@ethnolib/language-chooser-react-mui 0.0.41 → 0.1.0

This diff represents the content of publicly available package versions that have been released to one of the supported registries. The information contained in this diff is provided for informational purposes only and reflects changes between package versions as they appear in their respective public registries.
Files changed (63) hide show
  1. package/LanguageChooser.d.ts +2 -0
  2. package/demos/DialogDemo.d.ts +1 -0
  3. package/demos/PageDemo.d.ts +3 -1
  4. package/demos/ThemeDemo.d.ts +3 -1
  5. package/index.js +138 -119
  6. package/index.mjs +14389 -10044
  7. package/messages-9rpjSkdN.mjs +4 -0
  8. package/messages-AHGmSBNt.js +1 -0
  9. package/messages-AmEVAyNh.js +1 -0
  10. package/messages-B73rOlLK.js +1 -0
  11. package/messages-BD8Z6Mlt.mjs +4 -0
  12. package/messages-BU5Wb01i.mjs +4 -0
  13. package/messages-BUDgQGFa.js +1 -0
  14. package/messages-BXtohvbP.js +1 -0
  15. package/messages-BY65rqxJ.mjs +4 -0
  16. package/messages-BitVHANY.mjs +4 -0
  17. package/messages-BlRnfq58.mjs +4 -0
  18. package/messages-Bo3Zsw4E.js +1 -0
  19. package/messages-Bp5detoB.mjs +4 -0
  20. package/messages-C62ehiUp.js +1 -0
  21. package/messages-CFYGm7qO.js +1 -0
  22. package/messages-CGMdZ8nc.mjs +4 -0
  23. package/messages-CIKRe5jz.mjs +4 -0
  24. package/messages-C_n_9PID.mjs +4 -0
  25. package/messages-Cc3Jbklc.mjs +4 -0
  26. package/messages-CjZJxOpG.mjs +4 -0
  27. package/messages-CmutKj3u.js +1 -0
  28. package/messages-Coan-YWw.mjs +4 -0
  29. package/messages-CpCfp0Xv.mjs +4 -0
  30. package/messages-Cq0UCLEp.mjs +4 -0
  31. package/messages-Cuh_ZKuC.mjs +4 -0
  32. package/messages-DAf9Sqdz.mjs +4 -0
  33. package/messages-DG2Rn3jd.js +1 -0
  34. package/messages-DLzDbP12.js +1 -0
  35. package/messages-DRGnsybx.js +1 -0
  36. package/messages-DW8V1cEu.js +1 -0
  37. package/messages-DebqKxHl.js +1 -0
  38. package/messages-DlKaXWvk.js +1 -0
  39. package/messages-DnlPM5eM.mjs +4 -0
  40. package/messages-DoWwE48_.mjs +4 -0
  41. package/messages-Dqui_cPN.js +1 -0
  42. package/messages-DsypxWOZ.mjs +4 -0
  43. package/messages-DwJcyRm0.js +1 -0
  44. package/messages-LfRNKjfE.mjs +4 -0
  45. package/messages-MD3mVVdM.mjs +4 -0
  46. package/messages-Os_jtpSd.mjs +4 -0
  47. package/messages-PNmhVZS7.mjs +4 -0
  48. package/messages-PhICpnC4.js +1 -0
  49. package/messages-RDMCkdN0.js +1 -0
  50. package/messages-RgoP-jHJ.js +1 -0
  51. package/messages-Tua_7bbR.mjs +4 -0
  52. package/messages-WIoVuH07.js +1 -0
  53. package/messages-YMIBlpEy.mjs +4 -0
  54. package/messages-ZWj-BTEt.js +1 -0
  55. package/messages-Zoyja6_9.js +1 -0
  56. package/messages-bFYEzHSM.js +1 -0
  57. package/messages-gMAM-s8a.js +1 -0
  58. package/messages-gSaOZpeD.mjs +4 -0
  59. package/messages-h8j7FWBD.js +1 -0
  60. package/messages-kwWBrKz5.js +1 -0
  61. package/messages-mm8UP9ko.js +1 -0
  62. package/messages-rvw6IvQz.mjs +4 -0
  63. package/package.json +3 -3
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ const e = JSON.parse('{"/4KKi/":["If you cannot find a language and it does not appear in ethnologue.com, you can instead define the language here."],"6YtxFj":["ชื่อ"],"8/S/J1":["If this user interface is not offering you a code that you know is valid <0>BCP 47 code</0>, you can enter it by hand. Hold down CTRL key while clicking on this tag."],"8ZdHUQ":["Edit Language Tag"],"F3iq3K":["Select a script"],"JNCzPW":["ประเทศ"],"L1yZ0a":["If you found the main language but need to change some of the specifics like Script or Dialect, you can do that here."],"MDr+8d":["We have a list of almost every known language, where it is spoken, and how it is written."],"O6GyTi":["Start typing to find your language."],"S9s19z":["Create Unlisted Language"],"XzXMHk":["เลือกภาษา"],"Zi7dyz":["Script"],"aCDQQ/":["Display this language this way"],"ausuby":["A language of ",["0"]],"dEgA5A":["ยกเลิก"],"jROyBC":["If this user interface is not offering you a code that you know is valid ISO 639 code, you can enter it here:"],"jmIlmi":["Search by name, code, or country"],"lPvBVm":["Custom Language Tag"],"nHKy0o":["Unlisted Language Tag"],"qLF7Lp":["BCP 47 Tag: <0>",["0"],"</0>"],"s/2hiv":["This is not in a valid IETF BCP 47 format: ",["customTag"]],"sW5OjU":["required"],"srRMnJ":["Customize"],"sxkWRg":["ก้าวหน้า"],"ydag7l":["Variant (dialect)"],"zga9sT":["กำหนด"]}');
+ export {
+ e as messages
+ };
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ "use strict";Object.defineProperty(exports,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"});const e=JSON.parse('{"/4KKi/":["If you cannot find a language and it does not appear in ethnologue.com, you can instead define the language here."],"6YtxFj":["Nom"],"8/S/J1":["If this user interface is not offering you a code that you know is valid <0>BCP 47 code</0>, you can enter it by hand. Hold down CTRL key while clicking on this tag."],"8ZdHUQ":["Edit Language Tag"],"F3iq3K":["Select a script"],"JNCzPW":["Pays"],"L1yZ0a":["If you found the main language but need to change some of the specifics like Script or Dialect, you can do that here."],"MDr+8d":["We have a list of almost every known language, where it is spoken, and how it is written."],"O6GyTi":["Start typing to find your language."],"S9s19z":["Create Unlisted Language"],"XzXMHk":["Sélectionnez une langue"],"Zi7dyz":["Écriture"],"aCDQQ/":["Display this language this way"],"ausuby":["A language of ",["0"]],"dEgA5A":["Annuler"],"jROyBC":["If this user interface is not offering you a code that you know is valid ISO 639 code, you can enter it here:"],"jmIlmi":["Search by name, code, or country"],"lPvBVm":["Custom Language Tag"],"nHKy0o":["Unlisted Language Tag"],"qLF7Lp":["BCP 47 Tag: <0>",["0"],"</0>"],"s/2hiv":["This is not in a valid IETF BCP 47 format: ",["customTag"]],"sW5OjU":["requis"],"srRMnJ":["Personnaliser"],"sxkWRg":["Avancé"],"ydag7l":["Variant (dialect)"],"zga9sT":["OK"]}');exports.messages=e;
