@ansible/ansible-ui-framework 2.4.2067 → 2.4.2069

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package/package.json CHANGED
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
  "name": "@ansible/ansible-ui-framework",
  "description": "A framework for building applications using PatternFly.",
- "version": "2.4.2067",
+ "version": "2.4.2069",
  "license": "Apache-2.0",
  "repository": {
  "type": "git",
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ declare function sCe(e: any, t: any, n: any): void;
  declare function lCe(e: any, t: any, n: any): void;
  declare function cCe(e: any, t: any, n: any): void;
  declare function $xe(e: any, t: any): 1 | -1 | 0;
- declare function Ff(e: any, t: any): 1 | -1 | 0;
+ declare function zf(e: any, t: any): 1 | -1 | 0;
  declare function Dxe(e: any, t: any): 1 | -1 | 0;
  declare function NCe(e: any): {
  title: string;
@@ -327,4 +327,4 @@ declare function yj(e: any): any;
  declare function c$(): string;
  declare function ga(e: any, t: any): any;
  import * as O from "react";
- export { Pxe as BulkActionDialog, I1e as BulkSelector, zCe as BytesCell, QS as Collapse, x1e as ColumnCardOption, w1e as ColumnDashboardOption, b1e as ColumnListOption, _1e as ColumnModalOption, Rv as ColumnPriority, Xa as ColumnTableOption, xxe as ColumnsDiv, WCe as CopyCell, zSe as DataEditorActions, FSe as DataEditorButtons, BCe as DateCell, cN as DateTimeCell, VCe as ElapsedTimeCell, CR as FrameworkTranslationsProvider, nOe as GenericForm, By as Help, SR as LabelColorE, uN as LabelsCell, bOe as LoadingPage, QCe as MultiSelectDialog, Ty as PFColorE, Je as PageActionSelection, lt as PageActionType, ia as PageActions, NE as PageAlertToasterContext, DR as PageAlertToasterProvider, pOe as PageApp, FCe as PageBody, t0 as PageChartContainer, UCe as PageDashboard, Vy as PageDashboardCard, HCe as PageDashboardChart, XT as PageDashboardContext, GCe as PageDashboardCount, YCe as PageDashboardDonutCard, qCe as PageDashboardGettingStarted, ac as PageDetail, bxe as PageDetailDiv, v1e as PageDetails, k1e as PageDetailsFromColumns, txe as PageDialogProvider, h1e as PageDonutChart, o5e as PageForm, r5e as PageFormCancelButton, rOe as PageFormCheckbox, aOe as PageFormDataEditor, s5e as PageFormGrid, oOe as PageFormSelect, Hj as PageFormSubmitButton, sOe as PageFormSwitch, lOe as PageFormTextArea, cOe as PageFormTextInput, uOe as PageFramework, eCe as PageHeader, tCe as PageLayout, fOe as PageMasthead, nCe as PageMastheadToggle, nD as PageNavSideBarContext, WSe as PageNavSideBarProvider, rCe as PageNavigation, zxe as PageNotFound, tOe as PageNotImplemented, dOe as PageNotificationsIcon, el as PageSettingsContext, oN as PageSettingsProvider, tO as PageTab, ng as PageTable, _xe as PageTableCard, XS as PageTableCards, vOe as PageTabs, hOe as PageThemeSwitcher, Z1e as PageToolbar, H1e as PageToolbarFilters, yOe as PageWizard, ECe as RunningIcon, ni as Scrollable, Fxe as SelectDialog, dxe as Small, nn as TableColumnCell, fN as TextCell, U1e as ToolbarFilterType, sCe as addNavigationItem, lCe as addNavigationItemAfter, cCe as addNavigationItemBefore, $xe as compareNumbers, Ff as compareStrings, Dxe as compareUnknowns, NCe as errorToAlertProps, aCe as findNavigationItemById, xc as getPatternflyColor, ma as objectToString, jE as pfDanger, $E as pfDisabled, DE as pfInfo, RCe as pfLink, PE as pfSuccess, LCe as pfUnreachable, wR as pfWarning, gOe as removeLeadingSlash, oCe as removeNavigationItemById, On as useBreakpoint, jxe as useBulkActionDialog, JCe as useBulkConfirmation, wxe as useColumnsToTableCardFn, A1e as useColumnsWithoutExpandedRow, T1e as useColumnsWithoutSort, KCe as useDashboardColumns, O1e as useDescriptionColumns, E1e as useExpandedColumns, Ej as useFiltered, Gj as useFormErrors, Vt as useFrameworkTranslations, uCe as useGetPageUrl, xOe as useInMemoryView, ICe as useOrientation, ky as usePageAlertToaster, Ba as usePageDialog, nxe as usePageDialogs, BSe as usePageNavBarClick, X1 as usePageNavSideBar, mOe as usePageNavigate, tl as usePageSettings, tg as usePaged, eOe as useSelectDialog, Cj as useSelected, rxe as useSelectedInMemory, Oj as useSorted, ZCe as useTableItems, TCe as useView, C1e as useVisibleCardColumns, XCe as useVisibleColumns, S1e as useVisibleListColumns, j1 as useVisibleModalColumns, yj as useVisibleTableColumns, c$ as useWindowSize, ga as valueToObject };
