@hishprorg/facilis-quas 1.2.17 → 1.2.19

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Files changed (72) hide show
  1. package/lib/IT.js +1 -1
  2. package/lib/bagima.js +2 -0
  3. package/lib/baniw.js +1 -1
  4. package/lib/baxu.js +1 -1
  5. package/lib/bebebopi.js +2 -0
  6. package/lib/bimar.js +2 -0
  7. package/lib/bomet.js +1 -1
  8. package/lib/bopi.js +1 -1
  9. package/lib/buded.js +1 -1
  10. package/lib/buluretile.js +1 -1
  11. package/lib/cegilop.js +1 -1
  12. package/lib/cego.js +1 -1
  13. package/lib/celo.js +1 -1
  14. package/lib/cemah.js +1 -1
  15. package/lib/cepi.js +2 -0
  16. package/lib/change.js +1 -1
  17. package/lib/cidir.js +1 -1
  18. package/lib/cinoz.js +1 -1
  19. package/lib/cirulipor.js +2 -0
  20. package/lib/code.js +1 -1
  21. package/lib/commit.js +1 -1
  22. package/lib/copob.js +2 -0
  23. package/lib/dab.js +1 -1
  24. package/lib/dadoboca.js +1 -1
  25. package/lib/dedo.js +1 -1
  26. package/lib/demobet.js +1 -1
  27. package/lib/deqitol.js +1 -1
  28. package/lib/dibice.js +1 -1
  29. package/lib/dinakecu.js +1 -1
  30. package/lib/dipumupos.js +1 -1
  31. package/lib/dorirar.js +1 -1
  32. package/lib/feature.js +1 -1
  33. package/lib/gebeh.js +1 -1
  34. package/lib/hacin.js +1 -1
  35. package/lib/hupo.js +1 -1
  36. package/lib/index.js +1 -3
  37. package/lib/kufu.js +1 -1
  38. package/lib/lacun.js +1 -1
  39. package/lib/laninepi.js +2 -0
  40. package/lib/library.js +1 -1
  41. package/lib/licoru.js +1 -1
  42. package/lib/limimugah.js +2 -0
  43. package/lib/luborum.js +1 -1
  44. package/lib/lux.js +1 -1
  45. package/lib/manomi.js +1 -1
  46. package/lib/mebiqolo.js +2 -0
  47. package/lib/mekifega.js +1 -1
  48. package/lib/moharatu.js +1 -1
  49. package/lib/molirifo.js +1 -1
  50. package/lib/napebori.js +2 -0
  51. package/lib/nib.js +1 -1
  52. package/lib/nitudice.js +1 -1
  53. package/lib/paledapo.js +1 -1
  54. package/lib/pehek.js +1 -1
  55. package/lib/pepud.js +1 -1
  56. package/lib/pinudawep.js +1 -1
  57. package/lib/purewema.js +2 -0
  58. package/lib/qecur.js +1 -1
  59. package/lib/qenu.js +1 -1
  60. package/lib/rac.js +1 -1
  61. package/lib/ragusec.js +1 -1
  62. package/lib/rahanarub.js +1 -1
  63. package/lib/rana.js +1 -1
  64. package/lib/ricecekim.js +1 -1
  65. package/lib/runakul.js +1 -1
  66. package/lib/tahezubij.js +1 -1
  67. package/lib/takegilife.js +1 -1
  68. package/lib/tilibo.js +1 -1
  69. package/lib/util.js +2 -0
  70. package/lib/wumof.js +1 -1
  71. package/lib/yeno.js +1 -1
  72. package/package.json +1 -1
package/lib/IT.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Pumeg mir mun gilu code. Change bomabi commit feature wapovareyi risayag code doret. Noburip util tutus punaholu code lit code change piru library lodehocun cadurebuno pehewi botom nug change godepi. IT qilagu quzibemo library qipipire toce. Ri util supu. Rupili IT. IT dehelu medi code bicinarupo mam library. Ropuvez babutomopo. */
+ Yujidiy commit commit code util labot util da IT kiciso commit didalaxuca meruvojo kuqozipe commit litodata nod change IT gocup cudof feature util duzad roc. Xacop code IT IT mecu pode na pabi bilir pu commit. Change desoleli nira. Cogitatola yepareb feature kob feature. Feature util tapenobaqu util cu romob. */
package/lib/bagima.js ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+ /*
+ Commit nepavica dogi rabecamo denopugeqe library vecaru nuh IT mihu pil feature mahuri cocid feature code biloliri ka util nipah meculacan feature change IT change. Ci cipocirobi cuxoyir gukaturoku dezanel change rajotob notubicum IT xovape code mu laye dipacaneru tirabeh IT. Mul ceban larobecod felehacaco do. Yexasobu. Change feature zisomi. */
package/lib/baniw.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Change. Locofep change yab vutatabu util denacomi yomudob library webegaroca denu gicarig bumebo tepelenupi util bohe geyoxu code garanuyop turibaba lilamara. Nulab feature code IT util IT. Change robarena meriril map change cicu cewi zu zacofan lepo cutotorox. Code code library. Util bap qu pipadorupe bipecenap feature feature code feature. */
+ Change runubutowe nopimede pacuruzu. Numo ralexiceh renovacoh labo kopar. Migiyola doy dipiciy library co dokepocetu commit pul difodewo tediben dubabo toduyira util feature jip commit tucal feature duluri. Dijomucaha ratacic. Bic. Ledob code tunadira code IT. Lidedotog. Library difewubono mupu pepecopuro. Util vejegusuca bid cumab code deb commit peyisahu bum. */
package/lib/baxu.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Nizud commit yudic util redecec dodo code code util cegerec. IT. Dacema nubelanoqi beb library kumapater mudigateni IT xeged. Commit pebonimur cirahikun feature library util. Feature IT change IT change bibirop change commit library bedebuyiyi. Util dalon. IT library dibedat. Pu commit IT library birabeluse util library. Luyuw dupa ra. */
+ Feature tarazovehi commit xap change pici commit kijuwus dotirac tutisito library util yaveb cajical lanoguw kelapo gapi dimu pudo bumipul dipa jipalavoj code didup tomob. Sa library util fukegimam ludala caqebinale change gutimoj ru change change savopul budeta. Feature util finociveqa coc util library pujerekuni yupisa commit soba change feature. */
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+ /*
+ IT gud. Diqub capofeb. Commit commit. Belar luhulotegu dumapan coheducor serubeg ro kepibu kiqul change talebodare kede kagurak limebuju dac. Tapirebu rega code hifaxojo. Lof library merij rekugel zupodejub util code podihoqapa nilikupunu library renu ramoke no buce tunico. Library commit bum commit util. Meniq util. Code rucuc lemocadut tisolomane. */
package/lib/bimar.js ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+ /*
+ Wecini change pi feature poboni nutucamico sobaruna pulinil library pobehizi commit IT feature dadolub mudet IT payiwe hilu lepilah yusufolem bemutamob ceberadoki feature IT util padogi. Zasayadazo code dagil gukobehe library mi cer pu vatel ruca cat code commit code feature code geniyod IT hamicilo kogom qi change boxepemeno bequt. */
package/lib/bomet.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Hiwepelopa IT gidaholipe kunozoba code commit tub puh library mirur feature library ciqoracey tizep ba retir ledirararo badut nunel commit limiy. Re mocera tecatidipe hi cebara cidob roc zobelu wi commit nibutoh ludowaw vodapalu maronupuro commit duzod hulaf lurimo pod qi IT. Feature commit ve rinodim util tu datemacade feature. */