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ "use strict";Object.defineProperty(exports,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"});const e=JSON.parse('{"/4KKi/":["If you cannot find a language and it does not appear in ethnologue.com, you can instead define the language here."],"6YtxFj":["الاسم"],"8/S/J1":["If this user interface is not offering you a code that you know is valid <0>BCP 47 code</0>, you can enter it by hand. Hold down CTRL key while clicking on this tag."],"8ZdHUQ":["Edit Language Tag"],"F3iq3K":["Select a script"],"JNCzPW":["البلد"],"L1yZ0a":["If you found the main language but need to change some of the specifics like Script or Dialect, you can do that here."],"MDr+8d":["We have a list of almost every known language, where it is spoken, and how it is written."],"O6GyTi":["Start typing to find your language."],"S9s19z":["Create Unlisted Language"],"XzXMHk":["اختر لغة"],"Zi7dyz":["نص"],"aCDQQ/":["Display this language this way"],"ausuby":["A language of ",["0"]],"dEgA5A":["إلغاء"],"jROyBC":["If this user interface is not offering you a code that you know is valid ISO 639 code, you can enter it here:"],"jmIlmi":["Search by name, code, or country"],"lPvBVm":["Custom Language Tag"],"nHKy0o":["Unlisted Language Tag"],"qLF7Lp":["BCP 47 Tag: <0>",["0"],"</0>"],"s/2hiv":["This is not in a valid IETF BCP 47 format: ",["customTag"]],"sW5OjU":["مطلوبة"],"srRMnJ":["تخصيص"],"sxkWRg":["متقدم"],"ydag7l":["Variant (dialect)"],"zga9sT":["موافق"]}');exports.messages=e;
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ "use strict";Object.defineProperty(exports,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"});const e=JSON.parse('{"/4KKi/":["If you cannot find a language and it does not appear in ethnologue.com, you can instead define the language here."],"6YtxFj":["名称"],"8/S/J1":["If this user interface is not offering you a code that you know is valid <0>BCP 47 code</0>, you can enter it by hand. Hold down CTRL key while clicking on this tag."],"8ZdHUQ":["Edit Language Tag"],"F3iq3K":["Select a script"],"JNCzPW":["国家"],"L1yZ0a":["If you found the main language but need to change some of the specifics like Script or Dialect, you can do that here."],"MDr+8d":["We have a list of almost every known language, where it is spoken, and how it is written."],"O6GyTi":["Start typing to find your language."],"S9s19z":["Create Unlisted Language"],"XzXMHk":["选择语言"],"Zi7dyz":["书写系统"],"aCDQQ/":["Display this language this way"],"ausuby":["A language of ",["0"]],"dEgA5A":["取消"],"jROyBC":["If this user interface is not offering you a code that you know is valid ISO 639 code, you can enter it here:"],"jmIlmi":["Search by name, code, or country"],"lPvBVm":["Custom Language Tag"],"nHKy0o":["Unlisted Language Tag"],"qLF7Lp":["BCP 47 Tag: <0>",["0"],"</0>"],"s/2hiv":["This is not in a valid IETF BCP 47 format: ",["customTag"]],"sW5OjU":["必填"],"srRMnJ":["自定义"],"sxkWRg":["高级"],"ydag7l":["Variant (dialect)"],"zga9sT":["确定"]}');exports.messages=e;
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ const a = JSON.parse('{"/4KKi/":["If you cannot find a language and it does not appear in ethnologue.com, you can instead define the language here."],"6YtxFj":["ឈ្មោះ/នាម"],"8/S/J1":["If this user interface is not offering you a code that you know is valid <0>BCP 47 code</0>, you can enter it by hand. Hold down CTRL key while clicking on this tag."],"8ZdHUQ":["Edit Language Tag"],"F3iq3K":["Select a script"],"JNCzPW":["ប្រទេស"],"L1yZ0a":["If you found the main language but need to change some of the specifics like Script or Dialect, you can do that here."],"MDr+8d":["We have a list of almost every known language, where it is spoken, and how it is written."],"O6GyTi":["Start typing to find your language."],"S9s19z":["Create Unlisted Language"],"XzXMHk":["ជ្រើសរើសភាសា"],"Zi7dyz":["អក្សរ"],"aCDQQ/":["Display this language this way"],"ausuby":["A language of ",["0"]],"dEgA5A":["លុបចោល"],"jROyBC":["If this user interface is not offering you a code that you know is valid ISO 639 code, you can enter it here:"],"jmIlmi":["Search by name, code, or country"],"lPvBVm":["Custom Language Tag"],"nHKy0o":["Unlisted Language Tag"],"qLF7Lp":["BCP 47 Tag: <0>",["0"],"</0>"],"s/2hiv":["This is not in a valid IETF BCP 47 format: ",["customTag"]],"sW5OjU":["តម្រូវ​ឱ្យ​មាន"],"srRMnJ":["តាម​បំណង"],"sxkWRg":["កម្រិតខ្ពស់"],"ydag7l":["Variant (dialect)"],"zga9sT":["យល់ព្រម"]}');
+ export {
+ a as messages
+ };
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ const a = JSON.parse('{"/4KKi/":["If you cannot find a language and it does not appear in ethnologue.com, you can instead define the language here."],"6YtxFj":["नाम"],"8/S/J1":["If this user interface is not offering you a code that you know is valid <0>BCP 47 code</0>, you can enter it by hand. Hold down CTRL key while clicking on this tag."],"8ZdHUQ":["Edit Language Tag"],"F3iq3K":["Select a script"],"JNCzPW":["देश"],"L1yZ0a":["If you found the main language but need to change some of the specifics like Script or Dialect, you can do that here."],"MDr+8d":["We have a list of almost every known language, where it is spoken, and how it is written."],"O6GyTi":["Start typing to find your language."],"S9s19z":["Create Unlisted Language"],"XzXMHk":["भाषा चुनें"],"Zi7dyz":["स्क्रिप्ट"],"aCDQQ/":["Display this language this way"],"ausuby":["A language of ",["0"]],"dEgA5A":["कैंसिल करें"],"jROyBC":["If this user interface is not offering you a code that you know is valid ISO 639 code, you can enter it here:"],"jmIlmi":["Search by name, code, or country"],"lPvBVm":["Custom Language Tag"],"nHKy0o":["Unlisted Language Tag"],"qLF7Lp":["BCP 47 Tag: <0>",["0"],"</0>"],"s/2hiv":["This is not in a valid IETF BCP 47 format: ",["customTag"]],"sW5OjU":["आवश्यक है"],"srRMnJ":["Customize"],"sxkWRg":["एडवांस्ड"],"ydag7l":["Variant (dialect)"],"zga9sT":["ठीक है"]}');
+ export {
+ a as messages
+ };
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ "use strict";Object.defineProperty(exports,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"});const e=JSON.parse('{"/4KKi/":["If you cannot find a language and it does not appear in ethnologue.com, you can instead define the language here."],"6YtxFj":["İsim"],"8/S/J1":["If this user interface is not offering you a code that you know is valid <0>BCP 47 code</0>, you can enter it by hand. Hold down CTRL key while clicking on this tag."],"8ZdHUQ":["Edit Language Tag"],"F3iq3K":["Select a script"],"JNCzPW":["Ülke"],"L1yZ0a":["If you found the main language but need to change some of the specifics like Script or Dialect, you can do that here."],"MDr+8d":["We have a list of almost every known language, where it is spoken, and how it is written."],"O6GyTi":["Start typing to find your language."],"S9s19z":["Create Unlisted Language"],"XzXMHk":["Dil Seç"],"Zi7dyz":["El yazması"],"aCDQQ/":["Display this language this way"],"ausuby":["A language of ",["0"]],"dEgA5A":["İptal"],"jROyBC":["If this user interface is not offering you a code that you know is valid ISO 639 code, you can enter it here:"],"jmIlmi":["Search by name, code, or country"],"lPvBVm":["Custom Language Tag"],"nHKy0o":["Unlisted Language Tag"],"qLF7Lp":["BCP 47 Tag: <0>",["0"],"</0>"],"s/2hiv":["This is not in a valid IETF BCP 47 format: ",["customTag"]],"sW5OjU":["gerekli"],"srRMnJ":["Özelleştir"],"sxkWRg":["Gelişmiş"],"ydag7l":["Variant (dialect)"],"zga9sT":["TAMAM"]}');exports.messages=e;
