@ckeditor/ckeditor5-widget 42.0.0-alpha.5 → 42.0.0-alpha.6

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Files changed (106) hide show
  1. package/dist/translations/ar.js +1 -1
  2. package/dist/translations/ar.umd.js +1 -1
  3. package/dist/translations/bg.js +1 -1
  4. package/dist/translations/bg.umd.js +1 -1
  5. package/dist/translations/bn.js +1 -1
  6. package/dist/translations/bn.umd.js +1 -1
  7. package/dist/translations/ca.js +1 -1
  8. package/dist/translations/ca.umd.js +1 -1
  9. package/dist/translations/cs.js +1 -1
  10. package/dist/translations/cs.umd.js +1 -1
  11. package/dist/translations/da.js +1 -1
  12. package/dist/translations/da.umd.js +1 -1
  13. package/dist/translations/de.js +1 -1
  14. package/dist/translations/de.umd.js +1 -1
  15. package/dist/translations/el.js +1 -1
  16. package/dist/translations/el.umd.js +1 -1
  17. package/dist/translations/es.js +1 -1
  18. package/dist/translations/es.umd.js +1 -1
  19. package/dist/translations/et.js +1 -1
  20. package/dist/translations/et.umd.js +1 -1
  21. package/dist/translations/fi.js +1 -1
  22. package/dist/translations/fi.umd.js +1 -1
  23. package/dist/translations/fr.js +1 -1
  24. package/dist/translations/fr.umd.js +1 -1
  25. package/dist/translations/he.js +1 -1
  26. package/dist/translations/he.umd.js +1 -1
  27. package/dist/translations/hi.js +1 -1
  28. package/dist/translations/hi.umd.js +1 -1
  29. package/dist/translations/hu.js +1 -1
  30. package/dist/translations/hu.umd.js +1 -1
  31. package/dist/translations/id.js +1 -1
  32. package/dist/translations/id.umd.js +1 -1
  33. package/dist/translations/it.js +1 -1
  34. package/dist/translations/it.umd.js +1 -1
  35. package/dist/translations/ja.js +1 -1
  36. package/dist/translations/ja.umd.js +1 -1
  37. package/dist/translations/ko.js +1 -1
  38. package/dist/translations/ko.umd.js +1 -1
  39. package/dist/translations/lt.js +1 -1
  40. package/dist/translations/lt.umd.js +1 -1
  41. package/dist/translations/lv.js +1 -1
  42. package/dist/translations/lv.umd.js +1 -1
  43. package/dist/translations/ms.js +1 -1
  44. package/dist/translations/ms.umd.js +1 -1
  45. package/dist/translations/nl.js +1 -1
  46. package/dist/translations/nl.umd.js +1 -1
  47. package/dist/translations/no.js +1 -1
  48. package/dist/translations/no.umd.js +1 -1
  49. package/dist/translations/pl.js +1 -1
  50. package/dist/translations/pl.umd.js +1 -1
  51. package/dist/translations/pt-br.js +1 -1
  52. package/dist/translations/pt-br.umd.js +1 -1
  53. package/dist/translations/pt.js +1 -1
  54. package/dist/translations/pt.umd.js +1 -1
  55. package/dist/translations/ro.js +1 -1
  56. package/dist/translations/ro.umd.js +1 -1
  57. package/dist/translations/ru.js +1 -1
  58. package/dist/translations/ru.umd.js +1 -1
  59. package/dist/translations/sk.js +1 -1
  60. package/dist/translations/sk.umd.js +1 -1
  61. package/dist/translations/sr.js +1 -1
  62. package/dist/translations/sr.umd.js +1 -1
  63. package/dist/translations/sv.js +1 -1
  64. package/dist/translations/sv.umd.js +1 -1
  65. package/dist/translations/th.js +1 -1
  66. package/dist/translations/th.umd.js +1 -1
  67. package/dist/translations/zh-cn.js +1 -1
  68. package/dist/translations/zh-cn.umd.js +1 -1
  69. package/dist/translations/zh.js +1 -1
  70. package/dist/translations/zh.umd.js +1 -1
  71. package/lang/translations/ar.po +1 -1
  72. package/lang/translations/bg.po +1 -1
  73. package/lang/translations/bn.po +1 -1
  74. package/lang/translations/ca.po +1 -1
  75. package/lang/translations/cs.po +1 -1
  76. package/lang/translations/da.po +1 -1
  77. package/lang/translations/de.po +1 -1
  78. package/lang/translations/el.po +1 -1
  79. package/lang/translations/es.po +1 -1
  80. package/lang/translations/et.po +1 -1
  81. package/lang/translations/fi.po +1 -1
  82. package/lang/translations/fr.po +1 -1
  83. package/lang/translations/he.po +1 -1
  84. package/lang/translations/hi.po +1 -1
  85. package/lang/translations/hu.po +1 -1
  86. package/lang/translations/id.po +1 -1
  87. package/lang/translations/it.po +1 -1
  88. package/lang/translations/ja.po +1 -1
  89. package/lang/translations/ko.po +1 -1
  90. package/lang/translations/lt.po +1 -1
  91. package/lang/translations/lv.po +1 -1
  92. package/lang/translations/ms.po +1 -1
  93. package/lang/translations/nl.po +1 -1
  94. package/lang/translations/no.po +1 -1
  95. package/lang/translations/pl.po +1 -1
  96. package/lang/translations/pt-br.po +1 -1
  97. package/lang/translations/pt.po +1 -1
  98. package/lang/translations/ro.po +1 -1
  99. package/lang/translations/ru.po +1 -1
  100. package/lang/translations/sk.po +1 -1
  101. package/lang/translations/sr.po +1 -1
  102. package/lang/translations/sv.po +1 -1
  103. package/lang/translations/th.po +1 -1
  104. package/lang/translations/zh-cn.po +1 -1
  105. package/lang/translations/zh.po +1 -1
  106. package/package.json +7 -7
@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
  * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2024, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
  * For licensing, see LICENSE.md or https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license
- export default {"lt":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Valdiklių įrankių juosta","Insert paragraph before block":"Įkelti pastraipą prieš bloką","Insert paragraph after block":"Įkelti pastraipą po bloko","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Paspauskite Enter, jei norite rašyti po valdiklio, arba paspauskite Shift + Enter, jei norite rašyti prieš valdiklį.","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Klavišų paspaudimai, kuriuos galima naudoti pasirinkus valdiklį (pavyzdžiui, vaizdą, lentelę ir t. t.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Įterpti naują pastraipą iškart po valdiklio","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Įterpti naują pastraipą iškart prieš valdiklį","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Perkelkite žymeklį, kad būtų galima rašyti iškart prieš valdiklį","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Perkelkite žymeklį, kad būtų galima rašyti iškart po valdiklio","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return (n % 10 == 1 && (n % 100 > 19 || n % 100 < 11) ? 0 : (n % 10 >= 2 && n % 10 <=9) && (n % 100 > 19 || n % 100 < 11) ? 1 : n % 1 != 0 ? 2: 3);}}}
+ export default {"lt":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Valdiklių įrankių juosta","Insert paragraph before block":"Įkelti pastraipą prieš bloką","Insert paragraph after block":"Įkelti pastraipą po bloko","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Paspauskite Enter, jei norite rašyti po valdiklio, arba paspauskite Shift + Enter, jei norite rašyti prieš valdiklį.","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Klavišų paspaudimai, kuriuos galima naudoti pasirinkus valdiklį (pavyzdžiui, vaizdą, lentelę ir t. t.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Įterpti naują pastraipą iškart po valdiklio","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Įterpti naują pastraipą iškart prieš valdiklį","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Perkelkite žymeklį, kad būtų galima rašyti iškart prieš valdiklį","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Perkelkite žymeklį, kad būtų galima rašyti iškart po valdiklio","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"Perkelti fokusą iš redaguojamos srities atgal į pagrindinį valdiklį"},getPluralForm(n){return (n % 10 == 1 && (n % 100 > 19 || n % 100 < 11) ? 0 : (n % 10 >= 2 && n % 10 <=9) && (n % 100 > 19 || n % 100 < 11) ? 1 : n % 1 != 0 ? 2: 3);}}}
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
  ( e => {
- const { [ 'lt' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"lt":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Valdiklių įrankių juosta","Insert paragraph before block":"Įkelti pastraipą prieš bloką","Insert paragraph after block":"Įkelti pastraipą po bloko","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Paspauskite Enter, jei norite rašyti po valdiklio, arba paspauskite Shift + Enter, jei norite rašyti prieš valdiklį.","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Klavišų paspaudimai, kuriuos galima naudoti pasirinkus valdiklį (pavyzdžiui, vaizdą, lentelę ir t. t.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Įterpti naują pastraipą iškart po valdiklio","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Įterpti naują pastraipą iškart prieš valdiklį","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Perkelkite žymeklį, kad būtų galima rašyti iškart prieš valdiklį","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Perkelkite žymeklį, kad būtų galima rašyti iškart po valdiklio","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return (n % 10 == 1 && (n % 100 > 19 || n % 100 < 11) ? 0 : (n % 10 >= 2 && n % 10 <=9) && (n % 100 > 19 || n % 100 < 11) ? 1 : n % 1 != 0 ? 2: 3);}}};
+ const { [ 'lt' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"lt":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Valdiklių įrankių juosta","Insert paragraph before block":"Įkelti pastraipą prieš bloką","Insert paragraph after block":"Įkelti pastraipą po bloko","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Paspauskite Enter, jei norite rašyti po valdiklio, arba paspauskite Shift + Enter, jei norite rašyti prieš valdiklį.","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Klavišų paspaudimai, kuriuos galima naudoti pasirinkus valdiklį (pavyzdžiui, vaizdą, lentelę ir t. t.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Įterpti naują pastraipą iškart po valdiklio","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Įterpti naują pastraipą iškart prieš valdiklį","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Perkelkite žymeklį, kad būtų galima rašyti iškart prieš valdiklį","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Perkelkite žymeklį, kad būtų galima rašyti iškart po valdiklio","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"Perkelti fokusą iš redaguojamos srities atgal į pagrindinį valdiklį"},getPluralForm(n){return (n % 10 == 1 && (n % 100 > 19 || n % 100 < 11) ? 0 : (n % 10 >= 2 && n % 10 <=9) && (n % 100 > 19 || n % 100 < 11) ? 1 : n % 1 != 0 ? 2: 3);}}};
  e[ 'lt' ] ||= { dictionary: {}, getPluralForm: null };
  e[ 'lt' ].dictionary = Object.assign( e[ 'lt' ].dictionary, dictionary );
  e[ 'lt' ].getPluralForm = getPluralForm;
@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
  * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2024, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
  * For licensing, see LICENSE.md or https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license
