@ckeditor/ckeditor5-widget 42.0.0-alpha.2 → 42.0.0-alpha.21
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- package/dist/translations/ar.js +1 -1
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- package/dist/translations/bg.umd.js +1 -1
- package/dist/translations/bn.js +1 -1
- package/dist/translations/bn.umd.js +1 -1
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- package/dist/translations/ca.umd.js +1 -1
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- package/dist/translations/fr.umd.js +1 -1
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- package/dist/translations/he.umd.js +1 -1
- package/dist/translations/hi.js +1 -1
- package/dist/translations/hi.umd.js +1 -1
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- package/dist/translations/hu.umd.js +1 -1
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- package/dist/translations/ko.umd.js +1 -1
- package/dist/translations/lt.js +1 -1
- package/dist/translations/lt.umd.js +1 -1
- package/dist/translations/lv.js +1 -1
- package/dist/translations/lv.umd.js +1 -1
- package/dist/translations/ms.js +1 -1
- package/dist/translations/ms.umd.js +1 -1
- package/dist/translations/nl.js +1 -1
- package/dist/translations/nl.umd.js +1 -1
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- package/dist/translations/no.umd.js +1 -1
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- package/dist/translations/pl.umd.js +1 -1
- package/dist/translations/pt-br.js +1 -1
- package/dist/translations/pt-br.umd.js +1 -1
- package/dist/translations/pt.js +1 -1
- package/dist/translations/pt.umd.js +1 -1
- package/dist/translations/ro.js +1 -1
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- package/dist/translations/ru.js +1 -1
- package/dist/translations/ru.umd.js +1 -1
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- package/dist/translations/th.umd.js +1 -1
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- package/dist/translations/tr.umd.js +1 -1
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- package/dist/translations/uk.umd.js +1 -1
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- package/dist/translations/zh-cn.umd.js +1 -1
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- package/dist/translations/zh.umd.js +1 -1
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- package/lang/translations/bg.po +1 -1
- package/lang/translations/bn.po +1 -1
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- package/lang/translations/cs.po +1 -1
- package/lang/translations/da.po +1 -1
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- package/lang/translations/es.po +1 -1
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- package/lang/translations/lt.po +1 -1
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- package/lang/translations/nl.po +1 -1
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- package/lang/translations/pt-br.po +1 -1
- package/lang/translations/pt.po +1 -1
- package/lang/translations/ro.po +1 -1
- package/lang/translations/ru.po +1 -1
- package/lang/translations/sk.po +1 -1
- package/lang/translations/sr.po +1 -1
- package/lang/translations/sv.po +1 -1
- package/lang/translations/th.po +1 -1
- package/lang/translations/tr.po +1 -1
- package/lang/translations/uk.po +1 -1
- package/lang/translations/vi.po +1 -1
- package/lang/translations/zh-cn.po +1 -1
- package/lang/translations/zh.po +1 -1
- package/package.json +7 -7
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* @license Copyright (c) 2003-2024, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
* For licensing, see LICENSE.md or https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license
export default {"ar":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"شريط أدوات الواجهة","Insert paragraph before block":"إدراج فقرة قبل الكتلة","Insert paragraph after block":"إدراج فقرة بعد الكتلة","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"اضغط على Enter للكتابة بعد ذلك أو اضغط على Shift + Enter للكتابة قبل الأداة","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"ضغطة المفاتيح التي يمكن استخدامها عند اختيار الأداة (على سبيل المثال: الصورة والجدول وما إلى ذلك)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"قم بإدراج فقرة جديدة مباشرةً بعد الأداة","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"قم بإدراج فقرة جديدة مباشرةً قبل الأداة","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"حرّكْ علامة الإقحام للسماح بالكتابة مباشرةً قبل الأداة","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"حرّكْ علامة الإقحام للسماح بالكتابة مباشرةً بعد الأداة","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n%100>=3 && n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 && n%100<=99 ? 4 : 5;}}}
export default {"ar":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"شريط أدوات الواجهة","Insert paragraph before block":"إدراج فقرة قبل الكتلة","Insert paragraph after block":"إدراج فقرة بعد الكتلة","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"اضغط على Enter للكتابة بعد ذلك أو اضغط على Shift + Enter للكتابة قبل الأداة","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"ضغطة المفاتيح التي يمكن استخدامها عند اختيار الأداة (على سبيل المثال: الصورة والجدول وما إلى ذلك)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"قم بإدراج فقرة جديدة مباشرةً بعد الأداة","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"قم بإدراج فقرة جديدة مباشرةً قبل الأداة","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"حرّكْ علامة الإقحام للسماح بالكتابة مباشرةً قبل الأداة","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"حرّكْ علامة الإقحام للسماح بالكتابة مباشرةً بعد الأداة","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"انقل التركيز من منطقة قابلة للتحرير لتعيده إلى الأداة الأصلية"},getPluralForm(n){return n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n%100>=3 && n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 && n%100<=99 ? 4 : 5;}}}
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
( e => {
const { [ 'ar' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"ar":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"شريط أدوات الواجهة","Insert paragraph before block":"إدراج فقرة قبل الكتلة","Insert paragraph after block":"إدراج فقرة بعد الكتلة","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"اضغط على Enter للكتابة بعد ذلك أو اضغط على Shift + Enter للكتابة قبل الأداة","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"ضغطة المفاتيح التي يمكن استخدامها عند اختيار الأداة (على سبيل المثال: الصورة والجدول وما إلى ذلك)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"قم بإدراج فقرة جديدة مباشرةً بعد الأداة","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"قم بإدراج فقرة جديدة مباشرةً قبل الأداة","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"حرّكْ علامة الإقحام للسماح بالكتابة مباشرةً قبل الأداة","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"حرّكْ علامة الإقحام للسماح بالكتابة مباشرةً بعد الأداة","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n%100>=3 && n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 && n%100<=99 ? 4 : 5;}}};
const { [ 'ar' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"ar":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"شريط أدوات الواجهة","Insert paragraph before block":"إدراج فقرة قبل الكتلة","Insert paragraph after block":"إدراج فقرة بعد الكتلة","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"اضغط على Enter للكتابة بعد ذلك أو اضغط على Shift + Enter للكتابة قبل الأداة","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"ضغطة المفاتيح التي يمكن استخدامها عند اختيار الأداة (على سبيل المثال: الصورة والجدول وما إلى ذلك)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"قم بإدراج فقرة جديدة مباشرةً بعد الأداة","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"قم بإدراج فقرة جديدة مباشرةً قبل الأداة","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"حرّكْ علامة الإقحام للسماح بالكتابة مباشرةً قبل الأداة","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"حرّكْ علامة الإقحام للسماح بالكتابة مباشرةً بعد الأداة","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"انقل التركيز من منطقة قابلة للتحرير لتعيده إلى الأداة الأصلية"},getPluralForm(n){return n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n%100>=3 && n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 && n%100<=99 ? 4 : 5;}}};
e[ 'ar' ] ||= { dictionary: {}, getPluralForm: null };
e[ 'ar' ].dictionary = Object.assign( e[ 'ar' ].dictionary, dictionary );
e[ 'ar' ].getPluralForm = getPluralForm;
@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
* @license Copyright (c) 2003-2024, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
* For licensing, see LICENSE.md or https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license
export default {"bg":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Лента с помощни средства","Insert paragraph before block":"Въведи параграф преди блока","Insert paragraph after block":"Въведи параграф след блока","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Натиснете Enter за въвеждане или натиснете Shift + Enter за въвеждане преди изпълнимия модул","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Клавишни комбинации, които могат да се използват при избран елемент (например: изображение, таблица и др.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Въвеждане на нов параграф директно след елемента","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Въвеждане на нов параграф директно преди елемента","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Преместване на карето за директно писане преди елемент","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Преместване на карето за директно писане след елемент","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return (n != 1);}}}
export default {"bg":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Лента с помощни средства","Insert paragraph before block":"Въведи параграф преди блока","Insert paragraph after block":"Въведи параграф след блока","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Натиснете Enter за въвеждане или натиснете Shift + Enter за въвеждане преди изпълнимия модул","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Клавишни комбинации, които могат да се използват при избран елемент (например: изображение, таблица и др.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Въвеждане на нов параграф директно след елемента","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Въвеждане на нов параграф директно преди елемента","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Преместване на карето за директно писане преди елемент","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Преместване на карето за директно писане след елемент","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"Преместване на фокуса от област с възможност за редактиране обратно към родителския изпълним модукл"},getPluralForm(n){return (n != 1);}}}
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
( e => {
const { [ 'bg' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"bg":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Лента с помощни средства","Insert paragraph before block":"Въведи параграф преди блока","Insert paragraph after block":"Въведи параграф след блока","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Натиснете Enter за въвеждане или натиснете Shift + Enter за въвеждане преди изпълнимия модул","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Клавишни комбинации, които могат да се използват при избран елемент (например: изображение, таблица и др.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Въвеждане на нов параграф директно след елемента","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Въвеждане на нов параграф директно преди елемента","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Преместване на карето за директно писане преди елемент","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Преместване на карето за директно писане след елемент","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return (n != 1);}}};
