@azure/storage-file-share 12.26.0 → 12.27.0-alpha.20250217.1

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Files changed (90) hide show
  1. package/LICENSE +3 -3
  2. package/README.md +16 -18
  3. package/dist/index.js +1430 -431
  4. package/dist/index.js.map +1 -1
  5. package/dist-esm/storage-blob/src/BatchResponseParser.js +1 -1
  6. package/dist-esm/storage-blob/src/BatchResponseParser.js.map +1 -1
  7. package/dist-esm/storage-blob/src/BlobBatch.js +1 -1
  8. package/dist-esm/storage-blob/src/BlobBatch.js.map +1 -1
  9. package/dist-esm/storage-blob/src/BlobBatchClient.js +2 -2
  10. package/dist-esm/storage-blob/src/BlobBatchClient.js.map +1 -1
  11. package/dist-esm/storage-blob/src/BlobLeaseClient.js +10 -10
  12. package/dist-esm/storage-blob/src/BlobLeaseClient.js.map +1 -1
  13. package/dist-esm/storage-blob/src/BlobServiceClient.js +11 -11
  14. package/dist-esm/storage-blob/src/BlobServiceClient.js.map +1 -1
  15. package/dist-esm/storage-blob/src/Clients.js +43 -43
  16. package/dist-esm/storage-blob/src/Clients.js.map +1 -1
  17. package/dist-esm/storage-blob/src/ContainerClient.js +18 -18
  18. package/dist-esm/storage-blob/src/ContainerClient.js.map +1 -1
  19. package/dist-esm/storage-blob/src/Range.js.map +1 -1
  20. package/dist-esm/storage-blob/src/StorageRetryPolicyFactory.js.map +1 -1
  21. package/dist-esm/storage-blob/src/credentials/UserDelegationKeyCredential.js +1 -1
  22. package/dist-esm/storage-blob/src/credentials/UserDelegationKeyCredential.js.map +1 -1
  23. package/dist-esm/storage-blob/src/models.js +2 -2
  24. package/dist-esm/storage-blob/src/models.js.map +1 -1
  25. package/dist-esm/storage-blob/src/policies/StorageSharedKeyCredentialPolicy.js +2 -2
  26. package/dist-esm/storage-blob/src/policies/StorageSharedKeyCredentialPolicy.js.map +1 -1
  27. package/dist-esm/storage-blob/src/policies/StorageSharedKeyCredentialPolicyV2.js +2 -2
  28. package/dist-esm/storage-blob/src/policies/StorageSharedKeyCredentialPolicyV2.js.map +1 -1
  29. package/dist-esm/storage-blob/src/sas/AccountSASPermissions.js +2 -2
  30. package/dist-esm/storage-blob/src/sas/AccountSASPermissions.js.map +1 -1
  31. package/dist-esm/storage-blob/src/sas/AccountSASResourceTypes.js +1 -1
  32. package/dist-esm/storage-blob/src/sas/AccountSASResourceTypes.js.map +1 -1
  33. package/dist-esm/storage-blob/src/sas/AccountSASSignatureValues.js +1 -1
  34. package/dist-esm/storage-blob/src/sas/AccountSASSignatureValues.js.map +1 -1
  35. package/dist-esm/storage-blob/src/sas/BlobSASSignatureValues.js +1 -1
  36. package/dist-esm/storage-blob/src/sas/BlobSASSignatureValues.js.map +1 -1
  37. package/dist-esm/storage-blob/src/sas/ContainerSASPermissions.js +1 -1
  38. package/dist-esm/storage-blob/src/sas/ContainerSASPermissions.js.map +1 -1
  39. package/dist-esm/storage-blob/src/sas/SASQueryParameters.js.map +1 -1
  40. package/dist-esm/storage-blob/src/utils/utils.common.js +3 -3
  41. package/dist-esm/storage-blob/src/utils/utils.common.js.map +1 -1
  42. package/dist-esm/storage-blob/src/utils/utils.node.js +1 -1
  43. package/dist-esm/storage-blob/src/utils/utils.node.js.map +1 -1
  44. package/dist-esm/storage-file-share/src/AccountSASPermissions.js +2 -2
  45. package/dist-esm/storage-file-share/src/AccountSASPermissions.js.map +1 -1
  46. package/dist-esm/storage-file-share/src/AccountSASResourceTypes.js +1 -1
  47. package/dist-esm/storage-file-share/src/AccountSASResourceTypes.js.map +1 -1
  48. package/dist-esm/storage-file-share/src/AccountSASSignatureValues.js +1 -1
  49. package/dist-esm/storage-file-share/src/AccountSASSignatureValues.js.map +1 -1
  50. package/dist-esm/storage-file-share/src/Clients.js +103 -78
  51. package/dist-esm/storage-file-share/src/Clients.js.map +1 -1
  52. package/dist-esm/storage-file-share/src/FileDownloadResponse.js +24 -0
  53. package/dist-esm/storage-file-share/src/FileDownloadResponse.js.map +1 -1
  54. package/dist-esm/storage-file-share/src/FileSASSignatureValues.js.map +1 -1
  55. package/dist-esm/storage-file-share/src/FileSystemAttributes.js +1 -1
  56. package/dist-esm/storage-file-share/src/FileSystemAttributes.js.map +1 -1
  57. package/dist-esm/storage-file-share/src/Range.js.map +1 -1
  58. package/dist-esm/storage-file-share/src/SASQueryParameters.js.map +1 -1
  59. package/dist-esm/storage-file-share/src/ShareSASPermissions.js +1 -1
  60. package/dist-esm/storage-file-share/src/ShareSASPermissions.js.map +1 -1
  61. package/dist-esm/storage-file-share/src/ShareServiceClient.js +13 -7
  62. package/dist-esm/storage-file-share/src/ShareServiceClient.js.map +1 -1
  63. package/dist-esm/storage-file-share/src/StorageRetryPolicyFactory.js.map +1 -1
  64. package/dist-esm/storage-file-share/src/generated/src/models/index.js +10 -0
  65. package/dist-esm/storage-file-share/src/generated/src/models/index.js.map +1 -1
  66. package/dist-esm/storage-file-share/src/generated/src/models/mappers.js +544 -0
  67. package/dist-esm/storage-file-share/src/generated/src/models/mappers.js.map +1 -1
  68. package/dist-esm/storage-file-share/src/generated/src/models/parameters.js +108 -3
  69. package/dist-esm/storage-file-share/src/generated/src/models/parameters.js.map +1 -1
  70. package/dist-esm/storage-file-share/src/generated/src/operations/directory.js +12 -10
  71. package/dist-esm/storage-file-share/src/generated/src/operations/directory.js.map +1 -1
  72. package/dist-esm/storage-file-share/src/generated/src/operations/file.js +125 -10
  73. package/dist-esm/storage-file-share/src/generated/src/operations/file.js.map +1 -1
  74. package/dist-esm/storage-file-share/src/generated/src/operationsInterfaces/directory.js.map +1 -1
  75. package/dist-esm/storage-file-share/src/generated/src/operationsInterfaces/file.js.map +1 -1
  76. package/dist-esm/storage-file-share/src/generated/src/storageClient.js +2 -2
  77. package/dist-esm/storage-file-share/src/generated/src/storageClient.js.map +1 -1
  78. package/dist-esm/storage-file-share/src/generatedModels.js.map +1 -1
  79. package/dist-esm/storage-file-share/src/index.browser.js +1 -0
  80. package/dist-esm/storage-file-share/src/index.browser.js.map +1 -1
  81. package/dist-esm/storage-file-share/src/index.js +1 -0
  82. package/dist-esm/storage-file-share/src/index.js.map +1 -1
  83. package/dist-esm/storage-file-share/src/models.js +0 -21
  84. package/dist-esm/storage-file-share/src/models.js.map +1 -1
  85. package/dist-esm/storage-file-share/src/utils/constants.js +2 -2
  86. package/dist-esm/storage-file-share/src/utils/constants.js.map +1 -1
  87. package/dist-esm/storage-file-share/src/utils/utils.common.js +214 -2
  88. package/dist-esm/storage-file-share/src/utils/utils.common.js.map +1 -1
  89. package/package.json +9 -9
  90. package/types/latest/storage-file-share.d.ts +968 -134
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"version":3,"file":"generatedModels.js","sourceRoot":"","sources":["../../../src/generatedModels.ts"],"names":[],"mappings":"AAAA,uCAAuC;AACvC,kCAAkC;AAmSlC,yEAAyE;AACzE,MAAM,CAAN,IAAY,qBAEX;AAFD,WAAY,qBAAqB;IAC/B,0CAAiB,CAAA;AACnB,CAAC,EAFW,qBAAqB,KAArB,qBAAqB,QAEhC","sourcesContent":["// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT License.\n\nimport type {\n DirectoryCreateHeaders,\n DirectoryDeleteHeaders,\n DirectoryGetPropertiesHeaders,\n DirectoryListFilesAndDirectoriesSegmentHeaders,\n DirectoryListHandlesHeaders,\n DirectoryRenameHeaders,\n DirectorySetMetadataHeaders,\n DirectorySetPropertiesHeaders,\n FileAbortCopyHeaders,\n FileCreateHeaders,\n FileDeleteHeaders,\n FileDownloadHeaders,\n FileDownloadResponse,\n FileGetPropertiesHeaders,\n FileGetRangeListHeaders,\n FileListHandlesHeaders,\n FileProperty,\n FileRenameHeaders,\n FileServiceProperties,\n FileSetHttpHeadersHeaders,\n FileSetMetadataHeaders,\n FileStartCopyHeaders,\n FileUploadRangeFromURLHeaders,\n FileUploadRangeHeaders,\n ServiceGetPropertiesHeaders,\n ServiceSetPropertiesHeaders,\n ShareCreateHeaders,\n ShareCreatePermissionHeaders,\n ShareCreateSnapshotHeaders,\n ShareDeleteHeaders,\n ShareFileRangeList,\n ShareGetAccessPolicyHeaders,\n ShareGetPermissionHeaders,\n ShareGetPropertiesHeaders,\n ShareGetStatisticsHeaders,\n SharePermission,\n ShareSetAccessPolicyHeaders,\n ShareSetMetadataHeaders,\n ShareStats,\n} from \"./generated/src/models\";\n\n/** Contains response data for the create operation. */\nexport type DirectoryCreateResponse = WithResponse<DirectoryCreateHeaders, DirectoryCreateHeaders>;\n\n/** Contains response data for the delete operation. */\nexport type DirectoryDeleteResponse = WithResponse<DirectoryDeleteHeaders, DirectoryDeleteHeaders>;\n\n/** Contains response data for the getProperties operation. */\nexport type DirectoryGetPropertiesResponse = WithResponse<\n DirectoryGetPropertiesHeaders,\n DirectoryGetPropertiesHeaders\n>;\n\n/** Contains response data for the listFilesAndDirectoriesSegment operation. */\nexport type DirectoryListFilesAndDirectoriesSegmentResponse = WithResponse<\n DirectoryListFilesAndDirectoriesSegmentHeaders & ListFilesAndDirectoriesSegmentResponse,\n DirectoryListFilesAndDirectoriesSegmentHeaders,\n ListFilesAndDirectoriesSegmentResponse\n>;\n\n/** Contains response data for the listHandles operation. */\nexport type DirectoryListHandlesResponse = WithResponse<\n DirectoryListHandlesHeaders & ListHandlesResponse,\n DirectoryListHandlesHeaders,\n ListHandlesResponse\n>;\n\n/** Contains response data for the setMetadata operation. */\nexport type DirectorySetMetadataResponse = WithResponse<\n DirectorySetMetadataHeaders,\n DirectorySetMetadataHeaders\n>;\n\n/** Contains response data for the setProperties operation. */\nexport type DirectorySetPropertiesResponse = WithResponse<\n DirectorySetPropertiesHeaders,\n DirectorySetPropertiesHeaders\n>;\n\n/** Contains response data for the abortCopy operation. */\nexport type FileAbortCopyResponse = WithResponse<FileAbortCopyHeaders, FileAbortCopyHeaders>;\n\n/** Contains response data for the create operation. */\nexport type FileCreateResponse = WithResponse<FileCreateHeaders, FileCreateHeaders>;\n\n/** Contains response data for the delete operation. */\nexport type FileDeleteResponse = WithResponse<FileDeleteHeaders, FileDeleteHeaders>;\n\n/** Contains response data for the getProperties operation. */\nexport type FileGetPropertiesResponse = WithResponse<\n FileGetPropertiesHeaders,\n FileGetPropertiesHeaders\n>;\n\n/** Contains response data for the listHandles operation. */\nexport type FileListHandlesResponse = WithResponse<\n FileListHandlesHeaders & ListHandlesResponse,\n FileListHandlesHeaders,\n ListHandlesResponse\n>;\n\n/** Contains response data for the setMetadata operation. */\nexport type FileSetMetadataResponse = WithResponse<FileSetMetadataHeaders, FileSetMetadataHeaders>;\n\n/** Contains response data for the startCopy operation. */\nexport type FileStartCopyResponse = WithResponse<FileStartCopyHeaders, FileStartCopyHeaders>;\n\n/** Contains response data for the uploadRange operation. */\nexport type FileUploadRangeResponse = WithResponse<FileUploadRangeHeaders, FileUploadRangeHeaders>;\n\n/** Contains response data for the getProperties operation. */\nexport type ServiceGetPropertiesResponse = WithResponse<\n ServiceGetPropertiesHeaders & FileServiceProperties,\n ServiceGetPropertiesHeaders,\n FileServiceProperties\n>;\n\n/** Contains response data for the setProperties operation. */\nexport type ServiceSetPropertiesResponse = WithResponse<\n ServiceSetPropertiesHeaders,\n ServiceSetPropertiesHeaders\n>;\n\n/** Contains response data for the createPermission operation. */\nexport type ShareCreatePermissionResponse = WithResponse<\n ShareCreatePermissionHeaders,\n ShareCreatePermissionHeaders\n>;\n\n/** Contains response data for the create operation. */\nexport type ShareCreateResponse = WithResponse<ShareCreateHeaders, ShareCreateHeaders>;\n\n/** Contains response data for the createSnapshot operation. */\nexport type ShareCreateSnapshotResponse = WithResponse<\n ShareCreateSnapshotHeaders,\n ShareCreateSnapshotHeaders\n>;\n\n/** Contains response data for the delete operation. */\nexport type ShareDeleteResponse = WithResponse<ShareDeleteHeaders, ShareDeleteHeaders>;\n\n/** Contains response data for the getPermission operation. */\nexport type ShareGetPermissionResponse = WithResponse<\n ShareGetPermissionHeaders & SharePermission,\n ShareGetPermissionHeaders,\n SharePermission\n>;\n\n/** Contains response data for the setAccessPolicy operation. */\nexport type ShareSetAccessPolicyResponse = WithResponse<\n ShareSetAccessPolicyHeaders,\n ShareGetAccessPolicyHeaders\n>;\n\n/** Contains response data for the setMetadata operation. */\nexport type ShareSetMetadataResponse = WithResponse<\n ShareSetMetadataHeaders,\n ShareSetMetadataHeaders\n>;\n\n/** Contains response data for the setProperties operation. */\nexport type ShareSetPropertiesResponse = WithResponse<\n ShareSetPropertiesHeaders,\n ShareSetPropertiesHeaders\n>;\n\n/** Contains response data for the rename operation. */\nexport type DirectoryRenameResponse = WithResponse<DirectoryRenameHeaders, DirectoryRenameHeaders>;\n\n/** Contains response data for the download operation. */\nexport type FileDownloadResponseModel = WithResponse<FileDownloadResponse, FileDownloadHeaders>;\n\n/** Contains response data for the uploadRangeFromURL operation. */\nexport type FileUploadRangeFromURLResponse = WithResponse<\n FileUploadRangeFromURLHeaders,\n FileUploadRangeFromURLHeaders\n>;\n\n/** Contains response data for the getProperties operation. */\nexport type ShareGetPropertiesResponseModel = WithResponse<\n ShareGetPropertiesHeaders,\n ShareGetPropertiesHeaders\n>;\n\n/** Contains response data for the getStatistics operation. */\nexport type ShareGetStatisticsResponseModel = WithResponse<\n ShareGetStatisticsHeaders & ShareStats,\n ShareGetStatisticsHeaders,\n ShareStats\n>;\n\n/** Contains response data for the getRangeList operation. */\nexport type FileGetRangeListDiffResponse = WithResponse<\n FileGetRangeListHeaders & ShareFileRangeList,\n FileGetRangeListHeaders,\n ShareFileRangeList\n>;\n\n/** Contains response data for the setHttpHeaders operation. */\nexport type FileSetHTTPHeadersResponse = WithResponse<\n FileSetHttpHeadersHeaders,\n FileSetHttpHeadersHeaders\n>;\n\n/** Contains response data for the rename operation. */\nexport type FileRenameResponse = WithResponse<FileRenameHeaders, FileRenameHeaders>;\n\n// explicitly exporting types that we need.\n\nexport {\n CopyStatusType,\n DeleteSnapshotsOptionType,\n FileDownloadHeaders,\n FileDownloadOptionalParams,\n FileGetRangeListHeaders,\n FileLastWrittenMode,\n FileServiceProperties,\n FileUploadRangeFromURLOptionalParams,\n PermissionCopyModeType,\n ListSharesIncludeType,\n FileRange as RangeModel,\n ShareGetAccessPolicyHeaders,\n ShareItemInternal,\n SignedIdentifier as SignedIdentifierModel,\n SourceModifiedAccessConditions,\n FileForceCloseHandlesHeaders,\n DirectoryForceCloseHandlesHeaders,\n DirectoryCreateHeaders,\n DirectoryDeleteHeaders,\n DirectoryGetPropertiesHeaders,\n DirectoryListFilesAndDirectoriesSegmentHeaders,\n DirectoryRenameHeaders,\n DirectoryListHandlesHeaders,\n DirectorySetMetadataHeaders,\n DirectorySetPropertiesHeaders,\n FileAbortCopyHeaders,\n FileCreateHeaders,\n FileDeleteHeaders,\n FileGetPropertiesHeaders,\n FilePermissionFormat,\n FileProperty,\n FileListHandlesHeaders,\n FileRenameHeaders,\n CorsRule,\n Metrics,\n FileSetHttpHeadersHeaders as FileSetHTTPHeadersHeaders,\n FileSetMetadataHeaders,\n FileStartCopyHeaders,\n FileUploadRangeFromURLHeaders,\n FileUploadRangeHeaders,\n ServiceGetPropertiesHeaders,\n ListSharesResponse as ListSharesResponseModel,\n RetentionPolicy,\n ServiceListSharesSegmentHeaders,\n ServiceSetPropertiesHeaders,\n ShareCreatePermissionHeaders,\n ShareCreateHeaders,\n ShareCreateSnapshotHeaders,\n ShareDeleteHeaders,\n SharePermission,\n ShareGetPermissionHeaders,\n ShareGetPropertiesHeaders,\n ShareStats,\n ShareGetStatisticsHeaders,\n SharePropertiesInternal,\n ShareSetAccessPolicyHeaders,\n ShareSetMetadataHeaders,\n ShareSetPropertiesHeaders,\n ShareTokenIntent,\n AccessPolicy,\n LeaseAccessConditions,\n LeaseDurationType,\n LeaseStateType,\n LeaseStatusType,\n CopyFileSmbInfo,\n ShareProtocolSettings,\n ShareSmbSettings,\n SmbMultichannel,\n ShareFileRangeList,\n ClearRange,\n ShareAccessTier,\n ShareRootSquash,\n FileDownloadResponse as RawFileDownloadResponse,\n} from \"./generated/src/models\";\n\nimport type { ShareSetPropertiesHeaders } from \"./generated/src/models\";\nimport type { WithResponse } from \"./utils/utils.common\";\n\n/** Known values of {@link ShareTokenIntent} that the service accepts. */\nexport enum KnownShareTokenIntent {\n Backup = \"backup\",\n}\n\n/**\n * Contains response data for the setQuota operation.