- export default {"lv":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Sīkrīku rīkjosla","Insert paragraph before block":"Ievietot paragrāfu pirms bloka","Insert paragraph after block":"Ievietot paragrāfu aiz bloka","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Nospiediet taustiņu Enter, lai rakstītu aiz logrīka, vai nospiediet taustiņu Shift + Enter, lai rakstītu pirms logrīka","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Taustiņsitieni, kurus var izmantot, kad ir atlasīts logrīks (piemēram, attēls, tabula utt.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Ievietot jaunu rindkopu tieši aiz logrīka","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Ievietot jaunu rindkopu tieši pirms logrīka","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Pārvietot kursoru, lai rakstītu tieši pirms logrīka","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Pārvietot kursoru, lai rakstītu tieši aiz logrīka","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return (n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n != 0 ? 1 : 2);}}}
+ export default {"lv":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Sīkrīku rīkjosla","Insert paragraph before block":"Ievietot paragrāfu pirms bloka","Insert paragraph after block":"Ievietot paragrāfu aiz bloka","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Nospiediet taustiņu Enter, lai rakstītu aiz logrīka, vai nospiediet taustiņu Shift + Enter, lai rakstītu pirms logrīka","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Taustiņsitieni, kurus var izmantot, kad ir atlasīts logrīks (piemēram, attēls, tabula utt.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Ievietot jaunu rindkopu tieši aiz logrīka","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Ievietot jaunu rindkopu tieši pirms logrīka","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Pārvietot kursoru, lai rakstītu tieši pirms logrīka","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Pārvietot kursoru, lai rakstītu tieši aiz logrīka","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"Mainiet fokusu no rediģējamā apgabala uz pamatrīku"},getPluralForm(n){return (n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n != 0 ? 1 : 2);}}}
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
  ( e => {
- const { [ 'lv' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"lv":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Sīkrīku rīkjosla","Insert paragraph before block":"Ievietot paragrāfu pirms bloka","Insert paragraph after block":"Ievietot paragrāfu aiz bloka","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Nospiediet taustiņu Enter, lai rakstītu aiz logrīka, vai nospiediet taustiņu Shift + Enter, lai rakstītu pirms logrīka","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Taustiņsitieni, kurus var izmantot, kad ir atlasīts logrīks (piemēram, attēls, tabula utt.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Ievietot jaunu rindkopu tieši aiz logrīka","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Ievietot jaunu rindkopu tieši pirms logrīka","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Pārvietot kursoru, lai rakstītu tieši pirms logrīka","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Pārvietot kursoru, lai rakstītu tieši aiz logrīka","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return (n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n != 0 ? 1 : 2);}}};
+ const { [ 'lv' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"lv":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Sīkrīku rīkjosla","Insert paragraph before block":"Ievietot paragrāfu pirms bloka","Insert paragraph after block":"Ievietot paragrāfu aiz bloka","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Nospiediet taustiņu Enter, lai rakstītu aiz logrīka, vai nospiediet taustiņu Shift + Enter, lai rakstītu pirms logrīka","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Taustiņsitieni, kurus var izmantot, kad ir atlasīts logrīks (piemēram, attēls, tabula utt.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Ievietot jaunu rindkopu tieši aiz logrīka","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Ievietot jaunu rindkopu tieši pirms logrīka","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Pārvietot kursoru, lai rakstītu tieši pirms logrīka","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Pārvietot kursoru, lai rakstītu tieši aiz logrīka","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"Mainiet fokusu no rediģējamā apgabala uz pamatrīku"},getPluralForm(n){return (n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n != 0 ? 1 : 2);}}};
  e[ 'lv' ] ||= { dictionary: {}, getPluralForm: null };
  e[ 'lv' ].dictionary = Object.assign( e[ 'lv' ].dictionary, dictionary );
  e[ 'lv' ].getPluralForm = getPluralForm;
@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
  * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2024, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
  * For licensing, see LICENSE.md or https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license
- export default {"ms":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Bar alat capaian widget","Insert paragraph before block":"Masukkan perenggan sebelum blok","Insert paragraph after block":"Masukkan perenggan sebelum blok","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Tekan Enter untuk menaip selepas atau tekan Shift + Enter untuk menaip sebelum widget","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Ketukan kekunci yang boleh digunakan semasa widget dipilih (contohnya: imej, jadual, dsb.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Masukkan perenggan baharu secara langsung selepas widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Masukkan perenggan baharu secara langsung sebelum widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Alihkan karet untuk membenarkan penaipan secara langsung sebelum widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Alihkan karet untuk membenarkan penaipan secara langsung selepas widget","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return 0;}}}
+ export default {"ms":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Bar alat capaian widget","Insert paragraph before block":"Masukkan perenggan sebelum blok","Insert paragraph after block":"Masukkan perenggan sebelum blok","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Tekan Enter untuk menaip selepas atau tekan Shift + Enter untuk menaip sebelum widget","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Ketukan kekunci yang boleh digunakan semasa widget dipilih (contohnya: imej, jadual, dsb.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Masukkan perenggan baharu secara langsung selepas widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Masukkan perenggan baharu secara langsung sebelum widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Alihkan karet untuk membenarkan penaipan secara langsung sebelum widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Alihkan karet untuk membenarkan penaipan secara langsung selepas widget","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"Alihkan fokus dari kawasan yang boleh diedit kembali ke widget induk"},getPluralForm(n){return 0;}}}
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
  ( e => {
- const { [ 'ms' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"ms":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Bar alat capaian widget","Insert paragraph before block":"Masukkan perenggan sebelum blok","Insert paragraph after block":"Masukkan perenggan sebelum blok","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Tekan Enter untuk menaip selepas atau tekan Shift + Enter untuk menaip sebelum widget","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Ketukan kekunci yang boleh digunakan semasa widget dipilih (contohnya: imej, jadual, dsb.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Masukkan perenggan baharu secara langsung selepas widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Masukkan perenggan baharu secara langsung sebelum widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Alihkan karet untuk membenarkan penaipan secara langsung sebelum widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Alihkan karet untuk membenarkan penaipan secara langsung selepas widget","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return 0;}}};
+ const { [ 'ms' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"ms":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Bar alat capaian widget","Insert paragraph before block":"Masukkan perenggan sebelum blok","Insert paragraph after block":"Masukkan perenggan sebelum blok","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Tekan Enter untuk menaip selepas atau tekan Shift + Enter untuk menaip sebelum widget","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Ketukan kekunci yang boleh digunakan semasa widget dipilih (contohnya: imej, jadual, dsb.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Masukkan perenggan baharu secara langsung selepas widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Masukkan perenggan baharu secara langsung sebelum widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Alihkan karet untuk membenarkan penaipan secara langsung sebelum widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Alihkan karet untuk membenarkan penaipan secara langsung selepas widget","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"Alihkan fokus dari kawasan yang boleh diedit kembali ke widget induk"},getPluralForm(n){return 0;}}};
  e[ 'ms' ] ||= { dictionary: {}, getPluralForm: null };
  e[ 'ms' ].dictionary = Object.assign( e[ 'ms' ].dictionary, dictionary );
  e[ 'ms' ].getPluralForm = getPluralForm;
@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
  * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2024, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
  * For licensing, see LICENSE.md or https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license
- export default {"nl":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Widget werkbalk","Insert paragraph before block":"Voeg paragraaf toe voor blok","Insert paragraph after block":"Voeg paragraaf toe na blok","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Druk op Enter om na de widget te typen of druk op Shift + Enter om vóór de widget te typen","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Toetsaanslagen die gebruikt kunnen worden wanneer een widget geselecteerd is (bijvoorbeeld: een afbeelding, tabel, enz.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Voeg direct na een widget een nieuwe paragraaf in","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Voeg direct voor een widget een nieuwe paragraaf in","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Beweeg het invoerteken om het mogelijk te maken direct voor een widget te typen","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Beweeg het invoerteken om het mogelijk te maken direct achter een widget te typen","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return (n != 1);}}}
