@azure/arm-datadog 3.1.0-alpha.20250115.1 → 3.1.0-alpha.20250116.2
This diff represents the content of publicly available package versions that have been released to one of the supported registries. The information contained in this diff is provided for informational purposes only and reflects changes between package versions as they appear in their respective public registries.
- package/dist/browser/index.d.ts +5 -0
- package/{dist-esm/src → dist/browser}/index.d.ts.map +1 -1
- package/{dist-esm/src → dist/browser}/index.js +4 -4
- package/dist/browser/index.js.map +1 -0
- package/dist/browser/lroImpl.js.map +1 -0
- package/{dist-esm/src → dist/browser}/microsoftDatadogClient.d.ts +2 -2
- package/dist/browser/microsoftDatadogClient.d.ts.map +1 -0
- package/{dist-esm/src → dist/browser}/microsoftDatadogClient.js +15 -18
- package/dist/browser/microsoftDatadogClient.js.map +1 -0
- package/dist/browser/models/index.js.map +1 -0
- package/dist/browser/models/mappers.js.map +1 -0
- package/{dist-esm/src → dist/browser}/models/parameters.js +1 -1
- package/dist/browser/models/parameters.js.map +1 -0
- package/{dist-esm/src → dist/browser}/operations/creationSupported.d.ts +3 -3
- package/dist/browser/operations/creationSupported.d.ts.map +1 -0
- package/{dist-esm/src → dist/browser}/operations/creationSupported.js +2 -2
- package/dist/browser/operations/creationSupported.js.map +1 -0
- package/dist/browser/operations/index.d.ts +8 -0
- package/dist/browser/operations/index.d.ts.map +1 -0
- package/dist/browser/operations/index.js +15 -0
- package/dist/browser/operations/index.js.map +1 -0
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- package/dist/browser/operations/marketplaceAgreements.d.ts.map +1 -0
- package/{dist-esm/src → dist/browser}/operations/marketplaceAgreements.js +3 -3
- package/dist/browser/operations/marketplaceAgreements.js.map +1 -0
- package/{dist-esm/src → dist/browser}/operations/monitoredSubscriptions.d.ts +3 -3
- package/dist/browser/operations/monitoredSubscriptions.d.ts.map +1 -0
- package/{dist-esm/src → dist/browser}/operations/monitoredSubscriptions.js +112 -124
- package/dist/browser/operations/monitoredSubscriptions.js.map +1 -0
- package/{dist-esm/src → dist/browser}/operations/monitors.d.ts +3 -3
- package/dist/browser/operations/monitors.d.ts.map +1 -0
- package/{dist-esm/src → dist/browser}/operations/monitors.js +114 -126
- package/dist/browser/operations/monitors.js.map +1 -0
- package/{dist-esm/src → dist/browser}/operations/operations.d.ts +3 -3
- package/dist/browser/operations/operations.d.ts.map +1 -0
- package/{dist-esm/src → dist/browser}/operations/operations.js +3 -3
- package/dist/browser/operations/operations.js.map +1 -0
- package/{dist-esm/src → dist/browser}/operations/singleSignOnConfigurations.d.ts +3 -3
- package/dist/browser/operations/singleSignOnConfigurations.d.ts.map +1 -0
- package/{dist-esm/src → dist/browser}/operations/singleSignOnConfigurations.js +42 -46
- package/dist/browser/operations/singleSignOnConfigurations.js.map +1 -0
- package/{dist-esm/src → dist/browser}/operations/tagRules.d.ts +3 -3
- package/dist/browser/operations/tagRules.d.ts.map +1 -0
- package/{dist-esm/src → dist/browser}/operations/tagRules.js +3 -3
- package/dist/browser/operations/tagRules.js.map +1 -0
- package/{dist-esm/src → dist/browser}/operationsInterfaces/creationSupported.d.ts +1 -1
- package/dist/browser/operationsInterfaces/creationSupported.d.ts.map +1 -0
- package/dist/browser/operationsInterfaces/creationSupported.js.map +1 -0
- package/dist/browser/operationsInterfaces/index.d.ts +8 -0
- package/dist/browser/operationsInterfaces/index.d.ts.map +1 -0
- package/dist/browser/operationsInterfaces/index.js +15 -0
- package/dist/browser/operationsInterfaces/index.js.map +1 -0
- package/{dist-esm/src → dist/browser}/operationsInterfaces/marketplaceAgreements.d.ts +1 -1
- package/{dist-esm/src → dist/browser}/operationsInterfaces/marketplaceAgreements.d.ts.map +1 -1
- package/dist/browser/operationsInterfaces/marketplaceAgreements.js.map +1 -0
- package/{dist-esm/src → dist/browser}/operationsInterfaces/monitoredSubscriptions.d.ts +1 -1
- package/dist/browser/operationsInterfaces/monitoredSubscriptions.d.ts.map +1 -0
- package/dist/browser/operationsInterfaces/monitoredSubscriptions.js.map +1 -0
- package/{dist-esm/src → dist/browser}/operationsInterfaces/monitors.d.ts +1 -1
- package/dist/browser/operationsInterfaces/monitors.d.ts.map +1 -0
- package/dist/browser/operationsInterfaces/monitors.js.map +1 -0
- package/{dist-esm/src → dist/browser}/operationsInterfaces/operations.d.ts +1 -1
- package/{dist-esm/src → dist/browser}/operationsInterfaces/operations.d.ts.map +1 -1
- package/dist/browser/operationsInterfaces/operations.js.map +1 -0
- package/{dist-esm/src → dist/browser}/operationsInterfaces/singleSignOnConfigurations.d.ts +1 -1
- package/dist/browser/operationsInterfaces/singleSignOnConfigurations.d.ts.map +1 -0
- package/dist/browser/operationsInterfaces/singleSignOnConfigurations.js.map +1 -0
- package/{dist-esm/src → dist/browser}/operationsInterfaces/tagRules.d.ts +1 -1
- package/dist/browser/operationsInterfaces/tagRules.d.ts.map +1 -0
- package/dist/browser/operationsInterfaces/tagRules.js.map +1 -0
- package/dist/browser/package.json +3 -0
- package/dist/browser/pagingHelper.js.map +1 -0
- package/dist/commonjs/index.d.ts +5 -0
- package/dist/commonjs/index.d.ts.map +1 -0
- package/dist/commonjs/index.js +19 -0
- package/dist/commonjs/index.js.map +1 -0
- package/dist/commonjs/lroImpl.d.ts +11 -0
- package/dist/commonjs/lroImpl.d.ts.map +1 -0
- package/dist/commonjs/lroImpl.js +24 -0
- package/dist/commonjs/lroImpl.js.map +1 -0
- package/dist/commonjs/microsoftDatadogClient.d.ts +26 -0
- package/dist/commonjs/microsoftDatadogClient.d.ts.map +1 -0
- package/dist/commonjs/microsoftDatadogClient.js +108 -0
- package/dist/commonjs/microsoftDatadogClient.js.map +1 -0
- package/{types/arm-datadog.d.ts → dist/commonjs/models/index.d.ts} +977 -1437
- package/dist/commonjs/models/index.d.ts.map +1 -0
- package/dist/commonjs/models/index.js +127 -0
- package/dist/commonjs/models/index.js.map +1 -0
- package/dist/commonjs/models/mappers.d.ts +49 -0
- package/dist/commonjs/models/mappers.d.ts.map +1 -0
- package/dist/commonjs/models/mappers.js +1479 -0
- package/dist/commonjs/models/mappers.js.map +1 -0
- package/dist/commonjs/models/parameters.d.ts +20 -0
- package/dist/commonjs/models/parameters.d.ts.map +1 -0
- package/dist/commonjs/models/parameters.js +162 -0
- package/dist/commonjs/models/parameters.js.map +1 -0
- package/dist/commonjs/operations/creationSupported.d.ts +34 -0
- package/dist/commonjs/operations/creationSupported.d.ts.map +1 -0
- package/dist/commonjs/operations/creationSupported.js +126 -0
- package/dist/commonjs/operations/creationSupported.js.map +1 -0
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- package/dist/commonjs/operations/index.d.ts.map +1 -0
- package/dist/commonjs/operations/index.js +18 -0
- package/dist/commonjs/operations/index.js.map +1 -0
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- package/dist/commonjs/operations/marketplaceAgreements.d.ts.map +1 -0
- package/dist/commonjs/operations/marketplaceAgreements.js +166 -0
- package/dist/commonjs/operations/marketplaceAgreements.js.map +1 -0
- package/dist/commonjs/operations/monitoredSubscriptions.d.ts +87 -0
- package/dist/commonjs/operations/monitoredSubscriptions.d.ts.map +1 -0
- package/dist/commonjs/operations/monitoredSubscriptions.js +391 -0
