@elliemae/ds-menu-button 3.46.0-rc.0 → 3.46.0-rc.2

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Files changed (58) hide show
  1. package/dist/cjs/config/useMenuButton.js +4 -17
  2. package/dist/cjs/config/useMenuButton.js.map +2 -2
  3. package/dist/cjs/index.js +2 -0
  4. package/dist/cjs/index.js.map +2 -2
  5. package/dist/cjs/parts/DSMenuBehaviouralContextProvider/config/useAdvancedValidation.js +86 -0
  6. package/dist/cjs/parts/DSMenuBehaviouralContextProvider/config/useAdvancedValidation.js.map +7 -0
  7. package/dist/cjs/parts/DSMenuBehaviouralContextProvider/config/useMenuBehaviouralContextProvider.js +2 -0
  8. package/dist/cjs/parts/DSMenuBehaviouralContextProvider/config/useMenuBehaviouralContextProvider.js.map +2 -2
  9. package/dist/cjs/parts/DSMenuBehaviouralContextProvider/config/useMenuItemEventsHandlers.js +49 -22
  10. package/dist/cjs/parts/DSMenuBehaviouralContextProvider/config/useMenuItemEventsHandlers.js.map +2 -2
  11. package/dist/cjs/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/ActivableMenuItem.js +9 -4
  12. package/dist/cjs/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/ActivableMenuItem.js.map +2 -2
  13. package/dist/cjs/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/ActivableWithSubmenuMenuItem.js +9 -4
  14. package/dist/cjs/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/ActivableWithSubmenuMenuItem.js.map +2 -2
  15. package/dist/cjs/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/MultipleSelectMenuItem.js +9 -4
  16. package/dist/cjs/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/MultipleSelectMenuItem.js.map +2 -2
  17. package/dist/cjs/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/MultipleSelectWithSubmenuMenuItem.js +11 -4
  18. package/dist/cjs/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/MultipleSelectWithSubmenuMenuItem.js.map +2 -2
  19. package/dist/cjs/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/SingleSelectMenuItem.js +9 -4
  20. package/dist/cjs/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/SingleSelectMenuItem.js.map +2 -2
  21. package/dist/cjs/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/SingleSelectWithSubmenuMenuItem.js +9 -4
  22. package/dist/cjs/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/SingleSelectWithSubmenuMenuItem.js.map +2 -2
  23. package/dist/cjs/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/WithSubmenuMenuItem.js +9 -4
  24. package/dist/cjs/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/WithSubmenuMenuItem.js.map +2 -2
  25. package/dist/cjs/react-desc-prop-types.js +8 -6
  26. package/dist/cjs/react-desc-prop-types.js.map +2 -2
  27. package/dist/esm/config/useMenuButton.js +4 -17
  28. package/dist/esm/config/useMenuButton.js.map +2 -2
  29. package/dist/esm/index.js +2 -0
  30. package/dist/esm/index.js.map +2 -2
  31. package/dist/esm/parts/DSMenuBehaviouralContextProvider/config/useAdvancedValidation.js +56 -0
  32. package/dist/esm/parts/DSMenuBehaviouralContextProvider/config/useAdvancedValidation.js.map +7 -0
  33. package/dist/esm/parts/DSMenuBehaviouralContextProvider/config/useMenuBehaviouralContextProvider.js +2 -0
  34. package/dist/esm/parts/DSMenuBehaviouralContextProvider/config/useMenuBehaviouralContextProvider.js.map +2 -2
  35. package/dist/esm/parts/DSMenuBehaviouralContextProvider/config/useMenuItemEventsHandlers.js +49 -22
  36. package/dist/esm/parts/DSMenuBehaviouralContextProvider/config/useMenuItemEventsHandlers.js.map +2 -2
  37. package/dist/esm/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/ActivableMenuItem.js +9 -4
  38. package/dist/esm/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/ActivableMenuItem.js.map +2 -2
  39. package/dist/esm/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/ActivableWithSubmenuMenuItem.js +9 -4
  40. package/dist/esm/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/ActivableWithSubmenuMenuItem.js.map +2 -2
  41. package/dist/esm/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/MultipleSelectMenuItem.js +9 -4
  42. package/dist/esm/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/MultipleSelectMenuItem.js.map +2 -2
  43. package/dist/esm/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/MultipleSelectWithSubmenuMenuItem.js +11 -4
  44. package/dist/esm/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/MultipleSelectWithSubmenuMenuItem.js.map +2 -2
  45. package/dist/esm/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/SingleSelectMenuItem.js +9 -4
  46. package/dist/esm/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/SingleSelectMenuItem.js.map +2 -2
  47. package/dist/esm/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/SingleSelectWithSubmenuMenuItem.js +9 -4
  48. package/dist/esm/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/SingleSelectWithSubmenuMenuItem.js.map +2 -2
  49. package/dist/esm/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/WithSubmenuMenuItem.js +9 -4
  50. package/dist/esm/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/WithSubmenuMenuItem.js.map +2 -2
  51. package/dist/esm/react-desc-prop-types.js +8 -6
  52. package/dist/esm/react-desc-prop-types.js.map +2 -2
  53. package/dist/types/config/useSplitInherithedProps.d.ts +6 -6
  54. package/dist/types/index.d.ts +1 -1
  55. package/dist/types/parts/DSMenuBehaviouralContextProvider/config/useAdvancedValidation.d.ts +6 -0
  56. package/dist/types/parts/DSMenuBehaviouralContextProvider/config/useMenuItemEventsHandlers.d.ts +2 -1
  57. package/dist/types/react-desc-prop-types.d.ts +14 -14
  58. package/package.json +13 -13
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
  "version": 3,
  "sources": ["../../../../../../../../scripts/build/transpile/react-shim.js", "../../../../../src/parts/DSMenuBehaviouralContextProvider/config/useMenuItemEventsHandlers.ts"],
- "sourcesContent": ["import * as React from 'react';\nexport { React };\n", "/* eslint-disable no-console */\n/* eslint-disable max-lines */\n// in this files the returns are not useless, they are used to clearly demark the intended behavior shortcircuit for the next developer that reads the code\n/* eslint-disable no-useless-return */\n/* eslint-disable complexity */\n/* eslint-disable max-statements */\nimport React from 'react';\nimport { type DSMenuButtonT } from '../../../react-desc-prop-types.js';\nimport {\n isFocusableNode,\n isMultipleSelectNode,\n isRootNode,\n isSingleSelectNode,\n isWithSubmenuNode,\n isWithSubmenuOnlyNode,\n} from '../../../utils/nodesTypeguardsAndGetters.js';\nimport { FORBIDDEN_BEHAVIOURS, UNEXPECTED_INTERNAL_ERRORS } from '../constants/Errors.js';\nimport { type DSMenuBehaviouralContextProviderT } from '../react-desc-prop-types.js';\nimport { getNewSelectionMultipleSelect } from '../utils/multipleSelectionHelpers.js';\nimport { getSubMenusPath } from '../utils/nodeGettersByCriterias.js';\nimport { getNewSelectionSingleSelect } from '../utils/singleSelectionHelpers.js';\nimport type { useFocusTracker } from './useFocusTracker.js';\nimport type { useMenuOpenStatus } from './useMenuOpenStatus.js';\n\ntype ItemKeydownHelpersArgs = {\n pseudoFocusedItemNode: DSMenuButtonT.PseudoFocusableMenuNodes;\n event?: React.KeyboardEvent | React.MouseEvent;\n};\ntype SubmenuChangeMetainfo = {\n itemNode: DSMenuButtonT.PseudoFocusableMenuNodes;\n event?: React.SyntheticEvent;\n};\n\ntype UseMenuItemEventsHandlersConfig = {\n propsWithDefault: DSMenuBehaviouralContextProviderT.InternalProps;\n focusTrackers: ReturnType<typeof useFocusTracker>;\n menuOpenStatus: ReturnType<typeof useMenuOpenStatus>;\n handleChangeOpenedSubItems: Required<DSMenuButtonT.MenuBehaviouralLayerOptionalProps>['onDisplayedSubmenuChange'];\n};\n\nexport const useMenuItemEventsHandlers = ({\n propsWithDefault,\n focusTrackers,\n menuOpenStatus,\n handleChangeOpenedSubItems,\n}: UseMenuItemEventsHandlersConfig) => {\n const { onItemSelected, onActivateItem, selectedItems } = propsWithDefault;\n const { onOpinionatedClose } = menuOpenStatus;\n const {\n trackFocusFirstChildItem,\n trackFocusLastChildItem,\n trackFocusNextItem,\n trackFocusPreviousItem,\n trackFocusParentItem,\n trackFocusNode,\n focusedElementItemNode,\n } = focusTrackers;\n\n const openSubmenu = React.useCallback(\n ({\n itemNode,\n event,\n }: {\n itemNode: DSMenuButtonT.WithSubmenuMenuNodes;\n event?: React.KeyboardEvent | React.MouseEvent;\n }) => {\n if (!isWithSubmenuNode(itemNode)) {\n console.log('openSubmenu -> itemNode:', itemNode);\n throw FORBIDDEN_BEHAVIOURS.TRYING_TO_OPEN_SUBMENU_OF_NODE_WITHOUT_SUBMENU;\n }\n const subMenuNodesPath = getSubMenusPath(itemNode);\n const metainfo: SubmenuChangeMetainfo = { itemNode, event };\n const newOpenedItems: DSMenuButtonT.WithSubmenuMenuNodes[] = [...subMenuNodesPath, itemNode];\n handleChangeOpenedSubItems(newOpenedItems, metainfo);\n },\n [handleChangeOpenedSubItems],\n );\n const closeCurrentSubmenu = React.useCallback(\n ({\n itemNode,\n event,\n }: {\n itemNode: DSMenuButtonT.PseudoFocusableMenuNodes;\n event?: React.KeyboardEvent | React.MouseEvent;\n }) => {\n const metainfo: SubmenuChangeMetainfo = { itemNode, event };\n const subMenuNodesPath = getSubMenusPath(itemNode);\n // if length is 0, it means the parent is the root node, so we close all the submenus\n if (subMenuNodesPath.length === 0) {\n handleChangeOpenedSubItems([], metainfo);\n return { currentSubmenuWasMainMenu: true };\n }\n\n // we want to close current submenu, so we pop the last element\n // getSubMenusPath guarantees the order by walkParents + reverse at the end\n subMenuNodesPath.pop();\n handleChangeOpenedSubItems(subMenuNodesPath, metainfo);\n return { currentSubmenuWasMainMenu: false };\n },\n [handleChangeOpenedSubItems],\n );\n /*\n * 13th August 2024:\n * https://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/apg/patterns/menu-button/\n * Additional roles, states, and properties needed for the menu element are described in the Menu and Menubar Pattern.\n * https://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/apg/patterns/menubar/\n * Because menubar and menu elements are composite widgets as described in the practice for Keyboard Navigation Inside Components,\n * Tab and Shift + Tab do not move focus among the items in the menu.\n * Instead, the keyboard commands described in this section enable users to move focus among the elements in a menubar or menu.\n * Tab and Shift + Tab:\n * - Move focus into a menubar <- Not relevant for this component, this is ONLY FOR MENU, not for MENUBARS\n * - When focus is on a menuitem in a menu or menubar, move focus out of the menu or menubar, and close all menus and submenus.\n * ************************************************************************************************************************************\n * this will be implemented by not setting document.activeElement to the menuitem but keeping it on the trigger button\n * why? because there is no javascript API to trigger a \"tab\"/\"shift+tab\" navigation and any algorithm trying to do so is fragile\n * also, this is enforced by w3.org too as per:\n * ************************************************************************************************************************************\n * Note that Tab and Shift + Tab do not move focus into a menu.\n * Unlike a menubar, a menu is not visually persistent,\n * and authors are responsible for ensuring focus moves to an item inside of a menu when the menu opens.\n *\n */\n const handleMenuItemEnterKeyDown = React.useCallback(\n ({ pseudoFocusedItemNode, event }: ItemKeydownHelpersArgs) => {\n // Enter:\n // - When focus is on a menuitem that has a submenu, opens the submenu and places focus on its first item.\n // ...\n if (isWithSubmenuOnlyNode(pseudoFocusedItemNode)) {\n openSubmenu({ itemNode: pseudoFocusedItemNode, event });\n trackFocusFirstChildItem(pseudoFocusedItemNode);\n } else {\n // - Otherwise, activates the item...\n\n // ----------------------------------\n // 4. Although it is recommended that authors avoid doing so,\n // some implementations of navigation menubars may have menuitem elements that both perform a function and open a submenu.\n // In such implementations, Enter and Space perform a navigation function,\n // e.g., load new content, while Down Arrow, in a horizontal menubar, opens the submenu associated with that same menuitem.\n // ---------------------------------\n // Based on an investigation, the above statement is not specific to \"navigation\" nor to ONLY \"menubars\", it really is about \"menuitems\" in general\n // as long as the role=\"menuitem\" & aria-haspopup=\"${id-of-the-submenu}\" & aria-expanded=\"${true/false}\" (& aria-orientation=\"vertical/horizontal\" if non-default)\n // are set, the Screen Readers will provide the same announcement for the menuitem regardless of the parent role\n\n // \"activation\" is a concept,\n // WCAG here implies that for menuitemscheckbox and menuitemsradio this triggers the selection\n // for menuitems (that doesn't fit selection nor submenus) it triggers the action\n // this also triggers enter -> single-select-item-with-submenu as expected\n if (isMultipleSelectNode(pseudoFocusedItemNode)) {\n const newSelection = getNewSelectionMultipleSelect(selectedItems, pseudoFocusedItemNode);\n onItemSelected(newSelection, { itemNode: pseudoFocusedItemNode, event });\n } else if (isSingleSelectNode(pseudoFocusedItemNode)) {\n const newSelection = getNewSelectionSingleSelect(selectedItems, pseudoFocusedItemNode);\n onItemSelected(newSelection, { itemNode: pseudoFocusedItemNode, event });\n } else {\n onActivateItem(pseudoFocusedItemNode, { itemNode: pseudoFocusedItemNode, event });\n }\n // ... and closes the menu.