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ "use strict";Object.defineProperty(exports,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"});const e=JSON.parse('{"/4KKi/":["If you cannot find a language and it does not appear in ethnologue.com, you can instead define the language here."],"6YtxFj":["ឈ្មោះ/នាម"],"8/S/J1":["If this user interface is not offering you a code that you know is valid <0>BCP 47 code</0>, you can enter it by hand. Hold down CTRL key while clicking on this tag."],"8ZdHUQ":["Edit Language Tag"],"F3iq3K":["Select a script"],"JNCzPW":["ប្រទេស"],"L1yZ0a":["If you found the main language but need to change some of the specifics like Script or Dialect, you can do that here."],"MDr+8d":["We have a list of almost every known language, where it is spoken, and how it is written."],"O6GyTi":["Start typing to find your language."],"S9s19z":["Create Unlisted Language"],"XzXMHk":["ជ្រើសរើសភាសា"],"Zi7dyz":["អក្សរ"],"aCDQQ/":["Display this language this way"],"ausuby":["A language of ",["0"]],"dEgA5A":["លុបចោល"],"jROyBC":["If this user interface is not offering you a code that you know is valid ISO 639 code, you can enter it here:"],"jmIlmi":["Search by name, code, or country"],"lPvBVm":["Custom Language Tag"],"nHKy0o":["Unlisted Language Tag"],"qLF7Lp":["BCP 47 Tag: <0>",["0"],"</0>"],"s/2hiv":["This is not in a valid IETF BCP 47 format: ",["customTag"]],"sW5OjU":["តម្រូវ​ឱ្យ​មាន"],"srRMnJ":["តាម​បំណង"],"sxkWRg":["កម្រិតខ្ពស់"],"ydag7l":["Variant (dialect)"],"zga9sT":["យល់ព្រម"]}');exports.messages=e;
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ const e = JSON.parse('{"/4KKi/":["If you cannot find a language and it does not appear in ethnologue.com, you can instead define the language here."],"6YtxFj":["Nem"],"8/S/J1":["If this user interface is not offering you a code that you know is valid <0>BCP 47 code</0>, you can enter it by hand. Hold down CTRL key while clicking on this tag."],"8ZdHUQ":["Edit Language Tag"],"F3iq3K":["Select a script"],"JNCzPW":["Kantri"],"L1yZ0a":["If you found the main language but need to change some of the specifics like Script or Dialect, you can do that here."],"MDr+8d":["We have a list of almost every known language, where it is spoken, and how it is written."],"O6GyTi":["Start typing to find your language."],"S9s19z":["Create Unlisted Language"],"XzXMHk":["Makim Tokples"],"Zi7dyz":["Skrip"],"aCDQQ/":["Display this language this way"],"ausuby":["A language of ",["0"]],"dEgA5A":["Kensel"],"jROyBC":["If this user interface is not offering you a code that you know is valid ISO 639 code, you can enter it here:"],"jmIlmi":["Search by name, code, or country"],"lPvBVm":["Custom Language Tag"],"nHKy0o":["Unlisted Language Tag"],"qLF7Lp":["BCP 47 Tag: <0>",["0"],"</0>"],"s/2hiv":["This is not in a valid IETF BCP 47 format: ",["customTag"]],"sW5OjU":["i Mas"],"srRMnJ":["Stretim bilong mekim wok"],"sxkWRg":["Samting bilong bos"],"ydag7l":["Variant (dialect)"],"zga9sT":["OK"]}');
+ export {
+ e as messages
+ };
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ const a = JSON.parse('{"/4KKi/":["If you cannot find a language and it does not appear in ethnologue.com, you can instead define the language here."],"6YtxFj":["Nama"],"8/S/J1":["If this user interface is not offering you a code that you know is valid <0>BCP 47 code</0>, you can enter it by hand. Hold down CTRL key while clicking on this tag."],"8ZdHUQ":["Edit Language Tag"],"F3iq3K":["Select a script"],"JNCzPW":["Negara"],"L1yZ0a":["If you found the main language but need to change some of the specifics like Script or Dialect, you can do that here."],"MDr+8d":["We have a list of almost every known language, where it is spoken, and how it is written."],"O6GyTi":["Start typing to find your language."],"S9s19z":["Create Unlisted Language"],"XzXMHk":["Pilih Bahasa"],"Zi7dyz":["Naskah"],"aCDQQ/":["Display this language this way"],"ausuby":["A language of ",["0"]],"dEgA5A":["Batalkan"],"jROyBC":["If this user interface is not offering you a code that you know is valid ISO 639 code, you can enter it here:"],"jmIlmi":["Search by name, code, or country"],"lPvBVm":["Custom Language Tag"],"nHKy0o":["Unlisted Language Tag"],"qLF7Lp":["BCP 47 Tag: <0>",["0"],"</0>"],"s/2hiv":["This is not in a valid IETF BCP 47 format: ",["customTag"]],"sW5OjU":["harus diisi"],"srRMnJ":["Sesuaikan"],"sxkWRg":["Pengaturan Lanjutan"],"ydag7l":["Variant (dialect)"],"zga9sT":["YA"]}');
+ export {
+ a as messages
+ };
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ const a = JSON.parse('{"/4KKi/":["If you cannot find a language and it does not appear in ethnologue.com, you can instead define the language here."],"6YtxFj":["Название"],"8/S/J1":["If this user interface is not offering you a code that you know is valid <0>BCP 47 code</0>, you can enter it by hand. Hold down CTRL key while clicking on this tag."],"8ZdHUQ":["Edit Language Tag"],"F3iq3K":["Select a script"],"JNCzPW":["Страна"],"L1yZ0a":["If you found the main language but need to change some of the specifics like Script or Dialect, you can do that here."],"MDr+8d":["We have a list of almost every known language, where it is spoken, and how it is written."],"O6GyTi":["Start typing to find your language."],"S9s19z":["Create Unlisted Language"],"XzXMHk":["Выбрать язык"],"Zi7dyz":["Алфавит"],"aCDQQ/":["Display this language this way"],"ausuby":["A language of ",["0"]],"dEgA5A":["Отмена"],"jROyBC":["If this user interface is not offering you a code that you know is valid ISO 639 code, you can enter it here:"],"jmIlmi":["Search by name, code, or country"],"lPvBVm":["Custom Language Tag"],"nHKy0o":["Unlisted Language Tag"],"qLF7Lp":["BCP 47 Tag: <0>",["0"],"</0>"],"s/2hiv":["This is not in a valid IETF BCP 47 format: ",["customTag"]],"sW5OjU":["требуется"],"srRMnJ":["Настроить"],"sxkWRg":["Расширенные"],"ydag7l":["Variant (dialect)"],"zga9sT":["OK"]}');
+ export {
+ a as messages
+ };