+ export default {"nl":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Widget werkbalk","Insert paragraph before block":"Voeg paragraaf toe voor blok","Insert paragraph after block":"Voeg paragraaf toe na blok","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Druk op Enter om na de widget te typen of druk op Shift + Enter om vóór de widget te typen","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Toetsaanslagen die gebruikt kunnen worden wanneer een widget geselecteerd is (bijvoorbeeld: een afbeelding, tabel, enz.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Voeg direct na een widget een nieuwe paragraaf in","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Voeg direct voor een widget een nieuwe paragraaf in","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Beweeg het invoerteken om het mogelijk te maken direct voor een widget te typen","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Beweeg het invoerteken om het mogelijk te maken direct achter een widget te typen","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"De focus van een bewerkbaar gebied terug naar de bovenliggende widget verplaatsen"},getPluralForm(n){return (n != 1);}}}
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
  ( e => {
- const { [ 'nl' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"nl":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Widget werkbalk","Insert paragraph before block":"Voeg paragraaf toe voor blok","Insert paragraph after block":"Voeg paragraaf toe na blok","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Druk op Enter om na de widget te typen of druk op Shift + Enter om vóór de widget te typen","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Toetsaanslagen die gebruikt kunnen worden wanneer een widget geselecteerd is (bijvoorbeeld: een afbeelding, tabel, enz.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Voeg direct na een widget een nieuwe paragraaf in","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Voeg direct voor een widget een nieuwe paragraaf in","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Beweeg het invoerteken om het mogelijk te maken direct voor een widget te typen","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Beweeg het invoerteken om het mogelijk te maken direct achter een widget te typen","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return (n != 1);}}};
+ const { [ 'nl' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"nl":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Widget werkbalk","Insert paragraph before block":"Voeg paragraaf toe voor blok","Insert paragraph after block":"Voeg paragraaf toe na blok","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Druk op Enter om na de widget te typen of druk op Shift + Enter om vóór de widget te typen","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Toetsaanslagen die gebruikt kunnen worden wanneer een widget geselecteerd is (bijvoorbeeld: een afbeelding, tabel, enz.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Voeg direct na een widget een nieuwe paragraaf in","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Voeg direct voor een widget een nieuwe paragraaf in","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Beweeg het invoerteken om het mogelijk te maken direct voor een widget te typen","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Beweeg het invoerteken om het mogelijk te maken direct achter een widget te typen","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"De focus van een bewerkbaar gebied terug naar de bovenliggende widget verplaatsen"},getPluralForm(n){return (n != 1);}}};
  e[ 'nl' ] ||= { dictionary: {}, getPluralForm: null };
  e[ 'nl' ].dictionary = Object.assign( e[ 'nl' ].dictionary, dictionary );
  e[ 'nl' ].getPluralForm = getPluralForm;
@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
  * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2024, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
  * For licensing, see LICENSE.md or https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license
- export default {"no":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Widget verktøylinje ","Insert paragraph before block":"Sett inn paragraf foran blokk","Insert paragraph after block":"Sett inn paragraf etter blokk","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Trykk Enter for å skrive etter eller trykk Shift + Enter for å skrive før widgeten","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Tastetrykk som kan brukes når en widget er valgt (for eksempel: bilde, tabell osv.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Legg inn et nytt avsnitt rett etter en widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Legg inn et nytt avsnitt rett før en widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Flytt markøren for å kunne taste rett før en widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Flytt markøren for å kunne taste rett etter en widget","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return (n != 1);}}}
+ export default {"no":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Widget verktøylinje ","Insert paragraph before block":"Sett inn paragraf foran blokk","Insert paragraph after block":"Sett inn paragraf etter blokk","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Trykk Enter for å skrive etter eller trykk Shift + Enter for å skrive før widgeten","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Tastetrykk som kan brukes når en widget er valgt (for eksempel: bilde, tabell osv.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Legg inn et nytt avsnitt rett etter en widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Legg inn et nytt avsnitt rett før en widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Flytt markøren for å kunne taste rett før en widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Flytt markøren for å kunne taste rett etter en widget","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"Flytt fokus fra et redigerbart område tilbake til foreldre-widgeten"},getPluralForm(n){return (n != 1);}}}
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
  ( e => {
- const { [ 'no' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"no":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Widget verktøylinje ","Insert paragraph before block":"Sett inn paragraf foran blokk","Insert paragraph after block":"Sett inn paragraf etter blokk","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Trykk Enter for å skrive etter eller trykk Shift + Enter for å skrive før widgeten","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Tastetrykk som kan brukes når en widget er valgt (for eksempel: bilde, tabell osv.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Legg inn et nytt avsnitt rett etter en widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Legg inn et nytt avsnitt rett før en widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Flytt markøren for å kunne taste rett før en widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Flytt markøren for å kunne taste rett etter en widget","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return (n != 1);}}};
+ const { [ 'no' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"no":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Widget verktøylinje ","Insert paragraph before block":"Sett inn paragraf foran blokk","Insert paragraph after block":"Sett inn paragraf etter blokk","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Trykk Enter for å skrive etter eller trykk Shift + Enter for å skrive før widgeten","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Tastetrykk som kan brukes når en widget er valgt (for eksempel: bilde, tabell osv.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Legg inn et nytt avsnitt rett etter en widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Legg inn et nytt avsnitt rett før en widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Flytt markøren for å kunne taste rett før en widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Flytt markøren for å kunne taste rett etter en widget","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"Flytt fokus fra et redigerbart område tilbake til foreldre-widgeten"},getPluralForm(n){return (n != 1);}}};
  e[ 'no' ] ||= { dictionary: {}, getPluralForm: null };
  e[ 'no' ].dictionary = Object.assign( e[ 'no' ].dictionary, dictionary );
  e[ 'no' ].getPluralForm = getPluralForm;
@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
  * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2024, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
  * For licensing, see LICENSE.md or https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license
- export default {"pl":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Pasek widgetów","Insert paragraph before block":"Wstaw akapit przed blokiem","Insert paragraph after block":"Wstaw akapit po bloku","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Naciśnij Enter, aby pisać po widżecie, lub Shift + Enter, aby pisać przed widżetem","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Klawisze, których można używać po wybraniu widżetu (na przykład: obraz, tabela itd.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Wstawia nowy akapit bezpośrednio po widżecie","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Wstawia nowy akapit bezpośrednio przed widżetem","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Przenosi kursor, aby umożliwić pisanie bezpośrednio przed widżetem","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Przenosi kursor, aby umożliwić pisanie bezpośrednio za widżetem","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return (n==1 ? 0 : (n%10>=2 && n%10<=4) && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n!=1 && (n%10>=0 && n%10<=1) || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=12 && n%100<=14) ? 2 : 3);}}}
+ export default {"pl":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Pasek widgetów","Insert paragraph before block":"Wstaw akapit przed blokiem","Insert paragraph after block":"Wstaw akapit po bloku","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Naciśnij Enter, aby pisać po widżecie, lub Shift + Enter, aby pisać przed widżetem","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Klawisze, których można używać po wybraniu widżetu (na przykład: obraz, tabela itd.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Wstawia nowy akapit bezpośrednio po widżecie","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Wstawia nowy akapit bezpośrednio przed widżetem","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Przenosi kursor, aby umożliwić pisanie bezpośrednio przed widżetem","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Przenosi kursor, aby umożliwić pisanie bezpośrednio za widżetem","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"Przenieś skupienie z edytowalnego obszaru z powrotem do widżetu nadrzędnego"},getPluralForm(n){return (n==1 ? 0 : (n%10>=2 && n%10<=4) && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n!=1 && (n%10>=0 && n%10<=1) || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=12 && n%100<=14) ? 2 : 3);}}}
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
  ( e => {