\n const metainfo: SubmenuChangeMetainfo = { itemNode: pseudoFocusedItemNode, event };\n const newOpenedItems: DSMenuButtonT.WithSubmenuMenuNodes[] = [];\n handleChangeOpenedSubItems(newOpenedItems, metainfo);\n onOpinionatedClose();\n }\n },\n [\n trackFocusFirstChildItem,\n openSubmenu,\n handleChangeOpenedSubItems,\n onOpinionatedClose,\n selectedItems,\n onItemSelected,\n onActivateItem,\n ],\n );\n const handleMenuItemSpaceKeyDown = React.useCallback(\n ({ pseudoFocusedItemNode, event }: ItemKeydownHelpersArgs) => {\n // Space:\n // [X] (Optional): When focus is on a menuitem that has a submenu, opens the submenu and places focus on its first item.\n // ----------------------------------\n // 4. Although it is recommended that authors avoid doing so,\n // some implementations of navigation menubars may have menuitem elements that both perform a function and open a submenu.\n // In such implementations, Enter and Space perform a navigation function,\n // e.g., load new content, while Down Arrow, in a horizontal menubar, opens the submenu associated with that same menuitem.\n // ---------------------------------\n // Based on an investigation, the above statement is not specific to \"navigation\" nor to ONLY \"menubars\", it really is about \"menuitems\" in general\n // as long as the role=\"menuitem\" & aria-haspopup=\"${id-of-the-submenu}\" & aria-expanded=\"${true/false}\" (& aria-orientation=\"vertical/horizontal\" if non-default)\n // are set, the Screen Readers will provide the same announcement for the menuitem regardless of the parent role\n if (isWithSubmenuOnlyNode(pseudoFocusedItemNode)) {\n openSubmenu({ itemNode: pseudoFocusedItemNode, event });\n trackFocusFirstChildItem(pseudoFocusedItemNode);\n return;\n }\n // [X] (Optional): When focus is on a menuitemcheckbox, changes the state without closing the menu.\n if (isMultipleSelectNode(pseudoFocusedItemNode)) {\n const newSelection = getNewSelectionMultipleSelect(selectedItems, pseudoFocusedItemNode);\n onItemSelected(newSelection, { itemNode: pseudoFocusedItemNode, event });\n return;\n }\n // [X] (Optional): When focus is on a menuitemradio that is not checked, without closing the menu,\n // checks the focused menuitemradio and unchecks any other checked menuitemradio element in the same group.\n if (isSingleSelectNode(pseudoFocusedItemNode)) {\n const newSelection = getNewSelectionSingleSelect(selectedItems, pseudoFocusedItemNode);\n onItemSelected(newSelection, { itemNode: pseudoFocusedItemNode, event });\n return;\n }\n // [X] (Optional): When focus is on a menuitem that does not have a submenu, activates the menuitem and closes the menu.\n onActivateItem(pseudoFocusedItemNode, { itemNode: pseudoFocusedItemNode, event });\n\n const metainfo: SubmenuChangeMetainfo = { itemNode: pseudoFocusedItemNode, event };\n const newOpenedItems: DSMenuButtonT.WithSubmenuMenuNodes[] = [];\n handleChangeOpenedSubItems(newOpenedItems, metainfo);\n onOpinionatedClose();\n },\n [\n onActivateItem,\n handleChangeOpenedSubItems,\n onOpinionatedClose,\n trackFocusFirstChildItem,\n openSubmenu,\n selectedItems,\n onItemSelected,\n ],\n );\n const handleMenuItemRightArrowKeyDown = React.useCallback(\n ({ pseudoFocusedItemNode, event }: ItemKeydownHelpersArgs) => {\n // Right Arrow:\n // [N/A] When focus is in a menubar, moves focus to the next item, optionally wrapping from the last to the first.\n // /\\ Not relevant for this component, this is ONLY FOR MENU, not for MENUBARS\n\n // [X] When focus is in a menu and on a menuitem that has a submenu, opens the submenu and places focus on its first item.\n // [N/A] When focus is in a menu and on an item that does not have a submenu, performs the following 3 actions:\n // [N/A] Closes the submenu and any parent menus.\n // [N/A] Moves focus to the next item in the menubar.\n // /\\ Not relevant for this component, this is ONLY FOR MENU, not for MENUBARS\n\n // [X] If focus is now on a menuitem with a submenu, either:\n // [X] (Recommended) opens the submenu of that menuitem without moving focus into the submenu,\n // /\\ we choose the recommended option\n // OR\n // [N/A] opens the submenu of that menuitem and places focus on the first item in the submenu.\n // ***********************************************************\n // Dimsum implements IoC, if APP side for whatever reason wants to open the new sub sub menu,\n // it's up to them to listen to the pseudo focus event and open the sub sub menu\n // ***********************************************************\n if (isWithSubmenuNode(pseudoFocusedItemNode)) {\n openSubmenu({ itemNode: pseudoFocusedItemNode, event });\n trackFocusFirstChildItem(pseudoFocusedItemNode);\n return;\n }\n // Note that if the menubar were not present, e.g., the menus were opened from a menubutton,\n // Right Arrow would not do anything when focus is on an item that does not have a submenu.\n return;\n },\n [openSubmenu, trackFocusFirstChildItem],\n );\n\n const handleMenuItemLeftArrowKeyDown = React.useCallback(\n ({ pseudoFocusedItemNode, event }: ItemKeydownHelpersArgs) => {\n // Left Arrow:\n // [N/A] When focus is in a menubar, moves focus to the previous item, optionally wrapping from the first to the last.\n // /\\ Not relevant for this component, this is ONLY FOR MENU, not for MENUBARS\n\n // [X] When focus is in a submenu of an item in a menu, closes the submenu and returns focus to the parent menuitem.\n const { currentSubmenuWasMainMenu } = closeCurrentSubmenu({ itemNode: pseudoFocusedItemNode, event });\n if (!currentSubmenuWasMainMenu) {\n trackFocusParentItem(pseudoFocusedItemNode);\n }\n\n // [N/A] When focus is in a submenu of an item in a menubar, performs the following 3 actions:\n // [N/A] Closes the submenu.\n // [N/A] Moves focus to the previous item in the menubar.\n // [N/A] If focus is now on a menuitem with a submenu, either:\n // (Recommended) opens the submenu of that menuitem without moving focus into the submenu,\n // or\n // opens the submenu of that menuitem and places focus on the first item in the submenu.\n // /\\ Not relevant for this component, this is ONLY FOR MENU, not for MENUBARS\n },\n [closeCurrentSubmenu, trackFocusParentItem],\n );\n\n const handleFocusableMenuItemKeyDown = React.useCallback<React.KeyboardEventHandler<HTMLDivElement>>(\n (event) => {\n const pseudoFocusedItemNode = focusedElementItemNode.current;\n // if there is no focused item, we can't handle the logics\n if (pseudoFocusedItemNode === null) throw UNEXPECTED_INTERNAL_ERRORS.FOCUSED_ITEM_NODE_NOT_SET;\n // if the item contains an `onKeyDown` prop, we trigger it\n if (pseudoFocusedItemNode.plainItem.onKeyDown) pseudoFocusedItemNode.plainItem.onKeyDown(event);\n\n // Down Arrow:\n // [N/A] When focus is on a menuitem in a menubar, and that menuitem has a submenu, opens the submenu and places focus on the first item in the submenu.\n // /\\ Not relevant for this component, this is ONLY FOR MENU, not for MENUBARS\n // [X] When focus is in a menu, moves focus to the next item,\n // [X] optionally wrapping from the last to the first.\n if (event.key === 'ArrowDown') {\n event?.preventDefault(); // if scrollbar are present, this keydown event should not interact with the scrollbar\n trackFocusNextItem(pseudoFocusedItemNode);\n return;\n }\n // Up Arrow:\n // [X] When focus is in a menu, moves focus to the previous item,\n // [X] optionally wrapping from the first to the last.\n // [N/A] (Optional): When focus is on a menuitem in a menubar, and that menuitem has a submenu, opens the submenu and places focus on the last item in the submenu.\n // /\\ Not relevant for this component, this is ONLY FOR MENU, not for MENUBARS\n if (event.key === 'ArrowUp') {\n event?.preventDefault(); // if scrollbar are present, this keydown event should not interact with the scrollbar\n trackFocusPreviousItem(pseudoFocusedItemNode);\n return;\n }\n // Left Arrow:\n if (event.key === 'ArrowLeft') {\n event?.preventDefault(); // if scrollbar are present, this keydown event should not interact with the scrollbar\n handleMenuItemLeftArrowKeyDown({ pseudoFocusedItemNode, event });\n return;\n }\n // Home: If arrow key wrapping is not supported, moves focus to the first item in the current menu or menubar.\n if (event.key === 'Home') {\n if (!pseudoFocusedItemNode.parent) {\n console.log('handleFocusableMenuItemKeyDown -> Home > focused item node', pseudoFocusedItemNode);\n // should be impossible, at most the .parent is the root node, which is not able to trigger this event\n throw UNEXPECTED_INTERNAL_ERRORS.FOCUSED_ITEM_HAS_NO_PARENT;\n }\n trackFocusFirstChildItem(pseudoFocusedItemNode.parent);\n return;\n }\n // End: If arrow key wrapping is not supported, moves focus to the last item in the current menu or menubar.\n if (event.key === 'End') {\n if (!pseudoFocusedItemNode.parent) {\n console.log('handleFocusableMenuItemKeyDown -> Home > focused item node', pseudoFocusedItemNode);\n // should be impossible, at most the .parent is the root node, which is not able to trigger this event\n throw UNEXPECTED_INTERNAL_ERRORS.FOCUSED_ITEM_HAS_NO_PARENT;\n }\n trackFocusLastChildItem(pseudoFocusedItemNode.parent);\n return;\n }\n // Escape: Close the menu that contains focus and return focus to the element or context, e.g., menu button or parent menuitem, from which the menu was opened\n if (event.key === 'Escape') {\n const { currentSubmenuWasMainMenu } = closeCurrentSubmenu({ itemNode: pseudoFocusedItemNode, event });\n trackFocusParentItem(pseudoFocusedItemNode);\n // if the menu we are trying to close is the main menu, we adittionally close the main menu itself\n if (currentSubmenuWasMainMenu) {\n // if parent is the root node, we close also the main menu\n onOpinionatedClose();\n }\n return;\n }\n /* ************************************************************************************\n * ******* ACTIVATION & SUBMENU keys doesn't apply if the item is \"disabled\" **********\n * ************************************************************************************ */\n if (pseudoFocusedItemNode.plainItem.disabled) return;\n // Enter:\n if (event.key === 'Enter') {\n handleMenuItemEnterKeyDown({ pseudoFocusedItemNode, event });\n return;\n }\n // Space:\n if (event.key === ' ') {\n event?.preventDefault(); // if scrollbar are present, this keydown event should not interact with the scrollbar\n handleMenuItemSpaceKeyDown({ pseudoFocusedItemNode, event });\n return;\n }\n // Right Arrow:\n if (event.key === 'ArrowRight') {\n event?.preventDefault(); // if scrollbar are present, this keydown event should not interact with the scrollbar\n handleMenuItemRightArrowKeyDown({ pseudoFocusedItemNode, event });\n return;\n }\n },\n [\n focusedElementItemNode,\n handleMenuItemEnterKeyDown,\n handleMenuItemSpaceKeyDown,\n trackFocusNextItem,\n trackFocusPreviousItem,\n handleMenuItemRightArrowKeyDown,\n handleMenuItemLeftArrowKeyDown,\n trackFocusFirstChildItem,\n trackFocusLastChildItem,\n closeCurrentSubmenu,\n trackFocusParentItem,\n onOpinionatedClose,\n ],\n );\n\n const handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter = React.useCallback(\n (itemNode: DSMenuButtonT.PseudoFocusableMenuNodes, event: React.MouseEvent) => {\n if (!isFocusableNode(itemNode)) {\n console.log('handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter > itemNode:', itemNode);\n throw FORBIDDEN_BEHAVIOURS.TRYING_TO_FOCUS_NON_FOCUSABLE_NODE;\n }\n // on hover -> we track the hovered item as the focused one on top of which events should work on\n trackFocusNode(itemNode);\n if (!isWithSubmenuNode(itemNode)) {\n // if the item has nosubmenu we close all the siblings submenus\n const subMenuNodesPath = getSubMenusPath(itemNode);\n const metainfo: SubmenuChangeMetainfo = { itemNode, event };\n const newOpenedItems: DSMenuButtonT.WithSubmenuMenuNodes[] = [...subMenuNodesPath];\n handleChangeOpenedSubItems(newOpenedItems, metainfo);\n return;\n }\n // if the item is disabled, we don't open the submenu\n if (itemNode.plainItem.disabled) return;\n // if not disabled and it has a submenu, we open it\n openSubmenu({ itemNode, event });\n },\n [handleChangeOpenedSubItems, openSubmenu, trackFocusNode],\n );\n\n const handleFocusableMenuItemClick = React.useCallback(\n (event: React.MouseEvent<HTMLDivElement>) => {\n const pseudoFocusedItemNode = focusedElementItemNode.current;\n if (pseudoFocusedItemNode === null) throw UNEXPECTED_INTERNAL_ERRORS.FOCUSED_ITEM_NODE_NOT_SET;\n // if the item is disabled, we don't do anything\n if (pseudoFocusedItemNode.plainItem.disabled) return;\n // we need to handle which submenu needs to close automagically based on the click\n // starting from the itemNode, we check:\n // - the parent of the itemNode is root?\n // - yes -> we close all the submenus\n const parentMenuNode = pseudoFocusedItemNode.parent;\n if (isRootNode(parentMenuNode)) {\n const metainfo: SubmenuChangeMetainfo = { itemNode: pseudoFocusedItemNode, event };\n const newOpenedItems: DSMenuButtonT.WithSubmenuMenuNodes[] = [];\n handleChangeOpenedSubItems(newOpenedItems, metainfo);\n } else {\n // - no -> we close all the submenus that are not in the path to the root of the itemNode\n // this is necessary on click because the user can still interact with other (visual) depths of the menu\n // during keyboard navigation, the user is limited to the current (visual) depth\n const newOpenedItems: DSMenuButtonT.WithSubmenuMenuNodes[] = [...getSubMenusPath(pseudoFocusedItemNode)];\n // - if the clicked node has a submenu, keep it open\n if (isWithSubmenuNode(pseudoFocusedItemNode)) {\n newOpenedItems.push(pseudoFocusedItemNode);\n }\n const metainfo: SubmenuChangeMetainfo = { itemNode: pseudoFocusedItemNode, event };\n handleChangeOpenedSubItems(newOpenedItems, metainfo);\n }\n\n // to all effects and purposes, the click event is the same as the space key\n // the main difference between enter and space is that\n // - enter ALWAYS closes the menu excepts for submenus\n // - space closes the menu if \"activable\", selections doesn't, submenus doesn't\n handleMenuItemSpaceKeyDown({ pseudoFocusedItemNode, event });\n // if the item contains an `onClick` prop, we trigger it\n if (pseudoFocusedItemNode.plainItem.onClick) pseudoFocusedItemNode.plainItem.onClick(event);\n },\n [focusedElementItemNode, handleMenuItemSpaceKeyDown, handleChangeOpenedSubItems],\n );\n\n return React.useMemo(\n () => ({\n handleFocusableMenuItemKeyDown,\n handleFocusableMenuItemClick,\n handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter,\n }),\n [handleFocusableMenuItemClick, handleFocusableMenuItemKeyDown, handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter],\n );\n};\n"],