\n */\nexport type ShareSetQuotaResponse = WithResponse<ShareSetQuotaHeaders, ShareSetQuotaHeaders>;\n\n/**\n * Defines headers for setQuota operation.\n */\nexport type ShareSetQuotaHeaders = ShareSetPropertiesHeaders;\n\n/** A listed file item. */\nexport interface FileItem {\n name: string;\n fileId?: string;\n /** File properties. */\n properties: FileProperty;\n attributes?: string;\n permissionKey?: string;\n}\n\n/** A listed directory item. */\nexport interface DirectoryItem {\n name: string;\n fileId?: string;\n /** File properties. */\n properties?: FileProperty;\n attributes?: string;\n permissionKey?: string;\n}\n\n/** Abstract for entries that can be listed from Directory. */\nexport interface FilesAndDirectoriesListSegment {\n directoryItems: DirectoryItem[];\n fileItems: FileItem[];\n}\n\n/** An enumeration of directories and files. */\nexport interface ListFilesAndDirectoriesSegmentResponse {\n serviceEndpoint: string;\n shareName: string;\n shareSnapshot?: string;\n directoryPath: string;\n prefix: string;\n marker?: string;\n maxResults?: number;\n /** Abstract for entries that can be listed from Directory. */\n segment: FilesAndDirectoriesListSegment;\n continuationToken: string;\n directoryId?: string;\n}\n\n/** Defines values for AccessRight. */\nexport type ShareFileHandleAccessRights = \"Read\" | \"Write\" | \"Delete\";\n\n/** A listed Azure Storage handle item. */\nexport interface HandleItem {\n /** XSMB service handle ID */\n handleId: string;\n /** File or directory name including full path starting from share root */\n path: string;\n /** FileId uniquely identifies the file or directory. */\n fileId: string;\n /** ParentId uniquely identifies the parent directory of the object. */\n parentId?: string;\n /** SMB session ID in context of which the file handle was opened */\n sessionId: string;\n /** Client IP that opened the handle */\n clientIp: string;\n /** Name of the client machine where the share is being mounted */\n clientName: string;\n /** Time when the session that previously opened the handle has last been reconnected. (UTC) */\n openTime: Date;\n /** Time handle was last connected to (UTC) */\n lastReconnectTime?: Date;\n accessRightList?: ShareFileHandleAccessRights[];\n}\n\n/** An enumeration of handles. */\nexport interface ListHandlesResponse {\n handleList?: HandleItem[];\n continuationToken: string;\n}\n"]}
+ {"version":3,"file":"generatedModels.js","sourceRoot":"","sources":["../../../src/generatedModels.ts"],"names":[],"mappings":"AAAA,uCAAuC;AACvC,kCAAkC;AAwoBlC,yEAAyE;AACzE,MAAM,CAAN,IAAY,qBAEX;AAFD,WAAY,qBAAqB;IAC/B,0CAAiB,CAAA;AACnB,CAAC,EAFW,qBAAqB,KAArB,qBAAqB,QAEhC","sourcesContent":["// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT License.\n\nimport type {\n CopyStatusType,\n DirectoryDeleteHeaders,\n DirectoryListFilesAndDirectoriesSegmentHeaders,\n DirectoryListHandlesHeaders,\n DirectoryRenameHeaders,\n DirectorySetMetadataHeaders,\n FileAbortCopyHeaders,\n FileDeleteHeaders,\n FileGetRangeListHeaders,\n FileListHandlesHeaders,\n FileProperty,\n FileRenameHeaders,\n FileServiceProperties,\n FileSetMetadataHeaders,\n FileStartCopyHeaders,\n FileUploadRangeFromURLHeaders,\n FileUploadRangeHeaders,\n LeaseDurationType,\n LeaseStateType,\n LeaseStatusType,\n NfsFileType,\n ServiceGetPropertiesHeaders,\n ServiceSetPropertiesHeaders,\n ShareCreateHeaders,\n ShareCreatePermissionHeaders,\n ShareCreateSnapshotHeaders,\n ShareDeleteHeaders,\n ShareFileRangeList,\n ShareGetAccessPolicyHeaders,\n ShareGetPermissionHeaders,\n ShareGetPropertiesHeaders,\n ShareGetStatisticsHeaders,\n SharePermission,\n ShareSetAccessPolicyHeaders,\n ShareSetMetadataHeaders,\n ShareStats,\n} from \"./generated/src/models\";\n\nimport type { ShareSetPropertiesHeaders } from \"./generated/src/models\";\nimport { FileDownloadResponse, FileSetHttpHeadersHeaders, NfsFileMode } from \"./models\";\nimport type { WithResponse } from \"./utils/utils.common\";\n\n/** Defines headers for Directory_create operation. */\nexport interface DirectoryCreateHeaders {\n /** The ETag contains a value which represents the version of the directory, in quotes. */\n etag?: string;\n /** Returns the date and time the share was last modified. Any operation that modifies the directory or its properties updates the last modified time. Operations on files do not affect the last modified time of the directory. */\n lastModified?: Date;\n /** This header uniquely identifies the request that was made and can be used for troubleshooting the request. */\n requestId?: string;\n /** Indicates the version of the File service used to execute the request. */\n version?: string;\n /** A UTC date/time value generated by the service that indicates the time at which the response was initiated. */\n date?: Date;\n /** The value of this header is set to true if the contents of the request are successfully encrypted using the specified algorithm, and false otherwise. */\n isServerEncrypted?: boolean;\n /** Key of the permission set for the directory. */\n filePermissionKey?: string;\n /** Attributes set for the directory. */\n fileAttributes?: string;\n /** Creation time for the directory. */\n fileCreatedOn?: Date;\n /** Last write time for the directory. */\n fileLastWriteOn?: Date;\n /** Change time for the directory. */\n fileChangeOn?: Date;\n /** The fileId of the directory. */\n fileId?: string;\n /** The parent fileId of the directory. */\n fileParentId?: string;\n /** NFS only. The mode of the file or directory. */\n fileMode?: NfsFileMode;\n /** NFS only. The owner of the file or directory. */\n owner?: string;\n /** NFS only. The owning group of the file or directory. */\n group?: string;\n /** NFS only. Type of the file or directory. */\n nfsFileType?: NfsFileType;\n /** Error Code */\n errorCode?: string;\n}\n\n/** Contains response data for the create operation. */\nexport type DirectoryCreateResponse = WithResponse<DirectoryCreateHeaders, DirectoryCreateHeaders>;\n\n/** Contains response data for the delete operation. */\nexport type DirectoryDeleteResponse = WithResponse<DirectoryDeleteHeaders, DirectoryDeleteHeaders>;\n\n/** Defines headers for Directory_getProperties operation. */\nexport interface DirectoryGetPropertiesHeaders {\n /** A set of name-value pairs that contain metadata for the directory. */\n metadata?: { [propertyName: string]: string };\n /** The ETag contains a value that you can use to perform operations conditionally, in quotes. */\n etag?: string;\n /** Returns the date and time the Directory was last modified. Operations on files within the directory do not affect the last modified time of the directory. */\n lastModified?: Date;\n /** This header uniquely identifies the request that was made and can be used for troubleshooting the request. */\n requestId?: string;\n /** Indicates the version of the File service used to execute the request. */\n version?: string;\n /** A UTC date/time value generated by the service that indicates the time at which the response was initiated. */\n date?: Date;\n /** The value of this header is set to true if the directory metadata is completely encrypted using the specified algorithm. Otherwise, the value is set to false. */\n isServerEncrypted?: boolean;\n /** Attributes set for the directory. */\n fileAttributes?: string;\n /** Creation time for the directory. */\n fileCreatedOn?: Date;\n /** Last write time for the directory. */\n fileLastWriteOn?: Date;\n /** Change time for the directory. */\n fileChangeOn?: Date;\n /** Key of the permission set for the directory. */\n filePermissionKey?: string;\n /** The fileId of the directory. */\n fileId?: string;\n /** The parent fileId of the directory. */\n fileParentId?: string;\n /** NFS only. The mode of the file or directory. */\n fileMode?: NfsFileMode;\n /** NFS only. The owner of the file or directory. */\n owner?: string;\n /** NFS only. The owning group of the file or directory. */\n group?: string;\n /** NFS only. Type of the file or directory. */\n nfsFileType?: NfsFileType;\n /** Error Code */\n errorCode?: string;\n}\n\n/** Contains response data for the getProperties operation. */\nexport type DirectoryGetPropertiesResponse = WithResponse<\n DirectoryGetPropertiesHeaders,\n DirectoryGetPropertiesHeaders\n>;\n\n/** Contains response data for the listFilesAndDirectoriesSegment operation. */\nexport type DirectoryListFilesAndDirectoriesSegmentResponse = WithResponse<\n DirectoryListFilesAndDirectoriesSegmentHeaders & ListFilesAndDirectoriesSegmentResponse,\n DirectoryListFilesAndDirectoriesSegmentHeaders,\n ListFilesAndDirectoriesSegmentResponse\n>;\n\n/** Contains response data for the listHandles operation. */\nexport type DirectoryListHandlesResponse = WithResponse<\n DirectoryListHandlesHeaders & ListHandlesResponse,\n DirectoryListHandlesHeaders,\n ListHandlesResponse\n>;\n\n/** Contains response data for the setMetadata operation. */\nexport type DirectorySetMetadataResponse = WithResponse<\n DirectorySetMetadataHeaders,\n DirectorySetMetadataHeaders\n>;\n\n/** Defines headers for Directory_setProperties operation. */\nexport interface DirectorySetPropertiesHeaders {\n /** The ETag contains a value which represents the version of the file, in quotes. */\n etag?: string;\n /** This header uniquely identifies the request that was made and can be used for troubleshooting the request. */\n requestId?: string;\n /** Returns the date and time the directory was last modified. Any operation that modifies the directory or its properties updates the last modified time. Operations on files do not affect the last modified time of the directory. */\n lastModified?: Date;\n /** Indicates the version of the File service used to execute the request. */\n version?: string;\n /** A UTC date/time value generated by the service that indicates the time at which the response was initiated. */\n date?: Date;\n /** The value of this header is set to true if the contents of the request are successfully encrypted using the specified algorithm, and false otherwise. */\n isServerEncrypted?: boolean;\n /** Key of the permission set for the directory. */\n filePermissionKey?: string;\n /** Attributes set for the directory. */\n fileAttributes?: string;\n /** Creation time for the directory. */\n fileCreatedOn?: Date;\n /** Last write time for the directory. */\n fileLastWriteOn?: Date;\n /** Change time for the directory. */\n fileChangeOn?: Date;\n /** The fileId of the directory. */\n fileId?: string;\n /** The parent fileId of the directory. */\n fileParentId?: string;\n /** NFS only. The mode of the file or directory. */\n fileMode?: NfsFileMode;\n /** NFS only. The owner of the file or directory. */\n owner?: string;\n /** NFS only. The owning group of the file or directory. */\n group?: string;\n /** Error Code */\n errorCode?: string;\n}\n\n/** Contains response data for the setProperties operation. */\nexport type DirectorySetPropertiesResponse = WithResponse<\n DirectorySetPropertiesHeaders,\n DirectorySetPropertiesHeaders\n>;\n\n/** Contains response data for the abortCopy operation. */\nexport type FileAbortCopyResponse = WithResponse<FileAbortCopyHeaders, FileAbortCopyHeaders>;\n\n/** Defines headers for File_create operation. */\nexport interface FileCreateHeaders {\n /** The ETag contains a value which represents the version of the file, in quotes. */\n etag?: string;\n /** Returns the date and time the share was last modified. Any operation that modifies the directory or its properties updates the last modified time. Operations on files do not affect the last modified time of the directory. */\n lastModified?: Date;\n /** This header uniquely identifies the request that was made and can be used for troubleshooting the request. */\n requestId?: string;\n /** Indicates the version of the File service used to execute the request. */\n version?: string;\n /** A UTC date/time value generated by the service that indicates the time at which the response was initiated. */\n date?: Date;\n /** The value of this header is set to true if the contents of the request are successfully encrypted using the specified algorithm, and false otherwise. */\n isServerEncrypted?: boolean;\n /** Key of the permission set for the file. */\n filePermissionKey?: string;\n /** Attributes set for the file. */\n fileAttributes?: string;\n /** Creation time for the file. */\n fileCreatedOn?: Date;\n /** Last write time for the file. */\n fileLastWriteOn?: Date;\n /** Change time for the file. */\n fileChangeOn?: Date;\n /** The fileId of the file. */\n fileId?: string;\n /** The parent fileId of the file. */\n fileParentId?: string;\n /** NFS only. The mode of the file or directory. */\n fileMode?: NfsFileMode;\n /** NFS only. The owner of the file or directory. */\n owner?: string;\n /** NFS only. The owning group of the file or directory. */\n group?: string;\n /** NFS only. Type of the file or directory. */\n nfsFileType?: NfsFileType;\n /** Error Code */\n errorCode?: string;\n}\n\n/** Contains response data for the create operation. */\nexport type FileCreateResponse = WithResponse<FileCreateHeaders, FileCreateHeaders>;\n\n/** Contains response data for the delete operation. */\nexport type FileDeleteResponse = WithResponse<FileDeleteHeaders, FileDeleteHeaders>;\n\n/** Defines headers for File_createHardLink operation. */\nexport interface FileCreateHardLinkHeaders {\n /** The ETag contains a value which represents the version of the file, in quotes. */\n etag?: string;\n /** Returns the date and time the share was last modified. Any operation that modifies the directory or its properties updates the last modified time. Operations on files do not affect the last modified time of the directory. */\n lastModified?: Date;\n /** This header uniquely identifies the request that was made and can be used for troubleshooting the request. */\n requestId?: string;\n /** Indicates the version of the File service used to execute the request. */\n version?: string;\n /** A UTC date/time value generated by the service that indicates the time at which the response was initiated. */\n date?: Date;\n /** Creation time for the file. */\n fileCreationTime?: Date;\n /** Last write time for the file. */\n fileLastWriteTime?: Date;\n /** Change time for the file. */\n fileChangeTime?: Date;\n /** The fileId of the file. */\n fileId?: string;\n /** The parent fileId of the directory. */\n fileParentId?: string;\n /** If a client request id header is sent in the request, this header will be present in the response with the same value. */\n clientRequestId?: string;\n /** NFS only. The link count of the file or directory. */\n linkCount?: number;\n /** NFS only. The mode of the file or directory. */\n fileMode?: NfsFileMode;\n /** NFS only. The owner of the file or directory. */\n owner?: string;\n /** NFS only. The owning group of the file or directory. */\n group?: string;\n /** NFS only. Type of the file or directory. */\n nfsFileType?: NfsFileType;\n}\n\n/** Contains response data for the create hard link operation. */\nexport type FileCreateHardLinkResponse = WithResponse<\n FileCreateHardLinkHeaders,\n FileCreateHardLinkHeaders\n>;\n\n/** Defines headers for File_getProperties operation. */\nexport interface FileGetPropertiesHeaders {\n /** Returns the date and time the file was last modified. The date format follows RFC 1123. Any operation that modifies the file or its properties updates the last modified time. */\n lastModified?: Date;\n /** A set of name-value pairs associated with this file as user-defined metadata. */\n metadata?: { [propertyName: string]: string };\n /** Returns the type File. Reserved for future use. */\n fileType?: string;\n /** The size of the file in bytes. This header returns the value of the 'x-ms-content-length' header that is stored with the file. */\n contentLength?: number;\n /** The content type specified for the file. The default content type is 'application/octet-stream' */\n contentType?: string;\n /** The ETag contains a value that you can use to perform operations conditionally, in quotes. */\n etag?: string;\n /** If the Content-MD5 header has been set for the file, the Content-MD5 response header is returned so that the client can check for message content integrity. */\n contentMD5?: Uint8Array;\n /** If the Content-Encoding request header has previously been set for the file, the Content-Encoding value is returned in this header. */\n contentEncoding?: string;\n /** If the Cache-Control request header has previously been set for the file, the Cache-Control