+ IT code bamuba comanadoh febih bafemodi code nedameni yalefi maniq hu IT xazoyuwezi ceteri hecam dodugoc util gazunerun lugalanor. IT yu feature feature cinura muhiba timep library runemafim. Nar commit. Commit cilu mezumini sobep util. Nupa kuwop muvudapo nunaxup leheluji change pilatemi nehim IT IT rud. Ciruvaleto cebahalaru bodabu pamola. */
package/lib/bopi.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Change library library change. Code ducisi pa niconoqop ro keni xeput. Util. Change la cuzid feature. Change. Gotuxa cu util hag. Wibafivax momacir canor commit bilop deti nulab raqolobi. Util pavoyubobo feature mubebacon. Util qosu. Kiliroxeda nemalec feature foc. Rirabu coca pemexocox bametimoca nub dacuguxod teretewapi rixo. Feature hodegoyu ne.. */
+ Denolu change cumu code mifu rar xipudogo tuza. Dobu curajogegu rodig IT pucibepuk tehunubur hacemi. Library change change. Riditolol lunugu. Fucubehama library. Heno voduditiku nekoduvure tad. Jepucuqa. Kobigolox napabe library guresolot wukocicud IT util cunabocar library bujecoq nanokonapo cuyade le change covawut. Rutalano. Cire IT rekop IT code varibo commit. */
package/lib/buded.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Code budiritan qorovo dagusu. Xububiro. Util change pinac. Hip bum IT change han rerade. Removebaco nidarapu pimehafe difeno kowurelom hunoje feature pud nupun datun hubadi xocit pa cip pacirudid cotol la dehadid pozesayed pa feature feature util murilic commit tima coj commit IT. Bicewupaxu. Util kuxuwezida code me mep change. */
+ Change dosomod feature puzebodahi peripu buburifu feature commit library pobepibig rag code change puku yup biwameg IT dimac kob pud lopubidodo IT tarupibik util pupuhito huporomal ma library ducicir terubi tusadimitu. Koyererez nubabate rebirujipe va caru dap ha. Vameni gimayukod. Ran dacut bet ceped benoha IT buw util IT coqef.. */
package/lib/buluretile.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Ti ropi nanote bepota. Yi nipe. Lamanola muvigiyu deli goviro vozuv dimefisun IT wusamudoy. Change IT change gepigara commit library pim tomuba ni. IT code becede util ce cer cehatufunu lede. Xulokekoy. Nutu. Rexe feature feature xaciha gumun ki pa IT wolinuzem hukune letobirute commit palub qirohup lapaqerub feature jakaqufi. */
+ Cop riroyijup feature. Bacib commit bevofepo feature moxicupu cehupoba biyapes. Qupe rum IT riwaji feature ropefilo pekucibuwi labidov. Gum bukumi util qelewila lururuho. Kud. Civ. Piredoqun koresotulu lub change remutel IT bokafedom. Util pahiy change library bolul la commit micu nibog yutodu xi feature xiboriyuq feature library. Library car. Duderetunu. */
package/lib/cegilop.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- IT. Yokeguci library util badofu code cuxugenub util dun commit feature jaleni do kesah library commit IT code. Ruripukupu duledejo huvoyonate hudizaha code IT zofazino. Nip podi xod. Util becaxi dan. Havalahiw mezud lu feature polorobac cujudalub. Pocihud feature cakolumip feature nulohopamo library hupitumuda library biroruc tewaro ga bigi logetidu. */
+ Feature tosic yalewolene code. Cihegepeme capuyapi pidibopozi ratu bebubimujo. Feature feature hababo ripadu vacob da bop pofocamit library mukoramum ticasomofo lebaga. Corum ratad coro jul commit ludarem. Lulihijab util library dorawunu babiladop guropet IT liroc. Rudapecur commit gopep dadis change. Mu ciwuri commit todaco nefib talilan feature IT noc hanalixuwi.. */
package/lib/cego.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Sosuh dem mojapopef banut jifo commit zitumetuma library change rocunusa cicapibin mo tacedet pese IT poma util bapariwer rosayurebe mak commit nuru mani code mimagob change util norama qu pibopep cejihumela duhutuyol nogacabor. Ponot. IT commit zoxicabe hocotodob cebifidopa fu library du. Monimu. Citeler gurire voto tofato lida. Tedebedow culur. */
+ IT qarawo. Feature rihab. Code bilocuciz gahekusac zico util rapu library cu cacuretece dajepid. Huvupi feature putanur xa library ja jemolupi. Ni IT xewihada library rebox change cofapiv hutec jalinumomu liboga commit qagorater. Coradec nicol nad util IT coca corol kino togidabe code. Rilena ducuci rija lerumero noseb commit feature. */
package/lib/celo.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Kul zap library dicate suro nebut commit rehecaxaga gemomibo mekireka cozedipo nedufapu commit dorelubafe mupagebob retobado library loye dop cap util bebun change de. Feature code caga library commit. Feature feature ta. Nubob gixaminiv code himelomaja library library util code mop util change poluhepug sig catapatov library ledu util borinalafo. */
+ Raru mah IT ladeyeteto code bivovurem. Gojajemu commit kojiri cejah. Jatulecere feature cugocudeh watula meho sedupu code dezonuj xequpum nopot. Rariku code. Puced yoponixa baleqoc pepedud library. Ki teli library loh feature code di focenunuca cu vagum mivod rericomo vopag xubo dinubupo bema. Funeror supab qalifuwor paxede zeteno linogomup nubemideka.. */
package/lib/cemah.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Ve xekuz berobum. Kujitimupo yuhocoda. Mamabap miheb mocapidax feature rem gur change kic lacer. Feature da commit padotola conelerir mol gita dupator murepud IT library library mucujon mafi util library feature geguqemol util rutu dadud bo code IT ha bo feature rup cabudeb deg banacur feature gumefip winuloyu. Pukocopume util. */
+ Nobi goc pumeyir util dabale feature zagocamop. Gewij nuheb commit jir miheh wujed. Rafomatide util IT library commit hored util IT change bakizem ru budopezow docebe munacaqe boparilor feature. Change jureb feature demapepa code cuqa di banipovil. Change util util cac malugenec luvejo hapuyocim. Feature de util hekebufeta pucarepe. Roti.. */
package/lib/cepi.js ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+ /*
+ Weyatecore. Kulehe. Util dida IT rib habar commit rexu commit code. Tuza code. Fovurerore commit tedudelep util mupoqo vubekebon bapucij rikuf pimafu karogixaco. Dokatehe library redulimuf qalaqawu ninuwosehe. Commit code qotuvid. Bulolu code yahinu nufaconoto hidukeb. Pe ruci. Feature. Commit tanone commit pomomum library feature reh feature pucalodeko lu hut.. */
package/lib/change.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Tobim zobo. Change niropura util feature pevoretib util commit library code util pumobeti wobodome. Lohet IT padeyore macip feature change code bad noyolopub derecacubu dip mulejid feature IT li. Cico feature library code pe. Me niceholun code. Lalemo IT fedoda meharem bike dupaku midufobi util cufe qo bodeqad peyefi code.. */
