@azure/communication-phone-numbers 1.3.0-beta.2 → 1.3.0-beta.4
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- package/dist/index.js +523 -497
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- package/dist-esm/src/generated/src/lroImpl.js.map +1 -1
- package/dist-esm/src/generated/src/models/index.js.map +1 -1
- package/dist-esm/src/generated/src/models/mappers.js +314 -290
- package/dist-esm/src/generated/src/models/mappers.js.map +1 -1
- package/dist-esm/src/generated/src/models/parameters.js +70 -75
- package/dist-esm/src/generated/src/models/parameters.js.map +1 -1
- package/dist-esm/src/generated/src/operations/phoneNumbers.js +129 -125
- package/dist-esm/src/generated/src/operations/phoneNumbers.js.map +1 -1
- package/dist-esm/src/generated/src/operationsInterfaces/phoneNumbers.js.map +1 -1
- package/dist-esm/src/generated/src/pagingHelper.js.map +1 -1
- package/dist-esm/src/generated/src/phoneNumbersClient.js +4 -4
- package/dist-esm/src/generated/src/phoneNumbersClient.js.map +1 -1
- package/dist-esm/src/generated/src/siprouting/sipRoutingClientContext.js.map +1 -1
- package/dist-esm/src/generated/src/tracing.js +1 -1
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- package/dist-esm/src/mappers.js.map +1 -1
- package/dist-esm/src/models.js.map +1 -1
- package/dist-esm/src/phoneNumbersClient.js +15 -9
- package/dist-esm/src/phoneNumbersClient.js.map +1 -1
- package/dist-esm/src/sipRoutingClient.js.map +1 -1
- package/dist-esm/src/utils/customPipelinePolicies.js.map +1 -1
- package/package.json +10 -14
- package/types/communication-phone-numbers.d.ts +12 -6
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ export function createLroSpec(inputs) {
sendPollRequest: (path, options) => {
const { requestBody } = spec, restSpec = __rest(spec, ["requestBody"]);
return sendOperationFn(args, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, restSpec), { httpMethod: "GET", path, abortSignal: options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.abortSignal }));
//# sourceMappingURL=lroImpl.js.map
@@ -1 +1 @@
{"version":3,"file":"lroImpl.js","sourceRoot":"","sources":["../../../../src/generated/src/lroImpl.ts"],"names":[],"mappings":"AAAA;;;;;;GAMG;;AAQH,MAAM,UAAU,aAAa,CAAI,MAQhC;IACC,MAAM,EAAE,IAAI,EAAE,IAAI,EAAE,eAAe,EAAE,GAAG,MAAM,CAAC;IAC/C,OAAO;QACL,aAAa,EAAE,IAAI,CAAC,UAAU;QAC9B,WAAW,EAAE,IAAI,CAAC,IAAK;QACvB,kBAAkB,EAAE,GAAG,EAAE,CAAC,eAAe,CAAC,IAAI,EAAE,IAAI,CAAC;QACrD,eAAe,EAAE,CACf,IAAY,EACZ,OAA2C,EAC3C,EAAE;YACF,MAAM,EAAE,WAAW,KAAkB,IAAI,EAAjB,QAAQ,UAAK,IAAI,EAAnC,eAA4B,CAAO,CAAC;YAC1C,OAAO,eAAe,CAAC,IAAI,kCACtB,QAAQ,KACX,UAAU,EAAE,KAAK,EACjB,IAAI,EACJ,WAAW,EAAE,OAAO,aAAP,OAAO,uBAAP,OAAO,CAAE,WAAW,IACjC,CAAC;QACL,CAAC;KACF,CAAC;AACJ,CAAC","sourcesContent":["/*\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n * Licensed under the MIT License.\n *\n * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.\n * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated.\n */\n\n// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT license.\n\nimport { AbortSignalLike } from \"@azure/abort-controller\";\nimport { LongRunningOperation, LroResponse } from \"@azure/core-lro\";\n\nexport function createLroSpec<T>(inputs: {\n sendOperationFn: (args: any, spec: any) => Promise<LroResponse<T>>;\n args: Record<string, unknown>;\n spec: {\n readonly requestBody?: unknown;\n readonly path?: string;\n readonly httpMethod: string;\n } & Record<string, any>;\n}): LongRunningOperation<T> {\n const { args, spec, sendOperationFn } = inputs;\n return {\n requestMethod: spec.httpMethod,\n requestPath: spec.path!,\n sendInitialRequest: () => sendOperationFn(args, spec),\n sendPollRequest: (\n path: string,\n options?: { abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike }
{"version":3,"file":"lroImpl.js","sourceRoot":"","sources":["../../../../src/generated/src/lroImpl.ts"],"names":[],"mappings":"AAAA;;;;;;GAMG;;AAQH,MAAM,UAAU,aAAa,CAAI,MAQhC;IACC,MAAM,EAAE,IAAI,EAAE,IAAI,EAAE,eAAe,EAAE,GAAG,MAAM,CAAC;IAC/C,OAAO;QACL,aAAa,EAAE,IAAI,CAAC,UAAU;QAC9B,WAAW,EAAE,IAAI,CAAC,IAAK;QACvB,kBAAkB,EAAE,GAAG,EAAE,CAAC,eAAe,CAAC,IAAI,EAAE,IAAI,CAAC;QACrD,eAAe,EAAE,CACf,IAAY,EACZ,OAA2C,EAC3C,EAAE;YACF,MAAM,EAAE,WAAW,KAAkB,IAAI,EAAjB,QAAQ,UAAK,IAAI,EAAnC,eAA4B,CAAO,CAAC;YAC1C,OAAO,eAAe,CAAC,IAAI,kCACtB,QAAQ,KACX,UAAU,EAAE,KAAK,EACjB,IAAI,EACJ,WAAW,EAAE,OAAO,aAAP,OAAO,uBAAP,OAAO,CAAE,WAAW,IACjC,CAAC;QACL,CAAC;KACF,CAAC;AACJ,CAAC","sourcesContent":["/*\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n * Licensed under the MIT License.\n *\n * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.\n * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated.\n */\n\n// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n// Licensed under the MIT license.\n\nimport { AbortSignalLike } from \"@azure/abort-controller\";\nimport { LongRunningOperation, LroResponse } from \"@azure/core-lro\";\n\nexport function createLroSpec<T>(inputs: {\n sendOperationFn: (args: any, spec: any) => Promise<LroResponse<T>>;\n args: Record<string, unknown>;\n spec: {\n readonly requestBody?: unknown;\n readonly path?: string;\n readonly httpMethod: string;\n } & Record<string, any>;\n}): LongRunningOperation<T> {\n const { args, spec, sendOperationFn } = inputs;\n return {\n requestMethod: spec.httpMethod,\n requestPath: spec.path!,\n sendInitialRequest: () => sendOperationFn(args, spec),\n sendPollRequest: (\n path: string,\n options?: { abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike },\n ) => {\n const { requestBody, ...restSpec } = spec;\n return sendOperationFn(args, {\n ...restSpec,\n httpMethod: \"GET\",\n path,\n abortSignal: options?.abortSignal,\n });\n },\n };\n}\n"]}
@@ -1 +1 @@