value is returned in this header. */\n cacheControl?: string;\n /** Returns the value that was specified for the 'x-ms-content-disposition' header and specifies how to process the response. */\n contentDisposition?: string;\n /** Returns the value that was specified for the Content-Language request header. */\n contentLanguage?: string;\n /** This header uniquely identifies the request that was made and can be used for troubleshooting the request. */\n requestId?: string;\n /** Indicates the version of the File service used to execute the request. */\n version?: string;\n /** A UTC date/time value generated by the service that indicates the time at which the response was initiated. */\n date?: Date;\n /** Conclusion time of the last attempted Copy File operation where this file was the destination file. This value can specify the time of a completed, aborted, or failed copy attempt. */\n copyCompletedOn?: Date;\n /** Only appears when x-ms-copy-status is failed or pending. Describes cause of fatal or non-fatal copy operation failure. */\n copyStatusDescription?: string;\n /** String identifier for the last attempted Copy File operation where this file was the destination file. */\n copyId?: string;\n /** Contains the number of bytes copied and the total bytes in the source in the last attempted Copy File operation where this file was the destination file. Can show between 0 and Content-Length bytes copied. */\n copyProgress?: string;\n /** URL up to 2KB in length that specifies the source file used in the last attempted Copy File operation where this file was the destination file. */\n copySource?: string;\n /** State of the copy operation identified by 'x-ms-copy-id'. */\n copyStatus?: CopyStatusType;\n /** The value of this header is set to true if the file data and application metadata are completely encrypted using the specified algorithm. Otherwise, the value is set to false (when the file is unencrypted, or if only parts of the file/application metadata are encrypted). */\n isServerEncrypted?: boolean;\n /** Attributes set for the file. */\n fileAttributes?: string;\n /** Creation time for the file. */\n fileCreatedOn?: Date;\n /** Last write time for the file. */\n fileLastWriteOn?: Date;\n /** Change time for the file. */\n fileChangeOn?: Date;\n /** Key of the permission set for the file. */\n filePermissionKey?: string;\n /** The fileId of the file. */\n fileId?: string;\n /** The parent fileId of the file. */\n fileParentId?: string;\n /** When a file is leased, specifies whether the lease is of infinite or fixed duration. */\n leaseDuration?: LeaseDurationType;\n /** Lease state of the file. */\n leaseState?: LeaseStateType;\n /** The current lease status of the file. */\n leaseStatus?: LeaseStatusType;\n /** NFS only. The mode of the file or directory. */\n fileMode?: NfsFileMode;\n /** NFS only. The owner of the file or directory. */\n owner?: string;\n /** NFS only. The owning group of the file or directory. */\n group?: string;\n /** NFS only. The link count of the file or directory. */\n linkCount?: number;\n /** NFS only. Type of the file or directory. */\n nfsFileType?: NfsFileType;\n /** Error Code */\n errorCode?: string;\n}\n\n/** Contains response data for the getProperties operation. */\nexport type FileGetPropertiesResponse = WithResponse<\n FileGetPropertiesHeaders,\n FileGetPropertiesHeaders\n>;\n\n/** Contains response data for the listHandles operation. */\nexport type FileListHandlesResponse = WithResponse<\n FileListHandlesHeaders & ListHandlesResponse,\n FileListHandlesHeaders,\n ListHandlesResponse\n>;\n\n/** Contains response data for the setMetadata operation. */\nexport type FileSetMetadataResponse = WithResponse<FileSetMetadataHeaders, FileSetMetadataHeaders>;\n\n/** Contains response data for the startCopy operation. */\nexport type FileStartCopyResponse = WithResponse<FileStartCopyHeaders, FileStartCopyHeaders>;\n\n/** Contains response data for the uploadRange operation. */\nexport type FileUploadRangeResponse = WithResponse<FileUploadRangeHeaders, FileUploadRangeHeaders>;\n\n/** Contains response data for the getProperties operation. */\nexport type ServiceGetPropertiesResponse = WithResponse<\n ServiceGetPropertiesHeaders & FileServiceProperties,\n ServiceGetPropertiesHeaders,\n FileServiceProperties\n>;\n\n/** Contains response data for the setProperties operation. */\nexport type ServiceSetPropertiesResponse = WithResponse<\n ServiceSetPropertiesHeaders,\n ServiceSetPropertiesHeaders\n>;\n\n/** Contains response data for the createPermission operation. */\nexport type ShareCreatePermissionResponse = WithResponse<\n ShareCreatePermissionHeaders,\n ShareCreatePermissionHeaders\n>;\n\n/** Contains response data for the create operation. */\nexport type ShareCreateResponse = WithResponse<ShareCreateHeaders, ShareCreateHeaders>;\n\n/** Contains response data for the createSnapshot operation. */\nexport type ShareCreateSnapshotResponse = WithResponse<\n ShareCreateSnapshotHeaders,\n ShareCreateSnapshotHeaders\n>;\n\n/** Contains response data for the delete operation. */\nexport type ShareDeleteResponse = WithResponse<ShareDeleteHeaders, ShareDeleteHeaders>;\n\n/** Contains response data for the getPermission operation. */\nexport type ShareGetPermissionResponse = WithResponse<\n ShareGetPermissionHeaders & SharePermission,\n ShareGetPermissionHeaders,\n SharePermission\n>;\n\n/** Contains response data for the setAccessPolicy operation. */\nexport type ShareSetAccessPolicyResponse = WithResponse<\n ShareSetAccessPolicyHeaders,\n ShareGetAccessPolicyHeaders\n>;\n\n/** Contains response data for the setMetadata operation. */\nexport type ShareSetMetadataResponse = WithResponse<\n ShareSetMetadataHeaders,\n ShareSetMetadataHeaders\n>;\n\n/** Contains response data for the setProperties operation. */\nexport type ShareSetPropertiesResponse = WithResponse<\n ShareSetPropertiesHeaders,\n ShareSetPropertiesHeaders\n>;\n\n/** Contains response data for the rename operation. */\nexport type DirectoryRenameResponse = WithResponse<DirectoryRenameHeaders, DirectoryRenameHeaders>;\n\n/** Defines headers for File_download operation. */\nexport interface FileDownloadHeaders {\n /** Returns the date and time the file was last modified. Any operation that modifies the file or its properties updates the last modified time. */\n lastModified?: Date;\n /** A set of name-value pairs associated with this file as user-defined metadata. */\n metadata?: { [propertyName: string]: string };\n /** The number of bytes present in the response body. */\n contentLength?: number;\n /** The content type specified for the file. The default content type is 'application/octet-stream' */\n contentType?: string;\n /** Indicates the range of bytes returned if the client requested a subset of the file by setting the Range request header. */\n contentRange?: string;\n /** The ETag contains a value that you can use to perform operations conditionally, in quotes. */\n etag?: string;\n /** If the file has an MD5 hash and the request is to read the full file, this response header is returned so that the client can check for message content integrity. If the request is to read a specified range and the 'x-ms-range-get-content-md5' is set to true, then the request returns an MD5 hash for the range, as long as the range size is less than or equal to 4 MB. If neither of these sets of conditions is true, then no value is returned for the 'Content-MD5' header. */\n contentMD5?: Uint8Array;\n /** Returns the value that was specified for the Content-Encoding request header. */\n contentEncoding?: string;\n /** Returned if it was previously specified for the file. */\n cacheControl?: string;\n /** Returns the value that was specified for the 'x-ms-content-disposition' header and specifies how to process the response. */\n contentDisposition?: string;\n /** Returns the value that was specified for the Content-Language request header. */\n contentLanguage?: string;\n /** This header uniquely identifies the request that was made and can be used for troubleshooting the request. */\n requestId?: string;\n /** Indicates the version of the File service used to execute the request. */\n version?: string;\n /** Indicates that the service supports requests for partial file content. */\n acceptRanges?: string;\n /** A UTC date/time value generated by the service that indicates the time at which the response was initiated. */\n date?: Date;\n /** Conclusion time of the last attempted Copy File operation where this file was the destination file. This value can specify the time of a completed, aborted, or failed copy attempt. */\n copyCompletedOn?: Date;\n /** Only appears when x-ms-copy-status is failed or pending. Describes cause of fatal or non-fatal copy operation failure. */\n copyStatusDescription?: string;\n /** String identifier for the last attempted Copy File operation where this file was the destination file. */\n copyId?: string;\n /** Contains the number of bytes copied and the total bytes in the source in the last attempted Copy File operation where this file was the destination file. Can show between 0 and Content-Length bytes copied. */\n copyProgress?: string;\n /** URL up to 2KB in length that specifies the source file used in the last attempted Copy File operation where this file was the destination file. */\n copySource?: string;\n /** State of the copy operation identified by 'x-ms-copy-id'. */\n copyStatus?: CopyStatusType;\n /** If the file has a MD5 hash, and if request contains range header (Range or x-ms-range), this response header is returned with the value of the whole file's MD5 value. This value may or may not be equal to the value returned in Content-MD5 header, with the latter calculated from the requested range. */\n fileContentMD5?: Uint8Array;\n /** The value of this header is set to true if the file data and application metadata are completely encrypted using the specified algorithm. Otherwise, the value is set to false (when the file is unencrypted, or if only parts of the file/application metadata are encrypted). */\n isServerEncrypted?: boolean;\n /** Attributes set for the file. */\n fileAttributes?: string;\n /** Creation time for the file. */\n fileCreatedOn?: Date;\n /** Last write time for the file. */\n fileLastWriteOn?: Date;\n /** Change time for the file. */\n fileChangeOn?: Date;\n /** Key of the permission set for the file. */\n filePermissionKey?: string;\n /** The fileId of the file. */\n fileId?: string;\n /** The parent fileId of the file. */\n fileParentId?: string;\n /** When a file is leased, specifies whether the lease is of infinite or fixed duration. */\n leaseDuration?: LeaseDurationType;\n /** Lease state of the file. */\n leaseState?: LeaseStateType;\n /** The current lease status of the file. */\n leaseStatus?: LeaseStatusType;\n /** NFS only. The mode of the file or directory. */\n fileMode?: NfsFileMode;\n /** NFS only. The owner of the file or directory. */\n owner?: string;\n /** NFS only. The owning group of the file or directory. */\n group?: string;\n /** NFS only. The link count of the file or directory. */\n linkCount?: number;\n /** Error Code */\n errorCode?: string;\n}\n\n/** Contains response data for the download operation. */\nexport type FileDownloadResponseModel = WithResponse<FileDownloadResponse, FileDownloadHeaders>;\n\n/** Contains response data for the uploadRangeFromURL operation. */\nexport type FileUploadRangeFromURLResponse = WithResponse<\n FileUploadRangeFromURLHeaders,\n FileUploadRangeFromURLHeaders\n>;\n\n/** Contains response data for the getProperties operation. */\nexport type ShareGetPropertiesResponseModel = WithResponse<\n ShareGetPropertiesHeaders,\n ShareGetPropertiesHeaders\n>;\n\n/** Contains response data for the getStatistics operation. */\nexport type ShareGetStatisticsResponseModel = WithResponse<\n ShareGetStatisticsHeaders & ShareStats,\n ShareGetStatisticsHeaders,\n ShareStats\n>;\n\n/** Contains response data for the getRangeList operation. */\nexport type FileGetRangeListDiffResponse = WithResponse<\n FileGetRangeListHeaders & ShareFileRangeList,\n FileGetRangeListHeaders,\n ShareFileRangeList\n>;\n\n/** Contains response data for the setHttpHeaders operation. */\nexport type FileSetHTTPHeadersResponse = WithResponse<\n FileSetHttpHeadersHeaders,\n FileSetHttpHeadersHeaders\n>;\n\n/** Contains response data for the rename operation. */\nexport type FileRenameResponse = WithResponse<FileRenameHeaders, FileRenameHeaders>;\n\n// explicitly exporting types that we need.\n\nexport {\n CopyStatusType,\n DeleteSnapshotsOptionType,\n FileDownloadOptionalParams,\n FileGetRangeListHeaders,\n FileLastWrittenMode,\n FileServiceProperties,\n FileUploadRangeFromURLOptionalParams,\n PermissionCopyModeType,\n ListSharesIncludeType,\n FileRange as RangeModel,\n ShareGetAccessPolicyHeaders,\n ShareItemInternal,\n SignedIdentifier as SignedIdentifierModel,\n SourceModifiedAccessConditions,\n FileForceCloseHandlesHeaders,\n DirectoryForceCloseHandlesHeaders,\n DirectoryDeleteHeaders,\n DirectoryListFilesAndDirectoriesSegmentHeaders,\n DirectoryRenameHeaders,\n DirectoryListHandlesHeaders,\n DirectorySetMetadataHeaders,\n FileAbortCopyHeaders,\n FileDeleteHeaders,\n FilePermissionFormat,\n FileProperty,\n FileListHandlesHeaders,\n FileRenameHeaders,\n CorsRule,\n Metrics,\n ModeCopyMode,\n NfsFileType,\n FileSetMetadataHeaders,\n FileStartCopyHeaders,\n FileUploadRangeFromURLHeaders,\n FileUploadRangeHeaders,\n OwnerCopyMode,\n ServiceGetPropertiesHeaders,\n ListSharesResponse as ListSharesResponseModel,\n RetentionPolicy,\n ServiceListSharesSegmentHeaders,\n ServiceSetPropertiesHeaders,\n ShareCreatePermissionHeaders,\n ShareCreateHeaders,\n ShareCreateSnapshotHeaders,\n ShareDeleteHeaders,\n SharePermission,\n ShareGetPermissionHeaders,\n ShareGetPropertiesHeaders,\n ShareStats,\n ShareGetStatisticsHeaders,\n SharePropertiesInternal,\n ShareSetAccessPolicyHeaders,\n ShareSetMetadataHeaders,\n ShareSetPropertiesHeaders,\n ShareTokenIntent,\n AccessPolicy,\n LeaseAccessConditions,\n LeaseDurationType,\n LeaseStateType,\n LeaseStatusType,\n CopyFileSmbInfo,\n ShareProtocolSettings,\n ShareSmbSettings,\n SmbMultichannel,\n ShareFileRangeList,\n ClearRange,\n ShareAccessTier,\n ShareRootSquash,\n} from \"./generated/src/models\";\n\nexport {\n FileDownloadResponse as RawFileDownloadResponse,\n FileSetHttpHeadersHeaders as FileSetHTTPHeadersHeaders,\n} from \"./models\";\n/** Known values of {@link ShareTokenIntent} that the service accepts. */\nexport enum KnownShareTokenIntent {\n Backup = \"backup\",\n}\n\n/**\n * Contains response data for the setQuota operation.\n */\nexport type ShareSetQuotaResponse = WithResponse<ShareSetQuotaHeaders, ShareSetQuotaHeaders>;\n\n/**\n * Defines headers for setQuota operation.\n */\nexport type ShareSetQuotaHeaders = ShareSetPropertiesHeaders;\n\n/** A listed file item. */\nexport interface FileItem {\n name: string;\n fileId?: string;\n /** File properties. */\n properties: FileProperty;\n attributes?: string;\n permissionKey?: string;\n}\n\n/** A listed directory item. */\nexport interface DirectoryItem {\n name: string;\n fileId?: string;\n /** File properties. */\n properties?: FileProperty;\n attributes?: string;\n permissionKey?: string;\n}\n\n/** Abstract for entries that can be listed from Directory. */\nexport interface FilesAndDirectoriesListSegment {\n directoryItems: DirectoryItem[];\n fileItems: FileItem[];\n}\n\n/** An enumeration of directories and files. */\nexport interface ListFilesAndDirectoriesSegmentResponse {\n serviceEndpoint: string;\n shareName: string;\n shareSnapshot?: string;\n directoryPath: string;\n prefix: string;\n marker?: string;\n maxResults?: number;\n /** Abstract for entries that can be listed from Directory. */\n segment: FilesAndDirectoriesListSegment;\n continuationToken: string;\n directoryId?: string;\n}\n\n/** Defines values for AccessRight. */\nexport type ShareFileHandleAccessRights = \"Read\" | \"Write\" | \"Delete\";\n\n/** A listed Azure Storage handle item. */\nexport interface HandleItem {\n /** XSMB service handle ID */\n handleId: string;\n /** File or directory name including full path starting from share root */\n path: string;\n /** FileId uniquely identifies the file or directory. */\n fileId: string;\n /** ParentId uniquely identifies the parent directory of the object. */\n parentId?: string;\n /** SMB session ID in context of which the file handle was opened */\n sessionId: string;\n /** Client IP that opened the handle */\n clientIp: string;\n /** Name of the client machine where the share is being mounted */\n clientName: string;\n /** Time when the session that previously opened the handle has last been reconnected. (UTC) */\n openTime: Date;\n /** Time handle was last connected to (UTC) */\n lastReconnectTime?: Date;\n accessRightList?: ShareFileHandleAccessRights[];\n}\n\n/** An enumeration of handles. */\nexport interface ListHandlesResponse {\n handleList?: HandleItem[];\n continuationToken: string;\n}\n"]}
