@elliemae/ds-menu-button 3.50.0-next.1 → 3.50.0-next.3
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"version": 3,
"sources": ["../../../src/config/useSplitInherithedProps.ts", "../../../../../../scripts/build/transpile/react-shim.js"],
"sourcesContent": ["/* *******************************************************\n * From official source definition\n *\n * Menu Button Pattern\n * About This Pattern:\n * A menu button is a button\n * that opens a menu\n * (as described in the Menu and Menubar Pattern).\n *\n * Since the menu button is a button, it inherits all the props from the Button component.\n * Since the menu button MUST have a menu, it also have a set of specific props used to handle the menu.\n * Because we build with atomic composition in mind, the \"logic layer\" is separated and has a yet another set of props.\n *\n * This is effectively an OOP \"extension\" of the Button component,\n * so it has the same props,\n * BUT also a few more to handle the specific behavior of the menu.\n *\n * this hooks is meant to take all the DSMenuButtonT.InternalProps with default already merged\n * and spit out menuSpecificProps & buttonInheritedProps\n ******************************************************* */\nimport {} from '@elliemae/ds-system';\nimport React from 'react';\nimport { type DSMenuButtonT } from '../react-desc-prop-types.js';\nimport { isSelectionableNode, isObjectAMenuNode } from '../utils/nodesTypeguardsAndGetters.js';\nimport { resolveRef } from '../utils/resolveRef.js';\n\n/**\n * Converts selected options to a map of selected nodes.\n * @param {DSMenuButtonT.SelectionableMenuNodes[]} selectedItems - The selected options, as provided by the user (either items or nodes).\n * @param {DSMenuButtonT.MenuNode} treeRootNode - The root node of the menu tree.\n * @returns {DSMenuButtonT.SelectionableMenuNodes[]} - The map of selected nodes.\n * @throws Will throw an error if a selected option is not found in the tree.\n */\nconst convertSelectedOptionsToNodes = (\n selectedItems: DSMenuButtonT.SelectionableMenuNodes[] | DSMenuButtonT.SelectionableMenuItemInterface[],\n treeRootNode: DSMenuButtonT.MenuNode,\n): DSMenuButtonT.SelectionableMenuNodes[] => {\n const convertedSelection: DSMenuButtonT.SelectionableMenuNodes[] = [];\n\n selectedItems.forEach((selectedItem) => {\n const needsConversion = !isObjectAMenuNode(selectedItem);\n if (!needsConversion) {\n convertedSelection.push(selectedItem);\n return;\n }\n\n const { dsId } = selectedItem;\n const selectedNode = treeRootNode.findNode((node: DSMenuButtonT.MenuNode) => node.dsId === dsId);\n if (!selectedNode) {\n throw new Error(`Selected option with dsId ${dsId} not found in the menu tree.`);\n }\n if (!isSelectionableNode(selectedNode)) {\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-console\n console.warn(`Selected option with dsId ${dsId} is not a selectionable node and will be ignored.`);\n return;\n }\n convertedSelection.push(selectedNode);\n });\n\n return convertedSelection;\n};\n\ntype UseSplitInherithedPropsConfig = {\n propsWithDefault: DSMenuButtonT.InternalProps;\n focusableNodes: DSMenuButtonT.PseudoFocusableMenuNodes[];\n treeRootNode: DSMenuButtonT.MenuNode;\n};\nexport const useSplitInherithedProps = ({\n propsWithDefault,\n focusableNodes,\n treeRootNode,\n}: UseSplitInherithedPropsConfig) => {\n const buttonDOMNodeRef = React.useRef<HTMLElement | null>(null);\n // when this component has been wrote\n // =============================================================================\n // MENU BUTTON props are:\n // Required\n // optionsTree, menuSpecificProps\n // Default (we already have a value because props for this hook are already merged with default props)\n // onClickOutside, onOptionClick, openedSubmenus, onSubmenuToggle, isLoading, isSkeleton, selectedOptions\n // Optional (may or may not be present)\n // ItemRenderer\n // =============================================================================\n // Props for the DSMenuBehaviouralContextProvider\n // =============================================================================\n // Required\n // selectedItems, onItemSelected, onActivateItem,\n // Optional\n // onDisplayedSubmenuChange, onOpen, onClose\n\n const {\n options,\n onClickOutside,\n onOptionClick,\n openedSubmenus,\n onSubmenuToggle,\n isLoading,\n isSkeleton,\n ItemRenderer,\n innerRef,\n selectedItems,\n onDisplayedSubmenuChange,\n onItemSelected,\n onActivateItem,\n onOpen,\n onClose,\n maxHeight, // this is not shared with anything at all, it's instead a property of the \"root\" node, each node (with a submenu) can have its own maxHeight\n ...buttonInheritedProps\n } = propsWithDefault;\n\n // the button is allowed to receive innerRef, but we also need to invoke the setButtonDOMNode to store the button node\n // so we create a functional ref to do both\n const innerRefSnatchingNode: Required<DSMenuButtonT.Props>['innerRef'] = React.useCallback(\n (node: HTMLButtonElement) => {\n buttonDOMNodeRef.current = node;\n if (innerRef) {\n resolveRef(innerRef, node);\n }\n },\n [innerRef],\n );\n // in the WIDGET API, the user can provide selectedItems as an array of \"items\" or an array of \"nodes\"\n // the component needs the \"nodes\" to handle the logic and rendering & accessibility\n // if the user provides \"items\", we convert them to \"nodes\" here\n const selectedNodesMap = React.useMemo(() => {\n if (selectedItems) {\n return convertSelectedOptionsToNodes(selectedItems, treeRootNode);\n }\n return [];\n }, [selectedItems, treeRootNode]);\n\n const menuSpecificProps = React.useMemo(\n () => ({\n options,\n onClickOutside,\n onOptionClick,\n openedSubmenus,\n onSubmenuToggle,\n isLoading,\n isSkeleton,\n ItemRenderer,\n }),\n [options, onClickOutside, onOptionClick, openedSubmenus, onSubmenuToggle, isLoading, isSkeleton, ItemRenderer],\n );\n\n return React.useMemo(\n () => ({\n menuBehaviouralLayerProps: {\n buttonDOMNodeRef,\n selectedNodes: selectedNodesMap,\n focusableNodes,\n optionsTree: treeRootNode,\n onDisplayedSubmenuChange,\n onItemSelected,\n onActivateItem,\n onOpen,\n onClose,\n },\n opinionatedButtonProps: {\n ...(buttonInheritedProps as DSMenuButtonT.ButtonInheritedProps),\n innerRef: innerRefSnatchingNode,\n menuSpecificProps,\n },\n }),\n [\n selectedNodesMap,\n focusableNodes,\n treeRootNode,\n onDisplayedSubmenuChange,\n onItemSelected,\n onActivateItem,\n onOpen,\n onClose,\n buttonInheritedProps,\n innerRefSnatchingNode,\n menuSpecificProps,\n ],\n );\n};\n", "import * as React from 'react';\nexport { React };\n"],
"mappings": ";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;ACAA,YAAuB;
"sourcesContent": ["/* *******************************************************\n * From official source definition\n *\n * Menu Button Pattern\n * About This Pattern:\n * A menu button is a button\n * that opens a menu\n * (as described in the Menu and Menubar Pattern).\n *\n * Since the menu button is a button, it inherits all the props from the Button component.\n * Since the menu button MUST have a menu, it also have a set of specific props used to handle the menu.\n * Because we build with atomic composition in mind, the \"logic layer\" is separated and has a yet another set of props.\n *\n * This is effectively an OOP \"extension\" of the Button component,\n * so it has the same props,\n * BUT also a few more to handle the specific behavior of the menu.\n *\n * this hooks is meant to take all the DSMenuButtonT.InternalProps with default already merged\n * and spit out menuSpecificProps & buttonInheritedProps\n ******************************************************* */\nimport {} from '@elliemae/ds-system';\nimport {} from '@elliemae/pui-theme';\nimport React from 'react';\nimport { type DSMenuButtonT } from '../react-desc-prop-types.js';\nimport { isSelectionableNode, isObjectAMenuNode } from '../utils/nodesTypeguardsAndGetters.js';\nimport { resolveRef } from '../utils/resolveRef.js';\n\n/**\n * Converts selected options to a map of selected nodes.