smart_proxy_dynflow 0.1.0

1 security vulnerability found in version 0.1.0

smart_proxy_dynflow gem authentication bypass in Foreman remote execution feature

critical severity CVE-2018-14643
critical severity CVE-2018-14643
Patched versions: ~> 0.1.11, >= 0.2.1

An authentication bypass flaw was found in the smart_proxy_dynflow component used by Foreman. A malicious attacker can use this flaw to remotely execute arbitrary commands on machines managed by vulnerable Foreman instances, in a highly privileged context.

No officially reported memory leakage issues detected.

This gem version does not have any officially reported memory leaked issues.

No license issues detected.

This gem version has a license in the gemspec.

This gem version is available.

This gem version has not been yanked and is still available for usage.