- package/dist/commonjs/operations/monitoredSubscriptions.js.map +1 -0
- package/dist/commonjs/operations/monitors.d.ts +220 -0
- package/dist/commonjs/operations/monitors.d.ts.map +1 -0
- package/dist/commonjs/operations/monitors.js +1118 -0
- package/dist/commonjs/operations/monitors.js.map +1 -0
- package/dist/commonjs/operations/operations.d.ts +32 -0
- package/dist/commonjs/operations/operations.d.ts.map +1 -0
- package/dist/commonjs/operations/operations.js +137 -0
- package/dist/commonjs/operations/operations.js.map +1 -0
- package/dist/commonjs/operations/singleSignOnConfigurations.d.ts +63 -0
- package/dist/commonjs/operations/singleSignOnConfigurations.d.ts.map +1 -0
- package/dist/commonjs/operations/singleSignOnConfigurations.js +275 -0
- package/dist/commonjs/operations/singleSignOnConfigurations.js.map +1 -0
- package/dist/commonjs/operations/tagRules.d.ts +54 -0
- package/dist/commonjs/operations/tagRules.d.ts.map +1 -0
- package/dist/commonjs/operations/tagRules.js +220 -0
- package/dist/commonjs/operations/tagRules.js.map +1 -0
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- package/dist/commonjs/operationsInterfaces/creationSupported.d.ts.map +1 -0
- package/dist/commonjs/operationsInterfaces/creationSupported.js +10 -0
- package/dist/commonjs/operationsInterfaces/creationSupported.js.map +1 -0
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- package/dist/commonjs/operationsInterfaces/index.d.ts.map +1 -0
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- package/dist/commonjs/operationsInterfaces/marketplaceAgreements.js +10 -0
- package/dist/commonjs/operationsInterfaces/marketplaceAgreements.js.map +1 -0
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- package/dist/commonjs/operationsInterfaces/monitoredSubscriptions.d.ts.map +1 -0
- package/dist/commonjs/operationsInterfaces/monitoredSubscriptions.js +10 -0
- package/dist/commonjs/operationsInterfaces/monitoredSubscriptions.js.map +1 -0
- package/dist/commonjs/operationsInterfaces/monitors.d.ts +116 -0
- package/dist/commonjs/operationsInterfaces/monitors.d.ts.map +1 -0
- package/dist/commonjs/operationsInterfaces/monitors.js +10 -0
- package/dist/commonjs/operationsInterfaces/monitors.js.map +1 -0
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- package/dist/commonjs/operationsInterfaces/operations.d.ts.map +1 -0
- package/dist/commonjs/operationsInterfaces/operations.js +10 -0
- package/dist/commonjs/operationsInterfaces/operations.js.map +1 -0
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- package/dist/commonjs/operationsInterfaces/singleSignOnConfigurations.d.ts.map +1 -0
- package/dist/commonjs/operationsInterfaces/singleSignOnConfigurations.js +10 -0
- package/dist/commonjs/operationsInterfaces/singleSignOnConfigurations.js.map +1 -0
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- package/dist/commonjs/operationsInterfaces/tagRules.d.ts.map +1 -0
- package/dist/commonjs/operationsInterfaces/tagRules.js +10 -0
- package/dist/commonjs/operationsInterfaces/tagRules.js.map +1 -0
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- package/dist/esm/lroImpl.d.ts.map +1 -0
- package/dist/esm/lroImpl.js +21 -0
- package/dist/esm/lroImpl.js.map +1 -0
- package/dist/esm/microsoftDatadogClient.d.ts +26 -0
- package/dist/esm/microsoftDatadogClient.d.ts.map +1 -0
- package/dist/esm/microsoftDatadogClient.js +103 -0
- package/dist/esm/microsoftDatadogClient.js.map +1 -0
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- package/dist/esm/models/index.d.ts.map +1 -0
- package/dist/esm/models/index.js +124 -0
- package/dist/esm/models/index.js.map +1 -0
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- package/dist/esm/models/mappers.js.map +1 -0
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- package/dist/esm/models/parameters.js.map +1 -0
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- package/dist/esm/operations/creationSupported.d.ts.map +1 -0
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- package/dist/esm/operations/marketplaceAgreements.js.map +1 -0
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- package/dist-esm/samples-dev/creationSupportedListSample.d.ts.map +0 -1
- package/dist-esm/samples-dev/creationSupportedListSample.js +0 -54
- package/dist-esm/samples-dev/creationSupportedListSample.js.map +0 -1
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- package/dist-esm/samples-dev/marketplaceAgreementsCreateOrUpdateSample.d.ts.map +0 -1
- package/dist-esm/samples-dev/marketplaceAgreementsCreateOrUpdateSample.js +0 -39
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- package/dist-esm/samples-dev/marketplaceAgreementsListSample.d.ts +0 -2
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- package/dist-esm/samples-dev/marketplaceAgreementsListSample.js +0 -53
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- package/dist-esm/samples-dev/monitorsListApiKeysSample.js.map +0 -1
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- package/dist-esm/samples-dev/monitorsListByResourceGroupSample.d.ts.map +0 -1
- package/dist-esm/samples-dev/monitorsListByResourceGroupSample.js +0 -54
- package/dist-esm/samples-dev/monitorsListByResourceGroupSample.js.map +0 -1
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- package/dist-esm/samples-dev/monitorsListHostsSample.d.ts.map +0 -1
- package/dist-esm/samples-dev/monitorsListHostsSample.js +0 -55
- package/dist-esm/samples-dev/monitorsListHostsSample.js.map +0 -1
- package/dist-esm/samples-dev/monitorsListLinkedResourcesSample.d.ts +0 -2
- package/dist-esm/samples-dev/monitorsListLinkedResourcesSample.d.ts.map +0 -1
- package/dist-esm/samples-dev/monitorsListLinkedResourcesSample.js +0 -55
- package/dist-esm/samples-dev/monitorsListLinkedResourcesSample.js.map +0 -1
- package/dist-esm/samples-dev/monitorsListMonitoredResourcesSample.d.ts +0 -2
- package/dist-esm/samples-dev/monitorsListMonitoredResourcesSample.d.ts.map +0 -1
- package/dist-esm/samples-dev/monitorsListMonitoredResourcesSample.js +0 -55
- package/dist-esm/samples-dev/monitorsListMonitoredResourcesSample.js.map +0 -1
- package/dist-esm/samples-dev/monitorsListSample.d.ts +0 -2
- package/dist-esm/samples-dev/monitorsListSample.d.ts.map +0 -1
- package/dist-esm/samples-dev/monitorsListSample.js +0 -53
- package/dist-esm/samples-dev/monitorsListSample.js.map +0 -1
- package/dist-esm/samples-dev/monitorsRefreshSetPasswordLinkSample.d.ts +0 -2
- package/dist-esm/samples-dev/monitorsRefreshSetPasswordLinkSample.d.ts.map +0 -1
- package/dist-esm/samples-dev/monitorsRefreshSetPasswordLinkSample.js +0 -39
- package/dist-esm/samples-dev/monitorsRefreshSetPasswordLinkSample.js.map +0 -1
- package/dist-esm/samples-dev/monitorsSetDefaultKeySample.d.ts +0 -2
- package/dist-esm/samples-dev/monitorsSetDefaultKeySample.d.ts.map +0 -1
- package/dist-esm/samples-dev/monitorsSetDefaultKeySample.js +0 -41
- package/dist-esm/samples-dev/monitorsSetDefaultKeySample.js.map +0 -1
- package/dist-esm/samples-dev/monitorsUpdateSample.d.ts +0 -2
- package/dist-esm/samples-dev/monitorsUpdateSample.d.ts.map +0 -1
- package/dist-esm/samples-dev/monitorsUpdateSample.js +0 -44
- package/dist-esm/samples-dev/monitorsUpdateSample.js.map +0 -1
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- package/dist-esm/samples-dev/operationsListSample.d.ts.map +0 -1
- package/dist-esm/samples-dev/operationsListSample.js +0 -53
- package/dist-esm/samples-dev/operationsListSample.js.map +0 -1
- package/dist-esm/samples-dev/singleSignOnConfigurationsCreateOrUpdateSample.d.ts +0 -2
