@formio/js 5.0.0-rc.32 → 5.0.0-rc.34

This diff represents the content of publicly available package versions that have been released to one of the supported registries. The information contained in this diff is provided for informational purposes only and reflects changes between package versions as they appear in their respective public registries.
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
- /*! formiojs v5.0.0-rc.32 | https://unpkg.com/formiojs@5.0.0-rc.32/LICENSE.txt */
+ /*! formiojs v5.0.0-rc.34 | https://unpkg.com/formiojs@5.0.0-rc.34/LICENSE.txt */
  * @license
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ eval("\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", ({ value: true }));\nexpo
  /***/ (function(__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
  "use strict";
- eval("\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", ({ value: true }));\nexports.Evaluator = exports.BaseEvaluator = void 0;\nconst lodash_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! lodash */ \"./node_modules/lodash/lodash.js\");\n// BaseEvaluator is for extending.\nclass BaseEvaluator {\n static evaluator(func, ...params) {\n if (Evaluator.noeval) {\n console.warn('No evaluations allowed for this renderer.');\n return lodash_1.noop;\n }\n if (typeof func === 'function') {\n return func;\n }\n if (typeof params[0] === 'object') {\n params = (0, lodash_1.keys)(params[0]);\n }\n return new Function(...params, func);\n }\n ;\n static interpolateString(rawTemplate, data, options = {}) {\n return rawTemplate.replace(/({{\\s*(.*?)\\s*}})/g, (match, $1, $2) => {\n // If this is a function call and we allow evals.\n if ($2.indexOf('(') !== -1) {\n return $2.replace(/([^\\(]+)\\(([^\\)]+)\\s*\\);?/, (evalMatch, funcName, args) => {\n funcName = (0, lodash_1.trim)(funcName);\n const func = (0, lodash_1.get)(data, funcName);\n if (func) {\n if (args) {\n args = args.split(',').map((arg) => {\n arg = (0, lodash_1.trim)(arg);\n if ((arg.indexOf('\"') === 0) || (arg.indexOf(\"'\") === 0)) {\n return arg.substring(1, arg.length - 1);\n }\n return (0, lodash_1.get)(data, arg);\n });\n }\n return Evaluator.evaluate(func, args, '', false, data, options);\n }\n return '';\n });\n }\n else {\n let dataPath = $2;\n if ($2.indexOf('?') !== -1) {\n dataPath = $2.replace(/\\?\\./g, '.');\n }\n // Allow for conditional values.\n const parts = dataPath.split('||').map((item) => item.trim());\n let value = '';\n let path = '';\n for (let i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {\n path = parts[i];\n value = (0, lodash_1.get)(data, path);\n if (value) {\n break;\n }\n }\n if (options.data) {\n (0, lodash_1.set)(options.data, path, value);\n }\n return value;\n }\n });\n }\n static interpolate(rawTemplate, data, options = {}) {\n if (typeof rawTemplate === 'function') {\n try {\n return rawTemplate(data);\n }\n catch (err) {\n console.warn('Error interpolating template', err, data);\n return err.message;\n }\n }\n return Evaluator.interpolateString(String(rawTemplate), data, options);\n }\n ;\n /**\n * Evaluate a method.\n *\n * @param func\n * @param args\n * @return {*}\n */\n static evaluate(func, args = {}, ret = '', interpolate = false, context = {}, options = {}) {\n let returnVal = null;\n options = (0, lodash_1.isObject)(options) ? options : { noeval: options };\n const component = args.component ? args.component : { key: 'unknown' };\n if (!args.form && args.instance) {\n args.form = (0, lodash_1.get)(args.instance, 'root._form', {});\n }\n const componentKey = component.key;\n if (typeof func === 'string') {\n if (ret) {\n func += `;return ${ret}`;\n }\n if (interpolate) {\n func = BaseEvaluator.interpolate(func, args, options);\n }\n try {\n if (Evaluator.noeval || options.noeval) {\n func = lodash_1.noop;\n }\n else {\n func = Evaluator.evaluator(func, args, context);\n }\n args = (0, lodash_1.values)(args);\n }\n catch (err) {\n console.warn(`An error occured within the custom function for ${componentKey}`, err);\n returnVal = null;\n func = false;\n }\n }\n if (typeof func === 'function') {\n try {\n returnVal = Evaluator.execute(func, args, context, options);\n }\n catch (err) {\n returnVal = null;\n console.warn(`An error occured within custom function for ${componentKey}`, err);\n }\n }\n else if (func) {\n console.warn(`Unknown function type for ${componentKey}`);\n }\n return returnVal;\n }\n /**\n * Execute a function.\n *\n * @param func\n * @param args\n * @returns\n */\n static execute(func, args, context = {}, options = {}) {\n options = (0, lodash_1.isObject)(options) ? options : { noeval: options };\n if (Evaluator.noeval || options.noeval) {\n console.warn('No evaluations allowed for this renderer.');\n return;\n }\n return Array.isArray(args) ? func.apply(context, args) : func.call(context, args);\n }\n ;\n}\nexports.BaseEvaluator = BaseEvaluator;\nBaseEvaluator.templateSettings = {\n interpolate: /{{([\\s\\S]+?)}}/g,\n evaluate: /\\{%([\\s\\S]+?)%\\}/g,\n escape: /\\{\\{\\{([\\s\\S]+?)\\}\\}\\}/g\n};\nBaseEvaluator.noeval = false;\n// The extendable evaluator\nclass Evaluator extends BaseEvaluator {\n /**\n * Allow external modules the ability to extend the Evaluator.\n * @param evaluator\n */\n static registerEvaluator(evaluator) {\n Object.keys(evaluator).forEach((key) => {\n Evaluator[key] = evaluator[key];\n });\n }\n}\nexports.Evaluator = Evaluator;\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://Formio/./node_modules/@formio/core/lib/utils/Evaluator.js?");
