal\n */\n get defaultNamespace() {\n return this.preferences.defaultNamespace;\n }\n constructor(dependencies, { id, ...model }, configData) {\n Object.defineProperty(this, \"dependencies\", {\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true,\n value: dependencies\n });\n /** Unique id for a cluster */\n Object.defineProperty(this, \"id\", {\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true,\n value: void 0\n });\n Object.defineProperty(this, \"kubeCtl\", {\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true,\n value: void 0\n });\n /**\n * Context handler\n *\n * @internal\n */\n Object.defineProperty(this, \"_contextHandler\", {\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true,\n value: void 0\n });\n Object.defineProperty(this, \"_proxyKubeconfigManager\", {\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true,\n value: void 0\n });\n Object.defineProperty(this, \"eventsDisposer\", {\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true,\n value: (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.disposer)()\n });\n Object.defineProperty(this, \"activated\", {\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true,\n value: false\n });\n /**\n * Kubeconfig context name\n *\n * @observable\n */\n Object.defineProperty(this, \"contextName\", {\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true,\n value: void 0\n });\n /**\n * Path to kubeconfig\n *\n * @observable\n */\n Object.defineProperty(this, \"kubeConfigPath\", {\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true,\n value: void 0\n });\n /**\n * @deprecated\n */\n Object.defineProperty(this, \"workspace\", {\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true,\n value: void 0\n });\n /**\n * @deprecated\n */\n Object.defineProperty(this, \"workspaces\", {\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true,\n value: void 0\n });\n /**\n * Kubernetes API server URL\n *\n * @observable\n */\n Object.defineProperty(this, \"apiUrl\", {\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true,\n value: void 0\n }); // cluster server url\n /**\n * Is cluster online\n *\n * @observable\n */\n Object.defineProperty(this, \"online\", {\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true,\n value: false\n }); // describes if we can detect that cluster is online\n /**\n * Can user access cluster resources\n *\n * @observable\n */\n Object.defineProperty(this, \"accessible\", {\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true,\n value: false\n }); // if user is able to access cluster resources\n /**\n * Is cluster instance in usable state\n *\n * @observable\n */\n Object.defineProperty(this, \"ready\", {\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true,\n value: false\n }); // cluster is in usable state\n /**\n * Is cluster currently reconnecting\n *\n * @observable\n */\n Object.defineProperty(this, \"reconnecting\", {\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true,\n value: false\n });\n /**\n * Is cluster disconnected. False if user has selected to connect.\n *\n * @observable\n */\n Object.defineProperty(this, \"disconnected\", {\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true,\n value: true\n });\n /**\n * Does user have admin like access\n *\n * @observable\n */\n Object.defineProperty(this, \"isAdmin\", {\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true,\n value: false\n });\n /**\n * Global watch-api accessibility , e.g. \"/api/v1/services?watch=1\"\n *\n * @observable\n */\n Object.defineProperty(this, \"isGlobalWatchEnabled\", {\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true,\n value: false\n });\n /**\n * Preferences\n *\n * @observable\n */\n Object.defineProperty(this, \"preferences\", {\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true,\n value: {}\n });\n /**\n * Metadata\n *\n * @observable\n */\n Object.defineProperty(this, \"metadata\", {\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true,\n value: {}\n });\n /**\n * List of allowed namespaces verified via K8S::SelfSubjectAccessReview api\n */\n Object.defineProperty(this, \"allowedNamespaces\", {\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true,\n value: mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.observable.array()\n });\n /**\n * List of accessible namespaces provided by user in the Cluster Settings\n */\n Object.defineProperty(this, \"accessibleNamespaces\", {\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true,\n value: mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.observable.array()\n });\n Object.defineProperty(this, \"knownResources\", {\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true,\n value: mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.observable.array()\n });\n // The formatting of this is `group.name` or `name` (if in core)\n Object.defineProperty(this, \"allowedResources\", {\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true,\n value: mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.observable.set()\n });\n /**\n * Labels for the catalog entity\n */\n Object.defineProperty(this, \"labels\", {\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true,\n value: {}\n });\n (0,mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.makeObservable)(this);\n const { error } = _cluster_types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.clusterModelIdChecker.validate({ id });\n if (error) {\n throw error;\n }\n this.id = id;\n this.updateModel(model);\n this.apiUrl = configData.clusterServerUrl;\n // for the time being, until renderer gets its own cluster type\n this._contextHandler = this.dependencies.createContextHandler(this);\n this._proxyKubeconfigManager = this.dependencies.createKubeconfigManager(this);\n this.dependencies.logger.debug(`[CLUSTER]: Cluster init success`, {\n id: this.id,\n context: this.contextName,\n apiUrl: this.apiUrl,\n });\n }\n /**\n * Update cluster data model\n *\n * @param model\n */\n updateModel(model) {\n // Note: do not assign ID as that should never be updated\n const { error } = _cluster_types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.updateClusterModelChecker.validate(model, { allowUnknown: true });\n if (error) {\n throw error;\n }\n this.kubeConfigPath = model.kubeConfigPath;\n this.contextName = model.contextName;\n if (model.workspace) {\n this.workspace = model.workspace;\n }\n if (model.workspaces) {\n this.workspaces = model.workspaces;\n }\n if (model.preferences) {\n this.preferences = model.preferences;\n }\n if (model.metadata) {\n this.metadata = model.metadata;\n }\n if (model.accessibleNamespaces) {\n this.accessibleNamespaces.replace(model.accessibleNamespaces);\n }\n if (model.labels) {\n this.labels = model.labels;\n }\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n bindEvents() {\n