@elliemae/ds-menu-button 3.46.0-rc.3 → 3.46.0-rc.4

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Files changed (82) hide show
  1. package/dist/cjs/config/useMenuButton.js +6 -2
  2. package/dist/cjs/config/useMenuButton.js.map +2 -2
  3. package/dist/cjs/config/useSplitInherithedProps.js +2 -0
  4. package/dist/cjs/config/useSplitInherithedProps.js.map +2 -2
  5. package/dist/cjs/parts/DSFlyoutMenu/DSFlyoutMenu.js +26 -12
  6. package/dist/cjs/parts/DSFlyoutMenu/DSFlyoutMenu.js.map +3 -3
  7. package/dist/cjs/parts/DSFlyoutMenu/react-desc-prop-types.js +1 -1
  8. package/dist/cjs/parts/DSFlyoutMenu/react-desc-prop-types.js.map +3 -3
  9. package/dist/cjs/parts/DSMenuBehaviouralContextProvider/config/useFocusTracker.js +40 -30
  10. package/dist/cjs/parts/DSMenuBehaviouralContextProvider/config/useFocusTracker.js.map +2 -2
  11. package/dist/cjs/parts/DSMenuBehaviouralContextProvider/config/useMenuBehaviouralContextProvider.js +1 -1
  12. package/dist/cjs/parts/DSMenuBehaviouralContextProvider/config/useMenuBehaviouralContextProvider.js.map +2 -2
  13. package/dist/cjs/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/ActivableMenuItem.js +4 -5
  14. package/dist/cjs/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/ActivableMenuItem.js.map +2 -2
  15. package/dist/cjs/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/ActivableWithSubmenuMenuItem.js +4 -5
  16. package/dist/cjs/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/ActivableWithSubmenuMenuItem.js.map +2 -2
  17. package/dist/cjs/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/MultipleSelectMenuItem.js +4 -5
  18. package/dist/cjs/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/MultipleSelectMenuItem.js.map +2 -2
  19. package/dist/cjs/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/MultipleSelectWithSubmenuMenuItem.js +4 -5
  20. package/dist/cjs/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/MultipleSelectWithSubmenuMenuItem.js.map +2 -2
  21. package/dist/cjs/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/SingleSelectMenuItem.js +4 -5
  22. package/dist/cjs/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/SingleSelectMenuItem.js.map +2 -2
  23. package/dist/cjs/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/SingleSelectWithSubmenuMenuItem.js +4 -5
  24. package/dist/cjs/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/SingleSelectWithSubmenuMenuItem.js.map +2 -2
  25. package/dist/cjs/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/WithSubmenuMenuItem.js +4 -5
  26. package/dist/cjs/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/WithSubmenuMenuItem.js.map +2 -2
  27. package/dist/cjs/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/config/useMenuItemRendererFactory.js +1 -1
  28. package/dist/cjs/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/config/useMenuItemRendererFactory.js.map +2 -2
  29. package/dist/cjs/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/focusNodeRacingConditionSolved.js +43 -0
  30. package/dist/cjs/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/focusNodeRacingConditionSolved.js.map +7 -0
  31. package/dist/cjs/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/react-desc-prop-types.js.map +2 -2
  32. package/dist/cjs/parts/DSOpinionatedButton/react-desc-prop-types.js.map +2 -2
  33. package/dist/cjs/react-desc-prop-types.js +7 -4
  34. package/dist/cjs/react-desc-prop-types.js.map +2 -2
  35. package/dist/cjs/utils/useOptionsArrayToDsTree.js +10 -3
  36. package/dist/cjs/utils/useOptionsArrayToDsTree.js.map +2 -2
  37. package/dist/esm/config/useMenuButton.js +7 -3
  38. package/dist/esm/config/useMenuButton.js.map +2 -2
  39. package/dist/esm/config/useSplitInherithedProps.js +2 -0
  40. package/dist/esm/config/useSplitInherithedProps.js.map +2 -2
  41. package/dist/esm/parts/DSFlyoutMenu/DSFlyoutMenu.js +24 -10
  42. package/dist/esm/parts/DSFlyoutMenu/DSFlyoutMenu.js.map +2 -2
  43. package/dist/esm/parts/DSFlyoutMenu/react-desc-prop-types.js +1 -4
  44. package/dist/esm/parts/DSFlyoutMenu/react-desc-prop-types.js.map +2 -2
  45. package/dist/esm/parts/DSMenuBehaviouralContextProvider/config/useFocusTracker.js +40 -30
  46. package/dist/esm/parts/DSMenuBehaviouralContextProvider/config/useFocusTracker.js.map +2 -2
  47. package/dist/esm/parts/DSMenuBehaviouralContextProvider/config/useMenuBehaviouralContextProvider.js +1 -1
  48. package/dist/esm/parts/DSMenuBehaviouralContextProvider/config/useMenuBehaviouralContextProvider.js.map +2 -2
  49. package/dist/esm/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/ActivableMenuItem.js +4 -5
  50. package/dist/esm/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/ActivableMenuItem.js.map +2 -2
  51. package/dist/esm/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/ActivableWithSubmenuMenuItem.js +4 -5
  52. package/dist/esm/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/ActivableWithSubmenuMenuItem.js.map +2 -2
  53. package/dist/esm/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/MultipleSelectMenuItem.js +4 -5
  54. package/dist/esm/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/MultipleSelectMenuItem.js.map +2 -2
  55. package/dist/esm/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/MultipleSelectWithSubmenuMenuItem.js +4 -5
  56. package/dist/esm/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/MultipleSelectWithSubmenuMenuItem.js.map +2 -2
  57. package/dist/esm/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/SingleSelectMenuItem.js +4 -5
  58. package/dist/esm/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/SingleSelectMenuItem.js.map +2 -2
  59. package/dist/esm/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/SingleSelectWithSubmenuMenuItem.js +4 -5
  60. package/dist/esm/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/SingleSelectWithSubmenuMenuItem.js.map +2 -2
  61. package/dist/esm/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/WithSubmenuMenuItem.js +4 -5
  62. package/dist/esm/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/WithSubmenuMenuItem.js.map +2 -2
  63. package/dist/esm/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/config/useMenuItemRendererFactory.js +1 -1
  64. package/dist/esm/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/config/useMenuItemRendererFactory.js.map +2 -2
  65. package/dist/esm/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/focusNodeRacingConditionSolved.js +13 -0
  66. package/dist/esm/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/focusNodeRacingConditionSolved.js.map +7 -0
  67. package/dist/esm/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/react-desc-prop-types.js.map +2 -2
  68. package/dist/esm/parts/DSOpinionatedButton/react-desc-prop-types.js +1 -1
  69. package/dist/esm/parts/DSOpinionatedButton/react-desc-prop-types.js.map +2 -2
  70. package/dist/esm/react-desc-prop-types.js +7 -4
  71. package/dist/esm/react-desc-prop-types.js.map +2 -2
  72. package/dist/esm/utils/useOptionsArrayToDsTree.js +10 -3
  73. package/dist/esm/utils/useOptionsArrayToDsTree.js.map +2 -2
  74. package/dist/types/config/useSplitInherithedProps.d.ts +0 -1
  75. package/dist/types/parts/DSFlyoutMenu/react-desc-prop-types.d.ts +1 -1
  76. package/dist/types/parts/DSMenuBehaviouralContextProvider/config/useFocusTracker.d.ts +6 -6
  77. package/dist/types/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/focusNodeRacingConditionSolved.d.ts +2 -0
  78. package/dist/types/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/react-desc-prop-types.d.ts +2 -2
  79. package/dist/types/parts/DSOpinionatedButton/react-desc-prop-types.d.ts +1 -1
  80. package/dist/types/react-desc-prop-types.d.ts +8 -2
  81. package/dist/types/utils/useOptionsArrayToDsTree.d.ts +2 -1
  82. package/package.json +12 -13
@@ -32,20 +32,22 @@ __export(react_desc_prop_types_exports, {
  DSMenuButtonPropTypesSchema: () => DSMenuButtonPropTypesSchema,
  DSMenuSpecificPropTypes: () => DSMenuSpecificPropTypes,
  MenuBehaviouralLayerPropTypes: () => MenuBehaviouralLayerPropTypes,
- defaultProps: () => defaultProps
+ menuSpecificDefaultProps: () => menuSpecificDefaultProps
  module.exports = __toCommonJS(react_desc_prop_types_exports);
  var React = __toESM(require("react"));
  var import_ds_props_helpers = require("@elliemae/ds-props-helpers");
  var import_ds_button_v2 = require("@elliemae/ds-button-v2");
  var import_constants = require("./constants/index.js");
- const defaultProps = {
+ const menuSpecificDefaultProps = {
  onClickOutside: () => null,
  onOptionClick: () => null,
  openedSubmenus: {},
  onSubmenuToggle: () => null,
  isLoading: false,
- isSkeleton: false
+ isSkeleton: false,
+ maxHeight: "256px"
+ // was available in dropdownmenu-v2, have to provide for retrocompatibility
  const MenuBehaviouralLayerPropTypes = {
  onItemSelected: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.func.description(
@@ -80,7 +82,8 @@ const DSMenuSpecificPropTypes = {
  "((nextOpenedSubmenus: Record<string, boolean>, submenu: Item, e: React.MouseEvent | React.KeyboardEvent) => void)"
  ).defaultValue(() => null),
  isLoading: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.bool.description("Whether the flyout menu should render the loading indicator").defaultValue(false),
- isSkeleton: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.bool.description("Whether the flyout menu should render the skeleton").defaultValue(false)
+ isSkeleton: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.bool.description("Whether the flyout menu should render the skeleton").defaultValue(false),
+ maxHeight: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.oneOfType([import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.string, import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.number]).description("The maximum height of the flyout menu").defaultValue("256px")
  const DSMenuButtonPropTypes = {
  options: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.oneOfType([import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.array, import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.object]).description(
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
  "version": 3,
  "sources": ["../../src/react-desc-prop-types.ts", "../../../../../scripts/build/transpile/react-shim.js"],
- "sourcesContent": ["/* eslint-disable max-lines */\n/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-empty-interface */\nimport { PropTypes, getPropsPerSlotPropTypes } from '@elliemae/ds-props-helpers';\nimport { DSButtonV3PropTypes } from '@elliemae/ds-button-v2';\nimport type { DSPropTypesSchema, ValidationMap } from '@elliemae/ds-props-helpers';\nimport { type TypescriptHelpersT } from '@elliemae/ds-typescript-helpers';\nimport type { DSButtonV3T } from '@elliemae/ds-button-v2';\nimport type { UseDSTreeT } from '@elliemae/ds-tree-model';\n\nimport { DSMenuButtonName, MENU_BUTTON_SLOTS, type MENU_ITEMS_TYPES } from './constants/index.js';\nexport declare namespace DSMenuButtonT {\n /* *******************************************************\n * YURI's NOTE:\n *\n * This polymorphic interface \"looks similar\" between the diffent types\n * but it's actually different upon closer inspection\n *\n * If you are smarter then me, you can probably find a way to make this more DRY\n * but I prefeer AHA (Avoid Hasty Abstractions) that gives me an easier to mantain code\n * ESPECIALLY when the types are so similar but not the same & in typescript (polymorphism is hard in TS)\n *\n * So I'm going to keep them separate and explicit\n * key difference is what's required to exist and what is required to explicitly NOT exist\n *\n * If someone's review this and make this DRY, I'm NOT going to mantain this code moving forward\n * whoever makes this TS DRY will be responsible for it and own it.\n ******************************************************* */\n\n /* **************************************************************************************************************\n *********************************** POLYMORPHIC INTERFACES FOR MENU ITEMS *************************************\n ************************************************************************************************************** */\n export interface RootItem extends UseDSTreeT.AnyObjectWithoutReservedKeys {\n type: 'ROOT_ITEM'; // HARDCODED BECAUSE THIS IS NOT A MENU ITEM, IT'S EXCLUSIVE TO THE ROOT NODE\n dsId: string;\n label?: undefined;\n secondaryLabel?: undefined;\n leftDecoration?: undefined;\n minWidth?: undefined;\n disabled?: undefined;\n onClick?: undefined;\n onKeyDown?: undefined;\n }\n export interface SeparatorItem extends UseDSTreeT.AnyObjectWithoutReservedKeys {\n type: (typeof MENU_ITEMS_TYPES)['SEPARATOR'];\n dsId: string;\n label?: undefined;\n secondaryLabel?: undefined;\n leftDecoration?: undefined;\n minWidth?: undefined;\n disabled?: undefined;\n onClick?: undefined;\n onKeyDown?: undefined;\n }\n export interface ActivableItem extends UseDSTreeT.AnyObjectWithoutReservedKeys {\n type: (typeof MENU_ITEMS_TYPES)['ACTIVABLE_ITEM'];\n dsId: string;\n label: string;\n secondaryLabel?: string;\n leftDecoration?: React.ComponentType;\n minWidth?: string | number;\n disabled?: boolean;\n onClick?: (e: React.MouseEvent | React.KeyboardEvent) => void;\n onKeyDown?: (e: React.KeyboardEvent) => null;\n }\n export interface ActionableWithSubmenuItem extends UseDSTreeT.AnyObjectWithoutReservedKeys {\n type: (typeof MENU_ITEMS_TYPES)['ACTIVABLE_WITH_SUBMENU_ITEM'];\n dsId: string;\n label: string;\n secondaryLabel?: string;\n leftDecoration?: React.ComponentType;\n minWidth?: string | number;\n disabled?: boolean;\n onClick?: (e: React.MouseEvent | React.KeyboardEvent) => void;\n onKeyDown?: (e: React.KeyboardEvent) => null;\n }\n export interface SkeletonItem extends UseDSTreeT.AnyObjectWithoutReservedKeys {\n type: (typeof MENU_ITEMS_TYPES)['SKELETON_ITEM'];\n dsId: string;\n minWidth?: string | number;\n label?: undefined;\n secondaryLabel?: undefined;\n leftDecoration?: undefined;\n disabled?: undefined;\n onClick?: undefined;\n onKeyDown?: undefined;\n }\n export interface MultipleSelectItem extends UseDSTreeT.AnyObjectWithoutReservedKeys {\n type: (typeof MENU_ITEMS_TYPES)['MULTIPLE_SELECT_ITEM'];\n dsId: string;\n label: string;\n secondaryLabel?: string;\n leftDecoration?: React.ComponentType;\n minWidth?: string | number;\n disabled?: boolean;\n onClick?: (e: React.MouseEvent | React.KeyboardEvent) => void;\n onKeyDown?: (e: React.KeyboardEvent) => null;\n }\n\n export interface MultiSelectWithSubmenuItem extends UseDSTreeT.AnyObjectWithoutReservedKeys {\n type: (typeof MENU_ITEMS_TYPES)['MULTIPLE_SELECT_WITH_SUBMENU_ITEM'];\n dsId: string;\n label: string;\n secondaryLabel?: string;\n leftDecoration?: React.ComponentType;\n minWidth?: string | number;\n disabled?: boolean;\n onClick?: (e: React.MouseEvent | React.KeyboardEvent) => void;\n onKeyDown?: (e: React.KeyboardEvent) => null;\n }\n export interface WithSubmenuItem extends UseDSTreeT.AnyObjectWithoutReservedKeys {\n type: (typeof MENU_ITEMS_TYPES)['WITH_SUBMENU_ITEM'];\n dsId: string;\n label: string;\n secondaryLabel?: string;\n leftDecoration?: React.ComponentType;\n minWidth?: string | number;\n disabled?: boolean;\n onClick?: (e: React.MouseEvent | React.KeyboardEvent) => void;\n onKeyDown?: (e: React.KeyboardEvent) => null;\n }\n export interface SingleSelectItem extends UseDSTreeT.AnyObjectWithoutReservedKeys {\n type: (typeof MENU_ITEMS_TYPES)['SINGLE_SELECT_ITEM'];\n dsId: string;\n label: string;\n secondaryLabel?: string;\n leftDecoration?: React.ComponentType;\n minWidth?: string | number;\n disabled?: boolean;\n onClick?: (e: React.MouseEvent | React.KeyboardEvent) => void;\n onKeyDown?: (e: React.KeyboardEvent) => null;\n }\n export interface SingleSelectWithSubmenuItem extends UseDSTreeT.AnyObjectWithoutReservedKeys {\n type: (typeof MENU_ITEMS_TYPES)['SINGLE_SELECT_WITH_SUBMENU_ITEM'];\n dsId: string;\n label: string;\n secondaryLabel?: string;\n leftDecoration?: React.ComponentType;\n minWidth?: string | number;\n disabled?: boolean;\n onClick?: (e: React.MouseEvent | React.KeyboardEvent) => void;\n onKeyDown?: (e: React.KeyboardEvent) => null;\n }\n\n export interface GroupItem extends UseDSTreeT.AnyObjectWithoutReservedKeys {\n type: (typeof MENU_ITEMS_TYPES)['GROUP'];\n dsId: string;\n label?: string; // if present, add a title to the group\n leftDecoration?: React.ComponentType; // if present, a label must also be present\n minWidth?: string | number;\n }\n\n export type MenuItemInterface =\n | SeparatorItem\n | ActivableItem\n | ActionableWithSubmenuItem\n | SkeletonItem\n | MultipleSelectItem\n | MultiSelectWithSubmenuItem\n | WithSubmenuItem\n | GroupItem;\n\n export type PseudoFocusableItemInterface =\n | ActivableItem\n | ActionableWithSubmenuItem\n | SkeletonItem\n | MultipleSelectItem\n | MultiSelectWithSubmenuItem\n | WithSubmenuItem\n | SingleSelectItem\n | SingleSelectWithSubmenuItem;\n\n export type SelectionableMenuItemInterface =\n | MultipleSelectItem\n | MultiSelectWithSubmenuItem\n | SingleSelectItem\n | SingleSelectWithSubmenuItem;\n\n /* **************************************************************************************************************\n *************************** POLYMORPHIC INTERFACES FOR ITEMS USING DSTREE *************************************\n ************************************************************************************************************** */\n // Define MenuNode types directly\n export type MenuNodeRootItem = UseDSTreeT.TreeNode<RootItem>; // MenuNodesAllowedToHaveChildren is the only expected reference to this type\n export type MenuNodeSeparatorItem = UseDSTreeT.TreeNode<SeparatorItem>;\n export type MenuNodeActivableItem = UseDSTreeT.TreeNode<ActivableItem>;\n export type MenuNodeActivableWithSubmenuItem = UseDSTreeT.TreeNode<ActionableWithSubmenuItem>;\n export type MenuNodeSkeletonItem = UseDSTreeT.TreeNode<SkeletonItem>;\n export type MenuNodeMultipleSelectItem = UseDSTreeT.TreeNode<MultipleSelectItem>;\n export type MenuNodeMultipleSelectWithSubmenuItem = UseDSTreeT.TreeNode<MultiSelectWithSubmenuItem>;\n export type MenuNodeWithSubmenuItem = UseDSTreeT.TreeNode<WithSubmenuItem>;\n export type MenuNodeSingleSelectItem = UseDSTreeT.TreeNode<SingleSelectItem>;\n export type MenuNodeSingleSelectWithSubmenuItem = UseDSTreeT.TreeNode<SingleSelectWithSubmenuItem>;\n export type MenuNodeGroupItem = UseDSTreeT.TreeNode<GroupItem>;\n\n // in the future we want to better describe the polymorphic nature of the MenuNode\n // having each type be able to have it's own \"subitems\" type that isn't necessarily the same as the parent\n // but currenctly the DS tree model typescript definitions don't support this\n // will be addresssed via PUI-XXXX\n export type MenuNode =\n // DO NOT ADD MenuNodeRootItem HERE, WILL BREAK THE SUBTREES\n | MenuNodeSeparatorItem\n | MenuNodeActivableItem\n | MenuNodeActivableWithSubmenuItem\n | MenuNodeSkeletonItem\n | MenuNodeMultipleSelectItem\n | MenuNodeMultipleSelectWithSubmenuItem\n | MenuNodeWithSubmenuItem\n | MenuNodeSingleSelectItem\n | MenuNodeSingleSelectWithSubmenuItem\n | MenuNodeGroupItem;\n\n export type PseudoFocusableMenuNodes =\n | MenuNodeActivableItem\n | MenuNodeActivableWithSubmenuItem\n | MenuNodeSkeletonItem\n | MenuNodeSingleSelectItem\n | MenuNodeMultipleSelectItem\n | MenuNodeMultipleSelectWithSubmenuItem\n | MenuNodeWithSubmenuItem\n | MenuNodeSingleSelectWithSubmenuItem;\n\n export type MenuNodesAllowedToHaveChildren =\n | MenuNodeRootItem\n | MenuNodeWithSubmenuItem\n | MenuNodeGroupItem\n | MenuNodeActivableWithSubmenuItem\n | MenuNodeMultipleSelectWithSubmenuItem\n | MenuNodeSingleSelectWithSubmenuItem;\n\n export type SelectionableMenuNodes =\n | DSMenuButtonT.MenuNodeMultipleSelectItem\n | DSMenuButtonT.MenuNodeMultipleSelectWithSubmenuItem\n | DSMenuButtonT.MenuNodeSingleSelectItem\n | DSMenuButtonT.MenuNodeSingleSelectWithSubmenuItem;\n\n export type MultipleSelectionableMenuNodes =\n | DSMenuButtonT.MenuNodeMultipleSelectItem\n | DSMenuButtonT.MenuNodeMultipleSelectWithSubmenuItem;\n\n export type SingleSelectionableMenuNodes =\n | DSMenuButtonT.MenuNodeSingleSelectItem\n | DSMenuButtonT.MenuNodeSingleSelectWithSubmenuItem;\n\n export type WithSubmenuMenuNodes =\n | DSMenuButtonT.MenuNodeWithSubmenuItem\n | DSMenuButtonT.MenuNodeActivableWithSubmenuItem\n | DSMenuButtonT.MenuNodeMultipleSelectWithSubmenuItem\n | DSMenuButtonT.MenuNodeSingleSelectWithSubmenuItem;\n\n export type SelectionablesWithSubmenuMenuNodes =\n | DSMenuButtonT.MenuNodeMultipleSelectWithSubmenuItem\n | DSMenuButtonT.MenuNodeSingleSelectWithSubmenuItem;\n\n /* **************************************************************************************************************\n ********************************** PROPS/INTERNAL PROPS DEFINITIONS *******************************************\n ************************************************************************************************************** */\n\n export type ItemRendererT = React.ComponentType<{ itemNode: MenuNode }>;\n\n /* **************************************************************************************************************\n ******************************************* \"REQUIRED\" PROPS **************************************************\n ************************************************************************************************************** */\n /* *******************************************************\n * From official source definition\n *\n * Menu Button Pattern\n * About This Pattern:\n * A menu button is a button\n * that opens a menu\n * (as described in the Menu and Menubar Pattern).\n *\n * Since the menu button is a button, it inherits all the props from the Button component.\n * Since the menu button MUST have a menu, it also have a set of specific props used to handle the menu.\n * Because we build with atomic composition in mind, the \"logic layer\" is separated and has a yet another set of props.\n *\n * This is effectively an OOP \"extension\" of the Button component,\n * so it has the same props,\n * BUT also a few more to handle the specific behavior of the menu.\n ******************************************************* */\n export interface MenuBehaviouralLayerRequiredProps {}\n export interface MenuSpecificRequiredProps {}\n /* *******************************************************\n * Required Props + Inherited Required Props\n * - We inherit the required props from the button\n * - We add the required props for the menu\n *\n * - if a collision occurs, the menu specific are meant to be the most important and specific ones\n ******************************************************* */\n export interface ButtonInheritedRequiredProps\n // by using Omit, we remove the keys that are present in the MenuSpecificRequiredProps to ensure collision are handled as expected\n extends Omit<DSButtonV3T.RequiredProps, keyof MenuSpecificRequiredProps> {}\n // the final RequiredProps will be the combination of the two with proper collision handling\n export interface RequiredProps\n extends MenuSpecificRequiredProps,\n ButtonInheritedRequiredProps,\n MenuBehaviouralLayerRequiredProps {\n // it's the Menu Widget sole responsibility to receive the options and convert them to a tree\n options: MenuItemInterface[] | MenuNode;\n }\n\n /* **************************************************************************************************************\n ******************************************** \"DEFAULT\" PROPS **************************************************\n ************************************************************************************************************** */\n /* *******************************************************\n * Since the menu button is a button, it inherits all the props from the Button component.\n * Since the menu button MUST have a menu, it also have a set of specific props used to handle the menu.\n * Because we build with atomic composition in mind, the \"logic layer\" is separated and has a yet another set of props.\n ******************************************************* */\n export interface MenuBehaviouralLayerDefaultProps {}\n export interface MenuSpecifiDefaultProps {\n onClickOutside: (e: MouseEvent | React.KeyboardEvent | TouchEvent) => void;\n onOptionClick: (\n nextSelectedOptions: Record<string, boolean>,\n clickedOption: MenuItemInterface,\n e: React.MouseEvent | React.KeyboardEvent,\n ) => void;\n openedSubmenus: Record<string, boolean>;\n onSubmenuToggle: (\n nextOpenedSubmenus: Record<string, boolean>,\n submenu: MenuItemInterface,\n e: React.MouseEvent | React.KeyboardEvent,\n ) => void;\n isLoading: boolean;\n isSkeleton: boolean;\n }\n\n /* *******************************************************\n * Default Props + Inherited Default Props\n * - We inherit the default props from the button\n * - We add the default props for the menu\n *\n * - if a collision occurs, the menu specific are meant to be the most important and specific ones\n ******************************************************* */\n // by using Omit, we remove the keys that are present in the MenuSpecificDefaultProps to ensure collision are handled as expected\n export interface ButtonInheiredDefaultProps extends Omit<DSButtonV3T.DefaultProps, keyof MenuSpecifiDefaultProps> {}\n // the final DefaultProps will be the combination of the two with proper collision handling\n export interface DefaultProps\n extends MenuSpecifiDefaultProps,\n ButtonInheiredDefaultProps,\n MenuBehaviouralLayerDefaultProps {}\n\n /* **************************************************************************************************************\n ******************************************* \"OPTIONAL\" PROPS **************************************************\n ************************************************************************************************************** */\n /* *******************************************************\n * Since the menu button is a button, it inherits all the props from the Button component.\n * Since the menu button MUST have a menu, it also have a set of specific props used to handle the menu.\n * Because we build with atomic composition in mind, the \"logic layer\" is separated and has a yet another set of props.