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ "use strict";Object.defineProperty(exports,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"});const a=JSON.parse('{"/4KKi/":["If you cannot find a language and it does not appear in ethnologue.com, you can instead define the language here."],"6YtxFj":["Nama"],"8/S/J1":["If this user interface is not offering you a code that you know is valid <0>BCP 47 code</0>, you can enter it by hand. Hold down CTRL key while clicking on this tag."],"8ZdHUQ":["Edit Language Tag"],"F3iq3K":["Select a script"],"JNCzPW":["Negara"],"L1yZ0a":["If you found the main language but need to change some of the specifics like Script or Dialect, you can do that here."],"MDr+8d":["We have a list of almost every known language, where it is spoken, and how it is written."],"O6GyTi":["Start typing to find your language."],"S9s19z":["Create Unlisted Language"],"XzXMHk":["Pilih Bahasa"],"Zi7dyz":["Naskah"],"aCDQQ/":["Display this language this way"],"ausuby":["A language of ",["0"]],"dEgA5A":["Batalkan"],"jROyBC":["If this user interface is not offering you a code that you know is valid ISO 639 code, you can enter it here:"],"jmIlmi":["Search by name, code, or country"],"lPvBVm":["Custom Language Tag"],"nHKy0o":["Unlisted Language Tag"],"qLF7Lp":["BCP 47 Tag: <0>",["0"],"</0>"],"s/2hiv":["This is not in a valid IETF BCP 47 format: ",["customTag"]],"sW5OjU":["harus diisi"],"srRMnJ":["Sesuaikan"],"sxkWRg":["Pengaturan Lanjutan"],"ydag7l":["Variant (dialect)"],"zga9sT":["YA"]}');exports.messages=a;
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ const a = JSON.parse('{"/4KKi/":["If you cannot find a language and it does not appear in ethnologue.com, you can instead define the language here."],"6YtxFj":["పేరు"],"8/S/J1":["If this user interface is not offering you a code that you know is valid <0>BCP 47 code</0>, you can enter it by hand. Hold down CTRL key while clicking on this tag."],"8ZdHUQ":["Edit Language Tag"],"F3iq3K":["Select a script"],"JNCzPW":["దేశం"],"L1yZ0a":["If you found the main language but need to change some of the specifics like Script or Dialect, you can do that here."],"MDr+8d":["We have a list of almost every known language, where it is spoken, and how it is written."],"O6GyTi":["Start typing to find your language."],"S9s19z":["Create Unlisted Language"],"XzXMHk":["భాష ఎంపిక చేయండి"],"Zi7dyz":["స్క్రిప్ట్"],"aCDQQ/":["Display this language this way"],"ausuby":["A language of ",["0"]],"dEgA5A":["రద్దు చెయ్యండి"],"jROyBC":["If this user interface is not offering you a code that you know is valid ISO 639 code, you can enter it here:"],"jmIlmi":["Search by name, code, or country"],"lPvBVm":["Custom Language Tag"],"nHKy0o":["Unlisted Language Tag"],"qLF7Lp":["BCP 47 Tag: <0>",["0"],"</0>"],"s/2hiv":["This is not in a valid IETF BCP 47 format: ",["customTag"]],"sW5OjU":["అవసరమైనది"],"srRMnJ":["అనుకూలీకరించిన"],"sxkWRg":["అధునాతన"],"ydag7l":["Variant (dialect)"],"zga9sT":["సరే"]}');
+ export {
+ a as messages
+ };
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ const e = JSON.parse('{"/4KKi/":["If you cannot find a language and it does not appear in ethnologue.com, you can instead define the language here."],"6YtxFj":["Name"],"8/S/J1":["If this user interface is not offering you a code that you know is valid <0>BCP 47 code</0>, you can enter it by hand. Hold down CTRL key while clicking on this tag."],"8ZdHUQ":["Edit Language Tag"],"F3iq3K":["Select a script"],"JNCzPW":["Country"],"L1yZ0a":["If you found the main language but need to change some of the specifics like Script or Dialect, you can do that here."],"MDr+8d":["We have a list of almost every known language, where it is spoken, and how it is written."],"O6GyTi":["Start typing to find your language."],"S9s19z":["Create Unlisted Language"],"XzXMHk":["Choose Language"],"Zi7dyz":["Script"],"aCDQQ/":["Display this language this way"],"ausuby":["A language of ",["0"]],"dEgA5A":["Cancel"],"jROyBC":["If this user interface is not offering you a code that you know is valid ISO 639 code, you can enter it here:"],"jmIlmi":["Search by name, code, or country"],"lPvBVm":["Custom Language Tag"],"nHKy0o":["Unlisted Language Tag"],"qLF7Lp":["BCP 47 Tag: <0>",["0"],"</0>"],"s/2hiv":["This is not in a valid IETF BCP 47 format: ",["customTag"]],"sW5OjU":["required"],"srRMnJ":["Customize"],"sxkWRg":["Advanced"],"ydag7l":["Variant (dialect)"],"zga9sT":["OK"]}');
+ export {
+ e as messages
+ };
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
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+ export {
+ a as messages
+ };
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
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+ export {
+ e as messages
+ };
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
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+ export {
+ a as messages
+ };
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ const e = JSON.parse('{"/4KKi/":["If you cannot find a language and it does not appear in ethnologue.com, you can instead define the language here."],"6YtxFj":["Adı"],"8/S/J1":["If this user interface is not offering you a code that you know is valid <0>BCP 47 code</0>, you can enter it by hand. Hold down CTRL key while clicking on this tag."],"8ZdHUQ":["Edit Language Tag"],"F3iq3K":["Select a script"],"JNCzPW":["Ölkə"],"L1yZ0a":["If you found the main language but need to change some of the specifics like Script or Dialect, you can do that here."],"MDr+8d":["We have a list of almost every known language, where it is spoken, and how it is written."],"O6GyTi":["Start typing to find your language."],"S9s19z":["Create Unlisted Language"],"XzXMHk":["Dil seçin"],"Zi7dyz":["Script"],"aCDQQ/":["Display this language this way"],"ausuby":["A language of ",["0"]],"dEgA5A":["Ləğv et"],"jROyBC":["If this user interface is not offering you a code that you know is valid ISO 639 code, you can enter it here:"],"jmIlmi":["Search by name, code, or country"],"lPvBVm":["Custom Language Tag"],"nHKy0o":["Unlisted Language Tag"],"qLF7Lp":["BCP 47 Tag: <0>",["0"],"</0>"],"s/2hiv":["This is not in a valid IETF BCP 47 format: ",["customTag"]],"sW5OjU":["tələb olunur"],"srRMnJ":["Özəlləşdirin"],"sxkWRg":["Gənişləndirilmiş"],"ydag7l":["Variant (dialect)"],"zga9sT":["Oldu"]}');
+ export {
+ e as messages
+ };
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
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+ export {
+ a as messages
+ };