- const { [ 'pl' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"pl":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Pasek widgetów","Insert paragraph before block":"Wstaw akapit przed blokiem","Insert paragraph after block":"Wstaw akapit po bloku","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Naciśnij Enter, aby pisać po widżecie, lub Shift + Enter, aby pisać przed widżetem","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Klawisze, których można używać po wybraniu widżetu (na przykład: obraz, tabela itd.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Wstawia nowy akapit bezpośrednio po widżecie","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Wstawia nowy akapit bezpośrednio przed widżetem","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Przenosi kursor, aby umożliwić pisanie bezpośrednio przed widżetem","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Przenosi kursor, aby umożliwić pisanie bezpośrednio za widżetem","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return (n==1 ? 0 : (n%10>=2 && n%10<=4) && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n!=1 && (n%10>=0 && n%10<=1) || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=12 && n%100<=14) ? 2 : 3);}}};
+ const { [ 'pl' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"pl":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Pasek widgetów","Insert paragraph before block":"Wstaw akapit przed blokiem","Insert paragraph after block":"Wstaw akapit po bloku","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Naciśnij Enter, aby pisać po widżecie, lub Shift + Enter, aby pisać przed widżetem","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Klawisze, których można używać po wybraniu widżetu (na przykład: obraz, tabela itd.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Wstawia nowy akapit bezpośrednio po widżecie","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Wstawia nowy akapit bezpośrednio przed widżetem","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Przenosi kursor, aby umożliwić pisanie bezpośrednio przed widżetem","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Przenosi kursor, aby umożliwić pisanie bezpośrednio za widżetem","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"Przenieś skupienie z edytowalnego obszaru z powrotem do widżetu nadrzędnego"},getPluralForm(n){return (n==1 ? 0 : (n%10>=2 && n%10<=4) && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n!=1 && (n%10>=0 && n%10<=1) || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=12 && n%100<=14) ? 2 : 3);}}};
  e[ 'pl' ] ||= { dictionary: {}, getPluralForm: null };
  e[ 'pl' ].dictionary = Object.assign( e[ 'pl' ].dictionary, dictionary );
  e[ 'pl' ].getPluralForm = getPluralForm;
@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
  * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2024, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
  * For licensing, see LICENSE.md or https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license
- export default {"pt-br":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Ferramentas de Widgets","Insert paragraph before block":"Inserir parágrafo antes do bloco","Insert paragraph after block":"Inserir parágrafo após o bloco","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Pressione Enter para digitar depois ou pressione Shift + Enter para digitar antes do widget","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Teclas que podem ser usadas quando um widget está selecionado (por exemplo: imagem, tabela, etc.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Inserir um novo parágrafo diretamente após um widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Inserir um novo parágrafo diretamente antes de um widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Mova o cursor para permitir a digitação diretamente antes de um widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Mova o cursor para permitir a digitação diretamente após um widget","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return (n == 0 || n == 1) ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;}}}
+ export default {"pt-br":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Ferramentas de Widgets","Insert paragraph before block":"Inserir parágrafo antes do bloco","Insert paragraph after block":"Inserir parágrafo após o bloco","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Pressione Enter para digitar depois ou pressione Shift + Enter para digitar antes do widget","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Teclas que podem ser usadas quando um widget está selecionado (por exemplo: imagem, tabela, etc.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Inserir um novo parágrafo diretamente após um widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Inserir um novo parágrafo diretamente antes de um widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Mova o cursor para permitir a digitação diretamente antes de um widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Mova o cursor para permitir a digitação diretamente após um widget","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"Mova o foco de uma área editável de volta para o widget-pai"},getPluralForm(n){return (n == 0 || n == 1) ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;}}}
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
  ( e => {
- const { [ 'pt-br' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"pt-br":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Ferramentas de Widgets","Insert paragraph before block":"Inserir parágrafo antes do bloco","Insert paragraph after block":"Inserir parágrafo após o bloco","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Pressione Enter para digitar depois ou pressione Shift + Enter para digitar antes do widget","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Teclas que podem ser usadas quando um widget está selecionado (por exemplo: imagem, tabela, etc.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Inserir um novo parágrafo diretamente após um widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Inserir um novo parágrafo diretamente antes de um widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Mova o cursor para permitir a digitação diretamente antes de um widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Mova o cursor para permitir a digitação diretamente após um widget","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return (n == 0 || n == 1) ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;}}};
+ const { [ 'pt-br' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"pt-br":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Ferramentas de Widgets","Insert paragraph before block":"Inserir parágrafo antes do bloco","Insert paragraph after block":"Inserir parágrafo após o bloco","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Pressione Enter para digitar depois ou pressione Shift + Enter para digitar antes do widget","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Teclas que podem ser usadas quando um widget está selecionado (por exemplo: imagem, tabela, etc.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Inserir um novo parágrafo diretamente após um widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Inserir um novo parágrafo diretamente antes de um widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Mova o cursor para permitir a digitação diretamente antes de um widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Mova o cursor para permitir a digitação diretamente após um widget","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"Mova o foco de uma área editável de volta para o widget-pai"},getPluralForm(n){return (n == 0 || n == 1) ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;}}};
  e[ 'pt-br' ] ||= { dictionary: {}, getPluralForm: null };
  e[ 'pt-br' ].dictionary = Object.assign( e[ 'pt-br' ].dictionary, dictionary );
  e[ 'pt-br' ].getPluralForm = getPluralForm;
@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
  * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2024, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
  * For licensing, see LICENSE.md or https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license
- export default {"pt":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas do widget","Insert paragraph before block":"Inserir parágrafo antes do bloco","Insert paragraph after block":"Inserir parágrafo após o bloco","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Prima Enter para escrever depois ou Shift + Enter para escrever antes do widget","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Batimentos de teclas que podem ser utilizados quando um widget é selecionado (por exemplo: imagem, tabela, etc.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Inserir um novo parágrafo diretamente após um widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Inserir um novo parágrafo diretamente antes de um widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Mover o ponto de inserção para permitir escrever diretamente antes de um widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Mover o ponto de inserção para permitir escrever diretamente após um widget","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return (n == 0 || n == 1) ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;}}}
+ export default {"pt":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas do widget","Insert paragraph before block":"Inserir parágrafo antes do bloco","Insert paragraph after block":"Inserir parágrafo após o bloco","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Prima Enter para escrever depois ou Shift + Enter para escrever antes do widget","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Batimentos de teclas que podem ser utilizados quando um widget é selecionado (por exemplo: imagem, tabela, etc.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Inserir um novo parágrafo diretamente após um widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Inserir um novo parágrafo diretamente antes de um widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Mover o ponto de inserção para permitir escrever diretamente antes de um widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Mover o ponto de inserção para permitir escrever diretamente após um widget","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"Deslocar o foco de uma área editável de volta para o widget principal"},getPluralForm(n){return (n == 0 || n == 1) ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;}}}
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
  ( e => {
- const { [ 'pt' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"pt":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas do widget","Insert paragraph before block":"Inserir parágrafo antes do bloco","Insert paragraph after block":"Inserir parágrafo após o bloco","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Prima Enter para escrever depois ou Shift + Enter para escrever antes do widget","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Batimentos de teclas que podem ser utilizados quando um widget é selecionado (por exemplo: imagem, tabela, etc.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Inserir um novo parágrafo diretamente após um widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Inserir um novo parágrafo diretamente antes de um widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Mover o ponto de inserção para permitir escrever diretamente antes de um widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Mover o ponto de inserção para permitir escrever diretamente após um widget","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return (n == 0 || n == 1) ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;}}};
