@elliemae/ds-datagrids 3.16.0-next.2 → 3.16.0-next.3

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@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ __export(DSDataGrid_exports, {
  module.exports = __toCommonJS(DSDataGrid_exports);
  var React = __toESM(require("react"));
  var import_jsx_runtime = require("react/jsx-runtime");
- var import_ds_utilities = require("@elliemae/ds-utilities");
+ var import_ds_props_helpers = require("@elliemae/ds-props-helpers");
  var import_ds_truncated_tooltip_text = require("@elliemae/ds-truncated-tooltip-text");
  var import_DataGridImpl = require("./DataGridImpl");
  var import_rowSizes = require("./rowSizes");
@@ -263,176 +263,176 @@ const DSDataGrids = ({
  ) });
  const props = {
- instanceRef: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.oneOfType([import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.func, import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.shape({ current: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.any })]).description(
+ instanceRef: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.oneOfType([import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.func, import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.shape({ current: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.any })]).description(
  "ref to the instance of the datagrid, handle it imperatively"
- className: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.string.description("class for data grid wrapper"),
- containerProps: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.object.description("inject props to datagrid wrapper"),
- filterBarOptions: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.shape({
- minWidth: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.number,
- maxWidth: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.number
+ className: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.string.description("class for data grid wrapper"),
+ containerProps: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.object.description("inject props to datagrid wrapper"),
+ filterBarOptions: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.shape({
+ minWidth: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.number,
+ maxWidth: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.number
  }).description("FilterBar props passed down to FilterBar"),
- columns: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.arrayOf(
- import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.shape({
- property: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.string.isRequired,
- label: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.string,
- width: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.oneOfType([import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.number, import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.string]),
- minWidth: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.number,
- customEditor: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.func,
- customRenderer: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.func,
- searchable: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.bool,
- sortable: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.bool,
- resizable: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.bool,
- editable: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.bool,
- visible: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.bool
+ columns: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.arrayOf(
+ import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.shape({
+ property: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.string.isRequired,
+ label: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.string,
+ width: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.oneOfType([import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.number, import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.string]),
+ minWidth: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.number,
+ customEditor: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.func,
+ customRenderer: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.func,
+ searchable: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.bool,
+ sortable: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.bool,
+ resizable: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.bool,
+ editable: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.bool,
+ visible: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.bool
  ).description("datagrid columns"),
- rows: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.arrayOf(import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.object).description("datagrid rows"),
- rowKey: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.string.description("key for each row"),
- infiniteScrolling: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.bool.description("toggle infinite scroll loading behavior"),
- overscanCount: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.number.description(
+ rows: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.arrayOf(import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.object).description("datagrid rows"),
+ rowKey: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.string.description("key for each row"),
+ infiniteScrolling: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.bool.description("toggle infinite scroll loading behavior"),
+ overscanCount: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.number.description(
  "Activates 'editable' feature on the DataGrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well"
- editable: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.bool.description("turn datagrid to editable mode"),
- sortable: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.bool.description(
+ editable: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.bool.description("turn datagrid to editable mode"),
+ sortable: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.bool.description(
  "Activates 'sortable' feature on the GataGrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well"
- sortEmptyLast: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.bool.description("Put empty values always last on the column after sorting"),
- paginated: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.bool.description(
+ sortEmptyLast: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.bool.description("Put empty values always last on the column after sorting"),
+ paginated: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.bool.description(
  "Activates 'pagination' feature on the datagrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well"
- paginationStep: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.number.description("Pagination step for clicking the next pages"),
- dragAndDropRows: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.bool.description(
+ paginationStep: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.number.description("Pagination step for clicking the next pages"),
+ dragAndDropRows: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.bool.description(
  "Activates 'drag and drop rows' feature on the datagrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well"
- selectable: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.bool.description(
+ selectable: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.bool.description(
  "Activates 'selection' feature on the datagrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well"
- resizeableColumns: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.bool.description(
+ resizeableColumns: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.bool.description(
  "Activates 'resize' feature on the datagrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well"
- noResultsPlaceholder: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.oneOfType([import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.string, import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.element]).description(
+ noResultsPlaceholder: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.oneOfType([import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.string, import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.element]).description(
  "Placeholder rendered when no rows are visible"
- searchFilters: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.bool.description(
+ searchFilters: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.bool.description(
  "activates 'filtering' feature on the datagrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well"
- dragAndDropColumns: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.bool.description(
+ dragAndDropColumns: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.bool.description(
  "Activates 'drag and drop columns' feature on the datagrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well"
- useTreeData: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.bool.description(
+ useTreeData: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.bool.description(
  "activates 'grouping and tree data' feature on the datagrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well"
- autoScrollToId: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.any.description("AutoScroll to row ID"),
- selectAll: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.bool.description("Whether all rows are selected or not"),
- selectedRows: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.arrayOf(import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.object).description(" Defines the selected rows"),
- filters: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.arrayOf(import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.object).description("Filters to be applied to the grid"),
- onExpandRow: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.func.description("Handler when user expands a row"),
- onExpandChange: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.func.description("Handler when user expands a row with full expand state"),
- onToggleExpand: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.func.description("Handler when user expands a row (old API)"),
- onAddFilter: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.func.description("Handler when user adds a filter"),
- onRemoveFilter: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.func.description("Handler when user removes a filter"),
- onFiltersChange: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.func.description("Handler when the filters state has changed "),
- onDefaultFiltersLoad: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.func.description("Handler when the default filters load. Returns the rows rendered"),
- onMoveColumnOver: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.func.description("Handler when column move is over another column"),
- onMoveColumnStart: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.func.description(" Handler when column move starts"),
- onMoveColumnEnd: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.func.description("Handler when column move ends"),
- showFilterBar: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.bool.description("Whether to show the filter bar or not"),
- multiSelectFilterOptions: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.arrayOf(import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.object).description(
+ autoScrollToId: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.any.description("AutoScroll to row ID"),
+ selectAll: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.bool.description("Whether all rows are selected or not"),
+ selectedRows: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.arrayOf(import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.object).description(" Defines the selected rows"),
+ filters: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.arrayOf(import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.object).description("Filters to be applied to the grid"),
+ onExpandRow: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.func.description("Handler when user expands a row"),
+ onExpandChange: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.func.description("Handler when user expands a row with full expand state"),
+ onToggleExpand: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.func.description("Handler when user expands a row (old API)"),
+ onAddFilter: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.func.description("Handler when user adds a filter"),
+ onRemoveFilter: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.func.description("Handler when user removes a filter"),
+ onFiltersChange: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.func.description("Handler when the filters state has changed "),
+ onDefaultFiltersLoad: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.func.description("Handler when the default filters load. Returns the rows rendered"),
+ onMoveColumnOver: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.func.description("Handler when column move is over another column"),
+ onMoveColumnStart: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.func.description(" Handler when column move starts"),
+ onMoveColumnEnd: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.func.description("Handler when column move ends"),
+ showFilterBar: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.bool.description("Whether to show the filter bar or not"),
+ multiSelectFilterOptions: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.arrayOf(import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.object).description(
  "Custom option for the header with multi select"
- multiSelectFilterLabel: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.string.description("Label to the header column for multi select"),
- multiSelectFilterLabels: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.arrayOf(import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.string).description("Labels for multi selects"),
- aggregations: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.object.description("").deprecated(""),
- groupingColumn: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.string.description("Column which rows would be grouped by").deprecated(""),
- groupedBy: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.string.description("group by"),
- sortingColumns: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.objectOf(
- import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.shape({
- direction: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.oneOf(["asc", "desc"]),
- position: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.number
+ multiSelectFilterLabel: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.string.description("Label to the header column for multi select"),
+ multiSelectFilterLabels: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.arrayOf(import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.string).description("Labels for multi selects"),
+ aggregations: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.object.description("").deprecated(""),
+ groupingColumn: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.string.description("Column which rows would be grouped by").deprecated(""),
+ groupedBy: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.string.description("group by"),
+ sortingColumns: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.objectOf(
+ import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.shape({
+ direction: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.oneOf(["asc", "desc"]),
+ position: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.number
  ).description("Defines the sorting state"),
- visibleColumns: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.arrayOf(import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.string).description("Visible columns property"),
- minPerPage: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.string.description("Pagination: Minimum number of rows per page"),
- maxPerPage: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.string.description("Pagination: Maximum number of rows per page"),
- onPerPageChange: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.string.description("Pagination: Handler when user changes the amount of rows per page"),
- onPageChange: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.string.description("Pagination: Handler when user changes the page"),
- pagination: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.shape({
- page: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.number,
- perPage: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.number
+ visibleColumns: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.arrayOf(import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.string).description("Visible columns property"),
+ minPerPage: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.string.description("Pagination: Minimum number of rows per page"),
+ maxPerPage: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.string.description("Pagination: Maximum number of rows per page"),
+ onPerPageChange: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.string.description("Pagination: Handler when user changes the amount of rows per page"),
+ onPageChange: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.string.description("Pagination: Handler when user changes the page"),
+ pagination: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.shape({
+ page: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.number,
+ perPage: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.number
  }).description("pagination state"),
- showHeader: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.bool.description("Whether to show the header or not"),
- fixedHeader: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.bool.description("Whether to header is fixed or not"),
- height: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.number.description("Defines the height of the DataGrid"),
- minColumnWidth: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.number.description("General min column width for all the columns "),
- showRowsLoader: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.bool.description("Whether to show a loader instead of the rows or not"),
- showSelectHighlight: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.bool.description("When a user selects a row, that row get highlighted"),
- showSelectColumn: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.bool.description(
+ showHeader: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.bool.description("Whether to show the header or not"),
+ fixedHeader: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.bool.description("Whether to header is fixed or not"),
+ height: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.number.description("Defines the height of the DataGrid"),
+ minColumnWidth: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.number.description("General min column width for all the columns "),
+ showRowsLoader: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.bool.description("Whether to show a loader instead of the rows or not"),
+ showSelectHighlight: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.bool.description("When a user selects a row, that row get highlighted"),