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ const a = JSON.parse('{"/4KKi/":["If you cannot find a language and it does not appear in ethnologue.com, you can instead define the language here."],"6YtxFj":["نام"],"8/S/J1":["If this user interface is not offering you a code that you know is valid <0>BCP 47 code</0>, you can enter it by hand. Hold down CTRL key while clicking on this tag."],"8ZdHUQ":["Edit Language Tag"],"F3iq3K":["Select a script"],"JNCzPW":["کشور"],"L1yZ0a":["If you found the main language but need to change some of the specifics like Script or Dialect, you can do that here."],"MDr+8d":["We have a list of almost every known language, where it is spoken, and how it is written."],"O6GyTi":["Start typing to find your language."],"S9s19z":["Create Unlisted Language"],"XzXMHk":["زبان را انتخاب کنید"],"Zi7dyz":["اسکریپت"],"aCDQQ/":["Display this language this way"],"ausuby":["A language of ",["0"]],"dEgA5A":["لغو"],"jROyBC":["If this user interface is not offering you a code that you know is valid ISO 639 code, you can enter it here:"],"jmIlmi":["Search by name, code, or country"],"lPvBVm":["Custom Language Tag"],"nHKy0o":["Unlisted Language Tag"],"qLF7Lp":["BCP 47 Tag: <0>",["0"],"</0>"],"s/2hiv":["This is not in a valid IETF BCP 47 format: ",["customTag"]],"sW5OjU":["ضروری"],"srRMnJ":["شخصی سازی"],"sxkWRg":["پیشرفته"],"ydag7l":["Variant (dialect)"],"zga9sT":["بسیار خوب"]}');
+ export {
+ a as messages
+ };
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ const e = JSON.parse('{"/4KKi/":["If you cannot find a language and it does not appear in ethnologue.com, you can instead define the language here."],"6YtxFj":["نام"],"8/S/J1":["If this user interface is not offering you a code that you know is valid <0>BCP 47 code</0>, you can enter it by hand. Hold down CTRL key while clicking on this tag."],"8ZdHUQ":["Edit Language Tag"],"F3iq3K":["Select a script"],"JNCzPW":["ملک"],"L1yZ0a":["If you found the main language but need to change some of the specifics like Script or Dialect, you can do that here."],"MDr+8d":["We have a list of almost every known language, where it is spoken, and how it is written."],"O6GyTi":["Start typing to find your language."],"S9s19z":["Create Unlisted Language"],"XzXMHk":["Choose Language"],"Zi7dyz":["Script"],"aCDQQ/":["Display this language this way"],"ausuby":["A language of ",["0"]],"dEgA5A":["منسوخ کریں"],"jROyBC":["If this user interface is not offering you a code that you know is valid ISO 639 code, you can enter it here:"],"jmIlmi":["Search by name, code, or country"],"lPvBVm":["Custom Language Tag"],"nHKy0o":["Unlisted Language Tag"],"qLF7Lp":["BCP 47 Tag: <0>",["0"],"</0>"],"s/2hiv":["This is not in a valid IETF BCP 47 format: ",["customTag"]],"sW5OjU":["required"],"srRMnJ":["Customize"],"sxkWRg":["ترقی یافتہ"],"ydag7l":["Variant (dialect)"],"zga9sT":["ٹھیک ہے"]}');
+ export {
+ e as messages
+ };
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ const a = JSON.parse('{"/4KKi/":["If you cannot find a language and it does not appear in ethnologue.com, you can instead define the language here."],"6YtxFj":["Nome"],"8/S/J1":["If this user interface is not offering you a code that you know is valid <0>BCP 47 code</0>, you can enter it by hand. Hold down CTRL key while clicking on this tag."],"8ZdHUQ":["Edit Language Tag"],"F3iq3K":["Select a script"],"JNCzPW":["País"],"L1yZ0a":["If you found the main language but need to change some of the specifics like Script or Dialect, you can do that here."],"MDr+8d":["We have a list of almost every known language, where it is spoken, and how it is written."],"O6GyTi":["Start typing to find your language."],"S9s19z":["Create Unlisted Language"],"XzXMHk":["Selecione o idioma"],"Zi7dyz":["Script"],"aCDQQ/":["Display this language this way"],"ausuby":["A language of ",["0"]],"dEgA5A":["Cancelar"],"jROyBC":["If this user interface is not offering you a code that you know is valid ISO 639 code, you can enter it here:"],"jmIlmi":["Search by name, code, or country"],"lPvBVm":["Custom Language Tag"],"nHKy0o":["Unlisted Language Tag"],"qLF7Lp":["BCP 47 Tag: <0>",["0"],"</0>"],"s/2hiv":["This is not in a valid IETF BCP 47 format: ",["customTag"]],"sW5OjU":["obrigatório"],"srRMnJ":["Personalizar"],"sxkWRg":["Avançado"],"ydag7l":["Variant (dialect)"],"zga9sT":["OK"]}');
+ export {
+ a as messages
+ };
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ const e = JSON.parse('{"/4KKi/":["If you cannot find a language and it does not appear in ethnologue.com, you can instead define the language here."],"6YtxFj":["Name"],"8/S/J1":["If this user interface is not offering you a code that you know is valid <0>BCP 47 code</0>, you can enter it by hand. Hold down CTRL key while clicking on this tag."],"8ZdHUQ":["Edit Language Tag"],"F3iq3K":["Select a script"],"JNCzPW":["Country"],"L1yZ0a":["If you found the main language but need to change some of the specifics like Script or Dialect, you can do that here."],"MDr+8d":["We have a list of almost every known language, where it is spoken, and how it is written."],"O6GyTi":["Start typing to find your language."],"S9s19z":["Create Unlisted Language"],"XzXMHk":["Sprache wählen"],"Zi7dyz":["Schrift"],"aCDQQ/":["Display this language this way"],"ausuby":["A language of ",["0"]],"dEgA5A":["Abbrechen"],"jROyBC":["If this user interface is not offering you a code that you know is valid ISO 639 code, you can enter it here:"],"jmIlmi":["Search by name, code, or country"],"lPvBVm":["Custom Language Tag"],"nHKy0o":["Unlisted Language Tag"],"qLF7Lp":["BCP 47 Tag: <0>",["0"],"</0>"],"s/2hiv":["This is not in a valid IETF BCP 47 format: ",["customTag"]],"sW5OjU":["obligatorisch"],"srRMnJ":["Anpassen"],"sxkWRg":["Erweitert"],"ydag7l":["Variant (dialect)"],"zga9sT":["OK"]}');
+ export {
+ e as messages
+ };
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
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+ export {
+ a as messages
+ };
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
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+ export {
+ a as messages
+ };
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
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+ export {
+ a as messages
+ };
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
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+ export {
+ a as messages
+ };