- package/dist-esm/samples-dev/singleSignOnConfigurationsCreateOrUpdateSample.d.ts.map +0 -1
- package/dist-esm/samples-dev/singleSignOnConfigurationsCreateOrUpdateSample.js +0 -49
- package/dist-esm/samples-dev/singleSignOnConfigurationsCreateOrUpdateSample.js.map +0 -1
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- package/dist-esm/samples-dev/singleSignOnConfigurationsGetSample.d.ts.map +0 -1
- package/dist-esm/samples-dev/singleSignOnConfigurationsGetSample.js +0 -40
- package/dist-esm/samples-dev/singleSignOnConfigurationsGetSample.js.map +0 -1
- package/dist-esm/samples-dev/singleSignOnConfigurationsListSample.d.ts +0 -2
- package/dist-esm/samples-dev/singleSignOnConfigurationsListSample.d.ts.map +0 -1
- package/dist-esm/samples-dev/singleSignOnConfigurationsListSample.js +0 -55
- package/dist-esm/samples-dev/singleSignOnConfigurationsListSample.js.map +0 -1
- package/dist-esm/samples-dev/tagRulesCreateOrUpdateSample.d.ts +0 -2
- package/dist-esm/samples-dev/tagRulesCreateOrUpdateSample.d.ts.map +0 -1
- package/dist-esm/samples-dev/tagRulesCreateOrUpdateSample.js +0 -56
- package/dist-esm/samples-dev/tagRulesCreateOrUpdateSample.js.map +0 -1
- package/dist-esm/samples-dev/tagRulesGetSample.d.ts +0 -2
- package/dist-esm/samples-dev/tagRulesGetSample.d.ts.map +0 -1
- package/dist-esm/samples-dev/tagRulesGetSample.js +0 -40
- package/dist-esm/samples-dev/tagRulesGetSample.js.map +0 -1
- package/dist-esm/samples-dev/tagRulesListSample.d.ts +0 -2
- package/dist-esm/samples-dev/tagRulesListSample.d.ts.map +0 -1
- package/dist-esm/samples-dev/tagRulesListSample.js +0 -55
- package/dist-esm/samples-dev/tagRulesListSample.js.map +0 -1
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- package/dist-esm/src/lroImpl.js.map +0 -1
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- package/dist-esm/src/microsoftDatadogClient.js.map +0 -1
- package/dist-esm/src/models/index.js.map +0 -1
- package/dist-esm/src/models/mappers.js.map +0 -1
- package/dist-esm/src/models/parameters.js.map +0 -1
- package/dist-esm/src/operations/creationSupported.d.ts.map +0 -1
- package/dist-esm/src/operations/creationSupported.js.map +0 -1
- package/dist-esm/src/operations/index.d.ts +0 -8
- package/dist-esm/src/operations/index.d.ts.map +0 -1
- package/dist-esm/src/operations/index.js +0 -15
- package/dist-esm/src/operations/index.js.map +0 -1
- package/dist-esm/src/operations/marketplaceAgreements.d.ts.map +0 -1
- package/dist-esm/src/operations/marketplaceAgreements.js.map +0 -1
- package/dist-esm/src/operations/monitoredSubscriptions.d.ts.map +0 -1
- package/dist-esm/src/operations/monitoredSubscriptions.js.map +0 -1
- package/dist-esm/src/operations/monitors.d.ts.map +0 -1
- package/dist-esm/src/operations/monitors.js.map +0 -1
- package/dist-esm/src/operations/operations.d.ts.map +0 -1
- package/dist-esm/src/operations/operations.js.map +0 -1
- package/dist-esm/src/operations/singleSignOnConfigurations.d.ts.map +0 -1
- package/dist-esm/src/operations/singleSignOnConfigurations.js.map +0 -1
- package/dist-esm/src/operations/tagRules.d.ts.map +0 -1
- package/dist-esm/src/operations/tagRules.js.map +0 -1
- package/dist-esm/src/operationsInterfaces/creationSupported.d.ts.map +0 -1
- package/dist-esm/src/operationsInterfaces/creationSupported.js.map +0 -1
- package/dist-esm/src/operationsInterfaces/index.d.ts +0 -8
- package/dist-esm/src/operationsInterfaces/index.d.ts.map +0 -1
- package/dist-esm/src/operationsInterfaces/index.js +0 -15
- package/dist-esm/src/operationsInterfaces/index.js.map +0 -1
- package/dist-esm/src/operationsInterfaces/marketplaceAgreements.js.map +0 -1
- package/dist-esm/src/operationsInterfaces/monitoredSubscriptions.d.ts.map +0 -1
- package/dist-esm/src/operationsInterfaces/monitoredSubscriptions.js.map +0 -1
- package/dist-esm/src/operationsInterfaces/monitors.d.ts.map +0 -1
- package/dist-esm/src/operationsInterfaces/monitors.js.map +0 -1
- package/dist-esm/src/operationsInterfaces/operations.js.map +0 -1
- package/dist-esm/src/operationsInterfaces/singleSignOnConfigurations.d.ts.map +0 -1
- package/dist-esm/src/operationsInterfaces/singleSignOnConfigurations.js.map +0 -1
- package/dist-esm/src/operationsInterfaces/tagRules.d.ts.map +0 -1
- package/dist-esm/src/operationsInterfaces/tagRules.js.map +0 -1
- package/dist-esm/src/pagingHelper.js.map +0 -1
- package/dist-esm/test/datadog_operations_test.spec.d.ts +0 -4
- package/dist-esm/test/datadog_operations_test.spec.d.ts.map +0 -1
- package/dist-esm/test/datadog_operations_test.spec.js +0 -77
- package/dist-esm/test/datadog_operations_test.spec.js.map +0 -1
- package/src/lroImpl.ts +0 -42
- package/src/microsoftDatadogClient.ts +0 -168
- package/src/models/index.ts +0 -1134
- package/src/models/mappers.ts +0 -1526
- package/src/models/parameters.ts +0 -190
- package/src/operations/creationSupported.ts +0 -150
- package/src/operations/index.ts +0 -15
- package/src/operations/marketplaceAgreements.ts +0 -188
- package/src/operations/monitoredSubscriptions.ts +0 -557
- package/src/operations/monitors.ts +0 -1489
- package/src/operations/operations.ts +0 -149
- package/src/operations/singleSignOnConfigurations.ts +0 -377
- package/src/operations/tagRules.ts +0 -284
- package/src/operationsInterfaces/creationSupported.ts +0 -38
- package/src/operationsInterfaces/index.ts +0 -15
- package/src/operationsInterfaces/marketplaceAgreements.ts +0 -34
- package/src/operationsInterfaces/monitoredSubscriptions.ts +0 -138
- package/src/operationsInterfaces/monitors.ts +0 -220
- package/src/operationsInterfaces/operations.ts +0 -22
- package/src/operationsInterfaces/singleSignOnConfigurations.ts +0 -78
- package/src/operationsInterfaces/tagRules.ts +0 -59
- package/src/pagingHelper.ts +0 -39
- package/tsconfig.json +0 -33
- /package/{dist-esm/src → dist/browser}/lroImpl.d.ts +0 -0
- /package/{dist-esm/src → dist/browser}/lroImpl.d.ts.map +0 -0
- /package/{dist-esm/src → dist/browser}/lroImpl.js +0 -0
- /package/{dist-esm/src → dist/browser}/models/index.d.ts +0 -0
- /package/{dist-esm/src → dist/browser}/models/index.d.ts.map +0 -0
- /package/{dist-esm/src → dist/browser}/models/index.js +0 -0
- /package/{dist-esm/src → dist/browser}/models/mappers.d.ts +0 -0
- /package/{dist-esm/src → dist/browser}/models/mappers.d.ts.map +0 -0
- /package/{dist-esm/src → dist/browser}/models/mappers.js +0 -0
- /package/{dist-esm/src → dist/browser}/models/parameters.d.ts +0 -0
- /package/{dist-esm/src → dist/browser}/models/parameters.d.ts.map +0 -0
- /package/{dist-esm/src → dist/browser}/operationsInterfaces/creationSupported.js +0 -0
- /package/{dist-esm/src → dist/browser}/operationsInterfaces/marketplaceAgreements.js +0 -0
- /package/{dist-esm/src → dist/browser}/operationsInterfaces/monitoredSubscriptions.js +0 -0
- /package/{dist-esm/src → dist/browser}/operationsInterfaces/monitors.js +0 -0
- /package/{dist-esm/src → dist/browser}/operationsInterfaces/operations.js +0 -0
- /package/{dist-esm/src → dist/browser}/operationsInterfaces/singleSignOnConfigurations.js +0 -0
- /package/{dist-esm/src → dist/browser}/operationsInterfaces/tagRules.js +0 -0
- /package/{dist-esm/src → dist/browser}/pagingHelper.d.ts +0 -0
- /package/{dist-esm/src → dist/browser}/pagingHelper.d.ts.map +0 -0
- /package/{dist-esm/src → dist/browser}/pagingHelper.js +0 -0
- /package/{types → dist/commonjs}/tsdoc-metadata.json +0 -0
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
* Licensed under the MIT License.
* Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
* Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated.