+ const { [ 'pt' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"pt":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas do widget","Insert paragraph before block":"Inserir parágrafo antes do bloco","Insert paragraph after block":"Inserir parágrafo após o bloco","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Prima Enter para escrever depois ou Shift + Enter para escrever antes do widget","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Batimentos de teclas que podem ser utilizados quando um widget é selecionado (por exemplo: imagem, tabela, etc.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Inserir um novo parágrafo diretamente após um widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Inserir um novo parágrafo diretamente antes de um widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Mover o ponto de inserção para permitir escrever diretamente antes de um widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Mover o ponto de inserção para permitir escrever diretamente após um widget","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"Deslocar o foco de uma área editável de volta para o widget principal"},getPluralForm(n){return (n == 0 || n == 1) ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;}}};
  e[ 'pt' ] ||= { dictionary: {}, getPluralForm: null };
  e[ 'pt' ].dictionary = Object.assign( e[ 'pt' ].dictionary, dictionary );
  e[ 'pt' ].getPluralForm = getPluralForm;
@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
  * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2024, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
  * For licensing, see LICENSE.md or https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license
- export default {"ro":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Bară widget","Insert paragraph before block":"Inserează un paragraf înaintea blocului","Insert paragraph after block":"Inserează un paragraf după bloc","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Apăsați Enter pentru a scrie după widget sau Shift+Enter pentru a scrie înaintea acestuia","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Comenzi din tastatură care pot fi utilizate atunci când este selectat un widget (de exemplu: imagine, tabel etc.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Inserează un nou paragraf direct după un widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Inserează un nou paragraf direct înaintea unui widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Mută cursorul pentru a permite tastarea direct înaintea unui widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Mută cursorul pentru a permite tastarea direct după un widget","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return (n==1?0:(((n%100>19)||((n%100==0)&&(n!=0)))?2:1));}}}
+ export default {"ro":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Bară widget","Insert paragraph before block":"Inserează un paragraf înaintea blocului","Insert paragraph after block":"Inserează un paragraf după bloc","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Apăsați Enter pentru a scrie după widget sau Shift+Enter pentru a scrie înaintea acestuia","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Comenzi din tastatură care pot fi utilizate atunci când este selectat un widget (de exemplu: imagine, tabel etc.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Inserează un nou paragraf direct după un widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Inserează un nou paragraf direct înaintea unui widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Mută cursorul pentru a permite tastarea direct înaintea unui widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Mută cursorul pentru a permite tastarea direct după un widget","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"Mutați centrul de interes dintr-o zonă editabilă înapoi la widgetul părinte"},getPluralForm(n){return (n==1?0:(((n%100>19)||((n%100==0)&&(n!=0)))?2:1));}}}
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
  ( e => {
- const { [ 'ro' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"ro":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Bară widget","Insert paragraph before block":"Inserează un paragraf înaintea blocului","Insert paragraph after block":"Inserează un paragraf după bloc","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Apăsați Enter pentru a scrie după widget sau Shift+Enter pentru a scrie înaintea acestuia","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Comenzi din tastatură care pot fi utilizate atunci când este selectat un widget (de exemplu: imagine, tabel etc.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Inserează un nou paragraf direct după un widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Inserează un nou paragraf direct înaintea unui widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Mută cursorul pentru a permite tastarea direct înaintea unui widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Mută cursorul pentru a permite tastarea direct după un widget","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return (n==1?0:(((n%100>19)||((n%100==0)&&(n!=0)))?2:1));}}};
+ const { [ 'ro' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"ro":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Bară widget","Insert paragraph before block":"Inserează un paragraf înaintea blocului","Insert paragraph after block":"Inserează un paragraf după bloc","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Apăsați Enter pentru a scrie după widget sau Shift+Enter pentru a scrie înaintea acestuia","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Comenzi din tastatură care pot fi utilizate atunci când este selectat un widget (de exemplu: imagine, tabel etc.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Inserează un nou paragraf direct după un widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Inserează un nou paragraf direct înaintea unui widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Mută cursorul pentru a permite tastarea direct înaintea unui widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Mută cursorul pentru a permite tastarea direct după un widget","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"Mutați centrul de interes dintr-o zonă editabilă înapoi la widgetul părinte"},getPluralForm(n){return (n==1?0:(((n%100>19)||((n%100==0)&&(n!=0)))?2:1));}}};
  e[ 'ro' ] ||= { dictionary: {}, getPluralForm: null };
  e[ 'ro' ].dictionary = Object.assign( e[ 'ro' ].dictionary, dictionary );
  e[ 'ro' ].getPluralForm = getPluralForm;
@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
  * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2024, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
  * For licensing, see LICENSE.md or https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license
- export default {"ru":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Панель инструментов виджета","Insert paragraph before block":"Вставить параграф перед блоком","Insert paragraph after block":"Вставить параграф после блока","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Нажмите Enter для ввода текста после виджета или нажмите Shift + Enter для ввода текста перед виджетом","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Нажатия клавиш, которые можно использовать при выборе виджета (например: изображение, таблица и т. д.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Вставить новый абзац непосредственно после виджета.","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Вставить новый абзац непосредственно перед виджетом.","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Переместите курсор, чтобы можно было вводить текст непосредственно перед виджетом.","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Переместить курсор, чтобы можно было вводить текст сразу после виджета.","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return (n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n%10==0 || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=11 && n%100<=14)? 2 : 3);}}}
+ export default {"ru":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Панель инструментов виджета","Insert paragraph before block":"Вставить параграф перед блоком","Insert paragraph after block":"Вставить параграф после блока","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Нажмите Enter для ввода текста после виджета или нажмите Shift + Enter для ввода текста перед виджетом","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Нажатия клавиш, которые можно использовать при выборе виджета (например: изображение, таблица и т. д.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Вставить новый абзац непосредственно после виджета.","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Вставить новый абзац непосредственно перед виджетом.","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Переместите курсор, чтобы можно было вводить текст непосредственно перед виджетом.","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Переместить курсор, чтобы можно было вводить текст сразу после виджета.","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"Переместите фокус с редактируемой области обратно на родительский виджет"},getPluralForm(n){return (n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n%10==0 || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=11 && n%100<=14)? 2 : 3);}}}
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
  ( e => {
- const { [ 'ru' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"ru":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Панель инструментов виджета","Insert paragraph before block":"Вставить параграф перед блоком","Insert paragraph after block":"Вставить параграф после блока","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Нажмите Enter для ввода текста после виджета или нажмите Shift + Enter для ввода текста перед виджетом","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Нажатия клавиш, которые можно использовать при выборе виджета (например: изображение, таблица и т. д.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Вставить новый абзац непосредственно после виджета.","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Вставить новый абзац непосредственно перед виджетом.","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Переместите курсор, чтобы можно было вводить текст непосредственно перед виджетом.","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Переместить курсор, чтобы можно было вводить текст сразу после виджета.","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return (n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n%10==0 || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=11 && n%100<=14)? 2 : 3);}}};