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ const e = JSON.parse('{"/4KKi/":["If you cannot find a language and it does not appear in ethnologue.com, you can instead define the language here."],"6YtxFj":["İsim"],"8/S/J1":["If this user interface is not offering you a code that you know is valid <0>BCP 47 code</0>, you can enter it by hand. Hold down CTRL key while clicking on this tag."],"8ZdHUQ":["Edit Language Tag"],"F3iq3K":["Select a script"],"JNCzPW":["Ülke"],"L1yZ0a":["If you found the main language but need to change some of the specifics like Script or Dialect, you can do that here."],"MDr+8d":["We have a list of almost every known language, where it is spoken, and how it is written."],"O6GyTi":["Start typing to find your language."],"S9s19z":["Create Unlisted Language"],"XzXMHk":["Dil Seç"],"Zi7dyz":["El yazması"],"aCDQQ/":["Display this language this way"],"ausuby":["A language of ",["0"]],"dEgA5A":["İptal"],"jROyBC":["If this user interface is not offering you a code that you know is valid ISO 639 code, you can enter it here:"],"jmIlmi":["Search by name, code, or country"],"lPvBVm":["Custom Language Tag"],"nHKy0o":["Unlisted Language Tag"],"qLF7Lp":["BCP 47 Tag: <0>",["0"],"</0>"],"s/2hiv":["This is not in a valid IETF BCP 47 format: ",["customTag"]],"sW5OjU":["gerekli"],"srRMnJ":["Özelleştir"],"sxkWRg":["Gelişmiş"],"ydag7l":["Variant (dialect)"],"zga9sT":["TAMAM"]}');
+ export {
+ e as messages
+ };
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ const a = JSON.parse('{"/4KKi/":["If you cannot find a language and it does not appear in ethnologue.com, you can instead define the language here."],"6YtxFj":["Jina"],"8/S/J1":["If this user interface is not offering you a code that you know is valid <0>BCP 47 code</0>, you can enter it by hand. Hold down CTRL key while clicking on this tag."],"8ZdHUQ":["Edit Language Tag"],"F3iq3K":["Select a script"],"JNCzPW":["Nchi"],"L1yZ0a":["If you found the main language but need to change some of the specifics like Script or Dialect, you can do that here."],"MDr+8d":["We have a list of almost every known language, where it is spoken, and how it is written."],"O6GyTi":["Start typing to find your language."],"S9s19z":["Create Unlisted Language"],"XzXMHk":["Chagua lugha"],"Zi7dyz":["Andiko"],"aCDQQ/":["Display this language this way"],"ausuby":["A language of ",["0"]],"dEgA5A":["Ghairi"],"jROyBC":["If this user interface is not offering you a code that you know is valid ISO 639 code, you can enter it here:"],"jmIlmi":["Search by name, code, or country"],"lPvBVm":["Custom Language Tag"],"nHKy0o":["Unlisted Language Tag"],"qLF7Lp":["BCP 47 Tag: <0>",["0"],"</0>"],"s/2hiv":["This is not in a valid IETF BCP 47 format: ",["customTag"]],"sW5OjU":["inahitajika"],"srRMnJ":["Geuza kukufaa"],"sxkWRg":["Ya hali ya juu"],"ydag7l":["Variant (dialect)"],"zga9sT":["Sawa"]}');
+ export {
+ a as messages
+ };
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ const a = JSON.parse('{"/4KKi/":["If you cannot find a language and it does not appear in ethnologue.com, you can instead define the language here."],"6YtxFj":["Nombre"],"8/S/J1":["If this user interface is not offering you a code that you know is valid <0>BCP 47 code</0>, you can enter it by hand. Hold down CTRL key while clicking on this tag."],"8ZdHUQ":["Edit Language Tag"],"F3iq3K":["Select a script"],"JNCzPW":["País"],"L1yZ0a":["If you found the main language but need to change some of the specifics like Script or Dialect, you can do that here."],"MDr+8d":["We have a list of almost every known language, where it is spoken, and how it is written."],"O6GyTi":["Start typing to find your language."],"S9s19z":["Create Unlisted Language"],"XzXMHk":["Elegir idioma"],"Zi7dyz":["Alfabeto"],"aCDQQ/":["Display this language this way"],"ausuby":["A language of ",["0"]],"dEgA5A":["Cancelar"],"jROyBC":["If this user interface is not offering you a code that you know is valid ISO 639 code, you can enter it here:"],"jmIlmi":["Search by name, code, or country"],"lPvBVm":["Custom Language Tag"],"nHKy0o":["Unlisted Language Tag"],"qLF7Lp":["BCP 47 Tag: <0>",["0"],"</0>"],"s/2hiv":["This is not in a valid IETF BCP 47 format: ",["customTag"]],"sW5OjU":["requerido"],"srRMnJ":["Personalizar"],"sxkWRg":["Avanzado"],"ydag7l":["Variant (dialect)"],"zga9sT":["Aceptar"]}');
+ export {
+ a as messages
+ };
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ "use strict";Object.defineProperty(exports,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"});const e=JSON.parse('{"/4KKi/":["If you cannot find a language and it does not appear in ethnologue.com, you can instead define the language here."],"6YtxFj":["பெயர்"],"8/S/J1":["If this user interface is not offering you a code that you know is valid <0>BCP 47 code</0>, you can enter it by hand. Hold down CTRL key while clicking on this tag."],"8ZdHUQ":["Edit Language Tag"],"F3iq3K":["Select a script"],"JNCzPW":["நாடு"],"L1yZ0a":["If you found the main language but need to change some of the specifics like Script or Dialect, you can do that here."],"MDr+8d":["We have a list of almost every known language, where it is spoken, and how it is written."],"O6GyTi":["Start typing to find your language."],"S9s19z":["Create Unlisted Language"],"XzXMHk":["மொழியைத் தேர்ந்தெடுக்கவும்"],"Zi7dyz":["கையால் எழுதப்பட்ட தாள்"],"aCDQQ/":["Display this language this way"],"ausuby":["A language of ",["0"]],"dEgA5A":["ரத்து செய்"],"jROyBC":["If this user interface is not offering you a code that you know is valid ISO 639 code, you can enter it here:"],"jmIlmi":["Search by name, code, or country"],"lPvBVm":["Custom Language Tag"],"nHKy0o":["Unlisted Language Tag"],"qLF7Lp":["BCP 47 Tag: <0>",["0"],"</0>"],"s/2hiv":["This is not in a valid IETF BCP 47 format: ",["customTag"]],"sW5OjU":["தேவை"],"srRMnJ":["Customize"],"sxkWRg":["மேம்பட்ட"],"ydag7l":["Variant (dialect)"],"zga9sT":["சரி"]}');exports.messages=e;
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ "use strict";Object.defineProperty(exports,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"});const e=JSON.parse('{"/4KKi/":["If you cannot find a language and it does not appear in ethnologue.com, you can instead define the language here."],"6YtxFj":["नाम"],"8/S/J1":["If this user interface is not offering you a code that you know is valid <0>BCP 47 code</0>, you can enter it by hand. Hold down CTRL key while clicking on this tag."],"8ZdHUQ":["Edit Language Tag"],"F3iq3K":["Select a script"],"JNCzPW":["देश"],"L1yZ0a":["If you found the main language but need to change some of the specifics like Script or Dialect, you can do that here."],"MDr+8d":["We have a list of almost every known language, where it is spoken, and how it is written."],"O6GyTi":["Start typing to find your language."],"S9s19z":["Create Unlisted Language"],"XzXMHk":["भाषा चुनें"],"Zi7dyz":["स्क्रिप्ट"],"aCDQQ/":["Display this language this way"],"ausuby":["A language of ",["0"]],"dEgA5A":["कैंसिल करें"],"jROyBC":["If this user interface is not offering you a code that you know is valid ISO 639 code, you can enter it here:"],"jmIlmi":["Search by name, code, or country"],"lPvBVm":["Custom Language Tag"],"nHKy0o":["Unlisted Language Tag"],"qLF7Lp":["BCP 47 Tag: <0>",["0"],"</0>"],"s/2hiv":["This is not in a valid IETF BCP 47 format: ",["customTag"]],"sW5OjU":["आवश्यक है"],"srRMnJ":["Customize"],"sxkWRg":["एडवांस्ड"],"ydag7l":["Variant (dialect)"],"zga9sT":["ठीक है"]}');exports.messages=e;