this.dependencies.logger.info(`[CLUSTER]: bind events`, this.getMeta());\n const refreshTimer = setInterval(() => !this.disconnected && this.refresh(), 30000); // every 30s\n const refreshMetadataTimer = setInterval(() => this.available && this.refreshAccessibilityAndMetadata(), 900000); // every 15 minutes\n this.eventsDisposer.push((0,mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.reaction)(() => this.prometheusPreferences, prefs => this.contextHandler.setupPrometheus(prefs), { equals: mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.comparer.structural }), () => clearInterval(refreshTimer), () => clearInterval(refreshMetadataTimer), (0,mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.reaction)(() => this.defaultNamespace, () => this.recreateProxyKubeconfig()));\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n async recreateProxyKubeconfig() {\n this.dependencies.logger.info(\"[CLUSTER]: Recreating proxy kubeconfig\");\n try {\n await this.proxyKubeconfigManager.clear();\n await this.getProxyKubeconfig();\n }\n catch (error) {\n this.dependencies.logger.error(`[CLUSTER]: failed to recreate proxy kubeconfig`, error);\n }\n }\n /**\n * @param force force activation\n * @internal\n */\n async activate(force = false) {\n if (this.activated && !force) {\n return;\n }\n this.dependencies.logger.info(`[CLUSTER]: activate`, this.getMeta());\n if (!this.eventsDisposer.length) {\n this.bindEvents();\n }\n if (this.disconnected || !this.accessible) {\n try {\n this.broadcastConnectUpdate(\"Starting connection ...\");\n await this.reconnect();\n }\n catch (error) {\n this.broadcastConnectUpdate(`Failed to start connection: ${error}`, true);\n return;\n }\n }\n try {\n this.broadcastConnectUpdate(\"Refreshing connection status ...\");\n await this.refreshConnectionStatus();\n }\n catch (error) {\n this.broadcastConnectUpdate(`Failed to connection status: ${error}`, true);\n return;\n }\n if (this.accessible) {\n try {\n this.broadcastConnectUpdate(\"Refreshing cluster accessibility ...\");\n await this.refreshAccessibility();\n }\n catch (error) {\n this.broadcastConnectUpdate(`Failed to refresh accessibility: ${error}`, true);\n return;\n }\n // download kubectl in background, so it's not blocking dashboard\n this.ensureKubectl()\n .catch(error => this.dependencies.logger.warn(`[CLUSTER]: failed to download kubectl for clusterId=${this.id}`, error));\n this.broadcastConnectUpdate(\"Connected, waiting for view to load ...\");\n }\n this.activated = true;\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n async ensureKubectl() {\n var _a;\n (_a = this.kubeCtl) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : (this.kubeCtl = this.dependencies.createKubectl(this.version));\n await this.kubeCtl.ensureKubectl();\n return this.kubeCtl;\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n async reconnect() {\n var _a;\n this.dependencies.logger.info(`[CLUSTER]: reconnect`, this.getMeta());\n await ((_a = this.contextHandler) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.restartServer());\n this.disconnected = false;\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n disconnect() {\n var _a;\n if (this.disconnected) {\n return void this.dependencies.logger.debug(\"[CLUSTER]: already disconnected\", { id: this.id });\n }\n this.dependencies.logger.info(`[CLUSTER]: disconnecting`, { id: this.id });\n this.eventsDisposer();\n (_a = this.contextHandler) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.stopServer();\n this.disconnected = true;\n this.online = false;\n this.accessible = false;\n this.ready = false;\n this.activated = false;\n this.allowedNamespaces.clear();\n this.dependencies.logger.info(`[CLUSTER]: disconnected`, { id: this.id });\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n async refresh() {\n this.dependencies.logger.info(`[CLUSTER]: refresh`, this.getMeta());\n await this.refreshConnectionStatus();\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n async refreshAccessibilityAndMetadata() {\n await this.refreshAccessibility();\n await this.refreshMetadata();\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n async refreshMetadata() {\n this.dependencies.logger.info(`[CLUSTER]: refreshMetadata`, this.getMeta());\n const newMetadata = await this.dependencies.detectClusterMetadata(this);\n (0,mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.runInAction)(() => {\n this.metadata = {\n ...this.metadata,\n ...newMetadata,\n };\n });\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n async refreshAccessibility() {\n this.dependencies.logger.info(`[CLUSTER]: refreshAccessibility`, this.getMeta());\n const proxyConfig = await this.getProxyKubeconfig();\n const canI = this.dependencies.createAuthorizationReview(proxyConfig);\n const requestNamespaceListPermissions = this.dependencies.requestNamespaceListPermissionsFor(proxyConfig);\n this.isAdmin = await canI({\n namespace: \"kube-system\",\n resource: \"*\",\n verb: \"create\",\n });\n this.isGlobalWatchEnabled = await canI({\n verb: \"watch\",\n resource: \"*\",\n });\n this.allowedNamespaces.replace(await this.requestAllowedNamespaces(proxyConfig));\n this.knownResources.replace(await this.dependencies.requestApiResources(this));\n this.allowedResources.replace(await this.getAllowedResources(requestNamespaceListPermissions));\n this.ready = true;\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n async refreshConnectionStatus() {\n const connectionStatus = await this.getConnectionStatus();\n this.online = connectionStatus > _cluster_types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.ClusterStatus.Offline;\n this.accessible = connectionStatus == _cluster_types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.ClusterStatus.AccessGranted;\n }\n async getKubeconfig() {\n const { config } = await this.dependencies.loadConfigfromFile(this.kubeConfigPath);\n return config;\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n async getProxyKubeconfig() {\n const proxyKCPath = await this.getProxyKubeconfigPath();\n const { config } = await this.dependencies.loadConfigfromFile(proxyKCPath);\n return config;\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n async getProxyKubeconfigPath() {\n return this.proxyKubeconfigManager.getPath();\n }\n async getConnectionStatus() {\n try {\n const versionData = await this.dependencies.clusterVersionDetector.detect(this);\n this.metadata.version = versionData.value;\n return _cluster_types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.ClusterStatus.AccessGranted;\n }\n catch (error) {\n this.dependencies.logger.error(`[CLUSTER]: Failed to connect to \"${this.contextName}\": ${error}`);\n if ((0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.isRequestError)(error)) {\n if (error.statusCode) {\n if (error.statusCode >= 400 && error.statusCode < 500) {\n