+ "sourcesContent": ["import * as React from 'react';\nexport { React };\n", "/* eslint-disable no-console */\n/* eslint-disable max-lines */\n// in this files the returns are not useless, they are used to clearly demark the intended behavior shortcircuit for the next developer that reads the code\n/* eslint-disable no-useless-return */\n/* eslint-disable complexity */\n/* eslint-disable max-statements */\nimport React from 'react';\nimport { type DSMenuButtonT } from '../../../react-desc-prop-types.js';\nimport {\n isFocusableNode,\n isMultipleSelectNode,\n isRootNode,\n isSingleSelectNode,\n isWithSubmenuNode,\n isWithSubmenuOnlyNode,\n} from '../../../utils/nodesTypeguardsAndGetters.js';\nimport { FORBIDDEN_BEHAVIOURS, UNEXPECTED_INTERNAL_ERRORS } from '../constants/Errors.js';\nimport { type DSMenuBehaviouralContextProviderT } from '../react-desc-prop-types.js';\nimport { getNewSelectionMultipleSelect } from '../utils/multipleSelectionHelpers.js';\nimport { getSubMenusPath } from '../utils/nodeGettersByCriterias.js';\nimport { getNewSelectionSingleSelect } from '../utils/singleSelectionHelpers.js';\nimport type { useFocusTracker } from './useFocusTracker.js';\nimport type { useMenuOpenStatus } from './useMenuOpenStatus.js';\n\ntype ItemKeydownHelpersArgs = {\n pseudoFocusedItemNode: DSMenuButtonT.PseudoFocusableMenuNodes;\n event?: React.KeyboardEvent | React.MouseEvent;\n};\ntype SubmenuChangeMetainfo = {\n itemNode: DSMenuButtonT.PseudoFocusableMenuNodes;\n event?: React.SyntheticEvent;\n};\n\ntype UseMenuItemEventsHandlersConfig = {\n propsWithDefault: DSMenuBehaviouralContextProviderT.InternalProps;\n focusTrackers: ReturnType<typeof useFocusTracker>;\n menuOpenStatus: ReturnType<typeof useMenuOpenStatus>;\n handleChangeOpenedSubItems: Required<DSMenuButtonT.MenuBehaviouralLayerOptionalProps>['onDisplayedSubmenuChange'];\n};\n\nexport const useMenuItemEventsHandlers = ({\n propsWithDefault,\n focusTrackers,\n menuOpenStatus,\n handleChangeOpenedSubItems,\n}: UseMenuItemEventsHandlersConfig) => {\n const { onItemSelected, onActivateItem, selectedItems } = propsWithDefault;\n const { onOpinionatedClose } = menuOpenStatus;\n const {\n trackFocusFirstChildItem,\n trackFocusLastChildItem,\n trackFocusNextItem,\n trackFocusPreviousItem,\n trackFocusParentItem,\n trackFocusNode,\n focusedElementItemNode,\n } = focusTrackers;\n\n const openSubmenu = React.useCallback(\n ({\n itemNode,\n event,\n }: {\n itemNode: DSMenuButtonT.WithSubmenuMenuNodes;\n event?: React.KeyboardEvent | React.MouseEvent | React.FocusEvent;\n }) => {\n if (!isWithSubmenuNode(itemNode)) {\n console.log('openSubmenu -> itemNode:', itemNode);\n throw FORBIDDEN_BEHAVIOURS.TRYING_TO_OPEN_SUBMENU_OF_NODE_WITHOUT_SUBMENU;\n }\n const subMenuNodesPath = getSubMenusPath(itemNode);\n const metainfo: SubmenuChangeMetainfo = { itemNode, event };\n const newOpenedItems: DSMenuButtonT.WithSubmenuMenuNodes[] = [...subMenuNodesPath, itemNode];\n handleChangeOpenedSubItems(newOpenedItems, metainfo);\n },\n [handleChangeOpenedSubItems],\n );\n const closeCurrentSubmenu = React.useCallback(\n ({\n itemNode,\n event,\n }: {\n itemNode: DSMenuButtonT.PseudoFocusableMenuNodes;\n event?: React.KeyboardEvent | React.MouseEvent;\n }) => {\n const metainfo: SubmenuChangeMetainfo = { itemNode, event };\n const subMenuNodesPath = getSubMenusPath(itemNode);\n // if length is 0, it means the parent is the root node, so we close all the submenus\n if (subMenuNodesPath.length === 0) {\n handleChangeOpenedSubItems([], metainfo);\n return { currentSubmenuWasMainMenu: true };\n }\n\n // we want to close current submenu, so we pop the last element\n // getSubMenusPath guarantees the order by walkParents + reverse at the end\n subMenuNodesPath.pop();\n handleChangeOpenedSubItems(subMenuNodesPath, metainfo);\n return { currentSubmenuWasMainMenu: false };\n },\n [handleChangeOpenedSubItems],\n );\n /*\n * 13th August 2024:\n * https://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/apg/patterns/menu-button/\n * Additional roles, states, and properties needed for the menu element are described in the Menu and Menubar Pattern.\n * https://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/apg/patterns/menubar/\n * Because menubar and menu elements are composite widgets as described in the practice for Keyboard Navigation Inside Components,\n * Tab and Shift + Tab do not move focus among the items in the menu.\n * Instead, the keyboard commands described in this section enable users to move focus among the elements in a menubar or menu.\n * Tab and Shift + Tab:\n * - Move focus into a menubar <- Not relevant for this component, this is ONLY FOR MENU, not for MENUBARS\n * - When focus is on a menuitem in a menu or menubar, move focus out of the menu or menubar, and close all menus and submenus.\n * ************************************************************************************************************************************\n * this will be implemented by not setting document.activeElement to the menuitem but keeping it on the trigger button\n * why? because there is no javascript API to trigger a \"tab\"/\"shift+tab\" navigation and any algorithm trying to do so is fragile\n * also, this is enforced by w3.org too as per:\n * ************************************************************************************************************************************\n * Note that Tab and Shift + Tab do not move focus into a menu.\n * Unlike a menubar, a menu is not visually persistent,\n * and authors are responsible for ensuring focus moves to an item inside of a menu when the menu opens.\n *\n */\n const handleMenuItemEnterKeyDown = React.useCallback(\n ({ pseudoFocusedItemNode, event }: ItemKeydownHelpersArgs) => {\n // Enter:\n // - When focus is on a menuitem that has a submenu, opens the submenu and places focus on its first item.\n // ...\n if (isWithSubmenuOnlyNode(pseudoFocusedItemNode)) {\n openSubmenu({ itemNode: pseudoFocusedItemNode, event });\n trackFocusFirstChildItem(pseudoFocusedItemNode);\n } else {\n // - Otherwise, activates the item...\n\n // ----------------------------------\n // 4. Although it is recommended that authors avoid doing so,\n // some implementations of navigation menubars may have menuitem elements that both perform a function and open a submenu.\n // In such implementations, Enter and Space perform a navigation function,\n // e.g., load new content, while Down Arrow, in a horizontal menubar, opens the submenu associated with that same menuitem.\n // ---------------------------------\n // Based on an investigation, the above statement is not specific to \"navigation\" nor to ONLY \"menubars\", it really is about \"menuitems\" in general\n // as long as the role=\"menuitem\" & aria-haspopup=\"${id-of-the-submenu}\" & aria-expanded=\"${true/false}\" (& aria-orientation=\"vertical/horizontal\" if non-default)\n // are set, the Screen Readers will provide the same announcement for the menuitem regardless of the parent role\n\n // \"activation\" is a concept,\n // WCAG here implies that for menuitemscheckbox and menuitemsradio this triggers the selection\n // for menuitems (that doesn't fit selection nor submenus) it triggers the action\n // this also triggers enter -> single-select-item-with-submenu as expected\n if (isMultipleSelectNode(pseudoFocusedItemNode)) {\n // https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/release-notes/typescript-2-0.html#non-null-assertion-operator\n // useAdvancedValidation guarantees the non-null in this \"if\" branch\n const newSelection = getNewSelectionMultipleSelect(selectedItems!, pseudoFocusedItemNode);\n onItemSelected!(newSelection, { itemNode: pseudoFocusedItemNode, event });\n } else if (isSingleSelectNode(pseudoFocusedItemNode)) {\n // https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/release-notes/typescript-2-0.html#non-null-assertion-operator\n // useAdvancedValidation guarantees the non-null in this \"if\" branch\n const newSelection = getNewSelectionSingleSelect(selectedItems!, pseudoFocusedItemNode);\n onItemSelected!(newSelection, { itemNode: pseudoFocusedItemNode, event });\n } else {\n // https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/release-notes/typescript-2-0.html#non-null-assertion-operator\n // useAdvancedValidation guarantees the non-null in this \"if\" branch\n onActivateItem!(pseudoFocusedItemNode, { itemNode: pseudoFocusedItemNode, event });\n }\n // ... and closes the menu.\n const metainfo: SubmenuChangeMetainfo = { itemNode: pseudoFocusedItemNode, event };\n const newOpenedItems: DSMenuButtonT.WithSubmenuMenuNodes[] = [];\n handleChangeOpenedSubItems(newOpenedItems, metainfo);\n onOpinionatedClose();\n }\n },\n [\n trackFocusFirstChildItem,\n openSubmenu,\n handleChangeOpenedSubItems,\n onOpinionatedClose,\n selectedItems,\n onItemSelected,\n onActivateItem,\n ],\n );\n const handleMenuItemSpaceKeyDown = React.useCallback(\n ({ pseudoFocusedItemNode, event }: ItemKeydownHelpersArgs) => {\n // Space:\n // [X] (Optional): When focus is on a menuitem that has a submenu, opens the submenu and places focus on its first item.\n // ----------------------------------\n // 4. Although it is recommended that authors avoid doing so,\n // some implementations of navigation menubars may have menuitem elements that both perform a function and open a submenu.\n // In such implementations, Enter and Space perform a navigation function,\n // e.g., load new content, while Down Arrow, in a horizontal menubar, opens the submenu associated with that same menuitem.\n // ---------------------------------\n // Based on an investigation, the above statement is not specific to \"navigation\" nor to ONLY \"menubars\", it really is about \"menuitems\" in general\n // as long as the role=\"menuitem\" & aria-haspopup=\"${id-of-the-submenu}\" & aria-expanded=\"${true/false}\" (& aria-orientation=\"vertical/horizontal\" if non-default)\n // are set, the Screen Readers will provide the same announcement for the menuitem regardless of the parent role\n if (isWithSubmenuOnlyNode(pseudoFocusedItemNode)) {\n openSubmenu({ itemNode: pseudoFocusedItemNode, event });\n trackFocusFirstChildItem(pseudoFocusedItemNode);\n return;\n }\n // [X] (Optional): When focus is on a menuitemcheckbox, changes the state without closing the menu.\n if (isMultipleSelectNode(pseudoFocusedItemNode)) {\n // https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/release-notes/typescript-2-0.html#non-null-assertion-operator\n // useAdvancedValidation guarantees the non-null in this \"if\" branch\n const newSelection = getNewSelectionMultipleSelect(selectedItems!, pseudoFocusedItemNode);\n onItemSelected!(newSelection, { itemNode: pseudoFocusedItemNode, event });\n return;\n }\n // [X] (Optional): When focus is on a menuitemradio that is not checked, without closing the menu,\n // checks the focused menuitemradio and unchecks any other checked menuitemradio element in the same group.\n if (isSingleSelectNode(pseudoFocusedItemNode)) {\n // https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/release-notes/typescript-2-0.html#non-null-assertion-operator\n // useAdvancedValidation guarantees the non-null in this \"if\" branch\n const newSelection = getNewSelectionSingleSelect(selectedItems!, pseudoFocusedItemNode);\n onItemSelected!(newSelection, { itemNode: pseudoFocusedItemNode, event });\n return;\n }\n // [X] (Optional): When focus is on a menuitem that does not have a submenu, activates the menuitem and closes the menu.\n onActivateItem?.(pseudoFocusedItemNode, { itemNode: pseudoFocusedItemNode, event });\n\n const metainfo: SubmenuChangeMetainfo = { itemNode: pseudoFocusedItemNode, event };\n const newOpenedItems: DSMenuButtonT.WithSubmenuMenuNodes[] = [];\n handleChangeOpenedSubItems(newOpenedItems, metainfo);\n onOpinionatedClose();\n },\n [\n onActivateItem,\n handleChangeOpenedSubItems,\n onOpinionatedClose,\n trackFocusFirstChildItem,\n openSubmenu,\n selectedItems,\n onItemSelected,\n ],\n );\n const handleMenuItemRightArrowKeyDown = React.useCallback(\n ({ pseudoFocusedItemNode, event }: ItemKeydownHelpersArgs) => {\n // Right Arrow:\n // [N/A] When focus is in a menubar, moves focus to the next item, optionally wrapping from the last to the first.\n // /\\ Not relevant for this component, this is ONLY FOR MENU, not for MENUBARS\n\n // [X] When focus is in a menu and on a menuitem that has a submenu, opens the submenu and places focus on its first item.\n // [N/A] When focus is in a menu and on an item that does not have a submenu, performs the following 3 actions:\n // [N/A] Closes the submenu and any parent menus.\n // [N/A] Moves focus to the next item in the menubar.\n // /\\ Not relevant for this component, this is ONLY FOR MENU, not for MENUBARS\n\n // [X] If focus is now on a menuitem with a submenu, either:\n // [X] (Recommended) opens the submenu of that menuitem without moving focus into the submenu,\n // /\\ we choose the recommended option\n // OR\n // [N/A] opens the submenu of that menuitem and places focus on the first item in the submenu.\n // ***********************************************************\n // Dimsum implements IoC, if APP side for whatever reason wants to open the new sub sub menu,\n // it's up to them to listen to the pseudo focus event and open the sub sub menu\n // ***********************************************************\n if (isWithSubmenuNode(pseudoFocusedItemNode)) {\n openSubmenu({ itemNode: pseudoFocusedItemNode, event });\n trackFocusFirstChildItem(pseudoFocusedItemNode);\n return;\n }\n // Note that if the menubar were not present, e.g., the menus were opened from a menubutton,\n // Right Arrow would not do anything when focus is on an item that does not have a submenu.