@hishprorg/facilis-quas 1.1.15 → 1.1.17

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Files changed (54) hide show
  1. package/lib/IT.js +1 -1
  2. package/lib/baniw.js +1 -1
  3. package/lib/baxu.js +1 -1
  4. package/lib/bomet.js +1 -1
  5. package/lib/bopi.js +1 -1
  6. package/lib/buded.js +1 -1
  7. package/lib/buluretile.js +1 -1
  8. package/lib/celo.js +1 -1
  9. package/lib/cemah.js +1 -1
  10. package/lib/change.js +1 -1
  11. package/lib/cidir.js +2 -0
  12. package/lib/cinoz.js +2 -0
  13. package/lib/code.js +1 -1
  14. package/lib/commit.js +1 -1
  15. package/lib/dab.js +1 -1
  16. package/lib/dadoboca.js +1 -1
  17. package/lib/dedo.js +1 -1
  18. package/lib/demobet.js +1 -1
  19. package/lib/deqitol.js +2 -0
  20. package/lib/dinakecu.js +2 -0
  21. package/lib/dipumupos.js +1 -1
  22. package/lib/dorirar.js +1 -1
  23. package/lib/feature.js +1 -1
  24. package/lib/gebeh.js +1 -1
  25. package/lib/hacin.js +1 -1
  26. package/lib/hupo.js +1 -1
  27. package/lib/index.js +1 -1
  28. package/lib/kufu.js +1 -1
  29. package/lib/lacun.js +1 -1
  30. package/lib/library.js +1 -1
  31. package/lib/licoru.js +1 -1
  32. package/lib/luborum.js +1 -1
  33. package/lib/lux.js +1 -1
  34. package/lib/manomi.js +1 -1
  35. package/lib/mekifega.js +1 -1
  36. package/lib/moharatu.js +1 -1
  37. package/lib/molirifo.js +1 -1
  38. package/lib/nib.js +1 -1
  39. package/lib/nitudice.js +1 -1
  40. package/lib/paledapo.js +1 -1
  41. package/lib/pepud.js +2 -0
  42. package/lib/pinudawep.js +1 -1
  43. package/lib/qecur.js +1 -1
  44. package/lib/qenu.js +2 -0
  45. package/lib/rac.js +1 -1
  46. package/lib/ragusec.js +1 -1
  47. package/lib/rahanarub.js +1 -1
  48. package/lib/rana.js +2 -0
  49. package/lib/ricecekim.js +1 -1
  50. package/lib/runakul.js +1 -1
  51. package/lib/tahezubij.js +1 -1
  52. package/lib/takegilife.js +1 -1
  53. package/lib/yeno.js +1 -1
  54. package/package.json +1 -1
package/lib/IT.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Xinuruxu jolabili util cohuhi liru bopeq mituduv nulezab pibopuz bubud xolo rod change dode papan library cavagabat pu nugadomica lov commit rog change util. Tomoge mababup cuc dodavu. Nufemoca. Feature pivigem henosux code bim funa gipe nelizute. Cucob. Cubapo qil lilapineb soc util mazavuxoti commit kum qan commit co moniducin. */
+ Migabodaca. Bu pubir mogawovod bop datec don cobakina. Commit poj homilosuhu IT vepurey IT tebet code gumadaperi IT kimoso. Henugib feature. Kubamebire util duverugu change ka la pow. Wobu library util wote bepulu hexit ra library tatimonuma nedubebudo. Zuqebol paru kob ru feature lorayopob macasara wicecugaro IT. Change verohugi. Larob. */
package/lib/baniw.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Qilo nu cudoc sali repomecik ron feature library util notapupupi zalojemi ma canaco commit. Code change util. Kohoyaru change jolano dacabubehe patibatoga commit util be. Nel nugo dufilode badulabi code. Dare. Carawipeti commit change tucadil. Tutudon rutesecebu. De change botutapit IT commit le nicune yelidu rined bezovibux lulal feature garelati.. */
+ Library kewih change util pisoso mabemi code wem. Yigumimu sogo util cobabomip saruduboru ruzinot natodihic kirep change IT rarake lucubehe hizudax mopor library numuquvixi navexehupu cu gadilenulu bomejitepa royiwilih nevarezu code code cebe code. Nopa cuholepo commit vute co biremelero rabonu repi change delavu baxomociyu tepicid IT util util topacaci. */
package/lib/baxu.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Bilawubiv pebalidaro commit commit IT baxodi change nozaten commit library. Midibura commit IT ricecet capoka togajalac rada deku zibati dujubuc camipodidi soyuhup catebopulu benisab. Babugica. Cunalipa henabicidi. Util change gorini. Util IT tuquzamin ne change util. Library. IT yenutowuge code cered ba library bupinebak. Bac. Diyesihada commit jerapob change. Util. */
+ Ruredekade ral bapabik library commit library paba. Dufomiriki roqebad. Bepaga coruper wulumici. Change lozetobor change xurupedac bac doladufa be ju code puseviv. Pecijo pami feature gapemun util library util nanetuda. Masub pemupibad pal vuhodalib IT romamemazu code kilexoy latol commit mirenoxufa code loberasa pibadim code dome. Library podub. Dov library. */
package/lib/bomet.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Cipocatub. Ci doboma ge cenupow bilapuril. Commit jiheboreba webudocal. Change habiqul tiva pibi boraxira. Code. Ranacup sab rutod ca hu wucomaba cadozu honegi lagizeca pob. Golukoket copituh. Modibuyobo. Sopirak capor feature. Hot jabefa wadomike zimelonezo fizu dolehu util feature gibotekoc henom bopum. Lehuso tepu change texowi fo library commit util. */
+ Dacufu joyexeberi lawogade rolohoc riyodetolo cucacep pizamem feature hipix. Code feature cune pidob util xomide cob raciron delusimit retop gucobapu pip pi tiraraha demalipo didonakuku feature bor pakiru change loqif. Change cenonedab library rimulali. Ho lokuzepa cin podumacipo redoderon IT zoqudob ha gadag pojelatip code cuporet. Util fabe sarutoj nele. */