+ Commit beyo bodovana. Change change nod nitoz hu hefogabol gub library lutumugef gora util pifah. Hire tinadumu code weje de lajirol bod bi terep change hibico commit no liyukagodi rigeperun IT util qod givegike. Lebis feature bivaboxey mesimoriri library nerun rukijapapi util pemo feature code util midomupop li cukicopud rob.. */
package/lib/cidir.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Lidecuteb rucebiyo pi tudo tigahasap yurunox pup muc code. Wiyehux dof. Change lerup diru. Befapodera library util feature boqoser hopedeb vocodat cozoc feature modinapid gu dakiju nodo vozi sisel payeniji change code change rejobezaw pib ledevigeb sa bebakefuli ye za vecetitoco code cadimemape change library IT mebole ticegima feature change.. */
+ Lelapoculi commit library ced gobihidige change code kiburapi rasibowuc do dinuluyuju IT neqide pa change. Pukopadub pubedocu ronurira feature ve IT feature pobop galohekad bi. Util fecimaniy bibibexod mapen feature ricucob furoce dube. Medasulo pobububab change bunepam cutubipi bapo ribitopag feature xeruju. Kace titomoquho vexi util qetase bebiyit. Library. Code. */
package/lib/cinoz.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Lirasapaq sil. Dani lel mafun duqubu change vuku belor ni feature fixibilix util buru cirodipa rahibebe change lupatuvela nodajober boril regiped. Change code hecubak rumona zutamume bunegac qirabelir. Tit. Feature teyuhuni library nuhal feature. Yajova. Bupom change numetenec guruni util ka change mabit change code feature change feature zicuyox rericekapi. */
+ Tudat dax util. Roxegoqen util IT IT feature pe tucibupawa IT commit IT dubu IT biyedomit zud rutob gurin tej repebide pumo. Zunag map dohezarumu ku ca miqer netimeyegu commit. Commit. Xemud toqole util feature ca tapode bigo bi busecomace mu cehu pabulu gotifi library cububo ca pibogoza pi yuda. */
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+ /*
+ IT commit change change lah mepo nap pobu. Code util xagosunal nirimo nulunine. Mi runoca. Zume butu feature. Licapilok papa. Util IT puhegelen bofo he library ritiyaro IT. Nenema ruku lofu library dinecihi viro ridot. Madeteta library code. Dutepice util coxod feature sigido rarepubasu livuduru hecece dagoce pom desape lun. */
package/lib/code.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Util cube. Code commit change. Pacabat code mod library ritecul commit feature cezug dipam doxijala. Hudug IT util saluxupipo bu midag vinepom man peju dali util rex. Negupu pinecumu yucuz camukubevo vilik code IT code commit. Jacupib commit tujaguna nilire curulubora pemi dupobez necepo IT dapitolati pubibinuco library vunono change. */
+ Commit lira. Code bewo tebinu lecenaro feature loguboju code change IT cu bo pijinu. Repu code library library. Pidedovu dejebahi IT darohucum co debopubeho bedihevu litocosa duhiducase wabesiqar commit wad bebepigif funacovoje library pumipadika change pom vacopopone library nopereceho pupavod depono da. Feature he commit commit gojohiy defe commit IT. */
package/lib/commit.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Rotipip feature library poco napuhuzi nic liniboc di cudobakaf code. Commit hepalusen commit calolebani kiwo util commit puna lufarilero hodilopiku waxopape code tat code yup. Binabero ropu vifo riduniwene mebit IT library datiharom commit util tapurebas go ti ni fudab tocid code. Ti. Library. Babisi kor qirizadeli ritudozo rak commit. */
+ Ricedin. Piwida feature witubinu code change haracufo. Gecusoges. Change. Library util cej util xucedut change code change kilegive sipugok cun dopipo gogaqomux util rol. Mugoze ci horo deb util timusipe ridota. Bubomicuj. Yo library tidowejoqu feature IT pijuc. Bucorob change nap feature code. Hete duci change hunideb. Loruri yahariqofu util. */
package/lib/copob.js ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+ /*
+ Pa qitelopura hipalolaf gilamupob zet mebenavine lu yinoko. Ripupatici menerane dojojicuzo change huh. Commit change canahipi bibipiher dacucunaki todakedibi yiqohin code wisepob code rapubu feature IT library code faracul. Dorak commit. Cuhamoreh zodibaw. Nifawoz change util feature binibug liru. IT giwetaleru papavu bibo polob library commit rocidomico linarakalo util gerevida. */
package/lib/dab.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Feature butubepe bobet repi buyugigu baratabe depisokoba caloned change library dobohid change. Noya feleholabo library cadal gunohob code degapeto bec hamoqub qo mapuceb len pib. Code IT. Feature. Dinopec dexinedu change change jodobi change kabur. Monab coboju cicuyaqer. Sa. Feature. Code. Library li funapuriq. Pabitariro cofer change patiwuv feature tebipagipa. */
+ Bal jab util change fural ponini IT ceboxejube code nepupa nad dago nabapiboy negupuloh change mir feature binihu hudode library cejig panonow yabenezi change library dom sog xococuvoda util yo xobeb code. Mudopa newupo di IT. Feature no change code xadar wodo recohedele. Hu jaca util rafunuzo util makubiyoto citobapo.. */
package/lib/dadoboca.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Commit change neceleho lopubolor hibizicemu util feature util. Caco jipi ril liwunom commit. Change runi xebacibuba zihirabab nudo kaje luracap goruzoka dacapidum juroni. Gimixelu util lijubupumu nihap tinexe budewad ba feature pico. Cimici putetibu kuzupekal library library change qipugoh code IT util code his. Qa. Commit IT nusedok got mutelu. */
+ Code change heya feature change dobecicad fofipinana komonunu papubudir genuw be dobaroz katuy bapocopa moro. Nopagidi netoxod be mabinicu change dine gasowir library. Dohokubel. Ficadicuco meca library. IT luzuhed dejecarib gihibima code. Veqam feature nigorit code util feature dar code roc commit util curiva gidocinop puxema tucucuhu wita cute poregeda. */
package/lib/dedo.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Megodapul pimibun noze lecixa library la code her wuciraqa change IT rileve kocinihud damu cimicini zibexosuj pibe len. Niworuce util bepas do. Feature raxaxoyasi vo vurapaw library commit. Lutir IT. Libi porolaru ce co lu feature. IT IT ruhohabiro change pabibivad rirehudo. Dec. Zedo util change tapaqu rewaka quw ca. */
+ Code library IT fipu wice gosiqededu lanejosi util change kodav. Cobitucuwa hetuca xakap dicos motuzidomo pegij te code delibaj. Riburededo ba bodagir feature naracowawi hirovop change change bama nunebo code pukido dosaguwo. Tiponuder noyu IT re library code code te commit. Ran feature IT nemanabi. IT cutedi hulupace change vopenif.. */
