snoopit 0.0.1

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Files changed (57) hide show
  1. checksums.yaml +7 -0
  2. data/.coveralls.yml +1 -0
  3. data/.gitignore +39 -0
  4. data/.idea/.name +1 -0
  5. data/.idea/.rakeTasks +7 -0
  6. data/.idea/dictionaries/rbirch.xml +9 -0
  7. data/.idea/encodings.xml +5 -0
  8. data/.idea/misc.xml +5 -0
  9. data/.idea/modules.xml +9 -0
  10. data/.idea/scopes/scope_settings.xml +5 -0
  11. data/.idea/snoopit.iml +233 -0
  12. data/.idea/vcs.xml +7 -0
  13. data/.rspec +2 -0
  14. data/.travis.yml +7 -0
  15. data/Gemfile +15 -0
  16. data/LICENSE.txt +22 -0
  17. data/ +411 -0
  18. data/Rakefile +1 -0
  19. data/bin/snoopit +173 -0
  20. data/lib/snoopit.rb +22 -0
  21. data/lib/snoopit/detected.rb +50 -0
  22. data/lib/snoopit/file_info.rb +104 -0
  23. data/lib/snoopit/file_tracker.rb +83 -0
  24. data/lib/snoopit/logger.rb +30 -0
  25. data/lib/snoopit/notification_manager.rb +123 -0
  26. data/lib/snoopit/notifier.rb +25 -0
  27. data/lib/snoopit/notifiers/email.rb +61 -0
  28. data/lib/snoopit/notifiers/http.rb +85 -0
  29. data/lib/snoopit/notifiers/https.rb +21 -0
  30. data/lib/snoopit/notifiers/stomp.rb +59 -0
  31. data/lib/snoopit/register.rb +69 -0
  32. data/lib/snoopit/sniffer.rb +51 -0
  33. data/lib/snoopit/snooper.rb +149 -0
  34. data/lib/snoopit/snoopy.rb +67 -0
  35. data/lib/snoopit/version.rb +3 -0
  36. data/snoopit.gemspec +27 -0
  37. data/spec/bin/snoopit_spec.rb +258 -0
  38. data/spec/file_info_spec.rb +131 -0
  39. data/spec/file_tracker_spec.rb +172 -0
  40. data/spec/notification_manager_spec.rb +103 -0
  41. data/spec/notifiers/email_spec.rb +36 -0
  42. data/spec/notifiers/http_spec.rb +37 -0
  43. data/spec/notifiers/https_spec.rb +38 -0
  44. data/spec/notifiers/stomp_spec.rb +34 -0
  45. data/spec/register_spec.rb +105 -0
  46. data/spec/snooper_spec.rb +538 -0
  47. data/spec/spec_helper.rb +24 -0
  48. data/spec/support/log/snoop_log.test +593 -0
  49. data/spec/support/log/snoop_log_2.test +593 -0
  50. data/spec/support/multiple_snoopies.json +82 -0
  51. data/spec/support/regexp_tester.rb +10 -0
  52. data/spec/support/snoopies.json +93 -0
  53. data/spec/support/snoopies_notifiers.json +66 -0
  54. data/spec/support/test_notifier.rb +18 -0
  55. data/spec/support/test_notifier_load.rb +18 -0
  56. data/support/snoopies.json +110 -0
  57. metadata +190 -0
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ require 'snoopit'
+ require 'support/test_notifier'
+ require 'awesome_print'
+ require 'coveralls'
+ include Snoopit
+ Coveralls.wear!
+ # This file was generated by the `rspec --init` command. Conventionally, all
+ # specs live under a `spec` directory, which RSpec adds to the `$LOAD_PATH`.
+ # Require this file using `require "spec_helper"` to ensure that it is only
+ # loaded once.
+ #
+ # See
+ RSpec.configure do |config|
+ config.treat_symbols_as_metadata_keys_with_true_values = true
+ config.run_all_when_everything_filtered = true
+ config.filter_run :focus
+ # Run specs in random order to surface order dependencies. If you find an
+ # order dependency and want to debug it, you can fix the order by providing
+ # the seed, which is printed after each run.
+ # --seed 1234
+ config.order = 'random'
+ config.filter_run_excluding :skip => true
+ end
@@ -0,0 +1,593 @@
+ D, [2014-04-30T16:56:59.702449 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Manny Schewitz", body: "This is a VERY conservative part of Florida but wat...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:6bf6b88,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:6bf6958,'0.8558092366 284294E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:6bf6728,'0.7763582826 285129E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461609709418459136", ldate: "2014-04-30 20:55:05", loadstamp: "2014-04-30 20:56:59", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ I, [2014-04-30T16:56:59.718199 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records: 2
+ I, [2014-04-30T16:56:59.718244 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records Not Loaded: 0
+ I, [2014-04-30T16:56:59.718274 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-04-30T16:56:59.718304 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ W, [2014-04-30T16:57:01.268559 #32088] WARN -- : Non OK Status from AI Core: {"errorlist"=>["Could not find model:Texting1"], "message"=>nil, "errorcode"=>nil, "status"=>"error", "contentlist"=>[{"content"=>"don't text and drive @Real_Liam_Payne", "contentid"=>"461610123039760384"}, {"content"=>"In order to survive, don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461610107713769472"}, {"content"=>"Text on your own time, not while you are driving #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461610074129956864"}, {"content"=>"Seems like people snapchat and drive more than text and drive", "contentid"=>"461610059509010432"}, {"content"=>"Drive now, text later #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461610019499167746"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461609973370593282"}, {"content"=>"If you think that you can text and drive, you are wrong #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461609941459939328"}, {"content"=>"If you think that you can text and drive, you are dead wrong #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461609916642234368"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461609898535419905"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461609890218512384"}, {"content"=>"You aren't invincible, so don't text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461609862124691456"}, {"content"=>"RT @YOPeek_Shimmy: Too many people text &amp;drive, no matter what the conditions are outside", "contentid"=>"461609846971068416"}, {"content"=>"RT @JamarrJacob: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappedarou…", "contentid"=>"461609770253041664"}, {"content"=>"Don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461609758676357120"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461609621879140352"}, {"content"=>"@BeefPattyCheese oh yea. in MD we cant text &amp; drive n to an officer it \"looks like ur on the phone\" so i use my cds", "contentid"=>"461609604531904512"}, {"content"=>"RT @JamarrJacob: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappedarou…", "contentid"=>"461609595434053632"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461609562437853184"}, {"content"=>"RT @mileysbae: I ain't ever text and drive cuz I know My mama gon be on TV reading my last outgoing text that says \"I can't wait to eat tha…", "contentid"=>"461609545744523265"}, {"content"=>"@Teenaemm I never text when driving, and only vine on straight roads when there is no one behind or infront #imsensible #okmaybenot ὤ8", "contentid"=>"461609529697116160"}, {"content"=>"RT @mileysbae: I ain't ever text and drive cuz I know My mama gon be on TV reading my last outgoing text that says \"I can't wait to eat tha…", "contentid"=>"461609502421565440"}, {"content"=>"RT @halestormm12: I can't stand when people text and drive. It makes me so nervous. Whatever is in your inbox can wait. If not, they can ca…", "contentid"=>"461609490824314881"}, {"content"=>"RT @USAA: It's the last day of #DistractedDriving Awareness Month – have you taken the pledge to never text and drive?…", "contentid"=>"461609404102475776"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461609395294449664"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461609383185883136"}, {"content"=>"In order to survive, don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461609225664208896"}, {"content"=>"Text on your own time, not while you are driving #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461609198715813888"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461609161629786112"}, {"content"=>"RT @goddxss_: how are cops gonna say dont text and drive and they got a fucking computer in their dash?", "contentid"=>"461609153333444608"}, {"content"=>"Drive now, text later #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461609146144395264"}, {"content"=>"RT @BAlturkmani: Texting while driving makes you send a text with the word “asses” instead of “glasses” to someone important.\n\n-.-", "contentid"=>"461609119406100480"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461609065265643522"}, {"content"=>"RT @JennaHarrison_: There's a special place in hell for people who text and drive.", "contentid"=>"461609032139419648"}, {"content"=>"Saying: Arrive alive, don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461608962740068352"}, {"content"=>"Don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461608936840232961"}, {"content"=>"Texting while driving makes you send a text with the word “asses” instead of “glasses” to someone important.\n\n-.-", "contentid"=>"461608893156962305"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461608838408716288"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461608816124391425"}, {"content"=>"RT @jessicajarrell: To the driver that almost hit me on the freeway...put your phone away!! That was so scary please do not text and drive", "contentid"=>"461608810613063680"}, {"content"=>"RT @YOPeek_Shimmy: Too many people text &amp;drive, no matter what the conditions are outside", "contentid"=>"461608739959996417"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461608716564201474"}, {"content"=>"You aren't invincible, so don't text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461608645633916928"}, {"content"=>"Don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461608561793978369"}, {"content"=>"Drive now, text later #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461608466428096512"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461608448858148864"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461608404629196800"}, {"content"=>"If you think that you can text and drive, you are wrong #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461608394164408320"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461608384446218240"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461608381619240961"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461608369690652672"}, {"content"=>"If you think that you can text and drive, you are dead wrong #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461608367459282947"}, {"content"=>"If you think that you can text and drive, you could be dead wrong #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461608348354244608"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461608333812981760"}, {"content"=>"@edithbell you shouldnt text and drive", "contentid"=>"461608289059348481"}, {"content"=>"RT @prettykiah: Omg, Miyah wants me to text her nonstop while I'm driving...she has no concern for my life! ὢ9ὢ9ὢ9", "contentid"=>"461608269531062272"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461608265861042176"}, {"content"=>"Saying: Arrive alive, don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461608234743123968"}, {"content"=>"Don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461608211406004224"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461608206939078657"}, {"content"=>"RT @TRV_Insurance: Research by @VTTInews reveals drivers who text increase their crash risk 23 times. Learn more: #D…", "contentid"=>"461608181437702144"}, {"content"=>"Dad: that girls texting, its illegal to text and drive. That girls ugly, its illegal to drive ugly. \nLol okay dad #funny #illegal #assume", "contentid"=>"461608082897125376"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461608063300939776"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461607973756751873"}, {"content"=>"RT @IrvinePolice: Distracted driving kills-Don't pick up that text! “It’s Not Worth It\".Irvine PD thanks you for supporting Distracted Driv…", "contentid"=>"461607902457761792"}, {"content"=>"You aren't invincible, so don't text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461607848552562688"}, {"content"=>"RT @mileysbae: I ain't ever text and drive cuz I know My mama gon be on TV reading my last outgoing text that says \"I can't wait to eat tha…", "contentid"=>"461607846652968960"}, {"content"=>"I have no problem texting while driving, but I won't text while going down stairs. That shit's dangerous.", "contentid"=>"461607831016206336"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461607802298200065"}, {"content"=>"@Toppersweather just said if you know someone who is driving text them and tell them to get off the road #donttextanddrive @wusa9", "contentid"=>"461607735034134529"}, {"content"=>"Saying: Arrive alive, don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461607729728352256"}, {"content"=>"RT @dinaflesch: April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month, please take the pledge not to text &amp; drive. Watch this video…", "contentid"=>"461607722379534336"}, {"content"=>"Don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461607686925479936"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461607624841363456"}, {"content"=>"In order to survive, don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461607590041239552"}, {"content"=>"Think you can outdo Werner Herzog? (Did you see his \"Don't Text and Drive\" PSA? Did you really?...", "contentid"=>"461607584806346752"}, {"content"=>"Do you realize that your kids will emulate you? They learn faster than you realize. Don't Drink and Drive or Text while Driving!", "contentid"=>"461607583455784960"}, {"content"=>"RT @jas_nicoleee: I really hate when people text &amp; drive while I'm in the car with them or at all.. ὡ1", "contentid"=>"461607526166171648"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461607504334442496"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461607502346338304"}, {"content"=>"I can't text and drive ontp with my mom she start drawling on me saying I'm a rookie lol", "contentid"=>"461607485481033728"}, {"content"=>"Drive now, text later #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461607465285844992"}, {"content"=>"RT @YOPeek_Shimmy: Too many people text &amp;drive, no matter what the conditions are outside", "contentid"=>"461607451176214528"}, {"content"=>"RT @jas_nicoleee: I really hate when people text &amp; drive while I'm in the car with them or at all.. ὡ1", "contentid"=>"461607448852586496"}, {"content"=>"Hamilton High students pledge to not text and drive: X the TXT is a national campaign to create awareness and get...", "contentid"=>"461607443932274688"}, {"content"=>"For all those assholes who text and drive. Don't. Thanks to the one who rear ended me and left.", "contentid"=>"461607395983384576"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461607382775525376"}, {"content"=>"If you think that you can text and drive, you are wrong #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461607381370404864"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461607377796857856"}, {"content"=>"If you think that you can text and drive, you are dead wrong #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461607357181853696"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461607314186043392"}, {"content"=>"RT @BostInnoCity: 26% of Massachusetts drivers text &amp; drive at the same time. Get your head in the game, Bay State.", "contentid"=>"461607237824565249"}, {"content"=>"RT @jas_nicoleee: I really hate when people text &amp; drive while I'm in the car with them or at all.. ὡ1", "contentid"=>"461607233802240001"}, {"content"=>"Saying: Arrive alive, don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461607213887279104"}, {"content"=>"RT @jas_nicoleee: I really hate when people text &amp; drive while I'm in the car with them or at all.. ὡ1", "contentid"=>"461607213086568448"}, {"content"=>"Don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461607191988805633"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461607176914472960"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461607161781825536"}, {"content"=>"“@SMYLESS: I cant even text n drive . Gotta hold the wheel w bof hands in this tornado” you sure it's not cus you can't multitask?", "contentid"=>"461607147386585088"}, {"content"=>"In order to survive, don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461607145763389440"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461607142282125312"}], "context"=>{"eid"=>"6", "uid"=>"Texting1", "post_details"=>[{"contentid"=>"461610123039760384", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 20:56:44 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Ava Blais", "perferredUsername"=>"AvaBlais", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461610107713769472", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 20:56:40 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Tyler Girton", "perferredUsername"=>"TylerGirton1", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461610074129956864", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 20:56:32 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Tyler Girton", "perferredUsername"=>"TylerGirton1", "url"=>"", 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+ I, [2014-04-30T16:57:01.268693 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-04-30T16:57:01.268731 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ W, [2014-04-30T16:57:01.522096 #32088] WARN -- : Non OK Status from AI Core: {"errorlist"=>["Could not find model:Texting1"], "message"=>nil, "errorcode"=>nil, "status"=>"error", "contentlist"=>[{"content"=>"I really hate when people text &amp; drive while I'm in the car with them or at all.. ὡ1", "contentid"=>"461607126713262080"}, {"content"=>"Text on your own time, not while you are driving #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461607122447245312"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461607121763971072"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461607097592201216"}, {"content"=>"Drive now, text later #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461607074950950913"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461606970504392704"}, {"content"=>"A study shows that approximately 3/4 of young adults are very or somewhat confident they can text and drive and they are Wrong #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461606930511716352"}, {"content"=>"Choose to be alive and don't text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461606879630602240"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461606876841377792"}, {"content"=>"If you think that you can text and drive, you could be dead wrong #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461606851725897729"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461606806343540736"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461606761099583490"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461606746809958402"}, {"content"=>"Saying: Arrive alive, don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461606744393646081"}, {"content"=>"Don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461606727176040448"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461606684381954048"}, {"content"=>"DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappedaround a treeἳ2ὡE", "contentid"=>"461606665830141952"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461606665612046336"}, {"content"=>"Drive now, text later #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461606656439115777"}, {"content"=>"A study shows that approximately 3/4 of young adults are very or somewhat confident they can text and drive and they are Wrong #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461606638193876992"}, {"content"=>"DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappedaround a treeἳ2ὡE", "contentid"=>"461606626395308032"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461606608888270848"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461606569411887104"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461606560280498176"}, {"content"=>"#IfYoureMyGirl You will have to text people back for me if I'm driving because I'm not putting our lives at risk texting and driving.", "contentid"=>"461606559647543296"}, {"content"=>"Text on your own time, not while you are driving #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461606556123922433"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461606549912567808"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461606546653589504"}, {"content"=>"RT @YOPeek_Shimmy: Too many people text &amp;drive, no matter what the conditions are outside", "contentid"=>"461606391674052608"}], "context"=>{"eid"=>"6", "uid"=>"Texting1", "post_details"=>[{"contentid"=>"461607126713262080", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 20:44:49 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Jasmyhn", "perferredUsername"=>"jas_nicoleee", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461607122447245312", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 20:44:48 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Tyler Girton", "perferredUsername"=>"TylerGirton1", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461607121763971072", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 20:44:48 +0000 2014", "author"=>"MaMngadi Omuhle!", "perferredUsername"=>"NellyFMngadi", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461607097592201216", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 20:44:42 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Jeremy Morrow", "perferredUsername"=>"JeremyMorrow12", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461607074950950913", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 20:44:37 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Tyler Girton", "perferredUsername"=>"TylerGirton1", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461606970504392704", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 20:44:12 +0000 2014", "author"=>"ktDodd ✨", "perferredUsername"=>"KatieDodd04", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461606930511716352", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 20:44:03 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Tyler Girton", "perferredUsername"=>"TylerGirton1", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461606879630602240", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 20:43:51 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Tyler Girton", "perferredUsername"=>"TylerGirton1", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461606876841377792", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 20:43:50 +0000 2014", "author"=>"ashwin kunder", "perferredUsername"=>"krashwin", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461606851725897729", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 20:43:44 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Tyler Girton", "perferredUsername"=>"TylerGirton1", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461606806343540736", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 20:43:33 +0000 2014", "author"=>"BIG MIKE ", "perferredUsername"=>"WhiteDoggMike", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461606761099583490", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 20:43:22 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Huey ", "perferredUsername"=>"najib1ali", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461606746809958402", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 20:43:19 +0000 2014", "author"=>"K_nicole04", "perferredUsername"=>"kayrah_nicole95", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461606744393646081", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 20:43:18 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Tyler Girton", "perferredUsername"=>"TylerGirton1", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461606727176040448", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 20:43:14 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Tyler Girton", "perferredUsername"=>"TylerGirton1", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461606684381954048", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 20:43:04 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Schoolboy J", "perferredUsername"=>"JJVW21", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461606665830141952", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 20:43:00 +0000 2014", "author"=>"ïEatTheBöx™®", "perferredUsername"=>"KillDopeTweets2", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461606665612046336", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 20:42:59 +0000 2014", "author"=>"MåtthęwJãÿ™", "perferredUsername"=>"MatthewJ_Swope", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461606656439115777", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 20:42:57 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Tyler Girton", "perferredUsername"=>"TylerGirton1", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461606638193876992", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 20:42:53 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Tyler Girton", "perferredUsername"=>"TylerGirton1", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461606626395308032", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 20:42:50 +0000 2014", "author"=>"M A R T Y ", "perferredUsername"=>"JamarrJacob", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461606608888270848", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 20:42:46 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Gustavo ⚽️", "perferredUsername"=>"_7Goose", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461606569411887104", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 20:42:37 +0000 2014", "author"=>"s.e.a.n", "perferredUsername"=>"seandontcare", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461606560280498176", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 20:42:34 +0000 2014", "author"=>"️ ∞ кαιℓєу ∞", "perferredUsername"=>"gcf_kailey", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461606559647543296", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 20:42:34 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Jay Fresco", "perferredUsername"=>"REAL_LILJ300", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461606556123922433", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 20:42:33 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Tyler Girton", "perferredUsername"=>"TylerGirton1", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461606549912567808", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 20:42:32 +0000 2014", "author"=>"~J.K.K. 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+ I, [2014-04-30T16:57:01.522183 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-04-30T16:57:01.522218 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ D, [2014-04-30T17:12:02.181290 #32088] DEBUG -- : Adding posts for scout_id: 27
+ D, [2014-04-30T17:12:02.181367 #32088] DEBUG -- : Refreshing users for enterprise: 5
+ D, [2014-04-30T17:12:02.189372 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "News Addicted", body: "FL Governor Poll: Crist 48, Scott 38: A new poll sh...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:6d18e80,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:6d18c50,'0.7191206623 061382E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:6d18a20,'0.8815894788 048897E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461610190593609730", ldate: "2014-04-30 20:57:00", loadstamp: "2014-04-30 21:12:02", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T17:12:02.199859 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Sales Tax Datalink", body: "Amazon's online sales tax kicks in on Thursday for ...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:6d884d8,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:6d882a8,'0.8270366433 25527E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:6d88078,'0.7150549437 09307E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461610946226425856", ldate: "2014-04-30 21:00:00", loadstamp: "2014-04-30 21:12:02", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T17:12:02.216354 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Sheila Calderon", body: "RT @RepTedDeutch: Graphic: Here's what #1010Means f...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:6dffa88,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:6dff858,'0.8275129795 447093E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:6dff628,'0.6267857952 108301E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461613198810959872", ldate: "2014-04-30 21:08:57", loadstamp: "2014-04-30 21:12:02", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ I, [2014-04-30T17:12:02.223812 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records: 3
+ I, [2014-04-30T17:12:02.223857 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records Not Loaded: 0
+ I, [2014-04-30T17:12:02.223888 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-04-30T17:12:02.223919 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ W, [2014-04-30T17:12:03.935727 #32088] WARN -- : Non OK Status from AI Core: {"errorlist"=>["Could not find model:Texting1"], "message"=>nil, "errorcode"=>nil, "status"=>"error", "contentlist"=>[{"content"=>"You wouldn't make tacos and drive, would you? So why text and drive? Drive now, text later. #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461613935582793728"}, {"content"=>"In order to survive, don’t text and drive #txtl8rin", "contentid"=>"461613882386026496"}, {"content"=>"Text on your own time, not while you are driving #txtl8rin", "contentid"=>"461613861893079040"}, {"content"=>"RT @incindyous: I don't let bae text and drive cus bae can't be bae if bae is dead. #MIND2014", "contentid"=>"461613823216984064"}, {"content"=>"Drive now, text later #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461613810676027392"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461613769647341569"}, {"content"=>"They should be after the criminals doing bad thing n arresting bad guys n giving tickets who text n drive", "contentid"=>"461613760721862656"}, {"content"=>"Be smart and don't text while driving #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461613737477042177"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461613721669091328"}, {"content"=>"Choose not to text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461613716711038976"}, {"content"=>"Have you taken the pledge? No text is worth your life. Hear stories of survivors and pledge not to text and drive.", "contentid"=>"461613711048724480"}, {"content"=>"I know you are dying to see that text, but don't text while driving #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461613675573309440"}, {"content"=>"RT @jas_nicoleee: I really hate when people text &amp; drive while I'm in the car with them or at all.. ὡ1", "contentid"=>"461613664483934208"}, {"content"=>"“@incindyous: I don't let bae text and drive cus bae can't be bae if bae is dead. #MIND2014”", "contentid"=>"461613637308665856"}, {"content"=>"RT @JazzyxDuran: Don't text and drive people !!!!! Especially on a rainy day smh ὡ1ὡ1ὡ1ὡ1", "contentid"=>"461613506073489408"}, {"content"=>"@DaNeesha_Bracey i text and drive all the time when your in the car with me lol", "contentid"=>"461613437358211072"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461613327815569409"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461613326875635713"}, {"content"=>"RT @KaneSAO: This new \"Don't text and drive\" ad will leave you shaking.", "contentid"=>"461613293409271808"}, {"content"=>"RT @JazzyxDuran: Don't text and drive people !!!!! Especially on a rainy day smh ὡ1ὡ1ὡ1ὡ1", "contentid"=>"461613278683467778"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461613141047394304"}, {"content"=>"Don't text and drive people !!!!! Especially on a rainy day smh ὡ1ὡ1ὡ1ὡ1", "contentid"=>"461613068901154816"}, {"content"=>"Choose to be alive and don't text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461612961803808768"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461612945760616448"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461612914923696128"}, {"content"=>"A study shows that approximately 3/4 of young adults are very or somewhat confident they can text and drive and they are Wrong #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461612899497431042"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461612896410435584"}, {"content"=>"if u cant fuckin drive n text then dont fuckin drive n text! shit slowing up damn traffic", "contentid"=>"461612861584723968"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461612858963275776"}, {"content"=>"Drive now, text later #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461612816706060290"}, {"content"=>"Saying: Arrive alive, don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461612750553493504"}, {"content"=>"Don’t text and drive #txtl8rin", "contentid"=>"461612714759299072"}, {"content"=>"In order to survive, don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461612646433714176"}, {"content"=>"Text on your own time, not while you are driving #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461612609691607041"}, {"content"=>"Drive now, text later #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461612501415632896"}, {"content"=>"If you think that you can text and drive, you are wrong #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461612397547900928"}, {"content"=>"If you think that you can text and drive, you are dead wrong #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461612378929393664"}, {"content"=>"Saying: Arrive alive, don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461612360436707328"}, {"content"=>"@WordsFoodArt and you can text &amp; drive. Scary but to be respected!", "contentid"=>"461612347086606336"}, {"content"=>"Don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461612343441362945"}, {"content"=>"Driving distracted creates a crash risk 23 times worse than driving not distracted. Arrive alive, don't text and drive! #DDAM #just drive", "contentid"=>"461612321098694656"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461612319647096832"}, {"content"=>"In order to survive, don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461612280388403200"}, {"content"=>"Text on your own time, not while you are driving #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461612258494148608"}, {"content"=>"Drive now, text later #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461612202135261184"}, {"content"=>"If you think that you can text and drive, you are wrong #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461612106719035392"}, {"content"=>"@HaydnOleson don't text and driveὤ5", "contentid"=>"461612091556651008"}, {"content"=>"If you think that you can text and drive, you are dead wrong #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461612085843988480"}, {"content"=>"You aren't invincible, so don't text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461612034480541696"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461612015858253824"}, {"content"=>"Don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461611930604425216"}, {"content"=>"In order to survive, don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461611857405435904"}, {"content"=>"Text on your own time, not while you are driving #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461611836740087808"}, {"content"=>"Drive now, text later #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461611683878666240"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461611657307774976"}, {"content"=>"Saying: Arrive alive, don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461611533663862784"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461611529994252288"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461611526097358848"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461611519310962688"}, {"content"=>"Don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461611518249824256"}, {"content"=>"When a lead alert or text from a client comes through while you’re driving, remember this, \"It really can wait.\"", "contentid"=>"461611466240851969"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461611462834663424"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461611350608060416"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461611336133525504"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461611264905461761"}, {"content"=>"RT @Hannah__Kline: Drivers in their 20's make up 27% of fatal accidents caused by distracted driving. Drive now, text later. You're worth i…", "contentid"=>"461611264616046592"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461611246475694080"}, {"content"=>"You aren't invincible, so don't text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461611245829754880"}, {"content"=>"RT @Hannah__Kline: Don't be like Tom Haverford. Don't text and drive. #seriouslythough #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461611226431107073"}, {"content"=>"Don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461611163894030336"}, {"content"=>"RT @mileysbae: I ain't ever text and drive cuz I know My mama gon be on TV reading my last outgoing text that says \"I can't wait to eat tha…", "contentid"=>"461611154012639233"}, {"content"=>"In order to survive, don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461611105488343040"}, {"content"=>"Text on your own time, not while you are driving #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461611083199811585"}, {"content"=>"RT @Hannah__Kline: Let's change that. Take the pledge not to text and drive @_ItCanWait #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461611069350227968"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461611050538774528"}, {"content"=>"RT @Hannah__Kline: Don't text and drive!!!! \n\n#TXTL8RIN !!!!!", "contentid"=>"461611049351782401"}, {"content"=>"Drive now, text later #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461611048185757696"}, {"content"=>"RT @NeilKettle88: Some bitter kopite bastards out there. they got beat, so what?!? Use are all still in work tomorrow &amp; I can still drive t…", "contentid"=>"461611039143251968"}, {"content"=>"@GPClaireRP -text- yes boss *driving over*", "contentid"=>"461611026279301121"}, {"content"=>"If you think that you can text and drive, you are wrong #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461610961044918273"}, {"content"=>"If you think that you can text and drive, you are dead wrong #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461610936856363008"}, {"content"=>"If you think that you can text and drive, you could be dead wrong #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461610914534285312"}, {"content"=>"RT @JamarrJacob: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappedarou…", "contentid"=>"461610809286590464"}, {"content"=>"Some bitter kopite bastards out there. they got beat, so what?!? Use are all still in work tomorrow &amp; I can still drive text &amp; eat a pasty ὄA", "contentid"=>"461610759358005248"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461610723035336704"}, {"content"=>"RT @GoMotorcoach: Reason 326 to GoMotorcoach: You can TEXT while we drive!", "contentid"=>"461610718786097152"}, {"content"=>"When I text and drive I be cool but when I'm in the car with somebody else and they text I be balled tf up in the seat ὠ2ὠ2", "contentid"=>"461610694350491649"}, {"content"=>"RT @OOchieBangBang_: I swear muscle memory has saved thousands of lives while I text &amp; drive. Sometimes I look up and I'm like when tf did …", "contentid"=>"461610686255493120"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461610528062705664"}, {"content"=>"Also said \"hold on let me send a text\" while I was driving, I got a ear full of him after that", "contentid"=>"461610512737132544"}, {"content"=>"Don't text me saying drive safely, I can't drive safely if you know I'm a check my phone to see it while I'm drivingὡ1", "contentid"=>"461610504184930304"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461610404796305408"}, {"content"=>"If you think that you can text and drive, you are dead wrong #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461610387905863680"}, {"content"=>"Saying: Arrive alive, don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461610366967902209"}, {"content"=>"Don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461610346478714880"}, {"content"=>"RT @SPFSADD: This is the cutest way to say don't text and drive!\nRetweet for an another iPad entry!", "contentid"=>"461610206238375937"}, {"content"=>"RT @MarlaAMadison: \"Excellent characters drive this book,\" the first in the Ray Schiller crime series.\nDEAR CROSSING", "contentid"=>"461610150391189504"}], "context"=>{"eid"=>"6", "uid"=>"Texting1", "post_details"=>[{"contentid"=>"461613935582793728", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 21:11:53 +0000 2014", "author"=>"JBG", "perferredUsername"=>"JBGMedia", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461613882386026496", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 21:11:40 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Tyler Girton", "perferredUsername"=>"TylerGirton1", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461613861893079040", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 21:11:35 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Tyler Girton", "perferredUsername"=>"TylerGirton1", "url"=>"", 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+ I, [2014-04-30T17:12:03.935849 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-04-30T17:12:03.935886 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ D, [2014-04-30T17:27:00.993088 #32088] DEBUG -- : Adding posts for scout_id: 27
+ D, [2014-04-30T17:27:00.994236 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "The Daily Caller", body: "RT @ChuckGLP: Anheuser-Busch donated to these 2 Rep...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:6ec9298,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:6ec9068,'0.4061882149 303099E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:6ec8e38,'0.9660896780 658177E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461614455479361536", ldate: "2014-04-30 21:13:57", loadstamp: "2014-04-30 21:27:00", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T17:27:01.013914 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "jose victor guevara", body: "RT @ChuckGLP: Anheuser-Busch donated to these 2 Rep...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:6f30740,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:6f30510,'0.4061882149 303099E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:6f302e0,'0.9660896780 658177E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461614651005239296", ldate: "2014-04-30 21:14:43", loadstamp: "2014-04-30 21:27:00", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T17:27:01.030663 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Nick ", body: "RT @ChuckGLP: Anheuser-Busch donated to these 2 Rep...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:6fa7c78,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:6fa7a48,'0.4061882149 303099E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:6fa7818,'0.9660896780 658177E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461615040848986112", ldate: "2014-04-30 21:16:16", loadstamp: "2014-04-30 21:27:00", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T17:27:01.047079 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Mark Czerniec", body: "More awkwardness all summer: One Republican has alr...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:700f238,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:700f008,'0.7960802118 186738E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:700edd8,'0.8173149451 178257E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461616096324235264", ldate: "2014-04-30 21:20:28", loadstamp: "2014-04-30 21:27:00", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T17:27:01.063971 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: " Tante Gretchen", body: "RT @ChuckGLP: Anheuser-Busch donated to these 2 Rep...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:707e8b8,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:707e688,'0.4061882149 303099E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:707e458,'0.9660896780 658177E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461616098660458497", ldate: "2014-04-30 21:20:29", loadstamp: "2014-04-30 21:27:00", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T17:27:01.080635 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Pam Laycook", body: "RT @ChuckGLP: Anheuser-Busch donated to these 2 Rep...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:70e9f00,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:70e9cd0,'0.4061882149 303099E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:70e9aa0,'0.9660896780 658177E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461616298095808513", ldate: "2014-04-30 21:21:16", loadstamp: "2014-04-30 21:27:00", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T17:27:01.097223 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "David Bixenspan", body: "RT @SBNLukeThomas: Zuffa gave $100k to the Republic...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:714d618,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:714d3e8,'0.6891705022 490536E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:714d1b8,'0.8790701624 413797E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461616479633674240", ldate: "2014-04-30 21:21:59", loadstamp: "2014-04-30 21:27:00", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T17:27:01.113873 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "M Soto", body: "RT @ChuckGLP: Anheuser-Busch donated to these 2 Rep...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:71b4cf0,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:71b4ac0,'0.4061882149 303099E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:71b4890,'0.9660896780 658177E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461617383182827520", ldate: "2014-04-30 21:25:35", loadstamp: "2014-04-30 21:27:00", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ I, [2014-04-30T17:27:01.129726 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records: 8
+ I, [2014-04-30T17:27:01.129772 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records Not Loaded: 0
+ I, [2014-04-30T17:27:01.129802 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-04-30T17:27:01.129832 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ W, [2014-04-30T17:27:02.082495 #32088] WARN -- : Non OK Status from AI Core: {"errorlist"=>["Could not find model:Texting1"], "message"=>nil, "errorcode"=>nil, "status"=>"error", "contentlist"=>[{"content"=>"@gglamazon5000 I will when I get a chance till then it's rather \"oh\" or a quick text ..don't Wana be the last text I ever send while driving", "contentid"=>"461617541719523328"}, {"content"=>"RT @_SouthernBlonde: \"Date someone who will text you they love you at 2am &amp; 9pm, someone who will let you change the station in the car whe…", "contentid"=>"461617513869373440"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461617472987082753"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461617456008953856"}, {"content"=>"Be safe ! Don't text and drive lol \"@xoxonikolexoxo: this rain really needs to chill tf out ὡ2ὡ1 I'm getting annoyed\"", "contentid"=>"461617374031257600"}, {"content"=>"lorddd . it pays not to text and drive ὢ6ὡ4ὡ3ὒB❌ὪB", "contentid"=>"461617364044247042"}, {"content"=>"RT @blackmagic4444: Seems like people snapchat and drive more than text and drive", "contentid"=>"461617331933040640"}, {"content"=>"@EmperorKabuto yeah I didnt want to text and drive", "contentid"=>"461617113187090433"}, {"content"=>"RT @_SouthernBlonde: \"Date someone who will text you they love you at 2am &amp; 9pm, someone who will let you change the station in the car whe…", "contentid"=>"461617021760073729"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461616842264805376"}, {"content"=>"RT @gabrielledoug: Hey guyyss! So I took the pledge to never text &amp; drive...have you?? Let's support @ATT to raise #ItcanWait awareness… ht…", "contentid"=>"461616779488657408"}, {"content"=>"you know what's really disrespectful. stupid little fuck faces that think it's ok to text during a driving seminar. you're there to (c)", "contentid"=>"461616762296217600"}, {"content"=>"RT @_SouthernBlonde: \"Date someone who will text you they love you at 2am &amp; 9pm, someone who will let you change the station in the car whe…", "contentid"=>"461616649612054529"}, {"content"=>"I hate it when people text and drive.", "contentid"=>"461616167291863040"}, {"content"=>"RT @ChristinaCIM: Don't text and drive wait a minute stay alive. IT CAN WAIT!!!!", "contentid"=>"461615953793798144"}, {"content"=>"RT @JazzyxDuran: Don't text and drive people !!!!! Especially on a rainy day smh ὡ1ὡ1ὡ1ὡ1", "contentid"=>"461615935661809664"}, {"content"=>"First birthday text I get and it's from my driving instructor who taught me two years ago :) so lovely :)", "contentid"=>"461615859099004928"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461615829566914560"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461615671625781248"}, {"content"=>"A sad and painful reminder to not text while driving!!\nDriver posts Facebook update before dying in head-on collision", "contentid"=>"461615496077398016"}, {"content"=>"If you think that you can text and drive, you are dead wrong #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461615470743805954"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461615469980430336"}, {"content"=>"If you think that you can text and drive, you could be dead wrong #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461615438276079616"}, {"content"=>"RT @MelanieShebel: It's not safe to text and drive! Drive Now. TXT L8R. #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461615346412052481"}, {"content"=>"Saying: Arrive alive, don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461615331518078977"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461615326606921728"}, {"content"=>"Don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461615305182027776"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461615099333996544"}, {"content"=>"Talking bout i must text them when i am going to drive", "contentid"=>"461615026374447104"}, {"content"=>"@TinaArgenTina i can't drive and text. Only tweet", "contentid"=>"461614867032850432"}, {"content"=>"Don't text and drive kids... RT: @DavidSmania", "contentid"=>"461614858010517504"}, {"content"=>"In order to survive, don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461614839115571201"}, {"content"=>"Text on your own time, not while you are driving #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461614812414623744"}, {"content"=>"Drive now, text later #txtl8rin", "contentid"=>"461614692340080640"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461614661746835456"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461614661192790016"}, {"content"=>"RT @JazzyxDuran: Don't text and drive people !!!!! Especially on a rainy day smh ὡ1ὡ1ὡ1ὡ1", "contentid"=>"461614536924336129"}, {"content"=>"RT @jas_nicoleee: I really hate when people text &amp; drive while I'm in the car with them or at all.. ὡ1", "contentid"=>"461614460135030784"}, {"content"=>"RT @_SouthernBlonde: \"Date someone who will text you they love you at 2am &amp; 9pm, someone who will let you change the station in the car whe…", "contentid"=>"461614444364042240"}, {"content"=>"@LilyVanBuren -text- on way now x * getting in my car driving twitter speed to @LilyVanBuren apartment*", "contentid"=>"461614352916029440"}, {"content"=>"@DaNeesha_Bracey then don't ride with me lol mom told me about you driving like me now, just text me I have something to show you", "contentid"=>"461614352786014208"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461614319860744192"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461614207276838913"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461614190151491585"}, {"content"=>"If you think that you can text and drive, you are wrong #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461614154487717888"}, {"content"=>"If you think that you can text and drive, you are dead wrong #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461614125270175745"}, {"content"=>"Saying: Arrive alive, don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461614067233595392"}, {"content"=>"Don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461614040448794624"}], "context"=>{"eid"=>"6", "uid"=>"Texting1", "post_details"=>[{"contentid"=>"461617541719523328", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 21:26:13 +0000 2014", "author"=>"SLOW...", "perferredUsername"=>"J_Lord_", "url"=>"", 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+ I, [2014-04-30T17:27:02.082592 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-04-30T17:27:02.082629 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ D, [2014-04-30T17:42:01.080682 #32088] DEBUG -- : Adding posts for scout_id: 27
+ D, [2014-04-30T17:42:01.080761 #32088] DEBUG -- : Refreshing users for enterprise: 5
+ D, [2014-04-30T17:42:01.088727 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "HORSE TORNADO", body: "god fuck off I don't think Florida needs conservati...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:7273060,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:7272e30,'0.6736188959 10806E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:7272c00,'0.8772557170 977603E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461618501632147456", ldate: "2014-04-30 21:30:01", loadstamp: "2014-04-30 21:42:01", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T17:42:01.111349 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Ima Patriot", body: "FL Governor Poll: Crist 48, Scott 38: Rick Scott (R...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:72de590,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:72de360,'0.7191206623 061387E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:72de130,'0.8815894788 048897E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461618545193799680", ldate: "2014-04-30 21:30:12", loadstamp: "2014-04-30 21:42:01", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T17:42:01.127881 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: " Fine$$e ", body: "RT @nawfwood_tri99a: @DevoCrooks I can't talk my ne...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:734da58,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:734d828,'0.8355767147 009194E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:734d5f8,'0.6419151237 531434E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461618822584078336", ldate: "2014-04-30 21:31:18", loadstamp: "2014-04-30 21:42:01", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T17:42:01.144582 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "MillieFLRealtor", body: "#Florida EverBank cited as a 'growth leader' in nat...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:73b5090,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:73b4e60,'0.9466409929 45236E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:73b4c30,'0.6338048606 766785E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461619894245543938", ldate: "2014-04-30 21:35:33", loadstamp: "2014-04-30 21:42:01", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T17:42:01.161099 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Full Lates News", body: "Republican David Jolly Defeats Democrat Alex Sink I...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:741c6f0,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:741c4c0,'0.6730169016 655186E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:741c290,'0.9267394750 759193E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461620708876226560", ldate: "2014-04-30 21:38:48", loadstamp: "2014-04-30 21:42:01", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T17:42:01.178011 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Bradley Burtner", body: "RT @RepTedDeutch: Graphic: Here's what #1010Means f...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:748f1a0,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:748ef70,'0.8275129795 447093E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:748ed40,'0.6267857952 108301E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461621106835611648", ldate: "2014-04-30 21:40:23", loadstamp: "2014-04-30 21:42:01", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T17:42:01.194735 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Jax Florida", body: "RT @JaxBizExchange: #Jacksonville EverBank cited as...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:74f6738,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:74f6508,'0.6367513870 768262E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:74f62d8,'0.8073544948 96839E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461621138335215616", ldate: "2014-04-30 21:40:30", loadstamp: "2014-04-30 21:42:01", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ I, [2014-04-30T17:42:01.210481 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records: 7
+ I, [2014-04-30T17:42:01.210526 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records Not Loaded: 0