\n return;\n },\n [openSubmenu, trackFocusFirstChildItem],\n );\n\n const handleMenuItemLeftArrowKeyDown = React.useCallback(\n ({ pseudoFocusedItemNode, event }: ItemKeydownHelpersArgs) => {\n // Left Arrow:\n // [N/A] When focus is in a menubar, moves focus to the previous item, optionally wrapping from the first to the last.\n // /\\ Not relevant for this component, this is ONLY FOR MENU, not for MENUBARS\n\n // [X] When focus is in a submenu of an item in a menu, closes the submenu and returns focus to the parent menuitem.\n const { currentSubmenuWasMainMenu } = closeCurrentSubmenu({ itemNode: pseudoFocusedItemNode, event });\n if (!currentSubmenuWasMainMenu) {\n trackFocusParentItem(pseudoFocusedItemNode);\n }\n\n // [N/A] When focus is in a submenu of an item in a menubar, performs the following 3 actions:\n // [N/A] Closes the submenu.\n // [N/A] Moves focus to the previous item in the menubar.\n // [N/A] If focus is now on a menuitem with a submenu, either:\n // (Recommended) opens the submenu of that menuitem without moving focus into the submenu,\n // or\n // opens the submenu of that menuitem and places focus on the first item in the submenu.\n // /\\ Not relevant for this component, this is ONLY FOR MENU, not for MENUBARS\n },\n [closeCurrentSubmenu, trackFocusParentItem],\n );\n\n const handleFocusableMenuItemKeyDown = React.useCallback<React.KeyboardEventHandler<HTMLDivElement>>(\n (event) => {\n const pseudoFocusedItemNode = focusedElementItemNode.current;\n // if there is no focused item, we can't handle the logics\n if (pseudoFocusedItemNode === null) throw UNEXPECTED_INTERNAL_ERRORS.FOCUSED_ITEM_NODE_NOT_SET;\n // if the item contains an `onKeyDown` prop, we trigger it\n if (pseudoFocusedItemNode.plainItem.onKeyDown) pseudoFocusedItemNode.plainItem.onKeyDown(event);\n\n // Down Arrow:\n // [N/A] When focus is on a menuitem in a menubar, and that menuitem has a submenu, opens the submenu and places focus on the first item in the submenu.\n // /\\ Not relevant for this component, this is ONLY FOR MENU, not for MENUBARS\n // [X] When focus is in a menu, moves focus to the next item,\n // [X] optionally wrapping from the last to the first.\n if (event.key === 'ArrowDown') {\n event?.preventDefault(); // if scrollbar are present, this keydown event should not interact with the scrollbar\n trackFocusNextItem(pseudoFocusedItemNode);\n return;\n }\n // Up Arrow:\n // [X] When focus is in a menu, moves focus to the previous item,\n // [X] optionally wrapping from the first to the last.\n // [N/A] (Optional): When focus is on a menuitem in a menubar, and that menuitem has a submenu, opens the submenu and places focus on the last item in the submenu.\n // /\\ Not relevant for this component, this is ONLY FOR MENU, not for MENUBARS\n if (event.key === 'ArrowUp') {\n event?.preventDefault(); // if scrollbar are present, this keydown event should not interact with the scrollbar\n trackFocusPreviousItem(pseudoFocusedItemNode);\n return;\n }\n // Left Arrow:\n if (event.key === 'ArrowLeft') {\n event?.preventDefault(); // if scrollbar are present, this keydown event should not interact with the scrollbar\n handleMenuItemLeftArrowKeyDown({ pseudoFocusedItemNode, event });\n return;\n }\n // Home: If arrow key wrapping is not supported, moves focus to the first item in the current menu or menubar.\n if (event.key === 'Home') {\n if (!pseudoFocusedItemNode.parent) {\n console.log('handleFocusableMenuItemKeyDown -> Home > focused item node', pseudoFocusedItemNode);\n // should be impossible, at most the .parent is the root node, which is not able to trigger this event\n throw UNEXPECTED_INTERNAL_ERRORS.FOCUSED_ITEM_HAS_NO_PARENT;\n }\n trackFocusFirstChildItem(pseudoFocusedItemNode.parent);\n return;\n }\n // End: If arrow key wrapping is not supported, moves focus to the last item in the current menu or menubar.\n if (event.key === 'End') {\n if (!pseudoFocusedItemNode.parent) {\n console.log('handleFocusableMenuItemKeyDown -> Home > focused item node', pseudoFocusedItemNode);\n // should be impossible, at most the .parent is the root node, which is not able to trigger this event\n throw UNEXPECTED_INTERNAL_ERRORS.FOCUSED_ITEM_HAS_NO_PARENT;\n }\n trackFocusLastChildItem(pseudoFocusedItemNode.parent);\n return;\n }\n // Escape: Close the menu that contains focus and return focus to the element or context, e.g., menu button or parent menuitem, from which the menu was opened\n if (event.key === 'Escape') {\n const { currentSubmenuWasMainMenu } = closeCurrentSubmenu({ itemNode: pseudoFocusedItemNode, event });\n trackFocusParentItem(pseudoFocusedItemNode);\n // if the menu we are trying to close is the main menu, we adittionally close the main menu itself\n if (currentSubmenuWasMainMenu) {\n // if parent is the root node, we close also the main menu\n onOpinionatedClose();\n }\n return;\n }\n /* ************************************************************************************\n * ******* ACTIVATION & SUBMENU keys doesn't apply if the item is \"disabled\" **********\n * ************************************************************************************ */\n if (pseudoFocusedItemNode.plainItem.disabled) return;\n // Enter:\n if (event.key === 'Enter') {\n handleMenuItemEnterKeyDown({ pseudoFocusedItemNode, event });\n return;\n }\n // Space:\n if (event.key === ' ') {\n event?.preventDefault(); // if scrollbar are present, this keydown event should not interact with the scrollbar\n handleMenuItemSpaceKeyDown({ pseudoFocusedItemNode, event });\n return;\n }\n // Right Arrow:\n if (event.key === 'ArrowRight') {\n event?.preventDefault(); // if scrollbar are present, this keydown event should not interact with the scrollbar\n handleMenuItemRightArrowKeyDown({ pseudoFocusedItemNode, event });\n return;\n }\n },\n [\n focusedElementItemNode,\n handleMenuItemEnterKeyDown,\n handleMenuItemSpaceKeyDown,\n trackFocusNextItem,\n trackFocusPreviousItem,\n handleMenuItemRightArrowKeyDown,\n handleMenuItemLeftArrowKeyDown,\n trackFocusFirstChildItem,\n trackFocusLastChildItem,\n closeCurrentSubmenu,\n trackFocusParentItem,\n onOpinionatedClose,\n ],\n );\n const handleFocusableMenuItemClick = React.useCallback(\n (event: React.MouseEvent<HTMLDivElement>) => {\n const pseudoFocusedItemNode = focusedElementItemNode.current;\n if (pseudoFocusedItemNode === null) throw UNEXPECTED_INTERNAL_ERRORS.FOCUSED_ITEM_NODE_NOT_SET;\n // if the item is disabled, we don't do anything\n if (pseudoFocusedItemNode.plainItem.disabled) return;\n // we need to handle which submenu needs to close automagically based on the click\n // starting from the itemNode, we check:\n // - the parent of the itemNode is root?\n // - yes -> we close all the submenus\n const parentMenuNode = pseudoFocusedItemNode.parent;\n if (isRootNode(parentMenuNode)) {\n const metainfo: SubmenuChangeMetainfo = { itemNode: pseudoFocusedItemNode, event };\n const newOpenedItems: DSMenuButtonT.WithSubmenuMenuNodes[] = [];\n handleChangeOpenedSubItems(newOpenedItems, metainfo);\n } else {\n // - no -> we close all the submenus that are not in the path to the root of the itemNode\n // this is necessary on click because the user can still interact with other (visual) depths of the menu\n // during keyboard navigation, the user is limited to the current (visual) depth\n const newOpenedItems: DSMenuButtonT.WithSubmenuMenuNodes[] = [...getSubMenusPath(pseudoFocusedItemNode)];\n // - if the clicked node has a submenu, keep it open\n if (isWithSubmenuNode(pseudoFocusedItemNode)) {\n newOpenedItems.push(pseudoFocusedItemNode);\n }\n const metainfo: SubmenuChangeMetainfo = { itemNode: pseudoFocusedItemNode, event };\n handleChangeOpenedSubItems(newOpenedItems, metainfo);\n }\n\n // to all effects and purposes, the click event is the same as the space key\n // the main difference between enter and space is that\n // - enter ALWAYS closes the menu excepts for submenus\n // - space closes the menu if \"activable\", selections doesn't, submenus doesn't\n handleMenuItemSpaceKeyDown({ pseudoFocusedItemNode, event });\n // if the item contains an `onClick` prop, we trigger it\n if (pseudoFocusedItemNode.plainItem.onClick) pseudoFocusedItemNode.plainItem.onClick(event);\n },\n [focusedElementItemNode, handleMenuItemSpaceKeyDown, handleChangeOpenedSubItems],\n );\n\n // the \"menu-button\" widget is an opinionated widget with a specific behaviour to follow when a focusable item is \"focused\"\n // this function achieve the opinionated \"focus an item\" opinionated behaviour (regardless of why the item is focused)\n const opinionatedFocusBehaviour = React.useCallback(\n // we currently know only one \"event\" that can trigger this opinionated behaviour\n // - focus => React.FocusEvent <-- triggered by ATs \"focus mode\" or \"virtual cursor\" navigation\n // NOTE:\n // mouseEnter => React.MouseEvent\n // still ends up calling this function, but as a side effect of mouse-enter focusing the item, not as the main event\n (itemNode: DSMenuButtonT.PseudoFocusableMenuNodes, event: React.FocusEvent) => {\n if (!isFocusableNode(itemNode)) {\n console.log('handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter > itemNode:', itemNode);\n throw FORBIDDEN_BEHAVIOURS.TRYING_TO_FOCUS_NON_FOCUSABLE_NODE;\n }\n // on hover -> we track the hovered item as the focused one on top of which events should work on\n trackFocusNode(itemNode);\n if (!isWithSubmenuNode(itemNode)) {\n // if the item has nosubmenu we close all the siblings submenus\n const subMenuNodesPath = getSubMenusPath(itemNode);\n const metainfo: SubmenuChangeMetainfo = { itemNode, event };\n const newOpenedItems: DSMenuButtonT.WithSubmenuMenuNodes[] = [...subMenuNodesPath];\n handleChangeOpenedSubItems(newOpenedItems, metainfo);\n return;\n }\n // if the item is disabled, we don't open the submenu, and there is nothing else to do\n if (itemNode.plainItem.disabled) return;\n // if not disabled and it has a submenu, we open it, and there is nothing else to do\n openSubmenu({ itemNode, event });\n },\n [handleChangeOpenedSubItems, openSubmenu, trackFocusNode],\n );\n\n // when an item is hovered, we focus it\n // this effectively achieves:\n // - the item is focused (it trigger the handleFocusableMenuItemNativeFocusEvent function because render runs node.focus())\n // - if the user presses a keyboard key, the interaction will work starting from the (hovered hence focused) item\n const handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter = React.useCallback(\n (itemNode: DSMenuButtonT.PseudoFocusableMenuNodes) => {\n if (!isFocusableNode(itemNode)) {\n console.log('handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter > itemNode:', itemNode);\n throw FORBIDDEN_BEHAVIOURS.TRYING_TO_FOCUS_NON_FOCUSABLE_NODE;\n }\n // on hover -> we track the hovered item as the focused one on top of which events should work on\n trackFocusNode(itemNode);\n },\n [trackFocusNode],\n );\n\n const handleFocusableMenuItemNativeFocusEvent = React.useCallback(\n (itemNode: DSMenuButtonT.PseudoFocusableMenuNodes, event: React.FocusEvent) => {\n opinionatedFocusBehaviour(itemNode, event);\n },\n [opinionatedFocusBehaviour],\n );\n\n return React.useMemo(\n () => ({\n handleFocusableMenuItemKeyDown,\n handleFocusableMenuItemClick,\n handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter,\n handleFocusableMenuItemNativeFocusEvent,\n }),\n [\n handleFocusableMenuItemClick,\n handleFocusableMenuItemKeyDown,\n handleFocusableMenuItemNativeFocusEvent,\n handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter,\n ],\n );\n};\n"],
  "names": ["React"]
@@ -19,7 +19,8 @@ const ActivableMenuItem = ({
  menuItemEventsHandlers: {
- handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter
+ handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter,
+ handleFocusableMenuItemNativeFocusEvent
  } = React2.useContext(MenuBehaviouralContextProviderContext);
  const gridLayout = React2.useMemo(() => {
@@ -44,11 +45,14 @@ const ActivableMenuItem = ({
  // the logic here actually receives a ref to a HTMLDivElement,
  // but the component must think this is a HTMLLIElement ref callback
- const handleOnMouseEnter = React2.useCallback(
+ const handleOnMouseEnter = React2.useCallback(() => {
+ handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter(itemNode);
+ }, [handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter, itemNode]);
+ const handleOnFocus = React2.useCallback(
  (e) => {
- handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter(itemNode, e);
+ handleFocusableMenuItemNativeFocusEvent(itemNode, e);
- [handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter, itemNode]
+ [handleFocusableMenuItemNativeFocusEvent, itemNode]
  const spacelessDsIdForDom = `ds-menu-item-${`${dsId}`.replace(/\s/g, "")}`;
  return /* @__PURE__ */ jsx(
@@ -58,6 +62,7 @@ const ActivableMenuItem = ({
  onKeyDown: handleFocusableMenuItemKeyDown,
  onClick: handleFocusableMenuItemClick,
  onMouseEnter: handleOnMouseEnter,
+ onFocus: handleOnFocus,
  as: "div",
  id: `${spacelessDsIdForDom}`,
  role: "menuitem",
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
  "version": 3,
  "sources": ["../../../../../../../scripts/build/transpile/react-shim.js", "../../../../src/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/ActivableMenuItem.tsx"],