+ showSelectColumn: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.bool.description(
  "Whether to show the select column when the selection feature is active"
- selectColumnSortable: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.bool.description("activates sortable feature to selection column"),
- selectColumnFilterable: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.bool.description("Activates filterable feature to selection column"),
- selectionColumnDefinition: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.object.description("Define the definition for the selection column"),
- renderToolbar: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.func.description("Function that returns a toolbar to show when the user hovers the row"),
- toolbarDelayClose: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.number.description(" Timeout to close the toolbar"),
- renderFilterToolbar: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.func.description("Function that returns a toolbar in the FilterBar component"),
- multiSelectComponent: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.element.description("Custom component for the selection"),
- normalizeDataKeys: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.bool.description("Normalize the keys of the data received and the columns"),
- noResultsRender: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.func.description("Function that returns an Element when there are no rows"),
- fluidHeight: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.bool.description("The height of the DataGrid will expand to its container"),
- customHandlers: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.object.description("").deprecated(""),
- onFilterMenuClose: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.func.description("Handler when user closes the filter menu"),
- onFilterMenuOpen: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.func.description("Handler when user opens the filter menu"),
- onReorder: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.func.description("handler when user drags a row "),
- onMoveRowEnd: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.func.description("Handler when user stops dragging a row "),
- onMoveRowStart: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.func.description("Handler when user starts dragging a row"),
- onColumnResize: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.func.description("Handler when user has resized a column"),
- onFilter: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.func.description("Handler when user filters by a column"),
- onSort: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.func.description("Handler when user sorts by a column "),
- onColumnRowEdited: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.func.description("Handler when user has edited a cell row"),
- onColumnRowEdit: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.func.description(" Handler when user activates the cell row editing functionality"),
- onSelectRow: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.func.description("Handler when user selects a row"),
- onSelectAll: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.func.description("Handler when user checks the selection header controller"),
- getData: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.func.description("Handler to get more data when infinite scroll is activated"),
- onInfiniteScrolling: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.func.description(
+ selectColumnSortable: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.bool.description("activates sortable feature to selection column"),
+ selectColumnFilterable: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.bool.description("Activates filterable feature to selection column"),
+ selectionColumnDefinition: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.object.description("Define the definition for the selection column"),
+ renderToolbar: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.func.description("Function that returns a toolbar to show when the user hovers the row"),
+ toolbarDelayClose: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.number.description(" Timeout to close the toolbar"),
+ renderFilterToolbar: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.func.description("Function that returns a toolbar in the FilterBar component"),
+ multiSelectComponent: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.element.description("Custom component for the selection"),
+ normalizeDataKeys: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.bool.description("Normalize the keys of the data received and the columns"),
+ noResultsRender: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.func.description("Function that returns an Element when there are no rows"),
+ fluidHeight: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.bool.description("The height of the DataGrid will expand to its container"),
+ customHandlers: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.object.description("").deprecated(""),
+ onFilterMenuClose: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.func.description("Handler when user closes the filter menu"),
+ onFilterMenuOpen: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.func.description("Handler when user opens the filter menu"),
+ onReorder: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.func.description("handler when user drags a row "),
+ onMoveRowEnd: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.func.description("Handler when user stops dragging a row "),
+ onMoveRowStart: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.func.description("Handler when user starts dragging a row"),
+ onColumnResize: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.func.description("Handler when user has resized a column"),
+ onFilter: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.func.description("Handler when user filters by a column"),
+ onSort: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.func.description("Handler when user sorts by a column "),
+ onColumnRowEdited: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.func.description("Handler when user has edited a cell row"),
+ onColumnRowEdit: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.func.description(" Handler when user activates the cell row editing functionality"),
+ onSelectRow: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.func.description("Handler when user selects a row"),
+ onSelectAll: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.func.description("Handler when user checks the selection header controller"),
+ getData: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.func.description("Handler to get more data when infinite scroll is activated"),
+ onInfiniteScrolling: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.func.description(
  "Handler to get more data when infinite scroll is activated without side-effect"
- serverSideData: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.bool.description("Flag to override empty sort when data is from server"),
- virtualized: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.bool.description("Flag to force virtualization. Not used"),
- numRowsVisible: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.oneOfType([import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.number, import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.oneOf(["all"])]).description("Number of rows visible. Not used"),
- isColumnEditable: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.func.description("Callback to check if column is editable"),
- groupedRows: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.bool.description("Flag for groupedRows"),
- groupedRowsRenderHeader: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.oneOfType([import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.func, import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.element]).description("Header for grouped rows"),
- isDataSorted: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.bool.description("Once activated will disable the internal logic for sorting"),
- isDataFiltered: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.bool.description("Once activated will disable the internal logic for filtering"),
- rowSize: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.oneOf(import_rowSizes.RowSizesOptionsArr).description("Change row size"),
- wrapText: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.bool.description("Whether to wrap the text of the data grid or not"),
- renderExpandedDetails: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.oneOfType([import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.func, import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.element]).description(
+ serverSideData: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.bool.description("Flag to override empty sort when data is from server"),
+ virtualized: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.bool.description("Flag to force virtualization. Not used"),
+ numRowsVisible: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.oneOfType([import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.number, import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.oneOf(["all"])]).description("Number of rows visible. Not used"),
+ isColumnEditable: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.func.description("Callback to check if column is editable"),
+ groupedRows: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.bool.description("Flag for groupedRows"),
+ groupedRowsRenderHeader: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.oneOfType([import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.func, import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.element]).description("Header for grouped rows"),
+ isDataSorted: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.bool.description("Once activated will disable the internal logic for sorting"),
+ isDataFiltered: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.bool.description("Once activated will disable the internal logic for filtering"),
+ rowSize: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.oneOf(import_rowSizes.RowSizesOptionsArr).description("Change row size"),
+ wrapText: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.bool.description("Whether to wrap the text of the data grid or not"),
+ renderExpandedDetails: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.oneOfType([import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.func, import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.element]).description(
  "Element to render expanded details"
- detailColumns: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.arrayOf(import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.object).description("Columns to render on the details of an expanded row"),
- expandable: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.bool.description("Flag to enable the expandable feature "),
- getChildrenRows: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.func.description("Callback to get the row children"),
- expandableSubrowsVisible: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.number.description("Number of rows visible on the details of an expanded row"),
- renderRowDetails: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.oneOfType([import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.func, import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.element]).description(
+ detailColumns: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.arrayOf(import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.object).description("Columns to render on the details of an expanded row"),
+ expandable: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.bool.description("Flag to enable the expandable feature "),
+ getChildrenRows: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.func.description("Callback to get the row children"),
+ expandableSubrowsVisible: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.number.description("Number of rows visible on the details of an expanded row"),
+ renderRowDetails: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.oneOfType([import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.func, import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.element]).description(
  "Element to render inside expanded row"
- getExpandedRowSize: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.func.description("Callback to get the expanded row size"),
- getExpandedRowMinSize: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.func.description("Callback to get the expanded row minimum size"),
- subRowSize: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.oneOf(import_rowSizes.RowSizesOptionsArr).description("Change expanded/details rows size"),
- bindColumnsSizeTo: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.string.description("Bind the column size to another grid instance"),
- bindRowSizeTo: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.string.description("Bind the row size to another grid instance"),
- onToggleShowAllRows: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.func.description("Handler when toggle show all is clicked"),
- expandedRows: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.object.description("Expanded row state"),
- autoHeight: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.bool.description("Flag to enable autoheight"),
- noColumnsPlaceholder: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.oneOfType([import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.string, import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.element]).description(
+ getExpandedRowSize: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.func.description("Callback to get the expanded row size"),
+ getExpandedRowMinSize: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.func.description("Callback to get the expanded row minimum size"),
+ subRowSize: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.oneOf(import_rowSizes.RowSizesOptionsArr).description("Change expanded/details rows size"),
+ bindColumnsSizeTo: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.string.description("Bind the column size to another grid instance"),
+ bindRowSizeTo: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.string.description("Bind the row size to another grid instance"),
+ onToggleShowAllRows: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.func.description("Handler when toggle show all is clicked"),
+ expandedRows: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.object.description("Expanded row state"),
+ autoHeight: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.bool.description("Flag to enable autoheight"),
+ noColumnsPlaceholder: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.oneOfType([import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.string, import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.element]).description(
  "Placeholder rendered when no columns are visible"
- plugins: import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.arrayOf(import_ds_utilities.PropTypes.any).description("Plugin additional array")
+ plugins: import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.arrayOf(import_ds_props_helpers.PropTypes.any).description("Plugin additional array")
  DSDataGrids.propTypes = props;
  DSDataGrids.displayName = "DSDataGrids";
- const DSDataGridsWithSchema = (0, import_ds_utilities.describe)(DSDataGrids);
+ const DSDataGridsWithSchema = (0, import_ds_props_helpers.describe)(DSDataGrids);
  DSDataGridsWithSchema.propTypes = props;
  var DSDataGrid_default = DSDataGrids;
  //# sourceMappingURL=DSDataGrid.js.map
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
  "version": 3,
  "sources": ["../../src/DSDataGrid.tsx", "../../../../scripts/build/transpile/react-shim.js"],
- "sourcesContent": ["/* eslint-disable max-lines */\nimport React from 'react';\nimport { PropTypes, describe } from '@elliemae/ds-utilities';\nimport { TooltipTextProvider } from '@elliemae/ds-truncated-tooltip-text';\nimport { DataGridImpl } from './DataGridImpl';\nimport { RowSizesOptions, RowSizesOptionsArr } from './rowSizes';\n\nconst DSDataGrids = ({\n containerProps = {},\n instanceRef,\n className = '',\n\n // data\n columns = [],\n rows = [],\n rowKey = 'id',\n\n // features\n infiniteScrolling = false,\n editable = false,\n sortable = false,\n sortEmptyLast = false,\n paginated = false,\n dragAndDropRows = false,\n selectable = false,\n resizeableColumns = false,\n searchFilters = false,\n dragAndDropColumns = false,\n useTreeData = false,\n autoScrollToId,\n\n // virtualization props\n overscanCount = 10,\n\n // feature state\n selectAll = false, // todo: change to isAllSelected\n selectedRows = [],\n filters = undefined,\n onAddFilter = () => null,\n onRemoveFilter = () => null,\n onFiltersChange = () => null,\n showFilterBar = true,\n multiSelectFilterOptions = [\n { id: 'true', label: 'Selected' },\n { id: 'false', label: 'Not selected' },\n ],\n multiSelectFilterLabels = undefined,\n multiSelectFilterLabel = 'Selection',\n\n aggregations = {},\n groupingColumn = undefined,\n\n sortingColumns = {},\n\n // pagination\n minPerPage = 0,\n maxPerPage = 50,\n onPerPageChange = () => null,\n onPageChange = () => null,\n paginationStep = 2,\n pagination = {\n page: 1,\n perPage: 10,\n },\n // visual\n showHeader = true,\n fixedHeader = true,\n wrapText = false,\n height = undefined,\n minColumnWidth = 100,\n showRowsLoader = false,\n visibleColumns = undefined, // this enforces visibility of columns\n showSelectHighlight = false,\n showSelectColumn = true,\n selectColumnSortable = true,\n selectColumnFilterable = false,\n selectionColumnDefinition = {},\n filterBarOptions = undefined,\n // searchGrid = false,\n renderToolbar = undefined,\n toolbarDelayClose = 400,\n renderFilterToolbar = undefined,\n multiSelectComponent = undefined,\n // todo: deprecate this\n noResultsRender,\n noResultsPlaceholder,\n fluidHeight = false,\n\n customHandlers = {},\n\n // grouping feature\n groupedBy = undefined,\n\n // callbacks\n onDefaultFiltersLoad = () => null,\n onReorder = () => null,\n onMoveRowEnd = () => null,\n onMoveRowStart = () => null,\n onMoveColumnOver = () => null,\n onMoveColumnStart = () => null,\n onMoveColumnEnd = () => null,\n onColumnResize = () => null,\n onExpandChange = () => null,\n onToggleExpand = () => null,\n onExpandRow = () => null,\n onFilter = () => null,\n onSort = () => null,\n onColumnRowEdited = () => null,\n onColumnRowEdit = () => null,\n onSelectRow = () => null,\n onSelectAll = () => null,\n onInfiniteScrolling = () => null,\n onFilterMenuClose = () => null,\n onFilterMenuOpen = () => null,\n getData = undefined, // todo: change to onGetMoreData\n serverSideData = false,\n isDataSorted = false,\n isDataFiltered = false,\n virtualized = true,\n numRowsVisible = undefined,\n isColumnEditable = (column) => column.editable,\n\n // grouped props\n groupedRows = false,\n groupedRowsRenderHeader = undefined,\n // expandable props\n renderExpandedDetails = () => null,\n detailColumns,\n expandable = false,\n getChildrenRows = (row) => row.children,\n expandableSubrowsVisible = 7,\n renderRowDetails = () => null,\n getExpandedRowSize = undefined,\n