\n * @param {DSMenuButtonT.SelectionableMenuNodes[]} selectedItems - The selected options, as provided by the user (either items or nodes).\n * @param {DSMenuButtonT.MenuNode} treeRootNode - The root node of the menu tree.\n * @returns {DSMenuButtonT.SelectionableMenuNodes[]} - The map of selected nodes.\n * @throws Will throw an error if a selected option is not found in the tree.\n */\nconst convertSelectedOptionsToNodes = (\n selectedItems: DSMenuButtonT.SelectionableMenuNodes[] | DSMenuButtonT.SelectionableMenuItemInterface[],\n treeRootNode: DSMenuButtonT.MenuNode,\n): DSMenuButtonT.SelectionableMenuNodes[] => {\n const convertedSelection: DSMenuButtonT.SelectionableMenuNodes[] = [];\n\n selectedItems.forEach((selectedItem) => {\n const needsConversion = !isObjectAMenuNode(selectedItem);\n if (!needsConversion) {\n convertedSelection.push(selectedItem);\n return;\n }\n\n const { dsId } = selectedItem;\n const selectedNode = treeRootNode.findNode((node: DSMenuButtonT.MenuNode) => node.dsId === dsId);\n if (!selectedNode) {\n throw new Error(`Selected option with dsId ${dsId} not found in the menu tree.`);\n }\n if (!isSelectionableNode(selectedNode)) {\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-console\n console.warn(`Selected option with dsId ${dsId} is not a selectionable node and will be ignored.`);\n return;\n }\n convertedSelection.push(selectedNode);\n });\n\n return convertedSelection;\n};\n\ntype UseSplitInherithedPropsConfig = {\n propsWithDefault: DSMenuButtonT.InternalProps;\n focusableNodes: DSMenuButtonT.PseudoFocusableMenuNodes[];\n treeRootNode: DSMenuButtonT.MenuNode;\n};\nexport const useSplitInherithedProps = ({\n propsWithDefault,\n focusableNodes,\n treeRootNode,\n}: UseSplitInherithedPropsConfig) => {\n const buttonDOMNodeRef = React.useRef<HTMLElement | null>(null);\n // when this component has been wrote\n // =============================================================================\n // MENU BUTTON props are:\n // Required\n // optionsTree, menuSpecificProps\n // Default (we already have a value because props for this hook are already merged with default props)\n // onClickOutside, onOptionClick, openedSubmenus, onSubmenuToggle, isLoading, isSkeleton, selectedOptions\n // Optional (may or may not be present)\n // ItemRenderer\n // =============================================================================\n // Props for the DSMenuBehaviouralContextProvider\n // =============================================================================\n // Required\n // selectedItems, onItemSelected, onActivateItem,\n // Optional\n // onDisplayedSubmenuChange, onOpen, onClose\n\n const {\n options,\n onClickOutside,\n onOptionClick,\n openedSubmenus,\n onSubmenuToggle,\n isLoading,\n isSkeleton,\n ItemRenderer,\n innerRef,\n selectedItems,\n onDisplayedSubmenuChange,\n onItemSelected,\n onActivateItem,\n onOpen,\n onClose,\n maxHeight, // this is not shared with anything at all, it's instead a property of the \"root\" node, each node (with a submenu) can have its own maxHeight\n ...buttonInheritedProps\n } = propsWithDefault;\n\n // the button is allowed to receive innerRef, but we also need to invoke the setButtonDOMNode to store the button node\n // so we create a functional ref to do both\n const innerRefSnatchingNode: Required<DSMenuButtonT.Props>['innerRef'] = React.useCallback(\n (node: HTMLButtonElement) => {\n buttonDOMNodeRef.current = node;\n if (innerRef) {\n resolveRef(innerRef, node);\n }\n },\n [innerRef],\n );\n // in the WIDGET API, the user can provide selectedItems as an array of \"items\" or an array of \"nodes\"\n // the component needs the \"nodes\" to handle the logic and rendering & accessibility\n // if the user provides \"items\", we convert them to \"nodes\" here\n const selectedNodesMap = React.useMemo(() => {\n if (selectedItems) {\n return convertSelectedOptionsToNodes(selectedItems, treeRootNode);\n }\n return [];\n }, [selectedItems, treeRootNode]);\n\n const menuSpecificProps = React.useMemo(\n () => ({\n options,\n onClickOutside,\n onOptionClick,\n openedSubmenus,\n onSubmenuToggle,\n isLoading,\n isSkeleton,\n ItemRenderer,\n }),\n [options, onClickOutside, onOptionClick, openedSubmenus, onSubmenuToggle, isLoading, isSkeleton, ItemRenderer],\n );\n\n return React.useMemo(\n () => ({\n menuBehaviouralLayerProps: {\n buttonDOMNodeRef,\n selectedNodes: selectedNodesMap,\n focusableNodes,\n optionsTree: treeRootNode,\n onDisplayedSubmenuChange,\n onItemSelected,\n onActivateItem,\n onOpen,\n onClose,\n },\n opinionatedButtonProps: {\n ...(buttonInheritedProps as DSMenuButtonT.ButtonInheritedProps),\n innerRef: innerRefSnatchingNode,\n menuSpecificProps,\n },\n }),\n [\n selectedNodesMap,\n focusableNodes,\n treeRootNode,\n onDisplayedSubmenuChange,\n onItemSelected,\n onActivateItem,\n onOpen,\n onClose,\n buttonInheritedProps,\n innerRefSnatchingNode,\n menuSpecificProps,\n ],\n );\n};\n", "import * as React from 'react';\nexport { React };\n"],
"names": ["React"]
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"version": 3,
"sources": ["../../../../../../scripts/build/transpile/react-shim.js", "../../../src/config/useSplitInherithedProps.ts"],
"sourcesContent": ["import * as React from 'react';\nexport { React };\n", "/* *******************************************************\n * From official source definition\n *\n * Menu Button Pattern\n * About This Pattern:\n * A menu button is a button\n * that opens a menu\n * (as described in the Menu and Menubar Pattern).\n *\n * Since the menu button is a button, it inherits all the props from the Button component.\n * Since the menu button MUST have a menu, it also have a set of specific props used to handle the menu.\n * Because we build with atomic composition in mind, the \"logic layer\" is separated and has a yet another set of props.\n *\n * This is effectively an OOP \"extension\" of the Button component,\n * so it has the same props,\n * BUT also a few more to handle the specific behavior of the menu.\n *\n * this hooks is meant to take all the DSMenuButtonT.InternalProps with default already merged\n * and spit out menuSpecificProps & buttonInheritedProps\n ******************************************************* */\nimport {} from '@elliemae/ds-system';\nimport React from 'react';\nimport { type DSMenuButtonT } from '../react-desc-prop-types.js';\nimport { isSelectionableNode, isObjectAMenuNode } from '../utils/nodesTypeguardsAndGetters.js';\nimport { resolveRef } from '../utils/resolveRef.js';\n\n/**\n * Converts selected options to a map of selected nodes.\n * @param {DSMenuButtonT.SelectionableMenuNodes[]} selectedItems - The selected options, as provided by the user (either items or nodes).\n * @param {DSMenuButtonT.MenuNode} treeRootNode - The root node of the menu tree.\n * @returns {DSMenuButtonT.SelectionableMenuNodes[]} - The map of selected nodes.\n * @throws Will throw an error if a selected option is not found in the tree.\n */\nconst convertSelectedOptionsToNodes = (\n selectedItems: DSMenuButtonT.SelectionableMenuNodes[] | DSMenuButtonT.SelectionableMenuItemInterface[],\n treeRootNode: DSMenuButtonT.MenuNode,\n): DSMenuButtonT.SelectionableMenuNodes[] => {\n const convertedSelection: DSMenuButtonT.SelectionableMenuNodes[] = [];\n\n selectedItems.forEach((selectedItem) => {\n const needsConversion = !isObjectAMenuNode(selectedItem);\n if (!needsConversion) {\n convertedSelection.push(selectedItem);\n return;\n }\n\n const { dsId } = selectedItem;\n const selectedNode = treeRootNode.findNode((node: DSMenuButtonT.MenuNode) => node.dsId === dsId);\n if (!selectedNode) {\n throw new Error(`Selected option with dsId ${dsId} not found in the menu tree.