const { [ 'bg' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"bg":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Лента с помощни средства","Insert paragraph before block":"Въведи параграф преди блока","Insert paragraph after block":"Въведи параграф след блока","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Натиснете Enter за въвеждане или натиснете Shift + Enter за въвеждане преди изпълнимия модул","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Клавишни комбинации, които могат да се използват при избран елемент (например: изображение, таблица и др.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Въвеждане на нов параграф директно след елемента","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Въвеждане на нов параграф директно преди елемента","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Преместване на карето за директно писане преди елемент","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Преместване на карето за директно писане след елемент","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"Преместване на фокуса от област с възможност за редактиране обратно към родителския изпълним модукл"},getPluralForm(n){return (n != 1);}}};
e[ 'bg' ] ||= { dictionary: {}, getPluralForm: null };
e[ 'bg' ].dictionary = Object.assign( e[ 'bg' ].dictionary, dictionary );
e[ 'bg' ].getPluralForm = getPluralForm;
@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
* @license Copyright (c) 2003-2024, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
* For licensing, see LICENSE.md or https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license
export default {"bn":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"উইজেট টুলবার","Insert paragraph before block":"ব্লক করার আগে অনুচ্ছেদ ঢোকান","Insert paragraph after block":"ব্লকের পর অনুচ্ছেদ ঢোকান","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"পরে টাইপ করতে এন্টার চাপুন বা উইজেটের আগে টাইপ করতে Shift + এন্টার চাপুন","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"কোনো উইজেট সিলেক্ট থাকা অবস্থায় যে কীস্ট্রোকগুলি ব্যবহার করা যেতে পারে (উদাহরণ: ছবি, টেবিল, ইত্যাদি)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"কোনো উইজেটের পরে সরাসরি একটি নতুন প্যারাগ্রাফ প্রবেশ করুন","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"কোনো উইজেটের আগে সরাসরি একটি নতুন প্যারাগ্রাফ প্রবেশ করুন","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"কোনো উইজেটের আগে সরাসরি টাইপ করতে দিতে ক্যারেটটি সরান","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"কোনো উইজেটের পরে সরাসরি টাইপ করতে দিতে ক্যারেটটি সরান","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return (n != 1);}}}
export default {"bn":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"উইজেট টুলবার","Insert paragraph before block":"ব্লক করার আগে অনুচ্ছেদ ঢোকান","Insert paragraph after block":"ব্লকের পর অনুচ্ছেদ ঢোকান","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"পরে টাইপ করতে এন্টার চাপুন বা উইজেটের আগে টাইপ করতে Shift + এন্টার চাপুন","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"কোনো উইজেট সিলেক্ট থাকা অবস্থায় যে কীস্ট্রোকগুলি ব্যবহার করা যেতে পারে (উদাহরণ: ছবি, টেবিল, ইত্যাদি)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"কোনো উইজেটের পরে সরাসরি একটি নতুন প্যারাগ্রাফ প্রবেশ করুন","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"কোনো উইজেটের আগে সরাসরি একটি নতুন প্যারাগ্রাফ প্রবেশ করুন","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"কোনো উইজেটের আগে সরাসরি টাইপ করতে দিতে ক্যারেটটি সরান","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"কোনো উইজেটের পরে সরাসরি টাইপ করতে দিতে ক্যারেটটি সরান","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"এডিটযোগ্য এরিয়া থেকে প্যারেন্ট উইজেটে ফোকাসে সরিয়ে নিন"},getPluralForm(n){return (n != 1);}}}
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
( e => {
const { [ 'bn' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"bn":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"উইজেট টুলবার","Insert paragraph before block":"ব্লক করার আগে অনুচ্ছেদ ঢোকান","Insert paragraph after block":"ব্লকের পর অনুচ্ছেদ ঢোকান","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"পরে টাইপ করতে এন্টার চাপুন বা উইজেটের আগে টাইপ করতে Shift + এন্টার চাপুন","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"কোনো উইজেট সিলেক্ট থাকা অবস্থায় যে কীস্ট্রোকগুলি ব্যবহার করা যেতে পারে (উদাহরণ: ছবি, টেবিল, ইত্যাদি)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"কোনো উইজেটের পরে সরাসরি একটি নতুন প্যারাগ্রাফ প্রবেশ করুন","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"কোনো উইজেটের আগে সরাসরি একটি নতুন প্যারাগ্রাফ প্রবেশ করুন","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"কোনো উইজেটের আগে সরাসরি টাইপ করতে দিতে ক্যারেটটি সরান","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"কোনো উইজেটের পরে সরাসরি টাইপ করতে দিতে ক্যারেটটি সরান","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return (n != 1);}}};
const { [ 'bn' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"bn":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"উইজেট টুলবার","Insert paragraph before block":"ব্লক করার আগে অনুচ্ছেদ ঢোকান","Insert paragraph after block":"ব্লকের পর অনুচ্ছেদ ঢোকান","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"পরে টাইপ করতে এন্টার চাপুন বা উইজেটের আগে টাইপ করতে Shift + এন্টার চাপুন","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"কোনো উইজেট সিলেক্ট থাকা অবস্থায় যে কীস্ট্রোকগুলি ব্যবহার করা যেতে পারে (উদাহরণ: ছবি, টেবিল, ইত্যাদি)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"কোনো উইজেটের পরে সরাসরি একটি নতুন প্যারাগ্রাফ প্রবেশ করুন","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"কোনো উইজেটের আগে সরাসরি একটি নতুন প্যারাগ্রাফ প্রবেশ করুন","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"কোনো উইজেটের আগে সরাসরি টাইপ করতে দিতে ক্যারেটটি সরান","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"কোনো উইজেটের পরে সরাসরি টাইপ করতে দিতে ক্যারেটটি সরান","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"এডিটযোগ্য এরিয়া থেকে প্যারেন্ট উইজেটে ফোকাসে সরিয়ে নিন"},getPluralForm(n){return (n != 1);}}};
e[ 'bn' ] ||= { dictionary: {}, getPluralForm: null };
e[ 'bn' ].dictionary = Object.assign( e[ 'bn' ].dictionary, dictionary );
e[ 'bn' ].getPluralForm = getPluralForm;
@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
* @license Copyright (c) 2003-2024, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
* For licensing, see LICENSE.md or https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license
export default {"ca":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Barra d'eines de ginys","Insert paragraph before block":"Inserir un paràgraf abans del bloc","Insert paragraph after block":"Inserir un paràgraf després del bloc","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Premeu Retorn per escriure després o premeu Maj + Retorn per escriure abans del giny","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Tecles que es poden emprar en seleccionar un giny (com ara: imatge, taula, etc.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Insereix un paràgraf nou immediatament després d'un giny","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Insereix un paràgraf nou immediatament abans d'un giny","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Mou el punt d'inserció per a permetre l'escriptura immediatament abans d'un giny","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Mou el punt d'inserció per a permetre l'escriptura immediatament després d'un giny","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return (n != 1);}}}
export default {"ca":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Barra d'eines de ginys","Insert paragraph before block":"Inserir un paràgraf abans del bloc","Insert paragraph after block":"Inserir un paràgraf després del bloc","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Premeu Retorn per escriure després o premeu Maj + Retorn per escriure abans del giny","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Tecles que es poden emprar en seleccionar un giny (com ara: imatge, taula, etc.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Insereix un paràgraf nou immediatament després d'un giny","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Insereix un paràgraf nou immediatament abans d'un giny","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Mou el punt d'inserció per a permetre l'escriptura immediatament abans d'un giny","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Mou el punt d'inserció per a permetre l'escriptura immediatament després d'un giny","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"Torna a moure el focus des d'una àrea editable al giny principal"},getPluralForm(n){return (n != 1);}}}
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
( e => {
const { [ 'ca' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"ca":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Barra d'eines de ginys","Insert paragraph before block":"Inserir un paràgraf abans del bloc","Insert paragraph after block":"Inserir un paràgraf després del bloc","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Premeu Retorn per escriure després o premeu Maj + Retorn per escriure abans del giny","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Tecles que es poden emprar en seleccionar un giny (com ara: imatge, taula, etc.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Insereix un paràgraf nou immediatament després d'un giny","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Insereix un paràgraf nou immediatament abans d'un giny","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Mou el punt d'inserció per a permetre l'escriptura immediatament abans d'un giny","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Mou el punt d'inserció per a permetre l'escriptura immediatament després d'un giny","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return (n != 1);}}};
const { [ 'ca' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"ca":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Barra d'eines de ginys","Insert paragraph before block":"Inserir un paràgraf abans del bloc","Insert paragraph after block":"Inserir un paràgraf després del bloc","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Premeu Retorn per escriure després o premeu Maj + Retorn per escriure abans del giny","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Tecles que es poden emprar en seleccionar un giny (com ara: imatge, taula, etc.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Insereix un paràgraf nou immediatament després d'un giny","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Insereix un paràgraf nou immediatament abans d'un giny","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Mou el punt d'inserció per a permetre l'escriptura immediatament abans d'un giny","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Mou el punt d'inserció per a permetre l'escriptura immediatament després d'un giny","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"Torna a moure el focus des d'una àrea editable al giny principal"},getPluralForm(n){return (n != 1);}}};
e[ 'ca' ] ||= { dictionary: {}, getPluralForm: null };
e[ 'ca' ].dictionary = Object.assign( e[ 'ca' ].dictionary, dictionary );
e[ 'ca' ].getPluralForm = getPluralForm;
@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
* @license Copyright (c) 2003-2024, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
* For licensing, see LICENSE.md or https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license