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import { RestError } from "@azure/core-rest-pipeline";
  export * from "./Clients";
  export * from "../../storage-blob/src/credentials/AnonymousCredential";
  export * from "../../storage-blob/src/credentials/Credential";
+ export { parseOctalFileMode, toOctalFileMode, parseSymbolicFileMode, toSymbolicFileMode, } from "./utils/utils.common";
  export * from "./FileSystemAttributes";
  export { Pipeline, isPipelineLike, newPipeline, } from "./Pipeline";
  export { BaseRequestPolicy } from "../../storage-blob/src/policies/RequestPolicy";
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"version":3,"file":"index.browser.js","sourceRoot":"","sources":["../../../src/index.browser.ts"],"names":[],"mappings":"AAAA,uCAAuC;AACvC,kCAAkC;AAElC,OAAO,EAAE,SAAS,EAAE,MAAM,2BAA2B,CAAC;AAEtD,cAAc,WAAW,CAAC;AAC1B,cAAc,wDAAwD,CAAC;AACvE,cAAc,+CAA+C,CAAC;AAY9D,cAAc,wBAAwB,CAAC;AACvC,OAAO,EACL,QAAQ,EAGR,cAAc,EACd,WAAW,GAGZ,MAAM,YAAY,CAAC;AACpB,OAAO,EAAE,iBAAiB,EAAE,MAAM,+CAA+C,CAAC;AAClF,cAAc,2DAA2D,CAAC;AAC1E,cAAc,kDAAkD,CAAC;AACjE,cAAc,6BAA6B,CAAC;AAC5C,cAAc,oDAAoD,CAAC;AACnE,cAAc,sBAAsB,CAAC;AAErC,cAAc,mBAAmB,CAAC;AAQlC,OAAO,EAAE,SAAS,EAAE,CAAC;AACrB,OAAO,EAAE,MAAM,EAAE,MAAM,OAAO,CAAC","sourcesContent":["// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT License.\n\nimport { RestError } from \"@azure/core-rest-pipeline\";\n\nexport * from \"./Clients\";\nexport * from \"../../storage-blob/src/credentials/AnonymousCredential\";\nexport * from \"../../storage-blob/src/credentials/Credential\";\nexport { SasIPRange } from \"./SasIPRange\";\nexport { Range } from \"./Range\";\nexport {\n FilePermissionInheritType,\n FilePermissionPreserveType,\n TimeNowType,\n TimePreserveType,\n FileAttributesPreserveType,\n CloseHandlesInfo,\n HttpAuthorization,\n} from \"./models\";\nexport * from \"./FileSystemAttributes\";\nexport {\n Pipeline,\n PipelineLike,\n PipelineOptions,\n isPipelineLike,\n newPipeline,\n StoragePipelineOptions,\n ServiceClientOptions,\n} from \"./Pipeline\";\nexport { BaseRequestPolicy } from \"../../storage-blob/src/policies/RequestPolicy\";\nexport * from \"../../storage-blob/src/policies/AnonymousCredentialPolicy\";\nexport * from \"../../storage-blob/src/policies/CredentialPolicy\";\nexport * from \"./StorageRetryPolicyFactory\";\nexport * from \"../../storage-blob/src/StorageBrowserPolicyFactory\";\nexport * from \"./ShareServiceClient\";\nexport { CommonOptions } from \"./StorageClient\";\nexport * from \"./generatedModels\";\nexport {\n WithResponse,\n ResponseLike,\n ResponseWithBody,\n ResponseWithHeaders,\n HttpResponse,\n} from \"./utils/utils.common\";\nexport { RestError };\nexport { logger } from \"./log\";\n"]}
+ {"version":3,"file":"index.browser.js","sourceRoot":"","sources":["../../../src/index.browser.ts"],"names":[],"mappings":"AAAA,uCAAuC;AACvC,kCAAkC;AAElC,OAAO,EAAE,SAAS,EAAE,MAAM,2BAA2B,CAAC;AAEtD,cAAc,WAAW,CAAC;AAC1B,cAAc,wDAAwD,CAAC;AACvE,cAAc,+CAA+C,CAAC;AAY9D,OAAO,EACL,kBAAkB,EAClB,eAAe,EACf,qBAAqB,EACrB,kBAAkB,GACnB,MAAM,sBAAsB,CAAC;AAC9B,cAAc,wBAAwB,CAAC;AACvC,OAAO,EACL,QAAQ,EAGR,cAAc,EACd,WAAW,GAGZ,MAAM,YAAY,CAAC;AACpB,OAAO,EAAE,iBAAiB,EAAE,MAAM,+CAA+C,CAAC;AAClF,cAAc,2DAA2D,CAAC;AAC1E,cAAc,kDAAkD,CAAC;AACjE,cAAc,6BAA6B,CAAC;AAC5C,cAAc,oDAAoD,CAAC;AACnE,cAAc,sBAAsB,CAAC;AAErC,cAAc,mBAAmB,CAAC;AAQlC,OAAO,EAAE,SAAS,EAAE,CAAC;AACrB,OAAO,EAAE,MAAM,EAAE,MAAM,OAAO,CAAC","sourcesContent":["// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT License.\n\nimport { RestError } from \"@azure/core-rest-pipeline\";\n\nexport * from \"./Clients\";\nexport * from \"../../storage-blob/src/credentials/AnonymousCredential\";\nexport * from \"../../storage-blob/src/credentials/Credential\";\nexport { SasIPRange } from \"./SasIPRange\";\nexport { Range } from \"./Range\";\nexport {\n FilePermissionInheritType,\n FilePermissionPreserveType,\n TimeNowType,\n TimePreserveType,\n FileAttributesPreserveType,\n CloseHandlesInfo,\n HttpAuthorization,\n} from \"./models\";\nexport {\n parseOctalFileMode,\n toOctalFileMode,\n parseSymbolicFileMode,\n toSymbolicFileMode,\n} from \"./utils/utils.common\";\nexport * from \"./FileSystemAttributes\";\nexport {\n Pipeline,\n PipelineLike,\n PipelineOptions,\n isPipelineLike,\n newPipeline,\n StoragePipelineOptions,\n ServiceClientOptions,\n} from \"./Pipeline\";\nexport { BaseRequestPolicy } from \"../../storage-blob/src/policies/RequestPolicy\";\nexport * from \"../../storage-blob/src/policies/AnonymousCredentialPolicy\";\nexport * from \"../../storage-blob/src/policies/CredentialPolicy\";\nexport * from \"./StorageRetryPolicyFactory\";\nexport * from \"../../storage-blob/src/StorageBrowserPolicyFactory\";\nexport * from \"./ShareServiceClient\";\nexport { CommonOptions } from \"./StorageClient\";\nexport * from \"./generatedModels\";\nexport {\n WithResponse,\n ResponseLike,\n ResponseWithBody,\n ResponseWithHeaders,\n HttpResponse,\n} from \"./utils/utils.common\";\nexport { RestError };\nexport { logger } from \"./log\";\n"]}
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ export * from "./AccountSASResourceTypes";
  export * from "./AccountSASServices";
  export { generateAccountSASQueryParameters, } from "./AccountSASSignatureValues";
  export * from "./FileSASPermissions";
+ export { parseOctalFileMode, toOctalFileMode, parseSymbolicFileMode, toSymbolicFileMode, } from "./utils/utils.common";
  export { generateFileSASQueryParameters } from "./FileSASSignatureValues";
  export * from "./Clients";
  export * from "./ShareSASPermissions";
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"version":3,"file":"index.js","sourceRoot":"","sources":["../../../src/index.ts"],"names":[],"mappings":"AAAA,uCAAuC;AACvC,kCAAkC;AAElC,OAAO,EAAE,SAAS,EAAE,MAAM,2BAA2B,CAAC;AAEtD,cAAc,yBAAyB,CAAC;AACxC,cAAc,2BAA2B,CAAC;AAC1C,cAAc,sBAAsB,CAAC;AACrC,OAAO,EAEL,iCAAiC,GAClC,MAAM,6BAA6B,CAAC;AACrC,cAAc,sBAAsB,CAAC;AACrC,OAAO,EAA0B,8BAA8B,EAAE,MAAM,0BAA0B,CAAC;AAClG,cAAc,WAAW,CAAC;AAC1B,cAAc,uBAAuB,CAAC;AACtC,cAAc,wDAAwD,CAAC;AACvE,cAAc,+CAA+C,CAAC;AAC9D,cAAc,+DAA+D,CAAC;AAG9E,OAAO,EAaL,mBAAmB,EACnB,6BAA6B,GAC9B,MAAM,UAAU,CAAC;AAClB,cAAc,wBAAwB,CAAC;AACvC,OAAO,EAAE,iBAAiB,EAAE,MAAM,+CAA+C,CAAC;AAClF,OAAO,EACL,QAAQ,EAGR,cAAc,EACd,WAAW,EAUX,kBAAkB,GAEnB,MAAM,YAAY,CAAC;AACpB,cAAc,2DAA2D,CAAC;AAC1E,cAAc,kDAAkD,CAAC;AACjE,cAAc,6BAA6B,CAAC;AAC5C,cAAc,kEAAkE,CAAC;AACjF,cAAc,oDAAoD,CAAC;AACnE,cAAc,sBAAsB,CAAC;AACrC,cAAc,sBAAsB,CAAC;AAErC,cAAc,mBAAmB,CAAC;AAQlC,OAAO,EAAE,SAAS,EAAE,CAAC;AACrB,OAAO,EAAE,MAAM,EAAE,MAAM,OAAO,CAAC","sourcesContent":["// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT License.\n\nimport { RestError } from \"@azure/core-rest-pipeline\";\n\nexport * from \"./AccountSASPermissions\";\nexport * from \"./AccountSASResourceTypes\";\nexport * from \"./AccountSASServices\";\nexport {\n AccountSASSignatureValues,\n generateAccountSASQueryParameters,\n} from \"./AccountSASSignatureValues\";\nexport * from \"./FileSASPermissions\";\nexport { FileSASSignatureValues, generateFileSASQueryParameters } from \"./FileSASSignatureValues\";\nexport * from \"./Clients\";\nexport * from \"./ShareSASPermissions\";\nexport * from \"../../storage-blob/src/credentials/AnonymousCredential\";\nexport * from \"../../storage-blob/src/credentials/Credential\";\nexport * from \"../../storage-blob/src/credentials/StorageSharedKeyCredential\";\nexport { SasIPRange } from \"./SasIPRange\";\nexport { Range } from \"./Range\";\nexport {\n FileAndDirectoryCreateCommonOptions,\n FileAndDirectorySetPropertiesCommonOptions,\n FileHttpHeaders,\n FilePermissionInheritType,\n FilePermissionPreserveType,\n Metadata,\n TimeNowType,\n TimePreserveType,\n FileAttributesPreserveType,\n CloseHandlesInfo,\n ShareProtocols,\n HttpAuthorization,\n StorageFileAudience,\n getFileServiceAccountAudience,\n} from \"./models\";\nexport * from \"./FileSystemAttributes\";\nexport { BaseRequestPolicy } from \"../../storage-blob/src/policies/RequestPolicy\";\nexport {\n Pipeline,\n PipelineLike,\n PipelineOptions,\n isPipelineLike,\n newPipeline,\n StoragePipelineOptions,\n RequestPolicyFactory,\n RequestPolicy,\n RequestPolicyOptions,\n WebResource,\n HttpOperationResponse,\n HttpHeaders,\n HttpRequestBody,\n IHttpClient,\n StorageOAuthScopes,\n ServiceClientOptions,\n} from \"./Pipeline\";\nexport * from \"../../storage-blob/src/policies/AnonymousCredentialPolicy\";\nexport * from \"../../storage-blob/src/policies/CredentialPolicy\";\nexport * from \"./StorageRetryPolicyFactory\";\nexport * from \"../../storage-blob/src/policies/StorageSharedKeyCredentialPolicy\";\nexport * from \"../../storage-blob/src/StorageBrowserPolicyFactory\";\nexport * from \"./ShareServiceClient\";\nexport * from \"./SASQueryParameters\";\nexport { CommonOptions } from \"./StorageClient\";\nexport * from \"./generatedModels\";\nexport {\n WithResponse,\n ResponseLike,\n ResponseWithBody,\n ResponseWithHeaders,\n HttpResponse,\n} from \"./utils/utils.common\";\nexport { RestError };\nexport { logger } from \"./log\";\n"]}
+ {"version":3,"file":"index.js","sourceRoot":"","sources":["../../../src/index.ts"],"names":[],"mappings":"AAAA,uCAAuC;AACvC,kCAAkC;AAElC,OAAO,EAAE,SAAS,EAAE,MAAM,2BAA2B,CAAC;AAEtD,cAAc,yBAAyB,CAAC;AACxC,cAAc,2BAA2B,CAAC;AAC1C,cAAc,sBAAsB,CAAC;AACrC,OAAO,EAEL,iCAAiC,GAClC,MAAM,6BAA6B,CAAC;AACrC,cAAc,sBAAsB,CAAC;AACrC,OAAO,EACL,kBAAkB,EAClB,eAAe,EACf,qBAAqB,EACrB,kBAAkB,GACnB,MAAM,sBAAsB,CAAC;AAC9B,OAAO,EAA0B,8BAA8B,EAAE,MAAM,0BAA0B,CAAC;AAClG,cAAc,WAAW,CAAC;AAC1B,cAAc,uBAAuB,CAAC;AACtC,cAAc,wDAAwD,CAAC;AACvE,cAAc,+CAA+C,CAAC;AAC9D,cAAc,+DAA+D,CAAC;AAG9E,OAAO,EAgBL,mBAAmB,EACnB,6BAA6B,GAC9B,MAAM,UAAU,CAAC;AAClB,cAAc,wBAAwB,CAAC;AACvC,OAAO,EAAE,iBAAiB,EAAE,MAAM,+CAA+C,CAAC;AAClF,OAAO,EACL,QAAQ,EAGR,cAAc,EACd,WAAW,EAUX,kBAAkB,GAEnB,MAAM,YAAY,CAAC;AACpB,cAAc,2DAA2D,CAAC;AAC1E,cAAc,kDAAkD,CAAC;AACjE,cAAc,6BAA6B,CAAC;AAC5C,cAAc,kEAAkE,CAAC;AACjF,cAAc,oDAAoD,CAAC;AACnE,cAAc,sBAAsB,CAAC;AACrC,cAAc,sBAAsB,CAAC;AAErC,cAAc,mBAAmB,CAAC;AAQlC,OAAO,EAAE,SAAS,EAAE,CAAC;AACrB,OAAO,EAAE,MAAM,EAAE,MAAM,OAAO,CAAC","sourcesContent":["// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT License.\n\nimport { RestError } from \"@azure/core-rest-pipeline\";\n\nexport * from \"./AccountSASPermissions\";\nexport * from \"./AccountSASResourceTypes\";\nexport * from \"./AccountSASServices\";\nexport {\n AccountSASSignatureValues,\n generateAccountSASQueryParameters,\n} from \"./AccountSASSignatureValues\";\nexport * from \"./FileSASPermissions\";\nexport {\n parseOctalFileMode,\n toOctalFileMode,\n parseSymbolicFileMode,\n toSymbolicFileMode,\n} from \"./utils/utils.common\";\nexport { FileSASSignatureValues, generateFileSASQueryParameters } from \"./FileSASSignatureValues\";\nexport * from \"./Clients\";\nexport * from \"./ShareSASPermissions\";\nexport * from \"../../storage-blob/src/credentials/AnonymousCredential\";\nexport * from \"../../storage-blob/src/credentials/Credential\";\nexport * from \"../../storage-blob/src/credentials/StorageSharedKeyCredential\";\nexport { SasIPRange } from \"./SasIPRange\";\nexport { Range } from \"./Range\";\nexport {\n FileAndDirectoryCreateCommonOptions,\n FileAndDirectorySetPropertiesCommonOptions,\n FileHttpHeaders,\n FilePermissionInheritType,\n FilePermissionPreserveType,\n PosixRolePermissions,\n NfsFileMode,\n FilePosixProperties,\n Metadata,\n TimeNowType,\n TimePreserveType,\n FileAttributesPreserveType,\n CloseHandlesInfo,\n ShareProtocols,\n HttpAuthorization,\n StorageFileAudience,\n getFileServiceAccountAudience,\n} from \"./models\";\nexport * from \"./FileSystemAttributes\";\nexport { BaseRequestPolicy } from \"../../storage-blob/src/policies/RequestPolicy\";\nexport {\n Pipeline,\n PipelineLike,\n PipelineOptions,\n isPipelineLike,\n newPipeline,\n StoragePipelineOptions,\n RequestPolicyFactory,\n RequestPolicy,\n RequestPolicyOptions,\n WebResource,\n HttpOperationResponse,\n HttpHeaders,\n HttpRequestBody,\n IHttpClient,\n StorageOAuthScopes,\n ServiceClientOptions,\n} from \"./Pipeline\";\nexport * from \"../../storage-blob/src/policies/AnonymousCredentialPolicy\";\nexport * from \"../../storage-blob/src/policies/CredentialPolicy\";\nexport * from \"./StorageRetryPolicyFactory\";\nexport * from \"../../storage-blob/src/policies/StorageSharedKeyCredentialPolicy\";\nexport * from \"../../storage-blob/src/StorageBrowserPolicyFactory\";\nexport * from \"./ShareServiceClient\";\nexport * from \"./SASQueryParameters\";\nexport { CommonOptions } from \"./StorageClient\";\nexport * from \"./generatedModels\";\nexport {\n WithResponse,\n ResponseLike,\n ResponseWithBody,\n ResponseWithHeaders,\n HttpResponse,\n} from \"./utils/utils.common\";\nexport { RestError };\nexport { logger } from \"./log\";\n"]}
@@ -51,15 +51,6 @@ export function validateAndSetDefaultsForFileAndDirectoryCreateCommonOptions(opt
  options = {};
  validateFilePermissionOptions(options.filePermission, options.filePermissionKey);
- if (!options.creationTime) {
- options.creationTime = "now";
- }
- if (!options.lastWriteTime) {
- options.lastWriteTime = "now";
- }
- if (!options.filePermission && !options.filePermissionKey) {
- options.filePermission = "inherit";
- }
  return options;
  export function validateAndSetDefaultsForFileAndDirectorySetPropertiesCommonOptions(options) {
@@ -68,18 +59,6 @@ export function validateAndSetDefaultsForFileAndDirectorySetPropertiesCommonOpti
  options = {};
  validateFilePermissionOptions(options.filePermission, options.filePermissionKey);
- if (!options.creationTime) {
- options.creationTime = "preserve";
- }
- if (!options.lastWriteTime) {
- options.lastWriteTime = "preserve";
- }
- if (!options.fileAttributes) {
- options.fileAttributes = "preserve";
- }
- if (!options.filePermission && !options.filePermissionKey) {
- options.filePermission = "preserve";
- }
  return options;
  export function fileAttributesToString(fileAttributes) {
