spitewaste 0.1.006 → 0.1.007

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checksums.yaml CHANGED
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
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@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"fun":{"palindrome?":{"full":"returns whether the string S is the same forwards and backwards\n[S] => [0 | 1]\n\n[\"racecar\"] => [1]\n[\"divider\"] => [0]\n[\"redivider\"] => [1]\n","desc":"returns whether the string S is the same forwards and backwards","effect":"[S] => [0 | 1]","cases":[[[504736985444594],[1]],[[504874701534436],[0]],[[8271867109940212466],[1]]]},"anagrams?":{"full":"returns whether the strings S and T are composed of the same characters\n[S T] => [0 | 1]\n\n[\"allergy\" \"gallery\"] => [1]\n[\"largely\" \"regally\"] => [1]\n[\"foo\" \"bar\"] => [0]\n","desc":"returns whether the strings S and T are composed of the same characters","effect":"[S T] => [0 | 1]","cases":[[[535733496133217,536107978272999],[1]],[[535901809455340,535903675740914],[1]],[[1832934,1880290],[0]]]},"isop":{"full":"returns the sum of the alphabetical characters in string S where A=1, B=2...\n[S] => [sum]\n\n[\"Math\"] => [42]\n[\"wizards\"] => [100]\n[\"AbCd\"] => [10]\n","desc":"returns the sum of the alphabetical characters in string S where A=1, B=2...","effect":"[S] => [sum]","cases":[[[220016845],[42]],[[509242129691895],[100]],[[210825537],[10]]]},"collatz":{"full":"returns the elements of the Collatz sequence for integer N as a pseudo-array\n[N] => [A]\n\n[1] => [1 1]\n[2] => [2 1 2]\n[3] => [3 10 5 16 8 4 2 1 8]\n[4] => [4 2 1 3]\n[5] => [5 16 8 4 2 1 6]\n","desc":"returns the elements of the Collatz sequence for integer N as a pseudo-array","effect":"[N] => [A]","cases":[[[1],[1,1]],[[2],[2,1,2]],[[3],[3,10,5,16,8,4,2,1,8]],[[4],[4,2,1,3]],[[5],[5,16,8,4,2,1,6]]]}},"math":{"pow":{"full":"returns B raised to the power E\n[B E] => [B**E]\n\n[0 0] => [1], [0 9] => [0], [9 0] => [1]\n[3 2] => [9], [2 3] => [8], [7 4] => [2401]\n","desc":"returns B raised to the power E","effect":"[B E] => [B**E]","cases":[[[0,0],[1]],[[0,9],[0]],[[9,0],[1]],[[3,2],[9]],[[2,3],[8]],[[7,4],[2401]]]},"factorial":{"full":"returns the product of the integers from 1 to N, with 0! defined to be 1\n[N] => [N!]\n\n[0] => [1], [1] => [1], [2] => [2]\n[3] => [6], [5] => [120], [10] => [3628800]\n","desc":"returns the product of the integers from 1 to N, with 0! defined to be 1","effect":"[N] => [N!]","cases":[[[0],[1]],[[1],[1]],[[2],[2]],[[3],[6]],[[5],[120]],[[10],[3628800]]]},"isqrt":{"full":"returns the integer square root of N\n[N] => [floor(sqrt(N))]\n\n[0] => [0], [1] => [1], [2] => [1], [3] => [1]\n[4] => [2], [8] => [2], [9] => [3], [99] => [9], [100] => [10]\n","desc":"returns the integer square root of N","effect":"[N] => [floor(sqrt(N))]","cases":[[[0],[0]],[[1],[1]],[[2],[1]],[[3],[1]],[[4],[2]],[[8],[2]],[[9],[3]],[[99],[9]],[[100],[10]]]},"ilog":{"full":"returns the intger logarithm of N in base B\n[N B] => [logB(N)]\n\n[15 4] => [1]\n[16 4] => [2]\n[100 10] => [2]\n[42 2] => [5]\n","desc":"returns the intger logarithm of N in base B","effect":"[N B] => [logB(N)]","cases":[[[15,4],[1]],[[16,4],[2]],[[100,10],[2]],[[42,2],[5]]]},"gcd":{"full":"returns the greatest common divisor of A and B\n[A B] => [gcd(A, B)]\n\n[6 9] => [3]\n[13 17] => [1]\n[24 36] => [12]\n","desc":"returns the greatest common divisor of A and B","effect":"[A B] => [gcd(A, B)]","cases":[[[6,9],[3]],[[13,17],[1]],[[24,36],[12]]]},"lcm":{"full":"returns the least common multiple of A and B\n[A B] => [lcm(A, B)]\n\n[6 9] => [18]\n[13 17] => [221]\n[24 36] => [72]\n","desc":"returns the least common multiple of A and B","effect":"[A B] => [lcm(A, B)]","cases":[[[6,9],[18]],[[13,17],[221]],[[24,36],[72]]]},"min":{"full":"keeps the minimum of the top two stack values\n[A B] => [A < B ? A : B]\n\n[3 1] => [1]\n[2 4] => [2]\n","desc":"keeps the minimum of the top two stack values","effect":"[A B] => [A < B ? A : B]","cases":[[[3,1],[1]],[[2,4],[2]]]},"max":{"full":"keeps the maximum of the top two stack values\n[A B] => [A > B ? A : B]\n\n[3 1] => [3]\n[2 4] => [4]\n","desc":"keeps the maximum of the top two stack values","effect":"[A B] => [A > B ? A : B]","cases":[[[3,1],[3]],[[2,4],[4]]]},"sign":{"full":"returns -1, 0, or 1 to indicate the sign of N\n[N] => [-1 | 0 | 1]\n\n[17] => [1]\n[-25] => [-1]\n[0] => [0]\n","desc":"returns -1, 0, or 1 to indicate the sign of N","effect":"[N] => [-1 | 0 | 1]","cases":[[[17],[1]],[[-25],[-1]],[[0],[0]]]},"abs":{"full":"returns the absolute value of N\n[N] => [N < 0 ? -N : N]\n\n[-5] => [5]\n[10] => [10]\n[0] => [0]\n","desc":"returns the absolute value of N","effect":"[N] => [N < 0 ? -N : N]","cases":[[[-5],[5]],[[10],[10]],[[0],[0]]]},"divmod":{"full":"pops A and B and pushes both their quotient and modulus\n[A B] => [A/B A%B]\n\n[17 5] => [3 2]\n[42 6] => [7 0]\n[ 1 5] => [0 1]\n","desc":"pops A and B and pushes both their quotient and modulus","effect":"[A B] => [A/B A%B]","cases":[[[17,5],[3,2]],[[42,6],[7,0]],[[1,5],[0,1]]]},"pos?":{"full":"returns whether N is greater than 0\n[N] => [N > 0]\n\n[5] => [1] [-3] => [0] [0] => [0]\n","desc":"returns whether N is greater than 0","effect":"[N] => [N > 0]","cases":[[[5],[1]],[[-3],[0]],[[0],[0]]]},"neg?":{"full":"returns whether N is less than 0\n[N] => [N < 0]\n\n[5] => [0] [-3] => [1] [0] => [0]\n","desc":"returns whether N is less than 0","effect":"[N] => [N < 0]","cases":[[[5],[0]],[[-3],[1]],[[0],[0]]]},"divisors":{"full":"returns a pseudo-array of the positive divisors of N; as an optimization,\nthey're not returned in ascending order, but rather in two \"halves\".\nThe alternative is unnecessarily invoking to_a and clobbering heap.\n[N] => [D1 ... Dn n]\n\n[10] => [1 2 10 5 4]\n[12] => [1 2 3 12 6 4 6]\n[25] => [1 5 25 3] ; no duplicate for perfect squares\n[60] => [1 2 3 4 5 6 60 30 20 15 12 10 12]\n","desc":"returns a pseudo-array of the positive divisors of N; as an optimization,\nthey're not returned in ascending order, but rather in two \"halves\".\nThe alternative is unnecessarily invoking to_a and clobbering heap.","effect":"[N] => [D1 ... Dn n]","cases":[[[10],[1,2,10,5,4]],[[12],[1,2,3,12,6,4,6]],[[25],[1,5,25,3]],[[60],[1,2,3,4,5,6,60,30,20,15,12,10,12]]]},"nCk":{"full":"returns the number of ways to choose K elements from a set of N\n[N K]\n\n[ 4 5] => [0]\n[ 7 7] => [1]\n[13 3] => [286]\n[16 4] => [1820]\n[50 3] => [19600]\n","desc":"returns the number of ways to choose K elements from a set of N","effect":"[N K]","cases":[[[4,5],[0]],[[7,7],[1]],[[13,3],[286]],[[16,4],[1820]],[[50,3],[19600]]]}},"stack":{"roll":{"full":"rolls the Ith element (counting from 0) to the top of the stack,\nshifting the elements above it down by 1.\n[I]\n\n[1 2 3 2] => [2 3 1]\n[1 2 3 4 1] => [1 2 4 3]\n[1 2 3 4 5 3] => [1 3 4 5 2]\n","desc":"rolls the Ith element (counting from 0) to the top of the stack,\nshifting the elements above it down by 1.","effect":"[I]","cases":[[[1,2,3,2],[2,3,1]],[[1,2,3,4,1],[1,2,4,3]],[[1,2,3,4,5,3],[1,3,4,5,2]]]},"bury":{"full":"\"buries\" X in the stack at index I, counting from 0\n[X I]\n\n[1 2 3 4 2] => [1 4 2 3] ; 2nd element of stack now 4\n[1 2 3 4 5 8 5] => [8 1 2 3 4 5]\n","desc":"\"buries\" X in the stack at index I, counting from 0","effect":"[X I]","cases":[[[1,2,3,4,2],[1,4,2,3]],[[1,2,3,4,5,8,5],[8,1,2,3,4,5]]]},"dig":{"full":"\"digs\" out the Ith element of the stack and discards it\n[I]\n\n[1 2 3 4 5 2] => [1 2 4 5]\n[1 2 3 4 5 4] => [2 3 4 5]\n","desc":"\"digs\" out the Ith element of the stack and discards it","effect":"[I]","cases":[[[1,2,3,4,5,2],[1,2,4,5]],[[1,2,3,4,5,4],[2,3,4,5]]]},"to_a":{"full":"pops elements off the stack until it hits the specified sentinel value S,\npushing them to the resulting pseudo-array. It's often more convenient to\nbuild up a collection in reverse order, and we often don't know in advance\nhow many elements we'll meet, but we do know to stop at the sentinel.\n[S En ... E1 S] => [E1 ... En n]\n\n[-1 9 8 7 -1] => [7 8 9 3]\n[0 'c' 'b' 'a' 0] => ['a' 'b' 'c' 3]\n","desc":"pops elements off the stack until it hits the specified sentinel value S,\npushing them to the resulting pseudo-array. It's often more convenient to\nbuild up a collection in reverse order, and we often don't know in advance\nhow many elements we'll meet, but we do know to stop at the sentinel.","effect":"[S En ... E1 S] => [E1 ... En n]","cases":[[[-1,9,8,7,-1],[7,8,9,3]],[[0,99,98,97,0],[97,98,99,3]]]},"npop":{"full":"pops N elements off the top of the stack\n[N]\n\n[1 2 3 4 5 3] => [1 2]\n[1 2 3 4 0] => [1 2 3 4]\n","desc":"pops N elements off the top of the stack","effect":"[N]","cases":[[[1,2,3,4,5,3],[1,2]],[[1,2,3,4,0],[1,2,3,4]]]},"nslide":{"full":"slides N elements off the stack, as if the `slide` operator took an argument\n[N]\n\n[1 2 3 4 5 2] => [1 2 5]\n[1 2 3 4 1] => [1 2 4]\n","desc":"slides N elements off the stack, as if the `slide` operator took an argument","effect":"[N]","cases":[[[1,2,3,4,5,2],[1,2,5]],[[1,2,3,4,1],[1,2,4]]]},"ncopy":{"full":"copies the Nth element to the top of the stack; this does exactly what\na `copy N` instruction would do, but we don't always know N in advance\n[N]\n\n[1 2 3 4 0] => [1 2 3 4 4] ; `copy 0` is just dup\n[1 2 3 4 3] => [1 2 3 4 1]\n","desc":"copies the Nth element to the top of the stack; this does exactly what\na `copy N` instruction would do, but we don't always know N in advance","effect":"[N]","cases":[[[1,2,3,4,0],[1,2,3,4,4]],[[1,2,3,4,3],[1,2,3,4,1]]]}},"rational":{"to_r":{"full":"encodes a numerator N and a denominator D as a rational number R with the\nfollowing structure: ((N × $RAT + D) << 1) + sign (0 for negative, else 1).\nThis representation is nice because, with care, it makes it so that we never\nhave to involve the heap (besides divmod) just to do fairly basic arithmetic.\n[N D] => [R]\n\n[22 7] => [R(22,7)]\n[4 8] => [R(4,8)] ; no implicit simplification TODO: make it configurable?\n[5 1] => [R(5,1)] ; no conversion to integer (duh)\n[-3 4] => [R(-3,4)]\n[3 -4] => [R(-3,4)] ; sign always held in the numerator\n[-1 -3] => [R(1,3)]\n","desc":"encodes a numerator N and a denominator D as a rational number R with the\nfollowing structure: ((N × $RAT + D) << 1) + sign (0 for negative, else 1).