+ const { [ 'ru' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"ru":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Панель инструментов виджета","Insert paragraph before block":"Вставить параграф перед блоком","Insert paragraph after block":"Вставить параграф после блока","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Нажмите Enter для ввода текста после виджета или нажмите Shift + Enter для ввода текста перед виджетом","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Нажатия клавиш, которые можно использовать при выборе виджета (например: изображение, таблица и т. д.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Вставить новый абзац непосредственно после виджета.","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Вставить новый абзац непосредственно перед виджетом.","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Переместите курсор, чтобы можно было вводить текст непосредственно перед виджетом.","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Переместить курсор, чтобы можно было вводить текст сразу после виджета.","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"Переместите фокус с редактируемой области обратно на родительский виджет"},getPluralForm(n){return (n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n%10==0 || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=11 && n%100<=14)? 2 : 3);}}};
  e[ 'ru' ] ||= { dictionary: {}, getPluralForm: null };
  e[ 'ru' ].dictionary = Object.assign( e[ 'ru' ].dictionary, dictionary );
  e[ 'ru' ].getPluralForm = getPluralForm;
@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
  * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2024, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
  * For licensing, see LICENSE.md or https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license
- export default {"sk":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Panel nástrojov ovládacieho prvku","Insert paragraph before block":"Vložiť odstavec pred blok","Insert paragraph after block":"Vložiť odstavec za blok","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Stlačte Enter, ak chcete písať po miniaplikácii, alebo stlačte Shift + Enter, ak chcete písať pred miniaplikáciou","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Klávesy, ktoré sa dajú použiť, keď je vybratý widget (napríklad obrázok alebo tabuľka)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Vložiť nový odsek priamo za widgetom","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Vložiť nový odsek priamo pred widgetom","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Presunúť striešku priamo pred widget, aby ste tam mohli písať","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Presunúť striešku priamo za widget, aby ste tam mohli písať","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return (n % 1 == 0 && n == 1 ? 0 : n % 1 == 0 && n >= 2 && n <= 4 ? 1 : n % 1 != 0 ? 2: 3);}}}
+ export default {"sk":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Panel nástrojov ovládacieho prvku","Insert paragraph before block":"Vložiť odstavec pred blok","Insert paragraph after block":"Vložiť odstavec za blok","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Stlačte Enter, ak chcete písať po miniaplikácii, alebo stlačte Shift + Enter, ak chcete písať pred miniaplikáciou","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Klávesy, ktoré sa dajú použiť, keď je vybratý widget (napríklad obrázok alebo tabuľka)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Vložiť nový odsek priamo za widgetom","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Vložiť nový odsek priamo pred widgetom","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Presunúť striešku priamo pred widget, aby ste tam mohli písať","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Presunúť striešku priamo za widget, aby ste tam mohli písať","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"Presuňte zameranie z upraviteľnej oblasti späť na rodičovskú miniaplikáciu"},getPluralForm(n){return (n % 1 == 0 && n == 1 ? 0 : n % 1 == 0 && n >= 2 && n <= 4 ? 1 : n % 1 != 0 ? 2: 3);}}}
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
  ( e => {
- const { [ 'sk' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"sk":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Panel nástrojov ovládacieho prvku","Insert paragraph before block":"Vložiť odstavec pred blok","Insert paragraph after block":"Vložiť odstavec za blok","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Stlačte Enter, ak chcete písať po miniaplikácii, alebo stlačte Shift + Enter, ak chcete písať pred miniaplikáciou","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Klávesy, ktoré sa dajú použiť, keď je vybratý widget (napríklad obrázok alebo tabuľka)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Vložiť nový odsek priamo za widgetom","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Vložiť nový odsek priamo pred widgetom","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Presunúť striešku priamo pred widget, aby ste tam mohli písať","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Presunúť striešku priamo za widget, aby ste tam mohli písať","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return (n % 1 == 0 && n == 1 ? 0 : n % 1 == 0 && n >= 2 && n <= 4 ? 1 : n % 1 != 0 ? 2: 3);}}};
+ const { [ 'sk' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"sk":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Panel nástrojov ovládacieho prvku","Insert paragraph before block":"Vložiť odstavec pred blok","Insert paragraph after block":"Vložiť odstavec za blok","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Stlačte Enter, ak chcete písať po miniaplikácii, alebo stlačte Shift + Enter, ak chcete písať pred miniaplikáciou","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Klávesy, ktoré sa dajú použiť, keď je vybratý widget (napríklad obrázok alebo tabuľka)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Vložiť nový odsek priamo za widgetom","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Vložiť nový odsek priamo pred widgetom","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Presunúť striešku priamo pred widget, aby ste tam mohli písať","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Presunúť striešku priamo za widget, aby ste tam mohli písať","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"Presuňte zameranie z upraviteľnej oblasti späť na rodičovskú miniaplikáciu"},getPluralForm(n){return (n % 1 == 0 && n == 1 ? 0 : n % 1 == 0 && n >= 2 && n <= 4 ? 1 : n % 1 != 0 ? 2: 3);}}};
  e[ 'sk' ] ||= { dictionary: {}, getPluralForm: null };
  e[ 'sk' ].dictionary = Object.assign( e[ 'sk' ].dictionary, dictionary );
  e[ 'sk' ].getPluralForm = getPluralForm;
@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
  * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2024, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
  * For licensing, see LICENSE.md or https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license
- export default {"sr":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Widget traka sa alatkama","Insert paragraph before block":"Umetnite odlomak pre bloka","Insert paragraph after block":"Umetnite odlomak posle bloka","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Притисните Ентер да куцате после или притисните Схифт + Ентер да куцате пре виџета","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Tasteri koji se mogu koristiti kada je vidžet izabran (na primer: slika, tabela, itd.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Umetni novi pasus direktno posle vidžeta","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Umetni novi pasus direktno pre vidžeta","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Pomeri kursor kako bi se omogućilo kucanje direktno pre vidžeta","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Pomeri kursor kako bi se omogućilo kucanje direktno posle vidžeta","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return (n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);}}}
+ export default {"sr":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Widget traka sa alatkama","Insert paragraph before block":"Umetnite odlomak pre bloka","Insert paragraph after block":"Umetnite odlomak posle bloka","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Притисните Ентер да куцате после или притисните Схифт + Ентер да куцате пре виџета","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Tasteri koji se mogu koristiti kada je vidžet izabran (na primer: slika, tabela, itd.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Umetni novi pasus direktno posle vidžeta","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Umetni novi pasus direktno pre vidžeta","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Pomeri kursor kako bi se omogućilo kucanje direktno pre vidžeta","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Pomeri kursor kako bi se omogućilo kucanje direktno posle vidžeta","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"Vratite fokus sa oblasti koja se može uređivati na matični vidžet"},getPluralForm(n){return (n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);}}}
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
  ( e => {
- const { [ 'sr' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"sr":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Widget traka sa alatkama","Insert paragraph before block":"Umetnite odlomak pre bloka","Insert paragraph after block":"Umetnite odlomak posle bloka","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Притисните Ентер да куцате после или притисните Схифт + Ентер да куцате пре виџета","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Tasteri koji se mogu koristiti kada je vidžet izabran (na primer: slika, tabela, itd.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Umetni novi pasus direktno posle vidžeta","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Umetni novi pasus direktno pre vidžeta","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Pomeri kursor kako bi se omogućilo kucanje direktno pre vidžeta","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Pomeri kursor kako bi se omogućilo kucanje direktno posle vidžeta","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return (n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);}}};
+ const { [ 'sr' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"sr":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Widget traka sa alatkama","Insert paragraph before block":"Umetnite odlomak pre bloka","Insert paragraph after block":"Umetnite odlomak posle bloka","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Притисните Ентер да куцате после или притисните Схифт + Ентер да куцате пре виџета","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Tasteri koji se mogu koristiti kada je vidžet izabran (na primer: slika, tabela, itd.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Umetni novi pasus direktno posle vidžeta","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Umetni novi pasus direktno pre vidžeta","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Pomeri kursor kako bi se omogućilo kucanje direktno pre vidžeta","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Pomeri kursor kako bi se omogućilo kucanje direktno posle vidžeta","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"Vratite fokus sa oblasti koja se može uređivati na matični vidžet"},getPluralForm(n){return (n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);}}};