export default {"cs":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Panel nástrojů ovládacího prvku","Insert paragraph before block":"Vložte odstavec před blok","Insert paragraph after block":"Vložte odstavec za blok","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Stisknutím klávesy Enter můžete psát za widgetem a stisknutím Shift + Enter před ním","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Klávesy, které lze použít, když je vybraný widget (např: obrázek, tabulka atd.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Vložte odstavec přímo po widgetu","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Vložte nový odstavec přímo před widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Přesuňte stříšku pro umožnění psaní přímo před widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Přesuňte stříšku pro umožnění psaní přímo před widget","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return (n == 1 && n % 1 == 0) ? 0 : (n >= 2 && n <= 4 && n % 1 == 0) ? 1: (n % 1 != 0 ) ? 2 : 3;}}}
export default {"cs":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Panel nástrojů ovládacího prvku","Insert paragraph before block":"Vložte odstavec před blok","Insert paragraph after block":"Vložte odstavec za blok","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Stisknutím klávesy Enter můžete psát za widgetem a stisknutím Shift + Enter před ním","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Klávesy, které lze použít, když je vybraný widget (např: obrázek, tabulka atd.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Vložte odstavec přímo po widgetu","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Vložte nový odstavec přímo před widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Přesuňte stříšku pro umožnění psaní přímo před widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Přesuňte stříšku pro umožnění psaní přímo před widget","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"Přesunout zaměření z upravitelné oblasti zpět na nadřazený widget"},getPluralForm(n){return (n == 1 && n % 1 == 0) ? 0 : (n >= 2 && n <= 4 && n % 1 == 0) ? 1: (n % 1 != 0 ) ? 2 : 3;}}}
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
( e => {
const { [ 'cs' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"cs":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Panel nástrojů ovládacího prvku","Insert paragraph before block":"Vložte odstavec před blok","Insert paragraph after block":"Vložte odstavec za blok","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Stisknutím klávesy Enter můžete psát za widgetem a stisknutím Shift + Enter před ním","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Klávesy, které lze použít, když je vybraný widget (např: obrázek, tabulka atd.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Vložte odstavec přímo po widgetu","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Vložte nový odstavec přímo před widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Přesuňte stříšku pro umožnění psaní přímo před widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Přesuňte stříšku pro umožnění psaní přímo před widget","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return (n == 1 && n % 1 == 0) ? 0 : (n >= 2 && n <= 4 && n % 1 == 0) ? 1: (n % 1 != 0 ) ? 2 : 3;}}};
const { [ 'cs' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"cs":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Panel nástrojů ovládacího prvku","Insert paragraph before block":"Vložte odstavec před blok","Insert paragraph after block":"Vložte odstavec za blok","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Stisknutím klávesy Enter můžete psát za widgetem a stisknutím Shift + Enter před ním","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Klávesy, které lze použít, když je vybraný widget (např: obrázek, tabulka atd.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Vložte odstavec přímo po widgetu","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Vložte nový odstavec přímo před widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Přesuňte stříšku pro umožnění psaní přímo před widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Přesuňte stříšku pro umožnění psaní přímo před widget","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"Přesunout zaměření z upravitelné oblasti zpět na nadřazený widget"},getPluralForm(n){return (n == 1 && n % 1 == 0) ? 0 : (n >= 2 && n <= 4 && n % 1 == 0) ? 1: (n % 1 != 0 ) ? 2 : 3;}}};
e[ 'cs' ] ||= { dictionary: {}, getPluralForm: null };
e[ 'cs' ].dictionary = Object.assign( e[ 'cs' ].dictionary, dictionary );
e[ 'cs' ].getPluralForm = getPluralForm;
@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
* @license Copyright (c) 2003-2024, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
* For licensing, see LICENSE.md or https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license
export default {"da":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Widget værktøjslinje","Insert paragraph before block":"Indsæt paragraf før blok","Insert paragraph after block":"Indsæt paragraf efter blok","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Tryk på Enter for at skrive efter, eller tryk på Shift + Enter for at skrive før widgetten","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Tastaturtryk, der kan bruges når en widget er valgt (for eksempel: billede, tabel, osv.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Indsæt en ny paragraf direkte efter en widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Indsæt en ny paragraf direkte før en widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Flyt indsætningstegnet for at tillade skrift direkte før en widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Flyt indsætningstegnet for at tillade skrift direkte efter en widget","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return (n != 1);}}}
export default {"da":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Widget værktøjslinje","Insert paragraph before block":"Indsæt paragraf før blok","Insert paragraph after block":"Indsæt paragraf efter blok","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Tryk på Enter for at skrive efter, eller tryk på Shift + Enter for at skrive før widgetten","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Tastaturtryk, der kan bruges når en widget er valgt (for eksempel: billede, tabel, osv.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Indsæt en ny paragraf direkte efter en widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Indsæt en ny paragraf direkte før en widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Flyt indsætningstegnet for at tillade skrift direkte før en widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Flyt indsætningstegnet for at tillade skrift direkte efter en widget","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"Flyt fokus fra et redigerbart område tilbage til den overordnede widget"},getPluralForm(n){return (n != 1);}}}
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
( e => {
const { [ 'da' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"da":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Widget værktøjslinje","Insert paragraph before block":"Indsæt paragraf før blok","Insert paragraph after block":"Indsæt paragraf efter blok","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Tryk på Enter for at skrive efter, eller tryk på Shift + Enter for at skrive før widgetten","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Tastaturtryk, der kan bruges når en widget er valgt (for eksempel: billede, tabel, osv.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Indsæt en ny paragraf direkte efter en widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Indsæt en ny paragraf direkte før en widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Flyt indsætningstegnet for at tillade skrift direkte før en widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Flyt indsætningstegnet for at tillade skrift direkte efter en widget","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return (n != 1);}}};
const { [ 'da' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"da":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Widget værktøjslinje","Insert paragraph before block":"Indsæt paragraf før blok","Insert paragraph after block":"Indsæt paragraf efter blok","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Tryk på Enter for at skrive efter, eller tryk på Shift + Enter for at skrive før widgetten","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Tastaturtryk, der kan bruges når en widget er valgt (for eksempel: billede, tabel, osv.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Indsæt en ny paragraf direkte efter en widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Indsæt en ny paragraf direkte før en widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Flyt indsætningstegnet for at tillade skrift direkte før en widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Flyt indsætningstegnet for at tillade skrift direkte efter en widget","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"Flyt fokus fra et redigerbart område tilbage til den overordnede widget"},getPluralForm(n){return (n != 1);}}};
e[ 'da' ] ||= { dictionary: {}, getPluralForm: null };
e[ 'da' ].dictionary = Object.assign( e[ 'da' ].dictionary, dictionary );
e[ 'da' ].getPluralForm = getPluralForm;
@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
* @license Copyright (c) 2003-2024, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
* For licensing, see LICENSE.md or https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license
export default {"de":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Widget Werkzeugleiste","Insert paragraph before block":"Absatz vor Block einfügen","Insert paragraph after block":"Absatz nach Block einfügen","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Drücken Sie die Eingabetaste, um nach dem Widget zu tippen oder Shift + Eingabetaste, um vor dem Widget zu tippen.","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Tastatureingaben, die verwendet werden können, wenn ein Widget ausgewählt wurde (zum Beispiel: Bilder, Tabellen etc.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Einen neuen Abschnitt direkt nach einem Widget einfügen","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Einen neuen Abschnitt direkt vor einem Widget einfügen","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Verschieben Sie den Textcursor, um die Eingabe direkt nach dem Widget zu erlauben","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Verschieben Sie den Textcursor, um die direkte Eingabe nach dem Widget zu erlauben","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return (n != 1);}}}
export default {"de":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Widget Werkzeugleiste","Insert paragraph before block":"Absatz vor Block einfügen","Insert paragraph after block":"Absatz nach Block einfügen","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Drücken Sie die Eingabetaste, um nach dem Widget zu tippen oder Shift + Eingabetaste, um vor dem Widget zu tippen.","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Tastatureingaben, die verwendet werden können, wenn ein Widget ausgewählt wurde (zum Beispiel: Bilder, Tabellen etc.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Einen neuen Abschnitt direkt nach einem Widget einfügen","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Einen neuen Abschnitt direkt vor einem Widget einfügen","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Verschieben Sie den Textcursor, um die Eingabe direkt nach dem Widget zu erlauben","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Verschieben Sie den Textcursor, um die direkte Eingabe nach dem Widget zu erlauben","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"Bewegen Sie den Fokus von einem bearbeitbaren Bereich zurück zum übergeordneten Widget"},getPluralForm(n){return (n != 1);}}}
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
( e => {