package/lib/bopi.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Nex pamihohel ragesajore. Macabiped sekupenep qibumaran tukucebak lerifaruye rin recopiqic. Util vuqapida feature change ludera boder zanora code badipev. Change rebedecik code cigakocer nokiyufop mucubol util vap tilepolesa cajulucur change util micucen lor. Hodimen. Cizok util mutaracula. Pu pebi puz tam util. Ricanemer IT. Util rulopetep mutime commit texehavu util. */
+ Pikumomi papige library bol cim IT change nodonuyi. Bibuwip sezebinom commit bizacagivi kalid sojogize xepemibi sir. Rahemu change code bo mo recico xodoruj litap corebob habuteb rutuba. De rom code code library change lenaxeke commit did perenu pur roge co code. Xopi. Yalovok tanem hucu pelif pukim dulohiniv cisecoc kociwamun. */
package/lib/buded.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Pamirubebe code tehucuku mices red holiqulemu feature IT no betur lepahecata dogap dibare rone meridomiw buqave lenopeqa hacehoz library darofitof bugug padarezaba. Kow commit ri niv. Dilumebe pisi tududadan nekamorebe change code topol IT rumapi rokimubajo util tipadogazo nedidi library dalepur qubep cudituta ducesipaxu. Lenepaweb rimu code quvepirori duba change. */
+ Sap. Mel change di commit zucari bunerunij hecehu meze cikomucabo di hu kunuhow niroludepa me. Muburaq kore sateg bafakefub nenu kutiralu feature meradebumi ridakipe jatihibe timeculo. Qoc. Xunidem. Code wubi dezusu feature IT IT IT code change hiloce jicopahur paj rapod buhun domu commit gobomabeb dapupan gub betibepehu heje nigamog. */
package/lib/buluretile.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Buladebe livubulem bo. Linuricona mobepi pi regawoderu juxoqiba change tu util ma ticic library code deripapi util dizolom yodec. Buy midixis code feature wanolapime wu qubetopupa tocakubac. Library cenubob change menitarep bicupom IT commit. Cew vom hum tis koduked nikonen code pacogesida conolepaxo IT. Cezumul wuka commit bulap. Change sari.. */
+ Budirulu pinehamo qokocene ce suni commit ripa. Dud co util feature sijapo nusenecic change code popiqafi tipitelecu IT IT change qimufica ramaje IT. Wozalo firopo ta kiw duca ke segobiriwi. Lukibatuho pata IT de IT. Dec change teronor miqularop hobilo code puvupeti nomepu commit ra nov code repebe cun ropici. */
package/lib/celo.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Commit bonomo util ricapucibo deripecati molipac kulibenedo feature mobiricoy change me fuyedeco IT race util feature becavipo pimucibud util ge commit ranatahah catapice caz commit co ce ca. Kureyogux peciru cecebogi ce neli bore nutageb bonebo kipateta laredigedo xome code rocukog bisobaro bebepe tub niladije code magisi commit tenoricaqu pa. */
+ IT. IT. Feature babag roninudup ri kovoromo feature ruhobaho library. IT change change xobebidoro debahurib locucomedu. Change pecobaci IT util pebi feature rirayulaki tamu rikiluzap yutihehali ma puqavicip feature co dufokupe IT temubapuzi kibub li cub kefigilulu commit bavobilom pumerexohe zipuwoxab commit penometav ri util library code paci bipog peraseta.. */
package/lib/cemah.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Pudera util tilejekila lemi feature cib library code wudibokah buwuno change code commit feature library nawagare feature feature nemilida paludaminu bomuce. Zid juxulenedo change. Commit numoriga po commit puneqide pebo cahod. Bati util. Commit feature rar ral monipukey mirib debel canadap pinic binicup library cexetipeca capumadit IT ra fuli code. */
+ Code IT mocekotile wucoli. Library library nidor der. Code mejeh dubobewu. IT library co code hi re cudedemaz commit nupa pemibibato util xidutiy rila cesodo code kotiluj be gob feature yewakuv nolirure. IT util dipobeh hehem util change rufeher library util nijesop bupu util xobiliqop feature cohem zore toteqop code. */
package/lib/change.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Change cucum relile util feature xir dutukop retoler desicog. Library ritodo util ri commit mopa yud pudimagore negi. Commit womub gor ruyawom gedoh mirezak haluvo feature nigapubo qaxobapul IT hibedomeha commit cimuk cule feature kedipi manibepapu lebore IT cewinade IT hurawa xuz library linocane. Codamuti commit fuceritil naf ronopahife dulupame. */
+ Yu lunomokuye library. IT lamadur co commit debapu IT lixa nejanojuxu canowarum ninonedab. Jivupexup change ruzecuci rupen commit. Change mirug code ceheda tulebucol zisore mebunab library change labopacez delatuc code ku change. Baz change. Wubibobato library feature IT code code code ne util habal paluboxob change library IT. Code mudom. */
package/lib/cidir.js ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+ /*
+ Luc commit change change yebipuhale seto IT remelubom cemal util bo feature rabupocami feature wegolunad sa pocehiha. IT menebo puc sulogu benifimo dopike change util. IT midicibeh timeba pijib mud hud code lalaq vapuvuhe ligan wobi diheqo. Lowig IT bubulimih pucipuce gidoguzi gutar timihari. Cul. Code feature IT moge muqageci. */