  e[ 'sr' ] ||= { dictionary: {}, getPluralForm: null };
  e[ 'sr' ].dictionary = Object.assign( e[ 'sr' ].dictionary, dictionary );
  e[ 'sr' ].getPluralForm = getPluralForm;
@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
  * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2024, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
  * For licensing, see LICENSE.md or https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license
- export default {"sv":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Widgetverktygsfält","Insert paragraph before block":"Infoga stycke före block","Insert paragraph after block":"Infoga stycke efter block","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Tryck på retur för att skriva efter eller på skift + retur för att skriva före widgeten.","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Tangenter som kan användas när en widget är vald (till exempel: bild, tabell m.m.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Påbörja nytt stycke direkt efter en widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Påbörja nytt stycke direkt före en widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Flytta textmarkören för att kunna skriva direkt före en widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Flytta textmarkören för att kunna skriva direkt efter en widget","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return (n != 1);}}}
+ export default {"sv":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Widgetverktygsfält","Insert paragraph before block":"Infoga stycke före block","Insert paragraph after block":"Infoga stycke efter block","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Tryck på retur för att skriva efter eller på skift + retur för att skriva före widgeten.","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Tangenter som kan användas när en widget är vald (till exempel: bild, tabell m.m.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Påbörja nytt stycke direkt efter en widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Påbörja nytt stycke direkt före en widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Flytta textmarkören för att kunna skriva direkt före en widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Flytta textmarkören för att kunna skriva direkt efter en widget","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"Flytta fokus från ett redigerbart område tillbaka till moderswidgeten"},getPluralForm(n){return (n != 1);}}}
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
  ( e => {
- const { [ 'sv' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"sv":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Widgetverktygsfält","Insert paragraph before block":"Infoga stycke före block","Insert paragraph after block":"Infoga stycke efter block","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Tryck på retur för att skriva efter eller på skift + retur för att skriva före widgeten.","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Tangenter som kan användas när en widget är vald (till exempel: bild, tabell m.m.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Påbörja nytt stycke direkt efter en widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Påbörja nytt stycke direkt före en widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Flytta textmarkören för att kunna skriva direkt före en widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Flytta textmarkören för att kunna skriva direkt efter en widget","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return (n != 1);}}};
+ const { [ 'sv' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"sv":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Widgetverktygsfält","Insert paragraph before block":"Infoga stycke före block","Insert paragraph after block":"Infoga stycke efter block","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Tryck på retur för att skriva efter eller på skift + retur för att skriva före widgeten.","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Tangenter som kan användas när en widget är vald (till exempel: bild, tabell m.m.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Påbörja nytt stycke direkt efter en widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Påbörja nytt stycke direkt före en widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Flytta textmarkören för att kunna skriva direkt före en widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Flytta textmarkören för att kunna skriva direkt efter en widget","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"Flytta fokus från ett redigerbart område tillbaka till moderswidgeten"},getPluralForm(n){return (n != 1);}}};
  e[ 'sv' ] ||= { dictionary: {}, getPluralForm: null };
  e[ 'sv' ].dictionary = Object.assign( e[ 'sv' ].dictionary, dictionary );
  e[ 'sv' ].getPluralForm = getPluralForm;
@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
  * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2024, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
  * For licensing, see LICENSE.md or https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license
- export default {"th":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"แถมเครื่องมือวิดเจ็ต","Insert paragraph before block":"แทรกย่อหน้าก่อนบล็อก","Insert paragraph after block":"แทรกย่อหน้าหลังบล็อก","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"กด Enter เพื่อพิมพ์หลังจาก หรือกด Shift + Enter เพื่อพิมพ์ก่อนหน้าวิดเจ็ต","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"แป้นพิมพ์ลัดที่สามารถใช้ได้เมื่อเลือกวิดเจ็ต (ยกตัวอย่าง: รูปภาพ, ตาราง, ฯลฯ)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"แทรกย่อหน้าใหม่หลังวิดเจ็ตโดยตรง","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"แทรกย่อหน้าใหม่หน้าวิดเจ็ตโดยตรง","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"ย้ายสัญลักษณ์คาเร็ตเพื่อให้สามารถพิมพ์ได้ไปอยู่หน้าวิดเจ็ตโดยตรง","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"ย้ายสัญลักษณ์คาเร็ตเพื่อให้สามารถพิมพ์ได้ไปอยู่หลังวิดเจ็ตโดยตรง","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return 0;}}}
+ export default {"th":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"แถมเครื่องมือวิดเจ็ต","Insert paragraph before block":"แทรกย่อหน้าก่อนบล็อก","Insert paragraph after block":"แทรกย่อหน้าหลังบล็อก","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"กด Enter เพื่อพิมพ์หลังจาก หรือกด Shift + Enter เพื่อพิมพ์ก่อนหน้าวิดเจ็ต","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"แป้นพิมพ์ลัดที่สามารถใช้ได้เมื่อเลือกวิดเจ็ต (ยกตัวอย่าง: รูปภาพ, ตาราง, ฯลฯ)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"แทรกย่อหน้าใหม่หลังวิดเจ็ตโดยตรง","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"แทรกย่อหน้าใหม่หน้าวิดเจ็ตโดยตรง","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"ย้ายสัญลักษณ์คาเร็ตเพื่อให้สามารถพิมพ์ได้ไปอยู่หน้าวิดเจ็ตโดยตรง","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"ย้ายสัญลักษณ์คาเร็ตเพื่อให้สามารถพิมพ์ได้ไปอยู่หลังวิดเจ็ตโดยตรง","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"ย้ายโฟกัสจากบริเวณที่แก้ไขได้กลับไปยังวิดเจ็ตแม่"},getPluralForm(n){return 0;}}}
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
  ( e => {
- const { [ 'th' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"th":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"แถมเครื่องมือวิดเจ็ต","Insert paragraph before block":"แทรกย่อหน้าก่อนบล็อก","Insert paragraph after block":"แทรกย่อหน้าหลังบล็อก","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"กด Enter เพื่อพิมพ์หลังจาก หรือกด Shift + Enter เพื่อพิมพ์ก่อนหน้าวิดเจ็ต","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"แป้นพิมพ์ลัดที่สามารถใช้ได้เมื่อเลือกวิดเจ็ต (ยกตัวอย่าง: รูปภาพ, ตาราง, ฯลฯ)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"แทรกย่อหน้าใหม่หลังวิดเจ็ตโดยตรง","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"แทรกย่อหน้าใหม่หน้าวิดเจ็ตโดยตรง","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"ย้ายสัญลักษณ์คาเร็ตเพื่อให้สามารถพิมพ์ได้ไปอยู่หน้าวิดเจ็ตโดยตรง","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"ย้ายสัญลักษณ์คาเร็ตเพื่อให้สามารถพิมพ์ได้ไปอยู่หลังวิดเจ็ตโดยตรง","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return 0;}}};
+ const { [ 'th' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"th":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"แถมเครื่องมือวิดเจ็ต","Insert paragraph before block":"แทรกย่อหน้าก่อนบล็อก","Insert paragraph after block":"แทรกย่อหน้าหลังบล็อก","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"กด Enter เพื่อพิมพ์หลังจาก หรือกด Shift + Enter เพื่อพิมพ์ก่อนหน้าวิดเจ็ต","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"แป้นพิมพ์ลัดที่สามารถใช้ได้เมื่อเลือกวิดเจ็ต (ยกตัวอย่าง: รูปภาพ, ตาราง, ฯลฯ)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"แทรกย่อหน้าใหม่หลังวิดเจ็ตโดยตรง","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"แทรกย่อหน้าใหม่หน้าวิดเจ็ตโดยตรง","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"ย้ายสัญลักษณ์คาเร็ตเพื่อให้สามารถพิมพ์ได้ไปอยู่หน้าวิดเจ็ตโดยตรง","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"ย้ายสัญลักษณ์คาเร็ตเพื่อให้สามารถพิมพ์ได้ไปอยู่หลังวิดเจ็ตโดยตรง","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"ย้ายโฟกัสจากบริเวณที่แก้ไขได้กลับไปยังวิดเจ็ตแม่"},getPluralForm(n){return 0;}}};
  e[ 'th' ] ||= { dictionary: {}, getPluralForm: null };
  e[ 'th' ].dictionary = Object.assign( e[ 'th' ].dictionary, dictionary );
  e[ 'th' ].getPluralForm = getPluralForm;
@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
  * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2024, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
  * For licensing, see LICENSE.md or https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license
- export default {"zh-cn":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"小部件工具栏","Insert paragraph before block":"在前面插入段落","Insert paragraph after block":"在后面插入段落","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"按下“Enter”键,在小组件后输入;按下“Shift+Enter”键,在小组件前输入","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"当小组件被选中时(例如:图片、表格等)可以使用的按键","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"直接在小组件之后插入新段落","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"直接在小组件之前插入新段落","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"移动插入符,以允许在小组件之前直接输入文字","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"移动插入符,以允许在小组件之后直接输入文字","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return 0;}}}
+ export default {"zh-cn":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"小部件工具栏","Insert paragraph before block":"在前面插入段落","Insert paragraph after block":"在后面插入段落","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"按下“Enter”键,在小组件后输入;按下“Shift+Enter”键,在小组件前输入","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"当小组件被选中时(例如:图片、表格等)可以使用的按键","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"直接在小组件之后插入新段落","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"直接在小组件之前插入新段落","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"移动插入符,以允许在小组件之前直接输入文字","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"移动插入符,以允许在小组件之后直接输入文字","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"将焦点从可编辑区域移回父窗口小组件"},getPluralForm(n){return 0;}}}