+ export { Pxe as BulkActionDialog, I1e as BulkSelector, zCe as BytesCell, QS as Collapse, x1e as ColumnCardOption, w1e as ColumnDashboardOption, b1e as ColumnListOption, _1e as ColumnModalOption, Rv as ColumnPriority, Xa as ColumnTableOption, xxe as ColumnsDiv, WCe as CopyCell, zSe as DataEditorActions, FSe as DataEditorButtons, BCe as DateCell, cN as DateTimeCell, VCe as ElapsedTimeCell, CR as FrameworkTranslationsProvider, nOe as GenericForm, By as Help, SR as LabelColorE, uN as LabelsCell, bOe as LoadingPage, QCe as MultiSelectDialog, Ty as PFColorE, Je as PageActionSelection, lt as PageActionType, ia as PageActions, NE as PageAlertToasterContext, DR as PageAlertToasterProvider, pOe as PageApp, FCe as PageBody, t0 as PageChartContainer, UCe as PageDashboard, Vy as PageDashboardCard, HCe as PageDashboardChart, XT as PageDashboardContext, GCe as PageDashboardCount, YCe as PageDashboardDonutCard, qCe as PageDashboardGettingStarted, ac as PageDetail, bxe as PageDetailDiv, v1e as PageDetails, k1e as PageDetailsFromColumns, txe as PageDialogProvider, h1e as PageDonutChart, o5e as PageForm, r5e as PageFormCancelButton, rOe as PageFormCheckbox, aOe as PageFormDataEditor, s5e as PageFormGrid, oOe as PageFormSelect, Hj as PageFormSubmitButton, sOe as PageFormSwitch, lOe as PageFormTextArea, cOe as PageFormTextInput, uOe as PageFramework, eCe as PageHeader, tCe as PageLayout, fOe as PageMasthead, nCe as PageMastheadToggle, nD as PageNavSideBarContext, WSe as PageNavSideBarProvider, rCe as PageNavigation, zxe as PageNotFound, tOe as PageNotImplemented, dOe as PageNotificationsIcon, el as PageSettingsContext, oN as PageSettingsProvider, tO as PageTab, ng as PageTable, _xe as PageTableCard, XS as PageTableCards, vOe as PageTabs, hOe as PageThemeSwitcher, Z1e as PageToolbar, H1e as PageToolbarFilters, yOe as PageWizard, ECe as RunningIcon, ni as Scrollable, Fxe as SelectDialog, dxe as Small, nn as TableColumnCell, fN as TextCell, U1e as ToolbarFilterType, sCe as addNavigationItem, lCe as addNavigationItemAfter, cCe as addNavigationItemBefore, $xe as compareNumbers, zf as compareStrings, Dxe as compareUnknowns, NCe as errorToAlertProps, aCe as findNavigationItemById, xc as getPatternflyColor, ma as objectToString, jE as pfDanger, $E as pfDisabled, DE as pfInfo, RCe as pfLink, PE as pfSuccess, LCe as pfUnreachable, wR as pfWarning, gOe as removeLeadingSlash, oCe as removeNavigationItemById, On as useBreakpoint, jxe as useBulkActionDialog, JCe as useBulkConfirmation, wxe as useColumnsToTableCardFn, A1e as useColumnsWithoutExpandedRow, T1e as useColumnsWithoutSort, KCe as useDashboardColumns, O1e as useDescriptionColumns, E1e as useExpandedColumns, Ej as useFiltered, Gj as useFormErrors, Vt as useFrameworkTranslations, uCe as useGetPageUrl, xOe as useInMemoryView, ICe as useOrientation, ky as usePageAlertToaster, Ba as usePageDialog, nxe as usePageDialogs, BSe as usePageNavBarClick, X1 as usePageNavSideBar, mOe as usePageNavigate, tl as usePageSettings, tg as usePaged, eOe as useSelectDialog, Cj as useSelected, rxe as useSelectedInMemory, Oj as useSorted, ZCe as useTableItems, TCe as useView, C1e as useVisibleCardColumns, XCe as useVisibleColumns, S1e as useVisibleListColumns, j1 as useVisibleModalColumns, yj as useVisibleTableColumns, c$ as useWindowSize, ga as valueToObject };