+ I, [2014-04-30T17:42:01.210556 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-04-30T17:42:01.210598 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ W, [2014-04-30T17:42:02.361089 #32088] WARN -- : Non OK Status from AI Core: {"errorlist"=>["Could not find model:Texting1"], "message"=>nil, "errorcode"=>nil, "status"=>"error", "contentlist"=>[{"content"=>"RT @DVLAgovuk: Motorists are warned about driving licence renewal reminders received by text or email, more details at:…", "contentid"=>"461621335064850432"}, {"content"=>"RT @MelanieShebel: It's not safe to text and drive! Drive Now. TXT L8R. #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461621317708820480"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461621142063558656"}, {"content"=>"Extremely bored and have a long drive. Someone should text/DM me. Ὀ1", "contentid"=>"461621129828761601"}, {"content"=>"I don't understand how people text and drive. I can't even text and walk.", "contentid"=>"461621051932155905"}, {"content"=>"RT @USAA: It's the last day of #DistractedDriving Awareness Month – have you taken the pledge to never text and drive?…", "contentid"=>"461621046500528128"}, {"content"=>"RT @MelanieShebel: It's not safe to text and drive! Drive Now. TXT L8R. #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461621008794132480"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461621000073789440"}, {"content"=>"RT @_ItCanWait: Do you take the pledge not to text and drive? #TXTL8RIN Let us know !", "contentid"=>"461620795089776640"}, {"content"=>"RT @TeensDriveSmart: RT @DNTTXTNDRIV Not everyone should text and walk. No one should text and drive. #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461620775674339328"}, {"content"=>"RT @Hannah__Kline: Stop the violence. Don't text and drive. #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461620755290021888"}, {"content"=>"RT @14caldwellj: Do you want to continue having a skull and bones? Then you shouldn't text and drive. #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461620737657171968"}, {"content"=>"gotta stay in the middle lane during traffic.... I almost hit the guard rail tryna text and drive.", "contentid"=>"461620705612677120"}, {"content"=>"DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrapped around a treeἳ2ὡE", "contentid"=>"461620612666888194"}, {"content"=>"You wouldn't practice karate and drive, would you? So why text and drive? Drive now, text later. #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461620580350193665"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461620562293305345"}, {"content"=>"RT @Mattress89_: I'd much rather live another day than have to send that ONE text while driving.", "contentid"=>"461620467548577792"}, {"content"=>"@AmyReid_ I'm off deary so text me when you're up and I'll come round if you want ὠA we can go a wee drive, but not too far cause petrol ὠ2", "contentid"=>"461620454747537408"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461620426506899456"}, {"content"=>"my dad called me as I was driving to tell me to be careful &amp; not to text &amp; drive then yelled at me for being on the phone..when HE called ME", "contentid"=>"461620303060144128"}, {"content"=>"@Mixhellesamante I LOVE YOU! I'm heading out for work now but I'll be free later, love! Don't text n driveὠ2", "contentid"=>"461620293811728384"}, {"content"=>"Don't text and drive #YOLO", "contentid"=>"461620240460177408"}, {"content"=>"RT @MikeSaenz_: I don't always text and drive but when I do I use Swype lol", "contentid"=>"461620240451776512"}, {"content"=>"RT @SPFSADD: This is the cutest way to say don't text and drive!\nRetweet for an another iPad entry!", "contentid"=>"461620189357162496"}, {"content"=>" not text &amp; drive my friends.", "contentid"=>"461620163520245760"}, {"content"=>"RT @mrskohl: Voice to Text in Drive looks amazing! #WDPslam", "contentid"=>"461620140828672001"}, {"content"=>"I can not text and drive because I always forget to look up", "contentid"=>"461620053020909569"}, {"content"=>"RT @ESTFamiIy: I don't do a lot of promotional stuff on here, but don't text and drive guys. I learned this lesson firsthand last October. …", "contentid"=>"461619859399245824"}, {"content"=>"My dad can barely text &amp; he's attempting to text while driving. Noooo just no", "contentid"=>"461619775643213824"}, {"content"=>"RT @SolonPolice: Driving distracted creates a crash risk 23 times worse than driving not distracted. Arrive alive, don't text and drive! #D…", "contentid"=>"461619744169148417"}, {"content"=>"One thing worse than seeing ppl text &amp; drive are cell phones in the gym...this says it all", "contentid"=>"461619728403148800"}, {"content"=>"Don't text and drive.", "contentid"=>"461619653232451585"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461619644919345154"}, {"content"=>"So, are all movers hours late for their scheduled time? And they apparently text and drive? Or is it just all the movers I work with?", "contentid"=>"461619642159480832"}, {"content"=>"RT @TylerGirton1: If you think that you can text and drive, you are dead wrong #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461619603370549248"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461619580268314624"}, {"content"=>"I'd much rather live another day than have to send that ONE text while driving.", "contentid"=>"461619505886928896"}, {"content"=>"it's getting far too close to my driving text n my provisional is still not here", "contentid"=>"461619495967395840"}, {"content"=>"Voice to Text in Drive looks amazing! #WDPslam", "contentid"=>"461619365788385281"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461619342539386880"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461619102620979200"}, {"content"=>"@joeteague3rd text me and explain when you get done \"driving\" lol", "contentid"=>"461619026938957825"}, {"content"=>"I can't stand people who drink &amp; drive, text &amp; drive or just don't pay attention. You will wish you would've when you die or kill someone.", "contentid"=>"461618793153056768"}, {"content"=>"Please read and then share with anyone you know who may text or post while driving. This is so sad.", "contentid"=>"461618467058098176"}, {"content"=>"RT @jacobcassidy125: Already dressed, in the car and driving to my game, then we get a text \"game cancled\" this is ridiculous", "contentid"=>"461618447051268096"}, {"content"=>"if you text &amp; drive &amp; justify it by saying ur good at it, then go eat a dick bc ur endangering so many people's lives &amp; ur a shitty person", "contentid"=>"461618406270042112"}, {"content"=>"I never text when I'm driving cuz that little screen is too hard to read when I'm drunk.", "contentid"=>"461618404345257984"}, {"content"=>"I don't always text and drive but when I do I use Swype lol", "contentid"=>"461618348996845568"}, {"content"=>"SMS Car Accident .\n\nTHIS IS WHY YOU SHOULD NEVERR TEXT WHILE YOU'RE DRIVING !!! \n\n\u1F4F5\u1F4F5\u1F4F5\u1F4F5\n\n", "contentid"=>"461618343196491776"}, {"content"=>"Already dressed, in the car and driving to my game, then we get a text \"game cancled\" this is ridiculous", "contentid"=>"461618047686828032"}, {"content"=>"“@IZrainingmen: \"I was literally half a Virgin when I met him\" @SLeanBack” can you not.... Text while driving?", "contentid"=>"461617993668386816"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461617770774269952"}], "context"=>{"eid"=>"6", "uid"=>"Texting1", "post_details"=>[{"contentid"=>"461621335064850432", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 21:41:17 +0000 2014", "author"=>"EVO Driver Training", "perferredUsername"=>"EVODT2013", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461621317708820480", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 21:41:13 +0000 2014", "author"=>"MartinWinWeb", "perferredUsername"=>"martinwinweb", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461621142063558656", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 21:40:31 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Ashley ", "perferredUsername"=>"andudley_", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461621129828761601", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 21:40:28 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Dawn of the Daryl", "perferredUsername"=>"DarylDixon_DOTD", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461621051932155905", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 21:40:09 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Cilla", "perferredUsername"=>"CillaPena", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461621046500528128", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 21:40:08 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Stephanie Cameron", "perferredUsername"=>"Ellamaebooks", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461621008794132480", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 21:39:59 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Abel Pardo Fernández", "perferredUsername"=>"wsiabelpardo", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461621000073789440", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 21:39:57 +0000 2014", "author"=>"", "perferredUsername"=>"maluesi", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461620795089776640", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 21:39:08 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Chris Berns", "perferredUsername"=>"ChrisLBerns", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461620775674339328", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 21:39:04 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Chris Berns", "perferredUsername"=>"ChrisLBerns", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461620755290021888", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 21:38:59 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Chris Berns", "perferredUsername"=>"ChrisLBerns", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461620737657171968", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 21:38:55 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Chris Berns", "perferredUsername"=>"ChrisLBerns", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461620705612677120", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 21:38:47 +0000 2014", "author"=>"D'Né", "perferredUsername"=>"Marca_Polo_", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461620612666888194", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 21:38:25 +0000 2014", "author"=>"InLoveWithFood (; ♡", "perferredUsername"=>"AriannaSwaqq", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461620580350193665", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 21:38:17 +0000 2014", "author"=>"JBG", "perferredUsername"=>"JBGMedia", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461620562293305345", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 21:38:13 +0000 2014", "author"=>"David McGee", "perferredUsername"=>"davidmcgee1996", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461620467548577792", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 21:37:50 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Ashley Howell", "perferredUsername"=>"ahowell15", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461620454747537408", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 21:37:47 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Kerry Steward", "perferredUsername"=>"Gublerette__", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461620426506899456", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 21:37:40 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Ron", "perferredUsername"=>"Ronnielee95", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461620303060144128", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 21:37:11 +0000 2014", "author"=>"hannah", "perferredUsername"=>"HAANNNN_ah", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461620293811728384", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 21:37:09 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Darien B. 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+ I, [2014-04-30T17:42:02.361185 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-04-30T17:42:02.361220 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ D, [2014-04-30T17:57:01.176806 #32088] DEBUG -- : Adding posts for scout_id: 27
+ D, [2014-04-30T17:57:01.177946 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Full Lates News", body: "Republican David Jolly Defeats Democrat Alex Sink I...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:75ab250,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:75aaf80,'0.6730169016 655186E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:75aad50,'0.9267394750 759193E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461622534815764481", ldate: "2014-04-30 21:46:03", loadstamp: "2014-04-30 21:57:01", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T17:57:01.200573 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "#ABWisdom", body: "RT @Mozi_N: Florida can thank Republican Jeb Bush a...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:75e2610,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:75e23e0,'0.7440362496 888129E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:75e21b0,'0.9669060893 444905E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461623088325464065", ldate: "2014-04-30 21:48:15", loadstamp: "2014-04-30 21:57:01", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T17:57:01.217122 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Chef Taz", body: "RT @Mozi_N: Florida can thank Republican Jeb Bush a...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:7645a08,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:76457b0,'0.7440362496 888129E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:7645580,'0.9669060893 444905E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461623417176092672", ldate: "2014-04-30 21:49:33", loadstamp: "2014-04-30 21:57:01", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T17:57:01.250651 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: " WeCanVoteThemOut", body: "RT @Mozi_N: Florida can thank Republican Jeb Bush a...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:76b1028,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:76b0df8,'0.7440362496 888129E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:76b0bc8,'0.9669060893 444905E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461623420254298112", ldate: "2014-04-30 21:49:34", loadstamp: "2014-04-30 21:57:01", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T17:57:01.267290 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "jack cesare", body: "WE HAVE TO GET RID OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY- ARE ON ...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:7994308,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:79940b0,'0.8408224141 547513E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:799eb00,'0.7414795296 343467E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461623445152092160", ldate: "2014-04-30 21:49:40", loadstamp: "2014-04-30 21:57:01", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T17:57:01.283898 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "carmenvellon", body: "RT @Mozi_N: Florida can thank Republican Jeb Bush a...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:7a07a88,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:7a07858,'0.7440362496 888129E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:7a07600,'0.9669060893 444905E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461623570297552896", ldate: "2014-04-30 21:50:10", loadstamp: "2014-04-30 21:57:01", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T17:57:01.300532 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Political Ω", body: "RT @Mozi_N: Florida can thank Republican Jeb Bush a...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:7776fd0,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:7776da0,'0.7440362496 888129E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:7776b48,'0.9669060893 444905E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461623650584494081", ldate: "2014-04-30 21:50:29", loadstamp: "2014-04-30 21:57:01", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T17:57:01.317082 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Fred Rotondaro", body: "RT @Mozi_N: Florida can thank Republican Jeb Bush a...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:77de6d0,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:77de4a0,'0.7440362496 888129E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:77de220,'0.9669060893 444905E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461623972065738753", ldate: "2014-04-30 21:51:46", loadstamp: "2014-04-30 21:57:01", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T17:57:01.333773 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Full Lates News", body: "Republican David Jolly Defeats Democrat Alex Sink I...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:7841eb0,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:7841c80,'0.6730169016 655186E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:7841988,'0.9267394750 759193E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461624373460234240", ldate: "2014-04-30 21:53:21", loadstamp: "2014-04-30 21:57:01", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ I, [2014-04-30T17:57:01.349643 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records: 9
+ I, [2014-04-30T17:57:01.349688 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records Not Loaded: 0
+ I, [2014-04-30T17:57:01.349719 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-04-30T17:57:01.349748 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ W, [2014-04-30T17:57:01.819831 #32088] WARN -- : Non OK Status from AI Core: {"errorlist"=>["Could not find model:Texting1"], "message"=>nil, "errorcode"=>nil, "status"=>"error", "contentlist"=>[{"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461625238305116160"}, {"content"=>"Someone please text me before I drive myself to the point if insanity because your stupidity is on my mind ὒB", "contentid"=>"461625188057358336"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461625186744152064"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461625033270382592"}, {"content"=>"If I can't text and drive, can I tweet and drive?", "contentid"=>"461624860867715072"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461624856828981248"}, {"content"=>"@macmtpt we'll these came out a year ago. And you for wanting to be a cop should know how unsafe it is to text and drive so u should be", "contentid"=>"461624708601896960"}, {"content"=>"Really enjoying this driveὠDὄF Text me ?ὡ8", "contentid"=>"461624614590750720"}, {"content"=>"@simon_helson Feels like a text adventure minus the text. You click the installer. A drive mounts. There is an icon. There are no exits.", "contentid"=>"461624482281840640"}, {"content"=>"@mikeyflo24 @WillYuumm haha I'll text and drive then look up and don't remember driving for the last 3 miles...", "contentid"=>"461624481333538816"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461624454284460032"}, {"content"=>"It disgusts me how many people text and drive.", "contentid"=>"461624314563805184"}, {"content"=>"\"honk if you love jesus, text and drive if you wanna meet him\" ὠ2 these presentations are hilarious.", "contentid"=>"461624310734405632"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461623965405179904"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461623918340874240"}, {"content"=>"RT @kitchens_h: I wanna know why people seem to think it's only teenagers that text and drive", "contentid"=>"461623897704906752"}, {"content"=>"Dawg! if you cant text &amp; drive dont do it!!!", "contentid"=>"461623792629194752"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461623578107342848"}, {"content"=>"I wanna know why people seem to think it's only teenagers that text and drive", "contentid"=>"461623574889910273"}, {"content"=>"@HRHPM @jayvert i don't text and drive cause i don't want mom knowing my final moments were typing about how much i want kiefer sutherland", "contentid"=>"461623135528570880"}, {"content"=>"RT @_SouthernBlonde: \"Date someone who will text you they love you at 2am &amp; 9pm, someone who will let you change the station in the car whe…", "contentid"=>"461622913561800704"}, {"content"=>"RT @madisontaylor48: my face when people text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461622903767695360"}, {"content"=>"I've sent my dad a lovely text message for when he gets back at like 2 in the morning then has to drive from Manchester to Middlesbroughὠ2", "contentid"=>"461622460325310464"}, {"content"=>"RT @KLCCDP: @EmperorKabuto yeah I didnt want to text and drive", "contentid"=>"461622391446069249"}, {"content"=>"\"@lcthatsit: if u cant fuckin drive n text then dont fuckin drive n text! shit slowing up damn traffic\"", "contentid"=>"461622332423823361"}, {"content"=>"If you're going to text &amp; drive, do it without swerving. Otherwise it can wait.", "contentid"=>"461621927699021824"}, {"content"=>"@domi_AUT dont text and drive", "contentid"=>"461621685058551809"}, {"content"=>"RT @rysox80: Don't text and drive. In your case also don't breathe, open your eyes, or use the brakes and drive.", "contentid"=>"461621503117647872"}], "context"=>{"eid"=>"6", "uid"=>"Texting1", "post_details"=>[{"contentid"=>"461625238305116160", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 21:56:48 +0000 2014", "author"=>"", "perferredUsername"=>"goldnarry", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461625188057358336", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 21:56:36 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Hayleeeeeee✌️", "perferredUsername"=>"hayleemarie99", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461625186744152064", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 21:56:35 +0000 2014", "author"=>"syrine // 144", "perferredUsername"=>"gummyzarry", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461625033270382592", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 21:55:59 +0000 2014", "author"=>"ИᎥℓᎠᗩ✩", "perferredUsername"=>"NildaNilly", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461624860867715072", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 21:55:18 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Paul Walker", "perferredUsername"=>"I_Am_PaulWalker", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461624856828981248", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 21:55:17 +0000 2014", "author"=>"E M M A.", "perferredUsername"=>"xblamestylesx", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461624708601896960", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 21:54:41 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Jocelyn", "perferredUsername"=>"Jocjoc_92", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461624614590750720", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 21:54:19 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Yaanaa ✌️", "perferredUsername"=>"mianavillasana", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461624482281840640", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 21:53:47 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Zach Bagnall", "perferredUsername"=>"yemble", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461624481333538816", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 21:53:47 +0000 2014", "author"=>"GeNA", "perferredUsername"=>"GenaBarrea", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461624454284460032", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 21:53:41 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Tonia Robinson", "perferredUsername"=>"robton4482", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461624314563805184", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 21:53:07 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Lorenzo", "perferredUsername"=>"lspurrier8", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461624310734405632", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 21:53:06 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Dora", "perferredUsername"=>"Dd0raa", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461623965405179904", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 21:51:44 +0000 2014", "author"=>"H", "perferredUsername"=>"hkhk82", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461623918340874240", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 21:51:33 +0000 2014", "author"=>"gerrard", "perferredUsername"=>"gerrygrace3", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461623897704906752", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 21:51:28 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Kaylee.", "perferredUsername"=>"PrincessKayleeB", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461623792629194752", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 21:51:03 +0000 2014", "author"=>"veebee", "perferredUsername"=>"_queenveee", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461623578107342848", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 21:50:12 +0000 2014", "author"=>"30 DAYS", "perferredUsername"=>"nouisisperfect", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461623574889910273", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 21:50:11 +0000 2014", "author"=>"haley.", "perferredUsername"=>"kitchens_h", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461623135528570880", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 21:48:26 +0000 2014", "author"=>"I'MMMMM THE BEST", "perferredUsername"=>"VegetaMonologs", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461622913561800704", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 21:47:33 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Savannah ♡", "perferredUsername"=>"vannahhh____", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461622903767695360", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 21:47:31 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Chris Berns", "perferredUsername"=>"ChrisLBerns", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461622460325310464", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 21:45:45 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Arielle", "perferredUsername"=>"AriellePrior", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461622391446069249", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 21:45:29 +0000 2014", "author"=>"el capitan", "perferredUsername"=>"fuckthebauhaus", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461622332423823361", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 21:45:15 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Lady Ankh", "perferredUsername"=>"unoankh", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461621927699021824", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 21:43:38 +0000 2014", "author"=>"B. 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+ I, [2014-04-30T17:57:01.819920 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-04-30T17:57:01.819957 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ D, [2014-04-30T18:12:01.342215 #32088] DEBUG -- : Adding posts for scout_id: 27
+ D, [2014-04-30T18:12:01.342290 #32088] DEBUG -- : Refreshing users for enterprise: 5
+ D, [2014-04-30T18:12:01.350338 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Randy Caparoso", body: "Yet we fear that it will be mostly Republican wing ...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:7916e30,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:7916a98,'0.8112106606 558843E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:7916868,'0.8600416441 378801E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461626751387324416", ldate: "2014-04-30 22:02:48", loadstamp: "2014-04-30 22:12:01", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T18:12:01.364562 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Le Chat Noire", body: "RT @RCaparoso: Yet we fear that it will be mostly R...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:7a5e130,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:7a5df00,'0.6489953009 717573E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:7a5dcd0,'0.9182657465 096854E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461627581637591040", ldate: "2014-04-30 22:06:06", loadstamp: "2014-04-30 22:12:01", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ I, [2014-04-30T18:12:01.380617 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records: 2
+ I, [2014-04-30T18:12:01.380864 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records Not Loaded: 0
+ I, [2014-04-30T18:12:01.380946 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-04-30T18:12:01.380993 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ W, [2014-04-30T18:12:02.353193 #32088] WARN -- : Non OK Status from AI Core: {"errorlist"=>["Could not find model:Texting1"], "message"=>nil, "errorcode"=>nil, "status"=>"error", "contentlist"=>[{"content"=>"Driving down to ft Lauderdale there's a sign that says \"YOLO don't text &amp; drive\" whaackkkk how many old folks know what Yolo is ?", "contentid"=>"461629021286322176"}, {"content"=>"Attention Basha High School Students: do not text and drive, especially in the parking lot. You already suck enough at driving.", "contentid"=>"461628998141755393"}, {"content"=>"me to mike: I don't text you drive!\nme: tweets nonstop while driving", "contentid"=>"461628817967448064"}, {"content"=>"@vasteph @MSDIRTYVA ὣ4ὣ4ὣ4ὣ4 jus make sure you don't text and drive", "contentid"=>"461628764250972161"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461628710693527553"}, {"content"=>"RT @MelanieShebel: It's not safe to text and drive! Drive Now. TXT L8R. #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461628681975496704"}, {"content"=>"@Cousin_Lu pledge to not text and drive", "contentid"=>"461628557014609920"}, {"content"=>"RT @KDOTHQ: 1/4 of teens respond to a text message one or more times they drive. #distracteddriving #justdrive", "contentid"=>"461628464445919232"}, {"content"=>"I text and drive entirely too much", "contentid"=>"461628424503955456"}, {"content"=>"RT @yankeepipher: 2024:\ntext messages are replaced with tupac holograms\ndon't pac and drive, they'll say\nc a l i f o r n i a knows how to p…", "contentid"=>"461628424117694464"}, {"content"=>"Ladies and gentleman this is not the day to text and drive", "contentid"=>"461628216340656128"}, {"content"=>"@Mike_Neumeier okay well we'll see if i'm even in the mood to drive i'll text you later", "contentid"=>"461628214540918784"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461627989550051328"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461627922986438656"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461627831311552512"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461627490532737024"}, {"content"=>"RT @the__real__jb: it's illegal to text and drive but it's completely legal to solve a rubix cube while driving", "contentid"=>"461627458752495618"}, {"content"=>"all this dumb b does is text and drive while complaining about pple who text and drive (my mother)", "contentid"=>"461627420723150849"}, {"content"=>"it's illegal to text and drive but it's completely legal to solve a rubix cube while driving", "contentid"=>"461627289059328000"}, {"content"=>"RT @Hannah__Kline: Don't be like Tom Haverford. Don't text and drive. #seriouslythough #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461626980568694784"}, {"content"=>"RT @Hannah__Kline: @SocramOrravan and I were featured in the paper today. He was my designated texter. Drive now, text later. #TXTL8RIN htt…", "contentid"=>"461626869935140864"}, {"content"=>"RT @Hannah__Kline: Arrive alive, don't text and drive. #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461626837391527937"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461626808048549888"}, {"content"=>"RT @Hannah__Kline: Don't risk your life for something that can wait. Drive now, text later. #itcanwait #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461626805007294464"}, {"content"=>"RT @SPFSADD: This is the cutest way to say don't text and drive!\nRetweet for an another iPad entry!", "contentid"=>"461626700359823361"}, {"content"=>"RT @Hannah__Kline: Stop the violence. Don't text and drive. #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461626699986120704"}, {"content"=>"@KatGregory24 I can do any time so just text me when your out and I'll drive up x", "contentid"=>"461626473364070400"}, {"content"=>"\"I'm driving I can't talk so ill text you\" great logic sis", "contentid"=>"461626239254413312"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461626149286596608"}, {"content"=>"I swear I see more adults text while driving then teenagers!! #notus #setanexample #dontlectureme ✌️", "contentid"=>"461626095842783232"}, {"content"=>"765-639-2515!\nText me for the address, try to carpool! I'll be driving so be ready to pile into my…", "contentid"=>"461626085198008320"}, {"content"=>"everyone text me bc denver has work &amp; im gunna be driving all night", "contentid"=>"461625941450440705"}, {"content"=>"RT @USAA: It's the last day of #DistractedDriving Awareness Month – have you taken the pledge to never text and drive?…", "contentid"=>"461625917182189568"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461625572331102208"}, {"content"=>"Rjthink you can beat the Peugeot rcz in a tweetrace. Show us what you're made of to win a text drive weekend #RCZRace", "contentid"=>"461625567943864320"}, {"content"=>"RT @Nvqueeee: I cant text and drive tbh my last words would probably be dumb af", "contentid"=>"461625396593950720"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461625394102534145"}, {"content"=>"NeveR call me or text me while you're driving please ὤFὢ5", "contentid"=>"461625377803096065"}], "context"=>{"eid"=>"6", "uid"=>"Texting1", "post_details"=>[{"contentid"=>"461629021286322176", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 22:11:49 +0000 2014", "author"=>"pXl", "perferredUsername"=>"zelpxx", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461628998141755393", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 22:11:44 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Tall Oak", "perferredUsername"=>"breedingphily", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461628817967448064", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 22:11:01 +0000 2014", "author"=>"toonami slut", "perferredUsername"=>"paigeroderiques", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461628764250972161", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 22:10:48 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Cougar Hunter", "perferredUsername"=>"Rude757", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461628710693527553", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 22:10:35 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Elizabeth Kreilein", "perferredUsername"=>"EKreilein", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461628681975496704", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 22:10:29 +0000 2014", "author"=>"♥ Kavalon ♥ ", "perferredUsername"=>"KavalonThatsMe", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461628557014609920", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 22:09:59 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Kait", "perferredUsername"=>"yooitskaitycruz", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461628464445919232", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 22:09:37 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Sandi", "perferredUsername"=>"sandiwurzer", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461628424503955456", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 22:09:27 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Everett Minchew", "perferredUsername"=>"eminchew00", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461628424117694464", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 22:09:27 +0000 2014", "author"=>"yourself", "perferredUsername"=>"VampireIguana", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461628216340656128", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 22:08:38 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Brian Kazarian", "perferredUsername"=>"BrianKazarian", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461628214540918784", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 22:08:37 +0000 2014", "author"=>"don't call me jill", "perferredUsername"=>"xpoorsouls", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461627989550051328", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 22:07:44 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Linds✨", "perferredUsername"=>"Lindsieeee", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461627922986438656", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 22:07:28 +0000 2014", "author"=>"b e t h a n y", "perferredUsername"=>"bethatrix101", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461627831311552512", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 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+ I, [2014-04-30T18:12:02.353287 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-04-30T18:12:02.353324 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ D, [2014-04-30T18:27:01.532363 #32088] DEBUG -- : Adding posts for scout_id: 27
+ D, [2014-04-30T18:27:01.533508 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Sydnee Love", body: "Shopping on in Florida? Expe...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:7d1b0d0,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:7d1aea0,'0.8936143850 948659E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:7d1ac70,'0.4137718931 143053E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461629659927412737", ldate: "2014-04-30 22:14:22", loadstamp: "2014-04-30 22:27:01", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T18:27:01.545446 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Cedric James", body: "Most of the republican party doesn't strike me as b...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:76da6a8,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:76da478,'0.4227558254 443122E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:76da248,'0.9401963490 087369E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461630749557657600", ldate: "2014-04-30 22:18:42", loadstamp: "2014-04-30 22:27:01", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T18:27:01.562017 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Full Lates News", body: "Republican David Jolly Defeats Democrat Alex Sink I...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:7c41cb8,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:7c41a88,'0.6730169016 655186E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:7c41858,'0.9267394750 759193E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461631083381932032", ldate: "2014-04-30 22:20:01", loadstamp: "2014-04-30 22:27:01", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ I, [2014-04-30T18:27:01.569475 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records: 3
+ I, [2014-04-30T18:27:01.569521 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records Not Loaded: 0
+ I, [2014-04-30T18:27:01.569551 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-04-30T18:27:01.569583 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ W, [2014-04-30T18:27:02.637454 #32088] WARN -- : Non OK Status from AI Core: {"errorlist"=>["Could not find model:Texting1"], "message"=>nil, "errorcode"=>nil, "status"=>"error", "contentlist"=>[{"content"=>"Don't Text/ FACEBOOK and DRIVE. seriously", "contentid"=>"461632670804750336"}, {"content"=>"idk how i havent gotten in an accident yet bc i text n drive way too much", "contentid"=>"461632614831783936"}, {"content"=>"Don't Text/ FACEBOOK and DRIVE. seriously", "contentid"=>"461632543406968832"}, {"content"=>"RT @Reneau72: Don't text and drive!! Please help me earn a $5K scholarship, and spread a valuable message, RT and Favorite this tweet. Tha…", "contentid"=>"461632503975931905"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461632435038322688"}, {"content"=>"RT @HurricaneRina_: don't text me while u driving I refuse to be on that commercial like \"this is the txt that killed my friend\" like no so…", "contentid"=>"461632332395708416"}, {"content"=>"RT @the__real__jb: it's illegal to text and drive but it's completely legal to solve a rubix cube while driving", "contentid"=>"461632180016250880"}, {"content"=>"RT @monicaadouglas: Installed \"Stay alive, Don't text and drive\" signs today at MATES! Thanks @PADDorg for the signs! @FocusOnTheDrive http…", "contentid"=>"461631835823673344"}, {"content"=>"Don't text and drive.", "contentid"=>"461631826256080897"}, {"content"=>"Aaaaand maybe dont text and drive.", "contentid"=>"461631815438966784"}, {"content"=>"The friend who asks you to text for them while they drive.", "contentid"=>"461631804714549248"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461631801367494657"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461631514661629952"}, {"content"=>"@jayjaymonkeyx driving with my friend. Text me or snap me?", "contentid"=>"461631485078806530"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461631467173736448"}, {"content"=>"RT @SPFSADD: This is the cutest way to say don't text and drive!\nRetweet for an another iPad entry!", "contentid"=>"461631192694280193"}, {"content"=>"Stupid driving instructor wont text me back.", "contentid"=>"461631091708006400"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461631010082271233"}, {"content"=>"@IBeBoredNShvt wow Thot don't drive and tweet during a flood homo! I'm not tryna have you in them text crash commercials.", "contentid"=>"461630686932500480"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461630497567674371"}, {"content"=>"RT @SPFSADD: This is the cutest way to say don't text and drive!\nRetweet for an another iPad entry!", "contentid"=>"461629944544915456"}, {"content"=>"@UmnaKhan text not going through, but I left my book in your car, interesting drive we had thoughὢ9ὠ2", "contentid"=>"461629937632677889"}, {"content"=>"RT @blaze4bettadayz: I can't stand people who drink &amp; drive, text &amp; drive or just don't pay attention. You will wish you would've when you …", "contentid"=>"461629841251762177"}, {"content"=>"It's really pissing niggas still drive in this shyt if they receive that text to fuck", "contentid"=>"461629823358869504"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461629810607796224"}, {"content"=>"RT @the__real__jb: it's illegal to text and drive but it's completely legal to solve a rubix cube while driving", "contentid"=>"461629643796135936"}, {"content"=>"I like how Alissa tries to not text and drive and I look over and she's playing alpaca worldὠ5", "contentid"=>"461629480113803265"}, {"content"=>"RT @MelanieShebel: It's not safe to text and drive! Drive Now. TXT L8R. #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461629477609418752"}, {"content"=>"@babypinky27 don't text and drive either.", "contentid"=>"461629455689990144"}, {"content"=>"RT @TopNotchSaditty: please dont text and drive", "contentid"=>"461629327743127552"}, {"content"=>"RT @TopNotchSaditty: please dont text and drive", "contentid"=>"461629309325955072"}, {"content"=>"please dont text and drive", "contentid"=>"461629262706245632"}, {"content"=>"don't text me while u driving I refuse to be on that commercial like \"this is the txt that killed my friend\" like no sorry lmfao", "contentid"=>"461629249690947584"}, {"content"=>"RT @yankeepipher: 2024:\ntext messages are replaced with tupac holograms\ndon't pac and drive, they'll say\nc a l i f o r n i a knows how to p…", "contentid"=>"461629244742062082"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461629144712089601"}], "context"=>{"eid"=>"6", "uid"=>"Texting1", "post_details"=>[{"contentid"=>"461632670804750336", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 22:26:20 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Bear Waco", "perferredUsername"=>"1025thebear", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461632614831783936", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 22:26:06 +0000 2014", "author"=>"kat", "perferredUsername"=>"kitteaism", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461632543406968832", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 22:25:49 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Fox Rox", "perferredUsername"=>"1073thefox", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461632503975931905", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 22:25:40 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Chris Berns", "perferredUsername"=>"ChrisLBerns", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461632435038322688", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 22:25:23 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Kal Figueroa", "perferredUsername"=>"KalFigueroa", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461632332395708416", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 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+ I, [2014-04-30T18:27:02.637546 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-04-30T18:27:02.637583 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ D, [2014-04-30T18:42:00.701917 #32088] DEBUG -- : Adding posts for scout_id: 27
+ D, [2014-04-30T18:42:00.701994 #32088] DEBUG -- : Refreshing users for enterprise: 5
+ D, [2014-04-30T18:42:00.710122 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Mike Broemmel", body: "RT @FullLatesNews3: Republican David Jolly Defeats ...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:7b42b00,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:7b428d0,'0.4995105980 879849E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:7b426a0,'0.9610703224 690667E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461634124424294400", ldate: "2014-04-30 22:32:06", loadstamp: "2014-04-30 22:42:00", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T18:42:00.726187 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "MAD SOLAR-te", body: "@willblackmon bruh you in Jacksonville, Florida...I...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:7baa160,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:7ba9f30,'0.7722796658 99219E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:7ba9d00,'0.7107824869 859745E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461636348466978816", ldate: "2014-04-30 22:40:56", loadstamp: "2014-04-30 22:42:00", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ I, [2014-04-30T18:42:00.741807 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records: 2
+ I, [2014-04-30T18:42:00.741855 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records Not Loaded: 0
+ I, [2014-04-30T18:42:00.741886 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-04-30T18:42:00.741917 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ W, [2014-04-30T18:42:01.973899 #32088] WARN -- : Non OK Status from AI Core: {"errorlist"=>["Could not find model:Texting1"], "message"=>nil, "errorcode"=>nil, "status"=>"error", "contentlist"=>[{"content"=>"so driving back from the city yesterday, i get a random text from what appears to be a middle school boy...", "contentid"=>"461636485037690881"}, {"content"=>"1 in 5 teens will have a text conversation while driving. This phone wallpaper will remind you to stop....", "contentid"=>"461636439617585153"}, {"content"=>"Well this is a real fun drive!ὡ2 Someone text meὄC", "contentid"=>"461636408461893632"}, {"content"=>"1 in 5 teens will have a text conversation while driving.", "contentid"=>"461636344070942721"}, {"content"=>"RT @hey_holls: Help spread the word! Retweet/favorite this and help save lives! Drive Now. Text L8R. #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461636118459318272"}, {"content"=>"RT @LibertyIRL: Tomorrow, it will be an offence to read or send a text at the wheel. 13% of Irish drivers admit to using a phone while driv…", "contentid"=>"461636106187182081"}, {"content"=>"How do people text while driving. I can barely blink ὠ2", "contentid"=>"461635996460019712"}, {"content"=>"\"@_AshantiShanice: “@Kaaaayyyyyyyy: I hate driving” text me back babymama\" you didn't text me back.", "contentid"=>"461635960208240640"}, {"content"=>"so driving back from the city yesterday, i get a random text from what appears to be a middle school boy...", "contentid"=>"461635712954400768"}, {"content"=>"\"@FreeTopher: They said \"Dont text and drive\"....They aint say shit bout tweeting tho\"", "contentid"=>"461635710135844864"}, {"content"=>"RT @TylerGirton1: A study shows that approximately 3/4 of young adults are very or somewhat confident they can text and drive and they are…", "contentid"=>"461635636164694016"}, {"content"=>"RT @J_Guwopp: DO NOT FUCKIN TEXT ME IF YOU DRIVING . . I AINT TRYNA BE IN THOSE COMMERCIALS MANNN ὣ4ὊFὈ0", "contentid"=>"461635586835873792"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461635477934972928"}, {"content"=>"“@Kaaaayyyyyyyy: I hate driving” text me back babymama", "contentid"=>"461635451485704192"}, {"content"=>"RT @_ItCanWait: SHOUT OUT TO: @Hannah__Kline for taking the pledge not to text and drive ! DRIVE NOW, TXT L8R #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461635438608777216"}, {"content"=>"RT @J_Guwopp: DO NOT FUCKIN TEXT ME IF YOU DRIVING . . I AINT TRYNA BE IN THOSE COMMERCIALS MANNN ὣ4ὊFὈ0", "contentid"=>"461635419046551553"}, {"content"=>"RT @J_Guwopp: DO NOT FUCKIN TEXT ME IF YOU DRIVING . . I AINT TRYNA BE IN THOSE COMMERCIALS MANNN ὣ4ὊFὈ0", "contentid"=>"461635046542430208"}, {"content"=>"RT @ClintTJohnson: Please don't text or use social media while driving. A young lady in North Carolina lost her life doing so! That text/se…", "contentid"=>"461634998995415040"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461634968658399232"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461634961003388928"}, {"content"=>"RT @J_Guwopp: DO NOT FUCKIN TEXT ME IF YOU DRIVING . . I AINT TRYNA BE IN THOSE COMMERCIALS MANNN ὣ4ὊFὈ0", "contentid"=>"461634942003585024"}, {"content"=>"RT @J_Guwopp: DO NOT FUCKIN TEXT ME IF YOU DRIVING . . I AINT TRYNA BE IN THOSE COMMERCIALS MANNN ὣ4ὊFὈ0", "contentid"=>"461634903030132736"}, {"content"=>"RT @J_Guwopp: DO NOT FUCKIN TEXT ME IF YOU DRIVING . . I AINT TRYNA BE IN THOSE COMMERCIALS MANNN ὣ4ὊFὈ0", "contentid"=>"461634843236114432"}, {"content"=>"RT @neverknownfacts: Please, don't text and drive", "contentid"=>"461634809459404800"}, {"content"=>"RT @HurricaneRina_: don't text me while u driving I refuse to be on that commercial like \"this is the txt that killed my friend\" like no so…", "contentid"=>"461634798109609984"}, {"content"=>"RT @J_Guwopp: DO NOT FUCKIN TEXT ME IF YOU DRIVING . . I AINT TRYNA BE IN THOSE COMMERCIALS MANNN ὣ4ὊFὈ0", "contentid"=>"461634778350223360"}, {"content"=>"Like sometimes i feel like purchasing a police siren and scaring the shit out of people who text &amp; drive ὠ2", "contentid"=>"461634748234747904"}, {"content"=>"RT @neverknownfacts: Please, don't text and drive", "contentid"=>"461634699387871232"}, {"content"=>"RT @J_Guwopp: DO NOT FUCKIN TEXT ME IF YOU DRIVING . . I AINT TRYNA BE IN THOSE COMMERCIALS MANNN ὣ4ὊFὈ0", "contentid"=>"461634683378229248"}, {"content"=>"I shouldn't be driving and reading these text because it's frustrating me.", "contentid"=>"461634629045190657"}, {"content"=>"Dear people who text &amp; drive.. Youre so obvious..", "contentid"=>"461634514146852864"}, {"content"=>"DO NOT FUCKIN TEXT ME IF YOU DRIVING . . I AINT TRYNA BE IN THOSE COMMERCIALS MANNN ὣ4ὊFὈ0", "contentid"=>"461634508660695040"}, {"content"=>"You wouldn't do your homework and drive, would you? So why text and drive? Drive now, text later. #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461634471884636161"}, {"content"=>"@BrianSteffen They Say You Shouldn't Text And Drive. Good Thing I'm At A Stand Still", "contentid"=>"461634387553964032"}, {"content"=>"Don't text and drive... Or tweet...", "contentid"=>"461634383275782147"}, {"content"=>"RT @FreeTopher: They said \"Dont text and drive\"....They aint say shit bout tweeting tho", "contentid"=>"461634375629963267"}, {"content"=>"I don't text and drive.. I talk to text and drive.. There's a difference.. Lol", "contentid"=>"461634340913709057"}, {"content"=>"RT @FreeTopher: They said \"Dont text and drive\"....They aint say shit bout tweeting tho", "contentid"=>"461634300002447360"}, {"content"=>"Intellectually, todays teenagers are more aware than ever theyre not supposed to drink and drive, or text and drive.", "contentid"=>"461634195647782913"}, {"content"=>"RT @FreeTopher: They said \"Dont text and drive\"....They aint say shit bout tweeting tho", "contentid"=>"461633942857457664"}, {"content"=>"RT @mistasvetas: *gets pulled over*\n\nOfficer: \"Do you know it's illegal to text and drive?\"\n\nMe: \"I was snap chatting\"\n\n*drives away*", "contentid"=>"461633923668119552"}, {"content"=>"RT @FreeTopher: They said \"Dont text and drive\"....They aint say shit bout tweeting tho", "contentid"=>"461633722878787584"}, {"content"=>"RT @FreeTopher: They said \"Dont text and drive\"....They aint say shit bout tweeting tho", "contentid"=>"461633704549298176"}, {"content"=>"RT @FreeTopher: They said \"Dont text and drive\"....They aint say shit bout tweeting tho", "contentid"=>"461633702443769856"}, {"content"=>"RT @FreeTopher: They said \"Dont text and drive\"....They aint say shit bout tweeting tho", "contentid"=>"461633657501782016"}, {"content"=>"RT @FreeTopher: They said \"Dont text and drive\"....They aint say shit bout tweeting tho", "contentid"=>"461633620822601728"}, {"content"=>"RT @FreeTopher: They said \"Dont text and drive\"....They aint say shit bout tweeting tho", "contentid"=>"461633570985873408"}, {"content"=>"RT @FreeTopher: They said \"Dont text and drive\"....They aint say shit bout tweeting tho", "contentid"=>"461633456590446592"}, {"content"=>"RT @FreeTopher: They said \"Dont text and drive\"....They aint say shit bout tweeting tho", "contentid"=>"461633456401707008"}, {"content"=>"RT @FreeTopher: They said \"Dont text and drive\"....They aint say shit bout tweeting tho", "contentid"=>"461633319759663104"}, {"content"=>"RT @FreeTopher: They said \"Dont text and drive\"....They aint say shit bout tweeting tho", "contentid"=>"461633286511423488"}, {"content"=>"RT @FreeTopher: They said \"Dont text and drive\"....They aint say shit bout tweeting tho", "contentid"=>"461633278433177601"}, {"content"=>"RT @FreeTopher: They said \"Dont text and drive\"....They aint say shit bout tweeting tho", "contentid"=>"461633194086125568"}, {"content"=>"RT @FreeTopher: They said \"Dont text and drive\"....They aint say shit bout tweeting tho", "contentid"=>"461633187681415168"}, {"content"=>"fam..... RT“@FreeTopher: They said \"Dont text and drive\"....They aint say shit bout tweeting tho”", "contentid"=>"461633153539391489"}, {"content"=>"RT @FreeTopher: They said \"Dont text and drive\"....They aint say shit bout tweeting tho", "contentid"=>"461633131532267520"}, {"content"=>"*gets pulled over*\n\nOfficer: \"Do you know it's illegal to text and drive?\"\n\nMe: \"I was snap chatting\"\n\n*drives away*", "contentid"=>"461633113332805632"}, {"content"=>"They said \"Dont text and drive\"....They aint say shit bout tweeting tho", "contentid"=>"461633004570288128"}, {"content"=>"RT @the__real__jb: it's illegal to text and drive but it's completely legal to solve a rubix cube while driving", "contentid"=>"461632914992533505"}], "context"=>{"eid"=>"6", "uid"=>"Texting1", "post_details"=>[{"contentid"=>"461636485037690881", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 22:41:29 +0000 2014", "author"=>"¢σ∂у мαятιи ℓιиℓєу", "perferredUsername"=>"Ria11Rialove", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, 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+ I, [2014-04-30T18:42:01.974008 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-04-30T18:42:01.974045 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ D, [2014-04-30T18:57:00.958241 #32088] DEBUG -- : Adding posts for scout_id: 27
+ D, [2014-04-30T18:57:00.959382 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Kesy Namikaze", body: "WTF bruh they adding sales taxes to Amazon purchase...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:770a3f8,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:770a1c8,'0.9696257387 883592E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:7709f98,'0.7000175755 526066E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461636923942248448", ldate: "2014-04-30 22:43:14", loadstamp: "2014-04-30 22:57:00", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T18:57:00.973791 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Jim Murray", body: "RT @AmandaBeadle: Florida Senate debating tuition e...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:7ee1b08,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:7ee18d8,'0.8354695187 236224E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:7ee16a8,'0.5263248228 018261E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461637040581259264", ldate: "2014-04-30 22:43:41", loadstamp: "2014-04-30 22:57:00", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T18:57:00.990406 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Rev. Big Baby Huey", body: "Even when #RickScott is being truthful, he is anoth...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:7df11d0,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:7df0f00,'0.8786553085 961936E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:7df0b90,'0.8050057901 186779E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461639917265625088", ldate: "2014-04-30 22:55:07", loadstamp: "2014-04-30 22:57:00", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ I, [2014-04-30T18:57:01.006176 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records: 3
+ I, [2014-04-30T18:57:01.006222 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records Not Loaded: 0
+ I, [2014-04-30T18:57:01.006252 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-04-30T18:57:01.006282 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ W, [2014-04-30T18:57:02.016919 #32088] WARN -- : Non OK Status from AI Core: {"errorlist"=>["Could not find model:Texting1"], "message"=>nil, "errorcode"=>nil, "status"=>"error", "contentlist"=>[{"content"=>"Don't Text &amp; Drive produced by Sugar Ray Coney: via @YouTube", "contentid"=>"461640136518664193"}, {"content"=>"so driving back from the city yesterday, i get a random text from what appears to be a middle school boy...", "contentid"=>"461640066386112513"}, {"content"=>"RT @MelanieShebel: It's not safe to text and drive! Drive Now. TXT L8R. #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461640007678435328"}, {"content"=>"so driving back from the city yesterday, i get a random text from what appears to be a middle school boy...", "contentid"=>"461639758931042304"}, {"content"=>"I can drive to another store before destiny can text back", "contentid"=>"461639743709536256"}, {"content"=>"@madwilk10 Madi don't text and drive! Ur dangerous enough", "contentid"=>"461639653552967680"}, {"content"=>"I wish my driving instructor or someone like that sent me a text by mistake id be creasin for daysὢ9ὠ2", "contentid"=>"461639639057833984"}, {"content"=>"RT @J_Guwopp: DO NOT FUCKIN TEXT ME IF YOU DRIVING . . I AINT TRYNA BE IN THOSE COMMERCIALS MANNN ὣ4ὊFὈ0", "contentid"=>"461639431821463552"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461639426901553152"}, {"content"=>"Don't text and drive guys", "contentid"=>"461639424498229248"}, {"content"=>"so driving back from the city yesterday, i get a random text from what appears to be a middle school boy...", "contentid"=>"461639198752391168"}, {"content"=>"@s_temean You shouldn't text and drive...oh're stuck in traffic. lol", "contentid"=>"461638706164936704"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461638461494018048"}, {"content"=>"RT @HurricaneRina_: don't text me while u driving I refuse to be on that commercial like \"this is the txt that killed my friend\" like no so…", "contentid"=>"461638334084022272"}, {"content"=>"RT @imthatgirlxox: Dont text and drive #itcanwait", "contentid"=>"461638101899558912"}, {"content"=>"RT @HurricaneRina_: don't text me while u driving I refuse to be on that commercial like \"this is the txt that killed my friend\" like no so…", "contentid"=>"461638101497294848"}, {"content"=>"RT @FreeTopher: They said \"Dont text and drive\"....They aint say shit bout tweeting tho", "contentid"=>"461637981258805249"}, {"content"=>"so driving back from the city yesterday, i get a random text from what appears to be a middle school boy...", "contentid"=>"461637724760723457"}, {"content"=>"@ericasweeney48 I was driving their when I got dat text", "contentid"=>"461637722952962048"}, {"content"=>"RT @J_Guwopp: DO NOT FUCKIN TEXT ME IF YOU DRIVING . . I AINT TRYNA BE IN THOSE COMMERCIALS MANNN ὣ4ὊFὈ0", "contentid"=>"461637516261875713"}, {"content"=>"Most have probably seen this video - but it seems like many need a reminder. Don't text &amp; drive. #LeaveThePhoneALone", "contentid"=>"461637500227047424"}, {"content"=>"I text and drive while I drive by the police station because I'm obviously really rebellious", "contentid"=>"461637488000258048"}, {"content"=>"RT @DaveGaudreau: Happy to see the Police at the base of the Osborne bridge checking for distracted drivers. Don't text and Drive, save a …", "contentid"=>"461637477493534720"}, {"content"=>"RT @J_Guwopp: DO NOT FUCKIN TEXT ME IF YOU DRIVING . . I AINT TRYNA BE IN THOSE COMMERCIALS MANNN ὣ4ὊFὈ0", "contentid"=>"461637448729366528"}, {"content"=>"so driving back from the city yesterday, i get a random text from what appears to be a middle school boy...", "contentid"=>"461637415653081088"}, {"content"=>"Happy to see the Police at the base of the Osborne bridge checking for distracted drivers. Don't text and Drive, save a life.", "contentid"=>"461637380743512065"}, {"content"=>"RT @J_Guwopp: DO NOT FUCKIN TEXT ME IF YOU DRIVING . . I AINT TRYNA BE IN THOSE COMMERCIALS MANNN ὣ4ὊFὈ0", "contentid"=>"461637348615520256"}, {"content"=>"RT @J_Guwopp: DO NOT FUCKIN TEXT ME IF YOU DRIVING . . I AINT TRYNA BE IN THOSE COMMERCIALS MANNN ὣ4ὊFὈ0", "contentid"=>"461637310455746560"}, {"content"=>"Mmmm wouldn't know if my godson and cousin made it home alive from driving here from Florida bcus I got no text backkkkk ὢ1 @alexandriaculin", "contentid"=>"461637270655991808"}, {"content"=>"@BethCrawshawx excuse me David doesn't text and drive ✋", "contentid"=>"461637264200982528"}, {"content"=>"so driving back from the city yesterday, i get a random text from what appears to be a middle school boy...", "contentid"=>"461637190251212801"}, {"content"=>"Dont text and drive #itcanwait", "contentid"=>"461637161276538881"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461637143199502336"}, {"content"=>"Thumb bands to remind you to NOT TEXT AND DRIVE!\n$1.50 or less!", "contentid"=>"461637075402760192"}, {"content"=>"I try really hard not to text and drive... Snapchat is another story", "contentid"=>"461636971979235330"}, {"content"=>"RT @J_Guwopp: DO NOT FUCKIN TEXT ME IF YOU DRIVING . . I AINT TRYNA BE IN THOSE COMMERCIALS MANNN ὣ4ὊFὈ0", "contentid"=>"461636935803346944"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461636857176924160"}, {"content"=>"RT @Ria11Rialove: so driving back from the city yesterday, i get a random text from what appears to be a middle school boy...…", "contentid"=>"461636836582895617"}, {"content"=>"Mom's text: DON'T TEXT AND DRIVE\nMe: I'm not driving, and aren't you on your way home from work… driving? \n-no response-", "contentid"=>"461636811316424706"}, {"content"=>"RT @J_Guwopp: DO NOT FUCKIN TEXT ME IF YOU DRIVING . . I AINT TRYNA BE IN THOSE COMMERCIALS MANNN ὣ4ὊFὈ0", "contentid"=>"461636782996856833"}, {"content"=>"\"@Fatafati_: How do people text while driving. I can barely blink ὠ2\" I saw someone eating a yoghurt once", "contentid"=>"461636762511872000"}, {"content"=>"Just watched a motorcycle cop stop and text in the middle of the road. I guess it's okay to text and drive now.", "contentid"=>"461636740457840641"}, {"content"=>"Crazy how when you first start driving its kinda scary, but then you eventually get to the point where you can text n drive no fucks given", "contentid"=>"461636668466819072"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461636658157592576"}, {"content"=>"Although, we end National Distrcted Driving month, take our year around pledge to NOT Text and Drive. @LASPD", "contentid"=>"461636632756514817"}, {"content"=>"RT @LibertyIRL: Tomorrow, it will be an offence to read or send a text at the wheel. 13% of Irish drivers admit to using a phone while driv…", "contentid"=>"461636604617297920"}], "context"=>{"eid"=>"6", "uid"=>"Texting1", "post_details"=>[{"contentid"=>"461640136518664193", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 22:56:00 +0000 2014", "author"=>"sugar ray coney", 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+ I, [2014-04-30T18:57:02.017021 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-04-30T18:57:02.017056 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ D, [2014-04-30T19:12:01.263592 #32088] DEBUG -- : Adding posts for scout_id: 27