\n ******************************************************* */\n export interface MenuBehaviouralLayerOptionalProps {\n // **********************************************************************************************\n // IoC Pattern\n // - in scenarios where not \"selectionable\" items are present,\n // - the \"selectedItems\" prop is not required\n // - the \"onItemSelected\" prop is not required\n // - in scenarios where no \"activation\" items are present,\n // - the \"onActivateItem\" prop is not required\n // AFAIK Typescipt doesn't support this kind of \"conditional\" required props\n // so we will rely on javascript error throwing to handle this + documentation\n // **********************************************************************************************\n onItemSelected?: (\n newSelection: SelectionableMenuNodes[],\n metainfo: { itemNode: DSMenuButtonT.SelectionableMenuNodes; event?: React.SyntheticEvent },\n ) => void | TypescriptHelpersT.StateSetter<DSMenuButtonT.SelectionableMenuNodes[]>;\n onActivateItem?: (\n itemNode: DSMenuButtonT.PseudoFocusableMenuNodes,\n metainfo: { itemNode: DSMenuButtonT.PseudoFocusableMenuNodes; event?: React.SyntheticEvent },\n ) => void;\n // **********************************************************************************************\n onOpen?: () => void;\n onClose?: () => void;\n onDisplayedSubmenuChange?: (\n newOpenedItems: DSMenuButtonT.WithSubmenuMenuNodes[],\n metainfo: {\n itemNode: DSMenuButtonT.PseudoFocusableMenuNodes | null;\n event?: React.SyntheticEvent | FocusEvent | TouchEvent;\n },\n ) => void | TypescriptHelpersT.StateSetter<DSMenuButtonT.WithSubmenuMenuNodes[]>;\n }\n export interface MenuSpecificOptionalProps {\n ItemRenderer?: ItemRendererT;\n }\n /* *******************************************************\n * Optional Props + Inherited Optional Props\n * - We inherit the optional props from the button\n * - We add the optional props for the menu\n *\n * - if a collision occurs, the menu specific are meant to be the most important and specific ones\n ******************************************************* */\n export interface ButtonInheritedOptionalProps\n // by using Omit, we remove the keys that are present in the MenuSpecificOptionalProps to ensure collision are handled as expected\n extends Omit<DSButtonV3T.OptionalProps, keyof MenuSpecificOptionalProps> {}\n export interface OptionalProps\n extends MenuSpecificOptionalProps,\n ButtonInheritedOptionalProps,\n // we convert the (selected) options to a Nodes as part of the widget's logic\n MenuBehaviouralLayerOptionalProps,\n TypescriptHelpersT.PropsForGlobalOnSlots<typeof DSMenuButtonName, typeof MENU_BUTTON_SLOTS> {\n // we convert the (selected) options to a Nodes as part of the widget's logic\n selectedItems?: SelectionableMenuNodes[] | SelectionableMenuItemInterface[];\n }\n\n /* **************************************************************************************************************\n ************************************************ PROPS *******************************************************\n ************************************************************************************************************** */\n /* *******************************************************\n * Since the menu button is a button, it inherits all the props from the Button component.\n * Since the menu button MUST have a menu, it also have a set of specific props used to handle the menu.\n * Because we build with atomic composition in mind, the \"logic layer\" is separated and has a yet another set of props.\n ******************************************************* */\n export interface MenuBehaviouralLayerProps\n extends Partial<MenuBehaviouralLayerDefaultProps>,\n MenuBehaviouralLayerOptionalProps,\n MenuBehaviouralLayerRequiredProps {}\n export interface MenuSpecificProps\n extends Partial<MenuSpecifiDefaultProps>,\n MenuSpecificOptionalProps,\n MenuSpecificRequiredProps {}\n /* *******************************************************\n * Props + Inherited Props\n * - We inherit the props from the button\n * - We add the props for the menu\n *\n * - if a collision occurs, the menu specific are meant to be the most important and specific ones\n ******************************************************* */\n // by using Omit, we remove the keys that are present in the MenuSpecificProps to ensure collision are handled as expected\n // THIS IS ALSO INHERITING THE GLOBAL ATTRIBUTES & XSTYLED PROPS FROM THE BUTTON!!!\n export interface ButtonInheritedProps extends Omit<DSButtonV3T.Props, keyof MenuSpecificProps> {}\n\n export interface Props\n extends RequiredProps,\n Partial<DefaultProps>,\n OptionalProps,\n // the global and xstyled props are only part of \"props\"/\"internalProps\" in our namespaces\n // to properly inherith button's global & xstyled props, we need to also include the following\n Omit<DSButtonV3T.Props, keyof RequiredProps | keyof DefaultProps | keyof OptionalProps> {}\n\n /* **************************************************************************************************************\n ******************************************** INTERNAL PROPS ***************************************************\n ************************************************************************************************************** */\n /* *******************************************************\n * Since the menu button is a button, it inherits all the props from the Button component.\n * Since the menu button MUST have a menu, it also have a set of specific props used to handle the menu.\n * Because we build with atomic composition in mind, the \"logic layer\" is separated and has a yet another set of props.\n ******************************************************* */\n export interface MenuBehaviouralLayerInternalProps\n extends MenuBehaviouralLayerDefaultProps,\n MenuBehaviouralLayerOptionalProps,\n MenuBehaviouralLayerRequiredProps {}\n export interface MenuSpecificInternalProps\n extends MenuSpecifiDefaultProps,\n MenuSpecificOptionalProps,\n MenuSpecificRequiredProps {}\n\n /* *******************************************************\n * Internal Props\n * - We inherit the internal props from the button\n * - We add the internal props for the menu\n *\n * - if a collision occurs, the menu specific are meant to be the most important and specific ones\n ******************************************************* */\n export interface ButtonInheritedInternalProps\n // by using Omit, we remove the keys that are present in the MenuSpecificInternalProps to ensure collision are handled as expected\n // THIS IS ALSO INHERITING THE GLOBAL ATTRIBUTES & XSTYLED PROPS FROM THE BUTTON!!!\n extends Omit<DSButtonV3T.InternalProps, keyof MenuSpecificInternalProps> {}\n export interface InternalProps\n extends RequiredProps,\n DefaultProps,\n OptionalProps,\n // the global and xstyled props are only part of \"props\"/\"internalProps\" in our namespaces\n // to properly inherith button's global & xstyled props, we need to also include the following\n Omit<DSButtonV3T.Props, keyof RequiredProps | keyof DefaultProps | keyof OptionalProps> {}\n}\n\nexport const defaultProps: DSMenuButtonT.MenuSpecifiDefaultProps = {\n onClickOutside: () => null,\n onOptionClick: () => null,\n openedSubmenus: {},\n onSubmenuToggle: () => null,\n isLoading: false,\n isSkeleton: false,\n};\n/* *******************************************************\n * We are building a widget composed of 3 ATOMIC composition components\n * - Button\n * - Menu\n * - Behavioural Layer\n * The final API facing the users is a sum of all 3 interfaces\n * THOSE INTERFACES ARE NOT EQUAL TO THE FINAL \"PARTS\" INTERFACES\n * The widget embeds \"assumptions\" (as all widgets do) that are AGNOSTIC to the \"parts\" interfaces\n * The \"Parts\" interfaces \"mostly\" inherit the following interfaces, but with meaningful meant and planned differences\n * (E.G. the widget accepts an array of options, but the Menu part accepts a DSTree only)\n ******************************************************* */\nexport const MenuBehaviouralLayerPropTypes: DSPropTypesSchema<DSMenuButtonT.MenuBehaviouralLayerProps> = {\n onItemSelected: PropTypes.func.description(\n 'IoC function in charge of handling the selection of a menu item, required if the menu has selectionable items',\n ).signature(`((\n newSelection: DSMenuButtonT.PseudoFocusableMenuNodes[],\n metainfo: { itemNode: DSMenuButtonT.PseudoFocusableMenuNodes; event?: React.SyntheticEvent },\n ) => void)`),\n\n onActivateItem: PropTypes.func.description(\n 'IoC function in charge of handling the activation (NOT INVOKED ON SELECTION) of a menu item, required if the menu has activable items',\n ).signature(`((\n itemNode: DSMenuButtonT.PseudoFocusableMenuNodes,\n metainfo: { itemNode: DSMenuButtonT.PseudoFocusableMenuNodes; event?: React.SyntheticEvent },\n ) => void)`),\n\n onOpen: PropTypes.func.description('function triggered when the widget opens the menu').signature(`(()=>void)`),\n onClose: PropTypes.func.description('function triggered when the widget closes the menu').signature(`(()=>void)`),\n onDisplayedSubmenuChange: PropTypes.func.description(\"function triggered when the widget's closes or opens a submenu\")\n .signature(`((\n newOpenedItems: DSMenuButtonT.PseudoFocusableMenuNodes[],\n metainfo: { itemNode: DSMenuButtonT.PseudoFocusableMenuNodes; event?: React.SyntheticEvent },\n ) => void)`),\n};\n\nexport const DSMenuSpecificPropTypes: DSPropTypesSchema<DSMenuButtonT.MenuSpecificProps> = {\n ItemRenderer: PropTypes.node.description('Component to be used to render the items'),\n onClickOutside: PropTypes.func\n .description('Callback executed when you click outside the dropdown menu, or press the Esc key')\n .defaultValue(() => null),\n onOptionClick: PropTypes.func\n .description(\n 'Callback triggered when an item is clicked or pressed. We provide the next selected options, the clicked option and the event, in that order',\n )\n .defaultValue(() => null),\n openedSubmenus: PropTypes.object\n .description(\n 'Object with the ids of the submenus as keys, and booleans as keys. Represents the state of the current opened submenus',\n )\n .defaultValue({}),\n onSubmenuToggle: PropTypes.func\n .description('Callback triggered when a submenu is opened or closed.')\n .signature(\n '((nextOpenedSubmenus: Record<string, boolean>, submenu: Item, e: React.MouseEvent | React.KeyboardEvent) => void)',\n )\n .defaultValue(() => null),\n isLoading: PropTypes.bool\n .description('Whether the flyout menu should render the loading indicator')\n .defaultValue(false),\n isSkeleton: PropTypes.bool.description('Whether the flyout menu should render the skeleton').defaultValue(false),\n};\n\nexport const DSMenuButtonPropTypes: DSPropTypesSchema<DSMenuButtonT.Props> = {\n options: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.array, PropTypes.object]).description(\n 'Array of options to display in the menu or a DSTree node to build branches from',\n ).isRequired,\n selectedItems: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object).description(\n 'an array of tree-nodes or tree-items that have to be marked as selected in the GUI, required if the menu has selectionable items',\n ),\n ...DSButtonV3PropTypes,\n ...MenuBehaviouralLayerPropTypes,\n ...DSMenuSpecificPropTypes,\n ...getPropsPerSlotPropTypes(DSMenuButtonName, MENU_BUTTON_SLOTS),\n};\n\nexport const DSMenuButtonPropTypesSchema = DSMenuButtonPropTypes as unknown as ValidationMap<DSMenuButtonT.Props>;\n", "import * as React from 'react';\nexport { React };\n"],
+ "sourcesContent": ["/* eslint-disable max-lines */\n/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-empty-interface */\nimport { PropTypes, getPropsPerSlotPropTypes } from '@elliemae/ds-props-helpers';\nimport { DSButtonV3PropTypes } from '@elliemae/ds-button-v2';\nimport type { DSPropTypesSchema, ValidationMap } from '@elliemae/ds-props-helpers';\nimport { type TypescriptHelpersT } from '@elliemae/ds-typescript-helpers';\nimport type { DSButtonV3T } from '@elliemae/ds-button-v2';\nimport type { UseDSTreeT } from '@elliemae/ds-tree-model';\n\nimport { DSMenuButtonName, MENU_BUTTON_SLOTS, type MENU_ITEMS_TYPES } from './constants/index.js';\nexport declare namespace DSMenuButtonT {\n /* *******************************************************\n * YURI's NOTE:\n *\n * This polymorphic interface \"looks similar\" between the diffent types\n * but it's actually different upon closer inspection\n *\n * If you are smarter then me, you can probably find a way to make this more DRY\n * but I prefeer AHA (Avoid Hasty Abstractions) that gives me an easier to mantain code\n * ESPECIALLY when the types are so similar but not the same & in typescript (polymorphism is hard in TS)\n *\n * So I'm going to keep them separate and explicit\n * key difference is what's required to exist and what is required to explicitly NOT exist\n *\n * If someone's review this and make this DRY, I'm NOT going to mantain this code moving forward\n * whoever makes this TS DRY will be responsible for it and own it.\n ******************************************************* */\n\n /* **************************************************************************************************************\n *********************************** POLYMORPHIC INTERFACES FOR MENU ITEMS *************************************\n ************************************************************************************************************** */\n export interface RootItem extends UseDSTreeT.AnyObjectWithoutReservedKeys {\n type: 'ROOT_ITEM'; // HARDCODED BECAUSE THIS IS NOT A MENU ITEM, IT'S EXCLUSIVE TO THE ROOT NODE\n dsId: string;\n maxHeight?: string | number; // was available in dropdownmenu-v2, have to provide for retrocompatibility\n label?: undefined;\n secondaryLabel?: undefined;\n leftDecoration?: undefined;\n minWidth?: undefined;\n disabled?: undefined;\n onClick?: undefined;\n onKeyDown?: undefined;\n }\n export interface SeparatorItem extends UseDSTreeT.AnyObjectWithoutReservedKeys {\n type: (typeof MENU_ITEMS_TYPES)['SEPARATOR'];\n dsId: string;\n label?: undefined;\n secondaryLabel?: undefined;\n leftDecoration?: undefined;\n minWidth?: undefined;\n disabled?: undefined;\n onClick?: undefined;\n onKeyDown?: undefined;\n }\n export interface ActivableItem extends UseDSTreeT.AnyObjectWithoutReservedKeys {\n type: (typeof MENU_ITEMS_TYPES)['ACTIVABLE_ITEM'];\n dsId: string;\n label: string;\n secondaryLabel?: string;\n leftDecoration?: React.ComponentType;\n minWidth?: string | number;\n disabled?: boolean;\n onClick?: (e: React.MouseEvent | React.KeyboardEvent) => void;\n onKeyDown?: (e: React.KeyboardEvent) => null;\n }\n export interface ActionableWithSubmenuItem extends UseDSTreeT.AnyObjectWithoutReservedKeys {\n type: (typeof MENU_ITEMS_TYPES)['ACTIVABLE_WITH_SUBMENU_ITEM'];\n dsId: string;\n label: string;\n secondaryLabel?: string;\n leftDecoration?: React.ComponentType;\n minWidth?: string | number;\n maxHeight?: string | number; // was available in dropdownmenu-v2, have to provide for retrocompatibility\n disabled?: boolean;\n onClick?: (e: React.MouseEvent | React.KeyboardEvent) => void;\n onKeyDown?: (e: React.KeyboardEvent) => null;\n }\n export interface SkeletonItem extends UseDSTreeT.AnyObjectWithoutReservedKeys {\n type: (typeof MENU_ITEMS_TYPES)['SKELETON_ITEM'];\n dsId: string;\n minWidth?: string | number;\n label?: undefined;\n secondaryLabel?: undefined;\n leftDecoration?: undefined;\n disabled?: undefined;\n onClick?: undefined;\n onKeyDown?: undefined;\n }\n export interface MultipleSelectItem extends UseDSTreeT.AnyObjectWithoutReservedKeys {\n type: (typeof MENU_ITEMS_TYPES)['MULTIPLE_SELECT_ITEM'];\n dsId: string;\n label: string;\n secondaryLabel?: string;\n leftDecoration?: React.ComponentType;\n minWidth?: string | number;\n disabled?: boolean;\n onClick?: (e: React.MouseEvent | React.KeyboardEvent) => void;\n onKeyDown?: (e: React.KeyboardEvent) => null;\n }\n\n export interface MultiSelectWithSubmenuItem extends UseDSTreeT.AnyObjectWithoutReservedKeys {\n type: (typeof MENU_ITEMS_TYPES)['MULTIPLE_SELECT_WITH_SUBMENU_ITEM'];\n dsId: string;\n label: string;\n secondaryLabel?: string;\n leftDecoration?: React.ComponentType;\n minWidth?: string | number;\n maxHeight?: string | number; // was available in dropdownmenu-v2, have to provide for retrocompatibility\n disabled?: boolean;\n onClick?: (e: React.MouseEvent | React.KeyboardEvent) => void;\n onKeyDown?: (e: React.KeyboardEvent) => null;\n }\n export interface WithSubmenuItem extends UseDSTreeT.AnyObjectWithoutReservedKeys {\n type: (typeof MENU_ITEMS_TYPES)['WITH_SUBMENU_ITEM'];\n dsId: string;\n label: string;\n secondaryLabel?: string;\n leftDecoration?: React.ComponentType;\n minWidth?: string | number;\n maxHeight?: string | number; // was available in dropdownmenu-v2, have to provide for retrocompatibility\n disabled?: boolean;\n onClick?: (e: React.MouseEvent | React.KeyboardEvent) => void;\n onKeyDown?: (e: React.KeyboardEvent) => null;\n }\n export interface SingleSelectItem extends UseDSTreeT.AnyObjectWithoutReservedKeys {\n type: (typeof MENU_ITEMS_TYPES)['SINGLE_SELECT_ITEM'];\n dsId: string;\n label: string;\n secondaryLabel?: string;\n leftDecoration?: React.ComponentType;\n minWidth?: string | number;\n disabled?: boolean;\n onClick?: (e: React.MouseEvent | React.KeyboardEvent) => void;\n onKeyDown?: (e: React.KeyboardEvent) => null;\n }\n export interface SingleSelectWithSubmenuItem extends UseDSTreeT.AnyObjectWithoutReservedKeys {\n type: (typeof MENU_ITEMS_TYPES)['SINGLE_SELECT_WITH_SUBMENU_ITEM'];\n dsId: string;\n label: string;\n secondaryLabel?: string;\n leftDecoration?: React.ComponentType;\n minWidth?: string | number;\n maxHeight: string | number; // was available in dropdownmenu-v2, have to provide for retrocompatibility\n disabled?: boolean;\n onClick?: (e: React.MouseEvent | React.KeyboardEvent) => void;\n onKeyDown?: (e: React.KeyboardEvent) => null;\n }\n\n export interface GroupItem extends UseDSTreeT.AnyObjectWithoutReservedKeys {\n type: (typeof MENU_ITEMS_TYPES)['GROUP'];\n dsId: string;\n label?: string; // if present, add a title to the group\n leftDecoration?: React.ComponentType; // if present, a label must also be present\n minWidth?: string | number;\n }\n\n export type MenuItemInterface =\n | SeparatorItem\n | ActivableItem\n | ActionableWithSubmenuItem\n | SkeletonItem\n | MultipleSelectItem\n | MultiSelectWithSubmenuItem\n | WithSubmenuItem\n | GroupItem\n | SingleSelectItem\n | SingleSelectWithSubmenuItem;\n\n export type PseudoFocusableItemInterface =\n | ActivableItem\n | ActionableWithSubmenuItem\n | SkeletonItem\n | MultipleSelectItem\n | MultiSelectWithSubmenuItem\n | WithSubmenuItem\n | SingleSelectItem\n | SingleSelectWithSubmenuItem;\n\n export type SelectionableMenuItemInterface =\n | MultipleSelectItem\n | MultiSelectWithSubmenuItem\n | SingleSelectItem\n | SingleSelectWithSubmenuItem;\n\n /* **************************************************************************************************************\n *************************** POLYMORPHIC INTERFACES FOR ITEMS USING DSTREE *************************************\n ************************************************************************************************************** */\n // Define MenuNode types directly\n export type MenuNodeRootItem = UseDSTreeT.TreeNode<RootItem>; // MenuNodesAllowedToHaveChildren is the only expected reference to this type\n export type MenuNodeSeparatorItem = UseDSTreeT.TreeNode<SeparatorItem>;\n export type MenuNodeActivableItem = UseDSTreeT.TreeNode<ActivableItem>;\n export type MenuNodeActivableWithSubmenuItem = UseDSTreeT.TreeNode<ActionableWithSubmenuItem>;\n export type MenuNodeSkeletonItem = UseDSTreeT.TreeNode<SkeletonItem>;\n export type MenuNodeMultipleSelectItem = UseDSTreeT.TreeNode<MultipleSelectItem>;\n export type MenuNodeMultipleSelectWithSubmenuItem = UseDSTreeT.TreeNode<MultiSelectWithSubmenuItem>;\n export type MenuNodeWithSubmenuItem = UseDSTreeT.TreeNode<WithSubmenuItem>;\n export type MenuNodeSingleSelectItem = UseDSTreeT.TreeNode<SingleSelectItem>;\n export type MenuNodeSingleSelectWithSubmenuItem = UseDSTreeT.TreeNode<SingleSelectWithSubmenuItem>;\n export type MenuNodeGroupItem = UseDSTreeT.TreeNode<GroupItem>;\n\n // in the future we want to better describe the polymorphic nature of the MenuNode\n // having each type be able to have it's own \"subitems\" type that isn't necessarily the same as the parent\n // but currenctly the DS tree model typescript definitions don't support this\n // will be addresssed via PUI-XXXX\n export type MenuNode =\n // DO NOT ADD MenuNodeRootItem HERE, WILL BREAK THE SUBTREES\n | MenuNodeSeparatorItem\n | MenuNodeActivableItem\n | MenuNodeActivableWithSubmenuItem\n | MenuNodeSkeletonItem\n | MenuNodeMultipleSelectItem\n | MenuNodeMultipleSelectWithSubmenuItem\n | MenuNodeWithSubmenuItem\n | MenuNodeSingleSelectItem\n | MenuNodeSingleSelectWithSubmenuItem\n | MenuNodeGroupItem;\n\n export type PseudoFocusableMenuNodes =\n | MenuNodeActivableItem\n | MenuNodeActivableWithSubmenuItem\n | MenuNodeSkeletonItem\n | MenuNodeSingleSelectItem\n | MenuNodeMultipleSelectItem\n | MenuNodeMultipleSelectWithSubmenuItem\n | MenuNodeWithSubmenuItem\n | MenuNodeSingleSelectWithSubmenuItem;\n\n export type MenuNodesAllowedToHaveChildren =\n | MenuNodeRootItem\n | MenuNodeWithSubmenuItem\n | MenuNodeGroupItem\n | MenuNodeActivableWithSubmenuItem\n | MenuNodeMultipleSelectWithSubmenuItem\n | MenuNodeSingleSelectWithSubmenuItem;\n\n export type SelectionableMenuNodes =\n | DSMenuButtonT.MenuNodeMultipleSelectItem\n | DSMenuButtonT.MenuNodeMultipleSelectWithSubmenuItem\n | DSMenuButtonT.MenuNodeSingleSelectItem\n | DSMenuButtonT.MenuNodeSingleSelectWithSubmenuItem;\n\n export type MultipleSelectionableMenuNodes =\n | DSMenuButtonT.MenuNodeMultipleSelectItem\n | DSMenuButtonT.MenuNodeMultipleSelectWithSubmenuItem;\n\n export type SingleSelectionableMenuNodes =\n | DSMenuButtonT.MenuNodeSingleSelectItem\n | DSMenuButtonT.MenuNodeSingleSelectWithSubmenuItem;\n\n export type WithSubmenuMenuNodes =\n | DSMenuButtonT.MenuNodeWithSubmenuItem\n | DSMenuButtonT.MenuNodeActivableWithSubmenuItem\n | DSMenuButtonT.MenuNodeMultipleSelectWithSubmenuItem\n | DSMenuButtonT.MenuNodeSingleSelectWithSubmenuItem;\n\n export type SelectionablesWithSubmenuMenuNodes =\n | DSMenuButtonT.MenuNodeMultipleSelectWithSubmenuItem\n | DSMenuButtonT.MenuNodeSingleSelectWithSubmenuItem;\n\n /* **************************************************************************************************************\n ********************************** PROPS/INTERNAL PROPS DEFINITIONS *******************************************\n ************************************************************************************************************** */\n\n export type ItemRendererT = React.ComponentType<{ itemNode: MenuNode }>;\n\n /* **************************************************************************************************************\n ******************************************* \"REQUIRED\" PROPS **************************************************\n ************************************************************************************************************** */\n /* *******************************************************\n * From official source definition\n *\n * Menu Button Pattern\n * About This Pattern:\n * A menu button is a button\n * that opens a menu\n * (as described in the Menu and Menubar Pattern).\n *\n * Since the menu button is a button, it inherits all the props from the Button component.\n * Since the menu button MUST have a menu, it also have a set of specific props used to handle the menu.\n * Because we build with atomic composition in mind, the \"logic layer\" is separated and has a yet another set of props.\n *\n * This is effectively an OOP \"extension\" of the Button component,\n * so it has the same props,\n * BUT also a few more to handle the specific behavior of the menu.\n ******************************************************* */\n export interface MenuBehaviouralLayerRequiredProps {}\n export interface MenuSpecificRequiredProps {}\n /* *******************************************************\n * Required Props + Inherited Required Props\n * - We inherit the required props from the button\n * - We add the required props for the menu\n *\n * - if a collision occurs, the menu specific are meant to be the most important and specific ones\n ******************************************************* */\n export interface ButtonInheritedRequiredProps\n // by using Omit, we remove the keys that are present in the MenuSpecificRequiredProps to ensure collision are handled as expected\n extends Omit<DSButtonV3T.RequiredProps, keyof MenuSpecificRequiredProps> {}\n // the final RequiredProps will be the combination of the two with proper collision handling\n export interface RequiredProps\n extends MenuSpecificRequiredProps,\n ButtonInheritedRequiredProps,\n MenuBehaviouralLayerRequiredProps {\n // it's the Menu Widget sole responsibility to receive the options and convert them to a tree\n options: MenuItemInterface[] | MenuNode;\n }\n\n /* **************************************************************************************************************\n ******************************************** \"DEFAULT\" PROPS **************************************************\n ************************************************************************************************************** */\n /* *******************************************************\n * Since the menu button is a button, it inherits all the props from the Button component.\n * Since the menu button MUST have a menu, it also have a set of specific props used to handle the menu.\n * Because we build with atomic composition in mind, the \"logic layer\" is separated and has a yet another set of props.\n ******************************************************* */\n export interface MenuBehaviouralLayerDefaultProps {}\n export interface MenuSpecifiDefaultProps {\n onClickOutside: (e: MouseEvent | React.KeyboardEvent | TouchEvent) => void;\n onOptionClick: (\n nextSelectedOptions: Record<string, boolean>,\n clickedOption: MenuItemInterface,\n e: React.MouseEvent | React.KeyboardEvent,\n ) => void;\n openedSubmenus: Record<string, boolean>;\n onSubmenuToggle: (\n nextOpenedSubmenus: Record<string, boolean>,\n submenu: MenuItemInterface,\n e: React.MouseEvent | React.KeyboardEvent,\n ) => void;\n isLoading: boolean;\n isSkeleton: boolean;\n maxHeight: string | number; // was available in dropdownmenu-v2, have to provide for retrocompatibility\n }\n\n /* *******************************************************\n * Default Props + Inherited Default Props\n * - We inherit the default props from the button\n * - We add the default props for the menu\n *\n * - if a collision occurs, the menu specific are meant to be the most important and specific ones\n ******************************************************* */\n // by using Omit, we remove the keys that are present in the MenuSpecificDefaultProps to ensure collision are handled as expected\n export interface ButtonInheiredDefaultProps extends Omit<DSButtonV3T.DefaultProps, keyof MenuSpecifiDefaultProps> {}\n // the final DefaultProps will be the combination of the two with proper collision handling\n export interface DefaultProps\n extends MenuSpecifiDefaultProps,\n ButtonInheiredDefaultProps,\n MenuBehaviouralLayerDefaultProps {}\n\n /* **************************************************************************************************************\n ******************************************* \"OPTIONAL\" PROPS **************************************************\n ************************************************************************************************************** */\n /* *******************************************************\n * Since the menu button is a button, it inherits all the props from the Button component.\n * Since the menu button MUST have a menu, it also have a set of specific props used to handle the menu.\n * Because we build with atomic composition in mind, the \"logic layer\" is separated and has a yet another set of props.