const { [ 'de' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"de":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Widget Werkzeugleiste","Insert paragraph before block":"Absatz vor Block einfügen","Insert paragraph after block":"Absatz nach Block einfügen","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Drücken Sie die Eingabetaste, um nach dem Widget zu tippen oder Shift + Eingabetaste, um vor dem Widget zu tippen.","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Tastatureingaben, die verwendet werden können, wenn ein Widget ausgewählt wurde (zum Beispiel: Bilder, Tabellen etc.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Einen neuen Abschnitt direkt nach einem Widget einfügen","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Einen neuen Abschnitt direkt vor einem Widget einfügen","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Verschieben Sie den Textcursor, um die Eingabe direkt nach dem Widget zu erlauben","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Verschieben Sie den Textcursor, um die direkte Eingabe nach dem Widget zu erlauben","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return (n != 1);}}};
const { [ 'de' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"de":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Widget Werkzeugleiste","Insert paragraph before block":"Absatz vor Block einfügen","Insert paragraph after block":"Absatz nach Block einfügen","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Drücken Sie die Eingabetaste, um nach dem Widget zu tippen oder Shift + Eingabetaste, um vor dem Widget zu tippen.","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Tastatureingaben, die verwendet werden können, wenn ein Widget ausgewählt wurde (zum Beispiel: Bilder, Tabellen etc.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Einen neuen Abschnitt direkt nach einem Widget einfügen","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Einen neuen Abschnitt direkt vor einem Widget einfügen","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Verschieben Sie den Textcursor, um die Eingabe direkt nach dem Widget zu erlauben","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Verschieben Sie den Textcursor, um die direkte Eingabe nach dem Widget zu erlauben","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"Bewegen Sie den Fokus von einem bearbeitbaren Bereich zurück zum übergeordneten Widget"},getPluralForm(n){return (n != 1);}}};
e[ 'de' ] ||= { dictionary: {}, getPluralForm: null };
e[ 'de' ].dictionary = Object.assign( e[ 'de' ].dictionary, dictionary );
e[ 'de' ].getPluralForm = getPluralForm;
@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
* @license Copyright (c) 2003-2024, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
* For licensing, see LICENSE.md or https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license
export default {"el":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Γραμμή εργαλείων γραφικού στοιχείου","Insert paragraph before block":"Εισαγωγή παραγράφου πριν το τμήμα","Insert paragraph after block":"Εισαγωγή παραγράφου μετά το τμήμα","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Πατήστε Enter για να πληκτρολογήσετε μετά ή πατήστε Shift + Enter για να πληκτρολογήσετε πριν από το γραφικό στοιχείο","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Πλήκτρα που μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε όταν επιλέγετε ένα widget (για παράδειγμα: εικόνα, πίνακα κ.λπ.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Εισαγωγή νέας παραγράφου απευθείας μετά από ένα widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Εισαγωγή νέας παραγράφου απευθείας πριν από ένα widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Μετακινήστε τον δρομέα caret για να είναι δυνατή η πληκτρολόγηση απευθείας πριν από ένα widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Μετακινήστε τον δρομέα caret για να είναι δυνατή η πληκτρολόγηση απευθείας μετά από ένα widget","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return (n != 1);}}}
export default {"el":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Γραμμή εργαλείων γραφικού στοιχείου","Insert paragraph before block":"Εισαγωγή παραγράφου πριν το τμήμα","Insert paragraph after block":"Εισαγωγή παραγράφου μετά το τμήμα","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Πατήστε Enter για να πληκτρολογήσετε μετά ή πατήστε Shift + Enter για να πληκτρολογήσετε πριν από το γραφικό στοιχείο","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Πλήκτρα που μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε όταν επιλέγετε ένα widget (για παράδειγμα: εικόνα, πίνακα κ.λπ.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Εισαγωγή νέας παραγράφου απευθείας μετά από ένα widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Εισαγωγή νέας παραγράφου απευθείας πριν από ένα widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Μετακινήστε τον δρομέα caret για να είναι δυνατή η πληκτρολόγηση απευθείας πριν από ένα widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Μετακινήστε τον δρομέα caret για να είναι δυνατή η πληκτρολόγηση απευθείας μετά από ένα widget","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"Μετακίνηση της εστίασης από μια επεξεργάσιμη περιοχή πίσω στο αρχικό widget"},getPluralForm(n){return (n != 1);}}}
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
( e => {
const { [ 'el' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"el":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Γραμμή εργαλείων γραφικού στοιχείου","Insert paragraph before block":"Εισαγωγή παραγράφου πριν το τμήμα","Insert paragraph after block":"Εισαγωγή παραγράφου μετά το τμήμα","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Πατήστε Enter για να πληκτρολογήσετε μετά ή πατήστε Shift + Enter για να πληκτρολογήσετε πριν από το γραφικό στοιχείο","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Πλήκτρα που μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε όταν επιλέγετε ένα widget (για παράδειγμα: εικόνα, πίνακα κ.λπ.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Εισαγωγή νέας παραγράφου απευθείας μετά από ένα widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Εισαγωγή νέας παραγράφου απευθείας πριν από ένα widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Μετακινήστε τον δρομέα caret για να είναι δυνατή η πληκτρολόγηση απευθείας πριν από ένα widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Μετακινήστε τον δρομέα caret για να είναι δυνατή η πληκτρολόγηση απευθείας μετά από ένα widget","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return (n != 1);}}};
const { [ 'el' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"el":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Γραμμή εργαλείων γραφικού στοιχείου","Insert paragraph before block":"Εισαγωγή παραγράφου πριν το τμήμα","Insert paragraph after block":"Εισαγωγή παραγράφου μετά το τμήμα","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Πατήστε Enter για να πληκτρολογήσετε μετά ή πατήστε Shift + Enter για να πληκτρολογήσετε πριν από το γραφικό στοιχείο","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Πλήκτρα που μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε όταν επιλέγετε ένα widget (για παράδειγμα: εικόνα, πίνακα κ.λπ.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Εισαγωγή νέας παραγράφου απευθείας μετά από ένα widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Εισαγωγή νέας παραγράφου απευθείας πριν από ένα widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Μετακινήστε τον δρομέα caret για να είναι δυνατή η πληκτρολόγηση απευθείας πριν από ένα widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Μετακινήστε τον δρομέα caret για να είναι δυνατή η πληκτρολόγηση απευθείας μετά από ένα widget","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"Μετακίνηση της εστίασης από μια επεξεργάσιμη περιοχή πίσω στο αρχικό widget"},getPluralForm(n){return (n != 1);}}};
e[ 'el' ] ||= { dictionary: {}, getPluralForm: null };
e[ 'el' ].dictionary = Object.assign( e[ 'el' ].dictionary, dictionary );
e[ 'el' ].getPluralForm = getPluralForm;
@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
* @license Copyright (c) 2003-2024, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
* For licensing, see LICENSE.md or https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license
export default {"es":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Barra de herramientas del widget","Insert paragraph before block":"Insertar párrafo antes del bloque","Insert paragraph after block":"Insertar párrafo después del bloque","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Pulse Intro para escribir después o pulse Mayús + Intro para escribir antes del «widget».","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Teclas que se pueden utilizar cuando se selecciona un módulo interactivo (por ejemplo: imagen, tabla, etc.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Inserta un nuevo párrafo directamente después de un módulo interactivo","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Inserta un nuevo párrafo directamente antes de un módulo interactivo","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Mueve el cursor para permitir escribir directamente antes de un módulo interactivo","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Mueve el cursor para permitir escribir directamente después de un módulo interactivo","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;}}}
export default {"es":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Barra de herramientas del widget","Insert paragraph before block":"Insertar párrafo antes del bloque","Insert paragraph after block":"Insertar párrafo después del bloque","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Pulse Intro para escribir después o pulse Mayús + Intro para escribir antes del «widget».","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Teclas que se pueden utilizar cuando se selecciona un módulo interactivo (por ejemplo: imagen, tabla, etc.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Inserta un nuevo párrafo directamente después de un módulo interactivo","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Inserta un nuevo párrafo directamente antes de un módulo interactivo","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Mueve el cursor para permitir escribir directamente antes de un módulo interactivo","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Mueve el cursor para permitir escribir directamente después de un módulo interactivo","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"Cambiar el foco de un área editable al widget principal"},getPluralForm(n){return n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;}}}
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
( e => {
const { [ 'es' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"es":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Barra de herramientas del widget","Insert paragraph before block":"Insertar párrafo antes del bloque","Insert paragraph after block":"Insertar párrafo después del bloque","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Pulse Intro para escribir después o pulse Mayús + Intro para escribir antes del «widget».","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Teclas que se pueden utilizar cuando se selecciona un módulo interactivo (por ejemplo: imagen, tabla, etc.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Inserta un nuevo párrafo directamente después de un módulo interactivo","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Inserta un nuevo párrafo directamente antes de un módulo interactivo","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Mueve el cursor para permitir escribir directamente antes de un módulo interactivo","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Mueve el cursor para permitir escribir directamente después de un módulo interactivo","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;}}};