\nThis representation is nice because, with care, it makes it so that we never\nhave to involve the heap (besides divmod) just to do fairly basic arithmetic.","effect":"[N D] => [R]","cases":[[[22,7],[94489280527]],[[4,8],[17179869201]],[[5,1],[21474836483]],[[-3,4],[12884901896]],[[3,-4],[12884901896]],[[-1,-3],[4294967303]]]},"ratnum":{"full":"returns the numerator N of the rational number R, which may be negative\n[R] => [N]\n\n[R(22,7)] => [22]\n[R(-3,4)] => [-3]\n[R(3,-4)] => [-3]\n","desc":"returns the numerator N of the rational number R, which may be negative","effect":"[R] => [N]","cases":[[[94489280527],[22]],[[12884901896],[-3]],[[12884901896],[-3]]]},"ratden":{"full":"returns the denominator D of the rational number R; always positive\n[R] => [D]\n\n[R(22,7)] => [7]\n[R(-3,4)] => [4]\n[R(3,-4)] => [4]\n","desc":"returns the denominator D of the rational number R; always positive","effect":"[R] => [D]","cases":[[[94489280527],[7]],[[12884901896],[4]],[[12884901896],[4]]]},"from_r":{"full":"decomposes the rational number R into its numerator N and denominator D\n[R] => [N D]\n\n[R(22,7)] => [22 7]\n[R(-3,4)] => [-3 4]\n[R(3,-4)] => [-3 4]\n[R(4,8)] => [4 8] ; no implicit simplification\n","desc":"decomposes the rational number R into its numerator N and denominator D","effect":"[R] => [N D]","cases":[[[94489280527],[22,7]],[[12884901896],[-3,4]],[[12884901896],[-3,4]],[[17179869201],[4,8]]]},"ratsimp":{"full":"fully simplifies the rational number R by dividing both of its components\nby their greatest common divisor\n[R] => [R, simplified]\n\n[R(4,8)] => [R(1,2)]\n[R(-3,12)] => [R(-1,4)]\n[R(17,-51)] => [R(-1,3)]\n","desc":"fully simplifies the rational number R by dividing both of its components\nby their greatest common divisor","effect":"[R] => [R, simplified]","cases":[[[17179869201],[4294967301]],[[12884901912],[4294967304]],[[73014444134],[4294967302]]]},"ratadd":{"full":"returns the simplified sum of the rational numbers Ra and Rb\n[Ra Rb] => [Ra + Rb]\n\n[R(-9,-14) R(-3,19)] => [R(129,266)]\n[R(17,30) R(18,10)] => [R(71,30)]\n[R(-27,14) R(15,-23)] => [R(-831,322)]\n[R(3,-9) R(8,3)] => [R(7,3)]\n[R(-5,27) R(-2,-27)] => [R(-1,9)]\n[R(-27,-8) R(-15,22)] => [R(237,88)]\n[R(-9,-29) R(-27,3)] => [R(-252,29)]\n[R(2,-21) R(4,6)] => [R(4,7)]\n","desc":"returns the simplified sum of the rational numbers Ra and Rb","effect":"[Ra Rb] => [Ra + Rb]","cases":[[[38654705693,12884901926],[554050781717]],[[73014444093,77309411349],[304942678077]],[[115964117020,64424509486],[3569117823620]],[[12884901906,34359738375],[30064771079]],[[21474836534,8589934647],[4294967314]],[[115964117009,64424509484],[1017907249329]],[[38654705723,115964116998],[1082331758650]],[[8589934634,17179869197],[17179869199]]]},"ratsub":{"full":"returns the simplified difference of the rational numbers Ra and Rb\n[Ra Rb] => [Ra - Rb]\n\n[R(21,25) R(-28,27)] => [R(1267,675)]\n[R(14,7) R(13,6)] => [R(-1,6)]\n[R(-24,-9) R(-5,-21)] => [R(17,7)]\n[R(-27,-2) R(-2,26)] => [R(353,26)]\n[R(-27,3) R(2,-22)] => [R(-98,11)]\n[R(-4,23) R(-9,13)] => [R(155,299)]\n[R(-14,19) R(-18,-11)] => [R(-496,209)]\n[R(-29,21) R(-15,-16)] => [R(-779,336)]\n","desc":"returns the simplified difference of the rational numbers Ra and Rb","effect":"[Ra Rb] => [Ra - Rb]","cases":[[[90194313267,120259084342],[5441723565383]],[[60129542159,55834574861],[4294967308]],[[103079215123,21474836523],[73014444047]],[[115964116997,8589934644],[1516123455541]],[[115964116998,8589934636],[420906795030]],[[17179869230,38654705690],[665719931479]],[[60129542182,77309411351],[2130303779234]],[[124554051626,64424509473],[3345779524256]]]},"ratmul":{"full":"returns the simplified product of the rational numbers Ra and Rb\n[Ra Rb] => [Ra × Rb]\n\n[R(-24,26) R(-1,-30)] => [R(-2,65)]\n[R(19,4) R(27,2)] => [R(513,8)]\n[R(25,27) R(4,-11)] => [R(-100,297)]\n[R(1,18) R(4,8)] => [R(1,36)]\n[R(1,27) R(-8,29)] => [R(-8,783)]\n[R(25,-13) R(-6,24)] => [R(25,52)]\n[R(6,-13) R(9,23)] => [R(-54,299)]\n[R(11,8) R(-19,-19)] => [R(11,8)]\n","desc":"returns the simplified product of the rational numbers Ra and Rb","effect":"[Ra Rb] => [Ra × Rb]","cases":[[[103079215156,4294967357],[8589934722]],[[81604378633,115964116997],[2203318222865]],[[107374182455,17179869206],[429496730194]],[[4294967333,17179869201],[4294967369]],[[4294967351,34359738426],[34359739934]],[[107374182426,25769803824],[107374182505]],[[25769803802,38654705711],[231928234582]],[[47244640273,81604378663],[47244640273]]]},"ratdiv":{"full":"returns the simplified quotient of the rational numbers Ra and Rb\n[Ra Rb] => [Ra / Rb]\n\n[R(-30,-22) R(15,12)] => [R(12,11)]\n[R(13,28) R(-15,29)] => [R(-377,420)]\n[R(7,-30) R(-22,-12)] => [R(-7,55)]\n[R(15,4) R(8,-8)] => [R(-15,4)]\n[R(-23,28) R(-16,-15)] => [R(-345,448)]\n[R(-18,12) R(6,18)] => [R(-9,2)]\n[R(29,-2) R(11,-21)] => [R(609,22)]\n[R(-23,25) R(25,-3)] => [R(69,625)]\n","desc":"returns the simplified quotient of the rational numbers Ra and Rb","effect":"[Ra Rb] => [Ra / Rb]","cases":[[[128849018925,64424509465],[51539607575]],[[55834574905,64424509498],[1619202671432]],[[30064771132,94489280537],[30064771182]],[[64424509449,34359738384],[64424509448]],[[98784247864,68719476767],[1481763718016]],[[77309411352,25769803813],[38654705668]],[[124554051588,47244640298],[2615635083309]],[[98784247858,107374182406],[296352744675]]]},"ratmod":{"full":"returns the simplified modulus of the rational numbers Ra and Rb\n[Ra Rb] => [Ra % Rb]\n\n[R(-15,-3) R(-16,-10)] => [R(1,5)]\n[R(4,2) R(21,21)] => [R(0,1)]\n[R(24,10) R(-18,-3)] => [R(12,5)]\n[R(3,-7) R(-2,16)] => [R(-3,56)]\n[R(4,28) R(-29,7)] => [R(-4,1)]\n[R(7,-27) R(10,23)] => [R(109,621)]\n[R(28,-3) R(30,-12)] => [R(-11,6)]\n[R(-29,21) R(19,-23)] => [R(-268,483)]\n","desc":"returns the simplified modulus of the rational numbers Ra and Rb","effect":"[Ra Rb] => [Ra % Rb]","cases":[[[64424509447,68719476757],[4294967307]],[[17179869189,90194313259],[3]],[[103079215125,77309411335],[51539607563]],[[12884901902,8589934624],[12884902000]],[[17179869241,124554051598],[17179869186]],[[30064771126,42949673007],[468151436507]],[[120259084294,128849018904],[47244640268]],[[124554051626,81604378670],[1151051236294]]]},"ratsign":{"full":"returns the sign of the rational number R\n[R] => [-1 | 0 | 1]\n\n[R(4,3)] => [1]\n[R(4,-3)] => [-1]\n[R(0,10)] => [0]\n[R(-3,4)] => [-1]\n[R(-3,-4)] => [1]\n","desc":"returns the sign of the rational number R","effect":"[R] => [-1 | 0 | 1]","cases":[[[17179869191],[1]],[[17179869190],[-1]],[[21],[0]],[[12884901896],[-1]],[[12884901897],[1]]]}},"string":{"strpack":{"full":"convert a 0-terminated string on the stack to a single base-128 integer\n[0 ... c b a] => [\"abc...\"]\n\n[0 99 98 97] => [\"abc\"]\n[0 99 98 97] => [1634657]\n[0] => [0]\n","desc":"convert a 0-terminated string on the stack to a single base-128 integer","effect":"[0 ... c b a] => [\"abc...\"]","cases":[[[0,99,98,97],[1634657]],[[0,99,98,97],[1634657]],[[0],[0]]]},"strunpack":{"full":"convert a single base-128 integer to a 0-terminated string on the stack\n[\"abc...\"] => [0 ... c b a]\n\n[\"abc\"] => [0 99 98 97]\n[1634657] => [0 99 98 97]\n[0] => [0]\n","desc":"convert a single base-128 integer to a 0-terminated string on the stack","effect":"[\"abc...\"] => [0 ... c b a]","cases":[[[1634657],[0,99,98,97]],[[1634657],[0,99,98,97]],[[0],[0]]]},"strlen":{"full":"returns the length of a packed string, which is just the\nvalue itself log-128, +1 if the integer logarithm isn't exact.\n[S] => [len(S)]\n\n[\"\"] => [0]\n[\"abc\"] => [3]\n[\"foobar\"] => [6]\n","desc":"returns the length of a packed string, which is just the\nvalue itself log-128, +1 if the integer logarithm isn't exact.","effect":"[S] => [len(S)]","cases":[[[0],[0]],[[1634657],[3]],[[3943255767014],[6]]]},"strcat":{"full":"takes two packed strings and returns their concatenation (as a packed string)\n[S T] => [S+T]\n\n[\"foo\" \"\"] => [\"foo\"]\n[\"\" \"foo\"] => [\"foo\"]\n[\"foo\" \"bar\"] => [\"foobar\"]\n","desc":"takes two packed strings and returns their concatenation (as a packed string)","effect":"[S T] => [S+T]","cases":[[[1832934,0],[1832934]],[[0,1832934],[1832934]],[[1832934,1880290],[3943255767014]]]},"strrev":{"full":"reverses a packed string \"in-place\"\n[S] => [S']\n\n[\"foo\"] => [\"oof\"]\n[\"bark\"] => [\"krab\"]\n[\"ab\"] => [\"ba\"] ['a'] => ['a'] [\"\"] => [\"\"]\n","desc":"reverses a packed string \"in-place\"","effect":"[S] => [S']","cases":[[[1832934],[1685487]],[[226275554],[207124843]],[[12641],[12514]],[[97],[97]],[[0],[0]]]},"strslice":{"full":"takes a packed string S, a start index I, and a length L and returns the\ncorresponding substring (simply by doing division with powers of 128; neat)\n[S I L] => [S']\n\n[\"foobar\" 0 6] => [\"foobar\"]\n[\"foobar\" 1 4] => [\"ooba\"]\n[\"foobar\" 1 10] => [\"oobar\"]\n[\"foobar\" 5 1] => ['r']\n[\"foobar\" 6 0] => [\"\"]\n","desc":"takes a packed string S, a start index I, and a length L and returns the\ncorresponding substring (simply by doing division with powers of 128; neat)","effect":"[S I L] => [S']","cases":[[[3943255767014,0,6],[3943255767014]],[[3943255767014,1,4],[205043695]],[[3943255767014,1,10],[30806685679]],[[3943255767014,5,1],[114]],[[3943255767014,6,0],[0]]]},"strindex":{"full":"returns the index I of substring T in string S (or -1 if not found)\n[S T] => [I]\n\n[\"foobar\" 'o'] => [1]\n[\"foobar\" \"ob\"] => [2]\n[\"foobar\" \"\"] => [0]\n[\"foobar\" \"bar\"] => [3]\n[\"foobar\" \"bark\"] => [-1]\n","desc":"returns the index I of substring T in string S (or -1 if not found)","effect":"[S T] => [I]","cases":[[[3943255767014,111],[1]],[[3943255767014,12655],[2]],[[3943255767014,0],[0]],[[3943255767014,1880290],[3]],[[3943255767014,226275554],[-1]]]},"charat":{"full":"returns the character C at index I in string S\n[S I] => [C]\n\n[\"foobar\" 1] => ['o']\n[\"foobar\" 3] => ['b']\n[\"foobar\" 5] => ['r']\n[\"foobar\" 6] => [\"\"]\n","desc":"returns the character C at index I in string S","effect":"[S I] => [C]","cases":[[[3943255767014,1],[111]],[[3943255767014,3],[98]],[[3943255767014,5],[114]],[[3943255767014,6],[0]]]},"isalpha":{"full":"returns 1 if the character at the top of the stack is\nalphabetical (ASCII 65-90 or 97-122), 0 otherwise\n[C] => [0 | 1]\n\n['@'] => [0] ['a'] => [1]\n['z'] => [1] ['['] => [0]\n['`'] => [0] ['A'] => [1]\n['Z'] => [1] ['{'] => [0]\n","desc":"returns 1 if the character at the top of the stack is\nalphabetical (ASCII 65-90 or 97-122), 0 otherwise","effect":"[C] => [0 | 1]","cases":[[[64],[0]],[[97],[1]],[[122],[1]],[[91],[0]],[[96],[0]],[[65],[1]],[[90],[1]],[[123],[0]]]},"strrep":{"full":"returns string S replicated N times\n[S N] => [S']\n\n[\"abc\" 1] => [\"abc\"]\n[\"abc\" 2] => [\"abcabc\"]\n[\"abc\" 0] => [\"\"]\n","desc":"returns string S replicated N times","effect":"[S N] => [S']","cases":[[[1634657,1],[1634657]],[[1634657,2],[3428125831521]],[[1634657,0],[0]]]},"ljustc":{"full":"left-justifies string S to width W with character C\n[S W C] => [S']\n\n[\"foo\" 5 'x'] => [\"fooxx\"]\n[\"foobar\" 4 'x'] => [\"foobar\"]\n[\"\" 3 'x'] => [\"xxx\"]\n","desc":"left-justifies string S to width W with character C","effect":"[S W C] => [S']","cases":[[[1832934,5,120],[32465745894]],[[3943255767014,4,120],[3943255767014]],[[0,3,120],[1981560]]]},"ljust":{"full":"left-justifies