@azure/communication-react 1.23.0-alpha-202412280016 → 1.23.0-alpha-202501010018
This diff represents the content of publicly available package versions that have been released to one of the supported registries. The information contained in this diff is provided for informational purposes only and reflects changes between package versions as they appear in their respective public registries.
- package/dist/communication-react.d.ts +67 -74
- package/dist/dist-cjs/communication-react/{ChatMessageComponentAsRichTextEditBox-DNw9lPCm.js → ChatMessageComponentAsRichTextEditBox-C-il3-6g.js} +2 -2
- package/dist/dist-cjs/communication-react/{ChatMessageComponentAsRichTextEditBox-DNw9lPCm.js.map → ChatMessageComponentAsRichTextEditBox-C-il3-6g.js.map} +1 -1
- package/dist/dist-cjs/communication-react/{RichTextSendBoxWrapper-B7thp1Ka.js → RichTextSendBoxWrapper-C9huyOrM.js} +2 -2
- package/dist/dist-cjs/communication-react/{RichTextSendBoxWrapper-B7thp1Ka.js.map → RichTextSendBoxWrapper-C9huyOrM.js.map} +1 -1
- package/dist/dist-cjs/communication-react/{index-DsEydAmC.js → index-CoXZD7Ml.js} +47 -35
- package/dist/dist-cjs/communication-react/index-CoXZD7Ml.js.map +1 -0
- package/dist/dist-cjs/communication-react/index.js +2 -3
- package/dist/dist-cjs/communication-react/index.js.map +1 -1
- package/dist/dist-esm/acs-ui-common/src/telemetryVersion.js +1 -1
- package/dist/dist-esm/acs-ui-common/src/telemetryVersion.js.map +1 -1
- package/dist/dist-esm/communication-react/src/index.d.ts +2 -4
- package/dist/dist-esm/communication-react/src/index.js +1 -3
- package/dist/dist-esm/communication-react/src/index.js.map +1 -1
- package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/components/CaptionsBanner.d.ts +12 -0
- package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/components/CaptionsBanner.js +10 -3
- package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/components/CaptionsBanner.js.map +1 -1
- package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/components/RTTDisclosureBanner.d.ts +7 -7
- package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/components/RTTDisclosureBanner.js +7 -9
- package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/components/RTTDisclosureBanner.js.map +1 -1
- package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/components/RealTimeText.js +1 -1
- package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/components/RealTimeText.js.map +1 -1
- package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/components/RealTimeTextModal.d.ts +39 -0
- package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/components/{RTTModal.js → RealTimeTextModal.js} +15 -15
- package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/components/RealTimeTextModal.js.map +1 -0
- package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/components/index.d.ts +1 -1
- package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/components/index.js +1 -1
- package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/components/index.js.map +1 -1
- package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/localization/LocalizationProvider.d.ts +4 -7
- package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/localization/LocalizationProvider.js.map +1 -1
- package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/localization/locales/en-US/strings.json +12 -14
- package/dist/dist-esm/react-composites/src/composites/CallComposite/Strings.d.ts +12 -0
- package/dist/dist-esm/react-composites/src/composites/CallComposite/Strings.js.map +1 -1
- package/dist/dist-esm/react-composites/src/composites/common/CallingCaptionsBanner.js +7 -1
- package/dist/dist-esm/react-composites/src/composites/common/CallingCaptionsBanner.js.map +1 -1
- package/dist/dist-esm/react-composites/src/composites/localization/locales/en-US/strings.json +3 -0
- package/package.json +1 -1
- package/dist/dist-cjs/communication-react/index-DsEydAmC.js.map +0 -1
- package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/components/RTTModal.d.ts +0 -39
- package/dist/dist-esm/react-components/src/components/RTTModal.js.map +0 -1
@@ -1 +1 @@
{"version":3,"file":"index.js","sourceRoot":"","sources":["../../../../../../react-components/src/components/index.ts"],"names":[],"mappings":"AAAA,uCAAuC;AACvC,kCAAkC;AAElC,OAAO,EAAE,eAAe,EAAE,MAAM,mBAAmB,CAAC;AAGpD,OAAO,EAAE,QAAQ,EAAE,MAAM,YAAY,CAAC;AAGtC,OAAO,EAAE,UAAU,EAAE,MAAM,cAAc,CAAC;AAG1C,OAAO,EAAE,OAAO,EAAE,MAAM,WAAW,CAAC;AACpC,0CAA0C;AAC1C,OAAO,EAAE,eAAe,EAAE,MAAM,kBAAkB,CAAC;AAEnD,OAAO,EAAE,YAAY,EAAE,MAAM,gBAAgB,CAAC;AAI9C,mDAAmD;AACnD,OAAO,EAAE,eAAe,EAAE,MAAM,kCAAkC,CAAC;AACnE,qHAAqH;AACrH,mDAAmD;AACnD,OAAO,EAAE,qCAAqC,EAAE,MAAM,yEAAyE,CAAC;AAqBhI,OAAO,EAAE,sBAAsB,EAAE,MAAM,0BAA0B,CAAC;AAGlE,OAAO,EAAE,aAAa,EAAE,MAAM,iBAAiB,CAAC;AAiBhD,OAAO,EAAE,WAAW,EAAE,MAAM,eAAe,CAAC;AAI5C,OAAO,EAAE,eAAe,EAAE,MAAM,mBAAmB,CAAC;AAGpD,OAAO,EAAE,eAAe,EAAE,MAAM,mBAAmB,CAAC;AAWpD,OAAO,EAAE,SAAS,EAAE,MAAM,aAAa,CAAC;AAGxC,OAAO,EAAE,YAAY,EAAE,MAAM,gBAAgB,CAAC;AAc9C,OAAO,EAAE,2BAA2B,EAAE,MAAM,0BAA0B,CAAC;AAGvE,OAAO,EAAE,YAAY,EAAE,MAAM,gBAAgB,CAAC;AAQ9C,OAAO,EAAE,UAAU,EAAE,MAAM,cAAc,CAAC;AAG1C,OAAO,EAAE,gBAAgB,EAAE,MAAM,oBAAoB,CAAC;AAGtD,OAAO,EAAE,aAAa,EAAE,MAAM,iBAAiB,CAAC;AAGhD,OAAO,EAAE,gBAAgB,EAAE,MAAM,oBAAoB,CAAC;AAQtD,OAAO,EAAE,aAAa,EAAE,8BAA8B,IAAI,+BAA+B,EAAE,MAAM,iBAAiB,CAAC;AAYnH,iDAAiD;AACjD,OAAO,EACL,kCAAkC,EAClC,yBAAyB,EACzB,qBAAqB,EACtB,MAAM,qCAAqC,CAAC;AAa7C,iDAAiD;AACjD,OAAO,EAAE,uBAAuB,EAAE,MAAM,6CAA6C,CAAC;AAOtF,iDAAiD;AACjD,OAAO,EAAE,0BAA0B,EAAE,MAAM,gDAAgD,CAAC;AAO5F,OAAO,EAAE,kBAAkB,EAAE,MAAM,sBAAsB,CAAC;AAQ1D,OAAO,EAAE,iBAAiB,EAAE,MAAM,qBAAqB,CAAC;AAGxD,OAAO,EAAE,eAAe,EAAE,MAAM,mBAAmB,CAAC;AAGpD,OAAO,EAAE,cAAc,EAAE,MAAM,kBAAkB,CAAC;AAElD,OAAO,EAAE,SAAS,EAAE,MAAM,aAAa,CAAC;AAGxC,OAAO,EAAE,0BAA0B,EAAE,MAAM,uDAAuD,CAAC;AAUnG,cAAc,UAAU,CAAC;AAKzB,cAAc,6BAA6B,CAAC;AAC5C,cAAc,kCAAkC,CAAC;AACjD,cAAc,yBAAyB,CAAC;AACxC,cAAc,sCAAsC,CAAC;AAiBrD,OAAO,EAAE,mBAAmB,EAAE,kBAAkB,EAAE,MAAM,oBAAoB,CAAC;AAE7E,OAAO,EAAE,iBAAiB,EAAE,MAAM,oBAAoB,CAAC;AAEvD,OAAO,EAAE,OAAO,EAAE,MAAM,mBAAmB,CAAC;AAI5C,OAAO,EAAE,WAAW,EAAE,MAAM,gCAAgC,CAAC;AAI7D,cAAc,sBAAsB,CAAC;AAErC,OAAO,EAAE,WAAW,EAAE,MAAM,gCAAgC,CAAC;AAG7D,OAAO,EAAE,UAAU,EAAE,MAAM,cAAc,CAAC;AAG1C,OAAO,EAAE,eAAe,EAAE,MAAM,kBAAkB,CAAC;AACnD,OAAO,EAAE,gBAAgB,EAAE,MAAM,mBAAmB,CAAC;AACrD,OAAO,EAAE,sBAAsB,EAAE,MAAM,yBAAyB,CAAC;AAGjE,OAAO,EAAE,kBAAkB,EAAE,MAAM,sBAAsB,CAAC;AAE1D,OAAO,EAAE,yBAAyB,EAAE,MAAM,6BAA6B,CAAC;AAExE,OAAO,EAAE,0BAA0B,EAAE,MAAM,8BAA8B,CAAC;AAG1E,OAAO,EAAE,6BAA6B,EAAE,MAAM,gCAAgC,CAAC;AAM/E,OAAO,EAAE,yBAAyB,EAAE,MAAM,8CAA8C,CAAC;AAOzF,OAAO,EAAE,iBAAiB,EAAE,MAAM,iCAAiC,CAAC;AAEpE,OAAO,EACL,6BAA6B,EAC7B,qBAAqB,EACrB,yBAAyB,EAC1B,MAAM,wCAAwC,CAAC;AAEhD,OAAO,EAAE,6BAA6B,EAAE,MAAM,6CAA6C,CAAC;AAS5F,cAAc,kBAAkB,CAAC;AAEjC,cAAc,WAAW,CAAC;AAE1B,cAAc,uBAAuB,CAAC;AAEtC,cAAc,yBAAyB,CAAC;AAExC,sCAAsC;AACtC,cAAc,YAAY,CAAC;AAE3B,cAAc,8BAA8B,CAAC;AAC7C,OAAO,EAAE,kBAAkB,EAAE,MAAM,2BAA2B,CAAC;AAE/D,OAAO,EAAE,cAAc,EAAE,MAAM,iBAAiB,CAAC;AAEjD,cAAc,gBAAgB,CAAC;AAE/B,cAAc,qBAAqB,CAAC;AAEpC,cAAc,4BAA4B,CAAC;AAC3C,cAAc,qBAAqB,CAAC;AAEpC,sCAAsC;AACtC,cAAc,uBAAuB,CAAC;AACtC,sCAAsC;AACtC,cAAc,gBAAgB,CAAC;AAC/B,sCAAsC;AACtC,cAAc,2BAA2B,CAAC","sourcesContent":["// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT License.\n\nexport { TypingIndicator } from './TypingIndicator';\nexport type { TypingIndicatorProps, TypingIndicatorStrings, TypingIndicatorStylesProps } from './TypingIndicator';\n\nexport { ErrorBar } from './ErrorBar';\nexport type { ActiveErrorMessage, ErrorBarProps, ErrorBarStrings, ErrorType } from './ErrorBar';\n\nexport { GridLayout } from './GridLayout';\nexport type { GridLayoutProps, GridLayoutStyles } from './GridLayout';\n\nexport { SendBox } from './SendBox';\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(mention) */\nexport { _MentionPopover } from './MentionPopover';\n\nexport { ImageOverlay } from './ImageOverlay';\nexport type { ImageOverlayStrings } from './ImageOverlay';\nexport type { SendBoxProps, SendBoxStrings, SendBoxStylesProps } from './SendBox';\n\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(rich-text-editor) */\nexport { RichTextSendBox } from './RichTextEditor/RichTextSendBox';\n// TODO: This component is exported only for testing purposes. Remove this when this component is added to composites\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(rich-text-editor) */\nexport { ChatMessageComponentAsRichTextEditBox } from './ChatMessage/MyMessageComponents/ChatMessageComponentAsRichTextEditBox';\n// TODO: This component is exported only for testing purposes. Remove this when this component is added to composites\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(rich-text-editor) */\nexport type { ChatMessageComponentAsRichTextEditBoxProps } from './ChatMessage/MyMessageComponents/ChatMessageComponentAsRichTextEditBox';\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(rich-text-editor) */\nexport type { RichTextSendBoxProps, RichTextSendBoxStrings, RichTextStrings } from './RichTextEditor/RichTextSendBox';\n\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(mention) */\nexport type {\n _MentionPopoverProps,\n MentionLookupOptions,\n MentionDisplayOptions,\n MentionOptions,\n Mention,\n MentionPopoverStrings\n} from './MentionPopover';\n\nexport type { ImageOverlayProps } from './ImageOverlay';\n\nexport type { InlineImageOptions, InlineImage } from './ChatMessage/ChatMessageContent';\n\nexport { MessageStatusIndicator } from './MessageStatusIndicator';\nexport type { MessageStatusIndicatorProps, MessageStatusIndicatorStrings } from './MessageStatusIndicator';\n\nexport { MessageThread } from './MessageThread';\nexport type {\n MessageProps,\n MessageThreadProps,\n MessageThreadStrings,\n MessageThreadStyles,\n JumpToNewMessageButtonProps,\n MessageRenderer,\n UpdateMessageCallback,\n CancelEditCallback\n} from './MessageThread';\n\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(rich-text-editor) */\nexport type { RichTextEditorOptions } from './RichTextEditor/RichTextSendBox';\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(rich-text-editor) */\nexport type { RichTextEditBoxOptions } from './MessageThread';\n\nexport { StreamMedia } from './StreamMedia';\nexport type { StreamMediaProps } from './StreamMedia';\nexport type { LoadingState } from './StreamMedia';\n\nexport { ParticipantItem } from './ParticipantItem';\nexport type { ParticipantItemProps, ParticipantItemStrings, ParticipantItemStyles } from './ParticipantItem';\n\nexport { ParticipantList } from './ParticipantList';\nexport type {\n ParticipantListItemStyles,\n ParticipantListProps,\n ParticipantListStyles,\n ParticipantMenuItemsCallback\n} from './ParticipantList';\n\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(total-participant-count) */\nexport type { ParticipantListStrings } from './ParticipantList';\n\nexport { Announcer } from './Announcer';\nexport type { AnnouncerProps } from './Announcer';\n\nexport { VideoGallery } from './VideoGallery';\nexport type {\n VideoGalleryProps,\n VideoGalleryStrings,\n VideoGalleryStyles,\n VideoGalleryLayout,\n VideoTileContextualMenuProps,\n VideoTileDrawerMenuProps,\n VideoTilesOptions\n} from './VideoGallery';\nexport type { OverflowGalleryPosition } from './VideoGallery';\nexport type { LocalVideoTileSize } from './VideoGallery';\nexport type { HorizontalGalleryStyles } from './HorizontalGallery';\n\nexport { LocalVideoCameraCycleButton } from './LocalVideoCameraButton';\nexport type { LocalVideoCameraCycleButtonProps } from './LocalVideoCameraButton';\n\nexport { CameraButton } from './CameraButton';\nexport type {\n CameraButtonContextualMenuStyles,\n CameraButtonProps,\n CameraButtonStrings,\n CameraButtonStyles\n} from './CameraButton';\n\nexport { ControlBar } from './ControlBar';\nexport type { ControlBarProps, ControlBarLayout } from './ControlBar';\n\nexport { ControlBarButton } from './ControlBarButton';\nexport type { ControlBarButtonProps, ControlBarButtonStrings, ControlBarButtonStyles } from './ControlBarButton';\n\nexport { EndCallButton } from './EndCallButton';\nexport type { EndCallButtonProps, EndCallButtonStrings } from './EndCallButton';\n\nexport { MicrophoneButton } from './MicrophoneButton';\nexport type {\n MicrophoneButtonStyles,\n MicrophoneButtonContextualMenuStyles,\n MicrophoneButtonProps,\n MicrophoneButtonStrings\n} from './MicrophoneButton';\n\nexport { DevicesButton, generateDefaultDeviceMenuProps as _generateDefaultDeviceMenuProps } from './DevicesButton';\nexport type {\n OptionsDevice,\n DevicesButtonProps,\n DevicesButtonStrings,\n DevicesButtonStyles,\n DevicesButtonContextualMenuStyles,\n DeviceMenuProps as _DeviceMenuProps,\n DeviceMenuStrings as _DeviceMenuStrings,\n DeviceMenuStyles as _DeviceMenuStyles\n} from './DevicesButton';\n\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(call-readiness) */\nexport {\n CameraAndMicrophoneSitePermissions,\n MicrophoneSitePermissions,\n CameraSitePermissions\n} from './DevicePermissions/SitePermissions';\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(call-readiness) */\nexport type { SitePermissionsStrings, SitePermissionsStyles } from './DevicePermissions/SitePermissionsScaffolding';\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(call-readiness) */\nexport type {\n CameraAndMicrophoneSitePermissionsStrings,\n CameraAndMicrophoneSitePermissionsProps,\n CameraSitePermissionsStrings,\n CameraSitePermissionsProps,\n CommonSitePermissionsProps,\n MicrophoneSitePermissionsStrings,\n MicrophoneSitePermissionsProps\n} from './DevicePermissions/SitePermissions';\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(call-readiness) */\nexport { BrowserPermissionDenied } from './DevicePermissions/BrowserPermissionDenied';\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(call-readiness) */\nexport type {\n BrowserPermissionDeniedStrings,\n BrowserPermissionDeniedStyles,\n BrowserPermissionDeniedProps\n} from './DevicePermissions/BrowserPermissionDenied';\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(call-readiness) */\nexport { BrowserPermissionDeniedIOS } from './DevicePermissions/BrowserPermissionDeniedIOS';\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(call-readiness) */\nexport type {\n BrowserPermissionDeniedIOSStrings,\n BrowserPermissionDeniedIOSProps\n} from './DevicePermissions/BrowserPermissionDeniedIOS';\n\nexport { ParticipantsButton } from './ParticipantsButton';\nexport type {\n ParticipantsButtonContextualMenuStyles,\n ParticipantsButtonProps,\n ParticipantsButtonStrings,\n ParticipantsButtonStyles\n} from './ParticipantsButton';\n\nexport { ScreenShareButton } from './ScreenShareButton';\nexport type { ScreenShareButtonProps, ScreenShareButtonStrings } from './ScreenShareButton';\n\nexport { RaiseHandButton } from './RaiseHandButton';\n\nexport type { RaiseHandButtonProps, RaiseHandButtonStrings } from './RaiseHandButton';\nexport { ReactionButton } from './ReactionButton';\nexport type { ReactionButtonProps, ReactionButtonStrings, ReactionButtonReaction } from './ReactionButton';\nexport { VideoTile } from './VideoTile';\nexport type { VideoTileProps, VideoTileStylesProps, VideoTileStrings } from './VideoTile';\n\nexport { _PictureInPictureInPicture } from './PictureInPictureInPicture/PictureInPictureInPicture';\nexport type {\n _PictureInPictureInPictureProps,\n _PictureInPictureInPictureStrings\n} from './PictureInPictureInPicture/PictureInPictureInPicture';\nexport type {\n _PictureInPictureInPictureTileProps,\n _TileOrientation\n} from './PictureInPictureInPicture/PictureInPictureInPictureTile';\n\nexport * from './Drawer';\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(file-sharing-acs) */\nexport type { SendBoxErrorBarError } from './SendBoxErrorBar';\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(rich-text-editor-image-upload) */\nexport type { SendBoxErrorBarType } from './SendBoxErrorBar';\nexport * from './Attachment/AttachmentCard';\nexport * from './Attachment/AttachmentCardGroup';\nexport * from './ModalClone/ModalClone';\nexport * from './Attachment/AttachmentDownloadCards';\nexport type { _AttachmentUploadCardsStrings } from './Attachment/AttachmentUploadCards';\n\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(file-sharing-acs) */\nexport type {\n AttachmentOptions,\n AttachmentUploadOptions,\n AttachmentActionHandler,\n AttachmentSelectionHandler,\n AttachmentMetadataWrapper,\n AttachmentRemovalHandler,\n AttachmentUploadTask\n} from '../types/Attachment';\n\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(file-sharing-acs) */\nexport type { AttachmentMenuAction, AttachmentDownloadOptions } from '../types/Attachment';\n\nexport { _useContainerHeight, _useContainerWidth } from './utils/responsive';\n\nexport { _ComplianceBanner } from './ComplianceBanner';\nexport type { _ComplianceBannerProps, _ComplianceBannerStrings } from './ComplianceBanner';\nexport { Dialpad } from './Dialpad/Dialpad';\nexport type { DialpadProps, DialpadStrings, DialpadStyles, DtmfTone } from './Dialpad/Dialpad';\nexport type { DialpadMode, LongPressTrigger } from './Dialpad/Dialpad';\n\nexport { _StarSurvey } from './Survey/StarSurvey/StarSurvey';\n\nexport type { _StarSurveyProps, _StarSurveyStrings } from './Survey/StarSurvey/StarSurvey';\n\nexport * from './Survey/SurveyTypes';\n\nexport { _TagsSurvey } from './Survey/TagsSurvey/TagsSurvey';\n\nexport type { _TagsSurveyProps, _TagsSurveyStrings, _IssueCategory, _SurveyTag } from './Survey/TagsSurvey/TagsSurvey';\nexport { HoldButton } from './HoldButton';\nexport type { HoldButtonProps, HoldButtonStrings } from './HoldButton';\n\nexport { _LocalVideoTile } from './LocalVideoTile';\nexport { _RemoteVideoTile } from './RemoteVideoTile';\nexport { _HighContrastAwareIcon } from './HighContrastAwareIcon';\nexport type { _HighContrastAwareIconProps } from './HighContrastAwareIcon';\n\nexport { UnsupportedBrowser } from './UnsupportedBrowser';\nexport type { UnsupportedBrowserStrings, UnsupportedBrowserProps } from './UnsupportedBrowser';\nexport { UnsupportedBrowserVersion } from './UnsupportedBrowserVersion';\nexport type { UnsupportedBrowserVersionStrings, UnsupportedBrowserVersionProps } from './UnsupportedBrowserVersion';\nexport { UnsupportedOperatingSystem } from './UnsupportedOperatingSystem';\nexport type { UnsupportedOperatingSystemStrings, UnsupportedOperatingSystemProps } from './UnsupportedOperatingSystem';\n\nexport { _TroubleshootingGuideErrorBar } from './TroubleshootingGuideErrorBar';\nexport type {\n _TroubleshootingGuideErrorBarStrings,\n _TroubleshootingGuideErrorBarProps\n} from './TroubleshootingGuideErrorBar';\n\nexport { _DevicePermissionDropdown } from './DevicePermissions/DevicePermissionDropdown';\nexport type {\n _DevicePermissionDropdownStrings,\n _DevicePermissionDropdownProps,\n _PermissionConstraints\n} from './DevicePermissions/DevicePermissionDropdown';\n\nexport { _VideoEffectsItem } from './VideoEffects/VideoEffectsItem';\nexport type { _VideoEffectsItemProps, _VideoEffectsItemStyles } from './VideoEffects/VideoEffectsItem';\nexport {\n _VideoEffectsItemNoBackground,\n _VideoEffectsItemBlur,\n _VideoEffectsItemAddImage\n} from './VideoEffects/PresetVideoEffectsItems';\n\nexport { _VideoBackgroundEffectsPicker } from './VideoEffects/VideoBackgroundEffectsPicker';\nexport type {\n _VideoBackgroundEffectsPickerProps,\n _VideoBackgroundEffectChoiceOption,\n _VideoBackgroundEffectsPickerStyles\n} from './VideoEffects/VideoBackgroundEffectsPicker';\n\nexport type { VerticalGalleryStyles, VerticalGalleryStrings, VerticalGalleryControlBarStyles } from './VerticalGallery';\n\nexport * from './CaptionsBanner';\n\nexport * from './Caption';\n\nexport * from './StartCaptionsButton';\n\nexport * from './CaptionsSettingsModal';\n\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(rtt) */\nexport * from './RTTModal';\n\nexport * from './MeetingConferencePhoneInfo';\nexport { _formatPhoneNumber } from './utils/formatPhoneNumber';\n\nexport { _ErrorBoundary } from './ErrorBoundary';\n\nexport * from './Notification';\n\nexport * from './NotificationStack';\n\nexport * from './IncomingCallNotification';\nexport * from './IncomingCallStack';\n\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(rtt) */\nexport * from './RTTDisclosureBanner';\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(rtt) */\nexport * from './RealTimeText';\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(rtt) */\nexport * from './StartRealTimeTextButton';\n"]}
{"version":3,"file":"index.js","sourceRoot":"","sources":["../../../../../../react-components/src/components/index.ts"],"names":[],"mappings":"AAAA,uCAAuC;AACvC,kCAAkC;AAElC,OAAO,EAAE,eAAe,EAAE,MAAM,mBAAmB,CAAC;AAGpD,OAAO,EAAE,QAAQ,EAAE,MAAM,YAAY,CAAC;AAGtC,OAAO,EAAE,UAAU,EAAE,MAAM,cAAc,CAAC;AAG1C,OAAO,EAAE,OAAO,EAAE,MAAM,WAAW,CAAC;AACpC,0CAA0C;AAC1C,OAAO,EAAE,eAAe,EAAE,MAAM,kBAAkB,CAAC;AAEnD,OAAO,EAAE,YAAY,EAAE,MAAM,gBAAgB,CAAC;AAI9C,mDAAmD;AACnD,OAAO,EAAE,eAAe,EAAE,MAAM,kCAAkC,CAAC;AACnE,qHAAqH;AACrH,mDAAmD;AACnD,OAAO,EAAE,qCAAqC,EAAE,MAAM,yEAAyE,CAAC;AAqBhI,OAAO,EAAE,sBAAsB,EAAE,MAAM,0BAA0B,CAAC;AAGlE,OAAO,EAAE,aAAa,EAAE,MAAM,iBAAiB,CAAC;AAiBhD,OAAO,EAAE,WAAW,EAAE,MAAM,eAAe,CAAC;AAI5C,OAAO,EAAE,eAAe,EAAE,MAAM,mBAAmB,CAAC;AAGpD,OAAO,EAAE,eAAe,EAAE,MAAM,mBAAmB,CAAC;AAWpD,OAAO,EAAE,SAAS,EAAE,MAAM,aAAa,CAAC;AAGxC,OAAO,EAAE,YAAY,EAAE,MAAM,gBAAgB,CAAC;AAc9C,OAAO,EAAE,2BAA2B,EAAE,MAAM,0BAA0B,CAAC;AAGvE,OAAO,EAAE,YAAY,EAAE,MAAM,gBAAgB,CAAC;AAQ9C,OAAO,EAAE,UAAU,EAAE,MAAM,cAAc,CAAC;AAG1C,OAAO,EAAE,gBAAgB,EAAE,MAAM,oBAAoB,CAAC;AAGtD,OAAO,EAAE,aAAa,EAAE,MAAM,iBAAiB,CAAC;AAGhD,OAAO,EAAE,gBAAgB,EAAE,MAAM,oBAAoB,CAAC;AAQtD,OAAO,EAAE,aAAa,EAAE,8BAA8B,IAAI,+BAA+B,EAAE,MAAM,iBAAiB,CAAC;AAYnH,iDAAiD;AACjD,OAAO,EACL,kCAAkC,EAClC,yBAAyB,EACzB,qBAAqB,EACtB,MAAM,qCAAqC,CAAC;AAa7C,iDAAiD;AACjD,OAAO,EAAE,uBAAuB,EAAE,MAAM,6CAA6C,CAAC;AAOtF,iDAAiD;AACjD,OAAO,EAAE,0BAA0B,EAAE,MAAM,gDAAgD,CAAC;AAO5F,OAAO,EAAE,kBAAkB,EAAE,MAAM,sBAAsB,CAAC;AAQ1D,OAAO,EAAE,iBAAiB,EAAE,MAAM,qBAAqB,CAAC;AAGxD,OAAO,EAAE,eAAe,EAAE,MAAM,mBAAmB,CAAC;AAGpD,OAAO,EAAE,cAAc,EAAE,MAAM,kBAAkB,CAAC;AAElD,OAAO,EAAE,SAAS,EAAE,MAAM,aAAa,CAAC;AAGxC,OAAO,EAAE,0BAA0B,EAAE,MAAM,uDAAuD,CAAC;AAUnG,cAAc,UAAU,CAAC;AAKzB,cAAc,6BAA6B,CAAC;AAC5C,cAAc,kCAAkC,CAAC;AACjD,cAAc,yBAAyB,CAAC;AACxC,cAAc,sCAAsC,CAAC;AAiBrD,OAAO,EAAE,mBAAmB,EAAE,kBAAkB,EAAE,MAAM,oBAAoB,CAAC;AAE7E,OAAO,EAAE,iBAAiB,EAAE,MAAM,oBAAoB,CAAC;AAEvD,OAAO,EAAE,OAAO,EAAE,MAAM,mBAAmB,CAAC;AAI5C,OAAO,EAAE,WAAW,EAAE,MAAM,gCAAgC,CAAC;AAI7D,cAAc,sBAAsB,CAAC;AAErC,OAAO,EAAE,WAAW,EAAE,MAAM,gCAAgC,CAAC;AAG7D,OAAO,EAAE,UAAU,EAAE,MAAM,cAAc,CAAC;AAG1C,OAAO,EAAE,eAAe,EAAE,MAAM,kBAAkB,CAAC;AACnD,OAAO,EAAE,gBAAgB,EAAE,MAAM,mBAAmB,CAAC;AACrD,OAAO,EAAE,sBAAsB,EAAE,MAAM,yBAAyB,CAAC;AAGjE,OAAO,EAAE,kBAAkB,EAAE,MAAM,sBAAsB,CAAC;AAE1D,OAAO,EAAE,yBAAyB,EAAE,MAAM,6BAA6B,CAAC;AAExE,OAAO,EAAE,0BAA0B,EAAE,MAAM,8BAA8B,CAAC;AAG1E,OAAO,EAAE,6BAA6B,EAAE,MAAM,gCAAgC,CAAC;AAM/E,OAAO,EAAE,yBAAyB,EAAE,MAAM,8CAA8C,CAAC;AAOzF,OAAO,EAAE,iBAAiB,EAAE,MAAM,iCAAiC,CAAC;AAEpE,OAAO,EACL,6BAA6B,EAC7B,qBAAqB,EACrB,yBAAyB,EAC1B,MAAM,wCAAwC,CAAC;AAEhD,OAAO,EAAE,6BAA6B,EAAE,MAAM,6CAA6C,CAAC;AAS5F,cAAc,kBAAkB,CAAC;AAEjC,cAAc,WAAW,CAAC;AAE1B,cAAc,uBAAuB,CAAC;AAEtC,cAAc,yBAAyB,CAAC;AAExC,sCAAsC;AACtC,cAAc,qBAAqB,CAAC;AAEpC,cAAc,8BAA8B,CAAC;AAC7C,OAAO,EAAE,kBAAkB,EAAE,MAAM,2BAA2B,CAAC;AAE/D,OAAO,EAAE,cAAc,EAAE,MAAM,iBAAiB,CAAC;AAEjD,cAAc,gBAAgB,CAAC;AAE/B,cAAc,qBAAqB,CAAC;AAEpC,cAAc,4BAA4B,CAAC;AAC3C,cAAc,qBAAqB,CAAC;AAEpC,sCAAsC;AACtC,cAAc,uBAAuB,CAAC;AACtC,sCAAsC;AACtC,cAAc,gBAAgB,CAAC;AAC/B,sCAAsC;AACtC,cAAc,2BAA2B,CAAC","sourcesContent":["// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT License.\n\nexport { TypingIndicator } from './TypingIndicator';\nexport type { TypingIndicatorProps, TypingIndicatorStrings, TypingIndicatorStylesProps } from './TypingIndicator';\n\nexport { ErrorBar } from './ErrorBar';\nexport type { ActiveErrorMessage, ErrorBarProps, ErrorBarStrings, ErrorType } from './ErrorBar';\n\nexport { GridLayout } from './GridLayout';\nexport type { GridLayoutProps, GridLayoutStyles } from './GridLayout';\n\nexport { SendBox } from './SendBox';\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(mention) */\nexport { _MentionPopover } from './MentionPopover';\n\nexport { ImageOverlay } from './ImageOverlay';\nexport type { ImageOverlayStrings } from './ImageOverlay';\nexport type { SendBoxProps, SendBoxStrings, SendBoxStylesProps } from './SendBox';\n\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(rich-text-editor) */\nexport { RichTextSendBox } from './RichTextEditor/RichTextSendBox';\n// TODO: This component is exported only for testing purposes. Remove this when this component is added to composites\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(rich-text-editor) */\nexport { ChatMessageComponentAsRichTextEditBox } from './ChatMessage/MyMessageComponents/ChatMessageComponentAsRichTextEditBox';\n// TODO: This component is exported only for testing purposes. Remove this when this component is added to composites\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(rich-text-editor) */\nexport type { ChatMessageComponentAsRichTextEditBoxProps } from './ChatMessage/MyMessageComponents/ChatMessageComponentAsRichTextEditBox';\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(rich-text-editor) */\nexport type { RichTextSendBoxProps, RichTextSendBoxStrings, RichTextStrings } from './RichTextEditor/RichTextSendBox';\n\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(mention) */\nexport type {\n _MentionPopoverProps,\n MentionLookupOptions,\n MentionDisplayOptions,\n MentionOptions,\n Mention,\n MentionPopoverStrings\n} from './MentionPopover';\n\nexport type { ImageOverlayProps } from './ImageOverlay';\n\nexport type { InlineImageOptions, InlineImage } from './ChatMessage/ChatMessageContent';\n\nexport { MessageStatusIndicator } from './MessageStatusIndicator';\nexport type { MessageStatusIndicatorProps, MessageStatusIndicatorStrings } from './MessageStatusIndicator';\n\nexport { MessageThread } from './MessageThread';\nexport type {\n MessageProps,\n MessageThreadProps,\n MessageThreadStrings,\n MessageThreadStyles,\n JumpToNewMessageButtonProps,\n MessageRenderer,\n UpdateMessageCallback,\n CancelEditCallback\n} from './MessageThread';\n\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(rich-text-editor) */\nexport type { RichTextEditorOptions } from './RichTextEditor/RichTextSendBox';\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(rich-text-editor) */\nexport type { RichTextEditBoxOptions } from './MessageThread';\n\nexport { StreamMedia } from './StreamMedia';\nexport type { StreamMediaProps } from './StreamMedia';\nexport type { LoadingState } from './StreamMedia';\n\nexport { ParticipantItem } from './ParticipantItem';\nexport type { ParticipantItemProps, ParticipantItemStrings, ParticipantItemStyles } from './ParticipantItem';\n\nexport { ParticipantList } from './ParticipantList';\nexport type {\n ParticipantListItemStyles,\n ParticipantListProps,\n ParticipantListStyles,\n ParticipantMenuItemsCallback\n} from './ParticipantList';\n\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(total-participant-count) */\nexport type { ParticipantListStrings } from './ParticipantList';\n\nexport { Announcer } from './Announcer';\nexport type { AnnouncerProps } from './Announcer';\n\nexport { VideoGallery } from './VideoGallery';\nexport type {\n VideoGalleryProps,\n VideoGalleryStrings,\n VideoGalleryStyles,\n VideoGalleryLayout,\n VideoTileContextualMenuProps,\n VideoTileDrawerMenuProps,\n VideoTilesOptions\n} from './VideoGallery';\nexport type { OverflowGalleryPosition } from './VideoGallery';\nexport type { LocalVideoTileSize } from './VideoGallery';\nexport type { HorizontalGalleryStyles } from './HorizontalGallery';\n\nexport { LocalVideoCameraCycleButton } from './LocalVideoCameraButton';\nexport type { LocalVideoCameraCycleButtonProps } from './LocalVideoCameraButton';\n\nexport { CameraButton } from './CameraButton';\nexport type {\n CameraButtonContextualMenuStyles,\n CameraButtonProps,\n CameraButtonStrings,\n CameraButtonStyles\n} from './CameraButton';\n\nexport { ControlBar } from './ControlBar';\nexport type { ControlBarProps, ControlBarLayout } from './ControlBar';\n\nexport { ControlBarButton } from './ControlBarButton';\nexport type { ControlBarButtonProps, ControlBarButtonStrings, ControlBarButtonStyles } from './ControlBarButton';\n\nexport { EndCallButton } from './EndCallButton';\nexport type { EndCallButtonProps, EndCallButtonStrings } from './EndCallButton';\n\nexport { MicrophoneButton } from './MicrophoneButton';\nexport type {\n MicrophoneButtonStyles,\n MicrophoneButtonContextualMenuStyles,\n MicrophoneButtonProps,\n MicrophoneButtonStrings\n} from './MicrophoneButton';\n\nexport { DevicesButton, generateDefaultDeviceMenuProps as _generateDefaultDeviceMenuProps } from './DevicesButton';\nexport type {\n OptionsDevice,\n DevicesButtonProps,\n DevicesButtonStrings,\n DevicesButtonStyles,\n DevicesButtonContextualMenuStyles,\n DeviceMenuProps as _DeviceMenuProps,\n DeviceMenuStrings as _DeviceMenuStrings,\n DeviceMenuStyles as _DeviceMenuStyles\n} from './DevicesButton';\n\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(call-readiness) */\nexport {\n CameraAndMicrophoneSitePermissions,\n MicrophoneSitePermissions,\n CameraSitePermissions\n} from './DevicePermissions/SitePermissions';\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(call-readiness) */\nexport type { SitePermissionsStrings, SitePermissionsStyles } from './DevicePermissions/SitePermissionsScaffolding';\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(call-readiness) */\nexport type {\n CameraAndMicrophoneSitePermissionsStrings,\n CameraAndMicrophoneSitePermissionsProps,\n CameraSitePermissionsStrings,\n CameraSitePermissionsProps,\n CommonSitePermissionsProps,\n MicrophoneSitePermissionsStrings,\n MicrophoneSitePermissionsProps\n} from './DevicePermissions/SitePermissions';\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(call-readiness) */\nexport { BrowserPermissionDenied } from './DevicePermissions/BrowserPermissionDenied';\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(call-readiness) */\nexport type {\n BrowserPermissionDeniedStrings,\n BrowserPermissionDeniedStyles,\n BrowserPermissionDeniedProps\n} from './DevicePermissions/BrowserPermissionDenied';\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(call-readiness) */\nexport { BrowserPermissionDeniedIOS } from './DevicePermissions/BrowserPermissionDeniedIOS';\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(call-readiness) */\nexport type {\n BrowserPermissionDeniedIOSStrings,\n BrowserPermissionDeniedIOSProps\n} from './DevicePermissions/BrowserPermissionDeniedIOS';\n\nexport { ParticipantsButton } from './ParticipantsButton';\nexport type {\n ParticipantsButtonContextualMenuStyles,\n ParticipantsButtonProps,\n ParticipantsButtonStrings,\n ParticipantsButtonStyles\n} from './ParticipantsButton';\n\nexport { ScreenShareButton } from './ScreenShareButton';\nexport type { ScreenShareButtonProps, ScreenShareButtonStrings } from './ScreenShareButton';\n\nexport { RaiseHandButton } from './RaiseHandButton';\n\nexport type { RaiseHandButtonProps, RaiseHandButtonStrings } from './RaiseHandButton';\nexport { ReactionButton } from './ReactionButton';\nexport type { ReactionButtonProps, ReactionButtonStrings, ReactionButtonReaction } from './ReactionButton';\nexport { VideoTile } from './VideoTile';\nexport type { VideoTileProps, VideoTileStylesProps, VideoTileStrings } from './VideoTile';\n\nexport { _PictureInPictureInPicture } from './PictureInPictureInPicture/PictureInPictureInPicture';\nexport type {\n _PictureInPictureInPictureProps,\n _PictureInPictureInPictureStrings\n} from './PictureInPictureInPicture/PictureInPictureInPicture';\nexport type {\n _PictureInPictureInPictureTileProps,\n _TileOrientation\n} from './PictureInPictureInPicture/PictureInPictureInPictureTile';\n\nexport * from './Drawer';\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(file-sharing-acs) */\nexport type { SendBoxErrorBarError } from './SendBoxErrorBar';\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(rich-text-editor-image-upload) */\nexport type { SendBoxErrorBarType } from './SendBoxErrorBar';\nexport * from './Attachment/AttachmentCard';\nexport * from './Attachment/AttachmentCardGroup';\nexport * from './ModalClone/ModalClone';\nexport * from './Attachment/AttachmentDownloadCards';\nexport type { _AttachmentUploadCardsStrings } from './Attachment/AttachmentUploadCards';\n\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(file-sharing-acs) */\nexport type {\n AttachmentOptions,\n AttachmentUploadOptions,\n AttachmentActionHandler,\n AttachmentSelectionHandler,\n AttachmentMetadataWrapper,\n AttachmentRemovalHandler,\n AttachmentUploadTask\n} from '../types/Attachment';\n\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(file-sharing-acs) */\nexport type { AttachmentMenuAction, AttachmentDownloadOptions } from '../types/Attachment';\n\nexport { _useContainerHeight, _useContainerWidth } from './utils/responsive';\n\nexport { _ComplianceBanner } from './ComplianceBanner';\nexport type { _ComplianceBannerProps, _ComplianceBannerStrings } from './ComplianceBanner';\nexport { Dialpad } from './Dialpad/Dialpad';\nexport type { DialpadProps, DialpadStrings, DialpadStyles, DtmfTone } from './Dialpad/Dialpad';\nexport type { DialpadMode, LongPressTrigger } from './Dialpad/Dialpad';\n\nexport { _StarSurvey } from './Survey/StarSurvey/StarSurvey';\n\nexport type { _StarSurveyProps, _StarSurveyStrings } from './Survey/StarSurvey/StarSurvey';\n\nexport * from './Survey/SurveyTypes';\n\nexport { _TagsSurvey } from './Survey/TagsSurvey/TagsSurvey';\n\nexport type { _TagsSurveyProps, _TagsSurveyStrings, _IssueCategory, _SurveyTag } from './Survey/TagsSurvey/TagsSurvey';\nexport { HoldButton } from './HoldButton';\nexport type { HoldButtonProps, HoldButtonStrings } from './HoldButton';\n\nexport { _LocalVideoTile } from './LocalVideoTile';\nexport { _RemoteVideoTile } from './RemoteVideoTile';\nexport { _HighContrastAwareIcon } from './HighContrastAwareIcon';\nexport type { _HighContrastAwareIconProps } from './HighContrastAwareIcon';\n\nexport { UnsupportedBrowser } from './UnsupportedBrowser';\nexport type { UnsupportedBrowserStrings, UnsupportedBrowserProps } from './UnsupportedBrowser';\nexport { UnsupportedBrowserVersion } from './UnsupportedBrowserVersion';\nexport type { UnsupportedBrowserVersionStrings, UnsupportedBrowserVersionProps } from './UnsupportedBrowserVersion';\nexport { UnsupportedOperatingSystem } from './UnsupportedOperatingSystem';\nexport type { UnsupportedOperatingSystemStrings, UnsupportedOperatingSystemProps } from './UnsupportedOperatingSystem';\n\nexport { _TroubleshootingGuideErrorBar } from './TroubleshootingGuideErrorBar';\nexport type {\n _TroubleshootingGuideErrorBarStrings,\n _TroubleshootingGuideErrorBarProps\n} from './TroubleshootingGuideErrorBar';\n\nexport { _DevicePermissionDropdown } from './DevicePermissions/DevicePermissionDropdown';\nexport type {\n _DevicePermissionDropdownStrings,\n _DevicePermissionDropdownProps,\n _PermissionConstraints\n} from './DevicePermissions/DevicePermissionDropdown';\n\nexport { _VideoEffectsItem } from './VideoEffects/VideoEffectsItem';\nexport type { _VideoEffectsItemProps, _VideoEffectsItemStyles } from './VideoEffects/VideoEffectsItem';\nexport {\n _VideoEffectsItemNoBackground,\n _VideoEffectsItemBlur,\n _VideoEffectsItemAddImage\n} from './VideoEffects/PresetVideoEffectsItems';\n\nexport { _VideoBackgroundEffectsPicker } from './VideoEffects/VideoBackgroundEffectsPicker';\nexport type {\n _VideoBackgroundEffectsPickerProps,\n _VideoBackgroundEffectChoiceOption,\n _VideoBackgroundEffectsPickerStyles\n} from './VideoEffects/VideoBackgroundEffectsPicker';\n\nexport type { VerticalGalleryStyles, VerticalGalleryStrings, VerticalGalleryControlBarStyles } from './VerticalGallery';\n\nexport * from './CaptionsBanner';\n\nexport * from './Caption';\n\nexport * from './StartCaptionsButton';\n\nexport * from './CaptionsSettingsModal';\n\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(rtt) */\nexport * from './RealTimeTextModal';\n\nexport * from './MeetingConferencePhoneInfo';\nexport { _formatPhoneNumber } from './utils/formatPhoneNumber';\n\nexport { _ErrorBoundary } from './ErrorBoundary';\n\nexport * from './Notification';\n\nexport * from './NotificationStack';\n\nexport * from './IncomingCallNotification';\nexport * from './IncomingCallStack';\n\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(rtt) */\nexport * from './RTTDisclosureBanner';\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(rtt) */\nexport * from './RealTimeText';\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(rtt) */\nexport * from './StartRealTimeTextButton';\n"]}
@@ -19,8 +19,7 @@ import { ReactionButtonStrings } from '../components';
import { RichTextSendBoxStrings } from '../components/RichTextEditor/RichTextSendBox';
import { MeetingConferencePhoneInfoModalStrings } from '../components/MeetingConferencePhoneInfo';
import { IncomingCallNotificationStrings } from '../components/IncomingCallNotification';
import {
import { RTTModalStrings } from '../components/RTTModal';
import { RealTimeTextModalStrings } from '../components/RealTimeTextModal';
import { RealTimeTextStrings } from '../components/RealTimeText';
import { CaptionLanguageStrings, SpokenLanguageStrings } from '../types';
import { StartRealTimeTextButtonStrings } from '../components/StartRealTimeTextButton';
@@ -133,12 +132,10 @@ export interface ComponentStrings {
/** Strings for the MeetingConferencePhoneInfoModal */
meetingConferencePhoneInfo: MeetingConferencePhoneInfoModalStrings;
IncomingCallNotification: IncomingCallNotificationStrings;
/** Strings for the
/** Strings for the RTTModal */
rttModal: RTTModalStrings;
/** Strings for the RealTimeTextModal */
realTimeTextModal: RealTimeTextModalStrings;
/** Strings for RealTimeText */
realTimeText: RealTimeTextStrings;
/** Strings for Captions Setting Modal */
captionsSettingsModal: CaptionsSettingsModalStrings;
@@ -1 +1 @@
{"version":3,"file":"LocalizationProvider.js","sourceRoot":"","sources":["../../../../../../react-components/src/localization/LocalizationProvider.tsx"],"names":[],"mappings":"AAAA,uCAAuC;AACvC,kCAAkC;AAElC,OAAO,KAAK,EAAE,EAAE,aAAa,EAAE,UAAU,EAAE,MAAM,OAAO,CAAC;AAgCzD,OAAO,EAAE,sBAAsB,EAAE,MAAM,WAAW,CAAC;AA0LnD;;;;GAIG;AACH,MAAM,CAAC,MAAM,aAAa,GAAG,aAAa,CAAkB,sBAAsB,CAAC,CAAC;AAcpF;;;;;;;GAOG;AACH,MAAM,CAAC,MAAM,oBAAoB,GAAG,CAAC,KAAgC,EAAe,EAAE;IACpF,MAAM,EAAE,MAAM,EAAE,QAAQ,EAAE,GAAG,KAAK,CAAC;IACnC,OAAO,oBAAC,aAAa,CAAC,QAAQ,IAAC,KAAK,EAAE,MAAM,IAAG,QAAQ,CAA0B,CAAC;AACpF,CAAC,CAAC;AAEF,kCAAkC;AAClC,MAAM,CAAC,MAAM,SAAS,GAAG,GAAoB,EAAE,CAAC,UAAU,CAAC,aAAa,CAAC,CAAC","sourcesContent":["// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT License.\n\nimport React, { createContext, useContext } from 'react';\nimport {\n CameraButtonStrings,\n EndCallButtonStrings,\n ErrorBarStrings,\n MessageStatusIndicatorStrings,\n MessageThreadStrings,\n MicrophoneButtonStrings,\n DevicesButtonStrings,\n ParticipantsButtonStrings,\n ParticipantItemStrings,\n ScreenShareButtonStrings,\n SendBoxStrings,\n TypingIndicatorStrings,\n VideoGalleryStrings,\n CaptionsSettingsModalStrings,\n CaptionsBannerStrings,\n StartCaptionsButtonStrings\n} from '../components';\nimport { NotificationStackStrings } from '../components';\nimport { RaiseHandButtonStrings } from '../components';\nimport { HoldButtonStrings } from '../components';\nimport { DialpadStrings } from '../components';\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(call-readiness) */\nimport { SitePermissionsStrings } from '../components/DevicePermissions/SitePermissionsScaffolding';\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(call-readiness) */\nimport { BrowserPermissionDeniedStrings } from '../components/DevicePermissions/BrowserPermissionDenied';\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(call-readiness) */\nimport { BrowserPermissionDeniedIOSStrings } from '../components/DevicePermissions/BrowserPermissionDeniedIOS';\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(call-readiness) */ /* @conditional-compile-remove(unsupported-browser) */\nimport { UnsupportedBrowserStrings } from '../components/UnsupportedBrowser';\nimport { VideoTileStrings } from '../components/VideoTile';\nimport { COMPONENT_LOCALE_EN_US } from './locales';\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(unsupported-browser) */\nimport { UnsupportedBrowserVersionStrings } from '../components/UnsupportedBrowserVersion';\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(unsupported-browser) */\nimport { UnsupportedOperatingSystemStrings } from '../components/UnsupportedOperatingSystem';\nimport { VerticalGalleryStrings } from '../components/VerticalGallery';\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(total-participant-count) */\nimport { ParticipantListStrings } from '../components/ParticipantList';\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(mention) */\nimport { MentionPopoverStrings } from '../components/MentionPopover';\nimport { ImageOverlayStrings } from '../components/ImageOverlay';\nimport { ReactionButtonStrings } from '../components';\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(rich-text-editor) */\nimport { RichTextSendBoxStrings } from '../components/RichTextEditor/RichTextSendBox';\nimport { MeetingConferencePhoneInfoModalStrings } from '../components/MeetingConferencePhoneInfo';\nimport { IncomingCallNotificationStrings } from '../components/IncomingCallNotification';\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(rtt) */\nimport { RTTDisclosureBannerStrings } from '../components/RTTDisclosureBanner';\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(rtt) */\nimport { RTTModalStrings } from '../components/RTTModal';\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(rtt) */\nimport { RealTimeTextStrings } from '../components/RealTimeText';\nimport { CaptionLanguageStrings, SpokenLanguageStrings } from '../types';\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(rtt) */\nimport { StartRealTimeTextButtonStrings } from '../components/StartRealTimeTextButton';\n\n/**\n * Locale information for all components exported from this library.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport interface ComponentLocale {\n /** Strings for components */\n strings: ComponentStrings;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(date-time-customization) */\n /**\n * Optional function to provide customized date format.\n * @beta\n */\n onDisplayDateTimeString?: (messageDate: Date) => string;\n}\n\n/**\n * Strings used by all components exported from this library.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport interface ComponentStrings {\n /** Strings for MessageThread */\n messageThread: MessageThreadStrings;\n /** Strings for ParticipantItem */\n participantItem: ParticipantItemStrings;\n /** Strings for CameraButton */\n cameraButton: CameraButtonStrings;\n /** Strings for MicrophoneButton */\n microphoneButton: MicrophoneButtonStrings;\n /** Strings for EndCallButton */\n endCallButton: EndCallButtonStrings;\n /** Strings for DevicesButton */\n devicesButton: DevicesButtonStrings;\n /** Strings for ParticipantsButton */\n participantsButton: ParticipantsButtonStrings;\n /** Strings for ScreenShareButton */\n screenShareButton: ScreenShareButtonStrings;\n /** Strings for RaiseHandButton */\n raiseHandButton: RaiseHandButtonStrings;\n /**\n * Strings for ReactionButton\n * */\n reactionButton: ReactionButtonStrings;\n /** Strings for TypingIndicator */\n typingIndicator: TypingIndicatorStrings;\n /** Strings for SendBox */\n sendBox: SendBoxStrings;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(rich-text-editor) */\n /** Strings for RichTextSendBox */\n richTextSendBox: RichTextSendBoxStrings;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(mention) */\n /** Strings for MentionPopover */\n mentionPopover: MentionPopoverStrings;\n /** Strings for ImageOverlay */\n imageOverlay: ImageOverlayStrings;\n /** Strings for MessageStatusIndicator */\n messageStatusIndicator: MessageStatusIndicatorStrings;\n /** Strings for ErrorBar */\n errorBar: ErrorBarStrings;\n\n /** Strings for NotificationStack */\n notificationStack: NotificationStackStrings;\n /** Strings for VideoGallery */\n videoGallery: VideoGalleryStrings;\n /** Strings for Dialpad */\n dialpad: DialpadStrings;\n /** Strings for VideoTile */\n videoTile: VideoTileStrings;\n /** Strings for HoldButton */\n holdButton: HoldButtonStrings;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(call-readiness) */\n /** Strings for a site's permission request prompt */\n CameraAndMicrophoneSitePermissionsRequest: SitePermissionsStrings;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(call-readiness) */\n /** Strings for a site's permission request prompt */\n CameraSitePermissionsRequest: SitePermissionsStrings;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(call-readiness) */\n /** Strings for a site's permission request prompt */\n MicrophoneSitePermissionsRequest: SitePermissionsStrings;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(call-readiness) */\n /** Strings for a site's permission generic checking prompt */\n CameraAndMicrophoneSitePermissionsCheck: SitePermissionsStrings;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(call-readiness) */\n /** Strings for a site's permission generic checking prompt */\n CameraSitePermissionsCheck: SitePermissionsStrings;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(call-readiness) */\n /** Strings for a site's permission generic checking prompt */\n MicrophoneSitePermissionsCheck: SitePermissionsStrings;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(call-readiness) */\n /** Strings for a site's permission denied prompt */\n CameraAndMicrophoneSitePermissionsDenied: SitePermissionsStrings;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(call-readiness) */\n /** Strings for a site's permission denied prompt for safari browsers*/\n CameraAndMicrophoneSitePermissionsDeniedSafari: SitePermissionsStrings;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(call-readiness) */\n /** Strings for a site's permission denied prompt */\n CameraSitePermissionsDenied: SitePermissionsStrings;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(call-readiness) */\n /** Strings for a site's permission denied prompt */\n MicrophoneSitePermissionsDenied: SitePermissionsStrings;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(call-readiness) */\n /** Strings for a site's permission denied prompt for safari browsers*/\n CameraSitePermissionsDeniedSafari: SitePermissionsStrings;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(call-readiness) */\n /** Strings for a site's permission denied prompt for safari browsers*/\n MicrophoneSitePermissionsDeniedSafari: SitePermissionsStrings;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(unsupported-browser) */\n /** Strings for unsupported browser UI */\n UnsupportedBrowser: UnsupportedBrowserStrings;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(unsupported-browser) */\n /** Strings for unsupported browser version UI */\n UnsupportedBrowserVersion: UnsupportedBrowserVersionStrings;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(unsupported-browser) */\n /** Strings for unsupported browser version UI */\n UnsupportedOperatingSystem: UnsupportedOperatingSystemStrings;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(call-readiness) */\n /** Strings for BrowserPemissionDenied */\n BrowserPermissionDenied: BrowserPermissionDeniedStrings;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(call-readiness) */\n /** Strings for BrowserPemissionDeniedIOS */\n BrowserPermissionDeniedIOS: BrowserPermissionDeniedIOSStrings;\n /**\n * Strings for the VerticalGallery.\n */\n verticalGallery: VerticalGalleryStrings;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(total-participant-count) */\n /** Strings for the participant list component */\n ParticipantList: ParticipantListStrings;\n /** Strings for the MeetingConferencePhoneInfoModal */\n meetingConferencePhoneInfo: MeetingConferencePhoneInfoModalStrings;\n IncomingCallNotification: IncomingCallNotificationStrings;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(rtt) */\n /** Strings for the RTT Disclosure Banner */\n rttDisclosureBanner: RTTDisclosureBannerStrings;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(rtt) */\n /** Strings for the RTTModal */\n rttModal: RTTModalStrings;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(rtt) */\n /** Strings for RealTimeText */\n rtt: RealTimeTextStrings;\n /** Strings for Captions Setting Modal */\n captionsSettingsModal: CaptionsSettingsModalStrings;\n /**\n * 1 to 1 mapping between language code and language string for spoken languages\n */\n spokenLanguages: SpokenLanguageStrings;\n /**\n * 1 to 1 mapping between language code and language string for caption languages\n */\n captionLanguages: CaptionLanguageStrings;\n /** Strings for CaptionsBanner */\n captionsBanner: CaptionsBannerStrings;\n /** Strings for Start Captions Button */\n startCaptionsButton: StartCaptionsButtonStrings;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(rtt) */\n /** Strings for Start RealTimeText Button */\n startRealTimeTextButton: StartRealTimeTextButtonStrings;\n}\n\n/**\n * Context for providing localized strings to components exported from this library.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport const LocaleContext = createContext<ComponentLocale>(COMPONENT_LOCALE_EN_US);\n\n/**\n * Props for {@link LocalizationProvider}.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport type LocalizationProviderProps = {\n /** Locale context to provide components */\n locale: ComponentLocale;\n /** Children to provide locale context. */\n children: React.ReactNode;\n};\n\n/**\n * Provider to provide localized strings for this library's react components.\n *\n * @remarks Components will be provided localized strings in English (US) by default if this\n * provider is not used.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport const LocalizationProvider = (props: LocalizationProviderProps): JSX.Element => {\n const { locale, children } = props;\n return <LocaleContext.Provider value={locale}>{children}</LocaleContext.Provider>;\n};\n\n/** React hook to access locale */\nexport const useLocale = (): ComponentLocale => useContext(LocaleContext);\n"]}