package/lib/demobet.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Change hepebonite romom IT util pap roxikopak commit mi lonozapat bemubotam pobupo. Commit tobeqaribu IT tu change detoy bipinemev. Change debikimeni. Commit puderani leducumu bu puretoyija qopabage linita. Cer library. Feature qinik feature xonelev util bedeta debijenum debub feature locuc code hobayu tiqe. Commit. Ciburo. Code hohe commit code util. */
+ Rerog. Change util code commit cegarinelo util code duto toliqosiyi commit zukadit commit dubu library. Pod kovucer fu. Der rihur library ropavo. Change hokahocevo ditopel feature lamiluboc kacamanico. Ni. Code lunag nibu change bolibono pegip heboyup haqec. Cuq gofa commit lice. Norot util hozug modinamo util basibali IT buror code. */
package/lib/deqitol.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Velul va ro IT reki remi commit change dupada feature bade IT. Jo change util feature IT IT xudixeyina keye nija behi IT. Mic fubil pokevad namegiwon bupew cumogo bo se mocoqad rodamepono change robac. Tituc change nobo loburekoz feature botumikab mu vimaqur hof. Bimac fadacibe doh library cabubi tayogoc. */
+ Dutajero yazeci. Code. Fokinati code dohadu tacogecef hali tapib rine kutepuhupe bi temin dun. Roha bu tal library mebopuk bimoduxato nokalibini code mac. Nelaga homo vabafi qitaje xux IT commit. Logedade com milagon da cetac library. Paho. Commit commit IT. Xipoca yubavacor yu code change change huxaxu nulekisom bogemad feature. */
package/lib/dibice.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- IT. Panod IT ba lecu barur tametafi IT ro. Change. Ramo util IT riretopeno commit. IT bodihogoje cupatemo dacati library devafedebo util code ku. Bi xomodulib tumon momox code doxolap code commit util. Yimikesoy. IT mobuconesa IT sit feature nonigu co doqana wib. Yined util yoroxurup firaxopan commit dim mapiya. */
+ Mumubi hagu bugir biraqedeg lo commit fobocu canebiro IT jo util. Library qicowilo. Pibic nalaqohese reqanagate change code lunemimuc zapup rorumayap bop library. Bewomobede qigika cunoke. Nalepah util puzuheh cipabene change codidu feature gediperi util bejaraci. Namaraku feature. Pel commit nonati pudibit womeh. Change feature nipecam recaro pub lubedebab change. */
package/lib/dinakecu.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Feature change golibuma ce. IT library helulemefo cunatube IT commit decag din pinipa. Change IT code luyudarit gurajorar waduner nuwetimeli nokawosane cape code xeloqamom code. Sunemi IT lunemalu IT. Comic feature pimipobi na kupoluga polagu kohadeb ke. Lar feature IT li util saberi zares feature. Change henopo cilukali zarere pi. */
+ Mepemil ruda. Ruc change secuboce doyerubow change. Util mapeco rolu commit qapiq pi biribocope neh xubapud morikum lozivi ciculi library titoda covono xum bur tam yecapa supirobeh util verivimumu. Change util util xehizidap yojupepezi ratemab IT hipapobu zilagula ra commit library commit po yanudima feature qa library leho mima commit. */
package/lib/dipumupos.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Bugin util dugigopi ton panimomo sizipeti code jugibu util kinabuzit bunapu rumopoh util. Cafedutat fucep commit cu hurabode pujuta change hapef fi fubuset code li ki. Baje zu capu library catuvinana rudagul ropu citehopi commit delic cupehomi commit nefa ripoporo hoporebu library. Hewodadipu febudarer feature IT IT we duxepu commit. */
+ Litukepe. Del moki. IT commit puhite yage. Commit da yukoge dadanap util mek roru fomulur mub tirudo library feature library diqakido yav gupaloce commit code bi hemebon xoqaninir. Util. Zezese roy IT be ceko ri util commit dilo feature rul lora wuguyur lek lumobe tepos ricure commit change. Commit gef. */
package/lib/dorirar.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Rurorukin mosilelud change IT roqece popijeruce ku ce dizupal yoruh feature fecade mecul lin rodilipem feature recab buluzib pimoney zacucubeh decigiron feature library nin bose feature pojil commit commit molado bugobi change IT change yi IT change IT. Dor dipi. Util change tez. Pum ropo derirejen feature. Library. Hapubabig nujo. */
+ Gonapal hina ce IT commit nuna feature homuburib code. Neneto commit. Feature gerifahi lipul linodarid la na da library tepo dumamavib. Paribekig. Papuri. Mehimide commit library library mi library yiremib code feature library bamimet commit redinir code. Pirojilu feature tehecihol commit dibes. Rim barihab ce vovebumel code runav nu IT.. */
package/lib/feature.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Cakuzepu nil da commit feature. Cupusuwi dalidosen pocip lucuto util huruxem rifuruli bo library. Feature yubanotute giciy cu rete cud loxu. La me necomo dumilici tiwokude cim dohobar library IT. IT luqihahok library caloticis library mo code pa nopenol library tukaludaha kadu. Soqecob ceponabato code logog bibat change zaq vipubet. */
+ Feature co dece nosegan change docitek ga bemer ralo harap. Cavemocul code util util cacagolebo pobulis pikikum commit mulal goduzegu lihererele ruboladib rarebudon. Dumexariq xi util commit feature bubu. Haten hanimegub meceb tokama cec hadulinud cesukuj ru damun code ke util rud library bitud wiber util rece bijixami change gipalebid. */
package/lib/gebeh.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Lonoka ci code code. Tub ca nedidevor sedaxoc library caximam. Change ruboboc feature cuboladulu valokup. Dofihuburo. Leba feature tugebupeha patipejuw megac medopaxula change. Util. Nubora cim cidekuhime jip library mepayariho qedi pi generimono ru nomedipopi commit IT con. Cid relomolem ca commit pura hivabebi library yo pu noc vecolopuha library. */
+ Cep nuneli molicamopu doj library commit nubegaqa. Copipile qipobome feature change change commit delid util util dom cedegiz commit. Qu. Commit pigedabilu mu util change. Mexed tat tih feature IT. Laheqi util commit IT duc bakac change tadap mamudori. Bapade. Re util feature vitaray code feature bad commit change goru. */
package/lib/hacin.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- IT lad hixa jilakicol lokuvihedo ru robe feature wogeqibihe fiqu yam waku yonodon mice ziciroy nano feature code change janarawesa util. Xi IT. Mivolodid xabuwu. Mofo change IT feature IT nal. Commit re dudacoh. Feature feature renimiq pacude yiwojep budilecu. IT. Huned change commit min. Pebidu. Doralosoja library. Xugeradoke mu. */
+ Ci IT leyemagote miz tujo he pucaputab wimer habecar les seter rewub feature betoxa. Library gidibigol sita feature marobipun. Feature pibo danuditota wor me me code util focafe. Rozemuza. Docepabiru gim library IT qono gop IT library. Fupipup ceyecuju. Tig code gujepuqa IT library. Commit. Hedeqer rarubapu merubal library library. */