string S to width W with spaces\n[S W] => [S']\n\n[\"foo\" 5] => [\"foo \"]\n[\"foobar\" 4] => [\"foobar\"]\n[\"\" 3] => [528416]\n","desc":"left-justifies string S to width W with spaces","effect":"[S W] => [S']","cases":[[[1832934,5],[8658876390]],[[3943255767014,4],[3943255767014]],[[0,3],[528416]]]},"rjustc":{"full":"right-justifies string S to width W with character C\n[S W C] => [S']\n\n[\"foo\" 5 'x'] => [\"xxfoo\"]\n[\"foobar\" 4 'x'] => [\"foobar\"]\n[\"\" 3 'x'] => [\"xxx\"]\n","desc":"right-justifies string S to width W with character C","effect":"[S W C] => [S']","cases":[[[1832934,5,120],[30030806136]],[[3943255767014,4,120],[3943255767014]],[[0,3,120],[1981560]]]},"rjust":{"full":"right-justifies string S to width W with spaces\n[S W C] => [S']\n\n[\"foo\" 5] => [\" foo\"]\n[\"foobar\" 4] => [\"foobar\"]\n[\"\" 3] => [528416]\n","desc":"right-justifies string S to width W with spaces","effect":"[S W C] => [S']","cases":[[[1832934,5],[30030794784]],[[3943255767014,4],[3943255767014]],[[0,3],[528416]]]},"centerc":{"full":"centers string S to width W with character C, favoring left alignment when\nthere's a parity mismatch (even-length string to odd width or vice versa)\n[S W C] => [S']\n\n[\"abc\" 7 'x'] => [\"xxabcxx\"]\n[\"abc\" 6 'x'] => [\"xabcxx\"]\n[\"abcd\" 6 'o'] => [\"oabcdo\"]\n[\"abcd\" 7 'o'] => [\"oabcdoo\"]\n[\"abcd\" 3 '!'] => [\"abcd\"]\n","desc":"centers string S to width W with character C, favoring left alignment when\nthere's a parity mismatch (even-length string to odd width or vice versa)","effect":"[S W C] => [S']","cases":[[[1634657,7,120],[531915532172408]],[[1634657,6,120],[4155590095096]],[[211349857,6,111],[3840983740655]],[[211349857,7,111],[492024146473199]],[[211349857,3,33],[211349857]]]},"center":{"full":"centers string S to width W with spaces\n[S W] => [S']\n\n[\"abc\" 7] => [\" abc \"]\n[\"abc\" 6] => [\" abc \"]\n[\"abcd\" 6] => [\" abcd \"]\n[\"abcd\" 7] => [\" abcd \"]\n[\"abcd\" 3] => [\"abcd\"]\n","desc":"centers string S to width W with spaces","effect":"[S W] => [S']","cases":[[[1634657,7],[141863782207520]],[[1634657,6],[1108310798496]],[[211349857,6],[1126564409504]],[[211349857,7],[141864052764832]],[[211349857,3],[211349857]]]},"strchop":{"full":"removes the last character of a string\n[S] => [S']\n\n[\"foobar\"] => [\"fooba\"]\n[\"abc\"] => [\"ab\"]\n[\"a\"] => [\"\"]\n","desc":"removes the last character of a string","effect":"[S] => [S']","cases":[[[3943255767014],[26245593062]],[[1634657],[12641]],[[97],[0]]]},"strsplit":{"full":"splits string S on delimiting character C, leaving the resultant substrings\non the stack as a pseudo-array (length at top of stack)\n[S C] => [A]\n\n[\"fooxbar\" 'x'] => [\"foo\" \"bar\" 2]\n[\"foobar\" 'x'] => [\"foobar\" 1]\n[\"foo|bar|baz\" '|'] => [\"foo\" \"bar\" \"baz\" 3]\n[\"foo,,bar\" ','] => [\"foo\" \"\" \"bar\" 3]\n[\"/foo/bar/\" '/'] => [\"\" \"foo\" \"bar\" \"\" 4]\n","desc":"splits string S on delimiting character C, leaving the resultant substrings\non the stack as a pseudo-array (length at top of stack)","effect":"[S C] => [A]","cases":[[[504736757053414,120],[1832934,1880290,2]],[[3943255767014,120],[3943255767014,1]],[[144933976769845798893542,124],[1832934,1880290,2011362,3]],[[64606284361234406,44],[1832934,0,1880290,3]],[[3451313205089661743,47],[0,1832934,1880290,0,4]]]},"lines":{"full":"splits the string S on newlines\n","desc":"","effect":"splits the string S on newlines","cases":[]},"strjoinc":{"full":"joins the pseudo-array of strings A into string S with delimiter string D\n[A D] => [S]\n\n[\"foo\" \"bar\" 2 'x'] => [\"fooxbar\"]\n[\"foo\" \"bar\" \"baz\" 3 '--'] => [\"foo--bar--baz\"]\n[\"foo\" 1 \"?!\"] => [\"foo\"]\n","desc":"joins the pseudo-array of strings A into string S with delimiter string D","effect":"[A D] => [S]","cases":[[[1832934,1880290,2,120],[504736757053414]],[[1832934,1880290,2011362,3,5805],[2374597541788353508880938982]],[[1832934,1,4287],[1832934]]]},"strjoin":{"full":"concatenates the pseudo-array of strings A into string S\n[A] => [S]\n\n[\"foo\" 1] => [\"foo\"]\n[\"foo\" \"bar\" 2] => [\"foobar\"]\n[\"foo\" 'x' \"bar\" 'x' \"baz\" 5] => [\"fooxbarxbaz\"]\n","desc":"concatenates the pseudo-array of strings A into string S","effect":"[A] => [S]","cases":[[[1832934,1],[1832934]],[[1832934,1880290,2],[3943255767014]],[[1832934,120,1880290,120,2011362,5],[144933974518045976819686]]]},"strcountc":{"full":"returns the number of ocurrences of character C in string S\n[S C] => [N]\n\n[\"foobar\" 'a'] => [1]\n[\"foobar\" 'o'] => [2]\n[\"foobar\" 'c'] => [0]\n","desc":"returns the number of ocurrences of character C in string S","effect":"[S C] => [N]","cases":[[[3943255767014,97],[1]],[[3943255767014,111],[2]],[[3943255767014,99],[0]]]},"strcount":{"full":"returns the total number of ocurrences of all characters in string T in string S\n[S T] => [N]\n\n[\"foobar\" 'o'] => [2]\n[\"foobar\" \"ob\"] => [3]\n[\"foxboar\" \"box\"] => [4]\n[\"eunoia\" \"aeiou\"] => [5]\n[\"why\" \"aeiou\"] => [0]\n","desc":"returns the total number of ocurrences of all characters in string T in string S","effect":"[S T] => [N]","cases":[[[3943255767014,111],[2]],[[3943255767014,12655],[3]],[[504740200724454,1980386],[4]],[[3361314945765,31641465569],[5]],[[1995895,31641465569],[0]]]},"strtrans":{"full":"translates all characters in A to the corresponding characters in B\nin stirng S, ; similar to the `tr` utility in Unix. A and B must be\nof the same length. TODO: make this smarter (ranges, length mismatch)\n[S A B] => [S']\n\n[\"abcd\" \"abc\" \"xyz\"] => [\"xyzd\"]\n[\"foobar\" \"oba\" \"ele\"] => [\"feeler\"]\n[\"abcdcba\" \"abcd\" \"xyz|\"] => [\"xyz|zyx\"]\n","desc":"translates all characters in A to the corresponding characters in B\nin stirng S, ; similar to the `tr` utility in Unix. A and B must be\nof the same length. TODO: make this smarter (ranges, length mismatch)","effect":"[S A B] => [S']","cases":[[[211349857,1634657,2014456],[211729656]],[[3943255767014,1601903,1668709],[3944350315238]],[[430004552397153,211349857,262061304],[531956120861944]]]},"strexpand":{"full":"expands the length-2 string S to contain the intervening ASCII characters\n[S] => [S']\n\n[\"CJ\"] => [\"CDEFGHIJ\"]\n[\"DA\"] => [\"DE\"] TODO: bug\n[\"af\"] => [\"abcdef\"]\n[\"09\"] => [\"0123456789\"]\n[\"(1\"] => [\"()*+,-./01\"]\n","desc":"expands the length-2 string S to contain the intervening ASCII characters","effect":"[S] => [S']","cases":[[[9539],[41981847056507459]],[[8388],[8900]],[[13153],[3532016644449]],[[7344],[529798632943928514736]],[[6312],[455430656835745125544]]]},"strsqueeze":{"full":"\"squeezes\" runs of the same character in string S to just one occurrence\n[S] => [S']\n\n[\"abc\"] => [\"abc\"]\n[\"foobar\"] => [\"fobar\"]\n[\"bookkeeper\"] => [\"bokeper\"]\n[\"xxxxxxx\"] => [\"x\"]\n","desc":"\"squeezes\" runs of the same character in string S to just one occurrence","effect":"[S] => [S']","cases":[[[1634657],[1634657]],[[3943255767014],[30806685670]],[[1058805727296038369250],[504877914191842]],[[531921215831160],[120]]]},"strsum":{"full":"returns the sum of the ordinal values of the characters in string S\n[S] => [N]\n\n[\"ABC\"] => [198]\n[\"012\"] => [147]\n[\"a\"] => [97]\n[\"\"] => [] TODO: bug, should be 0\n","desc":"returns the sum of the ordinal values of the characters in string S","effect":"[S] => [N]","cases":[[[1106241],[198]],[[825520],[147]],[[97],[97]],[[0],[]]]},"strrotl":{"full":"rotates the string S to the left N times, wrapping\n[S N]\n\n[\"abc\" 0] => [\"abc\"]\n[\"abcd\" 1] => [\"bcda\"]\n[\"abcd\" 5] => [\"bcda\"]\n[\"foodbar\" 4] => [\"barfood\"]\n","desc":"rotates the string S to the left N times, wrapping","effect":"[S N]","cases":[[[1634657,0],[1634657]],[[211349857,1],[205074914]],[[211349857,5],[205074914]],[[504736715110374,4],[443648594194658]]]},"strrotr":{"full":"rotates the string S to the right N times, wrapping\n[S N]\n\n[\"abcd\" 1] => [\"dabc\"]\n[\"abcd\" 5] => [\"dabc\"]\n[\"foodbar\" 3] => [\"barfood\"]\n","desc":"rotates the string S to the right N times, wrapping","effect":"[S N]","cases":[[[211349857,1],[209236196]],[[211349857,5],[209236196]],[[504736715110374,3],[443648594194658]]]}},"bits":{"band":{"full":"returns the bitwise AND of A and B\n[A B] => [A & B]\n\n[65 47] => [1] [83 25] => [17]\n[40 64] => [0] [74 59] => [10]\n[31 18] => [18] [86 32] => [0]\n[93 79] => [77] [11 79] => [11]\n","desc":"returns the bitwise AND of A and B","effect":"[A B] => [A & B]","cases":[[[65,47],[1]],[[83,25],[17]],[[40,64],[0]],[[74,59],[10]],[[31,18],[18]],[[86,32],[0]],[[93,79],[77]],[[11,79],[11]]]},"bor":{"full":"returns the bitwise OR of A and B\n[A B] => [A | B]\n\n[66 51] => [115] [64 4] => [68]\n[61 77] => [125] [93 65] => [93]\n[14 87] => [95] [71 37] => [103]\n[7 19] => [23] [38 92] => [126]\n","desc":"returns the bitwise OR of A and B","effect":"[A B] => [A | B]","cases":[[[66,51],[115]],[[64,4],[68]],[[61,77],[125]],[[93,65],[93]],[[14,87],[95]],[[71,37],[103]],[[7,19],[23]],[[38,92],[126]]]},"bxor":{"full":"returns the bitwise XOR of A and B\n[A B] => [A ^ B]\n\n[4 14] => [10] [0 80] => [80]\n[51 5] => [54] [97 77] => [44]\n[39 65] => [102] [12 26] => [22]\n[44 36] => [8] [6 21] => [19]\n","desc":"returns the bitwise XOR of A and B","effect":"[A B] => [A ^ B]","cases":[[[4,14],[10]],[[0,80],[80]],[[51,5],[54]],[[97,77],[44]],[[39,65],[102]],[[12,26],[22]],[[44,36],[8]],[[6,21],[19]]]},"bnot":{"full":"returns the infinite-precision bitwise NOT of N by inverting all of its bits\n[N] => [~N]\n\n[58] => [5] [46] => [17]\n[48] => [15] [87] => [40]\n[98] => [29] [51] => [12]\n[3] => [0] [42] => [21]\n","desc":"returns the infinite-precision bitwise NOT of N by inverting all of its bits","effect":"[N] => [~N]","cases":[[[58],[5]],[[46],[17]],[[48],[15]],[[87],[40]],[[98],[29]],[[51],[12]],[[3],[0]],[[42],[21]]]},"blength":{"full":"returns the number of bits in the binary representation of N\n[N] => [# of bits]\n\n[0] => [0] [1] => [1]\n[7] => [3] [8] => [4]\n[255] => [8]\n","desc":"returns the number of bits in the binary representation of N","effect":"[N] => [# of bits]","cases":[[[0],[0]],[[1],[1]],[[7],[3]],[[8],[4]],[[255],[8]]]},"popcount":{"full":"returns the number of set bits in N\n[N] => [popcount]\n\n[0] => [0] [1] => [1]\n[7] => [3] [8] => [1]\n","desc":"returns the number of set bits in N","effect":"[N] => [popcount]","cases":[[[0],[0]],[[1],[1]],[[7],[3]],[[8],[1]]]}},"io":{"print":{"full":"prints the character at the top of the stack until terminating zero\n","desc":"","effect":"prints the character at the top of the stack until terminating zero","cases":[]},"println":{"full":"print with newline\n","desc":"","effect":"print with newline","cases":[]},"getline":{"full":"reads a line of input onto the top of the stack as a packed string\n","desc":"","effect":"reads