{"version":3,"file":"LocalizationProvider.js","sourceRoot":"","sources":["../../../../../../react-components/src/localization/LocalizationProvider.tsx"],"names":[],"mappings":"AAAA,uCAAuC;AACvC,kCAAkC;AAElC,OAAO,KAAK,EAAE,EAAE,aAAa,EAAE,UAAU,EAAE,MAAM,OAAO,CAAC;AAgCzD,OAAO,EAAE,sBAAsB,EAAE,MAAM,WAAW,CAAC;AAqLnD;;;;GAIG;AACH,MAAM,CAAC,MAAM,aAAa,GAAG,aAAa,CAAkB,sBAAsB,CAAC,CAAC;AAcpF;;;;;;;GAOG;AACH,MAAM,CAAC,MAAM,oBAAoB,GAAG,CAAC,KAAgC,EAAe,EAAE;IACpF,MAAM,EAAE,MAAM,EAAE,QAAQ,EAAE,GAAG,KAAK,CAAC;IACnC,OAAO,oBAAC,aAAa,CAAC,QAAQ,IAAC,KAAK,EAAE,MAAM,IAAG,QAAQ,CAA0B,CAAC;AACpF,CAAC,CAAC;AAEF,kCAAkC;AAClC,MAAM,CAAC,MAAM,SAAS,GAAG,GAAoB,EAAE,CAAC,UAAU,CAAC,aAAa,CAAC,CAAC","sourcesContent":["// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT License.\n\nimport React, { createContext, useContext } from 'react';\nimport {\n CameraButtonStrings,\n EndCallButtonStrings,\n ErrorBarStrings,\n MessageStatusIndicatorStrings,\n MessageThreadStrings,\n MicrophoneButtonStrings,\n DevicesButtonStrings,\n ParticipantsButtonStrings,\n ParticipantItemStrings,\n ScreenShareButtonStrings,\n SendBoxStrings,\n TypingIndicatorStrings,\n VideoGalleryStrings,\n CaptionsSettingsModalStrings,\n CaptionsBannerStrings,\n StartCaptionsButtonStrings\n} from '../components';\nimport { NotificationStackStrings } from '../components';\nimport { RaiseHandButtonStrings } from '../components';\nimport { HoldButtonStrings } from '../components';\nimport { DialpadStrings } from '../components';\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(call-readiness) */\nimport { SitePermissionsStrings } from '../components/DevicePermissions/SitePermissionsScaffolding';\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(call-readiness) */\nimport { BrowserPermissionDeniedStrings } from '../components/DevicePermissions/BrowserPermissionDenied';\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(call-readiness) */\nimport { BrowserPermissionDeniedIOSStrings } from '../components/DevicePermissions/BrowserPermissionDeniedIOS';\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(call-readiness) */ /* @conditional-compile-remove(unsupported-browser) */\nimport { UnsupportedBrowserStrings } from '../components/UnsupportedBrowser';\nimport { VideoTileStrings } from '../components/VideoTile';\nimport { COMPONENT_LOCALE_EN_US } from './locales';\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(unsupported-browser) */\nimport { UnsupportedBrowserVersionStrings } from '../components/UnsupportedBrowserVersion';\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(unsupported-browser) */\nimport { UnsupportedOperatingSystemStrings } from '../components/UnsupportedOperatingSystem';\nimport { VerticalGalleryStrings } from '../components/VerticalGallery';\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(total-participant-count) */\nimport { ParticipantListStrings } from '../components/ParticipantList';\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(mention) */\nimport { MentionPopoverStrings } from '../components/MentionPopover';\nimport { ImageOverlayStrings } from '../components/ImageOverlay';\nimport { ReactionButtonStrings } from '../components';\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(rich-text-editor) */\nimport { RichTextSendBoxStrings } from '../components/RichTextEditor/RichTextSendBox';\nimport { MeetingConferencePhoneInfoModalStrings } from '../components/MeetingConferencePhoneInfo';\nimport { IncomingCallNotificationStrings } from '../components/IncomingCallNotification';\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(rtt) */\nimport { RealTimeTextModalStrings } from '../components/RealTimeTextModal';\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(rtt) */\nimport { RealTimeTextStrings } from '../components/RealTimeText';\nimport { CaptionLanguageStrings, SpokenLanguageStrings } from '../types';\n/* @conditional-compile-remove(rtt) */\nimport { StartRealTimeTextButtonStrings } from '../components/StartRealTimeTextButton';\n\n/**\n * Locale information for all components exported from this library.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport interface ComponentLocale {\n /** Strings for components */\n strings: ComponentStrings;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(date-time-customization) */\n /**\n * Optional function to provide customized date format.\n * @beta\n */\n onDisplayDateTimeString?: (messageDate: Date) => string;\n}\n\n/**\n * Strings used by all components exported from this library.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport interface ComponentStrings {\n /** Strings for MessageThread */\n messageThread: MessageThreadStrings;\n /** Strings for ParticipantItem */\n participantItem: ParticipantItemStrings;\n /** Strings for CameraButton */\n cameraButton: CameraButtonStrings;\n /** Strings for MicrophoneButton */\n microphoneButton: MicrophoneButtonStrings;\n /** Strings for EndCallButton */\n endCallButton: EndCallButtonStrings;\n /** Strings for DevicesButton */\n devicesButton: DevicesButtonStrings;\n /** Strings for ParticipantsButton */\n participantsButton: ParticipantsButtonStrings;\n /** Strings for ScreenShareButton */\n screenShareButton: ScreenShareButtonStrings;\n /** Strings for RaiseHandButton */\n raiseHandButton: RaiseHandButtonStrings;\n /**\n * Strings for ReactionButton\n * */\n reactionButton: ReactionButtonStrings;\n /** Strings for TypingIndicator */\n typingIndicator: TypingIndicatorStrings;\n /** Strings for SendBox */\n sendBox: SendBoxStrings;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(rich-text-editor) */\n /** Strings for RichTextSendBox */\n richTextSendBox: RichTextSendBoxStrings;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(mention) */\n /** Strings for MentionPopover */\n mentionPopover: MentionPopoverStrings;\n /** Strings for ImageOverlay */\n imageOverlay: ImageOverlayStrings;\n /** Strings for MessageStatusIndicator */\n messageStatusIndicator: MessageStatusIndicatorStrings;\n /** Strings for ErrorBar */\n errorBar: ErrorBarStrings;\n\n /** Strings for NotificationStack */\n notificationStack: NotificationStackStrings;\n /** Strings for VideoGallery */\n videoGallery: VideoGalleryStrings;\n /** Strings for Dialpad */\n dialpad: DialpadStrings;\n /** Strings for VideoTile */\n videoTile: VideoTileStrings;\n /** Strings for HoldButton */\n holdButton: HoldButtonStrings;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(call-readiness) */\n /** Strings for a site's permission request prompt */\n CameraAndMicrophoneSitePermissionsRequest: SitePermissionsStrings;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(call-readiness) */\n /** Strings for a site's permission request prompt */\n CameraSitePermissionsRequest: SitePermissionsStrings;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(call-readiness) */\n /** Strings for a site's permission request prompt */\n MicrophoneSitePermissionsRequest: SitePermissionsStrings;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(call-readiness) */\n /** Strings for a site's permission generic checking prompt */\n CameraAndMicrophoneSitePermissionsCheck: SitePermissionsStrings;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(call-readiness) */\n /** Strings for a site's permission generic checking prompt */\n CameraSitePermissionsCheck: SitePermissionsStrings;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(call-readiness) */\n /** Strings for a site's permission generic checking prompt */\n MicrophoneSitePermissionsCheck: SitePermissionsStrings;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(call-readiness) */\n /** Strings for a site's permission denied prompt */\n CameraAndMicrophoneSitePermissionsDenied: SitePermissionsStrings;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(call-readiness) */\n /** Strings for a site's permission denied prompt for safari browsers*/\n CameraAndMicrophoneSitePermissionsDeniedSafari: SitePermissionsStrings;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(call-readiness) */\n /** Strings for a site's permission denied prompt */\n CameraSitePermissionsDenied: SitePermissionsStrings;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(call-readiness) */\n /** Strings for a site's permission denied prompt */\n MicrophoneSitePermissionsDenied: SitePermissionsStrings;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(call-readiness) */\n /** Strings for a site's permission denied prompt for safari browsers*/\n CameraSitePermissionsDeniedSafari: SitePermissionsStrings;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(call-readiness) */\n /** Strings for a site's permission denied prompt for safari browsers*/\n MicrophoneSitePermissionsDeniedSafari: SitePermissionsStrings;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(unsupported-browser) */\n /** Strings for unsupported browser UI */\n UnsupportedBrowser: UnsupportedBrowserStrings;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(unsupported-browser) */\n /** Strings for unsupported browser version UI */\n UnsupportedBrowserVersion: UnsupportedBrowserVersionStrings;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(unsupported-browser) */\n /** Strings for unsupported browser version UI */\n UnsupportedOperatingSystem: UnsupportedOperatingSystemStrings;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(call-readiness) */\n /** Strings for BrowserPemissionDenied */\n BrowserPermissionDenied: BrowserPermissionDeniedStrings;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(call-readiness) */\n /** Strings for BrowserPemissionDeniedIOS */\n BrowserPermissionDeniedIOS: BrowserPermissionDeniedIOSStrings;\n /**\n * Strings for the VerticalGallery.\n */\n verticalGallery: VerticalGalleryStrings;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(total-participant-count) */\n /** Strings for the participant list component */\n ParticipantList: ParticipantListStrings;\n /** Strings for the MeetingConferencePhoneInfoModal */\n meetingConferencePhoneInfo: MeetingConferencePhoneInfoModalStrings;\n IncomingCallNotification: IncomingCallNotificationStrings;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(rtt) */\n /** Strings for the RealTimeTextModal */\n realTimeTextModal: RealTimeTextModalStrings;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(rtt) */\n /** Strings for RealTimeText */\n realTimeText: RealTimeTextStrings;\n /** Strings for Captions Setting Modal */\n captionsSettingsModal: CaptionsSettingsModalStrings;\n /**\n * 1 to 1 mapping between language code and language string for spoken languages\n */\n spokenLanguages: SpokenLanguageStrings;\n /**\n * 1 to 1 mapping between language code and language string for caption languages\n */\n captionLanguages: CaptionLanguageStrings;\n /** Strings for CaptionsBanner */\n captionsBanner: CaptionsBannerStrings;\n /** Strings for Start Captions Button */\n startCaptionsButton: StartCaptionsButtonStrings;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(rtt) */\n /** Strings for Start RealTimeText Button */\n startRealTimeTextButton: StartRealTimeTextButtonStrings;\n}\n\n/**\n * Context for providing localized strings to components exported from this library.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport const LocaleContext = createContext<ComponentLocale>(COMPONENT_LOCALE_EN_US);\n\n/**\n * Props for {@link LocalizationProvider}.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport type LocalizationProviderProps = {\n /** Locale context to provide components */\n locale: ComponentLocale;\n /** Children to provide locale context. */\n children: React.ReactNode;\n};\n\n/**\n * Provider to provide localized strings for this library's react components.\n *\n * @remarks Components will be provided localized strings in English (US) by default if this\n * provider is not used.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport const LocalizationProvider = (props: LocalizationProviderProps): JSX.Element => {\n const { locale, children } = props;\n return <LocaleContext.Provider value={locale}>{children}</LocaleContext.Provider>;\n};\n\n/** React hook to access locale */\nexport const useLocale = (): ComponentLocale => useContext(LocaleContext);\n"]}
@@ -69,17 +69,20 @@
"richTextBulletedListAppliedAnnouncement": "Bulleted list applied",
"richTextNumberedListAppliedAnnouncement": "Numbered list applied"
"realTimeTextModal": {
"realTimeTextModalAriaLabel": "Turn on RTT Modal",
"realTimeTextModalTitle": "Turn on RTT?",
"realTimeTextModalText": "Real-time text (RTT) will be turned on for everyone in the meeting.",
"realTimeTextConfirmButtonLabel": "Turn on",
"realTimeTextCancelButtonLabel": "Cancel",
"realTimeTextCloseModalButtonAriaLabel": "Close RTT Modal"
"captionsBanner": {
"captionsBannerSpinnerText": "Starting captions...",
"realTimeTextInputBoxDefaultText": "Type message in real time"
"realTimeTextInputBoxDefaultText": "Type message in real time",
"realTimeTextBannerTitle": "RTT",
"realTimeTextBannerContent": "RTT (real-time text) is enabled for all participants for the entire duration of the meeting.",
"realTimeTextBannerLinkLabel": "Learn more"
"mentionPopover": {
"mentionPopoverHeader": "Suggestions"
@@ -196,7 +199,7 @@
"applauseReactionTooltipContent": "Applause",
"surprisedReactionTooltipContent": "Surprised"
"realTimeText": {
"isTypingText": "RTT typing"
"captionsSettingsModal": {
@@ -826,10 +829,5 @@
"incomingCallNotificationRejectButtonLabel": "Decline",
"incomingCallNotificationAccceptWithVideoButtonLabel": "Accept with Video",
"incomingCallNotificationDismissButtonAriaLabel": "Dismiss"
"rttDisclosureBanner": {
"bannerTitle": "RTT",
"bannerContent": "RTT (real-time text) is enabled for all participants for the entire duration of the meeting.",
"bannerLinkLabel": "Learn more"
@@ -546,6 +546,18 @@ export interface CallCompositeStrings {
* Default text for RTT input text box
realTimeTextInputBoxDefaultText?: string;
* Text to show in the real time text disclosure banner
realTimeTextBannerContent?: string;
* Title text of the real time text disclosure banner
realTimeTextBannerTitle?: string;
* Label for the link in the real time text disclosure banner
realTimeTextBannerLinkLabel?: string;
* transfer page text when showing the transferor who initiated the transfer
@@ -1 +1 @@
{"version":3,"file":"Strings.js","sourceRoot":"","sources":["../../../../../../../react-composites/src/composites/CallComposite/Strings.tsx"],"names":[],"mappings":"AAAA,uCAAuC;AACvC,kCAAkC","sourcesContent":["// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT License.\n\nimport { SpokenLanguageStrings, CaptionLanguageStrings } from '@internal/react-components';\nimport { SurveyIssues, SurveyIssuesHeadingStrings } from '@internal/react-components';\nimport { CapabilityChangedNotificationStrings } from './components/CapabilitiesChangedNotificationBar';\nimport { SpotlightPromptStrings } from './components/Prompt';\n\n/**\n * Strings used by the {@link CallComposite} directly.\n *\n * This strings are in addition to those used by the components from the component library.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport interface CallCompositeStrings {\n /**\n * Title of configuration page.\n */\n configurationPageTitle: string;\n /**\n * Optional 1-2 lines on the call details used on the configuration page.\n */\n configurationPageCallDetails?: string;\n /**\n * Text in button to start call in configuration page.\n */\n startCallButtonLabel: string;\n /**\n * Text in button to rejoin an ended call.\n */\n rejoinCallButtonLabel: string;\n /**\n * Placeholder text for local device settings dropdowns.\n */\n defaultPlaceHolder: string;\n /**\n * Label for camera dropdown.\n */\n cameraLabel: string;\n /**\n * Label for when there are no cameras present on configuration screen.\n */\n noCamerasLabel: string;\n /**\n * Label for sound dropdown.\n */\n soundLabel: string;\n /**\n * Label for when no microphones were found on the configuration screen\n */\n noMicrophonesLabel: string;\n /**\n * Label for when no speakers were found on the configuration screen.\n */\n noSpeakersLabel: string;\n /**\n * Error shown when camera access is blocked by the browser.\n */\n cameraPermissionDenied: string;\n /**\n * Error shown when the camera is turned off.\n */\n cameraTurnedOff: string;\n /**\n * Error shown when microphone access is blocked by the browser.\n */\n microphonePermissionDenied: string;\n /**\n * Title text of the page shown to the user when joining a Teams meeting fails because meeting owner denied access.\n */\n failedToJoinTeamsMeetingReasonAccessDeniedTitle: string;\n /**\n * More details text of the page shown to the user when joining a Teams meeting fails because meeting owner denied access.\n */\n failedToJoinTeamsMeetingReasonAccessDeniedMoreDetails?: string;\n /**\n * Title text of the page shown to the user when joining a call fails due to a network problem.\n */\n failedToJoinCallDueToNoNetworkTitle: string;\n /**\n * More details text of the page shown to the user when joining a call fails due to a network problem.\n */\n failedToJoinCallDueToNoNetworkMoreDetails?: string;\n /**\n * Text to display on a leaving page.