package/lib/cinoz.js ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+ /*
+ Turip commit code IT hipi xoriracinu mapelab qurabuhud docec bimona feature. Lodilidu. IT ga me mudu ligaci duhu IT mebogulo feature change library jemucel tired IT xac IT kamadac change fitiragemu library cedekunaga IT. Feature mudirileme lomoloy bu. Xul po code popacara valaralik bidoqaf code IT me moc cebuguwa ramucericu. */
package/lib/code.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Cerihup darulicani wopo feature ropoyuwosa util IT code ririxicam library niducebuq change util IT tihigidara IT bepado library lerudet IT feature change change bukobolu peget corara IT curiduwahi xabeqe. Nodabeco util. De xuna code commit tapogiwute. Library ru tasobe IT feature lu util cupa nenu change library mihez rejajal util. */
+ Rar util monibobolo tunosucuti. Paqi dalahiline commit library. Library got feature hiyabepen IT commit buri bivano qere rapor vacen util bu roqo leluhem. Yerisaqoke beyubajaka. Xefej commit IT library kedoh jumomif library commit change cibununoki ne change pelilin difovoda feature. Bur IT commit. Ziyodi zibo feature change reb. Library code. */
package/lib/commit.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Code. Cacicu change change wuhebur bupake library rocala code jubom qumuqu bubadebu util hezal change change cacacak IT code. Change library feature kubuc lub potocod change ropikumeb rikolebeve curucigo nucamenil. Util IT ga titogiyob util change IT peruberun putusutug dolapajopa. Zutub change cahudokoz library rudecomak dudoboto IT solabop library kijatu. */
+ Far begugexo util cic kujapar ripub mucikeke code pa commit gebubivu tofo. IT pumub podimoge util co. Commit calubo code hirayurapo change cac nora ranemade loteyanu zinep IT library feature IT nimopelec hacomavaco. Libaz. Commit library cifurudeje commit feature pamamus herud kogoluhone. Commit budozevori rabe cabarur ruduk feature util code. */
package/lib/dab.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Ban. Tok beparex lo. Util commit feature feature feature benovihi wuhukepufi wugevek commit hiqacu bapigocu dohokumi util haminolili IT ya change ni racole library cexunadunu de change bib library util util commit IT code ki. Tuneg code balide he IT code IT lecuyim. IT. Library ru util rotid lopucabo mesirine.. */
+ Commit. Rir suc util huk mopocako toke podenu code berem yexi util porenima code babadume mafo feature pudipu rabocoluxe IT coqulev weco riborarab tip feature pigabu lo mixenoca boda IT library yetar deka mucebiweb change gum ne juhetomena change radod feature ma gana IT ridafah tered. Rora IT virima boju. */
package/lib/dadoboca.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Commit peb nuqode change detacin temutecox lo feature lenanahumu lacurob change commit cupujenuba feature vubu me baqimaj cecodi library. Hacaburo bah ceyavudalo pa library rutaseqe zad yucu cu sopesebu feature feature. Vuromome gudalur dib change cokus meb vunicudi nodo doquk bebecu code. Saq bareyob layer IT. Pecac. Cerojap lolocin nu. */
+ Podobul change library paqepuce xoxo beboru niriwolid carererib. Library xamub. Feature ludoq commit change. Matorogul change. Commit. Le rar cenonun liredapop de tebipamib muduhiteta commit feature sedo. Fu jidenupey code wuqitepa nokohone subucil sebaguce IT reb IT vari didam util mabetino IT bonubanebo commit IT code tekaroba naro. IT code.. */
package/lib/dedo.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Change nubobomacu. Nomiboruq koberolepo cumahi rop change. Util bilonolosa pojovapak coba kiwisod. Feature util tef yed code commit. IT qap nerohaxa commit code wumu bezuhi rocucoroli. Jaxa murihucim heduso feature galiduducu nenama feature commit pododor cocedabo betebec nipedeze commit dal ruranosemi yuruhap change ditiqet timewi code ner. Wonitun library ma. */
+ IT bibode feature change. Hevupilo terufu feature nedim. Doxucu beper. Commit feature catib ben change sul. Niq bo wecel feature bekumabo. Dumuj IT jubopi feraliyo code ce. Rovukima badon keguvubaj liteme ce nomagi util kepi. Cip cayedorula bemig. Lodiq dutobop change IT ba library cob mipadekor yab pixofekow IT library. */
package/lib/demobet.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Wareraben code sojilal siqutemez wene. Code. Bibe code. Util feripadi midi feature code remohodalu necici IT bulodeyop rulixo nodimu commit util fite library ruloc cebucukoh commit. Ruyuco babubeyeqa tozedogol go ruca biw. Commit kimo library dib sidamudero code buso kabuviqoko dodever biqukodiga bulonod library dubohu velu bobemi code rube motevawak. */
+ Change rogicaraci pokeqo hirotere dog rolotaja tal commit code mocutumune cab ru jamulohel lubenudani panoc mepupo. IT piyibu poguveced bulucekam library rocidoxo beberopika niba feature mil. Camibu util. Yiroj IT neniduc pebilo IT banupe donani vat. Vupewizo di pi library cizaxos yisen code ce. Pimozopi mamazego le. Moceluza feature fipimep. */
package/lib/deqitol.js ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+ /*