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"version":3,"file":"models.js","sourceRoot":"","sources":["../../../src/models.ts"],"names":[],"mappings":"AAAA,uCAAuC;AACvC,kCAAkC;AAClC,OAAO,EAAE,oBAAoB,EAAE,MAAM,wBAAwB,CAAC;AAC9D,OAAO,EAAE,oBAAoB,EAAE,MAAM,sBAAsB,CAAC;AAC5D,OAAO,EAAE,MAAM,EAAE,MAAM,OAAO,CAAC;AAkO/B;;;;GAIG;AACH,MAAM,UAAU,gBAAgB,CAAC,eAAwB;IACvD,IAAI,eAAe,KAAK,SAAS,EAAE,CAAC;QAClC,OAAO,SAAS,CAAC;IACnB,CAAC;IAED,MAAM,gBAAgB,GAAG,eAAe,CAAC,KAAK,CAAC,GAAG,CAAC,CAAC;IACpD,MAAM,SAAS,GAAmB,EAAE,CAAC;IACrC,KAAK,MAAM,QAAQ,IAAI,gBAAgB,EAAE,CAAC;QACxC,IAAI,QAAQ,KAAK,KAAK,EAAE,CAAC;YACvB,SAAS,CAAC,UAAU,GAAG,IAAI,CAAC;QAC9B,CAAC;aAAM,IAAI,QAAQ,KAAK,KAAK,EAAE,CAAC;YAC9B,SAAS,CAAC,UAAU,GAAG,IAAI,CAAC;QAC9B,CAAC;IACH,CAAC;IACD,OAAO,SAAS,CAAC;AACnB,CAAC;AAED;;;;GAIG;AACH,MAAM,UAAU,sBAAsB,CAAC,YAA4B,EAAE;IACnE,IAAI,WAAW,GAAG,SAAS,CAAC;IAE5B,IAAI,SAAS,CAAC,UAAU,KAAK,IAAI,EAAE,CAAC;QAClC,WAAW,GAAG,KAAK,CAAC;IACtB,CAAC;IACD,IAAI,SAAS,CAAC,UAAU,KAAK,IAAI,EAAE,CAAC;QAClC,MAAM,CAAC,IAAI,CACT,6GAA6G,CAC9G,CAAC;QACF,WAAW,GAAG,KAAK,CAAC;IACtB,CAAC;IACD,OAAO,WAAW,CAAC;AACrB,CAAC;AAED,MAAM,UAAU,6BAA6B,CAC3C,cAAuB,EACvB,iBAA0B;IAE1B,IAAI,cAAc,IAAI,iBAAiB,EAAE,CAAC;QACxC,MAAM,IAAI,UAAU,CAAC,mEAAmE,CAAC,CAAC;IAC5F,CAAC;AACH,CAAC;AAED,MAAM,UAAU,4DAA4D,CAC1E,OAA4C;IAE5C,6CAA6C;IAE7C,IAAI,CAAC,OAAO,EAAE,CAAC;QACb,OAAO,GAAG,EAAE,CAAC;IACf,CAAC;IAED,6BAA6B,CAAC,OAAO,CAAC,cAAc,EAAE,OAAO,CAAC,iBAAiB,CAAC,CAAC;IAEjF,IAAI,CAAC,OAAO,CAAC,YAAY,EAAE,CAAC;QAC1B,OAAO,CAAC,YAAY,GAAG,KAAK,CAAC;IAC/B,CAAC;IAED,IAAI,CAAC,OAAO,CAAC,aAAa,EAAE,CAAC;QAC3B,OAAO,CAAC,aAAa,GAAG,KAAK,CAAC;IAChC,CAAC;IAED,IAAI,CAAC,OAAO,CAAC,cAAc,IAAI,CAAC,OAAO,CAAC,iBAAiB,EAAE,CAAC;QAC1D,OAAO,CAAC,cAAc,GAAG,SAAS,CAAC;IACrC,CAAC;IAED,OAAO,OAAO,CAAC;AACjB,CAAC;AAED,MAAM,UAAU,mEAAmE,CACjF,OAAmD;IAEnD,6CAA6C;IAE7C,IAAI,CAAC,OAAO,EAAE,CAAC;QACb,OAAO,GAAG,EAAE,CAAC;IACf,CAAC;IAED,6BAA6B,CAAC,OAAO,CAAC,cAAc,EAAE,OAAO,CAAC,iBAAiB,CAAC,CAAC;IAEjF,IAAI,CAAC,OAAO,CAAC,YAAY,EAAE,CAAC;QAC1B,OAAO,CAAC,YAAY,GAAG,UAAU,CAAC;IACpC,CAAC;IAED,IAAI,CAAC,OAAO,CAAC,aAAa,EAAE,CAAC;QAC3B,OAAO,CAAC,aAAa,GAAG,UAAU,CAAC;IACrC,CAAC;IAED,IAAI,CAAC,OAAO,CAAC,cAAc,EAAE,CAAC;QAC5B,OAAO,CAAC,cAAc,GAAG,UAAU,CAAC;IACtC,CAAC;IAED,IAAI,CAAC,OAAO,CAAC,cAAc,IAAI,CAAC,OAAO,CAAC,iBAAiB,EAAE,CAAC;QAC1D,OAAO,CAAC,cAAc,GAAG,UAAU,CAAC;IACtC,CAAC;IAED,OAAO,OAAO,CAAC;AACjB,CAAC;AAED,MAAM,UAAU,sBAAsB,CACpC,cAAiE;IAEjE,OAAO,cAAc,YAAY,oBAAoB;QACnD,CAAC,CAAC,cAAc,CAAC,QAAQ,EAAE;QAC3B,CAAC,CAAC,cAAc,CAAC;AACrB,CAAC;AAED,MAAM,UAAU,wBAAwB,CACtC,IAAuD;IAEvD,OAAO,IAAI,YAAY,IAAI,CAAC,CAAC,CAAC,oBAAoB,CAAC,IAAI,CAAC,CAAC,CAAC,CAAC,IAAI,CAAC;AAClE,CAAC;AAED,MAAM,UAAU,yBAAyB,CACvC,IAAuD;IAEvD,OAAO,IAAI,YAAY,IAAI,CAAC,CAAC,CAAC,oBAAoB,CAAC,IAAI,CAAC,CAAC,CAAC,CAAC,IAAI,CAAC;AAClE,CAAC;AAED,MAAM,UAAU,sBAAsB,CACpC,IAAuD;IAEvD,OAAO,IAAI,YAAY,IAAI,CAAC,CAAC,CAAC,oBAAoB,CAAC,IAAI,CAAC,CAAC,CAAC,CAAC,IAAI,CAAC;AAClE,CAAC;AAkBD;;GAEG;AACH,MAAM,CAAN,IAAY,mBAKX;AALD,WAAY,mBAAmB;IAC7B;;OAEG;IACH,gFAAyD,CAAA;AAC3D,CAAC,EALW,mBAAmB,KAAnB,mBAAmB,QAK9B;AAED;;GAEG;AACH,MAAM,UAAU,6BAA6B,CAAC,kBAA0B;IACtE,OAAO,WAAW,kBAAkB,iCAAiC,CAAC;AACxE,CAAC","sourcesContent":["// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT License.\nimport { FileSystemAttributes } from \"./FileSystemAttributes\";\nimport { truncatedISO8061Date } from \"./utils/utils.common\";\nimport { logger } from \"./log\";\nimport type { FilePermissionFormat, ShareTokenIntent } from \"./generatedModels\";\nimport type { StoragePipelineOptions } from \"./Pipeline\";\n\nexport interface Metadata {\n [propertyName: string]: string;\n}\n\nexport interface FileHttpHeaders {\n /**\n * Optional. Sets the file's cache\n * control. If specified, this property is stored with the file and returned\n * with a read request.\n */\n fileCacheControl?: string;\n /**\n * Optional. Sets the file's content type.\n * If specified, this property is stored with the file and returned with a\n * read request.\n */\n fileContentType?: string;\n /**\n * Optional. An MD5 hash of the file\n * content. Note that this hash is not validated, as the hashes for the\n * individual blocks were validated when each was uploaded.\n */\n fileContentMD5?: Uint8Array;\n /**\n * Optional. Sets the file's content\n * encoding. If specified, this property is stored with the file and returned\n * with a read request.\n */\n fileContentEncoding?: string;\n /**\n * Optional. Set the file's content\n * language. If specified, this property is stored with the file and returned\n * with a read request.\n */\n fileContentLanguage?: string;\n /**\n * Optional. Sets the file's\n * Content-Disposition header.\n */\n fileContentDisposition?: string;\n}\n\n/**\n * Indicates inherit file permission from the parent directory.\n */\nexport type FilePermissionInheritType = \"inherit\";\n\n/**\n * Indicates keep existing file permission value unchanged.\n */\nexport type FilePermissionPreserveType = \"preserve\";\n\n/**\n * Indicates setting as the time of the request.\n */\nexport type TimeNowType = \"now\";\n\n/**\n * Indicates keep existing time value unchanged.\n */\nexport type TimePreserveType = \"preserve\";\n\n/**\n * Indicates keep existing file attributes unchanged.\n */\nexport type FileAttributesPreserveType = \"preserve\";\n\nexport interface FileAndDirectoryCreateCommonOptions {\n /**\n * The permission(security descriptor) to be set for the file or directory in the\n * Security Descriptor Definition Language (SDDL) or binary.\n * If specified, it must have an owner, group, and discretionary access control list (DACL).\n * A value of inherit may be passed to inherit from the parent directory.\n *\n * Note that only one of filePermission or filePermissionKey can be specified.\n * And if both are not specified, inherit will be set to filePermission as default value by client library.\n */\n filePermission?: string | FilePermissionInheritType;\n\n /**\n * Optional. Available for version 2023-06-01 and later.\n * Specifies the format in which the permission is returned. Acceptable values are SDDL or binary.\n * If x-ms-file-permission-format is unspecified or explicitly set to SDDL, the permission is returned in SDDL format.\n * If x-ms-file-permission-format is explicitly set to binary, the permission is returned as a base64 string representing the binary encoding of the permission\n */\n filePermissionFormat?: FilePermissionFormat;\n\n /**\n * The key of the permission to be set for the file or directory. This can be created using the Create-Permission API.\n *\n * Note that only one of filePermission or filePermissionKey can be specified.\n */\n filePermissionKey?: string;\n\n /**\n * The file system attributes to be set on the file or directory.\n */\n fileAttributes?: FileSystemAttributes;\n\n /**\n * The Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) creation time property for the directory.\n * A value of now may be used to indicate the time of the request.\n * By default, the value will be set as now.\n */\n creationTime?: Date | TimeNowType;\n\n /**\n * The Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) last write property for the directory.\n * A value of now may be used to indicate the time of the request.\n * By default, the value will be set as now.\n */\n lastWriteTime?: Date | TimeNowType;\n\n /**\n * The Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) change time property for the directory.\n * A value of now may be used to indicate the time of the request.\n * By default, the value will be set to the time of the request.\n */\n changeTime?: Date | TimeNowType;\n}\n\nexport interface FileAndDirectorySetPropertiesCommonOptions {\n /**\n * The permission(security descriptor) to be set for the file or directory in the\n * Security Descriptor Definition Language (SDDL). If specified, it must have an owner, group, and discretionary access control list (DACL).\n * A value of inherit may be passed to inherit from the parent directory.\n * A value of preserve may be passed to keep the value unchanged.\n *\n * Note that only one of filePermission or filePermissionKey can be specified.\n * And if both are not specified, preserve will be set to filePermission as default value by client library.\n */\n filePermission?: string | FilePermissionInheritType | FilePermissionPreserveType;\n\n /**\n * Optional. Available for version 2023-06-01 and later.\n * Specifies the format in which the permission is returned. Acceptable values are SDDL or binary.\n * If x-ms-file-permission-format is unspecified or explicitly set to SDDL, the permission is returned in SDDL format.\n * If x-ms-file-permission-format is explicitly set to binary, the permission is returned as a base64 string representing the binary encoding of the permission\n */\n filePermissionFormat?: FilePermissionFormat;\n\n /**\n * The key of the permission to be set for the file or directory. This can be created using the Create-Permission API.\n *\n * Note that only one of filePermission or filePermissionKey can be specified.\n */\n filePermissionKey?: string;\n\n /**\n * The file system attributes to be set on the file or directory.\n */\n fileAttributes?: FileSystemAttributes | FileAttributesPreserveType;\n\n /**\n * The Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) creation time property for the directory.\n * A value of now may be used to indicate the time of the request.\n * A value of preserve may be passed to keep an existing value unchanged.\n * By default, the value will be set as preserve.\n */\n creationTime?: Date | TimeNowType | TimePreserveType;\n\n /**\n * The Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) last write property for the directory.\n * A value of now may be used to indicate the time of the request.\n * A value of preserve may be passed to keep an existing value unchanged.\n * By default, the value will be set as preserve.\n */\n lastWriteTime?: Date | TimeNowType | TimePreserveType;\n\n /**\n * The Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) change time property for the directory.\n * A value of now may be used to indicate the time of the request.\n * By default, the value will be set to the time of the request.\n */\n changeTime?: Date | TimeNowType;\n}\n\n/**\n * Close handles result information.\n */\nexport interface CloseHandlesInfo {\n closedHandlesCount: number;\n /**\n * Contains count of number of handles that failed to close.\n */\n closeFailureCount?: number;\n}\n\n/**\n * Protocols to enable on the share. For now, only support SMB or NFS.\n */\nexport interface ShareProtocols {\n /**\n * The share can be accessed by SMBv3.0, SMBv2.1 and REST.\n */\n smbEnabled?: boolean;\n /**\n * The share can be accessed by NFSv4.1.\n */\n nfsEnabled?: boolean;\n}\n\nexport interface ShareClientConfig {\n /**\n * The Files OAuth over REST feature requires special permissions to be included in the role definition to use\n * These special permissions will give privileged access to file share data -\n * It will allow users to bypass file/directory level ACL/NTFS permissions and get read/write access to file share data\n * Since this additional permission can be unintended and to prevent unintended and over privileged access,\n * additional checks has been implemented that requires users to explicitly indicate their intent to use these additional permissions.\n * This is done using the fileRequestIntent option.\n * Currently, the only value that the header supports is 'backup'\n * Any user who wishes to use Files OAuth over REST feature has to call the API with the intent header. If the API is not called with the intent header, any subsequent data operation requests will be denied.\n */\n fileRequestIntent?: ShareTokenIntent;\n /** If true, the trailing dot will not be trimmed from the target URI. */\n allowTrailingDot?: boolean;\n /** If true, the trailing dot will not be trimmed from the source URI. */\n allowSourceTrailingDot?: boolean;\n}\n\nexport type ShareClientOptions = StoragePipelineOptions & ShareClientConfig;\n\n/**\n * Convert protocols from joined string to ShareProtocols.\n *\n * @param protocolsString -\n */\nexport function toShareProtocols(protocolsString?: string): ShareProtocols | undefined {\n if (protocolsString === undefined) {\n return undefined;\n }\n\n const protocolStrArray = protocolsString.split(\";\");\n const protocols: ShareProtocols = {};\n for (const protocol of protocolStrArray) {\n if (protocol === \"SMB\") {\n protocols.smbEnabled = true;\n } else if (protocol === \"NFS\") {\n protocols.nfsEnabled = true;\n }\n }\n return protocols;\n}\n\n/**\n * Convert ShareProtocols to joined string.\n *\n * @param protocols -\n */\nexport function toShareProtocolsString(protocols: ShareProtocols = {}): string | undefined {\n let protocolStr = undefined;\n\n if (protocols.smbEnabled === true) {\n protocolStr = \"SMB\";\n }\n if (protocols.nfsEnabled === true) {\n logger.info(\n `Using \"NFS\" in favor of \"SMB\" for the share protocol as currently they can't be supported at the same time.`,\n );\n protocolStr = \"NFS\";\n }\n return protocolStr;\n}\n\nexport function validateFilePermissionOptions(\n filePermission?: string,\n filePermissionKey?: string,\n): void {\n if (filePermission && filePermissionKey) {\n throw new RangeError(\"Only one of filePermission or filePermissionKey can be specified.\");\n }\n}\n\nexport function validateAndSetDefaultsForFileAndDirectoryCreateCommonOptions(\n options: FileAndDirectoryCreateCommonOptions,\n): FileAndDirectoryCreateCommonOptions {\n // Would better deep copy params set by user.\n\n if (!options) {\n options = {};\n }\n\n validateFilePermissionOptions(options.filePermission, options.filePermissionKey);\n\n if (!options.creationTime) {\n options.creationTime = \"now\";\n }\n\n if (!options.lastWriteTime) {\n options.lastWriteTime = \"now\";\n }\n\n if (!options.filePermission && !options.filePermissionKey) {\n options.filePermission = \"inherit\";\n }\n\n return options;\n}\n\nexport function validateAndSetDefaultsForFileAndDirectorySetPropertiesCommonOptions(\n options: FileAndDirectorySetPropertiesCommonOptions,\n): FileAndDirectorySetPropertiesCommonOptions {\n // Would better deep copy params set by user.\n\n if (!options) {\n options = {};\n }\n\n validateFilePermissionOptions(options.filePermission, options.filePermissionKey);\n\n if (!options.creationTime) {\n options.creationTime = \"preserve\";\n }\n\n if (!options.lastWriteTime) {\n options.lastWriteTime = \"preserve\";\n }\n\n if (!options.fileAttributes) {\n options.fileAttributes = \"preserve\";\n }\n\n if (!options.filePermission && !options.filePermissionKey) {\n options.filePermission = \"preserve\";\n }\n\n return options;\n}\n\nexport function fileAttributesToString(\n fileAttributes: FileSystemAttributes | FileAttributesPreserveType,\n): string {\n return fileAttributes instanceof FileSystemAttributes\n ? fileAttributes.toString()\n : fileAttributes;\n}\n\nexport function fileCreationTimeToString(\n time: Date | TimeNowType | TimePreserveType | undefined,\n): string | undefined {\n return time instanceof Date ? truncatedISO8061Date(time) : time;\n}\n\nexport function fileLastWriteTimeToString(\n time: Date | TimeNowType | TimePreserveType | undefined,\n): string | undefined {\n return time instanceof Date ? truncatedISO8061Date(time) : time;\n}\n\nexport function fileChangeTimeToString(\n time: Date | TimeNowType | TimePreserveType | undefined,\n): string | undefined {\n return time instanceof Date ? truncatedISO8061Date(time) : time;\n}\n\n/**\n * Represents authentication information in Authorization, ProxyAuthorization,\n * WWW-Authenticate, and Proxy-Authenticate header values.\n */\nexport interface HttpAuthorization {\n /**\n * The scheme to use for authorization.\n */\n scheme: string;\n\n /**\n * the credentials containing the authentication information of the user agent for the resource being requested.\n */\n value: string;\n}\n\n/**\n * Defines the known cloud audiences for Storage.\n */\nexport enum StorageFileAudience {\n /**\n * The OAuth scope to use to retrieve an AAD token for Azure Storage.\n */\n StorageOAuthScopes = \"https://storage.azure.com/.default\",\n}\n\n/**\n * To get the OAuth audience for a storage account for file service.\n */\nexport function getFileServiceAccountAudience(storageAccountName: string): string {\n return `https://${storageAccountName}.file.core.windows.net/.default`;\n}\n"]}
+ {"version":3,"file":"models.js","sourceRoot":"","sources":["../../../src/models.ts"],"names":[],"mappings":"AAAA,uCAAuC;AACvC,kCAAkC;AAClC,OAAO,EAAE,oBAAoB,EAAE,MAAM,wBAAwB,CAAC;AAC9D,OAAO,EAAE,oBAAoB,EAAE,MAAM,sBAAsB,CAAC;AAC5D,OAAO,EAAE,MAAM,EAAE,MAAM,OAAO,CAAC;AA+W/B;;;;GAIG;AACH,MAAM,UAAU,gBAAgB,CAAC,eAAwB;IACvD,IAAI,eAAe,KAAK,SAAS,EAAE,CAAC;QAClC,OAAO,SAAS,CAAC;IACnB,CAAC;IAED,MAAM,gBAAgB,GAAG,eAAe,CAAC,KAAK,CAAC,GAAG,CAAC,CAAC;IACpD,MAAM,SAAS,GAAmB,EAAE,CAAC;IACrC,KAAK,MAAM,QAAQ,IAAI,gBAAgB,EAAE,CAAC;QACxC,IAAI,QAAQ,KAAK,KAAK,EAAE,CAAC;YACvB,SAAS,CAAC,UAAU,GAAG,IAAI,CAAC;QAC9B,CAAC;aAAM,IAAI,QAAQ,KAAK,KAAK,EAAE,CAAC;YAC9B,SAAS,CAAC,UAAU,GAAG,IAAI,CAAC;QAC9B,CAAC;IACH,CAAC;IACD,OAAO,SAAS,CAAC;AACnB,CAAC;AAED;;;;GAIG;AACH,MAAM,UAAU,sBAAsB,CAAC,YAA4B,EAAE;IACnE,IAAI,WAAW,GAAG,SAAS,CAAC;IAE5B,IAAI,SAAS,CAAC,UAAU,KAAK,IAAI,EAAE,CAAC;QAClC,WAAW,GAAG,KAAK,CAAC;IACtB,CAAC;IACD,IAAI,SAAS,CAAC,UAAU,KAAK,IAAI,EAAE,CAAC;QAClC,MAAM,CAAC,IAAI,CACT,6GAA6G,CAC9G,CAAC;QACF,WAAW,GAAG,KAAK,CAAC;IACtB,CAAC;IACD,OAAO,WAAW,CAAC;AACrB,CAAC;AAED,MAAM,UAAU,6BAA6B,CAC3C,cAAuB,EACvB,iBAA0B;IAE1B,IAAI,cAAc,IAAI,iBAAiB,EAAE,CAAC;QACxC,MAAM,IAAI,UAAU,CAAC,mEAAmE,CAAC,CAAC;IAC5F,CAAC;AACH,CAAC;AAED,MAAM,UAAU,4DAA4D,CAC1E,OAA4C;IAE5C,6CAA6C;IAE7C,IAAI,CAAC,OAAO,EAAE,CAAC;QACb,OAAO,GAAG,EAAE,CAAC;IACf,CAAC;IAED,6BAA6B,CAAC,OAAO,CAAC,cAAc,EAAE,OAAO,CAAC,iBAAiB,CAAC,CAAC;IAEjF,OAAO,OAAO,CAAC;AACjB,CAAC;AAED,MAAM,UAAU,mEAAmE,CACjF,OAAmD;IAEnD,6CAA6C;IAE7C,IAAI,CAAC,OAAO,EAAE,CAAC;QACb,OAAO,GAAG,EAAE,CAAC;IACf,CAAC;IAED,6BAA6B,CAAC,OAAO,CAAC,cAAc,EAAE,OAAO,CAAC,iBAAiB,CAAC,CAAC;IAEjF,OAAO,OAAO,CAAC;AACjB,CAAC;AAED,MAAM,UAAU,sBAAsB,CACpC,cAAiE;IAEjE,OAAO,cAAc,YAAY,oBAAoB;QACnD,CAAC,CAAC,cAAc,CAAC,QAAQ,EAAE;QAC3B,CAAC,CAAC,cAAc,CAAC;AACrB,CAAC;AAED,MAAM,UAAU,wBAAwB,CACtC,IAAuD;IAEvD,OAAO,IAAI,YAAY,IAAI,CAAC,CAAC,CAAC,oBAAoB,CAAC,IAAI,CAAC,CAAC,CAAC,CAAC,IAAI,CAAC;AAClE,CAAC;AAED,MAAM,UAAU,yBAAyB,CACvC,IAAuD;IAEvD,OAAO,IAAI,YAAY,IAAI,CAAC,CAAC,CAAC,oBAAoB,CAAC,IAAI,CAAC,CAAC,CAAC,CAAC,IAAI,CAAC;AAClE,CAAC;AAED,MAAM,UAAU,sBAAsB,CACpC,IAAuD;IAEvD,OAAO,IAAI,YAAY,IAAI,CAAC,CAAC,CAAC,oBAAoB,CAAC,IAAI,CAAC,CAAC,CAAC,CAAC,IAAI,CAAC;AAClE,CAAC;AAkBD;;GAEG;AACH,MAAM,CAAN,IAAY,mBAKX;AALD,WAAY,mBAAmB;IAC7B;;OAEG;IACH,gFAAyD,CAAA;AAC3D,CAAC,EALW,mBAAmB,KAAnB,mBAAmB,QAK9B;AAED;;GAEG;AACH,MAAM,UAAU,6BAA6B,CAAC,kBAA0B;IACtE,OAAO,WAAW,kBAAkB,iCAAiC,CAAC;AACxE,CAAC","sourcesContent":["// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT License.\nimport { FileSystemAttributes } from \"./FileSystemAttributes\";\nimport { truncatedISO8061Date } from \"./utils/utils.common\";\nimport { logger } from \"./log\";\nimport type { FilePermissionFormat, NfsFileType, ShareTokenIntent } from \"./generatedModels\";\nimport type { StoragePipelineOptions } from \"./Pipeline\";\nimport { FileDownloadHeaders } from \"./generatedModels\";\n\nexport interface Metadata {\n [propertyName: string]: string;\n}\n\n/**\n * Represents file permissions for a specific role.