getExpandedRowMinSize,\n rowSize = RowSizesOptions.normal,\n subRowSize = RowSizesOptions.normal,\n bindColumnsSizeTo = undefined,\n bindRowSizeTo = undefined,\n onToggleShowAllRows,\n expandedRows,\n autoHeight = false,\n noColumnsPlaceholder,\n plugins = [],\n normalizeDataKeys = false,\n}) => (\n <TooltipTextProvider>\n <DataGridImpl\n aggregations={aggregations}\n autoHeight={autoHeight && !fluidHeight}\n autoScrollToId={autoScrollToId}\n bindColumnsSizeTo={bindColumnsSizeTo}\n bindRowSizeTo={bindRowSizeTo}\n className={className}\n columns={columns}\n containerProps={containerProps}\n customHandlers={customHandlers}\n detailColumns={detailColumns}\n dragAndDropColumns={dragAndDropColumns}\n dragAndDropRows={dragAndDropRows}\n editable={editable}\n expandable={expandable}\n expandableSubrowsVisible={expandableSubrowsVisible}\n expandedRows={expandedRows}\n filterBarOptions={filterBarOptions}\n filters={filters}\n fixedHeader={fixedHeader}\n fluidHeight={fluidHeight}\n getChildrenRows={getChildrenRows}\n getData={getData}\n getExpandedRowMinSize={getExpandedRowMinSize}\n getExpandedRowSize={getExpandedRowSize}\n groupedBy={groupedBy}\n groupedRows={groupedRows}\n groupedRowsRenderHeader={groupedRowsRenderHeader}\n groupingColumn={groupingColumn}\n height={height}\n infiniteScrolling={infiniteScrolling}\n instanceRef={instanceRef}\n isColumnEditable={isColumnEditable}\n isDataFiltered={isDataFiltered}\n isDataSorted={isDataSorted}\n maxPerPage={maxPerPage}\n minColumnWidth={minColumnWidth}\n minPerPage={minPerPage}\n multiSelectComponent={multiSelectComponent}\n multiSelectFilterLabel={multiSelectFilterLabel}\n multiSelectFilterLabels={multiSelectFilterLabels}\n multiSelectFilterOptions={multiSelectFilterOptions}\n noColumnsPlaceholder={noColumnsPlaceholder}\n noResultsPlaceholder={noResultsPlaceholder}\n noResultsRender={noResultsRender}\n normalizeDataKeys={normalizeDataKeys}\n numRowsVisible={numRowsVisible} // if defined, fluidHeight is disabled\n onAddFilter={onAddFilter}\n onColumnResize={onColumnResize}\n onColumnRowEdit={onColumnRowEdit}\n onColumnRowEdited={onColumnRowEdited}\n onExpandRow={onExpandRow}\n onExpandChange={onExpandChange}\n onFilter={onFilter}\n onFiltersChange={onFiltersChange}\n onFilterMenuClose={onFilterMenuClose}\n onFilterMenuOpen={onFilterMenuOpen}\n onDefaultFiltersLoad={onDefaultFiltersLoad}\n onInfiniteScrolling={onInfiniteScrolling}\n onMoveColumnEnd={onMoveColumnEnd}\n onMoveColumnOver={onMoveColumnOver}\n onMoveColumnStart={onMoveColumnStart}\n onMoveRowEnd={onMoveRowEnd}\n onMoveRowStart={onMoveRowStart}\n onPageChange={onPageChange}\n onPerPageChange={onPerPageChange}\n onRemoveFilter={onRemoveFilter}\n onReorder={onReorder}\n onSelectAll={onSelectAll}\n onSelectRow={onSelectRow}\n onSort={onSort}\n onToggleExpand={onToggleExpand}\n onToggleShowAllRows={onToggleShowAllRows}\n overscanCount={overscanCount}\n paginated={paginated}\n pagination={pagination}\n paginationStep={paginationStep}\n plugins={plugins}\n renderExpandedDetails={renderExpandedDetails}\n renderFilterToolbar={renderFilterToolbar}\n renderRowDetails={renderRowDetails}\n renderToolbar={renderToolbar}\n resizeableColumns={resizeableColumns}\n rowKey={rowKey}\n rows={rows}\n rowSize={rowSize}\n searchFilters={searchFilters}\n selectable={selectable}\n selectAll={selectAll}\n selectColumnFilterable={selectColumnFilterable}\n selectColumnSortable={selectColumnSortable}\n selectedRows={selectedRows}\n selectionColumnDefinition={selectionColumnDefinition}\n serverSideData={serverSideData}\n showFilterBar={showFilterBar}\n showHeader={showHeader}\n showRowsLoader={showRowsLoader}\n showSelectColumn={showSelectColumn}\n showSelectHighlight={showSelectHighlight}\n sortable={sortable}\n sortEmptyLast={sortEmptyLast}\n sortingColumns={sortingColumns}\n subrowSize={subRowSize}\n toolbarDelayClose={toolbarDelayClose}\n useTreeData={useTreeData}\n virtualized={virtualized}\n visibleColumns={visibleColumns}\n wrapText={wrapText}\n />\n </TooltipTextProvider>\n);\n\nconst props = {\n /** ref to the instance of the datagrid, handle it imperatively */\n instanceRef: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.shape({ current: PropTypes.any })]).description(\n 'ref to the instance of the datagrid, handle it imperatively',\n ),\n /** class for data grid wrapper */\n className: PropTypes.string.description('class for data grid wrapper'),\n /** inject props to datagrid wrapper */\n containerProps: PropTypes.object.description('inject props to datagrid wrapper'),\n /** FilterBar props passed down to FilterBar */\n filterBarOptions: PropTypes.shape({\n minWidth: PropTypes.number,\n maxWidth: PropTypes.number,\n }).description('FilterBar props passed down to FilterBar'),\n /** datagrid columns */\n columns: PropTypes.arrayOf(\n PropTypes.shape({\n /** Column property as an identifier */\n property: PropTypes.string.isRequired,\n /** Label in the header */\n label: PropTypes.string,\n /** Defines the width of the column, can be a string with percentages (\"50%\"), if not defined the width is flexible */\n width: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.number, PropTypes.string]),\n /** Min width for this column. NOTE: Has prevalence over the general minColumnWidth */\n minWidth: PropTypes.number,\n /** Function returning a custom editor for that cell ({ value, onValue, rowData }) => Element */\n customEditor: PropTypes.func,\n /** Function returning an element to render in the cell ({ value, customHandlers, metaData: { rowData } }) => Element */\n customRenderer: PropTypes.func,\n /** Activates 'searchable' feature for this column */\n searchable: PropTypes.bool,\n /** Activates 'sortable' feature for this column */\n sortable: PropTypes.bool,\n /** Activates 'resizable' feature for this column */\n resizable: PropTypes.bool,\n /** Activates 'editable' feature for this column */\n editable: PropTypes.bool,\n /** Whether this column is visible or not */\n visible: PropTypes.bool,\n }),\n ).description('datagrid columns'),\n /** datagrid rows */\n rows: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object).description('datagrid rows'),\n /** key for each row */\n rowKey: PropTypes.string.description('key for each row'),\n /** toggle infinite scroll loading behavior */\n infiniteScrolling: PropTypes.bool.description('toggle infinite scroll loading behavior'),\n /** Activates 'editable' feature on the DataGrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well */\n overscanCount: PropTypes.number.description(\n \"Activates 'editable' feature on the DataGrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well\",\n ),\n /** turn datagrid to editable mode */\n editable: PropTypes.bool.description('turn datagrid to editable mode'),\n /** Activates 'sortable' feature on the GataGrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well */\n sortable: PropTypes.bool.description(\n \"Activates 'sortable' feature on the GataGrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well\",\n ),\n /** Put empty values always last on the column after sorting */\n sortEmptyLast: PropTypes.bool.description('Put empty values always last on the column after sorting'),\n /** Activates 'pagination' feature on the datagrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well */\n paginated: PropTypes.bool.description(\n \"Activates 'pagination' feature on the datagrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well\",\n ),\n /** Pagination step for clicking the next pages */\n paginationStep: PropTypes.number.description('Pagination step for clicking the next pages'),\n /** Activates 'drag and drop rows' feature on the datagrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well */\n dragAndDropRows: PropTypes.bool.description(\n \"Activates 'drag and drop rows' feature on the datagrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well\",\n ),\n /** Activates 'selection' feature on the datagrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well */\n selectable: PropTypes.bool.description(\n \"Activates 'selection' feature on the datagrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well\",\n ),\n /** Activates 'resize' feature on the datagrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well */\n resizeableColumns: PropTypes.bool.description(\n \"Activates 'resize' feature on the datagrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well\",\n ),\n /** Placeholder rendered when no rows are visible */\n noResultsPlaceholder: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.element]).description(\n 'Placeholder rendered when no rows are visible',\n ),\n /** Activates 'filtering' feature on the datagrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well */\n searchFilters: PropTypes.bool.description(\n \"activates 'filtering' feature on the datagrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well\",\n ),\n /** Activates 'drag and drop columns' feature on the datagrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well */\n dragAndDropColumns: PropTypes.bool.description(\n \"Activates 'drag and drop columns' feature on the datagrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well\",\n ),\n /** Activates 'grouping and tree data' feature on the datagrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well */\n useTreeData: PropTypes.bool.description(\n \"activates 'grouping and tree data' feature on the datagrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well\",\n ),\n /** AutoScroll to row ID */\n autoScrollToId: PropTypes.any.description('AutoScroll to row ID'),\n /** Whether all rows are selected or not */\n selectAll: PropTypes.bool.description('Whether all rows are selected or not'),\n /** Defines the selected rows */\n selectedRows: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object).description(' Defines the selected rows'),\n /** Filters to be applied to the grid */\n filters: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object).description('Filters to be applied to the grid'),\n // todo: define params for handlers\n /** Handler when user expands a row */\n onExpandRow: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when user expands a row'),\n /** Handler when user expands a row with full expand state */\n onExpandChange: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when user expands a row with full expand state'),\n /** Handler when user expands a row (old API) */\n onToggleExpand: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when user expands a row (old API)'),\n /** Handler when user adds a filter */\n onAddFilter: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when user adds a filter'),\n /** Handler when user removes a filter */\n onRemoveFilter: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when user removes a filter'),\n /** Handler when the filters state has changed */\n onFiltersChange: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when the filters state has changed '),\n /** Handler when the default filters load. Returns the rows rendered */\n onDefaultFiltersLoad: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when the default filters load. Returns the rows rendered'),\n /** Handler when column move is over another column */\n onMoveColumnOver: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when column move is over another column'),\n /** Handler when column move starts */\n onMoveColumnStart: PropTypes.func.description(' Handler when column move starts'),\n /** Handler when column move ends */\n onMoveColumnEnd: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when column move ends'),\n /** Whether to show the filter bar or not */\n showFilterBar: PropTypes.bool.description('Whether to show the filter bar or not'),\n /** Custom option for the header with multi select */\n multiSelectFilterOptions: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object).description(\n 'Custom option for the header with multi select',\n ),\n /** Label to the header column for multi select */\n multiSelectFilterLabel: PropTypes.string.description('Label to the header column for multi select'),\n /** Labels for multi selects */\n multiSelectFilterLabels: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string).description('Labels for multi selects'),\n /** unstable */\n aggregations: PropTypes.object.description('').deprecated(''),\n /** unstable */\n /** Column which rows would be grouped by */\n groupingColumn: PropTypes.string.description('Column which rows would be grouped by').deprecated(''),\n /** group by */\n groupedBy: PropTypes.string.description('group by'),\n /** Defines the sorting state */\n sortingColumns: PropTypes.objectOf(\n PropTypes.shape({\n // eslint-disable-next-line react/no-unused-prop-types\n direction: PropTypes.oneOf(['asc', 'desc']),\n // eslint-disable-next-line react/no-unused-prop-types\n position: PropTypes.number,\n }),\n ).description('Defines the sorting state'),\n /** Visible columns property */\n visibleColumns: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string).description('Visible columns property'),\n /** Pagination: Minimum number of rows per page */\n minPerPage: PropTypes.string.description('Pagination: Minimum number of rows per page'),\n /** Pagination: Maximum number of rows per page */\n maxPerPage: PropTypes.string.description('Pagination: Maximum number of rows per page'),\n /** Pagination: Handler when user changes the amount of rows per page */\n onPerPageChange: PropTypes.string.description('Pagination: Handler when user changes the amount of rows per page'),\n /** Pagination: Handler when user changes the page */\n onPageChange: PropTypes.string.description('Pagination: Handler when user changes the page'),\n /** Pagination state */\n pagination: PropTypes.shape({\n // eslint-disable-next-line react/no-unused-prop-types\n page: PropTypes.number,\n // eslint-disable-next-line react/no-unused-prop-types\n perPage: PropTypes.number,\n }).description('pagination state'),\n /** Whether to show the header or not */\n showHeader: PropTypes.bool.description('Whether to show the header or not'),\n /** Whether to header is fixed or not */\n fixedHeader: PropTypes.bool.description('Whether to header is fixed or not'),\n /** Defines the height of the DataGrid */\n height: PropTypes.number.description('Defines the height of the DataGrid'),\n /** General min column width for all the columns */\n minColumnWidth: PropTypes.number.description('General min column width for all the columns '),\n /** Whether to show a loader instead of the rows or not */\n showRowsLoader: PropTypes.bool.description('Whether to show a loader instead of the rows or not'),\n /** When a user selects a row, that row get highlighted */\n showSelectHighlight: PropTypes.bool.description('When a user selects a row, that row get highlighted'),\n /** Whether to show the select column when the selection feature is active */\n showSelectColumn: PropTypes.bool.description(\n 'Whether to show the select column when the selection feature is active',\n ),\n /** Activates sortable feature to selection column */\n selectColumnSortable: PropTypes.bool.description('activates sortable feature to selection column'),\n /** Activates filterable feature to selection column */\n selectColumnFilterable: PropTypes.bool.description('Activates filterable feature to selection column'),\n /** Define the definition for the selection column */\n selectionColumnDefinition: PropTypes.object.description('Define the definition for the selection column'),\n /** Function that returns a toolbar to show when the user hovers the row */\n renderToolbar: PropTypes.func.description('Function that returns a toolbar to show when the user hovers the row'),\n /** Timeout to close the toolbar */\n toolbarDelayClose: PropTypes.number.description(' Timeout to close the toolbar'),\n /** Function that returns a toolbar in the FilterBar component */\n renderFilterToolbar: PropTypes.func.description('Function that returns a toolbar in the FilterBar component'),\n /** Custom component for the selection */\n multiSelectComponent: PropTypes.element.description('Custom component for the selection'),\n /** Normalize the keys of the data received and the columns */\n normalizeDataKeys: PropTypes.bool.description('Normalize the keys of the data received and the columns'),\n /** Function that returns an Element when there are no rows */\n noResultsRender: PropTypes.func.description('Function that returns an Element when there are no rows'),\n /** The height of the DataGrid will expand to its container */\n fluidHeight: PropTypes.bool.description('The height of the DataGrid will expand to its container'),\n /** @deprecated */\n customHandlers: PropTypes.object.description('').deprecated(''),\n /** Handler when user closes the filter menu */\n onFilterMenuClose: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when user closes the filter menu'),\n /** Handler when user opens the filter menu */\n onFilterMenuOpen: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when user opens the filter menu'),\n /** Handler when user drags a row */\n onReorder: PropTypes.func.description('handler when user drags a row '),\n /** Handler when user stops dragging a row */\n onMoveRowEnd: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when user stops dragging a row '),\n /** Handler when user starts dragging a row */\n onMoveRowStart: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when user starts dragging a row'),\n /** Handler when user has resized a column */\n onColumnResize: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when user has resized a column'),\n /** Handler when user filters by a column */\n onFilter: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when user filters by a column'),\n /** Handler when user sorts by a column */\n onSort: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when user sorts by a column '),\n /** Handler when user has edited a cell row */\n onColumnRowEdited: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when user has edited a cell row'),\n /** Handler when user activates the cell row editing functionality */\n onColumnRowEdit: PropTypes.func.description(' Handler when user activates the cell row editing functionality'),\n /** Handler when user selects a row */\n onSelectRow: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when user selects a row'),\n /** Handler when user checks the selection header controller */\n onSelectAll: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when user checks the selection header controller'),\n /** Handler to get more data when infinite scroll is activated */\n getData: PropTypes.func.description('Handler to get more data when infinite scroll is activated'),\n /** Handler to get more data when infinite scroll is activated without side-effect */\n onInfiniteScrolling: PropTypes.func.description(\n 'Handler to get more data when infinite scroll is activated without side-effect',\n ),\n /** Flag to override empty sort when data is from server */\n serverSideData: PropTypes.bool.description('Flag to override empty sort when data is from server'),\n /** Flag to force virtualization. Not used */\n virtualized: PropTypes.bool.description('Flag to force virtualization. Not used'),\n /** Number of rows visible. Not used */\n numRowsVisible: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.number, PropTypes.oneOf(['all'])]).description('Number of rows visible. Not used'),\n /** Callback to check if column is editable */\n isColumnEditable: PropTypes.func.description('Callback to check if column is editable'),\n /** Flag for groupedRows */\n groupedRows: PropTypes.bool.description('Flag for groupedRows'),\n /** Header for grouped rows */\n groupedRowsRenderHeader: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.element]).description('Header for grouped rows'),\n /** Once activated will disable the internal logic for sorting */\n isDataSorted: PropTypes.bool.description('Once activated will disable the internal logic for sorting'),\n /** Once activated will disable the internal logic for filtering */\n isDataFiltered: PropTypes.bool.description('Once activated will disable the internal logic for filtering'),\n /** Change row size */\n rowSize: PropTypes.oneOf(RowSizesOptionsArr).description('Change row size'),\n /** Whether to wrap the text of the data grid or not */\n wrapText: PropTypes.bool.description('Whether to wrap the text of the data grid or not'),\n /** Element to render expanded details */\n renderExpandedDetails: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.element]).description(\n 'Element to render expanded details',\n ),\n /** Columns to render on the details of an expanded row */\n detailColumns: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object).description('Columns to render on the details of an expanded row'),\n /** Flag to enable the expandable feature */\n expandable: PropTypes.bool.description('Flag to enable the expandable feature '),\n /** Callback to get the row children */\n getChildrenRows: PropTypes.func.description('Callback to get the row children'),\n /** Number of rows visible on the details of an expanded row */\n expandableSubrowsVisible: PropTypes.number.description('Number of rows visible on the details of an expanded row'),\n /** Element to render inside expanded row */\n renderRowDetails: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.element]).description(\n 'Element to render inside expanded row',\n ),\n /** Callback to get the expanded row size */\n getExpandedRowSize: PropTypes.func.description('Callback to get the expanded row size'),\n /** Callback to get the expanded row minimum size */\n getExpandedRowMinSize: PropTypes.func.description('Callback to get the expanded row minimum size'),\n /** Change expanded/details rows size */\n subRowSize: PropTypes.oneOf(RowSizesOptionsArr).description('Change expanded/details rows size'),\n /** Bind the column size to another grid instance */\n bindColumnsSizeTo: PropTypes.string.description('Bind the column size to another grid instance'),\n /** Bind the row size to another grid instance */\n bindRowSizeTo: PropTypes.string.description('Bind the row size to another grid instance'),\n /** Handler when toggle show all is clicked */\n onToggleShowAllRows: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when toggle show all is clicked'),\n /** Expanded row state */\n expandedRows: PropTypes.object.description('Expanded row state'),\n /** Flag to enable autoheight */\n autoHeight: PropTypes.bool.description('Flag to enable autoheight'),\n /** Placeholder rendered when no columns are visible */\n noColumnsPlaceholder: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.element]).description(\n 'Placeholder rendered when no columns are visible',\n ),\n /** Plugin additional array */\n plugins: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.any).description('Plugin additional array'),\n};\n\nDSDataGrids.propTypes = props;\nDSDataGrids.displayName = 'DSDataGrids';\nconst DSDataGridsWithSchema = describe(DSDataGrids);\nDSDataGridsWithSchema.propTypes = props;\n\nexport { DSDataGridsWithSchema, DSDataGrids, DSDataGrids as DSDataGrid };\nexport default DSDataGrids;\n", "import * as React from 'react';\nexport { React };\n"],
+ "sourcesContent": ["/* eslint-disable max-lines */\nimport React from 'react';\nimport { PropTypes, describe } from '@elliemae/ds-props-helpers';\nimport { TooltipTextProvider } from '@elliemae/ds-truncated-tooltip-text';\nimport { DataGridImpl } from './DataGridImpl';\nimport { RowSizesOptions, RowSizesOptionsArr } from './rowSizes';\n\nconst DSDataGrids = ({\n containerProps = {},\n instanceRef,\n className = '',\n\n // data\n columns = [],\n rows = [],\n rowKey = 'id',\n\n // features\n infiniteScrolling = false,\n editable = false,\n sortable = false,\n sortEmptyLast = false,\n paginated = false,\n dragAndDropRows = false,\n selectable = false,\n resizeableColumns = false,\n searchFilters = false,\n dragAndDropColumns = false,\n useTreeData = false,\n autoScrollToId,\n\n // virtualization props\n overscanCount = 10,\n\n // feature state\n selectAll = false, // todo: change to isAllSelected\n selectedRows = [],\n filters = undefined,\n onAddFilter = () => null,\n onRemoveFilter = () => null,\n onFiltersChange = () => null,\n showFilterBar = true,\n multiSelectFilterOptions = [\n { id: 'true', label: 'Selected' },\n { id: 'false', label: 'Not selected' },\n ],\n multiSelectFilterLabels = undefined,\n multiSelectFilterLabel = 'Selection',\n\n aggregations = {},\n groupingColumn = undefined,\n\n sortingColumns = {},\n\n // pagination\n minPerPage = 0,\n maxPerPage = 50,\n onPerPageChange = () => null,\n onPageChange = () => null,\n paginationStep = 2,\n pagination = {\n page: 1,\n perPage: 10,\n },\n // visual\n showHeader = true,\n fixedHeader = true,\n wrapText = false,\n height = undefined,\n minColumnWidth = 100,\n showRowsLoader = false,\n visibleColumns = undefined, // this enforces visibility of columns\n showSelectHighlight = false,\n showSelectColumn = true,\n selectColumnSortable = true,\n selectColumnFilterable = false,\n selectionColumnDefinition = {},\n filterBarOptions = undefined,\n // searchGrid = false,\n renderToolbar = undefined,\n toolbarDelayClose = 400,\n renderFilterToolbar = undefined,\n multiSelectComponent = undefined,\n // todo: deprecate this\n noResultsRender,\n noResultsPlaceholder,\n fluidHeight = false,\n\n customHandlers = {},\n\n // grouping feature\n groupedBy = undefined,\n\n // callbacks\n onDefaultFiltersLoad = () => null,\n onReorder = () => null,\n onMoveRowEnd = () => null,\n onMoveRowStart = () => null,\n onMoveColumnOver = () => null,\n onMoveColumnStart = () => null,\n onMoveColumnEnd = () => null,\n onColumnResize = () => null,\n onExpandChange = () => null,\n onToggleExpand = () => null,\n onExpandRow = () => null,\n onFilter = () => null,\n onSort = () => null,\n onColumnRowEdited = () => null,\n onColumnRowEdit = () => null,\n onSelectRow = () => null,\n onSelectAll = () => null,\n onInfiniteScrolling = () => null,\n onFilterMenuClose = () => null,\n onFilterMenuOpen = () => null,\n getData = undefined, // todo: change to onGetMoreData\n serverSideData = false,\n isDataSorted = false,\n isDataFiltered = false,\n virtualized = true,\n numRowsVisible = undefined,\n isColumnEditable = (column) => column.editable,\n\n // grouped props\n groupedRows = false,\n groupedRowsRenderHeader = undefined,\n // expandable props\n renderExpandedDetails = () => null,\n detailColumns,\n expandable = false,\n getChildrenRows = (row) => row.children,\n expandableSubrowsVisible = 7,\n renderRowDetails = () => null,\n getExpandedRowSize = undefined,\n getExpandedRowMinSize,\n rowSize = RowSizesOptions.normal,\n subRowSize = RowSizesOptions.normal,\n bindColumnsSizeTo = undefined,\n bindRowSizeTo = undefined,\n onToggleShowAllRows,\n expandedRows,\n autoHeight = false,\n noColumnsPlaceholder,\n plugins = [],\n normalizeDataKeys = false,\n}) => (\n <TooltipTextProvider>\n <DataGridImpl\n aggregations={aggregations}\n autoHeight={autoHeight && !fluidHeight}\n autoScrollToId={autoScrollToId}\n bindColumnsSizeTo={bindColumnsSizeTo}\n bindRowSizeTo={bindRowSizeTo}\n className={className}\n columns={columns}\n containerProps={containerProps}\n customHandlers={customHandlers}\n detailColumns={detailColumns}\n dragAndDropColumns={dragAndDropColumns}\n dragAndDropRows={dragAndDropRows}\n editable={editable}\n expandable={expandable}\n expandableSubrowsVisible={expandableSubrowsVisible}\n expandedRows={expandedRows}\n filterBarOptions={filterBarOptions}\n filters={filters}\n fixedHeader={fixedHeader}\n fluidHeight={fluidHeight}\n getChildrenRows={getChildrenRows}\n getData={getData}\n getExpandedRowMinSize={getExpandedRowMinSize}\n getExpandedRowSize={getExpandedRowSize}\n groupedBy={groupedBy}\n groupedRows={groupedRows}\n groupedRowsRenderHeader={groupedRowsRenderHeader}\n groupingColumn={groupingColumn}\n height={height}\n infiniteScrolling={infiniteScrolling}\n instanceRef={instanceRef}\n isColumnEditable={isColumnEditable}\n isDataFiltered={isDataFiltered}\n isDataSorted={isDataSorted}\n maxPerPage={maxPerPage}\n minColumnWidth={minColumnWidth}\n minPerPage={minPerPage}\n multiSelectComponent={multiSelectComponent}\n multiSelectFilterLabel={multiSelectFilterLabel}\n multiSelectFilterLabels={multiSelectFilterLabels}\n multiSelectFilterOptions={multiSelectFilterOptions}\n noColumnsPlaceholder={noColumnsPlaceholder}\n noResultsPlaceholder={noResultsPlaceholder}\n noResultsRender={noResultsRender}\n normalizeDataKeys={normalizeDataKeys}\n numRowsVisible={numRowsVisible} // if defined, fluidHeight is disabled\n onAddFilter={onAddFilter}\n onColumnResize={onColumnResize}\n onColumnRowEdit={onColumnRowEdit}\n onColumnRowEdited={onColumnRowEdited}\n onExpandRow={onExpandRow}\n onExpandChange={onExpandChange}\n onFilter={onFilter}\n onFiltersChange={onFiltersChange}\n onFilterMenuClose={onFilterMenuClose}\n onFilterMenuOpen={onFilterMenuOpen}\n onDefaultFiltersLoad={onDefaultFiltersLoad}\n onInfiniteScrolling={onInfiniteScrolling}\n onMoveColumnEnd={onMoveColumnEnd}\n onMoveColumnOver={onMoveColumnOver}\n onMoveColumnStart={onMoveColumnStart}\n onMoveRowEnd={onMoveRowEnd}\n onMoveRowStart={onMoveRowStart}\n onPageChange={onPageChange}\n onPerPageChange={onPerPageChange}\n onRemoveFilter={onRemoveFilter}\n onReorder={onReorder}\n onSelectAll={onSelectAll}\n onSelectRow={onSelectRow}\n onSort={onSort}\n onToggleExpand={onToggleExpand}\n onToggleShowAllRows={onToggleShowAllRows}\n overscanCount={overscanCount}\n paginated={paginated}\n pagination={pagination}\n paginationStep={paginationStep}\n plugins={plugins}\n renderExpandedDetails={renderExpandedDetails}\n renderFilterToolbar={renderFilterToolbar}\n renderRowDetails={renderRowDetails}\n renderToolbar={renderToolbar}\n resizeableColumns={resizeableColumns}\n rowKey={rowKey}\n rows={rows}\n rowSize={rowSize}\n searchFilters={searchFilters}\n selectable={selectable}\n selectAll={selectAll}\n selectColumnFilterable={selectColumnFilterable}\n selectColumnSortable={selectColumnSortable}\n selectedRows={selectedRows}\n selectionColumnDefinition={selectionColumnDefinition}\n serverSideData={serverSideData}\n showFilterBar={showFilterBar}\n showHeader={showHeader}\n showRowsLoader={showRowsLoader}\n showSelectColumn={showSelectColumn}\n showSelectHighlight={showSelectHighlight}\n sortable={sortable}\n sortEmptyLast={sortEmptyLast}\n sortingColumns={sortingColumns}\n subrowSize={subRowSize}\n toolbarDelayClose={toolbarDelayClose}\n useTreeData={useTreeData}\n virtualized={virtualized}\n visibleColumns={visibleColumns}\n wrapText={wrapText}\n />\n </TooltipTextProvider>\n);\n\nconst props = {\n /** ref to the instance of the datagrid, handle it imperatively */\n instanceRef: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.shape({ current: PropTypes.any })]).description(\n 'ref to the instance of the datagrid, handle it imperatively',\n ),\n /** class for data grid wrapper */\n className: PropTypes.string.description('class for data grid wrapper'),\n /** inject props to datagrid wrapper */\n containerProps: PropTypes.object.description('inject props to datagrid wrapper'),\n /** FilterBar props passed down to FilterBar */\n filterBarOptions: PropTypes.shape({\n minWidth: PropTypes.number,\n maxWidth: PropTypes.number,\n }).description('FilterBar props passed down to FilterBar'),\n /** datagrid columns */\n columns: PropTypes.arrayOf(\n PropTypes.shape({\n /** Column property as an identifier */\n property: PropTypes.string.isRequired,\n /** Label in the header */\n label: PropTypes.string,\n /** Defines the width of the column, can be a string with percentages (\"50%\"), if not defined the width is flexible */\n width: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.number, PropTypes.string]),\n /** Min width for this column. NOTE: Has prevalence over the general minColumnWidth */\n minWidth: PropTypes.number,\n /** Function returning a custom editor for that cell ({ value, onValue, rowData }) => Element */\n customEditor: PropTypes.func,\n /** Function returning an element to render in the cell ({ value, customHandlers, metaData: { rowData } }) => Element */\n customRenderer: PropTypes.func,\n /** Activates 'searchable' feature for this column */\n searchable: PropTypes.bool,\n /** Activates 'sortable' feature for this column */\n sortable: PropTypes.bool,\n /** Activates 'resizable' feature for this column */\n resizable: PropTypes.bool,\n /** Activates 'editable' feature for this column */\n editable: PropTypes.bool,\n /** Whether this column is visible or not */\n visible: PropTypes.bool,\n }),\n ).description('datagrid columns'),\n /** datagrid rows */\n rows: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object).description('datagrid rows'),\n /** key for each row */\n rowKey: PropTypes.string.description('key for each row'),\n /** toggle infinite scroll loading behavior */\n infiniteScrolling: PropTypes.bool.description('toggle infinite scroll loading behavior'),\n /** Activates 'editable' feature on the DataGrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well */\n overscanCount: PropTypes.number.description(\n \"Activates 'editable' feature on the DataGrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well\",\n ),\n /** turn datagrid to editable mode */\n editable: PropTypes.bool.description('turn datagrid to editable mode'),\n /** Activates 'sortable' feature on the GataGrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well */\n sortable: PropTypes.bool.description(\n \"Activates 'sortable' feature on the GataGrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well\",\n ),\n /** Put empty values always last on the column after sorting */\n sortEmptyLast: PropTypes.bool.description('Put empty values always last on the column after sorting'),\n /** Activates 'pagination' feature on the datagrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well */\n paginated: PropTypes.bool.description(\n \"Activates 'pagination' feature on the datagrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well\",\n ),\n /** Pagination step for clicking the next pages */\n paginationStep: PropTypes.number.description('Pagination step for clicking the next pages'),\n /** Activates 'drag and drop rows' feature on the datagrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well */\n dragAndDropRows: PropTypes.bool.description(\n \"Activates 'drag and drop rows' feature on the datagrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well\",\n ),\n /** Activates 'selection' feature on the datagrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well */\n selectable: PropTypes.bool.description(\n \"Activates 'selection' feature on the datagrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well\",\n ),\n /** Activates 'resize' feature on the datagrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well */\n resizeableColumns: PropTypes.bool.description(\n \"Activates 'resize' feature on the datagrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well\",\n ),\n /** Placeholder rendered when no rows are visible */\n noResultsPlaceholder: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.element]).description(\n 'Placeholder rendered when no rows are visible',\n ),\n /** Activates 'filtering' feature on the datagrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well */\n searchFilters: PropTypes.bool.description(\n \"activates 'filtering' feature on the datagrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well\",\n ),\n /** Activates 'drag and drop columns' feature on the datagrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well */\n dragAndDropColumns: PropTypes.bool.description(\n \"Activates 'drag and drop columns' feature on the datagrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well\",\n ),\n /** Activates 'grouping and tree data' feature on the datagrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well */\n useTreeData: PropTypes.bool.description(\n \"activates 'grouping and tree data' feature on the datagrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well\",\n ),\n /** AutoScroll to row ID */\n autoScrollToId: PropTypes.any.description('AutoScroll to row ID'),\n /** Whether all rows are selected or not */\n selectAll: PropTypes.bool.description('Whether all rows are selected or not'),\n /** Defines the selected rows */\n selectedRows: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object).description(' Defines the selected rows'),\n /** Filters to be applied to the grid */\n filters: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object).description('Filters to be applied to the grid'),\n // todo: define params for handlers\n /** Handler when user expands a row */\n onExpandRow: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when user expands a row'),\n /** Handler when user expands a row with full expand state */\n onExpandChange: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when user expands a row with full expand state'),\n /** Handler when user expands a row (old API) */\n onToggleExpand: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when user expands a row (old API)'),\n /** Handler when user adds a filter */\n onAddFilter: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when user adds a filter'),\n /** Handler when user removes a filter */\n onRemoveFilter: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when user removes a filter'),\n /** Handler when the filters state has changed */\n onFiltersChange: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when the filters state has changed '),\n /** Handler when the default filters load. Returns the rows rendered */\n onDefaultFiltersLoad: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when the default filters load. Returns the rows rendered'),\n /** Handler when column move is over another column */\n onMoveColumnOver: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when column move is over another column'),\n /** Handler when column move starts */\n onMoveColumnStart: PropTypes.func.description(' Handler when column move starts'),\n /** Handler when column move ends */\n onMoveColumnEnd: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when column move ends'),\n /** Whether to show the filter bar or not */\n showFilterBar: PropTypes.bool.description('Whether to show the filter bar or not'),\n /** Custom option for the header with multi select */\n multiSelectFilterOptions: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object).description(\n 'Custom option for the header with multi select',\n ),\n /** Label to the header column for multi select */\n multiSelectFilterLabel: PropTypes.string.description('Label to the header column for multi select'),\n /** Labels for multi selects */\n multiSelectFilterLabels: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string).description('Labels for multi selects'),\n /** unstable */\n aggregations: PropTypes.object.description('').deprecated(''),\n /** unstable */\n /** Column which rows would be grouped by */\n groupingColumn: PropTypes.string.description('Column which rows would be grouped by').deprecated(''),\n /** group by */\n groupedBy: PropTypes.string.description('group by'),\n /** Defines the sorting state */\n sortingColumns: PropTypes.objectOf(\n PropTypes.shape({\n // eslint-disable-next-line react/no-unused-prop-types\n direction: PropTypes.oneOf(['asc', 'desc']),\n // eslint-disable-next-line react/no-unused-prop-types\n position: PropTypes.number,\n }),\n ).description('Defines the sorting state'),\n /** Visible columns property */\n visibleColumns: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string).description('Visible columns property'),\n /** Pagination: Minimum number of rows per page */\n minPerPage: PropTypes.string.description('Pagination: Minimum number of rows per page'),\n /** Pagination: Maximum number of rows per page */\n maxPerPage: PropTypes.string.description('Pagination: Maximum number of rows per page'),\n /** Pagination: Handler when user changes the amount of rows per page */\n onPerPageChange: PropTypes.string.description('Pagination: Handler when user changes the amount of rows per page'),\n /** Pagination: Handler when user changes the page */\n onPageChange: PropTypes.string.description('Pagination: Handler when user changes the page'),\n /** Pagination state */\n pagination: PropTypes.shape({\n // eslint-disable-next-line react/no-unused-prop-types\n page: PropTypes.number,\n // eslint-disable-next-line react/no-unused-prop-types\n perPage: PropTypes.number,\n }).description('pagination state'),\n /** Whether to show the header or not */\n showHeader: PropTypes.bool.description('Whether to show the header or not'),\n /** Whether to header is fixed or not */\n fixedHeader: PropTypes.bool.description('Whether to header is fixed or not'),\n /** Defines the height of the DataGrid */\n height: PropTypes.number.description('Defines the height of the DataGrid'),\n /** General min column width for all the columns */\n minColumnWidth: PropTypes.number.description('General min column width for all the columns '),\n /** Whether to show a loader instead of the rows or not */\n showRowsLoader: PropTypes.bool.description('Whether to show a loader instead of the rows or not'),\n /** When a user selects a row, that row get highlighted */\n showSelectHighlight: PropTypes.bool.description('When a user selects a row, that row get highlighted'),\n /** Whether to show the select column when the selection feature is active */\n showSelectColumn: PropTypes.bool.description(\n 'Whether to show the select column when the selection feature is active',\n ),\n /** Activates sortable feature to selection column */\n selectColumnSortable: PropTypes.bool.description('activates sortable feature to selection column'),\n /** Activates filterable feature to selection column */\n selectColumnFilterable: PropTypes.bool.description('Activates filterable feature to selection column'),\n /** Define the definition for the selection column */\n selectionColumnDefinition: PropTypes.object.description('Define the definition for the selection column'),\n /** Function that returns a toolbar to show when the user hovers the row */\n renderToolbar: PropTypes.func.description('Function that returns a toolbar to show when the user hovers the row'),\n /** Timeout to close the toolbar */\n toolbarDelayClose: PropTypes.number.description(' Timeout to close the toolbar'),\n /** Function that returns a toolbar in the FilterBar component */\n renderFilterToolbar: PropTypes.func.description('Function that returns a toolbar in the FilterBar component'),\n /** Custom component for the selection */\n multiSelectComponent: PropTypes.element.description('Custom component for the selection'),\n /** Normalize the keys of the data received and the columns */\n normalizeDataKeys: PropTypes.bool.description('Normalize the keys of the data received and the columns'),\n /** Function that returns an Element when there are no rows */\n noResultsRender: PropTypes.func.description('Function that returns an Element when there are no rows'),\n /** The height of the DataGrid will expand to its container */\n fluidHeight: PropTypes.bool.description('The height of the DataGrid will expand to its container'),\n /** @deprecated */\n customHandlers: PropTypes.object.description('').deprecated(''),\n /** Handler when user closes the filter menu */\n onFilterMenuClose: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when user closes the filter menu'),\n /** Handler when user opens the filter menu */\n onFilterMenuOpen: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when user opens the filter menu'),\n /** Handler when user drags a row */\n onReorder: PropTypes.func.description('handler when user drags a row '),\n /** Handler when user stops dragging a row */\n onMoveRowEnd: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when user stops dragging a row '),\n /** Handler when user starts dragging a row */\n onMoveRowStart: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when user starts dragging a row'),\n /** Handler when user has resized a column */\n onColumnResize: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when user has resized a column'),\n /** Handler when user filters by a column */\n onFilter: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when user filters by a column'),\n /** Handler when user sorts by a column */\n onSort: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when user sorts by a column '),\n /** Handler when user has edited a cell row */\n onColumnRowEdited: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when user has edited a cell row'),\n /** Handler when user activates the cell row editing functionality */\n onColumnRowEdit: PropTypes.func.description(' Handler when user activates the cell row editing functionality'),\n /** Handler when user selects a row */\n onSelectRow: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when user selects a row'),\n /** Handler when user checks the selection header controller */\n onSelectAll: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when user checks the selection header controller'),\n /** Handler to get more data when infinite scroll is activated */\n getData: PropTypes.func.description('Handler to get more data when infinite scroll is activated'),\n /** Handler to get more data when infinite scroll is activated without side-effect */\n onInfiniteScrolling: PropTypes.func.description(\n 'Handler to get more data when infinite scroll is activated without side-effect',\n ),\n /** Flag to override empty sort when data is from server */\n serverSideData: PropTypes.bool.description('Flag to override empty sort when data is from server'),\n /** Flag to force virtualization. Not used */\n virtualized: PropTypes.bool.description('Flag to force virtualization. Not used'),\n /** Number of rows visible. Not used */\n numRowsVisible: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.number, PropTypes.oneOf(['all'])]).description('Number of rows visible. Not used'),\n /** Callback to check if column is editable */\n isColumnEditable: PropTypes.func.description('Callback to check if column is editable'),\n /** Flag for groupedRows */\n groupedRows: PropTypes.bool.description('Flag for groupedRows'),\n /** Header for grouped rows */\n groupedRowsRenderHeader: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.element]).description('Header for grouped rows'),\n /** Once activated will disable the internal logic for sorting */\n isDataSorted: PropTypes.bool.description('Once activated will disable the internal logic for sorting'),\n /** Once activated will disable the internal logic for filtering */\n isDataFiltered: PropTypes.bool.description('Once activated will disable the internal logic for filtering'),\n /** Change row size */\n rowSize: PropTypes.oneOf(RowSizesOptionsArr).description('Change row size'),\n /** Whether to wrap the text of the data grid or not */\n wrapText: PropTypes.bool.description('Whether to wrap the text of the data grid or not'),\n /** Element to render expanded details */\n renderExpandedDetails: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.element]).description(\n 'Element to render expanded details',\n ),\n /** Columns to render on the details of an expanded row */\n detailColumns: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object).description('Columns to render on the details of an expanded row'),\n /** Flag to enable the expandable feature */\n expandable: PropTypes.bool.description('Flag to enable the expandable feature '),\n /** Callback to get the row children */\n getChildrenRows: PropTypes.func.description('Callback to get the row children'),\n /** Number of rows visible on the details of an expanded row */\n expandableSubrowsVisible: PropTypes.number.description('Number of rows visible on the details of an expanded row'),\n /** Element to render inside expanded row */\n renderRowDetails: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.element]).description(\n 'Element to render inside expanded row',\n ),\n /** Callback to get the expanded row size */\n getExpandedRowSize: PropTypes.func.description('Callback to get the expanded row size'),\n /** Callback to get the expanded row minimum size */\n getExpandedRowMinSize: PropTypes.func.description('Callback to get the expanded row minimum size'),\n /** Change expanded/details rows size */\n subRowSize: PropTypes.oneOf(RowSizesOptionsArr).description('Change expanded/details rows size'),\n /** Bind the column size to another grid instance */\n bindColumnsSizeTo: PropTypes.string.description('Bind the column size to another grid instance'),\n /** Bind the row size to another grid instance */\n bindRowSizeTo: PropTypes.string.description('Bind the row size to another grid instance'),\n /** Handler when toggle show all is clicked */\n onToggleShowAllRows: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when toggle show all is clicked'),\n /** Expanded row state */\n expandedRows: PropTypes.object.description('Expanded row state'),\n /** Flag to enable autoheight */\n autoHeight: PropTypes.bool.description('Flag to enable autoheight'),\n /** Placeholder rendered when no columns are visible */\n noColumnsPlaceholder: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.element]).description(\n 'Placeholder rendered when no columns are visible',\n ),\n /** Plugin additional array */\n plugins: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.any).description('Plugin additional array'),\n};\n\nDSDataGrids.propTypes = props;\nDSDataGrids.displayName = 'DSDataGrids';\nconst DSDataGridsWithSchema = describe(DSDataGrids);\nDSDataGridsWithSchema.propTypes = props;\n\nexport { DSDataGridsWithSchema, DSDataGrids, DSDataGrids as DSDataGrid };\nexport default DSDataGrids;\n", "import * as React from 'react';\nexport { React };\n"],
  "names": []
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
  "version": 3,
  "sources": ["../../../../src/plugins/filterable/FilterablePlugin.tsx", "../../../../../../scripts/build/transpile/react-shim.js"],
- "sourcesContent": ["/* eslint-disable indent */\nimport { get, isFunction } from '@elliemae/ds-utilities';\nimport { createInstancePlugin } from '@elliemae/ds-shared';\nimport { addFilterToColumn } from './addFilterToColumn';\n\nimport filterRowsByQuery, { filterRowsByQueryGroup } from './filtering-helper/filterRowsByQuery';\nimport { useFilterableState } from './useFilterableState';\n\nconst decorateColumn = (column, grid) => {\n const {\n props: { isFilterableColumnActive = (col) => col.searchable, onRemoveAllFilters },\n actions: { addFilter, removeFilter },\n state: { query, filters },\n } = grid;\n\n return isFilterableColumnActive(column)\n ? addFilterToColumn(\n {\n grid,\n onAddFilter: addFilter,\n onRemoveFilter: removeFilter,\n onRemoveAllFilters,\n query,\n filters,\n },\n column,\n )\n : column;\n};\n\nconst composeRows = (rows, grid) => {\n const {\n props: { isDataFiltered, groupedRows },\n state: { query },\n composedRows,\n } = grid.getInstance();\n const nextRows = !groupedRows ? filterRowsByQuery(rows, query) : filterRowsByQueryGroup(rows, query, composedRows);\n\n return !isDataFiltered ? nextRows : rows;\n};\n\nexport const FilterablePlugin = createInstancePlugin('filterable', {\n registerStateHook: useFilterableState,\n decorateColumn,\n composeRows,\n registerHotKeys(grid) {\n return {\n key: 'ctrl+f',\n handler: ({ cellIndex }) => {\n const { decoratedColumns } = grid.getInstance();\n\n const column = decoratedColumns[cellIndex];\n const toggleMenuMethod = get(column, ['filterMenu', 'current', 'toggleMenu']);\n if (isFunction(toggleMenuMethod)) toggleMenuMethod();\n },\n };\n },\n});\n", "import * as React from 'react';\nexport { React };\n"],
+ "sourcesContent": ["/* eslint-disable indent */\nimport { get, isFunction } from '@elliemae/ds-utilities';\nimport { createInstancePlugin } from '@elliemae/ds-shared';\nimport { addFilterToColumn } from './addFilterToColumn';\nimport filterRowsByQuery, { filterRowsByQueryGroup } from './filtering-helper/filterRowsByQuery';\nimport { useFilterableState } from './useFilterableState';\n\nconst decorateColumn = (column, grid) => {\n const {\n props: { isFilterableColumnActive = (col) => col.searchable, onRemoveAllFilters },\n actions: { addFilter, removeFilter },\n state: { query, filters },\n } = grid;\n\n return isFilterableColumnActive(column)\n ? addFilterToColumn(\n {\n grid,\n onAddFilter: addFilter,\n onRemoveFilter: removeFilter,\n onRemoveAllFilters,\n query,\n filters,\n },\n column,\n )\n : column;\n};\n\nconst composeRows = (rows, grid) => {\n const {\n props: { isDataFiltered, groupedRows },\n state: { query },\n composedRows,\n } = grid.getInstance();\n const nextRows = !groupedRows ? filterRowsByQuery(rows, query) : filterRowsByQueryGroup(rows, query, composedRows);\n\n return !isDataFiltered ? nextRows : rows;\n};\n\nexport const FilterablePlugin = createInstancePlugin('filterable', {\n registerStateHook: useFilterableState,\n decorateColumn,\n composeRows,\n registerHotKeys(grid) {\n return {\n key: 'ctrl+f',\n handler: ({ cellIndex }) => {\n const { decoratedColumns } = grid.getInstance();\n\n const column = decoratedColumns[cellIndex];\n const toggleMenuMethod = get(column, ['filterMenu', 'current', 'toggleMenu']);\n if (isFunction(toggleMenuMethod)) toggleMenuMethod();\n },\n };\n },\n});\n", "import * as React from 'react';\nexport { React };\n"],
  "names": ["filterRowsByQuery"]
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
  "version": 3,
  "sources": ["../../../../src/plugins/virtualization/AutoHeightList.tsx", "../../../../../../scripts/build/transpile/react-shim.js"],
- "sourcesContent": ["import React, { forwardRef, useRef } from 'react';\nimport { FixedSizeList as List } from 'react-window';\nimport { mergeRefs , useWindowScrollerList, cx } from '@elliemae/ds-utilities';\n\n// eslint-disable-next-line react/display-name\nexport const AutoHeightList = forwardRef(\n (\n {\n itemCount,\n className,\n innerRef,\n itemData,\n itemKey,\n itemSize,\n outerRef,\n component: ListComponent = List,\n ...otherProps\n },\n ref,\n ) => {\n const listRef = useRef();\n const outerListRef = useRef();\n\n useWindowScrollerList({\n listInstance: listRef,\n outerListRef,\n });\n\n return (\n <ListComponent\n {...otherProps}\n ref={mergeRefs(ref, listRef)}\n className={cx(className, 'window-scroller-override')}\n height={window.innerHeight}\n innerRef={innerRef}\n itemCount={itemCount}\n itemData={itemData}\n itemKey={itemKey}\n itemSize={itemSize}\n outerRef={mergeRefs(outerListRef, outerRef)}\n overscanCount={10}\n useIsScrolling\n />\n );\n },\n);\n\nexport default AutoHeightList;\n", "import * as React from 'react';\nexport { React };\n"],
+ "sourcesContent": ["import React, { forwardRef, useRef } from 'react';\nimport { FixedSizeList as List } from 'react-window';\nimport { mergeRefs, useWindowScrollerList, cx } from '@elliemae/ds-utilities';\n\n// eslint-disable-next-line react/display-name\nexport const AutoHeightList = forwardRef(\n (\n {\n itemCount,\n className,\n innerRef,\n itemData,\n itemKey,\n itemSize,\n outerRef,\n component: ListComponent = List,\n ...otherProps\n },\n ref,\n ) => {\n const listRef = useRef();\n const outerListRef = useRef();\n\n useWindowScrollerList({\n listInstance: listRef,\n outerListRef,\n });\n\n return (\n <ListComponent\n {...otherProps}\n ref={mergeRefs(ref, listRef)}\n className={cx(className, 'window-scroller-override')}\n height={window.innerHeight}\n innerRef={innerRef}\n itemCount={itemCount}\n itemData={itemData}\n itemKey={itemKey}\n itemSize={itemSize}\n outerRef={mergeRefs(outerListRef, outerRef)}\n overscanCount={10}\n useIsScrolling\n />\n );\n },\n);\n\nexport default AutoHeightList;\n", "import * as React from 'react';\nexport { React };\n"],
  "names": ["List"]
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
  import * as React from "react";
  import { jsx } from "react/jsx-runtime";
- import { PropTypes, describe } from "@elliemae/ds-utilities";
+ import { PropTypes, describe } from "@elliemae/ds-props-helpers";
  import { TooltipTextProvider } from "@elliemae/ds-truncated-tooltip-text";
  import { DataGridImpl } from "./DataGridImpl";
  import { RowSizesOptions, RowSizesOptionsArr } from "./rowSizes";
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
  "version": 3,
  "sources": ["../../../../scripts/build/transpile/react-shim.js", "../../src/DSDataGrid.tsx"],