- "sourcesContent": ["import * as React from 'react';\nexport { React };\n", "/* eslint-disable max-lines */\nimport {\n StyleMenuItemLabel,\n StyleMenuItemSecondaryLabel,\n StyledContentWrapper,\n StyledGlobalMenuItemWrapper,\n} from '@elliemae/ds-menu-items-commons';\nimport React from 'react';\nimport type { DSMenuButtonT } from '../../react-desc-prop-types.js';\nimport { MenuBehaviouralContextProviderContext } from '../DSMenuBehaviouralContextProvider/MenuBehaviouralContextProviderCTX.js';\nimport { MENU_FOCUS_REGIONS } from '../DSMenuBehaviouralContextProvider/constants/index.js';\n\nexport const ActivableMenuItem: React.ComponentType<{ itemNode: DSMenuButtonT.MenuNodeActivableItem }> = ({\n itemNode,\n}) => {\n const { dsId, plainItem } = itemNode;\n const { label, secondaryLabel, leftDecoration: LeftDecComponent, minWidth, disabled } = plainItem;\n\n const {\n focusRegion,\n menuItemEventsHandlers: {\n handleFocusableMenuItemKeyDown,\n handleFocusableMenuItemClick,\n handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter,\n },\n } = React.useContext(MenuBehaviouralContextProviderContext);\n\n const gridLayout = React.useMemo(() => {\n const cols = LeftDecComponent ? ['min-content', 'auto'] : ['auto'];\n if (secondaryLabel) cols.push('auto');\n return cols;\n }, [LeftDecComponent, secondaryLabel]);\n\n const focusedRegionPerformanceHelper = React.useRef(focusRegion);\n focusedRegionPerformanceHelper.current = focusRegion;\n\n const isFocused = focusRegion === MENU_FOCUS_REGIONS.ITEM_BY_DSID(dsId);\n\n const handleFocusOnRender = React.useCallback(\n (node: HTMLDivElement) => {\n setTimeout(() => {\n if (node && focusRegion === MENU_FOCUS_REGIONS.ITEM_BY_DSID(dsId)) {\n node.focus();\n }\n });\n },\n // we need to change the callback reference every time the focusRegion changes or else the focus will not be set\n [dsId, focusRegion],\n // we are using the \"as='div'\", typescript is not able to infer the correct type\n // the logic here actually receives a ref to a HTMLDivElement,\n // but the component must think this is a HTMLLIElement ref callback\n ) as unknown as React.RefCallback<HTMLLIElement>;\n const handleOnMouseEnter = React.useCallback<React.MouseEventHandler<HTMLDivElement>>(\n (e) => {\n handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter(itemNode, e);\n },\n [handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter, itemNode],\n );\n\n const spacelessDsIdForDom = `ds-menu-item-${`${dsId}`.replace(/\\s/g, '')}`;\n\n return (\n <StyledGlobalMenuItemWrapper\n innerRef={handleFocusOnRender}\n onKeyDown={handleFocusableMenuItemKeyDown}\n onClick={handleFocusableMenuItemClick}\n onMouseEnter={handleOnMouseEnter}\n as=\"div\"\n id={`${spacelessDsIdForDom}`}\n role=\"menuitem\"\n tabIndex={isFocused ? 0 : -1}\n aria-disabled={disabled}\n applyAriaDisabled={disabled}\n >\n <StyledContentWrapper\n cols={gridLayout}\n minHeight=\"16px\"\n gutter=\"xxs\"\n alignItems=\"center\"\n minWidth={minWidth ?? undefined}\n >\n {LeftDecComponent ? <LeftDecComponent /> : null}\n <StyleMenuItemLabel>{label}</StyleMenuItemLabel>\n {secondaryLabel !== undefined && (\n <StyleMenuItemSecondaryLabel disabled={disabled}>{secondaryLabel}</StyleMenuItemSecondaryLabel>\n )}\n </StyledContentWrapper>\n </StyledGlobalMenuItemWrapper>\n );\n};\n"],
+ "sourcesContent": ["import * as React from 'react';\nexport { React };\n", "/* eslint-disable max-lines */\nimport {\n StyleMenuItemLabel,\n StyleMenuItemSecondaryLabel,\n StyledContentWrapper,\n StyledGlobalMenuItemWrapper,\n} from '@elliemae/ds-menu-items-commons';\nimport React from 'react';\nimport type { DSMenuButtonT } from '../../react-desc-prop-types.js';\nimport { MenuBehaviouralContextProviderContext } from '../DSMenuBehaviouralContextProvider/MenuBehaviouralContextProviderCTX.js';\nimport { MENU_FOCUS_REGIONS } from '../DSMenuBehaviouralContextProvider/constants/index.js';\n\nexport const ActivableMenuItem: React.ComponentType<{ itemNode: DSMenuButtonT.MenuNodeActivableItem }> = ({\n itemNode,\n}) => {\n const { dsId, plainItem } = itemNode;\n const { label, secondaryLabel, leftDecoration: LeftDecComponent, minWidth, disabled } = plainItem;\n\n const {\n focusRegion,\n menuItemEventsHandlers: {\n handleFocusableMenuItemKeyDown,\n handleFocusableMenuItemClick,\n handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter,\n handleFocusableMenuItemNativeFocusEvent,\n },\n } = React.useContext(MenuBehaviouralContextProviderContext);\n\n const gridLayout = React.useMemo(() => {\n const cols = LeftDecComponent ? ['min-content', 'auto'] : ['auto'];\n if (secondaryLabel) cols.push('auto');\n return cols;\n }, [LeftDecComponent, secondaryLabel]);\n\n const focusedRegionPerformanceHelper = React.useRef(focusRegion);\n focusedRegionPerformanceHelper.current = focusRegion;\n\n const isFocused = focusRegion === MENU_FOCUS_REGIONS.ITEM_BY_DSID(dsId);\n\n const handleFocusOnRender = React.useCallback(\n (node: HTMLDivElement) => {\n setTimeout(() => {\n if (node && focusRegion === MENU_FOCUS_REGIONS.ITEM_BY_DSID(dsId)) {\n node.focus();\n }\n });\n },\n // we need to change the callback reference every time the focusRegion changes or else the focus will not be set\n [dsId, focusRegion],\n // we are using the \"as='div'\", typescript is not able to infer the correct type\n // the logic here actually receives a ref to a HTMLDivElement,\n // but the component must think this is a HTMLLIElement ref callback\n ) as unknown as React.RefCallback<HTMLLIElement>;\n const handleOnMouseEnter = React.useCallback<React.MouseEventHandler<HTMLDivElement>>(() => {\n handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter(itemNode);\n }, [handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter, itemNode]);\n const handleOnFocus = React.useCallback<React.FocusEventHandler<HTMLDivElement>>(\n (e) => {\n handleFocusableMenuItemNativeFocusEvent(itemNode, e);\n },\n [handleFocusableMenuItemNativeFocusEvent, itemNode],\n );\n\n const spacelessDsIdForDom = `ds-menu-item-${`${dsId}`.replace(/\\s/g, '')}`;\n\n return (\n <StyledGlobalMenuItemWrapper\n innerRef={handleFocusOnRender}\n onKeyDown={handleFocusableMenuItemKeyDown}\n onClick={handleFocusableMenuItemClick}\n onMouseEnter={handleOnMouseEnter}\n onFocus={handleOnFocus}\n as=\"div\"\n id={`${spacelessDsIdForDom}`}\n role=\"menuitem\"\n tabIndex={isFocused ? 0 : -1}\n aria-disabled={disabled}\n applyAriaDisabled={disabled}\n >\n <StyledContentWrapper\n cols={gridLayout}\n minHeight=\"16px\"\n gutter=\"xxs\"\n alignItems=\"center\"\n minWidth={minWidth ?? undefined}\n >\n {LeftDecComponent ? <LeftDecComponent /> : null}\n <StyleMenuItemLabel>{label}</StyleMenuItemLabel>\n {secondaryLabel !== undefined && (\n <StyleMenuItemSecondaryLabel disabled={disabled}>{secondaryLabel}</StyleMenuItemSecondaryLabel>\n )}\n </StyledContentWrapper>\n </StyledGlobalMenuItemWrapper>\n );\n};\n"],
  "names": ["React"]
@@ -36,7 +36,8 @@ const ActivableWithSubmenuMenuItem = ({ itemNode, FlyoutMenuCircularDepInject })
  menuItemEventsHandlers: {
- handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter
+ handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter,
+ handleFocusableMenuItemNativeFocusEvent
  } = React2.useContext(MenuBehaviouralContextProviderContext);
  const gridLayout = React2.useMemo(() => {
@@ -63,11 +64,14 @@ const ActivableWithSubmenuMenuItem = ({ itemNode, FlyoutMenuCircularDepInject })
  // the logic here actually receives a ref to a HTMLDivElement,
  // but the component must think this is a HTMLLIElement ref callback
- const handleOnMouseEnter = React2.useCallback(
+ const handleOnMouseEnter = React2.useCallback(() => {
+ handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter(itemNode);
+ }, [handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter, itemNode]);
+ const handleOnFocus = React2.useCallback(
  (e) => {
- handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter(itemNode, e);
+ handleFocusableMenuItemNativeFocusEvent(itemNode, e);
- [handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter, itemNode]
+ [handleFocusableMenuItemNativeFocusEvent, itemNode]
  const spacelessDsIdForDom = `ds-menu-item-${`${dsId}`.replace(/\s/g, "")}`;
  return /* @__PURE__ */ jsxs(Fragment, { children: [
@@ -78,6 +82,7 @@ const ActivableWithSubmenuMenuItem = ({ itemNode, FlyoutMenuCircularDepInject })
  onKeyDown: handleFocusableMenuItemKeyDown,
  onClick: handleFocusableMenuItemClick,
  onMouseEnter: handleOnMouseEnter,
+ onFocus: handleOnFocus,
  as: "div",
  id: `${spacelessDsIdForDom}`,
  tabIndex: isFocused ? 0 : -1,
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
  "version": 3,
  "sources": ["../../../../../../../scripts/build/transpile/react-shim.js", "../../../../src/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/ActivableWithSubmenuMenuItem.tsx"],
- "sourcesContent": ["import * as React from 'react';\nexport { React };\n", "/* eslint-disable max-lines */\nimport {\n StyleMenuItemLabel,\n StyleMenuItemSecondaryLabel,\n StyledContentWrapper,\n StyledGlobalMenuItemWrapper,\n} from '@elliemae/ds-menu-items-commons';\nimport React from 'react';\nimport { useFloatingContext, type DSHookFloatingContextT } from '@elliemae/ds-floating-context';\nimport type { DSMenuButtonT } from '../../react-desc-prop-types.js';\nimport { MenuBehaviouralContextProviderContext } from '../DSMenuBehaviouralContextProvider/MenuBehaviouralContextProviderCTX.js';\nimport { MENU_FOCUS_REGIONS } from '../DSMenuBehaviouralContextProvider/constants/index.js';\nimport { type DSMenuItemRendererFactoryT } from './react-desc-prop-types.js';\nconst placementOrderPreference: Required<DSHookFloatingContextT.Props>['placementOrderPreference'] = [\n 'right-start',\n 'right-start',\n 'right',\n 'left-start',\n 'left-end',\n 'left',\n];\nexport const ActivableWithSubmenuMenuItem: React.ComponentType<{\n itemNode: DSMenuButtonT.MenuNodeActivableWithSubmenuItem;\n FlyoutMenuCircularDepInject: DSMenuItemRendererFactoryT.RequiredProps['FlyoutMenuCircularDepInject'];\n}> = ({ itemNode, FlyoutMenuCircularDepInject }) => {\n const { dsId, plainItem } = itemNode;\n const { label, secondaryLabel, leftDecoration: LeftDecComponent, minWidth, disabled } = plainItem;\n const floatingContext = useFloatingContext({\n placement: placementOrderPreference[0],\n placementOrderPreference,\n animationDuration: 100,\n customOffset: [0, 0],\n });\n const {\n refs: { setReference },\n } = floatingContext;\n\n const {\n focusRegion,\n openedSubItems,\n menuItemEventsHandlers: {\n handleFocusableMenuItemKeyDown,\n handleFocusableMenuItemClick,\n handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter,\n },\n } = React.useContext(MenuBehaviouralContextProviderContext);\n\n const gridLayout = React.useMemo(() => {\n const cols = LeftDecComponent ? ['min-content', 'auto'] : ['auto'];\n if (secondaryLabel) cols.push('auto');\n return cols;\n }, [LeftDecComponent, secondaryLabel]);\n\n const focusedRegionPerformanceHelper = React.useRef(focusRegion);\n focusedRegionPerformanceHelper.current = focusRegion;\n\n const isExpanded = openedSubItems.some((itemWithOpenSubmenu) => itemWithOpenSubmenu.dsId === dsId);\n const isFocused = focusRegion === MENU_FOCUS_REGIONS.ITEM_BY_DSID(dsId);\n\n const handleFocusOnRender = React.useCallback(\n (node: HTMLDivElement) => {\n setReference(node);\n setTimeout(() => {\n if (node && focusRegion === MENU_FOCUS_REGIONS.ITEM_BY_DSID(dsId)) {\n node.focus();\n }\n });\n },\n // we need to change the callback reference every time the focusRegion changes or else the focus will not be set\n [dsId, focusRegion, setReference],\n // we are using the \"as='div'\", typescript is not able to infer the correct type\n // the logic here actually receives a ref to a HTMLDivElement,\n // but the component must think this is a HTMLLIElement ref callback\n ) as unknown as React.RefCallback<HTMLLIElement>;\n\n const handleOnMouseEnter = React.useCallback<React.MouseEventHandler<HTMLDivElement>>(\n (e) => {\n handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter(itemNode, e);\n },\n [handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter, itemNode],\n );\n\n const spacelessDsIdForDom = `ds-menu-item-${`${dsId}`.replace(/\\s/g, '')}`;\n return (\n <>\n <StyledGlobalMenuItemWrapper\n innerRef={handleFocusOnRender}\n onKeyDown={handleFocusableMenuItemKeyDown}\n onClick={handleFocusableMenuItemClick}\n onMouseEnter={handleOnMouseEnter}\n as=\"div\"\n id={`${spacelessDsIdForDom}`}\n tabIndex={isFocused ? 0 : -1}\n role=\"menuitem\"\n aria-controls={\n /* ********************************************************************************************************************\n * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Accessibility/ARIA/Attributes/aria-controls\n * The aria-controls only needs to be set when the popup is visible, but it is valid and easier to program to reference an element that is not visible.\n * ********************************************************************************************************************\n * ^^^ some automated tools will mark an error if the aria-controls references an element that does (yet) exist in the DOM\n * so, while technically valid to not check if expanded, we are doing it to avoid automated tools marking an error\n * ******************************************************************************************************************** */\n isExpanded\n ? itemNode.plainChildren.map((child) => `ds-menu-item-${`${child.dsId}`.replace(/\\s/g, '')}`).join(' ')\n : undefined\n }\n aria-haspopup=\"menu\"\n aria-expanded={isExpanded}\n aria-disabled={disabled}\n applyAriaDisabled={disabled}\n >\n <StyledContentWrapper\n cols={gridLayout}\n minHeight=\"16px\"\n gutter=\"xxs\"\n alignItems=\"center\"\n minWidth={minWidth ?? undefined}\n >\n {LeftDecComponent ? <LeftDecComponent /> : null}\n <StyleMenuItemLabel>{label}</StyleMenuItemLabel>\n {secondaryLabel !== undefined && (\n <StyleMenuItemSecondaryLabel disabled={disabled}>{secondaryLabel}</StyleMenuItemSecondaryLabel>\n )}\n </StyledContentWrapper>\n </StyledGlobalMenuItemWrapper>\n <FlyoutMenuCircularDepInject\n isMenuOpen={isExpanded}\n floatingContext={floatingContext.context}\n floatingStyles={floatingContext.floatingStyles}\n setFloatingRef={floatingContext.refs.setFloating}\n itemNode={itemNode}\n />\n </>\n );\n};\n"],