{"version":3,"file":"index.js","sourceRoot":"","sources":["../../../../../src/generated/src/models/index.ts"],"names":[],"mappings":"AAAA;;;;;;GAMG","sourcesContent":["/*\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n * Licensed under the MIT License.\n *\n * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.\n * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated.\n */\n\nimport * as coreClient from \"@azure/core-client\";\n\n/** The list of available area codes. */\nexport interface PhoneNumberAreaCodes {\n /** Represents a list of available toll-free area codes. */\n areaCodes: PhoneNumberAreaCode[];\n /** Represents the URL link to the next page. */\n nextLink?: string;\n}\n\n/** Represents an Area Code. */\nexport interface PhoneNumberAreaCode {\n /** An area code. */\n areaCode?: string;\n}\n\n/** The Communication Services error. */\nexport interface CommunicationErrorResponse {\n /** The Communication Services error. */\n error: CommunicationError;\n}\n\n/** The Communication Services error. */\nexport interface CommunicationError {\n /** The error code. */\n code: string;\n /** The error message. */\n message: string;\n /**\n * The error target.\n * NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.\n */\n readonly target?: string;\n /**\n * Further details about specific errors that led to this error.\n * NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.\n */\n readonly details?: CommunicationError[];\n /**\n * The inner error if any.\n * NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.\n */\n readonly innerError?: CommunicationError;\n}\n\n/** Represents a wrapper around a list of countries. */\nexport interface PhoneNumberCountries {\n /** Represents the underlying list of countries. */\n countries?: PhoneNumberCountry[];\n /** Represents the URL link to the next page */\n nextLink?: string;\n}\n\n/** Represents a country. */\nexport interface PhoneNumberCountry {\n /** Represents the name of the country. */\n localizedName: string;\n /** Represents the abbreviated name of the country. */\n countryCode: string;\n}\n\n/** Represents a wrapper around a list of cities or towns. */\nexport interface PhoneNumberLocalities {\n /** Represents the underlying list of localities, e.g. cities or town. */\n phoneNumberLocalities?: PhoneNumberLocality[];\n /** Represents the URL link to the next page. */\n nextLink?: string;\n}\n\n/** Represents a locality. */\nexport interface PhoneNumberLocality {\n /** Represents the localized name of the locality. */\n localizedName: string;\n /** Represents an administrative division. e.g. state or province. */\n administrativeDivision?: PhoneNumberAdministrativeDivision;\n}\n\n/** Represents an administrative division. e.g. state or province. */\nexport interface PhoneNumberAdministrativeDivision {\n /** Represents the localized name of the administrative division of the locality. e.g. state or province localized name. */\n localizedName: string;\n /** Represents the abbreviated name of the administrative division of the locality. e.g. state or province abbreviation such as WA (Washington). */\n abbreviatedName: string;\n}\n\n/** Represents a wrapper around a list of offerings. */\nexport interface OfferingsResponse {\n /** Represents the underlying list of offerings. */\n phoneNumberOfferings?: PhoneNumberOffering[];\n /** Represents the URL link to the next page. */\n nextLink?: string;\n}\n\n/** Represents a phone number capability offering */\nexport interface PhoneNumberOffering {\n /** Represents the number type of the offering. */\n phoneNumberType?: PhoneNumberType;\n /** Represents the assignment type of the offering. */\n assignmentType?: PhoneNumberAssignmentType;\n /** Capabilities of a phone number. */\n availableCapabilities?: PhoneNumberCapabilities;\n /** The incurred cost for a single phone number. */\n cost: PhoneNumberCost;\n}\n\n/** Capabilities of a phone number. */\nexport interface PhoneNumberCapabilities {\n /** Capability value for calling. */\n calling: PhoneNumberCapabilityType;\n /** Capability value for SMS. */\n sms: PhoneNumberCapabilityType;\n}\n\n/** The incurred cost for a single phone number. */\nexport interface PhoneNumberCost {\n /** The cost amount. */\n amount: number;\n /** The ISO 4217 currency code for the cost amount, e.g. USD. */\n currencyCode: string;\n /** The frequency with which the cost gets billed. */\n billingFrequency: \"monthly\";\n}\n\n/** Represents a phone number search request to find phone numbers. Found phone numbers are temporarily held for a following purchase. */\nexport interface PhoneNumberSearchRequest {\n /** The type of phone numbers to search for, e.g. geographic, or tollFree. */\n phoneNumberType: PhoneNumberType;\n /** The assignment type of the phone numbers to search for. A phone number can be assigned to a person, or to an application. */\n assignmentType: PhoneNumberAssignmentType;\n /** Capabilities of a phone number. */\n capabilities: PhoneNumberCapabilities;\n /** The area code of the desired phone number, e.g. 425. */\n areaCode?: string;\n /** The quantity of desired phone numbers. The default value is 1. */\n quantity?: number;\n}\n\n/** The result of a phone number search operation. */\nexport interface PhoneNumberSearchResult {\n /** The search id. */\n searchId: string;\n /** The phone numbers that are available. Can be fewer than the desired search quantity. */\n phoneNumbers: string[];\n /** The phone number's type, e.g. geographic, or tollFree. */\n phoneNumberType: PhoneNumberType;\n /** Phone number's assignment type. */\n assignmentType: PhoneNumberAssignmentType;\n /** Capabilities of a phone number. */\n capabilities: PhoneNumberCapabilities;\n /** The incurred cost for a single phone number. */\n cost: PhoneNumberCost;\n /** The date that this search result expires and phone numbers are no longer on hold. A search result expires in less than 15min, e.g. 2020-11-19T16:31:49.048Z. */\n searchExpiresBy: Date;\n /** The error code of the search. */\n errorCode?: number;\n /** Mapping Error Messages to Codes */\n error?: PhoneNumberSearchResultError;\n}\n\n/** The phone number search purchase request. */\nexport interface PhoneNumberPurchaseRequest {\n /** The search id. */\n searchId?: string;\n}\n\nexport interface PhoneNumberOperation {\n /** The type of operation, e.g. Search */\n operationType: PhoneNumberOperationType;\n /** Status of operation. */\n status: PhoneNumberOperationStatus;\n /** URL for retrieving the result of the operation, if any. */\n resourceLocation?: string;\n /** The date that the operation was created. */\n createdDateTime: Date;\n /** The Communication Services error. */\n error?: CommunicationError;\n /** Id of operation. */\n id: string;\n /**\n * The most recent date that the operation was changed.\n * NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.