const { [ 'es' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"es":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Barra de herramientas del widget","Insert paragraph before block":"Insertar párrafo antes del bloque","Insert paragraph after block":"Insertar párrafo después del bloque","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Pulse Intro para escribir después o pulse Mayús + Intro para escribir antes del «widget».","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Teclas que se pueden utilizar cuando se selecciona un módulo interactivo (por ejemplo: imagen, tabla, etc.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Inserta un nuevo párrafo directamente después de un módulo interactivo","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Inserta un nuevo párrafo directamente antes de un módulo interactivo","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Mueve el cursor para permitir escribir directamente antes de un módulo interactivo","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Mueve el cursor para permitir escribir directamente después de un módulo interactivo","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"Cambiar el foco de un área editable al widget principal"},getPluralForm(n){return n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;}}};
e[ 'es' ] ||= { dictionary: {}, getPluralForm: null };
e[ 'es' ].dictionary = Object.assign( e[ 'es' ].dictionary, dictionary );
e[ 'es' ].getPluralForm = getPluralForm;
@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
* @license Copyright (c) 2003-2024, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
* For licensing, see LICENSE.md or https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license
export default {"et":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Vidinate tööriistariba","Insert paragraph before block":"Sisesta lõik enne plokki","Insert paragraph after block":"Sisesta lõik pärast plokki","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Vajutage Enter, et tippida pärast, või Shift + Enter, et tippida enne vidinat","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Klahvikombinatsioonid, mida kasutada vidina (nt pildi, tabeli jne) valimisel","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Sisesta uus lõik kohe pärast vidinat","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Sisesta uus lõik kohe enne vidinat","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Kohe enne vidinat kirjutamiseks liiguta katusesümbolit","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Kohe pärast vidinat kirjutamiseks liiguta katusemärki","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return (n != 1);}}}
export default {"et":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Vidinate tööriistariba","Insert paragraph before block":"Sisesta lõik enne plokki","Insert paragraph after block":"Sisesta lõik pärast plokki","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Vajutage Enter, et tippida pärast, või Shift + Enter, et tippida enne vidinat","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Klahvikombinatsioonid, mida kasutada vidina (nt pildi, tabeli jne) valimisel","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Sisesta uus lõik kohe pärast vidinat","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Sisesta uus lõik kohe enne vidinat","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Kohe enne vidinat kirjutamiseks liiguta katusesümbolit","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Kohe pärast vidinat kirjutamiseks liiguta katusemärki","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"Liiguta fookus redigeeritavalt alalt tagasi põhividinale"},getPluralForm(n){return (n != 1);}}}
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
( e => {
const { [ 'et' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"et":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Vidinate tööriistariba","Insert paragraph before block":"Sisesta lõik enne plokki","Insert paragraph after block":"Sisesta lõik pärast plokki","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Vajutage Enter, et tippida pärast, või Shift + Enter, et tippida enne vidinat","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Klahvikombinatsioonid, mida kasutada vidina (nt pildi, tabeli jne) valimisel","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Sisesta uus lõik kohe pärast vidinat","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Sisesta uus lõik kohe enne vidinat","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Kohe enne vidinat kirjutamiseks liiguta katusesümbolit","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Kohe pärast vidinat kirjutamiseks liiguta katusemärki","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return (n != 1);}}};
const { [ 'et' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"et":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Vidinate tööriistariba","Insert paragraph before block":"Sisesta lõik enne plokki","Insert paragraph after block":"Sisesta lõik pärast plokki","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Vajutage Enter, et tippida pärast, või Shift + Enter, et tippida enne vidinat","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Klahvikombinatsioonid, mida kasutada vidina (nt pildi, tabeli jne) valimisel","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Sisesta uus lõik kohe pärast vidinat","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Sisesta uus lõik kohe enne vidinat","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Kohe enne vidinat kirjutamiseks liiguta katusesümbolit","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Kohe pärast vidinat kirjutamiseks liiguta katusemärki","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"Liiguta fookus redigeeritavalt alalt tagasi põhividinale"},getPluralForm(n){return (n != 1);}}};
e[ 'et' ] ||= { dictionary: {}, getPluralForm: null };
e[ 'et' ].dictionary = Object.assign( e[ 'et' ].dictionary, dictionary );
e[ 'et' ].getPluralForm = getPluralForm;
@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
* @license Copyright (c) 2003-2024, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
* For licensing, see LICENSE.md or https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license
export default {"fi":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Widget-työkalupalkki","Insert paragraph before block":"Liitä kappale ennen lohkoa","Insert paragraph after block":"Liitä kappale lohkon jälkeen","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Paina enter-näppäintä kirjoittaaksesi tai paina shift + enter kirjoittaaksesi ennen widget-sovellusta","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Painallukset, joita voidaan käyttää widgetin valitsemisen yhteydessä (esimerkiksi: kuva, taulukko jne.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Lisää uusi kappale suoraan widgetin jälkeen","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Lisää uusi kappale suoraan widgetin eteen","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Siirrä sirkumfleksimerkkiä voidaksesi kirjoittaa suoraan ennen widgetiä","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Siirrä sirkumfleksimerkkiä voidaksesi kirjoittaa suoraan widgetin jälkeen","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return (n != 1);}}}
export default {"fi":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Widget-työkalupalkki","Insert paragraph before block":"Liitä kappale ennen lohkoa","Insert paragraph after block":"Liitä kappale lohkon jälkeen","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Paina enter-näppäintä kirjoittaaksesi tai paina shift + enter kirjoittaaksesi ennen widget-sovellusta","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Painallukset, joita voidaan käyttää widgetin valitsemisen yhteydessä (esimerkiksi: kuva, taulukko jne.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Lisää uusi kappale suoraan widgetin jälkeen","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Lisää uusi kappale suoraan widgetin eteen","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Siirrä sirkumfleksimerkkiä voidaksesi kirjoittaa suoraan ennen widgetiä","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Siirrä sirkumfleksimerkkiä voidaksesi kirjoittaa suoraan widgetin jälkeen","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"Siirrä valinta muokattavasta alueesta takaisin pääpienoissovellukseen"},getPluralForm(n){return (n != 1);}}}
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
( e => {
const { [ 'fi' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"fi":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Widget-työkalupalkki","Insert paragraph before block":"Liitä kappale ennen lohkoa","Insert paragraph after block":"Liitä kappale lohkon jälkeen","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Paina enter-näppäintä kirjoittaaksesi tai paina shift + enter kirjoittaaksesi ennen widget-sovellusta","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Painallukset, joita voidaan käyttää widgetin valitsemisen yhteydessä (esimerkiksi: kuva, taulukko jne.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Lisää uusi kappale suoraan widgetin jälkeen","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Lisää uusi kappale suoraan widgetin eteen","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Siirrä sirkumfleksimerkkiä voidaksesi kirjoittaa suoraan ennen widgetiä","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Siirrä sirkumfleksimerkkiä voidaksesi kirjoittaa suoraan widgetin jälkeen","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return (n != 1);}}};
const { [ 'fi' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"fi":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Widget-työkalupalkki","Insert paragraph before block":"Liitä kappale ennen lohkoa","Insert paragraph after block":"Liitä kappale lohkon jälkeen","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Paina enter-näppäintä kirjoittaaksesi tai paina shift + enter kirjoittaaksesi ennen widget-sovellusta","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Painallukset, joita voidaan käyttää widgetin valitsemisen yhteydessä (esimerkiksi: kuva, taulukko jne.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Lisää uusi kappale suoraan widgetin jälkeen","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Lisää uusi kappale suoraan widgetin eteen","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Siirrä sirkumfleksimerkkiä voidaksesi kirjoittaa suoraan ennen widgetiä","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Siirrä sirkumfleksimerkkiä voidaksesi kirjoittaa suoraan widgetin jälkeen","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"Siirrä valinta muokattavasta alueesta takaisin pääpienoissovellukseen"},getPluralForm(n){return (n != 1);}}};
e[ 'fi' ] ||= { dictionary: {}, getPluralForm: null };
e[ 'fi' ].dictionary = Object.assign( e[ 'fi' ].dictionary, dictionary );
e[ 'fi' ].getPluralForm = getPluralForm;
@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
* @license Copyright (c) 2003-2024, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
* For licensing, see LICENSE.md or https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license
export default {"fr":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Barre d'outils du widget","Insert paragraph before block":"Insérer du texte avant ce bloc","Insert paragraph after block":"Insérer du texte après ce bloc","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Appuyez sur la touche Entrée pour taper après ou sur Maj + Entrée pour taper avant le widget.","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Frappes de touches pouvant être utilisées lorsqu'un widget est sélectionné (par exemple : image, tableau, etc.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Insérer un nouveau paragraphe directement après un widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Insérer un nouveau paragraphe directement avant un widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Déplacez le curseur pour permettre la saisie directement avant un widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Déplacez le curseur pour permettre de taper directement après un widget","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return (n == 0 || n == 1) ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;}}}