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
  ( e => {
- const { [ 'zh-cn' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"zh-cn":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"小部件工具栏","Insert paragraph before block":"在前面插入段落","Insert paragraph after block":"在后面插入段落","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"按下“Enter”键,在小组件后输入;按下“Shift+Enter”键,在小组件前输入","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"当小组件被选中时(例如:图片、表格等)可以使用的按键","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"直接在小组件之后插入新段落","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"直接在小组件之前插入新段落","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"移动插入符,以允许在小组件之前直接输入文字","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"移动插入符,以允许在小组件之后直接输入文字","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return 0;}}};
+ const { [ 'zh-cn' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"zh-cn":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"小部件工具栏","Insert paragraph before block":"在前面插入段落","Insert paragraph after block":"在后面插入段落","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"按下“Enter”键,在小组件后输入;按下“Shift+Enter”键,在小组件前输入","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"当小组件被选中时(例如:图片、表格等)可以使用的按键","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"直接在小组件之后插入新段落","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"直接在小组件之前插入新段落","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"移动插入符,以允许在小组件之前直接输入文字","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"移动插入符,以允许在小组件之后直接输入文字","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"将焦点从可编辑区域移回父窗口小组件"},getPluralForm(n){return 0;}}};
  e[ 'zh-cn' ] ||= { dictionary: {}, getPluralForm: null };
  e[ 'zh-cn' ].dictionary = Object.assign( e[ 'zh-cn' ].dictionary, dictionary );
  e[ 'zh-cn' ].getPluralForm = getPluralForm;
@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
  * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2024, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
  * For licensing, see LICENSE.md or https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license
- export default {"zh":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"小工具","Insert paragraph before block":"在這個區塊前面插入一個段落","Insert paragraph after block":"在這個區塊後面插入一個段落","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"按下 Enter 在小工具後輸入,或按下 Shift + Enter 在小工具前輸入","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"小工具選取時可使用的按鍵(例如:圖片、表格等)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"在小工具後直接插入新段落","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"在小工具前直接插入新段落","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"移動插入符號,以便在小工具前直接輸入","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"移動插入符號,以便在小工具後直接輸入","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return 0;}}}
+ export default {"zh":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"小工具","Insert paragraph before block":"在這個區塊前面插入一個段落","Insert paragraph after block":"在這個區塊後面插入一個段落","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"按下 Enter 在小工具後輸入,或按下 Shift + Enter 在小工具前輸入","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"小工具選取時可使用的按鍵(例如:圖片、表格等)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"在小工具後直接插入新段落","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"在小工具前直接插入新段落","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"移動插入符號,以便在小工具前直接輸入","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"移動插入符號,以便在小工具後直接輸入","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"將焦點從可編輯區域移回上層小工具"},getPluralForm(n){return 0;}}}
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
  ( e => {
- const { [ 'zh' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"zh":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"小工具","Insert paragraph before block":"在這個區塊前面插入一個段落","Insert paragraph after block":"在這個區塊後面插入一個段落","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"按下 Enter 在小工具後輸入,或按下 Shift + Enter 在小工具前輸入","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"小工具選取時可使用的按鍵(例如:圖片、表格等)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"在小工具後直接插入新段落","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"在小工具前直接插入新段落","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"移動插入符號,以便在小工具前直接輸入","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"移動插入符號,以便在小工具後直接輸入","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return 0;}}};
+ const { [ 'zh' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"zh":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"小工具","Insert paragraph before block":"在這個區塊前面插入一個段落","Insert paragraph after block":"在這個區塊後面插入一個段落","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"按下 Enter 在小工具後輸入,或按下 Shift + Enter 在小工具前輸入","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"小工具選取時可使用的按鍵(例如:圖片、表格等)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"在小工具後直接插入新段落","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"在小工具前直接插入新段落","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"移動插入符號,以便在小工具前直接輸入","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"移動插入符號,以便在小工具後直接輸入","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"將焦點從可編輯區域移回上層小工具"},getPluralForm(n){return 0;}}};
  e[ 'zh' ] ||= { dictionary: {}, getPluralForm: null };
  e[ 'zh' ].dictionary = Object.assign( e[ 'zh' ].dictionary, dictionary );
  e[ 'zh' ].getPluralForm = getPluralForm;
@@ -55,4 +55,4 @@ msgstr "حرّكْ علامة الإقحام للسماح بالكتابة مب
  msgctxt "Accessibility help dialog entry explaining the meaning of the keystroke that moves selection from a nested editable area back to the parent widget."
  msgid "Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget"
- msgstr ""
+ msgstr "انقل التركيز من منطقة قابلة للتحرير لتعيده إلى الأداة الأصلية"
@@ -55,4 +55,4 @@ msgstr "Преместване на карето за директно писа
  msgctxt "Accessibility help dialog entry explaining the meaning of the keystroke that moves selection from a nested editable area back to the parent widget."
  msgid "Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget"
- msgstr ""
+ msgstr "Преместване на фокуса от област с възможност за редактиране обратно към родителския изпълним модукл"
@@ -55,4 +55,4 @@ msgstr "কোনো উইজেটের পরে সরাসরি টা
  msgctxt "Accessibility help dialog entry explaining the meaning of the keystroke that moves selection from a nested editable area back to the parent widget."
  msgid "Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget"
- msgstr ""
+ msgstr "এডিটযোগ্য এরিয়া থেকে প্যারেন্ট উইজেটে ফোকাসে সরিয়ে নিন"
@@ -55,4 +55,4 @@ msgstr "Mou el punt d'inserció per a permetre l'escriptura immediatament despr
  msgctxt "Accessibility help dialog entry explaining the meaning of the keystroke that moves selection from a nested editable area back to the parent widget."
  msgid "Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget"
- msgstr ""
+ msgstr "Torna a moure el focus des d'una àrea editable al giny principal"
@@ -55,4 +55,4 @@ msgstr "Přesuňte stříšku pro umožnění psaní přímo před widget"
  msgctxt "Accessibility help dialog entry explaining the meaning of the keystroke that moves selection from a nested editable area back to the parent widget."
  msgid "Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget"
- msgstr ""
+ msgstr "Přesunout zaměření z upravitelné oblasti zpět na nadřazený widget"
@@ -55,4 +55,4 @@ msgstr "Flyt indsætningstegnet for at tillade skrift direkte efter en widget"
  msgctxt "Accessibility help dialog entry explaining the meaning of the keystroke that moves selection from a nested editable area back to the parent widget."
  msgid "Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget"
- msgstr ""
+ msgstr "Flyt fokus fra et redigerbart område tilbage til den overordnede widget"
@@ -55,4 +55,4 @@ msgstr "Verschieben Sie den Textcursor, um die direkte Eingabe nach dem Widget z
  msgctxt "Accessibility help dialog entry explaining the meaning of the keystroke that moves selection from a nested editable area back to the parent widget."
  msgid "Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget"
- msgstr ""
+ msgstr "Bewegen Sie den Fokus von einem bearbeitbaren Bereich zurück zum übergeordneten Widget"
@@ -55,4 +55,4 @@ msgstr "Μετακινήστε τον δρομέα caret για να είναι
  msgctxt "Accessibility help dialog entry explaining the meaning of the keystroke that moves selection from a nested editable area back to the parent widget."
  msgid "Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget"
- msgstr ""
+ msgstr "Μετακίνηση της εστίασης από μια επεξεργάσιμη περιοχή πίσω στο αρχικό widget"
@@ -55,4 +55,4 @@ msgstr "Mueve el cursor para permitir escribir directamente después de un módu
  msgctxt "Accessibility help dialog entry explaining the meaning of the keystroke that moves selection from a nested editable area back to the parent widget."
  msgid "Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget"
- msgstr ""
+ msgstr "Cambiar el foco de un área editable al widget principal"
@@ -55,4 +55,4 @@ msgstr "Kohe pärast vidinat kirjutamiseks liiguta katusemärki"
  msgctxt "Accessibility help dialog entry explaining the meaning of the keystroke that moves selection from a nested editable area back to the parent widget."
  msgid "Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget"
- msgstr ""
+ msgstr "Liiguta fookus redigeeritavalt alalt tagasi põhividinale"
@@ -55,4 +55,4 @@ msgstr "Siirrä sirkumfleksimerkkiä voidaksesi kirjoittaa suoraan widgetin jäl
  msgctxt "Accessibility help dialog entry explaining the meaning of the keystroke that moves selection from a nested editable area back to the parent widget."
  msgid "Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget"
- msgstr ""
+ msgstr "Siirrä valinta muokattavasta alueesta takaisin pääpienoissovellukseen"
@@ -55,4 +55,4 @@ msgstr "Déplacez le curseur pour permettre de taper directement après un widge
  msgctxt "Accessibility help dialog entry explaining the meaning of the keystroke that moves selection from a nested editable area back to the parent widget."
  msgid "Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget"
- msgstr ""
+ msgstr "Déplacer le focus d'une zone modifiable vers le widget parent"
@@ -55,4 +55,4 @@ msgstr "הזזת הסמן כדי לאפשר הקלדה ישירות אחרי ו
  msgctxt "Accessibility help dialog entry explaining the meaning of the keystroke that moves selection from a nested editable area back to the parent widget."
  msgid "Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget"
- msgstr ""
+ msgstr "החזרת המיקוד מאזור בר-עריכה לחפיץ האב"
@@ -55,4 +55,4 @@ msgstr "किसी विजेट के ठीक आगे टाइप क
  msgctxt "Accessibility help dialog entry explaining the meaning of the keystroke that moves selection from a nested editable area back to the parent widget."
  msgid "Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget"
- msgstr ""
+ msgstr "एक एडिटेबल एरिया से पेरेंट विजेट पर फ़ोकस वापिस लाएँ"