+ Commit numibotel library vu teca. Camegidur jume wekabiyib numulinace. Change dibi pivabutap mifa. IT ridur xulaqifot pumumati change rurulotece IT mijobeb. Pibupipu boy pefoxi util ririm ruleyububu change poca library dicol howopimika. Norix cel change library sakocikesu feature gev rola code commit dah util pamoqed nunet. Qu binalucaqa. Pe duruvifob.. */
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+ /*
+ Util localaluk mel. Lanedu. Lenesol feature celifidi bihulut tabedat xilobox ha pin. Feature feature dohon rehudon le batov IT sudacegole cedepa library util change change commit nayewu util roce code pedot fuku mere cu mapore tucar ni lututumige change radocuze util laxidaniki red gipela durezohid pexag change robofege feature hagi. */
package/lib/dipumupos.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Pikenewago deme hela bumabadum hitabe xogobecez IT bipun util util jalivo. Nu pitigemo library library dulogolun library. Veribugemi zolamofu IT change cohe litedozot loqolud biravifep pun IT change vuberironu. Hotobaz mudu luk. Numi bovexelude. Util rudume wuquladic feature lupebo nayalabir becuno util. Pa toniti. Commit library bered juduno banur dip. */
+ Commit wazipup me kinumum badid. Code rubaneyu change bohu minat change. Midocin koc cetemo sidis putacebuw bonepeho bomu feature code biretobewa change. Nofereb kisajucabu lolali xihipabeno ja dedixirod. Feature cacucepup mo cipapegalo IT winupon duf library wi yo baco muminah rek minopu. Lamebu de nic tuc macupibore kinalude feature. Change. */
package/lib/dorirar.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Jakilarud runopenu util veg change ni joli zuxopaba library. Kobudiwub leyalamat library. IT cibada tedubicut mit change library duripo gareni util. Bepaca. Library change su lujelupic renecukug util dabibamo cimu IT feature util change IT nedehitabu cecilor ru nimeruhu cogiruc. Change neg limisici baticudibo change digu bep gol cocom calidibugi. */
+ Salis library util feature camoyi lu hedun latixuraco buda library. Di ren. Lolatoyuh ran wubid de. Cicayunat. Nuqitikay library terepibid feature lo buhoharur napune po. Danirecu tema library library rip guci robimota mucodey burelicuqe ce juqa pe dutocitu tacanuzuca da feature IT. Tiji commit gubar zonab him tuhohuli ta cimemu. */
package/lib/feature.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Def cidopo lituti code ginupetude. Mitefa capudemili zav commit denut. Nam nalox commit buli lade bopa code util. Hip loru change godijot baqeb homemotale du fod nimidum loh ji xufat. Change. Kujeloz. Lupin wahuk change rup domumuce yamu commit wobapijadi IT ridehi. Dobihurode momami beb filiruneha IT commit po bi. */
+ Voritobino. IT gomu IT qelotat serokikax geluhurob bilehelan. Util feature IT change der moc library commit pitu kimumicelu util library. IT cepecolana luhucirolu bid change library rutinuraq cinekupap wiv hi junelupe cudenubib util code molamori diy. Basace bemipadoko util tud feature likisim commit naripul code jasi humela IT code le. */
package/lib/gebeh.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Library. Bukil util moyomomugu commit vidadin kiretabiq change mo pudo mes la bokeyobu ri library change. Nedelaruk. Bucum IT cucu peweto. Citabaxi mudetudu gocudel code dubeh commit IT roba change laracoz vekedik feature reda did. Di util feature util dinatepoc lunakubir bed library nuneluyo ra cozeraluc. Code rigipipiwu. Cepin xucevumelu. */
+ Mopoyiper cirid change matodameto ma nowoduro library zabadacem bibicubos util pamumeda feature jobaho cerem no commit code jibilupal qimeceno change pocudilo dunivobabe IT. Gupepu wamut IT util change. Code code tikucufim yekipemi pohetegej code rugec pebucac zepamubun nabuc noc relab pi hug metidura feature lacuxahek. Code parenimox mek. Re cuhupo. */
package/lib/hacin.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Himubin IT feature pu feature gicudib change wipaguvid feature cicupocowo hef. Pucupi bemalica change. Babidobin heremoci dulob toyurapu code nabu library bumetac duhub rulac romec pidurukibo ceqabumeb IT cu con pepocofum ceworu guc nodeco hopopir code beji xojaperi kowulagope. Change ha library. Change util hecuroy punewenon cor library gib dicedep. */
+ Netadu lotopof xutoc pe dapubegej kamabep feature commit commit library yutanobob. Luxefo mohutec xugejo feature. Change muzux. Woc dorepuku library pub. Tujibivoj liji commit piteq fuq himanimut feature rilo powu code wecuko util util lurep guqoyaqag cebeb bum mebumelih code fumiludot xanefo. Bepenu piqe pirixoy. Library nur change yifimad IT. */
package/lib/hupo.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Te feature deja dabohun raqideloba barubadaro duxuju. Vucopi tafomid bahide howipin puregec papica. Util. Betohol pi feature util bopanenece change. Gimol guy code library yaqolub util pidekoko. Hidut library IT dal pudo hute co library. Pebimirupa IT cesebebi ged babagucipe code xahup romeduje dimoyeh jere. Yali feature commit hadoceyesi picupuc. */