- "sourcesContent": ["import * as React from 'react';\nexport { React };\n", "/* eslint-disable max-lines */\nimport React from 'react';\nimport { PropTypes, describe } from '@elliemae/ds-utilities';\nimport { TooltipTextProvider } from '@elliemae/ds-truncated-tooltip-text';\nimport { DataGridImpl } from './DataGridImpl';\nimport { RowSizesOptions, RowSizesOptionsArr } from './rowSizes';\n\nconst DSDataGrids = ({\n containerProps = {},\n instanceRef,\n className = '',\n\n // data\n columns = [],\n rows = [],\n rowKey = 'id',\n\n // features\n infiniteScrolling = false,\n editable = false,\n sortable = false,\n sortEmptyLast = false,\n paginated = false,\n dragAndDropRows = false,\n selectable = false,\n resizeableColumns = false,\n searchFilters = false,\n dragAndDropColumns = false,\n useTreeData = false,\n autoScrollToId,\n\n // virtualization props\n overscanCount = 10,\n\n // feature state\n selectAll = false, // todo: change to isAllSelected\n selectedRows = [],\n filters = undefined,\n onAddFilter = () => null,\n onRemoveFilter = () => null,\n onFiltersChange = () => null,\n showFilterBar = true,\n multiSelectFilterOptions = [\n { id: 'true', label: 'Selected' },\n { id: 'false', label: 'Not selected' },\n ],\n multiSelectFilterLabels = undefined,\n multiSelectFilterLabel = 'Selection',\n\n aggregations = {},\n groupingColumn = undefined,\n\n sortingColumns = {},\n\n // pagination\n minPerPage = 0,\n maxPerPage = 50,\n onPerPageChange = () => null,\n onPageChange = () => null,\n paginationStep = 2,\n pagination = {\n page: 1,\n perPage: 10,\n },\n // visual\n showHeader = true,\n fixedHeader = true,\n wrapText = false,\n height = undefined,\n minColumnWidth = 100,\n showRowsLoader = false,\n visibleColumns = undefined, // this enforces visibility of columns\n showSelectHighlight = false,\n showSelectColumn = true,\n selectColumnSortable = true,\n selectColumnFilterable = false,\n selectionColumnDefinition = {},\n filterBarOptions = undefined,\n // searchGrid = false,\n renderToolbar = undefined,\n toolbarDelayClose = 400,\n renderFilterToolbar = undefined,\n multiSelectComponent = undefined,\n // todo: deprecate this\n noResultsRender,\n noResultsPlaceholder,\n fluidHeight = false,\n\n customHandlers = {},\n\n // grouping feature\n groupedBy = undefined,\n\n // callbacks\n onDefaultFiltersLoad = () => null,\n onReorder = () => null,\n onMoveRowEnd = () => null,\n onMoveRowStart = () => null,\n onMoveColumnOver = () => null,\n onMoveColumnStart = () => null,\n onMoveColumnEnd = () => null,\n onColumnResize = () => null,\n onExpandChange = () => null,\n onToggleExpand = () => null,\n onExpandRow = () => null,\n onFilter = () => null,\n onSort = () => null,\n onColumnRowEdited = () => null,\n onColumnRowEdit = () => null,\n onSelectRow = () => null,\n onSelectAll = () => null,\n onInfiniteScrolling = () => null,\n onFilterMenuClose = () => null,\n onFilterMenuOpen = () => null,\n getData = undefined, // todo: change to onGetMoreData\n serverSideData = false,\n isDataSorted = false,\n isDataFiltered = false,\n virtualized = true,\n numRowsVisible = undefined,\n isColumnEditable = (column) => column.editable,\n\n // grouped props\n groupedRows = false,\n groupedRowsRenderHeader = undefined,\n // expandable props\n renderExpandedDetails = () => null,\n detailColumns,\n expandable = false,\n getChildrenRows = (row) => row.children,\n expandableSubrowsVisible = 7,\n renderRowDetails = () => null,\n getExpandedRowSize = undefined,\n getExpandedRowMinSize,\n rowSize = RowSizesOptions.normal,\n subRowSize = RowSizesOptions.normal,\n bindColumnsSizeTo = undefined,\n bindRowSizeTo = undefined,\n onToggleShowAllRows,\n expandedRows,\n autoHeight = false,\n noColumnsPlaceholder,\n plugins = [],\n normalizeDataKeys = false,\n}) => (\n <TooltipTextProvider>\n <DataGridImpl\n aggregations={aggregations}\n autoHeight={autoHeight && !fluidHeight}\n autoScrollToId={autoScrollToId}\n bindColumnsSizeTo={bindColumnsSizeTo}\n bindRowSizeTo={bindRowSizeTo}\n className={className}\n columns={columns}\n containerProps={containerProps}\n customHandlers={customHandlers}\n detailColumns={detailColumns}\n dragAndDropColumns={dragAndDropColumns}\n dragAndDropRows={dragAndDropRows}\n editable={editable}\n expandable={expandable}\n expandableSubrowsVisible={expandableSubrowsVisible}\n expandedRows={expandedRows}\n filterBarOptions={filterBarOptions}\n filters={filters}\n fixedHeader={fixedHeader}\n fluidHeight={fluidHeight}\n getChildrenRows={getChildrenRows}\n getData={getData}\n getExpandedRowMinSize={getExpandedRowMinSize}\n getExpandedRowSize={getExpandedRowSize}\n groupedBy={groupedBy}\n groupedRows={groupedRows}\n groupedRowsRenderHeader={groupedRowsRenderHeader}\n groupingColumn={groupingColumn}\n height={height}\n infiniteScrolling={infiniteScrolling}\n instanceRef={instanceRef}\n isColumnEditable={isColumnEditable}\n isDataFiltered={isDataFiltered}\n isDataSorted={isDataSorted}\n maxPerPage={maxPerPage}\n minColumnWidth={minColumnWidth}\n minPerPage={minPerPage}\n multiSelectComponent={multiSelectComponent}\n multiSelectFilterLabel={multiSelectFilterLabel}\n multiSelectFilterLabels={multiSelectFilterLabels}\n multiSelectFilterOptions={multiSelectFilterOptions}\n noColumnsPlaceholder={noColumnsPlaceholder}\n noResultsPlaceholder={noResultsPlaceholder}\n noResultsRender={noResultsRender}\n normalizeDataKeys={normalizeDataKeys}\n numRowsVisible={numRowsVisible} // if defined, fluidHeight is disabled\n onAddFilter={onAddFilter}\n onColumnResize={onColumnResize}\n onColumnRowEdit={onColumnRowEdit}\n onColumnRowEdited={onColumnRowEdited}\n onExpandRow={onExpandRow}\n onExpandChange={onExpandChange}\n onFilter={onFilter}\n onFiltersChange={onFiltersChange}\n onFilterMenuClose={onFilterMenuClose}\n onFilterMenuOpen={onFilterMenuOpen}\n onDefaultFiltersLoad={onDefaultFiltersLoad}\n onInfiniteScrolling={onInfiniteScrolling}\n onMoveColumnEnd={onMoveColumnEnd}\n onMoveColumnOver={onMoveColumnOver}\n onMoveColumnStart={onMoveColumnStart}\n onMoveRowEnd={onMoveRowEnd}\n onMoveRowStart={onMoveRowStart}\n onPageChange={onPageChange}\n onPerPageChange={onPerPageChange}\n onRemoveFilter={onRemoveFilter}\n onReorder={onReorder}\n onSelectAll={onSelectAll}\n onSelectRow={onSelectRow}\n onSort={onSort}\n onToggleExpand={onToggleExpand}\n onToggleShowAllRows={onToggleShowAllRows}\n overscanCount={overscanCount}\n paginated={paginated}\n pagination={pagination}\n paginationStep={paginationStep}\n plugins={plugins}\n renderExpandedDetails={renderExpandedDetails}\n renderFilterToolbar={renderFilterToolbar}\n renderRowDetails={renderRowDetails}\n renderToolbar={renderToolbar}\n resizeableColumns={resizeableColumns}\n rowKey={rowKey}\n rows={rows}\n rowSize={rowSize}\n searchFilters={searchFilters}\n selectable={selectable}\n selectAll={selectAll}\n selectColumnFilterable={selectColumnFilterable}\n selectColumnSortable={selectColumnSortable}\n selectedRows={selectedRows}\n selectionColumnDefinition={selectionColumnDefinition}\n serverSideData={serverSideData}\n showFilterBar={showFilterBar}\n showHeader={showHeader}\n showRowsLoader={showRowsLoader}\n showSelectColumn={showSelectColumn}\n showSelectHighlight={showSelectHighlight}\n sortable={sortable}\n sortEmptyLast={sortEmptyLast}\n sortingColumns={sortingColumns}\n subrowSize={subRowSize}\n toolbarDelayClose={toolbarDelayClose}\n useTreeData={useTreeData}\n virtualized={virtualized}\n visibleColumns={visibleColumns}\n wrapText={wrapText}\n />\n </TooltipTextProvider>\n);\n\nconst props = {\n /** ref to the instance of the datagrid, handle it imperatively */\n instanceRef: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.shape({ current: PropTypes.any })]).description(\n 'ref to the instance of the datagrid, handle it imperatively',\n ),\n /** class for data grid wrapper */\n className: PropTypes.string.description('class for data grid wrapper'),\n /** inject props to datagrid wrapper */\n containerProps: PropTypes.object.description('inject props to datagrid wrapper'),\n /** FilterBar props passed down to FilterBar */\n filterBarOptions: PropTypes.shape({\n minWidth: PropTypes.number,\n maxWidth: PropTypes.number,\n }).description('FilterBar props passed down to FilterBar'),\n /** datagrid columns */\n columns: PropTypes.arrayOf(\n PropTypes.shape({\n /** Column property as an identifier */\n property: PropTypes.string.isRequired,\n /** Label in the header */\n label: PropTypes.string,\n /** Defines the width of the column, can be a string with percentages (\"50%\"), if not defined the width is flexible */\n width: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.number, PropTypes.string]),\n /** Min width for this column. NOTE: Has prevalence over the general minColumnWidth */\n minWidth: PropTypes.number,\n /** Function returning a custom editor for that cell ({ value, onValue, rowData }) => Element */\n customEditor: PropTypes.func,\n /** Function returning an element to render in the cell ({ value, customHandlers, metaData: { rowData } }) => Element */\n customRenderer: PropTypes.func,\n /** Activates 'searchable' feature for this column */\n searchable: PropTypes.bool,\n /** Activates 'sortable' feature for this column */\n sortable: PropTypes.bool,\n /** Activates 'resizable' feature for this column */\n resizable: PropTypes.bool,\n /** Activates 'editable' feature for this column */\n editable: PropTypes.bool,\n /** Whether this column is visible or not */\n visible: PropTypes.bool,\n }),\n ).description('datagrid columns'),\n /** datagrid rows */\n rows: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object).description('datagrid rows'),\n /** key for each row */\n rowKey: PropTypes.string.description('key for each row'),\n /** toggle infinite scroll loading behavior */\n infiniteScrolling: PropTypes.bool.description('toggle infinite scroll loading behavior'),\n /** Activates 'editable' feature on the DataGrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well */\n overscanCount: PropTypes.number.description(\n \"Activates 'editable' feature on the DataGrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well\",\n ),\n /** turn datagrid to editable mode */\n editable: PropTypes.bool.description('turn datagrid to editable mode'),\n /** Activates 'sortable' feature on the GataGrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well */\n sortable: PropTypes.bool.description(\n \"Activates 'sortable' feature on the GataGrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well\",\n ),\n /** Put empty values always last on the column after sorting */\n sortEmptyLast: PropTypes.bool.description('Put empty values always last on the column after sorting'),\n /** Activates 'pagination' feature on the datagrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well */\n paginated: PropTypes.bool.description(\n \"Activates 'pagination' feature on the datagrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well\",\n ),\n /** Pagination step for clicking the next pages */\n paginationStep: PropTypes.number.description('Pagination step for clicking the next pages'),\n /** Activates 'drag and drop rows' feature on the datagrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well */\n dragAndDropRows: PropTypes.bool.description(\n \"Activates 'drag and drop rows' feature on the datagrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well\",\n ),\n /** Activates 'selection' feature on the datagrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well */\n selectable: PropTypes.bool.description(\n \"Activates 'selection' feature on the datagrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well\",\n ),\n /** Activates 'resize' feature on the datagrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well */\n resizeableColumns: PropTypes.bool.description(\n \"Activates 'resize' feature on the datagrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well\",\n ),\n /** Placeholder rendered when no rows are visible */\n noResultsPlaceholder: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.element]).description(\n 'Placeholder rendered when no rows are visible',\n ),\n /** Activates 'filtering' feature on the datagrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well */\n searchFilters: PropTypes.bool.description(\n \"activates 'filtering' feature on the datagrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well\",\n ),\n /** Activates 'drag and drop columns' feature on the datagrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well */\n dragAndDropColumns: PropTypes.bool.description(\n \"Activates 'drag and drop columns' feature on the datagrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well\",\n ),\n /** Activates 'grouping and tree data' feature on the datagrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well */\n useTreeData: PropTypes.bool.description(\n \"activates 'grouping and tree data' feature on the datagrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well\",\n ),\n /** AutoScroll to row ID */\n autoScrollToId: PropTypes.any.description('AutoScroll to row ID'),\n /** Whether all rows are selected or not */\n selectAll: PropTypes.bool.description('Whether all rows are selected or not'),\n /** Defines the selected rows */\n selectedRows: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object).description(' Defines the selected rows'),\n /** Filters to be applied to the grid */\n filters: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object).description('Filters to be applied to the grid'),\n // todo: define params for handlers\n /** Handler when user expands a row */\n onExpandRow: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when user expands a row'),\n /** Handler when user expands a row with full expand state */\n onExpandChange: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when user expands a row with full expand state'),\n /** Handler when user expands a row (old API) */\n onToggleExpand: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when user expands a row (old API)'),\n /** Handler when user adds a filter */\n onAddFilter: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when user adds a filter'),\n /** Handler when user removes a filter */\n onRemoveFilter: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when user removes a filter'),\n /** Handler when the filters state has changed */\n onFiltersChange: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when the filters state has changed '),\n /** Handler when the default filters load. Returns the rows rendered */\n onDefaultFiltersLoad: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when the default filters load. Returns the rows rendered'),\n /** Handler when column move is over another column */\n onMoveColumnOver: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when column move is over another column'),\n /** Handler when column move starts */\n onMoveColumnStart: PropTypes.func.description(' Handler when column move starts'),\n /** Handler when column move ends */\n onMoveColumnEnd: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when column move ends'),\n /** Whether to show the filter bar or not */\n showFilterBar: PropTypes.bool.description('Whether to show the filter bar or not'),\n /** Custom option for the header with multi select */\n multiSelectFilterOptions: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object).description(\n 'Custom option for the header with multi select',\n ),\n /** Label to the header column for multi select */\n multiSelectFilterLabel: PropTypes.string.description('Label to the header column for multi select'),\n /** Labels for multi selects */\n multiSelectFilterLabels: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string).description('Labels for multi selects'),\n /** unstable */\n aggregations: PropTypes.object.description('').deprecated(''),\n /** unstable */\n /** Column which rows would be grouped by */\n groupingColumn: PropTypes.string.description('Column which rows would be grouped by').deprecated(''),\n /** group by */\n groupedBy: PropTypes.string.description('group by'),\n /** Defines the sorting state */\n sortingColumns: PropTypes.objectOf(\n PropTypes.shape({\n // eslint-disable-next-line react/no-unused-prop-types\n direction: PropTypes.oneOf(['asc', 'desc']),\n // eslint-disable-next-line react/no-unused-prop-types\n position: PropTypes.number,\n }),\n ).description('Defines the sorting state'),\n /** Visible columns property */\n visibleColumns: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string).description('Visible columns property'),\n /** Pagination: Minimum number of rows per page */\n minPerPage: PropTypes.string.description('Pagination: Minimum number of rows per page'),\n /** Pagination: Maximum number of rows per page */\n maxPerPage: PropTypes.string.description('Pagination: Maximum number of rows per page'),\n /** Pagination: Handler when user changes the amount of rows per page */\n onPerPageChange: PropTypes.string.description('Pagination: Handler when user changes the amount of rows per page'),\n /** Pagination: Handler when user changes the page */\n onPageChange: PropTypes.string.description('Pagination: Handler when user changes the page'),\n /** Pagination state */\n pagination: PropTypes.shape({\n // eslint-disable-next-line react/no-unused-prop-types\n page: PropTypes.number,\n // eslint-disable-next-line react/no-unused-prop-types\n perPage: PropTypes.number,\n }).description('pagination state'),\n /** Whether to show the header or not */\n showHeader: PropTypes.bool.description('Whether to show the header or not'),\n /** Whether to header is fixed or not */\n fixedHeader: PropTypes.bool.description('Whether to header is fixed or not'),\n /** Defines the height of the DataGrid */\n height: PropTypes.number.description('Defines the height of the DataGrid'),\n /** General min column width for all the columns */\n minColumnWidth: PropTypes.number.description('General min column width for all the columns '),\n /** Whether to show a loader instead of the rows or not */\n showRowsLoader: PropTypes.bool.description('Whether to show a loader instead of the rows or not'),\n /** When a user selects a row, that row get highlighted */\n showSelectHighlight: PropTypes.bool.description('When a user selects a row, that row get highlighted'),\n /** Whether to show the select column when the selection feature is active */\n showSelectColumn: PropTypes.bool.description(\n 'Whether to show the select column when the selection feature is active',\n ),\n /** Activates sortable feature to selection column */\n selectColumnSortable: PropTypes.bool.description('activates sortable feature to selection column'),\n /** Activates filterable feature to selection column */\n selectColumnFilterable: PropTypes.bool.description('Activates filterable feature to selection column'),\n /** Define the definition for the selection column */\n selectionColumnDefinition: PropTypes.object.description('Define the definition for the selection column'),\n /** Function that returns a toolbar to show when the user hovers the row */\n renderToolbar: PropTypes.func.description('Function that returns a toolbar to show when the user hovers the row'),\n /** Timeout to close the toolbar */\n toolbarDelayClose: PropTypes.number.description(' Timeout to close the toolbar'),\n /** Function that returns a toolbar in the FilterBar component */\n renderFilterToolbar: PropTypes.func.description('Function that returns a toolbar in the FilterBar component'),\n /** Custom component for the selection */\n multiSelectComponent: PropTypes.element.description('Custom component for the selection'),\n /** Normalize the keys of the data received and the columns */\n normalizeDataKeys: PropTypes.bool.description('Normalize the keys of the data received and the columns'),\n /** Function that returns an Element when there are no rows */\n noResultsRender: PropTypes.func.description('Function that returns an Element when there are no rows'),\n /** The height of the DataGrid will expand to its container */\n fluidHeight: PropTypes.bool.description('The height of the DataGrid will expand to its container'),\n /** @deprecated */\n customHandlers: PropTypes.object.description('').deprecated(''),\n /** Handler when user closes the filter menu */\n onFilterMenuClose: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when user closes the filter menu'),\n /** Handler when user opens the filter menu */\n onFilterMenuOpen: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when user opens the filter menu'),\n /** Handler when user drags a row */\n onReorder: PropTypes.func.description('handler when user drags a row '),\n /** Handler when user stops dragging a row */\n onMoveRowEnd: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when user stops dragging a row '),\n /** Handler when user starts dragging a row */\n onMoveRowStart: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when user starts dragging a row'),\n /** Handler when user has resized a column */\n onColumnResize: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when user has resized a column'),\n /** Handler when user filters by a column */\n onFilter: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when user filters by a column'),\n /** Handler when user sorts by a column */\n onSort: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when user sorts by a column '),\n /** Handler when user has edited a cell row */\n onColumnRowEdited: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when