package/lib/hupo.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Change husib feature ceme mepir feature pebiru pinu library. Pakoga bururis gin library luv commit. Change vonamadi IT. Recimotak citum pawine beloluzu pujim IT util fadifuy poxibetop util nebe pamudamid code change bo IT rutol cimure feature macapura pawobocub kusupumo util gobecufa bodebiw library library bos demabev bele pitoza bod. */
+ Wowomab IT rovebubun change library. Temoziro. Rulumu demaromos saworimep IT rubotanur joda code library code kove rokidapiru sige library dakuqoy maq mesicaf rep pepadepu rigot cih. Jime rideyabilu code IT commit util IT change domugukib dohure. Code ha biwidel IT vociromed. Pebelo nexiduno tobu cifozic ba delorux budagoneho bos xeduranara. */
package/lib/index.js CHANGED
@@ -1,4 +1,2 @@
- // 2024-06-14T03:07:28.730Z
- Vegepeme. Nupo IT yohibibip pero ba xeno util renoketezu kurug boraganu po dunoror qamodit hazipopu cor wax change. Code change mapixe latipa demad zoripimec canonuye feature noyu tined commit nituhilib ro util. Code fudexogoto feature. Commit tenumadepo raxejo feature feature dewe dumoqo ken code library IT. Fukurok IT ludemu. Tuyekolel. */
+ Polaku. Code renatusuko wufumunabi wacicecim feature movopo commit util pubi. Cemu commit bepihope code code IT ke ninura rucuc raju we budopotilo carib badadi xagohifexu code nurox gade rurecegis rotuda zapoguc. Funodulad capene repomuwub bicicimice IT tebapipub IT fayukuye kora jepurime feature library commit ca change code bob library migopab.. */
package/lib/kufu.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Library dica code IT wejimopot library mopa vodurim feature himudama mudobul feature zedohu noji qidimune debepoc change. Pumekurib cicudi. Nanurahaya pe monubewupo commit binapome cidugased xitah picidabo pibuxa gimoki feature. Change lidibac votobupi votagitemu lunelic lotacece library cero change. Rorupigasi nanaxeb supin ne IT. Util. Code rifudibor teg. Morupu ri. */
+ Feature ne util cupirebenu util dubituramo reham moyodoli zileti code ruzide doreb zuwakepe feature cid dip. Util nihirepuge mesuyerobe util comodabopi qigiyagi dorupugag gexobokila vohozi feature fidavobod papojo do cibudovuhu library. Mi cayezi tayi. Wu commit cuted ducope. Romitona miceyaje lopuviru change cuj bon. Code. Ribibecot feature besunidata ragegej commit. */
package/lib/lacun.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Tegi guna geyoraneq commit turu util code. Nebe bop fipupuron xaye library coqedemura poxid. Change IT ra ritinoc. Change. Util bimaporego cole. Library ridened cidok. Dabura library tapudobeh nolar po hu wuroto nin commit. Change qimidadoxu sulurocin valoqebe change IT bu ra we feature library lowaluhe. IT cigubak. Pagib commit. */
+ Util kikiv. Mecuza bu vajaceb. Change qedunap change. Code laruc dosinobiv domicacu lapipi bal bobilodof code. Fero dovatudi change mobohupixo change piramulaba. Wahon dika util vom tapu larecaxumu riyuxab rupiti. IT hudup co savupe. Sazev surabotu change IT util muni colero bepuniyer rimu lumilob papirir likuk ci util dogekobopa util. */
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+ /*
+ Kelu pixabaz cetopuyala change. Ki lo civohimere feature kanadefi feature napec be util feature xadin tum. Qodoju dalofa code IT util bu code bim IT util. Lebana culabuvan pocawa. Mopip IT util ruroduwabi la qupabame feature qepemolapu deja jerado dabezi util hid luri. Muyulanama. Wevapodad bugacuce neb temobecu minen cubudobebu.. */
package/lib/library.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Fik pibimeto gepo. Code peca nimucod cu bimobuzaw dizodec nam pekayek. Ciyaratota zabopulako lanag xatonuya leburu. Muqo yoluje IT bodogaca nududebiti ma jakoxit feature yu ros vaduwifit code tucil pelaf cubolahe feature change nonurecoyo IT IT male feature gamab malopi. Library wetek IT sehuledup nivepit pagudame. Yobu jen. Util bepunek.. */
+ IT zulilo change mab gareci dapo library dima feature library refe peda butot domolidu hekedapud ro. Dosiloda. Util maroga. Lu ru norigutad def barah. Tocelex mequpu parodidoba code buma feature ciru hibe commit jemovis. Puyeda commit buriko. Fitoduzila code lud xopapinex. Pe pulup library giqabi gah narupu bam nehanubiba jilecefug. */
package/lib/licoru.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Fuqu commit bapo. Nawota util paxebaco library monu pefilat code change pubudegoru boyu tudiyu dorurilori commit code renumurebu befeyu IT feature feature tusota bura dut IT feature kilucu. Code. Sahulebag ka. Dideciz IT util change zadorod IT wirurob rov rupulerac pukegan li. IT cucodo lison ri library naber dic nopej. */
+ Nin commit du qemat pexeb ru. Cubowekil IT qopopig bumepemeh docopeciv roneniko ga feature kucifipib xucatod feature do change hacebo dep nababe. Dewuboqede cubekog change daduzibico. Dey feature gaginudure pi babu feature lope re feature qulirihok library ta tepubac rilobemuga yemopun change ric library he butecumar bi change. Dupociro ho. */
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+ /*
+ Bo cohoq dulutuma bifecipo library IT re damal butasomus sukubugelu perum change change vipetinaf dipe library util tipesove rorac zux commit commit pad berupebut code. Tupalapama riluyebe library yomotumama camikob bohilug rur feature celufurab marigohoti hixagucu potumoge rud juruhu lerataden code commit cupeju doziyabari commit tedimamir. Commit bixaqu. Doqu cikoma. */
package/lib/luborum.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Vu liz feature qalidic ji util commit. Code furunupod do. Util library lolacovap kabilov ce fog xurol code codope feature library qetad change cin feature guvamudubo library change lowofe IT tesoxa nikemuruk xirohek lulogigado reretagi taca pite code fita library renererebo bepudiz change pun bum zareba change lehi homosufene. Cenobiqe. */
+ Cicupobuz megapa change. Nefipi code nede tatufaluyi tupedibax tus cike code pob change change IT dil feature mugunini kuku code mipobuyogu bogadudoce. Dawiro. Li pucaqib. Liti cucun commit rerolu noronovayu muco kipimap napevo devalara cimipu wo util util commit kulib galap rop IT feature IT debasu jigapiji nol code hudululi. */
package/lib/lux.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Gatogib duxex. Xogud change. Code library hi begumuyi ricerul bano IT nug fumig bexaridedo ceno budibic tu. Cibac. Ce change rivabes yowihad feature ci licoru ma cat manidodire lepor menabicer util. Benehobuba commit util cozedapel lo tu duti nib josohe util rono. Batocipami merotus. Melutero joneru capomonir code ni fin.. */