+ D, [2014-04-30T19:12:01.263665 #32088] DEBUG -- : Refreshing users for enterprise: 5
+ D, [2014-04-30T19:12:01.310729 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "CJU", body: "RT @ChuckGLP: Anheuser-Busch donated to these 2 Rep...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:7e84688,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:7e84458,'0.4061882149 303099E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:7e84200,'0.9660896780 658177E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461640666305400833", ldate: "2014-04-30 22:58:06", loadstamp: "2014-04-30 23:12:01", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T19:12:01.329378 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Manolete John Garcia", body: "This is a VERY conservative part of Florida but wat...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:7e13c80,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:7e13a50,'0.8558092366 284294E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:7e13820,'0.7763582826 285129E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461641027150176257", ldate: "2014-04-30 22:59:32", loadstamp: "2014-04-30 23:12:01", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ I, [2014-04-30T19:12:01.345186 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records: 2
+ I, [2014-04-30T19:12:01.345234 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records Not Loaded: 0
+ I, [2014-04-30T19:12:01.345264 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-04-30T19:12:01.345296 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ W, [2014-04-30T19:12:02.440207 #32088] WARN -- : Non OK Status from AI Core: {"errorlist"=>["Could not find model:Texting1"], "message"=>nil, "errorcode"=>nil, "status"=>"error", "contentlist"=>[{"content"=>"RT @MagicalVanessa: I wish my mom wouldn't text and drive", "contentid"=>"461643962026315776"}, {"content"=>"RT @SPFSADD: This is the cutest way to say don't text and drive!\nRetweet for an another iPad entry!", "contentid"=>"461643855788773376"}, {"content"=>"RT @cqrcmp: Most have probably seen this video - but it seems like many need a reminder. Don't text &amp; drive. #LeaveT…", "contentid"=>"461643847081029632"}, {"content"=>"Drivers that text and drive are 23 times more likely to be involved in a car accident. NO text is worth a life.", "contentid"=>"461643793331417088"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461643791149977601"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461643784200011776"}, {"content"=>"Do not text me while you're driving. If you crash, I don't want them to check your phone and see you were last texting me or some sh-t", "contentid"=>"461643710250237952"}, {"content"=>"@_FixmyAC you won't be driving anything if you don't text me back ὄA", "contentid"=>"461643559247290371"}, {"content"=>"RT @J_Guwopp: DO NOT FUCKIN TEXT ME IF YOU DRIVING . . I AINT TRYNA BE IN THOSE COMMERCIALS MANNN ὣ4ὊFὈ0", "contentid"=>"461643518147309568"}, {"content"=>"RT @MelanieShebel: It's not safe to text and drive! Drive Now. TXT L8R. #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461643442876325888"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461643427994931200"}, {"content"=>"RT @J_Guwopp: DO NOT FUCKIN TEXT ME IF YOU DRIVING . . I AINT TRYNA BE IN THOSE COMMERCIALS MANNN ὣ4ὊFὈ0", "contentid"=>"461643416775163905"}, {"content"=>"RT @BostInno: 28% of Connecticut drivers text &amp; drive at the same time. Go home, Connecticut.", "contentid"=>"461643367915720704"}, {"content"=>"RT @BostInno: 28% of Connecticut drivers text &amp; drive at the same time. Go home, Connecticut.", "contentid"=>"461643320507498496"}, {"content"=>"28% of Connecticut drivers text &amp; drive at the same time. Go home, Connecticut.", "contentid"=>"461643081343705090"}, {"content"=>"RT @HurricaneRina_: don't text me while u driving I refuse to be on that commercial like \"this is the txt that killed my friend\" like no so…", "contentid"=>"461643005087457280"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461642996316766208"}, {"content"=>"@patricedebonis your annoying cause I'm pretty sure the text before that was me showing concern and telling you how to drive in it but okay", "contentid"=>"461642994836586496"}, {"content"=>"“@Fact: Please, don't text and drive:”still doesn't stop people.", "contentid"=>"461642840146472960"}, {"content"=>"so driving back from the city yesterday, i get a random text from what appears to be a middle school boy...", "contentid"=>"461642770420367360"}, {"content"=>"*@lilfrick gets one text while she was driving for 15 minutes* \"Crap I'm popular!\"", "contentid"=>"461642714640314368"}, {"content"=>"RT @Tiffy_013: My moms the type to text me and ask me where I am.... THEN get mad at me for replying while I'm driving.", "contentid"=>"461642561208074241"}, {"content"=>"RT @mileysbae: I ain't ever text and drive cuz I know My mama gon be on TV reading my last outgoing text that says \"I can't wait to eat tha…", "contentid"=>"461642021996724224"}, {"content"=>"so driving back from the city yesterday, i get a random text from what appears to be a middle school boy...", "contentid"=>"461641894569975808"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461641842342502400"}, {"content"=>"RT @J_Guwopp: DO NOT FUCKIN TEXT ME IF YOU DRIVING . . I AINT TRYNA BE IN THOSE COMMERCIALS MANNN ὣ4ὊFὈ0", "contentid"=>"461641836768288769"}, {"content"=>"RT @_ItCanWait: SHOUT OUT TO: @Hannah__Kline for taking the pledge not to text and drive ! DRIVE NOW, TXT L8R #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461641806862495745"}, {"content"=>"Emojis on their own line in a tweet or text drive me crazyyyyy", "contentid"=>"461641799727996928"}, {"content"=>"RT @couurtneee_: I text, tweet, talk on the phone, and change my music while driving. I'm such a rebel. ὠ8", "contentid"=>"461641752860848128"}, {"content"=>"Text message marketing is an easy, cost-effective way to drive more business. Go to to learn more.", "contentid"=>"461641741636874241"}, {"content"=>"RT @SoxyFoxyCoxy: 'Dont text and drive' signs on the highway just remind me to send a text that I forgot about earlier.", "contentid"=>"461641739334193154"}, {"content"=>"I have no problem texting while driving, but I won't text while going down stairs. Hell naw. . That shit dangerous.", "contentid"=>"461641728295186432"}, {"content"=>"@PIayCrackTheSky my car doesn't have power steering to it's hard to text and drive.", "contentid"=>"461641715863265280"}, {"content"=>"RT @FreeTopher: They said \"Dont text and drive\"....They aint say shit bout tweeting tho", "contentid"=>"461641481980108800"}, {"content"=>"@PIayCrackTheSky exactly. I always text back right away unless in driving lol", "contentid"=>"461641437738967040"}, {"content"=>"RT @HurricaneRina_: don't text me while u driving I refuse to be on that commercial like \"this is the txt that killed my friend\" like no so…", "contentid"=>"461641360714764288"}, {"content"=>"I wish my mom wouldn't text and drive", "contentid"=>"461641351655071744"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461641349885067264"}, {"content"=>"My moms the type to text me and ask me where I am.... THEN get mad at me for replying while I'm driving.", "contentid"=>"461641339143073793"}, {"content"=>"RT @LASchoolPolice: Although, we end National Distrcted Driving month, take our year around pledge to NOT Text and Drive. @LASPD http://t.c…", "contentid"=>"461641230523183105"}, {"content"=>"@dianamarieexo bc D made me promise not to text &amp; drive ❤️ I love you", "contentid"=>"461641041645666304"}, {"content"=>"How do you know you're deep in thought while driving? Your text message tone startles you! #smallheartattack", "contentid"=>"461641009642733568"}, {"content"=>"DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappedaround a treeἳ2ὡE\"", "contentid"=>"461640845058273280"}, {"content"=>"RT @J_Guwopp: DO NOT FUCKIN TEXT ME IF YOU DRIVING . . I AINT TRYNA BE IN THOSE COMMERCIALS MANNN ὣ4ὊFὈ0", "contentid"=>"461640716159307776"}, {"content"=>"RT @J_Guwopp: DO NOT FUCKIN TEXT ME IF YOU DRIVING . . I AINT TRYNA BE IN THOSE COMMERCIALS MANNN ὣ4ὊFὈ0", "contentid"=>"461640683208851457"}, {"content"=>"RT @J_Guwopp: DO NOT FUCKIN TEXT ME IF YOU DRIVING . . I AINT TRYNA BE IN THOSE COMMERCIALS MANNN ὣ4ὊFὈ0", "contentid"=>"461640465637728256"}, {"content"=>"Don't Text &amp; Drive produced by Sugar Ray Coney", "contentid"=>"461640450445938688"}, {"content"=>"@fjo_jr lmaoo cause you text &amp; drive too much + other things lol", "contentid"=>"461640438240534528"}, {"content"=>"Do you realize that your kids will emulate you? They learn faster than you realize. Don't Drink and Drive or Text while Driving!", "contentid"=>"461640356996460544"}], "context"=>{"eid"=>"6", "uid"=>"Texting1", "post_details"=>[{"contentid"=>"461643962026315776", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 23:11:12 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Selena Lopez", "perferredUsername"=>"selena_e64", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461643855788773376", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 23:10:46 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Zianne_♡", "perferredUsername"=>"zianne_hoover", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461643847081029632", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 23:10:44 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Steve", "perferredUsername"=>"Steve68554689", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461643793331417088", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 23:10:31 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Williamson Insurance", "perferredUsername"=>"WilliamsonInsr", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461643791149977601", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 23:10:31 +0000 2014", "author"=>"christina gembicki", "perferredUsername"=>"MadestThouLook", 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+ I, [2014-04-30T19:12:02.440334 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-04-30T19:12:02.440374 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ D, [2014-04-30T19:27:01.366337 #32088] DEBUG -- : Adding posts for scout_id: 27
+ D, [2014-04-30T19:27:01.367994 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Full Lates News", body: "Republican David Jolly Defeats Democrat Alex Sink I...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:7ed8af8,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:7ed88c8,'0.6730169016 655186E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:7ed8698,'0.9267394750 759193E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461647042264064000", ldate: "2014-04-30 23:23:26", loadstamp: "2014-04-30 23:27:01", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T19:27:01.385631 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Pirate News", body: "FL Governor Poll: Crist 48, Scott 38 - A new poll ...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:7dc8320,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:7dc80c8,'0.8258000889 839934E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:7dbff68,'0.8730444479 488177E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461647630464872448", ldate: "2014-04-30 23:25:46", loadstamp: "2014-04-30 23:27:01", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ I, [2014-04-30T19:27:01.400799 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records: 2
+ I, [2014-04-30T19:27:01.400843 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records Not Loaded: 0
+ I, [2014-04-30T19:27:01.400873 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-04-30T19:27:01.400906 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ W, [2014-04-30T19:27:02.106015 #32088] WARN -- : Non OK Status from AI Core: {"errorlist"=>["Could not find model:Texting1"], "message"=>nil, "errorcode"=>nil, "status"=>"error", "contentlist"=>[{"content"=>"#TXTL8RIN Don't text and drive... Any questions?", "contentid"=>"461647853103104000"}, {"content"=>"Seeing people text and drive makes me SO angry. Especially teenagers.", "contentid"=>"461647799906353152"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461647605882433537"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461647439854727169"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461647290672091136"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461647237685075968"}, {"content"=>"if you text and drive we can't be friends!!! this is a zero tolerance policy don't be an idiot and put other people in danger :-)))", "contentid"=>"461647197382012928"}, {"content"=>"@MelanieShebel RT @MelanieShebel: It's not safe to text and drive! Drive Now. TXT L8R. #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461646788122787841"}, {"content"=>"Seriously people? What makes you feel so important that you need to text while you drive? No conversation is worth another person's life.", "contentid"=>"461646780380090368"}, {"content"=>"so driving back from the city yesterday, i get a random text from what appears to be a middle school boy...", "contentid"=>"461646657239937024"}, {"content"=>"It's so ironic to see someone that has a \"no texting and driving\" sticker while they text and driveὡ1", "contentid"=>"461646296399368192"}, {"content"=>"Your phone can wait. Its not going anywhere ,but you might if you text and drive.\n #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461646201717133313"}, {"content"=>"RT @HurricaneRina_: don't text me while u driving I refuse to be on that commercial like \"this is the txt that killed my friend\" like no so…", "contentid"=>"461646196910862336"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461645763265572864"}, {"content"=>"RT @incindyous: I don't let bae text and drive cus bae can't be bae if bae is dead. #MIND2014", "contentid"=>"461645643069390850"}, {"content"=>"@Wy_SoSerious I literally just decided I was as I was driving thank you &amp; I just sent a group text to everybody!", "contentid"=>"461645592792678400"}, {"content"=>"“@rowdyyyy_: My parents never let me drive anywhere” can u text back", "contentid"=>"461645587784273921"}, {"content"=>"I will never let my parents text and drive. I'll do it for them", "contentid"=>"461645367096778752"}, {"content"=>"@Arriibeerryyy @marisolovely_ lol @ times you'd drive for me when id text ὠ2", "contentid"=>"461645314756059136"}, {"content"=>"Attention drivers of Wharton, I'll be joyriding on my bike so y'all don't text and drive and run me over #kthanks", "contentid"=>"461644781672615938"}, {"content"=>"Drive now text later! Be a responsible driver, don't text and drive. #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461644645878218752"}, {"content"=>"Have you taken the pledge to not text and drive? #TXTL8RI", "contentid"=>"461644582208274432"}, {"content"=>"RT @ManteYung: @PassKeyyy don't text and drive paskey.", "contentid"=>"461644510628687874"}, {"content"=>"RT @MelanieShebel: It's not safe to text and drive! Drive Now. TXT L8R. #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461644377270398977"}, {"content"=>"“@tbecton_2: @_FixmyAC you won't be driving anything if you don't text me back ὄA”", "contentid"=>"461644363135582211"}, {"content"=>"@PassKeyyy don't text and drive paskey.", "contentid"=>"461644291710787584"}], "context"=>{"eid"=>"6", "uid"=>"Texting1", "post_details"=>[{"contentid"=>"461647853103104000", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 23:26:39 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Hammond Civic Center", "perferredUsername"=>"HammondCivicCen", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461647799906353152", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 23:26:27 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Gabby Corrao", "perferredUsername"=>"BabbyGabby_11", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461647605882433537", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 23:25:40 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Queen_Sirama", "perferredUsername"=>"Sirama_2_Lovely", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461647439854727169", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 23:25:01 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Jake Sexton", "perferredUsername"=>"SexyTown4000", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461647290672091136", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 23:24:25 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Dessy  ", "perferredUsername"=>"Desstanii_", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461647237685075968", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 23:24:13 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Diana Elizabeth", "perferredUsername"=>"Diana1345A", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461647197382012928", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 23:24:03 +0000 2014", "author"=>"♡ Kayla ♡", "perferredUsername"=>"dweebery", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461646788122787841", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 23:22:25 +0000 2014", "author"=>"BogDan Wrzesinski", "perferredUsername"=>"godsent247", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461646780380090368", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 23:22:24 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Zander Thornburg", "perferredUsername"=>"zanderthornburg", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461646657239937024", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 23:21:54 +0000 2014", "author"=>"savannah ♛", "perferredUsername"=>"samagsby", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461646296399368192", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 23:20:28 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Maddie:))))", "perferredUsername"=>"maddiecarlock_", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461646201717133313", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 23:20:06 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Katheryn Henderson", "perferredUsername"=>"kehtigg96er", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461646196910862336", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 23:20:04 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Dominique Singletary", "perferredUsername"=>"Skullzboy252", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461645763265572864", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 23:18:21 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Evan Rosner", "perferredUsername"=>"Evan_Rosner", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461645643069390850", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 23:17:52 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Jemmings◇", "perferredUsername"=>"kAnnabalistic", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461645592792678400", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 23:17:40 +0000 2014", "author"=>"La'trice✨", "perferredUsername"=>"BonitaBlasian_", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461645587784273921", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 23:17:39 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Kay Schliegelmeyer", "perferredUsername"=>"callmekaylynn", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461645367096778752", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 23:16:47 +0000 2014", "author"=>"lexie✨", "perferredUsername"=>"lexie_1089", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461645314756059136", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 23:16:34 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Anissa", "perferredUsername"=>"nissakassaundra", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461644781672615938", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 23:14:27 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Jael Ramirez", "perferredUsername"=>"jaelramirez09", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461644645878218752", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 23:13:55 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Audrey", "perferredUsername"=>"AudreyTraylor", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461644582208274432", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 23:13:40 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Katheryn Henderson", "perferredUsername"=>"kehtigg96er", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461644510628687874", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 23:13:22 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Pascale", "perferredUsername"=>"PassKeyyy", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461644377270398977", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 23:12:51 +0000 2014", "author"=>"maryauda", "perferredUsername"=>"maryauda", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461644363135582211", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 23:12:47 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Queen.", "perferredUsername"=>"_FixmyAC", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461644291710787584", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 23:12:30 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Mr.TooReal", "perferredUsername"=>"ManteYung", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}]}, "requestid"=>"676bd065-363d-4461-9c83-9ea8b6628901"}
+ I, [2014-04-30T19:27:02.106097 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-04-30T19:27:02.106131 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ D, [2014-04-30T19:42:01.561877 #32088] DEBUG -- : Adding posts for scout_id: 27
+ D, [2014-04-30T19:42:01.561952 #32088] DEBUG -- : Refreshing users for enterprise: 5
+ D, [2014-04-30T19:42:01.571142 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "USF Business", body: "RT @usfsbdc: GLT Total Office spurs #growth of comp...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:7b760b8,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:7b75e88,'0.8659030616 375853E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:7b75c58,'0.7029713238 811658E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461650090755911680", ldate: "2014-04-30 23:35:33", loadstamp: "2014-04-30 23:42:01", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T19:42:01.591023 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Jeff Odgis", body: "RT @RepTedDeutch: Graphic: Here's what #1010Means f...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:7b0d950,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:7b0d720,'0.8275129795 447093E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:7b0d4f0,'0.6267857952 108301E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461650237200039936", ldate: "2014-04-30 23:36:08", loadstamp: "2014-04-30 23:42:01", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ I, [2014-04-30T19:42:01.606397 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records: 2
+ I, [2014-04-30T19:42:01.606441 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records Not Loaded: 0
+ I, [2014-04-30T19:42:01.606471 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-04-30T19:42:01.606503 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ W, [2014-04-30T19:42:02.579001 #32088] WARN -- : Non OK Status from AI Core: {"errorlist"=>["Could not find model:Texting1"], "message"=>nil, "errorcode"=>nil, "status"=>"error", "contentlist"=>[{"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461651609475637249"}, {"content"=>"DO NOT TEXT ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVING I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass is wrapped around a tree.", "contentid"=>"461651593101066240"}, {"content"=>"#parentsbelike \"don't text and drive\" After they blow your phone up smh", "contentid"=>"461651333788221440"}, {"content"=>"RT @The_MikeWest: Bullshit. Corvette's do not have back seats. #Hoax “@Fact: Please, don't text and drive: http://t.…", "contentid"=>"461651256105136129"}, {"content"=>"got a long drive back home so, text, dm, kik, or snapchat me lmao but srsly", "contentid"=>"461651220529049601"}, {"content"=>"Bullshit. Corvette's do not have back seats. #Hoax “@Fact: Please, don't text and drive:”", "contentid"=>"461650821114253312"}, {"content"=>"WANTED!!!!!! Executive Producer! A Pastor unwillingly donates his son's organs after he is killed in a tragic text and driving accident.", "contentid"=>"461650794367184896"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461650734581166080"}, {"content"=>"Only 19% of Maine drivers text &amp; drive at the same time. How does Mass. compare though?", "contentid"=>"461650631388717058"}, {"content"=>"@channicebond So fun! So much money on petrol, but so fun racing other cars... I mean driving safely ὠ9 haha. I'll text you about a date xxx", "contentid"=>"461650492817686528"}, {"content"=>"RT @AdelMohamed5696: @littlejasmine1_ shush ὡ2 u didn't even text me :0 and I drive nigga why u tripping", "contentid"=>"461650387288604672"}, {"content"=>"RT @SwankThoughts: Don't text &amp; drive, it can wait, seriously...", "contentid"=>"461650335115657217"}, {"content"=>"\"NIGGABITCH DONT TEXT AND DRIVE\" \nMy Nigga I tweet and drive haha! \nRight now I'm sitting in a chair drinking coke tho ;)\n@liamcious", "contentid"=>"461650320645308416"}, {"content"=>"RT @Hannah__Kline: Don't risk your life for something that can wait. Drive now, text later. #itcanwait #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461650277565599745"}, {"content"=>"Somebody drive to the dells, come to wilderness, text me, and hangout with bc I can't handle this much family time. ὠ5ὡ0", "contentid"=>"461650229591150592"}, {"content"=>"RT @Hannah__Kline: Stop the violence. Don't text and drive. #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461650210326732800"}, {"content"=>"@littlejasmine1_ shush ὡ2 u didn't even text me :0 and I drive nigga why u tripping", "contentid"=>"461649786718797824"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461649775515807744"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461649731916427264"}, {"content"=>"RT @blaze4bettadayz: I can't stand people who drink &amp; drive, text &amp; drive or just don't pay attention. You will wish you would've when you …", "contentid"=>"461649506014986240"}, {"content"=>"RT @SwankThoughts: Don't text &amp; drive, it can wait, seriously...", "contentid"=>"461649462709202944"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461649401241280512"}, {"content"=>"RT @BabbyGabby_11: Seeing people text and drive makes me SO angry. Especially teenagers.", "contentid"=>"461649224933732352"}, {"content"=>"RT @jwalk2012: \"@_ItCanWait: @jwalk2012 Do you take the pledge not to text and drive? #TXTL8RIN\"you bet!! #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461649143535251457"}, {"content"=>"RT @zanderthornburg: Seriously people? What makes you feel so important that you need to text while you drive? No conversation is worth ano…", "contentid"=>"461648939456806912"}, {"content"=>"RT @SwankThoughts: Don't text &amp; drive, it can wait, seriously...", "contentid"=>"461648836021067776"}, {"content"=>"Don't text and drive kids.", "contentid"=>"461648800046911488"}, {"content"=>"RT @MelanieShebel: It's not safe to text and drive! Drive Now. TXT L8R. #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461648786473762817"}, {"content"=>"Don't text &amp; drive, it can wait, seriously...", "contentid"=>"461648716357971968"}, {"content"=>"Don't text and drive kids. It's dangerous", "contentid"=>"461648711873871872"}, {"content"=>"RT @Hannah__Kline: Don't be like Tom Haverford. Don't text and drive. #seriouslythough #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461648602356412416"}, {"content"=>"I have no problem texting while driving, but I won't text while going down stairs. Hell naw. . That shit dangerous.", "contentid"=>"461648524598587392"}, {"content"=>"RT @Hannah__Kline: @SocramOrravan and I were featured in the paper today. He was my designated texter. Drive now, text later. #TXTL8RIN htt…", "contentid"=>"461648489496059904"}, {"content"=>"Just saw the craziest don't text and drive commercial. Felt so real", "contentid"=>"461648488090963968"}, {"content"=>"RT @Hannah__Kline: Arrive alive, don't text and drive. #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461648439801942017"}, {"content"=>"RT @Hannah__Kline: Don't risk your life for something that can wait. Drive now, text later. #itcanwait #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461648413457530880"}, {"content"=>"RT @_ItCanWait: Do you take the pledge not to text and drive? #TXTL8RIN Let us know !", "contentid"=>"461648400178360320"}, {"content"=>"Text message marketing is an easy, cost-effective way to drive more business. Go to to learn more.", "contentid"=>"461648395333931008"}, {"content"=>"@missmolly_20 Don't text and drive!", "contentid"=>"461648351675809792"}, {"content"=>"I am gonna drive over to my cousins house and kick him in the nuts if he doesn't text me back. @KeepaCole", "contentid"=>"461648297174642688"}, {"content"=>"RT @Hannah__Kline: Stop the violence. Don't text and drive. #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461648292980334592"}, {"content"=>"If i ever die by texting and driving and I make those commercials i hope my last text is something real like \"iz we fucking or what? \"ὠ2", "contentid"=>"461648292208967680"}, {"content"=>"@optich3cz HECZ DONT TEXT DRIVE PLAYA DONT DO IT", "contentid"=>"461648209832837120"}, {"content"=>"RT @JBGMedia: #TXTL8RIN Don't text and drive... Any questions?", "contentid"=>"461648197857718272"}, {"content"=>"@JLTito321 heck no I DO NOT text and drive. I am just saying when I drive home from work I always notice it and it drives me nuts lol", "contentid"=>"461648061739966466"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461648044123893760"}, {"content"=>"RT @BabbyGabby_11: Seeing people text and drive makes me SO angry. Especially teenagers.", "contentid"=>"461648015950761984"}, {"content"=>"#TXTL8RIN Don't text and drive... Any questions?", "contentid"=>"461647982400512000"}, {"content"=>"so driving back from the city yesterday, i get a random text from what appears to be a middle school boy...", "contentid"=>"461647909797502976"}], "context"=>{"eid"=>"6", "uid"=>"Texting1", "post_details"=>[{"contentid"=>"461651609475637249", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 23:41:35 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Jessica McDonough", "perferredUsername"=>"Jessica17McD", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461651593101066240", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 23:41:31 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Marylin is dtf", "perferredUsername"=>"_18_smile_", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461651333788221440", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 23:40:29 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Abby Sexton", "perferredUsername"=>"abbylsexton", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461651256105136129", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 23:40:11 +0000 2014", "author"=>"FeRg", "perferredUsername"=>"JFerguson50", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461651220529049601", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 23:40:02 +0000 2014", "author"=>"sam", "perferredUsername"=>"samanthamata_", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461650821114253312", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 23:38:27 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Mike West", "perferredUsername"=>"The_MikeWest", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461650794367184896", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 23:38:21 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Ty Manns", "perferredUsername"=>"moviemaker50", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461650734581166080", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 23:38:06 +0000 2014", "author"=>"", "perferredUsername"=>"VALLERICHA", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461650631388717058", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 23:37:42 +0000 2014", "author"=>"BostInno City", "perferredUsername"=>"BostInnoCity", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461650492817686528", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 23:37:09 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Melody James", "perferredUsername"=>"MelodyGJ", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461650387288604672", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 23:36:44 +0000 2014", "author"=>"jasmine Valencia", "perferredUsername"=>"littlejasmine1_", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461650335115657217", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 23:36:31 +0000 2014", "author"=>"IG: TrinaTheCreator", "perferredUsername"=>"axvptrina_", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461650320645308416", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 23:36:28 +0000 2014", "author"=>" ..... 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+ I, [2014-04-30T19:42:02.579217 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-04-30T19:42:02.579258 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ D, [2014-04-30T19:57:00.825929 #32088] DEBUG -- : Adding posts for scout_id: 27
+ D, [2014-04-30T19:57:00.827425 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Max Return", body: "#Florida small business owners... get free tax tips...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:14a9bc8,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:14a9858,'0.9534807168 681566E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:14a9538,'0.6859327799 244459E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461653295476391936", ldate: "2014-04-30 23:48:17", loadstamp: "2014-04-30 23:57:00", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T19:57:00.838080 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "twilight2000", body: "as many as six deaths a day that could be prevented...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:18248c0,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:18241b8,'0.8479840380 518128E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:182bc38,'0.9029908788 461118E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461654208459329536", ldate: "2014-04-30 23:51:55", loadstamp: "2014-04-30 23:57:00", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T19:57:00.854641 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Kate", body: "RT @MiamiHerald: Shopping on Amazon in Florida? Exp...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:1a72b90,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:1a728e8,'0.7195170979 687802E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:1a72618,'0.6158989713 574841E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461654274163101696", ldate: "2014-04-30 23:52:10", loadstamp: "2014-04-30 23:57:00", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T19:57:00.871405 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Jacquelyn Calvert", body: "RT @twilight2000: as many as six deaths a day that ...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:1b32620,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:1b322d8,'0.7280985613 417524E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:1b32080,'0.9478662181 562217E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461655377239474176", ldate: "2014-04-30 23:56:33", loadstamp: "2014-04-30 23:57:00", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ I, [2014-04-30T19:57:00.887054 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records: 4
+ I, [2014-04-30T19:57:00.887099 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records Not Loaded: 0
+ I, [2014-04-30T19:57:00.887129 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-04-30T19:57:00.887159 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ W, [2014-04-30T19:57:01.559887 #32088] WARN -- : Non OK Status from AI Core: {"errorlist"=>["Could not find model:Texting1"], "message"=>nil, "errorcode"=>nil, "status"=>"error", "contentlist"=>[{"content"=>"Drive now, text later #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461655425843081216"}, {"content"=>"RT @LauknessMonster: Don't Text &amp; Drive: via @YouTube", "contentid"=>"461655425424044032"}, {"content"=>"I have no problem texting while driving, but I won't text while going down stairs. That shits dangerous.", "contentid"=>"461655390527037440"}, {"content"=>"If you think that you can text and drive, you are dead wrong #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461655356850974720"}, {"content"=>"You aren't invincible, so don't text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461655319857229825"}, {"content"=>"Don't Text &amp; Drive: via @YouTube", "contentid"=>"461655314132377600"}, {"content"=>"Saying: Arrive alive, don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461655241121726464"}, {"content"=>"Don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461655222121537536"}, {"content"=>"In order to survive, don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461655165494247424"}, {"content"=>"Text on your own time, not while you are driving #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461655133491699712"}, {"content"=>"Drive now, text later #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461655092114898945"}, {"content"=>"If you think that you can text and drive, you are dead wrong #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461655029653307393"}, {"content"=>"If you think that you can text and drive, you could be dead wrong #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461655007805198337"}, {"content"=>"Saying: Arrive alive, don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461654916721672193"}, {"content"=>"My mom is crazy she literally gets mad when I don't text her back as I am driving", "contentid"=>"461654914125807616"}, {"content"=>"RT @Mr_Blondie_: Alex when you text and drive while he is in the car.@Bunk_Based", "contentid"=>"461654624122834945"}, {"content"=>"I HATE WHEN PEOPLE TEXT AND DRIVE", "contentid"=>"461654622999162880"}, {"content"=>"I have zero tolerance for people who text and drive", "contentid"=>"461654602849746944"}, {"content"=>"Moms it's not safe to text &amp; drive especially in downtown", "contentid"=>"461654302751064064"}, {"content"=>"RT @RepairMethod: Tried to text u suck to @jeffersonrusso while driving. Came out I suck u. Means something totally different. #donttextand…", "contentid"=>"461654138279825408"}, {"content"=>"@kayyyyamanda I'm about to drive home. Text you in a few!", "contentid"=>"461654099553816576"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461653946013347840"}, {"content"=>"RT @Alieyn_: Don't text and drive kids.", "contentid"=>"461653562716864512"}, {"content"=>"DO NOT TEXT ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVING im not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass is wrapped around a tree", "contentid"=>"461653378750509056"}, {"content"=>"RT @Mr_Blondie_: Alex when you text and drive while he is in the car.@Bunk_Based", "contentid"=>"461653180506337281"}, {"content"=>"Even when my dad isn't with us he still manages to text us and point out the M as we drive by Golden #Minesalumchildrenproblems", "contentid"=>"461653092396589056"}, {"content"=>"RT @SahilsHaveEyes_: @cerespapi Bruh don't text and drive!", "contentid"=>"461653088395223040"}, {"content"=>"so driving back from the city yesterday, i get a random text from what appears to be a middle school boy …", "contentid"=>"461653016626872320"}, {"content"=>"Alex when you text and drive while he is in the car.@Bunk_Based", "contentid"=>"461652942110867456"}, {"content"=>"Just received this text...if you're driving and encounter a flooded roadway, turn around!", "contentid"=>"461652848393330688"}, {"content"=>"Hate hate hate when people text and drive like umm hello? My life is more important than your fucking stupid text", "contentid"=>"461652675038158849"}, {"content"=>"@_taylorg_ I was already driving to school when I read your text ὣE", "contentid"=>"461652656432226304"}, {"content"=>"@cerespapi Bruh don't text and drive!", "contentid"=>"461652593253425152"}, {"content"=>"@drewINGTON I feels you. I've gotten used to mine now. Still hard to text and drive though.", "contentid"=>"461652591169265664"}, {"content"=>"RT @blaze4bettadayz: I can't stand people who drink &amp; drive, text &amp; drive or just don't pay attention. You will wish you would've when you …", "contentid"=>"461652589751599104"}, {"content"=>"I only text while I'm driving because trying to do smoke signals got me pulled over WAY faster.", "contentid"=>"461652366107107328"}, {"content"=>"“@Fact: Please, don't text and drive:” this is just...", "contentid"=>"461652113513144321"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461651992926892032"}, {"content"=>"I try not to text and drive but its hard!", "contentid"=>"461651976015446016"}, {"content"=>"RT @ChristinaCIM: Don't text and drive wait a minute stay alive. IT CAN WAIT!!!!", "contentid"=>"461651968273182720"}, {"content"=>"RT @blaze4bettadayz: I can't stand people who drink &amp; drive, text &amp; drive or just don't pay attention. You will wish you would've when you …", "contentid"=>"461651960744394752"}, {"content"=>"@stlredbirds85 Damn. I'm with you. Don't text and drive. It's insanely dangerous.", "contentid"=>"461651756301451264"}, {"content"=>"RT @SwankThoughts: Don't text &amp; drive, it can wait, seriously...", "contentid"=>"461651730674249729"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461651722688278528"}, {"content"=>"BE WISE DONT TEXT AND DRIVE #itcanwait", "contentid"=>"461651708314406914"}], "context"=>{"eid"=>"6", "uid"=>"Texting1", "post_details"=>[{"contentid"=>"461655425843081216", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 23:56:45 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Tyler Girton", "perferredUsername"=>"TylerGirton1", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461655425424044032", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 23:56:45 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Rod", "perferredUsername"=>"ROCKINRIZZLE", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461655390527037440", "ldate"=>"Wed Apr 30 23:56:36 +0000 2014", "author"=>"2014 ", 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+ I, [2014-04-30T19:57:01.559976 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-04-30T19:57:01.560011 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ D, [2014-04-30T20:12:02.239304 #32088] DEBUG -- : Adding posts for scout_id: 27
+ D, [2014-04-30T20:12:02.239383 #32088] DEBUG -- : Refreshing users for enterprise: 5
+ D, [2014-04-30T20:12:02.247957 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Rick Strandlof", body: "#Oklahoma taxes sunshine, outlaws minimum wage incr...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:3f61870,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:3f61618,'0.9501421385 353296E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:3f61348,'0.6013459592 497306E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461656366672007168", ldate: "2014-05-01 00:00:29", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 00:12:02", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T20:12:02.268720 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Michelle Maskaly", body: "The expansion of Reef-A-Palooza to #Florida signals...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:3fe3f00,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:3fe3ac8,'0.9228144834 500042E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:3fe3820,'0.6822445955 017918E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461656517423673344", ldate: "2014-05-01 00:01:05", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 00:12:02", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T20:12:02.285488 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "CMDuick", body: "Palm Beach, Miami-Dade show good wage growth while ...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:4044a08,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:4047668,'0.9065748266 284392E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:4047dc0,'0.7758171347 900525E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461656644284190720", ldate: "2014-05-01 00:01:35", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 00:12:02", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T20:12:02.302103 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "PascoDems", body: "RT @sirbetterled: @FLHOUSEDEMS Florida's Republican...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:408c650,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:408c3f8,'0.7830198806 084975E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:408c1c8,'0.7421998970 676182E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461656676324478976", ldate: "2014-05-01 00:01:43", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 00:12:02", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T20:12:02.318667 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Is No Bueno", body: "RT @kathybird305: Did latvala say undocumented immi...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:40d5508,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:40d52b0,'0.9221535373 242691E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:40d5058,'0.6580675806 679407E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461656715323510784", ldate: "2014-05-01 00:01:52", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 00:12:02", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T20:12:02.335378 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Mark Spain", body: "BREAKING NEWS: Republican Party Chairman of Florida...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:4114140,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:4118b28,'0.5530548670 596573E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:411b008,'0.9652683824 079507E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461657785089142784", ldate: "2014-05-01 00:06:07", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 00:12:02", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T20:12:02.352172 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Paul McClintock", body: "RT @sirbetterled: @FLHOUSEDEMS Florida's Republican...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:41583e0,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:4158070,'0.7830198806 084975E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:415e100,'0.7421998970 676182E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461657790046425089", ldate: "2014-05-01 00:06:09", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 00:12:02", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T20:12:02.368821 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Sam Turley", body: "RT @MarkSpainANjax: BREAKING NEWS: Republican Party...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:6281030,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:6280e00,'0.3452318311 503386E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:6280b58,'0.9800569291 717757E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461658790895828992", ldate: "2014-05-01 00:10:07", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 00:12:02", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T20:12:02.385484 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Edgar Viera", body: "Weston’s well managed growth has given rise to one ...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:66ec5c0,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:66ec390,'0.9480887048 892009E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:66ec160,'0.6163638551 361206E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461658843500404736", ldate: "2014-05-01 00:10:20", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 00:12:02", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T20:12:02.402133 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "MicroBrewr", body: "Bill going to kill growth of the microbreweries in ...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:6acf700,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:6acf4d0,'0.8580000216 877003E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:6acf278,'0.6491487464 222848E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461659047650156544", ldate: "2014-05-01 00:11:08", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 00:12:02", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ I, [2014-04-30T20:12:02.417791 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records: 10
+ I, [2014-04-30T20:12:02.417834 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records Not Loaded: 0
+ I, [2014-04-30T20:12:02.417868 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-04-30T20:12:02.417898 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ W, [2014-04-30T20:12:03.771755 #32088] WARN -- : Non OK Status from AI Core: {"errorlist"=>["Could not find model:Texting1"], "message"=>nil, "errorcode"=>nil, "status"=>"error", "contentlist"=>[{"content"=>"Drive now, text later #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461659211647033344"}, {"content"=>"Saying: Arrive alive, don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461659052590657536"}, {"content"=>"Don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461659027747778560"}, {"content"=>"So I called you twice and you don't answer, then you text me back that you are driving. #somethingwrongwiththispicture #donttextanddrive", "contentid"=>"461659021338898432"}, {"content"=>"Pssh this is why you don't text and drive\n#firstcarcrash #weareallgood #donttextanddrive", "contentid"=>"461658867441487872"}, {"content"=>"RT @monchichi_11: I have zero tolerance for people who text and drive", "contentid"=>"461658791667576832"}, {"content"=>"You aren't invincible, so don't text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461658740916105216"}, {"content"=>"Older people really shouldn't text and drive..", "contentid"=>"461658672389562368"}, {"content"=>"Don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461658649547395073"}, {"content"=>"In order to survive, don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461658576574894080"}, {"content"=>"Text on your own time, not while you are driving #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461658545981648896"}, {"content"=>"RT @Jhared_sancheZz: \"@7notyours: Know what happens when you text and drive? Mothetfucking typos\"", "contentid"=>"461658518076940288"}, {"content"=>"Drive now, text later #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461658498976067584"}, {"content"=>"@NuBlackVision @juliusb727 also those typos were so simple as I drive and use voice text so the phone spelled know instead of no. .....", "contentid"=>"461658496329478145"}, {"content"=>"\"@7notyours: Know what happens when you text and drive? Mothetfucking typos\"", "contentid"=>"461658462468845568"}, {"content"=>"This is the only time u can text and drive is at walmart Hahahahahah I'm so ghetto they see me Rollin they hatin", "contentid"=>"461658412401426432"}, {"content"=>"RT @7notyours: Know what happens when you text and drive?\n\nMothetfucking typos", "contentid"=>"461658323826122752"}, {"content"=>"@alex_grohe can you not text and drive please, you're scaring me", "contentid"=>"461658323733868545"}, {"content"=>"If you think that you can text and drive, you are wrong #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461658278171119616"}, {"content"=>"If you think that you can text and drive, you are dead wrong #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461658238220791810"}, {"content"=>"RT @LauknessMonster: Don't Text &amp; Drive: via @YouTube", "contentid"=>"461658237008220160"}, {"content"=>"Saying: Arrive alive, don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461658080632000512"}, {"content"=>"“@Loyal2Tae__: @Loyal2Loyalty_ text me ASAP I can't find yo number !” Ok girl you finna drive me crazy ὠ1ὠ1", "contentid"=>"461658064567799808"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461658039289131010"}, {"content"=>"RT @jmarquez5150: People who text while driving. Go fuck yourself.", "contentid"=>"461657909693124608"}, {"content"=>"I have no problem texting while driving, but I won't text while going down stairs. Hell naw. . That shit dangerous.", "contentid"=>"461657904672952320"}, {"content"=>"@Taylaaa___ @ashlynharriss you can tweet while driving but can't text. Ok", "contentid"=>"461657900977381376"}, {"content"=>"Saying: Arrive alive, don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461657771440472064"}, {"content"=>"Don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461657743909089280"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461657733939625984"}, {"content"=>"RT @BabbyGabby_11: Seeing people text and drive makes me SO angry. Especially teenagers.", "contentid"=>"461657719800225792"}, {"content"=>"In order to survive, don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461657697624936448"}, {"content"=>"RT @Hannah__Kline: Texting and driving slows your reaction time MORE THAN drinking. If you wouldn't drink and drive, why would you text and…", "contentid"=>"461657694525726720"}, {"content"=>"Text on your own time, not while you are driving #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461657679304224768"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461657650946928640"}, {"content"=>"RT @Hannah__Kline: Stop the violence. Don't text and drive. #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461657593468170240"}, {"content"=>"RT @Hannah__Kline: Don't risk your life for something that can wait. Drive now, text later. #itcanwait #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461657546668126208"}, {"content"=>"RT @Hannah__Kline: Arrive alive, don't text and drive. #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461657529374998528"}, {"content"=>"RT @Hannah__Kline: @SocramOrravan and I were featured in the paper today. He was my designated texter. Drive now, text later. #TXTL8RIN htt…", "contentid"=>"461657498517516288"}, {"content"=>"RT @Hannah__Kline: Don't be like Tom Haverford. Don't text and drive. #seriouslythough #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461657468104617984"}, {"content"=>"Don't text and drive guys :)", "contentid"=>"461657446193197058"}, {"content"=>"RT @LauknessMonster: Don't Text &amp; Drive: via @YouTube", "contentid"=>"461657380170649600"}, {"content"=>"When you text and drive you don’t just put your life in danger. It can wait. #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461657355579449344"}, {"content"=>"Choose to be alive and don't text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461657303293231104"}, {"content"=>"Start your engine &amp; power off your cell. Drive now, text l8r. #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461657298473988096"}, {"content"=>"so driving back from the city yesterday, i get a random text from what appears to be a middle school boy...", "contentid"=>"461657294473035776"}, {"content"=>"my dads teaching me a lesson not to text and drive while he's texting and driving ..", "contentid"=>"461657254471958529"}, {"content"=>"Drive now, text later #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461657151568482304"}, {"content"=>"A study shows that approximately 3/4 of young adults are very or somewhat confident they can text and drive and they are Wrong #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461657126083907584"}, {"content"=>"Text on your own time, not while you are driving #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461657081645264896"}, {"content"=>"People who text while driving. Go fuck yourself.", "contentid"=>"461657060694700032"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461656990817992705"}, {"content"=>"1 text can = 1 life. Drive now, txt l8r. #TXTL8RIN #itcanwait", "contentid"=>"461656975990718465"}, {"content"=>"Texting and driving has killer odds. Drive now, text l8r. #itcanwait #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461656913034219520"}, {"content"=>"Don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461656864694870016"}, {"content"=>"1 text can = 6 feet under. Drive now, text later #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461656782910144512"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461656751969169409"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461656741709885441"}, {"content"=>"In order to survive, don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461656651511365632"}, {"content"=>"Don’t let ur last text say, “On my wa--.” Drive now, text l8r. #TXTL8RIN #itcanwait", "contentid"=>"461656639603343360"}, {"content"=>"Text on your own time, not while you are driving #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461656590039678976"}, {"content"=>"Reasons u shld STOP txting &amp; driving: it could save ur life. Drive now, text later! #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461656583315787777"}, {"content"=>"Drive now, text later #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461656568128634880"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461656546137870336"}, {"content"=>"If you think that you can text and drive, you are dead wrong #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461656476285935616"}, {"content"=>"I wish Tyler wouldn't text and drive", "contentid"=>"461656433151328256"}, {"content"=>"Take the pledge not to text and drive here: #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461656428113969153"}, {"content"=>"You aren't invincible, so don't text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461656404819189760"}, {"content"=>"RT @SPFSADD: This is the cutest way to say don't text and drive!\nRetweet for an another iPad entry!", "contentid"=>"461656363106844672"}, {"content"=>"RT @lauren_dakotaa: BE WISE DONT TEXT AND DRIVE #itcanwait", "contentid"=>"461656361797832704"}, {"content"=>"Just because you have a smart phone it doesn’t mean it’s smart to text and drive. #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461656360518565888"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461656340192980992"}, {"content"=>"The struggle. I have to stand in my drive way and talk to my friends so I can get wifi and text. ὢB", "contentid"=>"461656282982658048"}, {"content"=>"Rule of advice never let me text talk and drive down a muddy road! #badoutcome #stuck #fuckme", "contentid"=>"461656231115886592"}, {"content"=>"Saying: Arrive alive, don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461656203576098816"}, {"content"=>"RT @monchichi_11: I have zero tolerance for people who text and drive", "contentid"=>"461656172966477824"}, {"content"=>"Don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461656168218525696"}, {"content"=>"In order to survive, don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461656092632965120"}, {"content"=>"Text on your own time, not while you are driving #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461656062366867456"}, {"content"=>"Drive now, text later #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461656006762967040"}, {"content"=>"If you think that you can text and drive, you are dead wrong #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461655928073232384"}, {"content"=>"If you think that you can text and drive, you could be dead wrong #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461655901867233280"}, {"content"=>"Saying: Arrive alive, don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461655792970522624"}, {"content"=>"Don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461655769130090496"}, {"content"=>"The worst thing you can do when you get older is drink and drive or text and drive", "contentid"=>"461655601463169024"}, {"content"=>"Help save lives, don’t text and drive. #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461655565437906944"}, {"content"=>"RT @monchichi_11: I have zero tolerance for people who text and drive", "contentid"=>"461655561344655360"}, {"content"=>"so driving back from the city yesterday, i get a random text from what appears to be a middle school boy...", "contentid"=>"461655495309529088"}], "context"=>{"eid"=>"6", "uid"=>"Texting1", "post_details"=>[{"contentid"=>"461659211647033344", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 00:11:47 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Tyler Girton", 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+ I, [2014-04-30T20:12:03.771847 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-04-30T20:12:03.771884 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ D, [2014-04-30T20:27:02.347260 #32088] DEBUG -- : Adding posts for scout_id: 27