\n */\n leavingCallTitle?: string;\n /**\n * Title text of the page shown to the user when they leave a call in the call composite.\n */\n leftCallTitle: string;\n /**\n * More details text of the page shown to the user when they leave a call in the call composite.\n */\n leftCallMoreDetails?: string;\n /**\n * Title text of the page shown to the user when they are removed from a call in the call composite.\n */\n removedFromCallTitle: string;\n /**\n * More details text of the page shown to the user when they are removed from a call in the call composite.\n */\n removedFromCallMoreDetails?: string;\n /**\n * Text shown to the user on the lobby screen when connecting to a call.\n */\n lobbyScreenConnectingToCallTitle: string;\n /**\n * Optional addition details shown to the user on the lobby screen when connection to a call.\n */\n lobbyScreenConnectingToCallMoreDetails?: string;\n /**\n * Text shown to the user on the lobby screen when waiting to be admitted to a call.\n */\n lobbyScreenWaitingToBeAdmittedTitle: string;\n /**\n * Optional additional details shown to the user on the lobby screen when waiting to be admitted to a call.\n */\n lobbyScreenWaitingToBeAdmittedMoreDetails?: string;\n /**\n * Message shown to the user when they are speaking while muted.\n */\n mutedMessage: string;\n /**\n * Text for link to MS privacy policy in Compliance Banner.\n */\n privacyPolicy: string;\n /**\n * Text for link to learn more about a specific subject.\n */\n learnMore: string;\n /**\n * Message to let user know the meeting is only being recorded (no transcription) in ComplianceBanner.\n */\n complianceBannerNowOnlyRecording: string;\n /**\n * Message to let user know the meeting is only being transcripted (no recording) in ComplianceBanner.\n */\n complianceBannerNowOnlyTranscription: string;\n /**\n * Message to let user know recording and transcription of the meeting are saved in ComplianceBanner.\n */\n complianceBannerRecordingAndTranscriptionSaved: string;\n /**\n * Message to let user know recording and transcription of the meeting have started in ComplianceBanner.\n */\n complianceBannerRecordingAndTranscriptionStarted: string;\n /**\n * Message to let user know recording and transcription of the meeting have stopped in ComplianceBanner.\n */\n complianceBannerRecordingAndTranscriptionStopped: string;\n /**\n * Message to let user know recording of the meeting is being saved in ComplianceBanner.\n */\n complianceBannerRecordingSaving: string;\n /**\n * Message to let user know recording of the meeting has started in ComplianceBanner.\n */\n complianceBannerRecordingStarted: string;\n /**\n * Message to let user know recording of the meeting has stopped in ComplianceBanner.\n */\n complianceBannerRecordingStopped: string;\n /**\n * Message to let user know they are giving consent to meeting being transcripted in ComplianceBanner.\n */\n complianceBannerTranscriptionConsent: string;\n /**\n * Message to let user know transcription of the meeting is being saved in ComplianceBanner.\n */\n complianceBannerTranscriptionSaving: string;\n /**\n * Message to let user know transcription of the meeting has started in ComplianceBanner.\n */\n complianceBannerTranscriptionStarted: string;\n /**\n * Message to let user know the transcription of the meeting has stopped in ComplianceBanner.\n */\n complianceBannerTranscriptionStopped: string;\n /**\n * Text for close button.\n */\n close: string;\n /**\n * Title text of the page shown to the user when there is intermittent network failure during a call.\n */\n networkReconnectTitle: string;\n /**\n * More details text of the page shown to the user when there is intermittent network failure during a call.\n */\n networkReconnectMoreDetails: string;\n /**\n * Tooltip text used to inform a user that toggling microphone in lobby is not supported.\n */\n microphoneToggleInLobbyNotAllowed: string;\n /**\n * Side pane People section Title.\n */\n peoplePaneTitle: string;\n /**\n * Aria label of more button in people pane\n */\n peoplePaneMoreButtonAriaLabel: string;\n /**\n * Aria label string for return to call back button\n */\n returnToCallButtonAriaLabel?: string;\n /**\n * Aria Description string for return to call button\n */\n returnToCallButtonAriaDescription?: string;\n /**\n * control bar People button label\n */\n peopleButtonLabel: string;\n /**\n * control bar People button label when checked\n */\n selectedPeopleButtonLabel: string;\n /**\n * control bar Chat button label.\n */\n chatButtonLabel: string;\n /**\n * Label for SidePaneHeader dismiss button\n */\n dismissSidePaneButtonLabel?: string;\n /**\n * Side pane People section subheader.\n */\n peoplePaneSubTitle?: string;\n /**\n * Label for button to copy invite link\n */\n copyInviteLinkButtonLabel?: string;\n /**\n * Label for button to copy invite link when it has been actioned\n */\n copyInviteLinkButtonActionedLabel?: string;\n /**\n * Label for button to open dialpad\n */\n openDialpadButtonLabel?: string;\n /**\n * Label for menu item to remove participant\n */\n removeMenuLabel?: string;\n /**\n * Label for menu item to start spotlight on participant\n */\n startSpotlightMenuLabel: string;\n /**\n * Label for menu item to add spotlight on participant\n */\n addSpotlightMenuLabel: string;\n /**\n * Label for menu item to stop spotlight on participant\n */\n stopSpotlightMenuLabel: string;\n /**\n * Label for menu item to stop spotlight on local user\n */\n stopSpotlightOnSelfMenuLabel: string;\n /**\n * Label for menu item to stop spotlight on local user\n */\n spotlightLimitReachedMenuTitle: string;\n /**\n * Label for menu item to stop all spotlight\n */\n stopAllSpotlightMenuLabel: string;\n /**\n * Label for add people dropdown\n */\n peoplePaneAddPeopleButtonLabel?: string;\n /**\n * Label for button to start a call\n */\n dialpadStartCallButtonLabel?: string;\n /**\n * Title for dialpad Modal\n */\n dialpadModalTitle?: string;\n /**\n * Aria Label for dialpad Modal\n */\n dialpadModalAriaLabel?: string;\n /**\n * Aria Label for dialpad Modal close button\n */\n dialpadCloseModalButtonAriaLabel?: string;\n /**\n * label for more button in the Calling composite\n */\n moreButtonCallingLabel: string;\n /**\n * Label for the resume call button on the hold pane\n */\n resumeCallButtonLabel?: string;\n /**\n * Label for the resume call button on the hold pane when call is resuming\n */\n resumingCallButtonLabel?: string;\n /**\n * Aria label for the resume call button on the hold pane\n */\n resumeCallButtonAriaLabel?: string;\n /**\n * Aria label for the resume call button on the hold pane when call is resuming\n */\n resumingCallButtonAriaLabel?: string;\n /**\n * Label for the hold pane\n */\n holdScreenLabel?: string;\n /**\n * Placeholder text for dtmf dialpad\n */\n dtmfDialpadPlaceholderText?: string;\n /**\n * Label for the button to open dtmf dialpad\n */\n openDtmfDialpadLabel?: string;\n /**\n * aria label for when the invite link has been actioned\n */\n copyInviteLinkActionedAriaLabel: string;\n /**\n * Title text of the page shown to the user when the user attempts to join a room that cannot be found.\n */\n roomNotFoundTitle: string;\n /**\n * More details text of the page shown to the user when the user attempts to join a room that cannot be found.\n */\n roomNotFoundDetails?: string;\n /**\n * Title text of the page shown to the user when the user attempts to join a room that is not valid.\n */\n roomNotValidTitle: string;\n /**\n * More details text of the page shown to the user when the user attempts to join a room that is not valid.\n */\n roomNotValidDetails?: string;\n /**\n * Title text of the page shown to the user when the user's permission to join the room is removed.\n */\n inviteToRoomRemovedTitle: string;\n /**\n * More details text of the page shown to the user when the user's permission to join the room is removed.\n */\n inviteToRoomRemovedDetails?: string;\n\n /**\n * Video Effects pane title.\n */\n videoEffectsPaneTitle: string;\n\n /**\n * Video Effects pane sub section title for choosing background.\n */\n videoEffectsPaneBackgroundSelectionTitle: string;\n\n /**\n * Aria label for video effects pane\n */\n videoEffectsPaneAriaLabel: string;\n\n /**\n * Label for the button to open effects\n */\n configurationPageCameraIsLoadingLabel?: string;\n\n /**\n * Label for the button to open effects\n */\n configurationPageVideoEffectsButtonLabel?: string;\n\n /**\n * Error message for video effect failure\n */\n unableToStartVideoEffect?: string;\n\n /**\n * Label for the blur video background effect item\n */\n blurBackgroundEffectButtonLabel?: string;\n\n /**\n * Tooltip text for the blur video background effect item\n */\n blurBackgroundTooltip?: string;\n\n /**\n * Label for the remove video background effect item\n */\n removeBackgroundEffectButtonLabel?: string;\n\n /**\n * Tooltip text for the blur video background effect item\n */\n removeBackgroundTooltip?: string;\n\n /**\n * Text to show when warning the user the camera is off and inform the user to turn the camera on to see the selected video background effect.\n */\n cameraOffBackgroundEffectWarningText?: string;\n /**\n * Title text of the page shown to the user when the user attempts to join a room they are not invited to.\n */\n notInvitedToRoomTitle: string;\n /**\n * More details text of the page shown to the user when the user attempts to join a room they are not invited to.\n */\n notInvitedToRoomDetails?: string;\n /**\n * Control bar People button ToolTipContent\n */\n peopleButtonTooltipOpen: string;\n /**\n * Control bar People button ToolTipContent\n */\n peopleButtonTooltipClose: string;\n /**\n * Label disaplayed on the lobby screen during a 1:1 outbound call.\n */\n outboundCallingNoticeString?: string;\n /**\n * Notice to be announced by narrator when a participant joins a call\n */\n participantJoinedNoticeString: string;\n /**\n * Notice to be announced by narrator when a participant joins a call\n */\n twoParticipantJoinedNoticeString: string;\n /**\n * Notice to be announced by narrator when a participant joins a call\n */\n threeParticipantJoinedNoticeString: string;\n /**\n * Notice to be announced by narrator when a participant leaves a call\n */\n participantLeftNoticeString: string;\n /**\n * Notice to be announced by narrator when 2 participants leave a call\n */\n twoParticipantLeftNoticeString: string;\n /**\n * Notice to be announced by narrator when 3 participants leave a call\n */\n threeParticipantLeftNoticeString: string;\n /**\n * string to be used to announce a change in participant if they have no displayName\n */\n unnamedParticipantString: string;\n /**\n * string to be used to announce when more than 3 participants have joined at the same time.\n */\n manyParticipantsJoined: string;\n /**\n * string to be used to announce when more than 3 participants have left at the same time.\n */\n manyParticipantsLeft: string;\n /**\n * string to be used to announce when multiple unnamed participants have joined at the same time.\n */\n manyUnnamedParticipantsJoined: string;\n /**\n * string to be used to announce when multiple unnamed participants have left at the same time.\n */\n manyUnnamedParticipantsLeft: string;\n /**\n * string to be used to open live captions contextual menu\n */\n liveCaptionsLabel?: string;\n /**\n * label for opening captions setting modal\n */\n captionsSettingsLabel?: string;\n /**\n * string to be used to start captions\n */\n startCaptionsButtonOnLabel?: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(rtt) */\n /**\n * string to be used to open real time text contextual menu\n */\n realTimeTextLabel?: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(rtt) */\n /**\n * string to be used to start real time text\n */\n startRealTimeTextLabel?: string;\n /**\n * string to be used to stop captions\n */\n startCaptionsButtonOffLabel?: string;\n /**\n * tooltip string to be used to show captions is on\n */\n startCaptionsButtonTooltipOnContent?: string;\n /**\n *tooltip string to be used to show captions is off\n */\n startCaptionsButtonTooltipOffContent?: string;\n /**\n * captions setting modal title\n */\n captionsSettingsModalTitle?: string;\n /**\n * label for spoken language dropdown inside captions setting modal\n */\n captionsSettingsSpokenLanguageDropdownLabel?: string;\n /**\n * label for captions language inside captions setting modal\n */\n captionsSettingsCaptionLanguageDropdownLabel?: string;\n /**\n * text under captions setting dropdown indicating what the dropdown is for\n */\n captionsSettingsSpokenLanguageDropdownInfoText?: string;\n /**\n * text under captions setting dropdown indicating what the dropdown is for\n */\n captionsSettingsCaptionLanguageDropdownInfoText?: string;\n /**\n * confirm button label in captions setting modal\n */\n captionsSettingsConfirmButtonLabel?: string;\n /**\n * cancel button label in captions setting modal\n */\n captionsSettingsCancelButtonLabel?: string;\n /**\n * arial label for captions setting modal\n */\n captionsSettingsModalAriaLabel?: string;\n /**\n * arial label for captions setting modal close button\n */\n captionsSettingsCloseModalButtonAriaLabel?: string;\n /**\n * label for more button inside captions banner\n */\n captionsBannerMoreButtonCallingLabel?: string;\n /**\n * arial label for more button inside captions banner\n */\n captionsBannerMoreButtonTooltip?: string;\n /**\n * list of key value pairs that pairs spoken language code to language names\n */\n spokenLanguageStrings?: SpokenLanguageStrings;\n /**\n * list of key value pairs that pairs caption language code to language names\n */\n captionLanguageStrings?: CaptionLanguageStrings;\n /**\n * captions banner loading spinner label\n */\n captionsBannerSpinnerText?: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(rtt) */\n /**\n * Default text for RTT input text box\n */\n realTimeTextInputBoxDefaultText?: string;\n /**\n * transfer page text when showing the transferor who initiated the transfer\n */\n transferPageTransferorText: string;\n /**\n * transfer page text when showing the transfer target\n */\n transferPageTransferTargetText: string;\n /**\n * transfer page display name for unknown participant\n */\n transferPageUnknownTransferorDisplayName: string;\n /**\n * transfer page display name for unknown participant\n */\n transferPageUnknownTransferTargetDisplayName: string;\n /**\n * notice to be announced by narrator the transfer page is showing\n */\n transferPageNoticeString: string;\n\n /**\n * Title text of the page shown to the user when target participant could not be reached\n */\n participantCouldNotBeReachedTitle?: string;\n\n /**\n * More details text of the page shown to the user when target participant could not be reached\n */\n participantCouldNotBeReachedMoreDetails?: string;\n\n /**\n * Title text of the page shown to the user when permission to reach participant is not allowed\n */\n permissionToReachTargetParticipantNotAllowedTitle?: string;\n\n /**\n * More details text of the page shown to the user when permission to reach participant is not allowed\n */\n permissionToReachTargetParticipantNotAllowedMoreDetails?: string;\n\n /**\n * Title text of the page shown to the user when tenant id for the target participant could not be resolved\n */\n unableToResolveTenantTitle?: string;\n\n /**\n * More details text of the page shown to the user when tenant id for the target participant could not be resolved\n */\n unableToResolveTenantMoreDetails?: string;\n\n /**\n * Title text of the page shown to the user when target participant id is malformed\n */\n participantIdIsMalformedTitle?: string;\n\n /**\n * More details text of the page shown to the user when target participant id is malformed\n */\n participantIdIsMalformedMoreDetails?: string;\n /**\n * Controls label to move the overflow gallery around\n */\n moreButtonGalleryControlLabel?: string;\n /**\n * Label for the toggle to move the overflow gallery to the top\n */\n moreButtonGalleryPositionToggleLabel?: string;\n /**\n * Label for the selection of the speaker layout\n */\n moreButtonGallerySpeakerLayoutLabel?: string;\n /**\n * Label for the selection of the default (Gallery) layout\n */\n moreButtonGalleryDefaultLayoutLabel?: string;\n /**\n * Label for the selection of the default (Gallery) layout\n */\n moreButtonLargeGalleryDefaultLayoutLabel?: string;\n /* conditional-compile-remove(together-mode) */\n /**\n * Label for the selection of the Together Mode (Gallery) layout\n */\n moreButtonTogetherModeLayoutLabel?: string;\n /**\n * Label for the selection of the floatingLocalVideo (Dynamic) layout\n */\n moreButtonGalleryFloatingLocalLayoutLabel?: string;\n /**\n * Label for the selection of the focusedContentLayout (Focused content) layout\n */\n moreButtonGalleryFocusedContentLayoutLabel?: string;\n\n /**\n * All strings for capability changed notification\n */\n capabilityChangedNotification?: CapabilityChangedNotificationStrings;\n /**\n * Title for the survey\n */\n surveyTitle: string;\n /**\n * Helper text to explain what the survey is for\n */\n starSurveyHelperText: string;\n /**\n * Helper text displayed below survey question after user select one star\n */\n starSurveyOneStarText: string;\n /**\n * Helper text displayed below survey question after user select two star\n */\n starSurveyTwoStarText: string;\n /**\n * Helper text displayed below survey question after user select three star\n */\n starSurveyThreeStarText: string;\n /**\n * Helper text displayed below survey question after user select four star\n */\n starSurveyFourStarText: string;\n /**\n * Helper text displayed below survey question after user select five star\n */\n starSurveyFiveStarText: string;\n /**\n * Aria Label for each individual star rating\n */\n starRatingAriaLabel: string;\n /**\n * Tags Survey Question\n */\n tagsSurveyQuestion: string;\n /**\n * Default text for free form text field inside tags survey\n */\n tagsSurveyTextFieldDefaultText: string;\n /**\n * Tags Survey helper text\n */\n tagsSurveyHelperText: string;\n /**\n * Confirm button label for survey\n */\n surveyConfirmButtonLabel: string;\n /**\n * Cancel button label for survey\n */\n surveySkipButtonLabel: string;\n /**\n * Thank you text appeared on screen after survey is submitted\n */\n endOfSurveyText: string;\n /**\n * Corresponding texts to each call issue\n */\n surveyIssues: SurveyIssues;\n /**\n * Corresponding texts to each call category\n */\n surveyIssuesHeadingStrings: SurveyIssuesHeadingStrings;\n /**\n * String for the dismiss control on the local and remote PIP on mobile\n */\n dismissModalAriaLabel?: string;\n /**\n * String for title when the call is rejected by the callee\n */\n callRejectedTitle?: string;\n /**\n * String for more details when the call is rejected by the callee\n */\n callRejectedMoreDetails?: string;\n /**\n * String for title when the call times out because the remote user does not answer\n */\n callTimeoutTitle?: string;\n /**\n * String for title when the call times out when calling a bot.