\n */\n readonly lastActionDateTime?: Date;\n}\n\n/** Capabilities of a phone number. */\nexport interface PhoneNumberCapabilitiesRequest {\n /** Capability value for calling. */\n calling?: PhoneNumberCapabilityType;\n /** Capability value for SMS. */\n sms?: PhoneNumberCapabilityType;\n}\n\n/** Represents a purchased phone number. */\nexport interface PurchasedPhoneNumber {\n /** The id of the phone number, e.g. 11234567890. */\n id: string;\n /** String of the E.164 format of the phone number, e.g. +11234567890. */\n phoneNumber: string;\n /** The ISO 3166-2 code of the phone number's country, e.g. US. */\n countryCode: string;\n /** The phone number's type, e.g. geographic, tollFree. */\n phoneNumberType: PhoneNumberType;\n /** Capabilities of a phone number. */\n capabilities: PhoneNumberCapabilities;\n /** The assignment type of the phone number. A phone number can be assigned to a person, or to an application. */\n assignmentType: PhoneNumberAssignmentType;\n /** The date and time that the phone number was purchased. */\n purchaseDate: Date;\n /** The incurred cost for a single phone number. */\n cost: PhoneNumberCost;\n}\n\n/** The list of purchased phone numbers. */\nexport interface PurchasedPhoneNumbers {\n /** Represents a list of phone numbers. */\n phoneNumbers: PurchasedPhoneNumber[];\n /** Represents the URL link to the next page of phone number results. */\n nextLink?: string;\n}\n\n/** Represents a search request for operator information for the given phone numbers */\nexport interface OperatorInformationRequest {\n /** Phone number(s) whose operator information is being requested */\n phoneNumbers?: string[];\n}\n\n/** Represents a search result containing operator information associated with the requested phone numbers */\nexport interface OperatorInformationResult {\n /**\n * Results of a search.\n * This array will have one entry per requested phone number which will contain the relevant operator information.\n */\n values?: OperatorInformation[];\n}\n\n/** Represents metadata about a phone number that is controlled/provided by that phone number's operator. */\nexport interface OperatorInformation {\n /** E.164 formatted string representation of the phone number */\n phoneNumber?: string;\n /** National format of the phone number */\n nationalFormat?: string;\n /** International format of the phone number */\n internationalFormat?: string;\n /** Type of service associated with the phone number */\n numberType?: OperatorNumberType;\n /** ISO 3166-1 two character ('alpha-2') code associated with the phone number. */\n isoCountryCode?: string;\n /** Represents metadata describing the operator of a phone number */\n operatorDetails?: OperatorDetails;\n}\n\n/** Represents metadata describing the operator of a phone number */\nexport interface OperatorDetails {\n /** Name of the phone operator */\n name?: string;\n /** Mobile Network Code */\n mobileNetworkCode?: string;\n /** Mobile Country Code */\n mobileCountryCode?: string;\n}\n\n/** Defines headers for PhoneNumbers_searchAvailablePhoneNumbers operation. */\nexport interface PhoneNumbersSearchAvailablePhoneNumbersHeaders {\n /** URL to retrieve the final result after operation completes. */\n location?: string;\n /** URL to query for status of the operation. */\n operationLocation?: string;\n /** The operation id. */\n operationId?: string;\n /** The search operation id. */\n searchId?: string;\n}\n\n/** Defines headers for PhoneNumbers_purchasePhoneNumbers operation. */\nexport interface PhoneNumbersPurchasePhoneNumbersHeaders {\n /** URL to query for status of the operation. */\n operationLocation?: string;\n /** The operation id. */\n operationId?: string;\n /** The purchase operation id. */\n purchaseId?: string;\n}\n\n/** Defines headers for PhoneNumbers_getOperation operation. */\nexport interface PhoneNumbersGetOperationHeaders {\n /** Url to retrieve the final result after operation completes. */\n location?: string;\n}\n\n/** Defines headers for PhoneNumbers_updateCapabilities operation. */\nexport interface PhoneNumbersUpdateCapabilitiesHeaders {\n /** URL to retrieve the final result after operation completes. */\n location?: string;\n /** URL to query for status of the operation. */\n operationLocation?: string;\n /** The operation id. */\n operationId?: string;\n /** The capabilities operation id. */\n capabilitiesId?: string;\n}\n\n/** Defines headers for PhoneNumbers_releasePhoneNumber operation. */\nexport interface PhoneNumbersReleasePhoneNumberHeaders {\n /** URL to query for status of the operation. */\n operationLocation?: string;\n /** The operation id. */\n operationId?: string;\n /** The release operation id. */\n releaseId?: string;\n}\n\n/** Defines values for PhoneNumberType. */\nexport type PhoneNumberType = \"geographic\" | \"tollFree\";\n/** Defines values for PhoneNumberAssignmentType. */\nexport type PhoneNumberAssignmentType = \"person\" | \"application\";\n/** Defines values for PhoneNumberCapabilityType. */\nexport type PhoneNumberCapabilityType =\n | \"none\"\n | \"inbound\"\n | \"outbound\"\n | \"inbound+outbound\";\n/** Defines values for PhoneNumberSearchResultError. */\nexport type PhoneNumberSearchResultError =\n | \"NoError\"\n | \"UnknownErrorCode\"\n | \"OutOfStock\"\n | \"AuthorizationDenied\"\n | \"MissingAddress\"\n | \"InvalidAddress\"\n | \"InvalidOfferModel\"\n | \"NotEnoughLicenses\"\n | \"NoWallet\"\n | \"NotEnoughCredit\"\n | \"NumbersPartiallyAcquired\"\n | \"AllNumbersNotAcquired\"\n | \"ReservationExpired\"\n | \"PurchaseFailed\"\n | \"BillingUnavailable\"\n | \"ProvisioningFailed\"\n | \"UnknownSearchError\";\n/** Defines values for PhoneNumberOperationType. */\nexport type PhoneNumberOperationType =\n | \"purchase\"\n | \"releasePhoneNumber\"\n | \"search\"\n | \"updatePhoneNumberCapabilities\";\n/** Defines values for PhoneNumberOperationStatus. */\nexport type PhoneNumberOperationStatus =\n | \"notStarted\"\n | \"running\"\n | \"succeeded\"\n | \"failed\";\n/** Defines values for OperatorNumberType. */\nexport type OperatorNumberType = \"unknown\" | \"other\" | \"geographic\" | \"mobile\";\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface PhoneNumbersListAreaCodesOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {\n /** An optional parameter for how many entries to skip, for pagination purposes. The default value is 0. */\n skip?: number;\n /** An optional parameter for how many entries to return, for pagination purposes. The default value is 100. */\n maxPageSize?: number;\n /** Filter by assignmentType, e.g. Person, Application. */\n assignmentType?: PhoneNumberAssignmentType;\n /** The name of locality or town in which to search for the area code. This is required if the number type is Geographic. */\n locality?: string;\n /** The name of the state or province in which to search for the area code. */\n administrativeDivision?: string;\n /** The locale to display in the localized fields in the response. e.g. 