/** Known values of {@link CreatedByType} that the service accepts. */
export var KnownCreatedByType;
(function (KnownCreatedByType) {
/** User */
KnownCreatedByType["User"] = "User";
/** Application */
KnownCreatedByType["Application"] = "Application";
/** ManagedIdentity */
KnownCreatedByType["ManagedIdentity"] = "ManagedIdentity";
/** Key */
KnownCreatedByType["Key"] = "Key";
})(KnownCreatedByType || (KnownCreatedByType = {}));
/** Known values of {@link ProvisioningState} that the service accepts. */
export var KnownProvisioningState;
(function (KnownProvisioningState) {
/** Accepted */
KnownProvisioningState["Accepted"] = "Accepted";
/** Creating */
KnownProvisioningState["Creating"] = "Creating";
/** Updating */
KnownProvisioningState["Updating"] = "Updating";
/** Deleting */
KnownProvisioningState["Deleting"] = "Deleting";
/** Succeeded */
KnownProvisioningState["Succeeded"] = "Succeeded";
/** Failed */
KnownProvisioningState["Failed"] = "Failed";
/** Canceled */
KnownProvisioningState["Canceled"] = "Canceled";
/** Deleted */
KnownProvisioningState["Deleted"] = "Deleted";
/** NotSpecified */
KnownProvisioningState["NotSpecified"] = "NotSpecified";
})(KnownProvisioningState || (KnownProvisioningState = {}));
/** Known values of {@link MonitoringStatus} that the service accepts. */
export var KnownMonitoringStatus;
(function (KnownMonitoringStatus) {
/** Enabled */
KnownMonitoringStatus["Enabled"] = "Enabled";
/** Disabled */
KnownMonitoringStatus["Disabled"] = "Disabled";
})(KnownMonitoringStatus || (KnownMonitoringStatus = {}));
/** Known values of {@link MarketplaceSubscriptionStatus} that the service accepts. */
export var KnownMarketplaceSubscriptionStatus;
(function (KnownMarketplaceSubscriptionStatus) {
/** Provisioning */
KnownMarketplaceSubscriptionStatus["Provisioning"] = "Provisioning";
/** Active */
KnownMarketplaceSubscriptionStatus["Active"] = "Active";
/** Suspended */
KnownMarketplaceSubscriptionStatus["Suspended"] = "Suspended";
/** Unsubscribed */
KnownMarketplaceSubscriptionStatus["Unsubscribed"] = "Unsubscribed";
})(KnownMarketplaceSubscriptionStatus || (KnownMarketplaceSubscriptionStatus = {}));
/** Known values of {@link LiftrResourceCategories} that the service accepts. */
export var KnownLiftrResourceCategories;
(function (KnownLiftrResourceCategories) {
/** Unknown */
KnownLiftrResourceCategories["Unknown"] = "Unknown";
/** MonitorLogs */
KnownLiftrResourceCategories["MonitorLogs"] = "MonitorLogs";
})(KnownLiftrResourceCategories || (KnownLiftrResourceCategories = {}));
/** Known values of {@link ManagedIdentityTypes} that the service accepts. */
export var KnownManagedIdentityTypes;
(function (KnownManagedIdentityTypes) {
/** SystemAssigned */
KnownManagedIdentityTypes["SystemAssigned"] = "SystemAssigned";
/** UserAssigned */
KnownManagedIdentityTypes["UserAssigned"] = "UserAssigned";
})(KnownManagedIdentityTypes || (KnownManagedIdentityTypes = {}));
/** Known values of {@link TagAction} that the service accepts. */
export var KnownTagAction;
(function (KnownTagAction) {
/** Include */
KnownTagAction["Include"] = "Include";
/** Exclude */
KnownTagAction["Exclude"] = "Exclude";
})(KnownTagAction || (KnownTagAction = {}));
/** Known values of {@link SingleSignOnStates} that the service accepts. */
export var KnownSingleSignOnStates;
(function (KnownSingleSignOnStates) {
/** Initial */
KnownSingleSignOnStates["Initial"] = "Initial";
/** Enable */
KnownSingleSignOnStates["Enable"] = "Enable";
/** Disable */
KnownSingleSignOnStates["Disable"] = "Disable";
/** Existing */
KnownSingleSignOnStates["Existing"] = "Existing";
})(KnownSingleSignOnStates || (KnownSingleSignOnStates = {}));
/** Known values of {@link Operation} that the service accepts. */
export var KnownOperation;
(function (KnownOperation) {
/** AddBegin */
KnownOperation["AddBegin"] = "AddBegin";
/** AddComplete */
KnownOperation["AddComplete"] = "AddComplete";
/** DeleteBegin */
KnownOperation["DeleteBegin"] = "DeleteBegin";
/** DeleteComplete */
KnownOperation["DeleteComplete"] = "DeleteComplete";
/** Active */
KnownOperation["Active"] = "Active";
})(KnownOperation || (KnownOperation = {}));
/** Known values of {@link Status} that the service accepts. */
export var KnownStatus;
(function (KnownStatus) {
/** InProgress */
KnownStatus["InProgress"] = "InProgress";
/** Active */
KnownStatus["Active"] = "Active";
/** Failed */
KnownStatus["Failed"] = "Failed";
/** Deleting */
KnownStatus["Deleting"] = "Deleting";
})(KnownStatus || (KnownStatus = {}));
//# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"version":3,"file":"index.js","sourceRoot":"","sources":["../../../src/models/index.ts"],"names":[],"mappings":"AAAA;;;;;;GAMG;AA0jBH,sEAAsE;AACtE,MAAM,CAAN,IAAY,kBASX;AATD,WAAY,kBAAkB;IAC5B,WAAW;IACX,mCAAa,CAAA;IACb,kBAAkB;IAClB,iDAA2B,CAAA;IAC3B,sBAAsB;IACtB,yDAAmC,CAAA;IACnC,UAAU;IACV,iCAAW,CAAA;AACb,CAAC,EATW,kBAAkB,KAAlB,kBAAkB,QAS7B;AAcD,0EAA0E;AAC1E,MAAM,CAAN,IAAY,sBAmBX;AAnBD,WAAY,sBAAsB;IAChC,eAAe;IACf,+CAAqB,CAAA;IACrB,eAAe;IACf,+CAAqB,CAAA;IACrB,eAAe;IACf,+CAAqB,CAAA;IACrB,eAAe;IACf,+CAAqB,CAAA;IACrB,gBAAgB;IAChB,iDAAuB,CAAA;IACvB,aAAa;IACb,2CAAiB,CAAA;IACjB,eAAe;IACf,+CAAqB,CAAA;IACrB,cAAc;IACd,6CAAmB,CAAA;IACnB,mBAAmB;IACnB,uDAA6B,CAAA;AAC/B,CAAC,EAnBW,sBAAsB,KAAtB,sBAAsB,QAmBjC;AAmBD,yEAAyE;AACzE,MAAM,CAAN,IAAY,qBAKX;AALD,WAAY,qBAAqB;IAC/B,cAAc;IACd,4CAAmB,CAAA;IACnB,eAAe;IACf,8CAAqB,CAAA;AACvB,CAAC,EALW,qBAAqB,KAArB,qBAAqB,QAKhC;AAYD,sFAAsF;AACtF,MAAM,CAAN,IAAY,kCASX;AATD,WAAY,kCAAkC;IAC5C,mBAAmB;IACnB,mEAA6B,CAAA;IAC7B,aAAa;IACb,uDAAiB,CAAA;IACjB,gBAAgB;IAChB,6DAAuB,CAAA;IACvB,mBAAmB;IACnB,mEAA6B,CAAA;AAC/B,CAAC,EATW,kCAAkC,KAAlC,kCAAkC,QAS7C;AAcD,gFAAgF;AAChF,MAAM,CAAN,IAAY,4BAKX;AALD,WAAY,4BAA4B;IACtC,cAAc;IACd,mDAAmB,CAAA;IACnB,kBAAkB;IAClB,2DAA2B,CAAA;AAC7B,CAAC,EALW,4BAA4B,KAA5B,4BAA4B,QAKvC;AAYD,6EAA6E;AAC7E,MAAM,CAAN,IAAY,yBAKX;AALD,WAAY,yBAAyB;IACnC,qBAAqB;IACrB,8DAAiC,CAAA;IACjC,mBAAmB;IACnB,0DAA6B,CAAA;AAC/B,CAAC,EALW,yBAAyB,KAAzB,yBAAyB,QAKpC;AAYD,kEAAkE;AAClE,MAAM,CAAN,IAAY,cAKX;AALD,WAAY,cAAc;IACxB,cAAc;IACd,qCAAmB,CAAA;IACnB,cAAc;IACd,qCAAmB,CAAA;AACrB,CAAC,EALW,cAAc,KAAd,cAAc,QAKzB;AAYD,2EAA2E;AAC3E,MAAM,CAAN,IAAY,uBASX;AATD,WAAY,uBAAuB;IACjC,cAAc;IACd,8CAAmB,CAAA;IACnB,aAAa;IACb,4CAAiB,CAAA;IACjB,cAAc;IACd,8CAAmB,CAAA;IACnB,eAAe;IACf,gDAAqB,CAAA;AACvB,CAAC,EATW,uBAAuB,KAAvB,uBAAuB,QASlC;AAcD,kEAAkE;AAClE,MAAM,CAAN,IAAY,cAWX;AAXD,WAAY,cAAc;IACxB,eAAe;IACf,uCAAqB,CAAA;IACrB,kBAAkB;IAClB,6CAA2B,CAAA;IAC3B,kBAAkB;IAClB,6CAA2B,CAAA;IAC3B,qBAAqB;IACrB,mDAAiC,CAAA;IACjC,aAAa;IACb,mCAAiB,CAAA;AACnB,CAAC,EAXW,cAAc,KAAd,cAAc,QAWzB;AAeD,+DAA+D;AAC/D,MAAM,CAAN,IAAY,WASX;AATD,WAAY,WAAW;IACrB,iBAAiB;IACjB,wCAAyB,CAAA;IACzB,aAAa;IACb,gCAAiB,CAAA;IACjB,aAAa;IACb,gCAAiB,CAAA;IACjB,eAAe;IACf,oCAAqB,CAAA;AACvB,CAAC,EATW,WAAW,KAAX,WAAW,QAStB","sourcesContent":["/*\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\n * Licensed under the MIT License.\n *\n * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.\n * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated.\n */\n\nimport * as coreClient from \"@azure/core-client\";\n\n/** Response of a list operation. */\nexport interface DatadogAgreementResourceListResponse {\n /** Results of a list operation. */\n value?: DatadogAgreementResource[];\n /** Link to the next set of results, if any. */\n nextLink?: string;\n}\n\nexport interface DatadogAgreementResource {\n /**\n * ARM id of the resource.\n * NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.\n */\n readonly id?: string;\n /**\n * Name of the agreement.\n * NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.\n */\n readonly name?: string;\n /**\n * The type of the resource.\n * NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.\n */\n readonly type?: string;\n /** Represents the properties of the resource. */\n properties?: DatadogAgreementProperties;\n /**\n * Metadata pertaining to creation and last modification of the resource.\n * NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.\n */\n readonly systemData?: SystemData;\n}\n\n/** Terms properties. */\nexport interface DatadogAgreementProperties {\n /** Publisher identifier string. */\n publisher?: string;\n /** Product identifier string. */\n product?: string;\n /** Plan identifier string. */\n plan?: string;\n /** Link to HTML with Microsoft and Publisher terms. */\n licenseTextLink?: string;\n /** Link to the privacy policy of the publisher. */\n privacyPolicyLink?: string;\n /** Date and time in UTC of when the terms were accepted. This is empty if Accepted is false. */\n retrieveDatetime?: Date;\n /** Terms signature. */\n signature?: string;\n /** If any version of the terms have been accepted, otherwise false. */\n accepted?: boolean;\n}\n\n/** Metadata pertaining to creation and last modification of the resource. */\nexport interface SystemData {\n /** The identity that created the resource. */\n createdBy?: string;\n /** The type of identity that created the resource. */\n createdByType?: CreatedByType;\n /** The timestamp of resource creation (UTC). */\n createdAt?: Date;\n /** The identity that last modified the resource. */\n lastModifiedBy?: string;\n /** The type of identity that last modified the resource. */\n lastModifiedByType?: CreatedByType;\n /** The timestamp of resource last modification (UTC) */\n lastModifiedAt?: Date;\n}\n\n/** Common error response for all Azure Resource Manager APIs to return error details for failed operations. (This also follows the OData error response format.). */\nexport interface ErrorResponse {\n /** The error object. */\n error?: ErrorDetail;\n}\n\n/** The error detail. */\nexport interface ErrorDetail {\n /**\n * The error code.\n * NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.\n */\n readonly code?: string;\n /**\n * The error message.\n * NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.\n */\n readonly message?: string;\n /**\n * The error target.\n * NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.