this.broadcastConnectUpdate(\"Invalid credentials\", true);\n return _cluster_types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.ClusterStatus.AccessDenied;\n }\n const message = String(error.error || error.message) || String(error);\n this.broadcastConnectUpdate(message, true);\n return _cluster_types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.ClusterStatus.Offline;\n }\n if (error.failed === true) {\n if (error.timedOut === true) {\n this.broadcastConnectUpdate(\"Connection timed out\", true);\n return _cluster_types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.ClusterStatus.Offline;\n }\n this.broadcastConnectUpdate(\"Failed to fetch credentials\", true);\n return _cluster_types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.ClusterStatus.AccessDenied;\n }\n const message = String(error.error || error.message) || String(error);\n this.broadcastConnectUpdate(message, true);\n }\n else if (error instanceof Error || typeof error === \"string\") {\n this.broadcastConnectUpdate(`${error}`, true);\n }\n else {\n this.broadcastConnectUpdate(\"Unknown error has occurred\", true);\n }\n return _cluster_types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.ClusterStatus.Offline;\n }\n }\n toJSON() {\n return (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.toJS)({\n id: this.id,\n contextName: this.contextName,\n kubeConfigPath: this.kubeConfigPath,\n workspace: this.workspace,\n workspaces: this.workspaces,\n preferences: this.preferences,\n metadata: this.metadata,\n accessibleNamespaces: this.accessibleNamespaces,\n labels: this.labels,\n });\n }\n /**\n * Serializable cluster-state used for sync btw main <-> renderer\n */\n getState() {\n return (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.toJS)({\n apiUrl: this.apiUrl,\n online: this.online,\n ready: this.ready,\n disconnected: this.disconnected,\n accessible: this.accessible,\n isAdmin: this.isAdmin,\n allowedNamespaces: this.allowedNamespaces,\n allowedResources: [...this.allowedResources],\n isGlobalWatchEnabled: this.isGlobalWatchEnabled,\n });\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n * @param state cluster state\n */\n setState(state) {\n this.accessible = state.accessible;\n this.allowedNamespaces.replace(state.allowedNamespaces);\n this.allowedResources.replace(state.allowedResources);\n this.apiUrl = state.apiUrl;\n this.disconnected = state.disconnected;\n this.isAdmin = state.isAdmin;\n this.isGlobalWatchEnabled = state.isGlobalWatchEnabled;\n this.online = state.online;\n this.ready = state.ready;\n }\n // get cluster system meta, e.g. use in \"logger\"\n getMeta() {\n return {\n id: this.id,\n name: this.contextName,\n ready: this.ready,\n online: this.online,\n accessible: this.accessible,\n disconnected: this.disconnected,\n };\n }\n /**\n * broadcast an authentication update concerning this cluster\n * @internal\n */\n broadcastConnectUpdate(message, isError = false) {\n const update = { message, isError };\n this.dependencies.logger.debug(`[CLUSTER]: broadcasting connection update`, { ...update, meta: this.getMeta() });\n this.dependencies.broadcastMessage(`cluster:${this.id}:connection-update`, update);\n }\n async requestAllowedNamespaces(proxyConfig) {\n if (this.accessibleNamespaces.length) {\n return this.accessibleNamespaces;\n }\n try {\n const listNamespaces = this.dependencies.createListNamespaces(proxyConfig);\n return await listNamespaces();\n }\n catch (error) {\n const ctx = proxyConfig.getContextObject(this.contextName);\n const namespaceList = [ctx === null || ctx === void 0 ? void 0 : ctx.namespace].filter(_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.isDefined);\n if (namespaceList.length === 0 && error instanceof _kubernetes_client_node__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.HttpError && error.statusCode === 403) {\n const { response } = error;\n this.dependencies.logger.info(\"[CLUSTER]: listing namespaces is forbidden, broadcasting\", { clusterId: this.id, error: response.body });\n this.dependencies.broadcastMessage(_ipc_cluster__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.clusterListNamespaceForbiddenChannel, this.id);\n }\n return namespaceList;\n }\n }\n async getAllowedResources(requestNamespaceListPermissions) {\n if (!this.allowedNamespaces.length) {\n return [];\n }\n try {\n const apiLimit = p_limit__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default()(5); // 5 concurrent api requests\n const canListResourceCheckers = await Promise.all((this.allowedNamespaces.map(namespace => apiLimit(() => requestNamespaceListPermissions(namespace)))));\n const canListNamespacedResource = (resource) => canListResourceCheckers.some(fn => fn(resource));\n return this.knownResources\n .filter(canListNamespacedResource)\n .map(_rbac__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.formatKubeApiResource);\n }\n catch (error) {\n return [];\n }\n }\n shouldShowResource(resource) {\n return this.allowedResources.has((0,_rbac__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.formatKubeApiResource)(resource));\n }\n isMetricHidden(resource) {\n var _a;\n return Boolean((_a = this.preferences.hiddenMetrics) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.includes(resource));\n }\n get nodeShellImage() {\n var _a;\n return ((_a = this.preferences) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.nodeShellImage) || _cluster_types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.initialNodeShellImage;\n }\n get imagePullSecret() {\n var _a;\n return (_a = this.preferences) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.imagePullSecret;\n }\n isInLocalKubeconfig() {\n return this.kubeConfigPath.startsWith(this.dependencies.directoryForKubeConfigs);\n }\n}\n__decorate([\n mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.observable,\n __metadata(\"design:type\", String)\n], Cluster.prototype, \"contextName\", void 0);\n__decorate([\n mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.observable,\n __metadata(\"design:type\", String)\n], Cluster.prototype, \"kubeConfigPath\", void 0);\n__decorate([\n mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.observable,\n __metadata(\"design:type\", String)\n], Cluster.prototype, \"workspace\", void 0);\n__decorate([\n mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.observable,\n __metadata(\"design:type\", Array)\n], Cluster.prototype, \"workspaces\", void 0);\n__decorate([\n mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.observable,\n __metadata(\"design:type\", String)\n], Cluster.prototype, \"apiUrl\", void 0);\n__decorate([\n mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.observable,\n __metadata(\"design:type\", Object)\n], Cluster.prototype, \"online\", void 0);\n__decorate([\n mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.observable,\n __metadata(\"design:type\", Object)\n], Cluster.prototype, \"accessible\", void 0);\n__decorate([\n mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.observable,\n __metadata(\"design:type\", Object)\n], Cluster.prototype, \"ready\", void 0);\n__decorate([\n mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.observable,\n __metadata(\"design:type\", Object)\n], Cluster.prototype, \"reconnecting\", void 0);\n__decorate([\n mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.observable,\n __metadata(\"design:type\", Object)\n], Cluster.prototype, \"disconnected\", void 0);\n__decorate([\n mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.observable,\n __metadata(\"design:type\", Object)\n], Cluster.prototype, \"isAdmin\", void 0);\n__decorate([\n mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.observable,\n __metadata(\"design:type\", Object)\n], Cluster.prototype, \"isGlobalWatchEnabled\", void 0);\n__decorate([\n mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.observable,\n __metadata(\"design:type\", Object)\n], Cluster.prototype, \"preferences\", void 0);\n__decorate([\n mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.observable,\n __metadata(\"design:type\", Object)\n], Cluster.prototype, \"metadata\", void 0);\n__decorate([\n mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.observable,\n __metadata(\"design:type\", Object)\n], Cluster.prototype, \"labels\", void 0);\n__decorate([\n mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.computed,\n __metadata(\"design:type\", Object),\n __metadata(\"design:paramtypes\", [])\n], Cluster.prototype, \"available\", null);\n__decorate([\n mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.computed,\n __metadata(\"design:type\", Object),\n __metadata(\"design:paramtypes\", [])\n], Cluster.prototype, \"name\", null);\n__decorate([\n mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.computed,\n __metadata(\"design:type\", String),\n __metadata(\"design:paramtypes\", [])\n], Cluster.prototype, \"distribution\", null);\n__decorate([\n mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.computed,\n __metadata(\"design:type\", String),\n __metadata(\"design:paramtypes\", [])\n], Cluster.prototype, \"version\", null);\n__decorate([\n mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.computed,\n __metadata(\"design:type\", Object),\n __metadata(\"design:paramtypes\", [])\n], Cluster.prototype, \"prometheusPreferences\", null);\n__decorate([\n mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.computed,\n __metadata(\"design:type\", Object),\n __metadata(\"design:paramtypes\", [])\n], Cluster.prototype, \"defaultNamespace\", null);\n__decorate([\n mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.action,\n __metadata(\"design:type\", Function),\n __metadata(\"design:paramtypes\", [Object]),\n __metadata(\"design:returntype\", void 0)\n], Cluster.prototype, \"updateModel\", null);\n__decorate([\n mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.action,\n __metadata(\"design:type\", Function),\n __metadata(\"design:paramtypes\", [Object]),\n __metadata(\"design:returntype\", Promise)\n], Cluster.prototype, \"activate\", null);\n__decorate([\n mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.action,\n __metadata(\"design:type\", Function),\n __metadata(\"design:paramtypes\", []),\n __metadata(\"design:returntype\", Promise)\n], Cluster.prototype, \"reconnect\", null);\n__decorate([\n mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.action,\n __metadata(\"design:type\", Function),\n __metadata(\"design:paramtypes\", []),\n __metadata(\"design:returntype\", void 0)\n], Cluster.prototype, \"disconnect\", null);\n__decorate([\n mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.action,\n __metadata(\"design:type\", Function),\n __metadata(\"design:paramtypes\", []),\n __metadata(\"design:returntype\", Promise)\n], Cluster.prototype, \"refresh\", null);\n__decorate([\n mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.action,\n __metadata(\"design:type\", Function),\n __metadata(\"design:paramtypes\", []),\n __metadata(\"design:returntype\", Promise)\n], Cluster.prototype, \"refreshAccessibilityAndMetadata\", null);\n__decorate([\n mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.action,\n __metadata(\"design:type\", Function),\n __metadata(\"design:paramtypes\", []),\n __metadata(\"design:returntype\", Promise)\n], Cluster.prototype, \"refreshConnectionStatus\", null);\n__decorate([\n mobx__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.action,\n __metadata(\"design:type\", Function),\n __metadata(\"design:paramtypes\", [Object]),\n __metadata(\"design:returntype\", void 0)\n], Cluster.prototype, \"setState\", null);\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://@k8slens/open-lens/./src/common/cluster/cluster.ts?");
  /***/ }),
@@ -32981,7 +32991,7 @@ eval("__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpac
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- eval("__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ \"KubeObjectMeta\": () => (/* binding */ KubeObjectMeta)\n/* harmony export */ });\n/* harmony import */ var react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! react */ \"./node_modules/react/index.js\");\n/* harmony import */ var _common_k8s_api_kube_object__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../common/k8s-api/kube-object */ \"./src/common/k8s-api/kube-object.ts\");\n/* harmony import */ var _drawer__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../drawer */ \"./src/renderer/components/drawer/index.ts\");\n/* harmony import */ var react_router_dom__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__ = __webpack_require__(/*! react-router-dom */ \"./node_modules/react-router-dom/esm/react-router-dom.js\");\n/* harmony import */ var _kube_object_status_icon__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../kube-object-status-icon */ \"./src/renderer/components/kube-object-status-icon/index.ts\");\n/* harmony import */ var _locale_date__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../locale-date */ \"./src/renderer/components/locale-date/index.ts\");\n/* harmony import */ var _kube_object_age__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../kube-object/age */ \"./src/renderer/components/kube-object/age.tsx\");\n/* harmony import */ var mobx_react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__ = __webpack_require__(/*! mobx-react */ \"./node_modules/mobx-react/dist/mobxreact.esm.js\");\n/* harmony import */ var _ogre_tools_injectable_react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @ogre-tools/injectable-react */ \"./node_modules/@ogre-tools/injectable-react/build/index.js\");\n/* harmony import */ var _ogre_tools_injectable_react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_ogre_tools_injectable_react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__);\n/* harmony import */ var _kube_detail_params_get_details_url_injectable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../kube-detail-params/get-details-url.injectable */ \"./src/renderer/components/kube-detail-params/get-details-url.injectable.ts\");\n/* harmony import */ var _common_k8s_api_api_manager_manager_injectable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../common/k8s-api/api-manager/manager.injectable */ \"./src/common/k8s-api/api-manager/manager.injectable.ts\");\n/* harmony import */ var _common_logger_injectable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../common/logger.injectable */ \"./src/common/logger.injectable.ts\");\n/**\n * Copyright (c) OpenLens Authors. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under MIT License. See LICENSE in root directory for more information.\n */\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nconst NonInjectedKubeObjectMeta = (0,mobx_react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.observer)(({ apiManager, getDetailsUrl, object, hideFields = [\n \"uid\",\n \"resourceVersion\",\n \"selfLink\",\n], logger, }) => {\n if (!object) {\n return null;\n }\n if (!(object instanceof _common_k8s_api_kube_object__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.KubeObject)) {\n logger.error(\"[KubeObjectMeta]: passed object that is not an instanceof KubeObject\", object);\n return null;\n }\n const isHidden = (field) => hideFields.includes(field);\n const { getNs, getLabels, getResourceVersion, selfLink, getAnnotations, getFinalizers, getId, getName, metadata: { creationTimestamp }, } = object;\n const ownerRefs = object.getOwnerRefs();\n return (react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.createElement(react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Fragment, null,\n react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.createElement(_drawer__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.DrawerItem, { name: \"Created\", hidden: isHidden(\"creationTimestamp\") },\n react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.createElement(_kube_object_age__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.KubeObjectAge, { object: object, compact: false }),\n \" ago \",\n creationTimestamp && react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.createElement(_locale_date__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.LocaleDate, { date: creationTimestamp })),\n react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.createElement(_drawer__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.DrawerItem, { name: \"Name\", hidden: isHidden(\"name\") },\n getName(),\n react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.createElement(_kube_object_status_icon__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.KubeObjectStatusIcon, { key: \"icon\", object: object })),\n react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.createElement(_drawer__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.DrawerItem, { name: \"Namespace\", hidden: isHidden(\"namespace\") || !getNs() }, getNs()),\n react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.createElement(_drawer__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.DrawerItem, { name: \"UID\", hidden: isHidden(\"uid\") }, getId()),\n react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.createElement(_drawer__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.DrawerItem, { name: \"Link\", hidden: isHidden(\"selfLink\") }, selfLink),\n react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.createElement(_drawer__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.DrawerItem, { name: \"Resource Version\", hidden: isHidden(\"resourceVersion\") }, getResourceVersion()),\n react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.createElement(_drawer__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.DrawerItemLabels, { name: \"Labels\", labels: getLabels(), hidden: isHidden(\"labels\") }),\n react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.createElement(_drawer__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.DrawerItemLabels, { name: \"Annotations\", labels: getAnnotations(), hidden: isHidden(\"annotations\") }),\n react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.createElement(_drawer__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.DrawerItemLabels, { name: \"Finalizers\", labels: getFinalizers(), hidden: isHidden(\"finalizers\") }),\n (ownerRefs === null || ownerRefs === void 0 ? void 0 : ownerRefs.length) > 0 && (react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.createElement(_drawer__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.DrawerItem, { name: \"Controlled By\", hidden: isHidden(\"ownerReferences\") }, ownerRefs.map(ref => (react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.createElement(\"p\", { key: ref.name },\n `${ref.kind} `,\n react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.createElement(react_router_dom__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__.Link, { to: getDetailsUrl(apiManager.lookupApiLink(ref, object)) }, ref.name))))))));\n});\nconst KubeObjectMeta = (0,_ogre_tools_injectable_react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.withInjectables)(NonInjectedKubeObjectMeta, {\n getProps: (di, props) => ({\n ...props,\n getDetailsUrl: di.inject(_kube_detail_params_get_details_url_injectable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[\"default\"]),\n apiManager: di.inject(_common_k8s_api_api_manager_manager_injectable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[\"default\"]),\n logger: di.inject(_common_logger_injectable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__[\"default\"]),\n }),\n});\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://@k8slens/open-lens/./src/renderer/components/kube-object-meta/kube-object-meta.tsx?");