+ D, [2014-04-30T20:27:02.348442 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Jax Florida", body: "RT @MarkSpainANjax: BREAKING NEWS: Republican Party...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:6b9ed98,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:6b9eac8,'0.3452318311 503386E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:6b9e898,'0.9800569291 717757E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461659417696825344", ldate: "2014-05-01 00:12:37", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 00:27:02", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T20:27:02.357684 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Jack Hernandez", body: "Are you interested in attending a #Google seminar? ...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:6c0a3b8,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:6c0a110,'0.9566588594 582781E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:6c09ee0,'0.8690269078 62132E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461660412254371840", ldate: "2014-05-01 00:16:34", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 00:27:02", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T20:27:02.374349 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Fritz Mackey", body: "RT @RickStrandlof: #Oklahoma taxes sunshine, outlaw...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:6c6daa8,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:6c6d878,'0.8497226925 286088E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:6c6d648,'0.7177891978 037205E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461662127485251585", ldate: "2014-05-01 00:23:23", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 00:27:02", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ I, [2014-04-30T20:27:02.390166 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records: 3
+ I, [2014-04-30T20:27:02.390208 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records Not Loaded: 0
+ I, [2014-04-30T20:27:02.390237 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-04-30T20:27:02.390265 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ W, [2014-04-30T20:27:03.203393 #32088] WARN -- : Non OK Status from AI Core: {"errorlist"=>["Could not find model:Texting1"], "message"=>nil, "errorcode"=>nil, "status"=>"error", "contentlist"=>[{"content"=>"They didn't have to make that text and drive commercial with the truck feel so real ... I felt that impact just by watching lol", "contentid"=>"461662738511446016"}, {"content"=>"DONT TEXT AND DRIVE.", "contentid"=>"461662634027544578"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461662078806528000"}, {"content"=>"RT @_18_smile_: DO NOT TEXT ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVING I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass is wrapped aro…", "contentid"=>"461662054210736128"}, {"content"=>"seriously if you wanna come DM me or text me I'll drive the entire time", "contentid"=>"461661955984748544"}, {"content"=>"My momma ALWAYS telling me don't text and drive but texting and driving! ὡ1", "contentid"=>"461661908056043520"}, {"content"=>"RT @Hannah__Kline: Don't be like Tom Haverford. Don't text and drive. #seriouslythough #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461661716514758656"}, {"content"=>"RT @Hannah__Kline: Drivers in their 20's make up 27% of fatal accidents caused by distracted driving. Drive now, text later. You're worth i…", "contentid"=>"461661678254292992"}, {"content"=>"@zanaluvxo do you drive? Text me", "contentid"=>"461661627868131328"}, {"content"=>"RT @Hannah__Kline: @SocramOrravan and I were featured in the paper today. He was my designated texter. Drive now, text later. #TXTL8RIN htt…", "contentid"=>"461661589398384640"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461661570721144832"}, {"content"=>"RT @Hannah__Kline: Arrive alive, don't text and drive. #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461661544875839488"}, {"content"=>"RT @Hannah__Kline: Don't risk your life for something that can wait. Drive now, text later. #itcanwait #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461661503868125184"}, {"content"=>"RT @_ItCanWait: Do you take the pledge not to text and drive? #TXTL8RIN Let us know !", "contentid"=>"461661482728845313"}, {"content"=>"@Ewhite_BRICKS don't text &amp; drive .", "contentid"=>"461661458599006209"}, {"content"=>"Drive now and text later! #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461661421579689984"}, {"content"=>"RT @Hannah__Kline: Stop the violence. Don't text and drive. #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461661343766941696"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461661227219832832"}, {"content"=>"Someone text me so I don't fall asleep on this drive", "contentid"=>"461661145976553472"}, {"content"=>"RT @J_Guwopp: DO NOT FUCKIN TEXT ME IF YOU DRIVING . . I AINT TRYNA BE IN THOSE COMMERCIALS MANNN ὣ4ὊFὈ0", "contentid"=>"461661112506023936"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461660644321013763"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461660313155162112"}, {"content"=>"@Jhett_11 @wes_rayburn Don't text &amp; drive! ❤️", "contentid"=>"461660074193068032"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461660054413119488"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461660048419065856"}, {"content"=>"@TwohlaRosayy_ ὠ2ὠ2cus goofy i can drive and ft i cant drive and text", "contentid"=>"461659974293147648"}, {"content"=>"RT @xoangelinaoxo: @dianamarieexo bc D made me promise not to text &amp; drive ❤️ I love you", "contentid"=>"461659879728349185"}, {"content"=>"@SierrahJordan I don't text and drive lol", "contentid"=>"461659836300931072"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461659478887505921"}, {"content"=>"Could you not text and drive", "contentid"=>"461659465876393984"}, {"content"=>"If you think that you can text and drive, you are dead wrong #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461659371198365697"}, {"content"=>"You aren't invincible, so don't text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461659329548914688"}, {"content"=>"Don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461659287203225600"}, {"content"=>"Text on your own time, not while you are driving #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461659251409039360"}], "context"=>{"eid"=>"6", "uid"=>"Texting1", "post_details"=>[{"contentid"=>"461662738511446016", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 00:25:48 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Meesh", "perferredUsername"=>"mmichlenvie", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461662634027544578", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 00:25:23 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Kaleigh Nichole", "perferredUsername"=>"kaleighbailey0", 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+ I, [2014-04-30T20:27:03.203479 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-04-30T20:27:03.203513 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ D, [2014-04-30T20:42:01.628330 #32088] DEBUG -- : Adding posts for scout_id: 27
+ D, [2014-04-30T20:42:01.628403 #32088] DEBUG -- : Refreshing users for enterprise: 5
+ D, [2014-04-30T20:42:01.636434 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Jim Brown", body: "Florida Democrats Have Declared A War On Women By V...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:6d43ab8,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:6d43888,'0.8678136384 638989E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:6d43658,'0.7864969585 005857E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461665070502916096", ldate: "2014-05-01 00:35:04", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 00:42:01", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T20:42:01.646562 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "RaptorsRule", body: "RT @RepTedDeutch: Graphic: Here's what #1010Means f...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:6daf1a0,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:6daef70,'0.8275129795 447093E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:6daed40,'0.6267857952 108301E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461665258206003202", ldate: "2014-05-01 00:35:49", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 00:42:01", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T20:42:01.663225 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "MillieFLRealtor", body: "#realestate #Florida GDP Growth and the Fed’s Persp...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:6e16878,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:6e16648,'0.9429061679 988283E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:6e16418,'0.6043093087 94612E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461665314946551808", ldate: "2014-05-01 00:36:03", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 00:42:01", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ I, [2014-04-30T20:42:01.678985 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records: 3
+ I, [2014-04-30T20:42:01.679027 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records Not Loaded: 0
+ I, [2014-04-30T20:42:01.679056 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-04-30T20:42:01.679084 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ W, [2014-04-30T20:42:02.633342 #32088] WARN -- : Non OK Status from AI Core: {"errorlist"=>["Could not find model:Texting1"], "message"=>nil, "errorcode"=>nil, "status"=>"error", "contentlist"=>[{"content"=>"Let me NOT text and drive", "contentid"=>"461666750996938752"}, {"content"=>"I will be selling tickets soon for this by monday Please message me or text me if you need tickets! I'll drive to you", "contentid"=>"461666558876848128"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461666365930082304"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461666322846609408"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461666101810970624"}, {"content"=>"We can't text and drive but mother fuckin cops be surfin the fuckin interweb and drivin", "contentid"=>"461666072936992768"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461666032625926144"}, {"content"=>"RT @FreeTopher: They said \"Dont text and drive\"....They aint say shit bout tweeting tho", "contentid"=>"461665935858753536"}, {"content"=>"Getting that text made my night go from fine to omg i wanna drive to FL just to be with my bestfriend", "contentid"=>"461665841629515776"}, {"content"=>"@halie_varney \nSomebody didn't read my research novel on why you shouldn't text &amp; drive.", "contentid"=>"461665738617794560"}, {"content"=>"@samamber12 @bcangialosi text and drive", "contentid"=>"461665675942326272"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461665636385820672"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461665532551634945"}, {"content"=>"DO NOT TEXT ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVING I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass is wrapped around a tree.", "contentid"=>"461665276132855808"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461665241852416000"}, {"content"=>"People that drink and drive or text and drive are stupid.", "contentid"=>"461665034842537984"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461664950952288256"}, {"content"=>"I don't know why people text and drive when you can just use Siri she so much fun", "contentid"=>"461664390480027649"}, {"content"=>"“@f4gg0ttbh: People who drive fast AND text at the same time.. &lt;\n\nlemme just tuck &amp; roll out real quick.”lol me", "contentid"=>"461664316379258880"}, {"content"=>"My grandma just told me to stop trying to be cute and she's about ready to drive over and take my phone just bc I didn't text her back :-)", "contentid"=>"461664161702109185"}, {"content"=>"People who drive fast AND text at the same time.. &lt;\n\nlemme just tuck &amp; roll out real quick.", "contentid"=>"461664018772402176"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461664004679561216"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461663949331918848"}, {"content"=>"RT @Hannah__Kline: Don't be like Tom Haverford. Don't text and drive. #seriouslythough #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461663833812402176"}, {"content"=>"RT @Hannah__Kline: Don't risk your life for something that can wait. Drive now, text later. #itcanwait #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461663813553508352"}, {"content"=>"RT @Hannah__Kline: @SocramOrravan and I were featured in the paper today. He was my designated texter. Drive now, text later. #TXTL8RIN htt…", "contentid"=>"461663782293757953"}, {"content"=>"RT @_ItCanWait: Do you take the pledge not to text and drive? #TXTL8RIN Let us know !", "contentid"=>"461663754061889536"}, {"content"=>"RT @Hannah__Kline: Stop the violence. Don't text and drive. #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461663596586749952"}, {"content"=>"RT @LauknessMonster: Don't Text &amp; Drive: via @YouTube", "contentid"=>"461663303924596736"}, {"content"=>"I hate when people text me while driving i dont wanna end up on one of them sad ass commercials", "contentid"=>"461663067927883778"}], "context"=>{"eid"=>"6", "uid"=>"Texting1", "post_details"=>[{"contentid"=>"461666750996938752", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 00:41:45 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Nikole Rodrigues ", "perferredUsername"=>"Nikoleyyy", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461666558876848128", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 00:40:59 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Szike", "perferredUsername"=>"stephanie_zike", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461666365930082304", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 00:40:13 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Hilda Fajira H", "perferredUsername"=>"hildafajira", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461666322846609408", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 00:40:03 +0000 2014", 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+ I, [2014-04-30T20:42:02.633421 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-04-30T20:42:02.633455 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ D, [2014-04-30T20:57:02.027745 #32088] DEBUG -- : Adding posts for scout_id: 27
+ D, [2014-04-30T20:57:02.027818 #32088] DEBUG -- : Refreshing users for enterprise: 5
+ D, [2014-04-30T20:57:02.035838 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Paige Kelton", body: "RT @MarkSpainANjax: BREAKING NEWS: Republican Party...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:6ef16d0,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:6ef14a0,'0.3452318311 503386E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:6ef1270,'0.9800569291 717757E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461667039569256448", ldate: "2014-05-01 00:42:54", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 00:57:02", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T20:57:02.052329 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Jason Altmire", body: "RT @MarkSpainANjax: BREAKING NEWS: Republican Party...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:6f54c80,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:6f54a50,'0.3452318311 503386E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:6f54820,'0.9800569291 717757E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461667406142648321", ldate: "2014-05-01 00:44:21", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 00:57:02", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T20:57:02.068989 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Amazon News", body: "Shopping on in Florida? Expe...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:6fbc2e0,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:6fbc0b0,'0.8936143850 948659E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:6fc7e10,'0.4137718931 143053E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461667593720700928", ldate: "2014-05-01 00:45:06", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 00:57:02", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T20:57:02.085587 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Pricezon", body: "RT @AmazonAllNews: Shopping on", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:702f9c0,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:702f790,'0.6925337251 499426E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:702f560,'0.5816239151 523572E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461668129731805184", ldate: "2014-05-01 00:47:14", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 00:57:02", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T20:57:02.102264 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Cheryl Harris", body: "RT @RepTedDeutch: Graphic: Here's what #1010Means f...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:709b1c0,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:709af90,'0.8275129795 447093E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:709ad60,'0.6267857952 108301E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461669390002712576", ldate: "2014-05-01 00:52:14", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 00:57:02", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ I, [2014-04-30T20:57:02.118092 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records: 5
+ I, [2014-04-30T20:57:02.118135 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records Not Loaded: 0
+ I, [2014-04-30T20:57:02.118164 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-04-30T20:57:02.118193 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ W, [2014-04-30T20:57:02.706611 #32088] WARN -- : Non OK Status from AI Core: {"errorlist"=>["Could not find model:Texting1"], "message"=>nil, "errorcode"=>nil, "status"=>"error", "contentlist"=>[{"content"=>"@JCreek96 @deanna___angel @Maria_Rosela I try not to text and drive lol sometimes..", "contentid"=>"461670508019216385"}, {"content"=>"Someone text me, I need some entertainment on this drive to Florida", "contentid"=>"461670334195068928"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461670044037304320"}, {"content"=>"I text am drive everyday im even tweeting as im driving right now lol just a habit i cant break", "contentid"=>"461669804743483392"}, {"content"=>"El Santo reminds you to never text and drive. ARRRIBA! #TXTL8RIN #santo", "contentid"=>"461669718420504576"}, {"content"=>"first time in my life I've ever had long nails and it's driving me crazy...don't text me because it took me a few minutes just to type thisὠ2", "contentid"=>"461669579354144768"}, {"content"=>"Looks like I might have me a long drive to text tomorrow!", "contentid"=>"461669179519545344"}, {"content"=>"i asked you a simple yes or no question and you reply \"hold on i'm driving\" you could have text \"YES\" or \"NO\"", "contentid"=>"461669089199407107"}, {"content"=>"I wish I could drive already so I could just text people like, \"me, you, lunch tomorrow, I'll be there _:__, I'm paying\"", "contentid"=>"461669051371384832"}, {"content"=>"Jabra DRIVE question: Does The Jabra Drive Read Text Messages Out Load? -", "contentid"=>"461668626580267008"}, {"content"=>"maybe ur \"driving\"\nbut text me back, liz", "contentid"=>"461668620901548032"}, {"content"=>"RT @neverknownfacts: Please, don't text and drive", "contentid"=>"461668403304869888"}, {"content"=>"Hope the drive went well @KassieMeiler....My phone got water damage walking to precalc so I can't text ya. Hopefully it will be fixed soon.", "contentid"=>"461668211784957952"}, {"content"=>"@lexi2564 I actually didn't text and drive today. Can you believe that? ὣ3", "contentid"=>"461668018909880320"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461667802144079872"}, {"content"=>"Intellectually, todays teenagers are more aware than ever theyre not supposed to drink and drive, or text and drive.", "contentid"=>"461667511818125312"}, {"content"=>"Shawnee capital mission parkway? That's why you shouldn't text and drive.", "contentid"=>"461667435498979328"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461667411268501504"}, {"content"=>"RT @LauknessMonster: Don't Text &amp; Drive: via @YouTube", "contentid"=>"461667390585962496"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461667293513404417"}, {"content"=>"Text message marketing is an easy, cost-effective way to drive more business. Go to to learn more.", "contentid"=>"461667232313909248"}, {"content"=>"@mcbride_kayla @zaunerr7 yes I don't text and drive that's dangerous. I don't want to die.", "contentid"=>"461667225552683008"}, {"content"=>"@_IronStorm Why would I agree to let you text and drive?", "contentid"=>"461667077057564672"}, {"content"=>"Text Your Wife Into Bed: Presentation reveals a weird but effective method for waking up your wife's sex drive.", "contentid"=>"461667052457959424"}], "context"=>{"eid"=>"6", "uid"=>"Texting1", "post_details"=>[{"contentid"=>"461670508019216385", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 00:56:41 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Tim Adkins", "perferredUsername"=>"TimAdkins4", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461670334195068928", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 00:55:59 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Dallas Keeney™", "perferredUsername"=>"DallasKeeney", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461670044037304320", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 00:54:50 +0000 2014", "author"=>"TaylorForTW", "perferredUsername"=>"TaylorForTW", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461669804743483392", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 00:53:53 +0000 2014", "author"=>"KamInSoho", "perferredUsername"=>"KamInSoho", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461669718420504576", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 00:53:32 +0000 2014", "author"=>"JBG", "perferredUsername"=>"JBGMedia", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461669579354144768", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 00:52:59 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Kaylee Slont", "perferredUsername"=>"_Kay_BaeBae", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461669179519545344", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 00:51:24 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Zachariah", "perferredUsername"=>"ZachariahPierce", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461669089199407107", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 00:51:02 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Jamata Roxanne", "perferredUsername"=>"got_jam", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461669051371384832", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 00:50:53 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Melindelicious", "perferredUsername"=>"melinduhh12", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461668626580267008", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 00:49:12 +0000 2014", "author"=>"", "perferredUsername"=>"helpowl", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461668620901548032", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 00:49:11 +0000 2014", "author"=>"aj", "perferredUsername"=>"ajprzzz", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461668403304869888", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 00:48:19 +0000 2014", "author"=>"spidey♡", "perferredUsername"=>"esligg", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461668211784957952", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 00:47:33 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Rachel Seiden☮", "perferredUsername"=>"RachelSeiden", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461668018909880320", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 00:46:47 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Keeley✨", "perferredUsername"=>"keeley_dubensky", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461667802144079872", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 00:45:56 +0000 2014", "author"=>"MJLaukala", "perferredUsername"=>"MJLaukala", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461667511818125312", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 00:44:46 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Amazon Design", "perferredUsername"=>"amazon_desgni", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461667435498979328", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 00:44:28 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Pretty Down Brown", "perferredUsername"=>"TheIllestBAlive", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461667411268501504", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 00:44:22 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Final「Mr. Cat」 ", "perferredUsername"=>"Finalfantasy332", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461667390585962496", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 00:44:17 +0000 2014", "author"=>"MJLaukala", "perferredUsername"=>"MJLaukala", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461667293513404417", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 00:43:54 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Sean Bain", "perferredUsername"=>"SeanNufc91", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461667232313909248", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 00:43:40 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Arturo L.", "perferredUsername"=>"Adoptecun", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461667225552683008", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 00:43:38 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Joshua Buchek", "perferredUsername"=>"Buchek07", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461667077057564672", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 00:43:03 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Sam", "perferredUsername"=>"breakthearrow", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461667052457959424", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 00:42:57 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Miranda Lambert", "perferredUsername"=>"usa_toys", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}]}, "requestid"=>"d1997e75-dc4d-4520-9883-328d73c4384a"}
+ I, [2014-04-30T20:57:02.706694 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-04-30T20:57:02.706728 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ D, [2014-04-30T21:12:02.132908 #32088] DEBUG -- : Adding posts for scout_id: 27
+ D, [2014-04-30T21:12:02.134039 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Tim Heberlein", body: "RT @MarkSpainANjax: BREAKING NEWS: Republican Party...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:712a640,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:712a410,'0.3452318311 503386E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:712a1e0,'0.9800569291 717757E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461672062000848896", ldate: "2014-05-01 01:02:51", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 01:12:02", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T21:12:02.149630 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Leo Cruz", body: "RT @MarkSpainANjax: BREAKING NEWS: Republican Party...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:7191ca0,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:7191a70,'0.3452318311 503386E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:7191840,'0.9800569291 717757E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461672413986844672", ldate: "2014-05-01 01:04:15", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 01:12:02", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T21:12:02.166292 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Martha Gooden", body: "RT @Mozi_N: Florida can thank Republican Jeb Bush a...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:69fd3e0,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:69fd1b0,'0.7440362496 888129E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:69fcf80,'0.9669060893 444905E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461673594066436096", ldate: "2014-05-01 01:08:56", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 01:12:02", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ I, [2014-04-30T21:12:02.182042 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records: 3
+ I, [2014-04-30T21:12:02.182085 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records Not Loaded: 0
+ I, [2014-04-30T21:12:02.182114 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-04-30T21:12:02.182143 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ W, [2014-04-30T21:12:03.069333 #32088] WARN -- : Non OK Status from AI Core: {"errorlist"=>["Could not find model:Texting1"], "message"=>nil, "errorcode"=>nil, "status"=>"error", "contentlist"=>[{"content"=>"In order to survive, don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461674315579023360"}, {"content"=>"Text on your own time, not while you are driving #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461674296566616064"}, {"content"=>"Drive now, text later #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461674254921367552"}, {"content"=>"If you think that you can text and drive, you are wrong #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461674172679467008"}, {"content"=>"\"When I'm withy shorty bro n a bitch text me while driving n my phone in da cup holder I purposely drop it in between the seatsl\"\nMe-ὢ9ὢ9", "contentid"=>"461673731849728001"}, {"content"=>"The Wolfman doesn't text and drive.. Neither should you! #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461673641168474112"}, {"content"=>"Sara just told me she considered driving to my house at 1am &amp; threaten me with a knife to text someone ὤAὤ8", "contentid"=>"461673594935083008"}, {"content"=>"Idiots who text &amp; drive should have their licenses cancelled for 12 months AND be forced to make voice calls ONLY!!!", "contentid"=>"461673342370476032"}, {"content"=>"I only text and drive when I'm drunk", "contentid"=>"461673135990136832"}, {"content"=>"RT @CaltransHQ: Fines are doubled in highway work zones and can easily total $1,000 or more for drivers who speed, drive aggressively or te…", "contentid"=>"461673068255932417"}, {"content"=>"RT @The_MikeWest: Bullshit. Corvette's do not have back seats. #Hoax “@Fact: Please, don't text and drive: http://t.…", "contentid"=>"461673015206367232"}, {"content"=>"Amanda's text tone is going to drive me through a freakin wall ὢ0", "contentid"=>"461672876555636737"}, {"content"=>"RT @vinny_ray: Girls the way you can drive, text, and put your makeup on all at the same time is truly remarkable.", "contentid"=>"461672851243028480"}, {"content"=>"RT @CaltransHQ: Fines are doubled in highway work zones and can easily total $1,000 or more for drivers who speed, drive aggressively or te…", "contentid"=>"461672706073976832"}, {"content"=>"RT @vinny_ray: Girls the way you can drive, text, and put your makeup on all at the same time is truly remarkable.", "contentid"=>"461672635202797568"}, {"content"=>"Pledge not to text and drive", "contentid"=>"461672438195957760"}, {"content"=>"i hate when adults in my life feel the need to constantly tell me not to text and drive, like ya, i know, okay, goodbye", "contentid"=>"461672262777982976"}, {"content"=>"RT @_ItCanWait: SHOUT OUT TO: @Hannah__Kline for taking the pledge not to text and drive ! DRIVE NOW, TXT L8R #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461672119521509376"}, {"content"=>"RT @JasetWayneWells: texting and driving is almost or is worse then driving under the influence, dont text and drive please #textlater", "contentid"=>"461671989825249281"}, {"content"=>"@darcybby better reply in the next 10 minutes shits going down. Only pussies don't text while they drive", "contentid"=>"461671945398779906"}, {"content"=>"RT @ThinkNowTextL8R: Want a free ride in a police car? Text and drive. #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461671935609667584"}, {"content"=>"RT @7notyours: Know what happens when you text and drive?\n\nMothetfucking typos", "contentid"=>"461671850452340736"}, {"content"=>"RT @Hannah__Kline: @SocramOrravan and I were featured in the paper today. He was my designated texter. Drive now, text later. #TXTL8RIN htt…", "contentid"=>"461671841493299200"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461671806898679808"}, {"content"=>"Sent my friend a text about Rob Ford seven minutes ago and he hasn't responded yet and I want to drive to his house and yell at him.", "contentid"=>"461671779849613312"}, {"content"=>"@DerekKarzen I don't text and drive!!!", "contentid"=>"461671653341011968"}, {"content"=>"#Texting increases your chance of getting into an #accident by 23% Don't text and drive! #ItsNotWorthIt … …", "contentid"=>"461671529835556865"}, {"content"=>"VCU PD: Text Later Live Longer | DRIVE SMART Virginia", "contentid"=>"461671422025138176"}, {"content"=>"Fines are doubled in highway work zones and can easily total $1,000 or more for drivers who speed, drive aggressively or text.", "contentid"=>"461671393428774912"}, {"content"=>"People who text and drive piss me off. \n#youregoingtodie #duh #dumbshits", "contentid"=>"461671246137012224"}, {"content"=>"I hate when my sister is driving because I always have to text for her ὡ2", "contentid"=>"461671161454399488"}, {"content"=>"\"@TimAdkins4: @JCreek96 @deanna___angel @Maria_Rosela I try not to text and drive lol sometimes..\" &gt;&gt;", "contentid"=>"461671146799116288"}, {"content"=>"Do you realize that your kids will emulate you? They learn faster than you realize. Don't Drink and Drive or Text while Driving!", "contentid"=>"461670768238006272"}], "context"=>{"eid"=>"6", "uid"=>"Texting1", "post_details"=>[{"contentid"=>"461674315579023360", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 01:11:48 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Tyler Girton", "perferredUsername"=>"TylerGirton1", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461674296566616064", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 01:11:44 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Tyler Girton", "perferredUsername"=>"TylerGirton1", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461674254921367552", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 01:11:34 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Tyler Girton", "perferredUsername"=>"TylerGirton1", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461674172679467008", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 01:11:14 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Tyler Girton", "perferredUsername"=>"TylerGirton1", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461673731849728001", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 01:09:29 +0000 2014", "author"=>"ALPHA MALE", "perferredUsername"=>"d0pe_boy", "url"=>"", 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"perferredUsername"=>"CharlieandJena", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461671393428774912", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 01:00:12 +0000 2014", "author"=>"CaltransHQ", "perferredUsername"=>"CaltransHQ", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461671246137012224", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 00:59:37 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Isaac Asche", "perferredUsername"=>"Ike2196", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461671161454399488", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 00:59:16 +0000 2014", "author"=>"J.G", "perferredUsername"=>"__JyleneGarcia", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461671146799116288", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 00:59:13 +0000 2014", "author"=>"James Creek", "perferredUsername"=>"JCreek96", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461670768238006272", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 00:57:43 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Public Safety East", "perferredUsername"=>"PublicSafetyEst", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}]}, "requestid"=>"e13215d1-e68c-404d-b2bf-326e887353b0"}
+ I, [2014-04-30T21:12:03.069419 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-04-30T21:12:03.069453 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ W, [2014-04-30T21:27:03.683333 #32088] WARN -- : Non OK Status from AI Core: {"errorlist"=>["Could not find model:Texting1"], "message"=>nil, "errorcode"=>nil, "status"=>"error", "contentlist"=>[{"content"=>"You aren't invincible, so don't text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461678101299490816"}, {"content"=>"RT @Hannah__Kline: My face when you text and drive...\n\n#TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461678023700279297"}, {"content"=>"Saying: Arrive alive, don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461678005589663744"}, {"content"=>"Don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461677981375930369"}, {"content"=>"RT @Hannah__Kline: Let's change that. Take the pledge not to text and drive @_ItCanWait #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461677962257899520"}, {"content"=>"RT @Farhinnnn: When it's pouring out, I just have to shoot my sister a text to drive home safely.", "contentid"=>"461677905970757632"}, {"content"=>"In order to survive, don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461677890292420608"}, {"content"=>"Drive now, text later #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461677849619869696"}, {"content"=>"RT @Hannah__Kline: Don't be like Tom Haverford. Don't text and drive. #seriouslythough #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461677794242490368"}, {"content"=>"If you think that you can text and drive, you are wrong #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461677786642808832"}, {"content"=>"RT @Hannah__Kline: Drivers in their 20's make up 27% of fatal accidents caused by distracted driving. Drive now, text later. You're worth i…", "contentid"=>"461677765981241344"}, {"content"=>"If you think that you can text and drive, you are dead wrong #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461677757186195456"}, {"content"=>"Here's a brilliant a bus for your next event and you can text whilst we drive!", "contentid"=>"461677710532571136"}, {"content"=>"Tay please stay safe you're making me worry. Don't get in more troubleὤF dont text and drive and slow down pleaase", "contentid"=>"461677656896196608"}, {"content"=>"Saying: Arrive alive, don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461677634024267776"}, {"content"=>"they did a mock car crash at my school today holy shit. It was so realistic I will literally never text and drive or drunk drive omg I ὢDὢDὢDὢDὢD", "contentid"=>"461677624709115904"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461677612801462272"}, {"content"=>"Don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461677594270629889"}, {"content"=>"In order to survive, don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461677555351703552"}, {"content"=>"RT @Hannah__Kline: @SocramOrravan and I were featured in the paper today. He was my designated texter. Drive now, text later. #TXTL8RIN htt…", "contentid"=>"461677525253382144"}, {"content"=>"RT @Hannah__Kline: Arrive alive, don't text and drive. #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461677486703534080"}, {"content"=>"A study shows that approximately 3/4 of young adults are very or somewhat confident they can text and drive and they are Wrong #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461677447855886336"}, {"content"=>"RT @_ItCanWait: Do you take the pledge not to text and drive? #TXTL8RIN Let us know !", "contentid"=>"461677437718233089"}, {"content"=>"@COR0na__b you're so sweet ill tell him love you if i can get my car before the morning which is doubtful ill text you and drive u in", "contentid"=>"461677432970706944"}, {"content"=>"RT @SPFSADD: This is the cutest way to say don't text and drive!\nRetweet for an another iPad entry!", "contentid"=>"461677424439476224"}, {"content"=>"RT @Hannah__Kline: Stop the violence. Don't text and drive. #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461677378364653569"}, {"content"=>"Choose to be alive and don't text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461677364271788032"}, {"content"=>"RT @Hannah__Kline: It's illegal to text and drive in Indiana. Be above the law. #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461677306025480192"}, {"content"=>"RT @Hannah__Kline: It's illegal to text and drive in Indiana. Be above the law. #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461677297947258880"}, {"content"=>"Just found random girl parked in our driveway. Upon investigation, she didn't want to text and drive. #winning", "contentid"=>"461677239969411072"}, {"content"=>"It's not worth it to text while driving.", "contentid"=>"461677228578058240"}, {"content"=>"Saying: Arrive alive, don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461677202388844544"}, {"content"=>"Don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461677180330991616"}, {"content"=>"Drive now, text later #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461677115642216449"}, {"content"=>"If you think that you can text and drive, you are dead wrong #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461677057647579136"}, {"content"=>"You aren't invincible, so don't text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461677030795644928"}, {"content"=>"Saying: Arrive alive, don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461676948142710784"}, {"content"=>"Don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461676926831427584"}, {"content"=>"\"Don't text and drive\"\n\nWhat about tweeting and driving?", "contentid"=>"461676903770775552"}, {"content"=>"Very proud of @Hannah__Kline &amp; @SocramOrravan campaign to Drive Now, Text Later. 30 days of continual focus to save lives. #differencemakers", "contentid"=>"461676876772016128"}, {"content"=>"In order to survive, don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461676870711660544"}, {"content"=>"Text on your own time, not while you are driving #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461676841712246784"}, {"content"=>"Drive now, text later #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461676803745406976"}, {"content"=>"If you think that you can text and drive, you are dead wrong #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461676742063968256"}, {"content"=>"@Kenzie_Hungate does he still text you too? he finds me at school everyday and like follows me and it's driving me crazy", "contentid"=>"461676724221378560"}, {"content"=>"If you think that you can text and drive, you could be dead wrong #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461676720454905857"}, {"content"=>"Last time i checked, that text your reading while driving was not more important than your life. GET OFF THE PHONE!!!", "contentid"=>"461676667216621568"}, {"content"=>"RT @gloriiaaanna: I hate when people text and drive", "contentid"=>"461676468565970944"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461676398621372416"}, {"content"=>"I have no problem texting while driving, but I won't text while going down stairs. Hell naw. . That shit dangerous.", "contentid"=>"461676361006850048"}, {"content"=>"Saying: Arrive alive, don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461676346477793280"}, {"content"=>"Don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461676311996403712"}, {"content"=>"When it's pouring out, I just have to shoot my sister a text to drive home safely.", "contentid"=>"461676272289316864"}, {"content"=>"RT @gloriiaaanna: I hate when people text and drive", "contentid"=>"461676187027509248"}, {"content"=>"RT @Hannah__Kline: It's illegal to text and drive in Indiana. Be above the law. #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461675982726787072"}, {"content"=>"In order to survive, don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461675913315229697"}, {"content"=>"Text on your own time, not while you are driving #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461675886077431808"}, {"content"=>"Drive now, text later #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461675835356086272"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461675815332491264"}, {"content"=>"I hate when people text and drive", "contentid"=>"461675772676423681"}, {"content"=>"If you think that you can text and drive, you are wrong #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461675729483485184"}, {"content"=>"If you think that you can text and drive, you are dead wrong #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461675699905232897"}, {"content"=>"Saying: Arrive alive, don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461675674575851520"}, {"content"=>"Don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461675650042957825"}, {"content"=>"Don't text and drive. Take the pledge. #itcanwait", "contentid"=>"461675636407697408"}, {"content"=>"In order to survive, don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461675586977792000"}, {"content"=>"RT @GoMotorcoach: Reason 326 to GoMotorcoach: You can TEXT while we drive!", "contentid"=>"461675562142937089"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461675558506872833"}, {"content"=>"Text on your own time, not while you are driving #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461675556485218305"}, {"content"=>"Drive now, text later #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461675513338417152"}, {"content"=>"Be smart and don't text while driving #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461675435731222528"}, {"content"=>"Choose not to text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461675395298119681"}, {"content"=>"I know you are dying to see that text, but don't text while driving #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461675332278706176"}, {"content"=>"I have no problem texting while driving, but I won't text while going down stairs. Hell naw. . That shit dangerous.", "contentid"=>"461675208458637313"}, {"content"=>"I have no problem texting while driving, but I won't text while going down stairs. Hell naw. . That shit dangerous.", "contentid"=>"461675207137443840"}, {"content"=>"@dj_gswizzle @kelseynemec you have to text some word to 50101. It says on a sign by the drive thru :)", "contentid"=>"461675188753428481"}, {"content"=>"RT @Hannah__Kline: It's illegal to text and drive in Indiana. Be above the law. #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461674956162465792"}, {"content"=>"DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappedaround a treeἳ2ὡE\"", "contentid"=>"461674918858727424"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461674902383505408"}, {"content"=>"If you love me you'll text me while I drive to Utah ❤️", "contentid"=>"461674895944859648"}, {"content"=>"Choose to be alive and don't text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461674740890210304"}, {"content"=>"A study shows that approximately 3/4 of young adults are very or somewhat confident they can text and drive and they are Wrong #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461674694299500544"}, {"content"=>"Drive now, text later #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461674626884440064"}, {"content"=>"\"Your resume says you have superior multi tasking skills. Tell me more.\"\n\"Well, I text and drive AND clip my nails when I poop. Sooo....\"", "contentid"=>"461674479064604672"}, {"content"=>"It's illegal to text and drive in Indiana. Be above the law. #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461674429966458880"}, {"content"=>"If you think that you can text and drive, you are wrong #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461674425704669186"}, {"content"=>"If you think that you can text and drive, you are dead wrong #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461674399154700288"}, {"content"=>"Saying: Arrive alive, don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461674376073461760"}, {"content"=>"Don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461674357891158016"}], "context"=>{"eid"=>"6", "uid"=>"Texting1", "post_details"=>[{"contentid"=>"461678101299490816", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 01:26:51 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Tyler Girton", "perferredUsername"=>"TylerGirton1", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461678023700279297", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 01:26:33 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Ryan Goon", "perferredUsername"=>"RyanMGoon", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461678005589663744", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 01:26:28 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Tyler Girton", 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+ I, [2014-04-30T21:27:03.683445 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-04-30T21:27:03.683483 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ W, [2014-04-30T21:42:02.499396 #32088] WARN -- : Non OK Status from AI Core: {"errorlist"=>["Could not find model:Texting1"], "message"=>nil, "errorcode"=>nil, "status"=>"error", "contentlist"=>[{"content"=>"RT @J_Guwopp: DO NOT FUCKIN TEXT ME IF YOU DRIVING . . I AINT TRYNA BE IN THOSE COMMERCIALS MANNN ὣ4ὊFὈ0", "contentid"=>"461681832015454208"}, {"content"=>"You yell at me not to text and drive yet when you get a text, you do the same thing. Fucking hypocrite.", "contentid"=>"461681812054372352"}, {"content"=>"RT @USAA: It's the last day of #DistractedDriving Awareness Month – have you taken the pledge to never text and drive?…", "contentid"=>"461681667548008448"}, {"content"=>"One day i wont text &amp; drive. Until then...", "contentid"=>"461681338316111872"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461681115859009538"}, {"content"=>"RT @Hannah__Kline: It's illegal to text and drive in Indiana. Be above the law. #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461680863302778880"}, {"content"=>"RT @Hannah__Kline: Stop the violence. Don't text and drive. #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461680825428221952"}, {"content"=>"DO NOT FUCKIN TEXT ME IF YOU DRIVING . . I AINT TRYNA BE IN THOSE COMMERCIALS MANNN . .", "contentid"=>"461680570305503234"}, {"content"=>"“@Mr_ITYC: @_lovelymichaela ὣ3 for what” Text you later Q. Driving right now", "contentid"=>"461680456140718080"}, {"content"=>"RT @Hannah__Kline: It's illegal to text and drive in Indiana. Be above the law. #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461680424184344577"}, {"content"=>"You can now smoke text and drive all at the same time with my new phone case. Plus it's stylish (the pig)", "contentid"=>"461680421210968064"}, {"content"=>"@carlynoel11 but don't text while your driving", "contentid"=>"461680092604039168"}, {"content"=>"I have no problem texting while driving, but I won't text while going down stairs. Hell naw. . That shit dangerous.", "contentid"=>"461679970386206720"}, {"content"=>"I just want to give a special thanks to all who favorited and retweeted my tweets and remember to DRIVE NOW TEXT LATER! #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461679911150059520"}, {"content"=>"People text and drive but seem to forget how to use a turn signal.", "contentid"=>"461679763283656704"}, {"content"=>"Okay so my best friend was texting me while driving, and didn't tell me. I can't stand it when people text and drive.", "contentid"=>"461679757239672833"}, {"content"=>"I'll text and drive to talk to you, but I won't let you text and drive to talk to me.", "contentid"=>"461679729096273920"}, {"content"=>"Don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461679659076161536"}, {"content"=>"In order to survive, don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461679586762182659"}, {"content"=>"Text on your own time, not while you are driving #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461679560824602624"}, {"content"=>"RT @MKaroumi: Can't understand why ppl pick up their phones while they drive... DON'T text and drive, seriously!\n\n#CourtneySanford http://t…", "contentid"=>"461679534317010944"}, {"content"=>"I hate you if you drink and drive and text and drive", "contentid"=>"461679533658492928"}, {"content"=>"Drive now, text later #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461679461117612032"}, {"content"=>"Saying: Arrive alive, don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461679279978196993"}, {"content"=>"Don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461679258491183104"}, {"content"=>"RT @RHSKeyClub14: Everyone who has a don't text and drive shirt where it tomorrow!", "contentid"=>"461679205127049216"}, {"content"=>"Everyone who has a don't text and drive shirt where it tomorrow!", "contentid"=>"461679126982950914"}, {"content"=>"You aren't invincible, so don't text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461678964130709504"}, {"content"=>"RT @MKaroumi: Can't understand why ppl pick up their phones while they drive... DON'T text and drive, seriously!\n\n#CourtneySanford http://t…", "contentid"=>"461678875471126528"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461678773767659520"}, {"content"=>"RT @Monicann86: I love my phone, but I don't know how people can text and drive. I can barely drive and drive.", "contentid"=>"461678728322371584"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461678719216914433"}, {"content"=>"Drive now, text later #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461678636873969664"}, {"content"=>"If you think that you can text and drive, you are wrong #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461678544154681344"}, {"content"=>"If you think that you can text and drive, you are dead wrong #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461678520041623552"}, {"content"=>"If you think that you can text and drive, you could be dead wrong #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461678498118004736"}, {"content"=>"Don’t text and drive #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461678410792566785"}, {"content"=>"My parents are such good remodels they tell me not to text and drive and then they do it", "contentid"=>"461678380048330754"}, {"content"=>"RT @Hannah__Kline: Texting and driving slows your reaction time MORE THAN drinking. If you wouldn't drink and drive, why would you text and…", "contentid"=>"461678159423737858"}, {"content"=>"RT @Hannah__Kline: Don't be like Tom Haverford. Don't text and drive. #seriouslythough #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461678146191097856"}, {"content"=>"RT @Hannah__Kline: 9 in 10 teens expect a reply to a text or email within 5 minutes or less, pressuring them to respond while driving. #its…", "contentid"=>"461678131061854208"}], "context"=>{"eid"=>"6", "uid"=>"Texting1", "post_details"=>[{"contentid"=>"461681832015454208", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 01:41:41 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Ⓜ️oneyy", "perferredUsername"=>"_moneyyybabyy", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461681812054372352", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 01:41:36 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Wallflower", "perferredUsername"=>"JayLong96", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461681667548008448", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 01:41:01 +0000 2014", "author"=>"TrafficCourtClinic", "perferredUsername"=>"SDtctc", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461681338316111872", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 01:39:43 +0000 2014", "author"=>"amber michelle ッ", 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+ I, [2014-04-30T21:42:02.499488 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-04-30T21:42:02.499529 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ W, [2014-04-30T21:57:02.721680 #32088] WARN -- : Non OK Status from AI Core: {"errorlist"=>["Could not find model:Texting1"], "message"=>nil, "errorcode"=>nil, "status"=>"error", "contentlist"=>[{"content"=>"RT @CNNVideo: This panhandler is handing out advice. See what she’s promoting: @WMTWTV", "contentid"=>"461685608398614528"}, {"content"=>"seriously why do people text and drive? that text can definitely wait until you get to your destination.", "contentid"=>"461685445693546498"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461685349886853120"}, {"content"=>"Do you realize that your kids will emulate you? They learn faster than you realize. Don't Drink and Drive or Text while Driving!", "contentid"=>"461685058147852288"}, {"content"=>"RT @FreeTopher: They said \"Dont text and drive\"....They aint say shit bout tweeting tho", "contentid"=>"461684837431005184"}, {"content"=>"“@kelseymiless: @abbylanni I just wanna drive everywhere manὠ2” need to send me pics pls you're on twitter but can't text me back?", "contentid"=>"461684729494781952"}, {"content"=>"so driving back from the city yesterday, i get a random text from what appears to be a middle school boy...", "contentid"=>"461684661153177600"}, {"content"=>"I text entirely too much while I'm driving. I need to stop.", "contentid"=>"461684617251008512"}, {"content"=>"@TakeAShotForMiz I'm not staying. I gotta text drive the whip before I sign for it. That's just me, and a top thing on my list", "contentid"=>"461684389274218496"}, {"content"=>"why must my mom text while driving?