'en-US' */\n acceptLanguage?: string;\n}\n\n/** Contains response data for the listAreaCodes operation. */\nexport type PhoneNumbersListAreaCodesResponse = PhoneNumberAreaCodes;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface PhoneNumbersListAvailableCountriesOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {\n /** An optional parameter for how many entries to skip, for pagination purposes. The default value is 0. */\n skip?: number;\n /** An optional parameter for how many entries to return, for pagination purposes. The default value is 100. */\n maxPageSize?: number;\n /** The locale to display in the localized fields in the response. e.g. 'en-US' */\n acceptLanguage?: string;\n}\n\n/** Contains response data for the listAvailableCountries operation. */\nexport type PhoneNumbersListAvailableCountriesResponse = PhoneNumberCountries;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface PhoneNumbersListAvailableLocalitiesOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {\n /** An optional parameter for how many entries to skip, for pagination purposes. The default value is 0. */\n skip?: number;\n /** An optional parameter for how many entries to return, for pagination purposes. The default value is 100. */\n maxPageSize?: number;\n /** An optional parameter for the name of the state or province in which to search for the area code. */\n administrativeDivision?: string;\n /** The locale to display in the localized fields in the response. e.g. 'en-US' */\n acceptLanguage?: string;\n}\n\n/** Contains response data for the listAvailableLocalities operation. */\nexport type PhoneNumbersListAvailableLocalitiesResponse = PhoneNumberLocalities;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface PhoneNumbersListOfferingsOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {\n /** An optional parameter for how many entries to skip, for pagination purposes. The default value is 0. */\n skip?: number;\n /** An optional parameter for how many entries to return, for pagination purposes. The default value is 100. */\n maxPageSize?: number;\n /** Filter by assignmentType, e.g. Person, Application. */\n assignmentType?: PhoneNumberAssignmentType;\n /** The locale to display in the localized fields in the response. e.g. 'en-US' */\n acceptLanguage?: string;\n /** Filter by numberType, e.g. Geographic, TollFree. */\n phoneNumberType?: PhoneNumberType;\n}\n\n/** Contains response data for the listOfferings operation. */\nexport type PhoneNumbersListOfferingsResponse = OfferingsResponse;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface PhoneNumbersSearchAvailablePhoneNumbersOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {\n /** The area code of the desired phone number, e.g. 425. */\n areaCode?: string;\n /** The quantity of desired phone numbers. The default value is 1. */\n quantity?: number;\n /** Delay to wait until next poll, in milliseconds. */\n updateIntervalInMs?: number;\n /** A serialized poller which can be used to resume an existing paused Long-Running-Operation. */\n resumeFrom?: string;\n}\n\n/** Contains response data for the searchAvailablePhoneNumbers operation. */\nexport type PhoneNumbersSearchAvailablePhoneNumbersResponse = PhoneNumbersSearchAvailablePhoneNumbersHeaders &\n PhoneNumberSearchResult;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface PhoneNumbersGetSearchResultOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {}\n\n/** Contains response data for the getSearchResult operation. */\nexport type PhoneNumbersGetSearchResultResponse = PhoneNumberSearchResult;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface PhoneNumbersPurchasePhoneNumbersOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {\n /** The search id. */\n searchId?: string;\n /** Delay to wait until next poll, in milliseconds. */\n updateIntervalInMs?: number;\n /** A serialized poller which can be used to resume an existing paused Long-Running-Operation. */\n resumeFrom?: string;\n}\n\n/** Contains response data for the purchasePhoneNumbers operation. */\nexport type PhoneNumbersPurchasePhoneNumbersResponse = PhoneNumbersPurchasePhoneNumbersHeaders;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface PhoneNumbersGetOperationOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {}\n\n/** Contains response data for the getOperation operation. */\nexport type PhoneNumbersGetOperationResponse = PhoneNumbersGetOperationHeaders &\n PhoneNumberOperation;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface PhoneNumbersCancelOperationOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {}\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface PhoneNumbersUpdateCapabilitiesOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {\n /** Capability value for calling. */\n calling?: PhoneNumberCapabilityType;\n /** Capability value for SMS. */\n sms?: PhoneNumberCapabilityType;\n /** Delay to wait until next poll, in milliseconds. */\n updateIntervalInMs?: number;\n /** A serialized poller which can be used to resume an existing paused Long-Running-Operation. */\n resumeFrom?: string;\n}\n\n/** Contains response data for the updateCapabilities operation. */\nexport type PhoneNumbersUpdateCapabilitiesResponse = PhoneNumbersUpdateCapabilitiesHeaders &\n PurchasedPhoneNumber;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface PhoneNumbersGetByNumberOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {}\n\n/** Contains response data for the getByNumber operation. */\nexport type PhoneNumbersGetByNumberResponse = PurchasedPhoneNumber;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface PhoneNumbersReleasePhoneNumberOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {\n /** Delay to wait until next poll, in milliseconds. */\n updateIntervalInMs?: number;\n /** A serialized poller which can be used to resume an existing paused Long-Running-Operation. */\n resumeFrom?: string;\n}\n\n/** Contains response data for the releasePhoneNumber operation. */\nexport type PhoneNumbersReleasePhoneNumberResponse = PhoneNumbersReleasePhoneNumberHeaders;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface PhoneNumbersListPhoneNumbersOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {\n /** An optional parameter for how many entries to skip, for pagination purposes. The default value is 0. */\n skip?: number;\n /** An optional parameter for how many entries to return, for pagination purposes. The default value is 100. */\n top?: number;\n}\n\n/** Contains response data for the listPhoneNumbers operation. */\nexport type PhoneNumbersListPhoneNumbersResponse = PurchasedPhoneNumbers;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface PhoneNumbersOperatorInformationSearchOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {\n /** Phone number(s) whose operator information is being requested */\n phoneNumbers?: string[];\n /** The options for modifying an operator information search */\n options?: string;\n}\n\n/** Contains response data for the operatorInformationSearch operation. */\nexport type PhoneNumbersOperatorInformationSearchResponse = OperatorInformationResult;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface PhoneNumbersListAreaCodesNextOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {\n /** The locale to display in the localized fields in the response. e.g. 