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ const e = JSON.parse('{"/4KKi/":["If you cannot find a language and it does not appear in ethnologue.com, you can instead define the language here."],"6YtxFj":["이름"],"8/S/J1":["If this user interface is not offering you a code that you know is valid <0>BCP 47 code</0>, you can enter it by hand. Hold down CTRL key while clicking on this tag."],"8ZdHUQ":["Edit Language Tag"],"F3iq3K":["Select a script"],"JNCzPW":["국가"],"L1yZ0a":["If you found the main language but need to change some of the specifics like Script or Dialect, you can do that here."],"MDr+8d":["We have a list of almost every known language, where it is spoken, and how it is written."],"O6GyTi":["Start typing to find your language."],"S9s19z":["Create Unlisted Language"],"XzXMHk":["Choose Language"],"Zi7dyz":["Script"],"aCDQQ/":["Display this language this way"],"ausuby":["A language of ",["0"]],"dEgA5A":["취소"],"jROyBC":["If this user interface is not offering you a code that you know is valid ISO 639 code, you can enter it here:"],"jmIlmi":["Search by name, code, or country"],"lPvBVm":["Custom Language Tag"],"nHKy0o":["Unlisted Language Tag"],"qLF7Lp":["BCP 47 Tag: <0>",["0"],"</0>"],"s/2hiv":["This is not in a valid IETF BCP 47 format: ",["customTag"]],"sW5OjU":["required"],"srRMnJ":["사용자 지정"],"sxkWRg":["고급"],"ydag7l":["Variant (dialect)"],"zga9sT":["확인"]}');
+ export {
+ e as messages
+ };
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ const e = JSON.parse('{"/4KKi/":["If you cannot find a language and it does not appear in ethnologue.com, you can instead define the language here."],"6YtxFj":["Name"],"8/S/J1":["If this user interface is not offering you a code that you know is valid <0>BCP 47 code</0>, you can enter it by hand. Hold down CTRL key while clicking on this tag."],"8ZdHUQ":["Edit Language Tag"],"F3iq3K":["Select a script"],"JNCzPW":["Country"],"L1yZ0a":["If you found the main language but need to change some of the specifics like Script or Dialect, you can do that here."],"MDr+8d":["We have a list of almost every known language, where it is spoken, and how it is written."],"O6GyTi":["Start typing to find your language."],"S9s19z":["Create Unlisted Language"],"XzXMHk":["Choose Language"],"Zi7dyz":["Script"],"aCDQQ/":["Display this language this way"],"ausuby":["A language of ",["0"]],"dEgA5A":["&Cancel"],"jROyBC":["If this user interface is not offering you a code that you know is valid ISO 639 code, you can enter it here:"],"jmIlmi":["Search by name, code, or country"],"lPvBVm":["Custom Language Tag"],"nHKy0o":["Unlisted Language Tag"],"qLF7Lp":["BCP 47 Tag: <0>",["0"],"</0>"],"s/2hiv":["This is not in a valid IETF BCP 47 format: ",["customTag"]],"sW5OjU":["required"],"srRMnJ":["Customize"],"sxkWRg":["Advanced"],"ydag7l":["Variant (dialect)"],"zga9sT":["&OK (I have the master project)"]}');
+ export {
+ e as messages
+ };
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ "use strict";Object.defineProperty(exports,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"});const e=JSON.parse(`{"/4KKi/":["If you cannot find a language and it does not appear in ethnologue.com, you can instead define the language here."],"6YtxFj":["Izina"],"8/S/J1":["If this user interface is not offering you a code that you know is valid <0>BCP 47 code</0>, you can enter it by hand. Hold down CTRL key while clicking on this tag."],"8ZdHUQ":["Edit Language Tag"],"F3iq3K":["Select a script"],"JNCzPW":["Igihugu"],"L1yZ0a":["If you found the main language but need to change some of the specifics like Script or Dialect, you can do that here."],"MDr+8d":["We have a list of almost every known language, where it is spoken, and how it is written."],"O6GyTi":["Start typing to find your language."],"S9s19z":["Create Unlisted Language"],"XzXMHk":["Choose Language"],"Zi7dyz":["Script"],"aCDQQ/":["Display this language this way"],"ausuby":["A language of ",["0"]],"dEgA5A":["Guhagarika"],"jROyBC":["If this user interface is not offering you a code that you know is valid ISO 639 code, you can enter it here:"],"jmIlmi":["Search by name, code, or country"],"lPvBVm":["Custom Language Tag"],"nHKy0o":["Unlisted Language Tag"],"qLF7Lp":["BCP 47 Tag: <0>",["0"],"</0>"],"s/2hiv":["This is not in a valid IETF BCP 47 format: ",["customTag"]],"sW5OjU":["required"],"srRMnJ":["Guhuza n'ibyo wifuza"],"sxkWRg":["Ku rwego rwo hejuru"],"ydag7l":["Variant (dialect)"],"zga9sT":["Ok"]}`);exports.messages=e;
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ const a = JSON.parse('{"/4KKi/":["If you cannot find a language and it does not appear in ethnologue.com, you can instead define the language here."],"6YtxFj":["Nama"],"8/S/J1":["If this user interface is not offering you a code that you know is valid <0>BCP 47 code</0>, you can enter it by hand. Hold down CTRL key while clicking on this tag."],"8ZdHUQ":["Edit Language Tag"],"F3iq3K":["Select a script"],"JNCzPW":["Negara"],"L1yZ0a":["If you found the main language but need to change some of the specifics like Script or Dialect, you can do that here."],"MDr+8d":["We have a list of almost every known language, where it is spoken, and how it is written."],"O6GyTi":["Start typing to find your language."],"S9s19z":["Create Unlisted Language"],"XzXMHk":["Choose Language"],"Zi7dyz":["Script"],"aCDQQ/":["Display this language this way"],"ausuby":["A language of ",["0"]],"dEgA5A":["Batal"],"jROyBC":["If this user interface is not offering you a code that you know is valid ISO 639 code, you can enter it here:"],"jmIlmi":["Search by name, code, or country"],"lPvBVm":["Custom Language Tag"],"nHKy0o":["Unlisted Language Tag"],"qLF7Lp":["BCP 47 Tag: <0>",["0"],"</0>"],"s/2hiv":["This is not in a valid IETF BCP 47 format: ",["customTag"]],"sW5OjU":["required"],"srRMnJ":["Mengekhaskan"],"sxkWRg":["Lanjutan"],"ydag7l":["Variant (dialect)"],"zga9sT":["OK"]}');
+ export {
+ a as messages
+ };