\n */\nexport interface PosixRolePermissions {\n /**\n * The execute permission.\n */\n execute: boolean;\n /**\n * The write permission.\n */\n write: boolean;\n /**\n * The read permission.\n */\n read: boolean;\n}\n\n/**\n * The mode permissions of the file or directory.\n */\nexport interface NfsFileMode {\n /**\n * Permissions the owner has over the file or directory.\n */\n owner: PosixRolePermissions;\n\n /**\n * Permissions the group has over the file or directory.\n */\n group: PosixRolePermissions;\n\n /**\n * Permissions other have over the file or directory.\n */\n other: PosixRolePermissions;\n\n /**\n * Set effective user ID (setuid) on the file or directory.\n */\n effectiveUserIdentity: boolean;\n\n /**\n * Set effective group ID (setgid) on the file or directory.\n */\n effectiveGroupIdentity: boolean;\n\n /**\n * The sticky bit may be set on directories. The files in that\n * directory may only be renamed or deleted by the file's owner, the directory's owner, or the root user.\n */\n stickyBit: boolean;\n}\n\n/**\n * \n NFS properties.\n Note that these properties only apply to files or directories in\n premium NFS file accounts.\n */\nexport interface FilePosixProperties {\n /** Optional, NFS only. The owner of the file or directory. */\n owner?: string;\n /** Optional, NFS only. The owning group of the file or directory. */\n group?: string;\n /** Optional, NFS only. The file mode of the file or directory */\n fileMode?: NfsFileMode;\n /** Optional, NFS only. Type of the file or directory. */\n fileType?: NfsFileType;\n}\n\n/** Defines headers for File_setHttpHeaders operation. */\nexport interface FileSetHttpHeadersHeaders {\n /** The ETag contains a value which represents the version of the file, in quotes. */\n etag?: string;\n /** Returns the date and time the directory was last modified. Any operation that modifies the directory or its properties updates the last modified time. Operations on files do not affect the last modified time of the directory. */\n lastModified?: Date;\n /** This header uniquely identifies the request that was made and can be used for troubleshooting the request. */\n requestId?: string;\n /** Indicates the version of the File service used to execute the request. */\n version?: string;\n /** A UTC date/time value generated by the service that indicates the time at which the response was initiated. */\n date?: Date;\n /** The value of this header is set to true if the contents of the request are successfully encrypted using the specified algorithm, and false otherwise. */\n isServerEncrypted?: boolean;\n /** Key of the permission set for the file. */\n filePermissionKey?: string;\n /** Attributes set for the file. */\n fileAttributes?: string;\n /** Creation time for the file. */\n fileCreatedOn?: Date;\n /** Last write time for the file. */\n fileLastWriteOn?: Date;\n /** Change time for the file. */\n fileChangeOn?: Date;\n /** The fileId of the directory. */\n fileId?: string;\n /** The parent fileId of the directory. */\n fileParentId?: string;\n /** NFS only. The mode of the file or directory. */\n fileMode?: NfsFileMode;\n /** NFS only. The owner of the file or directory. */\n owner?: string;\n /** NFS only. The owning group of the file or directory. */\n group?: string;\n /** NFS only. The link count of the file or directory. */\n linkCount?: number;\n /** Error Code */\n errorCode?: string;\n}\n\n/** Contains response data for the download operation. */\nexport type FileDownloadResponse = FileDownloadHeaders & {\n /**\n * BROWSER ONLY\n *\n * The response body as a browser Blob.\n * Always `undefined` in node.js.\n */\n blobBody?: Promise<Blob>;\n /**\n * NODEJS ONLY\n *\n * The response body as a node.js Readable stream.\n * Always `undefined` in the browser.\n */\n readableStreamBody?: NodeJS.ReadableStream;\n};\n\nexport interface FileHttpHeaders {\n /**\n * Optional. Sets the file's cache\n * control. If specified, this property is stored with the file and returned\n * with a read request.\n */\n fileCacheControl?: string;\n /**\n * Optional. Sets the file's content type.\n * If specified, this property is stored with the file and returned with a\n * read request.\n */\n fileContentType?: string;\n /**\n * Optional. An MD5 hash of the file\n * content. Note that this hash is not validated, as the hashes for the\n * individual blocks were validated when each was uploaded.\n */\n fileContentMD5?: Uint8Array;\n /**\n * Optional. Sets the file's content\n * encoding. If specified, this property is stored with the file and returned\n * with a read request.\n */\n fileContentEncoding?: string;\n /**\n * Optional. Set the file's content\n * language. If specified, this property is stored with the file and returned\n * with a read request.\n */\n fileContentLanguage?: string;\n /**\n * Optional. Sets the file's\n * Content-Disposition header.\n */\n fileContentDisposition?: string;\n}\n\n/**\n * Indicates inherit file permission from the parent directory.\n */\nexport type FilePermissionInheritType = \"inherit\";\n\n/**\n * Indicates keep existing file permission value unchanged.\n */\nexport type FilePermissionPreserveType = \"preserve\";\n\n/**\n * Indicates setting as the time of the request.\n */\nexport type TimeNowType = \"now\";\n\n/**\n * Indicates keep existing time value unchanged.\n */\nexport type TimePreserveType = \"preserve\";\n\n/**\n * Indicates keep existing file attributes unchanged.\n */\nexport type FileAttributesPreserveType = \"preserve\";\n\nexport interface FileAndDirectoryCreateCommonOptions {\n /**\n * The permission(security descriptor) to be set for the file or directory in the\n * Security Descriptor Definition Language (SDDL) or binary.\n * If specified, it must have an owner, group, and discretionary access control list (DACL).\n * A value of inherit may be passed to inherit from the parent directory.\n *\n * Note that only one of filePermission or filePermissionKey can be specified.\n * And if both are not specified, inherit will be set to filePermission as default value by client library.\n */\n filePermission?: string | FilePermissionInheritType;\n\n /**\n * Optional. Available for version 2023-06-01 and later.\n * Specifies the format in which the permission is returned. Acceptable values are SDDL or binary.\n * If x-ms-file-permission-format is unspecified or explicitly set to SDDL, the permission is returned in SDDL format.\n * If x-ms-file-permission-format is explicitly set to binary, the permission is returned as a base64 string representing the binary encoding of the permission\n */\n filePermissionFormat?: FilePermissionFormat;\n\n /**\n * The key of the permission to be set for the file or directory. This can be created using the Create-Permission API.\n *\n * Note that only one of filePermission or filePermissionKey can be specified.\n */\n filePermissionKey?: string;\n\n /**\n * The file system attributes to be set on the file or directory.\n */\n fileAttributes?: FileSystemAttributes;\n\n /**\n * The Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) creation time property for the directory.\n * A value of now may be used to indicate the time of the request.\n * By default, the value will be set as now.\n */\n creationTime?: Date | TimeNowType;\n\n /**\n * The Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) last write property for the directory.\n * A value of now may be used to indicate the time of the request.\n * By default, the value will be set as now.\n */\n lastWriteTime?: Date | TimeNowType;\n\n /**\n * The Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) change time property for the directory.\n * A value of now may be used to indicate the time of the request.\n * By default, the value will be set to the time of the request.\n */\n changeTime?: Date | TimeNowType;\n /**\n * Optional properties to set on NFS files.\n Note that this property is only applicable to files created in NFS shares.\n */\n posixProperties?: FilePosixProperties;\n}\n\nexport interface FileAndDirectorySetPropertiesCommonOptions {\n /**\n * The permission(security descriptor) to be set for the file or directory in the\n * Security Descriptor Definition Language (SDDL). If specified, it must have an owner, group, and discretionary access control list (DACL).\n * A value of inherit may be passed to inherit from the parent directory.\n * A value of preserve may be passed to keep the value unchanged.\n *\n * Note that only one of filePermission or filePermissionKey can be specified.\n * And if both are not specified, preserve will be set to filePermission as default value by client library.\n */\n filePermission?: string | FilePermissionInheritType | FilePermissionPreserveType;\n\n /**\n * Optional. Available for version 2023-06-01 and later.\n * Specifies the format in which the permission is returned. Acceptable values are SDDL or binary.\n * If x-ms-file-permission-format is unspecified or explicitly set to SDDL, the permission is returned in SDDL format.\n * If x-ms-file-permission-format is explicitly set to binary, the permission is returned as a base64 string representing the binary encoding of the permission\n */\n filePermissionFormat?: FilePermissionFormat;\n\n /**\n * The key of the permission to be set for the file or directory. This can be created using the Create-Permission API.\n *\n * Note that only one of filePermission or filePermissionKey can be specified.\n */\n filePermissionKey?: string;\n\n /**\n * The file system attributes to be set on the file or directory.\n */\n fileAttributes?: FileSystemAttributes | FileAttributesPreserveType;\n\n /**\n * The Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) creation time property for the directory.\n * A value of now may be used to indicate the time of the request.\n * A value of preserve may be passed to keep an existing value unchanged.\n * By default, the value will be set as preserve.\n */\n creationTime?: Date | TimeNowType | TimePreserveType;\n\n /**\n * The Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) last write property for the directory.\n * A value of now may be used to indicate the time of the request.\n * A value of preserve may be passed to keep an existing value unchanged.\n * By default, the value will be set as preserve.\n */\n lastWriteTime?: Date | TimeNowType | TimePreserveType;\n\n /**\n * The Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) change time property for the directory.\n * A value of now may be used to indicate the time of the request.\n * By default, the value will be set to the time of the request.\n */\n changeTime?: Date | TimeNowType;\n\n /**\n * Optional properties to set on NFS files.\n Note that this property is only applicable to files created in NFS shares.\n */\n posixProperties?: FilePosixProperties;\n}\n\n/**\n * Close handles result information.\n */\nexport interface CloseHandlesInfo {\n closedHandlesCount: number;\n /**\n * Contains count of number of handles that failed to close.\n */\n closeFailureCount?: number;\n}\n\n/**\n * Protocols to enable on the share. For now, only support SMB or NFS.\n */\nexport interface ShareProtocols {\n /**\n * The share can be accessed by SMBv3.0, SMBv2.1 and REST.\n */\n smbEnabled?: boolean;\n /**\n * The share can be accessed by NFSv4.1.\n */\n nfsEnabled?: boolean;\n}\n\nexport interface ShareClientConfig {\n /**\n * The Files OAuth over REST feature requires special permissions to be included in the role definition to use\n * These special permissions will give privileged access to file share data -\n * It will allow users to bypass file/directory level ACL/NTFS permissions and get read/write access to file share data\n * Since this additional permission can be unintended and to prevent unintended and over privileged access,\n * additional checks has been implemented that requires users to explicitly indicate their intent to use these additional permissions.\n * This is done using the fileRequestIntent option.\n * Currently, the only value that the header supports is 'backup'\n * Any user who wishes to use Files OAuth over REST feature has to call the API with the intent header. If the API is not called with the intent header, any subsequent data operation requests will be denied.\n */\n fileRequestIntent?: ShareTokenIntent;\n /** If true, the trailing dot will not be trimmed from the target URI. */\n allowTrailingDot?: boolean;\n /** If true, the trailing dot will not be trimmed from the source URI. */\n allowSourceTrailingDot?: boolean;\n}\n\nexport type ShareClientOptions = StoragePipelineOptions & ShareClientConfig;\n\n/**\n * Convert protocols from joined string to ShareProtocols.\n *\n * @param protocolsString -\n */\nexport function toShareProtocols(protocolsString?: string): ShareProtocols | undefined {\n if (protocolsString === undefined) {\n return undefined;\n }\n\n const protocolStrArray = protocolsString.split(\";\");\n const protocols: ShareProtocols = {};\n for (const protocol of protocolStrArray) {\n if (protocol === \"SMB\") {\n protocols.smbEnabled = true;\n } else if (protocol === \"NFS\") {\n protocols.nfsEnabled = true;\n }\n }\n return protocols;\n}\n\n/**\n * Convert ShareProtocols to joined string.\n *\n * @param protocols -\n */\nexport function toShareProtocolsString(protocols: ShareProtocols = {}): string | undefined {\n let protocolStr = undefined;\n\n if (protocols.smbEnabled === true) {\n protocolStr = \"SMB\";\n }\n if (protocols.nfsEnabled === true) {\n logger.info(\n `Using \"NFS\" in favor of \"SMB\" for the share protocol as currently they can't be supported at the same time.`,\n );\n protocolStr = \"NFS\";\n }\n return protocolStr;\n}\n\nexport function validateFilePermissionOptions(\n filePermission?: string,\n filePermissionKey?: string,\n): void {\n if (filePermission && filePermissionKey) {\n throw new RangeError(\"Only one of filePermission or filePermissionKey can be specified.\");\n }\n}\n\nexport function validateAndSetDefaultsForFileAndDirectoryCreateCommonOptions(\n options: FileAndDirectoryCreateCommonOptions,\n): FileAndDirectoryCreateCommonOptions {\n // Would better deep copy params set by user.\n\n if (!options) {\n options = {};\n }\n\n validateFilePermissionOptions(options.filePermission, options.filePermissionKey);\n\n return options;\n}\n\nexport function validateAndSetDefaultsForFileAndDirectorySetPropertiesCommonOptions(\n options: FileAndDirectorySetPropertiesCommonOptions,\n): FileAndDirectorySetPropertiesCommonOptions {\n // Would better deep copy params set by user.\n\n if (!options) {\n options = {};\n }\n\n validateFilePermissionOptions(options.filePermission, options.filePermissionKey);\n\n return options;\n}\n\nexport function fileAttributesToString(\n fileAttributes: FileSystemAttributes | FileAttributesPreserveType,\n): string {\n return fileAttributes instanceof FileSystemAttributes\n ? fileAttributes.toString()\n : fileAttributes;\n}\n\nexport function fileCreationTimeToString(\n time: Date | TimeNowType | TimePreserveType | undefined,\n): string | undefined {\n return time instanceof Date ? truncatedISO8061Date(time) : time;\n}\n\nexport function fileLastWriteTimeToString(\n time: Date | TimeNowType | TimePreserveType | undefined,\n): string | undefined {\n return time instanceof Date ? truncatedISO8061Date(time) : time;\n}\n\nexport function fileChangeTimeToString(\n time: Date | TimeNowType | TimePreserveType | undefined,\n): string | undefined {\n return time instanceof Date ? truncatedISO8061Date(time) : time;\n}\n\n/**\n * Represents authentication information in Authorization, ProxyAuthorization,\n * WWW-Authenticate, and Proxy-Authenticate header values.\n */\nexport interface HttpAuthorization {\n /**\n * The scheme to use for authorization.\n */\n scheme: string;\n\n /**\n * the credentials containing the authentication information of the user agent for the resource being requested.\n */\n value: string;\n}\n\n/**\n * Defines the known cloud audiences for Storage.\n */\nexport enum StorageFileAudience {\n /**\n * The OAuth scope to use to retrieve an AAD token for Azure Storage.\n */\n StorageOAuthScopes = \"https://storage.azure.com/.default\",\n}\n\n/**\n * To get the OAuth audience for a storage account for file service.\n */\nexport function getFileServiceAccountAudience(storageAccountName: string): string {\n return `https://${storageAccountName}.file.core.windows.net/.default`;\n}\n"]}
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
  // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
  // Licensed under the MIT License.