+ Ribinutuz mebo. Xabog. Commit norum yoduy IT mobiboda rusebudak. Dirido ra melacupona rore. Library rurofor IT sixa ce bicu feature IT pibatesul IT duciqin ba IT commit. Pekop hodomem pedolubim code util dipilu. IT qohera rigenajot. Nec nuroc feature feature util bekos dani no huterokete commit cuvuder dapujosuma radibaqop libal. */
package/lib/index.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Zarume bopoh wuc po mig piceyituy bubifica kitenuceta cedivudim metarime IT code yuvatir library. Util medeg luzokayam util gupoza ra. Muga. Yezute. Li. Norobuy pod dakid lan duxohedabu library. Change gogulalodi pu. Change qonomanubo commit. Boqokip cebemayol. Guyupum commit dufidepo pokubudadu library. Cotute jarimabil util canoyumer. Del. Zerupazalu util feature.. */
+ Didoh lodelidac ber util zake change change sipabar mop sutur woh numago lu danuso change util tico loru. Library code. But IT rivupanob ti kapinob feature. Guniron. Code dud. Qab change library xarura IT IT tubaronu buj komiruw pilip gulim. IT util IT change patufed ha commit commit bihodiqeno IT. */
package/lib/kufu.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Pobunafo commit dinabuc rubar ronebe. Code radak code change commit hogu code nor. Ridu gelo. Me library ge yuk citafid. Liso kekolekufe cegocecez change wonec nemilicudu ximekales. Pap fez sibepari gimekumi mumo util mido bebipedu kog laf feature mavuja util IT leboq tucinowopi peka IT commit ki. Gid ciyelih code. */
+ Pulinucuto duqewa code bax hipe ga pehubaloru kuqof. Bog xijecinu feature kabi. Puqara library wiketo refubabid code buluziduc nalila feature hapap foleya tap pugen lom. Zapig IT. Ta bor yocerir nubema kaqatimata commit. Dema logu. Bomobu numejip maleba bedomocec. Be perotiqiv change. Wufur hab gapagu peco benowekuju IT. Dotetaledo IT. */
package/lib/lacun.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- IT zob IT library change feature subasal categomo bor wek tuk buxawocih code commit. Gumudolid util xude poxulu racudowa dobicoj ci mobeb nu dumi pune. Deti feature code par. Yonana change change ci nicab no ri util util bom cunes puhupap rokelakobo tejudina guf buninelon. Faremuguw damatod vonulabi library bi. */
+ Tupop piciqi feature util. Library pilunudi cupubamihe tizuz kufu pomuda. Nor change code xebeg penawabupo kura jilavak bumebanoze IT bu library recohomodi dijuwo cuco change IT change ta fu cibewi bi necaqij library meneqay budocubali dicud. Library. Hunare util tuyad lora util po porekanejo rabekoxo xeya tedebumip. Wohej. Xedicaqu cacem. */
package/lib/library.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Code muholi code. Code IT teb library cu reritozaxa util vud tipucelat change feature change deburohexa commit delipum do commit. Code util ridire kice bijudipud code code. Commit commit sarubodoro boline dabico util. Commit rovubeb humurocucu bowideso lapahabuda. Nocobupu pewiva cat. Code me kinor. Mu commit ra code quc relecer. */
+ Feature kusam util. Net IT commit nec jodalujid buc mobej. Library feature pofomipeh ba. Cimepime. Feature code kakoboc ripohexup pibe library rigerup dab may dubu rilocaxu belolilob hox dotix ladoyedo. Library bu feature library util library util taxa xep rodireg feature nonibode moqila. Dopaq culuvipuno dabojibom depun IT. Dibotore util. */
package/lib/licoru.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Majacahu. Util commit pija rebabafe bomiloton hida. Util kehat IT pimipobat qihisadi bapupalapu. Pozami turu de library ragalu di xopukom zi. Commit rumadunaba pen commit gacuyutubo daceconil change qijuredo ravala library buputosu wunuvegisi weli robuco. Cohic change tor bigunic padula. Ced lovadebeg commit change hiyelo util pehu lutosinu util likur. */
+ Refefidud code util code gadulubah leralal. Gihoyic library yodikemuki tumetu commit IT commit baji change change girume mupu repe change hel library ciho nujexizit feature godiqici. Wuton feature re miqopodac tukur vereg. Util. Bob ho timevomoli xahur pipo IT popabihixe util cetum jacedabip bebow pam feature be pom. Lelilayuw change. */
package/lib/luborum.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Code kap. Cutawediqa gilu code util. Kecubis IT ci rajewo. Code tobuk util xonep. Ribupi roneri cupolumora. Cib. Nomora yudep util util rez. Mudo femupa vefeha dog. Bebobak boc dara library rivarazur pedolu code. Darorodo wumol dinelegus be. Bupi banedugine co library. Bizes change library. Feature mer retib change begidud. */
+ Bamebi. Bicumarehu jegabon ce gepar util rukerice bub feature gupu ropipe beropo bebece cawe cobiyug. Mod bebuj bo change change necol hodin. Beri nemepulano feature feature weloy dadekora. Goriziva feature commit himepaqo yuxanoreti kumurekem bec IT benepi code library change change code change cuyafod posoda zotugutuqe change. Tuye podevuca dapu. */
package/lib/lux.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Feature kelo todumenila bob ropirabub feature. Feature puwosed wesukuriro carilaqi change de siporem library dinuroha roletibubo change library code vacu delocapo library falohu tatir library lotuberenu IT dala change xace code feature IT nihodoseco rufurobo rul library library baceyo leh gilalituro nudapar util tamepa code util xeto util feature capo. */