\n */\n callTimeoutBotTitle?: string;\n /**\n * String for more details when the call times out because the remote user does not answer\n */\n callTimeoutDetails?: string;\n /**\n * String for more details when the call times out when calling a bot\n */\n callTimeoutBotDetails?: string;\n /**\n * Label for the control bar button to show the dtmf dialer when the more button is disabled\n */\n dtmfDialerButtonLabel?: string;\n /**\n * Tooltip for the control bar button to show the dtmf dialer when the more button is disabled\n */\n dtmfDialerButtonTooltipOn?: string;\n /**\n * Tooltip for the control bar button to hide the dtmf dialer when the more button is disabled\n */\n dtmfDialerButtonTooltipOff?: string;\n /**\n * Label to show the dtmf dialer in the more button menu\n */\n dtmfDialerMoreButtonLabelOn?: string;\n /**\n * Label to hide the dtmf dialer in the more button menu\n */\n dtmfDialerMoreButtonLabelOff?: string;\n /**\n * Strings for spotlight prompt\n */\n spotlightPrompt: SpotlightPromptStrings;\n /**\n * Label for button to exit spotlight\n */\n exitSpotlightButtonLabel: string;\n /**\n * Tooltip for button to exit spotlight\n */\n exitSpotlightButtonTooltip: string;\n /**\n * Label for confirm button of hang up for everyone dialog\n */\n leaveConfirmButtonLabel?: string;\n /**\n * Label for confirm button of leave confim dialog\n */\n endCallConfirmButtonLabel?: string;\n /**\n * Label for cancel button in hang up confirm dialog\n */\n hangUpCancelButtonLabel?: string;\n /**\n * Title of confirm dialog when leaving\n */\n leaveConfirmDialogTitle?: string;\n /**\n * Content of confirm dialog when leaving\n */\n leaveConfirmDialogContent?: string;\n /**\n * Title of confirm dialog when leaving\n */\n endCallConfirmDialogTitle?: string;\n /**\n * Content of confirm dialog when leaving\n */\n endCallConfirmDialogContent?: string;\n /**\n * Error message when the meeting identifier or passcode is invalid\n */\n invalidMeetingIdentifier: string;\n /**\n * Menu text shown in Participant Item contextual menu for pinning a remote participant's video tile\n *\n */\n pinParticipantMenuLabel: string;\n /**\n * Menu text shown in Participant Item contextual menu when pinning limit is reached\n *\n */\n pinParticipantLimitReachedMenuLabel: string;\n /**\n * Menu text shown in Participant Item contextual menu for unpinning a remote participant's video tile\n *\n */\n unpinParticipantMenuLabel: string;\n /**\n * Aria label for unpin participant menu item of remote participant\n */\n unpinParticipantMenuItemAriaLabel: string;\n /**\n * Aria label to announce when remote participant is pinned\n */\n pinParticipantMenuItemAriaLabel: string;\n /**\n * Error message when the meeting identifier or passcode is invalid\n */\n phoneCallMoreButtonLabel: string;\n /**\n * Label for mute all remote participants menu item in People Pane\n */\n muteAllMenuLabel: string;\n /**\n * Label for mute all prompt title\n */\n muteAllDialogTitle: string;\n /**\n * Label for mute all prompt content\n */\n muteAllDialogContent: string;\n /**\n * Label for mute all confirm button\n */\n muteAllConfirmButtonLabel: string;\n /**\n * Label for mute all cancel button\n */\n muteAllCancelButtonLabel: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(breakout-rooms) */\n /**\n * Label for join breakout room button\n */\n joinBreakoutRoomButtonLabel: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(breakout-rooms) */\n /**\n * Label for button to return from breakout room\n */\n returnFromBreakoutRoomButtonLabel: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(breakout-rooms) */\n /**\n * Label for button to leave breakout room and meeting\n */\n leaveBreakoutRoomAndMeetingButtonLabel: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(breakout-rooms) */\n /**\n * Notification title for when a user joins a breakout room\n */\n breakoutRoomJoinedNotificationTitle: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(breakout-rooms) */\n /**\n * Title for banner to join the assigned breakout room. The banner is shown in mobile view instead of the\n * notification.\n */\n joinBreakoutRoomBannerTitle: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(breakout-rooms) */\n /**\n * Label for button in banner to join breakout room. The banner is shown in mobile view instead of the notification.\n */\n joinBreakoutRoomBannerButtonLabel: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(breakout-rooms) */\n /**\n * Title for banner to return from breakout room. The banner is shown in mobile view instead of the notification.\n */\n returnFromBreakoutRoomBannerTitle: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(breakout-rooms) */\n /**\n * Label for button in banner to return from breakout room. The banner is shown in mobile view instead of the\n * notification.\n */\n returnFromBreakoutRoomBannerButtonLabel: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */\n /**\n * Label for menu item to forbid audio media access\n */\n forbidAudioMenuLabel: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */\n /**\n * Label for menu item to permit audio media access\n */\n permitAudioMenuLabel: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */\n /**\n * Dialog title to confirm forbid Teams meeting audio media access\n */\n forbidOthersAudioDialogTitle: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */\n /**\n * Dialog content to confirm forbid Teams meeting audio media access\n */\n forbidOthersAudioDialogContent: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */\n /**\n * Dialog button to confirm forbid Teams meeting audio media access\n */\n forbidOthersAudioConfirmButtonLabel: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */\n /**\n * Dialog cancel button for forbid Teams meeting audio media access\n */\n forbidOthersAudioCancelButtonLabel: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */\n /**\n * Dialog title to confirm permit Teams meeting audio media access\n */\n permitOthersAudioDialogTitle: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */\n /**\n * Dialog content to confirm permit Teams meeting audio media access\n */\n permitOthersAudioDialogContent: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */\n /**\n * Dialog button to confirm permit Teams meeting audio media access\n */\n permitOthersAudioConfirmButtonLabel: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */\n /**\n * Dialog cancel button for permit Teams meeting audio media access\n */\n permitOthersAudioCancelButtonLabel: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */\n /**\n * Label for menu item to forbid video media access\n */\n forbidOthersAudioMenuLabel: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */\n /** Label for menu item to permit video media access */\n permitOthersAudioMenuLabel: string;\n\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */\n /** Label for menu item to forbid video media access */\n forbidVideoMenuLabel: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */\n /** Label for menu item to permit video media access */\n permitVideoMenuLabel: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */\n /** Dialog title to confirm forbid Teams meeting video media access */\n forbidOthersVideoDialogTitle: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */\n /** Dialog content to confirm forbid Teams meeting video media access */\n forbidOthersVideoDialogContent: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */\n /** Dialog button to confirm forbid Teams meeting video media access */\n forbidOthersVideoConfirmButtonLabel: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */\n /** Dialog cancel button for forbid Teams meeting video media access */\n forbidOthersVideoCancelButtonLabel: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */\n /** Dialog title to confirm permit Teams meeting video media access */\n permitOthersVideoDialogTitle: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */\n /** Dialog content to confirm permit Teams meeting video media access */\n permitOthersVideoDialogContent: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */\n /** Dialog button to confirm permit Teams meeting video media access */\n permitOthersVideoConfirmButtonLabel: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */\n /** Dialog cancel button for permit Teams meeting video media access */\n permitOthersVideoCancelButtonLabel: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */\n /** Label for menu item to forbid audio media access */\n forbidOthersVideoMenuLabel: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */\n /** Label for menu item to permit audio media access */\n permitOthersVideoMenuLabel: string;\n}\n"]}
{"version":3,"file":"Strings.js","sourceRoot":"","sources":["../../../../../../../react-composites/src/composites/CallComposite/Strings.tsx"],"names":[],"mappings":"AAAA,uCAAuC;AACvC,kCAAkC","sourcesContent":["// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT License.\n\nimport { SpokenLanguageStrings, CaptionLanguageStrings } from '@internal/react-components';\nimport { SurveyIssues, SurveyIssuesHeadingStrings } from '@internal/react-components';\nimport { CapabilityChangedNotificationStrings } from './components/CapabilitiesChangedNotificationBar';\nimport { SpotlightPromptStrings } from './components/Prompt';\n\n/**\n * Strings used by the {@link CallComposite} directly.\n *\n * This strings are in addition to those used by the components from the component library.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport interface CallCompositeStrings {\n /**\n * Title of configuration page.\n */\n configurationPageTitle: string;\n /**\n * Optional 1-2 lines on the call details used on the configuration page.\n */\n configurationPageCallDetails?: string;\n /**\n * Text in button to start call in configuration page.\n */\n startCallButtonLabel: string;\n /**\n * Text in button to rejoin an ended call.\n */\n rejoinCallButtonLabel: string;\n /**\n * Placeholder text for local device settings dropdowns.\n */\n defaultPlaceHolder: string;\n /**\n * Label for camera dropdown.\n */\n cameraLabel: string;\n /**\n * Label for when there are no cameras present on configuration screen.\n */\n noCamerasLabel: string;\n /**\n * Label for sound dropdown.\n */\n soundLabel: string;\n /**\n * Label for when no microphones were found on the configuration screen\n */\n noMicrophonesLabel: string;\n /**\n * Label for when no speakers were found on the configuration screen.\n */\n noSpeakersLabel: string;\n /**\n * Error shown when camera access is blocked by the browser.\n */\n cameraPermissionDenied: string;\n /**\n * Error shown when the camera is turned off.\n */\n cameraTurnedOff: string;\n /**\n * Error shown when microphone access is blocked by the browser.\n */\n microphonePermissionDenied: string;\n /**\n * Title text of the page shown to the user when joining a Teams meeting fails because meeting owner denied access.\n */\n failedToJoinTeamsMeetingReasonAccessDeniedTitle: string;\n /**\n * More details text of the page shown to the user when joining a Teams meeting fails because meeting owner denied access.\n */\n failedToJoinTeamsMeetingReasonAccessDeniedMoreDetails?: string;\n /**\n * Title text of the page shown to the user when joining a call fails due to a network problem.\n */\n failedToJoinCallDueToNoNetworkTitle: string;\n /**\n * More details text of the page shown to the user when joining a call fails due to a network problem.\n */\n failedToJoinCallDueToNoNetworkMoreDetails?: string;\n /**\n * Text to display on a leaving page.\n */\n leavingCallTitle?: string;\n /**\n * Title text of the page shown to the user when they leave a call in the call composite.\n */\n leftCallTitle: string;\n /**\n * More details text of the page shown to the user when they leave a call in the call composite.\n */\n leftCallMoreDetails?: string;\n /**\n * Title text of the page shown to the user when they are removed from a call in the call composite.\n */\n removedFromCallTitle: string;\n /**\n * More details text of the page shown to the user when they are removed from a call in the call composite.\n */\n removedFromCallMoreDetails?: string;\n /**\n * Text shown to the user on the lobby screen when connecting to a call.\n */\n lobbyScreenConnectingToCallTitle: string;\n /**\n * Optional addition details shown to the user on the lobby screen when connection to a call.\n */\n lobbyScreenConnectingToCallMoreDetails?: string;\n /**\n * Text shown to the user on the lobby screen when waiting to be admitted to a call.\n */\n lobbyScreenWaitingToBeAdmittedTitle: string;\n /**\n * Optional additional details shown to the user on the lobby screen when waiting to be admitted to a call.\n */\n lobbyScreenWaitingToBeAdmittedMoreDetails?: string;\n /**\n * Message shown to the user when they are speaking while muted.\n */\n mutedMessage: string;\n /**\n * Text for link to MS privacy policy in Compliance Banner.\n */\n privacyPolicy: string;\n /**\n * Text for link to learn more about a specific subject.\n */\n learnMore: string;\n /**\n * Message to let user know the meeting is only being recorded (no transcription) in ComplianceBanner.\n */\n complianceBannerNowOnlyRecording: string;\n /**\n * Message to let user know the meeting is only being transcripted (no recording) in ComplianceBanner.\n */\n complianceBannerNowOnlyTranscription: string;\n /**\n * Message to let user know recording and transcription of the meeting are saved in ComplianceBanner.\n */\n complianceBannerRecordingAndTranscriptionSaved: string;\n /**\n * Message to let user know recording and transcription of the meeting have started in ComplianceBanner.\n */\n complianceBannerRecordingAndTranscriptionStarted: string;\n /**\n * Message to let user know recording and transcription of the meeting have stopped in ComplianceBanner.\n */\n complianceBannerRecordingAndTranscriptionStopped: string;\n /**\n * Message to let user know recording of the meeting is being saved in ComplianceBanner.\n */\n complianceBannerRecordingSaving: string;\n /**\n * Message to let user know recording of the meeting has started in ComplianceBanner.\n */\n complianceBannerRecordingStarted: string;\n /**\n * Message to let user know recording of the meeting has stopped in ComplianceBanner.\n */\n complianceBannerRecordingStopped: string;\n /**\n * Message to let user know they are giving consent to meeting being transcripted in ComplianceBanner.\n */\n complianceBannerTranscriptionConsent: string;\n /**\n * Message to let user know transcription of the meeting is being saved in ComplianceBanner.\n */\n complianceBannerTranscriptionSaving: string;\n /**\n * Message to let user know transcription of the meeting has started in ComplianceBanner.\n */\n complianceBannerTranscriptionStarted: string;\n /**\n * Message to let user know the transcription of the meeting has stopped in ComplianceBanner.