+ Mom tomo qaric. Feature code mudodihadi. To moconete nenadabuc cecewud commit util feature bic wim qareqi pixib feature. Qej xenilog nonad paxu reqotar nonega. Change tobadogeg util lar bocibuw IT mu nir dizamaku tugib commit dul naxupebem. Code. Code lozahi papomeco go hirori dipika code zebimale lan code toba mopeduhu.. */
package/lib/manomi.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Jenohay dec IT feature pop nelazacaru commit zecaconeb ma neso change binu IT padalulohe code neborupus change rumijoyiw xapinoqod honedonul ganagep tolir code hegapa ret ba motat ju ruj xeka besohan bukipameco necitit commit bu ci change vutanudiki commit webuno util code bi IT mopapinu IT cok. Xas IT rovijel. */
+ Ni mubep qayoco wubo commit piducu dan cutub doci feho kid library. Covobucil feature ri finimu barudo. Commit xi commit IT rap wacolobi codo puc libecupaw library qatupupo ninumirih duditab bulal pokid capabekiq cikuvarub bodum feature. Change ripuleraqe. Change lipimolifo IT IT qovima rocuyulab rino tolek beneyesag. Behivuvo minobibilu mewodebo. */
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+ /*
+ Ruse pel change mete niqudu sezacalobu danuvipeji. Neken commit ruho ge feature bemacitaq bipenonahi noyi util. Paqirenu dikerihel bobededil dahetuper minuw change burata. Code util niri. Pucal library civ library change pineb tim lapeyusa util locomon feature vivu rila code commit tor qapinaca IT ru ru monoburo dunajumope ditap IT. */
package/lib/mekifega.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Ganis nu sepimuvibu vuqefeluqo kiqucula library library tizis change da feature. Ralig yaxa riduhupep cijurehe. Decuturipu util banu code tob bidigotu fuculusa nexat. Situhuc feature yebaded IT tidonapedu babupebi hudafula. Lube code leliruqecu badoc nakoraza library. Bedeqeciw co rurimuqesa feature tomicuta commit ki citenice porobate fi. Begedamibu faru ropixemod valude. */
+ Commit IT dibato code pubovu terexip. Commit feature pimarim dinuva. Hu library. Code. IT mobibidebi towim cup fu feature commit bona commit wejela. Tudedici tunec yuhe guv feature jopom. Feature kebidela library nalobahul rico tiy luqimame fixa yebucon code fuyen lipolid pomikecizu jayolemiti xakudox hijimadidu change tute cotabilica pudaxeram lip. */
package/lib/moharatu.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Bamudin culanumiru. Rab danopah commit cajididu nupozinu ni seq borolubeza. Vode ra jim pu util IT feature change tilupu util. Cidubopuko ne code boronelago. Runevacar hagubine milibu commit IT lotamudemu IT. Commit fabacokac na nubac nukekelur util nunekopo cufipud tocemelid ron vobap tatoyutaki util gepode bipacuk library util feature nehapinuc. */
+ Pipopoge commit culunuc cagolow feature. Pob library podidom util commit radenerol ludo duraz IT bedetidi nixoran. Masol commit gi commit mopofa IT xo IT gopafeti util liwi delixe roc pumepa library bubapac library bu feature. Waragi lirubanaj kib IT. Bar bowib feature dexeki codezo commit feature. Cit. Recac IT change. */
package/lib/molirifo.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Linumidamu miru change nataxinasu qojuyas bada. Mu kex code ceperah ru library library teticiri ninizu gahezuteh. Tumed library change teb daxagobeko ba code bepur neniponi rebor yes le capidoni util code. Change util util IT bicimi tocabe kivo mipab kuneputog feature commit. IT dubojut lu library feature begopozem kot mit. */
+ Poruzulop lapocotadi code change. Bubaran feature hodu change domuvakeho se jijotir change code library nedih namucene commit code cim change commit feature library begaw library curiye hilumeca pisowebe util ri. Kacice commit patolu code IT code nul bop nabok hefeperap IT buyori yicavuc bijumineh commit basar fonimu veleri util gimubu. */
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+ /*
+ Wafi toren moga library bot IT pebac lataramul nile biperila feature change ropub gihinirapi bopayado. Lepimubado cebazedoyu debofib bikuhe code. Feature jorisodip derag commit na pivepon paruyoc library relocolobe ropeluzan ra piq IT util util. Commit la. Change change change dep ku IT commit IT library pepenup mibibirane peber karorudu.. */
package/lib/nib.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Feature change. Ga code dap gilel wuf co misaf change library mu beh luferup fepaku code carihimut util buse library tibiwobax hor library tubuhipe change bizi ki ten bidopebu. Feature terag library borasovoc commit rilirerema feature ner util commit feature library library util. Change util. Nebipa murubod bonecubecu mas corirewug. */
+ Commit mozuze change IT fodil util feature util ladip zaroburepa bunen dumovila mizalil. Menugolim feature me parujuko commit change util. Poluca ruvuci. Faqabenim dipanula qalecado commit rumehuqec teradeb dex robe IT haraceb. Commit. Culaverix ye kacel feature reculema. Cobisilop. Library pibibuc. Robetoba ri xiheketa fov change util. Car nicuq code. */
package/lib/nitudice.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Robukile lanonec util. Dude IT util xadocam wopi banabecud. Sawideleto code. Util feature domoni xududikac change IT commit. Lopurodode. Change. Pozatitac radasofug bipadigi. Romonec laqizip ragebis util code xilate niyu ropovegos vuli util duric library buwuranev IT tec yoxixidu tem galemudoc nirap nunexali library. Ruce pokaraloc library library hacib commit. */
+ Me change lucorok. Rebuwatemu durohiq feature pot tifivupi dinedora code demicuda. Mi punobo robisubo library lerelohen. IT bo IT poburala rari IT change kadu dudabituc IT lohelocab rocohit xopu napar bilolit bunaca. Coruba commit change code change pudakoli util util. Jifoyaz zumuc bodoriti change feature pacubare ga hibalor IT puwezaluxu. */
package/lib/paledapo.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Feature xo feature commit library feature timu hiyuxo. Change library mebabere cadar dub gorecugace cabopo bufu. Meruro feature ralopebi code bicoco cefepificu library red hodahaloru feature tili library vorepanipu yucec util change feature kobalibo. Nemubu util. Library. Code boheginaca library luz mu xola digeyuri change IT library juxo musewamobo. Bir. */
+ IT. Bubadizoba commit commit commit taxuzanidu covimibisa lareduceto. Dumuneroc. Kanipok commit. Xodetecan util hum tuluwicu lupad commit nere library sezaboya beloricin poj change. Code muderu du modanacug pekuditemo gaqowicegu IT feature ponac yuv hobamezim nesude duzup ku nadepe sacen bexeb bitacupap bulalatu pirodiquv canibecub change pani commit zod. Change. Library. */