+ eval("\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", ({ value: true }));\nexports.Evaluator = exports.BaseEvaluator = void 0;\nconst lodash_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! lodash */ \"./node_modules/lodash/lodash.js\");\n// BaseEvaluator is for extending.\nclass BaseEvaluator {\n static evaluator(func, ...params) {\n if (Evaluator.noeval) {\n console.warn('No evaluations allowed for this renderer.');\n return lodash_1.noop;\n }\n if (typeof func === 'function') {\n return func;\n }\n if (typeof params[0] === 'object') {\n params = (0, lodash_1.keys)(params[0]);\n }\n return new Function(...params, func);\n }\n ;\n static interpolateString(rawTemplate, data, options = {}) {\n if (!rawTemplate) {\n return '';\n }\n if (typeof rawTemplate !== 'string') {\n return rawTemplate.toString();\n }\n return rawTemplate.replace(/({{\\s*(.*?)\\s*}})/g, (match, $1, $2) => {\n // If this is a function call and we allow evals.\n if ($2.indexOf('(') !== -1) {\n return $2.replace(/([^\\(]+)\\(([^\\)]+)\\s*\\);?/, (evalMatch, funcName, args) => {\n funcName = (0, lodash_1.trim)(funcName);\n const func = (0, lodash_1.get)(data, funcName);\n if (func) {\n if (args) {\n args = args.split(',').map((arg) => {\n arg = (0, lodash_1.trim)(arg);\n if ((arg.indexOf('\"') === 0) || (arg.indexOf(\"'\") === 0)) {\n return arg.substring(1, arg.length - 1);\n }\n return (0, lodash_1.get)(data, arg);\n });\n }\n return Evaluator.evaluate(func, args, '', false, data, options);\n }\n return '';\n });\n }\n else {\n let dataPath = $2;\n if ($2.indexOf('?') !== -1) {\n dataPath = $2.replace(/\\?\\./g, '.');\n }\n // Allow for conditional values.\n const parts = dataPath.split('||').map((item) => item.trim());\n let value = '';\n let path = '';\n for (let i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {\n path = parts[i];\n value = (0, lodash_1.get)(data, path);\n if (value) {\n break;\n }\n }\n if (options.data) {\n (0, lodash_1.set)(options.data, path, value);\n }\n return value;\n }\n });\n }\n static interpolate(rawTemplate, data, options = {}) {\n if (typeof rawTemplate === 'function') {\n try {\n return rawTemplate(data);\n }\n catch (err) {\n console.warn('Error interpolating template', err, data);\n return err.message;\n }\n }\n return Evaluator.interpolateString(String(rawTemplate), data, options);\n }\n ;\n /**\n * Evaluate a method.\n *\n * @param func\n * @param args\n * @return {*}\n */\n static evaluate(func, args = {}, ret = '', interpolate = false, context = {}, options = {}) {\n let returnVal = null;\n options = (0, lodash_1.isObject)(options) ? options : { noeval: options };\n const component = args.component ? args.component : { key: 'unknown' };\n if (!args.form && args.instance) {\n args.form = (0, lodash_1.get)(args.instance, 'root._form', {});\n }\n const componentKey = component.key;\n if (typeof func === 'string') {\n if (ret) {\n func += `;return ${ret}`;\n }\n if (interpolate) {\n func = BaseEvaluator.interpolate(func, args, options);\n }\n try {\n if (Evaluator.noeval || options.noeval) {\n func = lodash_1.noop;\n }\n else {\n func = Evaluator.evaluator(func, args, context);\n }\n args = (0, lodash_1.values)(args);\n }\n catch (err) {\n console.warn(`An error occured within the custom function for ${componentKey}`, err);\n returnVal = null;\n func = false;\n }\n }\n if (typeof func === 'function') {\n try {\n returnVal = Evaluator.execute(func, args, context, options);\n }\n catch (err) {\n returnVal = null;\n console.warn(`An error occured within custom function for ${componentKey}`, err);\n }\n }\n else if (func) {\n console.warn(`Unknown function type for ${componentKey}`);\n }\n return returnVal;\n }\n /**\n * Execute a function.\n *\n * @param func\n * @param args\n * @returns\n */\n static execute(func, args, context = {}, options = {}) {\n options = (0, lodash_1.isObject)(options) ? options : { noeval: options };\n if (Evaluator.noeval || options.noeval) {\n console.warn('No evaluations allowed for this renderer.');\n return;\n }\n return Array.isArray(args) ? func.apply(context, args) : func.call(context, args);\n }\n ;\n}\nexports.BaseEvaluator = BaseEvaluator;\nBaseEvaluator.templateSettings = {\n interpolate: /{{([\\s\\S]+?)}}/g,\n evaluate: /\\{%([\\s\\S]+?)%\\}/g,\n escape: /\\{\\{\\{([\\s\\S]+?)\\}\\}\\}/g\n};\nBaseEvaluator.noeval = false;\n// The extendable evaluator\nclass Evaluator extends BaseEvaluator {\n /**\n * Allow external modules the ability to extend the Evaluator.\n * @param evaluator\n */\n static registerEvaluator(evaluator) {\n Object.keys(evaluator).forEach((key) => {\n Evaluator[key] = evaluator[key];\n });\n }\n}\nexports.Evaluator = Evaluator;\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://Formio/./node_modules/@formio/core/lib/utils/Evaluator.js?");
  /***/ }),