export default {"fr":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Barre d'outils du widget","Insert paragraph before block":"Insérer du texte avant ce bloc","Insert paragraph after block":"Insérer du texte après ce bloc","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Appuyez sur la touche Entrée pour taper après ou sur Maj + Entrée pour taper avant le widget.","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Frappes de touches pouvant être utilisées lorsqu'un widget est sélectionné (par exemple : image, tableau, etc.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Insérer un nouveau paragraphe directement après un widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Insérer un nouveau paragraphe directement avant un widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Déplacez le curseur pour permettre la saisie directement avant un widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Déplacez le curseur pour permettre de taper directement après un widget","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"Déplacer le focus d'une zone modifiable vers le widget parent"},getPluralForm(n){return (n == 0 || n == 1) ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;}}}
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
( e => {
const { [ 'fr' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"fr":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Barre d'outils du widget","Insert paragraph before block":"Insérer du texte avant ce bloc","Insert paragraph after block":"Insérer du texte après ce bloc","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Appuyez sur la touche Entrée pour taper après ou sur Maj + Entrée pour taper avant le widget.","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Frappes de touches pouvant être utilisées lorsqu'un widget est sélectionné (par exemple : image, tableau, etc.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Insérer un nouveau paragraphe directement après un widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Insérer un nouveau paragraphe directement avant un widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Déplacez le curseur pour permettre la saisie directement avant un widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Déplacez le curseur pour permettre de taper directement après un widget","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return (n == 0 || n == 1) ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;}}};
const { [ 'fr' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"fr":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Barre d'outils du widget","Insert paragraph before block":"Insérer du texte avant ce bloc","Insert paragraph after block":"Insérer du texte après ce bloc","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Appuyez sur la touche Entrée pour taper après ou sur Maj + Entrée pour taper avant le widget.","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Frappes de touches pouvant être utilisées lorsqu'un widget est sélectionné (par exemple : image, tableau, etc.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Insérer un nouveau paragraphe directement après un widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Insérer un nouveau paragraphe directement avant un widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Déplacez le curseur pour permettre la saisie directement avant un widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Déplacez le curseur pour permettre de taper directement après un widget","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"Déplacer le focus d'une zone modifiable vers le widget parent"},getPluralForm(n){return (n == 0 || n == 1) ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;}}};
e[ 'fr' ] ||= { dictionary: {}, getPluralForm: null };
e[ 'fr' ].dictionary = Object.assign( e[ 'fr' ].dictionary, dictionary );
e[ 'fr' ].getPluralForm = getPluralForm;
@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
* @license Copyright (c) 2003-2024, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
* For licensing, see LICENSE.md or https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license
export default {"he":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"סרגל יישומון","Insert paragraph before block":"הוספת פסקה מעל","Insert paragraph after block":"הוספת פסקה מתחת","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"לחץ Enter כדי להקליד לפני היישומון או Shift + Enter כדי להקליד אחריו","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"מקשים בהם ניתן להשתמש כאשר נבחר ווידג'ט (לדוגמה: תמונה, טבלה וכו')","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"הוספת פסקה חדשה ישירות אחרי ווידג'ט","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"הוספת פסקה חדשה ישירות לפני ווידג'ט","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"הזזת הסמן כדי לאפשר הקלדה ישירות לפני ווידג'ט","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"הזזת הסמן כדי לאפשר הקלדה ישירות אחרי ווידג'ט","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return (n == 1 && n % 1 == 0) ? 0 : (n == 2 && n % 1 == 0) ? 1: 2;}}}
export default {"he":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"סרגל יישומון","Insert paragraph before block":"הוספת פסקה מעל","Insert paragraph after block":"הוספת פסקה מתחת","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"לחץ Enter כדי להקליד לפני היישומון או Shift + Enter כדי להקליד אחריו","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"מקשים בהם ניתן להשתמש כאשר נבחר ווידג'ט (לדוגמה: תמונה, טבלה וכו')","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"הוספת פסקה חדשה ישירות אחרי ווידג'ט","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"הוספת פסקה חדשה ישירות לפני ווידג'ט","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"הזזת הסמן כדי לאפשר הקלדה ישירות לפני ווידג'ט","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"הזזת הסמן כדי לאפשר הקלדה ישירות אחרי ווידג'ט","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"החזרת המיקוד מאזור בר-עריכה לחפיץ האב"},getPluralForm(n){return (n == 1 && n % 1 == 0) ? 0 : (n == 2 && n % 1 == 0) ? 1: 2;}}}
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
( e => {
const { [ 'he' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"he":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"סרגל יישומון","Insert paragraph before block":"הוספת פסקה מעל","Insert paragraph after block":"הוספת פסקה מתחת","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"לחץ Enter כדי להקליד לפני היישומון או Shift + Enter כדי להקליד אחריו","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"מקשים בהם ניתן להשתמש כאשר נבחר ווידג'ט (לדוגמה: תמונה, טבלה וכו')","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"הוספת פסקה חדשה ישירות אחרי ווידג'ט","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"הוספת פסקה חדשה ישירות לפני ווידג'ט","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"הזזת הסמן כדי לאפשר הקלדה ישירות לפני ווידג'ט","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"הזזת הסמן כדי לאפשר הקלדה ישירות אחרי ווידג'ט","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return (n == 1 && n % 1 == 0) ? 0 : (n == 2 && n % 1 == 0) ? 1: 2;}}};
const { [ 'he' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"he":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"סרגל יישומון","Insert paragraph before block":"הוספת פסקה מעל","Insert paragraph after block":"הוספת פסקה מתחת","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"לחץ Enter כדי להקליד לפני היישומון או Shift + Enter כדי להקליד אחריו","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"מקשים בהם ניתן להשתמש כאשר נבחר ווידג'ט (לדוגמה: תמונה, טבלה וכו')","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"הוספת פסקה חדשה ישירות אחרי ווידג'ט","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"הוספת פסקה חדשה ישירות לפני ווידג'ט","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"הזזת הסמן כדי לאפשר הקלדה ישירות לפני ווידג'ט","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"הזזת הסמן כדי לאפשר הקלדה ישירות אחרי ווידג'ט","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"החזרת המיקוד מאזור בר-עריכה לחפיץ האב"},getPluralForm(n){return (n == 1 && n % 1 == 0) ? 0 : (n == 2 && n % 1 == 0) ? 1: 2;}}};
e[ 'he' ] ||= { dictionary: {}, getPluralForm: null };
e[ 'he' ].dictionary = Object.assign( e[ 'he' ].dictionary, dictionary );
e[ 'he' ].getPluralForm = getPluralForm;
@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
* @license Copyright (c) 2003-2024, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
* For licensing, see LICENSE.md or https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license
export default {"hi":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Widget toolbar","Insert paragraph before block":"Insert paragraph before block","Insert paragraph after block":"Insert paragraph after block","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"विजेट के बाद टाइप करने के लिए एंटर दबाएं या पहले टाइप करने के लिए शिफ्ट+एंटर दबाएं","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"वे कीस्ट्रोक्स जिनका इस्तेमाल किसी विजेट के सेलेक्ट किए जाने पर किया जा सकता है (जैसे: इमेज, टेबल, आदि)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"किसी विजेट के ठीक आगे एक नया पैराग्राफ़ इंसर्ट करें","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"किसी विजेट के ठीक पीछे एक नया पैराग्राफ़ इंसर्ट करें","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"किसी विजेट के ठीक पीछे टाइप करने के लिए कैरेट को मूव करें","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"किसी विजेट के ठीक आगे टाइप करने के लिए कैरेट को मूव करें","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return (n != 1);}}}
export default {"hi":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Widget toolbar","Insert paragraph before block":"Insert paragraph before block","Insert paragraph after block":"Insert paragraph after block","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"विजेट के बाद टाइप करने के लिए एंटर दबाएं या पहले टाइप करने के लिए शिफ्ट+एंटर दबाएं","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"वे कीस्ट्रोक्स जिनका इस्तेमाल किसी विजेट के सेलेक्ट किए जाने पर किया जा सकता है (जैसे: इमेज, टेबल, आदि)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"किसी विजेट के ठीक आगे एक नया पैराग्राफ़ इंसर्ट करें","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"किसी विजेट के ठीक पीछे एक नया पैराग्राफ़ इंसर्ट करें","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"किसी विजेट के ठीक पीछे टाइप करने के लिए कैरेट को मूव करें","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"किसी विजेट के ठीक आगे टाइप करने के लिए कैरेट को मूव करें","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"एक एडिटेबल एरिया से पेरेंट विजेट पर फ़ोकस वापिस लाएँ"},getPluralForm(n){return (n != 1);}}}
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
( e => {
const { [ 'hi' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"hi":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Widget toolbar","Insert paragraph before block":"Insert paragraph before block","Insert paragraph after block":"Insert paragraph after block","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"विजेट के बाद टाइप करने के लिए एंटर दबाएं या पहले टाइप करने के लिए शिफ्ट+एंटर दबाएं","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"वे कीस्ट्रोक्स जिनका इस्तेमाल किसी विजेट के सेलेक्ट किए जाने पर किया जा सकता है (जैसे: इमेज, टेबल, आदि)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"किसी विजेट के ठीक आगे एक नया पैराग्राफ़ इंसर्ट करें","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"किसी विजेट के ठीक पीछे एक नया पैराग्राफ़ इंसर्ट करें","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"किसी विजेट के ठीक पीछे टाइप करने के लिए कैरेट को मूव करें","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"किसी विजेट के ठीक आगे टाइप करने के लिए कैरेट को मूव करें","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return (n != 1);}}};