a line of input onto the top of the stack as a packed string","cases":[]},"readall":{"full":"consume stdin until EOF\n","desc":"","effect":"consume stdin until EOF","cases":[]}},"case":{"upcase":{"full":"returns string S with all alphabetical characters capitalized\n[S] => [S']\n\n[\"\"] => [\"\"]\n[\"abc\"] => [\"ABC\"]\n[\"123\"] => [\"123\"]\n[\"Abc123Def\"] => [\"ABC123DEF\"]\n","desc":"returns string S with all alphabetical characters capitalized","effect":"[S] => [S']","cases":[[[0],[0]],[[1634657],[1106241]],[[842033],[842033]],[[7407033370199781697],[5083175962476077377]]]},"downcase":{"full":"returns string S with all alphabetical characters lower-cased\n[S] => [S']\n\n[\"\"] => [\"\"]\n[\"ABC\"] => [\"abc\"]\n[\"123\"] => [\"123\"]\n[\"aBC123dEF\"] => [\"abc123def\"]\n","desc":"returns string S with all alphabetical characters lower-cased","effect":"[S] => [S']","cases":[[[0],[0]],[[1106241],[1634657]],[[842033],[842033]],[[5083316699964432737],[7407174107688137057]]]},"swapcase":{"full":"returns string S with the case of all alphabetical characters swapped\n[S] => [S']\n\n[\"\"] => [\"\"]\n[\"FooBar\"] => [\"fOObAR\"]\n[\"Abc123deF\"] => [\"aBC123DEf\"]\n","desc":"returns string S with the case of all alphabetical characters swapped","effect":"[S] => [S']","cases":[[[0],[0]],[[3943188658118],[2835153676262]],[[5101331098474443073],[7389018971689771361]]]}},"test":{},"array":{"arysum":{"full":"returns the sum of the array A\n[A] => [sum]\n\n[3 1] => [3]\n[4 3 2 1 4] => [10]\n[-10 -5 7 5 10 5] => [7]\n","desc":"returns the sum of the array A","effect":"[A] => [sum]","cases":[[[3,1],[3]],[[4,3,2,1,4],[10]],[[-10,-5,7,5,10,5],[7]]]},"arydup":{"full":"duplicates the array at the top of the stack\n[A] => [A A]\n\n[1 2 3 3] => [1 2 3 3 1 2 3 3]\n[7 50 10 2] => [7 50 10 2 50 10 2]\n","desc":"duplicates the array at the top of the stack","effect":"[A] => [A A]","cases":[[[1,2,3,3],[1,2,3,3,1,2,3,3]],[[7,50,10,2],[7,50,10,2,50,10,2]]]},"arypop":{"full":"removes the element at the end of the array A\n[A] => [A']\n\n[10 1] => [0]\n[1 2 3 4 4] => [1 2 3 3]\n[7 10 20 30 3] => [7 10 20 2]\n","desc":"removes the element at the end of the array A","effect":"[A] => [A']","cases":[[[10,1],[0]],[[1,2,3,4,4],[1,2,3,3]],[[7,10,20,30,3],[7,10,20,2]]]},"aryshift":{"full":"removes the element at the beginning of the array A\n[A] => [A']\n\n[10 1] => [0]\n[1 2 3 4 4] => [2 3 4 3]\n[7 10 20 30 3] => [7 20 30 2]\n","desc":"removes the element at the beginning of the array A","effect":"[A] => [A']","cases":[[[10,1],[0]],[[1,2,3,4,4],[2,3,4,3]],[[7,10,20,30,3],[7,20,30,2]]]},"arycat":{"full":"returns the concatenation of arrays A and B\n[A B] => [A+B]\n\n[1 2 3 3 4 5 6 3] => [1 2 3 4 5 6 6]\n[7 10 2 5 4 3 3] => [7 10 5 4 3 5]\n","desc":"returns the concatenation of arrays A and B","effect":"[A B] => [A+B]","cases":[[[1,2,3,3,4,5,6,3],[1,2,3,4,5,6,6]],[[7,10,2,5,4,3,3],[7,10,5,4,3,5]]]},"aryindex":{"full":"returns the index I of element E in array A (or -1 if not found)\n[A E] => [I]\n\n[1 2 3 4 4 2] => [1]\n[1 2 3 4 4 4] => [3]\n[1 2 3 4 4 5] => [-1]\n","desc":"returns the index I of element E in array A (or -1 if not found)","effect":"[A E] => [I]","cases":[[[1,2,3,4,4,2],[1]],[[1,2,3,4,4,4],[3]],[[1,2,3,4,4,5],[-1]]]},"aryat":{"full":"returns the element E at index I in array A (or dies on out of bounds)\n[A I] => [E]\n\n[1 2 3 4 4 0] => [1]\n[1 2 3 4 4 2] => [3]\n[1 2 3 4 4 -1] => [4] negative index counts from the end\n","desc":"returns the element E at index I in array A (or dies on out of bounds)","effect":"[A I] => [E]","cases":[[[1,2,3,4,4,0],[1]],[[1,2,3,4,4,2],[3]],[[1,2,3,4,4,-1],[4]]]},"minmax":{"full":"returns the minimum and maximum elements of array A\n[A] => [min max]\n\n[4 3 2 1 4] => [1 4]\n[6 8 -3 4 0 5] => [-3 8]\n[7 1] => [7 7]\n","desc":"returns the minimum and maximum elements of array A","effect":"[A] => [min max]","cases":[[[4,3,2,1,4],[1,4]],[[6,8,-3,4,0,5],[-3,8]],[[7,1],[7,7]]]},"aryrev":{"full":"reverses the array A\n[A] => [A']\n\n[1 2 3 3] => [3 2 1 3]\n[7 1] => [7 1]\n[5 4 3 2 1 5] => [1 2 3 4 5 5]\n","desc":"reverses the array A","effect":"[A] => [A']","cases":[[[1,2,3,3],[3,2,1,3]],[[7,1],[7,1]],[[5,4,3,2,1,5],[1,2,3,4,5,5]]]},"aryrep":{"full":"returns the array A replicated N times\n[A N] => [A']\n\n[3 2 1 3 4] => [3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 12]\n","desc":"returns the array A replicated N times","effect":"[A N] => [A']","cases":[[[3,2,1,3,4],[3,2,1,3,2,1,3,2,1,3,2,1,12]]]}},"syntax":{},"util":{"range":{"full":"inserts between the top two stack values the intervening consecutive elements\n[I J] => [I I+1 ... J]\n\n[2 5] => [2 3 4 5]\n[0 4] => [0 1 2 3 4]\n[-2 0] => [-2 -1 0]\n[-3 3] => [-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3]\n[4 4] => [4 5] TODO: bug\n","desc":"inserts between the top two stack values the intervening consecutive elements","effect":"[I J] => [I I+1 ... J]","cases":[[[2,5],[2,3,4,5]],[[0,4],[0,1,2,3,4]],[[-2,0],[-2,-1,0]],[[-3,3],[-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3]],[[4,4],[4,5]]]},"die!":{"full":"prints the string at the top of the stack and halts execution\n","desc":"","effect":"prints the string at the top of the stack and halts execution","cases":[]},"alpha":{"full":"for stoi and itos\n","desc":"","effect":"for stoi and itos","cases":[]},"stoi":{"full":"converts the string S to an integer in base B (2-36)\n[S B]\n\n[\"101010\" 2] => [42]\n[\"0777\" 8] => [511]\n[\"12345\" 10] => [12345]\n[\"123_\" 10] => [123]\n[\"123____\" 10] => [123000] ; TODO: bug\n[\"dead\" 16] => [57005]\n[\"gabe\" 17] => [81699]\n","desc":"converts the string S to an integer in base B (2-36)","effect":"[S B]","cases":[[[1662522251313,2],[42]],[[116251568,8],[511]],[[14336973105,10],[12345]],[[200071473,10],[123]],[[421104295139633,10],[123000]],[[211317476,16],[57005]],[[213430503,17],[81699]]]},"bin":{"full":"creature comforts\n","desc":"","effect":"creature comforts","cases":[]},"itos":{"full":"converts the integer N to a string in base B\n[N B]\n\n[42 2] => [\"101010\"]\n[511 8] => [\"777\"]\n[12345 10] => [\"12345\"]\n[57005 16] => [\"dead\"]\n[81699 17] => [\"gabe\"]\n","desc":"converts the integer N to a string in base B","effect":"[N B]","cases":[[[42,2],[1662522251313]],[[511,8],[908215]],[[12345,10],[14336973105]],[[57005,16],[211317476]],[[81699,17],[213430503]]]},"to_bin":{"full":"creature comforts\n","desc":"","effect":"creature comforts","cases":[]},"digits":{"full":"puts the digits of N in base B on the stack as a pseudo-array\n[N B] => [Dn ...D0 n]\n\n[42 2] => [1 0 1 0 1 0 6]\n[12345 10] => [1 2 3 4 5 5]\n[255 16] => [15 15 2]\n[256 16] => [1 0 0 3]\n","desc":"puts the digits of N in base B on the stack as a pseudo-array","effect":"[N B] => [Dn ...D0 n]","cases":[[[42,2],[1,0,1,0,1,0,6]],[[12345,10],[1,2,3,4,5,5]],[[255,16],[15,15,2]],[[256,16],[1,0,0,3]]]},"inc":{"full":"increments the value at heap address N TODO: make heap effects test-able ?\n[N]\n","desc":"increments the value at heap address N TODO: make heap effects test-able ?","effect":"[N]","cases":[]},"dec":{"full":"decrements the value at heap address N\n[N]\n","desc":"decrements the value at heap address N","effect":"[N]","cases":[]},"eq":{"full":"pops A and B and pushes 1 if they're equal, 0 otherwise\n[A B] => [A == B]\n\n[1 2] => [0]\n[3 3] => [1]\n[-4 4] => [0]\n['A' 65] => [1]\n['B' 65] => [0]\n","desc":"pops A and B and pushes 1 if they're equal, 0 otherwise","effect":"[A B] => [A == B]","cases":[[[1,2],[0]],[[3,3],[1]],[[-4,4],[0]],[[65,65],[1]],[[66,65],[0]]]},"neq":{"full":"pops A and B and pushes 1 if they're not equal, 0 otherwise\n[A B] => [A != B]\n\n[1 2] => [1]\n[3 3] => [0]\n[-4 4] => [1]\n['A' 65] => [0]\n['B' 65] => [1]\n","desc":"pops A and B and pushes 1 if they're not equal, 0 otherwise","effect":"[A B] => [A != B]","cases":[[[1,2],[1]],[[3,3],[0]],[[-4,4],[1]],[[65,65],[0]],[[66,65],[1]]]},"gt":{"full":"pops A and B and pushes 1 if A is greater than B, 0 otherwise\n[A B] => [A > B]\n\n[4 3] => [1]\n[3 4] => [0]\n[2 2] => [0]\n[2 1] => [1]\n","desc":"pops A and B and pushes 1 if A is greater than B, 0 otherwise","effect":"[A B] => [A > B]","cases":[[[4,3],[1]],[[3,4],[0]],[[2,2],[0]],[[2,1],[1]]]},"lt":{"full":"pops A and B and pushes 1 if A is less than than B, 0 otherwise\n[A B] => [A < B]\n\n[3 4] => [1]\n[4 3] => [0]\n[2 2] => [0]\n[1 2] => [1]\n","desc":"pops A and B and pushes 1 if A is less than than B, 0 otherwise","effect":"[A B] => [A < B]","cases":[[[3,4],[1]],[[4,3],[0]],[[2,2],[0]],[[1,2],[1]]]},"heap_seeking_missile":{"full":"Though extremely rare, it's possible that we know a particular value is\nstored in the heap at some key, just not which one. This subroutine takes\na value V to search for and a starting index I, and either returns the first\nkey associated with that value or loops forever. Probably don't touch.\n[V I]\n","desc":"Though extremely rare, it's possible that we know a particular value is\nstored in the heap at some key, just not which one. This subroutine takes\na value V to search for and a starting index I, and either returns the first\nkey associated with that value or loops forever. Probably don't touch.","effect":"[V I]","cases":[]}},"prime":{"prime?":{"full":"[n] => [0|1]\n","desc":"","effect":"[n] => [0|1]","cases":[]},"factor":{"full":"prime factorization\n","desc":"","effect":"prime factorization","cases":[]}}}