\n */\n readonly target?: string;\n /**\n * The error details.\n * NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.\n */\n readonly details?: ErrorDetail[];\n /**\n * The error additional info.\n * NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.\n */\n readonly additionalInfo?: ErrorAdditionalInfo[];\n}\n\n/** The resource management error additional info. */\nexport interface ErrorAdditionalInfo {\n /**\n * The additional info type.\n * NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.\n */\n readonly type?: string;\n /**\n * The additional info.\n * NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.\n */\n readonly info?: Record<string, unknown>;\n}\n\nexport interface CreateResourceSupportedResponseList {\n value?: CreateResourceSupportedResponse[];\n}\n\n/** Datadog resource can be created or not. */\nexport interface CreateResourceSupportedResponse {\n /** Represents the properties of the resource. */\n properties?: CreateResourceSupportedProperties;\n}\n\n/** Datadog resource can be created or not properties. */\nexport interface CreateResourceSupportedProperties {\n /**\n * The ARM id of the subscription.\n * NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.\n */\n readonly name?: string;\n /**\n * Indicates if selected subscription supports Datadog resource creation, if not it is already being monitored for the selected organization via multi subscription feature.\n * NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.\n */\n readonly creationSupported?: boolean;\n}\n\n/** Response of a list operation. */\nexport interface DatadogApiKeyListResponse {\n /** Results of a list operation. */\n value?: DatadogApiKey[];\n /** Link to the next set of results, if any. */\n nextLink?: string;\n}\n\nexport interface DatadogApiKey {\n /** The user that created the API key. */\n createdBy?: string;\n /** The name of the API key. */\n name?: string;\n /** The value of the API key. */\n key: string;\n /** The time of creation of the API key. */\n created?: string;\n}\n\n/** Response of a list operation. */\nexport interface DatadogHostListResponse {\n /** Results of a list operation. */\n value?: DatadogHost[];\n /** Link to the next set of results, if any. */\n nextLink?: string;\n}\n\nexport interface DatadogHost {\n /** The name of the host. */\n name?: string;\n /** The aliases for the host installed via the Datadog agent. */\n aliases?: string[];\n /** The Datadog integrations reporting metrics for the host. */\n apps?: string[];\n meta?: DatadogHostMetadata;\n}\n\nexport interface DatadogHostMetadata {\n /** The agent version. */\n agentVersion?: string;\n installMethod?: DatadogInstallMethod;\n logsAgent?: DatadogLogsAgent;\n}\n\nexport interface DatadogInstallMethod {\n /** The tool. */\n tool?: string;\n /** The tool version. */\n toolVersion?: string;\n /** The installer version. */\n installerVersion?: string;\n}\n\nexport interface DatadogLogsAgent {\n /** The transport. */\n transport?: string;\n}\n\n/** Response of a list operation. */\nexport interface LinkedResourceListResponse {\n /** Results of a list operation. */\n value?: LinkedResource[];\n /** Link to the next set of results, if any. */\n nextLink?: string;\n}\n\n/** The definition of a linked resource. */\nexport interface LinkedResource {\n /** The ARM id of the linked resource. */\n id?: string;\n}\n\n/** Response of a list operation. */\nexport interface MonitoredResourceListResponse {\n /** Results of a list operation. */\n value?: MonitoredResource[];\n /** Link to the next set of results, if any. */\n nextLink?: string;\n}\n\n/** The properties of a resource currently being monitored by the Datadog monitor resource. */\nexport interface MonitoredResource {\n /** The ARM id of the resource. */\n id?: string;\n /** Flag indicating if resource is sending metrics to Datadog. */\n sendingMetrics?: boolean;\n /** Reason for why the resource is sending metrics (or why it is not sending). */\n reasonForMetricsStatus?: string;\n /** Flag indicating if resource is sending logs to Datadog. */\n sendingLogs?: boolean;\n /** Reason for why the resource is sending logs (or why it is not sending). */\n reasonForLogsStatus?: string;\n}\n\n/** Result of GET request to list the Microsoft.Datadog operations. */\nexport interface OperationListResult {\n /** List of operations supported by the Microsoft.Datadog provider. */\n value?: OperationResult[];\n /** URL to get the next set of operation list results if there are any. */\n nextLink?: string;\n}\n\n/** A Microsoft.Datadog REST API operation. */\nexport interface OperationResult {\n /** Operation name, i.e., {provider}/{resource}/{operation}. */\n name?: string;\n /** The object that represents the operation. */\n display?: OperationDisplay;\n /** Indicates whether the operation is a data action */\n isDataAction?: boolean;\n}\n\n/** The object that represents the operation. */\nexport interface OperationDisplay {\n /** Service provider, i.e., Microsoft.Datadog. */\n provider?: string;\n /** Type on which the operation is performed, e.g., 'monitors'. */\n resource?: string;\n /** Operation type, e.g., read, write, delete, etc. */\n operation?: string;\n /** Description of the operation, e.g., 'Write monitors'. */\n description?: string;\n}\n\n/** Response of a list operation. */\nexport interface DatadogMonitorResourceListResponse {\n /** Results of a list operation. */\n value?: DatadogMonitorResource[];\n /** Link to the next set of results, if any. */\n nextLink?: string;\n}\n\nexport interface DatadogMonitorResource {\n /**\n * ARM id of the monitor resource.\n * NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.\n */\n readonly id?: string;\n /**\n * Name of the monitor resource.\n * NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.\n */\n readonly name?: string;\n /**\n * The type of the monitor resource.\n * NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.\n */\n readonly type?: string;\n sku?: ResourceSku;\n /** Properties specific to the monitor resource. */\n properties?: MonitorProperties;\n identity?: IdentityProperties;\n /** Dictionary of <string> */\n tags?: { [propertyName: string]: string };\n location: string;\n /**\n * Metadata pertaining to creation and last modification of the resource.\n * NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.\n */\n readonly systemData?: SystemData;\n}\n\nexport interface ResourceSku {\n /** Name of the SKU in {PlanId} format. For Terraform, the only allowed value is 'linking'. */\n name: string;\n}\n\n/** Properties specific to the monitor resource. */\nexport interface MonitorProperties {\n /** NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server. */\n readonly provisioningState?: ProvisioningState;\n /** Flag specifying if the resource monitoring is enabled or disabled. */\n monitoringStatus?: MonitoringStatus;\n /**\n * Flag specifying the Marketplace Subscription Status of the resource. If payment is not made in time, the resource will go in Suspended state.\n * NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.\n */\n readonly marketplaceSubscriptionStatus?: MarketplaceSubscriptionStatus;\n /** Specify the Datadog organization name. In the case of linking to existing organizations, Id, ApiKey, and Applicationkey is required as well. */\n datadogOrganizationProperties?: DatadogOrganizationProperties;\n /** Includes name, email and optionally, phone number. User Information can't be null. */\n userInfo?: UserInfo;\n /** NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server. */\n readonly liftrResourceCategory?: LiftrResourceCategories;\n /**\n * The priority of the resource.\n * NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.\n */\n readonly liftrResourcePreference?: number;\n}\n\n/** Specify the Datadog organization name. In the case of linking to existing organizations, Id, ApiKey, and Applicationkey is required as well. */\nexport interface DatadogOrganizationProperties {\n /** Name of the Datadog organization. */\n name?: string;\n /** Id of the Datadog organization. */\n id?: string;\n /** The auth code used to linking to an existing Datadog organization. */\n linkingAuthCode?: string;\n /** The client_id from an existing in exchange for an auth token to link organization. */\n linkingClientId?: string;\n /** The redirect URI for linking. */\n redirectUri?: string;\n /** Api key associated to the Datadog organization. */\n apiKey?: string;\n /** Application key associated to the Datadog organization. */\n applicationKey?: string;\n /** The Id of the Enterprise App used for Single sign on. */\n enterpriseAppId?: string;\n /** The configuration which describes the state of cloud security posture management. This collects configuration information for all resources in a subscription and track conformance to industry benchmarks. */\n cspm?: boolean;\n}\n\n/** Includes name, email and optionally, phone number. User Information can't be null. */\nexport interface UserInfo {\n /** Name of the user */\n name?: string;\n /** Email of the user used by Datadog for contacting them if needed */\n emailAddress?: string;\n /** Phone number of the user used by Datadog for contacting them if needed */\n phoneNumber?: string;\n}\n\nexport interface IdentityProperties {\n /**\n * The identity ID.\n * NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.\n */\n readonly principalId?: string;\n /**\n * The tenant ID of resource.\n * NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.