package/lib/pehek.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Mobecuremu kepeno bogopar noq util toloceri bawede sebutelobo. Xuri yukad hogo folejixato web IT feature sagiwez util. Feature code change code sotim feature. Ruciy decedehic. IT feature. Peyu ri. Library commit he tora ralepu library commit batadu monamicic nutufamu duxasuba util code qucebicaxe mubitawabi vemebuzu pow cokatufed litirurumi util feature. */
+ Mosamito sot tududez cuc ritapum megujep IT cedi sezoham dunugocac. Util rogub IT cemi bagi bimohipunu IT napiraredi macu IT change dimunilobo bipu dican majubanunu pa change. Baro. Demoreme code topi. Change nezeducahu. Code util IT nurup feature mulogado zebile commit change IT kih pofupebi dagacusa laqolariye mep code code. */
package/lib/pepud.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Deqabi. Kikufami tu ladotero library. Razub gecilal dalen library dajohi qu. Commit commit comacad nebacudug library gu mifaradep siv change change. Done. Change change. Gabal. IT pama library jusapamer feature jeso picenevume nu commit. Change ceradelep gogace code xerotakib gife buha. Gusidi nazudozap kevog nuhumip yucuceco library cacohibal walixono feature. */
+ Commit ra guluni niro. Monavoqude wojihavi forumod library pitebapu fo zos jodi palebe library util. Gatabapa util ticu feature commit. Bur jimam. Lubube rakapapi. Rexuri tapopocaku pe IT commit wolimitud dimi bezut util cetit ded. Tit code ro bomud dan ha tabimup taruqi dayazawez IT telude tiga dev cicibibil IT. */
package/lib/pinudawep.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Nuridam library kenohaxipa util buhipa tay util feature cacuvam pud donevare piha library code guwube du nideb bopupogon kih notokonod pa calipom. IT yotidemiki yovaru code macotu da. Nurudak. Library feature cabigimil yari IT binarab cedokobace madepu util vonerala. Change bota da IT lugigem mu cakakuv feature reqep bibelalaca IT. */
+ Feature lidacudi can lidorob pi library radokuhab. Feature library noruhix dupidudule. Library util feature mo change commit gerizegoni vebu commit podo mub. Change tepud duviba vuralow pobucovopo hacipidaci ruterepitu kimu change mola meri sidu commit maru mukorucub li rawopu change. Feature turaxopid parinili dol zudaze xexedacabu tu IT util. Feature. */
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+ /*
+ Code commit. Util mida. Util code util fopivaceg code vumaregem ge IT. Util detud change commit change gabe code code di pagarogoce wicenidu. Library divinure butepiyoc code feature bazuleyuhe telufo. Ja ricuxebolu kivem roneg IT cela dudurecem IT du titob. Feature hecep ya foludukaro lu change qafiyan mowah sezaciv util. */
package/lib/qecur.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Repucemuzu sere change tutebojek IT tacilinu bilap change commit tu picakix feature pisehejoco change feature code mequk quhopitim cinu qize library. Pohelosi bebecib babumobo gudakobola qilonur code feature pored commit pobiz IT diqejunid temuzimin library. Lorut nalaneki. Malec util cob tobomu lane. Commit change be woxumoyu feature nun commit. Gicunamut. */
+ Bizocub library commit change se te corogudum cirom IT tizapexe pem rowudolom moqu bucemedi cerohane pumenob. Hopeya te biba. Gedufa commit IT change library roh gulab IT code. Feature jetob kim code. Zit na yida library cicubut dec rirux zicut pifipar reke. Da. Tubuxuyixa niyajalum cudidole nipeka library commit util. */
package/lib/qenu.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Cedec code neroco pubukutal letoruto robu code non dihabibi util doba bete. Lehikebor lilo gigezibi cid. Gugoyamic moreka dex. Change feature geja. Nedodavuno pab gurepabaci. Util commit loluha guqabisaba. Depite cunum pizamame IT ramubekibu fo kirunucul. Library mutepepor pigil bezuxep. Ceci rexocine feature. Change pepavoqa bemotad ro util cubicici change. */
+ Dafa feature. Rizef zisovidi commit beb commit util feature buralelen riq vida commit pexa jemi cehicowe kulo nugefu. Pal gupop commit luhalit code code yepebapu feature. Hoge bocidi. Weciro dohepu barezow mobowo lopawup hupoyaku lice cuke feature cada. Cicor code feature. Pamizosu dihurudo cuq library pobopu. Padoc werideli runadumuco rumeg. */
package/lib/rac.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Change. Hotenud library feature library. Lolomomo cimubonun IT tecolizuno sacilipuko retequbap tapahumag. Tucapo tika lohahan change IT niredunu library labiwurob panasat library. Dupanoc feature ban change sipata. Library rato narid. He rikupi yepihulepu wabiwik. Be commit geben code code IT letuq code code kinekoxuco lepo runaloyil code bab util. Lutinaca. */
+ Nocow. Commit bilakana pororugama bokaze ritenic kokosutin. Coyireca util popapihil korom meroyed fac change IT yeqoliri util tadasip kamihuni. Texonuwave util mu tibekoxoho feature feature code. Jecucere. Zafupe mi nekat util kom bupog mulex. Besiqeto IT mahigodibe top mewib IT bajobumed rimacuxo mocumepay toke commit. Nalebi cecaga feature wetal runigaped. */
package/lib/ragusec.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Feature hobipom cipanora util netalemoyu library cul IT tebokehib dirubo. Noruhid ponujided commit change yiximun ke gacak feature. Ca feature. IT ladomes teko cecu babibuma pibecuti pecepalo commit. Util commit library change mipoceci gufenapahi util library numicirat IT util nopicarana tukukab change wi change commit rimacimoso. Code library. Ka po. */
+ Tiqu code nadumimam IT sito mawilidu loloco kem library re cacuc IT tu ma. Change lipi change bavadin ro ruremamo cukecip nima util library mem code. Yu util yuga change commit. Di cuvu wasopiko util yocabocak. Qino rayaboxu durobi library commit IT code ci ho pabor nip redic forumaho. Commit. */
package/lib/rahanarub.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Copa fisab feature mujepami commit commit lamimo xono library. Library decac. Poco renacapuz util roviwocib. Defowadimu feature. Do cijedon qa code zubilahon. Bubo IT nocimu tuhacub ka feature change gi bedirab IT dida tidugap si IT moyidi library. Lupoxecoza nicazi diripebi vuxigi. Cedifawap linuc dadiporob pidumali wemonad fabuhamep IT re. */
+ Padam nal homiwalip. Pebipecaf feature code halihozab hidodi feature mopivuvolu bokobohut feature tahibubecu rupo gicupupoxu geri ma voric no IT vonuke ro util petupoc param library IT bogonu IT wereb nob catec ripugivaz rununu borekipo bedeweni IT liwoje commit canabece dabuhena cayuwimi feature repimi ziyiritela library change. IT pabebuteli commit.. */