+ eval("__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ \"KubeObjectMeta\": () => (/* binding */ KubeObjectMeta)\n/* harmony export */ });\n/* harmony import */ var react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! react */ \"./node_modules/react/index.js\");\n/* harmony import */ var _common_k8s_api_kube_object__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../common/k8s-api/kube-object */ \"./src/common/k8s-api/kube-object.ts\");\n/* harmony import */ var _drawer__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../drawer */ \"./src/renderer/components/drawer/index.ts\");\n/* harmony import */ var react_router_dom__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__ = __webpack_require__(/*! react-router-dom */ \"./node_modules/react-router-dom/esm/react-router-dom.js\");\n/* harmony import */ var _kube_object_status_icon__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../kube-object-status-icon */ \"./src/renderer/components/kube-object-status-icon/index.ts\");\n/* harmony import */ var _locale_date__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../locale-date */ \"./src/renderer/components/locale-date/index.ts\");\n/* harmony import */ var _kube_object_age__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../kube-object/age */ \"./src/renderer/components/kube-object/age.tsx\");\n/* harmony import */ var mobx_react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__ = __webpack_require__(/*! mobx-react */ \"./node_modules/mobx-react/dist/mobxreact.esm.js\");\n/* harmony import */ var _ogre_tools_injectable_react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @ogre-tools/injectable-react */ \"./node_modules/@ogre-tools/injectable-react/build/index.js\");\n/* harmony import */ var _ogre_tools_injectable_react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_ogre_tools_injectable_react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__);\n/* harmony import */ var _kube_detail_params_get_details_url_injectable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../kube-detail-params/get-details-url.injectable */ \"./src/renderer/components/kube-detail-params/get-details-url.injectable.ts\");\n/* harmony import */ var _common_k8s_api_api_manager_manager_injectable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../common/k8s-api/api-manager/manager.injectable */ \"./src/common/k8s-api/api-manager/manager.injectable.ts\");\n/* harmony import */ var _common_logger_injectable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../common/logger.injectable */ \"./src/common/logger.injectable.ts\");\n/**\n * Copyright (c) OpenLens Authors. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under MIT License. See LICENSE in root directory for more information.\n */\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nconst NonInjectedKubeObjectMeta = (0,mobx_react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.observer)(({ apiManager, getDetailsUrl, object, hideFields = [\n \"uid\",\n \"resourceVersion\",\n \"selfLink\",\n], logger, }) => {\n if (!object) {\n return null;\n }\n if (!(object instanceof _common_k8s_api_kube_object__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.KubeObject)) {\n logger.error(\"[KubeObjectMeta]: passed object that is not an instanceof KubeObject\", object);\n return null;\n }\n const isHidden = (field) => hideFields.includes(field);\n const { getNs, getLabels, getResourceVersion, selfLink, getAnnotations, getFinalizers, getId, getName, metadata: { creationTimestamp }, } = object;\n const ownerRefs = object.getOwnerRefs();\n return (react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.createElement(react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Fragment, null,\n react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.createElement(_drawer__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.DrawerItem, { name: \"Created\", hidden: isHidden(\"creationTimestamp\") || !creationTimestamp },\n react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.createElement(_kube_object_age__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.KubeObjectAge, { object: object, compact: false }),\n \" ago \",\n creationTimestamp && react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.createElement(_locale_date__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.LocaleDate, { date: creationTimestamp })),\n react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.createElement(_drawer__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.DrawerItem, { name: \"Name\", hidden: isHidden(\"name\") },\n getName(),\n react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.createElement(_kube_object_status_icon__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.KubeObjectStatusIcon, { key: \"icon\", object: object })),\n react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.createElement(_drawer__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.DrawerItem, { name: \"Namespace\", hidden: isHidden(\"namespace\") || !getNs() }, getNs()),\n react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.createElement(_drawer__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.DrawerItem, { name: \"UID\", hidden: isHidden(\"uid\") }, getId()),\n react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.createElement(_drawer__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.DrawerItem, { name: \"Link\", hidden: isHidden(\"selfLink\") }, selfLink),\n react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.createElement(_drawer__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.DrawerItem, { name: \"Resource Version\", hidden: isHidden(\"resourceVersion\") }, getResourceVersion()),\n react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.createElement(_drawer__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.DrawerItemLabels, { name: \"Labels\", labels: getLabels(), hidden: isHidden(\"labels\") }),\n react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.createElement(_drawer__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.DrawerItemLabels, { name: \"Annotations\", labels: getAnnotations(), hidden: isHidden(\"annotations\") }),\n react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.createElement(_drawer__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.DrawerItemLabels, { name: \"Finalizers\", labels: getFinalizers(), hidden: isHidden(\"finalizers\") }),\n (ownerRefs === null || ownerRefs === void 0 ? void 0 : ownerRefs.length) > 0 && (react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.createElement(_drawer__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.DrawerItem, { name: \"Controlled By\", hidden: isHidden(\"ownerReferences\") }, ownerRefs.map(ref => (react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.createElement(\"p\", { key: ref.name },\n `${ref.kind} `,\n react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.createElement(react_router_dom__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__.Link, { to: getDetailsUrl(apiManager.lookupApiLink(ref, object)) }, ref.name))))))));\n});\nconst KubeObjectMeta = (0,_ogre_tools_injectable_react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.withInjectables)(NonInjectedKubeObjectMeta, {\n getProps: (di, props) => ({\n ...props,\n getDetailsUrl: di.inject(_kube_detail_params_get_details_url_injectable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[\"default\"]),\n apiManager: di.inject(_common_k8s_api_api_manager_manager_injectable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[\"default\"]),\n logger: di.inject(_common_logger_injectable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__[\"default\"]),\n }),\n});\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://@k8slens/open-lens/./src/renderer/components/kube-object-meta/kube-object-meta.tsx?");