ὢB", "contentid"=>"461684385083715585"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461684328209338368"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461684026806267904"}, {"content"=>"RT @molly_jo12: @kaitlynhagen @macie_lynn11 so funny that Macie screenshotted it, sent it through text to me. &amp; I almost shit bricks, while…", "contentid"=>"461683999769780225"}, {"content"=>"@kaitlynhagen @macie_lynn11 so funny that Macie screenshotted it, sent it through text to me. &amp; I almost shit bricks, while driving!ὠ2", "contentid"=>"461683767782813696"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461683723281256448"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461683541739200512"}, {"content"=>"RT @Hannah__Kline: It's illegal to text and drive in Indiana. Be above the law. #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461683533786787840"}, {"content"=>"DO NOT TEXT ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVING I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass is wrapped around a tree.", "contentid"=>"461683511599325184"}, {"content"=>"Never text and drive you'll miss your exit", "contentid"=>"461683131079487488"}, {"content"=>"RT @Blasiianrae: DO NOT FUCKIN TEXT ME IF YOU DRIVING . . I AINT TRYNA BE IN THOSE COMMERCIALS MANNN . .", "contentid"=>"461682854196310016"}, {"content"=>"RT @Blasiianrae: DO NOT FUCKIN TEXT ME IF YOU DRIVING . . I AINT TRYNA BE IN THOSE COMMERCIALS MANNN . .", "contentid"=>"461682790640021504"}, {"content"=>"RT @Blasiianrae: DO NOT FUCKIN TEXT ME IF YOU DRIVING . . I AINT TRYNA BE IN THOSE COMMERCIALS MANNN . .", "contentid"=>"461682757710532608"}, {"content"=>"RT @USAA: It's the last day of #DistractedDriving Awareness Month – have you taken the pledge to never text and drive?…", "contentid"=>"461682564298571776"}, {"content"=>"RT @Hannah__Kline: It's illegal to text and drive in Indiana. Be above the law. #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461682513828933632"}, {"content"=>"@unique_faces I knew it she the only one that can't drive..y u ain't text me bk", "contentid"=>"461682420983791616"}, {"content"=>"@mizzquid I'm driving my dad's car but I'm sitting at wellsfargo waiting for my mom &amp; as he's leaving he's like \"don't text &amp; drive!\" ὠ2ὠ2ὠ2", "contentid"=>"461682391866560512"}, {"content"=>"RT @Blasiianrae: DO NOT FUCKIN TEXT ME IF YOU DRIVING . . I AINT TRYNA BE IN THOSE COMMERCIALS MANNN . .", "contentid"=>"461682284089720832"}, {"content"=>"Turning 18, getting a new car and fourwheeler, being 18, and now getting my license took away because of my epilepsy!! Don't text and drive!", "contentid"=>"461682134655041536"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461682108314841088"}, {"content"=>"Lots of forward drive off the corner with this beast. Text book crossover move caught frenchy by…", "contentid"=>"461682091990994947"}], "context"=>{"eid"=>"6", "uid"=>"Texting1", "post_details"=>[{"contentid"=>"461685608398614528", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 01:56:41 +0000 2014", "author"=>"kirby", "perferredUsername"=>"kirbdogg69", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461685445693546498", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 01:56:02 +0000 2014", "author"=>"charlie laurendeau", "perferredUsername"=>"laurend0pe", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461685349886853120", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 01:55:39 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Sleezie", "perferredUsername"=>"SIeezie", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461685058147852288", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 01:54:30 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Public Safety USA", "perferredUsername"=>"PublicSafetyUSA", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461684837431005184", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 01:53:37 +0000 2014", "author"=>"6.25♋️", "perferredUsername"=>"_kikiannah", "url"=>"", 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+ I, [2014-04-30T21:57:02.721767 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-04-30T21:57:02.721801 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ W, [2014-04-30T22:12:03.412210 #32088] WARN -- : Non OK Status from AI Core: {"errorlist"=>["Could not find model:Texting1"], "message"=>nil, "errorcode"=>nil, "status"=>"error", "contentlist"=>[{"content"=>"Text me if you want to go on a drive and have a heart to heart", "contentid"=>"461689305547956224"}, {"content"=>"How you expect me to text you while I'm at work or driving ὡ2 make no sense", "contentid"=>"461689302288973826"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461689153223417856"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461689076001693696"}, {"content"=>"RT @maxjs77: If you text and drive you're an asshole #GrowUp", "contentid"=>"461689042233335809"}, {"content"=>"Lolz wuut I text better when I drive than when I'm not driving lmfao", "contentid"=>"461689022608203776"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461688835051896832"}, {"content"=>"RT @AyooCruz: People who text and drive.. like do you not value your life or even anyone else's at that or? stupidest shit any person could…", "contentid"=>"461688814608461825"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461688459740987393"}, {"content"=>"If you text and drive you're an asshole #GrowUp", "contentid"=>"461688151258726400"}, {"content"=>"No drive to text you at all, I lost my motivation..", "contentid"=>"461687959784144896"}, {"content"=>"RT @Hannah__Kline: It's illegal to text and drive in Indiana. Be above the law. #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461687955786964992"}, {"content"=>"Like sure lets turn a sharp curve while going 60, oh and lets text and drive too in the dark during all this", "contentid"=>"461687133367828482"}, {"content"=>"RT @BabbyGabby_11: Seeing people text and drive makes me SO angry. Especially teenagers.", "contentid"=>"461687023774883840"}, {"content"=>"@JScandiffio730 don't text and drive #illegal", "contentid"=>"461687014820425728"}, {"content"=>"I drive and text, so don't hit that cross walk textin or you might not make it out ὊFὊFὊF", "contentid"=>"461686987142217728"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461686928115396608"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461686764567298048"}, {"content"=>"RT @BabbyGabby_11: Seeing people text and drive makes me SO angry. Especially teenagers.", "contentid"=>"461686602951950336"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461686587298832384"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461686548636106752"}, {"content"=>"RT @BabbyGabby_11: Seeing people text and drive makes me SO angry. Especially teenagers.", "contentid"=>"461686511700688896"}, {"content"=>"@Ryan7Johnson Hey Ryan, I need NHS blood drive pictures for a slideshow Millar wants. Could you text me this? 810-772-0275. Thanks!", "contentid"=>"461686463735013376"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461686435452829696"}, {"content"=>"@jbunt4 I never text and drive ὤ8", "contentid"=>"461686424404647936"}, {"content"=>"11 hour drive so text it✌️", "contentid"=>"461686342812839937"}, {"content"=>"A text isn't worth a life, dont text and drive. #TXTL8RIN RT/SHARE to spread the word &amp; help me win a sch...", "contentid"=>"461686185547821056"}, {"content"=>"@crackaJACC don't text and drive!!!", "contentid"=>"461686099119595520"}, {"content"=>"RT @CaltransHQ: Fines are doubled in highway work zones and can easily total $1,000 or more for drivers who speed, drive aggressively or te…", "contentid"=>"461685758521114624"}, {"content"=>"@CAMERENCROW btw did u get my text? There's a change in the waka driving plan", "contentid"=>"461685678556712960"}], "context"=>{"eid"=>"6", "uid"=>"Texting1", "post_details"=>[{"contentid"=>"461689305547956224", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 02:11:22 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Hilary McKinnon", "perferredUsername"=>"Hil_swag", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461689302288973826", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 02:11:22 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Lexus Fam ", "perferredUsername"=>"LexusFam", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461689153223417856", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 02:10:46 +0000 2014", "author"=>"kevin patino ", "perferredUsername"=>"kevinp1031", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461689076001693696", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 02:10:28 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Tré / Kahhmezzy", "perferredUsername"=>"Kahhmezzy", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461689042233335809", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 02:10:20 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Sophie Abate", "perferredUsername"=>"sophieabate", "url"=>"", 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"perferredUsername"=>"KristinaPetrino", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461685758521114624", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 01:57:17 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Caltrans District10", "perferredUsername"=>"CaltransDist10", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461685678556712960", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 01:56:58 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Lily", "perferredUsername"=>"weekendwars_", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}]}, "requestid"=>"25e1b9b1-0464-484b-a6ef-fcaf9a53107c"}
+ I, [2014-04-30T22:12:03.412294 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-04-30T22:12:03.412329 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ W, [2014-04-30T22:27:03.836800 #32088] WARN -- : Non OK Status from AI Core: {"errorlist"=>["Could not find model:Texting1"], "message"=>nil, "errorcode"=>nil, "status"=>"error", "contentlist"=>[{"content"=>"Can someone inform @yoitzbp it's not safe to text and drive whatsoever thanks", "contentid"=>"461693147685593088"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461693102403895296"}, {"content"=>"RT @DannyLoso: ὠ2ὠ2ὠ2ὠ2RT @MinaWorldPeace See them textin commercials is the reason why iont text &amp; drive. My last words ain’t bout to be “You …", "contentid"=>"461692817426087936"}, {"content"=>"@caBAEo congrats be responsible and careful behind the wheel. DONT TEXT AND DRIVE.", "contentid"=>"461692799835197440"}, {"content"=>"RT @shot_of_cabo: I rarely text and drive! Usually I'm too drunk to find my phone.", "contentid"=>"461692759842095105"}, {"content"=>"ὠ2ὠ2ὠ2ὠ2RT @MinaWorldPeace See them textin commercials is the reason why iont text &amp; drive. My last words ain’t bout to be “You going to Eden?”", "contentid"=>"461692718683787264"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461692631165054977"}, {"content"=>"RT @MinaWorldPeace See them textin commercials is the reason why iont text &amp; drive. My last words ain't bout to be \"You going to Eden?\"", "contentid"=>"461692589352443904"}, {"content"=>"RT @AyooCruz: People who text and drive.. like do you not value your life or even anyone else's at that or? stupidest shit any person could…", "contentid"=>"461692421722497024"}, {"content"=>"“@ajprzzz: maybe ur \"driving\"\nbut text me back, liz” love my fans", "contentid"=>"461692083040825344"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461691995652907010"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461691749207789568"}, {"content"=>"It's illegal to text and drive! @DamianGomz7", "contentid"=>"461691708153933824"}, {"content"=>"If anyone wants to volunteer for the Swab Drive this Friday in the gym during school text/DM me!", "contentid"=>"461691672725028866"}, {"content"=>"Please don't text, post, use your phone while driving.Driver posts Facebook update before dying in head-on collision", "contentid"=>"461691402515009536"}, {"content"=>"@tsimmons714 needs to answer my text before I drive to pilot ὢ1", "contentid"=>"461691353903411201"}, {"content"=>"DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass is wrapped around a treeἳ2ὡE", "contentid"=>"461691218997436417"}, {"content"=>"RT @AyooCruz: People who text and drive.. like do you not value your life or even anyone else's at that or? stupidest shit any person could…", "contentid"=>"461691210352971777"}, {"content"=>"RT @shot_of_cabo: I rarely text and drive! Usually I'm too drunk to find my phone.", "contentid"=>"461691184859979777"}, {"content"=>"@indian_giver96 moral of the story. Don't text and drive kids", "contentid"=>"461691119290830848"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461691005130264576"}, {"content"=>"If my bookie doesn't text me back within the next five minutes, I'm driving to his house", "contentid"=>"461690965296955393"}, {"content"=>"RT @10cristinaa: “@Katbodden21: \"I text and drive because I don't give a fuuuuuuu\" ὠ2ὠ2ὠ2” I practice safe driving", "contentid"=>"461690917259206656"}, {"content"=>"RT @laurend0pe: seriously why do people text and drive? that text can definitely wait until you get to your destination.", "contentid"=>"461690816663392256"}, {"content"=>"Sprint is making a app for u teens who like to text and drive Ὡ8", "contentid"=>"461690813094035456"}, {"content"=>"@PortableShua Don't text and drive. You might run over Oprah. #DontTextAndDrive", "contentid"=>"461690666310193152"}, {"content"=>"RT @AyooCruz: People who text and drive.. like do you not value your life or even anyone else's at that or? stupidest shit any person could…", "contentid"=>"461690542464970753"}, {"content"=>"“@Katbodden21: \"I text and drive because I don't give a fuuuuuuu\" ὠ2ὠ2ὠ2” I practice safe driving", "contentid"=>"461690469102006272"}, {"content"=>"RT @CaltransHQ: Fines are doubled in highway work zones and can easily total $1,000 or more for drivers who speed, drive aggressively or te…", "contentid"=>"461690413271613440"}, {"content"=>"When I see ppl text and drive it makes me want to honk my horn in hopes they get spooked and run off the road #justsaying #sorrynotsorry", "contentid"=>"461690373186654208"}, {"content"=>"Im sorry but I text and drive like I get paid for it, I really dont understand how people get in wrecks and shit. Are you that dumb?", "contentid"=>"461690160447762432"}, {"content"=>"\"I text and drive because I don't give a fuuuuuuu\" ὠ2ὠ2ὠ2", "contentid"=>"461690089152602112"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @LauknessMonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461690051874013184"}, {"content"=>"RT @AyooCruz: People who text and drive.. like do you not value your life or even anyone else's at that or? stupidest shit any person could…", "contentid"=>"461689700189614081"}, {"content"=>"#TXTL8RIN Please be safe, don't text and drive", "contentid"=>"461689597530210304"}, {"content"=>"RT @AyooCruz: People who text and drive.. like do you not value your life or even anyone else's at that or? stupidest shit any person could…", "contentid"=>"461689468693381120"}], "context"=>{"eid"=>"6", "uid"=>"Texting1", "post_details"=>[{"contentid"=>"461693147685593088", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 02:26:38 +0000 2014", "author"=>"edward", "perferredUsername"=>"studbuttt", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, 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+ I, [2014-04-30T22:27:03.836888 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-04-30T22:27:03.836922 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ D, [2014-04-30T22:27:04.126271 #32088] DEBUG -- : Adding posts for scout_id: 27
+ D, [2014-04-30T22:27:04.126339 #32088] DEBUG -- : Refreshing users for enterprise: 5
+ D, [2014-04-30T22:27:04.134530 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "GS Nova", body: "Florida Democrats Have Declared A War On Women By V...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:7386bc8,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:7386998,'0.8678136384 638989E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:7386768,'0.7864969585 005857E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461692597644193793", ldate: "2014-05-01 02:24:27", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 02:27:04", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ I, [2014-04-30T22:27:04.144003 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records: 1
+ I, [2014-04-30T22:27:04.144045 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records Not Loaded: 0
+ I, [2014-04-30T22:27:04.144073 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-04-30T22:27:04.144102 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ W, [2014-04-30T22:43:02.169235 #32088] WARN -- : Non OK Status from AI Core: {"errorlist"=>["Could not find model:Texting1"], "message"=>nil, "errorcode"=>nil, "status"=>"error", "contentlist"=>[{"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461697218207313920"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461696904699871234"}, {"content"=>"Is it bad that I beat the simulator meant to show you how bad it is to text and drive? #professionaldistracteddriver", "contentid"=>"461696764098015232"}, {"content"=>"Don't text and drive...", "contentid"=>"461696757785571329"}, {"content"=>"@The_UngerGames ayyy dont text and drive :D", "contentid"=>"461696731751518208"}, {"content"=>"@deadly_s0ul can you not text him or something god ppl drive me nuts! Learn to communicate", "contentid"=>"461696622049886208"}, {"content"=>"RT @RHSKeyClub14: Everyone who has a don't text and drive shirt where it tomorrow!", "contentid"=>"461696584192102400"}, {"content"=>"@Natalieecleland @SirCarter14 she was ὠ2ὠ2ὠ2 he was then kept driving ὠ2ὠ2 oh my. Text me dawg!", "contentid"=>"461696428256292864"}, {"content"=>"Wish i had someone to text on this long ass drive", "contentid"=>"461696393221246976"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461696315765035008"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461696121924886528"}, {"content"=>"ICYMI: How frequent the 6 New England states &amp; New Jersey text and drive at the same time", "contentid"=>"461695930677215232"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461695919814365184"}, {"content"=>"I think sammys perfect that I text and drive for her", "contentid"=>"461695801106776065"}, {"content"=>"No drive to text anyone", "contentid"=>"461695200017268736"}, {"content"=>"RT @J_Guwopp: DO NOT FUCKIN TEXT ME IF YOU DRIVING . . I AINT TRYNA BE IN THOSE COMMERCIALS MANNN ὣ4ὊFὈ0", "contentid"=>"461695183420407808"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461695132182405122"}, {"content"=>"Mara drives right by me and sees me texting and driving so she texts me while shes driving not to text and drive ", "contentid"=>"461695030701207552"}, {"content"=>"RT @shot_of_cabo: I rarely text and drive! Usually I'm too drunk to find my phone.", "contentid"=>"461694952494223360"}, {"content"=>"don't text and drive. don't tweet and brush your teeth. don't go on tumblr in public, all lessons i've learned fairly recently.", "contentid"=>"461694836697886720"}, {"content"=>"RT @shot_of_cabo: I rarely text and drive! Usually I'm too drunk to find my phone.", "contentid"=>"461694727109488641"}, {"content"=>"Someone text me on this 18 hour drive", "contentid"=>"461694475480219648"}, {"content"=>"@saukoma heyeyey congrats again!! sorry I didn't text, was driving then spent the rest of the day with my big sis and nephews!", "contentid"=>"461694245712433152"}, {"content"=>"Me: DON'T TEXT &amp; DRIVE.\n@stimpy217 : I'm not. I'm snap chatting. Smh... My mothers children.", "contentid"=>"461694205606125569"}, {"content"=>"It's bad I text back faster while driving cuz I have my phone in my hand", "contentid"=>"461694060752015360"}, {"content"=>"RT @J_Guwopp: DO NOT FUCKIN TEXT ME IF YOU DRIVING . . I AINT TRYNA BE IN THOSE COMMERCIALS MANNN ὣ4ὊFὈ0", "contentid"=>"461693956976152576"}, {"content"=>"OK ppls, I gotta go pick up bbymomma from wrk keep me posted since i can't drive and text....#gorockets", "contentid"=>"461693875568906240"}, {"content"=>"don't text me while you fucking driving !!!!!", "contentid"=>"461693726914408448"}, {"content"=>"RT @J_Guwopp: DO NOT FUCKIN TEXT ME IF YOU DRIVING . . I AINT TRYNA BE IN THOSE COMMERCIALS MANNN ὣ4ὊFὈ0", "contentid"=>"461693717959950336"}, {"content"=>"Karate Loganville GA - Don't Text and Drive #hapkido", "contentid"=>"461693338471919616"}, {"content"=>"RT @themikeinator: @caBAEo congrats be responsible and careful behind the wheel. DONT TEXT AND DRIVE.", "contentid"=>"461693218833596416"}], "context"=>{"eid"=>"6", "uid"=>"Texting1", "post_details"=>[{"contentid"=>"461697218207313920", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 02:42:49 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Dan Kelly", "perferredUsername"=>"dan_kelly23", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461696904699871234", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 02:41:34 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Rick Pepin", "perferredUsername"=>"rickpep256", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461696764098015232", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 02:41:01 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Call me Mathlete", "perferredUsername"=>"MrsChivette", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461696757785571329", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 02:40:59 +0000 2014", "author"=>"R.I.P Yah Yah", "perferredUsername"=>"TreyNastyy", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461696731751518208", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 02:40:53 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Zachhadoodlee Who?", "perferredUsername"=>"MrPeterson6", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, 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"source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461693717959950336", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 02:28:54 +0000 2014", "author"=>"=^_^= Hello Nicki", "perferredUsername"=>"King_Nicxoxo", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461693338471919616", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 02:27:24 +0000 2014", "author"=>"hapkido", "perferredUsername"=>"hapkido", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461693218833596416", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 02:26:55 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Cassondra cabello", "perferredUsername"=>"Camilasbootayy", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}]}, "requestid"=>"c97256b0-010e-4c6a-b400-1ec9db2b0a3b"}
+ I, [2014-04-30T22:43:02.169322 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-04-30T22:43:02.169356 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ D, [2014-04-30T22:43:02.479231 #32088] DEBUG -- : Adding posts for scout_id: 27
+ D, [2014-04-30T22:43:02.479302 #32088] DEBUG -- : Refreshing users for enterprise: 5
+ D, [2014-04-30T22:43:02.487399 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "LoveStockNews", body: "$AMZN - Amazon Begins Collecting Florida Taxes for ...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:7459b90,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:7459898,'0.9173844244 833546E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:7459668,'0.7303501100 371687E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461693274231955457", ldate: "2014-05-01 02:27:09", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 02:43:02", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T22:43:02.508620 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Streaming TV", body: "$AMZN Amazon Begins Collecting Florida Taxes for In...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:74c9120,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:74c8ef0,'0.8647825443 437055E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:74c8cc0,'0.5526620808 771205E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461693738646241280", ldate: "2014-05-01 02:28:59", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 02:43:02", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T22:43:02.525076 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Sublimin_Al ", body: "Florida Republican gets Secret Service visit after ...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:7534880,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:7534650,'0.7739381615 741766E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:7534420,'0.8815894788 048897E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461693894925615104", ldate: "2014-05-01 02:29:37", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 02:43:02", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T22:43:02.533505 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "PlaceTrader", body: "$AMZN: Amazon Begins Collecting Florida Taxes for I...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:75a0670,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:75a3f00,'0.8647825443 437055E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:75a3cd0,'0.5526620808 771205E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461696785782558720", ldate: "2014-05-01 02:41:06", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 02:43:02", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ I, [2014-04-30T22:43:02.549287 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records: 4
+ I, [2014-04-30T22:43:02.549328 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records Not Loaded: 0
+ I, [2014-04-30T22:43:02.549356 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-04-30T22:43:02.549385 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ W, [2014-04-30T22:58:03.013724 #32088] WARN -- : Non OK Status from AI Core: {"errorlist"=>["Could not find model:Texting1"], "message"=>nil, "errorcode"=>nil, "status"=>"error", "contentlist"=>[{"content"=>"I just got told not to text and drive bc im tweeting and biking woops", "contentid"=>"461700939959648256"}, {"content"=>"RT @2_hoopalot: Police tell us not to text and drive but got A FULL COMPUTER in they front seat", "contentid"=>"461700403252326400"}, {"content"=>"I'm definitely a tweet first not answer a text back person. I'll get to you eventually #JustWaitOnIt", "contentid"=>"461700397074493440"}, {"content"=>"Although my mom's not at fault I'm glad to know that she still learned her lesson to not text &amp; drive since the girl who hit her was texting", "contentid"=>"461700349485916161"}, {"content"=>"RT @2_hoopalot: Police tell us not to text and drive but got A FULL COMPUTER in they front seat", "contentid"=>"461700317562671104"}, {"content"=>"The MAIN reason why you don't text and drive", "contentid"=>"461700029455945730"}, {"content"=>"@EXXoTicc_P in these streets, driving lol text me! ὡC", "contentid"=>"461700022481195008"}, {"content"=>"RT @2_hoopalot: Police tell us not to text and drive but got A FULL COMPUTER in they front seat", "contentid"=>"461699935352520705"}, {"content"=>"RT @2_hoopalot: Police tell us not to text and drive but got A FULL COMPUTER in they front seat", "contentid"=>"461699857174896641"}, {"content"=>"@__justKiasia you could've text me this lol and if I drive..", "contentid"=>"461699804088000512"}, {"content"=>"My mom said the first day I drive to school I have to text her letting her know I actually made it to schoolὠ2ὡ2", "contentid"=>"461699676941475840"}, {"content"=>"RT @Heissarcastic: I have no problem texting while driving, but I won't text while going down stairs. That shits dangerous.", "contentid"=>"461699475388780544"}, {"content"=>"RT @_x3amount: DO NOT TEXT ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVING I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass is wrapped arou…", "contentid"=>"461699315363504128"}, {"content"=>"RT @2_hoopalot: Police tell us not to text and drive but got A FULL COMPUTER in they front seat", "contentid"=>"461699271977234433"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461699241170436096"}, {"content"=>"I'm bouta text Mel allnight &amp; drive the shit out her", "contentid"=>"461699191039721472"}, {"content"=>"DO NOT TEXT ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVING I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass is wrapped around a tree.", "contentid"=>"461699165475450881"}, {"content"=>"RT @2_hoopalot: Police tell us not to text and drive but got A FULL COMPUTER in they front seat", "contentid"=>"461699035842084864"}, {"content"=>"RT @2_hoopalot: Police tell us not to text and drive but got A FULL COMPUTER in they front seat", "contentid"=>"461699012488228864"}, {"content"=>"I'm gonna text and drive and talk and drive and everything unless the police wanna make my car payment which I don't have", "contentid"=>"461698962521460737"}, {"content"=>" Joins the “One Text or Call Could Wreck It All” Campaign to Educate Teen Drivers About Di...", "contentid"=>"461698931244560385"}, {"content"=>"Try na Text Nd Drive ὡ2ὡ2ὡ2", "contentid"=>"461698794715742209"}, {"content"=>"RT @2_hoopalot: Police tell us not to text and drive but got A FULL COMPUTER in they front seat", "contentid"=>"461698697990918144"}, {"content"=>"@mmisaki1 don't text and drive ὢ1", "contentid"=>"461698646535188481"}, {"content"=>"Pledge not to text and drive", "contentid"=>"461698645557907456"}, {"content"=>"@sOurpatchROhh I was in a meeting when you 1st texted me &amp; what was I suppose to say back? Ok!?! &amp; the 2nd text I was driving.", "contentid"=>"461698576456753152"}, {"content"=>"I can honestly say I sometimes text and drive but I will no longer do that.", "contentid"=>"461698227431948288"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461698137216667648"}, {"content"=>"RT @2_hoopalot: Police tell us not to text and drive but got A FULL COMPUTER in they front seat", "contentid"=>"461697978181230593"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461697959613042688"}, {"content"=>"No text is worth your life. Hear stories of survivors and pledge not to text and drive.", "contentid"=>"461697893124960256"}, {"content"=>"I am talking to absolutely no one right now &amp; it's driving me insane... Text or snap me please.ὢD", "contentid"=>"461697780654694400"}, {"content"=>"\"That accident shouldnt have happened, ppl shouldnt text and drive.\" said the stoner during his rant \"but grab the wheel so i can hit this\"", "contentid"=>"461697775382441985"}, {"content"=>"\"@Fact: Please, don't text and drive:\"", "contentid"=>"461697759913836544"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461697750023696384"}, {"content"=>"RT @vinny_ray: Girls the way you can drive, text, and put your makeup on all at the same time is truly remarkable.", "contentid"=>"461697725474828288"}, {"content"=>"RT @2_hoopalot: Police tell us not to text and drive but got A FULL COMPUTER in they front seat", "contentid"=>"461697626828574720"}, {"content"=>"RT @DannyLoso: ὠ2ὠ2ὠ2ὠ2RT @MinaWorldPeace See them textin commercials is the reason why iont text &amp; drive. My last words ain’t bout to be “You …", "contentid"=>"461697617702178817"}, {"content"=>"RT @2_hoopalot: Police tell us not to text and drive but got A FULL COMPUTER in they front seat", "contentid"=>"461697585497899008"}, {"content"=>"RT @2_hoopalot: Police tell us not to text and drive but got A FULL COMPUTER in they front seat", "contentid"=>"461697556494303232"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461697469680599040"}, {"content"=>"Police tell us not to text and drive but got A FULL COMPUTER in they front seat", "contentid"=>"461697431873146880"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461697404681875456"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461697383512809472"}], "context"=>{"eid"=>"6", "uid"=>"Texting1", "post_details"=>[{"contentid"=>"461700939959648256", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 02:57:36 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Dr. Drey", 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+ I, [2014-04-30T22:58:03.013817 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-04-30T22:58:03.013851 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ D, [2014-04-30T22:58:03.312800 #32088] DEBUG -- : Adding posts for scout_id: 27
+ D, [2014-04-30T22:58:03.312875 #32088] DEBUG -- : Refreshing users for enterprise: 5
+ D, [2014-04-30T22:58:03.320948 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Alex Leary", body: "Report: @lennycurry to step down as Republican Part...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:7646de0,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:7646bb0,'0.4187493948 363863E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:7646980,'0.8878555843 772461E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461700020534665217", ldate: "2014-05-01 02:53:57", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 02:58:03", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ I, [2014-04-30T22:58:03.329916 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records: 1
+ I, [2014-04-30T22:58:03.329958 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records Not Loaded: 0
+ I, [2014-04-30T22:58:03.329986 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-04-30T22:58:03.330015 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ W, [2014-04-30T23:13:02.675278 #32088] WARN -- : Non OK Status from AI Core: {"errorlist"=>["Could not find model:Texting1"], "message"=>nil, "errorcode"=>nil, "status"=>"error", "contentlist"=>[{"content"=>"#TXTL8RIN Park and then text, not while driving.", "contentid"=>"461704570276970497"}, {"content"=>"Saw an ambulance driver text and drive WTF BITCH GET OFF YOUR MOTHA FUCKING PHONE what this is why people call you!!!!!!", "contentid"=>"461704222946246656"}, {"content"=>"DO NOT TEXT ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVING I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass is wrapped around a tree.", "contentid"=>"461704179346849792"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461703855449722880"}, {"content"=>"What's more dangerous, texting and driving, or reading a giant flashing sign telling you not to text and drive?", "contentid"=>"461703837934706690"}, {"content"=>"Sex Tip:\"Technology\" is a great theme for flirty text exchanges. \"Can't wait for you to mount my hard drive\" etc etc", "contentid"=>"461703682921222144"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461703574767280128"}, {"content"=>"RT @2_hoopalot: Police tell us not to text and drive but got A FULL COMPUTER in they front seat", "contentid"=>"461703554386763776"}, {"content"=>"RT @WhoBuT_NAY: We All Text At Wrk Shit We Text While We Driving So What Happened? You was Busy Doin What?!!", "contentid"=>"461703396765216768"}, {"content"=>"babe needs to learn how to say \"I'm driving I'll text you when I'm (wherever)\" this kid worries me to much. lol", "contentid"=>"461703220994125825"}, {"content"=>"RT @cqrcmp: Most have probably seen this video - but it seems like many need a reminder. Don't text &amp; drive. #LeaveT…", "contentid"=>"461703169563561984"}, {"content"=>"#TXTL8RIN Be smart, don't text and drive.", "contentid"=>"461703107420762113"}, {"content"=>"I love when Alexis tells me she's driving and can't text rn THATS the shit I like to see atta girl safety first", "contentid"=>"461703075074674688"}, {"content"=>"We All Text At Wrk Shit We Text While We Driving So What Happened? You was Busy Doin What?!!", "contentid"=>"461703056661696512"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461703049564536833"}, {"content"=>"RT @2_hoopalot: Police tell us not to text and drive but got A FULL COMPUTER in they front seat", "contentid"=>"461702973207232512"}, {"content"=>"RT @keeley_dubensky: @lexi2564 I actually didn't text and drive today. Can you believe that? ὣ3", "contentid"=>"461702961128042498"}, {"content"=>"“@Drive_2_Inspire: I'm definitely a tweet first not answer a text back person. I'll get to you eventually #JustWaitOnIt” right ὠ2ὠ2", "contentid"=>"461702812834201600"}, {"content"=>"RT @2_hoopalot: Police tell us not to text and drive but got A FULL COMPUTER in they front seat", "contentid"=>"461702798304747520"}, {"content"=>"#TXTL8RIN Think, don't text and drive", "contentid"=>"461702744949399552"}, {"content"=>"RT @RealStonedPanda: DO NOT TEXT ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVING I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass is wrappe…", "contentid"=>"461702503977844737"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461702425343057920"}, {"content"=>"RT @2_hoopalot: Police tell us not to text and drive but got A FULL COMPUTER in they front seat", "contentid"=>"461702331265191936"}, {"content"=>"You really wanna get me chapped? Use the word \"doe\" in a text. I'll drive to your house and put your head through the wall.", "contentid"=>"461702230559571968"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461702201836990464"}, {"content"=>"RT @2_hoopalot: Police tell us not to text and drive but got A FULL COMPUTER in they front seat", "contentid"=>"461702091811987456"}, {"content"=>"Not being able to text Jake is driving me INSANE!!!!!!!!! ὢ5ὢ5ὢ5ὢ5", "contentid"=>"461702068466483200"}, {"content"=>"RT @2_hoopalot: Police tell us not to text and drive but got A FULL COMPUTER in they front seat", "contentid"=>"461702015454699522"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461702009192579072"}, {"content"=>"RT @2_hoopalot: Police tell us not to text and drive but got A FULL COMPUTER in they front seat", "contentid"=>"461701762726916096"}, {"content"=>"RT @2_hoopalot: Police tell us not to text and drive but got A FULL COMPUTER in they front seat", "contentid"=>"461701690236731393"}, 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+ I, [2014-04-30T23:13:02.675371 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-04-30T23:13:02.675406 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ D, [2014-04-30T23:13:02.888418 #32088] DEBUG -- : Adding posts for scout_id: 27
+ D, [2014-04-30T23:13:02.889540 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Virginia Ramirez", body: "RT @RepTedDeutch: Graphic: Here's what #1010Means f...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:795c9a8,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:795c778,'0.8275129795 447093E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:795c548,'0.6267857952 108301E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461703268888875009", ldate: "2014-05-01 03:06:51", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 03:13:02", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T23:13:02.903131 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Julie A Woods", body: "RT @vlramirez12: RT @RepTedDeutch: Graphic: Here's ...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:79cc0a0,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:79d3e18,'0.8416113026 956229E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:79d3be8,'0.6542791501 825362E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461703888224006145", ldate: "2014-05-01 03:09:19", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 03:13:02", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ I, [2014-04-30T23:13:02.918833 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records: 2
+ I, [2014-04-30T23:13:02.918874 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records Not Loaded: 0
+ I, [2014-04-30T23:13:02.918903 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-04-30T23:13:02.918931 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ W, [2014-04-30T23:28:03.040302 #32088] WARN -- : Non OK Status from AI Core: {"errorlist"=>["Could not find model:Texting1"], "message"=>nil, "errorcode"=>nil, "status"=>"error", "contentlist"=>[{"content"=>"I don't like for people to text me while they're driving.", "contentid"=>"461708448481419265"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461708377563725825"}, {"content"=>"@taylorcaniff oh yea just kill yourself taylor.\n DONT TEXT AND DRIVE TAYLOR!", "contentid"=>"461708340192477184"}, {"content"=>"@taylorcaniff don't text and drive! I don't want you to get hurt", "contentid"=>"461708249578754048"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461708198710218752"}, {"content"=>"@taylorcaniff \nDon't text and drive\nDon't vine and drive\nSlow down\nDon't get pulled over\nDon't crash", "contentid"=>"461708169798893569"}, {"content"=>"@taylorcaniff with a broken arm, while tweeting. You're gonna get yourself killed, don't text while drive while speeding with a broken bone", "contentid"=>"461708166104117248"}, {"content"=>"@taylorcaniff Dont text and drive Taylorὠ2Ὁ5ὡ8", "contentid"=>"461708111498452993"}, {"content"=>"RT @queengilinsky: Taylor don't text and drive", "contentid"=>"461708077981777921"}, {"content"=>"“@taylorcaniff: Doing 147 right now into incoming traffic” dont text and drive taylor!!!", "contentid"=>"461708045412626432"}, {"content"=>"RT @2_hoopalot: Police tell us not to text and drive but got A FULL COMPUTER in they front seat", "contentid"=>"461708030615121921"}, {"content"=>"Taylor don't text and drive", "contentid"=>"461708008611782657"}, {"content"=>"@taylorcaniff its not good to text and drive taylor", "contentid"=>"461707986340040704"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461707981995122688"}, {"content"=>"RT @2_hoopalot: Police tell us not to text and drive but got A FULL COMPUTER in they front seat", "contentid"=>"461707981537562625"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461707960213721088"}, {"content"=>"#TXTL8RIN Tweet, tweet, tweet this message so people will not text and drive.", "contentid"=>"461707945667878912"}, {"content"=>"@taylorcaniff DONT TEXT AND DRIVE! stay safe!!!!", "contentid"=>"461707931793104896"}, {"content"=>"@taylorcaniff please don't text and drive", "contentid"=>"461707901657047041"}, {"content"=>"@taylorcaniff wtf don't text and drive ya idiot", "contentid"=>"461707874964484096"}, {"content"=>"RT @2_hoopalot: Police tell us not to text and drive but got A FULL COMPUTER in they front seat", "contentid"=>"461707798359719937"}, {"content"=>"Don't drive text me smh. Not tryna be in that commercial", "contentid"=>"461707789035786240"}, {"content"=>"RT @2_hoopalot: Police tell us not to text and drive but got A FULL COMPUTER in they front seat", "contentid"=>"461707543996149760"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461707332796559360"}, {"content"=>"@MyNameIsAbbyyy I'm trying to drive text race I don't gave time for all tht lmao", "contentid"=>"461707148909490176"}, {"content"=>"My arm hurts. This medicine wore off ὡ2 Pls help. Ugh. This is why people shouldn't text &amp; drive ὡ2ὡ2.Causing us to get into a car accident", "contentid"=>"461707131604176896"}, {"content"=>"@Just_Sandytoes don't text &amp; drive. xo", "contentid"=>"461707055339171840"}, {"content"=>"#TXTL8RIN Park then text, don’t do it while driving.", "contentid"=>"461707032543125504"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461707021352333312"}, {"content"=>"RT @USAA: It's the last day of #DistractedDriving Awareness Month – have you taken the pledge to never text and drive?…", "contentid"=>"461706977127563264"}, {"content"=>"RT @2_hoopalot: Police tell us not to text and drive but got A FULL COMPUTER in they front seat", "contentid"=>"461706971196846080"}, {"content"=>"I was driving while this group text was going on ...", "contentid"=>"461706887252029440"}, {"content"=>"#TXTL8RIN Be careful and don’t text and drive", "contentid"=>"461706877571588096"}, {"content"=>"RT @USAA: It's the last day of #DistractedDriving Awareness Month – have you taken the pledge to never text and drive?…", "contentid"=>"461706816645128193"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461706734374236161"}, {"content"=>"Please watch this, nobody's life is worth ending over trying to text/fb/tweet/etc while driving @mylifeasliz96", "contentid"=>"461706646041800704"}, {"content"=>"RT @2_hoopalot: Police tell us not to text and drive but got A FULL COMPUTER in they front seat", "contentid"=>"461706586223050752"}, {"content"=>"I fucking hate it when people text me while their driving. I am not about to be the reason you die.", "contentid"=>"461706526554873856"}, {"content"=>"#TXTL8RIN Drive now Text later, please!", "contentid"=>"461706435660091392"}, {"content"=>"@DeArica_ shit babyyyyyy &amp; just FWM when you get in the house no you can't text &amp; drive ὠ2ὢDὢDὢDὠ2", "contentid"=>"461706390365417472"}, {"content"=>"RT @2_hoopalot: Police tell us not to text and drive but got A FULL COMPUTER in they front seat", "contentid"=>"461706086857195521"}, {"content"=>"RT @SoCalLegalNews: #Texting increases your chance of getting into an #accident by 23% Don't text and drive! #ItsNotWorthIt ……http://t.c…", "contentid"=>"461706001943519233"}, {"content"=>"#Texting increases your chance of getting into an #accident by 23% Don't text and drive! #ItsNotWorthIt …… … …", "contentid"=>"461705740827103233"}, {"content"=>"Dont text and drive yall.....", "contentid"=>"461705708971388928"}, {"content"=>"RT @DannyLoso: ὠ2ὠ2ὠ2ὠ2RT @MinaWorldPeace See them textin commercials is the reason why iont text &amp; drive. My last words ain’t bout to be “You …", "contentid"=>"461705480092811264"}, {"content"=>"RT @alijurgella: Saw an ambulance driver text and drive WTF BITCH GET OFF YOUR MOTHA FUCKING PHONE what this is why people call you!!!!!!", "contentid"=>"461705439353139200"}, {"content"=>"If i could text and drive without having to hide it it'd be safer", "contentid"=>"461705083819147264"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461705038499299328"}, {"content"=>"Not legal to text and drive but totally legal to eat an In &amp; Out Burger and drive #justasdistracting #califood", "contentid"=>"461704873298247680"}, {"content"=>"#TXTL8RIN Think, don’t text and drive.", "contentid"=>"461704871964835840"}], "context"=>{"eid"=>"6", "uid"=>"Texting1", "post_details"=>[{"contentid"=>"461708448481419265", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 03:27:26 +0000 2014", "author"=>"☁️9⃣", "perferredUsername"=>"4foot9_", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461708377563725825", 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+ I, [2014-04-30T23:28:03.040397 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-04-30T23:28:03.040432 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ D, [2014-04-30T23:28:03.347065 #32088] DEBUG -- : Adding posts for scout_id: 27
+ D, [2014-04-30T23:28:03.347137 #32088] DEBUG -- : Refreshing users for enterprise: 5
+ D, [2014-04-30T23:28:03.355033 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Florida Sheriffs ", body: "Starting today on Amazon, #Florida residents pay sa...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:77aeac0,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:77ae890,'0.9534022374 296887E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:77ae660,'0.6043093087 94612E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461706858483310593", ldate: "2014-05-01 03:21:07", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 03:28:03", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T23:28:03.366896 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Working Trucker", body: "RT @vlramirez12: RT @RepTedDeutch: Graphic: Here's ...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:78161c0,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:7815f90,'0.8416113026 956229E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:7815d60,'0.6542791501 825362E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461707309010677761", ldate: "2014-05-01 03:22:55", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 03:28:03", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T23:28:03.383682 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "SPike", body: "RT @FLORIDABEER: Senators not support Florida Craft...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:78858b8,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:7885688,'0.8670857571 01888E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:7885458,'0.7826696153 773156E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461707503009816576", ldate: "2014-05-01 03:23:41", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 03:28:03", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T23:28:03.400330 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Greg Newburn", body: "Awesome! I LOVE new taxes! RT @FLSheriffs: Starting...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:78f50c8,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:78f4e98,'0.9211431336 182146E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:78f4c68,'0.4691899582 874828E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461707516611923968", ldate: "2014-05-01 03:23:44", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 03:28:03", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ I, [2014-04-30T23:28:03.416115 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records: 4
+ I, [2014-04-30T23:28:03.416157 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records Not Loaded: 0
+ I, [2014-04-30T23:28:03.416186 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-04-30T23:28:03.416215 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ W, [2014-04-30T23:43:03.088443 #32088] WARN -- : Non OK Status from AI Core: {"errorlist"=>["Could not find model:Texting1"], "message"=>nil, "errorcode"=>nil, "status"=>"error", "contentlist"=>[{"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461712297526710272"}, {"content"=>"@taylorcaniff don't text and drive", "contentid"=>"461712176353259520"}, {"content"=>"RT @_itsravennn: @Goola_4 Next Time Imma Drive &amp;' Text You !!! ὤ8ὤA #Rebel", "contentid"=>"461711967275593729"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461711591667675136"}, {"content"=>"I have no problem texting while driving, but I won't text while going down stairs. Hell naw. . That shit dangerous.", "contentid"=>"461711328391229440"}, {"content"=>"@randdybarrera29 can I b ur driving instructor? I promise I don't text and drive", "contentid"=>"461711314193117184"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461711233293762560"}, {"content"=>"so driving back from the city yesterday, i get a random text from what appears to be a middle school boy...", "contentid"=>"461711204097204224"}, {"content"=>"\"@loveIymendess: a close family friend of mine died because someone decided to text while driving so yes i'm pissed\" @taylorcaniff", "contentid"=>"461711140762841088"}, {"content"=>"RT @loveIymendess: a close family friend of mine died because someone decided to text while driving so yes i'm pissed", "contentid"=>"461711089223213056"}, {"content"=>"a close family friend of mine died because someone decided to text while driving so yes i'm pissed", "contentid"=>"461711002057195521"}, {"content"=>"I hate seeing people text &amp; drive or on the phone and driving .. I honk my horn until they put the phone down ὠ2ὠ2ὠ2 bitch pay attention ‼️", "contentid"=>"461710883555930112"}, {"content"=>"RT @spookyjamie: Idk why people say no text and drive. Like. I text, eat, change music, paint my toenails, change shirts, etc all without m…", "contentid"=>"461710847468130304"}, {"content"=>"RT @2_hoopalot: Police tell us not to text and drive but got A FULL COMPUTER in they front seat", "contentid"=>"461710679213223936"}, {"content"=>"Idk why people say no text and drive. Like. I text, eat, change music, paint my toenails, change shirts, etc all without my glasses on ὠ2ὠ2", "contentid"=>"461710657113444353"}, {"content"=>"don't text me while your driving! I am not trying to be on those depressing ass commercials.", "contentid"=>"461710572942131200"}, {"content"=>"Text message marketing is an easy, cost-effective way to drive more business. Go to to learn more.", "contentid"=>"461710514024771585"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461710286525710336"}, {"content"=>"RT @_eanom: @__justKiasia you could've text me this lol and if I drive..", "contentid"=>"461710277592219649"}, {"content"=>"“@_eanom: @__justKiasia you could've text me this lol and if I drive..”you're right lol sorry ὠ1 &amp; yay if you do don't forget Ὁ8", "contentid"=>"461710264401137664"}, {"content"=>"#TXTL8RIN Don't worry, you can respond later. Don't text and drive.", "contentid"=>"461710262773354496"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461709980115021824"}, {"content"=>"Enjoy your life, don't text and drive", "contentid"=>"461709899240468480"}, {"content"=>"If we're together, i will text you \"i love you.\" before i drive anywhere incase anythin were to happen those would be my last words to you.", "contentid"=>"461709820584660993"}, {"content"=>"@Goola_4 Next Time Imma Drive &amp;' Text You !!! ὤ8ὤA #Rebel", "contentid"=>"461709704553439232"}, {"content"=>"#TXTL8RIN \"I will not text and drive.\" We should all take this oath.", "contentid"=>"461709557501161472"}, {"content"=>"Woman started talking to me about a text, realized it was Nokia Lumia 1020. Much easier to respond while driving than other platforms", "contentid"=>"461709289564803072"}, {"content"=>"#TXTL8RIN \"You shouldn't text and drive Zack.\" John said to his friend.\n\"I know, thank you for reminding me.\" Zack replied.", "contentid"=>"461709188239212544"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461709088179503104"}, {"content"=>"Since when did the fast lane become the \"drive real slow so I can text\" lane?? *and no I'm not driving while I text this*. ὠ4 #speedup", "contentid"=>"461709046639099904"}, {"content"=>"RT @4foot9_: I don't like for people to text me while they're driving.", "contentid"=>"461708880112656384"}, {"content"=>"and don't text and drive", "contentid"=>"461708739087572992"}, {"content"=>"I drive so slow cuz im in no rush I can do everything driving my paste roll up text / tweet / vine and drink movie life speed #bo$$", "contentid"=>"461708573891100673"}], "context"=>{"eid"=>"6", "uid"=>"Texting1", "post_details"=>[{"contentid"=>"461712297526710272", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 03:42:44 +0000 2014", "author"=>" Yehet", "perferredUsername"=>"aileenaad", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461712176353259520", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 03:42:15 +0000 2014", "author"=>"PLEASE CAM", "perferredUsername"=>"t0turntmatt", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461711967275593729", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 03:41:25 +0000 2014", "author"=>"GOOLA #FREEHAMPT", "perferredUsername"=>"Goola_4", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461711591667675136", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 03:39:56 +0000 2014", "author"=>"LovelyDayDylan ∞", "perferredUsername"=>"LovelyDayDylan", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461711328391229440", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 03:38:53 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Krystal ", "perferredUsername"=>"Wilfordyzr", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461711314193117184", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 03:38:50 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Cristina", 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+ I, [2014-04-30T23:43:03.088536 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-04-30T23:43:03.088571 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ D, [2014-04-30T23:43:03.436709 #32088] DEBUG -- : Adding posts for scout_id: 27
+ D, [2014-04-30T23:43:03.437843 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Jax Florida", body: "RT @ActionNewsJax: Sources tell Action News a local...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:7a6c7d0,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:7a6fe58,'0.3481537715 280796E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:7a6fc28,'0.9726890839 532716E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461708616987582466", ldate: "2014-05-01 03:28:07", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 03:43:03", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T23:43:03.451831 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "SharePoint AMS", body: "Amazon Begins Collecting Florida Taxes for Internet...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:7adb680,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:7adb450,'0.8858141585 90992E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:7adb220,'0.6239374267 78747E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461708867198402560", ldate: "2014-05-01 03:29:06", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 03:43:03", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T23:43:03.468477 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Christine", body: "RT @vlramirez12: RT @RepTedDeutch: Graphic: Here's ...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:7d56db0,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:7d56b80,'0.8416113026 956229E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:7d56950,'0.6542791501 825362E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461709513461334016", ldate: "2014-05-01 03:31:40", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 03:43:03", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T23:43:03.485092 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Usum", body: "#Amazon Begins Collecting #Florida Taxes for Intern...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:7cba488,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:7cba258,'0.9317877601 079854E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:7cba028,'0.6338048606 766785E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461711386410627073", ldate: "2014-05-01 03:39:07", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 03:43:03", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ I, [2014-04-30T23:43:03.500930 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records: 4
+ I, [2014-04-30T23:43:03.500972 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records Not Loaded: 0