+ {"fun":{"palindrome?":{"full":"returns whether the string S is the same forwards and backwards\n[S] => [0 | 1]\n\n[\"racecar\"] => [1]\n[\"divider\"] => [0]\n[\"redivider\"] => [1]\n","desc":"returns whether the string S is the same forwards and backwards","effect":"[S] => [0 | 1]","cases":[[[504736985444594],[1]],[[504874701534436],[0]],[[8271867109940212466],[1]]]},"anagrams?":{"full":"returns whether the strings S and T are composed of the same characters\n[S T] => [0 | 1]\n\n[\"allergy\" \"gallery\"] => [1]\n[\"largely\" \"regally\"] => [1]\n[\"foo\" \"bar\"] => [0]\n","desc":"returns whether the strings S and T are composed of the same characters","effect":"[S T] => [0 | 1]","cases":[[[535733496133217,536107978272999],[1]],[[535901809455340,535903675740914],[1]],[[1832934,1880290],[0]]]},"isop":{"full":"returns the sum of the alphabetical characters in string S where A=1, B=2...\n[S] => [sum]\n\n[\"Math\"] => [42]\n[\"wizards\"] => [100]\n[\"AbCd\"] => [10]\n","desc":"returns the sum of the alphabetical characters in string S where A=1, B=2...","effect":"[S] => [sum]","cases":[[[220016845],[42]],[[509242129691895],[100]],[[210825537],[10]]]},"collatz":{"full":"returns the elements of the Collatz sequence for integer N as a pseudo-array\n[N] => [A]\n\n[1] => [1 1]\n[2] => [2 1 2]\n[3] => [3 10 5 16 8 4 2 1 8]\n[4] => [4 2 1 3]\n[5] => [5 16 8 4 2 1 6]\n","desc":"returns the elements of the Collatz sequence for integer N as a pseudo-array","effect":"[N] => [A]","cases":[[[1],[1,1]],[[2],[2,1,2]],[[3],[3,10,5,16,8,4,2,1,8]],[[4],[4,2,1,3]],[[5],[5,16,8,4,2,1,6]]]}},"math":{"pow":{"full":"returns B raised to the power E\n[B E] => [B**E]\n\n[0 0] => [1], [0 9] => [0], [9 0] => [1]\n[3 2] => [9], [2 3] => [8], [7 4] => [2401]\n","desc":"returns B raised to the power E","effect":"[B E] => [B**E]","cases":[[[0,0],[1]],[[0,9],[0]],[[9,0],[1]],[[3,2],[9]],[[2,3],[8]],[[7,4],[2401]]]},"factorial":{"full":"returns the product of the integers from 1 to N, with 0! defined to be 1\n[N] => [N!]\n\n[0] => [1], [1] => [1], [2] => [2]\n[3] => [6], [5] => [120], [10] => [3628800]\n","desc":"returns the product of the integers from 1 to N, with 0! defined to be 1","effect":"[N] => [N!]","cases":[[[0],[1]],[[1],[1]],[[2],[2]],[[3],[6]],[[5],[120]],[[10],[3628800]]]},"isqrt":{"full":"returns the integer square root of N\n[N] => [floor(sqrt(N))]\n\n[0] => [0], [1] => [1], [2] => [1], [3] => [1]\n[4] => [2], [8] => [2], [9] => [3], [99] => [9], [100] => [10]\n","desc":"returns the integer square root of N","effect":"[N] => [floor(sqrt(N))]","cases":[[[0],[0]],[[1],[1]],[[2],[1]],[[3],[1]],[[4],[2]],[[8],[2]],[[9],[3]],[[99],[9]],[[100],[10]]]},"ilog":{"full":"returns the intger logarithm of N in base B\n[N B] => [logB(N)]\n\n[15 4] => [1]\n[16 4] => [2]\n[100 10] => [2]\n[42 2] => [5]\n","desc":"returns the intger logarithm of N in base B","effect":"[N B] => [logB(N)]","cases":[[[15,4],[1]],[[16,4],[2]],[[100,10],[2]],[[42,2],[5]]]},"gcd":{"full":"returns the greatest common divisor of A and B\n[A B] => [gcd(A, B)]\n\n[6 9] => [3]\n[13 17] => [1]\n[24 36] => [12]\n","desc":"returns the greatest common divisor of A and B","effect":"[A B] => [gcd(A, B)]","cases":[[[6,9],[3]],[[13,17],[1]],[[24,36],[12]]]},"lcm":{"full":"returns the least common multiple of A and B\n[A B] => [lcm(A, B)]\n\n[6 9] => [18]\n[13 17] => [221]\n[24 36] => [72]\n","desc":"returns the least common multiple of A and B","effect":"[A B] => [lcm(A, B)]","cases":[[[6,9],[18]],[[13,17],[221]],[[24,36],[72]]]},"min":{"full":"keeps the minimum of the top two stack values\n[A B] => [A < B ? A : B]\n\n[3 1] => [1]\n[2 4] => [2]\n","desc":"keeps the minimum of the top two stack values","effect":"[A B] => [A < B ? A : B]","cases":[[[3,1],[1]],[[2,4],[2]]]},"max":{"full":"keeps the maximum of the top two stack values\n[A B] => [A > B ? A : B]\n\n[3 1] => [3]\n[2 4] => [4]\n","desc":"keeps the maximum of the top two stack values","effect":"[A B] => [A > B ? A : B]","cases":[[[3,1],[3]],[[2,4],[4]]]},"sign":{"full":"returns -1, 0, or 1 to indicate the sign of N\n[N] => [-1 | 0 | 1]\n\n[17] => [1]\n[-25] => [-1]\n[0] => [0]\n","desc":"returns -1, 0, or 1 to indicate the sign of N","effect":"[N] => [-1 | 0 | 1]","cases":[[[17],[1]],[[-25],[-1]],[[0],[0]]]},"abs":{"full":"returns the absolute value of N\n[N] => [N < 0 ? -N : N]\n\n[-5] => [5]\n[10] => [10]\n[0] => [0]\n","desc":"returns the absolute value of N","effect":"[N] => [N < 0 ? -N : N]","cases":[[[-5],[5]],[[10],[10]],[[0],[0]]]},"divmod":{"full":"pops A and B and pushes both their quotient and modulus\n[A B] => [A/B A%B]\n\n[17 5] => [3 2]\n[42 6] => [7 0]\n[ 1 5] => [0 1]\n","desc":"pops A and B and pushes both their quotient and modulus","effect":"[A B] => [A/B A%B]","cases":[[[17,5],[3,2]],[[42,6],[7,0]],[[1,5],[0,1]]]},"pos?":{"full":"returns whether N is greater than 0\n[N] => [N > 0]\n\n[5] => [1] [-3] => [0] [0] => [0]\n","desc":"returns whether N is greater than 0","effect":"[N] => [N > 0]","cases":[[[5],[1]],[[-3],[0]],[[0],[0]]]},"neg?":{"full":"returns whether N is less than 0\n[N] => [N < 0]\n\n[5] => [0] [-3] => [1] [0] => [0]\n","desc":"returns whether N is less than 0","effect":"[N] => [N < 0]","cases":[[[5],[0]],[[-3],[1]],[[0],[0]]]},"divisors":{"full":"returns a pseudo-array of the positive divisors of N; as an optimization,\nthey're not returned in ascending order, but rather in two \"halves\".\nThe alternative is unnecessarily invoking to_a and clobbering heap.\n[N] => [D1 ... Dn n]\n\n[10] => [1 2 10 5 4]\n[12] => [1 2 3 12 6 4 6]\n[25] => [1 5 25 3] ; no duplicate for perfect squares\n[60] => [1 2 3 4 5 6 60 30 20 15 12 10 12]\n","desc":"returns a pseudo-array of the positive divisors of N; as an optimization,\nthey're not returned in ascending order, but rather in two \"halves\".\nThe alternative is unnecessarily invoking to_a and clobbering heap.","effect":"[N] => [D1 ... Dn n]","cases":[[[10],[1,2,10,5,4]],[[12],[1,2,3,12,6,4,6]],[[25],[1,5,25,3]],[[60],[1,2,3,4,5,6,60,30,20,15,12,10,12]]]},"nCk":{"full":"returns the number of ways to choose K elements from a set of N\n[N K]\n\n[ 4 5] => [0]\n[ 7 7] => [1]\n[13 3] => [286]\n[16 4] => [1820]\n[50 3] => [19600]\n","desc":"returns the number of ways to choose K elements from a set of N","effect":"[N K]","cases":[[[4,5],[0]],[[7,7],[1]],[[13,3],[286]],[[16,4],[1820]],[[50,3],[19600]]]}},"stack":{"roll":{"full":"rolls the Ith element (counting from 0) to the top of the stack,\nshifting the elements above it down by 1.\n[I]\n\n[1 2 3 2] => [2 3 1]\n[1 2 3 4 1] => [1 2 4 3]\n[1 2 3 4 5 3] => [1 3 4 5 2]\n","desc":"rolls the Ith element (counting from 0) to the top of the stack,\nshifting the elements above it down by 1.","effect":"[I]","cases":[[[1,2,3,2],[2,3,1]],[[1,2,3,4,1],[1,2,4,3]],[[1,2,3,4,5,3],[1,3,4,5,2]]]},"bury":{"full":"\"buries\" X in the stack at index I, counting from 0\n[X I]\n\n[1 2 3 4 2] => [1 4 2 3] ; 2nd element of stack now 4\n[1 2 3 4 5 8 5] => [8 1 2 3 4 5]\n","desc":"\"buries\" X in the stack at index I, counting from 0","effect":"[X I]","cases":[[[1,2,3,4,2],[1,4,2,3]],[[1,2,3,4,5,8,5],[8,1,2,3,4,5]]]},"dig":{"full":"\"digs\" out the Ith element of the stack and discards it\n[I]\n\n[1 2 3 4 5 2] => [1 2 4 5]\n[1 2 3 4 5 4] => [2 3 4 5]\n","desc":"\"digs\" out the Ith element of the stack and discards it","effect":"[I]","cases":[[[1,2,3,4,5,2],[1,2,4,5]],[[1,2,3,4,5,4],[2,3,4,5]]]},"to_a":{"full":"pops elements off the stack until it hits the specified sentinel value S,\npushing them to the resulting pseudo-array. It's often more convenient to\nbuild up a collection in reverse order, and we often don't know in advance\nhow many elements we'll meet, but we do know to stop at the sentinel.\n[S En ... E1 S] => [E1 ... En n]\n\n[-1 9 8 7 -1] => [7 8 9 3]\n[0 'c' 'b' 'a' 0] => ['a' 'b' 'c' 3]\n","desc":"pops elements off the stack until it hits the specified sentinel value S,\npushing them to the resulting pseudo-array. It's often more convenient to\nbuild up a collection in reverse order, and we often don't know in advance\nhow many elements we'll meet, but we do know to stop at the sentinel.","effect":"[S En ... E1 S] => [E1 ... En n]","cases":[[[-1,9,8,7,-1],[7,8,9,3]],[[0,99,98,97,0],[97,98,99,3]]]},"npop":{"full":"pops N elements off the top of the stack\n[N]\n\n[1 2 3 4 5 3] => [1 2]\n[1 2 3 4 0] => [1 2 3 4]\n","desc":"pops N elements off the top of the stack","effect":"[N]","cases":[[[1,2,3,4,5,3],[1,2]],[[1,2,3,4,0],[1,2,3,4]]]},"nslide":{"full":"slides N elements off the stack, as if the `slide` operator took an argument\n[N]\n\n[1 2 3 4 5 2] => [1 2 5]\n[1 2 3 4 1] => [1 2 4]\n","desc":"slides N elements off the stack, as if the `slide` operator took an argument","effect":"[N]","cases":[[[1,2,3,4,5,2],[1,2,5]],[[1,2,3,4,1],[1,2,4]]]},"ncopy":{"full":"copies the Nth element to the top of the stack; this does exactly what\na `copy N` instruction would do, but we don't always know N in advance\n[N]\n\n[1 2 3 4 0] => [1 2 3 4 4] ; `copy 0` is just dup\n[1 2 3 4 3] => [1 2 3 4 1]\n","desc":"copies the Nth element to the top of the stack; this does exactly what\na `copy N` instruction would do, but we don't always know N in advance","effect":"[N]","cases":[[[1,2,3,4,0],[1,2,3,4,4]],[[1,2,3,4,3],[1,2,3,4,1]]]}},"rational":{"to_r":{"full":"encodes a numerator N and a denominator D as a rational number R with the\nfollowing structure: ((N × $RAT + D) << 1) + sign (0 for negative, else 1).\nThis representation is nice because, with care, it makes it so that we never\nhave to involve the heap (besides divmod) just to do fairly basic arithmetic.\n[N D] => [R]\n\n[22 7] => [R(22,7)]\n[4 8] => [R(4,8)] ; no implicit simplification TODO: make it configurable?\n[5 1] => [R(5,1)] ; no conversion to integer (duh)\n[-3 4] => [R(-3,4)]\n[3 -4] => [R(-3,4)] ; sign always held in the numerator\n[-1 -3] => [R(1,3)]\n","desc":"encodes a numerator N and a denominator D as a rational number R with the\nfollowing structure: ((N × $RAT + D) << 1) + sign (0 for negative, else 1).\nThis representation is nice because, with care, it makes it so that we never\nhave to involve the heap (besides divmod) just to do fairly basic arithmetic.","effect":"[N D] => [R]","cases":[[[22,7],[94489280527]],[[4,8],[17179869201]],[[5,1],[21474836483]],[[-3,4],[12884901896]],[[3,-4],[12884901896]],[[-1,-3],[4294967303]]]},"ratnum":{"full":"returns the numerator N of the rational number R, which may be negative\n[R] => [N]\n\n[R(22,7)] => [22]\n[R(-3,4)] => [-3]\n[R(3,-4)] => [-3]\n","desc":"returns the numerator N of the rational number R, which may be negative","effect":"[R] => [N]","cases":[[[94489280527],[22]],[[12884901896],[-3]],[[12884901896],[-3]]]},"ratden":{"full":"returns the denominator D of the rational number R; always positive\n[R] => [D]\n\n[R(22,7)] => [7]\n[R(-3,4)] => [4]\n[R(3,-4)] => [4]\n","desc":"returns the denominator D of the rational number R; always positive","effect":"[R] => [D]","cases":[[[94489280527],[7]],[[12884901896],[4]],[[12884901896],[4]]]},"from_r":{"full":"decomposes the rational number R into its numerator N and denominator D\n[R] => [N D]\n\n[R(22,7)] => [22 7]\n[R(-3,4)] => [-3 4]\n[R(3,-4)] => [-3 4]\n[R(4,8)] => [4 8] ; no implicit simplification\n","desc":"decomposes the rational number R into its numerator N and denominator D","effect":"[R] => [N D]","cases":[[[94489280527],[22,7]],[[12884901896],[-3,4]],[[12884901896],[-3,4]],[[17179869201],[4,8]]]},"ratsimp":{"full":"fully simplifies the rational number R by dividing both of its components\nby their greatest common divisor\n[R] => [R, simplified]\n\n[R(4,8)] => [R(1,2)]\n[R(-3,12)] => [R(-1,4)]\n[R(17,-51)] => [R(-1,3)]\n","desc":"fully simplifies the rational number R by dividing both of its components\nby their greatest common divisor","effect":"[R] => [R, simplified]","cases":[[[17179869201],[4294967301]],[[12884901912],[4294967304]],[[73014444134],[4294967302]]]},"ratadd":{"full":"returns the simplified sum of the rational numbers Ra and Rb\n[Ra Rb] => [Ra + Rb]\n\n[R(-9,-14) R(-3,19)] => [R(129,266)]\n[R(17,30) R(18,10)] => [R(71,30)]\n[R(-27,14) R(15,-23)] => [R(-831,322)]\n[R(3,-9) R(8,3)] => [R(7,3)]\n[R(-5,27) R(-2,-27)] => [R(-1,9)]\n[R(-27,-8) R(-15,22)] => [R(237,88)]\n[R(-9,-29) R(-27,3)] => [R(-252,29)]\n[R(2,-21) R(4,6)] => [R(4,7)]\n","desc":"returns