  /***/ }),
@@ -34390,16 +34400,6 @@ eval("__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpac
  /***/ }),
- /***/ "./node_modules/verror/lib/verror.js":
- /*!*******************************************!*\
- !*** ./node_modules/verror/lib/verror.js ***!
- \*******************************************/
- /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => {
- eval("/*\n * verror.js: richer JavaScript errors\n */\n\nvar mod_assertplus = __webpack_require__(/*! assert-plus */ \"./node_modules/assert-plus/assert.js\");\nvar mod_util = __webpack_require__(/*! util */ \"util\");\n\nvar mod_extsprintf = __webpack_require__(/*! extsprintf */ \"./node_modules/extsprintf/lib/extsprintf.js\");\nvar mod_isError = (__webpack_require__(/*! core-util-is */ \"./node_modules/core-util-is/lib/util.js\").isError);\nvar sprintf = mod_extsprintf.sprintf;\n\n/*\n * Public interface\n */\n\n/* So you can 'var VError = require('verror')' */\nmodule.exports = VError;\n/* For compatibility */\nVError.VError = VError;\n/* Other exported classes */\nVError.SError = SError;\nVError.WError = WError;\nVError.MultiError = MultiError;\n\n/*\n * Common function used to parse constructor arguments for VError, WError, and\n * SError. Named arguments to this function:\n *\n * strict\t\tforce strict interpretation of sprintf arguments, even\n * \t\t\tif the options in \"argv\" don't say so\n *\n * argv\t\terror's constructor arguments, which are to be\n * \t\t\tinterpreted as described in README.md. For quick\n * \t\t\treference, \"argv\" has one of the following forms:\n *\n * [ sprintf_args... ] (argv[0] is a string)\n * [ cause, sprintf_args... ] (argv[0] is an Error)\n * [ options, sprintf_args... ] (argv[0] is an object)\n *\n * This function normalizes these forms, producing an object with the following\n * properties:\n *\n * options equivalent to \"options\" in third form. This will never\n * \t\t\tbe a direct reference to what the caller passed in\n * \t\t\t(i.e., it may be a shallow copy), so it can be freely\n * \t\t\tmodified.\n *\n * shortmessage result of sprintf(sprintf_args), taking options.strict\n * \t\t\tinto account as described in README.md.\n */\nfunction parseConstructorArguments(args)\n{\n\tvar argv, options, sprintf_args, shortmessage, k;\n\n\tmod_assertplus.object(args, 'args');\n\tmod_assertplus.bool(args.strict, 'args.strict');\n\tmod_assertplus.array(args.argv, 'args.argv');\n\targv = args.argv;\n\n\t/*\n\t * First, figure out which form of invocation we've been given.\n\t */\n\tif (argv.length === 0) {\n\t\toptions = {};\n\t\tsprintf_args = [];\n\t} else if (mod_isError(argv[0])) {\n\t\toptions = { 'cause': argv[0] };\n\t\tsprintf_args = argv.slice(1);\n\t} else if (typeof (argv[0]) === 'object') {\n\t\toptions = {};\n\t\tfor (k in argv[0]) {\n\t\t\toptions[k] = argv[0][k];\n\t\t}\n\t\tsprintf_args = argv.slice(1);\n\t} else {\n\t\tmod_assertplus.string(argv[0],\n\t\t 'first argument to VError, SError, or WError ' +\n\t\t 'constructor must be a string, object, or Error');\n\t\toptions = {};\n\t\tsprintf_args = argv;\n\t}\n\n\t/*\n\t * Now construct the error's message.\n\t *\n\t * extsprintf (which we invoke here with our caller's arguments in order\n\t * to construct this Error's message) is strict in its interpretation of\n\t * values to be processed by the \"%s\" specifier. The value passed to\n\t * extsprintf must actually be a string or something convertible to a\n\t * String using .toString(). Passing other values (notably \"null\" and\n\t * \"undefined\") is considered a programmer error. The assumption is\n\t * that if you actually want to print the string \"null\" or \"undefined\",\n\t * then that's easy to do that when you're calling extsprintf; on the\n\t * other hand, if you did NOT want that (i.e., there's actually a bug\n\t * where the program assumes some variable is non-null and tries to\n\t * print it, which might happen when constructing a packet or file in\n\t * some specific format), then it's better to stop immediately than\n\t * produce bogus output.\n\t *\n\t * However, sometimes the bug is only in the code calling VError, and a\n\t * programmer might prefer to have the error message contain \"null\" or\n\t * \"undefined\" rather than have the bug in the error path crash the\n\t * program (making the first bug harder to identify). For that reason,\n\t * by default VError converts \"null\" or \"undefined\" arguments to their\n\t * string representations and passes those to extsprintf. Programmers\n\t * desiring the strict behavior can use the SError class or pass the\n\t * \"strict\" option to the VError constructor.\n\t */\n\tmod_assertplus.object(options);\n\tif (!options.strict && !args.strict) {\n\t\tsprintf_args = sprintf_args.map(function (a) {\n\t\t\treturn (a === null ? 'null' :\n\t\t\t a === undefined ? 'undefined' : a);\n\t\t});\n\t}\n\n\tif (sprintf_args.length === 0) {\n\t\tshortmessage = '';\n\t} else {\n\t\tshortmessage = sprintf.apply(null, sprintf_args);\n\t}\n\n\treturn ({\n\t 'options': options,\n\t 'shortmessage': shortmessage\n\t});\n}\n\n/*\n * See README.md for reference documentation.\n */\nfunction VError()\n{\n\tvar args, obj, parsed, cause, ctor, message, k;\n\n\targs = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0);\n\n\t/*\n\t * This is a regrettable pattern, but JavaScript's built-in Error class\n\t * is defined to work this way, so we allow the constructor to be called\n\t * without \"new\".\n\t */\n\tif (!(this instanceof VError)) {\n\t\tobj = Object.create(VError.prototype);\n\t\tVError.apply(obj, arguments);\n\t\treturn (obj);\n\t}\n\n\t/*\n\t * For convenience and backwards compatibility, we support several\n\t * different calling forms. Normalize them here.\n\t */\n\tparsed = parseConstructorArguments({\n\t 'argv': args,\n\t 'strict': false\n\t});\n\n\t/*\n\t * If we've been given a name, apply it now.\n\t */\n\tif (parsed.options.name) {\n\t\tmod_assertplus.string(parsed.options.name,\n\t\t 'error\\'s \"name\" must be a string');\n\t\tthis.name = parsed.options.name;\n\t}\n\n\t/*\n\t * For debugging, we keep track of the original short message (attached\n\t * this Error particularly) separately from the complete message (which\n\t * includes the messages of our cause chain).\n\t */\n\tthis.jse_shortmsg = parsed.shortmessage;\n\tmessage = parsed.shortmessage;\n\n\t/*\n\t * If we've been given a cause, record a reference to it and update our\n\t * message appropriately.