'en-US' */\n acceptLanguage?: string;\n}\n\n/** Contains response data for the listAreaCodesNext operation. */\nexport type PhoneNumbersListAreaCodesNextResponse = PhoneNumberAreaCodes;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface PhoneNumbersListAvailableCountriesNextOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {\n /** The locale to display in the localized fields in the response. e.g. 'en-US' */\n acceptLanguage?: string;\n}\n\n/** Contains response data for the listAvailableCountriesNext operation. */\nexport type PhoneNumbersListAvailableCountriesNextResponse = PhoneNumberCountries;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface PhoneNumbersListAvailableLocalitiesNextOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {\n /** The locale to display in the localized fields in the response. e.g. 'en-US' */\n acceptLanguage?: string;\n}\n\n/** Contains response data for the listAvailableLocalitiesNext operation. */\nexport type PhoneNumbersListAvailableLocalitiesNextResponse = PhoneNumberLocalities;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface PhoneNumbersListOfferingsNextOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {\n /** The locale to display in the localized fields in the response. e.g. 'en-US' */\n acceptLanguage?: string;\n}\n\n/** Contains response data for the listOfferingsNext operation. */\nexport type PhoneNumbersListOfferingsNextResponse = OfferingsResponse;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface PhoneNumbersListPhoneNumbersNextOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {}\n\n/** Contains response data for the listPhoneNumbersNext operation. */\nexport type PhoneNumbersListPhoneNumbersNextResponse = PurchasedPhoneNumbers;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface PhoneNumbersClientOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.ServiceClientOptions {\n /** Api Version */\n apiVersion?: string;\n /** Overrides client endpoint. */\n endpoint?: string;\n}\n"]}
{"version":3,"file":"index.js","sourceRoot":"","sources":["../../../../../src/generated/src/models/index.ts"],"names":[],"mappings":"AAAA;;;;;;GAMG","sourcesContent":["/*\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n * Licensed under the MIT License.\n *\n * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.\n * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated.\n */\n\nimport * as coreClient from \"@azure/core-client\";\n\n/** The list of available area codes. */\nexport interface PhoneNumberAreaCodes {\n /** Represents a list of available toll-free area codes. */\n areaCodes: PhoneNumberAreaCode[];\n /** Represents the URL link to the next page. */\n nextLink?: string;\n}\n\n/** Represents an Area Code. */\nexport interface PhoneNumberAreaCode {\n /** An area code. */\n areaCode?: string;\n}\n\n/** The Communication Services error. */\nexport interface CommunicationErrorResponse {\n /** The Communication Services error. */\n error: CommunicationError;\n}\n\n/** The Communication Services error. */\nexport interface CommunicationError {\n /** The error code. */\n code: string;\n /** The error message. */\n message: string;\n /**\n * The error target.\n * NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.\n */\n readonly target?: string;\n /**\n * Further details about specific errors that led to this error.\n * NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.\n */\n readonly details?: CommunicationError[];\n /**\n * The inner error if any.\n * NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.\n */\n readonly innerError?: CommunicationError;\n}\n\n/** Represents a wrapper around a list of countries. */\nexport interface PhoneNumberCountries {\n /** Represents the underlying list of countries. */\n countries?: PhoneNumberCountry[];\n /** Represents the URL link to the next page */\n nextLink?: string;\n}\n\n/** Represents a country. */\nexport interface PhoneNumberCountry {\n /** Represents the name of the country. */\n localizedName: string;\n /** Represents the abbreviated name of the country. */\n countryCode: string;\n}\n\n/** Represents a wrapper around a list of cities or towns. */\nexport interface PhoneNumberLocalities {\n /** Represents the underlying list of localities, e.g. cities or town. */\n phoneNumberLocalities?: PhoneNumberLocality[];\n /** Represents the URL link to the next page. */\n nextLink?: string;\n}\n\n/** Represents a locality. */\nexport interface PhoneNumberLocality {\n /** Represents the localized name of the locality. */\n localizedName: string;\n /** Represents an administrative division. e.g. state or province. */\n administrativeDivision?: PhoneNumberAdministrativeDivision;\n}\n\n/** Represents an administrative division. e.g. state or province. */\nexport interface PhoneNumberAdministrativeDivision {\n /** Represents the localized name of the administrative division of the locality. e.g. state or province localized name. */\n localizedName: string;\n /** Represents the abbreviated name of the administrative division of the locality. e.g. state or province abbreviation such as WA (Washington). */\n abbreviatedName: string;\n}\n\n/** Represents a wrapper around a list of offerings. */\nexport interface OfferingsResponse {\n /** Represents the underlying list of offerings. */\n phoneNumberOfferings?: PhoneNumberOffering[];\n /** Represents the URL link to the next page. */\n nextLink?: string;\n}\n\n/** Represents a phone number capability offering */\nexport interface PhoneNumberOffering {\n /** Represents the number type of the offering. */\n phoneNumberType?: PhoneNumberType;\n /** Represents the assignment type of the offering. */\n assignmentType?: PhoneNumberAssignmentType;\n /** Capabilities of a phone number. */\n availableCapabilities?: PhoneNumberCapabilities;\n /** The incurred cost for a single phone number. */\n cost: PhoneNumberCost;\n}\n\n/** Capabilities of a phone