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ "use strict";Object.defineProperty(exports,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"});const e=JSON.parse('{"/4KKi/":["If you cannot find a language and it does not appear in ethnologue.com, you can instead define the language here."],"6YtxFj":["పేరు"],"8/S/J1":["If this user interface is not offering you a code that you know is valid <0>BCP 47 code</0>, you can enter it by hand. Hold down CTRL key while clicking on this tag."],"8ZdHUQ":["Edit Language Tag"],"F3iq3K":["Select a script"],"JNCzPW":["దేశం"],"L1yZ0a":["If you found the main language but need to change some of the specifics like Script or Dialect, you can do that here."],"MDr+8d":["We have a list of almost every known language, where it is spoken, and how it is written."],"O6GyTi":["Start typing to find your language."],"S9s19z":["Create Unlisted Language"],"XzXMHk":["భాష ఎంపిక చేయండి"],"Zi7dyz":["స్క్రిప్ట్"],"aCDQQ/":["Display this language this way"],"ausuby":["A language of ",["0"]],"dEgA5A":["రద్దు చెయ్యండి"],"jROyBC":["If this user interface is not offering you a code that you know is valid ISO 639 code, you can enter it here:"],"jmIlmi":["Search by name, code, or country"],"lPvBVm":["Custom Language Tag"],"nHKy0o":["Unlisted Language Tag"],"qLF7Lp":["BCP 47 Tag: <0>",["0"],"</0>"],"s/2hiv":["This is not in a valid IETF BCP 47 format: ",["customTag"]],"sW5OjU":["అవసరమైనది"],"srRMnJ":["అనుకూలీకరించిన"],"sxkWRg":["అధునాతన"],"ydag7l":["Variant (dialect)"],"zga9sT":["సరే"]}');exports.messages=e;
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ "use strict";Object.defineProperty(exports,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"});const e=JSON.parse('{"/4KKi/":["If you cannot find a language and it does not appear in ethnologue.com, you can instead define the language here."],"6YtxFj":["নাম"],"8/S/J1":["If this user interface is not offering you a code that you know is valid <0>BCP 47 code</0>, you can enter it by hand. Hold down CTRL key while clicking on this tag."],"8ZdHUQ":["Edit Language Tag"],"F3iq3K":["Select a script"],"JNCzPW":["দেশ"],"L1yZ0a":["If you found the main language but need to change some of the specifics like Script or Dialect, you can do that here."],"MDr+8d":["We have a list of almost every known language, where it is spoken, and how it is written."],"O6GyTi":["Start typing to find your language."],"S9s19z":["Create Unlisted Language"],"XzXMHk":["ভাষা নির্ধারণ করুন"],"Zi7dyz":["সংগৃহীত অক্ষর সমূহ"],"aCDQQ/":["Display this language this way"],"ausuby":["A language of ",["0"]],"dEgA5A":["বাতিল করুন "],"jROyBC":["If this user interface is not offering you a code that you know is valid ISO 639 code, you can enter it here:"],"jmIlmi":["Search by name, code, or country"],"lPvBVm":["Custom Language Tag"],"nHKy0o":["Unlisted Language Tag"],"qLF7Lp":["BCP 47 Tag: <0>",["0"],"</0>"],"s/2hiv":["This is not in a valid IETF BCP 47 format: ",["customTag"]],"sW5OjU":["প্রয়োজন"],"srRMnJ":["কাস্টমাইজ"],"sxkWRg":["উচ্চতর"],"ydag7l":["Variant (dialect)"],"zga9sT":["ঠিক আছে"]}');exports.messages=e;
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ "use strict";Object.defineProperty(exports,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"});const e=JSON.parse('{"/4KKi/":["If you cannot find a language and it does not appear in ethnologue.com, you can instead define the language here."],"6YtxFj":["Name"],"8/S/J1":["If this user interface is not offering you a code that you know is valid <0>BCP 47 code</0>, you can enter it by hand. Hold down CTRL key while clicking on this tag."],"8ZdHUQ":["Edit Language Tag"],"F3iq3K":["Select a script"],"JNCzPW":["Country"],"L1yZ0a":["If you found the main language but need to change some of the specifics like Script or Dialect, you can do that here."],"MDr+8d":["We have a list of almost every known language, where it is spoken, and how it is written."],"O6GyTi":["Start typing to find your language."],"S9s19z":["Create Unlisted Language"],"XzXMHk":["Choose Language"],"Zi7dyz":["Script"],"aCDQQ/":["Display this language this way"],"ausuby":["A language of ",["0"]],"dEgA5A":["&Cancel"],"jROyBC":["If this user interface is not offering you a code that you know is valid ISO 639 code, you can enter it here:"],"jmIlmi":["Search by name, code, or country"],"lPvBVm":["Custom Language Tag"],"nHKy0o":["Unlisted Language Tag"],"qLF7Lp":["BCP 47 Tag: <0>",["0"],"</0>"],"s/2hiv":["This is not in a valid IETF BCP 47 format: ",["customTag"]],"sW5OjU":["required"],"srRMnJ":["Customize"],"sxkWRg":["Advanced"],"ydag7l":["Variant (dialect)"],"zga9sT":["&OK (I have the master project)"]}');exports.messages=e;
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ const a = JSON.parse('{"/4KKi/":["If you cannot find a language and it does not appear in ethnologue.com, you can instead define the language here."],"6YtxFj":["নাম"],"8/S/J1":["If this user interface is not offering you a code that you know is valid <0>BCP 47 code</0>, you can enter it by hand. Hold down CTRL key while clicking on this tag."],"8ZdHUQ":["Edit Language Tag"],"F3iq3K":["Select a script"],"JNCzPW":["দেশ"],"L1yZ0a":["If you found the main language but need to change some of the specifics like Script or Dialect, you can do that here."],"MDr+8d":["We have a list of almost every known language, where it is spoken, and how it is written."],"O6GyTi":["Start typing to find your language."],"S9s19z":["Create Unlisted Language"],"XzXMHk":["ভাষা নির্ধারণ করুন"],"Zi7dyz":["সংগৃহীত অক্ষর সমূহ"],"aCDQQ/":["Display this language this way"],"ausuby":["A language of ",["0"]],"dEgA5A":["বাতিল করুন "],"jROyBC":["If this user interface is not offering you a code that you know is valid ISO 639 code, you can enter it here:"],"jmIlmi":["Search by name, code, or country"],"lPvBVm":["Custom Language Tag"],"nHKy0o":["Unlisted Language Tag"],"qLF7Lp":["BCP 47 Tag: <0>",["0"],"</0>"],"s/2hiv":["This is not in a valid IETF BCP 47 format: ",["customTag"]],"sW5OjU":["প্রয়োজন"],"srRMnJ":["কাস্টমাইজ"],"sxkWRg":["উচ্চতর"],"ydag7l":["Variant (dialect)"],"zga9sT":["ঠিক আছে"]}');
+ export {
+ a as messages
+ };
package/package.json CHANGED
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
  "description": "A language chooser React component using MUI",
  "author": "SIL Global",
  "license": "MIT",
- "version": "0.0.41",
+ "version": "0.1.0",
  "main": "./index.js",
  "types": "./index.d.ts",
  "exports": {
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@
  "e2e": "playwright test"
  "dependencies": {
- "@ethnolib/find-language": "0.0.23",
- "@ethnolib/language-chooser-react-hook": "0.0.17",
+ "@ethnolib/find-language": "0.1.0",
+ "@ethnolib/language-chooser-react-hook": "0.1.0",
  "lodash": "^4.17.21",
  "react-lazyload": "^3.2.1",
  "@mui/icons-material": "^5.15.19"