\n ******************************************************* */\n export interface MenuBehaviouralLayerOptionalProps {\n // **********************************************************************************************\n // IoC Pattern\n // - in scenarios where not \"selectionable\" items are present,\n // - the \"selectedItems\" prop is not required\n // - the \"onItemSelected\" prop is not required\n // - in scenarios where no \"activation\" items are present,\n // - the \"onActivateItem\" prop is not required\n // AFAIK Typescipt doesn't support this kind of \"conditional\" required props\n // so we will rely on javascript error throwing to handle this + documentation\n // **********************************************************************************************\n onItemSelected?: (\n newSelection: SelectionableMenuNodes[],\n metainfo: { itemNode: DSMenuButtonT.SelectionableMenuNodes; event?: React.SyntheticEvent },\n ) => void | TypescriptHelpersT.StateSetter<DSMenuButtonT.SelectionableMenuNodes[]>;\n onActivateItem?: (\n itemNode: DSMenuButtonT.PseudoFocusableMenuNodes,\n metainfo: { itemNode: DSMenuButtonT.PseudoFocusableMenuNodes; event?: React.SyntheticEvent },\n ) => void;\n // **********************************************************************************************\n onOpen?: () => void;\n onClose?: () => void;\n onDisplayedSubmenuChange?: (\n newOpenedItems: DSMenuButtonT.WithSubmenuMenuNodes[],\n metainfo: {\n itemNode: DSMenuButtonT.PseudoFocusableMenuNodes | null;\n event?: React.SyntheticEvent | FocusEvent | TouchEvent;\n },\n ) => void | TypescriptHelpersT.StateSetter<DSMenuButtonT.WithSubmenuMenuNodes[]>;\n }\n export interface MenuSpecificOptionalProps {\n ItemRenderer?: ItemRendererT;\n }\n /* *******************************************************\n * Optional Props + Inherited Optional Props\n * - We inherit the optional props from the button\n * - We add the optional props for the menu\n *\n * - if a collision occurs, the menu specific are meant to be the most important and specific ones\n ******************************************************* */\n export interface ButtonInheritedOptionalProps\n // by using Omit, we remove the keys that are present in the MenuSpecificOptionalProps to ensure collision are handled as expected\n extends Omit<DSButtonV3T.OptionalProps, keyof MenuSpecificOptionalProps> {}\n export interface OptionalProps\n extends MenuSpecificOptionalProps,\n ButtonInheritedOptionalProps,\n // we convert the (selected) options to a Nodes as part of the widget's logic\n MenuBehaviouralLayerOptionalProps,\n TypescriptHelpersT.PropsForGlobalOnSlots<typeof DSMenuButtonName, typeof MENU_BUTTON_SLOTS> {\n // we convert the (selected) options to a Nodes as part of the widget's logic\n selectedItems?: SelectionableMenuNodes[] | SelectionableMenuItemInterface[];\n }\n\n /* **************************************************************************************************************\n ************************************************ PROPS *******************************************************\n ************************************************************************************************************** */\n /* *******************************************************\n * Since the menu button is a button, it inherits all the props from the Button component.\n * Since the menu button MUST have a menu, it also have a set of specific props used to handle the menu.\n * Because we build with atomic composition in mind, the \"logic layer\" is separated and has a yet another set of props.\n ******************************************************* */\n export interface MenuBehaviouralLayerProps\n extends Partial<MenuBehaviouralLayerDefaultProps>,\n MenuBehaviouralLayerOptionalProps,\n MenuBehaviouralLayerRequiredProps {}\n export interface MenuSpecificProps\n extends Partial<MenuSpecifiDefaultProps>,\n MenuSpecificOptionalProps,\n MenuSpecificRequiredProps {}\n /* *******************************************************\n * Props + Inherited Props\n * - We inherit the props from the button\n * - We add the props for the menu\n *\n * - if a collision occurs, the menu specific are meant to be the most important and specific ones\n ******************************************************* */\n // by using Omit, we remove the keys that are present in the MenuSpecificProps to ensure collision are handled as expected\n // THIS IS ALSO INHERITING THE GLOBAL ATTRIBUTES & XSTYLED PROPS FROM THE BUTTON!!!\n export interface ButtonInheritedProps extends Omit<DSButtonV3T.Props, keyof MenuSpecificProps> {}\n\n export interface Props\n extends RequiredProps,\n Partial<DefaultProps>,\n OptionalProps,\n // the global and xstyled props are only part of \"props\"/\"internalProps\" in our namespaces\n // to properly inherith button's global & xstyled props, we need to also include the following\n Omit<DSButtonV3T.Props, keyof RequiredProps | keyof DefaultProps | keyof OptionalProps> {}\n\n /* **************************************************************************************************************\n ******************************************** INTERNAL PROPS ***************************************************\n ************************************************************************************************************** */\n /* *******************************************************\n * Since the menu button is a button, it inherits all the props from the Button component.\n * Since the menu button MUST have a menu, it also have a set of specific props used to handle the menu.\n * Because we build with atomic composition in mind, the \"logic layer\" is separated and has a yet another set of props.\n ******************************************************* */\n export interface MenuBehaviouralLayerInternalProps\n extends MenuBehaviouralLayerDefaultProps,\n MenuBehaviouralLayerOptionalProps,\n MenuBehaviouralLayerRequiredProps {}\n export interface MenuSpecificInternalProps\n extends MenuSpecifiDefaultProps,\n MenuSpecificOptionalProps,\n MenuSpecificRequiredProps {}\n\n /* *******************************************************\n * Internal Props\n * - We inherit the internal props from the button\n * - We add the internal props for the menu\n *\n * - if a collision occurs, the menu specific are meant to be the most important and specific ones\n ******************************************************* */\n export interface ButtonInheritedInternalProps\n // by using Omit, we remove the keys that are present in the MenuSpecificInternalProps to ensure collision are handled as expected\n // THIS IS ALSO INHERITING THE GLOBAL ATTRIBUTES & XSTYLED PROPS FROM THE BUTTON!!!\n extends Omit<DSButtonV3T.InternalProps, keyof MenuSpecificInternalProps> {}\n export interface InternalProps\n extends RequiredProps,\n DefaultProps,\n OptionalProps,\n // the global and xstyled props are only part of \"props\"/\"internalProps\" in our namespaces\n // to properly inherith button's global & xstyled props, we need to also include the following\n Omit<DSButtonV3T.Props, keyof RequiredProps | keyof DefaultProps | keyof OptionalProps> {}\n}\n\nexport const menuSpecificDefaultProps: DSMenuButtonT.MenuSpecifiDefaultProps = {\n onClickOutside: () => null,\n onOptionClick: () => null,\n openedSubmenus: {},\n onSubmenuToggle: () => null,\n isLoading: false,\n isSkeleton: false,\n maxHeight: '256px', // was available in dropdownmenu-v2, have to provide for retrocompatibility\n};\n/* *******************************************************\n * We are building a widget composed of 3 ATOMIC composition components\n * - Button\n * - Menu\n * - Behavioural Layer\n * The final API facing the users is a sum of all 3 interfaces\n * THOSE INTERFACES ARE NOT EQUAL TO THE FINAL \"PARTS\" INTERFACES\n * The widget embeds \"assumptions\" (as all widgets do) that are AGNOSTIC to the \"parts\" interfaces\n * The \"Parts\" interfaces \"mostly\" inherit the following interfaces, but with meaningful meant and planned differences\n * (E.G. the widget accepts an array of options, but the Menu part accepts a DSTree only)\n ******************************************************* */\nexport const MenuBehaviouralLayerPropTypes: DSPropTypesSchema<DSMenuButtonT.MenuBehaviouralLayerProps> = {\n onItemSelected: PropTypes.func.description(\n 'IoC function in charge of handling the selection of a menu item, required if the menu has selectionable items',\n ).signature(`((\n newSelection: DSMenuButtonT.PseudoFocusableMenuNodes[],\n metainfo: { itemNode: DSMenuButtonT.PseudoFocusableMenuNodes; event?: React.SyntheticEvent },\n ) => void)`),\n\n onActivateItem: PropTypes.func.description(\n 'IoC function in charge of handling the activation (NOT INVOKED ON SELECTION) of a menu item, required if the menu has activable items',\n ).signature(`((\n itemNode: DSMenuButtonT.PseudoFocusableMenuNodes,\n metainfo: { itemNode: DSMenuButtonT.PseudoFocusableMenuNodes; event?: React.SyntheticEvent },\n ) => void)`),\n\n onOpen: PropTypes.func.description('function triggered when the widget opens the menu').signature(`(()=>void)`),\n onClose: PropTypes.func.description('function triggered when the widget closes the menu').signature(`(()=>void)`),\n onDisplayedSubmenuChange: PropTypes.func.description(\"function triggered when the widget's closes or opens a submenu\")\n .signature(`((\n newOpenedItems: DSMenuButtonT.PseudoFocusableMenuNodes[],\n metainfo: { itemNode: DSMenuButtonT.PseudoFocusableMenuNodes; event?: React.SyntheticEvent },\n ) => void)`),\n};\n\nexport const DSMenuSpecificPropTypes: DSPropTypesSchema<DSMenuButtonT.MenuSpecificProps> = {\n ItemRenderer: PropTypes.node.description('Component to be used to render the items'),\n onClickOutside: PropTypes.func\n .description('Callback executed when you click outside the dropdown menu, or press the Esc key')\n .defaultValue(() => null),\n onOptionClick: PropTypes.func\n .description(\n 'Callback triggered when an item is clicked or pressed. We provide the next selected options, the clicked option and the event, in that order',\n )\n .defaultValue(() => null),\n openedSubmenus: PropTypes.object\n .description(\n 'Object with the ids of the submenus as keys, and booleans as keys. Represents the state of the current opened submenus',\n )\n .defaultValue({}),\n onSubmenuToggle: PropTypes.func\n .description('Callback triggered when a submenu is opened or closed.')\n .signature(\n '((nextOpenedSubmenus: Record<string, boolean>, submenu: Item, e: React.MouseEvent | React.KeyboardEvent) => void)',\n )\n .defaultValue(() => null),\n isLoading: PropTypes.bool\n .description('Whether the flyout menu should render the loading indicator')\n .defaultValue(false),\n isSkeleton: PropTypes.bool.description('Whether the flyout menu should render the skeleton').defaultValue(false),\n maxHeight: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.number])\n .description('The maximum height of the flyout menu')\n .defaultValue('256px'),\n};\n\nexport const DSMenuButtonPropTypes: DSPropTypesSchema<DSMenuButtonT.Props> = {\n options: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.array, PropTypes.object]).description(\n 'Array of options to display in the menu or a DSTree node to build branches from',\n ).isRequired,\n selectedItems: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object).description(\n 'an array of tree-nodes or tree-items that have to be marked as selected in the GUI, required if the menu has selectionable items',\n ),\n ...DSButtonV3PropTypes,\n ...MenuBehaviouralLayerPropTypes,\n ...DSMenuSpecificPropTypes,\n ...getPropsPerSlotPropTypes(DSMenuButtonName, MENU_BUTTON_SLOTS),\n};\n\nexport const DSMenuButtonPropTypesSchema = DSMenuButtonPropTypes as unknown as ValidationMap<DSMenuButtonT.Props>;\n", "import * as React from 'react';\nexport { React };\n"],
  "names": []
@@ -34,21 +34,28 @@ module.exports = __toCommonJS(useOptionsArrayToDsTree_exports);
  var React = __toESM(require("react"));
  var import_react = __toESM(require("react"));
  var import_ds_tree_model = require("@elliemae/ds-tree-model");
+ var import_react_desc_prop_types = require("../react-desc-prop-types.js");
  const useDsTreeOpts = {
  getUniqueId: (item) => item.dsId
- const useOptionsArrayToDsTree = ({ options, instanceUid }) => {
+ const useOptionsArrayToDsTree = ({
+ options,
+ instanceUid,
+ propsWithDefault
+ }) => {
+ const { maxHeight } = propsWithDefault || import_react_desc_prop_types.menuSpecificDefaultProps;
  const rootNode = import_react.default.useMemo(
  () => ({
  dsId: `root-${instanceUid}`,
  type: "ROOT_ITEM",
- subitems: options
+ subitems: options,
+ maxHeight
  // as unknown as RootNodeType is because currently
  // the DS tree model doesn't support the type of the root node being different from the subitems
  // in practice, this is fine because the root node is never rendered & the subitems are the only thing that matters
  // will be addresssed via PUI-XXXX
- [instanceUid, options]
+ [instanceUid, maxHeight, options]
  return (0, import_ds_tree_model.useDSTree)(rootNode, useDsTreeOpts);
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
  "version": 3,
  "sources": ["../../../src/utils/useOptionsArrayToDsTree.ts", "../../../../../../scripts/build/transpile/react-shim.js"],
- "sourcesContent": ["import React from 'react';\nimport { useDSTree } from '@elliemae/ds-tree-model';\nimport type { UseDSTreeT } from '@elliemae/ds-tree-model';\nimport { type DSMenuButtonT } from '../react-desc-prop-types.js';\n\nconst useDsTreeOpts: UseDSTreeT.SecondParameter<DSMenuButtonT.MenuItemInterface> = {\n getUniqueId: (item) => item.dsId,\n};\n\ntype UseOptionsArrayToDsTreeRootNodeConfig = {\n options: DSMenuButtonT.MenuItemInterface[];\n instanceUid: string;\n};\n\ntype RootNodeType = UseDSTreeT.Item<DSMenuButtonT.MenuItemInterface>;\n\nexport const useOptionsArrayToDsTree = ({ options, instanceUid }: UseOptionsArrayToDsTreeRootNodeConfig) => {\n // we need to create the root node that the app dev doesn't need to worry about\n const rootNode = React.useMemo<RootNodeType>(\n () =>\n ({\n dsId: `root-${instanceUid}`,\n type: 'ROOT_ITEM',\n subitems: options,\n // as unknown as RootNodeType is because currently\n // the DS tree model doesn't support the type of the root node being different from the subitems\n // in practice, this is fine because the root node is never rendered & the subitems are the only thing that matters\n // will be addresssed via PUI-XXXX\n }) as unknown as RootNodeType,\n [instanceUid, options],\n );\n return useDSTree<DSMenuButtonT.MenuItemInterface>(rootNode, useDsTreeOpts);\n};\n", "import * as React from 'react';\nexport { React };\n"],