`);\n }\n if (!isSelectionableNode(selectedNode)) {\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-console\n console.warn(`Selected option with dsId ${dsId} is not a selectionable node and will be ignored.`);\n return;\n }\n convertedSelection.push(selectedNode);\n });\n\n return convertedSelection;\n};\n\ntype UseSplitInherithedPropsConfig = {\n propsWithDefault: DSMenuButtonT.InternalProps;\n focusableNodes: DSMenuButtonT.PseudoFocusableMenuNodes[];\n treeRootNode: DSMenuButtonT.MenuNode;\n};\nexport const useSplitInherithedProps = ({\n propsWithDefault,\n focusableNodes,\n treeRootNode,\n}: UseSplitInherithedPropsConfig) => {\n const buttonDOMNodeRef = React.useRef<HTMLElement | null>(null);\n // when this component has been wrote\n // =============================================================================\n // MENU BUTTON props are:\n // Required\n // optionsTree, menuSpecificProps\n // Default (we already have a value because props for this hook are already merged with default props)\n // onClickOutside, onOptionClick, openedSubmenus, onSubmenuToggle, isLoading, isSkeleton, selectedOptions\n // Optional (may or may not be present)\n // ItemRenderer\n // =============================================================================\n // Props for the DSMenuBehaviouralContextProvider\n // =============================================================================\n // Required\n // selectedItems, onItemSelected, onActivateItem,\n // Optional\n // onDisplayedSubmenuChange, onOpen, onClose\n\n const {\n options,\n onClickOutside,\n onOptionClick,\n openedSubmenus,\n onSubmenuToggle,\n isLoading,\n isSkeleton,\n ItemRenderer,\n innerRef,\n selectedItems,\n onDisplayedSubmenuChange,\n onItemSelected,\n onActivateItem,\n onOpen,\n onClose,\n maxHeight, // this is not shared with anything at all, it's instead a property of the \"root\" node, each node (with a submenu) can have its own maxHeight\n ...buttonInheritedProps\n } = propsWithDefault;\n\n // the button is allowed to receive innerRef, but we also need to invoke the setButtonDOMNode to store the button node\n // so we create a functional ref to do both\n const innerRefSnatchingNode: Required<DSMenuButtonT.Props>['innerRef'] = React.useCallback(\n (node: HTMLButtonElement) => {\n buttonDOMNodeRef.current = node;\n if (innerRef) {\n resolveRef(innerRef, node);\n }\n },\n [innerRef],\n );\n // in the WIDGET API, the user can provide selectedItems as an array of \"items\" or an array of \"nodes\"\n // the component needs the \"nodes\" to handle the logic and rendering & accessibility\n // if the user provides \"items\", we convert them to \"nodes\" here\n const selectedNodesMap = React.useMemo(() => {\n if (selectedItems) {\n return convertSelectedOptionsToNodes(selectedItems, treeRootNode);\n }\n return [];\n }, [selectedItems, treeRootNode]);\n\n const menuSpecificProps = React.useMemo(\n () => ({\n options,\n onClickOutside,\n onOptionClick,\n openedSubmenus,\n onSubmenuToggle,\n isLoading,\n isSkeleton,\n ItemRenderer,\n }),\n [options, onClickOutside, onOptionClick, openedSubmenus, onSubmenuToggle, isLoading, isSkeleton, ItemRenderer],\n );\n\n return React.useMemo(\n () => ({\n menuBehaviouralLayerProps: {\n buttonDOMNodeRef,\n selectedNodes: selectedNodesMap,\n focusableNodes,\n optionsTree: treeRootNode,\n onDisplayedSubmenuChange,\n onItemSelected,\n onActivateItem,\n onOpen,\n onClose,\n },\n opinionatedButtonProps: {\n ...(buttonInheritedProps as DSMenuButtonT.ButtonInheritedProps),\n innerRef: innerRefSnatchingNode,\n menuSpecificProps,\n },\n }),\n [\n selectedNodesMap,\n focusableNodes,\n treeRootNode,\n onDisplayedSubmenuChange,\n onItemSelected,\n onActivateItem,\n onOpen,\n onClose,\n buttonInheritedProps,\n innerRefSnatchingNode,\n menuSpecificProps,\n ],\n );\n};\n"],