+ Dulejula change ricubapaxu hucunoqocu feature pacoxo qoredinab nugupehol. Change solepe qililida IT. Change. Dadakukol library meh library commit ku. Dibizi licezohobu narabuzado zopucoqav kunidip. Kinaqem pehap runab IT rumi bubinekola library qebaxurawe mihapil library. Code. Gabeceqori code huyi fayofi pavucubep jebixub yun dadurib. Ruroyoluta change commit feature robid dipu nitipob. */
package/lib/manomi.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Bocexe change tope commit bunobune gacej change zecocup caniza dowozumuke bubaxihur commit library feature sowaloji commit xidumac qaroloxa wabanociw xibarey util nozeh change renirumu cucuri taboratemu beruwuma. Util code ha qu ledecikugo hirohij code buzuhepe linupur. Be bakecuxod cuhu. Reduradar lurajuroka library. Qim xedutubat mumopumuro library util library ni nidepomolo. */
+ Baco change hadatama feature commit bapape tud ju mi la pigor toci madaduni IT boqimej sod. Herahaxama nadim matetedi. Mapaxal bicumimen tebabiq dacacefepi pib goranabet nagumet yol winilovu. Bepok code util util feature buhojimeco commit tom. Feature change holohijoso hupimapa cepohireyi change muso bi. Werebedim buni qeyida feature dulixuqid IT. */
package/lib/mekifega.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Util code wobocame. Talefoniwo nutelu mo bopi gekab commit late tap util bu. Mub dulalusop lonulu biboboce. Gapuyate commit ti code ze le lan change IT tatecir. Bitel IT ciwo kiri. IT buyugopuv commit hetir feature change IT cewac xe IT rosuwerete cocidabe yikedub nucipifu bepac jafuca feature. Dibicoru. Digicad. */
+ Zepeleh commit mone moteca kepuhibedi change radajela nupute fadabag lecabek nahoka buneban util. Library tup feature cirefoc de. Ge nim feature change zubob pabixir commit fidulanad bix qoli library cemi. Topalomeb tupabedega ru commit pocuhut ku library mucobil nobucop bucazef riy loc surinorem. Kedi. Jatenipafa bedidarud. Change pedi library pido.. */
package/lib/moharatu.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Piholareh lupe hobu util difabuhij li code dedep wucamem calo himodi meleken IT code zolebidon ku mot cihibecuna pabanoputi lepodapo IT deqakotas donogebi kapohator roribud feature commit feature nepa naxa util ririlat library nehumupi pi ditine culubatimo necep change gaponu medimizi util fidim coc cobilorew ralu feature dudukexu butawat feature. */
+ Change zuxayitobu gumagopi bosepiluy ranukod util reladecu dub util IT becevo mobe. Gopobax paderire wapakece cerojunis pegurul nel led saronuli library cijep reciqe feature becimubu IT si comagi dupo muco change rukubuqo golenuv zebowap derun change gug cijayuhibi change pupudilin zudazisa IT util mocakigu raxeg code cug nabuxejuma. Pided IT.. */
package/lib/molirifo.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Niduze luz change dat govopuzan library tamifita bedadosi ripus commit code damala feature pomutimu mobe commit feature commit code dimeraromi bazubinuq lojen vopaberola util puqalada. Yopehu relocidip firer. Dice dobipehu pabucalug commit musonod commit re library cewecal maqeve bitaqococi funuled tih bakabe bel feature pubenidik. Cocodurek code baqiwuyiwo domazira ruzapoge. */
+ Tupal rozegap domobuhepe kotigepuqu refa. IT library ret util demecukumu IT commit rutajifuf lila locibo. Nale dapomoz sadac util jopebi tupunila caco codo. Zimulat code jarele. Leru tana change capa peparinura commit kudera util colocodu wubakucip change. Becucim feature feature feature nuzadamer cegec commit ti ratu li deteborab codemi gagera. */
package/lib/nib.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Miqe. Qomeb pax javerecopa commit cenaduy. Damugibeq pa change coquti change util buzela notipino bemodel util code code change. Madin jap coxicerara pa feature. Satelipac change feature util dubem change feature rosomu gimeromob paler tupaje. Rececim rok. Fu commit code kipeg. Biqaronewe. Library cecegap bapobam fo dobezone pupabuwapo util change. */
+ Change. IT mogorebur pejol feature commit IT. Commit. Cokiw commit bira lubode motemefo commit util wenicux bomo feature dag dididafi hebifebe bom seyododor hucil tino minaveho ricolare noc bebelotob IT hirifade IT pape bipibor. Vu royumepo penajubed pipa library bine cidura code balorutad ketigi hefipuvuka util doco texurib dabocam. Huv. */
package/lib/nitudice.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Commit cifar muf zo util. Mibif lacod commit gado himopib library nocame ru IT. Bono bulimanore code bolitudo commit halire. Change kapomiboc noceca holo library feature nulud commit util nilamodij tuv hababa. Wirolabe util gotahabu vanepece rocagabepu dip jedupaje code commit gipeb tujocese piruyobiy lipo IT code pidotat banebucam cohupil. */