const { [ 'hi' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"hi":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Widget toolbar","Insert paragraph before block":"Insert paragraph before block","Insert paragraph after block":"Insert paragraph after block","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"विजेट के बाद टाइप करने के लिए एंटर दबाएं या पहले टाइप करने के लिए शिफ्ट+एंटर दबाएं","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"वे कीस्ट्रोक्स जिनका इस्तेमाल किसी विजेट के सेलेक्ट किए जाने पर किया जा सकता है (जैसे: इमेज, टेबल, आदि)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"किसी विजेट के ठीक आगे एक नया पैराग्राफ़ इंसर्ट करें","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"किसी विजेट के ठीक पीछे एक नया पैराग्राफ़ इंसर्ट करें","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"किसी विजेट के ठीक पीछे टाइप करने के लिए कैरेट को मूव करें","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"किसी विजेट के ठीक आगे टाइप करने के लिए कैरेट को मूव करें","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"एक एडिटेबल एरिया से पेरेंट विजेट पर फ़ोकस वापिस लाएँ"},getPluralForm(n){return (n != 1);}}};
e[ 'hi' ] ||= { dictionary: {}, getPluralForm: null };
e[ 'hi' ].dictionary = Object.assign( e[ 'hi' ].dictionary, dictionary );
e[ 'hi' ].getPluralForm = getPluralForm;
@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
* @license Copyright (c) 2003-2024, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
* For licensing, see LICENSE.md or https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license
export default {"hu":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Widget eszköztár","Insert paragraph before block":"Bekezdés beszúrása elé","Insert paragraph after block":"Bekezdés beszúrása utána","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Az Enter billentyű megnyomásával a widget után, a Shift + Enter kombinációval pedig a widget előtt írhatja be a szöveget","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Billentyűleütések, amelyek egy widget kiválasztásakor (például: kép, táblázat, stb.) használhatók","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Egy új bekezdés beszúrása közvetlenül a widget mögé","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Egy új bekezdés beszúrása közvetlenül a widget elé","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Mozgasd a kurzort, hogy hogy közvetlenül a widget elé tudj gépelni","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Mozgasd a kurzort, hogy közvetlenül a widget után tudj gépelni","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return (n != 1);}}}
export default {"hu":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Widget eszköztár","Insert paragraph before block":"Bekezdés beszúrása elé","Insert paragraph after block":"Bekezdés beszúrása utána","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Az Enter billentyű megnyomásával a widget után, a Shift + Enter kombinációval pedig a widget előtt írhatja be a szöveget","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Billentyűleütések, amelyek egy widget kiválasztásakor (például: kép, táblázat, stb.) használhatók","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Egy új bekezdés beszúrása közvetlenül a widget mögé","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Egy új bekezdés beszúrása közvetlenül a widget elé","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Mozgasd a kurzort, hogy hogy közvetlenül a widget elé tudj gépelni","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Mozgasd a kurzort, hogy közvetlenül a widget után tudj gépelni","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"Helyezze vissza a fókuszt egy szerkeszthető területről a szülő widgetre."},getPluralForm(n){return (n != 1);}}}
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
( e => {
const { [ 'hu' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"hu":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Widget eszköztár","Insert paragraph before block":"Bekezdés beszúrása elé","Insert paragraph after block":"Bekezdés beszúrása utána","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Az Enter billentyű megnyomásával a widget után, a Shift + Enter kombinációval pedig a widget előtt írhatja be a szöveget","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Billentyűleütések, amelyek egy widget kiválasztásakor (például: kép, táblázat, stb.) használhatók","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Egy új bekezdés beszúrása közvetlenül a widget mögé","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Egy új bekezdés beszúrása közvetlenül a widget elé","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Mozgasd a kurzort, hogy hogy közvetlenül a widget elé tudj gépelni","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Mozgasd a kurzort, hogy közvetlenül a widget után tudj gépelni","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return (n != 1);}}};
const { [ 'hu' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"hu":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Widget eszköztár","Insert paragraph before block":"Bekezdés beszúrása elé","Insert paragraph after block":"Bekezdés beszúrása utána","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Az Enter billentyű megnyomásával a widget után, a Shift + Enter kombinációval pedig a widget előtt írhatja be a szöveget","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Billentyűleütések, amelyek egy widget kiválasztásakor (például: kép, táblázat, stb.) használhatók","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Egy új bekezdés beszúrása közvetlenül a widget mögé","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Egy új bekezdés beszúrása közvetlenül a widget elé","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Mozgasd a kurzort, hogy hogy közvetlenül a widget elé tudj gépelni","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Mozgasd a kurzort, hogy közvetlenül a widget után tudj gépelni","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"Helyezze vissza a fókuszt egy szerkeszthető területről a szülő widgetre."},getPluralForm(n){return (n != 1);}}};
e[ 'hu' ] ||= { dictionary: {}, getPluralForm: null };
e[ 'hu' ].dictionary = Object.assign( e[ 'hu' ].dictionary, dictionary );
e[ 'hu' ].getPluralForm = getPluralForm;
@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
* @license Copyright (c) 2003-2024, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
* For licensing, see LICENSE.md or https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license
export default {"id":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Alat widget","Insert paragraph before block":"Tambahkan paragraf sebelum blok","Insert paragraph after block":"Tambahkan paragraf setelah blok","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Tekan Enter untuk mengetik setelah atau tekan Shift + Enter untuk mengetik sebelum widget","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Penekanan tombol yang bisa dilakukan saat widget dipilih (contoh: gambar, tabel, dll.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Sisipkan paragraf baru secara langsung setelah widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Sisipkan paragraf baru secara langsung sebelum widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Pindahkan tanda sisipan untuk memungkinkan mengetik langsung setelah widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Pindahkan tanda sisipan untuk memungkinkan mengetik langsung setelah widget","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return 0;}}}
export default {"id":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Alat widget","Insert paragraph before block":"Tambahkan paragraf sebelum blok","Insert paragraph after block":"Tambahkan paragraf setelah blok","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Tekan Enter untuk mengetik setelah atau tekan Shift + Enter untuk mengetik sebelum widget","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Penekanan tombol yang bisa dilakukan saat widget dipilih (contoh: gambar, tabel, dll.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Sisipkan paragraf baru secara langsung setelah widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Sisipkan paragraf baru secara langsung sebelum widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Pindahkan tanda sisipan untuk memungkinkan mengetik langsung setelah widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Pindahkan tanda sisipan untuk memungkinkan mengetik langsung setelah widget","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"Pindahkan fokus dari area yang dapat diedit kembali ke widget induk"},getPluralForm(n){return 0;}}}
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
( e => {
const { [ 'id' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"id":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Alat widget","Insert paragraph before block":"Tambahkan paragraf sebelum blok","Insert paragraph after block":"Tambahkan paragraf setelah blok","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Tekan Enter untuk mengetik setelah atau tekan Shift + Enter untuk mengetik sebelum widget","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Penekanan tombol yang bisa dilakukan saat widget dipilih (contoh: gambar, tabel, dll.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Sisipkan paragraf baru secara langsung setelah widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Sisipkan paragraf baru secara langsung sebelum widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Pindahkan tanda sisipan untuk memungkinkan mengetik langsung setelah widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Pindahkan tanda sisipan untuk memungkinkan mengetik langsung setelah widget","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return 0;}}};
const { [ 'id' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"id":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Alat widget","Insert paragraph before block":"Tambahkan paragraf sebelum blok","Insert paragraph after block":"Tambahkan paragraf setelah blok","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Tekan Enter untuk mengetik setelah atau tekan Shift + Enter untuk mengetik sebelum widget","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Penekanan tombol yang bisa dilakukan saat widget dipilih (contoh: gambar, tabel, dll.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Sisipkan paragraf baru secara langsung setelah widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Sisipkan paragraf baru secara langsung sebelum widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Pindahkan tanda sisipan untuk memungkinkan mengetik langsung setelah widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Pindahkan tanda sisipan untuk memungkinkan mengetik langsung setelah widget","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"Pindahkan fokus dari area yang dapat diedit kembali ke widget induk"},getPluralForm(n){return 0;}}};
e[ 'id' ] ||= { dictionary: {}, getPluralForm: null };
e[ 'id' ].dictionary = Object.assign( e[ 'id' ].dictionary, dictionary );
e[ 'id' ].getPluralForm = getPluralForm;
@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
* @license Copyright (c) 2003-2024, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
* For licensing, see LICENSE.md or https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license
export default {"it":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Barra degli strumenti del widget","Insert paragraph before block":"Inserisci paragrafo prima di blocco","Insert paragraph after block":"Inserisci paragrafo dopo blocco","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Premere Invio per inserire dopo il widget o premere Maiusc + Invio per inserire prima del widget","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Tasti che possono essere utilizzati quando viene selezionato un widget (ad esempio: immagine, tabella ecc.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Inserisce un nuovo paragrafo direttamente dopo un widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Inserisce un nuovo paragrafo direttamente prima di un widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Sposta il cursore per consentire la digitazione direttamente prima di un widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Sposta il cursore per consentire la digitazione direttamente dopo un widget","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;}}}