\n */\n complianceBannerTranscriptionStopped: string;\n /**\n * Text for close button.\n */\n close: string;\n /**\n * Title text of the page shown to the user when there is intermittent network failure during a call.\n */\n networkReconnectTitle: string;\n /**\n * More details text of the page shown to the user when there is intermittent network failure during a call.\n */\n networkReconnectMoreDetails: string;\n /**\n * Tooltip text used to inform a user that toggling microphone in lobby is not supported.\n */\n microphoneToggleInLobbyNotAllowed: string;\n /**\n * Side pane People section Title.\n */\n peoplePaneTitle: string;\n /**\n * Aria label of more button in people pane\n */\n peoplePaneMoreButtonAriaLabel: string;\n /**\n * Aria label string for return to call back button\n */\n returnToCallButtonAriaLabel?: string;\n /**\n * Aria Description string for return to call button\n */\n returnToCallButtonAriaDescription?: string;\n /**\n * control bar People button label\n */\n peopleButtonLabel: string;\n /**\n * control bar People button label when checked\n */\n selectedPeopleButtonLabel: string;\n /**\n * control bar Chat button label.\n */\n chatButtonLabel: string;\n /**\n * Label for SidePaneHeader dismiss button\n */\n dismissSidePaneButtonLabel?: string;\n /**\n * Side pane People section subheader.\n */\n peoplePaneSubTitle?: string;\n /**\n * Label for button to copy invite link\n */\n copyInviteLinkButtonLabel?: string;\n /**\n * Label for button to copy invite link when it has been actioned\n */\n copyInviteLinkButtonActionedLabel?: string;\n /**\n * Label for button to open dialpad\n */\n openDialpadButtonLabel?: string;\n /**\n * Label for menu item to remove participant\n */\n removeMenuLabel?: string;\n /**\n * Label for menu item to start spotlight on participant\n */\n startSpotlightMenuLabel: string;\n /**\n * Label for menu item to add spotlight on participant\n */\n addSpotlightMenuLabel: string;\n /**\n * Label for menu item to stop spotlight on participant\n */\n stopSpotlightMenuLabel: string;\n /**\n * Label for menu item to stop spotlight on local user\n */\n stopSpotlightOnSelfMenuLabel: string;\n /**\n * Label for menu item to stop spotlight on local user\n */\n spotlightLimitReachedMenuTitle: string;\n /**\n * Label for menu item to stop all spotlight\n */\n stopAllSpotlightMenuLabel: string;\n /**\n * Label for add people dropdown\n */\n peoplePaneAddPeopleButtonLabel?: string;\n /**\n * Label for button to start a call\n */\n dialpadStartCallButtonLabel?: string;\n /**\n * Title for dialpad Modal\n */\n dialpadModalTitle?: string;\n /**\n * Aria Label for dialpad Modal\n */\n dialpadModalAriaLabel?: string;\n /**\n * Aria Label for dialpad Modal close button\n */\n dialpadCloseModalButtonAriaLabel?: string;\n /**\n * label for more button in the Calling composite\n */\n moreButtonCallingLabel: string;\n /**\n * Label for the resume call button on the hold pane\n */\n resumeCallButtonLabel?: string;\n /**\n * Label for the resume call button on the hold pane when call is resuming\n */\n resumingCallButtonLabel?: string;\n /**\n * Aria label for the resume call button on the hold pane\n */\n resumeCallButtonAriaLabel?: string;\n /**\n * Aria label for the resume call button on the hold pane when call is resuming\n */\n resumingCallButtonAriaLabel?: string;\n /**\n * Label for the hold pane\n */\n holdScreenLabel?: string;\n /**\n * Placeholder text for dtmf dialpad\n */\n dtmfDialpadPlaceholderText?: string;\n /**\n * Label for the button to open dtmf dialpad\n */\n openDtmfDialpadLabel?: string;\n /**\n * aria label for when the invite link has been actioned\n */\n copyInviteLinkActionedAriaLabel: string;\n /**\n * Title text of the page shown to the user when the user attempts to join a room that cannot be found.\n */\n roomNotFoundTitle: string;\n /**\n * More details text of the page shown to the user when the user attempts to join a room that cannot be found.\n */\n roomNotFoundDetails?: string;\n /**\n * Title text of the page shown to the user when the user attempts to join a room that is not valid.\n */\n roomNotValidTitle: string;\n /**\n * More details text of the page shown to the user when the user attempts to join a room that is not valid.\n */\n roomNotValidDetails?: string;\n /**\n * Title text of the page shown to the user when the user's permission to join the room is removed.\n */\n inviteToRoomRemovedTitle: string;\n /**\n * More details text of the page shown to the user when the user's permission to join the room is removed.\n */\n inviteToRoomRemovedDetails?: string;\n\n /**\n * Video Effects pane title.\n */\n videoEffectsPaneTitle: string;\n\n /**\n * Video Effects pane sub section title for choosing background.\n */\n videoEffectsPaneBackgroundSelectionTitle: string;\n\n /**\n * Aria label for video effects pane\n */\n videoEffectsPaneAriaLabel: string;\n\n /**\n * Label for the button to open effects\n */\n configurationPageCameraIsLoadingLabel?: string;\n\n /**\n * Label for the button to open effects\n */\n configurationPageVideoEffectsButtonLabel?: string;\n\n /**\n * Error message for video effect failure\n */\n unableToStartVideoEffect?: string;\n\n /**\n * Label for the blur video background effect item\n */\n blurBackgroundEffectButtonLabel?: string;\n\n /**\n * Tooltip text for the blur video background effect item\n */\n blurBackgroundTooltip?: string;\n\n /**\n * Label for the remove video background effect item\n */\n removeBackgroundEffectButtonLabel?: string;\n\n /**\n * Tooltip text for the blur video background effect item\n */\n removeBackgroundTooltip?: string;\n\n /**\n * Text to show when warning the user the camera is off and inform the user to turn the camera on to see the selected video background effect.\n */\n cameraOffBackgroundEffectWarningText?: string;\n /**\n * Title text of the page shown to the user when the user attempts to join a room they are not invited to.\n */\n notInvitedToRoomTitle: string;\n /**\n * More details text of the page shown to the user when the user attempts to join a room they are not invited to.\n */\n notInvitedToRoomDetails?: string;\n /**\n * Control bar People button ToolTipContent\n */\n peopleButtonTooltipOpen: string;\n /**\n * Control bar People button ToolTipContent\n */\n peopleButtonTooltipClose: string;\n /**\n * Label disaplayed on the lobby screen during a 1:1 outbound call.\n */\n outboundCallingNoticeString?: string;\n /**\n * Notice to be announced by narrator when a participant joins a call\n */\n participantJoinedNoticeString: string;\n /**\n * Notice to be announced by narrator when a participant joins a call\n */\n twoParticipantJoinedNoticeString: string;\n /**\n * Notice to be announced by narrator when a participant joins a call\n */\n threeParticipantJoinedNoticeString: string;\n /**\n * Notice to be announced by narrator when a participant leaves a call\n */\n participantLeftNoticeString: string;\n /**\n * Notice to be announced by narrator when 2 participants leave a call\n */\n twoParticipantLeftNoticeString: string;\n /**\n * Notice to be announced by narrator when 3 participants leave a call\n */\n threeParticipantLeftNoticeString: string;\n /**\n * string to be used to announce a change in participant if they have no displayName\n */\n unnamedParticipantString: string;\n /**\n * string to be used to announce when more than 3 participants have joined at the same time.\n */\n manyParticipantsJoined: string;\n /**\n * string to be used to announce when more than 3 participants have left at the same time.\n */\n manyParticipantsLeft: string;\n /**\n * string to be used to announce when multiple unnamed participants have joined at the same time.\n */\n manyUnnamedParticipantsJoined: string;\n /**\n * string to be used to announce when multiple unnamed participants have left at the same time.\n */\n manyUnnamedParticipantsLeft: string;\n /**\n * string to be used to open live captions contextual menu\n */\n liveCaptionsLabel?: string;\n /**\n * label for opening captions setting modal\n */\n captionsSettingsLabel?: string;\n /**\n * string to be used to start captions\n */\n startCaptionsButtonOnLabel?: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(rtt) */\n /**\n * string to be used to open real time text contextual menu\n */\n realTimeTextLabel?: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(rtt) */\n /**\n * string to be used to start real time text\n */\n startRealTimeTextLabel?: string;\n /**\n * string to be used to stop captions\n */\n startCaptionsButtonOffLabel?: string;\n /**\n * tooltip string to be used to show captions is on\n */\n startCaptionsButtonTooltipOnContent?: string;\n /**\n *tooltip string to be used to show captions is off\n */\n startCaptionsButtonTooltipOffContent?: string;\n /**\n * captions setting modal title\n */\n captionsSettingsModalTitle?: string;\n /**\n * label for spoken language dropdown inside captions setting modal\n */\n captionsSettingsSpokenLanguageDropdownLabel?: string;\n /**\n * label for captions language inside captions setting modal\n */\n captionsSettingsCaptionLanguageDropdownLabel?: string;\n /**\n * text under captions setting dropdown indicating what the dropdown is for\n */\n captionsSettingsSpokenLanguageDropdownInfoText?: string;\n /**\n * text under captions setting dropdown indicating what the dropdown is for\n */\n captionsSettingsCaptionLanguageDropdownInfoText?: string;\n /**\n * confirm button label in captions setting modal\n */\n captionsSettingsConfirmButtonLabel?: string;\n /**\n * cancel button label in captions setting modal\n */\n captionsSettingsCancelButtonLabel?: string;\n /**\n * arial label for captions setting modal\n */\n captionsSettingsModalAriaLabel?: string;\n /**\n * arial label for captions setting modal close button\n */\n captionsSettingsCloseModalButtonAriaLabel?: string;\n /**\n * label for more button inside captions banner\n */\n captionsBannerMoreButtonCallingLabel?: string;\n /**\n * arial label for more button inside captions banner\n */\n captionsBannerMoreButtonTooltip?: string;\n /**\n * list of key value pairs that pairs spoken language code to language names\n */\n spokenLanguageStrings?: SpokenLanguageStrings;\n /**\n * list of key value pairs that pairs caption language code to language names\n */\n captionLanguageStrings?: CaptionLanguageStrings;\n /**\n * captions banner loading spinner label\n */\n captionsBannerSpinnerText?: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(rtt) */\n /**\n * Default text for RTT input text box\n */\n realTimeTextInputBoxDefaultText?: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(rtt) */\n /**\n * Text to show in the real time text disclosure banner\n */\n realTimeTextBannerContent?: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(rtt) */\n /**\n * Title text of the real time text disclosure banner\n */\n realTimeTextBannerTitle?: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(rtt) */\n /**\n * Label for the link in the real time text disclosure banner\n */\n realTimeTextBannerLinkLabel?: string;\n /**\n * transfer page text when showing the transferor who initiated the transfer\n */\n transferPageTransferorText: string;\n /**\n * transfer page text when showing the transfer target\n */\n transferPageTransferTargetText: string;\n /**\n * transfer page display name for unknown participant\n */\n transferPageUnknownTransferorDisplayName: string;\n /**\n * transfer page display name for unknown participant\n */\n transferPageUnknownTransferTargetDisplayName: string;\n /**\n * notice to be announced by narrator the transfer page is showing\n */\n transferPageNoticeString: string;\n\n /**\n * Title text of the page shown to the user when target participant could not be reached\n */\n participantCouldNotBeReachedTitle?: string;\n\n /**\n * More details text of the page shown to the user when target participant could not be reached\n */\n participantCouldNotBeReachedMoreDetails?: string;\n\n /**\n * Title text of the page shown to the user when permission to reach participant is not allowed\n */\n permissionToReachTargetParticipantNotAllowedTitle?: string;\n\n /**\n * More details text of the page shown to the user when permission to reach participant is not allowed\n */\n permissionToReachTargetParticipantNotAllowedMoreDetails?: string;\n\n /**\n * Title text of the page shown to the user when tenant id for the target participant could not be resolved\n */\n unableToResolveTenantTitle?: string;\n\n /**\n * More details text of the page shown to the user when tenant id for the target participant could not be resolved\n */\n unableToResolveTenantMoreDetails?: string;\n\n /**\n * Title text of the page shown to the user when target participant id is malformed\n */\n participantIdIsMalformedTitle?: string;\n\n /**\n * More details text of the page shown to the user when target participant id is malformed\n */\n participantIdIsMalformedMoreDetails?: string;\n /**\n * Controls label to move the overflow gallery around\n */\n moreButtonGalleryControlLabel?: string;\n /**\n * Label for the toggle to move the overflow gallery to the top\n */\n moreButtonGalleryPositionToggleLabel?: string;\n /**\n * Label for the selection of the speaker layout\n */\n moreButtonGallerySpeakerLayoutLabel?: string;\n /**\n * Label for the selection of the default (Gallery) layout\n */\n moreButtonGalleryDefaultLayoutLabel?: string;\n /**\n * Label for the selection of the default (Gallery) layout\n */\n moreButtonLargeGalleryDefaultLayoutLabel?: string;\n /* conditional-compile-remove(together-mode) */\n /**\n * Label for the selection of the Together Mode (Gallery) layout\n */\n moreButtonTogetherModeLayoutLabel?: string;\n /**\n * Label for the selection of the floatingLocalVideo (Dynamic) layout\n */\n moreButtonGalleryFloatingLocalLayoutLabel?: string;\n /**\n * Label for the selection of the focusedContentLayout (Focused content) layout\n */\n moreButtonGalleryFocusedContentLayoutLabel?: string;\n\n /**\n * All strings for capability changed notification\n */\n capabilityChangedNotification?: CapabilityChangedNotificationStrings;\n /**\n * Title for the survey\n */\n surveyTitle: string;\n /**\n * Helper text to explain what the survey is for\n */\n starSurveyHelperText: string;\n /**\n * Helper text displayed below survey question after user select one star\n */\n starSurveyOneStarText: string;\n /**\n * Helper text displayed below survey question after user select two star\n */\n starSurveyTwoStarText: string;\n /**\n * Helper text displayed below survey question after user select three star\n */\n starSurveyThreeStarText: string;\n /**\n * Helper text displayed below survey question after user select four star\n */\n starSurveyFourStarText: string;\n /**\n * Helper text displayed below survey question after user select five star\n */\n starSurveyFiveStarText: string;\n /**\n * Aria Label for each individual star rating\n */\n starRatingAriaLabel: string;\n /**\n * Tags Survey Question\n */\n tagsSurveyQuestion: string;\n /**\n * Default text for free form text field inside tags survey\n */\n tagsSurveyTextFieldDefaultText: string;\n /**\n * Tags Survey helper text\n */\n tagsSurveyHelperText: string;\n /**\n * Confirm button label for survey\n */\n surveyConfirmButtonLabel: string;\n /**\n * Cancel button label for survey\n */\n surveySkipButtonLabel: string;\n /**\n * Thank you text appeared on screen after survey is submitted\n */\n endOfSurveyText: string;\n /**\n * Corresponding texts to each call issue\n */\n surveyIssues: SurveyIssues;\n /**\n * Corresponding texts to each call category\n */\n surveyIssuesHeadingStrings: SurveyIssuesHeadingStrings;\n /**\n * String for the dismiss control on the local and remote PIP on mobile\n */\n dismissModalAriaLabel?: string;\n /**\n * String for title when the call is rejected by the callee\n */\n callRejectedTitle?: string;\n /**\n * String for more details when the call is rejected by the callee\n */\n callRejectedMoreDetails?: string;\n /**\n * String for title when the call times out because the remote user does not answer\n */\n callTimeoutTitle?: string;\n /**\n * String for title when the call times out when calling a bot.