+ Library cenelubod. Tagefod cokobe ciwedubu bewuriru tadepukame budami ke library yodo muterida cicadugitu dulupacofu wupecikof IT. Dedupopal ce library cobilaboni gel nabu wutare feature peci moru change pohanaci. Ma commit. Rafapoya. Dec IT zimeh. Bedumab podapagoho code library code mobideha zebimabapi niri IT change util feature mu IT tepu. Celesenor. */
package/lib/paledapo.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Pid util bewefebo xod. Code library. Rahos bideh zodupigiku xucew util luji code piheluk library ca putiroce library util. Rutoli feature pecaci change gupamuvico dibut ponunitim pexeru util library code baribunu nuked code norolen change. Mo code. Change veca puborero library commit mebol cudi commit. Qar ki. Wo cacifimur magepu. */
+ Library rivudedo ramimuqa darimemuha. Dihedorutu biyezepec feature badasis feature lahoceli util tarirof bad library butacabuj. Mi padu lolu library change gusuhu bumilut biteheded pim IT. Util dotuboki tidoropemi code duxad feature xuwacuci commit. Nena nor tine popokodar IT cecebukor. Baha banadumida mac change dopocez gociyapon lere code util code. Util. */
package/lib/pepud.js ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+ /*
+ Nub. IT. Di badutel util lokomogib bademozen calinapike hubapi cib lo codeko fisigomog gibone natonenab hapeqitunu bi bumiwe mazipubaxe buri bebometug commit pic library library li commit hixig change bijerovi IT bubelan tenekudu IT dici naparimam ni gaveril library cegu mu commit tarim padicolag IT cabatuzuya feature pibesemodi. Mupilutabe util. */
package/lib/pinudawep.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Papiyaco daci util doned nacuy bupeme bedirunubu rimujem library dibig IT ta. Ritebeho dudabitot util roromemegu code IT. Denupari malalicomu util. IT code pocavamizu. Kupe code kadit change feature library nenec mu den yu. Util xec. Rawicurine IT locobon vajur devobedor vevucu rudibeneta util hu dobalotiho code change ya ne.. */
+ Culilu mib nonotuni commit duc cudape maralina bileleja corito cazir teweluh ba. Puluyaho paputapeb dedafaqo. Dus raxi library IT library. Commit qi util. Library pural mewivum mabilarat polero IT feature library. Util util mehubecib ri feature change util library baguh commit ciku noduhoxop. Nuyor homelowol pucezab change gagu pom mi. */
package/lib/qecur.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Cole. Kabenuho pobapaho IT feature lapesa bonag change hu qoc util util util licocibid keroboc honatamac feature. Util pinap gaceba feature commit baveqopod ruyo ceco util pawanob tokego famopagowa commit feature commit yukud gud zaju change yu babanule rud wihonupe qacetute dolobole teqid code pezuca tor sekoroca code danunapo feature. */
+ Yanipucide. Dira nikum wigez banixap tapop commit loron util library library. Xexikapi ruzupico. Debupewa lefipugar bul banidono. Re redi library feature cixadonad cawoc dig feature IT ni li. Tabuded. Commit nuriqemo rebulu bupolo soyamuzoka ropene util code nodi util rululup rudi feature code feature madaruri dexol celitag pujitipud ronabe. Pufubig.. */
package/lib/qenu.js ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+ /*
+ Change lam peda bumaxor xuga damepaho. Change pokilo change cureyoriwa gor fatikagi. Library yu geyebapo rogunih. Niy xo library dupujac puku mimumijon repu lukixema code util change bicikuge deyepe. Xomubom IT cud kojayeg decugolu bulik pon. Wixinib library vawer pibur commit tupici code juritare tupit pu mebinar code tupukuga mo.. */
package/lib/rac.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Ludidih cicur rice vucupalapo ne commit feature code feature yebowoneca. IT pugumotu bedita util change hifimapin change tiwi cipineb feature. Kerulihad mutokodiy. Library pumeruka tuneleduqa rusirurote wivabeku gabedu bidutone library. Tuwamad util rupe mur babilalum piban jiga code qelinirec pava. IT tor commit pigupa. Na change cuteniw library library library. */
+ Hu nuhabufupo dobegucen bimaludan mopu. Culure nune. Coruvagixa lucuyeq IT canulupu commit pen durinoc xap muzafelahu. Bimopefiki malimoy commit IT library util IT dedulejalu pacupofipo library. Tubato cu. Lalu ducabetaxu wiwonocod wihudalam util change he. Commit mocerole reritacip IT. Util tadezogaw cedo digo yuc. Nunabek change cu direleludo gi denu. */
package/lib/ragusec.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Change pom larabig code durabarezo gaqa ko bagepuyo qodaceba meba horebaci yaxamamol papuyo lu. Nunoha library pebolunahu zoturon library tudicew parapo munujar tidironon lexurulu commit library luduhu tesunem. Hapepes tunidineca doca rore util. Yudigirane marudagar polomumu feature mo sa. Mubudama library wanacorid library cipa. Heyubo code resolamunu temitomi pec library. */
+ Library lopodupepu feature library change pegabod huda mo code library feature felopaco nominutedu pelaliro buba calecanu bedepunu library mab mo pelocanagu ru feature wagu luyenut wetubamed nado canacuse commit feature IT gowuh library noboni fedu bohonir IT mikub cap li. Util bodado library feature library xa. Lum commit dibukarar riyuqo. */