the simplified sum of the rational numbers Ra and Rb","effect":"[Ra Rb] => [Ra + Rb]","cases":[[[38654705693,12884901926],[554050781717]],[[73014444093,77309411349],[304942678077]],[[115964117020,64424509486],[3569117823620]],[[12884901906,34359738375],[30064771079]],[[21474836534,8589934647],[4294967314]],[[115964117009,64424509484],[1017907249329]],[[38654705723,115964116998],[1082331758650]],[[8589934634,17179869197],[17179869199]]]},"ratsub":{"full":"returns the simplified difference of the rational numbers Ra and Rb\n[Ra Rb] => [Ra - Rb]\n\n[R(21,25) R(-28,27)] => [R(1267,675)]\n[R(14,7) R(13,6)] => [R(-1,6)]\n[R(-24,-9) R(-5,-21)] => [R(17,7)]\n[R(-27,-2) R(-2,26)] => [R(353,26)]\n[R(-27,3) R(2,-22)] => [R(-98,11)]\n[R(-4,23) R(-9,13)] => [R(155,299)]\n[R(-14,19) R(-18,-11)] => [R(-496,209)]\n[R(-29,21) R(-15,-16)] => [R(-779,336)]\n","desc":"returns the simplified difference of the rational numbers Ra and Rb","effect":"[Ra Rb] => [Ra - Rb]","cases":[[[90194313267,120259084342],[5441723565383]],[[60129542159,55834574861],[4294967308]],[[103079215123,21474836523],[73014444047]],[[115964116997,8589934644],[1516123455541]],[[115964116998,8589934636],[420906795030]],[[17179869230,38654705690],[665719931479]],[[60129542182,77309411351],[2130303779234]],[[124554051626,64424509473],[3345779524256]]]},"ratmul":{"full":"returns the simplified product of the rational numbers Ra and Rb\n[Ra Rb] => [Ra × Rb]\n\n[R(-24,26) R(-1,-30)] => [R(-2,65)]\n[R(19,4) R(27,2)] => [R(513,8)]\n[R(25,27) R(4,-11)] => [R(-100,297)]\n[R(1,18) R(4,8)] => [R(1,36)]\n[R(1,27) R(-8,29)] => [R(-8,783)]\n[R(25,-13) R(-6,24)] => [R(25,52)]\n[R(6,-13) R(9,23)] => [R(-54,299)]\n[R(11,8) R(-19,-19)] => [R(11,8)]\n","desc":"returns the simplified product of the rational numbers Ra and Rb","effect":"[Ra Rb] => [Ra × Rb]","cases":[[[103079215156,4294967357],[8589934722]],[[81604378633,115964116997],[2203318222865]],[[107374182455,17179869206],[429496730194]],[[4294967333,17179869201],[4294967369]],[[4294967351,34359738426],[34359739934]],[[107374182426,25769803824],[107374182505]],[[25769803802,38654705711],[231928234582]],[[47244640273,81604378663],[47244640273]]]},"ratdiv":{"full":"returns the simplified quotient of the rational numbers Ra and Rb\n[Ra Rb] => [Ra / Rb]\n\n[R(-30,-22) R(15,12)] => [R(12,11)]\n[R(13,28) R(-15,29)] => [R(-377,420)]\n[R(7,-30) R(-22,-12)] => [R(-7,55)]\n[R(15,4) R(8,-8)] => [R(-15,4)]\n[R(-23,28) R(-16,-15)] => [R(-345,448)]\n[R(-18,12) R(6,18)] => [R(-9,2)]\n[R(29,-2) R(11,-21)] => [R(609,22)]\n[R(-23,25) R(25,-3)] => [R(69,625)]\n","desc":"returns the simplified quotient of the rational numbers Ra and Rb","effect":"[Ra Rb] => [Ra / Rb]","cases":[[[128849018925,64424509465],[51539607575]],[[55834574905,64424509498],[1619202671432]],[[30064771132,94489280537],[30064771182]],[[64424509449,34359738384],[64424509448]],[[98784247864,68719476767],[1481763718016]],[[77309411352,25769803813],[38654705668]],[[124554051588,47244640298],[2615635083309]],[[98784247858,107374182406],[296352744675]]]},"ratmod":{"full":"returns the simplified modulus of the rational numbers Ra and Rb\n[Ra Rb] => [Ra % Rb]\n\n[R(-15,-3) R(-16,-10)] => [R(1,5)]\n[R(4,2) R(21,21)] => [R(0,1)]\n[R(24,10) R(-18,-3)] => [R(12,5)]\n[R(3,-7) R(-2,16)] => [R(-3,56)]\n[R(4,28) R(-29,7)] => [R(-4,1)]\n[R(7,-27) R(10,23)] => [R(109,621)]\n[R(28,-3) R(30,-12)] => [R(-11,6)]\n[R(-29,21) R(19,-23)] => [R(-268,483)]\n","desc":"returns the simplified modulus of the rational numbers Ra and Rb","effect":"[Ra Rb] => [Ra % Rb]","cases":[[[64424509447,68719476757],[4294967307]],[[17179869189,90194313259],[3]],[[103079215125,77309411335],[51539607563]],[[12884901902,8589934624],[12884902000]],[[17179869241,124554051598],[17179869186]],[[30064771126,42949673007],[468151436507]],[[120259084294,128849018904],[47244640268]],[[124554051626,81604378670],[1151051236294]]]},"ratsign":{"full":"returns the sign of the rational number R\n[R] => [-1 | 0 | 1]\n\n[R(4,3)] => [1]\n[R(4,-3)] => [-1]\n[R(0,10)] => [0]\n[R(-3,4)] => [-1]\n[R(-3,-4)] => [1]\n","desc":"returns the sign of the rational number R","effect":"[R] => [-1 | 0 | 1]","cases":[[[17179869191],[1]],[[17179869190],[-1]],[[21],[0]],[[12884901896],[-1]],[[12884901897],[1]]]}},"string":{"strpack":{"full":"convert a 0-terminated string on the stack to a single base-128 integer\n[0 ... c b a] => [\"abc...\"]\n\n[0 99 98 97] => [\"abc\"]\n[0 99 98 97] => [1634657]\n[0] => [0]\n","desc":"convert a 0-terminated string on the stack to a single base-128 integer","effect":"[0 ... c b a] => [\"abc...\"]","cases":[[[0,99,98,97],[1634657]],[[0,99,98,97],[1634657]],[[0],[0]]]},"strunpack":{"full":"convert a single base-128 integer to a 0-terminated string on the stack\n[\"abc...\"] => [0 ... c b a]\n\n[\"abc\"] => [0 99 98 97]\n[1634657] => [0 99 98 97]\n[0] => [0]\n","desc":"convert a single base-128 integer to a 0-terminated string on the stack","effect":"[\"abc...\"] => [0 ... c b a]","cases":[[[1634657],[0,99,98,97]],[[1634657],[0,99,98,97]],[[0],[0]]]},"strlen":{"full":"returns the length of a packed string, which is just the\nvalue itself log-128, +1 if the integer logarithm isn't exact.\n[S] => [len(S)]\n\n[\"\"] => [0]\n[\"abc\"] => [3]\n[\"foobar\"] => [6]\n","desc":"returns the length of a packed string, which is just the\nvalue itself log-128, +1 if the integer logarithm isn't exact.","effect":"[S] => [len(S)]","cases":[[[0],[0]],[[1634657],[3]],[[3943255767014],[6]]]},"strcat":{"full":"takes two packed strings and returns their concatenation (as a packed string)\n[S T] => [S+T]\n\n[\"foo\" \"\"] => [\"foo\"]\n[\"\" \"foo\"] => [\"foo\"]\n[\"foo\" \"bar\"] => [\"foobar\"]\n","desc":"takes two packed strings and returns their concatenation (as a packed string)","effect":"[S T] => [S+T]","cases":[[[1832934,0],[1832934]],[[0,1832934],[1832934]],[[1832934,1880290],[3943255767014]]]},"strrev":{"full":"reverses a packed string \"in-place\"\n[S] => [S']\n\n[\"foo\"] => [\"oof\"]\n[\"bark\"] => [\"krab\"]\n[\"ab\"] => [\"ba\"] ['a'] => ['a'] [\"\"] => [\"\"]\n","desc":"reverses a packed string \"in-place\"","effect":"[S] => [S']","cases":[[[1832934],[1685487]],[[226275554],[207124843]],[[12641],[12514]],[[97],[97]],[[0],[0]]]},"strslice":{"full":"takes a packed string S, a start index I, and a length L and returns the\ncorresponding substring (simply by doing division with powers of 128; neat)\n[S I L] => [S']\n\n[\"foobar\" 0 6] => [\"foobar\"]\n[\"foobar\" 1 4] => [\"ooba\"]\n[\"foobar\" 1 10] => [\"oobar\"]\n[\"foobar\" 5 1] => ['r']\n[\"foobar\" 6 0] => [\"\"]\n","desc":"takes a packed string S, a start index I, and a length L and returns the\ncorresponding substring (simply by doing division with powers of 128; neat)","effect":"[S I L] => [S']","cases":[[[3943255767014,0,6],[3943255767014]],[[3943255767014,1,4],[205043695]],[[3943255767014,1,10],[30806685679]],[[3943255767014,5,1],[114]],[[3943255767014,6,0],[0]]]},"strindex":{"full":"returns the index I of substring T in string S (or -1 if not found)\n[S T] => [I]\n\n[\"foobar\" 'o'] => [1]\n[\"foobar\" \"ob\"] => [2]\n[\"foobar\" \"\"] => [0]\n[\"foobar\" \"bar\"] => [3]\n[\"foobar\" \"bark\"] => [-1]\n","desc":"returns the index I of substring T in string S (or -1 if not found)","effect":"[S T] => [I]","cases":[[[3943255767014,111],[1]],[[3943255767014,12655],[2]],[[3943255767014,0],[0]],[[3943255767014,1880290],[3]],[[3943255767014,226275554],[-1]]]},"charat":{"full":"returns the character C at index I in string S\n[S I] => [C]\n\n[\"foobar\" 1] => ['o']\n[\"foobar\" 3] => ['b']\n[\"foobar\" 5] => ['r']\n[\"foobar\" 6] => [\"\"]\n","desc":"returns the character C at index I in string S","effect":"[S I] => [C]","cases":[[[3943255767014,1],[111]],[[3943255767014,3],[98]],[[3943255767014,5],[114]],[[3943255767014,6],[0]]]},"isalpha":{"full":"returns 1 if the character at the top of the stack is\nalphabetical (ASCII 65-90 or 97-122), 0 otherwise\n[C] => [0 | 1]\n\n['@'] => [0] ['a'] => [1]\n['z'] => [1] ['['] => [0]\n['`'] => [0] ['A'] => [1]\n['Z'] => [1] ['{'] => [0]\n","desc":"returns 1 if the character at the top of the stack is\nalphabetical (ASCII 65-90 or 97-122), 0 otherwise","effect":"[C] => [0 | 1]","cases":[[[64],[0]],[[97],[1]],[[122],[1]],[[91],[0]],[[96],[0]],[[65],[1]],[[90],[1]],[[123],[0]]]},"strrep":{"full":"returns string S replicated N times\n[S N] => [S']\n\n[\"abc\" 1] => [\"abc\"]\n[\"abc\" 2] => [\"abcabc\"]\n[\"abc\" 0] => [\"\"]\n","desc":"returns string S replicated N times","effect":"[S N] => [S']","cases":[[[1634657,1],[1634657]],[[1634657,2],[3428125831521]],[[1634657,0],[0]]]},"ljustc":{"full":"left-justifies string S to width W with character C\n[S W C] => [S']\n\n[\"foo\" 5 'x'] => [\"fooxx\"]\n[\"foobar\" 4 'x'] => [\"foobar\"]\n[\"\" 3 'x'] => [\"xxx\"]\n","desc":"left-justifies string S to width W with character C","effect":"[S W C] => [S']","cases":[[[1832934,5,120],[32465745894]],[[3943255767014,4,120],[3943255767014]],[[0,3,120],[1981560]]]},"ljust":{"full":"left-justifies string S to width W with spaces\n[S W] => [S']\n\n[\"foo\" 5] => [\"foo \"]\n[\"foobar\" 4] => [\"foobar\"]\n[\"\" 3] => [528416]\n","desc":"left-justifies string S to width W with spaces","effect":"[S W] => [S']","cases":[[[1832934,5],[8658876390]],[[3943255767014,4],[3943255767014]],[[0,3],[528416]]]},"rjustc":{"full":"right-justifies string S to width W with character C\n[S W C] => [S']\n\n[\"foo\" 5 'x'] => [\"xxfoo\"]\n[\"foobar\" 4 'x'] => [\"foobar\"]\n[\"\" 3 'x'] => [\"xxx\"]\n","desc":"right-justifies string S to width W with character C","effect":"[S W C] => [S']","cases":[[[1832934,5,120],[30030806136]],[[3943255767014,4,120],[3943255767014]],[[0,3,120],[1981560]]]},"rjust":{"full":"right-justifies string S to width W with spaces\n[S W C] => [S']\n\n[\"foo\" 5] => [\" foo\"]\n[\"foobar\" 4] => [\"foobar\"]\n[\"\" 3] => [528416]\n","desc":"right-justifies string S to width W with spaces","effect":"[S W C] => [S']","cases":[[[1832934,5],[30030794784]],[[3943255767014,4],[3943255767014]],[[0,3],[528416]]]},"centerc":{"full":"centers string S to width W with character C, favoring left alignment when\nthere's a parity mismatch (even-length string to odd width or vice versa)\n[S W C] => [S']\n\n[\"abc\" 7 'x'] => [\"xxabcxx\"]\n[\"abc\" 6 'x'] => [\"xabcxx\"]\n[\"abcd\" 6 'o'] => [\"oabcdo\"]\n[\"abcd\" 7 'o'] => [\"oabcdoo\"]\n[\"abcd\" 3 '!'] => [\"abcd\"]\n","desc":"centers string S to width W with character C, favoring left alignment when\nthere's a parity mismatch (even-length string to odd width or vice versa)","effect":"[S W