- export const SDK_VERSION = "12.26.0";
- export const SERVICE_VERSION = "2025-01-05";
+ export const SDK_VERSION = "12.27.0-beta.1";
+ export const SERVICE_VERSION = "2025-05-05";
  export const FILE_MAX_SIZE_BYTES = 4 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024; // 4TB
  export const FILE_RANGE_MAX_SIZE_BYTES = 4 * 1024 * 1024; // 4MB
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"version":3,"file":"constants.js","sourceRoot":"","sources":["../../../../src/utils/constants.ts"],"names":[],"mappings":"AAAA,uCAAuC;AACvC,kCAAkC;AAElC,MAAM,CAAC,MAAM,WAAW,GAAW,SAAS,CAAC;AAC7C,MAAM,CAAC,MAAM,eAAe,GAAW,YAAY,CAAC;AAEpD,MAAM,CAAC,MAAM,mBAAmB,GAAW,CAAC,GAAG,IAAI,GAAG,IAAI,GAAG,IAAI,GAAG,IAAI,CAAC,CAAC,MAAM;AAChF,MAAM,CAAC,MAAM,yBAAyB,GAAW,CAAC,GAAG,IAAI,GAAG,IAAI,CAAC,CAAC,MAAM;AACxE,MAAM,CAAC,MAAM,mCAAmC,GAAW,CAAC,CAAC;AAC7D,MAAM,CAAC,MAAM,8BAA8B,GAAW,CAAC,CAAC;AACxD,MAAM,CAAC,MAAM,eAAe,GAAW,GAAG,GAAG,IAAI,CAAC,CAAC,QAAQ;AAC3D;;GAEG;AACH,MAAM,CAAC,MAAM,kBAAkB,GAAsB,oCAAoC,CAAC;AAE1F,MAAM,CAAC,MAAM,YAAY,GAAG;IAC1B,UAAU,EAAE;QACV,sBAAsB,EAAE,GAAG;QAC3B,cAAc,EAAE,eAAe;QAC/B,SAAS,EAAE,KAAK;QAChB,OAAO,EAAE,SAAS;KACnB;CACF,CAAC;AAEF,MAAM,CAAC,MAAM,iBAAiB,GAAG;IAC/B,aAAa,EAAE,GAAG;IAClB,cAAc,EAAE,GAAG;IACnB,kBAAkB,EAAE,GAAG;IACvB,0BAA0B,EAAE,GAAG;CAChC,CAAC;AAEF,MAAM,CAAC,MAAM,eAAe,GAAG;IAC7B,aAAa,EAAE,eAAe;IAC9B,oBAAoB,EAAE,QAAQ;IAC9B,gBAAgB,EAAE,kBAAkB;IACpC,gBAAgB,EAAE,kBAAkB;IACpC,cAAc,EAAE,gBAAgB;IAChC,WAAW,EAAE,aAAa;IAC1B,YAAY,EAAE,cAAc;IAC5B,MAAM,EAAE,QAAQ;IAChB,IAAI,EAAE,MAAM;IACZ,QAAQ,EAAE,UAAU;IACpB,iBAAiB,EAAE,mBAAmB;IACtC,aAAa,EAAE,eAAe;IAC9B,mBAAmB,EAAE,qBAAqB;IAC1C,kBAAkB,EAAE,OAAO;IAC3B,KAAK,EAAE,OAAO;IACd,UAAU,EAAE,YAAY;IACxB,sBAAsB,EAAE,wBAAwB;IAChD,gBAAgB,EAAE,kBAAkB;IACpC,wBAAwB,EAAE,6BAA6B;IACvD,SAAS,EAAE,WAAW;CACvB,CAAC;AAEF,MAAM,CAAC,MAAM,QAAQ,GAAG,EAAE,CAAC;AAC3B,MAAM,CAAC,MAAM,OAAO,GAAG,GAAG,CAAC;AAC3B,MAAM,CAAC,MAAM,sBAAsB,GAAG,UAAU,CAAC;AACjD,MAAM,CAAC,MAAM,kBAAkB,GAAG,MAAM,CAAC;AAEzC,MAAM,CAAC,MAAM,oCAAoC,GAAG;IAClD,6BAA6B;IAC7B,eAAe;IACf,gBAAgB;IAChB,cAAc;IACd,MAAM;IACN,YAAY;IACZ,aAAa;IACb,mBAAmB;IACnB,YAAY;IACZ,wBAAwB;IACxB,WAAW;IACX,iBAAiB;IACjB,iBAAiB;IACjB,+BAA+B;IAC/B,cAAc;IACd,eAAe;IACf,qBAAqB;IACrB,kBAAkB;IAClB,kBAAkB;IAClB,aAAa;IACb,eAAe;IACf,MAAM;IACN,eAAe;IACf,QAAQ;IACR,MAAM;IACN,oBAAoB;IACpB,kBAAkB;IAClB,2BAA2B;IAC3B,cAAc;IACd,oBAAoB;IACpB,kBAAkB;IAClB,8BAA8B;IAC9B,qBAAqB;IACrB,kBAAkB;IAClB,mBAAmB;IACnB,YAAY;IACZ,+BAA+B;IAC/B,uBAAuB;IACvB,eAAe;IACf,mBAAmB;IACnB,oBAAoB;IACpB,0BAA0B;IAC1B,uBAAuB;IACvB,uBAAuB;IACvB,qBAAqB;IACrB,kBAAkB;IAClB,mBAAmB;IACnB,6BAA6B;IAC7B,8BAA8B;IAC9B,sBAAsB;IACtB,uBAAuB;IACvB,yBAAyB;IACzB,cAAc;IACd,2BAA2B;IAC3B,qBAAqB;IACrB,gBAAgB;IAChB,+BAA+B;IAC/B,gBAAgB;IAChB,kBAAkB;IAClB,WAAW;IACX,YAAY;CACb,CAAC;AAEF,MAAM,CAAC,MAAM,wCAAwC,GAAG;IACtD,MAAM;IACN,YAAY;IACZ,MAAM;IACN,MAAM;IACN,MAAM;IACN,MAAM;IACN,MAAM;IACN,IAAI;IACJ,IAAI;IACJ,KAAK;IACL,IAAI;IACJ,KAAK;IACL,IAAI;IACJ,KAAK;IACL,IAAI;IACJ,IAAI;IACJ,IAAI;IACJ,QAAQ;IACR,SAAS;CACV,CAAC;AAEF,iDAAiD;AACjD,wGAAwG;AACxG,MAAM,CAAC,MAAM,cAAc,GAAG;IAC5B,OAAO;IACP,OAAO;IACP,OAAO;IACP,OAAO;IACP,OAAO;IACP,OAAO;IACP,OAAO;IACP,OAAO;IACP,OAAO;IACP,OAAO;IACP,OAAO;IACP,OAAO;IACP,OAAO;IACP,OAAO;IACP,OAAO;IACP,OAAO;IACP,OAAO;IACP,OAAO;IACP,OAAO;IACP,OAAO;CACR,CAAC","sourcesContent":["// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT License.\n\nexport const SDK_VERSION: string = \"12.26.0\";\nexport const SERVICE_VERSION: string = \"2025-01-05\";\n\nexport const FILE_MAX_SIZE_BYTES: number = 4 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024; // 4TB\nexport const FILE_RANGE_MAX_SIZE_BYTES: number = 4 * 1024 * 1024; // 4MB\nexport const DEFAULT_MAX_DOWNLOAD_RETRY_REQUESTS: number = 5;\nexport const DEFAULT_HIGH_LEVEL_CONCURRENCY: number = 5;\nexport const REQUEST_TIMEOUT: number = 100 * 1000; // In ms\n/**\n * The OAuth scope to use with Azure Storage.\n */\nexport const StorageOAuthScopes: string | string[] = \"https://storage.azure.com/.default\";\n\nexport const URLConstants = {\n Parameters: {\n FORCE_BROWSER_NO_CACHE: \"_\",\n SHARE_SNAPSHOT: \"sharesnapshot\",\n SIGNATURE: \"sig\",\n TIMEOUT: \"timeout\",\n },\n};\n\nexport const HttpUrlConnection = {\n HTTP_CONFLICT: 409,\n HTTP_NOT_FOUND: 404,\n HTTP_PRECON_FAILED: 412,\n HTTP_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE: 416,\n};\n\nexport const HeaderConstants = {\n AUTHORIZATION: \"authorization\",\n AUTHORIZATION_SCHEME: \"Bearer\",\n CONTENT_ENCODING: \"content-encoding\",\n CONTENT_LANGUAGE: \"content-language\",\n CONTENT_LENGTH: \"content-length\",\n CONTENT_MD5: \"content-md5\",\n CONTENT_TYPE: \"content-type\",\n COOKIE: \"Cookie\",\n DATE: \"date\",\n IF_MATCH: \"if-match\",\n IF_MODIFIED_SINCE: \"if-modified-since\",\n IF_NONE_MATCH: \"if-none-match\",\n IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE: \"if-unmodified-since\",\n PREFIX_FOR_STORAGE: \"x-ms-\",\n RANGE: \"Range\",\n USER_AGENT: \"User-Agent\",\n X_MS_CLIENT_REQUEST_ID: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n X_MS_COPY_SOURCE: \"x-ms-copy-source\",\n X_MS_CopySourceErrorCode: \"x-ms-copy-source-error-code\",\n X_MS_DATE: \"x-ms-date\",\n};\n\nexport const ETagNone = \"\";\nexport const ETagAny = \"*\";\nexport const FileAttributesPreserve = \"Preserve\";\nexport const FileAttributesNone = \"None\";\n\nexport const StorageFileLoggingAllowedHeaderNames = [\n \"Access-Control-Allow-Origin\",\n \"Cache-Control\",\n \"Content-Length\",\n \"Content-Type\",\n \"Date\",\n \"Request-Id\",\n \"traceparent\",\n \"Transfer-Encoding\",\n \"User-Agent\",\n \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n \"x-ms-date\",\n \"x-ms-error-code\",\n \"x-ms-request-id\",\n \"x-ms-return-client-request-id\",\n \"x-ms-version\",\n \"Accept-Ranges\",\n \"Content-Disposition\",\n \"Content-Encoding\",\n \"Content-Language\",\n \"Content-MD5\",\n \"Content-Range\",\n \"ETag\",\n \"Last-Modified\",\n \"Server\",\n \"Vary\",\n \"x-ms-content-crc64\",\n \"x-ms-copy-action\",\n \"x-ms-copy-completion-time\",\n \"x-ms-copy-id\",\n \"x-ms-copy-progress\",\n \"x-ms-copy-status\",\n \"x-ms-has-immutability-policy\",\n \"x-ms-has-legal-hold\",\n \"x-ms-lease-state\",\n \"x-ms-lease-status\",\n \"x-ms-range\",\n \"x-ms-request-server-encrypted\",\n \"x-ms-server-encrypted\",\n \"x-ms-snapshot\",\n \"x-ms-source-range\",\n \"x-ms-cache-control\",\n \"x-ms-content-disposition\",\n \"x-ms-content-encoding\",\n \"x-ms-content-language\",\n \"x-ms-content-length\",\n \"x-ms-content-md5\",\n \"x-ms-content-type\",\n \"x-ms-copy-source-error-code\",\n \"x-ms-copy-source-status-code\",\n \"x-ms-file-attributes\",\n \"x-ms-file-change-time\",\n \"x-ms-file-creation-time\",\n \"x-ms-file-id\",\n \"x-ms-file-last-write-time\",\n \"x-ms-file-parent-id\",\n \"x-ms-handle-id\",\n \"x-ms-number-of-handles-closed\",\n \"x-ms-recursive\",\n \"x-ms-share-quota\",\n \"x-ms-type\",\n \"x-ms-write\",\n];\n\nexport const StorageFileLoggingAllowedQueryParameters = [\n \"comp\",\n \"maxresults\",\n \"rscc\",\n \"rscd\",\n \"rsce\",\n \"rscl\",\n \"rsct\",\n \"se\",\n \"si\",\n \"sip\",\n \"sp\",\n \"spr\",\n \"sr\",\n \"srt\",\n \"ss\",\n \"st\",\n \"sv\",\n \"copyid\",\n \"restype\",\n];\n\n/// List of ports used for path style addressing.\n/// Path style addressing means that storage account is put in URI's Path segment in instead of in host.\nexport const PathStylePorts = [\n \"10000\",\n \"10001\",\n \"10002\",\n \"10003\",\n \"10004\",\n \"10100\",\n \"10101\",\n \"10102\",\n \"10103\",\n \"10104\",\n \"11000\",\n \"11001\",\n \"11002\",\n \"11003\",\n \"11004\",\n \"11100\",\n \"11101\",\n \"11102\",\n \"11103\",\n \"11104\",\n];\n"]}
+ {"version":3,"file":"constants.js","sourceRoot":"","sources":["../../../../src/utils/constants.ts"],"names":[],"mappings":"AAAA,uCAAuC;AACvC,kCAAkC;AAElC,MAAM,CAAC,MAAM,WAAW,GAAW,gBAAgB,CAAC;AACpD,MAAM,CAAC,MAAM,eAAe,GAAW,YAAY,CAAC;AAEpD,MAAM,CAAC,MAAM,mBAAmB,GAAW,CAAC,GAAG,IAAI,GAAG,IAAI,GAAG,IAAI,GAAG,IAAI,CAAC,CAAC,MAAM;AAChF,MAAM,CAAC,MAAM,yBAAyB,GAAW,CAAC,GAAG,IAAI,GAAG,IAAI,CAAC,CAAC,MAAM;AACxE,MAAM,CAAC,MAAM,mCAAmC,GAAW,CAAC,CAAC;AAC7D,MAAM,CAAC,MAAM,8BAA8B,GAAW,CAAC,CAAC;AACxD,MAAM,CAAC,MAAM,eAAe,GAAW,GAAG,GAAG,IAAI,CAAC,CAAC,QAAQ;AAC3D;;GAEG;AACH,MAAM,CAAC,MAAM,kBAAkB,GAAsB,oCAAoC,CAAC;AAE1F,MAAM,CAAC,MAAM,YAAY,GAAG;IAC1B,UAAU,EAAE;QACV,sBAAsB,EAAE,GAAG;QAC3B,cAAc,EAAE,eAAe;QAC/B,SAAS,EAAE,KAAK;QAChB,OAAO,EAAE,SAAS;KACnB;CACF,CAAC;AAEF,MAAM,CAAC,MAAM,iBAAiB,GAAG;IAC/B,aAAa,EAAE,GAAG;IAClB,cAAc,EAAE,GAAG;IACnB,kBAAkB,EAAE,GAAG;IACvB,0BAA0B,EAAE,GAAG;CAChC,CAAC;AAEF,MAAM,CAAC,MAAM,eAAe,GAAG;IAC7B,aAAa,EAAE,eAAe;IAC9B,oBAAoB,EAAE,QAAQ;IAC9B,gBAAgB,EAAE,kBAAkB;IACpC,gBAAgB,EAAE,kBAAkB;IACpC,cAAc,EAAE,gBAAgB;IAChC,WAAW,EAAE,aAAa;IAC1B,YAAY,EAAE,cAAc;IAC5B,MAAM,EAAE,QAAQ;IAChB,IAAI,EAAE,MAAM;IACZ,QAAQ,EAAE,UAAU;IACpB,iBAAiB,EAAE,mBAAmB;IACtC,aAAa,EAAE,eAAe;IAC9B,mBAAmB,EAAE,qBAAqB;IAC1C,kBAAkB,EAAE,OAAO;IAC3B,KAAK,EAAE,OAAO;IACd,UAAU,EAAE,YAAY;IACxB,sBAAsB,EAAE,wBAAwB;IAChD,gBAAgB,EAAE,kBAAkB;IACpC,wBAAwB,EAAE,6BAA6B;IACvD,SAAS,EAAE,WAAW;CACvB,CAAC;AAEF,MAAM,CAAC,MAAM,QAAQ,GAAG,EAAE,CAAC;AAC3B,MAAM,CAAC,MAAM,OAAO,GAAG,GAAG,CAAC;AAC3B,MAAM,CAAC,MAAM,sBAAsB,GAAG,UAAU,CAAC;AACjD,MAAM,CAAC,MAAM,kBAAkB,GAAG,MAAM,CAAC;AAEzC,MAAM,CAAC,MAAM,oCAAoC,GAAG;IAClD,6BAA6B;IAC7B,eAAe;IACf,gBAAgB;IAChB,cAAc;IACd,MAAM;IACN,YAAY;IACZ,aAAa;IACb,mBAAmB;IACnB,YAAY;IACZ,wBAAwB;IACxB,WAAW;IACX,iBAAiB;IACjB,iBAAiB;IACjB,+BAA+B;IAC/B,cAAc;IACd,eAAe;IACf,qBAAqB;IACrB,kBAAkB;IAClB,kBAAkB;IAClB,aAAa;IACb,eAAe;IACf,MAAM;IACN,eAAe;IACf,QAAQ;IACR,MAAM;IACN,oBAAoB;IACpB,kBAAkB;IAClB,2BAA2B;IAC3B,cAAc;IACd,oBAAoB;IACpB,kBAAkB;IAClB,8BAA8B;IAC9B,qBAAqB;IACrB,kBAAkB;IAClB,mBAAmB;IACnB,YAAY;IACZ,+BAA+B;IAC/B,uBAAuB;IACvB,eAAe;IACf,mBAAmB;IACnB,oBAAoB;IACpB,0BAA0B;IAC1B,uBAAuB;IACvB,uBAAuB;IACvB,qBAAqB;IACrB,kBAAkB;IAClB,mBAAmB;IACnB,6BAA6B;IAC7B,8BAA8B;IAC9B,sBAAsB;IACtB,uBAAuB;IACvB,yBAAyB;IACzB,cAAc;IACd,2BAA2B;IAC3B,qBAAqB;IACrB,gBAAgB;IAChB,+BAA+B;IAC/B,gBAAgB;IAChB,kBAAkB;IAClB,WAAW;IACX,YAAY;CACb,CAAC;AAEF,MAAM,CAAC,MAAM,wCAAwC,GAAG;IACtD,MAAM;IACN,YAAY;IACZ,MAAM;IACN,MAAM;IACN,MAAM;IACN,MAAM;IACN,MAAM;IACN,IAAI;IACJ,IAAI;IACJ,KAAK;IACL,IAAI;IACJ,KAAK;IACL,IAAI;IACJ,KAAK;IACL,IAAI;IACJ,IAAI;IACJ,IAAI;IACJ,QAAQ;IACR,SAAS;CACV,CAAC;AAEF,iDAAiD;AACjD,wGAAwG;AACxG,MAAM,CAAC,MAAM,cAAc,GAAG;IAC5B,OAAO;IACP,OAAO;IACP,OAAO;IACP,OAAO;IACP,OAAO;IACP,OAAO;IACP,OAAO;IACP,OAAO;IACP,OAAO;IACP,OAAO;IACP,OAAO;IACP,OAAO;IACP,OAAO;IACP,OAAO;IACP,OAAO;IACP,OAAO;IACP,OAAO;IACP,OAAO;IACP,OAAO;IACP,OAAO;CACR,CAAC","sourcesContent":["// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT License.\n\nexport const SDK_VERSION: string = \"12.27.0-beta.1\";\nexport const SERVICE_VERSION: string = \"2025-05-05\";\n\nexport const FILE_MAX_SIZE_BYTES: number = 4 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024; // 4TB\nexport const FILE_RANGE_MAX_SIZE_BYTES: number = 4 * 1024 * 1024; // 4MB\nexport const DEFAULT_MAX_DOWNLOAD_RETRY_REQUESTS: number = 5;\nexport const DEFAULT_HIGH_LEVEL_CONCURRENCY: number = 5;\nexport const REQUEST_TIMEOUT: number = 100 * 1000; // In ms\n/**\n * The OAuth scope to use with Azure Storage.