+ I, [2014-04-30T23:43:03.501001 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-04-30T23:43:03.501030 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ W, [2014-04-30T23:59:01.915667 #32088] WARN -- : Non OK Status from AI Core: {"errorlist"=>["Could not find model:Texting1"], "message"=>nil, "errorcode"=>nil, "status"=>"error", "contentlist"=>[{"content"=>"ὠ2ὠ2 reasons to not drive and text you mess up too muchὢ9ὠ2 @AshlieNgreen", "contentid"=>"461716036287340544"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461715778006708225"}, {"content"=>"Hope all the people need to learn to stop text and attention to drive safety.", "contentid"=>"461715607851773952"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461715029155676160"}, {"content"=>"RT @coneyislandyayo: Thanks mom for encouraging me to text and drive (:", "contentid"=>"461714521032105985"}, {"content"=>"RT @2_hoopalot: Police tell us not to text and drive but got A FULL COMPUTER in they front seat", "contentid"=>"461714494289244162"}, {"content"=>"Thanks mom for encouraging me to text and drive (:", "contentid"=>"461714442544091136"}, {"content"=>"\"I'll text you back I'm driving\"", "contentid"=>"461714377142308864"}, {"content"=>"My daddy need to stop trying to text &amp; drive ὢ1", "contentid"=>"461713833929617411"}, {"content"=>"RT @2_hoopalot: Police tell us not to text and drive but got A FULL COMPUTER in they front seat", "contentid"=>"461713757807190016"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461713507583422464"}, {"content"=>"RT @2_hoopalot: Police tell us not to text and drive but got A FULL COMPUTER in they front seat", "contentid"=>"461713368760336385"}, {"content"=>"@raegan_may text me back so we can schedule drive times", "contentid"=>"461713307271827457"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461713163281788929"}, {"content"=>"RT @2_hoopalot: Police tell us not to text and drive but got A FULL COMPUTER in they front seat", "contentid"=>"461713058172121088"}, {"content"=>"RT @2_hoopalot: Police tell us not to text and drive but got A FULL COMPUTER in they front seat", "contentid"=>"461713054078468096"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461712959308197888"}, {"content"=>"RT @2_hoopalot: Police tell us not to text and drive but got A FULL COMPUTER in they front seat", "contentid"=>"461712689564102656"}, {"content"=>"RT @2_hoopalot: Police tell us not to text and drive but got A FULL COMPUTER in they front seat", "contentid"=>"461712669536301056"}, {"content"=>"RT @2_hoopalot: Police tell us not to text and drive but got A FULL COMPUTER in they front seat", "contentid"=>"461712657007923202"}, {"content"=>"RT @2_hoopalot: Police tell us not to text and drive but got A FULL COMPUTER in they front seat", "contentid"=>"461712578528288769"}], "context"=>{"eid"=>"6", "uid"=>"Texting1", 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+ I, [2014-04-30T23:59:01.915746 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-04-30T23:59:01.915780 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ D, [2014-04-30T23:59:02.157764 #32088] DEBUG -- : Adding posts for scout_id: 27
+ D, [2014-04-30T23:59:02.157837 #32088] DEBUG -- : Refreshing users for enterprise: 5
+ D, [2014-04-30T23:59:02.165892 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Meaux", body: "Florida isn't that conservative.\n\nLet all the minor...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:7b1fbc8,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:7b1f998,'0.8218599355 755783E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:7b1f768,'0.8747993671 019394E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461712496693231616", ldate: "2014-05-01 03:43:32", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 03:59:02", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T23:59:02.182063 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Jay Reid", body: "RT @FLSheriffs: Starting today on Amazon, #Florida ...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:7b86df0,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:7b86b70,'0.8679444231 686726E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:7b86940,'0.6694729129 239936E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461712729406205952", ldate: "2014-05-01 03:44:27", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 03:59:02", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T23:59:02.198698 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Marlins Wire", body: "#Marlins Wire: What a difference: Marlins showing g...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:7d69398,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:7d69168,'0.8845964163 862032E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:7d68f38,'0.7819891765 246139E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461715146499321856", ldate: "2014-05-01 03:54:03", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 03:59:02", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T23:59:02.215363 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "FOX Sports Florida", body: "What a difference a year makes. The #Marlins showin...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:7708a80,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:7708850,'0.8744119389 79755E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:7708620,'0.7618549559 948705E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461715216519004160", ldate: "2014-05-01 03:54:20", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 03:59:02", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T23:59:02.232163 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Dori (Mrlns Spr Fan)", body: "RT @SunSportsFOXFL: What a difference a year makes....", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:7ee0258,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:7ee0028,'0.7180095668 040893E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:7ee7da0,'0.8521778392 287722E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461716232795074560", ldate: "2014-05-01 03:58:22", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 03:59:02", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-04-30T23:59:02.248731 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Krizzles", body: "RT @SunSportsFOXFL: What a difference a year makes....", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:7dfb928,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:7dfb6f8,'0.7180095668 040893E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:7dfb4c8,'0.8521778392 287722E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461716266429194240", ldate: "2014-05-01 03:58:30", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 03:59:02", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ I, [2014-04-30T23:59:02.264519 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records: 6
+ I, [2014-04-30T23:59:02.264561 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records Not Loaded: 0
+ I, [2014-04-30T23:59:02.264590 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-04-30T23:59:02.264618 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ W, [2014-05-01T00:14:02.760544 #32088] WARN -- : Non OK Status from AI Core: {"errorlist"=>["Could not find model:Texting1"], "message"=>nil, "errorcode"=>nil, "status"=>"error", "contentlist"=>[{"content"=>"I get scared to text my friends back or even snapchat them while they're driving. #notextinganddriving ", "contentid"=>"461719430188122112"}, {"content"=>"Text message marketing is an easy, cost-effective way to drive more business. Go to to learn more.", "contentid"=>"461719290048028672"}, {"content"=>"Every time I pick up my phone to text while I'm driving. I hear her voice and I put it down. . Smh", "contentid"=>"461718908496408576"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461718097817513984"}, {"content"=>"Idk how people can drunk text their exs. Like I just can't do it. But I could do a drunken bus drive running a few of them over. Ἴ3ὨDἷBὈ3ὠ2", "contentid"=>"461717967265210368"}, {"content"=>"don't text and drive ὡ0", "contentid"=>"461717726088941568"}, {"content"=>"I have no problem texting while driving, but I won't text while going down stairs. Hell naw. . That shit dangerous.", "contentid"=>"461717654995087362"}, {"content"=>"Jk I can't drive drunk. I can barely walk or text.", "contentid"=>"461717625018413056"}, {"content"=>"“@ChrisPc200: To all my friends who are driving tonight, be safe &amp; don't text &amp; drive it's raining cats &amp; dogs in this bitchh”", "contentid"=>"461717406617198592"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461717381208084480"}, {"content"=>"@CholleySayWhaa good because I'm not trying to drive lol text me", "contentid"=>"461717239268253696"}, {"content"=>"To all my friends who are driving tonight, be safe &amp; don't text &amp; drive it's raining cats &amp; dogs in this bitchh", "contentid"=>"461717237523836929"}, {"content"=>"There's nothing we can do about it either, you can say don't text and drive or don't do drugs. Don't do this or that. But if it's your time", "contentid"=>"461717141566152704"}, {"content"=>"My exhaust fell off my fuckin car good example of why you shouldn't text and drive kids", "contentid"=>"461716937295147008"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461716926021267456"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461716504942104576"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461716468250734592"}], "context"=>{"eid"=>"6", "uid"=>"Texting1", "post_details"=>[{"contentid"=>"461719430188122112", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 04:11:05 +0000 2014", "author"=>"☮GLENNCOCO☮", "perferredUsername"=>"resilience_96", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461719290048028672", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 04:10:31 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Tanisha Howard", "perferredUsername"=>"tanisha2909", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461718908496408576", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 04:09:00 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Gabby ", "perferredUsername"=>"Humbl3_Boss", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461718097817513984", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 04:05:47 +0000 2014", "author"=>"thehenryroxmysox", "perferredUsername"=>"henryroxmysox", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461717967265210368", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 04:05:16 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Krissy", "perferredUsername"=>"krissycross15", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461717726088941568", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 04:04:18 +0000 2014", "author"=>"lana", "perferredUsername"=>"yourqueenalana", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461717654995087362", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 04:04:01 +0000 2014", "author"=>"luis terrazas ", "perferredUsername"=>"Delossantosoxx", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461717625018413056", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 04:03:54 +0000 2014", "author"=>"keaten", "perferredUsername"=>"keatenw", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461717406617198592", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 04:03:02 +0000 2014", "author"=>"brittttt ❁", "perferredUsername"=>"_alluringbliss", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461717381208084480", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 04:02:56 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Chuchie", "perferredUsername"=>"magpiex0", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461717239268253696", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 04:02:22 +0000 2014", "author"=>"sauda__✨", "perferredUsername"=>"Sauda__", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461717237523836929", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 04:02:22 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Perfect Connect", "perferredUsername"=>"ChrisPc200", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461717141566152704", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 04:01:59 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Stephen Bauman", "perferredUsername"=>"Stephen_Bauman", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461716937295147008", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 04:01:10 +0000 2014", "author"=>"car ruiner ", "perferredUsername"=>"eazymoneyEdd", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461716926021267456", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 04:01:08 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Kyle(Thunda)", "perferredUsername"=>"FatThunda", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461716504942104576", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 03:59:27 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Someone △", "perferredUsername"=>"mardhiah_ainur", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461716468250734592", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 03:59:18 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Exclusive Emoji", "perferredUsername"=>"ExclusiveEmoji", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}]}, "requestid"=>"6923ebd7-8e6c-4432-a5bd-6b8304edc6f5"}
+ I, [2014-05-01T00:14:02.760628 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-05-01T00:14:02.760662 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ D, [2014-05-01T00:14:03.221876 #32088] DEBUG -- : Adding posts for scout_id: 27
+ D, [2014-05-01T00:14:03.221947 #32088] DEBUG -- : Refreshing users for enterprise: 5
+ D, [2014-05-01T00:14:03.268807 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "P I C U", body: "RT @FLSheriffs: Starting today on Amazon, #Florida ...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:7e9cee0,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:7e9ccb0,'0.8679444231 686726E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:7e9ca80,'0.6694729129 239936E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461716596789379072", ldate: "2014-05-01 03:59:49", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 04:14:03", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-05-01T00:14:03.280575 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Max Tsaparis", body: "RT @FLSheriffs: Starting today on Amazon, #Florida ...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:7e2ac78,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:7e2aa48,'0.8679444231 686726E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:7e2a818,'0.6694729129 239936E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461718081426186240", ldate: "2014-05-01 04:05:43", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 04:14:03", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ I, [2014-05-01T00:14:03.296470 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records: 2
+ I, [2014-05-01T00:14:03.296520 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records Not Loaded: 0
+ I, [2014-05-01T00:14:03.296549 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-05-01T00:14:03.296580 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ W, [2014-05-01T00:29:03.664611 #32088] WARN -- : Non OK Status from AI Core: {"errorlist"=>["Could not find model:Texting1"], "message"=>nil, "errorcode"=>nil, "status"=>"error", "contentlist"=>[{"content"=>"Baby text me said slow down in the rental but how can I drive slow with so much on my mental", "contentid"=>"461723370766475264"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461723208597909504"}, {"content"=>"My dad tells me to not talk/text and drive but still calls me when I'm driving. ὤ9", "contentid"=>"461723173583466496"}, {"content"=>"@umBLOWINSTRONG : swear I was bout to dawg kc ass just text me lol if she try drive I'm down lol .", "contentid"=>"461723095192305664"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461722708581961729"}, {"content"=>"@tshain_12 you text, snapchat and tweet while driving ὄC", "contentid"=>"461722531829788672"}, {"content"=>"ya,accidents happen 4other reasons/distractions.Yet,plz.,plz. don't text &amp; drive.May think won't happen.Well,it doesn't until...,it DOES.ὡE", "contentid"=>"461722454441070592"}, {"content"=>"CAN YOU NOT FUCKING TEXT AND DRIVE!! HOLY SHIT!!!!", "contentid"=>"461722292678959105"}, {"content"=>"RT @Luvvchloee: Don't text and drive \u1F4F1Ὡ8 My brother", "contentid"=>"461722125486010369"}, {"content"=>"I have no problem texting while driving, but I won't text while going down stairs. Hell naw. . That shit dangerous.", "contentid"=>"461722014932537344"}, {"content"=>"One thing I will NEVER do is text while driving on a bridge with a large body of water underneath.", "contentid"=>"461721988503834624"}, {"content"=>"RT @MikeSaenz_: I don't always text and drive but when I do I use Swype lol", "contentid"=>"461721885323972608"}, {"content"=>"Don't text and drive \u1F4F1Ὡ8 My brother", "contentid"=>"461721801966379008"}, {"content"=>"“@deshanethought: @TooSmooth_ | i was too busy tryna text. ὡ5ὡ4” taking yo driving test ? ὣ3", "contentid"=>"461721542028566528"}, {"content"=>"Text Your Wife Into Bed: Presentation reveals a weird but effective method for waking up your wife's sex drive.", "contentid"=>"461721405021638656"}, {"content"=>"RT @TRV_Insurance: Research by @VTTInews reveals drivers who text increase their crash risk 23 times. Learn more: #D…", "contentid"=>"461721359421161473"}, {"content"=>"I have no problem texting while driving, but I won't text while going down stairs. Hell naw. . That shit dangerous.", "contentid"=>"461721258892480512"}, {"content"=>"I wonderful if Mychal home yet. I don't wanna text him &amp; he driving.", "contentid"=>"461721114566479872"}, {"content"=>"I'm so proud of that lady standing out in the street with a sign saying \"don't text and drive\":)", "contentid"=>"461721058127527937"}, {"content"=>"RT @Humbl3_Boss: Every time I pick up my phone to text while I'm driving. I hear her voice and I put it down. . Smh", "contentid"=>"461720750139797504"}, {"content"=>"RT @opinion: I don't text and drive because I'm afraid I might get in an accident and hurt my phone.", "contentid"=>"461720469083652097"}], "context"=>{"eid"=>"6", "uid"=>"Texting1", "post_details"=>[{"contentid"=>"461723370766475264", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 04:26:44 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Hu$tle Man Tuck", "perferredUsername"=>"NaughtyMyNature", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461723208597909504", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 04:26:05 +0000 2014", "author"=>"TrippyGlitcherHD", "perferredUsername"=>"Trippy_Glitcher", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461723173583466496", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 04:25:57 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Joosh", "perferredUsername"=>"JoshSawdey", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461723095192305664", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 04:25:38 +0000 2014", "author"=>"RespectTheCurve ↩", "perferredUsername"=>"__givemexo", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461722708581961729", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 04:24:06 +0000 2014", "author"=>"SEASHELL & MONSTER", "perferredUsername"=>"AznLena", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461722531829788672", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 04:23:24 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Emily", "perferredUsername"=>"EmilyMayfield16", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461722454441070592", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 04:23:06 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Ms.Paschen.", "perferredUsername"=>"Feral_LoneWolf", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461722292678959105", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 04:22:27 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Kara Lucille™", "perferredUsername"=>"1nonblond_", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461722125486010369", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 04:21:47 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Blunt ✌", "perferredUsername"=>"BriaPegasus", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461722014932537344", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 04:21:21 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Thiago Vocal", "perferredUsername"=>"HeywardGoadhav", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461721988503834624", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 04:21:15 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Josie Fraser", "perferredUsername"=>"Josie_Wales94", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461721885323972608", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 04:20:50 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Rachel Johnson", "perferredUsername"=>"xoxo_racheljay", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461721801966379008", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 04:20:30 +0000 2014", "author"=>"csf", "perferredUsername"=>"Luvvchloee", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461721542028566528", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 04:19:28 +0000 2014", "author"=>"ThaSmoothest", "perferredUsername"=>"TooSmooth_", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461721405021638656", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 04:18:55 +0000 2014", "author"=>"John", "perferredUsername"=>"mahasaijetsakri", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461721359421161473", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 04:18:45 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Greg Morrow Agency", "perferredUsername"=>"GregInsures", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461721258892480512", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 04:18:21 +0000 2014", "author"=>" kamyla almeida ;", "perferredUsername"=>"BlowReypch", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461721114566479872", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 04:17:46 +0000 2014", "author"=>"ROYALTY ♚4|22", "perferredUsername"=>"JustCallMe_Mese", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461721058127527937", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 04:17:33 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Princess Day", "perferredUsername"=>"DMarriie", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461720750139797504", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 04:16:19 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Monique", "perferredUsername"=>"LilMiz_Attitude", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461720469083652097", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 04:15:12 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Monet Mayol", "perferredUsername"=>"MonetMayol", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}]}, "requestid"=>"2447e311-9f77-4124-813f-41a6063d3ac1"}
+ I, [2014-05-01T00:29:03.664698 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-05-01T00:29:03.664732 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ D, [2014-05-01T00:29:04.067335 #32088] DEBUG -- : Adding posts for scout_id: 27
+ D, [2014-05-01T00:29:04.067415 #32088] DEBUG -- : Refreshing users for enterprise: 5
+ D, [2014-05-01T00:29:04.076824 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Get It", body: "RT @SunSportsFOXFL: What a difference a year makes....", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:7f6b3d0,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:7f6b1a0,'0.7180095668 040893E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:7f6af70,'0.8521778392 287722E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461723681430196224", ldate: "2014-05-01 04:27:58", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 04:29:04", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ I, [2014-05-01T00:29:04.093540 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records: 1
+ I, [2014-05-01T00:29:04.093588 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records Not Loaded: 0
+ I, [2014-05-01T00:29:04.093619 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-05-01T00:29:04.093649 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ W, [2014-05-01T00:44:02.982309 #32088] WARN -- : Non OK Status from AI Core: {"errorlist"=>["Could not find model:Texting1"], "message"=>nil, "errorcode"=>nil, "status"=>"error", "contentlist"=>[{"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461727679457550336"}, {"content"=>"RT @alijurgella: Saw an ambulance driver text and drive WTF BITCH GET OFF YOUR MOTHA FUCKING PHONE what this is why people call you!!!!!!", "contentid"=>"461727461621764096"}, {"content"=>"Young crash survivor tells students not to drive distracted: Text messaging creates a crash risk 23... #baltimore", "contentid"=>"461727218561843200"}, {"content"=>"\"@Fact: Please, don't text and drive:\"", "contentid"=>"461727218184359936"}, {"content"=>"RT @1080p_Tweeets: I rarely text and drive! Usually I'm too drunk to find my phone.", "contentid"=>"461727099796357120"}, {"content"=>"If Nathan doesn't contain his excitement in his text messages I'll gladly drive 3 hours to rip off his vocal cards &amp; chop off his hands", "contentid"=>"461726796447092736"}, {"content"=>"I only use Siri so I can text and drive", "contentid"=>"461726562338222080"}, {"content"=>"@IsTheSickest dont text and drive", "contentid"=>"461726547582259201"}, {"content"=>"@lucyhalelovex don't text and drive", "contentid"=>"461725969602973696"}, {"content"=>"so driving back from the city yesterday, i get a random text from what appears to be a middle school boy...", "contentid"=>"461725502030757888"}, {"content"=>"RT @Luvvchloee: Don't text and drive \u1F4F1Ὡ8 My brother", "contentid"=>"461725430379057153"}, {"content"=>"I hate driving sticks it's harder to tweet text and snapchat", "contentid"=>"461725335877218304"}, {"content"=>"RT @EddieRegal: Don't text and drive, but what about tweet and drive bc that's what I'm doing ὡDὡDὡDὡDὡD", "contentid"=>"461724331291054080"}, {"content"=>"RT @CaltransHQ: Fines are doubled in highway work zones and can easily total $1,000 or more for drivers who speed, drive aggressively or te…", "contentid"=>"461724262106034176"}, {"content"=>"Don't text and drive, but what about tweet and drive bc that's what I'm doing ὡDὡDὡDὡDὡD", "contentid"=>"461724217826766848"}, {"content"=>"RT @LexaMarie_: Can someone call me while I drive to Columbus? Shit or even text me, IDGAF I just don't wanna be bored. ὡEὠ2", "contentid"=>"461724011299602433"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461723994513604608"}, {"content"=>"i don't know whats worse: someone responding to half of my text or not responding at all... both drive me crazy.", "contentid"=>"461723987140042752"}, {"content"=>"Can someone call me while I drive to Columbus? Shit or even text me, IDGAF I just don't wanna be bored. ὡEὠ2", "contentid"=>"461723916231520257"}], "context"=>{"eid"=>"6", "uid"=>"Texting1", "post_details"=>[{"contentid"=>"461727679457550336", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 04:43:51 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Joseph J. 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+ I, [2014-05-01T00:44:02.982405 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-05-01T00:44:02.982439 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ D, [2014-05-01T00:44:03.351941 #32088] DEBUG -- : Adding posts for scout_id: 27
+ D, [2014-05-01T00:44:03.353426 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Casandra Clayton", body: "RT @SunSportsFOXFL: What a difference a year makes....", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:7d91258,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:7d91028,'0.7180095668 040893E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:7d90df8,'0.8521778392 287722E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461726060955316224", ldate: "2014-05-01 04:37:26", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 04:44:03", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-05-01T00:44:03.366967 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Alfredo Gilham", body: "$AMZN Amazon Begins Collecting Florida Taxes for In...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:7bb0a10,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:7bb07e0,'0.8647825443 437055E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:7bb05b0,'0.5526620808 771205E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461726596789837825", ldate: "2014-05-01 04:39:33", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 04:44:03", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ I, [2014-05-01T00:44:03.449106 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records: 2
+ I, [2014-05-01T00:44:03.449174 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records Not Loaded: 0
+ I, [2014-05-01T00:44:03.449204 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-05-01T00:44:03.449235 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ W, [2014-05-01T00:59:03.254085 #32088] WARN -- : Non OK Status from AI Core: {"errorlist"=>["Could not find model:Texting1"], "message"=>nil, "errorcode"=>nil, "status"=>"error", "contentlist"=>[{"content"=>"Happy Madaraka Day Guys- Dont drink and drive or text and drive..@Nellykinyanjui @vnaish @Shixpuppe", "contentid"=>"461730817975549952"}, {"content"=>"Do you realize that your kids will emulate you? They learn faster than you realize. Don't Drink and Drive or Text while Driving!", "contentid"=>"461730743383625729"}, {"content"=>"I drive w/ my knee so I can text &amp; tweet so much it's ridiculous ὠ2", "contentid"=>"461730699876524032"}, {"content"=>"RT @_JujuBeee_: When I'm driving I can't text for the life of me, I can barely change the radio station aha it's so hard", "contentid"=>"461730616774385665"}, {"content"=>"RT @xoangelinaoxo: @dianamarieexo bc D made me promise not to text &amp; drive ❤️ I love you", "contentid"=>"461730581538406400"}, {"content"=>"I have no problem texting while driving, but I won't text while going down stairs. Hell naw. . That shit dangerous.", "contentid"=>"461730308782837760"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461730227823972352"}, {"content"=>"RT @CaltransHQ: Fines are doubled in highway work zones and can easily total $1,000 or more for drivers who speed, drive aggressively or te…", "contentid"=>"461730130222518272"}, {"content"=>"RT @2_hoopalot: Police tell us not to text and drive but got A FULL COMPUTER in they front seat", "contentid"=>"461729792467808256"}, {"content"=>"RT @_JujuBeee_: When I'm driving I can't text for the life of me, I can barely change the radio station aha it's so hard", "contentid"=>"461729641087004672"}, {"content"=>"RT @apparentlysmart: I only text while I'm driving because trying to do smoke signals got me pulled over WAY faster.", "contentid"=>"461729421506797568"}, {"content"=>"i don't text n drive, but have occasionally changed the song on my ipod to the radio while driving, gotta stop n let it shuffle", "contentid"=>"461729408131166208"}, {"content"=>"When I'm driving I can't text for the life of me, I can barely change the radio station aha it's so hard", "contentid"=>"461729339482988544"}, {"content"=>"don't text n drive. my homies in jail now ὡ2", "contentid"=>"461729261381242880"}, {"content"=>"I have no problem texting while driving, but I won't text while going down stairs. Hell naw. . That shit dangerous.", "contentid"=>"461729232805457921"}, {"content"=>"What is the most dangerous thing you have ever done? — idk, text and drive maybe", "contentid"=>"461729108565962753"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461729078727680000"}, {"content"=>"Tryna text and drive I damn near just ran into da back of a 18 wheeler", "contentid"=>"461728643517919232"}, {"content"=>"so driving back from the city yesterday, i get a random text from what appears to be a middle school boy...", "contentid"=>"461728382968164352"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461728197030064128"}, {"content"=>"Intellectually, todays teenagers are more aware than ever theyre not supposed to drink and drive, or text and drive.", "contentid"=>"461728168756264960"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461727714265681921"}], "context"=>{"eid"=>"6", "uid"=>"Texting1", "post_details"=>[{"contentid"=>"461730817975549952", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 04:56:20 +0000 2014", "author"=>"John Njoroge", "perferredUsername"=>"KevaNjoroge", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461730743383625729", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 04:56:02 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Public Safety East", "perferredUsername"=>"PublicSafetyEst", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461730699876524032", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 04:55:52 +0000 2014", "author"=>"", "perferredUsername"=>"ImJust_Avery", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461730616774385665", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 04:55:32 +0000 2014", "author"=>"ny✨", "perferredUsername"=>"anyssa_kuba", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461730581538406400", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 04:55:23 +0000 2014", "author"=>"B.D. 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+ I, [2014-05-01T00:59:03.254170 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-05-01T00:59:03.254205 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ D, [2014-05-01T00:59:03.592691 #32088] DEBUG -- : Adding posts for scout_id: 27
+ D, [2014-05-01T00:59:03.592771 #32088] DEBUG -- : Refreshing users for enterprise: 5
+ D, [2014-05-01T00:59:03.601774 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Janis Rasor", body: "RT @SunSportsFOXFL: What a difference a year makes....", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:1832a10,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:1832178,'0.7180095668 040893E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:1831d18,'0.8521778392 287722E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461728870635667456", ldate: "2014-05-01 04:48:35", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 04:59:03", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ I, [2014-05-01T00:59:03.612807 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records: 1
+ I, [2014-05-01T00:59:03.612851 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records Not Loaded: 0
+ I, [2014-05-01T00:59:03.612879 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-05-01T00:59:03.612908 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ W, [2014-05-01T01:14:03.489948 #32088] WARN -- : Non OK Status from AI Core: {"errorlist"=>["Could not find model:Texting1"], "message"=>nil, "errorcode"=>nil, "status"=>"error", "contentlist"=>[{"content"=>"so driving back from the city yesterday, i get a random text from what appears to be a middle school boy...", "contentid"=>"461735169943412736"}, {"content"=>"RT @leenadelasoul: “@incindyous: I don't let bae text and drive cus bae can't be bae if bae is dead. #MIND2014”", "contentid"=>"461734043210362880"}, {"content"=>"Don't text and drive you can hurt's not cool or funny!!", "contentid"=>"461733685775978496"}, {"content"=>"I have no problem texting while driving, but I won't text while going down stairs. Hell naw. . That shit dangerous.", "contentid"=>"461733425234202625"}, {"content"=>"RT @cqrcmp: Most have probably seen this video - but it seems like many need a reminder. Don't text &amp; drive. #LeaveT…", "contentid"=>"461733135831400448"}, {"content"=>"Someone text me. This drive is boring", "contentid"=>"461732920042856448"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461732658163507201"}, {"content"=>"'U Drive U Text U Pay' ads For Distracted Driving Commercial", "contentid"=>"461732261155467264"}, {"content"=>"Text Your Wife Into Bed: Presentation reveals a weird but effective method for waking up your wife's sex drive.", "contentid"=>"461732208349155328"}, {"content"=>"There's a special ring in hell for people who text and drive \u1F47F", "contentid"=>"461731914202632192"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461731497062313986"}], "context"=>{"eid"=>"6", "uid"=>"Texting1", "post_details"=>[{"contentid"=>"461735169943412736", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 05:13:37 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Mario Leal", "perferredUsername"=>"MarioPhantom", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461734043210362880", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 05:09:09 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Cindy", "perferredUsername"=>"incindyous", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461733685775978496", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 05:07:43 +0000 2014", "author"=>"CynthïaMärïnaFlorĕs", "perferredUsername"=>"CynthiaMarinaFl", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461733425234202625", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 05:06:41 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Septhiana Rusilawati", "perferredUsername"=>"Sapindmm", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461733135831400448", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 05:05:32 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Nicola", "perferredUsername"=>"NTH25realtor", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461732920042856448", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 05:04:41 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Brett Guidroz", "perferredUsername"=>"BrettGuidroz", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461732658163507201", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 05:03:38 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Yolo.", "perferredUsername"=>"Harryftmarinela", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461732261155467264", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 05:02:04 +0000 2014", "author"=>"alberto estrada", "perferredUsername"=>"impremexu2", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461732208349155328", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 05:01:51 +0000 2014", "author"=>"John", "perferredUsername"=>"mahasaijetsakri", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461731914202632192", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 05:00:41 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Samantha Ennis", "perferredUsername"=>"samemaeday", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461731497062313986", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 04:59:02 +0000 2014", "author"=>"HAPPY B'DAY DORITO", "perferredUsername"=>"CAUTIONZARRY", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}]}, "requestid"=>"fec114d0-f4e8-43fc-9259-c6fcc7826941"}
+ I, [2014-05-01T01:14:03.490020 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-05-01T01:14:03.490057 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ W, [2014-05-01T01:29:03.638974 #32088] WARN -- : Non OK Status from AI Core: {"errorlist"=>["Could not find model:Texting1"], "message"=>nil, "errorcode"=>nil, "status"=>"error", "contentlist"=>[{"content"=>"I be getting sooo pissed when my mom try to text and drive she be swerving in other peoples lane and shit trying to kill me", "contentid"=>"461738682584559616"}, {"content"=>"so driving back from the city yesterday, i get a random text from what appears to be a middle school boy...", "contentid"=>"461738598677893120"}, {"content"=>"\"Ashley never text and drive it's the most horrible thing you can do\" -my dad as he's texting and driving", "contentid"=>"461738397757759488"}, {"content"=>"RT @PressReader: One way to make the morning #commute fly by - listen to your newspaper through a text-to-speech engine while driving: http…", "contentid"=>"461737723951190017"}, {"content"=>"RT @FoodiePatutie: If I tell you I can't text you because I'm driving it's only because I'm also eating.....", "contentid"=>"461737279749226496"}, {"content"=>"For real people don't text &amp;drive ... itz really not worth it #DriveSafe #Patience", "contentid"=>"461736875980365824"}, {"content"=>"If you text and drive or don't wear a seatbelt I will personally kick your ass.", "contentid"=>"461736813137100800"}, {"content"=>".rod hate wen I text &amp; drive lols over protected ass.", "contentid"=>"461736420521304064"}, {"content"=>"they say don't text and drive, never said anything about tweeting and driving, get at me ya bish.", "contentid"=>"461735925727625216"}, {"content"=>"Someone text me saying \"Why do you bit your lip when driving?\"... Why are you creeping on me ὡ2❔❕❔", "contentid"=>"461735406392733697"}], "context"=>{"eid"=>"6", "uid"=>"Texting1", "post_details"=>[{"contentid"=>"461738682584559616", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 05:27:35 +0000 2014", "author"=>"A-Dizzle", "perferredUsername"=>"neeetttteee", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461738598677893120", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 05:27:15 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Laura", "perferredUsername"=>"imlaura98", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461738397757759488", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 05:26:27 +0000 2014", "author"=>"ashwey", "perferredUsername"=>"ashleeyakhavann", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461737723951190017", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 05:23:46 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Rachel Kwok", "perferredUsername"=>"RachelKwok_", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461737279749226496", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 05:22:00 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Cajun TV Network", "perferredUsername"=>"CajunTVNetwork", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461736875980365824", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 05:20:24 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Keith Zamora", "perferredUsername"=>"SpirantGull138", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461736813137100800", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 05:20:09 +0000 2014", "author"=>"adrienne", "perferredUsername"=>"AdyCamp16", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461736420521304064", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 05:18:35 +0000 2014", "author"=>".TRACKNATION", "perferredUsername"=>"TRUeeee_beAUTy", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461735925727625216", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 05:16:37 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Ed", "perferredUsername"=>"We_Clippy_Mane", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461735406392733697", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 05:14:34 +0000 2014", "author"=>"ميلاني أونتيفيروس", "perferredUsername"=>"aye_itsmellanie", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}]}, "requestid"=>"db1dcd18-338d-46af-83ca-2c72a7771f10"}
+ I, [2014-05-01T01:29:03.639045 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-05-01T01:29:03.639080 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ D, [2014-05-01T01:29:04.089419 #32088] DEBUG -- : Adding posts for scout_id: 27
+ D, [2014-05-01T01:29:04.089487 #32088] DEBUG -- : Refreshing users for enterprise: 5
+ D, [2014-05-01T01:29:04.097705 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Kathleen Woolrich", body: "Fight back against the Florida Republican Party's r...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:1b28b98,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:1b28760,'0.5293982549 580661E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:1b283c8,'0.9320522755 531766E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461737592447582208", ldate: "2014-05-01 05:23:15", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 05:29:04", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ I, [2014-05-01T01:29:04.107167 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records: 1
+ I, [2014-05-01T01:29:04.107210 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records Not Loaded: 0
+ I, [2014-05-01T01:29:04.107245 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-05-01T01:29:04.107276 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ W, [2014-05-01T01:44:02.870297 #32088] WARN -- : Non OK Status from AI Core: {"errorlist"=>["Could not find model:Texting1"], "message"=>nil, "errorcode"=>nil, "status"=>"error", "contentlist"=>[{"content"=>"RT @cqrcmp: Most have probably seen this video - but it seems like many need a reminder. Don't text &amp; drive. #LeaveT…", "contentid"=>"461742382031990785"}, {"content"=>"Don't text &amp; drive y'all.", "contentid"=>"461742361442516992"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461742108278521856"}, {"content"=>"RT @roadpol_east: A tragic example of what can happen when motorists \"text and drive\".\n\nDriver Dies After Posting Facebook Selfie http://t.…", "contentid"=>"461742057317728256"}, {"content"=>"What happened to being impressed that someone can text and drive?", "contentid"=>"461742012945793025"}, {"content"=>"Please don't text and drive anymore. We have all been guilty of multitasking while driving - but while we are...", "contentid"=>"461741788232159233"}, {"content"=>"Just say no. Don't drink and drive. Don't text or talk and drive. \n\nThese adds are perfect. You did all you could do, call it a day.", "contentid"=>"461741360064655360"}, {"content"=>"RT @DelaoAubinohx: I have no problem texting while driving, but I won't text while going down stairs. Hell naw. . That shit dangerous.", "contentid"=>"461741013196091392"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461740840201621504"}, {"content"=>"@kimberlymorgann I thought about driving but Drummond parking at night is insane! But I'll text you next time I lose something aka soon", "contentid"=>"461740550903701504"}, {"content"=>"RT @roadpol_east: A tragic example of what can happen when motorists \"text and drive\".\n\nDriver Dies After Posting Facebook Selfie http://t.…", "contentid"=>"461740478950428672"}, {"content"=>"Please don't text and drive #thumbsup: via @YouTube", "contentid"=>"461740442376097793"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461739737066139648"}], "context"=>{"eid"=>"6", "uid"=>"Texting1", "post_details"=>[{"contentid"=>"461742382031990785", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 05:42:17 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Walton Sip N Savour", "perferredUsername"=>"SipNSavour", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461742361442516992", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 05:42:12 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Nobody", "perferredUsername"=>"TalkOfTheCityy", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461742108278521856", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 05:41:12 +0000 2014", "author"=>"pls Niall♡", "perferredUsername"=>"FxboZouis", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461742057317728256", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 05:40:59 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Nimbus Fire", "perferredUsername"=>"NIMBUS_Fire1", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461742012945793025", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 05:40:49 +0000 2014", "author"=>"internal celebrity", "perferredUsername"=>"killfukmary", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461741788232159233", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 05:39:55 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Donna George", "perferredUsername"=>"donnageorge1234", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461741360064655360", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 05:38:13 +0000 2014", "author"=>"PB Chili", "perferredUsername"=>"DJamrog", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461741013196091392", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 05:36:50 +0000 2014", "author"=>"PitchBlack", "perferredUsername"=>"Beejay_JR", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461740840201621504", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 05:36:09 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Rizelle", "perferredUsername"=>"BheaLaudit", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461740550903701504", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 05:35:00 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Emily Williams", "perferredUsername"=>"emilykathryn24", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461740478950428672", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 05:34:43 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Debbie Beck", "perferredUsername"=>"DebbieBeck0410", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461740442376097793", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 05:34:34 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Randall Perkinson", "perferredUsername"=>"RMPerkinson", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461739737066139648", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 05:31:46 +0000 2014", "author"=>"avy too turnt", "perferredUsername"=>"fxckkyeahharry", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}]}, "requestid"=>"3200124a-b762-447f-a3be-3b3b3a60bb19"}
+ I, [2014-05-01T01:44:02.870373 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-05-01T01:44:02.870408 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ D, [2014-05-01T01:44:03.321349 #32088] DEBUG -- : Adding posts for scout_id: 27
+ D, [2014-05-01T01:44:03.322491 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Pirate News", body: "FL Governor Poll: Crist 48, Scott 38 - A new poll ...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:3d93098,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:3d92558,'0.8258000889 839934E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:3d91220,'0.8730444479 488177E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461739930150916096", ldate: "2014-05-01 05:32:32", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 05:44:03", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ I, [2014-05-01T01:44:03.337572 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records: 1
+ I, [2014-05-01T01:44:03.337614 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records Not Loaded: 0
+ I, [2014-05-01T01:44:03.337643 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-05-01T01:44:03.337671 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ W, [2014-05-01T01:59:04.780404 #32088] WARN -- : Non OK Status from AI Core: {"errorlist"=>["Could not find model:Texting1"], "message"=>nil, "errorcode"=>nil, "status"=>"error", "contentlist"=>[{"content"=>"RT @Ratchet2English: DO NOT text me while you`re driving cause im not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass is w…", "contentid"=>"461746400061972481"}, {"content"=>"So lesson of the day don't text and drive at night therefore whiskers the cat has sadly passed awayὡ4", "contentid"=>"461746378071224320"}, {"content"=>"I will never text and drive ✋ὠ9 @DonJahl", "contentid"=>"461745355835854848"}, {"content"=>"I try not to text people when I know they are driving because if they die from looking at their phone and replying that's on my soul.", "contentid"=>"461745073256808448"}, {"content"=>"#trending I don't like LA drivers they freakin SUCK!! don't freakin drive and text mofos!!! ok I feel better now, night!", "contentid"=>"461744574566649856"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461743911669493760"}, {"content"=>"I have no problem texting while driving, but I won't text while going down stairs. Hell naw. . That shit dangerous.", "contentid"=>"461743521494736896"}, {"content"=>"Just saw the craziest don't text and drive commercial. Felt so real", "contentid"=>"461743476506255361"}, {"content"=>"I have no problem texting while driving, but I won't text while going down stairs. Hell naw. . That shit dangerous.", "contentid"=>"461743309216841728"}, {"content"=>"\"U Drive U Text U Pay\" Click it or ticket #putthephonedown #safety #nhtsa #savealife #chicago #udriveutextupay #CTA", "contentid"=>"461742990130548736"}, {"content"=>"I got a ticket and I don't believe the cop... I speed, text, drive like a douche.. But I don't run red lights?!????!!!!", "contentid"=>"461742887349137408"}], "context"=>{"eid"=>"6", "uid"=>"Texting1", "post_details"=>[{"contentid"=>"461746400061972481", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 05:58:15 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Daaissy❤", "perferredUsername"=>"Daaissy_Corpuss", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461746378071224320", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 05:58:10 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Kylie Mcquivey", "perferredUsername"=>"Knigga15", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461745355835854848", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 05:54:06 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Matty Ice", "perferredUsername"=>"mattschlangen", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461745073256808448", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 05:52:58 +0000 2014", "author"=>"KPRETTY™", "perferredUsername"=>"Prettyman_Kyle", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461744574566649856", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 05:51:00 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Thorn Creative Srvs ", "perferredUsername"=>"Thorndame", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461743911669493760", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 05:48:21 +0000 2014", "author"=>"JBE BLZ", "perferredUsername"=>"KingRapUSA", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461743521494736896", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 05:46:48 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Sydony Carney ", "perferredUsername"=>"Peakgdc", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461743476506255361", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 05:46:38 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Jean ", "perferredUsername"=>"panacheimaseg", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461743309216841728", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 05:45:58 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Julia Weber ", "perferredUsername"=>"EmiliaLoyskk", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461742990130548736", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 05:44:42 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Nick Damptz", "perferredUsername"=>"GlenviewBroker", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461742887349137408", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 05:44:17 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Laura Murphy", "perferredUsername"=>"LauraMeowww", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}]}, "requestid"=>"c99da702-9edd-40cf-af7c-b8ee6dc79099"}
+ I, [2014-05-01T01:59:04.780477 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-05-01T01:59:04.780515 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ D, [2014-05-01T02:14:04.312006 #32088] DEBUG -- : Adding posts for scout_id: 27
+ D, [2014-05-01T02:14:04.312080 #32088] DEBUG -- : Refreshing users for enterprise: 5
+ D, [2014-05-01T02:14:04.320155 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Amazon News", body: "Amazon Begins Collecting Florida Taxes for Internet...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:3fdb800,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:3fdb3a0,'0.8647825443 437055E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:3fdb0f8,'0.5526620808 771205E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461746658796392448", ldate: "2014-05-01 05:59:16", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 06:14:04", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-05-01T02:14:04.332787 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "David Matza", body: "RT @JebBush: Proud to endorse @NeelKashkari, a bold...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:403f080,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:403ee28,'0.4061882149 303099E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:403ebf8,'0.9660896780 658177E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461746888182480896", ldate: "2014-05-01 06:00:11", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 06:14:04", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-05-01T02:14:04.349386 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Pricezon", body: "RT @AmazonAllNews: Amazon Begins Collecting Florida...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:408b228,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:408af80,'0.6710250962 110118E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:408ad28,'0.7007697266 869465E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461746980428189696", ldate: "2014-05-01 06:00:33", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 06:14:04", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ I, [2014-05-01T02:14:04.365245 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records: 3
+ I, [2014-05-01T02:14:04.365287 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records Not Loaded: 0
+ I, [2014-05-01T02:14:04.365315 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-05-01T02:14:04.365344 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ W, [2014-05-01T02:14:04.859464 #32088] WARN -- : Non OK Status from AI Core: {"errorlist"=>["Could not find model:Texting1"], "message"=>nil, "errorcode"=>nil, "status"=>"error", "contentlist"=>[{"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461750287196098561"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461749415795884032"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461749098186809344"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461748124390682624"}, {"content"=>"I have no problem texting while driving, but I won't text while going down stairs. That shit's dangerous.", "contentid"=>"461747971395026944"}, {"content"=>"#TrendingTopic Please don't text and drive!!! u could injure yourself &amp; others!! freakin dangerous!! pay freakin attention. thanks!", "contentid"=>"461747432401809408"}, {"content"=>"RT @Brianna_MUHree: When @deffpoetry pisses me off through text, makes me wanna drive to belmont &amp; punch him in the face .", "contentid"=>"461747339800354816"}, {"content"=>"RT @AdyCamp16: If you text and drive or don't wear a seatbelt I will personally kick your ass.", "contentid"=>"461747279364251649"}, {"content"=>"When @deffpoetry pisses me off through text, makes me wanna drive to belmont &amp; punch him in the face .", "contentid"=>"461747101144481792"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461747089748549632"}], "context"=>{"eid"=>"6", "uid"=>"Texting1", "post_details"=>[{"contentid"=>"461750287196098561", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 06:13:42 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Thiru", "perferredUsername"=>"gtkumaran6", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461749415795884032", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 06:10:14 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Tysm adidas NEO!!", "perferredUsername"=>"swaggykat2", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461749098186809344", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 06:08:58 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Seb.", "perferredUsername"=>"SebcsticnStcn", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461748124390682624", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 06:05:06 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Mai • Liam pls ♥", "perferredUsername"=>"mairalacatango", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461747971395026944", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 06:04:29 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Lulu McCarra", "perferredUsername"=>"LuluMcCarra", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461747432401809408", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 06:02:21 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Thorn Creative Srvs ", "perferredUsername"=>"Thorndame", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461747339800354816", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 06:01:59 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Explicit®", "perferredUsername"=>"deffpoetry", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461747279364251649", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 06:01:44 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Brenna Hollis", "perferredUsername"=>"BrennaHollis", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461747101144481792", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 06:01:02 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Brianna Marie", "perferredUsername"=>"Brianna_MUHree", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461747089748549632", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 06:00:59 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Jason MCcann", "perferredUsername"=>"laughingjdb", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}]}, "requestid"=>"58dd8ac7-8edd-42d9-a3d5-c43f8a0f66c1"}