number. */\nexport interface PhoneNumberCapabilities {\n /** Capability value for calling. */\n calling: PhoneNumberCapabilityType;\n /** Capability value for SMS. */\n sms: PhoneNumberCapabilityType;\n}\n\n/** The incurred cost for a single phone number. */\nexport interface PhoneNumberCost {\n /** The cost amount. */\n amount: number;\n /** The ISO 4217 currency code for the cost amount, e.g. USD. */\n currencyCode: string;\n /** The frequency with which the cost gets billed. */\n billingFrequency: \"monthly\";\n}\n\n/** Represents a phone number search request to find phone numbers. Found phone numbers are temporarily held for a following purchase. */\nexport interface PhoneNumberSearchRequest {\n /** The type of phone numbers to search for, e.g. geographic, or tollFree. */\n phoneNumberType: PhoneNumberType;\n /** The assignment type of the phone numbers to search for. A phone number can be assigned to a person, or to an application. */\n assignmentType: PhoneNumberAssignmentType;\n /** Capabilities of a phone number. */\n capabilities: PhoneNumberCapabilities;\n /** The area code of the desired phone number, e.g. 425. */\n areaCode?: string;\n /** The quantity of desired phone numbers. The default value is 1. */\n quantity?: number;\n}\n\n/** The result of a phone number search operation. */\nexport interface PhoneNumberSearchResult {\n /** The search id. */\n searchId: string;\n /** The phone numbers that are available. Can be fewer than the desired search quantity. */\n phoneNumbers: string[];\n /** The phone number's type, e.g. geographic, or tollFree. */\n phoneNumberType: PhoneNumberType;\n /** Phone number's assignment type. */\n assignmentType: PhoneNumberAssignmentType;\n /** Capabilities of a phone number. */\n capabilities: PhoneNumberCapabilities;\n /** The incurred cost for a single phone number. */\n cost: PhoneNumberCost;\n /** The date that this search result expires and phone numbers are no longer on hold. A search result expires in less than 15min, e.g. 2020-11-19T16:31:49.048Z. */\n searchExpiresBy: Date;\n /** The error code of the search. */\n errorCode?: number;\n /** Mapping Error Messages to Codes */\n error?: PhoneNumberSearchResultError;\n}\n\n/** The phone number search purchase request. */\nexport interface PhoneNumberPurchaseRequest {\n /** The search id. */\n searchId?: string;\n}\n\nexport interface PhoneNumberOperation {\n /** The type of operation, e.g. Search */\n operationType: PhoneNumberOperationType;\n /** Status of operation. */\n status: PhoneNumberOperationStatus;\n /** URL for retrieving the result of the operation, if any. */\n resourceLocation?: string;\n /** The date that the operation was created. */\n createdDateTime: Date;\n /** The Communication Services error. */\n error?: CommunicationError;\n /** Id of operation. */\n id: string;\n /**\n * The most recent date that the operation was changed.\n * NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.\n */\n readonly lastActionDateTime?: Date;\n}\n\n/** Capabilities of a phone number. */\nexport interface PhoneNumberCapabilitiesRequest {\n /** Capability value for calling. */\n calling?: PhoneNumberCapabilityType;\n /** Capability value for SMS. */\n sms?: PhoneNumberCapabilityType;\n}\n\n/** Represents a purchased phone number. */\nexport interface PurchasedPhoneNumber {\n /** The id of the phone number, e.g. 11234567890. */\n id: string;\n /** String of the E.164 format of the phone number, e.g. +11234567890. */\n phoneNumber: string;\n /** The ISO 3166-2 code of the phone number's country, e.g. US. */\n countryCode: string;\n /** The phone number's type, e.g. geographic, tollFree. */\n phoneNumberType: PhoneNumberType;\n /** Capabilities of a phone number. */\n capabilities: PhoneNumberCapabilities;\n /** The assignment type of the phone number. A phone number can be assigned to a person, or to an application. */\n assignmentType: PhoneNumberAssignmentType;\n /** The date and time that the phone number was purchased. */\n purchaseDate: Date;\n /** The incurred cost for a single phone number. */\n cost: PhoneNumberCost;\n}\n\n/** The list of purchased phone numbers. */\nexport interface PurchasedPhoneNumbers {\n /** Represents a list of phone numbers. */\n phoneNumbers: PurchasedPhoneNumber[];\n /** Represents the URL link to the next page of phone number results. */\n nextLink?: string;\n}\n\n/** Represents a search request for operator information for the given phone numbers. */\nexport interface OperatorInformationRequest {\n /** Phone number(s) whose operator information is being requested */\n phoneNumbers: string[];\n /** Represents options to modify a search request for operator information */\n options?: OperatorInformationOptions;\n}\n\n/** Represents options to modify a search request for operator information */\nexport interface OperatorInformationOptions {\n /** Includes the fields operatorDetails, numberType, and isoCountryCode in the response. Please note: use of this option will result in additional costs */\n includeAdditionalOperatorDetails?: boolean;\n}\n\n/** Represents a search result containing format and operator information associated with the requested phone numbers */\nexport interface OperatorInformationResult {\n /**\n * Results of a search.\n * This array will have one entry per requested phone number which will contain the relevant operator information.\n */\n values?: OperatorInformation[];\n}\n\n/** Represents metadata about a phone number that is controlled/provided by that phone number's operator. */\nexport interface OperatorInformation {\n /** E.164 formatted string representation of the phone number */\n phoneNumber: string;\n /** National format of the phone number */\n nationalFormat?: string;\n /** International format of the phone number */\n internationalFormat?: string;\n /** ISO 3166-1 two character ('alpha-2') code associated with the phone number. */\n isoCountryCode?: string;\n /** Type of service associated with the phone number */\n numberType?: OperatorNumberType;\n /** Represents metadata describing the operator of a phone number */\n operatorDetails?: OperatorDetails;\n}\n\n/** Represents metadata describing the operator of a phone number */\nexport interface OperatorDetails {\n /** Name of the phone operator */\n name: string;\n /** Mobile Network Code */\n mobileNetworkCode?: string;\n /** Mobile Country Code */\n mobileCountryCode?: string;\n}\n\n/** Defines headers for PhoneNumbers_searchAvailablePhoneNumbers operation. */\nexport interface PhoneNumbersSearchAvailablePhoneNumbersHeaders {\n /** URL to retrieve the final result after operation completes. */\n location?: string;\n /** URL to query for status of the operation. */\n operationLocation?: string;\n /** The operation id. */\n operationId?: string;\n /** The search operation id. */\n searchId?: string;\n}\n\n/** Defines headers for PhoneNumbers_purchasePhoneNumbers operation. */\nexport interface PhoneNumbersPurchasePhoneNumbersHeaders {\n /** URL to query for status of the operation. */\n operationLocation?: string;\n /** The operation id. */\n operationId?: string;\n /** The purchase operation id. */\n purchaseId?: string;\n}\n\n/** Defines headers for PhoneNumbers_getOperation operation. */\nexport interface PhoneNumbersGetOperationHeaders {\n /** Url to retrieve the final result after operation completes. */\n location?: string;\n}\n\n/** Defines headers for PhoneNumbers_updateCapabilities operation. */\nexport interface PhoneNumbersUpdateCapabilitiesHeaders {\n /** URL to retrieve the final result after operation completes. */\n location?: string;\n /** URL to query for status of the operation. */\n operationLocation?: string;\n /** The operation id. */\n operationId?: string;\n /** The capabilities operation id. */\n capabilitiesId?: string;\n}\n\n/** Defines headers for PhoneNumbers_releasePhoneNumber operation. */\nexport interface PhoneNumbersReleasePhoneNumberHeaders {\n /** URL to query for status of the operation. */\n operationLocation?: string;\n /** The operation id. */\n operationId?: string;\n /** The release operation id. */\n releaseId?: string;\n}\n\n/** Defines values for PhoneNumberType. */\nexport type PhoneNumberType = \"geographic\" | \"tollFree\";\n/** Defines values for PhoneNumberAssignmentType. */\nexport type PhoneNumberAssignmentType = \"person\" | \"application\";\n/** Defines values for PhoneNumberCapabilityType. */\nexport type PhoneNumberCapabilityType =\n | \"none\"\n | \"inbound\"\n | \"outbound\"\n | \"inbound+outbound\";\n/** Defines values for PhoneNumberSearchResultError. */\nexport type PhoneNumberSearchResultError =\n | \"NoError\"\n | \"UnknownErrorCode\"\n | \"OutOfStock\"\n | \"AuthorizationDenied\"\n | \"MissingAddress\"\n | \"InvalidAddress\"\n | \"InvalidOfferModel\"\n | \"NotEnoughLicenses\"\n | \"NoWallet\"\n | \"NotEnoughCredit\"\n | \"NumbersPartiallyAcquired\"\n | \"AllNumbersNotAcquired\"\n | \"ReservationExpired\"\n | \"PurchaseFailed\"\n | \"BillingUnavailable\"\n | \"ProvisioningFailed\"\n | \"UnknownSearchError\";\n/** Defines values for PhoneNumberOperationType. */\nexport type PhoneNumberOperationType =\n | \"purchase\"\n | \"releasePhoneNumber\"\n | \"search\"\n | \"updatePhoneNumberCapabilities\";\n/** Defines values for PhoneNumberOperationStatus. */\nexport type PhoneNumberOperationStatus =\n | \"notStarted\"\n | \"running\"\n | \"succeeded\"\n | \"failed\";\n/** Defines values for OperatorNumberType. */\nexport type OperatorNumberType = \"unknown\" | \"other\" | \"geographic\" | \"mobile\";\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface PhoneNumbersListAreaCodesOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {\n /** An optional parameter for how many entries to skip, for pagination purposes. The default value is 0. */\n skip?: number;\n /** An optional parameter for how many entries to return, for pagination purposes. The default value is 100. */\n maxPageSize?: number;\n /** Filter by assignmentType, e.g. Person, Application. */\n assignmentType?: PhoneNumberAssignmentType;\n /** The name of locality or town in which to search for the area code. This is required if the number type is Geographic. */\n locality?: string;\n /** The name of the state or province in which to search for the area code. */\n administrativeDivision?: string;\n /** The locale to display in the localized fields in the response. e.g. 'en-US' */\n acceptLanguage?: string;\n}\n\n/** Contains response data for the listAreaCodes operation. */\nexport type PhoneNumbersListAreaCodesResponse = PhoneNumberAreaCodes;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface PhoneNumbersListAvailableCountriesOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {\n /** An optional parameter for how many entries to skip, for pagination purposes. The default value is 0. */\n skip?: number;\n /** An optional parameter for how many entries to return, for pagination purposes. The default value is 100. */\n maxPageSize?: number;\n /** The locale to display in the localized fields in the response. e.g. 'en-US' */\n acceptLanguage?: string;\n}\n\n/** Contains response data for the listAvailableCountries operation. */\nexport type PhoneNumbersListAvailableCountriesResponse = PhoneNumberCountries;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface PhoneNumbersListAvailableLocalitiesOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {\n /** An optional parameter for how many entries to skip, for pagination purposes. The default value is 0. */\n skip?: number;\n /** An optional parameter for how many entries to return, for pagination purposes. The default value is 100. */\n maxPageSize?: number;\n /** An optional parameter for the name of the state or province in which to search for the area code. */\n administrativeDivision?: string;\n /** The locale to display in the localized fields in the response. e.g. 'en-US' */\n acceptLanguage?: string;\n}\n\n/** Contains response data for the listAvailableLocalities operation. */\nexport type PhoneNumbersListAvailableLocalitiesResponse = PhoneNumberLocalities;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface PhoneNumbersListOfferingsOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {\n /** An optional parameter for how many entries to skip, for pagination purposes. The default value is 0. */\n skip?: number;\n /** An optional parameter for how many entries to return, for pagination purposes. The default value is 100. */\n maxPageSize?: number;\n /** Filter by assignmentType, e.g. Person, Application. */\n assignmentType?: PhoneNumberAssignmentType;\n /** The locale to display in the localized fields in the response. e.g. 