user has edited a cell row'),\n /** Handler when user activates the cell row editing functionality */\n onColumnRowEdit: PropTypes.func.description(' Handler when user activates the cell row editing functionality'),\n /** Handler when user selects a row */\n onSelectRow: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when user selects a row'),\n /** Handler when user checks the selection header controller */\n onSelectAll: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when user checks the selection header controller'),\n /** Handler to get more data when infinite scroll is activated */\n getData: PropTypes.func.description('Handler to get more data when infinite scroll is activated'),\n /** Handler to get more data when infinite scroll is activated without side-effect */\n onInfiniteScrolling: PropTypes.func.description(\n 'Handler to get more data when infinite scroll is activated without side-effect',\n ),\n /** Flag to override empty sort when data is from server */\n serverSideData: PropTypes.bool.description('Flag to override empty sort when data is from server'),\n /** Flag to force virtualization. Not used */\n virtualized: PropTypes.bool.description('Flag to force virtualization. Not used'),\n /** Number of rows visible. Not used */\n numRowsVisible: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.number, PropTypes.oneOf(['all'])]).description('Number of rows visible. Not used'),\n /** Callback to check if column is editable */\n isColumnEditable: PropTypes.func.description('Callback to check if column is editable'),\n /** Flag for groupedRows */\n groupedRows: PropTypes.bool.description('Flag for groupedRows'),\n /** Header for grouped rows */\n groupedRowsRenderHeader: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.element]).description('Header for grouped rows'),\n /** Once activated will disable the internal logic for sorting */\n isDataSorted: PropTypes.bool.description('Once activated will disable the internal logic for sorting'),\n /** Once activated will disable the internal logic for filtering */\n isDataFiltered: PropTypes.bool.description('Once activated will disable the internal logic for filtering'),\n /** Change row size */\n rowSize: PropTypes.oneOf(RowSizesOptionsArr).description('Change row size'),\n /** Whether to wrap the text of the data grid or not */\n wrapText: PropTypes.bool.description('Whether to wrap the text of the data grid or not'),\n /** Element to render expanded details */\n renderExpandedDetails: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.element]).description(\n 'Element to render expanded details',\n ),\n /** Columns to render on the details of an expanded row */\n detailColumns: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object).description('Columns to render on the details of an expanded row'),\n /** Flag to enable the expandable feature */\n expandable: PropTypes.bool.description('Flag to enable the expandable feature '),\n /** Callback to get the row children */\n getChildrenRows: PropTypes.func.description('Callback to get the row children'),\n /** Number of rows visible on the details of an expanded row */\n expandableSubrowsVisible: PropTypes.number.description('Number of rows visible on the details of an expanded row'),\n /** Element to render inside expanded row */\n renderRowDetails: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.element]).description(\n 'Element to render inside expanded row',\n ),\n /** Callback to get the expanded row size */\n getExpandedRowSize: PropTypes.func.description('Callback to get the expanded row size'),\n /** Callback to get the expanded row minimum size */\n getExpandedRowMinSize: PropTypes.func.description('Callback to get the expanded row minimum size'),\n /** Change expanded/details rows size */\n subRowSize: PropTypes.oneOf(RowSizesOptionsArr).description('Change expanded/details rows size'),\n /** Bind the column size to another grid instance */\n bindColumnsSizeTo: PropTypes.string.description('Bind the column size to another grid instance'),\n /** Bind the row size to another grid instance */\n bindRowSizeTo: PropTypes.string.description('Bind the row size to another grid instance'),\n /** Handler when toggle show all is clicked */\n onToggleShowAllRows: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when toggle show all is clicked'),\n /** Expanded row state */\n expandedRows: PropTypes.object.description('Expanded row state'),\n /** Flag to enable autoheight */\n autoHeight: PropTypes.bool.description('Flag to enable autoheight'),\n /** Placeholder rendered when no columns are visible */\n noColumnsPlaceholder: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.element]).description(\n 'Placeholder rendered when no columns are visible',\n ),\n /** Plugin additional array */\n plugins: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.any).description('Plugin additional array'),\n};\n\nDSDataGrids.propTypes = props;\nDSDataGrids.displayName = 'DSDataGrids';\nconst DSDataGridsWithSchema = describe(DSDataGrids);\nDSDataGridsWithSchema.propTypes = props;\n\nexport { DSDataGridsWithSchema, DSDataGrids, DSDataGrids as DSDataGrid };\nexport default DSDataGrids;\n"],
+ "sourcesContent": ["import * as React from 'react';\nexport { React };\n", "/* eslint-disable max-lines */\nimport React from 'react';\nimport { PropTypes, describe } from '@elliemae/ds-props-helpers';\nimport { TooltipTextProvider } from '@elliemae/ds-truncated-tooltip-text';\nimport { DataGridImpl } from './DataGridImpl';\nimport { RowSizesOptions, RowSizesOptionsArr } from './rowSizes';\n\nconst DSDataGrids = ({\n containerProps = {},\n instanceRef,\n className = '',\n\n // data\n columns = [],\n rows = [],\n rowKey = 'id',\n\n // features\n infiniteScrolling = false,\n editable = false,\n sortable = false,\n sortEmptyLast = false,\n paginated = false,\n dragAndDropRows = false,\n selectable = false,\n resizeableColumns = false,\n searchFilters = false,\n dragAndDropColumns = false,\n useTreeData = false,\n autoScrollToId,\n\n // virtualization props\n overscanCount = 10,\n\n // feature state\n selectAll = false, // todo: change to isAllSelected\n selectedRows = [],\n filters = undefined,\n onAddFilter = () => null,\n onRemoveFilter = () => null,\n onFiltersChange = () => null,\n showFilterBar = true,\n multiSelectFilterOptions = [\n { id: 'true', label: 'Selected' },\n { id: 'false', label: 'Not selected' },\n ],\n multiSelectFilterLabels = undefined,\n multiSelectFilterLabel = 'Selection',\n\n aggregations = {},\n groupingColumn = undefined,\n\n sortingColumns = {},\n\n // pagination\n minPerPage = 0,\n maxPerPage = 50,\n onPerPageChange = () => null,\n onPageChange = () => null,\n paginationStep = 2,\n pagination = {\n page: 1,\n perPage: 10,\n },\n // visual\n showHeader = true,\n fixedHeader = true,\n wrapText = false,\n height = undefined,\n minColumnWidth = 100,\n showRowsLoader = false,\n visibleColumns = undefined, // this enforces visibility of columns\n showSelectHighlight = false,\n showSelectColumn = true,\n selectColumnSortable = true,\n selectColumnFilterable = false,\n selectionColumnDefinition = {},\n filterBarOptions = undefined,\n // searchGrid = false,\n renderToolbar = undefined,\n toolbarDelayClose = 400,\n renderFilterToolbar = undefined,\n multiSelectComponent = undefined,\n // todo: deprecate this\n noResultsRender,\n noResultsPlaceholder,\n fluidHeight = false,\n\n customHandlers = {},\n\n // grouping feature\n groupedBy = undefined,\n\n // callbacks\n onDefaultFiltersLoad = () => null,\n onReorder = () => null,\n onMoveRowEnd = () => null,\n onMoveRowStart = () => null,\n onMoveColumnOver = () => null,\n onMoveColumnStart = () => null,\n onMoveColumnEnd = () => null,\n onColumnResize = () => null,\n onExpandChange = () => null,\n onToggleExpand = () => null,\n onExpandRow = () => null,\n onFilter = () => null,\n onSort = () => null,\n onColumnRowEdited = () => null,\n onColumnRowEdit = () => null,\n onSelectRow = () => null,\n onSelectAll = () => null,\n onInfiniteScrolling = () => null,\n onFilterMenuClose = () => null,\n onFilterMenuOpen = () => null,\n getData = undefined, // todo: change to onGetMoreData\n serverSideData = false,\n isDataSorted = false,\n isDataFiltered = false,\n virtualized = true,\n numRowsVisible = undefined,\n isColumnEditable = (column) => column.editable,\n\n // grouped props\n groupedRows = false,\n groupedRowsRenderHeader = undefined,\n // expandable props\n renderExpandedDetails = () => null,\n detailColumns,\n expandable = false,\n getChildrenRows = (row) => row.children,\n expandableSubrowsVisible = 7,\n renderRowDetails = () => null,\n getExpandedRowSize = undefined,\n getExpandedRowMinSize,\n rowSize = RowSizesOptions.normal,\n subRowSize = RowSizesOptions.normal,\n bindColumnsSizeTo = undefined,\n bindRowSizeTo = undefined,\n onToggleShowAllRows,\n expandedRows,\n autoHeight = false,\n noColumnsPlaceholder,\n plugins = [],\n normalizeDataKeys = false,\n}) => (\n <TooltipTextProvider>\n <DataGridImpl\n aggregations={aggregations}\n autoHeight={autoHeight && !fluidHeight}\n autoScrollToId={autoScrollToId}\n bindColumnsSizeTo={bindColumnsSizeTo}\n bindRowSizeTo={bindRowSizeTo}\n className={className}\n columns={columns}\n containerProps={containerProps}\n customHandlers={customHandlers}\n detailColumns={detailColumns}\n dragAndDropColumns={dragAndDropColumns}\n dragAndDropRows={dragAndDropRows}\n editable={editable}\n expandable={expandable}\n expandableSubrowsVisible={expandableSubrowsVisible}\n expandedRows={expandedRows}\n filterBarOptions={filterBarOptions}\n filters={filters}\n fixedHeader={fixedHeader}\n fluidHeight={fluidHeight}\n getChildrenRows={getChildrenRows}\n getData={getData}\n getExpandedRowMinSize={getExpandedRowMinSize}\n getExpandedRowSize={getExpandedRowSize}\n groupedBy={groupedBy}\n groupedRows={groupedRows}\n groupedRowsRenderHeader={groupedRowsRenderHeader}\n groupingColumn={groupingColumn}\n height={height}\n infiniteScrolling={infiniteScrolling}\n instanceRef={instanceRef}\n isColumnEditable={isColumnEditable}\n isDataFiltered={isDataFiltered}\n isDataSorted={isDataSorted}\n maxPerPage={maxPerPage}\n minColumnWidth={minColumnWidth}\n minPerPage={minPerPage}\n multiSelectComponent={multiSelectComponent}\n multiSelectFilterLabel={multiSelectFilterLabel}\n multiSelectFilterLabels={multiSelectFilterLabels}\n multiSelectFilterOptions={multiSelectFilterOptions}\n noColumnsPlaceholder={noColumnsPlaceholder}\n noResultsPlaceholder={noResultsPlaceholder}\n noResultsRender={noResultsRender}\n normalizeDataKeys={normalizeDataKeys}\n numRowsVisible={numRowsVisible} // if defined, fluidHeight is disabled\n onAddFilter={onAddFilter}\n onColumnResize={onColumnResize}\n onColumnRowEdit={onColumnRowEdit}\n onColumnRowEdited={onColumnRowEdited}\n onExpandRow={onExpandRow}\n onExpandChange={onExpandChange}\n onFilter={onFilter}\n onFiltersChange={onFiltersChange}\n onFilterMenuClose={onFilterMenuClose}\n onFilterMenuOpen={onFilterMenuOpen}\n onDefaultFiltersLoad={onDefaultFiltersLoad}\n onInfiniteScrolling={onInfiniteScrolling}\n onMoveColumnEnd={onMoveColumnEnd}\n onMoveColumnOver={onMoveColumnOver}\n onMoveColumnStart={onMoveColumnStart}\n onMoveRowEnd={onMoveRowEnd}\n onMoveRowStart={onMoveRowStart}\n onPageChange={onPageChange}\n onPerPageChange={onPerPageChange}\n onRemoveFilter={onRemoveFilter}\n onReorder={onReorder}\n onSelectAll={onSelectAll}\n onSelectRow={onSelectRow}\n onSort={onSort}\n onToggleExpand={onToggleExpand}\n onToggleShowAllRows={onToggleShowAllRows}\n overscanCount={overscanCount}\n paginated={paginated}\n pagination={pagination}\n paginationStep={paginationStep}\n plugins={plugins}\n renderExpandedDetails={renderExpandedDetails}\n renderFilterToolbar={renderFilterToolbar}\n renderRowDetails={renderRowDetails}\n renderToolbar={renderToolbar}\n resizeableColumns={resizeableColumns}\n rowKey={rowKey}\n rows={rows}\n rowSize={rowSize}\n searchFilters={searchFilters}\n selectable={selectable}\n selectAll={selectAll}\n selectColumnFilterable={selectColumnFilterable}\n selectColumnSortable={selectColumnSortable}\n selectedRows={selectedRows}\n selectionColumnDefinition={selectionColumnDefinition}\n serverSideData={serverSideData}\n showFilterBar={showFilterBar}\n showHeader={showHeader}\n showRowsLoader={showRowsLoader}\n showSelectColumn={showSelectColumn}\n showSelectHighlight={showSelectHighlight}\n sortable={sortable}\n sortEmptyLast={sortEmptyLast}\n sortingColumns={sortingColumns}\n subrowSize={subRowSize}\n toolbarDelayClose={toolbarDelayClose}\n useTreeData={useTreeData}\n virtualized={virtualized}\n visibleColumns={visibleColumns}\n wrapText={wrapText}\n />\n </TooltipTextProvider>\n);\n\nconst props = {\n /** ref to the instance of the datagrid, handle it imperatively */\n instanceRef: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.shape({ current: PropTypes.any })]).description(\n 'ref to the instance of the datagrid, handle it imperatively',\n ),\n /** class for data grid wrapper */\n className: PropTypes.string.description('class for data grid wrapper'),\n /** inject props to datagrid wrapper */\n containerProps: PropTypes.object.description('inject props to datagrid wrapper'),\n /** FilterBar props passed down to FilterBar */\n filterBarOptions: PropTypes.shape({\n minWidth: PropTypes.number,\n maxWidth: PropTypes.number,\n }).description('FilterBar props passed down to FilterBar'),\n /** datagrid columns */\n columns: PropTypes.arrayOf(\n PropTypes.shape({\n /** Column property as an identifier */\n property: PropTypes.string.isRequired,\n /** Label in the header */\n label: PropTypes.string,\n /** Defines the width of the column, can be a string with percentages (\"50%\"), if not defined the width is flexible */\n width: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.number, PropTypes.string]),\n /** Min width for this column. NOTE: Has prevalence over the general minColumnWidth */\n minWidth: PropTypes.number,\n /** Function returning a custom editor for that cell ({ value, onValue, rowData }) => Element */\n customEditor: PropTypes.func,\n /** Function returning an element to render in the cell ({ value, customHandlers, metaData: { rowData } }) => Element */\n customRenderer: PropTypes.func,\n /** Activates 'searchable' feature for this column */\n searchable: PropTypes.bool,\n /** Activates 'sortable' feature for this column */\n sortable: PropTypes.bool,\n /** Activates 'resizable' feature for this column */\n resizable: PropTypes.bool,\n /** Activates 'editable' feature for this column */\n editable: PropTypes.bool,\n /** Whether this column is visible or not */\n visible: PropTypes.bool,\n }),\n ).description('datagrid columns'),\n /** datagrid rows */\n rows: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object).description('datagrid rows'),\n /** key for each row */\n rowKey: PropTypes.string.description('key for each row'),\n /** toggle infinite scroll loading behavior */\n infiniteScrolling: PropTypes.bool.description('toggle infinite scroll loading behavior'),\n /** Activates 'editable' feature on the DataGrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well */\n overscanCount: PropTypes.number.description(\n \"Activates 'editable' feature on the DataGrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well\",\n ),\n /** turn datagrid to editable mode */\n editable: PropTypes.bool.description('turn datagrid to editable mode'),\n /** Activates 'sortable' feature on the GataGrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well */\n sortable: PropTypes.bool.description(\n \"Activates 'sortable' feature on the GataGrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well\",\n ),\n /** Put empty values always last on the column after sorting */\n sortEmptyLast: PropTypes.bool.description('Put empty values always last on the column after sorting'),\n /** Activates 'pagination' feature on the datagrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well */\n paginated: PropTypes.bool.description(\n \"Activates 'pagination' feature on the datagrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well\",\n ),\n /** Pagination step for clicking the next pages */\n paginationStep: PropTypes.number.description('Pagination step for clicking the next pages'),\n /** Activates 'drag and drop rows' feature on the datagrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well */\n dragAndDropRows: PropTypes.bool.description(\n \"Activates 'drag and drop rows' feature on the datagrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well\",\n ),\n /** Activates 'selection' feature on the datagrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well */\n selectable: PropTypes.bool.description(\n \"Activates 'selection' feature on the datagrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well\",\n ),\n /** Activates 'resize' feature on the datagrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well */\n resizeableColumns: PropTypes.bool.description(\n \"Activates 'resize' feature on the datagrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well\",\n ),\n /** Placeholder rendered when no rows are visible */\n noResultsPlaceholder: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.element]).description(\n 'Placeholder rendered when no rows are visible',\n ),\n /** Activates 'filtering' feature on the datagrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well */\n searchFilters: PropTypes.bool.description(\n \"activates 'filtering' feature on the datagrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well\",\n ),\n /** Activates 'drag and drop columns' feature on the datagrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well */\n dragAndDropColumns: PropTypes.bool.description(\n \"Activates 'drag and drop columns' feature on the datagrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well\",\n ),\n /** Activates 'grouping and tree data' feature on the datagrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well */\n useTreeData: PropTypes.bool.description(\n \"activates 'grouping and tree data' feature on the datagrid NOTE: needs to be activated in the column definition as well\",\n ),\n /** AutoScroll to row ID */\n autoScrollToId: PropTypes.any.description('AutoScroll to row ID'),\n /** Whether all rows are selected or not */\n selectAll: PropTypes.bool.description('Whether all rows are selected or not'),\n /** Defines the selected rows */\n selectedRows: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object).description(' Defines the selected rows'),\n /** Filters to be applied to the grid */\n filters: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object).description('Filters to be applied to the grid'),\n // todo: define params for handlers\n /** Handler when user expands a row */\n onExpandRow: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when user expands a row'),\n /** Handler when user expands a row with full expand state */\n onExpandChange: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when user expands a row with full expand state'),\n /** Handler when user expands a row (old API) */\n onToggleExpand: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when user expands a row (old API)'),\n /** Handler when user adds a filter */\n onAddFilter: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when user adds a filter'),\n /** Handler when user removes a filter */\n onRemoveFilter: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when user removes a filter'),\n /** Handler when the filters state