@helm2/poc_jenki_rce 0.0.1
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Potentially problematic release.
This version of @helm2/poc_jenki_rce might be problematic. Click here for more details.
- package/LICENSE +19 -0
- package/Makefile +18 -0
- package/README.md +52 -0
- package/binding.gyp +81 -0
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- package/src/xml_sax_parser.h +73 -0
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- package/src/xml_syntax_error.h +25 -0
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- package/src/xml_text.h +48 -0
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- package/vendor/libxml/xzlib.h +19 -0
There are too many changes on this page to be displayed.
The amount of changes on this page would crash your brower.
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