@arco-iconbox/vue-bluebee 0.0.13 → 0.0.15
This diff represents the content of publicly available package versions that have been released to one of the supported registries. The information contained in this diff is provided for informational purposes only and reflects changes between package versions as they appear in their respective public registries.
- package/dist/icon.js +724 -689
- package/dist/icon.js.map +1 -1
- package/dist/icon.min.js +5 -1
- package/dist/icon.min.js.map +1 -1
- package/esm/IconLux/index.js +37 -0
- package/esm/index.js +1 -0
- package/lib/IconLux/index.js +38 -0
- package/lib/index.js +2 -0
- package/package.json +1 -1
- package/src/IconLux/index.vue +19 -0
- package/src/index.js +2 -1
@@ -384,6 +384,10 @@
var ac = r(lc, [["render", function(e2, r2, o2, l2, n2, s2) {
return t.openBlock(), t.createElementBlock("svg", t.mergeProps({ fill: o2.useCurrentColor ? "currentColor" : "#000", viewBox: "0 0 1060 1024", xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", class: [`${o2.prefix}-icon`, `${o2.prefix}-icon-sensor-water`], width: "1em", height: "1em" }, e2.$attrs), sc, 16, nc);
const ic = { name: "IconLux", props: { prefix: { type: String, default: "bb" }, useCurrentColor: { type: Boolean, default: true } } }, cc = ["fill"], fc = ["fill"];
var Cc = r(ic, [["render", function(e2, r2, o2, l2, n2, s2) {
return t.openBlock(), t.createElementBlock("svg", t.mergeProps({ viewBox: "0 0 1024 1024", xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", class: [`${o2.prefix}-icon`, `${o2.prefix}-icon-lux`], width: "1em", height: "1em" }, e2.$attrs), [t.createElementVNode("path", { d: "M512 857.6l-172.8 147.2c-12.8 12.8-32 12.8-44.8-6.4-6.4-6.4-6.4-12.8-6.4-19.2l-19.2-224-224-19.2c-19.2 0-32-19.2-32-32 0-6.4 0-12.8 6.4-19.2L166.4 512 19.2 339.2c-12.8-12.8-6.4-32 6.4-44.8 6.4-6.4 12.8-6.4 19.2-6.4l224-19.2 19.2-224c0-19.2 19.2-32 32-32 6.4 0 12.8 0 19.2 6.4L512 166.4 684.8 19.2c12.8-12.8 32-12.8 44.8 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 12.8 6.4 19.2l19.2 224 224 19.2c19.2 0 32 19.2 32 32 0 6.4 0 12.8-6.4 19.2L857.6 512l147.2 172.8c12.8 12.8 12.8 32-6.4 44.8-6.4 6.4-12.8 6.4-19.2 6.4l-224 19.2-19.2 224c0 19.2-19.2 32-32 32-6.4 0-12.8 0-19.2-6.4L512 857.6z", fill: o2.useCurrentColor ? "currentColor" : "#FFCE60" }, null, 8, cc), t.createElementVNode("path", { d: "M512 889.6c-204.8 0-377.6-166.4-377.6-377.6S307.2 134.4 512 134.4s377.6 166.4 377.6 377.6-172.8 377.6-377.6 377.6z m0-51.2c179.2 0 326.4-147.2 326.4-326.4S691.2 185.6 512 185.6 185.6 332.8 185.6 512s147.2 326.4 326.4 326.4z", fill: o2.useCurrentColor ? "currentColor" : "#FFF" }, null, 8, fc)], 16);
e.IconAdd = Tl, e.IconBasicReset = il, e.IconBroadcastEdit = Gl, e.IconBroadcastUpload = Vl, e.IconCalling = Al, e.IconCameraOpDir1 = rn, e.IconCameraOpDir2 = nn, e.IconCameraOpDir3 = cn, e.IconCameraOpDir4 = hn, e.IconCameraOpDir5 = un, e.IconCameraOpDir6 = vn, e.IconCameraOpDir7 = En, e.IconCameraOpDir8 = Nn, e.IconCameraViewCar = Sn, e.IconCameraViewExitFullscreen = Zn, e.IconCameraViewFullscreen = wn, e.IconCameraViewPerson = yn, e.IconCameraViewScaleDown = zn, e.IconCameraViewScaleUp = Hn, e.IconConGateway = fs, e.IconDecline = Ur, e.IconDelete = Eo, e.IconEdit = io, e.IconElectricBox = Qi, e.IconGisEboxOff = zs, e.IconGisEboxOn = ca, e.IconGisLightOfflineOff = bi, e.IconGisLightOfflineOn = Xa, e.IconGisLightOnlineOff = ya, e.IconGisLightOnlineOn = fi, e.IconHelpOffline = pl, e.IconInfoCamera = Ll, e.IconLight1 = Di, e.IconLight2 = Ni, e.IconLightStateOffline = oo, e.IconLightStateOnline = Jr, e.IconLock = u, e.IconLux = Cc, e.IconMountDevi1 = Jo, e.IconMountDevi10 = Vo, e.IconMountDevi11 = Ao, e.IconMountDevi12 = Qo, e.IconMountDevi13 = ss, e.IconMountDevi14 = Rn, e.IconMountDevi2 = qo, e.IconMountDevi3 = Jl, e.IconMountDevi4 = Lo, e.IconMountDevi5 = zo, e.IconMountDevi6 = rl, e.IconMountDevi7 = mo, e.IconMountDevi8 = nl, e.IconMountDevi9 = Do, e.IconPublishUpload = Cl, e.IconRise = Zr, e.IconSensorTilt = oc, e.IconSensorWater = ac, e.IconShield = n, e.IconSidebarBigScreen = Sr, e.IconSidebarDashboard = zr, e.IconSidebarGis = Ls, e.IconSidebarLight = Wr, e.IconSidebarManage = yr, e.IconSidebarPole = Nr, e.IconSliderTouchIcon = Yr, e.IconSolar = ec, e.IconSoundClose = Xs, e.IconSoundOpen = ks, e.IconStage110 = D, e.IconStageAdPublish = Ge, e.IconStageBigScreen = rr, e.IconStageBox = se, e.IconStageBoxIcon = dr, e.IconStageBroadcast = y, e.IconStageCharge = U, e.IconStageCityBroadcast = lt, e.IconStageDoorlock = w, e.IconStageInfoPublish = R, e.IconStageLight = B, e.IconStageLightMange = qt, e.IconStageSafeMonitor = Xe, e.IconStageSafeMonitorIcon = Mr, e.IconStageSplitGroup = Ae, e.IconStageStrongE = ft, e.IconStageTiltMonitor = Dt, e.IconStageUserinfo = Lt, e.IconStageWaterMonitor = yt, e.IconStageWeather = ve, e.IconStageWeatherIcon = he, e.IconUnbind = ds, e.IconUser = i, e.IconVLine = Dl, e.IconVLoop = kl, e.IconVPlay = Xl, e.IconVRandom = Ml, e.IconVoice = $l, Object.defineProperties(e, { __esModule: { value: true }, [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: "Module" } });
//# sourceMappingURL=icon.min.js.map