+ "sourcesContent": ["import * as React from 'react';\nexport { React };\n", "/* eslint-disable max-lines */\nimport {\n StyleMenuItemLabel,\n StyleMenuItemSecondaryLabel,\n StyledContentWrapper,\n StyledGlobalMenuItemWrapper,\n} from '@elliemae/ds-menu-items-commons';\nimport React from 'react';\nimport { useFloatingContext, type DSHookFloatingContextT } from '@elliemae/ds-floating-context';\nimport type { DSMenuButtonT } from '../../react-desc-prop-types.js';\nimport { MenuBehaviouralContextProviderContext } from '../DSMenuBehaviouralContextProvider/MenuBehaviouralContextProviderCTX.js';\nimport { MENU_FOCUS_REGIONS } from '../DSMenuBehaviouralContextProvider/constants/index.js';\nimport { type DSMenuItemRendererFactoryT } from './react-desc-prop-types.js';\nconst placementOrderPreference: Required<DSHookFloatingContextT.Props>['placementOrderPreference'] = [\n 'right-start',\n 'right-start',\n 'right',\n 'left-start',\n 'left-end',\n 'left',\n];\nexport const ActivableWithSubmenuMenuItem: React.ComponentType<{\n itemNode: DSMenuButtonT.MenuNodeActivableWithSubmenuItem;\n FlyoutMenuCircularDepInject: DSMenuItemRendererFactoryT.RequiredProps['FlyoutMenuCircularDepInject'];\n}> = ({ itemNode, FlyoutMenuCircularDepInject }) => {\n const { dsId, plainItem } = itemNode;\n const { label, secondaryLabel, leftDecoration: LeftDecComponent, minWidth, disabled } = plainItem;\n const floatingContext = useFloatingContext({\n placement: placementOrderPreference[0],\n placementOrderPreference,\n animationDuration: 100,\n customOffset: [0, 0],\n });\n const {\n refs: { setReference },\n } = floatingContext;\n\n const {\n focusRegion,\n openedSubItems,\n menuItemEventsHandlers: {\n handleFocusableMenuItemKeyDown,\n handleFocusableMenuItemClick,\n handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter,\n handleFocusableMenuItemNativeFocusEvent,\n },\n } = React.useContext(MenuBehaviouralContextProviderContext);\n\n const gridLayout = React.useMemo(() => {\n const cols = LeftDecComponent ? ['min-content', 'auto'] : ['auto'];\n if (secondaryLabel) cols.push('auto');\n return cols;\n }, [LeftDecComponent, secondaryLabel]);\n\n const focusedRegionPerformanceHelper = React.useRef(focusRegion);\n focusedRegionPerformanceHelper.current = focusRegion;\n\n const isExpanded = openedSubItems.some((itemWithOpenSubmenu) => itemWithOpenSubmenu.dsId === dsId);\n const isFocused = focusRegion === MENU_FOCUS_REGIONS.ITEM_BY_DSID(dsId);\n\n const handleFocusOnRender = React.useCallback(\n (node: HTMLDivElement) => {\n setReference(node);\n setTimeout(() => {\n if (node && focusRegion === MENU_FOCUS_REGIONS.ITEM_BY_DSID(dsId)) {\n node.focus();\n }\n });\n },\n // we need to change the callback reference every time the focusRegion changes or else the focus will not be set\n [dsId, focusRegion, setReference],\n // we are using the \"as='div'\", typescript is not able to infer the correct type\n // the logic here actually receives a ref to a HTMLDivElement,\n // but the component must think this is a HTMLLIElement ref callback\n ) as unknown as React.RefCallback<HTMLLIElement>;\n\n const handleOnMouseEnter = React.useCallback<React.MouseEventHandler<HTMLDivElement>>(() => {\n handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter(itemNode);\n }, [handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter, itemNode]);\n const handleOnFocus = React.useCallback<React.FocusEventHandler<HTMLDivElement>>(\n (e) => {\n handleFocusableMenuItemNativeFocusEvent(itemNode, e);\n },\n [handleFocusableMenuItemNativeFocusEvent, itemNode],\n );\n\n const spacelessDsIdForDom = `ds-menu-item-${`${dsId}`.replace(/\\s/g, '')}`;\n return (\n <>\n <StyledGlobalMenuItemWrapper\n innerRef={handleFocusOnRender}\n onKeyDown={handleFocusableMenuItemKeyDown}\n onClick={handleFocusableMenuItemClick}\n onMouseEnter={handleOnMouseEnter}\n onFocus={handleOnFocus}\n as=\"div\"\n id={`${spacelessDsIdForDom}`}\n tabIndex={isFocused ? 0 : -1}\n role=\"menuitem\"\n aria-controls={\n /* ********************************************************************************************************************\n * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Accessibility/ARIA/Attributes/aria-controls\n * The aria-controls only needs to be set when the popup is visible, but it is valid and easier to program to reference an element that is not visible.\n * ********************************************************************************************************************\n * ^^^ some automated tools will mark an error if the aria-controls references an element that does (yet) exist in the DOM\n * so, while technically valid to not check if expanded, we are doing it to avoid automated tools marking an error\n * ******************************************************************************************************************** */\n isExpanded\n ? itemNode.plainChildren.map((child) => `ds-menu-item-${`${child.dsId}`.replace(/\\s/g, '')}`).join(' ')\n : undefined\n }\n aria-haspopup=\"menu\"\n aria-expanded={isExpanded}\n aria-disabled={disabled}\n applyAriaDisabled={disabled}\n >\n <StyledContentWrapper\n cols={gridLayout}\n minHeight=\"16px\"\n gutter=\"xxs\"\n alignItems=\"center\"\n minWidth={minWidth ?? undefined}\n >\n {LeftDecComponent ? <LeftDecComponent /> : null}\n <StyleMenuItemLabel>{label}</StyleMenuItemLabel>\n {secondaryLabel !== undefined && (\n <StyleMenuItemSecondaryLabel disabled={disabled}>{secondaryLabel}</StyleMenuItemSecondaryLabel>\n )}\n </StyledContentWrapper>\n </StyledGlobalMenuItemWrapper>\n <FlyoutMenuCircularDepInject\n isMenuOpen={isExpanded}\n floatingContext={floatingContext.context}\n floatingStyles={floatingContext.floatingStyles}\n setFloatingRef={floatingContext.refs.setFloating}\n itemNode={itemNode}\n />\n </>\n );\n};\n"],
  "names": ["React"]
@@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ const MultipleSelectMenuItem = ({ itemNode }) => {
  menuItemEventsHandlers: {
- handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter
+ handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter,
+ handleFocusableMenuItemNativeFocusEvent
  } = React2.useContext(MenuBehaviouralContextProviderContext);
  const { selectedItems } = propsWithDefault;
@@ -48,11 +49,14 @@ const MultipleSelectMenuItem = ({ itemNode }) => {
  // the logic here actually receives a ref to a HTMLDivElement,
  // but the component must think this is a HTMLLIElement ref callback
- const handleOnMouseEnter = React2.useCallback(
+ const handleOnMouseEnter = React2.useCallback(() => {
+ handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter(itemNode);
+ }, [handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter, itemNode]);
+ const handleOnFocus = React2.useCallback(
  (e) => {
- handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter(itemNode, e);
+ handleFocusableMenuItemNativeFocusEvent(itemNode, e);
- [handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter, itemNode]
+ [handleFocusableMenuItemNativeFocusEvent, itemNode]
  const spacelessDsIdForDom = `ds-menu-item-${`${dsId}`.replace(/\s/g, "")}`;
  return /* @__PURE__ */ jsx(
@@ -62,6 +66,7 @@ const MultipleSelectMenuItem = ({ itemNode }) => {
  onKeyDown: handleFocusableMenuItemKeyDown,
  onClick: handleFocusableMenuItemClick,
  onMouseEnter: handleOnMouseEnter,
+ onFocus: handleOnFocus,
  as: "div",
  id: `${spacelessDsIdForDom}`,
  tabIndex: isFocused ? 0 : -1,
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
  "version": 3,
  "sources": ["../../../../../../../scripts/build/transpile/react-shim.js", "../../../../src/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/MultipleSelectMenuItem.tsx"],
- "sourcesContent": ["import * as React from 'react';\nexport { React };\n", "import { Grid } from '@elliemae/ds-grid';\nimport { Checkmark } from '@elliemae/ds-icons';\nimport {\n StyleMenuItemLabel,\n StyleMenuItemSecondaryLabel,\n StyledContentWrapper,\n StyledGlobalMenuItemWrapper,\n} from '@elliemae/ds-menu-items-commons';\nimport React from 'react';\nimport type { DSMenuButtonT } from '../../react-desc-prop-types.js';\nimport { MenuBehaviouralContextProviderContext } from '../DSMenuBehaviouralContextProvider/MenuBehaviouralContextProviderCTX.js';\nimport { MENU_FOCUS_REGIONS } from '../DSMenuBehaviouralContextProvider/constants/index.js';\n\nconst LeftBoxlessCheckbox = React.memo(({ isSelected }: { isSelected: boolean }) => (\n <Grid width=\"16px\">{isSelected ? <Checkmark size=\"s\" color={['brand-primary', '600']} /> : <div />}</Grid>\n));\nexport const MultipleSelectMenuItem: React.ComponentType<{\n itemNode: DSMenuButtonT.MenuNodeMultipleSelectItem;\n}> = ({ itemNode }) => {\n const { dsId, plainItem } = itemNode;\n const { label, secondaryLabel, leftDecoration: LeftDecComponent, minWidth, disabled } = plainItem;\n const {\n focusRegion,\n propsWithDefault,\n menuItemEventsHandlers: {\n handleFocusableMenuItemKeyDown,\n handleFocusableMenuItemClick,\n handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter,\n },\n } = React.useContext(MenuBehaviouralContextProviderContext);\n const { selectedItems } = propsWithDefault;\n\n const gridLayout = React.useMemo(() => {\n const cols = LeftDecComponent ? ['min-content', 'min-content', 'auto'] : ['min-content', 'auto'];\n if (secondaryLabel) cols.push('auto');\n return cols;\n }, [LeftDecComponent, secondaryLabel]);\n\n const focusedRegionPerformanceHelper = React.useRef(focusRegion);\n focusedRegionPerformanceHelper.current = focusRegion;\n\n const isFocused = focusRegion === MENU_FOCUS_REGIONS.ITEM_BY_DSID(dsId);\n const isSelected = selectedItems.some((itemMarkesAsSelected) => itemMarkesAsSelected.dsId === dsId);\n\n const handleFocusOnRender = React.useCallback(\n (node: HTMLDivElement) => {\n setTimeout(() => {\n if (node && focusRegion === MENU_FOCUS_REGIONS.ITEM_BY_DSID(dsId)) {\n node.focus();\n }\n });\n },\n // we need to change the callback reference every time the focusRegion changes or else the focus will not be set\n [dsId, focusRegion],\n // we are using the \"as='div'\", typescript is not able to infer the correct type\n // the logic here actually receives a ref to a HTMLDivElement,\n // but the component must think this is a HTMLLIElement ref callback\n ) as unknown as React.RefCallback<HTMLLIElement>;\n\n const handleOnMouseEnter = React.useCallback<React.MouseEventHandler<HTMLDivElement>>(\n (e) => {\n handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter(itemNode, e);\n },\n [handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter, itemNode],\n );\n\n const spacelessDsIdForDom = `ds-menu-item-${`${dsId}`.replace(/\\s/g, '')}`;\n return (\n <StyledGlobalMenuItemWrapper\n innerRef={handleFocusOnRender}\n onKeyDown={handleFocusableMenuItemKeyDown}\n onClick={handleFocusableMenuItemClick}\n onMouseEnter={handleOnMouseEnter}\n as=\"div\"\n id={`${spacelessDsIdForDom}`}\n tabIndex={isFocused ? 0 : -1}\n role=\"menuitemcheckbox\"\n aria-checked={isSelected}\n aria-disabled={disabled}\n applyAriaDisabled={disabled}\n >\n <StyledContentWrapper\n cols={gridLayout}\n minHeight=\"16px\"\n gutter=\"xxs\"\n alignItems=\"center\"\n minWidth={minWidth ?? undefined}\n >\n <LeftBoxlessCheckbox isSelected={isSelected} />\n {LeftDecComponent ? <LeftDecComponent /> : null}\n <StyleMenuItemLabel>{label}</StyleMenuItemLabel>\n {secondaryLabel !== undefined && (\n <StyleMenuItemSecondaryLabel disabled={disabled}>{secondaryLabel}</StyleMenuItemSecondaryLabel>\n )}\n </StyledContentWrapper>\n </StyledGlobalMenuItemWrapper>\n );\n};\n"],
+ "sourcesContent": ["import * as React from 'react';\nexport { React };\n", "import { Grid } from '@elliemae/ds-grid';\nimport { Checkmark } from '@elliemae/ds-icons';\nimport {\n StyleMenuItemLabel,\n StyleMenuItemSecondaryLabel,\n StyledContentWrapper,\n StyledGlobalMenuItemWrapper,\n} from '@elliemae/ds-menu-items-commons';\nimport React from 'react';\nimport type { DSMenuButtonT } from '../../react-desc-prop-types.js';\nimport { MenuBehaviouralContextProviderContext } from '../DSMenuBehaviouralContextProvider/MenuBehaviouralContextProviderCTX.js';\nimport { MENU_FOCUS_REGIONS } from '../DSMenuBehaviouralContextProvider/constants/index.js';\n\nconst LeftBoxlessCheckbox = React.memo(({ isSelected }: { isSelected: boolean }) => (\n <Grid width=\"16px\">{isSelected ? <Checkmark size=\"s\" color={['brand-primary', '600']} /> : <div />}</Grid>\n));\nexport const MultipleSelectMenuItem: React.ComponentType<{\n itemNode: DSMenuButtonT.MenuNodeMultipleSelectItem;\n}> = ({ itemNode }) => {\n const { dsId, plainItem } = itemNode;\n const { label, secondaryLabel, leftDecoration: LeftDecComponent, minWidth, disabled } = plainItem;\n const {\n focusRegion,\n propsWithDefault,\n menuItemEventsHandlers: {\n handleFocusableMenuItemKeyDown,\n handleFocusableMenuItemClick,\n handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter,\n handleFocusableMenuItemNativeFocusEvent,\n },\n } = React.useContext(MenuBehaviouralContextProviderContext);\n const { selectedItems } = propsWithDefault;\n\n const gridLayout = React.useMemo(() => {\n const cols = LeftDecComponent ? ['min-content', 'min-content', 'auto'] : ['min-content', 'auto'];\n if (secondaryLabel) cols.push('auto');\n return cols;\n }, [LeftDecComponent, secondaryLabel]);\n\n const focusedRegionPerformanceHelper = React.useRef(focusRegion);\n focusedRegionPerformanceHelper.current = focusRegion;\n\n const isFocused = focusRegion === MENU_FOCUS_REGIONS.ITEM_BY_DSID(dsId);\n\n // https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/release-notes/typescript-2-0.html#non-null-assertion-operator\n // useAdvancedValidation guarantees the non-null in this component\n const isSelected = selectedItems!.some((itemMarkesAsSelected) => itemMarkesAsSelected.dsId === dsId);\n\n const handleFocusOnRender = React.useCallback(\n (node: HTMLDivElement) => {\n setTimeout(() => {\n if (node && focusRegion === MENU_FOCUS_REGIONS.ITEM_BY_DSID(dsId)) {\n node.focus();\n }\n });\n },\n // we need to change the callback reference every time the focusRegion changes or else the focus will not be set\n [dsId, focusRegion],\n // we are using the \"as='div'\", typescript is not able to infer the correct type\n // the logic here actually receives a ref to a HTMLDivElement,\n // but the component must think this is a HTMLLIElement ref callback\n ) as unknown as React.RefCallback<HTMLLIElement>;\n\n const handleOnMouseEnter = React.useCallback<React.MouseEventHandler<HTMLDivElement>>(() => {\n handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter(itemNode);\n }, [handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter, itemNode]);\n const handleOnFocus = React.useCallback<React.FocusEventHandler<HTMLDivElement>>(\n (e) => {\n handleFocusableMenuItemNativeFocusEvent(itemNode, e);\n },\n [handleFocusableMenuItemNativeFocusEvent, itemNode],\n );\n\n const spacelessDsIdForDom = `ds-menu-item-${`${dsId}`.replace(/\\s/g, '')}`;\n return (\n <StyledGlobalMenuItemWrapper\n innerRef={handleFocusOnRender}\n onKeyDown={handleFocusableMenuItemKeyDown}\n onClick={handleFocusableMenuItemClick}\n onMouseEnter={handleOnMouseEnter}\n onFocus={handleOnFocus}\n as=\"div\"\n id={`${spacelessDsIdForDom}`}\n tabIndex={isFocused ? 0 : -1}\n role=\"menuitemcheckbox\"\n aria-checked={isSelected}\n aria-disabled={disabled}\n applyAriaDisabled={disabled}\n >\n <StyledContentWrapper\n cols={gridLayout}\n minHeight=\"16px\"\n gutter=\"xxs\"\n alignItems=\"center\"\n minWidth={minWidth ?? undefined}\n >\n <LeftBoxlessCheckbox isSelected={isSelected} />\n {LeftDecComponent ? <LeftDecComponent /> : null}\n <StyleMenuItemLabel>{label}</StyleMenuItemLabel>\n {secondaryLabel !== undefined && (\n <StyleMenuItemSecondaryLabel disabled={disabled}>{secondaryLabel}</StyleMenuItemSecondaryLabel>\n )}\n </StyledContentWrapper>\n </StyledGlobalMenuItemWrapper>\n );\n};\n"],