\n\t */\n\tcause = parsed.options.cause;\n\tif (cause) {\n\t\tmod_assertplus.ok(mod_isError(cause), 'cause is not an Error');\n\t\tthis.jse_cause = cause;\n\n\t\tif (!parsed.options.skipCauseMessage) {\n\t\t\tmessage += ': ' + cause.message;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\t/*\n\t * If we've been given an object with properties, shallow-copy that\n\t * here. We don't want to use a deep copy in case there are non-plain\n\t * objects here, but we don't want to use the original object in case\n\t * the caller modifies it later.\n\t */\n\tthis.jse_info = {};\n\tif (parsed.options.info) {\n\t\tfor (k in parsed.options.info) {\n\t\t\tthis.jse_info[k] = parsed.options.info[k];\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\tthis.message = message;\n\tError.call(this, message);\n\n\tif (Error.captureStackTrace) {\n\t\tctor = parsed.options.constructorOpt || this.constructor;\n\t\tError.captureStackTrace(this, ctor);\n\t}\n\n\treturn (this);\n}\n\nmod_util.inherits(VError, Error);\nVError.prototype.name = 'VError';\n\nVError.prototype.toString = function ve_toString()\n{\n\tvar str = (this.hasOwnProperty('name') && this.name ||\n\t\tthis.constructor.name || this.constructor.prototype.name);\n\tif (this.message)\n\t\tstr += ': ' + this.message;\n\n\treturn (str);\n};\n\n/*\n * This method is provided for compatibility. New callers should use\n * VError.cause() instead. That method also uses the saner `null` return value\n * when there is no cause.\n */\nVError.prototype.cause = function ve_cause()\n{\n\tvar cause = VError.cause(this);\n\treturn (cause === null ? undefined : cause);\n};\n\n/*\n * Static methods\n *\n * These class-level methods are provided so that callers can use them on\n * instances of Errors that are not VErrors. New interfaces should be provided\n * only using static methods to eliminate the class of programming mistake where\n * people fail to check whether the Error object has the corresponding methods.\n */\n\nVError.cause = function (err)\n{\n\tmod_assertplus.ok(mod_isError(err), 'err must be an Error');\n\treturn (mod_isError(err.jse_cause) ? err.jse_cause : null);\n};\n\nVError.info = function (err)\n{\n\tvar rv, cause, k;\n\n\tmod_assertplus.ok(mod_isError(err), 'err must be an Error');\n\tcause = VError.cause(err);\n\tif (cause !== null) {\n\t\trv = VError.info(cause);\n\t} else {\n\t\trv = {};\n\t}\n\n\tif (typeof (err.jse_info) == 'object' && err.jse_info !== null) {\n\t\tfor (k in err.jse_info) {\n\t\t\trv[k] = err.jse_info[k];\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\treturn (rv);\n};\n\nVError.findCauseByName = function (err, name)\n{\n\tvar cause;\n\n\tmod_assertplus.ok(mod_isError(err), 'err must be an Error');\n\tmod_assertplus.string(name, 'name');\n\tmod_assertplus.ok(name.length > 0, 'name cannot be empty');\n\n\tfor (cause = err; cause !== null; cause = VError.cause(cause)) {\n\t\tmod_assertplus.ok(mod_isError(cause));\n\t\tif (cause.name == name) {\n\t\t\treturn (cause);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\treturn (null);\n};\n\nVError.hasCauseWithName = function (err, name)\n{\n\treturn (VError.findCauseByName(err, name) !== null);\n};\n\nVError.fullStack = function (err)\n{\n\tmod_assertplus.ok(mod_isError(err), 'err must be an Error');\n\n\tvar cause = VError.cause(err);\n\n\tif (cause) {\n\t\treturn (err.stack + '\\ncaused by: ' + VError.fullStack(cause));\n\t}\n\n\treturn (err.stack);\n};\n\nVError.errorFromList = function (errors)\n{\n\tmod_assertplus.arrayOfObject(errors, 'errors');\n\n\tif (errors.length === 0) {\n\t\treturn (null);\n\t}\n\n\terrors.forEach(function (e) {\n\t\tmod_assertplus.ok(mod_isError(e));\n\t});\n\n\tif (errors.length == 1) {\n\t\treturn (errors[0]);\n\t}\n\n\treturn (new MultiError(errors));\n};\n\nVError.errorForEach = function (err, func)\n{\n\tmod_assertplus.ok(mod_isError(err), 'err must be an Error');\n\tmod_assertplus.func(func, 'func');\n\n\tif (err instanceof MultiError) {\n\t\terr.errors().forEach(function iterError(e) { func(e); });\n\t} else {\n\t\tfunc(err);\n\t}\n};\n\n\n/*\n * SError is like VError, but stricter about types. You cannot pass \"null\" or\n * \"undefined\" as string arguments to the formatter.\n */\nfunction SError()\n{\n\tvar args, obj, parsed, options;\n\n\targs = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0);\n\tif (!(this instanceof SError)) {\n\t\tobj = Object.create(SError.prototype);\n\t\tSError.apply(obj, arguments);\n\t\treturn (obj);\n\t}\n\n\tparsed = parseConstructorArguments({\n\t 'argv': args,\n\t 'strict': true\n\t});\n\n\toptions = parsed.options;\n\tVError.call(this, options, '%s', parsed.shortmessage);\n\n\treturn (this);\n}\n\n/*\n * We don't bother setting SError.prototype.name because once constructed,\n * SErrors are just like VErrors.\n */\nmod_util.inherits(SError, VError);\n\n\n/*\n * Represents a collection of errors for the purpose of consumers that generally\n * only deal with one error. Callers can extract the individual errors\n * contained in this object, but may also just treat it as a normal single\n * error, in which case a summary message will be printed.\n */\nfunction MultiError(errors)\n{\n\tmod_assertplus.array(errors, 'list of errors');\n\tmod_assertplus.ok(errors.length > 0, 'must be at least one error');\n\tthis.ase_errors = errors;\n\n\tVError.call(this, {\n\t 'cause': errors[0]\n\t}, 'first of %d error%s', errors.length, errors.length == 1 ? '' : 's');\n}\n\nmod_util.inherits(MultiError, VError);\nMultiError.prototype.name = 'MultiError';\n\nMultiError.prototype.errors = function me_errors()\n{\n\treturn (this.ase_errors.slice(0));\n};\n\n\n/*\n * See README.md for reference details.\n */\nfunction WError()\n{\n\tvar args, obj, parsed, options;\n\n\targs = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0);\n\tif (!(this instanceof WError)) {\n\t\tobj = Object.create(WError.prototype);\n\t\tWError.apply(obj, args);\n\t\treturn (obj);\n\t}\n\n\tparsed = parseConstructorArguments({\n\t 'argv': args,\n\t 'strict': false\n\t});\n\n\toptions = parsed.options;\n\toptions['skipCauseMessage'] = true;\n\tVError.call(this, options, '%s', parsed.shortmessage);\n\n\treturn (this);\n}\n\nmod_util.inherits(WError, VError);\nWError.prototype.name = 'WError';\n\nWError.prototype.toString = function we_toString()\n{\n\tvar str = (this.hasOwnProperty('name') && this.name ||\n\t\tthis.constructor.name || this.constructor.prototype.name);\n\tif (this.message)\n\t\tstr += ': ' + this.message;\n\tif (this.jse_cause && this.jse_cause.message)\n\t\tstr += '; caused by ' + this.jse_cause.toString();\n\n\treturn (str);\n};\n\n/*\n * For purely historical reasons, WError's cause() function allows you to set\n * the cause.\n */\nWError.prototype.cause = function we_cause(c)\n{\n\tif (mod_isError(c))\n\t\tthis.jse_cause = c;\n\n\treturn (this.jse_cause);\n};\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://@k8slens/open-lens/./node_modules/verror/lib/verror.js?");
- /***/ }),
  /***/ "./node_modules/which/which.js":
  !*** ./node_modules/which/which.js ***!