+ I, [2014-05-01T02:14:04.859528 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-05-01T02:14:04.859563 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ D, [2014-05-01T02:30:03.610559 #32088] DEBUG -- : Adding posts for scout_id: 27
+ D, [2014-05-01T02:30:03.610631 #32088] DEBUG -- : Refreshing users for enterprise: 5
+ D, [2014-05-01T02:30:03.618971 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Rob Maysey", body: "Text of the proposed rewritten MMA and boxing regul...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:4106630,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:41063d8,'0.8786553085 961936E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:41060b8,'0.8050057901 186778E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461750918736654336", ldate: "2014-05-01 06:16:12", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 06:30:03", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-05-01T02:30:03.629823 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "U.S. Radio News", body: "Former Florida. Gov. Claude Kirk Dies at 85 - TALL...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:414bca8,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:414b9d8,'0.7805401555 735235E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:414b780,'0.8964914320 783213E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461753997389361152", ldate: "2014-05-01 06:28:26", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 06:30:03", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ I, [2014-05-01T02:30:03.645625 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records: 2
+ I, [2014-05-01T02:30:03.645670 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records Not Loaded: 0
+ I, [2014-05-01T02:30:03.645699 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-05-01T02:30:03.645728 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ W, [2014-05-01T02:30:04.410236 #32088] WARN -- : Non OK Status from AI Core: {"errorlist"=>["Could not find model:Texting1"], "message"=>nil, "errorcode"=>nil, "status"=>"error", "contentlist"=>[{"content"=>"RT @merisacastro: Waiting for you to text back will drive me insaneὡ4", "contentid"=>"461754151945240576"}, {"content"=>"RT @merisacastro: Waiting for you to text back will drive me insaneὡ4", "contentid"=>"461753944046194688"}, {"content"=>"@MichaelVartan don't text and drive. You are putting us all in danger.", "contentid"=>"461753751020126208"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461753620275286016"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461753549287075840"}, {"content"=>"Do you realize that your kids will emulate you? They learn faster than you realize. Don't Drink and Drive or Text while Driving!", "contentid"=>"461753485185150976"}, {"content"=>"RT @merisacastro: Waiting for you to text back will drive me insaneὡ4", "contentid"=>"461753392277102592"}, {"content"=>"They didn't have to make that text and drive commercial with the truck feel so real ... I felt that impact just by watching lol", "contentid"=>"461753229064171520"}, {"content"=>"RT @merisacastro: Waiting for you to text back will drive me insaneὡ4", "contentid"=>"461753012961026048"}, {"content"=>"Someone text me to keep me up driving home.", "contentid"=>"461753012772290560"}, {"content"=>"RT @merisacastro: Waiting for you to text back will drive me insaneὡ4", "contentid"=>"461752983630262272"}, {"content"=>"Waiting for you to text back will drive me insaneὡ4", "contentid"=>"461752677882277889"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461752657980694528"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461752029912637440"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461751750148784128"}, {"content"=>"@Bout_ThatTime oh no ὢ9 I can't drive that far lol but ima come see you while I'm home so text me", "contentid"=>"461751659589160960"}, {"content"=>"Penalties for texting while driving take effect: Motorists caught sending a text message or email while drivin...", "contentid"=>"461751617448988672"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461751545697427456"}, {"content"=>"RT @SteveStfler: I have no problem texting while driving, but I won't text while going down stairs. That shits dangerous.", "contentid"=>"461750966568910848"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461750752462258176"}], "context"=>{"eid"=>"6", "uid"=>"Texting1", "post_details"=>[{"contentid"=>"461754151945240576", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 06:29:03 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Liz Soto ❤", "perferredUsername"=>"lizzaarddd", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461753944046194688", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 06:28:13 +0000 2014", "author"=>"♡aryana", "perferredUsername"=>"HeartAryana", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461753751020126208", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 06:27:27 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Heidi Rene", "perferredUsername"=>"heidi_rene", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461753620275286016", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 06:26:56 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Isaac Garstecki", "perferredUsername"=>"garsexy88", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461753549287075840", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 06:26:39 +0000 2014", "author"=>"CameronW97", "perferredUsername"=>"CameronW970", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461753485185150976", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 06:26:24 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Public Safety East", "perferredUsername"=>"PublicSafetyEst", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461753392277102592", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 06:26:02 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Jazmine❣", "perferredUsername"=>"__jcampos", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461753229064171520", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 06:25:23 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Ron Darbouze", "perferredUsername"=>"rdarbueoz", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461753012961026048", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 06:24:31 +0000 2014", "author"=>"marisela", "perferredUsername"=>"Cutie_Love28", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461753012772290560", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 06:24:31 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Sammie Bauer", "perferredUsername"=>"SamBauer3", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461752983630262272", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 06:24:24 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Jessss.♡", "perferredUsername"=>"jesssslopez18", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461752677882277889", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 06:23:12 +0000 2014", "author"=>"merisa castro♡", "perferredUsername"=>"merisacastro", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461752657980694528", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 06:23:07 +0000 2014", "author"=>"48 days till R5", "perferredUsername"=>"olivia9399", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461752029912637440", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 06:20:37 +0000 2014", "author"=>" ♡ intan ♡ ", "perferredUsername"=>"mxstlyross", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461751750148784128", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 06:19:30 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Chez", "perferredUsername"=>"ChezisMe", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461751659589160960", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 06:19:09 +0000 2014", "author"=>".", "perferredUsername"=>"yeaSHESinnocent", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461751617448988672", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 06:18:59 +0000 2014", "author"=>"News 24h Ireland", "perferredUsername"=>"news24hirl", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461751545697427456", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 06:18:42 +0000 2014", "author"=>"not 'THE' LES GREEN", "perferredUsername"=>"lesgreen66", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461750966568910848", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 06:16:24 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Jenna ", "perferredUsername"=>"morrisjenna", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461750752462258176", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 06:15:32 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Shirley Saker", "perferredUsername"=>"shirleyr5louder", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}]}, "requestid"=>"4c432ec2-beb9-473d-ad2d-1ca4b9ea360c"}
+ I, [2014-05-01T02:30:04.410313 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-05-01T02:30:04.410347 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ D, [2014-05-01T02:45:02.904236 #32088] DEBUG -- : Adding posts for scout_id: 27
+ D, [2014-05-01T02:45:02.905363 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Ra hor akhti", body: " What a difference: Marlins.....", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:6289488,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:62891b8,'0.4595194080 427659E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:6288e20,'0.7030432626 713323E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461756385655812096", ldate: "2014-05-01 06:37:56", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 06:45:02", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-05-01T02:45:02.918602 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Thomas Goodwin", body: "RT @allvoices: Single mother in Florida dies as sta...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:66f0b70,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:66f0940,'0.6956651820 302771E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:66f0698,'0.8583001108 260321E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461756446753828864", ldate: "2014-05-01 06:38:10", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 06:45:02", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ I, [2014-05-01T02:45:02.934343 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records: 2
+ I, [2014-05-01T02:45:02.934385 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records Not Loaded: 0
+ I, [2014-05-01T02:45:02.934415 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-05-01T02:45:02.934444 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ W, [2014-05-01T02:45:03.424637 #32088] WARN -- : Non OK Status from AI Core: {"errorlist"=>["Could not find model:Texting1"], "message"=>nil, "errorcode"=>nil, "status"=>"error", "contentlist"=>[{"content"=>"Nigga tryna glide and drive like boy just text me ὠ2ὢ9", "contentid"=>"461758081060200448"}, {"content"=>"Since he want take forever to text backὡ2bouta drive him", "contentid"=>"461758052778389504"}, {"content"=>"RT @Nshahaha: @Hasifah___ @KidiWiddy @Trahaha15 Drive safe. Text me bijes. Love u danny!", "contentid"=>"461757965997834240"}, {"content"=>"so driving back from the city yesterday, i get a random text from what appears to be a middle school boy...", "contentid"=>"461757959052488704"}, {"content"=>"@Hasifah___ @KidiWiddy @Trahaha15 Drive safe. Text me bijes. Love u danny!", "contentid"=>"461757464573001728"}, {"content"=>"@Gutta_Melo my friend is driving me so text me and we will talk", "contentid"=>"461756942864887808"}, {"content"=>"I have no problem texting while driving, but I won't text while going down stairs. Hell naw. . That shit dangerous.", "contentid"=>"461756883368304640"}, {"content"=>"RT @arinaaghaffar: “@Fact: Please, don't text and drive:” and take selfie too ὡD @youareherllich", "contentid"=>"461756688337350656"}, {"content"=>"\"I drive you crazy when I text back.. I drive you cray cray when I dont text back.\" My life.", "contentid"=>"461756610990579712"}, {"content"=>"@doeboy_111 I ain't shit bro. This nigga sleep and the road mad open so I got bored and refused to drive. I'd rather text.", "contentid"=>"461756491394191360"}, {"content"=>"I have no problem texting while driving, but I won't text while going down stairs. Hell naw. . That shit dangerous.", "contentid"=>"461755152505245697"}, {"content"=>"“@SamBauer3: Someone text me to keep me up driving home.” That doesn't sound very safe Sammie. Lol ὠ2", "contentid"=>"461754686152785920"}, {"content"=>"I have no problem texting while driving, but I won't text while going down stairs. Hell naw. . That shit dangerous.", "contentid"=>"461754585325920256"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461754572025761792"}, {"content"=>"I'm not gonna text you but I get out of work at 3 am taking Jen to lunch then you can drive me to work \nSo you text me", "contentid"=>"461754371106037760"}], "context"=>{"eid"=>"6", "uid"=>"Texting1", "post_details"=>[{"contentid"=>"461758081060200448", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 06:44:40 +0000 2014", "author"=>"PMB", "perferredUsername"=>"PrettyRem_", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461758052778389504", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 06:44:33 +0000 2014", "author"=>"♍️®eion", "perferredUsername"=>"DrakeRealWife_", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461757965997834240", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 06:44:12 +0000 2014", "author"=>"athirah huzaisham", "perferredUsername"=>"Trahaha15", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461757959052488704", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 06:44:11 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Lil Miss Fiasco", "perferredUsername"=>"LilMissFiasco", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461757464573001728", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 06:42:13 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Nursyazwan", "perferredUsername"=>"Nshahaha", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461756942864887808", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 06:40:08 +0000 2014", "author"=>"The REAL GUTTA Meg", "perferredUsername"=>"GuttaMeg", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461756883368304640", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 06:39:54 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Little Missy", "perferredUsername"=>"LazarusTrailniw", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461756688337350656", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 06:39:08 +0000 2014", "author"=>" fi", "perferredUsername"=>"Syahfinoo", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461756610990579712", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 06:38:49 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Sabrina Smith", "perferredUsername"=>"Brielerina", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461756491394191360", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 06:38:21 +0000 2014", "author"=>"REALA THAN MOST", "perferredUsername"=>"Reala_than_most", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461755152505245697", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 06:33:02 +0000 2014", "author"=>"(:", "perferredUsername"=>"Seifertdom", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461754686152785920", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 06:31:10 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Erin Collier", "perferredUsername"=>"erincollier10", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461754585325920256", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 06:30:46 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Meghan Golden ", "perferredUsername"=>"PiferHobbyglb", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461754572025761792", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 06:30:43 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Valerie.", "perferredUsername"=>"Vroseperez", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461754371106037760", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 06:29:55 +0000 2014", "author"=>"YourFriendDillon", "perferredUsername"=>"Dillonlaw23", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}]}, "requestid"=>"cf5f60f5-80b8-445d-a12b-440886b6ecee"}
+ I, [2014-05-01T02:45:03.424706 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-05-01T02:45:03.424739 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ D, [2014-05-01T03:00:04.230264 #32088] DEBUG -- : Adding posts for scout_id: 27
+ D, [2014-05-01T03:00:04.230335 #32088] DEBUG -- : Refreshing users for enterprise: 5
+ D, [2014-05-01T03:00:04.238348 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Amazon", body: "Amazon Begins Collecting Florida Taxes for Internet...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:6b2fd08,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:6b2fab0,'0.8647825443 437055E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:6b2f808,'0.5526620808 771205E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461761000572989440", ldate: "2014-05-01 06:56:16", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 07:00:04", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ I, [2014-05-01T03:00:04.248167 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records: 1
+ I, [2014-05-01T03:00:04.248210 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records Not Loaded: 0
+ I, [2014-05-01T03:00:04.248240 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-05-01T03:00:04.248269 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ W, [2014-05-01T03:00:05.091115 #32088] WARN -- : Non OK Status from AI Core: {"errorlist"=>["Could not find model:Texting1"], "message"=>nil, "errorcode"=>nil, "status"=>"error", "contentlist"=>[{"content"=>"No text or email when driving is the mantra from @BreakfastNT this morning. Twitter, Facebook etc all fine. It's 2004..", "contentid"=>"461761798371557376"}, {"content"=>"RT @Louis_Tomlinson: Help spread the word that no text is worth a life. Take a pledge &amp; join the movement at Textin…", "contentid"=>"461761419923689472"}, {"content"=>"DO NOT TEXT ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVING I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass is wrapped around a tree.", "contentid"=>"461761310074875904"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461761241321848832"}, {"content"=>"RT @_ElyseCee: I do not text people while they driving I be so scared for they life", "contentid"=>"461761221562101760"}, {"content"=>"I do not text people while they driving I be so scared for they life", "contentid"=>"461760895597957120"}, {"content"=>"@MichaelVeggies I drive my car for bae and only text bae but she's still like nah", "contentid"=>"461760758670323712"}, {"content"=>"so driving back from the city yesterday, i get a random text from what appears to be a middle school boy...", "contentid"=>"461760622099984384"}, {"content"=>"RT @OTS_CA: Texting increases your chance of getting into an accident by 23%. Don't vtext and drive, it's not worth it. #DistractedDriving", "contentid"=>"461760304355872768"}, {"content"=>"@youknowitsjocko I don't even know what driving is. I'm expecting in n out on my doorstep soon, I'll text you my order", "contentid"=>"461760195878592512"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461760164358397953"}, {"content"=>"I have no problem texting while driving, but I won't text while going down stairs. Hell naw. . That shit dangerous.", "contentid"=>"461759788775657472"}, {"content"=>"RT @ImThe_NextTONY: Come text drive my new car @HeEatingMe_", "contentid"=>"461759650384187393"}, {"content"=>"Come text drive my new car @HeEatingMe_", "contentid"=>"461759618499104769"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461759577760235520"}, {"content"=>"@SamBauer3 you shouldn't text and drive!", "contentid"=>"461759457643343872"}, {"content"=>"I have no problem texting while driving, but I won't text while going down stairs. Hell naw. . That shit dangerous.", "contentid"=>"461759218580979712"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461759108245635072"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461758898173509632"}, {"content"=>"DO NOT TEXT ME WHILE YOU’RE\nDRIVING I’m not trying to be the last\nunfinished message they find when\nyour ass is wrapped around a tree.", "contentid"=>"461758280503939072"}], "context"=>{"eid"=>"6", "uid"=>"Texting1", "post_details"=>[{"contentid"=>"461761798371557376", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 06:59:26 +0000 2014", "author"=>"ivansantry", "perferredUsername"=>"ivansantry", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461761419923689472", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 06:57:56 +0000 2014", "author"=>"il cambiamento", "perferredUsername"=>"AlessiaHoxha", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461761310074875904", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 06:57:30 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Ilana the Crazy!", "perferredUsername"=>"__epidemic_", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461761241321848832", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 06:57:13 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Jonathan Rees", "perferredUsername"=>"reesdumpling", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461761221562101760", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 06:57:09 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Tone.", "perferredUsername"=>"h8tone", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461760895597957120", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 06:55:51 +0000 2014", "author"=>"$.", "perferredUsername"=>"_ElyseCee", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461760758670323712", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 06:55:18 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Fuckboy Chris", "perferredUsername"=>"swaggy_c01", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461760622099984384", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 06:54:46 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Kelsey Miller", "perferredUsername"=>"KelseyM60898599", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461760304355872768", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 06:53:30 +0000 2014", "author"=>"LAPD Mission", "perferredUsername"=>"LAPDMission", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461760195878592512", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 06:53:04 +0000 2014", "author"=>"• Makenna Green •", "perferredUsername"=>"Makenna_LeeAnn", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461760164358397953", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 06:52:56 +0000 2014", "author"=>"mr joe", "perferredUsername"=>"joeyy770", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461759788775657472", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 06:51:27 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Maddison Emma ", "perferredUsername"=>"Riordanmvg", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461759650384187393", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 06:50:54 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Jazmine", "perferredUsername"=>"HeEatingMe_", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461759618499104769", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 06:50:46 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Tony", "perferredUsername"=>"ImThe_NextTONY", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461759577760235520", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 06:50:37 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Stu", "perferredUsername"=>"ArkadenSniper", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461759457643343872", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 06:50:08 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Brent Hartman", "perferredUsername"=>"MrBangBangg", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461759218580979712", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 06:49:11 +0000 2014", "author"=>"BethanyErin ", "perferredUsername"=>"Whetstonexgq", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461759108245635072", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 06:48:45 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Peter", "perferredUsername"=>"SkinnyPete14", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461758898173509632", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 06:47:55 +0000 2014", "author"=>"l°lly", "perferredUsername"=>"fuckshitwhore_", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461758280503939072", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 06:45:27 +0000 2014", "author"=>"#The_Wolf_Of_Stoners", "perferredUsername"=>"StoanDuma", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}]}, "requestid"=>"57bae818-7e1b-4789-a04a-132433174e4c"}
+ I, [2014-05-01T03:00:05.091197 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-05-01T03:00:05.091231 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ W, [2014-05-01T03:15:05.040502 #32088] WARN -- : Non OK Status from AI Core: {"errorlist"=>["Could not find model:Texting1"], "message"=>nil, "errorcode"=>nil, "status"=>"error", "contentlist"=>[{"content"=>"RT @OTS_CA: Texting increases your chance of getting into an accident by 23%. Don't text and drive, it's not worth it. #DistractedDriving", "contentid"=>"461765673648021504"}, {"content"=>"Texting increases your chance of getting into an accident by 23%. Don't text and drive, it's not worth it. #DistractedDriving”", "contentid"=>"461765667507552257"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461765638751404032"}, {"content"=>"RT @Prettyman_Kyle: I try not to text people when I know they are driving because if they die from looking at their phone and replying that…", "contentid"=>"461765091197591553"}, {"content"=>"RT @OTS_CA: Texting increases your chance of getting into an accident by 23%. Don't text and drive, it's not worth it. #DistractedDriving", "contentid"=>"461764543274680320"}, {"content"=>"RT @LASDQuiana: U Drive, U text, U Pay! #LASD Crackdown on Texting &amp; Cell Use While Driving. April: Nat'l Distracted Driving Month.\nhttp://…", "contentid"=>"461763775012413440"}, {"content"=>"I have no problem texting while driving, but I won't text while going down stairs. Hell naw. . That shit dangerous.", "contentid"=>"461762738415763456"}, {"content"=>"Don't Text 'n Drive! Now officially and specifically banned in Ireland - (pdf)", "contentid"=>"461762547503595520"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461762180057014272"}], "context"=>{"eid"=>"6", "uid"=>"Texting1", "post_details"=>[{"contentid"=>"461765673648021504", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 07:14:50 +0000 2014", "author"=>"#PrayForTyler", "perferredUsername"=>"KyleMason943", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461765667507552257", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 07:14:48 +0000 2014", "author"=>"#PrayForTyler", "perferredUsername"=>"KyleMason943", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461765638751404032", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 07:14:42 +0000 2014", "author"=>"WOODSON LIKE", "perferredUsername"=>"PROLIKEWOODSON", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461765091197591553", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 07:12:31 +0000 2014", "author"=>"kaysie culbertson", "perferredUsername"=>"kaysielynn13", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461764543274680320", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 07:10:20 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Chief Zipperman", "perferredUsername"=>"LASchoolPolice", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461763775012413440", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 07:07:17 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Gustavo Gutierrez™", "perferredUsername"=>"gusjournalist", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461762738415763456", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 07:03:10 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Mallory Danna ", "perferredUsername"=>"FreeseLeazep", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461762547503595520", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 07:02:25 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Sven van der Meer", "perferredUsername"=>"vdmeersven", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461762180057014272", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 07:00:57 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Ben Smail", "perferredUsername"=>"bennysmail18", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}]}, "requestid"=>"bf251141-f7cd-409c-b54b-fe2a5af076da"}
+ I, [2014-05-01T03:15:05.040571 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-05-01T03:15:05.040605 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ D, [2014-05-01T03:30:03.734373 #32088] DEBUG -- : Adding posts for scout_id: 27
+ D, [2014-05-01T03:30:03.734444 #32088] DEBUG -- : Refreshing users for enterprise: 5
+ D, [2014-05-01T03:30:03.742119 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Streaming TV", body: "#Amazon Amazon Begins Collecting Florida Taxes for ...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:6c0a840,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:6c0a610,'0.8858141585 90992E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:6c0a390,'0.6239374267 78747E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461766799470497792", ldate: "2014-05-01 07:19:18", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 07:30:03", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ I, [2014-05-01T03:30:03.750809 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records: 1
+ I, [2014-05-01T03:30:03.750850 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records Not Loaded: 0
+ I, [2014-05-01T03:30:03.750879 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-05-01T03:30:03.750906 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ W, [2014-05-01T03:30:04.357419 #32088] WARN -- : Non OK Status from AI Core: {"errorlist"=>["Could not find model:Texting1"], "message"=>nil, "errorcode"=>nil, "status"=>"error", "contentlist"=>[{"content"=>"DO NOT TEXT ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVING I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass is wrapped around a tree.", "contentid"=>"461768496264011776"}, {"content"=>"I have no problem texting while driving, but I won't text while going down stairs. Hell naw. . That shit dangerous.", "contentid"=>"461768189379354624"}, {"content"=>"RT @NewstalkFM: This morning: Adams under arrest; Airrage incident at Ennis court and new penaltiies for drive-text or emailing…", "contentid"=>"461767490079821824"}, {"content"=>"Penalties for texting while driving take effect: Motorists caught sending a text message or email while drivin...", "contentid"=>"461767232909881344"}, {"content"=>"Penalties for texting while driving take effect: Motorists caught sending a text message or email while drivin...", "contentid"=>"461767232117174272"}, {"content"=>"This morning: Adams under arrest; Airrage incident at Ennis court and new penaltiies for drive-text or emailing #ntfm", "contentid"=>"461766958875418624"}, {"content"=>"I have no problem texting while driving, but I won't text while going down stairs. Hell naw. . That shit dangerous.", "contentid"=>"461766950340018176"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461766337216675840"}, {"content"=>"@KiminalKiminax alright, take care bro, drive safe. Dont text and drive nigg", "contentid"=>"461766025327808512"}, {"content"=>"I have no problem texting while driving, but I won't text while going down stairs. Hell naw. . That shit dangerous.", "contentid"=>"461765871153594368"}, {"content"=>"So many incorrect headlines on radio about text driving ban. \"Bans accessing info on your phone\", wrong. \"Even using handsfree\", wrong.", "contentid"=>"461765856788492288"}], "context"=>{"eid"=>"6", "uid"=>"Texting1", "post_details"=>[{"contentid"=>"461768496264011776", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 07:26:03 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Daniella SkiLLet", "perferredUsername"=>"nucIeates", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461768189379354624", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 07:24:50 +0000 2014", "author"=>"RaChelle", "perferredUsername"=>"Prietose", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461767490079821824", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 07:22:03 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Karol Jackson OShea ", "perferredUsername"=>"menapiaproperti", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461767232909881344", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 07:21:02 +0000 2014", "author"=>"News 24h Ireland", "perferredUsername"=>"news24hirl", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461767232117174272", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 07:21:02 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Directories", "perferredUsername"=>"DirectoriesIRL", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461766958875418624", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 07:19:56 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Newstalk 106-108fm", "perferredUsername"=>"NewstalkFM", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461766950340018176", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 07:19:54 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Mitch Tomkins ", "perferredUsername"=>"Hazeluuq", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461766337216675840", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 07:17:28 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Kelly", "perferredUsername"=>"exenders", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461766025327808512", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 07:16:14 +0000 2014", "author"=>"", "perferredUsername"=>"FaliqNazari", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461765871153594368", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 07:15:37 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Ivonne ", "perferredUsername"=>"Machadoyhg", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461765856788492288", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 07:15:34 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Rossa McMahon", "perferredUsername"=>"rossamcmahon", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}]}, "requestid"=>"f5d78d68-471b-4917-b1df-b5b4cbe1fe07"}
+ I, [2014-05-01T03:30:04.357487 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-05-01T03:30:04.357520 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ W, [2014-05-01T03:45:04.392442 #32088] WARN -- : Non OK Status from AI Core: {"errorlist"=>["Could not find model:Texting1"], "message"=>nil, "errorcode"=>nil, "status"=>"error", "contentlist"=>[{"content"=>"RT @VuReichertzva: I have no problem texting while driving, but I won't text while going down stairs. Hell naw. . That shit dangerous.", "contentid"=>"461772588306268160"}, {"content"=>"Cop Rarri's ion text drive em! Ὡ7", "contentid"=>"461771635532374016"}, {"content"=>"I have no problem texting while driving, but I won't text while going down stairs. Hell naw. . That shit dangerous.", "contentid"=>"461770974019743744"}, {"content"=>"Even though that driving instructor text clearly isn't real, it made me laugh so much", "contentid"=>"461770745052688384"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461770557747240960"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461770271184023552"}, {"content"=>"Lol @inigoroda_ we can really jus have this convo thru text. Drive safe tomorrow!!! And bring a ready liver!!!", "contentid"=>"461770191467069440"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461770069102432257"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461769712683450368"}], "context"=>{"eid"=>"6", "uid"=>"Texting1", "post_details"=>[{"contentid"=>"461772588306268160", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 07:42:19 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Fatihah♕", "perferredUsername"=>"_Imnotfabz_", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461771635532374016", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 07:38:31 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Kayshon Carter", "perferredUsername"=>"labelmefresh_", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461770974019743744", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 07:35:54 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Dany Jijon", "perferredUsername"=>"VuReichertzva", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461770745052688384", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 07:34:59 +0000 2014", "author"=>"JadeEvangeline", "perferredUsername"=>"JadeEvangeline", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461770557747240960", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 07:34:14 +0000 2014", "author"=>"[maleficent]", "perferredUsername"=>"scarletjinx14", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461770271184023552", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 07:33:06 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Billy Wijaya", "perferredUsername"=>"BillyW_SC", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461770191467069440", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 07:32:47 +0000 2014", "author"=>"CT", "perferredUsername"=>"chuckT523", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461770069102432257", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 07:32:18 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Billy Wijaya", "perferredUsername"=>"BillyW_SC", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461769712683450368", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 07:30:53 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Symm", "perferredUsername"=>"NorsyamimiMNsr", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}]}, "requestid"=>"c530ddbc-2f7b-4688-9cf3-306bca459886"}
+ I, [2014-05-01T03:45:04.392510 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-05-01T03:45:04.392544 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ D, [2014-05-01T04:00:05.296698 #32088] DEBUG -- : Adding posts for scout_id: 27
+ D, [2014-05-01T04:00:05.296771 #32088] DEBUG -- : Refreshing users for enterprise: 5
+ D, [2014-05-01T04:00:05.304470 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Melody A. Heilmann", body: "Group Bashing Charlie Crist Vows It's Not A Conserv...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:6cd3ec0,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:6cd3c90,'0.7596934426 445241E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:6cd3a60,'0.8383262387 030064E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461774245454807040", ldate: "2014-05-01 07:48:54", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 08:00:05", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-05-01T04:00:05.320924 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Streaming TV", body: "#Amazon Amazon Begins Collecting Florida Taxes for ...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:6d3f990,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:6d3f760,'0.8858141585 90992E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:6d3f508,'0.6239374267 78747E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461774574527328257", ldate: "2014-05-01 07:50:12", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 08:00:05", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-05-01T04:00:05.337596 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Alessandro Gelke", body: "RT @MMAFA: Text of the proposed rewritten MMA and b...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:6da6ed8,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:6da6c80,'0.7236561127 96687E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:6da6a50,'0.8828714636 943371E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461775651104489473", ldate: "2014-05-01 07:54:29", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 08:00:05", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ I, [2014-05-01T04:00:05.353375 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records: 3
+ I, [2014-05-01T04:00:05.353419 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records Not Loaded: 0
+ I, [2014-05-01T04:00:05.353448 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-05-01T04:00:05.353477 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ W, [2014-05-01T04:00:05.906749 #32088] WARN -- : Non OK Status from AI Core: {"errorlist"=>["Could not find model:Texting1"], "message"=>nil, "errorcode"=>nil, "status"=>"error", "contentlist"=>[{"content"=>"@ChallyMoo 5 min sitting and no text received drive me crazy..hha", "contentid"=>"461776508453806081"}, {"content"=>"Text Your Wife Into Bed: Presentation reveals a weird but effective method for waking up your wife's sex drive.", "contentid"=>"461775597287383042"}, {"content"=>"No Call, Text, Tweet or email can ever be too important when you're DRIVING. Don't trade ur #SAFETY and #LIFE for them. Its not worth it #TB", "contentid"=>"461775443121934338"}, {"content"=>"DO NOT TEXT ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVING I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass is wrapped around a tree.", "contentid"=>"461775290075983873"}, {"content"=>"DO NOT TEXT ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVING I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass is wrapped around a tree.", "contentid"=>"461775274515120128"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461774524212469760"}, {"content"=>"Do you realize that your kids will emulate you? They learn faster than you realize. Don't Drink and Drive or Text while Driving!", "contentid"=>"461774409095606272"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461773913295683585"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461773245033631744"}], "context"=>{"eid"=>"6", "uid"=>"Texting1", "post_details"=>[{"contentid"=>"461776508453806081", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 07:57:53 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Finn", "perferredUsername"=>"mynameisaeris", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461775597287383042", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 07:54:16 +0000 2014", "author"=>"John", "perferredUsername"=>"mahasaijetsakri", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461775443121934338", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 07:53:39 +0000 2014", "author"=>"TRAFFICBUTTER APP", "perferredUsername"=>"trafficbutter", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461775290075983873", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 07:53:03 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Sarah Murphy", "perferredUsername"=>"utiIitarian", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461775274515120128", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 07:52:59 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Elissa WreckS", "perferredUsername"=>"regard___lol", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461774524212469760", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 07:50:00 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Allie", "perferredUsername"=>"alessandreaaa", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461774409095606272", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 07:49:33 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Public Safety East", "perferredUsername"=>"PublicSafetyEst", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461773913295683585", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 07:47:34 +0000 2014", "author"=>"", "perferredUsername"=>"asyrffdl", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461773245033631744", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 07:44:55 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Ishi ♡♡", "perferredUsername"=>"zouis1D__", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}]}, "requestid"=>"62b43288-c7fa-4e43-8929-425bc56ad742"}
+ I, [2014-05-01T04:00:05.906818 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-05-01T04:00:05.906852 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ W, [2014-05-01T04:15:06.209879 #32088] WARN -- : Non OK Status from AI Core: {"errorlist"=>["Could not find model:Texting1"], "message"=>nil, "errorcode"=>nil, "status"=>"error", "contentlist"=>[{"content"=>"Text message marketing is an easy, cost-effective way to drive more business. Go to to learn more.", "contentid"=>"461780386570190848"}, {"content"=>"@Felicetta7 oh so cute..Feli,i hope it didnt drink text n drive..hahaha", "contentid"=>"461780119317540864"}, {"content"=>"Please remember...not to text &amp; drive, to buckle up and make it a safe one!", "contentid"=>"461779615993049088"}, {"content"=>"Frm 2day u can bankrupt the country and &amp; do community service or u can text while driving and get 3months in #jail &amp; 1k fine #Ireland #wtf", "contentid"=>"461779501056544768"}, {"content"=>"RT @trafficbutter: No Call, Text, Tweet or email can ever be too important when you're DRIVING. Don't trade ur #SAFETY and #LIFE for them. …", "contentid"=>"461778852092846080"}, {"content"=>"I have no problem texting while driving, but I won't text while going down stairs. That shits dangerous.", "contentid"=>"461778272259698688"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461778039626416128"}, {"content"=>"@JoseWithAnF don't text and drive", "contentid"=>"461777625682563072"}], "context"=>{"eid"=>"6", "uid"=>"Texting1", "post_details"=>[{"contentid"=>"461780386570190848", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 08:13:18 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Nessie ", "perferredUsername"=>"RealReader19", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461780119317540864", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 08:12:14 +0000 2014", "author"=>"khaira najwa", "perferredUsername"=>"NajwaMariami", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461779615993049088", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 08:10:14 +0000 2014", "author"=>"CBS46", "perferredUsername"=>"CBS46Traffic", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461779501056544768", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 08:09:47 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Damien Conway", "perferredUsername"=>"DamienConway", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461778852092846080", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 08:07:12 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Arowolo Jelil O.", "perferredUsername"=>"zukky04", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461778272259698688", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 08:04:54 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Aubrey", "perferredUsername"=>"oconnoraubrey", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461778039626416128", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 08:03:58 +0000 2014", "author"=>"fey", "perferredUsername"=>"iknowyoufey", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461777625682563072", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 08:02:20 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Lucas Pareto", "perferredUsername"=>"lucas_954", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}]}, "requestid"=>"660c18cb-8600-4c3d-ac79-a9acf132612b"}
+ I, [2014-05-01T04:15:06.209948 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-05-01T04:15:06.209982 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ D, [2014-05-01T04:30:05.780421 #32088] DEBUG -- : Adding posts for scout_id: 27
+ D, [2014-05-01T04:30:05.780494 #32088] DEBUG -- : Refreshing users for enterprise: 5
+ D, [2014-05-01T04:30:05.788541 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "New Current News", body: "Republican David Jolly Defeats Democrat Alex Sink I...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:6e76318,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:6e760e8,'0.6730169016 655186E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:6e75eb8,'0.9267394750 759193E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461780799902081024", ldate: "2014-05-01 08:14:56", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 08:30:05", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-05-01T04:30:05.798651 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Streaming TV", body: "#Amazon Amazon Begins Collecting Florida Taxes for ...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:6eddb30,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:6edd900,'0.8858141585 90992E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:6edd6a8,'0.6239374267 78747E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461782499392114688", ldate: "2014-05-01 08:21:42", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 08:30:05", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ I, [2014-05-01T04:30:05.814315 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records: 2
+ I, [2014-05-01T04:30:05.814367 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records Not Loaded: 0
+ I, [2014-05-01T04:30:05.814397 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-05-01T04:30:05.814425 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ W, [2014-05-01T04:30:06.374114 #32088] WARN -- : Non OK Status from AI Core: {"errorlist"=>["Could not find model:Texting1"], "message"=>nil, "errorcode"=>nil, "status"=>"error", "contentlist"=>[{"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461784107656048640"}, {"content"=>"I have no problem texting while driving, but I won't text while going down stairs. Hell naw. . That shit dangerous.", "contentid"=>"461784088773279744"}, {"content"=>"RT @Nshahaha: @Hasifah___ @KidiWiddy @Trahaha15 Drive safe. Text me bijes. Love u danny!", "contentid"=>"461784056175153152"}, {"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461783479005769728"}, {"content"=>"Texting-while-driving $50-fine in tentatice budget deal -", "contentid"=>"461782603692257280"}, {"content"=>"This is what happens when you text (or post updates) and drive! So don't! It's not entertaining, it's stupid!", "contentid"=>"461782299953332225"}, {"content"=>"They say you shouldn't text and drive, but don't even think of texting while walking because I will bump you!", "contentid"=>"461781765531922432"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461781698934738944"}, {"content"=>"The worst part about working this early is not having anyone to text while I drive to work ὠ2", "contentid"=>"461781611873587200"}], "context"=>{"eid"=>"6", "uid"=>"Texting1", "post_details"=>[{"contentid"=>"461784107656048640", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 08:28:05 +0000 2014", "author"=>"PAPIOLAZIR", "perferredUsername"=>"zalzalzal_zal", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461784088773279744", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 08:28:00 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Lauryn Chayce ", "perferredUsername"=>"SouthClantonlfn", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461784056175153152", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 08:27:53 +0000 2014", "author"=>"NurHasifah", "perferredUsername"=>"Hasifah___", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461783479005769728", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 08:25:35 +0000 2014", "author"=>"4HUNNID", "perferredUsername"=>"CameOutDaWater", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461782603692257280", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 08:22:06 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Text Me Now", "perferredUsername"=>"Text_Me_Now", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461782299953332225", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 08:20:54 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Tania Pires", "perferredUsername"=>"TaniaCPires", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461781765531922432", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 08:18:47 +0000 2014", "author"=>"∞ηåbεεlåњ∞", "perferredUsername"=>"shehnaz_sahib", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461781698934738944", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 08:18:31 +0000 2014", "author"=>"@truckmanphil", "perferredUsername"=>"truckmanphil", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461781611873587200", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 08:18:10 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Steven Conley", "perferredUsername"=>"SteveConley35", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}]}, "requestid"=>"871680a1-5207-484e-aa81-209dc39d077c"}
+ I, [2014-05-01T04:30:06.374175 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-05-01T04:30:06.374209 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ W, [2014-05-01T04:45:06.758714 #32088] WARN -- : Non OK Status from AI Core: {"errorlist"=>["Could not find model:Texting1"], "message"=>nil, "errorcode"=>nil, "status"=>"error", "contentlist"=>[{"content"=>"RT @GrownAssMidget: DO NOT TEXT\u1F4F2 ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVINGὩ8!I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass wrappeda…", "contentid"=>"461787568833851392"}, {"content"=>"I have no problem texting while driving, but I won't text while going down stairs. Hell naw. . That shit dangerous.", "contentid"=>"461787264318574592"}, {"content"=>"You are two times more likely to crash if you text while you're driving. Don't text &amp; drive! @ #HondaSafety", "contentid"=>"461785834073886720"}, {"content"=>"Me : don't text and drive bitch.\nBro : shut the fuck up.", "contentid"=>"461784577992716288"}], "context"=>{"eid"=>"6", "uid"=>"Texting1", "post_details"=>[{"contentid"=>"461787568833851392", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 08:41:50 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Siza zondi", "perferredUsername"=>"sizakele_zondi", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461787264318574592", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 08:40:38 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Lexi Jonas ", "perferredUsername"=>"Dennardnnx", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461785834073886720", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 08:34:57 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Doyle Motors", "perferredUsername"=>"DoyleMotors", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461784577992716288", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 08:29:57 +0000 2014", "author"=>"pibz", "perferredUsername"=>"pinn_pibz", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}]}, "requestid"=>"4405f64e-b350-494e-a527-d9171a38dd91"}
+ I, [2014-05-01T04:45:06.758770 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-05-01T04:45:06.758803 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ D, [2014-05-01T05:00:06.250168 #32088] DEBUG -- : Adding posts for scout_id: 27
+ D, [2014-05-01T05:00:06.250241 #32088] DEBUG -- : Refreshing users for enterprise: 5
+ D, [2014-05-01T05:00:06.258253 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Streaming TV", body: "#Amazon Amazon Begins Collecting Florida Taxes for ...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:6fa7318,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:6fa70e8,'0.8858141585 90992E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:6fa6eb8,'0.6239374267 78747E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461790100670517248", ldate: "2014-05-01 08:51:54", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 09:00:06", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ I, [2014-05-01T05:00:06.266918 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records: 1
+ I, [2014-05-01T05:00:06.266960 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records Not Loaded: 0
+ I, [2014-05-01T05:00:06.266989 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-05-01T05:00:06.267018 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ W, [2014-05-01T05:00:06.568071 #32088] WARN -- : Non OK Status from AI Core: {"errorlist"=>["Could not find model:Texting1"], "message"=>nil, "errorcode"=>nil, "status"=>"error", "contentlist"=>[{"content"=>"Friends and fam on here! Please don't text and drive! You'll never know what will happen!! Please....", "contentid"=>"461791942959837185"}, {"content"=>"RT @Lale_Ora: Please, don't text and drive", "contentid"=>"461791679444316160"}, {"content"=>"Text message marketing is an easy, cost-effective way to drive more business. Go to to learn more.", "contentid"=>"461791365589127168"}, {"content"=>"DO NOT TEXT ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVING I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass is wrapped around a tree.", "contentid"=>"461791061204295680"}, {"content"=>"One way around these new text n' drive laws ? Learn to text with your feet. Or nose. Or tongue. Or...", "contentid"=>"461790453818753024"}, {"content"=>"I have no problem texting while driving, but I won't text while going down stairs. Hell naw. . That shit dangerous.", "contentid"=>"461789250774925312"}], "context"=>{"eid"=>"6", "uid"=>"Texting1", "post_details"=>[{"contentid"=>"461791942959837185", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 08:59:13 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Lynduh Le", "perferredUsername"=>"LynduhLe", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461791679444316160", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 08:58:10 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Bubblyarianator", "perferredUsername"=>"ShayHattie", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461791365589127168", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 08:56:55 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Daria A.", "perferredUsername"=>"2cuteDollRoll", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461791061204295680", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 08:55:43 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Ari Follows You", "perferredUsername"=>"youN3W_", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461790453818753024", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 08:53:18 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Will Leahy", "perferredUsername"=>"willleahy", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461789250774925312", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 08:48:31 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Whitney ♡ ∞ ", "perferredUsername"=>"WillisRogersbtq", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}]}, "requestid"=>"d6057494-ac87-41e2-94c6-87f127e21255"}
+ I, [2014-05-01T05:00:06.568136 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-05-01T05:00:06.568170 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ D, [2014-05-01T05:15:05.681054 #32088] DEBUG -- : Adding posts for scout_id: 27