\n */\n callTimeoutBotTitle?: string;\n /**\n * String for more details when the call times out because the remote user does not answer\n */\n callTimeoutDetails?: string;\n /**\n * String for more details when the call times out when calling a bot\n */\n callTimeoutBotDetails?: string;\n /**\n * Label for the control bar button to show the dtmf dialer when the more button is disabled\n */\n dtmfDialerButtonLabel?: string;\n /**\n * Tooltip for the control bar button to show the dtmf dialer when the more button is disabled\n */\n dtmfDialerButtonTooltipOn?: string;\n /**\n * Tooltip for the control bar button to hide the dtmf dialer when the more button is disabled\n */\n dtmfDialerButtonTooltipOff?: string;\n /**\n * Label to show the dtmf dialer in the more button menu\n */\n dtmfDialerMoreButtonLabelOn?: string;\n /**\n * Label to hide the dtmf dialer in the more button menu\n */\n dtmfDialerMoreButtonLabelOff?: string;\n /**\n * Strings for spotlight prompt\n */\n spotlightPrompt: SpotlightPromptStrings;\n /**\n * Label for button to exit spotlight\n */\n exitSpotlightButtonLabel: string;\n /**\n * Tooltip for button to exit spotlight\n */\n exitSpotlightButtonTooltip: string;\n /**\n * Label for confirm button of hang up for everyone dialog\n */\n leaveConfirmButtonLabel?: string;\n /**\n * Label for confirm button of leave confim dialog\n */\n endCallConfirmButtonLabel?: string;\n /**\n * Label for cancel button in hang up confirm dialog\n */\n hangUpCancelButtonLabel?: string;\n /**\n * Title of confirm dialog when leaving\n */\n leaveConfirmDialogTitle?: string;\n /**\n * Content of confirm dialog when leaving\n */\n leaveConfirmDialogContent?: string;\n /**\n * Title of confirm dialog when leaving\n */\n endCallConfirmDialogTitle?: string;\n /**\n * Content of confirm dialog when leaving\n */\n endCallConfirmDialogContent?: string;\n /**\n * Error message when the meeting identifier or passcode is invalid\n */\n invalidMeetingIdentifier: string;\n /**\n * Menu text shown in Participant Item contextual menu for pinning a remote participant's video tile\n *\n */\n pinParticipantMenuLabel: string;\n /**\n * Menu text shown in Participant Item contextual menu when pinning limit is reached\n *\n */\n pinParticipantLimitReachedMenuLabel: string;\n /**\n * Menu text shown in Participant Item contextual menu for unpinning a remote participant's video tile\n *\n */\n unpinParticipantMenuLabel: string;\n /**\n * Aria label for unpin participant menu item of remote participant\n */\n unpinParticipantMenuItemAriaLabel: string;\n /**\n * Aria label to announce when remote participant is pinned\n */\n pinParticipantMenuItemAriaLabel: string;\n /**\n * Error message when the meeting identifier or passcode is invalid\n */\n phoneCallMoreButtonLabel: string;\n /**\n * Label for mute all remote participants menu item in People Pane\n */\n muteAllMenuLabel: string;\n /**\n * Label for mute all prompt title\n */\n muteAllDialogTitle: string;\n /**\n * Label for mute all prompt content\n */\n muteAllDialogContent: string;\n /**\n * Label for mute all confirm button\n */\n muteAllConfirmButtonLabel: string;\n /**\n * Label for mute all cancel button\n */\n muteAllCancelButtonLabel: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(breakout-rooms) */\n /**\n * Label for join breakout room button\n */\n joinBreakoutRoomButtonLabel: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(breakout-rooms) */\n /**\n * Label for button to return from breakout room\n */\n returnFromBreakoutRoomButtonLabel: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(breakout-rooms) */\n /**\n * Label for button to leave breakout room and meeting\n */\n leaveBreakoutRoomAndMeetingButtonLabel: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(breakout-rooms) */\n /**\n * Notification title for when a user joins a breakout room\n */\n breakoutRoomJoinedNotificationTitle: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(breakout-rooms) */\n /**\n * Title for banner to join the assigned breakout room. The banner is shown in mobile view instead of the\n * notification.\n */\n joinBreakoutRoomBannerTitle: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(breakout-rooms) */\n /**\n * Label for button in banner to join breakout room. The banner is shown in mobile view instead of the notification.\n */\n joinBreakoutRoomBannerButtonLabel: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(breakout-rooms) */\n /**\n * Title for banner to return from breakout room. The banner is shown in mobile view instead of the notification.\n */\n returnFromBreakoutRoomBannerTitle: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(breakout-rooms) */\n /**\n * Label for button in banner to return from breakout room. The banner is shown in mobile view instead of the\n * notification.\n */\n returnFromBreakoutRoomBannerButtonLabel: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */\n /**\n * Label for menu item to forbid audio media access\n */\n forbidAudioMenuLabel: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */\n /**\n * Label for menu item to permit audio media access\n */\n permitAudioMenuLabel: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */\n /**\n * Dialog title to confirm forbid Teams meeting audio media access\n */\n forbidOthersAudioDialogTitle: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */\n /**\n * Dialog content to confirm forbid Teams meeting audio media access\n */\n forbidOthersAudioDialogContent: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */\n /**\n * Dialog button to confirm forbid Teams meeting audio media access\n */\n forbidOthersAudioConfirmButtonLabel: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */\n /**\n * Dialog cancel button for forbid Teams meeting audio media access\n */\n forbidOthersAudioCancelButtonLabel: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */\n /**\n * Dialog title to confirm permit Teams meeting audio media access\n */\n permitOthersAudioDialogTitle: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */\n /**\n * Dialog content to confirm permit Teams meeting audio media access\n */\n permitOthersAudioDialogContent: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */\n /**\n * Dialog button to confirm permit Teams meeting audio media access\n */\n permitOthersAudioConfirmButtonLabel: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */\n /**\n * Dialog cancel button for permit Teams meeting audio media access\n */\n permitOthersAudioCancelButtonLabel: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */\n /**\n * Label for menu item to forbid video media access\n */\n forbidOthersAudioMenuLabel: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */\n /** Label for menu item to permit video media access */\n permitOthersAudioMenuLabel: string;\n\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */\n /** Label for menu item to forbid video media access */\n forbidVideoMenuLabel: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */\n /** Label for menu item to permit video media access */\n permitVideoMenuLabel: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */\n /** Dialog title to confirm forbid Teams meeting video media access */\n forbidOthersVideoDialogTitle: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */\n /** Dialog content to confirm forbid Teams meeting video media access */\n forbidOthersVideoDialogContent: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */\n /** Dialog button to confirm forbid Teams meeting video media access */\n forbidOthersVideoConfirmButtonLabel: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */\n /** Dialog cancel button for forbid Teams meeting video media access */\n forbidOthersVideoCancelButtonLabel: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */\n /** Dialog title to confirm permit Teams meeting video media access */\n permitOthersVideoDialogTitle: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */\n /** Dialog content to confirm permit Teams meeting video media access */\n permitOthersVideoDialogContent: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */\n /** Dialog button to confirm permit Teams meeting video media access */\n permitOthersVideoConfirmButtonLabel: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */\n /** Dialog cancel button for permit Teams meeting video media access */\n permitOthersVideoCancelButtonLabel: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */\n /** Label for menu item to forbid audio media access */\n forbidOthersVideoMenuLabel: string;\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(media-access) */\n /** Label for menu item to permit audio media access */\n permitOthersVideoMenuLabel: string;\n}\n"]}
@@ -37,7 +37,13 @@ export const CallingCaptionsBanner = (props) => {
const captionsBannerStrings = {
captionsBannerSpinnerText: strings.captionsBannerSpinnerText,
/* @conditional-compile-remove(rtt) */
realTimeTextInputBoxDefaultText: strings.realTimeTextInputBoxDefaultText
realTimeTextInputBoxDefaultText: strings.realTimeTextInputBoxDefaultText,
/* @conditional-compile-remove(rtt) */
realTimeTextBannerContent: strings.realTimeTextBannerContent,
/* @conditional-compile-remove(rtt) */
realTimeTextBannerTitle: strings.realTimeTextBannerTitle,
/* @conditional-compile-remove(rtt) */
realTimeTextBannerLinkLabel: strings.realTimeTextBannerLinkLabel
const onRenderAvatar = useCallback((userId, options) => {
return React.createElement(AvatarPersona, Object.assign({ userId: userId }, options, { dataProvider: props.onFetchAvatarPersonaData }));
@@ -1 +1 @@
{"version":3,"file":"CallingCaptionsBanner.js","sourceRoot":"","sources":["../../../../../../../react-composites/src/composites/common/CallingCaptionsBanner.tsx"],"names":[],"mappings":"AAAA,uCAAuC;AACvC,kCAAkC;AAElC,OAAO,KAAK,MAAM,OAAO,CAAC;AAC1B,OAAO,EAAE,QAAQ,EAAE,SAAS,EAAE,WAAW,EAAE,MAAM,OAAO,CAAC;AACzD,OAAO,EAAE,cAAc,EAA8C,yCAAmC;AAExG,OAAO,EAAE,WAAW,EAAE,KAAK,EAAE,MAAM,iBAAiB,CAAC;AACrD,OAAO,EAAE,4BAA4B,EAAE,MAAM,gCAAgC,CAAC;AAC9E,OAAO,EAAE,wBAAwB,EAAE,MAAM,4BAA4B,CAAC;AACtE,OAAO,EAAE,SAAS,EAAE,MAAM,iBAAiB,CAAC;AAC5C,OAAO,EAAE,aAAa,EAA6B,MAAM,iBAAiB,CAAC;AAE3E,OAAO,EAAE,WAAW,EAAE,MAAM,oCAAoC,CAAC;AAEjE,MAAM,qBAAqB,GAAG,KAAK,CAAC;AAEpC,eAAe;AACf,MAAM,CAAC,MAAM,qBAAqB,GAAG,CAAC,KASrC,EAAe,EAAE;;IAChB,MAAM,mBAAmB,GAAG,WAAW,CAAC,cAAc,CAAC,CAAC;IACxD,MAAM,CAAC,sBAAsB,EAAE,yBAAyB,CAAC,GAAG,QAAQ,CAAU,KAAK,CAAC,CAAC;IAErF,MAAM,uBAAuB,GAAG,GAAS,EAAE;QACzC,yBAAyB,CAAC,IAAI,CAAC,CAAC;IAClC,CAAC,CAAC;IAEF,MAAM,yBAAyB,GAAG,GAAS,EAAE;QAC3C,yBAAyB,CAAC,KAAK,CAAC,CAAC;IACnC,CAAC,CAAC;IAEF,MAAM,kBAAkB,GAAG,WAAW,CACpC,CAAA,MAAA,KAAK,CAAC,eAAe,0CAAE,MAAM,MAAK,MAAM;QACtC,CAAC,CAAC,WAAW,CAAC;YACV,QAAQ,EAAE,UAAU;YACpB,MAAM,EAAE,MAAM;YACd,KAAK,EAAE,MAAM;SACd,CAAC;QACJ,CAAC,CAAC,EAAE,QAAQ,EAAE,UAAU,EAAE,CAC7B,CAAC;IAEF,MAAM,sBAAsB,GAAG,WAAW,CAAC;QACzC,QAAQ,EAAE,UAAU;QACpB,KAAK,EAAE,CAAC;QACR,GAAG,EAAE,CAAC;KACP,CAAC,CAAC;IAEH,MAAM,OAAO,GAAG,SAAS,EAAE,CAAC,OAAO,CAAC,IAAI,CAAC;IAEzC,MAAM,qBAAqB,GAA0B;QACnD,yBAAyB,EAAE,OAAO,CAAC,yBAAyB;QAC5D,sCAAsC;QACtC,+BAA+B,EAAE,OAAO,CAAC,+BAA+B;QACxE,sCAAsC;QACtC,yBAAyB,EAAE,OAAO,CAAC,yBAAyB;QAC5D,sCAAsC;QACtC,uBAAuB,EAAE,OAAO,CAAC,uBAAuB;QACxD,sCAAsC;QACtC,2BAA2B,EAAE,OAAO,CAAC,2BAA2B;KACjE,CAAC;IAEF,MAAM,cAAc,GAAG,WAAW,CAChC,CAAC,MAAe,EAAE,OAA6B,EAAE,EAAE;QACjD,OAAO,oBAAC,aAAa,kBAAC,MAAM,EAAE,MAAM,IAAM,OAAO,IAAE,YAAY,EAAE,KAAK,CAAC,wBAAwB,IAAI,CAAC;IACtG,CAAC,EACD,CAAC,KAAK,CAAC,wBAAwB,CAAC,CACjC,CAAC;IAEF,MAAM,EAAE,UAAU,EAAE,KAAK,EAAE,GAAG,MAAM,CAAC;IAErC,MAAM,CAAC,WAAW,EAAE,cAAc,CAAC,GAAG,QAAQ,CAAC,KAAK,CAAC,CAAC;IAEtD,SAAS,CAAC,GAAG,EAAE;QACb,SAAS,YAAY;YACnB,cAAc,CAAC,MAAM,CAAC,UAAU,CAAC,CAAC;QACpC,CAAC;QAED,MAAM,CAAC,gBAAgB,CAAC,QAAQ,EAAE,YAAY,CAAC,CAAC;QAChD,OAAO,GAAG,EAAE,CAAC,MAAM,CAAC,mBAAmB,CAAC,QAAQ,EAAE,YAAY,CAAC,CAAC;IAClE,CAAC,EAAE,EAAE,CAAC,CAAC;IAEP,MAAM,sBAAsB,GAAG,WAAW,GAAG,GAAG,CAAC,CAAC,CAAC,OAAO,CAAC,CAAC,CAAC,KAAK,CAAC;IAEnE,OAAO,CACL;QACG,sBAAsB,IAAI,CACzB,oBAAC,4BAA4B,IAC3B,yBAAyB,EAAE,sBAAsB,EACjD,yBAAyB,EAAE,yBAAyB,EACpD,qBAAqB,EAAE,KAAK,CAAC,gBAAgB,GAC7C,CACH;QAEC,6BAAK,SAAS,EAAE,kBAAkB,EAAE,IAAI,EAAC,QAAQ,gBAAa,OAAO,CAAC,iBAAiB;YACrF,oBAAC,KAAK,IAAC,eAAe,EAAC,QAAQ;gBAC7B,oBAAC,KAAK,CAAC,IAAI,IAAC,KAAK,EAAE,EAAE,KAAK,EAAE,KAAK,CAAC,QAAQ,CAAC,CAAC,CAAC,qBAAqB,CAAC,CAAC,CAAC,sBAAsB,EAAE;oBAC3F,oBAAC,cAAc,kBACb,eAAe,EAAE,KAAK,CAAC,eAAe,EACtC,cAAc,EAAE,cAAc,EAC9B,UAAU,EAAE,KAAK,CAAC,QAAQ,CAAC,CAAC,CAAC,SAAS,CAAC,CAAC,CAAC,SAAS,EAClD,OAAO,EAAE,qBAAqB,IAC1B,mBAAmB,EACvB,CACS,CACP;YACP,CAAC,KAAK,CAAC,QAAQ,IAAI,mBAAmB,CAAC,YAAY,IAAI,CACtD,6BAAK,SAAS,EAAE,sBAAsB;gBACpC,oBAAC,wBAAwB,IACvB,uBAAuB,EAAE,uBAAuB,EAChD,cAAc,EAAE,KAAK,CAAC,cAAc,GACpC,CACE,CACP,CACG,CAEP,CACJ,CAAC;AACJ,CAAC,CAAC","sourcesContent":["// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT License.\n\nimport React from 'react';\nimport { useState, useEffect, useCallback } from 'react';\nimport { CaptionsBanner, CaptionsBannerStrings, CustomAvatarOptions } from '@internal/react-components';\nimport { _DrawerMenu, _DrawerMenuItemProps, _DrawerSurface } from '@internal/react-components';\nimport { mergeStyles, Stack } from '@fluentui/react';\nimport { CallingCaptionsSettingsModal } from './CallingCaptionsSettingsModal';\nimport { CaptionsBannerMoreButton } from './CaptionsBannerMoreButton';\nimport { useLocale } from '../localization';\nimport { AvatarPersona, AvatarPersonaDataCallback } from './AvatarPersona';\nimport { FocusableElement } from './types/FocusableElement';\nimport { usePropsFor } from '../CallComposite/hooks/usePropsFor';\n\nconst mobileViewBannerWidth = '90%';\n\n/** @private */\nexport const CallingCaptionsBanner = (props: {\n isMobile: boolean;\n useTeamsCaptions?: boolean;\n onFetchAvatarPersonaData?: AvatarPersonaDataCallback;\n captionsOptions?: {\n height: 'full' | 'default';\n };\n /** Element to return focus to when the Captions Banner is closed */\n returnFocusRef?: React.RefObject<FocusableElement>;\n}): JSX.Element => {\n const captionsBannerProps = usePropsFor(CaptionsBanner);\n const [isCaptionsSettingsOpen, setIsCaptionsSettingsOpen] = useState<boolean>(false);\n\n const onClickCaptionsSettings = (): void => {\n setIsCaptionsSettingsOpen(true);\n };\n\n const onDismissCaptionsSettings = (): void => {\n setIsCaptionsSettingsOpen(false);\n };\n\n const containerClassName = mergeStyles(\n props.captionsOptions?.height === 'full'\n ? mergeStyles({\n position: 'absolute',\n height: '100%',\n width: '100%'\n })\n : { position: 'relative' }\n );\n\n const floatingChildClassName = mergeStyles({\n position: 'absolute',\n right: 0,\n top: 0\n });\n\n const strings = useLocale().strings.call;\n\n const captionsBannerStrings: CaptionsBannerStrings = {\n captionsBannerSpinnerText: strings.captionsBannerSpinnerText,\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(rtt) */\n realTimeTextInputBoxDefaultText: strings.realTimeTextInputBoxDefaultText,\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(rtt) */\n realTimeTextBannerContent: strings.realTimeTextBannerContent,\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(rtt) */\n realTimeTextBannerTitle: strings.realTimeTextBannerTitle,\n /* @conditional-compile-remove(rtt) */\n realTimeTextBannerLinkLabel: strings.realTimeTextBannerLinkLabel\n };\n\n const onRenderAvatar = useCallback(\n (userId?: string, options?: CustomAvatarOptions) => {\n return <AvatarPersona userId={userId} {...options} dataProvider={props.onFetchAvatarPersonaData} />;\n },\n [props.onFetchAvatarPersonaData]\n );\n\n const { innerWidth: width } = window;\n\n const [windowWidth, setWindowWidth] = useState(width);\n\n useEffect(() => {\n function handleResize(): void {\n setWindowWidth(window.innerWidth);\n }\n\n window.addEventListener('resize', handleResize);\n return () => window.removeEventListener('resize', handleResize);\n }, []);\n\n const desktopViewBannerWidth = windowWidth > 620 ? '35rem' : '80%';\n\n return (\n <>\n {isCaptionsSettingsOpen && (\n <CallingCaptionsSettingsModal\n showCaptionsSettingsModal={isCaptionsSettingsOpen}\n onDismissCaptionsSettings={onDismissCaptionsSettings}\n changeCaptionLanguage={props.useTeamsCaptions}\n />\n )}\n {\n <div className={containerClassName} role=\"region\" aria-label={strings.liveCaptionsLabel}>\n <Stack horizontalAlign=\"center\">\n <Stack.Item style={{ width: props.isMobile ? mobileViewBannerWidth : desktopViewBannerWidth }}>\n <CaptionsBanner\n captionsOptions={props.captionsOptions}\n onRenderAvatar={onRenderAvatar}\n formFactor={props.isMobile ? 'compact' : 'default'}\n strings={captionsBannerStrings}\n {...captionsBannerProps}\n />\n </Stack.Item>\n </Stack>\n {!props.isMobile && captionsBannerProps.isCaptionsOn && (\n <div className={floatingChildClassName}>\n <CaptionsBannerMoreButton\n onCaptionsSettingsClick={onClickCaptionsSettings}\n returnFocusRef={props.returnFocusRef}\n />\n </div>\n )}\n </div>\n }\n </>\n );\n};\n"]}
@@ -219,6 +219,9 @@
"captionsBannerSpinnerText": "Starting captions...",
"realTimeTextInputBoxDefaultText": "Type message in real-time",
"realTimeTextBannerTitle": "RTT",
"realTimeTextBannerContent": "RTT (real-time text) is enabled for all participants for the entire duration of the meeting.",
"realTimeTextBannerLinkLabel": "Learn more",
"transferPageTransferorText": "Transferring...",
"transferPageTransferTargetText": "Connecting...",
"transferPageUnknownTransferorDisplayName": "Unknown",
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "@azure/communication-react",
"version": "1.23.0-alpha-
"version": "1.23.0-alpha-202501010018",
"sideEffects": false,
"description": "React library for building modern communication user experiences utilizing Azure Communication Services",
"keywords": [