\n */\n readonly tenantId?: string;\n /** Specifies the identity type of the Datadog Monitor. At this time the only allowed value is 'SystemAssigned'. */\n type?: ManagedIdentityTypes;\n}\n\n/** The parameters for a PATCH request to a monitor resource. */\nexport interface DatadogMonitorResourceUpdateParameters {\n /** The set of properties that can be update in a PATCH request to a monitor resource. */\n properties?: MonitorUpdateProperties;\n /** The new tags of the monitor resource. */\n tags?: { [propertyName: string]: string };\n sku?: ResourceSku;\n}\n\n/** The set of properties that can be update in a PATCH request to a monitor resource. */\nexport interface MonitorUpdateProperties {\n /** Flag specifying if the resource monitoring is enabled or disabled. */\n monitoringStatus?: MonitoringStatus;\n /** The new cloud security posture management value of the monitor resource. This collects configuration information for all resources in a subscription and track conformance to industry benchmarks. */\n cspm?: boolean;\n}\n\nexport interface DatadogSetPasswordLink {\n setPasswordLink?: string;\n}\n\n/** Response of a list operation. */\nexport interface MonitoringTagRulesListResponse {\n /** Results of a list operation. */\n value?: MonitoringTagRules[];\n /** Link to the next set of results, if any. */\n nextLink?: string;\n}\n\n/** Capture logs and metrics of Azure resources based on ARM tags. */\nexport interface MonitoringTagRules {\n /**\n * Name of the rule set.\n * NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.\n */\n readonly name?: string;\n /**\n * The id of the rule set.\n * NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.\n */\n readonly id?: string;\n /**\n * The type of the rule set.\n * NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.\n */\n readonly type?: string;\n /** Definition of the properties for a TagRules resource. */\n properties?: MonitoringTagRulesProperties;\n /**\n * Metadata pertaining to creation and last modification of the resource.\n * NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.\n */\n readonly systemData?: SystemData;\n}\n\n/** Definition of the properties for a TagRules resource. */\nexport interface MonitoringTagRulesProperties {\n /** NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server. */\n readonly provisioningState?: ProvisioningState;\n /** Set of rules for sending logs for the Monitor resource. */\n logRules?: LogRules;\n /** Set of rules for sending metrics for the Monitor resource. */\n metricRules?: MetricRules;\n /** Configuration to enable/disable auto-muting flag */\n automuting?: boolean;\n}\n\n/** Set of rules for sending logs for the Monitor resource. */\nexport interface LogRules {\n /** Flag specifying if AAD logs should be sent for the Monitor resource. */\n sendAadLogs?: boolean;\n /** Flag specifying if Azure subscription logs should be sent for the Monitor resource. */\n sendSubscriptionLogs?: boolean;\n /** Flag specifying if Azure resource logs should be sent for the Monitor resource. */\n sendResourceLogs?: boolean;\n /** List of filtering tags to be used for capturing logs. This only takes effect if SendResourceLogs flag is enabled. If empty, all resources will be captured. If only Exclude action is specified, the rules will apply to the list of all available resources. If Include actions are specified, the rules will only include resources with the associated tags. */\n filteringTags?: FilteringTag[];\n}\n\n/** The definition of a filtering tag. Filtering tags are used for capturing resources and include/exclude them from being monitored. */\nexport interface FilteringTag {\n /** The name (also known as the key) of the tag. */\n name?: string;\n /** The value of the tag. */\n value?: string;\n /** Valid actions for a filtering tag. Exclusion takes priority over inclusion. */\n action?: TagAction;\n}\n\n/** Set of rules for sending metrics for the Monitor resource. */\nexport interface MetricRules {\n /** List of filtering tags to be used for capturing metrics. If empty, all resources will be captured. If only Exclude action is specified, the rules will apply to the list of all available resources. If Include actions are specified, the rules will only include resources with the associated tags. */\n filteringTags?: FilteringTag[];\n}\n\n/** Response of a list operation. */\nexport interface DatadogSingleSignOnResourceListResponse {\n /** Results of a list operation. */\n value?: DatadogSingleSignOnResource[];\n /** Link to the next set of results, if any. */\n nextLink?: string;\n}\n\nexport interface DatadogSingleSignOnResource {\n /**\n * ARM id of the resource.\n * NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.\n */\n readonly id?: string;\n /**\n * Name of the configuration.\n * NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.\n */\n readonly name?: string;\n /**\n * The type of the resource.\n * NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.\n */\n readonly type?: string;\n properties?: DatadogSingleSignOnProperties;\n /**\n * Metadata pertaining to creation and last modification of the resource.\n * NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.\n */\n readonly systemData?: SystemData;\n}\n\nexport interface DatadogSingleSignOnProperties {\n /** NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server. */\n readonly provisioningState?: ProvisioningState;\n /** Various states of the SSO resource */\n singleSignOnState?: SingleSignOnStates;\n /** The Id of the Enterprise App used for Single sign-on. */\n enterpriseAppId?: string;\n /**\n * The login URL specific to this Datadog Organization.\n * NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.\n */\n readonly singleSignOnUrl?: string;\n}\n\nexport interface MonitoredSubscriptionPropertiesList {\n value?: MonitoredSubscriptionProperties[];\n}\n\n/** The request to update subscriptions needed to be monitored by the Datadog monitor resource. */\nexport interface MonitoredSubscriptionProperties {\n /**\n * Name of the monitored subscription resource.\n * NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.\n */\n readonly name?: string;\n /**\n * The id of the monitored subscription resource.\n * NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.\n */\n readonly id?: string;\n /**\n * The type of the monitored subscription resource.\n * NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.\n */\n readonly type?: string;\n /** The request to update subscriptions needed to be monitored by the Datadog monitor resource. */\n properties?: SubscriptionList;\n}\n\n/** The request to update subscriptions needed to be monitored by the Datadog monitor resource. */\nexport interface SubscriptionList {\n /** The operation for the patch on the resource. */\n operation?: Operation;\n /** List of subscriptions and the state of the monitoring. */\n monitoredSubscriptionList?: MonitoredSubscription[];\n}\n\n/** The list of subscriptions and it's monitoring status by current Datadog monitor. */\nexport interface MonitoredSubscription {\n /** The subscriptionId to be monitored. */\n subscriptionId?: string;\n /** The state of monitoring. */\n status?: Status;\n /** The reason of not monitoring the subscription. */\n error?: string;\n /** Definition of the properties for a TagRules resource. */\n tagRules?: MonitoringTagRulesProperties;\n}\n\n/** Known values of {@link CreatedByType} that the service accepts. */\nexport enum KnownCreatedByType {\n /** User */\n User = \"User\",\n /** Application */\n Application = \"Application\",\n /** ManagedIdentity */\n ManagedIdentity = \"ManagedIdentity\",\n /** Key */\n Key = \"Key\"\n}\n\n/**\n * Defines values for CreatedByType. \\\n * {@link KnownCreatedByType} can be used interchangeably with CreatedByType,\n * this enum contains the known values that the service supports.\n * ### Known values supported by the service\n * **User** \\\n * **Application** \\\n * **ManagedIdentity** \\\n * **Key**\n */\nexport type CreatedByType = string;\n\n/** Known values of {@link ProvisioningState} that the service accepts. */\nexport enum KnownProvisioningState {\n /** Accepted */\n Accepted = \"Accepted\",\n /** Creating */\n Creating = \"Creating\",\n /** Updating */\n Updating = \"Updating\",\n /** Deleting */\n Deleting = \"Deleting\",\n /** Succeeded */\n Succeeded = \"Succeeded\",\n /** Failed */\n Failed = \"Failed\",\n /** Canceled */\n Canceled = \"Canceled\",\n /** Deleted */\n Deleted = \"Deleted\",\n /** NotSpecified */\n NotSpecified = \"NotSpecified\"\n}\n\n/**\n * Defines values for ProvisioningState. \\\n * {@link KnownProvisioningState} can be used interchangeably with ProvisioningState,\n * this enum contains the known values that the service supports.\n * ### Known values supported by the service\n * **Accepted** \\\n * **Creating** \\\n * **Updating** \\\n * **Deleting** \\\n * **Succeeded** \\\n * **Failed** \\\n * **Canceled** \\\n * **Deleted** \\\n * **NotSpecified**\n */\nexport type ProvisioningState = string;\n\n/** Known values of {@link MonitoringStatus} that the service accepts. */\nexport enum KnownMonitoringStatus {\n /** Enabled */\n Enabled = \"Enabled\",\n /** Disabled */\n Disabled = \"Disabled\"\n}\n\n/**\n * Defines values for MonitoringStatus. \\\n * {@link KnownMonitoringStatus} can be used interchangeably with MonitoringStatus,\n * this enum contains the known values that the service supports.\n * ### Known values supported by the service\n * **Enabled** \\\n * **Disabled**\n */\nexport type MonitoringStatus = string;\n\n/** Known values of {@link MarketplaceSubscriptionStatus} that the service accepts. */\nexport enum KnownMarketplaceSubscriptionStatus {\n /** Provisioning */\n Provisioning = \"Provisioning\",\n /** Active */\n Active = \"Active\",\n /** Suspended */\n Suspended = \"Suspended\",\n /** Unsubscribed */\n Unsubscribed = \"Unsubscribed\"\n}\n\n/**\n * Defines values for MarketplaceSubscriptionStatus. \\\n * {@link KnownMarketplaceSubscriptionStatus} can be used interchangeably with MarketplaceSubscriptionStatus,\n * this enum contains the known values that the service supports.