+ D, [2014-05-01T05:15:05.682173 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Richard Earl", body: "Amazon Begins Collecting Florida Taxes for Internet...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:70267a8,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:7026528,'0.8758318797 586186E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:70262f8,'0.5901270018 784091E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461792206551257088", ldate: "2014-05-01 09:00:16", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 09:15:05", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-05-01T05:15:05.698424 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "ricardo pato ", body: "Republican David Jolly Wins Florida Congressional R...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:7091cd8,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:7091aa8,'0.7527739204 055074E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:7091828,'0.8584910319 319755E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461792506837872640", ldate: "2014-05-01 09:01:27", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 09:15:05", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-05-01T05:15:05.715004 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Jax Florida", body: "RT @CRWNofSJC: St. Johns County Republican Assembly...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:70fd438,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:70fd208,'0.5656044374 524974E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:70fcfd8,'0.9210747732 843286E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461794807565012992", ldate: "2014-05-01 09:10:36", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 09:15:05", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ I, [2014-05-01T05:15:05.730762 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records: 3
+ I, [2014-05-01T05:15:05.730813 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records Not Loaded: 0
+ I, [2014-05-01T05:15:05.730842 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-05-01T05:15:05.730871 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ W, [2014-05-01T05:15:06.430136 #32088] WARN -- : Non OK Status from AI Core: {"errorlist"=>["Could not find model:Texting1"], "message"=>nil, "errorcode"=>nil, "status"=>"error", "contentlist"=>[{"content"=>"RT @FineGael: New road safety regulations: From today, it is illegal to SMS text or access information while driving:…", "contentid"=>"461795537000595456"}, {"content"=>"RT @FineGael: New road safety regulations: From today, it is illegal to SMS text or access information while driving:…", "contentid"=>"461795099543093248"}, {"content"=>"@fergtheiceburg I can't drive and I can barely text. I should be given a €1,000 reward if I somehow manage both simultaneously.", "contentid"=>"461794229443121152"}, {"content"=>"RT @FineGael: New road safety regulations: From today, it is illegal to SMS text or access information while driving:…", "contentid"=>"461794085070991360"}, {"content"=>"RT @UPROXX: Watch This Intense, Brutal ‘Don’t Text And Drive’ Ad And Then Show It To Every Dumbass Teenager You Know", "contentid"=>"461794064568832003"}, {"content"=>"New road safety regulations: From today, it is illegal to SMS text or access information while driving: #RoadSafety", "contentid"=>"461794007975493632"}, {"content"=>"RT @PlusDaddy_wL: PLEASE DONT TEXT AND DRIVE. It doesn't just affect you. A message from Stephen Spikes", "contentid"=>"461793987502686208"}, {"content"=>"RT @MlynneBiddle: \"A TEXT MESSAGE IS NOT WORTH LOSING YOUR LIFE. DONT TEXT AND DRIVE\" \n\nOhὠ5", "contentid"=>"461793942820753408"}, {"content"=>"RT @melanieedufour: please please please dont text and drive, for your own sake and everyone else on the road", "contentid"=>"461793909966786560"}, {"content"=>"RT @NashtyEm: @taylorcaniff DONT TEXT AND DRIVE! stay safe!!!!", "contentid"=>"461793704198422528"}, {"content"=>"My heart went out to Barb Dunn the moment her 16-year-old son Daniel answered my question about whether he would text and drive", "contentid"=>"461793689346379776"}, {"content"=>"RT @ChrisAlexio: Dont text and drive yall.....", "contentid"=>"461793653040484352"}, {"content"=>"so driving back from the city yesterday, i get a random text from what appears to be a middle school boy...", "contentid"=>"461793631477968897"}, {"content"=>"I'm just glad I'm not coordinated enough to text and drive at the same time (not that I would, even if I could). #aca9 Don't do it peeps.", "contentid"=>"461793626972889088"}, {"content"=>"Last time people die because of Text Driving now it's because of Tweet Driving. #IT", "contentid"=>"461793616017358849"}, {"content"=>"RT @lauren_dakotaa: BE WISE DONT TEXT AND DRIVE #itcanwait", "contentid"=>"461793598803959808"}, {"content"=>"RT @TopNotchSaditty: please dont text and drive", "contentid"=>"461793570823745536"}, {"content"=>"RT @youN3W_: DO NOT TEXT ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVING I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass is wrapped around…", "contentid"=>"461793092920545280"}], "context"=>{"eid"=>"6", "uid"=>"Texting1", "post_details"=>[{"contentid"=>"461795537000595456", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 09:13:30 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Regina Doherty TD", "perferredUsername"=>"ReginaDo", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461795099543093248", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 09:11:46 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Eileen Mannion", "perferredUsername"=>"EileenMannion1", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461794229443121152", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 09:08:18 +0000 2014", "author"=>"JJ Saddington", "perferredUsername"=>"JJSADDINGTON", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461794085070991360", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 09:07:44 +0000 2014", "author"=>"WaterfordCityCouncil", "perferredUsername"=>"WaterfordCityCo", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461794064568832003", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 09:07:39 +0000 2014", "author"=>"KM Waugh", "perferredUsername"=>"PsychicWaugh", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461794007975493632", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 09:07:25 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Fine Gael", "perferredUsername"=>"FineGael", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461793987502686208", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 09:07:21 +0000 2014", "author"=>"KM Waugh", "perferredUsername"=>"PsychicWaugh", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461793942820753408", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 09:07:10 +0000 2014", "author"=>"KM Waugh", "perferredUsername"=>"PsychicWaugh", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461793909966786560", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 09:07:02 +0000 2014", "author"=>"KM Waugh", "perferredUsername"=>"PsychicWaugh", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461793704198422528", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 09:06:13 +0000 2014", "author"=>"KM Waugh", "perferredUsername"=>"PsychicWaugh", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461793689346379776", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 09:06:09 +0000 2014", "author"=>"David Michael Rudd", "perferredUsername"=>"DMR1985t", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461793653040484352", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 09:06:01 +0000 2014", "author"=>"KM Waugh", "perferredUsername"=>"PsychicWaugh", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461793631477968897", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 09:05:56 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Yuki-chan", "perferredUsername"=>"Yuki949", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461793626972889088", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 09:05:55 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Amanda Bown", "perferredUsername"=>"AmandaBown77", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461793616017358849", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 09:05:52 +0000 2014", "author"=>"JuliaXSyaz ™", "perferredUsername"=>"JuliaFadz", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461793598803959808", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 09:05:48 +0000 2014", "author"=>"KM Waugh", "perferredUsername"=>"PsychicWaugh", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461793570823745536", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 09:05:41 +0000 2014", "author"=>"KM Waugh", "perferredUsername"=>"PsychicWaugh", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461793092920545280", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 09:03:47 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Esther Nyamema", "perferredUsername"=>"NyamemaEsther", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}]}, "requestid"=>"dc2a7a54-ba78-4d30-9eab-75e3ab1c9cd9"}
+ I, [2014-05-01T05:15:06.430207 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-05-01T05:15:06.430241 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ D, [2014-05-01T05:30:06.953263 #32088] DEBUG -- : Adding posts for scout_id: 27
+ D, [2014-05-01T05:30:06.953334 #32088] DEBUG -- : Refreshing users for enterprise: 5
+ D, [2014-05-01T05:30:06.961441 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Streaming TV", body: "#Amazon Amazon Begins Collecting Florida Taxes for ...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:71c7058,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:71c6e28,'0.8858141585 90992E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:71c6bf8,'0.6239374267 78747E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461797912301682688", ldate: "2014-05-01 09:22:56", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 09:30:06", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ I, [2014-05-01T05:30:06.969752 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records: 1
+ I, [2014-05-01T05:30:06.969795 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records Not Loaded: 0
+ I, [2014-05-01T05:30:06.969823 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-05-01T05:30:06.969851 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ W, [2014-05-01T05:30:07.428089 #32088] WARN -- : Non OK Status from AI Core: {"errorlist"=>["Could not find model:Texting1"], "message"=>nil, "errorcode"=>nil, "status"=>"error", "contentlist"=>[{"content"=>"Don't ever fuckn text me!! \nYou wanna talk! You know where I live grow some balls get over your shit and drive your piece of shit self here!", "contentid"=>"461799395504054272"}, {"content"=>"RT @BiancaLeungx: Dont know how people can put up with \"xxxxxxxxxx\" at the end of every text, would drive me insane!", "contentid"=>"461798429422018560"}, {"content"=>"Do you realize that your kids will emulate you? They learn faster than you realize. Don't Drink and Drive or Text while Driving!", "contentid"=>"461798265780850688"}, {"content"=>"I've no problem texting while driving but i won't text while going down stairs, that shit's dangerous. .__.", "contentid"=>"461798048008781824"}, {"content"=>"@fiachkelly your texting while driving article is still WRONG,written before text was available read the regulation", "contentid"=>"461797668264894464"}, {"content"=>"I have no problem texting while driving, but I won't text while going down stairs. Hell naw. . That shit dangerous.", "contentid"=>"461797408863952896"}], "context"=>{"eid"=>"6", "uid"=>"Texting1", "post_details"=>[{"contentid"=>"461799395504054272", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 09:28:50 +0000 2014", "author"=>"TuMadre", "perferredUsername"=>"lovelywendy23", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461798429422018560", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 09:25:00 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Beetlejuice", "perferredUsername"=>"VictoriaaLawlor", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461798265780850688", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 09:24:21 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Public Safety East", "perferredUsername"=>"PublicSafetyEst", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461798048008781824", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 09:23:29 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Sahar", "perferredUsername"=>"saharshahzad2", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461797668264894464", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 09:21:58 +0000 2014", "author"=>"steve white", "perferredUsername"=>"lostexpectation", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461797408863952896", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 09:20:56 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Ilene Nasseri ", "perferredUsername"=>"Nilssonwdk", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}]}, "requestid"=>"f4c671d5-97dc-4d22-a201-ad69bd2a368c"}
+ I, [2014-05-01T05:30:07.428145 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-05-01T05:30:07.428177 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ W, [2014-05-01T05:45:07.788315 #32088] WARN -- : Non OK Status from AI Core: {"errorlist"=>["Could not find model:Texting1"], "message"=>nil, "errorcode"=>nil, "status"=>"error", "contentlist"=>[{"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461802725752070144"}, {"content"=>"RT @rugby_is_best: “@HilariousSigns:” FACT! Don't ever text &amp; drive peeps. It's not worth it.", "contentid"=>"461801397122789376"}, {"content"=>"Driving while in-text-icated\u1F4F1 #lolpun", "contentid"=>"461800321287585792"}, {"content"=>"Driving in-text-icated", "contentid"=>"461800232154447873"}, {"content"=>"I text him too just go by the road because I'm too tired to keep looking and driving around for it. Tells me hell just get a ride.", "contentid"=>"461800087807488000"}], "context"=>{"eid"=>"6", "uid"=>"Texting1", "post_details"=>[{"contentid"=>"461802725752070144", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 09:42:04 +0000 2014", "author"=>"shahira anas", "perferredUsername"=>"shahira_anas", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461801397122789376", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 09:36:47 +0000 2014", "author"=>"arona harris", "perferredUsername"=>"AronaHarris", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461800321287585792", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 09:32:31 +0000 2014", "author"=>"e m i l y", "perferredUsername"=>"Emily_Birch101", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461800232154447873", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 09:32:09 +0000 2014", "author"=>"heysham", "perferredUsername"=>"hishameljourdi", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461800087807488000", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 09:31:35 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Austin Ortiz", "perferredUsername"=>"ShADoWxNoBODy", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}]}, "requestid"=>"93dd190e-666c-44eb-acd9-f00123f4579f"}
+ I, [2014-05-01T05:45:07.788380 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-05-01T05:45:07.788413 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ D, [2014-05-01T06:00:07.430740 #32088] DEBUG -- : Adding posts for scout_id: 27
+ D, [2014-05-01T06:00:07.430812 #32088] DEBUG -- : Refreshing users for enterprise: 5
+ D, [2014-05-01T06:00:07.438623 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Streaming TV", body: "#Amazon Amazon Begins Collecting Florida Taxes for ...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:725d710,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:725d4e0,'0.8858141585 90992E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:725d2b0,'0.6239374267 78747E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461805909274923009", ldate: "2014-05-01 09:54:43", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 10:00:07", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ I, [2014-05-01T06:00:07.447190 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records: 1
+ I, [2014-05-01T06:00:07.447234 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records Not Loaded: 0
+ I, [2014-05-01T06:00:07.447271 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-05-01T06:00:07.447300 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ W, [2014-05-01T06:00:07.897422 #32088] WARN -- : Non OK Status from AI Core: {"errorlist"=>["Could not find model:Texting1"], "message"=>nil, "errorcode"=>nil, "status"=>"error", "contentlist"=>[{"content"=>"RT @PerignonPapi: If you can text and walk you can drink and drive #Science", "contentid"=>"461805568827473922"}, {"content"=>"\" I have no problem texting while driving, but I won't text while going down stairs. Hell naw. . That shit dangerous.\"", "contentid"=>"461805249490341888"}, {"content"=>"If you can text and walk you can drink and drive #Science", "contentid"=>"461804742214037504"}, {"content"=>"Text message marketing is an easy, cost-effective way to drive more business. Go to to learn more.", "contentid"=>"461804421265891328"}, {"content"=>"May is Motorcycle Awareness Month! Pay Attention while Driving and Please Talk and Text later.", "contentid"=>"461804080898113537"}, {"content"=>"@EmmyElizabeth20 you shouldnt text and drive. Its illegal in my state. It should be in every state.", "contentid"=>"461803472057147392"}], "context"=>{"eid"=>"6", "uid"=>"Texting1", "post_details"=>[{"contentid"=>"461805568827473922", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 09:53:22 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Mia Garcia", "perferredUsername"=>"MiaAneii", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461805249490341888", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 09:52:06 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Kelvin BMG", "perferredUsername"=>"KelvinBMG", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461804742214037504", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 09:50:05 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Pat", "perferredUsername"=>"PerignonPapi", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461804421265891328", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 09:48:48 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Woody Martin", "perferredUsername"=>"iamwjent", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461804080898113537", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 09:47:27 +0000 2014", "author"=>"kevin jones", "perferredUsername"=>"sfjkevin", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461803472057147392", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 09:45:02 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Crystal Bax", "perferredUsername"=>"CrystalBax", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}]}, "requestid"=>"d62841f8-5036-432f-9d4f-c8cbf06f08a5"}
+ I, [2014-05-01T06:00:07.897489 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-05-01T06:00:07.897523 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ D, [2014-05-01T06:15:06.659260 #32088] DEBUG -- : Adding posts for scout_id: 27
+ D, [2014-05-01T06:15:06.660437 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Kevin Derby", body: "Jeb Bush bests Rand Paul and Marco Rubio in Florida...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:72dd528,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:72dd2f8,'0.9275687719 373498E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:72dd0c8,'0.8084561211 248938E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461809452195135489", ldate: "2014-05-01 10:08:48", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 10:15:06", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ I, [2014-05-01T06:15:06.694314 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records: 1
+ I, [2014-05-01T06:15:06.694357 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records Not Loaded: 0
+ I, [2014-05-01T06:15:06.694386 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-05-01T06:15:06.694414 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ W, [2014-05-01T06:15:06.973928 #32088] WARN -- : Non OK Status from AI Core: {"errorlist"=>["Could not find model:Texting1"], "message"=>nil, "errorcode"=>nil, "status"=>"error", "contentlist"=>[{"content"=>"Updated my text driving blog post with thanks to @lostexpectation for link to confusing DTTAS note on the new law.", "contentid"=>"461810795035525120"}, {"content"=>"RT @themikeinator: @caBAEo congrats be responsible and careful behind the wheel. DONT TEXT AND DRIVE.", "contentid"=>"461810602822737921"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461808848891031553"}, {"content"=>"“@NaillSibai: Driving instructor just text me this... Still debating if it was meant for me” amazing", "contentid"=>"461807931621928960"}, {"content"=>"RT @FineGael: New road safety regulations: From today, it is illegal to SMS text or access information while driving:…", "contentid"=>"461807333036032000"}, {"content"=>"RT @CHPCentralLA: Texting increases your chance of getting into an accident by 23%. Don't text and drive, it's not worth it. #DistractedDri…", "contentid"=>"461807234033262593"}], "context"=>{"eid"=>"6", "uid"=>"Texting1", "post_details"=>[{"contentid"=>"461810795035525120", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 10:14:08 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Rossa McMahon", "perferredUsername"=>"rossamcmahon", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461810602822737921", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 10:13:22 +0000 2014", "author"=>"MLippmeier", "perferredUsername"=>"MLippmeier", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461808848891031553", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 10:06:24 +0000 2014", "author"=>"M Givs", "perferredUsername"=>"GivsMarcus", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461807931621928960", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 10:02:45 +0000 2014", "author"=>"hxc", "perferredUsername"=>"fxcktamsyn", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461807333036032000", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 10:00:22 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Barry Ward", "perferredUsername"=>"cllrbarryward", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461807234033262593", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 09:59:59 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Tiffany T. Wong", "perferredUsername"=>"lonegamer78", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}]}, "requestid"=>"5de63576-672d-4d1b-b95c-0ba94c9b7f88"}
+ I, [2014-05-01T06:15:06.973995 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-05-01T06:15:06.974028 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ D, [2014-05-01T06:30:07.382449 #32088] DEBUG -- : Adding posts for scout_id: 27
+ D, [2014-05-01T06:30:07.382550 #32088] DEBUG -- : Refreshing users for enterprise: 5
+ D, [2014-05-01T06:30:07.390636 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Brevard Online", body: "Letter: Higher county taxes for roads draw oppositi...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:73a3d90,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:73a3b60,'0.9615303174 288985E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:73a3930,'0.4479897021 464925E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461811566128529408", ldate: "2014-05-01 10:17:12", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 10:30:07", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-05-01T06:30:07.400812 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Streaming TV", body: "#Amazon Amazon Begins Collecting Florida Taxes for ...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:740b5f8,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:740b3c8,'0.8858141585 90992E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:740b198,'0.6239374267 78747E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461813448108552192", ldate: "2014-05-01 10:24:40", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 10:30:07", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ I, [2014-05-01T06:30:07.416621 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records: 2
+ I, [2014-05-01T06:30:07.416663 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records Not Loaded: 0
+ I, [2014-05-01T06:30:07.416692 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-05-01T06:30:07.416721 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ W, [2014-05-01T06:30:07.939825 #32088] WARN -- : Non OK Status from AI Core: {"errorlist"=>["Could not find model:Texting1"], "message"=>nil, "errorcode"=>nil, "status"=>"error", "contentlist"=>[{"content"=>"DO NOT TEXT ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVING I'm not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass is wrapped around a tree.", "contentid"=>"461814723500310529"}, {"content"=>"You need another reason why you should not text and drive?", "contentid"=>"461814517086048256"}, {"content"=>"@janeruffino No, I was going off on one about the text driving ban. But I read that article too.", "contentid"=>"461814169281765376"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461813901240184832"}, {"content"=>"Do you realize that your kids will emulate you? They learn faster than you realize. Don't Drink and Drive or Text while Driving!", "contentid"=>"461813337907421184"}, {"content"=>"@SteveRichardsUK thanks for following the movie thriller TEXT ME hit home to millions entertain make people afraid do distracted driving", "contentid"=>"461812434358272001"}, {"content"=>"@MathewCalvey ill give you a text mate, if anyone wants to come with ill just drive save me standing on my jack if not ill come with ya yeah", "contentid"=>"461812173539667968"}, {"content"=>"RT @tweetinassneek: “@Fact: Please, don't text and drive:”", "contentid"=>"461811838679003136"}, {"content"=>"“@Fact: Please, don't text and drive:”", "contentid"=>"461811646185603073"}, {"content"=>"For those that text and drive.", "contentid"=>"461811198280101888"}], "context"=>{"eid"=>"6", "uid"=>"Texting1", "post_details"=>[{"contentid"=>"461814723500310529", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 10:29:44 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Marbella LoveU", "perferredUsername"=>"scandal_____Zz", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461814517086048256", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 10:28:55 +0000 2014", "author"=>"onlystronger", "perferredUsername"=>"onlystronger", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461814169281765376", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 10:27:32 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Rossa McMahon", "perferredUsername"=>"rossamcmahon", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461813901240184832", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 10:26:28 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Tubby", "perferredUsername"=>"Tubbyliscious", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461813337907421184", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 10:24:14 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Public Safety USA", "perferredUsername"=>"PublicSafetyUSA", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461812434358272001", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 10:20:39 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Randy Lacey", "perferredUsername"=>"themovieTxtMe", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461812173539667968", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 10:19:36 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Zak Elkarhat †", "perferredUsername"=>"Zakelkarhat", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461811838679003136", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 10:18:17 +0000 2014", "author"=>"ME ", "perferredUsername"=>"RealContagious", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461811646185603073", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 10:17:31 +0000 2014", "author"=>"♎ Nicholas", "perferredUsername"=>"tweetinassneek", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461811198280101888", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 10:15:44 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Mark Levine", "perferredUsername"=>"marklevine510", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}]}, "requestid"=>"bbdb02df-2b89-43d7-b4e3-52a98310023e"}
+ I, [2014-05-01T06:30:07.939894 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-05-01T06:30:07.939928 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ W, [2014-05-01T06:45:07.784723 #32088] WARN -- : Non OK Status from AI Core: {"errorlist"=>["Could not find model:Texting1"], "message"=>nil, "errorcode"=>nil, "status"=>"error", "contentlist"=>[{"content"=>"Waking up to a text saying your favorite noodles is cooked for you and @LloydPfc has made me want to drive home quicker #MyMumIsAQt ☺️ἵC", "contentid"=>"461818248988991488"}, {"content"=>"RT @pinn_pibz: Me : don't text and drive bitch.\nBro : shut the fuck up.", "contentid"=>"461816126154866688"}, {"content"=>"RT @kevinheart4reaI: DO NOT TEXT ME WHILE YOU'RE DRIVING Im not trying to be the last unfinished message they find when your ass is wrapped…", "contentid"=>"461815238418255872"}], "context"=>{"eid"=>"6", "uid"=>"Texting1", "post_details"=>[{"contentid"=>"461818248988991488", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 10:43:45 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Charmaine De'el True", "perferredUsername"=>"CharmaineTrue", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461816126154866688", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 10:35:19 +0000 2014", "author"=>"cheng", "perferredUsername"=>"shuyicheng", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461815238418255872", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 10:31:47 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Jordan Taylor", "perferredUsername"=>"That__Guy__02", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}]}, "requestid"=>"9d481a30-d0be-4db4-9d29-823be837851f"}
+ I, [2014-05-01T06:45:07.784785 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-05-01T06:45:07.784819 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ D, [2014-05-01T07:00:07.517392 #32088] DEBUG -- : Adding posts for scout_id: 27
+ D, [2014-05-01T07:00:07.517464 #32088] DEBUG -- : Refreshing users for enterprise: 5
+ D, [2014-05-01T07:00:07.525402 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "GOP", body: "GOP stepping up Hispanic outreach in Florida - Wink...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:74cc730,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:74cc500,'0.7762643994 859042E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:74cc2d0,'0.8077996625 164019E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461818913593229312", ldate: "2014-05-01 10:46:23", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 11:00:07", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-05-01T07:00:07.536618 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Streaming TV", body: "#Amazon Amazon Begins Collecting Florida Taxes for ...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:7547f98,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:7547d68,'0.8858141585 90992E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:7547b38,'0.6239374267 78747E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461821378966990848", ldate: "2014-05-01 10:56:11", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 11:00:07", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ I, [2014-05-01T07:00:07.552414 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records: 2
+ I, [2014-05-01T07:00:07.552456 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records Not Loaded: 0
+ I, [2014-05-01T07:00:07.552485 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-05-01T07:00:07.552514 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ W, [2014-05-01T07:00:08.025552 #32088] WARN -- : Non OK Status from AI Core: {"errorlist"=>["Could not find model:Texting1"], "message"=>nil, "errorcode"=>nil, "status"=>"error", "contentlist"=>[{"content"=>"Up and at em this morning! Text me and snap me, I've got a 9 hour drive ahead of me...", "contentid"=>"461822118271791104"}, {"content"=>"From one second to the next. Will you ever text and drive again?", "contentid"=>"461821950248361984"}, {"content"=>"Just saw the craziest don't text and drive commercial. Felt so real", "contentid"=>"461821155196665856"}, {"content"=>"When my dad's coworkers text me to tell me be careful driving this morning because of the fog and wet roads. \u1F46EὉA #love", "contentid"=>"461820506371809280"}, {"content"=>"RT @rossamcmahon: Updated my text driving blog post with thanks to @lostexpectation for link to confusing DTTAS note on the new law. http:/…", "contentid"=>"461820196886700032"}, {"content"=>"2014 Volkswagen Tiguan is AWESOME and SUPER COOL - Put a Bird on it! Dont Text and Drive!", "contentid"=>"461820090384936960"}, {"content"=>"@PhilMauer ohhh now I see what you meant in your text haha. I was driving past...but I assure it wasn't me ὣ3haha x", "contentid"=>"461819719381975040"}, {"content"=>"RT @Fact: Please, don't text and drive:", "contentid"=>"461818952692535296"}, {"content"=>"Hanging on the telephone – has anyone got it right on the new ban on text driving? | A Clatter of the Law", "contentid"=>"461818952197218304"}, {"content"=>"I HATE when ppl text me while they drivingὡ1", "contentid"=>"461818590723702784"}], "context"=>{"eid"=>"6", "uid"=>"Texting1", "post_details"=>[{"contentid"=>"461822118271791104", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 10:59:07 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Rachael Purgerson", "perferredUsername"=>"rachpurg", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461821950248361984", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 10:58:27 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Volcano Group", "perferredUsername"=>"VolcanoGroup", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461821155196665856", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 10:55:18 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Eileen ", "perferredUsername"=>"westofwhisym", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461820506371809280", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 10:52:43 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Savannah Dooley", "perferredUsername"=>"Savannahh_Rosee", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461820196886700032", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 10:51:29 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Darius Whelan", "perferredUsername"=>"dariuswirl", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461820090384936960", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 10:51:04 +0000 2014", "author"=>"goodboy186", "perferredUsername"=>"goodboy186", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461819719381975040", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 10:49:35 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Christine Richmond", "perferredUsername"=>"MissRichmond83", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461818952692535296", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 10:46:33 +0000 2014", "author"=>"☯ karma ☯", "perferredUsername"=>"AlanaSofiaFizzy", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461818952197218304", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 10:46:33 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Tom", "perferredUsername"=>"tggleeson", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461818590723702784", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 10:45:06 +0000 2014", "author"=>"الجمال✨", "perferredUsername"=>"phillygirl_jada", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}]}, "requestid"=>"0423348a-b6f5-4348-bd62-ee9be98ae966"}
+ I, [2014-05-01T07:00:08.025622 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-05-01T07:00:08.025656 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ D, [2014-05-01T07:15:06.816828 #32088] DEBUG -- : Adding posts for scout_id: 27
+ D, [2014-05-01T07:15:06.817966 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Blue Alert", body: "RT @FLSheriffs: Starting today on Amazon, #Florida ...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:75c8df0,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:75c8bc0,'0.8679444231 686726E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:75c8990,'0.6694729129 239936E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461823376475312128", ldate: "2014-05-01 11:04:07", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 11:15:06", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-05-01T07:15:06.833884 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Gator Sports Now", body: "What a difference: Marlins showing growth in season...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:75fc4e8,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:75fc290,'0.8204035007 445764E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:75fc060,'0.6530382518 64121E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461823497400881154", ldate: "2014-05-01 11:04:36", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 11:15:06", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-05-01T07:15:06.842262 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Bag on Nuts", body: "Marlins: What a difference: Marlins showing growth ...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:766fbc8,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:766f998,'0.9108416453 868838E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:766f768,'0.7111097992 356545E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461823982694445057", ldate: "2014-05-01 11:06:32", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 11:15:06", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-05-01T07:15:06.858959 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "New Current News", body: "Republican David Jolly Defeats Democrat Alex Sink I...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:79574d0,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:7957278,'0.6730169016 655186E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:7956f58,'0.9267394750 759193E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461825136228720640", ldate: "2014-05-01 11:11:07", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 11:15:06", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ I, [2014-05-01T07:15:06.874701 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records: 4
+ I, [2014-05-01T07:15:06.874743 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records Not Loaded: 0
+ I, [2014-05-01T07:15:06.874771 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-05-01T07:15:06.874800 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ W, [2014-05-01T07:15:07.371805 #32088] WARN -- : Non OK Status from AI Core: {"errorlist"=>["Could not find model:Texting1"], "message"=>nil, "errorcode"=>nil, "status"=>"error", "contentlist"=>[{"content"=>"@biigmike82 No I appreciate the heads up. I didn't take it as rude at all. Shouldn't text and drive but thanks again.", "contentid"=>"461825842633379840"}, {"content"=>"JOB IAM LOOKING FOR CDL A DUMP TRUCK DRIVING JOB NOW 15 YEARS EXPERIENCE CALL CELL OR TEXT 312-731-7337 HAVE ALL ENDORSEMENTS CLEAN MVR", "contentid"=>"461825786182258688"}, {"content"=>"@soshi9 did u text n drive ?", "contentid"=>"461825426759757825"}, {"content"=>"“@Fact: Please, don't text and drive:”", "contentid"=>"461825105283534848"}, {"content"=>"Please! Don't text and drive !!!", "contentid"=>"461825012467392512"}, {"content"=>"I probably shouldn't text and drive, I've almost hit 2 people within 2 days ὠ2 #myb", "contentid"=>"461824083362320384"}, {"content"=>"If you know someone is driving.. DONT TEXT THEM. Same as the driver DONT TEXT AND DRIVE . Especially with me in the car!!", "contentid"=>"461822691779952640"}, {"content"=>"RT @MelanieShebel: It's not safe to text and drive! Drive Now. TXT L8R. #TXTL8RIN", "contentid"=>"461822469855510528"}, {"content"=>"11th gr: Here's the text for today's short story. Questions are due tomorrow. Harrison Bergeron.pdf -", "contentid"=>"461822368420081665"}], "context"=>{"eid"=>"6", "uid"=>"Texting1", "post_details"=>[{"contentid"=>"461825842633379840", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 11:13:55 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Jake Gutierrez", "perferredUsername"=>"JakeGuti", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461825786182258688", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 11:13:42 +0000 2014", "author"=>"donald hubal", "perferredUsername"=>"donaldhubalSTS", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461825426759757825", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 11:12:16 +0000 2014", "author"=>"제시카's Awesome Puppy", "perferredUsername"=>"vcAcivon", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461825105283534848", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 11:11:00 +0000 2014", "author"=>"the food eater", "perferredUsername"=>"jessie_flow", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461825012467392512", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 11:10:37 +0000 2014", "author"=>"dorthy moss", "perferredUsername"=>"mossdorthy12", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461824083362320384", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 11:06:56 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Katy Gee", "perferredUsername"=>"katyjade123", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461822691779952640", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 11:01:24 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Shaylaa", "perferredUsername"=>"shayjayyyyy", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461822469855510528", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 11:00:31 +0000 2014", "author"=>"BogDan Wrzesinski", "perferredUsername"=>"godsent247", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461822368420081665", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 11:00:07 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Michael Shuptar", "perferredUsername"=>"MrShupELA", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}]}, "requestid"=>"2219456d-613d-4803-98d5-aaa560e5f014"}
+ I, [2014-05-01T07:15:07.371869 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-05-01T07:15:07.371902 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ D, [2014-05-01T07:30:08.203966 #32088] DEBUG -- : Adding posts for scout_id: 27
+ D, [2014-05-01T07:30:08.204041 #32088] DEBUG -- : Refreshing users for enterprise: 5
+ D, [2014-05-01T07:30:08.211934 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "SharePoint AMS", body: "Amazon Begins Collecting Florida Sales Taxes for In...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:7a0cc40,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:7a0ca10,'0.8758318797 586186E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:7a0c7e0,'0.5901270018 784091E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461827749477232640", ldate: "2014-05-01 11:21:30", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 11:30:08", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-05-01T07:30:08.231257 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Miami FL News", body: "Shopping on in Florida? Expe...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:777c160,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:77829e8,'0.9265155552 677558E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:7783e60,'0.6043093087 946119E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461827894419795968", ldate: "2014-05-01 11:22:05", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 11:30:08", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-05-01T07:30:08.247889 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Miami Herald", body: "STARTING TODAY: Shopping on in Florida?...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:77ef5e8,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:77ef3b8,'0.9081095067 495231E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:77ef188,'0.4995114227 712701E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461828146913083392", ldate: "2014-05-01 11:23:05", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 11:30:08", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-05-01T07:30:08.264605 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "LIL Ni99@", body: "RT @MiamiHerald: STARTING TODAY: Shopping on #Amazo...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:7856ba8,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:7856978,'0.7435876122 832953E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:7856748,'0.6469466346 518242E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461828611465834496", ldate: "2014-05-01 11:24:56", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 11:30:08", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-05-01T07:30:08.281038 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Joseph Ramirez", body: "RT @MiamiHerald: STARTING TODAY: Shopping on #Amazo...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:78ba180,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:78b9f50,'0.7435876122 832953E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:78b9d20,'0.6469466346 518242E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461828857168138240", ldate: "2014-05-01 11:25:54", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 11:30:08", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-05-01T07:30:08.297852 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Jennifer Harris", body: "RT @MiamiHerald: STARTING TODAY: Shopping on #Amazo...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:79257c8,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:7925598,'0.7435876122 832953E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:7925368,'0.6469466346 518242E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461829040643383296", ldate: "2014-05-01 11:26:38", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 11:30:08", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-05-01T07:30:08.314521 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Breaking Miami News", body: "Fla. GOP voters prefer Jeb Bush by wide margins: Fo...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:7a6ce10,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:7a6cbe0,'0.8075200834 213381E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:7a6c9b0,'0.9226336172 931312E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461829103704735744", ldate: "2014-05-01 11:26:53", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 11:30:08", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-05-01T07:30:08.331288 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Streaming TV", body: "#Amazon Amazon Begins Collecting Florida Sales Taxe...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:7ad8458,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:7ad8228,'0.8758318797 586186E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:76f5ae8,'0.5901270018 784091E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461829335230320640", ldate: "2014-05-01 11:27:48", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 11:30:08", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-05-01T07:30:08.347896 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Shinelle", body: "RT @MiamiHerald: STARTING TODAY: Shopping on #Amazo...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:6a37b58,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:6a37928,'0.7435876122 832953E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:6a376f8,'0.6469466346 518242E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461829635098288128", ldate: "2014-05-01 11:29:00", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 11:30:08", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-05-01T07:30:08.364501 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Dovie Nkata", body: "Shopping on in Florida? Expe...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:7cc32b8,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:7cc3060,'0.8936143850 948659E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:7cc2e30,'0.4137718931 143053E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461829661958217730", ldate: "2014-05-01 11:29:06", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 11:30:08", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ D, [2014-05-01T07:30:08.381129 #32088] DEBUG -- : #<Post id: nil, enterprise_id: 5, author: "Julie Anne Garcia", body: "RT @MiamiHerald: STARTING TODAY: Shopping on #Amazo...", url: "", source: "Twitter", sentiment: #<BigDecimal:7c1ac30,'0.0',9(36)>, leadprob: #<BigDecimal:7c1aa00,'0.7435876122 832953E0',18(45)>, notleadprob: #<BigDecimal:7c1a7d0,'0.6469466346 518242E0',18(45)>, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, state: "NO_OFFER", label: "LEAD", lid: "461829775330639872", ldate: "2014-05-01 11:29:33", loadstamp: "2014-05-01 11:30:08", user_id: 7, scout_id: 27>
+ I, [2014-05-01T07:30:08.397028 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records: 11
+ I, [2014-05-01T07:30:08.397070 #32088] INFO -- : Total Number of records Not Loaded: 0
+ I, [2014-05-01T07:30:08.397099 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-05-01T07:30:08.397127 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ W, [2014-05-01T07:30:14.780885 #32088] WARN -- : Non OK Status from AI Core: {"errorlist"=>["Could not find model:Texting1"], "message"=>nil, "errorcode"=>nil, "status"=>"error", "contentlist"=>[{"content"=>"RT @UPROXX: Watch This Intense, Brutal ‘Don’t Text And Drive’ Ad And Then Show It To Every Dumbass Teenager You Know", "contentid"=>"461829743164542976"}, {"content"=>"Just saw a cop texting and driving. That means it's okay for me to text and drive too right?", "contentid"=>"461829429153366016"}, {"content"=>"I liked a @YouTube video from @lauknessmonster Don't Text &amp; Drive", "contentid"=>"461828536693981184"}, {"content"=>"I have no problem texting while driving, but I won't text while going down stairs. Hell naw. . That shit dangerous.", "contentid"=>"461827596636798976"}, {"content"=>"I have no problem texting while driving, but I won't text while going down stairs. Hell naw. . That shit dangerous.", "contentid"=>"461826986957340672"}, {"content"=>"Do not text me and drive. I ain't gonna be on the commercial for \"this is the last text he sent...\" ὡ2", "contentid"=>"461826868971204608"}, {"content"=>"Cops handing out \"Stay Alive! Don't text and drive\" magnets when you pull in hahaha", "contentid"=>"461826574858190848"}, {"content"=>"@KenzieCurless @elijahelliott34 don't you know it's bad to text an drive. Elijah. Lol", "contentid"=>"461826562807959552"}], "context"=>{"eid"=>"6", "uid"=>"Texting1", "post_details"=>[{"contentid"=>"461829743164542976", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 11:29:25 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Letting Go", "perferredUsername"=>"LettingGoBook2", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461829429153366016", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 11:28:10 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Kirk Gothard", "perferredUsername"=>"KirkGothard", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461828536693981184", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 11:24:38 +0000 2014", "author"=>"FaZe Zubc", "perferredUsername"=>"turtlesareswag", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461827596636798976", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 11:20:54 +0000 2014", "author"=>"✨Jordan White.✨ ", "perferredUsername"=>"KlingPintobmj", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461826986957340672", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 11:18:28 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Alice Durning ", "perferredUsername"=>"Jaysonivd", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461826868971204608", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 11:18:00 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Alana", "perferredUsername"=>"goffalana", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461826574858190848", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 11:16:50 +0000 2014", "author"=>"Brandon Downing", "perferredUsername"=>"Downing_2014", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}, {"contentid"=>"461826562807959552", "ldate"=>"Thu May 01 11:16:47 +0000 2014", "author"=>"justin dancy", "perferredUsername"=>"jdancy84", "url"=>"", "source"=>"Twitter"}]}, "requestid"=>"f1d37a08-c7f3-4b2d-9731-6dde053fcc53"}
+ I, [2014-05-01T07:30:14.780952 #32088] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-05-01T07:30:14.780985 #32088] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores
+ I, [2014-05-01T17:48:17.532019 #13186] INFO -- : Total Number of records received: 3
+ W, [2014-05-01T17:48:17.584228 #13186] WARN -- : Failed to bulk load 3 records
+ W, [2014-05-01T17:48:17.584287 #13186] WARN -- : PG::NotNullViolation: ERROR: null value in column "scout_id" violates not-null constraint
+ : INSERT INTO "posts" ("author", "body", "created_at", "enterprise_id", "label", "ldate", "leadprob", "lid", "loadstamp", "notleadprob", "scout_id", "sentiment", "source", "state", "updated_at", "url", "user_id") VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12, $13, $14, $15, $16, $17) RETURNING "id"
+ W, [2014-05-01T17:48:17.584322 #13186] WARN -- : ["/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p195@sociallens/gems/activerecord-4.0.3/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/postgresql_adapter.rb:786:in `get_last_result'", "/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p195@sociallens/gems/activerecord-4.0.3/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/postgresql_adapter.rb:786:in `exec_cache'", "/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p195@sociallens/gems/activerecord-4.0.3/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/postgresql/database_statements.rb:139:in `block in exec_query'", "/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p195@sociallens/gems/activerecord-4.0.3/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/abstract_adapter.rb:435:in `block in log'", "/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p195@sociallens/gems/activesupport-4.0.3/lib/active_support/notifications/instrumenter.rb:20:in `instrument'", "/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p195@sociallens/gems/activerecord-4.0.3/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/abstract_adapter.rb:430:in `log'", "/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p195@sociallens/gems/activerecord-4.0.3/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/postgresql/database_statements.rb:137:in `exec_query'", "/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p195@sociallens/gems/activerecord-4.0.3/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/postgresql/database_statements.rb:184:in `exec_insert'", "/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p195@sociallens/gems/activerecord-4.0.3/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/abstract/database_statements.rb:96:in `insert'", "/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p195@sociallens/gems/activerecord-4.0.3/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/abstract/query_cache.rb:14:in `insert'", "/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p195@sociallens/gems/activerecord-4.0.3/lib/active_record/relation.rb:76:in `insert'", "/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p195@sociallens/gems/activerecord-4.0.3/lib/active_record/persistence.rb:509:in `create_record'", "/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p195@sociallens/gems/activerecord-4.0.3/lib/active_record/attribute_methods/dirty.rb:78:in `create_record'", "/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p195@sociallens/gems/activerecord-4.0.3/lib/active_record/callbacks.rb:306:in `block in create_record'", "/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p195@sociallens/gems/activesupport-4.0.3/lib/active_support/callbacks.rb:373:in `_run__1901135813518085503__create__callbacks'", "/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p195@sociallens/gems/activesupport-4.0.3/lib/active_support/callbacks.rb:80:in `run_callbacks'", "/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p195@sociallens/gems/activerecord-4.0.3/lib/active_record/callbacks.rb:306:in `create_record'", "/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p195@sociallens/gems/activerecord-4.0.3/lib/active_record/timestamp.rb:57:in `create_record'", "/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p195@sociallens/gems/activerecord-4.0.3/lib/active_record/persistence.rb:477:in `create_or_update'", "/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p195@sociallens/gems/activerecord-4.0.3/lib/active_record/callbacks.rb:302:in `block in create_or_update'", "/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p195@sociallens/gems/activesupport-4.0.3/lib/active_support/callbacks.rb:413:in `_run__1901135813518085503__save__callbacks'", "/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p195@sociallens/gems/activesupport-4.0.3/lib/active_support/callbacks.rb:80:in `run_callbacks'", "/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p195@sociallens/gems/activerecord-4.0.3/lib/active_record/callbacks.rb:302:in `create_or_update'", "/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p195@sociallens/gems/activerecord-4.0.3/lib/active_record/persistence.rb:106:in `save'", "/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p195@sociallens/gems/activerecord-4.0.3/lib/active_record/validations.rb:51:in `save'", "/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p195@sociallens/gems/activerecord-4.0.3/lib/active_record/attribute_methods/dirty.rb:32:in `save'", "/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p195@sociallens/gems/activerecord-4.0.3/lib/active_record/transactions.rb:270:in `block (2 levels) in save'", "/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p195@sociallens/gems/activerecord-4.0.3/lib/active_record/transactions.rb:326:in `block in with_transaction_returning_status'", "/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p195@sociallens/gems/activerecord-4.0.3/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/abstract/database_statements.rb:202:in `block in transaction'", "/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p195@sociallens/gems/activerecord-4.0.3/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/abstract/database_statements.rb:210:in `within_new_transaction'", "/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p195@sociallens/gems/activerecord-4.0.3/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/abstract/database_statements.rb:202:in `transaction'", "/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p195@sociallens/gems/activerecord-4.0.3/lib/active_record/transactions.rb:209:in `transaction'", "/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p195@sociallens/gems/activerecord-4.0.3/lib/active_record/transactions.rb:323:in `with_transaction_returning_status'", "/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p195@sociallens/gems/activerecord-4.0.3/lib/active_record/transactions.rb:270:in `block in save'", "/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p195@sociallens/gems/activerecord-4.0.3/lib/active_record/transactions.rb:281:in `rollback_active_record_state!'", "/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p195@sociallens/gems/activerecord-4.0.3/lib/active_record/transactions.rb:269:in `save'", "/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p195@sociallens/gems/activerecord-4.0.3/lib/active_record/persistence.rb:37:in `create'", "/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p195@sociallens/gems/activerecord-4.0.3/lib/active_record/persistence.rb:34:in `block in create'", "/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p195@sociallens/gems/activerecord-4.0.3/lib/active_record/persistence.rb:34:in `collect'", "/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p195@sociallens/gems/activerecord-4.0.3/lib/active_record/persistence.rb:34:in `create'", "/home/noxaos/pipeline/lib/pipeline/prediction_loader.rb:187:in `bulk_load'", "/home/noxaos/pipeline/lib/pipeline/prediction_loader.rb:299:in `run'", "/home/noxaos/pipeline/bin/prediction_loader_server:55:in `<main>'"]
+ I, [2014-05-01T17:48:17.585436 #13186] INFO -- : Prediction loader waiting for scores ...
+ D, [2014-05-01T17:48:17.585480 #13186] DEBUG -- : Reading from queue: scores:/queue/scores