+ "sourcesContent": ["import React from 'react';\nimport { useDSTree } from '@elliemae/ds-tree-model';\nimport type { UseDSTreeT } from '@elliemae/ds-tree-model';\nimport { type DSMenuButtonT, menuSpecificDefaultProps } from '../react-desc-prop-types.js';\n\nconst useDsTreeOpts: UseDSTreeT.SecondParameter<DSMenuButtonT.MenuItemInterface> = {\n getUniqueId: (item) => item.dsId,\n};\n\ntype UseOptionsArrayToDsTreeRootNodeConfig = {\n options: DSMenuButtonT.MenuItemInterface[];\n instanceUid: string;\n propsWithDefault?: DSMenuButtonT.MenuSpecifiDefaultProps;\n};\n\ntype RootNodeType = UseDSTreeT.Item<DSMenuButtonT.MenuItemInterface>;\n\nexport const useOptionsArrayToDsTree = ({\n options,\n instanceUid,\n propsWithDefault,\n}: UseOptionsArrayToDsTreeRootNodeConfig) => {\n const { maxHeight } = propsWithDefault || menuSpecificDefaultProps;\n // we need to create the root node that the app dev doesn't need to worry about\n const rootNode = React.useMemo<RootNodeType>(\n () =>\n ({\n dsId: `root-${instanceUid}`,\n type: 'ROOT_ITEM',\n subitems: options,\n maxHeight,\n // as unknown as RootNodeType is because currently\n // the DS tree model doesn't support the type of the root node being different from the subitems\n // in practice, this is fine because the root node is never rendered & the subitems are the only thing that matters\n // will be addresssed via PUI-XXXX\n }) as unknown as RootNodeType,\n [instanceUid, maxHeight, options],\n );\n return useDSTree<DSMenuButtonT.MenuItemInterface>(rootNode, useDsTreeOpts);\n};\n", "import * as React from 'react';\nexport { React };\n"],
  "names": ["React"]
@@ -2,13 +2,16 @@ import * as React from "react";
  import { useGetXstyledProps, useMemoMergePropsWithDefault } from "@elliemae/ds-props-helpers";
  import React2 from "react";
  import { uid } from "uid";
- import { DSMenuButtonPropTypes, defaultProps } from "../react-desc-prop-types.js";
+ import { DSMenuButtonPropTypes, menuSpecificDefaultProps } from "../react-desc-prop-types.js";
  import { getFocusableNodes } from "../utils/nodesTypeguardsAndGetters.js";
  import { useOptionsArrayToDsTree } from "../utils/useOptionsArrayToDsTree.js";
  import { useSplitInherithedProps } from "./useSplitInherithedProps.js";
  import { useValidateProps } from "./useValidateProps.js";
  const useMenuButton = (propsFromUser) => {
- const propsWithDefault = useMemoMergePropsWithDefault(propsFromUser, defaultProps);
+ const propsWithDefault = useMemoMergePropsWithDefault(
+ propsFromUser,
+ menuSpecificDefaultProps
+ );
  useValidateProps(propsWithDefault, DSMenuButtonPropTypes);
  const xstyledProps = useGetXstyledProps(propsWithDefault);
  const instanceUid = React2.useMemo(() => `menu-button${uid(5)}`, []);
@@ -16,7 +19,8 @@ const useMenuButton = (propsFromUser) => {
  const optionsArray = Array.isArray(appOptions) ? appOptions : [];
  const treeRootNodeFromOptionsArrayIfArray = useOptionsArrayToDsTree({
  options: optionsArray,
- instanceUid
+ instanceUid,
+ propsWithDefault
  // this typecast is a safe type reconciliation, typescript checks they are compatible
  // this typecast let us avoid to have to do the ` | OtherCompatibleType` dance
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
  "version": 3,
  "sources": ["../../../../../../scripts/build/transpile/react-shim.js", "../../../src/config/useMenuButton.ts"],
- "sourcesContent": ["import * as React from 'react';\nexport { React };\n", "/* eslint-disable max-statements */\nimport { useGetXstyledProps, useMemoMergePropsWithDefault } from '@elliemae/ds-props-helpers';\nimport React from 'react';\nimport { uid } from 'uid';\nimport { DSMenuButtonPropTypes, defaultProps, type DSMenuButtonT } from '../react-desc-prop-types.js';\nimport { getFocusableNodes } from '../utils/nodesTypeguardsAndGetters.js';\nimport { useOptionsArrayToDsTree } from '../utils/useOptionsArrayToDsTree.js';\nimport { useSplitInherithedProps } from './useSplitInherithedProps.js';\nimport { useValidateProps } from './useValidateProps.js';\nexport interface MenuButtonCTX extends ReturnType<typeof useSplitInherithedProps> {\n propsWithDefault: DSMenuButtonT.InternalProps;\n xstyledProps: ReturnType<typeof useGetXstyledProps>;\n instanceUid: string;\n}\n\nexport const useMenuButton = (propsFromUser: DSMenuButtonT.Props) => {\n // =============================================================================\n // MERGE WITH DEFAULT AND VALIDATE PROPS\n // =============================================================================\n const propsWithDefault = useMemoMergePropsWithDefault<DSMenuButtonT.InternalProps>(propsFromUser, defaultProps);\n useValidateProps(propsWithDefault, DSMenuButtonPropTypes);\n // =============================================================================\n // XSTYLED PROPS\n // =============================================================================\n const xstyledProps = useGetXstyledProps(propsWithDefault);\n // =============================================================================\n // AD HOC PER COMPONENT LOGIC\n // =============================================================================\n // custom code goes here, this is an example\n const instanceUid = React.useMemo(() => `menu-button${uid(5)}`, []);\n // =============================================================================\n // HELPERS HOOKS CONFIGS\n // =============================================================================\n\n // =============================================================================\n // React hooks can't be invoked conditionally...\n // =============================================================================\n\n // As per intended WIDGET API, user can provide options as an array of \"items\" or an array of \"nodes\"\n // we do the conversion from \"items\" to \"nodes\" here,\n // because the `parts` require the \"nodes\" extra properties to handle the logic and rendering\n const { options: appOptions } = propsWithDefault;\n const optionsArray: DSMenuButtonT.MenuItemInterface[] = Array.isArray(appOptions) ? appOptions : [];\n\n const treeRootNodeFromOptionsArrayIfArray = useOptionsArrayToDsTree({\n options: optionsArray,\n instanceUid,\n // this typecast is a safe type reconciliation, typescript checks they are compatible\n // this typecast let us avoid to have to do the ` | OtherCompatibleType` dance\n }).getRoot() as DSMenuButtonT.MenuNode;\n const treeRootNode = React.useMemo(\n () => (Array.isArray(appOptions) ? treeRootNodeFromOptionsArrayIfArray : appOptions),\n [appOptions, treeRootNodeFromOptionsArrayIfArray],\n );\n\n // =============================================================================\n // We calculate the focusableNodes from the treeRootNode.plainChildren via getFocusableNodes\n // =============================================================================\n const focusableNodes = React.useMemo(() => getFocusableNodes(treeRootNode), [treeRootNode]);\n const splitInherithedProps = useSplitInherithedProps({\n propsWithDefault,\n focusableNodes,\n treeRootNode,\n });\n\n return React.useMemo<MenuButtonCTX>(\n () => ({\n propsWithDefault,\n xstyledProps,\n instanceUid,\n ...splitInherithedProps,\n }),\n [propsWithDefault, xstyledProps, instanceUid, splitInherithedProps],\n );\n};\n"],
+ "sourcesContent": ["import * as React from 'react';\nexport { React };\n", "/* eslint-disable max-statements */\nimport { useGetXstyledProps, useMemoMergePropsWithDefault } from '@elliemae/ds-props-helpers';\nimport React from 'react';\nimport { uid } from 'uid';\nimport { DSMenuButtonPropTypes, menuSpecificDefaultProps, type DSMenuButtonT } from '../react-desc-prop-types.js';\nimport { getFocusableNodes } from '../utils/nodesTypeguardsAndGetters.js';\nimport { useOptionsArrayToDsTree } from '../utils/useOptionsArrayToDsTree.js';\nimport { useSplitInherithedProps } from './useSplitInherithedProps.js';\nimport { useValidateProps } from './useValidateProps.js';\nexport interface MenuButtonCTX extends ReturnType<typeof useSplitInherithedProps> {\n propsWithDefault: DSMenuButtonT.InternalProps;\n xstyledProps: ReturnType<typeof useGetXstyledProps>;\n instanceUid: string;\n}\n\nexport const useMenuButton = (propsFromUser: DSMenuButtonT.Props) => {\n // =============================================================================\n // MERGE WITH DEFAULT AND VALIDATE PROPS\n // =============================================================================\n const propsWithDefault = useMemoMergePropsWithDefault<DSMenuButtonT.InternalProps>(\n propsFromUser,\n menuSpecificDefaultProps,\n );\n useValidateProps(propsWithDefault, DSMenuButtonPropTypes);\n // =============================================================================\n // XSTYLED PROPS\n // =============================================================================\n const xstyledProps = useGetXstyledProps(propsWithDefault);\n // =============================================================================\n // AD HOC PER COMPONENT LOGIC\n // =============================================================================\n // custom code goes here, this is an example\n const instanceUid = React.useMemo(() => `menu-button${uid(5)}`, []);\n // =============================================================================\n // HELPERS HOOKS CONFIGS\n // =============================================================================\n\n // =============================================================================\n // React hooks can't be invoked conditionally...\n // =============================================================================\n\n // As per intended WIDGET API, user can provide options as an array of \"items\" or an array of \"nodes\"\n // we do the conversion from \"items\" to \"nodes\" here,\n // because the `parts` require the \"nodes\" extra properties to handle the logic and rendering\n const { options: appOptions } = propsWithDefault;\n const optionsArray: DSMenuButtonT.MenuItemInterface[] = Array.isArray(appOptions) ? appOptions : [];\n\n const treeRootNodeFromOptionsArrayIfArray = useOptionsArrayToDsTree({\n options: optionsArray,\n instanceUid,\n propsWithDefault,\n // this typecast is a safe type reconciliation, typescript checks they are compatible\n // this typecast let us avoid to have to do the ` | OtherCompatibleType` dance\n }).getRoot() as DSMenuButtonT.MenuNode;\n const treeRootNode = React.useMemo(\n () => (Array.isArray(appOptions) ? treeRootNodeFromOptionsArrayIfArray : appOptions),\n [appOptions, treeRootNodeFromOptionsArrayIfArray],\n );\n\n // =============================================================================\n // We calculate the focusableNodes from the treeRootNode.plainChildren via getFocusableNodes\n // =============================================================================\n const focusableNodes = React.useMemo(() => getFocusableNodes(treeRootNode), [treeRootNode]);\n const splitInherithedProps = useSplitInherithedProps({\n propsWithDefault,\n focusableNodes,\n treeRootNode,\n });\n\n return React.useMemo<MenuButtonCTX>(\n () => ({\n propsWithDefault,\n xstyledProps,\n instanceUid,\n ...splitInherithedProps,\n }),\n [propsWithDefault, xstyledProps, instanceUid, splitInherithedProps],\n );\n};\n"],
  "names": ["React"]
@@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ const useSplitInherithedProps = ({
+ maxHeight,
+ // this is not shared with anything at all, it's instead a property of the "root" node, each node (with a submenu) can have its own maxHeight
  } = propsWithDefault;
  const innerRefSnatchingNode = React2.useCallback(
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
  "version": 3,
  "sources": ["../../../../../../scripts/build/transpile/react-shim.js", "../../../src/config/useSplitInherithedProps.ts"],
- "sourcesContent": ["import * as React from 'react';\nexport { React };\n", "/* *******************************************************\n * From official source definition\n *\n * Menu Button Pattern\n * About This Pattern:\n * A menu button is a button\n * that opens a menu\n * (as described in the Menu and Menubar Pattern).\n *\n * Since the menu button is a button, it inherits all the props from the Button component.\n * Since the menu button MUST have a menu, it also have a set of specific props used to handle the menu.\n * Because we build with atomic composition in mind, the \"logic layer\" is separated and has a yet another set of props.\n *\n * This is effectively an OOP \"extension\" of the Button component,\n * so it has the same props,\n * BUT also a few more to handle the specific behavior of the menu.\n *\n * this hooks is meant to take all the DSMenuButtonT.InternalProps with default already merged\n * and spit out menuSpecificProps & buttonInheritedProps\n ******************************************************* */\nimport {} from '@elliemae/ds-system';\nimport React from 'react';\nimport { type DSMenuButtonT } from '../react-desc-prop-types.js';\nimport { isSelectionableNode, isObjectAMenuNode } from '../utils/nodesTypeguardsAndGetters.js';\nimport { resolveRef } from '../utils/resolveRef.js';\n\n/**\n * Converts selected options to a map of selected nodes.\n * @param {DSMenuButtonT.SelectionableMenuNodes[]} selectedItems - The selected options, as provided by the user (either items or nodes).\n * @param {DSMenuButtonT.MenuNode} treeRootNode - The root node of the menu tree.\n * @returns {DSMenuButtonT.SelectionableMenuNodes[]} - The map of selected nodes.\n * @throws Will throw an error if a selected option is not found in the tree.\n */\nconst convertSelectedOptionsToNodes = (\n selectedItems: DSMenuButtonT.SelectionableMenuNodes[] | DSMenuButtonT.SelectionableMenuItemInterface[],\n treeRootNode: DSMenuButtonT.MenuNode,\n): DSMenuButtonT.SelectionableMenuNodes[] => {\n const convertedSelection: DSMenuButtonT.SelectionableMenuNodes[] = [];\n\n selectedItems.forEach((selectedItem) => {\n const needsConversion = !isObjectAMenuNode(selectedItem);\n if (!needsConversion) {\n convertedSelection.push(selectedItem);\n return;\n }\n\n const { dsId } = selectedItem;\n const selectedNode = treeRootNode.findNode((node: DSMenuButtonT.MenuNode) => node.dsId === dsId);\n if (!selectedNode) {\n throw new Error(`Selected option with dsId ${dsId} not found in the menu tree.`);\n }\n if (!isSelectionableNode(selectedNode)) {\n console.warn(`Selected option with dsId ${dsId} is not a selectionable node and will be ignored.