\n * ### Known values supported by the service\n * **Provisioning** \\\n * **Active** \\\n * **Suspended** \\\n * **Unsubscribed**\n */\nexport type MarketplaceSubscriptionStatus = string;\n\n/** Known values of {@link LiftrResourceCategories} that the service accepts. */\nexport enum KnownLiftrResourceCategories {\n /** Unknown */\n Unknown = \"Unknown\",\n /** MonitorLogs */\n MonitorLogs = \"MonitorLogs\"\n}\n\n/**\n * Defines values for LiftrResourceCategories. \\\n * {@link KnownLiftrResourceCategories} can be used interchangeably with LiftrResourceCategories,\n * this enum contains the known values that the service supports.\n * ### Known values supported by the service\n * **Unknown** \\\n * **MonitorLogs**\n */\nexport type LiftrResourceCategories = string;\n\n/** Known values of {@link ManagedIdentityTypes} that the service accepts. */\nexport enum KnownManagedIdentityTypes {\n /** SystemAssigned */\n SystemAssigned = \"SystemAssigned\",\n /** UserAssigned */\n UserAssigned = \"UserAssigned\"\n}\n\n/**\n * Defines values for ManagedIdentityTypes. \\\n * {@link KnownManagedIdentityTypes} can be used interchangeably with ManagedIdentityTypes,\n * this enum contains the known values that the service supports.\n * ### Known values supported by the service\n * **SystemAssigned** \\\n * **UserAssigned**\n */\nexport type ManagedIdentityTypes = string;\n\n/** Known values of {@link TagAction} that the service accepts. */\nexport enum KnownTagAction {\n /** Include */\n Include = \"Include\",\n /** Exclude */\n Exclude = \"Exclude\"\n}\n\n/**\n * Defines values for TagAction. \\\n * {@link KnownTagAction} can be used interchangeably with TagAction,\n * this enum contains the known values that the service supports.\n * ### Known values supported by the service\n * **Include** \\\n * **Exclude**\n */\nexport type TagAction = string;\n\n/** Known values of {@link SingleSignOnStates} that the service accepts. */\nexport enum KnownSingleSignOnStates {\n /** Initial */\n Initial = \"Initial\",\n /** Enable */\n Enable = \"Enable\",\n /** Disable */\n Disable = \"Disable\",\n /** Existing */\n Existing = \"Existing\"\n}\n\n/**\n * Defines values for SingleSignOnStates. \\\n * {@link KnownSingleSignOnStates} can be used interchangeably with SingleSignOnStates,\n * this enum contains the known values that the service supports.\n * ### Known values supported by the service\n * **Initial** \\\n * **Enable** \\\n * **Disable** \\\n * **Existing**\n */\nexport type SingleSignOnStates = string;\n\n/** Known values of {@link Operation} that the service accepts. */\nexport enum KnownOperation {\n /** AddBegin */\n AddBegin = \"AddBegin\",\n /** AddComplete */\n AddComplete = \"AddComplete\",\n /** DeleteBegin */\n DeleteBegin = \"DeleteBegin\",\n /** DeleteComplete */\n DeleteComplete = \"DeleteComplete\",\n /** Active */\n Active = \"Active\"\n}\n\n/**\n * Defines values for Operation. \\\n * {@link KnownOperation} can be used interchangeably with Operation,\n * this enum contains the known values that the service supports.\n * ### Known values supported by the service\n * **AddBegin** \\\n * **AddComplete** \\\n * **DeleteBegin** \\\n * **DeleteComplete** \\\n * **Active**\n */\nexport type Operation = string;\n\n/** Known values of {@link Status} that the service accepts. */\nexport enum KnownStatus {\n /** InProgress */\n InProgress = \"InProgress\",\n /** Active */\n Active = \"Active\",\n /** Failed */\n Failed = \"Failed\",\n /** Deleting */\n Deleting = \"Deleting\"\n}\n\n/**\n * Defines values for Status. \\\n * {@link KnownStatus} can be used interchangeably with Status,\n * this enum contains the known values that the service supports.\n * ### Known values supported by the service\n * **InProgress** \\\n * **Active** \\\n * **Failed** \\\n * **Deleting**\n */\nexport type Status = string;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface MarketplaceAgreementsListOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {}\n\n/** Contains response data for the list operation. */\nexport type MarketplaceAgreementsListResponse = DatadogAgreementResourceListResponse;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface MarketplaceAgreementsCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {\n body?: DatadogAgreementResource;\n}\n\n/** Contains response data for the createOrUpdate operation. */\nexport type MarketplaceAgreementsCreateOrUpdateResponse = DatadogAgreementResource;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface MarketplaceAgreementsListNextOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {}\n\n/** Contains response data for the listNext operation. */\nexport type MarketplaceAgreementsListNextResponse = DatadogAgreementResourceListResponse;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface CreationSupportedListOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {}\n\n/** Contains response data for the list operation. */\nexport type CreationSupportedListResponse = CreateResourceSupportedResponseList;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface CreationSupportedGetOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {}\n\n/** Contains response data for the get operation. */\nexport type CreationSupportedGetResponse = CreateResourceSupportedResponse;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface MonitorsListApiKeysOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {}\n\n/** Contains response data for the listApiKeys operation. */\nexport type MonitorsListApiKeysResponse = DatadogApiKeyListResponse;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface MonitorsGetDefaultKeyOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {}\n\n/** Contains response data for the getDefaultKey operation. */\nexport type MonitorsGetDefaultKeyResponse = DatadogApiKey;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface MonitorsSetDefaultKeyOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {\n body?: DatadogApiKey;\n}\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface MonitorsListHostsOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {}\n\n/** Contains response data for the listHosts operation. */\nexport type MonitorsListHostsResponse = DatadogHostListResponse;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface MonitorsListLinkedResourcesOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {}\n\n/** Contains response data for the listLinkedResources operation. */\nexport type MonitorsListLinkedResourcesResponse = LinkedResourceListResponse;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface MonitorsListMonitoredResourcesOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {}\n\n/** Contains response data for the listMonitoredResources operation. */\nexport type MonitorsListMonitoredResourcesResponse = MonitoredResourceListResponse;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface MonitorsListOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {}\n\n/** Contains response data for the list operation. */\nexport type MonitorsListResponse = DatadogMonitorResourceListResponse;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface MonitorsListByResourceGroupOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {}\n\n/** Contains response data for the listByResourceGroup operation. */\nexport type MonitorsListByResourceGroupResponse = DatadogMonitorResourceListResponse;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface MonitorsGetOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {}\n\n/** Contains response data for the get operation. */\nexport type MonitorsGetResponse = DatadogMonitorResource;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface MonitorsCreateOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {\n body?: DatadogMonitorResource;\n /** Delay to wait until next poll, in milliseconds. */\n updateIntervalInMs?: number;\n /** A serialized poller which can be used to resume an existing paused Long-Running-Operation. */\n resumeFrom?: string;\n}\n\n/** Contains response data for the create operation. */\nexport type MonitorsCreateResponse = DatadogMonitorResource;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface MonitorsUpdateOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {\n /** The parameters for a PATCH request to a monitor resource. */\n body?: DatadogMonitorResourceUpdateParameters;\n /** Delay to wait until next poll, in milliseconds. */\n updateIntervalInMs?: number;\n /** A serialized poller which can be used to resume an existing paused Long-Running-Operation. */\n resumeFrom?: string;\n}\n\n/** Contains response data for the update operation. */\nexport type MonitorsUpdateResponse = DatadogMonitorResource;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface MonitorsDeleteOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {\n /** Delay to wait until next poll, in milliseconds. */\n updateIntervalInMs?: number;\n /** A serialized poller which can be used to resume an existing paused Long-Running-Operation. */\n resumeFrom?: string;\n}\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface MonitorsRefreshSetPasswordLinkOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {}\n\n/** Contains response data for the refreshSetPasswordLink operation. */\nexport type MonitorsRefreshSetPasswordLinkResponse = DatadogSetPasswordLink;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface MonitorsListApiKeysNextOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {}\n\n/** Contains response data for the listApiKeysNext operation. */\nexport type MonitorsListApiKeysNextResponse = DatadogApiKeyListResponse;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface MonitorsListHostsNextOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {}\n\n/** Contains response data for the listHostsNext operation. */\nexport type MonitorsListHostsNextResponse = DatadogHostListResponse;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface MonitorsListLinkedResourcesNextOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {}\n\n/** Contains response data for the listLinkedResourcesNext operation. */\nexport type MonitorsListLinkedResourcesNextResponse = LinkedResourceListResponse;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface MonitorsListMonitoredResourcesNextOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {}\n\n/** Contains response data for the listMonitoredResourcesNext operation. */\nexport type MonitorsListMonitoredResourcesNextResponse = MonitoredResourceListResponse;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface MonitorsListNextOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {}\n\n/** Contains response data for the listNext operation. */\nexport type MonitorsListNextResponse = DatadogMonitorResourceListResponse;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface MonitorsListByResourceGroupNextOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {}\n\n/** Contains response data for the listByResourceGroupNext operation. */\nexport type MonitorsListByResourceGroupNextResponse = DatadogMonitorResourceListResponse;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface OperationsListOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {}\n\n/** Contains response data for the list operation. */\nexport type OperationsListResponse = OperationListResult;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface OperationsListNextOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {}\n\n/** Contains response data for the listNext operation. */\nexport type OperationsListNextResponse = OperationListResult;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface TagRulesListOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {}\n\n/** Contains response data for the list operation. */\nexport type TagRulesListResponse = MonitoringTagRulesListResponse;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface TagRulesCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {\n /** Capture logs and metrics of Azure resources based on ARM tags. */\n body?: MonitoringTagRules;\n}\n\n/** Contains response data for the createOrUpdate operation. */\nexport type TagRulesCreateOrUpdateResponse = MonitoringTagRules;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface TagRulesGetOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {}\n\n/** Contains response data for the get operation. */\nexport type TagRulesGetResponse = MonitoringTagRules;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface TagRulesListNextOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {}\n\n/** Contains response data for the listNext operation. */\nexport type TagRulesListNextResponse = MonitoringTagRulesListResponse;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface SingleSignOnConfigurationsListOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {}\n\n/** Contains response data for the list operation. */\nexport type SingleSignOnConfigurationsListResponse = DatadogSingleSignOnResourceListResponse;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface SingleSignOnConfigurationsCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {\n body?: DatadogSingleSignOnResource;\n /** Delay to wait until next poll, in milliseconds. */\n updateIntervalInMs?: number;\n /** A serialized poller which can be used to resume an existing paused Long-Running-Operation. */\n resumeFrom?: string;\n}\n\n/** Contains response data for the createOrUpdate operation. */\nexport type SingleSignOnConfigurationsCreateOrUpdateResponse = DatadogSingleSignOnResource;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface SingleSignOnConfigurationsGetOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {}\n\n/** Contains response data for the get operation. */\nexport type SingleSignOnConfigurationsGetResponse = DatadogSingleSignOnResource;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface SingleSignOnConfigurationsListNextOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {}\n\n/** Contains response data for the listNext operation. */\nexport type SingleSignOnConfigurationsListNextResponse = DatadogSingleSignOnResourceListResponse;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface MonitoredSubscriptionsListOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {}\n\n/** Contains response data for the list operation. */\nexport type MonitoredSubscriptionsListResponse = MonitoredSubscriptionPropertiesList;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface MonitoredSubscriptionsGetOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {}\n\n/** Contains response data for the get operation. */\nexport type MonitoredSubscriptionsGetResponse = MonitoredSubscriptionProperties;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface MonitoredSubscriptionsCreateorUpdateOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {\n /** The request to update subscriptions needed to be monitored by the Datadog monitor resource. */\n body?: MonitoredSubscriptionProperties;\n /** Delay to wait until next poll, in milliseconds. */\n updateIntervalInMs?: number;\n /** A serialized poller which can be used to resume an existing paused Long-Running-Operation. */\n resumeFrom?: string;\n}\n\n/** Contains response data for the createorUpdate operation. */\nexport type MonitoredSubscriptionsCreateorUpdateResponse = MonitoredSubscriptionProperties;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface MonitoredSubscriptionsUpdateOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {\n /** The request to update subscriptions needed to be monitored by the Datadog monitor resource. */\n body?: MonitoredSubscriptionProperties;\n /** Delay to wait until next poll, in milliseconds. */\n updateIntervalInMs?: number;\n /** A serialized poller which can be used to resume an existing paused Long-Running-Operation. */\n resumeFrom?: string;\n}\n\n/** Contains response data for the update operation. */\nexport type MonitoredSubscriptionsUpdateResponse = MonitoredSubscriptionProperties;\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface MonitoredSubscriptionsDeleteOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.OperationOptions {\n /** Delay to wait until next poll, in milliseconds. */\n updateIntervalInMs?: number;\n /** A serialized poller which can be used to resume an existing paused Long-Running-Operation. */\n resumeFrom?: string;\n}\n\n/** Optional parameters. */\nexport interface MicrosoftDatadogClientOptionalParams\n extends coreClient.ServiceClientOptions {\n /** server parameter */\n $host?: string;\n /** Api Version */\n apiVersion?: string;\n /** Overrides client endpoint. */\n endpoint?: string;\n}\n"]}
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
import * as coreClient from "@azure/core-client";
export declare const DatadogAgreementResourceListResponse: coreClient.CompositeMapper;
export declare const DatadogAgreementResource: coreClient.CompositeMapper;
export declare const DatadogAgreementProperties: coreClient.CompositeMapper;
export declare const SystemData: coreClient.CompositeMapper;
export declare const ErrorResponse: coreClient.CompositeMapper;
export declare const ErrorDetail: coreClient.CompositeMapper;
export declare const ErrorAdditionalInfo: coreClient.CompositeMapper;
export declare const CreateResourceSupportedResponseList: coreClient.CompositeMapper;
export declare const CreateResourceSupportedResponse: coreClient.CompositeMapper;
export declare const CreateResourceSupportedProperties: coreClient.CompositeMapper;
export declare const DatadogApiKeyListResponse: coreClient.CompositeMapper;
export declare const DatadogApiKey: coreClient.CompositeMapper;
export declare const DatadogHostListResponse: coreClient.CompositeMapper;
export declare const DatadogHost: coreClient.CompositeMapper;
export declare const DatadogHostMetadata: coreClient.CompositeMapper;
export declare const DatadogInstallMethod: coreClient.CompositeMapper;
export declare const DatadogLogsAgent: coreClient.CompositeMapper;
export declare const LinkedResourceListResponse: coreClient.CompositeMapper;
export declare const LinkedResource: coreClient.CompositeMapper;
export declare const MonitoredResourceListResponse: coreClient.CompositeMapper;
export declare const MonitoredResource: coreClient.CompositeMapper;
export declare const OperationListResult: coreClient.CompositeMapper;
export declare const OperationResult: coreClient.CompositeMapper;
export declare const OperationDisplay: coreClient.CompositeMapper;
export declare const DatadogMonitorResourceListResponse: coreClient.CompositeMapper;
export declare const DatadogMonitorResource: coreClient.CompositeMapper;
export declare const ResourceSku: coreClient.CompositeMapper;
export declare const MonitorProperties: coreClient.CompositeMapper;
export declare const DatadogOrganizationProperties: coreClient.CompositeMapper;
export declare const UserInfo: coreClient.CompositeMapper;
export declare const IdentityProperties: coreClient.CompositeMapper;
export declare const DatadogMonitorResourceUpdateParameters: coreClient.CompositeMapper;
export declare const MonitorUpdateProperties: coreClient.CompositeMapper;
export declare const DatadogSetPasswordLink: coreClient.CompositeMapper;
export declare const MonitoringTagRulesListResponse: coreClient.CompositeMapper;
export declare const MonitoringTagRules: coreClient.CompositeMapper;
export declare const MonitoringTagRulesProperties: coreClient.CompositeMapper;
export declare const LogRules: coreClient.CompositeMapper;
export declare const FilteringTag: coreClient.CompositeMapper;
export declare const MetricRules: coreClient.CompositeMapper;
export declare const DatadogSingleSignOnResourceListResponse: coreClient.CompositeMapper;
export declare const DatadogSingleSignOnResource: coreClient.CompositeMapper;
export declare const DatadogSingleSignOnProperties: coreClient.CompositeMapper;
export declare const MonitoredSubscriptionPropertiesList: coreClient.CompositeMapper;
export declare const MonitoredSubscriptionProperties: coreClient.CompositeMapper;
export declare const SubscriptionList: coreClient.CompositeMapper;
export declare const MonitoredSubscription: coreClient.CompositeMapper;
//# sourceMappingURL=mappers.d.ts.map
@@ -0,0 +1 @@