C] => [S']","cases":[[[1634657,7,120],[531915532172408]],[[1634657,6,120],[4155590095096]],[[211349857,6,111],[3840983740655]],[[211349857,7,111],[492024146473199]],[[211349857,3,33],[211349857]]]},"center":{"full":"centers string S to width W with spaces\n[S W] => [S']\n\n[\"abc\" 7] => [\" abc \"]\n[\"abc\" 6] => [\" abc \"]\n[\"abcd\" 6] => [\" abcd \"]\n[\"abcd\" 7] => [\" abcd \"]\n[\"abcd\" 3] => [\"abcd\"]\n","desc":"centers string S to width W with spaces","effect":"[S W] => [S']","cases":[[[1634657,7],[141863782207520]],[[1634657,6],[1108310798496]],[[211349857,6],[1126564409504]],[[211349857,7],[141864052764832]],[[211349857,3],[211349857]]]},"strchop":{"full":"removes the last character of a string\n[S] => [S']\n\n[\"foobar\"] => [\"fooba\"]\n[\"abc\"] => [\"ab\"]\n[\"a\"] => [\"\"]\n","desc":"removes the last character of a string","effect":"[S] => [S']","cases":[[[3943255767014],[26245593062]],[[1634657],[12641]],[[97],[0]]]},"strsplit":{"full":"splits string S on delimiting character C, leaving the resultant substrings\non the stack as a pseudo-array (length at top of stack)\n[S C] => [A]\n\n[\"fooxbar\" 'x'] => [\"foo\" \"bar\" 2]\n[\"foobar\" 'x'] => [\"foobar\" 1]\n[\"foo|bar|baz\" '|'] => [\"foo\" \"bar\" \"baz\" 3]\n[\"foo,,bar\" ','] => [\"foo\" \"\" \"bar\" 3]\n[\"/foo/bar/\" '/'] => [\"\" \"foo\" \"bar\" \"\" 4]\n","desc":"splits string S on delimiting character C, leaving the resultant substrings\non the stack as a pseudo-array (length at top of stack)","effect":"[S C] => [A]","cases":[[[504736757053414,120],[1832934,1880290,2]],[[3943255767014,120],[3943255767014,1]],[[144933976769845798893542,124],[1832934,1880290,2011362,3]],[[64606284361234406,44],[1832934,0,1880290,3]],[[3451313205089661743,47],[0,1832934,1880290,0,4]]]},"lines":{"full":"splits the string S on newlines\n","desc":"","effect":"splits the string S on newlines","cases":[]},"strjoinc":{"full":"joins the pseudo-array of strings A into string S with delimiter string D\n[A D] => [S]\n\n[\"foo\" \"bar\" 2 'x'] => [\"fooxbar\"]\n[\"foo\" \"bar\" \"baz\" 3 '--'] => [\"foo--bar--baz\"]\n[\"foo\" 1 \"?!\"] => [\"foo\"]\n","desc":"joins the pseudo-array of strings A into string S with delimiter string D","effect":"[A D] => [S]","cases":[[[1832934,1880290,2,120],[504736757053414]],[[1832934,1880290,2011362,3,5805],[2374597541788353508880938982]],[[1832934,1,4287],[1832934]]]},"strjoin":{"full":"concatenates the pseudo-array of strings A into string S\n[A] => [S]\n\n[\"foo\" 1] => [\"foo\"]\n[\"foo\" \"bar\" 2] => [\"foobar\"]\n[\"foo\" 'x' \"bar\" 'x' \"baz\" 5] => [\"fooxbarxbaz\"]\n","desc":"concatenates the pseudo-array of strings A into string S","effect":"[A] => [S]","cases":[[[1832934,1],[1832934]],[[1832934,1880290,2],[3943255767014]],[[1832934,120,1880290,120,2011362,5],[144933974518045976819686]]]},"strcountc":{"full":"returns the number of ocurrences of character C in string S\n[S C] => [N]\n\n[\"foobar\" 'a'] => [1]\n[\"foobar\" 'o'] => [2]\n[\"foobar\" 'c'] => [0]\n","desc":"returns the number of ocurrences of character C in string S","effect":"[S C] => [N]","cases":[[[3943255767014,97],[1]],[[3943255767014,111],[2]],[[3943255767014,99],[0]]]},"strcount":{"full":"returns the total number of ocurrences of all characters in string T in string S\n[S T] => [N]\n\n[\"foobar\" 'o'] => [2]\n[\"foobar\" \"ob\"] => [3]\n[\"foxboar\" \"box\"] => [4]\n[\"eunoia\" \"aeiou\"] => [5]\n[\"why\" \"aeiou\"] => [0]\n","desc":"returns the total number of ocurrences of all characters in string T in string S","effect":"[S T] => [N]","cases":[[[3943255767014,111],[2]],[[3943255767014,12655],[3]],[[504740200724454,1980386],[4]],[[3361314945765,31641465569],[5]],[[1995895,31641465569],[0]]]},"strtrans":{"full":"translates all characters in A to the corresponding characters in B\nin stirng S, ; similar to the `tr` utility in Unix. A and B must be\nof the same length. TODO: make this smarter (ranges, length mismatch)\n[S A B] => [S']\n\n[\"abcd\" \"abc\" \"xyz\"] => [\"xyzd\"]\n[\"foobar\" \"oba\" \"ele\"] => [\"feeler\"]\n[\"abcdcba\" \"abcd\" \"xyz|\"] => [\"xyz|zyx\"]\n","desc":"translates all characters in A to the corresponding characters in B\nin stirng S, ; similar to the `tr` utility in Unix. A and B must be\nof the same length. TODO: make this smarter (ranges, length mismatch)","effect":"[S A B] => [S']","cases":[[[211349857,1634657,2014456],[211729656]],[[3943255767014,1601903,1668709],[3944350315238]],[[430004552397153,211349857,262061304],[531956120861944]]]},"strexpand":{"full":"expands the length-2 string S to contain the intervening ASCII characters\n[S] => [S']\n\n[\"CJ\"] => [\"CDEFGHIJ\"]\n[\"DA\"] => [\"DE\"] TODO: bug\n[\"af\"] => [\"abcdef\"]\n[\"09\"] => [\"0123456789\"]\n[\"(1\"] => [\"()*+,-./01\"]\n","desc":"expands the length-2 string S to contain the intervening ASCII characters","effect":"[S] => [S']","cases":[[[9539],[41981847056507459]],[[8388],[8900]],[[13153],[3532016644449]],[[7344],[529798632943928514736]],[[6312],[455430656835745125544]]]},"strsqueeze":{"full":"\"squeezes\" runs of the same character in string S to just one occurrence\n[S] => [S']\n\n[\"abc\"] => [\"abc\"]\n[\"foobar\"] => [\"fobar\"]\n[\"bookkeeper\"] => [\"bokeper\"]\n[\"xxxxxxx\"] => [\"x\"]\n","desc":"\"squeezes\" runs of the same character in string S to just one occurrence","effect":"[S] => [S']","cases":[[[1634657],[1634657]],[[3943255767014],[30806685670]],[[1058805727296038369250],[504877914191842]],[[531921215831160],[120]]]},"strsum":{"full":"returns the sum of the ordinal values of the characters in string S\n[S] => [N]\n\n[\"ABC\"] => [198]\n[\"012\"] => [147]\n[\"a\"] => [97]\n[\"\"] => [] TODO: bug, should be 0\n","desc":"returns the sum of the ordinal values of the characters in string S","effect":"[S] => [N]","cases":[[[1106241],[198]],[[825520],[147]],[[97],[97]],[[0],[]]]},"strrotl":{"full":"rotates the string S to the left N times, wrapping\n[S N]\n\n[\"abc\" 0] => [\"abc\"]\n[\"abcd\" 1] => [\"bcda\"]\n[\"abcd\" 5] => [\"bcda\"]\n[\"foodbar\" 4] => [\"barfood\"]\n","desc":"rotates the string S to the left N times, wrapping","effect":"[S N]","cases":[[[1634657,0],[1634657]],[[211349857,1],[205074914]],[[211349857,5],[205074914]],[[504736715110374,4],[443648594194658]]]},"strrotr":{"full":"rotates the string S to the right N times, wrapping\n[S N]\n\n[\"abcd\" 1] => [\"dabc\"]\n[\"abcd\" 5] => [\"dabc\"]\n[\"foodbar\" 3] => [\"barfood\"]\n","desc":"rotates the string S to the right N times, wrapping","effect":"[S N]","cases":[[[211349857,1],[209236196]],[[211349857,5],[209236196]],[[504736715110374,3],[443648594194658]]]}},"bits":{"band":{"full":"returns the bitwise AND of A and B\n[A B] => [A & B]\n\n[65 47] => [1] [83 25] => [17]\n[40 64] => [0] [74 59] => [10]\n[31 18] => [18] [86 32] => [0]\n[93 79] => [77] [11 79] => [11]\n","desc":"returns the bitwise AND of A and B","effect":"[A B] => [A & B]","cases":[[[65,47],[1]],[[83,25],[17]],[[40,64],[0]],[[74,59],[10]],[[31,18],[18]],[[86,32],[0]],[[93,79],[77]],[[11,79],[11]]]},"bor":{"full":"returns the bitwise OR of A and B\n[A B] => [A | B]\n\n[66 51] => [115] [64 4] => [68]\n[61 77] => [125] [93 65] => [93]\n[14 87] => [95] [71 37] => [103]\n[7 19] => [23] [38 92] => [126]\n","desc":"returns the bitwise OR of A and B","effect":"[A B] => [A | B]","cases":[[[66,51],[115]],[[64,4],[68]],[[61,77],[125]],[[93,65],[93]],[[14,87],[95]],[[71,37],[103]],[[7,19],[23]],[[38,92],[126]]]},"bxor":{"full":"returns the bitwise XOR of A and B\n[A B] => [A ^ B]\n\n[4 14] => [10] [0 80] => [80]\n[51 5] => [54] [97 77] => [44]\n[39 65] => [102] [12 26] => [22]\n[44 36] => [8] [6 21] => [19]\n","desc":"returns the bitwise XOR of A and B","effect":"[A B] => [A ^ B]","cases":[[[4,14],[10]],[[0,80],[80]],[[51,5],[54]],[[97,77],[44]],[[39,65],[102]],[[12,26],[22]],[[44,36],[8]],[[6,21],[19]]]},"bnot":{"full":"returns the infinite-precision bitwise NOT of N by inverting all of its bits\n[N] => [~N]\n\n[58] => [5] [46] => [17]\n[48] => [15] [87] => [40]\n[98] => [29] [51] => [12]\n[3] => [0] [42] => [21]\n","desc":"returns the infinite-precision bitwise NOT of N by inverting all of its bits","effect":"[N] => [~N]","cases":[[[58],[5]],[[46],[17]],[[48],[15]],[[87],[40]],[[98],[29]],[[51],[12]],[[3],[0]],[[42],[21]]]},"blength":{"full":"returns the number of bits in the binary representation of N\n[N] => [# of bits]\n\n[0] => [0] [1] => [1]\n[7] => [3] [8] => [4]\n[255] => [8]\n","desc":"returns the number of bits in the binary representation of N","effect":"[N] => [# of bits]","cases":[[[0],[0]],[[1],[1]],[[7],[3]],[[8],[4]],[[255],[8]]]},"popcount":{"full":"returns the number of set bits in N\n[N] => [popcount]\n\n[0] => [0] [1] => [1]\n[7] => [3] [8] => [1]\n","desc":"returns the number of set bits in N","effect":"[N] => [popcount]","cases":[[[0],[0]],[[1],[1]],[[7],[3]],[[8],[1]]]}},"io":{"print":{"full":"prints the character at the top of the stack until terminating zero\n","desc":"","effect":"prints the character at the top of the stack until terminating zero","cases":[]},"println":{"full":"print with newline\n","desc":"","effect":"print with newline","cases":[]},"getline":{"full":"reads a line of input onto the top of the stack as a packed string\n","desc":"","effect":"reads a line of input onto the top of the stack as a packed string","cases":[]},"readall":{"full":"consume stdin until EOF\n","desc":"","effect":"consume stdin until EOF","cases":[]}},"case":{"upcase":{"full":"returns string S with all alphabetical characters capitalized\n[S] => [S']\n\n[\"\"] => [\"\"]\n[\"abc\"] => [\"ABC\"]\n[\"123\"] => [\"123\"]\n[\"Abc123Def\"] => [\"ABC123DEF\"]\n","desc":"returns string S with all alphabetical characters capitalized","effect":"[S] => [S']","cases":[[[0],[0]],[[1634657],[1106241]],[[842033],[842033]],[[7407033370199781697],[5083175962476077377]]]},"downcase":{"full":"returns string S with all alphabetical characters lower-cased\n[S] => [S']\n\n[\"\"] => [\"\"]\n[\"ABC\"] => [\"abc\"]\n[\"123\"] => [\"123\"]\n[\"aBC123dEF\"] => [\"abc123def\"]\n","desc":"returns string S with all alphabetical characters lower-cased","effect":"[S] => [S']","cases":[[[0],[0]],[[1106241],[1634657]],[[842033],[842033]],[[5083316699964432737],[7407174107688137057]]]},"swapcase":{"full":"returns string S with the case of all alphabetical characters swapped\n[S] => [S']\n\n[\"\"] => [\"\"]\n[\"FooBar\"] => [\"fOObAR\"]\n[\"Abc123deF\"] => [\"aBC123DEf\"]\n","desc":"returns string S with the case of all alphabetical characters swapped","effect":"[S] => [S']","cases":[[[0],[0]],[[3943188658118],[2835153676262]],[[5101331098474443073],[7389018971689771361]]]}},"test":{},"array":{"arysum":{"full":"returns the sum of the array A\n[A] => [sum]\n\n[3 1] => [3]\n[4 3 2 1 4] => [10]\n[-10 -5 7 5 10 5] => [7]\n","desc":"returns the sum of the array A","effect":"[A] => [sum]","cases":[[[3,1],[3]],[[4,3,2,1,4],[10]],[[-10,-5,7,5,10,5],[7]]]},"arydup":{"full":"duplicates