`);\n return;\n }\n convertedSelection.push(selectedNode);\n });\n\n return convertedSelection;\n};\n\ntype UseSplitInherithedPropsConfig = {\n propsWithDefault: DSMenuButtonT.InternalProps;\n focusableNodes: DSMenuButtonT.PseudoFocusableMenuNodes[];\n treeRootNode: DSMenuButtonT.MenuNode;\n};\nexport const useSplitInherithedProps = ({\n propsWithDefault,\n focusableNodes,\n treeRootNode,\n}: UseSplitInherithedPropsConfig) => {\n const buttonDOMNodeRef = React.useRef<HTMLElement | null>(null);\n // when this component has been wrote\n // =============================================================================\n // MENU BUTTON props are:\n // Required\n // optionsTree, menuSpecificProps\n // Default (we already have a value because props for this hook are already merged with default props)\n // onClickOutside, onOptionClick, openedSubmenus, onSubmenuToggle, isLoading, isSkeleton, selectedOptions\n // Optional (may or may not be present)\n // ItemRenderer\n // =============================================================================\n // Props for the DSMenuBehaviouralContextProvider\n // =============================================================================\n // Required\n // selectedItems, onItemSelected, onActivateItem,\n // Optional\n // onDisplayedSubmenuChange, onOpen, onClose\n\n const {\n options,\n onClickOutside,\n onOptionClick,\n openedSubmenus,\n onSubmenuToggle,\n isLoading,\n isSkeleton,\n ItemRenderer,\n innerRef,\n selectedItems,\n onDisplayedSubmenuChange,\n onItemSelected,\n onActivateItem,\n onOpen,\n onClose,\n ...buttonInheritedProps\n } = propsWithDefault;\n\n // the button is allowed to receive innerRef, but we also need to invoke the setButtonDOMNode to store the button node\n // so we create a functional ref to do both\n const innerRefSnatchingNode: Required<DSMenuButtonT.Props>['innerRef'] = React.useCallback(\n (node: HTMLButtonElement) => {\n buttonDOMNodeRef.current = node;\n if (innerRef) {\n resolveRef(innerRef, node);\n }\n },\n [innerRef],\n );\n // in the WIDGET API, the user can provide selectedItems as an array of \"items\" or an array of \"nodes\"\n // the component needs the \"nodes\" to handle the logic and rendering & accessibility\n // if the user provides \"items\", we convert them to \"nodes\" here\n const selectedNodesMap = React.useMemo(() => {\n if (selectedItems) {\n return convertSelectedOptionsToNodes(selectedItems, treeRootNode);\n }\n return [];\n }, [selectedItems, treeRootNode]);\n\n const menuSpecificProps = React.useMemo(\n () => ({\n options,\n onClickOutside,\n onOptionClick,\n openedSubmenus,\n onSubmenuToggle,\n isLoading,\n isSkeleton,\n ItemRenderer,\n }),\n [options, onClickOutside, onOptionClick, openedSubmenus, onSubmenuToggle, isLoading, isSkeleton, ItemRenderer],\n );\n\n return React.useMemo(\n () => ({\n menuBehaviouralLayerProps: {\n buttonDOMNodeRef,\n selectedNodes: selectedNodesMap,\n focusableNodes,\n optionsTree: treeRootNode,\n onDisplayedSubmenuChange,\n onItemSelected,\n onActivateItem,\n onOpen,\n onClose,\n },\n opinionatedButtonProps: {\n ...(buttonInheritedProps as DSMenuButtonT.ButtonInheritedProps),\n innerRef: innerRefSnatchingNode,\n menuSpecificProps,\n },\n }),\n [\n selectedNodesMap,\n focusableNodes,\n treeRootNode,\n onDisplayedSubmenuChange,\n onItemSelected,\n onActivateItem,\n onOpen,\n onClose,\n buttonInheritedProps,\n innerRefSnatchingNode,\n menuSpecificProps,\n ],\n );\n};\n"],
+ "sourcesContent": ["import * as React from 'react';\nexport { React };\n", "/* *******************************************************\n * From official source definition\n *\n * Menu Button Pattern\n * About This Pattern:\n * A menu button is a button\n * that opens a menu\n * (as described in the Menu and Menubar Pattern).\n *\n * Since the menu button is a button, it inherits all the props from the Button component.\n * Since the menu button MUST have a menu, it also have a set of specific props used to handle the menu.\n * Because we build with atomic composition in mind, the \"logic layer\" is separated and has a yet another set of props.\n *\n * This is effectively an OOP \"extension\" of the Button component,\n * so it has the same props,\n * BUT also a few more to handle the specific behavior of the menu.\n *\n * this hooks is meant to take all the DSMenuButtonT.InternalProps with default already merged\n * and spit out menuSpecificProps & buttonInheritedProps\n ******************************************************* */\nimport {} from '@elliemae/ds-system';\nimport React from 'react';\nimport { type DSMenuButtonT } from '../react-desc-prop-types.js';\nimport { isSelectionableNode, isObjectAMenuNode } from '../utils/nodesTypeguardsAndGetters.js';\nimport { resolveRef } from '../utils/resolveRef.js';\n\n/**\n * Converts selected options to a map of selected nodes.\n * @param {DSMenuButtonT.SelectionableMenuNodes[]} selectedItems - The selected options, as provided by the user (either items or nodes).\n * @param {DSMenuButtonT.MenuNode} treeRootNode - The root node of the menu tree.\n * @returns {DSMenuButtonT.SelectionableMenuNodes[]} - The map of selected nodes.\n * @throws Will throw an error if a selected option is not found in the tree.\n */\nconst convertSelectedOptionsToNodes = (\n selectedItems: DSMenuButtonT.SelectionableMenuNodes[] | DSMenuButtonT.SelectionableMenuItemInterface[],\n treeRootNode: DSMenuButtonT.MenuNode,\n): DSMenuButtonT.SelectionableMenuNodes[] => {\n const convertedSelection: DSMenuButtonT.SelectionableMenuNodes[] = [];\n\n selectedItems.forEach((selectedItem) => {\n const needsConversion = !isObjectAMenuNode(selectedItem);\n if (!needsConversion) {\n convertedSelection.push(selectedItem);\n return;\n }\n\n const { dsId } = selectedItem;\n const selectedNode = treeRootNode.findNode((node: DSMenuButtonT.MenuNode) => node.dsId === dsId);\n if (!selectedNode) {\n throw new Error(`Selected option with dsId ${dsId} not found in the menu tree.`);\n }\n if (!isSelectionableNode(selectedNode)) {\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-console\n console.warn(`Selected option with dsId ${dsId} is not a selectionable node and will be ignored.`);\n return;\n }\n convertedSelection.push(selectedNode);\n });\n\n return convertedSelection;\n};\n\ntype UseSplitInherithedPropsConfig = {\n propsWithDefault: DSMenuButtonT.InternalProps;\n focusableNodes: DSMenuButtonT.PseudoFocusableMenuNodes[];\n treeRootNode: DSMenuButtonT.MenuNode;\n};\nexport const useSplitInherithedProps = ({\n propsWithDefault,\n focusableNodes,\n treeRootNode,\n}: UseSplitInherithedPropsConfig) => {\n const buttonDOMNodeRef = React.useRef<HTMLElement | null>(null);\n // when this component has been wrote\n // =============================================================================\n // MENU BUTTON props are:\n // Required\n // optionsTree, menuSpecificProps\n // Default (we already have a value because props for this hook are already merged with default props)\n // onClickOutside, onOptionClick, openedSubmenus, onSubmenuToggle, isLoading, isSkeleton, selectedOptions\n // Optional (may or may not be present)\n // ItemRenderer\n // =============================================================================\n // Props for the DSMenuBehaviouralContextProvider\n // =============================================================================\n // Required\n // selectedItems, onItemSelected, onActivateItem,\n // Optional\n // onDisplayedSubmenuChange, onOpen, onClose\n\n const {\n options,\n onClickOutside,\n onOptionClick,\n openedSubmenus,\n onSubmenuToggle,\n isLoading,\n isSkeleton,\n ItemRenderer,\n innerRef,\n selectedItems,\n onDisplayedSubmenuChange,\n onItemSelected,\n onActivateItem,\n onOpen,\n onClose,\n maxHeight, // this is not shared with anything at all, it's instead a property of the \"root\" node, each node (with a submenu) can have its own maxHeight\n ...buttonInheritedProps\n } = propsWithDefault;\n\n // the button is allowed to receive innerRef, but we also need to invoke the setButtonDOMNode to store the button node\n // so we create a functional ref to do both\n const innerRefSnatchingNode: Required<DSMenuButtonT.Props>['innerRef'] = React.useCallback(\n (node: HTMLButtonElement) => {\n buttonDOMNodeRef.current = node;\n if (innerRef) {\n resolveRef(innerRef, node);\n }\n },\n [innerRef],\n );\n // in the WIDGET API, the user can provide selectedItems as an array of \"items\" or an array of \"nodes\"\n // the component needs the \"nodes\" to handle the logic and rendering & accessibility\n // if the user provides \"items\", we convert them to \"nodes\" here\n const selectedNodesMap = React.useMemo(() => {\n if (selectedItems) {\n return convertSelectedOptionsToNodes(selectedItems, treeRootNode);\n }\n return [];\n }, [selectedItems, treeRootNode]);\n\n const menuSpecificProps = React.useMemo(\n () => ({\n options,\n onClickOutside,\n onOptionClick,\n openedSubmenus,\n onSubmenuToggle,\n isLoading,\n isSkeleton,\n ItemRenderer,\n }),\n [options, onClickOutside, onOptionClick, openedSubmenus, onSubmenuToggle, isLoading, isSkeleton, ItemRenderer],\n );\n\n return React.useMemo(\n () => ({\n menuBehaviouralLayerProps: {\n buttonDOMNodeRef,\n selectedNodes: selectedNodesMap,\n focusableNodes,\n optionsTree: treeRootNode,\n onDisplayedSubmenuChange,\n onItemSelected,\n onActivateItem,\n onOpen,\n onClose,\n },\n opinionatedButtonProps: {\n ...(buttonInheritedProps as DSMenuButtonT.ButtonInheritedProps),\n innerRef: innerRefSnatchingNode,\n menuSpecificProps,\n },\n }),\n [\n selectedNodesMap,\n focusableNodes,\n treeRootNode,\n onDisplayedSubmenuChange,\n onItemSelected,\n onActivateItem,\n onOpen,\n onClose,\n buttonInheritedProps,\n innerRefSnatchingNode,\n menuSpecificProps,\n ],\n );\n};\n"],
  "names": ["React"]
@@ -5,19 +5,25 @@ import { Grid } from "@elliemae/ds-grid";
  import { describe } from "@elliemae/ds-props-helpers";
  import { styled, xStyledCommonProps } from "@elliemae/ds-system";
  import React2 from "react";
+ import { menuSpecificDefaultProps } from "../../react-desc-prop-types.js";
  import { MenuBehaviouralContextProviderContext } from "../DSMenuBehaviouralContextProvider/MenuBehaviouralContextProviderCTX.js";
  import { DSMenuItemRendererFactory } from "../DSMenuItemRendererFactory/index.js";
  import { useFlyoutMenu } from "./config/useFlyoutMenu.js";
  import { DSFlyoutMenuName, FLYOUT_MENU_SLOTS } from "./constants/index.js";
  import { DSFlyoutMenuPropTypesSchema } from "./react-desc-prop-types.js";
  import { isRootNode } from "../../utils/nodesTypeguardsAndGetters.js";
- const StyledWrapper = styled(Grid, { name: DSFlyoutMenuName, slot: FLYOUT_MENU_SLOTS.ROOT })`
- min-width: 150px;
+ const StyledWrapper = styled(Grid, {
+ name: DSFlyoutMenuName,
+ })`
+ min-width: 1px;
  background-color: white;
  padding: ${({ theme }) => theme.space.xxxs} 0;
  const StyledMenu = styled("div", { name: DSFlyoutMenuName, slot: FLYOUT_MENU_SLOTS.LIST_WRAPPER })`
+ max-height: ${({ $maxHeight }) => typeof $maxHeight === "number" ? `${$maxHeight}px` : $maxHeight};
+ overflow-y: auto;
  padding: 0;
  margin: 0;
@@ -55,15 +61,23 @@ const DSFlyoutMenu = (props) => {
  context: floatingContext,
  onAnimationStartTriggered: handleAnimationStartTrigger,
  onAnimationEnd: handleAnimationEnd,
- children: /* @__PURE__ */ jsx(StyledWrapper, { getOwnerProps: () => propsWithDefault, getOwnerPropsArguments: () => ({}), ...xstyledProps, children: /* @__PURE__ */ jsx(StyledMenu, { role: "menu", innerRef: handleRefChange, children: itemNode.children.map((optionNode) => /* @__PURE__ */ jsx(
- DSMenuItemRendererFactory,
+ children: /* @__PURE__ */ jsx(StyledWrapper, { getOwnerProps: () => propsWithDefault, getOwnerPropsArguments: () => ({}), ...xstyledProps, children: /* @__PURE__ */ jsx(
+ StyledMenu,
- itemNode: optionNode,
- ItemRenderer,
- FlyoutMenuCircularDepInject: didAnimationEnd ? DSFlyoutMenu : NoComponentPlaceholder
- },
- `flyout-menu-item-${optionNode.dsId}-${instanceUid}`
- )) }) })
+ role: "menu",
+ innerRef: handleRefChange,
+ $maxHeight: itemNode.plainItem.maxHeight ?? menuSpecificDefaultProps.maxHeight,
+ children: itemNode.children.map((optionNode) => /* @__PURE__ */ jsx(
+ DSMenuItemRendererFactory,
+ {
+ itemNode: optionNode,
+ ItemRenderer,
+ FlyoutMenuCircularDepInject: didAnimationEnd ? DSFlyoutMenu : NoComponentPlaceholder
+ },
+ `flyout-menu-item-${optionNode.dsId}-${instanceUid}`
+ ))
+ }
+ ) })
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
  "version": 3,
  "sources": ["../../../../../../../scripts/build/transpile/react-shim.js", "../../../../src/parts/DSFlyoutMenu/DSFlyoutMenu.tsx"],