export default {"it":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Barra degli strumenti del widget","Insert paragraph before block":"Inserisci paragrafo prima di blocco","Insert paragraph after block":"Inserisci paragrafo dopo blocco","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Premere Invio per inserire dopo il widget o premere Maiusc + Invio per inserire prima del widget","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Tasti che possono essere utilizzati quando viene selezionato un widget (ad esempio: immagine, tabella ecc.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Inserisce un nuovo paragrafo direttamente dopo un widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Inserisce un nuovo paragrafo direttamente prima di un widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Sposta il cursore per consentire la digitazione direttamente prima di un widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Sposta il cursore per consentire la digitazione direttamente dopo un widget","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"Sposta lo stato attivo da un'area modificabile al widget principale"},getPluralForm(n){return n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;}}}
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
( e => {
const { [ 'it' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"it":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Barra degli strumenti del widget","Insert paragraph before block":"Inserisci paragrafo prima di blocco","Insert paragraph after block":"Inserisci paragrafo dopo blocco","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Premere Invio per inserire dopo il widget o premere Maiusc + Invio per inserire prima del widget","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Tasti che possono essere utilizzati quando viene selezionato un widget (ad esempio: immagine, tabella ecc.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Inserisce un nuovo paragrafo direttamente dopo un widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Inserisce un nuovo paragrafo direttamente prima di un widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Sposta il cursore per consentire la digitazione direttamente prima di un widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Sposta il cursore per consentire la digitazione direttamente dopo un widget","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;}}};
const { [ 'it' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"it":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"Barra degli strumenti del widget","Insert paragraph before block":"Inserisci paragrafo prima di blocco","Insert paragraph after block":"Inserisci paragrafo dopo blocco","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Premere Invio per inserire dopo il widget o premere Maiusc + Invio per inserire prima del widget","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"Tasti che possono essere utilizzati quando viene selezionato un widget (ad esempio: immagine, tabella ecc.)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"Inserisce un nuovo paragrafo direttamente dopo un widget","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"Inserisce un nuovo paragrafo direttamente prima di un widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"Sposta il cursore per consentire la digitazione direttamente prima di un widget","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"Sposta il cursore per consentire la digitazione direttamente dopo un widget","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"Sposta lo stato attivo da un'area modificabile al widget principale"},getPluralForm(n){return n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;}}};
e[ 'it' ] ||= { dictionary: {}, getPluralForm: null };
e[ 'it' ].dictionary = Object.assign( e[ 'it' ].dictionary, dictionary );
e[ 'it' ].getPluralForm = getPluralForm;
@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
* @license Copyright (c) 2003-2024, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
* For licensing, see LICENSE.md or https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license
export default {"ja":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"ウィジェットツールバー","Insert paragraph before block":"ブロックの前にパラグラフを挿入","Insert paragraph after block":"ブロックの後にパラグラフを挿入","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Enterを押してウィジェットの後に入力するか、Shift + Enterを押してウィジェットの前に入力してください","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"ウィジェットが選択されている時に使用できるキーストローク(例:画像、テーブルなど)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"ウィジェットの直後に新しいパラグラフを挿入する","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"ウィジェットの直前に新しいパラグラフを挿入する","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"キャレットを移動させて、ウィジェットの直前から入力できるようにする","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"キャレットを移動させて、ウィジェットの直後から入力できるようにする","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return 0;}}}
export default {"ja":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"ウィジェットツールバー","Insert paragraph before block":"ブロックの前にパラグラフを挿入","Insert paragraph after block":"ブロックの後にパラグラフを挿入","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Enterを押してウィジェットの後に入力するか、Shift + Enterを押してウィジェットの前に入力してください","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"ウィジェットが選択されている時に使用できるキーストローク(例:画像、テーブルなど)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"ウィジェットの直後に新しいパラグラフを挿入する","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"ウィジェットの直前に新しいパラグラフを挿入する","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"キャレットを移動させて、ウィジェットの直前から入力できるようにする","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"キャレットを移動させて、ウィジェットの直後から入力できるようにする","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"編集可能エリアから親ウィジェットへフォーカスを戻す"},getPluralForm(n){return 0;}}}
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
( e => {
const { [ 'ja' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"ja":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"ウィジェットツールバー","Insert paragraph before block":"ブロックの前にパラグラフを挿入","Insert paragraph after block":"ブロックの後にパラグラフを挿入","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Enterを押してウィジェットの後に入力するか、Shift + Enterを押してウィジェットの前に入力してください","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"ウィジェットが選択されている時に使用できるキーストローク(例:画像、テーブルなど)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"ウィジェットの直後に新しいパラグラフを挿入する","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"ウィジェットの直前に新しいパラグラフを挿入する","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"キャレットを移動させて、ウィジェットの直前から入力できるようにする","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"キャレットを移動させて、ウィジェットの直後から入力できるようにする","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return 0;}}};
const { [ 'ja' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"ja":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"ウィジェットツールバー","Insert paragraph before block":"ブロックの前にパラグラフを挿入","Insert paragraph after block":"ブロックの後にパラグラフを挿入","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Enterを押してウィジェットの後に入力するか、Shift + Enterを押してウィジェットの前に入力してください","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"ウィジェットが選択されている時に使用できるキーストローク(例:画像、テーブルなど)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"ウィジェットの直後に新しいパラグラフを挿入する","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"ウィジェットの直前に新しいパラグラフを挿入する","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"キャレットを移動させて、ウィジェットの直前から入力できるようにする","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"キャレットを移動させて、ウィジェットの直後から入力できるようにする","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"編集可能エリアから親ウィジェットへフォーカスを戻す"},getPluralForm(n){return 0;}}};
e[ 'ja' ] ||= { dictionary: {}, getPluralForm: null };
e[ 'ja' ].dictionary = Object.assign( e[ 'ja' ].dictionary, dictionary );
e[ 'ja' ].getPluralForm = getPluralForm;
@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
* @license Copyright (c) 2003-2024, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
* For licensing, see LICENSE.md or https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license
export default {"ko":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"위젯 툴바","Insert paragraph before block":"블록 앞에 단락 삽입","Insert paragraph after block":"블록 뒤에 단락 삽입","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"엔터를 눌러서 위젯 뒤에 입력하거나 시프트 + 엔터를 눌러서 위젯 앞에 입력하세요","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"위젯이 선택되었을 때 사용할 수 있는 키 입력(예: 이미지, 표 등)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"위젯 바로 뒤에 새 단락 삽입","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"위젯 바로 앞에 새 단락 삽입","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"위젯 바로 앞에 입력할 수 있도록 삽입 기호 이동","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"위젯 바로 뒤에 입력할 수 있도록 삽입 기호 이동","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return 0;}}}
export default {"ko":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"위젯 툴바","Insert paragraph before block":"블록 앞에 단락 삽입","Insert paragraph after block":"블록 뒤에 단락 삽입","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"엔터를 눌러서 위젯 뒤에 입력하거나 시프트 + 엔터를 눌러서 위젯 앞에 입력하세요","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"위젯이 선택되었을 때 사용할 수 있는 키 입력(예: 이미지, 표 등)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"위젯 바로 뒤에 새 단락 삽입","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"위젯 바로 앞에 새 단락 삽입","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"위젯 바로 앞에 입력할 수 있도록 삽입 기호 이동","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"위젯 바로 뒤에 입력할 수 있도록 삽입 기호 이동","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"포커스를 편집 가능 영역에서 부모위젯으로 옮기기"},getPluralForm(n){return 0;}}}
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
( e => {
const { [ 'ko' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"ko":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"위젯 툴바","Insert paragraph before block":"블록 앞에 단락 삽입","Insert paragraph after block":"블록 뒤에 단락 삽입","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"엔터를 눌러서 위젯 뒤에 입력하거나 시프트 + 엔터를 눌러서 위젯 앞에 입력하세요","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"위젯이 선택되었을 때 사용할 수 있는 키 입력(예: 이미지, 표 등)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"위젯 바로 뒤에 새 단락 삽입","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"위젯 바로 앞에 새 단락 삽입","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"위젯 바로 앞에 입력할 수 있도록 삽입 기호 이동","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"위젯 바로 뒤에 입력할 수 있도록 삽입 기호 이동","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":""},getPluralForm(n){return 0;}}};
const { [ 'ko' ]: { dictionary, getPluralForm } } = {"ko":{"dictionary":{"Widget toolbar":"위젯 툴바","Insert paragraph before block":"블록 앞에 단락 삽입","Insert paragraph after block":"블록 뒤에 단락 삽입","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"엔터를 눌러서 위젯 뒤에 입력하거나 시프트 + 엔터를 눌러서 위젯 앞에 입력하세요","Keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example: image, table, etc.)":"위젯이 선택되었을 때 사용할 수 있는 키 입력(예: 이미지, 표 등)","Insert a new paragraph directly after a widget":"위젯 바로 뒤에 새 단락 삽입","Insert a new paragraph directly before a widget":"위젯 바로 앞에 새 단락 삽입","Move the caret to allow typing directly before a widget":"위젯 바로 앞에 입력할 수 있도록 삽입 기호 이동","Move the caret to allow typing directly after a widget":"위젯 바로 뒤에 입력할 수 있도록 삽입 기호 이동","Move focus from an editable area back to the parent widget":"포커스를 편집 가능 영역에서 부모위젯으로 옮기기"},getPluralForm(n){return 0;}}};
e[ 'ko' ] ||= { dictionary: {}, getPluralForm: null };
e[ 'ko' ].dictionary = Object.assign( e[ 'ko' ].dictionary, dictionary );
e[ 'ko' ].getPluralForm = getPluralForm;