the array at the top of the stack\n[A] => [A A]\n\n[1 2 3 3] => [1 2 3 3 1 2 3 3]\n[7 50 10 2] => [7 50 10 2 50 10 2]\n","desc":"duplicates the array at the top of the stack","effect":"[A] => [A A]","cases":[[[1,2,3,3],[1,2,3,3,1,2,3,3]],[[7,50,10,2],[7,50,10,2,50,10,2]]]},"arypop":{"full":"removes the element at the end of the array A\n[A] => [A']\n\n[10 1] => [0]\n[1 2 3 4 4] => [1 2 3 3]\n[7 10 20 30 3] => [7 10 20 2]\n","desc":"removes the element at the end of the array A","effect":"[A] => [A']","cases":[[[10,1],[0]],[[1,2,3,4,4],[1,2,3,3]],[[7,10,20,30,3],[7,10,20,2]]]},"aryshift":{"full":"removes the element at the beginning of the array A\n[A] => [A']\n\n[10 1] => [0]\n[1 2 3 4 4] => [2 3 4 3]\n[7 10 20 30 3] => [7 20 30 2]\n","desc":"removes the element at the beginning of the array A","effect":"[A] => [A']","cases":[[[10,1],[0]],[[1,2,3,4,4],[2,3,4,3]],[[7,10,20,30,3],[7,20,30,2]]]},"arycat":{"full":"returns the concatenation of arrays A and B\n[A B] => [A+B]\n\n[1 2 3 3 4 5 6 3] => [1 2 3 4 5 6 6]\n[7 10 2 5 4 3 3] => [7 10 5 4 3 5]\n","desc":"returns the concatenation of arrays A and B","effect":"[A B] => [A+B]","cases":[[[1,2,3,3,4,5,6,3],[1,2,3,4,5,6,6]],[[7,10,2,5,4,3,3],[7,10,5,4,3,5]]]},"aryindex":{"full":"returns the index I of element E in array A (or -1 if not found)\n[A E] => [I]\n\n[1 2 3 4 4 2] => [1]\n[1 2 3 4 4 4] => [3]\n[1 2 3 4 4 5] => [-1]\n","desc":"returns the index I of element E in array A (or -1 if not found)","effect":"[A E] => [I]","cases":[[[1,2,3,4,4,2],[1]],[[1,2,3,4,4,4],[3]],[[1,2,3,4,4,5],[-1]]]},"aryat":{"full":"returns the element E at index I in array A (or dies on out of bounds)\n[A I] => [E]\n\n[1 2 3 4 4 0] => [1]\n[1 2 3 4 4 2] => [3]\n[1 2 3 4 4 -1] => [4] negative index counts from the end\n","desc":"returns the element E at index I in array A (or dies on out of bounds)","effect":"[A I] => [E]","cases":[[[1,2,3,4,4,0],[1]],[[1,2,3,4,4,2],[3]],[[1,2,3,4,4,-1],[4]]]},"minmax":{"full":"returns the minimum and maximum elements of array A\n[A] => [min max]\n\n[4 3 2 1 4] => [1 4]\n[6 8 -3 4 0 5] => [-3 8]\n[7 1] => [7 7]\n","desc":"returns the minimum and maximum elements of array A","effect":"[A] => [min max]","cases":[[[4,3,2,1,4],[1,4]],[[6,8,-3,4,0,5],[-3,8]],[[7,1],[7,7]]]},"aryrev":{"full":"reverses the array A\n[A] => [A']\n\n[1 2 3 3] => [3 2 1 3]\n[7 1] => [7 1]\n[5 4 3 2 1 5] => [1 2 3 4 5 5]\n","desc":"reverses the array A","effect":"[A] => [A']","cases":[[[1,2,3,3],[3,2,1,3]],[[7,1],[7,1]],[[5,4,3,2,1,5],[1,2,3,4,5,5]]]},"aryrep":{"full":"returns the array A replicated N times\n[A N] => [A']\n\n[3 2 1 3 4] => [3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 12]\n","desc":"returns the array A replicated N times","effect":"[A N] => [A']","cases":[[[3,2,1,3,4],[3,2,1,3,2,1,3,2,1,3,2,1,12]]]}},"syntax":{},"util":{"range":{"full":"inserts between the top two stack values the intervening consecutive elements\n[I J] => [I I+1 ... J]\n\n[2 5] => [2 3 4 5]\n[0 4] => [0 1 2 3 4]\n[-2 0] => [-2 -1 0]\n[-3 3] => [-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3]\n[4 4] => [4 5] TODO: bug\n","desc":"inserts between the top two stack values the intervening consecutive elements","effect":"[I J] => [I I+1 ... J]","cases":[[[2,5],[2,3,4,5]],[[0,4],[0,1,2,3,4]],[[-2,0],[-2,-1,0]],[[-3,3],[-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3]],[[4,4],[4,5]]]},"die!":{"full":"prints the string at the top of the stack and halts execution\n","desc":"","effect":"prints the string at the top of the stack and halts execution","cases":[]},"alpha":{"full":"for stoi and itos\n","desc":"","effect":"for stoi and itos","cases":[]},"stoi":{"full":"converts the string S to an integer in base B (2-36)\n[S B]\n\n[\"101010\" 2] => [42]\n[\"0777\" 8] => [511]\n[\"12345\" 10] => [12345]\n[\"123_\" 10] => [123]\n[\"123____\" 10] => [123000] ; TODO: bug\n[\"dead\" 16] => [57005]\n[\"gabe\" 17] => [81699]\n","desc":"converts the string S to an integer in base B (2-36)","effect":"[S B]","cases":[[[1662522251313,2],[42]],[[116251568,8],[511]],[[14336973105,10],[12345]],[[200071473,10],[123]],[[421104295139633,10],[123000]],[[211317476,16],[57005]],[[213430503,17],[81699]]]},"bin":{"full":"creature comforts\n","desc":"","effect":"creature comforts","cases":[]},"itos":{"full":"converts the integer N to a string in base B\n[N B]\n\n[42 2] => [\"101010\"]\n[511 8] => [\"777\"]\n[12345 10] => [\"12345\"]\n[57005 16] => [\"dead\"]\n[81699 17] => [\"gabe\"]\n","desc":"converts the integer N to a string in base B","effect":"[N B]","cases":[[[42,2],[1662522251313]],[[511,8],[908215]],[[12345,10],[14336973105]],[[57005,16],[211317476]],[[81699,17],[213430503]]]},"to_bin":{"full":"creature comforts\n","desc":"","effect":"creature comforts","cases":[]},"digits":{"full":"puts the digits of N in base B on the stack as a pseudo-array\n[N B] => [Dn ...D0 n]\n\n[42 2] => [1 0 1 0 1 0 6]\n[12345 10] => [1 2 3 4 5 5]\n[255 16] => [15 15 2]\n[256 16] => [1 0 0 3]\n","desc":"puts the digits of N in base B on the stack as a pseudo-array","effect":"[N B] => [Dn ...D0 n]","cases":[[[42,2],[1,0,1,0,1,0,6]],[[12345,10],[1,2,3,4,5,5]],[[255,16],[15,15,2]],[[256,16],[1,0,0,3]]]},"inc":{"full":"increments the value at heap address N TODO: make heap effects test-able ?\n[N]\n","desc":"increments the value at heap address N TODO: make heap effects test-able ?","effect":"[N]","cases":[]},"dec":{"full":"decrements the value at heap address N\n[N]\n","desc":"decrements the value at heap address N","effect":"[N]","cases":[]},"eq":{"full":"pops A and B and pushes 1 if they're equal, 0 otherwise\n[A B] => [A == B]\n\n[1 2] => [0]\n[3 3] => [1]\n[-4 4] => [0]\n['A' 65] => [1]\n['B' 65] => [0]\n","desc":"pops A and B and pushes 1 if they're equal, 0 otherwise","effect":"[A B] => [A == B]","cases":[[[1,2],[0]],[[3,3],[1]],[[-4,4],[0]],[[65,65],[1]],[[66,65],[0]]]},"neq":{"full":"pops A and B and pushes 1 if they're not equal, 0 otherwise\n[A B] => [A != B]\n\n[1 2] => [1]\n[3 3] => [0]\n[-4 4] => [1]\n['A' 65] => [0]\n['B' 65] => [1]\n","desc":"pops A and B and pushes 1 if they're not equal, 0 otherwise","effect":"[A B] => [A != B]","cases":[[[1,2],[1]],[[3,3],[0]],[[-4,4],[1]],[[65,65],[0]],[[66,65],[1]]]},"gt":{"full":"pops A and B and pushes 1 if A is greater than B, 0 otherwise\n[A B] => [A > B]\n\n[4 3] => [1]\n[3 4] => [0]\n[2 2] => [0]\n[2 1] => [1]\n","desc":"pops A and B and pushes 1 if A is greater than B, 0 otherwise","effect":"[A B] => [A > B]","cases":[[[4,3],[1]],[[3,4],[0]],[[2,2],[0]],[[2,1],[1]]]},"lt":{"full":"pops A and B and pushes 1 if A is less than than B, 0 otherwise\n[A B] => [A < B]\n\n[3 4] => [1]\n[4 3] => [0]\n[2 2] => [0]\n[1 2] => [1]\n","desc":"pops A and B and pushes 1 if A is less than than B, 0 otherwise","effect":"[A B] => [A < B]","cases":[[[3,4],[1]],[[4,3],[0]],[[2,2],[0]],[[1,2],[1]]]},"heap_seeking_missile":{"full":"Though extremely rare, it's possible that we know a particular value is\nstored in the heap at some key, just not which one. This subroutine takes\na value V to search for and a starting index I, and either returns the first\nkey associated with that value or loops forever. Probably don't touch.\n[V I]\n","desc":"Though extremely rare, it's possible that we know a particular value is\nstored in the heap at some key, just not which one. This subroutine takes\na value V to search for and a starting index I, and either returns the first\nkey associated with that value or loops forever. Probably don't touch.","effect":"[V I]","cases":[]}},"prime":{"prime?":{"full":"returns 1 if the number N is prime, 0 otherwise\n[N] => [0 | 1]\n\n[0] => [0] [1] => [0]\n[2] => [1] [4] => [0]\n[3] => [1] [9] => [0]\n","desc":"returns 1 if the number N is prime, 0 otherwise","effect":"[N] => [0 | 1]","cases":[[[0],[0]],[[1],[0]],[[2],[1]],[[4],[0]],[[3],[1]],[[9],[0]]]},"next_prime":{"full":"returns the first prime number P greater than N\n[N] => [P]\n\n[0] => [2] [1] => [2]\n[2] => [3] [3] => [5]\n[13] => [17]\n[100] => [101]\n","desc":"returns the first prime number P greater than N","effect":"[N] => [P]","cases":[[[0],[2]],[[1],[2]],[[2],[3]],[[3],[5]],[[13],[17]],[[100],[101]]]},"factor":{"full":"returns the prime factorization of N as a pseudo-array\n[N] => [A]\n\n[2] => [2 1]\n[8] => [2 2 2 3]\n[15] => [3 5 2]\n[17] => [17 1]\n[100] => [2 2 5 5 4]\n","desc":"returns the prime factorization of N as a pseudo-array","effect":"[N] => [A]","cases":[[[2],[2,1]],[[8],[2,2,2,3]],[[15],[3,5,2]],[[17],[17,1]],[[100],[2,2,5,5,4]]]}}}
@@ -1,45 +1,45 @@
  import math ; divmod
  import util ; inc
- ; [n] => [0|1]
- prime?: ; [n]
+ ; returns 1 if the number N is prime, 0 otherwise
+ ; [N] => [0 | 1]
+ ;
+ ; [0] => [0] [1] => [0]
+ ; [2] => [1] [4] => [0]
+ ; [3] => [1] [9] => [0]
+ prime?:
  dup push 3 sub jn _prime_special ; special-case < 3
  dup push 2 mod jz _prime_even ; otherwise, even -> false
- push 3
- _prime_loop: ; [n d]
- copy 1 copy 1 dup mul sub jn _prime_yes ; divisor > isqrt(n), n is prime
+ push 3 ; initial divisor to check
+ _prime_loop:
+ copy 1 copy 1 dup mul sub jn _prime_yes ; divisor > isqrt(n), so n is prime
  copy 1 copy 1 mod jz _prime_no
  push 2 add jump _prime_loop
- _prime_yes:
- pop dup div ret ; return 1
- _prime_even:
- push 1
- _prime_no:
- pop dup sub ret ; return 0
- _prime_special: ; [n]
- push 2 sub jz _prime_two
- push 0 ret ; false for n < 2
- _prime_two:
- push 1 ret
- ;;;
+ _prime_even: dup sub ret
+ _prime_no: pop dup sub ret ; return 0
+ _prime_yes: pop dup div ret ; return 1
+ _prime_special: push 2 :eq ret
+ ; returns the first prime number P greater than N
+ ; [N] => [P]
+ ;
+ ; [0] => [2] [1] => [2]
+ ; [2] => [3] [3] => [5]
+ ; [13] => [17]
+ ; [100] => [101]
  next_prime: push 1 add dup :prime? jz next_prime ret
- ;;;
- ; prime factorization
- factor: ; [n]
- push 2 swap ; initial divisor
- push -2,0 store ; number of prime factors
- _factor_loop: ; [d n]
- dup push 2 sub jn _factor_done
- jump _divisor_loop ; prevent dead code elimination :(
+ ; returns the prime factorization of N as a pseudo-array
+ ; ! N must be greater than 1
+ ; [N] => [A]
+ ;
+ ; [2] => [2 1]
+ ; [8] => [2 2 2 3]
+ ; [15] => [3 5 2]
+ ; [17] => [17 1]
+ ; [100] => [2 2 5 5 4]
+ factor: push 2 swap push -2,0 store
+ _factor_loop: dup push 2 sub jn _factor_done jump _divisor_loop
  dup copy 2 :divmod jz _divisor_keep
  pop swap :next_prime swap jump _factor_loop
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
  module Spitewaste
- VERSION = '0.1.006'
+ VERSION = '0.1.007'
metadata CHANGED
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
  --- !ruby/object:Gem::Specification
  name: spitewaste
  version: !ruby/object:Gem::Version
- version: 0.1.006
+ version: 0.1.007
  platform: ruby
  - Collided Scope (collidedscope)