  "names": ["React"]
@@ -41,7 +41,8 @@ const MultipleSelectWithSubmenuMenuItem = ({ itemNode, FlyoutMenuCircularDepInje
  menuItemEventsHandlers: {
- handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter
+ handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter,
+ handleFocusableMenuItemNativeFocusEvent
  } = React2.useContext(MenuBehaviouralContextProviderContext);
  const { selectedItems } = propsWithDefault;
@@ -56,6 +57,8 @@ const MultipleSelectWithSubmenuMenuItem = ({ itemNode, FlyoutMenuCircularDepInje
  const isExpanded = openedSubItems.some((itemWithOpenSubmenu) => itemWithOpenSubmenu.dsId === dsId);
  const isFocused = focusRegion === MENU_FOCUS_REGIONS.ITEM_BY_DSID(dsId);
  const isSelected = React2.useMemo(
+ // https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/release-notes/typescript-2-0.html#non-null-assertion-operator
+ // useAdvancedValidation guarantees the non-null in this component
  () => getIsMultipleSelectNodeWithSubmenuSelected({ itemNode, selectedItems }),
  [itemNode, selectedItems]
@@ -74,11 +77,14 @@ const MultipleSelectWithSubmenuMenuItem = ({ itemNode, FlyoutMenuCircularDepInje
  // the logic here actually receives a ref to a HTMLDivElement,
  // but the component must think this is a HTMLLIElement ref callback
- const handleOnMouseEnter = React2.useCallback(
+ const handleOnMouseEnter = React2.useCallback(() => {
+ handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter(itemNode);
+ }, [handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter, itemNode]);
+ const handleOnFocus = React2.useCallback(
  (e) => {
- handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter(itemNode, e);
+ handleFocusableMenuItemNativeFocusEvent(itemNode, e);
- [handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter, itemNode]
+ [handleFocusableMenuItemNativeFocusEvent, itemNode]
  const spacelessDsIdForDom = `ds-menu-item-${`${dsId}`.replace(/\s/g, "")}`;
  return /* @__PURE__ */ jsxs(Fragment, { children: [
@@ -89,6 +95,7 @@ const MultipleSelectWithSubmenuMenuItem = ({ itemNode, FlyoutMenuCircularDepInje
  onKeyDown: handleFocusableMenuItemKeyDown,
  onClick: handleFocusableMenuItemClick,
  onMouseEnter: handleOnMouseEnter,
+ onFocus: handleOnFocus,
  as: "div",
  id: `${spacelessDsIdForDom}`,
  tabIndex: isFocused ? 0 : -1,
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
  "version": 3,
  "sources": ["../../../../../../../scripts/build/transpile/react-shim.js", "../../../../src/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/MultipleSelectWithSubmenuMenuItem.tsx"],
- "sourcesContent": ["import * as React from 'react';\nexport { React };\n", "/* eslint-disable no-nested-ternary */\n/* eslint-disable max-lines */\nimport { useFloatingContext, type DSHookFloatingContextT } from '@elliemae/ds-floating-context';\nimport { Grid } from '@elliemae/ds-grid';\nimport { Checkmark, ChevronSmallRight, ParenthesisRemove } from '@elliemae/ds-icons';\nimport {\n StyleMenuItemLabel,\n StyleMenuItemSecondaryLabel,\n StyledContentWrapper,\n StyledGlobalMenuItemWrapper,\n} from '@elliemae/ds-menu-items-commons';\nimport React from 'react';\nimport type { DSMenuButtonT } from '../../react-desc-prop-types.js';\nimport { MenuBehaviouralContextProviderContext } from '../DSMenuBehaviouralContextProvider/MenuBehaviouralContextProviderCTX.js';\nimport { MENU_FOCUS_REGIONS } from '../DSMenuBehaviouralContextProvider/constants/index.js';\nimport { type DSMenuItemRendererFactoryT } from './react-desc-prop-types.js';\nimport { getIsMultipleSelectNodeWithSubmenuSelected } from '../DSMenuBehaviouralContextProvider/utils/multipleSelectionHelpers.js';\n\nconst placementOrderPreference: Required<DSHookFloatingContextT.Props>['placementOrderPreference'] = [\n 'right-start',\n 'right-start',\n 'right',\n 'left-start',\n 'left-end',\n 'left',\n];\nconst LeftBoxlessCheckbox = React.memo(({ isSelected }: { isSelected: boolean | 'mixed' }) => (\n <Grid width=\"16px\">\n {isSelected ? (\n isSelected === 'mixed' ? (\n <ParenthesisRemove size=\"s\" color={['brand-primary', '600']} />\n ) : (\n <Checkmark size=\"s\" color={['brand-primary', '600']} />\n )\n ) : (\n <div />\n )}\n </Grid>\n));\nexport const MultipleSelectWithSubmenuMenuItem: React.ComponentType<{\n itemNode: DSMenuButtonT.MenuNodeMultipleSelectWithSubmenuItem;\n FlyoutMenuCircularDepInject: DSMenuItemRendererFactoryT.RequiredProps['FlyoutMenuCircularDepInject'];\n}> = ({ itemNode, FlyoutMenuCircularDepInject }) => {\n const { dsId, plainItem } = itemNode;\n const { label, secondaryLabel, leftDecoration: LeftDecComponent, minWidth, disabled } = plainItem;\n const floatingContext = useFloatingContext({\n placement: placementOrderPreference[0],\n placementOrderPreference,\n animationDuration: 100,\n customOffset: [0, 0],\n });\n const {\n refs: { setReference },\n } = floatingContext;\n\n const {\n focusRegion,\n propsWithDefault,\n openedSubItems,\n menuItemEventsHandlers: {\n handleFocusableMenuItemKeyDown,\n handleFocusableMenuItemClick,\n handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter,\n },\n } = React.useContext(MenuBehaviouralContextProviderContext);\n const { selectedItems } = propsWithDefault;\n\n const gridLayout = React.useMemo(() => {\n const cols = LeftDecComponent ? ['min-content', 'min-content', 'auto'] : ['min-content', 'auto'];\n if (secondaryLabel) cols.push('auto');\n cols.push('min-content');\n return cols;\n }, [LeftDecComponent, secondaryLabel]);\n\n const focusedRegionPerformanceHelper = React.useRef(focusRegion);\n focusedRegionPerformanceHelper.current = focusRegion;\n\n const isExpanded = openedSubItems.some((itemWithOpenSubmenu) => itemWithOpenSubmenu.dsId === dsId);\n const isFocused = focusRegion === MENU_FOCUS_REGIONS.ITEM_BY_DSID(dsId);\n const isSelected = React.useMemo<'mixed' | boolean>(\n () => getIsMultipleSelectNodeWithSubmenuSelected({ itemNode, selectedItems }),\n [itemNode, selectedItems],\n );\n const handleFocusOnRender = React.useCallback(\n (node: HTMLDivElement) => {\n setReference(node);\n setTimeout(() => {\n if (node && focusRegion === MENU_FOCUS_REGIONS.ITEM_BY_DSID(dsId)) {\n node.focus();\n }\n });\n },\n // we need to change the callback reference every time the focusRegion changes or else the focus will not be set\n [dsId, focusRegion, setReference],\n // we are using the \"as='div'\", typescript is not able to infer the correct type\n // the logic here actually receives a ref to a HTMLDivElement,\n // but the component must think this is a HTMLLIElement ref callback\n ) as unknown as React.RefCallback<HTMLLIElement>;\n\n const handleOnMouseEnter = React.useCallback<React.MouseEventHandler<HTMLDivElement>>(\n (e) => {\n handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter(itemNode, e);\n },\n [handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter, itemNode],\n );\n\n const spacelessDsIdForDom = `ds-menu-item-${`${dsId}`.replace(/\\s/g, '')}`;\n return (\n <>\n <StyledGlobalMenuItemWrapper\n innerRef={handleFocusOnRender}\n onKeyDown={handleFocusableMenuItemKeyDown}\n onClick={handleFocusableMenuItemClick}\n onMouseEnter={handleOnMouseEnter}\n as=\"div\"\n id={`${spacelessDsIdForDom}`}\n tabIndex={isFocused ? 0 : -1}\n role=\"menuitemcheckbox\"\n aria-checked={isSelected}\n aria-controls={\n /* ********************************************************************************************************************\n * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Accessibility/ARIA/Attributes/aria-controls\n * The aria-controls only needs to be set when the popup is visible, but it is valid and easier to program to reference an element that is not visible.\n * ********************************************************************************************************************\n * ^^^ some automated tools will mark an error if the aria-controls references an element that does (yet) exist in the DOM\n * so, while technically valid to not check if expanded, we are doing it to avoid automated tools marking an error\n * ******************************************************************************************************************** */\n isExpanded\n ? itemNode.plainChildren.map((child) => `ds-menu-item-${`${child.dsId}`.replace(/\\s/g, '')}`).join(' ')\n : undefined\n }\n aria-haspopup=\"menu\"\n aria-expanded={isExpanded}\n aria-disabled={disabled}\n applyAriaDisabled={disabled}\n >\n <StyledContentWrapper\n cols={gridLayout}\n minHeight=\"16px\"\n gutter=\"xxs\"\n alignItems=\"center\"\n minWidth={minWidth ?? undefined}\n >\n <LeftBoxlessCheckbox isSelected={isSelected} />\n {LeftDecComponent ? <LeftDecComponent /> : null}\n <StyleMenuItemLabel>{label}</StyleMenuItemLabel>\n {secondaryLabel !== undefined && (\n <StyleMenuItemSecondaryLabel disabled={disabled}>{secondaryLabel}</StyleMenuItemSecondaryLabel>\n )}\n <ChevronSmallRight />\n </StyledContentWrapper>\n </StyledGlobalMenuItemWrapper>\n <FlyoutMenuCircularDepInject\n isMenuOpen={isExpanded}\n floatingContext={floatingContext.context}\n floatingStyles={floatingContext.floatingStyles}\n setFloatingRef={floatingContext.refs.setFloating}\n itemNode={itemNode}\n />\n </>\n );\n};\n"],
+ "sourcesContent": ["import * as React from 'react';\nexport { React };\n", "/* eslint-disable no-nested-ternary */\n/* eslint-disable max-lines */\nimport { useFloatingContext, type DSHookFloatingContextT } from '@elliemae/ds-floating-context';\nimport { Grid } from '@elliemae/ds-grid';\nimport { Checkmark, ChevronSmallRight, ParenthesisRemove } from '@elliemae/ds-icons';\nimport {\n StyleMenuItemLabel,\n StyleMenuItemSecondaryLabel,\n StyledContentWrapper,\n StyledGlobalMenuItemWrapper,\n} from '@elliemae/ds-menu-items-commons';\nimport React from 'react';\nimport type { DSMenuButtonT } from '../../react-desc-prop-types.js';\nimport { MenuBehaviouralContextProviderContext } from '../DSMenuBehaviouralContextProvider/MenuBehaviouralContextProviderCTX.js';\nimport { MENU_FOCUS_REGIONS } from '../DSMenuBehaviouralContextProvider/constants/index.js';\nimport { type DSMenuItemRendererFactoryT } from './react-desc-prop-types.js';\nimport { getIsMultipleSelectNodeWithSubmenuSelected } from '../DSMenuBehaviouralContextProvider/utils/multipleSelectionHelpers.js';\n\nconst placementOrderPreference: Required<DSHookFloatingContextT.Props>['placementOrderPreference'] = [\n 'right-start',\n 'right-start',\n 'right',\n 'left-start',\n 'left-end',\n 'left',\n];\nconst LeftBoxlessCheckbox = React.memo(({ isSelected }: { isSelected: boolean | 'mixed' }) => (\n <Grid width=\"16px\">\n {isSelected ? (\n isSelected === 'mixed' ? (\n <ParenthesisRemove size=\"s\" color={['brand-primary', '600']} />\n ) : (\n <Checkmark size=\"s\" color={['brand-primary', '600']} />\n )\n ) : (\n <div />\n )}\n </Grid>\n));\nexport const MultipleSelectWithSubmenuMenuItem: React.ComponentType<{\n itemNode: DSMenuButtonT.MenuNodeMultipleSelectWithSubmenuItem;\n FlyoutMenuCircularDepInject: DSMenuItemRendererFactoryT.RequiredProps['FlyoutMenuCircularDepInject'];\n}> = ({ itemNode, FlyoutMenuCircularDepInject }) => {\n const { dsId, plainItem } = itemNode;\n const { label, secondaryLabel, leftDecoration: LeftDecComponent, minWidth, disabled } = plainItem;\n const floatingContext = useFloatingContext({\n placement: placementOrderPreference[0],\n placementOrderPreference,\n animationDuration: 100,\n customOffset: [0, 0],\n });\n const {\n refs: { setReference },\n } = floatingContext;\n\n const {\n focusRegion,\n propsWithDefault,\n openedSubItems,\n menuItemEventsHandlers: {\n handleFocusableMenuItemKeyDown,\n handleFocusableMenuItemClick,\n handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter,\n handleFocusableMenuItemNativeFocusEvent,\n },\n } = React.useContext(MenuBehaviouralContextProviderContext);\n const { selectedItems } = propsWithDefault;\n\n const gridLayout = React.useMemo(() => {\n const cols = LeftDecComponent ? ['min-content', 'min-content', 'auto'] : ['min-content', 'auto'];\n if (secondaryLabel) cols.push('auto');\n cols.push('min-content');\n return cols;\n }, [LeftDecComponent, secondaryLabel]);\n\n const focusedRegionPerformanceHelper = React.useRef(focusRegion);\n focusedRegionPerformanceHelper.current = focusRegion;\n\n const isExpanded = openedSubItems.some((itemWithOpenSubmenu) => itemWithOpenSubmenu.dsId === dsId);\n const isFocused = focusRegion === MENU_FOCUS_REGIONS.ITEM_BY_DSID(dsId);\n const isSelected = React.useMemo<'mixed' | boolean>(\n // https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/release-notes/typescript-2-0.html#non-null-assertion-operator\n // useAdvancedValidation guarantees the non-null in this component\n () => getIsMultipleSelectNodeWithSubmenuSelected({ itemNode, selectedItems: selectedItems! }),\n [itemNode, selectedItems],\n );\n const handleFocusOnRender = React.useCallback(\n (node: HTMLDivElement) => {\n setReference(node);\n setTimeout(() => {\n if (node && focusRegion === MENU_FOCUS_REGIONS.ITEM_BY_DSID(dsId)) {\n node.focus();\n }\n });\n },\n // we need to change the callback reference every time the focusRegion changes or else the focus will not be set\n [dsId, focusRegion, setReference],\n // we are using the \"as='div'\", typescript is not able to infer the correct type\n // the logic here actually receives a ref to a HTMLDivElement,\n // but the component must think this is a HTMLLIElement ref callback\n ) as unknown as React.RefCallback<HTMLLIElement>;\n\n const handleOnMouseEnter = React.useCallback<React.MouseEventHandler<HTMLDivElement>>(() => {\n handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter(itemNode);\n }, [handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter, itemNode]);\n const handleOnFocus = React.useCallback<React.FocusEventHandler<HTMLDivElement>>(\n (e) => {\n handleFocusableMenuItemNativeFocusEvent(itemNode, e);\n },\n [handleFocusableMenuItemNativeFocusEvent, itemNode],\n );\n\n const spacelessDsIdForDom = `ds-menu-item-${`${dsId}`.replace(/\\s/g, '')}`;\n return (\n <>\n <StyledGlobalMenuItemWrapper\n innerRef={handleFocusOnRender}\n onKeyDown={handleFocusableMenuItemKeyDown}\n onClick={handleFocusableMenuItemClick}\n onMouseEnter={handleOnMouseEnter}\n onFocus={handleOnFocus}\n as=\"div\"\n id={`${spacelessDsIdForDom}`}\n tabIndex={isFocused ? 