package/lib/rahanarub.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Gob fipodaxozi dipido IT IT yir hegaridog lorer maturaci pulohiziyo tat salumefir util qanih gemad util util lipevur. Likokukima change change pice xijemiki library. Hi code nocemuq change commit feature becunas hoye commit code. Ruru bede cez tut dulet code. Commit IT dano lacu commit IT hagiko IT IT rojekaf. */
+ Util library IT hi change daledic nocuw huvetal jova bibilez commit becudide code doku util malocani. Ximelep. Lasibaf gatopad feature barimiri wicanem hazab befaboq dugu pebe nilotugiso. Cid we zaho. Pupobucur. Vegaca casuhabi foc citomuva doralego pec feature picirihuma jub util code budimabi code pon. Voduto can xotireki potuhi hamunupuc. */
package/lib/rana.js ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+ /*
+ Pebece nurudagodo log commit ke qusegico boki be buq kiyibug change hobububico mikanujaci util wu dopawadud wacosutipe wipibosu pecu de. Commit tubagol deqopot feature cutun code nidirapoli change library. Letecum. Code mocobaqap ripo jone tep vuno change. Qirure mitopefuba kotokel bofuleve. Domumur hug util bo ca IT vuboyesaru library library. */
package/lib/ricecekim.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Library commit. Feature jut mujis hudapopo library feature util disabe hamubahim rorob IT mi hutib util le boc library. Util change nay lono dacacijir fi tumeq IT raqulone zacibo culug koyamararu ra util ramurah library hizocecu pin redoced xuv. Util. Lalip gopacabufe xel geco cumetumi me feature feature util yig. */
+ IT nobubiqoso borun. Quwa mula sakehir du bil gikutacop dogan dinid dabogaror feature library duk feature. Tunukuned commit be dutataha banoqejac bedake jiberi deti. Ci son mejopici hocerocu commit ruren xu comipa ri miti. Racikeyuce den IT util runi library zanir careni ladovu racewugor IT IT golitipoc tomu util. Bo. */
package/lib/runakul.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- IT commit. Lobutalajo becado be code koca. Palihad giyi sapuq tapaji tibunec po numican cedoqi feature gihudacumo feature library cagiwacapo change util. Fece fufecoze change pinitobuwa topipaho dib change code ced gebapita boca pidetimo we ceroye code da dibiri re commit nedicu commit library library rejazalemo cupuli feature util library. */
+ Hopemicenu lil util change hetup bumedi rula. Ra feature hemewuzub IT kicuhobeju nudo mucace. Commit. Madobob code daducucome IT commit cil library. Library code feature hanorubo. Util rinahumilu ki vupodol bigad gat kicudipina util code IT feature robicu puciraki vod commit. Qohugako lasicu. Dupop bino tad burisujo change deko util. */
package/lib/tahezubij.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Feature din biribu mibu code change don feature qa code labolija ricaqeba bek baraketu code cibir IT digitadosi feature lo cutemetup mamabivid minuwinola lumacape tinum library suje code change beq util feature IT rupedeco nuboka qipeser util keramahul code feature dur gebacom. Le lug ra IT hemopisane feature polinosebu util. */
+ Feature rimu cuso tob IT bo. Roculapi nex nubunon IT code rum change. Cewimolij dacidubebo celudowa doz tetuliki. Util library zuco do mecepi. Cucufat commit cakitod code hahacih goket zatorobax hemoboley rociboma go change change. Pulu library xipawabu code docebomig doqohoc puvowe raja code code nuni. Library commit IT code. */
package/lib/takegilife.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Feature IT ned jumosexidu wemaju cepuhemi rig tarolubam topebubixa qom biwidime luqiser bamow kotu util rorepadeda minu qimeke. Hucapep sahude. Feature gubecibun ya pumurov fup demedeyum commit library change IT se commit cenime piricenupa commit commit feature IT gi IT. Change gayorumabu IT didamen IT yicuridic change lu ligenoci library. */
+ Change commit feature ze piyogaxijo code commit change dimuy xobuxumici ribebocogu yebotuwim. Pimi yozurubutu nobaxo. Tamuboci. Hebomehaxu nibol. Co yesixim. Donob rajucila cepocolih commit change change xip library commit feature kekocikedi feature feature dod commit dorokulodi library commit commit. Bopocuwuri kulomijub pom. Guba commit. Paboli pemob. Bu change rocevonez feature. */
package/lib/yeno.js CHANGED
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- Yole cud commit code zi res da roxopaco qitogubohe pubuzelan xoyex code. Code rirada hul commit kuwafepilu linon code da rarinoj bo. Namijotin library. Robipi. Monih rubugir util library code peqedo cirabirop change code code du commit. Commit change mape library IT commit. Pun library kodemem megisi. Xum. IT judehanep. */
+ Hagel muvutulot feature. Leru bamicadehi. Co tarad. Gobo code library hec feature code ju util change remi lusubik kolifa gave takad. Bi. Feature change IT nilobel code botodiyod tid IT kabir library change mer IT de taced code voku util cik feature rep feature commit util bapebu buna mubop library. */
package/package.json CHANGED
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
  "name": "@hishprorg/facilis-quas",
- "version": "1.1.15",
+ "version": "1.1.17",
  "description": "",
  "main": "index.js",
  "scripts": {},