"mappings": "AAAA,YAAY,WAAW;
"sourcesContent": ["import * as React from 'react';\nexport { React };\n", "/* *******************************************************\n * From official source definition\n *\n * Menu Button Pattern\n * About This Pattern:\n * A menu button is a button\n * that opens a menu\n * (as described in the Menu and Menubar Pattern).\n *\n * Since the menu button is a button, it inherits all the props from the Button component.\n * Since the menu button MUST have a menu, it also have a set of specific props used to handle the menu.\n * Because we build with atomic composition in mind, the \"logic layer\" is separated and has a yet another set of props.\n *\n * This is effectively an OOP \"extension\" of the Button component,\n * so it has the same props,\n * BUT also a few more to handle the specific behavior of the menu.\n *\n * this hooks is meant to take all the DSMenuButtonT.InternalProps with default already merged\n * and spit out menuSpecificProps & buttonInheritedProps\n ******************************************************* */\nimport {} from '@elliemae/ds-system';\nimport {} from '@elliemae/pui-theme';\nimport React from 'react';\nimport { type DSMenuButtonT } from '../react-desc-prop-types.js';\nimport { isSelectionableNode, isObjectAMenuNode } from '../utils/nodesTypeguardsAndGetters.js';\nimport { resolveRef } from '../utils/resolveRef.js';\n\n/**\n * Converts selected options to a map of selected nodes.\n * @param {DSMenuButtonT.SelectionableMenuNodes[]} selectedItems - The selected options, as provided by the user (either items or nodes).\n * @param {DSMenuButtonT.MenuNode} treeRootNode - The root node of the menu tree.\n * @returns {DSMenuButtonT.SelectionableMenuNodes[]} - The map of selected nodes.\n * @throws Will throw an error if a selected option is not found in the tree.\n */\nconst convertSelectedOptionsToNodes = (\n selectedItems: DSMenuButtonT.SelectionableMenuNodes[] | DSMenuButtonT.SelectionableMenuItemInterface[],\n treeRootNode: DSMenuButtonT.MenuNode,\n): DSMenuButtonT.SelectionableMenuNodes[] => {\n const convertedSelection: DSMenuButtonT.SelectionableMenuNodes[] = [];\n\n selectedItems.forEach((selectedItem) => {\n const needsConversion = !isObjectAMenuNode(selectedItem);\n if (!needsConversion) {\n convertedSelection.push(selectedItem);\n return;\n }\n\n const { dsId } = selectedItem;\n const selectedNode = treeRootNode.findNode((node: DSMenuButtonT.MenuNode) => node.dsId === dsId);\n if (!selectedNode) {\n throw new Error(`Selected option with dsId ${dsId} not found in the menu tree.`);\n }\n if (!isSelectionableNode(selectedNode)) {\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-console\n console.warn(`Selected option with dsId ${dsId} is not a selectionable node and will be ignored.`);\n return;\n }\n convertedSelection.push(selectedNode);\n });\n\n return convertedSelection;\n};\n\ntype UseSplitInherithedPropsConfig = {\n propsWithDefault: DSMenuButtonT.InternalProps;\n focusableNodes: DSMenuButtonT.PseudoFocusableMenuNodes[];\n treeRootNode: DSMenuButtonT.MenuNode;\n};\nexport const useSplitInherithedProps = ({\n propsWithDefault,\n focusableNodes,\n treeRootNode,\n}: UseSplitInherithedPropsConfig) => {\n const buttonDOMNodeRef = React.useRef<HTMLElement | null>(null);\n // when this component has been wrote\n // =============================================================================\n // MENU BUTTON props are:\n // Required\n // optionsTree, menuSpecificProps\n // Default (we already have a value because props for this hook are already merged with default props)\n // onClickOutside, onOptionClick, openedSubmenus, onSubmenuToggle, isLoading, isSkeleton, selectedOptions\n // Optional (may or may not be present)\n // ItemRenderer\n // =============================================================================\n // Props for the DSMenuBehaviouralContextProvider\n // =============================================================================\n // Required\n // selectedItems, onItemSelected, onActivateItem,\n // Optional\n // onDisplayedSubmenuChange, onOpen, onClose\n\n const {\n options,\n onClickOutside,\n onOptionClick,\n openedSubmenus,\n onSubmenuToggle,\n isLoading,\n isSkeleton,\n ItemRenderer,\n innerRef,\n selectedItems,\n onDisplayedSubmenuChange,\n onItemSelected,\n onActivateItem,\n onOpen,\n onClose,\n maxHeight, // this is not shared with anything at all, it's instead a property of the \"root\" node, each node (with a submenu) can have its own maxHeight\n ...buttonInheritedProps\n } = propsWithDefault;\n\n // the button is allowed to receive innerRef, but we also need to invoke the setButtonDOMNode to store the button node\n // so we create a functional ref to do both\n const innerRefSnatchingNode: Required<DSMenuButtonT.Props>['innerRef'] = React.useCallback(\n (node: HTMLButtonElement) => {\n buttonDOMNodeRef.current = node;\n if (innerRef) {\n resolveRef(innerRef, node);\n }\n },\n [innerRef],\n );\n // in the WIDGET API, the user can provide selectedItems as an array of \"items\" or an array of \"nodes\"\n // the component needs the \"nodes\" to handle the logic and rendering & accessibility\n // if the user provides \"items\", we convert them to \"nodes\" here\n const selectedNodesMap = React.useMemo(() => {\n if (selectedItems) {\n return convertSelectedOptionsToNodes(selectedItems, treeRootNode);\n }\n return [];\n }, [selectedItems, treeRootNode]);\n\n const menuSpecificProps = React.useMemo(\n () => ({\n options,\n onClickOutside,\n onOptionClick,\n openedSubmenus,\n onSubmenuToggle,\n isLoading,\n isSkeleton,\n ItemRenderer,\n }),\n [options, onClickOutside, onOptionClick, openedSubmenus, onSubmenuToggle, isLoading, isSkeleton, ItemRenderer],\n );\n\n return React.useMemo(\n () => ({\n menuBehaviouralLayerProps: {\n buttonDOMNodeRef,\n selectedNodes: selectedNodesMap,\n focusableNodes,\n optionsTree: treeRootNode,\n onDisplayedSubmenuChange,\n onItemSelected,\n onActivateItem,\n onOpen,\n onClose,\n },\n opinionatedButtonProps: {\n ...(buttonInheritedProps as DSMenuButtonT.ButtonInheritedProps),\n innerRef: innerRefSnatchingNode,\n menuSpecificProps,\n },\n }),\n [\n selectedNodesMap,\n focusableNodes,\n treeRootNode,\n onDisplayedSubmenuChange,\n onItemSelected,\n onActivateItem,\n onOpen,\n onClose,\n buttonInheritedProps,\n innerRefSnatchingNode,\n menuSpecificProps,\n ],\n );\n};\n"],
"names": ["React"]
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "@elliemae/ds-menu-button",
"version": "3.50.0-next.
"version": "3.50.0-next.3",
"license": "MIT",
"description": "ICE MT - Dimsum - Menu Button",
"files": [
@@ -36,26 +36,28 @@
"indent": 4
"dependencies": {
"@xstyled/styled-components": "~3.
"@elliemae/ds-button-v2": "3.50.0-next.
"@xstyled/styled-components": "~3.7.3",
"@elliemae/ds-button-v2": "3.50.0-next.3",
"@elliemae/ds-floating-context": "3.50.0-next.3",
"@elliemae/ds-hooks-on-blur-out": "3.50.0-next.3",
"@elliemae/ds-icons": "3.50.0-next.3",
"@elliemae/ds-grid": "3.50.0-next.3",
"@elliemae/ds-menu-items-commons": "3.50.0-next.3",
"@elliemae/ds-props-helpers": "3.50.0-next.3",
"@elliemae/ds-system": "3.50.0-next.3",
"@elliemae/ds-tree-model": "3.50.0-next.3"
"devDependencies": {
"@elliemae/pui-cli": "9.0.0-next.
"@elliemae/pui-cli": "9.0.0-next.31",
"@elliemae/pui-theme": "~2.10.0",
"jest": "~29.7.0",
"styled-components": "~5.3.9",
"@elliemae/ds-monorepo-devops": "3.50.0-next.
"@elliemae/ds-typescript-helpers": "3.50.0-next.
"@elliemae/ds-monorepo-devops": "3.50.0-next.3",
"@elliemae/ds-typescript-helpers": "3.50.0-next.3"
"peerDependencies": {
"@testing-library/jest-dom": "
"@testing-library/react": "
"@testing-library/jest-dom": "^5.17.0",
"@testing-library/react": "^12.1.5",
"@testing-library/user-event": "~13.5.0",
"react": "^17.0.2",
"react-dom": "^17.0.2",