\n */\nexport const StorageOAuthScopes: string | string[] = \"https://storage.azure.com/.default\";\n\nexport const URLConstants = {\n Parameters: {\n FORCE_BROWSER_NO_CACHE: \"_\",\n SHARE_SNAPSHOT: \"sharesnapshot\",\n SIGNATURE: \"sig\",\n TIMEOUT: \"timeout\",\n },\n};\n\nexport const HttpUrlConnection = {\n HTTP_CONFLICT: 409,\n HTTP_NOT_FOUND: 404,\n HTTP_PRECON_FAILED: 412,\n HTTP_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE: 416,\n};\n\nexport const HeaderConstants = {\n AUTHORIZATION: \"authorization\",\n AUTHORIZATION_SCHEME: \"Bearer\",\n CONTENT_ENCODING: \"content-encoding\",\n CONTENT_LANGUAGE: \"content-language\",\n CONTENT_LENGTH: \"content-length\",\n CONTENT_MD5: \"content-md5\",\n CONTENT_TYPE: \"content-type\",\n COOKIE: \"Cookie\",\n DATE: \"date\",\n IF_MATCH: \"if-match\",\n IF_MODIFIED_SINCE: \"if-modified-since\",\n IF_NONE_MATCH: \"if-none-match\",\n IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE: \"if-unmodified-since\",\n PREFIX_FOR_STORAGE: \"x-ms-\",\n RANGE: \"Range\",\n USER_AGENT: \"User-Agent\",\n X_MS_CLIENT_REQUEST_ID: \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n X_MS_COPY_SOURCE: \"x-ms-copy-source\",\n X_MS_CopySourceErrorCode: \"x-ms-copy-source-error-code\",\n X_MS_DATE: \"x-ms-date\",\n};\n\nexport const ETagNone = \"\";\nexport const ETagAny = \"*\";\nexport const FileAttributesPreserve = \"Preserve\";\nexport const FileAttributesNone = \"None\";\n\nexport const StorageFileLoggingAllowedHeaderNames = [\n \"Access-Control-Allow-Origin\",\n \"Cache-Control\",\n \"Content-Length\",\n \"Content-Type\",\n \"Date\",\n \"Request-Id\",\n \"traceparent\",\n \"Transfer-Encoding\",\n \"User-Agent\",\n \"x-ms-client-request-id\",\n \"x-ms-date\",\n \"x-ms-error-code\",\n \"x-ms-request-id\",\n \"x-ms-return-client-request-id\",\n \"x-ms-version\",\n \"Accept-Ranges\",\n \"Content-Disposition\",\n \"Content-Encoding\",\n \"Content-Language\",\n \"Content-MD5\",\n \"Content-Range\",\n \"ETag\",\n \"Last-Modified\",\n \"Server\",\n \"Vary\",\n \"x-ms-content-crc64\",\n \"x-ms-copy-action\",\n \"x-ms-copy-completion-time\",\n \"x-ms-copy-id\",\n \"x-ms-copy-progress\",\n \"x-ms-copy-status\",\n \"x-ms-has-immutability-policy\",\n \"x-ms-has-legal-hold\",\n \"x-ms-lease-state\",\n \"x-ms-lease-status\",\n \"x-ms-range\",\n \"x-ms-request-server-encrypted\",\n \"x-ms-server-encrypted\",\n \"x-ms-snapshot\",\n \"x-ms-source-range\",\n \"x-ms-cache-control\",\n \"x-ms-content-disposition\",\n \"x-ms-content-encoding\",\n \"x-ms-content-language\",\n \"x-ms-content-length\",\n \"x-ms-content-md5\",\n \"x-ms-content-type\",\n \"x-ms-copy-source-error-code\",\n \"x-ms-copy-source-status-code\",\n \"x-ms-file-attributes\",\n \"x-ms-file-change-time\",\n \"x-ms-file-creation-time\",\n \"x-ms-file-id\",\n \"x-ms-file-last-write-time\",\n \"x-ms-file-parent-id\",\n \"x-ms-handle-id\",\n \"x-ms-number-of-handles-closed\",\n \"x-ms-recursive\",\n \"x-ms-share-quota\",\n \"x-ms-type\",\n \"x-ms-write\",\n];\n\nexport const StorageFileLoggingAllowedQueryParameters = [\n \"comp\",\n \"maxresults\",\n \"rscc\",\n \"rscd\",\n \"rsce\",\n \"rscl\",\n \"rsct\",\n \"se\",\n \"si\",\n \"sip\",\n \"sp\",\n \"spr\",\n \"sr\",\n \"srt\",\n \"ss\",\n \"st\",\n \"sv\",\n \"copyid\",\n \"restype\",\n];\n\n/// List of ports used for path style addressing.\n/// Path style addressing means that storage account is put in URI's Path segment in instead of in host.\nexport const PathStylePorts = [\n \"10000\",\n \"10001\",\n \"10002\",\n \"10003\",\n \"10004\",\n \"10100\",\n \"10101\",\n \"10102\",\n \"10103\",\n \"10104\",\n \"11000\",\n \"11001\",\n \"11002\",\n \"11003\",\n \"11004\",\n \"11100\",\n \"11101\",\n \"11102\",\n \"11103\",\n \"11104\",\n];\n"]}
@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ import { isNode } from "@azure/core-util";
  * We will apply strategy one, and call encodeURIComponent for these parameters like blobName. Because what customers passes in is a plain name instead of a URL.
- * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/naming-and-referencing-containers--blobs--and-metadata
- * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/naming-and-referencing-shares--directories--files--and-metadata
+ * @see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/naming-and-referencing-containers--blobs--and-metadata
+ * @see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/naming-and-referencing-shares--directories--files--and-metadata
  * @param url -
@@ -562,4 +562,216 @@ export function asSharePermission(value) {
  permission: value,
+ /**
+ * Parse 4-digit octal string representation of a File Mode to a {@link NfsFileMode} structure.
+ */
+ export function parseOctalFileMode(input) {
+ if (input === undefined) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ if ((input === null || input === void 0 ? void 0 : input.length) !== 4) {
+ throw new Error("Invalid format of input string");
+ }
+ const nfsFileMode = {
+ owner: parseOctalRolePermissions(input[1]),
+ group: parseOctalRolePermissions(input[2]),
+ other: parseOctalRolePermissions(input[3]),
+ effectiveUserIdentity: false,
+ effectiveGroupIdentity: false,
+ stickyBit: false,
+ };
+ const value = Number.parseInt(input[0]);
+ if ((value & 4) > 0) {
+ nfsFileMode.effectiveUserIdentity = true;
+ }
+ if ((value & 2) > 0) {
+ nfsFileMode.effectiveGroupIdentity = true;
+ }
+ if ((value & 1) > 0) {
+ nfsFileMode.stickyBit = true;
+ }
+ return nfsFileMode;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Convert {@link NfsFileMode} structure to a 4-digit octal string represenation.
+ */
+ export function toOctalFileMode(input) {
+ if (input === undefined)
+ return undefined;
+ let higherOrderDigit = 0;
+ if (input === null || input === void 0 ? void 0 : input.effectiveUserIdentity) {
+ higherOrderDigit |= 4;
+ }
+ if (input === null || input === void 0 ? void 0 : input.effectiveGroupIdentity) {
+ higherOrderDigit |= 2;
+ }
+ if (input === null || input === void 0 ? void 0 : input.stickyBit) {
+ higherOrderDigit |= 1;
+ }
+ let stringFileMode = higherOrderDigit.toString();
+ stringFileMode += toOctalRolePermissions(input.owner);
+ stringFileMode += toOctalRolePermissions(input.group);
+ stringFileMode += toOctalRolePermissions(input.other);
+ return stringFileMode;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Convert a {@link NfsFileMode} to a string in symbolic notation.
+ */
+ export function toSymbolicFileMode(input) {
+ if (input === undefined)
+ return undefined;
+ let ownerPermissions = toSymbolicRolePermissions(input.owner);
+ let groupPermissions = toSymbolicRolePermissions(input.group);
+ let otherPermissions = toSymbolicRolePermissions(input.other);
+ if (input.effectiveUserIdentity) {
+ if (ownerPermissions[2] === "x") {
+ ownerPermissions = ownerPermissions.substring(0, 2) + "s";
+ }
+ else {
+ ownerPermissions = ownerPermissions.substring(0, 2) + "S";
+ }
+ }
+ if (input.effectiveGroupIdentity) {
+ if (groupPermissions[2] === "x") {
+ groupPermissions = groupPermissions.substring(0, 2) + "s";
+ }
+ else {
+ groupPermissions = groupPermissions.substring(0, 2) + "S";
+ }
+ }
+ if (input.stickyBit) {
+ if (otherPermissions[2] === "x") {
+ otherPermissions = otherPermissions.substring(0, 2) + "t";
+ }
+ else {
+ otherPermissions = otherPermissions.substring(0, 2) + "T";
+ }
+ }
+ return ownerPermissions + groupPermissions + otherPermissions;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Parse a 9-character symbolic string representation of a File Mode to a {@link NfsFileMode} structure.
+ */
+ export function parseSymbolicFileMode(input) {
+ if (input === undefined)
+ return undefined;
+ if ((input === null || input === void 0 ? void 0 : input.length) !== 9) {
+ throw new Error("Invalid format of input string");
+ }
+ const ownerPermissions = parseSymbolicRolePermissions(input.substring(0, 3));
+ const groupPermissions = parseSymbolicRolePermissions(input.substring(3, 6));
+ const otherPermissions = parseSymbolicRolePermissions(input.substring(6, 9));
+ const nfsFileMode = {
+ owner: ownerPermissions.rolePermissions,
+ group: groupPermissions.rolePermissions,
+ other: otherPermissions.rolePermissions,
+ effectiveUserIdentity: ownerPermissions.setSticky,
+ effectiveGroupIdentity: groupPermissions.setSticky,
+ stickyBit: otherPermissions.setSticky,
+ };
+ return nfsFileMode;
+ }
+ export function parseOctalRolePermissions(c) {
+ const rolePermissions = {
+ read: false,
+ write: false,
+ execute: false,
+ };
+ const value = Number.parseInt(c);
+ if (value < 0 || value > 7) {
+ throw new Error("MustBeBetweenInclusive");
+ }
+ if ((value & 4) > 0) {
+ rolePermissions.read = true;
+ }
+ if ((value & 2) > 0) {
+ rolePermissions.write = true;
+ }
+ if ((value & 1) > 0) {
+ rolePermissions.execute = true;
+ }
+ return rolePermissions;
+ }
+ export function toOctalRolePermissions(rolePermissions) {
+ let result = 0;
+ if (rolePermissions.read === true) {
+ result |= 4;
+ }
+ if (rolePermissions.write === true) {
+ result |= 2;
+ }
+ if (rolePermissions.execute === true) {
+ result |= 1;
+ }
+ return result.toString();
+ }
+ export function toSymbolicRolePermissions(rolePermissions) {
+ let symbolicRolePermissions = "";
+ if (rolePermissions.read === true) {
+ symbolicRolePermissions += "r";
+ }
+ else {
+ symbolicRolePermissions += "-";
+ }
+ if (rolePermissions.write === true) {
+ symbolicRolePermissions += "w";
+ }
+ else {
+ symbolicRolePermissions += "-";
+ }
+ if (rolePermissions.execute === true) {
+ symbolicRolePermissions += "x";
+ }
+ else {
+ symbolicRolePermissions += "-";
+ }
+ return symbolicRolePermissions;
+ }
+ export function parseSymbolicRolePermissions(input) {
+ if (input.length !== 3) {
+ throw new Error("input must be 3 characters long");
+ }
+ const rolePermissions = {
+ read: false,
+ write: false,
+ execute: false,
+ };
+ let setSticky = false;
+ // Read character
+ if (input[0] === "r") {
+ rolePermissions.read = true;
+ }
+ else if (input[0] !== "-") {
+ throw new Error(`Invalid character in symbolic role permission: ${input[0]}`);
+ }
+ // Write character
+ if (input[1] === "w") {
+ rolePermissions.write = true;
+ }
+ else if (input[1] !== "-") {
+ throw new Error(`Invalid character in symbolic role permission: ${input[1]}`);
+ }
+ // Execute character
+ if (input[2] === "x" || input[2] === "s" || input[2] === "t") {
+ rolePermissions.execute = true;
+ if (input[2] === "s" || input[2] === "t") {
+ setSticky = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (input[2] === "S" || input[2] === "T") {
+ setSticky = true;
+ }
+ if (input[2] !== "x" &&
+ input[2] !== "s" &&
+ input[2] !== "S" &&
+ input[2] !== "t" &&
+ input[2] !== "T" &&
+ input[2] !== "-") {
+ throw new Error(`Invalid character in symbolic role permission: ${input[2]}`);
+ }
+ return {
+ rolePermissions,
+ setSticky,
+ };
+ }
  //# sourceMappingURL=utils.common.js.map