has changed */\n onFiltersChange: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when the filters state has changed '),\n /** Handler when the default filters load. Returns the rows rendered */\n onDefaultFiltersLoad: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when the default filters load. Returns the rows rendered'),\n /** Handler when column move is over another column */\n onMoveColumnOver: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when column move is over another column'),\n /** Handler when column move starts */\n onMoveColumnStart: PropTypes.func.description(' Handler when column move starts'),\n /** Handler when column move ends */\n onMoveColumnEnd: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when column move ends'),\n /** Whether to show the filter bar or not */\n showFilterBar: PropTypes.bool.description('Whether to show the filter bar or not'),\n /** Custom option for the header with multi select */\n multiSelectFilterOptions: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object).description(\n 'Custom option for the header with multi select',\n ),\n /** Label to the header column for multi select */\n multiSelectFilterLabel: PropTypes.string.description('Label to the header column for multi select'),\n /** Labels for multi selects */\n multiSelectFilterLabels: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string).description('Labels for multi selects'),\n /** unstable */\n aggregations: PropTypes.object.description('').deprecated(''),\n /** unstable */\n /** Column which rows would be grouped by */\n groupingColumn: PropTypes.string.description('Column which rows would be grouped by').deprecated(''),\n /** group by */\n groupedBy: PropTypes.string.description('group by'),\n /** Defines the sorting state */\n sortingColumns: PropTypes.objectOf(\n PropTypes.shape({\n // eslint-disable-next-line react/no-unused-prop-types\n direction: PropTypes.oneOf(['asc', 'desc']),\n // eslint-disable-next-line react/no-unused-prop-types\n position: PropTypes.number,\n }),\n ).description('Defines the sorting state'),\n /** Visible columns property */\n visibleColumns: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string).description('Visible columns property'),\n /** Pagination: Minimum number of rows per page */\n minPerPage: PropTypes.string.description('Pagination: Minimum number of rows per page'),\n /** Pagination: Maximum number of rows per page */\n maxPerPage: PropTypes.string.description('Pagination: Maximum number of rows per page'),\n /** Pagination: Handler when user changes the amount of rows per page */\n onPerPageChange: PropTypes.string.description('Pagination: Handler when user changes the amount of rows per page'),\n /** Pagination: Handler when user changes the page */\n onPageChange: PropTypes.string.description('Pagination: Handler when user changes the page'),\n /** Pagination state */\n pagination: PropTypes.shape({\n // eslint-disable-next-line react/no-unused-prop-types\n page: PropTypes.number,\n // eslint-disable-next-line react/no-unused-prop-types\n perPage: PropTypes.number,\n }).description('pagination state'),\n /** Whether to show the header or not */\n showHeader: PropTypes.bool.description('Whether to show the header or not'),\n /** Whether to header is fixed or not */\n fixedHeader: PropTypes.bool.description('Whether to header is fixed or not'),\n /** Defines the height of the DataGrid */\n height: PropTypes.number.description('Defines the height of the DataGrid'),\n /** General min column width for all the columns */\n minColumnWidth: PropTypes.number.description('General min column width for all the columns '),\n /** Whether to show a loader instead of the rows or not */\n showRowsLoader: PropTypes.bool.description('Whether to show a loader instead of the rows or not'),\n /** When a user selects a row, that row get highlighted */\n showSelectHighlight: PropTypes.bool.description('When a user selects a row, that row get highlighted'),\n /** Whether to show the select column when the selection feature is active */\n showSelectColumn: PropTypes.bool.description(\n 'Whether to show the select column when the selection feature is active',\n ),\n /** Activates sortable feature to selection column */\n selectColumnSortable: PropTypes.bool.description('activates sortable feature to selection column'),\n /** Activates filterable feature to selection column */\n selectColumnFilterable: PropTypes.bool.description('Activates filterable feature to selection column'),\n /** Define the definition for the selection column */\n selectionColumnDefinition: PropTypes.object.description('Define the definition for the selection column'),\n /** Function that returns a toolbar to show when the user hovers the row */\n renderToolbar: PropTypes.func.description('Function that returns a toolbar to show when the user hovers the row'),\n /** Timeout to close the toolbar */\n toolbarDelayClose: PropTypes.number.description(' Timeout to close the toolbar'),\n /** Function that returns a toolbar in the FilterBar component */\n renderFilterToolbar: PropTypes.func.description('Function that returns a toolbar in the FilterBar component'),\n /** Custom component for the selection */\n multiSelectComponent: PropTypes.element.description('Custom component for the selection'),\n /** Normalize the keys of the data received and the columns */\n normalizeDataKeys: PropTypes.bool.description('Normalize the keys of the data received and the columns'),\n /** Function that returns an Element when there are no rows */\n noResultsRender: PropTypes.func.description('Function that returns an Element when there are no rows'),\n /** The height of the DataGrid will expand to its container */\n fluidHeight: PropTypes.bool.description('The height of the DataGrid will expand to its container'),\n /** @deprecated */\n customHandlers: PropTypes.object.description('').deprecated(''),\n /** Handler when user closes the filter menu */\n onFilterMenuClose: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when user closes the filter menu'),\n /** Handler when user opens the filter menu */\n onFilterMenuOpen: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when user opens the filter menu'),\n /** Handler when user drags a row */\n onReorder: PropTypes.func.description('handler when user drags a row '),\n /** Handler when user stops dragging a row */\n onMoveRowEnd: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when user stops dragging a row '),\n /** Handler when user starts dragging a row */\n onMoveRowStart: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when user starts dragging a row'),\n /** Handler when user has resized a column */\n onColumnResize: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when user has resized a column'),\n /** Handler when user filters by a column */\n onFilter: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when user filters by a column'),\n /** Handler when user sorts by a column */\n onSort: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when user sorts by a column '),\n /** Handler when user has edited a cell row */\n onColumnRowEdited: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when user has edited a cell row'),\n /** Handler when user activates the cell row editing functionality */\n onColumnRowEdit: PropTypes.func.description(' Handler when user activates the cell row editing functionality'),\n /** Handler when user selects a row */\n onSelectRow: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when user selects a row'),\n /** Handler when user checks the selection header controller */\n onSelectAll: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when user checks the selection header controller'),\n /** Handler to get more data when infinite scroll is activated */\n getData: PropTypes.func.description('Handler to get more data when infinite scroll is activated'),\n /** Handler to get more data when infinite scroll is activated without side-effect */\n onInfiniteScrolling: PropTypes.func.description(\n 'Handler to get more data when infinite scroll is activated without side-effect',\n ),\n /** Flag to override empty sort when data is from server */\n serverSideData: PropTypes.bool.description('Flag to override empty sort when data is from server'),\n /** Flag to force virtualization. Not used */\n virtualized: PropTypes.bool.description('Flag to force virtualization. Not used'),\n /** Number of rows visible. Not used */\n numRowsVisible: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.number, PropTypes.oneOf(['all'])]).description('Number of rows visible. Not used'),\n /** Callback to check if column is editable */\n isColumnEditable: PropTypes.func.description('Callback to check if column is editable'),\n /** Flag for groupedRows */\n groupedRows: PropTypes.bool.description('Flag for groupedRows'),\n /** Header for grouped rows */\n groupedRowsRenderHeader: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.element]).description('Header for grouped rows'),\n /** Once activated will disable the internal logic for sorting */\n isDataSorted: PropTypes.bool.description('Once activated will disable the internal logic for sorting'),\n /** Once activated will disable the internal logic for filtering */\n isDataFiltered: PropTypes.bool.description('Once activated will disable the internal logic for filtering'),\n /** Change row size */\n rowSize: PropTypes.oneOf(RowSizesOptionsArr).description('Change row size'),\n /** Whether to wrap the text of the data grid or not */\n wrapText: PropTypes.bool.description('Whether to wrap the text of the data grid or not'),\n /** Element to render expanded details */\n renderExpandedDetails: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.element]).description(\n 'Element to render expanded details',\n ),\n /** Columns to render on the details of an expanded row */\n detailColumns: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object).description('Columns to render on the details of an expanded row'),\n /** Flag to enable the expandable feature */\n expandable: PropTypes.bool.description('Flag to enable the expandable feature '),\n /** Callback to get the row children */\n getChildrenRows: PropTypes.func.description('Callback to get the row children'),\n /** Number of rows visible on the details of an expanded row */\n expandableSubrowsVisible: PropTypes.number.description('Number of rows visible on the details of an expanded row'),\n /** Element to render inside expanded row */\n renderRowDetails: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.element]).description(\n 'Element to render inside expanded row',\n ),\n /** Callback to get the expanded row size */\n getExpandedRowSize: PropTypes.func.description('Callback to get the expanded row size'),\n /** Callback to get the expanded row minimum size */\n getExpandedRowMinSize: PropTypes.func.description('Callback to get the expanded row minimum size'),\n /** Change expanded/details rows size */\n subRowSize: PropTypes.oneOf(RowSizesOptionsArr).description('Change expanded/details rows size'),\n /** Bind the column size to another grid instance */\n bindColumnsSizeTo: PropTypes.string.description('Bind the column size to another grid instance'),\n /** Bind the row size to another grid instance */\n bindRowSizeTo: PropTypes.string.description('Bind the row size to another grid instance'),\n /** Handler when toggle show all is clicked */\n onToggleShowAllRows: PropTypes.func.description('Handler when toggle show all is clicked'),\n /** Expanded row state */\n expandedRows: PropTypes.object.description('Expanded row state'),\n /** Flag to enable autoheight */\n autoHeight: PropTypes.bool.description('Flag to enable autoheight'),\n /** Placeholder rendered when no columns are visible */\n noColumnsPlaceholder: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.element]).description(\n 'Placeholder rendered when no columns are visible',\n ),\n /** Plugin additional array */\n plugins: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.any).description('Plugin additional array'),\n};\n\nDSDataGrids.propTypes = props;\nDSDataGrids.displayName = 'DSDataGrids';\nconst DSDataGridsWithSchema = describe(DSDataGrids);\nDSDataGridsWithSchema.propTypes = props;\n\nexport { DSDataGridsWithSchema, DSDataGrids, DSDataGrids as DSDataGrid };\nexport default DSDataGrids;\n"],
  "names": []
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
  "version": 3,
  "sources": ["../../../../../../scripts/build/transpile/react-shim.js", "../../../../src/plugins/filterable/FilterablePlugin.tsx"],
- "sourcesContent": ["import * as React from 'react';\nexport { React };\n", "/* eslint-disable indent */\nimport { get, isFunction } from '@elliemae/ds-utilities';\nimport { createInstancePlugin } from '@elliemae/ds-shared';\nimport { addFilterToColumn } from './addFilterToColumn';\n\nimport filterRowsByQuery, { filterRowsByQueryGroup } from './filtering-helper/filterRowsByQuery';\nimport { useFilterableState } from './useFilterableState';\n\nconst decorateColumn = (column, grid) => {\n const {\n props: { isFilterableColumnActive = (col) => col.searchable, onRemoveAllFilters },\n actions: { addFilter, removeFilter },\n state: { query, filters },\n } = grid;\n\n return isFilterableColumnActive(column)\n ? addFilterToColumn(\n {\n grid,\n onAddFilter: addFilter,\n onRemoveFilter: removeFilter,\n onRemoveAllFilters,\n query,\n filters,\n },\n column,\n )\n : column;\n};\n\nconst composeRows = (rows, grid) => {\n const {\n props: { isDataFiltered, groupedRows },\n state: { query },\n composedRows,\n } = grid.getInstance();\n const nextRows = !groupedRows ? filterRowsByQuery(rows, query) : filterRowsByQueryGroup(rows, query, composedRows);\n\n return !isDataFiltered ? nextRows : rows;\n};\n\nexport const FilterablePlugin = createInstancePlugin('filterable', {\n registerStateHook: useFilterableState,\n decorateColumn,\n composeRows,\n registerHotKeys(grid) {\n return {\n key: 'ctrl+f',\n handler: ({ cellIndex }) => {\n const { decoratedColumns } = grid.getInstance();\n\n const column = decoratedColumns[cellIndex];\n const toggleMenuMethod = get(column, ['filterMenu', 'current', 'toggleMenu']);\n if (isFunction(toggleMenuMethod)) toggleMenuMethod();\n },\n };\n },\n});\n"],
+ "sourcesContent": ["import * as React from 'react';\nexport { React };\n", "/* eslint-disable indent */\nimport { get, isFunction } from '@elliemae/ds-utilities';\nimport { createInstancePlugin } from '@elliemae/ds-shared';\nimport { addFilterToColumn } from './addFilterToColumn';\nimport filterRowsByQuery, { filterRowsByQueryGroup } from './filtering-helper/filterRowsByQuery';\nimport { useFilterableState } from './useFilterableState';\n\nconst decorateColumn = (column, grid) => {\n const {\n props: { isFilterableColumnActive = (col) => col.searchable, onRemoveAllFilters },\n actions: { addFilter, removeFilter },\n state: { query, filters },\n } = grid;\n\n return isFilterableColumnActive(column)\n ? addFilterToColumn(\n {\n grid,\n onAddFilter: addFilter,\n onRemoveFilter: removeFilter,\n onRemoveAllFilters,\n query,\n filters,\n },\n column,\n )\n : column;\n};\n\nconst composeRows = (rows, grid) => {\n const {\n props: { isDataFiltered, groupedRows },\n state: { query },\n composedRows,\n } = grid.getInstance();\n const nextRows = !groupedRows ? filterRowsByQuery(rows, query) : filterRowsByQueryGroup(rows, query, composedRows);\n\n return !isDataFiltered ? nextRows : rows;\n};\n\nexport const FilterablePlugin = createInstancePlugin('filterable', {\n registerStateHook: useFilterableState,\n decorateColumn,\n composeRows,\n registerHotKeys(grid) {\n return {\n key: 'ctrl+f',\n handler: ({ cellIndex }) => {\n const { decoratedColumns } = grid.getInstance();\n\n const column = decoratedColumns[cellIndex];\n const toggleMenuMethod = get(column, ['filterMenu', 'current', 'toggleMenu']);\n if (isFunction(toggleMenuMethod)) toggleMenuMethod();\n },\n };\n },\n});\n"],
  "names": []
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
  "version": 3,
  "sources": ["../../../../../../scripts/build/transpile/react-shim.js", "../../../../src/plugins/virtualization/AutoHeightList.tsx"],
- "sourcesContent": ["import * as React from 'react';\nexport { React };\n", "import React, { forwardRef, useRef } from 'react';\nimport { FixedSizeList as List } from 'react-window';\nimport { mergeRefs , useWindowScrollerList, cx } from '@elliemae/ds-utilities';\n\n// eslint-disable-next-line react/display-name\nexport const AutoHeightList = forwardRef(\n (\n {\n itemCount,\n className,\n innerRef,\n itemData,\n itemKey,\n itemSize,\n outerRef,\n component: ListComponent = List,\n ...otherProps\n },\n ref,\n ) => {\n const listRef = useRef();\n const outerListRef = useRef();\n\n useWindowScrollerList({\n listInstance: listRef,\n outerListRef,\n });\n\n return (\n <ListComponent\n {...otherProps}\n ref={mergeRefs(ref, listRef)}\n className={cx(className, 'window-scroller-override')}\n height={window.innerHeight}\n innerRef={innerRef}\n itemCount={itemCount}\n itemData={itemData}\n itemKey={itemKey}\n itemSize={itemSize}\n outerRef={mergeRefs(outerListRef, outerRef)}\n overscanCount={10}\n useIsScrolling\n />\n );\n },\n);\n\nexport default AutoHeightList;\n"],
+ "sourcesContent": ["import * as React from 'react';\nexport { React };\n", "import React, { forwardRef, useRef } from 'react';\nimport { FixedSizeList as List } from 'react-window';\nimport { mergeRefs, useWindowScrollerList, cx } from '@elliemae/ds-utilities';\n\n// eslint-disable-next-line react/display-name\nexport const AutoHeightList = forwardRef(\n (\n {\n itemCount,\n className,\n innerRef,\n itemData,\n itemKey,\n itemSize,\n outerRef,\n component: ListComponent = List,\n ...otherProps\n },\n ref,\n ) => {\n const listRef = useRef();\n const outerListRef = useRef();\n\n useWindowScrollerList({\n listInstance: listRef,\n outerListRef,\n });\n\n return (\n <ListComponent\n {...otherProps}\n ref={mergeRefs(ref, listRef)}\n className={cx(className, 'window-scroller-override')}\n height={window.innerHeight}\n innerRef={innerRef}\n itemCount={itemCount}\n itemData={itemData}\n itemKey={itemKey}\n itemSize={itemSize}\n outerRef={mergeRefs(outerListRef, outerRef)}\n overscanCount={10}\n useIsScrolling\n />\n );\n },\n);\n\nexport default AutoHeightList;\n"],
  "names": []
package/package.json CHANGED
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
  "name": "@elliemae/ds-datagrids",
- "version": "3.16.0-next.2",
+ "version": "3.16.0-next.3",
  "license": "MIT",
  "description": "ICE MT - Dimsum - Data Grids",
  "files": [
@@ -556,24 +556,25 @@
  "sortabular": "~1.6.0",
  "stylesheet-helpers": "~0.2.2",
  "uuid": "~8.3.2",
- "@elliemae/ds-button": "3.16.0-next.2",
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+ "@elliemae/ds-controlled-form": "3.16.0-next.3",
+ "@elliemae/ds-datagrids": "3.16.0-next.3",
+ "@elliemae/ds-dropdownmenu": "3.16.0-next.3",
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@@ -594,7 +595,7 @@
  "eslint:fix": "exit 0 | echo",
  "dts": "exit 0 | echo",
  "build": "cross-env NODE_ENV=production node ../../scripts/build/build.mjs",
- "dev:build": "pnpm --filter {.}... build && pnpm --filter {.}... dts",
+ "dev:build": "pnpm --filter {.}... build",
  "dev:install": "pnpm --filter {.}... i --no-lockfile && pnpm run dev:build",
  "checkDeps": "npx -yes ../ds-codemods check-missing-packages --projectFolderPath=\"./\" --ignorePackagesGlobPattern=\"\" --ignoreFilesGlobPattern=\"**/test-ables/*,**/tests/*\""