- "sourcesContent": ["import * as React from 'react';\nexport { React };\n", "import { FloatingWrapper } from '@elliemae/ds-floating-context';\nimport { Grid } from '@elliemae/ds-grid';\nimport { describe } from '@elliemae/ds-props-helpers';\nimport { styled, xStyledCommonProps } from '@elliemae/ds-system';\nimport React from 'react';\nimport type { DSMenuButtonT } from '../../react-desc-prop-types.js';\nimport { MenuBehaviouralContextProviderContext } from '../DSMenuBehaviouralContextProvider/MenuBehaviouralContextProviderCTX.js';\nimport { DSMenuItemRendererFactory } from '../DSMenuItemRendererFactory/index.js';\nimport { useFlyoutMenu } from './config/useFlyoutMenu.js';\nimport { DSFlyoutMenuName, FLYOUT_MENU_SLOTS } from './constants/index.js';\nimport { DSFlyoutMenuPropTypesSchema, type DSFlyoutMenuT } from './react-desc-prop-types.js';\nimport { isRootNode } from '../../utils/nodesTypeguardsAndGetters.js';\n\nconst StyledWrapper = styled(Grid, { name: DSFlyoutMenuName, slot: FLYOUT_MENU_SLOTS.ROOT })`\n min-width: 150px;\n background-color: white;\n padding: ${({ theme }) => theme.space.xxxs} 0;\n ${xStyledCommonProps}\n`;\n\nconst StyledMenu = styled('div', { name: DSFlyoutMenuName, slot: FLYOUT_MENU_SLOTS.LIST_WRAPPER })`\n padding: 0;\n margin: 0;\n`;\n\nconst NoComponentPlaceholder = () => null;\n\nconst DSFlyoutMenu: React.ComponentType<DSFlyoutMenuT.Props> = (props) => {\n const { propsWithDefault, xstyledProps } = useFlyoutMenu(props);\n const {\n instanceUid,\n globalEventsHelpers: { mainMenuRef, handleSubmenusRefChange },\n } = React.useContext(MenuBehaviouralContextProviderContext);\n const [didAnimationEnd, setDidAnimationEnd] = React.useState(false);\n\n const { setFloatingRef, floatingStyles, floatingContext, ItemRenderer, isMenuOpen, itemNode } = propsWithDefault;\n\n const handleRefChange = React.useCallback(\n (node: HTMLDivElement) => {\n if (isRootNode(itemNode)) {\n mainMenuRef.current = node;\n return;\n }\n handleSubmenusRefChange(node, itemNode.dsId);\n },\n [handleSubmenusRefChange, itemNode, mainMenuRef],\n );\n\n const handleAnimationStartTrigger = React.useCallback(() => {\n setDidAnimationEnd(false);\n }, []);\n const handleAnimationEnd = React.useCallback(() => {\n setDidAnimationEnd(true);\n }, []);\n\n return (\n <FloatingWrapper\n innerRef={setFloatingRef}\n floatingStyles={floatingStyles}\n isOpen={isMenuOpen}\n context={floatingContext}\n onAnimationStartTriggered={handleAnimationStartTrigger}\n onAnimationEnd={handleAnimationEnd}\n >\n <StyledWrapper getOwnerProps={() => propsWithDefault} getOwnerPropsArguments={() => ({})} {...xstyledProps}>\n <StyledMenu role=\"menu\" innerRef={handleRefChange}>\n {itemNode.children.map((optionNode) => (\n <DSMenuItemRendererFactory\n key={`flyout-menu-item-${optionNode.dsId}-${instanceUid}`}\n // DSTree doesn't support children having a polymorphic type, so we need to cast it manually\n itemNode={optionNode as DSMenuButtonT.MenuNode}\n ItemRenderer={ItemRenderer}\n // we are passing the DSFlyoutMenu component as a prop to the DSMenuItemRendererFactory\n // this solves the circular-ish dependency\n // the conditional `didAnimationEnd` solves the visual artefact of nested FloatingWrapper wrongly positioned due to animation\n FlyoutMenuCircularDepInject={didAnimationEnd ? DSFlyoutMenu : NoComponentPlaceholder}\n />\n ))}\n </StyledMenu>\n </StyledWrapper>\n </FloatingWrapper>\n );\n};\n\nDSFlyoutMenu.displayName = DSFlyoutMenuName;\nconst DSFlyoutMenuWithSchema = describe(DSFlyoutMenu);\nDSFlyoutMenuWithSchema.propTypes = DSFlyoutMenuPropTypesSchema;\n\nexport { DSFlyoutMenu, DSFlyoutMenuWithSchema };\n"],
+ "sourcesContent": ["import * as React from 'react';\nexport { React };\n", "import { FloatingWrapper } from '@elliemae/ds-floating-context';\nimport { Grid } from '@elliemae/ds-grid';\nimport { describe } from '@elliemae/ds-props-helpers';\nimport { styled, xStyledCommonProps } from '@elliemae/ds-system';\nimport React from 'react';\nimport { type DSMenuButtonT, menuSpecificDefaultProps } from '../../react-desc-prop-types.js';\nimport { MenuBehaviouralContextProviderContext } from '../DSMenuBehaviouralContextProvider/MenuBehaviouralContextProviderCTX.js';\nimport { DSMenuItemRendererFactory } from '../DSMenuItemRendererFactory/index.js';\nimport { useFlyoutMenu } from './config/useFlyoutMenu.js';\nimport { DSFlyoutMenuName, FLYOUT_MENU_SLOTS } from './constants/index.js';\nimport { DSFlyoutMenuPropTypesSchema, type DSFlyoutMenuT } from './react-desc-prop-types.js';\nimport { isRootNode } from '../../utils/nodesTypeguardsAndGetters.js';\n\nconst StyledWrapper = styled(Grid, {\n name: DSFlyoutMenuName,\n slot: FLYOUT_MENU_SLOTS.ROOT,\n})`\n min-width: 1px;\n background-color: white;\n padding: ${({ theme }) => theme.space.xxxs} 0;\n ${xStyledCommonProps}\n`;\n\nconst StyledMenu = styled('div', { name: DSFlyoutMenuName, slot: FLYOUT_MENU_SLOTS.LIST_WRAPPER })<{\n $maxHeight: string | number;\n}>`\n max-height: ${({ $maxHeight }) => (typeof $maxHeight === 'number' ? `${$maxHeight}px` : $maxHeight)};\n overflow-y: auto;\n padding: 0;\n margin: 0;\n`;\n\nconst NoComponentPlaceholder = () => null;\n\nconst DSFlyoutMenu: React.ComponentType<DSFlyoutMenuT.Props> = (props) => {\n const { propsWithDefault, xstyledProps } = useFlyoutMenu(props);\n const {\n instanceUid,\n globalEventsHelpers: { mainMenuRef, handleSubmenusRefChange },\n } = React.useContext(MenuBehaviouralContextProviderContext);\n const [didAnimationEnd, setDidAnimationEnd] = React.useState(false);\n\n const { setFloatingRef, floatingStyles, floatingContext, ItemRenderer, isMenuOpen, itemNode } = propsWithDefault;\n\n const handleRefChange = React.useCallback(\n (node: HTMLDivElement) => {\n if (isRootNode(itemNode)) {\n mainMenuRef.current = node;\n return;\n }\n handleSubmenusRefChange(node, itemNode.dsId);\n },\n [handleSubmenusRefChange, itemNode, mainMenuRef],\n );\n\n const handleAnimationStartTrigger = React.useCallback(() => {\n setDidAnimationEnd(false);\n }, []);\n const handleAnimationEnd = React.useCallback(() => {\n setDidAnimationEnd(true);\n }, []);\n\n return (\n <FloatingWrapper\n innerRef={setFloatingRef}\n floatingStyles={floatingStyles}\n isOpen={isMenuOpen}\n context={floatingContext}\n onAnimationStartTriggered={handleAnimationStartTrigger}\n onAnimationEnd={handleAnimationEnd}\n >\n <StyledWrapper getOwnerProps={() => propsWithDefault} getOwnerPropsArguments={() => ({})} {...xstyledProps}>\n <StyledMenu\n role=\"menu\"\n innerRef={handleRefChange}\n $maxHeight={itemNode.plainItem.maxHeight ?? menuSpecificDefaultProps.maxHeight}\n >\n {itemNode.children.map((optionNode) => (\n <DSMenuItemRendererFactory\n key={`flyout-menu-item-${optionNode.dsId}-${instanceUid}`}\n // DSTree doesn't support children having a polymorphic type, so we need to cast it manually\n itemNode={optionNode as DSMenuButtonT.MenuNode}\n ItemRenderer={ItemRenderer}\n // we are passing the DSFlyoutMenu component as a prop to the DSMenuItemRendererFactory\n // this solves the circular-ish dependency\n // the conditional `didAnimationEnd` solves the visual artefact of nested FloatingWrapper wrongly positioned due to animation\n FlyoutMenuCircularDepInject={didAnimationEnd ? DSFlyoutMenu : NoComponentPlaceholder}\n />\n ))}\n </StyledMenu>\n </StyledWrapper>\n </FloatingWrapper>\n );\n};\n\nDSFlyoutMenu.displayName = DSFlyoutMenuName;\nconst DSFlyoutMenuWithSchema = describe(DSFlyoutMenu);\nDSFlyoutMenuWithSchema.propTypes = DSFlyoutMenuPropTypesSchema;\n\nexport { DSFlyoutMenu, DSFlyoutMenuWithSchema };\n"],
  "names": ["React"]
@@ -5,10 +5,7 @@ import {
  } from "@elliemae/ds-props-helpers";
- import {
- DSMenuSpecificPropTypes,
- defaultProps as menuSpecificDefaultProps
- } from "../../react-desc-prop-types.js";
+ import { DSMenuSpecificPropTypes, menuSpecificDefaultProps } from "../../react-desc-prop-types.js";
  import { DSFlyoutMenuName, FLYOUT_MENU_SLOTS } from "./constants/index.js";
  const defaultProps = { ...menuSpecificDefaultProps };
  const DSFlyoutMenuPropTypes = {
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
  "version": 3,
  "sources": ["../../../../../../../scripts/build/transpile/react-shim.js", "../../../../src/parts/DSFlyoutMenu/react-desc-prop-types.ts"],
- "sourcesContent": ["import * as React from 'react';\nexport { React };\n", "/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-empty-interface */\nimport type { DSPropTypesSchema, ValidationMap } from '@elliemae/ds-props-helpers';\nimport {\n PropTypes,\n getPropsPerSlotPropTypes,\n globalAttributesPropTypes,\n xstyledPropTypes,\n} from '@elliemae/ds-props-helpers';\nimport { type TypescriptHelpersT } from '@elliemae/ds-typescript-helpers';\nimport { type useFloatingContext } from '@elliemae/ds-floating-context';\nimport {\n DSMenuSpecificPropTypes,\n defaultProps as menuSpecificDefaultProps,\n type DSMenuButtonT,\n} from '../../react-desc-prop-types.js';\nimport { DSFlyoutMenuName, FLYOUT_MENU_SLOTS } from './constants/index.js';\n\nexport declare namespace DSFlyoutMenuT {\n /*\n * everything that is specifically added in this namespace declaration and is not part of the original component\n * is because the original component is an \"opinionated widget\" that offloads a chunk of responsibilities from dev to dimsum\n * as such, the widget generates those interfaces,\n * but the app developer is not supposed to know about them\n * untill they go atomic composition (this namespace)\n */\n export interface RequiredProps extends DSMenuButtonT.MenuSpecificRequiredProps {\n isMenuOpen: boolean;\n itemNode:\n | DSMenuButtonT.MenuNodeWithSubmenuItem\n | DSMenuButtonT.MenuNodeSingleSelectWithSubmenuItem\n | DSMenuButtonT.MenuNodeMultipleSelectWithSubmenuItem\n | DSMenuButtonT.MenuNodeActivableWithSubmenuItem\n | DSMenuButtonT.MenuNodeRootItem;\n setFloatingRef: ReturnType<typeof useFloatingContext>['refs']['setFloating'];\n floatingStyles: ReturnType<typeof useFloatingContext>['floatingStyles'];\n floatingContext: ReturnType<typeof useFloatingContext>['context'];\n }\n\n export interface DefaultProps extends DSMenuButtonT.MenuSpecifiDefaultProps {}\n\n export interface OptionalProps\n extends TypescriptHelpersT.PropsForGlobalOnSlots<typeof DSFlyoutMenuName, typeof FLYOUT_MENU_SLOTS>,\n DSMenuButtonT.MenuSpecificOptionalProps {}\n\n export interface Props extends RequiredProps, Partial<DefaultProps>, OptionalProps {}\n\n export interface InternalProps extends RequiredProps, DefaultProps, OptionalProps {}\n}\n\nexport const defaultProps: DSFlyoutMenuT.DefaultProps = { ...menuSpecificDefaultProps };\n\nexport const DSFlyoutMenuPropTypes: DSPropTypesSchema<DSFlyoutMenuT.Props> = {\n itemNode: PropTypes.object.description('The parent menu node to render the menu from').isRequired,\n setFloatingRef: PropTypes.func.description(\n 'The function to set the ref of the floating element (from useFloatingContext.refs.setFloating)',\n ).isRequired,\n floatingStyles: PropTypes.object.description(\n 'The styles to apply to the floating element to correctly position it (from useFloatingContext.floatingStyles)',\n ).isRequired,\n floatingContext: PropTypes.object.description(\n 'The context object from useFloatingContext, used to allow FloatingWrapper correct functionality',\n ).isRequired,\n // anchorNode: PropTypes.instanceOf(HTMLElement).isRequired,\n isMenuOpen: PropTypes.bool.description('Wheter or not this particular instance of the flyout menu is open')\n .isRequired,\n ...getPropsPerSlotPropTypes(DSFlyoutMenuName, FLYOUT_MENU_SLOTS),\n ...globalAttributesPropTypes,\n // this component is meant to be used from a ds-menu-button compliant API,\n // for this reason we want to inherit the DSMenuButton props interface that relates to the menu and not the button...\n ...DSMenuSpecificPropTypes,\n ...xstyledPropTypes,\n};\n\nexport const DSFlyoutMenuPropTypesSchema = DSFlyoutMenuPropTypes as unknown as ValidationMap<DSFlyoutMenuT.Props>;\n"],
+ "sourcesContent": ["import * as React from 'react';\nexport { React };\n", "/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-empty-interface */\nimport { type useFloatingContext } from '@elliemae/ds-floating-context';\nimport type { DSPropTypesSchema, ValidationMap } from '@elliemae/ds-props-helpers';\nimport {\n PropTypes,\n getPropsPerSlotPropTypes,\n globalAttributesPropTypes,\n xstyledPropTypes,\n} from '@elliemae/ds-props-helpers';\nimport { type TypescriptHelpersT } from '@elliemae/ds-typescript-helpers';\nimport { DSMenuSpecificPropTypes, menuSpecificDefaultProps, type DSMenuButtonT } from '../../react-desc-prop-types.js';\nimport { DSFlyoutMenuName, FLYOUT_MENU_SLOTS } from './constants/index.js';\n\nexport declare namespace DSFlyoutMenuT {\n /*\n * everything that is specifically added in this namespace declaration and is not part of the original component\n * is because the original component is an \"opinionated widget\" that offloads a chunk of responsibilities from dev to dimsum\n * as such, the widget generates those interfaces,\n * but the app developer is not supposed to know about them\n * untill they go atomic composition (this namespace)\n */\n export interface RequiredProps extends DSMenuButtonT.MenuSpecificRequiredProps {\n isMenuOpen: boolean;\n itemNode:\n | DSMenuButtonT.MenuNodeWithSubmenuItem\n | DSMenuButtonT.MenuNodeSingleSelectWithSubmenuItem\n | DSMenuButtonT.MenuNodeMultipleSelectWithSubmenuItem\n | DSMenuButtonT.MenuNodeActivableWithSubmenuItem\n | DSMenuButtonT.MenuNodeRootItem;\n setFloatingRef: ReturnType<typeof useFloatingContext>['refs']['setFloating'];\n floatingStyles: ReturnType<typeof useFloatingContext>['floatingStyles'];\n floatingContext: ReturnType<typeof useFloatingContext>['context'];\n }\n\n export interface DefaultProps extends DSMenuButtonT.MenuSpecifiDefaultProps {}\n\n export interface OptionalProps\n extends TypescriptHelpersT.PropsForGlobalOnSlots<typeof DSFlyoutMenuName, typeof FLYOUT_MENU_SLOTS>,\n DSMenuButtonT.MenuSpecificOptionalProps {}\n\n export interface Props extends RequiredProps, Partial<DefaultProps>, OptionalProps {}\n\n export interface InternalProps extends RequiredProps, DefaultProps, OptionalProps {}\n}\n\nexport const defaultProps: DSFlyoutMenuT.DefaultProps = { ...menuSpecificDefaultProps };\n\nexport const DSFlyoutMenuPropTypes: DSPropTypesSchema<DSFlyoutMenuT.Props> = {\n itemNode: PropTypes.object.description('The parent menu node to render the menu from').isRequired,\n setFloatingRef: PropTypes.func.description(\n 'The function to set the ref of the floating element (from useFloatingContext.refs.setFloating)',\n ).isRequired,\n floatingStyles: PropTypes.object.description(\n 'The styles to apply to the floating element to correctly position it (from useFloatingContext.floatingStyles)',\n ).isRequired,\n floatingContext: PropTypes.object.description(\n 'The context object from useFloatingContext, used to allow FloatingWrapper correct functionality',\n ).isRequired,\n // anchorNode: PropTypes.instanceOf(HTMLElement).isRequired,\n isMenuOpen: PropTypes.bool.description('Wheter or not this particular instance of the flyout menu is open')\n .isRequired,\n ...getPropsPerSlotPropTypes(DSFlyoutMenuName, FLYOUT_MENU_SLOTS),\n ...globalAttributesPropTypes,\n // this component is meant to be used from a ds-menu-button compliant API,\n // for this reason we want to inherit the DSMenuButton props interface that relates to the menu and not the button...\n ...DSMenuSpecificPropTypes,\n ...xstyledPropTypes,\n};\n\nexport const DSFlyoutMenuPropTypesSchema = DSFlyoutMenuPropTypes as unknown as ValidationMap<DSFlyoutMenuT.Props>;\n"],
  "names": []