'en-US' */\n acceptLanguage?: string;\n /** Filter by numberType, e.g. Geographic, TollFree. */\n phoneNumberType?: PhoneNumberType;\n}\n\n/** Contains response data for the listOfferings operation. */\nexport type PhoneNumbersListOfferingsResponse = OfferingsResponse;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface PhoneNumbersSearchAvailablePhoneNumbersOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {\n /** The area code of the desired phone number, e.g. 425. */\n areaCode?: string;\n /** The quantity of desired phone numbers. The default value is 1. */\n quantity?: number;\n /** Delay to wait until next poll, in milliseconds. */\n updateIntervalInMs?: number;\n /** A serialized poller which can be used to resume an existing paused Long-Running-Operation. */\n resumeFrom?: string;\n}\n\n/** Contains response data for the searchAvailablePhoneNumbers operation. */\nexport type PhoneNumbersSearchAvailablePhoneNumbersResponse =\n PhoneNumbersSearchAvailablePhoneNumbersHeaders & PhoneNumberSearchResult;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface PhoneNumbersGetSearchResultOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {}\n\n/** Contains response data for the getSearchResult operation. */\nexport type PhoneNumbersGetSearchResultResponse = PhoneNumberSearchResult;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface PhoneNumbersPurchasePhoneNumbersOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {\n /** The search id. */\n searchId?: string;\n /** Delay to wait until next poll, in milliseconds. */\n updateIntervalInMs?: number;\n /** A serialized poller which can be used to resume an existing paused Long-Running-Operation. */\n resumeFrom?: string;\n}\n\n/** Contains response data for the purchasePhoneNumbers operation. */\nexport type PhoneNumbersPurchasePhoneNumbersResponse =\n PhoneNumbersPurchasePhoneNumbersHeaders;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface PhoneNumbersGetOperationOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {}\n\n/** Contains response data for the getOperation operation. */\nexport type PhoneNumbersGetOperationResponse = PhoneNumbersGetOperationHeaders &\n PhoneNumberOperation;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface PhoneNumbersCancelOperationOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {}\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface PhoneNumbersUpdateCapabilitiesOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {\n /** Capability value for calling. */\n calling?: PhoneNumberCapabilityType;\n /** Capability value for SMS. */\n sms?: PhoneNumberCapabilityType;\n /** Delay to wait until next poll, in milliseconds. */\n updateIntervalInMs?: number;\n /** A serialized poller which can be used to resume an existing paused Long-Running-Operation. */\n resumeFrom?: string;\n}\n\n/** Contains response data for the updateCapabilities operation. */\nexport type PhoneNumbersUpdateCapabilitiesResponse =\n PhoneNumbersUpdateCapabilitiesHeaders & PurchasedPhoneNumber;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface PhoneNumbersGetByNumberOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {}\n\n/** Contains response data for the getByNumber operation. */\nexport type PhoneNumbersGetByNumberResponse = PurchasedPhoneNumber;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface PhoneNumbersReleasePhoneNumberOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {\n /** Delay to wait until next poll, in milliseconds. */\n updateIntervalInMs?: number;\n /** A serialized poller which can be used to resume an existing paused Long-Running-Operation. */\n resumeFrom?: string;\n}\n\n/** Contains response data for the releasePhoneNumber operation. */\nexport type PhoneNumbersReleasePhoneNumberResponse =\n PhoneNumbersReleasePhoneNumberHeaders;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface PhoneNumbersListPhoneNumbersOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {\n /** An optional parameter for how many entries to skip, for pagination purposes. The default value is 0. */\n skip?: number;\n /** An optional parameter for how many entries to return, for pagination purposes. The default value is 100. */\n top?: number;\n}\n\n/** Contains response data for the listPhoneNumbers operation. */\nexport type PhoneNumbersListPhoneNumbersResponse = PurchasedPhoneNumbers;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface PhoneNumbersOperatorInformationSearchOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {\n /** Represents options to modify a search request for operator information */\n options?: OperatorInformationOptions;\n}\n\n/** Contains response data for the operatorInformationSearch operation. */\nexport type PhoneNumbersOperatorInformationSearchResponse =\n OperatorInformationResult;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface PhoneNumbersListAreaCodesNextOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {\n /** The locale to display in the localized fields in the response. e.g. 'en-US' */\n acceptLanguage?: string;\n}\n\n/** Contains response data for the listAreaCodesNext operation. */\nexport type PhoneNumbersListAreaCodesNextResponse = PhoneNumberAreaCodes;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface PhoneNumbersListAvailableCountriesNextOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {\n /** The locale to display in the localized fields in the response. e.g. 'en-US' */\n acceptLanguage?: string;\n}\n\n/** Contains response data for the listAvailableCountriesNext operation. */\nexport type PhoneNumbersListAvailableCountriesNextResponse =\n PhoneNumberCountries;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface PhoneNumbersListAvailableLocalitiesNextOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {\n /** The locale to display in the localized fields in the response. e.g. 'en-US' */\n acceptLanguage?: string;\n}\n\n/** Contains response data for the listAvailableLocalitiesNext operation. */\nexport type PhoneNumbersListAvailableLocalitiesNextResponse =\n PhoneNumberLocalities;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface PhoneNumbersListOfferingsNextOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {\n /** The locale to display in the localized fields in the response. e.g. 'en-US' */\n acceptLanguage?: string;\n}\n\n/** Contains response data for the listOfferingsNext operation. */\nexport type PhoneNumbersListOfferingsNextResponse = OfferingsResponse;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface PhoneNumbersListPhoneNumbersNextOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {}\n\n/** Contains response data for the listPhoneNumbersNext operation. */\nexport type PhoneNumbersListPhoneNumbersNextResponse = PurchasedPhoneNumbers;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface PhoneNumbersClientOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.ServiceClientOptions {\n /** Api Version */\n apiVersion?: string;\n /** Overrides client endpoint. */\n endpoint?: string;\n}\n"]}