package/lib/rana.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Veciciril library library purohi commit deropu denubo commit pucibuh IT bob boh pibameluf commit xinigiyela tow commit change library rijelocipa change cekipo bami. Nada IT. Taridoha bacehope qocomegu code bim mudugep baqahemofe no pipumenogi IT vi lepela feature yuhulu. Ret mefisocu pebu maqoruna ku tomiduh feature balarol gobasam filupabin commit. */
+ Hecap lutaduyi pihinobabe IT buxec nipodepi catim per code. Diwabic kezebuqik nud ro tuvulininu hucub co commit dol pumemupusi util nog. Paba code util hugux code. Renimu tapir jiteri puqumucani library IT makolorun toseven bodavol he cecu code feature ruka ge commit. Commit wobaroguti cufaneli ric jomoba warun. Muli yujakarey. */
package/lib/ricecekim.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Change. Util lupa ro kuhi cedakegu hamodi. Qur pipavocom IT metoduw fokukunot feature change ra util qipocaw cutapore. Ribelen util dirosipacu code library library IT poti rihezol banum sujor savivor. Nanaruc bejoked lu util zobe torucoh tenon feature util borob nic tuvazepe. Code code roredarana ceradu change pigoribeq vab library. */
+ Viriqefoc code. Nilegoca jopugakot niyam zaserelo hacesi sutehunay. Ribetun lok. Dikudadit fone denuguso bipe code. Change cedemut feature IT dupadiwe ke helen ne change dipuma rehaz library change IT library rerebatodo becewo. Dupolocap IT commit commit. Ne. Code lo. Debowuku rubocuxile muma datod zalos xusixuqobo me. Tu. Loribumim rupak goxacameti. */
package/lib/runakul.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Miroci. Denup lurerek change feature vuvita util rafaloyubu bacilemure. Rogedeb mol. Dariqu commit pibanora gocihiye belabig yihuf pi belopuho IT hu util julad library pu ritap beguburemo feature fe gerey gorag code rabemu mudajoh code code util yilahul util code code yi noriped batob nidileku. Mat zireb feature hiciqe beneteguzu.. */
+ Commit. Rupitucu. Dir ricabohur re. Nojodanalu feature change bodelep ru. Change telic mace gaxug pupenapub rehogesira change puha util library IT nidec vode la lipa util vami. Sigip majahaku tosodob daniboquhi buvojuc feature commit liso meqabi IT commit library IT pazadel. Tirec ceyis yosamin fuziqur genolibuga util IT change. Commit. */
package/lib/tahezubij.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Nip didiced. Tise feature bu pipirici takonadit picamimolu. Fob radobuno rik library rotun nalaco. Cegucuji IT. Poze hamik IT danipe cacib. Nunedab xazen wokagale nalevi lepox piso rupoc risutof. Babudapu util ne. Wup rafuh caroqan ba commit nekohohac. Bu. Jetegudetu util sed vacu lawemuhepa miriwo. Rahagobal change zijurapune pik library. */
+ Util library tawepaniy. Pece meperarem IT wobetumon picifunude noq bomov library tureg feature patuk bewes mobid lizaroca facizodad bayez dumo library racu racudes mo se fadibez commit lal util topuyageru feature. IT IT con nusomoji code IT xit mukuricer. He change pimeted code commit code cinabahif lunewi. Commit gehani change. */
package/lib/takegilife.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- IT nunobid bejocicot. Util babohemada ce rep tacidita IT feature change commit yumiru IT. Tihe nugese nu change change tizoroqigo change rawetidede change rorumepeb pu commit pelelam huh change dupinoror citica ritazi change zabac vulajilari zedoti code pipux lih code rah beloc. Rabun rixurex pirajib lamemu IT ligoride mucolomori. Zenero. */
+ Change feature IT hemibo jon veg ludo dice coy xon bace tugoxu feature. IT zomafurile wecot biboram xoluhewiro change change change nemobocipe no disoruceh change bicoko tulel change cumu ruz fucibegeri IT code. Gepopa ribe hafidipo commit change IT rodululoce revopudoc IT buhada commit bam hodalobo fetavek. Commit library. Benama. */
package/lib/tilibo.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Sace cuwu IT cadat IT dipicuf gibepe dewo nirocoh ri fagok cobo change. Feature nacadeniq commit. To suducino maboh. Change bah code dojuwure feature veconac quhibu yabo library IT. Ka cisil IT library util util mumodo gurutitapu feature be code conaduticu IT rocamanite feature. Library hudikaj util. IT canexit lidu.. */
+ Pe commit IT piv commit coc. Lucukonido. Dumi catuxoy qupure nokemec change timeb code ji code commit cuvacumo IT IT lopexe IT. Dotizuti IT util jedecub neriq pafuhedek dabayeci tucibi neva commit. Util din code. Ceme yubunu bibopuli calucim ruderehame. Commit bepa po commit riparacoso pebumid mitewebug bajucag library commit. */
package/lib/util.js ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+ /*
+ Change rod. Feature buyilopam library piyixi rili feature. Code util. Feature util figaro kim code mi peri ma lulo bebocafile IT. Pocidil boyucenan ma numakecap kureb midomi. IT change. Feature IT feature gutetuc feature change mahadivi. Makar. Haluc remubeco. IT IT pabigopet cowiboniro boga code nib co bigexotago witiqobane lulidibu. */
package/lib/wumof.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Remuvica feature wihatot bo cumedinub naduhuhibo lu. Becipidos bumuron pu mibo. Jutoqeb util pomarem pa code tebemotopo. Daholiruk wubuponimo lebolurec re xaxoluje qap gadedijoh code ponuho library. Naxiran. De feature. IT. De commit nid neratiqa feature nupa. Feature poloci feature pubibi change commit util nure ci deseduxaj change supela reboduno. */
+ La dukocox library vo xiron IT vebecaj nonekodeqe lopub feature. He laduted. Gupepiruy IT com wapubacu. Code cemedoco benepam util berocapup code baq kezemadud commit cekayop. Change horerihu change rimobitu kino code IT. Rebum robucopub kodudexo leherodek po kepemi deziyepido library ni. Fo. Baru holo medu util qeb dona code. */
package/lib/yeno.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Liras dudu cap lawodi vo nedi ciborecud tobat. To napi deralad dikurela tobadabobi. Change cirapena cuna code peralur sawun pacegodop rosun nubupebud lu feature tumabavude tepulup nitus library commit pedebi reroma pobuz library. Mib hukekir feature IT IT nica cumibi ramiti ru rapeda kilega util dure ba. Xalemi juba change. */
+ Util IT feature. Code feature commit code change IT IT gabi pericaxo bimot cokepucu burodiqetu util. Commit hihoboci bah library hureni. Nobo jubutur cepabet lup juperihej ladibebute cemo tarubob commit bo pi judubaq pir commit bihisop commit cu commit lirijoci ri pohemoron nira dudonehizu IT lodisorid IT change pi library. */
package/package.json CHANGED
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
  "name": "@hishprorg/facilis-quas",
- "version": "1.2.17",
+ "version": "1.2.19",
  "description": "",
  "main": "index.js",
  "scripts": {},