0 : -1}\n role=\"menuitemcheckbox\"\n aria-checked={isSelected}\n aria-controls={\n /* ********************************************************************************************************************\n * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Accessibility/ARIA/Attributes/aria-controls\n * The aria-controls only needs to be set when the popup is visible, but it is valid and easier to program to reference an element that is not visible.\n * ********************************************************************************************************************\n * ^^^ some automated tools will mark an error if the aria-controls references an element that does (yet) exist in the DOM\n * so, while technically valid to not check if expanded, we are doing it to avoid automated tools marking an error\n * ******************************************************************************************************************** */\n isExpanded\n ? itemNode.plainChildren.map((child) => `ds-menu-item-${`${child.dsId}`.replace(/\\s/g, '')}`).join(' ')\n : undefined\n }\n aria-haspopup=\"menu\"\n aria-expanded={isExpanded}\n aria-disabled={disabled}\n applyAriaDisabled={disabled}\n >\n <StyledContentWrapper\n cols={gridLayout}\n minHeight=\"16px\"\n gutter=\"xxs\"\n alignItems=\"center\"\n minWidth={minWidth ?? undefined}\n >\n <LeftBoxlessCheckbox isSelected={isSelected} />\n {LeftDecComponent ? <LeftDecComponent /> : null}\n <StyleMenuItemLabel>{label}</StyleMenuItemLabel>\n {secondaryLabel !== undefined && (\n <StyleMenuItemSecondaryLabel disabled={disabled}>{secondaryLabel}</StyleMenuItemSecondaryLabel>\n )}\n <ChevronSmallRight />\n </StyledContentWrapper>\n </StyledGlobalMenuItemWrapper>\n <FlyoutMenuCircularDepInject\n isMenuOpen={isExpanded}\n floatingContext={floatingContext.context}\n floatingStyles={floatingContext.floatingStyles}\n setFloatingRef={floatingContext.refs.setFloating}\n itemNode={itemNode}\n />\n </>\n );\n};\n"],
  "names": ["React"]
@@ -29,7 +29,8 @@ const SingleSelectMenuItem = ({
  menuItemEventsHandlers: {
- handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter
+ handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter,
+ handleFocusableMenuItemNativeFocusEvent
  } = React2.useContext(MenuBehaviouralContextProviderContext);
  const { selectedItems } = propsWithDefault;
@@ -56,11 +57,14 @@ const SingleSelectMenuItem = ({
  // the logic here actually receives a ref to a HTMLDivElement,
  // but the component must think this is a HTMLLIElement ref callback
- const handleOnMouseEnter = React2.useCallback(
+ const handleOnMouseEnter = React2.useCallback(() => {
+ handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter(itemNode);
+ }, [handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter, itemNode]);
+ const handleOnFocus = React2.useCallback(
  (e) => {
- handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter(itemNode, e);
+ handleFocusableMenuItemNativeFocusEvent(itemNode, e);
- [handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter, itemNode]
+ [handleFocusableMenuItemNativeFocusEvent, itemNode]
  const spacelessDsIdForDom = `ds-menu-item-${`${dsId}`.replace(/\s/g, "")}`;
  return /* @__PURE__ */ jsx(
@@ -70,6 +74,7 @@ const SingleSelectMenuItem = ({
  onKeyDown: handleFocusableMenuItemKeyDown,
  onClick: handleFocusableMenuItemClick,
  onMouseEnter: handleOnMouseEnter,
+ onFocus: handleOnFocus,
  as: "div",
  id: `${spacelessDsIdForDom}`,
  tabIndex: isFocused ? 0 : -1,
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
  "version": 3,
  "sources": ["../../../../../../../scripts/build/transpile/react-shim.js", "../../../../src/parts/DSMenuItemRendererFactory/SingleSelectMenuItem.tsx"],
- "sourcesContent": ["import * as React from 'react';\nexport { React };\n", "/* eslint-disable max-lines */\nimport { Grid } from '@elliemae/ds-grid';\nimport {\n StyleMenuItemLabel,\n StyleMenuItemSecondaryLabel,\n StyledContentWrapper,\n StyledGlobalMenuItemWrapper,\n} from '@elliemae/ds-menu-items-commons';\nimport { styled } from '@elliemae/ds-system';\nimport React from 'react';\nimport type { DSMenuButtonT } from '../../react-desc-prop-types.js';\nimport { MenuBehaviouralContextProviderContext } from '../DSMenuBehaviouralContextProvider/MenuBehaviouralContextProviderCTX.js';\nimport { MENU_FOCUS_REGIONS } from '../DSMenuBehaviouralContextProvider/constants/index.js';\n\nconst StyledRadioDotIndicator = styled('div')`\n width: 8px;\n height: 8px;\n border-radius: 50%;\n background-color: #005ea2;\n`;\n\nconst LeftBoxlessRadio = React.memo(({ isSelected }: { isSelected: boolean }) => (\n <Grid width=\"16px\">{isSelected ? <StyledRadioDotIndicator /> : <div />}</Grid>\n));\nexport const SingleSelectMenuItem: React.ComponentType<{ itemNode: DSMenuButtonT.MenuNodeSingleSelectItem }> = ({\n itemNode,\n}) => {\n const { dsId, plainItem } = itemNode;\n const { label, secondaryLabel, leftDecoration: LeftDecComponent, minWidth, disabled } = plainItem;\n\n const {\n focusRegion,\n propsWithDefault,\n menuItemEventsHandlers: {\n handleFocusableMenuItemKeyDown,\n handleFocusableMenuItemClick,\n handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter,\n },\n } = React.useContext(MenuBehaviouralContextProviderContext);\n const { selectedItems } = propsWithDefault;\n\n const gridLayout = React.useMemo(() => {\n const cols = LeftDecComponent ? ['min-content', 'min-content', 'auto'] : ['min-content', 'auto'];\n if (secondaryLabel) cols.push('auto');\n return cols;\n }, [LeftDecComponent, secondaryLabel]);\n\n const focusedRegionPerformanceHelper = React.useRef(focusRegion);\n focusedRegionPerformanceHelper.current = focusRegion;\n\n const isFocused = focusRegion === MENU_FOCUS_REGIONS.ITEM_BY_DSID(dsId);\n const isSelected = selectedItems.some((itemMarkesAsSelected) => itemMarkesAsSelected.dsId === dsId);\n\n const handleFocusOnRender = React.useCallback(\n (node: HTMLDivElement) => {\n setTimeout(() => {\n if (node && focusRegion === MENU_FOCUS_REGIONS.ITEM_BY_DSID(dsId)) {\n node.focus();\n }\n });\n },\n // we need to change the callback reference every time the focusRegion changes or else the focus will not be set\n [dsId, focusRegion],\n // we are using the \"as='div'\", typescript is not able to infer the correct type\n // the logic here actually receives a ref to a HTMLDivElement,\n // but the component must think this is a HTMLLIElement ref callback\n ) as unknown as React.RefCallback<HTMLLIElement>;\n\n const handleOnMouseEnter = React.useCallback<React.MouseEventHandler<HTMLDivElement>>(\n (e) => {\n handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter(itemNode, e);\n },\n [handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter, itemNode],\n );\n\n const spacelessDsIdForDom = `ds-menu-item-${`${dsId}`.replace(/\\s/g, '')}`;\n return (\n <StyledGlobalMenuItemWrapper\n innerRef={handleFocusOnRender}\n onKeyDown={handleFocusableMenuItemKeyDown}\n onClick={handleFocusableMenuItemClick}\n onMouseEnter={handleOnMouseEnter}\n as=\"div\"\n id={`${spacelessDsIdForDom}`}\n tabIndex={isFocused ? 0 : -1}\n role=\"menuitemradio\"\n aria-checked={isSelected}\n aria-disabled={disabled}\n applyAriaDisabled={disabled}\n >\n <StyledContentWrapper\n cols={gridLayout}\n minHeight=\"16px\"\n gutter=\"xxs\"\n alignItems=\"center\"\n minWidth={minWidth ?? undefined}\n >\n <LeftBoxlessRadio isSelected={isSelected} />\n {LeftDecComponent ? <LeftDecComponent /> : null}\n <StyleMenuItemLabel>{label}</StyleMenuItemLabel>\n {secondaryLabel !== undefined && (\n <StyleMenuItemSecondaryLabel disabled={disabled}>{secondaryLabel}</StyleMenuItemSecondaryLabel>\n )}\n </StyledContentWrapper>\n </StyledGlobalMenuItemWrapper>\n );\n};\n"],
+ "sourcesContent": ["import * as React from 'react';\nexport { React };\n", "/* eslint-disable max-lines */\nimport { Grid } from '@elliemae/ds-grid';\nimport {\n StyleMenuItemLabel,\n StyleMenuItemSecondaryLabel,\n StyledContentWrapper,\n StyledGlobalMenuItemWrapper,\n} from '@elliemae/ds-menu-items-commons';\nimport { styled } from '@elliemae/ds-system';\nimport React from 'react';\nimport type { DSMenuButtonT } from '../../react-desc-prop-types.js';\nimport { MenuBehaviouralContextProviderContext } from '../DSMenuBehaviouralContextProvider/MenuBehaviouralContextProviderCTX.js';\nimport { MENU_FOCUS_REGIONS } from '../DSMenuBehaviouralContextProvider/constants/index.js';\n\nconst StyledRadioDotIndicator = styled('div')`\n width: 8px;\n height: 8px;\n border-radius: 50%;\n background-color: #005ea2;\n`;\n\nconst LeftBoxlessRadio = React.memo(({ isSelected }: { isSelected: boolean }) => (\n <Grid width=\"16px\">{isSelected ? <StyledRadioDotIndicator /> : <div />}</Grid>\n));\nexport const SingleSelectMenuItem: React.ComponentType<{ itemNode: DSMenuButtonT.MenuNodeSingleSelectItem }> = ({\n itemNode,\n}) => {\n const { dsId, plainItem } = itemNode;\n const { label, secondaryLabel, leftDecoration: LeftDecComponent, minWidth, disabled } = plainItem;\n\n const {\n focusRegion,\n propsWithDefault,\n menuItemEventsHandlers: {\n handleFocusableMenuItemKeyDown,\n handleFocusableMenuItemClick,\n handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter,\n handleFocusableMenuItemNativeFocusEvent,\n },\n } = React.useContext(MenuBehaviouralContextProviderContext);\n const { selectedItems } = propsWithDefault;\n\n const gridLayout = React.useMemo(() => {\n const cols = LeftDecComponent ? ['min-content', 'min-content', 'auto'] : ['min-content', 'auto'];\n if (secondaryLabel) cols.push('auto');\n return cols;\n }, [LeftDecComponent, secondaryLabel]);\n\n const focusedRegionPerformanceHelper = React.useRef(focusRegion);\n focusedRegionPerformanceHelper.current = focusRegion;\n\n const isFocused = focusRegion === MENU_FOCUS_REGIONS.ITEM_BY_DSID(dsId);\n // https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/release-notes/typescript-2-0.html#non-null-assertion-operator\n // useAdvancedValidation guarantees the non-null in this component\n const isSelected = selectedItems!.some((itemMarkesAsSelected) => itemMarkesAsSelected.dsId === dsId);\n\n const handleFocusOnRender = React.useCallback(\n (node: HTMLDivElement) => {\n setTimeout(() => {\n if (node && focusRegion === MENU_FOCUS_REGIONS.ITEM_BY_DSID(dsId)) {\n node.focus();\n }\n });\n },\n // we need to change the callback reference every time the focusRegion changes or else the focus will not be set\n [dsId, focusRegion],\n // we are using the \"as='div'\", typescript is not able to infer the correct type\n // the logic here actually receives a ref to a HTMLDivElement,\n // but the component must think this is a HTMLLIElement ref callback\n ) as unknown as React.RefCallback<HTMLLIElement>;\n\n const handleOnMouseEnter = React.useCallback<React.MouseEventHandler<HTMLDivElement>>(() => {\n handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter(itemNode);\n }, [handleFocusableMenuItemOnMouseEnter, itemNode]);\n const handleOnFocus = React.useCallback<React.FocusEventHandler<HTMLDivElement>>(\n (e) => {\n handleFocusableMenuItemNativeFocusEvent(itemNode, e);\n },\n [handleFocusableMenuItemNativeFocusEvent, itemNode],\n );\n\n const spacelessDsIdForDom = `ds-menu-item-${`${dsId}`.replace(/\\s/g, '')}`;\n return (\n <StyledGlobalMenuItemWrapper\n innerRef={handleFocusOnRender}\n onKeyDown={handleFocusableMenuItemKeyDown}\n onClick={handleFocusableMenuItemClick}\n onMouseEnter={handleOnMouseEnter}\n onFocus={handleOnFocus}\n as=\"div\"\n id={`${spacelessDsIdForDom}`}\n tabIndex={isFocused ? 0 : -1}\n role=\"menuitemradio\"\n aria-checked={isSelected}\n aria-disabled={disabled}\n applyAriaDisabled={disabled}\n >\n <StyledContentWrapper\n cols={gridLayout}\n minHeight=\"16px\"\n gutter=\"xxs\"\n alignItems=\"center\"\n minWidth={minWidth ?? undefined}\n >\n <LeftBoxlessRadio isSelected={isSelected} />\n {LeftDecComponent ? <LeftDecComponent /> : null}\n <StyleMenuItemLabel>{label}</StyleMenuItemLabel>\n {secondaryLabel !== undefined && (\n <StyleMenuItemSecondaryLabel disabled={disabled}>{secondaryLabel}</StyleMenuItemSecondaryLabel>\n )}\n </StyledContentWrapper>\n </StyledGlobalMenuItemWrapper>\n );\n};\n"],
  "names": ["React"]